Australian Government to Addison

Cablegram 22 CANBERRA, 12 January 1946


Your D1128 [1], D2214 [2], D2215 [3], D2230. [4]

1. We are in agreement with Mr. Fraser’s cable No. 420 of 17th December. [5] Under no circumstances should British Sovereignty or control of Pacific Islands be surrendered or altered without unanimous consent of Australia and New Zealand. This does not preclude arrangements for joint use of bases on condition of strict reciprocity. We take it that you will not act in this matter as it would be in accord with our own special position and that of New Zealand in respect to the Pacific that you should not hold conversations with United States in relation to the Pacific unless we are represented at all stages of talks.

2. Dr. Evatt has the impression after speaking with President Truman and United States Naval authorities that the present move is a try on at least in relation to the Pacific and that no policy has yet been determined between the United States [State] Department and Navy and Amy authorities.


1 Presumably cablegram D2138 (Volume VIII, Document 408), which conveyed the U.S. Govt’s first approach on rights to bases.

Cablegram D1128 dealt with the Middle East.

2 Volume VIII, Document 445.

3 See ibid., Document 445, note 2.

4 See ibid., Document 460, note 3.

5 See ibid., Document 460.


[AA:A6494 T1, SPTS/1/4]