Beasley to Addison

Letter LONDON, 11 February 1946

Following upon our discussion at your office last Friday morning [1] in connection with the control of bases in the Pacific, both Mr. Makin and myself have had telephone conversations with Dr.

Evatt in Australia.

We both feel bound to advise that the Australian view is not to enter upon discussions of any kind on the restricted formula as drawn up by your office but rather to again point out that it is their considered opinion that the problem of the control of Islands in this area must be on the wider basis.

The subject is one of fairly widespread political controversy in Australia and public opinion is very concerned in all the steps that must be taken by the Government to provide for the safety of the country.

The opinion is strongly held that this important matter cannot be resolved on a piece meal basis and therefore both Mr. Makin and I feel this information being urgent should be known to you before any further arrangements are made.

I need not point out how important the Government regards the discussions on this matter taking place in Australia.

J. B.


1 See Document 81.


[AA:A3317, 179/46]