Evatt to Dunk

Radio message [AT SEA], 2 January 1946, 4.30. G.M.T.

Received 3 January 1946


1. Thanks your telegrams which are much appreciated. I am assuming that you have done nothing definitive to accept the veto principle for the Far Eastern Commission embodied in paragraph 5(2). [1] Such a veto is quite indefensible. Both United Kingdom and United States have vacillated over this matter solely to appease the Soviet. The Korean position also shows failure to safeguard our position. [2]

2.Peace Conference proposal at MOSCOW [3] is final recognition of the success of the main object of my London mission.

3. Regarding United Kingdom Conference, development over security [4] is probably the result of my absence from London. In these circumstances I prefer to finalize my recommendation of actual delegates next Monday after consultations.

4. Please make it clear that Watt is not to circulate note’ from London. I have already pointed out that diplomatic channels alone should be used. This procedure and timing can also be finalized on Monday.

5. We must make every effort to ensure that representation is the best available in the circumstances.

6. I would like Burton as well as yourself to be in Sydney on Monday. it will be a great help to be in personal touch with the Prime Minister on Monday.

7. Please see that arrangements have been made for landing facilities for out party whether arrival Sunday night or Monday.


1 The terms of reference for the Far Eastern Commission were included in the communiqueissued at the close of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers at Moscow on 28 December 1945.

See the full text repeated in Document 6.

2 See Volume VIII, Documents 455, 464 and 472, note 3.

3 The Moscow Communiqueindicated that ‘all members of the United Nations which actively waged war with substantial military force against European enemy states’ including Australia, would take pact in the conference to consider peace treaties with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland.

4 i.e. Security Council. See Volume VIII, Document 477.

5 The note, which was to be presented to all governments represented in the General Assembly, requested support for Australia’s candidature, as a non-permanent member of the first Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


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