Chifley to Fraser

Cablegram 148 CANBERRA, 29 May 1946


South Seas Commission.

1. You will doubtless have had a report from your representative in London about the proposed conference in Australia to establish the South Seas Commission. We look forward to close co-operation with you in the planning and preliminary work. In this association it would be a great advantage if you could make available early in June an officer to work here in liaison with the Australian New Zealand Secretariat in the Department of External Affairs and the Conference Secretariat we propose to set up to take care of all practical arrangements. In this way your Government would share in and be kept fully informed on all developments.

2. We are giving preliminary consideration to an Agenda which after agreement between us can be submitted to other Governments concerned.

3. Dr. Evatt has suggested date for the commencement of the Conference would be in the week beginning 19th August but would be glad to have your views. We are investigating the question of a suitable location in Australia.

4. We shall be happy to join with you at the appropriate time in extending invitations to Governments concerned. [1]


1 Fraser replied on 1 June, accepting Chifley’s suggestions.


[AA:A1838/2, 342/3]