Contexts in which the phrase arms race was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
What reasons have been made known to him for the refusal of nations to surrender their sovereignty to an agreed supranational authority to an extent necessary to make redunant the arms race and the balance of terror as the existing unstable basis for world peace (Hansard, 5 May 1970, page 1648). [More…]
1 take the view that the Soviets had already won the arms race and can clinch their policy of world domination any time they please. [More…]
Mr Laird has made some very cautious statements about the subject of the Russian presence and has no intention of committing his Government to a dangerous and very damaging arms race in this area. [More…]
Indeed a renewed arms race now looms as a real prospect. [More…]
First, it has strained relations with a major trading partner, the Soviet Union, which as recently as yesterday responded by accusing Australia of stepping up the arms race and heightening tension within the region. [More…]
Should this trend continue it could lead to an arms race of dangerous dimensions. [More…]
The two leaders agreed that the fact there was a possibility of a renewed arms race between the super powers gave cause for concern, and any shift in the global balance between the super powers could have far-reaching implications for the long-term security of the region. [More…]
The two leaders agreed that the fact there was a possibility of a renewed arms race between the super powers gave cause for concern. [More…]
That country is also heavily involved in the arms race. [More…]
The President of the United States of America sends his Secretary of State, Mr Cyrus Vance, to Moscow to talk with President Brezhnev about the question of a genuine and worthwhile cutback in the nuclear arms race. [More…]
American-Soviet talks on curbing the nuclear arms race collapsed in Moscow today. [More…]
The Soviet arms race is, I believe, a matter of concern. [More…]
When we can have a situation in which one super power can simply turn its back on reason and discussion designed to halt the nuclear arms race; when we have a situation in which one super power can thumb its nose at the world, I believe every Australian who is concerned about the future of this country, and the world, has a duty to speak out as I have done tonight, no matter what the honourable member for Melbourne and his pro-communist allies like to say on the subject. [More…]
The report talks about the consequences of the Middle East arms race. [More…]
It mattered not at all that the implications of such a successful move would have been the transportation of the destabilisation of the international arms race to Australian shores. [More…]
It is exactly the same kind of thing with an arms race. [More…]
Unless there is some regulation, everybody has to engage in the arms race because otherwise they cannot survive. [More…]
We have an arms race in the world because there is no real regulatory body. [More…]
The position in the world today is that countries have to engage in the arms race whether they like it or not. [More…]
But they all pale into insignificance compared with the threat to the world and to the continuance of humanity by the great arms race which continues, despite the change in the world at large. [More…]
What we should be doing is initiating an attitude that no arms race shall occur here. [More…]
The thought of an arms race is quite ridiculous when one considers the history of this country and this region and considers the foreseeable future. [More…]
There is no doubt- and a great body of world opinion now accepts this-that the arms race is the greatest threat to the security of the world. [More…]
We should try to let people see that a common-sense approach to the modern world does not require the re-equipment of armies and the fantastic expenditure and intellectual energy that goes into the arms race. [More…]
Under the NPT, the nuclear weapons states have undertaken to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to the cessation of the nuclear arms race. [More…]
But the real threat to humanity comes from what has now become the arms race. [More…]
We have to do everything in our power to reduce the expenditure on arms, the impact of our arms expenditure in this region and use whatever influence we have with our neighbours to prevent them embarking on an arms race. [More…]
Thus it would be a more effective way of halting the nuclear arms race. [More…]
More particularly on that subject we have seen a special report by a United Nations expert group on the economic and social consequences of the arms race and military expenditure. [More…]
Recognition of the need for undertakings by all states in regard to nuclear non-proliferation objectives and for all nuclear transactions to be under effective international safeguards; the importance of substantive measures of nuclear disarmament by the existing nuclear weapon powers both as an objective in its own right and as an inducement to strengthening the existing non-proliferation regime; the urgent requirement for a comprehensive nuclear test ban and a new SALT agreement; and the desirability of a cessation of production of fissionable material for weapons purposes by the nuclear powers as a step towards scaling down the arms race. [More…]
Education: Disarmament and the Arms Race (Question No. [More…]
What allocations have been made or are intended to be made to each of the States and Territories for the preparation of school material designed to contribute towards a greater understanding and awareness of the problems created by the arms race and of the need for disarmament. [More…]
Discussion of the arms race and the need for disarmament is included in many social studies programs in Australian schools, at both primary and secondary levels. [More…]
There are no Commonwealth programs which make specific allocations for the purpose of preparing school material related to the arms race and the need for disarmament Australian schools do, however, have access to material of a high standard produced both by the United Nations and Unesco, a considerable amount of which has been distributed in recent years by the Australian National Commission for Unesco. [More…]
As my colleague, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Lionel Bowen), has pointed out, there can be no hope of an end to the arms race, no hope of arms control or of disarmament without SALT II. [More…]
The world is sick mainly in that it makes the wars and the arms race and ends up in fights as the so-called means of solving a dispute, mainly because we refuse to see the alternative. [More…]
It is the one that history shows is the only alternative to a warlike end to an arms race. [More…]
Negotiations on strategic arms limitations matters are obviously a very important part in halting an arms race and in achieving a world where there is less suspicion and less tension than there might otherwise be. [More…]
If, however, the strategic balance is upset and the guidelines under which they operate change, if there is an escalation in the arms race, a proliferation of nuclear weapon states and an increased risk of nuclear war, any sensible Australian Government will have to consider what will happen to the bases. [More…]
The arms race is not diminishing but increasing and outstrips by far the efforts to curb it. [More…]
The trend of increase in the arms race will continue, not least because of the underlying force of military research and development. [More…]
Will the Government do more to make the Australian community aware of the dangers of the arms race and the overwhelming need for world disarmament. [More…]