Contexts in which the word children was used in the Senate during the 1970s
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Health: Is it a fact that under the proposed Government health scheme a worker supporting a wife and earning $42.50 a week will receive full cover but a worker supporting a wife and 5 children and earning $48.76 a week will receive but two-thirds of the full cover? [More…]
Can the Minister state whether this yacht, which carried young children, was structurally and by design capable of safe sea passage in the type of conditions which it may reasonably have been expected to encounter on a Pacific Ocean cruise? [More…]
Something like 1,000 Australian children go to a school on Penang Island. [More…]
These children have been travelling to the school by bus and up to date there has been no incident involving them. [More…]
That the amendments of the Public Health (Medical and Dental Inspection of School Children) Regulations, as contained in the Australian Capital Territory Regulations 1970, No. [More…]
I think it would be deplorable, shameful and wicked if photographs were taken of curious children - 1 put it at that level because they would be curious to know what it was all about and they would have no significant understanding of it - with a background of a Vietcong flag, the flag of our enemy, and also of the Australian parliamentary building, and such photographs were used in the manner suggested. [More…]
Notices of motion Nos 1 and 2 are that the amendments of the Public Health (Medical and Dental Inspection of School Children) Regulations - be disallowed and that the Dentists Registration Ordinance 1970 - be disallowed. [More…]
Will he, on behalf of the people of Australia, make plans to fly volunteer doctors and nurses as well as medical supplies, blankets, clothing and children’s food into Peru? [More…]
Does she now tell the Senate that she does not know, and she has not got information, as to whether legal proceedings have been commenced by the father in England, and yet a decision has been taken to deport Mrs Taylor and her children from Australia? [More…]
Would the Minister give the same consideration to Mrs Taylor as was given to Mrs Biggs, by making a thorough investigation as to the welfare of the children and taking appropriate action in the best interests of the children? [More…]
Will the Minister inform the Senate on what date Mrs Barbara Taylor and/or her children ceased living with Mr Kenneth Taylor? [More…]
Were the children now being sought by the father being supported by the father immediately before their departure from England? [More…]
Has the Acting Minister for Immigration examined the possible future in England for Mrs Barbara Taylor and more particularly her 2 innocent children as a result of the Government’s enforcing an order for her deportation? [More…]
If the future welfare of the children will be belter served by residence in Australia, no matter what sin one of the parents has committed, will the Minister temper justice with mercy and withdraw the deportation order? [More…]
have been instituted by Mx Taylor in England in regard to the custody of the children? [More…]
Is the Minister also aware that for many children, especially children of poverty, lack of intellectual stimulus preordains failure in later life? [More…]
As to psychological studies conducted in the United States, either of children aged from 1 year to 4 years or from 4 years to 8 years, [ confess a complete absence of knowledge. [More…]
Could the Minister representing the Minister for External Affairs give us details of the attack by Communist forces on a Vietnam orphanage, resulting in injury and death to the children concerned? [More…]
1 think it is a loathsome thing for children to be assaulted by perverts. [More…]
Has the Minister received a further request from citrus growers in Western Australia for orange juice to be provided to school children when desired in lieu of free milk? [More…]
I may add that orange juice might be more suitable to children who live in areas where it is very difficult to transport milk. [More…]
They deal with proposals for an inquiry into men ally and physically handicapped children in Australia. [More…]
In advanced countries Pre-school and Afterschool education are recognised as essential aspects of education for all children. [More…]
1 ask a question of the Minister representing the Minister for Health, although I think my question involves the Minister for Social Services also, ls the Minister aware that, according to the President of the Association of Victorian Homes and Hospitals for the Aged, which Association covers 32 homes, the Chief Executive of the Church of England Diocesan Mission, the Catholic Vicar for Social Welfare and the Manager of the Salvation Army Social Services Department, homes and hospitals for the aged and children in Victoria are, due to inflation, critically short of funds and in most cases are reducing their services and the number of their patients? [More…]
It refers to the maximum income concessional allowance available to a parent in respect of the education expenses of his children. [More…]
What has the Australian Broadcasting Control Board done to ensure that greater opportunity is taken by commercial television stations to develop a wider range of Australian programmes, of both an entertaining and informative character, to interest children and adolescents during family viewing times? [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for External Territories: Was a 9-year-old Papuan boy sentenced to 6 months gaol on each of 4 charges in the Port Moresby Children’s Court last Friday, and did the magistrate direct that this 2-year sentence be served in Bomana Gaol as there is no reformatory for juvenile offenders? [More…]
In view of the many church appeals by all denominations for winter relief for the poor, stressing particularly the needs of deserted wives and children, will the Minister appoint within his Department in each State a representative in the form of an ombudsman with the finance and power to act immediately with church or relief organisations to give assistance to any persons, particularly women and children, found to be suffering from hunger, cold or poverty during this coming winter? [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the serious deterioration of the situation in the last 4 weeks which has resulted in the certain death of 100,000 children and which endangers the lives of a further 100,000 children? [More…]
There is the situation in which people could go out armed for the purpose of killing for personal gain and there is the situation in which innocent people - children or women - could be subjected to harm and death in a way which I feel has to be met with a rather harsh and strong penalty. [More…]
The cost of Mr O’Lear’s deportation from Australia was met by the Department of Immigration, but the question of the cost of the repatriation of Mrs O’Lear and the 1 1 children on Friday next is still under consideration with the American authorities. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the very serious problems that are being caused to wives and children in various parts of the Commonwealth because of the invalidity of the orders and of his undertaking to introduce legislation? [More…]
While we recognise India’s outstanding contributions in providing as far as possible, for their immediate needs, we consider that this is a problem for all mankind to help solve, as there are eight million people, many of them helpless children, affected. [More…]
- which the Commonwealth should make to the Slates to assist in meeting the requirements of all school-age children on the basis of needs and priorities, and in making recommendations for such grants to the States, the Commission shall hav regard to: [More…]
the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
In view of statements suggesting that the Government favours more creches and child minding centres, will the Government consider financing home help facilities to assist mothers who for health or other good reasons need help with young families so that the children can be kept in the home? [More…]
Does the Minister representing the Minister for Customs and Excise recognise that textbooks for school children are an integral but expensive part of our education requirements? [More…]
Does the Commonwealth give special assistance to children living in isolated areas of the Northern Territory in order that they might gain a full education; if so, what form does such assistance take and what is the annual cost? [More…]
Changes were made in the Social Services Bill last year in which particularly payments for the second, third and subsequent children were increased from $2.50 to $4.50. [More…]
In fact, it seems distinctly odd to me that, in a partnership which may consist of a husband, wife and 2 or 3 children running a farm which has 200 hives of bees on it, each of those partners would be entitled to a vote. [More…]
Means as assessed’ in the case of an age or invalid pensioner, or a widow pensioner without dependent children, consist of the pensioner’s annual rate of income plus a property component equal to $2 for each $20 of property above $400; in the case of a widow pensioner with dependent children, no property component is counted if property does not exceed $4,500. [More…]
For example, income from property, payments received from children, the value of the pensioner’s home, furniture and personal effects, including a car used for private purposes, are disregarded. [More…]
As school journals can be regarded as assisting and furthering the educational opportunities of students and school children, will the Postmaster-General consider giving free postal facilities to certain journals and publications of school organisations which are distributed by schools, thus saving much needed funds that could be used for other educational facilities? [More…]
The means by which ‘isolated school chil dren’, that is, children who for geographic reasons have no reasonable daily access to an appropriate school - [More…]
can be afforded equal educational opportunity with other children not so situated; and [More…]
can be provided with an education suitable to the children’s talents and interest, which will equip them . [More…]
The means by which these disabilities can be overcome whether by an extension and deployment more widely of schools or institutes of tertiary education, the provision of financial aid to such children or otherwise. [More…]
In advanced countries pre-school and after-school education are recognised as essential aspects of education for all children. [More…]
This Bill amends the definition of ‘child’ in the principal Act in order to give effect to the extension of eligibility for war pensions to student children between the ages of 16 and 21. [More…]
If he read or listened to my speech the other week, he would know that I agree that it is an anomaly that charities should get a testamentary gift free of duty whereas a man’s widow and dependent children have to pay duty to get their share. [More…]
My question refers to the extraordinary happening yesterday where a school and school children in the national capital area were made available for the production of a commercial film of a political character. [More…]
children or grandchildren of the ^deceased. [More…]
At the present time the situation is that in many cases throughout Australia a man leaves a section of his estate to charities, perhaps with the object in mind of reducing the burden of duty on his widow and children, and in most cases the charities receive cash and the widow and children are left with property on which they have to try to raise cash to pay estate duties. [More…]
I personally see no reason why a widow and dependent children should have to pay duty when charities and other organisations are exempt from duty. [More…]
I do not wish to talk on this point for too long, other than to say that it seems wrong to me, as an ordinary Australian citizen, that charities and other organisations should be exempt whereas a widow and children have to pay duty. [More…]
As you will be aware, the various States provide certain financial programmes for the relief of individual hardship, particularly where children are concerned. [More…]
When can the Senate expect to receive the results of a survey, headed by Dr A. W. Willee, on the fitness of the Australian school children, the draft of which was completed in June 1971. [More…]
Is the cause of the delay in the publication of the survey the fact that one of its conclusions has upset health officials because it shows that Australian school children are considered to be among the most unfit in the world. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Social Security aware that a family with 4 children would receive child endowment of $5.75 a week and yet if, due to divorce, the family were divided into 2 groups with each parent, looking after 2 children, each group would receive only $1.50 a week - a total of $3? [More…]
This Bill amends the principal Act to recognise for pension and other purposes the same classes of de facto wives and widows and ex-nuptial children as recognised by the amendments to the Repatriation Act contained in the Repatriation Bill 1973. [More…]
The Bill provides for the payment of war pension to student children over the age of 21 years. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
Minister representing the Minister for Education aware that some confusion exists about the eligibility of parents who live in isolated areas for Commonwealth assistance for their children? [More…]
Is it a fact that parents whose children have won bursaries have been advised that this disqualifies them from receiving the new assistance? [More…]
May I inquire of the Special Minister of State (Senator Willesee) whether the law that it was feared might be infringed in the State sphere is the Adoption of Children Act? [More…]
Minister for Customs and Excise: What action has the Government taken to prevent the importation of children’s nightwear which is dangerous because of its flammability? [More…]
We and our children will enjoy the benefits of the wise government which will last for a long time. [More…]
What was the cost of providing free milk to school children in Tasmania during the last financial year. [More…]
For example, the Department of Education requires an additional $1,834,000 to meet payments under the assistance scheme for isolated school children and for Aboriginal secondary grants and study grants. [More…]
severe asthma in children where there is evidence of growth suppression produced by corticosteroids; and [More…]
If we exclude the age pensioner groups which, of course, are unlikely to have children qualifying for university education, from which group does the remaining 20 per cent of students come? [More…]
I ask the AttorneyGeneral: Does the International Covenant on Human Rights grant the ability for parents to give their children religious education of the parents’ choice. [More…]
In any event, there seems to be some indication that violence portrayed in films may be related to violent behaviour, and this may apply to very young children. [More…]
We have clearly indicated that our proposal is to provide equality of opportunity for all children. [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take into account the material, moral and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
I think that for some time the Government and in particular the Minister for Social Security have been aware of the fact that very great disabilities are imposed on parents of children who need medical attention and cannot obtain it near where they live. [More…]
-Will the Minister representing the Minister for Social Security investigate the problem which is faced by country parents who have to take children to the city for medical treatment, often several times a month, so facing crippling financial burdens for travel and accommodation expenses, with a view to relieving them of that burden, as no claim for such expenditure can be made on health funds and no taxation relief is allowed? [More…]
Will the Minister consider including single fathers and widowers in a scheme similar to that which now covers women who find themselves in similar circumstances, with a view to allowing them to be retrained in an occupation which would allow them to spend more time with their children? [More…]
The number of children in Hawker of primary school age in 1973 and a decision to increase the ultimate size of that suburb led to a re-examination of the situation and a decision to build a primary school in Hawker. [More…]
If the Hawker school is not available at the beginning of 1976, the children already enrolled at Weetangera will probably remain at that school until the Hawker school is available. [More…]
However, other contingency action may be necessary involving transporting children by bus to other schools. [More…]
The Government’s aim is to give all children in the Australian Capital Territory one year’s pre-school education before they attend primary school. [More…]
This would normally be at a pre-school in their own suburb but some children in newly developing areas may have to attend a pre-school in another suburb. [More…]
Most children living in the Hawker- Weetangera area and due to attend primary school in 197S will be able to receive one year’s pre-school education at the Weetangera preschool. [More…]
Weetangera pre-school is linked with Lyneham preschool, and not all the vacancies available for HawkerWeetangera children at Lyneham pre-school have been filled. [More…]
1 ) Has the Government undertaken to give all children in the Australian Capital Territory at least one year’s preschool education before they attend primary school. [More…]
Will all children living in the Hawker-Weetangera area of the Australian Capital Territory, and due to attend primary school next year, be able to receive at least one year’s pre-school education at the Weetangera pre-school. [More…]
If the school is not constructed by the anticipated date, what arrangements are to be made to provide education facilities for the children in the Hawker area. [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take into account the material, moral and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
Is the Government going to shelve or slow down implementation of its promise to provide for ‘latch-key ‘ children. [More…]
The Terms of Reference for the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission make it clear that that Committee will work towards the provision of services for children out of school hours as well as children below school age. [More…]
That the amendment to the bill recommended by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interests of the children. [More…]
It is quite pleasing to me that Senator Hall is supporting the amendment that has been proposed by Senator Guilfoyle on behalf of the Opposition, namely, that there be incorporated in this measure some consideration for widowers and deserted husbands with dependent children. [More…]
She advocated the spending of $25m to $35m additional for those people included in the terms of her amendment, namely, widowers and deserted husbands with dependent children. [More…]
I ask the Minister for the Media whether his attention has been drawn to the report of the Children’s Television Action Committee to the effect that television stations in Australia are screening cartoons which have been either banned in the United States or carry a warning to parents. [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Senate of steps taken to ensure that Australian children see the very best that television has to offer? [More…]
The Australian Children’s Television Action Committee was formed to promote and agitate for better children’s programs on television. [More…]
Act to put beyond doubt the powers of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board to police effectively the sort of thing about which the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee is now complaining. [More…]
I know that officers of the Broadcasting Control Board last Monday attended a special film screening arranged by the Children’s Television Action Committee so that they could assess the situation. [More…]
There is no question that clause 16 does not find favour with people who have the responsibility and the cost of educating children. [More…]
The article correctly states my views in the context of facilities and services for the early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and education of young handicapped children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
Battered Children (QuestionNo. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and under staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
to (3) The Department of Education considers it important that all children with specific learning difficulties should be identified at an early age, and even a successful application of the research mentioned in ( 1 ) does not promise a short cut to this goal because of its concern with only one form of specific learning difficulty. [More…]
First, the Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education is supporting a number of studies concerned with methods of early identification of children with specific learning difficulties although to the present, none of these studies has attempted a genetic approach. [More…]
Second, the Schools Commission through its special education program, provides grants to the States which may be used to employ psychologists and guidance officers for the actual identification of children with these difficulties. [More…]
The honourable senator will be aware that the House of Representatives Select Committee on Specific Learning Difficulties has amongst its terms of reference the task of examining the need for wide-spread screenings of young children to detect the existence of specific learning symptoms so that adequate remedial programs can be recommended from an early age. [More…]
Under the Child Migrant Education Program the Australian Government provides special assistance to both Government and non-Government schools to assist migrant children in learning English. [More…]
If the observation is substantiated, will the Department arrange for screening of school children to find those at risk and in need. [More…]
If not, has Australia offered assistance or is the Government unconcerned about the fate of thousands of men, women and children who appear to be desperately short of food? [More…]
Later Mr Ruddock approached the Minister for Transport (Mr Charles Jones), who decided to consider amending clause 15, which deals with the disclosure of interest by a member, to bring it more into line with the corresponding provision in the Children’s Commission Bill. [More…]
It is true that a motion passed in the House of Representatives on 13 September 1973 called for a Royal Commission on this matter and included in the proposed terms of reference that the Commissioners should have regard to the United Nations’ declaration on the rights of children and the sanctity and preservation of human life. [More…]
Why do the terms of reference, published on 21 August 1974 by the Minister, confine themselves to matters of sexual practice, abortion and related matters, and do not specifically include concern for the rights of children and for human life. [More…]
Is it not a fact that children over 2 1 years of age will be denied reunion with their parents in Australia? [More…]
This assistance is being provided through a United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) project in Zambia involving the provision of educational, medical and welfare assistance for women and children under the care of a number of national liberation movements who have temporarily settled in Zambia. [More…]
I am informed that there is support for such children under other Acts, for instance the Health Act, whereby nurses go into the homes. [More…]
Clause 3 is the definitions clause and it includes a definition of services for children’. [More…]
In the definition ofservices for children’ there does not appear to be any provision for emergency overnight care for children. [More…]
-As regards the establishment of the Children’s Commission, I think it is appropriate at this stage that I seek clarification on certain constitutional issues which have been raised in connection with this Bill. [More…]
-Seriously, if we were to talk about benefits to children that head of power may be appropriate but we are talking about the functions of the Commission and the way it will work under the present Bill. [More…]
Some children are not getting the facilities they ought to be getting. [More…]
During the past 2 years have any experimental projects involving Aboriginal children and young people commenced? [More…]
I ask: Can the Minister advise the Senate what steps have been taken since December 1 972 to assist children living in distinctive Aboriginal communities to become fully bilingual? [More…]
The next substantial amendment deals with widows’ benefits and children’s benefits. [More…]
We now proceed to the amendments in group 3 relating to widows benefits and children’s benefits. [More…]
How is it intended to identify all children entitled to health insurance cover so that health insurance cards for them can be prepared. [More…]
1 ) Is the Minister aware that the Australian Society for Inter-Country Aid- Children, known as ASIAC, has a medical team of thirteen personnel presently working among refugees in Guam. [More…]
1 ) Did the previous Minister state on 4 December 1974 in the Senate, in relation to the health situation among Aboriginal children in Wilcannia, New South Wales, that pathological tests showed that the children were suffering from measles; if so, was this same statement also contained in the previous Minister’s press release of 3 December 1 974. [More…]
What pathological tests were done in Wilcannia to establish the diagnosis of measles in these Aboriginal children. [More…]
In answer to the question without notice asked by Senator Bonner on 4 December 1974, the then Minister for Aboriginal Affairs stated inter alia that there were no indications of an outbreak of gastro-enteritis at Wilcannia at that time and that ‘five Aboriginal children were admitted to the Broken Hill hospital last week but the doctor said that the pathology tests showed that they had measles’. [More…]
that the children were not suffering from gastro-enteritis, was entirely correct. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present a progress report on the Children ‘s Commission dated September 1975. [More…]
that children can go through the primary school reaching high school and they are not able to read. [More…]
We are talking about normal children, not mentally defective children or migrant children who might have a language problem’. [More…]
Did the Minister say recently that, ‘Some Australian children were reaching high school without being able to read’. [More…]
The Interim Committee for the Children’s CommissionLady Gowrie Centres; Interim program for preschool and child care services; Childhood Services Program. [More…]
In response to the matter raised by Senator Knight relating to the provision of children’s services, I take the point that he wished to clarify statements that had been made in regard to the Government’s present programs. [More…]
In 1975, in the course of a case before the Children’s Court when a child was being deemed neglected, evidence was given that she had been beaten by her mother’s de facto husband. [More…]
Under the Child Welfare Ordinance 1957 the Director of Child Welfare has responsibility for matters affecting children and so action in relation to child bashing can be a joint enterprise between the Welfare Branch of the Department of the Capital Territory, the Police and Health and allied services. [More…]
In view of the remarks made by Senator Baume I wonder whether he is aware that there appears to be a growing school of thought among medical practitioners that children who suffer from croup should not have any dairy foods at all. [More…]
I was a little concerned that Senator Baume said that children can go without milk. [More…]
We are not talking only about children going without milk. [More…]
Quite often doctors prescribe cows’ milk substitutes to take over where the dairy foods would normally be provided in the diet of some children. [More…]
The need for the continuation and extension of projects undertaken by or proposed to the Children’s Commission such as: [More…]
Australian National University Child Care Centre, Parents-on-Campus Co-operative Creche, Research Students Association Family Day Care Scheme, Spence Children’s Cottage, Bunbury Street Creche, Woden Family Day Care Scheme, Narrabundah Family Day Care Scheme at Marymead, Part-time co-ordinator of services for two Southside caravan parks, Neighbourhood Children’s Centre. [More…]
Has there been a considerable down-turn in school attendance by Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory; if so, what has caused this trend, and what action is envisaged to improve attendance at schools. [More…]
The existing application form for the grant of citizenship was designed with brevity and simplicity in mind and with the object of obtaining additional essential information including the details of children at interview. [More…]
There would be some advantages from the management side if applicants had to specify in their applications the names of children under sixteen years they wished to have included in their certificates of citizenship but this would not have relevancy to the facility with which evidentiary certificates for such children are at present issued. [More…]
and (2) I have been advised by the Office of the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission that assistance has been approved to organisations in the four areas of Sydney nominated by the honourable senator, as follows: [More…]
What applications, if any, were received by the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission for service project funding in the Rockdale, Kogarah, Hurstville and Sutherland areas of Sydney. [More…]
Has the Minister considered a change in the format of the existing application form for citizenship which would provide a place for the names of children of applicants born outside Australia; if so, would it facilitate the issue of evidentiary certificates for such children. [More…]
Widows pensions and the additional pension payable in respect of eligible children will be increased in proportion to the increase that would have applied to the deceased serviceman if he were still alive and drawing pension. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to the results of a survey on the ‘Physical Health of Aboriginal Children in Bourke, N.S.W.’ [More…]
by Dr Max Kamien, published in the Medical Journal of Australia of 10 April 1976; if so, does the survey conclude that 72 per cent of all Aboriginal children in Bourke in 1 97 1 were in need of medical attention. [More…]
What steps have the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the former Office of Aboriginal Affairs taken since 1971 to ensure the provision of more effective health care for the Aboriginal children living in the Bourke area of New South Wales. [More…]
Education and the Arts, Senator Davidson, the report of that Committee on the education of isolated school children. [More…]
What number of children are (a) enrolled, and (b) attend Aboriginal schools on each settlement and mission in the Northern Territory, in pre-school, primary school, and post primary classes. [More…]
Number of children enrolled and attending Aboriginal Schools on Settlements and Missions in the Northern Territory. [More…]
1 ) In the Australian Capital Territory under the terms of section 32 of the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965-74 this is the responsibility of the Director of Child Welfare (Secretary of the Department of Capital Territory) who delegates this power to the Assistant Secretary, Welfare Branch. [More…]
In the Northern Territory once a person has signed a consent to adoption and that consent is final (after 30 days) the Director of Child Welfare is responsible for the care and custody of children waiting to be adopted. [More…]
In the Australian Capital Territory children waiting to be adopted are cared for in the Australian Capital Territory hospitals in which they are born, until they are discharged. [More…]
In the Northern Territory new bom children are cared for in hospital nurseries till placed. [More…]
Older children are cared for in government or family homes. [More…]
1 ) Who is responsible for the care and custody of children, in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory, waiting to be adopted. [More…]
Where are such children cared for. [More…]
How many children have been adopted in each of the States and Territories during each of the last five years. [More…]
5 ) How many children were not adopted during the same period. [More…]
Are many divorced men who are paying maintenance for children of former marriages disadvantaged because (a) child endowment payments are paid to the person caring for the children, usually the former wife, and ( b ) the withdrawal of the rebate for children in taxation returns; if so, will the Treasurer undertake a review of this situation and ensure that divorced men obtain the tax relief that was previously available to them. [More…]
1 ) What is the number of motherless families living in Australia and, in particular, families with children under 16 years of age. [More…]
Under the Family Law Act, since it came into operation on 5 January 1976, how many actions for maintenance have been undertaken by husbands against wives in respect to maintenance of children and how many have succeeded. [More…]
In respect to such motherless families, how many parents have (a) sought and (b) received a special benefit under the Social Services Act during the last two years in respect to assistance in the maintenance of their children, specifying the numbers in each State where such benefits have been obtained. [More…]
The impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children. [More…]
1 ) Special concession fares are available to children who use public transport in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
Both these features assist children. [More…]
What measures have been taken to assist children using public transport in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
What special facilities are available on buses to assist children wishing to use the public transport system in the Capital Territory. [More…]
For months I have been trying to find out about the supplementary program ranging up to $200,000 for Aboriginal children. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the contents of an article published in the Lancet of 3 April 1 976, at page 734, indicating an increased genetic risk to children born of men exposed at their work to vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). [More…]
3 ) What steps are being taken to inform them of the possible risk to children born while they are working exposed to VCM. [More…]
1 ) What, over the past two years, was the (a) number of family groups and (b) number of one parent family groups, which arrived in Australia under the Fairbridge Scheme and, in each case, what was the average number of children per family. [More…]
1 ) (a) and (b) The Fairbridge Society sponsors ‘two parent’ and ‘one parent’ families with children for admission to their institutions in Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. [More…]
Arrivals in the last two financial years were: 1974- 75-Two parent scheme, 10 families with 46 children; One parent scheme, 32 families with 98 children. [More…]
1975- 76- Two parent scheme, 9 families with 37 children; One parent scheme, 53 families with 1 14 children. [More…]
The average number of children in each group over the last two years was approximately 4 under the two parent scheme and 2 under the one parent scheme. [More…]
To give children and their parents who are living in underprivileged circumstances an opportunity for a better life in Australia. [More…]
The children are cared for and educated while in Fairbridge homes until the parent or parents can provide an alternative home for them. [More…]
For the one parent family the Fairbridge scheme provides that children are taken into one of the Fairbridge Centres and that the mother or father is found accommodation in the same State. [More…]
In the case of large two-parent family groups, some children reside in the Fairbridge Centres and others reside with the parents in private accommodation or Commonwealth Hostels. [More…]
However, the units also appear to reduce the incidence of vandalism in the terminals and provide amusement for not only children but other travellers required to pass time in the terminal. [More…]
If the information is available, will the Minister indicate the major type of children’s services that are provided by those pre-schools that have extended their services. [More…]
by leave- I wish to inform the Senate of details of the Children’s Services Program which will provide care for school children during the coming Christmas school vacation. [More…]
1 ) The Australian Bureau of Statistics advise that information has not been collected in terms of the number of children under the age of 5 years who have both parents in the work force. [More…]
1 ) How many children under the age of 5 years have both parents in the work force. [More…]
1 ) In what percentage of cases have orders for custody been made in favour of the father of children as against the mother by family law Judges since the coming into operation of the Family Law Act. [More…]
What is the anticipated date of commencement of operation of the Family Law Institute and will it be requested to make enquiries in the areas of custody of children or other related subjects. [More…]
1 ) Is it a fact that if the Family Law Court makes an order for reasonable access to the child or children of a separated couple where the wife has custody and the husband applies for access, the only way the husband can enforce this order is again to apply to the Court for it to enforce the order. [More…]
If the wife continues to hold the Court’s order in contempt and denies the husband reasonable access to his children, what recourse does the husband have open to him that will not cost him large sums of money. [More…]
The Australian School Dental Scheme already covers a significant number of primary school children throughout the country. [More…]
The scheme is currently under review, and until this review is completed no date for complete coverage of primary school children can be given. [More…]
Will free dental treatment be provided for primary school children by 1982. [More…]
As the May school holiday season is rapidly approaching and as the stated policy of this Government is to assist those in greatest need, can the Minister inform the chamber what percentage of children of working parents who took advantage of the Christmas holiday children’s care program were children of one parent families or lower income families? [More…]
1 ) Has it been reported that educational services to the homeland centres out of Papunya, Northern Territory, have been withdrawn leaving over one hundred children without schooling. [More…]
1 ) The highest enrolment recorded at Papunya was 300 and as far as my Department is aware there are not 400 school-aged children in the area. [More…]
So far this year, about 120 children have attended school each day, and my Depanment is looking to providing more teachers on the assumption that this level of attendance will continue. [More…]
Are all children in the Northern Territory in a position to be immunised against diphtheria, despite their isolation in many cases. [More…]
Apart from meeting the wives of Australian and German officials and presenting an anniversary gift at the launching dinner, Mrs Fraser visited the Werner Otto Institute for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Handicapped Children in Hamburg. [More…]
For the informaion of honourable senators I present the interim reports of the Industries Assistance Commission on plywood and veneer- thick plywood; children’s knitted tracksuits, playsuits, rompersuits and like garments, tariff quotas; and short term assistance for room air-conditioners. [More…]
1 ) The National Health and Medical Research Council supports the following research projects relating to the nutritional status of Australians, both children and adults: [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs aware that Dr L. Rassaby, a doctor with the Sydney Aboriginal Medical Service, has stated that some Aboriginal children will die in the Sydney area as a result of the Government’s refusal to fund a nutritional program which incidentally will cost only $60,000? [More…]
I would like a further explanation of the assertion that has been made in regard to the Government’s refusal to support a program that would prevent the deaths of Aboriginal children. [More…]
Although I am not a medical practitioner, I was concerned about his current stand on immunization, which if accepted, would eventually have grave consequences for the health of our children and particularly our Aboriginal children. [More…]
Croydon and Districts Retarded and Spastic Children’s Association (“Monkami”). [More…]
Yooralla Society of Victoria (previously Victorian Society for Crippled Children and Adults). [More…]
The number of children not born in Australia would be very limited. [More…]
Surely the children of supporting mothers or supporting fathers who would be excluded from this benefit under the provisions in the Bill would be very minimal. [More…]
The residence qualification for the supporting mother’s benefit, when it was introduced, related to children who were born in Australia. [More…]
I think it is accepted that the benefits should cover children born in Australia. [More…]
The supporting parent’s benefit is a means of assisting those children. [More…]
The reason for the difference between the widow and the widower is that it was not intended that a class A widower’s pension would be available to the widower in the way that a class A widow’s pension is available even if there are no dependent children under the age of 16 years. [More…]
For those who have been supporting their children for six months or more, the supporting parent’s benefit will become available immediately this Bill is passed. [More…]
I would like to be told why the children have to be born in Australia before the parent qualifies to claim the benefit. [More…]
In each Family Law Court what are the current delays being experienced in (a) divorce hearings; (b) property settlements; and (c) allocation of custody of children [More…]
There has been a great deal of discussion in Queensland about this program, and I am sure that most parents who are interested in the welfare of their children at school, as well as many educationists, are not fully aware of the content of the material or the way that the program has been developed. [More…]
The letter also referred to a man who had left his children in a city car park thinking that his visit to the Department would not take long. [More…]
I take note of the Minister’s remarks about the pilot program which her Government has established under the children’s services program. [More…]
1 ) How much compensation, other than a trust fund for the children, will the families of the three men- two employees of the Sydney City Council who were members of the Municipal Employees’ Union, and a member of the New South Wales Police Force- killed in the Hilton Hotel bombing incident receive. [More…]
In addition, the Commonwealth is setting up a trust fund for the education and general benefit of the three children of the Council workers killed in the explosion as an indication of the Government’s concern for their families. [More…]
He left a wife and four children. [More…]
Is the Minister for Education aware of recent reports in the Press and elsewhere alleging a drop in the standard of basic skills acquired by Australian children at school? [More…]
Were Australian passports issued to the children prior to Australian citizenship being granted; if not, what is the position regarding their individual passports. [More…]
The Australian Citizenship Act precludes the children of such persons from acquiring Australian citizenship by birth here. [More…]
The children will not acquire Australian citizenship until they are granted Australian citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the Australian Citizenship Act. [More…]
Australian passports were issued to the children although they did not have Australian citizenship. [More…]
The passports were issued in accordance with normal practice; the parents produced birth certificates as evidence of the birth of the children in Australia. [More…]
When the status of the Wangkes became known to the Department of Foreign Affairs, the passport issuing authority, an order cancelling the validity of the children’s passports was made in accordance with Section 8 of the Passports Act. [More…]
The policy of the Australian Capital Territory Schools Authority is to provide ‘English As a Special Language’ teaching to all migrant children who require it. [More…]
Free transport is provided for children attending ESL classes outside the neighbourhood school area. [More…]
Two places are reserved in all Australian Capital Territory government pre-schools for children with special needs who would not normally be placed on pre-schools’ waiting lists. [More…]
These places are mostly taken up by children who come from non-English speaking homes. [More…]
In 1977 some 70 children from migrant families were given priority places. [More…]
I refer to the special provision of English language teachers to meet the language needs of migrant children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Senate of the position of Australian Capital Territory child migrant education programs, particularly as to whether adequate numbers of such teachers are available and whether the provision of facilities for teaching English as a second language in the Australian Capital Territory are adequate for migrant children? [More…]
Five of the complaints were from prisoners who were liable to be deported on completion of their prison terms, and related to alleged delays in finalising arrangements for, or in advising the complainants of decisions in relation to deportation; four complaints were from, or on behalf of, persons whose children had been born in Australia and who wished to obtain permanent residence despite being otherwise ineligible; and four were from, or on behalf of, persons who, having entered [More…]
1 ) How many non-English-speaking children have been enrolled in Government schools in each State in each year since 1972. [More…]
The Minister for Health has been concerned about some of the statements which were made recently with regard to deaf and blind children and about attributing those conditions to rubella. [More…]
He states that only 1 5 per cent of children born between 1 960 and 1976 and fitted with hearing aids by the National Acoustic Laboratory had their deafness ascribed to rubella, even though rubella-caused deafness is profound and certainly would be included in the National Acoustic Laboratory figures. [More…]
However, I shall draw to the attention of the Minister for Health the question raised by the honourable senator and his suggestion that further steps should be taken to see that as many young girls and women of child bearing age as possible do have immunisation against rubella because of the disastrous consequences for newly-born children. [More…]
Given that rubella accounts for 90 per cent of deaf-blind children and 35 per cent of congenitally deaf children, does the Minister believe that the existing voluntary scheme of rubella vaccination is a satisfactory one, or is she of the opinion that an insufficient number of people offer themselves for immunisation? [More…]
I would draw the honourable senator’s attention to the fact that the figures quoted make no allowance either for the additional $50m which will be provided for TAFE capital programs in the next biennium or for the additional funds which will be made available for handicapped children. [More…]
In view of the involvement of the nursing profession with children and its strong desire to take part and contribute, will the Minister give further consideration to inviting an appropriate representative of the nursing profession to join the national committee on non-government organisations relating to the International Year of the Child? [More…]
However, regardless of where administrative responsibility should lie the Prime Minister has announced the Government’s intention to ensure that the cost to parents of educating handicapped children should not be greater than the cost of educating other children. [More…]
and (c) These recommendations of the National Advisory Council for the Handicapped concern the education of handicapped children and were referred to my colleague the Minister for Education, Senator the Hon. [More…]
He has advised me that the Schools Commission has begun a wide ranging national survey of special education provision, and that the Council’s recommendation relating to information about the education of children in State institutions will be kept in mind in the course of conducting the survey. [More…]
Senator Carrick also advises that authorities in the States responsible for the administration of Schools Commission Special Education funds make allocations for services to children in hospitals. [More…]
Funds have also been made available since 1 977 under the Children in Residential Institutions Program to bring life experience for children living in institutions closer to that of other children and to enable institutions to provide the support some children need in their formal education. [More…]
the education of handicapped children should be the responsibility of education authorities and accordingly should be funded from that source rather than through the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act; [More…]
the Schools Commission take urgent action to ascertain the number of children in State institutions where no adequate educational facilities are available; and [More…]
the Commission allocate funds in 1978 for educational programs for such children- this group including children and adolescents with severe and profound handicaps (usually including mental retardation) who are resident in hospital units, training centres and other State institutions, in the age range from birth to 18 years, and including people who have already acquired basic academic skills prior to admission to an institution. [More…]
through the Children’s Services Program. [More…]
A woman who has children and who is divorced in Australia becomes eligible under our social security system for a pension. [More…]
The allowances that are paid for her children are portable with that pension. [More…]
If she has the custody, care and control of the children and the children are with her she would be paid a family allowance. [More…]
Clause 3 amends section 1 8A of the principal Act to put an upper limit of 25 years of age on student children for whom a handicapped child’s allowance can be paid under this section of the legislation to age and invalid pensioners. [More…]
It seems to me that the only reason given for this is to make uniform the provisions in the Act regarding children. [More…]
Has some investigation been undertaken to find out how many people over the age of 25 years in this situation are considered to be children and receiving benefits so that we can get some idea of how many people are affected by this clause and similar clauses throughout the legislation? [More…]
Further, what prospects are there for settlement and what action is being taken to bring to an end the rolling strikes which are disrupting children’s education at a critical time of the year? [More…]
The documents described in the report were apparently from the Queensland Department of Children’s Services which is located in the same centre. [More…]
What amount was approved for expenditure by: (a) geriatric organisations; (b) disabled adults’ organisations; and (c) disabled children’s organisations, in each State on: (i) staff payments; (ii) food supplies; (iii) medical supplies; (iv) domestic payments; (v) motor vehicle operating costs; (vi) fuel and power; (vii) maintenance repairs; (viii) administrative payments; and (ix) assets under $400, in each State. [More…]
What amount has been expended during this period by: (a) geriatric organisations; (b) disabled adults’ organisations; and (c) disabled children’s organisations, in each State. [More…]
Has it been brought to the Attorney-General’s attention that, because passports are not required for travel between the two countries, it is possible for children to be snatched from the parent to whom the court has given custody? [More…]
I say to his wife, Rita, and to his six children of whom he was so proud and with such good reason that I, amongst many others- certainly those of the class of ‘74- extend our most sincere condolences. [More…]
We feel a very personal grief at the passing of Eric Bessell- a young man, at 55, with a comparatively young family of six children, of each of whom he was enormously proud, and deserved to be. [More…]
What amount has been made available by the Commonwealth to the States or to regional bodies in each of the financial years from 1972-73 to 1978-79 for pre-school education within the children ‘s services program. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that there are recommendations in the Committee’s report on children and television which relate specifically to his portfolio? [More…]
Will he examine these recommendations in relation to the whole concept, and not part, of the report which relates to the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children? [More…]
I ask the Minister for Social Security: Is it true that children with coeliac disease have been accepted as being eligible for the handicapped child’s allowance of $15 a week when, in the absence of any other handicap, the only disadvantage they incur is the need to avoid wheat and rye products in their diet in order to enjoy normal health? [More…]
Does the Minister agree that the philosophy behind the original legislation for the handicapped child’s allowance was to recompense parents of children with handicaps such as cerebral palsy and mental retardation, whose care required both financial effort and effort of time and emotional stress? [More…]
What is the rationale behind the decision to grant the allowance to children with coeliac disease? [More…]
-I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Post and Telecommunications whether it is correct that some hundreds of copies of a potentially valuable report on the television viewing habits of Australian children, produced by the research unit of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal and printed by the Australian Government Publishing Service, have recently been pulped at the direct order of Mr Bruce Gyngell, the Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Senate whether the report dealt with the viewing habits of a large number of children in the 10 and 12 years age group? [More…]
Did it deal with such questions as the effect of advertising in children’s programs, the amount of time spent by children viewing programs and also with complaints made by parents about advertising in children’s programs? [More…]
urges all Australian governments to take practical, constructive steps to secure a safe and social environment for the three million Australian children under twelve years of age; and [More…]
encourages every action which might be appropriate to relieve suffering and deprivation affecting many of the world’s one billion five hundred million children. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Social Security aware of news media allegations attributed to the South Australian Minister of Health, Mr Duncan, that staff retrenchments at the Regency Park crippled children’s complex were due to the Commonwealth Government measures which resulted in a reduction of funding to that organisation? [More…]
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is reported to have accumulated reserves of between $ 1 00m and $ 1 40m? [More…]
The Fund has to date distributed in excess of$ 18m of its capital, and interest earnings, on welfare relief of eligible ex-Servicemen and women and their dependants in needy circumstances, on education assistance for eligible children and on eligible children suffering from serious afflictions. [More…]
-On 18 September 1979 (Hansard, page 756), Senator Mason asked me, as Minister representing the Minister for Health, a question without notice concerning the prescribing of Valium syrup for use by young children. [More…]
I understand that the establishment of that unit would mean that a start could be made on researching the effects of television on the learning behaviour of children. [More…]
The amendments relate to the endorsement of children on a passport as distinct from the issue of separate passports. [More…]
My question to the Minister for Social Security refers to proposed changes to the Child Care Act 1972 and the proposed introduction of a children’s services Bill to deal with a range of services provided for children. [More…]
I would not like it placed on record that I voted for a proposal that prevented a woman, with children, from continuing a de facto relationship. [More…]
I would not like the records of this Parliament to show that I was party to passing a provision that could separate husbands from their de facto or lawful wives and separate fathers from their children at a time when they may need assistance. [More…]
What children’s services projects have been approved in each electorate in each year from 1976-77 to 1978-79; [More…]
I understand that courts exercising jurisdiction under the Family Law Act have interpreted s. 64 ( 1 ) as authorising the making of orders preventing a parent having custody of children from removing children from a specified locality. [More…]
Has the Attorney-General, in the light of the Government’s proposed action to prevent one parent taking children overseas without the consent or knowledge of the other, considered what steps might be taken, or be legally possible, to prevent one parent taking children interstate without the consent or knowledge of the other, where the children have been the subject of a Family Court order granting access rights. [More…]
First I draw his attention to the fact that throughout Australia excellent facilities are available for pre-school and school-age deaf children. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present the text of a statement by the Treasurer relating to income tax trusts and other arrangements involving dependent children. [More…]
1 ) What is the value of all benefits available under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme. [More…]
I seek leave to make a statement concerning the report by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on the education of isolated children. [More…]
That the lead content levels in Australian petrol have been proven to give rise to detrimental health effects on the population and particularly on children. [More…]
1 trust that following the review promised by the Prime Minister and referred to by the Governor-General as being undertaken an increase will be provided in the allowable deduction for children, which is probably the simplest and most effective way of giving assistance to the people most in need of some relief from the effect of income tax. [More…]
We are told by the United Nations that of every 6 children born in the world today - we think we are progressive - between 3 and 4 children will never have enough to eat, will never have a proper home as we know it, and will never be properly clothed or educated as we know it. [More…]
There ought to be measures to encourage a man with a wife and children, particularly those who have large families, because in the present circumstances these families have a very tough job. [More…]
There are now more than 100,000 Yugoslavs in Australia to which must be added their Australian born children. [More…]
But it is of little comfort to the deserted wife with four or five children who has no means of support to know this. [More…]
It has been pointed out that school children in New South Wales are taking lessons in corridors; hospital wards are closing through lack of nursing staff; and about 175,000 homes in Sydney, and the Wollongong area, are without sewerage. [More…]
Amongst the poor are 10-year-old children who wear their mothers’ shoes to school or go barefooted in winter and girls of 12 years who are exempted by the authorities from going to school so that they can stay at home and care for the younger children in the family. [More…]
In the community are widowed mothers who starve themselves so that they can buy books and uniforms for their school children. [More…]
Last year at the Australian Law Convention in Brisbane Mr R. S. Watson, Q.C., said that there are about 90,000 deserted wives in Australia, about 33,000 of whom have children. [More…]
Will the honourable gentleman join me in asking the President on behalf of all honourable Senators to convey to the late Senator Cohen’s wife and children the pleasure of the Senate at the recognition of our distinguished colleague? [More…]
I refer to those families on relatively low wages who find it difficult to save a deposit, some newly arrived migrants, couples who have married very young, and widows and deserted wives with dependent children. [More…]
As I have said again and again in this Parliament, one could count on the fingers of one hand the number of Aboriginal children at high school at any given time. [More…]
We used to pride ourselves that there was a fair distribution of wealth in Australia, that the Australian people, and especially their children, would have a fair go. [More…]
The example school teachers give to school children makes one wonder how great will be the dissenters of the next generation. [More…]
Children of the marriage have been born here. [More…]
WhileI approve the decision of the Government to register Wilfred Burchett’s children on the ground that the children must not be punished because of the father, is it not a fact that the policy of the Government in similar cases has been that children outside Australia should not be registered as Australians unless the Australian parent intends to live in Australia? [More…]
We are told that we will educate the children in the schools, that this is the way it should be done. [More…]
They say that we will educate the children in the schools. [More…]
It is letting children smoke in one school after the other. [More…]
In spite of the destruction of the ordinary life of the country, the burning of villages, the maiming and murder of women and children, the Vietnamese people are resisting. [More…]
They want to bring up their children. [More…]
They have hopes that their children will inherit something better than they themselves inherited. [More…]
They believe that their children are entitled to education and health facilities. [More…]
It is men, women and children who rely on the growing of wheat for their livelihood who are involved in this situation. [More…]
I know of one instance in which a mother on the mainland badly needed the child endowment not in order to look after her children but merely to pay arrears of rent in respect of the very dilapidated little flat in which the family lived. [More…]
We will have to start with the children. [More…]
He has asked on numerous occasions for assistance in purchasing or renting a home large enough to comfortably house himself, his wife and his family of 9 or 10 children. [More…]
It was incurred in the education field on such items as the grants-in-aid scheme for secondary school students and payment for the mentally handicapped Aboriginal children in existing special schools; the construction of an additional wing at Kirinari hostel, which is run by the Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society; adult education courses, renovations to Tranby hostel, which is run by the Co-operative for Aborigines Ltd; assistance with the cost of school buses; work in the pre-school area; renovations to preschool buildings; assistance to church and charitable bodies, including the construction of a hall for the Daughters of Charity primarily for follow-up work on former preschool children; and a grant to the Save the Children Fund for pre-schools. [More…]
In the field of health, subsidies were given to the Far West Children’s Health Scheme. [More…]
I am sure that my colleagues from Queensland have often seen pictures of children coming down from the far west on holidays and have particularly noticed the happy faces of the Aboriginal children among them. [More…]
These children are provided with the best dental and health care. [More…]
The document to which I am referring shows that a subsidy of $7,000 was provided to the Far West Childrens Health Scheme in New South Wales. [More…]
An amount of S240 to $300 per annum will be paid as a living allowance to the families of children living away from home, lt is designed to cover the full boarding costs and the payment of tuition and other compulsory fees to the school. [More…]
One hundred years ago often the parents of the children employed in mines and spinning mills argued that legislation could not prevent the employment of children because if their employment was prohibited their families would be short of sufficient finance to sustain themselves. [More…]
As a result of the circumstances and conditions in which I have seen young Aboriginal children in a hotel bar in Darwin I could very well be disposed to make a retrogressive step. [More…]
Would the answer to the problem of those Aboriginal children be found in the introduction of prohibition for all Aboriginals, irrespective of whether it can be shown that they have not the tolerance to alcohol that some other people more used to drinking would have? [More…]
We have a school manned by Australian teachers who are responsible for the education of about 1,000 Australian school children. [More…]
The honourable senator has given the allowable taxation deductions for children’s education expenses. [More…]
What facilities exist within the Navy for assistance in the education of serving personnel’s children [More…]
Education Allowance may be paid to Service personnel in Australia whose children are undergoing secondary education, at the rate of $1,205 per annum, where the child attends school as a boarder or $625 per annum where the child attends day school. [More…]
On removal, where it is necessary because of the wife’s health or because the ages of the children are such that it would not be reasonable to expect her to bear the sole responsibility for the movement of the family. [More…]
As we saw at Yirrkala, parents are compelled, if necessary, to use force to make their children comply with tribal custom. [More…]
We feel that persons dependent on pensions, particularly pensioners living alone and widows with children, comprise a large portion of the 1 million Australians who live in real or marginal poverty. [More…]
1 refer, for example, to widows left in their middle 40s or younger, sometimes with children who have reached 16 years. [More…]
Will the Minister inform me who has authority over the children - their parents and teachers or Dr Cairns and the organisers of the moratorium? [More…]
As to the question regarding the incitement of school children to strike, when they are attendant at school they are under the jurisdiction of the schools, and when they are at home they should be under the authority of their parents. [More…]
How many persons have been refused admission to Australia from countries in Asia on the basis that they have children in their care who are minors. [More…]
Do a number of these persons have other children who are not only resident in Australia, but, indeed, are naturalised Australians, and does this policy discriminate against certain people, in that those who have no children can be admitted to Australia, but those with children who are minors are refused admission. [More…]
We have one school for black children and one school for white children. [More…]
To be blunt about this, it could be argued that the Concord or Drummoyne councils in metropolitan Sydney are able to provide the basic local government facilities and over and above that are able to provide facilities to activise local groups, whereas in other developing suburbs - I instance places like Blacktown or perhaps Bankstown - they have so much to do and the people in the area are doing so much for younger groups or, young mothers with children through baby health clinics that it becomes a matter of priority and they are not able to do so much for aged groups. [More…]
There is a long term objective programme to provide a comprehensive education system covering the whole Territory under which any children who desire to have a primary education will be able to have it. [More…]
There are not too many countries in the world today where one uses guns, tear gas and weapons even against small children to drive them off ‘ their own land. [More…]
lt is allright for the average indigenous person who has a family of two to live in them, but when a man has 5 or 6 children it is absolutely hopeless. [More…]
At page 1278 of Hansard the Minister is reported as having stated that clause 7 of the Bill, when implemented, would mean that Australian women living abroad and married to men of other nationalities and wishing to have their children become Australians by birth, could register the birth of the children at any Australian consulate or embassy. [More…]
Following my exposure last week of the extreme tardiness exhibited by the Attorney-General in not implementing section 7 of the Citizenship Act 1969 which gave to Australian wives married to non-Australians and living abroad the right to have their children registered as Australians, when can we expect the decision made by the Senate on this question on 28th May 1969 to be implemented? [More…]
In March 1970 posts were sent instructions regarding the implementation of the provision in question in the Citizenship Act 1969 after proclamation of the provision which is expected very soon, lt is to be expected that overseas posts asked by Australian women about registration of their children’s births would usually have informed them of the impending change in the law. [More…]
Does the Commonwealth firmly disapprove of political indoctrination of school children by school teachers? [More…]
As children are compelled to attend classes, is not political indoctrination by Moratorium supporting teachers a blatant attempt to force their opinions on the children while the children are compelled to listen? [More…]
Children are of tender years and incomplete experience at the time when they are compelled to attend school. [More…]
it will include, if we read the publications, unionists, citizens, students, school children and, of course, agitators, lt will include Communists, and it will include a motley collection of people with firebrand purposes and militant objectives, lt will consist of people who hold their views fiercely, albeit sincerely. [More…]
Not only must the troops be withdrawn but also this madness on a grand scale, as it has been described, must be stopped, lt certainly is madness when innocent women and children are burned and bombed under whatever guise it is called. [More…]
It has been repudiated by a wide variety of people, whom the Australian Labor Party will attack, having seen to it that a large number of trade unionists will be fined a day’s pay over an issue in which they have no particular interest; having seen that parents have learned that their children ‘have been approached outside the authority of their parents, and asked to take part in this demonstration; and having done everything that they possibly can to antagonise the general community in Victoria. [More…]
To me, the worst feature of the Moratorium is the attempt to drag children into it without any regard to the fact that the persons who are entitled to have authority over the children arc their own parents. [More…]
I think il is despicable for people to go over the heads of parents and school authorities, lt is despicable of them to attempt to use the children for political purposes. [More…]
When they use the children for political purposes they show they lack any sense of morality. [More…]
A pamphlet entitled ‘Nixon’s Blood Bath’ will be distributed in thousands to children in Melbourne schools over the next few weeks. [More…]
A contribution of women and children to the Vietnam Moratorium. [More…]
Now, asI said before, I would not mind the able bodied, but why the women and children? [More…]
We seek a group of women, some elderly people and many children to represent the murdered people of Song My in an act of conscience during the Vietnam Moratorium. [More…]
So the Communist Party will be represented by the women, the children and the elderly people. [More…]
You and your children could dye old clothes and make hatsfor yourselves or your children. [More…]
If you don’t have such clothes, we will be making black clothcover-alls for women and children. [More…]
There is an endeavour to enlist elderly people, women and children, and to use the children. [More…]
The unlawful action of one man in Melbourne brought to an end the application of the penal provisions and today they are as dead as are the little children in Vietnam. [More…]
We agreed that the law should not be implemented against children but the Government is forcing kids of 20 years of age into the Services with the result that hundreds of them throughout Australia are fighting the National Service Act. [More…]
We hope that wives with their children will join in the demonstration and show their might. [More…]
If this money had been spent in other fields a large portion of the million lives that have been lost would have been saved, including those of young children to whom one of my colleagues referred earlier tonight. [More…]
As a parent of young Australian children I am concerned about those boys who are now 14 or 15 years of age and who, if the Government’s policy is allowed to go on and on, will be in Vietnam in 4 or 5 years time. [More…]
Why should I, as an Australian parent of young Australian children who in 4 or 5 years time will be eligible to take part in this war in Vietnam, not be so concerned about the situation as many thousands of Australian citizens are? [More…]
References were made this evening to the horror being registered by the combined forces arraigned in this place against the Australia Labor Party about the possibility of children being brought into this campaign. [More…]
The document from which Senator McManus quoted at length about the alleged activities within student groups and among children was an information bulletin published by the Democratic Labor Party. [More…]
Children are conscripted to go to school. [More…]
When children are conscripted to go into class the teacher has control over them and they have to listen to the teacher. [More…]
Why is it that the Australian Labor Party supports the right of the teacher to indoctrinate the children with the political views of the teacher? [More…]
I suggest to the Australian Labor Party it is adopting a very dangerous point of view if it adopts the attitude that the teacher has the right to force his views on children who are conscripted to listen to him. [More…]
Yes, it is dangerous ground because it means that if I am a teacher and I hold the opposite view and support the war in Vietnam I have the right to force the view on the children that the Vietnam war is a just war. [More…]
f regret that a party which claims to be the heir to the great traditions of the labour movement of the past should, in regard to the Moratorium Campaign, support the right of a teacher to force his view upon children who have no alternative but to listen because they are conscripted to listen. [More…]
The statement about the children appeared in the Melbourne ‘Age’. [More…]
Senator Poyser said that the statement about the children was a DLP statement. [More…]
- Special classes in existing schools for migrant children of all ages to ensure that they achieve the education to which their intelligence and natural skills entitle them. [More…]
Since July 1969, assisted passage programmes from Europe have been extended to the wives and dependent children of breadwinners now residing in Australia who did not themselves receive any form of passage assistance. [More…]
The Executive has been rather foolish about the whole situation, lt has treated members of the Senate as though they were school children unable to make a decision on the merits of the case. [More…]
$72m have been paid to assist young couples, and widowed persons with dependent children, to own and establish their homes. [More…]
A further amendment will extend eligibility for a grant to divorced persons aged less than 36 years with 1 or more dependent children. [More…]
The eligibility and other provisions relating to these persons will be broadly similar to those applying to young widowed persons with dependent children who were admitted to the scheme in November 1966. [More…]
However, both parties to a divorce may later become applicants for grants either in respect of a home acquired on remarriage, or of a home for the accommodation of the divorced person and the dependent children. [More…]
This amendment will have effect whether the person is applying for a grant as a divorced person caring for dependent children, or as a remarried person with or without dependent children. [More…]
What amount of physical damage, long or short term, has been caused to young children by nuclear fallout in North Queensland. [More…]
An outright exemption for eligible estates which pass wholly to the widow, children or grandchildren of the deceased person will apply where the value of the estate is $24,000 or less. [More…]
How much will the parents of thalidomide affected children in Australia receive? [More…]
School children are to march along in aid of this supposedly lawful assembly for the Moratorium Campaign. [More…]
It also makes some provision for dependent children. [More…]
By that time the marriage is on the rocks and the children may be separated from the parents and well on the way to becoming an expensive burden on this country, instead of an asset to it, becuase they are well on the way to juvenile delinquency and everything else associated with a broken home. [More…]
I refer to families with young children of 2 and 3 which are forced to live in rooms or with in-laws. [More…]
As the right to demonstrate has been accepted in our day and age, why are Government supporters not so disturbed about Government foreign policy in carrying on an illegal, immoral and undeclared war against women and children in a foreign country? [More…]
They are trying to induce innocent children to be involved in something of which they have no appreciation. [More…]
When can we expect a Government statement from the Minister condemning the wholesale massacres of innocent men, women and children by the Americans in Vietnam, reports of which have been published in the Press over the last 6 months? [More…]
I cannot agree with all the comments that he made, but I do agree entirely that the first priority of housing authorities in allocating dwellings at reasonable rentals should be given to those families, including widows and deserted wives with dependent children, who are most in need of housing assistance. [More…]
He may die before he has time to make full provision for his wife and young children. [More…]
That means that a farm or property worth $24,000 or less passing to near relatives - a widow, children or grandchildren - will be completely exempt from the payment of duty. [More…]
Another problem arises in the case of a man who dies in middle age and leaves a widow with young children. [More…]
In these days of shortages of skilled farm labour a widow with children aged, say, 10 aud 12 years, finds it physically impossible to carry on farming operations. [More…]
I understand that honourable senators opposite would not agree with that philosophy because fundamental to much of the philosophy of the Socialists is the fact that estates should be broken up; that there seems to be something inherently wicked in a man accruing assets in his lifetime and passing them on to his beneficiaries - his widow or children. [More…]
But I belong to a Party the political philosophy of which is that people should be entitled to own property; that they should be encouraged to accumulate property, and that 1 of the great incentives to accumulating property is that one is able to pass it on to beneficiaries, to a wife or to children. [More…]
Some people are inclined to accept this as being a sensible proposition, but I honestly do not think that children in second grade at school would contribute to the suggestion that this is a commonsense arrangement, if it were a financial arrangement between themselves in terms of pennies these children would sec the fallacy of the arrangement. [More…]
What is the total number of children on whose behalf child endowment is paid in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. [More…]
Payments equal to child endowment are at present being paid in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in respect of 459 children, all of them children of members of the Defence Forces. [More…]
I refer to Business of the Senate, Notices of Motion Nos 1 and 2, which read: 1 Senator MURPHY: To move-That the amendments of the Public Health (Medical and Dental Inspection of School Children) Regulations, as contained in Australian Capital Territory Regulations 1970. [More…]
Would any honourable senator agree to that if one of their children was affected? [More…]
I know that if one of their children had asthma and if fatal was the only treatment for it, they would demand it, so why does not the Government allow the use of it? [More…]
A lot of them are young people - children and young teenagers. [More…]
I asked: What if there were women and children?’ [More…]
He answered: ‘Women and children in Vietnam fire as many guns as soldiers do’. [More…]
I repeat that the children of those who were regarded as enemies of the state were left to starve. [More…]
He admitted that too many innocent people were executed, that torture had become an every day occurrence and that the innocent children of parents wrongly classified as land lords had starved to death. [More…]
In Melbourne there were about 15,000 to 20.000 people in the streets, but many of them were children. [More…]
ration when you take into account the number of children who were present and the number of people of the [More…]
There were many school children. [More…]
I asked school children who were wearing Moratorium badges why they were doing this and they said: ‘Because 1 am opposed to war’. [More…]
It is cut up with knives used in the kitchen, and is handled by both housewives and children. [More…]
In either case, infection may spread to other members of the household, and in particular to children, who fondle the animals. [More…]
It is necessary that this legislation, after it has been delayed so long, should be passed as quickly as possible and become effective in the interests of widows and divorcees with children and in the interests of people who at the moment are trembling on the brink of wanting a $16,000 home but who are limited to a $15,000 home. [More…]
What is the total number of children on whose behalf child endowment is paid in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. [More…]
Payments equal to child endowment are at present being paid in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea in respect of 459 children, all of them children of members of the Defence Forces. [More…]
President Nguyen Van Thieu has found a home for his children in Rome (where his brother is ambassador) and his wife has just bought a house in Europe. [More…]
For the majority of Vietnamese, poor peasants in the defoliated countryside and destitute workers in the city slums, it is what they have been witnessing for a long time: the search and destroy missions; the ‘free zone’ strikes; the BS2 saturation bombings; the Phoenix operation which from December 1967 to December 1968 killed 18,393 civilian Vietcong cadres; the Song My (‘Pinkville’) type of breakfast massacre in which an American infantry unit allegedly shot down some hundreds of men, women and children in a captured village in the early morning of 16th March 1968; the atrocities regularly described in national United States magazines. [More…]
Yet, Colonel Ton That Khien, chief of the Quang Ngai province (‘Pinkville’), where the March 16, 1969, massacre of Vietnamese women and children took place, refused to dig up the bodies of the victims, saying that ‘they are old bodies’. [More…]
It does not care for how long the fighting goes on or how many civilians are massacred, nor does it care to what extent their land is devastated, how many of their women are turned into prostitutes and how many of the children have been turned into beggars. [More…]
The Senate may or may not recall that I last spoke on this measure on Thursday, 7th May, and when the sitting was suspended at 5.45 p.m., for the dinner adjournment, I was arguing that one of the fundamental differences in the approach to death duties or estate duties - call them what you wish - between honourable senators who sit on this side of the chamber and the members of the Australian Labor Party who sit on the other is their approach to whether or not a man, through thrift and initiative in his own lifetime, should be able to acquire an estate or to acquire assets and to pass them on to his beneficiaries, be they his wife or his children. [More…]
If the primary producer has any real or substantial worry it is not so much the problem of income, but how to preserve his estate intact for his children. [More…]
It is one pf the reasons why I am philosophically opposed to the imposition of death duties especially where they bear heavily on the children who have worked for often very little reward in their lifetime in the expectation of inheriting the estate. [More…]
For the same reason I believe that assets passing to dependent children - not ordinary children - should come within that category. [More…]
For duty purposes an upper limit should be placed on assets passing to children, be they children over 21 years of. [More…]
age or those who are not strictly dependent children. [More…]
If the limit in respect of estate duty is $20,000, there is a complete exemption for assets passing between spouses and certain children- [More…]
An outright exemption for eligible estates which pass wholly to the widow, children or grandchildren of the deceased person will apply where the value of the estate is $24,000 or less. [More…]
To minimise the incidence of death duties so as to avoid the necessity for the forced sale of family property where the estate is left to the wife and children of the testator. [More…]
My information is that since a settlement has been established at Yuendumu the number of deaths of children and adults has risen alarmingly. [More…]
Scarlet fever and enteritis have carried off as many as 26 children in one year. [More…]
Despite their comments about aboriginal housing and education, you won’t find them engaged in the difficult task of trying lo educate these children who live in an environment nol conducive to rapid education, or attempting the frustrating task of training Aboriginals to occupy accommodation quite foreign to them. [More…]
She has 2 young children. [More…]
I believe this is something in which the Minister for National Development (Mr Swartz) should interest himself immediately because a young woman and 2 young children are without subsistence at this moment. [More…]
This happened well over 2 years ago and compensation has not yet been paid to the widow of this man although some sort of settlement has been made or is about to be made on behalf of his children. [More…]
Since the log jam has been broken in regard to section 7 of the Citizenship Act, which permits Australian mothers married overseas to non-Australians to have their children registered as Australian citizens. [More…]
There have been a number of cases of children trying to get home after school holidays and there was a notable case, when cyclone Ada was raging, in which people were stranded on the Queensland coast and had to leave that area. [More…]
For example, these Ordinances include - an Ordinance providing for the interpretation of Territory Ordinances and statutory instruments; a Juries Ordinance providing for all aspects of jury service and, in particular, for women to serve on juries; an Ordinance making comprehensive provision with respect to maintenance of wives, husbands and children; a new Wills Ordinance; Ordinances enabling married persons to sue each other in tort; a number of amendments to the Court of Petty Sessions Ordinance; an Ordinance facilitating the transfer of marketable securities; a new Family Provision Ordinance - to ensure that the family of a deceased person receive adequate provision out of his estate; an Ordinance enabling a person between the ages of IS and 21 years to borrow on the security of a mortgage of his home; amendments to the Administration and Probate Ordinance; and amendments to the Real Property Ordinance. [More…]
Did Mrs Gilbert, pre-school officer at Yuendumu, recommend to the Department that the pupils at the school be kept to a maximum of 20 children. [More…]
Was the recommendation agreed to and, if so, what action was taken by the Department to bring buildings up to a proper standard and to provide toilet facilities that would permit all children on the reserve to attend school. [More…]
Did the school contain only one toilet and shower for 24 children and staff. [More…]
Senator MURPHY: To move- That the amendments of the Public Health (Medical and Dental Inspection of School Children) Regulations, as contained in Australian Capital Territory Regulations 1970. [More…]
We understand now that the Minister has given an assurance that he will allow them to practise and exercise their control in the treatment of children’s teeth under the control and guidance of registered dentists. [More…]
For many years we have been crying out about the basic educational needs of the people and their children. [More…]
Everyone knows of the requirements of children, in particular. [More…]
But there is no suggestion of any alleviation of the burden of costs of parents who today will tell you of the burdensome financial requirements in providing dental care and treatment for their children’s teeth. [More…]
Despite their comments about Aboriginal housing and education, you won’t find them engaged in the difficult task of trying to educate these children who live in an environment not conducive to rapid eduction, or attemtping the frustrating task of training Aboriginals to occupy accommodation quite foreign to them, in fact their habitat is not the habitat and their endeavours not the endeavours of the people whom they ‘rubbish’ despite the inference that they have the answers to all these problems. [More…]
In recent years we have had examples of the Government using the taxpayers’ money to inform school children of the Government’s attitude to Australian troops being in Vietnam and giving reasons why Australian conscripts are being called up to serve in Vietnam. [More…]
We know of publications which the Government distributed to school children putting its case on Vietnam. [More…]
With communications the way they are today and with rapid transport, particularly from Indonesia, where there is practically a continuous epidemic of smallpox, I had my children vaccinated or immunised against small-pox because I felt that at any time Australia could be subjected to an outbreak of that disease. [More…]
This afternoon I gave an example of a mother with a number of children who could quite well receive treatment with modern equipment in the surgery of a dentist. [More…]
In this regard I have in mind the case of a Mr Richardson who has 6 children. [More…]
He cannot feed his children. [More…]
He advised me that the construction work which is being carried on at present in relation to a new dam on Thursday Island has necessitated the removal of 2 families - one with 6 children - and may involve up to 5 or 6 families in this area. [More…]
This is the only way in which they will be able to protect the deposits for themselves and their children and, if the mining continues over a number of years, for their children’s children. [More…]
A man on that wage with 4 or 5 children still has to insure with the fund to get benefits. [More…]
To the man with the smaller income, the man who is in need but who does not qualify under the minimum wage standards that we will be discussing later during the course of this debate, this provision can mean a great deal - and not only to him but also to his children. [More…]
I am sure that the Australian community is perfectly willing to make a small contribution that will give all people, including their children, protection against sickness and ensure the security and welfare of families. [More…]
Will the Government make a statement condemning wholesale massacres of innocent men, women and children in Vietnam by the Americans, as alleged in newspaper reports over the last six months; if so, when. [More…]
of the principal Act comes under division 5a which refers to handicapped children in approved handicapped persons homes. [More…]
Handicapped children are under a great disadvantage compared with the normal child in the Australian community and we believe that the handicapped child should not be further deprived of benefit by having the amount of $1.50 included in an Act of this nature when the general provision for all other sections of the community is $2. [More…]
We say that it is an important matter which is in the interests of the handicapped children and 1 have therefore moved the amendment on behalf of the Opposition. [More…]
There is so much that money cannot provide for the handicapped child - that is in terms of a small benefit or subsidy on behalf of the child - and [ would hope that the Commonwealth and the States would be able to develop schemes to assist physically handicapped children which would be much more generous than the payment of$1. [More…]
This benefit has provided very valuable assistance to the parents of handicapped children and is considered to be adequate in the present circumstances and having regard to the Commonwealth’s overall commitments in the field of health. [More…]
The section now under notice refers to the handicapped child who is in a handicapped children’s home where the medical treatment required is not so intensive. [More…]
In our view assistance to the full amount of contributions for standard hospital and medical coverage should be provided by the Commonwealth Government to the head of a family with two dependent children where the family income, exclusive of child endowment, for a defined period, does not exceed the minimum wage payable under Commonwealth awards or the State in which they reside (with appropriate adjustment for assets). [More…]
This amount should be reduced by $4 where there is only one child and by a further $4 where there are no children. [More…]
Similarly where there are more than two dependent children in the family the amount should be increased by $4 for each additional child. [More…]
Therefore, as we read it the Nimmo Committee recommended that a person in this category with more than 2 children should be allowed for assessment purposes an additional $4 per week per child and would obtain health insurance coverage. [More…]
Under such a proposal a person earning $58.50 with 6 dependent children would be entitled to receive some protection, but under the Government’s proposals once a person’s income exceeds $48.50 he has to find the wherewithal for insurance purposes. [More…]
Indeed there could be the anomalous situation of a man earning 558.50 a week with a wife and 6 dependent children to support not coming within the scope of protection whereas under the Government’s present proposal a man earning $42.50 a week with only himself and his wife to maintain would receive coverage. [More…]
If a man in such an income bracket has as dependants a wife and 6 children he still would have to pay $1 a week for medical and hospital insurance, and at the same time he would be obliged to bridge the gap between the common fee specified and the refund received. [More…]
As I mentioned earlier, under the present proposals we may have the anomalous situation that a man who has a wife and 6 children dependent upon him and earns $58 a week is excluded from these categories, whereas a man who earns $42 a week and has only 1 person dependent upon him is roped in. [More…]
Many honourable senators, without any doubt, had a general practitioner deliver their children. [More…]
If honourable senators examine what happened with their families they will find that in most cases general practitioners delivered their children. [More…]
Are the people of this country to be treated like children by being told that the Government does not want to speak about Budget matters before the Budget? [More…]
We shall give capital assistance on a 2 for 1 basis to approved institutions which give training for the various kinds of handicapped children - the blind, the deaf, the spastic, the crippled and the mentally retarded. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government of course provides a subsidy of $1.50 per day in respect of the accommodation away from home of certain handicapped children. [More…]
Insofar as this occurs, it will allow them to devote greater funds towards assisting handicapped children in other ways, lt will, of course, still be possible for a qualified body which receives a capital or maintenance subsidy from the Stats, to receive the Commonwealth subsidy in addition. [More…]
While the measures proposed in the Bill are designed specifically to assist in providing facilities for the training of handicapped children, from pre-school onwards, it is not only the children who will benefit. [More…]
lt is also on these parents that much of the responsibility rests to establish many of the special schools, training centres and hostels that these children need to enable them to live as normal a life as possible. [More…]
No Government could hope to duplicate the type of service that is provided by parents and those who dedicate themselves to supplying the needs of these children because no Government service could supply the love and sympathy and understanding that is every bit as necessary as the classrooms, the play areas and the special equipment that these children require. [More…]
Nevertheless the measures proposed in the Bill will materially help some handicapped children to take their place in the work-force and to join fully in the life of the community; it will help others to enter sheltered employment or al least to become more a part of our society. [More…]
Mr Deputy President, this Bill is a practical measure, lt takes the Commonwealth into a new area of welfare work but it will enable voluntary and religious organisations to improve and expand a service which they have been providing for many years, lt provides Ibr a $2 Federal subsidy for every $1 subscribed from private or local government funds for capital expert- diture on training centres, training equipment and hostels for handicapped children. [More…]
‘Children’ includes both handicapped children under 21 years of age and those who, although over 21 years of age, have received continuous training since childhood. [More…]
I can assure honourable senators that, in the administration of the Act, the Department of Social Services will employ the greatest flexibility, with the aim of providing effective help as soon as possible, while seeing that our resources are genuinely directed to the real needs of these children. [More…]
There are, we estimate, some 50,000 handicapped children under 16 years of age in Australia, including both those who have some physical handicap and those who are mentally retarded. [More…]
Voluntary organisations and religious bodies want to provide a better service for handicapped children and the Commonwealth wants to help them achieve that worthy objective. [More…]
Having regard to my experience of directorships and so on, I think that to suggest that the matter must be handled in this way in order to provide for elasticity and rapidity of change is to treat us as children. [More…]
We are giving away the raw materials which our children and grandchildren will need in the future. [More…]
When will copies of this leaflet be available for the many thousands of tourists and school children who visit the Parliament? [More…]
Has the Minister seen reports that the first Australian science course for primary schools will be introduced in Victoria next year to give primary school children a grounding in several branches of science including physics, chemistry and biology? [More…]
Could this consideration be undertaken in the light of overseas experience which shows that children in their formative years are able to absorb knowledge al a much younger age than was thought to be the case hitherto? [More…]
I put my answer in that form because I would not pretend to answer a question that involves a judgment on curricula or the appropriateness of any instruction for children of any particular age. [More…]
Thu Bill also extends this right to pre-1959 officers serving on 4th June 1969 who have since retired on pension or, if they have died, to their widows or orphan children to whom pensions are being paid. [More…]
1 would like to quote from an article which appeared in the ‘Australian’ of 9th September 1969 which explained the dangers of rubella and the effects it has on new born children. [More…]
Rubella - commonly and wrongfully called German measles - is a mild infection in adults but is considered the greatest single cause of deformity in new born children. [More…]
Hundreds of births of deformed children each year are attributed to rubella infection in these women during early pregnancy. [More…]
Later, Dr Swan of Adelaide and Dr Gregg found that a high proportion of these children, as they became older, was deaf. [More…]
It was noted also at that time that many of the children had other deformities as well. [More…]
The information gathered from those conversations would suggest that, in the minds of those soldiers, Australian servicemen in Vietnam had been engaged in the shooting of civilians including women and children. [More…]
I am raising this matter today because everything that is done under the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill occurs on the say-so of the Secretary of the Department. [More…]
The school desks which were suitable for their fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers are no longer big enough for the young Japanese children of today. [More…]
Therefore we require this second line of defence to give security to our economy, to our standard of living and to our women and children so that the good life that we enjoy may continue. [More…]
The figures I have just given are by way of illustration and are based on afamilyof husband and wife and would vary if the family included one or more dependent children, or conisisted of 1 parent and a child. [More…]
In response to a request by one of the bodies which is concerned with handicapped children, I would ask the Minister whether she will give the assurance expressly here in the Committee of the Senate that the provisions of the Bill extend to cover autistic children. [More…]
I understand perfectly the fear that has been in the minds of some people who are concerned with autistic children because I have worked with them myself and they have approached me also. [More…]
I can assure him thai autistic children will be included among handicapped children. [More…]
I rise to draw the Minister’s attention to the definition of handicapped children in clause 4 and to put forward a submission put to me in the hope that in due course it will receive attention. [More…]
It has been put to me that the institutions, the homes and the people who look after these children receive many of them at a very early age, and that they continue on. [More…]
Perhaps at some later stage when further consideration is given to this measure, consideration could be given not only to extendingthe definition to cover children who have attained the age of 21 years as in the terms of the Bill but also to including a provision thatthe DirectorGeneral shall recognise as handicapped children persons who, by reason of their handicap, require special training or special facilities to be made available to them. [More…]
Senator Dame ANNABELLE RANKIN (Queensland - Minister for Housing) 3.26] - I would like to inform the Senate that where an organisation’s primary purpose is to provide training for handicapped children or to provide residential accommodation for such children, then the fact that organisations were, as an incidental to that primary purpose, providing training or accommodation for a few adults, who do not come within the definition of handicapped children, would not affect their eligibility for assistance under the Bill. [More…]
This Bill provides for a $2 subsidy for every $1 subscribed from private or local government funds for capital expenditure on training institutions for handicapped children. [More…]
The tremendous problem is the recurring expenditure, how to pay the specialised staff - the physiotherapist, the speech therapist, the occupational therapist, the psychologist and the nursing staff at these homes and the staff who visit families who have children in need of care. [More…]
There are also the social welfare workers who assist parents in the education of handicapped children. [More…]
The Minister estimates that there are some 50,000 handicapped children in Australia. [More…]
This is only an estimate, for the Minister for Social Services (Mr Wentworth) in replying to a question in the House of Representatives in May of this year advised that the number of handicapped children in Australia is not known. [More…]
In the latest figures of the World Health Organisation, Australia has an estimated 300,000 mentally retarded children. [More…]
These children are divided into 3 categories - mildly, modestly and severely retarded. [More…]
aspects associated wilh the provision of assistance to handicapped children”. [More…]
I know it affects every person, who could rightly think ‘There but for the grace of God goes one of our children.’ [More…]
This committee of inquiry which we request should report upon every incidence, status and condition of handicapped persons, including children disadvantaged because of physical or mental disability, chronic illness, or injury; and upon the adequacy of existing Commonwealth and State social welfare legislation. [More…]
They did nol want the dynamic provided by the Subnormal Children’s Welfare Association replaced with the impersonality of ihe State. [More…]
They wanted merely: An officer of the Commonwealth Education Department directed to investigate the best overseas methods of conveying some form of instruction to subnormal children; research through the Health Department into the causes of subnormal births; and a grant of 1,000 a year to enable the association to function Federally and a Commonwealth subsidy for capital expenditure on a pound-for-pound basis to erect centres and schools for the children to the limit of 10,000 in any one year. [More…]
if favourable, it could possibly, by strengthening the association’s capacity to care for subnormal children, bring relief from fear and worry to a handful of families scattered throughout Australia. [More…]
1 initiated the discussion of a matter of urgent public importance, namely, the need for a national inquiry into the problems of the mentally retarded children of Australia. [More…]
May I add that the present Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator Anderson, then a New South Wales State member, himself moved an adjournment motion in the New South Wales Parliament back in 1952, and as a result teachers were ultimately provided for retarded children in schools within his area. [More…]
Also, in 1964 a motion was moved by myself for adjournment of the Senate to discuss the need for a national inquiry into the problem of mentally retarded children in Australia. [More…]
Let me here express concern for parents who have known the tragedy of a handicapped child and I believe that proper scientific treatment, which should be available, may be able to bring some benefits to these people I mentioned also that Senator Anderson, when a member of the New South Wales Parliament back in 1952, moved a motion for adjournment of the Legislative Assembly to debate these problems, and that by so doing he was largely responsible for the provision of teachers for retarded children in New South Wales, and particularly in the area that he represented. [More…]
importance, namely, ‘the need for a national inquiry into the problems of mentally retarded children in Australia’, and in the debate on that motion senators on both sides of the house expressed their strong opinions on these issues. [More…]
Autistic children pose a grave problem today. [More…]
It is estimated that there are 1,500 autistic children in Australia. [More…]
I might add that there arc twice as many autistic children as blind children, and more autistic children than deaf children. [More…]
If we can get these children early enough, there is hope that something can possibly be done for them. [More…]
One need only reflect back to one’s early childhood to remember the nasty references we may have made to some children who came along to school who were referred to as dummies. [More…]
Today there is a greater acceptance of these children, and indeed this measure is again pushing ahead Federal assistance for the first time in attempting to build institutions where they can be housed. [More…]
I note that the Director General, where he is satisfied that training is provided or proposed to be provided at any premise for handicapped children who, by reason of their handicap, are in need of training for which special facilities are required and that training so provided or proposed to be provided will meet that need, may for the purposes of this Act assist with the training so provided or proposed. [More…]
I have had some interest over a number of years in this matter as I have been fortunate to have been since 1954 part of the management of the largest school for deaf children in Victoria. [More…]
The Victorian School for Deaf Children was some years ago known as the Victorian Deaf and Dumb Society, and the changed name is again an indication that society has changed its views. [More…]
The Victorian School for Deaf Children carries out the ideas which are proposed to be assisted by this Bill. [More…]
In the housing of children these days I am certain that unless there is a love content present among people who are likely to run the organisation the problems that arise for these children in their later life are made even greater by the fact that, because of their affliction, they must be away from their families, lt brings one to realise that the assistance that may flow in future years from this particular measure is not only assistance for the children but, indeed, for a child being born with some affliction. [More…]
Well, the word does not apply, for instance, if the child is injured in a motor accident, but if the child is born with some affliction - and this is the point that I wish to mention to the Senate - the assistance flows not only to the parents of the child but to the other children who may be within the family or, indeed, to the close relatives and people of the particular family from which the handicapped child comes. [More…]
Also, they have not given sufficient attention to supplying the facilities necessary for those children who may require special schools for the treatment of their illness, whether they be institutions for deaf children, blind children, spastic children or those who have an autistic problem, as was mentioned by Senator Fitzgerald, and certainly those who have multiple sclerosis, who we know need very special care. [More…]
1 wonder whether we are taking sufficient action in relation to the road toll, which undoubtedly today is causing injuries to children who will want the facilities we are talking about. [More…]
We saw the cases overseas involving the birth of deformed children because the mothers were taking thalidomide. [More…]
The result was that handicapped children were born. [More…]
Some of the potents that we have in the community today, and some of the chemicals which are being applied on rural lands and which are flowing into the water that we are likely to drink may result in the birth of handicapped children in the future. [More…]
I am delighted to support the measure which provides assistance for handicapped children. [More…]
While we do not intend to oppose the Bill, we express the opinion that a select committee should be established to inquire into all aspects associated with the provision of assistance to handicapped children. [More…]
lt would appear that the Bill is not wide enough to cover the many questions that Senator Webster raised, such as the prevention, if there is any prevention, of the birth of handicapped children, lt is a fact of life that we are seeing the birth of increasing numbers of handicapped children. [More…]
I think that he is to be congratulated on his understanding of handicapped children over a period of time. [More…]
Senator Webster referred to the necessity to provide these children with love and affection. [More…]
When we apply it to children 1 think we really mean ‘sympathy’. [More…]
I think it could do untold harm to try to raise these handicapped children, who are deserving of sympathy, by treating them differently from other children. [More…]
In the State of South Australia, from which I come, there are government institutions for handicapped children and many of them have specially trained teachers. [More…]
The weakness in the Bill is that it does not make provision for these government institutions which have a responsibility to educate and look after children, whether they are disabled children or otherwise. [More…]
I think it would be a great pity if we reached the stage where there was a tendency for governments to get rid of their responsibility for educating and looking after these children, to hand it over to voluntary organisations, through the governments’ financial inability to make provision for these children. [More…]
lt should be the responsibility of society to look after disabled children. [More…]
It is insufficient, to my mind, for the purpose of honouring our responsibility to disabled children, lt places a disadvantage on disabled children in a depressed area which cannot provide the necessary accommodation, or as good accommodation or schooling, as can a more affluent area in our cities. [More…]
I had an early interest in these children because very many years ago it was one of my voluntary efforts 1 day a week to take the rubella children to a pre-oral kindergarten run by the State for the purpose of trying to rehabilitate these children into society, so that they could perform useful functions in life. [More…]
Those who are concerned - they form an association comprising mostly people with disabled children - have protested against this legislation. [More…]
They are high in praise of the government organisations that are looking after disabled children. [More…]
No Government could hope to duplicate the type of service that is provided by parents and those who dedicate themselves to supplying the needs of these children because no Government service could supply the love and sympathy and understanding that is every bil as necessary as the classrooms, the play areas and the special equipment that these children require. [More…]
I now wish to refer to the people who are most concerned with and are most active in retarded children’s activities. [More…]
I received a letter from a Mrs I. D. Nies, the Secretary of the Mentally Retarded Children’s Association, of Maud Street, Unley, South Australia. [More…]
Mrs Nies, incidentally, is Secretary-Treasurer of the Mentally Retarded Children’s Society of South Australia Incorporated. [More…]
That letter, referring to the proposed Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act 1970 states: [More…]
In South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania the Education Departments have accepted the responsibility to provide free education for all children. [More…]
This assistance is better than nothing at all but falls far short of the standard set by the first named States which provide properly established schools staffed by departmentally trained teachers for all children, handicapped or not. [More…]
All children, without any exception whatsoever, shall be entitled to these rights without distinction or discrimination on account of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether of himself or of his family. [More…]
Of course, a group of parents who have disabled children and who arc interested in the welfare of their children generally collect for such a cause. [More…]
Those purposes do not include the provision of aged persons homes or assistance for disabled children. [More…]
I hope that il may be even further extended to permit the expenditure of money for the purpose of assisting handicapped children. [More…]
We do nol want to get to the stage in South Australia at which provisions for aid for these children in affluent suburbs will be different from those in working class suburbs in which charitable moneys for these purposes are not very readily available. [More…]
I make an earnest appeal to all in the Senate, whether Government or Opposition - for this is not a party matter - to support a thorough inquiry into this question to see whether there is a solution, whether we know all the problems and whether we can contribute anything to preventing an increase in the number of disabled children in our community. [More…]
particularly in relation lo those children whose affliction when they were born seemed to be of a mental character. [More…]
If he asks me to define il, I may have difficulty, but it is the love of parents who I know who have had spastic and even mongol children, and their dedication and refusal to abandon those children to institutions. [More…]
I have seen similar children today who have been able to go to special schools where they have been able to develop other parts of the brain to take over the portion of the brain that has been damaged and, by the time they are 14 or 15 years old, they have grown into what we regard as quite normal people. [More…]
Such children were all regarded as backward or silly and, because nobody tried, there were no successes. [More…]
The caring for handicapped children requires a dedication which many of us as normal human beings, unless we have a personal interest in this subject, are incapable of understanding. [More…]
But once one becomes personally involved in the caring for handicapped children it is a different matter altogether. [More…]
Many a person who is allegedly born normal in the future will owe a great deal to those handicapped children we are assisting at present who some people say were not born normal. [More…]
1 think wc all appreciate what this measure will mean to handicapped children. [More…]
We have all seen the tragedy of children who are born nol so well equipped as other children not being able to take their place in the family circle and in the community at large. [More…]
These young children have had to be trained so that the) can take a part in the community and can live a happier and fuller life. [More…]
We shall give capital assistance on a 2 for I basis lo approved institutions which give training for the various kinds of handicapped children. [More…]
1 think it is a very good thing that a Bill of this nature should come before the Senate because not only will it result in the provision of the assistance outlined in the Bill but it also gives us an opportunity to express our appreciation to the dedicated people who have served in this field and given the love, affection and care which is so necessary in assisting handicapped children. [More…]
One or two points were raised by honourable senators - 1 think 1 would be right if I said that they were raised mainly by Senator Cavanagh, although Senator Fitzgerald did touch upon them - in connection wilh the voluntary organisations and the State schools and organisations which are assisting handicapped children. [More…]
I have been supplied wilh information which indicated that in all States there are voluntary organisations which assume some responsibility for the training and accommodation of handicapped children, including those below school agc and others of school agc who are classified as non-educable by the Slate authority. [More…]
This Bill will reduce the need for the States to provide capital subventions to voluntary bodies to allow them to devote more funds towards assisting handicapped children in other ways. [More…]
Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill 1970 [More…]
The benefits that will stem from this measure are virtually incalculable and cannot fail to give new heart to all groups who have striven for so long to give handicapped children a chance to live as well as they can. [More…]
The Government has already set up an interdepartmental committee comprising officers of the Departments of Social Services, Health, and Education and Science to survey the extent of handicapped children and the facilities available to them. [More…]
I think it is important that honourable senators should be aware of the existence of that committee which is carrying out a survey of handicapped children and the facilities available to them. [More…]
The benefits that will stem from this measure are virtually incalculable and cannot fail to give new heart to all groups, who have striven for so long, to give handicapped children a chance to live as well as they can. [More…]
Even now, that $30,000 does not meet the serious cases and in an ordinary common law action in the courts it would be common for a young working /nan who is injured - and his widow and children if he is killed - to recover more than $30,000. [More…]
The amendments envisaged by this Bill include an increase in the weekly rate of compensation for a seaman from $28.15 to $31.80 and increases in weekly rates from $6.80 to $7.70 for a seaman’s wife and from $2.50 to $2.80 for each of a seaman’s children. [More…]
The honourable senator referred to a report concerning a man who recently came here with his brother’s wife and two children as British assisted migrants. [More…]
The 2 children were put forward as the man’s own children. [More…]
The man and woman and her two children travelled to Australia with the type of document of identity normally used by assisted migrants. [More…]
The following actions have been taken: - Additional positions of hygiene supervisor, supervisor family services, nursing sisters, a’nd assistant kitchen supervisor have been added to the settlement staff; - The Department of Health has provided additional Health Inspectors to service the settlements and mission stations; - a new kitchen/dining room unit, a home management centre and an infant welfare centre have been built; - 65 houses with an appropriate number of laundry, toilet and ablution blocks have been erected for Aboriginal families; - The hospital has been renovated and improved; - A substantially improved water supply has been installed; - A water-borne sewerage scheme for the settlement is scheduled for early construction and funds have been set aside for this purpose; - Health education is being stressed in the school and adult education programme; sisters of the Health Department are assisting with infant welfare and health education programmes; - A research project into the incidence of deaths amongst children at Yuendumu is being undertaken by the Australian National University and the Adelaide University in conjunction with the Welfare Branch of the Administration. [More…]
A commodity such as dairy produce is essential, particularly for children, and the family man will be asked to pay more not only in prices but also in taxation. [More…]
This would provide the widow with $100 per week with which to support herself and her children. [More…]
So, a widow in such circumstances is expected to try to educate her children on $12,000. [More…]
Surely also the problems of rearing children must be different in respect of each man. [More…]
The wives and children of those persons are not catered for suitably. [More…]
Notwithstanding all the mental strain and anguish caused by the death of her husband she is faced at the end of 2 years with the difficulty of sustaining herself and perhaps her children. [More…]
Mrs Biggs, however, wished to remain in Australia in the interests of her children’s future. [More…]
In the present case the 2 children were taken away from their father in Britain without his consent or knowledge. [More…]
He has naturally most strongly protested and is demanding the return of his children to him in Britain. [More…]
Has not the action taken been influenced largely by other considerations, such as the father’s request in relation to the children? [More…]
Whatever the rights or wrongs in this complicated situation, surely if the interests of the children are to be taken into account the paramount consideration should be the welfare of those children. [More…]
Would this not be a belter course than summarily to order the deportation of the children, one not knowing really whether in the long run this is in the interests of the children? [More…]
In view of the Press reports that Mrs Taylor is said to have been living apart from her husband for 12 months and also that her husband will be initiating legal proceedings in regard to the children, would it not be more appropriate to arrange for an adjustment of the fares in respect of these people and then to allow the legal proceedings to be taken by the husband overseas? [More…]
Surely, from what she has already said the action of the Department of Immigration is largely influenced by considerations as to what has happened between the husband and the wife and the position of the children, and not merely by the misrepresentation and entry. [More…]
However, I ask this question: As the Government has been so solicitous for the children of Mrs Biggs - and I am grateful that it has been because 1 think the children ought to be kept with their mother - why differentiate and say that the children in the Taylor case ought to be kept with their father and that therefore the mother has to go through a life that neither the Minister nor I can envisage? [More…]
Is it not clear from what the Minister has said that a decision is being made on moral grounds, or on the ground of what is the proper thing to be done for the children? [More…]
Is that not the kind of decision which ought to be made by the courts which traditionally, here and in England, have always acted as the guardians of children? [More…]
Would this not be better than the Commonwealth arrogating to itself the decision as to what is the proper order which ought to be made in respect of the children? [More…]
Is it not time the Department of Immigration refrained from using discretionary powers to make decisions of this nature that ought to be made by the courts nf the land which are the guardians of the children? [More…]
In view of the fact that Mrs Taylor and her children are being deported because of a legal defect in regard to her coming to Australia and bearing in mind that the father desires the children, does the Minister know whether any investigations have been made as to Mrs Taylor herself? [More…]
Also, in view of the fact that she is reported to have lived apart from her husband for 12 months, have any investigations been made as lo whether the father of the children has kepi the children during that period or been associated with them in any way? [More…]
If, on investigation into the Taylor case, it is found that Mrs Taylor has been separated from her husband for a period and that legal proceedings have been instituted to establish custody of the children, will the Minister stand the case over until such time as both matters have been clarified? [More…]
ls it the Government’s intention to deport Mrs Biggs or to keep her and her innocent children in Australia in the hope that they will remain gaol bait for their father? [More…]
It might spend some money on their temporary domicile in some hostel but for every person the Commonwealth brings here the responsibility is on the State to provide him with housing and employment and, if he is married, to provide his children with schooling. [More…]
Payment of housekeeping allowances and the children’s pocket money is not exempted under the provisions of the schedule. [More…]
We have reached the stage today where if a married man who has a wife and 2 children receives an increase in his wages, whether it be by arbitration, direct action or over award payments, he is no better off a fortnight after receiving the increase because rising prices, over which we have no control, have swallowed up whatever increase he gets. [More…]
At that time, when events were burning themselves into the brains of those who were experiencing hardship as a result of the depression and when men were out of work, women were worried and children were hungry, Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes was in charge of State relief. [More…]
All sections of the rural community are very much concerned about the economic situation that confronts them, the economic welfare of their families and future job opportunities for their children. [More…]
In this chamber there has already been a suggestion that the question of mentally and physically retarded children should be referred to a select committee of the Senate. [More…]
They are concerned also at the lack of someone on the island trained in first aid, for amongst the Island people are aged and invalids as well as families with young children and babies. [More…]
No attempt is made in the Budget to provide the finance necessary to give our children the opportunity for education to which they are entitled as a basic human right. [More…]
Our children will continue to have fewer educational opportunities than those of other industrialised countries. [More…]
In the United States and Japan a significantly higher percentage of children enter and complete secondary school courses, more receive a university education and more undergo technical training than in Australia. [More…]
Our performance in the education of Aboriginal children is shameful. [More…]
If the period for repayment is lengthened enough the person making the repayments may die and his debt will fall on his widow and children. [More…]
The Government has not even looked at the position of people who have 4 or 5 children. [More…]
A married man with 4 children will be 40c a week better off. [More…]
Most people in the community do not need a telephone for business purposes but have it installed because they have elderly mothers or married children living in another suburb or another town. [More…]
Child endowment should bc increased to $3.50 a week for the third child and $4.50 a week for a fourth and subsequent children, and tax deductions for dependent children should be dropped. [More…]
Representations have been made to members of this Parliament by groups of people throughout the country pointing out that it seemed hardly proper that people should have to pay tax on baby powder and not on dog powder, that they should pay tax on biscuits used to feed children and not on dog biscuits. [More…]
Records at the Alice Springs Hospital show that four seriously ill children were flown from that hospital during January 1970. [More…]
Only one of these children was an Aboriginal and the child concerned was not from Yuendumu. [More…]
How many children from the Reserve have died each year since establishment, and what were the causes of death. [More…]
That at the end of the motion there be added: “, but the Senate is of the opinion that a Committee of the Senate should inquire into and report upon all aspects associated with the provision of assistance to handicapped children”. [More…]
We must undertake the task of assisting those affected, their families and the many organisations which are engaged in the work of helping the afflicted, be they adults or children. [More…]
There is much to be done for the autistic children, those suffering from dyslexia - those requiring speech training and speech therapy - and the mongoloids. [More…]
The Minister for Social Services (Mr Wentworth) estimates that there are some 50,000 handicapped children in Australia. [More…]
The number of handicapped children in Australia is not known. [More…]
It has been claimed by a reliable authority that the latest figures of the World Health Organisation show that Australia could have up to an estimated 300,000 retarded children. [More…]
I wish to refer to an extract from ‘Trends in the Social Situation of Children’. [More…]
In a report on children by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 8th January 1970 it was stated that there could be 300,000 mentally retarded children in Australia. [More…]
Those children are divided into 3 categories: Mildly, moderately, and severely. [More…]
In fact I hope that the estimate of the Minister as to handicapped children is correct. [More…]
1 personally requested this information from these departments prior to speaking on the second reading of the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill 1970 on 11th June this year. [More…]
I have letters from Mr C. H. Watt, the Managing Editor of Australian Children Ltd; from the Wheelchair and Disabled Association of Australia; from Miss Jean Garside, the Executive Director of the Australian Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled; from His Grace, Archbishop Carroll; from the Australian College of Speech Therapists; from the Speech Therapy Training School at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children; from Professor L. H. Stevens. [More…]
Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Chairman of the Division of Neonatal Paediatrics at the University of New South Wales; from the Autistic Children’s Association of New South Wales; and from numerous other organisations which I could go on naming for a long time. [More…]
No doubt it has existed since children were first born. [More…]
In my view, as I have said previously, this is one of the most important matters to be dealt with by the Senate because it may help so many children already born and so many yet unborn. [More…]
He has shown great concern for the relief of mentally and physically handicapped children. [More…]
In one case he has asked that a Senate select committee investigate the whole question of mentally and physically handicapped children in the community. [More…]
Physically and mentally handicapped children should have their problems examined. [More…]
That responsible body of people who are dedicated to the teaching of our children has been able to make that pungent statement. [More…]
They have worked to give their children a better chance in life than they had themselves. [More…]
On the subject of education let mc read portion of a letter which was sent by teachers at the Blakehurst High School in Blakehurst, a middle class area of Sydney, to the parents of children attending that school. [More…]
Is it any wonder that teachers, parents and children are crying out for a greater share in the equity of this country? [More…]
Exactly 2 years ago I raised the question of trying to prevent accidents to young children under the age of 5 years. [More…]
Many children are brought to the public hospitals of Australia suffering from poisoning as a result of their obtaining tablets from containers. [More…]
In those 2 years nearly 3,000 babies and children under the age of 5 years have been admitted to our public hospitals in Australia suffering from poisoning as a result of ingesting medical tablets. [More…]
Approximately 3,000 children have been admitted to hospital because of poisoning as a result of the ingestion of medical tablets and capsules. [More…]
Some brilliant children might be able to do so, but at least the bulk of them would not be able to do so. [More…]
So we have case after case admitted to our children’s hospitals because the Minister would not take action. [More…]
Of course it is the fault of the parents for not putting their drugs away, but in every household these things happen and when elderly people are careless about their tablets children will get at them. [More…]
But it does not matter how the children manage to get the tablets; the point is that this was a preventable disease. [More…]
The National Health and Medical Research Council, upon whom this matter was thrust, stated straight out that it recognised the need for increased education in the prevention of accidental poisoning and it commended the use of tablet containers which would not readily be opened by young children. [More…]
Would the honourable senator rather use the triangles or would he rather thai his children took drugs? [More…]
There should be a vote of no confidence in the Minister for Health over his handling of the affairs of his Department, lt is outrageous that for 2 years the Minister did nothing about the problem of children being poisoned with drugs and medicines to which they should not have had access, lt was only on 5th August 1970 that the Minister sent a memorandum to pharmacists about this matter. [More…]
That is a right which the school children, such as those who are in the public galleries at the present time, are taught in their school books was one of the great rights that have come down not only from the British heritage but also from ancient Greece and other places. [More…]
In July 1964, after the circumstances of Barry McKenzie’s departure had come to notice, passport procedures were amended to require the production of a full birth certificate, which names the parents of the child, when persons seek to have the names of children included in their passports at the time of issue or added subsequently. [More…]
Children are born into a situation which is already one of chronic economic, social and intellectual disadvantage. [More…]
In short, the children of the poor - and this is to be found in areas of Sydney in particular, and in Melbourne, in some areas of Adelaide, to a lesser extent in Brisbane and perhaps even to a lesser extent in Perth - are trapped in a circle of poverty. [More…]
I know a little about this survey because it concerns my own child and children of friends of mine, lt has been found that scholarships were going to children of families which could economically afford to send their kiddies through secondary school and on to university. [More…]
The children of the unskilled have not the same opportunities for enlightenment as those whose parents have had the advantage of secondary education and tertiary education. [More…]
If you do get married you should continue to work and have no children. [More…]
Do not make the mistake of getting married first and having .children because housing costs are such that you will never be able to obtain a home.’ [More…]
Flat owners seem to object to having as tenants couples who have children, so of necessity a family man who does not own a home must rent a house. [More…]
But it is of little use to the wife and 3 children of an unemployed man to know that the family would be getting more money to meet their needs if the husband was an invalid or a TPI pensioner. [More…]
In effect, it has not recognised the existence of families; rather it has tended to place importance on large scale and expensive immigration programmes and deprive Australia of the best source of population - that is the children born in this country. [More…]
The biggest problem arises with mothers with young children who require the use of taxis. [More…]
It has no relationship to dependent children, to special .aid, to mothers and guardians allowances or to such things as are in this Budget in relation to the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act which will provide a capital cost subsidy for accommodation. [More…]
I am the first to recognise that that would not be the taxable income, so we need to deduct such things as the allowances for children and for education. [More…]
SO a week has a wife and 2 children and receives deductions for dependants, rates and taxes and the other things that are reasonably accepted as deductible, his deductions could quite easily total $500 or $600. [More…]
Senator Murphy said: _ No attempt is made in the Budget to provide the finance necessary to give our children the opportunity for education to which they are entitled as a basic human right. [More…]
Our children will continue to have fewer educational opportunities than those of other industrialised countries. [More…]
In/the United States and Japan a significantly higher percentage of children enter and complete secondary school courses, more receive a university education and more undergo technical training than in Australia. [More…]
The article also stated that children were being forced to leave schools and colleges. [More…]
Let us consider the case of a family man who has a wife and 4 children and receives $60 per week. [More…]
But it is the first family man who requires more assistance, the family man with 4 or 5 children who is on a low income. [More…]
I believe that the Commissioner of Taxation in assessing the returns submitted by these people should grant greater rebates for each of the children dependent upon them. [More…]
The man on the land has Fewer social and recreational opportunities and a lack of access to tertiary education for his children. [More…]
Undoubtedly the education of our citizens, particularly the education of our young citizens and children will be one of the great contributing factors. [More…]
If this report lies in a school library children will be attracted to it, persuaded to look at it and maybe persuaded to identify themselves with the campaign which attempts have been made to launch. [More…]
I should add, of course, that where a pensioner has dependent children the income limits I have quoted above are still further increased as is the property limit for ‘single’ pensioners. [More…]
The increase of 50 cents per week will apply to all widow pensioners, so that a B Class widow - that is a widow aged 50 to 60 and without dependent children - will now receive $13.75 per week plus, where applicable, Supplementary Assistance of $2 per week. [More…]
For a Class ‘A’ widow - that is a widow with dependent children - the position will be: [More…]
In addition, there will be an extra $2 per week if any one of the children is under 6 years of age or an invalid, plus, of course, child endowment at ordinary rates in all cases. [More…]
The Third Schedule will be amended to provide increases of 60c per week for the first child of an ex-serviceman, who dies from war causes, and 75c for the second and subsequent children. [More…]
Paragraph (b) of that clause pro vides, in respect of children whose father, having been an Australian mariner coming under the Act, is dead, for an increase of $1.20 in the fortnightly rate of pension for the first child, making the rate $12 for that child, and for an increase of $1.50 to the rate of $10 for each other child. [More…]
The great tragedy is that of the widow with children. [More…]
Under present conditions how can these children ever rise above the poverty line? [More…]
The number of dependent children totalled 43,904. [More…]
These unfortunate children are condemned to face problems of hardship throughout their lives. [More…]
Right now the means test should not be applied to widows with children. [More…]
I make a plea on behalf of the children of widows. [More…]
In 1964 a change was made for third and subsequent children, and in 1967 for fourth and subsequent children. [More…]
In 1945 and 1948 the Curtin and Chifley Labor Governments instituted payment of 10s a week for children after the first child. [More…]
They are saving perhaps to buy a house, maybe to get married, maybe to raise a family and educate their children. [More…]
There is a guardian allowance for pensioners with children. [More…]
In 1956 television licence concessions for pensioners and additional pensions for second and subsequent children were introduced. [More…]
In 1965 the Government introduced the fantastic guardian’s allowance for pensioners with children. [More…]
The backlash of all this is that the taxpayer can claim allowances for children attending school - for uniforms, costs of transport and so on. [More…]
I have said publicly previously, and I say again, that the Government is driving some of these women to a desperate position where rather than see their children starve they will sell their bodies for a night a week. [More…]
There is a minority of women who will do this before they will see their children starve. [More…]
Probably children also are involved in these circumstances but the Government says that these wives need only about half the amount given to husbands in order to keep body and soul together. [More…]
Compare the situation of those people with that of a man with 3 or 4 children whom he had educated and who, because he has contributed to a superannuation scheme at. [More…]
He receives his wage, with which in theory he is expected to keep a wife and 2 or more children. [More…]
As I understand it, the original concept was a wife and 2 children. [More…]
As I recall it, Senator Keeffe relied upon basically the same figures in speaking of the costs faced by mothers in clothing children for school. [More…]
It is good enough for my children and no doubt for great numbers of school children in this country. [More…]
That old system very substantially reduces the costs involved in clothing school children. [More…]
The figures cited by Senator Keeffe are quite unreal because they are based on the supposition that every parent of school children buys new clothing for each child and that no school child s ever accepts hand-me-down clothing from a brother or cousin to be worn for as long as it fits and then passed on to somebody else. [More…]
Of course, the basic wage to which Senator Rae referred was based on the needs of a family unit of a man and his wife and their 2 children. [More…]
This meant that those couples who had more than 2 children had to curtail some of their expenditure and live somewhat cheaper than a man who had only his wife and 2 children to support. [More…]
But the family unit with less than 2 children, including the single man, received a higher income and did somewhat better out of the basic wage which was determined from time to time according to cost of Irving figures. [More…]
The Chifley Government introduced the child endowment system in order to give some justice to those couples who had more than 2 children. [More…]
The family on a low income - even a family whose breadwinner has had constant work, on a tradesman’s wage with a tow margin- employs its income perhaps in the rearing of 3 or 4 children. [More…]
Since the rearing of children is expensive, this leaves the family nothing to save. [More…]
Perhaps they live in an impoverished furnished home until such time as the children grow up and go out to work to supplement the income of the home. [More…]
When the children get married, if the father is still young enough to work, he may have some opportunity to save a few bob. [More…]
But possibly the parents will spend money more lavishly on presents for the grandchildren than they were capable of spending on their own children. [More…]
Would anyone condemn them for this expenditure on the grandchildren? [More…]
If a son or daughter has had an unfortunate marriage and finds it hard to get along - and this is happening in all of these working class homes with 3 or 4 children - the parents contribute to help them along. [More…]
While most adults would be aware that these matches and the gimmicks used are faked, does the Minister agree that such exhibitionism should not be shown at 12.30 p.m. on Sundays when large numbers of children would no doubt be viewing this programme? [More…]
I read Senator Keeffe’s statement and I gave him the benefit of this interpretation: that he said there would be widows who, because of their economic consequences, would be forced into the situation where they may have to resort to immoral practices in order to sustain the children who are their responsibility. [More…]
Speaking of widows, 11 remind the Senate that it was this Government which introduced the mother’s allowance and the additional payment for the second and subsequent children. [More…]
I know that these payments have been of assistance to widows who are caring for their children. [More…]
the repatriation field there ought to be a proper compensation basis for people who are disabled because of their war service and particularly for the widows and orphaned children of ex-servicemen. [More…]
But the Government says: ‘All we are prepared to do is, on each occasion on which the general economy and the financial position of the country are considered, to see what we can do in respect of the pensions for ex-servicemen disabled people, their widows and their orphaned children’. [More…]
Secondly - and equally importantly - there are the widows and the children of the deceased ex-servicemen. [More…]
I do not want my children’s children to be going to the war in Vietnam. [More…]
I want no children of Australians to be forced into the war in Vietnam, and by my actions in marching in the procession I believe I displayed my sincere beliefs. [More…]
He said that he was called up for service in the Second World War but that he applied to be relieved of his responsibility to go to that war because he was running a farm and because he had some children to look after. [More…]
The Third Schedule will be amended to provide increases of 60c per week for the first child of an ex-serviceman, who dies from war causes, and 75c for the second and subsequent children. [More…]
Will the Minister institute an inquiry into the statement of the learned judge that the accused had ‘succumbed quickly to the urge to inflict violence, but this was something he had been taught’, and the further statement to the accused ‘that the way you killed your victim with your bare hands was something that the Army encouraged you to learn’, if so, and if an inquiry finds the Army was in any degree to blame, will appropriate compensation be paid to the orphaned children of the dead woman. [More…]
We are not so much children of nature surely that we will expect firms to accept those charges and not pass them on to the public. [More…]
In view of the fact that, during 1969, at least 1,500 children under the age of five were taken to hospital with poisoning as the result of the ingestion of medical tablets and capsules, why are the Minister and the Department of Health so dilatory in taking any action which would have helped prevent these accidents, as this problem as first brought to their notice in September 1968. [More…]
The latest available statistics from the National Poisons Service are a clear indication that accidental poisoning of young children continues to be avery real problem in Australia. [More…]
It is realised of course that the main remedy to this problem is in the hands of parents and there can be no adequate replacement of strict parental care in ensuring that dangerous substances are kept in secure places away from children. [More…]
Council made the following statement: “Council continues to be concerned at the incidence of poisoning in young children. [More…]
During 1969, 3,615 cases of poisoning in children under the age of 5 years were reported to the National Poisons Service, 40 per cent of which were due to tablets and capsules. [More…]
Council recognises the need for increased education in the prevention of acci dental poisoning, stressing in particular the need to keep all poisonous substances, whether drugs or preparations for household use, in places inaccessible to children. [More…]
Council commends the use of tablet containers that cannot readily be opened by young children.” [More…]
important in the education and training of children, to pay additional postage for their distribution. [More…]
I have not perused the actual section for some time but a provision of the nature referred to by the honourable senator was inserted, long before the Life Insurance Act, in life insurance legislation in order to prevent parents profiting from the death of very junior children. [More…]
Is Child Endowment paid continuously to approved institutions in respect of Aboriginal children who are inmates, and is the continuity of payment not broken, even when the children return to their parents during school vacation periods. [More…]
Will the Minister take appropriate steps to ensure that Child Endowment payments are paid to the mothers during the period when such Aboriginal children are not actually residents ‘ of institutions. [More…]
Does the recent Commonwealth Public Service Board policy decision to limit cadetships to applicants with first year university attendances, discriminate against children of low-income families. [More…]
Most of them are married people with families, and there are very, very limited education facilities available to their children. [More…]
Quite obviously this is an extreme burden on families with young children, and it is particularly strenuous for the women. [More…]
Although many of these programmes attract the young audience it is clear that in family viewing time there are unused opportunities for developing a wider range of Australian programmes of both an entertaining and informative character to interest children and adolescents. [More…]
The Leader of the Government in the Senate (Senator Sir Kenneth Anderson), who represents the Treasurer (Mr Bury) in this chamber, will recall that I objected strongly to the fact that 15 per cent sales tax was being imposed on children’s school books. [More…]
The Government is refusing to give this information either because it has been hoodwinked by its high level technical officers or because it is deliberately suppressing information that ought to be made available because it wants to suppress the information and because it fears that the fallout could have a long term effect on the nation’s children and on generations yet to come. [More…]
(Under the present system of imposing excise charges and sales tax it is the family man with children who pays the most tax. [More…]
Will the Minister agree that such a gesture, especially if the payments are to be additional to those which might be received by way of mitigation, might help to provide better security for the children .mci widows of those killed? [More…]
The Social Services Act provides for the grant of child andowment to persons having the custody, care and control of children and to approved institutions of which children are inmates. [More…]
ls the Minister for Works speaking to children? [More…]
A man on the same income but with a wife and 2 children dependent upon him will receive a reduction of only S39.44 a year or 70c a week. [More…]
A man on the same income but with a wife and 2 children dependent upon him will make a saving of only $87.65 a year or $1.60 a week. [More…]
A man on the average weekly earnings but with a wife and 2 children dependent upon him will make a saving of only $51.28 a year or $1 a week. [More…]
For many if has been a necessity to pay off their homes, cars and furniture, and a struggle to keep their children at school to obtain a better education. [More…]
He is a man who has lived in this country for many years, was married to a lady who was born in this country and whose children were brought up in this country. [More…]
How many children are in receipt of allowances as a result of the loss of their father in the same War. [More…]
Have any widows or children received other forms of compensation. [More…]
(4)I presume that theother forms of compensation referred to by the honourable senator are payments under the Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act and the Commonwealth Employees’ Compensation Act.I am not aware of the numbers of widows and children receiving payments under that legislation. [More…]
It shows that there are 4,027,000 taxpayers in the $417 to $4,000 income range and that they have 874,000 wives and 989.000 first children and student children. [More…]
People in receipt of incomes up to $10,000 a year would probably be in the process of buying their own homes and would have children going to school. [More…]
They would have to buy footwear which would not last those children very long. [More…]
I am not contesting the justice of that principle, but a spinster could be working in a job side by side with a married man who has five or six children and they both receive the same income. [More…]
No-one could tell me that there should not be a generous provision for that man for the maintenance of his wife and children. [More…]
At present provision is made for special treatment of applications for leases from schools, charities, home for handicapped children and the like. [More…]
The last annual report of the New South Wales Housing Commission shows that the number of applicant families with one or more children totalled 13,244; the number of elderly person applicants totalled 2.689; elderly couple applicants totalled 700; couples without children applicants totalled 2.415. [More…]
A widow with one child will receive $22 a week and a widow without any children will receive $13.75 a week. [More…]
1 would like to know how a widow without children can get by on $13.75 a week if she has to pay in excess of this amount in rental. [More…]
Reference is also made to widowed pensioners with children. [More…]
At present these allowances are being paid for 35,700 children at an estimated cost for 1970-71 of S5.6m. [More…]
The domestic allowance for a repatriation widow is$8; the mothers allowance is$6 or $4 depending on numbers and health of children under the social services scale. [More…]
For the third and subsequent children a repatriation widow receives$3. [More…]
50 as compared with $5 paid for the same children of a repatriation widow. [More…]
If the children are between 14 and 16 years of age it is $3.80 and if between 16 and 18 years of age or up to the time of matriculation it is $7.28. [More…]
A widow without children and over 50 years of age receives $15.50 and the domestic allowance is $8. [More…]
The social services widow receives no education allowance for children between 12 and 18 years or up to time of matriculation. [More…]
To take home $69, a married man with 2 children must earn just over $80 and claim family allowances week by week . [More…]
Senator Poyser was right when he said that the 21 school children whom he was showing through Parliament House - I do not know what grades they were- [More…]
If they were of matriculation standard Senator Poyser has a genuine complaint in that the accommodation available did nol allow him to introduce those school children to this new and very detailed aspect, of parliamentary work. [More…]
He has completely rehabilitated himself in society and has been struggling to make a living since and to keep his wife and 4 children on the royalties from his book. [More…]
If one goes to Melbourne today one will see the whole of the centre of the city encircled by blocks of flats up to 20 storeys high, in which families are to live, in which the facilities are poor, in which the recreation facilities are almost nonexistent in relation to the numbers of people who live in the flats and in which assistance to young mothers in the form of creches and facilities for looking after their children at pre-school centres are almost non-existent. [More…]
The proof of that is the 20-storey high rise units that are now being built in that area to house families and people with young children who are not able to live in a normal suburban home and enjoy the kind of life that we believe everybody should enjoy. [More…]
These are blocks of units in which as many as 2,000 or 3,000 people are living, where everybody is in everybody else’s kitchen, where the people on low incomes are worrying because they have nowhere to leave their children and nobody to look after them. [More…]
The investigators said: ‘We are overwhelmed by the huge problem which will face parents of children to be housed in this area.’ [More…]
In 1972, Fitzroy’s main Housing Commission development area would house 1,560 children. [More…]
About 720 children would be of pre-school age. [More…]
About 550 people, including 206 children, were displaced by the Commission’s development,’ the report says. [More…]
A City Council creche formerly in the area had taken 55 children. [More…]
The sister in charge of the creche has already turned away 70 children,’ the report says. [More…]
The number of children alone was more than double the total number of displaced people. [More…]
The two children left on their own in high-rise flats hung on the creche gales and gazed sadly at others playing inside. [More…]
She said the Apex Club’s report that she had turned away 70 children from the Fitzroy highrise estate was correct. [More…]
The report says that in 1972 there could be 720 pre-school children living in the estate and the creche catered for only 65 youngsters. [More…]
At the moment, we have room for only six children from the Housing Commission’s estate,’ she said. [More…]
I know that some parents go out to work and leave young children on their own all day,’ Sister Paine said. [More…]
Would any honourable senator in this chamber by choice take a wife and 3 children into a 20-sloried concrete building? [More…]
At the same time their children are either being minded by their in-laws or, unfortunately, in a great number of instances are allowed to roam the streets until their parents come home from work. [More…]
Some of them are staying and are endeavouring to eke out a living for themselves and their children, but many of them have to move off their farms. [More…]
How many children from the Palm Island Aboriginal Reserve in Queensland are eligible by age to apply for a Commonwealth Secondary School Scholarship. [More…]
How many children have applied for this Scholarship. [More…]
How many Scholarships have actually allotted to these children. [More…]
Is it a fact that Government policy prevents assisted passages being granted to coloured persons; if so, does this same policy apply to a person of European blood and colour, who is a British subject and has an Indian wife and three children who are all British subjects. [More…]
Is the Minister also aware that for many children, especially children of poverty, lack of intellectual stimulus pre-ordains failure in later life? [More…]
Without doubt it affects the quality of the lives that will be led by their children. [More…]
The children are brought up in a bad environment. [More…]
Is it a fact that Government policy prevents assisted passages being granted to coloured persons; if so, does this same policy apply to a person of European blood and colour, who is a British subject and has an Indian wife and 3 children who are all British subjects. [More…]
Of course, this means that if they have a family, this stigma of racial prejudice is passed on to the children of that family. [More…]
There is provision for the entry to Australia for residence of the non-European spouse, unmarried minor children, aged parents and fiance or fiancee of an Australian citizen or of persons having resident status in this country. [More…]
But we are faced with an application by a British person whose only crime is that he has seen fit to marry a person of another race and that he has children. [More…]
Other countries judge us rightly if we make a decision on such a case that the man cannot come for no other reason than that be happens to be married to a person of a different race and that he has children who are of mixed race. [More…]
It illustrates the Government’s fear of one man, his wife who is of a different race and his children who are of mixed race, ls it not true that in 30. [More…]
40 or 50 years the wife will be longer be here, and if the children come here they will most likely be intermingled with people of our race? [More…]
The answer is obviously a flat ‘no’ in relation to a European who has married a non-European and then has children. [More…]
I presume the one or more in this case would be the wife and the 3 children. [More…]
It is a disgraceful situation when, because he chose somebody he desired to spend the rest of his life with and because he chose to have a family and bring young children into this community, the Government says ‘No’ because the colour of his wife’s skin is different, and because the colour of his children’s skin will be different, from the colour of his own. [More…]
The honourable senator spoke later concerning the wife or children of a European migrant. [More…]
I inform the honourable senator that entry of the wife or children of a European migrant is not denied because they are not fully European, but an assisted passage is not normally granted to them. [More…]
The bar has been imposed for no other reason than that this man married an Indian girl and there are 3 children of the marriage. [More…]
These are married women with school children, and during school holidays these ladies are given leave without pay to care for their children. [More…]
Some of them have an obvious aptitude for European languages, and it seems to me that recruitment to the Department of External Affairs staff should show a reasonable intake of children of post-war migrants. [More…]
In addition, if both the husband and wife die and there are children under the age of 16 years left the pension is drastically reduced and there is not sufficient to maintain the children or keep them at school until such time as they can receive a reasonable education. [More…]
Educational facilities for the children of servicemen. [More…]
The disruption of family life, including children’s schooling, which these practices cause is a prime element, I believe, in the resignation of Service personnel and failure to re-engage. [More…]
One important aspect is the frequency of postings involving a change’ of location which is of particular concern to the married member with children at school. [More…]
States of America where for a long time those people who were in favour of the subjugation of the black population argued that IQ tests in a number of schools showed that Negro children had a lower IQ than that of white children. [More…]
The first concerns pre-school education - kindergarten and other forms of education which are given to very young children. [More…]
The children of Japan on a per capita basis at every stage get better educational opportunities than the children of Australia. [More…]
It is not only that their children are getting the education that they deserve as individuals, but this finds a result in the productivity of the country. [More…]
We are all aware of the disgraceful conditions under which children in our community are getting education. [More…]
Then one goes to other schools where the children are receiving the kind of education that they no doubt deserve. [More…]
That is an example of inequality of opportunity being exacerbated and aggravated by this Government instead of the inequalities being modified in an endeavour to give children a fair go as far as governments can do. [More…]
Children differ in their abilities. [More…]
They should investigate the needs of all schools and of all children and they should recommend grants to be made according to those needs to meet the demands of proper education for children throughout Australia and on the basis of certain needs and priorities. [More…]
the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children - [More…]
To realise the tremendous nervous strain being placed on people who live in areas adjacent to the airport - I refer particularly to young children - one has only to sit in homes in suburbs like Kyeemagh, Bexley, Rockdale, Marrickville, Randwick and other nearby suburbs. [More…]
With this went the power to declare under the act any of the children of assisted Aborigines if they hadnot attained or not apparently attained 17 years of age (S.19). [More…]
It is difficult to see how a man can keep his wife and, perhaps six children on $10.00 a week. [More…]
see Dr Stewart, Department of Childrens Health) is hardly surprising. [More…]
In the so-called settlement areas that are allocated to Aboriginals outside most Queensland country towns, particularly in the western areas, we find fairly large numbers of children. [More…]
A percentage of the children, probably as high as 60 per cent, show signs of either malnutrition or all the other kiddies’ disease that catch up with youngsters who are forced to live in ill-ventilated homes. [More…]
First of all, we could improve the health of Aboriginal children. [More…]
Aboriginal children just cannot keep up with white children in the school or with other Aboriginal children who are receiving a better diet. [More…]
Secondly, having provided Aboriginal children with some sort of an education, the next big problem is to provide job opportunities for them, because they are not being provided. [More…]
The number of Aboriginal youngsters undergoing secondary education represents a very tiny fraction of the total number of Aboriginal children who ought to be receiving lt. [More…]
I think that throughout Australia, only 5 or 6 Aboriginal children are undergoing university education, and this is a disgrace to this country and to the Government. [More…]
The availability of education facilities is vital because until we get the Aboriginal children and train and educate them they will continue to behave as they have done in the past. [More…]
Their children should be given equal opportunities. [More…]
It is the children that we can look to with hope and confidence to do something worth while. [More…]
I believe that this benefit, too, will be of tremendous assistance to the people in the area and to the young children who are the ones who, we believe, are so important to help their people face the future. [More…]
Our assistance goes right down to the pre-school level, which we all agree is tremendously important, and up through the education of children of older ages. [More…]
Subsidies are given to Bush Nursing, the Far West Children’s Health Scheme, the Western Shires Dental Scheme and to charitable organisations which are doing so much. [More…]
They are the Australian National Advisory Committee for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation; the Committee on Education of Aboriginal and Disadvantaged Children in the Northern Territory Community Schools; the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Standards for Science Facilities in Independent Schools; the Commonwealth Secondary Schools Library Committee; the Australian Research Grants Committee to Administer Scholarships; ihe Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship Committee; the Queen’s Fellowship Committee; and the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education. [More…]
The parents of children who may be attending school at some time in the future are reluctant to leave their home country, even though economically it may be much poorer than Australia because they are aware of the hardships they will have to endure if they are to give their children the sort of education which is available to them in their homeland. [More…]
To some of them I wish good political health, but to all of them I wish good physical health, lt is early in the season but I ask you, Sir, to convey, on our behalf, the very best wishes for the festive season to those people who are employed in this place and to their wives, children and loved ones from whom we keep them away so very late at night. [More…]
He had a great love of children and he took a great interest in the affairs of the younger generation of Australians. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that there have been complaints about lack of discipline for children attending Koomilda College at Darwin. [More…]
is it possible to obtain employment in Darwin for the parents of some of the children attending the College so that parental discipline may be available. [More…]
with her mother and children, visited Palm Island for the school vacation in May. [More…]
Another group of pensioners whose position has engaged the attention of the Government consists of those with children in their custody, care and control. [More…]
When the Liberal and Country Party Government came into office in 1949 a pensioner with more than one child received no additional cash assistance for the second and subsequent children in his or her care. [More…]
50 per week, for each child or student child after the first for all pensioners, but it has also legislated for a guardian’s allowance - called in this case a mother’s allowance, for widow pension - of up to S6 per week for single and widowed pensioners with the care of one or more children. [More…]
The marked improvement in the position of the single or widowed pensioner with children can best be illustrated perhaps by reference to the case of a widow pensioner wilh. [More…]
3 children. [More…]
I refer to such matters as the extension of benefits in respect of student children up to 21 years of age who are in the care of age, invalid or widow pensioners. [More…]
This Government introduced in 1956 the payment of an additional pension for children after the first and subsequently provision was made for extending the payment in respect of student children. [More…]
These allowances have been paid to single and widow pensioners with children. [More…]
Assuming the proposal relates to basic pension rates only - that is, disregarding additional pensions and allowances where there are children, about which I have informed the Senate already, as honourable senators will recall - the cost in respect of the number of age. [More…]
It is the young person who is about to establish himself who is trying to set up a home to get married or to rear children, who should be given the best of opportunities. [More…]
After all, a married pensioner couple do not have the responsibility to build a home, of beginning to educate their children or building up their requirements. [More…]
For the Minister to say tonight that we should look at what the Government has done for the pensioner with children is in itself an admission of the inflation that has taken place. [More…]
The Government recognised that by not allowing general child endowment payments to keep pace with the general inflation under its management it had to make special concessions to the children of invalid pensioners. [More…]
I repeat that while the hour is late there are many men, women and children who are not sleeping soundly tonight in these flood towns. [More…]
The Government intends to finance the salaries of special teachers in both existing Government and independent schools to teach migrant children who are handicapped in varying degrees by some type of English language difficulty and the cost of special training courses for these teachers. [More…]
Tt will finance the purchase of approved capital equipment of the language laboratory type for use in the special classes which will be established, lt will provide suitable teaching and learning materials not only to schools where special classes are formed but also to schools where there are insufficient numbers of migrant children with language problems to justify the appointment of a special teacher. [More…]
The State education departments and the independent school authorities are being informed that the Commonwealth will meet from existing appropriation costs within the approved programme which are incurred in the special instruction of migrant children as from 1st April 1970. [More…]
Non-English speaking immigrants are not specified because English speaking immigrants and their children as well as their non-English speaking counterparts are to be provided with courses in citizenship education which are referred to in paragraph (b) of sub-clause (I.) [More…]
In the meantime selected materials already used in the adult pro gramme will be made available for use by migrant children. [More…]
Clause 6 indicates that subject to regulation a living allowance will be paid to migrant students, other than school children, attending approved courses of instruction. [More…]
For the migrant in Commonwealth hostels, the allowance has been such that the normal hostel tariff has been deducted leaving the migrant, if single, a living allowance of $12.15 per week and, if married with a dependent wife, $.15.00 per week with increases according to the number of dependent children in the family. [More…]
It has been considered advisable that the rates of living allowance paid to migrant students, other than school children, attending approved courses of instruction and the conditions under which the allowance may be paid should be provided by way of regulation so that the detail of the allowances to bc paid will be laid before the Parliament when the regulations are made. [More…]
Some State Departments of Education have already taken steps to meet the problems encountered by migrant children in their schools and for this purpose are employing teachers in the special instruction of migrant children. [More…]
The appointment of a special teacher will in turn require, as a general “rule, a minimum of 30 migrant children in the school in need of special instruction in the English language - though the children may be taught in smaller groups. [More…]
Under the laws of some countries children of emigrants who arc born overseas are liable for compulsory militay service. [More…]
The increased high” rise development in the centre of Melbourne means that children must play in pocket-handkerchief sized areas. [More…]
We are not giving bur children a real chance because associated with high rise development are existing inadequate schooling facilities. [More…]
State., governments cannot or will not at this stage increase education facilities and improve the environment of the inner suburban schools to enable proper education to be given to children living in these sub-standard areas. [More…]
It has been estimated that tax free payments of about $15m will be made this year to young married couples and widowed and divorced persons with dependent children who have saved in an acceptable form for the acquisition of their homes. [More…]
I refer firstly to the case of Vincent Starlight who has been prevented - I will elaborate on this in a moment - from visiting his wife or children for about 3 years. [More…]
This man has been refused access to his children foi 3 years and now in grave danger of becoming dangerous psychiatric case. [More…]
He has been forbidden access to his children for 3 years. [More…]
He should be allowed to see his children. [More…]
The mother and father love their children but, on a wage below subsistence level - about 36 a fortnight - it is just not possible to provide adequately for them. [More…]
This monstrous system of dealing with human beings must end, but 1,000 more children on Queensland reserves will die in similar circumstances to those which surrounded the death of Inez while the Queensland Department pontificates and denies human justice. [More…]
If one indulges in fist fighting or assault the laws of this country can be applied but offenders should not he forbidden to see their families, particularly their children. [More…]
Starlight’s children are now of school age but he has not seen them for some years. [More…]
They are’ not children; they arc young men and women and they want to know why decisions are being made. [More…]
If such a committee had before it a massive reference such as that on handicapped children which has been referred to the Standing Committee on Health and Welfare - or the currently suggested reference on housing, or one concerning a national superannuation fund - either those massive references would have to be put aside under the pressure of intrusion of smaller matters, destroying the continuity of investigation and prejudicing the interest of the committee- [More…]
In my own street in Concord there are a large number of Greek and Italian women and children. [More…]
It is designed for both children and adults and it also provides for intensive courses and full scale courses. [More…]
It is important that migrant parents, who are adult people and therefore might not have learnt English in their native country should be able to communicate very freely with their children at their various age groups and various levels of experience. [More…]
This takes on a new importance when it is recognised that children, by virtue of their going to school or having an association with Australian-born children, have a distinct advantage in acquiring a knowledge of the English language rather more rapidly than their parents. [More…]
For some years the Commonwealth has been concerned about the difficulties encountered by migrant children and adult migrants in learning the English language. [More…]
The division was to undertake an investigation into the effectiveness of the existing provisions for teaching English to migrant children and adult migrants. [More…]
In relation to migrant children it was pointed out that many of them, in both government and independent schools, were handicapped by some difficulty with the English language. [More…]
Of the 50,000 migrant children surveyed, 32 per cent had this kind of problem. [More…]
The greatest area of problem and the most frequently occurring type of difficulty involving 76 per cent of the migrant school children involved was in the comprehension of English and difficulty in reading and speaking. [More…]
He said that the Commonwealth had undertaken the responsibility for financing the expansion of existing facilities for the instruction of adult migrants; the provision of intensive full-time English language courses for those who must know English in order to follow occupations; and special classes in existing schools for migrant children of all ages to ensure that they achieved the education to which their intelligence and natural skills entitled them. [More…]
In recent years there has been increasing concern over the extent to which migrant children are handicapped by English language difficulty - particularly in school subjects in which verbal communication between pupil and teacher plays a predominant part. [More…]
An important consideration is whether migrant children, to whom this Bill particularly refers, face special problems because of what I have seen described as a culture conflict. [More…]
As immigrants are confronted with the impact of social and economic upheaval they and their children must make a rapid and complete adjustment to a new society, to new attitudes, to new values and to new resources, all of which are different to what they have previously experienced. [More…]
This is not so important with children because they pick up languages much more quickly. [More…]
I think the Bill has been forced upon the Commonwealth because of the growing deficiencies in State educational systems which have dealt with the problem of integrating new settlers into our community and with the problem of educating children who have a deficiency in the English language. [More…]
In the great majority of cases that deficiency is overcome very rapidly when the young children concerned attend school. [More…]
We had people examining their credentials most assiduously to ensure that we would not be contaminated by somebody who had been forced to live the type of life that most of us would prefer that neither we nor our children would have to live. [More…]
Most of her communications with our community have been through her children or her husband. [More…]
Perhaps the States were using funds that were meant for education in general to provide crash courses in English to enable people from other countries - particularly children - to cope more readily with the education system in this country. [More…]
They are designed to instruct the special teachers appointed by Government and independent schools in the particular requirements of teaching English as a second language to migrant children of varying ages. [More…]
The training course involves also instruction in the socio-cultural backgrounds of migrant children. [More…]
The surveys which were made were relevant not only to adult migrants but also to migrant children in the schools. [More…]
As has been stated already in this House and by the Minister in another place, in February 1960 a special committee of the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council submitted a report on the progress and assimilation of migrant children in Australia. [More…]
This involved a study of both pre-school children and children in primary and secondary schools, a survey of schools in which migrant children .were enrolled and consultation with the teachers who were dealing with these children very closely. [More…]
This led to the report which has been referred to previously on the situation of migrant children in schools in New South Wales and which has provided such an important basis for the new initiatives in child migrant education. [More…]
It is significant that it was not until towards the end of the 1960s that the States themselves began to appreciate the need for special and additional measures for migrant children. [More…]
Secondly, the accommodation requirements of schools cannot be attributable only to newly arriving migrant children. [More…]
The work that is being done by the Department of Immigration, by the people who are teaching migrant children and by the people who are assisting adult migrants in the great difficulties which confront them in a new land is of tremendous importance. [More…]
Sabin vaccine available in Australia, particularly for children? [More…]
Is it also a fact that children on this Mission are locked in dormitories during the week and only allowed to be with their parents on Sundays? [More…]
The children at the Mission are not accommodated in dormitories. [More…]
The organisations which supported he declaration were the People’s Front Struggling for Peace; Saigon Student Union; Van Hanh Student Union, of the Buddhist University in Saigon; Buddhist Student Association; Women’s Movement for the Right to Live; Movement for the Right to Live of Children and Orphans who are Victims of the War; Union of Private School Teachers; Unified Progressive Labor Forces; Progressive Cao Dai Scho lars Group, the Cao Dai being an important religious group; Minh Duc People’s Movement; National Progressive Force; Struggle Committee for the People’s Right to Live; Tin Sang Group, ‘Tiri Sang’ being the largest newspaper, the words meaning morning news’; and People’s Self Determination Group. [More…]
This is brought about, as stated in evidence, by statements such as: ‘You have seen your mates or companions killed not only by armed soldiers but by women and children who carry bombs’. [More…]
8 of the Sir Winston Churchill Memorial Trust which sets out the findings of Mr B. E. Reynolds, a Churchill Fellow, on his observations while travelling overseas of the latest trends in teaching deaf children and multiple handicapped children? [More…]
What action does his Department intend to take to correct the shocking neglect of Aboriginal children as shown by the research of the Queensland Director of Maternal and Child Services in that the Aboriginal infant mortality rate was up to 10 times the national average and the death rate of Aboriginal children aged between 12 months and 4 years was up to 17 times the overall Australian rate? [More…]
I repeat: What is the Government doing to ensure that this shocking neglect of Australian Aboriginal children is dealt with immediately? [More…]
This, of course, excludes additions to the pension such as supplementary assistance and additional payments for children. [More…]
The maximum basic rate for widows without children will rise to $14.25 a week. [More…]
The maximum basic rate of widows without children will rise to S14.25 a week. [More…]
A great Labor spokesman, Eugene Debbs, said: ‘With all my heart I protest against a system in which the lap dogs of the rich are socially superior to the children of the poor’. [More…]
At present the Committee is “dealing with matters related to physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Tangible evidence of the Government’s policy of increasing social service benefits is the introduction of the States Grants (Deserted Wives) Act earlier this year, whereby the Commonwealth is now subsidising the States to assist mothers of children who are not eligible for benefit under the Social Services Act. [More…]
Then we have set out other allowances such as the additional pension for children. [More…]
They have young children to look after. [More…]
The classification of persons according to type, including spouse where applicable, was 106,000 aged, 27,000 invalid and sick, 11,000 widows and deserted wives and 15,000 children. [More…]
The answer was that there were 9 V widows and that there were 162 children, including one double orphan. [More…]
aged persons homes scheme, the television ‘licence concession for pensioners, additional pensions for second and subsequent Children, home nursing subsidies, supplementary assistance for pensioners, nursing home benefits, the mothers allowance for widowed; pensioners with children, telephone rental concessions, the sheltered employment allowance, the hearing aid service, .the subsidy for dwellings for aged persons,, .the personal care subsidy for aged pensioners, home care and paramedical services, and the meals on wheels subsidy. [More…]
Has Australia been invited to participate in this programming; if so, will the Government ensure that any Australian programme for this venture is written and performed by Australians and that all possible assistance is given to enable our writers and dramatists to display to the world that Australians are second to none in the production of programmes, especially children’s films, for television purposes. [More…]
This has been to their disadvantage as it has been done during periods when they have been bringing up children. [More…]
Where an individual has set aside money over the period of his working life during which he is raising his children- [More…]
I discussed the trial and the allegations against Lieutenant Calley in America and the upsurge of protests as a result of the verdict of guilty brought in against him, although there was no suggestion that he was not guilty of the 22 murders, which included the killing of civilian women and children. [More…]
The children of those killed by Diem’s men organised themselves into decapitation groups, - For the benefit of Senator Keeffe I will explain that ‘decapitation groups’ refers to people who cut ofl the heads of other people. [More…]
Are any Commonwealth moneys being expended for the purpose of providing educational facilities for Greek children in Australia. [More…]
If the honourable senator has in mind the special classes established in the community for the instruction of Greek children in Greek language and Greek culture, I can inform him that no Commonwealth funds are being expended for this purpose. [More…]
The honourable senator will be of course aware that children of Greek origin are included amongst the migrant children who receive special instruction in the English language under the child migrant education programme. [More…]
The culpable neglect of the Federal Government in allowing child endowment rates, particularly those for three or more children, and maternity allowances, to deteriorate in real value to such an extent that the family obtains no great assistance from the receipt of such payments. [More…]
A line was drawn arbitrarily at a level equal to $33 a week for a family of a man and his wife and 2 children - this was in 1969 - and anything below that line constituted poverty and anything less than 20 per cent above it constituted marginal poverty. [More…]
That was found to be the position of one of the most worth while groups of citizens in our community, the large families with the little children, in the city of Melbourne. [More…]
The paper states that many children are growing up in acute poverty. [More…]
However worth while it may be to bring new citizens, including children, from other countries do we give them priority in national concern over the creation of a growing national population from our own physical resources? [More…]
If families are living in conditions of want, the physical and dietary deprivation of the children concerned is not the only matter involved. [More…]
Investigations have established that children from such homes do not have the same social and economic opportunities as do children from other homes. [More…]
There are 333,000 families which have 3 or more children. [More…]
If the 8.5 per cent is applied to the 333,000 families it will be seen that probably 30,000 Australian families of 3 or more children are living in poverty or are below the poverty line. [More…]
All of these things will make easier the lives of young married couples in rearing their children and will enhance the future prospects of the progeny of the marriage. [More…]
The strength of a nation depends ultimately upon the vitality of its people and the coming of little children in sufficient numbers to regenerate the nation. [More…]
He proposed rates in respect of children under 16 years of age. [More…]
They were as follows: For the first child, Si a week - at the moment it is 50c; for the second child, $1.50 a week, whereas at the moment it is $1; for the third child $3.50 a week, whereas at the present time it is Si -SO; for the fourth and subsequent children $4.50 per week for each child, whereas for the fourth child the present rate is $1.75, increasing to $3.25 a week for the tenth child. [More…]
It was also made on the assumption, as appears in that book, that all the concessional taxation deductions for children should be abolished. [More…]
The payment of $1 a week continued for the second child and subsequent children. [More…]
The second change I mention occurred in 1964 when the rate for the third child and subsequent children in a family was increased by 50c to $1.50 a week. [More…]
At the same time the rate of endowment for children who were in institutions was increased to $1.50 a week. [More…]
In 1967 endowment rates were further increased by 25c a week for the fourth child and subsequent children. [More…]
Where there are 2 children in the family the amount received is a mere $1.50 a week, but when there are 8 children in the family the amount received is $14.25 a week. [More…]
If there are 9 in the family it is $17.25 a week, and if there are 10 children it is $20.50. [More…]
They can therefore better provide for their families than could parents raising children in the latter part of the 1930s and the early war years. [More…]
I remind honourable senators that income tax deductions for children have been substantially increased since 1949-50 Of course, they bear no relationship to the position which prevailed in 1940. [More…]
Concessional deductions are allowable for all children under the age of 16 years and for students up to the age of 21 years. [More…]
I also remind honourable senators of the concessional deductions allowable to a taxpayer in respect of his spouse, a daughter housekeeper, student children, invalid relatives, parents., subscriptions to hospital and medical benefit insurance funds, medical and dental expenses, funeral expenses and education expenses. [More…]
It must bear them in mind in the light of its other obligations, and in particular the other services it pro1vides to assist parents and children. [More…]
He referred to the culpability of the Federal Government in allowing child endowment rates, particularly those for 3 or more children, and maternity allowances, to deteriorate in real value to such an extent that a family obtains no great assistance from the receipt of such payments. [More…]
So, it is very difficult for them, in view of the affluence in which they live, to understand the situation that confronts the ordinary family, particularly the family with more than 2 or 3 children. [More…]
1 abhor this type of nonsense, although I have respect for the man who moved the motion as 1 served with him in the period prior to 1955 and 1 know of his support for proposals we have put forward in this chamber in recent weeks, particularly the proposal to investigate the problems of physically and mentally handicapped people, especially children, in Australia. [More…]
I believe in the importance of healthy, happy children, in a home ownership community and in child endowment to go to the mother for the direct assistance of the child. [More…]
To me it seems appropriate quickly to run through one or two benefits which the Liberal Party and Country Party have introduced such as medical benefits for pensioners, aged persons income tax concessions, pharmaceutical benefits for pensioners, the aged persons home savings grant scheme, television licence concessions for pensioners, additional pension for second and subsequent children, home nursing subsidy, supplementary assistance for pensioners, nursing home benefits, mothers allowance for widow pensioners with children, subsidies for the provision of accommodation for disabled persons, telephone rental concessions for pensioners, guardians allowance for aged and invalid pensioners with children, sheltered employment allowances, hearing aid services, double pension entitlement to widows or widowers for 12 weeks followng the death of a spouse, training scheme for widow pensioners, subsidies for dwellings for aged persons, personal care subsidy for aged pensioners, home care and paramedical services, and meals-on-wheels subsidy. [More…]
I am not going into detail because of lack of time but I shall repeat the things this Government has done to assist the family, either indirectly or directly, and also to assist children in addition to the child endowment allowance. [More…]
It has introduced the pharmaceutical benefits which assists the family and the child and introduced income tax concessions in respect of children at a total cost to revenue in the year 1967-68 - the latest figure I could obtain - of $266m. [More…]
The Government has made free milk available for children. [More…]
It has made provision for handicapped children and the children of pensioners. [More…]
I repeat that it is unrealistic to pick on one aspect and say that the Government has been culpably neglectful of children. [More…]
We have a much better scheme in Australia where the mother knows that while her children are under 16 years of age she will receive a weekly payment for their direct assistance. [More…]
I believe that the combination of the 2 schemes which we have in Australia - the home savings grant and child endowment - are much more equitable, generous and effective for children than if we adopted a scheme like the New Zealand one. [More…]
This is of enormous benefit to families and children who know that they can obtain this assistance. [More…]
It is interesting to note that there are 1,700,000 first children in respect of whom parents are receiving child endowment, that there are 1,165,000 second children, 569,000 third children, 232,000 fourth children, 85,000 fifth children, 32,000 sixth children, 12,000 seventh children, 4,000 eighth children, 1,500 ninth children and 818 tenth or later children. [More…]
To increase the endowment in respect of each of those children would cost $!01m. [More…]
Tt seems to me that we should be praising the Government for what it is doing, for having such a wide range of interests in respect of which improvements are made regularly for the benefit of the family and the children, instead of picking out one item and saying that in this respect the Government has been culpably neglectful. [More…]
The parents of Australian children should be made aware of the Government’s lack of interest in this direction and should realise that if, unhappily, the Government is returned at the next general election, whether it is in 1971 or 1972, it will be the fate of child endowment payments to remain at their present stagnated level. [More…]
It is not a very happy thought for the parents of children born in Australia to realise that they are expected to rear their children in the most difficult circumstances and that in future they will be given no relief or assistance by way of increased child endowment payments. [More…]
Yet it comes before this Parliament and says: ‘Look, we have done so much for the parents of children. [More…]
All that is necessary is to provide decent returns for parents in Australia in order to ensure that we have our own fair dinkum migrants, our own Australian children. [More…]
The parents of children in Australia today are in a perilous position in rearing, educating and doing everying right by their children. [More…]
Let me remind him that the man most affected by the increases - the man on the basic wage, whose wife does not .work, and who has 3 or 4 children - does not pay any tax. [More…]
Most of it will go to people who have an urgent need to spend it immediately, even if it is only on school requisites for their children. [More…]
All I am saying is that I am certain that, if the Democratic Labor Party takes the opportunity of supporting the terms of its present motion at a time when its support will mean something to the parents and children of this country, a majority of the Senate will be only too pleased to cooperate. [More…]
More is involved than the question of those people who listen to the broadcast of these proceedings saying that there are only 6 people in the Senate who want to do something about the children of the nation. [More…]
I heard on the radio your speech in the Senate on 7th April on the subject of conscientious objection to compulsory training to kilt our fellow men, women and children. [More…]
It was advice to the weak as was his previous advice to ‘the unjust steward’ who made ‘friends of the mammon of iniquity’ as do ‘the children of this world’ when they do not act as ‘the children of light”. [More…]
Just as you train your children to go on defensive drills in school if there is a fire, that is the way we must be trained and instructed. [More…]
to make provision for children to receive swimming instruction; [More…]
Keep out of reach of children. [More…]
disturb the wives and the children during the long hours of the night. [More…]
The creation of fear for the purpose of the preservation of the Government is more important to the Government than is the protection of the wives and children of injured workers. [More…]
If they had children they must have had them at a pretty young age. [More…]
In Indianapolis the researchers said that 96 per cent of high school children were on pot. [More…]
The greatest harm of this advertising is the appeal to young children. [More…]
As a matter of fact at that time I rang the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr McMahon, while he was in Washington and said that if it was proposed to treat us like children we were walking out. [More…]
If the basic philosophy is accepted that a law considered as bad should be broken by the person who holds that view, we have no law; we have no law on public order; no law on property; no law on the rights of man; no law against rape; no law to protect women and children and the weak in our community and no law even against murder itself. [More…]
Yes, they were almost children. [More…]
Two misguided brothers who, because they were alleged to be intelligent young men doing university courses, should have known that a visiting dignitary such as a President of the United States would be accompanied by armed guards to protect his security in an intensely crowded area, by their actions ran the risk of those guards opening fire on them thus involving women, children and babes in arms around them. [More…]
1 .was informed that some of the unfortunate people killed were in a car that stalled on the bridge and that the lady driver of the car went for assistance to a garage not far away only to find when she returned that her children and the car had been swept away. [More…]
While I do not like seeing damage done to private or public property, I am more concerned about people losing their lives, particularly children. [More…]
That the provisions of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act 1970 should he amended. [More…]
to include all the country’s physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate in Parliament assembled will take immediate steps to- , Ensure that emergency finance from the Commonwealth will “be given to the States for their public education services which provide schooling for 78 per- cent of Australia’s children. [More…]
That the provisions of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act 1970 should be amended to include all the country’s physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
the States for their public education services which ‘ provide schooling for seventy-eight per cent of Australia’s children. [More…]
Thai the provisions of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance’ Act’ 1970 should be amended to include all , the .country’s physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Ensure that emergency finance .from the Commonwealth will be given to the States for their public: education services which provide schooling for seventy-eight per cent of Australia’s children.. And your petitioners, as .in duly, bound, will ever pray.’ [More…]
I know that when I speak about one airline I speak about both of them, because they are like children at play - they follow the leader all over Australia. [More…]
That the provisions of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act 1970 should be amended to include all the country’s physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Ensure that emergency finance from the Commonwealth will be given to the States for their public education services which provide schooling for seventy-eight per cent of Australia’s children. [More…]
Will the Minister for Health consider the practice of doctors giving to children the empty containers of drugs used in immunisation injections and showing such children how to inject drugs? [More…]
Will the psychologists of the Department of Health consider whether such gifts and knowledge, which permit young children to give imaginery injections to their playmates, could have encouraging effects on the use of damaging drug injections when such children reach adolescence? [More…]
I think the agreement which has been made is a signal advance because not only is there a specific agreement that these advertisements will not be shown in proximity to programmes which would appeal to children but specifically they will not be shown between 4.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. on weekdays and before 7.30 p.m. on Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday. [More…]
Are social scientists at Leeds University investigating the social influences of television on children, particularly those aged between four and nine years of age? [More…]
Whilst I am not aware of the conduct of any surveys in Australia into the social influence of television on children between the ages of four and nine years, the Australian Broadcasting Control Board has sponsored the following surveys which are on somewhat similar lines to those referred to by the Honourable Senator. [More…]
An investigation of the effects of television crime drama on children aged about 15 years was conducted by the University of Melbourne in 1958. [More…]
The results, which indicated that viewing these films had some undesirable effects on these children, at least in the short term, were published in 1959 as ‘Television Crime Drama’ by R. J. Thomson. [More…]
The first, completed in 1959, provided data on a number of ways in which television had affected the interests and activities of people of all ages, and on opinion about the influence of television on children and parents, and was written by Clark & Olley of the University of New South Wales. [More…]
In 1968, the Board investigated the attributes of children in relation to their different patterns of television viewing. [More…]
This study was undertaken in a number of Melbourne technical and high schools and related the children’s television behaviour to available biographical details and to data on their intelligence and personality. [More…]
Last year, the Board assisted in the design of a pilot survey by Monash University of parents of children of kindergarten age with a view to discovering the problems associated with research in the area of pre-school children and television. [More…]
Late in 1970 following the Government’s decision to expand the migrant education programme action was taken to establish in the actual Hostel intensive instruction for non-English speaking migrant children before they were passed on for enrolment in the normal school system and both full-time and part-time courses for adults residing in the Hostel. [More…]
The Recreation Hall is used for full-time classes for children 6 hours a day during the normal school week, and for adultsfor 2 hours in the evening 2 nights a week. [More…]
On many occasions I have seen children of 8 or 10 driving 16 foot and 18 foot cruisers with their parents beside them. [More…]
Senator Poyser substantially dealt with the question of small boats and the problems involved when children are taken to sea and allowed to handle them. [More…]
I believe that the homes of men, sometimes the last citadel of the tired, the weary, and the sick, can be protected by government from noisy, marching, tramping, threatening picketers and demonstrators bent on filling the minds of men, women, and children with fears of the unknown. [More…]
I ask: Will the Minister ensure that the reasonable claims of the Association of Civilian Widows are placed before the Minister for Social Services and Cabinet before the next Budget is decided so that justice can be given to civilian widow pensioners and their children? [More…]
The claims are that an education allowance be paid to children of civilian widow pensioners, that B class widows receive the standard rate of pension and that the ceiling limit of $520 per year permissible income for single widow pensioners be raised forthwith. [More…]
Late in 1970 following the Government’s decision to expand the migrant education programme action was taken to establish in the actual Hostel intensive instruction for non-English speaking migrant children before they were passed on for enrolment in the normal school system and both full-time and part-time courses for adults residing in the Hostel. [More…]
The Recreation Hall is used for full-time classes for children 6 hours a day during the normal school week, and for adults for 2 hours in the evening 2 nights a week. [More…]
I conmend the report to honourable senators and members and I hope that the Government will endorse its recommendations, for I feel sure many thousands of men, women and children who are handicapped in so many ways - ‘I have in mind, too, families who have the major responsibility of caring for their loved ones who are handicapped - will gain great assistance when the recommendations in the report are acted upon. [More…]
That the provisions of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act 1970 should be amended to include all the country’s physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Ensure that emergency finance from the Commonwealth will be given to the States for their public education services which provide schooling for seventy-eight per cent of Australia’s children. [More…]
The Department has certain health education functions in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory and involved in this health education programme is the giving of information, particularly to school children, on the hazards involved to health in cigarette smoking. [More…]
I do not know whether my fellow Committee members agree with me but I felt that some addiction was due to pressure by parents on their children to succeed academically. [More…]
In the affluent 1970s in which we live there seems to be pressure by parents on their children to conform to the idea of. [More…]
This measure is against the interests of ordinary decent members of the community, of young children and students who decide for a personal and private reason, because they are opposed to this Government’s policy and want to influence a change of that policy, to take part in demonstrations. [More…]
The television programme standards determined by the Australian Broadcasting Control Board contain special provisions relating to the types of programme matter which may be televised during periods defined as family and children’s viewing time. [More…]
In broad terms the standards require that during these periods, the only programmes that may be televised are family programmes which are suitable for viewing by persons of all ages, or programmes which are specifically designed for children in various age groups. [More…]
With regard to programmes designed for children, the standards contain recommendations to stations relating to the provision of regular programmes of this type. [More…]
This has had the effect of stimulating production in the area of programming for children in the pre-school age range; but in order to cater more effectively for the needs of children of school age, the Board has included in its revised Australian content requirements whichwill operate from 20th September 1971, a provision requiring the televising during non-school hours of at least 4 hours monthly of constructive Australian programming for school children. [More…]
The Board has appointed a committee, comprising people active in children’s programme production and in education, to advise it on the types of programmes likely to interest children in the various school age groups, to ensure that the provision of such programmes under the Board’s new requirements is effective. [More…]
Allowances will now be paid for student children under age 21. [More…]
The weekly rate of compensation for a seaman is being increased from $31.80 to $35, and there is provision also for increases in weekly rates from $7.70 to $8.50 for a seaman’s wife and, proportionately, a particularly substantial increase from $2.80 to $5 for each of a seaman’s children. [More…]
This would not only guarantee peace in the world, but would also guarantee helping the people today who in many cases live without hope and for whose children little opportunity exists to be educated, fed, housed or given proper health services. [More…]
I am sure he will carry out his new duties as father of the Senate as well as he carries out his duties to his 3 lovely children in Launceston. [More…]
That for some time past the attention of the said Club has been directed to the needs of benevolent institutions for additional accommodation and equipment to cater for the numbers of destitute or near-destitute men, women and children of all age groups. [More…]
That there are increases in costs of maintenance in children’s and babies’ homes in Victoria, the shortfall last year being approximately $500,000, which cost is aggravated by inflation and continuous rises in the cost of living. [More…]
Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that the Senate will initiate or concur in appropriate legislation for the purpose of (1) making grants suitable to the financial needs of benevolent institutions for additional accommodation and equipment of a capital nature and the estimated costs of same, in particular for destitute or neardestitute men, women and children of all age groups, and for those in a non-pensionable age category and (2) enabling financial grants of a supplementary nature to be made for maintenance costs of an urgent nature in such institutions. [More…]
Will the Department of Health examine this report with a view to implementing its recommendation that these washing powders should be labelled ‘Keep out of the reach of children’ because of the threat of respiratory trouble to allergy-prone children? [More…]
One has been involved in these matters, through one’s own family and one’s children. [More…]
Earlier payment will be made subject to the fulfilment of the prescribed conditions in the event of invalidity before normal retirement or, in the event of the death of the employee, to an eligible widow or children. [More…]
The culpable neglect of the Federal Government in allowing child endowment rates, particularly those for three or more children, and maternity allowances, to deteriorate in real value to such an extent that the family obtains no great assistance from the receipt of such payments. [More…]
Pensioners were treated like children at a school who, when a distinguished person visits that school, are given a half holiday. [More…]
The Bill sought to increase the rate of child endowment payments for the third and later children. [More…]
The major area of expenditure is in the field of pensions which are provided not only for aged persons but also for disabled persons and for the wives and children of such pensioners. [More…]
In 1956 television licence concessions for pensioners and an additional pension provided for second and subsequent children were introduced. [More…]
In 1963 we saw the introduction of nursing home benefits, a mothers’ allowance for widow pensioners with children and a subsidy for the provision of accommodation for disabled persons. [More…]
In 1964-65 telephone rental concessions for pensioners and a guardian’s allowance for age and invalid pensioners with children were introduced. [More…]
I agree with what Senator Wheeldon said about the education of children merely for the use of big business. [More…]
We approve of the Bills before the Senate, but we think h is high time that more attention was given to solving some of the practical problems and to< ensuring that money is not misspent or- facilities destroyed by young people who may be over-enthusiastic about a particular cause at a particular time, In supporting that cause they may think they have a. right .to destroy property that is not truly their own but is only for their use and the use, if they would only “realise it, of their children and their children’s children. [More…]
This is not the whole story because in the suburban areas of Melbourne a person must have 5 or more children to be eligible for a rental house. [More…]
However, the susceptibility of young people, particularly children, to television advertising is recognised, and to this end, a revised voluntary code for advertising of cigarettes on television and radio was recently negotiated with the tobacco industry and advertising media. [More…]
Therefore when the Western Australian Constitution Act was passed on 25th July 1890 it contained the provision that 5,000 should be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the Aboriginal Protection Board for ‘the welfare of the Aboriginal natives, and expended in providing them with food and clothing when they would otherwise be destitute, in providing the education of Aboriginal children (including half castes) and in assisting generally to promote the preservation and well-being of the Aboriginals.’ [More…]
I am thinking specifically of a great number of ex-service settlers in my own State who served their country honestly and faithfully in war, who have continued to serve their country honestly and faithfully as farmers, who have reared their children decently, who are now in a situation of extreme poverty and who are not in any position, at their age, to leave the land after a lifetime of struggle in war and peace. [More…]
Thousands- of peoplepeople who have lived all their lives on their properties and who have worked their properties with the assistance pf their, wives and children - will be forced to leave their farms and to seek jobs . [More…]
But they and their teen-age children cannot find work. [More…]
For instance, to take one aspect of family life today, the man in the country who wants to give his children a reasonable education comparable with that which is available to people in the urban areas has a problem. [More…]
In the first place, he has to suffer his family leaving him, and he has to pay board for his children somewhere in the town, he has to pay for them to travel day after day - this surely must affect the capacity of the children to learn - or he has to make some other arrangements for his children to go away from the property. [More…]
8 of the Sir Winston Churchill Memorial Trust which sets out the findings of Mr B. E. Reynolds, a Churchill Fellow, on his observations while travelling overseas of the latest trends in teaching deaf children and multiple handicapped children? [More…]
Mr Reynolds stated that he considered the Combined Method of instruction used by teachers at the Victoria School for Deaf Children is ‘equal to, if not superior to, any combined method being used in any one of the countries visited’. [More…]
The family man who is the most valuable asset that this community has and those young couples who are setting themselves to rear 3, 4 or 5 children will be the people paying the greatest amounts as a result of turnover tax because this tax will reflect in everything that is purchased by these people for the purposes of rearing their children. [More…]
Iri most instances a family cannot afford to buy cigarettes, beer and those goods that are heavily taxed by excise duty.- But these families still get the whip of the sales tax on exercise books, pencils 1 and other materials needed to send their children to school. [More…]
I refer for instance to taxes that are paid every time a man’s children drink milk or eat biscuits. [More…]
A -Bill was -introduced by- the Menzies Government in, I think, 1940 when Judge Beeby said that unless child’ endowment was given to all children but the first child there would have to be a very significant increase in the basic wage of the day.’ [More…]
I refer principally to the shocking TV advertisements on toilet tissues, the employment of children’s choirs with their tra-la-la and the licking of dog food from fingers and dinner plates. [More…]
I know that extremely attractive women and children are employed. [More…]
If one looks at what is happening to State education throughout Australia one can only be forced to the conclusion that the policy of the present Government is for electoral purposes to maintain the Catholic educational system at a subsistence level, a non-Catholic private educational system for the purpose of training some sort of elite, and a State educational system educating - if educating is the correct word - the children of the most underprivileged elements of the community to be nothing but hewers of wood and drawers of water. [More…]
If children at private schools need $24 a head for science laboratories, so do children at State schools need $24 a head to provide science laboratories. [More…]
Kobeelya Church of England Girls School is attended mainly by the well to do children of the local farming community, lawyers, dentists and people like that. [More…]
Is it to be wondered at that this is causing a reaction throughout the whole of Australia and that we find taking place protests organised by parents of children attending State schools - people who are interested in the future of State education? [More…]
I thought it rather strange for Senator Wheeldon to mention well to do children, particularly when referring to a farming area. [More…]
Many members of my generation determined to see that our children and our children’s children had better opportunities for education than we had, and that they were not disrupted by such great financial and personal tragedies in this country as were created by the depression of the 1930s. [More…]
The people living next door sent their children to a private school, as is their right in a free society. [More…]
The parents of that family paid their taxes and then paid for their children to attend school as well. [More…]
To the shame of Federal and State governments, grants were made to private schools only when it became clear that the State educational system was threatened with complete chaos and collapse because of the entry into that system of children who previously had been educated in private schools. [More…]
That situation came about because children were attending school until they were older than had been the case in the past. [More…]
The Federal and State governments of this country saw the justice of spending at least portion of the funds allotted from the public purse for education on children attending private schools only when they were driven to it by sheer necessity. [More…]
It seemed that the State system would collapse completely because the children educated privately would also need to be catered for. [More…]
These children had been taken off the back of the taxpayers in respect of education expenditure because their parents were paying for their education in addition to their contributions to the public purse. [More…]
All of us who are interested in children and in their education well know that the educational opportunities of the second, third and fourth child in a family were being neglected because of the sheer lack of finance. [More…]
We are discussing the education of the children of Australia. [More…]
It is a lie to try to draw a comparison between the 2 education systems and to say that over the whole picture this Bill proves that more money is being spent on the education of children in private schools than on those being educated in state schools. [More…]
At least that would bring a substantial measure of justice to that section of the community, that section of my Australian brothers and neighbours who have paid their taxes for a lifetime for the education of their children and have then paid out of their own pockets as well for that education. [More…]
In my lifetime in the political movement I have fought for equality of educational justice for all school children, and I do not care whether they go to a state school, a private school or any other school. [More…]
I challenge him to prove that the results of pupils from independent schools are not as good as, if not better than, those of children attending State high schools. [More…]
But in recent years the Commonwealth has seen the necessity to give aid to the State governments to provide for the additional costs of educating the children in those States. [More…]
children attending independent schools are not exempt from paying taxation, some of which . [More…]
is spent on the provision of education facilities for all children, irrespective of religion or whether they went to an independent school. [More…]
Let us remember when we talk about taxpayers that the parents of children attending independent schools are contributing to the education of children going to State schools, in addition to paying for the education of their own children. [More…]
Their land is given to them, their school buildings are built for them, and their teaching staff is paid out of the State revenue contributed by the taxpayers - all, without exemption - including the parents pf children attending independent schools. [More…]
The Opposition believes that the Bill will inflict an injustice on state school children. [More…]
I could quite easily tell of instances where children are taught their lessons under the school and are exposed to draughts, wind and rain. [More…]
Laboratories) Bill 2085 believe that children in state schools are being prejudiced as a result of this Bill it is our responsibility, and indeed our duty, to raise the matter in this -House for investigation by the Minister and by the Government. [More…]
I have, children who have had the advantage of independent school instruction throughout their period. [More…]
If we were successful in amending the Bill, it would be postponed until such time as the House of Representatives reassembled and consequently there would be a period from now until August when, if a workman were killed, his widow and children would be deprived of $1,500 because of our not accepting this unacceptable amending Bill in its entirety now. [More…]
But if a breadwinner is injured in the course of his employment and dies and negligence cannot be established the compensation paid to his widow and children is $13,500. [More…]
I suppose nothing touches a working man more than the deprivation suffered by wives and children as the result of an accident to the breadwinner at work. [More…]
I notice also that the Bill makes no provision for weekly compensation payments in respect of dependent student children after they reach 21 years of age. [More…]
I refer specifically to the International Labour Organisation Convention cited as the Employment Injury Benefits Convention of 1964 which indicates that the standard of the International Labour Organisation in regard to the percentage paid to injured workers is 60 per cent where there is a total loss of earning capacity or a corresponding loss of faculty for a man with a wife and 2 children. [More…]
That is the person who is a man with a wife and 2 children - at least the percentage indicated therein - [More…]
Spastic children and paraplegics rely on whatever they get as a pension plus supplementary assistance from the parent. [More…]
I instance spastic children, those with mental illnesses, paraplegics, and so on. [More…]
I suggest that if any problem arises from time to time about children who remain at university after 21 years of age and who ought to be regarded as falling within this definition, that is a matter which will be reviewed by the interdepartmental committee because it is one of the points which has been raised by Senator Cavanagh. [More…]
There will be minor tax concessions which, like the social services proposals, are oriented towards the claims of children and students. [More…]
Our representative West Bengal reports one hundred thousand children will die in 3 weeks and general worsening refugee situation. [More…]
Are not the unionists who live in that area concerned both for themselves and their children with the environment in which they live and in which these children grow? [More…]
Does the Government approve of this flagrant exploitation and misuse of taxpayers’ money allocated for the education of our children but being diverted by this system of industrial banditry [More…]
Is it a fact that families of four or more children are penalised by a reduction in child endowment payment when the eldest child becomes eligible for student endowment? [More…]
Is it also true that in a family of 8 children endowment is reduced from $57 a week to $46 a. week when the eldest child becomes eligible for the $1.25 a week student allowance, thereby losing $65 a year endowment? [More…]
Child endowment is raised by 50c per week for the third and successive children; yet the 21/2 per cent increase in income tax more than takes away that benefit for the average income earner. [More…]
Why else do we have a country with the riches that Australia has - the mineral wealth, the agricultural and pastoral wealth and the income potential - but with the education opportunities for our children worse than those for the children in other countries such as Japan, with a rate of growth that is falling behind those of other countries and with a social service system such that in the statistics that the United Nations hands out Australia has dropped from being one of the first 3 or 4 in the world at the time this Government came into office to being about twentieth in the world and receding rapidly? [More…]
They sit down and take into account what their income is likely to be for the year and what their expenditure will be on the commitments they have to meet - instalments on the house, rent, maintenance of the children and themselves, the running cost of a car if they have one. [More…]
That would be a decision based on a quick assessment, because the average family man - the man I have in mind would have 4, 5 or 6 children - on an average rate of pay does not pay tax at all. [More…]
By the time he receives a rebate for his wife and children and for various expenses he would not pay tax. [More…]
In my speech on last year’s Budget 1 pointed out that it was the family man on a low income with 4 or 5 children or more who was particularly in need of the Government’s concern and assistance. [More…]
Therefore, the Democratic Labor Party is particularly satisfied to note that the increases in child endowment in this Budget are to apply to the third and subsequent children. [More…]
Under the present Budget increases an Australian family with 5 children will receive $27 a month as against S82.48 in France. [More…]
The Democratic Labor Party would like to see the capitalisation of child endowment, the updating of the homes savings grants, as well as provision for marriage loans rebatable on the birth of children. [More…]
He had also left her with 14 children - 7 above and 7 below the age of 16 years. [More…]
She could not send her young children to school. [More…]
She tried to teach them by correspondence lessons, until she received a letter from the New South Wales Government School Authorities saying: ‘Where are your children?’ [More…]
Will the Minister representing the Minister for the Interior inform Parliament how many Aboriginal children under the age of one year died in the Alice Springs hospital each year since and including 1968? [More…]
How many children of European descent under the age of one year died in each of the same years and what was the cause of death in each case? [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Education and Science whether he can inform the Parliament how many children of Aboriginal and Island descent were enrolled in the 197 J school year final matriculation classes and university courses? [More…]
For the purpose of fixing a poverty line, the people conducting the survey decided to take as the base the weekly income of a man with a wife and 2 children, which was below the basic wage plus child endowment, as at 30th June 1969. [More…]
I do not want to weary honourable senators with a lot of detailed statistics but those who conducted the survey proposed to increase the child endowment rate for the third and subsequent children by $2. [More…]
If this policy was adopted and the tax concession for children was abolished the amount needed to eliminate poverty in Australia in our time wouldbe reduced from$1 89m to $100m. [More…]
He should be entitled to free medical treatment, free education for his children, guaranteed employment and decent homes. [More…]
We find that on an average 16 per cent of the children reaching the end nf primary school require remedial teaching and <vo have no remedial teachers tn provide it. [More…]
Backward children can be detected because they will not co-operate with the class or with society, or they are in revolt against society, or they have an inability to mix. [More…]
Classes are being taught in South Australia in open sheds and in old and dilapidated schools which are not fit for children to occupy. [More…]
It is a State in which 85 per cent of the school children go to State schools. [More…]
Mr Dunstan said that it is an absurd situation when the priorities become so out of kilter that school children being taught in a shelter shed have the use of a very expensive telescope which has been provided for the school when there is not an adequate class room in which they can be taught. [More…]
It is absurd to think that the use of an expensive telescope should be made available to a school at which children are being taught in a shed. [More…]
J understand that an agency gave to the Mansfield Park school in South Australia a computer for study purposes and that a number of children from other schools go there to receive lectures on the use of computers. [More…]
Much of the current thought on future planning stems from the many recommendations made at the Workshop on Health and Nutrition in Aboriginal children held in Sydney in December 1969 and which was attended by representatives of Universities, Public Health Departments and workers from welfare and social organisations. [More…]
His report to the Council for Aboriginal Affairs outlines the ways in which school children may learn about Aboriginal topics and makes suggestions about a general programme of public information about Aboriginal life and culture. [More…]
Over 12 months ago the Department of the Interior convened a meeting of representatives of Government and non-Government school authorities and the local branch of the Transport Workers Union to discuss problems associated with the behaviour of school children on Canberra buses. [More…]
Following this meeting there was an improvement in the behaviour of children on school buses. [More…]
Much of the current thought on future planning stems from the many recommendations made at the Workshop on Health and Nutrition in Aboriginal children held in Sydney in December 1969 and which was attended by representatives of Universities, Public Health Departmentsand workers from welfare and social organisations [More…]
I referred to one case of children being taught in a shed but using a high priced telescope or some other instrument in a science block. [More…]
I wish to mention now the Angle Park Boys Technical High School where the education of individual children has had to be sacrificed because of the inability to provide the necessary facilities. [More…]
The location of the school is such that it attracts migrant children unable to speak English and who, according to the Minister’s statement, are unable to profit by attendance at school. [More…]
Something could be done for them if finance were available but the Commonwealth Government has not provided the funds to meet requirements and to provide instructors to teach the English language to the migrant children. [More…]
He went on later: lt has neglected entirely the needs of the very great majority of children who attend State schools or the less wealthy independent s’chools and who have little prospects of tertiary education under present conditions. [More…]
He is subsidising the wealthy to send their children to the prestige schools. [More…]
The education allowance deduction from income tax for children has been increased from $300 to $400. [More…]
The age in respect of which a deduction can be claimed for student children has been extended to 25 years. [More…]
There are 1,250 Aboriginal children over 14 years of age in Queensland who are receiving education assistance. [More…]
A payment of $200 is made to parents who keep their children at home. [More…]
This has been a big help to Aboriginal children in many parts of Queensland. [More…]
1 am sure that u visit from a relative, or better still from their own children, would mean far more to our elderly citizens than would an increase of $1 a week. [More…]
In Victoria hundreds of families with their own problems, including the purchase of a home and children to look after, are subsidising the costs of nursing homes in which their aged parents are being cared for. [More…]
Instead of providing an increase in indirect taxation to cover the cost of these things, the Government is saying to the unfortunate wife or widow who has children and who has to buy pharmaceuticals: ‘Because you are unfortunate enough to have to go to a chemist shop to buy these things for the protection of your family, or because you arc silly enough to get sick, you will pay for them’. [More…]
In other words, less than onethird of the families with children will receive increased benefits. [More…]
Only a few days ago the Press reported that children in a school playground in Osaka were collapsing in hundreds, exhausted because the photo-chemical smog was getting into their bodies. [More…]
Briefly, it will extend the restrictions to radio; it will restrict advertising times so that no advertisements are shown in proximity to programmes for children or when young people are likely to be a large part of the audience; it will limit the style and type of advertisements; and in particular no advertisements will be televised between 4 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday or before 7.30 p.m. on Sunday. [More…]
Earlier today Senator Devitt asked me about accommodation in the Senate for visiting school children and parties, and I asked him to permit me to postpone my answer until I could provide some accurate information. [More…]
There is also some additional information which I think should be provided to new senators, and perhaps to old senators, as to the relief that may be provided for them with large parties of school children. [More…]
Greater assistance - more than that which State governments can provide - will have to be given to church institutions and other bodies which are looking after unmarried mothers, homeless men, and children who have been displaced as a result of the break up of marriages in our community. [More…]
About 300 million children throughout the world were seriously handicapped physically and mentally by lack of protein and other nutrition deficiencies, the 13th international pediatrics conference was told today. [More…]
Let me reduce it to this concept: It concerns the raising and spending of, for every one of the 12,800,000 Australian people, a sum of $695; or, for a family of 5 - a man, his wife and 3 children - an impressive sum of $3,500. [More…]
This figure includes increased welfare services in the form of pensions, maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits, rehabilitation services, sheltered employment allowances, funeral benefits, deserted wives benefits, personal care subsidy, national health services, nursing home benefits, handicapped children’s benefits, payments to public hospitals for pensioners, homes savings grants and matters such as these. [More…]
Pre-schools are all important to ensure that Aboriginal children do not begin school impoverished as to language and background. [More…]
A person with an income of $2,500 a year would receive a deduction worth $92; that is if he could possibly spend $400 a year on educating one of his children. [More…]
The sort of question we have to consider is whether our cars are more important than our children. [More…]
If Senator Little wants us to invest more money In our motor cars than in our children, that may be acceptable to him but I assure him that it is not acceptable to the Opposition. [More…]
He referred to the case of a family with 8 wholly supported children. [More…]
However, with a family of 2 wholly supported children the endowment cheque rises by $2 when the eldest school child turns 16. [More…]
These people are married and have children going to Australian schools. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that many thousands of young children are in danger of death through malnutrition? [More…]
I note that the payment for children under 16 years in institutions and for each child under the age of 16 years where there are more than 2 children in a family will be increased by 50c a week. [More…]
Is it a fact that families of 4 or more children are penalised by a reduction in child endowment payment when the eldest child becomes eligible for student endowment? [More…]
Is it also true that in a family of 8 children endowment is reduced from $57 a week to $46 a week when the eldest child becomes eligible for the $1.25 a week student allowance, thereby losing $65 a’ year endowment? [More…]
Commenting on the Commonwealth Budget last week, the Acting President Mr F. A. Woithe, said that the only new measure introduced for education was an increased taxation deduction which would only benefit those people who sent their children to wealthy private schools. [More…]
No one who sends his children to State schools, or to Catholic, Anglican or Lutheran parochial schools, will benefit,* he said. [More…]
Mr Woithe said that people who sent their children to these schools had been unable to claim the previous maximum deduction of 300 dollars, let alone the new maximum of 400 dollars. [More…]
Mr Woithe said that a survey conducted last year had shown that every Federal cabinet minister with school age children sent them to wealthy private schools. [More…]
We have to ensure, if it is humanly possible that these people, particularly the children, are helped, nurtured and guided. [More…]
The proposed increase of 50c a week will provide some relief for families with more than 2 children but 1 believe that an anomaly that does exist in the Social Services Act, and which has been referred to today by Senator Drury, has been exposed. [More…]
I believe that he is quite correct when he says that the amount of child endowment received by a family with more than 2 children decreases when the eldest of those children reaches the age of 16 years. [More…]
Of those families, 12,700 have more than 6 children. [More…]
The anomaly which exists is that the child endowment payments received by a family with more than 2 children are reduced when the eldest child attains 16 years of age. [More…]
The proposed increase of 50c in child endowment for the third and subsequent children, I believe, creates a worse anomaly as far as the income received from child endowment by a family with more than 2 children is concerned. [More…]
When the first child attains 16 years of age the parents of those 3 children are in this situation: The first child does not receive 50c a week but is paid $1.50 a week as a student’s allowance if he continues bis education at school. [More…]
So, that family with only 3 children loses a total of $1 a week. [More…]
The parents of a family of 13 children wrote to me and drew this matter to my attention. [More…]
The more children in a family, the greater the anomaly. [More…]
As I mentioned earlier, only 12,700 families in Australia have 6 or more children. [More…]
50c in the child endowment payable to each child after the first 2 children would not cost the Government a substantial amount of additional funds. [More…]
Three of the children in this family of 13 of which I have spoken are students receiving the student’s allowance of $1.50 a week. [More…]
Surely these people could be given continuing assistance while they try to educate their children and to provide for them the same opportunities as other children are entitled to. [More…]
In the Budget we find a contrast between what the Government provides to wealthy parents who can afford to send their children to private schools, and to other parents. [More…]
The only children of whom ( am aware who attend private schools and in respect of whom fees ranging between S300 and $400 a year are paid, are the children of wealthy paren’s. [More…]
No help is given to the State schools which cater for the vast majority of Australia’s children, and where parents could not claim expenses above $50 in the vast majority of cases. [More…]
This is how the Commonwealth Government orients its Budget towards the claims of children. [More…]
Young criminals get a start when they are born to drunkard parents or into families that are broken up and the children are left destitute. [More…]
Were Mr James O’Leary, his wife and their 13 children recently flown to Australia at the expense of the Government of the State of Hawaii in the United States of America? [More…]
It has not yet been determined whether Mr James O’Leary (alias O’Lear) and his wife and children travelled to Australia at the expense of the Government of the State of Hawaii. [More…]
Additional payments for children of age, invalid and widow pensioners and unemployment and sickness beneficiaries will increase by $2 per week for the first child and by $1 per week for each other child. [More…]
This will bring the payment to a uniform $4.50 per week for all these children. [More…]
The increase in child endowment will cost about $26.5m per year, and will benefit about 1,020,000 children in about 610,000 families. [More…]
will receive graduated increases calculated in such a way that the pension and means as assessed will total $27.25 per week plus, of course, any extra payments for dependent children. [More…]
Married rate pensioners with means as assessed between $9.50 and $11.50 per week will receive graduated increases calculated to ensure that the pension and means as assessed will total $23.75 per week - $47.50 per week for a married couple - plus, of course, any extra payments for dependent children. [More…]
It does not, of course, measure the whole of the improvement, since in addition we have brought in supplementary assistance and extra allowances for children, besides introducing new fringe benefits whose average value is of the order of $5 per week. [More…]
I now come to the provisions of the Bill which are specifically oriented towards the family and the welfare of children. [More…]
Endowment in respect of children in institutions is paid at a flat rate of $1.50 per week. [More…]
Child endowment is now an accepted feature of family income and for some time the Government has been concerned that the larger family has been more adversely affected by wage and price increases than the smaller family with, say, one or two children. [More…]
The rate of endowment payable in respect of the 20,000 children under 16 years of age in approved institutions will be increased by 50c to $2 per week. [More…]
The child endowment increases in the Bill will, as 1 have said, benefit over 1,000,000 children, spread in more than 600,000 families. [More…]
It must be remembered also that there are many other benefits and concessions provided by the Commonwealth that tend to offset the cost to parents of maintaining children. [More…]
The cost to revenue of providing income tax concessional deductions for children, including deductions in respect of education, exceeds some $250m per year. [More…]
Assistance is given to families through the National Health Act where the family insurance rates for a family with children - however many children - are pegged at the rate applicable to a married couple without children; special assistance is also provided for handicapped children and children of pensioners - the latter being a matter which I shall deal with more fully in a moment. [More…]
All these exemplify the attitude of a responsible government, which is to provide benefits in respect of children in a way which will render positive assistance to the family. [More…]
Now let me come to a most significant part of the Bill - a massive increase in the additional payments for children of all pensioners - age, invalid and widow - and of recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits. [More…]
The payment for children other than the first, which is at present $3.50 per week, will be increased to the same uniform level of $4.50 per week. [More…]
In 1961 the child’s allowance payable for the first child of invalid pensioners and age pensioners who were invalids was increased to $1.50 per week, as also was the payment for the second and subsequent children of widows. [More…]
In 1963 payments for the second and subsequent children of invalid pensioners and age pensioners who were invalids, were increased to $1.50 per week and a payment of $1.50 per week was introduced for the first child of widows. [More…]
Widows with dependent children received a mother’s allowance of $4 per week. [More…]
In 1965 the children of all age pensioners were included, and a guardian’s allowance of $4 per week was introduced for single pensioners who had the custody of a child. [More…]
In 1968, the rate of payment for all children was increased to $2.50 per week. [More…]
In 1969 the rate for the second and subsequent children was increased to $3.50 per week, and mothers’ and guardians’ allowances were increased to $6 per week where there was a child under 6 or an invalid child. [More…]
Now, in this present Budget, it is proposed to increase the payment for the first child from $2.50 per week to $4.50 per week, and the payment for the second and subsequent children from $3.50 per week to the same level of $4.50 per week. [More…]
I have set out this history in some detail, because it shows the development of provisions under which entirely new treatment of children in bereaved or deprived circumstances has been given. [More…]
From the position under the Chifley Government, where a widow received nothing extra for her children beyond her 50c per week, and invalid pensioners got only 90c per week allowance, however many children they had, we have now progressed to the point where all children of pensioners - age, invalid and widow - attract $4.50 per week each; where all widows- with dependent children are entitled to a mother’s allowance of $4 per week; where some widows are also entitled to an extra mother’s allowance of $2 per week, and where some invalid and age pensioners are entitled to a guardian’s allowance of $4 per week or $6 per week. [More…]
With the concurrence of honourable senators I incorporate in Hansard a table showing the position of a widow with dependent children, under the provisions of this Bill: [More…]
This Budget, as I have said, is especially oriented towards the needs of dependent children, particularly towards the needs of children in deprived families, where there is bereavement or invalidity. [More…]
Country Party governments have pioneered several new fields such as aid to handicapped children, subsidies to meals on wheels and voluntary bodies; a greater programme of decentralisation of operations; a new approach to rehabilitation services; an expanded programme of aged persons housing, and a complete overhaul of the scheme of Commonwealth employees’ compensation. [More…]
These will benefit the more seriously disabled ex-servicemen and the widows and children of deceased exservicemen whose death was related to war service. [More…]
Specifically the Bill provides for increased payments to ex-servicemen who are totally incapacitated from war-related disabilities or tuberculosis; to those whose incapacity allows them to work only part time or intermittently; to those who need the assistance of an attendant; to those who have lost one or more limbs or an eye; and to war widows and the children of ex-servicemen whose death was related to war service. [More…]
Increases are also proposed in rates payable to war widows, to their children, and to those children who have lost both parents. [More…]
related to war service, an increase of $1 a week will be payable, while the rate payable in respect of second and subsequent children will be increased by $2 a week. [More…]
The new rates for all these children will be $7 a week. [More…]
On the other hand, a TPI pensioner with a wife and 2 children, who also receives a service pension, but with no other means, will receive a total family increase of $5.12 a week. [More…]
Clause 3 also increases the pension rates in respect of the children of deceased seamen coming under the Act. [More…]
Why should the increase be restricted to children in excess of 2 in a family? [More…]
Are families with 1 or 2 children not required to meet the high costs of living that are with us today? [More…]
I do not think the Government could have been serious when, having said that the first child should receive endowment, it says at this late stage that only families with more than 2 children shall receive an increased rate of child endowment. [More…]
He said that in the case of the average income earner the 21 per cent increase in income tax more than takes away - note those words - the benefit of the child endowment increase of 50c a week for the third and successive children. [More…]
I found that if the average income earner with 3 children is on an income of $80 a week he would have a taxable income of $60 a week. [More…]
In the case of the man who has 4 children and a taxable income of. [More…]
In addition, there are 3 children under the age of 12 years and Mrs Moore herself has not worked since her marriage. [More…]
Do we give this to those who are caught up in a situation such as Attica and the resultant disaster and violence which had to be used to bring a situation under control; or are we to look to, if we have not forgotten already, the destruction and mutilation of Vietnam; or do we move further to Pakistan and the horrors and the deaths of thousands of children in that country which as yet our minds do not accept; or do we go on to the Middle East, from the Middle East to Ireland, from Ireland to Africa and from Africa to South Africa? [More…]
A person can change his religion, or appear to change his religion; he can change his politics or can appear to change his politics if the circumstances demand it and if his children need it; but he cannot change the colour of his skin. [More…]
His children are Australian citizens and his wife has been accepted as an Australian citizen. [More…]
I have a personal interest in the future development of an Australian childrens film foundation or corporation or something of that nature, which will create, especially for the children of Australia, films with a national identity, films which will provide to them the opportunities to see the excellence of our arts from our own people and also which will perhaps enrich our children’s leisure in a way that is achieved by the Children’s Film Foundation of Great Britain. [More…]
In Great Britain, the established film industry is able to support a children’s film foundation. [More…]
So it is that we look to government to foster the growth of this aspect of development of a children’s film foundation. [More…]
I would like to see the money spent not on that type of luxury or indulgence of the teachers but on the education of children. [More…]
The son of question we have to consider is whether our cars are more important than our children. [More…]
Those countries may say: ‘Let us go without those goods and give a better education to our children’. [More…]
Are they in an economic position to educate their children to even the insufficient standards that we are managing to achieve? [More…]
The economic fact is that out: of the capacity to produce and consume these goods comes that which we can syphon off to use in the interests of infant welfare, a better deal for handicapped children, a better deal for education in general and so on. [More…]
lt is an oversimplification of our problem to try to criticise the Government and to suggest that some of us want motor cars and not education for our children, as Senator Wriedt so unkindly suggested in reply to an interjection by me. [More…]
Those of us who believe that we should produce motor cars and everything that we can produce do not necessarily believe that we should not also educate our children to the fullest possible extent. [More…]
We realise that by manufacturing and consuming all the goods that the ingenuity of man enables us to manufacture and consume we are adding to the total economic strength of our country and our capacity to improve our standards of education by spending the’ money we can afford to spend upon our children. [More…]
Nevertheless, the position of orphans and children will be given special consideration when the results of the quinquennial investigations of the superannuation and defence forces retirement benefits funds become available during the next twelve months. [More…]
Based on the formula to which I have referred, endowment for 3 children under 16 years of age, with the proposed increase, will rise from 3.5 per cent of the average weekly earnings to 4.1 per cent until the end of this year. [More…]
The unemployment and sickness benefits for a man with a spouse and 2 children reaching short term benefits will be $21.50 below the poverty line and will be more than $26 below it by the end of the financial year. [More…]
One is prompted to refer to the letters that one receives, either from a widow who is attempting to bring up her children as her more fortunate neighbours are bringing up their children, from a woman who has been deserted by her husband or from a woman who has lost her husband, each complaining that she is unable to earn more than $10 a week before the Commonwealth benefit begins to erode. [More…]
She is forced to have her children and her neighbours lie for her when they , are asked where she is. [More…]
Should we say: ‘You are permitted to earn only $10 a week and you must stay at home for the rest of the time’; or should we say: ‘I want to see all young children brought up in the best possible manner’? [More…]
We have the problem of people who have attempted to provide an income for themselves at the end of their working days, perhaps by putting aside some small superannuation benefit which they will gain privately as a result of having allocated to it part of their weekly earnings, as well as the problem of people who have saved to better their own position and to provide a better future for their children. [More…]
My sympathy goes to the wife and the children in a situation like that. [More…]
Those who are fostering the children are doing a wonderful job. [More…]
The honourable senator emphasised one point that I was anxious to make and that is that there is an opportunity for the Government, without great expenditure, to assist the young lads and girls in our society by assisting research officers to find for these children homes with real identifiable families. [More…]
At that time 2,038 or a little under 50 per cent, were in approved children’s homes. [More…]
There should be a greater exemption than exists today for the individual who is earning less than $100 a week and who has 3 or 4 children. [More…]
Any future assistance would be a relief of the great mental problems that are exerted on the husband, on the wife and on the children as they grow up in our society. [More…]
There is a need for government cash to flow to religious and other institutions which are catering for these various areas of poverty in the community - whether it be homeless men and women, former prisoners who need aid, babies who need homes or societies which at present are looking after physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
Parents of children are attempting to rear them on the 14th or 15th storey of a block of flats. [More…]
For instance, an invalid person 16 years or over receives $17.25 a week; a widow over 50 years with no children receives $15.25 a week; a widow under 50 years with no children can receive $15.25 for only 26 weeks and then she receives nothing until she reaches the age of 50 years. [More…]
Additional payments will be made for children of age, invalid and widow pensioners and unemployment and sickness beneficiaries. [More…]
Each year we discover areas of people who have special needs, people who have some particular form of handicap that may not be catered for by the present programme, special difficulties that some children may face, such as children who are slow at learning. [More…]
All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. [More…]
This is the part of article 25 to which Senator Webster referred when he was rather disparaging to those lasses who have children out of wedlock. [More…]
The standard rate pension payable to single people and widows with children is to be increased by $1.25 to $17.25 a week. [More…]
With regard to the increase payable to children, each child in a pensioner’s care will attract a uniform rate of $4.50 a week. [More…]
Child endowment in respect of children who are in institutions will be increased by 50c and child endowment for each child under the age of 16 years in excess of 2 in a family is increased by 50c a week. [More…]
It is these people - the young widows and young deserted wives who are required to bring up children on their own - who are facing the greatest problem in this country today. [More…]
They had 2 young children. [More…]
Consequently, there are youngsters who suffer as a result of this because they have to be placed with people who are not trained in the care of small children. [More…]
It is impossible in many instances for the families of elderly people who have commitments to their own children, to meet those commitments adequately and at the same time to care for elderly parents. [More…]
Cowardly men walk out on their wives and children, go to another State and get a job. [More…]
I have said publicly previously, and I say again, that the Government is driving some of these women to a desperate position where rather than see their children starve they will sell their bodies for a night a week. [More…]
Fourthly, the family allowance provision, including the increase in child endowment payments to the third and subsequent children, represents rejection through the national Parliament of the new doctrine summarised in the slogan ‘Pollution is People’. [More…]
Is it fair that these aged and sick people should have their income having children born under decent conditions. [More…]
We were able to influence the then Treasurer, who is now Prime Minister, as to the necessity to alter the rate; instead of having a flat rate, to alter it to provide an increased amount for the third and subsequent children. [More…]
That increase will be of benefit to those people who recognise the necessity for and the importance and wholesomeness of having a population of our own and of having children born under decent conditions. [More…]
According to them it is selfish to have more children. [More…]
Every time I see young children I say: ‘Glod bless them’. [More…]
My mother bore 11 children. [More…]
Is it fair to ask her to go out and look for a job after she has dedicated and devoted her life to bearing and rearing children? [More…]
The children have probably gone out and taken up their own responsibilities for their wife and family. [More…]
A married man with a wife and children to maintain receives the same income as a single man or a spinster woman who have neither chick nor child to keep and who have obligations to nobody. [More…]
He is educating his children and helping them to go into a profession or calling so that they might serve their community in their own time. [More…]
He is expected, unless he receives a generous child endowment, to maintain those children and maintain his home on the same wage as a single man or a spinster woman who have neither chick nor child to keep. [More…]
This is as true today as ever before, in spite of all the permissiveness that has developed around us in recent years and in spite of the attitude of many parents towards their children today. [More…]
They believe that children should have full expression of their feelings and that discipline is something that went out with their grandfather, and so on. [More…]
Let us get back to teaching children to respect those who are older than themselves and superior to themselves. [More…]
Respect has been replaced not by requests but by demands; demands for this and demands for that; demands for power and demands for rights to which children are not entitled. [More…]
It applies to children in excess of 2 in a family. [More…]
I believe that those who are prepared to have this number of children merit the little which the Government does under the heading of child endowment. [More…]
Originally the basic wage was viewed as a social wage which was sufficient to meet the heeds of a man, his wife and 3 children, but following the basic wage inquiry in 1934 the Commonwealth Arbitration Court veered away from this earlier concept of the basic wage as a social wage and decided that it should become an economic wage which would be the highest wage that the court deemed that industry was able to pay. [More…]
In 1941 the Chief Judge of the Court considered that on the basis of needs only the basic wage then operative was sufficient to provide only frugal comfort for a family unit of 3. that it offered only a meagre existence for a family unit of 4, and that if there were more than 2 children a family on the basic wage would experience hardship. [More…]
I mentioned in my speech on the Budget that in the case of a person who had more than 4 children, when the first child reached the age of 16 years and became eligible for endowment under the student endowment scheme the family would lose a certain amount of the child endowment. [More…]
Under the new scheme a family with 8 children under the age of 16 years will receive 17.25 a week, but if the first child becomes eligible for the student’s allowance the amount received will be reduced to $16.25 or, in other words, Si less than the family would have received had the child endowment remained and the student’s allowance not been paid. [More…]
Of that number, 8,000 families have 7 children; 3,000 families have 8 children; 1,100 families have 9 children; 400 families have 10 children and 200 families have 11 children or more. [More…]
The figures I have cited relate to families with more than 6 children. [More…]
Child endowment is a very small social security payment designed to partially offset the financial penalties of having children. [More…]
The principle appears to be the more the children, the more the assistance given per child. [More…]
The Commonwealth Department of Social Services has assured me of the accuracy of the following situation: Under the new rates payable per month of 28 days (a) for a family with 8 wholly supported children, when the eldest school child turns 16 the endowment cheque drops by $7. [More…]
For the family of 2 wholly supported children, when the eldest school child turns 16 the endowment cheque rises by $2. [More…]
One is a provision under which the third child and all subsequent children will receive an increase of 50c in child endowment. [More…]
Under the other provision there will be an increase of 50c a week in the endowment payable in respect of children who live in approved institutions. [More…]
Possibly as significant in itself as any of the other matters provided for by this measure is the provision for additional payment for the children of age, invalid and widow pensioners. [More…]
A set figure of $4.50 a week will now be paid in respect of the children of all age, invalid and widow pensioners. [More…]
For widows there is a mother’s allowance, which is not introduced by this measure but which is part of the provision that has been made in recent years, of $4 or $6 a week according to the age of the children. [More…]
On the aspect of child endowment I would simply say to Senator Drury that it is a fact that when a child turns 16 and receives student endowment the amount received by the family in which there are more than 2 children will undoubtedly decrease. [More…]
How many Aboriginal children are eligible to attend (a) pre-schools, (b) primary schools, and (c) high schools in the Northern Territory. [More…]
Children may be enrolled in pre-school at 3 years of age providing they turn 4 by the 30th June in the year they are enrolled. [More…]
At age 5+ children may enter primary school and at age 13+ are eligible to attend post-primary school or secondary school. [More…]
The approximate numbers of eligible children in each category at the commencement of 1971 were: [More…]
The number of Aboriginal children attending such schools are: [More…]
One might also couple with that fact the provision which the Bill makes for an increase in child endowment and for an increase to $4.50 a week in the payment made for children of aged, invalid and widowed pensioners. [More…]
For a standard family of a man, wife and 2 children, the income equivalent to the poverty line was assumed to be marginally adequate to meet a family’s expenses after payment of income tax, but the appropriate poverty line for a pensioner was calculated on the basis of a given percentage of the family poverty line. [More…]
The Government is so grateful that it has never given consideration to increasing the amount paid in respect of dependent children of ex-servicemen who are on the special rate or TPI rate of pension. [More…]
If we are grateful to these people who have served overseas and who in some cases have paid the supreme sacrifice and have left widows and children to battle alone, we should be grateful to the extent of at least keeping the money value of their pensions equitable with that of 10 years ago. [More…]
Particularly am I concerned with the failure of the Government to increase the allowances for children. [More…]
I sometimes wonder whether the Government is conscious of the necessity to provide for the children of repatriation pension recipients. [More…]
Is it a part of the modern thinking that we have exceeded our population target and that we should ignore the value of our children to the community? [More…]
Is it a part of modern thinking that the Government should neglect to provide for the children of . [More…]
Why in the name of goodness would the Government neglect to increase the allowances for children who are the dependants of an exserviceman receiving a repatriation pension? [More…]
1 claim for my Party credit for having influenced the Government to alter the flat rate system of child endowment payments and for granting an increased rate of payment in respect of all children in each family after the second child in order to assist big families to get by. [More…]
I think that it is a very bad thing for a country like ours to overlook the necessity for making adequate provision for the children of any family. [More…]
The increase for the widow with 2 children, who receives the pension, the domestic allowance and the children’s allowances, has been 303 per cent since June 1950. [More…]
For the war widow with 2 children, who receives her pension, the domestic allowance and the children’s allowances, the increase has been 28 per cent. [More…]
If I am right in my calculations, that means that a single TPI pensioner receives 56.26 per cent of the average take-home pay, whilst the married man with no children receives 62.18 per cent of the average take-home pay. [More…]
Senator Poyster talked about the war widow with children. [More…]
The total pension and domestic allowance for the war widow without dependent children will have been increased by $4.25 in the 3-year period to which I have been referring; that is, from 1968-69 to 1971-72. [More…]
For the war widow with 2 children under 16 years of age, the increase in pension domestic and children’s allowances over that same period will have been S8.60. [More…]
If he is married and has 2 children it would be in the vicinity of $71 a week. [More…]
With the introduction of daylight saying in the eastern States imminent, would any consideration be given by the Australian Broadcasting Control Board to changing the cut-off times for general viewing - this relates in particular to the times for programmes watched by children - on television to adapt to the adjusted social patterns that will inevitably accompany this scheme? [More…]
The Australian High Commissioner in London, Sir Alex Downer, has associated himself with support for the Pestalozzi Children’s Village Trust. [More…]
This Trust, of which Lord Sainsbury is President, is responsible for helping needy children from underdeveloped countries. [More…]
Children are brought to the United Kingdom, provided with secondary and further’ education and, on completion of training, returned to their homelands to assist in the economic and cultural development of their nations. [More…]
By agreement with the South Vietnamese Government, the Trust has recently extended its aid to an initial group of 24 orphaned children from South Vietnam. [More…]
We say that our responsibility is to our nation and to our children; that is our prime responsibility. [More…]
One of the great tragedies of rural areas in Australia for many years, a tragedy that has been compounded by the rural recession, has been the drift of the children of country residents to the great metropolitan areas. [More…]
Rural residents over the years have educated their children to the highest standard available in their areas, or to the best of their financial capacity, only to find, unfortunately, that when those children leave school they have been educated beyond the employment capacity of the district in which they were born and bred. [More…]
Do many thousands of children in India face death through malnutrition? [More…]
The problem of malnutrition in India is particularly acute among refugee children. [More…]
The Government has not received any official estimate of deaths which have or might occur among refugee children through malnutrition, but the DirectorGeneral of India’s Health Services, Dr J. [More…]
B. Stivastava, was reported by a Press Agency on 19th August to have said that more than 115,000 East Pakistani refugee children were suffering from malnutrition diseases, that 110,000 were likely to die unless given immediate treatment and that another 600,000 needed supplementary, foods. [More…]
But, more than that, it will mean that their children will not be attending school in that .area and the services which are normally required by an area in which there is quite a large number of people will have to be depleted. [More…]
But passing those things by, one has only to reflect upon the view that it would revolt the just mind to refrain from appropriate punishment by death of the criminal who has killed in cold blood a pregnant woman; who has murdered little children for sensuous rape- [More…]
If society is to protect itself as an ordered society, not for cowards but for courageous men, and equally courageous women and children, it must protect the man who must go against a criminal gang in the line of law enforcement and could be murdered when carrying out the obligation of the law. [More…]
The Australian Parliament has a responsibility to encourage the development of our National identity, character and heritage and the promulgation, for the sake of our children, of an adequate picture of Australia, her standards, modes and way of life, particularly through the media of Radio and Television, which is in the immediate control of the Australian Government. [More…]
Will he inform the Senate also whether a full investigation was carried out as to the cost of a suitably appointed hospital for the care of Aboriginal children in the southern region of the Northern Territory? [More…]
If I may state the position quickly, there has been tremendous concern as to the state of some Aboriginal children in the southern centre of the Northern Territory, particularly those who have been in hospital. [More…]
We have had the situation in Alice Springs where the children requiring intensive care had become involved with children who were convalescing and it became necessary to meet a very serious situation. [More…]
This represents a wonderful break through and I feel personally very proud that with the aid and support of the Government we have been able to achieve this It will enable us to separate the convalescing children from the very sick kiddies and will enable them to convalesce before going back to their own habitats and homes. [More…]
In this way we believe that we will be able to make a real break through in the care of the very sick children, particularly the Aboriginal children, in the centre. [More…]
As a result, when a child in a family of 3 (or more) children reaches 16 years and attracts student endowment, the total payment for the family will be reduced but even so it remains $1.50 a week higher than it would have been had the Government not introduced student endowment in 1964. [More…]
As I have said before in this chamber, little children playing shop would not believe in this tax as a form of financing. [More…]
The other is that at present there are 100,000 fewer children under the age of 15 years in this country than there were 7 years ago. [More…]
Largely, the legislation 10 introduce the tax was supported as being very just, because, in a period of war and of some financial difficulties, it sought to provide the Commonwealth with sufficient funds to enable it to take over the responsibilities of making a 5s child endowment payment to all children under 16 years of age. [More…]
The problem of malnutrition in India is particularly acute among refugee children. [More…]
The Government has not received any official estimate of deaths which have or might occur among refugee children through malnutrition, but the Director-General of India’s Health Services, Dr J. [More…]
This was long before the Australian Government gave any aid - to have said that more than 115,000 East Pakistani refugee children were suffering from malnutrition diseases, that 110,000 were likely to die unless given immediate treatment and that another 600,000 needed supplementary foods. [More…]
I think it is generally conceded now that many hundreds of thousands of adults and children have since died because of their inability to obtain normal sustenance. [More…]
It is true that I issued a statement on Thursday evening on the proposed acquisition of the Mount Gillen motel following my own visits to the Territory and very significant representations that were made to the Government in relation to problems, notably in the southern part of the Northern Territory and the Alice Springs area, in regard to hospitalisation with particular reference to Aboriginal children. [More…]
What alternative have the young lads of today, what else are the young children to do when faced with compulsion? [More…]
Children in this country are fatherless because their fathers were killed in Vietnam. [More…]
We need an adequate army, if we have any regard for the country and its future, for the children who live here and for future generations. [More…]
The point I want to make is this: How can anyone who has a conscientious objection to serving in Vietnam but who will serve in any other theatre of war - he does not agree with what is going on in Vietnam; he does not agree with napalm bombing of children and women; he does not agree that it is other than a war of aggression in Vietnam; he does not agree that we should force a system of government on Vietnam - put his name to an alternative type of service which provides that if the Government declares a state of emergency which is approved by Parliament he shall go to Vietnam? [More…]
Notwithstanding Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Committee surveys that arc now under way on certain aspects of migrant community integration, does the Minister contemplate a crash programme involving a corps of social workers to enter the area pinpointed by the Melbourne Children’s Hospital’s recent report and apparently defined as a domestic disaster area? [More…]
The Hospital has been in touch with the Minister and his predecessor since October of last year, particularly about cases of malnutrition amongst newly arrived Turkish migrant children, and other cases where there was said to be inadequate child care. [More…]
It was found that in some cases the children were included in families which had been selected prior to the appointment of an Australian medical officer system in Turkey in August 1969 and prior to examinations being properly arranged. [More…]
The Royal Children’s Hospital has confirmed that its views on the matter were enclosed entirely in its correspondence with the Minister and it has accepted the Minister’s assurance that everything possible was done to maintain the standard of health of children of those migrants. [More…]
In common with many other women who have reached a stage where they have children either at high school or at university, she feels that after a span of 25 years a sum of, say Stg50 would bc very valuable to her at the present time. [More…]
The point is that by that time, as she says, the children would be more or less able to stand on their own feet. [More…]
How many children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands descent were enrolled during the 1971 school year for (a) final year matriculation classes; and (b) university courses. [More…]
For instance, the industry may well have sought - at this point of time 1 am not certain - to involve a school lunch principle of distribution of fresh fruit to school children. [More…]
These officers have made orders with respect to such matters as maintenance payments, property rights and access to children. [More…]
They include, for example, the right of a wife to receive weekly payments of maintenance moneys, the right of a father to visit his children in the custody of their mother and the right of a wife to a portion of the property held by her husband. [More…]
Paragraph (a) relates to a wife; paragraph (b) relates to a de facto wife; and paragraphs (c) and (d) relate to children under the age of 16 years in the custody, care and control of a beneficiary, or over the age of 16 years and under the age of 21 years. [More…]
If any one of us were sick or if our family, wife or children were sick we would go tothe medico. [More…]
I am not going to give them to my children. [More…]
It may be said - it has been said by people who do not think very deeply about this matter - that the children of these aged persons have some responsibility to look after them when they are ill. [More…]
I believe that the children do that, to the very limit of their capacity, until it is quite obvious that hospitalisation is necessary. [More…]
That report compared the situation of a husband, wife and 2 children under the European system with the situation under our system. [More…]
I think Senator Douglas McClelland, along with myself, was a member of the Standing Committee on Health and Welfare which was looking at the problems of physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
I know that a lot of the funds argue that fringe benefits should be given to spastic children and other groups. [More…]
We talk about unsung heroes, and these fellows who put their wife and children first come into that category. [More…]
Later on in this chamber I drew attention to the fact that in Great Britain and West Germany certain drug companies were paying an overdue but well deserved restitution to these children. [More…]
I put it to honourable senators that if a black ban - it is a pretty good trade union weapon at times if it is used on the right issue - were put on some of these drug companies, and they were told that if they did not do the right thing by those children who came into this world minus arms and such things, we would see some action. [More…]
Every family with young children has some kind of a Christmas ceremony. [More…]
I may adopt a different attitude if I were a man on a low wage with 3 or 4 children whose medicine chest is overstocked with drugs prescribed for a previous illness. [More…]
While we recognize India’s outstanding contribution in providing as far as possible, for their -immediate needs, we consider that this is a prob- lem for all mankind to help solve, as there are 8 million people, many of them helpless children, affected. [More…]
There was no consultation with the unions or the people concerned as to what was to happen to their homes, what was to happen in regard to the education of their children, or that type of thing. [More…]
The second will concern itself with means whereby children and young people can be helped to enjoy and practice the arts more effectively. [More…]
Is the building functioning as yet as a treatment centre for malnourished and convalescent Aboriginal children? [More…]
When that centre is in operation - which I expect will be quite early in the new year - it will have accommodation for some 40 children in ward areas and for 16 mothers, plus their infant children, in separate room accommodation. [More…]
The voluntary code governing such advertisements was recently revised, in co-operation with the cigarette manufacturers, media representatives and broadcasting authorities, to both restrict the times at which cigarette advertisements may be shown and to shift the emphasis of these advertisements away from young people, particularly children. [More…]
With the introduction of daylight saving in the eastern States imminent would any consideration be given by the Australian Broadcasting Control Board to changing the cut-off times for general viewing - this relates, in particular, to the times of programmes watched by children - on television to adapt to the adjusted social patterns that will inevitably accompany this scheme [More…]
As the honourable senator is probably aware, the Television Programme Standards of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board provide that nothing unsuitable for children’s and family viewing shall be televised between 4.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. on week-days and before 7.30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. [More…]
It will of course be necessary for parents to accept responsibility, as they are obliged to do now, for what their children view after 7.30 p.m. [More…]
I am sure that all honourable senators would wish to join with the Premier of Queensland, his fellow Queensland parliamentarians and indeed the people of Queensland in extending sympathy to Mrs Heatley and her 4 children. [More…]
Briefly, they may be granted migrant visas if they are the spouses, dependent children, fiancees, fiances or aged parents of residents of Australia; or if they have qualifications at the level required by the Government’s policy decision of March 1966 concerning non European immigration (usually professional qualifications); they may readily obtain visitor visas (tourists, businessmen, etc. [More…]
It will not advance him one step in his struggle to stay on his property, keep his wife and children above the poverty level so many are now reduced to, or meet his bills in the nearby town. [More…]
Has the Minister seen a statement by the Director of the Queensland Employers Federation in which he advised parents of some school leavers, to keep their children at school for some months into 1972? [More…]
To my mind, it would be an exceptional course to leave children at school simply because of the unavailability Qf employment. [More…]
Many of them are widows or deserted wives - some supporting children or other dependants - and are in difficult circumstances. [More…]
Under a third proposal a concessional deduction will be available for legal expenses and fees incurred by taxpayers in adopting children. [More…]
For wool to have a future, a demand must be created for it so that everyone in this Senate is wearing wool, our wives are wearing it, our children are wearing it and everybody in the street is wearing it. [More…]
What bread and butter will it put on the table for his wife and children unless it is determined on the basis of need? [More…]
Were Maureen Joseph and her 3 children granted assisted passage from England to Australia and was her husband Mr Nigel Joseph refused such passage, the only difference being that the husband was bom in Ceylon and the pigment of his skin was dark? [More…]
Can the Minister give an estimate of the approximate cost of these proposals, and state whether it is possible to provide free hospitalisation and a free dental scheme for school children and to establish one health commission to replace the existing health funds, at a cost per taxpayer of 1.3 per cent of taxable income? [More…]
It provides, for instance, that during periods of transmission when it is believed children are watching television, such advertising is not permitted. [More…]
Quite clearly, there is a code which is applicable and which restricts advertising on television during certain hours, those hours being hours when, it is believed - and this may be arguable - children are watching television. [More…]
Will the Minister inquire into proposals submitted by the Isolated Children’s Parents Association with the object of granting immediate allowances and concessions to the parents of children in the isolated areas of Western Australia and other States who are at present struggling to teach their children by correspondence lessons and need financial assistance? [More…]
Maintenance orders for the support of deserted wives and children may be made either under the maintenance acts of the States or under the Commonwealth matrimonial causes jurisdiction. [More…]
This would open up not only the question of diabetics but also that of retarded children who need certain types of medicine and of people suffering paralytic diseases. [More…]
Who is going to own and control this country when our children grow up? [More…]
I refer to the deductions allowed for a spouse, children, payments to hospital benefits funds, education and insurance expenses and matters of that sort. [More…]
Divorce cases in the courts are most protracted and situations occur in relation to both parties and their children which should not be countenanced in our society. [More…]
The present law relating to maintenance of wives and children, and property rights between spouses, is complex, confused and inadequate and not infrequently results in injustice. [More…]
The most necessary and important reform of all is, however, the establishment of a new tribunal for matrimonial causes to determine the merits of the parties, their rights to dissolution, the custody and general welfare of children, and the rights of the parties to property as well as questions of maintenance. [More…]
It is one of the fundamental principles of the Act that the maintenance of the wife and children, custody, access, settlement of property and so on should, as far as practicable, be dealt with at the same time by the one judge. [More…]
But I feel that whatever be the grounds of divorce - whether they be extended or comprehended in one or two grounds - the real problem which we have to recognise is that adequate provision must be made for the children of the marriage. [More…]
I believe that the important consideration in all these areas is that this Act which we are amending to some extent has acknowledged - but I think this has to be acknowledged a great deal more by the community at large in the future - that the way in which the children of broken marriages or divorced parents are provided for by those who have in a sense yielded up the responsibility- [More…]
While we recognise India’s outstanding contribution in providing as far as possible, for their immediate needs, we consider that this is a problem for all mankind to help solve, as there are eight million people, many of them helpless children, affected. [More…]
I am happy to say that the Council discussed this matter at its meeting on 1 7th and 1 8th November and agreement was reached in principle that extension of benefits to student children should be brought into line with the age level for student children for deductions allowable in the Income Tax Assessment Act. [More…]
They become almost father confessors, guides, philosophers and friends, particularly in homes where there are children. [More…]
Some general practitioners care for children right through into their adulthood. [More…]
Priority is also being given to family reunion and the movement of personal nominees.In particular, priority will be given to wives and dependent children of breadwinnerswho are already in Australia. [More…]
1 am thinking here of the medical teams, the teams 1 have seen in Vietnam doingwonderful work amongst the civilians and particularly among the children. [More…]
Transportation to Australia of widows who married members overseas, and of their children (Reg. [More…]
I ask: Will he cause an investigation to be made as to whether the properties of fresh apple juice are equally beneficial to children as is the milk paid for by the Commonwealth and supplied free of charge to school children? [More…]
A deserted husband with four or five children could have much more serious and difficult financial problems than a deserted wife. [More…]
Although in most instances the States do not arrange for migrants to come here, when a migrant has become integrated in our community and has become a successful man within his Scale, he is then a success for the State and of benefit to the State, so why should he be required to pay more than anyone else towards the cost of educating his children? [More…]
As the Commonwealth is the taxing authority which collects the money, it should finance the education of children throughout Australia by ensuring that the States have adequate money to enable them to provide educational facilities. [More…]
Whether the children attend a State school or an independent school, whether they happen to have a particular racial background, to have been born in this country or to have come here as migrants, they are still Australian children and should be considered as such. [More…]
Because of the Government’s philosophy over the last 20 years we have arrived at a. situation in which the man who most needs assistance for housing is the family man with 3, 4, 5 or 6 children, rather than the man who has no family. [More…]
that hampers the man with 5 or 6 children. [More…]
It affects him every lime he walks into a shop to purchase the daily necessities for the children who will build a greater Australia. [More…]
The family man has to meet this burden of indirect taxation in purchasing needs for his 5 or 6 children. [More…]
My Party feels that those people who are desirous of becoming home owners in their own right should be able to build adequate homes at rates of interest which will not impoverish them during the vital years in which they are trying to educate their children. [More…]
At present many families are unable to give the little bit of extra assistance in the way of education that they would like to give to their children because they are groaning under the burden of the interest rate of 7 per cent or 8 per cent that they have lo pay on their housing loans. [More…]
The Government has destroyed their chances by allowing the credit structure of this country to go beyond the reasonable limits of the people who desire to use it for the fundamentally necessary purpose of providing housing for their children. [More…]
Parents have the right to choose their children’s education and as taxpayers they are entitled to ask that public funds to which their taxes have contributed should be shared justly and equitably for the education of all children. [More…]
The reduction of the number of independent schools in Australia will effectively deprive many taxpaying parents of their rights to choose an alternative type of education tor their children. [More…]
Leave out all words alter ‘That’, insert ‘the Bill be withdrawn and redrafted to provide that the Commonwealth establish an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in Government and nongovernment primary, secondary and technical schools and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the Slates to assist in meeting the requirements of all school-age children on the basis of needs and priorities, and in making recommendations for such grants to the States, the Commission shall have regard to- [More…]
the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
We say, first of all, that the primary obligation of governments is to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard and open to all children, ft is only when those needs have been met that anything else may be done by the Government. [More…]
Certainly nobody, not even the most enthusiastic advocate of the Government, could say that we have a situation in Australia where this primary obligation has been fulfilled and that we are providing and maintaining a government school system of the highest standard and open to all children. [More…]
Our system is not even open to all children. [More…]
Many of these children wish to continue their education, would be capable of benefiting from their education and would be capable of benefiting their fellow mcn by having a higher education. [More…]
That is what the Opposition means when it says that the schools should be open to all children. [More…]
They are now open to all children in the same way as the Ritz Hotel is open to everybody; they arc only open to those who are able to pay for it. [More…]
Having said that it then considers that .to determine the needs of all schools we should establish an Australian schools commission - this is outlined in our policy - similar in many respects to the existing Australian Universities Commission, it would consider the needs of all the different bodies engaging in education and of the schools within the different systems of education, bearing in mind that the first responsibility is to the children in the government schools. [More…]
Having fully met that responsibility to the children in government schools it would then look at the numbers enrolled in the various schools and the need to bring all schools up to acceptable standards. [More…]
All parents are taxpayers and the children of all parents should be entitled to equal treatment from funds which are under control of the Government. [More…]
I regret to say that today many people are at universities not because they wanted to go there and not because they should have gone there but because the children of neighbours are going there and dad or mum said: ‘I have to send my child to university otherwise I wilt be downgraded in the eyes of the neighbours’. [More…]
As I said earlier, my Party believes that in the field of secondary education all children, whether they go to a State school or a private school, should bc treated in the same way. [More…]
All parents pay taxes; the children of all parents are entitled to a share of those taxes. [More…]
The altitude of my Party is that they are all good Australian children irrespective of whether they attend a State school or a private school. [More…]
Being all good Australian children wc do not draw any distinctions between them. [More…]
I have visited many of our secondary schools and have been able to see the results achieved and what they have meant to students, particularly to children of my race. [More…]
I appreciate that much is being done in the field of education in the cities and large towns, but in the outlying areas children do not have the same opportunities as those in the cities and more settled areas where television and many other amenities are provided. [More…]
I believe that whatever can be done for children in the outback must be done. [More…]
I have no doubt that at the proper time they will be given significant consideration in relation to living away from home allowances for holders of scholarships, which would be an appropriate means, if money were available, to adjust to the economy of those isolated areas the particular circumstances of rural children needing secondary and tertiary education. [More…]
the primary obligationof governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
also suggests in his amendment that this commission would have regard to a number of matters, the first of which is the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children. [More…]
For the reasons that we consider we should not hold up the present grants, that if the question of an Australian schools commission is to be raised it should be debated under a separate heading and because we feel that all Australian children should be treated alike, the Democratic Labor Party cannot support the amendment. [More…]
We do not want to divide our children into 2 sections, those who get preferences and those who do not. [More…]
Every parent pays taxes and every parent is entitled to have his children share those taxes. [More…]
They are the schools which the majority of children attend perhaps because their parents cannot afford to send them to one of the private schools. [More…]
The government schools make nothing out of it and are there for the children of parents who cannot afford to send them to private schools. [More…]
First of all we must have schools to accommodate the children; [More…]
The majority of children who come out of schools today cannot spell. [More…]
the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
My point is that if the Government has this money to spare I would prefer to see the children of Australia accommodated in schools so that they can be educated. [More…]
I also believe that if parents select a private school it is probably because they can afford lo send their children to that private school. [More…]
I believe in the right of parents to make a choice and to send their children to schools of their own choosing. [More…]
Parents have the right to choose their children’s education and as taxpayers they are entitled to ask that public funds to which their taxes have contributed should be shared justly and equitably for the education of all children. [More…]
The reduction of the number of independent schools in Australia will effectively deprive many taxpaying parents of their right to choose any alternative type of education for their children. [More…]
I simply say that migrant mothers with children constitute a basic issue. [More…]
A few weeks ago some of the members of the Opposition were lauding the statements of an alleged learned professor who had been brought to Australia from the United States of America to tell us we must join the zero population growth movement; that we should not be filth sinners and have more than 2 children to * family. [More…]
The father no longer takes any interest in her or the children. [More…]
I think an honourable senator said in this chamber this morning that university students cannot obtain part time work to help them through their studies and that children who have come out of the secondary schools cannot obtain work. [More…]
They have 3 children. [More…]
I believe that this fact is clearly established by a reply which I received from the then Minister for Immigration (Mr Lynch), on 2nd November last year when I asked the following question: ls it a fact that Government policy prevents assisted passages being granted to coloured persons: if so, does this same policy apply to a person of European blood and colour, who is a British subject and has an Indian wife and 3 children who are all British subjects? [More…]
The situation at the moment is that the Government is bringing in so many migrants that it cannot fina employment for them, it cannot provide education facilities for their children, it cannot provide housing for them and it cannot provide health and hospital services for them. [More…]
They were being formed into ghettos; they could not get housing; their children could not get proper schooling, and all the rest of it. [More…]
Malay or any other extraction - if he has an Australian visa he can enter that country, walk in, lay his visa down and live there with his wife and children, with no questions being asked. [More…]
I am still a Tongan and 1 would like to earn extra money for my wife and 2 children’. [More…]
1 remind honourable senators of the case of the Filipino musician with 2 children who was deported from Darwin. [More…]
For example a local employee with a wife and two children stationed in Port Moresby is paid family needs allowance to raise his basic salary to $16.48 a week. [More…]
Funds provided for education through the Trust Account are ensuring to Aboriginal Australians more and better educational facilities by way of buildings, equipment, libraries and so on, and are helping the States to ensure that children at school below the statutory school leaving age will receive necessary assistance with clothing, textbooks, travel, tutorial assistance and homework supervision. [More…]
I am satisfied that very many more young Aborigines are now staying on in secondary school and that there has been generally a marked improvement in the attitudes and application of the children and in their level of attainment. [More…]
S500,000 from the Trust Account on additional pre-schooling for Aboriginal children. [More…]
People on those outback stations wanted to get to doctors and their children wanted to get to schools, hut no-one would do anything about it. [More…]
There is rarely an outbreak of infectious disease, which is thought to be due to the compulsory medical examination which the sister insists upon the children having. [More…]
By today’s modern standards I think it is essential in tropical areas to have air conditioning installed in houses, particularly when women and little children are involved. [More…]
Al paragraph 158 of my Report dated 25th August 1970 it was stated that due to a delay in action being taken by the Administration to reduce the rates of maintenance subsidies following an increase in child endowment from 14 January 1964, overpayments totalling S20,425 in respect of Aboriginal children were made to managements of cattle stations. [More…]
lt has been made to owners of cattle stations in respect to Aboriginal children living on the property. [More…]
To meet expenditure on recreation transport allowances, medical rehabilitation, funeral expenses, small business loans, educational grants to children under 12 years, recoverable expenditure for other countries, and miscellaneous benefits. [More…]
All that time there is a young kid up there battling with the native inhabitants including young children, while infectionus disease is raging through the settlement. [More…]
The working man who is in receipt of the basic wage or even a tradesman’s rate cannot afford to obtain a loan at that rate of interest, nor can a white collar worker on the lower rungs of the clerical scale, particularly if he has at the same time to support a wife and young children. [More…]
Not only does it contribute to employment but it means that workers and their families who have had a lifetime in isolated areas will be required to seek employment in the metropolitan area, thereby creating a demand on ail the community services provided in the metropolitan area - houseing, water supply, sewerage, power, roads and other services, in addition to schooling for their children. [More…]
A child psychologist can correct this trend in children, but we have very few child psychologists in Australia. [More…]
In the Northern Territory, a boarding allowance of $250 per annum is payable by the Commonwealth Government to the parents of all primary and secondary school children who have to live away from home to attend school. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government also pays an annual subsidy of $100 in respect of children in the Northern Territory who are undertaking correspondence lessons with any recognised State Correspondence School, and whose parents employ a person to enable the supervision of lessons. [More…]
Handicapped Children - [More…]
If an institution is not available in the Northern Territory, which is the case for blind, deaf or mute children, approval may be granted for a boarding allowance of $250 to $370 per annum and reimbursement of a student concession economy class fare once per annum. [More…]
Annual expenditures on these schemes appears below: (here is no separate vote for handicapped children as expenditure is included in items1 and 2: [More…]
There are a number of other special schemes of educational assistance for Northern Territory children (e.g. [More…]
Northern Territory Secondary Scholarship Scheme and the Northern Territory Tertiary Scholarship Scheme) but the funds under these schemes are not earmarked for children who live outside the Northern Territory metropolitan areas. [More…]
Will the Government give considerationto the financing of more home help facilities to assist mothers who, for health or other good reasons, need assistance to keep children in the home? [More…]
The honourable senator has suggested that because of a lack of appropriate equipment the physical education of children is being affected. [More…]
If the taxpayer’s only deductions for income tax purposes were those allowable for the maintenance of a spouse and two children, then the tax payable would have been 175.70 or 7.2 per cent in 1961-62, and $525.61 or 13.5 per cent in 1969-70. [More…]
No advertisements for alcoholic liquor may be televised or broadcast in proximity to programmes for children or at times when the audience may be expected to include large numbers of young people. [More…]
Young people, whether children or adolescents, must not be allowed to participate in the presentation of these advertisements. [More…]
J am being distracted continually by children opposite. [More…]
I used to live in this district, and when my children were young I used to take them there on some occasions in order that they might breathe a little unpolluted air. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts whether it is a fact that the infant mortality rate for Aborigines is 6 times higher than the rate for other Australian children. [More…]
It has been converted to a centre which caters for Aboriginal children. [More…]
The children are no longer held in a children’s ward at the Alice Springs hospital where the susceptibility to cross infection was particularly bad. [More…]
Their treatment in that establishment has taken a tremendous load off the Alice Springs hospital, particularly the children’s ward where there were problems of cross-infection among Aboriginal children. [More…]
A medical team went to Collarenebri to study the work of a doctor living in that area who has expressed certain views about the type of treatment that should be given to the children in that area. [More…]
I think Senator Murphy and Senator O’Byrne would appreciate that it would not be appropriate for me to give an off the cuff answer about the mortality rate of Aboriginal children, particularly those of a very young age. [More…]
The tremendous, pitiful problems which were occasioned to farmers, particularly small farmers, and to workers and their women folk and children hit one very starkly indeed. [More…]
On the reserves they are learning useful skills in a training scheme which pays them a training allowance and they are benefiting from a better diet, health services and education for their children. [More…]
The whole tenor of the letter is that the raid of her home on Christmas Day in search of a fugitive who was not there was an invasion of the privacy of herself and her children. [More…]
When people come into a person’s home, that person’s wife and children are affected. [More…]
I have had people - not members of the police force - come onto my doorstep and I know the effect that this has on my children. [More…]
Clause 64 deals with the unsworn evidence of young children. [More…]
The previous provision in force in the Territory was section 418 of the New South Wales Crimes Act 1900, which referred to children ‘of tender years’ and which was restricted to criminal proceedings. [More…]
If we want to keep this country for our children and our grandchildren we should be doing something in this regard. [More…]
The increase is particularly striking where children are concerned, and this illustrates our special concern for the family unit. [More…]
If we take as an example a man, his wife and 2 children we find that they are entitled to a maximum benefit of $35.50 a week. [More…]
This is made up of $17 for the male, $8 for the wife, $4.50 each for the children and SI. [More…]
50 endowment for the children which comprises 50c for the first child and $1 for the second child. [More…]
Normally, they would much prefer to be supervising their home and be free when their children return from kindergarten and school. [More…]
More particularly are we concerned for the family man who has a wife and 4 or 5 children to support. [More…]
At the end of motion add: ‘, but the Senate is of the opinion that the child’s allowance payable in respect of dependent children under sixteen years of unemployed persons should, where there are three or more children, be substantially increased; that the payment for a dependent spouse should also be increased; and that a special allowance for student children sixteen years and under twenty-one years should be introduced so as to reduce the inevitable pressure on such children to forsake or interrupt their studies by seeking employment in order to assist the family’. [More…]
It is a sign of a real concern that we can increase the provision, for example, for a man, his wife and 4 children to $43 a week as an unemployment or sickness benefit. [More…]
At end of motion add - but the Senate is of the opinion that the child’s allowance payable in respect of dependent children under 16 years of unemployed persons should, where there are 3 or more children, bs substantially increased; that the payment for a dependent spouse should also be increased; and that a special allowance for student children 16 years and under 21 years should be introduced so as to reduce the inevitable pressure on such children to forsake or interrupt their studies by seeking employment in order to assist the family’. [More…]
The only comment I would make is that unemployment strikes with particular harshness in larger families where the mar.gin between no income and some reasonable income, though inadequate, is slight and the situation becomes very desperate where a number of children are dependent on one breadwinner who becomes unemployed. [More…]
Under our proposition a minimum of $50 would have been provided for a man and wife and 2 children. [More…]
, conference considers that couples have a basic human right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and a right to adequate education and information in this: respect . [More…]
Indeed, in a great number of cases it is necessary for the children of the elderly people of the community to contribute, sometimes substantially, towards the cost of maintaining their parents in these places. [More…]
In cases of hardship there is power under the amendments to refund all or part of bus fares paid for school children. [More…]
But 1 think that by and large, in respect of the question of school bus fares, there is, as 1 understand it, a fairly common approach to this subject on the basis that school fares over a certain distance from a school where buses are used are free and that certain administrative procedures - I have used these myself in a former capacity that 1 had1 - are adopted to ensure that the parents of children travelling in excess of a certain distance in a school bus do not have to pay a substantial fare. [More…]
Formerly, the fares charged to school children in the Territory raised $38,000. [More…]
Figures have been taken out which indicate that the cost of the increased fares to a family with 3 children going to school at the present time will be in the vicinity of $1.50 a week. [More…]
Under the proposed new tariff the cost to a family with 3 children attending school will bc $63 and for a family of 6 - there are a number of families like this in the Australian Capital Territory - it will be approximately $126 per year. [More…]
We are engaged on an exercise to raise from $38,000 to $120,000 the fares for school children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
1 do not think that it lakes account of all the factors and all the circumstances which obtain in the Australian Capital Territory’- The increased fares for school children hit probably one of the most sensitive areas that could be hit in an endeavour to raise public finance for the transport system. [More…]
The fares for children using public transport buses in the Australian Capital Territory have been increased from 2c to 5c. [More…]
The Commonwealth Motor Omnibus Fares Regulations were amended in 1971 at the request of the Minister for Education and Science (Mr Malcolm Fraser) and increased the fares of school children from 2c to 5c. [More…]
A system of issuing tokens to the children involved was considered but not proceeded with on the advice of the welfare branch of the Department that such identification would be socially undesirable. [More…]
With the exception of private buses which are hired on a contractual basis to transport children living in rural areas to and from school, all buses used by school children in the Australian Capital Territory are operated by the Department of the Interior. [More…]
The major element of the cost is the provision of special buses to take children to and from school and school sporting fixtures, and a subsidy on school fares to and from schools in regular government passenger buses, particularly for children living in rural areas of the Australian Capital Territory which are not served by private contract buses. [More…]
Children attending non-government schools come from a wider area of the A.C.T. [More…]
In Sydney and Melbourne, for example, the majority of school children depending on bus transport travel to and from school on ordinary passenger buses which operate on ordinary passenger routes. [More…]
Does anyone doubt that the thing that matters to Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs Brown day by day is the education of their children? [More…]
Is it a fact that currently the cost of public ward hospital insurance and medical insurance to a man supporting a wife and 2 children in Victoria, after claiming his tax deductions for the cost of this insurance, is $1.05 a week on an income of $3,000 per annum, but private ward insurance and medical insurance would cost only 60c a week on an income of $20,000 per annum? [More…]
Does the proposal detail the resultant savings to the Commonwealth from the abolition of tuition fees on scholarships as well as savings from the resultant reduction in taxation allowances now permitted for student children, and the further saving of fees now refunded by the Commonwealth Public Service to employees who pass approved courses and the tax deduction allowance to employers who now pay for employees to attend universities or colleges of advanced education? [More…]
They have been joined in some measure - not always in the same words but in words which have the same effect - by persons such as the former Attorney-General, Mr Hughes, who only a few days ago said that the Australian people could no longer be treated like children and that the Government was making stumbling attempts to explain the inflationary forces operating in our economy. [More…]
Another example is the case of children’s toys. [More…]
One of its recommendations - believe me, that committee was not loaded with trade unionists or members of the Australian Labor Party - drew a glaring contrast between the situation of a husband, his wife and 2 children in Western Europe and that of a similar group in Australia so far as health coverage was concerned. [More…]
The mother of the first of these babies was said to have taken imipramine during early pregnancy; the mothers of the other two children had not taken imipramine but were said to have taken another tricyclic anti-depressant. [More…]
Alternatively, if the existing unit of pension scheme were to be retained, the Board suggest that any remaining surplus assets should be applied to a further extension of pension benefits with particular reference to those provided for widows and children. [More…]
Children’s and orphans’ pensions would be 10 per cent and 20 per cent respectively of the invalid benefit. [More…]
When existing superannuation pensions were increased last year orphans whose pensions are calculated by reference to the widows pension were the only children who benefited directly from the increases. [More…]
Those in receipt of the fixed rates of pension specified in the Act that apply to future pensioner children and orphans as well, did not receive an increase. [More…]
When introducing the Superannuation (Pension Increases) Bill, I said that the position of orphans and children would be given special consideration by the Government when the results of the quinquennial investigations of the superannuation and defence forces retirement benefits funds became available. [More…]
Later, after considering representations from the Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations, the Treasurer told the Council that he would look at the situation of children and orphans again as soon as he received the Actuary’s report on the Superannuation Fund. [More…]
I am told that in recent weeks citizens have been known actually to stand outside shop windows and little children have been known to leave suitcases on the footpath while waiting for buses! [More…]
One could imagine all sorts of things, such as poisoning the population of a city by introducing something into the city’s water supply or the destruction of young children in a dreadful way. [More…]
If so, despite the fact that this question involves policy, will the Minister confer with his colleague for the purpose of examining this anomaly and as quickly as possible bring the dependant’s allowance for recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits in line with dependant’s allowances payable, to age, invalid and widowed pensioners who continue to receive the dependant’s allowance for student children over 16 years of age? [More…]
Has the Minister representing the PostmasterGeneral heard a report of a statement attributed to the United States SurgeonGeneral when appearing before the United States Senate Communications Subcom.mittee in Washington in which he called for immediate action to restrict violence in television programmes because of its effect on some children? [More…]
The Aboriginal children on that settlement had not seen fresh milk for 3 weeks. [More…]
The lives of their children are being sacrificed. [More…]
Is it a fact that a publication known as the ‘Little Red School Book’, the admitted aim of which is to promote the overthrow of the present system and to enlist and train the children in doing so, has been released by the Department of Customs and Excise? [More…]
That the Commonwealth establish an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in Government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school-age children on the basis of needs and priorities, and in making recommendations for such grants to the States, the Commission shall have regard to - [More…]
the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
Nothing in the intention of those Acts set as goals that children should be forced to use government buildings, government teachers or secular education. [More…]
Yet by advocating it and advocating that the richest person in the land shall receive a retirement allowance along with the poorest person in the land why does the Labor Party pick out and discriminate against the parents and children of the independent school sector? [More…]
Those high schools are providing a free service which, under the relevant Acts, is not compulsory for children whose parents are as affluent as or more affluent than the parents of other children who go to independent schools. [More…]
The Labor Party’s arguments have always been that we should not pour money into systems to which the wealthy send their children. [More…]
Strangely enough, as I have said, members of the Labor Party do not seem too sorry if the wealthy send their children to State high schools in their final years. [More…]
But they do object if it happens that some few children in the independent schools come from independent families. [More…]
It is fair to say that the great majority of parents who choose to send their children to independent schools are of moderate to poor means, are provident and make enormous sacrifices so to do. [More…]
In our view, he shows an admirable conception of the need to treat children in this community not as 2 separate groups according to the type of school they attend but rather as young Australians who are all entitled to fair play. [More…]
If governments were forced to find the thousands of teachers and the thousands of dollars that would be needed if the children in the independent schools were forced into the government schools there would be little hope of any advancement for the government schools in Australia for SO years to come. [More…]
Because their children attend that school the parents like to help. [More…]
But in Great Britain, the United States of America and other countries, parents regard it as a privilege to help the school that their children attend. [More…]
Under the proposal of the Dunstan Committee - the Labor Party’s commission - it is proposed that if the parents of children at a particular school work hard and provide certain facilities that will be taken as an excuse to give the school nothing and to give the money to schools where the parents say: ‘We are not going to give a penny; let the State do that’. [More…]
In other words, it is a proposal to encourage parents to regard the State as being completely in charge of education and its financing and to have absolutely no interest in the school that their children attend. [More…]
There are schools in South Australia which are considerably in debt because the parents and the people in charge of these schools took the risk of borrowing money to provide certain facilities for the children. [More…]
Therefore, our committees will give the money to the schools where the parents were not prepared to go into debt and were not prepared to take risks in order to improve the quality of education available to their children’. [More…]
When you are dealing with buildings and so on it is possible to make some assessment along these lines but we are entirely opposed to attempting to do this when dealing with human beings, children. [More…]
Other speakers have said here and elsewhere, but it needs to be said again, that the Administration is supporting what we will call the dual system of education, which allows parents the choice of sending their children to government or independent schools. [More…]
The State school systems would have very great difficulty in absorbing the children who attend non-government schools. [More…]
the freedom to arrange their own expression and to develop the characteristics of their children. [More…]
The neediest schools in South Australia attract a total of $34 per pupil in the primary sector and this is less than what is paid to children in schools in at least 3 other States. [More…]
So the children in the nongovernment schools are not progressing too badly. [More…]
The result of all this is that the injustice is on the government school students and on the parents who send their children to government schools. [More…]
The charges which are required to be met by children attending State schools at the beginning of every term are equal in some respects to the amounts paid each quarter for children attending non-government schools. [More…]
The situation has developed where the State school children are being treated as second class citizens. [More…]
This remark would apply to 84 per cent of these children in Tasmania. [More…]
How many Aboriginal children under the age of 1 year have died in the Alice Springs Hospital in each year since, and including, 1968 and what was the cause of death in each case. [More…]
How many children of European descent under the age of 1 year died in each of the same years, and what was the cause of death in each case. [More…]
The number of deaths of Aboriginal children under the age of 1 year who have died in the Alice Springs hospital in each calendar year since 1968 is as follows: [More…]
The number of deaths of non-Aboriginal* children under the age of 1 year who have died in the Alice Springs hospital during the same period is as follows: [More…]
Adoption of Children Ordinance 1964- 1969 [More…]
One of these is the number of dependent student children in the family. [More…]
However, if a family whose gross income is $6,000 have three children at university, one of whom holds a Commonwealth scholarship and the other two hold no awards, then the living allowance paid to the award holder is $546 p.a. [More…]
At the family group classes at the Prahran Town Hall (where bi-lingual teachers were employed) enrolment had fallen to 7 adults and 6 children. [More…]
There is also a family group class for adults and children at the Richmond technical College. [More…]
We feel that, this proposition should be supported particularly in respect of teachers, because there are a great many women teachers and considerable hardship is inflicted upon them at present in many instances because of problems resulting from their having children. [More…]
We believe that the Commonwealth should give a lead in this Bill, which establishes for the first time a Commonwealth Teaching Service, by making provision for women teachers who may well become pregnant and who could well be involved in quite serious problems with their infant children after the birth. [More…]
They cover research of teacher education in Australia, the financing of research, research overseas, education of Aboriginal children and the need for future research. [More…]
Then it gives his business and private address and the names of his wife and children. [More…]
Woorabinda, Yarrabah, Bamaga, Thursday Island, the Torres Strait Islands and Palm Islands - there is no need for me to list all the settlements - has a provision for the adequate growing of farm crops to feed the children who live on the settlements. [More…]
On most of the settlements the children have never had fresh milk. [More…]
Successive Commonweath Ministers for Immigration have taken the firm view that entry into Australia of Asian children whom Australian residents wish to adopt is not prohibited by an immigration policy but that it is clearly and essentially in the interests of the children that the adoption plans have the approval of the expert child welfare authorities in the States concerned. [More…]
That is to say, the Council asserted that iodine 131 would not endanger health, provided the dose accumulated by children over a period of a year in consuming milk did not exceed 840 millirad. [More…]
The measurements indicate that radiation doses to thyroids of young children consuming fresh cow’s milk range from 4 to 62 millirad per annum for the milk supplies monitored. [More…]
We trust teachers with our most precious possession, our children and the development and education of their minds. [More…]
Children have been used deliberately as articles of blackmail because the teachers have wanted something - not necessarily a further improvement in their already very good conditions but something which they thought was perhaps politically desirable or desirable for the teaching service in general. [More…]
It is doubtful that their function is to use children as a means of trying to impose their will on the authorities of the day, when the will of the people at election time is the right will to be imposed upon governments. [More…]
They may persist in using the form of blackmail of denying children their right to be educated over a period, and they may continue to use the technique of rolling strikes on one day each week - for which they are docked only one-seventh instead of one-fifth of their wages. [More…]
Union leaders sometimes indulge in the antics of children. [More…]
J would like to ask the Minister for Health a question concerning children at risk in poisoning cases, is he aware that children between the age of 1 and 5 years are those most at risk from accidental poisoning? [More…]
If so, has he seen that after 4 years enlightenment has struck his Department which now says that safety containers in themselves are not sufficient, nor is any one yet designed thoroughly satisfactorily but they certainly play a part in helping to protect young children? [More…]
When the hell is the Minister’s Department going to protect these young children? [More…]
The new maximum standard rate of pension will be $18.25 a week, while the maximum rate of pension for married persons and widows without dependent children will now be $16 a week. [More…]
Additional amounts or allowances designed for specific purposes are also payable, separate payments are made to wives and children, and many receiving the Special Rate or its equivalent are also eligible for service pensions payable under repatriation legislation. [More…]
Honourable senators will, of course, realise that war widows with children of school age receive considerable repatriation assistance for the education of their children, right through to completion of tertiary studies. [More…]
Free medical and related treatment is also provided for war widows and their children, as well as other fringe benefits. [More…]
A war widow with 2 children will now receive $40.25 a week from repatriation plus education allowances and fringe benefits; and if she happens to qualify for age or invalid pension, a further $27.12 a week could be payable; all service pensioners will receive an increase and, depending on various factors, such increases will range from 75c to $2.75 a week. [More…]
In the same period, most war widows have had their repatriation payments increased by $3.75 a week, or $195 a year; while a war widow with 2 children has benefited by $8.10 a week, or $421.20 a year since July 1970. [More…]
Whilst supporting this legislation v/e add our protest against the attitude of the Government to the dependants - that is, the wife and children - of persons in receipt of the general rate pension and the TPI rate pension. [More…]
I refer particularly to the children of such dependants. [More…]
We have always pushed the argument that the current rates of child endowment have been insufficient particularly in respect to families with an excess of 2 or 3 children. [More…]
1 ask the Minister for Health another question in my continuing series of questions about the accidental poisoning of children due to the use of unsafe containers for tablets. [More…]
It has been found that even children in the age group at risk - I to 5 years - have been able to open it, often in a very short period. [More…]
That may guard against the careless use by children, particularly in the 1 to 5 age group. [More…]
Let us face facts: It is a very real problem in any home into which drugs are taken and in which there are children. [More…]
I think it is quite clear that a need exists in this country for a review of the whole of our law relating to divorce, family law and custody of children. [More…]
Finally, will the Government in its education programme consider producing television advertisements advocating that young people should not smoke and time slot such advertisements at children and family viewing times, at the same time thereby supporting Australian programme productions for children and family viewers? [More…]
Now that the publication The Little Red Schoolbook’ which has Federal Government aproval is being distributed in areas of Commonwealth jurisdiction, openly advocating sexual relations amongst school children, and as there is now evidence of distribution amongst primary as well as secondary school pupils, will the Federal Government be considering altering restrictive legislation so that 14- year old schoolboys, who accept the advice of the book to defy parents and engage in such relations with the consent of 12 or 13-year old schoolgirls, will be protected from prosecution under the criminal code? [More…]
Will he say whether a woman who is required to look after and support one or more children may deduct from her taxable income any costs incurred in having the children looked after during her working hours? [More…]
Is he aware that to ensure that each child receives a copy of this scurrilous publication the children are directed to a particular exit from the school by a group of parents? [More…]
What action is the Attorney-General able to take to present the truth to the children of Templestowe Primary School in these circumstances? [More…]
We are not children, Mr President. [More…]
In view of this decision does the Commonwealth propose to refer this publication to some responsible public authority to check its suitability for distribution among school children of the Australian Capital Territory and other Territories under Commonwealth jurisdiction? [More…]
Is the Attorney-General aware of the grave concern existing among members of the Autocephalic Greek Orthodox Church because marriages performed in that church are not recognised by the Greek Government with the result that the children of these marriages are looked upon as being illegitimate? [More…]
Is the Minister for Health aware that there is great concern and alarm among physical education experts because surveys show that Australian school children are the unfittest in the world and that they are becoming less fit each year? [More…]
I think too that dependent children should be released from having to pay death taxes on an estate. [More…]
Is there a bar to a pension in the case of a wife, if she has deserted any of her children under the age of 16 years whether or not there was just cause. [More…]
Under paragraph (e) of section 22 an age pension cannot be granted to a wife if she has deserted any of her children under the age of 16 years and the desertion has continued during the period of 6 months immediately preceding the date of lodgement of her claim for a pension. [More…]
Why is an Age Pension not payable to a husband who has failed without just cause to provide his wife with adequate means of maintenance or neglected to maintain any of his children under the age of 16 years, when such conditions do not apply to an applicant for an Invalid Pension. [More…]
Are any plans in hand for campaigns to promote greater care in homes concerning the accessibility of these drugs to children? [More…]
I can assure the honourable senator that I am concerned at the incidence of poisonings of children but this situation is part of a world wide pattern. [More…]
As I recently informed senators in reply to a question by Senator Turnbull, my Department has been giving a great deal of attention to the consideration of safety containers and other forms of packaging drugs such as strip packaging, which would have the effect of making the ingestion of these drags in any quantity, particularly by children, more difficult. [More…]
To see little children in institutions because of their mental retardation, the suffering of those who had been injured in industrial accidents or motor car accidents and their great desire to regain good health and to be rehabilitated in our society and the elderly invalids and their problems made me, and I am sure everyone else, realise that the greatest asset one can possibly possess is good health. [More…]
I am particularly concerned about handicapped children in the Australian community. [More…]
The Department of Social Services, at the specific request of the Senate Standing Committee, carried out a survey of the number of handicapped children in Australia. [More…]
In short, it was determined that there is a minimum of 44,000 handicapped children under the age of 16 years in Australia. [More…]
I suggest to the Government that these children are entitled to all the assistance that they can possibly be given. [More…]
More than anything else, it will mean that men, women and children will not be merely existing. [More…]
A Commonwealth interdepartmental Committee was established in 1970 to commence a survey of handicapped children and the facilities available for their use. [More…]
The numbers of letters that so many of us have received asking when some of these recommendations will be implemented indicate, I think, the enthusiasm of those who are working for physically and mentally handicapped children to see some of the recommendations and improvements carried out. [More…]
One has only to cast one’s mind back to the days of one’s youth to realise that many of the cases which are now recognised - particularly in mental retardation in children - were not even diagnosed 30 or 40 years ago - as recently as that. [More…]
In reading the report 1 was somewhat taken with the statement that 95 per cent of children born in Victoria were taken to baby health centres. [More…]
But even 5 per cent of the children in Victoria are not regularly taken to baby health centres. [More…]
One field alone which is well in my mind where early diagnosis and immediate attention can relieve a situation enor- mously is the field of deaf children. [More…]
Yet, in Victoria where 5 per cent of the children do not attend public health centres there would not be 5 per cent on whose behalf child endowment is not collected. [More…]
I would not object to the use of the steamroller by saying that child endowment will be available only to those parents who bring their children in for a medical inspection at a specific age. [More…]
I would agree to the use of that method in the interests of the children themselves. [More…]
For those reasons, I think it is important for children to be examined medically in their formative years. [More…]
After all it would be no sacrifice for those who decide not to take their children to a public health centre or who are discouraged from doing so because they live a long distance away from one to make sure that a complete medical examination is made of their children 3 or 6 months after they are born or at a particular time at which the medical profession considers it is possible for any of the abnormalities to which I have been referring to be diagnosed. [More…]
Another of my activities relates to handicapped Aborginal children from the Northern Territory. [More…]
I take the liberty of drawing attention to chapter 6 of that report which refers to the training of what we call special teachers who handle special classes of children who demand a particular form of training. [More…]
All teachers in all schools educating the handicapped should have sufficient background to recognise the common learning problems of the handicapped child and should be able to refer those children with the more serious problems to special classes or to special schools at a very early age. [More…]
Honourable senators may care to refer to the Committee’s report and its recommendations for establishing special arrangements for training teachers who will have the special job of teaching handicapped children. [More…]
As medical science has improved, some pregnancies which previously might hve been aborted have resulted in children who needed special care being brought into the world. [More…]
He could be a man of 30. with a wife and a couple of children. [More…]
For example, I do not think it is completely relevant in this debate to point out what the Commonwealth and the States are doing for retarded children or the methods currently being employed in the paramedical field. [More…]
The Department of Social Services is active in assisting retarded children who are in institutions. [More…]
I am not saying that it should not be attempted, but I have in mind problems such as the movement of population in Australia, with pockets of high density population and sparse population and the fact that until this decade there was a great tendency for parents to hide retarded children. [More…]
It is only through the wonderful work that has been done in the last 15 years by voluntary workers, by education campaigns to establish confidence in retarded children and acceptance of them, that we have been able to get across the message that retarded children should not be so treated. [More…]
In Australia we can be proud of the fact that wonderful organisations have been created to aid retarded children. [More…]
Before I became a Minister of State, in the voluntary sense I served on a committee with a group of wonderful people who were working for and caring for retarded children. [More…]
Even now as a Minister, in my private capacity 1 still go to visit one place at which retarded children are cared for. [More…]
Recommendation 22 is that those States which have not taken full responsibility for the provision of free and compulsory education for all handicapped children should take immediate steps to do so. [More…]
Recommendation 23 is that State authorities responsible for the design and building of schools should ensure that features are incorporated in school buildings which will enable as many of the less severely physically handicapped children as possible to attend. [More…]
They have referred to the various wings of the problem, with particular emphasis on handicapped and retarded children, social services, health, education and so on. [More…]
The Government is satisfied that the new measures I have outlined will represent a milestone in improving the education of all Australian children. [More…]
Therefore in the 1930s in the ghettos, in poverty that I have seen, many mothers were found with strings of children but with no obvious husbands. [More…]
We will bring in aid for dependent children.’ [More…]
So the Government brought in a policy of aid for dependent children. [More…]
When thinking in terms of areas of poverty we should think not only of the middle aged people who have problems in raising their children, problems in finding jobs or problems in providing food. [More…]
We must also think of the children. [More…]
I believe that in Czechoslovakia in the war years it was necessary for all women to work and for all children to be put in creches. [More…]
Rather than the creation of creches, it was found necessary to finance agencies to look after children while their mothers worked. [More…]
The suggestion that we make is that some establishment should be provided in each factory for the purpose of looking after their children while those women work. [More…]
The evidence of the psychiatrists was that danger arises when proportionately in excess of 3 children are being brought up by one adult. [More…]
Is the Commonwealth proposal in respect of child minding centres to pay for at least one adult for every 3 children at a child minding centre? [More…]
They are mostly middle-aged females whose children have grown up. [More…]
It is necessary once again to educate Aborigines to present children for treatment when symptoms are first manifested rather than wait until the disease has a foothold. [More…]
Infant welfare sisters are doing all within their power to bring about this change in attitude of the mother to the health of her children. [More…]
Does he acknowledge that neither justice nor equity appears to exist for those parents who find it necessary to place children in child care centres and pay fees for that service? [More…]
There arc no jobs; there is no possibility of youngsters getting apprenticeships, and facilities for higher education, particularly for the children of people on low wages, are almost non-existent. [More…]
In Blackwater in 1965 only 35 children were enrolled in the school. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that an unemployed station hand with 5 children receives $47.50 a week from Commonwealth unemployment benefits whereas a station hand working 44 hours a week, under the court prescribed conditions of the Federal pastoral award, receives only $46.40 a week? [More…]
The matter that impressed me in Dr Wallner’s article was that in the United States while these older people said that they felt that they could take the drugs and leave them, the tendency was that the age at which young people experimented in drugs was falling to the degree that now - I quote her words - ‘large numbers of children under 10 are being noticed in drug treatment facilities’. [More…]
The drugs which they had been taking were marihuana, barbiturates and a number of other drugs which, she was told, the children had said they got from the bathrooms in their homes. [More…]
It is serious that young children aged 10 and under are experimenting with drugs. [More…]
In fact it is stated to children that there is nothing very wrong with taking marihuana and that it probably will not do them much harm. [More…]
In view of the evidence that we had from medical men on what LSD can do to people, I think it is criminal that in our community there should be permitted a book which tells young children, who are not equipped to make their own decisions on these matters, that it is possible to take LSD regularly over long periods without any bad effects. [More…]
If that kind of information is disseminated widely in the community and if it is accepted widely among children, I have no doubt that if we have not a drug problem now we will have one before long. [More…]
It tells children that they may indulge in promiscuity and not let their parents know. [More…]
It then suggests to the children that if they do that, they can avoid any of the consequences. [More…]
The fact that the children concerned might infect others is not mentioned either. [More…]
When young children arc told it in ‘The Little Red Schoolbook’, I make no apology for saying that to condemn the availability of that book to young people is not bigotry or wowserism,; it is simply plain commonsense. [More…]
Families are suffering the side effects of the addiction of their children, especially young children. [More…]
Any person who tries to enter the dairying industry today with less than $50,000 or $60,000 in cash is probably placing such a millstone around his own, his wife’s and his children’s necks that he would find himself in the position in which the industry was placed in the 1930s. [More…]
The position now is that the children whose school lunches were then prepared, perhaps more with the idea of keeping them alive than of lifting their standard of health, have now grown to be the purchasers in Japan. [More…]
Indeed, I think that it may be a good venture, when we are wondering what to do with our surplus stocks of dairy products, to invest some of them in, if not free distribution, almost free distribution, particularly to school children in the less well-to-do countries that may in the very near future develop an economy which will enable them to become customers for these products. [More…]
One that was never brought to the Senate - the Regulations and Ordinances Committee did not insist upon it - related to bus fares payable by school children in Canberra. [More…]
Does the proposal show the resultant savings to the Commonwealth in the abolition of tuition fees of scholarships now paid and reduction in taxation allowance now permitted for student children and the further saving of the fees now refunded by the Commonwealth Public Service to employees who pass approved courses and the tax deduction allowance to employers who now pay for employees to attend Universities or Colleges of Advanced Education. [More…]
That the Commonwealth produce and provide ultrasonic aids for the blind on the same terms as hearing aids for children, pensioners and others. [More…]
In the coal mines of England there were employed pregnant women, children of 6 years of age and younger. [More…]
Children who were just out of the babes-in-arms stage were given small tasks in the spinning mills of England of that day. [More…]
Many who had a religious background opposed the reforms because of the poverty that would result in the families in which children of 6 and 7 years of age were holding down jobs for 10 hours a day 6 days a week. [More…]
These reformers were sufficiently religious to demand that the children be allowed off on Sundays so that they could devote that day to religious devotions. [More…]
They saw the awful tragedy of poverty that would be aggravated in the families if these mites, these little children, were taken out of industry. [More…]
Today we would laugh at the possibility of similar events occurring again and we would cry over the cruelty to these children who were just out of the babesinarms stage whose lives were twisted and sacrified in the interests of manufacturing goods that were leading to the greater prosperity of the people. [More…]
Mr Papatheofanous has children aged 4, 6, 7, 10, 13 and 14 years. [More…]
In view of the discussion that we had earlier, I think even Senator Hannan would agree with me that a rigger in the steel industry in Wollongong who has 6 children and who receives a legacy of $800 would regard it as something of great value. [More…]
He has a sick wife and 6 children 14 years of age and under. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of an outbreak of scabies among Aboriginal children on the Purfleet Reserve; if so, will the Minister take appropriate action to have Common wealth funds made available to improve housing on this reserve and thus assist to improve the general health of children living there. [More…]
South Australia, Mr Tidmarsh, Crippled Children’s Association, South Australia, and Mr Sharpe, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South Australia, and [More…]
This journal, which has a world-wide distribution, is freely available on request to the Department Indeed, I am told that both the Executive Director of the Crippled Children’s Association in South Australia and the Medical Superintendent of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital are sent 2 copies of each edition of the Journal. [More…]
The chart shows, amongst other things, that a single male pensioner requires an additional $5 a week to reach the poverty line, and that an invalid pensioner with a wife and 2 children needs and additional $15 a week to reach the poverty line. [More…]
An unemployed, married stationhand with five children will be better off financially living off unemployment benefits while sitting at home doing nothing, than working long hours under archaic, court-prescribed Award conditions, AWU General Secretary, Tom Dougherty, said last week. [More…]
Even a Stationhand with three or four children certainly would not be much, if any, worse off taking into consideration the Award rates and the various deductions. [More…]
Therefore, the total weekly entitlement for a married man with five dependent children in future will be $47.50 a week. [More…]
In addition a married man with six dependants (wife and five children) pays $2.75 a week tax. [More…]
Thus, the Stationhand had gross deductions of $12.89, leaving him a total of $33.51 a week to send home lo his wife on which she and her children had to scrape by. [More…]
In a question without notice on 26th April 1972, Senator Townley asked the Minister representing the Treasurer whether a working mother may claim an income tax deduction for costs incurred in having her children looked after during her working hours and, if not, whether the Government will examine this matter. [More…]
There is no specific provision in the income tax law under which a working mother may be allowed a deduction for all kinds of expenditure incurred by her in having her children minded while she is at work. [More…]
It takes some gall to ask a parliament, the members of which have not had an increase in salary for approximately 4 years but for whom the cost of living has gone up just as it has for every other section of the community, to award a pay rise of $84 a week, retrospective to last November, to a class of persons who have recently shown their attitude towards the rest of the community by claiming that a $2 a week increase is sufficient to overtake the rises in the cost of living and who also delivered themselves of the opinion that a man, his wife and his children can live on a wage of $54 a week. [More…]
They have expenses for the provision of a house if they live for the purpose only of sustaining life, supporting a family and educating children, but probably the people affected by this clause live in much more luxurious accommodation than the others. [More…]
In the current case relating to the young Vietnamese children the position is that the Minister for Immigration had taken the view that they ought not to be admitted or could not be admitted into Australia until he was satisfied that proper steps were being taken to maintain their welfare in Australia, and that required the consent or some indication of likely consent from the State authorities that an adoption would be recognised. [More…]
As the Minister indicated in his statement yesterday, the children are here, and while the matters relating to their adoption are being carried through in the States they may remain here. [More…]
Greek Government in this country and action in Greece itself suggesting that those of Greek descent who marry in Australia in other than a particular church are entering into invalid marriages the children of which will be illegitimate, thereby reflecting upon the marriages which are conducted either by ministers who are authorised celebrants of the Autocephalic Church or registry office officials? [More…]
Portability will extend to the wife’s allowance payable to the non-pensioner wife of a permanently incapacitated pensioner or of an age pensioner with one or more children. [More…]
The success or failure of the United Nations International Development Strategy, and therefore the future of millions of men, women and children in the developing countries, will depend on the decisions taken at UNCTAD III and, even more important, on what governments do thereafter. [More…]
Also included is the cost met by the Commonwealth of air fares of persons travelling for interview for departmental positions and of wives and children of Commonwealth Government employees. [More…]
But the appearence of ‘The Link Red Schoolbook’, with the implication that it is to be read by school children, should be an occasion when the Church says that things have gone too far and it calls on all its members to insist, through the ways open to them as citizens, that this sort of thing has got to stop. [More…]
I emphasise that point because this book is aimed at children. [More…]
These words are then put together in the crudest way to describe (for school children) what happens in intercourse. [More…]
There are some who become apoplectic with moral indignation over the National Service Act, an Act designed to preserve the defence and security of the nation, but they happily ignore - they even praise and support - glitter type literature designed to corrupt school children. [More…]
In my view there can be no argument but that this book is an incitement or encouragement to school children to hold all authority in contempt, and to indulge in sexual intercourse and unrestricted promiscuity. [More…]
Last week the Melbourne Herald’ drew attention to the fact that many school children were having babies and that many of the mothers were as young as 13 years old. [More…]
Is this the type of disease with which we should encourage our children to experiment? [More…]
State School Committees are primarily engaged in activities concerning the welfare and education of school children, and increased postal charges on our magazine means less money for our main purpose. [More…]
young children but rather to persons who already smoked cigarettes or cigarette tobacco, in order to induce them merely to. [More…]
Senator Greenwood went on in May of last year to say that, the limitations of the new code involved a revision of the existing voluntary code and the placing of restrictions on the television advertising of cigarettes during children’s peak viewing periods. [More…]
Government would say that a fair proportion of this money would be spent on commercial radio and television, particularly in support of Australian produced programmes, and especially- in children’s viewing and listening times. [More…]
It is the simple gesture of the mother and the father - the parent - who smoke in front of their own children. [More…]
If we wish to curtail the effectiveness of cigarette advertising, first we must try to reach parents to show them that this habit, expressed by indulgence in front of their children, inevitably creates most fertile soil for the continuance of the habit in those children. [More…]
Those parents who wish to help their children to resist following the habits of others by smoking cigarettes - those children may consider cigarette smoking to be a social grace - can do so effectively if they take such advertisements and use them to illustrate the complete ridiculousness of the suggestions that are contained in the use of flowing water as being a cool and effective thing as related to cigarette smoking. [More…]
If it is of help to any parents, let me say that my wife and I adopted such a technique with our children in relation to the advertising of cigarettes. [More…]
As an example I referred to parents who smoke in front of their children. [More…]
The absorption of sugar into the metabolism of young Aboriginal children to the extent that they have no appetite for more nutritious foods makes them vulnerable to every disease that comes along. [More…]
All honourable senators know - I know from my own young children - how strongly an objection to smoking cigarettes is inculcated in the primary schools. [More…]
On 18th May, Senator Donald Cameron addressed a question to me as the Minister representing the Minister for Labour and National Service, concerning a comparison between the Commonwealth Unemployment Benefits paid to an unemployed station hand with 5 children ($47.50 per week) and the minimum wage for a station hand working 44 hours a week under the Federal Pastoral Industry Award ($46.40 per week). [More…]
To the Honourable the President and Senators in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectively show that the Australian Government should recognise its responsibility to the people of Australia and their children and take the following action to prevent the possibility of danger to our community from the French Nuclear Tests in the Pacific: [More…]
Are many, unmarried mothers forced by economic circumstances to have their children adopted, thereby denying those mothers the basic right of motherhood. [More…]
From time to time in this chamber I have repeated the number of children who die each week because of the lack of action taken by the Department of Health in providing proper containers. [More…]
Some people said that the children can open the containers anyway. [More…]
It did not matter that the containers made it more difficult for the children to open them. [More…]
Some 400 passengers were on board including parties of children. [More…]
Many of the hotels at leading tourist attractions in Canada are run by school children, by which I mean people who attend universities and high schools. [More…]
The Treasurer’s typical family man - the average wage earner with a wife and 2 children - pays a higher proportion of his income in tax under the McMahon Government than under any government in our history. [More…]
I have assumed in these figures that the wage earner has a wife and 2 children. [More…]
One of the 3 cases that is shown is a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children. [More…]
He will receive a deduction, but the significant thing is that the same document shows that this person on $67 a week actual income with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children is still paying $4 a week into the Government coffers. [More…]
The next page shows the case of a man on $67 a week with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children but with an additional expenditure of $500 a year which is shown in concessional deductions. [More…]
How can any government argue that a young man with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children going through the most expensive time of his life and having to pay another $500 unavoidable expenditure during the year because of misfortunes, should still be taxed at the rate of $2.50 a week? [More…]
His time for paying tax is when the children are off his hands and when his responsibilities are not so great. [More…]
For example, the reduction in tax payable by a married man with 2 children who is earning $67 per week and claiming $500 a year as deductions is $67 a year. [More…]
What this means is that a man or a woman who wishes in his or her lifetime to make arrangements to pass his or her affairs on to his or her children, will be able to do so sensibly and wisely provided action is taken within a reasonable time. [More…]
They also want to live decently and to see that their children are properly housed, fed, clothed and educated. [More…]
Service of the Parliamentary Library show that in 1953-54 a married man with a wife and 2 children paid 3.9 per cent of his total income in taxation. [More…]
In 1960-61 when the average weekly earnings were $46, family concessional deductions, based on a man, wife and 2 children, totalled $598. [More…]
A man on $7,000 a year with a wife and 2 children obtains a reduction of $193. [More…]
As stated in the Budget Speech, it is to benefit children from low income and other special need families. [More…]
The statement of the Treasurer is: to benefit children from low income and other special need families. [More…]
I am thinking of single parent families and in particular of the special difficulties experienced by widowers with young children. [More…]
I feel that there is a gap in our social welfare programme and that attention should be given to the particular hardships surrounding the widower with young pre-school age children and the many difficulties he has to face. [More…]
But the fact is that the per capita expenditure on all Australian children last year was near enough to S27 and this year it is $31. [More…]
Take the example of an 11 year old black girl living in the River Todd with her 20-month old baby; while children are picked up off the streets in Alice Springs, by white louts with carnal knowledge, if not rape on their minds, where are the police? [More…]
Having accepted a lift with 3 young white men, the 2 children were driven into the bush, followed by another 2 carloads of white youths. [More…]
At this time Marlene sought assistance from Juvenile Aid (a service to protect children from parental brutality). [More…]
Consider the wage earner with a wife and 2 dependent children who is able to claim an average amount of other deductions. [More…]
Despite attempts by the Opposition to frustrate him when he was giving his answer, he said that Aboriginal children are attracting education grants of $100 a head. [More…]
The figure for Aboriginal children is $100. [More…]
I am referring to the penalty that is imposed upon such people because of the need to provide governesses up to a certain stage of education and because of the need for these parents to send their children away from home thus incurring substantial boarding expenses as well as general education expenses. [More…]
It applies also to the people working on the Commonwealth railways up in the northern part of South Australia and to station hands and other people with children who work on these properties and who keep the rural industries going in these areas. [More…]
I have received representations from the Port Augusta Isolated Children’s Parents Association over the last couple of years in regard to this matter. [More…]
I think that Association wants something to be provided for living away allowances for their children. [More…]
I suppose that if you refer to what David Solomon said you would get the idea that a wage earner with a wife and 2 children, who receives $67 a week, is getting the magnificent weekly feed-back of $1.20. [More…]
What happens to children until they reach the age of 5 years can determine the subsequent pattern of their lives. [More…]
To a very large extent the people whose children receive the benefits of pre-school education are middle class and upper middle class parents who are able to afford to maintain by private subscription the kindergartens and pre-school centres in the localities in which they live. [More…]
To a very large extent the people whose children are most in need of the services of pre-school centres and kindergartens are those people whose children are deprived of that education. [More…]
About 52 per cent of eligible children in the Australian Capital Territory at present are receiving pre-school education. [More…]
The percentage of Australian children of pre-school age who receive the benefit of pre-school education is only 14.8 per cent. [More…]
The variations in the percentages of children receiving the benefit of education in this very important part of their lives range from 34.6 per cent in the Northern Territory to 3.1 per cent in New South Wales. [More…]
In the largest State only 3.1 per cent of preschool age children are receiving the benefit of this type of education. [More…]
Western Australia, only 12.8 per cent of children receive the benefits of preschool education. [More…]
They cannot make provision for their children to be transported some distance to a relatively expensive kindergarten. [More…]
Throughout Australia, particularly outside the Australian Capital Territory, there is clear evidence that the most depressed sections of the community - the sections of the community most in need of pre-school education for their children, particularly those children of recent immigrants from countries where the language is not English - are deprived of a very essential advantage in the upbringing of their children. [More…]
By the late sixties the children of the post-war baby boom who have been causing the educational crisis to date, will be the young parents of the next generation, and even if their patterns of fertility remain about the present low level - and assuming they marry in the same high proportions that have recently prevailed - the number of births will rise sharply from about 1972. [More…]
To cope with the projected surge of pre-school age children in 1974-75, as predicted by Professor Borrie, an even greater number of teachers should now be entering courses of training. [More…]
The Treasurer seeks to tell us in his document that we are entitled to judge matters based on a family of husband, wife and 2 children. [More…]
There is an important omission as far as education is concerned and that is in relation to children in isolated areas. [More…]
The children in remote areas of Australia are due for better treatment than they are receiving now. [More…]
The abolition of the means test will mean that these people, particularly those in middle age who do not have the responsibility of building a home or educating children, will now have money available and will want to know what to do with it. [More…]
I had said that this would mean that people who no longer had the responsibility of building a home and educating their children would be able to invest their money in the national resources of this country rather than dispense with it, or part of it, so as to be able to qualify for the pension. [More…]
The unemployment affects young children. [More…]
For example, a taxpayer earning $67 per week and having a dependent wife and 2 dependent children, but no other deductions, would have his tax reduced by $82.15 per annum or 22.3 per cent o his present tax. [More…]
We find a different situation for a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 2 dependent children. [More…]
The take home pay of the taxpayer who has a wife and 4 dependent children is $63 a week out of a weekly gross of $67. [More…]
His tax is $1.50 a week less than that of the man earning S67 a week with a wife and 2 dependent children. [More…]
If so, will he warn people that by its use they may fail to obtain the full rights and advantages for themselves and their children which are intended and provided by the Commonwealth Matrimonial Causes Act? [More…]
What positive action emerged from the recent conference of State and private education directors which discussed the possibility of European and other overseas teachers being co-opted to assist Australian teachers in instructing some migrant children in inner capital city suburbs? [More…]
If we look at the percentage decreases in taxation - after all, it is the percentage decreases that are important - we find that a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 2 dependent children and earning a formerly taxable income of $2,808 will now pay tax on only $2,652. [More…]
The taxable income of a man with a dependent wife and 2 dependent children of $5,124 now drops to $4,968. [More…]
The percentage decrease for a taxpayer with the same taxable income but with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children will be 19.2. [More…]
In the higher brackets of taxable income - there would be very few, if any, honourable senators on this side of the chamber in these brackets - the percentage decrease on a taxable income of $18,000 for a man with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children will be only 9.1. [More…]
Let us look at the position of a married man who has a wife and 4 or 5 children in relation to a single man who is receiving the same pay. [More…]
Is the married man who has a wife and 4 or 5 children to keep not entitled to something more than the single man or the single woman who have no obligations? [More…]
I refer to those families in which there are 4 or 5 children or more and the father is earning a low income. [More…]
I refer also to widows who are struggling to raise their children. [More…]
I have no objection to mothers being free to work if they want to do so, but by failing to increase child endowment the Government has positively disadvantaged those mothers who wish to give full time care to their families, and particularly to their children. [More…]
Those mothers who elect to stay at home and look after their children are conducting child welfare centres of their own. [More…]
At the same time, the ALP Federal Conference resolved that it should persuade Australian women not to have more than 2 children - that it was selfish to do so. [More…]
After all, the Budget affects everybody - the taxpayers, the pensioners, the sick, the suffering, the children in our schools, the industrialists, the farmers; in fact, all people in this wonderful country in which we live. [More…]
It relates to children of families who live in very isolated ureas and who are suffering because of the problems associated with their education. [More…]
The amounts have increased from $20,000 to $40,000 for a widow and dependent children before tax is charged. [More…]
They should have increased the exemptions and abolished death duties where they apply to husband, wife and dependent children. [More…]
I say ‘abolished’ because I believe that no government has the right to allow charities to get a large portion of an estate without paying tax when the widow and dependent children are hit by that tax. [More…]
Do not tell me that a charity has more right to get any part of a husband’s estate in preference to a widow or dependent children. [More…]
Should not the Government first give to widows and children the benefit of any exemption that might go to those strangers in blood? [More…]
The Government should not give them an exemption or increase an exemption and not give it to the widows and children. [More…]
In the migrant community children require special teachers for the English language courses. [More…]
There is the emerging emphasis on special education for Aboriginal children where again the teachers need to be trained in a certain kind of way. [More…]
I believe they show a sensitive regard for the feelings and aspirations of young men and women who are prepared to accept the onerous task of teaching children but who do not necessarily wish to be bound as bond slaves to a calling about which they may be tentative in their original approach. [More…]
The rationale of State aid to Catholic schools is that those schools are a traditional part of our total education system to which parents who wish their children to obtain a distinctively Catholic education are entitled to send them; that their continued existence relieves the burden on government schools; and that it does not amount to subsidising a religion but to furthering the educational aspects of schools where religion is also incidentally inculcated. [More…]
But there has been that recognition, as the evidence before our Committee showed, that Catholics can no longer sustain their education system by relying on the Catholic religious orders to instruct the children in their schools. [More…]
But I claim that the State is concerned only with neutral, objective, education standards and that anything else - the training of children in the maintenance of Catholic values, or Jewish values or Presbyterian values - is peculiarly the province of those particular sects themselves. [More…]
I can see no case for the specifically Catholic or Presbyterian training of a mathematics teacher, or a science teacher or any other expert who goes out into schools to train the children in these disciplines. [More…]
The concept which we had that preschool centre should teach children between the ages of 3 and 5 years is now heavily under challenge. [More…]
People are talking of dividing the primary schools into sections for children from 3 to 8 years and those over 8 years of age. [More…]
The slaughter by the State of Israel of innocent women and children as well as others is no answer to the kind of atrocity that was committed against the State of Israel. [More…]
They say that because this atrocity was committed at Munich - it was a terrible atrocity - nothing must be said and that by silence we must allow it to be thought that we accept that the State of Israel is entitled to go out and commit the kind of atrocity which was committed against women and children. [More…]
I read that children who were picnicking by the side of a river were machine gunned by aircraft sent by the Government of Israel. [More…]
But why do we carry this precaution to such extreme lengths with respect to children suffering from eczema and pregnant woman, who cannot be vaccinated? [More…]
But it also adds strains on parental relationships by reversing normal patterns, and makes mothers dependent upon their children for interpretation, explanation and communication. [More…]
More than half this increase in our population has resulted from migration and the Australian born children of migrants. [More…]
However, I ask the Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the recent announcement by the ABC that its most popular children’s programme ‘Adventure Island’ is to be scrapped forthwith. [More…]
Does the Minister, as a parent of 2 young children, know that the programme eschews violence and tries to teach good citizenship and the best of human qualities without becoming precocious? [More…]
Will the Minister confer with his colleague in another place to ascertain whether - and without exerting any political pressure - the commissioners of the ABC might review this decision, particularly as in the field of children’s programmes Australian productions rank extremely high? [More…]
Will the Minister endeavour to obtain from the Australian Broadcasting Commission its reasons for dropping the very successful Australian produced children’s programme ‘Adventure Island’? [More…]
Do not let us be like a group of curious children and become piqued and irked if we are not told immediately all that we want to be told or want to know. [More…]
The means by which isolated school children, that is children who, for geographic reasons, have no reasonable daily access to an appropriate school - [More…]
can be afforded equal educational opportunity wilh other children not so situated; and [More…]
The means by which these disabilities can be overcome whether by extension and deployment more widely of schools or institutes of tertiary education, the provision of financial aid to such children or otherwise. [More…]
This is one of a series of motions which have come before the Senate and which indicate the interest of the Senate in matters relating to the education of children. [More…]
Such a motion related to handicapped children - I think it was put by Senator Fitzgerald - and was the subject of a report by a select committee. [More…]
There is a reference already in my name to the Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts to which it is proposed to refer this matter in relation to the education of deprived children, that is, children who come from certain economic and geographic areas and who by virtue of some degree of intellectual starvation or lack of communication within the domestic environment, arrive at school somewhat disadvantaged when compared with their contemporaries. [More…]
This is a similar reference, lt relates to children in isolated areas. [More…]
This is a matter of very great consequence, particularly to anybody who moves in the country such as honourable senators who represent the Australian Country Party and who know that in the remote areas of Australia this is of importance and great concern to the parents of children living in those areas who, for financial or other reasons, are not able to see that their children receive an adequate education which will equip them for the role they are to play in life according to their disposition and talents. [More…]
In spite of all the other problems which are of great concern to those people who are gravely distressed because of the economic recession in the rural industries, a matter which was occupying their minds with great intensity was the deprivation of educational opportunities which they felt, rightly, should accrue to their children in these areas. [More…]
As a consequence of this, there is a body called the Isolated Children’s Parents Association - the ICPA. [More…]
It is dispersed over the whole continent, particularly the eastern part, and is very active in its attempts to secure some measure of educational equity and justice for children in these parts of Australia. [More…]
The position of isolated children is desperate. [More…]
When we speak of isolated children I do not want it to be thought that we speak of the sons and daughters of very wealthy sheep graziers or beef graziers of whom some cynic might say: ‘They should have enough money themselves to provide education for their children’. [More…]
The children to whom I refer are not necessarily by any means children of that type of person. [More…]
We know that, in view of the recession in the rural industries, many of this latter group are people who, whatever might be thought of their traditional economic position in the community, today no longer enjoy that position and are finding tremendous difficulty in financing their properties and many other things, including the education of their children. [More…]
If I may be permitted to read from documents which have been presented to me by the Isolated Children’s Parents Association, I will indicate what are the matters that that Association considers might well come before the committee. [More…]
Those children beyond daily reach (removed by distance) of any school facilities, i.e., those who must do correspondence lessons fulltime in the home . [More…]
Those children in thinly populated areas who could be conveyed to school daily, but their numbers per road are insufficient to warrant provision of school bus. [More…]
Those children attending small primary schools in villages where no secondary school is available and distance to nearest secondary, school is beyond school bus range. [More…]
These children on reaching secondary level must board away or do secondary correspondence lessons fulltime under supervision of primary school master. [More…]
Those children attending a small secondary school where one teacher supervises up to 35 pupils in 5 or 6 grades. [More…]
Those children attending central high school where there is no full high school within daily reach by bus. [More…]
Those children travelling excessive distances (by private car and then school bus) over unformed/unsealed roads, where such travelling imposes excessive hardship on parent or child. [More…]
Those are the types of children and the types of situations to which the Committee will be asked to direct its attention and upon which it will be asked to recommend. [More…]
The submission from the Isolated Children’s Parents Association goes on to speak of the provision of accommodation, the cost of accommodation and what may well be provided. [More…]
If children have to leave a local area and seek schooling in a more remote area, they must be accommodated. [More…]
Most parents prefer their children to attend a local school up to the grade where it is possible, or even to do the work by correspondence. [More…]
Whatever economic remedies we might try to apply to rural reconstruction or rural regeneration, unless we are able to assure the people that their children will have as good an opporunity in life as children in urban areas, one cannot expect those people to stay on the land. [More…]
I should like to read into Hansard the figures contained in a table, provided again by the Isolated Children’s Parents Association, which sets out the numbers of what it calls white isolated children in the Commonwealth who were known to the Association as at 10th April 1972. [More…]
I presume that this table does not include indigenous children - Aborigines; it refers purely to white children. [More…]
It is suggested that in South Australia there are 348 children who might be described as isolated children. [More…]
It is estimated that in New South Wales there are 2,000 isolated school children, approximately 1.200 of whom are in the Western Division. [More…]
In Tasmania it is estimated that there is a maximum of 17 isolated children, but no exact figures have been obtained. [More…]
In Western Australia there are 750 isolated children in Zone A. [More…]
In Queensland there are 809 families and 2,205 children made up of 469 at the preschool level, 1,038 at the primary level, 670 at the secondary level and 28 at the tertiary level. [More…]
There are 46 split homes, 40 governesses, 194 mothers who teach correspondence in the home, 30 families that employ domestic help and 748 children who live away to attend school at distances between 100 and 1,000 miles. [More…]
Twenty of those 748 children travel interstate, and 15 children have been removed from school for economic reasons. [More…]
Provisionally, we estimate total numbers of isolated children in Commonwealth would not exceed 7,000. [More…]
This money could be expended on the provision of regional schools, the provision of accommodation near schools in remote areas and the provision of financial assistance to parents to send their children to school or, in the case of parents who are conducting school at home by correspondence or otherwise, financial assistance in that direction. [More…]
Then there could be taxation concessions for parents who are required to spend money on transport - by road, air or whatever it may be - or on accommodation in areas remote from the home for the provision of schooling for isolated children. [More…]
That is canvassed in the submissions I have received from the association to which I have referred - the Isolated Children’s Parents Association. [More…]
It will go into the matter thoroughly to find out what is the best proposal to help children living in isolated areas in respect of their education. [More…]
It will see what can be done to give to those children educational opportunities equal to those of children living in more favoured areas. [More…]
It will seek to find the manner in which these children can be provided with an education suitable to their talents and interests, which will equip them for employment in the occupational field which they select. [More…]
The Committee will inquire also into the way in which it can help to prevent these children from becoming second class citizens. [More…]
I do not think that this comparatively small number of children would require a big vote out of that appropriation to enable them to enjoy chances equal to those of children in other parts of the community. [More…]
These children do not mix with other children when they are educated at home. [More…]
When they do mix with other children, they suffer a terrible shock and they are under a considerable handicap. [More…]
Children came from 300 miles and 400 miles away for that one day of the year. [More…]
They met with other children. [More…]
We must get these children away from their homes as much as possible and enable them to attend schools by paying allowances to stay at hostels and subsidies to attend boarding schools. [More…]
This is being done today with respect to Australia’s Aboriginal children. [More…]
I do not think that a great deal of money would be required to ensure that this comparatively small number of children had some chance to attend at boarding school. [More…]
It goes a little way towards helping in sending these children to hostels or to schools. [More…]
An allowance is paid in Queensland also - I think it applies in some of the other States as well - for the person, perhaps the mother, who drives children to state schools if they are within a reasonable distance of those schools. [More…]
This means that the mother and several children go into a town nearby to their home - it may be 50 miles, 60 miles or 100 miles away - to rent and use accommodation for 4 nights of the week so that the children may attend school in that town. [More…]
Senator Byrne pointed out that this matter does not apply only to the children of station managers or property owners. [More…]
It applies to the children of people living in scattered areas and to the children of bush workers and itinerant workers. [More…]
It concerns those people who want their children to have a fair chance of getting some education in life. [More…]
The Isolated Children’s Parents Association is very strong, lt has its headquarters in Bourke in New South Wales. [More…]
We must see that all Australian children, wherever they live and whatever the occupation of their parents, are given the same educational opportunities to fit them for their chosen occupations in life as children in more favoured areas receive. [More…]
The Isolated Childrens Parents Association is to hold its annual conference in Bourke, New South Wales next week. [More…]
This will be a conference of vital importance, certainly for at least 2,000 isolated children in the State that I represent in this Parliament. [More…]
Frankly it is a tremendous pity that this type of motion to refer a matter to a standing committee hits to be raised a mere 3 weeks after a Budget that does not provide one cent of assistance to overcome the problems of the isolated children of Australia has been introduced by the Government. [More…]
The Government was approached by the Isolated Childrens Parents Association at the same time as my party was approached. [More…]
The fact is that despite a Budget that was introduced giving this, that and the other to many sections of the community, there was not one cent of assistance included in the Budget to assist overcome the problems of the isolated children of this country. [More…]
Regrettable as it is, not one cent of assistance was provided in the last Budget to overcome or assist to overcome the problems of isolated children and their parents in the outflung and far reaching areas of my State. [More…]
Senator Wright scowls at me, but the fact is that the vast majority of isolated children - not all - are in receipt of television reception. [More…]
How serious is this Government when it talks about solving the problems of isolated children when educational television is one of the weapons at its disposal to overcome the problem? [More…]
I am discussing the education of isolated 1 children. [More…]
I am suggesting that if this motion is successful one of the terms of reference of the Standing Committee should be to inquire into the way in which educational television and educational broadcasting services can be utilised to a much fuller extent than they are at present, as a means of overcoming the problems of children in isolated areas. [More…]
I believe that the Government and the Parliament must go out of their way to assist wherever they can to overcome the problems of children of the outback. [More…]
These problems concern families, the children of men and women from all walks of life. [More…]
I ask him to pay some regard to the plight of people living in remote areas and to give special additional consideration to expenses incurred by parents in sending children to schools in centres which are remote front their homes. [More…]
When outback children are mentioned people immediately think of station owners and farmers. [More…]
I know that people who work on the Commonwealth Railways, such as fettlers in remote areas who service the Trans-Australian Railway, face problems in educating their children. [More…]
I have received correspondence from the Isolated Children’s Parents Association which caters for outback children, mostly those in Queensland. [More…]
I visited the school at Katherine in the Northern Territory where a paid tutor was employed to educate the children. [More…]
I watched an entire lesson during which he asked questions and received replies from the children for which he allocated marks. [More…]
I recognise that children in such places spend only a small part of their time undergoing education and that there could be some children who could not participate in the class every day because of flat batteries in their wirelesses. [More…]
There is a State school at Oodnadatta which children can attend. [More…]
South Australia has more facilities for outback children than has any other State. [More…]
There are problems, however, at places like Deakin on the east-west railway where the State Government provides area buses, if possible, to convey children from their homes to an area school up to 30 miles away. [More…]
The children return to their homes each day. [More…]
I do not doubt that there are still some isolated children who deserve consideration. [More…]
We cannot enter into party politics when considering this matter but no government has done more for outback children than has the South Australian government, and I refer not only to the present Labor Government in that State. [More…]
Of course, it is essential that people who have to send their children to hostels and boarding schools should receive financial assistance. [More…]
The first is because of personal connections that I have with various educational institutions that serve outback areas in their own way, particularly in my own State, but my main reason is because of my position as Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts to which it is proposed to refer this matter of education for isolated school children. [More…]
Anybody who has made any study of the 2 areas concerned will be aware of the problem that exists in places served by the Isolated Children’s Parents Association. [More…]
The important thing is for the Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts to recognise the urgency with which the arguments about the needs of members of the Isolated Children’s Parents Association have been put forward tonight and for the Committee to have some understanding of their situation, to have more than sympathy for them, and to recommend to the Senate the steps that can be taken to meet their needs. [More…]
He has talked with State Ministers about the educational problems of isolated children. [More…]
Flynn led the vanguard in the care of isolated children. [More…]
He stood up for isolated children long before the honourable senator thought of them. [More…]
Children’s Parents Association is particularly interested - the important matter of living away from home allowance, the correspondence supervision allowance, what Senator Lawrie referred to as the split home allowance, and government finance for the provision and maintenance of hostels. [More…]
It is with considerable enthusiasm that I rise to support the motion which seeks to refer to the Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts a matter as important as aid to isolated children and the parents of isolated children throughout Australia. [More…]
Living away from home allowances have been provided, certainly by the Western Australian Government, for many years to parents of children who are in the situation about which we are speaking tonight. [More…]
By way of example I quote the situation in the more remote part of Western Australia - the zone which attracts the highest Jiving away from home allowance for the parents of children who have to be sent away from home to obtain certainly portion, if not the whole of their education. [More…]
The allowance in this zone - that would be the area of the north-west of Western Australia - is $300 a year, yet the charge at the hostels to which children are being sent is $600 a year. [More…]
This is the cheapest possible accommodation that can be provided for these children. [More…]
A family which has several school age children has to pay prohibitive costs just to send the children to a hostel for a period - perhaps it is only for a period of their secondary education. [More…]
If the parents wish to give their children a boarding school education the costs are far greater than that. [More…]
I know that the people who are most active in the Isolated Children’s Parents Association are from pastoral areas. [More…]
In most cases they had been able to send their children to private boarding schools. [More…]
In places where we have a number of small towns developing as part of mining development throughout Australia it will be impossible to provide in each town the full range of education, both primary and secondary, which the parents of children who are going to these areas would be entitled to demand for them. [More…]
Therefore one must look to the development of regional schools, certainly for secondary education and the necessity to establish hostels for children sent into these regional areas to complete their education. [More…]
The fact that at the present time the same Committee is investigating all aspects of broadcasting and television shows that in the course of that existing inquiry of great deal of the problem of the education of outback children could be investigated and decisions arrived at. [More…]
I refer to the resolution of the Senate yesterday which referred to that Committee the question of the education of children in isolated areas. [More…]
The matter of the Isolated Childrens Parents Association was dealt with in the Senate yesterday evening. [More…]
It occurs to me that an inquiry into the matter of education of isolated children is of considerable urgency. [More…]
For other children under 16 deductions will be increased from $156 to $208. [More…]
As is the case with the concession now provided to a parent for the education of children, the maximum deduction under the new concession in any income year will be $400. [More…]
Aged people and terrified women and children paid with their lives. [More…]
The Board’s requirements now call for 50 per cent of transmission time, both overall and in popular viewing time, to be occupied by Australian programmes, including 6 hours per month of first release drama presented during the 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. period and 4 hours per month of programmes specifically designed for school-age children and presented at times when they have access to the receiver. [More…]
When can the Senate expect to receive the contents of a survey on the fitness of Australian school children conducted by Dr A. W. Willee, a draft of which was completed in June 1971? [More…]
Is the cause of the delay due to one of the conclusions having upset Health officials because it shows that Australian school children are among the most unfit in the world? [More…]
Another area of protest concerns the health of Aborigines throughout Australia, particularly the health of Aboriginal children. [More…]
Infant mortality among Aborigines in some areas of Australia is 5 times to 10 times and even 12 times that of Australian children of European descent. [More…]
The Commonwealth Department of Health many months ago said that it would investigate his system of providing vitamin C for young Aboriginal children to see whether this would overcome some of their health deficiencies. [More…]
One has only to visit Aboriginal reserves in New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory or Western Australia to see the deficiencies in the health of little Aboriginal children under 5 years of age. [More…]
One weeps for the future of these children when one sees the chronic ear, nose and throat infections that these youngsters suffer. [More…]
The children are very much prized and loved in their families as they are in our families. [More…]
One cannot take the children away from the influence of their mothers, and no-one will advocate that. [More…]
Even if he puts a needle into the little bodies somewhere to give the children the necessary treatment superstition is then introduced and the Aborigines say that this is what killed the child. [More…]
If we increased the amount of proper proteins a hundred-fold to these communities which are deprived of them, little would reach the children. [More…]
These people love their children. [More…]
We are educating the children and providing the schools that are necessary to give them the knowledge. [More…]
If still further proof is required of why there should be an upgrading in the personnel of the Commonwealth Council for National Fitness and why present planning should be altered for the future, we need only refer to the report, the tabling in the Senate of which we are still awaiting, of the investigation that was carried out on the physical fitness of Australian school children by Dr Willee. [More…]
The report shows that Australian school children are amongst the most unfit in the world today. [More…]
Our standard of living enables us to compete in sport and yet our school children are amongst the most unfit in the world today. [More…]
One of the reasons, says Dr Willee, that school children in Australia schools are unfit is the lack of physical education facilties. [More…]
Increases of the same ratio have been granted in concessional allowances for children. [More…]
So if there was any equity at all in providing such substantial relief from taxation in concessional allowances for superannuation and life assurance payments, from $400 to $1,200, I think there Ls a very excellent case for increasing the concessional allowances for wives and children to $700 or $800. [More…]
At page 13 of the ‘Liberal Platform’ issued by the Federal Secretariat of the Liberal Party in November 1948 its policy had been amended to read that the adoption of a programme of progressive tax reduction was part of its platform, with special help for the family taxpayer, particularly with reference to allowances for dependent children, medical and like expenses, and education. [More…]
Certainly that policy was carried out in respect of the maximum deductions for insurance, medical expenses, etc., but I do not think that on any liberal interpretation of its platform one could say that there has been a progressive tax reduction or any marked improvement in the allowances for dependent children and wives. [More…]
The Labor Party will increase the minimum to about $2,500 because we can see that persons who have several children and who are earning about $55 a week should not be paying any tax in direct form and that they should be relieved to the maximum extent of the responsibilities which have been placed upon them. [More…]
Not only am I talking in terms of money, rather am I drawing attention to the fact that the number of children who may take part in this has grown from approximately 8,000 some 2 or 3 years ago to 40,000. [More…]
This is the number of children to which the Minister referred in his article which appeared in the Melbourne Herald’ tonight. [More…]
The Minister for Education and Science then dealt with another important area of education when he referred to the problems faced byAboriginal children. [More…]
In the current Government education programme special attention is provided for Aboriginal children who, around Australia this year, will receive Commonwealth study grants to help them advance themselves. [More…]
It is firmly hoped that a large number of Aboriginal children will be able to benefit from this arrangement which will cost about $3.7m. [More…]
At the end of the 10 weeks introduction to Army training an open day is held at the camp which parents can attend to see the advancement of their children who have been conscripted into the camp. [More…]
I have the names of at least half a dozen parents who will verify this story if an assurance is given to them that no disciplinary or vindictive action will be taken against their children who are still in the Army. [More…]
The parents, thinking that the soldiers were dispersing, rushed to greet their children. [More…]
While all the parents had pride in their children, it was only then they learned, because of the names that the children were called, that all of their children were illegitimate. [More…]
I believe that this is a sinister threat to the young minds of Australian school children. [More…]
Since the scheme began in 1964, some 253,000 grants totalling about $11 Om have been paid to assist young couples, and widowed or divorced persons with dependent children, to own and establish their homes. [More…]
The main provisions are: The standard rate of pension for single people and widows with children is to be increased by $1.75 a week to $20.00 a week. [More…]
This increase will apply to approximately 509,000 age pensioners, 112,000 invalid pensioners and 50,000 widow pensioners with children. [More…]
The married rate of pension, which is also payable to widows without children, is to be increased by $1.25 a week to $17.25 a week. [More…]
This increase will apply to an estimated 324,000 age pensioners, 27,000 invalid pensioners and 43,000 widow pensioners without children. [More…]
The effect of the easing of the means test will be to extend the amounts of means as assessed which permit the payment of full pensions by $520 to $1,040 for standard rate pensioners, including widow pensioners with children, and by $910 to $1,794 for married couples. [More…]
The allowable means as assessed for widow pensioners without children will also be raised by $520 to $1,040. [More…]
Expressed in terms of income this will mean that an age or invalid pensioner without children whose property is less than $420 in value may have income of up to $20 a week and still receive the full standard rate pension of $20 a week; some pension will be payable until his income reaches $60 a week. [More…]
A married couple without children whose property is less than $840 in value may have a combined income of up to $34.50 a week and still receive full pensions of $17.25 a week each; some pension will be paid until their combined weekly income reaches $103.50. [More…]
Put the other way, where his means consists entirely of property an age or invalid pensioner without children may have assets to the value of $10,800 and receive a full pension; some pension will be payable until his property reaches $31,600 in value. [More…]
For married couples without children the comparable figures are $18,740 and $54,640. [More…]
A widow without children whose property is less than $420 in value may have income of up to $20 a week and still receive the full pension of $17.25 a week; some pension will be payable until her income reaches $54.50 a week. [More…]
Put the other way, where her means consist entirely of property a widow without children may have assets to the value of $10,800 and still receive a full pension; some pension will be payable until her property reaches $28,740 in value. [More…]
However, every single age or invalid pensioner without children whose pension under the present law is reduced because of the means test will, under this Bill, receive an increase of up to $6.75 a week if receiving pension at the standard rate or up to $5.60 a week, each, if a married pensioner couple without children. [More…]
A widow pensioner with one child will receive an increase of up to $7.75 a week while widow pensioners without children will receive an increase of up to $6.25 a week. [More…]
This Bill amends the definition of ‘child’ in the principal Act in order to give effect to the extension of eligibility for war pensions to student children between the ages of 16 and 21. [More…]
The Bill also increases the pension rates in respect of the children of deceased seamen coming under the Act. [More…]
Under the Repatriation Bill, as previously explained, in the case of certain children receiving full-time education, amendments are being made in respect of the continuation of their pensions until the age of 21 is reached. [More…]
One, entitled Why Don’t Elephants Smoke’, is directed towards children of primary school age; the other, which is a facts booklet, is directed towards adults and older children. [More…]
All children to be provided for by child endowment. [More…]
Since 1949 the child endowment payments for the first and second children have remained static. [More…]
One finds children of even well to do families dropping out from the higher level of education and giving up scholarships, because despite their parents’ income, of which they are not necessarily beneficiaries, they arc denied the necessary living allowances that are made available to other members of the community. [More…]
But why should they who were capable in their younger years of winning a specific scholarship be denied all the benefits of that scholarship, simply because their parents may at that point of time have enjoyed an income which, as I have pointed out, they may not necessarily be sharing with their children who are trying to work their way through university? [More…]
We do not run around and suggest that everybody should have 5, 6 or 7 children because that is a matter for the individual. [More…]
This woman is a nurse and is the mother of 6 children. [More…]
She is successfully rearing 6 children, the eldest of which is about 10 years of age. [More…]
We have people like that in our community who have to care for 6 children. [More…]
I believe that people of this sort should receive from our social services the necessary assistance at least to meet the extra sales tax that they have to pay on behalf of 6 children. [More…]
When those children attend school that mother will have to buy six 15c ball point pens. [More…]
People with smaller families have to buy only one or two pens at the beginning of the school year but the mother of those 6 children will be paying 5c tax on every one of those 15c pens. [More…]
Within this category, there is a large group of people who still have dependant children living at home. [More…]
If one looks at the second reading speech of the Minister for Social Services (Mr Wentworth) in respect to the Social Service Bill we see that in the category of standard rates of pension alone the provision for single people and widows with children is to be increased by 1.75 a week to S20 a week. [More…]
The Government, of course, provided for increases in the child endowment rates for the third and successive children in the 1971 Budget. [More…]
The Repatriation (Far East Strategic Reserve) Bill and the Repatriation (Special Overseas Service) Bill are designed to provide payments for children between the ages of 16 and 21 years where they qualify as students. [More…]
Many women who were widowed in World War I or World War II, others who were widowed as a result of the Korean and Malaysian conflicts and still others who were widowed as a result of that illegal war in Vietnam, none of whom has remarried and may never remarry, are totally dependent on the ungenerous allowance that is paid by the Government by way of the war widow’s pension and whatever fringe benefits such as children’s allowances which may be paid. [More…]
In the field of chilren’s allowances also the Government says that it has been very generous, in that it has been able to pay to war orphans, the children who have lost their fathers as a result of war and whose mothers had previously or subsequently died, $14.70 per week. [More…]
They are a particularly unfortunate group of children because had their parents not been involved in a war, at least one parent probably would still be living. [More…]
Thus, first the Government takes away her husband as a result of war, then it throws her on the physical scrap heap because it is not prepared to pay to her the type of compensation which will enable her to live in dignity and without financial worries and to bring up her children in the manner available to a normal married couple. [More…]
But the Government must remember that many World War II widows, and almost all widows who lost their husbands as a result of war in the intervening years, still have school age children. [More…]
The girls who were widowed as a result of the Vietnam war still have preschool age children and are not able to battle it out in the community to earn a decent supplementary wage. [More…]
The pensions of children– [More…]
This is where the real figure juggling takes place - of deceased ex-servicemen whose deaths were related to war service will have been increased even more substantially, by 36.1 per cent in the case of a first child, and 72.9 per cent in the case of second and subsequent children, . [More…]
This is not a case in which the Government ought to be commended because it found it necessary to increase the pensions by 72.9 per cent in the case of second and subsequent children. [More…]
while the pensions of children who have lost the support of both parents will have been increased by 44.8 per cent. [More…]
As I said a moment ago, they now receive the princely sum of about $14 - and these children have no parents. [More…]
If I did have any criticism - I do not propose to develop this just at the moment - it is that the war widow’s pension could have gone up a little more than the increase to $20 a week that she is to receive, although I am pleased to note that the domestic allowance has gone up to $8.50 a week and the pension for children of ex-servicemen is to be $7.35 a week. [More…]
At present an estate is exempt from duty if its value is $20,000 or less and it passes to the spouse, children or grandchildren of the deceased. [More…]
I digress for a moment to point out to people who bleat about how much more can be done by the children of aged persons - I am indebted to Dr Klugman, a learned medico in the other place - that since 1955 family contributions to national health has virtually trebled. [More…]
Unquestionably and desirably it would be an ideal society if the children and relatives of elderly people could care for them in their homes and accept the responsibility of providing for them in the way in which, say, parents provide for their children as they are being nurtured, but it is not always possible. [More…]
There is the fact that many elderly people have not children and relatives upon whom they can rely. [More…]
Not so long ago Senator Hannan raised by way of a question in this place the proposal of the Australian Broadcasting Commission to cease programming the Australian children’s television programme Adventure Island’ at the end of this year. [More…]
I raised that matter also in the course of the debate relating to the education of isolated children that took place recently. [More…]
I have received a large number of letters from people in many areas of Australia suggesting that this programme should be kept on the air, not only because it is an Australian programme but also because it is a high quality one and, probably more importantly, because it is a high quality Australian children’s television programme which informs children, educates them, entertains them and imparts to them some knowledge of their own country. [More…]
A great number of the people who wrote to me pointed out that throughout many of the imported children’s programmes there is a predominant theme of violence, vengeance, American flag waving, the portrayal of American attitudes, American values and American solutions. [More…]
They said that Adventure Island’ gave a very refreshing Australian point of view which educated, informed and entertained Australian children. [More…]
If that sort of thing continues to take place there is no hope for children’s programmes on Australian television. [More…]
After all is said and done, the Australian Broadcasting Control Board was so concerned about the dearth of decent children’s television programmes in this country that it appointed a children’s programming advisory board. [More…]
I hope that this matter relating to children’s television programmes will receive attention. [More…]
If lack of adequate funds for programme development is the determining factor causing the ABC to remove ‘Adventure Island’ from its children’s television programming, I hope that it will consider removing some of the foreign stuff in order to continue this programme. [More…]
If he had a wife and 2 dependent children he would have a reduction of $82.15 or 22.3 per cent in the year. [More…]
If he had 4 dependent children and a wife he would have a reduction of $8S.88 or 29.8 per cent in tax payable. [More…]
If we move to the income scale of $5,096 per annum, we find that a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children gains a reduction of SI 61 .98 or 22.2 per cent in the tax payable If we take an actual income of $12,000 for a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 4 dependent children, his reduction in tax at these new rates would be $412.77 or 11.3 per cent of the lax payable. [More…]
The previous allowance for children after the first child was $156 and is now $208 per annum. [More…]
The deduction is limited to an amount of $400 which brings it into parallel with the concession which is allowed to parents of student children. [More…]
For a person with a taxable income of $18,000 a year, who has a wife and 2 dependent children, the reduction will be only 8.1 per cent. [More…]
A person with a taxable income of $7,000 a year, who has a wife and 2 dependent children, will receive a reduction in tax of 12.8 per cent. [More…]
For a man with a taxable income of $4,296 a year, who has a wife and 2 children, the reduction in taxation will be 19.6 per cent, and for a man with a wife and 4 dependent children the reduction will be 25.4 per cent. [More…]
The Government believes that the only way of ensuring non-government schools of continuing basic support is to tie that support to a proportion of the recurrent costs of educating children in government primary and secondary schools throughout Australia. [More…]
I should add that it is very difficult for the parent of a child at a nongovernment school to accept the argument that everyone has the right to a complete government-provided education in a government school, but that they lose any right the moment they decide to send their children to a non-government school whether it be for a religious, geographic or any other reason. [More…]
To illustrate, the per pupil grants for 1973 will be at rates of 20 per cent of the estimated cost of educating children in government primary and secondary schools, throughout Australia, during the financial year 1972-73. [More…]
The Commonwealth has invited the States to join with it in providing the nongovernment schools with an assured basis for assistance by themselves undertaking to make contributions towards the running costs of those schools equivalent to 20 per cent of the national average cost of educating children in the government schools. [More…]
Under both the capital programmes for government and non-government schools and the recurrent grants for nongovernment schools, the Minister will be able to exercise a discretion to enable special schools, as, for example, those for handicapped children, where the courses of study do not parallel those in Government primary and secondary schools, to qualify for assistance. [More…]
When the Prime Minister announced the new policies which are to be brought into operation by this Bill, he said that they would represent a milestone in improving the education of all Australian children. [More…]
Under this measure, the National Parliament will accept a basic obligation to provide supplementary support for the benefit of all school children, and will do so in a manner which ensures both government and non-government schools of continuing support. [More…]
Supplementary food assistance has also been made available for children and expectant mothers on settlement communities throughout the State of Queensland, and New South Wales continues to subsidise, from our grant, voluntary organisations working in the Aboriginal health field. [More…]
In discussions with the .States it was decided that one of the main targets to be aimed at in the educational sphere during this year would be the further development of pre-schools and pre-schooling facilities so that Aboriginal children would be suitably prepared for entrance into the school system. [More…]
But we can be seen to be making progress, and Aboriginal children will soon be emerging from secondary schooling with educational prerequisites for higher levels of employment. [More…]
The housing programmes aim primarily to assist families, whose children will benefit thereby: a great deal of health activity is devoted to improving the health situation of Aboriginal infants and children; the bulk of expenditure in education is, of course, for younger Aborigines; while the employment training scheme and other activities of the Department of Labour and National Service seek in particular to assist schoolleavers. [More…]
I am quite open-minded about this question, but these are my thoughts from what happened as I went through my own time and the thoughts of my children as they went through their time. [More…]
After all, if one takes into consideration not only the adults in a family but also their children, one could say that the Democratic Labor Party represents between one million and one and a quarter million people. [More…]
If they are so classified, can we stop this arrant humbug that we have heard in recent months and years since the Vietnam conflict began - this nonsense, this hypocrisy that we hear from people who refer to these poor kids that are being forced into uniform, these children who have to go on to a parade ground and who have to endure a sergeant major going crook at them when the only hard words they have ever heard before have come from their mothers. [More…]
1 refer to this nonsense that we hear, that men in uniform at 18 years of age are children or kids. [More…]
But that gives no-one the right to say, no matter how old or middle aged they may be, that kids of 18 years of age are in uniform and that children are leaving their parents in order to go into camp. [More…]
Does the Government’s decision on assistance for schools, announced by the Prime Minister on 11th May 1972, propose to raise per capita payments to children in non-government schools to 40 per cent of the assessed cost of educating a child in government schools. [More…]
Following the resolution of the Senate to refer to that Committee the matter of the education of children from isolated areas, the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Davidson, in answer to a question I asked of him, indicated that the Committee would give a priority consideration to this matter. [More…]
Finally, as the Chairman of the Committee, I hope to attend the conference and seminar of the Isolated Children’s Parents Association which is to be held at Bourke tomorrow and which the Minister for Education and Science will attend. [More…]
I preface the question by saying that no doubt the Minister is aware that capital grants are made by the Federal Government towards the establishment of hostel training centres for retarded children. [More…]
In view of his answer to Senator Byrne’s question, I ask: Does his Committee intend completing its present inquiry into all aspects of radio and television before it embarks upon an inquiry into the problems confronting isolated children and their parents? [More…]
If the Committee intends completing its inquiry into all aspects of radio and television in the first instance, can Senator Davidson give some indication of when the Committee is likely to commence taking evidence on the problems confronting isolated children and their parents? [More…]
Senator Douglas McClelland will recall that I indicated earlier today that the inquiry into the education of children in isolated areas would take place as soon as parliamentary circumstances allowed. [More…]
I want to say the Committee does not propose to conclude its inquiry into all aspects of broadcasting and television before embarking on the reference relating to isolated children. [More…]
Because the nature of the reference concerning isolated children is, by contrast, one which, while having a wide range of interests and inferences, is capable of receiving attention much sooner than the prevous reference, it is therefore proposed that the 2 references proceed concurrently. [More…]
As soon as circumstances will allow the Committee will undertake the first steps of its inquiry into the reference put to it by the Senate relating to isolated children. [More…]
Yesterday I asked the Minister for Health a question concerning a possible major increase in the bed rate subsidy to assist the running of hostels for retarded children. [More…]
The Department of Social Services is responsible for the administration of the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act 1970 which is designed to give capital assistance on a $2 for a $1 basis to approved institutions which provide residential accommodation and/ or training for the various kinds of physically and mentally handicapped children. [More…]
The other form of financial assistance provided by the Commonwealth in respect of handicapped children is a benefit of $1.50 a day, which was introduced in January 1969, and which is made under the provisions of the National Health Act for which I am responsible. [More…]
It is payable in respect of children under 16 years of age who are accommodated and cared for in homes approved under the Act. [More…]
I believe that is something that anyone could do today not for himself but for his children and grandchildren. [More…]
Tasmania has the added responsibility, when compared with the other States, of giving its children the equality of opportunity that is rightly theirs. [More…]
The States require not only well trained teachers who are able to impart their knowledge to the children but also the establishment in the environment of the schools themselves of the standards which have been set in Canberra and which should be a yardstick for the standards to which the other States should aspire and which they should seek to maintain. [More…]
In the case of estates arising from deaths on or after 16th August 1972, the outright statutory exemption from duty will be $40,000 for an estate which passes wholly to close relatives - that is, a spouse, children or grandchildren - and $20,000 for an estate, of which no part so passes. [More…]
Duty - Amounts of Duty Payable at Present and as Proposed’, lt lists the values of estates and deals with those estates which are passing wholly to the spouse, children or grandchildren, and then with estates which pass wholly to other beneficiaries. [More…]
So it has become a revenue tax and a form of double lax in many cases on the beneficiaries, widows and children who are least able to afford it. [More…]
Consequently, should one die one’s widow and children are liable to pay this duty. [More…]
$12,000 for an estate passing entirely to either a widow, widower, children, under. [More…]
21, wholly de pendent children over 21, or to wholly dependent widowed mother of deceased. [More…]
$10,000 for an estate passing wholly to children over 21 or grandchildren. [More…]
The rates of duty for estates passing entirely to either a widow, widower, children under 21. wholly dependent children over 21 or to a wholly dependent widowed mother of deceased, are as follows: [[More…]]( -
The Government is to blame for this current problem which in particular, speaking from the rural point of view, is besetting farmers with small or medium sized properties, or their widows and children. [More…]
I have never quite understood the logic behind the fact that I can give some sort of asset, either in my lifetime or by testamentary disposition, to a charity or a school and that it should be free of tax - and free of stamp duty as likely as not - but if I leave the same asset to my wife and dependent children my estate is penalised. [More…]
They believe in taxing widows and dependent children of deceased persons. [More…]
1 hope that we will have the sort of society that I want, where widows’ pensions are not required because husbands will have the opportunity to gather assets and to make proper provision for their widows and children. [More…]
Fancy a person having that sort of regard for his wife and children. [More…]
An estate is exempt from estate duty if its value is $20,000 or less and it passes to the spouse, children or grandchildren of the deceased. [More…]
We all endeavour as far as we can to ensure that our children and relatives live under better conditions than we have enjoyed. [More…]
Also I object thoroughly to the practice which has continued .for many years whereby charities receive bequests under a will free of tax although the, widow or dependent children are required to pay tax. [More…]
Probate duties are a typical socialist manoeuvre whereby the State pursues a man after his death, as Senator Withers pointed out, to the disadvantage of his widow and children. [More…]
We equally believe that if people decide in their lifetime to do something for their children and to build something up in order to pass it on, that is thrift and providence, and they are entitled to pass it to their families without having some person who has never tried to do anything in his life - I am not talking of anybody in this chamber, far from it - saying that they cannot do that, they shall not do that, or that they are not allowed to do that. [More…]
They lived there with their children. [More…]
As a result of the acquisition of this motel, we are able to hold these children longer in the Alice Springs area. [More…]
When these children return to their settlements or, very often, to their tribal communities, there is a better chance that what we have been able to do for them in hospital will stay with them. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that poor health and malnutrition exist widely in Queensland among Aboriginal children in fringe areas and on Government reserves? [More…]
As I said before, the children of the pragmatic father who is so obstinate that he will not adapt himself to changing circumstances leave him. [More…]
I am quite certain that my children have had a far greater opportunity to indulge in, or have available to them, human experiences at a much earlier age than the age at which they were available to me in my earlier years. [More…]
Does the Minister agree that because of the increased numbers of working women with children who have to be cared for, such a change in the law would be greatly desirable in the national interest as well as in justice to working mothers who relieve the community of social service payments? [More…]
In view of the Prime Minister’s very welcome statement that taxation concessions were to be investigated in relation to expenses incurred by fully employed single girls who are raising children, I ask whether the concessions, if granted, will apply to deserted wives fully supporting children? [More…]
Will the Minister also pursue the difficulty of such persons with regard to other forms of supplementary assistance which could be granted to offset the great problems which are faced by widowers and deserted husbands in the care of young children. [More…]
Let me remind the honourable senator that he accepted and voted for a proposition that children in neglected and isolated areas should be the subject of a Senate committee report. [More…]
I do not consider that strangers in blood should ever have complete exemption or any kind of an exemption when widows and children have to pay. [More…]
Among other things it supports the application of taxation concessions to minimise the incidence of death duties so as to avoid the necessity for the forced sale of family property where the estate is left to the wife and children of the testator. [More…]
In addition to the work that Mrs McLean has done over the years to make young men of this nation aware of their rights under the National Service Act, quite recently she was responsible for the release of a statement calling for an end to the blatant bombing of women and children in North Vietnam. [More…]
Yet the Government is putting a young mother with children into gaol because she has dared to hand out pamphlets expressing Opposition to the Government’s policy. [More…]
Apparently Senator Hannan believes that the Australian troops should be still in Vietnam destroying these terrible people of Vietnam - these women, children and old people - and that we should be gaoling all the people in Australia who oppose this principle. [More…]
I ask the Attorney-General to use any clemency he can show or any discretion he has to allow this mother of 2 young children to be released from gaol. [More…]
If it is not too late, I plead with the Attorney-General to show some compassion in this matter, at least to give Mrs McLean credit for having the courage of her convictions, and at least recognise that she is the mother of young Australian children and allow her to go home to those young Australian children rather than suffer indignity under a law which, as Senator Cavanagh says, is not upheld by some 60 per cent of the Australian people. [More…]
At end of motion add: ‘, but the Senate, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian schools commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow the continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore grants should not be made on the basis provided in the Bill in respect of any year after 1973’. [More…]
I have claimed all along that there is no difference between people in the lower income groups who are sending children to independent schools at Ashfield and Burwood, and their fathers and their fathers before them. [More…]
Of course people can choose to send their children to Barker college, Riverview college, Geelong college or any of the high tone colleges. [More…]
If somebody has the good fortune to become a young executive at 25, at 35 he is in a good position to send his children to the higher class schools. [More…]
The term ‘private enterprise’ or the term ‘Canberra bureaucracy’ does not mean a thing to parents whose children attend some of the schools which I have mentioned. [More…]
Whether the children attend Kogarah High school or the Christian Brothers high school at Burwood, their parents are in the same lower and middle income groups and they do not get the little fringe benefits. [More…]
Firstly, it is the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education they want for their children. [More…]
Secondly, the State has the right to ensure or to insist that children are educated to a standard that will fit them for good citizenship. [More…]
Thirdly, all Australian children ought to be equal under the law. [More…]
For some 100 years all Australian governments were taxing all the people to provide education for all the children, but directing all the moneys so derived to state schools and denying any moneys to private schools. [More…]
It is to the credit of the Party to which I belong that for the last 16 years it has fought consistently for the right of parents to choose the school and the kind of education they want for their children without discrimination. [More…]
If the honourable senator agrees with the right of parents to choose the kind of education they want for their children, surely he must agree with the Democratic Labor Party when it says that it is wrong in principle and unjust to penalise parents who exercise that right. [More…]
All I am saying is that when public moneys are set aside for education they ought to be spent equally on all children without discrimination. [More…]
In this place it was not so long ago that we discussed the education of outback children. [More…]
He went along to the Minister in a very sincere and, 1 may say, humble way to request the South Australian Government to devote more money to the education of outback children in South Australia. [More…]
I have only my friend’s statement to support this, but according to him the Minister said: ‘If we gave you extra money for the education of the outback children you would probably spend it on booze.’ [More…]
It is a tremendous pity that personalities relating to political people have entered into this discussion because this is a matter of great national importance to every Australian child, not just the children of individual members of any section of the community. [More…]
I can say, as a father of children who attended State schools - 2 of them have passed through State schools and are now at university and another is attending a State school in New South Wales - that the standard of State school education in New South Wales is much lower today than it was 6. [More…]
There are not sufficient teachers to cater for the number of children attending the school system to enable classes to be a reasonable size. [More…]
Advertisements appear from time to time in the newspapers urging people to send their children to the greater public schools. [More…]
So in that respect there is a shortage in the number of teachers available to teach the children and therefore there is inequality. [More…]
There is a tremendous disparity in the number of children in the classes and therefore again there is inequality. [More…]
A great number of such children are receiving private tuition at the rate of$1 95 a quarter or whatever the charge may be. [More…]
We believe that for the system of education existing in Australia for all children there should be established an Australian schools commission to iron out on a national basis where the principal needs are so that a system of equity can be brought about. [More…]
Having ascertained the priority of needs in order to bring about some standard of equity in the educational system, it will then recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States, cutting out all this malarkey about centralisation and unification to assist andto meet the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities. [More…]
I am proud that the Government through this legislation is introducing a programme to assist the States financially for education purposes in order to ensure that all Australian children will obtain the best education that is possible. [More…]
The parents of those students would have to send their children to state schools. [More…]
I believe in the right of parents to send their children to whatever type of school they choose, br that school an independent one or a government one. [More…]
Much was m: de tonight of the fact that wealthy people send their children to independent schools. [More…]
1 know of many people who work for a living, who are not wealthy and who wish to give to their children the opportunity to attend an independent school, whether this he for religious or other reasons. [More…]
These people work very hard and save their money in order to send their children to independent schools. [More…]
I do not agree with the argument put by the Opposition that it is only the children of wealthy parents who attend independent schools. [More…]
Mothers, fathers and even children have worked to help te enable those schools to continue. [More…]
I believe that the schools which they support are entitled to some financial assistance from the Commonwealth to ensure that their children enjoy the same facilities as those provided in government schools. [More…]
In this debate the important point has been missed; that is that we are considering children. [More…]
Whether they go to private or public schools, we have to consider the children. [More…]
When we look at it as a whole we see that those involved are not merely those children who go to one or two schools. [More…]
We have heard a lot recently about country children, and they are a group that we must look at. [More…]
We must consider also Aboriginal children, deaf children, spastic children - there are examples of spastic children who can benefit from university education, if they are given the opportunity to do so - children suffering from dyslexia, and migrant children. [More…]
Unfortunately this Government has not insisted that migrant children speak English, and some of them who have attended school have been unable to grasp the language because of their natural shyness and so drop back. [More…]
He went along to the Minister in a very sincere and, I may say, humble way to request the South Australian Government to devote more money to the education of outback children in South Australia. [More…]
I have only my friend’s statement to support this, but according to him the Minister said: ‘If we gave you extra money for the education of outback children you would probably spend it on booze’. [More…]
The following are extracts from the letters - We were made aware of your complete lack of interest in the educational welfare of the children of the outback.’ [More…]
Mr M. I. McTaggart presented a report on the deputation to the Minister of Education on 23rd June 1971 seeking financial assistance for outback children doing correspondence lessons. [More…]
We accepted this point and then requested an allowance to families of non-attendance school children similar to the allowance of $200 per year in Western Australia. [More…]
I understand that at that point the delegation referred to the fact that not only children of station owners but many children of station hands and Commonwealth Railways fettlers were encountering the same problem. [More…]
The Minister replied that where parents were conscientious they would complete primary education and then possibly living away help was required to help brighter children, but that there is now a reasonable allowance for secondary students. [More…]
The Minister said that they would not start hostels similar to those in other States, and so we asked if he could give any assistance at all to outback children and received no sympathy. [More…]
The Minister pointed out that the scheme of the South Australian Government for the outback children is possibly one of the most generous schemes in Australia. [More…]
It gives more to the parents of the outback children than does any other scheme in operation in any State of Australia under a Liberal dominated government. [More…]
All the correspondence I have received from the parents of outback children has requested some concessions in the form of taxation deductions. [More…]
Those who send their children to school receive an allowance for school fees, but a person who cannot send his children to school cannot receive the allowance. [More…]
It provides an allowance for the children who attend school. [More…]
It permits a child to attend school, and gives them a better opportunity than have outback children in the other States of the Commonwealth. [More…]
Nevertheless, these education grants cannot be made available until a child reaches 14 years of age, and there are many youngsters attending primary school whose parents need financial assistance to keep the children at school in order to give them a reasonable education. [More…]
In that environment the children and the infants were regularly breast fed until they were 4 or 5 years of age. [More…]
As we can understand now from our knowledge of nutrition, in the new environment the children gradually have been lacking the nourishment that was required to sustain them. [More…]
They caught lizards, grubs and moths, all of which the infants and very young children ate as they were caught - raw. [More…]
These people love their children as much as any other human race loves its children. [More…]
Perhaps they love their children more because they live closer to them and they will not be separated from their children, whether we like it or not. [More…]
It is true that their children are dying at a higher rate than ever before in history. [More…]
I do not have any crime figures for Aborigines or Europeans, but I do recall that a person by the name of Namatjira was thrown into gaol for 6 months because he dared to give one of his children a drink of wine. [More…]
In discussions with the States it was decided that one of the main targets to be aimed at in the educational sphere during this year would be the further development of preschools and pre-schooling facilities so that Aboriginal children would be suitably prepared for entrance into the school system. [More…]
to minimise the incidence of death duties so as to avoid the necessity for the forced sale of family property where the estate is left to the wife and children of the testator; [More…]
Is there progressive cover according to the number of dependants under the Australian Labor Party’s scheme so that a man supporting a wife and six children on $58.30 per week receives free cover but under the Government plan is required to pay full contribution of $1.66 per week. [More…]
Under the Labor Party health proposals, low income earners supporting a family with one or more children would be automatically covered at public expense where their taxable income does not exceed $1,700 per year. [More…]
This Government initiative is a tangible expression of its very real and proper concern for the welfare of children. [More…]
Included in the concept ‘good quality’ are both the physical arrangements and the professional staffing, in the provision of which the overriding consideration will be the emotional, intellectual and physical development of children in child care centres. [More…]
This legislation expresses the Government’s recognition of the rapidly increasing proportion of married women in the labour force and of the consequences of this phenomenon for the care of their children. [More…]
It is known that at the present time over 25 per cent of mothers with children under the age of 6 are in the labour force. [More…]
Some of these mothers are engaged in paid employment in their own homes and care for their children at the same time. [More…]
But there are over 150,000 pre-school aged children whose mothers, or single fathers, work outside their homes. [More…]
Most importantly, they revealed that child care facilities had not kept pace with the rapid growth in the female labour force during the 1960s, and that, as a consequence, existing child care facilities were inadequate, qualitatively and quantitatively, for the growing numbers of children needing them. [More…]
Not only were there too few centres but in many cases the provision was only for child minding and not for the quality of child care appropriate to the educational, emotional and developmental needs of the young children involved. [More…]
During this examination the committee had the benefit of consultations with State government departments and with representatives from a wide range of local government, professional and voluntary groups and organisations throughout Australia concerned with day care arrangements for children. [More…]
While many working mothers were able to make satisfactory arrangements for their children during working hours, a substantial number were not. [More…]
In summary, the Government decided that action was urgently needed: action lo ensure sufficient good quality child care facilities in the community for the proper care and development of pre-school aged children whose parents or guardians are unable, for a variety of reasons, to make other suitable arrangements. [More…]
These facilities should be available at a cost that is not prohibitive to parents, especially to parents of children in special need. [More…]
The scheme is forward-looking and includes provision to stimulate research into all factors relating to the needs of the community in relation to the care of children, and for experiments in various child day care methods, lt is the Government’s intention to ensure an ongoing evaluation of both the short-term and longterm effects of the measures which this Bill will make possible. [More…]
Firstly, it is the view of authorities concerned with child care, for example the Child Psychiatry Section of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, that alternate care, provided for young children while their mothers are working, which is inadequate and unsatisfactory, can contribute to emotional disturbance in the child’s later years. [More…]
Of particular concern is the situation where young children are left in the care of untrained and unsupervised child minders who do not have the facilities conducive to the social and emotional development of young children. [More…]
Unfortunately, many young children are being taken care of in just such circumstances. [More…]
Secondly, the Government’s initiative springs from its concern for the welfare of children of working mothers. [More…]
It is also a fact that at present 25 per cent of mothers with children under 6 years of age are in the labour force. [More…]
That a substantial number of such mothers cannot make satisfactory arrangements for the care of their pre-school aged children is yet another fact. [More…]
The purpose of the scheme is to meet this existing problem - to help the children of working and other parents insofar as they are deprived of proper child care either because good quality facilities are not available or because the cost is presently too high. [More…]
In summary, the Bill provides for assistance to non-profit organisations, including local governing bodies, to establish and operate centres which provide day care for children of working and sick parents and which give priority of admission to children in special need. [More…]
For this purpose children in special need are defined in clause 20 of the Bill. [More…]
The proposed scheme has four main elements, as follows: (i) capital grants; (ii) recurrent grants in respect of qualified staff; (iii) recurrent grants with respect to children in special need; and (iv) grants for research and evaluation of matters relating to child care. [More…]
Where there are 15 or more children 3 years of age or over enrolled full-time, the grant will be in respect of one pre-school teacher. [More…]
After the first 20 children 3 years of age or over, the grant will be in respect of one qualified nurse for every 20 children or part thereof. [More…]
There is provision for grants in respect of additional pre-school teachers in child care centres accommodating more than a prescribed number of children. [More…]
Younger children under 3 years of age have other and more demanding needs. [More…]
The grant will be available for a qualified nurse employed in a centre for every 10 such children or part thereof for which the centre has enrolments. [More…]
The number of children in this context refers to children enrolled for 8 hours during the day in a centre. [More…]
The Bill includes provision for the calculation of the grant to be made in such a way as to take into account the varying hours that different children might attend centres. [More…]
Thus under the scheme, opportunities will exist for children aged between 3 and 5 years in child care centres to receive pre-school education. [More…]
Recurrent Grants with respect to children in special need [More…]
The Bill provides for special recurrent grants to enable centres to offer reduced fees in respect of enrolled children from low income and other families in financial need. [More…]
The fees normally charged to parents of children not in financial need will be of the order presently being charged in the community. [More…]
For these fees, however, children will enjoy in government assisted centres a quality of care superior to that otherwise available because of the nature of the facilities and the qualified staff provided. [More…]
The basis of the method will be that an organisation operating a centre will receive payments with respect to children in special need. [More…]
For this purpose, ‘children in special need’ is defined in the Bill - clause 12 - as children of one parent families, of families in the first 3 years of settlement in Australia, of families where one of the parents is sick or incapacitated, and of families eligible to receive assistance under the subsidised health benefits scheme. [More…]
The circumstances of families placing children in child care centres cannot be predicted in advance. [More…]
In a scheme of this nature, that relates to the development and care of children, every opportunity must be made to ensure that organisations assisted can operate their child care centres with compassion and with the capacity to help the most needy cases as they arise from time to time. [More…]
At the same time, it will be the responsibility of organisations operating centres to balance their own financial budgets, taking into account the recurrent grants that will be made available - both in respect of staffing - and with respect to children in special need the fees they can collect, and their other sources of income, if any, against their outgoings for salaries, maintenance of equipment and buildings and other current expenditure. [More…]
to accept applications for enrolment of children in special need in priority to applications relating to other children; [More…]
Centres will need to provide programmes of pre-school education for children as appropriate; [More…]
Persons in charge of centres will be required to seek the co-operation of family counselling and other local social welfare agencies including those operated by local governing authorities, especially in cases of family disruption and where parents or guardians are seeking to place very young children in centres; [More…]
It is hoped that it will be possible to include officers of relevant State Government departments who can advise on the facilities that should be provided, on the best approach to the development of children in centres, and as to the geographical areas that are in greatest need of additional child care facilities. [More…]
The second expression of the Government’s concern about future developments is the provision for research to explore the very large field of child care, particularly as it relates to day care, and related areas such as after-school and holiday care for school-aged children. [More…]
Also worthy of study is the motivation for mothers of young children to continue to care for their own children in their own homes rather than to enter paid employment. [More…]
For example, in this regard what is the persuasive influence of appropriate family counselling on mothers of young children? [More…]
There is a view, for example, that new forms of training are required to meet the needs of children in child care centres. [More…]
Children of preschool age should not be deprived of proper care, and the opportunity for the fullest possible development, because their parents are not looking after them themselves at home during the day. [More…]
The attitude of the working mother is that her presence in the community is a fact and that assistance with the care of her children is a need. [More…]
The evaluation will reveal what is happening in the centres and what their impact is on the community, on the families involved and on the children themselves. [More…]
It is basic therefore, that the physical conditions in the centres facilitate and encourage the participation and involvement of parents in the care and development of their children at the centres. [More…]
One responsibility of the child care standards committee will be to examine designs for centres to ensure that they incorporate physical features which parents placing their children in a centre can use as a community service. [More…]
More precisely, parents will be encouraged to see the centre as a place to which they can come to discuss the development of their children with other parents, with the staff in the centre and with qualified professional people. [More…]
The Government envisages that if a beginning can be made to turn this legislation into reality quickly, we can look forward to an increase of at least 20 per cent per annum over the next 3 years in the number of places for pre-school children that will be available in child care centres. [More…]
In today’s mobile society with families living apart from grandparents and other relatives, there are many who have nowhere to turn when they are ill or in need of assistance with their children during the day. [More…]
Child care centres have to be seen in their proper perspective; they are supportive of the family unit and in extreme cases are the alternative to placing children in residential institutions. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Parliament will take immediate steps to ensure that finance from the Commonwealth will be given to the States for their public education services which provide schooling for seventy-eight per cent of Australia’s children. [More…]
Subject to conditions yet to be determined, de facto spouses and illegitimate children will be recognised for pension purposes. [More…]
Children’s benefits payable to students will be continued until age 25. [More…]
Children’s and orphan’s pensions in both the DFRB and superannuation schemes are expressed as fixed amounts, although there is an alternative basis for assessing orphans’ pensions. [More…]
The manner of determining children’s and orphans’ pensions in the DFRB and superannuation schemes is at present under consideration and any decisions taken will be incorporated in whatever scheme emerges. [More…]
Talk to them about hungry children or sagging slums and they will weep but seldom will they help. [More…]
neglected to maintain any of his children under the age of 16 years; [More…]
Why is an age pension not payable to a husband who has failed without just cause to provide his wife with adequate means of maintenance or neglected to maintain any of his children under the age of 16 years, when such conditions do not apply to an applicant for an invalid pension. [More…]
He left his wife and family of 3 children but agreed to pay regular maintenance. [More…]
Of course the wife and 3 children now have no income for their sustenance. [More…]
The clinic will screen potential rehabilitation cases for referral to the Department’s main rehabilitation centres in Melbourne, lt will liaise with voluntary organisations which conduct sheltered workshops, handicapped children’s centres and aged persons homes. [More…]
They will be subject to detailed scrutiny to ensure that the best price for the Commonwealth is obtained consistent with providing for the health and comfort of the children. [More…]
The guidelines, which have been revised since, presently contain provisions relating to such matters as the avoidance of the depiction of dangerous driving habits, situations which could be dangerous for children if imitated, bad taste in presentation, etc. [More…]
That surveys have shown that a substantial percentage of children in Australia have learning disabilities, and therefore require suitable remedial education. [More…]
That remedial services for these children in Australian Pre-School and State Primary, Secondary and Technical schools are seriously impoverished by lack of funds. [More…]
That shortages of School Medical Officers, clinical and educational psychologists, child psychiatrists, speech therapists, social workers and remedial teachers are causing frustration, un-happiness, and emotional instability for large numbers of individual children and their families. [More…]
Special training courses for experienced teachers in remedial education for children with learning disabilities at all levels. [More…]
On the 8th floor of that block 35 children are living. [More…]
Therefore we have suggested, in turn, a total examination by a commission of the rural industries and a fundamental examination of the rural sector; we have had referred to a Senate Select Committee the question of drugs; we were responsible for the creation of the Senate Select Committee on Foreign Ownership and Control to examine the erosion of Australian control and ownership of our national resources; we have had referred matters of education in the field of deprived children and in the field of children living in isolated areas and, if necessary, financial assistance. [More…]
That is, the establishment of child care centres for children of pre-school agc. [More…]
In Australia, as in other advanced countries overseas, married women - including those with children of pre-school age - are entering regular employment in increasing numbers. [More…]
We wish to ensure that the children of these women have every opportunity for the fullest development in both the emotional and physical sense. [More…]
Child care must concern itself with mental health - an integral part of the problem - with the welfare of working mothers and with their pre-school children. [More…]
When one considers that at the present time there are 1,261,610 children under 4 years of age in Australia, one can appreciate the great and urgent need to provide child care facilities. [More…]
At this rate, clearly millions of young children in our community will not have the advantages of a proper child care relationship with their mother and with other children. [More…]
A great deal of research has been carried out into the area of children under 5 years of age. [More…]
It recommended that mothers of young children should be encouraged to spend as much time as possible with young children or, if there are economic pressures that require a mother to go to work, then governments need to give consideration to the provision of special allowances in the form of financial relief to a mother so that a mother is not separated from a child under 4 years of age. [More…]
However, if a government were sincere it would give a substantial allowance to those mothers who would otherwise elect to go to work, to stay at home to care for their young children. [More…]
It is true, having regard to the state of health of the mother or the state of home and tensions, that some children would benefit from the tensionfree environment which they would probably find in a child care centre. [More…]
It will be just bad luck for mothers and children living in those areas. [More…]
The Bill makes provision for only 3,000 children in the first full year. [More…]
In the Minister’s second reading speech he stated a figure of 150,000 preschool age children whose mothers are working. [More…]
The Government shows its contempt for the intelligence of the people of Australia when it slates that this Government’s initiative is a tangible expression of its very real and proper concern for the welfare of children. [More…]
The New South Wales Child Welfare Department has expressed concern at the number of unqualified and often indifferent housekeepers and nannies who are caring for children in their own homes. [More…]
I have seen and heard of sick children being bundled out of their homes to be handed over to untrained people to be minded. [More…]
In my opinion a number of these children are not adequately fed or cared for. [More…]
I think this makes the children feel unwanted and insecure and that they will be the problem children in the future. [More…]
Cases occur of children left unattended in cars. [More…]
There are other children not being given any real consideration by the people whose responsibility it is to look after them. [More…]
Sometimes children are left in their homes while a parent working at a nearby factory has an arrangement with the factory to go every so often to check whether they are alive and well. [More…]
According to the New South Wales Department of Child Welfare existing child care centres cater for only 2.8 per cent of pre-school children and only 6 per cent of 3 to 5-year-olds. [More…]
Sweden, a frontrunner in this field, aims at catering for 80 per cent of pre-school children. [More…]
I think we should also consider the granting of a special allowance to mothers of children under 3 years old, as is done now in some of the more advanced countries such as Hungary and Austria, so that the financial pressures which force women to work during this period are eased, if not removed altogether. [More…]
That treatment brings into sharp relief the failure of the Government to pay decent allowances to young mothers to encourage them to stay with their children in the early formative years. [More…]
The issues of a Bill of this nature are not just those concerned with the caring of children. [More…]
While there is a shortage of places in child care centres, we agree that priority should be given to the children of working mothers and that special arrangements should be made to enable the closest relationship between the working mother and the child. [More…]
At present about 25 per cent of mothers with children under 6 years of age are working. [More…]
However, there are still over 150,000 pre-school children whose mothers work outside the home. [More…]
For this reason I believe that the Government has needed to give attention not only to the matter of child care facilities but also to the introduction of a measure which will provide adequate child care facilities for these 150,000 pre-school age children. [More…]
This Bill is not an inducement by the Government to encourage women with preschool age children to enter the work force, but rather I see it as a Government reaction to the social change which has already occurred. [More…]
It is necessary to look at some of the terms of this Bill and perhaps relate them to the requirements of Australian children and the working mothers of the future. [More…]
The fact that we shall have a child care standards advisory committee, I believe, will give continuing relevance to the needs of the children and to the needs of the working mother. [More…]
We have very much a family structure of parents and children rather than the other generations which are involved in some other countries of the world in close living conditions. [More…]
The advisory committee and the research committee seem to me to be 2 aspects of the Bill to which 1 can give support; because whilst there are some 150,000 children who need day care while their mothers are working as a result of social change, T would like to think that we would evaluate, too, the implications of the mother of the pre-school child being employed outside the home. [More…]
Under this Bill it is hoped to establish some 50 new centres catering for, perhaps, 3,000 children. [More…]
When one looks at the prospect of 150,000 children in the preschool group, the provision of 3,000 child care places in the first year does seem to be rather limiting. [More…]
This Bill will provide half of the salaries as an incentive to the centres to provide the qualified staff which could offer the best type of care and the most intelligent interpretation of their role as people who are caring for children for some hours each day. [More…]
For this reason I welcome the provision in the Bill that facilities will be given in priority to those children who have special needs or to- those parents who have special needs. [More…]
I think that the children of mothers who are unable to care for them or of the single male parent who is occupied in earning income for the family will need to have Specialised care such as we envisage will be provided under this Bill. [More…]
If one considers the opportunity to give priority to children in special need; if one considers the fact that we are establishing a research programme which we believe will be a continuing process and which will take into account the future needs of Australian children in their own conditions; and if one understands that there are these grants to give an incentive to the centres to employ trained staff, then I think honourable senators will agree that the Government has approached what is a social concern in a very practical way. [More…]
It is using this opportunity to set a pattern of child care centres which We hope will be of advantage to children, which will enable the mother to make her choice as to whether she combines her role of mother and some career. [More…]
It was of great interest to me to have, the opportunity to talk to someone who had been engaged in the supervision of the Government’s child care centres in Finland for some 30 years, I think, and to hear of her experiences and her understanding of this facility which has been provided in that country where the proportion of married women who work and have pre-school children is very high indeed. [More…]
1 hope that the S23m programme which has been announced by the Government will be interpreted intelligently, wisely and with due regard for the needs of the children of Australia. [More…]
I hope that the research will provide a means of establishing a type of facility which will not be of emotional detriment to the very young children of Australia. [More…]
As a father who has found no generation gap in his family because it was never allowed to develop, 1 shudder when I hear people talk of children under 5 years of age and of the tender age of 3 years being placed in the hands of trained staff. [More…]
Probably, if we searched the statistics, we would find that these young people arc from well adjusted homes and are not children who went to part time orphanages which are now given the very special name of child care centres. [More…]
We have tried to take children out of institutionalised circumstances when, because of fate, they have no parents of their own to love them. [More…]
I listen to the alleged experts who are suggesting that we must institutionalise the care of children where people are forced by circum stances - and even where it is their own desire - to abandon a 3-year-old child for 8 hours a day 5 days a week to the care of an institution with expert, trained staff. [More…]
Such a child runs to a well trained expert - who has no personal interest - al the same lime as, perhaps, 10 or 15 other children do. [More…]
If there are such circumstances it is regrettable that we have to create these places rather than having those children cared for in circumstances similar to those which we try to provide for orphans, which is in a home atmosphere. [More…]
The average mother who has one or two children might not be specially trained. [More…]
From my experience in dealing with children as a parent, I think this is far more important than knowing the germ content of the water which they may drink. [More…]
I am horrified to know that 80 per cent of the children in Sweden have access to child care centres. [More…]
What is the destiny of the child who comes home after 8 hours in a child care centre to a mother who is exhausted by 8 hours of employment in a factory or a shop and who is faced with preparing tea for her husband and one, 2 or 3 children as well? [More…]
People are not having families of 6, 7 and 8 children in the general sense now. [More…]
On the other hand a woman may have 4, 5 or 6 children with completely different personalities which need to be loved. [More…]
These people have to deal with a number of children and it is beyond their capacity to treat the children individually. [More…]
Children in these circumstances are unloved. [More…]
Surely in our grandparents generation we had begun to move away from the ideas of placing in orphanages children who were faced with the necessity of being reared by the State because their parents had died or had abandoned them. [More…]
However many mothercraft nurses there are, when a child is taken to a child care centre where there are a number of ot’ children and trained scientific staff, it is in an institution. [More…]
If Senator Georges has abandoned his children to this type of rearing I hope he will not suffer the recriminations that many do when they find that there is a generation gap. [More…]
In those days people played their role in life and a mother was with her children in a home. [More…]
Is it putting the wiggle on top of a chocolate all day and sacrificing the enormous love and affection that her children can develop for her? [More…]
We do not believe that taking children of 3 years of age and treating them as subjects for education and science would greatly improve child care centres. [More…]
I have made suggestions that child care centres should be less institutionalised where such care is unavoidable where mothers or widowed fathers are forced to have their children cared for by somebody else during certain vital hours. [More…]
For instance, if the assistance provided is aimed purely at those children who are in need insofar as the assets and background of their families are concerned, there will be created an institution for purely that type of child. [More…]
Centres which receive Commonwealth assistance must, according to the Bill, give priority of application to children in special need. [More…]
The immediate consequence of this requirement is that Commonwealthassisted centres will accommodate a disproportionate number of such children in special need. [More…]
These centres will then take on the special characteristics appropriate to such children, rather than be a reflection of the crosssection of the community within which the children are growing up. [More…]
Thus will be generated the undesirable ghetto kind of centre which we have previously mentioned to you (in a letter from the Victorian Association) - a characteristic which we argue is quite unacceptable for all except those children who really need specially protected care. [More…]
The Bill as now proposed has immediately put into jeopardy the whole private-commercial sector of the child care field - that is, all those centres which at this point of time are caring for the vast majority, (estimated at more than 80 per cent) of all children in day care in Australia. [More…]
It cannot be in the national interest that Parliament should design this important and desirable Bill in such a way as to lead to the destruction of such a large proportion of the existing child care field, with its consequent effects on the interests of hundreds of proprietors of child care centres, thousands of staff engaged in those centres, and tens-of-thousands of parents whose children attend these centres. [More…]
The pre-school system in Canberra which caters for a large number of children does not take the children for more than half a day. [More…]
The children are not separated from their families. [More…]
It is a situation in which the mother has to work and an endeavour is made to give that mother some assistance by looking after the children while she is unfortunately unable to do so. [More…]
It is a Bill for an Act to provide for assistance by the Commonwealth in respect of places where children under school age may be cared for during the day and in respect of research in connection wilh the care of children and for related purposes. [More…]
We have heard in a quite interesting debate a number of comments by way of support for the project - I think that has been the general view of the Senate - but also we have heard reservations as to whether or not particular lines of development are the best lines upon which the minding of children whose parents are unable to look after them throughout the day should proceed. [More…]
I mention in passing that Senator Little suggested that there might be centres in which there is provision for children to be minded in the family. [More…]
Senator Little thought that some provision may be made whereby families can take into their homes children of working parents and other parents who cannot look after them. [More…]
The proposed child care sheme is concerned with the welfare of children, with particular emphasis on the welfare of those children who have special need of alternative care while their parents are working, sick or otherwise unable to care for them. [More…]
It is not a scheme which is designed to encourage mothers and those responsible for the caring of children to put their children into these centres and go out to work. [More…]
What the scheme is designed to meet is the existing problem of working mothers and others who are unable to give their children the care that they require throughout the day and to provide a means whereby that care can be provided better than it is being provided at the -moment, to have the proper physical arrangement where children can be looked after, to provide the professional staff who can give the appropriate attention and to do something which is not existing at the present time. [More…]
The initial research was commenced in 1965. and I think most honourable senators will recall that in late 1968 a document was published by the Department of Labour and National Service concerning the children of working mothers. [More…]
It will also be remembered that Mr Gorton, as Prime Minister, during the Senate campaign at the end of 1970 indicated that the Government intended to introduce a scheme of assistance in respect of child care centres for children of working mothers. [More…]
Any such organisation, however, would need to offer priority of admission to children in special need and to be open to serve the community, and not restrict entry into the child care centre to children of employees in a certain industry. [More…]
The child care scheme, moreover, is not restricted to children of working mothers. [More…]
Children of single fathers and children of parents who are sick and incapacitated or who are otherwise unable to care for their children during the day are eligible for admission to the centres. [More…]
That College gave great co-operation and provided guidelines which will be followed for the care of children. [More…]
I have stressed, and I repeat, that the whole scheme is aimed at the proper care and development of children. [More…]
The purpose of the scheme is to rectify a problem that already exists, namely, that a large number of children are currently being left in a number of unsatisfactory centres. [More…]
At the present time there are 150,000 pre-school children who have mothers who go to work. [More…]
Most of these women have to make arrangements for the care of their children. [More…]
As Senator Guilfoyle pointed out in her appreciation of this measure the number of 3,000 children who could be accommodated in centres in the first year of the scheme’s operation does not seem to be a very large overcoming of the existing problem as we see it. [More…]
Of course, it is expected that those who are in a position to pay for having their children cared for in those centres will pay. [More…]
The ages of the 4 children in the family range from 24 years to 7 years. [More…]
Acting on medical advice, the mother of these children decided earlier in the year to go to Greece to see whether that would aid her health. [More…]
Both the father and mother of the children are naturalised Australians. [More…]
All of the children were born in Australia. [More…]
The mother and the 4 young children have returned to Australia. [More…]
The mother and children have to rely on the State Welfare Department for sustenance. [More…]
The young children are fretting for their father, and the mother is also fretting. [More…]
Although the father of the children, whose name is Dimitrious Lekatis, called at the Australian Embassy in Athens on 3 occasions, he was told there that they could do nothing about it. [More…]
I understand that Mr Lekatis would be detained in Greece and separated from his wife and young children, who have no income other than what they are receiving from the State Welfare Department. [More…]
This Bill provides for a payment by the Commonwealth for the care of children under school age. [More…]
The AttorneyGeneral said that a position exists where children are being neglected at present while their parents are out working. [More…]
I think the love and affection of parents in Australia today is such that, with rare exceptions, they will not both go to work at the risk of neglecting their children. [More…]
Because of extreme difficulties both parents may have to work but the children are usually well cared for. [More…]
I do not think the indictment of Australian parents by the Attorney-General that their children are being neglected at present while they are out working is one which should be allowed to go unquestioned. [More…]
This scheme will provide for the less privileged children. [More…]
There have been similar schemes, for example with regard to the Aged Persons Homes Acts and assistance to handicapped children, in which the Commonwealth has appropriated money for these purposes. [More…]
I think what I was intending to say - and whether or not my words actually conveyed the meaning must depend upon a reading of the Hansard record - was that parents often unwittingly place their children in care that does not provide for their proper development. [More…]
That is nol to suggest that the parents are not concerned or interested in their children, although I must say there are some - a minority, unquestionably - who do not meet their proper parental responsibilities to their children. [More…]
That is not to suggest that parents generaly are not striving to do the best they can for their children. [More…]
The difficulty is that they feel they must work, for whatever reason, and they leave their children in some place which they believe is appropriate and in fact it is not appropriate. [More…]
There have been instances that have been tragic in some of their results where children have been left locked at home throughout the day while the parents were out working. [More…]
One can only deplore the impact that that might have upon the children. [More…]
But i think that I would not generally disagree with the proposition that Senator Cavanagh put forward, that parents in this country do want to take care of their children. [More…]
They use their best endeavours to promote their children’s welfare on a view which is fairly current right throughout the community, that parents want their children to have a better life than they, the parents themselves, had. [More…]
The fundamental basis of this legislation is the acknowledgment of the fact that there are working mothers and there are parents other than working mothers who cannot look after their children throughout the day and that there ought to be proper physical arrangements and professional staff to provide the type of child care in child care centres which will enable the welfare of these children to be maintained. [More…]
The training will be designed to maintain good standards of cleanliness and likewise meet the developmental, emotional and personal needs of all young children. [More…]
The measures taken by the Government in assisting the community to overcome such problems do in fact provide a number of supports to the family such as the counselling service to be provided to parents of children needing care. [More…]
In some places there is concern about whether the Government is not encouraging activity which will lead to children being placed in centres while their mothers are engaged in activities. [More…]
There must be some such risk, but the real concern that the Government has is the welfare of the children. [More…]
At present children are not being cared for properly while their parents are at work. [More…]
Under the new Commonwealth compensation legislation the weekly payments will be $43 for a single employee, $54 for an employee with a wife, $59 for an employee with a wife and one child and $64 for an employee with a wife and 2 children. [More…]
If the widow had no children she would receive 75 per cent of her deceased husband’s average weekly earnings. [More…]
have decided that there should be a smaller lump sum paid to her because that would be the end of her compensation, but in respect of her children the weekly payments would continue. [More…]
After all, in an inflationary period who is there in this chamber who would suggest that a fund of $14,500, especially for, say, a widow of 35 to 40 years of age without much prospect of remarriage and with perhaps four or five young children, is any sort of an adequate cushion against adversity or any sort of a fund upon which to build a future life for herself and her children, unpenalised by the death of the breadwinner? [More…]
Our proposal is that a widow with children relying upon her should continue to receive the same weekly payment while those children are dependent upon her as she would have received from the breadwinner but for his accident. [More…]
more than one person who is a widow for the purposes of this Act, with or without any dependent children, but no other dependants; or [More…]
a widow or dependent widower and one or more dependent children, but no other dependants, a weekly payment of an amount equal to the employee’s average weekly earnings before the injury is, subject to sub-sections (7.) [More…]
in a case to which paragraph (a) of this sub-section applies - to the widows, or, if there are any dependent children and the Commissioner so determines, to the widows and dependent children, in such shares as the Commissioner determines; or [More…]
in a case to which paragraph (b) of this sub-section applies - to the widow or widower, or, if the Commissioner so determines, to the widow or widower and dependent children in such shares as the Commissioner determines. [More…]
If the deceased employee leaves one or more dependent children, but no other dependants, a weekly payment or payments of such amount or amounts, not exceeding in the total the maximum weekly payment prescribed by subsection (2.) [More…]
of this section, as is reasonably necessary to ensure the proper maintenance and education of the child or children is payable to the Commissioner for the benefit of the child or children. [More…]
the deceased employee leaves one or more dependent children and, thereafter - [More…]
the widow or dependent widower of the deceased employee or another person caring for the child or children marries or dies; or [More…]
the Commissioner considers that circumstances have arisen that affect the proper maintenance and education of the child or children; [More…]
), of this section, as the case requires, vary the amount of, or cancel, weekly payments that are the subject of a determination under any preceding provision of this section, but where the widow, dependent widower or another person caring for the child or children marries or dies, the weekly payments payable to each child shall not be less than one-sixth of the compensation that would have been paid to the deceased employee had he survived and been totally incapacitated. [More…]
We would provide that a woman who remarried would receive a payment limited to 104 times the weekly payment that she would have received under the Bill, and we would make provision to continue the allowance for her dependent children. [More…]
Unless those who are charged with government recognise this and try to arrest the drift, there will be a poor lookout for our children and the future generation of Australia. [More…]
Children [More…]
The Commonwealth may also provide assistance to war widows in the form of training and, to the eligible children of deceased ex-servicemen, the Commonwealth may provide education assistance by way of allowances, fees, fares, books and equipment under the Soldier’s Children Education Scheme. [More…]
In July 1963, the late Senator Wade, then Minister for Health, announced special arrangements designed to assist children born deformed as a result of their mothers’ taking the drug thalidomide. [More…]
The Commonwealth agreed to share equally with the States the cost of fitting artificial limbs to such children. [More…]
This was intended to provide a ‘team’ approach to the provision of the most effective assistance to these children. [More…]
These arrangements have proceeded satisfactorily and more than 20 children have received the assistance prescribed. [More…]
We want to remain on the Torres Strait Islands and retain them for our children and our children’s children,’ he said. [More…]
They have to be separated from their families and from their children for no less than 2 years in order to earn sufficient money to maintain their families. [More…]
Included also, for example, are the State Grants (Nursing Homes) Act 1969 and the State Grants (Milk for School Children) Act 1950. [More…]
The principal matters dealt with by the Minister for Social Security are national social security schemes including invalid and age pensions, maternity allowances, widows pensions, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits, health benefits, schemes, national superannuation, national compensation, national rehabilitation service, aged persons’ homes, assistance for sheltered workshops and handicapped children. [More…]
1 am assured by the Minister for Social Security that the existing Social Services Act provides that where for any reasons any children, who would otherwise be living together as one family or as part of one family, are not living together the Director-General of Social Security may, if he thinks fit exercising his discretion, authorise payment of endowment in respect of any of those children- at the rate that would be payable if those children were in fact living together as one family, this rate being not less than the rate, that might otherwise be payable. [More…]
Notwithstanding that the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts is charged with the responsibility to consider and report upon the best procedures to be adopted to assist the education of children in isolated areas of Australia, has he or the Government received any complaints from the parents of such children about the generous allocation of money to them prior to the report of the Senate Committee being finalised? [More…]
These noble hearted women do a wonderful job in working and organising to get improvements for the children. [More…]
Will the Labor Party, when it appropriates money for the children, move that the only children to receive any of the benefits are those whose parents are in the mothers clubs and the parents and citizens organisations? [More…]
The Bill proposed taking children between the ages of 6 and 12 out of the mines, and the Conservatives there at that time were saying, ‘Look- ‘. [More…]
They were debating this question and the Conservatives said ‘This is a very fine principle but the economy of Britain will collapse if we take these children out of the mines.’ [More…]
They used to harness the children to little carts and they cut the holes so that they were just big enough for children aged 6 and 8 years to pull those carts through. [More…]
A man supporting a wife and 2 children, drawing unemployment benefit and even after allowing for child endowment, has been paid a benefit rate some $17 a week below the updated Melbourne University poverty line. [More…]
One of the most objectionable aspects of the previous Government was the complete denial of any benefit at all for dependent full time student children over 16 years of an unemployment or sickness beneficiary. [More…]
Henceforth these student children will attract full benefit rights irrespective of age. [More…]
In view of the insignificant cost of this proposal $600,000 in a full year and $200,000 for the remainder of this year - the dogged persistence with which previous governments have clung to this practice of denying and depriving the dependent student children of the needy unemployed is beyond any reasonable comprehension. [More…]
The standard rate of pension for aged persons, invalids and widows with children is to be increased by $1.50 a week to $21.50 a week. [More…]
As I have just mentioned, the standard rate will also apply to widow pensioners without children in future which means that these women will receive increases of $4.25 a week. [More…]
The age limit of 21 years for the payment of additional age, invalid or widow’s pension for full-time student children as well as the additional guardian’s or mother’s allowance, as appropriate, where the standard rate applies will be removed. [More…]
In effect, the document states: ‘We want to tell you about these like excited little children. [More…]
Maybe a father who is very fond of his children is involved. [More…]
War Pensions for Student Children [More…]
The Government’s policy on war pensions for student children, which is reflected in the Bill, is that they should be continued until completion of full-time education in respect of dependent children who are not receiving a maintenance or living allowance or salary from Commonwealth sources that equals or exceeds the allowances payable under the Repatriation Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme. [More…]
Service Pensions in respect of Student Children [More…]
In relation to children of service pensioners, the Bill also reflects the Government’s policy that a child should continue to be recognised for service pension purposes irrespective of age, for as long as the child continues to undertake full-time education. [More…]
Thirdly, Mr Deputy President, at the present time some de facto wives and some exnuptial children are recognised under repatriation legislation. [More…]
This Bill amends the principal Act to recognise for pension and other purposes the same classes of de facto wives and widows and ex-nuptial children as recognised by the amendments to the Repatriation Act contained in the Repatriation Bill 1973. [More…]
The Bill provides for the payment of war pension to student children over the age of 21 years. [More…]
As has been stated in connection with the Repatriation Bill, the Government’s policy on student children of war pensioners which is given effect to in this Bill in conjunction with the Repatriation Bill, is that they should not terminate at age 21 but be continued until completion of the student’s full-time education. [More…]
This applies only in respect of dependent children who are not receiving a maintenance or living allowance or salary from Commonwealth sources that equals or exceeds the allowances payable under a repatriation children education scheme. [More…]
As has also been indicated in connection with the Repatriation Bill, whilst some de facto wives and some ex-nuptial children are recognised for war pension purposes the Government considers the present provisions too restrictive and in need of being brought into line with the recognition now afforded such persons under other Commonwealth Acts. [More…]
In attempting to control the situation of making payments only to those in the community in need, I suggest that the Government should consider making grants to those churches and other institutions which have demonstrated an interest in assisting and making their services available to the unemployed, the aged, the homeless men and women, those in the community who have suffered a broken marriage or children who have been left without parents. [More…]
The honourable senator represents the same element which yesteryear suggested that because it was proposed that a woman who had children should receive child endowment she would sell her body to obtain child endowment. [More…]
We all know that if children are pandered to excessively weaknesses rather than strength of character may develop. [More…]
It happens not only to the children of workers, the children of rich people, intelligent children or unintelligent children. [More…]
That same viewpoint on equality can be extended to 16 and 17-year-olds who will be eligible for assistance provided they are not student children of unemployed or sick beneficiaries under the Act. [More…]
Heaven knows that most of us here, in the Senate have gone through that phase of life in which it has been our joy to help our children, whether they have been unemployed or have been students. [More…]
Indeed some wealthy employers led the fight to get children out of the coal mines and spinning mills of Great Britain, but they were resisted greatly by many of the parents of the children, who could not see how their families could survive without the incomes they had been used to receiving from the labours of the child members of their families. [More…]
At that time children of 6 and 7 years of age worked in the mines. [More…]
Petitions were presented on behalf of parents of children who were working in mines and spinning mills urging the Parliament not to legislate against their standard of life, which they could not see being maintained if child labour were abolished from the mines and spinning mills. [More…]
Single parent co-operatives are arrangements between parents who, by reason of decease, divorce, desertion, or wish, are single and who want to take care of their children during the day on a cooperative basis. [More…]
I should like to think that a balance could be achieved without legislation, but bearing in mind the history of television in this country to date and the paucity of programming in certain areas, such as children’s programs, professional variety programs and educational programs, if it cannot be done in co-operation with the stations it will have to be done by way of legislative enactment. [More…]
It is a security to the parents and the children of the union. [More…]
Unless the children can rely upon the proper security of marriage and unless each parent can rely upon a system to enforce the proper obligations of it, the basis of our community is weakened indeed. [More…]
One of the great things, one of the real improvements introduced by the Federal Act in 1959, was a provision that a decree for divorce should not be made absolute unless arrangements for the maintenance and custody of children were approved by the Court and the Court was satisfied of them. [More…]
The Provision now makes it optional as to whether the petitioner, before the decree, should disclose the arrangements as to custody and maintenance of the children. [More…]
But if the Court is to be disembarrassed by being left in ignorance about custody and maintenance of the children, it will be prevented from or handicapped in performing one of the supreme duties under the Act - that is, to be satisfield before dissolving the marriage that the arrangements as to the custody or maintenance of the children are proper. [More…]
Is he aware that this raid took place in the presence of 6 adults and a number of children, all of whom were wakened and terrified by a raid so typical of Nazi Germany? [More…]
How many examples have we all heard of Croatian children who have been smeared and regarded as terrorists and have had nasty questions asked of them at school? [More…]
There were 4 children, children of a visiting friend, sleeping in that room. [More…]
Including the names of the children. [More…]
The Police tried to make everybody, including the 6 children under the age of 10, to get up. [More…]
The children were very frightened, and began to cry. [More…]
8, remove the requirement to specify arrangements to be made for the welfare of children of a marriage in the petition prior to divorce when section 71 of the Matrimonial Causes Act, section 71 requires in all cases that the Court be satisfied as to the proper arrangements for their welfare, or proof that there are special circumstances whereby this should not be required. [More…]
Why has the Attorney-General removed the requirement to place ‘on record’ arrangements for the children when a divorce is granted. [More…]
As a respondent may not now find in the petition any statement of the proposed arrangements in regard to the welfare of the children how is he or she to place his or her views before the Court on this important question, without having to defend the suit and thereby becoming at risk as to costs. [More…]
Rule 14 of the amending rules provides for the optional - rather than mandatory - statement in a petition of arrangements for children. [More…]
If custody, access or maintenance of children are to be raised as issues they are required to be raised under other rules. [More…]
I will make a declaration under section 71 because I am satisfied that the children are going to be all right for the time being’. [More…]
In a protracted defended case, costs may be so heavy that they involve a lowering of the standard of the parlies including their children. [More…]
When a family breaks up the money should go to the family and particularly to the children. [More…]
When a family is broken up or when there is a divorce, at least let us enable those people concerned to solve their differences in a decent, humane and dignified way and without their being subjected to this kind of expense which is ruinous to them and which reflects on and injures the prospects of maintenance and advancement of their children. [More…]
The Act and its rules in the past have always been interpreted to that a decree would not be made absolute unless arrangements were made for the maintenance and custody of children and approved by a court. [More…]
In fact, he has attacked the family and weakened the position of children in the broken family. [More…]
What we have to do is this: We have to decide one thing - whether we want to proceed by rules to produce Reno quickies with no interest in the children; in other words, the only way in which one can get a totally speedy dissolution of the marriage is the kind of signed Reno quickie. [More…]
I do not suggest that we can legislate to make people continue to love each other, to be faithful to each other and to be good to their children. [More…]
Our purpose is to try to reflect in the best possible manner a more modern concept in many of these matters to the advantage of those unfortunately involved in matrimonial proceedings, with particular regard to the welfare of the families and children of parties involved in divorce litigation. [More…]
1 understand that difficulty is experienced in the courts in administering section 71 of the Act, under which the court must be satisfied either that proper arrangements have been made for the welfare of the children of the marriage or that special circumstances exist so that the decree nisi can be made absolute despite the court not being satisfied of such arrangements. [More…]
If provision has to be made for children, the case might become more difficult. [More…]
As 2 people are involved in each case this means that some 30,000 people are affected by the Matrimonial Causes Act and the Matrimonial Causes Rules, if one takes into account the children who may be likewise affected, one arrives at something in excess of 30,000 people who are directly affected by the Act and the Rules. [More…]
The consequential effects on the couple involved and children, if any, can do irreparable damage to the rest of their lives. [More…]
I repeat that over 30,000 Australian citizens - and how many children none of us would know - are affected directly by the proposal which is before the Senate today. [More…]
But his obsession was such that he had to arrest young university students, pluck teachers out of schools at which they were teaching children, put women in gaol for handing out pamphlets that were against the principles that honourable senators opposite believe in. [More…]
This ought to be done, especially in the interests of the children. [More…]
The Department of Aboriginal Affairs, in conjunction with the Commonwealth Department of Health, is urgently examining ways in which a major attack can be mounted to solve the problems associated with the high mortality and retarded growth of Aboriginal infants as well as with the many chronic diseases to which not only Aboriginal children but also the adult members of the Aboriginal communities are prone. [More…]
It is not just Yugoslavs and their children who have been singled out at schools, at work and in other areas: it has applied to all migrants. [More…]
Apparently the poor little Croatian children who are going to school are being terrorised because of allegations made against certain organisations. [More…]
For example, Aborigines, migrants and electors with young children are not uniformly dispersed throughout the various regions. [More…]
I tried to control the price of clothing for men, women and children. [More…]
I tried to control the price of men’s working clothes and working boots, school children’s clothing and foodstuffs. [More…]
I believe that the death penalty should apply for crimes that relate to small, defenceless children who may have been kidnapped and assaulted violently or murdered - crimes which are considered particularly hideous and abhorrent because of the way in which they are perpetrated and the circumstances surrounding them. [More…]
This person claimed that he held a great affection for his wife and children. [More…]
By his action his wife would be able to marry a man who would provide a home and protection for the children. [More…]
Where there is a widow or a wholly dependent widower and one or more dependent children, or grandchildren, the weekly payment we propose is an amount equal to the full average weekly earnings of the deceased employee. [More…]
The Commissioner will be required to make such a review in cases where there is a widow or wholly dependent widower and one or more dependent children or grandchildren and the widow or widower dies. [More…]
That would be a matter for discussion and, perhaps, debate but the report tabled by the Minister refers to a specific area of needy children - migrant children who have been having difficulties in education, notably in the English language, and who, because of their location, may be regarded as deprived children. [More…]
Returning to my short statement on this report which Senator Douglas McClelland has presented, 1 would say briefly that at this time last year some 25,000 children were receiving instruction and some 600 teachers were employed under the child migrant education program. [More…]
Tn his criticism of the Bill - if one can describe it as criticism because he indicated that his Party supported the Bill - Senator Little said that money would not save children. [More…]
Not only should black people have decent housing and equal right to employment, but also their children should be looked after in their infancy. [More…]
As far as I know, he was the first person in Australia to draw attention to the infant mortality rate amongst Aboriginal children, and the position has improved - I believe it will improve considerably in the future - as a result of his endeavours. [More…]
Where the beneficiaries of such a small estate are a widow with or without dependent children (although the hardships in the latter case are multiplied) the delays resulting from the existence of death duties can cause considerable hardship since the family assets - such as savings bank deposits - can generally not be touched while the only source of income has suddenly been removed. [More…]
They left at approximately 1 p.m. and took my husband and I, my cousin aged 22 years, and my 2 children– [More…]
Listen to this - my 2 children aged 8 and 4 to an office near Central Railway. [More…]
My children were given biscuits. [More…]
The children all idolised their father and he idolised them. [More…]
If the men could not have been proved guilty of crimes charged by the application of Australian law, will the Government pay compensation to the Australian widows and children of the men executed? [More…]
Those who came as children or were born there have had the benefit of primary and secondary education. [More…]
It will thus in future be possible for pensioners to visit, or live with, their children or other relatives who have settled or are working overseas. [More…]
The second amendment authorises the extension of benefits under the repatriation regulations to student children over the age of 21 years. [More…]
Parliament has given its approval in the Repatriation Act 1973 to the recognition of these children in the Repatriation Act itself and this amendment will enable the relevant provisions of the repatriation regulations to be extended to them. [More…]
But if the approach to the International Court of Justice is also unsuccessful then in the name of humanity and for the sake of our unborn children, and in particular the tiny children of today we ought to take other measures, and if a ship is to sail into the area of the French explosions, I for one will volunteer to sail on it. [More…]
Replacement fertility, the level of reproduction con sistent with ultimate zero population growth, under contemporary conditions of mortality in the United States of America averages out to 2.11 children per woman over a life time. [More…]
The Commission of Population Growth and the American Future in its report on 27th March to the President and Congress of the United States commented ‘Even if immigration from abroad ceased and couples had only 2 children on the average - just enough to replace themselves - our population would continue to grow for about 70 years. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the same religious group is persuading young children to write letters to Federal parliamentarians urging them to vote against the reform of abortion law in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory? [More…]
Will the Minister give an assurance that the Federal Government deplores the manipulation of school children for such political purposes? [More…]
I know that there are differing views on whether children should be exposed to what might be termed political indoctrination. [More…]
My view, from an observation of young people and even relatively young children, is that they are much more aware of these political issues than their elders think and that often they take very little notice of their teachers on political questions and on broad social and moral issues. [More…]
If I were to venture what may be a personal opinion, I think it would be much better for children to be exposed to the various sides of the great social and political issues of the day. [More…]
I have not heard the results of his thoughts, but I have heard from some more citizens of Croat origin who have written to me and said - I am asking the question for this reason - that some weeks ago their homes were raided, doors were smashed in and articles - including photographs, letters, their children’s schoolbooks, documents, bank books and business account books - were seized and taken away. [More…]
As no charges have been laid against the citizens who have written to me and as they claim that they are completely innocent, I ask: As a matter of ordinary civil liberties, when will their property be returned so that they can operate their business affairs and their children can use the schoolbooks concerned? [More…]
A number of children in one room were not disturbed by the police. [More…]
I saw men, women and children without arms and without legs. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
Two dear little children left for school happily in the morning and a person or persons unknown took those innocent little children away and committed the most vile of crimes and buried their dear little bodies in the sand in a creek miles away from their own home. [More…]
Life imprisonment today means a penalty of 7, 8 or 9 years in a prison that is supported by the taxpayers - a prison which would be supported by the mother and the father of those 2 dear little children whom I have just mentioned. [More…]
Only two or three weeks ago in my own home town, in the street in which I live, some person or persons unknown sneaked into a flat occupied by a husband and wife and 2 little children. [More…]
Many thousands of people visit this Parliament House annually, particularly school children from the length and breadth of the nation. [More…]
It will be a matter for each college of advanced education to determine who shall receive assistance, but I would expect that the grants would be made available to students who are in extremely difficult financial circumstances following misfortune outside their control, such as death, injury, serious illness or desertion by bread-winners of families on ordinary incomes; the annihilation of family income in flood, drought or bushfire; seasonal or chronic unemployment of the bread-winner; loss of earning power by the bread-winner or any other reason; unreasonable refusal of financial support by parents; and to the children of age, invalid or widow pensioners. [More…]
It is a matter for each university to determine who should receive assistance, but the Minister for Education has indicated that he would expect that grants would be made available to students who are in extremely difficult financial circumstances following misfortune outside their control, such as death, injury, serious illness or desertion by breadwinners of families on ordinary incomes; the annihilation of family income in flood, drought or bushfire; seasonal or chronic unemployment of the breadwinner; loss of earning power by the breadwinner for any other reason; unreasonable refusal of financial support by parents; and to the children of age, invalid or widow pensioners. [More…]
We read almost daily of horrifying and shocking cases of murder with a sex base that are perpetrated on children of tender years. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
We can only end by saying that this is not because we think parents should never discourage their children’s marriages but because this is not the way to do it: Not because we think well of marriages made in defiance of parents but because we think the law now contributes to the defiance: Not because the family is too weak to use this weapon but because it is strong enough to do without it. [More…]
Part I of the Schedule presently deals with legitimate children and Part II with illegitimate children. [More…]
removing the legislative distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, the new table will, I believe, provide a set of conditions that will be more consonant with present day requirements. [More…]
Babies and children were woken, people were told they would be deported, children were quizzed about their parents, innocent Croatians were detained at Criminal Investigation Branch headquarters for hours and personal letters were confiscated. [More…]
How could any one expect them or their children to have faith in the parliamentary system of Australia? [More…]
I object strongly, as did other honourable senators earlier this evening, to the time of the Senate being taken up when important business could be before us in the interests and for the well-being of ex-servicemen in respect of their housing, the education of our children and other important issues. [More…]
There were 10 children in the family. [More…]
According to the Department of Immigration, 2 of the children had come to the notice of authorities for what might be called antisocial behaviour. [More…]
I remind this Senate that statements have already been made that at least one of those 3 men who was executed - Vlasnovic, whose widow and children live in Geelong, Victoria - never at any time had active association with Croat political activities in any organisation of violence, and did not go to Croatia under any circumstances of incursion but went for the innocent intent of visiting his parents. [More…]
He has been in Australia since 1953 and his children were born here. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
It may be unfortunate for honourable senators opposite that in the 23 years in which they were in government they allowed a situation to develop wherein people had to move to the great metropolitan areas in order to get an income, and an education for their children. [More…]
Other matters raised by Professor Pollard, such as children’s and orphans’ benefits, investment powers and actuarial investigations of the Superannuation [More…]
Likewise the Bill provides that the oath or affirmation of allegiance shall be taken by all, except children under 16, regardless of former nationality. [More…]
I think I should explain some of the conditions under which the Commonwealth senior secondary scholarship scheme and the isolated children’s scheme operate. [More…]
Where a holder of a senior secondary scholarship is also eligible for assistance under the Australian Government’s isolated children’s scheme, his entitlement to senior secondary benefits is limited to the payment of the basic annual grant of $150. [More…]
However, the same student may receive up to the maximum assistance of $1,004 per annum under the isolated children’s scheme. [More…]
We can only end by saying that this is not because we think parents should never discourage their children’s marriages but because this is not the way to do it; not because we think well of marriages made in defiance of parents but because we think the law now contributes to the defiance; not because the family is too weak to us: this weapon but because it is strong enough to do without it. [More…]
The second, and a deeply disturbing one, is that removing the requirement of parental consent would have the effect of undermining parental authority still further; and even of encouraging bad parents to wash their hands of their children at the first signs of teenage trouble. [More…]
Indeed, why should a parent, no matter how well meaning he or she may be and no matter how concerned he or she may be for the welfare of the children, set himself or herself up as the judge of whether an appropriate marriage of young people, one of whom is over the age of 18, albeit under the age of 21, is going to be a successful marriage. [More…]
What is important is that people should be trained, should be educated and should have a feeling and an acceptance of the responsibilities which each is undertaking to the other and for their children when they marry. [More…]
The purpose is to remove as far as possible the distinction between children born in wedlock and children born out of wedlock. [More…]
Point was made of the fact that the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children is removed. [More…]
But why do we persist with having this distinction between adopted children and children who are not adopted? [More…]
If there is to be a difficulty in definition of ‘parent’, surely that can be taken account of in the provisions of the legislation by way of definition/But I feel it is a curious change to remove the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children and still preserve the distinction between adopted and non-adopted children. [More…]
Will he not give an indication that this is what he will arrange to be considered, namely, that the Department will try to avoid the distinction between adopted and non-adopted children? [More…]
Before the Special Minister of State (Senator Willesee) rises to reply to the points raised by Senator Greenwood I want some explanation of the provision which is obliterating the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children. [More…]
I would doubt whether in a Bill such as this we have the constitutional right to alter the legitimacy of children for the purpose of inheritance. [More…]
I raise that query, but I want to know what the Bill is doing in relation to obliterating the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children. [More…]
I would have thought that one of the very purposes of the law in the legalisation of the relationship of marriage is to give legitimacy to the children which, of course, gives them rights against the parents and the parents’ property. [More…]
I suggest that we have to be careful to preserve the rights of children against the indiscretions of parents, if I may put it in that form to open up the debate. [More…]
That Australian citizens place great value on the sanctity of human life and the physical, mental and social welfare of mothers and children. [More…]
The resources of the country are for our people and our children in the future. [More…]
It was used mainly for children. [More…]
It must be borne in mind that today a family, which includes a man, his wife and dependent children, is covered by one annual payment of something like $110, which is reduced to $80 or $75 a year once it is claimed as a tax deduction. [More…]
The classes of women to whom the new benefit will be payable under this Bill are (a) unmarried mothers, including deserted de facto wives and de facto wives of prisoners’, (b) married women not living with their husbands (deserting wives) or wives who have been separated for various other reasons, provided that the women be living with, and have the custody, care and control of a child or children of whom she is the mother. [More…]
These women are those who are not at present eligible for a widow’s pension under the Social Services Act and who, with their children, have been subject to discrimination in the level of assistance available to them in the past. [More…]
Returning now to the Bill, the rate of supporting mother’s benefit will be the same as the rate of Class A widow’s pensions, including mother’s allowance, additional pension for children and, where applicable, supplementary assistance for those mothers who are paying rent. [More…]
I understand that in Tasmania a deserted de facto wife of 12 months standing may sue for maintenance for herself and children, but in the other States she may claim maintenance for children only. [More…]
A word about children: The Government believes that when a mother gives birth to a child she should not be discriminated against merely because conception may have occurred after she became a widow or after she became separated from her husband. [More…]
A further advance made by the Bill is that the additional pension of $4.50 a week for children will be payable for all other children in the care, of the widow or supporting mother, whether those other children are qualifying children or not. [More…]
As I previously mentioned, it will place all supporting mothers with children in the same position as widows with children and will remove the unjustifiable discrimination which has hitherto existed. [More…]
Its effect will perhaps be felt mainly by the children of the women concerned. [More…]
Where the family includes more than two children, this will be increased by $2 per week for each child after the second. [More…]
In line with our policy of ensuring that our housing advances for welfare purposes benefit the more needy, applicants eligible to receive home builders’ account advances will include a married or engaged couple and a single parent or guardian with one or more children, where the average gross weekly income of the main breadwinner, inclusive of overtime but excluding child endowment payments, does not exceed 95 per cent of average weekly earnings, plus $2 a week for each child beyond the second. [More…]
6m for the Department of Education of which $5m has been provided for Commonwealth scholarship schemes to cover increases in university fees and the extension of the Aboriginal Secondary Grants Scheme to all children of Aboriginal descent attending secondary schools and classes from the beginning of 1973; $2.5m for education services in the Australian Capital Territory and $700,000 for educational ser vices in the Northern Territory; $3m for the Department of External Territories to cover special assistance to facilitate the transfer of functions to the Papua New Guinea Administration, emergency assistance to alleviate food shortages in the Papua New Guinea highlands and salary increases for overseas officers of the Papua New Guinea Public Service; $5. [More…]
Further appropriations of $ 10.2m are sought for departmental other services including $8m for assistance for children in isolated areas and $1.4m for tuition fees and living and travelling allowances under the Commonwealth Pre-School Teacher Scholarships Scheme. [More…]
Did the Prime Minister, prior to Christmas, instruct officials that social service payments to Aboriginals in outback areas should no longer be distributed partly in rations and the remainder in cash, but entirely in cash; if so, what effect has this decision had on the health of Aboriginals, particularly children, in the outback areas. [More…]
It is not possible to assess what, if any, specific effect direct payment of these benefits has had on the physical health of Aboriginals or their children. [More…]
There is a grant of money to Queensland, and various other appropriations for departmental services and assistance to children in isolated areas. [More…]
They will be of greater benefit to parents who have the foresight to invest in them as gifts for their children long before the children have reached maturity. [More…]
If a family has lived in a housing commission home in a certain suburb of one of our principal cities for 4 years, 5 years or 6 years; if the children of that family have grown up in the companionship of neighbouring children; if that family has reached the stage at which it may wish to venture into home ownership, it should not be mandatory upon that family to pull up its roots from that district and move somewhere else in order to buy a home because the law makes it impossible for that family to buy the dwelling in which it has been living for several years. [More…]
I have been gravely concerned for many years in trying to assist young people who, in the early stages of marriage with perhaps one or two children, are forced to live with in-laws. [More…]
This is so important not only to the parents and children in a family but also to any government which may need to meet commitments arising from those problems which can develop out of bad family backgrounds and which can flow very often from the simple fact that people do not have the opportunity to own their own home. [More…]
Some of the other features of the new scheme are: Commutation of retirement pay will be a right for members who retired after 1 October 1972, subject only to applications for commutation being made within one year of retirement or such longer period as may be necessary in special circumstances; management of the scheme is to be vested in a statutory authority on which all the Services will be represented; reversionary benefits will be extended to de facto widows and the member’s illegitimate children in certain circumstances, and dependent widowers of female members; the rates of pension payable in respect of children and orphans will be increased and, provided they are receiving full time education at a school, college or university, will continue in payment until age 25 years; invalidity pay will no longer be subject to suspension solely on account of earnings from civil employment; a contributing or recipient member may, if he is dissatisfied with a decision of the authority in relation to invalidity classification or any other matter of general administration of the Act, have his case referred to an invalidity classification review tribunal or an administrative review tribunal, as appropriate, for hearing and decision. [More…]
It goes further, however, in that it incorporates certain beneficial provisions of the new scheme that relate to children and invalidity pensioners. [More…]
In other words, pensions payable in respect of children and orphans are to be increased to the levels recommended by the Jess Committee and invalidity pen sioners, as well as having access to an invalidity classification review tribunal, will no longer be subject to the suspension provisions insofar as they relate to remuneration from civil employment. [More…]
There is provision also for the payment of invalidity benefits, widow’s and children’s pensions and for commutation to a lump sum of up to one-third of a member’s retirement pension. [More…]
The remaining proposals in the Bill are a result of the introduction by the Commonwealth of schemes to assist with the education of children living in isolated areas and for the payment of a domiciliary nursing care benefit to persons taking care of invalid aged relations in their homes. [More…]
The amendments proposed in relation to the isolated children’s education scheme will ensure that allowances paid under the scheme will receive the same exemption from income tax as payments under the Commonwealth secondary and technical scholarship schemes. [More…]
Like the scholarship schemes, however, amounts payable for the maintenance or accommodation of isolated children are to be taken into account for the purposes of the concessional deductions for maintenance of dependants while allowances paid in respect of education costs are to be taken into account in calculating the concessional deduction for a child’s education expenses. [More…]
But I think it is pertinent to refer to a statement made by the Minister for Immigration (Mr Grassby) that the first priority -would be given to the reunion of immediate family members - husband, wife, parents and children. [More…]
When the Government is considering the provision of extra assistance in order to develop technical train) ing facilities there is a case for a proposition that was put up many years ago to develop country centres in which Aboriginal and other Australian children could be trained together. [More…]
By way of preface I refer to the Minister’s own valuable role, when an Opposition senator, in the cause of Australian mothers whose children were victims of the drug thalidomide. [More…]
Above all, we need accelerated action by Government in the provision of adequate child care facilities for those children of working mothers who are part of the mainstream of our employment pattern at present. [More…]
We have all sorts of statistics to show us how many more of these women are married and who have children of pre-school age, yet it has been some years since the first Gorton proposal, that the Government would create child care facilities for the children of working mothers was announced. [More…]
I know that steps have been taken in this concept but I am a little concerned that they have not been taken as rapidly as the social pattern of Australia would show, because hundreds of thousands of pre-school children of working mothers are at present without adequate or ideal child care facilities. [More…]
Senator Cotton is in effect asking the Committee to differentiate between a person who has 3 weeks annual leave, who has a wife and children and who has amenities in his home that he has to pay for, and another man who has 4 weeks annual leave. [More…]
The amendment which I shall present is one which sets out to provide that unmarried male and female contributors to the Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Fund would have some entitlements to pass on in succession to a surviving mother, brother, sister or child, particularly if dependent, in the same way as can a married man in the Services in relation to his surviving widow and children. [More…]
Also, we would be holding up various other provisions of the Bill with which we agree, such as ensuring that payments to parents of isolated children and payments of the domiciliary nursing allowance are not to be subject to tax. [More…]
Taxation provisions in respect of isolated children and domiciliary nursing care benefits should also be considered. [More…]
They and their children are able to live their lives in this country as a result of the work done by Arthur Calwell and of his vision of a continent peopled largely by migrants from Europe who would bring the talents, enthusiasm and vigour of new people to join the British who were largely occupying this country. [More…]
There have been a number of cases which have been distressing because of the parting of parents and children in defiance of court orders made either here or overseas. [More…]
The program will be broadcast between midnight and 7 a.m. and by the use of a time switch the videotape will be turned on and thus record the program which will be available the next day for the children at school. [More…]
What the Labor Party should remember is that it is not schools with which we are concerned, it is children. [More…]
It is the education of children that matters. [More…]
He moved that at the end of the motion the following words be added: but the Senate, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow the continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore grants should not be made on the basis provided in the Bill in respect of any year after 1973. [More…]
It did it purely for the purpose of attempting to implement some socialist ideology which shows it has a hate against those schools to which parents send their children in order to give them some greater educational benefit than they otherwise would have. [More…]
These parents suffer a considerable loss in sending their children to a private school. [More…]
My children go to private schools at which I think they obtain an excellent education. [More…]
But there are instances where both parents are working and denying things to themselves while they attempt to send their children to private schools. [More…]
If one says nothing else, 1 think one must say that one has to admire the audacity of a defunct, defeated Liberal Party which, on seeing the first Labor Budget for 23 years which gives unprecedented assistance to the education of Australian children, with an increase- [More…]
If we do not give money to education we are depriving the children of their education, and if we do give money that is inflationary. [More…]
We have increased by 92 per cent the money available for the education of young Australian children, and one can only admire the Goebbels technique of this motion. [More…]
At a time when such a tremendous increase in expenditure on education is proposed by the Federal Labor Government the Liberal Party can only say that we are denying the rights of Australian children to an education. [More…]
If we are denying the rights of Australian children to an education, what was the previous defeated Government doing? [More…]
Government holusbolus gave per capita grants to schools, taking no account whatsoever of the financial resources of the parents whose children were receiving that assistance and taking no account whatsoever to the financial resources of the schools receiving that assistance. [More…]
The Australian Labor Party does not adopt that policy in relation to the education of Australian children. [More…]
In other words, we are seeking to improve by 40 per cent the facilities now available to the school children of Australia. [More…]
We are endeavouring to raise the level of all children who are receiving education in Australia. [More…]
If some people think that the education which is provided by government schools or by Catholic schools is so inadequate that they want to send their children to Melbourne Grammer School or to Guildford Grammar School. [More…]
He said all children, whether at State or private schools, would be equally the concern of the Labor government. [More…]
It should look at the analysis of the incomes of those parents who pay $300 or more a year to send their children to school. [More…]
Those children will continue to receive support from the Government. [More…]
The overwhelming majority of those taxpayers receiving the benefit would be parents of children attending category A schools. [More…]
In any event, this concession of SI 5m to the parents of children attending mostly category A schools will continue. [More…]
The taxation concession amounts to a SI 5m a year subsidy to the parents of children attending a category A school. [More…]
He proposes now to prevent the Commonwealth having identity with the children in 105 schools. [More…]
The effort made by the Government, or by the left wing section of it, is to use this breaking of pledges - this iniquitous proposal - to drive a wedge on the basis of religion into the people who have their children at private schools. [More…]
It is an endeavour to drive a wedge into the parents of children who attend private schools. [More…]
But because they desire to teach their children the language of their faith, Hebrew, it is essential that in many instances their classes should be small. [More…]
Because of their small classes, Jewish schools have been singled put particularly in the Karmel report for a denial of the aid which they deserve in order to train their children. [More…]
All the talk is that the Government will help the children of the poor and not the children of the rich. [More…]
The Government is not prepared to spend a very small sum of money in order to keep its word to the private schools but is prepared to spend huge, even astronomical sums in the field of tertiary education without any regard to the fact that many of the children who will be going to those universities will be the children of wealthy parents who could well afford to pay for their education. [More…]
The left wing of the Government wants to drive a wedge into the parents of children who attend private schools. [More…]
The total cost of competitive scholarships, concessions in respect of ministers’ children and teachers’ children, concessions for younger brothers, and concessions for those in need of assistance, some of them needing complete remission of fees, amounts to just under $200,000. [More…]
It is providing help to the extent of $200,000 to the needy children who attend it. [More…]
This freedom of choice and flexibility of movement should be provided for parents, for children and for all persons seeking to be educated. [More…]
The Government has denied the right of children in Australia to receive economic support. [More…]
It ensured equal justice for all children irrespective of the school which they attended or of the financial situation of their parents. [More…]
In that Labor Party broadcast he said that all children, whether at State or private schools, would be equally the concern of a Labor Government. [More…]
Today parents of children at schools all over the country are angry at what I would call the blatant injustice of this withdrawal of aid. [More…]
Must we sit here and deny to so many thousands of Australian children an equal right to the availability of educational facilities in this land? [More…]
Countless thousands of Australians who have had the intellectual capacity must have been placed in this situation in the past because the income earner in the family has not brought in sufficient money to allow his children to be educated to the highest level possible according to their capacity. [More…]
As my colleague Senator Carrick in a most compelling speech pointed out this afternoon from the statistics of the Commissioner of Taxation, 46 per cent of the parents who send their children to non government schools receive less than $6,000 a year income. [More…]
But I am the parent of 6 children who have gone to non-government schools. [More…]
Before this Government increased rates of unemployment benefits, a man with a wife and two children received a rate of unemployment benefit which was $18 below the updated poverty level set by the Institute of Applied Economic Research in Melbourne. [More…]
It respects the wish of parents to exercise a choice as to the school to which they will send their children and it accepts that the non-government schools have a vital continuing role to play. [More…]
The Corporation has backed a number of films for children, including a series recently sold for television called ‘The Yellow House’. [More…]
I think that there will be noticeably more Australian productions in variety, drama and children’s programs put to air in the next few months. [More…]
This applies particularly to children’s programs, which is an area that has been very much neglected previously. [More…]
I noticed in a number of newspapers only this morning that 3 new children’s programs are contemplated in the immediate future. [More…]
Men, women and children are now able to go about their lawful avocations only because of the efficacy of our prisons and the efficiency of our police force. [More…]
What of the policeman’s widow and children? [More…]
The widow and the children of the victim have to carry on in their own sweet way and put up with a great tragedy in their lives. [More…]
The Commonwealth Teaching Service carries responsibility for the education of a significant proportion of the Aboriginal child population of Australia, some of these children being taught in their own languages. [More…]
It must work to give equality of opportunity to all children in the Northern Territory - children who live under some factors of disadvantage in their schooling. [More…]
Seventy American school children who for the last 10 or 12 weeks had visited schools throughout Australia under the auspices of the American field service scholarship scheme, which is promoted very largely by the Australian-American Association, visited this national capital as part of their final tour towards Sydney from where they will depart tomorrow for their own country. [More…]
We believe that there are areas where it is necessary to take steps to overcome disadvantages and to bring up the standards available to the children of Australia. [More…]
What we wanted to know and what I believe the schools and the parents of the children of Australia are entitled to know is: What were the facts, what were the factors and what was the final index figure? [More…]
Why is it that he is not prepared now to disclose to the public, to the schools, to the parents and to the children the basis upon which they have been discriminated against? [More…]
In its first report relating to the distribution of the additional S2S0.000 per annum to those independent schools which have children attending primary schools, the Committee said: [More…]
I would like to refer to the effect that this will have on children. [More…]
They increased in government schools and so too did the grants increase to children attending non-government schools. [More…]
Labor supporters have been going around saying how they have advantaged all children, right, left and centre. [More…]
But they have taken grants away from 19 per cent of children at non-systemic non-government schools. [More…]
Nineteen per cent of those children have had their aid taken away. [More…]
Fifty-four per cent of those children will receive next year less than they would have received through per capita grants under the Liberal-Country Party Government plan enacted last year. [More…]
In surveying the needs of all Australian school children it met on 16 days. [More…]
I want to make a further point, lt was bad enough that that committee should work out a system such as it worked out for categorising schools, but it is worse that the Government acted a fortnight after the report came out and before a majority of the organisations of parents of school children, the people interested in education in Australia, had even been able to receive a copy of the report which carne out in such limited numbers that it was available to members of Parliament, a few committees and about half a dozen schools. [More…]
It cut out aid to little schools such as the ones I referred to last night that cannot afford to be toyed with at the whim of some socialist who decides that he wants vindictively to take it out because of some idea that wealthy schools should be discriminated against without ever thinking that at whatever school it may be there are children who may come from a variety of economic backgrounds. [More…]
Throughout Australia there has been a wave of concern about what the Government has done in relation to 158,000 children who will receive less next year than they would have received under our government. [More…]
That is a fairly sizeable number of children. [More…]
It has created work, and some children do not avail themselves of the free milk either because they cannot or do not want to drink milk. [More…]
The original intention of the scheme was to provide milk at a time it was felt that proteins were necessary for all the Australian school children. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that many public and private companies are purchasing homes for executives and allowing capital outlay, rates and taxes as charges against general costs to the company; extensively using expense accounts as entertainment charges to the company; allowing executives to charge education of their children at wealthy private schools as a cost to the company; allowing interstate and international trips by company officials as expenditure items to the company’s costs; and generally loading a large amount of nonbusiness activity as a cost to their enterprise? [More…]
Legislation is being drafted to require articles of children’s nightwear imported into Australia to be marked as to their degree of flammability in accordance with Australian Standards Association standard AS 1249/ 73 covering safe design rules for children’s night clothes. [More…]
This action is designed to complement the agreement reached at the annual conference of State Ministers for Labour held in Adelaide in July 1973 that uniform legislation, operative from 1 January 1974, should be introduced in all States requiring children’s flammable nightwear to be so labelled. [More…]
That the Commonwealth produce and provide ultrasonic aids for the blind on the same terms as hearing aids for children, pensioners and others. [More…]
However hard such an attitude may seem in a particular case - an honourable senator in such a case would want to pay any price if his own children or members of his own family were involved - nevertheless in the general public interest, as with cases of kidnapping, the law ought to be as strong as it can be that no one should be permitted to pay any ransom. [More…]
This has happened to young children and elderly people. [More…]
If I were in a position to know where the 2 children from South Australia are at the present time - I do not know what that situation may be - I feel that I would much rather see the kidnapper lose his life than I would see the 2 children lose their lives. [More…]
If the Committee deprives the community of that last defence for women and perhaps children - innocent passengers - against a malicious, deliberate criminal planning hijacker, I say that it marks a great step in the decadence of Parliament. [More…]
Calley, a mass murderer who has destroyed women, children and babies is still living in comfort in the United States and being treated as a hero, I suppose, makes a mockery of all the pretentions of the rest of the world to introduce humanity into war. [More…]
What Senator Greenwood is putting to the Committee is that if there is a Lieutenant Calley in our community subject to our laws, we will not have him living in honour, or in immunity or at all because the community that Senator Greenwood’s proposal expresses is nobler than that which gives continuance to the life of a person who has shot women and children and nobbled men in massacre. [More…]
It has attacked the rights of a section of school children. [More…]
For too long the children of the underprivileged people of this country have had to accept third or fourth rate status when it has come to education. [More…]
The Labor Party is now out to chase the children’s lolly water, the soft drinks, with a tax of 2c or 3c. [More…]
The Labor Party is chasing the little children by increasing the price of soft drinks. [More…]
It is hitting the soft underbelly of people who cannot hit back, such as the poor, the children, the lemon and orange growers - the citrus growers. [More…]
Mr Deputy President, let me remind you of the honeyed words of the Minister for Primary Industry (Senator Wriedt) when he was asked why the Government was going to cut out free milk for school children. [More…]
The report of the Senate Standing Committee on Health and Welfare on physically and mentally handicapped children tackled the subject of rehabilitation in considerable detail for this section of the population. [More…]
Is it the land of his birth, in which he may spend a great number of years or in which his children may have been born, or is it one to which he may swear allegiance? [More…]
Some independent schools of high educational standards will be forced to close with the consequences that children attending those schools will have to attend government schools already over taxed and under staffed. [More…]
Parents should be encouraged to exercise freedom of choice of the type of schools they wish for their children. [More…]
It refers to those children who suffered congenital deformities due to the taking of thalidomide by their mothers during pregnancy. [More…]
I am sure the honourable senator will acknowledge that Dr Everingham, the Minister for Health, has taken a great interest in the problem of the children who have been the unfortunate victims of thalidomide. [More…]
It is a fact that Distillers Ltd has offered $1.2m, I think it is, by way of compensation, to be held in a trust fund for 13 Australian children who have been affected by the drug. [More…]
The Society now intends to make approaches to a leading specialist so that he can examine the other 25 or 30 children who are not included in the offer made by Distillers Ltd. [More…]
If these examinations indicate that the other children who are not now the subject of the offer by Distillers Ltd are the victims of thalidomide, I understand that Dr Everingham will be pressing Distillers Ltd to make a further offer of compensation. [More…]
From my own personal knowledge of these children, it is inconceivable to me how the company can differentiate between the 13 children and the other children who make up the total of fortytwo. [More…]
I believe this nation has a responsibility to see that all of these unfortunate children are compensated to the utmost. [More…]
To save some money here and there the Government dismantled the amenity of free milk for school children and it put sales tax on carbonated citrus juices. [More…]
I am digressing a little, Mr Deputy President, but I say that we all know that children who might have died have been saved as a result of medical science. [More…]
Some of the handicapped children’s groups came before the Committee of which I was a member and asked why could not the funds give them some of their money. [More…]
‘Some Consequences of Induced Abortion to Children Bom Subsequently’. [More…]
‘Some Consequences of Induced Abortion to Children Born Subsequently’. [More…]
(a) K. Woolfe- ‘It is estimated by these researchers that 200 seriously handicapped children are being born each year in Britain because their mothers have previously had an abortion: Some further 2,000 children’s minor defects can be attributed to the same cause’. [More…]
They include, for example, dose commitments to the thyroids and other tissues of all young children. [More…]
Children were not x-rayed in these programs. [More…]
By distributing $843m we are removing the impossibility of the less privileged child in our community to receive the same education as children who went to category A schools and to higher schools. [More…]
Not only will tertiary education be free to those children who can receive it but also they will, subject to a means test, be granted a living allowance. [More…]
Children will now receive a living allowance for the purpose of attending school. [More…]
This will give a right to the children of the lower marginal worker to attend school. [More…]
Also $304 per annum will be given to low income families to educate children in the last 2 years of secondary school. [More…]
An increase of 50c has been provided for dependent children. [More…]
We will pay $ 10 a week to children where neither parent is alive. [More…]
It was the responsibility of the State or of some relative to keep such children. [More…]
On many occasions such children were neglected and were the responsibility of organisations which exist for such purposes. [More…]
It has doubled the handicapped children’s benefit to $3. [More…]
They say that they love the family man and his children. [More…]
They are essential at this stage for the participation which is already involved and the numbers of pre-school age children and young school age children whose mothers are working mothers and who need the assistance of child care centres to combine their domestic and family reponsibilities with that of their employment. [More…]
It is important to the Australian community that the development of child care centres be a program which protects the strength of the family and gives the children of the working mother an opportunity to develop at all stages of their emotional and educational needs. [More…]
I hope there will be some acceleration of the proposals in this regard and that a child care centres program will be developed to enable the expec- tationwhich the Treasurer has mentioned of a growthinthe number of women in the workforce tocomeabout and also to enable those women whoareatpresent occupied outside of the home tohavetheir children cared for during their workinghours. [More…]
It’s up to us to make country living a happy healthy way of life, with ample opportunities for our children by concerted community effort, rather than a politician ‘s bag of promises. [More…]
His children and my children live in an area where the food they eat is subjected to the greatest fallout in the country. [More…]
I do not know what he has done about his children but my children have to drink milk substitutes because I will not run the risk of their contracting leukemia or any of the other diseases that can be caused by nuclear fallout, or of their children being born with birth mutations. [More…]
Table 1 (Appendix, section 2) shows the average thyroid doses to young children in various localities which resulted from the French nuclear weapons tests in the years indicated. [More…]
The estimated typical total thyroid dose, or dose commitment, resulting from all the French tests to date, is: to young children- 1 20 millirad to adults- 12 millirad [More…]
In future tests, an exceptional atmospheric event could lead to doses to children of up to 2 rad at peak geographical locations in Australia, with the average over the child population approaching 200 millirad. [More…]
In future tests, an exceptional atmospheric event could lead to doses to children of up to 2 rad at peak geographical locations in Australia, with the average over the child population approaching 200 millirad. [More…]
I heard Senator Jessop, who is no longer with us, talk very scornfully about what will happen to unborn children. [More…]
-Is the Attorney-General aware that the Victorian Council for the Single Mother and Her Child is seeking removal of all legal discrimination against illegitimate children? [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a statement made yesterday by the Tasmanian Minister for Agriculture claiming that the Commonwealth Government’s decision to abandon free milk distribution to school children will cost the Tasmanian economy $550,000 per annum and will particularly damage the residents of the west coast area in relation both to cost and availability of milk? [More…]
There have been suggestions that fruit juices rather than milk should be provided because some children apparently will not drink the milk. [More…]
Additional payments for children of pensioners and supporting mothers are to be increased by 50c per week to $5 per week for each child. [More…]
The rate of additional unemployment or sickness benefit payable for children is to be increased by 50c per week to $5 per week for each child. [More…]
This rate will also be available to full time trainees who are widows or widowers and have the care of one or more children. [More…]
However, the Bill amends the principal Act to apply the increased rates of service pension payable in respect of some children and to incorporate in the principal Act the same principles that will apply to age pensions under the Social Services Act. [More…]
A small pension of 25c a week presently payable to certain children of service pensioners, but not payable to children of social service pensioners, will be discontinued, but this will be more than offset by the increase in the rates payable to parents in respect of those children. [More…]
Increases are proposed in the payments made to the widows of those ex-servicemen who died from war-related causes, and to the children and certain other dependants of those servicemen. [More…]
The pensions payable to the children of deceased ex-servicemen will also be increased. [More…]
Approximately 3,200 children are involved, of which about 130 fall into the latter category. [More…]
Another relatively small group of dependants are the widowed mothers of deceased unmarried exservicemen and the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and invalid children of deceased exservicemen. [More…]
The domestic allowance, which is payable to approximately 97 per cent of war widows, either because they have children, including student children, or because they are at least 50 years of age or are permanently unemployable, will be increased by $ 1 to $9.50. [More…]
Soldiers’ children education scheme allowances for other than tertiary students will be increased by various amounts ranging from 65c to $3.35 and the new weekly rates will range from $3.25 to $16.65. [More…]
The Bill also will increase the pension rates in respect of the children of deceased seamen coming under the Act. [More…]
The present Government has introduced this program because it is well aware of the fact that children in very densely populated suburbs are at a distinct disadvantage compared with those attending privileged independent schools. [More…]
I make no reflections on school teachers because I am fully aware of the fact that with increased enrolments, and particularly with an influx of migrant children who have very little knowledge of English, the problem facing school teachers has become a lot harder every year. [More…]
Some teenage students at a Victorian technical college have the reading ability of seven-year-old children, and two read so poorly that they are technically unable to read at all. [More…]
Another 7 1 could read only as well as children aged 10 to 12, and the rest could not read as well as most nine-year-olds. [More…]
The Government is to spend over $400 m more than was spent by the previous Government last year in order to try to overcome this problem where the education of school children is declining. [More…]
An article in the ‘National Times’ of 17 September 1973- only yesterday- under the heading ‘Poor children get a poorer education, Western Australian survey shows’ states: [More…]
A massive effort will be needed to correct grave educational injustices in Australian schools, judging from a survey recently completed among West Australian children. [More…]
The survey, carried out by the State Teachers’ Union, found that children from poor suburbs were severely handicapped in learning skills, compared with those in wealthier areas. [More…]
In one school in an industrial suburb of Perth, 80 per cent of the children were more than a year behind in reading ability. [More…]
At that school, among 80 Grade 7 children (who would be moving on to high school the following year) only nine had average reading ability. [More…]
Among another group of children in the same grade, but in a suburb of more fortunate parents, only 7 per cent suffered reading retardation of a year or more. [More…]
But even in more prosperous suburbs like this, the survey found there was a need for an extra teacher in each school to help children who were behind. [More…]
I venture to say that most States will be happy to see that at last a sympathetic Labor Government is increasing payments so that children in our schools can and will receive equal education. [More…]
Another example is the case of an aged couple who were looking after 2 grandchildren whose parents had died in a motor accident. [More…]
They were not receiving any allowance for the 2 children. [More…]
Until I made inquiries on her behalf, she did not receive any allowance for looking after the 2 grandchildren. [More…]
A children’s opera was commissioned by the ABC’s Young Peoples Department and the light entertainment programs had an immediate injection of more Australian material. [More…]
Yet every time Government supporters talk to their own doctors in country areas they say that they should be paid the same rate as the specialist because they are delivering children or are removing tonsils just as a specialist does. [More…]
He must get his degree because after 5 years he will have about 3 children hanging around and then it is very difficult to sit down and do a senior degree. [More…]
Let me put it this way: When I was a Minister in Tasmania I raised this same question with Cabinet- there were nine of us- because I knew that eight of them, or their wives or children, had been in a private hospital rather than a public hospital. [More…]
All right, it was their wives or their children. [More…]
I refer to the outbreak of scabies and gastro-enteritis on Palm Island and medical disclosures that up to three-quarters of the children there are suffering from those complaints. [More…]
But two or three members of the one family who are on the dole are better off than a family of five or six children whose father is working 40 hours a week. [More…]
The Labor Government has done exactly that to petrol, liquor, cigarettes, and the ordinary soft drinks of the children. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to yesterday’s announcement by the Premier of Tasmania that his Cabinet has decided to change its previously announced policy of providing grants to non-government schools on a so-called needs basis and has decided to accept the principle of the entitlement of all children attending nongovernment schools to a basic per capita grant? [More…]
Will he ask his colleague, the Minister for Education, to have the Commonwealth Government follow the lead given by its fellow Labor Government in Tasmania and reconsider this Government’s decision to discriminate vindictively against some Australian children by cutting off grants previously provided? [More…]
Will the Government restore per capita grants together with extra assistance to disadvantaged children? [More…]
I appreciate the contribution these documents make to educating school children and society towards a better understanding of Aborigines. [More…]
And now that these people have an opportunity to stabilise their properties and their assets and to do something worth while for the future and for their children, they find that this Government has no interest whatsoever in the rural areas. [More…]
His children, who have had no opportunity, start a long way behind the scratch mark in the race for a decent standard of living. [More…]
-Does the AttorneyGeneral recall a question I asked last week concerning the removal from the Commonwealth law of any references to the illegitimacy of children? [More…]
Nola is one of many Aboriginal children who. [More…]
New procedures must be developed to care for children found in this situation. [More…]
It would be easy to claim that the custody of Nola is a civil matter but as the Australian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Mr Bryant accepted the responsibility of putting right the wrongs of history and ensuring by a vigorous policy of developing educational, medical and similar services in remote Aboriginal communities that the practice of separating mothers from their children ceases. [More…]
There are perhaps hundreds of children in orphanages and such institutions throughout Australia as well as those with foster parents who should be reconciled with their parents. [More…]
It is proposing to remove the means test altogether in relation to tertiary level students and impose a means test in relation to school children. [More…]
Also, unfortunately, there are many women who have been deserted by their husbands and who have to support children. [More…]
Some independent schools of high educational standards will be forced to close with the consequences that children attending those schools will have to attend government schools already over taxed and under staffed, [More…]
Parents should be encouraged to exercise freedom of choice of the type of schools they wish for their children. [More…]
Whatever we think about the Soviet Union and whatever we think about the United States, there is no doubt that the relationships between those 2 great powers will have a great deal to do with the sort of lives that we and our children will live in this country. [More…]
The third Bill introduced a completely new benefit known as the supporting mother’s benefit, to assist unmarried mothers and married women who are no longer living with their husbands, to adequately care for their children. [More…]
The Bill provides legislative basis for the provision, as an emergency measure under the child migrant education program, of supplementary class-room accommodation in state and independent schools where this is necessary to allow adequate special instruction of migrant children to take place. [More…]
The program of special assistance to state and independent schools in which there are migrant children handicapped by a lack of knowledge of the English language was introduced by the previous Government in April 1970. [More…]
The decision was then taken that funds should be provided for the salaries of special teachers to provide special instruction to migrant children; for the purchase of approved capital equipment of the language laboratory type for use in the special classes to be established; for the provision of suitable teaching and learning materials; and for the cost of training courses for special teachers. [More…]
We expect that close on 60,000 children will be receiving instruction in special classes this financial year. [More…]
Nevertheless children and teachers are working in some schools, particularly of high migrant density, under completely unacceptable conditions. [More…]
The report showed that only one-third of children in the 63 schools surveyed who were having difficulty with English were actually receiving assistance and of this one-third 40 per cent were not receiving sufficient special tuition. [More…]
In effect, only 20 per cent of the children in the schools surveyed who need English were receiving enough of it. [More…]
This meant that children and teachers were working in substandard accommodation comprising staff rooms, cloak rooms, store rooms, offices, sick bays and even shower rooms and laundries. [More…]
This was done, and their initial reports have stressed the disadvantages migrant children are suffering through inadequate instruction in English. [More…]
The report of the New South Wales task force, released by Mr Riordan, M.P., in the absence of the Chairman, Dr Klugman, M.P., called attention to the urgent need to extend to the fullest possible extent the present system of teaching migrant children English as quickly as possible after enrolment. [More…]
In presenting the report of the Victoria task force, its Chairman, Mr Garrick, M.P., and Vice-Chairman, Mr Innes, M.P., reported that migrant children are being blatantly denied a good education because they are not taught enough English. [More…]
Following the Government’s decision, state and independent school authorities were asked to establish priorities on the basis of the greatest need- in terms of high migrant children density and the location of schools in areas of social deprivation, which tend together to compound the problems of both migrant children and special teachers, the availability of special teachers, and ground space at the schools where demountable class-rooms could be erected. [More…]
One of the problems which was identified as a result of a number of inquiries set up by the Opposition while in government was the need for a greater degree of English teaching of migrant children to enable them to participate fully in the education otherwise available to them. [More…]
Surveys were conducted, in New South Wales in particular, in relation to the education of migrant children. [More…]
The survey revealed very serious inadequacies in relation to the accommodation available for the special teaching of the English language to migrant children. [More…]
Part of the fair go given is that the children should be given special coaching where necessary in the English language to enable them to be able to participate fully in and obtain the rewards from the education system available in Australia. [More…]
They are mentioned in the second reading speech and include facilities such as cloakrooms, storerooms, offices, sickbays and even shower rooms and laundries which have been used in various classes for the teaching of migrant children. [More…]
These are hardly the conditions which are conducive to learning and hardly the conditions which are likely to help the migrant children to be able to take their place in Australian society. [More…]
The main areas of research covered by these grants comprise: surveys of needs in several areas; development of new methods in day child care; comparisons of alternative methods; development of comprehensive day care models; and cost benefit analysis of industrial employment of mothers of young children. [More…]
Can he inform the Senate of the total amount of money held by the Commonwealth Savings Bank and other banks in school savings accounts and money box banking schemes for children? [More…]
With a rate of inflation exceeding 10 per cent and with other interest rates exceeding 9 per cent, does not this paltry return of 3.75 per cent on children’s savings really mean that the Government is robbing the children’s piggy banks in order to finance its programs, since this interest rate does not nearly compensate for the lost value of the savings? [More…]
-I would assume that the provisions would be made by the Treasurer in the most just manner that he could make them and certainly would not be directed towards harming the children of this nation, for whom he has a very high regard. [More…]
When a government has shown that it is making provision for pensions, that it is helping school children by providing massive amounts for the education of our young people and is providing massive amounts for hospitals, it is not right then to say to that government: ‘If you are taking the steps which you consider are important to balance the finances at a time like this, we will say you are to be criticised because this in some way has an adverse effect on some people in the lower income groups.’ [More…]
Overall the Government is doing everything it possibly can to help the children, the lower income earners, the pensioners and those in our community who need assistance. [More…]
She went to Darwin about 5 years ago as a nursing sister, after graduating from the Adelaide Children’s Hospital, and subsequently became engaged to and married a Darwin businessman. [More…]
The purpose of this Bill is to make similar provisions in relation to training centres, training equipment and residential units for handicapped children. [More…]
With the introduction of the recommendations of the Interim Committee for the Australian Schools Commission, relating to the education and training of handicapped children, it is probable that there will be a reduction in the assistance sought by voluntary and religious organisations under the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act. [More…]
Indeed, some voluntary organisations have already announced that they plan to concentrate their future efforts on providing residential accommodation, especially for mentally retarded children. [More…]
Even though local governing bodies in Australia have not, in the past, concerned themselves greatly with the direct responsibility of meeting the needs of handicapped children, this Bill will open the way for them to do so by the use of borrowed money. [More…]
In view of the recent increase in the cost of food and the consequent doubt that all school children receive an adequate amount of food from a nutritional point of view because some families cannot afford to buy enough for them, and because milk is almost a perfect food, will the Minister ask the Government to consider continuing the payment of money for the supply of school milk until a Commonwealth survey has been carried out of the nutritional needs of children, so that we will not deprive children at an age when correct nutrition is so important to their growth and development? [More…]
I am cognisant of some of the matters which the honourable senator puts forward about the necessity for proper nutrition for young children. [More…]
The Commission is directed to ‘have regard to the primary obligation, in relation to education, for governments to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open, without fees or religious tests, to all children’. [More…]
Children disadvantaged for cultural and linguistic reasons are to be considered for special help. [More…]
Aboriginal children are covered by the reference to ethnic disadvantage; isolated children are covered by the reference to geographic disadvantage, and the poor child by the reference to social and economic disadvantage. [More…]
There is a program under which Aboriginal children at primary schools are taught in their own languages where possible. [More…]
I do not think that school children in a kindergarten would exercise the extreme irresponsibility that is represented by this decision. [More…]
1 ) That the use of the Coolangatta Airport by aircraft, especially ‘Jet DC9’s and Boeing 727V between the hours of 1 1 p.m. and 6 a.m. constitutes a major disturbance of the peace; and particularly of families with young children who are said to be terrified by the noise which at holiday times has continued throughout the night until 4.30 a.m. [More…]
We are finding that Aboriginal student children who are coming to the cities have no accommodation and do not qualify for State housing commission accommodation. [More…]
Education in the Northern Territory is the responsibility of the Commonwealth Department of Education, but if a new school is required in an isolated area elsewhere and it otherwise would not be built, the Australian Government will finance it or build it in order to make these facilities available because there is a special need for special treatment for these children. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Health been attracted to a report on research in the United States which indicates some relationship between small-pox injection of children and multiple sclerosis in later life? [More…]
-No doubt the Minister representing the Minister for Health will have noted a question I asked last week concerning milk for school children. [More…]
I now ask: Has the Minister seen a technical note by J. E. Coy, who is a nutrition officer in the Tasmanian Department of Health Services, in which it is shown that some Tasmanian children receive as little as 6.7oz of milk a day at home and so are in need of school milk? [More…]
If he has not seen this note, will he bring it and any other information available from the Tasmanian Department of Health Services to the attention of the Commonwealth Department of Health when it reconsiders the proposal to cut out the supply of milk to school children? [More…]
Senator DOUGLAS MCCLELLAND Senator Townley was good enough to show me at the commencement of question time an article headed ‘Milk Consumption of Tasmanian School Children’ written by Joanna Coy, the nutrition officer of the Department of Health Services in Hobart. [More…]
He thinks he has only to come in here with a Bill, trundle it onto the table and we will sit down like school children to be berated. [More…]
The Jewish people have been inspired by the scriptural belief that they were children of Israel and that they would return. [More…]
1 ) I am aware of the statement by the Tasmanian Minister for Agriculture regarding cost to the Tasmanian economy due to the modification of the Milk for School Children Scheme. [More…]
That is an important matter to many people in Australia who were afraid that perhaps there was a move to limit in some way or to curtail the right of people to choose the type of education which was to be given to their children. [More…]
I refer to the continuation and preservation of freedom of choice in relation to the type of education which should be given to children in Australia. [More…]
the primary obligation, in relation to education, for governments to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open, without fees or religious tests, to all children. [More…]
the primary obligation, in relation to education, for governments to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open, without fees or religious tests, to all children; [More…]
Article 26 of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights and in particular the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children; [More…]
After that we believe comes the right of parents not to choose those schools but to send their children to other schools. [More…]
Nonetheless, we insist that we have a mandate to allege and to support the primary obligation for governments to provide and to maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and that are open without fees or religious tests to all children. [More…]
I believe that the primary object of the Government should be to support all the children of Australia, no matter which school they attend. [More…]
I would not like to see enshrined in legislation a suggestion that one group of children has prior rights compared with other children. [More…]
I am sympathetic to suggestions that the emphasis in a Bill of this character should be on children rather than on schools. [More…]
I have heard suggestions at different times that there would be a constitutional challenge to legislation of this character as it affected independent schools, and it would appear to me that one point which would be inquired into by people opposed to independent schools would be whether aid, if it is given to schools, might be challenged under the Constitution, whereas by giving aid to children it would not perhaps be so obviously open to challenge. [More…]
I have spoken on many measures and I have repeatedly urged the necessity of greater Commonwealth assistance for all the children of Australia. [More…]
I say assistance should be provided for all the children of Australia. [More…]
The Country Party remains concerned at the special difficulties facing children and parents in country areas in gaining access to all levels of education. [More…]
The Country Party remains concerned at the special difficulties facing children and parents in country areas in gaining access to all levels of education. [More…]
The 5 governments prior to the present Labor Government refused all overtures to give any assistance whatsoever to children having education difficulties in isolated areas. [More…]
One of the first things that the Australian Labor Party did when it gained office and before there were any pressures at all from any organisations was to give to the parents of children in isolated areas an amount of $1,004 a year towards the education of those children. [More…]
The initiatives we have taken during the last 12 months have broadened and developed the Commonwealth’s involvement in the education of your children. [More…]
They had seen what pre-school facilities were given to children overseas, and had then come back and had never done a thing about it. [More…]
Who fought the teachers of this country when they sought a better way of life and a better standard of pay for the way in which they had to teach the children of Australia? [More…]
We will give an education allowance of $400 a year free of means test for children in isolated areas who must live away from home in order to attend school or who have to be taught at home. [More…]
It rejected the idea of finding out what is required by the people of Australia so that the school children of Australia might be better educated. [More…]
I have told honourable senators what we have done to assist the parents of children in isolated areas. [More…]
If the Government rejects them, it rejects its election policies and the representations by the various teacher bodies, parent bodies and special handicapped children’s organisations. [More…]
The radiation dose to thyroid, however, has varied year-by-year up to total levels of IS millirads in a year for young children. [More…]
That same Bill provided for additional payments for children of pensioners to be increased by 50c per week to $S per week for each child. [More…]
It applies to aged persons’ homes, the provision of delivered meals, sheltered employment and assistance to handicapped children. [More…]
The 2 Bills are the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Bill 1973 and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill 1973. [More…]
The additional assistance provided this year will cost the Government $200,000 under the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Bill and $100,000 under the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill. [More…]
A great deal needs to be said about that Bill, but I wish to concentrate my remarks on the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill because we all have a heartfelt desire to assist those handicapped children in our community. [More…]
This Bill extends the provisions so that this money can be used towards meeting the capital cost of training centres, training equipment and residential units for handicapped children. [More…]
The Australian community can be reasonably proud of its past record in providing assistance to certain areas of handicapped children. [More…]
For instance, we find that today mentally handicapped children fall into the category which receives assistance from the Government. [More…]
A great deal needs to be done, particularly for the mentally handicapped children in the community. [More…]
We are finding that in many areas of large cities children are becoming socially deprived not because of the income that is coming into the family but because of the fact that parents are becoming particularly busy in their own workaday world and children are being left to fend very much for themselves. [More…]
Perhaps we will have to find some way to turn the wheel back so that the main responsibility of the mother is to mother and look after her children. [More…]
So, early in the day and late in the afternoon the children must fend for themselves or else be brought up by the other children in the family. [More…]
Since 1954 I have been connected with the board of management of the Victorian School for Deaf Children, which is the largest school for deaf children in Victoria. [More…]
For instance, since 1945 free hearing aids have been available to children who lost their hearing either at birth or were found to be deaf in their early school life. [More…]
This is providing the very basis for improving the conditions in the institutions and assisting those in the community who can be referred to as handicapped children. [More…]
The Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill provides an expenditure of only $100,000 and the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Bill provides an expenditure of approximately $200,000, but the contributions will be of enormous importance to those in the community who are covered by the provisions of the Bills. [More…]
How often on a Saturday or a Sunday do we say to the wife and children: ‘Let’s pack a picnic basket and go down to the coast’? [More…]
I would like to refer to the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Bill 1973. [More…]
1 am pleased to see that this Bill provides for the extension of finance to local government authorities in Australia to enable them to provide training centres, training equipment and residential units for handicapped children. [More…]
Many children in the community will benefit from this piece of legislation. [More…]
When one considers that in Australia today many children are being held back because of problems associated with, for example, dyslexia, multiple sclerosis and other disabilities that affect their mental processes- deafness, poor vision and so on- one can identify many thousands of children in our communities who require further assistance. [More…]
This legislation will mean that we shall need more social workers, occupational therapists and other people involved with ancillary professions working in this important area for the benefit of the less fortunate children in Australia. [More…]
This, I believe, is an urgent need and must be carried out quickly to ensure that the money which we will provide to local government will be used in the best interests of the children to whom I have referred. [More…]
The Committee reported that 44,000 handicapped children had been identified in Australia. [More…]
I am quite sure that if we made an intensive examination of this problem we would find that there are nearer 50,000 handicapped children, and possibly more. [More…]
Having been a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Health and Welfare which inquired at length into the problems of the physically and mentally handicapped, I echo the remarks of Senator Jessop when I say frankly that I am very proud that the Government of which I am a member has taken heed of the very detailed and voluminous report which was arrived at collectively and unanimously by the members of that Committee, who were of all political persuasions, after they had taken evidence at length from a large cross-section of the Australian people who represent the physically and mentally handicapped section, particularly the handicapped children, in our community. [More…]
When the report of the Committee was presented to the Parliament, I, as a member of the then Opposition, recalled in detail the heartrending examples that we saw at first hand of the problems of many children and their parents and, probably to a greater extent, the problems of the non-handicapped members of families which have mentally or physically handicapped children. [More…]
We intend to introduce further legislation for isolated children, Aboriginal students and students receiving benefits under the Government’s new secondary allowances schemes. [More…]
Six other members upon the recommendations of the Australian Education Council and of whom two shall be members of parent organisations selected by the Australian Education Council from a panel of not less than five persons’ names submitted by the Australian Council of State School Organisations and one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties; [More…]
The amendment recognises that instead of 1 parent, 2 parents shall be selected and, it goes further to include the representation of handicapped children. [More…]
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
Because the absorption of education between certain ages- 6 years and 1 5 years in most States- and attendance at school by children irrespective of living standards, affluence or poverty of parents are made compulsory, the Liberal Party sees the responsibility of government as being to provide within a state system a secular system of education which is free. [More…]
Therefore, it is fundamental to the second part of a philosophy on education that we understand and embody the third section of that Declaration; that is, that parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
We are, I hope, combined in the view that that education should be extended to all children, not to only some. [More…]
He has pointed out that more than 70 per cent of school age children in Australia attend state schools. [More…]
The particular organisation of which Mr Riddell is the President represents the parents of these 70 per cent of the nation’s children. [More…]
enhance access to education and equality of opportunity within schools, having special regard to handicapped and disadvantaged children and youth; (0 to stimulate public and private concern about, interest in an support for education; [More…]
Our policy proposal which was put to the people was to appoint an expert advisory committee at the national level which would determine standards, the needs of students in both government and non-government schools and which would recommend grants on the basis of priority of need bearing in mind particularly the primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain the government schools system at the highest standard to all Australian children. [More…]
The proof of the Government’s concern for the education of Australian children in all schools, both government and non-government, is demonstrated by its actions. [More…]
In respect of the Department of Education the increase is for Aboriginal secondary grants, Aboriginal study grants and isolated children’s assistance, the latter being for the substantial amount of $ 1.5m. [More…]
We are told that thousands of cheering men, women and children lined the streets of Peking, presumably shouting Vive l’Emperor’ or ‘Vive Whitlame’, or whatever way one says it. [More…]
An amount of nearly $2m is sought for 3 itemsAboriginal secondary grants, Aboriginal study grants, and assistance for isolated children. [More…]
Will the Minister study the contents of advice given by Mr Geoffrey Loftus Hills, who is a former head of the dairy research division of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and who yesterday hit out in a very rugged fashion at the Australian Government’s decision to discontinue the supply of free milk to school children? [More…]
Will the Minister note that this gentleman says that school milk is essential to ensure good nutrition for the young and points out that because the of increase in the number of mothers going to work and the growing tendency to let children eat whatever they like, children need milk as a supplement? [More…]
That journal states that the decision to withdraw free school milk is an outrageous sacrifice of straightforward fact and, more importantly, children’s health and looks like a simple but vicious principle of penny pinching. [More…]
I plead with the Government to see a reason for reintroducing free milk for school children. [More…]
This matter of free milk for school children was given deep consideration by the Cabinet following the presentation of the Coombs task force report which questioned the advisability of this practice. [More…]
Of course, people disagree about the value of milk for school children, and there were reports which questioned strongly whether the milk was being drunk by the school children, particularly those who needed it. [More…]
It was decided to continue the provision of this milk in areas where it was thought that the need existed because of underprivileged or undernourished children. [More…]
So it is not a matter of putting up a case that milk is of benefit to the children. [More…]
It is thought that in today’s affluent society children follow suitable dietary habits at home and that therefore it is not necessary to supply milk to school children. [More…]
Even now we notice in the gallery a number of children. [More…]
Is it right that these people in hotes and motels should be slugged at a much greater rate than the ordinary resident and that this charge should be passed on to children such as those in the gallery and tourists generally? [More…]
Perhaps I should have given prioity to Parliament House itself, which is becoming a Mecca for nearly all Australian people and particularly for children who feel that it is part of their education to come to Canberra. [More…]
Further, I am sure that the metric system will beneficial for our children. [More…]
It concerns the matter of free milk for school children which, the Minister will remember, I raised by way of questions on other occasions. [More…]
Finally, is the Minister aware that in many areas children are subsisting on a less than adequate diet, that the removal of the free milk scheme next year will be to the further detriment of their diet, and that the statement that there is no longer any justification for this scheme on a nutritional basis is incorrect and cannot be justified? [More…]
For example, Aborigines, migrants and electors with young children are not uniformly dispersed throughout the various regions. [More…]
It is a primary obligation to provide government school systems of the highest standards open to all children without fees or religious tests. [More…]
In addition, university people have been able to discuss their ideas on education as have various other experts from a wide cross section of educational fields in relation to primary and secondary school children. [More…]
We believe that there are areas where it is necessary to take steps to overcome disadvantages and to bring up the standards available to the children of Australia. [More…]
six other members upon the recommendation of the Australian Education Council and of whom two shall be members of parent organizations selected by the Australian Education Council from a panel of not less than five persons’ names submitted by the Australian Council of State School Organizations and one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulities; and [More…]
six other members upon the recommendation of the Australian Education Council and of whom two shall be members of parent organizations selected by the Australian Education Council from a panel of not less than five persons’ names submitted by the Australian Council of State School Organizations and one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties; and [More…]
Then, we would suggest that upon a pro rata basis of the number of children who are involved in government schools and the number of children involved in non-government schools, the representation of the non-government school area would be appropriately a 20 per cent basis. [More…]
The number of children involved in this area of education represents slightly more than 20 per cent of the total number. [More…]
But the closest percentage one can obtain on the basis of 3 out of 15 children is 20 per cent as the appropriate representation of the non-government school area. [More…]
Will the people who are appointed by that organisation- in language which I think is a fair interpretation of what Senator James McClelland has put- be completely narrow and prejudiced in their approach to the problem of the education of all Australian children? [More…]
The Council should also, in the forum in which it has total discretion, appoint one person who is involved in the special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties. [More…]
Although the Council is in fact comprised of a large crosssection of parents who have children attending Catholic and non-Catholic schools, it is made up primarily of Catholic parents because most of the children who attend non-government schools go to Catholic schools. [More…]
We believe it is desirable that the group represented by its Secretary, Mrs Ryan, which has been referred to on a number of occasions, should be represented on the Commission, together with the parents of children attending government schools in Australia, with the right to have their say in the development of education in Australia. [More…]
four other members upon the recommendation of the Australian Education Council of whom one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties; [More…]
It represented, I was told, the teachers organisation from each State and also the parents of state school children. [More…]
The representatives of the parents of state school children said: ‘It would do us if we could nominate our representatives’. [More…]
I was informed by the teachers’ representative and by a prominent representative of parents of state school children that they would like to appoint their representatives but that they had been told from some source that if they did so they would not get the Bill. [More…]
This percentage agrees with the percentage of the number of children in independent schools compared with the total number of school children in Australia. [More…]
a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties; [More…]
Say, for instance, that the Australian Council of State School Organisations nominates a person who has qualifications in special education of handicapped children as its nominee for a position. [More…]
But in Tasmania there is a very well qualified person who has special education qualifications in respect of handicapped children and children with special learning difficulties. [More…]
Six other members upon the recommendation of the Australian Education Council and of whom two shall be members of parent organisations selected by the Australian Education Council from a panel of not less than five persons’ names submitted by the Australian Council of State School Organisations and one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children . [More…]
It may, in its honest belief, say that person A is the best man for this job because he is highly qualified in special education of handicapped children. [More…]
The Government may know of somebody in some other State who is qualified in both those fields of special education- handicapped children and children with special learning difficulties. [More…]
It is a well known statistical fact that 20 per cent of all primary school children have some specific learning defect, whether it is an inability to leant to read or an inability to do sums. [More…]
But he misread our amendment which provides in paragraph (b) that the Australian Education Council should select 6 members, of whom 2 shall be from the parent group and 1 shall be a person involved in the special education of handicapped children. [More…]
For this to be effectively and practically achieved, it is imperative that representation on the Commission comes from parent teacher organisations, which have to deal with problems at classroom level- and therefore have first hand knowledge of them, and the effect they have on our children. [More…]
four other members upon the recommendation of the Australian Education Council of whom one shall be a person involved in special education of handicapped children or children with special learning difficulties; [More…]
the primary obligation, in relation to education, for governments to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open, without fees or religious tests, to all children; [More…]
We simply take that up to say that it is important that there should be the maximum of consultation and co-operation, because if the Commonwealth is to do a successful job in relation to the improvement of the standards of education in Australia obviously it will need consultation and co-operation with those who actually do the work, that is, the State or the non-government schools, in relation to all school children other than those in the Territories. [More…]
For the reason that the overwhelming majority of Australians regard it as an act of justice to assist Australian children, whatever school they may go to, I think that this amendment is more comprehensive and clearer. [More…]
the educational needs of handicapped children and handicapped young persons; [More…]
The primary obligation, in relation to education, for governments to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open, without fees or religious tests, to all children- [More…]
Article 26 of the United Nations Chaner of Human Rights and in particular the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children; (aa) the obligation for governments to provide or assist in the provision and maintenance of educational opportunities for all children which are of the highest standard and which recognise the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children and where provided and maintained by or on behalf of a government ensure that these opportunities are open without fees or religious tests, to all children; (ab) the rights and powers pursuant to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of the State Governments in relation to education; (ac) the need for research into education standards, quality, variety and opportunities in Australia; (ad) the importance of the improvement of the quality of education available to all students attending primary and secondary schools; ‘. [More…]
The first of those proposes that the Commission shall have regard to Article 26 of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights and, in particular, the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
Further, I point out that the Declaration of Human Rights in this respect embodies a principle which I think has been accepted as an important principle, namely to avoid the possibility that there could develop in a country- one hopes that it should never be a fear in Australia- political indoctrination and the opportunity for the political education of children, where steps are taken which would mean that children were not obtaining the type of education which they or their parents might wish them to have. [More…]
While recognising the democratic right of people to educate their children in any system we believe that non-government schools should not be established or maintained by the use of public funds. [More…]
So it is quite clear that those 3 powerful groups in New South Wales would all support the right to have included in the consideration of education in Australia that parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that should be given to their children. [More…]
But we would suggest that it is an improvement to state it in the following way: the obligation for governments to provide or assist in the provision and maintenance of educational opportunities for all children which are of the highest standard and which recognise the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children and where provided and maintained by or on behalf of a government ensure that these opportunities are open without fees or religious tests to all children; [More…]
It is our very firm belief as an Opposition that the obligation of governments which, amongst other things, require all children with a very limited number of special exceptions to undergo education, is an obligation of that government to ensure that educational facilities of the highest standards are available. [More…]
It is not a matter of the government’s ensuring that all children attend government schools. [More…]
We have been told by the Government that its outlook is one of seeking to improve the general quality of education throughout the community but in the Government’s Bill we find that the children of this country are to be divided into 2 classes. [More…]
The Government says that the primary obligation in relation to education is to provide and maintain government school systems that are of the highest standard and are open without fees or religious test to all children. [More…]
I have never been able to recognise any distinction between the children of this country on the basis of what school they attend. [More…]
I disagree with the Government’s statement that there is a primary obligation to one section of our children. [More…]
My attitude is that there is an obligation to all of the children of this country. [More…]
For that reason I prefer what Senator Rae supports which is, in effect, that we regard all the children of this country as having equal rights and we give each of them justice. [More…]
Some members of the Labor Party have assured me that they believe in equal justice for all our children and that the only difference is, perhaps, in the ways in which the justice shall be dispensed. [More…]
I think that the Labor Party is going back to 1957- in the days when it did not agree with justice for independent schools- when it states in this clause, in effect, that it will divide the children of the country. [More…]
I attended a lot of meetings and I heard him say that he was for justice for all the children of this country. [More…]
The gallup polls show that the people believe that all the children should be given an equal chance. [More…]
They are the people who have tried to divide the children of this country into those who go to one type of school and those who attend another. [More…]
I believe that the Labor Party has made a grave mistake in once again putting forward this proposition that some children in the community have prior rights to others. [More…]
I defy anyone here to say that the incomes received by the parents of pupils who went to Riverview College, Barker College or Sydney Grammar School in the 1 930s were not far in excess of the incomes received by the gas workers and railway men who provided money for the Burwood and Ashfield Catholic schools which their children attended. [More…]
Senator McManus in his heart of hearts knows that the Catholic schools in the inner Melbourne area are far inferior to some of the schools that are attended by the children of high middle class or wealthier people. [More…]
I do not scorn anybody, no matter what his religious beliefs may be, for being able to send his children to those schools. [More…]
It sometimes happens that the incomes of the fathers of children who attend wealthy independent schools become such that they have to go to other schools which do not have the same amenities. [More…]
I say good luck to those children whose parents are wealthy enough to send them to independent schools which have lovely grounds and other amenities. [More…]
If anybody went along with me to the All Hallows Convent at Haberfield in the Evans electorate he would find not only that that school is attended by children from low income families but also that the problem is compounded by migrant children. [More…]
These schools are attended by the children of Turkish migrants and others who have real problems. [More…]
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. [More…]
The Australian Government will establish an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools and recommend grants which the Australian Government should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school-age children on the basis of needs and priorities. [More…]
The primary obligation of governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard open to all children; [More…]
This debate has been conducted on a very high plane and I am sure that Senator McManus will agree that in the Bill which the Government has presented to the Parliament for endorsement the Government has set out deliberately by proposing the establishment of a Schools Commission to provide for equality of opportunity in education for all children irrespective of school or religious denomination. [More…]
Specifically the Opposition sets out to deny the primary obligation of governments to provide government schools of high standard which are open without fees or religious tests to all children. [More…]
It is, of course, a plank of the Labor Party policy that there is a primary obligation on governments to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standards open to all children. [More…]
We do not deny that there should be an opportunity, as there is, for parents to nominate the school to which their child will go but surely no one can object to the basic cardinal principle that there is an obligation to ensure that an educational system is maintained at the highest level in schools of the highest standard, open without fee and without religious test to all children. [More…]
I said that the primary obligation upon the Government should be to provide adequate education for all children in the community. [More…]
There is certainly nothing sectarian in the suggestion that we treat the children as a whole and not divide them into 2 sections according to the school which they attend. [More…]
Sub-clause ( 1 ) refers to the question of financial assistance to the States in respect of schools and school children. [More…]
One of them said that he and his children were taken to the police station at about 4 a.m. [More…]
His children were held in the police station. [More…]
He is one of the freedom fighters; one of the people who cross the borders of Rhodesia and murder black women and children. [More…]
I do not doubt for one minute that when it comes to doing a few sums at school the children will find that the metric system is much easier than the present one. [More…]
However, I do think that in this society certainly not enough attention is being given to the position of young families or of young children. [More…]
This Senate on a number of occasions and in particular areas has expressed its concern, particularly in the educational field, in the sense that Committees have had referred to them the matters of education of children in isolated areas, the education of deprived children and, at the instance of Senator Fitzgerald, the education of handicapped children. [More…]
This shows a general solicitude for the educational care of children. [More…]
But there is a wider care of children which also must receive parliamentary and national attention and which should reflect parliamentary and national concern. [More…]
I refer to the economic and social position of young families whose income is inadequate and whose children may, as the end result, suffer deprivation and denial. [More…]
This is obviously one of the ways in which the needs of young families, and particularly the needs of young children, can at least be provided for in part. [More…]
We virtually have not succeeded at all in our campaign- certainly in no large measure- in persuading either the previous government or this Government of the need for an adequate provision for child endowment in the case of families which have more than a certain number of children. [More…]
It says with quite a degree of balance that one cannot give an undue accent to the disregard of the position of the aged any more than one can give an undue accent to the disregard of the position of the younger families and children. [More…]
The last thing I wish to say is that noting that under section 8 the benefit of the scholarship may be a basic allowance or a living allowance, I applaud what the Government has done regarding living allowances for isolated children. [More…]
I only hope that because of the disadvantage which the child of school or university age is suffering by reason of the high cost of transport and living in the cities and the high cost of educational fees and other things in the cities, emphasis will be given on a basis proportionate to the hardship of those costs upon country children in providing the living allowances so that the injustice that is imposed upon children- a barrier to country children against their getting an equal opportunity with those living in the cities- can be bridged as much as possible. [More…]
As a person who has children who, as students, are affected by legislation of this nature, I can appreciate some concern on the part of the Opposition about this legislation. [More…]
I do not wish to comment on the matters that were raised by Senator McManus, except to say that, having had one of my own children go through university, having another at university and having another about to go to university, I think that this country has every reason to be proud of the standard of its youth. [More…]
We believe that this should be extended and that greater opportunity should be given to the children of the working class of this community. [More…]
In my time if a teacher sent children for examinations and 30 per cent of them failed, the next year the inspector would want to know why. [More…]
I do not think that what Senator McManus has put is really related only to the simple fact that a person wants to send his or her child to a university merely because Mrs Jones or Mrs Smith down the road is sending her children to a university. [More…]
But $2 5 m is an enormous amount to the wives and children of the growers of this country, faced already as they are with the hardships imposed upon them by revaluation of the dollar and with the extra competition from the countries whose fruit can now be admitted more cheaply to the Euopean market. [More…]
Australians and I add my tribute to him and express my sincere sympathy to Mrs Dedman and their children. [More…]
Some elements of taxable pensions, such as allowances for the payment of rent or for the support of children, will remain exempt and, in the latter case, concessional deductions will also be allowed in assessments for the maintenance of children. [More…]
The Government accepted the Commission’s recommendations in entirety including the recommendations for special grants for the particularly worthy purposes of accelerating the development of teachers college libraries, of fostering research into aspects of teacher education, of increasing the numbers of students undertaking courses to prepare teachers for handicapped children, and, of extending teacher education facilities in existing colleges of advanced education. [More…]
First, consequent upon the Commission’s Report on Teacher Education and the Report of the Interim Committee for the Australian Schools Commission the Minister for Education has written to the Chairman of the Australian Commission on Advanced Education and the Australian Universities Commission asking them to report on the grants that should be made to ensure that adequate provision is made for the training of handicapped children. [More…]
I do not know that I have ever heard of a government more bankrupt of principle than a government which says that if people try to get its leaders to keep a promise, it will deprive the children of Australia of $600m in educational aid. [More…]
The great proportion of the $8,448 paid in tax by a taxpayer on this high income would be spent on the education of children. [More…]
Has it been left to each school to take the initiative in finding this out; if this is so, is it not an irresponsible policy since the school, on behalf of the Government, acts as the trustee for per capita grants to parents and their children. [More…]
The education of handicapped children was characterised by omissions to meet need which bordered upon the callous. [More…]
Some States had no schemes for the assistance of isolated children worthy of the name of assistance. [More…]
A scheme existed through the Australian Department of Social Security to assist the education of handicapped children by private charities, but not in State schools. [More…]
Knowledge of the medical, psychological and physical characteristics of young children, and their home environments, was a closed book to the first teachers enrolling them at school. [More…]
Disadvantaged children and handicapped children suffered greatly in this situation. [More…]
is below that required to implement modern educational methods, and to prepare all children, irrespective of their rate and style of learning, for full participation in a complex society. [More…]
In both government and non-government sectors there are schools where the quality of personnel, buildings and equipment reflects an attitude towards children which, whether it arises from public indifference or ignorance, is incompatible with the manifest values pf our society. [More…]
Many of these schools are attended by children of relatively poor families, a significant proportion of them ‘migrant or Aboriginal, whose schooling should offer a measure of redress for the economic and political disadvantages of their background rather than a compounding of them. [More…]
The Interim Committee asks for action which will attempt, both within the schools and beyond them, to supplement the opportunities open to children whose general conditions of life are least conducive to the development of scholastic ability. [More…]
The chapter establishes beyond doubt the appalling variations in opportunities available to Australian children, the cruel and senseless waste of potential skill, and the callousness with which this situation has been allowed to drift through the years. [More…]
Children in disadvantaged areas are constricted in a vicious circle. [More…]
I interpose the comment that the articulate sections of the population active in the interests of their children are very much to be commended, not to be condemned. [More…]
But the children who have no perceptive, intelligent and active advocates are not to be neglected. [More…]
Low income parents, being generally ill educated themselves, do not establish habits associated with a high level of literacy as examples which their children might follow. [More…]
Children and young people in disadvantaged schools are likely to be the early leavers. [More…]
There will assuredly be no high quality in Australian education as long as there continues ‘to be public indifference and official complacency about the fate of children in disadvantaged circumstances. [More…]
The years 1974 and 1975 will see the beginning of an effort to solve the very formidable problems in special education for handicapped children. [More…]
We will continue with the grants under our predecessors’ Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act and also with grants for training teachers for special education under our teacher education programs in colleges of advanced education. [More…]
Local communities and local government should become much more actively involved in supporting action for the families of handicapped children and for the handicapped children themselves. [More…]
Our Department of Education, enlightened and guided by the Pre-School Commission and the Schools Commission-or in the event of the destruction of the Schools Commission by the Senate, the Interim Committee of the Schools Commission- should consider itself as having a special obligation to children and young people up to the age of 1 8 who have these special needs. [More…]
To implement the report of the Interim Committee for the Schools Commission on the subject of handicapped children we must develop a system of administration which actually expresses compassion. [More…]
If we are to detect need in children we must face the fact that families most at risk are least likely to go voluntarily to infant welfare clinics, least likely to use child care centres, least likely to have the services of competent medical practitioners, social workers or psychological advisers. [More…]
Research is needed to identify what characteristics of children are most predictive of subsequent education and social difficulty. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that this Government extended the Aboriginal secondary grants scheme to cover all children at secondary schools. [More…]
Programs to overcome this situation have been approved by me and include support of teachers colleges carrying out courses in Aboriginal education; compensatory teaching programs for children in primary schools; support of a special college of Aboriginal education at Torrens in South Australia where a range of basic skills is taught, leading to further education or improved employment. [More…]
The affinity charter rules provide that a member of an eligible organisation may be accompanied on charter flights by spouse, dependent children or parents living in the same household as the member. [More…]
For a man with a wife and two children, this would represent on average a gross income of around $ 1 3,500 a year. [More…]
What more ideal moment could there be than the present moment when the Government states that it is being obstructed by the Senate, when the Government has announced that if the Senate attempts to make the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) carry out his promise to preserve basic grants for all schools the Government will deprive the children of Australia of hundreds of thousands of dollars of educational aid and when the Government says that it believes that this issue is so vital that it wants to hold an election? [More…]
Honourable senators opposite know very well that in the inner areas of the big cities, particularly areas in which there are a large number of migrants- and the migrants have big families-out of 100,000 people 40,000 to 45,000 might be adults and 55,000 to 60,000 might be children. [More…]
In other electorates where old retired people live the proportion of children is much smaller. [More…]
The parents of children attending Government Schools in the north-east of Victoria are deeply concerned at the Liberal Party’s proposed amendments to the Australian Schools Commission Bill. [More…]
We feel that these amendments will discriminate against representation by government school parents and teachers, who represent the majority of Australian school children. [More…]
That a letter such as that could be written by a responsible organisation is in fact an indictment of the Press of this country, because it is only with the most gross misrepresentation of the facts related to this matter that any council of mothers clubs could believe that the amendments moved by the Opposition would discriminate against representation by the parents and teachers of school children. [More…]
The fact is, as is well known to every member of this chamber, that one of the major aspects of the amendments which were moved by the Opposition and carried by this chamber was to provide a guarantee which does not exist in the Bill proposed by the Government that teachers and parents of children attending government schools would be guaranteed a voice on the membership of the Schools Commission. [More…]
Some 22 per cent of the school children attend schools in what may be regarded as the third general administrative area, which is the nongovernment school area. [More…]
An issue has been raised by 30 or 40 Press representatives of the Government that if we persist in opposing the kind of Commission that the Government wants we will stop the children of Australia from getting $S00m worth of aid. [More…]
All that has happened is that this Government has decided to play political football with the welfare of the children in the schools of this country. [More…]
They eliminate the requirements for the Commission to have regard in the exercising of its functions to the primary obligation of governments to government schools systems that are of the highest standard and are open without fees or religious tests to all children. [More…]
We say that the overall effect of the Opposition’s amendments will be to prevent the Schools Commission from being the national expert body to which the majority of the people of Australia are looking to improve the quality of education for all Australian children. [More…]
This Bill provides for general building grants, supplementary science laboratory building grants, grants for recurrent expenditure, grants for libraries, grants for disadvantaged schools, for special schools for handicapped children for teacher development and for special projects. [More…]
What it will do is reduce the amount of grant to 40 per cent of the children of Australia who attend nonsystemic schools which they receive towards their education from Federal Government sources. [More…]
This is so notwithstanding an acceptance of the view throughout this community that in these respects there are certain rights which go with children, not with schools, not with their parents and not with some other relationship which may be attributable to them. [More…]
We do not in any way oppose the positive provisions of this Bill which provide for what have become known as the Karmel funds to be made available to children throughout Australia. [More…]
I pause there to comment that this Government, while taking away from schools in categories A to F, which represent over 53 per cent of all the children at non-systemic schools, gives increased aid to schools in the Territories. [More…]
It is up to the Government to honour the promises and to see that there is justice for every Australian child and every Australian parent who wish to avail themselves of their right to choose the kind of education which the children are to receive. [More…]
It is a school at which all of the children are the children of migrants. [More…]
It is a school at which most of the children are the children of working mothers or families on lower or lower to middle incomes. [More…]
Most of the mothers of these children work so that they can pay the school fees. [More…]
It is a school which believes devoutly and firmly that the only sort of education which should be given to the children who attend it is the type of education which involves the particular religion available at that school. [More…]
Notwithstanding the fact that the parents of those 53 children who attend this small school in a suburb of Melbourne were promised by a very eminent member of the Labor Party Cabinet just before the last election that if they voted Labor they would get much more money- they were told they would get nearly double- the school has been placed in category A and gets nothing because of the absurdity of the basis upon which the categorisation takes place. [More…]
The Opposition will stand firm on a principle in which it believes and in which I believe the majority of Australians believe; namely, the right of choice and the right to receive a basic grant towards education to enable the children of Australia to enjoy that choice. [More…]
I invite honourable senators to listen very carefully to the terms of this motion, which are as follows: the House, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary, and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow die continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore grants should not be made on the basis provided in the Bill in respect of any year after 1973 ‘. [More…]
the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities . [More…]
This is a small Jewish school that caters for the children of orthodox members of the Jewish faith. [More…]
I believe that we should talk about giving money to children. [More…]
What we ought to do is to allocate money to children and the parents of those children can choose the school to which they will go. [More…]
No one can cavil at the principle of money being given to children. [More…]
As a teacher for 19.5 years I was always under the impression that all Austraiian children were entitled to equal rights. [More…]
Do honourable senators realise that a considerable number of children who attend one of the socalled wealthy schools in Melbourne get there on scholarships and would not be able to attend this school otherwise? [More…]
What about the position of the father and mother in the country who in most cases have to send their children to private schools in the cities because the Government, except in a few instances, does not run boarding schools? [More…]
But these people have to send their children to one of these big private schools because it is only schools of this type which can afford to have boarding areas. [More…]
The Government will force up the fees of children who attend boarding schools. [More…]
Some parents who have children attending what they regard as deprived schoolssome of these are religious schools- have said to me: ‘Look, we are going to get more money; you ought to vote for this ‘. [More…]
That all words after ‘That’ be omitted with a view to inserting the following words in place thereof: the House, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian schools commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirement of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow the continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore grants should not be made on the basis provided in the Bill in respect of any year after 1973.’ [More…]
That all words after ‘That’ be omitted with a view to inserting the following words in place thereof: the House, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and nongovernment primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow the continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore grants should not be made on the basis provided in the Bill in respect of any year after 1 973 ‘. [More…]
This is a perversion of justice in a system that is supposed to believe in equality of opportunity for all children. [More…]
But the Government defeats its own cost argument by granting every one of the 33,000 children in category A schools the right to free education in the tertiary institutions. [More…]
I now refer to the part of the Minister’s speech relating to special education, with particular reference to handicapped children. [More…]
It is very disappointing that the Government had decided not to provide for all children in our community. [More…]
At end of motion add: ‘but the Senate, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is of the opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian schools commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities and that the application of this policy could not allow the continued acceptance of the provisions of the Bill and that therefore- [More…]
Even the arguments advanced by the Opposition about the alleged promises of the Government could not be interpreted in any reasonable sense as going beyond the rates of per capita assistance which were in force during 1972; that is, $50 for primary school children and $68 for secondary school children. [More…]
Our philosophy is that it is important in a free society that people be able to make a choice as to what school, what system of school and what type of education they wish their children to receive. [More…]
They believe that the modern or progressive type of education is best for their children. [More…]
Parents, such as the parents of the children at the Australian International Independent school in Sydney, the Brisbane Independent Primary School and many of the other independent schools which are getting reduced aid or are not getting any aid, wish to send their children to those schools. [More…]
This Government would take any grant away from those children because it wishes to stick rigidly to some demonstrably unsatisfactory hard line system of categorisation on the basis of wanting to apply some indefinite needs principle. [More…]
The Labor Party, then in Opposition, 6 weeks before the Federal election, moved that at the end of the motion ‘That the Bill be now read a second time ‘ the following words be added: but the Senate, while not refusing a second reading to the Bill, is ofthe opinion that it should provide for the establishment of an Australian Schools Commission to examine and determine the needs of students in government and non-government primary, secondary and technical schools, and recommend grants which the Commonwealth should make to the States to assist in meeting the requirements of all school age children on the basis of needs and priorities- [More…]
We are dealing not with schools but with children. [More…]
I have been given evidence by the heads of some of the schools that are to receive nothing under this scheme that they provide scholarships for hundreds of poor children to enable them to attend those schools without the payment of fees. [More…]
I know of innumerable instances of mothers who go to work to try to give their children a better education. [More…]
It will become impossible for the poorer parents to send their children to these schools. [More…]
Instead of the enrolments at such schools being diluted as they are today between children whose parents are well off and children whose parents are not well off, this Government will force them to become schools exclusively for the elite, for the upper class. [More…]
Should some children be completely excluded from any share in Federal financial assistance, we Bishops, as a pledge of our sincerity would strongly encourage Catholic parents, schools and educational authorities to join with us in giving all possible support to these excluded children even to the extent of renouncing in their favour some of the aid allocated. [More…]
We are anxious that school children throughout Australia should be given the benefit of the recommendations in the Karmel report; we are anxious to provide the $640m-odd for this purpose. [More…]
These 3 schools and the one referred to by Senator McManus have students whose parents have a modest background and, in fact, have to make considerable sacrifices to send their children to the schools. [More…]
We support the overall right of all citizens to a freedom of choice in education, a right that the State should recognise in an effective way by giving all citizens, all children, some access to public funds for education. [More…]
The first basis, of course, is that the amendment gives expression to a basic principle that where aid is provided to non-government school children that aid should be on a per capita basis and be available as a matter of principle to every child in this country. [More…]
At that time, the Treasurer also announced that the handicapped children’s benefit would be doubled. [More…]
But at the same time this Government for the sake of about $5m per annum or, if we take the figure of $8m over 2 years which was mentioned last night by Senator Douglas McClelland, about $4m per annum, could apply the principle of an entitlement of a basic grant to all school children. [More…]
But apparently school children come into some special category which is to be singled out for a different principle to be applied to them by this Government from that which is applied by the same Government to tertiary education. [More…]
One can only ask: Why does the Government wish to exclude 40 per cent of the children attending non-systemic schools in Australia from receiving the money promised in respect of their education? [More…]
Overall, aged people will pay less tax than a young couple which is bringing up children and which is earning the same amount of family income. [More…]
-Has the Attorney-General directed the Commonwealth Police to investigate the accuracy and circumstances of a very serious allegation that the lives of Mr Hawke, his wife and children were threatened because of Mr Hawke ‘s support of the Israeli cause? [More…]
Is it a fact that the Australian Government has allocated $300,000 to replace radio receivers which are used in the education of children in isolated areas? [More…]
The Government has decided to replace radio receivers which are used in the education of isolated children, and the expenditure involved will be provided by the Australian Government. [More…]
Because Australia is a party to the international agreement it is bound by the agreement to change fixed service high frequency radio transmissions from the double sideband to the single sideband by the end of 1977, and the expenditure of $300,000 to replace these sets for the education of isolated children will take place in that transitional period. [More…]
It would appear that the Government made a deliberate decision that children’s soft drinks must attract sales tax the same as the hard liquors drunk by adults. [More…]
Now, by the implementation of this Bill sales tax is to be applied to the soft drinks of children. [More…]
But more specifically on the juices themselves it would be quite wrong, I feel, to suggest, as did Senator Little, that we are taking money from the drinks which children drink. [More…]
Housewifes and children are but 2 classes of examples. [More…]
If this is so, why is the Government prepared to give an extra $2 7m for holidays to its public servants when it is not prepared to give an extra $5m for the education of children in this country? [More…]
In clause 13, after paragraph 3 (a), insert the following paragraph- (aa) the prior right of parents to choose whether their children are educated at a government school or at a nongovernment school; ‘. [More…]
We see it as having a function in relation to children attending single schools or who are within systems which are conducted by the Commonwealth Government, by State governments and by independent authorities. [More…]
The whole tendency in this Government’s approach to the question of education has been to look at it from the point of view of the creation of and the interests of the institution which children attend. [More…]
We believe that it is the children in education who are important, and not the institutions. [More…]
We do not recognise any system of apartheid under which some children will have prior treatment over other children according to the schools that they attend. [More…]
There is also the very valuable statement by the Government that it seeks to add to the matters which the Commission is to take into account the prior right of parents- I understand that originally the provision read ‘the right of parents’- to choose whether their children are educated at a government school or at a nongovernment school. [More…]
Those are all qualifications in the direction of what my Party stands for, that is, the equality of Australian children in education. [More…]
Insofar as that is concerned, the argument that was originally raised was that people who had children in independent schools had to contribute to the taxation which established the state school system and which is directed towards the state school system and also had to pay the fees of their own children in independent schools. [More…]
We have now arrived at another situation in which people who have children attending certain schools that are designated to be wealthy schools -in a number of cases they are not- are worse off than ever before. [More…]
They not only subscribe, through the taxation they pay, to the government schools and to the aid provided to other independent schools but also have to pay for the education of their own children at schools which receive no assistance. [More…]
The point about it is this: Why make a distinction between Australian school children? [More…]
Yet it makes a distinction between the children of the nation. [More…]
I say to Government senators: If you are to cater for the school children of the nation in this way, cater for all of them and do not discriminate between them. [More…]
Surely in this case the Labor Government should have been consistent and treated all Australian children as Australians. [More…]
Our objective, despite what Senator Wood has said, is to obtain some equality of opportunity for all Australian children in the educational scheme of this country. [More…]
In previous debates on this Bill I have emphasised the great significance that the Government attaches to the role which the Schools Commission can play in developing programs of assistance for all Australian schools and school children. [More…]
These amendments merely refer to the right of parents to decide whether to send their children to a government or a non-government school. [More…]
I take this opportunity to indicate that we regard as of fundamental importance the acceptance of the principle that there is in a free society a prior right on the part of parents to choose whether their children should be educated at one school or another. [More…]
We regard research in relation to education as one of the most important developments which can occur to maximise the advantages which can come to the children of Australia from developments in our education system. [More…]
But the levy to be imposed under the new scheme is based on capacity to pay, which means that it is based on one’s taxable income after allowance has been made for children and educational medical and other expenses. [More…]
What is more noble an ambition than to see one’s children properly educated. [More…]
When a man, his wife or children suffer from some illness they will know that they are covered for the expenses incurred. [More…]
The children who run bazaars at schools earn nearly that much now. [More…]
On his own figures in the White Paper he has little children on $20-odd a week paying $16.20 into the new scheme. [More…]
A person would have to be about 15 years of age with a couple of children to receive that deduction. [More…]
But the Minister would say: ‘Well, if you do not have any children on $20 a week you have to pay $ 1 6.20. [More…]
Honourable senators will also be sadly aware that among the drownings are a lot of children of school age. [More…]
The Government also has sought to have the Schools Commission established as an independent statutory advisory body which will recommend measures for raising the standards of education in schools and for eliminating inequalities in opportunity among Australian school children. [More…]
However, there is room for the principle for which the Liberal Party stands, and that is that there should be freedom of choice in education and that it is a fundamental concept in a free society that children should not be forced into one form of education which is controlled by the Government of the day. [More…]
It has set out to divide effectively those who are involved in the provision of an alternative education scheme and an alternative opportunity so that the people of this country, particularly the children, have a choice. [More…]
The Bill, as amended, does not ensure justice for all children but it does guarantee that every Australian school child in 1974 and 1975 will share in the per capita finance made available by the Commonwealth. [More…]
If we are not, we will certainly continue to press the Government to adopt our policy of justice for all children. [More…]
We are not giving aid to schools; we are giving aid to Australian children. [More…]
When people say that Scotch College in Melbourne or St Joseph’s College in Sydney should not be given any money because they are wealthy schools, they are saying that every one of the children attending those schools is a wealthy child. [More…]
Anybody who has had any association with those schools knows perfectly well, firstly, that very large numbers of scholarships are given to children who are in need and who attend those schools and, secondly, that many of the children who attend them do so because their parents make sacrifices and in many cases both the father and the mother work. [More…]
We regard this as merely a stepping stone to another campaign to get justice for schools and to establish the principle that we are not aiding schools which are the property of religious denominations; we are aiding Australian children who are attending these schools. [More…]
I said at the time that the matter is not one of schools but of Australian school children. [More…]
Certainly, the arrangements as they are now proposed which seek the approval of the Senate will enable the Government effectively to launch its education campaign and its education policies to bring equality of opportunity to all Australian children. [More…]
To have a divorce law that will meet these tests is of even greater importance where there are young children who will be in contact with both parents after the divorce. [More…]
I have given a great deal of thought to whether there should be another ground to meet the cases such as where the husband repeatedly comes home drunk and beats up his wife and terrifies the children, if not beating them as well. [More…]
It is proposed that my Department will prepare a suitable document setting out the consequences of divorce- particularly the consequences to the children of the marriage- and that this document will be made available to courts, welfare officers and solicitors to give to all persons proposing to institute proceedings under the Act and also to their spouses. [More…]
Adoption of children, testamentary guardianship and affiliation orders are the main matters it does not, and cannot, deal with. [More…]
The present Act provides, and this Bill repeats, that the court must regard the interests of the children as the paramount consideration, but otherwise the court may make such order as it considers proper in the circumstances. [More…]
It is thus hoped that greater use will be made of the skills of welfare officers in matters relating to custody, access and the general welfare of children. [More…]
The Bill allows the child itself, or any responsible organisation concerned with the welfare of children, to apply to the court for separate representation of the child on the hearing of an application for custody, guardianship or access. [More…]
As for maintenance, where there are children of the marriage, especially very young children, there is no doubt that a woman who is divorced or separated from her husband needs some financial assistance. [More…]
On the other hand, where the children are older or where there are no children and the wife is still comparatively young, it is surely in the wife’s own interest that she should become economically self sufficient by working. [More…]
Firstly, the Bill lays down the general proposition that a spouse is liable to maintain the other spouse to the extent that the other spouse is unable to support himself or herself adequately; and that both spouses are liable to maintain their children according to their respective financial resources. [More…]
Clearly there will be cases where a party seeking divorce- usually the housewife with young children- will not be able to afford even the lower costs of divorce that will apply under the new Act. [More…]
Parties to divorce proceedings may be spared these consequences towards making the effect of divorce on the children less traumatic than it is at present. [More…]
It has provided further assistance to organisations providing services to handicapped and subnormal children and has provided considerably greater assistance to cultural groups in my State. [More…]
His children have lost a beloved father. [More…]
Some independent schools of high educational standards will be forced to close with the consequences that children attending those schools will have to attend government schools already over taxed and under staffed. [More…]
Parents should be encouraged to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
Apparently the Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation cannot obtain funds to send this doctor to carry out the research. [More…]
Will the Minister ascertain whether financial assistance can be provided to the respective widows and children as it appears that nothing is required to be paid because the deceased had volunteered for civil defence duties? [More…]
Educate your children, enlighten your children, and then you are building up an asset for your future. [More…]
Not only that, we provided an educational allowance of up to $304 a year for children in their final 2 years of secondary school. [More…]
What did we do about isolated children? [More…]
The rich get richer and the poor get children. [More…]
I, like my colleagues, spent many hours in this chamber asking this Government not to take away the per capita grants from certain Australian children. [More…]
But the Government seemed to be of the opinion that children who are to receive any government assistance in their education must attend a government school. [More…]
You must send your children to a government school’. [More…]
The fact that people in the community prefer to send their children either to a religious school or to some private school, for reasons of their own, does not matter to this Government. [More…]
You must pay those taxes, and you must help with the upkeep of the schools to which you wish to send your children. [More…]
They are wealthy because people have worked and have made sacrifices to that their children will get the best education money can provide. [More…]
-Being in the position of representing the Minister for Education, I am unaware of any internal problems within the Government in relation to the implementation of the Government’s policy for pre-school children or, for that matter, any other reason. [More…]
Assuming the correctness of the information which Senator Sir Kenneth Anderson has given, I think all Australians would deplore any kind of military action of this nature against children. [More…]
Through the forum of this Parliament let me now address myself to the older members of my race- those who, like me, have suffered so much because of past discrimination and prejudice; those who, because of the attitudes of the past, have lived in squalor on the banks of creeks and have seen the destruction of their culture, yet have been able to fight back and to give their children the best education that those conditions would permit. [More…]
Governments still have not solved the high death rate of Aboriginal children in many parts of Australia. [More…]
Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware of the concern recently expressed by teachers and parents, particularly at several schools in Tasmania, in relation to the withdrawal of free milk for school children and the likely effect on the health of children, particularly in lower income families? [More…]
What is the latest proposal of the Government in relation to the provision of free milk for school children, or a suitable substitute? [More…]
I can advise the honourable senator that, according to my colleague the Minister for Health, salmonella organisms are quite often implicated as an causative factor in outbreaks of gastro-enteritis, both in adults and in children. [More…]
If there are migrants who are not able to vote, if there are children who are not able to vote and if there are Aborigines who have not yet enrolled, those people will comprise part of the population- the non-voting population- yet they will be the persons who will be counted in determining the equality of electorates. [More…]
The first principle is that in future, although the vote is being guaranteed to all Australian citizens over the age of 18 years, electorates are to be drawn up in such a way that all the people, including children- presumably even babies- unnaturalised Australians and others who do not enrol, will be included. [More…]
The basis for it was evidence persuasive enough to indicate that children aged between 2 years and 6 years could be affected adversely and permanently by being exposed to scenes of violence. [More…]
Indeed, it has been suggested to me that children younger than 2 years of age also could be affected. [More…]
It was not thought that the children could be affected, but apparently they can be. [More…]
I am looking into the question of whether, in order to protect children, there should be no such lower limit at all. [More…]
For the uninitiated, regulation 97 is a housing subsidy which provides eligible married officers with $33 a week towards their rent if they have no children and $40 a week if they have children. [More…]
SPELD organisation- that is, the specific learning difficulties organisation- to the effect that children who have difficulty in learning to read are receiving a raw deal? [More…]
Thus a mother with 3 children over 6 years of age will now receive a maximum pension of $45 a week; this amount would be $47 a week if she were entitled to the higher rate of mother’s allowance. [More…]
The same rate of pension will be payable to a single age or invalid pensioner with children. [More…]
I have no doubt that the children will be delighted, and their mothers also, now that they know they can get it through a credit union. [More…]
In my home town there is a man who has a number of children and works for the local council. [More…]
One photograph shows the early part of the demonstration as being peaceful and orderly, with women with children in pushers quietly going about their normal procedures- a normal scene at election rallies. [More…]
For the unitiated, regulation 97 is a housing subsidy which provides eligible married officers with $33 a week towards their rent if they have no children and $40 a week if they have children. [More…]
What he does not appreciate of course is that millions of men, women and children have been killed by conventional weapons from conventional aggressors ever since World War II ended. [More…]
In the case of dissolution, provision shall be made for the necessary protection of any children. [More…]
I believe it to be in support of the family that there should be provisions to enable a marriage that has irretrievably broken down to be dissolved and proper provision made for any children of that family, for fair adjustment of property interests, and for equitable maintenance on the basis of need, all in proceedings that are intended to avoid exacerbating relations between the parties. [More…]
For example, I do not think we have yet given nearly enough attention to the rights of children. [More…]
It was not so long ago that few would have regarded children as having any rights. [More…]
will be uniformly dealt with by federal law, except in relation to illegitimate children. [More…]
In custody matters, the court is required by the Bill- as it is by the present Act- to regard the interests of the children as the paramount consideration. [More…]
This latter restriction will not, of course, apply to proceedings for the maintenance of children. [More…]
Maintenance agreements and transfers of property between spouses, or to children, pursuant to such agreements or to orders of the court are to be exempt from State and Territory stamp duty. [More…]
As I have also said before, this will not apply to applications for maintenance of children. [More…]
The fact is that the present means test for deciding eligibility for the pensioner medical service for a couple without children is $86.50 a week, whereas a couple without children cannot be admitted to the subsidised health benefits plan unless they have a weekly income of $69.50 or less. [More…]
Australian citizen, who desires to be able to determine his own affairs and those of his children in the future. [More…]
For an annual cost of $40m, which would take about six years to attain, we could provide every Australian child with the opportunity- a means of equalising and enriching every child’s life for the rest of his life- now enjoyed fully only by children in Canberra. [More…]
It has done it in relation to some children but not in relation to all children. [More…]
The simple position is that the Government, which is unable to reconcile its own internal differences, stands by and allows the Australian children to suffer. [More…]
I notice that in China, from the age of about 10 years, children are taught something about war. [More…]
So if both of them were receiving $45 a week and if they had children to enable them to claim $100 a year tax deduction, between them they would be paying almost $62 a year for the Government’s free medical scheme, in spite of the fact that they have 2 children. [More…]
Well, I suggest that the honourable senator go to the Australian Democratic Labor program and he will find that people on that sort of income- if that were their total family income with 2 children- would pay nothing at all. [More…]
Educational Film Festival for Children, Calcutta (India) 1973 [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Health aware of the concern expressed by many teachers and parents over the effect of the withdrawal of free milk for school children? [More…]
-The Government, in deciding to withdraw financial support for the free milk scheme, considered all aspects of the matter, but after detailed consideration and study it was unable to find evidence of nutritional deficiency which would warrant the issue of a particular food to school children. [More…]
These include $2.4m for the Department of Aboriginal Affairs to provide for award wage employment of Aboriginals formerly employed under the training allowance scheme in the northern Territory; Department of Education, including $ 1.1m Tor secondary grants to Aboriginals and $1.3m for assistance to isolated children; $ 1 1 .5m for the Department of Foreign Affairs for payment under the National Wheat Agreement- Food Aid Convention; $5.1m for the Department of the Media for increased costs of the Australian Broadcasting Commission; $1.5m for the Department of Minerals and Energy for oil search subsidies; $600,000 for the Department of Primary Industry for emergency adjustment assistance to the apple, pear and canning fruit industry; $2. [More…]
One cannot even rely upon the fact that children will be taught at school. [More…]
The Labor Party is aware that the figures show that in Labor Party held electorates the number of children is infinitely greater than in Liberal Party or non-Labor Party held electorates. [More…]
We believe that in this country, which has the greatest rate of home ownership in the world, people should be able to buy their own homes and contemplate that they have the basic deposit, that they have the ability throughout life to pay off the asset and to be able to give something to their children when they die. [More…]
If we talk to our wives and our children we find that there are so many things that we want but cannot get. [More…]
We immediately contacted Mr Barnard and Mr Crean to ask that money be made available for the distressed widows and children of those servicemen. [More…]
It refers to the tragic and chronic drought in Ethiopia and other pans of the African continent which has resulted, as the Minister would know, in widespread famine, disease and death, particularly among tens of thousands of infants and children. [More…]
One could see that there was great danger for the children of these migrant people and for the children who were born of migrant people in this country. [More…]
Some steps have been taken to make sure that those children can go on learning in their native language, to learn and be proud of their native culture, but also quickly to learn and be proud to be part of our culture. [More…]
I would look to the Government to take many more steps to ensure that more is done, because the future of a nation depends on its children, and its children are its wealth. [More…]
We talk about young housewives with children, caught in outer suburbia or in the country areas, having nobody to talk to and we see that this causes all sorts of problems. [More…]
So often when a women reaches middle age and her children are no longer fully dependent on her she feels lost. [More…]
When we give women the choice we have to safeguard the children that they have had. [More…]
Mothers who stay at home looking after their children teach their children so much. [More…]
Children learn so much from the day they are brought home from the hospital to the day they leave their parents’ home to go to their own homes. [More…]
In those early years children learn so much from a mother. [More…]
If mothers are to go out to work-it is obvious that they are going to go and nothing is going to stop them, be that right or wrong-we, as people who have some conscience and some role to play must make sure that the children who are born of these women learn things that they would have learned from their mothers. [More…]
I think governments should take extraordinary action to safeguard children and so safeguard the future of a nation. [More…]
This present stance of the Opposition reminds me of the attitude that we so often see taken by children when they are playing because what the Opposition is trying to say is what schoolchildren say when things have not gone well for them. [More…]
Again it is a question of raising the options and the freedoms of masses of the Australian people who cannot afford economically to make decisions which benefit their own children and who have to rely on the system which is provided by the State. [More…]
Secondly, I believe that we, as a Government, have tried to instill into our community the idea that there is such a thing as economic freedom in terms of freedom from unemployment, freedom to make decisions about where you send your children to school and freedom to make decisions about what you do with your leisure- all sorts of things which flow from a more equitable distribution of wealth in our society. [More…]
A woman in Western Australia at least- I speak only of the situation there- cannot be a guarantor for her children to attend tertiary education institutions when a bonding agreement is necessary. [More…]
Equity in sharing sacrifices as well as prosperity; and the need to ensure that any deferment of expectations shall not be made at the expense of those for whom deferment could mean a lifetime of deprivation- for example, children at school and migrants. [More…]
We realise that the Government, in bringing this legislation forward, is moving half way towards what it wants but it would have preferred to go much further the other way and to have everybody, adults and children, counted in the electorates. [More…]
Has the Government received from the Social Welfare Commission proposals for the development of day care facilities for children which were requested by the Government in February 1974? [More…]
He said that there are widows and children lying like broken dolls. [More…]
Is there any truth in the report that the Government will shelve or slow down implementation of its promise to provide for latch key children? [More…]
If the Minister does not know the present position, in view of the urgency of providing care for the thousands of children who are left unattended daily and in view of the undertaking in the Governor-General’s speech that the Government will be guided by the need to ensure that any deferment of expectations shall not be made at the expense of those for whom deferment could mean a lifetime of deprivation- for example, children at school and migrants- will the Minister undertake to make urgent inquiries into the matter and provide an early answer to the Senate? [More…]
S tensions plus various allowances for children, or travel, etc. [More…]
It will be, because a doctor has to live, he has to raise his family and send his children to school. [More…]
What matters in the end is the health care we receive, the health care actually received by my wife and children as consumers of health care. [More…]
Mr Acting Deputy President, I put it to you that, if there are citizens of this country with children who for some reason best known to themselves are not paying taxation and if their children become sick, those people will feel a constraint or a reluctance to seek medical care. [More…]
attended a seminar concerned with the welfare of children in hospital. [More…]
There are women and children in Melbourne who, if they wake up in the night, have no recourse to the services of a doctor. [More…]
If his wife is working, he can insure himself, his wife and his children for one family payment for treatment in the top private hospital, all for about $130 at this moment. [More…]
His wife will be covered and his children will be covered. [More…]
Has the Minister for Customs and Excise seen a recent Press report concerning balloon-blowing novelties which, by virtue of the fumes emitted from the balloon substance, may make children sick? [More…]
There has been consultation with the Department of Health, which has a responsibility in this regard, and it has advised that these goods are dangerous to children because of the compounds included in the substance used for the blowing. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Agriculture reconsidered the matter of the provision of free milk to kindergartens and schools which may be attended by disadvantaged children? [More…]
We know that there are still some children in Cyprus. [More…]
They have already contacted 2 children who come from a family in Canberra. [More…]
In view of the urgent need of our children in this regard, will the Minister undertake to release the report quickly? [More…]
I speak of the need of the single fathers, the supporting fathers, of children, particularly pre-school age children. [More…]
The government should assist disadvantaged families where a single parent, a father, is caring for children, whether he is a widower or a deserted husband. [More…]
I believe that in this category there are some 25,000 families and perhaps up to 50,000 children. [More…]
The anomaly is that if a widow is caring for such children there are government programs to assist her, but if a male parent has accepted the total responsibility for the children there is no government assistance to which he is entitled. [More…]
There is no recognition of the special need of the supporting father and the children in such families. [More…]
If this type of disadvantaged family were embraced in a government program of social concern and social assistance, it would assist many fathers who are attempting to care for preschool age children and younger children who are in a financially disadvantaged position at present. [More…]
I speak not only of the fact that such fathers have to pay for housekeeping assistance to care for their children but also of the fact that they face many other difficulties related to unemployment benefit and other things in respect of which they do not have access to government programs as a woman would have in the same circumstances. [More…]
I ask that he remember the case of supporting fathers and the needs of their children in his next Budget considerations. [More…]
The project arose as a result of a Film Australia film production of the same name which is aimed towards young children and is designed to educate them in an entertaining way in the simple procedures of road safety. [More…]
I understand that some commercial television networks are interested in looking at some of these productions and that officers of the Department of Transport and my Department have been so impressed with the Film project and with the reception of it by a large audience of young children that they have decided to proceed with the presentation of the comic strip. [More…]
If the beneficiary is entitled to full cover for himself, but has a wife or children, he will be entitled to relief from one-half of the levy that would otherwise be payable. [More…]
Mr Phil Pepper has nominated the Save the Children Nowa Nowa Fund - [More…]
Mr Pepper has nominated the Save the Children Fund at Nowa Nowa to receive the $1,000 you publicly offered at Bairnsdale meeting on 25 June and witnessed by local newspaper. [More…]
Yet some 10 years ago in a location, namely Nowa Nowa, which is almost in the heart of his electorate a group of people were so depressed and concerned by the state in which the young Aboriginal children were living that they applied to the London office of the Save the Children Fund to seek approval to build a kindergarten to provide some facilities for the little ones in that region. [More…]
-Has the Minister representing the Minister for Transport seen an article which appeared in the ‘Australian’ on Tuesday last reporting that the New South Wales Government will ban the sale of children’s safety harnesses that do not meet strict standards? [More…]
Apparently the unsafe condition of children’s harnesses in motor cars arises from the difficulty of adjusting the harnesses once they have been installed. [More…]
The husband can cover himself, his wife and children on the one family rate. [More…]
Honourable senators will be interested to know that I recall reading some years ago a report concerning the attendance of children at pre-school centres in the inner region of Sydney. [More…]
The Bill covers maintenance of parties to a marriage, and maintenance and custody of children of a marriage, both in the context of, and outside, divorce proceedings. [More…]
These criteria concern the needs of the parties and their children and the contribution made by any of them to the acquisition, conservation or improvement of the property. [More…]
Some changes of substance have been made to Part VI, dealing with the welfare and custody of children. [More…]
As honourable senators would know, the Government is committed to the removal of the distinction between ex-nuptial children and other children. [More…]
Until last year children in the rural areas of this country did not receive equality of educational opportunity. [More…]
What about his rights, his children, their educational facilities? [More…]
How could the mothers of pre-school children trust it? [More…]
People are being trained to be therapists so that the children of the nation- our children, the most valuable investment we will make in the future of this countrywill, among other things, have adequate health services available to them in the school grounds through the services being developed. [More…]
Take the position of a man with a wife and 2 children in New South Wales who wishes to cover himself and his family for intermediate hospital and medical cover. [More…]
Tomorrow, as innocent pedestrians, we or our children could have our hopes decimated by the fool or the drunkard in a motor car. [More…]
It is those people and their children more than anyone else who need the scheme to cover their health needs. [More…]
The Bill says, in effect, that no Australian should be placed in a position where his health or that of his family can be jeopardised by his lack of money or where his health or that of his children can be further jeopardised by worry over his ability to pay. [More…]
It gives the example of an average family, comprising a husband, a wife who works, and 2 children. [More…]
One woman said: ‘Why watch that bunch acting like children when you can see the real thing in “Romper Room”?’ [More…]
Can he tell me of any married couple in that situation who do not have to pay 3 times to send their children to a private school? [More…]
Is there any person whose wife works and is in receipt of an income who does not pay taxes for the public school system at the same time as he pays for the private schooling of his children? [More…]
I will show him surgeries located for miles around his home, which is situated in my electorate, in which sick people, frightened people, crying children and victims of accidents waited hours this morning for medical attention, as they wait each day of each year under the Liberal health arrangements which did not occasion him any concern in 23 years. [More…]
Honourable members opposite are no more able to understand the state of ordinary medical and hospital services to which they would never dream of entrusting themselves or their families than they are able to understand the ordinary schools to which they would never send their children. [More…]
If so, why are these children so detained? [More…]
I suppose- 1 need not go into all this, but I assure the honourable senator that if something could be done to enable children to be detained in proper conditions it would be done forthwith. [More…]
There is no security at the other available place, Essington, except such that it would be intolerable to have children in it. [More…]
The fact that sick persons and children are detained in an institution where they should not be detained is a matter of merriment for honourable senators opposite because they cannot yet see their way clear to make a political stunt out of it. [More…]
I say this to them: If it is a question of whether children should be detained in such a place- a place where they should not be detained- because there is no other place for them, the attitude I will take is that they ought to go free. [More…]
If it is thought that anything can be done or has to be done, knowing as I do that this Government has the interests of children at heart, we certainly will see that sympathetic consideration is given to the honourable senator’s representations. [More…]
Is it also true that fathers of children suffering chronic or long term illness can obtain extended periods of payment of this benefit only in very special circumstances and that approval of the benefit can be given only by the Director-General of Social Security? [More…]
-On 2 August the Minister for Social Security made a statement in which he said that supporting fathers who had to remain at home to care for children may be paid a special benefit by the Department of Social Security. [More…]
I suppose that within our traditional male chauvinist society it did cause a little confusion that the Government was at least recognising the fact that there were men who were placed in the position, which has traditionally been ascribed to women, of having the responsibility of looking after children without the assistance of the mother of the children. [More…]
Also there has been a 20 per cent increase in children’s programming on country television stations and, in addition to the network programs, country stations like Newcastle and Ballarat are producing their own local indigenous children’s programs. [More…]
They appear just as children against the strong body of law that is created by Part V of this Bill which the Opposition seeks to delete. [More…]
In view of the concern that the Minister has always shown for the special difficulties migrant children experience in gaining an education in Australia, will the Minister take whatever steps are possible to alleviate immediately the lack of proper accommodation and facilities experienced by staff and pupils at the Brunswick Girls High School in Victoria where, apart from the fact that the building is a disgrace to the Victorian Government in any circumstances, twothirds of the pupils are of migrant origin? [More…]
Although she was offered full time executive positions in the social work field, she preferred to spend most of the time bringing up her 3 children and running a home for her husband when he was at the Bar in Sydney. [More…]
I think that that Committee looked at the situation of isolated children. [More…]
Does the Government provide financial or other assistance to organisations supporting children in institutions in Vietnam fathered by Australian or other foreign servicemen during the war in Vietnam; if not, will it do so. [More…]
Although the Government of South Vietnam has not specifically requested assistance for institutions in South Vietnam in which children of mixed parentage reside, the. [More…]
Australian Government has pledged $A250,000 to UNICEF (disbursed in 1973-74 and 1974-75) for its Indo-China aid operation including its welfare programs for Vietnamese mothers and children disadvantaged by the war. [More…]
I suppose it is a matter of judgment whether it is of more benefit to the rural community to give a subsidy on phosphate or to make sure that equal education opportunities are given to children who live in rural areas. [More…]
Both the Cyprus Government and the United Nations agency concerned with this relief have indicated that after cash, which remains the first priority, the need on Cyprus is for non-perishable foods, such as tinned meat and fish, as well as blankets, towels and clothing, especially for children. [More…]
And while it is out spending its inflationary gains and storing up disaster for the national economy, it moralises to the fictional man earning $70 a week, who has a non-working wife and 2 dependent children, that he will no longer have to pay any tax. [More…]
As one spokesman is reported as saying, if he has a wife and 2 children at 16, he has enough to worry about without tax as well. [More…]
The Labor Party may believe that the decision to reduce the taxable education allowance struck a blow at privilege, but the decision hit not only private schooling which the Party hates so much; it also affected the parents of all children who have to wear school uniforms. [More…]
This Government- the champion of free educationis making it difficult for children to dress decently while they are learning. [More…]
This Government is so devoted to its cloth capped bare footed boyhood that it wants all children to experience the same type of childhood. [More…]
So by its intended attack on the minority of parents with children at private schools this Government has slugged the majority of parents with children at state schools. [More…]
This Government is making it more and more difficult to keep children at school for their full secondary education. [More…]
He began his remarks by saying that under this Government education was in trouble, and he referred to what we were doing to the people who had children going to school. [More…]
I have no compunction in saying that if they can afford to send their children to high class private schools they ought to be prepared to pay. [More…]
What I am concerned about is to ensure that the children of the underprivileged and the working class in this country get an opportunity to obtain a decent education so that they can compete with the sons and daughters of the silvertails who could not give a damn about the working class. [More…]
There are not too many Murray Bridge children who go to private schools. [More…]
The people there have not been able to send their children to those schools over the years because of the previous Government’s policies affecting primary producers. [More…]
Many parents work very hard and in many cases mothers go to work, so that their children can experience the benefits of the independent school system, not out of any sense of snobbishness or aloofness but because in some cases independent schools can offer something, in terms of their own enterprise that the State systems cannot offer because it does not choose to offer. [More…]
There has been a continual call by the Opposition for some sort of package to deal with the entire economic ills of Australia at this time- a package which no other country has discovered and which, if the Labor Government were to produce it, would be opened by the Opposition with a gleeful innocence of children delving into a show bag searching for something to criticise. [More…]
Our priorities are in areas such as education where we are concerned with the long term needs of the majority of Australian children. [More…]
Sometimes it is suggested that in being concerned with the needs of a majority of Australian children we determine this nation’s capacity and wealth in the generations to come and how we keep up with the technological changes which are taking place in the world. [More…]
In considering the needs of a majority of children it is sometimes suggested that we neglect the private schools. [More…]
True it is that we consider that children in government schools have a greater educational priority than children in private schools, but since this Government came to office it has made $23i4m available to private schools for building programs. [More…]
I draw attention to the plight of children and parents in Australia who suffered for 23 years when seemingly nobody cared very much about child care. [More…]
In that time the Government viewed the children of Australia either as pampered darlings, destined to fill the positions of privilege and status, or as some sort of factory fodder to be used to fill the needs and desires of big business and the children were educated to that end and that end alone. [More…]
The mothers of those children were useful in that they bred the citizens who were needed to keep the system going. [More…]
With the morals appropriate to that action, industry wooed the women back to the work force without a care or thought for the fate of the children. [More…]
I do not maintain that because mothers go to work their children are necessarily at risk. [More…]
But what I say is that when mothers are not at home 24 hours a day playing their traditional role the children are at risk if society does not take steps to provide substitutes for all the roles a woman fills in the home at that time. [More…]
I am sure that the children will mature to satisfactory adulthood. [More…]
I am not speaking of the traditional educational role of the kindergartens which are open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon 4 days a week, which most fortunate children in the Australian Capital Territory and some children outside it enjoy, but the sort of care that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for all children from the babe in arms to the teenager about to launch into the world. [More…]
After a period when there was a deal of discussion on what child care meant and when there was a deal of work to be done to move people from the thought that child care was not just kindergartens but really child care, this Government within the next few weeks will establish a children ‘s commission. [More…]
After 23 years of neglect we found it difficult to ascertain just how much had been done to provide the sort of care our children needed. [More…]
It is difficult to set up child care centres for pre-school children if there are not sufficient trained people to staff them. [More…]
We need care for the children of working parents between the time when the parents go to work and the children commence school. [More…]
We need care for children between the time they get out of school and the time the parents arrive home from work. [More…]
We need care for children in school holiday time or when mum or dad are ill and are unable to care for the children. [More…]
Children are left in unofficial minding centres, or with the lady next door, or locked up in a room for the day. [More…]
In the submissions as a whole there was overwhelming evidence of interest and involvement in the care of children, mostly preschool age children. [More…]
Some wrote about their concern for the children of working mothers. [More…]
Others expressed concern for the children whose mothers were based at home. [More…]
Some focused on the need for assistance to families so that mothers need not work, while others highlighted the problems of isolation, loneliness, lack of stimulation and assistance experienced by mothers at home with their children. [More…]
Some were concerned about the out-of-school care of school-aged children and about care during school holidays. [More…]
There were people concerned about handicapped children and their families. [More…]
Others were concerned about migrant children and their problems. [More…]
Presumably nobody does care because, under existing legislation, if that woman cannot prove to the satisfaction of the police- they check- that she has somewhere that night to keep her children they are taken from her and put in a State institution. [More…]
The only body which seemingly does anything in that area at all is an entirely voluntary body which is set up specifically to aid deserted children. [More…]
It is the body which finds the motel room in which to put the woman and the child or children so that they are not broken up, so that the children do not suffer the traumatic experience of being taken away and put in a home. [More…]
In another area there is a residential kindergarten which was set up by kindergarten teachers because some 35 years ago they could see a need for city children to have holidays in the country. [More…]
They realised that rather than children having holidays in the country there were children in desperate need of being looked after and there was no where for them to go, except into government institutions. [More…]
So these teachers turned from providing holidays for city children to providing emergency care for them. [More…]
This is one of the very few places where pre-school children and now some older children can be sent when their families are in urgent need of this sort of residential care. [More…]
It took this Government to assist handicapped children. [More…]
To our discredit, handicapped children in this community have been hidden away in much the same way as they were in the 1 9th Century. [More…]
We treated children as second-class citizens. [More…]
We conveniently forgot that all children are entitled to proper education, proper care, and have a place to fill in this society. [More…]
Proper care and proper education are as much concerned with what children do from the time they leave home and go into the schoolroom and what they do in their school holidays as they are about them passing exams and going to the university. [More…]
We know we are not going to stop there; we know we are going to go further when it comes to caring for children . [More…]
We want to open up a whole world of assistance lor children and parents by way of support, counselling, stimulation. [More…]
2 ) How many children are enrolled in the pre-school. [More…]
In August, 115 children were enrolled in the preschool. [More…]
How many children are expected to enrol in the Weetangera pre-school, in the Australian Capital Territory, in 1975. [More…]
About 180 children are expected to enrol in the Weetangera pre-school in 1975. [More…]
We are told that this is going to affect only the people whose children attend rich schools. [More…]
I do not think that the honourable senator, who has been so persistently interjecting, has been around the country much otherwise he would realise that there are children of people on wages who have to be sent away to schools. [More…]
They live too far away for them to be sent to a high school or primary school every day and these children have either to board in town or go to a boarding school. [More…]
There is no allowance for children living away from home to go to school except this taxation allowance, and that is what I am talking about. [More…]
Even to buy uniforms and books for the children of workers who live in town makes a hole in $ 1 50. [More…]
The stress placed by this report on the increasing prices of text books draws our attention to the fact that the $150 allowed as a taxation deduction in respect of dependent children is inadequate in view of the text books and other educational requirements of secondary students. [More…]
I take this opportunity to stress to the Government that this taxation deduction not only was to cover fees at independent schools but also was a recognition of the need for parents of children at all secondary schools to have adequate supplies of books, aids and equipment. [More…]
They are places where young married people are able to mould their lives along the paths of their own choice; they are places where they can mould the lives of their young children and where the love within a family can develop without the hindrance of pressures that intrude unless people have their own homes. [More…]
Some are able to find accommodation with their children. [More…]
But an ever growing number of old people cannot for various reasons live with their children and cannot provide for themselves. [More…]
And abducted 295 people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the news media; [More…]
I was told that their wives and children were still bucketing water on a chain gang to fill tanks. [More…]
In a situation of spiralling inflation, reducing the amount to $150 will be an attack on practically everybody who has children at school. [More…]
There is no question here of attacking children at independent schools, if that is what honourable senators opposite want to attack. [More…]
But in this instance they are attacking not only that section of the community which sends its children to independent schools; they are attacking practically everybody who has children at school. [More…]
Certainly in country areas in New South Wales very often $150 would be eaten up in the cost of bus fares for children travelling to and from school, let alone in the cost of text books, school clothes and so on. [More…]
And abducted 29S people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the news media; [More…]
And abducted 295 people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the newsmedia; [More…]
And abducted 295 people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the news media; [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already overcrowded and understaffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian Government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
That we require the members of Parliament to keep to the spirit of Section 13, 4(b), of the Australian Schools Commission Act which states that the Government, “Asserts the prior right of parents to choose whether their children are educated at a government or at a nongovernment school. “ [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
And abducted 295 people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the news media; [More…]
No facilities for the help of aged people, mothers with small children or sick people. [More…]
Several retarded children attend special school in Tasmania and require to be in the charge of a hostess. [More…]
There are approximately 50 children travelling frequently to Tasmania for higher education, and parents are concerned about them in small aircraft with the lack of these facilities. [More…]
The children in the streets used to stare at them and ask ‘Who are they?’ [More…]
And abducted 295 people chiefly school children from St Alberts Mission in Rhodesia as reported in the news media; [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not provide or protect the legal or social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already overcrowded and understaffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian Government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
Is it also a fact that the right of the Control Board to determine the times during which children’s and family programs may be televised has been the subject of challenge by at least one commercial station? [More…]
Board’s right to determine the times when children’s and family programs may be televised also has been subject to change. [More…]
Probably in recent weeks the honourable senator has seen reports that the Board requested the deletion of certain matter from a television episode being shown in family and children’s viewing time. [More…]
The points system was designed to enable the stations to bring about a diversity of programming having regard to their choice and also having regard to the time slots for children’s viewing time, family viewing time and matters of that nature. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
I have seen the report in one of this morning’s newspapers which states that the New South Wales Minister for Education had said that he had had the Australian Broadcasting Control Board make a check on the figures relating to programs watched by school age children and their viewing habits. [More…]
Guidelines to be established by Mediators (NonLawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint Custody and Mutual Financial Support of children where possible. [More…]
Child Endowment to provide Financial Support of children when needed. [More…]
Guidelines to be established by Mediators (Non Lawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint Custody and Mutual Financial Support of children where possible. [More…]
Child Endowment to Provide Financial Support of Children when needed. [More…]
Guidelines to be established by Mediators (Non Lawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint Custody and Mutual Financial Support of children where possible. [More…]
Child Endowment to Provide Financial Support of Children when needed. [More…]
2 ) Guidelines to be established by Mediators ( Non Lawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint Custody and Mutual Financial Support of children where possible. [More…]
Child Endowment to Provide Financial Support of Children when needed. [More…]
) Guidelines to be established by Mediators (Non Lawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint Custody and Mutual Financial Support of Children where possible. [More…]
Child Endowment to Provide Financial Support of Children when needed. [More…]
The present law provides that consideration is given to the support of wife and children; it would seem that in the proposed law it will be far more difficult for the family to receive just consideration in the event of a dissolution of the marriage. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not provide or protect the legal or social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending schools, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already overcrowded and under-staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take in to account the material, moral and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
Is the Government concerned that the families affected do not belong to the wealthy class or send their children to so-called wealthy schools? [More…]
What action does the Government propose to take to protect these parents and their children from the folly of the Government’s action? [More…]
The honourable senator also refers to the problems of people in isolated areas insofar as those problems relate to the rearing of families and giving their children educational assistance. [More…]
When members of the present Opposition were in government there was a lot of talk but little action about what was going to be done to assist children in isolated areas educationally. [More…]
One of the first things this Government did when it came into office was to move in the area of giving very substantial assistance to parents of children in isolated areas for educational purposes. [More…]
I believe that the benefits accruing to the children in isolated areas as a result of the assistance given by the Government under its isolated children’s program far outweigh any criticism that is now offered by the honourable senator. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Social Security and I preface it by pointing out to the Minister that children suffering from cleft lip and palate require orthodontal treatment, in some cases until they are in their teens, and that orthodontal treatment is very expensive. [More…]
I believe that the time will come when we will see education being delivered to school children not on the expensive basis on which it is delivered today. [More…]
If Senator Greenwood can forget about the Labor Party and the Liberal Party for a moment when we are discussing the needs of the Australian community and Australian children in relation to educational films and if he can forget his partisan and divisive attitude on politics, he might be able to discuss what the community really does need. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
Guidelines to be established by mediators (non lawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint custody and mutual financial support of children where possible. [More…]
Child endowment to provide financial support of children when needed. [More…]
Any supporting father suffering hardship as a result of having to remain at home from work to look after his children may qualify for special benefit. [More…]
It is not essential that the children be sick. [More…]
It could well be the case that healthy young children who have been deprived of their mother’s care because of her having to go to hospital, because of her desertion of the husband or whatever other reason it might be, need constant care and attention in the same way as do sick children. [More…]
In his Budget Speech the Treasurer (Mr Crean) announced the Government’s intention of increasing additional payments for children of pensioners and beneficiaries by 50c a week to $5.50 a week, raising supplementary assistance and supplementary allowance, for pensioners and sickness beneficiaries, by $1 a week to $5 a week, and increasing double orphan’s pension by $ 1 a week to $ 1 1 a week. [More…]
This allowance will be payable at the rate of $ 10 a week to parents or guardians of physically or mentally handicapped children who are cared for in a family environment. [More…]
The latter concern changes in the residence qualification for invalid pensions, widows’ pensions and supporting mothers’ benefits, payment of additional amounts for children in the care of Class B widow pensioners, the payment of additional benefit for de facto wives of unemployment and sickness beneficiaries and the repeal of the ‘not deserving’ and ‘character’ provisions of the Act. [More…]
Single or widowed pensioners, including supporting mothers, who are eligible for supplementary assistance and have, say, 2 children, will receive a maximum of $5 1 a week. [More…]
The pension has proved of considerable assistance to people caring for children who, in the circumstances outlined, have permanently lost all contact with their parents. [More…]
State welfare departments make financial assistance available to people caring for children who are under State control. [More…]
This new allowance should be seen in the context of the broad program of education, training and general welfare for handicapped children being developed by the Government. [More…]
It is estimated that some 20,000 children will qualify for the allowance and that the annual cost will be approximately $10m. [More…]
A woman with a child of her own or a child who entered her care before she became a widow is a class A widow and attracts payment of a mother’s allowance and additional pension for the children. [More…]
Class B widows at present receive the same basic pension as class A widows but they do not receive the mother’s allowance nor the additional pension for children. [More…]
On the other hand an unmarried woman may be granted an age pension at age 60 or an invalid pension and, in addition, receive additional pension for each child in her care, and guardian’s allowance irrespective of whether she is the mother of the children and irrespective of the date the children entered her care. [More…]
lt is therefore proposed to enable a mother’s allowance and additional pension for children to be payable to class B widows who have the custody, care and control of any child. [More…]
While de facto wives of pensioners are treated for pension purposes in the same way as legal wives if the relationship has existed for not less than 3 years, de facto wives of beneficiaries only attract additional payments if they are accepted as unpaid housekeepers, that is, if they are keeping house for the beneficiary and one or more of his children, provided they are substantially dependent on the beneficiary and not employed by him. [More…]
In the case of a married person with 2 children the allowances would amount to $69.50 a week. [More…]
The Bill provides for an increase in the addition to service pension on account of children and an increase in the rate of supplementary assistance or, as it is often referred to, ‘rent allowance’. [More…]
Increases are now proposed in the rates of pensions payable to the children of veterans who died from service-related causes. [More…]
This allowance is paid to a widow who has a dependent child or children, including fulltime students, a widow who is over the age of 50 years, or one who is unemployable. [More…]
The allowances paid under the soldiers’ children education scheme to students undertaking secondary education, or industrial or agricultural training, will be increased by about 13 per cent. [More…]
Overall, about 4,500 children are involved. [More…]
However, there will be an increase in the addition to pension payable in respect of children in the custody, care and control of the pensioner. [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take into account the material, moral and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
Petitions had been signed by school children all around the world. [More…]
I think it was in Switzerland that hundreds of thousands of children protested about the kangaroos. [More…]
Why do the terms of reference, published on 21 August 1974 by the Special Miniser of State, confine themselves to matters of sexual practice, abortion and so on and why specifically do they not include the concern for the rights of children and for human life set out in the resolution of the Parliament? [More…]
Divorce can thus be seen as actually contributing to marriage stability, by rechannelling conflicting partners and their children into more viable family settings. [More…]
It would create the concept of joint custody under the law, providing for representation of children in cases where their interests are different, possibly, from those of both their parents and where the court feels they ought to be represented. [More…]
The Bill provides for compulsory conferences in many cases with welfare officers so that the problems, disputes and hatreds can be avoided and so that common sense in the interests of the children can prevail. [More…]
It must be obvious surely that it is a very relevant aspect when the decision is to be made as to which parent will have custody of the children. [More…]
Often what happens in that period is that the parties grow to hate each other; they have fights over maintenance, custody and access, and it finishes with the children of the marriage no longer seeing one parent again. [More…]
I really believe that in that second year very little is achieved in preserving the marriage or the interests of the children of the marriage. [More…]
One provision says that children’s opinions, views and wishes on matters of custody should be taken into account by the court when it is making orders. [More…]
Some children of 14 years of age are mature; others are strongly under the influence of one parent. [More…]
I mentioned earlier that there is the possibility of harshness being done to wives who have served and helped their husbands for many years, who have brought up the children and who find themselves turned away, and denied maintenance. [More…]
There is the other case where a wife may leave her husband to go to live with some other man for many years and the husband may be left to bring up the children. [More…]
Under the Commonwealth legislation at present very little can be printed but under the State maintenance legislation, which is to be taken over by this Bill, we want to see the same restriction on this type of publicity which is hurtful to children, harmful to individuals and of no benefit to the people generally. [More…]
It has been estimated, for example, that in England some 40 per cent of illegitimate children are born to stable illicit unions- that is the sort of union formed by people who for some reason or other, say a dog in the manger attitude on the part of the spouse who will not divorce, are not able to contract a second marriage. [More…]
In other words, there is no role for the States or for the courts to intervene to bring a marriage to an end which, for all practical purposes, is dead and which surely, if only in the interests of the children, should be decently buried. [More…]
In other words, whilst I think we can look forward to a social consciousness developing which will eliminate the notion of maintenance altogether, at the present stage of the development of our institutions, having regard to the fact that there is still a large generation of women who have undertaken as their sole life work the upkeep of a home and the nurture of their children, account has to be taken of these people with these attitudes and in this situation in life. [More…]
I do not think I need labour this point because surely there would be a consensus among all honourable senators that proceedings between husband and wife in a dissolution of marriage or proceedings involving children in matters of maintenance and custody are really their concern alone. [More…]
No matter what new ideas come, we must try now to protect the stable bonding of man and woman and provide a stable situation in which children can be brought up and protected and in which family life can be established. [More…]
I would hope that one of the things we wish to do for children in our society is to teach them about the kind of relationships that go into a marriage. [More…]
They have an excessive mortality rate, especially during the period they are bringing up children. [More…]
They may have stopped working when they were 21 or 22 years of age and spent the next 20 years bringing up their children, but at the age of 45 years they may be told to go back to work. [More…]
I am very keen to ensure that under this Bill we do not create the situation where a whole generation of women who have contributed to family life and to the bringing up of children are now left with nothing but the chance to go back and work for subsistence. [More…]
I have known people wanting custody of their children who have been alcoholic or psychiatrically disturbed. [More…]
It has been recorded that people seeking custody of their children have been cruel and sadistic. [More…]
He commented, as we all know, that divorce is a crisis in the lives of all the people involved- the two parents and the children. [More…]
I see them operating to offer therapy to people at a time of crisis, to help children through a period when they are likely to get very disturbed, and to help men and women who have to make decisions about their own worth and future. [More…]
Attention should be given to helping people to live better in the divorced state and to getting the children used to the idea that they are going to exist without one or other parent in the house. [More…]
The present adversary system is, in my submission to the Senate, singularly unsuitable for the trial of matrimonial issues which under a fault system involve a meticulous examination of the most minute details of marital life to be conducted in an atmosphere of bitter recrimination, usually involving relatives and children and sometimes dividing families. [More…]
I say without hesitation that a vast amount of the money that has been paid to lawyers over the years under the present system would have been far better spent in being applied to the proper purposes of the family, including the children. [More…]
It is also pleased to see the opportunity taken for the introduction in the Bill of a uniform Australian law concerning maintenance of spouses and children.’ [More…]
The effects of that sort of attitude of the fault concept in divorce is measured not so much in terms of its effect upon the parties, which is bad, but more particularly in the effects upon the children of divorced couples. [More…]
The consequent effects not only on those parties but also on the children, if there are any, is one of complete breakdown- if I can use an expression which we are now using in another contextof any possibility of the continuation of a viable human relationship either within or without marriage. [More…]
The effects on children are simply that frequently a mother or a father has to explain his or her conduct and what has happened to the marriage by saying to the children: ‘Your father is not here any longer because he is an adulterer’, ‘because he is a drunkard’, ‘because he has been in prison’ or because of the sort of reasons which are set out in section 28 of the present legislation. [More…]
Not only does that undermine for all time the relationship between the 2 parties to the marriage but it seriously undermines, in my view, the possibility of a proper relationship being arrived at after divorce by the parents with each other and with their children so that some degree of family fabric and a proper relationship may be maintained for the benefit of those children. [More…]
The experience of most legal practitioners, of most marriage guidance counsellors and indeed of the majority of commentators on the present divorce legislation has led them to the conclusion that the legislation of 1959 is not working in 1 9 74, that the legislation of 1 9 5 9 is no longer socially desirable, that divorce will go on and that in 1974 if that is the case it is desirable that divorces be conducted with the utmost dignity for the people involved and more particularly for the children involved. [More…]
I urge senators who have some doubts left as to whether the present fault ground should be maintained to spend some time in the forthcoming break visiting divorce courts or magistrates courts in which matters relating to custody of children, maintenance and so on are being dealt with. [More…]
I invite senators who are concerned about the maintenance and custody of children to visit magistrates courts and observe the atmosphere in which these matters are dealt with. [More…]
I may sound as though I am talking at a level which is not in keeping with a very modern attitude towards the independence of people, even within the marriage set-up, but fundamental to our society through the ages has been the principle that the husband is responsible for the wellbeing of his wife and his children. [More…]
The second portion of clause 5 1 relates to the maintenance of children who have not attained the age of 18 years. [More…]
There has to be greater consideration given to children under 18 years of age. [More…]
This could well call for an amendment to clause 26 of the Bill which would increase the period of separation to 3 years in the case of a family in which there are children under the age of 18 but retain the period of 1 year where the children have been brought up and are over the age of 18 years. [More…]
It is also true that it imposes upon the parties to a marriage a legal duty to maintain their children until the children are aged 18 years. [More…]
It clearly states, with respect to the custody of, guardianship of or access to children of a marriage, that the court shall regard the welfare of the children as the paramount consideration. [More…]
So if one weighs the arguments for and against the proposed Family Law Bill; if one takes into account the fact that the majority of people have not been in a position to study the Bill and do not have a clear picture of the implications of the Bill; and if one has serious doubts whether the Bill promotes marriage and the family as stable institutions guaranteeing the healthy nurture of children, one cannot but have feelings of grave doubt with respect to the enactment of this Bill in its present form. [More…]
At end of motion add- but the Senate is of the opinion that the Government should consent to the incorporation in it of a provision making widowers and deserted husbands with dependent children eligible for benefit on the same basis as widows and deserted wives’. [More…]
It is of interest to us to notice that the Government has provided additional payments to children of pensioners. [More…]
We are delighted to see that the Government has sought to introduce a handicapped children’s allowance. [More…]
We support the inclusion in this year’s Budget of $ 10 a week as a payment to parents or guardians of physically or mentally / handicapped children under the age of 16 who are cared for in a family environment. [More…]
We believe that this measure which provides $10 a week and which will cover approximately 20,000 children should have the support of all members of the Senate. [More…]
concept of parental roles in relat-‘ jil to children is changing and it will be well for the Government and people in this country to recognise that no longer is it the exclusive responsibility of the mother to stay in the home to care for and bring up the children. [More…]
In some cases this role has been forced upon the father who has become a single parent by the loss of a wife through either death, or desertionindeed a single parent who has been deserted and who has been given the custody of his children. [More…]
I have seen figures which show that there are approximately 25,000 families in this category covering approximately 50,000 children. [More…]
Prior to the formation of the Budget I spoke in the Senate of the hope that I had that it would be possible this year to assist supporting fathers and the children in those families. [More…]
I had hoped, too, that there may have been recognition by the Government of the work of the voluntary associations as groups of people with a common problem hoping to achieve the best for the children who are their responsibility, and that perhaps some Government assistance would be given for the administration of those associations. [More…]
I think that in this situation we are talking about the children in Australia who are increasing in number to such an extent that at least some 50,000 of them need assistance, and perhaps financial assistance to help to ease the disadvantage which they suffer. [More…]
There was a proposal to have included in this Bill an allowance for supporting fathers, if we can call it that treating the widowed, the deserted father, the supporting father with dependent children in the same way in which widows are treated. [More…]
So often the hours of care that these fathers need to give to quite young children make it difficult for them to continue in the work for which they have been trained and in which they have been engaged. [More…]
I hope that this sort of recognition is given perhaps at the same time as we are talking about the need for child care facilities for all of the children of working parents in Australia. [More…]
It will be recalled that the Minister mentioned the idea of providing a wage for the mother who is employed totally in the home in caring for young children. [More…]
We believe that for this reason the wording of our amendment is wide enough to allow deserted husbands with dependent children to be eligible to receive benefits on the same basis as widows and deserted wives. [More…]
We recognise that many income earning fathers in this situation would be means tested in such a way that possibly they would be excluded from receiving many of the benefits that are paid to a widow who is in the same situation of caring for young children. [More…]
Having taken this opportunity to express again our concern about this group in the community we hope that the Government will show new initiative in recognising the need and not talk about it any further, not set up a commission or an inquiry, but recognise the immediate need and the value of our proposal which will advantage many children throughout Australia. [More…]
We are very pleased about what it does offer, about the fact that there is to be additional payment for children of pensioners and beneficiaries, raising the payment from $5 to $5.50 a week. [More…]
It recommended changes in taxation deductions for dependent children and further increases in the basic rate of pensions, and sickness and unemployment benefits, special benefits, and supporting mothers’ benefits, but in not one of those areas has the benefit been increased. [More…]
It recommended that a pension and fringe benefits as are paid to widows and subject to similar conditions be paid to men bringing up children on their own, but again no action was taken. [More…]
We in the Senate are able only to move an amendment expressing the Senate’s opinion that the Government should consent to the incorporation of this provision for widowers and deserted husbands with dependent children. [More…]
The simple fact is that, at the moment, a supporting father- that is, a father who is trying to raise children by himself without the assistance of a mate- raises his children under a special disability. [More…]
It is estimated that at present something like 25,000 families and 50,000 children are affected. [More…]
I suggest that the emphasis should be placed on the 50,000 children. [More…]
The hardship caused to the father is readily apparent, but we should be very concerned about the hardship that is caused to the children. [More…]
While this is a comparatively small need, it is nevertheless, in the case of individual children, a total need when they are in that position. [More…]
The position that many fathers, who have to raise children on their own, are presently put into is that either they must go to work and almost compulsorily turn their children into latch-key children with virtually no choice because they get no special assistance for whatever costs they may incur in making arrangements for the children- I refer particularly to those costs which are necessarily incurred for the care of very young children- or they must put their children in the care of either their parents or elderly relatives, or they must institutionalise them. [More…]
In any event, I would think, and I would imagine that everybody would agree with me, that the stable family life is the one we wish to see all Australian children enjoy, and I think putting the emphasis on the effect of this type of situation on this admittedly comparatively small number of children is what we should be concentrating on. [More…]
I think in the case of a man who wishes to stay at home to care for his children full time or who wishes to take a part-time job and receive a part-time pension, there should be no difference made between him, in that reduced earning capacity, and women who have been in that capacity traditionally for a long time in Australia. [More…]
I asked him whether it was true that fathers of children suffering chronic or long-term illness could obtain extended periods of payment of this benefit only in very special circumstances. [More…]
I would suggest that the criteria for the payment of benefit- age, physical or mental disability- rules out persons who are bringing up children of their own in Australia. [More…]
Senator Wheeldon went on to say that any supporting father suffering hardship as a result of having to remain at home from work to look after his children may qualify for special benefits. [More…]
It would not be expected, for example, that all fathers would claim the full amount because not all the children involved are fully dependent. [More…]
Some children in the 16 to 21 age group would not be eligible and a means test also operates. [More…]
We are providing for an increase of 50c a week to $5.50 a week in the rate of additional payments for children of pensioners, supporting mothers and unemployment and sickness beneficiaries; an increase of $ 1 a week to $5 a week in the rate of supplementary assistance and supplementary allowance; the removal of the residence requirement for invalid pension where permanent incapacity or blindness occurs in Australia; changes in the residence qualifications for widows’ pensions and supporting mothers’ benefits to permit a woman who becomes a widow or supporting mother while absent from Australia to obtain a pension or benefit on return to Australia if she has lived in Australia for 10 years continually at any time; payment of a mother’s allowance and an additional pension for the children of class D widows; and the repeal of the ‘character’ and the ‘not deserving’ provisions of the Act. [More…]
In addition we are providing for the payment of additional benefits to the de facto wives of unemployment and sickness beneficiaries where the relationship has existed for not less than 3 years; an increase of $ 1 to $ 1 1 a week in the rate of double orphan’s pension; the introduction of a handicapped children’s allowance of $10 a week- the introduction of that allowance; a means-test-free incentive allowance to $5 a week in lieu of supplementary assistance for people receiving the sheltered unemployment allowance; and changes in the rehabilitation provisions to make training and living away from home allowances payable at rates comparable with those under the national unemployment and training system. [More…]
I was tremendously happy about this because it involved not only the husband and wife but often the children as well. [More…]
I found in some people a strong desire- in fact, I think one can pick the people with this desire- to resume their relationship together, to go on and be sensible and normal citizens in the community fulfilling their social obligations, playing their role in the community, bringing up their children and providing the necessities of life for them. [More…]
Eventually they wrecked the mental health of the 3 children of the family. [More…]
I heard his address on 2 occasions on the subject of delinquent children. [More…]
I recall very clearly his reference to the 3 ‘Ds’ when he spoke on the subject of delinquent children. [More…]
His final comment was: ‘There are no delinquent children, there are only delinquent parents’. [More…]
One of the worst crimes in American history was committed by children of doting parents who had every conceivable thing they could wish for. [More…]
Whether it is from the point of view of the development of the economy, whether it is from the point of view of the development of the citizen himself or whether it is from the point of view of the upbringing of children and their gradual enrolment in our society, one sees that the basis of the family unit is something which we in this Senate must uphold. [More…]
Did the report not say that because of the housing situation, the lack of amenities by way of drainage and other matters, that children would be dying this year? [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take in to account the material, moral, and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
That where a marriage relationship has demonstrably broken down, divorce should be as quick, simple as possible in the interests of the dignity of the parties and the emotional well being of their children. [More…]
The existing legislation is not fair to both parties, promotes unnecessary litigation, cost and delay resulting in greatly unnecessary expense to parties, indignities to the parties involved and their children and delays in resolving divorce matters. [More…]
Guidelines to be established by mediators (nonlawyers) to resolve difficulties particularly with children and property. [More…]
Joint custody and mutual financial support of children where possible. [More…]
Child endowment to provide financial support of children when needed. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said BUI does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
Children of all ages should be able to feel the security of a complete family and we should be looking to this most of all. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and under staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and under staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and understaffed. [More…]
income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
I indicate that clearly the direction of Government policy is that people, especially young people, ought to be able to get, at reasonable rates of interest, advances which are sufficient to enable them to get the kind of homes they want in which to bring up their children. [More…]
The necessity for fault to be established, the very harming effects of publicity being directed towards the faults of either party and the attitude that must be engendered in the minds of children who are party to a divorce proceeding lead me to believe that the law existing at this time is not necessarily appropriate to this day. [More…]
At present human relationship discussions in schools do not deal with the very problems which are found in marriages and with the general concern that may be felt by either partner as the flush of a new marriage wears off and as both partners must get down to the business of living and the problems of rearing children. [More…]
The interests of children, particularly those over the age of 1 8 years, are not dealt with. [More…]
While children from the marriage exist they are a reminder of an association that has gone wrong. [More…]
Every effort must be made to do away with so much of the bitterness because of the very bad effect this has on children. [More…]
If they have families, there is no place to leave the children or have them cared for while their parents attend these courts. [More…]
The question is not what we are doing to people’s lives or to children’s lives but bargaining, and usually over money. [More…]
There should be somewhere people can go before the papers are signed, where they can be told that bank accounts have to be closed, other accounts have to be closed, property has to be divided, insurance has to be changed, new wills have to be made, the welfare of the children has to be concerned with and schooling arrangements have to be made for the children. [More…]
A woman with small children should feel she can go to the local town hall or some such place and find out factually what happens, what to do, how much it will cost because, really, there is nowhere she can find out these things other than by making an appointment and fronting up to a solicitor. [More…]
One hopes that in this new Bill a new atmosphere will be engendered which will take the bitterness out of the fights over the custody of children. [More…]
If there is any more terrible thing in society than seeing children used as pawns between bitter and spiteful people, each feeling hurt and wanting revenge, I do not know what it is. [More…]
One hopes that people will stop and consider children, not as part of their property to be allotted like a lump of land, but as human beings who have to be cared for. [More…]
Under this Bill the Court has the right to place children with people other than parents. [More…]
I suppose we all know of cases in which grandparents and aunts were in fact, if not in deed, parents and children have almost literally been dragged out of their arms to be sent to strangers whom they did not know merely because they were part of the property of those people. [More…]
The main aim of any divorce Bill should be the welfare of the children, I believe. [More…]
I hope that in this instance it will not be a tongueinthecheek effort, which other attempts have been in the past, but a real striving to make sure that no matter what happens to the adults the children have been catered for. [More…]
One can be sorry for adults who are caught up in all sorts of difficult circumstances, but children cannot help themselves. [More…]
I note that under this Act no decree will be issued unless the Court is satisfied about the welfare of the children. [More…]
I hope that although welfare workers will be used to ascertain the needs and desires of children, not too much emphasis will be placed on what have become known as welfare workers, with all that the term implies, but that a lot of emphasis will be placed on a great deal of informal, friendly, helpful discussion to find out what truly is needed for children. [More…]
There is a whole generation of women who have devoted their lives to home, children and husband. [More…]
There is no more honourable profession than having brought up children well, in a good home and provided all the ancillary services that husbands need so they can earn a livelihood. [More…]
They are entitled to assistance for the years of work that they gave to the children, the home and the care of a husband. [More…]
Even those who after the divorce say I will manage and I will look after my children and my home’, still have 2 jobs. [More…]
The new wife and her children also have rights and should not be expected to be deprived and forced out to work to provide for the lazy, good for nothing and often neurotic woman whose own ineptitude or greed caused the breakdown of the marriage. [More…]
Every chance must be taken to make sure that we are safeguarding children and those who are unable to take care of themselves, remembering that our prime aim is to establish a decent divorce law without the concept of fault. [More…]
Secondly, it should achieve this in a way that is just to all concerned, including the children as well as the spouses, and which causes them the minimum of embarrassment and humiliation. [More…]
Above all, it should seek to take the heat out of the disputes between husband and wife and certainly not further embitter the relationships between them or between them and their children. [More…]
It should not merely bury the marriage, but do so with decency and dignity and in a way which will encourage harmonious relationships between the parties and their children in the future. [More…]
But I think it is incontrovertible that the status of marriage and the relationship between the parties to marriage and the children of the marriage are absolutely of fundamental human importance to all those who enter into marriage and indeed to those who decide not to enter into it. [More…]
Other members of the community, particularly the children of a marriage, are also vitally affected. [More…]
But I am prepared to recognise that in certain unfortunate circumstances this institution may well break down, and in that event it is in the interests of all concerned, including the children, that it should be dissolved. [More…]
Before going on to consider the changes that the Bill makes to grounds for divorce and maintenance, to the courts and so on, I would like briefly to refer to the view that not only should the law on marriage and divorce buttress and encourage the marriage state and the permanent union of the parties to marriage for the sake of their own happiness and that of their children, but I believe the Government also should be more active in this field. [More…]
One of the most significant advances in the law of accident and sickness compensation proposed in this Bill is the recognition of the right to compensation of non-earners, such as housewives and children. [More…]
Many wives are concerned about getting maintenance and custody of the children. [More…]
Although this Bill does away with the concept of fault in the situation of divorce it does not completely do away with the concept of fault and or responsibility in the amendments, as I see them, when maintenance and custody of children are involved. [More…]
From what I have seen and from what I have heard from my colleagues, the maintenance provisions and the provisions concerned with the custody of children will be explained and will be made clear to us all. [More…]
I find great difficulty in accepting some of the proposals particularly in relation to the wife who is wholly dependent on her husband and, indeed, in the final analysis in relation to the welfare of children. [More…]
In the main the family unit- the combination of husband and wife- is responsible for both the procreation and the rearing of children. [More…]
In fact, under this Bill the concept of fault is preserved with respect to proceedings relating to the custody of children. [More…]
The reason that that situation is different from the question of breaking or dissolving a marriage, that the latter is so much more emotional, is because there is the matter of justice in the area of property, joint property which has been earned through joint effort which must be justly and reasonably settled and because, crucially, it is highly likely that the marriage will include a giving birth to children and the welfare of the children of the marriage must be paramount. [More…]
We should leave the way open for those who will recognise that they are living together in the state of marriage and as it is a very poor state and a sham, continuation of that state is bad for their children and bad for them as individuals. [More…]
More often they are symptoms of the breakdown of the marriage but we force members of our society to go through a wholly undignified and in many cases extremely degrading process in order to terminate a relationship which has left in it no potential for good for them, for their children or for the community. [More…]
This has been strongly to the detriment of children. [More…]
Mr President, I wish to speak at quite some further length on the effects of this aspect on children and on the potential effects of this Bill on the status of women in our society, as a reflection of their status and on just how we can hope through a Bill which deals with personal relationships to come to a fair law which will enable reality to be reflected and will enable people to live believing that they have been justly treated, knowing that they have behind them what is regarded as a social failure but also knowing that they at least have an equal chance of living a decent life. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
I draw the Minister’s attention to the fact that there are, all over the country, grandparents battling to bring up grandchildren left in their care and that very often the only income is the age pension. [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Senate whether such people are entitled to draw child endowment in respect of the children in their care? [More…]
-Grandparents who are taking care of children are entitled to receive child endowment under the same terms and conditions as are the parents of children. [More…]
In the case of children who are double orphans- that is, children who have lost both of their parents- there is a double orphan’s pension of $ 10 a week which is shortly to be increased to $11 a week. [More…]
Under the legislation which was dealt with by the Senate on Tuesday of this week, a handicapped child’s allowance of $10 a week is to be paid in respect of eligible children for whom child endowment is received. [More…]
I am told by my colleague that a new Australian Government program is being developed in the area of children’s services and that the whole facet of Federal-State subsidies will have to be re-assessed and new guidelines established. [More…]
) That where a marriage relationship has demonstrably broken down, divorce should be as quick, simple and possible in the interests of the dignity of the parties and the emotional well being of their children. [More…]
That the amendment to the bill recommended by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interests of the children. [More…]
That the amendment to the bill recommended by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interests of the children. [More…]
Your petitioners believe that this Budget measure is regressive and is an unjustifiable act of discrimination inflicted on parents struggling to keep their children in independent schools. [More…]
As the Senate will know these devices are small pieces of material which are inserted inside the womb of a female to prevent the birth of children. [More…]
Wage rises are not at the expense of the big employers but at the expense of the mothers and fathers of your comrades, and your own children. ‘ [More…]
The same situation applies to people who are trying to educate their children. [More…]
I would like to remind the Senate that the people who find it the hardest to dress their children and to provide them with text books and amenities they need for their education are the average working people of this country and not the wealthy people at whom the Government has been aiming. [More…]
Those who feel it are the families where the mother and father are working and have three or four children going to high school. [More…]
This Government is trying to take away the right and ability of those parents to provide their children with a choice of school and school uniform, and thus seeks to destroy the pride of the children. [More…]
All children in this country are equally entitled to wear their school uniform whichever school they attend. [More…]
I defy any honourable senator on the other side of the chamber to tell me that it is possible to dress high school children in school uniforms, keep them in shoes, socks or stockings, provide them with school blazers and with their text books for $150. [More…]
Let me give 2 examples, both relating to a taxpayer with a dependant wife and 2 children and with other concessional deductions equal to 10 per cent of annual income. [More…]
It is estimated that we will be receiving $2 per child per week which is about $8,000 by way of fees paid by the parents and guardians of children who use the centre. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does NOT provide or protect the legal or social rights of Women and Children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
After a 12 month separation period, a husband can legally divorce his faithful wife, even if she is pregnant, or has small children. [More…]
That the amendment to the bill recommended by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interest of children [More…]
That we have read the petitions concerning the Family Law Bill and support the Bill as sufficiently protecting the legal and social rights of women and children in the family [More…]
That where a marriage relationship has demonstrably broken down, divorce should be as quick, simple as possible in the interests of the dignity of the parties and the emotional well being of their children. [More…]
That we have read the petitions concerning the Family Law Bill and support the bill as sufficiently protecting the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That we have read the petitions concerning the Family Law Bill and support the bill as sufficiently protecting the legal and social rights of women and children in the family [More…]
Custody to be awarded in disputed cases on the basis of a qualified panel recommendation and to only take in to account the material, moral, and psychological well being of children involved, not the possessive demands of their parents. [More…]
Your petitioners believe that this Budget measure is regressive and is unjustifiable as of discrimination inflicted on parents struggling to keep their children in independent schools. [More…]
Your petitioners believe that this Budget measure is regressive and is an unjustifiable act of discrimination inflicted on parents struggling to keep their children in independent schools. [More…]
Your petitioners believe that this Budget measure is regressive and is an unjustifiable act of discrimination inflicted on parents struggling to keep their children in independent schools. [More…]
That the reduction of the allowable deduction of education expenses under Section 82J of the Income Tax Assessment Act from $400 to $130 will impose an unfair financial burden on many parents with children attending school, both government and non-government, and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That all parents have an equal right to receive government financial assistance for the education of their children. [More…]
That all parents have the right to a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That many parents, unable to continue to send their children to non-government schools will have no alternative but to seek places for them in government schools where pressures caused by over-crowding and under-staffing are already affecting the quality of education the schools can provide. [More…]
That it is undesirable that the large voluntary financial contribution being made to education in Australia by parents of children at non-government schools should be reduced. [More…]
That an alternative form of assistance to parents through a tax rebate system would be a more positive and equitable means of assisting all parents who have children at school. [More…]
Hence, the Government should do all that is possible to promote and preserve the permanency of the married state instead of undermining its foundations by providing for easy divorce and thereby creating hardship and frustration for, in most cases, the Mother and Children. [More…]
In my answer I said, amongst other things, that a fee of $2 a week was being charged for the children who are making use of this child care centre. [More…]
Certainly there will be problems, teething troubles, at the start, but I am sure that, with co-operation between the regions and the various charitable and voluntary organisations that work in every State, it will be in the best interests of those people in the community who are less fortunate than others in difficult times, particularly women and children. [More…]
That where a marriage relationship has demonstrably broken down, divorce should be as quick, simple as possible in the interests of the dignity of the parties and the emotional well being of their children. [More…]
That the amendment to the bill recommend by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interest of children. [More…]
Does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children; [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and understaffed! [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
The sand causes buildings to topple, blows into every nook and cranny under the pressure of high winds, penetrates stationary engines, ruins the mechanisms of vehicles and causes eye troubles among the children. [More…]
There is no doubt that a preliminary meeting at Weipa yesterday, under the chairmanship of Mr Joe McGuinnes of Cairns, who is well known for his radical left-wing attitudes, is nothing more than designed to tear at the heartstrings and the emotions of such people, who are well adjusted, and are bringing up their children as normal and conventional Queenslanders. [More…]
All my children were born there, and were partially raised and partially educated there. [More…]
They want to be able to take their children back to the place of their birth, to the old sites and to the sacred sites. [More…]
They wish to educate their children. [More…]
Mr President, they wish to give their children the same opportunities that you, I and everybody else wish to give our children, but the Aborigines still have this desire to go back on occasions. [More…]
It is on special occasions that they wish to go back to that place, when there are stories that they must relate to the children- stories of the Dream Time and of the culture of the Aboriginal community prior to the white man that they wish to tell to the younger generations. [More…]
They want their children to enjoy everything that every other Australian is enjoying today. [More…]
I am talking of those people who are holding down good jobs and who are educating their children. [More…]
When I visited there I saw Aboriginal women and their children, babes in arms, living in a series of constructions which consisted of 2 sheets of galvanised iron 6 feet long and 3 feet in height, side by side, with a sheet of iron over the top. [More…]
The population statistics for Aboriginals in 1971 show that, of some 106,290 individuals, 53,919 were male adults and children and 52,371 were females. [More…]
That we have read the petitions concerning the Family Law Bill and support the bill as sufficiently protecting the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
I attract his attention to an article in this month’s issue of ‘Choice’ magazine which discusses the safety of children’s floatation toys. [More…]
Is the Attorney-General aware of the article and the magazine’s claim that children run the risk of being drowned because the toys are being passed off as safety floats? [More…]
It is clear, being toys, that the children using them should at all times be under the supervision of adults. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I would like to mention at this point that this legislation will in no way supersede the operation of other legislation under which the Australian Government assists the provision of residential accommodation for disabled persons engaged in sheltered employment or for handicapped children receiving training. [More…]
I refer, of course, to the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act respectively. [More…]
Legislation was passed by the Parliament in last year’s Budget session, enabling local government borrowing to attract subsidy under the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act, which are ‘companion’ Acts to Aged Persons Homes Act. [More…]
I said a minute ago that in fact the Family Law BUI can only reflect the situation of women and children in society today. [More…]
I certainly believe that parents- a man and a woman who marry and decide to become parents- have a joint responsibility for as long as those children are dependent, whether or not the man and the woman continue to remain in a state of matrimony. [More…]
If there is a divorce a very serious question has to be considered- how those children are to be maintained. [More…]
It would be nice to believe that if the man obtained custody of the children the ex-wife would then make the same sort of financial contribution to their upkeep as the ex-husband would in the reverse situation. [More…]
The dependent members of our society who have been put in the position of being dependent because of those attitudes- basically the women and children of our society- must be guarded. [More…]
The general statement can fairly be made that most women between the ages of 25 and 40 withdraw from the work force because they become mothers and they have to care for their children to the stage when they feel the children are old enough or independent enough to look after themselves and where harm will not be done to the families if the women do go out to work. [More…]
Recently in Australia facts have emerged- facts in the sense that they are facts which now can be counted- relating to the battered wife and battered children in Australia. [More…]
We have always known that there were battered wives and battered children in Australia, but only recently have enough of these women come forward, had access to groups like Women’s Electoral Lobby and others which have made their mark in this area, for us to start to count just how big a problem this is in Australian society. [More…]
A conservative assessment currently is that approximately 5,000 families in Australia are in a situation where the husband habitually batters the wife and, almost inevitably in those circumstances, the children. [More…]
We have to recognise now that there are some men in our society who, whether under the influence of alcohol, because they are mentally disturbed, or because they are just plain bullies, do severely mistreat their wives and their children. [More…]
Some of them mistreat only the wife, but the social effects on the children are absolutely appalling. [More…]
It is appropriate that there be some sort of safeguard in this Bill for women and children in that situation whereby they can be protected promptly through a court injunction so that they may be given some hope of getting out of this absolutely appalling situation. [More…]
I wish to make just one other brief comment on the subject of children. [More…]
It is also said frequently outside the House and brought forward as an argument against making the sort of amendment that this sort of Bill proposesthat the breakdown of a marriage has a bad effect on the children. [More…]
I have had quite some experience with adolescent children. [More…]
I was in the situation of being a resident teacher in a girl’s boarding school for some years and came into very close contact with the sort of problems that children in this age group, and undoubtedly also younger children, face. [More…]
There is no doubt at all that a broken home, a home in which divorce has taken place, in which there is only one parent, leads to problems for the children of that family. [More…]
But I say quite categorically, and I would debate it with anyone, that the problems I have witnessed and that many other people involved with youth have witnessed in that situation are as nothing compared with the sort of problems of the children who live in a desperately unhappy home- the trauma that those children go through when parents are fighting, bickering and endeavouring to tear one another apart, frequently using their children as pawns and the means of doing so. [More…]
My experience has been overwhelmingly to the effect that the unhappy home has a far more deleterious effect on children than the broken home where there is only one parent. [More…]
Above all else, because it is the key to anybody’s concern with a Bill relating to the family or divorce, we have to give the means for justice and a decent life to the really innocent parties- the children of those broken down marriages. [More…]
They recognise too that marriage creates, both by the unity of the 2 spouses and by the creation of children, an enduring responsibilitya lifelong responsibility- to the discharge of which it is essential that that marriage should if possible be sustained. [More…]
Because there are victims to a marriage- that is, one or more spouses and of course the children- the law intervenes to enforce responsibilities and sanctions and, if possible, to safeguard and protect the victims. [More…]
But when we traverse such vital matters as custody, where the children shall go, the court is charged with studying comparative conduct- in fact, studying misconductbecause clearly the court must find whether there was adultery, whether there is continuing adultery, whether there was cruelty or whether there was outrageous conduct. [More…]
Is there to be no recognition at all of the sacrifices of a young mother in helping a struggling young professional man to get on in this world, in bearing his children and helping to raise them, in helping him to widen his status? [More…]
In Norway the relevant facts are that a separation order may be granted automatically at the request of both parties or at the request of one party if one of the following facts can be proved: (a) Failure of maintenance of spouse or dependants, neglect of duties or continuous abuse of intoxicants; (b) disagreement or discord between the parties in which it would be unreasonable for them to continue cohabitation having regard to their own well being or that of their children. [More…]
What does the legislation in fact contribute to the position of children disillusioned by the circumstances of the problems with which this legislation tends to grapple? [More…]
It results in broken dreams, broken families and disillusioned children. [More…]
Mrs Whitlam referred to children of that time as being brought up in a kibbutz style situation, as children of the community rather than as members of a family. [More…]
Family law, as I understand it, is the law which governs the relationships between men and women and parents and children and particularly when that relationship is governed by the institution of marriage. [More…]
So I suppose the areas covered by family law legislation could be said to include the establishment of marriage and the dissolution of marriage, the wellbeing and the protection of children and the maintenance of affected persons in this relationship, the arrangements connected with property and all of the legal consequences that are similarly connected with these matters. [More…]
But the network of responsibilities and disciplines to which I have referred affect also other persons in our community mainly, of course, the children of such a union and marriage. [More…]
When there are children in the family, their welfare in all its aspects becomes the prime consideration in any decision regarding the marriage. [More…]
It is the responsibility of civil authorities to provide an ordered procedure for the dissolution in law of a broken marriage and to ensure that such a dissolution will be effected only after all possibility of reconciliation has been exhausted and after satisfactory arrangements have been made for the welfare of any children in the family. [More…]
As I understand it, guilt or innocence is no longer to be taken into account when determining which party to the divorce is most suited to have custody of the child or children under 18 years of age. [More…]
The unwilling party to a divorce- for example, a husband or wife who has simply been deserted by a spouse- seems to me to have no right to maintenance unless he or she has the custody of children under 1 8 years of age or can prove a need. [More…]
The children of today are magnificently trained for every vocation, every career and every recreation. [More…]
From my discussions with him, I believe that Senator Murphy would wish to add 3 other criteria- The future of the children of a broken marriage needs consideration by the best possible tribunal assisted by the skills of welfare officers and other counselling staff wherever needed; the financial disputes between the spouses should be resolved as quickly and finally as possible; the whole process should be performed with dignity, relative privacy and with as little expense as possible. [More…]
This Bill is about family conflicts- not divorce; it therefore deals with the welfare of children, maintenance, property, protection of the marriage and the people involved therein (by injunction if necessary), marriage counselling, on going help in custody and access problems. [More…]
It is interesting also to note, for those who are endeavouring to bring to the forefront of the debate the problems of young children, that some 33 per cent of all the divorces which take place in this country involve no children at all. [More…]
All people, as was pointed out here today, I think, from the most primitive to the most civilised, have evolved the most complicated set of mores and rules with regard to sex, marriage and the procreation of children, and the religions have been quick to exploit these fertile fields. [More…]
We have built up a code of religious, moral and ethical standards surrounding sex, marriage and the upbringing of children. [More…]
It has developed over many centuries and it is based on security for mothers, particularly during their child bearing period and all the nuances that go with it, and on providing care for the children. [More…]
Husbands criticise wives and vice versa, children criticise parents and vice versa and neighbours criticise friends. [More…]
When it comes to the custody of children there is no problem at all because the state looks after them anyway. [More…]
They want to know about educational opportunities both for children and adults, and also investment although I think that if this Government keeps going the way it has been much longer they will not need much instruction in investment. [More…]
One of the tragedies in divorce is the fact that children are often involved. [More…]
It is bad enough for couples who have no children to become completely incompatible and finally to be divorced, but it is an absolute tragedy when children are involved. [More…]
The parties have suffered the bitterness, the abrasions, the deep scarring and the unhappiness, particularly where children are involved. [More…]
It is bad enough that the mature couple- the parents- are involved in such a situation but it is a tragedy when children are involved in such an environment when they could have so much more out of their early lives if they had had the benefit of a happy home. [More…]
More importantly, I support the no-fault aspect because the dragging out publicly of the mire and dirty linen affects young children who are going to school where everybody knows everybody’s business. [More…]
Unfortunately these children can be badly hurt and embarrassed by the exposure of the traumas and the tragedies of their family life over which they have no control. [More…]
We do not want to happen in this country things such as Senator Sheil has described in relation to China where, if the whole system of marriage has broken down completely, the children are taken away and kept in an institution so that the mother can go back to work because she has to do a good deal more than half the work to let the menfolk fight in the services and suchlike. [More…]
This Bill is supposed to make it easier for custody of children to be obtained, which I do not believe it does, and for the settlement of property. [More…]
They cause by their behavioural patterns what we call ‘delinquent children’. [More…]
In other words, delinquent parents make delinquent children. [More…]
Assistance to overcome the special difficulties of oneparent families, handicapped parents and parents of handicapped children. [More…]
Establish and develop well staffed family courts to deal with marital disharmony, divorce and all ancillary matters, with primary emphasis on reconciliation and the welfare of children of the marriage. [More…]
Remove disabilities imposed on children born outside marriage and establish just entitlements for parties to longstanding family relationships outside marriage. [More…]
Provide for legal representation to be available for children where necessary. [More…]
We have, with a complex interdependent society, evolved the concept of a smaller family essentially consisting of a mother and father and 2 children. [More…]
Weaken respect for marriage, regard it as easily and opportunistically dissolvable, remove the lawful backing for the mutuality of obligations and promote the independence or separateness of the parties to the marriage and their children and I believe that we are threatening the institution of the family and its stabilising influence in our society. [More…]
I personally believe that to give to the children separate representation by counsel in any matrimonial or custody litigation is to deny the right which ought to be the right of the mother and father of those children. [More…]
It should be terminated with justice to the parties but with paramount consideration being given to the interests of the children. [More…]
The children are the persons who derive most benefit from the family unit. [More…]
The children are the product and the joy of any marriage. [More…]
They affect not only the grounds for divorce but also a host of other facets of the marriage relationship; the court structure in quite fundamental ways; provisions relating to the welfare and custody of children in ways which have not been part of our law in the past; provisions relating to maintenance and property which alter long established concepts, and procedures and so on which introduce many new ideas. [More…]
The Committee is of the opinion that the establishment of such a Court is an essential supplement to the change from a concept of ‘fault’ in divorce grounds to one of irretrievable breakdown evidenced by separation and that the ultimate well-being of all involved in ‘family ‘ differences, including children, will be fostered by such a judicial institution. [More…]
That the amendment to the Bill recommended by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee will ensure that the rights of women who play the traditional role in society will be protected, as will the interests of the children. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
The said Bill does not protect the legal and social rights of women and children in the family. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether non government or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to an non government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and understaffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian Government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already overcrowded and understaffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian Government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
A war widow with 2 children can receive up to $104.40 a week, which is equivalent to $128 a week if taxation is taken into account. [More…]
The free milk scheme for school children was withdrawn as from 1 January 1974. [More…]
I refer again to today’s Australian Financial Review’ which states that the State Government of Victoria has spent only 11 per cent of $5.7m offered by the Federal Government for new schools for Victoria’s migrant children, according to a Federal report. [More…]
Will he ensure that this regulation makes it clear that these toys could be dangerous if children are left with them unattended? [More…]
An interim standard will apply until that time warning of the danger of allowing children to use these toys without proper supervision. [More…]
No matter how prominent the warning is, it will be ineffective unless parents take heed of it and properly supervise their children. [More…]
I stress that the safety of children is the responsibility of the whole community. [More…]
Widows’ pensions and the ‘additional’ pension payable in respect of eligible children will be increased in proportion to the increase that would have applied to the deceased serviceman if he were still alive and drawing pension. [More…]
I do not ask them to read the Bill in all its detail but merely to look through the table of provisions and they will see that the Bill contains clauses relating to marriage counselling organisations, reconciliation, welfare and custody of children, maintenance and property. [More…]
As I said during the second reading debate, family law is the law which governs the relationships between men and women and parents and children, and particularly when those relationships are instituted by marriage. [More…]
I will not read the whole of the definition, but ( b) relates to certain declarations; (c) relates to maintenance of parties and custody, guardianship and maintenance of children; (d) relates to proceedings between the parties for approval by the court of a maintenance agreement; (e) relates to orders or injunctions arising out of a matrimonial relationship; and (0 relates to any other proceedings. [More…]
1 ) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears- adopted’, in relation to a child, means adopted under the law of any place (whether in or out of Australia) relating to the adoption of children; appeal ‘ includes an application for a re-hearing; applicant’ includes a cross-applicant and, in relation to proceedings for dissolution of marriage instituted before the commencement of this Act, includes a petitioner or cross-petitioner, approved’, in relation to a marriage counselling organization, means approved by the AttorneyGeneral in pursuance of section 12; [More…]
the maintenance of children of the marriage; financial or custodial proceedings’ means proceedings (being, unless the context otherwise requires, proceedings under this Act) of a kind referred to in paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of the definition of ‘matrimonial cause’ in this sub-section; made’, in relation to a decree, being a judgment, means given, and ‘ make ‘ has a corresponding meaning; maintenance agreement’ means an agreement in writing made, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, between the parties to a marriage, being an agreement that makes provision with respect to financial matters, whether or not there are other parties to the agreement and whether or not it also makes provision with respect to other matters, and includes such an agreement that varies an earlier maintenance agreement; marriage counsellor’ means- [More…]
the custody, guardianship or maintenance of, or access to, children of the marriage; [More…]
a person nominated by an organization concerned with the welfare of children; or [More…]
-I have some questions with regard to adopted children. [More…]
There are statements throughout this Bill about children of a marriage, parties to a marriage and so forth. [More…]
proceedings with respect to the maintenance of a party to the proceedings, settlements, the custody or guardianship of infant children of the marriage or the maintenance, welfare, advancement or education of children of the marriage, being proceedings in relation to concurrent, pending or completed proceedings of a kind referred to in either of the last two preceding paragraphs, including proceedings of such a kind pending at, or completed before, the commencement of this Act. [More…]
the custody, guardianship or maintenance of, or access to, children of the marriage. [More…]
proceedings with respect to the maintenance of a party to the proceedings, settlements, the custody or guardianship of infant children of the marriage or the maintenance, welfare, advancement or education of children of the marriage, being proceedings - [More…]
That is the core of a matrimonial cause and anything relating to that- relating to property, maintenance or children- represents a matrimonial cause. [More…]
They include, for example, the right of a wife to receive weekly payments of maintenance moneys, the right of a father to visit his children in the custody of their mother and the right of a wife to a portion of the property held by her husband. [More…]
A proceeding by a wife against a husband for a settlement of his property upon herself and the children of the marriage might be regarded as a matrimonial cause in a wide sense but in s. 51 (xxii.) [More…]
A third example, of course, is the ordinary- what I will call the State Maintenance Act, as at present- proceeding in respect of maintenance for children. [More…]
Why are such children- I gather there has been some increase, as I understand it, in the number of children who fall within these categoriesexcluded from the purview of a court which may wish to make an order under these provisions? [More…]
These children, after all, are, under the law of the State, wards of the State. [More…]
It is clear that the court ought to have the power to do this but because these children are under the care and control of Ministers of State and so on it is said that there are special circumstances. [More…]
That type of organisation is finding that it needs to provide emergency accommodation for children whose parents are temporarily unable to cope for them and because they incur costs in minding these children they are in financial difficulties and as the work that it does prevents the children from becoming wards of the State the Bureau is ineligible for Government help. [More…]
Where the court makes an order or grants an injunction under section 90 which has the effect, either directly or indirectly, of requiring the parties to a marriage to live separately and apart, the court shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so, direct either or both of the parties to attend upon a marriage counsellor, but failure to comply with such a direction does not constitute a contempt of the court. [More…]
It seemed to me that as the sub-clause stood originally, when an order was made under clause 90 and that order required the parties to separate because it was, in the judgment of the court, proper that that be done, if the court felt that it was in the interests of the parties or of the children it could say: ‘You must go before a marriage counsellor’. [More…]
As I understand the provision, the court shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so, direct either or both of the parties to attend upon a marriage counsellor. [More…]
The court will exercise that discretion only if it believes that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so. [More…]
If the amendment were accepted the clause would read: the court shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so, advise . [More…]
Surely it is proper at that time for the court to say: ‘Well, bitterness now exists between the parties and I feel that you have got to do something to look after, for example, the children’. [More…]
But if something can be done to look after the interests of the children I think it should be done. [More…]
The relevant parts of the clause will now read: the court shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so, direct or advise either or both of the parties to attend upon a marriage counsellor, but failure to comply with such direction or advice does not constitute a contempt of the court. [More…]
If that step is taken the judge is going to direct that the parties attend before a marriage counsellor only if he is of the opinion that it is in the interests of the parties themselves, or of the children, that they should do so, or that either of them should do so. [More…]
If that be the type of injunction which the legislation will empower a judge to make, I believe that if the judge, in the exercise of that same discretion, compels persons, in the interests of the children, to go before a marriage guidance counsellor, the person to whom that direction is given ought to obey the direction. [More…]
It may be in the interests of that person’s wife that he be separated from her; it may be in the interests of the children that he have some consultations to see what is in their best interests. [More…]
I draw the attention of the Committee to clause 41 of the Bill which deals with the children and which contains provisions relating to conferences where the interests of the children are concerned, where there is a child under eighteen and where divorce proceedings or proceedings for custody or guardianship have been instituted. [More…]
There was also a provision that the failure does not constitute a contempt of the court but the proposal was to remove those words from there where the interests of the children were involved. [More…]
Where children are involved and something is affecting the interests of the children the court may, if it sees lit, direct the parties. [More…]
I suggest that if we leave the clause as amended it would be better than endeavouring to bring in this aspect of compulsion because where children are concerned there seems to be quite ample provision. [More…]
the court shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the interests of the parties or of the children of the marriage to do so, direct or advise either or both of the parties to attend upon a marriage counsellor, but failure to comply with such direction or advice does not constitute a contempt of the court. [More…]
Where such a notice is filed, the Director of Counselling and Welfare of the Family Court may arrange for the parties to the marriage to be interviewed by a marriage counsellor for the purpose of assisting the parties with a view to a reconciliation or the improvement of their relationship to each other and to the children of the marriage. ‘ [More…]
The Director of Counselling and Welfare of the Family Court may arrange for the parties to the marriage to be interviewed by a marriage counsellor for the purpose of assisting the parties with a view to a reconciliation or the improvement of their relationship to each other or to the children of the marriage. [More…]
In looking at proposed clause 14a (2) J. notice that the wording indicates the purposes for which people may be interviewed by a marriage counsellor, and these include assisting the parties with a view to a reconciliation or the improvement of their relationship to each other and to the children of the marriage. [More…]
If you are going to counsel people for the purpose of assisting them it is with a view to reconciliation or the improvement of their relationship to each other and to the children of the marriage. [More…]
setting out the consequences of dissolution of marriage (including the consequences for the children of the marriage); and [More…]
the legal and possible social effects of the proposed proceedings (including the consequences for the children of the marriage); and [More…]
If one looks at the structure of family courts throughout the world, the best of them seem to take in not just matrimonial causes but many other matters affecting children. [More…]
All legal matters affecting children are dealt with in this kind of court in the best kind of atmosphere. [More…]
while affiliation orders and maintenance of illegitimate children, as well as their custody and the payment of incidental expenses to their mothers continue to be matters for State summary courts, with appeals to State Supreme Courts. [More…]
I know that the Bill asserts a jurisdiction for this Family Court in matters of adoption and the guardianship, custody or maintenance of children. [More…]
Turning to the other areas referred to, it is really only a question of dealing with those who fall outside the concept of marriage, that is, the illegitimate or ex-nuptial children and the matters which concern them in the area of the States. [More…]
the adoption of children; [More…]
the guardianship, custody or maintenance of children; or [More…]
Once the Australian Parliament has power to deal with ex-nuptial children throughout Australia proposed section 55 will no longer be needed. [More…]
We have already mentioned the ex-nuptial situation and have said it is desirable that those cases should be dealt with along with legitimate children in the one court. [More…]
These things are all very confusing for individuals in this community who are concerned about one thinghaving their matrimonial problems resolved with the maximum of speed, the maximum of dignity and the maximum of justice particularly to children involved in matrimonial disputation. [More…]
the need to give the widest possible protection and assistance to the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society, particularly while it is responsible for the care and education of dependent children: [More…]
the need to protect the rights of children and to promote their welfare: and [More…]
the means available for assisting parties to a marriage to consider reconciliation or the improvement of their relationship to each other and to the children of the marriage. [More…]
Simply because one of the parties, who have married and have taken the solemn vows, decides that he or she does not want to go on with it and wants a separation, under this provision of the Bill he or she will have the right to the dissolution of the marriage and to all that stems from it, such as maintenance and custody of the children of the union. [More…]
In my experience as a practitioner in this field- although it is some years ago now- the immediate concern of people who come to a lawyer is protection, maintenance and custody of the children. [More…]
Of course, if there are still children they want maintenance for the children and for themselves and custody of the children. [More…]
there are no children of the marriage who have not attained the age of 18 at the date of the application, and the respondent consents; or [More…]
there are no children of the marriage who have not attained the age of 18 at the date of the application, and the respondent consents; or [More…]
The amendment provides that the period shall be 12 months if the children are above the age of 18 years and 3 years if the children are under the age of 18 years unless one of the fault grounds which now appear in the Matrimonial Causes Act- and there are 14 of them defined in it clearly- is proved against the respondent. [More…]
In the first place the period will be 3 years or, if there are no children and there is consent, 12 months. [More…]
He also makes provisions for a 3-year period as a variation if the children of the marriage are not more than 1 8 years of age. [More…]
I take that to mean the law will provide such impediments to easy divorce as will cause people, both before they have entered into marriage and after they have entered into it, to have very serious regard to the nature of the responsibilities they are assuming, not only to their children but also to each other and indeed to society. [More…]
For example, a taxpayer with a wife and 2 children, with a taxable income of $2,732, after allowance of dependants and other deductions will be freed from tax. [More…]
The tax payable by a taxpayer with a taxable income of $4,000, after deductions for a wife and 2 children, will be $303.52 for 1974-75, compared with $608.30 for 1973-74-a reduction of over 50 per cent. [More…]
By way of illustration a man supporting a wife and two children is entitled to maintenance deductions of $832. [More…]
The Bill also proposes amendments to the depreciation provisions to make it clear that expenditure on facilities used in child care centres provided by employers for children of their employees are to qualify for depreciation deductions on the same basis as facilities provided for employees. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents wilh more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already overcrowded and under-staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should bc encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents wilh children at school. [More…]
In view of the serious allegation and the extension of torture to young children, will the Leader of the Government raise this inhuman and fiendish development with the Prime Minister and ask him to protest on behalf of the Australian Government to General Binochet against the torture and murder of political prisoners in Chile? [More…]
I think everyone would deplore the use of torture especially the torture of young children. [More…]
One factor which has strongly influenced me in exercising my judgment in favour of a 12-month period is simply that we are dealing with a situation of marital breakdown in which 2 parties are involved and in which frequently children also are involved. [More…]
I think it is most desirable that we do everything that we can, even though the formal structure of a marriage has gone, to ensure that as far as possible there is an on-going relationship between those 2 people as human beings and that we should do nothing in this legislation which is likely in any way to disrupt and fracture the possibility of some permanent on-going relationship between the parties, particularly where children are involved. [More…]
It seems to me very strongly that if there is added to the established period of 12 months separation another period of 6 months, 12 months or whatever one likes, it is in that extra period that most likely there will develop between the parties friction and tension which are adverse to any relationship which they might have though divorced and, more particularly, adverse to the future of the children of that marriage. [More…]
That is to say, if we prolong a situation in limbo too much we will very adversely affect the possibility, of a viable situation developing between that father and that mother if there are children or between that husband and that wife if it is a marriage without children. [More…]
The second point is that under a subsequent clause of the Bill- clause 42- it is provided that a decree nisi cannot become absolute unless the court is satisfied in relation to the children in the terms of clause 42. [More…]
Further- this is the result of the recommendation of the Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs -if the court is in doubt as to whether proper arrangments have been made in relation to the children, it may adjourn the proceedings until a report regarding those arrangements has been obtained from a welfare officer. [More…]
It would seem to me that in some cases there would be further opportunity for recriminations and for difficulties to arise, especially in relation to children; that the general moral public interest would not be enhanced by a longer period of the parties being legally married but being de facto not married; and that when one looked at the balance of public interest and public convenience then, admittedly in an arbitrary situation, a period of 12 months was an appropriate period. [More…]
They had for the last 6 years been sleeping in separate beds but they had occasionally communicated on matters concerning their children. [More…]
In 1965 she had eaten Christmas dinner with her husband and children and had continued for a time to prepare their meals. [More…]
In regard to my amendment, I give the example where some service is performed by either party such as in the case mentioned earlier by Senator James McClelland in which the wife cooked the Christmas dinner, no doubt in the interests of the children. [More…]
It may have been done for the sake of the children. [More…]
The occasion may involve a visit to the children on Christmas day. [More…]
But I think that it is absolutely absurd where people are living in a three or four roomed house and we want to establish a proper ground for divorce- that is what we are concerned about- to say that they can be regarded as separate and living apart if they still continue to live in a three or four roomed house, particularly when they are jointly caring for the children. [More…]
that there are no children of the marriage who have not attained the age of 1 8 years; or [More…]
that the only children of the marriage who have not attained the age of 18 years are the children specified in the order and that- [More…]
proper arrangements in all the circumstances have been made for the welfare of those children; or [More…]
This clause relates to the matters to be taken into consideration in proceedings with respect to the maintenance of children. [More…]
That is the concluding part of the provision with regard to maintenance for children. [More…]
When people turn 18 they are adults, not children. [More…]
Provision for such circumstances, and children who go through university or undertake other training and so forth will need it, should be made in other areas of the law. [More…]
I think it is quite absurd to use the family law in this regard, particularly that aspect of it directed to maintenance of children, to deal with the position of an adult who happens to need maintenance while undergoing education or some kind of training. [More…]
I indicate that I think this amendment is not in the spirit of what we ought to be providing in respect of maintenance of children. [More…]
She may be keeping children in private schools and in circumstances upon which the first husband insists. [More…]
The sort of situation which the Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs had in mind was one where a man of some means- I am not talking about a man who won the lottery or about a millionaire; I am talking about a man of some means- obtained a divorce after one year’s separation from a wife who may have been entirely unwilling to agree to the divorce but who, because of this law, has been divorced and she was clearly entitled to maintenance, and substantial maintenance, for herself and the children of the marriage and obtained such an order. [More…]
Clause 55 (3), which we mentioned some little time ago, deals with the maintenance of children and says that a court may continue an order beyond 18 years of age for the maintenance of a child where it is considered necessary to complete his education. [More…]
maintenance agreements and of agreements for maintenance of ex-nuptial children for the purpose of securing the enforcement of those agreements in those countries. [More…]
In sub-clause (1) in the definition of ‘matrimonial cause’ paragraph (c) (iii), leave out ‘children ofthe marriage’ and insert ‘ a child of a marriage ‘. [More…]
What does the Minister hope will evolve from this conference in the shape of benefits for the school children of Australia? [More…]
Could this facility be used for transferring educational material to video cassettes for use in teaching isolated children? [More…]
I note also that the Aged Persons Hostels Bill and the Aged or Disabled Persons Homes Bill, as well as being companion Bills, are also related to the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act. [More…]
The order which conducted this institution was of the opinion that it was of very great benefit for the elderly people to be in close contact with these young children. [More…]
This Bill, which repeals the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act, consolidates and extends the Australian Government’s programs of assistance to voluntary organisations that have assumed responsibility for the welfare of handicapped people. [More…]
The Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act has been in operation for more than 7 years and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act for more than 4 years. [More…]
Although the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act will be repealed the main provisions of those 2 Acts are continued and expanded. [More…]
It is designed to cater for the needs of handicapped children and handicapped adults who do not require constant medical attention but who, nevertheless, need special facilities to enable them to take thenplace in the community. [More…]
The subsidy for establishing sheltered workshops for handicapped adults, training centres for handicapped childen and hostels for both children and adults will be doubled from $2 to $4 for every $1 raised by voluntary organisations. [More…]
The Bill also transfers the provisions relating to the handicapped children’s benefit which is now administered by the Department of Social Security, from the National Health Act to this Act. [More…]
It caters for physically and mentally handicapped children and adults most of whom require assistance by way of training, supervision, employment or accommodation if their lives are not to be wasted. [More…]
It will also be necessary to ensure that the assistance provided for handicapped children is coordinated with the activities of the Schools Commission. [More…]
Apparently the Government, the Minister and his Department have been quite happy to see the affairs which have been referred to in the report of a parliamentary committee concerning the situation of children in particular at Yirrkala continue for the 2 years in which the Australian Labor Party has been in office. [More…]
I speak particularly of people who have mentioned children’s programming. [More…]
A good deal of work is being done by the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee. [More…]
I cannot accept the premise, however, that if these amendments proposed by the Government are not passed children’s programs will be in jeopardy. [More…]
I see this as a matter of consultation, co-operation and forward thinking in the planning that needs to be undertaken in the future to ensure that the excellence and quality of children’s programming is developed as we believe it should be. [More…]
I invite the attention of the House especially to the latter provisions because ever since there has been talk of the introduction of television into Australia, genuine fear has been expressed by large sections of the community that the introduction of television would have unfortunate effects on some sections of the population, particularly on children. [More…]
Senator Guilfoyle also dismissed, I thought somewhat ungraciously, the attitude of the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee. [More…]
Society has recognised that its most precious resource is its children and that it has a responsibility for undertaking a positive program of environment directed to meet the particular needs and interests of children. [More…]
There is more than sufficient evidence to show that television plays a large part in the lives and development of Australian children, that the entertainment programs provided now and any time during the 18 years of Australian television have not, except in rare and isolated cases, been of a quality to advantageously influence children’s development in any area. [More…]
Children are not only continually exploited by seductive and misleading advertising, but are bombarded with a massive amount of violence which increasing amounts of research show to be detrimental to a child ‘s mental health. [More…]
Like, I am sure, other honourable senators I have been inundated by requests to oppose these amendments to the Broadcasting and Television Act on behalf of the children of Australia because of the standard of the program it has been said will be foisted on them if the Bill is passed. [More…]
I believe that the Australian people feel and have felt for a long time that the Broadcasting Control Board has a responsibility to determine what are to be regarded as children’s viewing programs. [More…]
I consider that the Australian people want to ensure that the Australian Broadcasting Control Board has the power to determine what type of advertising should be allowed, for instance, during children’s viewing time and during family viewing time and so on, and that they believe there is a responsibility on the Board to determine how much programming should be of Australian origin. [More…]
Henceforth when I get letters of complaint about the time slotting of particular programs on children’s viewing time or in family viewing time, complaints about excessive advertising on television or the type of advertising on television during children’s viewing hours I will be able to say that because of the Opposition in this Senate the Control Board has no power to act. [More…]
It was found that the station was behind in meeting the requirements of 4-hour school age children’s programs, and in approving the renewal of the licence I directed the Control Board to draw this matter to the attention of the station. [More…]
He went on to say that the Minister had directed that the company, as licensee, be reprimanded for its failure to meet the 4-hour school age children’s program requirement in the first period of the current statistical year. [More…]
We note that in the same letter you said that in’ renewing the licence for TCN the Minister had directed that our company, as licensee, be reprimanded for its failure to meet the Four Hour School-Age Children’s program requirements in the first period of the current statistical year. [More…]
We of the Opposition were interested to note that this Bill, which repeals the Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act and the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act, consolidates and extends the Australian Government’s programs of assistance to voluntary organisations that have assumed responsibility for the welfare of handicapped people. [More…]
I have one question with regard to the repeal of the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act to which I would like a response from the Minister for Repatriation and Compensation (Senator Wheeldon). [More…]
In clause 35 of the Bill with which we are dealing tonight there is provision for repeal of the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act. [More…]
The original Act for the care of handicapped children gave a great deal of help to that sector of the community. [More…]
The Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act, which has been repealed. [More…]
We are interested in the educational programs that were able to be developed and that were related to the needs of handicapped children. [More…]
With regard to sheltered employment assistance, we are interested to see that the subsidy for the establishing of sheltered workshops for handicapped adults and training centres for handicapped children in hostels for both children and adults will now be $4 for every $1 which is raised by the voluntary organisations. [More…]
We have pleasure in giving a speedy passage to this Bill, and we look forward to further extensions of both sheltered workshop employment opportunities and facilities for the training of handicapped children. [More…]
Senator Guilfoyle has outlined the functions of the Bill and has pointed out how the Bill repeals the Sheltered Employment Assistance Act and the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act and replaces them. [More…]
That is the tendency we have had in the past in all the States to draw a rigid line at the age of 16 yearsbetween the time when persons can be accommodated in a home for handicapped children and after the age of 16 years when they must be accommodated in a home for handicapped adults, if such homes exist. [More…]
Quite recently I came across a disturbing case of a 16-year-old boy who was working in a sheltered workshop in a capital city, who was accommodated in a hostel that was suitable for handicapped children- not severely handicapped children- who turned 16 and who because of various circumstances could not go home. [More…]
This was the fault of the whole system because we have not provided accommodation for these people in the grey area who are no longer children but perhaps not yet adults. [More…]
I feel that this rigidity of approach must give way to a flexibility in which accommodation, ranging from almost the hospital type to hostels, flats and bed sitters, must be provided for handicapped children. [More…]
She referred to the two Acts which are to be repealed by the Bill now before us, namely the Sheltered Employment Assistance Act and the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act. [More…]
Specifically referring to the Handicapped Children’s Assistance Act about which she asked her question, one will find that a greater measure of assistance will be made available to voluntary and other organisations which provide assistance for handicapped children. [More…]
The direction was reviewed on 1 3 February 1 973 when it was liberalised to enable consideration to be given to the provision of an additional loan for an extra bedroom where, because of a big disparity in ages of children or for medical reasons, it is undesirable for two children of the same sex to occupy the same bedroom. [More…]
Five Aboriginal children were admitted to the Broken Hill Hospital last week but the doctor said that the pathology tests showed that they had measles. [More…]
It will be of benefit to any person in immediate need: To the permanently homeless, to the deserted or disturbed woman and her children, to the Aboriginal or teenager in want or distress, to the battered woman or the battered child, to the single parent- in short, to anyone without support or an income. [More…]
The purpose of this Bill is to assist eligible organisations engaged in providing temporary accommodation and personal services for homeless men and women and, in one-parent family situations, their children. [More…]
There are also a number of provisions in the Bill to effect machinery amendments to the National Health Act to delete provisions relating to the payment of handicapped children’s benefits, to clarify the provisions regarding directions by the Minister under section 73 b and to enable provisions in the National Health Act relating to the supervision of registered organisations to override State laws where the statutes are inconsistent. [More…]
At present the number of friendly society dispensaries with full approval to dispense benefits to the public has been taken up in both Queensland and South Australia and there are currently 7 dispensaries in Queensland and 5 in South Australia which have only a limited approval to dispense benefits to members of the society, their wives and dependent children under the age of 16 years. [More…]
The Bill further provides that full-time student dependants of members, up to the maximum age provided for in the rules of the friendly societies concerned, be afforded the same benefits as parent members and children under the age of 1 6 years. [More…]
The development of Monarto, the development of Albury-Wodonga, the appropriation of the Glebe lands for redevelopment in an imaginative way, the proposed appropriation of 90 acres of land at Woolloomooloo for new development in an imaginative way, the report of the Committee of Inquiry into the National Estate, which for the first time has established criteria about the essential heritage of this nation and the sort of things of which, when the petty issues of today are gone, Australian children of the future can be proud, including the vital heritage of the environment, the landscape and the buildings which are so important in the building of a national tradition. [More…]
The Liberal Government in Victoria has never really seen the needs which exist for the children of that State in education, particularly the needs of disadvantaged children. [More…]
At end of motion, add- but the Senate is of the opinion that the provisions of the Bill which reduce the limit on deductions for education expenses from $400 to $150 seriously restrict the freedom of choice which now exists in the Australian education system, are a contravention of the Government’s election undertakings and will impose unwarranted burdens on parents with children attending both public and private schools and, further, that the Bill specifically: [More…]
I refer to the answer given by the Minister with regard to the report of the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee. [More…]
Does the Board rely on the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee to initiate action on such matters? [More…]
Arrangements were made for officers of the Board, not the members of the Board, to attend the screening of these films arranged by the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee. [More…]
I refer to violence in children’s programs, the number of advertisements that are shown in children’s viewing time, what programs should be shown in children’s viewing time, family viewing time, or adult viewing time and the Board’s powers generally. [More…]
As a person who was educated, and is proud to say so, in state schools, and as a parent who sent his children to state primary schools, I emphatically applaud the work that is done by state school education authorities. [More…]
Having been an active member of parents and citizens associations, I understand the problems of the parent in ordinary average income families in sending his or her children to state schools. [More…]
Any person who sends his or her children to a state school today will incur expenditure of substantially more than $150 a year in education expenses. [More…]
Does he seriously say- and this is importantthat in the year 1974, and prospectively next year, the average cost to a parent of state school children will be $ 1 50 or less? [More…]
It must be a right for people who are not affluent, who have not got the kind of earnings that are necessary to pay large fees, to pay $1,000 a year or more for their children’s education. [More…]
What a quaint thing it is that those who attack the independent schools and who stand up here talking as they do about these things send their own children to independent schools and, if I may say so by interpolation, come along to Liberals and ask their help to get their children into those schools. [More…]
That means that those people who send their children to independent schools will now have to pay substantially more in 2 waysbecause of inflation in fees and because of the reduction in the tax allowance. [More…]
At end of motion, add- but the Senate is of the opinion that the provisions of the Bill which reduce the limit on deductions for education expenses from $400 to $150 seriously restrict the freedom of choice which now exists in the Australian education system, are a contravention of the Government’s election undertakings and will impose unwarranted burdens on parents with children attending both public and private schools and. [More…]
As one of those who live in a provincial city I know what takes place in the provincial towns and country areas in my State of Queensland- no doubt the same takes place in other States as well- when people take the opportunity of sending their children to the major schools which are very often to be found in the capital cities and, in the case of Queensland, mostly in the southern centres. [More…]
The desire of those people is to give their children what they think is a good education. [More…]
I have always felt that the giving of a taxation concession to individuals who send their children to such schools is more in keeping with my line of thinking about keeping the private schools going than the provision of straight out subsidies by the Government, which has never been to my liking. [More…]
Such individuals are getting a concession because they are trying to give their children a better education. [More…]
When one looks around country centres one can visualise that there is not the opportunity in those areas to give children higher education. [More…]
Because of the great distances in States like my own that people have to send their children if they are to get such an education and because of the cost of keeping their children at such schools, surely to goodness those people are entitled to some concession for giving their children the opportunity of obtaining a good standard of education. [More…]
I feel that the Government has shown itself to be really miserly towards the people from country areas who desire to educate their children to a high standard. [More…]
These people should be commended and encouraged by the Government because of their desire to give their children a higher education. [More…]
As I have said before, I think that the Government’s action in cheeseparing to the disadvantage of worthwhile citizens who send their children to schools in order for them to have a higher standard of education, indicates just how mean it has become in relation to certain very important aspects of the development of this country. [More…]
whose children cannot go to local high schools. [More…]
We have the spectacle of many people who live 50 or 60 miles from town having to run 2 homes- one in a village with a high school so that they can send their children for secondary education, and their other home. [More…]
Similarly, thieving of Aboriginal children goes on in other parts of Queensland under the so-called protection of the State Department of Aboriginal and Island Affairs. [More…]
Where are the starving children, the riots, the demonstrations and the staff walking off the communities? [More…]
I wonder whether he has read the scathing report by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs concerning his own Yirrkala people and their starving children. [More…]
Yet this dauntless disciple of racial discrimination, with his Department divided, his radicals ridiculing him and the children under his care starving, presumes to discredit Queensland’s Aborigines and Islanders, the Queensland legislation and the Queensland Premier with a Bill that is nothing more than deceit and duplicity. [More…]
I look upon this question as one which will cause great expense to people to educate their children. [More…]
It could possibly mean that some of them will have to forgo education that they have in mind for their children. [More…]
However, the Government does appreciate the difficulties faced by people living in remote areas and has accepted responsibility for improving educational opportunities for children whose families live in isolated areas far removed from normal school facilities. [More…]
One of this Government’s first initiatives was to introduce the isolated children’s scheme of financial assistance. [More…]
First of all, there has been no confusion about the Opposition’s attitude to this Bill because the attitude was made clear in the other place when it moved as an amendment that the following words be added to the motion that the Bill be read a second time: whilst not opposing the positive sections of the Bill which relate to nursing homes, handicapped children and surgical appliances, this House is of the opinion that the Bill should be withdrawn and redrafted - [More…]
There is a proposal which will lead to control by the Minister for Social Security over the health insurance funds in this country; there is a proposal which will increase the subsidies for nursing homes; there are proposals which will correct anomalies with regard to handicapped children’s payments 9nd which will widen the provision with respect to surgical aids and medical aids and applicances; and there is a proposal which provides for an extension of full approval rights for certain friendly society dispensaries. [More…]
I want to reiterate the support that was given in the other place by the Opposition spokesman on this subject with regard to the nursing home and handicapped children ‘s payment. [More…]
If the beneficiary is entitled to full cover for himself, but has a wife or children, he will be entitled to relief from onehalf of the levy that would otherwise be payable. [More…]
He is not interested in the high death rate of Aboriginal children who live in hovels in the Northern Territory. [More…]
I am sure if he considered people, particularly those in the country areas, whose student children will be affected by this Bill, if it is amended, he would agree that he ought to be looking after the interests of these people. [More…]
The Government has asked the Textiles Authority within the Industries Assistance Commission to inquire into and report on a wide range of men’s, women’s, children’s and infants’ clothing, hosiery and gloves. [More…]
1 ) What educational programs are in existence to make doctors, dentists, lawyers, social workers, child health and community nurses, police officers, teachers and others aware of the incidence, problems, and best management for battered children and their families. [More…]
What programs of intervention exist to protect children expected to be at risk as a result of such prediction. [More…]
In 1973 Council recommended that education programs in case detection and management should be prepared for those involved in health education and welfare of young children. [More…]
In particular can the Minister advise why the police bashed women and children? [More…]
Among those who were allegedly battered in this confrontation were a number of women and children. [More…]
That this reduction will impose hardships on many parents who have children attending school, whether nongovernment or government; and particularly on parents with more than one child at school. [More…]
That this reduction will further restrict the freedom available to parents to make a choice of school for their children. [More…]
That some parents who have chosen to send their children to a non-government school will have to withdraw their children and send them to government schools already over crowded and under staffed. [More…]
That the parents to benefit most relatively from educational income tax deductions, in the past and even more in the future, are the parents of children in government schools and this has a divisive effect in the Australian community. [More…]
That parents should be encouraged by the Australian government to exercise freedom of choice of the type of school they wish for their children. [More…]
That an alternative system, a tax rebate system, could be adopted as being more equitable for all parents with children at school. [More…]
Has the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Northern Development and the Northern Territory been drawn to newspaper reports that the women of Darwin are pressing for a bigger say in the reconstruction of the city because the old city had ample resources for male leisure and recreation but little for women and children? [More…]
As women under 40 and children made up 60 per cent of the city’s population will the Minister assure the Senate that every step will be taken to consult both with the women of Darwin and with professional women such as architects and designers and, further, to use the expertise and assistance of all these people on the various bodies and committees set up to handle the reconstruction of Darwin? [More…]
The Government’s decision to do away with the imposition of fees at tertiary institutions, in particular, was welcomed by all sections of the Australian community, especially people of working class origin many of whose children in previous years had not been able to attend a university because of the inability of their parents to pay the fees. [More…]
Anybody who has experienced a cyclone of this nature would know the trauma it causes and would well know the upset it causes children. [More…]
My older children can still remember the terror associated with cyclones in their younger days. [More…]
Even the wind on a hood carrier of a car can create the type of sound that comes with a cyclone if the car is travelling at more than 40 miles an hour, and that noise causes the same reaction in small children as does the noise of a cyclone. [More…]
If it is possible in such an evacuation when women and children are being carried it is devoutly to be desired that commercial aircraft, and not Hercules or Starlifter aircraft, be used. [More…]
The said Bill does not provide or protect the legal or social rights of Women and Children in the family. [More…]
Can the Minister hold out any hope to the parents of these children? [More…]
Increasingly, a citizen’s real standard of living, the health of himself and his family, his children’s opportunities for education and self-improvement, his access to employment opportunities, his ability to enjoy the nation’s resources for recreation and culture, his ability to participate in the decisions and actions of the community are determined not by his income, not by the hours he works, but by where he lives. [More…]
The purpose of this child care scheme is to make financial assistance available to certain types of non-profit organisations and local governing bodies for the establishment and operation of child care centres, primarily for the children of working or sick parents or of parents who are otherwise unable to care for them during the day. [More…]
Again, recurrent grants may be paid to meet half the wages of certain appropriately qualified staff and, inrespect of children in special need, to enable the centres for which the grant has been approved to offer reduced fees. [More…]
In the social security and welfare area assistance will be provided for handicapped children. [More…]
This is to assist eligible non-profit organisations, including local governing bodies, to provide training centres, equipment and accommodation for handicapped children. [More…]
As I say, this is the case in the area of the arts and artistic expression, the preservation of the national estate, the preservation of areas of historic interest, in looking after the aged and the sick, in caring for children, including disadvantaged children and handicapped people, the provision of special assistance grants for roads, in taking over national highways to free for State authorities more funds with which to carry out work on secondary roads, country roads and other areas of road responsibility. [More…]
We have suggested that the areas of the Select Committee’s report on the living environment, psychiatric and counselling resources for children, cannabis research and legislation on cannabis, treatment and rehabilitation legislation, and drug abuse research required further investigation. [More…]
There will not be one extra doctor in Mount Druitt; there will not be one extra children’s hospital bed in the western suburbs of Sydney. [More…]
Will the Minister for the Media give consideration to making use of the film medium to make Australians, particularly school children, better informed about Asia and Asian affairs? [More…]
-Has the Minister for the Media seen Press reports which say that 2 small children nearly burnt out a section of their parents’ home after watching a television advertisement for a cigarette lighter? [More…]
I did see the report, which I think was in the ‘Daily Telegraph’, that the young children were apparently influenced by a television commercial which featured a person indiscriminately lighting matches. [More…]
The Board decided that the advertisement should not be shown before 8.30 p.m. At the time that it was monitored, as I understand it, the advertisement was being shown in what is regarded as children ‘s viewing time. [More…]
I want to assure the honourable senator that the Control Board as well as having its ordinary standards for advertising has a code of standards for advertising which is directed at children. [More…]
lm for the Department of Labor and Immigration for additional staff; $ 1.35m for the Australian Film Corporation; $723,000 for the Interim Committee for the Children ‘s Commission; $650,000 for additional staff for members and senators; $500,000 for grants to eligible organisations under the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act; $537,000 for Expo 75 at Okinawa; $ 1 m subsidies on ship construction; and amounts of $6.2m and $5.3m for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory education services respectively for additions to staff establishments and other increased costs. [More…]
They involve human emotions; they involve human happiness; and they involve the quality of life of some 35,000 men, women and children in or near the affected area. [More…]
The parents of these children are entitled to receive student child endowment. [More…]
I consider that the campaign being waged by the New South Wales Government against the New South Wales Teachers Federation and its members is likely to be detrimental to school children in that State, and this action follows the action by the New South Wales Government in recently refusing the inclusion of the preference clause in the latest teachers award. [More…]
It does not appear that the repatriation hospitals are particularly well suited to providing facilities for injured or sick children. [More…]
I am informed that the Camperdown and Prince Henry hospitals in New South Wales and the Royal Children ‘s and Fairfield hospitals in Victoria are admirably suited for this purpose and are being used. [More…]
The action which has attracted most attention is of course the bringing of children to Australia. [More…]
In this matter, the sole role of the Australian Government was to bring eligible children to suitable adoptive families as promptly and as safely as possible. [More…]
Australian Government authorities found that many of the children evacuated from Saigon were the subject of uncompleted off-shore adoption procedures in South Vietnam by Australian nationals. [More…]
Faced with this fact, my Government determined that it could do nothing in the matter of allocating children to families as this was clearly a State responsibility and therefore if there was to be any disagreement between adoptive families about the children then it was a matter for the States to determine. [More…]
That aircraft did not take off, following advice from our Ambassador in Saigon that the South Vietnamese authorities decided not to release any more children as they wished to reconsider their policy on adoption by foreign nationals. [More…]
B. Gahan of East Maitland about the sale to school children of an article described as ‘ The Merry Monk with Fun-Raising Action ‘. [More…]
B. Gahan of East Maitland about the sale to school children of an article described as ‘The Merry Monk with Fun-Raising Action ‘. [More…]
How can the Australian Government be sure that these children are adopted by suitable parents? [More…]
The actual adoption of children within Australia is not a function of the Federal Government; it is a function of the States. [More…]
The applications by the prospective parents to adopt children are dealt with by the appropriate State courts, and there is really nothing that we can do about that. [More…]
The children may be granted visas to enter Australia, whether they are coming from South Vietnam or from anywhere else, but in this case, we are particularly concerned with the situation in South Vietnam. [More…]
Other children may be granted visas- these are the particular ones to whom Senator Primmer would be referring- to join prospective adoptive parents in Australia where the adoption proposals have the support of the relevant child welfare authorities, which in these cases would be the various departments of community welfare and child welfare in the different States. [More…]
After entering Australia children who have not been lawfully adopted are immigrant children and as such are dealt with under the provisions of the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act. [More…]
In the particular case of the 2 1 5 children who arrived from Vietnam on Saturday last, the normal formalities had not been completed at the time of their arrival. [More…]
In a number of cases the formalities had already been commenced and children allocated to proposed adoptive parents. [More…]
Others have not been allocated to specific parents and ultimately will be allocated, if one can use the rather inhuman word ‘allocated’ in regard to children, to the various States which no doubt will make appropriate arrangements through the different child welfare organisations within those States. [More…]
Until these allocations have been made the children are not being issued with entry permits and consequently are remaining under the control of the Minister for Labor and Immigration. [More…]
When entry permits are issued the children will legally become wards of the Minister for Social Security, but in practice his powers and functions will be undertaken by the State child welfare departments. [More…]
There will be difficulties in identifying all of the children who have arrived. [More…]
Some 100 children still have not been allocated to the various States. [More…]
This matter is being dealt with within the terms of the Immigration (Guardianship of Children ) Act. [More…]
Any further flights which may bring Vietnamese children or Vietnamese orphans to Australia will include an experienced welfare worker with immigration experience. [More…]
We expect that the problems of documentation and identification, which 1 think of necessity occurred in view of the very rushed way in which the previous flight had to be handled, will be avoided if there are any subsequent flights bringing immigrant children from Vietnam into Australia. [More…]
We have moved in on the United Nations Children’s Fund side, we have given money to the Red Cross, we have contacted the refugee people and we have given special allowances. [More…]
Now these people are experiencing the last bitter dregs of our interference in their affairs- their children are being taken out of the country. [More…]
We turned the rice bowl of Asia into a desert and killed the mothers and fathers of these children. [More…]
Now without so much as asking these people, we remove their children. [More…]
I would have thought that the Opposition, instead of moving a facile motion, could have shown that it had some conscience about the damage it assisted to do to the country by showing some real concern for the children of that country and ensuring that everything possible was done to make sure that they were reunited with whatever remnants of their families were left. [More…]
Looking in detail at the definition of ‘associated persons’, it includes grandparents, parents, children, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. [More…]
There may be Australian observers in the international organisations which are represented in those areas, such as the refugee organisation, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and the Red Cross. [More…]
Experience in Australia and overseas has demonstrated the benefits that can accrue to children and their schools from the concentration of relatively large funds and other resources of curriculum development on a national scale. [More…]
If maximum benefit is to be gained from these expenditures, and if the innate talents of our children are to be developed to meet the calls of society in the present and in the future- then proper arrangements for the continuous review and development of the materials and methods of teaching and learning in schools are essential. [More…]
In establishing the Curriculum Development Centre the Government emphasises its recognition of the importance of curriculum development in improving and enriching the education of children and young people. [More…]
A particularly tragic aspect of the road toll is the death of so many young children. [More…]
In 1 970 there were 82 children under 7 killed who were passengers in cars; by 1973 this had risen to 98, an increase of 20 per cent. [More…]
Games For Parents And Other Children You Don ‘t Clap Losers Operas [More…]
Will the Minister ask the Minister for Labor and Immigration, if that is the appropriate ministry, to examine the feasibility and desirability of extending the present arrangement for bringing out Vietnamese orphans to embrace a plan whereby, in the case of the loss of the male parent, a mother with a child or children can be assisted to come to Australia and be provided with such facilities and opportunities here as are necessary to start a new life as a young family unit in this country? [More…]
Resettlement Department, requesting the bringing of families- not just children- from Vietnam to Australia. [More…]
Will the Minister also give the Senate any information which is in the Government’s hands concerning reports of mass atrocities by communists against women and children in South Vietnam? [More…]
Not only has he been in Australia for 15 years, but he has 5 children of school age, 3 of whom were born in Australia. [More…]
The high school children of the man involved were able to say to me that they felt proud to be Australians. [More…]
Handicapped Children Assistance [More…]
An additional $3m is provided for assistance to handicapped children reflecting an increase in the number of eligible organisations seeking grants under the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act. [More…]
He is a naturalised Australian citizen, married with 4 children, living a law abiding life in Australian society. [More…]
It had been brought to the Government’s attention that there was quite a problem amongst sections of the migrant community because of their inability to speak the English language, the fact that the children of migrants were at school during the day and that the husbands were at work. [More…]
If I say to you that I am reminded of the date of 30 June 1970 it is because a lad named Walsh had, some 20 years previously, been charged in a Children’s Court with, I believe, assault. [More…]
The records show that we opposed the proposition on the score that this incident had happened 20 years previously when the lad was tried in a Children’s Court. [More…]
Mr Tripovich, in the debate on that occasion, said that what had happened in the Children’s Court should never have been brought into Parliament. [More…]
Money is allocated for handicapped children; the purchase of a taxation office site in the city of Sydney; some construction cost rises for the National Capital Development Commission; a civil works program of $8.8m; Post Office expenditure of $ 127m; expenditure on defence service homes of $15m; and expenditure on the South Australian Railways of $26m. [More…]
He is also saying that there will be a reduction in the education grant for isolated children. [More…]
I would be interested to hear the Country Party’s comments on that proposition advanced by a former Leader of the Opposition that education grants for isolated children should be reduced and likewise on the proposition that funds for the States and for rural roads would be reduced and presumably that the price support for the wool industry would be liquidated. [More…]
Is it not a fact that children over 2 1 years of age will be denied reunion with their parents in Australia? [More…]
When one woman went to be retrained, the person interviewing her asked whether it was fair that she be retrained as she may have more children and in that case the skills she acquired would not be used by the community. [More…]
This woman pointed out that she had had a hysterectomy, so she was not likely to have any more children. [More…]
Can the Minister hold out any hope to the parents of these children? [More…]
These teachers conduct individualised programs for children whose needs are not being met by the school program. [More…]
For children who do not make adequate progress in the school program, a placement at one of the two intensive reading centres is arranged. [More…]
The principal features of this Bill are substantial increases in the basic rates of pensions and benefits, an increase in additional payments for children, implementation of the second step in the Government’s program to abolish the means test on age pensions, provision for the payment of unemployment, sickness and special benefit weekly in advance instead of weekly in arrear and provision for the immediate payment of special benefit to persons newly discharged from gaol. [More…]
Additional payments for children of pensioners and supporting mothers are to be increased by $1.50 a week to $7 a week for each child. [More…]
The overall effect of these increases will be that a single pensioner with 2 children will receive a total increase of $8 a week. [More…]
A married pensioner couple with 2 children will receive a combined increase of $ 1 1 .50 a week. [More…]
Some 170 000 pensioner and beneficiary families will receive increases in additional payments for approximately 340 000 children. [More…]
A single person without children and with no property affecting his pension will retain some pension entitlement until his other income reaches $92 a week. [More…]
For a married couple without children, the equivalent limits of income and property will be $154.50 a week and $81,160 respectively. [More…]
Guardian’s allowance and additional payments for children will continue to be subject to the means test as will wife’s pension. [More…]
Although not specifically provided for in this Bill, there will be increases in the rates of service pension and in the additional amounts payable to service pensioners with children. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the circular letter from the Broadcasting Control Board states that advertisements for those personal products may be broadcast and televised at times when the audience is not likely to contain a large proportion of children and young persons? [More…]
In reply to a telegram I sent to the Secretary of the Board asking for more accurate definition of the times, Mr Connolly specifically stated that there would continue to be a complete embargo on this type of advertising during the times set aside for family and children’s viewing. [More…]
Personal products advertising also will be permitted on radio, but not during periods when the audience is likely to contain a large proportion of children and young people. [More…]
We realise that winter is approaching and that because of the geographical situation of the southern part of Tasmania people there are now finding that they and their children must get up in the dark, must leave for work or school very early in the morning when it is barely daylight and must return home in similar conditions at the end of the day. [More…]
One does not have to talk to many migrants or many Aborigines to appreciate how much they react to the attitude that exists amongst so many of the Australian people, to realise the alienation and confusion felt by the children of migrants in our schools. [More…]
We are talking of the children of more than 2 million people who have come to Australia since the end of the war. [More…]
Surely it is our responsibility to do something about these people and the children of these people- to bring them up in a neighbourhood and in a community free of any form of racial prejudice. [More…]
Look at it in that context and ask: What sort of effect does that type of pamphlet have on children and people in the sort of communities in which it is disseminated because the implications in it are quite clear? [More…]
Can the Minister hold out any hope to the parents of these children? [More…]
These teachers conduct individualised programs for children whose needs are not being met by the school program. [More…]
For children who do not make adequate progress in the school program, a placement at one of the 2 intensive reading centres is arranged. [More…]
On 19 September 1974 I tabled in this House a statement in which I announced the Government’s decision to establish a Children’s Commission. [More…]
The Government’s firm intention is to provide an imaginative and comprehensive range of services so that all children in Australia will have access to services that are designed to promote their well-being, to enhance the quality of life and to promote equality of opportunity for them and their parents. [More…]
To do this I expect that the Children’s Commission will work in cooperation with appropriate government and community organisations and will call upon the expertise and involvement of all relevant sections of the Australian community. [More…]
In moving to establish the Children’s Commission the Australian Government has recognised that changing social patterns have put considerable pressures on families with infant and school-age children. [More…]
These changes include a growing number of families where both parents work, and of single parent families, as well as a frequently increasing sense of isolation affecting women looking after children at home. [More…]
Through the Children’s Commission the Australian Government will provide assistance to a variety of organisations, groups and individuals for programs including full day care, family day care, pre-school education, emergency care, occasional care, before and after school and vacation care, playgroups and any other child care activities in accordance with demand. [More…]
The first emphasis of our childhood services program will be in areas of particular need, with priority going to provide services for children of working, single, sick or other parents who are unable to care for their children during the day. [More…]
Priority will also be given to families in economic or other distress, and to groups with particular needs such as Aborigines, migrants, handicapped children and isolated children. [More…]
Where a service is sponsored by a Government body, representatives of the community, and of the parents whose children use the service, should be actively encouraged to participate in planning, managing and conducting it. [More…]
There are many options available which would enable many more children to participate in services in those facilities. [More…]
We must get away from the idea that bricks and mortar can provide the answer to caring for children. [More…]
And the answer is in people who know how to look after children. [More…]
We must not be one-eyed when we consider the differing requirements for looking after children. [More…]
The functions of the Commission set out in clause 5 of the Bill embody the philosophy of providing comprehensive, co-ordinated and integrated services for children and include the concept of providing priority to those in greatest need, special needs of particular groups and flexibility in the provision of services. [More…]
The Bill will ensure that what we are already doing in the provision of services for children will be the subject of continuing parliamentary scrutiny. [More…]
It has been carefully drafted to meet the needs of Australian children and their parents. [More…]
I am sure honourable senators will wish to see the Children’s Commission established to continue the work started by the interim committee and develop programs which will make Australia a forerunner in the provision of an extensive network of integrated and meaningful services for our children. [More…]
If it is carried to its logical conclusion, I would assume that only those people who have children at educational institutions should be paying for educational facilities. [More…]
Children lose a lot of time from school. [More…]
Having said that, I say that I discussed the matter with the Assistant General Manager (Radio) of the ABC, Mr McKriell and I have been told that the Commission has decided that the Ralph Collins ‘Sunday Morning Concert’ should be replaced by a program for children, because the Commission had been concerned for some time at the lack of support for its week-day children’s programs. [More…]
A newly designed children ‘s program was therefore scheduled for Sunday morning at a time at which it would be more convenient for young people to listen. [More…]
Experience in Australia and overseas has demonstrated the benefits that can accrue to children and their schools from the concentration of relatively large funds and other resources on curriculum development ona national scale. [More…]
It was stated then that the task of the Curriculum Development Centre is seen as being concerned with its development in such areas as resources, sequencing or learning activities, teacher-pupil interaction, organisation of the learning situation and the teachers general approach to children and teaching. [More…]
I suppose it would be expected that in this year I would say something about the curricula that can be developed in Australia for the future of our children so that they are not moulded into the traditional roles- the sexist roles. [More…]
Since we have stopped, in most of our state schools and private schools, steering children rigidly into a sort of academic and technical type school in 2 streams, since we have stopped putting children into these streams and giving them little hope of getting from one to the other, I think the lack of curriculum development and curriculum assessment in many schools and in many systems has left the non-academic child, the child who is not going on to matriculation, the child who is not going on to university, in a sort of educational no-man’s land. [More…]
There are many children- I think it applies to most children- who for reasons of intellect, environment and psychological and other reasons do not proceed to matriculation, colleges of advanced education or to university level, are left doing courses which in some States and in some schools are merely watered down versions of the academic level courses. [More…]
This has left children doing watered down versions of academic courses- the same subjects but at what is considered to be a slightly lower level. [More…]
I believe that teachers recognise this; children certainly recognise it; parents recognise it, but to me authorities do not recognise it. [More…]
I think that provided the Centre is retained with this flexible approach, provided that it does not become a rigid conformist centre of propaganda to produce curricula that every child in the country must swallow daily in large doses, it can develop useful and very important concepts in the education of our children. [More…]
If it can take one small step towards changing the rigid approach to education that some of us knew, and perhaps few of us overcame, it will do more for the children of this country than many similar provisions. [More…]
Indeed, it is only in the belief that the establishment of such a centre will have beneficial effects upon children at school that the Government can justify the creation of such a centre or its continued funding. [More…]
Here we have an example of the headmaster, Mr Harold Goodwin, being able to develop a program which is locally relevant and which has involved the children of that school in a whole series of exercises which they are embracing enthusiastically, which mean something to them and which are being related to a number of activities in the area in which the school is situated. [More…]
The thing the Centre will do which the States cannot do is foster national projects which will benefit children in all States and in all schools throughout the whole nation. [More…]
Their ideas and thoughts will be conveyed to my colleague the Minister for Education and they will be taken into consideration because, after all, education is of vital concern to all Australian children and to the Australian people. [More…]
It has been drawn to my attention that the salary range for the Chairman of this Commission is lower than that for the Chairman of the Schools Commission, the Chairman of the Universities Commission, the Chairman of the Colleges of Advanced Education Commission; indeed I understand it is in a lower range than that proposed for the Chairman of the Children ‘s Commission. [More…]
I have already spoken of the importance of ethnic identification for many children caught in the no man’s land of ambivalence between their home environment and that of their school still geared to the assimilationists ‘ goal of Angloconformity. [More…]
She could not communicate with other children. [More…]
The matter on which she sought advice was an application to have her family of 6 children declared neglected. [More…]
In fact, I fought the easiest case of my life, and the charge that the children be declared neglected was dismissed. [More…]
The effect of the non-defence of that charge would, of course, have been that the children would have been found neglected and would have been committed to institutions. [More…]
The 6 children would have been institutionalised as part of a program of moving Aborigines out of East Perth. [More…]
While I do not think it will change those of us who have passed the great divide of 30 years of age, I think it might succeed in changing the attitude of our children, in the case of some of us here, our grandchildren and subsequent generations. [More…]
If the father leaves to go walkabout he knows full well that the women and children will be looked after by the community. [More…]
We might think that someone is not good enough to live with us or not good enough for our children to marry, but we should not say that we have a better standard and we should not say that we should not show toleration to those people. [More…]
Such an attitude is born into us; it is taught to us as children. [More…]
In view of the fact that there are no Australian children’s television programs on commercial television between 4 p.m. and 6.30 p.m., when the majority of viewers are children, would the Minister encourage the Australian Broadcasting Control Board to use its powers to initiate a public hearing on the question of Australian children’s television programs? [More…]
If it is a fact that no Australian children’s television programs are being shown by commercial television between 4.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.- in children’s viewing time- I personally deprecate that. [More…]
At my direction research is continuing within my own department and material is being collected for the preparation of a positions paper concerning children’s programming on television. [More…]
The whole spectrum of programming for children is being examined, in addition to the available programs that are not shown locally. [More…]
-Realising the tremendous amount of loneliness in a large number of migrant families, especially womenfolk who are at home for most or all of the day by themselves while their husbands are at work and their children are at school, I and the Government for some time have been keen to establish a form of ethnic broadcasting to try to help break down these tremendous language barriers and this horrible feeling of isolation on the part of a large number of people, especially the womenfolk to whom I have referred. [More…]
Is the Minister for Foreign Affairs aware that the Australian Society for Inter-Country Aid to Children, known as ASIAC, has a medical team of 13 personnel presently working among refugees on Guam? [More…]
We must not forget that about a quarter of the Australian population consists of either post-war migrants or children of migrants and that 50 per cent to 55 per cent of these people have a nonEnglish speaking background. [More…]
During that month I scanned the newspapers because I had 7 children at school and I had to support and feed them. [More…]
Prior to that I had rung him and he had told me to come and look at the house and conditions, how far it would be for my children to go to school, and so on. [More…]
That because of the excessively high inflation rate, the Government decision to decrease the taxable allowance for education expenses from $400 to $ 1 50 per student will create unreasonable financial pressures upon many families and will cause great difficulty for such families to provide their children with an adequate education. [More…]
The Board states that no such advertisement should be presented at a time when the audience is likely to contain a large proportion of children or younger people. [More…]
-This is a Bill to establish a Children’s Commission and to provide certain machinery in relation to the provision of services for children as defined in the Bill. [More…]
The Opposition does not support the way in which the Government has gone about creating this Commission and we do not believe it is the best way in which services for children can be provided in Australia. [More…]
Accordingly the Opposition’s attitude is one in which we say that given the chance we would not be doing it this way but, because we support the underlying objectives of the Bill, we will be supporting it but moving a few relatively minor amendments, accepting that we have to deal with the structure as proposed, even though it is a structure which we do not believe will best serve the interests of children in Australia. [More…]
There are others whose competing point of view is that the accent should be on child care centres to supplement the needs of the mother, to establish her right to work, as well as alleviating the problems of children whose parents need to work. [More…]
To believe that one could overcome the competing forces by establishing a commission and by saying, ‘here is a children’s commission that will cure all your ills’, is a somewhat facile remedy. [More…]
But the Opposition believes that it would be far better to establish a children’s bureau whose functions would be to faciliate achieving the objectives of pre-school care and education. [More…]
It would appear to us to be preferable that such a children’s bureau, sensitive to a number of social issues related to the care of children and allowing social sensitivity to be much sooner and better realised, would be better than a somewhat bureaucratic structure subject to the failings that any bureaucratic structure tends to have. [More…]
Without a lot of social upheaval in this area it is impossible as a short term overall objective, for the inescapable fact is that it is the private sector through people’s own capital investment in buildings and equipment which is bearing so much of the brunt and enabling fewer children in the community to be so-called latch key children than otherwise would occur if that sector were squeezed out of business. [More…]
We believe it is an important sector, which must be recognised in the administration under the proposed legislation of the Children ‘s Commission. [More…]
Within child care centres there has been a shift away from the purely custodial care of children, as it is becoming increasingly obvious that in the earlier years the child is learning at the fastest rate during his whole educational span. [More…]
In the lower socio-economic areas the demand for this is increasing and there is an increasing awareness in the community that children need more than just care- that they need a certain amount of educational content in the day’s activity. [More…]
I would expect that the children’s bureau, which we propose as an alternative approach, would take this up as a major activity and draw information from all sectors covered under the departmental framework of what we see as community development. [More…]
It also should be feasible for parents not only to control the administration of these centres but also to be involved in an advisory capacity, as already occurs in so many areas connected with the care and education of children. [More…]
It is important for parents of groups which may be termed disadvantaged to be involved in the progress of their children. [More…]
We are glad to see that in the services to children provision is made to enable that to happen. [More…]
I hope that that will be one of the important tasks undertaken by the Children’s Commission in carrying out its functions under the Bill. [More…]
It is the sort of thing that could be done through a children’s bureau, where pooling resources in the area would help to facilitate achievement of the objectives. [More…]
The need to enable parents to obtain access to the latest pre-school education and care thinking is another important role to be undertaken by the Children’s Commission or the children’s bureau. [More…]
It is important, when talking about the play group and the parent involvement question, to remember one of the problems which have their effect upon children in our community. [More…]
Any steps which the Children’s Commission takes towards involving parents will have that dual benefit. [More…]
If one is talking about something like 1.3 million children being in the age group with which we are concerned and if one is talking about the sorts of costs involved in relation to each of them, one can see that the amount involved is very great. [More…]
Consistent with all of the policies of the Opposition is that all children should have an equal right to adequate pre-school education, especially if one realises that it is in this area that educational advantage first becomes manifest and the whole problem of social deprivation and subsequent delinquency has its origin. [More…]
We are concerned also to ensure that adequate attention is given to encouraging parents to look after their own children so far as possible, and to ensure that economic necessity does not deprive parents of the exercise of choice in this respect. [More…]
Accordingly, believing that the family unit is of fundamental importance to our society and that steps should be taken to encourage mothers to be able freely to exercise a choice and to stay home to look after their children, we believe that steps must be taken by this Government to facilitate that choice and that so far as the child care program of the Children’s Commission is concerned adequate emphasis must be given to that aspect which, if one reads the Bill, one gets the feeling is not intended to be part of the function of the Commission. [More…]
There is at present a considerable fear among a number of Australian kindergartens that they will either be ignored or inadequately encouraged in carrying out their responsibilities to children. [More…]
Again I believe it would be of advantage if the Minister could indicate when concluding the debate just what is proposed in relation to kindergartens- whether it is true, for instance, that the person who is likely to be administering the Children’s Commission role in the city of Sydney has indicated that that person will be imposing very substantial requirements on kindergartens that will change the whole way in which they will be operating. [More…]
We believe that it is a matter of fundamental concern that this should not be the development of a large bureaucracy controlling and directing the provision of services to children. [More…]
Policies and programs, which vitally affect families and children, are already spread over several departments including Social Security, Health, Tourism and Recreation, Labor, Aboriginal Affairs and Education. [More…]
The children’s bureau concept differs from the Children’s Commission concept in the way in which the Brotherhood suggests. [More…]
I wonder what the Government is doing in relation to the important aspect of giving taxation relief as regards cost to parents of preschool children or in child care centres. [More…]
It also has a specific interest in this case because there are many groups who believe that it is of the utmost importance that there be a ‘representative’ on the Children’s Commission. [More…]
In the performance of its functions, the Commissioner shall, to the greatest extent practicable, consult and cooperate with Departments of State and with authorities established by or under laws of Australia, being Departments or authorities responsible for aspects of the planning of, the provision of, the training of persons to provide, and the provision of financial assistance for, services for children. [More…]
Who is to say that an ordinary parent is any less capable of operating a day care or after school care centre or assisting in the running of an after school care centre than a person who may have plenty of academic qualifications but no practical experience in the handling of the children? [More…]
It includes grants for such projects as mobile toy libraries, the construction of kindergarten centres and pre-school centres, repairs to houses used by play groups, outofschool centre staffing, provision for children’s camps and provision of equipment and staff for socially and emotionally disturbed adolescentsa wide range of provisions to assist in the full development of all children in Australia. [More…]
Australia itself must benefit, as any other country would benefit, through culturally and socially adjusted children. [More…]
I refer him to a number of psychologists and psychiatrists who believe that we tend to create a mother image in our children, that we leave them with a single image and that this is not always to the benefit of the child. [More…]
I think if we can establish, by this Bill, facilities where children can be looked after capably and can develop emotionally and culturally from an early age, we will all benefit. [More…]
We find that a great deal of this tension and stress is taken out on their children when the parents eventually arrive home from work. [More…]
I do not need to remind Western Australian senators of the situation that existed there some years ago when a group of high school children became concerned for the latchkey children from the junior schools and endeavoured to set up play group areas in the school grounds after school hours. [More…]
There are a great number of latchkey children in our society, and it is the responsibility of the community as much as the responsibility of the parents that we have those latchkey children. [More…]
Children as young as 5 or 6 year of age are coming home to empty homes after school hours in the afternoon. [More…]
This must be of great concern not only to the parents but also to people who are not parents or to those people whose children have grown up. [More…]
I certainly would not like to see industry or any industrial organisation setting up a child care centre, a pre-school centre or an after school centre that was not fully contained in the provisions of the Children’s Commission Bill. [More…]
The sum of $43m will go a long way towards providing some of the facilities for children that are essential in our society. [More…]
I express my appreciation to the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
That is not to say that there is criticism of some of the opportunities that may be opened up by the formation of the Children’s Commission but to point to the difficulties of administering the Bill as it is in order to reach the people concerned in their local communities. [More…]
Clause 5(1) (ii) of the Bill seeks to enable the Commission to deal directly with the governments of the States and Territories, local government bodies, charitable organisations and other organisations and persons for the establishment, development and maintenance of the means of providing services for children or for research and planning in relation to those services. [More…]
Although under clause 5 (4) of the Bill the Commission is required to consult and co-operate with departments of state and with certain authorities, compliance with that provision would be made very difficult indeed by clause 3 1 of the Bill, which provides for the establishment in each State or Territory of the Commonwealth a Children ‘s Commission Advisory Board constituted by and under the control of the responsible Federal Minister. [More…]
The Government of Victoria wishes to record the fact that that Une of action is completely contrary to the arrangement that the Premier of Victoria made with the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) in regard to the distribution of interim children’s grants. [More…]
My colleague, Senator Rae, referred to the establishment of a Children’s Bureau as part of the Opposition’s policy. [More…]
Pre-school care and education is regarded as being essential to the work of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
One would have thought that the work that has been done on that aspect in one State would not need to be duplicated because it would be in that State that it would function for the children of that State. [More…]
I refer, first, to the term ‘services for children’. [More…]
It is therefore understood that almost any service could be defined within the Commission’s operations as being a service applicable to children. [More…]
For that reason we wonder what the definition of the special needs of children would embrace. [More…]
In spite of the fairly liberal definition of services for children’ in this Bill, we would like to see more clearly defined what the Government would intend to be the requirement concerning children in special need and how it sees that functioning as a service provided by the Commonwealth Government. [More…]
We believe that it has not been made clear that this service will include all children. [More…]
In fact considerable emphasis has been placed on the children who will have services provided for them while they are out of their homes, whereas there seems to have been no accent placed on services being provided for children who may require them in their own homes. [More…]
I think it is fair to compare the functions of and the services to people through the Children’s Commission with the functions of and the services to people through some other commissions. [More…]
I do not think it is an unfair comparison to relate the Children’s Commission to the Schools Commission or to the Social Welfare Commission. [More…]
In the Schools Commission there is emphasis on providing the highest standards, making education available to all children at such standard without fee. [More…]
If high standards and skilled staff are recognised in those 2 commissions, I believe it is even more important that the Children’s Commission should recognise that high standards and skilled staff are essential if we are to provide the standard of service that we believe is required by children in their very early and formative years. [More…]
I would like to see a positive statement of such an aim made by the Chairman or by the Children’s Commission so that we would see that there is not just emphasis on quantity of child care facilities or after school clubs but rather on the quality of the services provided for the needs of children. [More…]
The Government’s firm intention is to provide an imaginative and comprehensive range or services so that all children in Australia will have access to services that are designed to promote their well being . [More…]
I would like to see a greater definition of the quality of service that we would want for Australian children. [More…]
He did not mention the rights of children. [More…]
It is a matter of recognising the rights of children and of every person in society. [More…]
To relate any provision of child care simply to the women in Australian society overlooks the fact that both parents have equal responsibilities in the care of their children and that the children have the fundamental and essential rights which are part of the Declaration of Human Rights. [More…]
I think that part of the Declaration of Human Rights which relates to children is very beautifully expressed. [More…]
I accept that proposition, but I would like to think that in the formation of the Children’s Commission some opportunity would be taken to see that it is representative of the skills which are required for people to make decisions in this important area. [More…]
I would have thought that in setting up the Children’s Commission, which is to have the permanency that the Government conceives, they may have adopted the same attitude that they did when they were in Opposition and recognised the need for specification of skills and professionalism for the people who would be appointed to do this important work. [More…]
It is a matter of dealing with the range of people who know the problems, who know the needs of children and who are prepared to use that professionalism in the selection of care and facilities that are funded by the Federal Government to the State and voluntary organisations. [More…]
I think it is important also to realise that the State and Territory Children’s Commission Advisory Boards, which are referred to in clause 31, should be the subject of some comment. [More…]
We must ask why they cannot be the means of communication with the Children’s Commission. [More…]
The clause states that the Minister may establish a Children’s Commission Advisory Board in each State and Territory. [More…]
I simply say, at this stage of our dealing with this proposal to establish the Children’s Commission, that we have a sense of responsibility towards the children of this country. [More…]
We express the hope that, whatever services are provided by government, it will be understood that in respect of this relationship with children we are making very important decisions to provide services which will be of increasing importance to the future of this country in the development of healthy minds in children and in the emotional development which will allow children to take advantage of what we hope will be improved educational opportunities at all levels in the future. [More…]
-Mr Acting Deputy President, this Children’s Commission Bill sounds good, reasonable and plausible. [More…]
The Government’s firm intention is to provide an imaginative and comprehensive range of services so that all children- [More…]
The Government claims that the establishment of a Children’s Commission is a further recognition by the Government of the rights of women in Australian society. [More…]
The reason the Government gives for the necessity to introduce this Bill is that changing social patterns have put considerable pressures on families with infant and school-age children. [More…]
It also claims that many existing facilities are seriously under-used and that the answer lies in people who know how to look after children. [More…]
I ask: What is the cause of the changing social patterns that have put such pressures on our families and children? [More…]
The Government implies that it can hire people who know how to look after children better than their own parents do. [More…]
In its first year of operation the Children’s Commission, which is to be established by this Bill, will rob our mothers of a further $74m. [More…]
After robbing families of $74m which the Government says is to be expended on all children in Australia, the Government then allocates priorities to those children whose parents are engaged in employment, to those children who are not being cared for in their own homes, to those children who need assistance and to those children who are sick and physically disabled. [More…]
This Government is taking $74m away from families that have been made paupers by the Government and directing it towards financing the disruption of families, introducing the bureaucratisation of children and creating a diminishing ability in parents to make their own decisions. [More…]
If it continues for very long, the Government will not need the Children’s Commission at all. [More…]
As was stated by the Government in another place, the Children’s Commission will take its place beside the School’s Commission, the Technical and Further Education Commission, the Australian Universities Commission and the Commission of Advanced Education. [More…]
The point was made that pre-school kindergartens are worried about their existence and their figure, given that conditions are being imposed upon them to extend services or to integrate with other children’s services. [More…]
That subsidy will be paid in respect of each pre-school which extends and/or integrates its services in a manner compatible with the philosophy of the Children’s Commission and the needs of the particular community. [More…]
Pre-schools could also be used as a base from which to operate a family day care program which eligible children could attend on a sessional basis and where care givers could come together for discussions, seminars and the like. [More…]
It might be possible also for a toy library to operate from the pre-school for other children’s services. [More…]
Paragraph (c) states: the care of children other than pre-school aged children at a time or times of the day when they are not being provided with an educational service and are not being cared for in their own homes; [More…]
Paragraph (g) states: other services, not being educational services or other services prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph, provided to children, or to the parents of children, that will be conducive to meeting the needs of children having special needs or to promoting the physical, social or mental development of children; . [More…]
There does not appear to be any specific encouragement for parents who elect to care for their own children on a full-time basis rather than taking the alternative of working and making use of child care facilities provided and encouraged pursuant to this Bill. [More…]
-The definition provides for a wide range of services for children throughout the community. [More…]
Some services are directed specifically towards children whose parent or parents are working. [More…]
Would anyone be prepared to say that these children do not have a need for care? [More…]
It is worth examining the Child Care Act to see what assistance was given to the children of parents who were not employed. [More…]
The Child Care Act was designed to cater for the children of working parents. [More…]
By introducing this Bill the Government recognises that all children should have access to a comprehensive range of children’s services to meet their needs, and the scope of the definition of ‘services for children’ is deliberately quite wide. [More…]
For example, paragraph (b) refers to ‘the education of pre-school aged children’, paragraph (f) refers to ‘assistance to, and counselling of, parents in relation to the raising of children’, and paragraph (g) refers to ‘other services’, and obviously applies to all children. [More…]
Physically or mentally disabled or handicapped children are able to attract these services when they are not cared for in their own homes but fit children who are being cared for in their own homes are excluded. [More…]
I draw the Government’s attention to this aspect and to the concern of people who do care for their sick children for periods of time and who could benefit from supportive services that may be available, even the short term supportive services. [More…]
I feel sure that the usual definition would be applied to physically or mentally disabled or handicapped children as we know it in other Acts and they are included if they are not in their own homes. [More…]
In the performance of its functions, the Commission shall, to the greatest extent practicable, consult and cooperate with Departments of State and with authorities established by or under laws of Australia, being Departments or authorities responsible for aspects of the planning of, the provision of, the training of persons to provide, and the provision of financial assistance for, services for children. [More…]
We believe that this approach has a number of faults, which I outlined, and that it would be much better to approach it from the point of view of creating a children’s bureau. [More…]
The effect of that is that the Government is proposing that funds in respect of the services for children will be paid by the Commonwealth pursuant to section 8 1 of the Constitution direct to receiving bodies, be they local government bodies, private organisations or whatever they may be. [More…]
We do not in any way suggest that the moneys that have been appropriated should not be made available for the purposes of providing services for children; it is simply a question of the mode to be adopted. [More…]
It will also lessen the likelihood of creating an all powerful bureaucracy from the centre and we believe it will make the ultimate result more in the interests of the children of Australia. [More…]
Unlike the Child Care Act, this Bill provides for advisory boards to enable consultation with State governments, local government and the voluntary agencies involved in providing children’s services. [More…]
Why is it that there is no emphasis at all in clause 5 or elsewhere in the Bill on any concept of the development and protection of children’s rights as such? [More…]
It is the Government’s firm intention that by 1980 all children in Australia will have access to services designed to take care of their educational, emotional, physical, social and recreational needs. [More…]
The Australian Government is committed to providing care for as many children as possible, especially where it is most needed and in the way that people want it. [More…]
We want the community to be involved in the care of its children. [More…]
That means wc wish to help citizens to identify their real needs and to play a part in initiating and managing services for children. [More…]
The Minister then pre-empts the recommendations of the proposed Children’s Commission by stating what the Government’s policy will be in 1976; for example, that the Government will pay 75 per cent of the salaries. [More…]
If this is the approach, perhaps we will have to pose this further question: Should not all primary schools have their funds cut off if they do not extend or integrate their services in the light of the program of the Children’s Commission? [More…]
to ascertain the needs of the Australian community for services for children and to make recommendations to the Minister in respect of those needs, including recommendations in relation to- (iri) the education and training of persons involved, or to be involved, in the provision of services for children; [More…]
In the performance of its functions, the Commission shall, to the greatest extent practicable, consult and cooperate with Departments of State and with authorities established by or under laws of Australia, being Departments or authorities responsible for aspects of the planning of, the provision of, the training of persons to provide, and the provision of financial assistance for, services for children. [More…]
At some time a future Children’s Commission might find it impracticable to have any consultation and co-operation when obviously the judgment as to what is the greatest extent practicable would be the judgment of the Commission itself. [More…]
In the performance of its functions, the Commission shall, to the greatest extent practicable, consult and co-operate with Departments of State and with authorities established by or under laws of Australia or of any State or Territory being Departments or authorities responsible for aspects of the planning of, the provision of, the training of persons to provide, and the provision of financial assistance for, services for children. [More…]
We never thought it necessary to include the words ‘or of any State or Territory’ because of clause 31 of the Bill which sets up State and Territory Children’s Commission Advisory Boards. [More…]
These advisory boards consist of representatives of State government, local government, community groups and at present the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission. [More…]
But in our view that does not adequately cover the requirement that consultation and co-operation so far as the Children’s Commission is concerned should be community based. [More…]
It is not meant that the Children’s Commission shall go into the real estate business. [More…]
Clause 31 (State and Territory Children’s Commission Advisory Boards). [More…]
-Clause 31 provides for the establishment of State and Territory Children ‘s Commission Advisory Boards. [More…]
-I support the comments of Senator Rae with regard to the proposed State and Territory Children’s Commission Advisory Boards. [More…]
There needs to be some relationship between the preschool planning in the various States and the provision of what might be additional child care facilities for those children who have working parents away from the home during several hours of each day. [More…]
The criticism is that pre-schooling has primarily benefited children whose mothers can afford to stay at home. [More…]
I think we ought to be questioning whether there is co-ordination between the kindergartens or pre-school centres in the various States and what might be attempted under the Children’s Commission with the child care facilities that are to be developed. [More…]
I think that the State advisory bodies are the best organisations to advise the new Children’s Commission on what plans are already in existence and how they may facilitate the overall concept of improved services. [More…]
No one should impose upon an association of people the demand that they should in some way destroy the environment in which they live and in which their children shall live. [More…]
He could come before a conference and say to the person against whom the complaint is made: ‘I believe that justice requires that you should pay to the complainant a sum of $ 1 , 000 or $2,000 ‘ or ‘ You should educate his children at a school’ or something of that character. [More…]
They were not trying to do anything except convince the government of the day that they needed justice in respect of their tribal land rights, the health of their children, employment opportunities and better health for the community generally. [More…]
In the period specified 286 children (the orphan flights) and 78 adult Vietnamese were carried by RAAF aircraft from Saigon. [More…]
We find that by the use of bilingual education in schools Aboriginal children no longer begin their education at a disadvantage to European children by being taught in a foreign language. [More…]
Yes, the Department of Aboriginal Affairs is funding various organisations in regard to the involvement of children in cultural community relationships. [More…]
From the outset the scheme provided such benefits as full pension on invalidity retirement during service, pensions for widows and children on the death of the member and the opportunity to purchase full pension on normal retirement after reaching age 60. [More…]
This improvement will extend to present scheme pensions as will an improvement in children’s pensions. [More…]
Subject to the improvement in spouses’ and children’s pensions, pensions already in existence at 30 June 1975 will continue to be paid at the levels provided by the present Act and be updated annually in accordance with the 1.4 times formula 1 have previously explained. [More…]
It applies to spouses’ and children’s pensions that are payable or may become payable in the future under that Act the levels of benefits provided in the new scheme and applies also the wider eligibility provisions of that scheme. [More…]
It is estimated that approximately 1 million persons do not come within the categories of enrolled voters or endowed children. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Tourism and Recreation and relates to the Tasmanian Rosny Children’s Choir, which is currently on a visit to China. [More…]
Is it a fact that one of the conditions required was that the children were to wear red uniforms? [More…]
For the information of honourable senators, I present a report on educational turbulence among Australian servicemen’s children by Lindsay Mackay and Brian Spicer of the Faculty of Education, Monash University. [More…]
We only trust that in spite of all the defects which will arise the children concerned will not be disadvantaged. [More…]
Other quite significant and highly desirable features are that contributors or their dependants have options to take part of the benefit on death or retirement as a lump sum; Provident Fund contributors will receive the same benefits as other contributors on retirement and improved benefits on death or invalidity; children and orphans will receive better benefits; and the position of temporary public servants is to be improved. [More…]
The Opposition also supports these advantages of the new scheme: The option for retirement between the ages of 60 to 65 to continue under the new scheme with pension adjusted proportionately; the option to take part of the benefit as a lump sum introduced in the new scheme- I understand that is encouraged by the Opposition- comparable benefits provided for members of the Provident Fund; improved benefits for temporary public servants; improved benefits for widowers, children and orphans; and greatly simplified administration. [More…]
It seeks to provide on invalidity retirement full pension for our employees, a pension for widows and children on the death of the member, and the facility of purchasing full pension on normal retirement at the age of 60 years. [More…]
An inflation rate of 20 per cent is something that children will be taking in with their mother’s milk in about 2 decades. [More…]
he is not survived by a spouse but is survived by a person or persons who is or are his child or children. [More…]
at any time after his death when the surviving child or 1 or more of the surviving children is an eligible child or are eligible children- orphan pension is payable in respect of the eligible child or eligible children in accordance with sub-section (2 ); and [More…]
if the surviving child or 1 or more of the surviving children is or are, immediately after his death, an eligible child or eligible children or, in the opinion of the [More…]
Commissioner, is or are likely to become an eligible child or eligible children- lump sum benefit is payable in respect of that child or those children in accordance with sub-section (3). [More…]
he is not survived by a spouse but is survived by a person or persons who is or are his child or children, then, except in a case where section 100, 101 or 102 applies [More…]
he is not survived by a spouse but is survived by a person or persons who is or are his child or children. [More…]
b) the spouse dies but is survived by a person or persons who is or are the child or children of the deceased eligible employee, then, at any time after the spouse’s death when the surviving child or1 or more of the surviving children, is an eligible child or are eligible children, orphan pension is payable in respect of the eligible child or eligible children in accordance with sub-section (3). [More…]
the spouse dies but is survived by a person or persons who is or are the child or children of the deceased eligible employee, then, at any time after the spouse’s death when the surviving child or 1 or more of the surviving children is an eligible child or are eligible children, orphan pension is payable in respect of the eligible child or eligible children in accordance with sub-section (3) of this section. [More…]
the spouse dies but is survived by a person or persons who is or are the child or children of the deceased eligible employee, then, at any time after the spouse’s death when the surviving child or1 or more of the surviving children, is an eligible child or are eligible children, orphan pension is payable in respect of the eligible child or eligible children in accordance with sub-section (3) of this section. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s standard pension is payable by virtue of section 82 to the spouse of a deceased eligible employee, there are children of the eligible employee who are eligible children, then, in the application of subsection ( 1 ) of this section at that time to the spouse, the reference in that sub-section to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 95 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s pension is payable to a spouse to whom this section applies, there are children of the deceased eligible employee who are eligible children, then, in the application of sub-section (2) at that time to the spouse, the reference in sub-section (2) to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where the are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum: or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 95 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s pension is payable to a spouse who makes an election under sub-section (1 ), there are children of the deceased eligible employee who are eligible children, then, in the application of sub-section (2) at that time to the spouse, the reference in sub-section (2) to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 95 per centum: or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s pension is payable to a spouse to whom this section applies there are children of the deceased eligible employee who are eligible’ children then, in the application of sub-section (2) at that time to the spouse, the reference in sub-section (2) to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligibile children- 95 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s pension is payable to a spouse who makes an election under sub-section (1 ), there are children of the deceased eligible employee who are eligible children, then, in the application of sub-section (2) at that time to the spouse, the reference in sub-section (2) to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 95Vi per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s standard pension is payable by virtue of section 94 to the spouse of a deceased pensioner, there are children of the pensioner who are eligible children, then, in the application of sub-section (1) of this section at that dme to the spouse, the reference in that subsection to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 9516 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
If, at any time when spouse’s pension is payable to the spouse under sub-section (1), there are children of the deceased contributor who are eligible children, then, in the application of sub-section ( 1 ) at that time to the spouse, the reference in sub-section ( 1 ) to 67 per centum shall be read as a reference to- [More…]
where there are 2 eligible children- 89 per centum; or [More…]
where there are 3 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
where there are 3 eligible children- 95 Vi per centum; or [More…]
where there are 4 or more eligible children- 100 per centum. [More…]
As I have stated, the amendments relate to the widows pension formula and the children’s benefit formula. [More…]
The flat rate addition is for children. [More…]
For a widow with 3 dependent children the payment equals 100 per cent. [More…]
The amendment does reduce widows pensions but if there are 4 dependent children the pension amounts to 100 per cent. [More…]
The argument that in the event of the death of a contributor who has 4 children a 100 per cent benefit would be paid out, of course is quite true. [More…]
Increasing the initial payment to 67 per cent and adding 1 1 per cent for each of the 3 children makes a 100 per cent payment. [More…]
The fact is, of course, that only a small minority of families in Australia now have 4 children. [More…]
The great majority of widows would have 3 children or fewer. [More…]
At that meeting, did Mr Piesse state in a paper which he delivered thtat there were grave deficiencies in the service presently offered by the National Acoustic Laboratories for children with hearing problems. [More…]
Did the areas of concern include testing of hearing, the working relationship between audiologists and teachers, training programs for audiologists and teachers, parent education, the selection and fitting of suitable aids, the need for improved ear mould making techniques, the need for more effective checking and maintenance of children’s aids. [More…]
In referring to developments in audiology services provided in a school in California visited by a member of his staff Mr Piesse said that certain factors observed in the school program might afford opportunity to provide further additional benefits for Australian children. [More…]
The reference was to the program to provide high powered behind-the-ear hearing aids to all severely and profoundly deaf children who might benefit as part of the continuing program for the development and provision of an expanded range of aids. [More…]
The Laboratories’ method of evaluation of a hearing aid fitting which can be used with children only 9 months of age is thought to be ahead of techniques used elsewhere. [More…]
Family Health Insurance cards have been prepared by Medibank from records supplied by the Department of Social Security, relating to all children for whom Child Endowment is currently being paid to a parent or guardian. [More…]
Changes made to names of children by adoptive parents but which have not been notified to the Department can be corrected by informing Medibank. [More…]
Children who are not living in a family, or who in the opinion of their parent or guardian should have a personal card, may have an application for a card completed on their behalf by the parent, guardian, person or authority responsible for them. [More…]
I have received quite an amount of correspondence from people expressing concern that if this Bill is not carried children’s programs could be adversely affected. [More…]
I have also had correspondence from people who say that children’s programs should be not heavy educational programs but of a light entertainment type because children need time to relax when they come home from school. [More…]
They want to do all they can to present the type of children’s program that will give the greatest benefit to the young people, but there are problems involved in this. [More…]
What type of program should be provided for children? [More…]
If television stations were to present a program which some children would refer to as being very stuffy children would not watch it. [More…]
Some parents say that this is the best thing that children can do- go out of doors, exercise and get some fresh air. [More…]
Whilst the Opposition and I fully support the Children’s Television Action Committee and the work it is doing, I can assure this chamber that the television industry itself is giving and has given a lot of thought to what can be done to present the best type of program. [More…]
With the cooperation of people in the television industry and their acceptance of responsibility, and through constructive discussions and trial and error, I hope that one day we will reach a situation where most people- we will never please all people- will be happy with the type of children’s television programs that are presented. [More…]
I say that in all fairness to the commercial television people who, as I say, are genuinely trying to do all they can to give the best type of program for the children, and this community. [More…]
Children’s programming has also been suggested as one reason why we need these amendments. [More…]
Senator Young has referred to our attitude with regard to children’s programming. [More…]
The Opposition has a very sincere interest in improving the quality of children’s programming in this country. [More…]
To suggest that the amendments affecting the Australian Broadcasting Control Board, as we see them before us at the present time, are the only way in which this can be achieved is again to overlook the requirements of quality children ‘s programming and many other things that need to be taken into consideration if this is to be achieved. [More…]
We would like to see the formation of a children’s film foundation in this country so that we could be producing quality films. [More…]
We would like to see a real objective in using television as a medium to entertain and educate children and to make them part of a culturally aware community. [More…]
I think that these things need to be put into perspective when we are talking about a new Bill, new amendments and the Government’s contention that it needs these amendents so that the Broadcasting Control Board can, in the terms of the Government, achieve greater Australian content and a better quality of children’s programs. [More…]
Let one consider the position of the new settlers in Australia over the last 30 years, the period which saw an influx of hundreds of thousands of people- indeed I think it fair to say millions- looking for a new life and new hope for their children, far from the anguish and tragedy which the Second World War brought to their homelands. [More…]
Increased widows pensions will cost $ 1 48m; provision for widower pensions- I emphasise the words ‘widower pensions’- will cost $106m; increasing children’s pensions will cost $30m; giving an option on death and invalidity will cost $464m; the improved option on early retirement will cost $30m; and improved options on existing schemes will cost $97m. [More…]
They did it because they were forced by the authorities to leave, since by that time it was felt that Aboriginal children should be educated. [More…]
Honourable senators can imagine what it was like in those days, without the kind of money and job opportunities that are available today, and the parents of those children could not provide even the rowing boat so they could not get their children to school. [More…]
They were told by the authorities that if they did not send their children to school then they- the parents- would be gaoled and their children would be taken away. [More…]
They want to develop playing areas for the Aboriginal children and they also want to use part of the land for an animal sanctuary. [More…]
We are talking about a future charge upon the Australian people and their children. [More…]
For those reasons on behalf of my colleagues I extend to his widow and his children our deepest sympathy. [More…]
Mrs Milliner has lost a great husband, his children have lost a great father, and his grandchildren have lost a great grandfather, but Queensland has lost a great Queenslander. [More…]
I rang that number and one of Shanahan ‘s children answered the phone. [More…]
In her work in the community at large, Dame Ivy was a Justice of the Peace and a Special Magistrate in the Children’s Court of Victoria. [More…]
She was a Justice of the Peace and a Special Magistrate in the Children’s Court. [More…]
As at least SO per cent of the children attending Pine Creek Pre-school are Aboriginals, and a large proportion of all of the children are from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds, will the Minister give urgent attention to securing a teacher for the beginning of second term this year. [More…]
Would he not agree that such military training of school children occurs in most other countries around the world and in virtually all communist countries and that a recent public opinion poll disclosed that 76 per cent were in favour of the continuance of cadet training in schools and only 18 per cent were against it? [More…]
Does this article quote evidence that there is a significantly greater chance of children being born with limb defects to mothers who have had hormonal preparation at the commencement of their pregnancy. [More…]
291, p. 697-700) and which considered the mothers of a group of children with limb deformities. [More…]
These women were exposed to significantly greater numbers of a variety of hormonal preparations given for various reasons during pregnancy, compared to the exposure suffered by a control group of mothers having normal children. [More…]
Let us take the example of a man earning $ 135 a week at present- the type of man who falls within the $100 to $150 a week of which the Treasurer talks- with a dependent wife and 2 children. [More…]
The Australian Government has direct responsibility for the education of Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory and, in accordance with its policy of preserving Aboriginal languages and cultures, has introduced a program under which Aboriginal children living in Aboriginal communities receive primary education in their own language and instruction in traditional Aboriginal arts, crafts and skills. [More…]
This Government has made significant changes in the degree of financial expenditure and in the area over which a number of social developments have taken place, particularly in relation to the children of this country. [More…]
The aim is to provide a free dental service to all primary school children by 1982, and subsequently, to pre-school and secondary school children under 1 5 years of age. [More…]
Double orphan’s pensions will be extended to cover children whose sole surviving parent or adoptive parent has been committed to prison for not less than 10 years or is a long term patient in a mental hospital. [More…]
Since then Mr Fraser has said that the Budget penalises those who save through life or superannuation policies and who want to provide a different kind of education for their children. [More…]
Mr Fraser went on to say that people should have freedom to choose what kind of education they wanted for their children. [More…]
It means that 208 000 more children are now attending technical schools in Australia than when this Government came to power. [More…]
It means that 208 000 more children have the opportunity to attend those schools. [More…]
Hundreds and thousands of other school children in Australia are now for the first time getting the benefit of decent equipment and better buildings. [More…]
Clearly what Mr Fraser means when he talks about freedom in education is that freedom of people to send their children to private schools with the benefit of big concessions which favour the rich. [More…]
A Liberal government would favour concessions to the rich and concessions to those who want the freedom to send their children to private schools at the expense of every other child in Australia. [More…]
The Government of the time put a 33 lA per cent sales tax on children’s toys, a 20 per cent sales tax on ice cream and sweets, a 20 per cent sales tax on razor blades and a 25 per cent sales tax on the birthday cake and the Christmas cake. [More…]
A person earning $7,000 a year or $135 a week, with a nonworking wife and 2 children, will pay $4.06 a week less in tax- a cut of some 27 per cent in his tax bill. [More…]
Have honourable senators ever heard of a man on the minimum wage having house help, unless it is his own children? [More…]
The fact is that most of those people- certainly an increasing proportion of them- no longer can afford to send their children to boarding school. [More…]
There is no local school which the children can attend; so they have to use correspondence courses. [More…]
A large proportion of people in Queensland and certainly, I am sure, in other States who depend on correspondence courses to educate their children cannot afford to have the courses delivered any more. [More…]
Traditionally, incest has been treated as a crime primarily for the protection of children from the depredations of their elders. [More…]
What steps, if any, are being taken by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs to ensure that all teachers of Aboriginal children are specially trained for the task? [More…]
The question implies that the teachers of Aboriginal children require to undertake a specialist training course. [More…]
I do not know which schools are training teachers to teach Aboriginal children. [More…]
I shall try to find out from the Minister whether any further information is available on the matter of special tuition for teachers who specialise in teaching Aboriginal children. [More…]
It invites comments about the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s intention to require special closures on all preparations containing what could be considered lethal doses of drugs in order to prevent children being able to easily avail themselves of those drugs. [More…]
One is headed Children’s Car Seats and Car Harnesses’ and I suggest it should be freely available from the manufacturers of the recommended seats and harnesses. [More…]
What sort of discriminatory practice in terms of educational opportunities for the children of Australia is that? [More…]
Payments for children dependent on pensioners, on the unemployed and on the sick have been increased significantly. [More…]
Parents of handicapped children now receive $10 a week. [More…]
I have had children going to school in Victoria for the last 25 years. [More…]
When my eldest children started school in Victoria there was a boom. [More…]
We had to turn up at school 2 days before the commencing date to enrol the children. [More…]
We had to ensure that our children had turned 5 years of age at a minute past 12 on a certain day; otherwise we could not get them into school. [More…]
After these hundreds and hundreds of parents and children turned up at schools for the children to commence their first years of schooling, one would have thought that a government which cared and planned would have known that in 6 years time those children would turn up at technical schools and high schools and that it would have started to plan then to accommodate them. [More…]
When our children reached the age when they had to go to technical school or high school, what happened? [More…]
We turned up in the same old queues and we met the same mothers and the same children. [More…]
Our children still had to have the impossible qualifications- they had to have turned a certain age at a certain minute past a certain hour. [More…]
One might have thought that a government could have been caught unawares then and that it would have planned for when those children went on to tertiary education. [More…]
There was the same hotch-potch of accommodation for children; there was the same hotch-potch of accommodation for their education. [More…]
Even in a State which cares as much about preschool education as Victoria does, if it had not been for the money that this Federal Government had given to Victoria we would not have been able to get our children into pre-schools. [More…]
He says that it is because of the Federal Government that he cannot plan a decent education for our children in Victoria. [More…]
In parts of Victoria there are still schools which can get no library grant or no additional assistance because the parents of the children attending those schools cannot raise the first little bit of money that is needed before the Victorian Education Department will match the grant. [More…]
There are still children who go to schools that are a dust bowl in the summer and a mud heap in the winter. [More…]
It is only because of the devotion and the inspiration of the teachers and the head teachers in those schools that the children get any sort of assistance at all. [More…]
Many of them are migrant children. [More…]
If it had not been for this Government which said that all children are entitled to an education, those migrant children would still be struggling along with no assistance whatsoever. [More…]
As it is, so many of these migrant children still try to cope with English, which is a new language to them, in the laundry or the toilet or the cloakroom of the school into which they have been plonked. [More…]
Technical education was not just the Cinderella of education in Victoria; it barely existed because, after all, the children receiving technical education came from families who did not matter much. [More…]
Those children came primarily from areas in which there was a Labor member of Parliament and, after all, that other government was not going to help those sorts of areas. [More…]
These were the children who were destined to be factory fodder, so far as the previous Government was concerned. [More…]
This Government believes that all children are deserving of education, irrespective of whether they are mentally retarded, and that it is the responsibility of government to provide that education and not the responsibility of flower hatted ladies. [More…]
Mr Fraser did not notice that the single mothers had children to raise and needed a pension and that their children needed to be treated like human beings, but now he says that the Opposition Parties have noticed. [More…]
We are so pleased as must be the homeless people who for years and years had to rely upon the charity of all sorts of organisations or else sleep in a park and go hungry, and as must be the deserted children and the isolated children. [More…]
After all, one would think that a Liberal-Country Party government would have taken into account that there are children, that there are parents and that there are women who live in extraordinarily isolated circumstances and who have as much right to a good education and to converse with their fellows as has anybody else, but what did it do about it? [More…]
Those in the middle age group wonder what kind of country this Government will leave for their children. [More…]
Or are we to cut back the $74m which we have allocated to services for children, and particularly for child care centres, voluntary day centres and the like. [More…]
In a recent edition of the Australian Professor Crisp said that most children today cannot spell, cannot write, cannot add up, and so on. [More…]
If what he says is correct, heaven help the children in the other States. [More…]
We have encouraged advancements in the education of young children in Australia. [More…]
it is increasingly difficult for people to save the deposit on a house, pay for their children’s education and to assist aging parents. [More…]
We have the meagre starvation pension syndrome again- I have had many an argument over that in this chamber- whereby the children should be supplementing the parent’s pension. [More…]
I think that it discriminates particularly against young people, whether they are single or married without children. [More…]
In response to Senator Wright’s claim that a record amount of money was being spent on education, we said at that time that it would be necessary to spend at least 4 times as much to give Australian children a standard of education equal to that given to those attending schools in the United States of America, Sweden, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom or any other advanced nation. [More…]
We have since increased the expenditure on education to some $ 1,900m because we believe that the children of Australia and the people of Australia are entitled to enjoy the same educational standards as people in other countries. [More…]
Dependants’ allowances, basis of payment; for example, spouse plus number of children. [More…]
Will he consult with his colleague with a view to prohibiting in the Australian Capital Territory the sale to children of imitation cigarettes in the form of sweets which are packaged like real cigarettes and labelled ‘Fags’, as these lollies are a great inducement to children to become addicted to the health destroying habit of smoking? [More…]
I did not realise that children were taking to them. [More…]
I am not sure to what extent children would be addicted to them. [More…]
If one considers the case of an average wage earner on about $8,000 a year, with a dependent wife and 2 children, one of school age, that man will benefit on the face of the Budget by about $2 15 a year. [More…]
It teaches that the wealth of a society should be administered in the interest of all; that every one of us, men, women and children, has an equal stake in our community, and equal duty to it- to do our best- and an equal right to share in its fruits. [More…]
At one time it was very rare to hear of a mother leaving her children to the support of the husband, but today it is becoming common and the father of a young family has only 2 alternatives: He can either give up the children and let them go into the custody of the state, or he can give up his employment. [More…]
He cannot accept casual employment, particularly if the children are young, and he is unable to get domestic help to look after the children while he attends work. [More…]
7, they will see that in Mr Hayden ‘s own figures he computes the assessment of a taxpayer who has 2 dependent children. [More…]
Even on Mr Hayden ‘s tables an income earner who earns $7,000 a year, with a dependent wife and 2 children, will pay $570 in tax. [More…]
In April of this year he went with his wife and children, all of whom were born in Australia, to Yugoslavia for a holiday. [More…]
1 ) ls the Minister aware of reported associations between synthetic food colourings and flavours and behavioural disturbances and learning disabilities in adults and children such as were reviewed in ‘Chemtech’. [More…]
I have been for some time aware of reported associations between synthetic food colourings and flavours and behavioural disturbances and learning disabilities in adults and children and, in particular, with reports of the work of Dr B. F. Feingold reviewed in ‘Chemtech’ May 1975. [More…]
His patients were all children with behavioural problems. [More…]
Is the Minister for Police and Customs aware of a Press report in the Sunday Times of 3 1 August that an imported children’s book containing misleading information that a known highly dangerous toadstool is harmless has gone on sale in Australia? [More…]
These figures have been confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross which also reports that a high proportion of the refugees are women and children. [More…]
Such means should be directed at the maximal reduction of controllable sources of mercury emissions to the environment and the provision of adequate regulations that minimise exposure of vulnerable sub-groups, such as children and pregnant women, to mercury from fish. [More…]
I am further informed that during the period November 1974 to February 1975 inclusive twentytwo Aboriginal children were considered so ill as to be sent on from Wilcannia Hospital to Broken Hill, and two Aboriginal children were critical enough to be sent to an Adelaide hospital for intensive treatment. [More…]
During each election period the Premier of Queensland has visited the area and the children there have had the benefit of receiving lollies from him, but the lollies did not sustain the population for the whole year. [More…]
We are saying that an area populated by relatively young people who have many young children should be represented by one person. [More…]
It is a government which says that it will draw its electoral boundaries on the basis of population, that is, on the number of non-voting migrants, on the number of babies, on the number of children and not on the number of electors. [More…]
It cites as examples of that certain Aborigines who do not turn up to vote, certain migrants who are not registered yet, prisoners in gaol, children, people who are not on the electoral roll, and I presume people who vote informally. [More…]
These figures have been confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross which also reports that a high proportion of the refugees are women and children. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Police and Customs seen Press reports indicating that some State governments intend to ban the manufacture and sale of children’s nightwear made from fabrics of high fire hazard? [More…]
Does the Minister intend to introduce controls to prohibit the importation of children’s nightwear made from such fabrics? [More…]
My Department administers regulations which provide that imported children’s nightwear shall be marked to indicate the extent of the in flammability of the material. [More…]
The Government cannot see the value of prohibiting the importation of children’s flammable nightwear while it can be manufactured and sold in Australia under State laws. [More…]
Children’s Commission Bill 1975 [More…]
We were doing so because organisations such as UNICEF and the Red Cross, can look after the children and so on. [More…]
We can no longer develop accurate mortality figures for diphtheria, polio and whooping cough because the development of drugs through the private pharmaceutical industry has had an enormous effect upon the health of Australians, particularly the children. [More…]
8m in maternity allowances, $3.9m in handicapped children’s allowances, $5. [More…]
His speech reminded me of bedtime stories, with the odd touch of the ugly sisters in them and occasionally a witch and a dragon and all kinds of fanciful things, for little children whom he perhaps at some stage in his life gathered around his knee. [More…]
I think that even the children who might have been terribly fond of him would have found it exteremly hard to digest that complete load of irrelevance and nonsense that came from his mouth. [More…]
Additional payments for children of pensioners and supporting mothers are to be increased by 50c a week to $7.50 a week for each child. [More…]
Additional payments for children of unemployment and sickness beneficiaries are to be increased by 50c a week to $7.50 a week for each child. [More…]
Thus, a class A widow or supporting mother with 2 noninvalid children over 6 years will receive a maximum pension or benefit of $57.75 a week. [More…]
The same rate will apply to single age or invalid pensioners with children. [More…]
The limit of income which just precludes payment of a pension to a single person without children and with no property affecting his pension, will be increased by twice the amount of the pension increase to $97.50 a week. [More…]
For a married couple without children, the equivalent limits of income and property will be $163.50 a week and $85,840 respectively. [More…]
In turning to the proposal to extend the scope of double orphan’s pension I should first say that this pension was introduced by the present Government in September 1973 as a measure of assistance for people caring for children who have permanently lost the companionship, support and comfort normally provided by parents. [More…]
The Government feels that the position of these children is not greatly different from that of children whose parents are both dead or where one parent is dead and the whereabouts of the other unknown. [More…]
Generally this means that women and children go first and then there is a cutting down of the Embassy staff until the very last moment. [More…]
In brief, a ‘tax rebate of $400 will replace the existing deduction of $364 for a spouse, a rebate of $200 will replace the deduction of $260 for a student child or for one child under 16 years of age, and a rebate of $150 will replace the deduction of $208 for other children under 16 years of age. [More…]
I want to make this quite clear: Our new tax scheme removes the inequitable system of concessional deductions and replaces it with a fairer system of rebates, Further, a new allowance- a rebate of $200- is to be introduced for parents without partners who are maintaining children who qualify for concessional rebates as dependants. [More…]
The definition of student for the purpose of the higher of the two rebates for children is to be extended from the present definition to include any child under 25 years of age receiving full-time education at a school, college or university. [More…]
Under the previous, more restrictive definition, only children between the ages of 16 and 25 could qualify as a student. [More…]
For persons with dependants, the threshold will range from $4,001 where the only dependant is a spouse, to $5,943 where there is a dependant spouse and three children, including two at school. [More…]
God forbid that any of my children or grandchildren should have to experience a repetition of those times- times of suffering, human misery and deprivation. [More…]
To name three or four of those areas, I refer to Medibank, family law, legal aid and the Children’s Commission. [More…]
Their benefits will soon be flowing to the Australian people and the particular groups who need them- the low-income earners, the children, the sick, the handicapped. [More…]
They believe that only the better off classes have the right to proper legal representation before the courts, proper medical and hospital treatment and benefits, that only their children should have the right of access to pre-school care and kindergartens, that only the wealthy classes should have those benefits and that only the wealthy classes should have the benefit of the best education that this country can afford. [More…]
We remember the things that this Government has done for women and children. [More…]
For 23 years women and children were forgotten people in Australia. [More…]
Children were parked in all sorts of places. [More…]
Nobody really gave a damn whether children had rights or were treated as human beings. [More…]
We have given women and workers some hope that they may be able to go about their daily tasks with some peace of mind as to how the children- our dearest possessionswill be looked after while the women work for a living, in the main, and for so me while they work to give their expertise to this country. [More…]
Honourable senators are not expected to act like spoilt children who want their lollipops returned to them. [More…]
I quote a statement which the honourable senator made: ‘We remember the things that this Government has done for women and children’. [More…]
What has this Government done for the women and children? [More…]
Now what does it intend to do for the children? [More…]
Yet the Government tells us what it has done for the women and children of Australia. [More…]
Yet it has the gall and humbug to come to us now and say: Remember what we have done for the women and children ‘. [More…]
May we come back to the women and children whom Senator Melzer asked us to remember, to the 500 000 unemployed, to the prospective 150 000 to 200 000 students and school leavers who will not get jobs, to the lack of housing - [More…]
Does the Minister agree that in some cases single men who are responsible for the upbringing of their children are worse off than single mothers? [More…]
What does the Minister propose to do to relieve the hardship of single supporting fathers and to ensure that Australian children who are without a mother’s care can receive adequate attention from their fathers? [More…]
The Australian family man with a dependant wife and 2 children is able to earn more than $100 a week free of tax. [More…]
The examples relate to a family man claiming for a dependent spouse and 2 children. [More…]
So one can see that for a family man claiming for a dependent spouse and 2 children the benefits flow up to a weekly income of $200. [More…]
The main beneficiaries of the income tax changes will be those on low incomes and the taxpayers with non-working wives and with children. [More…]
The main losers will be single persons and working couples without children. [More…]
The minimum taxable income of a taxpayer with a dependent spouse and 2 children will be $5,229 per annum. [More…]
We could find that a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 2 children under 16 years of age on a net income of $8,000 may save 19 per cent of his tax liability. [More…]
It is true, thirdly, that the emphasis of these proposals and the proposed re-scheduling favours the family man with children. [More…]
I think that Senator Guilfoyle and others legitimately speak up for those single persons in the community and those without children who may have to pay a slightly higher marginal rate of taxation. [More…]
Might I refer briefly to some figures indicating the situation of a family man with a dependent wife and 2 children. [More…]
As I have said, the benefits are there for the family man with a wife and 2 children. [More…]
Of course, in addition to the $540 rebate which will be available to all taxpayers, the deductions which applied for expenses incurred in earning an income will be retained, as will the zonal allowance, which is an important concession for those living outside the main centres of population, and the existing concessions as they relate to spouses and children, gifts to charities and school building funds, as well as the deduction for interest on home repayments to which I have referred already. [More…]
In that year the tax on average earnings was $743 for a man with a wife and 2 dependent children. [More…]
Let us say that he is a man with no children. [More…]
Take a taxpayer with a wife and 2 dependent children who .is on the same income. [More…]
I have not attempted to give illustrations which involve 2 dependent children. [More…]
One objective is to achieve a more equitable distribution of the burden of taxation that is borne by individual taxpayers, especially in single income families- that is, the worker who has a dependent wife and children. [More…]
The Australian family man with a dependent wife and 2 children will be able to earn more than $100 a week free of tax. [More…]
For example, a bread winner with a dependent wife and 2 children, who was referred to, I think, by the honourable senator, will be freed of taxes on an income of $5,229 or less. [More…]
It has been said that the provision of a minimum rebate of $540 for taxpayers whose eligible rebatable expenditure is $1,350 or less, will operate as a disincentive to saving through life insurance and will discourage families from spending on the education of their children. [More…]
The better view is that persons who spend relatively small amounts on life assurance or to educate their children include, as a general rule, those who are not financially able to do otherwise. [More…]
The Australian family man with a dependent wife and 2 children- the worker- is able to earn more than $ 100 a week free of tax. [More…]
Australia has also contributed $4.7m this year to the multilateral agencies operating in Indo-China, namely the Indo-China Bureau of International Committee of the Red Cross, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). [More…]
We propose to do that so that top priorities are given to children, to classrooms and to teachers. [More…]
I refer to a Press release issued by the Minister, dated 17 February, in which she stated that the effect of the announced cut of $9m to the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission budget allocation would be a slowing down of already approved capital projects and the curtailing of new projects. [More…]
How much of the $6Sm allocated to the Children’s Commission for 1 975-76 is to be spent on establishing full day care services this financial year? [More…]
The allocation of priorities to applications is dealt with by State committees which have been set up to work with the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission. [More…]
I believe that there is a greater need for the integration of child care and pre-school facilities as this will permit the provision of such services to many more children. [More…]
This is equally important, of course, to parents, particularly women, who wish to work or who require such facilities for their children so that they can participate more fully in community affairs. [More…]
I especially welcome the Governor-General’s announcement that the relevant Government commissions will be asked to give close attention to measures designed to achieve greater equality in education facilities and particularly to provide better educational opportunities for the disadvantaged, handicapped, Aboriginal, isolated and migrant children. [More…]
Two of these daughters have children of their own. [More…]
I am thoroughly concerned that the school children should be accommodated as they are in the showground in corrugated iron buildings. [More…]
He announced that preference would be given to refugees closely related to people already living in Australia and that priority would be given to re-uniting spouses and children with their families in Australia. [More…]
There are approved premises catering for handicapped children and adults, numbering some 834 premises. [More…]
With regard to the Australian Capital Territory in particular, it is perhaps opportune to note that in this area the handicapped child’s allowance is payable at $10 a week to parents or guardians caring for children. [More…]
It is payable in respect of physically and mentally handicapped children as a special children’s benefit. [More…]
In view of claims by the socalled Deputy Governor of the Indonesian held areas of East Timor that 60 000 people, mostly women and children, have been massacred by Indonesian troops or so-called volunteers, I ask: What protests have been made to the neo-fascist Government of Indonesia by the Australian Government? [More…]
That woman and her 2 children are going to Rangoon to see her husband’s people. [More…]
These gaps concern in particular the problems of lone fathers who are supporting families: the problems of large families in general who arc not helped by any present income maintenance system: and equally, the problems that most pensioners and beneficiaries of short term benefits with children have. [More…]
-I ask the Minister for Social Security: In view of the confusion and the anxiety in the minds of those who are concerned with child care matters in this country, will the Minister give a detailed statement of cuts to the proposed Children’s Commission expenditure? [More…]
We are talking about the fact that the advisory committees in the various States of Australia have unnumerable applications, totalling something like 600, for approval under the child care, children’s services program. [More…]
It should be said also that the Government has asked the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission to look very actively at those projects which could claim that their activities will be closed if they do not receive funding in this year. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of other such ill-informed claims that the Government has no specific commitment to funding full day care services for children? [More…]
It is only in the past 2 months that the Government has had any opportunity to place some emphasis on children’s services outside of the pre-school area, owing to the lack of development during the term of the previous Government in this area of work. [More…]
Where some assertions have been made with regard to the Australian Capital Territory, it is of interest to note that the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission is not the body that has been allocating funds to the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
From Medibank to the Children’s Commission, through a whole range of projects the threat exists; the axe is held over their heads. [More…]
There have been claims made by the puppet Governor of the Indonesian-held areas of East Timor, Lopez da Cruz, and published in the Australian Press that 60 000 people, mostly women and children, have been massacred in East Timor. [More…]
He makes sure that adequate health facilities are available to his children and to his spouse. [More…]
For instance, we have not been told the exact nature of the cut of $9m in respect of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
These are things that the people who are operating the Children’s Commission centres need to know- the people who felt that they could do something for the children of Australia under the Children’s Commission Act. [More…]
Perhaps the people who need assistance most are the children. [More…]
They arrive at these refuges with their children in tow and in a distressed and distraught condition. [More…]
I wish to refer to the provision of services for children in the community for which $65 m is to be spent this year. [More…]
This will ensure the fullest use of resources and facilities in the interests of both children and parents. [More…]
It will ensure that the maximum number of children in the community are cared for in the most appropriate way and that their parents are thus free to participate in community affairs. [More…]
The long term aim of the present Government is to shift the balance of funding for children’s services from an emphasis on the single pre-school and kindergarten function to a balance between the full range of services, including full day care, occasional and emergency care, toy libraries and parent education programs. [More…]
These arrangements will necessarily take time to implement, particularly given the previous Government’s emphasis on pre-school funding often to the exclusion of other services and the integration of facilities for children. [More…]
We thus want to ensure that there is an integration of facilities for children in the community- not just pre-school, but occasional, day care and other facilities- so that both children and parents in the community gain maximum benefit from such facilities. [More…]
Marymead family day care scheme, for the Woden Community Association family day care scheme and for assistance to the Young Men’s Christian Association ‘children in need’ program. [More…]
At the Goulburn Valley Driver Training Complex at Shepparton there are comprehensive facilities which enable the complete instruction of children from the ages of 14 to 18 years in the whole gamut of problems which arise out of the use or abuse of the motor car. [More…]
Headlines such as ‘8000 children this year cannot get into schools’, as Senator Missen knows, have occurred every year for the past 6 years and they are still occurring. [More…]
The child care survey in 1973 showed that a quarter of a million women with dependent children aged 12 or under were in the work force and about 125 000 women with dependent children under 6 years of age were in the work force. [More…]
For the first time all women who, for any reason, were the sole support of children were entitled to a modest level of government assistance. [More…]
Again, acting on the socialist principle that the community through the auspices of government willingly assumes responsibility for its vulnerable members, the Labor Government set up the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission to develop integrated child care and development programs for pre-school age children. [More…]
As well as assisting to ease the isolation experienced by the people in these regions it would be invaluable to enable isolated children to watch the regular school broadcasts and thereby to greatly increase their education. [More…]
What costs do we take into consideration when looking at the education of our children and our young people? [More…]
I refer to the woman who, under a great deal of economic pressure, decides to do the most important job in this community- that is, the mother who stays home, who looks after and who nurtures her children into good citizens? [More…]
It has added a burden to people with repeated illness, chronic illness and especially to people with many children who may have chronic illness. [More…]
An example which comes to mind most is the family with asthmatic children. [More…]
The cost of getting the other children cared for while the mother attends a clinic adds to the burden and creates a situation which we believe should not exist in this country. [More…]
Many people, particularly women with small children in the household, go to their doctor with some regularity and are given many prescriptions. [More…]
One cannot help wondering how parents who have three or four children who all go down at the same time with measles or influenza will be able to afford to front up to a chemist and pay $16 for, say, 8 disprin prescriptions that are very ordinary remedies for common diseases. [More…]
In this area there are people who cannot help the position in which they find themselves; there are people who have a child or a family of children with chronic complaints; and there are grown-ups who have chronic complaints and who, through no fault of their own, do not have the income to deal with the costs involved. [More…]
It is a cruel attitude to adopt to a mother who has five or six children, whose husband is at work, who has not got a car and who has to use public transport or a taxi to get to a public hospital and to find people to look after her children while she is at the hospital. [More…]
It is just as heartless an attitude to adopt if a woman has a car, because she still has to make arrangements for her children to be cared for while she is at the hospital. [More…]
I also feel that there are many people in the State of Tasmania, from which I come, who, if they have a number of children, will not be able to go to a public hospital, wait around and then obtain their prescriptions from that hospital. [More…]
We sat under the trees at the Aurukun Mission surrounded by some 500 or 600 Aboriginal people- men, women and children. [More…]
There were even single women who were keeping their children and who wanted to go on keeping their children without having to do what perhaps their mothers had done and go out and shop for a husband. [More…]
They wanted to equip themselves to be able to look after their children no matter whether they spent the rest of their lives on their own. [More…]
The poor old Children ‘s Commission has been bashed from one end of this country to another and from one side of this House to another. [More…]
It was set up to deal with the problems of children. [More…]
Children whose mothers work have problems, children whose mothers are engaged in outside activities have problems and children who have no mother but who have a father looking after them have problems. [More…]
There are so many men in government, including local government, who truly and honestly believe- they are not bad men- that in establishing kindergartens one is providing child care, whereas we know that that is a tiny part of educating a child in some ways and that it does not get down to the root of child care, of after school and before school care when mothers and fathers have to go to work, of care for children whose mothers and fathers have taken ill, have gone away or have had accidents. [More…]
What happens to those children at the moment? [More…]
It is all very well the health departments in the various States telling us that unless one provides a toilet that is 2 feet high and there are windows that are 4 feet off the ground one cannot open a child care facility but the point is that for years people around the corner and down the street have minded children and for years those children have managed to deal with toilets that are a little higher than those at home and they do not seem to have come off the worse for it. [More…]
What we have to get down to in that area is looking at the people who need the care- that is the children. [More…]
The Government can be very pious about where the children are minded, why is it encouraging their mothers back into the workforce? [More…]
So the children are allowed to be minded in all sorts of conditions over which nobody has any control at the moment. [More…]
A quarter of a million women with dependent children aged 12 or under were in the labour force in 1 973 - [More…]
We know the figures have gone up since then- and about 12S 000 women with dependent children under 6 were in the labour force. [More…]
children are the economic growth of the country. [More…]
What is the point of a wealthy country sitting back in luxury while its children are deserted, while its children are ignored, while its children are not cared for and while its future is not cared for. [More…]
It gave a chance for teachers to implement a new way of getting through to children who were in difficult circumstances. [More…]
It gave a chance to bring into being plans to keep children as school, perhaps after normal school hours, rather than have them watching television or running around in the streets. [More…]
In view of claims by the so-called Deputy Governor of the Indonesian-held areas of East Timor that 60 000 people, mostly women and children, have been massacred by Indonesian troops or so-called volunteers, I ask: What protests have been made to the neo-fascist Government of Indonesia by the Australian Government? [More…]
In an interview given to several Indonesian newspapers in Jakarta on 12 February, Mr Lopez da Cruz, a leader of the UDT party in East Timor, was reported as stating that there had been some 50 000-60 000 casualties since the outbreak of fighting in East Timor, many of them women and children. [More…]
I speak of the need of the single fathers, the supporting fathers, of children, particularly pre-school age children. [More…]
The government should assist disadvantaged families where a single parent, a father, is caring for children, whether he is a widower or a deserted husband. [More…]
I believe that in this category there are some 25 000 families and perhaps up to 50 000 children. [More…]
The anomaly is that if a widow is caring for such children there are government programs to assist her, but if a male parent has accepted the total responsibility for the children there is no government assistance to which he is entitled. [More…]
There is no recognition of the special need of the supporting father and the children in such families. [More…]
I see no reason why there should be discrimination against a husband who is supporting young children going to school. [More…]
In our cities the air is clean, the water is pure and the mother has not the same problems in raising her children as have her sisters in the larger States. [More…]
After all, their main interest was to feed, clothe, shelter and educate their children- in other words, to bring up their families with dignity. [More…]
To begin with, the female of the human race is biologically the one to bear and nurture children. [More…]
It was then 50c for the second child and subsequent children. [More…]
It was still 50c for the first child, but $ 1 for the second child, $2 for the third child and $2.25 for all subsequent children. [More…]
It is this meagre allowance that induces women to put their children into child care centres and join the work force to keep up with the Joneses- the working sisters with their ever-increasing financial commitments. [More…]
Educational facilities for children in the Territory have improved considerably over the past few years. [More…]
They are badly needed particularly as so many children are living in temporary accommodation. [More…]
If these officers are not appointed the whole program will be put at risk and the children concerned, as well as the others in the classroom, will not receive appropriate education. [More…]
The whole system of post-primary education of Aboriginal children is in danger of collapse because of the lack of both employment opportunities and appropriate training. [More…]
Premier, Sir Eric Willis, for a decision last year that shattered the hopes of more than 1000 parents of handicapped children. [More…]
The State Government was entirely proper in those circumstances in not a seeking to take on more burdens in terms of schools for handicapped people and schools for retarded children. [More…]
I have asked the Tribunal to make determinations on the provision of travel within Australia for senators and members on parliamentary and electorate business and the travel facilities to be provided to spouses and children. [More…]
For the last 3 weeks the Minister for Education (Senator Carrick), who is a member of this chamber, has been blaming everything that is happening in the field of education on the Labor Government, while he takes away from the primary schools and the retarded children in this community the sums of money that they so badly need. [More…]
The very fine opportunities presented in the past to teachers in the Commonwealth Teaching Service have meant that the service has been able to attract teachers of the highest calibre and that, in turn, the children in the territories have had the opportunity of receiving first class teaching. [More…]
However, there are signs at the moment that the standards are under threat, and I refer particularly to the reduction in teaching hours of English as a second language for the many migrant children in the schools in the territory, and to remedial teaching hours. [More…]
This is acceptable neither to members of the Commonwealth Teaching Service nor to the parents of the children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
I hope also that it will not mean- there are some signs now that it might mean- a lowering of the previously high standard of education enjoyed by children in the schools in the Territories. [More…]
This is a very big responsibility because we have so many children living in the outback, in the bush and on small settlements. [More…]
These children need to be given an education. [More…]
In the Northern Territory today there is very little opportunity for many of the children- particularly the Aboriginal children- to receive an education. [More…]
One of our big responsibilities is to concentrate particularly on these Aboriginal children. [More…]
Because of assimilation- if that is what we like to call it- which is the breaking down of tribal barriers, and because of the increase in the number of Aboriginal children they cannot live their own way of life but must join in our way of life. [More…]
If one had gone to some of these places a couple of years ago one would have found happy communities in which Aboriginal people were working and children were going to school. [More…]
The effect of this state of affairs is that the children follow the example of their parents. [More…]
The children are leaving school. [More…]
The education of many of this generation of children whom we would have expected to come forward and join in the life of the Northern Territory will be wasted. [More…]
I mention especially technical training for another group of children who, by and large have been overlooked. [More…]
I refer this time to part-coloured children, of whom there are a large number in the Northern Territory. [More…]
Many of these children come from poor circumstances. [More…]
Their home life is not the same as that of other children inasmuch as they recieve very little encouragement with respect to homework, school life and so on. [More…]
These children go to primary school and some go on to high school. [More…]
The type of curriculum that is taught to these children in high school is such that the work is of little interest to them. [More…]
What we do see in towns in the Northern Territory is that these children leave school before the age prescribed- many in the Territory leave school at 13 years, 14 years or 15 years- and wander the streets. [More…]
Yet, I believe that if these children were given some training involving the use of their hands- some technical training- good results would be achieved. [More…]
If this sort of training could be introduced for these children it is my belief that they could play their part in the Northern Territory. [More…]
I look forward to the Government receiving that report as I believe that if the Government picks up the recommendations of that report- I understand that the establishment of a rural college in Katherine is recommended- this will bring about more training and eventually more job opportunities for children in the Northern Territory. [More…]
For the good of the Department of Education and for the children of the Northern Territory, I hope that this matter can be reconsidered and that the teaching service will be allowed once again to grow. [More…]
Honourable senators will know of the outstanding work done by Joyce Gilbert, where the highest percentage of any group of children was attending preschool. [More…]
Honourable senators may recall that the SEBAC report indicated that quite a deal of money would need to be spent to bring Aboriginal schools up to the same standard as those operating for European children. [More…]
Not only do we have many Aboriginal people attending the community schools but also the oilier children should have a good background of the Aboriginal culture which is so rich. [More…]
We on this side of the Senate pledge any assistance which we can give to ensure that all children of the Northern Territory obtain that equality of education which is the present Government’s avowed aim. [More…]
I asked: Would the elders help to improve the attendance of their children at school? [More…]
Katherine, Darwin and Gove I spoke to secondary school principals and to their teachers and tried to establish how best we can not only establish matriculation classes but also raise the quality of matriculation to so high a standard that no Australian in the Territory would want to send his children south for their education in preference to sending them to Darwin or to any of the places I have mentioned. [More…]
Of course, the cost now of sending children south for their education is prohibitive, particularly for people in the grazing industry. [More…]
It also axed from the Budget to the extent of $9m grants for the Children’s Commission child care projects. [More…]
I refer to the Schools Commission, the first decent national funding of education for children throughout Australia; the interim committee on child care of the Children’s Commission, which was to establish for the first time high standard, properly funded government child care services. [More…]
I preface my question, which is directed to the Minister for Social Security, by saying that no doubt the Minister is aware that a family with 4 children would receive child endowment of $5.75 a week and yet if, due to divorce, the family were divided into 2 groups with each parent looking after 2 children, each group would receive only $1.50 a week- a total of $3. [More…]
What has been stated is largely accurate, although it should be stated also that if there were a separation of a temporary nature with a family of 4 children an amount representing endowment on the children who remained with the parties would be paid to them. [More…]
If the separation were of a permanent nature then what has been stated in the question is accurate, that is, $1.50 would be paid to each parent if each of them had 2 children with him or her. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs: Is she aware that the National Conference on Adoption which was held in Sydney in February gave total support to the placement in Aboriginal families of all Aboriginal children available for adoption or fostering? [More…]
Can the Minister give the Senate an undertaking that she will support the setting up of Aboriginal-run and controlled agencies in the States and the Territories to facilitate the placement of such children? [More…]
Mr President, the question referred to the adoption of children. [More…]
I reiterate that the adoption of children in this country is a matter of State government activity. [More…]
Arising from the Minister’s statement on expenditure on children’s services, could she advise how many new pre-school centres have been funded this financial year? [More…]
They are the sort of people who are totally unconcerned about the children they have reared and about their descendants. [More…]
It was also a moment of recognition of the fact that Australia is a country of a fair go, a fair go for everyone, regardless of his origin, a country which millions of migrants like myself have adopted as their home and as the home of their children and their children’s children. [More…]
We deliberately have made and shall make local government a vehicle for our legislation on aged persons homes and hostels, sheltered employment, handicapped children, Meals on Wheels, home care and nursing, nursing homes, and homeless men and women. [More…]
Mr President, I rise this evening to make a plea to the Government to reconsider the action that it has taken to remove from the pharmaceutical benefits list cows’ milk substitutes for children of and over the age of 18 months. [More…]
The situation is that from 1 April cows’ milk substitutes will not be on the pharmaceutical benefits list for children of and over the age of 1 8 months, whereas until now they have been available for children up to the age of 6 years. [More…]
Some children over the age of 18 months do need cows’ milk substitutes. [More…]
Cows’ milk substitutes are being used unnecessarily in many children . [More…]
I make the point also that, if these substitutes are being used unnecessarily in respect of many children, they are being used because medical practitioners are prescribing these cows’ milk substitutes for the children. [More…]
It probably will mean that some children will not be able to continue on the cows’ milk substitutes, although they really should, because of their cost. [More…]
If it finds that the substitutes are being used unnecessarily for many children perhaps there could be a way around this so that the cows ‘ milk substitutes could be provided for those who really need them, for those whose allergy is permanent. [More…]
I do not disagree with the honourable senator’s statement that there are some children who may need the drugs. [More…]
What he did not say is why any older children need to stay on milk substitutes. [More…]
Most children can get on perfectly well without milk at all particularly after a certain age. [More…]
I am not saying that my children do not drink a great amount of milk, but I am suggesting to Senator Colston that it is not logically correct to say that it is an essential kind of foodstuff. [More…]
I want to make the point that this Committee has acted, I think, in line with available knowledge, that there is no good evidence that milk or milk substitutes are necessary for older children. [More…]
It will be expensive for families if it is decided that children who suffer from the allergy require to stay on the list. [More…]
It is generally possible, if one investigates these children thoroughly, to know whether this kind of product is needed. [More…]
But I am not prepared to say, on the evidence I have about milk allergy, whether it is to lactose, protein or the penicillin which is sometimes in milk, that there is a good case for these products to continue to be available for older children. [More…]
They probably have been prescribed for children of a much older age group than that for which they should be prescribed. [More…]
I certainly agree with Senator Baume that it is possible to prove scientifically in many cases that some children do need a milk substitute and that some do not need a milk substitute; but most of us who practise in this country just are not able to do this. [More…]
Certainly most of the evidence is anecdotal and I agree that that is not very scientific; but it will be very difficult to prove to me, to other people in general practice in isolated areas and to the parents of the children with asthma and in more usual cases with abdominal conditions and eczema whom we see improve so much after they go on to cows’ milk substitutes that this is not effective. [More…]
Although the evidence is not scientific and is not based on all sorts of scientific tests, the effect of putting these children back on milk at five, six, seven or eight years of age is sometimes quite dramatic. [More…]
Certainly milk is not an essential food for children of this age group. [More…]
I accept that we probably feed our children too much milk. [More…]
I just hope that the whole thing can be looked at again carefully and some formula worked out so that children who do need it at a much older age- I am sure there are such children- can be catered for. [More…]
It is fair to say that in the statement which was made by the Minister he said that the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee considered that alternative sources of protein are available to children over the age of 1 8 months. [More…]
The people who were being hurt were the ones who were really threatened by unemployment; the ones who were threatened by inflation; the ones whose children had virtually no prospect of entering employment once they left school. [More…]
I remember that Senator Walters said something about the need for an increase in child endowment to enable women to stay at home, if they so choose, to look after their children. [More…]
Their theory was to arrange the economy so that it would be just about impossible for a family to subsist on one wage and, by doing so, men and women would be discouraged from having children. [More…]
This idea was based, of course, on the fact that if a woman has to take a full time job and has to take the full family responsibilities that she might have if she did not hold a job she would be discouraged from having children because children would be a burden to her and would be a burden to the family. [More…]
That is the assumption that if a woman gets pleasure out of the job of being wife and mother, if she gets satisfaction from the job of raising children, if she wants to stay in the home, as we call it, and perform a very particular duty there, she ought to feel guilty and that there is something inhuman or unnatural about making a decision of that type. [More…]
It costs more when the mother goes to work as well as the father, particularly when special arrangements need to be made for the care of the children. [More…]
I refer to simple matters like making clothes for the children, amongst other things. [More…]
It would not force such a large number of our children to be latchkey children. [More…]
At the same time other things are happening in our society which are making it more and more difficult for the 2 parent family where one parent is caring for the children. [More…]
The increase of 6.4 per cent will be applied to the basic rate of the pension and not to any supplementary benefits or to any children’s allowances that are paid at the present time. [More…]
We have the case of a 36-year old cleaner with a wife and 3 children. [More…]
But with the advent of Medibank the medical practitioner has been able to have a pathology test or an X-ray made immediately if there is any doubt, particularly in the case of children, instead of the patient’s having to wait for up to a fortnight or 3 weeks before these tests could be carried out. [More…]
The difficulties of travel, the difficulties of isolation and, in particular, the difficulties of educating their children make doctors reluctant to go to such centres. [More…]
with the advent of Medibank the medical practitioner has been able to have a pathology test or an X-ray made immediately if there is any doubt, particularly in the case of children, instead of the patient’s having to wait for up to a fortnight or 3 weeks before these tests could be carried out. [More…]
This meant that hundreds and hundreds of children and young students in outer Belconnen who would have been ready the next year for schools ranging from pre-schools to technical schools would have had no accommodation. [More…]
Although I express satisfaction that the Minister for Education (Senator Carrick) saw fit to visit this area and recommend this minimal funding, there was really no other decision he could have taken, I suggest, because otherwise children from pre-school age to technical school agc would have been sitting in the gutters or waiting at home because they had nowhere to go to school. [More…]
Some of the problems are quite severe and involve danger to small children. [More…]
I hope he will give us an assurance in the very near future that the ordinance setting up the Authority legally and giving it the quite modest delegated powers to set about the business of running the schools efficiently in the interests of the children will be passed as soon as possible. [More…]
However, since Senator Walters’ question in the Senate, the organisers of the Tattoo have announced a special daytime performance for children on Friday, 26 March. [More…]
Does the Minister for Social Security accept that in the community there are many women who are bringing up children on their own and who, at the moment, arc struggling to make ends meet on the supporting mother’s benefit? [More…]
Does she accept that many of these women have no current qualifications which would lead to constant employment at a wage which would enable them to bring up their children in a life-style similar to that of the majority of the rest of the community? [More…]
These committees are the children of the Senate and the Senate should never allow them to escape without some sort of control over them. [More…]
In a section of that publication entitled Eating Little Children’, it was maintained that we in the West, by our huge consumption of meat, were depriving the children of the poorer countries of the cereals that would save them from dying of malnutrition. [More…]
But it strikes me as sadly ironical that we permit those kinds of lobbies to exist in our country- we permit people to express a range of views on subjects such as population control in our own country- and yet people like Senator Sheil look at the Third World countries and say, They have too many children. [More…]
Of course, this meant that the people who use bus services- children, housewives doing their shopping, elderly people, people who cannot afford cars, students and teenagers- had no way of getting from one place to another except if they could afford a taxi. [More…]
All Australian children to be taught Aboriginal history and culture. [More…]
Their children learn another language that is not their mothers’ language. [More…]
But they all came from areas concerned for women’s rights, for women’s lives, for women and their children and the sort of lives they had been living. [More…]
When some of them stagger out of bed at 6 o’clock in the morning, get children off to school, do the chores, go to work, come home, look after the family and then fall into bed, it is time unions, employers and governments looked at what amounts to not much more than slave labour for a great percentage of this community. [More…]
A wife left with a house and children pays the same for rates, electricity, shoes, food, education and living as does the husband who is left. [More…]
I ask the Government to look at this matter as a matter of great priority: There are women being trained under the NEAT scheme who have lived on the supporting mother’s benefit for a long time or who, if they have not lived on the supporting mother’s benefit, have done menial jobs in the community- scrubbed floors, taken in washing and kept house for other people- to provide the sort of income they need to enable them to keep their children as best they can under the same conditions as those enjoyed by the rest of the community. [More…]
If you have young children, be able to satisfy the employer that they will not unduly take your attention from your job or make you an unreliable worker; the employer may wish to be assured that you have made adequate arrangements for the care of your children while you are working. [More…]
What employer would dare ask a man what arrangements he had made for his children or whether he was being a proper parent before he gave him a job? [More…]
I once met a young woman with 5 young children whose husband was dying of a debilitating disease. [More…]
She realised that if she was going to look after those children by herself for the rest of their lives and give them all the care that she and her husband would have otherwise given them she would have to gain some qualifications that would enable her to take up some work that would allow her to do so. [More…]
The gentleman interviewing her said to her: I realise that you need to have qualifications, but you are young and have 5 children now. [More…]
Do you think that you will have more children?’ [More…]
The interviewer persisted and asked her how she knew that there was no likelihood that she would have more children. [More…]
Finally she said: ‘I have had an hysterectomy; so I cannot have any more children’. [More…]
For demographic purposes, fertility is a measure of the actual numbers of children born, not the ability to bear children. [More…]
There are people who suggest that Australians should be encouraged to have more children as a substitute for immigration. [More…]
What this argument overlooks is the long-standing decline in completed family size in Australia from an average of over 6 children in the 1 880s to about three in the 1 940s and to below three more recently. [More…]
If we include the children born to migrants after arrival, some 3.7 million of the total 6.2 million increase in Australia’s population since World War II is due directly to migrants. [More…]
First of all there are the rural programs which are extremely important to people living in isolated areas, to farmers, to wives of farmers isolated on country properties and to children. [More…]
I wonder whether in the past we have not been too preoccupied with tertiary education and have not concentrated enough on proper teacher training at the pre-school, primary, secondary and technical levels in order to encourage children into a work area where they will be most happy and where their particular IQ or talents will enable them to fulfil a job that will bring them satisfaction. [More…]
One could find that if the unpaid housekeeper of a family unit is incapacitated for any length of time necessitating the employment of a replacement it may be necessary to employ a person with one or more children who would be solely dependent on the taxpayer. [More…]
However, he is not allowed to claim those children as taxation deductions. [More…]
I am concerned about the situation where people are caring for women who find it necessary, generally in the middle of the night, to leave their matrimonial home, quite often in a distressed state and quite often accompanied by children. [More…]
Up to the present I think that about 500 women and more than 1500 children have been turned away from the refuge. [More…]
However, it is felt that refuges for women and children made homeless by domestic conflict are funded under the community health program which is administered by the Hospitals and Health Services Commission. [More…]
What evaluation is being made by the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee and what recommendations have been made about the use of Diazepam during pregnancy, in view of two clinical reports establishing a possible association between the use of Diazepam in pregnant women and the birth of children with cleft lip. [More…]
It appears to us that there are various important reasons for the public, including children, to have buses at the weekend and as Belconnen is poorly catered for us kids. [More…]
It’s very hard on children not to have buses because we have to get our parents to drive us or we have to hitch-hike which can be dangerous. [More…]
He will be aware of plans that the Liberal Party has to distribute, in its own words, a ‘campaign manual and kit’ to school children throughout Australia? [More…]
Does he agree that such action could lead to school children becoming the unwilling recipients of a vast proliferation of propaganda material, that school children should not be so badgered, and that such action could seriously impair their reaching an objective assessment of the various political groupings in Australia? [More…]
For example, one had to be resident in Australia for at least 3 years; to be married, or to be widowed or divorced with dependent children; to be under the age of 36; and so on. [More…]
We have too many children in need of specialised attention who are not getting that attention. [More…]
We could use all of those trained teachers in New South Wales and more if we were prepared to reduce class sizes, to provide a lot of specialist attention for children who need it and to train some of those teachers to teach migrant children who need very specialised attention in their first year or 2 years in Australian society, if they are to get on an equal footing with their Australian born peers. [More…]
It is said that women go off and do unproductive things like having children. [More…]
Even if educational institutions as they now exist can accommodate all the children coming from schools in the next 1 5 or 20 years there is still the very serious matter of those persons who at this time are adult and have virtually no education. [More…]
The group has been out to settlements and missions and talked to the people concerned, to the young people and to the older people about the wishes they have for their children. [More…]
It has also been suggested that children of these people are deliberately bringing them out to Australia so that after a very short period they can return to their own countries and thereafter be paid Australian welfare benefits. [More…]
The answer to the second part of the question, which suggested that children of these people may be deliberately bringing them to Australia so that they will qualify for benefits, is something on which I am not prepared to comment without an investigation or substantiation. [More…]
State government authorities are the bodies which actually arrange the adoption of these children. [More…]
In relation to delays in the finality of these matters, it should be understood that many of these children arrive without papers and without the necessary documentation which would facilitate early adoption procedures. [More…]
Will the Minister advise the Senate what action is planned to overcome the shortage of accommodation which threatens the quality of education available to the children of the Northern Territory? [More…]
Many working wives, mothers of young children, were reluctant members or the work force, because of economic pressures. [More…]
As I understand it, the suggestion from Dr Hughes was that child endowment for a family with 3 children should be increased to $30 a week. [More…]
But if one wanders in an impressionistic sense through Australian schools and asks how many children are learning the Japanese language or its history and culture, there is a massive void. [More…]
Great problems will be created for families who may never see any cash as such and who are accustomed to dealing only in goods if they suddenly find that they have to provide 100 rupiahs a week to ensure that their children receive some form of basic education. [More…]
In the short time that I spent in Indonesia some concern appeared to be expressed by the low income groups about the availability of facilities for educating their children. [More…]
In the case of a Class ‘A’ widow, or a supporting mother, the maximum rate of pension plus the appropriate mother’s allowance and additional pension for children, are affected when the woman’s means as assessed exceed the allowable sum of $1,040. [More…]
The applicable maximum rate of pension (including mother’s allowance and additional pension for a child or children) is reduced by half of the amount of any means as assessed in excess of $1,040. [More…]
The spectacle of a government which preaches austerity ad nauseum, which proclaimed in the GovernorGeneral’s Speech opening the Parliament that one of its objectives was to prevent the increasing dependence of individuals on the state, which frequently reasserts that it is about to end the handout mentality, which withdraws financial benefits from pensioners, meal subsidies from children, pharmaceutical benefits from the sick and simultaneously introduces a subsidy from which half the Federal Cabinet will receive a direct financial benefit- the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) himself has been shown to be in receipt in the past of more than $5,000 in one year- must disgust all decent Australians. [More…]
Is she aware specifically that hospitals, health centres, special schools for the deaf and other handicapped children and special classes for the deaf in regular schools are unable at this stage to offer an effective number of hours of speech therapy for those in need of it? [More…]
A benefit shall not be granted to a supporting mother unless she has taken such action as the Director-General considers reasonable to obtain maintenance from the father or fathers of the child or children in relation to whom she is a supporting mother. [More…]
The limit of income which just precludes payment of a pension to a single person without children, and with no property affecting his pension, will be increased by twice the amount of the pension increase to $ 102.50 a week. [More…]
For a married couple without children the equivalent limits of income and property will be $171.50 a week and $90,000 respectively. [More…]
Children’s and orphans’ pensions will also be related to the level of the member’s pension. [More…]
It extends to spouses’ and children’s pensions that are payable or may become payable in the future under that Act the higher reversionary benefit percentages provided in the new scheme and applies also the wider eligibility provisions of that scheme. [More…]
But Mr Lopez da Cruz, who has been in Indonesia and who is now a member of the provisional Government, said at a Press conference in Jakarta that there had been some 50 000 to 60 000 victims of the fighting in East Timor and that many of them were women and children. [More…]
that children can go through the primary school reaching high school and they are not able to read. [More…]
We are talking about normal children, not mentally defective children or migrant children who might have a language problem.’ [More…]
834 on 29 October 1975 a contradiction in that he said he was assured some high school children were unable to read and write and then went on to say that statistics were not available to him. [More…]
A total of 5937 Aboriginal children were enrolled at schools in predominantly Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory on 30 June 1975. [More…]
Planning is being undertaken to increase the vocational content of courses for Aboriginal children to make the education they receive as relevant to their likely future lives as possible. [More…]
Single units with a total enrolment of either 50 or 70 children, staffed by a teacher and a pre-school assistant. [More…]
Two-teacher single units with a total enrolment of 90 children staffed by two teachers and one pre-school assistance. [More…]
Double units enrolling 1 20 children under the care of two teachers and two pre-school assistants. [More…]
Triple units with a total enrolment of 180 children under three teachers and three pre-school assistants. [More…]
Single units- A maximum of 25 children per session Two-teacher single units- A maximum of 30 children per session [More…]
Double units- A maximum of 40 children per session Triple units- A maximum of 60 children per session [More…]
The Office of the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission has now provided the following information: [More…]
Most have responded in a positive way and have advised of additional activities which will significantly increase the range of availability of services for young children and their parents. [More…]
The reference on means of overcoming the educational problems of ‘isolated school children’ which was referred to the Committee on 13 September 1972 will be retained. [More…]
Then Bill Smith and Joe Brown and even the children ask housewives to go to the local supermarket and obtain some of Fred Blogg’s breakfast cereal. [More…]
They provide our children especially with a great deal of the necessary proteins and nutrients. [More…]
But priced as they are on the domestic market at this time, it is impossible for a person in receipt of an average weekly wage of, say, $70 with a family of perhaps 4 children to be able to afford to provide the children with one egg a day, plus the eggs that are used in cooking. [More…]
Will the Minister tell the deserted women and children in Australia why she felt it necessary to return them to the Draconian preFamily Law Act times? [More…]
In view of the tremendous national importance of education, the widespread interest in and concern throughout Australia for the retention of the Australian Schools Commission, the Children’s Commission and so on, and the maintenance of Karmel-type funding at present value, and in view of the fact that representatives from the total spectrum of education will be visiting this Parliament on Thursday next to see members and to state the case to the widest possible audience, will the Minister for Education take steps to have the sittings adjourned for, say, 2 hours to allow the principal spokesmen and spokeswomen to put their views to members in an orderly, dignified and organised way and to receive assurances of the Government’s intentions concerning future federal funding of education? [More…]
We do need, however, information which covers the main areas of expenditure and enables a proper assessment of progress made towards meeting the learning needs of children. [More…]
A number of those people would have had children and grandchildren. [More…]
After all, many people in that age group whom I know live with their children or with a married brother or sister. [More…]
They had seen children’s allowances rise from $4.50 to $7.50 per week, in excess of the cost of living increase. [More…]
Children of pensioners and beneficiaries must be fed, must be clothed, must travel by private and public transport, and must be educated. [More…]
Married couples without children will continue to receive some pension until their income reaches $171 a week or until the value of their property reaches $90,000. [More…]
Another section singled out for specially severe treatment are the children of pensioners. [More…]
3) 1974 was being debated, Senator Guilfoyle moved an amendment in the following words: but the Senate is of the opinion that the Government should consent to the incorporation in it of a provision making widowers and deserted husbands with dependent children eligible for benefit on the same basis as widows and deserted wives. ‘ [More…]
Prior to the formation of the Budget I spoke in the Senate of the hope that I had that it would be possible this year to assist supporting fathers and the children in those families. [More…]
One would have thought that if Senator Guilfoyle had had her way at the time something would have been done for deserted fathers and more importantly something would have been done for the children of those families. [More…]
Not only has the Minister forgotten the sentiments expressed regarding deserted fathers and their children by making no provision whatsoever for them in the measures before us this afternoon, the Minister has gone out of her way to penalise the innocent children of pensioners by ignoring them and depriving them of a justifiable increase in the dependants allowance which would have cost something less than $lm for the rest of the fiscal year. [More…]
But why has the Government denied the flow on of the increase to dependent children of those pensioners? [More…]
A large number of children are involved. [More…]
Figures available at 30 June 1975 show that eligible for the dependants’ allowance were 9858 children of age pensioners; 46 269 children of invalid pensioners; 138 867 children of widows; and 5956 children of supporting mothers. [More…]
There are some 50 000 dependent children of deserted fathers who receive nothing. [More…]
When in government the Labor Party, in less than 3 years, increased the dependent children’s allowance from $4.50 a week to $7.50 a week. [More…]
What of the disgraceful action in denying a flow on to dependent children of pensioners of the cost of living adjustment of 6.4 per cent to save a paltry $lm this fiscal year? [More…]
Much has been said in this debate about bringing children’s benefits up to an appropriate rate. [More…]
What has the Government done about civilian widows without children? [More…]
When we look at the position of widows with children, the amount of money they are allowed to earn and the amount we graciously give them as a pension, we could easily believe that no honourable senator opposite ever had to face up to the costs of educating, feeding and clothing children today. [More…]
But here we have a band of professional women who do what is probably the most important job in this country, that of bringing up our children. [More…]
The Government leaves them in terror and fear as to what will happen to them and to their children, and it leaves them with an infinitesimal amount of money. [More…]
How does a man and his wife with two or three children provide it? [More…]
Regardless of the argument that that is rubbish because once we are dead it does not matter, obviously as people get closer to the age when they might die they have a passion to be buried with decency; not to be buried in a pauper’s grave; and not to have their house sold to pay for the funeral; nor to have their children go into debt to pay for the funeral. [More…]
After all, we never know when we might suddenly be in a position where our husband or wife has vanished, where our job has suddenly folded up or where our husband or wife is dead and we have children to support, bills to pay, food to buy and rent to pay. [More…]
As far as dependent children and other allowances are concerned I would agree that any benefit that can be given at this time would be appropriate to be given in order to pass on the increases that have resulted from inflation. [More…]
Does the Minister intend to make more funds available to the States for the school dental services to extend treatment for secondary school children, or has any consideration been given to using private dentists as is the practice in New Zealand. [More…]
That the Government ‘s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
Is it possible to consider some steps to ensure that these unused places are filled to avoid the need for more expensive capital works and to ensure that the funds available provide for the maximum number of children to obtain care in areas where there may already be existing child care facilities which are commercially operated but not fully utilised? [More…]
Is it a fact that a special subsidy is paid in respect of children in special need at government centres? [More…]
If so, can a similar subsidy be provided, on a similar basis, for children who attend or who would thus be able to attend, commercially operated child care centres so that these valuable existing facilities are fully utilised? [More…]
The honourable senator said that if the positions in these centres were used it would avoid the necessity for building new centres under the programs that had previously been arranged through the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
The question whether some subsidy may be provided to enable children in need to use commercial child care centres is not one on which I have taken a decision or one to which I have given any consideration at this stage. [More…]
One difficulty in this respect is epitomised by the problems faced by migrants when they seek to adopt children. [More…]
If a man with a dependent wife and 2 children under the age of 16 earned $200 a week, and paid his tax weekly, under the figures that operated in 1972-73 he got $122 in his pocket that was not given to the fellow who paid tax once a year. [More…]
One sister has 5 allergenic members in her family and another sister two allergenic children. [More…]
If one member of your Board lived in Brisbane with the warm days and cold nights so devastating allergy sufferers or had any of your members reared small children through babyhood fighting asthma and sinus infections perhaps your decision would have been more humane. [More…]
With the long wait in crowded outpatients quite often the children contact more disease and the adult section 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. would force I or my husband to take off work days losing even more money. [More…]
I can see a time when people with an allergenic history are forced to remain childless because it will economically be impossible to have children. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
It is our fundamental principle to establish equality of opportunity for all children and all students throughout Australia. [More…]
Will the Minister encourage State governments to assume responsibility for the education of handicapped children within State schools and, on the recommendation of the Schools Commission, make funds available for this purpose? [More…]
I have been advised by Timorese citizens now in Darwin that there are numerous women and children in Timor who have lost their husbands and fathers in the present Timor debacle. [More…]
Let me make it clear: I hope that never at any time will it be necessary for those engaged in teaching to hold strikes because, of course, in doing so they would be using the children of this nation as a bargaining power. [More…]
Can he say whether the estate provides free housing, free light and power, free medical treatment and free education for 2 children in the family and whether it also provides material to enable those who wish to do so to build their own outrigger canoes which were valued at that time at about SA800? [More…]
At the same time Senator Carrick is out on the hustings, out on the steps of Parliament House, assuring the teachers and parents of this country that there will be no reduction in education expenditure and that the Government will recognise the plight of education, of the remedial teachers and the handicapped children, and extend the many benefits which we have become more aware of as a result of the establishment of the Schools Commission. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that these reports allege that the Government intends either to abolish child endowment, to means-test it, or to review eligibility depending on the number of children in a family? [More…]
The statement relating to assistance for May school holiday child care projects being funded through the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission has been circulated by the Minister. [More…]
As all projects are being carried out within the various States and not the Territories, what plans, if any, exist for children in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory? [More…]
However, I do not have any information in relation to the Northern Territory and I shall be pleased to obtain that for the honourable senator from the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
There were 40 men, 15 women and 21 children in the 3 vehicles. [More…]
The police sent some of the elderly men, the women and the children into the bush and promptly proceeded to arrest the others. [More…]
Rightly or wrongly, I am told that the pill is compulsory for all young girls upon reaching the age of puberty and that there is a system of education- this matter was mentioned by Senator Jessop by way of question the other day- which provides education for only 2 children in each family. [More…]
The second group of people who are not well provided for in this Bill are orphaned children, particularly of single parents who were contributors. [More…]
In both cases the orphans benefit cuts out on children reaching the age of 16 years, unless those children are full-time students. [More…]
The Opposition had hoped that, in drawing up new legislation, the Government would have taken account of the anomaly, which seems to be almost discrimination based on class, whereby orphaned children of 16 years who are fulltime students may continue to draw a pension from their deceased parents’ superannuation but orphaned children of 16 years who go into the work force or, more significantly, wish to take an apprenticeship do not continue to have an entitlement. [More…]
I hope that members of the Government are aware that many single parents, particularly single mothers, are pursuing a Public Service career particularly because it offers job security and therefore security for their children. [More…]
I have been contacted by single mothers who are concerned that the failure of the legislation to provide benefits for children over 16 years might mean that their own children, if orphaned, would be in a very invidious position, and I hope that the Government will set about rectifying that anomaly. [More…]
If she has no such ability and if she has dependent children, I would agree with Senator Walters that she should not be excluded from having some claim on the pension of her former spouse, a pension to which undoubtedly she has contributed. [More…]
The Bill also provides for a break in service for the female public servant if she wishes to withdraw from the work force for a number of years to have children. [More…]
There are improved benefits for the spouse of a deceased contributor and the children and orphans of contributors. [More…]
The new scheme provides benefits for de jure and de facto spouses and children living with the scheme member at the time of death or, if not living with the member, if they were substantially dependent on the member at the time of death. [More…]
We have looked at the questions raised by Senators Walters and Ryan on the eligibility conditions for spouses and children’s benefits, and these are the same as the conditions contained in the Bill which was introduced last year. [More…]
The principle is not a new one insofar as spouses’ and children’s benefits are concerned. [More…]
In the past when improvements in spouses’ and children’s benefits have been payable under the superannuation legislation they have been passed on to the persons already in receipt of benefits. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
-I ask the Minister for Social Security why the administration of some 59 projects for children’s services totalling, I believe, about $1.2m, was removed from the Victorian office of the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission which had the expertise and the confidence of groups in Victoria to deal with such projects. [More…]
If no such assurances can be given, will the Minister consider returning the administration of these projects to the Children’s Commission so that the money can be spent in the way in which it was intended? [More…]
The question that has been directed to me shows a misunderstanding of the arrangements with regard to the funding of projects from the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission. [More…]
The Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission in Melbourne together with the office in Canberra, has the same responsibility for these projects as it always has had. [More…]
The responsibility for and final approval of projects still rest with the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission. [More…]
I think the community groups concerned have an active and constant communication with the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission in Melbourne. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Health aware of a recent program broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Commission regarding a Dr Feingold and the diet treatment that he has formulated for hyperactive children? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the ABC was deluged with requests from the public, mostly from parents of hyperactive children, for copies of this diet? [More…]
Would the Minister agree that this response indicates that there is an urgent need for medical research into the problem of hyperactive children? [More…]
Can the Minister inform the chamber whether the Government, through its funding of appropriate research bodies, will facilitate research into the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactive children? [More…]
I have no knowledge of the subject to which the question is related but I agree with the honourable senator that research into the matter of dietary or other treatment for hyperactive children would be desirable. [More…]
I am unaware whether any research is being conducted in this area, but I am aware of the difficulties that parents have in dealing with the question of education and the other matters which relate to children suffering from this condition. [More…]
A majority of schools in Aboriginal communities now incorporate in their programs the teaching of aspects of Aboriginal culture and the use of teaching assistants who can use the local language or dialect for communication with children and the local community. [More…]
A complete program develops and maintains the children’s selfesteem and legitimate pride in both cultures. [More…]
It is not many years ago that children were punished for using their own language in the school and in the playground. [More…]
No Aboriginal culture was included and the idea seemed to be that the children should be made as much like Europeans as possible. [More…]
Aboriginal artists were paid to teach the children dancing and singing in their own language and their own culture. [More…]
European children are taking part in the non-sacred corroborees- the play corroborees and even our balandas are learning to play the didgeridoo. [More…]
To me, and I am sure to many people of my race, this is perhaps one of the most exciting and most important measures ever taken with regard to the education of Aboriginal children. [More…]
I say this because for far too long the Aboriginal children in the urban and rural areas unfortunately have lost their own tongue. [More…]
But this difficulty must be doubled or trebled for the Aboriginal children who live in a tribal or semi-tribal state and who speak or who have learned to speak nothing other than their own tongue. [More…]
One could appreciate surely the confusion in the minds of these infants who go to school and have to learn a foreign language which is entirely different from their own and have to try to be educated to the standard that we all surely would like to see the children being educated to. [More…]
Thirdly, it meant the ending of federal funding of per capita grants which made pocket money for the wealthy in Australia and statistics of the children of the poor. [More…]
Further, it meant a striving towards decent, basic minimum standards for Australian children, whatever their origins and wherever they might happen to live. [More…]
I am much less critical of the educational lobby that exists in relation to school children. [More…]
It believes that the needs of all children in all schools should be considered in a total pattern as has been attempted in recent years, particularly through the Schools Commission. [More…]
If cuts have to be made in education, we hope that in making those cuts the Government will be diligent to ensure that the cuts are so made as to protect the most needy in Australia; that they protect the most needy children; that they protect the most needy schools; that they protect the most disadvantaged. [More…]
In my introductory remarks I would like to address some attention to the sentiment quite often expressed of late by some government supporters, that money does not buy a good education, that a lot of the money allocated through the Schools Commission programs has been wasted and that we must look to other means to improve the educational standards of our children. [More…]
I say in rebuttal to this that money can improve the educational opportunities of children. [More…]
In fact, money provided by way of Schools Commission grants has improved the educational opportunities of many children throughout Australia. [More…]
Of course, the programs are in their infancy, but nonetheless there is evidence to show that these specific programs which have been formulated by experts consulting with all interested parties have led to the development of better educational opportunities for children and have demonstrated that where more money, particularly more federal money, is available benefits can be achieved. [More…]
But of course, the provision of ancillary staff requires money, and again we are back to my first contention, that if we are to improve the standard of education available to Australian children we must be prepared to spend money on it. [More…]
I am aware that the Senate has a committee which has conducted such national inquiries and is continuing to conduct one into the provision of educational services for isolated children. [More…]
Again it sounds almost like a cliche, but is something which is still far off for most Australian children. [More…]
The honourable senator did mention the case of isolated children. [More…]
Last year I put to the previous Minister for Education, Mr Beazley, personally and in a debate on educational matters in the Senate that there were particular needs in the area of education of isolated children of which and to which the Government was ignorant and unresponsive. [More…]
The situation is simply that some children in very isolated areas of Australia can conduct their studies only by correspondence. [More…]
So a number of isolated children could not get their correspondence lessons because their parents could not afford to pay $27 a week for the privilege of a once-a-week mail service. [More…]
We have heard much about buildings that are too crowded, buildings that are too cold or too hot, too many children per teacher and so on, but what of the student who has no education at all? [More…]
That is the problem faced by many isolated children. [More…]
However, I point out to Senator Ryan, as a particuarly strong defender of the Schools Commission, that in the Commission’s report on the triennium 1976-78 there is a special section reporting the problems of education of isolated children. [More…]
But many people would dispute that the money has necessarily been well spent; that the needs have necessarily been well identified; that there has been a weighing up against other areas of need of the sorts of problems that I mentioned in relation to isolated children who have no education available to them at all, let alone sufficient education. [More…]
The children come to the school with particular problems as a result of that and are affected by the open plan school. [More…]
Obviously the surveys are still fairly new at this stage, but the preliminary results show that in reaction to a total open plan system, given this group of children, the children did not identify with anybody in the school. [More…]
Given a personally and socially deprived background, but not a financially deprived background, given a particular sort of deprivation of relationship to teachers in the classroom these children, these potential future citizens, are going to carry with them a liability which, for all we know, they may never be able to overcome. [More…]
That is one criticism of old school buildings, but in each case the teachers in those schools told me that they were less concerned about that than about the fact that there were students at the school whose parent or parents were so poorly off that the children did not have pencils and paper. [More…]
If the children were to have those sorts of basic educational equipment then the teachers had to buy them out of their own pockets. [More…]
There are others who have a knee-jerk reaction: Our children will be better off because we will be able to say that this is more necessary than that. [More…]
Our children will be better off because we are going to be able to participate in the running of schools, and we do not like everything that is going on in the schools’. [More…]
On the particular aspect of the education of isolated children that I mentioned earlier, I say again to Senator Ryan that it is possible that one of the reasons that the Commonwealth Government was not aware of that problem is that it occurs in just a couple of far-flung areas of Australia- north-west Queensland and northern Western Australia in particular. [More…]
Because of the small State Government per capita payments- the smallest in Australia- and the inter-relationship of these payments with what is known as the SRRI- the Schools Recurrent Resources Index- the parents of children at non-government schools in Tasmania will receive under the provisions of this Bill approximately a quarter of a million dollars less than they should receive. [More…]
But on this occasion I am convinced that the headmasters are correct and that parents of children at independent schools in Tasmania are doubly disadvantaged principally because of the low level of State Government assistance in Tasmania. [More…]
They see that the hopes for their children and for the people in their districts rest with the education received in the schools. [More…]
Children no longer go to school to learn the 3 Rs, as one honourable senator referred to them yesterday. [More…]
For example, many of our children leave school with no tuition in consumer education. [More…]
Senator Martin said something like this: More and more children are being produced at high schools who are illiterate, the implication being that the problem is getting worse. [More…]
I refer to the educational problems facing country children. [More…]
In Queensland the number of children receiving isolated allowances is higher than the numbers in any other State. [More…]
A similar situation prevails with respect to the number of children receiving correspondence education. [More…]
The number of children receiving correspondence education in Queensland was 5056. [More…]
I should like to mention some of the broad difficulties that face country children. [More…]
Often there are inexperienced teachers, there is a rapid turnover of staff, there are limited school facilities and there are restricted experiences for the children. [More…]
I ask: Will the Government in its Budget deliberations, pending the abolition of estate duty, consider that the removal of the duty should apply not only to the surviving spouse but ultimately to surviving children, and that the shadow of this severe tax, plus the uncertainty of expectation of life, puts any form of investment in industry and commerce in people ‘s later years at risk? [More…]
Will the Minister advise whether early steps are to be taken to form a consultative committee of the Children’s Commission in the Northern Territory, in line with those in the States of Australia? [More…]
It is true to say that, prior to this Government taking office, no programs for child care had been funded in the Northern Territory through the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
On the evening of 3 January he constituted a court, which sat at 8.30 p.m. Four children were tried and sentenced to 7 days imprisonment, with no opportunity available to have the welfare officer present to hear the charges made against the children. [More…]
Nominations outside the normal criteria where special compassionate circumstances exist, such as where families have been deprived of their breadwinner or where children have been orphaned, will be accepted and dealt with quickly. [More…]
A 13-year old boy spent 3 days in the Fannie Bay gaol while on remand and two other children, aged 15 years, were similarly remanded. [More…]
The decision to place the children in Fannie Bay gaol was the magistrate’s and was in keeping with a recent trend adopted by the magistrate to ensure that children who appeared before the court were brought face to face with the possible consequences of breaking the law. [More…]
The Children’s Court magistrate is aware that the only security facility where likely absconders can be kept under control is Fannie Bay gaol. [More…]
Discussions have been held with the senior magistrate and the Children’s Court magistrate who have been informed that the Department has prepared Palmerston House as a holding centre which could be used in remand cases, where there is no reason to believe that the individual will abscond, or in case of a first offender who needs to be placed under restraint as part of a rehabilitative program. [More…]
Senator Robertson may acknowledge that, whilst arrangements have been made to use Palmerston House, it could be said that these may prove unacceptable to the magistrate in cases involving difficult children who are absconders and who have a past history indicating that control would be more difficult. [More…]
When the statement is made on Thursday night I will be in a position to reveal the expected level of funding for the forthcoming year and I assure the honourable senator that the funds will be adequate to enable the development of a child care program and the support of children’s services which we consider essential. [More…]
With regard to the appointment of commissioners to the Childrens Commission, as proposed by the former Government, we are awaiting the report of the Administrative Review Committee under Sir Henry Bland and no statements will be made about administration prior to the receipt of that report. [More…]
In view of the importance of audio-visual aids in education, will the Minister examine the position to see whether the cost savings involved justify deprivation of benefit to Australian schools and Australian school children? [More…]
Soldiers Children’s Education Scheme. [More…]
1 ) Did the first National Conference on Adoption, held in Sydney in February 1976, give total support to the placement into Aboriginal families of all Aboriginal children available for adoption or fostering. [More…]
Will the Minister give an undertaking to this Parliament that he will support the setting-up of Aboriginal run and controlled agencies in each State and Territory to facilitate the placement of such children. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
In view of the reported poor circumstances of people living in Timor, will the Government give urgent consideration to allowing arrangements to be made with authorities in Timor to permit the transfer of Timorese, particularly women and children, to the mainland of Australia? [More…]
Keep a little distance away from the oven when it is operatingan arm ‘s length is recommended, and never allow children to put their faces- particularly their eyes, close to the oven door when it is operating. [More…]
870m sought under Division 915 and $40.770m under Division 9 1 7 are for capital and recurrent grants for childhood and associated services which would have been met from an appropriation for the Children ‘s Commission if the Act establishing the Commission had been proclaimed. [More…]
Following the advice of the National and Medical Research Council, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee recommended that the pharmaceutical benefits would be paid only for restricted groups of people, namely, children under 5 years of age, pensioners, and people with chronic respiratory or cardiac disease. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
In view of the great sums of money that the Government is providing for education and of the concern in the community for this subject, will the Minister and the Government make it mandatory that children are taught those basic elements of education? [More…]
Can he indicate whether the rumours of a State Government takeover of schools for handicapped children in Queensland are true? [More…]
If so,’ does the Minister not agree that parents of handicapped children and the teachers should be consulted before such a takeover is initiated? [More…]
-Under the previous Government and in accordance with a recommendation of the Schools Commission adopted by that Government certain provisions were made for the State government takeover of schools for handicapped children. [More…]
The priority given to reuniting spouses and dependent children with their families followed by other close relatives has been that adopted by the present Government. [More…]
As the weekly equivalent of the present maximum taxation rebate is $3.85 in respect of most children, the overall position of families able to take full advantage of these rebates at present will not be greatly changed. [More…]
There are, however, about 800 000 children in low income families which pay little or no taxation. [More…]
These include the children of widow and invalid pensioners, of workers close to the minimum wage or in intermittent employment, of self-employed people unable to earn an adequate income, and of many Aborigines, recently arrived migrants and other disadvantaged groups. [More…]
Those families and the children of those families I am sure will remember tonight for 2 particular reasons- our attitude and that of the Australian Labor Party. [More…]
The full year cost of taxation rebates for dependent children and students, had they been indexed in 1976-77, together with the cost of the present child endowment scheme, would have amounted to about $l.,025m. [More…]
There will thus be no net full year cost to the Budget arising from the new system, other than the cost which would otherwise have been incurred in indexing rebates for dependent children. [More…]
I hope that the system will be beneficial to the children of Australia. [More…]
There is a slightly higher range in which, given the fact that the persons concerned may have dependantssay, a wife and 2 children- their normal deductions at income tax time would cover whatever tax they would pay on that additional payment from the Government for the rest of the year. [More…]
There are about 300 000 low income families with about 800 000 children. [More…]
The children and these families will now benefit. [More…]
They will be receiving the family allowance for their children free of tax. [More…]
They will get real assistance to meet their problems of rearing, properly caring for and educating their children. [More…]
This is particularly important in the case of the many families in Australia where young children are being reared and where the wife and mother decides that the best role she can play, in relation to the welfare of her family, is to remain at home and not go out into the work force. [More…]
They have been women who have looked after children, who have made a real contribution to the economy in a diverse number of ways but who have never received proper recognition. [More…]
Whilst we can personally and politically applaud the increases in child endowment, we have to draw attention to the fact that with removal of the tax deductibility for children this does not achieve the very objective which the Government said it sought to achieve. [More…]
It would appear to me, for example, that a person with 10 children in receipt of average weekly earnings, who would benefit greatly from the child endowment payments, would lose more than he would gain under this new package deal because of the loss of the tax deductions to which he was formally entitled. [More…]
We concede that the taxation deduction for children has been lost to the taxpayer. [More…]
Under the family allowances his wife- I agree that she is the person to whom it ought to go- will receive in respect of her 4 children $20.50 a week instead of $5.75. [More…]
Families with 6 children will be $23 a week better off, which means that the family with $100 a week coming into the household will have a further $23 or 23 per cent more money coming in. [More…]
Of course, not all families have 6 children but every one of those 300 000 families will be better off. [More…]
Yet Senator Gietzelt had the temerity to say that a man with 10 children would be worse off under this scheme. [More…]
We had a lady in my office the other day who was offered some $8 or $9 by the local children’s services because the Government had set such rigid controls on her that she was taken off the supporting mothers’ benefit. [More…]
It is a fact that one in 4 children born in Australia after the war has at least one parent who was born overseas. [More…]
If 800 000 children will benefit by the increased family allowances, that means that 200 000 children of migrants will be among them. [More…]
The free bus service for school children will be cut out. [More…]
Are we to presume from this that parents are to use their new child endowment to send their children to school by taxi? [More…]
It is not as though there were other schools to which the children could go. [More…]
In many cases we have seen not only a breakdown between the husband and the wife but also the effects of these tensions and pressures on the children. [More…]
That the Government’s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
It discloses that a taxpayer on a very low scale of income without dependants gets practically no benefit, but a taxpayer on a low scale of income with 6 children receives the maximum benefit. [More…]
The Prime Minister has already announced that funding for child care services this year will be given a priority because of the very urgent need in most parts of Australia for these support services for families and children. [More…]
Child endowment has been increased to $3.50 for the first child, going up progressively to $7 for the fifth child and subsequent children. [More…]
At the same time, the taxation rebates for dependent children which were allowed in the past are going to be abolished. [More…]
That will give far greater assistance to poorer families, particularly as the endowment has been increased significantly, while at the same time the dependent children’s allowance for taxation purposes has been abolished. [More…]
Generally the unit consists of parents and one or two children. [More…]
I believe that the care of children; transport needs, perhaps above all needs in the country; the development of reasonable urban facilities and the preservation of the environment are appropriate matters for discussion, decision and initiative by the national Parliament. [More…]
When faced with the hard realities the government recognised that further cuts in education would have caused long term damage to children and the nation as a whole. [More…]
When faced with the hard realities the government recognised that further cuts in education would have caused long term damage to children and the nation as a whole. [More…]
We recognised that there were about 800 000 children in these families and realised that the whole system of child endowment needed to be restructured so that assistance could be directed to all children and to all families. [More…]
Instead of some families being able to take advantage of a $200 rebate for the first child and a rebate for other children, the same allowances will be made for all children. [More…]
We were influenced in this decision very strongly by the poverty report of Professor Henderson which talked of the way in which we could direct assistance to families by abolishing tax rebates, thus enabling a larger amount to be distributed amongst the children in Australia. [More…]
Perhaps at this stage we have not accepted the level of allowances which was recommended by his report for the fourth child and subsequent children. [More…]
We were influenced by the figures relating to families which have one to three children. [More…]
The number of children in families which have one child totals 668 000; in families with 2 children, 730 000; and in families with 3 children, 352 000. [More…]
This makes a total of 1.7 million children. [More…]
The number of children in families with four or more children total 1 74 000. [More…]
We realised that 1.7 million children would benefit from the greatly increased allowances we gave. [More…]
We also gave heavy increases to those families with four or more children. [More…]
Significantly too we have been enabled to introduce a greater benefit for student children. [More…]
In future they will be treated on the same basis as other children in the family. [More…]
Whereas at present endowment for a student child is $ 1 .50 a week, in future it will range from $3.50 to $7 a week depending on the position of the child in the family and the number of children in the family. [More…]
In future the endowment allowance for student children will continue until 25 years of age. [More…]
Because of the level of support and the desirability for these allowances to be in the hands of the parents responsible for the children, we think that a monthly payment would be desirable. [More…]
We took the opportunity also to adjust some provisions with regard to nationality qualifications to give effect to certain children with alien fathers who were excluded from eligibility for child endowment. [More…]
What is important to me and to my department is that the new benefit will be a help to those families where there is a single breadwinner or perhaps where there is a single parent looking after children. [More…]
They will have support in a way which will enable them to determine how they will meet the needs of their children and to decide the priorities which they will give to this expenditure. [More…]
Something of the greatest importance to developing a proper Australia is provision for the care of the children of this country. [More…]
The concessional rebate which is allowable under section 159(r) of the Income Tax Assessment Act in respect of life assurance premiums includes premiums paid by the taxpayer in the year of income for insurance against sickness of or personal injury or accident to the taxpayer or his or her spouse or children. [More…]
The project’s purpose was therefore to provide soundly based evidence of the performance of certain basic skills of Australian primary and secondary school children. [More…]
The project tested the reading, writing and number skills of 10-year old and 14-year old children throughout Australia. [More…]
During October 1975, approximately 7000 children from each level, at 600 schools, completed the appropriate tests, and answered a short background questionnaire. [More…]
Although, as I shall refer to later, the Government’s new proposals for better and fairer family allowances entails the withdrawal of tax rebates for children, this will not exclude them from the basis for calculation of the zone allowances. [More…]
1 have spoken elsewhere of the Government’s proposals for an improved scheme of family allowances and pointed out the reasons for the consequential removal of the rebates for maintenance of children from the income tax law. [More…]
I should explain that the existing family reunion policies cover spouses, minor dependant children and aged or dependant parents of persons already living in Australia. [More…]
Our children will not know what fresh apples and fresh milk tastes like. [More…]
Under this Bill it is proposed to increase payments to $3.50 a week for the first child, $5.00 a week for the second child, $6.00 a week for the third and fourth children and $7.00 a week for each other child. [More…]
Another significant change proposed is that students will be brought into account in the assessment of the total amount of family allowance payable, as if they were children under 16 years of age, and the rate payable for them will be determined according to their position in a family. [More…]
$1.50 a week flat, will be increased to a minimum of $3.50 for the eldest or only child in the family; if there are two student children in the family the rate payable for the second student will be $5.00 a week. [More…]
This will overcome the existing anomaly that, upon a child reaching 16 years and becoming a student, the total amount payable increases in one and two child families but decreases in families where there are more than two children. [More…]
children of alien fathers will no longer be disqualified on nationality grounds; [More…]
Most families receive assistance for children under 16 years of age and students by way of child endowment and personal income tax rebates. [More…]
However, the benefits that are available to some taxpayers by way of tax rebates for children do not apply to some 300 000 families whose incomes are insufficient to enable them to take advantage of those tax rebates. [More…]
The redistribution of income described is possible as a result of the parallel Government decision to abolish personal income tax rebates for children and students. [More…]
For such families they will more than offset any reduction in assistance for children arising from the substitution of increased family allowances for personal income tax rebates. [More…]
The abolition of tax allowances for children and large increases in family allowances were recommended by Professor Henderson in the First Main Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Poverty. [More…]
The increases in family allowances will take effect at virtually the same time as the payasyouearn schedules of tax instalments are adjusted to take account of the withdrawal of rebates for children and students. [More…]
This additional cost will be offset by the abolition of taxation rebates for children and students. [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister for Social Security, relates to the new and increased family allowances which, following on the existing system of child endowment, will be paid to the mother of the child or children. [More…]
Can the Minister clarify the position in relation to the payment of the newenefits to the father of the child or children where the father has actual and legal custody and maintains the child or children? [More…]
I am able to assure the honourable senator that where a father has the care, custody and control of the child the payment of this benefit, which is a benefit for the children of Australia, will be made to him. [More…]
Firstly, he knew that full tax indexation would be introduced in 1976-77; secondly, that there would be major cuts in specific purpose grants, particularly on the capital works side; thirdly, that the Commonwealth would be raising revenue through the Medibank levy from which the States were excluded and, fourthly, that the Commonwealth proposed to abolish rebates for dependent children and to substitute a system of family allowances. [More…]
The Commonwealth will abolish rebates for dependent children, thus causing personal income tax collections to rise by approximately $750m. [More…]
These are the single person on a median income of 10 per cent below average weekly earnings, the taxpayer on a median income with a dependant spouse and 2 children and- the taxpayer on average weekly earnings with a dependant spouse and 2 children. [More…]
The other 2 notable features for taxpayers with dependant spouse and 2 children are that there was a significant fall in the proportion of income paid in taxation in 1975-76 pursuant to the introduction of the tax rebate system and that there will be a significant rise in 1976-77 in the proportion of income paid in taxation by taxpayers in those categories. [More…]
In brief, provision exists for residents of Australia to sponsor for migrant entry their spouses, minor dependent children and parents who do not intend to join the workforce. [More…]
On 20 May, I announced the extension of family reunion provisions to include non-dependent workforce age parents and their dependent children. [More…]
Does the Minister realise that the people who are currently most affected by this shortage are young children, old people, and people suffering from heart and respiratory conditions. [More…]
In fact priority was given to the entry of close relatives, with preference being given to those who were spouses, children, parents, fiancees and fiances, and brothers and sisters of Australian residents, including students. [More…]
This means that any refugees who are the spouses, dependent children or parents of Austraiian residents would be approved as migrants provided they met the normal health and character requirements for migrants. [More…]
That if the Senate be not sitting when the Standing Committee on Education and the Ans has completed its report on the education of isolated school children the Committee may send its report to the President of the Senate or, if the President is unavailable, to the Deputy President who are authorised to give directions for its printing and circulation, and in such event the President or Deputy President shall lay the report upon the table at the next sitting of the Senate; and [More…]
The reference on the educational problems of isolated school children was given to the previous Committee on Education, Science and the Arts in September 1972. [More…]
These delays notwithstanding, the Committee has continued to enjoy widespread support from interested organisations and parents of isolated school children and to date has received more than 600 submissions. [More…]
It is necessary for most children suffering this medical complaint- it is more prevalent in young girls than it is in young males- to wear a brace on their back. [More…]
There was the attempt to rob the pensioners of the $40 funeral benefit, the failure to allow the consumer price index increase to flow on to dependent children of pensioners, the decision to give the consumer price index increase to pensioners in July rather than April. [More…]
2) 1976 provides for increased child endowment or family allowance payments to mothers or, in some cases, fathers of children. [More…]
These increases are allegedly being paid for by the removal of tax rebates for children on our present tax scales. [More…]
I contrast this attitude of the present Opposition with the attitude of some honourable senators opposite when last year we changed the tax deduction for children to a tax rebate system. [More…]
Firstly, we are told that these changes balance out, that the increase of $780m in endowment payments is balanced by the gain of $780m in revenue from the cutting out of tax rebates for children. [More…]
Secondly, I am sure that every honourable senator has received letters and telephone calls about the problem of the separated or divorced husband who is paying maintenance for children. [More…]
I suppose there may even be some cases of the separated or divorced wife paying maintenance to her former husband for their children. [More…]
These people would lose their tax rebate while still paying maintenance to the parent who is looking after the children and getting this increased endowment. [More…]
It seems that there are people in this country who set up trusts for their children to avoid the payment of death duties. [More…]
I suppose the best example of this is the Premier of Queensland who claims that he will not pay any death duties because all his funds are in trust for his children. [More…]
There seems to be a loss of revenue here and an unnecessary assistance to those who are wealthy enough or skilful enough to put all their money into endowments for their children. [More…]
He recommended increases of this order in child endowment to relieve poverty in families with children. [More…]
More has been given to the first, second and third children. [More…]
Less has been given to the fourth and later children than Professor Henderson recommended if inflation is taken into account. [More…]
This recognises the fact which many people forget- that in absolute numbers there are more families in poverty with one or two children than with four or five children. [More…]
Of course, this obviously reflects the spread of children throughout families in our community. [More…]
He recommended many other things, such as the necessity for infant welfare services and protection services for children. [More…]
We can argue about quantum, but there is no doubt that there has been provision for the payment of allowances in respect of all children in this country for some time. [More…]
It was Mr Menzies, as he then was, who in 1941 introduced child endowment for the first time, but at that stage it was payable only in respect of second and subsequent children. [More…]
In 1964 Mr Menzies’ Government increase the rates of child endowment in respect of third and subsequent children. [More…]
In 1967 a government of our persuasion again increased the rates of child endowment, but this time in respect of fourth and subsequent children. [More…]
It also recommended the abolition of the concessional tax rebates allowable in respect of children. [More…]
As I understand it, the national average of children in a family is 2.7 children. [More…]
I can never understand how a family can have seven-tenths of a child; so I will take the case of a taxpayer with a dependent wife and 2 children. [More…]
But if the taxpayer happens to be earning $400 a week and has the same dependent wife and 2 children, he will gain $10.95. [More…]
We have had the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) say that in actual fact when a father was supporting children and established that this was the case, he would receive child endowment. [More…]
If a single father has 2 dependent children he will not benefit by the same amount as a person who is on a higher income with 2 dependent children; nor will he benefit as much as a person on a lower income with 2 dependant children. [More…]
I do not think quite frankly that an additional $3 a week will compensate an Aboriginal parent if he or she despairs at their children’s health as it deteriorates. [More…]
I do not think, for instance, that the Aboriginal children who are already suffering because of the previous decision to cut back on the meal program will feel that they are being adequately compensated by getting another $3 in their pockets each week. [More…]
It relates to children under school leaving age. [More…]
As I said earlier when touching on this matter very briefly, nothing has been done for single or supporting fathers except that now the Minister has said that payments will be made directly to them if they can establish that they are supporting a child or children. [More…]
I am concerned that this Government or any previous government has not done anything to enable a deserted husband, or the father of dependent children, to be able to cope more adequately with a situation that leaves a lot to be desired. [More…]
I know of a case where a relatively young man, an unskilled labourer on approximately $100 a week clear, has been left with 3 children, two under school age. [More…]
He is now seriously contemplating leaving his position and becoming unemployed so that he can afford to stay at home and look after his children. [More…]
He may not be able to afford to eat, but he will be able to afford to stay home and look after his children. [More…]
There is nothing in any of the Bills which have come before the Senate from this Government which has made provision for a man in such a position to be able to employ a housekeeper and to pay a housekeeper to live in and to look after his children. [More…]
The Bill increases the amount of money allocated to families for their children. [More…]
As a father of some 7 children and having some 20 grandchildren, I believe that I can rightly claim to speak from wide experience in this field. [More…]
See what you can do with it to feed, clothe and educate the children’. [More…]
When one looks at the scale one sees that a family with one child will receive $3.50 a week and that the amount received by a family with 2 children jumps up to $8.50 a week. [More…]
They know that they will be able to use the money as they see fit to buy clothes and text books for their children and to do all of those things that they have always felt that they would like to do. [More…]
I should have thought that the people who have been so concerned with women’s rights and the role of women in society, as Senator Baume has been, would have remembered the supporting mothers’ benefit which the Labor Government introduced and which for the first time gave mothers a real chance to choose between staying at home and looking after their children or parking them somewhere and going out to work. [More…]
Think of people in the outer suburbs of the large cities of this country who in this day and age when we can put a man on the moon do not have sewerage connected to their homes and have to worry about all the things that worry young mothers with small children when they do not have sewerage systems. [More…]
Women who are better off have always put the money away for their children and they will continue to do the same thing. [More…]
Women who need the money will have to spend it as they have always spent it-on paying the milk bills and the grocer’s bills and buying children’s shoes. [More…]
They buy shoes for their children which fall apart after the first couple of wearings. [More…]
They buy jumpers to keep their children warm which fall apart after the first washing. [More…]
Many mothers who bring up their children in the home have stopped and wondered if they could really afford to do what they have always wanted to do. [More…]
Many women present claimed that, given a real choice, they would much prefer to stay at home with their children but that up to date a real choice had not existed. [More…]
It will bring substantial increases to the incomes of 300 000 low income familiesSenator Melzer wondered whether they existwith 800 000 children. [More…]
A family with one child will receive $14 a month; with 2 children $34 a month; with 3 children $58 a month; with 4 children $82 a month, and with 5 children $110 a month. [More…]
As I have said, the payment is normally made to the mother, but in the case of separation it will go to the parent who has custody of the children. [More…]
Full time students will be treated as dependent children. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister for Social Security and relates to the new arrangements whereby an office of child care has been substituted for the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether this office will administer and fund only child care or whether it will also comprehend, as did the Interim Committee, other children’s services such as toy libraries, services for handicapped children, pre-school centres and activities centres for before and after school. [More…]
The office of child care will deal with the development of children’s services throughout Australia. [More…]
It is hoped that more emphasis can be placed on the development of child care facilities, in particular those which are required urgently for the children of sole parents, invalid parents, or other groups who urgently require the provision of services for children in the near future. [More…]
Goats’ milk is very useful as a diet for certain small children and babies who suffer from eczema and those sorts of problems. [More…]
Under the new arrangements that have put child care under the control of the Department of Social Security, can the Minister indicate the role that will be played by the State consultative committees which worked with the Interim Committee for the Children’s Commission? [More…]
The vulnerable groups were designated as being elderly people and people with chronic heart disease or other serious debilitating diseases, and children over the age of one and under the age of five. [More…]
I think the research that has gone into the compilation of this report and the recommendations contained in it are a tribute to the capacity of Professor Watts to the feelings of the Aboriginal people and, in particular, the requirements of their children. [More…]
It has opened up opportunities for many Aboriginal and Island children to go on to higher studies. [More…]
There was a fair pocket of resistance on the part of the parents of white children attending schools against fully implementing the scheme. [More…]
Also there was the odd headmaster who did not properly assess the children as to whether they ought to go on to secondary studies. [More…]
Many of these things are now disappearing; but throughout the secondary school area and in the late years of primary school there are still pockets where parents themselves are not being made fully aware of the fact that their children are entitled to obtain assistance through the Aboriginal secondary grants scheme. [More…]
We have a big problem in Queensland and in fact in some other parts of Australia- but particularly in the Torres Strait area of Queensland- where children have to receive their education through teachers who are not properly qualified. [More…]
I believe that it is a responsibility of the Federal Government to see that all children are given the opportunity to be taught by fully qualified teachers. [More…]
Professor Watts, some time earlier, spent a considerable time looking at this aspect of teaching Aboriginal children. [More…]
Recently we have had the unfortunate experience of hearing that the Government intends to cut out the $200,000 for supplementary diets for the 6000 Northern Territory children. [More…]
This also carries across to the pregnant mother who does not get the right diet so that her children will be born healthy and well. [More…]
I hope that there will come a time in the history of this nation when all people who are underprivileged will be able to ensure that their children have every opportunity to achieve a first class education and that the foundation being set in the field of Aboriginal secondary school grants may lay the guidelines by which this can be applied to the whole community. [More…]
The administration of the system of criminalband civil justice in so far as it affects the poor and other vulnerable groups such as migrants and children appearing in Children’s Courts. [More…]
Mr Martin’s report deals with the more important community services at the health and social welfare interface and covers such major issues as community health services, mental health services, disability and poverty, alcoholism and drug dependence, the health of newborn children and infants, family planning, and dental health services. [More…]
I add that in the future full time students will be treated as dependent children with a minimum of assistance to the mother of $ 1 4 a month if those children happen to be the only children. [More…]
Some return to the work force when the children are older. [More…]
Just as most working women have children and are therefore aware of the needs of families, particularly poor families, and are happy to support an increase in child endowment, so I think we should encourage women who are at present at home with their children to think in terms of supporting policies for women who need or wish to work. [More…]
This was a radical departure from what had been the attitude of previous governments towards the care and education of young children. [More…]
I have pointed out that, by offering $8.50 to a woman with 2 children and a little more to a woman with 3 children, the Government really is not offering something comparable to a wage. [More…]
If we are to look for some sort of financial recognition of the productivity of the woman in the home, I hope that it would measure something more than $8.50 for the work involved in caring for 2 children. [More…]
Other sorts of pressures that caused women to go out to work in the 1 950s and particularly in the 1960s included the fact that Federal funding of education was so low that women felt they had to go to work to be able to improve the educational opportunities of their children by sending them to private schools, which they considered at that time to be better, or by supplementing their children’s educational resources through the purchase of books, extra lessons, tutoring and things of that kind. [More…]
After all, with the $ 10 or even $20 a week that a mother will receive by way of child endowment, she cannot buy good education for her children; she cannot purchase housing; she cannot get access to community facilities. [More…]
Senator Ryan mentioned also the problem of housing, which is still with us, and the problems related to the education of children. [More…]
Her claim is really made on behalf of all mothers who are in the situation of being faced with the choice of staying home and looking after the children or of being forced into employment. [More…]
As my children grow and their needs change, so I have to acquire the additional skills to fulfill those needs. [More…]
It is five years since I had a holiday (by which I mean a ‘break’ of more than a few hours from my home and children). [More…]
Of course I love my family; but the idea that women produce children purely for their own pleasure is a fallacy sponsored by an affluent and short-sighted society intent on genocide. [More…]
Women produce children because of a biological urge to perpetuate the species-the pleasure is an incidental side-effect necessary to ensure that they will stick at the job. [More…]
One ofthe conclusions reached by a Seminar on Creche ‘s and Day Nurseries organised by the International Children’s Centre in Paris ( 1 960) was that: ‘The greatest obstacle to the expansion of child-care services of all kinds . [More…]
Yet mothers, whose concern for the welfare of their children is a professional, long-term commitment more deeply felt than that of an employee, have a far greater need for educational and training services to equip them for their job. [More…]
Women with family responsibilities, particularly those with young children, should be able to stay at home if they so wish. [More…]
As has often been emphasised, the incontestable right of every mother to remain within the home and to bring up her children herself should be protected and respected. [More…]
How can the Federal Government expect to maintain credibility with women as mothers when it not only refuses to recognise their rightful occupation, but actively promotes discriminatory propaganda against them such as that currently displayed by Commonwealth Employment Service on a poster entitled ‘Mother’s Liberation urging mothers to leave their children (with whom whilst they enjoy the ‘liberation ‘ of going out to work ( at what? [More…]
How can the Federal Government expect to maintain credibility with women as mothers when it not only refuses to recognise their rightful occupation, but actively promotes discriminatory propaganda against them such as that currently displayed by the Commonwealth Employment Service on a poster entitled ‘Mother’s Liberation’ urging mothers to leave their children (with whom?) [More…]
Women with family responsibilities, particularly those with young children, should be able to stay at home if they so wish. [More…]
As has often been emphasised, the incontestable tight of every mother to remain within the home and to bring up her children herself should be protected and respected. [More…]
The support services of adequate housing, health and so on are important to the way in which a family is able to give security to the children who are its responsibility. [More…]
I believe that in calling our new assistance ‘family allowances’ we are talking about assistance that is able to be given to families with children in this country. [More…]
The objectives that parents have for their children should be those that lead them to undertake the responsibilities that lead to sound education, to adequate health and care and to the other opportunities which only parents are able to make possible for their children for their future development. [More…]
If we have that stability in the economy and the expectation of the future remaining less unpredictable than it has been in the past few years, we might then see women accepting responsibilities within the home for a period when they believe that their children can benefit from the full time attention that they can give. [More…]
We believe that by restructuring the allowances that are provided in respect of children we are taking one further step towards giving additional benefits to the Australian children. [More…]
1) 1975-76, these funds were provided as expenditure under the Children’s Commission Act. [More…]
What is not said in the document is that the Government is handing over- or we assume that the Government is handing over- the functions of the Children’s Commission to the States. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to an article in the Brisbane Courier Mail of 10 May 1976, in which it is claimed that statistics provided in a paper to be presented by two Brisbane medical practitioners to an international ear disease conference in the United States of America in May indicate that only thirty per cent of Aboriginal children in Queensland have normal hearing; if so, has the Department of Health undertaken any research that would indicate the extent of ear abnormalities amongst Aboriginal people in Australia. [More…]
In conjunction with the Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs research has been sponsored into the high occurrence of ear infections among Aboriginal children, the basic causes of the disease and the most effective preventive measures. [More…]
From 1968 to 1972 the Office of Aboriginal Affairs, as it then was, provided funds fora research program- ‘Field and Hospital Studies into the health of Aboriginal Children’ conducted by the Depanment of Child Health, University of Queensland. [More…]
There is no intention to abolish or reduce the benefits or level of assistance available through my Department to voluntary organisations providing facilities for handicapped children and adults. [More…]
As to their increasing inequality, the main claim that is made for the voucher system is that it establishes equality for all children throughout the community. [More…]
Will the Minister indicate whether new legislation may be brought down to replace those parts of the Children’s Commission Act relating to children’s services in this country? [More…]
As the proposed Children’s Commission has now been transferred to the Department of Social Security and as we are anxious to develop services for children, we will be looking to whatever needs there are for legislation to enable a very comprehensive service to be developed. [More…]
As programs for children are now included within those responsibilities, I am prepared to examine any gaps which exist in services with a view to overcoming some of the social difficulties being experienced. [More…]
I refer to the decision that, in the case of custody of children, the Act was valid only to the extent that it applied to proceedings between the parties to a marriage for the custody of the natural or adopted children of both of them. [More…]
The expression child of a marriage has been limited to the natural or adopted children of both parties to the marriage, although the existing, wider meaning has been retained for the purposes of section 63- which prevents a divorce becoming absolute unless the court is satisfied as to the welfare of children of the marriage. [More…]
As far as custody is concerned, the problem of the disputes beyond the reach of the Family Law Act is part of a wider need for uniform State and Territory laws as to custody, including custody and rights of exnuptial children. [More…]
At present the Act confines this exemption to children who are under the care and control of a Minister pursuant to State or Territory child welfare legislation. [More…]
Children’s Commission [More…]
The problem must not be compounded by allowing young men to enter the industry, as thousands are doing at the moment, and finding themselves at the mercy of the money lenders of this country, with their wives and children being forced into work in the dairy and the cowyards Such a situation only brings the industry back to the state in which it was when I grew up. [More…]
Among the men, women and children who marched were dairy farmers who had travelled many miles to attend, trade unionists in their overalls and dust coats, and businessmen in smart suits and ties. [More…]
We can provide all sorts of arrangements for the care of children on a proper basis, but once we get to the stage where the state not only cares for them but also maintains them, it will take only another few steps before we will be training them and guiding them in their occupations. [More…]
Anyone who has had a long experience with family law and its operations over the years would know that where there is all this publicity there is no justice, there is no fairness, there is the scarifying of children and innocent persons because of newspapers and others- I do not need to name them- which over the years made a lot of money out of the embarrassment of people; and that was a very deliberate thing. [More…]
In regard to custody it has long been realised that it would only be with the support of the States that we could get a situation where exnuptial children would be treated in the same way and with the same facilities of the Family Court available to them as are enjoyed by children of a marriage. [More…]
They could be children of a wife and not the husband, but have been supported and treated as members of that family for years. [More…]
Later, after the natural father has disappeared, we could find that the husband leaves the wife and he may not be responsible for the maintenance of the children. [More…]
Has the Isolated Childrens’ Parents Association requested the Minister to initiate an immediate upgrading of the means tested allowances covering fees and other costs for parents of high school children who board away from home in order to complete their education. [More…]
Has the Minister also been asked to simplify forms of assistance for rural families who have school children living away from home at hostels and boarding schools. [More…]
) In relation to ( 1 ), proposals for increases in the allowances available under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme will be considered within the framework of the 1976-77 Budget. [More…]
Was Australia represented at the First World Conference on Gifted Children held in London in 1975: if so, what representation did Australia have at the Conference. [More…]
The First World Conference on Gifted Children held in London in 1975, was attended by the Counsellor (Education) of the Australian High Commission, London and a senior officer of the Schools Commission. [More…]
About a week or two later the soldier was stupefied when he received a letter from the bursar of a well known Australian school indicating that Lord Casey had made arrangements for the soldier’s 2 children to be educated at Lord Casey’s expense. [More…]
During 1975-76 the Schools Commission advanced funds to Queensland totalling $1,266,996 for recurrent expenditure of government special schools for handicapped children. [More…]
In respect of students with pre-school children undertaking courses at technical colleges and tertiary institutions, will the Government ensure that courses of study will not be disrupted and that Government money already expended on their education will not be wasted as a result of a change in government policy midway through the academic year. [More…]
3m would be available for children’s services in 1976-77. [More…]
That any cuts in money available for children’s services will deny this right to many children in need of them; [More…]
We therefore urge that the cuts already made in the budget of the Children’s Commission be restored and no further cuts be made in children’s services, i.e. [More…]
Has he received a copy of the report of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts relating in particular to the education of isolated children?Has he read the report and arranged for a departmental study of its contents, particularly its recommendations? [More…]
The honourable senator will be aware that I was a member of the Committee for most of the period of the investigation on the isolated children reference. [More…]
Indeed, as honourable senators will know from the Budget Speech last night, an interdepartmental committee is studying allowances, including allowances for isolated children. [More…]
The Government is greatly appreciative of the problems of isolated families with children, particularly families such as those of cattle producers who are suffering doubly because of the dreadful fall in beef prices. [More…]
It will be understood that the proposed children’s commission of the former Government has now become the office of child care within the Department of Social Security. [More…]
That the Senate take note of the Report of the Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on the Education of Isolated School Children. [More…]
I refer to the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association. [More…]
It was my privilege to accept the Association’s invitation to open the annual conference of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association and I was able to speak in some dimension in relation to the report. [More…]
President of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association, Mr E. C. Powne. [More…]
At the same time I want to express our appreciation to you, the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts, and the staff of that committee, for the work that went into compiling the report on Isolated children. [More…]
I made the additional point that education should really ensure that all children in their growth from a dependent to an independent status in our society should have the opportunity to find their own identity as social beings and that if all these arguments had any weight at all it surely followed that they must be applied to the situation of what we know as isolated school children. [More…]
As honourable senators will see, the report discusses possible courses of action which might be taken by education authorities at both Commonwealth level and State level so that there can be an alleviation of the educational disadvantage or hardship which is suffered by what we call isolated children. [More…]
I would say that if these recommendations are implemented they will go a long way towards giving assistance to parents of isolated children, parents who are endeavouring to give their families the same educational opportunities as other children. [More…]
In the meantime, sentences relating to the taking away of the children from the believing parents, are not carried out (see document of the Group of Co-operation). [More…]
Finally, in June, the head of the All Soviet OVIR, Vladimir Obidin, explained that the Soviet competent organs would be thoroughly influenced by the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference, in an issue of visas for emigration, but would give out visas only for re-unification with the family, and that the family is only regarded as husband and wife and their unmarried children. [More…]
This article requires that the parents ‘bring up their children in the spirit of moral law of the builders of Communism’. [More…]
In the Soviet Union today many thousands of people are persecuted because of their convictions, both by judicial and extrajuridical means; for their religious beliefs and for their desire to bring their children up in the spirit of religion; for reading and circulating- often to only a few acquaintances- literature which is unwelcome to the State, but which in accordance with ordinary democratic practice is absolutely legitimate, e.g. [More…]
However, growth centres, together with the Australian Assistance Plan, Medibank, the Children’s Commission and many other schemes, have been abandoned by this Government. [More…]
That the Government ‘s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of pharmaceutical benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the schedule of pharmaceutical benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
Families which receive the allowance for children received the first cheques on 13 July. [More…]
In addition there is provision in the Department’s estimates in relation to the child program which amounts to $691,000 for the provision of materials, conferences, special arrangements for refugee children and the Australian Council for Educational Research test development project. [More…]
What measures are being considered to provide equity to ensure that persons providing services without pay in the communityespecially housewives providing child carehave the right to the long term security of knowing that their children will not be disadvantaged should they be injured or sick? [More…]
I therefore ask the Minister: Will special attention be given to the education of those departments and officials in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory who apparently either do not know of child abuse or else do not understand the need for proper community monitoring to detect the true incidence of the abuse by adults of defenceless children? [More…]
The Office of Child Care, of course, has programs that give assistance to parents and children and which would act towards the prevention of situations which might lead to child abuse. [More…]
The sorts of services that can be funded, such as emergency care and services for the provision of accommodation for those who require it, may alleviate some of the battered children problems we have seen. [More…]
The second refers to the redistribution in income tax scales in respect of deductions for children. [More…]
The benefit goes from the high income earner to the low income earner with children. [More…]
Clause 7, in addition to providing for some of the increases in benefits already mentioned, also includes provisions relating to the weekly payments in respect of dependent children in both death and incapacity cases. [More…]
Under these amendments such payments will be made in respect of children aged between 16 and 21 years who are full time students not ordinarily in employment. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Primary Industry: Is the Minister aware that 10 000 children die every day on the Indian sub-continent because there is nothing to supplement their mothers’ milk? [More…]
We talked to the doctor and learned of the continual re-infection of the children with hookworm and respiratory diseases. [More…]
I suppose the people who had the greatest impact were the mothers who appealed to us to do something to allow their children to receive a better education. [More…]
All the school children on the Islands are Australian citizens. [More…]
The Commission brought out the report on aged persons housing, it brought out a project report entitled Children, Parents and Community Emergency Relief, and the very important discussion papers Nos 1 and 2 which dealt with the Australian Assistance Plan. [More…]
It was the work of bodies like the Social Welfare Commission which led to the formation of the Children’s Commission and from the Children’s Commission to the new Office of Child Care. [More…]
It is no longer the norm that the generation of working adults are prepared to care for the aged in their own homes with their own children. [More…]
That leave be given to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act 1974, to increase the handicapped children’s benefit and with respect to certain formal matters. [More…]
The categories of persons to whom that applies, that is those entitled to medical treatment of all disabilities, are disability pensioners at or above the 100 per cent general rate, including intermediate rate and totally and permanently incapacitated pensioners; Service pensioners who qualify for fringe benefits; veterans of the Boer War and the 1914-18 War; exprisoners of war; and widows, children and certain other dependants of veterans whose deaths have been accepted as Service related, or of deceased TPI pensioners. [More…]
In view of the fact that the Government has decided, as shown in the Budget Papers, to increase the price of a meal taken at a community kitchen on an Aboriginal reserve, will this deprive children of impoverished families of the opportunity of partaking of a meal which they now receive? [More…]
If so, how many children will be deprived? [More…]
It only remains for me to observe that the reference on the education of isolated school children has recently been completed and, as you know, Sir, our report has been tabled in the Senate. [More…]
This Government has already reduced the amount of assistance for the education of isolated children by $l.lm in this Budget. [More…]
My wife in turn has looked after our household and children and is quite active as President of our School Welfare Committee and other non-commercial roles. [More…]
When we were children we called promises such as those contained in that telegram Indian promises. [More…]
He even took on the parents of the profoundly mentally retarded children of the Tressillian Hostel not so long ago and threatened to return the children to their homes if their parents did not agree to their being at the Hostel. [More…]
Programs on science for children aged 9 to 12 years on Monday mornings have been cut. [More…]
They may not be terribly important to people who have the advantage of attending wealthy private schools and institutions of that kind but they are important to millions of Australian school children. [More…]
As Senator Martin said, we have assisted through our new family allowance scheme those 300 000 low income families, with their 800 000 children, who previously just did not have sufficient income to benefit from tax rebates for their children. [More…]
We have increased the handicapped children’s allowance from $10 a week to $15 a week and the benefit payable to institutions caring for those children from $3.50 a day to $5 a day. [More…]
The purpose of this Bill is to give effect to the Government’s decision to increase the rate of the handicapped children’s benefit as announced by the Treasurer (Mr Lynch) in his Budget Speech of 17 August 1976. [More…]
Honourable senators will be aware that the handicapped children’s benefit was first introduced in 1968 under the National Health Act 1953-1968 and was incorporated in the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act 1974 when the Act was passed in 1974. [More…]
The handicapped children’s benefit is payable to an eligible voluntary, religious or charitable organisation, or local governing body, which provides approved residential accommodation for handicapped children who are engaged in training programs The Bill provides for the rate of this benefit in respect of each physically or mentally handicapped child under 16 years of age to be increased from $3.50 a day to $5 a day with effect from 1 November 1976. [More…]
Currently, the benefit is payable to 86 homes in respect of 1400 handicapped children. [More…]
Only 150 years ago employers were free to employ 12-year old children in coalmines. [More…]
The isolated children’s education allowance has not only been reduced in absolute terms but also the Government has failed to increase it in terms of the individual grant. [More…]
Legislation being introduced is directed towards establishing a great measure of benefit for some 300 000 families and almost one million children. [More…]
Payments to handicapped children have increased likewise from $10 to $15 a week and payments for allowances applicable to children in institutions have increased from $3.50 to $5 a day. [More…]
What percentage of Australia’s children were vaccinated against measles in each year since 1 970. [More…]
Has the Department of Health issued any recommendations to parents relating to the advisability of having their children vaccinated against measles. [More…]
American studies have shown that between 90 per cent and 95 per cent of children immunised against measles develop satisfactory immunity. [More…]
Accurate figures for the number of children who receive measles immunisation each year are not available. [More…]
However, the number of doses of vaccine issued each year together with the estimated number of children who become eligible for immunisation during the same period (i.e. [More…]
Has the Minister sought or received advice from State consultative committees on child care and from concerned voluntary groups and other interested groups on the implications of separating pre-school services from other children’s services funded by the Office of Child Care? [More…]
The Office of Child Care in the Department of Social Security is at present administering all the programs previously handled by the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission. [More…]
He singled out the disbanding of the Children’s Commission and the withdrawal of the Australian Citizen Plan. [More…]
In addition to these amounts the Department of Education has also estimated expenditure in 1976- 77 of $691,000 on child migrant education to be spent on the production of material, conferences, special arrangements for refugee children and a language test development project. [More…]
As well as being concerned about the European children or those young people who are leaving school in November or December this year, in the Northern Territory we are faced with another problem. [More…]
The situation has developed whereby the physically and mentally handicapped children are going to be told to stay home because the Department of Education cannot cope with them. [More…]
They will not be ready when the children have grown up and are ready to move into them. [More…]
I refer to indexation of personal income tax, changes in the housing loan interest deductions, remove of the personal tax rebate for dependent children and so on. [More…]
All clothes, personal belongings and food in the houses were destroyed and the fires left about 18 men, women and children homeless. [More…]
That in 39.4 per cent of married couple families, both parents work and of these 59 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That 38.6 per cent of female heads of families work and of these 64 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
The present government child care programs are heavily biassed in favour or pre-school programs, 70 per cent of the funds being destined for pre-schools which only provide part-time services for children and do not cater for the needs of working parents. [More…]
That the Government ‘s action is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of cows’ milk substitutes which penalise parents of children aged eighteen months and over who have a medical need for these substitutes. [More…]
That there is an urgent, humane need to restore cows’ milk substitutes to children up to six years of age to the schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that cows’ milk substitutes be restored to the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits for children up to the age of six years as soon as possible. [More…]
Is the Minister aware, further, of the results of a survey taken on 27 July 1976 of the 6082 children attending the 78 Kindergarten Union centres in New South Wales which showed that only 37.42 per cent of children meet the Government’s criteria of need? [More…]
Does the Minister accept that, if the federal subsidy is reduced, there is very real doubt that the New South Wales Government will be able to meet the differences and the majority of children attending Kindergarten Union centres will be withdrawn? [More…]
As early as possible- I hope quite soon- an announcement will be made with regard to future arrangements for the services for children through the Office of Child Care. [More…]
It has indulged in pension bashing, the bashing of the blacks and the taking away of things to which our children are entitled. [More…]
Schools are an institution which determine to a very large extent the future of the children who pass through them. [More…]
Its main objective and the main objective of the Labor Government in setting it up was to work out a strategy whereby equality of opportunity in education for all Australian children could be achieved and could be achieved within a specific period. [More…]
Where does that leave the special programs of the Schools Commission such as the programs for isolated children, for Aboriginal children, for migrant children and for disadvantaged girls in the schools system? [More…]
So those schools will be able to maintain high standards of education and the children attending those schools will continue to gain sound education which will qualify them for higher education or trade education and so on. [More…]
Despite the fact that Senator Guilfoyle, who is the Minister in charge of child care matters, has repeatedly assured this chamber that her Government will turn its attention to the needs of very young children and that there would be an allocation on the basis of need, what do we find? [More…]
I think it is worth repeating that some 300 000 low income families with 800 000 children will benefit most from the dependent children’s rebates. [More…]
I mention briefly the assistance to handicapped children which has been increased by 50 per cent, from $10 a week to $15 a week. [More…]
The benefit payable in respect of handicapped children in institutions will be increased from $3.50 a day to $5 a day. [More…]
The second social reform which we have heard talked about in this place day after day is the increase in the handicapped children’s allowance from $10 a week to $15 a week. [More…]
We remind them that the handicapped children’s allowance was introduced in December 1973 by a Labor government. [More…]
Unless they have more than 5 children they will be considerably worse off. [More…]
I think it might be useful for this country if the Labor Party, which is supposed to be the friend of the oppressed, came out and supported what is a most substantial reform in favour of 800 000 children in the community who are in relatively poor circumstances in the 300 000 families which are in relatively poor circumstances. [More…]
Handicapped children were also mentioned by Senator Grimes. [More…]
He acknowledged that assistance to handicapped children has been increased by 50 per cent. [More…]
In addition, institutions dealing with handicapped children have also received substantial increases in their assistance. [More…]
It is running an efficient housing association, men are in work, alcoholism has almost disappeared and children are in school instead of in hospital while, most importantly of all, the Aboriginal people of Wilcannia have done it themselves. [More…]
The Government is ensuring that children from low income familiesget major additional support in line with whathas been recommended by Professor Henderson. [More…]
Women’s Refuges have been set up to provide short-term emergency accommodation for women and children undergoing severe crises in their normal domestic situations. [More…]
A choice made without fear for their children ‘s welfare. [More…]
I wonder whether members of this Senate are aware of the actual number of women who leave their homes for a number of reasons in the middle of the night with an armful of children or a bunch of toddlers at their side, with generally the clothes they stand up in and nothing more because they do not have the means to carry anything more. [More…]
State run accommodation for children placed in care because mothers cannot support them is $100 per week per child. [More…]
I know that the Minister is aware that existing housing conditions are inadequate for the 150 Aboriginal people, including 60 children, living in the Wreck Bay settlement. [More…]
In considering the relationship between the labour market and the education system the committee has been asked to extend its review into secondary education as appropriate, having regard to the fact that a significant number of children do not proceed beyond year ten in secondary schools. [More…]
He must include the children of migrants. [More…]
It is shown that 300 000 families will benefit by this and 800 000 children are to be beneficiaries, ls this the type of reform which can be described as demolishing the social service system? [More…]
The mother in question was charged with giving false information to police and with the neglect of her children. [More…]
The Chief Magistrate, Mr Kirkman, found that the mother was incapable of caring for herself and her children. [More…]
Those of us on the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts investigating the isolated children’s reference are very well aware of the problem in country areas where youngsters, having no real prospect of advancement and seeing no further than their local horizons, left school at an early age to do the work that was available in that area- work which needed very little cultural skill- to their great detriment. [More…]
Mothers receiving that letter will not take their children to the Medical Service to be examined, to be diagnosed and then to be sent to the chemist because they would not have the money to pay for the prescriptions. [More…]
Specifically in categories such as students and trainees, persons seeking medical or rehabilitation assistance, supporting single parents and children, workers, transients and aged or infirm persons. [More…]
And frequently, because of their young children, they cannot work and are unable to raise funds to pay bonds and rent. [More…]
Supporting mothers often have to put their children in homes or with relatives and friends until they can re-establish themselves. [More…]
They can, sometimes, encounter difficulty in regaining the custody of their children if they have been unable to find accommodation and a means of support in the intervening period. [More…]
Without temporary accommodation the mother and her children are sometimes unable to avoid these difficult circumstances, the continuity and security so essential for any family is often disrupted. [More…]
The Company also has one hostel catering for women and their dependent children, the capacity being 38 beds. [More…]
To conclude, the provision of hostels is not an isolated activity which can be increased or decreased at will because the effectiveness of so much other Aboriginal Affairs expenditure relates to or hinges upon of all such programs to the Aboriginal community would improve measurably with a continuity of hostel acquisition particularly as it relates to other government outlays on Aboriginal employment and training, secondary and study grants, alcoholic rehabilitation, hospital and health services and the care of young children. [More…]
Our children see their parents working and they are happy and proud and secure. [More…]
When our parents don’t work, they can’t look after their children properly. [More…]
Our children see their parents working and they are happy and proud and secure. [More…]
When our parents don’t work, they can’t look after their children properly. [More…]
We send our children to school because the Government wants us to. [More…]
What will our children do? [More…]
A critical complication is caused by sewerage seeping to the natural water contained in the swamp, posing a continual health risk to the community, particularly to adventurous children. [More…]
At night children within this settlement are kept within a tin shed where a smoke fire is kept burning as one reasonable means of keeping the mosquitoes away from the youngsters. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs aware of an article in the Medical Journal of Australia setting out details of a study carried out by a medical team from Brisbane’s Mater Children’s Hospital and the Queensland Department of Health? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the survey conducted by this team indicated that the infant mortality rate amongst Aboriginal children, particularly on Cape York Peninsula, is approximately 100 per 1000 live births and that the death rate among children over one year old is approximately 8 times the Queensland average? [More…]
I support censorship and control of things like violence in children’s programs, exploitation of women as sex objects in advertising and other programs, and the general exploitation of consumers and of children as consumers that we see through advertising and other commercial programs. [More…]
If this is the case, what action does the Minister intend to take to ensure that the people concerned realise that by not accepting the leases, the aged, the children and other Aboriginal people will continue to live in an unhygienic, deprived state, lacking the basic facilities for a reasonable existence? [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for the Capital Territory, refers to a situation which has arisen in the Australian Capital Territory this week as a result of the Government’s new policy of bus passes for school children. [More…]
Several small children already have been left stranded at bus stops because they did not have bus passes. [More…]
school children? [More…]
In the meantime will the Minister give bus drivers a clear and direct policy instruction that they are not to leave children without passes stranded at bus stops? [More…]
The second was that in certain circumstances parents of children who are unable to afford the fee can obtain assistance. [More…]
It was because there were some 10 different schemes, because they overlapped and because anomalies were sometimes created that the Commonwealth Government set up an interdepartmental committee to look at all these matters, especially the matter of isolated children. [More…]
It seemed to me that it would be a major contribution to the health of the Australian community, particularly that of children, if we were to publicise the fact that on that day ABC television would directly telecast the eclipse. [More…]
I shall do all that I can to make the public aware that there will be a direct telecast of the eclipse and I shall suggest that in schools and public offices- anywhere where there is television- people, especially children, should stay inside and watch the television rather than look directly at the sun. [More…]
I believe there was some suggestion that thousands of people in Australia, particularly children, would have impaired sight following the transit on that day. [More…]
If I want my private doctor, my family doctor who has taken care of me, my wife and my children, my doctor who I am confident will be able to look after me when I am in hospital, I have that right. [More…]
This was an extremely efficient procedure and it was extremely popular with the public and extremely welcome to low income earners or families with a lot of children who had difficulties making on the spot cash payments which many private doctors demand these days and which, no doubt, they will demand even more now that they know every person will be insured and will be able to obtain a refund. [More…]
Has he seen reports of a statement by the President of the Australian Teachers Federation that by the end of this year a quarter of a million children will be taught in one-room portable classrooms and that no new libraries, art classrooms or general purpose classrooms will be built over the next financial year? [More…]
To be eligible for the sole parent rebate of $350 the single parent must have the sole care of a dependent child or children, that is, there must be at least 2 people in the family. [More…]
But the Government is not telling them and did not tell them that the combined effect of the loss of the children ‘s rebate, which we accept along with the family allowances scheme, plus the Medibank levy in fact will put them out of pocket. [More…]
In 1974 under the previous taxation schedules taxpayers could deduct amounts for a dependent wife, dependent children, medical costs, council and water rates, superannuation, education and a lot of other expenses from their taxable income before the imposition of the levy. [More…]
If a husband and wife with a combined income up to $4,299 are to be exempted from paying the levy, surely a single parent should be able to earn up to that level of exemption when supporting either dependent children under 16 years of age or dependent students under 25 years of age. [More…]
Those people were migrants, low income earners or people with a number of children. [More…]
If one examines the Budget Papers in relation to family allowances it is clear that about $700m extra will be spent on family allowances this year but, on the other hand, about $700m will be saved because dependent children will no longer be allowable as a tax deduction. [More…]
It is much more likely that some of the States will decide that there ought to be State courts operating with a full jurisdiction and that they therefore should be able to deal with children whether they be legitimate or illegitimate, deal in cases involving property, whether that property is involved in the marriage or not, and deal with rights to maintenance by illegitimate children so that children are not distinguished in their dealings with the courts. [More…]
I inquire specifically about the tertiary education assistance scheme and about the matter of isolated children. [More…]
Included in those allowances will be both the tertiary allowance referred to by Senator Davidson and the isolated children’s allow.ance. [More…]
The interdepartmental committee which was considering the matter and which has made a report to the Government had the benefit of the Senate standing committee’s report on isolated children. [More…]
The normal migration entry criteria would apply and spouses, dependent children and parents of the evacuees would be eligible for migrant entry if they satisfied health and character requirements. [More…]
Those who have not sought permanent residence may still nominate their spouses and minor dependent children for entry to Australia, and this applies to relatives abroad, whether in Timor or elsewhere. [More…]
Is the Minister for Science aware of the increasing number of reports, articles and statements by scientists, nutritionists and medical commentators drawing attention to additives, preservatives and the like, being included in food and drinks consumed by children? [More…]
Is it a fact that such additives have a negative effect on young children and that hyperactivity in children is a direct result of adulterated food and drink and that the children’s health is therefore undermined? [More…]
It is understandable that the temporarily reduced funds for housing alarmed and worried many people, not least those Aboriginals in need of housing, for without adequate housing there can be only limited improvements in health, limited opportunity for children to succeed at school and limited hope of gaining regular employment. [More…]
As from 1 October 1976 the following persons normally resident in the Lebanon will be eligible to come to Australia, after meeting normal health and character requirements: Spouses and dependent children of Australian residents: Parents, both aged and dependent and those who are non dependent and of working age, of Australian residents; nominated brothers and sisters of Australian residents; persons eligible under the normal acceptable occupations list. [More…]
This requirement will not apply to nominations of spouses and dependent children. [More…]
The lack of adequate medical facilities and the complete absence of Health Education and paramedical services is a tragedy for the St Albans population which is comprised of about eighty per cent (80 per cent) migrants arrived within the last five years and with an overall majority of mothers and young children for whom the proposed Community Health Centre would provide an essential service in this underprivileged area. [More…]
That whereas the world is currently witnessing the slaughter of Africans, many of them school children, who are protesting against Apartheid; [More…]
I refer to reports claiming that the practice of petrol sniffing is becoming a major drug addiction problem among Aboriginal children and adolescents in the Northern Territory. [More…]
I am aware that petrol sniffing is not a new problem involving Aboriginal children. [More…]
Consequently I am very conscious of the dangers that will be presented, particularly to children, on 23 October when the next eclipse will occur. [More…]
Can the Minister for Social Security clarify the present position of the Australian Capital Territory Consultative Committee, which was established under the former Children’s Commission, whose functions have now been transferred to the Child Care Office in the Department of Social Security? [More…]
If there are to be any changes with regard to the activity and manner of working I will make an announcement, but at present the arrangements are as they were established under the proposed Children’s Commissionthat is, that it is an advisory body and will continue to act as such unless we decide that any other manner of working would be of greater advantage to the work that needs to be done by the Office of Child Care. [More…]
When the Labor Government assumed office in 1972 no provision was made for isolated children’s grants and no provision for isolated children’s grants was made in the Budget that was passed by the previous Government before the election in December 1972. [More…]
But this did not deter or prevent the Labor Government in January 1973 announcing isolated children’s allowances ranging from a basic allowance of $350 a year to $ 1 ,004, according to means. [More…]
If the Minister and the present Government were convinced about the inadequacy of the tertiary student allowance when they assumed office, they could have acted as speedily as did the Labor Government in relation to isolated children’s grants. [More…]
In the case of the secondary allowance scheme to assist families to keep children at high school the maximum allowance has been increased by only $100 whilst the maximum family income to attract the full allowance has been increased from $4,300 to only $5, 1 50. [More…]
They need this educational assistance and if they do not get it there will be children who will be forced to drop out of school. [More…]
I stand here for the parents with children of school leaving age who are confused and very worried about the prospects of only 6 out of every 10 school leavers in 1977 getting a job. [More…]
-This Bill, which amends the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act, has the effect of increasing the rate of the handicapped children’s benefit from $3.50 a day to $5 a day. [More…]
None the less the increases will be welcomed by those charitable, religious and voluntary agencies which are eligible to receive payments under this legislation and which care for many of the handicapped children in our community. [More…]
State institutions which care for these children have long waiting lists and this often throws the burden onto the non-governmental agencies which may be caring for the children of people in some financial difficulty through unemployment, sickness or lowered incomes, in depressed industries such as the rural industries. [More…]
In any case smaller, perhaps more residential type of accommodation, is considered preferable by many of us, I am sure, to accommodate handicapped children of various types. [More…]
It is certainly a more appropriate sort of unit for those children who need residential and institutional type care. [More…]
The Labor Government introduced the handicapped children’s allowance which was payable to the parents of handicapped children who cared for them at home. [More…]
This was introduced in December 1975 and this form of care is often the preferable form of care for many children with handicaps. [More…]
It is of some assistance, but there will still remain a need for suitable residential care and suitable residential accommodation for handicapped children in the community. [More…]
One of the difficulties is to know how many children need this care and how to plan for the future. [More…]
Future plans for the care of handicapped children- and handicapped adults for that matterin our community in particular depend very much on having an accurate assessment of the size and the type of the problem that we face. [More…]
That item is the very benefit mentioned in this Bill- the handicapped children’s benefit. [More…]
This plan was introduced in either late 1974 or early 1975 and included in it was the handicapped children’s allowance which will be the subject of legislation later in this session. [More…]
The handicapped children’s benefit in 1974 was doubled from $ 10.50 a week to $2 1 a week. [More…]
In the Budget the handicapped children’s allowance is increased by SO per cent, and certainly we will not oppose that. [More…]
The handicapped children’s benefit is increased by some 40 per cent. [More…]
We believe also that the Government should be mindful of the importance of community involvement in the provision of facilities for the handicapped and, perhaps more importantly, mindful of increasing awareness in the community of the problems of the handicapped, of handicapped children and especially the problems of the parents of handicapped children. [More…]
We urge the Government to facilitate such planning by obtaining the necessary statistical information that is available from the Bureau of Statistics through the last census and from any other source and that the Government will not rest on the small cash increases in this benefit, important though it is, and in the handicapped children’s allowance. [More…]
The Bill seeks to increase the benefit payable to handicapped children. [More…]
It increases the benefit payable to organisations caring for the children. [More…]
They will apply to 86 institutions caring for more than 1400 children. [More…]
Also this year the Fraser Government is providing an increase in the handicapped children’s allowance of 50 per cent, an increase which was acknowledged by Senator Grimes in his contribution, from $ 10 to $ 1 5 a week. [More…]
Senator Grimes has indicated that the handicapped children’s benefit was doubled during the period the previous Government was in office. [More…]
The handicapped children’s allowance was introduced by the previous Labor Government. [More…]
In deciding to cut aid for projects assisting handicapped children, the Federal government has stepped into a sensitive area. [More…]
Governments in Australia have been slow to provide aid for handicapped children. [More…]
I trust that the deadlock which developed at that time in respect of the program for mentally retarded children has been overcome. [More…]
I suggest to the Minister that great care has to be taken with the implementation of these programs by her Department and by State departments which have been funded to carry out certain programs to support handicapped children. [More…]
I welcome the fact that the Opposition did not oppose this Bill which increases handicapped children’s benefits as announced by the Treasurer (Mr Lynch) in the Budget Speech this year. [More…]
These payments are made to eligible voluntary, religious or charitable organisations or local governing bodies which provide an approved residential program for handicapped children who are engaged in training and who require accommodation. [More…]
The Bill provides that the benefit will be paid in respect of physically or mentally handicapped children under 16 years of age. [More…]
Senator Baume mentioned that approximately 1400 handicapped children in 86 homes are receiving this benefit at present. [More…]
I refer to the care of children at home instead of in larger institutions and the fact that smaller and more personal institutions are of benefit to many children. [More…]
The figures will be of great assistance in the future in determining programs to meet the needs of children and adults with handicaps. [More…]
Perhaps here I would disagree with Senator Georges to the extent that this is not a matter of trying to curtail government expenditure by using voluntary organisations; rather it is by using voluntary organisations that we have that other dimension in the care that can be given to people with handicaps and in the support that can be given to parents of handicapped children. [More…]
I draw his attention to a Press statement which I released on 13 February in which I refuted the allegation made on the previous day by the Leader of the Opposition, Mr E. G. Whitlam, that major benefits for handicapped children had been cut by the present Commonwealth Government. [More…]
These payments are made to parents caring for handicapped children in their own home and this financial year these people will get a total of nearly $9m . [More…]
payments of handicapped children’s benefit, which are made to organisations caring for the children, will rise from $890,000 last year to $ 1 .2m in 1 975-76. [More…]
I added also that $30m had been allocated for assistance to organisations providing assistance to handicapped people, including children in the current financial year- that was last year. [More…]
I think it should be said again at this stage that we have now embarked upon a program that will be of considerable benefit to handicapped children. [More…]
It is one of the Bills which I think will be of great benefit to those organisations which are caring for handicapped children. [More…]
The abolition of the income tax rebates for dependent children and the substitution of higher child endowment has removed the inequity arising from the inability of low income families to take full advantage of the taxation rebates for children. [More…]
There were estimated to be some 300 000 such families with 800 000 children. [More…]
Restoration of the income tax rebates to divorced men who are paying maintenance for their children would result in the Government paying double assistance in respect of the children, as the mothers would also be in receipt of enhanced family allowances. [More…]
Apart from the cost to revenue which this would involve, the payment of a double benefit to divorced or separated parents in respect of the maintenance of their children could hardly be justified while other parents are in receipt of a single benefit [More…]
I refer to criticism from the Victorian Universities and Schools Examination Board Sub-committee on Migrant English to the effect that some Higher School Certificate English essay questions discriminate against migrant and under-privileged children. [More…]
The Sub-committee states that these questions disadvantage migrant children because the questions are not recognised as issues in their cultures. [More…]
Will the Minister investigate the problem with a view to seeing whether some uniform curricula throughout Australia could be adopted which would place the migrant and under-privileged children mentioned in the Victorian report on an equal basis with other students? [More…]
I will certainly study the report to see whether there is substance in the claim that migrants and under-privileged children are being disadvantaged. [More…]
-The Minister for Social Security may be aware of the confusion that exists with respect to the adoption of children from overseas. [More…]
I refer particularly to an article that appeared in the Australian last week headed: ‘Adoption battle: Children may be left homeless’. [More…]
Fears are growing that about 200 Asian children waiting to be adopted in Adelaide will stay officially homeless. [More…]
Can the Minister explain the Government’s responsibilities with respect to the adoption of these children. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs has the sole responsibility for determining the eligibility for admission of people for residence to Australia, including children who are admitted for the purpose of adoption. [More…]
I am the Minister responsible for the adminstration of the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act. [More…]
I am responsible for the welfare in Australia of those children who come within the provisions of the Act. [More…]
Naturally, I am concerned for the welfare of these children while I am their guardian but I would emphasise that adoptions of children from Vietnam have been granted in every State with the exception of Queensland where, I am informed, no cases have been presented. [More…]
I do want to assure the Senate that the adoption of Asian orphans who are in this country is a sensitive and complex matter but one which the Government in all cases wishes to facilitate in the interests of the children and their adoptive parents. [More…]
The article refers to a mother of 6 children. [More…]
Her children are in institutions because she has no home for them. [More…]
The State Housing Commission will not let her have a home unless she can show that she has the children with her, and the Department for Community Welfare will not let her children go until she can show that she has a home. [More…]
How can a woman possibly care for her own children in a home atmosphere if the State Housing Commission refuses to give her a home unless she has the children with her and the Department for Community Welfare will not let her children go from State institutions until she can prove that she has a home? [More…]
We draw your attention to the plight of the aboriginal people at Saunders Street, Henley Park, Western Australia (approximately seventy women, children and men) particularly that they are in danger of eviction by the Swan Shire Council because they cannot conform to the Building and Health by-laws. [More…]
I convey to the Senate, on behalf of the Opposition, our deep regret at the passing of Senator Ivor Greenwood and I extend our deepest sympathy to his wife and children. [More…]
I join in the hope that she will be able to give courage to John and Deidre, his children, to understand that they had a father who has given service to this country in a very deep sense and who, I am sure, had a great personal effect on their future lives. [More…]
I join with my Leader in proffering condolences to his wife and children. [More…]
I wish also to express my deepest and loving sympathy to his wife, Lola, his children and to his other family, including his mother. [More…]
After an ordeal of 5 months of distress it is only fitting that we pay tribute to him and extend our sympathies to his mother, sister, wife, children and friends in a most genuine spirit of appreciation of a man of superlative worth. [More…]
The family allowance continues for the children in a family while those children are dependent children. [More…]
It is not necessary for them to be attending school, because the family allowance continues to be paid for student children until they are 25 years of age. [More…]
I ask the Minister: Can he say why it is that in the case of divorced parents, where the father is paying maintenance to his exwife and contributing towards the upkeep of the children of the marriage who are in the mother’s custody, the father is obliged under the law to pay the family rate Medibank levy whilst the exwife, if she is in receipt of an income above a certain level, has also to pay the family rate levy? [More…]
The decision of the Commonwealth Government, announced on 20 May, to introduce full indexation of personal income tax m the first year, to introduce a Medibank levy and to change child endowment arrangements and income tax rebates for dependent children was an example of that Government’s departure from what I believed was a responsibility to consult with the States on matters which might affect their share of personal income tax collections. [More…]
Figures released in June 1976, obtained from the November 1975 population survey, showed that at the time of the survey there were about 25 000 unmarried males in Australia with ‘dependent children present’. [More…]
Those counted as ‘dependent children’ comprised all family members under 1 5 years of age and all family members aged 15-20 who were fulltime students. [More…]
A survey of families conducted in May 1975 showed that there were about 19 300 one-parent families in Australia with a male head and one or more children aged 1 7 years or less. [More…]
Is it a fact that a husband who is separated from his wife and has dependent children is liable to pay the Medibank levy up to a ceiling of $300 a year unless he has insurance with a private health fund? [More…]
The automatic adjustment provisions will not apply to unemployment and sickness benefits payable to persons under 18 years of age or to payments such as the mother’s and guardian’s allowance, additional pension and benefit for children, and supplementary assistance and allowance. [More…]
Additional payments for children of permanently blind pensioners apart from the first child are currently determined under the income and property test and will be subject to the new income test only as from 25 November 1976. [More…]
The handicapped child’s allowance is particularly designed to help the parents or guardians of severely handicapped children under the age of 16 years who need constant care and attention and who provide this care in the family home rather than place the child in an institution. [More…]
This allowance is currently being paid to the parents or guardians of over 19 000 severely handicapped children who care for the children at home. [More…]
One aspect covered by the new guidelines is the position of infant children. [More…]
In addition, it extends the definition to include the children of de facto spouses and removes the existing requirement that, where a Social Services Act pensioner is involved in a de facto relationship, that relationship must have existed for 3 years before the de facto partner would be recognised as a dependant. [More…]
That in 39.4 per cent of married couple families, both parents work and of these 39 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That 38.6 per cent of female heads of families work and of these 64 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That present government childcare programs are heavily biassed in favour of pre-school programs, 70 per cent of the funds being destined for pre-schools which only provide part-time services for children and do not cater for the needs of working parents. [More…]
Can the Minister explain why Federal Government funds given to the Womens Centre in Hobart are being used to sponsor and distribute blatantly pro-abortionist propaganda material to school children in Tasmania? [More…]
W. A. Neilson, said that if young school children were being subjected to rape of the mind the government would take a strong view and if necessary would legislate to prevent it? [More…]
This hopefully will deter children from looking directly at the eclipse, and will enable people outside the path of the total eclipse to see its full effects. [More…]
I take the example of children’s television in Australia. [More…]
It may be that as a result of the activities of the Australian Film Commission and as a result of the activities of the Film and Television School at some distant date in the future the quality of children’s television in Australia may improve. [More…]
Last year in the Australian Capital Territory the Australian Council of Children’s Film and Television conducted a survey which showed that the average primary school child watches television for 30 hours a week. [More…]
The cultural medium and the cultural values of those children are being obtained basically from television. [More…]
There is no doubt that consumers of the prestige arts organisations in Australia are priviliged and that the children of Australia are grossly underprivileged in what they consume and in what might be described as their cultural milieu. [More…]
In practical terms this means that many women and children who would have been able to seek assistance from refuges will not have that source of assistance. [More…]
I raise this matter tonight to draw attention to the difficulties faced by these women and children, in the hope that the Government may reconsider its policy and may give consideration to continued assistance. [More…]
I submit to the Senate that the provision of normal welfare type services, normal welfare type housing for families in distress, homes for children and so on is a much more expensive operation than the subsidisation of women’s refuges for a few thousand dollars a year to enable them to provide the sort of assistance that they do provide. [More…]
In their period of operation the refuges have assisted 1 1 985 women and children. [More…]
Or has the Federal Government abandoned the refuges because of lack of concern by it about the particular kinds of distressed women and children who find themselves in refuges? [More…]
I believe that the Minister must know that many refuges currently giving vital assistance to thousands of women and children throughout Australia will close down in the next few months if they do not receive assistance. [More…]
Arguing federalism will not save the refuges and will not help the thousands of women and children who need this help. [More…]
The Save the Children Fund operates a pre-school at Kempsey which caters for an average of 50 Aboriginal children per day. [More…]
At page 12 of this publication figures indicate that there are 285 000 women with children 14 years of age or under who would like to work if proper child care arrangements were available. [More…]
Does the Minister consider that the reduced allocation of funds for child care in the recent Lynch Budget and the reduced resources for planning and administration following the abolition of the Children’s Commission, will enable the mounting of a child care program adequate to meet the needs of the children of these 285 000 women who wish to exercise their choice of undertaking paid employment? [More…]
The matters raised by the honourable senator with regard to the number of women with children who would like to enter the Australian work force are known to me. [More…]
What was said about the depletion of resources for planning and administration following the transfer of that matter to the Department of Social Security instead of its remaining as an interim committee of the Children’s Commission, was not accurate because all officers were transferred to the Department of Social Security. [More…]
3m provided in this year’s Budget for children ‘s services. [More…]
I thought that Hitler laws were well gone but now as I sit and watt or should I say work on and wait to see what the outcome of my husband and my children and myself will be I wonder very sincerely who rules what. [More…]
I reside at Bracewell, Mt Larcom, with my wife and four (4) children. [More…]
During these years they educated their four children, one to Junior, the other three to Senior. [More…]
My children are the fifth ( 5th ) generation in this district. [More…]
My son was put into my permanent custody by the Children’s Services in Townsville. [More…]
I was living there with my woman and my two children. [More…]
The reason that I do go to the Island is because I have two children, aged 1 year and 6 months. [More…]
I was not given a chance to see my wife and children or any of my friends or relations. [More…]
I was also supporting my wife and children. [More…]
I really want to see my wife and children, but they have stopped me. [More…]
I was looking after her other 6 small children together with my boyfriend while she was away. [More…]
Usually women have their babies on the Island, but Mrs James had to come to Townsville Hospital as they were going to perform some operation on her to stop her having more children. [More…]
I was not even given time to see my boyfriend either or see how the children were and I could not see my friends and I did not get a chance to get all my belongings. [More…]
When I was staying with my boyfriend’s mother I used to pay my rent and help her with the children. [More…]
These measures provide for pension and benefit increases in line with the consumer price increases for the March and June quarters of this year; they introduce a form of indexation for pensions and benefits; they provide for an increase in the handicapped children’s allowance; they provide for a change in the means test on pensions and benefits from an income and assets basis to a pure income basis; and they provide for changes to confirm the payment of unemployment benefits on a fortnightly basis rather than a weekly basis and changes in the daily rate of those benefits. [More…]
The second topic which arises from this legislation about which I wish to speak is the problem of the dependent children’s allowance. [More…]
An amendment to this legislation in April or May of this year also mentioned dependent children. [More…]
Children who are dependent on pensioners are in a very parlous state in this community. [More…]
Many reports, including the Henderson Report on Poverty, have pointed out that families with children dependent on benefits and pensions are at a considerable disadvantage. [More…]
The Labor Party has always been concerned about the children of these pensioners. [More…]
As honourable senators know, the Labor Government when in office increased the dependent children’s allowance to $7.50 per child a week. [More…]
We feel that if an argument can bc made to index the general pension twice yearly on the basis of movements in the consumer price index there is an argument also to increase allowances paid to children who are dependent children. [More…]
Arguments have been put, I know, that the new family allowance scheme somehow makes it unnecessary to increase dependent childrens allowances. [More…]
But those who receive the dependent children’s allowance have needs other than those experienced by the children of those persons on a regular wage who are not dependent on the Government for pensions and benefits. [More…]
In a time of housing shortage and depression in the building industry with costs increasing for this group of people, many with children, I suggest that these people deserve support and deserve to be protected in the same way as the Government is attempting to protect other pensioners. [More…]
The Government has decided also not to increase unemployment and sickness benefits for children under the age of 1 8 years. [More…]
I believe in the principle that children under the age of 1 8 years should receive a lesser benefit. [More…]
I do not believe, as one member of the Government from his statement in the other House apparently believes, that these children are the responsibility of their parents and should not receive any benefits at all. [More…]
We support the increase in the handicapped children’s allowance. [More…]
We think that sort of attention should have been paid to the other children’s allowances. [More…]
Unless they crawl and take some sort of side benefit, their children have to pay the same price for a school uniform and for school books. [More…]
These are the groups of people who are more likely to suffer because when their children leave school this year the children will not be entitled to receive the unemployment benefit for 3 months. [More…]
These are the people whose children are most likely to be in that group, having to leave school in December this year, having to find a job and finding it very difficult because, as we know and as the people in Australia are becoming more aware, there are going to be more and more children unable to find jobs when they leave school. [More…]
Parents will have to keep their children for that 3 months until the children can go on to the unemployment benefit, and bear in mind there is no increase in the unemployment benefit for children under 18 years of age. [More…]
The people in this situation who need social security assistance from the Government are the children who are most likely to be leaving school at the earliest opportunity and be looking for a job, but for those under 1 8 years of age there is to be no increase in the benefit. [More…]
Yet those children will not get an increase in the benefit. [More…]
It is easy for honourable senators on the Government side to say that parents have a duty to support their children, but duty does not pay the bills. [More…]
All I can say is that I think there are going to be a few more turning up looking as though they do not want to get a job because if as honourable senators opposite say that to get a job they have to have decent shoes, decent clothes and clothes that fit, the parents of these children are not going to be able to afford those things. [More…]
I believe that children who leave school to go into the work force are human beings and they should be treated in the same way as other people are treated. [More…]
The duty of parents to their children is one thing, but as I have said, duty does not pay the bills. [More…]
We should know how much it costs to keep children. [More…]
If honourable senators opposite think those people should be assisted in some way to keep up with the rest of the community they should take that feeling through and look after the children under 18 years of age whether they are at school or not. [More…]
We told the children who will go out to find jobs in December this year that if they were good, if they stayed at school and if they worked hard the world was their oyster. [More…]
They are not going to work to provide the wall-to-wall carpets, the second car or the second refrigerator- I am not saying that those things are not needed- and they are not going to work to provide for their children’s education because, as I say, most of them will never have children. [More…]
I believe the Government knows that women for all sorts of reasons find they have to leave home in the middle of the night, with or without their children, with or without their goods, and have to find somewhere to go, someone to talk to and some time to assess the situation. [More…]
This shows that they do not give a damn about women who hold positions and need care for their children. [More…]
As I have said, we were the first government to introduce child endowment and to help the poor families with children and again we are the first government to introduce major reforms aimed primarily to benefit the lower income families. [More…]
Of course increases will also be made in the handicapped children’s allowance which Senator Grimes grudgingly agrees is rather a good part of the legislation. [More…]
This replacement of the tax allowance for children with increases in child endowment was a high priority suggested by Professor Henderson in his report following the inquiry into poverty. [More…]
Another amendment to the Social Services Act concerns that part of the Act which in the past has excluded certain children with their alien fathers from eligibility for this child endowment. [More…]
In the last 5 years there have been large increases in assistance to poor people who were eligible for benefits and pensions but the allowances for the children belonging to those people have been increased by only half as much. [More…]
As Senator Melzer said, these people still have to buy shoes, clothe, feed and shelter their children, and I agree with her, but her government increased this allowance by only half the amount by which it increased other pensions. [More…]
The Opposition seems to be in favour of only the handicapped children’s allowance increase. [More…]
School was resumed on Monday, 13 September but no child was asked to present either a pass or a ticket before Friday, 1 7 September, and drivers were specifically instructed to be lenient, particularly towards small children, in the period beyond that date. [More…]
I am told that children are now adapting very quickly to the system and there is little, if any, confusion remaining. [More…]
Does the Minister believe that the estimates relating to secondary school age children in Darwin between 1 977 and 1 980 now indicate an urgent need for the immediate commencement of construction of a fourth high school? [More…]
Will the Minister indicate what plans the Government has to accommodate satisfactorily all secondary school age children in Darwin in the years 1978, 1979 and 1980; that is, until the completion of the fourth high school? [More…]
I make my remarks with particular reference to the way in which the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme relates to students who also are entitled to receive assistance under the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme, which applies to the children of servicemen who have died, children whose mothers are war widows, or unfortunate children who are orphans. [More…]
Earlier this year the young girl was advised by the Repatriation Department, as it then was, that because she might be eligible to receive under the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme assistance supplementary to that available to her under the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme, she should lodge an application with the Department of Education. [More…]
She was further told by the Repatriation Department that her university admission fees would not be paid through the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme unless she presented a formal advice from the people administering the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme that she was ineligible for benefits under that scheme. [More…]
So there we have a situation in which there are 2 schemes operatingthe Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme and the Tertiary Education Assistance Schemeand in which the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme cannot or will not pay benefits until a person makes application for assistance under the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme; and when that matter is decided those people administering the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme can determine the amount that they might be able to pay to a person under the latter scheme. [More…]
I emphasise those words- under the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme, including an education allowance of $1,000 per annum, so that the necessary adjustment may be made. [More…]
So the Department of Education had been made fully aware ofthe fact that she was receiving full benefits under the Soldiers’ Children Education Scheme. [More…]
Bear in mind that she had notified the Department of Education that she was in receipt of full benefits from the Department of Repatriation under the Soldiers Children Education Scheme. [More…]
However, this figure did not take into account the Book and Equipment allowance which you will be reimbursed as a beneficiary under the Soldiers Children Education Scheme (SCES). [More…]
I draw these matters to the attention of the Senate to show the cavalier way in which the Department of Education is handling its administration of the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme, particularly as it relates to students who might be eligible for assistance under that scheme as well as under the Soldiers Children Education Scheme. [More…]
At the same time there is a stranglehold on the creative production process in Australia, very extensive arrangements for the cheap importation of commercial television programs from the United States and a situation in which there is not one body in Australia, including the Government, which seems to be seriously concerned with the sort of cultural development we get when, as I said, children of primary school age are watching television for more hours than they are attending school. [More…]
Ultimately the question of whether Australian children will be brought up with a secondhand culture and secondhand experiences obtained from television or whether they are to be involved in more creative experiences of a first-hand kind will of course depend on Australians; it will not depend on the importation of pap from the United States- or it might do, tragically. [More…]
Up to 70 per cent of children in some juvenile institutions, or homes, as they are euphemistically called, are Aboriginal. [More…]
I am sure that when history is written and when some of our children or grandchildren read it they will look with dismay at the actions of the then LiberalCountry Party coalition and the methods it used to get back into government. [More…]
The Yugoslav Government’s national health scheme coven this man and his children, but that Government has rightly raised the question about his wife. [More…]
The Government is covering the invalid pensioner and his children under its national health scheme. [More…]
That conclusion is in conformity with what I regard as an important principle, namely that extradition proceedings should not be used as an indirect means of obtaining or attempting to obtain custody of or access to children. [More…]
The restoration of children is, I think, more properly a matter for civil proceedings. [More…]
-Can the Minister representing the Minister for Telecommunications give an assurance that if any alteration to the broadcasting control system is to be considered by him following the Green report, protection of children through the design of children’s programs, viewing times and quality will be given top priority? [More…]
I have received literature from voluntary organisations drawing attention to the need for appropriate programs to be presented in children’s viewing hours and equally, if possible, that proper protection be afforded. [More…]
I am unaware of the contemplation of the method of ensuring standards for the future but in any case there is an overwhelming need for both the national and the commercial elements of broadcasting and television to assume a voluntary responsibility to ensure that the quality of children’s television viewing is the highest possible. [More…]
-Will the Minister for Social Security inform the Senate whether she made a promise on a television program Telethon in Perth on the weekend of 16 and 17 October that the Fraser Government would give the Sir David Brand Handicapped Children’s Centre a $1 for $4 subsidy? [More…]
What I am able to advise the Senate is that with regard to the Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act projects in Western Australia it was said on the television program and elsewhere during that day that a meeting would be arranged between the Federal Government, the State Government and voluntary agencies dealing with assistance to handicapped children to determine the priorities of the projects which could be approved in the 3-year program. [More…]
Can the Minister explain how the Federal Government will ensure the diversification of the use made of existing pre-schools and what kinds of new activities the Government would accept as giving support to children in need? [More…]
What funding procedures does the Federal Government intend to adopt in order to implement the claim that ‘special attention will be paid to Aboriginal and migrant children*? [More…]
As to what funding procedures the Federal Government will adopt in giving special attention to Aboriginal children and migrant children, we have funds available now for new projects. [More…]
Wherever possible funds will be given for specific areas which would be of assistance to Aboriginal children and migrant children. [More…]
Early meetings have been arranged between the Federal Government and State governments to discuss the future funding for pre-school education after 30 June next year and to determine other ways in which the children’s services program of the Federal Government may be implemented at State government, local government and community levels. [More…]
-I wish to provide the following additional information in connection with a question without notice addressed to me by Senator Tehan on 7 October regarding disadvantages to migrant and underprivileged children through the formulation of essay questions in the Higher School Certificate examination in English. [More…]
Two more children were bom to that family in Australia during the war years. [More…]
We have spent nearly $56,000 to improve the ability of health planners and policy makers to provide suitable and adequate health services for urban children. [More…]
This very sad story relates to a young Aboriginal girl with 2 children, one aged 2 years and the other a 7-month old baby who had a very bad heart condition. [More…]
She had been looking after the children. [More…]
She cared about nothing but her children and the fact that she had a very ill baby. [More…]
I simply draw to the attention of the Senator that the Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders was concerned with this problem and with the undue contribution it makes to the death of Aboriginal children in Australia who, operating as these children often do on the basis of marginal nutrition, are particularly susceptible to gastro enteritis which plays a disproportionate role in the excess mortality we see among Aboriginal children. [More…]
Evidence was also given to the Committee that in the Northern Territory, for example, many admissions of Aboriginal children to hospital are on the basis of gastro enteritis. [More…]
The point I make is that the children die of dehydration. [More…]
In Swaziland they have set up a network of 14 tiny clinics, each staffed by a nurse and covering an area within a radius of 20 or 30 miles, and at the clinics fluids can be given by the nurses into the peritoneal cavity and that will save the life of these children. [More…]
Anything we can do to stop these children dying of dehydration would be a worthwhile initiative. [More…]
Guarantee continuing parent and teacher representation on the Australian Schools Commission through the two recognised national bodies, namely the Australian Council of State School Organisations and the Australian Teachers Federation who represent the vast majority of children in Australia attending Government Schools. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Social Security a question concerning the proposed arrangements for holiday care programs for school children to be assisted by the Office of Child Care. [More…]
It is hoped that these projects will be of assistance to children in the Australian Capital Territory, in particular those children of working parents, single parents and others who require this special service. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Education aware of the generally held view that children with mental deficiency should be treated in special school situations with less ambitious goals, later starting ages and less sensory input than normal children? [More…]
Can he detail some of the quite incredible educational goals being achieved by certain children with Down’s syndrome at a special school in Sydney? [More…]
I am happy to say that there is a growing belief that those with handicaps should be kept as far as possible amongst the children of their age groups in ordinary schools. [More…]
There, as one example, the staff have taken young children of, I think, 4 or 5 years of age who have Down’s syndrome- that is, they are mongoloid, having a genetic aberration. [More…]
Where normally one would believe that those children could not be trained in the routine basic skills of literacy and numeracy, it has become quite clear that with the application of special training they are making remarkable progress. [More…]
In the meetings that took place with the Acting Prime Minister at the time, Jim Cairns, and with Mr Snedden, it was agreed that the pressure on Darwin should be relieved by evacuation of the women and children, the infirm and the ill. To Major-General Stretton ‘s credit, he entered into that exercise with great enthusiasm. [More…]
But the guidelines were set down that only women, children and the infirm were to be evacuated and that Darwin was not to be stripped of its work force. [More…]
On the third day all the women and children who wished to leave - [More…]
All my time had been spent at the airport and the instructions were that only women and children should be evacuated. [More…]
I should like to refer to an article in the Tasmanian Press today which stated that one man with 10 children has been affected by the retrenchments and has to go to some other part of the country to find himself a job. [More…]
One man with 8 children in his family went in to the powder magazine. [More…]
Professor Hollows is presently in the Northern Territory carrying out a survey on the health of the Aboriginal people, particularly of the children, in relation to trachoma and other conditions of the eyes, ears, nose and chest. [More…]
As I have said before, the state of health of the Aboriginal people, particularly of the children, is alarming. [More…]
But school teachers are prepared to go out under these primitive conditions and teach children. [More…]
Senator Keeffe showed interest during the hearings of Estimates Committee D and this evening in an amount of $200,000 which he specified as originally being made available for Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory. [More…]
When this matter was raised at Estimates Committee D, I did not apperciate that he was referring to nutritional aspects in the care of the children. [More…]
That in 39.4 per cent of married couple families, both parents work and of these 59 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That 38.6 per cent of female heads of families work and of these 64 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That present government childcare programs are heavily biased in favour of pre-school programs, 70 per cent of the funds being destined for pre-schools which only provide part-time services for children and do not cater for the needs of working parents. [More…]
There was evidence of children playing in areas of low radioactivity but they would need to play there for more than 1000 hours in one year to exceed the prescribed limit. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Education noted the headlines in the latest issue of Education, the journal of the New South Wales Teachers Federation, stating that migrant education for adults and children is still at the end of the educational queue? [More…]
One low income family with 6 children had a rent increase from $19.40 a week to $29.40 a week. [More…]
Honourable senators may be aware that the income barrier for rental accommodation is $197 a week with no allowance for dependent children. [More…]
So we have a very low income family with a lot of children which is faced with a 50 per cent increase in rent. [More…]
It may be that many people in this community who expect to gain a lot in terms of money from nuclear power will support that proposition, but many people involved in trade unions will oppose that proposition because they do not see it being in the interests of their society, their children or the community in which they live. [More…]
As I understand the position, the group comprises the captain and 3 crew members, 14 men, 13 women, and 19 children aged between 5 and 17 years. [More…]
The refugees are currently undergoing full medical examination, but preliminary examination reveals that they are all in good health with the exception of 6 children who are suffering from scabies. [More…]
It may be recalled that, following Mr Jona’s Press statement with regard to a breakdown in integrated services, I was quoted on this matter as pointing out to Mr Jona that he had completely misinterpreted the Federal Government’s policy with regard to the children’s services program for 1976-77. [More…]
We recently announced that we would be fulfilling the program for this year in the form of block grants for pre-schools and dealing with applications for other children’s services. [More…]
A meeting has been planned for next week with all States with regard to future programs and to work towards a 3-year program for children’s services. [More…]
Arising from these changes and other matters which will be discussed with the States next week, I am sure that we will be able to develop a children’s services program with consultation that will be to the advantage of the children of Australia. [More…]
As children of their industrial labour parent, they have that responsibility to show some leadership. [More…]
Principal among these are programs for disadvantaged country areas, to which I have just alluded, emergency aid for nongovernment schools in temporary financial difficulties, particularly in country areas, and grants for the education of children living in institutions. [More…]
The Government will be continuing the special purpose programs in 1977, generally at about the same level of activity as in 1976- for migrant and multi-cultural education; for disadvantaged schools; for handicapped children; for educational services and development; and for special projects. [More…]
That we, the undersigned, declare that we are concerned at the increasingly alarming child care situation, where only one place is available for every 10 pre-school children and where, in New South Wales, only 184 out of the 891 childcare centres in existence offer long day care for the children of working mothers, despite the changing socio-economic conditions in Australia and the increased numbers of working mothers. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you make funds available urgently for long day care centres and that all funds allocated for child care be directed only to those child-care centres willing to provide long day care, preschool and after-school care, holiday care and emergency day care for children. [More…]
That we, the undersigned, declare that we are concerned at the increasingly alarming child care situation, where only one place is available for every 10 pre-school children and where, in New South Wales, only 184 out of the 891 childcare centres in existence offer long-day care for the children of working mothers, despite the changing socio-economic conditions in Australia and the increased numbers of working mothers. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you make funds available urgently for long day care centres and that all funds allocated for child care be directed only to those child-care centres willing to provide long day care, preschool and after-school care, holiday care ana emergency day care for children. [More…]
I ask: Is the Minister aware of widespread concern amongst a large number of parents in the community that such replacement will diminish the already inadequate surveillance over program standards, particularly insofar as they affect children? [More…]
Will the Minister give an unqualified assurance that the Tribunal will not consist of representatives of the broadcasting industry, many of whom are interested only in peddling programs which at best can be described as below standard and at worst destructive so far as children are concerned? [More…]
That would enable the public to put before an inquiry its views on what the standards ought to be, on what the measures of good taste ought to be and perhaps on what times ought to be allocated for children’s programs and others. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of concern being expressed at the potentiality of many of these toys to injure and maim children? [More…]
Under the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act, the Government provides financial assistance on a $4 for $ 1 basis to approved voluntary religious and similar organisations towards the cost of establishing and maintaining sheltered workshops, activity centres, training centres for handicapped children and residential accommodation. [More…]
We believe- I think this Government is recognising this-that the opportunities for Australian children must not in any way be hampered by their inability to receive an equal opportunity in education, no matter what vocation they have in mind. [More…]
We had also given hope to parents, particularly parents of children in the poorer schools, in both government and nongovernment sectors. [More…]
The program instituted by the Labor Government meant that these children would have an equal opportunity with children of parents who were better able to afford an education. [More…]
Our program ensured that all Australian children would be able to get a standard of education which I am sure all of us would wish to see. [More…]
I am thinking of the Committee’s inquiry into the education of isolated school children, the report of which was presented to the Senate only a few weeks ago. [More…]
The problem of isolated school children and the problem of isolation from school facilities have become prominent for a number of reasons. [More…]
The decline in rural incomes means that the number of people who might be able to send their children to independent schools or to metropolitan areas to attend schools is fewer than it used to be. [More…]
As the report of the Senate Committee pointed out, isolated children do not have equal educational opportunity with those children who are not isolated. [More…]
Emphasis has been placed on the funding of facilities for isolated school children. [More…]
Of course, the Government has responded to this plea, and there has been an appreciative response from the federal organisation of the Isolated Children’s Parents Association in that regard. [More…]
One statistic which came to my notice recently related to the time spent by children in Australia watching television. [More…]
I suggest that among the various matters which might be looked at by the Williams committee under its very wide terms of reference could be the impact of television on children, particularly children of primary school age. [More…]
After all, they are paying extra tax to provide for Medibank; there is no deduction for children on their tax returns now and so they have to pay more tax; they are spending extra money out of their income because of the pressure to buy private health insurance that they will not ever need, and many of them are out of work. [More…]
In fact, many people in Victoria feel that the money has fallen into a big black hole because they cannot see what good it has done for their children. [More…]
They were the schools to which children went when they were at the end of the row. [More…]
They were the children who came from disadvantaged homes; they had language difficulties; and they had a dislike of learning because of the way they had gone through the education system. [More…]
In that area there is justification for more money being put into capital grants because up to this point in time so many children have come from disadvantaged areas with very little beauty in their lives. [More…]
I must say that in some of the schools that I have gone into in that area the inspiration and belief of those teachers in those children and what they could contribute is one of the most beautiful things I have encountered. [More…]
Up to this point in time the Victorian Government has given no indication that it envisages anything like that for the children in those areas. [More…]
If one judges by the debates on education that take place in this Parliament it would seem that all one needs to be capable of making decisions on policy in relation to education is firstly to have been to school oneself; secondly, preferably to have had children who have gone to school; and thirdly- this is purely an option- to have witnessed at some stage or another students in an educational institution. [More…]
If one travels around the fringe camps of Alice Springs one sees parents and children living in a state of absolute squalor. [More…]
The reasons the other children were not attending school varied. [More…]
The reason why that single child was attending school was that both its parents had a certain minimal level of education, and they were of the few, as far as I could gather, of their race who still believed that education for their children meant something for the future of the childrenthe opportunity of a decent life. [More…]
The other children were not at school for a variety of reasons. [More…]
Primarily, their parents were not motivated to send their children to school. [More…]
On what basis does one motivate people if one cannot say at the end: ‘Here is something which is of benefit to you or your children”? [More…]
Further how can one expect parents to send their children to school when, frankly, the parents have barely allowed the children to sleep all night? [More…]
When we see children asleep over their desks at school and we know that one of the reasons why those children are asleep is that they have been unable to sleep the previous night in their camp as a direct result of the avail.ability of alcohol, we must ask ourselves: What on earth are we doing? [More…]
When one enters these fringe camps one sees the ground littered with broken glass and rusty tin cans, and one is aware of the non-existence in many cases of hygienic conditions to the point that one can marvel at the fact that more than half of the Aboriginal children live to school age without succumbing to either tetanus or hepatitis. [More…]
One nevertheless sees that the camp is full of school age children, not at school, running around, in no way attracted to school and in no way motivated themselves or through their parents to attend school which is easily accessible, to which they could be transported by a free bus which calls regularly. [More…]
Some colleges take Aboriginal children from their families and train them to a certain level of ability in literacy and numeracy and they train some of those children to achieve a certain ability in subjects such as manual crafts, hygiene, child care and nutrition. [More…]
I move to the education of the isolated children. [More…]
I was certainly a member of the Committee long enough to see the problems faced by isolated children and their parents. [More…]
In the area of education and what was offered to the children, particularly the older students who were looking perhaps at secondary education up to matriculation level the basic problems for parents were finance and the picking up of their children and so on. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government review its educational policy in the Northern Territory to ensure equal education opportunity for both Aboriginal and European children. [More…]
Some of the people living in remote areas felt that the amount of money that was being spent on Aboriginals was in excess of what was being spent on the European children, and there was some reaction. [More…]
The payment of benefits under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme to be continued and that levels of assistance and application of the means test for additional allowances be reviewed annually so that allowances are paid at a rate commensurate with education expenditure. [More…]
I have personally sent him a number of letters and a number of telegrams which I have received from parents who have complained about the small amount of assistance which is available to the parents of isolated children. [More…]
He should be allowed to remain in the class with the rest of the children of his own age. [More…]
The first step is that the teachers who are working with these children would need to have teacher aides to assist them. [More…]
More equipment will be needed to meet the special needs of this child and there will need to be adequate teacher training to prepare the teachers to move in and work with these children. [More…]
In fact the Northern Territory chapter of the Australian College of Education has been moved to mount a survey to find out whether teachers have been adequately prepared, how they themselves see their training, how the children see the training and how the administrators or supervisors see the training. [More…]
There is need for a lot more assistance than is being given at the present time both for children and for adults. [More…]
Perhaps the Minister would be prepared to discuss with his colleagues the possibility of establishing a migrant centre for Darwin which could not only service the children and adults of the Darwin area but also act as a centre for the rest of the Territory. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that at the time of the most disturbing situation in Timor quite a number of Timorese people came to Darwin-Chinese Timorese and indigenous Timorese- and we were able to set up very quickly and very effectively a school to meet the needs of those children. [More…]
I ask him to look at the needs of isolated children, to take account of what Senator Davidson has said and to take account of the financial hardships suffered by the parents, to which I have just briefly alluded. [More…]
I commend the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts for its report on the problems of isolated children. [More…]
I was happy to attend the federal meeting of the Isolated Children’s Parents Association at Broken Hill at which Senator Davidson, the Chairman of that Committee, gave the occasional address and referred to aspects of the Committee’s report. [More…]
It would provide an efficient service to the school children patients in that area. [More…]
It is better to make a few mistakes in areas like that than to neglect the whole system and deny our children a proper education. [More…]
One matter mentioned was isolated children. [More…]
In this respect, I was happy to receive many letters from isolated children ‘s associations throughout Australia commending us upon what we had done and saying that in our allowances provided to them we had gone beyond their hopes. [More…]
They all confirmed that the Chinese people in Dili were in no way identified with the People’s Republic of China but were in fact supporters of Taiwan and all their children were sent to Taiwan for their secondary school education. [More…]
Guarantee continuing parent and teacher representation on the Australian Schools Commission through the two recognised national bodies, namely the Australian Council of State Schools Organisation and the Australian Teachers Federation who represent the vast majority of children in Australia attending Government schools. [More…]
That in 39.4 per cent of married couple families, both parents work and of these 59 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That 38.6 per cent of female heads of families work and of these 64 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That present government child care programs are heavily biassed in favour of pre-school programs, 70 per cent of the funds being destined for pre-schools which only provide part-time services for children and do not cater for the needs of working parents. [More…]
For instance, a person with a wife and 2 children receiving sickness benefit from 1 June of this year- that is the date to which our amendment seeks to alter the date in this legislation from which the new payments will commencewould receive from 1 September 1976 a total of $83.50 a week under the Social Security Act in the form of sickness benefit. [More…]
Payments for children are up 43 per cent. [More…]
These people have not been given justice in this legislation and they should be given justice because the cost of living has increased just as much for widows as it has for children, as it has for the dependants of people who unfortunately died or, indirectly, as it has for funeral directors. [More…]
No State offers a higher benefit for the children of deceased employees than is provided in this Bill, that is, $10 a week subject to a minimum payment of $1,000. [More…]
It was virtually only a secretariat in the sense that it put out pamphlets about wildlife to children. [More…]
My name is Luis A. Coronado, Chilean, married, three children, 2 years old, anthropologist- with a degree from Universidad de Conception, Chile (University of Conception, Chile), 1972- and rural sociologist- with a degree from Cornell University, U.S.A., 1975-prsently living at Tegucigalpa, Honduras. [More…]
My name is Luis A. Coronado, Chilean, married, three children, 29 years old, anthropologist-rural sociologist, living in Honduras for a period of 14 months, We came to Honduras hired by a private agency, and we though that in this country we could work and we could give our family a certain tranquility, but after a while we realized that this goal was impossible to achieve. [More…]
We are pretty sure that Australia is the country in which we are going to find a place where to live and where to raise our children in peace and freedom. [More…]
1 ) In the light of recent suggestions within the Australian community that the Australian Broadcasting Commission be forced to accept the placement of commercial advertising along the lines of the Canadian experience, will the Minister advise whether (a) radio commercials, with certain exceptions, were discontinued by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from 31 March 1975, (b) commercial messages have been removed from television programs for children by the CBC, and (c) other advertising on CBC television is being greatly reduced. [More…]
That we, the undersigned, declare that we are concerned at the increasingly alarming child care situation, where only one place is available for every ten pre-school children and where, in NSW, only 1 84 out of the 89 1 child care centres in existence offer Long Day Care for the children of working mothers, despite the changing socio-economic conditions in Australia and the increased numbers of working mother. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you make funds available urgently for Long Day Care Centres and that all funds allocated for child care be directed only to those child care centres willing to provide long day care, preschool and after-school care, holiday care and emergency day care for children. [More…]
It is likely to be many years before the metric units become part of our tradition and culture, but I expect that as the last sections of the retail trade convert during the next few years, and as children who have been taught only the metric system join the work force, this situation will quickly change. [More…]
There are wives with children still separated from their husbands, sons and daughters separated from their parents, none of them knowing where the others are. [More…]
If the husband gets to work by using a car, his wife has no possible means of getting the children to school or getting to the doctor or to the shop. [More…]
Children are the most important section of the viewing public in that they are most likely to be affected by the impact of television; [More…]
Australian children, on average, spend more time watching television than in school; [More…]
The basic problem behind the lack of programmes designed for children is the fundamental divergence of aims between those primarily interested in the welfare of children and the commercial interests of television licensees and their shareholders. [More…]
The creation of an Establishment to initiate, research, promote, co-ordinate, fund and produce material for children’s consumption through the medium of television, as recommended by Australian Children’s Television Action Committee in its submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and The Arts 1973; The Australian Broadcasting Control Boards Advisory Committee Report 1974 and the Television Industry Co-ordinating Committee 1975, as a positive step towards providing better quality television for Australian children. [More…]
The exemption is reduced where the estate passes to a widow, widower, children or grandchildren of the deceased person. [More…]
The other consideration that I think has to be given in relation to these amendments is to those completely dependent children- I talk of them as children only in the sense that they are born to a particular marriage- whom we find frequently in our society, such as a man or a woman, sometimes in middle age, who has devoted his or her entire life to looking after aged and infirm parents. [More…]
Of course, as my colleague the shadow Minister for Primary Industry said, it is a crying shame that in a nation where women and children in the industrial areas in the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth cannot afford to buy fruit the only solution that can be found to try to improve the lot of the canned fruit industry is the scheme brought in by the McMahon Government to pull trees out so that fruit would be dearer. [More…]
Gietzelt pointed out, it is a shame that we have to make money available to producers to wreck an industry, to curtail production, when there are so many women and children and elderly people in this community who could well do with that fruit if the Government could see its way clear to help that fruit to be placed on the market at a cheaper price. [More…]
They have problems in educating their children and providing opportunities for them. [More…]
1 ) and (2) State and community organisations operating pre-schools have, for the most part, accepted the objectives of maximising the use of pre-school facilities, of extending the services offered and of operating in a way that links preschool services with other services directed to the care and development of children and the support of families. [More…]
A common development, and one not necessarily in keeping with the Commonwealth’s understanding of the objectives, is the provision of sessional pre-school services for a further group of children during times when the centre was not previously used. [More…]
-My attention has been drawn to a letter circulated by a group calling itself the New South Wales Children’s Services Action Group. [More…]
It had regard to the extent of provision of pre-school education in each State and the costs of meeting that provision, and it took into account new pre-school centres commencing operations during that period as a result of capital grants made under the Commonwealth children’s services program. [More…]
-My question to the Minister for Social Security relates to the family allowances paid to mothers and the whole range of benefits for dependent children paid to pensioners, supporting mothers or recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits. [More…]
Family allowances are paid in respect of dependent children. [More…]
This means that some children no longer can go to school, whereas previously they were able to attend schools in the main centres or various colleges in the south. [More…]
Other reasons for the failure of businesses include drastic and unnotified increases in rates of all kinds; very drastic increases in interest rates from 4% per cent to 9V4 per cent applying to people buying houses from the Government; the Medibank levy, which, of course, is nothing but a huge increase in personal taxation and is recognised now to be so by the electorate; the very rapid increase in bus fares and the introduction of school bus fares to school children in the Australian Capital Territory which, again, has taken a toll on the real disposable income of families with several children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
It was later expanded to provide assistance to young widowed or divorced persons with dependent children. [More…]
The limitations of the present scheme- that applicants must be married or widowed or divorced with dependent children and under the age of 36; that migrants must have lived in Australia for 3 years; and that the value of the home must not exceed $22,500- have all been discarded. [More…]
I refer to an article by Mr Hugh Lunn in the Australian newspaper on 18 November concerning the growing incidence of skin cancer in Australia and the need for all health departments to advertise both the dangers involved and the need for people, particularly children, to wear hats and sun screens. [More…]
He asked whether family allowances and additional pensions and benefits for student children ceased when a student left school. [More…]
Another provision of the Bill will give effect to the announcement made by the Treasurer (Mr Lynch) last month of the Government’s decision to exempt from tax the income derived by the Thalidomide Foundation as trustee for thalidomide afflicted children. [More…]
As a consequence of the exemption each of the children will be exempt from tax on his or her share in the income of the Foundation. [More…]
All Australian children to be taught Aboriginal History and culture. [More…]
It lists 13 families which are living in grossly sub-standard accommodation or camping on a river bank or whose children have been placed in orphanages. [More…]
Twenty-five children are involved in this respect. [More…]
They range in age from babes-in-arms to children early in their early teens. [More…]
That document sets out the names of the people, the number of children involved and how they are living. [More…]
The Aboriginal Children’s Adoption Service, a very necessary service, has been starved of funds ever since it was established. [More…]
It was set up to save the lives and to improve the health of Aboriginal children and to find out where Aboriginal children came from. [More…]
There are many white people in the community who adopt Aboriginal children as wards, use them as pets until they are 13 or 14 years of age and then return them to a home. [More…]
Yet an organisation such as the Aboriginal Children’s Adoption Service, which tries to keep black children with black relatives, friends or parents, is being starved of funds because its social value is not realised by the Government. [More…]
We would want more of our own people working in the schools and teaching our own children. [More…]
I have mentioned in this place before that one of the outstanding teachers of the early 1950s said that he would do a much better job if he could change the colour of the Aboriginal children’s skin; he was trying to do everything else. [More…]
Roads were through; schools were operating on a curriculum which belonged more to Europeans than to Aboriginals, but they were operating and a lot of children were in attendance; the Government had established some economic, so-called, projects. [More…]
I checked the other day and there are 100 children there so one presumes that the population must be about 200 people. [More…]
I was particularly distressed by the situation of the children and even more distressed by the concern about the children expressed by the children’s parents. [More…]
The foothills have recreational value to a wide range of people for trail walks, school outings, children’s recreation and development, leisurely walks for more elderly residents, for fitness and training exercises, for orienteering and for relaxation and retreat from the pressures of urban life. [More…]
There is some under nourishment in Aboriginal children. [More…]
The major recommendation of the Committee is that education authorities should create widespread opportunities for children to study migrant languages and cultures in schools. [More…]
Such consultation would help the school to be able to respond to the expressed educational needs of the children in its area. [More…]
His question was related to family allowances and the additional pension and additional benefit for student children. [More…]
What is the total amount of money that this Government is contributing to vacation care facilities for children in Western Australia during the Christmas break? [More…]
I made an announcement early this week, or late last week with regard to the holiday program for children, giving details of the amounts provided in each State. [More…]
It is startling to see demonstrated in a table on page 7 of the report that there are 254 000 very poor dependent children, 281 000 rather poor dependent children and 536 000 poor dependent children in this country, using the rather austere definitions of ‘poverty’ which were drawn up in the first main report on poverty by Professor Henderson. [More…]
A very delightful telegram came from 2 little Aboriginal children, a little boy and a little girl. [More…]
Even children were listening in to the broadcast of our proceedings yesterday. [More…]
In addition there is recognition of the considerable interest which is being taken in the improvement of programs for children as well as those of more specific interest to women. [More…]
Further, I think we have to watch with great care, in any changes that occur, what happens in relation to children’s television in Australia. [More…]
They are concerned with the situation of children’s television in Australia. [More…]
The television industry has demonstrated for 20 years its total inability to cater for children’s needs in their prime viewing time. [More…]
Children’s television can no longer be left to change and the commercial hunt for ratings. [More…]
There has not been for many years a situation in relation to which we can be satisfied with what the children in this community have had inflicted on them, because of the profit motive. [More…]
I want to know now what concern this Government feels for children and for children’s television in this country. [More…]
I have not seen any evidence of concern either by this Government or by private industry in this area for children’s television. [More…]
Obviously women must be concerned about children, so we have a prerequisite for 2 women, God help this Government if 10 women turn up who are eligible for appointment. [More…]
I must say that not all women feel all that much concern for children, and even fathers have some concern for children. [More…]
It set out 8 principles on which it thought children’s television in this country should be based. [More…]
The producer must have demonstrable interest in children. [More…]
Children should be encouraged to take active pan in sports and hobbies through television. [More…]
There should be no stereo heroes and non-heroes in children’s programs. [More…]
Those were the 8 areas in which the advisory committee advised the Control Board that something should be done about children’s television. [More…]
In the Melbourne Age green paper for Friday, 10 December, in the time between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.- the time when children could reasonably be expected to watch television- these were the sorts of programs that television in Victoria had listed, and I say ‘had listed ‘ because we have not got to 10 December yet: GTV9 had 6Vi hours of programs that could be called ‘designated for children’. [More…]
That means that we have kindergarten programs, so called family comedies, educational programs put forward by the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and some other little programs designated as ‘education for children’ programs. [More…]
On GTV9 there appears 6 hours of programs that could be called designated for children, 5 te hours of those programs coming from America and one hour coming from Australia. [More…]
On HSV7 half an hour is listed in that time for children and that is an American cartoon. [More…]
The remainder of the time that could reasonably be called hours for children’s viewing is taken up by tennis. [More…]
On ABV2 in relation to programs for children there is one hour and twenty five minutes from the United States, half an hour from Britain and half an hour from Australia. [More…]
From them all we have cartoons for an hour at a time; we have family comedies- I am not sure whether honourable senators opposite watch television but McHale’s Navy and Gilligan’s Island, both of which must be 4200 years old, are the sorts of programs that go into that family viewing time- we have half an hour of documentary, with a question mark, and a half hour deemed children’s educational programs’. [More…]
Many people such as those on the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee are worried about the current situation. [More…]
Many more people should be worried about the current children’s television situation because these are the sorts of programs which our children are watching hour after hour, day after day. [More…]
People such as those on the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee are worried because the Federation of Commercial Television Stations has never stuck to the standards which either the commercial stations laid down when they applied for their licence or which the Government since has attempted to lay down for them. [More…]
When these stations applied for their licences they were very pious about what they were going to do for the people of Australia in regard to television, what they were going to do for the performers, musicians, actors and writers, and even occasionally for the children and women of Australia. [More…]
When we get to what they promised children in Australia it is a slightly different picture. [More…]
ATN Sydney for its first year did not mention children’s television. [More…]
Obviously children would be in bed, out of sight and out of mind. [More…]
TCN Sydney for its first year did not mention nor did it promise anything for children. [More…]
However, in its third year there were 30 minutes of children’s programs and, because we are all concerned with education just as we are concerned with motherhood, 30 minutes of educational programs in its first and second years and one hour in its third year. [More…]
HSV7 promised 3 hours of children’s programs in its first year and 4 hours of educational programs but has never got to that point. [More…]
There is a picture on the television screen and children watch television. [More…]
So do children. [More…]
To children it is a most compulsive medium. [More…]
TV has taught our children to kill before they have learnt to read. [More…]
We should all be concerned that we do not know what effect television has on our children, because they are all our children. [More…]
These showed that of the films that were shown during the hours children watched television, there were 57 hours of American films. [More…]
Of Australian films that were shown in the hours that children could watch television there were 29 hours- one hundred per cent from the ABCand they included films that are called educational; that is, put on by the education departments. [More…]
Because of the amount of films children watch in America, and I submit in Australia too because I do not think our children watch any less television than do American children, nor on the figures I have been given do they watch any less American television than do American children, a child is involved with violence 25 times a day, even though the American figures show that the chance of a person being involved with violence is only 14 000 to 1. [More…]
I welcome greatly the report this week that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts is going to concern itself with the part played by television in children’s lives and education. [More…]
In 1 46 articles in behavioural science journals representing SO studies of 10 000 children, all showed that violent viewing has produced increased aggressive behaviour. [More…]
As a parent who lets her children watch television, who knows her children enjoy television, who knows her children and she herself learn from television, I am concerned that this great power for learning should be treated in a proper way so that our children are not at a disadvantage in this field. [More…]
Those figures are not necessarily bad but they are bad if the television our children see is setting them on the wrong path and is giving them the wrong incentives. [More…]
It is a great medium from which to learn, and I think we underestimate the intelligence and interest of our children. [More…]
I have watched my children and I know that although the television screen mesmerises them, the programs they really enjoy are the programs that tease their imaginations, their powers to learn, their powers to investigate. [More…]
There is no indication that they care two hoots about our children or about the power that television has over those children. [More…]
For instance, commercial stations are not supposed to show trailers of adult films in children s viewing times, but they do it over and over again because I have seen them. [More…]
The material they have put out has shown that they are concerned about the profits that might be made from advertisements on ABV2 but there has been no material from any of the commercial stations or commercial organisations which shows that they are concerned in any way at all about children or children’s television. [More…]
Children are very persuasive of their parents in buying goods, and when one watches the programs between 3.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. and sees the advertisements that go on and the persuasion directed to a 12-year-old, who keeps insisting that her life will be blighted if she does not have a particular form of breakfast food, then one knows why the commercial stations are more concerned with advertisements shown during the times children watch than with the sort of material they put on. [More…]
There is some glorious mind-expanding material which could go on for children in what is really a very great medium. [More…]
It is an area that affects our children and it affects our future, and it should have the fullest public debate. [More…]
Senator Melzer referred to programs that are being shown on television in hours when children can view them. [More…]
Some of them are certainly not what I would suggest is appropriate for children. [More…]
That is pretty grim for young children to view. [More…]
As Senator Melzer said, how they have fallen down on their responsibilities to provide anything in the way of programs for children. [More…]
I must emphasise, on behalf of the people of Tasmania, how much the orchestra has meant not only to the adult public in that State but also to the children. [More…]
There were two children ofthe marriage and Mr Reardon was awarded custody of the child Elizabeth Ann, with reasonable access to her mother, and Mrs Ritzell was awarded custody of the child Andrew David, with reasonable access to his father. [More…]
It is a general principle, one that has been accepted by Attorneys-General in successive Governments, that extradition should not be used as an indirect means of obtaining, or attempting to obtain, custody of, or access to, children. [More…]
I endorse that principle and express the view that the determination of rights to children in circumstances Uke the present is properly a matter for civil proceedings by the parties concerned. [More…]
That residents of the suburb of Fraser, in the Australian Capital Territory are deeply concerned at the lack of adequate educational facilities to be made available to our primary school aged children. [More…]
That plans to remove children daily to other suburbs will cause overcrowding, will force parents to private transport or pay bus levies, and will make a mockery of the frequently quoted A.C.T. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore most humbly pray that Senate in Parliament assembled will take urgent steps to revise current plans for the education of our children with a view to the provision of a government primary school in Fraser. [More…]
Opposition also came from academics and scholars, teachers, parents concerned with standards of children’s broadcasting, ethnic groups which, in the period of the Whitlam Government for the first time had had access to broadcasting, and in particular, members of the staff of the ABC. [More…]
I have noticed that young children and teenagers particularly are absolutely fascinated by programs like Rush and Power Without Glory, which give them some insight into their own history. [More…]
There is also the question of standards but I will not dwell on that subject because my colleague Senator Melzer spoke very persuasively last night about the needs for standards for children’s television and there is to be a Senate Standing Committee inquiry into that matter. [More…]
A lot of concern was expressed, and rightly so, about the quality of television and broadcasting as it relates to children primarily, during children’s viewing and listening times, and to adults, because assault on the eyes and ears is as bad in many ways as physical assault on the body. [More…]
The other 2 members of the Broadcasting Control Board who would be affected are: Dr Patricia Edgar of La Trobe University, who has published a number of reports relating to children’s television standards in this country, and Mr E. A. Kellam who was appointed this year by the Liberal Government and who was formerly managing director of Dunlop Australia Ltd. [More…]
She made the point very clearly that in America television has taught children to kill before they learn to read. [More…]
We have problems with children’s programs, on which we hear contradictory arguments. [More…]
We have suggested also representation from the Australian Schools Commission because there has been a lot of pious cant about children’s television emanating from people like me. [More…]
The important thing is that we recognise that a body such as the Schools Commission should be represented on the Broadcasting Council because children’s television and the sort of educational standards which one would hope that the broadcasting system will inject a little more of into the Australian community would be very important considerations. [More…]
The decisions involve the education of children. [More…]
With the state of the economy and unemployment they are not sure whether the children will be employed. [More…]
1 ) In Norfolk Isalnd, Island, of the three inhabited Island Territories whose administration falls within my portfolio, education is compulsory for children between the ages of six and fifteen years. [More…]
While education is not compulsory in either Christmas or the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the majority of children do in fact attend school. [More…]
Certainly in recent years there have been no cases of non-attendance by school-age children on either Christmas Island or West Island, Cocos. [More…]
On Home Island, Cocos, which is inhabited by the Cocos Malay community, there is less than full attendance of school-age children at the local primary school. [More…]
The increasing desire amongst parents for their children to be educated is reflected in the fact that, with one exception, all children born since 1 967 have attended school. [More…]
that part of a payment (other than a payment under the unemployment and sickness benefits provisions of the Social Services Act) that represents mother’s or guardian’s allowance or additional pension for children; [More…]
All pensions, attendants’ allowances and like payments (including disability or war pensions and war widows’ pensions and that part of the following payments representing supplementary assistance, mother’s or guardian’s allowance or additional pension for children) except: [More…]
that part of a payment that represents supplementary assistance, mother’s or guardian’s allowance, housekeeper allowance or additional pension for children. [More…]
1 ) Most Australian Capital Territory pre-schools operate eight sessions per week accommodating 90 children. [More…]
In addition, eight double unit pre-schools provide an extra 2 sessions involving a further 20 children. [More…]
I ask: Is the Minister aware of widespread concern amongst a large number of parents in the community that such replacement will diminish the already inadequate surveillance over program standards, particularly insofar as they affect children? [More…]
Will the Minister give an unqualified assurance that the Tribunal will not consist of representatives of the broadcasting industry, many of whom are interested only in peddling programs which at best can be described as below standard and at worst destructive so far as children are concerned? [More…]
Undoubtedly, considerable attention will be focused on matters such as the extent and quality of children’s programming, as well as the Australian content of station program formats. [More…]
Under these circumstances I see little possibility of any reduction of effort by the new regulatory authority to ensure that there are adequate measures to safeguard the interests of children. [More…]
It landed at 12.46 a.m. (0 On 5 September 1976 an industrial dispute by air traffic controllers caused a bank-up of flights carrying school children. [More…]
Nurses have been engaged for 2 weeks following the arrivals of refugees to care for the 26 migrant children who arrived without close relatives until more permanent arrangements can be made. [More…]
If so, can the Minister comment on the following claims that were made in the article: Firstly, that no Australian education authorities are notified of the arrival or existence of school aged migrant children, and secondly, that there is at present no procedure for finding out the number of non-English speaking migrant children, particularly teen-agers, who are not going to school? [More…]
Will the Minister undertake to investigate these claims and if necessary take steps to rectify the situation so that the older migrant children are given the educational opportunities to which they are entitled? [More…]
I understand that it is approximately 10 kilometres to a beach where children can swim. [More…]
There are no buses to get the children to kindergarten. [More…]
On the way back from the kindergarten at 1 1 o’clock in the morning in extreme tropical conditions the children pass a pool. [More…]
I wonder when I look at the profit made by the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd and its subsidiary companies last year, a profit which amounted to only $71m, why it has not been found necessary or essential to provide a lock for the pool gate to ensure that none of these 3Vi or 4 year old children drown. [More…]
Children fall out of the windows. [More…]
Widows and children receive help when they are in necessitous circumstances. [More…]
However, although the same men and women, widows and children and women who are currently in the Services receive assistance by way of loans to buy homes, the women who served in wartime auxiliary Services do not. [More…]
They have set up counselling services, operated buses for handicapped persons, and set up handyman services for the aged, women’s shelters, leisure clubs, children’s groups- a vast variety of schemes all over Australia, depending on the needs in the various regions. [More…]
It is a mobile school play activity group aimed at catering for children whose families for many reasons, as those who know that area of Sydney will understand, are in need of advice and help and who are lacking facilities to broaden the kids’ experience, to teach the children and to help the children develop fully in the proper sense. [More…]
I am very well aware that the reference which the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts undertook in relation to isolated school children afforded the opportunity to representatives of the isolated children’s community to present to the Parliament, and thereby through the Parliament to the Government, a whole range of opinions and a whole range of circumstances and situations in which this section of the Australian community is involved and about which it is concerned so that the Committee could bring down a report. [More…]
On 18 August last year the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts presented to the Senate its report on isolated school children and there was put before the Senate a motion that the Senate take note of the report. [More…]
On 13 September 1972 the Senate resolved that this reference on isolated children be referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts. [More…]
When I asked for leave to continue my remarks I was pointing out to the Senate that the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and the Arts had received a reference relating to the education of isolated school children. [More…]
The report indicates that the reference related to children who, for geographic reasons, have no reasonable daily access to an appropriate school or who cannot be afforded equal education opportunities with other children, or who cannot be provided with an education suitable to their talents and interests to equip them for employment in the occupational field they select. [More…]
Another part of the reference invited the Committee to investigate the means by which these disabilities can be overcome, by extension and deployment more widely of schools or institutes of tertiary education and the provision of financial aid to isolated children. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that the introduction of the then Commonwealth Government’s assistance scheme for isolated school children largely resolved the problem which was referred to in our reference. [More…]
Under the assistance for isolated children scheme which was introduced in 1973 by the government of the day, an isolated child was defined as one who, because of the geographic isolation of his home, did not have reasonable daily access to a government school providing courses of the appropriate level, that is either primary or secondary level. [More…]
I shall take a little time to emphasise this point because when a committee of the Senate is dealing with a matter relating to isolated school children it has to be extremely careful in relation to the definition. [More…]
I suppose that the moment we start to talk about definitions we have presented to us a whole range of circumstances about which there can be some considerable debate as to what is the correct definition of a group known as isolated school children. [More…]
So, after some determination, the Committee took account of a number of categories of children in trying to reach what I hope is understood to be a sympathetic and compassionate definition of isolated school children. [More…]
For example, there were those children who did not have daily access to school facilities because of the remoteness of their homes. [More…]
There were those children who lived in sparsely populated areas and who could be conveyed to school daily but whose numbers were insufficient to warrant the provision of any educational transportation system. [More…]
Again, there were those children living in areas where there was no secondary school and whose homes were beyond the transportation range of the nearest secondary school. [More…]
We felt that we should never overlook those children attending a small school where one teacher supervised a number of children in different grades. [More…]
On the other hand, it was taken into account that there were children attending a country high school which did not offer a sufficient number of courses in the senior secondary school. [More…]
Furthermore, there was the very important matter of children who had to travel excessive distances over unsealed or unformed roads, which imposed personal hardship. [More…]
Taking the matter a bit further, the Committee took into account those children of itinerant or seasonal workers whose frequent change of residence or domicile rendered it impractical for them to attend school regularly. [More…]
I was making the point that the Committee which was dealing with the matter of education for isolated school children had to look very early at defining the meaning of an isolated school child or a group of people known as isolated school children. [More…]
I move now to that very important and needy group of children who require remedial instruction and who do not have access to special educational facilities in the region in which they happen to live. [More…]
We must never overlook those children who suffer from short-term or long-term illness, or physical disabilities, or mental disabilities and who are isolated from the appropriate education facilities which might render them some assistance or opportunity. [More…]
In an investigation, if we talk about isolated school children it necessarily and naturally follows that the matter of Aboriginal children comes into consideration. [More…]
The Committee in its investigations discovered and recognised that children of Aboriginal descent accounted for a large proportion of Australia’s isolated school population. [More…]
The Committee decided that because of the unique problems associated with this group of children it would be preferable to conduct a separate inquiry into Aboriginal education. [More…]
We contacted education authorities in other countries because we felt that some countries appeared to have similar problems in providing education for children in geographically isolated areas. [More…]
It is interesting to report to the Senate tonight that information received from these countries indicated that those which had comparable vast and sparsely populated areas approached the problem in a rather different way by providing complex transportation systems and government financial assistance which subsidised children’s boarding expenses. [More…]
I should also point out to the Senate that the introduction of the Commonwealth Government’s 1973 scheme of assistance for isolated children had an influence on the course of the inquiry. [More…]
The scheme was introduced specifically to assist parents of children who did not have reasonable access to government school facilities. [More…]
The matter was suspended in part but in 1975 the Committee decided to continue the inquiry in order to make an assessment of the adequacy and effect of the financial assistance being provided under the Commonwealth Government’s scheme as a means of alleviating the educational disadvantage of isolated children. [More…]
While dealing with the problems of isolated families and isolated children, I thought it was pertinent to point out to the Senate that there were matters relating to the major purpose of education. [More…]
This takes on a particular importance when we are dealing with isolated school children. [More…]
Once upon a time this demand was required of only a few, and I think it is true to say that the balance of all educational spending should be slanted towards those years when children are at school. [More…]
Indeed, it could be described as an intervention which is designed to widen the options, increase the possibilities and experiences open to all children, particularly to those whose options are limited. [More…]
Therefore, the education of isolated school children is not only an educational matter but also a national matter and a social matter of the greatest possible importance. [More…]
I am referring to that very splendid nationally oriented community known as the Isolated Children’s Parents Association. [More…]
I take a moment to look at the general recommendations contained in the Senate Standing Committee’s report relating to isolated school children. [More…]
Moving on, we dealt with boarding facilities for isolated school children. [More…]
Honourable senators will very well appreciate that when one is dealing with any isolated community, especially as far as children are concerned, very sympathetic and practical attention must be given to boarding accommodation. [More…]
After all, children from these areas are required to spend a great deal of their time in institutions which are away from thenown personal homes. [More…]
In the matter of special education, one was very much aware of the number of children in isolated areas who suffer from some disability and who do not have access to special facilities such as those available to children in urban areas, and recommendations have been made along those lines. [More…]
In October 1976, on the basis of the Committee’s recommendations, new education allowances for isolated children were provided and these became effective from 1 January this year. [More…]
There has also been a development of the concept of what is called unlimited schools for isolated children. [More…]
Thus, while greatly improving educational services to isolated school children, such schools will also perform a wider function and open up a variety of possibilities throughout any given State. [More…]
Therefore I am prepared to claim in the Senate tonight that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts has by its work on the inquiry into this reference relating to isolated school children opened up a range of public interest in education for isolated school children. [More…]
I have received and read in detail with great interest the report on isolated children of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts. [More…]
It is only when one is compelled to travel distances to the various remote areas of Australia that one can come to understand what are the grave disadvantages to the families in these areas, not only to the children but also to the parents because the parents of isolated children have 2 major roles, one as educators or local teacher and the other in incurring considerable expense. [More…]
Those people who had hoped that they would have sufficient funds to send their children to schools in southern areas have been forced to curtail their activities. [More…]
One is hopeful that one of the methods of improving education of isolated children, particularly in the Territories, could be the upgrading of high schools in places such as Darwin and Katherine to full matriculation level thus providing wider opportunities so that there would be no need to send student children to places further away thus incurring considerable expense. [More…]
The distances being less, the school children would be able to return to their homes more frequently than they would otherwise be able to do during the year. [More…]
We are busy developing a wider facility for the parents and children concerned. [More…]
Government was able to introduce for isolated children along with a range of allowances affecting some 10 different categories of student children. [More…]
It has recognised the very severe educational disadvantage suffered by children in remote country areas. [More…]
Whilst it recognises the need to provide adequate financial assistance for parents of children who have to leave home to attend school, it takes the view that in the long term the solution to many of the problems facing isolated children lies in upgrading the educational services provided, including the service to those who have to enrol in correspondence schools. [More…]
This program is designed to provide funds for government and non-government school systems jointly to initiate pilot programs in designated country areas with a view to finding the best ways of improving educational services for country children. [More…]
The special project innovations grants were made available in 1976 to a number of systems and authorities to initiate other pilot projects and feasibility studies relating to the needs of country children. [More…]
The majority of the recommendations contained in the report on education of isolated children referred specifically to action that can be taken only by State education authorities. [More…]
I remind the Senate that four of the Committee’s recommendations- recommendations 10, 11,21 and 32- deal with allowances payable under the assistance for isolated children scheme. [More…]
The second home allowance for 2 children, previously $700, was increased to $925. [More…]
For three or more children the allowance was increased from $1,050 to $1,275. [More…]
The Government is also aware of reports that Fretilin used civilians, including women and children, to shield its soldiers in combat. [More…]
Pensions payable to widows and the additional pension payable in respect of eligible children will be adjusted on the same basis. [More…]
Appropriate adjustments will also be made to the additional component of pensions payable to children. [More…]
The compensation that would have been payable would have been, firstly, a lump sum payment of $25,000 and, secondly, a payment of $10 a week in respect of each of his 2 children. [More…]
My question which is directed to the Minister for Education refers to the report of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts in relation to the education of isolated children. [More…]
I am well aware of the work of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on the subject of the education of isolated children. [More…]
I am equally aware that the isolated children’s parents associations have been drawing attention to these matters and advocating reforms. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for the Capital Territory aware of reports that a local radio station 2CC is advertising that a man calling himself the 2CC man will be at the Canberra Show and will give money to children who approach him and ask whether he is the 2CC man? [More…]
Does the Minister agree that this kind of advertising is an open invitation to adults with dubious motives to go to the show and pose as the 2CC man in order to attract the attention of children? [More…]
Will the Minister investigate these reports immediately and take any steps necessary to protect the safety of young children who may be exposed to serious danger as a result of this advertising campaign? [More…]
Protect the future of your children by voting No to all your questions on the Whitlam referendum- you won’t get a second chance! [More…]
In the case of one of the men I have been dealing with he has, or had, a wife and 6 children in Cambodia. [More…]
Aboriginal and Islander women living on reserves in Queensland are entitled to receive family allowance payments under the same conditions as all other women with children. [More…]
The fact that lone fathers with young children may qualify for this benefit is generally well known to welfare organisations. [More…]
Dependent children were entitled to 15 per cent of the benefit which would have been payable to the father. [More…]
As a lawyer occasionally involved in matrimonial contests I have seen children wielded by one parent to achieve a course of action by another parent. [More…]
I believe these people have used Victorian children in a similar manner. [More…]
It is interesting to look at the figures in relation to school age children for the year 1974. [More…]
Of the 1.3 million children in Australia between the ages of 4 and 11 years, one out of four has neither parent at home during working hours and at least 16 000 are left at home each day alone. [More…]
A straw sample of parents, which bears no relationship to the number of children a family, shows that in a number of working families no arrangements were made for the care of 43 700 children; 53 200 children were left in the care of friends and relatives while other arrangements were made for 13 500 children. [More…]
The Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) gave figures as at the end of May 1976, 1 think it was, which showed that there were some 200 000 children in the 4 to 1 1 years age group with both parents in the labour force. [More…]
We have a new phrase in Australian jargon today- ‘latch key children’. [More…]
They may be defined as children whose parents are in the work force. [More…]
The children come home from school, get the key, open up the house and wait for their parents to come home. [More…]
But it is generally accepted that very young children have an absolute need for a mother’s care and attention and can suffer severe deprivation if, during those tender years, they are put in the care of persons outside the home. [More…]
The Australian newspaper of the following date reported that she said that more than 600 000 American children under 16 years of age were involved in prostitution and pornography. [More…]
Thousands of runaway children were being procured or tricked into selling themselves for sexual purposes, prostitution and pornography. [More…]
This should alert the Government to contrast the increasing costs in this area with its financial commitment to those fortunate children and parents who have the advantage of a contented and happy family background, which fortunately is still the case in the majority of families in Australia, and who do not cost the Government one cent apart from the universal family allowance payment. [More…]
I was interested to hear the speech that has just been given by Senator Tehan and particularly the earlier pan of his speech in which he discussed the problems that exist for many tens of thousands of Australian children as a result of broken homes and other disabilities which are caused through the economic circumstances of families. [More…]
Can they and their children look forward to the future with hope because of this Speech, a Speech which we are told is a blueprint for this Government’s future actions? [More…]
But we suggest that stopping all school leavers getting the unemployment benefit in order to catch the few who try to beat the system is immoral and discriminates severely against the children of pensioners and other poor people in the community who need this benefit so that they can dress adequately and travel to look for jobs in a society which has very few jobs for them. [More…]
However, the Speech did not mention that at the same time as this reform was introduced it was offset by the removal of the taxation rebates for children and more than offset by the introduction of the Medibank levy. [More…]
Figures produced by the Treasurer (Mr Lynch) at the time demonstrated that 75 per cent of wage earners in this country, that is, those on average weekly earnings, those just below average weekly earnings and those just above who have 3 children or less- the vast majority of wage earners in this country- had a decrease in disposable income as a result of these moves. [More…]
Indeed, they wanted some assurance that they were, in fact, wanted by the community and that they and their children would have a future as farmers in the community. [More…]
Does the Minister agree that such a requirement contravenes section 13 (4) (a) of the Schools Commission Act 1 973 which establishes that the primary obligation of governments is to provide and maintain government school systems of the highest standard which are open without fees or religious tests to all children? [More…]
Has the attention of the Attorney-General been directed to recent Press reports that a large quantity of pornographic literature, which includes photographs dealing particularly with acts of depravity committed on children, is being sold readily to the public in a number of States? [More…]
Is the Minister for Education aware that at Yuendumu- an Aboriginal settlement in central Australia- attendance of Aboriginal children at school is very poor despite the operation of a bilingual program there? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that teachers at the school attribute this poor attendance significantly to the closing by the Fraser Government of the school kitchen which, during the period of the Labor Government, employed Aboriginal mothers to prepare hot midday meals for the children? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the kitchen facilities are now lying idle, the mothers are unemployed and the children are malnourished and are absenting themselves from school because they have no food to bring for lunch? [More…]
The attendance of Aboriginal children at Aboriginal schools is a much more complex matter than the honourable senator realises. [More…]
Over the last 5 years there has been a steady decline in the attendance of Aboriginal children at school, I think to the disappointment and concern of both the Whitlam Government and the Fraser Government and certainly of myself. [More…]
It may also be connected with the strong feeling of parents that they want to bring their children nearer to their traditions. [More…]
With regard to the question concerning facilities for providing meals at schools and the other associated nutritional or health matters, my own belief is- I can stand correction on this-that during the period of the Whitlam Government and for some years in any case there has been some argument that it is the responsibility not of schools but of parents to feed children properly, because if schools provide meals or clean clothing or shower facilities it takes from the parents a sense of responsibility. [More…]
The honourable senator has raised a vital point that concerns those of us who have dealt with Aboriginal children. [More…]
The need to provide a learning environment as well as a healthy environment at school for Aboriginal children is vital. [More…]
Much of the poor attendance of Aboriginal children at school in recent years has resulted from a disinclination on the parents’ side to bring the children to school. [More…]
Last year I sat with some Aboriginal elders at a school and suggested to them that they might help by encouraging the children to come to school. [More…]
We would like to reserve the right occasionally to take our children back to our traditional homelands and teach them the true values as we understand them’. [More…]
That is the sum on which these farmers are trying to raise families, to educate children, and to send them to the Adelaide University or to colleges of advanced education. [More…]
-My question, which is directed to the Minister for Social Security, relates to an article in the Sunday -Mail of 12 March 1977 concerning assistance to children with handicaps resulting from congenital causes or various forms of amputation. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that a body called the Children’s Amputee Association has been formed in South Australia? [More…]
Is she aware of an anomaly which the Association claims has arisen in 2 apparently identical cases for assistance provided under the handicapped children’s allowance scheme? [More…]
In answer to some of the questions raised, I am aware of the formation of the Children’s Amputee Association in South Australia because I have had some correspondence from that Association. [More…]
The handicapped children’s allowance scheme is intended to give some assistance to parents who choose to care for their children at home rather than to place them in institutions, and to complement the Government’s other schemes of assistance for handicapped persons. [More…]
I can only hope that good sense will prevail and that the strike will be resolved so that the education ofthe children will be, as it always should be, the primary responsibility of the profession and ofthe service. [More…]
From this, many voluntary organisations sprang up to provide homes for orphans and abandoned children and relief in the form of food and clothing for widows, old people, families, and the unemployed. [More…]
This philosophy may be all very well when it is applied to the wealthy but when it is applied to the thrifty, to the family which has gone without over the years, to the family which has provided for its own home, for better opportunities for the children, for retirement and generally for their priorities, and when 50 per cent of the interest their savings earn is taken in income tax, there is no justification for supporting those who will not work or the spendthrifts who live for the day with no thought of their responsibilities for tomorrow. [More…]
Last Sunday I took my 2 children fishing. [More…]
I am sure that their commitment to the work ethic is not such that they would want to see their children digging up roads or working on the assembly line at Ford’s. [More…]
I am submitting that Senator Durack would inculcate in his children exactly the same sort of aspirations that are shared by thousands of Australian parents and thousands of Australian young people about what they want to do in life and the sort of work they want to perform. [More…]
This decision has resulted in the arrival of over 3.3 million new settlers who, together with their children born in Australia, have been responsible for about half of Australia’s postwar growth from 7.4 million to 13.9 million people today. [More…]
At present in these homes there are fourteen or fifteen children to only one officer. [More…]
This means that, if one of the children was hurt and had to go to hospital where the child could well wait for two to two and a half hours, the other 14 children would be left completely unsupervised. [More…]
These are children who have been committed to homes because their parents cannot handle them, they are disadvantaged or they are under mild sentence from the court. [More…]
If we look at the Papunya situation- I mention it only because a group of us went there a couple of weeks ago- we find that there are over 100 children in homeland centres outside Papunya who receive no education. [More…]
That group of children has 4 teachers only to look after it. [More…]
I am not satisfied that it is sufficiently fitting children for the opportunities that society provides. [More…]
By 1 9 70 this had increased to 55 per cent- substantially over half the children. [More…]
In the recent report of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development the comment was made that although children stay longer at school they receive no meaningful vocational marketable skills during that extra period of learning. [More…]
I believe that if we are to keep children at school for an extra 2 years we must have them leaving school with more chance of fitting into society as it is today. [More…]
I think that education has to fit children for the life that society has to offer. [More…]
Particular stress will be placed on meeting the needs of the disadvantaged, including the handicapped, the isolated, migrants and Aboriginal children. [More…]
Changes in Australia suggest that the number of children being cared for by their fathers alone is increasing. [More…]
A generation ago it would have been almost out of the question for a man to try to look after his children by himself. [More…]
This trend is likely to continue, and I think it will increase because more and more mothers are deserting their children. [More…]
Generations ago it was very rare for a mother to desert young children, particularly those of school or pre-school age. [More…]
A deserted father should have the same entitlements to social welfare payments as a deserted mother with dependent children has. [More…]
They should have some assistance in the form of a taxation concession for children. [More…]
I also should like to see some provision whereby employers can make arrangements with employees who are supporting fathers so that they can work hours suitable to their requirements and so that they will be able to look after their children and not have to put them, as they now do, into a home or some State institution. [More…]
-Prior to the suspension of the sitting I was speaking about the plight and poverty of some of the sole male parents in Australia who are trying to continue to support young children and, at the same time, to remain in employment. [More…]
Government departments are not geared to assist the sole male parent who comes home and suddenly finds that he must care for his children alone. [More…]
A woman who is left to care for her children has any number of avenues to turn to for assistancenot necessarily financial assistance, but emotional assistance. [More…]
If a woman goes to a community welfare department or the Department of Social Security, she is told of the pensions to which she is entitled not only for herself but also for her dependent children. [More…]
However, the sole male parent who would like to provide his children with a home perhaps would like to provide them also with a substitute mother until he sorts out his affairs and emotions. [More…]
If a sole male parent employs a housekeeper-and frequently we find that he employs someone who has experience with children or has a child or children of her own- and she is in receipt of a supporting mothers’ benefit or a widows’ pension, her pension could be placed in jeopardy. [More…]
This does a magnificent job in providing entertainment and looking after the children of those people to whom I have referred. [More…]
I refer to the dependant’s allowance which is paid to all social welfare recipients with a dependent child or children. [More…]
This would mean that any pensioner with dependent children would receive $8.90 a child a week instead of the present amount of only $7.50 a week. [More…]
Now it is quite common for women to leave their husbands, and often to leave their husbands with the children. [More…]
Under the previous Government the husband of a family with 2 children received $8.70 tax rebate and $1.50 child endowment, which adds up to $10.20 a week. [More…]
A family with 4 children under the previous Government received $17.40 tax rebate and $5.75 child endowment, which adds up to $23.15 a week. [More…]
I refer not only to the pressures that are put on mothers and fathers but also to the pressures that are put on children. [More…]
Where young people cannot get work fathers and mothers tend to agree with newspapers in some ways and call their children bludgers and say that they are not trying very hard, that they should be out working and that they are not proper citizens because they are not working an 8-hour day. [More…]
Some 97.4 per cent of single parents in the labour force responsible for children under 12 years of age are women. [More…]
Those women must go out to work to keep their children in a reasonable sort of life style. [More…]
Those women are terrified that if they lose their jobs, if they become ill or if the children become ill and they have to stay at home, they will lose all that they have worked for. [More…]
Senator Harradine does not know how a woman feels in that situation, nor does he know the misery she feels when she finds herself pregnant and has to cope with the shame, the poverty, the loneliness, the inability to cope with the child or children that she may bear. [More…]
I have 6 children. [More…]
When they make a decision to have a child, it is up to people like Senator Harradine, rather than going on witch hunts, to make sure that they have the support services necessary to keep those children, to make sure that those children are brought up in exactly the same position as children who come from the best homes and the best families in this country. [More…]
May I just say to these honourable senators who are so concerned that I hope they are just as concerned about their children’s children when the use of uranium comes up for debate in this chamber. [More…]
Does this Government really believe that children have the right to grow up with the same opportunity to love, to a good home, to education and to good health no matter who their parents are or in what circumstances they were born and that all children are bom equal? [More…]
Sixthly, when the Indonesians captured Remexio and Alieu all the Timorese villagers except children under 3 years of age were murdered because they were ‘infected with the seeds of Fretilin’. [More…]
-I am unable to state the composition of the children who took advantage ofthe child holiday care program. [More…]
I have no statistics which would show how many children were children of one parent families. [More…]
I am able to say that the funds that were allocated to 177 projects for vacation care benefited a large number of Australian children. [More…]
We hope that in the areas in which we gave financial support the organisers ofthe program will give some priority to the children who have the greatest need. [More…]
Has the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Health been drawn to an article which appeared in the Melbourne Age on Thursday, 17 March, in which a specialist at the Royal Children’s Hospital is reported to have stated that ‘Australian patients have to be satisfied with second-rate treatment . [More…]
Consultations have been held with some people in the voluntary sector associated with children’s services, and with State governments. [More…]
As to whether we will amend the Act in line with the family allowance scheme, there is no real comparison between the family allowance scheme, which is a universal, non-taxable benefit to families and all Australian children, and the organisations which conduct services under the Child Care Act. [More…]
We hope that we will be able to devise amending legislation which will give support to organisations in such a way as to enable them to give the best type of care to children who are cared for outside their homes for reasons that are obvious in many cases. [More…]
Even then the situation could be uncertain since the article stated that very little was known about what constituted lead poisoning in children when symptoms were not present. [More…]
The 2 scientists who were quoted in the paper believe that the hazards of heavy metal poisons in the Port Pirie district are real, especially for children, and that people living in the area need to be aware of the risk. [More…]
The reference to children eating soil needs a little clarification. [More…]
Those scientists believe that in a small number of gardens in Port Pirie children who eat more than one gram of soil per day- that is about onethirtieth of an ounce which is a very small quantitywould exceed by at least 4 times what the World Health Organisation regards as the safe intake of lead and that by eating vegetables from a very small number of gardens in the area the safe limit for heavy metal intake could be exceeded. [More…]
Is any special study being undertaken of the needs of dependent children of lone fathers or are the grants given to the Working Women’s Centre in Melbourne and the Working Women’s Trade Union Commission in Sydney, a combined sum of $32,400, for investigating the problems of lone fathers or just those of working women? [More…]
The 2 organisations mentioned in the question have been given grants to look at the needs of children of working parents, sole parents and invalid parents- the children of people who do need the services of children’s centres throughout what might be termed a working day or a day where care is required. [More…]
I stress that, if we were to look at the approvals for child care services provided in the last Budget, this would be regarded as a very worth while project for the children of Australia. [More…]
There have been grants to isolated children, Aboriginal children, children of migrant parents and children who have handicaps. [More…]
I would hope that the 2 grants concerned will result in showing us the needs of children and giving us some recommendations on which we may plan future programs. [More…]
She pleaded with me to get the power supply restored over the weekend and said that she and her children could not cook their meals and be fed properly. [More…]
We have been employed for the past year as tutors to Aboriginal children in the three Armidale High Schools. [More…]
This scheme has been successful in that the children have improved in basic skills in reading and writing to the extent that they are able to cope with normal class work. [More…]
Without it the majority of these children will leave school at 15 years and most probably go on the dole . [More…]
I believe a great deal of sensitivity and responsibility needs to be shown with regard to the health standards of Aborigines, particularly Aboriginal children. [More…]
I believe that there will be an increase in the participation in education programs by Aboriginal children. [More…]
In many areas bungalows are being built in the back yards to cope with the extra children. [More…]
The Senate will not be surprised to know that the local doctor says that the children and adults suffer from rather irritating rashes as a result of the constant mosquito and fly bites. [More…]
The children at Cum.meragunja are taken by bus to a school which is miles away. [More…]
It is not surprising that the children are not keen on school and that they leave as early as possible. [More…]
The Aboriginal Health Service in Victoria maintains that 80 per cent of Aboriginal children have hearing difficulties. [More…]
The Health Service maintains that all Victorian Aboriginal children suffer from malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, skin conditions and lack of resistance. [More…]
They are treated like idiot children. [More…]
I should like to quote a particularly significant article which appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia in 1970, an article on the syndrome of protein-calorie malnutrition in Australian Aboriginal children written by Jose and Welch. [More…]
This study looked at the growth and development of Aboriginal children on 6 Aboriginal settlements in Queensland and found that growth retardation, which included brain damage, affected up to 50 per cent of Aboriginal children aged between 6 months and 3 years. [More…]
Evidence presented suggests that a high proportion of infants dead of gastro-enteritis or pneumonia, and of older children found to be deaf from chonic middle-ear infection, had histories of growth retardation in infancy. [More…]
Children with infant growth retardation also showed poorer school performance than children in the same community with normal infant growth . [More…]
With respect to the problem of nutrition and alcohol, surely it is not beyond any government of goodwill to make adequate protein and calorie diets available where Aborigines are living on settlements, especially to make it available to pregnant women, to babies and to growing children. [More…]
Mothers of Aboriginal children attending the school were employed and paid- they were given proper jobs- to prepare hot lunches of sufficient protein calorie and mineral content for the children. [More…]
The children were happy to go to school under these circumstances. [More…]
The children are not coming to school and hunger is one of the factors that keeps them away. [More…]
If the children of Yuendumu are malnourished, which indeed they are, and if they are living at the settlement as a result of European intrusion into their culture and into their lands, it is not paternalism to provide these facilities; it is simple, basic humanitarianism and responsibility to do as much as possible to rectify the nutrition situation. [More…]
He said the group was moving into several Brisbane suburbs and using children to follow postmen and steal the cheques. [More…]
Mr Cameron said on Tuesday that an organised group of aborigines was using children to follow postmen to steal Government cheques, which were then cashed. [More…]
In the Supreme Court there were always 2 undefended divorce lists (one for marriages with children under 16 and the other without), at least 1 defended list (usually 2), a matrimonial miscellaneous causes list, a matrimonial Chamber Court together with 1 /3 of each of 2 circuits. [More…]
They were solved by people going to the homes of the people involved to discuss questions of custody, to observe the home, to observe the living conditions of the children, and reporting to the court. [More…]
a court which actively intervenes on its own motion to protect the interests of the parties and their children, is not supported by the Full Court which, more cautiously, takes the traditional approach that the Family Court acts as an arbitor between disputing adversary parties. [More…]
In the court in Parramatta- in the front of the buildingthere is even a service for looking after children. [More…]
Children are minded and observed by useful and valuable people who can talk to the child if necessary. [More…]
At present in respect of isolated refugee children from South Vietnam and Cambodia, a special benefit is made at the same rate as a double orphans pension, and is paid to the person caring for the child. [More…]
Long term assistance including the payment of benefits, counselling, information, interpreting and welfare services, has been provided by my Department to isolated children and single parent families from Timor who have been separated from their families or bread winner parents as a result of the disorder in that area in 1975. [More…]
ante-natal care, visiting and follow-up; voluntary help for teachers of refugee children; co-ordinating and channelling to the appropriate source all offers of help from local community groups and individuals; temporary fostering of children; casework; preparation of resource information. [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, refers to pension allowances for wives and children of repatriation beneficiaries and to the recent statement issued by the Minister dated 10 March which indicates the increases in the main repatriation pensions to apply from 5 May. [More…]
Families are divided, children are separated from their parents and husbands from wives. [More…]
Part of the results were as follows: In response to the proposition that it should be legal for a woman to have an abortion if she wants one, 68 per cent of respondents said that they agreed with that statement; 62 per cent of respondents said that they agreed with the proposition that abortion should be allowed to prevent unwanted children from being born. [More…]
Are women, who are in receipt of family assistance allowance from the Queensland Department of Children’s Services, eligible for any benefit from the Department of Social Security. [More…]
Family assistance allowance provided through the Queensland Department of Children’s Services is ordinarily paid during this six months waiting period. [More…]
Australia where Aborigines need and seek consultation and where they need some sort of formal education for their children. [More…]
In addition to soliciting the advice of Aborigines at the policy making level, it is vitally important also to ensure that the parents of Aboriginal school children are involved in their children ‘s education. [More…]
As long as there are large numbers of families living in camps and makeshift accommodation, as long as families are trying to live in housing without adequate sanitary or ablution facilities, and as long as they are living in overcrowded homesfor so long will there be large numbers of children unable to cope with the demands of the school curriculum. [More…]
Yet the Aboriginal people are expected to live their lifetime in those communities, as are their children and their grandchildren. [More…]
They do not do so with the zeal of missionaries- I do not say this in a derogatory manner- who are prepared to teach children about God until they reach matriculation standard but only take them to about second grade in the material things in education. [More…]
Up in Cape York we found in a local hostel a whole group of disadvantaged white school children who travelled long distances to the hostel in the town to receive their education. [More…]
Apparently, this is what is done with pet Aboriginal children also. [More…]
There are second rate hostels for Aboriginal children and first rate hostels for white children. [More…]
The Aboriginal children are then brought up in near poverty conditions and the cycle continues. [More…]
Aboriginal teaching aides there have done a tremendous job in a pilot scheme over a period of time aimed at keeping Aboriginal children at school and keeping them interested in their studies. [More…]
Consequently children are leaving schools ill-equipped to pursue further education or to enter the work force. [More…]
Aboriginal education faces immense problems, particularly when they are compared to the problems of general education of the white children in Australia. [More…]
We also raised the morale of teachers and educationists throughout Australia because we gave them hope that at last a government was prepared to commit the resources of this country sufficient to at least enable us to provide educational facilities for all children of Australian parents, whether in the Government or non-government sector. [More…]
We have over 800 pupils at this school and the parents of these children are very upset by the fact that they are facing a plea from the P. and C. or the headmaster for more money to meet expenses and also an increase in school fees next year. [More…]
The NCEC is greatly disturbed by the fact that the 2 per cent factor has forced the Schools Commission to abandon any improvement in assistance to level 6 primary children. [More…]
These children number just on 300 000, or 88 per cent of the primary enrolment in non-government schools. [More…]
What about our new initiatives in the funding of children living in institutions? [More…]
Some migrant children who came to Australia at the age of 9 or 10 years have never caught up with their mathematics. [More…]
All children see this, but for the Aboriginal child it is more important. [More…]
You, Mr Acting Deputy President, know the problems faced by the parents of isolated children from the work of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts. [More…]
The need for support of the Aboriginal children in community schools has been recognised. [More…]
The only real alternative for people who cared about the education of their children was to send them to private schools which were comparatively very much more expensive in those days than they are today. [More…]
The overall picture, according to a report published by the United Nations at the beginning of 1970, is that there are today more sick, more undernourished and more uneducated children in the world than there were 10 years ago. [More…]
In developing countries 100 children are born every half minute. [More…]
In the mid-1960s, according to the report, the proportion of children of school age enrolled in primary schools was 53 per cent in Brazil, 55 per cent in Zambia, 40 per cent in India, 26 per cent in Pakistan and 34 per cent in Burma. [More…]
Of every 100 children entering primary school in developing countries only 30 children finished their course. [More…]
The assumption I make is that we have a large number of Aboriginal children in the outback who need to be educated, but conditions are such that teachers who come from the southern States find the living conditions very strange. [More…]
This scheme must be developed not only because they know the children they teach and because they live in the environment in which they have to teach, but also because they bring to the children the Aboriginal culture and they give to the Aboriginal children understanding and confidence. [More…]
But there is a fault within the education system, that is, that we have many young teachers offering their services in the Northern Territory with many going to Aboriginal schools, but in their training facilities, in becoming a teacher, as far as I know there is no curriculum or training in teaching Aboriginal children. [More…]
The Aboriginal children are strange to them. [More…]
Because of this I do not think they are well suited to teaching Aboriginal children. [More…]
Of course, we have the provision which allows Aboriginal children to retain their culture. [More…]
If this is not carried out we will have a group of Aboriginal children growing up with no knowledge of their background, their history or their culture. [More…]
I shall spend a few minutes discussing the problems of educating Aboriginal children today. [More…]
I do not think the educating of Aboriginal children will be completely successful until many other problems are overcome. [More…]
First of all, we should look at the health of Aboriginal children and Aboriginal people generally. [More…]
On many settlements the children are well cared for and healthy but there are many areas where the children are living in conditions which are completely different from the way of life they followed as nomads. [More…]
The fact is that when there is this fragmentation of families and clans who go into the bush with their children, there are problems associated with bringing health and education to them. [More…]
Aboriginal children are taken away from school by parents who are going elsewhere to drink. [More…]
The Aboriginal people move out from the settlements when they are on the liquor and in these settlements there is neglect of children. [More…]
Last year in answer to a question on notice regarding the enrolment of Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory in each pre-school, primary school and secondary school on settlements and missions in the Northern Territory, the Minister indicated that in April last year there were 5316 children enrolled. [More…]
The children were taken too. [More…]
There are very interesting aspects of Aboriginal children going to school. [More…]
There are many problems ahead in ensuring that as many Aboriginal children as possible are educated. [More…]
They are forgotten people because there is much more concentration these days on the education of Aboriginal people on missions and settlements with insufficient thought given to these part coloured children who are living under extreme difficulty. [More…]
I am suggesting that the curriculum is wrong and that these children, who are very intelligent, would be much better off if they were trained to use their hands rather than trained for some academic future which is not for them. [More…]
If something is not done for these children there will be many social problems ahead for us and I can see these problems occurring already in very many areas. [More…]
After visiting the schools in the Northern Territory, he said: ‘We want schools for the Aboriginal children of the same standard as those enjoyed by European children’. [More…]
I say again that in dealing with education in the schools that we meet the children not simply for the delivery of education. [More…]
If we ask the children why they do not go to school and they say, ‘We do not go because we do not believe that school is for us, we do not believe it is informing us’, who are we to judge? [More…]
If we examine that as related to a family, we would need to remember that support is added to that for a wife and for children. [More…]
I ask of the Minister for Social Security a question relating to day care of children. [More…]
Is she aware, for example, that no equipment subsidy is provided for private centres but is provided- in fact, everything is provided- for family day care institutions; that the needy parent subsidy applies in the case of children in family day care centres but not in the case of private centres; that no standards are set by State legislation for family day care centres- for example, not even a telephone is required to deal with an emergency; and that no safety regulations at present apply in the case of family day care centres but private centres and the community subsidised centres are covered? [More…]
The programs for children’s services in my Department are subject to review at this stage. [More…]
I have also indicated previously that subsidies for children in need in private day care centres can be the subject of discussion and, perhaps, decision. [More…]
Different types of grants are given to family day care programs under the children services program; there are equipment grants and operational assistance grant. [More…]
Family day care was an innovation of the former Government to provide a means of caring for a very limited number of children. [More…]
Fewer than 5 children usually are cared for in this way and usually they are cared for more on a domesticbasis than on a basis that would be required in a commercial operation in a larger centre. [More…]
Some people arrived without a husband or a wife or perhaps without their children. [More…]
The peninsula has its share of dole bludgers and they ure married men with children. [More…]
They include a man with two children, who has hud seven job refusals from the Commonwealth Employment Service since mid January and another with three children who has had nine. [More…]
The man with two children lives in a caravan and collects $87.50 unemployment relief weekly plus child endowment. [More…]
The one with three children owns his own home and collects $ 104 per week plus endowment-all tax free. [More…]
One of the most blatant they have handled in recent times was the case of a married man with five children who was receiving $ 109 plus endowment weekly and earning up to $40 a duy working privately. [More…]
For instance, the article states that the man with 2 children lives in a caravan and collects $87.50 unemployment relief weekly, plus child endowment. [More…]
The article also states that the man with 3 children owns his own home and collects $104 a week plus endowment, all tax free. [More…]
As I was saying, the man with 3 children is stated to own his own home and to collect $104 a week, plus endowment, all tax free. [More…]
The article states first of all that the alleged dole bludgers include a man with 2 children who has refused 7 job offers from the Commonwealth Employment Service since mid-January and another man with 3 children who has refused 9 job offers. [More…]
It will persist in its attempt to reduce the number of Aboriginals on the unemployed lists, to reduce the number of school children on the unemployed lists, and it will make it more difficult for both these groups to seek jobs and to improve themselves. [More…]
The matter is urgent because those children who left school have to be notified of their entitlement and notified to reapply for the benefit. [More…]
That is the important point, apart from disfranchising children. [More…]
These include new initiatives for the education of children in institutions, pilot schemes to cover special problems of country children and isolated children, initiatives dealing with country boarding schools and disadvantaged schools in the country. [More…]
I should like to indicate my support for the non-government sector which educates such a large number of our children. [More…]
No more than 10 per cent of children from what are called working class families in this country get to universities, which I think is an indictment of the inequalities that remain within our education system. [More…]
The children from working class and lower class income families do not get to universities but usually they get to, or wish to get to, technical and further education institutions. [More…]
Drugs: Effects on Unborn Children (Question No. [More…]
Has the Government deferred funding for the planned national agency to collect information on the effects of drugs on unborn children. [More…]
Will the Minister refer to the Minister for Transport a suggestion that training centres such as the driver training complex at Shepparton in Victoriawhere children at secondary school level, Victorian departmental drivers, ambulance drivers and others can receive comprehensive training in all aspects of road safety- be set up in various States to further this education program and thus bring some reduction in the road toll? [More…]
I believe it would be of wide interest to hear about the co-ordination of research and the level of research into the nutrition of young children in particular that is being undertaken. [More…]
In addition, it was to provide enrichment courses for children- perhaps ballet, art, craft, music and so on. [More…]
As a preface to providing answers to the question asked by the honourable senator it is necessary to distinguish between two types of possible effects of exposure to ionising radiation which may result in abnormal children being born subsequent to the exposure. [More…]
On the one hand there are the developmental abnormalities which may occur in children born of mothers who were pregnant at the time of the radiation exposure. [More…]
These mutations may be manifest in the children of the exposed persons when those children are conceived subsequent to the radiation exposure. [More…]
With respect to developmental abnormalities in children born of mothers who were pregnant and in the two Japanese cities at the time of the atomic bomb explosions, the qualitative findings of studies on the children are that, compared with children not exposed to ionising radiation in utero, there was an increased incidence of reduction of height, weight and head and chest circumference measurements which persisted to maturity and an increased incidence of mental retardation. [More…]
About 13 per cent of a group of children irradiated in utero as a result of the atomic bomb explosions showed a mean reduction of head circumference at maturity of about 1 centimetre compared with an incidence of about 4 per cent of a like deformity in a control group of Japanese children in utero at the time of the explosions but not exposed to radiation doses. [More…]
On the other hand about 3 per cent of a group of children irradiated in utero as a’ result of the atomic bomb explosions showed evidence of some mental retardation compared with an incidence of about 1 per cent in the control group. [More…]
and (3) As already indicated in answer to part 1 of the question, in some of the children born of mothers who were pregnant at the time of the atomic bomb explosions, effects of a developmental character occurred. [More…]
nominated immediate family members of Australian residents, i.e., spouses, dependent children, parents and fiance(e)s, [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister become aware of an article in the New Scientist of 4 November 1976 drawing attention to the sale in Great Britain of children’s toy cigarettes containing a powder emitted as a cloud of dust when the cigarettes are blown. [More…]
Is it a fact that many organisations have applied to the Government for funds to run vacation programs for children during the May school holidays? [More…]
I ask the Minister for Social Security: Will the sum, which I understand to be about $688,000, which was raised and placed in trust by the Spastic Welfare Association of Western Australia for the proposed Sir David Brand centre for handicapped children, be matched by a $4 for $1 government contribution in 1977-78 or in subsequent years? [More…]
-I understand that the current situation with regard to the advertising on radio and television of contraceptives and other aspects of family planning services is that such material may be transmitted provided it is confined to periods outside children’s viewing and listening times. [More…]
The honourable senator will know that it is government policy to bring about a direct per capita grant for all parents of children in non-government schools and, of course, to recognise need and its supplement. [More…]
Is it true that hundreds of children around Australia will now be left to their own devices throughout the fortnight’s break? [More…]
If any further information is required I will provide it to the honourable senator, but I want to say that the expenditure of almost $150,000 on vacation care programs represents a sizable contribution to the care of children whose parents are absent from the home and whose parents are unable to plan programs for them during the holiday period. [More…]
I ask: Is it a fact that 27 000 children benefited from the [More…]
Commonwealth assistance provided in the May 1976 vacation children’s care programs whereas only 2 1 000 children will benefit from the programs in May of this year, despite the increase in expenditure? [More…]
It could be that there is a difference in the number of children who will benefit, although I do not know whether that would be the only criteria on which we would judge them entirely. [More…]
It would seem to me that the programs that have been chosen on this occasion should provide a variety of occupations and plans for children. [More…]
I hope that they will be beneficial to the children who will attend the programs that have been arranged. [More…]
He is a married man with 4 children. [More…]
I rang the officer and complained that this man had been unemployed for 6 months; that he was living in one room with 4 children in a house that was rented by his mother-in-law; that he was genuinely seeking employment; that he had a job to go to but could not go unless he had about $160 to get his furniture transferred to Blackwood. [More…]
As a result of the mishandling of this matter by the officers in Adelaide Mr Duthie not only lost the job but also lost the opportunity of a house in which he and his 4 children could have lived. [More…]
Those people even started to move furniture into his apartment where he was living with his 4 children. [More…]
On questioning the then Minister I found that this was a prescription in the Act to stop parents profiting from the death of their children or killing their children for the benefit they could get from insurance. [More…]
Guideline 2 (a) issued by the Minister on 25 March 1976 stated that the present rules provide for the entry of the sponsored spouses and dependent children of permanent residents of Australia. [More…]
But that seemed to have been superseded in this case by guideline 2 (a) which stated that the present rules provide for the entry of the sponsored spouses and the dependent children of permanent residents of Australia. [More…]
Both the guidelines which applied to this matter from 25 March 1976 and the revised guidelines of 10 September 1976 unequivocally state that the present rules provide for the entry of the sponsored spouses and dependent children of permanent residents of Australia. [More…]
I refer to the distress caused to persons who are separated or divorced and who have legal custody of children of the marriage to whom former partners, carrying dual nationality, are entitled to access. [More…]
Is it a fact that in many cases the non-Australian country entitles the passport holder to include on the same passport his or her children? [More…]
Can this lead to such children being legally spirited out of this country without the knowledge of the legal custodian? [More…]
Will the Minister request the relevant Ministers to give urgent consideration to this problem with a view to obtaining the restriction of” duality of passports for the children of persons who are not their legal custodians? [More…]
In answer to a question I asked earlier in the week on holiday care programs for children, the Minister advised that the main criterion for funding was that the [More…]
It is unfortunate that my 3 children have passed the age of 10 years before the Government has increased the limits. [More…]
It is harsh to think that people murder children to gain an insurance benefit. [More…]
I have known cases- without going into the ethnic groups concernedwhere a man has a wife and a large family of eight or nine children. [More…]
Parents must put their children into child minding centres and kindergartens for a greater part of the period between Monday to Friday. [More…]
They work because they must, to feed, clothe, house and educate their children. [More…]
What pension would the widow and three dependent children of a Commonwealth public servant receive from the Government. [More…]
$25,000 paid in a lump sum; and $10 per week in respect of each of the two dependent children, payable from the date of Senator Greenwood ‘s death. [More…]
The maximum annual pension payable under the Superannuation Act 1976, where an employee has had less than 3 1 years’ contributory service, to a widow and three eligible children is an amount equal to 70 per cent of the deceased’s annual salary at date of death; the percentage is reduced when a child ceases to be an ‘eligible child’ for the purposes of the Act. [More…]
That in 39.4 per cent of married couple families, both parents work and of these 59 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That 38.6 per cent of female heads of families work and of these 64 per cent have dependent children. [More…]
That present government childcare programs are heavily biassed in favour of pre-school programs, 70 per cent of the funds being destined for pre-schools which only provide part-time services for children and do not cater for the needs of working parents. [More…]
But as a children’s benefit was being paid to her parent for her, she was considered not to be eligible for a special benefit in those circumstances. [More…]
Another point that bears mentioning when discussing this group of people is that the particular group of school leavers mostly consists of early school leavers- those who leave at the earliest opportunity, often because of economic necessity, and those school children in whom the least amount of the educational dollar has been invested. [More…]
In terms of our current attitudes towards education, children who leave school early often leave through economic necessity. [More…]
If we put those school retention figures together with the study conducted by the Department of Labor and Immigration of unemployed juniors we can see that the unemployed school leavers with whom we are concerned are in general the products of the poorest state schools, they are the children who had the least opportunity at school and they are now the members of the work force with the least opportunity to secure employment. [More…]
The reality of life in a society such as Australia is that a wage freeze alone cannot be imposed when a company such as the Leyland Motor Corporation of Australia says that it will not be bound by any price freeze; when the Managing Director of Safeways, the supermarket chain, says ‘We will impose a voluntary price pause, but we will review it every day’; when exemptions are announced by the Government the moment the so-called pause is announced; when it does not apply to incomes as distinct from wages; when it does not apply to dividends- numerous companies during the course of the so-called pause announced dividend policies contrary to the guidelines laid down by the Government; when parents of Australian children who travelled in the recent school holidays know that motels increased prices for that period; and when a government which promised wage indexation did not keep that promise. [More…]
The situation is still unsatisfactory in that there is still inadequate ancillary staff in the Australian Capital Territory schools and the education of the children suffers. [More…]
The Koomarri complex includes a pre-school, a school for handicapped children, sheltered workshops for handicapped persons and various other programs, shops and enterprises which provide income for running the Koomarri organisation. [More…]
Expecting that government support would be maintained at previous levels, Koomarri expanded its operations in order to provide more facilities for handicapped persons and children in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
There are 50 children in special schools on a waiting list to move into the sheltered workshop position in the next 3 years. [More…]
The total bed occupancy of women and children at the Canberra Women ‘s Refuge in the first three months of 1 977 only, was 1896 people. [More…]
It is estimated that in the financial year ending this month that 200 women and 300 children will have used the Canberra Women’s Refuge. [More…]
This will be a tragedy for Australian society as a whole and for the individual women and children who will be forced, because of no option to remain at the mercy of violence and/or alcoholic and mentally cruel husbands and fathers. [More…]
For instance, in many cases women under pressure from their home situations may finally succumb to the extent of requiring psychiatric and in-patient treatment, with complete care of their children usually being taken over by a government institution. [More…]
I refer to correspondence with the Minister concerning handicapped children’s allowance and particularly to a letter which I received from the Minister on 5 October 1 976, which stated: [More…]
As I recall it, the correspondence referred to by the honourable senator referred not so much to an inequity as to a difficulty of some parents of handicapped children. [More…]
In terms of Government policy, particularly at a time of consideration of a Budget, I do not have the luxury of being able to speculate on Budget decisions or discussions, but I state again that I hold the view that there is a difficulty for low income families which sustain considerable expense in caring for handicapped children who may not meet the strict medical criteria. [More…]
The fact that no provision is made indicates there will be no payment to those children at least until after 30 June. [More…]
I ask the Minister: Where is the provision in these estimates for the payment of benefits to these children? [More…]
If no provision is made we must consider recommending that provision should be made in these estimates for the payment of benefits to these children who I think can meet the criteria and will have to be paid in accordance with Justice Stephen ‘s decision. [More…]
Is there a firm determination in the Minister’s mind that by not providing an appropriation the children will not be paid or at least will not be paid before the end of June? [More…]
If this is to continue and if as a result of the Director-General’s announcement tomorrow there has to be a review of many thousands of applications for unemployment benefit by children who left school last year, is the staff available to process those applications? [More…]
For how long will those children who have been deprived of the benefit- Senator McLaren has said it would amount to $288- from November last year to the present time have to wait? [More…]
Can the Minister give some assurance that if there has to be a review of those applications the review will be dealt with speedily and justice will be done to those school children? [More…]
I, like Senator Harradine, object to literature that is offensive to me or my children being distributed to my children. [More…]
I would not like my daughter to receive a pamphlet advocating abortion for school children, just as I objected several years ago to pamphlets being put in my letter box, which my children could pick up, showing foetuses in vivid colour and claiming that anybody who was not opposed to abortion was a murderer. [More…]
If one wants to use soft board-I know it is allegedly called hardboard- as a partition in a wall in a home where there are young children there is nothing to stop the children putting their trikes through it because it is very much like thin fibrolite. [More…]
In South Australia 12 children in temporary homes were roasted in various fires before we got the Playford Government to demolish the homes and use other materials in home building. [More…]
It has been practically eliminated from use in South Australia now at the cost of the lives of 12 children before we could get officials to prevent its use. [More…]
I express my sympathies and the sympathies of all members of the Australian Journalists Association to his children in their sad bereavement. [More…]
The individual concerned had been unemployed for 5 months, was sharing accommodation with his brother-in-law and was living with his wife and 4 children in one room. [More…]
As a family man with 4 children he was being paid $107 a week unemployment benefits. [More…]
Many children would not have endeavoured to register because of announced government policy. [More…]
The Minister will recall that I asked her to investigate a case where a child amputee in Adelaide was declared ineligible for a handicapped children’s allowance although, according to a newspaper report, another child with an alleged identical amputation was receiving an allowance. [More…]
Is it a fact that since that time many parents have been notified that their children no longer qualify for such an allowance? [More…]
Without dealing with the specific case that has been mentionedbecause I am not clear that I have information which relates to it- I point out that the handicapped children’s allowance is payable in respect of a severely handicapped child. [More…]
In the period from 1 July 1975 to 30 June 1976, 106 handicapped children’s allowances were cancelled throughout Australia, basically for medical reasons. [More…]
Here is a woman with 4 children still waiting to receive that family allowance which she had been receiving for her eldest child. [More…]
They need a car and they need to educate their children. [More…]
(3) The Children’s Services Program and some services relating to the settlement of migrants are provided in the Australian Capital Territory directly through the Central Administration of the Department. [More…]
Under the Children’s Services Program, payments are made against approved projects according to established funding criteria. [More…]
They have a right to take a position as employees, as members of the trade union movement, against anything that may affect the quality of life for themselves, for their children and for future generations. [More…]
Comparisons have been made between the housing provided under the Dunstan Government and the temporary incinerators of Tom Playford which burned 12 children in South Australia. [More…]
However, I do not think too much can be said to publicise these very important inquiries and of the fact that any groups of citizens, including school children, are welcomed and, indeed, encouraged to give thought to these matters of inquiry and to make their views known to the Commission. [More…]
It ensured that the Christmas Island education system was brought into line with the Australian education system so that the children of workers on Christmas Island, be they Malay, Singaporean, Australian or of any other nationality, received the same education as other children received at Commonwealth expense in Australia. [More…]
One can see, for instance, the developments that have taken place in relation to isolated children’s schemes. [More…]
We gave the Japanese cheese in trial lots for school children so that they could acquire a taste for cheese. [More…]
What was once considered to be something of a way of life for many men, women and children has become something of a trauma. [More…]
We were received by large and friendly crowds including children dressed in uniforms and tribal people in colorful indigenous dress. [More…]
Women and children are being shot in the streets, ‘ then goes dead. [More…]
Mrs Searby is a member of the Committee of Management of the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne and a member of the executive of the Free Kindergarten Union of Victoria. [More…]
If those States are not able to provide the educational facilities which the children and the parents in those States are entitled to have, that is just too bad. [More…]
Other action taken includes: provision of a recreation area at the rear of the Hostel as an incentive to minimise play outside Hostel grounds, discussions with residents of the neighbouring Warratah Lodge and a subsequent meeting between these residents and representatives of Aboriginal Hostels Ltd, families with three or more children to be found alternative accommodation, accommodation at Elan Hostel to be restricted to small families with pre-school aged children, rather than those having children of school age, parents being encouraged to exercise greater control of their children. [More…]
the nominated spouses and dependent children of residents of Australia; or [More…]
How many children have received care in child care centres. [More…]
What has been the daily average number of children receiving care in child care centres. [More…]
How many persons residing in (a) The City of Nunawading, Victoria; (b) the City of DoncasterTemplestowe, Victoria; and (c) the City of Ringwood, Victoria were receiving on 1 March 1977 (i) unemployment benefits (stating how many of those people are registered at the Box Hill Commonwealth Employment Service Office, the Ringwood Commonwealth Employment Service Office and any other and which Commonwealth Employment Service Office), (ii) sickness benefits, (iii) widows’ pension, (iv) age pension, (v) child endowment (family allowance), (vi) handicapped childrens’ allowance (stating the number of children for whom the same is paid), (vii) double orphans allowance (stating the number of children for whom the same is paid). [More…]
Statistics of sickness benefits, handicapped children’s allowances and double orphans pensions by postcode districts are not available. [More…]
1 ) Can the Minister indicate why two tutors ofAboriginal children at the Armidale High School were dismissed. [More…]
1 ) Did the Minister in answer to a question asked by Senator Melzer on 4 May 1977, relating to holiday care projects for children state that the main criteria for funding was that the Minister would look first to those organisations which had been funded before. [More…]
1 ) I did state that the main criterion for funding for May vacation holiday projects for children was that I would look first at those organisations which had conducted successful holiday programs last year and which had re-applied for funds this year. [More…]
These other criteria are such factors as distribution of services, priority rankings of the individual projects and the number of children to benefit, and they have all to be considered within the context of the funds available for the whole program. [More…]
When announcing the measures to replace tax rebates for children and students with increased family allowances in his comprehensive economic statement on 20 May 1976, the Treasurer said that one effect of the new system would be to bring about some redistribution of income within families. [More…]
The measures would, on the other hand, greatly improve the position in respect of some 800 000 children in about 300 000 low income families paying little or no income tax. [More…]
These include the children of widow and invalid pensioners, of workers close to the minimum wage or in intermittent employment, of self-employed people unable to earn an adequate income, and of many Aborigines, recently-arrived migrants and other disadvantaged groups. [More…]
The November 1975 Quarterly Population survey showed that, at the time of the survey, there were about 25 000 ‘not married’ males in Australia with dependent children ‘ present. [More…]
Those counted as ‘dependent children’ comprised all family members under 15 years of age and family members aged 15-20 who were full-time students. [More…]
The General Social Survey conducted in May 1975 showed that there were about 19,300 one parent families in Australia with a male head and one or more children aged 17 or less. [More…]
The report alleges that more than 25 per cent of Sydney’s Aboriginal children are suffering from serious malnutrition and that most of them have suffered permanent brain damage because of undernourishment. [More…]
I take it that the honourable senator was referring to the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern when he referred to Aboriginal children. [More…]
I share the honourable senator’s concern about the malnutrition of Aboriginal children not only in metropolitan areas but also in the more remote communities. [More…]
I must take up the point that Senator Mulvihill made in regard to children and orphans in the northern part of Thailand who are ready for adoption by Australian families. [More…]
Have desirable downward trends in Aboriginal infant mortality in the Northern Territory and other pans of Australia been associated with any alteration in the mortality of Aboriginal children, (a) aged between 1 and S years and (b) aged greater than 5 years. [More…]
Parents are being asked to encourage their children to set aside an average of three hours additional study time each day over and above the normal school program. [More…]
In view of the announced intention of all State governments to introduce legislative measures to stop the production, distribution and sale of pornographic material involving children, will the Minister initiate the drafting of an ordinance to outlaw child pornography in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
At a meeting of Federal and State Ministers responsible for censorship, held in Sydney on 14 April 1977, it was agreed to take such steps as were necessary to prohibit the sale of pornographic material involving children either by using existing legislation or, where necessary, introducing new laws. [More…]
Production, distribution or sale within the Australian Capital Territory of pornographic material involving children is an offence under that Ordinance. [More…]
Your petitioners ask that the Senate take action to preserve the rights of parents and children. [More…]
Children’s libraries are needed to assist with the stimulation of a child ‘s intellectual development. [More…]
Reduction of public expenditure should not be at the expense of the educational development of children. [More…]
That the purported decline in use of existing children’s libraries at O’Connor, Lyneham, Narrabundah and Red Hill can be directly related to: [More…]
the unsuitability of such hours for school children and working parents; and [More…]
The existing Children’s Libraries at O’Connor, Lyneham, Narrabundah and Red Hill remain open. [More…]
That existing children’s library facilities be at least maintained, preferably extended by more reasonable hours, more sensibly related to use. [More…]
That rather than depriving the public of existing children’s libraries, similar libraries be built in all suburban shopping areas. [More…]
That reduced expenditure and staff cuts by the National Library Service should not be at the expense of educational facilities for our children. [More…]
It further added to the burden of the unemployed by taxing not only the benefits but also the dependent children’s allowances which unemployment beneficiaries receive. [More…]
No pensioner who receives dependent children’s allowances has those allowances taxed, except the unemployed in this community. [More…]
Has the Government fulfilled the promise, contained in part 4 (iii) of the Liberal and National Country Parties’ Aboriginal Affairs Policy dated 25 November 1975, namely, “the creation of a network of outback pre-schools to cater for the needs of Aboriginal and other Australian children side by side to actively involve their parents as well”; if so, what are the details; if not, why not. [More…]
-I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Health: Have claims been made, allegedly on the basis of research, that 25 per cent of Sydney’s Aboriginal children suffer from serious malnutrition? [More…]
This showed that 25 per cent of children examined had weights below the third percentile. [More…]
The sample size was 160 children under 5 years of age seen since August 1976. [More…]
I understand that the study included details of a number of medical conditions suffered by the children. [More…]
One of the interesting situations that I have noted in more modern times in the Territories and elsewhere is the growing disenchantment of parents and the community with the attempts to use and to prejudice the future of children and their education by way of industrial disputes by people who wish to further their own industrial self-interest. [More…]
There are drunken brawls, hardships for mothers and children and interruptions in employment, education and, what is worst of all, in their traditional ceremonies. [More…]
About 13 per cent of a group of children irradiated in utero as a result of the atomic bomb explosions showed a mean reduction of head circumference at maturity of about 1 centimetre compared with an incidence of about 4 per cent of a like deformity in a control group of Japanese children in utero at the time of the explosions but not exposed to radiation doses. [More…]
On the other hand about 3 per cent of a group of children irradiated in utero as a result of the atomic bomb explosions showed evidence of some mental retardation compared with an incidence of about 1 per cent in the control group. [More…]
As already indicated in answer to pan 1 of the question, in some of the children born of mothers who were pregnant at the time of the atomic bomb explosions, effects of a developmental character occurred. [More…]
-Anyhow, the man lost his job and applied for unemployment benefits for himself and his four dependent children. [More…]
So for the whole period that this man was on unemployment benefits, including the short period when he did not disclose his wife’s income, he was entitled to sickness benefit for himself and his four dependent children. [More…]
I have no doubt that the Department of Social Security will reject his application for a transfer because it would be very happy to see this unemployed worker who is in receipt of sickness benefit forced to go to gaol, and to sacrifice his sickness benefit so that his wife and children would have no income and would be forced to apply for community welfare payments from the State. [More…]
Mr Hunt said that the Government was concerned that assistance should be available to women and children in crisis situations and that it regarded the funding of women’s refuges as a matter of the highest importance. [More…]
The family has made the decision that the husband will remain at home to care for the children and keep house while the wife works. [More…]
They want their rights, just as the employers, the manufacturers and the parents of children who go to the high class independent schools, to which this Government sees fit to give extra money, want theirs. [More…]
There are many women working at the Redfern Mail Exchange who support children and who have to make arrangements for the care of those children during working hours. [More…]
Has he seen a report in today’s Press from the Australian Children’s Television Action Committee recommending that advertising be removed from children’s viewing times on television? [More…]
Can the Minister say whether either his Department or the Australian Broadcasting Commission is conducting any research into the effect of television generally and television advertising in particular on the minds and outlook of school children? [More…]
Whilst I did not see the item in the Press, I am well aware of the widespread interest in the community in the possible effect of advertising in general and of certain forms of advertising in particular upon children who watch television. [More…]
What I think is of concern is that it was stated that the position of elderly migrants was being endangered and that they were being abandoned by their children in this country. [More…]
It should be understood that under our immigration policy of reunion of aged parents with their children in this country it is provided that the sponsor shall submit a written undertaking to be responsible for the full time maintenance of the nominee as a prerequisite to the issuing of a visa. [More…]
Will the Minister for Social Security inquire why the deserted wives’ pension paid to a Mrs K. Porter of Salisbury North, South Australia, a deserted wife with three children, was stopped on 6 June this year? [More…]
As there is a mother and three hungry children in South Australia who have not had a feed since June, will the Minister hasten a final decision on this question before the woman is forced to ply for hire on the streets? [More…]
I think it indicates the new emphasis and urgency of the new international economic order, and it is worth recalling that there are now 400,000,000 people in the world suffering from malnutrition, many of them children; that the developed world consumes the vast bulk of the world’s resources and that it is necessary that a privileged minority in relation to the rest of the world, such as we are in Australia, should consider our position very carefully and contribute as we are doing, and as this legislation provides, to international assistance funds of this kind. [More…]
who have been admitted to Australia and for the administration of the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1973 which provides for the guardianship of children who are admitted to Australia and have no other legal guardian or whose overseas adoption is ruled invalid under the legislation of the various States or Territories. [More…]
Such teachers may be employed to teach English to migrant children in special classes or, and increasingly, to work in co-operation with classroom teachers to provide consistent language support throughout the school. [More…]
Is it a fact that under the new Budget arrangements families with two or more children and incomes between $140 and $200 a week will have a lower disposable income than they would have had if the previous indexed rebates for children had been retained? [More…]
This means that based on the maximum pension rate to commence in November 1977 a single age pensioner without children will not have to pay income tax unless his non-pension income exceeds $839. [More…]
The position would be the same for a widow pensioner without children. [More…]
In the case of single pensioners without children the maximum rate of pension is payable unless nonpension income exceeds $20 a week. [More…]
To continue with the effects on pension recipients, the situation is that because of the sole parent rebate a single pensioner with children will be able to receive a higher level of nonpension income than those pensioners without children before being required to pay income tax. [More…]
The amount depends on the number of children and varies between $2, 1 99 and $3,046 per annum which is equivalent to about $42 and $58 a week respectively in the case of an age or widow pensioner. [More…]
The only numerically significant exceptions to this rule will be some age and widow pensioners without children where non-pension income lies in the small range just below the point where pension reduction commences under the income test. [More…]
Where there are children, additional pension may be payable. [More…]
A married man may receive sickness benefit to the maximum single rate of $47.10 per week with additional pension for children, irrespective of his wife ‘s income. [More…]
Under the cost-sharing agreements the Royal Dental Hospital in Melbourne, the South Brisbane Dental Hospital, the Brisbane Dental Hospital and the Brisbane Children’s Dental Hospital (the latter three are annexes to public hospitals in Brisbane), together with numerous dental clinics annexed to public hospitals throughout Queensland, and the Perth Dental Hospital, are recognised for the purposes of the Hospital Cost-Sharing Agreements. [More…]
Limits for a family include an allowance of $15 for a wife, $13 for each of the first three children and $ 1 5 for the fourth and fifth children. [More…]
Free treatment is provided to women in receipt of widows pensions and no other income, who have a dependent child or children, and also in cases of genuine hardship. [More…]
I ask the Minister why, in view of her repeated statements that all of the $73m allocated for children’s services in the last financial year was totally committed, she has described the $73m allocated in this Budget as an increase of $6.2m over last year’s expenditure. [More…]
We have seen examples of people taking the law into their own hands, of husbands seizing children and taking them overseas. [More…]
These things happen more readily in a situation in which they cannot see justice done, where they are told that they may have to wait a year or two, because they know that if children are in the hands of the wife for two years this must have a considerable influence on the decision of the Court. [More…]
They left their three children in Australia. [More…]
Mr and Mrs Seed do not qualify for entry under the family reunion policy, which provides only for the entry of spouses, dependent children and parents of persons already resident here. [More…]
She idolised her children. [More…]
The children are unable to learn at school and they cannot do their homework in private like any European child. [More…]
If we are to improve the health of Aboriginal people, including the children, we have to get them off the ground and into houses. [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Parliament whether the Minister for Health instigated an inquiry into the allegations of the high rates of malnutrition and general ill health, particularly amongst Aboriginal children in this area? [More…]
1 undertake to refer the matters raised to the Minister for Health and to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to find out whether there is an existing report from the Department of Health to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and whether some action is to be taken on that report, if it does exist, and also to find out in general terms the situation concerning the matters of which I have been reading in regard to the Redfern Medical Service and Aboriginal children suffering from malnutrition. [More…]
What developments were made to ensure free and compulsory education for children up to the age of fifteen years on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, in the year ending 3 1 December 1976. [More…]
Has the attention of the Minister been drawn to recent publications in the Medical Journal of Australia, indicating an alteration in the sex ratio of children born to mothers in hospitals in highly industrialised pans of Australia. [More…]
Further, as the Northern Territory Teachers Federation has directed its members not to serve in schools within the uranium area, will the Minister ensure that parents and children will not suffer because of the lack of teachers by employing teachers now in the Northern Territory within the Education Department who are not members of the Northern Territory Teachers Federation? [More…]
Many of us have seen it from the time we were children and have been involved in it in one way or another from that time. [More…]
The handicapped children’s allowance of $15 a week was extended. [More…]
In many low income areas there are children who do not come under the severely handicapped criteria but who are on continuous diets that are very costly to their parents. [More…]
Under the extension of the handicapped children’s allowance scheme those children will be able to be catered for up to an amount of $15 a week. [More…]
The position is that although they are not completely handicapped they face a great deal of hardship and so do the families which have children who have the disease. [More…]
I also ask whether any special consideration can be given to school children affected with this disease who need special consideration from their superiors? [More…]
As far as children are concerned, the eligibility for the handicapped child’s allowance is dependent on medical evidence. [More…]
It includes provision for the admission of aged parents sponsored by their children who are required to give guarantees that they will accept responsibility for the maintenance of their parents. [More…]
As to the 20 per cent principle as a minimum contribution to the running costs of all nongovernment schools, the Commission has had no regard to the Government’s policy or, it appears, to the fact that most States are already assisting non-government schools at the 20 per cent ratethe Tasmanian Government has just announced in its present, budget that its grants to nongovernment schools will in future be equal to 20 per cent of the cost of educating children in State schools. [More…]
Traditional barriers between these sectors have been substantially reduced and individuals and groups within them have been encouraged to work together in the common interests of educating all Australian school children to the best possible standards. [More…]
Television Advertising: Effect on Children [More…]
Has he seen a report in today’s Press from the Australian Children “s Television Action Committee recommending that advertising be removed from children’s viewing times on television? [More…]
Can the Minister say whether either his Department or the Australian Broadcasting Commission is conducting any research into the effect of television generally and television advertising in particular on the minds and outlook of school children? [More…]
A full-scale investigation into the effects of television generally, and television advertising in particular, on the minds and outlook of children would, of course, represent a very lengthy and most costly task. [More…]
A vast amount of money and effort has gone into research of this nature in a number of countries overseas and many of the studies have provided considerable insight into the possible influence of television on children. [More…]
and I look upon the future fringe dwellers who are around me now and I am wondering if there is any future, and I am asking Mr Viner- does he see any future for the Aboriginal children of today? [More…]
Mr Robert Bropho who is leading the Lockridge fringe dwellers on the journey to Canberra and who is travelling with his wife and eight children, said to me when I spoke to him at the Lockridge Reserve on Saturday: ‘It is all very well for the Minister to come along and put us on a block of land and give us ablution blocks where we can shower and go to the toilet, but when we come out of those showers and toilets we have to sleep in a tent because the Minister has not allocated funds for us to have housing’. [More…]
About 100 men, women and children have traditionally camped out under the bridges of Guildford, 20 km from Perth, until this winter when the church grounds were made available and white supporters gave them tents. [More…]
Bob Bropho is travelling with his wife and eight children. [More…]
I think about another three children are involved. [More…]
They project in a dramatic and public way the clash between the principle of needs, as we thought it was established, in the interests of all Australian children and the views of the present Government. [More…]
I divert, if I may, for a couple of minutes to point out that I grew up in a State under a Labor government which had been in office for years and which expected that it would be in office for the lifetime of all its members and, probably, of the children of all its members. [More…]
First of all, I would have thought that those who are interested in education are interested in education not in terms of the facilities of government and non-government schools but in terms of what is provided for children, whether they attend a government school or a nongovernment school. [More…]
Parents of children at non-government schools, in my experience, overwhelmingly accept that they must make a contribution towards the cost of their child’s education because they choose something different. [More…]
Senator Georges ought to be aware of the importance of the non-government schools sector to the education of children in the many isolated areas of Queensland. [More…]
It is better that schools which are established with staff who are motivated and with parents who want to send their children to the nearest possible school be available to all students. [More…]
We are concerned that no growth means in fact no growth towards equality- no growth on the part of disadvantaged schools in catching up with advantaged schools; no growth in terms of innovations which will bring about better teaching methods and better learning situations for the least advantaged children in the community. [More…]
That is why we are concernednot with the amounts of money involved but with the fact that the objectives of the original Karmel Committee which were to bring all schools in Australia, to which all Australian children have access, up to a standard which would give roughly equal educational opportunity to all children in Australia. [More…]
If we like to think that those things are the case, then surely to aim at providing roughly equal opportunity in education for all Australian children is not an extravagant or unreasonable objective, but the progress towards that objective which was started so magnificently during the period of the Whitlam Government when Kim Beazley was Minister for Education has now been stopped, and that is the main basis of our concern. [More…]
Again I remind honourable senators that the implications of that in terms of children’s education are very serious. [More…]
The Minister’s failure to secure funds to maintain the forward planning that he promised when he spoke about the rolling triennium is disastrous and will mean that there will be no constructive planning for education; therefore the education of many children in Australia will be fragmented and will stop and start. [More…]
Traditional barriers between these sectors have been substantially reduced and individuals and groups within them have been encouraged to work together in the common interests of educating all Australian school children to the best possible standards. [More…]
No innovations mean that no money is being allocated for thinking and re-looking at the basis of education in order to make education more accessible to more children in our community. [More…]
It is a well known phenomenon of education that those children who get the most out of traditional methods of education are those children who come from the most advantaged families. [More…]
It is a well known phenomenon of education that children who are disadvantaged generally in socio-economic terms also find themselves disadvantaged when they go into our school system because the school system until now has been a traditional conservative system which did not take account of the special needs and the special difficulties of children from lower socio-economic groups or, in the case of Australia, children from particular ethnic groups or children from the Aboriginal community. [More…]
Innovation is essential not simply to improve the sort of traditional education which is available and suitable to middle class children in Australia; innovation is absolutely essential if teachers are to achieve some sort of breakthrough in the teaching, for example, of Aboriginal children, in the teaching of non-English speaking migrant children, in the teaching of handicapped children and so on. [More…]
I would like to refer to another area of need which has been raised in the debate tonight, the needs of children in isolated areas. [More…]
Earlier this year the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts brought down a very far reaching report on the needs of children in isolated areas. [More…]
Most of the children who are severely disadvantaged by living in isolated areas are children who would want these services provided by the government school sector. [More…]
Children in isolated areas whose parents can afford to send them to boarding schools are children who are not particularly disadvantaged by isolation. [More…]
There are some financial measures of assistance provided to the parents of those children. [More…]
The children living in isolated areas who need and want access to government school servicesthat is, basically free services- are the children who are not getting them. [More…]
If supporters of the Government are seriously concerned about the lack of education facilities for children in isolated areas, I suggest that they should be particularly concerned by the no-growth policy of the present Government. [More…]
In the area of the education of isolated children, there is clearly and patently a need for an input of a significant amount of resources if those children are to achieve anything like equality of opportunity in education with children living in city areas who have access to good government and good nongovernment schools. [More…]
We oppose the approach because it stops that very necessary progress towards the development of equality of opportunity for all Austraiian school children. [More…]
Traditional barriers between these sectors have been substantially reduced and individuals and groups within them have been encouraged to work together in the common interest of educating all Australian school children to the best possible standards. [More…]
The first interim report of the Karmel Committee recommended that category 1 schools should receive grants of $40 and $65 for primary and secondary school children respectively in 1974 and $25 and $35 respectively in 1975. [More…]
That public concern is expressed by numerous broadcasting consumer groups throughout this country, groups made up of people who are concerned with such questions as the quality of children’s programs on radio and television, ethnic radio, the fact that Australians should be given as wide as possible a choice in the programs that they have available to them on radio and television and the fact that there is no Australian image, if I can use that term, on Australian television but rather an almost total American image of some seven years ago. [More…]
I mentioned the extension of the handicapped children’s allowance and the rehabilitation of disabled housewives. [More…]
The Western Australian State Government has made it quite clear that the future of the Lockridge site is tied to the further development of the Pyrton Training Centre for mentally retarded children and that its use cannot be extended beyond two years. [More…]
Both the parents of the children and the staff at the colleges would be interested to know whether the Department intends to employ Aboriginals to help staff the colleges and, if so, when this is likely to happen. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Education aware of the continuing concern of many Australians about the state of health and nutrition among Aboriginal people, especially Aboriginal children? [More…]
As I understand it, Senator Lajovic has asked a question regarding the general state of health and nutrition of Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory and whether any steps are being taken to improve their health and nutrition. [More…]
The fact is that, as all honourable senators know, the Aboriginal children have inherited from European civilisation a number of quite challenging illnesses, particularly upper respiratory tract infections, middle ear diseases and suppurating ears. [More…]
One of the real problems is that the children often come to school illequipped. [More…]
We are taking a lot of measures within schools themselves, in the general treatment of the obvious diseases, in attempts at disinfesting, in trying to provide Oslo type luncheons and in general ablutions for both the children and their clothing. [More…]
I have had discussions with representatives of the Department of Health in recent times in an endeavour to see whether we can get going a pilot scheme of involving trained nursing sisters moving from school to school and carrying out a screening of the Aboriginal children. [More…]
We must bear in mind that what we are doing is trying to create not only a currently healthy generation of children but also a generation of children who will take into their homes a knowledge of health and hygiene for the future. [More…]
I preface my question by saying that I know the Minister is aware of proposals to close four children’s libraries in Canberra on 30 September and of concern expressed about this by many people. [More…]
As the proposed closure of these libraries is only eight days away and in view of representations that have been made, I ask the Minister: Is there any prospect of maintaining the libraries and the services that they provide to the children of Canberra? [More…]
-As the honourable senator would know, I have been concerned for some time about the position relating to the children’s libraries. [More…]
I am happy to report that, as a result of representations I have made to the Public Service Board with a view to having the staff ceiling arrangements altered to provide for the continued employment of four part time workers at the children’s libraries at Lyneham, O’Connor, Narrabundah and Red Hill, I have been informed that the Board has agreed to my request. [More…]
Dremmel family, of which 1 am sure the Minister is well aware- a family with many children and many problems. [More…]
As the Minister has now widened eligibility for the handicapped children’s allowance to assist low income families, does she envisage this extending to families like the Dremmel family which has children with heart troubles, asthma and other physical problems? [More…]
However, I would assure Senator Grimes that any children in the family which he mentioned who may be eligible for the handicapped child’s allowance could be considered if an application were received. [More…]
Has the Government denied financial support to the Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society of New South Wales for the running costs of Kirinari Hostels at Sylvania and Newcastle, while agreeing to full financial support if these hostels are taken over and operated by Aboriginal Hostels Ltd. [More…]
In the case of Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society (ACAS) of New South Wales the organisation approached Aboriginal Hostels Ltd (AHL) in November 1976 and requested AHL to take over operations of the ACAS Hostels at Sylvania and Newcastle. [More…]
Teachers too are saying to children as they leave school: ‘Make sure you get the best job you can. [More…]
So, we find children leaving school, often with a higher expectation than their capabilities warrant. [More…]
The scheme which I have put to the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations (Mr Street) and which I sincerely hope he will look at is that the children who leave school and who are prepared to do the less attractive jobs, the labouring jobs, while they are waiting for the job of their choice ought to be given priority over those children who are not prepared to go out and do just any job and are willing to sit around and wait for the job of their choice to come up. [More…]
We the lone fathers of Australia petition the Prime Minister, Mr Fraser, to have legislation passed giving assistance to fathers who have custody of and are sole supporters of their dependent children. [More…]
Equal rights with women when claiming custody of their children. [More…]
Many lone fathers feel that the interests of their children and themselves would be best served if they could receive help in the home. [More…]
Child care provisions for children outside the home may satisfy some, but others feel unable to handle the everyday tasks and responsibilities of the home and the children, or find that child care facilities do not fit in with shift work hours. [More…]
One lone father told the Commission about his experiences in trying to work and ensure adequate care for his children: [More…]
I have tried pensioners and they cannot cope with the emotionalism of the children, the energy of them and the hours. [More…]
Other women 1 have tried have been first- and second-year university students who are almost completely naive to children’s needs and that has been a failure. [More…]
I have tried final-year high school children who start at nine and finish at three. [More…]
The hours are suitable but I found in general that the children were being neglected. [More…]
They were tending to turn the TV on, sit in front of it themselves and expect the children to get ready for school, and then leave the house as the children did. [More…]
Evidence from both lone fathers and children’s homes indicates that the lack of options open to lone fathers can mean that these families break up. [More…]
For example, a private children’s home in Sydney analysed their admission inquiries for the first quarter of 1973. [More…]
I am inclined to think that maybe, and more likely, rather than looking at a widow or supporting mothers pension or benefit, where there is an assumption that while there are children under 16 the pension would be drawn upon. [More…]
The plight of lone fathers who are struggling to bring up children provides another reminder that discrimination is a two-edged sword. [More…]
Often the supporting father is in a far worse position to care for children than a lone mother; for one thing he is less equipped by nature or training for the task. [More…]
Thus a supporting mother with two school-age children can receive a total of $66.10 a weekand under an income test she can earn up to $164.20 a week before the benefit cuts out. [More…]
Surely the yardstick in such matters should be the wellbeing of the children involved, not the sex of sole parents. [More…]
It should do no less for lone fathers who stand by their children. [More…]
The thing that interested me about Mrs Edwards’s letter to me was that she enclosed a Press release in which she said that the sorts of issues covered in the submissions received from the community and matters raised by the members themselves included the question of increasing the mother’s allowance paid to women pensioners with dependent children and the possible extension of this benefit to all lone parents. [More…]
A male marriage partner arrives home in a state of intoxication and proceeds to chastise physically his wife, his children, the dog, the cat and anybody who happens to come in his line of fire. [More…]
I could imagine that person with a brace of young children, in the middle of the night with very little money in her pocket, if she is not an independent working person and if her husband does not provide her with a separate housekeeping allowance, being subjected to all types of indignities, grabbing her children and perhaps a suitcase and trying to find a refuge, a refuge which has been set up in Australia only in the last few years, to enable her to leave a particularly repulsive situation; a refuge where she knows that she can find a shoulder to cry on if that is what she wants; a refuge where she can find medical assistance if that is what she needs; a refuge where she can find a home for her children and for herself until she gets her affairs straightened out; a refuge where her children will be looked after and sent off to the necessary schools; a refuge where she will be able to obtain advice about legal matters; and a refuge where she will be informed of her social security rights and all those things. [More…]
Since the number of bettered women and children far exceeds the capacity of present refuges, compelling them to turn away many more than they can assist, it will be seen that if funds are cut any further the position of these women will be indeed desperate. [More…]
Perth’s emergency night shelters are so overtaxed that dozens of women and children are turned away each week. [More…]
He said yesterday that about 2S0 women and children were turned away each month. [More…]
In fact, one of the statements made by the Women’s Electoral Lobby is that 20 to 30 women with their children are turned away each day from the five existing women’s refuges in Western Australia, all of which, incidentally, are located in Perth. [More…]
There is a great need for children’s refuges. [More…]
It is a provision for their children. [More…]
It is a provision for their children’s health and welfare through a time of severe stress and strain inside what could be just a domestic situation. [More…]
We have had massive expenditure cuts in real terms to most of the needy areas, such as in respect to Aboriginals and the women’s and children services about which I have spoken already. [More…]
It is the only means by which they can ensure that their children are being clothed, fed, housed and educated and that they have medical and dental treatment available to them when it is required. [More…]
We had first of all the consumer-led recovery of the economy, but then it was realised that the consumers were not being given a great deal of money and schemes such as that which increased children’s allowances were introduced. [More…]
What the Government neglected to tell the recipients of that increase in children’s allowances was that it was going to take the increase back by not allowing them a tax rebate for their children at the end of the year. [More…]
Their wealth was cattle and children, particularly daughters who could be traded for lobola to get more cattle, more wives and then more children. [More…]
I met mothers who would even go without food so that their children could get education. [More…]
When we look at the area of children’s services we find that this year’s allocation of $73.3m is the same amount as last year but, of course, in real terms it is a reduction. [More…]
The limitations on funds for capital grants in the area of children’s services means that there will virtually be no new community based child care projects. [More…]
I refer to a publication of the Australian Bureau of Statistics of 8 November 1977 which gives these figures: 222,000 children under 12 years of age not attending school were the responsibility of persons who worked away from home. [More…]
That is more than a quarter of a million Australian children need some form of child care services. [More…]
Those figures indicate clearly that there is a very vast need for children’s services- not only for the children of working parents but also for children in many circumstances- which is not being met and which will not be met from the allocation in this Budget. [More…]
Whereas a couple of years ago the national capital was a thriving, growing and expanding centre providing more and more services to the rest of the nation, a city with many job opportunities for children growing up here, a city with opportunities for people in business and for the whole range of private enterprise, it is now a place with opportunities for virtually no one. [More…]
Has the Minister for Education seen the September-October edition of the Queensland P. & C. Guide which in its editorial claims that the Government has moved against children in State schools with a cynicism that must shock all thinking people in Australia? [More…]
They are problems which cause anxiety to parents who have children leaving school, to the parents of some 200,000 children who will leave school in November and December this year- many of them, perhaps, with not great academic records. [More…]
The lack of job opportunities causes concern to parents of children leaving school, and they cause a concern and disillusionment amongst young people themselves. [More…]
The Aboriginal children are rejecting school because it does not lead anywhere. [More…]
Once we were able to say to Aboriginal children: ‘Come to school, get a good education and you will be able to leave school and get a good job’. [More…]
The children have rejected this idea and they have rejected school with it. [More…]
What incentives do these younger children at school have to study hard? [More…]
In the same survey we find that 7,400 single mothers with dependent children were looking for work and were unable to find it, probably for the variety of reasons I have already stated. [More…]
What honourable senators may be aware of is that if women with dependent children are looking for work and cannot find it their fate, of course, is to be relegated to the supporting mothers’ benefit. [More…]
Yet that is the fate facing 7,400 women with the care of dependent children who are unable to find work. [More…]
Senator Walters interjects to say that their children are assisted. [More…]
I think the assistance to the children of supporting mothers amounts to about $7.50 a week which Senator Walters, who I understand is a parent herself, may realise is a hopelessly inadequate proportion of what it actually costs to support a child. [More…]
For the sake of people listening to this debate, I should like-to clarify the claim that somehow the family allowance should satisfy supporting mothers who are seeking to rear children alone. [More…]
Any mothers who are listening to the debate will be aware that the family allowance in the case of a mother with two children amounts to the princely sum of $8.50 a week. [More…]
I do not think that even Senator Walters would have the hide to claim that $8.50 a week represents anything approximating what it costs to rear two children. [More…]
What happened in the meantime was that many of these families, particularly migrant families who came to Australia to establish themselves, to get themselves a home- which perhaps was one of their main objectives in leaving the country of their birth- during the period of the 1950s and 1960s committed themselves to large mortgage repayments and to education expenses for their children and so forth. [More…]
Will the Minister give the Senate his views on the very real threat which cutbacks in the Wran Government’s spending on education pose for the children of New South Wales? [More…]
-Has the Minister for Social Security seen the figures on the poverty line which were released yesterday, I understand, by Professor Henderson, and in particular the claim that many large families are now falling even further below the poverty line, although the breadwinner is an income earner, and also that large families with children are badly affected? [More…]
It has a first class physical education program for all children. [More…]
The Victorian Government announced in its recent budget that probate duty in Victoria will be abolished from 1 January next in the case of estates passing to children. [More…]
There has been an extension of the terms of eligibility for the handicapped child’s allowance to allow further assistance to low income families with the custody, care and control of substantially handicapped children. [More…]
Of course, it is well known that any housewife can reduce her household expenditure by cutting off many of the essential services that she is providing for her husband and children. [More…]
By educating the masses one would be putting them on a parity with the people who can afford to send their children to private schools and afford to spend money on buying them books so that they can study at home. [More…]
The very way in which this Government has reduced this Budget deficit has brought great hardship and suffering upon the children of working class families. [More…]
The Government certainly increased the family allowance, but a husband cannot now claim a rebate in his taxation return for his dependent children. [More…]
How does that affect a man who is separated from his wife or is divorced and has a maintenance order against him under which he has to provide so much for his wife and children? [More…]
The very effect of the measure that the Government has brought in has been an increase in the maintenance payment to a mother and her children and a decrease in the wherewithal of the father himself to live. [More…]
Yesterday we saw lone fathers, some of whom have to stay home to look after small children, in front of Parliament House seeking some assistance. [More…]
I have raised the matter in Senate Estimates Committees in relation to aspects of compulsory education for children under 14 years of age and the replacement of plastic token currency with official Australian currency. [More…]
At 30 June 1976, 67 children were attending the school. [More…]
Sixteen children were enrolled at the school on West Island. [More…]
The program Starsky and Hutch which is scheduled as an adults only program is now being shown in Melbourne on Channel 9 in children’s television time. [More…]
It is true that if a program classified for adults only is being shown during children’s viewing time, it is a matter for some concern and some review by the Austraiian Broadcasting Tribunal. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Education: Is it a fact that in 1976-77 the Tasmanian Minister for Education, Mr Batt, underspent the loan funds appropriation for primary schools by $1.7m; that in respect of the Consolidated Revenue appropriation for 1976-77, out of 39 items, in 22 cases the Minister for Education spent less than the estimated amounts appropriated by the Tasmanian Parliament in the 1976 Budget; and that one of those items cut was the State’s contribution towards the cost of meals for children at special schools? [More…]
As I said here in a speech the other day, until we came to office it was always the philosophy of the Liberal Party that the children of the masses, of the working class, were not entitled to a decent education in this country. [More…]
Any housewife can reduce her deficit if she is running up a bill at her local shop if she cuts down on food, clothing and whatever she might need to provide for her husband and her children. [More…]
The people of this country would far sooner have a deficit Budget and be provided with the essentials of life, something that is there for all time and something which they, their children and their children’s children can use. [More…]
Unlike the silvertails and the people who come from Burnside, Toorak- where Senator Cormack lives- and up on the North Shore, who go overseas for a trip and send their daughters to finishing school whenever they have some surplus money, the working man spends his surplus money on getting a decent house to live in and a better education for his children, something that is of lasting benefit to the community. [More…]
Let us recall also that the Government has decided to increase the additional boarding allowance for isolated children from $450 to $500 a year in 1978. [More…]
The Government has also relaxed the means test by increasing the marginally adjusted family income for tertiary education and related schemes and for the additional boarding allowance for isolated children from $8,200 to $8,700 in 1978. [More…]
Consequently, in a number of important areas, areas where people are greatly endangered in their efforts to obtain education for their children, there have been increases even in a year when the belt-tightening will have to continue. [More…]
But very huie is said about Aboriginal children in isolated areas, and something has happened there over the last few years. [More…]
There are more and more Aboriginal children, and the immense problem that I, Senator Carrick and others see is that of the young children coming forward with very few jobs available for them. [More…]
There are now Aboriginal colleges at Dhupuma, Kormilda, Yirara and so on where a large number of Aboriginal children are being trained, and they have every right to be trained. [More…]
But the result will be that in the next few years many Aboriginal children will be without a position - [More…]
Positions have to be found for those Aboriginal children. [More…]
I should like to repeat that so that it is clearly understood: The bunging up of children is perhaps the most important job that any person can undertake. [More…]
I do not believe families, including children, will be happy if women who have skills and expertise are discriminated against in the work force as used to be the case in the 1950s and 1960s before we had equal pay. [More…]
A comparison of the after tax income of families with two to five children and incomes between $120 and $200 a week was produced by the statistical service of the Parliamentary Library. [More…]
But it pointed out repeatedly that unless regular increases were made m the new family allowances to cope with inflation many people- those people with children- would suffer. [More…]
We voiced our suspicions, and our suspicions have been confirmed, that one of the reasons that the new allowances were introduced was to avoid the consequences of having indexed children’s rebates under the previous system. [More…]
The result of this, together with the Government’s system of industrial confrontation, its determination to cut real wages, its failure to increase payments to those who are in real need such as pensioners with children, and its failure to increase the family allowances in fact will reduce the living standard. [More…]
) Have representatives of the Save the Children Fund or UNICEF been appointed to the Commission; if not, why not. [More…]
When we talk about youngsters in our sort of society, knowing how bad it is for some of them in the areas in which we all move, imagine how bad it must be for Aboriginal children in society. [More…]
Another group in society that will be completely locked out or will finish up with all the filthy, low-paid jobs that nobody ever wants to do is the children who were bora outside Australia. [More…]
The children who are still at school have an apathy about them. [More…]
Teachers tell us that the children do not try, that they are lazy and that they do not seem to care what happens to them. [More…]
These are children who are tentative about life outside school walls. [More…]
The children at school are still worried about what will happen to them in the future. [More…]
Teachers are saying to the children now: ‘It is no good thinking you will come back to school. [More…]
If you finish with learning- as many children of 16 and 17 years of age do- the place for you is in the community’. [More…]
Those children do not have a place in the education system or in society. [More…]
Their parents look at them and wonder why the children do not try to get a job. [More…]
The parents do not understand how hard it is for the children to get jobs. [More…]
I have heard of no government schemes to help these children. [More…]
Instead of spending the money on those sorts of advertisements that are blatant untruths, the Government could have put that money into some sort of scheme to create jobs for the children who have not them. [More…]
It has schemes for keeping children quiet. [More…]
They are not schemes that will supply jobs for these children. [More…]
Why can a scheme not be brought in actually to give children apprenticeships and not just pay employers to entice them to take on apprentices. [More…]
The Government should put some of the responsibility back on the employers to take children in as apprentices. [More…]
The Government has to use the muscle it has- if, as Senator Cotton says, it has that muscle- to make sure that jobs are available and that there are not just job schemes dreamt up to keep children quiet. [More…]
The support scheme that was brought in is supplying some sort of employment for children who have been unemployed for six months. [More…]
What sort of scheme is the Government bringing in to help those sort of children? [More…]
These are our children. [More…]
Yesterday the Minister wrote back to me, refusing to recognise the particular needs of single parents who must pay for child care and refusing to recognise the anomalies that occur in that an individual is assessed for rental rebate in exactly the same way as a person with four or five dependent children. [More…]
I have three ‘Lone Parent’ friends who weighed the pros and cons and left their jobs, because they were that much better off on the pension and they have the pleasure of bringing up their children and not having to pay the exorbitant money to somebody else to help them. [More…]
He has to pay $30 a week for after-school minding for his children and in school holidays $40 a week. [More…]
Pensioners can do so, but virtually no wage earner can obtain a rebate because no allowance is made for dependent children or child care fees. [More…]
We the lone fathers of Australia petition the Prime Minister, Mr Fraser, to have legislation passed giving assistance to fathers who have custody of and are sole supporters of their dependent children. [More…]
Equal rights with women when claiming custody of their children. [More…]
I think it has to be recognised that sole parents, lone parents in large numbers, often with young children, represent a relatively new phenomenon in our society, but an increasingly prevalent one, to which governments have to give increasing attention and that adequate benefits have to be provided for these people. [More…]
Some of the suggestions were a holiday camp on the South Coast, a holiday farm, a nudist camp, scholarships for the children of staff, an alpine lodge in the Snowy Mountains, donations to charity, canteen facilities, a child care centre, a do-it-yourself car service facility, a fishing lodge in the Jindabyne area, a gymnasium, and a heated swimming pool. [More…]
And I’m sick of paying taxes so that farmers can preserve their assets for their children. [More…]
A national advertising campaign ought to be conducted to encourage children, through the schools and in the family home itself, to turn the lights off. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Education whether he has seen a report in the Sydney Sunday Telegraph of 16 October, stating that the Federal Government is considering a radical plan to give parents money vouchers to pay for their children’s education. [More…]
So there will be a long term bad effect not only on the Aboriginal adults but also on their children. [More…]
One can make available to people, whether Aborigines or not, opportunities for better education and health facilities, but unless their children can come home to a decent home with an environment where they can sit down and do their homework, it is all to no avail; so housing is a very important factor for consideration. [More…]
The most important thing to me, Senator Georges, is that Aboriginal people, Aboriginal children, get into a decent house. [More…]
When the Government sets aside a certain amount of money there are many rip-offs in many areas, and I would say that 75 per cent of the money set aside by the Government is going in rip-offs for feasibility studies and other studies instead of going to the grass roots level where it is needed, where babies are dying, where children are sleeping eight and ten to a room. [More…]
But when unions get to the stage of holding the whole nation and the people to ransom without regard for the suffering of women and children, it is time we took a second look at ourselves as Australians and asked: ‘What are we doing? [More…]
Even those families that are nuclear families with mother, father and children do not have the support usually of uncles, aunts and grandparents in times of stress. [More…]
Has the attention of the Minister for Education been drawn to a report in this morning’s Canberra Times of a new concept in bi-lingual education for migrant children? [More…]
As I recall it, the report indicated that the school is interested in bi-lingual learning in the conscious knowledge that children from the wide migrant communities have difficulties in learning in a second language but have much more ability to learn initially in their own language and then make the translation into English. [More…]
Australia, could do much not only to help the migrant children in their difficulties in that multiculture but also to give to the Australian children a glimpse of the richness of the other cultures. [More…]
The rate of inflation has destroyed the expectations which people had in the past to quietly and confidently enjoy the security of a long-term job and the hopes of their children to partake in job opportunities in our community. [More…]
He needs to be liberated from the blot that race discrimination is on the name of our country, from the burden it is on our conscience and the curse it will be on our children. ‘ [More…]
He should be entitled to free medical treatment, free education for his children, guaranteed employment and a decent home. [More…]
The commission was set up after an incident on January 5 last year in which vehicles carrying 74 men, women and children were intercepted by a party of police at Skull Creek, near Laverton in western Australia. [More…]
Last week 300 charges were laid against Aboriginal children at Papunya for such things as stealing food because of hunger. [More…]
It appears that this young fellow at the age of 12 or 13 had nicked a watermelon, a couple of apples or something and had been put on probation by the Children’s Court. [More…]
I refer particularly to the ability of some police to harass and exercise brutality towards Aboriginal children and Aboriginal women. [More…]
There have been many unreported incidents of police who have arrested and questioned at length many young Aboriginal children. [More…]
These children are often victims of police verballing The same of course applies to adults in many cases. [More…]
I know of several cases where juveniles have been questioned, with certain officers making vague threats to the children saying that if they did not tell them certain things etc., they could be sent to a home. [More…]
Children are told things like, ‘You may as well own up now, because John D. dobbed you in and told us everything.’ [More…]
In the last 2 months, a number of young Aboriginal children were picked up by police and questioned at some length. [More…]
Three years ago on this settlement there had been murder, manslaughter, maiming of people, drunkenness, broken families, children neglected and the Appatula housing association was in pieces. [More…]
As background information, I point out that at one school at least in the Australian Capital Territory in recent days people, apparently representing the organisation known as the Children of God, have been handing out rather strange literature to pupils arriving at the school and have tried to get these young people to join their organisation. [More…]
In view of concern that has been widely expressed about this organisation and its activities relating to young people and the natural anxiety of parents when Children of God seek recruits in the immediate vicinity of schools, can the Minister say whether any action can be taken to restrict such activities near schools and attempts to have young people join an organisation such as the Children of God? [More…]
It has always been my view that once my children leave the school gate they are my responsibility and not the school’s responsibility. [More…]
I do not expect a headmaster or a headmistress to look after children apart from the time when the children are at school. [More…]
I will, however, draw the attention of my colleague the Minister for the Capital Territory to this matter because he may have some jurisdiction once those children leave school and are between school and their home. [More…]
Their wives and their children are starving and have nothing to keep them going. [More…]
I am confident that if the people of Australia have to pass judgment on this Government for doing what it can to destroy industrial anarchy, to restore the legitimate right of the individual trade unionist to work and to provide a meal for his wife and children, the people of Australia will support this Government. [More…]
What will happen to the man who has been prepared to work overtime to earn some extra money to save up to buy something for his home, perhaps a new car, or has been saving for a holiday for his wife and children? [More…]
As many as 10 per cent of school children between the ages of 12 and 17 get ‘very drunk’ at least once a month. [More…]
As many as 10 per cent of school children between the ages of 12 and 17 become very drunk at least once a month, yet the Australian people say that alcohol is not a drug. [More…]
We find that some parents are happy that their children are not taking drugs even if they do come home drunk each weekend. [More…]
We believe that at the moment men might be the greater drunks, but they are addicted also to tobacco; that at the moment women might be in even greater danger with the use of analgesics and sedatives, but they are turning increasingly also to tobacco and alcohol; that our children are turning increasingly to alcohol and tobacco and we are afraid that they are now turning also to cannabis. [More…]
I do not want any children or young people sent to gaol or severely handicapped because they have smoked one marihuana cigarette. [More…]
By the same token, I do not want other people hiding behind those children. [More…]
I see the relationship of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly to this Government as that of a daughter government and just as we might perhaps see our own children moving away we can in the same circumstances give similar support to the Assembly. [More…]
The Government’s predecessors solved the Aboriginal land rights problem in Tasmania by shooting the parents and poisoning the children, obliterating a segment of God’s creation. [More…]
We were the first to give real assistance of a substantial nature to isolated children throughout Australia. [More…]
He knows that immediately he goes on strike he loses his pay packet and his wife and children suffer. [More…]
I refer to a case in which two Indonesian nationals are facing deportation and a controversy surrounds the fact that they have two children who were born in Australia. [More…]
It amazes me that two people who are not citizens of this country but who had children born while they were in transit here were given Australian passports. [More…]
My inquiry of the Minister for Education is based on the report of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts and in particular its recommendations concerning the education of isolated school children. [More…]
I may add that it represents the study and practical experience of people from isolated areas with a concern for the education of their children. [More…]
Also, what progress has been made in giving effect to the recommendation concerning the role of the Curriculum Development Centre and the provision of suitable material for children who live in isolated areas? [More…]
-To answer fully the honourable senator’s important but multifaceted question would take longer than Question Time would permit, but I well recall my membership of that Committee, travelling extensively throughout Australia and meeting some first class people who, in the isolated areas, take a lively interest in the education of children. [More…]
Indeed, in recent weeks I revisited some of those areas: For instance I visited Wentworth at the junction of the Darling and the Murray, and spoke to people in the isolated children’s field, from the whole of the western lands division. [More…]
Finally, let me say this: The best way, apart from these measures, to assist the parents of isolated children is to do what this Government is doing, namely, to bring down the rate of inflation which over the years of the Whitlam Government added enormously to the burdens of costs on these people. [More…]
In those fields, the Government is very active and is active, of course, in the general field of isolated children. [More…]
This relieving power will ensure that ordinary trusts for children under 16 years of age will not be called on to pay tax where the income is under $1,041. [More…]
Last year the Victorian Government provided for exemption in respect of an estate passing between spouses and from 1 January 1978 estates which pass to children will be exempt. [More…]
Many programs of great benefit to children have been administered by voluntary agencies and by the States during the long vacation. [More…]
Does his transference of about $5m of the taxpayers money from government schools to elite private schools mean that the Government wishes to increase educational opportunities of already privileged children at the expense of the disadvantaged children in government schools and the least affluent non-government schools? [More…]
If she had spoken on the basis of equality of opportunity for all school children she might have been heard. [More…]
In the very wording of the question which I put to the Minister I referred to the disadvantaged children in the non-government schools, that is, the level six schools. [More…]
This should not be confused with handicapped child’s benefit which is paid at $5 per day for handicapped children residing in an approved home. [More…]
These expenses can arise out of the need to provide special footwear or other clothing, special diets or specific medical or remedial treatment that the parents of other children are not required to provide. [More…]
Where there are children, additional benefit of $7.50 a week is payable for each child. [More…]
The new benefit will be payable to all fathers bringing up children on their own and will come into effect on the date the Bill receives the Royal Assent. [More…]
Fathers who have already been supporting their children for six months or more will become eligible immediately the Bill becomes law. [More…]
Thus a supporting father with two children, one of whom is under six years of age may receive, subject to the income test, a total benefit of $70.30 a week. [More…]
It put forward many arguments why State and local governments should be responsible for the aged, the handicapped, children- almost everyone in the communitybut, in fact, its aim essentially was artificially to cut the Government’s Budget deficit and transfer that sort of expenditure out of it. [More…]
Some programs which were considered by Bailey were axed by the present Government but most of them, such as the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act, the aged and disabled persons home program, the children services program and the community health programs are continuing. [More…]
If the unemployed, parents of handicapped children, pensioners or anyone else need to appeal against a bureaucratic decision of the Government or its servants, they should be able to appeal on clear grounds that are written in legislation. [More…]
We have children with disorders of fat metabolism who require special low fat diets. [More…]
Fish and chicken are trie only proteins these children can consume. [More…]
I am quite sure that every honourable senator in this place knows of many children who have applied for the unemployment benefit during their Christmas holidays and have gone back to school after the vacation. [More…]
Parents are being asked to support their children for just an additional six weeks while they seek employment. [More…]
We know that children have claimed the unemployment benefit while they have been on holiday and this Government is taking action to stop this. [More…]
It will cover all fathers bringing up children on their own. [More…]
Once a father has supported children for six months he will become eligible for the same benefit as that received by the supporting mother. [More…]
I ask whether the Government or the Minister has considered the social cost of introducing this provision, whether it has considered the cost to the low income family that needs some income from its school leaving children by way of wages or, in the case of unemployed children, by way of unemployment benefit. [More…]
Has it considered what will happen to those low income families which have a lot of children to support- perhaps there is sickness in the family- and which need to send their teenagers out into the work force. [More…]
What will be the social cost of depriving those families of the assistance which they reasonably might have expected from their teenage children? [More…]
What might very easily happen is that, because he is sick and there are children and so forth, the wife may have to give up her job to care for the husband and the children. [More…]
I remind the Senate that the poverty line as defined in the income figures for the June quarter of 1977 for a married couple with two children was $111.90 a week, which represents a yearly income of about $6,000. [More…]
That figure represents the poverty line where the income earner has to support a non-working spouse and two children. [More…]
Will the staff now employed by the Department of Social Security be able to keep to the time table which the Minister for Social Security has spelt out in the Bill or will people without incomes be deprived of the wherewithal to feed their wives and children and themselves and pay all their commitments? [More…]
The Government has no consideration for people on the lower structure of income and their wives and children. [More…]
Mr Payne said he would defy the Minister fo Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) by forcing the unemployment issue at the meeting called to discuss children’s services. [More…]
Otherwise, it will be a very bleak Christmas indeed for many hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, because parents do not have a fulltime job and cannot provide for their families the most meagre Christmas. [More…]
I cited the case of husbands who were either separated from their wives or divorced, and had court orders against them for maintenance; that they now found that they could not claim reimbursement in their income tax returns for the support of dependent children; that they were paying an extra amount by way of maintenance because of that fact. [More…]
People in a slightly higher income bracket are now finding that they are in circumstances similar to those on lower incomes because, they cannot claim a tax deduction for maintenance payments to dependent children. [More…]
In many cases a man who has been divorced has remarried and has children of the second marriage. [More…]
This is a benefit that will be paid in relation to children who do not reach the medical criteria of the handicapped child ‘s allowance but who have other needs. [More…]
The types of expenditure that would be acceptable for the purpose would be such things as expenditure on medical and paramedical services, especially physiotherapy, after the deduction of health insurance refunds, the cost of transport incurred in seeking medical and other services, expenditure on special diets, prosthesis, spectacles and mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, expenditure on clothing in excess of the usual requirements, expenditure on shoes in excess of the usual requirements, school fees in excess of the usual cost, usually arising out of attendance at a special school, and expenditure on occasional child care and special activities- for example, swimming lessons for spastic children. [More…]
We were able also to set up a meeting between State and Federal governments to arrange a three-year program for children’s services, starting from the Budget next year. [More…]
Another matter raised, although not in the context of the Bill before the Senate, was that of family allowances and the difficulties encountered by some fathers who are paying maintenance for children who no longer are in their custody, care and control. [More…]
It was stated then, and it still would be valid as far as I am concerned, that any father who is paying a maintenance order for children could apply to the court for a review of that maintenance order. [More…]
This proposal widens the eligibility for allowance to include those children who do not meet the medical criteria which presently exist but who are substantially handicapped and have a continuing expenditure for their special needs. [More…]
The allowance was to be paid to families who cared for handicapped children in their own homes as an alternative to institutional care. [More…]
We felt that there were children with a degree of handicap which would warrant assistance. [More…]
It is because of this that we have introduced a flexible arrangement under which we are able to determine the substantial handicaps of children who need continuing expenditure. [More…]
We believe that this system provides a flexibility which will mean that more handicapped children will benefit. [More…]
If one of my children leaves school two years hence he may well go on a holiday, knowing that I am so soft hearted, but he would certainly not be legally entitled to collect unemployment benefit. [More…]
There are people who have one, two or three children and who are on award wages as the fitter and turner is on award wages in Tasmania of about $ 1 37 a week. [More…]
When their children leave school they frequently need to get a job to help support themselves and their families but they cannot get jobs under the present circumstances although they are available for work. [More…]
To have a better chance of getting work they need to have a small amount of money to help them with their dress and with transport and in the case of rural children, amongst whom the unemployment rate is very high, who may need to travel to the city to have any hope of getting work, they certainly need the $49 or whatever it is to assist them in getting work. [More…]
Frequently children in rural areas have to travel to the cities to have any hope of getting jobs. [More…]
Where a parent was receiving a rate of unemployment benefit which took into account dependent children, that additional payment would be continued during the period of six weeks before eligibility for unemployment benefit had been achieved. [More…]
Senator Colston drew attention to children in necessitous circumstances. [More…]
When one considers that a child of a person receiving the unemployment benefit is going to be considered by the Government to be satisfactorily paid if his or her parent receives the children’s allowance plus the family allowance, which might add up to about $7 or $8 a week, one can imagine what sort of restrictions are going to be applied before anyone will be eligible for special benefits. [More…]
What the Opposition is pointing out is that the Government is considerably adding to those difficulties and adding to those difficulties where the people can least cope with those difficulties, namely, in respect of the children of people who are unemployed, the children of low income earners- the poor people in this community. [More…]
These are: General resources programs- general recurrent grants, including funds for child migrant and multicultural education, emergency aid for nongovernment schools, and capital grants and specific purpose programs- disadvantaged schools and schools in disadvantaged country areas, special education for handicapped children including children living in institutions, services and development including education centres, and special projects. [More…]
The base program for migrant and multicultural education is the same in total as for 1977, but has been adjusted between States and systems to bring the payments more into line with the actual distribution of migrant children. [More…]
Recalling the fact that the Minister has received many representations from the outback of Australia, particularly in regard to disadvantaged children, disadvantaged schools and disadvantaged country areas, is he in a position to indicate whether these specific purpose programs will be of benefit to these outback areas where isolation and economic pressures are causing considerable hardship? [More…]
In particular the Federal Government has expanded its help through the isolated children’s schemes, both through the raising of allowances and, in particular, through the special boarding allowances. [More…]
The Federal Government is very conscious of the fact that in remote areas isolated children suffer an extreme disadvantage, particularly because of the beef prices. [More…]
Most of all I do not think it is sufficient ground on which to defer a program that can mean so much to children who would otherwise be blind early in their lives as a result of this terrible disease. [More…]
He grew up with my children on Palm Island. [More…]
Children and women on reserves in Queensland can be gaoled under the by-laws and regulations of those Acts. [More…]
I have found that many Australian teachers- up to 75 per cent of their pupils having come from some other country- find difficulty in understanding the behaviour of migrant children because they do not understand or know nothing about the habits and customs of those countries. [More…]
We also recognise that the various forms of the media are so powerful in their effect on citizens and on growing children that they present an instrument which is very open to manipulation. [More…]
He also mentioned the role of the Special Broadcasting Service to assist teachers who were teaching migrant children. [More…]
At the moment a number of honourable senators are members of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts which is inquiring into the effect of television on children. [More…]
I am aware of the representations which have been made, again, particularly from Victoria, by members of parliament and by organisations in regard to children’s television programs, which they regard as being quite inadequate and which I regard as being quite inadequate and unsatisfactory. [More…]
One wonders whether people who watch television, who have children and who are concerned about programs will have an interest in the view of the Tribunal, so that they will be allowed to appear before the Tribunal and set out their cases against a television or radio station, suggesting that those stations should or should not receive renewals of their licences et cetera because of the standards they have set perhaps over a period of years. [More…]
Supplementary benefits to the recipients of sickness benefits and the allowances for spouses and children for those people on unemployment benefits, sickness benefits and special benefits under this Government are now taxed for the first time. [More…]
But we pointed out at the time of its introduction that if the family allowance were introduced in this way and if tax rebates for children were abolished, if justice was to be maintained, it was essential that that family allowance should be regularly upgraded. [More…]
We have produced tables, never questioned in the Parliament, which demonstrate that with the introduction of the Medibank levy and of the family allowance and with the scrapping of the children’s rebates which would have been indexed, what has happened is that anyone earning $120 to $200 a week who has more than one child has less disposable income now than he would have had under the old tax scheme. [More…]
In the same recommendation Professor Henderson recommended that the supporting mothers’ benefit should be a Commonwealth responsibility, and that to maintain justice in the community home care help, infant welfare, child care and general accommodation services for women in distress and children in distress should be upgraded and should be funded. [More…]
I have pointed out on numerous occasions in recent weeks that any housewife can cut down her budget expenditure if she does not provide the necessary needs for her family and her children. [More…]
This would be all very well if the Government were paying the relocation allowances only to single persons because generally they have not too many ties in the towns in which they are living, but what about the married man with children going to school, the man who has bought a house and is paying it off. [More…]
What will it do about their commitments on their homes, about their children’s education which will be disrupted and all the other things that go to making a happy family? [More…]
The Minister spoke about how the Government by way of the family allowance, had put a great deal more money into the hands of those who normally bear most of the day to day responsibility for children. [More…]
Now he has so much less in his pay packet because he is not able to claim his children as a taxation deduction. [More…]
Neither the tax rebates previously allowable for dependent children and students, nor the concessional deductions which preceded them, were ever indexed. [More…]
The main reason for abolishing tax rebates and introducing family allowances for dependent children and students was a redirect assistance towards families most in need, namely those with insufficient taxable income, and therefore insufficient gross tax liabilities, to take full advantage of the former tax rebates. [More…]
Those who used to laugh at the domino theory should consider what has been happening in Cambodia ever since then and the senseless, mindless slaughter of innocent women and children, let alone male political opponents. [More…]
In the last few weeks we have had question after question being put in this chamber to the Minister for Education (Senator Carrick) by Government senators- we call them Dorothy Dixers- in response to which he has made it quite clear that he is happy to see the old State aid debate reactivated in this country, to the detriment of all school children in Australia. [More…]
Traditional barriers between these sectors have been substantially reduced and individuals and groups within them have been encouraged to work together in the common interests of educating all Australian school children to the best possible standards. [More…]
This Government has extended help to the under-privileged, the disadvantaged, children in institutions and children living in isolated areas. [More…]
These included the provision of up to $30,000 a year up to and including 1979 to a special sub-committee of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Australia. [More…]
Only where it is shown that the beneficiary is misusing the benefit to the extent that his wife and children are suffering are the provisions invoked. [More…]
Would Mr Kevin Dremmel, a Glenroy father of 14 children who earns a net wage of $112 per week, receive $2 1 6 per week with allowances if he were on unemployment benefit. [More…]
1 ) The Federal Government funds two types of day care services for children under school age, viz: centre based day care and Family Day Care. [More…]
The total number of children estimated to benefit, at 30 June 1977, was: [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Prime Minister: How much compensation, other than a trust fund for the children, will the families of the three men, two employees of the Sydney City Council and members of the Municipal Employees Union, and a member of the New South Wales Police Force, killed in the Hilton Hotel bombing incident receive? [More…]
Of course, these are payments to children who are under the age of 16 years, and they continue until such time as those children are eligible for the unemployment benefit. [More…]
It should be understood in respect of student children that the Social Services Act specifically provides that family allowance payments cease from the end of the four-weekly payment period in which the full-time education ceases. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Health whether, in the interests of preventive dentistry and the consequent savings to the community through higher standards of oral health, the Minister considers that the encouragement of the use of mouthguards in sport by children would be enhanced by their cost being allowed for tax rebate purposes? [More…]
The children were divided into four groups; a teacher led one of the groups. [More…]
As you may well know, Mr President, ‘railroad’ carriages are pulled at the enormous speed of 1 5 miles per hour by engines’, which in addition to endangering life and limb of passengers, roar and snort their way through the countrysides, setting fire to the crops, scaring the livestock and frightening women and children. [More…]
Parents can no longer afford to send their children to boarding schools. [More…]
The rights of children to the best education system possible- as distinct from the best education system available- will be similarly glossed over if governments both State and Federal, Liberal and Labor, continue to provide material items and resources in preference to providing human resources. [More…]
So they employed a babysitter to look after their children, a six-year old girl and a four-year old boy. [More…]
She asked that her two children- as I mentioned, a girl aged six and a boy aged four- who were waiting in the airport lounge to be allowed in to see her. [More…]
It was more than an hour after her arrival before the children were allowed to see her, and even that was not done without threat. [More…]
She was informed that, but for the children, she would not be allowed to go home that night but would be kept at the airport until a flight out could take her back to Singapore. [More…]
The implied threat was that her husband would not have the excuse of the 2 children when and if he arrived back in Australia. [More…]
At about one o’clock in the morning Ms Williams was allowed to go home, with the final instruction that she was to present herself at the passports office the next day with the children, their passports and their birth certificates. [More…]
No one knows why the children’s birth certificates were required and no one has yet told me why she had to appear at the passports office. [More…]
She had had a long and probably tiring plane trip, and of course she was most anxious to be reunited with her children. [More…]
There tends in a large number of schools to have been an emphasis on teaching children how to be unemployed. [More…]
I know it is important, if there is a real unemployment problem in this country, that children attempting to enter the work force, should have some attention paid to their attitudes in this regard. [More…]
She pays full taxation, gets no tax relief for the money she must pay to have her children minded while she works, gets minimal assistance for her retraining or even her initial training for a better, more fulfilling, and perhaps better paid job. [More…]
If her children are ill she is not entitled to any leave so that she may comfort and care for them. [More…]
We hear people maintaining that women should stay at home and mind their children, that they should let others do their jobs. [More…]
When one thinks of the problems for women who have the responsibilities of home and children as well as work, one is entitled to ask why those matters were not studied. [More…]
Children are still being locked up in rooms and tied to table legs. [More…]
There are still grandmothers, barely able to look after themselves, caring for the children of working mothers. [More…]
What about the unemployment facing school leavers and the loss of the bright promise of those children? [More…]
They cannot afford to have children. [More…]
It has been introduced to free women from having children, so that they can be sold into slavery all their lives, doing two jobs I might suggest. [More…]
The womenfolk and children of these men also suffer hardship. [More…]
Does the letter complain of funding voluntary health agencies directly, not going through the Queensland Director of the Department of Children ‘s Services, and before consultation with State authorities? [More…]
Another advertisement showed a woman with two children and a spiel that indicated that with the Liberals’ child endowment increases she would be much better off. [More…]
The advertisement did not mention that the Government had taken away the tax concessions for dependent children. [More…]
In fact, the average woman with two dependent children would be considerably worse off financially because of the removal of the tax concessions. [More…]
The initiatives of the Government in taking action to ensure that parents of handicapped children will pay no more for the education of their children than the parents of other children pay and also in providing further facilities for the education of children in isolated areas are also to be commended. [More…]
Professor Urie Bronfenbrenner, who is regarded as a world authority on the welfare of children and who wrote a magnificent article on the family entitled ‘The Origins of Alienation’, which appeared in the Scientific American, has said: [More…]
I deal in some detail with this matter because of its great political significance in terms of the ultimate costs to the nation of social services which are required following broken marriages, particularly where children are involved. [More…]
It is trite to say that a continuing and happy family with both parents accepting their responsibility for the love and care of the children of the marriage is in the long run a saving to the state. [More…]
One could almost say that a happy and stable marriage where the parents care for the children without resource to social sendee payments is a very relevant factor in the social services budget. [More…]
The Family Law Act does not really protect the children of a marriage for the trauma of a breakdown in that marriage. [More…]
Inevitably this means suffering for the innocent children of the marriage. [More…]
Whilst the Family Law Act has made it very easy for a marriage to be dissolved, the custody of the children and the property settlement are still matters over which the parties argue, very often to the distress of the children of the marriage who, I think, are the major concern of all of us. [More…]
The truth is that managing a home and children can be a full time job until the children are grown up. [More…]
The Bureau of Statistics figures for 1975 indicate that there were 505,300 married women and 23,300 other females without children under eleven in the work force. [More…]
The economy should be geared to give a genuine freedom of choice to a married woman to tend a machine, work in a factory or stay at home and care for her husband and children. [More…]
Surveys by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Electrical Trades Union of New South Wales showed that those married women who have children but who are currently in the work force would prefer to stay at home and care for their children if they were paid a relatively small amount of money for doing so. [More…]
Wealthy people are not ashamed to accept child endowment which they pay into their children ‘s bank accounts, or to apply for the Home Savings Grant. [More…]
People on low incomes with children are denied this grant because they are not able to save the required amount to qualify. [More…]
In Ingham and Atherton one in every seven or eight men, women and children is out of a job. [More…]
‘I had always stayed home and looked after the children and I know Tom was proud of his ability to earn enough. [More…]
The other sufferers, of course, are the children. [More…]
‘Children are so adept at picking up tensions you might suspect that they wear invisible antennae and sprout eyes on stalks. [More…]
Once the brawls start you get all the problems with children that you have in any unhappy marriage- bad school performance, delinquency . [More…]
On the other hand, our children were allowed to walk into Parliament House without their bags and so on being searched. [More…]
That is not a reflection on the staff of Parliament House, all of whom know my children, but it is a reflection on civilian security staff, who ought to have known what they were doing. [More…]
When discussing the social effects of unemployment it is important that we do not forget the children of the community. [More…]
Unemployment does have an effect on children in a family where unemployment is prevalent. [More…]
Thus it is not long before those families feel the full financial blow of unemployment, and quite often the children suffer because of it. [More…]
The person who presently operates the mail run and the telephone exchange has five children. [More…]
That family also has several children. [More…]
There is a small school at Abercorn and the risk of losing those families is that the school will have to close and the children from that school will have to travel by bus to Mulgildie, which is rather further than they have to travel to Abercorn. [More…]
At present the children have to travel varying distances to their school, lt may be anything up to 20 miles. [More…]
He was a member, as I was, of the Senate committee that looked at the problems of the education of isolated children. [More…]
Parents in the Abercorn district are faced with the prospect of having to send their children on 50-mile and 60-mile journeys each day so that they can attend school, or else of sending them to a boarding school. [More…]
The families in the beef-raising areas of Queensland, certainly parents in this area who have a fairly young family, cannot afford to send their children to boarding school. [More…]
Their only alternative is to have their children go through a very rigorous journey so that they can attend school each day. [More…]
Also their children ought to have reasonable access to a decent education. [More…]
Should he have to face the situation of moving his home, going away from friends and his place of employment so that his children may- I stress the word may’- have the opportunity of getting work in a larger town or city? [More…]
At the same time in many suburban schools- I have no doubt that the situation applies in the rural area as well- we find classrooms with split grades and a teacher trying to educate anything up to 38 or 40 children. [More…]
The Grant is made to assist this organisation to provide an emergency care and family support service for Aboriginal children in the Brisbane metropolitan area. [More…]
In the first instance, I am concerned that the statutory responsibility of the Director, Department of Children ‘s Services is being ignored as a result of substantial funding to a voluntary agency proposing to work in the field of child welfare, and, secondly, that consultation at an appropriate level concerning the proposed funding had not taken place. [More…]
I expressed my concern that the rural areas are the hardest hit but in some cases it is necessary for men, with families grown up and in need of employment, to determine whether it is of more benefit to them to leave their homes, their friends, and their work in the hope that their children may get employment in a larger town or in the city. [More…]
I said in my speech- and I will repeat it again now- that the children may get employment but they may not get employment and the possibility of one parent or both parents getting employment is much less than it is for the children. [More…]
I said that I abhorred the fact that in some classrooms there were as many as 38 children and further, to confuse both students and teachers, that some of those classrooms contained split grades. [More…]
They decide to get married and spend their income for the next 1 5 years or 20 years on building a home, bringing up and educating children and so on. [More…]
I noted with appreciation the reference in His Excellency’s Speech to the Government’s proposal to provide further assistance for education of children in isolated areas. [More…]
The matter of the education of children in isolated areas was referred from the Senate to the Senate Committee on Education and the Arts, which later brought down a report. [More…]
More assistance is to be given to disadvantaged people and their children, of whom there are many in Australia today. [More…]
My question to the Minister for Education concerns the reference in the Speech of the Governor-General, which I mentioned last night, to the provision of further assistance for the education of children in isolated areas. [More…]
Pursuant to its announcement, the Government at present is undertaking a further survey in the areas of both isolated children and handicapped children, which are often overlapping in their implications. [More…]
I can indicate to Senator Davidson that we are very conscious of the report of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts and the work that was done on isolated children. [More…]
Vast numbers of them send their children away to secondary schools. [More…]
He sends three of his own primary school age children to England for their education. [More…]
They will now be counted because the number of children has risen, so perhaps we can keep the level the same. [More…]
There is a glimmer of light, and I am sure that Senators Davidson and Martin, as well as other senators on both sides of the chamber, will be pleased to learn that further assistance will be provided for the education of isolated children. [More…]
Up to 40 per cent of children in Forms 1 and 2 in Australian secondary schools have severe difficulty in reading their own language with any real fluency and comprehension. [More…]
Sue suggests that society ought to move in the direction of creating more part-time and half-time jobs for women with young children to look after. [More…]
One of the major fundamental reforms announced first of all in the Prime Minister’s policy speech and referred to in the GovernorGeneral ‘s address is that in future handicapped children will be educated so that the costs to their parents will be no greater than the costs to parents of other children. [More…]
For too long in our society and in most others handicapped children and adults have faced not only the physical, visual or intellectual handicaps that they may have but also the additional handicaps they encounter within society with problems ranging from the cost of medical care and education to simpler but no less important matters such as access to buildings. [More…]
In the past two years the Government has done a good deal, for example, by the improvements in the handicapped child’s allowance and the handicapped children’s benefit. [More…]
The Foster Grandparents program, which is also for people over 60 years of age, permits older people to act as grandparents to children, frequently handicapped children, and provide care and attention which otherwise might be lacking. [More…]
It is important for the children but it is also important for the older people. [More…]
Is he now saying that he opposes the extra expenditure in drought relief and aid to the beef cattle producers and to isolated children? [More…]
In the course of the meeting last Saturday we met a number of women with children who husbands are in Timor and are anxious to come to Australia. [More…]
We also met a number of children with parents either in Timor or Portugal, who have been cared for by distant relatives in this country. [More…]
His situation is repeated over and over again with various other children who are members of the Timorese community in Melbourne. [More…]
Many of them came to the meeting on Saturday by public transport, often with children, to express their concern about inaction on the matters I have mentioned. [More…]
When one adds to that the kind of separation factor which is now of two years’ standing and the stress that causes to women with children who are on their own in Australia, one sees that a very real social problem is developing about which we believe the Government should be quick and alert to do something. [More…]
Leaving aside the many problems that undoubtedly exist, such as the situation of the 200 Timorese children in Melbourne who have no special teaching facilities or help of any kind available to them and who are in a difficult and desperate position, we have a community in Australia which is upset and distressed about a situation in its homeland and a community which is upset and distressed about the real social problems that exist for it in this country. [More…]
The 150 to 200 people, including many children, who came there were, I think, people who are very thankful for the opportunity of living in Australia. [More…]
All these things are emphasised even more by reason of the fact that these people are mostly women and children. [More…]
In that document the Council speaks of family units and family reunions and points out that a degree of affinity has to be permitted, but that in general there might be good reasons for limiting entry to parents and single children. [More…]
The other day we saw two ladies who have 10 children between them- they have five each- and whose husbands are in Timor. [More…]
These women were helping not only to support their children but also they were attempting to help their husbands and other children in Timor by trying to get money through to them. [More…]
It is better for the children. [More…]
The fear these people have is that their children will grow up without the control of a father and they will have problems with them in later life. [More…]
The acceptable categories for entry will be spouses, minor dependent children, parents of Australian residents and relatives who have skills and experience recognised and in demand in Australia. [More…]
Through the Office of Child Care under my Department, we have been aware of the need to help refugee children. [More…]
We have been able to fund projects designed specifically to assist Vietnamese, Laotian and Timorese refugee children. [More…]
Another matter of continuing concern to me is that of refugee children who come here as double orphans or who are likely to become double orphans. [More…]
He considers the case of a prisoner on remand with dependants as being in a different category and the wife of such a person will receive direct payment for herself and any dependent children. [More…]
I say on behalf of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs that the Government intends to continue to assist Aborigines to reach self-determination in their development and have opportunities for themselves and their children which we would want to see them have. [More…]
We are told by Mr Porter that there has been a deterioration in the health and education provided to the children and the people of Aurukun in general. [More…]
After all, the Committee found that at the time it conducted its study 70 per cent of Aboriginal children admitted to hospital in Darwin suffered from malnutrition. [More…]
Seven per cent of Aboriginal children admitted to hospital in the Northern Territory had severe malnutrition. [More…]
We know that 18 per cent of Aborigines have visual defects and that 40 per cent of Aboriginal children aged 6 years to 10 years have hearing defects. [More…]
Aspects of the report discuss the needs of families for assistance during the phases of family development through to the point at which children leave home and the family comprises adult members only. [More…]
The members of the Committee at the time of finalisation of the report were: Mr Spencer Colliver, First Assistant Director-General, Department of Social Security; Mr Chris Creswell, Attorney-General’s Department; Miss Lado Sybaczynskyj, Department of Health, and the Hospitals and Health Services Commission; Mr Robert Plummer, Director, Department of Children ‘s Services, Queensland; Mr Keith Maine, Director. [More…]
However, honourable senators may be aware that we have already established, through the children’s services program which is administered by the Office of Child Care, a three-year pilot program to develop family support services. [More…]
Senator Messner suggested, inter alia, that the use by children of mouthguards in sport could be encouraged by allowing their cost as rebatable expenditure for income tax purposes. [More…]
But we need teachers who can see when children are moving away from the norm. [More…]
Many children who were not in trouble were also insecure. [More…]
Again, many of the children who were succeeding in school had the same problem. [More…]
-Is the Minister representing the Minister for Post and Telecommunications aware that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts is currently conducting an inquiry into the impact of television on the learning and behaviour patterns of children? [More…]
If not, will the Minister, firstly, take note of the fact that the Senate Committee is dealing with areas relating to those aspects of television and children mentioned in that report; secondly, seek the interest and co-operation of his colleague’s Department to see whether arrangements can be satisfactorily made so that the Senate Committee’s report can be completed and tabled before the amendments to the Act are devised; and, thirdly, ascertain whether consultation can be arranged to ensure that any amendments to the Act are not in conflict with any recommendations of the Senate Committee? [More…]
Were I running a security risk industry such as a petro-chemical company where, if children were allowed in with boxes of matches, I could see that my investment might go up in flames, I would be quite happy to go along with strict security. [More…]
He was taken to hospital and died there a few hours later, leaving behind him a widow and four children. [More…]
I thought it was appropriate and proper at this juncture, before the Senate pursued its course any further this week, to say how sad and sorry I am- and I am sure that I have the support of all honourable senators who knew the late servant of the Senate- that he died so suddenly and left a widow and four children. [More…]
He spent a great deal of his spare time helping children in areas around Canberra to play football. [More…]
He umpired their games on Saturday mornings and started a sort of little league of school children footballers in Canberra. [More…]
Because of his ability, kindness and very likeable personality and disposition, these children stayed together as a team. [More…]
1 ) What progress has been made in securing the agreement of State Governments to transfer or refer power to the Commonwealth to enable the Family Courts to make necessary orders with respect to children who are not the legitimate children of a marriage. [More…]
When will action be effected to ensure that all children can be treated with equal justice by the Courts and that other deficiencies arising in Family Law legislation through recent decisions of the High Court can be eliminated. [More…]
1 ) A reference of constitutional power to the Commonwealth to enable it to confer jurisdiction on the Family Courts over children not covered by the Family Law Act necessarily depends entirely on the willingness of States to make such a reference. [More…]
Have they ever seen the misery experienced by mothers with half a dozen children, children separated from parents or women whose husbands are still in East Timor? [More…]
During a war involving a civilian population in tragic circumstances, a war which involved women and children, there were no medical supplies and there was no capacity for hospitalisation or any form of international supervision. [More…]
The Bill corrects an anomaly in regard to the benefit entitlements of children of those contributors who died in service before 1 July 1976. [More…]
For example, children of deceased contributors aged 21 to 25 years undergoing full time education will now be entitled to benefits in the same circumstances as the children of pensioners who died prior to 1 July 1976. [More…]
The Bill ensures that the total benefits paid in respect of a spouse or spouses and children of a contributor or pensioner who died before 1 July 1976 shall not exceed the pension that would have been payable to the member. [More…]
One may wish to take the children to town to see a movie because some of these areas do not have television but must make do with radio. [More…]
I think that these other organisations which believe that mothers should be able to exercise a free and realistic choice as to whether they enter the work force or remain at home to raise children are more representative. [More…]
There are two itinerant teachers who prepare school material for use of children on the outstations. [More…]
These itinerant teachers keep these children abreast of what is happening within the Aurukun school, and the children are treated as pupils of that school. [More…]
I think it presents special problems for children and I think the idea that peoples can go back to lands which can no longer be effectively hunted and lived on, and try and pretend that you’re living in some sort of- how shall I say it?- some son of hand-down from the old days, I think that this is a dream which may cost some people dearly. [More…]
A school was built at south Weipa so that children could be segregated. [More…]
The drinking was brought by the white people and did make the people and children suffer by drunkenness and broken homes, deserted homes, mothers left with children and fathers left with children, children wandering away from the love of their father and mother which we know our homes before was the best Christian community now its brought heartaches and pains, car accidents, fights and deaths. [More…]
It is not that many years ago that the Government in its paternalistic way moved on to settlements and removed children from their parents because it thought this was in the best interests of the children. [More…]
The same stringent regulations did not apply to the removal of the children of those parents as would apply to the removal of the children of people who sit in this place. [More…]
Their wives and children tended to live in capital cities but those men did not feel that they should be denied the pleasure of having a woman to live with. [More…]
So they took an Aboriginal woman to bed and they produced children. [More…]
Those children, while very young, were sent to orphanages in the city. [More…]
They sent their own children off into that purgatory, that limbo, of not knowing who they were. [More…]
Apparently the Aboriginal children had previously been taught with other children. [More…]
The health report in March 1973 of the situation at Aurukun- and this is interesting- revealed that 48 per cent of the children were greatly under weight for their age. [More…]
Checks made in May 1975 disclosed that less than half of those children were showing even the standard weight increase. [More…]
The headmaster complained that the breakfast for children comprises damper and tea, and there was no lunch except mangoes, and this affected their alertness at school … [More…]
He said that a health report on the Aurukun community showed that in 1973 48 per cent of children were greatly under weight for their age. [More…]
The headmaster complained that the breakfast for children comprises damper and tea, and there was no lunch except mangoes, and this affected their alertness at school … [More…]
I refer to a report in the Melbourne Sun on 10 April of the weekend meeting between Commonwealth and State AttorneysGeneral and in particular to the statement that all State governments except those of Queensland and Western Australia are prepared to transfer family law powers to the Commonwealth to enable the same laws and facilities to apply to the custody and welfare of ex-nuptial children and to all matrimonial property in order to overcome the effects of High Court judgments in 1976 which limited the effectiveness of the Family Law Act. [More…]
First of all the Bill corrects in the Superannuation Act 1 922 an anomaly relating to benefit entitlements of children of contributors who died in service before 1 July 1976. [More…]
Clause 6 of the Bill provides, for example, that children of deceased contributors, where the children are aged 21 to 25 and are undertaking full-time education, will now be entitled to benefits in the same circumstances as the children of pensioners who died prior to 1 July 1976. [More…]
It ensures equity under the provisions of section 1 10 and also now provides for the further apportionment of benefits to surviving children. [More…]
All persons within the community who are concerned about the teaching of basic skills to children in schools will regard this inquiry into teacher education as vital in this and other respects. [More…]
It is large enough to have full city amenities such as hospitals, theatres, professional services, tertiary education for children and all the rest. [More…]
Although there is no evidence of an association with Mrs Chisholm, the brig Waverley was a ship of the period and its incorporation in the design of the $5 note is not considered by the Bank to be inappropriate in the context of showing Mrs Chisholm against a background of women and children of her time and ships and Sydney streets of the period. [More…]
For example, is he prepared or able to encourage positively research into Australian schools and student behaviour so that texts relevant to Australian conditions can be prepared and published for the benefit of future Australian teachers and school children? [More…]
But the fact is that since tertiary institutions became free there has been no difference whatever in the availability of tertiary courses to the people whom it was supposed to encourage, that is to say, the children of people on the lower incomes. [More…]
Parents of children attending schools in the Darwin area have complained that dental clinics in the schools are not operating. [More…]
It proposes also that the present program for children in institutions be expanded. [More…]
The Commonwealth will examine the various proposals in the present report against the background of its own basic policy for the education of children in both government and non-government schools. [More…]
Our objectives for Australian school children include the widening of educational opportunity with discrimination in favour of disadvantaged groups; maintaining and pursuing educational quality and excellence; and encouraging choice and diversity in schooling. [More…]
The Schools Commission responsibility is in terms of its charter to the children of Australia. [More…]
All Australian children have a right to an education of the highest standard and until all schools are up to that standard we should concentrate on the poorer schools, whether they be Catholic schools or State schools. [More…]
Our objectives for Australian school children include the widening of educational opportunity with discrimination in favour of disadvantaged groups; maintaining and pursuing educational quality and excellence; and encouraging choice and diversity in schooling. [More…]
We are concerned that old divisive issues should not be re-opened, that in educational policy the injunction of the Prime Minister should be taken into account and that the welfare and good of the majority of children- those in government and poorer parochial schoolsshould be considered as a prime issue. [More…]
The influences of the home, the new influence of the media, the new outlooks and new areas of activity in which children and students are engaged all have an effect on the education system as a whole. [More…]
They include migrant education, disadvantaged schools, special schools for handicapped children and special projects as well as building and other developments. [More…]
The two areas which were of interest to me in the reports were the general field of migrant education and only one of the sectors of the disadvantaged schools, which I am relating to the isolated children situation. [More…]
In the other area to which I have referred and which is related to the reports, there is the development of the Government’s expenditure program concerning assistance for isolated children. [More…]
It was not only an inquiry relating to the education of children living in isolated areas; it was also shown to be an inquiry of some national importance. [More…]
As long ago as 1972 when the present Prime Minister, Mr Fraser, was the then Minister for Education, he interested himself in the problems of the education and advancement of isolated children. [More…]
It was my privilege to attend the annual meeting of the Isolated Children’s Parents Association held that year at Bourke in New South Wales. [More…]
Since then there has been quite a considerable development in grants for isolated children. [More…]
They were aimed at the beneficiaries under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme, which was a scheme implemented by the Whitlam Government. [More…]
This subject interests me, both as a parent and as a teacher- as a parent whose children are attending an independent school, as a teacher who has taught for many years in a state school and as one whose husband and parents also teach in state schools. [More…]
Last week there was a report in the media that Aboriginal child mortality had increased in the Northern Territory in the last calendar year from 50 deaths to 75 deaths per 1,000 children. [More…]
The use of this chemical as a preservative and white ant deterrent is becoming widespread and timber which has been treated with this chemical is used extensively in children’s playgrounds and in the construction of log cabins. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether she is aware that parents of young children attending the Oakbank Kindergarten in the Adelaide Hills are greatly concerned that the hours of operation of this kindergarten have been reduced from a full day to a half day, that children under four years of age are no longer accepted and that staff are being relocated due to a reduction in Federal funding for the employment of kindergarten teachers. [More…]
Will the Minister inform the Senate of the situation in the Australian Capital Territory with respect to choice for parents of schools for the education of their children? [More…]
Will he consider allowing tax rebates to single parent families for the cost of putting children in child care centres during the hours of the parents’ employment? [More…]
It concerned a married man with five children. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Post and Telecommunications been drawn to a statement in the Courier-Mail of 9 May by Dr R. Goodman, the President of the Queensland Council for Children’s Films and Television that television stations had provided ‘barren’ programs for children in the May school holidays? [More…]
I am not aware of how the Australian Broadcasting Commission’s programs for children compare with those of the commercial channels. [More…]
I am aware that virtually over the lifetime of television in Australia parents have expressed concern at what they regard as both the poor quality and the paucity of children ‘s programs in Australia. [More…]
My recollection is that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts has, or had, as a reference, children’s television. [More…]
From an educational point of view I regard the provision of suitable children’s programs as a very important matter, although I must say that I feel personally that television, because it sees more than it hears, is not necessarily a good, rational educator. [More…]
It arises from my concern that the influence of television on children is so great that we have a duty to ensure that optimum standards prevail in respect of both children’s programs and television advertising. [More…]
Could a permanent advisory body on children ‘s television be established to operate in conjunction with the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal? [More…]
-Senator Walters rightly reflects the concern of the community with regard to the quality of both radio and television broadcasting, but specifically television broadcasting, for children. [More…]
My understanding is that the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, when it held its public hearings last year, had before it special evidence from a variety of individuals and organisations relating to children’s television and broadcasting. [More…]
I am bound to say, without in any way denigrating the ability to upgrade the quality of children’s broadcasting at the moment, that one of the great disabilities is that whilst we use the spectrum in the way we do, by using the ether to transmit the signals, there is a grave limitation on the number of channels and therefore a grave limitation upon the time available for children’s programs. [More…]
Is it also true that regardless of that, supplementary school fees are being levied on students and that conscientious objectors- parents and their children- are being made the subject of threats and persecution? [More…]
They want freedom from a repressive government that treats them like idiot children. [More…]
In his work with Aboriginal children this same lack of immunity is causing countless deaths. [More…]
The general public were able to come and handle the dogs in the children’s playground area that had been thoughtfully made available to us by the organizers. [More…]
Research at the sadly underfunded hospital has also shown a high mortality rate among those who were children in 1945, compared with the non-exposed population and with all Japan. [More…]
What of the children of exposed parents, born since 1945? [More…]
Evidence has been produced in the past to show that many sicknesses are transferred to the children of parents who have been subjected to radioactivity. [More…]
Isolated Children’s Allowance [More…]
Another change to be made by the Bill will benefit taxpayers who have dependent children for whom payments are made under the Isolated Children’s Education Assistance scheme. [More…]
However, they continued to constitute separate net income of the children for purposes of calculating entitlement to the zone allowance and other rebates. [More…]
That can have the effect of reducing rebates available to the parents of the children and the Bill provides that the allowances are not to be taken into account as from 1 July 1977. [More…]
Children and adults have been living near radioactive springs for many years, perhaps up to 100 years. [More…]
Early one morning we visited a hostel where bright, clean, happy-looking Aboriginal children were crossing the road to school. [More…]
In my opinion the task facing not just the Government but the people of Australia is to ensure that those bright, happy children that we saw going to school will not become what their older relatives have become. [More…]
This will be a transfer of the responsibility for health funding from that group to the people who cannot afford to take on front-end deductibles, such as those who are unhealthy, those who have recurrent illnesses and those who have children with recurrent illnesses. [More…]
The children of this nation will have to pay $5.10 for that booklet. [More…]
That is a question which today the man in the street, the mothers of little children and our future mothers are asking. [More…]
But as far as I am aware no State or Territory has altered the laws that relate to paederasts, that is those who are sexually attracted to children. [More…]
12: Clothing Children’s Knitted Tracksuits, Playsuits, Rompersuits and Like Garments: Tariff Quotas [More…]
Of course, if in the Northern Territory we see a frizzled, half-alive worm under a rock and it is desired to preserve that worm so that our children and our children’s children for generations to come can go and see a dried up, frizzled half-alive worm then that area has to be preserved for the worm, not for the Aborigines. [More…]
1 ) With the exception of South Australia, State Education Departments have not kept separate figures in regard to children of non-English-speaking backgrounds enrolled in Government Schools. [More…]
It needs to be remembered however, that the percentages related to those teachers working in a ‘special capacity’ in the Migrant and Multicultural education area and do not take into account teachers working in the ‘normal ‘classroom environment who may have expertise in the education of migrant children. [More…]
The failure to index family allowances means that as at November 1977, the family with one child is 70 cents a week worse off, the family with two children is $ 1 . [More…]
70 a week worse off, the family with three children is $2.90 a week worse off, the family with four children is $4. [More…]
10 a week worse off and the family with five children is $5.50 a week worse off. [More…]
Many migrants who are naturalised Australians, or in some cases their children who are natural-born Australians, may be regarded by their country of birth, or their parents ‘ birth, still to be citizens of those countries. [More…]
What consultative arrangements for children’s services exist at present in New South Wales and Victoria. [More…]
What are the details of the role of the Children’s Services Sub-Committee of the Australian Capital Territory Consultative Committee on Social Welfare. [More…]
What mechanism exists for the Australian Capital Territory Sub-Committee to consult with community groups interested in children ‘s services as users or producers. [More…]
Must approval for funds spent on children’s services in the Australian Capital Territory go from the Australian Capital Territory to the Director-General of Social Security in New South Wales before obtaining final Ministerial approval. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of a great deal of dissatisfaction among deliverers of children ‘s services because their Child Care Office cannot guarantee funds for more than three months in advance. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the Belconnen Family Day Care has a waiting list of more than 400 children; if so, can the Minister assure the Belconnen Community Service that priority will be given by the Child Care Office to finding a solution to this problem. [More…]
The role ofthe Children’s Services Sub-Committee of the Australian Capital Territory Consultative Committee on Social Welfare (ACTCCSW) is to advise the Office of Child Care on the operations of the Children ‘s Services Program in the ACT. [More…]
including Jervis Bay, and to encourage the coordination of Commonwealth Government programs in the child care field with other children ‘s services and family welfare programs in the Australian Capital Territroy. [More…]
In determining the membership of this SubCommittee I was conscious of the desirability of obtaining the broadest possible representation in the field of children ‘s services in the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
The membership of this Sub-Committee allows an input into an extensive community network and includes representatives who have an understanding of the service requirements of high need families in the Australian Capital Territory including migrant families, families with handicapped children or parents, and single parent families. [More…]
Under present arrangements, applications for funding of children ‘s services in the Australian Capital Territory arc referred to the Director of Social Security in Sydney for examination and recommendation to the Director-General of Social Services in Canberra; these arrangements are being reviewed with a view to providing for organisations in the Australian Capital Territory to apply directly to the DirectorGeneral in Canberra. [More…]
Allocations of funds for children’s services in the Australian Capital Territory are determined by the Minister for Social Security. [More…]
I am not aware of any dissatisfaction with the funding procedures for children’s services. [More…]
Under the Children’s Services Program, the majority of child care services are approved for ongoing funding and payments of grant moneys are made quarterly. [More…]
There are two family day care services conducted by that organisation; each has a capacity for 100 children and recent advice from the organisation indicates that the child capacity of these services has not been reached. [More…]
It is supporting the teaching of children in Australia according to prescribed curricula laid down by the States concerned. [More…]
The onus is upon the States to ensure that the primary function of schools is to teach the basic secular curricula that all children require. [More…]
It certainly does not follow that one should jeopardise the future of children. [More…]
Until such time as further evidence comes before the Government, purely in the educational field- certainly evidence that would indicate that what is happening is foreign to the standards of Australia and perhaps promotes violence- I think that we should look at the three schools as being schools that provide secular education for young children, although we may not hold the views of this sect or its religion. [More…]
As I said before- I do not want to repeat myself over and over again- there are hundreds of thousands of mothers in this country who are afraid of what might happen to their children and to their children’s children if we do not have the necessary safeguards. [More…]
On 6 May the Prime Minister, speaking in New South Wales, promised that pre-school education would be free for all children, that promise was reported in the Adelaide Advertiser on 7 May 1974. [More…]
On 14 May the Prime Minister, speaking in Victoria, repeated his promise of free pre-school education for all children, and that statement was reported in the Adelaide News on 15 May 1974. [More…]
In September of the same year the Government announced the establishment of the Children’s Commission and again raised its Budget allocation to $75m. [More…]
By 1980 all children in Australia will have access to services designed to take care of their educational, emotional, physical, social and recreational needs. [More…]
In December of the same year the Interim Committee of the Children’s Commission announced its first approvals. [More…]
In correspondence to the States, the Commonwealth indicated that it wished to give greater emphasis in the future to the provision of child care for the children of needy families and that it would be necessary to renegotiate the funding base in relation to pre-school funding. [More…]
She even went on to say that the Victorian Government was able with its allocation to provide free preschool facilities for all children. [More…]
The block grant has in fact done nothing to assist the South Australian problem in keeping our pre-schools open and in providing a facility for children to fit them to go on to primary school education. [More…]
I have detailed in chronological order how the pre-school funding commenced under a Labor Government in 1972 and how it has decreased somewhat rapidly until we have now reached the stage where we are having to rationalise preschools in South Australia and are having to cut down the hours those schools for the younger children of our community are open. [More…]
I am informed that as at 2 May South Australia had 370 kindergartens in operation, which catered for 22,220 children’s needs, including 16,000 four-year-olds, and had a staff of 1 ,059. [More…]
The education of our pre-school children is a priority. [More…]
Children need pre-school education before they go to primary school. [More…]
I know of the great difference between my education and the education of my children, whom I could afford to send to pre-school. [More…]
I know that pre-school education gave my children a better start along the road to life. [More…]
I am speaking mainly in respect of South Australia now, but the children of every State in the Commonwealth ought to be given this initial start to life so that when they go to primary school they will be able to cope with the great problems that exist there. [More…]
I am reminded of the old adage which school children use about that subject matter and the adaptation which states that big lies have smaller lies upon their back to bite them, and smaller lies have lesser lies and so on ad infinitum. [More…]
Senator Withers in no way misled the Parliament; that it was not- if I can use the parlance of school children again- a lie, at the best it was a white lie and why is that important? [More…]
These comments resulted from an examination which showed that about half of all adult Vietnamese arriving in Darwin had shown traces of tuberculosis and, in addition, 25 per cent of the children had a positive skin reaction to tests which were carried out. [More…]
It is quite true that some of the Vietnamese children show high positive reactions to skin tests and this could result later in a breakdown of the disease. [More…]
Migrants and their children now make up about one-third of the total population of Australiathey have come from many different ethnic origins. [More…]
He has to solve housing and employment difficulties and arrange education for his children. [More…]
This group includes large numbers of those who are isolated at home (especially women), elderly migrants (whose numbers are expected to increase dramatically in the course of the next decade), those from smaller ethnic groups (whose own support services are limited), migrant women at work and the children of migrants. [More…]
Because migrants’ knowledge of the English language was found to be a critical factor in enabling successful settlement in Australia, special attention has been given to the teaching of English both to children and to adults. [More…]
For children, there is compelling evidence that there are many who need special instruction in English but who do not receive it. [More…]
The Review also found room for significant improvements in teaching methods and materials and in the distribution of funds for teaching English to children. [More…]
In accordance with their recommendations, the Government will be providing extra funding of $ 10m over the next three years, to be distributed so as to reflect the needs of children in different areas who do not speak adequate English. [More…]
In addition, for these women and for their young children, the Government will encourage establishment of more child-care facilities at places of work. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) has already indicated Government’s intention to provide additional funds to reduce the burden on parents of educating handicapped children and has asked that Council be involved in developing details of this initiative, which is an important aspect of the broader issue of access generally. [More…]
Of course it is reasonable for a man or woman, during the course of his or her working life to regard as one of the incentives for him or her to work the ability to accumulate some money to hand on to his or her children knowing that if the children fall upon adversity some time later on in life he or she will have left them some money to tide them over. [More…]
This time he extended the attack to a Mr Lang Hancock, apparently for discovering minerals in Western Australia and made a personal attack on all wealth, indeed on people in this country trying to make a quid and hand it on to their children. [More…]
Senator Button put forward that proposition as an attack on all people trying to pass on some assets to their children. [More…]
The vast majority of people in Australia own their own homes and have a few assets which they are putting together and endeavouring to pass on to their children. [More…]
The Bills which are the subject of this cognate debate abolish estate duty and gift duty in respect of property passing to and gifts made to spouse, children and grandchildren. [More…]
In any event at least she is being generous to that extent, but what about the children in the family? [More…]
It is quite clear that her view must be that if anything is left to children or grandchildren it must be taxed as hard as it possibly can be because an Australian Labor Party government will not allow anyone to leave anything to anyone in a younger generation. [More…]
They are trying to establish some sort of capital, by putting a few quid away, that they can leave to their children when they die. [More…]
In due course he will be able to leave it to his grandchildren or to his children, as he sees fit, without having to pay some life insurance company some enormous premium on some policy in order to meet the death duties which might be imposed. [More…]
Because you have a family operation, because you want to keep it in the family name, because you do not want to be forced to liquidate your property when you pass on and not enable your children to take it, then you try to make other arrangements. [More…]
The estates of people aged over 50 contribute over 95 per cent of the duty paid; there are very few dependent children involved. [More…]
There are very substantial exemptions applying for estates which are transferred to the spouse and somewhat fewer exemptions applying to estates which are transferred directly to the children. [More…]
The one wish that the heads of the ordinary Australian family want is the chance to build a home; to get to own the home over a lifetime; to put some furniture and possessions together and to get a car- the Labor Party obviously does not want this- and then upon their death to be able to set up their children with a few thousand dollars here and there to help them along and to be a little better off than they were. [More…]
It is that the people who over their lifetimes have worked hard and paid 60c, 70c or even 80c in the $ 1 in tax in one way or another will be able at the end of their lifetime to pass on whatever capital they have accrued to their children or to others so that that capital can regenerate business and, sinful as it is, create employment. [More…]
If a person dies and leaves $ 100,000 to his four children each of them receives $25,000. [More…]
The organisations, government departments and others active in the welfare field and the field of children’s services were very much affected by a decision on how those services were to be carved up, and they are still awaiting that information. [More…]
As Mrs Seaton has six or seven children and was on a supporting mother’s benefit she had no hope of staying there. [More…]
1 ) How much compensation, other than a trust fund for the children, will the families of the three men- two employees of the Sydney City Council who were members of the Municipal Employees ‘ Union, and a member of the New South Wales police force- killed in the Hilton Hotel bombing incident receive? [More…]
I was told that State workers compensation legislation applies to the families involved and that the Government was setting up a trust” fund for the education of the children. [More…]
The fact is that besides the education of the children concerned, the widows of the men who were blown up in that Hilton bombing have received no ex-gratia payment. [More…]
I remind the honourable senator that a trust fund has been established by the Government for the children of those who were killed in the accident. [More…]
The Bill also provides for the non-cessation of annuities when a widow or widower remarries after the Bill receives the royal assent and for the payment of benefits to dependent children where a contributor or former contributor has died or dies unmarried. [More…]
The fact is that the Commonwealth Government and the State governments have a responsibility to educate all Australian children. [More…]
What has been made compulsory by law is a range of minimum ages for children to attend school and minimum curricula. [More…]
In addition, the zone rebate for people who live is isolated areas and have dependent children will be increased because allowances for the children that are taken into account in calculating the rebate are to be indexed from the previous levels of $25 1 and $ 189 to $270 and $203. [More…]
It has been pointed out that a trust fund has been set up for the education of the children. [More…]
-In relation to clause 13, 1 wish to be informed whether this is the first provision in relation to the Federal Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Fund that has provided that in the case of death of a beneficiary- that is to say, a retiring member or a widow- where there is no widow, widower or children, the contributions that he has paid, plus the Commonwealth supplement, are made payable- under this legislation- to his personal representatives; that is, to his estate. [More…]
Save the Children Fund, Model Mother/Child Health Training Centre, Afghanistan,$10,000. [More…]
Save the Children Fund, Family Planning Program, Nepal, $25,000. [More…]
Save the Children Fund, Family Planning Program, Yemen Arab Republic, $7,000. [More…]
Save the Children Fund, Mobile Clinic, Bolivia, $11,000. [More…]
Senator Tehan will know that there have been major advances in the overall funding of the isolated children’s scheme. [More…]
Nevertheless, it is true that country children, particularly those in remote areas, are gravely disadvantaged. [More…]
The sacrifices that are being made for these children by their parents is to the eternal credit of the parents. [More…]
In my view, if the Government allowed families to average their income the nonsense about the creation of family partnerships, family trusts and family companies, which all are designed to spread income among husband, wife and children, would no longer continue. [More…]
This would mean that if a wife wished to stay at home and mind her children, the family would not be financially disadvantaged by her so doing. [More…]
We are operating a system of taxation under which the little man who runs a small business can earn $8,000 a year and, with perhaps three children to educate, may receive an income tax demand of $3,600. [More…]
1 refer to other relief given to industry in the form of increased aid to isolated children and all the help that has been given following droughts and floods. [More…]
In other words, is it bad that hundreds of millions of dollars of aid has been given to the impoverished and drought stricken rural producers and isolated children, and that there has been a lower take in taxation and a lower take in import duties? [More…]
For a year the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts has been inquiring into the question of children’s television programming in Australia. [More…]
Whatever conclusions the Committee might draw, there is no doubt that there is widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of children’s television programming. [More…]
When one compares the quality of Australian children’s television with the quality of children’s television overseas the deficiency in the provision of good quality children ‘s television programs in this country is seen. [More…]
If the Government wants a suggestion from the Opposition about how it might use the money, one suggestion would be that the Government could, by means of this son of legislation, offer some son of stimulus by way of an incentive such as a rebate or even a subsidy to commercial television stations and perhaps even to radio stations that do make a sincere and genuine contribution towards the production of better quality Australian programs, particularly better quality children ‘s television programs. [More…]
1 ) Which of the recommendations of Chapter 3 ‘Children at Risk ‘ of the fifth main report of the Commission of Inquiry into Poverty, Poverty and Education in Australia, presented to the Prime Minister on 13 August 1976, have been accepted by the Government, and which were rejected. [More…]
These include special provision for children at risk including migrant and aboriginal children and in the latter respect, the establishment of the National Aboriginal Education Committee. [More…]
Very little reference is made to non-government education which has an important role to play, particularly in the education of migrant and disadvantaged children. [More…]
1 ) Under the Secondary Allowances Scheme, the Government provides financial assistance to parents on low incomes to help them to keep their dependent children at school during the final two secondary years. [More…]
Because the scheme is essentially one for dependent school children, the level of benefits is designed as a contribution to parents supporting a student rather than as a living allowance on which a full-time student might support himself. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that if a family with only two children needed to get three prescriptions for each of those children, which is not an uncommon occurrence, that family would be up for $15. [More…]
The Government wishes to encourage choice and diversity in education and to assist parents to exercise the right of choice of schooling for their children in either government or non-government schools. [More…]
Clearly the increase will have a bad effect on low income earners, people who are chronically ill, large families with two or three children who are ill at the one time and in need of items from the pharmaceutical benefits list. [More…]
If you want me to treat you, or if you feel that you, your husband or your children are sick, I will go along with that and charge you accordingly. [More…]
I think of quiet folk remote in little homes, the patient people who believe in good, keeping the children clean, the socks well darned, a clear fire cheerful in the kitchen stove. [More…]
What is the number of: (a) adult males; (b) adult females; and (c) children, accommodated in each hostel in each State as at 1 April 1978. [More…]
Study of the educational experiences of migrant children of non-English speaking origin. [More…]
Longitudinal study of the educational experiences and adjustment of newly arrived immigrant school children. [More…]
Assimilation patterns among Eastern European parents and children and their families. [More…]
The educational adjustment of children of Greek workers in Australia. [More…]
Inequalities in the school performance of ethnic group children. [More…]
Greek children in Australia. [More…]
The Branch functions include the provision of assistance to refugee children, the production of teaching and learning materials, assistance in teacher preparation, test development, and English courses for transmission through Radio Australia. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and the parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That the citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
The humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully say that we are concerned about the discrimination which exists against the children of those parents who are in receipt of the Supporting Parents Benefit in comparison with children of Single Parents who receive the Widows Pension. [More…]
I ask the Attorney-General whether he is aware of concern in regard to the confused legal status of children born following the process of artificial insemination by donor? [More…]
Will the Government encourage investigations into this matter if it does not already have a policy position on the legal status of these children? [More…]
The question raised by Senator Peter Baume, relating to the legal status of children born by artificial insemination is of course one which raises considerable legal problems. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister for Social Security and seeks clarification of the changes to the family allowance scheme whereby children’s incomes are indexed. [More…]
Will children such as those who now do not have to put in tax returns have to put in income statements or similar statements so that family allowances can be adjusted in their cases? [More…]
When introduced, the family allowance scheme took into account the tax rebates which were given for dependent children in addition to the then child endowment payments. [More…]
How does this proposed new scheme benefit Australian children? [More…]
Finally, does the Government have some kind of hostility against children who are attempting to supplement their pocket money by delivering newspapers, et cetera? [More…]
Parents of children with a separate net income above $312 a year will therefore receive a reduced benefit in respect of such children. [More…]
Senator Harradine referred to the fact that the family allowance that is paid to the parents of children who are earning pocket money would be reduced. [More…]
It is believed that there are many children who have income from trusts and income from other sources who could not be classed as dependent children. [More…]
I can say only that I am sure that the effect of the Budget in its entirety and the effect of the almost $ 1,000m that will be paid in family allowances next year will show that this Government has been very responsive to the needs of Australian children and the strengthening of the Australian family. [More…]
This proposed change to the family allowance scheme will have the effect that children who are in receipt of a separate net income of over $312 will have a reduced family allowance paid on their behalf. [More…]
It claimed that the health standards had dropped, that educational facilities were insufficient and that children were not getting a proper education. [More…]
We saw in recent weeks the burning of a home at Ingham occupied by an Aboriginal supporting mother and several of her children. [More…]
I was very pleasantly surprised to find for instance at Westminster the Government accepting on a Bill relating to children a whole lot of proposals from representatives of the Opposition in that Parliament following considered debate on ways by which the Bill could work more effectively. [More…]
1 ) What funds, if any, does the Commonwealth Government provide, either directly or indirectly, for the Queensland Government’s Youth Employment Support Scheme, administered by the Queensland Department of Children ‘s Services. [More…]
The Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations has provided the following answer to the honourable senator’s question: (1), (2) and (3) The Queensland Government’s Youth Employment Support Scheme, administered by the Queensland Department of Children’s Services, aims to assist young unemployed persons to find and retain employment. [More…]
Queensland Department of Children’s Services to ensure coordination of services and programmes. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
Was the introduction of a means test on family allowances aimed principally at wealthy children who receive an unearned income through inherited property or through devices such as income splitting by trusts? [More…]
Is it possible to means test these people without discouraging enterprising children, many of whom are from low income families? [More…]
The Government introduced the means test on children’s income after reflecting on the fact that the family allowance scheme replaced the tax rebate which had previously been given to parents for a dependent child. [More…]
Exceeding the terrible examples set by the Nazi masters during the war, they brutally exterminated fellow Croats who dared to hold opposing views, a huge number of our brother Serbs, other Yugoslav nationals and numerous men, women and children of Jewish faith. [More…]
These people who were excluded really believed that there was a plot involving the Yugoslav Government and the Australian Labor Government to stop these people from being enrolled in that school, saying Slovenes got enrolled but not our children. [More…]
They have a great opportunity here to start a new life and to bring up their children as Australian citizens with the same common purpose that all Australians have. [More…]
Furthermore, the clause extends over children of the first generation who are not even born in [More…]
In practical terms, this means that it is impossible for an immigrant from Yugoslavia or his children to renounce their Yugoslav citizenship despite the fact that they become Australian citizens. [More…]
Mr Marko Nazor, 3 1 , of Downer, who returned to his family in Australia this month after three years in a Yugoslav jail, said yesterday that he had been subjected to psychological torture and threatened with the death of his wife and three children while a political prisoner. [More…]
They are also concerned that this very fact gives the Yugoslav Consular authorities in Australia power to haunt its dissidents beyond their terrestrial life, since this claim of citizenship extends beyond them to their children. [More…]
These people act as interpreters, both in the legal situation and in the normal social situation, such as getting children into school, arranging contacts with employers and so on. [More…]
I say again, as I said last week, that, in taking this decision, the Government had in mind circumstances where, as a result of trusts and other income-splitting devices, children receive separate income whilst their parents continue to receive the family allowance. [More…]
The Government is concerned to ensure that the decision does not have unintended consequences, particularly in cases where children receive small amounts of income as a result of part-time jobs which they undertake. [More…]
In the light of the comments and the concern which has been expressed the Government is reviewing this decision with a view to eliminating any unintended consequences whilst preserving the principal purpose behind the decision, that is with respect to those cases where children are in receipt of trust income and other income-splitting device income. [More…]
As I said earlier today and last week, some children are in receipt of a trust income, and income-splitting devices are used within families. [More…]
If these devices arc used the Government believes that family allowances should not be paid and that a means test should be applied to such an income received by children. [More…]
Other areas such as the maintenance which is received from the father of the children and paid to a former wife, incomes from scholarships and Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme allowances, need clarification since the announcement of the Budget decision. [More…]
When the draft legislation is completed I hope to be able to make a specific announcement so that there is no uncertainty about the means test which will be applied to incomes in the hands of children. [More…]
Was it intended by the Government, when it introduced the Budget, that family allowances would be income tested on the basis of income derived from the personal exertions of children? [More…]
If so, will the Minister now give an unqualified assurance to the people of Australia that family allowances will not be income tested on the basis of income derived from the personal exertions of children? [More…]
I am able to answer Senator Harradine by saying that it is intended that personal exertion income achieved by children will not be subjected to the means test. [More…]
The intention of the legislation is that income from the personal exertions of children will not be subjected to the means test. [More…]
Can the Minister say now what procedure the Government proposes to take to ascertain the incomes that children receive from trust accounts and /or partnerships? [More…]
I adverted to the fact that when the family allowance scheme was set up the original tax rebates for dependent children were used as part of the source from which funds were able to be drawn. [More…]
The next part of Senator Gietzelt ‘s question related to the procedure which the Department of Social Security will need to use to obtain from the parents of children details of the incomes received by the children. [More…]
I believe that an informed Australia would perhaps even be persuaded to tax itself more heavily if it were convinced that extra money would be a genuine investment in its own future and its children’s future and if that decision were its own decision. [More…]
As one with three children I suggest that we cannot allow young people to go straight out of school and to be frustrated to the extent they are being frustrated now and to allow them to go to employer after employer and be told: ‘We have nothing for you’ and then say: ‘We will not let you actually starve; we will give you a small amount of money, just enough to live on, but for God’s sake do not ever go near a beach or the bush because if you do you will be called a dole bludger’. [More…]
That as citizens of N.S.W and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
The humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully say that we are concerned about the discrimination which exists against the children of those parents who are in receipt of the Supporting Parents Benefit in comparison with children of Single Parents who receive the Widows Pension. [More…]
My question which I direct to the Minister representing the Minister for Health refers to children who suffer from brain damage. [More…]
For many years the program was available only to those Australians who could afford to take their children to the United States of America or to Britain. [More…]
In view of those factors, I ask the Minister: As the United Nations prepares to focus the world’s attention on the rights of children with the International Year of the Child, what is Australia doing to ensure that its brain damaged children are given every opportunity to full recovery? [More…]
As far as the International Year of the Child and the focus on handicapped children and their treatment are concerned, I am able to say that, under our handicapped persons’ assistance program and under our Office of Child Care program, some projects are able to be funded in this year which will have special significance as a celebration of the International Year of the Child. [More…]
As far as the general question about focussing the world’s attention on handicapped children in the International Year of the Child is concerned, I will certainly do what I am able to do to see that this is brought into focus but that it goes further and that there are projects which have support from State and Federal government. [More…]
-When did the Minister for Social Security first realise that the tax to be imposed on a child’s income in excess of $312, which was announced in the Budget last week, would affect families other than those whose children’s incomes are derived from family trusts, partnerships, et cetera? [More…]
The Asprey Taxation Review Committee recommended that all investment income of minor children be taxed at the rate applied to the parent. [More…]
The point about this is that the Government has said already that the means test in respect of children’s income for family allowance purposes will not apply to children ‘s income by virtue of the moneys that they earn from newspaper selling and so on. [More…]
About 10 per cent of school children between the ages of 12 and 17 get very drunk at least once a month. [More…]
The report says that some children begin to smoke at the age of five. [More…]
About 80 per cent of children who smoke regularly continue to do so when they grow up. [More…]
Some witnesses who appeared before the Committee, particularly police witnesses, said that if the media did not explain so clearly what happens to children when they sniff glue or use hallucinogenic mushrooms, perhaps these practices would not be so widespread. [More…]
They think that we should get the teachers in the schools to teach the children how bad the use of these drugs is. [More…]
Basic education in the schools is aimed at making children interested, at getting them to experiment a little and to encourage them to read more. [More…]
We expect children to be knowledgeable about drugs and to be interested in drugs because we give them this education, but we do not expect them to experiment. [More…]
The answer is that we must educate children in sexual responsibility and on human relation responsibility. [More…]
The number of children born out of wedlock- no one suggests that this is good standard; surely two parents are better than one- expressed as a percentage of all live births rose in that period from 13.8 per cent to 32.4 per cent. [More…]
The number of children born out of wedlock expressed in terms of live births increased from 6.97 per cent to 10.17 per cent. [More…]
The teachers approved of it and the children approved of it. [More…]
This is hardly evaluation because nothing happened, nothing was sought and nothing came out of it to see whether they became more responsible children, whether they took more drugs. [More…]
For the information of Senator Georges, evaluation is not whether the children thought the course was good. [More…]
As the worker delved more deeply into the Budget, certainly until a couple of days ago, he would have thought that his wife’s family allowance could have been reduced because some of his children earn money through part time work. [More…]
Over recent days, statements have been made here in the Senate by the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) and statements have been made in the House of Representatives that some changes will be made in the means test for children’s earnings in relation to the family allowance. [More…]
He sees greater prospects of unemployment making life difficult for him as the breadwinner of a family, and for his children too as they approach the time to leave school. [More…]
The case I wish to raise concerns Mohamad Moussa of Arncliffe, whose file number is 77/5251 1, who now seeks to bring his wife and children to Australia. [More…]
If he is prepared to come clean about the existence of his wife and children, I think that his family should be admitted to Australia. [More…]
On behalf of the Australian Railways Union, I ask that clemency be extended to this member who did err by denying that he had a wife and children. [More…]
In view of her answers to questions asked earlier this week, can the Minister give an estimate of the number of mothers who will not receive the family allowance next year because of their children ‘s separate incomes from family trusts and partnership arrangements? [More…]
What percentage of children having an income would this represent? [More…]
I am not able to give any figures on the means testing of the separate income of children from family trusts or from income splitting devices that may have been established. [More…]
Honourable senators will remember the glossy white folder we received last year called ‘Australian uranium policy’, or something like that, which was distributed to members of parliament, school children and Godknowswho else in Australia to explain to them that the Government was very concerned about the development of uranium mining and the sale of uranium to overseas countries and that it would insist on the highest possible standards. [More…]
But I point out to the Senate that this legislation was introduced into the House of Representatives before the announcement by the Government of its review of the family allowance arrangements and its statement that to test eligibility for family allowances on the basis of income derived from the personal exertion of children would be an unintended consequence of the Budget proposals. [More…]
A test will be placed on the income of children. [More…]
Parents will not be eligible for a family allowance in respect of children receiving student allowances under the tertiary education assistance scheme and other educational scholarships. [More…]
As at 30 June 1978 payments were made for 4.3 million children. [More…]
If we then divide the $120 into the $37m saving for this particular section of the new scheme we find that a minimum of 300,000 children would have been affected. [More…]
The more likely number of children affected will be over half a million. [More…]
Does the Senate believe that there are that many children involved in trusts and other income splitting arrangements? [More…]
Either my calculations are incorrect; the scheme was always envisaged to cover more than just those involved in the trusts angle- and so the statement that the test would also apply to income derived from the personal exertion of children was not factual; or that the Government has no clear idea at all of what savings on Budget outlays will result from that scheme however it is amended. [More…]
Forty-three per cent of male school children were drinking once or more a week in 1973; 51 per cent did so in 1977. [More…]
Firstly, there is no doubt from the survey figures available that younger and younger children are being recruited into tobacco use, and we know that tobacco is an addictive drug. [More…]
The union to which I belong currently is undertaking a major survey of membership to see what the reaction would be to governmental policies designed to eliminate the discrimination that is currently being experienced by full-time homemakers, to see whether that would be sufficient attraction for women with dependent children to enable them to do their most important work, that is, the nurturing of their children, the future citizens of this country. [More…]
I believe that there should be a true freedom of choice but not by virtue of the fact that there are not sufficient supportive policies of the Government to provide that true freedom of choice for married women with dependent children, to take the economic pressure off them and to enable them to become full-time homemakers. [More…]
The participants welcomed the United Nations initiative of proclaiming 1979 to be the International Year of the Child and passed a declaration promising to exchange experiences and to promote programs benefiting children. [More…]
The European Ministers hope that this event will stimulate a better understanding of the positions of the child in the social and family context in every country of the world, taking into account the conditions, needs and priorities of each country, and that it will make it possible to develop measures designed to foster the physical, mental and social well-being of all children, and in particular those of the third world. [More…]
The Ministers refuted criticism that had been directed towards the family and particularly towards the education of children within the family context, and I agreed with that. [More…]
This applies in particular to children ‘s education, especially in the first years of life [More…]
On the other hand, stresses within the family due, for instance, to the change from hierarchical family relationships to relationships based on equality of spouses and a greater autonomy of children, or problems in relations between parents and educational institution, or specific educational problems, such as sex education, may be found in all countries. [More…]
The Conference acknowledged that State and society have a duty to assist the family in fulfilling its manifold tasks: however, they believed that, in principle, the State should not challenge the basic rights of parents to educate their children. [More…]
In view of the fact that the Government, through public pressure, has been able to reverse some other decisions made in the Budget- Senator Guilfoyle who is in charge of the Senate tonight as recently as Tuesday told us that she would introduce amending legislation to the Budget in respect of the decision to stop the payment of family allowances in cases where children earned income- I hope that the Government in its wisdom will do the same in this case. [More…]
Reports emanating from a group of ambassadors, including an Australian ambassador, who visited Timor recently at the request of the Indonesian Government indicate that it appeared that the Timorese resistance has now succumbed to the Indonesian forces and that survivors, including innocent women and children, were dying of starvation. [More…]
Is the $98,000 which has been allocated to the family research project at the University of New South Wales for 1978-79 intended to have particular reference to the stated objectives of the International Year of the Child, that is, to raise the level of services to children? [More…]
It has had the most important effect upon the dental health of Australian children. [More…]
At the moment children from their earliest days are encouraged to spend their time on the beaches and the massive advertising which is going on makes it very fashionable to have a suntan. [More…]
The average amount of age pension (including additions for children and supplementary assistance) is estimated to rise from$44.40 a week in 1977-78 to$47.50 a week in 1978-79. an increase of 7.0 per cent. [More…]
We have been refused the right to see our husband and children for at least two consecutive weeks, presumably the period they are in solitary confinement. [More…]
In Singapore political detainees are allowed to be visited only by their immediate family (parents, wife/husband, children, brothers and sisters), and for half an hour each week. [More…]
b ) be married, have been married or have been living in a de facto relationship continuously for two years (one year with children); [More…]
and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
This policy also is characterised by ad hockery, the pursuit of narrow sectional interests- a traditional avenue of Liberal Party governments- and, more specifically, by the total absence of a foresighted commitment to Australian children, something which has characterised all Federal Liberal Party government education policies for many years, in favour of the piecemeal pursuit of a narrow ideology. [More…]
Our position and the position of the Government between 1973 and 1975 was quite clear on that issue, namely, that irrespective of whether children were being educated in private schools or in government schools every child in this country was entitled to the maximum assistance which a government could give based on the needs of that child. [More…]
For the first time we put an end to the attitudes which were very prevalent in this country- in a sense they still are, particularly amongst government members- in which education is seen as a means of advancing one’s own child as against other children in the community. [More…]
In the last two sets of guidelines there has been very great concern for the interests of the wealthy private schools as distinct from the interests of the poorer independent or non-government schools and as distinct from the interests of children in government schools. [More…]
Of course, the two States which are not up to target are New South Wales and Queensland, which have almost exactly half the school children of Australia in their schools. [More…]
This comes from a government which we were promised in the 1977 GovernorGeneral’s Speech would be a government for all people in Australia, a government which one would hope at least would be a government for all children in Australia, and not a government which is dedicated to providing unequal resources for Australian school children. [More…]
Perhaps the Minister should have his attention drawn to a survey made last year by the New South Wales Department of Education which showed, for example, that some 9,225 children in New South Wales schools who responded to a survey in the last year of their school education said: ‘Yes, I would have liked to have left school last year but I could not leave school because I could not get a job’. [More…]
As many as 9,225 school children in New South Wales in years 9, 10 and 11 in their schooling made that statement. [More…]
Of that number 884 school children were in the Liverpool area, alone, which is situated in the big Federal electorate of Werriwa, as I recall it. [More…]
As many as 1 ,034 children were in the metropolitan west area. [More…]
The cost of putting those children, who represent hidden factors in the unemployment figures of this country, on the dole would have been about $20m. [More…]
It is important, as a current issue in education, to consider what the education system is in fact doing for those children, rather than to consider it as some glorified form of keeping the deficit as low as possible, of keeping down the unemployment figures. [More…]
All of these things are of great concern to the future of Australian school children. [More…]
I sincerely hope that the Government in any later initiatives that it may take- if it is capable of taking initiatives- will try not to turn the clock back and reach a solution to these problems by reverting to the simplistic ideologies of the 1960s; that it will see the issue as it is now, because the issue of unemployment, for example, which I raised, and of hidden unemployment in schools, concerns all children, whether they be in government schools or in non-government schools. [More…]
This Budget contained originally an extraordinary proposal to means test children’s pocket money. [More…]
The low income families so dependent on them have suffered a loss in real income and those pensioners with children and pensioners with rented accommodation who have not had their children’s allowances or rent allowances increased since 1975 are now well below the poverty line, as pointed out by Professor Henderson who conducted the poverty inquiry and by almost every welfare agency in this country. [More…]
It showed that families with children which had one bread winner earning an income on or below average weekly earnings were up to $ 1 1 a week worse off as a result of the present Government’s tax policies and family allowance changes. [More…]
As I said, the Government originally intended to income tax test the pocket money of children. [More…]
But there are those other handicapped people who will also feel the clutches of the tax man unless the Government, as it has done in the case of the children and in the case of the blind, again feels some sense of conscience for what it has done and changes its mind. [More…]
We have a Government which has sought to reduce expenditure by extracting funds from the aged, the pensioners the beneficiaries of all types, the school children, the blind and the disabled. [More…]
It makes no mention of restoring maternity allowances, indexing family allowances, indexing additional pensions for children or of increasing those pensions below the Henderson poverty line to the poverty line. [More…]
It proposes to tax the income of children. [More…]
There seems to be a backdown by the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) with regard to the provision to tax the income of children. [More…]
The Minister has told us that it was not intended that the income earned by children in their own right should be taxed and that she will introduce regulations to change the situation. [More…]
There is a totally unexpected attackonthemostseverelydisadvantaged people in our community through the decision to cut back the indexation of age pensions from a six-month to a 12-month frequency; by imposing new tax burdens on other recipients of social security pensions; by taxing family allowances through the mechanism of taxing children’s incomes; by abolishing the maternity allowance, which was a very minor form of assistance to families; by imposing a totally inequitable form of increased taxation through indirect taxes which, of course, fall more heavily on the poor than on the rich; and by failing entirely to raise new and proper sources of revenue from the very rich and fruitful enterprises which are carried out in the minerals and energy sector of the country. [More…]
has stated its intention to send in police to force the children to go to school (and thus to end the outstations), [More…]
For example, the report of the House of Representatives Select Committee on Specific Learning Difficulties in Children and Adults has received very close attention by my Department and other agencies in the portfolio, such as the Education Research and Development Committee. [More…]
In particular, the study of the Australian Council for Educational Research on literacy and numeracy in Australian schools identified the extent of mastery of literacy in Australian 10- year-old and 14-year-old children. [More…]
During 1978 the Commission intends to conduct a national survey which will enable it to make recommendations on provisions for children with learning difficulties. [More…]
However, later it was reported that women from the shelter had said that the allegations were exaggerated, that there was no improper conduct and that in fact children in the shelter were not at risk. [More…]
If she has left her home under circumstances that forced her to go to a shelter, I believe that the atmosphere of that shelter at the moment would be the worst possible atmosphere for her and her children. [More…]
How many hundreds and thousands of women and children who have got into difficulties through the problems associated with nuclear families in this country, who have become split away from the nuclear family, and who have had nowhere to go, have been helped by women’s shelters in the various States. [More…]
I refer, firstly, to a matter that I raised in a question to the Minister for Social Security, Senator Guilfoyle, on 23 August 1978 concerning brain injuries to children. [More…]
The Minister gave me what I felt was a responsible answer at the time, but I mention it again today because I am pressing for the Government to take more positive action in this matter of brain injured children. [More…]
Some weeks ago while visiting Melbourne on another matter I was brought into contact with the Australian Centre for Brain Injured Children. [More…]
Never in my whole life have I been as affected as I was by seeing the scheme for the treatment of brain injured children which is administered by the Australian Centre for Brain Injured Children in Victoria. [More…]
At present there is no way that families of brain injured children can get any assistance from the Government. [More…]
I intended to give the Senate a definition of children who come under this category. [More…]
The definition includes children diagnosed as having cerebral palsy or Downs syndrome, spastic children, mentally retarded children, autistic children and so on, and any child who is now functioning below peer level as a result of brain injury, ranging from a severely hurt child to one with learning problems. [More…]
The Australian Centre for Brain Injured Children recognises this fact and tries to encourage it wherever possible. [More…]
Previously parents of children such as the child to whom I have referred had to take their children to America. [More…]
That expenditure is just not possible for most of the families who have children who need this kind of attention. [More…]
I suggest that the Government have a look at this matter and under the health scheme or in some other way provide financial assistance for families with children who suffer these problems. [More…]
Some of the children who have undertaken this scheme have gone right through the education system and have graduated from university with qualifications higher than people who had never suffered brain injury at all. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security to look more closely at the matter that I raised in relation to brain damaged children and to make some investigations of the Australian Centre for Brain Injured Children. [More…]
Perhaps we can do something to assist financially the families of children who have brain damage and who are seeking treatment. [More…]
I urge the Government at least to make some investigations and inquiries and then to devise some means whereby the Australian Centre for Brain Injured Children can receive some assistance. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
in the 1978;79 financial year to ensure our children receive the quality of education available to children in other education systems. [More…]
and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
-Will the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs inform the Senate as to the truth in reports that because of cuts to Aboriginal welfare programs it has been necessary for a charitable organisation to agree to fund a comprehensive nutritional program for Aboriginal children in New South Wales? [More…]
That provision was put in by Mr Fraser and those other Government members whose perceptions of reality, when considering the question of whether dependent children should have incomes, were . [More…]
It would not occur to a person like the Prime Minister that there are children in Australia who earn pocket money. [More…]
Their perception of reality and the incomes of dependent children is of course related to children who receive income from family trusts set up for the purpose of evading taxation. [More…]
But instead of doing the logical thing and tightening up on the tax laws on family trusts which have enabled people such as the Minister for Industry and Commerce (Mr Lynch), the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) and no doubt virtually all the senior Ministers of this Government to evade taxation, they thought it would be a better idea to phase out family allowances for dependent children who have incomes. [More…]
If we think that we are concerned only with the aged people and the effect that these amendments will have on them, I think we should pay some attention to the effect they will have on the children of these aged people. [More…]
These children are not always in a position to help the aged people in the community. [More…]
Many areas, including homeless women and children, and girls in need of protection, could well come under such a program but have not done so in the past. [More…]
It is almost inevitable that at some time during the life of such a family one of the children will reach the stage of becoming homeless. [More…]
The problem embraces young people, people with acute psychological problems, and many more of the people now concerned than previously are women and children and many are Aborigines. [More…]
and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister for Education and I refer to the Senate standing committee report on isolated children. [More…]
Can the Minister give further information in response to recent representations in relation to this report and also in relation to recent statements in South Australia that assistance to isolated children will be reduced? [More…]
Will this be extended to further groups of people, such as migrants and Aboriginal children? [More…]
The fact is that over the past three years the Government has extended very greatly its aid to isolated children. [More…]
Some 20,000 children will be assisted. [More…]
As promised in the 1977 policy speech, an additional $ 100 per child is payable in 1978 to families living in tax zones A and B whose children are eligible for the basic boarding allowance. [More…]
In the Northern Territory we pay a supplementary allowance of up to $150 a year for children eligible for the basic boarding allowance, and a supplement of $50 a year for Territory children who qualify for the basic correspondence allowance. [More…]
Will the Minister now give an unqualified assurance to the people of Australia that family allowances will not be income tested on the basis of income derived from the personal exertions of children? [More…]
I am able to answer Senator Harradine by saying that it is intended that personal exertion income achieved by children will not be subjected to the means test. [More…]
Is it a fact that just prior to lunch the Minister held a Press conference at which she indicated that subject to an increased threshold, income derived from the personal exertion of children will be subject to a means test? [More…]
I recall that in August we discussed the income testing of family allowances on the basis of income in the hands of children. [More…]
Following our party meeting today, at the Press conference which is held subsequent to each party meeting I advised the Press that last night the Cabinet had made a decision that family allowances would be means tested on the basis of income received by children at a threshold of income in excess of $1040 a year. [More…]
The income that will be exempt from family allowance testing will be maintenance payments received on behalf of children, scholarship income including Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme allowances, superannuation compensation, pension income, and trust income derived from deceased parents. [More…]
With the exclusions that I have mentioned, income in the hands of children will be included. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that when the family allowance scheme was introduced, two factors were put together- the old child endowment scheme and the taxable rebate scheme for dependent children. [More…]
The Government has taken into account the fact that there was an abatement of that rebate for dependent children when a child had income. [More…]
These are payments for income tax, superannuation contributions, rent or mortgage payments for a dwelling in which the applicant resides, half of any board paid by the applicant, municipal rates and water rates for a dwelling in which the applicant resides, maintenance payments to a spouse and any children of the applicant, payments under hire purchase agreements for household goods and furniture used by the applicant in the home and payments for health insurance to a maximum of $150 per annum for a single person or $300 for a married person. [More…]
Family allowances, orphans pensions, handicapped child’s allowance and additional pensions or benefits for a child will generally no longer be payable in respect of children who are classed as living abroad on a permanent basis. [More…]
Can the Minister say whether this will apply in any way to the children of Australian Government employees serving on long term overseas postings of two, three or more years and to the children of other Australians on long term postings overseas, such as business people, as these postings sometimes, I understand, require residence visas for the countries of posting? [More…]
I should explain that the general purpose behind the proposal is to prevent the payment of family allowances, the double orphans pension or the handicapped child’s allowance and the additional pension or benefit that is paid on behalf of children who are unlikely to come to Australia, regardless of whether they have been here before. [More…]
The statement I just made in response to a question from Senator Harradine outlined the detail of the Cabinet decision which was made last night with regard to the family allowance income test on income held in the hands of children. [More…]
It will be recalled that much discussion was held with regard to the income level of children who have small part-time jobs which would earn them something in the region of $6 a week. [More…]
Do honourable senators remember that the Labor Government brought about the cessation of the provision of free milk to school children, the cancellation of airmail subsidies in isolated areas, the wholesale closure of country post offices and the elimination of the 20 per cent differential for rural electorates? [More…]
Let it be clearly recorded, firmly asserted and proudly boasted that it was the Liberals of their day who curbed the power of the Crown, who extended the suffrage, who freed the Press, who took the children out of the mines and who, above all, ended the trade in human slaves. [More…]
How many more deaths, how many more unloved children need there be before we wake up? [More…]
One does not have to be an Einstein or a Rhodes scholar to know that with Christmas approaching a further 225,000 children will finish school without jobs. [More…]
It is not an exaggerated figure because children who should have left school two years ago or last year went back to school. [More…]
I know that to establish models or prognoses for the future any form of forecasting is rather difficult, but I would have thought that anyone would not need to be a genius to be able to predict roughly the number of teachers that would be needed for a certain number of children three years ahead, birth rates and attrition rates being known. [More…]
Yet we still have illiteracy and innumeracy with something like 25 per cent of children of 14 years of age. [More…]
It virtually contains instructions for we members of parliament to act like children. [More…]
It covered women’s refuges, child care centresone could go on- and involved people in the community in looking after young children, with the Government topping up only one- fifth of the cost. [More…]
In my view, the greatest crime we can commit, as senators, as members of parliament- no, as ordinary human beings- is, when we die, through acts of omission or commission to leave this world this country, the city in which we live, a poorer, less happy or less safe place for our children. [More…]
What we are saying is that unless we look in a global sense at satellites, at Concorde, at uranium, at whatever new inventions the technologists give us, we will have perpetrated the greatest crime on our children by leaving this an unhappy place, a less safe place, for them- or perhaps leave no place at all. [More…]
In regard to unemployment of the young, 16 per cent of our children aged between 15 and 19 years are now unemployed. [More…]
We are betraying our children. [More…]
There is not a responsible parent in the country who did not go to his children when they were young and say: ‘Do not leave school early. [More…]
I have no objection to married women working but believe that our policies should not actively encourage married women, especially if they have young children, to work at low wage rates. [More…]
It is bad enough for its effect on the unemployment problem, but is terrible for the children and must be creating psychological problems that, in due course, we will have to pay for. [More…]
I wonder whether in a free society we can say to a man 40 years of age with children of, say, 10 years and 14 years attending the local school, a man active in community affairs: ‘ You are going to be uprooted and sent to another State’. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
At that time we were talking of the Cabinet decision, as announced in the Budget, that income over $312 per annum received by children would be subjected to means testing for family allowance purposes. [More…]
At present we have no record of the income of children or of families because of the universal nature of the family allowance scheme. [More…]
I am unable to give any indication as to how many families or children would be affected by the decision because, as I say, we have no knowledge of their income, but I am advised by the Treasury that on the basis of its knowledge of the income of children, from income tax returns, it estimates the savings which I reported yesterday. [More…]
My department has no information on these lines concerning income of families or of children. [More…]
In other words, will the family allowance be withheld, or partly withheld, from mothers of those children who between June 1977 and June 1978 earned and spent income of more than $20 a week, unaware that a mother would be penalised for the whole of the next year because of what had been earned in the previous year? [More…]
Can the Minister clarify whether the taxation will apply to the allowances that are attached to the awards and, specifically, the allowances for a dependent spouse or dependent children? [More…]
Firstly, does she agree with the decision that has been taken by the Government in respect of taxing incomes of children? [More…]
I seek information regarding the declaration now required to be made by mothers on their children’s income earned in the 1977-78 income year. [More…]
What documentation of this income will be required by the Government, bearing in mind that payments for children’s odd jobs, such as baby sitting, is typically by cash and without receipt? [More…]
What will be the response of the Government to parents who have no documentation of their children’s income during this period? [More…]
I am able to answer Senator Harradine by saying that it is intended that personal exertion income achieved by children will not be subjected to the means test. [More…]
Does the Minister not concede that that is a categorical statement that no consideration will be given to income derived by the personal exertion of children? [More…]
I refer to children, both girls and boys, of the tender ages of 10, 11 or 12 years, who have run away from home because of the continual arguments and the tragedies that tend to occur when the breadwinner is in fear of losing his livelihood. [More…]
I shall start by pointing out that the family allowance was introduced in August 1976 as a replacement for the child endowment scheme and the tax rebates which were available in respect of children. [More…]
The child endowment and tax rebate schemes which previously existed were both a recognition of the fact that to rear a child costs money and that families with children, whether they are rich or poor families, had expenses associated with child rearing. [More…]
They were payments in recognition of the fact that it costs money to rear children. [More…]
In some families, particularly those on benefits or on minimum wages, the children earn their own pocket money, sometimes to the extent of $20 or $30 a week, and sometimes even $40 a week, by delivering newspapers, selling newspapers, working in shops and in part time jobs in factories, and doing various other jobs in the community. [More…]
It is frequently the only way they can raise money for further study, for musical instruments, for field trips at school, for extra clothes, and for the extra things other children have. [More…]
Children of rich families do not need to work but they frequently do. [More…]
A widow who has two or three children and who is receiving the widow’s pension is at present, as Professor Henderson has pointed out many times, some $20 below the poverty Une in this country. [More…]
If one of her children earned $30 a week by working weekends in a supermarket, which many children do- I know children who do this- she would in fact lose her family allowance for that child, she would be forced further below the poverty line than she was before and the child’s efforts to assist his mother to achieve a more reasonable level of income would be defeated. [More…]
Therefore, a mother of three children who has one child who becomes ineligible for the family allowance will lose not only the $3.50 a week in respect of that child but also $2.50 a week in respect of the next two children, who will become respectively the first and second children instead of the second and third children. [More…]
It is quite wrong to deprive single parents, widows or any other low income people in the community of a family allowance on the basis of what their children earn. [More…]
To deprive a family of the family allowance on the basis of what the children earn in an effort to assist that family’s income is quite wrong and may well put it back into a situation of dependency on the Government which it does not want and in which it need not be. [More…]
I suppose that the Government could even be said to be discouraging children from earning money and gaining early work force experience, which is something they may well need in the future. [More…]
The Minister said this morning that initially some 400 staff are expected to be put on to process the income statements received from these children. [More…]
Some two million people in this community will have to be contacted on behalf of some 4V* million children and they will have to answer questionnaires on how much those children earned from all sorts of sources. [More…]
What will happen to the people who do not get their returns in, the people who have difficulties with the bureaucracy already, the people whose children earned over $30 a week in 1977-78 and then earn nothing in 1 979? [More…]
Will the parents of these children really be deprived of their family allowances in 1979 on the basis of something their children earned in 1977 and 1978? [More…]
Tax deductions for dependent children were taken away from the breadwinner- traditionally the manand an approximately equivalent sum of money was transferred in an accounting process so that the mothers of Australia received an income which related to the fact that they were mothers looking after children. [More…]
The Government has rightly decided that it will try to do away with a tax dodge, a system of spreading family income across all members of a family, including dependent children, so that the tax that would otherwise be payable on the income, in most cases of the father, cannot be reduced by an artificial spreading of his income across his children and possibly also his wife. [More…]
Nevertheless, we welcome more and more people coming into the Parliament who are migrants or who are the children of people who have migrated to this country within its recent history. [More…]
We could avail ourselves of those histories far more directly in our schools, learn about them and let the children who come from those cultural backgrounds understand that we are interested in them- that they have a right to be proud of the fact that they have their own individual history and culture that they bring to this country to share with us. [More…]
It is a pity that the children of our migrants go into our schools and use and learn about only English. [More…]
It would be an enriching experience for the children of Australian parents to understand those other children who share classrooms with them, who have another language and a history about which those children have as much right to feel proud as the children of Australian parents. [More…]
These matters do not have to dominate us, but they are something from which our children should benefit from learning. [More…]
Much, or nearly all, of the discussion on multicultural education has turned on the subject of the children of migrants and of migrants themselves. [More…]
If we lose the opportunity of teaching all our children- those children born in Australia and those children born in lands over the sea- just how interesting and valuable that culture is it will be a tragedy. [More…]
Certainly in Aboriginal schools the children should learn of their own culture. [More…]
But they will be really proud when we recognise that it is a culture of great value- of enduring value- for its own sake and that it is a culture about which we want to teach our children. [More…]
In conclusion on this issue, I make the point that when we recognise, as we should, the enormous contribution that our migrants and the children of our migrants have made to our country by paying the attention we should pay to their culture and by recognising the fact that their culture is now part of ours we should recognise also that the original Australians had a culture about which we need to know, one which can most effectively be brought into our society and a knowledge of which should be spread throughout our schools. [More…]
We have heard today that the assurance that income earned by children through personal exertion would not affect eligibility to receive the family allowance would have applied only if the income ceiling had remained at $3 12 per annum. [More…]
It is believed that there are many children who have income from trusts and income from other sources who could not be classed as dependent children. [More…]
Was the introduction of a means test on family allowances aimed principally at wealthy children who receive an unearned income through inherited property or through devices such as income splitting by trusts? [More…]
Is it possible to means test these people without discouraging enterprising children, many of whom are from low income families? [More…]
The Government introduced the means test on children’s income after reflecting on the fact that the family allowance scheme replaced the tax rebate which had previously been given to parents for a dependent child - [More…]
I say again, as I said last week, that, in taking this decision, the Government had in mind circumstances where, as a result of trusts and other income splitting devices, children receive separate income whilst their parents continue to receive the family allowance. [More…]
The Government is concerned to ensure that the decision does not have unintended consequences, particularly in cases where children receive small amounts of income as a result of pan-time jobs which they undertake. [More…]
In the light of the comments and the concern which has been expressed the Government is reviewing this decision with a view to eliminating any unintended consequences whilst preserving the principal purpose behind the decision, that is with respect to those cases where children are in receipt of trust income and other income-splitting device income. [More…]
As I said earlier today and last week, some children are in receipt of a trust income, and income-splitting devices are used within families. [More…]
and that a means test should be applied to such an income received by children. [More…]
If so, will the Minister now give an unqualified assurance to the people of Australia that family allowances will not be income tested on the basis of income derived from the personal exertions of children? [More…]
I am able to answer Senator Harradine by saying that it is intended that personal exertion income achieved by children will not be subjected to the means test . [More…]
The intention of the legislation is that income from the personal exertions of children will not be subjected to the means test. [More…]
In view of her answers to questions asked earlier this week, can the Minister give an estimate of the number of mothers who will not receive the family allowance next year because of their children’s separate incomes from family trusts and partnership arrangements? [More…]
What percentage of children having an income would this represent? [More…]
I am not able to give any figures on the means testing of the separate income of children from family trusts or from income splitting devices that may have been established. [More…]
Only a simple change was necessary to make family allowances liable to a means test if a child or children received UNEARNED income above a certain level, as would be the case with a trust. [More…]
I wish to speak on the matter that was raised during Question Time concerning the taxing- that is the only word I can use, although it is not quite accurate- of children’s earnings from personal exertion. [More…]
At the time it was considered by various speakers that any attempt by the Government to place a test on income earned by children through personal exertion was mean, pennypinching and immoral in the true sense of the term. [More…]
Personal exertion on the part of children in order to support their families in difficult circumstances is in some way to limit the family allowance. [More…]
Many children participate in some activity to support the family income and $20 a week is really only a small amount. [More…]
It is what children could earn quite easily on a Saturday morning by delivering newspapers or magazines, or doing a variety of jobs or messages. [More…]
The Prime Minister has shown extreme disloyalty to one of his Ministers who gave a clear assurance to the Senate that the policy of the Government was not to persist with the proposal to take into account when calculating the family allowance the earnings of children derived from their personal exertion. [More…]
What will the Government do to children under this legislation? [More…]
We are talking about money which the children physically earn themselves. [More…]
It must be abhorrent to everyone in this place that the Government should attempt in some way to limit those earnings and to take some of them away from the children. [More…]
As far as the children who are earning a few dollars are concerned, this proposal means that some of their earnings will be taken away. [More…]
A Minister has given a clear assurance to the Senate that the policy of the Government is that if it is clear that the income of children is earned by personal exertion it will not be taxed and it will not in any way affect the family allowance. [More…]
Clearly the thrust of Senator Guilfoyle ‘s remarks in the days following the Budget in August were along the lines that the Government had no intention of catching in its net the wages and earnings of newsboys or children in that situation. [More…]
That as citizens of New South Wales and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
The humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully say that we are concerned about the discrimination which exists against the children of those parents who are in receipt of the Supporting Parents Benefit in comparison with children of Single Parents who receive the Widows Pension. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That is, the family allowance scheme will be a universal benefit on behalf of Australian children. [More…]
Present arrangements will continue with regard to student children, with the exception of those who receive a Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme allowance. [More…]
Following publication of the family services report, has the Federal Government, as the largest single employer in the nation, been able to increase opportunity of employment by the use of flexible working hours to enable parents, particularly lone parents, to combine as a choice work and caring for their children? [More…]
It recognises that such hours can be of particular value to people whose circumstances require them both to work and, in particular, to care for children. [More…]
Do I understand the position to be, as I gathered from Senator Guilfoyle ‘s reply, that any earnings of school children will not be taken into account in respect of family allowances? [More…]
Is it further the case that one of the major drains on funds has proved to be the separate representation of children in Family Court proceedings, as directed by judges of that court in the exercise of their powers under the Family Law Act? [More…]
Far from being the thriving growth centre, far from being the developing and flourishing national capital which it had been, it has now become a seriously depressed place, a place where for the youth and the children of the community there is very little hope. [More…]
It was hoped that the Australian Capital Territory would be able to develop more options in regard to the education of children from all backgrounds and that it would be able to introduce educational innovations in areas such as assessments, the kind of education offered to senior secondary students, alternatives to traditional academic education and so forth. [More…]
Another element which is of significance in the provision of educational services in the Australian Capital Territory is the high proportion of children in our schools who were not born in Australia or whose parents were not born in Australia and do not speak English in the home. [More…]
This is one of the factors which makes it very desirable that there be a particularly flexible and community-responsive education system, but again the ideals of providing multi-cultural education for children from different ethnic backgrounds in the Australian Capital Territory has foundered because of the staff ceilings policy. [More…]
As a locally elected representative of the Australian Capital Territory, I am contacted daily by parents and citizens organisations which are expressing their concern about the disorganisation, the decline in standards and the failure of the Government to respond to the real education needs of the children of the Australian Capital Territory. [More…]
More importantly, from my point of view, we have a critical situation in terms of the future of the hundreds of thousands of families who live and work in the Territory, whose children have been borne here and who would have hoped a few years ago to have their futures here. [More…]
We do not know what the future of our children in the schools will be. [More…]
The Government is no longer going to put a ceiling on the family allowance as regards the taxation of children who pick up a bit of pin money by working. [More…]
-I have stated publicly, and I repeat, that I regret very much that teachers in the Australian Capital Territory should see fit to deny their services- this for the second time in the space of a week or so- to children and to use children as pawns. [More…]
We have seen the Minister very much on the defensive as she has been asked questions as to why there has been a change in the Government’s attitude in respect of taxing children’s income. [More…]
The Government failed to take that action but it set out to introduce into this Budget for the first time the imposition of taxes on disadvantaged sections of the Australian community, whether they be children, those working in sheltered workshops, or disabled people. [More…]
This last week of this three-week sitting has been the period in which the Government has recognised that to undermine an allowance such as the family allowance, even by the suggestion of means testing a mother’s family allowance by taking into account the income derived from the personal exertion of children, is an attack on a fundamental institution which, rather than being undermined, needs support to overcome the very problem with which this country is faced- the unemployment problem. [More…]
Even under the old scheme which was inadequate and when the child endowment had not been indexed, a family with six children would have been $7.43 a week better off than under the new family allowance scheme. [More…]
All of this to-ing and fro-ing of tactics with regard to the income testing of family allowances because of the personal exertion of children, I believe, was a smokescreen to cover up the fact that a family with five children is now $8.55 a week worse off because of the erosion of the family allowance as a result of price increases since 1976. [More…]
I commend to the Government for its consideration the problems and stresses of families with children. [More…]
The problem of isolated children is one with which the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts has had a great deal of association because of its inquiry into the education of isolated children. [More…]
An amount of $ 14.6m has been provided this year for education assistance for isolated children, which is an increase of $10.5m over the 1977-78 figure. [More…]
As a result of this increase some 20,000 children will be assisted. [More…]
Additional amounts have been provided for the Northern Territory and, as promised in the 1977 policy speech of the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser), an additional $ 100 per child is payable under the isolated children’s program to families living in certain tax zones whose children are eligible for basic boarding allowances. [More…]
The parents of Aboriginal children in my electorate live a subsistence existence and it’s difficult enough for them to provide their children with a nutritious diet, let alone library books and films. [More…]
About 60 per cent of Aboriginal people in Central Australia over 60 years of age are blind and 30 per cent of Aboriginal children under 1 1 years of age have trachoma. [More…]
Because of the lack of preventive medical services and health services, on average urban Aboriginal children cost the Government hundreds of dollars a year per child in remedial medical costs. [More…]
requesting the ABC to transmit to the Northern Territory during school holidays there, the special children’s television programs which are being transmitted from ABQ Queensland during the school holidays in that State, and any special radio programs. [More…]
we are mindful of the special needs of children living in the relative isolation of the Northern Territory and gave every consideration to the request for special television programs. [More…]
Federal governments, whether they like it or not, play a significant role in shaping the education of our children and, through them, moulding the future of our country. [More…]
It is not trite to say that the wealth of our country is its children, and the adequacy or otherwise of their preparation determines the sort of life we are to enjoy in the next generation. [More…]
It is accepted that the disadvantaged children- whether defined according to social or psychological criteria- have a special claim . [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
The specified categories are children under the age of 1 8 years; crew members; diplomats; persons who arrive in Australia but are deemed under the Migration Act 1958 not to have entered Australia, that is persons who remain at the airport and persons who do not disembark from a ship; persons covered by the Status of Forces Agreements with the United States of America and Papua New Guinea; and persons being deported or extradited from Australia. [More…]
Had the sum been greater than that it could have been something of a deterrent for families with four or five children travelling overseas in a group. [More…]
I think that an exemption from payment for those people under the age of 1 8 years shows that children travelling with parents would not be required to pay this departure tax. [More…]
Children’s services, already grossly inadequate, have had their funds reduced by 5lA per cent. [More…]
We approached DAA because we had so many Aboriginal women and children staying with us. [More…]
Department of Community Welfare- DCW has funds to enhance the welfare of children in refuges- but cannot contribute towards the running costs of refuges. [More…]
Emmaus Women’s Refuge provides emergency accommodation for homeless women and children. [More…]
This situation applies to each of the three women and their twelve children currently residing at Emmaus. [More…]
There has been a further eight days when the proportion of Aboriginal women and children has been at least 80 per cent. [More…]
In the four month period, we have had 37 white women and children who stayed 191 days, 34 Aboriginal women and children who stayed 1 70 days in total. [More…]
One adult with five children has been there 15 days and on-going; one Aboriginal woman with five children has been there 36 days and on-going; and one Aboriginal woman with two children has been there 83 days and on-going. [More…]
There is an increase in demand for women’s refuges because in the past there has never been an opportunity to provide services somewhere where, in a rather disastrous domestic situation, women could suddenly gopacking, if necessary, in the middle of the night and taking themselves and their children. [More…]
I was confused, for instance, about the means test which was to apply to the family allowances of families where the children receive an income. [More…]
Then the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) came into this chamber and assured us that the Government was reviewing the situation and that the means testing of the children’s income did not- I repeat, did notapply to income derived from personal exertion by the child. [More…]
Last week the Minister came into the chamber and said that the Government had reviewed the situation and decided that the children’s allowance would be penalised at the rate of $ 1 in every $4 where the child earned in excess of $20 a week. [More…]
If this was the purpose of the Government’s proposal to tax the income of children why cannot it do so at either of those times? [More…]
I believe that the Budget is disgraceful because it attacks those people who are least capable, those who are already disadvantaged- the pensioners, the young families, the children, the workers, the sick and the unemployed. [More…]
Evidence was received that in families where alcohol was an accepted substance and marihuana was a taboo substance there was an extraordinary attitude to the actions of children. [More…]
lt it is possible to fall in love with the right person, the best career is a husband and children ‘, she said. [More…]
I regret that children are being used as the pawns of industrial action. [More…]
1 ) Has it been necessary for a charitable organisation to agree to fund a comprehensive nutritional program for Aboriginal children in New South Wales, because of reduced Government support for Aboriginal welfare programs. [More…]
What amount was approved for expenditure by: (a) geriatric organisations; (b) disabled adults’ organisations, and (c) disabled children’s organisations, in each State. [More…]
What amounts were expended during this period by: (a) geriatric organisations; (b) disabled adults’ organisations; and (c) disabled children’s organisations, in each State on: (i) grants in respect of approved projects; (ii) grants in respect of rents of approved projects; ( iti) grants in respect of approved equipment; and (iv) grants in respect of approved officers, in each State. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
He expressed the view that he believed that unemployment benefits should be paid to children reaching the age of 15 years. [More…]
It relates to the undertaking given during the 1977 general election campaign by the Prime Minister that the Government would provide additional funds to ensure that the cost to parents of educating handicapped children should be no greater than the cost to parents whose children are educated in the usual government school system. [More…]
The promise of the Government with regard to education of handicapped children is a commitment by the Government which it wishes to see put into effect. [More…]
Had it not been for the pressures- I might add they were pressures from the Opposition and also from a whole range of community groups throughout Australia- the Government would have attacked family allowances much more severely than it did and would have means tested income earned by children; what has become widely known as the ‘newsboys’ tax’. [More…]
We presume the Government will match this situation with the zeal with which it has watched children who might be earning an income. [More…]
Perhaps most important of all, I acknowledge the support of my wife and children and thank them in advance for the personal sacrifices they will be called on to make due to. [More…]
Of course we have seen the Government backing down on taxing the few lousy dollars that children earn as a result of their activities. [More…]
We are now being told at the end of the Income Year that, while spouses are independent for Income purposes and can submit separate tax forms, they are not when it comes to Health- even when they have no dependent children. [More…]
Some of our (adult) children joined us for part of this time while they were on holidays. [More…]
I refer to the situation of a man with a wife and two children and give figures for the past five years. [More…]
In 1974, a man with a wife and two children received under Commonwealth post-graduate awards some $3,986; in 1975, some $4,394; in 1976, some $4,758; and in 1977-the first impact of the Fraser Government- some $6,288. [More…]
When the Minister gave figures about post-graduate awards this morning he used the example of a married person with a dependent spouse and two children. [More…]
I do not think this case is as unwise as was the proposed tax on children’s income, or the intention to tax invalid pensioners but it is one that, in good conscience, I must try to correct. [More…]
-Would it be unfair to ask the Minister for Administrative Services (Senator Chaney) to tell the Senate at a later stage whether, for example, donations to the United Nations Children’s Fund are tax deductible for the purposes of the Act and, if not, why the Government’s priorities are directed towards wildlife rather than children. [More…]
It is quite proper for Senator Button to query the priorities given to children and wildlife. [More…]
Senator Button will be pleased to know, as I am, that under section 78 one of the bodies which has this benefit is the United Nations Appeal for Children, so there is another example of the bodies which are selected for tax deductible status. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention also been drawn to the comment from the Queensland Education Department that Federal members of Parliament, including Cabinet Ministers, had no right to go around handing out holidays to Queensland school children? [More…]
Do any provisions exist which allow for relief in cases of hardship arising amongst families which rely on the mails for educating outback children? [More…]
I am not aware of any specific measures that are available to provide assistance to those families which are particularly reliant on the mails for providing education for their children. [More…]
These funds are distributed so as to reflect the needs of children of non-English speaking background in different areas. [More…]
These allocations mean there will be increases of $399,000 in the disadvantaged country areas program and $75,000 in the children in institutions program in 1979. [More…]
The education of country children requires a considerable mobilisation of effort in Australia, a mobilisation in which local communities should play a significant part. [More…]
The provisions of the Bill cover the following: Indexation of pensions and benefits; age pensions for persons aged 70 or more; rationalisation of payments for children; family allowances, including handicapped child’s allowance and double orphan’s pension; maternity allowance; and payments of benefits in respect of children living abroad. [More…]
Additional payments- that is, additional pension for children, guardian’s allowance and supplementary (rent) assistance- are income tested. [More…]
Rationalisation of Payments for Children [More…]
Existing provisions allow continuation of payment of handicapped child ‘s allowance for not more than 30 days in the case of severely handicapped children who are temporarily absent from the family home but exclude those who are not severely handicapped. [More…]
In order to make provisions regarding children uniform the Government has also decided that the upper age limit of 25 years for payment of family allowance and double orphan’s pension will also apply to payment of additional pension and additional unemployment or sickness benefit for children. [More…]
Maternity allowance is payable under the provisions of the Social Services Act to mothers, irrespective of means, to help meet the expenses associated with the birth of children. [More…]
Payment of Benefits in Respect of Children living Abroad [More…]
Provisions in the Social Services Act currently enable family allowance, including handicapped child’s allowance and double orphan’s pension, and additional pension or supporting parent’s benefit or additional unemployment or sickness benefit for children to be paid for a child living abroad. [More…]
In the light of this the Bill provides that such payments will not in future be made for children outside Australia unless: A child is temporarily abroad; a child is living abroad pending migration to Australia within four years after the commencement of the benefit; and in respect of additional pension/benefit a child is living abroad with a person who is himself receiving an Australian pension or benefit overseas. [More…]
This Bill provides for amendments to the Repatriation Act and associated Acts to give effect to the Government’s decisions covering: Nominations of persons to repatriation determining authorities by organisations representing dependants of deceased veterans and exservicewomen; the provision for pulmonary tuberculosis to be dealt with in the same way as other disabilities; automatic adjustment of the main repatriation pensions in accordance with movements in the consumer price index only once a year; the provision of an upper age limit of 25 years for student children undertaking full time education, in respect of whom service pensioners receive additional allowances to their basic service pensions; the provision for incometestfree pensions to be frozen at their present cash level and additions to income-test-free pensions to become subject to the normal income test as applied to pensioners under 70 years of age; and the removal of references to sustenance allowance. [More…]
Provision has been made for the imposition of an upper age limit for the payment of additional pension in respect of student children who are in the care, custody and control of service pensioners. [More…]
It is now proposed that an upper disqualifying age limit of 25 years be applied in respect of the additional allowances paid to service pensioners who are supporting student children. [More…]
However, allowances already in payment in respect of student children 25 years and over will continue while students are undertaking full time education. [More…]
Finally, the Bill amends the definition of ‘dependant’ in relation to a pensioner to impose an upper age limit of 25 years on student dependent children of pensioners. [More…]
The Bill also amends the definition of ‘dependant’, in relation to an eligible pensioner, to impose an upper age limit of 25 years on student dependent children of pensioners. [More…]
Some of our (adult) children joined us for part of this time while they were on holidays. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
I refer, in a similar vein to the question asked by Senator Young, to the terrorist attacks in Rhodesia resulting in the murder of many hundreds of innocent men, women and children. [More…]
It was intended to introduce an administratively difficult and unjust means test on family allowances which would partly have the effect of penalising poor families whose children helped out by earning small amounts. [More…]
These actions started with the first legislative act of the Government in 1976 of abolishing the subsidised health and pharmaceutical benefits scheme and continued with a long campaign conducted by Government members against the unemployed and with the failure to increase benefits to pensioners and children as well as supplementary benefits in the time the Government has been in power and they culminate in this legislation. [More…]
That means that there are some 200,000 single unemployed beneficiaries with no children who are totally or almost totally dependent on unemployment benefit cheques. [More…]
A further reason can be seen from the manner in which this legislation and the manner in which this Government, since it has been in power, have failed to recognise- it has frequently taken steps to disadvantage them- families with children, particularly families of those in receipt of various social security benefits. [More…]
Allowances for pensioners’ children and beneficiaries’ children have not been increased at all by this Government, not in this Budget or in any previous Budget. [More…]
In this legislation the children of pensioners or beneficiaries who manage to get one or other of the tertiary scholarships available in this country will not have family allowances paid on their behalf. [More…]
We will have the situation, once this legislation comes into being, where the children of those who are well off, who have no scholarship, will attract the family allowance while the children of the poor, those in the lower and middle income groups, who have a scholarship, will attract no allowance. [More…]
It does not make up for it and it does not get away from the argument, Senator, that your children and my children- separate children- who may not have scholarships will attract family allowances whereas the children of the poor - [More…]
Those children will not have a benefit paid at all. [More…]
Added to these thingsthat the family allowance is eroded in value, that the allowances for pensioners’ children and the allowance for rental assistance have been eroded because they have not been increased, and that children who get a tertiary allowance of some kind will not have the family allowance paid in respect of them- other things have been done without warning, such as the maternity benefit being abolished. [More…]
I put it to the Government that a pensioner or beneficiary who has three or four children will lose about $30 in the first year because of the changeover to the new system of child endowment. [More…]
He berated the Government for what might have been- about the fact that the Government, in the Budget, decided to tax some income earned by children by reducing the family allowance paid to the parents. [More…]
However, Senator Grimes went on to say that the family allowance had been abolished for those parents whose children were getting a Tertiary Education Assistance scheme allowance. [More…]
In 1976 the handicapped children’s allowance was increased from $10 to $15. [More…]
The Government has extended the eligibility for the handicapped children’s allowance to include lesser handicapped children, substantially handicapped children, where the family income is low. [More…]
Eligibility for the handicapped children’s allowance has been extended to cover 16-year- olds to 25-year-olds who are not in receipt of an invalid pension. [More…]
A benefit is paid to organisations providing residential accommodation for handicapped children. [More…]
The rebates were taken away from the father when the family allowance was introduced, but previously the low income father with a large number of children was never able to claim all the rebates. [More…]
Under some conditions it is also payable to persons who have custody, care and control of handicapped children. [More…]
If it happened to be twins, triplets of quintuplets that the mother gave birth to, each of those children should have been regarded as an individual child for the purpose of the maternity allowance. [More…]
For a whole year governments throughout the world will be endeavouring to enhance the lives of children. [More…]
I think that it discriminates against the children who are born in late 1978 or early 1980. [More…]
One question arises in my mind on this matter: On my calculations, the change in the method of payment of family allowances from a four-weekly basis to a monthly basis will mean that parents with four children will receive $32 less in a full year. [More…]
This Bill represents a brutal assault on something like two million Australian men, women and children who are dependent in some way on social services; two million people whose standard of living lies in the calloused hands of this Government- hands that have become calloused because the Government has spent the last 34 months wiping its hands of every pre-election promise it made. [More…]
To cut a long story short, a family with five children is now worse off by $8 a week by way of loss of purchasing power than it was in 1976. [More…]
Senator Grimes also required information for the Opposition with regard to family allowances for children living abroad. [More…]
I state briefly that family allowances will continue to be paid for children outside Australia where the child is temporarily absent or the child is living abroad pending migration to Australia and will arrive in Australia within four years. [More…]
Family allowances will cease to be payable for children who have never been in Australia and who do not intend to migrate to Australia within four years. [More…]
There will be no change in the arrangements for payment of family allowances for children who are already in Australia. [More…]
Briefly, that is the outline of the changes with regard to family allowances for children abroad. [More…]
I state again briefly that this Bill extends eligibility for the handicapped child’s allowance to full-time children up to the age of 25 years. [More…]
This Bill brings the position of handicapped students into line with other provisions of the Act relating to student children. [More…]
There is no way in which the Hayden alternative budget has provided for additional pensions for children to be indexed. [More…]
The clause prevents the payment of an additional pension for children who are living ‘permanently abroad and separated from the parent’. [More…]
I can understand the Australian electorate objecting to the use of taxpayers’ money to pay benefits to children under such circumstances. [More…]
So that they can establish themselves, the parents then send their children home for several years to their grandparents because family ties are very close. [More…]
Whether we agree with it or not, the parents feel that their children are better off back in their own countries with their grandparents. [More…]
The clause has been introduced because the family allowance scheme is a family allowance for children living within Australia. [More…]
The clause gives effect to the Government’s decision to withdraw additional payments for children outside Australia unless the child is temporarily absent. [More…]
It is a family allowance scheme of the Government for Australian children and it will continue to be paid in cases of temporary absence or where the child will arrive within four years. [More…]
The allowance will cease to be payable for children who have never been in Australia and whose parents do not intend to bring them to Australia within four years. [More…]
There are no changes in arrangements for payment of the family allowance for children already in Australia. [More…]
We are taking this opportunity to say that it is a family allowance scheme for the benefit of children who are in Australia. [More…]
There are two provisoschildren who are temporarily absent or will be coming here within four years. [More…]
The allowance will also be paid in respect of such children. [More…]
My understanding is that this provision does not refer only to family allowances; it refers also to allowances for children of pensioners. [More…]
I have some philosophical difficulties about a country such as Australia that actively encourages migrants, has them working and paying taxes and then, because one of their children happens to be living out of the country, deprives them of benefits. [More…]
A married couple separate and the wife takes the children back to Greece - [More…]
He still has an obligation to support his children who are living overseas. [More…]
If the Minister says that the payment still will be made to him so that he can transmit it overseas for the support of his children, that is all right, but from a reading of the clause I would not have thought that that was so. [More…]
It is a payment that was never made to children in this category until 1976 when the family allowance scheme was introduced. [More…]
We were talking about paying an allowance for children who had never been in Australia and who would not be brought to Australia in the foreseeable future. [More…]
The exclusion of children who are living overseas and who may never come to Australia is thought to be a reasonable amendment to this clause. [More…]
Let us assume that two parents with their children are resident in Australia, the family breaks up- there is a divorce or they just separate- and the mother goes home with the children to their country of origin. [More…]
She has custody of the children and possibly there is a maintenance order. [More…]
The working father in Australia has to pay a contribution towards the upkeep of the children. [More…]
Does he get paid an allowance to transmit it home for the benefit of his children who will be living in another country for in excess of four years? [More…]
She may have an order against her husband who remains in Australia and, therefore, there is no pension payable to her or allowance payable in respect of her children. [More…]
I would say that whether she receives a pension in respect of the children or whether she gets support for the children would depend largely upon what action she has taken under the new and unknown clause 16 of the Bill. [More…]
She may not have a claim under clause 16 to any entitlement in respect of the children. [More…]
He has an obligation to support his wife and children. [More…]
It is said now that because his wife decides to take the children back home he will get no assistance from the Department of Social Security to support the children which the Australian court gave him an obligation to support. [More…]
In a situation where the wife stayed in Australia with the children she would receive a family allowance. [More…]
In the case cited by Senator Cavanagh we seem to be talking about children who are in the custody of the wife. [More…]
The 1977 legislation was altered to provide that a partner of the marriage could be left with the children. [More…]
This change was made for the benefit of the male because the previous legislation related only to a wife left with children. [More…]
as the case may be, of the child or children in relation to whom the first-mentioned person is the supporting parent and that that person has taken such action to obtain such maintenance as the Director-General considers reasonable . [More…]
Therefore, what is the position of the person who has a case for maintenance or for the provision of the children and who has taken action when the words ‘person has not taken the action’, are inserted. [More…]
The abolition of this benefit, combined with the failure to increase the allowances for pensioners’ children and other beneficiaries’ children and the failure to index the family allowances will contribute to the difficulties of low income families. [More…]
These clauses prohibit the payment of child endowment on behalf of children who are recipents of any of these scholarships. [More…]
I think all honourable senators have had letters from groups and individuals who will be quite severely affected by this provision, particularly those in country areas who have children living in cities and trying to study at tertiary institutions. [More…]
Although we do not oppose the change we merely point out that in the first year, which includes the payment date of 1 5 May, there will be a loss to parents with three or four children, which would I think include most parents. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
The humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully say that we are concerned about the discrimination which exists against the children of those parents who are in receipt of the Supporting Parents Benefit in comparison with children of Single Parents who receive the Widows Pension. [More…]
There is a declining standard in ABC children’s television programs. [More…]
I do not watch children’s television programs, however much Senator Martin was tempted to say by way of interjection that I should. [More…]
Similarly, comments were made about the decline in quality, as Mr Mackriell put it; the decline in what he termed the richness of radio programs for Australian children. [More…]
I know that when my children- I am sure this applies to the majority of honourable senators who have children- contracted measles the doctor was not contacted as it was known that measles was a relatively minor complaint, a children’s complaint, that could be coped with quite well at home. [More…]
Slovenes pay great attention to the education of their children and themselves. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Social Security noted the appeal by Professor Ken Turner, director of the research unit at Perth’s Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, for a national conference to discuss the 73 separate theories that have been advanced as the cause of cot deaths? [More…]
I ask the Minister to take this initiative to ensure that during the International Year of the Child some positive steps are taken which will have lasting benefits for the children of Australia? [More…]
I accept, as Senator Keeffe has said, that this is an opportunity to have a wide examination of all the theories that have been noted with regard to these distressing deaths of very young children. [More…]
This added burden will be felt not only by workers on lower incomes but also by other disadvantaged sections of the community, in particular the children of this country, who will suffer as a result of the severe cuts in education that have been made in this Budget. [More…]
Our children go to schools to learn English and other European ways of doing things. [More…]
My recollection is that there are three non-government schools in Australia of Ananda Marga origin which are duly certified by the State governments concerned as conforming to the State laws and the standards for secular education of the children concerned and which are in fact inspected by those States. [More…]
However, I have several groups funded by the Educational Research and Development Committee investigating the effects of differing educational practices on the learning of children. [More…]
The Bill will extend the range of circumstances in which a court can order the parties to confer with a counsellor, or can order a counsellor to report to it, on the welfare of children of the marriage. [More…]
These powers will become available to the court in any proceedings in which the welfare of children of a marriage is affected. [More…]
The humble petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully say that we are concerned about the discrimination which exists against the children of those parents who are in receipt of the Supporting Parents Benefit in comparison with children of Single Parents who receive the Widows Pension. [More…]
Does the Minister agree that children very rarely have first-hand experience of adult work? [More…]
Would the Minister consider initiating such an arrangement in Australia and possibly expanding it so that every business could adopt a nearby school so that children could regularly visit the business for the purpose of inspecting and learning production processes, as well as adult endeavours, through in-plant and in-office involvement? [More…]
I refer to Professor Chipman ‘s call yesterday for a new national school examination to evaluate the basic skills of children in arithmetic, elementary natural science, English expression and comprehension and clear thinking. [More…]
This was made clear in the 1976 report of the Select Committee which was titled ‘Learning Difficulties in Children and Adults’. [More…]
Let us take the situation of an ordinary family composed of a breadwinner, his spouse and a couple of children. [More…]
In practical terms, that means something like 2,000 cases, many of them involving family law maintenance, property, custody and access matters and how distressing those matters are when they involve children. [More…]
In such a plaintive analysis, by merely examining the prefix ‘Mrs’ to a person’s surname, he did not account for the social implications to the divorced, the separated and the effective breadwinners often because of a strained domestic situation or because work was a means of supporting a family suffering tremendous financial hardship due to illness or accident or even a means for a mother to seek relief and companionship on a five-hour twilight shift while the husband handled the family pressures of a prolonged terminal illness of one of their children. [More…]
Finally, 1 wish to pay recognition to the sacrifices of and the assistance from my wife, Jocelyn, and four children. [More…]
Looking at these figures, one sees that an unemployed married couple with two children on the pension which was allowed before the Budgetfortunately it was increased- received $109.30. [More…]
The same situation could be shown to apply to people who have more than two children and to single people. [More…]
Of course, that has occurred through positive government policies at State and Federal Government levels to encourage tertiary education to a degree higher than had previously applied and to provide better opportunities for children at the secondary level. [More…]
Can the Minister for Social Security inform the Senate of the conditions under which family allowance and unemployment benefit will be paid in respect of student children and school leavers during the Christmas vacation? [More…]
The family allowance for student children aged 1 6 years and over will be continued up to 26 December of this year, in all cases under the usual conditions. [More…]
A review form will be posted before the end of November to all mothers of student children in this category. [More…]
To celebrate that event Senator Ryan and those honourable senators who would support her motion suggest that this Government should be the first government in Australia to set up a public abortion clinic in the grounds of a hospital to be run by the taxpayers’ money to destroy the lives of children. [More…]
I do not think that one can fairly point to a society like that, a society which has been, per capita, the greatest contributor to United Nations organisations for the relief of refugees and for the assistance of children throughout the world and say that it has a more devalued view of human life than a society like Australia which is more concerned with its own economic problems perennially than with international problems of concern such as the ones I have mentioned. [More…]
I have letters that are heartrending- letters written by six-year-old or seven-year-old children and sent by their parents. [More…]
As has been said, when letters are received from six-year-old and seven-year-old children, who do not know anything about life, asking us not to murder children, those who are putting together the campaign had better look at their own moral standards. [More…]
They talk about killing children. [More…]
If they really care about the health of the women and children in the Australian Capital Territory they should go out and find those butchers and do something about them. [More…]
There has been talk of providing children for childless couples to adopt. [More…]
If people are so anxious to provide children for childless couples to adopt, I suggest that they establish stud farms. [More…]
But they must respect my right to weigh up the pros and cons and make those decisions which safeguard my life and ensure that my children grow up in the best possible circumstances. [More…]
I have six children. [More…]
I expect governments to legislate to protect me from charlatans, rogues and exploiters and to promote a good life for my children, and I will make the decision about whether I should have children. [More…]
I could not speak on this matter with any honesty if I did not refer with grave distaste to the letters I have received from young children- as young as six or seven years- on this issue. [More…]
I am very strongly tempted to quote some of these letters in the Senate but I would not like to place on public record the extent to which children of that age have been forced to utter sentiments of which they could have no possible understanding and which in their innocence they have been caused to support. [More…]
They include such statements as, ‘Dear Senator, Please do not hurt little children’. [More…]
using young children and form letters, is deplorable. [More…]
Children have a right to life and a right to love. [More…]
I would like them to commit themselves to devoting an equal proportion of their time, of their vigour, of their ability and of their wit to caring for the children in orphanages and children who are poor. [More…]
Those people who are sincere in campaigning against abortion should examine the way in which their time is apportioned and decide whether at least half of their time ought not to be devoted to the fostering of children from Asia- the children who are orphaned and the children whom I described earlier. [More…]
In a perfect society those children of unwanted pregnancies- I am not suggesting that every unwanted pregnancy produces an unwanted child, but certainly a massive number of them do- would obtain the love, the care and the nourishment that other children receive. [More…]
I refer to the six-year-old and seven-year-old children who have written to me in language, as was suggested by Senator Mason, which amounts to committing one of the most obscene acts that I have experienced in a long time. [More…]
I must admit that Senator Walters confused me dreadfully by her specious’argument this afternoon about the Year of the Child and how honourable senators would start that important year by murdering children. [More…]
But there is no way that these people can say in all honesty and sincerity- I believe that the majority of these people are sincerethat the standards they have established for their children will prevail once those children get out from under the influence of the family. [More…]
Sometimes they are concerned that they do not have enough love to give to their children. [More…]
Sometimes they already have too many children. [More…]
In our so-called enlightened schools on which we are spending so much money no attempt is being made to teach children some of the facts of life to prepare them for their development as young people. [More…]
To me it is a recognition that in this day and age, instead of our living in the unenlightened society that has prevailed in this country and many other Western countries for centuries, the veil is lifting and people will see reason and will be able to assist those who want to plan their lives and be able to plan their families so that they will support the children that they can afford to rear and the ones that they feel that they are capable of seeing through their early childhood on to maturity, and in that way fulfil their proper destiny. [More…]
Everybody here knows that unwanted children continue to be the victims of child abuse and worse. [More…]
Many school children are doing the same today. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
I draw the Minister’s attention to the finding of the recent health survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics that 2.6 per cent of children aged between one and five years had not received any triple-antigen vaccination for whooping cough, tetanus and diptheria and that 3.8 per cent of children in the same age group had not received polio vaccination. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether action is being taken to ensure that all children will receive these vaccinations to protect them from the risk of potentially fatal illnesses. [More…]
Specifically, these goods include car jacks which collapse under stress, rotary paint strippers which can cause eye injury, children’s tents without adequate ventilation, portable fire extinguishers which do not conform to proper standards, children’s bath fun foam which can cause suffocation and baby walkers and folding tables which can cause injury to young children. [More…]
Also, for the information of honourable senators, I have a statement outlining the information and electoral education services which the Australian Electoral Office has been developing over the last two years and in particular the most significant advances that have occurred in the areas of ethnic groups, Aborigines and school children. [More…]
It has been making most significant moves especially in the areas of ethnic groups, Aboriginals and school children as well as aiming to reach the community as a whole. [More…]
I mentioned earlier, Mr President, the responsibility seen for the development of electoral education programs for school children. [More…]
We go to tremendous measures to protect the life of a single child; why do we not take similar measures to protect the lives of hundreds of children? [More…]
It may be necessary for us to improve the dietary position of whole Aboriginal communities in certain areas in order to allow children to be conceived and reared with sufficient nutrition. [More…]
I am not an expert on these matters, but Dr Kalokerinos is one doctor who has written so urgently about the protein shortage in the nutrition of Aboriginal children. [More…]
For instance, if all these children were to suddenly die by some sudden disaster caused by flood or by earthquake, we would be racing to the assistance of those communities, but because it is an insidious thing which has been suddenly revealed to us in the health report we seem not to give it the importance that we should. [More…]
One action that can be taken to help- and this is a point that I pursued with respect to education- is for more and more Aboriginal children to be trained as teachers aides and teachers to work among their own people. [More…]
There are many hundreds of Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory being educated at the Kormilda and Yirara Aboriginal Colleges who have the ability to become health aides. [More…]
Several months ago all communities with children at Dhupuma College were contacted by my Department in the Northern Territory. [More…]
I say it is not a free pass because although the employee gets a pass for himself, his wife and children he then must pay $100 for each member of his family plus the costs of the sleeping berths on the train and the costs of meals. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Treasurer aware that the levying of sales tax on equipment or toys that aid in the development of mentally or physically handicapped children places a heavy financial burden on the parents of those children? [More…]
In other words, say, a major mechanical defect or perhaps as our teenage children may say ‘a vehicle which is clapped out’ because these vehicles also are sold to Aboriginal people. [More…]
They used them for scratching their initials on their iron picks and shovels and then gave them to their children to play with, and they disappeared thereafter. [More…]
The unit we have planned contains a W.C. compartment; a small area with stainless steel tub for washing children and clothes, the tub being sufficiently large for both purposes; a shower cubicle, and a kitchenette unit containing stainless steel sink, basic shelving, with space available for a refrigerator and a future electric stove. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
In Melbourne there are women with a number of children and no father, the father being in East Timor; and there are brothers and sisters under 12 years of age, with no parents here at all. [More…]
A total of 94.7 per cent of beneficiaries with a dependent wife and children had no continuing income. [More…]
He could well have four children. [More…]
A man could have a dependent spouse and four children. [More…]
The provision, as I said, simply allowed any male Commonwealth employee who became the father of a new baby to take a week’s leave to assist his wife to look after their other children and to get to know his new baby. [More…]
The husband and wife might already have two or three small children. [More…]
Anybody in the Senate who has been in a home at the time of the birth of a new baby could not possibly claim that a young father who has to cope with two or three other children, a new baby and a wife who may not be 100 per cent fit is taking leave for recreational purposes. [More…]
Surveys show that 50 per cent of women do return to work after maternity leave despite the enormous difficulties of obtaining child care for children under 12 months. [More…]
Again, I do not think that there are many cases of women who are actually making a career of producing children so as to qualify for maternity leave year after year. [More…]
Secondly, there is a serious lack of child care facilities, particularly for very small children, which makes the provision of one year’s maternity leave for public servants not a totally satisfactory provision. [More…]
There are no provisions for easier entry into the work force for women who stay out of the work force until their children are of school age. [More…]
To allow leave only to mothers who bear their own children is discriminatory against adopting parents, and I do not believe that there is any proper case for penalising adopting parents in this way. [More…]
It seems to me that she must have had her tongue in her cheek when she was talking about a week’s paternity leave to allow the father to get to know his newborn child and at the same time look after the other children of the family while the mother is in hospital. [More…]
If the father cannot organise his holidays in that nine months so that he can have at least a week of his holidays shortly after his wife gets out of hospital or, if they already have a family, he cannot organise his holidays so that he can look after the children while she is in hospital there is something radically wrong with the system. [More…]
With the striking exception of the family allowance scheme of this Government, very little has been done in a financial sense to encourage families to raise children. [More…]
A good illustration of that was the evacuation of Vietnamese children in 1975. [More…]
A representative load of passengers are used comprising children and adults of various ages. [More…]
There has been a direct compulsion on those choosing the state system to send their student children to the nearest school. [More…]
As a result of our intervention, the Film Censorship Board called for and viewed the film, and has now registered it with the classified ‘NRC- an advisory classification warning that it is not recommended for children. [More…]
-I present a report from the Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on its inquiry into the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children. [More…]
In presenting this report relating to the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children, we bring to the Senate an account of one of the most important and challenging inquiries ever undertaken by this Committee. [More…]
As we moved from State to State, we became aware of a widespread public concern with the influence of television on children and young people. [More…]
Children and young people watch television for about 20 hours a week or nearly three hours a day. [More…]
Research has established that by the time some children leave school they will have spent more time in front of the home television screen than in the classroom. [More…]
We were more concerned, however, with an estimated 20 per cent of children who view in excess of 30 and sometimes as high as 80 hours of television a week. [More…]
Evidence presented to the Committee showed that these children, because of certain social inhibitions, tended to retreat to a world of their own where television became virtually their sole companion and their main source of information and entertainment. [More…]
These children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of television and the ones for which we have the greatest concern. [More…]
Concern about the impact of television on children ranged widely over many issues. [More…]
The effects of televised violence emerged as the major issue but there was also much concern about the effects of constant exposure of children to programs that portrayed male and female role stereotypes, unreal or foreign life-styles and the gratuitous use of sex. [More…]
The Committee’s attention was drawn to advertising that sought to exploit the natural credulity of children and encouraged them to pressure their parents for products they saw advertised. [More…]
Others expressed concern that much of the advertising directed at children encouraged them in dietary habits that could pose long term dental and nutritional health risks. [More…]
Educationalists and parents were concerned that television is adversely affecting the learning behaviour of children. [More…]
It was claimed that escapist material mainly watched by children is stifling the development of creative instincts and imagination. [More…]
These include such things as shortened attention spans, lack of concentration, difficulties in speech and language development and the inability of some children to develop concepts and logical thoughts. [More…]
We believe that we have identified a number of crucially important issues relating to the impact of television on children. [More…]
From the available evidence and from our own analysis of programs we concluded that much of the criticism directed at children’s programs offered by both the national and commercial services is well founded. [More…]
We believe that commercial television by its very nature is not geared to cater adequately for minority audiences including children. [More…]
The Committee has recommended that children’s programming be taken out of the arena of industry economics and that programs be produced by an independent production unit. [More…]
The concern expressed to us about the possible harmful effects of television and the complaints about the long history of neglect of children’s programming did not seem to be shared by those in the television or advertising industries. [More…]
Those who advocated the urgent introduction of media educational courses in the schools pointed out that since television is such an important influence in the learning process, children should be taught discrimination in its use. [More…]
It was also suggested to the Committee that much could be done to improve children’s television if adults had a greater awareness of television’s potential to influence and became critical viewers themselves. [More…]
Other evidence showed that many parents were concerned with what their children learnt from television but were unsure of how to control effectively their children ‘s viewing habits. [More…]
It is of interest to note that as a result of our public hearings and those of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal in its inquiry into selfregulation for broadcasters, a great deal of public interest has been generated in children’s television. [More…]
With 1979 being designated as Year of the Child by the United Nations, we expect this interest to be sustained and develop even further as community attention focuses more sharply on the needs of children. [More…]
Because of the great amount of interest in this inquiry and likely continued public interest, I inform the Senate that we will be looking at the subject of children’s television again in about eighteen months. [More…]
Finally, I state that this whole study highlights the changing situation applying to those who, in one way or another, are entrusted with the care and management of children. [More…]
The role of schools and community organisations takes on a new responsibility, in association with homes and parents, so that the wonderful characteristics of television may be used to assist our children to become informed, happy and useful citizens. [More…]
While that may have been in the interests of my children- I firmly believe that to be so- I personally feel deprived as a result of having to make that decision. [More…]
For example, one of the Committee’s findings, which were made on the basis of evidence put to it, was that the average viewing time which children spend watching television is of the order of 20 to 22 hours a week but one-fifth of the child population of this country watches television for much longer than that- up to 60 to 70 hours a week. [More…]
It is important to consider how much we as a parliament should be concerned about those children. [More…]
I think it is very important that that review process take place so that a committee of this Senate is not treated in 1978 as committees of this Parliament have been treated over many years in dealing with matters relating to television and particularly children’s television. [More…]
I think that the report deals very kindly with them in this regard because in suggesting government intervention it suggests that governments should also make a financial commitment to that intervention in terms of the quality of children’s programs. [More…]
It may be that if we start educating adults or even children now to understand the nature of the electronic media, by the time that process has been implemented and has been under way for a few years the whole nature of the electronic media will have changed. [More…]
It is subject to review when information is received from all States of the children in the four years and five years age groups who are actually attending pre-schools in each State. [More…]
You must understand that is been organised for the Children’s Hospital and the Maternity Hospital in Lima only, and that any donations at all should be sent as a private donation to either hospital. [More…]
The general resources programs are general recurrent grants, including short term emergency assistance for non-government schools catering for country children, and building and equipment grants. [More…]
The specific purpose programs are for child migrant education, disadvantaged schools and students in disadvantaged country areas, special education for handicapped children including children living in institutions, services and development and special projects. [More…]
Secondly, is it a fact that the decisions of such colleges in fixing fees for 1 979 and the future of thousands of children proposing to undertake courses will be dependent upon such a decision? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the National Acoustic Laboratory services to hearing impaired children on Aboriginal settlements in Queensland are severely hindered for want of funds? [More…]
Is it true that NAL personnel do not visit Aboriginal settlements for the purpose of testing hearing problems in deaf children? [More…]
Is it further true that hearing aids are posted by the NAL to schools on Aboriginal settlements and that these aids are passed on to the children by school authorities without any NAL staff being on hand to ensure that the correct aid is given to a particular child and without any proper training being given by NAL staff to the school authorities? [More…]
We understand that this is the same film which is now known under the title Drink No Longer Water and which was viewed by the Film Censorship Board, as a result of the Committee’s inquiries, and classified NRC- not recommended for children- by the Film Censorship Board itself. [More…]
I think, too, that we should have a look at providing these teaching facilities not only in the secondary schools, where traditionally languages have been taught, but also in the primary schools, where children are very adept at learning languages if they are given the proper opportunity. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
In one case the children have been left behind. [More…]
Sales Tax Exemptions on Equipment for Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children [More…]
On 17 November 1978 (Hansard, page 2181) Senator Gietzelt asked me, as Minister representing the Treasurer, a question without notice concerning the possible exemption from sales tax of equipment and toys purchased on the recommendation of a doctor, for use by mentally or physically handicapped children. [More…]
He was ably helped by his wife Margaret who had a great affinity with Aboriginal children and with other children. [More…]
With regard to the pre-school block grant that is made to the States, and in particular to Tasmania, for the year 1978-79 the total Commonwealth block grant for pre-schools is $32.75m, which is divided among the States in proportion to the number of four and five year-old children attending pre-schools in each State. [More…]
I think that in one instance we are still awaiting details of the number of children attending pre-school so that we can make the final grant. [More…]
Section 5 ( 1 ) of the Departure Tax Collection Act (1978) defines those persons exempt from liability, for example, children under 18 years of age. [More…]
Dee Boss- Walker (Tasmania)- Home duties with 3 young children; very involved with community child care activities; Secretary Australian Pre-School Association, Tasmania; immediate past president, Southern Tasmania Playgroups Association. [More…]
Committee, Tasmania; delegate to Tasmanian Children’s Week Committee. [More…]
Sue Broad (Western Australia)-Federal Vice-President of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association: has undertaken an overseas study tour on a Western Australian Women’s Fellowship to look further at problems of isolated parents and children; President Yalgoo Museum; member Country Women’s Association; local correspondent for the ABC; contributor to ‘The West Australian’ newspaper. [More…]
student and researching the child and law in Queensland; has published and presented papers on rights of the child, emotional needs of young children and care of sick children; President, Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital, Queensland; member, sub-committee on co-ordination of Pediatric Services, Queensland Pediatric Advisory Committee; member, sub-committee revising legislation in Queensland for handicapped children, Queensland Special Education Department; member, Women Lawyers’ Association, U.N. Association Human Rights Committee, Federation of University Women. [More…]
10 children. [More…]
Judith Roberts (South Australia)- Trained nurse; associate member of National Council of Women of SA; member of number of local community organisations (in the fields of health, welfare and education) including Unley Mothers and Babies Health Association ( former President, Secretary and Treasurer), Unley Royal Institution for the Blind, Unley Auxiliary of Crippled Children’s Association, Royal District Nursing Society, Red Cross, Good Neighbour Council of SA, State Committees of Schools’ Commission, Council of Governors of Walford CEGGS, Federation of Parents and Friends Association of Independent Schools in SA. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State School children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
That recipients of Supporting Parents Benefit are discriminated against compared to widows and divorcees who have the care of dependent children. [More…]
This card enables recipients and their children to receive free medical care, pharmaceutical benefits and optometrical benefits which are a vital necessity to the well-being of these families. [More…]
Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that in this International Year of the Child all Australian children be considered an equal part of this country’s wealth and that the Health Act be amended so that Pensioners Health Benefit Cards can be issued to those receiving Supporting Parents Benefit. [More…]
We believe this to be an essential step to ensuring that all children in this country achieve their potential stature as human beings. [More…]
That as citizens of Victoria and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our school be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister for Education: In 1977 the Government introduced a new program aimed at extending education services available to children living in country areas. [More…]
Broadly-based State and area committees support and stimulate rural communities in their search for new and improved ways of providing education for their children. [More…]
Supplementary assistance for rent, payments for pensioners’ children and payments to injured Commonwealth employees have not been increased for more than three years. [More…]
Families with children have been affected, as has been suggested many times in this Parliament. [More…]
He made no commitment with regard to additional pensions with regard to children, he made no estimate to show that he would give a greater allowable free area of income to pensioners. [More…]
Although I would agree with Senator Grimes when he says that pensioners, the people who are aged, invalid and sick, are the most vulnerable, I also need to recognise the needs of families- the single income family with several small children, the family with commitments to purchasing a house to give security to the family and the family with a woman who is unable to work and who has commitments at home to her own children and a desire to be at home with them. [More…]
Children need nourishing fresh food for their mental and physical development. [More…]
Families with young children make up a great part of our pensioner population today. [More…]
Anybody who has had children, anybody who has any imagination, realises that when there are young children in a family the need for health care rises dramatically. [More…]
Only today I had put to me a case of a widow with four children. [More…]
This widow on a pension with four children was denied any rebate because one of her boys had just turned 16, could not get a job and was on unemployment benefit. [More…]
Yet they all have children to raise in this community. [More…]
This is a rare opportunity to demonstrate that intensified public and governmental awareness of children’s needs can lead to concrete action of immense and, above all, lasting benefit to mankind’s future- its children. [More…]
Those are fine words and yet some children on pensions are paid a larger children’s allowance than others, some children on pensions receive an education allowance and some do not, and some children on pensions receive the cost of school requisites, fares and other educational expenses. [More…]
It can now take on the greater responsibility of this investment in our future- our children. [More…]
How can we differentiate between children? [More…]
As the value of the pension goes down there is less money in these homes for education and so the children get worse and worse educations and a harder and harder start in life. [More…]
There has been no rise in the children’s allowance in any of our pension schemes. [More…]
I know that in my home as- I am sure happens in homes throughout the nation- I teach my children that if they make a promise they should keep that promise. [More…]
I can remember that even at a very early age one of my own children sang a song which began ‘If you give a promise then keep a promise’. [More…]
Are we not to expect that the Government should keep its promises just the same as we teach our children in our own homes. [More…]
Very many children are involved when we are talking about low income earners. [More…]
When we are talking about pensioners’ benefits we are also talking about children. [More…]
These are children of parents who are in receipt of unemployment benefits or who are in receipt of benefits of some sort from this Government. [More…]
I remind all honourable senators that this is the Year of the Child and there are many children in Australia who are hungry, who do not have adequate housing and who do not even have adequate clothing. [More…]
I am simply saying that in this International Year of the Child there are in Australia many children who are hungry and who are not being housed or clothed properly because their parents happen to be in receipt of pensioner benefits from this Government. [More…]
Then she had the audacity to say at the end of her speech that children in this country are not clothed and are going hungry because their parents are in receipt of pensioner benefits from this Government. [More…]
Yet Senator Coleman has the audacity to say to the people of Australia that there are children in this country who are hungry and unclothed because their parents are in receipt of pensioner benefits from this Government. [More…]
These are people such as school children, elderly people and appreciable numbers of citizens who, for one reason or another, do not wish to own or drive a motor car or automobile. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention also been drawn to the comment from the Queensland Education Department that Federal members of Parliament, including Cabinet Ministers, had no right to go around handing out holidays to Queensland school children? [More…]
Do any provisions exist which allow for relief in cases of hardship arising amongst families which rely on the mails for educating outback children? [More…]
Whilst no provisions exist under postal legislation which would provide relief for outback families where children are being educated by correspondence, the Government does provide correspondence allowances under the Assistance for Isolated Children scheme. [More…]
The analysis by the Taxpayers ‘ Association seeks to compare the real disposable income of a taxpayer receiving average weekly earnings and with a wholly dependent spouse and two children in 1975-76 and 1978-79. [More…]
Each school will, therefore, have the responsibility of catering first for the children in its own area but will then be free to accept as many other pupils who wish to come to the school as may reasonably be placed. [More…]
Three small children were, by consent of their father, in the legal custody of their mother following a divorce. [More…]
Two people or groups of people were thereafter concerned with the welfare of those small children: their maternal grandparents and their father. [More…]
But, had each party started in the right court, two different courts would have had power to deal with custody of the same children between the same parties. [More…]
I got the impression that they felt that there could not possibly be the kind of world in which this could happen and that for some reason or other, although it is possible for other groups in the community such as families, organisations and business boards to agree on things- even school children have mock parliaments at times- this Parliament is different, that it is immune to such rationality. [More…]
It will be our children and grandchildren who do it. [More…]
I know that most ofthe children under 30 years of age of post-war migrants believe that this is something that should happen. [More…]
A great deal of work has been done by the Federal Government, by State governments and by the voluntary organisations in this country to make it a fitting year of celebration in recognition of the rights of children and of our responsibilities to them. [More…]
Articles may also be written which express the expectation that at the end of the year we will be able to say that we have solved all of the problems of our children or that we have discharged our responsibilities to them. [More…]
I hope that the media will give their support, as they have done previously, to the efforts of the governments and the people of this country to draw attention in this year to the needs and rights of children and our responsibilities to them, and to see that it is a year that is enjoyed by children in whatever way they are able to enjoy it. [More…]
Another matter that would have to be taken into consideration is that if there were the same free area of income as applies to age pensions a person with a dependent spouse and two children would be able to have an income of over $250 a week before the unemployment benefit ceased. [More…]
Six hundred million men, women and children living in absolute poverty without access to the basic amenities which we take for granted is, of course, a very frightening situation. [More…]
My attention has been drawn to the plight of one parent families, and in particular, to the differences which exist in the benefits paid to children who are under the auspices of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and those cared for by the Department of Social Security. [More…]
Does she agree that it is indeed a deep injustice for such discrimination to exist between children? [More…]
I refer the Minister to the United Nations declaration which states that it is the fundamental right of all children to have equality of educational opportunities’. [More…]
In view of this, will the Minister investigate the possibility of the children of civilian widows being paid an education allowance similar to that paid to the children of war widows? [More…]
I note what was said by Senator Missen with regard to the education allowance for the children of civilian widows. [More…]
The amount of assistance which is paid to social security pensioners and their children will, of course, be reviewed at Budget time. [More…]
Frequently the inquirers end up as appointees to the statutory bodies which are virtually children of their own creation. [More…]
But that freedom of choice is not available to the vast number of married women with dependent children who are forced into the work force through the economic circumstances. [More…]
It is difficult when many of us have teenage children who are about to leave school. [More…]
These are children from unemployed families where unemployment is becoming a way of life for several generations who live in the same street, the same house and the same suburb. [More…]
I think it would be desirable if in many of our policies relating to social issues more consideration were given to the situation which exists in more primitive societies than ours in which much more care and attention is given to the wider ramifications of family relationships than in the typical Australian family as it is sometimes described with a husband, a wife, two children and the television set. [More…]
The organisation and formulation of government policies- I make this comment irrespective of party lines- which bear on the family situation are very much structured towards encouraging the continuance of the nuclear family and against the possibility of encouraging wider and more supportive relationships in families which involve more than just a husband, a wife and two children. [More…]
I now refer to one other very important aspect of this Bill which seeks to extend the range of circumstances in which a court can order the parties to confer with a counsellor or order a counsellor to report to it on the welfare of children. [More…]
Situations have arisen where the Court may seek information about the children (e.g. [More…]
Though these situations are not likely to arise very often there seems to be no good reason for the present restriction which may prevent the Court from obtaining a report or from taking action in the interests of the children. [More…]
The Bill seeks to extend the range of circumstances in which a court can order the panics to confer with a counsellor or order a counsellor to report to it, on the welfare of the children of the marriage. [More…]
Section 62 is amended to extend the circumstances in which a court can order the parties to confer with a counsellor or can order a counsellor to report to it on the welfare of the children of the marriage. [More…]
It confers certain powers on the courts and makes certain recommendations in relation to the welfare of the children of such a marriage. [More…]
It might not have gone as far as we might have liked but at least it did seem to take account of the fact that children, young people and the community in general should not be pressured into the use of alcohol. [More…]
The Board looked at the film and rated it NRC- not recommended for children. [More…]
Frankly, I do not think it would do children any harm. [More…]
One wonders about the Censorship Board when on the one hand it can rate a film G- suitable for general exhibition- and then, after it has had another look at the film, can rate it NRC- not recommended for children. [More…]
There is no point whatsoever in setting up educational programs in high schools, in primary schools or, as we are now told should happen, in kindergartens, if at the same time those children see their parents using on every possible occasion amounts of alcohol that can only be detrimental to their health and to their conduct and using alcohol as though they intend to go on drinking it forever. [More…]
It was certainly not the type of film I would want to be shown to adults, let along children. [More…]
The report introduced by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts entitled ‘Children and Television’ tries to come to grips in large measure with a recent phenomenon that is shaping society in a way substantially different from the way in which societies have developed in the past. [More…]
Undoubtedly it would come as a surprise to many honourable senators to see the statistics given in the Committee’s report indicating that more than 20 per cent of Australian children watch more than 30 hours of television a week. [More…]
Apart from the effect that this has in terms of taking up time in which children could be engaged in other pursuits, be they sporting, cultural, recreational, social or educative pursuits, it can be seen that for a very large section of the young community of Australia television is about the most important thing in their lives. [More…]
I have no doubt that the production of programs such as In The Wild has done more to bring about the real education of Australian children and adults about the country in which they live than just about any other undertaking. [More…]
To a large extent this has resulted from what I believe is abdication of parental responsibility for the behaviour of children. [More…]
It simply cannot be held that the children themselves, without any involvement by parental authority, are turning on the television set and choosing what they will watch and when they will watch it. [More…]
I recall a remark, I think it was made by Senator Button, when this report was first introduced, that one of the things that he had done was to get rid of the television set or limit the access to the television set which his children watched. [More…]
Parents usually exert little influence over their children’s viewing. [More…]
Our data indicate that in an overwhelming majority of families, the children control the use of the television set through early evening. [More…]
Indeed, one study reports that parents often ask advice from their children when they select early evening programs. [More…]
If parental authorities are going to abdicate not only the responsibility but also the choice in this matter, not so much to their children but to the people who decide what will be shown on the television screens, we will reach a situation in which anybody attempting to play a legitimate role in shaping the moral code, the ethical values or even the educational framework of children is abdicating that responsibility to some total stranger in the programing departments of the television stations. [More…]
To that extent the gulf that may exist between children and parents- the socalled generation gap which may be growing at an even faster rate as children’s knowledge expands these days- is in part encouraged by the fact that parental authorities have done nothing to prevent it from occurring. [More…]
Who, for instance a couple of years ago would have been prepared to concede the point that a television show produced for children in which animated glove puppets singing and dancing and mixed with a variety of live guest stars- of course the program to which I refer is The Muppet Show- would attract worldwide audiences larger than audiences for any other undertaking ever produced on the public media? [More…]
I turn briefly to the question of programming for children. [More…]
It is not simply because this is the International Year of the Child that this matter requires our attention: It is because in the whole development of television, and, in particular, in the hearings that have been conducted by the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, people in the community have expressed a greater degree of concern about children’s television than they have about anything else. [More…]
Those who have seen the attempts of certain members of the Broadcasting Tribunal to prevent similar submissions being made to the Sydney hearings, and the way in which the Tribunal has now decided that it will accept those submissions, will also be impressed with the number and the quality of the submissions relating to children’s television. [More…]
There was so much discussion about children’s television. [More…]
We thought there would be a lot of discussion about many things but there is no doubt that children’s television developed as the central issue of that inquiry. [More…]
It has made recommendations about the employment and the use of children on television and it has made particular recommendations that the Government establish an independent children’s television program production unit. [More…]
It has recommended that there be no advertising of any form during the screening of programs designed for pre-school children. [More…]
It is quite clear that commercial interests in Australia are using the medium of television in order to have an influence on the way in which young children, pre-school children, react to the sale of products, and to influence them to bring pressure to bear on their mothers in the supermarkets. [More…]
They also have an influence on the demands which are artificially created in the minds of young children about what commercial products they demand that they should have. [More…]
In fact it is called the Nation of the Night because it is during the night that people proceed to educate their children in order to keep their country going. [More…]
I turn from the political response to the humanitarian response to the claims of the displaced families of Eritrea, the 1,200,000 persons who have been made homeless, of whom, in this International Year of the Child, 400,000 are thought to be children under 12 years of age. [More…]
65 per cent children ‘s, 25 per cent women’s, 15 percent men’s. [More…]
As far as I know, human beings- children and women- are being killed, but nobody is interested in that. [More…]
Would the AttorneyGeneral agree that when family law legislation was debated in this chamber, heavy stress was laid on the need to remove the strains which had been associated with divorce jurisdiction in the past, with particular reference to the rights of children? [More…]
Would the Attorney-General agree that this child minding service is a very valuable one, particularly when custody and access matters are being heard in view of the desirability of avoiding conflict between parents in the presence of children when custody of children is in dispute? [More…]
Has he had reports of unfortunate incidents in the precincts of the Family Court in Brisbane since this child minding service has been closed down, particularly when children have come into contact with parents from whom they have been separated for some time? [More…]
It is the desire of the Government that we should have a great boom economy based on nuclear power, even if it were possible, at the expense of running out of these resources so that our great great grandchildren will have nothing left and will look back on our generation with contempt as the looters, the people who did not think for the future, the Huns of the 20th century in terms of exploitation, deprivation and the destruction of our resources. [More…]
It is their children’s children who will suffer from this kind of policy which is being entered into by the Government with no regard whatsoever to the truth, [More…]
This Government provided $ lm to extend the Koomarri school f&r handicapped children. [More…]
Is the Minister for Foreign Affairs aware that owing to terrorist activities in Rhodesia there has been a flood of black refugees, many of whom are children, into Bulawayo and Salisbury in search of tribal kinsmen? [More…]
Each school will have the responsibility of catering first for the children in its area, but then will be free to accept as many other pupils who wish to come to the school as may be reasonably placed. [More…]
I refer to the recently reported figures published by the Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research which indicate that a single parent with one child requires $85.30 a week to live beyond the poverty line, and a single parent with two children requires $ 103.50 to escape poverty. [More…]
Will the Government review the case for a special education allowance for the children of single parent families? [More…]
Another area of anomaly relates to the assumed capacity of middle income families to contribute to their children’s tertiary education. [More…]
It is generally assumed that people in the middle income bracket can easily afford to pay for part of their children’s education and living costs. [More…]
But the Government does expect parents to continue to meet part of their parental responsibilities with respect to student children. [More…]
One of the premises on which the whole system is based is that in the majority of cases parents will not regard children who are still students as being no longer their responsibility. [More…]
We intend to introduce further legislation for isolated children, Aboriginal students and students receiving benefits under the Government’s new secondary allowances scheme. [More…]
It is unfortunate that Senator Davidson is not present in the chamber because as Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts which investigated isolated children he would be particularly interested in what we have to say here. [More…]
He has spoken in this place on many occasions about the need for the Government to increase its assistance to isolated children. [More…]
The Committee reported that it found many injustices and that isolated children were badly disadvantaged when compared with children in the town. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government review its educational policy in the Northern Territory to ensure equal educational opportunity for both Aboriginal and European children. [More…]
The payment of benefits under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme be continued and that levels of assistance and application of the means test for additional allowances be reviewed annually so that allowances are paid at a rate commensurate with education expenditure. [More…]
As Senator Davidson has said a number of times in this place, not one of those recommendations has been accepted by the Government to help those children in the country. [More…]
Expenditure on children in isolated areas increased from $10.3m to $14.5m. [More…]
Cigarette smoking among school children aged between 14 and 16 years increased from 40.9 per cent in 1 973 to 49.2 per cent in 1 977. [More…]
As a result, children who eat large quantities of such food run the risk of serious dietary deficiencies. [More…]
Pensioners and school children who attend school in Adelaide. [More…]
Many of these people have reared children at Murray Bridge. [More…]
Some have grown up and married and some still have children going to school. [More…]
Then to finalise the miscellaneous chapter, children are put in. [More…]
One would have thought in this International Year of the Child that children would have had a special chapter of their own under the Queensland Aboriginal by-laws, but they do not. [More…]
So children of age one must be taught right from the start that they cannot go into a toilet for the other sex, that they cannot practise sorcery even in their childish games and that they cannot go to a public function unless they have permission from the manager to do so. [More…]
Today the most elaborate motel-like buildings have been or are being built at places such as Palm Island where, incidentally, females and children under the age of 12 are incarcerated even though the ordinary laws do not allow this. [More…]
Children, women and blacks are totally discriminated against in Queensland and there are special laws to discriminate against them all. [More…]
He did not want to leave Cairns because he had two children going to school there and he had been teaching at the one school for a number of years. [More…]
He was then banned from the reserve and was not allowed to go back to see his wife and two primary school children. [More…]
Here children were locked up from dark until daylight. [More…]
I once found that at the end of each of these dormitories was a little gaol and I remember asking the matron of the day whether there were any children in the gaol. [More…]
There were two children in there, an 1 1 -year-old and a 13-year-old. [More…]
These two children had been confined for a sentence of 14 days. [More…]
These children had received 14 days gaol in this dirty, filthy little dog-hole of a room because, allegedly, the 13-year-old child had made a pass at one of the boys and the 1 1 yearold had said ‘damn’ to her teacher at school. [More…]
That is what those children were sentenced for. [More…]
While the brawl was going on between the policeman and the doctor, three or four of this man’s children were picked up by the police and locked up at the police station. [More…]
He was worried, particularly as one of the children was only three or four years old. [More…]
is an invalid pensioner and mother of three children aged between three and 10 months, who because of poor living conditions on Pensioners Reserve at Plantation Creek, Ayr were subjected to repeated severe chest infections, consequenting repeated hospital admissions. [More…]
They have been vetted by Australia, they have been provided with Australian Government letters of authority and they should not be subjected to the elaborate procrastination that has occurred and the consequent anxiety which has been caused between parents and children, between husband and wife, and between one family and another. [More…]
If honourable senators are embarrassed about this matter, they should at least remain silent and not act like school children. [More…]
It was actually the wife and mother of a familywas allowed to vote and the husband was not allowed to vote ( husband, wife and children moved back to Palms . [More…]
She married my son and they have a family of six children. [More…]
They both returned with their six children in 1977to live on Palm Island. [More…]
Some of these names on the petition are the names of people whom I knew as children and who have now grown up. [More…]
It is difficult for parents to act in a way that would protect their children from false values and standards because the children are subjected to this not only in what they watch on television but also at the school canteen where the same sort of products are sold because a demand has been built up in the minds of impressionable children. [More…]
When children start to grow up what do they see? [More…]
We are concerned that high school age children are becoming one of the most important sectors in the consumption of liquor in Australia. [More…]
What we are concerned about is extending these opportunities to our children and to others who are easily influenced. [More…]
The Melbourne Truth has carried on a campaign for almost a year to have 2,4,5-T banned, particularly after an incident which took place in the Sale area where it was obvious that deformed children had been born. [More…]
Last year Mrs Rosemary Belbin together with other concerned mothers in the Innisfail area, claimed that they had sufficient evidence to prove that their children were suffering from ill health because of this herbicide, that low flying planes were using this particular herbicide over canefields and the wind drifts and whathaveyou were causing it to come into the area where people were living. [More…]
October 18, 1978-Mr Hamer tells the Legislative Assembly: ‘That report (the Consultative Council’s report) entirely cleared the use of” 2,4,5-T from responsibility for the deformities of those children’. [More…]
In this International Year of the Child we are doing a very grave disservice to our children, born and unborn, if we run the risk of using this type of herbicide in settled areas and, as far as I am concerned, in any area at all. [More…]
The widows and children of ex-servicemen are equally affected. [More…]
The family trust does not concern his own assets but those of his wife and children. [More…]
He had young children. [More…]
New Zealand, for example, has a list of approved overseas organisations which include volunteer services, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the Red Cross, the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, an organisation known as World Vision and others. [More…]
I drew particular attention to some of the findings of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts which attempted, very successfully I believe, to bring into perspective the role of television in the process of learning, socialisation and the shaping of attitudes, behaviour and beliefs of children in Australia. [More…]
I take as my starting point a remark about children’s television which was made in the report of the 1953 Royal Commission on Television. [More…]
We think that it is one of the obligations to the public of all commercial stations to provide a suitable children’s program, but we do not consider that this should be laid down as a legal obligation, in the case where there is a national station operating, but should rather be a matter to be considered when the question of the general standard of the service is examined at the time a licence needs renewal. [More…]
Board and the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, as it was known later, in relation to children’s programs. [More…]
That phenomenon has continued, and the annual report of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal for the period ending 30 June 1977 noted that there had been a further decline in some ways in the amount of children’s television. [More…]
The situation improved in 1 977, with all but one metropolitan station televising at least 30 minutes per weekday of kindergarten programs, but a large number of country stations continued to completely ignore the programming needs of young children. [More…]
Given the disadvantage that already exists for children in isolated areas, it is to be very much regretted that the commercial television stations which have at least a penetration into those areas were not prepared to pick up part of their responsibility in this matter. [More…]
It is equally regrettable that the 46th annual report of the Australian Broadcasting Commission- that for the period 1 July 1977 to 30 June 1978-contained only a very scant reference to children’s television. [More…]
Only a couple of paragraphs on page 48 of the report indicated the extent to which children’s television programs have been provided. [More…]
The report certainly indicated that the new programs called Wayzgoose and Living Daylights had contributed something new to the production of Australian television for children; but it is disturbing to find that some programs now continue into the nineteenth year of performance. [More…]
The problem of providing a balance of programs for children is dealt with in a most interesting Media Information publication entitled ‘Media and the Child’. [More…]
It deals exclusively with the media and children. [More…]
An article by Julie Bailey which is entitled ‘Regulatory Bodies and Children’s Television Committees’ makes this observation: [More…]
The history of children’s television committees within regulatory bodies would indicate the influence which they can have is not great. [More…]
The inescapable conclusion is that unless the Tribunal is prepared to either act on a majority opinion or to delegate to the Committee its power of regulation in this field of programming, we shall yet again be faced with a continuing saga of frustration identical in both its terms and its tone to those expressed by the Australian Teachers Association in 1 944 and witnesses to the Royal Commission on television in 19S3, the Senate Select Committee on The Encouragement of Australian Production for Television (the Vincent Committee)) in 1963, the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts looking at Broadcasting in 1972-74, the Broadcasting Tribunal ‘s Self Regulation Inquiry in 1 977, the Senate Standing Committee looking into the impact of Television on Children in 1978, and a repeat performance of the two previous Children’s Advisory Committees. [More…]
Despite the overwhelming weight of evidence presented in all of those inquiries critical of the commercial television stations for their lack of attention to the problem of children’s television, we still have no responsible reaction from those stations. [More…]
There was so much discussion about children’s television. [More…]
We thought there would be quite a lot of discussion about many things but there is no doubt that children’s television developed as the central issue of that inquiry. [More…]
In some ways children’s television is developing as the central issue of the inquiry that is currently under way in Sydney, despite the challenges to the power of the Tribunal and, indeed, to the personnel of the Tribunal. [More…]
I drew attention in my speech on 1 March to the extent to which evidence presented to the Senate Committee indicated that children made many of decisions about what was actually watched on television. [More…]
Parents usually exert little influence over their children’s viewing. [More…]
Our data indicate that in an overwhelming majority of families the children control the use of the television set through early evening. [More…]
Even Australian television executives appear to be waking up to the extent to which control over the dial is exercised by children. [More…]
Here is a commercial television station indicating that something that is being broadcast at a time when children are likely to be watching television is the sort of thing over which parents should exercise some degree of control. [More…]
People do not even accept that Australian parents exercise much control over their children’s viewing habits. [More…]
At the same time 79 per cent said parents did not exercise sufficient control over the amount of television and the types of program watched by their children. [More…]
The whole issue of violence on the television screen has been explored not only by the Senate Committee report but also in some considerable detail in a book entitled Children and Television edited by Ray Brown, which although dealing mainly with American findings at least correlates these to a number of international studies. [More…]
The overall results indicated that children who were adjudged to be initially somewhat more aggressive became significantly more aggressive as a result of viewing the Batman and Superman cartoons. [More…]
On the other hand, the children who viewed twelve episodes of - [More…]
Misteroger’s Neighbourhood became significantly more cooperative, willing to share toys and to help other children. [More…]
Thus, there is a convergence of the fairly substantial experimental evidence for short-run causation of aggression among some children by viewing violence on the screen and the much less certain evidence from field studies that extensive violence viewing precedes some long-run manifestations of aggressive behaviour. [More…]
We should bear that in mind when talking about children- as well as acts already established, can be evoked by the viewing of violent scenes portrayed on film, TV or in the theatre. [More…]
They are the sorts of attitudes which have to be viewed sceptically when dealing with the regulation of children’s television in Australia. [More…]
The article by Clayre goes on to deal with the responses of young children. [More…]
Television plays a vital role in the process of socialisation as far as young children are concerned. [More…]
Television network and station officials should not allow on the air commercials to take advantage of children by deliberately confusing reality and fantasy. [More…]
Historically, decision makers in children’s television have been programming officials who have had little understanding of the psychological and emotional needs of their young audiences. [More…]
If children’s television is to emerge completely from the dark ages, its decision makers will have to be officials who understand and like children and executives who do not simply mouth the opinions of solely conscious rating programmers. [More…]
I think that the survey printed in the book, Children in front of the small screen, by Grant Noble in which he deals with the reaction of groups of children whom he calls ‘conformist boys’, ‘rebel boys’ and ‘problem boys’, make an interesting comparison. [More…]
Unless we teach our children wisely, our society is only 20 years from savagery. [More…]
That there be no advertising of any form during the screening of programs designed for pre-school children. [More…]
Obviously the same applies to the control of television advertising during the period of children’s television. [More…]
Yet in the gallup poll which I previously cited, 77 per cent of those polled said that commercials should be banned from programs designed for preschool children. [More…]
With regard to the advertising of products during children’s television time, he said: [More…]
I think that he is quite correct in drawing our attention to that point as far as children’s television is concerned. [More…]
That organisation publishes a number of compelling and interesting studies on the Australian media, its ownership, its control, its resources, the nature of programs and the effect of programs on children. [More…]
As I have said, its special issue, which was published this month to mark the International Year of the Child, draws together most of the valuable Australian and overseas work done on children and television. [More…]
It is vital that this Parliament, this community, develop an attitude towards the regulation of broadcasting and particularly broadcasting as it affects children, without any consideration involving party politics. [More…]
I refer to the Harry Butler type of program, to The Sullivans type of program, to the Bill Peach type of program, which bring to Australian children a better understanding of their own country, of their own social mores, and make important contributions to the development of a homogeneous Australian society. [More…]
They play a role in establishing what I believe are proper community standards, proper information about this nation and, as I have said earlier, from the work of the Nobles, they play a particularly important role in helping migrant children to understand and to adapt. [More…]
I suppose, in conclusion, it is best to state what is one ‘s approach to children in this sense. [More…]
I am delighted to be able to go back to a political and social philosopher for whom I have the highest regard, John Locke, who, in writing about children, said: [More…]
That is the sort of attitude that is necessary that people with the responsibility to develop and broadcast programs for children should bear in mind. [More…]
Unless the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal is prepared to exercise those statutory powers that it has to bring about an improvement in children’s television; unless it is prepared to look again at the recommendation of the 1953 royal commission that some form of legal compulsion for better and more adequate children’s television should be considered; I believe that the tribunal will have proved itself to be a waste of the time and effort of people who hoped that public participation in the shaping of broadcasting standards and attitudes would bring about a response such that legitimate commercial considerations would be married with the desires of the community and the right that the community has that the public airways should serve legitimate public needs. [More…]
She said to the Aboriginal women present: ‘What you women ought to do is clean up your children. [More…]
One class of family trust with which I would have no quarrel is that of testamentary trusts, those which come into operation on a testator’s death and are designed simply as a convenient means of administering the estate, in particular and most commonly as a vehicle for the keeping of family property together for the lifetime of the surviving spouse while still allowing the possibility of ultimate and equitable distribution among the testator’s children or whoever else he wants to benefit. [More…]
First of all, and most obviously, they enable income splitting which enables high income earners to have their wives or children assessed on part of the primary earner’s income at much lower rates of tax. [More…]
The example was as follows: Assume a family of father, mother and three children, with the business having a net income of $40,000 before deducting the proprietor’s wages, and then consider the following changes which can be rung upon that scenario. [More…]
I am informed that there have not been any incidents involving children in the court since the closure. [More…]
The clerical staff in the counselling area take care of some children while their parents are undergoing counselling. [More…]
Children are given toys and books to occupy them while they are there. [More…]
Yet, the ease or difficulty of a given piece of written material is an important factor for school children. [More…]
This despite the fact that people in the area say that over 90 per cent of Aboriginal children in Victoria have hearing defects, despite the rising diabetic problem among Aboriginal people in Victoria and despite the alcohol problem among people in Victoria. [More…]
It has not said to the Victorian Government: ‘You have a large number of children in the western suburbs who will not get jobs because you say they are undertrained. [More…]
It has done nothing about providing the jobs that those children need so that they can take their proper place in the world. [More…]
I hope that no honourable senator is in any doubt about that, nor about the fact that, as often as not, the lives that are taken are the lives of children. [More…]
Children and teenagers can be cruel. [More…]
I say that if he would guide his children along the standards set by the trade union movement they won’t go far wrong. [More…]
Let your children know who opposed the Vietnam war and all the horror, suffering and evil that it brought about and from which we are still feeling the effects. [More…]
If you tell your children about the good things that are done by unions, your children won ‘t want to go out and do the bad things that are a result of a society full of greed and selfishness. [More…]
A scab deprives them of the ability to fight, to earn the bread and butter for their children. [More…]
-Has the Minister representing the Minister for Post and Telecommunications seen an article which appeared on page 107 of the Sun Herald dated 25 March 1979 and which details step by step a number of ways in which marihuana can be used and is being used currently by children? [More…]
I am not aware also that the article has been passed around among school children. [More…]
I suppose that if the article gives children the idea of how they can get access to marihuana and how they can use it, it is to be deplored, although I hesitate to make a judgment without having seen the article. [More…]
It is important for us during the course of this year to consider those areas in which there is discrimination against a child not only in this country but also in other parts of the world where there are not laws to protect children in the same way as there are to protect adults. [More…]
The Declaration of Rights of the Child which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1959 was designed to provide that nations recognise that children as well as adults have rights. [More…]
But always those rights are concerned with adults and not, as a rule, with children. [More…]
There does not appear to me to be, as I will indicate later, the legal protection afforded to children or the groups or individuals prepared to take up this matter. [More…]
Children, by the very nature of their age and their lack of maturity, are not competent to protect themselves. [More…]
All children, without any exception whatsoever, shall be entitled to these rights. [More…]
Children have the same rights, I would assume, as any other person. [More…]
It is remarkable that no law concerning child cruelty was passed in the British Parliament until the Act of Parliament for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was passed in 1899. [More…]
That year a society was formed for the prevention of cruelty to children. [More…]
It took the British society that long to recognise that cruelty against children was as important as cruelty against animals. [More…]
Migrant children are belted when they have insufficient English to understand staff instructions. [More…]
Children are caned, or otherwise physically abused, for such faults as not being able to understand work, for not scoring above a certain mark in a test, for being late for school, for eating in class, for smiling during prayers . [More…]
But there is no group empowered to look after the interests of children. [More…]
As I see it, the caning and strapping of school children is an affront to human dignity; it is fundamentally unchristian; it is psychologically harmful; and it is educationally untenable. [More…]
Let us look at the contrast of this case to what the law says about things being done to children. [More…]
The conclusion she draws is simple: There is no mystery about why there is so much violence in the world, because that’s how children are taught. [More…]
Only last week the Swedish Parliament, by 259 votes to 6 votes, passed the first draft of a Bill forbidding totally corporal punishment of children. [More…]
That, I believe is the beginning of what will be a move in our own country towards ensuring that the rights of children are protected in the same way as the rights of adults are protected. [More…]
As 1979 is the International Year of the Child, I hope that it will not pass with a series of sanctimonious statements about the welfare of children, but at least will result in concrete and positive steps being taken to protect the kids of this country. [More…]
She married in the post-war era and had two children. [More…]
Furthermore, the clause extends over children of the first generation who are not even born in Yugoslavia. [More…]
In practical terms, this means that it is impossible for an immigrant from Yugoslavia or his children to renounce their Yugoslav citizenship despite the fact that they become Australian citizens. [More…]
They are also concerned that this very fact gives the Yugoslav Consular authorities in Australia power to haunt its dissidents beyond their terrestrial life, since this claim of citizenship extends beyond them to their children. [More…]
The children of the marriages are thus illegitimate and either partner of the marriage- but usually the male- is free to return to Greece, desert the spouse married in Australia and marry again in Greece. [More…]
Many thousands of Australians and men, women and children throughout the world have long felt deep concern about the activities of whalers. [More…]
One of the ways in which we are able to assist those parents with children who are handicapped and who have continuing expenditure is to review their financial circumstances. [More…]
A number of honourable senators expressed an interest in children with coeliac disease. [More…]
The children in this classification are able to be considered. [More…]
It seems to me that this is of considerable benefit to parents who have this continuing expenditure because their children have special dietary requirements. [More…]
The International Year of the Child is a year that is designated by the United Nations for celebration with regard to our responsibilities to our children and their rights. [More…]
It follows from a question asked by Senator Baume last week in respect of an article in the Sun-Herald on the way in which marihuana can be used and is currently used by children. [More…]
She had brought up her children and had had the opportunity to sit down and study the good books because she was at home. [More…]
Honourable senators may recall that in a Press release issued jointly by my colleague the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the Attorney-General (Senator Durack) on 2 March, 1978 it was announced that the Government was to establish an interdepartmental committee to investigate and recommend to Cabinet legislative or administrative changes necessary to reduce the incidence of children being removed from Australia by one parent without the knowledge, or against the wishes of the other parent. [More…]
One of the things that I raised during a hearing of an Estimates committee was that after that bombing the Government made funds available to shopkeepers or those people who had lost business because of the closing of the Hilton Arcade and a small fund was set up to provide for the education of children of the parents who were killed in an explosion. [More…]
The unemployment benefit always has been regarded as a temporary benefit whereas a person who is receiving a pension is either receiving that pension on the grounds of age for the rest of his lifetime, having reached the age at which he qualifies for the pension, or is a supporting parent or a widow or widower receiving it for a number of years while children are regarded as dependants. [More…]
I am advised that the working party concluded that whilst there may well be a need in many areas for other children’s services, such as neighbourhood centres which can provide a range of services including a minimal amount of full day care, the question to be decided by that committee was whether the Kindergarten Union could convert any of its pre-schools into full day care centres. [More…]
We are concerned that the children’s services program should, as far as possible, be directing attention to the range of services which are required in addition to the assistance which we give to State governments for pre-school education. [More…]
The Aborigines in that area do not want the road because they have small children. [More…]
Two of his children have been born genetically deformed and their life expectancy is no more than 10 years. [More…]
Has the Attorney-General seen the speech of his colleague, Mr Ellicott, to the International Year of the Child Conference in Canberra on 17 March in which Mr Ellicott drew attention to the desirable protections to the legal rights of children which would be accomplished if the Criminal Investigation Bill were to be enacted? [More…]
Is the Minister aware of claims made by English specialist Professor Derek Bryce-Smith at the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Auckland earlier this year that petrol lead released in exhaust fumes may be seriously damaging brain development in young children? [More…]
In view of the professor’s claims, would the Minister agree that any attempts to use lead to raise the octane rating of petrol should be discouraged until such time as more conclusive evidence is available on the effects it has on the mental functioning of adults as well as children? [More…]
Will the Minister seek a report on slow speed dental film and the extent of its use in Australia, particularly with regard to its use on children, who might be considered to be at greater risk in the community? [More…]
We of the Australian Democrats extend our sympathy to his wife and children. [More…]
Maureen, his wife, has lost a good husband; his children have lost a proud father; the Parliament has lost one of its staunchest advocates; and we of the Labor movement have lost a great fighter and a good mate. [More…]
His advice to his children was for them to diversify their sporting activities. [More…]
Although no doubt his wife and his children must be feeling very great grief at his early death, I believe at the same time they should be very proud that they had such a fine man as a husband and as a father. [More…]
Minister for Education aware that the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, in renewing the licences of commercial television stations in Sydney, has expressed criticism of children’s program arrangements by the commercial stations and has said that it intends to lay down guidelines for commercial stations to follow in the future? [More…]
In view of the Tribunal’s criticism of programs for children, particularly educational programs, will the Minister be prepared to discuss with the Minister for Post and Telecommunications the appointment to the Tribunal of someone with special interest in the educational welfare of the younger generation of Australians before hearings for other licences in Australia take place? [More…]
My recollection is that I have seen criticism by the Tribunal that stations have not given special and appropriate attention to children’s viewing. [More…]
Indeed, my hackles rise at some of the assertions made in it because they seem to me to be a follow-up to what has been a policy of gradualism in this Parliament over the past year to make the Australian people believe through several statements, Dorothy Dix questions and the like that even the air they and their children breathe must be foul and polluted in the interests of a spurious, false and rather ignoble cause. [More…]
In the statement the Government is really saying that the long-suffering people, and their children, in our cities will carry the can for this assertion that Australia cannot afford to waste liquid fuel. [More…]
I point out that among the victims of this kind of policy which seeks to sanctify and perpetuate pollution in our cities are our children. [More…]
There is already good evidence that lead pollution has an association with hyperactivity in children. [More…]
The half-hearted response of the Tribunal, as reported in yesterday’s Australian, was that there will be new guidelines on children’s television, but that they will not be enforceable guidelines. [More…]
If you want to tell us exactly what we can do with our guidelines on children’s television that is up to you. [More…]
1 ) The air travel cost is expected to total $36,640.I paid for the fares of my children. [More…]
The Office of Child Care funds some child care workers in the ACT to care for migrant children while their parents attend English classes. [More…]
Thirty five of them use the child care centre (for 59 children ) while they attend classes. [More…]
Northern Territory: There is a withdrawal room for children and parents at the Darwin migrant education centre. [More…]
How many children are included in the total of IndoChinese resettled refugees. [More…]
Congenital Abnormalities in Children [More…]
Provide support for parents of children with congenital abnormalities. [More…]
I bring to the attention of the Senate a document entitled ‘A Report on Health Conditions of Aboriginal Children in Western Australia’. [More…]
A Swedish pamphlet on the International Year of the Child says that ‘today there are approximately 200 million children who never get a chance to learn reading, writing or counting. [More…]
This report by the Western Australian Section of the Women’s International Leage for Peace and Freedom is concerned with the health of one group in this ocean of suffering- the Aboriginal children of Western Australia. [More…]
Eminent paediatricians of the Princess Margaret Children’s Medical Research Foundation have this to say about gastroenteritis: [More…]
There is no doubt that gastroenteritis remains a major health problem in Aboriginal infants and children. [More…]
In 1977 a report from Princess Margaret Hospital showed that over a twelve-month period Aboriginal children occupied a total of 10,952 bed days; many because of gastroenteritis. [More…]
I simply make the point that to my mind this is a very important report because this happens to be the International Year of the Child and the Aboriginal children in Australia are the most hard done by children in the world. [More…]
The average stay was 1 2 days, about double that of other children. [More…]
They continued: The burden of disease and death borne by Aboriginal children affects mainly those under two years of age. ‘ [More…]
One reason for ill health,’ she said, ‘is that too many Aboriginal children are bottle fed. [More…]
The mothers don ‘t understand and are not taught the need for cleanliness, and so the children get all kinds of sickness. [More…]
I breast fed my children till they were two. ‘ [More…]
Facilities for homework for the children, or adult study in such circumstances are generally beyond their reach. [More…]
lt has been said (hat mild or moderate degrees of undernourishment are common in Aboriginal children, but severe degrees of malnutrition are not. [More…]
The National Trachoma and Eye Health Programme of the Royal Australian College of Opthalmologists has found that WA has the highest trachoma rate of any State for children under 1 1 years- 41 per cent of the 13,018 Aborigines seen. [More…]
At Cun.derlce, a recent test found that 43 per cent of the children examined had running ears in a population of 300-500. [More…]
The effects of this blight on the parents are visited upon the children in the unhappiness and neglect experienced in their home life. [More…]
The children used to suffer from scabies, living under such conditions. [More…]
Of this 26,104 the estimated percentage of Aboriginal children under 1 4 was 46. [More…]
In the light of the information in the Swedish pamphlet mentioned above- 200 million children in the world who never get a chance to learn to read, write or count; 500 million children threatened with malnutrition- Australia’s population of Aboriginal children is a small and manageable number. [More…]
In a country where some can indulge their every whim in luxurious dwellings, yachts, travel, cars, sports and entertainment, another section exists in an environment of degradation in which children are being forced into the same pattern as their elders. [More…]
Those children still need help- most of all the Aboriginal children and particularly those who reside in Western Australia. [More…]
It is about time, in May of 1979, the International Year of the Child, that the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Senator Chaney) gave information to the Senate about special projects being put forward to further the cause of Aboriginal children in Australia. [More…]
Before I address the Senate on the subject upon which I wish to speak, I want to say how pleased I am that Senator Coleman seems to have caught up with the health problems of Aboriginal children and how pleased I am that she referred to the report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs which dealt with this subject. [More…]
I would like to say, without wishing to diminish any concern that she may have raised about the health of Aboriginal children, that the Senate should know that substantial funds are put into Aboriginal health in Western Australia. [More…]
Those remarks were correct, except that I should state also that these amounts may be higher when there are dependent children. [More…]
These limits also may be increased if there are dependent children. [More…]
For example, for a long time there has been an important concern about children’s television. [More…]
We will provide more and better children’s television. [More…]
’, the Government stipulated that minimum standards should be formulated for children’s programming. [More…]
In addition to these standards, the Tribunal has stringent rules concerning advertising directed specifically to children. [More…]
I am concerned that children with invisible handicaps such as dyslexia or specific learning difficulties be given sympathetic and professional assistance by special education programs within our schools. [More…]
What is the Australian Government’s attitude towards the identification and treatment of children with specific learning difficulties? [More…]
In particular, what were the circumstances which led to the Schools Commission innovation grants program earlier this year turning down a submission by the Specific Learning Difficulties Association of Australia in Adelaide which sought only $3,500 for a scheme which I believe was effectively arranged for assistance to children suffering specific learning difficulties? [More…]
We are all now obtaining a growing realisation of the wide range of children with specific learning difficulties- not only dyslexia, aphasia and autism but also the less obvious difficulties. [More…]
A policeman goes to a person’s home- he would go to many homes during the performance of his duties- and says: ‘We have had a complaint about one of your children. [More…]
I am a divorced person with two children to support, the department has cut off the pension because some person (who is known to me) reported to the department that a male person was seen at my home. [More…]
Since losing the pension my children and I have been living on the hand-outs of charily organisations, such as groceries and so forth, of which I have been very grateful to receive. [More…]
There must be something that can be done for my family and I beg of you out of humanity and compassion to bring this matter to the senate and have the Social Security act reviewed and to approach the Minister for Social Security Senator Margaret Guilfoyle to show some compassion for my children ‘s sake. [More…]
Honourable senators will note that she mentions only her children. [More…]
I have never at any time received money from anyone other than my Social Security cheque and I beg of you to see if you can help me to get my Widow pension restored, for my children ‘s sake. [More…]
Here is a woman with two dependent children. [More…]
What was going to happen to her children if she was sent to gaol for six months? [More…]
Is it true also that this dispute has now been going on for almost two years during which time student teachers have had virtually no experience in the classroom, to the ultimate detriment of themselves and children? [More…]
However, since they have been out in the open as a positive supplementary payment to wage and salary earners, pensioners and social security recipients with children- a move which this side of the House supported- many Government back benchers, particularly people such as the honourable member for Moore (Mr Hyde) have been advocating cuts in these payments. [More…]
Family allowances are a recognition that it costs money to raise children. [More…]
Similarly, allowances for the children of pensioners and other beneficiaries have not been raised by this Government since it took office in 1975. [More…]
People have forgotten that that scheme embodied an income test of roughly $4 a week for the first child and $3 per week for successive children. [More…]
At the same time as looking at welfare expenditure I think we need to look at those other programs of government and talk of what has been able to be done in the matter of child care and children’s services, services for handicapped people where the three-year program has given a much wider spread and improved service in our rehabilitation services, and in the very many excellent services which are conducted by the community groups, in some cases where we with State governments are jointly sharing projects. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Social Security aware of criticism by the President of the Australian College of Paediatrics that the Government’s disbanding of the Children’s Commission has resulted in a breakdown of communication between professional workers in the field of early childhood services and the Federal Department of Social Security’? [More…]
Will the Minister refute the allegations that valuable information identifying warning signs of possible child abuse has failed to reach the welfare agencies because the co-ordination which used to operate through the Children’s Commission is no longer in existence? [More…]
I am aware of the criticism by the President of the Australian College of Paediatrics of the Government’s disabanding of the Children’s Commission, lt was an interim Children’s Commission not one that had been proclaimed as a commission by the Labor Government. [More…]
The consultative committees to the interim committee of the Children’s Commission varied from State to State but they were essentially concerned with making recommendations on the allocation of Commonwealth funds in the child care and preschool areas. [More…]
However, the Commonwealth, through the children’s services program in the Office of Child Care and acting on advice from committees and community groups, gives grants to facilitate the sharing of information through, for example, the funding of conferences and in other ways. [More…]
In addition, the children’s services program is now funding a number of projects concerned with child abuse. [More…]
Projects funded in this way include telephone and personal counselling services, programs for mothers and children at risk and a number of neighbourhood centres which provide facilities for crisis relief for parents under stress. [More…]
Funds also have been provided to the States for the expansion of services to children whose mothers are temporarily accommodated in women’s refuges, frequently because of domestic violence. [More…]
I state in respect of the comment of the President of the Australian College of Paediatrics that I hope his organisation, State governments and the Office of Child Care together will be able to do a great deal to assist children in the ways the College may think important and in the ways which fit in with the Government’s program. [More…]
Did the National Therapeutic Goods Committee recommend in November 1976 that the Government take immediate steps to ensure that drugs which have commonly proved dangerous to children be packaged in childresistant containers? [More…]
I am advised by the Minister for Health that on the recommendation of the National Therapeutic Goods Committee he instructed his Department to prepare a draft ministerial order that would require the childresistant packaging of drugs known to be commonly implicated in the accidental poisoning of children. [More…]
I am not really able to state the reason for the disparity between the two rates that are paid in respect of children of different ages. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the report of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal entitled ‘Television and Children’ which indicated that a large percentage of children had asked their parents to purchase items which they had seen advertised on television, that in the overwhelming majority of cases parents had bought the items advertised, and that the most popular advertising among children related to food and confectionary items? [More…]
Further, has the Minister seen the report that the United States Federal Trade Commission has recommended that all television advertising aimed at children under the age of eight be banned, and that all television advertising of presweetened and artificially sweetened products aimed at children under the age of 12 be banned? [More…]
In light of these findings and the reports of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on advertising in children’s programs, will he ask the Minister for Post and Telecommunications to give urgent consideration to enforcing stricter guidelines for advertising during children’s television programs? [More…]
I have found that my own children, who watch mainly the Australian Broadcasting Commission, currently because of - [More…]
Is the Minister aware that in this letter the Victorian Refuge Group states that the original and continued funding of the refuge program was for more than emergency accommodation for women and children at risk, and that in an attachment to the letter the refuge group declares that women’s refuges are ‘primarily concerned with the status of women in society and not with providing welfare and health services’. [More…]
Community health program salary funds in relation to women ‘s refuges are intended solely for the employment of workers to undertake the care of women and children in refuges and not for outside activities of any kind. [More…]
-Mr President, I seek leave to table certain evidence taken by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts during its inquiry into the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children. [More…]
-I lay on the table of the Senate, volumes 3, 4 and 5 of the transcript of evidence taken by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts during its inquiry into the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children. [More…]
Apart from the report itself, I believe that the inquiry into children’s television has helped stimulate public debate. [More…]
This debate has ranged over the whole area of the effects of television on children and, in particular, the effects of televised advertising. [More…]
As I think will be readily understood, these requests have come particularly from the United States of America, where there is also a widespread and growing public concern about televisions impact on children. [More…]
They have drawn attention to the alarming statistics relating to children’s television viewing habits. [More…]
Others have commended the concept of media education in schools which would be designed to train children to be appreciative and critical viewers. [More…]
by leave- I rise briefly to endorse the remarks of Senator Davidson, the Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts, in respect of the transcripts which he has just tabled of the inquiry into the effects of television on children’s learning and development. [More…]
I endorse his expressed concern that all members of the Senate and, indeed, all members of the Parliament, should take note of the material he has tabled today because undoubtedly the quality of children’s television has become an extremely topical and controversial issue in our community. [More…]
There is no doubt in my mind, as I think there can be no doubt in the minds of any of the members of the Committee, that there is widespread discontent throughout the community about the standard of children’s television in Australia. [More…]
There is widespread concern also about the effects of excessive television watching on children’s learning and development. [More…]
However, we feel that it is quite possible, without venturing into the area of censorship or undue government regulation, to take steps which will ensure that some of the concern about children’s television viewing habits in Australia can be alleviated. [More…]
Given too the recent research report released by the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal with regard to children’s television, I support Senator Davidson’s request to the Government that action be taken immediately to consider and to act upon the recommendations of the Senate Committee’s report. [More…]
Senator Button’s comments reflect the sort of concern which was expressed in the 1940s about the influence of Boy’s Own paper and such things on the attitudes of children. [More…]
The booklet will list all projects currently funded under the Children’s Services Program, excluding vacation care and pre-school services. [More…]
It is also anticipated that a supplementary booklet will be prepared following analysis of a census currently being conducted on the Children ‘s Services Program. [More…]
Because of the wide range of prospective employing organisations (not necessarily confined to child care services funded under the Children’s Services Program) the Department of Social Security is not in a position to make such projections. [More…]
Community Health Program salary funds, in relation to women’s refuges, are intended solely for the employment of workers to undertake the care of women and children in refuges, not for ‘outside’ activities of any kind. [More…]
In speaking about the appropriations for those two departments, I take the opportunity to refer to children’s television and, more specifically, to the guidelines, which establish new requirements for children’s television programs, which were announced by the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal at the weekend. [More…]
The Tribunal, in its official documentation relating to this matter, pointed out that in its report on self-regulation for broadcasters it recommended that a new classification for children’s television programs, namely, classification ‘C- the ‘C standing for childrenshould be instituted and that only material classified ‘C should be televised between the hours of 4 and 5 p.m. on week days. [More…]
Later, at the end of last year, the Tribunal appointed the Children ‘s Program Committee, which has now presented its initial statement and recommendation on these matters to the Tribunal. [More…]
As I imagine is now fairly well known because the matter has received considerable Press and media coverage, the requirements have been issued and from I July this year each commercial station, firstly, between the hours of 4 and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, shall televise an aggregate each week of not less than three hours of programs which have been classified ‘C by the Tribunal’s Children’s Program Committee as material designed specifically for children in the age range of 6 to 13 years and, secondly, prior to 4 p.m. each day, Monday to Friday, shall televise not less than 30 minutes of programs which are designed for children of pre-school age. [More…]
Mr Deputy President, you will recall that in November last year, in my capacity as Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts, I presented a report on the impact of television on the development and learning behaviour of children. [More…]
When tabling that report I pointed out the widespread use of television in the Australian home situation and its widespread relationship to children and young people. [More…]
Children were reported to watch television for about 20 hours a week, or nearly three hours a day. [More…]
I pointed out to the Senate that concern about the impact of television on children ranged widely over many issues. [More…]
The effects of televised violence emerged as one of the major issues, but much concern was shown also about the effects of the constant exposure of children to programs which portrayed male and female role stereotypes, unreal or foreign lifestyles and the gratuitous use of sex. [More…]
Of the people who came to speak to us, we found that educationalists and parents were concerned that television was also adversely affecting the learning behaviour of children. [More…]
Indeed, some of them claimed that escapist material, watched mainly by children, was stifling the development of children’s creative instinct and imagination. [More…]
From the evidence which we received and from our analysis of programs, we concluded that much of the criticism directed at children’s programs offered by the national stations, but more particularly by the commercial services, was very well founded. [More…]
That led us, I think very properly and very naturally, into a situation whereby we strongly recommended that children’s programming should be taken out of the arena of industry economics and that programs should be produced by an independent production unit. [More…]
Therefore, we note with interest that the recommendations on children’s programs which were made to the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal by the Children’s Program Committee, to which I referred earlier, have been formulated into new requirements for each commercial television station and have been set out along the lines I have indicated. [More…]
Those requirements provide, amongst other things, that from 1 July each commercial station shall broadcast between the hours of 4 and 5 p.m. an aggregate of not less than three hours of programs which have been classified ‘C for children. [More…]
The ‘C classification system, which is outlined in the requirements set by the Tribunal, will go some way towards preventing the commercial stations avoiding the use of programs made specifically for children. [More…]
The recommendations to the Tribunal by its Children’s Program Committee contain some interesting background material. [More…]
In our view, quality children’s programs must first be entertaining television. [More…]
Children’s programs should fulfil some special need of childhood. [More…]
They should be about subjects which interest children and should be designed and presented in such a way that they can be readily understood and appreciated by children. [More…]
It is interesting to note that the Committee then goes on to equate television with children’s literature. [More…]
It observes that, just as quality children’s literature contributes to the social, emotional and intellectual development of children, so also should quality children’s television. [More…]
It makes a plea when it observes that the best children’s programs treat children with the same respect that the best adult programs accord to adult audiences. [More…]
It stresses that those who produce children’s programs should know much about children and should like them, and that they should understand the individuality and diversity of children and encourage that diversity. [More…]
It also supported the proposal for a moratorium period during which stations should be required to screen good quality children’s television programs. [More…]
It has been demonstrated from experience in other countries that children will enjoy informative and educative programs in a monoply situation but will desert them in large numbers if other lighter and less demanding amusement material becomes available. [More…]
Any serious approach, therefore, to educating Australian children in the appreciation of more constructive programming will need the co-operation of all stations in the screening of such material during prescribed children’s viewing times. [More…]
This was one of our major recommendations- a moratorium period as proposed by the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, during which time all stations are required to screen good quality children ‘s programs. [More…]
It will ensure that three-fifths, or 60 per cent, of this viewing time will be devoted to giving children a proper and suitable alternative to what today’s Melbourne Age has called imported, mindless cartoons and repeated screenings of programs originally made overseas for the adult evening market’. [More…]
Firstly, I would ask whether the 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. time slot is the best for the screening of these children’s programs and whether it maximises the child viewing audience. [More…]
In the material submitted to the Tribunal by the Children’s Program Committee this was stressed as the best period, but Mr Morgan, speaking on behalf of the Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations, did not agree. [More…]
The simple fact is that more children are watching television at 7 p.m. than between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. [More…]
I do not know whether that is so, but I am tempted to say that it might well be related to the quality of programs in the afternoon and that very naturally children will seek something that might hopefully be of a better standard and thus watch television at 7 p.m. [More…]
I have noted with interest the composition of the Children’s Program Committee. [More…]
So the 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. time slot is in my view, a good place to start and eventually should be extended to the period 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. After all, it should be noted that the period from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. is one during which a large number of children watch television unattended. [More…]
It is definitely a children’s time and therefore of particular importance. [More…]
Secondly, I would ask what sort of criteria will be used by the Children’s Program Committee to determine what programs shall be accorded a C classification. [More…]
Pleasing also to note is the new requirement that prior to 4 p.m. each day commercial stations shall televise not less than 30 minutes of programs designed for children of pre-school age. [More…]
However, I am a little disappointed that apparently there has been no move to establish an independent children’s television program production unit- to which I referred earlier- that would take the whole question out of the realm of industry economics. [More…]
Taken all in all, we believe that the document referred to, and the report of the Children’s Program Committee to the Tribunal, are complementary to the kinds of thing that we have tried to say in our report to the Senate and in public. [More…]
Therefore, the weekend announcement is undoubtedly a promising start in improving the quality of children ‘s television. [More…]
We need co-operation between the industry and the Tribunal to ensure that children have the opportunity of viewing programs which reach a high standard of quality in terms of information and entertainment. [More…]
We have stated that we see our task as offering constructive assistance to stations and producers to enable them to work together to achieve entertaining children’s programs of excellent quality. [More…]
Therefore there is a call today for the public generally to require and to demand better standards in television programming and better quality in children’s television programs. [More…]
I will watch with interest, and indeed with a great deal of hope, for the establishment of improved children’s television programs. [More…]
It improved Aboriginal health and it provided education for Aboriginal children. [More…]
I assist and direct my children towards their future. [More…]
The Government’s Immigration Policy provides for the admission, subject to certain criteria, of the spouses, dependent children, parents and fiance(e)’s of Australian residents. [More…]
Children’s Cancer Research Foundation in Boston, Senior Research Associate in Pathology at Harvard Medical School, and Swetland Professor of Environmental Health and Human Ecology at Case Western Reserve University Medical School. [More…]
I therefore ask: Has the United States Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices recommended the use of measles vaccine in children exposed to natural infection up to 72 hours previously? [More…]
The children in this study received vaccination at intervals, following exposure, of between one day and 14 days. [More…]
A rapid onset of the fever reaction following vaccination in 12 exposed children probably reflects a long interval after the initial exposure. [More…]
One practical manifestation of that concern, of course, was the isolated children’s education grant introduced by the last Federal Labor Government after Liberal-National Country Party governments had had 23 years in which to initiate such a move to overcome the financial disadvantages educationally of people living in the country. [More…]
The practice in the administration ofthe Children’s Services Program is to respond to applications for funds, rather than to directly approach groups soliciting applications. [More…]
It is proposed that letters be sent to a number of major employers to inform them of the availability of assistance from the Children’s Services Program with establishing workbased and work-related child care facilities and of the general conditions of eligibility and to invite responses from them. [More…]
Four-weekly statistics of families by number of children/students in family; family allowances paid to institutions; grants terminations and rejections of family allowances. [More…]
Quarterly statistics of families by number of children/students in family and children/students by age in postcode districts and Social Security regions. [More…]
Quarterly statistics showing the number of student allowees by total number of children /students in the family. [More…]
The primary objective of such an advertisement should be to obtain the services of a person best qualified to care for women and children in crisis situations. [More…]
The primary purpose of Princess Anne ‘s brief visit is to undertake engagements associated with the Save the Children Fund of which Her Royal Highness is World President. [More…]
The 64 refuges more recently approved for funding include refuges conducted by organisations such as community service groups, the Lutheran Church, the Legion of Mary, the Salvation Army, the St Vincent de Paul Society, an ethnic welfare organisation, the Baptist Church and the Save the Children Fund. [More…]
I preface my question, which is directed to the Minister for Education, by reminding the Senate of the many unemployed teachers in each State and of the difficulties that many isolated children have with education. [More…]
Will the Minister consider an agreement with State governments to subsidise the employment of trained unemployed teachers who are willing to work as tutors or governesses in outback areas where small groups of children are learning by correspondence? [More…]
The need for adequate supervision is greatest in small rural schools where white and Aboriginal children are finding difficulties coping with secondary lessons. [More…]
I remind honourable senators who seem to find this a surprising idea that a family on an average income, with three or four children, going through a period of illness, will find having to pay for every visit to the general practitioner or every referral to a specialist, an intolerable burden. [More…]
6m; a cut in the allocation for the school dental scheme of $5.1 m; a cut in community health funding of $7m; and a cut in funding for children’s services of $7m. [More…]
But what do you do if you have got very sick children? [More…]
On 5 April 1979, Senator Missen asked me, as Minister representing the Minister for Health, a question without notice (Hansard, pages 1359 and 1360) concerning the lead content of petrol and the effect of lead on the brain and central nervous system of young children. [More…]
-My question, which I direct to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, refers to a question I asked a month ago about the destruction of a number of copies of a report of the research unit of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal relating to children’s television. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Post and Telecommunications whether he is aware of the fact that television viewing is the dominant activity in the lives of many of Australia’s children, absorbing as it does well over 1 ,000 hours a year which, in duration, outstrips both schooling and parental formation of their outlook? [More…]
As the promised six months for governmental response to the Senate’s report ‘Children and Television’ has expired, and given the tremendous support for that report’s recommendations throughout the community, especially in Tasmania, I ask: Will the Government urgently, before we rise for the winter recess, inform the Parliament of its response? [More…]
Firstly, how many individual children are catered for at the Australian National University staff child care centre? [More…]
I am not able to give all the detail required by Senator Walters, but I am able to say that in the present quarter the average daily number of children at the ANU preschool and child care centre is equivalent to 90 full time children. [More…]
I understand that the licence is to cater for 80 children, but the number of children at the centre on any given day exceeds that number because of part time attendance. [More…]
For children over two years of age the cost is $34 a week, and for children under two years of age the cost is $37.50. [More…]
I simply draw the attention of the Senate again to figures which show that as at the end of the last financial year the following losses have been incurred by families as a result of the failure of the Government to index or increase the family allowance payment: For a family with one child the loss has been $3.50 a week, for a family with two children, $8.50 a week; for a family with three children, $ 14.50; for a family with three children with one student child, $14.50; and for a family with three children with two student children, $ 14.50. [More…]
I acknowledge that there has been no increase in the rates that have been given to family allowance payments, but $ 1,000m is spent on family allowances in this country and a factor that is not recognised is that in the 1976 Budget this Government replaced the Hayden tax rebates for children and child endowment with family allowances, and this initiative brought greatly increased assistance to some 300,000 families with 800,000 children who did not benefit from the Hayden scheme of tax rebates. [More…]
That additional number of the lowest income people who were not able to have the advantage of tax rebates-300,000 families and 800,000 children- are now receiving substantial family allowances, whereas they were unable to take advantage of the tax rebates because of the level of their income in previous years. [More…]
To return to the policy of the Australian Labor Party and the remarks of Senator Keeffe, I say that it is not right that Aborigines should be treated by them as some kind of children, something that has to be protected or treated as a lower order of society. [More…]
It has very weak ground on which to do so because in every instance it has supported the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) with the heart of stone, who has decided that the poor, the sick, the children and the Aborigines of this country will suffer so that he can make up the deficit in the Budget. [More…]
In the last few weeks I have been aware of an area in Australia- I am not going to name itwhere many children cannot co-ordinate. [More…]
When one has an hereditary head of state, one is really saying that access to decent living conditions, proper health care and a stimulating and full education for one’s children, depends on the family into which one is born. [More…]
I explained the flag to the small children there. [More…]
I may have lost some votes because I told the children to ask their parents to take them out and show them the Southern Cross, and that night was a bitterly cold night in that part of Tasmania. [More…]
She was a vivacious girl who by her own effort and talent- not by virtue of the family into which she was born- had put herself in a position where she was working her heart out on behalf of handicapped children. [More…]
It must be regarded as informed speculation, on the basis of the very estimates which have been submitted to this chamber For its consideration at this moment, unless of course as a result of public opinion Princess Anne does what many consider to be the right thing and uses her own wealth and pays for her own visit here as World President of the Save the Children Fund. [More…]
I suggested early in May that some such course could be graciously and honourably taken by Princess Anne, thus freeing the $25,000 and enabling the Australian Government to make a direct gift to the Save the Children Fund. [More…]
This would immediately relieve the plight and suffering of wretched children in this International Year of the Child, a suggestion which I notice was repeated by Gerald Reece in the Sun of 8 May. [More…]
The Commonwealth did, however, establish a Trust Fund for the education and general benefit of the children of the Council workers killed in the explosion. [More…]
A national family survey conducted by the University of New South Wales has shown that nearly 320,000 children live in one-parent families, which families make up over 9 per cent of the nation’s families and a great majority of these children are dependent on parents who receive social security pensions. [More…]
The Minister would be aware that the children’s allowance upon which these children depend is set at $7.50 a week. [More…]
In view of the fact that children reliant on pensions from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs receive $10.50 a week plus an education allowance, will the Minister consider increasing children’s allowances to bring them all into line, and giving an education allowance to all children dependent on pensions. [More…]
Is the husband of an invalid pensioner who is forced to stay away from work to look after his invalid wife and four small children granted a spouse allowance to enable him to do this or is he forced to take special benefit and lose all right to fringe benefit? [More…]
How many retarded children have benefited from the operation of this scheme in each of the States and the Northern Territory in those years? [More…]
-On 3 May Senator Button asked me a question about some copies of a report on the television viewing habits of Australian children. [More…]
In the metropolitan area of Perth we have eight refuges which are specifically designated as women’s refuges, but I intend to show in figures which I will produce later that those refuges are used more for children than they are for women. [More…]
They counsel women and their children. [More…]
I am not suggesting that those doctors make a charge; I am simply commending the refuge for being able to obtain the services of a doctor, whether those services be provided free of charge or even for a small fee, for some of the battered wives and battered children who have to attend or to use the services of a refuge. [More…]
I remind honourable senators that 1979 is the International Year of the Child and that children are requiring the use of those refuges as much as women are. [More…]
Many more children than women are in need of the services of the refuges. [More…]
At one stage in Nardine the ratio of children to women has 4.1:1, which I think is quite horrific. [More…]
At the Lucy Saw refuge in the four months between January and April this year 34 women and 59 children were accommodated and five women and 1 4 children were refused because of lack of accommodation. [More…]
The Mary Smith refuge was able to take 35 women and 61 children, but 126 women and 230 children were turned away. [More…]
The Ave Maria refuge accommodated 82 children and women in that same period, but it turned away 226 women and children. [More…]
Warrawee managed to accommodate 76 women and 155 children, but it turned down 56 women and 82 children. [More…]
Graceville accommodated 128 women and 222 children in four months but had to refuse 1 18 women and 262 children. [More…]
Emmaus refuge- I will have a few words to say about this organisation lateraccepted 15 women and 28 children but rejected 4 1 women and 82 children. [More…]
Nardine catered for 78 women and 190 children but was forced to turn away 32 women and 109 children. [More…]
However, whilst accommodation was found at women’s refuges for a total of 1,163 women and children over a four-month period more than that number, or a total of 1,383 people, were turned away. [More…]
There is not one refuge that would not be able to tell members of this place absolutely heartbreaking stories about women with children who arrive in the middle of the night in battered physical condition and emotionally broken who are looking for some comfort, perhaps just a cup of tea and a shoulder to cry on to enable them to assess the situation. [More…]
They receive the emotional assistance that is needed when a women with her children are suddenly turned loose on society. [More…]
I have seen women who have had their teeth broken, who have had bruises around their face and shoulders and possibly over their bodies, whose children have been battered and been taken to a refuge because it is a refuge for them. [More…]
Possibly because of its geographic situation in the metropolitan area it found itself catering for the needs of a great number of Aboriginal women with their children. [More…]
The other agencies take Aboriginal women and children. [More…]
The situation with Emmaus became quite drastic because finding emergency accommodation in Western Australia for a woman with children who does not hold down a job is an extremely difficult proposition. [More…]
If a woman happens to be in a refuge, happens to be black and happens to have a number of children, that woman becomes a long term resident. [More…]
Earlier this year I wrote to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Senator Chaney) when I learned that one woman with five children had occupied 158 bed days at the Emmaus refuge. [More…]
There is nothing as homeless as a woman with children who has decided in an area of crisis that she has to leave her home in the middle of the night. [More…]
Since we commenced operating we have had a very great demand for our service and at any one time we would average six women and fifteen children accommodated at the refuge. [More…]
The needs of children in our refuge are not catered for as wc have no member of staff involved in helping these children. [More…]
In the International Year of the Child we hope the needs of the children in our refuge can be met in this regard. [More…]
Accommodation in general in Lismore is in a drastic plight, let alone for a single woman with children. [More…]
There is outright discrimination by real estate agents who prefer to rent to ‘families’ rather than single women with children. [More…]
Apparently, the staff of the refuge have had great difficulty in maintaining effective supervision of the women and children and it seems that these problems resulted in the Theosophical Society notifying the organisation that its tenure had been withdrawn. [More…]
This shows that the Government recognises the need for women’s refuges, recognises with alarm- as I think Senator Coleman put it- the increasing need for provision of such refuges in order to help people who are in distress, in danger or in terror, as well as children who are subjected to what is widelyspread abuse. [More…]
In regard to child care, I agree that many of the children who pass through these refuges, or are in contact with them, do need special assistance. [More…]
The arrangements that have been made by the Office of Child Care, in regard to child care facilities, resources and programs for the assistance of refuges that are funded under the Community Health Program, will be of great benefit to children who need to take refuge in the way that we have all described. [More…]
I am hopeful that it will lead to improved care of children and greater relief for mothers and the staff of the women’s refuges. [More…]
Honourable senators know that people react violently and cruelly, and that women and children are not in a position to protect themselves against that sort of behaviour. [More…]
Even there, refuges that have accommodation for small groups of, say, six to eight women with their children and which deal with people for short periods, have been accommodating up to 74 people over the last six months. [More…]
They have to advise women on their legal rights, their rights to pensions and allowances, what they can do about housing and schools and what they must do about the care of their children. [More…]
Some funding is used to provide protective doors, fences, locks and windows because the police will not protect the refuges from men who want to fight and bash their way in to get back what they see as their property- their wives and children who are inside. [More…]
If Senator Coleman is very concerned for the children in these situations, I think she needs to know what went on at the Hobart refuge. [More…]
It was entirely in response to his concern for the children in that shelter that the State Minister for Health made this order. [More…]
As I have said shelters are involved in caring for children while the parent is at the shelter and there is a tremendous amount of follow-up work. [More…]
Since he came out of hiding with the arrival of Tanzanians he hud searched in vain for his wife and four children. [More…]
What was wrong with increasing the expenditure on hospital services, on nursing home and domiciliary care service and benefits, on community health services and on health schemes for school children, and doubling the amount of money spent from $ 12m to $24m? [More…]
She is now living alone- her children have grown up and have gone their own ways since coming to the UK. [More…]
If it is a fact, can the Minister say what basis is used for conducting existing programs for children at risk in that area? [More…]
My question, which I address to the Minister for Education, concerns a report in today’s Australian showing that Queensland school children are the brightest in Australia and perform better in almost all categories of tests involving the traditional three Rs. [More…]
Has the Government noted a report in last Monday’s Melbourne Age of what is said to be definitive research of the Harvard University research team covering more than 2,000 children over three years? [More…]
This report says that lead in the body, even in relatively low amounts, causes ‘mental deficits’ in young children- specifically, lower IQs and more classroom behaviour problems. [More…]
However, research has indicated that much lower lead levels may produce significant effects on the body, particularly on the nervous system and particularly with regard to developing children. [More…]
The National Health and Medical Research Council assisted in the funding of research into the lead burden of Sydney school children. [More…]
The extent to which lead may be affecting children is still under investigation and the statement remains open to debate. [More…]
I have fed their children. [More…]
I am referring to people who have come to this country, overstayed their visas, come to certain domestic arrangements within Australia, such as having children here, and then suddenly have been deported. [More…]
Why is it that we should suddenly lose our compassion when it concerns a Greek couple with a child born here or Fijians with children born here? [More…]
The country stores in many areas made a rake-off out of this very small amount of wages because, even in those rare instances when an Aboriginal mother received child endowment, she would have to get the local policeman to collect her cheque and then perhaps he would give her a chit so that she could go to the store and buy food for her child or children. [More…]
In those days children were still locked in dormitories. [More…]
He was not allowed to go back to see his wife and two children except under strict supervision. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts gave attention to this situation in its report on children’s television? [More…]
One of the interesting sidelights of this matter is that the State Liberal member of parliament for the Townsville area, Dr Norman Scott- Young, who 10 or 12 years ago said that the explosion of French bombs in the Pacific would have no effect on the local people, changed his mind in quite recent years when he realised that there were a number of mutations and other unexplained mutilations in newborn children in the Townsville region. [More…]
This development has spread from carpets to upholstery, to protective clothing and to children’s nightwear. [More…]
-Has the Minister representing the Minister for National Development seen the report of a two-year survey, headed by Professor L. Smythe of the University of New South Wales, which states that almost a quarter of 1 ,200 children tested in Sydney had levels of lead in their blood above those found to cause adverse effects on health and behaviour? [More…]
This question, insofar as it relates to a report, of which I am not aware, of a Professor Smythe concerning the level of lead in children and others in New South Wales, would appear to be more appropriate for reference to the Minister for Health. [More…]
Statistical information regarding the enrolment of children of migrant background in schools which have not sought assistance from the Child Migrant Education Service in the past will then be available. [More…]
Over the last 25 years migrants have been bringing their children to this country. [More…]
Over the last 25 years children of migrant parents have been bom in this country. [More…]
We have had problems involving children being isolated from their parents because the children have spoken one language and the parents have spoken another. [More…]
We have had migrant mothers isolated from both husbands and children because they have no longer spoken the language spoken by their husbands and children. [More…]
We have had extraordinary problems which could have been solved had somebody bothered to find out the sorts of problems existing, the numbers of migrant children involved, or the numbers of children with migrant backgrounds in school. [More…]
It seems to me that if somebody had cared a little more, a long time ago, either on a State or Federal basis, children from migrant backgrounds might be growing up with a lot more pride and standing a lot taller in the community than is the case at the moment. [More…]
We might have found that just as knowledge of Captain Cook perhaps does something for British children, and knowledge of Burke and Wills might do something for Australian children, knowledge of Columbus- and Australian children’s knowledge that Columbus was Italianmight have done something to give Italian children a greater feeling of belonging to the Australian community. [More…]
We might have found that Australian children took a different view of the Greek children at their school had they known that Plato was a Greek, and the part that he played in developing our civilisation. [More…]
We might have found the reaction of Australian children to Arabs and Arab children might have taken a different turn had they realised the origins of mathematics and where that skill and that science had originated. [More…]
We do not know yet where migrant children are located. [More…]
That seems to suggest that the Commonwealth provides funds and the States allot those funds not on the basis of need- not on the basis of the areas in which children who need this assistance to become properly educated are located- but on the basis of the total number which we can afford to help. [More…]
The high school that my youngest children attend has a large number of Greek children. [More…]
No Greek teacher is provided for the Greek children who attend that school. [More…]
I also find in this second largest Greek speaking city in the world that those Greek parents who are concerned about their children and who are concerned that they should retain their Language and their culture are asked to pay rent for the use of state school buildings. [More…]
Yet they are the ones who organise the classes for their children. [More…]
This whole field of education has to be undertaken by the children in their spare time. [More…]
I as a parent- I suppose originally I came from some migrant background, but it is so far back that it plays little part in my life or the lives of my children- resent the fact that my children are growing up alongside children whose background and culture could enrich their lives and my life if the Department of Education in Victoria and if the Federal Minister of Education (Senator Carrick) took a broader view of what we mean and what: we want when we say that we want education funded they make little effort to employ bilingual teachers. [More…]
We know that all children love to watch television. [More…]
Such programs may make some of the migrant people who have come to this country nostalgic for the country from which they came, but they would give their children a very rough and ready idea of the country from which their parents came. [More…]
They make no attempt to extend the language facility to Australian-born children or to children born of foreign parents. [More…]
There is no reference whatsoever to the problems that arise for children of migrant parents trying to grow up in the Australian community and the Australian culture. [More…]
I hope that the Minister takes the report to heart and extends his vision when it comes to dealing with migrant children in the community. [More…]
An unemployed single person, and an unemployed married couple with two children, are each about $18 a week below the poverty level. [More…]
An unemployed couple with four children are $28 below, a single parent with one child is $2 1 below, and a single parent with two children is $27 below the poverty level. [More…]
This means that literally many thousands of Australian children are living in absolute poverty. [More…]
After pensions and family allowance, single parents with two children are $27.38 a week below the poverty line estimated by the institute. [More…]
An unemployed man with a wife and four children is $28.68 below the poverty line. [More…]
All the figures show a substantial difference, the most substantial being that of the single parent with two children, where the difference between the poverty line and the pension payable is $27.38.I should have thought that the machinery motion which Senator Chaney has moved would be of great concern to the Government senators who, a year or so ago, were agitated to some extent- not to the extent of taking any drastic action- by the abolition of the promise made by the Fraser Opposition in 1975 and its effects on the recipients of pensions. [More…]
In inner metropolitan primary schools 18.5 per cent of all children need migrant English. [More…]
Only 47.7 per cent of these children are receiving this help. [More…]
In overcrowded classes these children have little chance of improvement. [More…]
Throughout Australia children are having to work in conditions that their parents are protected from by industrial legislation. [More…]
There is also a need for increased Commonwealth recurrent funding if the States are to be able to provide the extra remedial teachers so urgently required to improve careers counselling and to lower the size of classes in lower primary and infant classes, particularly in those areas where children have special needs. [More…]
Other programs such as the program for migrant children, the innovations program and the disadvantaged schools program are still very important but the Government has not been able to make any significant increases in respect of them. [More…]
dealt with precisely the same matter being taken to litigation in the United States of America, where the parents of gifted children are taking the school boards to court for denying their gifted children the opportunity to excel within the ordinary State school system. [More…]
He went on to indicate the complete lack of awareness within the Australian school system of the problems faced by the immigrant child and in one particular passage drew attention to the fact that children in schools were being forcibly, one might say, educated in the English language. [More…]
It is not unusual for such a family to sit at the dinner table with very little conversation between children and parents. [More…]
Yet it has been the traditional role of the school to provide information, cultural and social awareness- which is very often absent in the home life of many students- and particularly some sort of integration into the Australian cultural ethos for those 39 per cent of children for whom English is not the native tongue. [More…]
It was of assistance to those parents who were spending money on the education of their children. [More…]
There is a cost to parents, if only in respect of the return foregone from their children. [More…]
It is much more than the fact that the parents are missing out because the children are not leaving school and not contributing to the home. [More…]
We tend to overlook the cost of housing, feeding and clothing children, of providing those additional things that are required by schools, even paying the so-called school fees in state schools. [More…]
Topping up provided money for the area of isolated children. [More…]
Out of the Karmel report came assistance to isolated children and the encouragement to the States to do a lot more than they were doing. [More…]
Perhaps one of the most important areas was that of disadvantaged children. [More…]
I was fortunate to be involved with one of these schools in the early days when, at the Katherine School, it was found that the money which was available, even under the generous Federal funding, was not enough to meet the special needs of a group of children at that school. [More…]
In that area we were able to take a group of children, who were not achieving because of their deficiency in language, give them concentrated language training and equip them to move into the normal stream. [More…]
In the time of the Labor Government much money was spent on Aboriginal children- not only in the communities and settlements and missions, as they were then known, but also in the community at large. [More…]
So, we saw the introduction of the Aboriginal Secondary Education Grants scheme, bi-lingual education and a number of other projects which helped Aboriginal children. [More…]
After a settling in period, it is fair to say, most States used the money wisely and were prepared to cooperate, and because the people in the State departments saw the needs of the children they were able to clarify for the Federal Department of Education the needs in their areas. [More…]
In the total analysis I suppose this does not matter; the children got the advantages. [More…]
They talk of low levels of literacy and numeracy and young children not being prepared for employment. [More…]
The obvious reaction to this must be to suggest that schools do not prepare children only for jobs. [More…]
Let us fact it, it is not exactly a novel comment to say that schools are not preparing children for the work force. [More…]
Quality Education and the Individual Needs of Children ‘ it states: [More…]
But I think in the community unemployment is seen as a great problem, particularly by those who are unemployed or who have children who are unemployed. [More…]
I recall to the Minister the speeches that were made by his great leaders in the 1 960s about the wealth of the country being our children. [More…]
Let us recognise the Labor Government’s contribution in 1972-75, which has been applauded by all educators as showing the way with innovation programs, the programs for disadvantaged children and the practices which grew out of them. [More…]
I wish to talk about children who find themselves confined to hospitals for the mentally retarded, even though they are not mentally retarded. [More…]
I shall talk about the authority’s attitude to the children in those schools and I shall ask the Federal Government to take some action in this area. [More…]
It was the old Royal Children ‘s Hospital. [More…]
It was the Royal Children’s Hospital until that hospital got a new building. [More…]
It was opened in 1964 for these severely retarded children. [More…]
The children live in dormitories housing 25, 27 or 30 children each. [More…]
It was felt that because it was thought that the children were mentally retarded they required no sort of education. [More…]
She found that there was no educational program for the children and endeavoured to begin one. [More…]
Until the end of 1975 she was the only teacher there although there were nearly 200 children in the establishment. [More…]
The children had lived all their lives there without any education program at all. [More…]
Because there were so many children to be fed by so few staff their food was mixed up into one bowl. [More…]
In 1977 a woman came to St Nicholas who felt that something else should be done for these children, that there was a spark there, a recognition. [More…]
She began a program designed to teach, to communicate and to stimulate these children. [More…]
The Minister of Education and the Minister of Special Education in Victoria were told of the program that was being conducted for the children and of the advance they had made, but no action was taken, presumably because they were still quite sure that their original prediction that Anne was mentally retarded was right and that these people were fooling themselves. [More…]
Because the hospital was nagged and because reports kept coming to it during this period, it agreed to purchase automatic page turners for the children. [More…]
In August 1977 the hospital agreed that an automatic page turner, costing $1,000, could be bought because at that time there were three children at St Nicholas who were fully literate and seven more who were at the word recognition stage of literacy. [More…]
Even though the people in authority were saying that these children were still retarded, they were prepared to put forward that argument when they agreed to buy a page turner. [More…]
The device did not turn up at the hospital until February 1978, and it was then apparent to people that the children would be unable to use the device unless they had remedial therapy. [More…]
However, the authorities were not prepared to supply the remedial therapy to enable the children to use the device. [More…]
They had agreed that $5,000 should be used to buy it but they were not prepared to admit that the children could use it or were capable of using it. [More…]
They were not prepared to put the money into the remedial therapy that was needed to assist the children to use the device. [More…]
So 13 children who had built up their hopes and expectations of at last having a means of communicating with the outside world were sent back to the darkness of disappointment because the authorities were prepared to waste $5,000. [More…]
The authorities were prepared to disappoint the children to that extent. [More…]
By this time other people outside the Mental Health Authority and outside this establishment had become interested in these children and were impressed by them. [More…]
The special education centre at Burwood State College had watched the children work and had watched this particular child work. [More…]
The State College of Melbourne had watched the children communicate and had communicated with them and it agreed that there was intelligence there. [More…]
Therapists and other people in the community also had watched and listened to the children and had agreed that there was intelligence there and that something should be done about them. [More…]
Nothing really was done about educating these children. [More…]
People who were concerned and who worked with them asked the State department for funds in order to give these children proper education and a proper place to live. [More…]
The Schools Commission was asked for funds from the innovations program to give these children the education and the environment they needed. [More…]
They raised the matter of the future of St Nicholas Hospital, of its children and of its education annexe and its staff. [More…]
These children are now caught up entirely in the functions of the Health Authority and the Education Department has no word in it. [More…]
The Ministers were advised that education staff in the old building at Drummond Street, Carlton, which was formerly the Children’s Hospital, were jeopardising their health and the safety of the students by carrying the children frequently on a 16-step fire-escape which provided the only access between the dormitories and the education area. [More…]
At the annexe, five teachers and four full time and three part time teacher aides provide an educational service for children who are multiple handicapped. [More…]
The need to lift the children has caused four injuries to staff. [More…]
There is no equipment to accommodate these children. [More…]
At a time when only 55 of the 108 children can receive any help from teaching staff, only 38 of them participate in group ward programs and 17 receive any intensive programming, there appears to be prolonged procrastination between the Health, Public Works and Special Education Departments. [More…]
Presumably, that is outside Victoria- children moderately or severely handicapped arc regarded as a health or mental health responsibility- Victoria regards them as trainable and educable’. [More…]
Thirteen children who have spent their lifetime in that institution, who have now been proved to be educable, to be intelligent, and who are locked up in ridiculous bodies that will not work, have to put up with pious statements like that while Ministers and Premiers do nothing at all about them. [More…]
These children were placed in these institutions when they were very young and they have never been reassessed. [More…]
For years the parents of these children were not brought into any programs because there were no programs to bring them into. [More…]
Over the last few years, as it has been proved little by little that the children are able to be educated, the parents have been kept in the dark. [More…]
Children who have kept their sanity and their curiosity in that sort of sterile atmosphere for all that time would have to be very intelligent. [More…]
Instead of the authorities reacting with care, love, concern and some sense of excitement because these children are not lost, there is a great future in front of them, and instead of the authorities supporting these parents by bringing them into the programs so that everyone can go on together, they are reacting in a most violent fashion as though they were keeping them prisoners, as though they were gaolers. [More…]
Because a move was started to show people that these children are intelligent and should be taken out of the hospital, the authorities have tended to try to close up the place. [More…]
I was asked why I wanted to visit these children. [More…]
When all that was done I was told that if the parents of the children, some of whom were over 1 8 and had voted or were able to vote, agreed that I should visit, I would be allowed to visit. [More…]
What is needed is for governments to have enough imagination, enough will and enough love to realise that what these children need is to be taken out of these institutions and to be put into separate premises where they have a home and a school, both of which they have never had. [More…]
What is needed is accommodation and facilities that will provide 24 hour physical care and provide an introduction to the activities of everyday life to children who have been brought up all their lives in institutions. [More…]
What is needed are arrangements for the provision of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy which is required to give the children the maximum degree of control over their handicapping conditions; arrangements for educational programs to bring the children to the level of learning of children in their age group in the normal school system; arrangements to develop the technology needed to compensate for the children ‘s handicaps. [More…]
I have spoken of 12 children who are my friends in an institution in Victoria. [More…]
There were 13 children. [More…]
It seems incredible to me that in an age when we can put men on the moon, when we can do extraordinarily difficult things, we cannot find a means of communication for these children, for these people, for these adults. [More…]
In conclusion, I wish to read from a report that was made on the children at St Nicholas. [More…]
Especially they do not agree when they are speaking about the schools that their children attend. [More…]
Children needing special assistance with remedial reading and remedial number work are less likely in Queensland to be receiving that help. [More…]
With a teacher like that, if any of the children succeed they will succeed probably in spite of the teacher rather than because of him. [More…]
I have no real criticism of the teacher because he was doing his very best there under very trying conditions and in a very poor building, but the administration that allows that to happen should take steps to ensure that better educational facilities are provided for the children. [More…]
But what happened here is that it is was decided to pull down the school, to put up a temporary structure- which I will describe in a moment- to build the airstrip, then build the new school and move the children from the temporary structure into the new school. [More…]
how may children per day is it estimated that a child centre in this building can accommodate. [More…]
The plans for the proposed centre are designed to cater for a total of 53 children. [More…]
People think twice about improving their wages, getting their rightful wage and getting decent conditions of employment when a long line of people is waiting at the gate to take any jobs and when they have wives and children at home to feed. [More…]
Being able to sleep in a warm bed, eating three meals a day, having one’s children educated and going to the doctor when one is ill are the sort of soft options with which this Government is doing away. [More…]
It is no wonder that we cannot afford the unemployment benefit, health care, care of the aged and decent education for all children in Australia. [More…]
To hand over to our children a country with such a deficit as that would be completely irresponsible. [More…]
It is a sad little piece of Fraser Government symbolism that that is so in the context of the need to raise standards in poorer schools in this country to try to provide the greatest level of equality of opportunity for all children wherever they live and from whatever socio-economic circumstances and backgrounds they come. [More…]
It is those absences from this statement which also give very cold comfort to, for example, students who are concerned about the levels of student allowances, academics who are concerned about the levels of research and their competence to compete in the international academic community, and parents throughout this country who are properly concerned about standards in schools and the sort of educational qualifications their children will have in a society which makes increasing demands on them in terms of certification when obtaining apprenticeships and things of that kind, lt gets much harder every year for the ordinary product of Australian schools to get an apprenticeship because the standards become higher and higher and the demands on children become greater and greater. [More…]
We believe that that is a breach of trust to thousands of people, particularly those with children at Catholic parish schools- not in the Level 6 variety- who are paying just as much tax as anybody else but who are paying an inordinate amount of their own incomes to subsidise the education of their children. [More…]
We must also welcome the fact that the Government has been able to hold its line on disadvantaged schools, special education, disadvantaged country areas and children in institutions. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Health whether his attention has been drawn to the voluminous report on the incidence of lead in the air and its harmful effects on children in Sydney arising from the growing use of petroleum products. [More…]
My question, like that asked by Senator Gietzelt, relates to the serious effects that lead levels in petrol appear to be having on the health of Australian children. [More…]
Can the Minister assure the Senate that in reaching taxation decisions in the forthcoming Budget the impact of these decisions on families, especially single income families with dependent children, will fully be taken into account? [More…]
Moreover, should not tax be based on the principle of capacity to pay whereby the cost of supporting a dependent spouse and dependent children should be taken into account? [More…]
A married scholar with two children is also below the poverty line in spite of the important and responsible work he does. [More…]
The Prime Minister was asked questions on this matter by children at a breakfast party yesterday. [More…]
Of course he replied to the obvious criticism from the young children and said that he would be prepared to allow his flying hotels to be used to bring refugees to this country. [More…]
It will also involve cultural, historical, ethnic, sporting, children’s and youth organisations. [More…]
-On 28 May, Senator Tate referred to the report of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts entitled Children and Television’ and sought information on the Government’s reaction to the report. [More…]
I am advised by the Minister for Post and Telecommunications that he is well aware of the widespread community concern over the possible detrimental effects of television upon children. [More…]
Indeed, he has publicly called upon stations and program makers for marked improvements in children’s programming. [More…]
Under this Bill, the Government will be able either to cut out maternity leave and therefore make it impossible for married women to have a career in the Public Service and at the same time have children or to redeploy or retire women because of their need for maternity leave or because they may need maternity leave, in much the same way as Ansett Airlines of Australia refused a woman the right to train as a pilot, even though she had all the qualifications, because she may need leave to have a baby and she may have a baby. [More…]
How can a woman be redeployed to another State or city and be expected to leave her husband or her children in the State or city in which she is employed at the moment? [More…]
I give the example of a man who has a wife and children to keep and who is declared ‘in excess’ and therefore is to be redeployed or, at worst, retrenched; and of a woman in the same department whose husband has a good job. [More…]
A male who has a wife and children to keep at home and who is desperate to keep his job may declare that woman as the alternative person to be sacked. [More…]
Taking into account the prejudices that people have in those areas and the fact that a man’s wages have to keep a wife, children and himself, I think that sort of proposition would be accepted by those who have to make the decision. [More…]
Suffice for me to point out that the type of facilities required by many children who could be elegible under this scheme are not available in Geelong, but are in Melbourne. [More…]
On the information provided it does seem that most children in the area, and I guess throughout Victoria, are referred to specialists in Melbourne operating out of the Children’s and other hospitals. [More…]
As far as I know, the situation that prevailed in Victoria in relation to the Children’s Hospital- which is where the large specialist centres are- was that once a patient was referred by his local general practitioner to the specialist, the line of communication precluded the general practitioner. [More…]
Many parents will not be able to get medical care for their young children who need it because they cannot afford to pay doctors ‘ fees of up to $20. [More…]
Children will suffer because their parents cannot afford to take them to doctors. [More…]
I forecast that in another five or six years we will not have enough hospital beds to take care of the sick children whose parents will not be able to seek medical care for them because of the legislation that the Government is putting through the Parliament tonight. [More…]
I must say that his chiding of the Opposition remind me of a recent occasion which I chided my children and said to them: ‘I really wish you would stop behaving like children’. [More…]
Ever since government schools have existed parents- as I well know and most other parents who have had children at government schools well know- have had their hands in their pockets for certain expenses in schools. [More…]
As the Australian Government has recognised the importance of this project by providing, I understand, $64m towards its success, and in view of the success of the scheme in drawing attention to the needs of children in our modern society, will the Minister give favourable consideration to conducting a year of the Australian pioneer with the object of encouraging special projects for the aged in our community, a sector which is growing in number and creating great strain on organisations dedicated to providing facilities for these citizens who have done so much for the country during their lives? [More…]
There was a Declaration of Rights of the Child in 1959 and since that time many members of the United Nations have been urging the setting aside of a special year during which particular attention could be given to the situation of children. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a report pointing to the success of migrant children who achieve results in spite of language difficulties? [More…]
Has he noticed incidentally that those same migrant children watch less television? [More…]
It points to the success of migrant children in Sydney high schools and was prepared for my Department by Dr J. Martin and Dr P. Meade. [More…]
-If Senator Georges will wait I will give the credit to the migrant children and to the excellent stimuli of the migrant families and motivation of their children. [More…]
Migrant children are showing more determination than Australian students in staying on at school for good results despite a ‘hostile environment’, according to a Commonwealth Government report. [More…]
It quotes questionnaire answers from ‘at least pockets of Australian children with highly aggressive attitudes towards migrants’. [More…]
The report is the first to study over a period of years (1974-77) whether migrant children from nonEnglishspeaking backgrounds tend to complete a full secondary school course, and whether they do well in their final examinations. [More…]
It says that, in order to cope, the migrant children may need to show ‘remarkable insight (that is, grasping clues to rewarded and punished behaviour) and immense selfcontrol and hard work’. [More…]
In this sample, children with both parents born in a nonEnglishspeaking country are very heavily concentrated in: the lower intelligence quotient ( IQ ) scores (66 per cent, compared with 41 per cent of children of Australian-born parents); in the lower socio-economic stratum (SES) group (79 per cent, compared with 55 per cent); and in the group of combined lower IQ and SES (55 per cent, compared with 25 per cent). [More…]
In spite of those scores, the comparison for School Certificate and Higher School Certificate results between the total samples of children of non-English-speaking and of Australian origin is very much in favour of the migrant children. [More…]
Large numbers of children from non-English-speaking ethnic groups cling to higher aspirations and stay at school despite a low level of performance as their school assesses it. [More…]
In general, when similar IQ and SES groups are compared, children of non-English-speaking background did as well as or better than other students in School Certificate results. [More…]
However, with migrant children comprising the larger part of the group in the low SES and with low IQ scores, migrants of low SES overall gained much poorer results than did other students of low SES. [More…]
Again battling against this situation, educational aspirations in themselves played a bigger part in determining whether migrant children remained at school to the HSC than did their IQ, their SES, or their SC results. [More…]
As a result, a substantially greater proportion of these children continued through to the HSC than did Australian or other English-speaking students (41 per cent, compared with 30 and 35 percent respectively). [More…]
A greater proportion of the total number of migrant children gained medium or high HSC results than did the Australian or other English-speaking-children. [More…]
Firstly, it wants to encourage the education system (not only the high schools themselves) to serve children characterised as of low IQ and low SES ‘whom it now does its best to throw off’. [More…]
and explicit anti-migrant attitudes that appear to be entrenched in some schools, and to develop the capacity of all children to benefit from living in an ethnically plural society- which we take to be the rationale for multicultural education’. [More…]
-Senator Mason asked me a question relating to reducing the level of lead in petrol and to the effect of lead on children, as reported by Professor Smythe. [More…]
My question, like that asked by Senator Gietzelt, relates to the serious effects that lead levels in petrol appear to be having on thehealth of Australian children. [More…]
This matter is very important because of the effect on the health of children. [More…]
It is obviously very important to the public whether they will have to pay 5c a litre more or lc a litre more for petrol that does not harm the health of as many as 20 per cent of all children in our cities. [More…]
In my State- about 20 per cent of the children were above this level. [More…]
Dr Freeman’s statement said that 1 1.5 per cent of the children tested had lead levels above the maximum recommended levels set. [More…]
Page 87 of that Budget Speech, under the heading ‘Children’s Services’ reads: [More…]
This plea is made not only on behalf of the parents but also on behalf of the children who need pre-school education, which [More…]
That petition is circulating among concerned parents throughout South Australia and should be sufficient advance warning to the Government that South Australian parents are vitally concerned about its policy in regard to preschool children. [More…]
Understaffing and long waiting lists of children are becoming all too common. [More…]
By 1980 all children in Australia will have access to services designed to take care of their educational, emotional, physical, social and recreational needs. [More…]
What started in 1974 as a policy of providing pre-school education for all children in the year prior to school entry is now rated as an area of the Budget worthy only of ‘topping up’ by Federal funds. [More…]
This represents a withdrawal of commitment, and subsequently money, which leaves the States, pre-school organisations and, most importantly, children and their parents, stranded. [More…]
In South Australia in 1 978 there were almost twice as many pre-school services as there had been in 1 974. with an equivalent increase in the numbers of children using these services. [More…]
If tuition fees have to be reintroduced this will preclude many children from the benefits of pre-school education. [More…]
This kindergarten has already had the services of its teacher’s aide reduced to half time and this is causing problems in adequately providing for our children. [More…]
Despite the fact that a woman who recently went back to the United Kingdom with her five children because she said she could not stand Australia has been backwards and forwards two or three times, it is interesting to note that authorities in Britain said that Australia House was very helpful in arranging for her and her family to be repatriated back to Australia when they had gone home to England before and then had wanted to return to Australia. [More…]
They all love their mothers, grandfathers and children. [More…]
That further cutbacks in Commonwealth funding to State Schools and transferral of funds to wealthy independent schools as required under the guidelines to the Schools Commission announced by the Minister for Education in early June are of vital concern in that they mitigate against the interests of the great majority of Australian Children in State Schools. [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister for Social Security, refers to a ruling which we have been told comes from Canberra and affects the payment of family allowances to parents of handicapped children. [More…]
If the children are in homes on the fourteenth or fifteenth of a month the parent loses both payments for the full month. [More…]
There is to be no increase in that allowance, nor is there to be any increase in the amount paid for pensioners’ children, which has not been increased since 1975. [More…]
These poor people with children, who are dependent on the Government for their incomes, have not had their children’s allowances increased since 1975. [More…]
They also replaced the tax rebate for children, which in any reasonable system of tax indexation would have been indexed since 1976 and certainly would have been increased since 1976. [More…]
The allowances are extremely important to that group in the community who are not touched by our social security system- the working poor, the people on low incomes with a number of dependent children. [More…]
If one adds to that group the pensioners with children whose dependants’ allowances also have not been increased since 1975 one finds that those people in the community are being affected severely by inflation and by the failure of the Government to recognise that and to compensate them for the inflationary forces in our economy. [More…]
In the area of the unemployed without dependants, in the area of low income earners with children, in the area of the poorest of pensioners- those who have an income of $5 apart from their pension and live in rented accommodation- and in the area of Commonwealth employees compensation the Government has been as mean and miserly as it was in the past. [More…]
Lone mothers- as from 1 July 1979, the NT will assume responsibility for financial assistance to mothers bringing up children alone under an arrangement similar to that which is available to States under the provisions of the States Grants ( Deserted Wives ) Act. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a voluminous report on the incidence of lead in the air and its harmful effects on children in Sydney arising from the growing use of petroleum products. [More…]
In regard to the recommendations made in the report ‘An Inquiry into the Impact of Television on the Development and Learning Behaviour of Children ‘ of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts, this matter has been under consideration by my Department. [More…]
has recently approved the setting up of a Working Party of the Nutrition Committee to provide a forum for consultations with the purpose of drawing up guidelines on food advertising during the children’s television programs. [More…]
Research into Congenital Abnormalities in Children [More…]
Provide support for parent of children with congenital abnormalities. [More…]
The national debate would then be debased without a damn being given about the children who suffer. [More…]
That further cutbacks in Commonwealth funding to State Schools and transferral of funds to wealthy independent schools as required under the guidelines to the Schools Commission announced by the Minister for Education in early June are of vital concern in that they mitigate against the interests of the great majority of Australian Children in State Schools. [More…]
For example, it is said in New York that the involvement of young children in drug peddling is almost a direct consequence of increases in the penalties prescribed by legislation in that State. [More…]
For example, it does not seem to me that a person who is likely to get 25 years’ gaol under the provisions of this legislation, will be particularly concerned about the little woman and the children at home and the money they should have when he is serving his sentence. [More…]
Children aged only 13 were buying it- [More…]
In the case of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the figure of $ 1 3 1 m quoted in the article is similarly inflated by the inclusion of trust fund moneys and the exclusion of outstanding obligations. [More…]
It is then profitable or expedient for the syndicates to use 13 -year-old or 14-year- old children to be couriers in this infamous business. [More…]
I do not know the proper philosophy that we ought to follow if we are going to spend millions of dollars, but I do know that we parents make an arbitrary judgment that at a certain time in their lives our children are ready to learn about sex, about alcohol, about drugs, about road safety or whatever. [More…]
For years I have been pleading for a health education program to be introduced into the schools in the State education system to teach young children from an early age about their bodies, their minds and their souls and about these facts of life. [More…]
The debate is taken up my maniacs from the League of Rights and from the Festival of Light and the children are kept in blissful ignorance until they reach the age of puberty when we adults say to them: ‘There is this horrible drug problem out there’. [More…]
Once the children find us out in the first lie they never believe us again. [More…]
Surely children should have the respect of being taught the truth in the beginning and not at an age when they know it already. [More…]
The father is 66, the mother is 42 and there are four children in Timor of the ages of 7, 10, 16 and 22. [More…]
She put forward her application to the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs and the reply came back, firstly, that the father was eligible because of his age and, secondly, that the mother and children were not eligible, the mother because of her age. [More…]
The proposal put forward by the sponsor, was, firstly, that the family should come to Australia to be accommodated by the daughter in her own home; secondly, that the mother and the elder child could give assistance in the home and perhaps in the business; thirdly, that the father could make whatever contribution was appropriate for his age; and, fourthly, that the younger children should attend school. [More…]
The children would have the advantage of education in Australia and would eventually make their contributions, just as their fellow countrymen have made contributions in Australia which we all know are not insignificant. [More…]
By following the guidelines it has to refuse permission for the mother and the children to come in. [More…]
That further cutbacks in Commonwealth funding to State Schools and transferral of funds to wealthy independent schools as required under the guidelines to the Schools Commission announced by the Minister for Education in early June are of vital concern in that they mitigate against the interests of the great majority of Australian Children in State Schools. [More…]
Has the Minister any information on how many Australian children become Soviet citizens under a provision of the new law? [More…]
No doubt the Minister representing the Treasurer is aware that in Australia there are a number of registered charities whose activities include sponsoring children in various parts of the underdeveloped world. [More…]
Other children developed rashes. [More…]
7 people with acute leukaemia, 5 of them children and teenagers. [More…]
Children found playing with boxes containing Strontium 90 which they found in a field near the local airport. [More…]
Children in fallout area have had leukaemia rate 21/2 times the national average. [More…]
A transientworker employed for three months in West Valley plant in a particularly high radiation level room has since had two genetically deformed children whose life expectancy is ten years at the maximum. [More…]
If we are talking about moral obligations of Australians, I would have thought that I, as a person living today, have a moral obligation to the children and grandchildren who will follow all of us in this nation to consider them before putting the planet at risk. [More…]
Where is Senator Young’s moral obligation to the men, women and children of the Philippines who live in the shadow of that reactor which has been built near a volcano in a geophysical site? [More…]
In fact, Senator Grimes is on record as saying that the high cost of increasing payments to the 4.3 million children who are the subject of family allowances represents an inhibiting effect on any desire by the present Federal Government to increase them. [More…]
Family Allowances, which replaced the old system of child endowment and taxation rebates for children, present a means whereby a start can be made to give a more equitable distribution of public monies to benefit those in need, while more basic changes in other areas are sorted out. [More…]
The high cost of increasing payments to 4.3 million children per year has an inhibiting effect on any desire by the present government to increase payments. [More…]
Is that not an anti-family policy to the children of Australia who are receiving benefits under the universal family allowance scheme? [More…]
There are 2 million people who receive these family allowances on behalf of 4.3 million children. [More…]
Mr Hayden criticised the Government for failing to index some basic social welfare benefits, such as allowances paid for dependent children of pensioners and the unemployment benefit for single people. [More…]
All he says is that he will come up with the response to the unremitting neglect of pensioners’ dependent children. [More…]
If his response is to abandon the universal family allowance scheme, let us hear that from him so that the people can judge which payment they prefer to receive on behalf of the children of Australia. [More…]
We estimate that some 56,000 supporting parent beneficiaries- this would cover about 96,000 children- will now qualify for the pensioner health benefit cards. [More…]
This should be of great assistance, particularly to those children who are suffering from chronic or repeated illnesses in relation to which the burden of cost on the family is a very grave one indeed. [More…]
Mr Hayden did not choose to mention that the children’s services program is playing an essential role in the support of low income families. [More…]
While we have maintained a commitment to pre-school education, we have directed this program towards creating a flexible network of services for more disadvantaged children. [More…]
It has doubled the assistance given to those families where children’s services are vital and where family support services are required for the strength of the family. [More…]
The Government has considered a national superannuation scheme, which was suggested in the Hancock report, and it has rejected the introduction of that scheme because it has recognised that it may place a very heavy burden on the lower and middle income families where the responsibility of raising children already imposes heavy costs. [More…]
In 1979 in Australia it does not do to be old, to be sick, to be unemployed, to be a school-leaver or to be a family man with young children. [More…]
Is it any wonder that mothers and fathers are in despair as to what is to become of their children under those circumstances? [More…]
If it is difficult for children in the city to manage on that sort of money, imagine what it is like for children in country towns who have to go to the city for jobs. [More…]
Yet there must be hundreds and hundreds of children across this country who do have to go to the city to find jobs. [More…]
Caught somewhere in the middle are the nation’s forgotten children- those in rural schools. [More…]
No response is made to the call for country children to be able to stay in their districts to live out their lives there and to contribute there in a very real way. [More…]
Yet the cost of country schooling will rise as a result of the petrol tax because it will mean that the cost of buses to take the country children to school, the cost of the petrol which parents use to drive them to school, will be much increased. [More…]
The Government took away child endowment and cut out tax rebates for children. [More…]
In the Year of the Child this Government has not seen fit to increase the $10 allowance paid to parents of handicapped children. [More…]
It has not seen fit to raise the isolated children’s allowance to anything like a realistic amount of money. [More…]
In the Year of the Child the children’s allowance paid to pensioners has not been increased. [More…]
Of course, what she did not go on to tell the people was that with the introduction of family allowances the taxpayer can no longer claim children as a tax deduction. [More…]
-Senator Walters asked a question regarding the Budget policy on sales tax for articles for deaf and blind children. [More…]
In the migrant education program we note that there is a high proportion of migrant children. [More…]
Together with large numbers of migrant children we also have a wide range of ethnic groups even though some of them may contain only small numbers. [More…]
Many of the children who attend school in the Northern Territory do so with no knowledge of English. [More…]
The Commission has recommended a maximum enrolment of 2,500 children who can be assisted. [More…]
People in the Northern Territory have said to me that the majority of the children in the system in the Northern Territory are disadvantaged. [More…]
But I am pleased to see support in the Commission for the concept of, whenever possible, educating children in the classroom. [More…]
I detect a movement back to children being enrolled in special schools. [More…]
I hope that the Commission will follow the lead of people overseas and suggest that, whenever possible, we should educate children in the classroom. [More…]
I also find it most disturbing that no mention is made in the recommendations of the Commission for any money to be allocated for the education of children from birth to pre-school age. [More…]
But I stress, as I and others have done in this place before, that if we plan to do anything for handicapped children education must start immediately after birth. [More…]
The Minister will know from his experience, from his travels in the Northern Territory, that many of the teachers in the centre will be dealing with Aboriginal children, so they can do with a lot of the help which that sort of centre can give. [More…]
If they or their children are ill frequently, as is often the case, those bills may be considerable. [More…]
It will also affect the low income family, particularly the single income family and the large families with children who frequently get ill and who frequently need prescriptions. [More…]
We should remember that the allowances for pensioners’ children have not been increased since 1975, despite inflation, and family allowances have not been increased since 1976, despite inflation. [More…]
These methods do not denigrate the unemployed but recognise the fact that the unemployed are amongst the most disadvantaged people in our community and need assistance in this area, lt is not beyond the resources of this country to conceive such a system and to provide a method of helping both children and the unemployed to receive their pharmaceutical benefits in a similar way. [More…]
We ask it to withdraw this Bill, redraft it and, after consultation with its experts, provide a means whereby the unemployed, the large families, the people on supporting parents benefits in the first six months, the low income families and, particularly, families with children can be identified in an equitable fashion as being disadvantaged so that they can receive the same sort of treatment as far as pharmaceutical benefits are concerned as the pensioners and single parents, after the first six months, get at present. [More…]
I think that all of us have come into contact, at some stage, with people who have been on a supporting parents benefit, especially mothers who have young children and who have not been able to receive free pharmaceuticals. [More…]
It seems so illogical because supporting parents obviously have young children who at some stage will suffer some illness and will need medical care, yet up until now they have not been able to receive free pharmaceutical benefits. [More…]
A number of current deficiencies in the Budget discriminate against people who are unemployed, people who have young children and who depend upon allowances for children, and people who depend on family allowances. [More…]
Family allowances have remained unchanged, as have children’s allowances and the supplementary assistance. [More…]
I hope that amongst those classified as disadvantaged will be, for example, people with two or three children who have chronic asthma on a continuing basis, because I believe that these people deserve help. [More…]
However, one chemist indicated that he believed that some degree of disability could result where a number of children were chronically ill over a period. [More…]
It is not good enough to drive society into a situation in which its members must play a game of chance with the health of their children. [More…]
We will have a return to the bad old days when children developed such infections as rheumatic fever, which might otherwise have been controlled and which brought with them appalling consequences in later life. [More…]
There are great dangers, of course, in disposing of them by the ordinary means of garbage disposal where they might perhaps come into the hands of children who would find them attractive. [More…]
She will save whatever money she has to pay for her husband ‘s medical expenses should he be injured or in order to look after her children. [More…]
Whereas over a period of time it has been proven that to a large degree the existence of services from our Centre has lessened the work load at the Western General Hospital, the Royal Children’s Hospital, Footscray Psychiatric Hospital and Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital. [More…]
The more important of these measures involved the assurance of the lives of children under the age of ten years (Life Assurance Companies Act 1905), the exemption of persons from service on the grounds of conscientious beliefs (Defence (No. [More…]
This widow, with her two children, lives in a three bedroom house that the landlord has allowed to fall into a terrible state of disrepair. [More…]
Since this shelter was formed four years ago over 1 ,250 women and children have had cause to use it. [More…]
Obviously we all agree that these residences should not be subject to abuse from these men who are often in an inebriated state; nor should children be terrorised when answering the door to these agitated men. [More…]
In this regard, children have become unimportant. [More…]
We deceive ourselves that we cannot afford to enjoy the pleasures of children if we wish to maintain a high standard of living and achieve an even higher level. [More…]
With respect to the International Year of the Child, advertisers prompted people to visualise children as special people, with their own unique problems, needing to be treated in a specific manner. [More…]
Jessop has expressed include the Krishna Consciousness movement, the Church of Scientology, the Unification Church, frequently known as the Moonies, a name derived from the name of their Korean founder, and the Children of God. [More…]
Very little research has been done on this, but I wish to refer to a book entitled All Gods Children: The Cult Experience-Salvation or Slavery? [More…]
At page 66 there is a reference to the Children of God and to a report which estimated that in 1 974 there were 120 Children of God communes in the United States. [More…]
Since 1 974 it appears that the Children of God have toned down their United States operations and are mainly witnessing from travelling communes in other parts of the world, particularly Europe, South America and Australia. [More…]
The Children of God has been active in Canberra, handing out pamphlets outside a school, and some concern has been expressed by the community. [More…]
In many cases, great concern is expressed about the methods used to recruit people, especially as they relate to the recruitment of children and the impact of such measures on families. [More…]
These groups sometimes take the form of parents groups who are concerned about the well-being of their children. [More…]
That is in itself a development in our society where parent groups are being formed to counter particularly the recruitment measures of some of these organisations because of the concern of parents for their children. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs able to confirm reports that guerrillas infiltrating Zimbabwe have been issued with medical kits provided by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund? [More…]
As I understand it, under resolution 33/41 of the General Assembly passed on 13 December 1978, all specialised agencies of the United Nations-that is, including the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund- were called on to increase their assistance to national liberation movements recognised by the Organisation of African Unity. [More…]
In the last report by UNICEF to the Economic and Social Council, reference is made to assistance to children and mothers cared for by liberation movements. [More…]
This assistance was extended to refugee mothers and children under the auspices of the liberation movements in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia. [More…]
My question is addressed to the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs and I refer to reports of a recently promulgated Soviet law, operative from 1 July 1979, which declares as Soviet citizens all persons born in territories now forming part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as their children. [More…]
That is a very important report on the Impact of Television on Development and Learning Behaviour of Children. [More…]
Family allowances, allowances for the children of pensioners and supplementary allowances have not been indexed. [More…]
If we are not going to index family allowances, if we are not going to index allowances for children of pensioners, if supplementary allowances are not going to be indexed, it is people like this, people who find it very hard to get by who are going to be the ones to suffer; people who tell us that they have two kiddies- both of secondary school age, by the look of it- and they sat down on Monday and Tuesday nights to have their dinner of 40c worth of bread and chips. [More…]
The matter concerns a Hobart divorcee, a Mrs Dorothy Clarke, who is the mother of seven children. [More…]
From the time that the pension had been cancelled, the State Department of Social Welfare in fact had paid Mrs Clarke a pension to support herself and her children. [More…]
Therefore, 10 per cent have to be over 50 years of age, 30 per cent have to be over 40, 30 per cent must be female and more than 5 but noi more than 10 per cent must be children under 1 2 years of age. [More…]
If we look at the position of a single income earner with a dependant spouse and two children, we find that the $10,000 a year income earner retains 89.1 per cent of the primary income at present against 90.74 per cent in 1975-76. [More…]
These meetings will cover topics where difficulties have been identified, such as the position of children under the Act, custody, maintenance, property and the organisation of the Family Court. [More…]
Recently I have seen unionists, in an attempt to keep money flowing to their families, obliged to draw on their holiday pay- to bring into the house a few scant dollars so that food can be bought for the children. [More…]
That further cutbacks in Commonwealth funding to State Schools and transferral of funds to wealthy independent schools as required under the guidelines to the Schools Commission announced by the Minister for Education in early June arc of vital concern in that they mitigate against the interests of the great majority of Australian Children in State Schools. [More…]
It is often activity which involves children or people who have previously had very little contact with the arts. [More…]
urges all Australian Governments to take practical, constructive steps to secure a safe and social environment for the three million Australian children under twelve years of age; and [More…]
encourages every action which might be appropriate to relieve suffering and deprivation affecting many of (he world ‘s one billion five hundred million children. [More…]
There are one billion five hundred million children under 12 years of age round the world. [More…]
In its Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which I will seek shortly to incorporate in Hansard, the United Nations challenges us to improve the lot of children wherever they may be, without regard to geographical or social barriers. [More…]
I will touch on the appropriate response to the international situation of children towards the end of my remarks, but I wish first of all and largely to concentrate on some aspects of the Australian situation- the child in our own backyardbecause here I believe there is no cause for apathy or complacency. [More…]
I was stung into putting this matter on the Notice Paper by my constant attendance- I am sure other honourable senators have shared this experience during the year- at various celebrations, competitions and events to mark the International Year of the Child- all very happy, all very superficial, and perhaps helping to foster a general apathy or complacency in the community about the state of our children. [More…]
As I want to demonstrate, the rights of our children in various ways are by no means guaranteed by the sort of society we have operating in Australia at the moment. [More…]
There are three million children under 12 years of age in Australia, and it is concerning their rights that I wish to speak tonight, at least in part. [More…]
Whereas the need for such special safeguards has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and recognised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the statutes of specialised agencies and international organisations concerned with the welfare of children. [More…]
All children without any exception whatsoever shall be entitled to these rights, without distinction or discrimination on account of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether of himself or of his family. [More…]
Society and the public authorities shall have the duty to extend particular care to children without a family and to those without a family and to those without adequate means of support. [More…]
Payment of state and other assistance toward the maintenance of children of large families is desirable. [More…]
I hope to take some areas from that Declaration of the Rights of the Child and describe practical concrete constructive steps which ought to be taken in order to secure some of those rights on behalf of these children. [More…]
We have to secure their rights; they are inherent in them of course, but the most obvious fact about children is their dependence on us as adults to create the sort of society in which they can grow to maturity as loving and mature human beings. [More…]
I am afraid that unless politicians and governments take some steps to leave a mark by way of concrete practical proposals on the statute book and administrative action, the whole year will evaporate in a series of sentimental happenings which leave no permanent imprint for the betterment of our children. [More…]
There are powerless, voiceless children in our society who have been battered and sexually molested, and the community needs to bring this to its consciousness so that programs may be devised to deal with this tragic situation. [More…]
It is well known from his contributions in this Senate that he has been most concerned about the physical disciplining of children within our educational system. [More…]
I believe that that is only one instance of a general phenomenon in our society where violence is used against those who are the most defenceless and the most vulnerable- our children. [More…]
Perhaps in Tasmania, with our smaller community, there may be fewer instances of battering of children than occur in the large anonymous cities of the mainland. [More…]
It has emerged that in cases where a child is at risk of battery by the mother in particular all that is needed is a woman who herself bears some of the battle scars of bringing up a family- perhaps her children have now grown up- and who has the time for the endless cups of tea needed to help the mother come to an understanding and to experience, perhaps, the love and affection from that older woman who bears the battle scars, so that the mother in turn can show some affection and love towards the child at risk. [More…]
Mr Ray Willich, who is the Superintendent of Allambie, a Victorian Government receiving centre for wards of state, has published a notable book called The Troubled Ones about emotionally and physically battered children. [More…]
Based on his own experience and on projections of United States figures, he believes that probably 20,000 Australian children are abused sexually each year. [More…]
While protecting children from physical abuse has become a priority in modern society, protecting them from sexual abuse is far from our collective conscience. [More…]
It is the need to activate that collective consciousness that impels me to make mention of that particular abuse of children tonight. [More…]
One can think- perhaps we have been blessed in our families- that this is not applicable to an affluent and easy going society like Australia and that those rights do not need to be fought for and secured on behalf of our children; but, in fact, they do. [More…]
As unemployment grows and as more male breadwinners find themselves trapped, as it were, back at home in a situation to which they are unaccustomed with small children under their feet hour after hour- these people are low in self-esteem because of lack of employment and are frustrated- they will take out their frustrations on the small children who are under their feet. [More…]
I will not dwell on this matter except to say that what is worrying people around the community is, no doubt, the formation of the outlook of our children. [More…]
It is certainly not parents or the church which dominantly is forming the outlook of our children; it is the ubiquitous television. [More…]
It is that to which our children are exposed hour after hour. [More…]
Education is much wider than schooling, as we all know, and as I say the major formation of our children is taking place perhaps in television studios, out of the control of school, parents, and other social influences. [More…]
I want to reflect on that call for special legal protection of children before as well as after birth. [More…]
Perhaps I could deal with the situation of small children and youngsters in relation to the legal system itself. [More…]
But those regulations are not always honoured, and therefore I think it is incumbent upon Parliaments, by enactment, to ensure that children are not questioned in circumstances such as I have outlined. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall the incident some years ago when children were born with multiple and gross deformities as a result of the mother taking a sedative, 1 think it was, which had been insufficiently tested by the major drug company which distributed it for sale. [More…]
What I am trying to say is that at the moment, given the fact that the law does not provide for compensation for children injured while within the womb, we have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of literally born losers coming into our community without receiving the financial compensation which might make their growing into maturity somewhat easier on their parents and families, who have to support them with their deformity or injury. [More…]
Who are the children around the world without the protection of any government, effectively without any nationality, with no government willing to offer them protection and security- the ones most in need, having first claim to receive protection and relief? [More…]
There is no doubt that the answer lies in the stunted, malnourished children of the refugee camps, whether they be in Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong or the Philippines. [More…]
I hope that the emphasis in what I have said so far, in considering the children in our own backyard, will not be misinterpreted as a selfish concern for our own children. [More…]
It took a Dickens to alert the Englishspeaking world to the plight of children in sweat shops, which he had had to endure while his father was in the debtors’ prison. [More…]
It took his pen, dipped in memories of his own experience, and his compassionate writings to alert the Englishspeaking world to the plight of those children. [More…]
What we need is another Dickens to arise and expose, as Senator Puplick has pointed out, the plight of those children who are still in a situation of slavery in other cultures of the world. [More…]
Perhaps that is not a bad thing really because who are we to preach to those other countries if we have not remedied situations in which children effectively are deprived of their rights within Australia? [More…]
Thank God, that is not the total story and perhaps it is not the story at all in the case of many, if not most, of our Australian children. [More…]
We need to leave a mark on our statute books, in our laws, in our administrative arrangements, in our very practicable, constructive, concrete encouragement of voluntary organisations, whereby the rights of children as outlined in the United Nations Declaration are indeed secured. [More…]
urges all Australian Governments to take practical, constructive steps to secure a safe and social environment for the three million Australian children under twelve years of age; and [More…]
encourages every action which might be appropriate to relieve suffering and deprivation affecting many of the world’s one billion five hundred million children. [More…]
Senator Tate in his remarks outlined for us in a very helpful way something of what flows from the ill treatment of, lack of consideration for, lack of love, care and affection for the world ‘s children. [More…]
There has been some emphasis on a particular kind of child who is suffering from a range of disadvantages, but there are all kinds of children in all parts of the world living in all classes of society. [More…]
He would not be surprised if all Australian governments- and maybe our own Government in particular- listed the kind of things that they were doing for children. [More…]
We have dealt with the needs of isolated children and with the needs of children as far as television is concerned, and we are about to start on the needs of the child with regard to aspects of literacy and numeracy in his vocation. [More…]
All of us, whether we have children or whether we do not have children, have a responsibility to see that the next generation of our citizens have opportunities, the freedom to express themselves, the capacity to develop their talents and the opportunity to move into places which the preceding generation leaves so that all that is good in society may be carried on and expanded and all that is undesirable in society may be corrected and, if possible, eliminated. [More…]
When we look at the children in our midst we know that by learning, whether it be in verbal or non-verbal languages, they will be able to develop their personalities and thereby make their later contributions. [More…]
We know also that as children stand in our midst they are impressed and influenced by attitudes, values, opinions, skills and knowledge, but there is also the area that the child acquires from outside that circle- the agencies, the schools, the peer groups and the churches. [More…]
So it is not surprising sometimes that our children are attracted to and transfixed by a violent program. [More…]
Indeed, we know from statistics that violence has a very heavy influence on children. [More…]
All this is a reflection of what is happening in our world, but there is no need whatsoever to put violence before children at an age when we are endeavouring to encourage the development of their intellect, skill and appreciation, their sense of understanding, tolerance and forgiveness, and their companionship with other people. [More…]
The Senate Committee presented its report in relation to this and a whole range of other things concerning children. [More…]
I turn briefly to the next area in which I have been involved, as Chairman of the Senate Committee, as far as children are concerned. [More…]
I refer to the needs of the isolated children of this country. [More…]
Doubtless most of us think of an isolated child as someone who lives beyond the furthest fences in the great outback, in the great lonely distances of this country, but isolated children are to be found in other circumstances also. [More…]
There are educationally isolated children who live within an hour’s drive of this building. [More…]
There are in all parts of this country children who are isolated from one reason or another. [More…]
This was another exercise in which we took on board the needs of children who did not have the access to educational, cultural and medical facilities of those who live in our urban areas. [More…]
Our report has engendered a great deal of interest and concern by a very large section of the Australian community on behalf of those who are described as isolated children. [More…]
Although there are isolated children in our urban areas, obviously and naturally our concern is concentrated upon such children as live beyond the furthest fences, on the other side of the horizon as it were. [More…]
In our report we highlighted the work that had been done in various ways on behalf of these children- through the great traditions of the School of the Air, the development of satellite communication for educational purposes, the development of radio communication, the programs which provide living away from home allowances, and the programs concerned with second homes, the programs for upgrading the skills of governesses or teachers in isolated areas. [More…]
Certain programs which have been initiated by the present government and by the former Labor Government have developed facilities for the benefit of the isolated child so that such children not only may be educated, as we understand that word, but also possess an appreciation of society in all of its aspects, all of its needs and all of its opportunities. [More…]
As someone who has been connected with the National Library of Australia, I look forward to the time when library, information and related services will be available to all children throughout the country. [More…]
The second part of Senator Tate’s motion related to the suffering among the world’s 1.5 billion children. [More…]
The honourable senator’s remarks earlier would indicate that he was referring in this context to children who lived outside of Australia and were in particular need. [More…]
One who is involved in international aid inevitably becomes involved in the needs of refugee children. [More…]
Of the 33,000 inhabitants, some two-thirds were younger people and they included, of course, a very large proportion of children. [More…]
I moved through hospital centres, school room situations and a number of social situations, if I may call them that, where children were very much in evidence. [More…]
What I saw worried me because I was concerned at what the future of these small children might be, where they would go, what their memories would be, what influence this would have on their lives, their education and their attitude to mankind, the international world and to their fellows generally. [More…]
Fortunately, the nutrition situation that I saw was catching up and children were in reasonably good condition as far as these very unfortunate circumstances were concerned. [More…]
The motion which the honourable senator has put down tonight calls for our interest and responsible response in relation to the needs of children in our own country and throughout the world. [More…]
Children are, of course, one segment of a society which is made up of adults and older people. [More…]
Encourages every action which might be appropriate to relieve suffering and deprivation affecting many of the world ‘s one billion five hundred million children. [More…]
I am too ashamed to talk about children outside Australia such as children in Africa who have been starved and enslaved. [More…]
As an Australian I am too ashamed to talk about children in Kampuchea and India who have been starved and killed; about children in South America who have been starved, enslaved, left without education and without hope; and about children in East Timor who have been starved and killed and, I believe, abandoned by Australia. [More…]
I bring to the attention of the Senate the life and the environment of a section of our three million children who are under the age of 1 2 years. [More…]
Some of these children have never lived at home with their parents, or, at best, they have lived there for a short time. [More…]
These are the children who in this rich, well ordered Australian community are born mentally or physically retarded. [More…]
Some of those children were fortunate enough to go home to a warm, familiar surrounding with parents who battled valiantly to give them some sort of normal life, without any assistance by way of education, health care or relief from the overpowering 24 hours a day, seven days a week problems that they are faced with all their lives. [More…]
The parents live in terror of their death because they do not know what is going to happen to those children after that. [More…]
Some of those parents, because of outside pressures, such as pressures of having no work and having other children to look after, have had to let their children go to institutions. [More…]
I have talked to some of those parents who are appalled and bewildered by what they have to abandon their children to. [More…]
They are bewildered because those in authority- those people whom they see as being authorities- who should know, say to them: ‘Put your children in this institution. [More…]
Because of your other responsibilities you must put your children in this institution’. [More…]
They are appalled at the institution that they find is available in which to put their children whom they bore, whom they love and regard as human beings. [More…]
They are institutions about which, at best, one can say keep those children covered and warm and keep them fed. [More…]
The parents abandon their children because they are told to do so by people whom they believe should know better. [More…]
They abandon their children to institutions that in many instances were built for adults in the nineteenth century and are still standing. [More…]
They are abandoned to institutions where one night nurse has to look after and be responsible for 36 children, some of whom are quite incapable of moving. [More…]
Indeed there is one large institution in Melbourne in which helpless children have been living since 1963. [More…]
In some areas there are 30 centimetres between the beds and, I remind honourable senators, there is one nurse to look after 36 children. [More…]
This is the sort of dignity that our children are left with, that they are abandoned to. [More…]
They live in institutions where they have no private rooms of their own to live in; they live in large communal dormitories, and they sleep in small iron baby cots that were designed for children up to the age of 18 months. [More…]
Is it any wonder that their parents live in despair and fear, and hate themselves for what they have done to their children? [More…]
There is little or no education for these children and there is little or no training of any kind for them. [More…]
I suppose one can say that in the sort of society in which we live today there is not much hope for bright children who have gone through school, have passed their exams and have done well but who still do not have much of a future and will not have a job. [More…]
Those children who the community assesses as being permanently retarded may lead the community to say that it cannot afford to waste its resources on them. [More…]
As the honourable senator says, we need Rosemary Crossleys There is a small group of children, about whom I have talked before in the Senate, in the St Nicholas Hospital for the Retarded in Melbourne. [More…]
What could be done if the governments really were concerned about children and found the Anne MacDonalds long before they had existed for 14 years in those sorts of conditions. [More…]
I have talked before about Anne MacDonald and a small group of children at St Nicks, but there have been other children at the hospital, children who were not lucky enough to be close to Rose Crossley and were not lucky enough to have somebody draw them out. [More…]
That parent, in a letter to me, seemed to sum up in these words what so many parents feel about children in this sort of situation: [More…]
If we do not care about these children, if we do not care about the quality of life they are going to live, why do we let them live in the first place? [More…]
In Victoria we have large charity appeals to provide facilities for these sorts of children but much of the money that is raised by television appeal, by all sorts of razzamataz, goes to public relations firms. [More…]
We do not look after the severely retarded children with that money, we look after the children that can be accommodated socially. [More…]
The severely retarded children, the children with whom there are real difficulties of communication and assistance go to institutions. [More…]
The State abrogates its responsibility to educate all children. [More…]
It educates the children that are easy to educate. [More…]
Elsewhere children moderately or severely handicapped arc regarded as a health or mental health responsibilityVictoria regards them as trainable and educable. [More…]
If you raise the situation of these children it says: ‘Oh yes, yes’. [More…]
At the moment in Victoria the parents of 80 severely handicapped children whom they find it very difficult to cope with physically can find no places and there are no services in the community to assist them. [More…]
There are 80 children outside institutions and innumerable children buried in institutions for whom governments will do nothing. [More…]
One of the interesting facts is that maybe many of these children should not be in institutions at all. [More…]
Amongst children who are mentally retarded is the group that most people know, mongoloid children; children who suffer from Down’s syndrome, children who have been written off for years as being impossible to educate, impossible to use in the world. [More…]
There is a doctor in Victoria, Graham CluniesRoss, of the Preston Institute of Technology, who has been working on a project to accelerate the development of Down’s syndrome infants and young children. [More…]
Developmental progress data are reported on 36 Down ‘s syndrome infants and young children who have been involved in an early educational intervention project for between 4 months and 2 years. [More…]
The development of all children was accelerated, with achievements at and above normal levels being attained in several cases. [More…]
Younger children were particularly advantaged by virtue of entering the project with higher developmental-quotient scores, and they progressed at least as rapidly (in some cases more rapidly) than older children. [More…]
Included among the requisite components are: Commencing intervention as early as possible in the child ‘s life; involving parents in their child’s education; using a structured framework for curriculum design and teaching; formulating curriculum objectives around normal developmental sequences; conducting frequent criterion-referenced assessments of performance and using these data as a basis for decision making; having the program implemented by an integrated inter-disciplinary staff team: and providing follow-through programs for children as they advance beyond early intervention. [More…]
Down’s syndrome infants and children conducted at the University of Washington. [More…]
Children who have been in the project for up to five years are reported as having advanced to a level where they are achieving 95 per cent of the tasks expected of normal children of similar chronological age. [More…]
This contrasts sharply with the typical pattern of development in Down’s syndrome children reared at home in apparently normal family circumstances but without the benefits of early educational intervention. [More…]
That is one area concerning mentally retarded children that we have wiped off. [More…]
It is really depressing when one moves into the world of the children in this twilight zone to find no government intervention, no government research programs, no government programs to search out answers to the problem of why these children were put in this position in the first place, no government programs to assist them when we do find that they are in the position of being retarded. [More…]
The Federal Government, through its Minister for Education, can ensure by means of specific purpose grants that education programs are commenced in these institutions so that the children can give to the world what they have to give. [More…]
Back in 1977 there was a great outcry in Victoria about ‘ minus ‘ children, the children in institutions who were not as normal as other children. [More…]
The report, which was on the plight of Victoria ‘s mentally retarded children, was prepared almost three years ago by a 12-member governmentappointed committee comprising doctors and specialists in social welfare and treatment of the handicapped. [More…]
I took that to heart, and in this speech I have tried not to dwell on the purple prose, not to point out in emotive phrases the terrible life that children in this area can live, but to give some evidence of the lives they live. [More…]
The tears have to be turned into action, and this Government has to show solid plans to bring these children into the real world. [More…]
I refer to the argument that she was ashamed to speak with people abroad- I think I can paraphrase it in this waybecause of our lack of action in regard to children in our own country. [More…]
The motion very clearly is expressed upon the basis that we should take practical, constructive steps in regard to our three million Australian children and that we should be concerned with the 1 ,500 million children throughout the world. [More…]
I will not be disagreeing with Senator Melzer’s view in regard to the children in Victoria. [More…]
I know Miss Rosemary Crossley and admire the valiant effort she has made with the children in the hospitals in Victoria about whom Senator Melzer spoke. [More…]
I believe that what Senator Melzer has said about the children in these hospitals- she referred to the suffering and the ways of living and also to the unsatisfactory nature of the hospitals- to be accurate. [More…]
I believe that a number of these children have intelligence and are, in fact, prisoners within their own bodies. [More…]
But one would hope that what would rise above that would be the greater joy and pleasure of knowing that possibilities are being found for people like Anne MacDonald and the other children in the hospital. [More…]
People with considerable eminence have been appointed to look into the situation and into the intelligence and the future of these children. [More…]
I refer now to the children such as those mentioned. [More…]
I feel a necessity exists for breaking up the huge hospital complexes with large and unsatisfactory wards into small homelike facilities which have adequate staff and services, where education is possible and where the children live as a family and do not have to be just one part of a huge mass. [More…]
We have to be prepared to spend quite a bit more money to ensure that these children’s lives are real and that they are not allowed to just be vegetables all their lives. [More…]
Medical science makes it possible for these children to live longer. [More…]
Previously perhaps people took the view: What is the use of educating these children because they will probably die before they reach 20 years of age? [More…]
It seems to me that there is a great deal the country has to do to concentrate more upon the needs of children. [More…]
What about the children of diplomats? [More…]
Is it a fact that 9, 1 1 8 prescriptions were written last year under the national health program for Valium in the form of a paediatric syrup for use by young children? [More…]
Will it extend any inquiry it is making to include an urgent survey of the rate of prescription of Valium to children, the reasons for such prescription and their justification? [More…]
Has the Minister for Social Security received a submission from the ManlyWarringah Children’s Refuge Association requesting Federal Government assistance for the staffing of a children’s refuge in the ManlyWarringah district? [More…]
I am unaware of the status of any application from the organisation to which the honourable senator referred, but there is a program under which the Federal Government and the State Government jointly are supporting the establishment of some refuges or emergency care centres for children. [More…]
Will the Government take immediate steps, if need be by direct contact with the Kampuchean authorities, to get to Kampuchea supplies of milk powder and antibiotics which in particular will prevent the deaths of many tens of thousands of children in that country? [More…]
The Petition of the undersigned citizens of Australia respectfully showeth that Parents Without Partners (Queensland) begs to draw attention to the discrimination forced upon innocent children by virtue of their circumstances causing emotional trauma which must continue into their adulthood and we petition you to more closely examine the reasons for the breakdown of marriage in this Year ofthe Child. [More…]
the recruitment of their members, especially as this relates to children and the impact on families; [More…]
I said on 1 1 September, in answer to another question, that a tiny proportion of the Budget provision of some United Nations agencies which receive Australian Government contributions is used to provide relief to South African refugee mothers and children who are cared for by liberation movements. [More…]
He has two children and lives in a middletolow income area in a rented home costing about $48 a week. [More…]
That maximum would be reached and passed by the Commonwealth payments if three children and a dependent spouse were involved. [More…]
These people are the widows and the children of deceased employees who are being given more than their fair share of the burden of the Government’s tight economic policies and mean-minded social approach. [More…]
The problem is that the actions of the Government in fact have discriminated against its long term disabled employees, and their widows and children. [More…]
Although the CP1 has increased by 36.S per cent and the minimum wage by 29 per cent since the last Cabinet approval of increases in May 1976, the increases in this Bill only raise the long term weekly rate for an employee by 12.5 per cent, for his spouse by 1 1 per cent and his children by 12.5 per cent Death benefit only rises by 12 percent from $25,000 to $28,000. [More…]
Where there are more children in the family, increased Commonwealth payments are made, in contrast with some States where a maximum rate is payable. [More…]
In this country over 500 children die every year from the infant cot death syndrome, and there is no explanation for it. [More…]
We would not teach that sort of thing to our first or second grade student children. [More…]
To leave our uranium in the ground, as some would have us do, would deprive our children of their birthright. [More…]
Television Advertising: Influence on Children [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the report of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal entitled ‘Television and Children’ which indicated that a large percentage of children had asked their parents to purchase items which they had seen advertised on television, that in the overwhelming majority of cases parents had bought the items advertised, and that the most popular advertising among children related to food and confectionery items? [More…]
Further, has the Minister seen the report that the United States Federal Trade Commission has recommended that all television advertising aimed at children under the age of eight be banned, and that all television advertising of presweetened and artificially sweetened products aimed at children under the age of 12 be banned? [More…]
In light of these findings and the reports of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts on advertising in children’s programs, will he ask the Minister for Post and Telecommunications to give urgent consideration to enforcing stricter guidelines for advertising during children’s television programs? [More…]
The Government is presently considering the reports referred to, and the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, which has responsibilities in the area of television advertising content, has advised that the advertising to children of sugared food products is being examined by a working party ofthe National Health and Medical Research Council. [More…]
In deciding upon an appropriate course of action, the Tribunal will take into account the findings of the Council relating to the health aspects of the matter as well as advice from its own Children’s Program Committee and the views of the commercial station operators. [More…]
The childrenininstitutions program referred to by Senator Walters is a segment of the Special Education Program of the Schools Commission, which makes funds available to government and nongovernment residential institutions for projects which support the education children receive at school and at the same time provide opportunities for a broader program of experience outside the institutions. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that a number of drug control authorities throughout the world have refused to endorse such a use of the drug and, specifically, that the Food and Drug Administration of the United States refused to endorse it after its attention had been drawn to the fact that the drug was associated with cancer, temporary or permanent involuntary chemical sterility and birth defects in children? [More…]
My question is addressed to the Minister for Social Security, who may recall that, on 2 1 August, I asked her a question in connection with the removal of the allowance paid to certain parents of handicapped children in South Australia who had placed their children temporarily- for less than a month- in a holiday rest home, the parents having been denied the payment for the full month. [More…]
It needed some unravelling in the Department and action is being taken to overcome difficulties experienced by mothers of handicapped children who enter institutions. [More…]
The children were crying- I asked if we could first go home and join our families. [More…]
If we look at the facts we find that in Kampuchea there is only the International Red Cross and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. [More…]
As much as we might dislike Vietnam and criticise its actions and its political philosophy, the key is Vietnam’s allowing the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the Red Cross and other aid agencies into Kampuchea. [More…]
In Sydney this month the Barclay movie theatre withdrew some cigarette advertising when its program was for children. [More…]
For your information and the information of other concerned people, we wish to use this occasion therefore to inform you why the Slovenes in Canberra have been forced to have two organisations, though the community itself is scarcely one thousand members strong (including children and infants). [More…]
There is no way in which it can be said that they are doing it for their own benefits, be those benefits for crippled children or other groups for the worthiest of causes. [More…]
It is possibly very largely a State issue but at Echuca, which, as 1 have said, is on the border between New South Wales and Victoria, children from New South Wales travel into Victoria to attend a certain school. [More…]
I understand that that situation of children transferring largely from New South Wales, it would appear, into Victoria prevails right along the Murray River. [More…]
Because something like 200 children are being bussed across the Victorian border for technical education in the city of Echuca, the local school, the Victorian Department of Education, or whoever- I am not quite sure who- has had to issue an edict which virtually bans Victorian children from access to the technical school there. [More…]
The Victorian parents are not prepared to call for black bans to stop free trade across the border, but they feel that they have a right and an entitlement, as citizens of Victoria, to have their children get access to the only technical school facility that is available. [More…]
One of the suggestions that have been put to me is that it may be feasible to have built in a hurry in Deniliquin a number of temporary school rooms which could be placed on site adjacent to the facility already in Echuca to allow all the children of that region to obtain their education. [More…]
The Government considers that in the circumstances currently prevailing in Kampuchea, there is no viable alternative to the well established and reputable international agencies, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, the United Nations International Children ‘s Emergency Fund, the World Food Program and Oxfam, for the effective distribution of relief supplies to civilians in greatest need. [More…]
According to a joint International Committee of the Red CrossUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Press release of 26 September, the agreement provides for the presence of at least some representatives of both organisations to ensure that relief distribution is quick and consistent with the principles of impartiality and non-discrimination. [More…]
The Commissioner notes in the report that coincidental to the rise in unemployment and particularly youth unemployment, school children are being made deliberate targets for racist propaganda relating to the employment issue. [More…]
Federal Funding of Children’s Refuges (Question No. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister received a submission from the Manly- Warringah Children’s Refuge Association requesting Federal Government assistance for the staffing of a Children ‘s Refuge in the Manly- Warringah district. [More…]
What action has the Government taken to support the principle of Federal funding of such worthy community projects, especially in view of the New South Wales Government’s contribution of the land for the Manly- Warringah Children’s Refuge and the fact that a voluntary committee has raised $4 1 ,000 for the project in a period of 1 8 months. [More…]
The Child Care Section of the NSW Office of Social Security is holding an application from the ManlyWarringah Children’s Refuge Association. [More…]
and (3) A recent initiative under the Children’s Services Program is the development of a three year pilot program for youth services. [More…]
The application from the Manly- Warringah Children’s Refuge Association is one such application. [More…]
b) Set up a Senate Standing Committee to conduct a public inquiry into the ways and means of supporting and strengthening family life and providing adequate protection for children from physical and sexual abuse before us well as after birth in accordance with the UNO Declaration of the Rights of the Child as part of Australia ‘s support for the Year of the Child. [More…]
I think he asked a question about alleged assistance from the United Nations Children’s Fund to liberation movements in southern Africa. [More…]
I think that the honourable senator who asked the question and all honourable senators will be aware that a good deal has been done already in the field of the relationship between children and television. [More…]
Senator Davidson chaired an inquiry into the effect of television on children by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts. [More…]
That has had an important influence on the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal and its Children’s Programs Committee and on the new arrangements affecting television programs for children which were announced recently. [More…]
I have to say that in my electorate there have been a number of cases in which children have been taken by one spouse or by one partner in a dissolved relationship and that spouse or partner has left the country with the children without any reference to the other spouse or former partner to the great distress of that person. [More…]
There simply are not effective controls on the ability of people to remove children from this country. [More…]
One of the parties involved simply took the children and went to a country with which Australia has limited relations in respect of such matters. [More…]
There has proved to be no way in which the interests of the person remaining in Australia and that person’s right to access to that person’s children can be met. [More…]
The Federal Government has decided to introduce tough new measures aimed at preventing children being removed from Australia by one parent without the knowledge or against the wishes of the other parent. [More…]
The Government has also decided that in appropriate cases it will grant financial assistance to assist parents instituting court action overseas to recover children removed from Australia by the other parent. [More…]
The Ministers said media reports had suggested that hundreds of children may have been removed from Australia by one parent without the consent of the other. [More…]
But we hope that when the new legislative and administrative measures are put into effect, the Government will both reduce the occurrence of the problem and assist in the recovery of children who have been succesfully removed from Australia, ‘ the Ministers said. [More…]
Revision of sections 62 and 63 of the Migration Act 1 9S8, which provide for offences in respect of the removal and carriage from Australia of children in respect of whom custody or access orders have been made or arc being sought, to give them broader application, and relocation of the provisions to the Family Law Act 1975 where their existence should become more generally known; [More…]
Improving procedures for the entry of details of some children on warning lists and tightening of checks at departure points; [More…]
Officers of the Departments of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs and Business and Consumer Affairs stepping up at departure points identification checks of children who are accompanied by only one parent: [More…]
Tighten parental consent requirements for the issue of passports to children leaving Australia; [More…]
Requesting foreign diplomatic missions in Australia to decline passport facilities in respect of children who they are informed or who they have reasonable cause to believe are the subject of Australian court orders for delivery up of passports; [More…]
Authorisation of the Attorney-General to grant financial assistance in deserving cases to assist parents to institute legal proceedings overseas for recovery of their children removed from Australia by the other parent. [More…]
The Ministers said that the States would be asked to cooperate in making information on measures to prevent removal of children from Australia available from magistrates ‘ courts. [More…]
Until these measures had been implemented the Ministers suggested that people who suspected their children may be removed from Australia by the other parent should consult a solicitor, or a registry of the Family Court of Australia, the Family Court of Western Australia or the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory for information on preventive measures. [More…]
The final matter to which I wish to refer is the examination of changes to reduce the incidence of children being removed by one parent without the knowledge of the other. [More…]
We are aware of mothers who have been travelling almost the world at tremendous cost to try to find their children who have been removed by a father. [More…]
The husband had remarried and had established a new family, wife and children. [More…]
Is the Minister for Education aware that the Mentally Retarded Children’s Society of South Australia Inc. is of the opinion that officers of the Commonwealth Department of Education who administer the isolated children’s benefit have made an error in claiming that an over-payment was made to the Society for 1978 and for 1979 and that if this claim is persisted with many parents of handicapped children in South Australia will suffer further hardships? [More…]
Which Australian Capital Territory ordinance prohibits the sale of tobacco to children under the age of 16 years? [More…]
Is he aware that during school holiday periods the main picture theatre chains allow the screening of cigarette advertisements with what are specifically children’s movies? [More…]
What steps can be taken to ensure that all medication required by elderly or disabled people remains available to them in containers they can easily open- in other words, in foil or plastic bubble packs or in bottles with child-proof tops, all of which require a combination of strength and dexterity which not only children but also old people often do not possess? [More…]
-Yesterday Senator McLaren asked me a question concerning a letter from Mr J. S. McLachlan, Executive Director of the Mentally Retarded Children’s Society of South Australia. [More…]
This relates to a request by the South Australian office of my Department to parents of some children residing in four hostels run by the Society for a refund of a portion of the payments made to them under the Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme, known as AIC. [More…]
The matter of the level of allowances that had been paid for the children in question first came to my Department’s attention as a result of an inquiry from the Auditor-General’s office in May of this year. [More…]
That office was concerned that there might be a possible duplication between the AIC allowances and payment by the Department of Social Security of the handicapped children’s benefit of $5 per day, that is, $35 per week. [More…]
The common practice among institutions, when making out their accounts, is to deduct the amount of handicapped children’s benefit which they know they will receive from the Department of Social Security, and then bill the parents for the difference between this and the advertised boarding fee. [More…]
However, as my Department currently understands the situation, the practice of these institutions has been to charge parents the full amount and then give them a refund after the handicapped children’s benefit has been paid. [More…]
Briefly, I indicated at that time that many migrants who are naturalised Australians, or in some cases their children who are natural born Australians, may be regarded by their countries of birth, or of the parents’ birth, still to be citizens of those countries. [More…]
When independent men and women are prepared to do without Christmas holidays for years, to see their bank savings totally eroded, virtually to starve and to allow their children to suffer, surely we can say: Is there not a basic reason? [More…]
Quite apart from the fact that an employer might be quite prepared to pay a faithful employee so that he can keep his wife and children off the starvation line while that industrial action is taking place, this Government has now seen fit to introduce this legislation to prevent a commissioner from allowing an employer to give his faithful employee any substance to live on. [More…]
Noting that, while millions starve, expenditure on the arms race is $1,000 million per day for the World, and $7m per day for Australia; and noting that the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has listed ‘peace and disarmament’ as a theme for the International Year of the Child; and further noting that a reduction in expenditure on arms could contribute in both developed and developing countries to the eradication of hunger and disease and to the provision of more adequate housing, education, health services, economic security and social welfare for all people: [More…]
In the interests of children in Australia and around the world, particularly in developing countries, and as a matter of highest priority during the International Year of the Child, [More…]
That as citizens of NSW and parents of State school children, we are most concerned that the quality of education available in our schools be of the highest possible standard. [More…]
Where the Minister makes or has made an order for the deportation of a person, the Minister may, in his discretion, at the request of the wife of that person, order the deportation of the wife, or of the wife and dependent child or children, of that person. [More…]
Obviously if a married man is deported, the wife can ask to be deported with her children too. [More…]
The de facto husband who has three children cannot take the de facto wife and the three children with him when he gets deported. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Social Security in all honesty: After the eulogies she got tonight at the Israeli Embassy in relation to her fight for women.and children, is this right? [More…]
If the couple can produce a certificate of legal marriage early she can ask for deportation for herself and her children. [More…]
the permanently homeless, to the deserted or disturbed woman and her children, to the Aboriginal or teenager in want or distress, to the battered woman or the battered child, to the single parent . [More…]
In Queensland a survey carried out under the International Year of the Child program has indicated that there has been an increase of some 70 per cent in the number of children under the age of 1 8 who are, in fact, wandering homeless around Brisbane and the other cities of Queensland. [More…]
By contrast, I draw to your attention, Mr President, the fact that children’s picture books, because of a definitional problem, are not eligible for payment of the bounty. [More…]
A children’s book is defined as a book which has a continuous narrative and it falls within the category of book, paper or comic which is to be found under Customs Tariff Item 49.01.9 and as such, is not eligible for bounty. [More…]
A children’s picture book, which is defined by the Department of Business and Consumer Affairs on the Brussells definition as being a book which is a picture book which does not have a continuous narrative, is therefore classed in Customs Tariff Schedule 49.03 and as a result, well produced, locally produced, children’s picture books- educational material; material which has some considerable value and is an important aid to teaching and socialisation- is not eligible for payment of the book bounty. [More…]
It is an extraordinary situation that under a piece of Commonwealth legislation the most rubbishy pornography can get a subsidy of one-third, yet children’s picture books can be denied any access to government subsidy. [More…]
1 ) Does a recently promulgated Soviet law, operative from 1 July 1979: (a) declare that all persons both in territories now forming part of the USSR as well as their children, are Soviet citizens; and (b) make renouncing Soviet citizenship a punishable crime. [More…]
Lead Levels in Children [More…]
Has the Minister representing the Minister for National Development seen the report of a two-year survey, headed by Professor L. Smythe of the University of New South Wales, which slates that almost a quarter of 1,200 children tested in Sydney had levels of lead in their blood above those found to cause adverse effects on health and behaviour? [More…]
I further understand that negotiations between the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have received an affirmative reply from the Heng Samrin authorities in Phnom Penh concerning a large-scale international humanitarian operation in Kampuchea. [More…]
Will the Government take immediate steps, if need be by direct contact with the Kampuchean authorities, to get to Kampuchea supplies of milk powder and antibiotics which in particular will prevent the deaths of many tens of thousands of children in that country? [More…]
And noting that the U.N. Children’s Fund, UNICEF, has listed ‘peace and disarmament’ as a theme for the International Year of the Child; and further noting that a reduction in expenditure on arms could contribute in both developed and developing countries to the eradication of hunger and disease and to the provision of more adequate housing, education, health services, economic security and social welfare for all people: [More…]
In the interests of children in Australia and around the world, particularly in developing countries, and as a matter of highest priority during the International Year of the Child. [More…]
-I am advised that before a decision was made on the contents of the Australian relief flights to Kampuchea- the honourable senator may know that one relief flight is landing in Phnom Penh today- the Department of Foreign Affairs sought guidance from the International Committee of the Red Cross and from the United Nations Children’s Fund. [More…]
Is the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs aware that three Aboriginal children and a young Aboriginal woman were sentenced to a period of nine years and two months gaol for their alleged involvement in an incident which resulted in the death of a man at Huckitta Station in the Northern Territory on 1 January this year? [More…]
Is the Minister also aware that when Mr Justice Gallop passed sentence in Alice Springs on 19 October he strongly recommended that none of the children be imprisoned in an adults gaol and that all of those convicted are now in the Alice Springs prison? [More…]
There is no stipulation as to different treatment for offenders who are children. [More…]
I draw to the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Health the fact that today is Universal Children ‘s Day and that the theme ‘Adequate NutritionThe Right of Every Child’ is being promoted. [More…]
Will the Minister advise the Senate what steps have been taken by the Department of Health to implement the recommendations of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts report on children and television, which was tabled in the Senate last year and which referred to the health and nutrition of children? [More…]
Has there been a meeting between the Commonwealth Department of Health, the Australian Medical Association, the Australian Dental Association and the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal with a view to drawing up a set of proposals to control the advertising on television of products which pose a health and nutrition risk to children? [More…]
I am advised by the Minister for Health that in June of this year a working party of the National Health and Medical Research Council was set up to consider television advertising of foods which was directed to children. [More…]
At the present time the working party is addressing itself to such areas as patterns of television viewing by children, the amount and nature of food advertising, patterns of food consumption in children, nutritional and dental concerns relating to these patterns, and regulatory procedures in overseas countries. [More…]
-Earlier today, Senator Keeffe asked me a question about the imprisonment of certain children who were convicted of murder. [More…]
It probably will be of interest to Senator Keeffe and other honourable senators to know that documents for an appeal with respect to children have been prepared and are in the process of being lodged. [More…]
She stated that contaminated water was responsible for four out of five infectious diseases, with diarrhoeal disease being the most common cause of death in young children. [More…]
Vaccine protection for all children would be another program. [More…]
In the developing world 15 million children die in a single year. [More…]
These children could be saved by adequate immunisation programs. [More…]
This is happening in a world where- again the figures are uncertain- it seems that at least 400 million children go to bed hungry every night and where thousands of children die every day through hunger. [More…]
As Senator Tate suggested, this debate will provide the Government with a clear message: The Senate clearly believes that we must direct our attention increasingly to the question of arms expenditure and the need for disarmament in a world where hundreds of millions of people, particularly children in this International Year of the Child, are undernourished and suffering. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that the current family allowance scheme brought increased assistance to some 300,000 families with 800,000 children who, simply because of their low incomes did not benefit fully, or at all, from the previous system of tax rebates. [More…]
These amounts are higher in the case of recipients of sheltered employment allowance and where there are children. [More…]
This will be of special assistance to those with young children, particularly children suffering from chronic illnesses. [More…]
However, as at present, the handicapped child ‘s allowance will not be payable where handicapped children’s benefits or nursing home benefits is paid to an institution. [More…]
Honourable senators will be aware that some people have travelled overseas to adopt children under the laws of other countries or to bring children to Australia with a view to adoption under Australian law. [More…]
The Bill provides that the rate of unemployment or sickness benefit for a married person shall be at the unmarried rate plus additional benefit for children, if the spouse is not or would not be qualified for unemployment benefit by reason of taking industrial action. [More…]
Any additional payment for children will be made to the wife while they are in her care, custody and control. [More…]
Nevertheless, today is International Child ‘s Day and a lot of children are starving in the Australian community because their parents are starving. [More…]
As well as what we consider are sins of commission in the legislation, there are sins of omission in regard to the unemployed without dependants, the level of family allowances, the level of supplementary allowances for rental paid to pensioners and beneficiaries and the level of allowances to pensioners’ children. [More…]
the updating of supplementary allowances and allowances for pensioners’ children to compensate for inflation, and [More…]
The provisions in the Bill to which the Opposition has no objection are those which provide for twice-yearly indexation of pensions and benefits; those which provide an extension of income limits for pensioner fringe benefits; the extension of the wife’s pension to women in approved benevolent homes; the extension of the wife’s pension to women who are separated from their husbands because of illness or because they or their husbands are in benevolent homes; and the correction of the anomaly in the payment of family allowances and handicapped children’s allowances monthly which occurs when children are in institutions or away for a holiday. [More…]
-The first table demonstrates that the single income family in this country is below the poverty line on $ 140 a week with three or more children; on $160 a week, with four or more children; and on $ 1 80 a week, with five or more children. [More…]
If the pensioner earns $20 a week he is lifted above the poverty line by that extra income but, even with $20 a week more, the unemployed person with two children or more remains in a poverty trap because of the low level of income allowed to the unemployed. [More…]
Since it came to power in 1 975 the Government has not increased by one cent the allowance for pensioners’ children, despite the fact that there has been a 40 per cent increase in the consumer price index since then. [More…]
Since the initial benefit given to low income families by the introduction of family allowances in 1976, a family with three children is $20 a month worse off and a family with five children is $39 a month worse off in real terms. [More…]
An amendment will also be made in respect of the payment of family allowance, the double orphan ‘s pension and the handicapped children’s allowance. [More…]
The handicapped children’s allowance does not go to an institution, but absence of a child from home for a short period has debarred a parent from receiving that handicapped children’s allowance. [More…]
-His wife is entitled to unemployment benefits and to extra assistance for the children. [More…]
I believe that the majority of families are still anxious to support their children, both emotionally and in a material sense, at least until they are 18 years of age. [More…]
the updating of supplementary allowances and allowances for pensioners’ children to compensate for inflation, and [More…]
When workers find out that they cannot receive unemployment benefits, that their wives and children will not have anything to sustain them because of the action of someone somewhere else, then wrath will fall upon this Government. [More…]
Noting that, while millions starve, expenditure on the arms race is $ 1 , 000m per day for the World, and $7m per day for Australia; and noting that the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has listed ‘peace and disarmament’ as a theme for the International Year of the Child; and further noting that a reduction in expenditure on arms could contribute in both developed and developing countries to the eradication of hunger and disease and to the provision of more adequate housing, education, health services, economic security and social welfare for all people: [More…]
In the interests of children in Australia and around the world, particularly in developing countries, and as a matter of highest priority during the International Year of the Child, [More…]
I preface my question, which is addressed to the Minister for Social Security, by pointing out that Commonwealth support for the Children’s Services Program is by subsidy to selected child care and family day care centres and has the effect of creating competition between subsidised and unsubsidised private child care centres which operate in the same region; further, that the Commonwealth subsidy is designed to assist disadvantaged children, yet there are regions where only unsubsidised centres are situated, thus depriving disadvantaged children in that region of access to assistance. [More…]
I ask: Will the Minister give consideration to applying the subsidy directly to disadvantaged children so that all such children can have access to the centre of their choice? [More…]
The Children’s Services Program does provide a range of services. [More…]
The matter raised by the honourable senator would have to be subjected to examination by the Department and consideration by the Government in order to ascertain whether subsidies should be directly related to children and not to services. [More…]
I believe that family allowances are a recognition that it costs money to bring up children. [More…]
If they are lucky, if they do not have a lot of children, if they have a means of getting there and waiting around, they can go to a public hospital. [More…]
One assumes that it means that people have been bringing children into this country after adopting them in other countries under conditions and laws not acceptable under the laws of this country; when they have got the children here they have been claiming a double orphan’s pension. [More…]
How many people have actually brought children in under their care as adopted children and then claimed a double orphan’s pension when they have got here? [More…]
By adding this definition people who have adopted children under the laws of other countries will be precluded from receiving the double orphans ‘ pension for that child. [More…]
It was felt necessary to add this definition so that when children are adopted under the laws of other countries they would not be eligible for the double orphan’s pension when they come to live in Australia with their adoptive parents. [More…]
If she thinks that she should stay home and look after her children- and we are assured by people such as Senator Walters that mothers should stay home and look after their children- and she cannot pass the work test, she may qualify for special benefit. [More…]
We will go back to 1912 and not give assistance to women who are having children. [More…]
I think he answered his own question when he referred to the fact that special benefit may be applied for by a wife for herself and her children. [More…]
She may also seek unemployment benefit to be paid for herself and her children if that is the appropriate income security that she requires. [More…]
I draw attention again to the availability of special benefit or unemployment benefit which may be sought by wives on behalf of themselves and their children. [More…]
If one of them is on strike the new provision will prevent the payment of either unemployment or special benefit to both, even though they may be supporting children. [More…]
They will get nothing for the duration of the strike; neither will their children. [More…]
How bad must employment become before a worker makes the sacrifice which will affect his wife and children by terminating such employment? [More…]
Families of unemployed people with three or four children and families of single parents with three or four children are now almost $30 below the poverty line. [More…]
They make the assumption that all good children should live with their parents. [More…]
the updating of supplementary allowances and allowances for pensioners’ children to compensate for inflation; and [More…]
If the Government does not do anything by the next election, every mother of five children will be told by me and others that the Government has taken away $500 a year from her because it has failed to index family allowances. [More…]
A mother of four children will have lost approximately $400 a year; a mother of three children approximately $270 a year; a mother of two children approximately $160 a year and a mother of one child approximately $70 a year. [More…]
Paragraph (5), which seeks the updating of supplementary allowances and allowances for pensioners* children to compensate for inflation, involves a cost of $26m in a full year. [More…]
I think that the putting down of an amendment provides a good opportunity to express to the Australian people what the policy is, how this compensation for erosion by inflation would be interpreted, and whether it would be interpreted to cover all families and all children at a cost of $330m in a year. [More…]
A married man with two children would have received, including family allowances, some 50.5 per cent of average weekly earnings at December 1978, compared with 48.4 per cent at the end of 1975. [More…]
I draw attention to the fact that the figures for other family payments would show similar differences if the other allowances that are available to those with dependent children were included in the table. [More…]
I have acknowledged that there are difficulties for many families with a number of dependent children, who have an income either from social security or from one wage earner. [More…]
In that instance, I think we could be looking at the figures for a family with four children on the table incorporated by Senator Grimes. [More…]
We can say with a great deal of certainty that the students who come here are not children of Asian peasants. [More…]
Most of the 8,300 private overseas students have come from middle-class families who sacrifice about a third of their incomes to send their children to university. [More…]
But let us deal only with the children of the very wealthy elite. [More…]
I am not able to say what proportion of Australia’s cash grant of $750,000 to the International Committee of the Red Cross, , the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Food Program has already been used by these agencies for Kampuchean relief. [More…]
Does the Minister recall that the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts said the same in its report on children’s television? [More…]
Has the Government given any study to the Committee’s recommendations on advertising with emphasis on programs for pre-school age children, the advertising of alcoholic beverages and the review of standards and their relation to the formulation of children’s attitudes and values? [More…]
It has been referred to often in the Senate, and its recommendations on children and television have been much debated by the public. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the warnings by Dr Mark Harris, a Sydney paediatrician attached to the environmental health group of the inner Sydney regional council for social development, that the concentration of carbon monoxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere in south-western and centra] Sydney was sufficient to exacerbate bronchia-pneumonic and respiratory complaints in children and heart disease in adults. [More…]
Just concentrating on the programs and services for families and children, the Committee could have asked: Why do we not know who is receiving the benefits from the Children’s Services Program or from family allowances? [More…]
How is it that at State level we cannot compare institutional with family foster care for children, although the Commonwealth is extensively funding both? [More…]
Certainly the lone parents’ grants which were included in this program were incorporated into the children’s services. [More…]
Senator Baume said that we do not really know how effective the expenditure on children ‘s services or family allowances is. [More…]
Australia must help to save these people, many of them young children. [More…]
They could be saving not only the lives of adults but, more importantly perhaps, the lives of so many children who are dying of starvation and of all sorts of diseases. [More…]
She is raising four children here. [More…]
In the case I mentioned, the lady concerned is trying to support four children because her husband is not able to rejoin her from East Timor. [More…]
To my knowledge, as I have said in another place, he has supported a very poor family by feeding it and by helping clothe the children when others in the near community were not so concerned. [More…]
Based on the enlarged sample, the proportion of unemployment beneficiaries with a dependent spouse and/or children who pay rent (or board or lodgings) is approximately 64 per cent. [More…]
The number of single sickness beneficiaries with dependent children who were receiving supplementary allowance is not known. [More…]
I remind the Minister for Social Security of her response to the inquiry of the Autistic Children’s Association of New South Wales about funding assistance for a hostel. [More…]
Will she ask her Department to undertake an extensive survey in 1980 of working mothers of pre-school and school age children to establish the truth or otherwise of the oft quoted statement that a large number of women in our society would gladly give up work to look after their children if they could afford to do so. [More…]
Our relationship with neighbouring countries like Indonesia is, of course, important, but the sensitivities of the Indonesian Government should not be considered more important than the lives, the freedom, the self-determination and the health of the men, women and children of East Timor who have been sorely abused for centuries by a neglectful colonial power, who have been abandoned in the wake of a revolutionary change in that colonial power and who were then taken over by a neighbour obsessed with unreal fears that a hostile power could develop amongst the 600,000-odd people on the edge of its own country of 1 30 million people. [More…]
greater than anything I have seen in 14 years of relief work in Asia- here you see so many malnourished children that it becomes the norm. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that in the article Professor Karmel refers to the relatively high level of juvenile rates of pay compared with adult rates, the low productivity of a significant number of young workers partly through lack of skills and partly through attitudes to work, the high cost of on-the-job training for young workers, structural changes in which the proportion of unskilled and semi-skilled jobs has been falling, plus many other matters including teaching basic skills to school children? [More…]
The dust is an alpha emitter and, in certain weather situations, would I think certainly reach the Jabiru township, which is now being built to house 10,000 people, including the womenfolk and children of workers. [More…]
This can have a severe psychological effect, especially on women and children. [More…]
To achieve that, as I said before, I would rather see the money spent in helping to educate people- not only children but all people. [More…]
But I believe that we can help to change the attitudes of our younger people, our children, through a program of education in the schoolsthe primary and secondary schools, even going on to the tertiary institutions- to impart a greater knowledge and understanding of other peoples. [More…]
In answer to Senator Sheil’s specific objection I would say that in our imperfect society there is an unanswerable case for preventing organisations such as the League of Rights and all these other twisted people from, say, taking advertisements during children’s hour on television saying: ‘You must hate Negroes, Jews, Muslims, Catholics or whatever’. [More…]
If we had a perfect society in which every mother and father had children with whom they conversed and discussed these issues, surely we could have all sorts of garbage through the medium of television or propagated to them at any time, but we do not have that sort of society. [More…]
Then there are other bodies such as the Immigration Control Association; the Immigration Restriction Council; the British Australian Association; the Ku Klux Klan, Melbourne branch; the Conservative Party (Western Australia) Inc.; Women Against Asian Immigration Committee; Westralian Nationalist Movement; National Australian Association; Truth and Liberty Mission; British-Israel World Federation; and the Children of God. [More…]
In regard to those rights in particular, recently I ran into trouble in trying to explain to people just what was involved in granting rights to all- in this case to children. [More…]
The United Nations Declaration claims ten rights for children. [More…]
No one would deny that children need all of these things, but to make them a right is a different matter altogether. [More…]
Parents have the duty to provide most of these things for children; the fact that the child did not ask to be born is irrelevant. [More…]
Again, children are said to have the right to be the first to receive relief in times of disaster. [More…]
Children are said to have the right to learn to be useful members of society. [More…]
Again, it is said that children have the right to be brought up in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood. [More…]
The administration of subsidies and grants in the fields of aged persons homes, handicapped persons assistance, homeless persons assistance and children’s services- 5 additional staff. [More…]
Petrol Sniffing by Aboriginal Children (Question No. [More…]
1 ) Is regular petrol-inhaling by young Aboriginal children taking place along the eastern Arnhem Land coast of the Northern Territory. [More…]
What investigations has the Government made into: (a) the reasons for an increasing number of young Aboriginal children indulging in this activity; and (b) the extent of the problem. [More…]
1 ) Petrol sniffing by Aboriginal children has been common in the area for a number of years. [More…]
I am not very bright but I can look up a year book and find out how many children of a particular age will need primary and secondary schooling five or 10 years from now. [More…]
I can look up the same year book for the expected birth and death rates and estimate reasonably well how many children will need education five years from now. [More…]
That report confirmed the outbreak and stated that over two months there had been 65 cases, being 55 cases in children and 10 cases in adults. [More…]
That resulted in the hospitalisation of 13 children. [More…]
There is certainly no argument about the fact that a substantial number of children have suffered from gastroenteritis. [More…]
The general resources programs are for general recurrent grants, including short term emergency assistance for non-government schools catering for country children, and building and equipment grants. [More…]
The specific purpose programs are for child migrant education, disadvantaged schools and students in disadvantaged country areas, special education for handicapped children including children living in institutions, services and development and special projects. [More…]
There has been a broadening of the provision within the multicultural education program to provide for national level projects, to facilitate the program’s administration and to encourage schools to be more responsive to the multicultural needs of all children. [More…]
In that sense, our amendments pick up the interests not only of persons themselves but also of their spouses and dependent children. [More…]
maintenance of ex-nuptial children). [More…]
The matter of providing facilities for the tertiary education of deaf children is an important one. [More…]
The money available for Aboriginal health purposes is down 1.5 per cent on last year in real terms, despite the appalling conditions in which most Aboriginal people live and the horrendous infant mortality rate of Aboriginal children. [More…]
Thousands of school children were waving banners and Australian flags. [More…]
The scheme replaced the system of tax deduction allowances for dependent children. [More…]
The weekly loss to a family with one child is $2.50; with two children it is $3.40; with three children it is $4. [More…]
10; and with four children it is $5.20. [More…]
Time and time again I have the question put to me as to whether, in accordance to Australian custom, once married a person is expected to consider as family the spouse and children solely, forsaking all other relatives. [More…]
In Sydney and Melbourne there have been appeals for milk for the children of Santiago. [More…]
Does that report show, in part, that about one student in eight may be losing a day’s schooling each fortnight through illness; that one-third of school children aged five to 14 years are taking some form of medication, most of it not prescribed medication; and that almost one in four of such students suffer from some form of chronic illness? [More…]
Is the Department of Education giving any thought to developing programs in schools which seek to promote healthier lifestyles among the young specifically, given that we are doing that for adults, and which specifically seek to discourage young children from taking pills and other medicationa habit which if started at such a young age may prove almost impossible to break at a later stage in life and in fact may lead to long term adverse consequences? [More…]
In the two days before the interview, 3 1 .6 per cent of children aged five to 14 years were estimated to be taking some form of medication. [More…]
The report shows also that of the children aged five to 14 years it was estimated that 26.9 per cent, or approximately one in four, had experienced chronic illnesses- those which respondents said their children had had for more than six months or were permanent disabilities. [More…]
Recently, in the company of Senator Martin, I joined a delegation of American congresswomen seeking to enter Kampuchea to plead with the authorities to allow more relief in to assist the people, particularly the children, who had been the victims of warfare and violence in that country. [More…]
The condition of most adults and children in that camp was very dire indeed. [More…]
Distressing signs of extreme deprivation, starvation and disease amongst adults and amongst children in particular were evident. [More…]
When we asked him which international agencies- I think that this was the most significant thing to come out of our visit to Phnom Penh- he specified all agencies currently in Phnom Penh, which included the United Nations Children’s Fund and the International Committee of the Red Cross which are two agencies which had not accepted the condition of giving aid to only one side. [More…]
The congresswomen sought to make a particular point about the children of Kampuchea and the very desperate state that they were in. [More…]
Of the many tragedies the we saw- it is the first time that I have seen directly the effects of war- the plight of the children was heart-rending. [More…]
We saw in a number of cases evidence that there are very few Kampuchean children. [More…]
We noted in refugee camps the very low proportion of young children in relation to the total population. [More…]
In an orphanage in Phnom Penh we noted a very small number of children under the age of six. [More…]
In circumstances of extreme hardship it is the old and the very young who die first because they are the ones who are most vulnerable- as the Kampuchean children have proved to be. [More…]
Because people marry unwisely we have more judges, more social problems with children and so forth. [More…]
Many surveys have shown that most of those women with dependent children have been forced into the work force by economic pressures. [More…]
We cannot do it by simple across the board indexation to all families with children in the community whether or not they are in need. [More…]
The Opposition agreed that the scheme certainly was a great improvement on the old tax rebate and child endowment scheme and a considerable improvement on the old tax deduction scheme for children which the Labor Party changed to a tax rebate scheme with considerable opposition from some members of the present Government. [More…]
More than 74,000 children are added to the divorce toll each year. [More…]
The Government will spend a considerable amount of money for the care of aged people and for the care of children whose parents, both parents, are in the paid workforce. [More…]
As has been stated, over $ 1 ,000m has been paid by way of family allowances for children in Australia. [More…]
It was introduced to replace a system of tax rebates for children which, under any system of tax indexation- be it full indexation or part indexation- would have meant that those rebates also would have been indexed. [More…]
We aired our concern that the introduction of family allowance may well have provided for the Government a let-out to avoid the revenue problems which may have arisen by the indexation of the children’s rebate when the Government had a policy of full tax indexation. [More…]
The people on low incomes, the people on benefits and the people on pensions who have children have been asked to carry far too much of the burden of inflation and the burden of the Government’s economic policy. [More…]
In September I made application to Sponsor my Wife & Children, but this has been held in obeyance by the Sydney office, until a favourable reply is RECEIVED FROM THE IRIAN AUTHORITIES. [More…]
Payments of benefits under the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme commenced as from the beginning of 1 973. [More…]
The Attorney will notice that that report recommends the bringing down by this Government of specific legislation and it draws the Government’s attention to the United Kingdom Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, which gives police power to restrain the offending party from molesting the other partner or children, and which in fact can exclude that party from the matrimonial home or part thereof. [More…]
Progress towards this objective is seen as involving development of improved techniques for identifying children at school who are likely to be at risk in transition from education to work, improved vocational education and counselling services and provision of alternative courses for at risk students. [More…]
Parents need to encourage and support their children and to be interested and involved in the vital work of the schools and the decisions made by authorities affecting their children. [More…]
If you study the figures you will find that not only do the ethnic community in Australia bear the brunt of over 40 per cent of all industrial accidents (although they make up some 28 per cent of the population) they bear more than double their share of unemployment, fail to take advantage of the advanced education system, earn at rates of pay well below the Australian average, live at conditions which are substandard, bear children at a greater rate than native-born Australians, have a higher level of ill-health, possess fewer skills, and fill the ranks of menial workers when they are able to obtain employment. [More…]
Because arts education is so inadequate within our education system, very few children are given the opportunity to understand, enjoy and participate in the arts. [More…]
Requests the United Nations Children’s Fund and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to render all possible assistance to the people of East Timor particularly the children and those seeking to leave for another country . [More…]
These certificates are: your accusers and responsible at this moment: is ‘YOUR EXCELLENCY’ as you have abandoned ill persons who are in need of clinical treatment and children under age, left without food and medicaments for their treatments with a myth of fictitious pensions . [More…]
These people had no money to support their families and children. [More…]
Such Aid is saving precious lives, giving undernourished and homeless people encouragement and help, bringing malnourished children to health, education and a better life, giving people friendship and a new hope. [More…]
As from 1 January next no probate duty will be payable on estates passing to a spouse or children. [More…]
What health motive is there in the campaign literature distributed among school children in the Hunter region of New South Wales which says: ‘Kiss a Non-Smoker . [More…]
As for the advice to school children, that probably comes within the province of my colleague Senator Carrick and it will be for him to make a determination. [More…]
The Minister claimed that on 31 August the teacher was in charge of a group of children witnessing a public meeting at which it was intended to announce, and perhaps even justify, the sacking of the farm project manager. [More…]
He had an agreement with the Grade 6 teacher that he would supervise the children. [More…]
He was going to supervise the children at this public meeting as part of a social work project and then they would go back to school. [More…]
This was taken as an incident to transfer a teacher who showed a very great degree of interest in the wellbeing of the children. [More…]
Incidentally, when the argument developed, nobody could poke the finger of scorn at this teacher for lack of qualifications, inability to do the job or lack of devotion to the cause of education of black children. [More…]
As he was a teacher at one of the higher primary grades, quite obviously this was seriously going to affect the teaching of those children in the final weeks of the term. [More…]
By that time my wife had found out about my situation and walked with our two children into the police station. [More…]
Since my child could not be pacified and my wife was nearly breaking down in tears, the councillors after some further discussion decided to disband the gathering and I walked out of the Police Station together with my wife and children. [More…]
This is so because the emphasis is on ensuring that programs and services for all children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken toward the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
Additionally, details of funds contributed by other Commonwealth departments for projects to assist Aboriginal children are not known to my Department. [More…]
In respect of the Department of Social Security, funds have been provided from the Children ‘s Services Program for projects concerned with the welfare of Aboriginal children. [More…]
Examples of these include: the Aboriginal Women’s Centre in Darwin which received $30,000; the National Aboriginal Child Care Seminar which received $10,872; and thirty recreational and youth activity programs for Aboriginal children to be funded at $132,326. [More…]
This is so because the emphasis is on ensuring that programs and services for all children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken toward the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
Additionally, details of funds contributed by other Commonwealth departments for projects to assist migrant children are not known to my Department. [More…]
In respect of the Department of Social Security, funds have been provided from the Children’s Services Program for projects concerned with the welfare of migrant children. [More…]
Examples of these include some 28 projects for children ‘s centres child care services for migrant women attending English classes, and an outside school hours project. [More…]
This is so because the emphasis during IYC is on ensuring that existing programs and services for children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken towards the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
In regard to my Depanment, some projects funded under the Children’s Services Program during the IYC have been designated as IYC projects; for example, the grant to the Child Accident Prevention Foundation, and the grant to the YWCA for the ‘Child to Child ‘ project. [More…]
This is so because the emphasis during IYC is on ensuring that existing programs and services for children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken toward the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
States, local governments and private organisations have all received funds from my depanment under the Children’s Services Program for projects which fall within the guideline of that Program but can also be viewed as having relevance but not exclusive relevance to IYC. [More…]
The emphasis during IYC is on ensuring that existing programs and services for children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken towards the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
My Department’s efforts have been directed to reviewing its own programs and to stimulating community groups, other departments and si.-te and local governments to reconsider their activities am programs for children. [More…]
However, while these and certain other projects have specific relevance to IYC, they must be seen in the context of the total Children ‘s Services Program. [More…]
1 ) How much of the total costs of projects funded by the Depanment of Social Security to mark the International Year of the Child (IYC) has come from the Children’s Services Program, in: (a) 1978-79; and (b) 1979-80. [More…]
Which of these projects were particularly earmarked as IYC projects and would not normally have been funded under the Children’s Services Program. [More…]
1 ) It is not possible to identify the total costs of projects funded by the Department of Social Security to mark the International Year of the Child (IYC) as the emphasis during IYC is on ensuring that existing programs and services for children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken toward the development of new programs to meet identified needs of children. [More…]
This approach has been particularly reflected in the administration of and in grants made under the Children ‘s Services Program. [More…]
Some of the projects funded through the Children’s Services Program have been designated as IYC projects. [More…]
However, while they have specific relevance to IYC, they must be seen in the context of the total Children ‘s Services Program. [More…]
Particular attention has been paid to encouragement of innovative projects which fall within the general guidelines of the Children’s Services Program. [More…]
However, Children’s Services Program expenditure, not designated as having particular relevance for IYC, should not be ignored. [More…]
This Government has under the Children ‘s Services Program spent in total $63.836m in 1978-79 and has allocated $69.220m for 1979-80. [More…]
This expenditure covers a range of services designed to support children and their families, including centre and family based day care, pre-schools, toy libraries, children’s services field staff and playgroup support services. [More…]
The honourable Senator will be also aware of the two innovative programs that this Government has introduced under the Children ‘s Services Program: the Family Support Services Program, aimed at encouraging and assisting the development of a range of services to SUPport families in their responsibilities in the rearing and development of children; and the Youth Services Program, which provides support for emergency accommodation and ancillary services such as housing referral and counselling, in recognition of the problems of youth, including increasing disruption to family relationships and increasing homelessness problems. [More…]
The emphasis during IYC is on ensuring that existing programs and services for children are reviewed and, where appropriate, improved and that steps are taken towards the development of new programs for the children. [More…]
My Department’s efforts have been directed to reviewing its own programs and to stimulating community groups, other departments and state and local governments to consider their activities and programs for children. [More…]
Many have received funding from the Children’s Services Program. [More…]
Additionally, in order to encourage further innovations in children’s services an amount of $50,000 for each State and Territory was provided from the Children’s Services Program in 1978-79 for projects in particular areas of need which were identified as a result of the increased attention given to children during IYC. [More…]
While projects such as those listed above and those funded through the grants to the State and Territories have specific relevance to IYC, they must be seen in the context of the total Children ‘s Services Program. [More…]
Did an Australian Legal Aid officer inform the Fitzroy Legal Service by telephone that dissolution of married proceedings would only be considered imperative, and therefore receive legal aid, in circumstances where: (a) the applicant seeking ALAO aid for dissolution proceedings is living in a defacto relationship, there are children of that relationship and the applicant wants a divorce in order to marry his or her defacto; (b) the applicant, and only the applicant, is suffering from a terminal disease and wishes to order his or her affairs before death; (c) the applicant and his or her spouse dispute some aspect of the settlement of property between them and, because these matters can only be determined by the Family Court after dissolution proceedings have been undertaken, the applicant can be aided in the divorce proceedings, and after the property proceedings- in other words, aid in divorce is granted in order to speed up the hearing of the property dispute; or (d) there is evidence of extremely detrimental behaviour, which divorce may alleviate, on the part of the applicant’s spouse, for example, where the applicants spouse has ignored an existing restraining order because of the continuance of the marriage relationship. [More…]
children and unpaid family helpers. [More…]
Scholars continue to receive their substantive salaries for the award’s duration and the Board pays the institutions’ statutory fees, the fares of scholars studying overseas and also fares for dependent spouses and up to two dependent children. [More…]
1 ) Will: (a) access by Soviet citizens to the city of Moscow be more restricted than usual during the summer of 1980; (b) Moscow school children be sent to special ‘pioneer’ camps during the same period; and (c) political prisoners be transferred from Moscow gaols and psychiatric hospitals to other parts of the USSR, and the release of others delayed, as stated in recent press reports. [More…]
I understand it is usual for Moscow school children to go to camps in the country each summer. [More…]
Data do not reveal the reasons for the operations, but it is believed that most cases would be associated with intersex states in children due to congenital or glandular disorders. [More…]
Children then enrol at schools elsewhere in order to pursue their studies further. [More…]
My Department is aware of nine children from the Palm Island reserve who are enrolled in Grade 10 at schools in Queensland this year. [More…]
Three children from Palm Island are enrolled in Grade1 1 this year. [More…]
A number of children from the Palm Island Aboriginal Reserve are receiving assistance under the Aboriginal Secondary Grants Scheme which commenced early this year. [More…]
These grants are available to children of. [More…]
To the knowledge of my Department, there are twenty children resident on Palm Island who are eligible on age grounds for Aboriginal Secondary Grants. [More…]
Sixteen children have applied for Aboriginal Secondary Grants and applications are expected from the remaining four. [More…]
To date seven children have taken up grants and are in regular receipt of benefits; three have been offered grants but have yet to reply indicating their acceptance; and the eligibility of the remaining six applicants is being discussed with their school prior to a decision being made to offer them grants. [More…]
- 1 heard with sympathetic understanding the honourable senator’s plea on behalf of outback children for increased educational facilities and in that spirit I will convey his concern to the Minister in case he has received such an application and is considering it. [More…]