Contexts in which the word environmental was used in the Senate during the 1970s
When will the Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection Ordinance, which the Minister advised me on 26th January 1971 was being drafted be in operation (Hansard, page 2352). [More…]
Probably this is due to environmental influences affecting these matters and this makes the situation there satisfactory. [More…]
In the present context, litter problems are said by some to assume an importance as environmental problems. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Trade and Industry aware that there is a strong trend away from the use of plastic bags as wrapping materials in the more environmental conscious countries such as West Germany and other countries in Western Europe? [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliament assembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the national Capital. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliament assembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the National Capital. [More…]
- The State shall ensure that planting during each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices. [More…]
“9a.- The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert on behalf of the Australian Forestry Council and that .the Council after considering the report of the said study has approved the particular clearing’ “. [More…]
The Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation wrote to me on 29th June 1972 informing me that the Foundation had issued a statement unequivocally opposing the French nuclear tests on environmental grounds. [More…]
Because of remarks that have been made I think it important that I place on record for the Senate the very big advance that is implicit in the writing into the schedule of the agreement on this matter of the provision for environmental concern. [More…]
The States have agreed to the formal incorporation in a document of agreement of a provision that environmental factors should be considered when moneys provided by the Commonwealth are made available to the States for expenditure on afforestation projects. [More…]
I think that it will be more in the ecology and environmental field. [More…]
This School has 7 research departments specialising in theoretical physics, high-energy nuclear physics, electronic computing, astronomy,, astrophysics, plasma physics and environmental physics. [More…]
An environmental inquiry is to be conducted for the purpose of ascertaining how someone could go ahead with a project in relation to which there is much opposition without taking into consideration the impact that it may have on the environment and for the purpose of ascertaining how the Lake Pedder project came about despite the great public outcry against it, as well as to ensure that any mistakes which may have been made in the decision to go ahead with the Lake Pedder project will not occur with respect to similar projects in other States. [More…]
We hope that the inquiry will show the justification for requiring State and Commonwealth governments to make environmental impact studies prior to taking decisions to proceed with such projects. [More…]
In view of the concern over the future of Australia’s limited tropical and temperate forest resources, will the Minister say what investigations have been carried out by his Department or the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation into the economic and environmental implications of both current and projected wood chip contracts? [More…]
Has an environmental impact study, in connection with the proposed project, been made, and does the Commonwealth Government support the construction of such a plant. [More…]
The study will have regard to all relevant considerations, including the economics of the proposal and its environmental implications. [More…]
An environmental impact statement will be prepared as part of the feasibility study. [More…]
It is Government policy that public hearings be held to consider important environmental impact statements prepared in relation to proposals significantly affecting the environment. [More…]
Is the environmental issue the last remaining obstacle to a successful signing? [More…]
That, as the World resources of fossil fuels and fissionable material have a limited life and will present growing environmental problems. [More…]
In its report on the environmental aspects of the Alwest project the Department of the Environment and Conservation refers to adjacent mining lease areas in the Darling Ranges. [More…]
-I present the second progress report from the Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment on the reference relating to the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
What action is contemplated to ensure that Australia does not become an environmental guinea pig? [More…]
Building plans are at present being developed as also is the environmental impact statement. [More…]
In sub-clause 12, after paragraph (b), insert the following new paragraph: “(c) where operations or future operations for the recovery of minerals or excavations or other works are contemplated provide an environmental impact assessment related to these operations prepared by those proposing to engage in the recovery of minerals, excavations or other works. [More…]
The proposal is intended to ensure that, before submitting a report for the purpose of sub-clause (11), the Director shall, amongst other things: where operations or future operations for the recovery of minerals or excavations or other works are contemplated provide an environmental impact assessment related to these operations prepared by those proposing to engage in the recovery of minerals, excavations or other works. [More…]
In fact this is in line with the thinking of all parties in the Senate that there should be environmental impact on such major matters, such vital matters as those affecting national parks and wildernesses. [More…]
The amendment proposes that it be mandatory to provide environmental impact studies. [More…]
Another Bill provides that environmental impact studies should be made in any case. [More…]
But a certain question of principle is involved in that we do not wish to establish the precedent of Bills making provision for environmental impact statements when it is intended that in any event a proposed Act will provide that this requirement should apply. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present the report of a working group established to review the economic and environmental aspects of the Export Hardwood Woodchip Industry, dated April 1975, together with attachments constituting volume 2 of the report. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present a record of a ‘Seminar on Environmental Law: The Australian Government’s Role’. [More…]
Have orders been given for the preparation of environmental impact statements for the following Tasmanian Government and Local Government works being carried out, or proposed to be carried out, with the assistance of Australian Government money: [More…]
-An inquiry into the environmental impact of the Fraser Island mineral exploitation was commenced sometime in 1975. [More…]
When it is presented, of course, the steps which will be taken are those which are laid down by the administrative procedures under the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act. [More…]
1 ) A Select Committee be appointed for the purpose of completing the consideration of a matter previously referred to, and considered by, the Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committee on Social Environment, appointed during the previous session, namely, the Environmental Conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the Preservation of their sacred sites, and reporting to the Senate upon that matter. [More…]
Is the Minister able to give an assurance that there will be no further cuts in expenditure in the area of environmental protection. [More…]
The Government has not decided to withdraw the grant to the Northern Territory Environmental Council. [More…]
The amount to be allocated to each approved body has not yet been determined, but every consideration will be given to the application from the Northern Territory Environmental Council. [More…]
1 ) Will the Minister explain why the Government has withdrawn its direct grant to the Northern Territory Environmental Council, in view of the Prime Minister’s election promise to continue urban programs. [More…]
Will the Government, in line with its stated policy of support for community environmental organisations, be prepared to subsidise the Council on a realistic three-to-one basis as it is not able to raise sufficient funds to continue its vital work. [More…]
On behalf of the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development I present for the information of honourable senators the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
On behalf of the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development I present for the information of honourable senators the final report of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The way is now open whereby the four governments car pool their expertise to provide advice to the River Murray Commission on current and emerging problems, having regard to the needs of rural industries and urban development, as well as recreational and environmental aspects along the river system. [More…]
The policy of the Federal Government on the environmental impact study on Fraser Island will be announced very shortly. [More…]
1 ) Why has the environmental impact statement for the 1973 development of Brisbane airport not been published? [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present the text of a statement by the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development relating to the Fraser Island environmental inquiry. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present the text of a statement by the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development relating to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Did the United States Environmental Protection Agency publish in 1973 a report entitled ‘Environmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycle’. [More…]
Since this question was asked, the general situation has of course changed as the Government decided to accept the recommendations of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The Australian Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of the Northern Territory have jointly undertaken a program of environmental studies, including field trials for revegetation around Rum Jungle, on pollution in the Rum Jungle area. [More…]
Does the Australian Atomic Energy Commission contribute to the payment for the environmental rehabilitation of this river. [More…]
1 ) Mainly to preserve the integrity of the Australian National University campus in both physical and environmental terms. [More…]
Why did the Queensland Government not present a submission to the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Following the announcement of the Commonwealth Government’s decisions arising from the report of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry, mineral sands mining operations on the island ceased on 31 December 1976; since then work has proceeded on dismantling plant and equipment and also on rehabilitation of mined areas. [More…]
I am informed that Mineral Deposits Ltd, and its affiliated company, Queensland Titanium Mines Pty Ltd, had originally planned for production to commence at Agnes Waters in late 1976 to compensate for the depletion of reserves at Cresent Head, New South Wales, expected to occur in 1976, and also on Fraser Island in 1978.I am also informed that a start on the Agnes Waters operation has been deferred and that mining at Crescent Head is continuing, as would mining on Fraser Island have continued but for the report of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Did the Dillingham Mining Company, even before the recommendations of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry were published, advise some key employees from the Fraser Island sandmining operations that the company would be closing down its Fraser Island operations because of marketing, liquidity and contractual difficulties being experienced by the company, as well as the low grades of mineral being exploited. [More…]
Did the Dillingham Mining Company, prior to the reporting of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry, have plans well advanced to transfer its plant and equipment presently engaged in D.M. [More…]
I expect that the report of the Moreton Island Committee of Inquiry will greatly assist the Commonwealth Government in the event that it is necessary to consider the environmental consequences of issuing export permits for minerals obtained from Moreton Island. [More…]
1 ) Will the Minister table all relevant documents relating to the proposed Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization’s Division of Forestry Research experiment of forestry practices environmental impact in the Cotter River Valley between the Corin and Bendora dams. [More…]
Will an environmental impact statement be prepared before the project begins. [More…]
1 ) Did evidence given at the recent Fox Inquiry indicate that ‘adverse environmental effects’ would result from the generation of electricity by solar methods. [More…]
) What are these adverse environmental effects. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry First Report contains the following statement on page 4 1 - [More…]
They described the large scale utilisation of solar energy for the generation of electricity as an enormous technological undertaking and stressed possible adverse environmental effects.’ [More…]
The Report does not disclose what were the environmental effects referred to and it is assumed that such details will be covered in the Second Report of the Inquiry. [More…]
Since the matter relates largely to an environmental study it would come within my representation. [More…]
Has any study been made of the environmental impact of such a mill and the possible pollution of Murray waters? [More…]
1 ) On which dates did the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry Commission visit and inspect the operations of D.M. [More…]
Does the Minister accept that a $14m sand mining project at Agnes Waters has been deferred by Mineral Deposits Ltd because of the Federal Government’s ‘confused environmental policies’ as was claimed by the Premier of Queensland and reported in the Courier-Mail of 3 February 1977. [More…]
When were the mining companies involved in sand mining on Fraser Island first informed of the Federal Government’s decision relating to the recommendations of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry, and by whom were they informed: [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I lay on the table the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report. [More…]
Reports by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and the Report on Solar Energy prepared by the Senate Standing Committee on National Resources will be taken fully into account. [More…]
What steps has the Government taken, or will it take, to implement the recommendations of the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry which states that immediate and urgent energy research and development programs should be undertaken into (a) liquid fuels to replace petroleum and (b) energy sources other than fossil and nuclear fusion. [More…]
This problem was a paramount concern to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: That authority not be given for both the Ranger proposal and the Pancontinental proposal to proceed at the same time ‘? [More…]
Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘The existence of government power to terminate or suspend mining operations (perhaps at very short notice) to be recognised from the outset’ [More…]
Have the Government and its interdepartmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘Legislative action to be taken to enable the Director and the Northern Land Council to enforce environment protection provisions ‘. [More…]
) Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That Aboriginal title should be granted, the national park established, and the necessary control mechanisms set up, before any substantial construction work is done on the Ranger project or substantial numbers of people are brought into the area. ‘ [More…]
Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That the Atomic Energy Act 1953 not be used for the grant of an authority to Ranger to mine uranium. ‘ [More…]
) Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That the Ranger project as proposed, and in the land use setting which was assumed, not be allowed to proceed’. [More…]
Have the Government and its inter-departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That if the Ranger proposal is allowed to proceed, no other mining, with the possible exception of that proposed by Pancontinental, be allowed in the region west of the Arnhem Land Reserve for the time being at least. ‘ [More…]
How and where is public debate being followed by the Task Force, in the light of the restricted printing of the first report of the Fox Ranger uranium environmental inquiry. [More…]
106-109 of the official transcript), which implied that the terms of reference restricted the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry to the environmental aspects of making a decision; and (b) did the Chief Justice also state that it would be an impertinence for the Commission to make any recommendation as to whether or not export permits should be granted or whether or not mining should proceed. [More…]
Has Senator Carrick noted the arrival in Australia of Professor Mellanby, who is lecturing upon environmental matters in relation to the use of national reserves and parks? [More…]
What measures were taken, and by whom, to combat the environmental effects of the 250,000 tons of crude oil involved? [More…]
It is highly desirable that documents such as environmental impact statements should be readily available. [More…]
I am advised that various views have been put forward about the cost of draft environmental impact statements made available for public comment. [More…]
I refer to section 6 (2) (d) of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 which provides for the public distribution and discussion of environmental impact statements. [More…]
I ask: Is the Minister aware that, despite this laudable provision, most members of the public cannot obtain copies of environmental impact statements because of the prohibitive price that is charged for them? [More…]
In the light of this, does the Minister believe that the interests of the public would be better served if important publications, such as environmental impact statements, were made more accessible through a lower pricing policy? [More…]
Will the Treasurer consider lowering the present 1 5 per cent rate of sales tax on compost bins which convert waste into useful garden material without any environmental pollution, in view of the fact that plastic garbage cans and incinerators attract only21/2 per cent sales tax and tend to create pollution. [More…]
Has the Australian Government called upon Comalco to surrender some of these leases in the interests of the Australian environmental heritage. [More…]
shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered ‘. [More…]
What progress has been made concerning negotiations with the Queensland Government similar to those resulting in an agreement with the South Australian Government, outlined in the Minister’s Press Release entitled ‘Environmental Assessments- Commonwealth/State arrangements’. [More…]
I regularly visited the Territory on many occasions looking at environmental questions and the conditions of Aborigines. [More…]
Ltd is responsible for all environmental damage liabilities which might be caused by oil pollution. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government has not received any application for an export permit in relation to uranium from this area nor has the company been directed to prepare an environmental impact statement in accordance with the Administrative Procedures under the Environment Protection ( Impact of Proposals) Act 1 974. [More…]
Has the lease been granted, and has an Environmental Impact Study been carried out in accordance with Federal Government requirements. [More…]
In the light of the recommendations of the First Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry calling for increased energy research and development, and the Government’s stated policy of fostering energy research and development, will the Minister ensure that a detailed breakdown of funding levels of various forms of energy research and development is made available and publicly circulated, so as to inform people of the type and level of research into energy research and development being carried out in Australia. [More…]
Herald expressed concern that it might apply to all environmental and other groups that were opposed to uranium mining for trying to obstruct an activity that was carried on by various mining corporations which had agreements with the Government or were participating with it. [More…]
Implementation is under consideration by the Minister for Science and the Environment who has the responsibility for environmental policy advice and the co-ordination of Government policy on the matter. [More…]
Yes, in the Jabiluka Project draft environmental impact statement Pancontinental Mining Limited described mining by open cut methods and also examined other mining options, including underground mining. [More…]
Yes, in the Jabiluka Project final environmental impact statement mining by underground methods was selected as the preferred option. [More…]
Did (a) the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Pancontinental for its Jabiluka project indicate that the open cut method of mining would be employed: and [More…]
Should the Government decide to dispose of its interests, the Government would ensure that the environmental requirements of the project were fully carried out. [More…]
The more important measure provides, in effect, statewide industrial zoning regulations: Instead of just moving into any community where it has land, an industry first must have its plans approved by Maine’s Environmental Improvement Commission. [More…]
Despite the fact that we are producing wool under our environmental conditions, with the genetic and other favourable factors that go to make up our merino breed, the price of wool on the world market is dropping. [More…]
When the ban was first applied I believe it was in order to save for the Australian sheep breeder that unique fine wool that he had been able to produce in Australia because of our environmental conditions. [More…]
They are arrangements which should he brought under the control of a single commission, either an environmental council or a national conservation commission. [More…]
Will the Minister take heed of this analysis and tell the National Capital Development Commission that the environmental ravishment of the Black Mountain region by the building of additional roadways is not warranted to placate a few impatient motorists who, if time is so vital to them, should get out of bed 30 minutes earlier and not bludge on people who want to preserve the best features of the Australian Capital Territory bushland? [More…]
Optimum environmental conditions for all stages could result in heavy population recruitment in some years. [More…]
There can be natural disasters involving environmental destruction, earthquakes and sea wrecks. [More…]
Yet another is to furnish the best possible circumstance for the Australian people and to maintain environmental and educational opportunities which will enable the nation to grow. [More…]
When Conzinc Riotinto commenced mining operations were they advised of their responsibility not to become environmental rapists. [More…]
As a matter of fact the recommendation went further and asked for the establishment of a national environmental council. [More…]
That the Water Pollution Bill in its present form is only a piecemeal approach to the problem of environmental pollution in this State, and for this reason is of the opinion that the Bill should be withdrawn, and that the initiation of effective measures to control Water Pollution should become the responsibility of the proposed single pollution authority to be established by the State Government. [More…]
The powers and resources to undertake a continuous programme of research and education on environmental problems. [More…]
According to the information I have, a number of study groups are undertaking environmental tests of the area but in the final analysis all the data is going back to the Atomic Energy Commission for final evaluation and I think that is wrong. [More…]
Departments with an active interest in environmental problems are studying the reports of the select committees and interdepartmental discussions are in train to consider and report to the Government on the implementation of the recommendations of the committees and also on certain other proposals submitted by competent bodies such as the Australian Academy of Science. [More…]
I ask: Are we to assume that despite all the environmental pollution feasibility studies, in effect, the Australian Atomic Energy Commission alone will determine standards and that no Cabinet curbs will be applied to some of the Bonapartist tendencies of the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission? [More…]
The evidence has related directly to the nature and operation of the provisions of the legislation and has comprehended many facets of the oil industry and the environmental situation in which the industry and the legislative provisions interact. [More…]
Will the Leader of the Government in the Senate agree with me as a fellow New South Wales senator that, notwithstanding any plans that the New South Wales Government may have for an environmental authority, interim measures embracing Federal grants for modern sewage treatment plants on the New South Wales metropolitan coastline are the only practical measures to overcome Sydney’s mounting beach pollution? [More…]
Recently I spoke with some prominent oil industry executives who told me what they were doing about environmental control. [More…]
When a decision has been taken on the tenders for Jervis Bay the responsible Minister will make a comprehensive statement and will include in it the steps taken to preserve the environmental advantages of the Jervis Bay area. [More…]
That, without prejudice to the inquiries or findings of other Parliamentary Committees which have yet to report to Parliament, consideration be given to the co-ordination of studies of the total environmental pollution problem - that is air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. [More…]
The existence in Australia of many societies, voluntary organisations and individuals already dedicated to a particular aspect of environmental protection is widespread and plainly evident. [More…]
That being the case, it unfortunately does appear necessary that there should be constituted some on-going body which would have under continuous scrutiny the steps that are necessary from time to lime to implement a programme of environmental control and protection. [More…]
That is the kind of operation that Senator Davidson has in mind - not that there should be, as it were, a permanent select committee looking at this question of environmental control but a committee which could investigate from time to time one step or another which might be taken, which has not been taken and which should be taken to implement finally a total programme of control and protection of the environment. [More…]
In this field of environmental control we find now that the States are far ahead of the Commonwealth. [More…]
If we are to have environmental control on a national basis it is vital that, so far as possible, legislation shall be uniform and co-ordinated. [More…]
I would hope that a committee of this nature with this reference might well press the Govern ment, not on a political basis but on the basis of the operation of the Parliament, the protection of the nation and for the most effective implementation of a programme of environmental control, for early and urgent action to co-ordinate the activities of the States with those of the Commonwealth in devising a programme of environmental control as recommended by the reports of the select committees to which reference has been made. [More…]
I want to see interim measures, and in order to achieve these I would adopt Senator Byrne’s thesis that we should be calling witnesses and making spot checks on the activities of some Government departments to see what is being done about environmental pollution, even if it is only in its infancy. [More…]
In this matter the Minister for the Interior is trying to be a benevolent neutral, the Postmaster-General’s Department is wanting to embark on pollution by environmental rape and some of the lower echelon of the Department of the Interior are opposed to the proposal. [More…]
News of the study course came in a week marked by the first report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution . [More…]
Realising that environmental control basically is a State matter, it is incumbent upon the central authority to lead the way and thereafter to act jointly with the States to ensure a better approach generally and a common attitude to the problem. [More…]
By way of preface, I refer to a report in the ‘Canberra Times’ of 19th March of a meeting by the Minister for the Interior with a deputation representing the Australian Capital Territory Study Group on Environmental Quality, which was protesting against the erection of a television tower and restaurant in the Black Mountain area. [More…]
I ask: In the light of this comment by the Minister for the Interior, is it to be assumed that he has already capitulated to the environmental rapists of the Postmaster-General’s Department instead of recognising that his prime duty as Minister for the Interior is to leave the Australian Capital Territory’s bushland as he found it? [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that, when I announced on behalf of the Prime Minister the various functions of Ministers, it was indicated that pending the shape of things to come questions on environmental matters would be dealt with by myself as representative of the Prime Minister in the Senate. [More…]
Coming now to the substance of the question, last week the Senate adopted a resolution to create a standing committee to deal with environmental matters. [More…]
Was any environmental damage done to the surrounding area. [More…]
Do bee-keepers still have free access to Australian Capital Territory forests when all States impose a levy on such operations; if so, how is this freehouse policy reconciled with the need for maximum revenue to protect environmental erosion. [More…]
An office to bring together and generally to superintend the Commonwealth’s work and responsibilities in the environmental field is a new initiative, and an important one. [More…]
The idea of having a Minister to listen to questions of environmental control without power to act means nothing. [More…]
That is, by the nature of the areas of administration they are not political in character; they involve science and the arts and things of that nature including the new area of environmental control [More…]
The other aspect of the matter, of course, is the question of environmental control. [More…]
After all, it was at the initiative of the Senate that 2 select committees were constituted to look primarily at this question of environmental control. [More…]
In other words, the Senate has been in the forefront of initiating parliamentary interest in the field of environmental pollution. [More…]
Part of our report went to the very complex question of the dual responsibility of the Commonwealth and the States in this area of environmental control, that is, the administrative difficulties and more particularly the constitutional difficulties. [More…]
I am mentioning this because if a new Minister is to be appointed and if one of the major areas of his ministerial responsibility is to be this question of environmental control, as the Senate has been the initiating body in directing and stimulating parliamentary interest in this operation and as the Senate is by its constitution a body of the legislature which has the question of the definition of Commonwealth and State rights within its protection, the new Minister should be appointed to the Senate. [More…]
It is not for this chamber, of course, to direct the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) as to who shall be the subject of his appointment or from which House he will come but 1 do think that the Senate should make firmly known the view that as this matter of environmental control will occupy the attention of the new Minister, he should come from this chamber. [More…]
The Senate therefore has impressed upon the Government the need for the immediate consideration of an environmental report. [More…]
We inspected the legislative movement in the various States which were legislating to the best of their ability in the fields of environmental control. [More…]
He will speak in more detail than I propose to do on the environmental problems because I wish to address myself mainly to some of the problems which exist in the States under the present Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement. [More…]
If we are to have parks and gardens in plenty which are carved out of the land and built up to a standard of beauty and acceptance, and if we are to have sewerage provided, there will have to be a new column in the expenses account for environmental expenditure. [More…]
These works are referred because of the lapse of time since sewerage schemes for Darwin covering the northern and central zones were referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works in March 1969, and because of the concern of members of the Darwin community that a satisfactory standard of treatment should be achieved having regard to environmental factors. [More…]
This is not only a unique occasion but also one which marks in this Senate the heightening awareness of the need for environmental control. [More…]
Local government is perfectly able to handle environmental matters providing it is given the financial resources. [More…]
Members of the Immigration Planning Council are chosen for their individual ability to advise (he Government through the Minister for Immigration on economic, social, environmental and related matters bearing on immigration. [More…]
What powers and/or liaison exists with State mining authorities to ensure that all forms of mining require adequate environmental rehabilitation when mining operations cease? [More…]
Engineering feasibility and order of cost of alternative plans, some 16 in all, at all these locations were considered, as well as the compatibility of such airports with the adjacent communities, access by surface transport, environmental aspects, etc. [More…]
Quite apart from the aspect I have mentioned, the very important interests of local communities, environmental factors and the very great cost involved in a second airport for Sydney require that this project be most carefully considered and that all available viewpoints be brought to bear upon it before any decisions are taken. [More…]
In considering the alternatives, the Committee is to take into account all the relevant factors, including operational, technical, financial and environmental considerations, capacity and accessibility by surface transport. [More…]
We have reached a year when there is a feeling of international environmental concern. [More…]
The Federal Government’s role in environmental measures perhaps will lie in the creation of a national advisory council which could work in conjunction with the Slates to share research which is undertaken, or to set up a council for the environment which would work with the 6 State governments. [More…]
When speaking of environmental measures we must speak of individual responsibilities. [More…]
If we are talking about environmental measures we must accept that just as the first syllable of management is man, so is it man’s individual responsibility to ensure that a personal unselfishness and, perhaps, selflessness is brought to bear in the interests of the preservation of our natural resources. [More…]
I assume that the new Department of the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts will also be making further opportunities available for research in matters of an environmental nature which directly concern us. [More…]
The general purpose of the Commonwealth-State committees on airfields in the States - ‘bodies with which I am very happy to have been associated - has been to get both the Commonwealth and the people concerned in a particular State to examine the airfield requirements in the total area of that State, the effect on transport in that State and the environmental and noise problems in that State and to try to make the best possible decision on the location and upgrading of airports and any change in their characteristics. [More…]
But all of this relates to environmental studies and the total problems of environment. [More…]
I believe that Australia has no immediate population or environmental problems. [More…]
It might be said that the general attitude adopted by Australians to the plight of other nations - every week we hear of some problem relating to famine or some other environmental difficulty associated with an overseas country - is the tendency to say ‘We are fortunate that we are here and that we are not there’. [More…]
Labour groups, particularly in Victoria, are forcing their views in relation to those matters which are seen to upset the environmental balance. [More…]
But I believe that we need to observe those environmental pitfalls into which we could fall in the usage of our resources. [More…]
At the same time we should take note of and heed the need to retain environmental situations which are conducive to the happiness and wellbeing of our people while yet, as I say, sustaining the ability to serve other countries in ways in which they need help. [More…]
On the one hand we have the rigid economic requirement within a given economy to make use to the full of resources and at the same time we have this pressing need with care and consideration to go about the utilisation of our resources in such a way as will not be detrimental to our environmental situation. [More…]
Where does the obligation lie between retaining capacity for production and the providing of basic wealth for future generations, between handing down our productive capacity in a way which can continue to meet the requirements - as indicated by Senator Murphy - which are basic for our wellbeing, our defence, our overall security and ability to maintain high living standards and, at the same time, not intruding unduly into the environmental background. [More…]
We are looking continuously at whether weaknesses could develop in our attitude towards environmental matters, which weaknesses would be detrimental to the well being of our people. [More…]
Like everyone else in this chamber I have been inundating the Minister for the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts with all sorts of matters, ranging from limestone to many other things, in respect of which I wanted him to instigate effective planning, utilising the Bureau of Mineral Resources to assess various alternative deposits - in fact the whole range of variations of environmental control. [More…]
This is only one claim that will be made tonight but 1 know from correspondence I have received from quite a number of environmental groups that it will continue to go on. [More…]
Quite apart from environmental matters problems are created by the interest of the Department of Primary Industry and the conceivable interest, to which Senator Mulvihill referred, of the Department of Education and Science, which is responsible for the administration of CSIRO. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliamentassembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the National Capital. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliament assembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the National Capital. [More…]
Only today - I shall discuss this matter on some other occasion at greater length - I received an up to date summary of the legislation and administrative acts which have been taken by the States in the field of environmental control. [More…]
Basically the problems of Aboriginal health in the southern region of the Northern Territory stem from the environmental conditions under which the Aboriginals live. [More…]
Has the Government made fresh overtures to the French authorities to cancel the tests, having regard to the easing of international tension and the growing concern on environmental matters? [More…]
The subsequent part of the question, which refers to environmental influences on all the waterways of Australia, touches on a very wide subject. [More…]
This project is committed to an environmental approach which is concerned withthe future of Man on this planet. [More…]
It has another reference before it dealing with the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, In Parliament assembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the national capital. [More…]
In the United States, I had lengthy and very frank discussions with President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers, Defence Secretary Laird, Deputy Secretary Packard, Dr Kissinger, Under Secretary of the Treasury Volcker, Chairman of the Council of Environmental Quality Russell Train, and Senator Fulbright, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [More…]
I took the opportunity while in Washington to have discussions with Mr Russell Train and other members of the council on environmental quality. [More…]
From these discussions I gained valuable insights into American experience of the problems of dealing with pollution and environmental protection measures, especially in the context of a federal-state relationship. [More…]
Council so that it would include urbanisation and environmental considerations. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliament assembled, should, through its standing committee on the social environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the national capital. [More…]
An office to bring together and generally io superintend the Commonwealth’s work and responsibilities in the environmental field is a new initiative, and an important one. [More…]
The Commonwealth, by establishing an additional portfolio by the Ministers of State Bill, accepted its responsibility in the environmental field. [More…]
How many of the 75 people would be engaged exclusively on environmental matters? [More…]
The administrative step of establishing the Office of the Environment within the Department of the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts has been taken by the Commonwealth, but this Office appears at the time of the preparation of this report to have done little more than play the part of a liaison agency without developing the operative co-ordinating role in Federal action that seems desirable to focus the Commonwealth’s multifarious interests in spheres of activity bearing on environmental problems. [More…]
I rise to speak to the question of the activity or inactivity of the Government in relation to environmental control. [More…]
Victoria has been conscious of the need for environmental projection, which was evident from the many Acts in that State dealing with this question. [More…]
My recollection is that there was such a variety of legislation and authorities with jurisdiction in one area or another of environmental interference, and therefore of control, that it was very difficult for Victoria to operate successfully. [More…]
The bodies that are created are the Environment Protection Authority and the Environment Protection Council and, at the University of Melbourne, environmental research sponsored by the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works, the Australian Universities Commission and a consortium of Commonwealth and State governments has been embarked upon. [More…]
One thing was remarkable: Gathered around the table were senators who embrace a variety of political ideologies, but they all accepted that we could learn from countries with federal control of environmental matters and in that way much more effective action in the field of the environment. [More…]
The Commonwealth has not been slow in setting up Commonwealth-State bodies in other areas and those bodies have some incidental impact on environmental problems. [More…]
For example, there are 6 existing councils of Commonwealth and State Ministers the activities of which have significant direct environmental consequences and with which any environment council necessarily would have to establish a satisfactory liaison. [More…]
What I refer to is the conference of State and Commonwealth Ministers relating to environmental matters which was held in Perth. [More…]
To have this co-operation 1 think that in the first instance we should be matching the diligence of the Slates in respect of their environmental problems through legislative provisions. [More…]
Most aspects of environmental pollution fall within the administrative responsibility of the States, except in relation to Commonwealth Territories. [More…]
The administrative step of establishing the Office of the Environment within the Department of the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts has been taken by the Commonwealth, but this Office appears at the time of the preparation of this report to have done little more than play the part of a liaison agency without developing the operative co-ordinating role in Federal action that seems desirable to focus the Commonwealth’s multifarious interests in spheres of activity bearing on environmental problems. [More…]
If wc were to have a really mobile, active, alert and diligent attitude at the present time toward environmental matters we would be discussing with the States their position in regard to providing open space for instance, while there is still time to obtain it, in areas of rapidly growing population. [More…]
I hope it will recognise the fact that in this debate on the estimates for this Department, and in the proceedings of the Estimates Committee there has been this expression of strong feeling from senators right around the table, including members of the Government parlies, it should recognise that Australia is in a situation in which, unless there is some form of national leadership, national administration, national co-ordination and national co-operation, it will become the victim of environmental problems in the same way that other countries have become victims of such problems. [More…]
I for one am very glad that it took place and that certain things have been laid down, but in his comments this afternoon the Minister referred to the variety of councils involved in the environmental area. [More…]
It has been a study of constitutional, legal, social and all the other environmental problems. [More…]
1 believe that the fact that an Austraiian Environmental Council has been established is of significance in the Australian approach to these matters. [More…]
Quite apart from that, I hope that the Senate and the nation generally will recognise that in areas of environmental control a very real problem is postulated by the Federal Constitution, The Government has twin policies, the first of which is that in these matters involving constitutional difficulties it shall seek co-operation through the States. [More…]
But I am referring to Senator Mulvihills observations on conservation and the delay in proclaiming the boundaries of the national park in the Top End, as well as the environmental problems in general which flow out of mining developments and the concern he has in regard to this matter. [More…]
Can the Minister for Civil Aviation allay the genuine fears felt by many Australians about the environmental effects that will follow the introduction of supersonic air transport in this country? [More…]
1 know of the honourable senator’s concern about matters ecological and environmental, and about conservation matters. [More…]
Both Ready Mixed Concrete Pty Ltd and Farley and Lewers Pty Ltd, have had discussions with the Department and the National Capital Development Commission on guidelines for environmental management for their respective quarry proposals. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the Senate, in Parliament assembled, should, through its Standing Committee on the Social Environment, examine whether construction of a tower of this nature on Black Mountain is in the public interest, having particular regard to the need to preserve the beauty and environmental quality of the National Capital. [More…]
There will be a hearing by the Public Works Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament in Western Australia on all these matters during April and those concerned with environmental and other matters associated wilh the island will, of course, be entitled to present evidence and give their views. [More…]
Does the Minister know of any problems, economic, environmental or sociological, resulting from the current development of the Ord River Valley and its hinterland; if so, are these problems serious. [More…]
Does the Minister consider that an integrated multi-disciplinary resources study of the entire Ord River Scheme, with regard to environmental, economic and sociological aspects, would be a worthy contribution by Australia to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. [More…]
On the other, the Australian socio-economic conditions of the Ord area, and hence the impact of environmental changes on the inhabitants, differ vastly from those prevailing elsewhere in the tropics. [More…]
He also referred to equipment which will be partly or wholly used for the production of goods for our export trade; equipment which will be used to improve safety; and equipment required to comply with legislation concerned with environmental pollution. [More…]
I have not read the letter in the ‘Financial ‘ Review’ but the honourable senator and the person who wrote the letter would be correct in saying that not only the elements of transportation and a new phase of transportation in the air, but also the matter of the environmental impact are involved. [More…]
In view of the need to preserve the environmental quality of the national capital, urge the government to examine this proposal, and in particular to consider placing the solid radiotelephony structureon one of the alternative sites, using Black Mountain for a television transmission mast only. [More…]
Is it a fact that because, of adverse weather and other environmental conditions the amount of time unsuitable for outdoor physical education programmes in State high schools is, in no State, less than 25 per cent of the school year? [More…]
I do not have the information available to say to what extent environmental or weather conditions preclude outdoor recreational activities in schools. [More…]
We do not know the effect of environmental problems in initiating or perpetuating crime. [More…]
When I do that or attempt to do it, I run foul of the environmental committees of this country. [More…]
In the face of the misgivings expressed by the New South Wales Minister responsible for environmental standards in that State, Mr Jack Beale, on the proposed inaugural flight of the Concorde in June, does the [More…]
Minister feel that effective liaison has been forged with the State Ministers responsible for environmental standards? [More…]
There is an increasing tendency therefore for countries to concentrate part of their resources on particular areas in which they have demonstrable need, expertise, or unique environmental opportunities. [More…]
Morton, Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior, in a foreword to a paper relating to evaluation of environmental impact: [More…]
If the Minister for Civil Aviation is irrevocably committed to the Concorde aircraft making an inaugural flight to Australia, does he feel that evidence on the environmental effects of this aircraft could be forthcoming from a meeting of the First Sonic Boom Committee now in progress in Montreal? [More…]
Because poverty is part of the environment the need to meet that poverty is an environmental matter. [More…]
I moved for the Committee to inquire into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
Action has also been taken to establish a Working Committee to plan an environmental impact study to identify possible changes resulting from mining and other developments and indicate methods to minimise environmental damage. [More…]
The Working Committee will define the form and scope of additional environmental studies required and recommend how these could be carried out. [More…]
It goes on to list the duties, with a standing parliamentary committee to look at environmental matters all the time. [More…]
To advance the claims of environmental conservation, wildlife protection and recreational requirements for future needs of the community. [More…]
If we do not move now to ensure the elevation of environmental concern to a very high national position, the opportunity will inevitably and irrevocably be lost. [More…]
The Democratic Labor Party takes very great pride in the fact that, although the growing interest in environmental protection is of somewhat recent origin and has certainly reached great dimensions only more recently, years ago it was the first political Party in Australia to insert in a national policy speech a programme of national conservation. [More…]
In relation to this Bill the DLP proposes that before development takes place and before softwood replanting is allowed to supplant indigenous tree growth, be it eucalypt or other indigenous forest, the matter be considered from the point of view of environmental control and protection. [More…]
The State shall ensure that planting during each year ls carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices. [More…]
- The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert on behalf of the Australian Forestry Council and the Council after considering the report of the said study has approved the particular clearing. [More…]
We referred to the environmental crisis in Australia, and among the priorities we determined were the following: [More…]
requiring that the presentation of an environmental impact study he a condition precedent to the approval of any development, [More…]
We have taken the lead, particularly in this chamber, for the protection of the environment, and the States should be told by this method that we hope that they would be parties to the incorporation within any CommonwealthState agreement on their side of this recognition of the need for environmental reference in any agreements which may he entered into for the provision of finance to supplant indigenous growth by exotic forest planting. [More…]
Secondly, our amendment emphasises the importance we attach to environmental matters in any question of redevelopment. [More…]
The third matter raised in the amendment again indicates the importance we attach to environmental matters and draws attention to the fact that our Party’s policy for so long has been in the forefront in drawing national attention to these matters. [More…]
The purpose of our amendment is to require an impact study on the environmental consequences of this disturbance, replacement or elimination before permission is given to replace indigenous plants with exotic plants of whatever character and for whatever purpose. [More…]
Surely it is not too much to say in this new concept of environmental concern that is developing all over the world that this is a matter that should be taken into consideration in any developmental project where there is a danger of disturbance of the ecology or the environment by the contemplated commercial venture. [More…]
As the debate has gone on we have heard many observations about the sudden need to consider the environmental and ecological problems of Australia. [More…]
So I do not think we have the right to assume that we, as a Commonwealth group of people, have suddenly discovered environmental problems or conservation and ecological management, or multiple use disciplines, or that they have been arrived at in later years by a sudden flash of genius in the Commonwealth Parliament. [More…]
Senator Kane’s amendment, to which I draw Senator Byrne’s attention, is directed towards environmental matters which I touched on earlier. [More…]
During the process of this debate we have made inquiries of State forest services and they have revealed that areas to be planted under the second 5-year programme will in the main be the extensions of plantation areas previously established by the forest services and they will not include major development in new areas that might appropriately be the subject of prior environmental impact studies. [More…]
The State shall ensure that planting during each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices. [More…]
- The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert on behalf of the Australian Forestry Council and the Council after considering the report of the said study has approved the particular clearing’. [More…]
Since the time whe the 1967 agreement, the last agreement and the presently operating agreement, was concluded a completely new concept has emerged in the thinking of the whole world, including Australia, on the significance of environmental control. [More…]
What we propose is that the environmental consequences of the operation of reafforestation shall be investigated. [More…]
Surely if that body is asked, as an additional function within its existing charter, or as an additional head of its directive, to take into account the environmental consequences and if the body has the status and competency stated by Senator Cotton surely there should be no concern in this place as to whether that body should be entrusted with this additional responsibility. [More…]
We are seeking a study of the environmental impact of proposed development, redevelopment or reafforestation. [More…]
That is the type of investigation which appears to me to be completely logical and wise and it is certainly in consonance with the new sensitivity of this nation in relation to environmental protection and the general conservation of flora and fauna and natural resources. [More…]
I suppose that every senator is keen to align himself with what are considered these days to be environmental practices - whatever they may be and whatever the words ‘environmental practices’ mean. [More…]
But political flavour is brought into this wonderful thing which we call ‘environmental control*. [More…]
But it is very difficult to explain what may be meant by ‘environmental practices’. [More…]
Here we have an honourable senator putting forward for decision by honourable senators an amendment which says that the States shall ensure that there are efficient environmental practices. [More…]
If honourable senators have in their minds some specific instance in which there has been a disregard of the environmental conditions of the area in the planting of a forest, I hope that they are able to express that to their own State Ministers for Agriculture in the future. [More…]
So far as natural forests are concerned, I am afraid that I cannot speak with great knowledge of the situation in New South Wales or Queensland, but certainly in relation to the natural forests which exist in my own State of Victoria and in Tasmania I am aware that there is great environmental interest if environment’ covers the regeneration of the type of forest which exists in natural forests. [More…]
It states that in natural forests there should be an environmental impact study. [More…]
I suppose that in the last half a dozen years there have sprung up groups of people who call themselves environmental impact study experts. [More…]
The amendment refers to ‘sound forestry, environmental and financial practices’. [More…]
I know, but the amendment includes the word ‘environmental*. [More…]
The substituted clause refers to ‘sound forestry, environmental and financial practices’. [More…]
What are sound forestry, environmental and financial practices? [More…]
The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study . [More…]
In his mind it is the impact that it will have on the whole subject of environmental life and flora and fauna in the area. [More…]
One cannot simply cast aside the environmental considerations in clearing any site for commercial gain. [More…]
In particular, the question is asked: What is an environmental impact study all about? [More…]
Those who have remained in the chamber and who have taken an active interest in this debate - I have paid them proper tribute at an earlier stage - might like to learn some of the factors that are believed to be important in the environmental impact position. [More…]
Forest services are now very conscious of their environmental responsibilities, as well as those of conservation and the wise use of resources. [More…]
Both the environmental and productive values are highly significant. [More…]
As has been said, an environmental impact study would have some regard to these factors. [More…]
There is an increasing effort also in the field of environmental control and in the reduction of pollution which could be instanced in the report from which I have just quoted. [More…]
Where is the location shown in the photograph on page 3 of the Environmental Quality Bulletin 1972, No. [More…]
Has the Australian Mining Industry Council (vide Environmental Quality Bulletin, No. [More…]
The results of the survey will provide valuable information on the geology of the region and will be used in the Environmental Fact-finding Study, of the Alligator Rivers region which has recently commenced. [More…]
Which Commonwealth Ministries will have representatives on the joint committee with mining interests, formed with the object of studying environmental consequences of Northern Territory mining operations. [More…]
to (7) A Working Committee, chaired by a senior officer of the Department of the Interior was set up, not to conduct a public inquiry, but to advise the Government and the mining and exploration companies on the scope, objectives and likely order of cost of an environmental study in the Alligator River area. [More…]
It was agreed at a recent meeting between representatives of the various mining companies and Commonwealth Departments and authorities involved to proceed with an environmental fact finding study along the lines recommended by the Working Committee. [More…]
At end of motion add ‘and that the medical, social environmental, and legal aspects of the report and recommendations of the Committee be referred to the Standing Committees on Health and Welfare, Social Environment and Constitutional and Legal Affairs, respectively, and that these 3 Committees be authorised to undertake the continuing oversight of those aspects and to recommend from time to time what further measures might be taken to implement the recommendations or to overcome the problems revealed in the report’. [More…]
How does it come about that the Commonwealth and New South Wales Governments have agreed in principle to construction of a dam at Googong on the Queanbeyan River before the results of investigations into its environmental consequences have been completed. [More…]
Docs the State of New South Wales require an environmental impact statement to be filed in respect of major developments, such as dams, prior to their approval. [More…]
Has an environmental impact statement been prepared and filed in respect of Googong dam; if not, why not. [More…]
Will the Minister give an assurance that preliminary work on the proposed Googong Dam will not commence until after environmental investigations have been completed and measures to control mineral pollution in the Molonglo River have been implemented. [More…]
These investigations have included environmental matters. [More…]
(3) and (4) The New South Wales Government has not indicated that it requires an environmental impact statement on this project. [More…]
Both economic and non-economic considerations - for example, environmental factors and resource utilisation - are being studied. [More…]
-I present an interim report from the Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment on the reference relating to the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
There are 2 main reasons for the presentation of this brief interim report on the reference relating to the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
For this reason, wide ranging evidence and deep consideration will be required for the building up of the complete picture in respect of environmental conditions and the preservation of sacred sites. [More…]
The Democratic Labor Party was concerned that the Agreement contained no provision to the effect that the other parties to it, or the Commonwealth, should have regard to environmental factors when the Agreement was negotiated and when the money was being provided or that ‘.hat should be a condition precedent to the provision of the money. [More…]
That has now been amended by the House of Representatives by the addition of the following words: and shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered. [More…]
In other words, the Agreement which is now contemplated for conclusion between the Commonwealth and the States requires that the States shall take environmental factors rft to consideration when afforestation with softwoods is being considered, natural areas are being interfered with and natural forests are being destroyed. [More…]
This is the first occasion, to my knowledge, on which the environmental factor has been introduced into legislation. [More…]
That is why, when this Bill came before this chamber originally, we proposed that environmental factors should be considered in the conclusion of the agreements. [More…]
We hoped that the matter of whether or not the environmental factors were considered adequately by a State would go to an independent authority. [More…]
The reasons that have been put forward as to why that would not be acceptable are valid and compelling, in our view, and that persuades us not to pursue the whole of our original proposition but to accept the amendment which is now before us and which is based on that proposition and does take into account the environmental factors. [More…]
If we were now to write into this Agreement the proposition of an independent authority assessing the environmental consequences, it might interrupt the whole of the current planting and, because of the time that would be involved, might well require the displacement of labour and the interruption of certain forestry projects. [More…]
If we have the principle accepted, that environmental factors should be considered and that that shall be written into the next agreement as it begins to run which will be in 1976, we can claim that we have really been responsible for a major achievement. [More…]
1 merely reiterate the point that we have been responsible - we take great credit for this - for introducing the consider ation of environmental factors into Commonwealth legislation in this specific way for perhaps the first time. [More…]
Those who were very interested in this matter and who originally were very anxious that we should put forward the proposition are satisfied that a great deal has been accomplished and that this will be the beginning of the consideration of environmental factors in many fields in the future. [More…]
1 think that in some way the Slates have been somewhat in advance of the Commonwealth in their solicitude for environmental protection. [More…]
I know that the conservationists - of whom there are many associated with our Party, as there are associated with all political parties; it is a growing movement with developing enthusiasm - will be gratified to see the national recognition in this form and the fact that the Commonwealth has now insisted that, in an agreement between the Commonwealth and the Slates for the provision of money to the States for afforestation, there be a requirement that the environmental factors shall be taken into account. [More…]
We have every reason to expect that this form of words will not be regarded merely as such but that there will be due regard for environmental factors in terms of the amendment, under which the Agreement will provide that the States shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered. [More…]
That the Senate’s amendment be disagreed to, but that in place thereof the following amendment be made: ‘In the Schedule, at the end of clause 9, add “and shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered”.’ [More…]
The amendment made by the Senate was rejected by the House of Representatives, and a new amendment was made by the House of Representatives consequent upon the rejection of the Senate amendment The new amendment proposed is the addition of the following words at the end of clause 9 of the Schedule to the Bill: and shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered. [More…]
Commonwealth and the States to the need to consider environmental factors relating to the planting which will take place under the softwood planting programme. [More…]
Environmental aspects of forestry activities are very much in mind within the Australian Forestry Council which recommended the softwood planting programme. [More…]
The conference will recognise the importance not only of economic matters concerning forests and forest industries but also of social and environmental aspects of forestry and forest industries. [More…]
The council has also established liaison with the newly formed Environmental Council. [More…]
House of Representatives and to which I have referred will ensure not only that planting each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry and financial practices but also that environmental factors will have to be considered before plantations are established. [More…]
We are also informed that the Minister for Conservation for New South Wales had ordered a full environmental study of the Boyd Plateau region which was to be considered before further planting was undertaken. [More…]
The New South Wales Government has promised to review the future of the Plateau and the Forestry Commission is to embark on an environmental study, which really is, I think, satisfactory. [More…]
It referred to 10,000 acres being felled in the Eden district in connection with the wood chip industry and the environmental damage suffered. [More…]
This was to be done by an amendment to this Bill, which provided that if the Commonwealth were to provide moneys, it should be a condition precedent to the availability of those moneys that the environmental factors should be considered. [More…]
The State shall ensure that planting during each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices. [More…]
- The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert on behalf of the [More…]
Discussions took place between Senator Cotton and myself - he representing Sir Reginald Swartz - in which it was pointed out, I think in quite compelling and convincing terms, that if we were to insert the requirement as was proposed and was executed in the amendment requiring an environmental study by an independent expert before a reafforestation programme should proceed in terms of the pending agreement, it would involve a number of things. [More…]
However, I think it was not inappropriate that, following the presentation of this Bill and the consideration of it, the Senate should express its insistence and its concern to put on record that it should be a condition precedent to the availability of this money, in terms of the agreement, that the environmental factor, as a matter of agreement and of law, should be considered by State governments which plan to proceed with forestry plantings with money made available under this legislation. [More…]
It merely puts it in other words, namely: arid shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered. [More…]
That will impose on the States the obligation, if this money is to be made available and utilised, that in terms of the agreement they shall be able to assure the Commonwealth that in their forward planning they have considered the environmental factor. [More…]
As I pointed out when speaking originally to this Bill, we members of the Democratic Labor Party have been in the very forefront of the programme for environmental concern. [More…]
It is one in which some of our members are intensely and personally interested because they serve on various national and State committees dealing with environmental protection. [More…]
That amendment attempted to set out certain things and provided that the Bill be amended by adding the words ‘The State shall ensure that planting during each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices’. [More…]
I make the point that it is quite evident that every State has been in the forefront of concern for forestry, its efficiency and its environmental aspects in past years. [More…]
The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert on behalf of the Australian Forestry Council and that the Council after considering the report of the said study has approved the particular clearing. [More…]
There is no doubt that environmental practice, so far as it relates to forestry, is of concern to everybody. [More…]
I am certain that Victoria has been very conscious of environmental problems within the State. [More…]
I am quite confident that the Government of my own State is aware of the very important environmental aspects which this Senate had the presumption to suggest should be provided for in the Bill before the allocation of money was made. [More…]
The amendment states: and shall ensure that environmental factors relating to the planting have been considered. [More…]
The State shall ensure that planting during each year is carried out efficiently and in conformity with sound forestry, environmental and financial practices. [More…]
The State shall ensure that natural forests shall not be cleared for planting softwoods unless the particular proposed clearing has beforehand been the subject of an environmental impact study made by an independent expert- [More…]
I did refer in the earlier remarks I made from information given to me by the Department that in regard to that area an arrangement was made whereby the State Minister for Conservation would have a full environmental impact study undertaken before proceeding in any way with any present plans. [More…]
Honourable senators have the acceptance of the general proposition contained in this amendment and they have the statement that the Minister for Conservation in New South Wales intends to make a full environmental impact study before proceeding with his plans. [More…]
However, we have the advantage also of having a Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and the report by the Minister for National Development, which I will not refer to in depth but which gives his observations on the environmental importance of this matter. [More…]
In view of the Commonwealth Government’s new found concern for environmental matters, will the Minister ask his colleague to use his good offices with the New South Wales Government to ensure that no park lands, least of all wilderness areas, are in any way affected by natural gas activities? [More…]
I think that the honourable senator in his question has acknowledged the fact that it is a matter for the Commonwealth Minister to consult with the State Minister because the responsibility as to where this pipeline is to go, and what impact it may have upon environmental matters, lies with the State Government of New South Wales. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government has endeavoured to initiate the Australian Environmental Council, under which these matters can be considered from time to time through the liaison which the machinery established by that Council permits. [More…]
We believe, as do many of the conservation groups, that the environmental factors have to be considered very seriously. [More…]
It is easy for man to take the easy way out and just move into these areas, but as far as we have been able to determine there has been no examination of the environmental factors. [More…]
Already, publicly owned areas abound right across our nation which would provide an opportunity to be used for the pipeline without raising the very many important environmental factors. [More…]
The whole question raised in this petition is naturally of interest to a Committee with environmental responsibilities. [More…]
An assurance was also given that persons wishing to give evidence on the environmental aspects would be welcomed by that Committee. [More…]
And whether the take-over would have adverse effects on the Government’s defence objectives, environmental protection, or regional development. [More…]
At the request of the Prime Minister all Commonwealth Departments concerned, in cooperation with State and City of Brisbane interests, are completing the engineering and environmental studies as a matter of more detailed urgency. [More…]
I will draw the attention of the State Ministers with the primary responsibility for environmental control to the honourable senator’s concern in this matter. [More…]
When will the joint environmental study of the Alligator River region in the Northern Territory be completed. [More…]
It is expected that the environmental study will be completed in September 1973; but the final report may not be available until early 1974. [More…]
The Government will be looking to a practical solution aimed at reducing the growth rates of these 2 cities very steadily by attracting people to other centres, thus providing a better distribution of population, better environmental conditions and better conditions for the conduct of trade and industry. [More…]
There ought to be provision for and encouragement of foreign participation where it is to the national advantage, and that advantage ought to be determined by tests, such as whether the investment will add to Australia’s real resources and not cause any unwanted economic effect, such as to reduce competition or to create unemployment or surplus capacity; whether the investment will ensure minimum restriction of export franchises; whether it will deplete scarce resources, cause pollution or environmental destruction or alienate Aboriginal lands; or whether it will be better served by locally sourced capital. [More…]
At end of motion add ‘ , but the Senate regrets that the Government (a) has failed to clarify whether responsibility for protection of Australian territorial waters belongs to the Commonwealth or States, (b) has not acted in a comprehensive way to ensure that Australian territorial waters are protected from all environmental threats from oil, whether they be from shipping or land based activities and including all ocean dumping and (c) has not, on behalf of the Australian people, co-ordinated management of the Australian territorial waters in the interests of the long term conservation of the Earth’s oceanic resources’. [More…]
I want to mention environmental responsibility a little further. [More…]
Paragraph (b) states: ‘has not acted in a comprehensive way to ensure that Australian territorial waters are protected from all environmental threats from oil . [More…]
He lifted the level of administrative thinking on conservation and environmental preservation; he was responsible for the most extensive anti-crime bill in United States history; he was in the forefront of concern with consumer legislation. [More…]
Since the environmental impact statement on the proposal to build on Black Mountain, Canberra, a tower for the Postmaster-General’s Department contains expenditure figures which do not coincide with those given when the Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment visited the site with PMG officers, can we have an early breakdown of the figures which appear to indicate a considerable difference in the attitudes adopted by the 2 departments? [More…]
The statement in this morning’s Press is that there will be no halt in the construction of the tower on Black Mountain for environmental reasons. [More…]
The report to the Minister states that while there are limitations on Commonwealth power by the effect of section 51 of the Constitution, there has been a readiness by the States to co-operate on this question of environmental and impact studies. [More…]
Further, as chemical processes can create environmental problems, what steps are being taken to make sure that there will be minimal pollution of the environment? [More…]
The type ultimately proposed could quite significantly affect the degree of aerodrome works and therefore the extent of any environmental problems which may result. [More…]
Does not the Leader of the Government in the Senate think that the environmental impact caused by Chinese nuclear explosions wilt, in the long term, be just as harmful to this nation as the environmental damage done by any other nation (“hat explodes nuclear weapons? [More…]
Now that the Department of the Environment and Conservation has been established, all Federal projects will be subjected to an environmental impact study prior to Cabinet’s approval for the work to be undertaken. [More…]
I assure the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate that an environmental investigation will be made of any site recommended and that the report of the investigation will have a big influence on whether the site is accepted. [More…]
Does his Department make a study of environmental matters when considering a Commonwealth project? [More…]
In view of the establishment of the Department of the Environment and Conservation and its proper interest in the environmental impact of Commonwealth public works, which possibly could cause some delay in future Commonwealth projects, what is the Government or the Minister doing to ensure that the future program of works is not delayed? [More…]
From time to time the Department of Works has had interdepartmental committees do environmental studies. [More…]
Under the present Government there is a Department of the Environment and Conservation which makes environmental impact studies on all proposals. [More…]
The occasion to which the honourable senator referred was one when an environmental study was made after the Department had proceeded with plans and the calling of tenders in relation to the communications tower on Black Mountain. [More…]
Environmental studies will be made before there is any definite move in relation to any project. [More…]
It inquired into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait islanders. [More…]
What are the psycho-dynamic, biological and environmental influences that make one man a murderer and another man not? [More…]
Has the group within the Attorney-General’s Department, announced by the Attorney-General on 7 February 1973 as ‘aimed at devising a national environmental legal code’ been established. [More…]
What is a national environmental legal code. [More…]
Division of the Attorney-General’s Department, of an Environmental and Administrative Law Branch. [More…]
This Branch will be concerned with the development of environmental law as well as general administrative law matters. [More…]
The environmental section within this Branch will comprise one Principal Legal Officer and one Senior Legal Officer. [More…]
That officer subsequently had discussions in Washington with senior United States officials and others concerning water and air pollution laws, the functions of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the operation of the National Environmental Policy Act. [More…]
He subsequently had discussions with officers of the Environmental Law Centre in Bonn (an organ of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and attended an IBM Conference on Computers and the Environment at Bad Liebenzell, Germany. [More…]
The Australian Government has already announced that it will require environmental impact statements to. [More…]
This legislation will form the basis of a comprehensive national environmental legal code. [More…]
Has the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Conservation noticed a statement attributed to the New South Wales Minister for Environmental Control, Mr Beale, calling for a national pollution monitoring network? [More…]
Has an environmental impact study been made in connection with the proposed project? [More…]
They will be able lo ensure the widest use of the natural resources present and would be accountable for the presentation of environmental impact statements on the departments. [More…]
All that the authorities will be able to do is to design the locations on the ground and ensure that by design, these cities are livable ones of the highest environmental quality. [More…]
Because of the many unknown factors in off-shore mineral technology and different environmental aspects it is not possible to specify precise permit conditions in this Bill. [More…]
Another important consideration in this day and age relates to environmental factors. [More…]
I have already mentioned the environmental factors which could give concern and to which people would wish to express opposition, say, a particular route or a particular form of construction. [More…]
Where the Parliament is being requested to fund huge operations of this character - figures as high as $2,000m have been mentioned as the public investment in national pipelines - we believe that it should have the opportunity to consider fully the policy behind the construction of the line, and to consider perhaps the environmental factors and also the economic factors. [More…]
For example, let us assume that the Authority wishes to build in an area where there is great concern for the environmental factors or for the preservation of the natural beauty or fauna of an area. [More…]
In the course of approving of the construction of the scheme no fewer than 2 select committees were formed before there was satisfaction with the economic and environmental aspects of the project. [More…]
There are the environmental factors which are so dear to the hearts of many senators, particularly some senators opposite. [More…]
The Act also provides that when these objections are heard consideration can be given to the claims of private citizens or government instrumentalities, particularly those concerned with environmental factors. [More…]
The same remarks apply to the comments regarding the environmental matter which was referred to earlier. [More…]
-The Government’s position on the environment and environmental aspects is quite clear. [More…]
environmental aspects of legislative and administrative measures which ought to be taken in order to ensure the wise and effective management of the Australian environment and of Australia’s natural resources and [More…]
The Bill is further evidence of the realisation that action must be taken to improve the environmental conditions in certain areas, to relieve undue pressure of population densities and to plan, on a national basis, regional development. [More…]
But one of the matters to which His Excellency referred was the matter of environmental research. [More…]
I hope that the new Commission will undertake environmental research, and I hope that it will draw upon the results of research which is being undertaken by a large number of commissions and committees related to other departments. [More…]
The plain fact of the matter is that as the years go on we will find that the conservation Ministry or the Ministry responsible for environmental and feasibility studies will grow. [More…]
We have to balance our environmental factors and our utility factors. [More…]
With the environmental consciousness of the people today we must get a system for justifying our advances on every occasion when man destroys the natural environment of some description. [More…]
In the initial agreement the Commonwealth wished to impose certain restrictions in relation to environmental matters. [More…]
He was quite prepared to give way in relation to environmental matters but not in relation to something as fundamental as this matter. [More…]
It is prepared to override the States in relation to the fundamental administration of the Agreement, but is not prepared to override them in relation to environmental matters. [More…]
The only objection by the States to the environmental matters was that it was only another form of Commonwealth interference. [More…]
An environmental impact statement prepared by the South Australian Government is also provided for the information of honourable senators. [More…]
Furthermore, other environmental factors and innate causes, quite unconnected with radiation, may add to the risk of developing those same injuries that might be caused by radiation, exposure. [More…]
Thus, provided there is no synergistic effect between irradiation and other factors, the total risk of injury will be the sum of “the risk from irradiation (from either natural or- man-made sources) plus the risks resulting from environmental and other cause. [More…]
Of course, the phenomenon we must recognise as having occurred in recent years has been the upsurge of community interest in local government matters, in the quality of life, in environmental matters, in rezoning, in high density developments and so on. [More…]
Is it also a fact that an underground tunnel alternative would cause no environmental damage, incur no extra cost and cause no delay in completion time? [More…]
Is the proposal that the pipe be laid on the surface an example of how Labor carries out its environmental policies? [More…]
Other drivers, normally skilful and prudent, may become involved in accidents through a momentary lapse of concentration or as a result of a combination of road and environmental conditions and hazards with which they are unable to cope. [More…]
Minister’s Department, the Department of Works, to study the environmental effect of major works prior to their being undertaken? [More…]
Ls this proposed work not the most major blunder in environmental planning that tha Labor Government has undertaken in its short term in office? [More…]
It became concerned with the environmental aspect after it was unsuccessful in receiving the contract for the job. [More…]
He possibly would be one of the men in the Parliament most concerned with environmental matters. [More…]
Senator Webster has introduced nothing new that was not before the Department in regard to the scheme, its capabilities and its environmental impact. [More…]
-Since the present Government assumed office it has decided that there will be no major projects of the nature referred to by Senator Townley without an environmental impact study being done on such projects. [More…]
Although at this stage the Government has no plan in mind in relation to the utilisation of forests, every possible step is being taken to ensure that the environmental aspects of wood chip projects are given proper consideration. [More…]
No projects are being allowed to proceed until such time as those environmental impact statements have been presented to me. [More…]
We also have the situation that as from 1 July environmental impact studies have to be presented in relation to all projects, which means that a closer examination has to be undertaken by the Committee. [More…]
It was at one stage suggested that the Committee should also carry out the actual environmental impact studies. [More…]
I think that the environmental impact studies should be taken up at a different level from that of the inspection and examination of projects by the Committee. [More…]
There should be persons with some knowledge of and ability in regard to environmental factors, for instance engineers. [More…]
We have a Department of Urban and Regional Development where all the decisions which have been taken for transport and other matters have been considered, and where even this very matter of the airport has been very carefully considered in conjunction with the requirements of wise conservation and environmental approaches as developed by Mr Uren, the Minister in charge of that Department. [More…]
On every hand the Government has been trying to overcome neglect and, incidentally, to pay attention to the reports of this Senate on environmental matters such as water and air pollution. [More…]
It was explained to the Committee that the operation of the parkway systems involved in this proposal does not depend on the proposed Molonglo Parkway which has been the subject of an environmental impact study shortly to be subjected to public inquiry. [More…]
We are subjected to added burdens of work due to environmental matters. [More…]
They attend each day’s sitting and follow through some of the environmental problems which may have been placed before the Committee. [More…]
When the Australian Labor Party Government established the Department of the Environment and Conservation did it give the people of Australia an assurance that each of the major capital works would be preceded by an environmental impact study? [More…]
It is a fact that all major projects today must have an environmental impact study and a statement before the work proceeds. [More…]
Also it must be made clear that the swearing of allegiance refers to these matters only and does not refer, as some honourable senators have endeavoured to point out from time to time, to cultural and environmental circumstances. [More…]
The Australian Government had announced that such projects are subject to feasibility studies and environmental impact studies. [More…]
On the third concern, the disposal of wastes from fission nuclear energy plants, a member argued that such plants were intended to avoid many of the environmental problems caused by the exploitation and use of traditional energy sources. [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Conservation, refers to page 257 of the Hawkesbury River Valley environmental study background report which states: [More…]
In the face of a rising sales drive by the manufacturers of the Concorde aircraft, can we have an assurance that, mindful of environmental hazards associated with this aircraft, Qantas Airways Ltd will exhibit the same caution in the procurement of this type of aircraft as has the Canadian Government? [More…]
The question of the environmental impact or consequences of the Concorde is now occupying the attention of the Department of the Environment and Conservation. [More…]
I think that before any final commitment is made we will have that report before us in order to see whether there are any environmental dangers in connection with these flights. [More…]
I recall well that the Government promised that every major capital work would not proceed until an environmental impact study had been made. [More…]
Our citizens will demand that information services will be their right in the same way that today they look upon matters relating to social welfare and environmental protection as their right. [More…]
The experience of the New South Wales authorities is that the use of these chemicals in the past has not created any environmental problems. [More…]
Certainly that would have enabled a greater expansion of housing development which would have been more congenial to the environmental development of Darwin than the land grab of some 20,000 acres. [More…]
These environmental matters tend to go on. [More…]
It is a welcome and refreshing aspect of our life that people are so concerned about environmental matters that they are prepared to do battle and to keep battling about them. [More…]
1 ) Yes, the construction program is on time on the amended program prepared by the Engineer Managers to take account of the delay arising out of the New South Wales Government environmental inquiry. [More…]
I want to address myself not to the environmental parrots- and that perhaps might be a subject for Senator Mulvihill ‘s next adjournment debate- but to the great principle that is involved in this Parliament. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment is already conducting an intensive inquiry into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and that the reference to that Committee includes the matters to which he has referred? [More…]
Finally, will the Minister for the Environment and Conservation preserve his usual masterly neutrality on this supremely important environmental matter? [More…]
in science applied as a component in other policy areas, where problems of integrating various disciplines occur, such as in environmental studies. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether there is any truth in this report and whether, as the ‘Age’ states, the Department of the Environment and Conservation will be preparing an environmental impact study on the project. [More…]
As the rest of the question referred to an environmental impact study I suggest that I am the appropriate Minister to answer it. [More…]
Under the Government’s environmental impact policy an environmental impact statement must be made on all occasions when it is necessary. [More…]
In answer to the first part of the honourable senator’s questionanother environmental question- let me say that the Australian Environmental Council has established a sub-committee on marine pollution which is examining the whole range of issues relating to the marine environment. [More…]
A standing committee of the Australian Environmental Council is meeting in Canberra today and the Ministers are to meet in Hobart on 30 November and the work of the sub-committee will be discussed at these meetings. [More…]
As I stated in a reply earlier today, a standing committee of the Australian Environmental Council is meeting in Canberra today and the Ministers will meet in Hobart on the question of marine pollution. [More…]
All new proposals must be the subject of an environmental impact study. [More…]
A public inquiry on the environmental impact will be held in Canberra. [More…]
If so will he advise the extent to which the Department of the Environment and Conservation has investigated the economics and environmental advisability of adopting the use of solar energy in this country? [More…]
They are recommendations that came from the second environmental conference, at which I had the honour to represent this country in company with a member of the present Opposition. [More…]
Ensure full co-operation among governments by strengthening the existing international and regional machinery for development and management of fisheries and their related environmental aspects, and in those regions where these do not exist, encourage the establishing of fishery councils and commissions as appropriated. [More…]
In the developing countries most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development. [More…]
In the industrialized countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialization and technological development. [More…]
A point has been reached in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world with a more prudent care for their environmental consequences. [More…]
There are broad vistas for the enhancement of environmental quality and the creation of a good life. [More…]
To achieve this environmental goal will demand the acceptance of responsibility by citizens and communities and by enterprises and institutions at every level, ali sharing equitably in common efforts. [More…]
Local and national governments will bear the greatest burden for large-scale environmental policy and action within their jurisdictions. [More…]
A growing class of environmental problems, because they are regional or global in extent or because they affect the common international realm, will require extensive co-operation among nations and action by international organizations in the common interest. [More…]
The questions that worry many people such as environmental control, pollution and other matters insofar as they are questions of international agreement are within the sovereign rights of the Australian Parliament. [More…]
There is environmental concern for these areas. [More…]
I attended a supplementary conference on environmental matters which was held at Brussels. [More…]
Whether the above Committee should report on the social and environmental aspects of all future Aboriginal enterprises financed by the Australian Government. [More…]
In view of the many complexities which the reports have revealed, a final decision on the commitment of the capital funds required will be deferred pending the preparation of an adequate environmental impact statement, study of the constraints identified by Mr Smart in his report and pilot research into the space and feed requirements of large turtles. [More…]
There is a viewpoint that environmental influences of the home and of the neighbourhood persist right throughout a person’s life regardless of the expensiveness of education. [More…]
He has recently been appointed chief chemist with the Victorian Government’s Westernport Bay Environmental Study. [More…]
He is a vice-president of the Australian Littoral Society and an author of many papers on aquatic environmental topics. [More…]
I believe that matters of concern in the Albury-Wodonga area arise mainly out of the environmental consequences. [More…]
I have no great confidence that this Federal Government would guide the matter in any way that will have respect for its pronounced views at least on environmental matters. [More…]
One has little respect for the Labor Party and its pronouncement on environmental matters when one remembers the comments that were made and the great political stunts that were carried out in relation to Lake Pedder. [More…]
The Labor Party has said it will conduct environmental impact studies before undertaking developments in city areas. [More…]
It had not even conducted an environmental impact study or wondered what would happen to the people of that area. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present a report entitled ‘Environmental Protection- the First Year’. [More…]
I bring to the attention of honourable senators that there is a 2 volume report to the Joint Committee on the first stage of the environmental study group’s examination of environmental factors at sites under investigation by the Committee, entitled ‘Report on the Environmental Impact Study Stage 1 Alternative Airport Sites for Sydney’. [More…]
A special scheme for the provision of legal aid in cases raising environmental or conservation issues is being developed in conjunction with the Minister for Environment and Conservation (Dr Cass). [More…]
The service that the Office will provide, broadly stated, will be: first, a general problem solving service of advice and assistance short of litigation to persons with an element of financial need- this will, in my view, take care of some 90. per cent of all problems that worry the ordinary citizen; and secondly, the conduct of litigation, particularly family law, environmental and other litigation in areas of special concern to the Australian Government, on behalf of persons who cannot afford the cost of representation in court. [More…]
We aim to make our judgements taking into account the full circumstances of each new project or proposal, including such factors as the size and location of the proposed project, the use made of advanced technology, marketing arrangements, environmental aspects, labour relations and Aboriginal interests. [More…]
Such an agreement will both overcome the backlog in sewerage services and provide treatment facilities at modern environmental standards. [More…]
The environmental study reported favourably on the proposed scheme. [More…]
Environmental studies undertaken by the Queensland Government, based on similar irrigation development upstream along the Dawson River, indicate that the Baralaba project will result in a significant improvement in recreational, ecological, economic and general living conditions. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Sydney City Council has expressed concern about the future of the Garden Island dockyard area and its continuing location close to the city with the resultant environmental effects? [More…]
The Council has been told, however, that in any modernisation scheme which is under consideration environmental factors will be given great consideration. [More…]
-Yes, I am told that an environmental question also is involved in the construction of the airstrip. [More…]
At this point I pay tribute to Senator Mulvihill for his advocacy of” matters in the environmental field long before any honourable senators opposite ever thought about the subject. [More…]
Does the Minister share my impression that when the Senate enacted the Softwood Forestry Agreements Bill a clear undertaking was given that the State governments would fully consider environmental responsibility in such forest expansion? [More…]
The position is that the only plantings for which a State is required to submit an environmental report under the legislation are those which are funded by the Australian Government. [More…]
I understand that the Boyd Plateau project is not funded by Australian Government money and that therefore the New South Wales Government is not required to submit an environmental statement to the Australian Government about it. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present an environmental assessment on the proposed aerodrome on Lord Howe Island. [More…]
I had in mind the oil and gas grab in Western Australia by Whitlam and the ALP Ministry; the ALP mineral policy; the Alwest disappointment; and the slur cast on the Department of Environmental Protection in Western Australia which is reputed to be the most efficient authority in that State. [More…]
Nevertheless an analysis of the solutions proposed by the Consultants together with other possibilities which may arise as studies proceed requires a great deal of work and time in order to arrive at solutions which are satisfactory in terms of economic, environmental and social values. [More…]
In presenting this second progress report, I wish to refer only briefly to the activities of the Senate Standing Committees on Social Environment in its examination of the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
The second progress report of the Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment relating to its reference to investigate the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islands and the preservation of their sacred sites has been brought forward by its Chairman, Senate Keeffe. [More…]
That, as the World resources of fossil fuels and fissionable material have a limited life and will present growing environmental problems. [More…]
A comprehensive environmental impact statement was prepared to consider the main environmental effects of the Googong water supply project. [More…]
However, the environmental impact statement identifies a number of areas which will require careful attention during the development of the project. [More…]
The Treaty deals with a matter of environmental importance to both countries. [More…]
The main objectives of the purchase of the Estate are to avoid the sudden displacing of the existing population and to avoid any disruption to existing community networks; to retain the opportunity for low income earners and families and aged people to live close to the city as part of the wider community; to improve environmental conditions and social conditions of residents of the estate and surrounding area; and to preserve the townscape and sympathetically rehabilitate it. [More…]
The National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Fisheries Council and the Australian Agricultural Council are also concerned with aspects of water quality, whilst the recently formed Australian Environment Council, in its wider role, has decided to set up a specialist committee to investigate and, where appropriate, to make recommendations for national emission standards and guides to environmental quality criteria. [More…]
Government policy can ensure that the firms in the industry adopt policies which conform with broad economic and social objectives of the Government at a lower cost by legislation in areas such as taxation, environmental and safety standards, and restrictive trade practices. [More…]
In conjunction with my Department, the Department of the Environment and Conservation has established a working group for the purposes of making a comprehensive report on the economic and environmental factors associated with the wood chip industry in Australia and also with the softwood planting program. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Conservation able to say whether the Australian Environmental Council has laid down any guidelines with respect to environmental studies associated with projects such as the Redcliffs petrochemical works in South Australia? [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a statement made by Dr John Coulter, the Vice-President of the Conservation Council of South Australia, which described the South Australian Government’s document planned for the environmental study of the Redcliffs project as ‘pathetic’? [More…]
In view of the national importance of protecting Australian waters against industrial pollution, will the Federal Government seek the cooperation of the South Australian Government to comply with the request of the Conservation Council of South Australia that a 3-month public review period be allowed to consider an environmental impact study associated with the Redcliffs project? [More…]
We were impressed by the environmental impact statement relating to this project. [More…]
It has had the difficulties of a union green ban and all sorts of difficulties which arose because of environmental concern and the threat of pollution from the Captains Flat slag dumps. [More…]
It was of interest to me that the environmental impact statement relating to this project suggested certain limitations on information which could be obtained and that the statement was the best that could be prepared in view of some of the difficulties. [More…]
Apparently conclusive statements on some of the environmental effects of the Googong project can be made only on completion of some very expensive laboratory and field tests which need to be undertaken on the site. [More…]
I express the concern of the Opposition at any pollutant or environmental difficulties which perhaps have not been foreseen or which have not been fully covered by the environmental impact statement relating to the project. [More…]
All honourable senators know the environmental difficulties involved in this project and these have been thoroughly canvassed in some detail. [More…]
An environmental impact statement was prepared in conjunction with the Department of the Environment and Conservation and it has been circulated. [More…]
Social and environmental factors will also be given full consideration in selecting projects the Australian Government will support. [More…]
I would like to have seen in more detail an environmental impact study. [More…]
The aims are said to include also the desire to improve environmental conditions and social conditions of the residents of the estate and surrounding area, but I have grave reservations that this aim will be met by the proposed legislation, at least so far as the details given to us so far would lead us to believe. [More…]
Thirdly, the Petroleum and Minerals Authority will operate in partnership with technologically qualified private enterprise, both foreign and Australian, to ensure that not only the best technological and environmental methods are used, but also to maintain both Australian ownership and public interest and responsibility at the highest level. [More…]
The report also analysed individual freeways on the basis of certain principles formulated by the Bureau for satisfactory freeway development and it takes into account economic, social and environmental matters. [More…]
We intend to ensure that detailed investigations are made into the environmental, social and economic aspects of freeway proposals. [More…]
If nothing else, those guidelines provide a significant new factor in Australian business which has not been present before and which hopefully might set an example to great Australian private industries which have not concerned themselves with guidelines such as environmental protection, the efficiency of industry generally and industrial relations policies. [More…]
As a result of what the Senate Select Committees on Air and Water Pollution did, all sorts of environmental groups have become interested. [More…]
They are: Realistic export price level and royalties, satisfactory environmental assessment and protection procedures including the protection of national parks, satisfactory negotiations with Aboriginal groups and so on, the maintenance of a dominant position for Australian ownership and control, and international control requirements. [More…]
The second point is that there should be satisfactory environmental assessment and protection. [More…]
I enter this debate primarily to make a plea regarding the justification of the regulations to control the mining industry in view of its known policy of environmental rape. [More…]
Of course, primarily this is an environmental rather than a health problem. [More…]
They have demonstrated a preparedness to act in relation to foreign affairs and environmental matters by imposing green bans and taking other action which has caused severe loss, suffering and inconvenience to the general public, has damaged the national economy and generally has not been of any particular advantage to individual members of the union concerned. [More…]
Does the Government intend to proceed with this proposal in the light of the objections and the highly critical environmental impact statement prepared by the Preston Institute of Technology? [More…]
All Government projects are the subject of investigation and an environmental impact statement by the Department of the Environment and Conservation. [More…]
The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, at the request of the Department of Northern Development, reviewed the design and cost estimates of the engineering works and an interdisciplinary panel of senior State officers examined the likely environmental impact of stage 2. [More…]
No adverse environmental consequences were foreshadowed. [More…]
Water consumption in the tropics is inevitably higher than in most southern cities because of harsher environmental conditions and the requirement of large quantities of water for the maintenance of municipal amenities, such as parks and gardens, recreation areas and street improvements. [More…]
The project was tested at public hearings of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, at legal proceedings and by an examination of an environmental impact study. [More…]
The Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court found no environmental objection to the proposal to build the tower on Black Mountain. [More…]
An important component of the program is the upgrading of trunk mains, headworks and treatment works to ensure that effluent is adequately treated to protect areas where outfalls occur from environmental degradation. [More…]
Honourable senators will see if they read the reply of the Minister for Urban and Regional Development that this Government received a proposal from Victoria relating to environmental matters connected with Port Phillip Bay. [More…]
At that time the Premier of South Australia said that the environmental studies had been made and Spencer Gulf would be safe from any possible pollution by this proposed plant. [More…]
The latest information in today’s South Australian ‘Advertiser’ indicates that the Federal Government will hold a public inquiry into the environmental implication of the Redcliffs program in South Australia. [More…]
I have had a little to do with environmental matters, particularly in recent years. [More…]
As a member of the Joint Committee of Public Works, I can state that the Committee is concerned with environmental studies conducted in relation to any project that it is examining. [More…]
Therefore, I took some interest in the environmental studies associated with the petro-chemical works. [More…]
I should correct that statement because no real effort has been made by the State Government to effect an environmental study in that area. [More…]
He was horrified when he learnt that such an industry could be established in that area without proper environmental studies. [More…]
Recently I received some terms of reference that ought to be applied to a proper environmental study of this area of South Australia. [More…]
I have handed this material to some environmental experts in South Australia who are currently assessing the terms of reference. [More…]
This amount is insignificant by comparison with the amount of mercury available from all other environmental sources. [More…]
-I understand that the reason is that certain environmental matters in relation to this scheme are still to be resolved. [More…]
I am sure that as soon as the environmental matters have been resolved there will be a further announcement on specific developments. [More…]
Redcliffs Project: Environmental Consequences Senator Wheeldon-On 30 July 1974, Senator Jessop asked me, as the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Conservation, the following question without notice: [More…]
Will the Federal Government seek the co-operation of the South Australian Government to comply with the request of the Conservation Council of South Australia that a 3 month public review period be Redcliffs to consider an environmental impact study associated with the Redcliffs Project? [More…]
The report on the environmental consequences of the proposal, prepared by the Consortium which would undertake the project, has been made available to the South Australian Government and this Government. [More…]
I do not think Australia will become an environmental guinea pig on this question. [More…]
The Minister has reported that he would welcome the operation of the Concorde aircraft on some routes which were proved by trials in order to establish once and for all whether the Concorde would be accepted environmentally in Australia. [More…]
I was formerly a member of the Senate Select Committee on Social Environment which investigated the environmental conditions of Aborigines. [More…]
Is not the Minister aware that this attitude is being taken against a background of exhaustive enquiries into the environmental impact of such a station, all of which inquiries have resulted in findings in favour of the station being built? [More…]
I ask, in the interests of balanced and sensible environmental policies under which buildings can be constructed after the necessary inquiries have been conducted, will the Minister come out and strongly support the Victorian Government’s position? [More…]
-My question, which I direct to the Attorney-General, concerns the report given by the committee investigating the environmental effects of the Redcliffs petrochemical project in South Australia. [More…]
That is, the Australian Legal Aid Office - will provide, broadly stated, will be: first, a general problem solving service of advice and assistance short of litigation to persons with an element of financial need- this will, in my view, take care of some 90 per cent of all problems that worry the ordinary citizen; and secondly, the conduct of litigation, particularly family law, environmental and other litigation in areas of special concern to the Australian Government, on behalf of persons who cannot afford the cost of representation in court. [More…]
It creates environmental circumstances and better standards of living for people in the community. [More…]
No unfavourable environmental consequences are expected from the Clare Weir development and the project could bring considerable improvements in social infrastructural facilities in existing smaller centres. [More…]
Subsequent to the establishing of the Act and the commencement of the construction an Act was passed by the Parliament of Victoria providing for an Environment Protection Authority, an independent body over which the Minister had no power of direction and which had the obligation to pass judgment upon whether government decisions and government proposals were consistent with environmental protection. [More…]
The honourable senator can bc assured, however, that in making its decisions the Government is taking into account all the environmental implications of the project, including the recommendations of the Redcliff Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The works will be established in such a way as to avoid ecological or environmental damage or pollution in the general area. [More…]
I remember clearly how I questioned Mr Dunstan during the election campaign as to what protection there would be of the environment of Spencer Gulf, especially in relation to the prawn industry, which is based on a very delicate environmental factor in those waters, and of course other factors of general pollution. [More…]
Before I leave the environmental factor I wish to remind the House that the Premier said in April before the 1973 election that the environmental question had been cleared; yet in May 1974, over one year later, a report of his own Government- of course, a report obtained under the pressure of politics in my State- under the heading of Effluents’, in part of a very large report of the South Australian Department of Environment and Conservation, said that little information is yet available on the nature and quantities of plant effluents and noise. [More…]
respective Federal Minister had to bring discipline to the question of the environment in this matter because the State Government was incapable, following the first standard that the Premier set, of looking after environmental questions of the Spencer Gulf in South Australia. [More…]
I was addressing myself to the general question which is that it is most important, firstly, at the political level that there is apparently a division within the Labor Party at the State and Federal level as to the intentions of what I thought was a very firmly held precept of the Party and, secondly, that it has been done under cover and that the public, while talking very rightly in South Australia about the environmental prospects of Redcliffs, should have this sort of thing done on the quiet without being able to answer it publicly. [More…]
This has to be done by the use of economic, social and environmental criteria applied at the national level rather than the State or regional level. [More…]
The objectives of this program are to preserve and enhance land and buildings of beauty and of historic, environmental or scientific interest as a heritage for the Australian people. [More…]
I ask: Is it not a fact that whilst the trade unions have played an important role in their quest to protect the environment and general quality of life in the working class area of Newport in Victoria, these same unions are simply spearheading a campaign on behalf of numerous environmental groups and people living in the immediate and surrounding area of the district in which the Victorian Government is insisting that a new power station be built? [More…]
It is partly a constructional one and partly an environmental one. [More…]
In future any Postmaster-General or relevant commission ought to consider the separation of the types of employment in such an organisation, and more consideration should be given to the working situations from an environmental point of view. [More…]
Let us look at the much vaunted Environmental Protection Authority which was established by the Liberal Government in the State of Victoria. [More…]
This Bill seeks to improve consideration of environmental factors in the Government’s decision making through use of the environmental impact statement technique and public inquiries. [More…]
The Government’s proposals reflect its belief that, in the past, insufficient attention has been given to environmental considerations when directions were being taken. [More…]
It is the most important piece of environmental legislation ever to be considered by the Parliament. [More…]
The environmental impact statement procedure introduced through this Bill represents a development and improvement of policies adopted by the previous Government in 1972. [More…]
That Government had required impact statements to be prepared on environmentally important proposals being considered by Cabinet. [More…]
In considering requests by State Governments for financial assistance for major development projects, the previous Government merely required assurance that associated environmental factors had been suitably investigated and taken into account. [More…]
For example, it will be used to ensure that the environmental effects of mining and woodchip proposals are thoroughly evaluated before any decision is taken on export licences. [More…]
These extensions merely use Australian Government constitutional powers which, because of the indifference of earlier government to environmental issues, were never applied. [More…]
The Australian Government will have to rely to a large extent on State Government advice in assessing the environmental consequences of proposals in which it is involved and which are being developed in the States. [More…]
Although we will be limiting the requirement in terms of the environmental importance of a proposal, we will not be Limiting its scope in terms of the type of proposal that could be the subject of a statement. [More…]
A considerable part of the Bill deals with public enquiries into matters of environmental concern. [More…]
These arrangements provided the public with the minimum opportunity to influence a decision on environmental grounds. [More…]
The statement will be required to set out the need for the proposal, the objective of the proposal, the alternative means of reaching that objective and the environmental effects of these different alternatives. [More…]
In addition, where the environmental consequences of a proposal are considered to be particularly significant, or where there is considerable public controversy over these consequences, a public inquiry will be held. [More…]
The assessment of the environmental consequences will be conveyed to Cabinet at the same time as the proposal itself is put to Cabinet for consideration. [More…]
Thus we will ensure Cabinet considers the economic, technological and environmental consequences of proposals at the same time, before any decision is taken. [More…]
The procedure will not give to environmental considerations a veto-power in decision-making. [More…]
Environmental considerations will become an integral part of the information upon which a decision is taken. [More…]
This will deal with important aspects of environmental concern, in addition to nature conservation, aimed at halting man’s unthinking degradation of the total environment, the genesis of life on this planet. [More…]
In accordance with its current practice, the Australian Government also reserves the right to consider the environmental implications of projects prior to agreeing to provide funds for those projects. [More…]
I refer to a speech that I made earlier this year at the opening of the 1974 Summer School of Environmental Qualities in which I drew attention to the fact that I felt that the River Murray Commission should have a wider representation, a bigger budget and a livelier administration. [More…]
At end of motion, add- but the Senate is of the opinion that the Legislative Assembly for the Northern Territory should not have been bypassed and that statutory authorities and voluntary environmental and conservation groups in the Territory should be directly and continuously involved in the preparation, and review of the plans of management and the administration of parks, reserves and wilderness zones within the Northern Territory. ‘ [More…]
The only thing I would like to add at this stage is some reference to the amendment which has been moved by Senator Carrick to the effect that the Australian Government has in some way bypassed the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory and that the statutory authorities and voluntary environmental and conservation groups in the Territory should be involved in these matters. [More…]
Therefore over recent years the States have passed legislation insisting that where some action is to be taken by a private or other authority there be prepared a document, an environmental impact study, and that that document be used by governments in determining whether the particular proposal should go on. [More…]
It supports the Council of Environmental Ministers which, when considering procedural matters, agreed on what should be the nature of an environmental impact study and decided that all statements should assert the need for the particular undertaking, its objective, what alternative means there are to achieve the same ends or goals and what the environmental impact might be. [More…]
As I understand it, in America environmental impact studies are mandatory before any proceedings are undertaken and the argument about them is taken before courts of law. [More…]
I might say, that in respect of Victoria, my departmental officers advise me that already they are relying very considerably on advice received from the Victorian Ministry of Conservation in assessing the environmental effects of proposals being developed in that State. [More…]
As I have said, this is the first time in Australia that there has been any statutory attempt to go nearly so far in relation to environmental impact statements as this Bill seeks to go. [More…]
The measure deals not just with pollution, not just with aesthetics, not just with environmental matters in any narrow sense. [More…]
It does seem to me that too many persons at least up to date, have taken the view that environmental matters are narrow in their concept. [More…]
In other words, environmental issues do not exist in a vacuum; they are related to the planned development of this earth and everything about it for the benefit of man. [More…]
He also- and this I think is an indication of the extent of the burden which he is prepared to assume unto himself- has included in clause 10 a provision that any person, any member of the public whatsoever, may, by notice in writing, require the Minister to inform him in writing as to what action, if any, has been taken, or is proposed, for ensuring consideration of the environmental aspects of the matter, and the Minister shall promptly inform the person in writing accordingly. [More…]
That being so, it would obviously be a matter of administrative good sense if both governments involved discussed the matter and decided whence the environmental impact study would come. [More…]
I might add that State projects for which Commonwealth financial assistance is sought will also need to be supported by assurances that all environmental factors have been considered and evaluated. [More…]
I know as far as Victoria is concerned- and this has been borne out in relation to the Newport power station environmental protection hearings- that the steps which the Victorian Government has taken have subjected the whole machinery of the executive government to the decisions of the Protection Authority and the Environmental Appeals Board. [More…]
The second aspect relates to whether or not the width of this legislation may in fact be misused in terms of the way in which the environmental procedures can be used. [More…]
‘Environmental’ has a corresponding meaning. [More…]
There is not doubt that the Commonwealth can look into the environmental aspects of any State proposal financed with [More…]
I also asked the Minister whether he was aware that this attitude was being taken against a background of exhaustive inquiries into the environmental impact of such a power station and the fact that those inquiries had been held and that all of them had been resolved in favour of the power station. [More…]
I asked the Minister whether he was prepared, in the interests of balanced and sensible environmental policies and with a view to upholding the authority of the State of Victoria, to express his strong support for the Victorian Government’s position. [More…]
But I suggest that you cannot resolve satisfactorily these environmental protection questions by simply saying that individuals can be subjected to all sorts of impositions, to coercive powers, because the environment requires that individuals must submit to those powers. [More…]
In carrying out its functions the Corporation will act within the overall objectives of the urban, social, economic and environmental policies determined by the Government. [More…]
Under this Bill, if a person is dismissed then the person who dismissed him is liable unless he can establish to the satisfaction of the tribunal that the person has not been dismissed for what might broadly be termed an environmental reason. [More…]
If honourable senators examine the definition of ‘environmental reasons’ they will see the character of the change in the onus of proof which has been imposed. [More…]
Of course, in addition it will investigate other important community issues such as emission controls, community standards and environmental impact. [More…]
I point for example to the trade practices area, the area of commercial law involving large corporations, and the development of environmental law in this country, all of which are appropriate matters whether the neanderthals on the other side of the chamber like it or not for a national judicial system and not for a judicial system of the superannuated colonies called States in this debate. [More…]
The Bureau of Environmental Studies, which is a division of the Department of the Environment and Conservation, is trying to obtain the services of an overseas authority on the subject of the water hyacinth with the intention of carrying out an urgent study of the problem in order to develop some means whereby the growth of the water hyacinth can be controlled. [More…]
I also understand that the New South Wales Department of Agriculture has made available to the Boomi Shire Council, which is responsible for noxious weeds control in the infested area, the sum of $50,000 for immediate spraying of the infestation with environmentally acceptable weedicides. [More…]
The Jordan Committee, which looked into environmental aspects, said that Adelaide was reaching danger levels in pollution. [More…]
The Committee said that there should be no more environmental corruptions by building more factories in Adelaide. [More…]
Epidemiology, clinical pharmacology, environmental and occupational medicine and other studies of the life-style factors of most importance for a long, healthy life are increasingly favoured for N.H. & M.R.C. [More…]
One might ask with regard to the obligation of the Third Schedule of the legislation why a directors’ report should include matters such as the personal and employment policies of a company, safety, health, environmental and consumer protection measures and employment statistics. [More…]
Assessment of proposals for a second bridge will involve investigations of a wide range of geological, engineering, social and environmental factors, including not only studies of possible types of road connections to the bridge. [More…]
In fact the original proposal for a 6-lane parkway was the subject of an environmental impact inquiry by Mr Commissioner Lawrence, a well qualified engineer experienced in arbitration, in September 1973. [More…]
My question, which is directed to Senator Wheeldon as Minister representing the Minister for Environment, relates to a situation in Tasmania somewhat akin to the Fraser Island mining venture and raises the question of the necessity for an environmental impact study to be undertaken on any project on which work has already begun. [More…]
The Director of Environmental Control in Tasmania, Mr Pottinger, is now saying that before this work can be finished a study will be needed. [More…]
Part of the agreement between the company and the Queensland Government is that the company must observe fairly strict environmental procedures which have been laid down by the Queensland Government. [More…]
It is not a question of the company concerned, DillinghamMurphyores Minerals, simply taking out quantities of material without regard for environmental factors. [More…]
One thinks of some of the projects that one hopes might be developed, for instance, in environmental education and other things. [More…]
I ask the Minister for the Media: In view of the announced intention of the Department of Environment to proceed with 2-minute radio commercials to inform the public about environmental issues, and the subsequent statement by a representative of private industry that it is a most unusual length of advertisement which apparently has not been available previously to private advertisers, is the Australian Broadcasting Control Board giving special consideration to the Government to enable it to broadcast radio advertisements of a most unusual length which is not available to private industry? [More…]
In presenting this general report, I wish to inform the Senate that it deals briefly with 4 references and records that the Committee has brought to an end its consideration of the reference on petitions relating to the Postmaster-General’s Department and that on environmental and ecological factors in Aboriginal advancement programs and enterprises. [More…]
With reference to environmental and ecological factors in Aboriginal advancement programs and enterprises, the Committee believes that the question of whether adequate consideration is being given to these can be considered to come within the scope of its current examination of the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
As to whether the Committee should report on the social and environmental aspects of all future enterprises financed by the Australian Government, we see no practical reasons for continuing reports by this Committee on all such enterprises. [More…]
With the examination of the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders now in its final stages, the Committee has decided that its next area of concern should be the environmental impact of the current woodchip industry program, which was referred to us on 28 November last year. [More…]
That Committee has before it at the moment a reference relating to the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. [More…]
The present runway could be extended to the south-east but again at substantial cost and with possible environmental impact. [More…]
In the non-industrial area, new developments in trade union interests and activities are concerned with worker involvement, environmental issues, foreign policy, business ventures and union amalgamations. [More…]
The increasing complexity of the social, political and industrial conditions which have been created by modern capitalism are also stimulating trade union interest in environmental issues and trade union business enterprises. [More…]
Trade union interest in environmental issues has arisen because of the growing concern about the effects of capitalism ‘s notions of perpetual economic growth and profit making. [More…]
A second feature which I think is worrying many of them- one which probably involves a shift of responsibility- is that such matters as child care centres, aged persons homes and environmental protection are slowly but surely being shifted into the responsibility of local government and are bringing with them the obvious additional costs. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators, I present a report on the investigation of the scientific, environmental and social issues relating to urban development in the Hallett Cove area, South Australia, as commissioned under the National Estate Programme. [More…]
I should think that that has in mind something like a scenery preservation association or an environmental protection association. [More…]
Has any interdepartmental committee visited Norfolk Island recently to examine the environmental impact of a proposal to upgrade the existing wartime airstrip for jet aircraft? [More…]
If so, who were the members of the committee, which departments did each represent and which of those officers is considered to have expertise in environmental matters? [More…]
-An interdepartmental committee did not visit Norfolk Island to study this matter, but some officers of the Department of the Capital Territory visited the Island and have produced a draft environmental impact statement. [More…]
As I have said, I can recall at least 10 years ago having been involved as a member of Parliament in issues which would be regarded as environmental issues or matters concerned with the preservation of the National Estate. [More…]
In the Department of Works over which I presided in the latter years there was a standing instruction that no work was to be submitted to Cabinet unless an environmental impact study was undertaken on an interdepartmental basis. [More…]
I would not say that this was an investigation into our historical and cultural structures and environmental questions because, as Senator Bonner will know, no one yet appreciates the whole of the Australian heritage, its history or how it should be preserved. [More…]
It might be said that there were State bodies and there were trusts, but although Senator Henty established an environmental committee we did not have a national committee with the responsibility of acknowledging and pinpointing the National Estate until after 1972. [More…]
The Senate, however, requests the Minister for Urban and Regional Development to initiate a review of the site of the off-take for the Western Distributor to ensure the preservation of the environmental amenity of the area. [More…]
Secondly, arising from the discussions with the representatives from the Academy of Science yesterday and accepting that there were circumstances giving rise to their apprehensions which were not earlier known to the Committee because of a misunderstanding about the progress of initiatives which that body had taken in another direction some time ago, I believe it would be reasonable to accept and support the second part of the motion, the intention of which, of course, is to review the location of the off-take point for the Western Distributor which is part of the total complex to ensure, if possible, the preservation of the environmental amenity of the area. [More…]
Until a complete investigation, an environmental study and scientific research is made to find out whether drilling can be undertaken on the Reef with safety I hope that this legislation will afford protection to the Reef. [More…]
Albury-Wodonga: National education, environmental studies, transport, agencies with a national ‘market serving’ role (e.g. [More…]
There could be arguments on environmental control. [More…]
All I can say is that as a result of the 7 proving flights a great deal of technical data has been supplied to the Minister for Transport and the other Ministers concerned.It is understood that the environmental impact statement- that is, the firm one- will be available in October, and when that is available comments from all who are interested will be invited. [More…]
This is clear from the statements that have been made and it is obvious that we can expect the use of clause 17 and other powers in this Bill to give effect to Labor Party policies in the following areas: Urban and regional development, worker participation, compulsory unionism, compensation and insurance, import policies, environmental control, standards and efficiency in research, industry restructuring and so forth. [More…]
The Minister for Environment has not directed the preparation of environmental impact statements under the provisions of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 for any of the four projects identified above for the following reasons: [More…]
Projects (a) and (b), on the information supplied at the time, were not considered to have significant environmental consequences. [More…]
Project (d) was classified as a rural arterial road under the roads legislation, and in 1974-75 all such roads were processed by the State environmental authority due to the delays in the passing of the roads legislation and the late receival of the State’s road program. [More…]
Section 6 is concerned with Administrative Procedures which will provide general rules for the application of the environmental impact statement technique. [More…]
The Act does not require the making or publication of orders relating to the preparation of environmental impact statements for specific proposals. [More…]
If the proposed takeover is judged to be not against the national interest on this basis, the following additional criteria will also be taken into account: Whether, after the takeover, the firm concerned could be expected to follow practices consistent with Australia’s interest in matters such as exports, imports, local processing of materials produced, research and development and industrial relations, including employee protection; and whether the takeover would have adverse consequences in terms of the Government’s objectives for defence, environmental protection or regional development. [More…]
For the information of honourable senators I present papers containing the Special Environmental Provisions applying to Mineral Leases Nos 95 and 102 on Fraser Island. [More…]
We have considered environmental matters. [More…]
What would be said then about foreign ownership, conservation and environmental protection? [More…]
Acquisition is necessary because the existing area is too small for company group training and also too small to allow an effective land management plan to be implemented to ensure our long term environmental protection. [More…]
I understand that an environmental impact statement is being released and the Department will certainly consider any public comments on the matter. [More…]
Environmental experts, not people just going off the top of their heads, have forecast that in a few years time much of the marine life off Saunders Beach will disappear because it will be poisoned by chemical elements going into the open sea. [More…]
3 ) Some results have been published in ‘ Rivers ‘, Pearson & Schultz, Bulletin of Environmental Contaminants and Toxicology, Vol. [More…]
Further details may be found in ‘Toxicity of Industrial Metals’ by E. Browning, published in 1961, ‘Mercury in the Environment’ (CRC Press), published in 1972, ‘Health Hazards of the Human Environment’ (World Health Orgainzation), published in 1972, and ‘Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants’, by G. L. Waldbott, published in 1 973. [More…]
The Japanese epidemics drew attention to methyl mercury poisoning as a public health problem and directed research towards the environmental pollution aspects. [More…]
Although my attention has not been drawn to reports from Finnish scientists, I am aware of studies by Swedish scientists, reported in Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. [More…]
In addition, other expressions of support have been received since the proposal was given considerable publicity following the acquisition of the site in Rockhampton and the publicrelease of the Environmental Impact Statement. [More…]
1 ) Who applied for funds to make an environmental report on the Norfolk Range in north-western Tasmania. [More…]
Did Mr Peter Sims of a firm known as Tasventure make a request or recommendation to the Minister for Environment that the Cradle Mountain Road should not be sealed until there had been an environmental impact study. [More…]
Has the Minister received any request for Australian Government financial assistance for the conduct of an environmental impact study prior to the sealing of the Cradle Mountain Road; if so, from whom was a request, or requests, received. [More…]
Has the Minister received an offer from any party to undertake that environmental impact study; if so, from whom, and for what remuneration. [More…]
I spent a lot of time with Senator Keeffe on a committee looking into the environmental conditions of Aborigines. [More…]
Firstly, the Bureau of Environmental Studies has engaged the services of an Overseas consultant, Dr D. S. Mitchell to study the problem for a 5-6 month period commencing in September. [More…]
Recently a survey party has been in the area but the further promotion of the scheme relies on an environmental impact statement that has not yet been received. [More…]
The procedure from now on will depend upon the environmental impact statement which is expected to be available soon. [More…]
Of course, the responsibility rests with the British Aircraft Corporation to provide a comprehensive environmental impact statement. [More…]
Concerning the honourable senator’s question about the River Murray, I can inform him that a working party was set up some time ago to report on a whole range of problems- pollution, erosion, flooding and environmental aspects- of the River Murray. [More…]
It is a theme which underlies many of the Government’s other aims; its plans in the social, economic, industrial and environmental fields; its plans in research and development and in law reform are all conceived with a clear recognition of the interests of.the Australian consumer. [More…]
Quite clearly, prevention of this pollution is a major environmental undertaking for the Australian Capital Territory and for the adjacent areas of New South Wales. [More…]
In not objecting to the Budget as such, it has passed certain other measures, and is about to pass an environmental issue dealing with certain pollution that is occurring. [More…]
Can the Minister give us an assurance that there will not be an environmental pack rape of that park? [More…]
I shall speak on industrial, environmental and social factors which pertain to the Northern Territory. [More…]
It should be borne in mind that the Government has made it quite clear that it is awaiting the findings of the Ranger environmental inquiry before taking a substantive decision in regard to uranium exploitation in Australia. [More…]
He also indicated -this is the point I emphasise- that no final decisions will be made by the Government until we have received the report of Mr Justice Fox who is conducting the environmental inquiry into the proposed Ranger leases. [More…]
Each must be exploited under various headings, bearing in mind the economics associated with the operation, the quantitatives and qualitative aspects of the source of energy, the life span of it, the environmental effects of the continual use of it and the need for an on-going program of research into the development of alternative sources of energy before our conventional methods are exhausted. [More…]
Let me get back to my subject matter and disregard the interjections from my environmental friend on my right. [More…]
Because of the environmental and emotional aspects related to uranium mining- transport, processing, storage of wastes and ultimate long term problems associated with the obsolescence of plants- I place a lower priority on this sort of energy than on others. [More…]
I suggest that solar energy is the most attractive environmentally. [More…]
I will go back to my subject which I am sure Senator Mulvihill, the shadow Minister for the Environment, must applaud, and that is that solar energy is the most attractive environmental source of energy. [More…]
The Institute has plans to establish an environmental energy testing laboratory. [More…]
I refer to frivolous cosmetics and health damaging cigarettes, not to mention, of course, the environmental damage which the production of many of these commodities causes. [More…]
One would have expected that they would at least have become a little discriminating in their praise of the private sector and their unqualified support for the notion that the private sector must grow, grow, grow, without any attempt to evaluate the social desirability of the commodities which that private sector is pouring out or of the environmental damage which they cause as a by-product. [More…]
-I ask the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development whether he recalls answering a question from Senator Mulvihill concerning assistance to conservation bodies seeking to place evidence before environmental inquiries? [More…]
Will the Minister indicate whether the Friends of the Earth organisation is receiving sufficient assistance to allow it to present a full submission to the Ranger environmental inquiry? [More…]
Minister has moved in with great gusto in relation to matters connected with environmental protection that have been raised by Senator Young and other people. [More…]
If we believe in co-existence between mining companies and environmentalists, this is a classic case as to how honest mining companies are and as to accepting the umpire’s decision. [More…]
Certainly, if the Victorian Government wants assistance the environmental section of my Department will be ready to help. [More…]
was very pleased to hear that you had been chosen as Opposition spokesman for environmental matters, knowing, as we do, that you have a genuine and long-standing interest in this field. [More…]
There are environmental disadvantages attendant with the by-products of nuclear fission. [More…]
It will involve consideration of immigration, decentralisation and environmental policies. [More…]
It only goes as far as suggesting that the figure of 17.5m should pose no problem as to economic capacity or environmental deterioration. [More…]
Each individual has his or her own set of priorities- environmental, social and so on- which must be weighed up. [More…]
At this environmental conference apartheid was brought in. [More…]
However, the consequence of Japan’s success is that the Japanese society has become increasingly more unacceptable in terms of the quality of life and the environmental conditions in which the Japanese people live. [More…]
The project should meet acceptable environmental standards. [More…]
Do photographs taken of the lease workings from an aircraft on 29 February 1976 show that more than 24 hectares has not been rehabilitated; if so, will the Minister cancel export licences granted by the Federal Government, on the grounds that environmental safeguards have not been strictly observed. [More…]
Indeed, as the Deputy Premier of New South Wales said earlier this week, many environmental studies of particular projects are taking place or are about to take place in that Botany Bay area and there is a great concern to ensure that what develops does take account of the environmental and regional considerations which ought to apply in that area. [More…]
I can assure the honourable senator and others who are interested that the necessary environmental assessments will be made with regard to particular projects which are contemplated for the future. [More…]
I suggest that a meeting be held at the Aurukun settlement to discuss with the Council, Elders and the people the social and environmental issues. [More…]
I have received a monumental report from my Department on the question of the Concorde, following the exposure of the draft environmental impact statement for public comment. [More…]
The proponents, the British aircraft people, have not yet presented a final environmental impact statement as they are required to do under the procedures. [More…]
May I say that the Labor Government threatened the people of Galston in New South Wales with an airport, notwithstanding that there had been no environmental assessment of that area before the announcement was made and notwithstanding that the Government of the day told the people of Galston they would get an airport, come what may. [More…]
The present Government will ensure that proper environmental assessments are carried out in all cases where the Commonwealth Government has a responsibility. [More…]
I assure the honourable senator that every Minister with whom I have discussed this matter accepts the need for a proper environmental assessment. [More…]
Indeed, the Bland committee of inquiry is expected to recommend reductions in financial commitments of the order of $ 1 ,000m in the areas which constitute the Australian Government’s social welfare and environmental infrastructure. [More…]
We have paid particular attention to aesthetics and environmental matters with the construction of this plant’, Mr Corcoran said. [More…]
Why has the environmental impact study completed by the Australian National Line on its container berth development at Botany Bay not been tabled in the Parliament? [More…]
I do not know the reason why the Botany bay environmental impact study report was not tabled in the Parliament. [More…]
I think most probably I would need the consent of my colleague Senator Greenwood, because of the environmental impact. [More…]
I think that in this area there is no occasion for unjustifiable comments because such comments destroy the objectivity which ought always to be displayed in the assessment of any environmental question. [More…]
Quite obviously, if any proposal for recycling nuclear waste were to be proposed anywhere in Australia I think it would raise the greatest concern in government and it would necessitate the most objective environmental study that could be obtained. [More…]
It took into account other environmental and social aspects such as the influence of commercial advertising on the preoccupations of school girls. [More…]
Will the Minister ensure that in examining this matter, careful consideration is given to the possible impact on the environment of Mount Taylor and that before any action is taken to construct the tower, a detailed environmental impact study is prepared? [More…]
Telecom Australia is preparing a final environmental impact statement. [More…]
Should the woodchip industry attempt to establish a pulp industry in these areas, what environmental safeguards will this Government demand to ensure the protection of the environment? [More…]
-I am aware that the woodchip industry in its various pursuits throughout Australia has raised questions of an environmental nature and that in northern Queensland such questions have been raised in the past. [More…]
I am not aware of the plans for future development but my understanding is that assuming the industry sought to establish itself in a new area it would be subject to an environmental impact study, as would any other industry, prior to its establishment. [More…]
Certainly I give an unqualified assurance that this Government will take into account environmental impacts before any decision on the Concorde is made. [More…]
The work has been described in the publication by the Commission in September 1975 of a report entitled Rum Jungle Environmental Studies’. [More…]
I gave the general assurance that, overall, the Government has a keen interest in all the environmental impacts on the question of uranium but that we would wait for the Ranger report as the Australian Council of Trade Unions will do in this regard. [More…]
Where there is a new proposal or a new development, obviously an environmental impact study is desirable. [More…]
We reached agreement in relation to environmental and conservation problems. [More…]
The Australian Government considers that the conservation, development and management of Australia’s water resources must take place in a framework, not only of development and management of resources generally, but also to overall economic, environmental and social planning. [More…]
There is a general appreciation by water authorities of the desirability of considering alternative plans for resource development using approaches, such as multi-objective planning, to reach a balance between national economic, regional, social and environmental objectives. [More…]
Pty Ltd and the Minister concerning the part of the $300m Kurnell Project which will be used for environmental protection purposes. [More…]
In relation to environmental aspects of development of Botany Bay, I refer Senator Mulvihill to my response to a question raised by Senator Gietzelt on 8 April last. [More…]
I refer to the specific assurance given by both Senator Carrick and the Minister he represents that there would be a very close examination of all environmental hazards associated with the impact of the Concorde aircraft on Australian skies before a decision was made. [More…]
What I did say, and what I recall my colleague Senator Ivor Greenwood saying, was that there had been and would continue to be detailed technical studies undertaken by various departments of the Government into the potential environmental impact of Concorde. [More…]
It is fair to say that no greater environmental impact study could have been made than that which was carried out in the United States where in recent years an immense study has been done into the whole technical and technological factors involved. [More…]
It is significant to note that as a result of that study no environmental factors of any imperative nature had been raised in America. [More…]
Will the Minister advise the Senate whether this environmental impact statement has been or will be made available to the public and to those who are expressing concern at the Government’s decision? [More…]
The second, to which I think the honourable senator has referred, is an environmental impact statement on planned Concorde operations to Australia that was prepared by the British Government in association with British Airways and the Concorde’s manufacturers, the British Aircraft Corporation. [More…]
The third is the submissions from the public and environmentalists on the Concorde’s operations into Australia. [More…]
My understanding is that the environmental impact statement was made by the British Government itself, that in its preparation and in the whole of its journey up to the drafting stage, which we understand is its final stage, there was continuous association between this Government and the British Government, and that that knowledge was available to both departments. [More…]
I understand that both departments received submissions from the public and from environmentalists, and evaluated them. [More…]
Essentially the report rests on the British environmental impact statement, together with the 2 streams of testing that have been done in Australia. [More…]
Our environmental policy takes up the difficult issues of pollution monitoring, waste management and noise controls. [More…]
Senator Greenwood and officers of the Department have had a series of meetings with State Ministers and officials with responsibilities for environmental matters: for the land commissions and growth centres; for sewerage activities, population settlement and for a number of other activities. [More…]
By way of preface I refer to the rather unusual decision of the Minister for Transport in relying heavily on United Kingdom environmental criteria to permit nights of the Concorde aircraft into Australia. [More…]
In view of my frequent representations in relation to the Jamaica environmental conference about ozone displacement, what has been done to have our committee of cancer experts to bring down a report on the displacement of the ozone layer, with specific emphasis on the southern hemisphere? [More…]
On Tuesday, 1 June 1976, 1 asked a question about the availability of the British environmental impact study in regard to the use of the Concorde aircraft. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether an environmental impact study was carried out by those concerned and, if so, whether the results were made available to the public? [More…]
The Minister assured the Islanders that the arrangement will seek the best way to preserve the Islanders’ livelihood culture and traditional way of life, including freedom of movement on the waters of the Torres Strait and environmental protection for the whole area. [More…]
The times taken for each ofthe stages would be significantly affected by such things as size, cost, complexity, environmental considerations and the approvals mechanisms. [More…]
1 ) Officers of the Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development, the Department of Northern Territory and the Australian National Railways met in Alice Springs on 3 1 May to discuss the draft environmental impact study relating to the future location of the Alice Springs Railway Terminal. [More…]
I quote first from an article in the New Scientist dated 26 June 1975 under the heading The Danger of Environmental Jitters. [More…]
Scientists who encourage public fears on the basis of incomplete or ill-digested evidence constitute a serious environmental problem. [More…]
The discovery of a new environmental problem unfortunately often brings with it both claims of imminent disaster and bland denials that the problem exists at all. [More…]
The attitude of the Government is that it should not make final policy decisions on uranium development before the Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, presently being conducted under Presiding Commissioner Mr Justice Fox, is received. [More…]
Financial assistance for the promotion of World Environment Day in Australia was provided from a fund administered by the Australian Environment Council which comprises State and Commonwealth Ministers responsible for environmental matters. [More…]
1 ) The project, which is known as the Three Bays Multidisciplinary Environmental Project, has received support since 1974 under the Australian Research Grants Scheme. [More…]
1 ) Have large tracts of mangrove swamps been destroyed in the Cairns Inlet area in northern Queensland by the building of a retaining wall to prevent entry of salt water; if so, was an environmental impact study carried out and the results made available to the public. [More…]
Accordingly, no environmental impact statement under that Act has been prepared. [More…]
The first is that the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry by Mr Justice Fox has not yet been completed. [More…]
Proper attitudes, sound planning, and enlightened decision-making, taking account of all the facts, is the whole basis of responsible environmental protection. [More…]
They show also our concern to work with the States and the voluntary bodies, and indeed with the whole community for the improvement of environmental and conservation standards. [More…]
-I present the report of the Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders on the reference relating to the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites, together with a copy of the official Hansard transcript of evidence taken during the inquiry. [More…]
Can the Minister representing the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development give assurances that the fear of subsidy strangulation that is held by major conservation groups is unfounded and that such groups who operate as environmental vigilantes will not have their operations curbed in the face of mounting mining industry pressures? [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition in this chamber, Senator Keeffe, who preceded me in this debate, and I have been in agreement in the past on environmental issues. [More…]
There are sound environmental arguments for biological rather than chemical control of insects. [More…]
Environmental protection is something of the past. [More…]
I have here a copy of the Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organisation Environmental Research Bulletin of May 1976. [More…]
I enclose for your information a document headed Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- Summary of ACF Position ‘and dated 10 August, 1976. [More…]
The idea I am getting across is that on 8 April I tabled in the Senate the report of the Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders on the environmental conditions of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites. [More…]
I mention it for the simple reason that it was the first and only indepth study of the environmental conditions of Aboriginals in the Commonwealth in nigh on 200 years. [More…]
Members of each of those Parties sat on the Committee and looked into the environmental conditions of Aboriginal people. [More…]
The report is entitled The Environmental Conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and the Preservation of Their [More…]
Will the Minister ask his colleague in the other place to list this subject on the agenda for discussion with State environment Ministers at the next meeting of the Australian Environmental Council, if that is the appropriate forum, with the object of introducing appropriate legislation in the States and the Commonwealth to deal with this important matter? [More…]
However, policy decisions will have to await the outcome of the Ranger uranium environmental inquiry. [More…]
However, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is quite a part of the research into environmental matters and indeed it is part of the world investigation into this problem of air pollution and pollution of the environment generally. [More…]
The Government will be concerned, pending its consideration of the final report of the Fraser Island environmental inquiry, to ensure the maintenance of the environmental safeguards previously adopted in relation to exports of D.M. [More…]
Also it would not wish to pre-empt the final report of the environmental inquiry. [More…]
He pointed out that every effort would be made, when finalising the detailed alignment of the new highway, to take account of the environmental and sociological issues identified in the report, especially the possible effects on the Aboriginal population in the immediate vicinity of the new highway. [More…]
Since the data confirm the detailed findings contained in the report of the Senate Select Committee inquiring into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, I ask: Can the Minister indicate what action is proposed to deal with the problem. [More…]
Has the Federal Department of the Environment, Housing and Community Development been involved in any environmental impact assessment of this proposal to date? [More…]
Further, has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a report on page 3 of today’s Sydney Morning Herald in an article entitled Woodchips Showdown Today’ that the Federal Government is withdrawing from the field of environmental impact inquiries? [More…]
As to the final question, if and when there is any change at all in the policies of the Federal Government regarding environmental impact studies, that will be announced. [More…]
An environmental impact study was released at this hearing and this was our first chance of knowing what was envisaged for our area. [More…]
Incidentally, I have not been able to obtain a copy of that environmental impact study from the Minister. [More…]
The environmental report stated that when they use explosives, buildings up to 1000 metres from the area may suffer damage. [More…]
Why should my family and myself be told by two people making an ‘environmental study’ for Darra tell us, in our own home, that we ‘took the land from the blacks’ and were given to understand that it was therefore OK for a company to take it from us. [More…]
The Barrister who represented the group assured me that if this were an ordinary Court of Law, the evidence produced by the farmers would have certainly won the case as Darra ‘s environmental study was the worst researched study he had ever seen. [More…]
At this hearing an Environmental Impact study was released and was the first chance wc had of seeing what was planned for our area. [More…]
Results of the present survey do not allow comment on the economic aspects of quarrying and transportation of limestone from this area, but it is noted that problems of flooding of workings appear to be minimal and the area is remote from permanent habitation, an environmental aspect of significance when large-scale quarrying operations are involved. [More…]
Appendix 7 to the Bracewell Environmental Impact Study on Proposed Limestone Quarries, Mt Larcom-Bracewell Area. [More…]
The State will be required to carry out an environmental study into the impact of agricultural chemicals used in irrigated agriculture, mainly cotton, in the Namoi Valley, and the Commonwealth will be consulted on the overall scope of the study. [More…]
In the first report made public by the Fox Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry it was indicated that, while the green light was given for the mining and milling of uranium in Australia under certain conditions, the mining of uranium in the Northern Territory could not be commenced until the second part of the report was made public. [More…]
My understanding is that the Government is not at this moment in a position to indicate precisely when the second part of the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry will be made available. [More…]
My understanding is that although the commissioners were not required to do so by their terms of reference they pointed out in the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry that they had been asked to suggest where the boundaries of the National Park should be, having in mind proposed and possible mining operations. [More…]
It established an authority of 3 members, who were prominent in the environmental and scientific field, to supervise a consultative committee of up to 18 persons. [More…]
I refer to the results of the Hookey-Hicks environmental inquiry into sand mining on Fraser Island which stated that the only area where sand mining should be allowed is a small area below the mean high water mark on the eastern beach. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of recent criticisms by environmental groups that the National Parks and Wildlife Service has been stripped of most of its staff and ‘restricted to being purely an advisory body to State authorities’? [More…]
Mr Chairman, you will appreciate that I am relating this to environmental matters because this is an island which I visited some 8 years ago with my nautical friend, Senator Devitt. [More…]
I also was worried when I read that the South Australian Minister for the Environment, Mr Simmons, had requested that a further environmental study be made before work proceeded. [More…]
I was a member of Senator Keeffe ‘s committee when we carried out our major study of the environmental conditions of Aborigines, and when under Senator Bonner we completed that study. [More…]
Associated with the Committee’s investigation were extensive environmental studies by a technical committee comprising representatives from Commonwealth, State and local governments. [More…]
Based on those studies the then Department of Civil Aviation prepared a document entitled ‘Environmental Impact Statement for the Development of Brisbane Airport’ March 1 973 as a report on the environmental aspects of the alternatives considered by the Advisory Committee and as part of a submission to the Government in 1 973. [More…]
It was therefore decided that the public review of the environmental impact statement should be postponed pending the outcome of the Bureau of Transport Economics and consequential studies. [More…]
An environmental impact statement covering the preferred scheme will be prepared at the appropriate time and published in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974. [More…]
That matter finds sympathy not only with me but also with members of the Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders on which I served for some considerable time and which was looking into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. [More…]
That the use of uranium as a source of energy is currently unacceptable as it presents problems including radioactive waste, military implications and environmental degradation. [More…]
In the long-term it is proposed to site other works in this area- of about 9 hectares- which like the tannery have the potential to cause some environmental problems. [More…]
We were assured by officers of the Department of the Capital Territory that in the construction and operation of any plant to be developed in the area, laws for environmental protection would be rigidly enforced. [More…]
Can the Minister say whether the development of the project would justify the enormous financial and environmental costs when compared with the development of other areas in South Australia which already have sound economic bases, such as Mount Gambier, Millicent, Whyalla and Port Augusta? [More…]
The aim of decentralisation, if it is to be truly achieved, is to establish areas to which people want to go, spontaneously, and to which, because of the environmental circumstances and the natural attributes of the area, people have a natural desire to go. [More…]
The two heroes who emerge are Mr Sinclair, who led a very difficult crusade, and Dr Moss Cass, who pioneered the legislation relating to environmental impact studies. [More…]
Normally, expenditure of Commonwealth funds would require the preparation by the States of environmental impact statements on the proposed plantings. [More…]
Moreover, the Australian Government was already committed to supporting 2 Government candidates for senior positions in other areas- one for the United Nations environmental program and the other for the Conference on Science and Technology. [More…]
To preserve areas and buildings of historical, social, cultural, ecological or environmental significance, the Liberal and National Country Parties will: [More…]
Provide funds for the States to assist in the preservation of areas and buildings of historical, social, cultural, ecological and environmental significance. [More…]
Our approaches to the environmental question and to the protection of the national estate and a number of other matters obviously had a very big impact on the electors at that time. [More…]
The Fox report on the uranium environmental inquiry indicated that there ought to be a wide-ranging public discussion on the subject. [More…]
Will this mean that parts of our heritage may be destroyed in tot07 Ir this context I refer to recommendation 3 of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Proper attitudes, sound planning, and enlightened decisonmaking taking account of all the facts, is the whole basis of responsible environmental protection. [More…]
That the use of uranium as a source of energy is currently unacceptable as it presents problems including radioactive waste, military implications and environmental degradation. [More…]
I notice the Bill provides that in the first instance the State will be required to carry out an environmental study into the impact of agricultural chemicals used in irrigated agriculture, mainly of cotton. [More…]
So the first question I direct to the Minister is: There is a requirement that the State must carry out an environmental study, but how long will it take and will the results be made public? [More…]
Of course we have the bald statement that the State will be required to carry out an environmental study. [More…]
Senator Mulvihill raised the question of the environmental study which is to be carried out in relation to the impact of agricultural chemicals in the irrigated area that is to be developed as a result of the weirs that will be established on the Namoi River with the finance provided in this legislation. [More…]
I am advised that the environmental study will cover the impact of wildlife, particularly the sexual habits of the waterbirds, in that area, for which I am sure we are most relieved. [More…]
I do not know whether the expert mentioned by Senator Mulvihill will be associated with that study, but certainly the points Senator Mulvihill made and his reference to that gentleman will be taken into consideration by the respective governments concerned with the implementation of the environmental study. [More…]
Why are copies of the report entitled Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry in short supply at the present time, and in fact unavailable from the Australian Government Publication Centre in Brisbane. [More…]
Given the difficulties, particularly the environmental problems, associated with the development of nuclear energy, can the Minister say what priority the Government attaches to the development of solar energy and other alternative energy sources? [More…]
North and South America, regions of enormous wetlands importance, are seemingly tapping their heels, a situation which could have serious consequences because in those continents development pressures are high and, particularly in some South American countries such as Brazil, environmental sensitivity and responsibility demonstrably low. [More…]
The Convention is unique in that it requires the signatories to modify land use for environmental reasons. [More…]
Immediate consideration should be given to providing financial assistance to the States for the regeneration of hardwood areas in a way that ensures the maintenance of forest diversity and other environmental values. [More…]
In addition the AEC has recently decided to develop recommendations on comprehensive policy measures for the assessment and control of environmentally hazardous chemicals. [More…]
This decision is strongly supported by the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development Consultations are being initiated between Commonwealth departments covering environmental, health, agricultural and other relevant interests to develop a co-ordinated input to this activity. [More…]
Promoting greater opportunity to incorporate water resources planning and management within the framework of comprehensive economic, environmental and social policy at the local, regional and State levels. [More…]
Providing a basis for multiobjective planning and management, in which not only the objective of economic efficiency is taken into account but also the objectives of environmental quality, regional economic development, and social well-being. [More…]
I do not think that he was referring to this project in particular but he made the general comment, and I think that there would be general agreement with the comment, that in the past many water conservation projects have been spawned in haste without any real investigation as to results which might flow- not just the economic results but especially the environmental ones. [More…]
I often think that so much of what might be called the current environmental movement was, if not spawned- if that is the right word- certainly given a great deal of assistance and publicity as a result of the work of that Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Air Pollution. [More…]
They gave a very great impetus to the whole environmental movement in Australia. [More…]
I think the Senate ought to remind itself occasionally that through those 2 committees it has given the environmental field an enormous push along. [More…]
Unfortunately, Mr Virgo did not add that some of that delay- all of the delay as far as I am aware- arises from the fact that the State roads programs for the future should be covered by a State environmental report and that, at that meeting in Melbourne, the required environmental report statements did not accompany the roads programs. [More…]
Quite properly, I think, he must require State environmental departments to submit an appropriate accompanying report to give him a clear indication that the roads programs have no environmental problem associated with them. [More…]
In accordance with Aboriginal wishes the Government has amended the Bill to provide for a report by the Ranger Environmental Inquiry to be treated as if it were a report on the traditional land claim to the Ranger area. [More…]
I believe that we have no alternative but to go ahead and look for further energy sources, and in that regard perhaps I could quote from the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in which Mr Justice Fox deals with nuclear energy and alternatives. [More…]
But what is more important is that we can have a conservation of energy policy and we can have a national energy policy, which is recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- by the Fox inquiry- in recommendations 12 and 14 and which no one in this country seems to like to quote. [More…]
But in those countries serious environmental problems have been raised and serious environmental questions have been asked. [More…]
I would regret it if the arguments about the export of a few thousand tonnes from Mary Kathleen, which will make no difference to the world ‘s attitude to nuclear power and which will make no difference to the supplies which go to Japan, West Germany and the United States, should become the basis of the very real argument which Mr Justice Fox and the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry have brought up. [More…]
The second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry should further illuminate particular issues. [More…]
Does the Australian Atomic Energy Commission contribute to the payment for the environmental rehabilitation of this river. [More…]
I enclose for your information a document headed Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry-Summary of ACF Position’ and dated 10th August, 1976. [More…]
They are environmental rapists- the whole of the Mining Council. [More…]
This is the point; those people have no environmental morality. [More…]
The first recommendation of the first report of the Fox Environmental Inquiry states: [More…]
My suggestion to the Government is that we ought to be considering in this context the establishment of a marketing authority to ensure that proper provisions are carried out with respect to the supply of uranium to non-proliferation treaty countries and to countries which are bound to observe the international environmental standards as laid down. [More…]
The recently published Fox Ranger uranium environmental report goes a long way in pointing out the hazards, fears and misunderstandings associated with the nuclear power industry. [More…]
All this indicates clearly that the economic advantages of the nuclear industry have not been established, not to mention the environmental and health hazards associated with this industry. [More…]
JUSTICE Fox and the two commissioners from the Ranger environmental inquiry have attacked the Government over its interpretation of the Fox report. [More…]
It was this very Ministerial statement issued by Mr Newman on the Ranger uranium environmental inquiry that sparked off a debate in Parliament on Tuesday, with one government backbencher. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- the Fox Inquiry- look at the fossil fuel problem. [More…]
The Senate is discussing- and I think that would be the context in which we ought to be dealing with this important matter- the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry which means we discuss nuclear energy and uranium mining. [More…]
In particular he ignored the postscript of the report which dealt with the findings of the United Kingdom Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution which speaks of the very questions that he raised. [More…]
As one of the representatives of this Parliament on the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, as a member of the committee that worked under the chairmanship of Senator Keeffe to examine the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, and as a member of the committee which under the chairmanship of Senator Bonner brought in the report on the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, it gives me a special pleasure to be able to take part in this debate. [More…]
They are also contrary to a report of the bipartisan Senate committee which inquired into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and which recommended a redrafting of this Bill now before us to re-establish Commonwealth power over all Aboriginal land. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that the Government recognises the recreational, educational and environmental value to the Canberra community and to the National Capital of the bushland of the Mount Ainslie, Mount Majura area of which the foothills form a vital and integral part and that the Government takes measures to ensure that there is no residential, commercial, roadway or other urban infrastructural development beyond that which already exists on these foothills and that the Government takes measures to ensure the preservation of this area as a nature reserve for the benefit of the present and future generations. [More…]
They were also used as testing grounds for the application of new ideas in architecture and environmental design in relation to Aborigines. [More…]
In these tests, liaison is maintained by the chemical plants with the relevant State emergency and environmental health agencies. [More…]
Is the Minister for Science aware of evidence given in the recent Fox inquiry which indicated that adverse environmental effects would result from the generation of electricity by solar methods? [More…]
Can he inform the Parliament of the alleged adverse environmental effects? [More…]
On 25 March 1976, in terms identical to the original resolution, the Senate resolved that the matter of the environmental impact of the woodchip industry be referred to the Standing Committee on Science and the Environment created on 2 March this year. [More…]
This task has not been made any easier by the lack of detailed, researched information which pervades the whole area of ecological and environmental study in Australia. [More…]
Having examined and weighed the evidence presented to it, the Committee concludes unanimously that, even though clearfelling for woodchips poses a number of environmental problems, curtailment of the current woodchip industry program is not warranted at this time. [More…]
The Committee considers that some of the more immediate environmental problems are well recognised and are capable of being acceptably minimised by the proper application of management prescriptions currently laid down by the various State forest authorities. [More…]
Other environmental problems, particularly those relating to soil nutrients, wildlife preservation and conservation of genetic characteristics, are less well understood, and require further research to identify their true nature and magnitude. [More…]
The Committee is concerned at the potential for environmental damage represented by the present absence of control over felling operations m private forests. [More…]
The total environmental impact of woodchip operations cannot be fully assessed at this time because of the large number of inadequately researched factors to be taken into account. [More…]
Empirical observations, coupled with experience and some research, tend to indicate that in the sort term, present operations in relatively restricted areas are acceptable provided environmental prescriptions are observed. [More…]
The reasons for the proposed construction of the Molonglo Arterial roadway at this time are, broadly: to allow Canberra to continue to develop in accordance with the strategy followed since the mid 1960s and reinforced by follow up studies in 1973; to allow the continued development of a rational transport system; to relieve traffic congestion which will be serious by 1980 when the roadway opens; to alleviate the adverse environmental effects of traffic intrusion into built-up areas of Woden and Inner Canberra, including the National Area and Civic; and to reduce air pollution build up in Civic by clearing traffic more efficiently. [More…]
Private vehicles travelling between adjacent towns use direct arterial roads; those travelling elsewhere use the peripheral parkway system for speed and environmental reasons. [More…]
Many residential streets in Woden, Deakin, Yarralumla, Forrest, Red Hill, Belconnen, North Canberra and the Australian National University will suffer the environmental ill effects of these diversions. [More…]
The arterial will not have any physical and environmental effect on the existing Botanic Gardens. [More…]
1 ) As part of the Environmental Impact Hearing and the Gazettal Hearing conducted by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Capital Territory, all sections of the community were invited to comment and advertisements were placed in the local press to this effect. [More…]
Does this forecast assume the implementation of a national program for energy conservation, as recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The estimates concerned were prepared before the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry was established and, therefore, do not take account of any of the findings and recommendations in the First Report of the Inquiry as such. [More…]
Memorandum- Assessment of Environmental Impact-1973-Department of the Capital Territory. [More…]
Preliminary Survey of Possible Environmental Impact of Parkes Way Extension- 1973- Ecological and Resource Planning Consultants. [More…]
Molonglo Parkway- Environmental Assessment Assessment- 1 973- Rankine and Hill. [More…]
Molonglo Parkway- Environmental Impact Statement- 1 973-NCDC. [More…]
Molonglo Parkway, Report on Environmental Aspects- 1973- Peter Spooner. [More…]
Molonglo Parkway Proposal- A Report on the public inquiry into its environmental impact- 1973- Department of Environment and Conservation. [More…]
Although the Nuclear Power and Reactors Division’s activities extend beyond the promotion of nuclear power to activities such as nuclear safety, environmental protection and information and technical services, its total expenditures have been listed in the following table. [More…]
1 ) and (2) In evidence to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry on 8 April 1976, the Government indicated that there had been discussions between potential producers of Australian uranium and the Department of National Resources on future uranium marketing arrangements. [More…]
Apart from the measures announced on 11 November 1976 by the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development, the Government’s attitude is that policy decisions in relation to the further development of the Australian uranium industry will have to await the outcome of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
That massive environmental degradation of Lake Burley Griffin’s foreshores will occur if the proposed Molonglo Freeway is constructed; [More…]
By way of preface, may I remind the Minister that the final recommendation of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry’s first report was that no decision be taken in relation to the mining and milling of uranium until a reasonable time had elapsed and there had been an opportunity for the usual democratic processes to function. [More…]
As a matter of long term environmental management it is important, and it is intended, that the situation at Maralinga be kept under regular and close review. [More…]
The Minister is not to exercise any of those powers unless it is necessary to do so for purposes of safety or environmental emergency. [More…]
Have any environmental organisations opposed the changes. [More…]
When was the Queensland Government first informed of the Federal Government’s decision relating to the recommendations of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
As far as I am aware, the Queensland Government never formally advised the Commonwealth Government that it would not present a submission to the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Although no submissions were received from the Queensland Government the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry had before it as exhibits a number of State Government documents, including mining lease special conditions and the Survey of Fraser Island-Round Hill Head ( 197 1 ). [More…]
That massive environmental degradation of Lake Burley Griffin’s foreshores will occur if the proposed Molonglo Freeway is constructed; [More…]
The Government’s attitude is that discussions on the further development of the Australian uranium mining industry should await the second part of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The Committee was not seeking in any way to escape from the responsibilities which it had, but it did take the opportunity to point out that the matter of Aboriginal education was being considered at that time by the Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders as part of its inquiry into environmental conditions. [More…]
That massive environmental degradation of Lake Burley Griffin’s foreshores will occur if the proposed Molonglo Freeway is constructed; [More…]
Before a final decision is made by the Minister a number of other considerations have to be taken into account, including costing and environmental studies. [More…]
Could the Moreton Island Land Use Inquiry in Queensland have been held under the auspices of the Environmental Protection Act, to avoid the need for two separate inquiries, one to satisfy the State Government, and one to satisfy the Federal Government. [More…]
I draw the honourable senator’s attention to paragraph 7.2 of the Environment Protection Administrative Procedures which requires that in deciding whether to direct that an inquiry be conducted in relation to a proposed action, the Minister shall take into account whether all or any of the environmental aspects of the proposed action have been the subject of a public inquiry conducted otherwise than under the Act. [More…]
Can the Minister say whether the River Murray Commission has been asked for advice in the preparation of an environmental impact statement by that company? [More…]
It is of major significance to all those interested and concerned in an environmental way that there should be monitoring, planning and above everything else the avoidance, the prophylaxis necessary. [More…]
What is the full text of the former Prime Minister’s letter, dated 9 July 1974, to the Premiers of Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia, informing those States of new environmental impact arrangements to be observed when seeking approval for export contracts for sand mining products. [More…]
Was this incident cited as evidence in the recent Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
No decisions have been taken on the development of these projects as the Government’s attitude is that policy decisions in relation to the further development of the Australian uranium industry will have to await the outcome of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Global economic, social and environmental questions have assumed major prominence. [More…]
Can he indicate how and where public debate is being followed by this task force in the light of the restricted printing of the first report of the Fox Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry? [More…]
After reading the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry First Report. [More…]
It includes members working in the academic fields of demography, economics, sociology, medicine, urban and environmental studies and foreign policy. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the recent completion of the work, ‘Environmental Sculpture’, of West German sculptor Herbert Hajek at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide and the widespread dismay amongst South Australian artists who claim that Australians should have been consulted before a South Australian Government commission was offered to a foreign artist? [More…]
Peko-Ez told me they sought legal advice for two reasons, the first because of the continued uncertainty surrounding development of Australia’s uranium resources exacerbated by the uncertain outcome of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, and, secondly because of the delay in reaching agreement with the Government on the terms of stockpile borrowing. [More…]
As regards the first point, it is well known that the Government’s attitude is that final decisions on the further development of the Australian uranium industry will have to await the outcome of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Has the Minister seen the results of any feasibility and environmental studies in relation to the proposed project? [More…]
No such proposal has been received by the Federal Government at this time, nor has the Federal Government received any results of any feasibility information or environmental studies from Dow Chemical. [More…]
From the standpoint of long-term environmental management the most important of the extensive facts recorded in the report relate to the burial of some 20 kilograms of plutonium. [More…]
Sections 5.6 ‘Sandmining on Fraser Island: Methods of Mining’ and Section 6.3 ‘The Environmental Aspects of Sandmining on Fraser Island: The Natural EnvironmentFlora’ of the Commission’s final report provide a documented reply to this question. [More…]
Which should have priority for attentionlow achievement, low motivation, parental and home influences, or other environmental influences affecting child development? [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for National Resources or, alternatively, the Minister representing the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development aware that, as reported in the Herald of 71 March 1977, Australia recycles only a small fraction of used automotive and other lubricating oils and that most of the used oil is either dumped or burned, often with adverse environmental effects? [More…]
Does this statement not conflict with the conclusion of the Fox committee that there are no environmental problems associated with the processing and mining of uranium provided that proper management techniques are observed? [More…]
Some weeks ago I asked the Minister what steps the Government had taken to put into effect the recommendation of the Ranger uranium environmental inquiry that there be broad public discussion of the matters raised. [More…]
Consequently the Senate passed a motion moved by Senator Steele Hall, that the variation to the city plan should be approved, but it requested: the Minister for Urban and Regional Development to initiate a review of the site of the off-take for the Western Distributor to ensure the preservation of the environmental amenity of the area. [More…]
The Academy’s aspirations to develop a precinct of science academies is accordingly not threatened and a mutually acceptable engineering solution has been found to afford reasonable environmental protection to the existing Academy buildings. [More…]
1 ) Has an environmental impact study been carried out by Magellan Petroleum Pty Ltd on the proposed establishment of an oil refinery near Alice Springs. [More…]
I am advised that a report on an environmental study, carried out in connection with a proposal to establish an oil refinery near Alice Springs, was submitted in evidence to the Royal Commission on Petroleum. [More…]
In addition it is anxious to receive reports of congenital abnormalities where an environmental teratogen is suspected. [More…]
1 ) Does the First Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommend that a national energy policy should be developed and reviewed regularly. [More…]
General energy matters including coal, electricity generation, conservation of energy and environmental aspects of energy. [More…]
1 ) Does the First Report of the Ranger Environmental Inquiry recommend that a program of energy conservation be instituted nationally. [More…]
1 ) Does the First Report of the Ranger Environmental Inquiry recommend that steps should be taken immediately to institute full and energetic programs of research and development into (a) liquid fuels to replace petroleum and (b) energy sources other than fossil fuels and nuclear fission. [More…]
To the contrary a number of reports have been produced in recent years, including the 1972 Report to the UN General Assembly on the ‘Effects of Atomic Radiation’; the 1976 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Report on ‘Estimated Population Exposure from Nuclear Power Production and Other Radiation Sources’; the 1973 Report of the United States Environmental Protection Agency on ‘Environmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycle’; and the United Kingdom Royal Commission on ‘Environmental Pollution on Nuclear Power and the Environment’; all of which give objective and comprehensive assessments of the environmental and health impact of the nuclear power industry. [More…]
However, if further development of the Australian uranium industry does take place, the Government has indicated in evidence presented to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry on 8 April 1976 that it intends to ensure that there is orderly development of Australian uranium resources and that an oversupply situation, with consequential reduction in world prices to Australia’s disadvantage, is avoided. [More…]
The criteria for making this examination specifically include environmental aspects. [More…]
If a firm proposal is brought forward, the need for the preparation of an environmental impact statement will be considered in accordance with the Environment Protection Administrative Procedures. [More…]
1 ) Has Queensland no specific legislation covering the use of environmental impact statements. [More…]
Will a decision taken by a recent meeting of the Minerals and Energy Council result in State Governments taking responsibility in future for the preparation of environmental impact statements on new mining developments. [More…]
If the answers to (1) and (2) are in the affirmative, what action does the Federal Government intend taking to ensure that adequate environmental impact statements on new mining projects are prepared by the Queensland Government. [More…]
How many copies of (a) the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry; (b) the report of the Inquiry into Australian Broadcasting; and (c) the Green Paper on Immigration Policies and Australia’s Population, were made available for distribution respectively to (i) members and senators; (ii) the Australian Government Publishing Service for sale to the general public; (iii) public libraries throughout Australia; and (iv) libraries of universities and other tertiary education institutions throughout Australia. [More…]
This has meant that that Division has concentrated more on matters related to the environmental management and the social implications of land resources policy and management, and the management of agricultural resources. [More…]
Because all relevant environmental matters have been dealt with in the working group and steering committee reports previously undertaken, these will constitute the environmental impact statement which is required. [More…]
The Minister for Transport, in writing to Mr Virgo, has suggested that in order to expedite the implementation of the environmental requirements officials from Mr Virgo’s Department, Mr Nixon’s Department and Mr Newman’s Department should meet as soon as possible. [More…]
Stuart Highway cannot be made until consideration of the outcome of public comments, the environmental requirements are unlikely significantly to delay commencement of construction on a new route. [More…]
Fuel costs, environmental considerations and the ever increasing costs of the vehicles themselves will mean that consumers will be unwilling to buy large vehicles or replace them as regularly. [More…]
In recent times both the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and the Royal Commission on Petroleum have commented on the lack of any recognisable energy policy in Australia. [More…]
If so, what are the details of the cost involved; (b) how many persons will be employed in (i) establishing and (ii) operating the camp and; (c) will an environmental impact statement be undertaken before the national fitness camp proposals proceed. [More…]
As the Commonwealth is not involved in the establishment of the camp, the question of an environmental impact statement at the Commonwealth level does not arise. [More…]
When a draft environmental impact statement is released, are copies available in each of the State offices of the Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development. [More…]
If so, (a) what facilities are available in each State office of the Department for the public to read and make comments on environmental impact statements, (b) where are all State offices of the Department located, and (c) which draft environmental impact statements are currently under review, and where are copies available for perusal. [More…]
Copies of draft environmental impact statements are normally made available in the State office of the Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development when the proposed action, the subject matter of the impact statement, has an effect in the State concerned. [More…]
A draft environmental impact statement in relation to proposals by Harris-Daishowa (Australia) Pty Ltd concerning the export of woodchips from Eden, NSW is currently available for public review. [More…]
However, the Ordinance will empower the Minister to prohibit open fires and the burning of refuse where meteorological conditions would cause an adverse environmental impact. [More…]
On 2 March 1976 the Standing Committee on Science and the Environment was created and on 25 March the Senate resolved that the matter of the environmental impact of the woodchip industry be referred to the new Committee. [More…]
In conformity with its terms of reference, the Committee concentrated its attention on the immediate environmental impact of woodchip programs, that is to say, the impact on soil, air and water and on forest fauna and flora. [More…]
Concern for the environmental consequences of the woodchip industry was evident in 1971 when the first shipment of woodchips to Japan was made from Eden in New South Wales. [More…]
Even so, formulation of an objective opinion on the environmental aspects of the industry is hampered by a general lack of researched knowledge on the nature of Australian forests, their soils, streams, fauna and flora. [More…]
To recapitulate, the Committee concludes that whilst a number of environmental problems exist, curtailment of the woodchip industry program is not warranted on environmental grounds at this time. [More…]
Other environmental threats, notably those relating to soil nutrients, wildlife preservation, and conservation of genetic characteristics, are less well understood and require further research to identify their true nature and magnitude and to determine ways to counter them effectively. [More…]
Because of the abovementioned environmental threats, any indiscriminate extension of clearfelling for woodchips outside the boundaries of present concession and licence areas would be viewed with concern. [More…]
Schemes to make economic use of sawmill waste and silvicultural residues including thinnings from existing sawlog operations have environmental as well as economic benefits. [More…]
The Committee is concerned at the potential for environmental damage represented by the present absence of control over felling operations in private forests. [More…]
The total environmental impact of woodchip operations cannot be fully assessed at this time because of the large number of inadequately researched factors to be taken into account. [More…]
Empirical observations coupled with experience and some research tend to indicate that, in the short term, present operations in relatively restricted areas are acceptable provided environmental prescriptions are observed. [More…]
Among other things it recommends that no export licences be issued to new woodchip projects, other than those intending to use only waste from genuine sawlog operations, until such time as the environmental problems outlined in the report are resolved. [More…]
It further recommends that renewal of existing export licences or requests for an increase in quantities to be exported be conditional upon meeting various criteria, including effective implementation of environmental protection measures, assurance of adequate regeneration, and conservation of soil nutrients. [More…]
It will be recalled that, following the release of the first report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, the Government announced in the House on 1 1 November 1 976 that it supported the Inquiry’s view on the need for the fullest and most effective safeguards on uranium exports. [More…]
As the Government has repeatedly emphasised, this remains a matter for consideration following receipt of the final report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
In this respect the Government’s policy introduces a requirement additional to those recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in its first report. [More…]
In respect of this requirement also, the Government’s policy extends beyond the recommendations made by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in its first report. [More…]
This requirement is additional to those recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in its first report and reflects similar concerns to those expressed by the Inquiry in relation to reprocessing. [More…]
These requirements also translate into concrete policy measures concerns expressed by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
For this reason, although the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in its first report did not make a recommendation on this matter, the Government has decided that it is desirable that, as a standard practice, a clause should be included in any future contracts for the export of uranium from Australia noting that the transaction is subject to safeguards as agreed between the importing country and the Australian Government. [More…]
It builds on the preliminary thinking of the Government described in testimony to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry last year, as well as the recommendations of the first report of the Inquiry itself. [More…]
On the one hand there are environmental and conservation aspects, and on the other important questions involving financial consideration for the industry. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the recent completion of the work, Environmental Sculpture’, of West German sculptor Herbert Hajek at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide and the widespread dismay amongst South Australian artists who claim that Australians should have been consulted before a South Australian Government commission was offered to a foreign artist? [More…]
The ‘Environmental Sculpture’ was commissioned and funded by the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust and the Commonwealth Government was not involved. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for National Resources or, alternatively, the Minister representing the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development aware that, as reported in the Herald of 2 1 March 1977, Australia recycles only a small fraction of used automotive and other lubricating oils and that most of the used oil is either dumped or burned, often with adverse environmental effects? [More…]
On the one hand there are environmental and conservation aspects, and on the other important questions involving financial consideration for the industry. [More…]
My question which is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development, is based on future environmental assessment procedures. [More…]
There is one other matter I want to raise and that is the matter of the tabling of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report in the Parliament today. [More…]
The task of the Commissioners was to conduct an Inquiry into all of the environmental aspects of the making of decisions by or on behalf of the Commonwealth Government in relation to exportation from Australia of minerals extracted from Fraser Island. [More…]
Have discussions commenced between officers of the Commonwealth and the States concerning the future environmental assessment of mining projects following the resolution adopted at the recent meeting of the Australian Minerals and Energy Council. [More…]
Regulation of logging operations on Fraser Island is a State responsibility and I note that the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry found the present system of closely supervised sustained yield logging on the Island to be consistent with maintenance of its environmental quality. [More…]
436, concerning legislation covering the use of environmental impact statements, when is the review of the respective roles of Commonwealth and State Governments likely to be completed. [More…]
What is the full text of the letter reputedly criticising the Federal Government’s interpretation of the findings of the Ranger Environmental Inquiry, sent to the Minister by the 3 Commissioners of the Ranger Inquiry, and referred to in the article entitled ‘Fox Commissioners Join in Attack on Government’ by Judith Hoare, which appeared in the Financial Review dated 30 November 1976. [More…]
The firm objective of the Government is that mining and environmental policies will be administered in close consultation with the States. [More…]
The Commonwealth is discussing with the States the operation of environmental protection measures, and, in particular, the need to avoid duplication and to assist planning by industry, by ensuring that environmental assessment satisfying both Governments is undertaken at the earliest possible stage. [More…]
Environmental Impact Statements (Question No. [More…]
1 ) How many announcements have appeared in the Australian Government Gazelle announcing the release of a draft environmental impact statement in each year since the proclamation of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act. [More…]
1 of these Procedures that the availability of a draft environmental impact statement is required to be notified in the Gazette. [More…]
and (3) The following table lists the date each draft environmental impact statement was notified in the Gazette as available for public review, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6.3 of the Administrative Procedures under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974; The newspapers approved under that paragraph in which the proponents were to announce the release of the draft EIS; and the number of advertisements either published or approved to be published in those newspapers: [More…]
The Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development has directed that public comments should be sought on the environmental aspects of each route. [More…]
I preface my question by reminding the Leader of the Government in the Senate that last week he indicated that he would endeavour to set aside sufficient time this week for debate to take place on the nuclear safeguards statement and on the Fox Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry second report. [More…]
Today many honourable senators will have received telegrams from bodies such as the Australian Conservation Foundation asking that amendments be introduced in relation to this legislation so that legal aid will be available to participants in environmental law issues. [More…]
The figures still remain higher than the national average and the downward trend may be a reflection of improvements in curative medicine and some aspects of preventative medicine, both of which will require association with improved environmental and social conditions before any significant decline towards the national average can be expected. [More…]
The Code of Practice was accepted as an authoritative document by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Enquiry. [More…]
Is Quail Island (a) the subject of an Aboriginal land claim and (b) a turtle breeding ground which should be subject to environmental protection. [More…]
Further studies have been undertaken into this and other environmental aspects. [More…]
This debate is on the Second Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, commonly referred to as the Fox Inquiry, and also on the ministerial statement brought down by the Government on 24 May headed ‘Nuclear Safeguards- Government Policy’. [More…]
Believing that (having regard to the present unresolved economic, social, biological, genetic, environmental, and technical problems associated with the mining of uranium and the development of nuclear power, and in particular to the proven contribution of the nuclear power industry to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the increased risk of nuclear war; and the absence of procedures for the storage and disposal of radioactive wastes to ensure that any danger posed by such wastes to human life and the environment is eliminated), [More…]
It was the Whitlam Labor Government which commissioned the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry because we have thought about energy resources and alternatives to oil and uranium for a long time. [More…]
A similar statement appeared in the earlier British Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. [More…]
The elimination of Michigan from the study is likely to tone down the environmental controversy which resulted when federal officials announced in March 1976 that salt caverns below the Alpena- Rogers City area were being studied as a possible dumping site. [More…]
The first deals with the general aspects of the mining of uranium and the usage of uranium, and the second deals primarily- I emphasise ‘primarily’- with the environmental aspects of the mining of uranium in relation to the Ranger mine in the Northern Territory. [More…]
If we turn to the use of coal we will have great environmental problems. [More…]
The second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry which deals with environmental aspects states that under certain conditions of the environment we can export uranium. [More…]
The Ranger Inquiry concluded that if these recommendations and others were adopted the environmental consequences of mining could be kept within acceptable limits. [More…]
On the other hand, if the plan we propose is accepted, and the various matters we recommend in relation to it, and to the mining operation themselves, are carried out, the adverse environmental consequences of the proposal can be kept within acceptable limits. [More…]
I feel that I am not biased in any way in reading and interpreting the second report to say that it has given the green light if we abide by the environmental recommendations set down. [More…]
We have taken to heart the call of the first Fox report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry which, as Senator Douglas McClelland reminded the Senate, recommended that no decision on the mining and export of uranium be taken until a reasonable time had elapsed and there had been an opportunity for the usual democratic processes to function, including in this respect parliamentary debate. [More…]
-At present we are debating the second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
An American medical specialist, Dr Leonard Sagan, Assistant Director of Environmental Health at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic, California, who has supervised numerous medical studies of the bomb survivors told a Los Angeles engineering and science seminar last April: [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry reported: [More…]
-The Senate is debating the second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and the ministerial statement on nuclear safeguards. [More…]
But it has emerged and my colleagues have drawn attention in some detail to what the environmental inquiry found. [More…]
I believe it may have been Senator Melzer who earlier today referred to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution under the chairmanship of Sir Brian Flowers which reported to Her Majesty’s Government in Great Britain in September 1 976. [More…]
The generation of electricity from coal is associated with environmental damage far in excess of that which has occurred or which would occur from uranium use. [More…]
I wish to make some comments about the situation in the United States because the United States Commission on Population Growth and the American Future has done some valuable work in looking at population trends in the light of social and environmental circumstances. [More…]
During this stage all the environmental aspects of the proposed development will be taken fully into account through the environment protection administrative procedures to ensure that the Commonwealth environmental legislation is complied with. [More…]
An environmental impact statement will be required in time to enable it to be adequately examined prior to the granting of any production licence. [More…]
Concern is expressed sometimes about the establishment of such a petrochemical industry but many environmental impact statements have been carried out in relation to this complex. [More…]
The environmental consequences would be quite serious because the technology that is used in that factory is the mercury cell technology which creates tremendous environmental problems. [More…]
The petrochemical works at Redcliff would be using the diaphragm cell technology which has no environmental problems. [More…]
The person concerned put forward a proposition to me that this deposit could be mined by a very acceptable environmental technique of leaching the ore body. [More…]
A comprehensive environmental impact statement for the site accompanied the Cabinet submission. [More…]
The Department of the Environment and Conservation which assessed this statement noted the amount of technical detail supplied and advised that it was satisfied that the environmental issues of the proposal had been adequately covered. [More…]
Since the tabling of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry’s first report on 11 November 1976, there has been a wide-ranging debate inside the Parliament and in the public arena. [More…]
It looked at both the world-wide and the local regional environmental issues associated with the mining and export of uranium: the issues of nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear safeguards; the contribution of nuclear power to world energy requirements; the economic implications of uranium export for Australia. [More…]
The Government is now satisfied that the environmental control and industrial health measures proposed by the Inquiry and accepted by the Government, will provide proper regulation and control. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry report stated that total renunciation of intention to supply Australian uranium was not justified and was undesirable. [More…]
The vast uranium reserves of the Alligator Rivers Region are located in an area of environmental and Aboriginal significance. [More…]
It was an operation which reflected environmental attitudes of 25 years ago which Australians would not tolerate today. [More…]
The Ranger project will proceed subject to the full range of environmental controls recommended by the Inquiry. [More…]
It is completely in accord with the recommendations of the Ranger Inquiry and will provide a proper and adequate basis on which uranium development will proceed so as to harmonise the interests of development, environmental protection, National Park values and Aboriginal welfare. [More…]
In coming to this conclusion, the Government is satisfied that the comprehensive and interlocking administrative arrangements I have already described, which will govern development, will provide the necessary protection of environmental, Aboriginal and National Park values in the course of development and operation of Ranger. [More…]
Subject to satisfactory completion of the necessary environmental requirements and conclusion of arrangements with the Aboriginal people, the Government will take a decision on development of the Nabarlek deposit by Queensland Mines Limited. [More…]
The existing deposits are at different stages of investigation and there will of course be different environmental and other requirements necessary in each case. [More…]
Subject to satisfactory completion of the necessary environmental requirements, the Government will also take decisions on the development of projects in the States. [More…]
In coming to these general conclusions on Nabarlek, Jabiluka, Koongarra, on development in the States and on the question of sequential development, the Government is conscious that particular decisions must await the outcome of environmental procedures. [More…]
The Government believes it is not appropriate at this stage to come to decisions which could pre-empt environmental consideration or foreclose the Government’s intention to take decisions in full knowledge of facts that may arise at a later stage, including the careful monitoring we will maintain of the overall impact of activity on the Region. [More…]
When it took its decision to proceed with uranium mining under the stringent safeguards already announced, the Government gave the most careful consideration to the views of Aboriginal leaders as recorded in the Second Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and to the Inquiry’s recommendations on Aboriginal interests. [More…]
I will also outline some of the major environmental issues considered by the Government in taking its decisions. [More…]
In taking its decision on uranium mining, the National Park, and Aboriginal land rights, the Government has been guided by the two reports of the Ranger Environmental Inquiry commissioned under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act. [More…]
As I stated in the House of Representatives on 2 June 1977, ‘the two reports taken together represent a major contribution not only to Australia but also to international understanding of the environmental consequences of the uranium industry in the broadest terms as it affects mankind ‘. [More…]
Principally because of the wide-ranging nature of the Ranger Inquiry, I have decided that the environmental impact of a number of the matters considered by the Government and announced today have been adequately examined and taken into account. [More…]
The Ranger Inquiry has identified the major environmental issues and has made recommendations accordingly. [More…]
To adopt strict environmental controls and standards in relation to uranium mining in the Alligator Rivers Region. [More…]
In the first finding of the Ranger Inquiry the Commissioners took the view that the environmental effects of uranium mining could be adequately regulated and controlled. [More…]
The disposal of nuclear waste and the potential environmental problems which this could pose have been matters of public concern. [More…]
The responsibility for disposing, in an environmentally responsible manner, of waste arising from nuclear power generation in countries abroad, is a matter for those countries which generate electricity by nuclear means. [More…]
As the Prime Minister has said, the issue of nuclear waste disposal has been examined by a number of eminent independent authorities including the British Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, the Ford Foundation and the Ranger Inquiry. [More…]
These elements will be based, where possible, on existing international and overseas codes, and will assist in making environmental protection practices and procedures developed overseas more widely known in Australia. [More…]
Environmental standards, procedures and practices will be specified in the uniform Code. [More…]
The Ranger Inquiry has noted the environmental problems that resulted from uranium mining at Rum Jungle. [More…]
The establishment of a National Park in this Region is central to the findings of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
This was seen as a means to minimise adverse social and environmental impacts which might occur with the development of mining. [More…]
Before any mining proceeds we need to be assured that any social and environmental effects are acceptable, having in mind the overall impact of development in the region. [More…]
The Second Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommended that environment protection of the Alligator Rivers Region could be accomplished in two ways, of which the establishment of a major national park was the first. [More…]
These recommendations relate to environmental supervision, research, and the establishment of standards, monitoring and administrative arrangements. [More…]
The Government has decided to appoint an officer, to be known as the Supervising Scientist, to exercise a supervisory and integrating role over all research and monitoring programs associated with environmental protection from the hazards of uranium development in the Alligator Rivers Region and to advise on the specific environmental requirements for the Ranger project. [More…]
As recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry the Supervising Scientist will be responsible to myself as Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development and I hope to announce an appointment in the near future. [More…]
The purpose of this body will be to provide the Supervising Scientist with a small number of highly qualified research staff to assist in the development and management of the multi-disciplinary integrated research programs that will be necessary for environmental protection of the region. [More…]
This Committee will co-ordinate the formulation of standards and procedures and control measures for environmental protection in the Region. [More…]
Before such decisions are taken the Government will need to be satisfied about the acceptability of the environmental impact on the Region of the development of the mine concerned. [More…]
The application of the Act to other mining proposals in the Region will ensure that the Government will have all the facts on the environmental implications of these proposals when decisions on them are required. [More…]
As the national Minister concerned with the environment I believe the thrust of the many recommendations of the Inquiry to be entirely consonant with proper environmental protection, and it will be clear from my statement today that the Government takes a similar view. [More…]
My colleague, the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development (Mr Newman), has in addition outlined the environmental controls to be adopted by the Government and he briefly referred to some of the health aspects of these. [More…]
This Code deals with radiation protection aspects only and is not concerned with the other potential hazards or with the broader environmental issues already elaborated on by my colleage, the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development. [More…]
The Code was accepted by both this and the previous Government and was submitted in the evidence my Department gave to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
While the Code does not deal with the broad environmental issues of mining and milling of radioactive ores, its provisions are to be applied by operators of mines or mills in the context of comprehensive environmental studies made with respect to any proposal to mine or mill radioactive ores. [More…]
That, without prejudice to the inquiries or findings of other Parliamentary Committees which have yet to report to Parliament, consideration be given to the co-ordination of studies of the total environmental pollution problem- that is air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. [More…]
The second, the Australian Environment Council, was established in 1971 with the aim of promoting common standards on environmental matters throughout Australia. [More…]
Existing divisions of the CSIRO, such as the Division of Atmospheric Physics or the Division of Environmental Mechanics, are active in the study of the influence of air pollution. [More…]
A notable and encouraging move in this direction was the recent creation of the New South Wales Planning and Environmental Commission. [More…]
The foregoing discussion highlights some of the environmental effects that can accompany technological change. [More…]
The passing into law of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974-75 has helped greatly in providing a basis for formalising environmental assessment requirements into statutory power. [More…]
I would like to mention several active bodies in air pollution control in addition to the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority. [More…]
I have examined the environmental impact statement for the third northern power station in South Australia to be built by the Electricity Trust of South Australia at the head of Spencer Gulf, south of the city of Port Augusta. [More…]
They were required to consider the inter-related social environmental, economic and technical aspects of the project. [More…]
The oxides of sulphur and nitrogen go into the upper atmosphere and can have an additional effect on the ozone layer that is so important as an environmental shield to the earth. [More…]
1 ) How many copies of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry First Report were printed, and at what price was it sold to members of the public by Australian Government Publishing Service bookshops. [More…]
How many copies of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report were printed, and at what price was it sold to members of the public by Australian Government Publishing Service bookshops. [More…]
A. Heath and Partners Critique of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
694 (Hansard), is it a fact that the Terms of Reference for the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry restrict the Commission to a consideration only of sand mining; if so, was the Commission justified in making the observation referred to by the Minister. [More…]
The Terms of Reference of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry, which are set out in full on page 24 1 of the Final Report of that Commission of Inquiry did not restrict the Commission to a consideration only of sand mining. [More…]
Australia recycles only a small fraction of used automotive and other lubricating oils and that most of the used oil is either dumped or burned, often with adverse environmental effects. [More…]
On the one hand there are environmental and conservation aspects, and on the other important questions involving financial consideration for the industry. [More…]
The environmental issues fall within the responsibilities of the Victorian Government and I note you have made representations to them in this regard. [More…]
What the company was able to achieve at that stage in taking 3.5 million gallons of the total amount of waste oil was a real contribution in environmental terms. [More…]
An Army exercise using ground troops, aircraft and armoured vehicles is being conducted on the range in September 1977 to assess the financial, logistic and environmental implications of military operations in the area. [More…]
Would this be in line with recommendations in the Ranger Uranium Environmental Report and the Government ‘s enunciated policy to increase research in this field. [More…]
You have a staggering problem of both cost and environmental danger in regard to what to do with the temporarily stored, the nuclear waste much of which is in liquid form, you know like 74 million gallons of the stuff, which has a life of anywhere from 1,000 years to 250,000 years. [More…]
Have the Government and its inter- departmental committees finished their study of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That section 87A(2) of the Northern Territory Mining Ordinance 1939-1976 should be amended so that a uranium mining lease may be forfeited by the Administrator without a recommendation from the Atomic Energy Commission ‘. [More…]
Am I correct in saying that in the proceedings of Estimates Committee C the Minister and his officers asserted that the present environmental impact statement code is the same as under Ministers Cass and Berinson? [More…]
If the answer is in the affirmative, can the Minister assure me that the residual powers of the Government in relation to the banning of exports where environmental procedures are not followed have been retained? [More…]
My understanding is that the ingredients of the environmental impact study remain unchanged. [More…]
Mr Nixon said that when public comments on the environmental aspects had been considered he would decide which route should be developed. [More…]
I think that particular environmental study has been completed and I understand that some announcement has been made by Mr Virgo with respect to it. [More…]
1 ) Did the Minister state that there exists a high departmental priority for the implementation of recommendation 44 ofthe Report ofthe Senate Select Committee on the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, a recommendation calling for adequate rehabilitation facilities and follow-up programs for discharged Aboriginal prisoners. [More…]
Perhaps it is necessary to go in boots and all in regard to environmental standards. [More…]
A great deal has been done to reduce some of the previous environmental hazards associated with the use of coal. [More…]
Mr Justice Fox was the Presiding Commissioner of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry established by the previous Government. [More…]
Mr Justice Fox, with his background and experience in this field-so well demonstrated by the breadth and quality of the reports of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- has indicated that he is prepared to accept this task, a task which is most important for Australia. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report; ‘Consideration to be given to the need to amend the Land Rights Act to enable Aboriginal land to be leased to the Director of National Parks and Wildlife for the necessary term.’ [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘An opportunity to be given for claims to be made and determined under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in respect of the land formerly part of Mudginberri and Munmarlary (including Jabiluka). [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report; ‘An agreement to be reached with the Northern Land Council, and any other Aboriginal group it is thought should be consulted, respecting the basis on which the Aboriginal land to which we have referred and Woolwonga, are to become part of a national park. ‘ [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committee finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to create a Land Trust or Land Trusts under sections 4 and 1 1 ( 1 ) of the Land Rights Act, and the Governor-General to grant the land under section 12. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘Amendments to be made to the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act to enable Aboriginal Land to become pan of a national park, and land rights claims to be made and dealt with notwithstanding that land has become pan of a national park’. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendations made in the Fox Report: ‘Consideration to be given to amendment of the Land Rights Act to enable the land shown on Map 16 within the line edge blue thereon (apart from alienated land within that area and the site of the regional centre) to become the subject of a Land Trust or Trusts ‘. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: That section 40 ( 1 ) of the Land Rights Act should be amended, so that the prohibition against granting a mining interest without consent will certainly include the common case of mining leases being approved by the administrator, but not formally granted ‘. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: That consideration be given to amending the Land Rights Act to remove problems associated with the lack of survey of land boundaries which arise when it comes to establishing a Land Trust, and giving registered title to the land. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That Mudginberri and Munmarlary pastoral leases be resumed, and that opportunity be given for Aboriginal land claims to be made and determined in respect of those areas. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That a decision that mining should proceed at Ranger be taken in conjunction with decisions respecting Aboriginal land rights and the national park’. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘Once an Aboriginal Land Trust is established which includes the Ranger mining area, negotiations to take place between the Northern Land Council and Ranger respecting the terms and conditions to which section 43 (2) of the Land Rights Act refers.’ [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report; ‘That the Land Rights Act be amended so as to move the southern boundary of the Ranger Project Area, as delineated in Schedule 2 of the Act, further away from Aboriginal sacred sites.’ [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made by the Fox Report: ‘Legislative action to be taken to enable the Director and the Northern Land Council to enforce environment protection provisions, particularly by way of injunction to restrain or compel action, and to give the Supreme Court a wide discretion as to the exercise of its jurisdiction in such cases’. [More…]
Have the Minister, the Government and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘Either under that Act (see section 50 (4)) or as part of a plan of management under the National Parks Act, the situation of the Aboriginal people who reside on Mudginberri to be appropriately secured ‘. [More…]
1 ) Have the Minister, the Government, and interdepartmental committees finished their deliberations on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report); if so, when is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation made in the Fox Report: ‘That Aboriginal health workers be trained to work among their own communities ‘. [More…]
1 ) When is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): ‘That the guidelines developed by Justice Woodward for Aboriginal participation be applied to the planning and management of the whole of any national park, which is established in the region, even though part of it may not become Aboriginal land’. [More…]
1 ) When is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): ‘That there be no activities associated with mining in the national park for the time being’. [More…]
1 ) When is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): ‘That the park plan for management provide for the preservation of Aboriginal sites, and any program of preservation should provide for the participation of Aboriginal people ‘. [More…]
1 ) When is the Government likely to implement the following recommendation from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report (Fox Report): That a major national park be established in the region. [More…]
This brings me to my last point, the need for more research on, and greater use of, alternative energy sources, such as has been advocated by the environmental lobby in regard to the wider use of solar and wind power. [More…]
But in this instance people found themselves out of work because of an environmental issue. [More…]
In the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry report it was made quite clear that, if a decision were to be made about Fraser Island, it was not a decision which should be financed by the people of Fraser Island or the people of the Maryborough district. [More…]
Despite petitions and delegations, personal compensation to the employees was not considered necessary, even though the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry recommended this. [More…]
There have been precedents in other circumstances, but to our knowledge, this is the first time people have been thrown out of work on environmental grounds. [More…]
There have been precedents in other circumstances, but to our knowledge, this is the first time people have been thrown out of work on environmental grounds. [More…]
They believe that in their circumstances, having been thrown out of work because of a decision which was made on environmental grounds, there is a strong moral case for them. [More…]
One might recall that the Queensland Government itself refused to appear before the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
I would just like to quote part of the Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry report. [More…]
-Senator Messner has said that it may be an environmental masterpiece. [More…]
A critical factor will be the availability of survey information to fix boundaries of the park and those areas that are to be excised as recommended in the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and subsequently agreed on by the Government. [More…]
Clearly, in any large group of individuals such as a trade union, while there might be agreement about traditional union goals, the scope for disagreement about other issues- political, social, cultural, environmental- may be as great as the diversity amongst individuals in an organisation. [More…]
The Australian member of the Task Force was Professor Stuart Harris, Head of the Resources Group, Centre for Resources and Environmental Studies, Australian National University. [More…]
That awaits the receipt of public comments on environmental aspects and on the new routes proposed by the CommonwealthState study. [More…]
the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry; [More…]
the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- [More…]
The two conditions precedent were: Consideration of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and a report by the Interim Aboriginal Land Commissioner. [More…]
In addition, suggestions have been made that further environmental control should be introduced by reducing the lead content in petrol. [More…]
When Mr Whitlam signed the agreement with Peko Mines Ltd it was subject to the findings of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and the Joint Committee on Aboriginal Land Rights in the Northern Territory. [More…]
The committee is examining the effects of a permanent bridge at Dowsings Point in terms of traffic flow, environmental consequences and the implications for Hobart ‘s future development. [More…]
As Senator Button said, in the last two years or more while he has been engaged on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry the work which he normally would have performed as Chief Judge of the Australian [More…]
We have prepared the way for uranium mining and for development of the North West Shelf gas reserves, by the provision of assurances to potential developers and by the appropriate safeguarding of environmental and other interests. [More…]
At both the level of the individual firm and at the national level, inter-fuel substitution is likely to impinge upon national and regional policies other than energy policy, and some degree of conflict is inherent, particularly in respect of environmental objectives, economic efficiency, industry and employment policies, and with energy conservation itself. [More…]
That they strongly oppose the proposed residential development of an area generally known as Section 22 Yarralumla, which includes the undeveloped area between Yarralumla Bay and Hopetoun Circuit, for environmental reasons and because the open areas of the foreshore, which could be required for future recreation purposes, could be seriously depleted in an area already showing the need for increased provision of picnic grounds. [More…]
Honourable senators will be aware that the Commonwealth’s role in respect to protection of the environment and conservation is essentially concerned with national policies, and that the States have the authority and the responsibility for the development and implementation of programs that deal with environmental issues at the grass roots level. [More…]
In most cases it is the States that have the legislative powers to monitor and enforce environmental standards. [More…]
A recent initiative pursued by the Government through the Australian Environment Council is the decision to move towards comprehensive and co-ordinated regulation for the export and import of environmentally hazardous chemicals. [More…]
The responsible State and Commonwealth Ministers have agreed to the establishment of a national body to assess the environmental effects of potentially hazardous chemicals and to recommend the appropriate controls to Federal and State authorities. [More…]
I understand the difficulties experienced by Leroc Oil Co. Pty relate to an inability to penetrate the market, combined with environmental factors. [More…]
The Prime Minister, in his statement of 9 February 1978, indicated that the Government would do everything in its power to ensure that the Ranger project was developed as quickly as possible, subject to meeting the necessary constraints, social and environmental, and protecting Aboriginal interests in accordance with the Government’s decisions announced last August. [More…]
How can we avoid the vision splendid of the Kakadu Park being involved with a series of mining enclaves which will destroy the whole concept, quite apart from increasing the environmental difficulties? [More…]
Perhaps I can help the honourable senator in this way: As he will know the Government has decided to allow the Ranger project to proceed on the basis of the environmental controls recommended by the Ranger Inquiry, that is the Fox report. [More…]
I know that he has been involved with environmental groups. [More…]
This is a little like the environmental impact statements which have become part of the planning process of Australian government. [More…]
No doubt the question of environmental protection would also be raised, and this would be a considerable cost. [More…]
This amendment was approved, of course, by a majority of people but it was strongly disapproved of by others on the grounds that political parties in their growth, development and in their response to various environmental circumstances can undergo some changes, and indeed some strange changes. [More…]
Everybody, except perhaps Fraser, his cohorts, and his few supporters in the Parliament, would accept the proposition that improvements in the quality of life are needed in activities such as helping handicapped and disadvantaged citizens, adapting education to ensure personal fulfilment, improving working and playing conditions in the cities, extending modern amenities to rural areas, and reducing environmental decay. [More…]
An environmental committee of the Federal Parliament reports that evidence suggests that outback airstrips are used for smuggling, illegal export of exotic birds et cetera. [More…]
Is the Minister for Administrative Services, bearing in mind the touchingalthough I am sure genuine- concern he expressed yesterday for both the looming energy crisis and the state of the taxpayer’s pocket, aware that Australian Design Rule 27a relating to motor vehicle emission control has had a damaging effect on both these areas far outweighing its environmental value? [More…]
The tests which are currently being carried out there are particularly important so far as environmental conditions are concerned. [More…]
Marine environmental protection. [More…]
Under various laws, international agreements, and conventions, the Coast Guard is charged with the prevention of damage to the marine environment and the enhancement of environmental quality. [More…]
It is an environmental inquiry and an integral element of the process by which the British Government will consider a further installation for its nuclear industry. [More…]
What is needed is a national water quality reference document of the kind published by the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States of America in the publication entitled Quality Criteria for Water’, which is quite a large document. [More…]
An editorial headed ‘The River Murray’ referred to Senator Davidson giving an address at the Adelaide Summer School of Environmental Studies. [More…]
Matters I wish to discuss include: The multitude of Commonwealth departments involved with water, the Australian Water Resources Council, the subject of research, environmental considerations, sewerage programs, flood mitigation, the River Murray Commission, project priorities and finally Commonwealth funding. [More…]
The fourth subject on which I wish to speak relates to environmental matters. [More…]
The fact that I do not spend a great deal of time discussing environmental matters does not lessen in my mind the importance of that subject. [More…]
1 The principal environmental effects associated with the Dartmouth project are those arising from the increase in irrigation in the two upstream States. [More…]
In effect, what this section says is that the principal environmental effect associated with the Dartmouth project is that the Murray will increase in salinity. [More…]
On the environmental side, the operation was closely monitored by experts from CSIRO’s Woodland Ecology Unit. [More…]
The nature of the environment at Woomera is such that it is expected that it will be some time before the full environmental implications of military use of Woomera will be known and final decision made. [More…]
The Senate Select Committee which studied the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the preservation of their sacred sites presented its report to the Senate in August 1976. [More…]
I received some attention from Senator McLaren because of a paper which I delivered to the Adelaide Summer School of Environmental Studies in January 1974. [More…]
Senator Davidson referred to a report of the engineering firm Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey part of which I think he said he used in an address he gave to the Adelaide Summer School of Environmental Studies. [More…]
Some people urged immediate action on recommendations suggested in the Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey report, but the subsequent work of the Depanment clearly showed some of the recommendations would have led to undersirable environmental consequences, and in many cases would not have solved the problem, ‘ he said. [More…]
Senator Davidson referred to what I said yesterday during the second reading debate about a paper he had delivered at the Adelaide Summer School of Environmental Studies. [More…]
The major topic of discussion was the scope and content of the management plan for the proposed Kakadu National Park and the way in which that would make provision to meet various potential environmental hazards. [More…]
When the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry second report came out we were told that it would cost $300,000 to rehabilitate that river. [More…]
Is it a fact that it was part of a departmental clean-up program to rehabilitate the old Rum Jungle mining site which is considered a disgrace by the Government, mining companies and all concerned with proper environmental management? [More…]
I quote from a report of a Senate Select Committee entitled The Environmental Conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the Preservation of Their Scared Sites ‘. [More…]
The six Bills just introduced underline our determination to proceed with uranium development in a carefully-regulated and responsible fashion with full regard for proper environmental control and for ensuring the welfare of the Aboriginal people. [More…]
The Australian religious community; the Aboriginal community; a national voluntary environmental organisation; the Northern Territory community; the Australian Council of Trade Unions; a person with experience in energy matters; the Australian uranium industry; a nuclear scientist; a medical practitioner or health physicist; an environmentalist with experience in natural resource development; an economist with experience in natural resource development; an expert in national, and international affairs or law. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that last August the then Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development stated that strict environmental controls and standards in relation to uranium mining would be adopted. [More…]
In this regard the Government is presently examining the nature of environmental requirements, consistent with the environmental controls agreed on by the Government last August, that would be included in the grant of a mining authority to the Ranger consortium. [More…]
In accordance with the administrative procedures under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act, Pancontinental Mining Limited and Queensland Mines Limited have prepared draft environmental impact statements on the development of the Jabiluka and [More…]
Western Mining Corporation also made available for public comment a draft environmental impact statement on its research plant at Kalgoorlie proposed in connection with the Yeelirrie deposit in Western Australia. [More…]
Subject to meeting Aboriginal interest in the area and the necessary environmental controls, the Government will be proceeding with a tightly-controlled exploration programme so that the resources of the Stage 2 area can be identified and appropriate action taken as quickly as possible to enable the proclamation of the area as a national park. [More…]
We have set ourselves a policy of carefully-regulated and controlled development, paying due regard for proper environmental control and for ensuring the welfare of the Aboriginal people. [More…]
The first committee of which I was a member was the Senate Standing Committee on Health and Welfare, and the next was the Senate Standing Committee on the Social Environment, which looked into the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and into the protection of their sacred sites. [More…]
Information is available on numerous similar injunctions sought and several granted against the United States Forest Service prior to this date for failure to conform with a National Environmental Policy Act requirement for the filing of environmental impact statements. [More…]
The predictions for that country are said to be the best and most accurate in the world but, again, they are hedged about by warnings that land availability and environmental problems may militate against accuracy. [More…]
The greatest tragedy is that there has been no effective environmental impact study and the adjacent wet lands will be ruined. [More…]
Two major requirements so far as this Government is concerned are foreign investment controls and the need to comply with federal environmental impact study legislation. [More…]
The State environmental impact study does not meet the Federal environmental impact study standards, and until such time as the Federal standards have been met and a public inquiry has been held under Federal legislation no decision should be taken at the Federal level. [More…]
As far as we know the only environmental impact study that has been carried out is that which has been done by the purchasing company. [More…]
That is one reason why a Federal environmental study is vitally necessary. [More…]
To insist upon an independent and impartial assessment of all social, economic and environmental impacts of the proposed developments, to be followed by an open public enquiry before an impartial tribunal, at which all interested persons shall have the opportunity to ask questions, to raise objections and to lead evidence as to the anticipated consequences of the developments, and as to the manner in which it will affect their lives and livelihoods, and the environment in which they live; [More…]
Why have all the recommendations of the Co-ordinator General’s report advocating an environmental park in all mangrove and fresh water swamps of Corio Bay, and in particularinPortions2111, 15, 1002 and 18 19 been ignored? [More…]
As you are aware, this proposal falls within the scope of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act in view of its environmental significance and the need for Commonwealth approvals in relation to foreign exchange control. [More…]
On the basis of the information provided to my Department under paragraph 2 of the Administrative Procedures of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act, I have determined that an environmental impact statement is required for the purpose of achieving the object of the Act. [More…]
I wish to draw your attention to the requirement of paragraph 4.2 of the Administrative Procedures in relation to consultation with my Department on the matters to be dealt with by the environmental impact statement. [More…]
In this regard, you should contact the Office of Environment Protection (Mr W. J. Atkinson, Canberra 46 9136) to arrange consultation prior to your submission of the draft environmental impact statement. [More…]
Pursuant to paragraph 3.1 of the Environment Protection Administrative Procedures, I, Raymond John Groom, Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development, hereby direct the preparation or obtaining, and submission to me, of an environmental impact statement in relation to the following proposed action, namely: the making of a decision by the Reserve Bank on whether to approve exchange control transactions in relation to the proposal by Iwasaki Sangyo Co. (Australia) Pty Ltd to establish and operate a resort and tourist area at Farnborough, Queensland. [More…]
Senator Keeffe has referred to environmental problems. [More…]
The company would have the responsibility of ensuring that no adverse environmental effects resulted from the proposal. [More…]
It is important for Senator Keeffe to note that on 1 3 January this year the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development (Mr Groom) issued an order requiring the company to produce an acceptable environmental impact study. [More…]
The important thing is that the Commonwealth Government has acted in this respect and the company is apparently working on the environmental impact study which is expected to be ready by mid- June. [More…]
It is not for me as a Minister at this distance to evaluate the pluses or minuses of the project and it is not for anyone else to do so without a knowledge of the environmental impact study, without a knowledge of the report from the Foreign Investment Review Board and without knowing what are basically the terms of the agreement with the Queensland Government and what is in the small print as to the nature of the undertaking, the involvement of the Australian people, whether it will be something that will create substantial employment for Australians and whether it can attract considerable tourism to Australia. [More…]
Fundamentally, the Inquiry was designed to provide a basis on which the Government could take responsible decisions for environmental protection. [More…]
A Commission was appointed to inquire, and here I quote from its Terms of Reference in respect of all the environmental aspects of: [More…]
The Second Report contained recommendations on measures to ensure that the necessary degree of environmental protection was provided over the full period of uranium mining developments in the Region. [More…]
To adopt strict environmental controls and standards in relation to uranium mining in the Alligator Rivers Region. [More…]
Mr President, I would like to refer to the main clauses of this Bill, which, I am sure honourable senators will agree, is a very significant piece of environmental legislation. [More…]
In particular, honourable senators will appreciate the scope of the environmental protection measures, in a geographic context, by reference to the schedule attached to the Bill which is in effect a copy of Map 3 from the Second Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The third main function is to co-ordinate and supervise the implementation of requirements for environmental protection under prescribed instruments. [More…]
It will consider and recommend programs for the collection of data, consider and keep under review standards, practices, procedures and measures for environmental protection and restoration, and keep under review requirements, and their implementation, under prescribed instruments. [More…]
1 expect that membership of the Co-ordinating Committee will include representatives of Commonwealth and Territory government agencies involved in the research, monitoring and environmental protection programs, the Northern Land Council and the mining companies. [More…]
Environment, Housing and Community Development to undertake preliminary functions of the proposed Supervising Scientist, steps have already been taken to establish monitoring of base-line environmental conditions in the Region. [More…]
Using temporary field laboratories, a significant amount of work has already been undertaken to establish a data base for later development of environmental protection programs. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recognised the intrinsic value of the Region, and central to its recommendations was the establishment of a major national park to safeguard these assets. [More…]
The management plan prepared by the Director and approved by Parliament will ensure environmental protection, and that appropriate management practices are employed, taking into account the interests of the traditional Aboriginal owners. [More…]
Every care will be taken to minimise environmental disturbance during the exploration phase. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry saw the Director of National Parks and Wildlife and the Northern Land Council as having a special interest in reinforcing the environment protection machinery in the Alligator Rivers Region. [More…]
It confers jurisdiction on the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, at the suit of the Director of National Parks and Wildlife or the Northern Land Council, to make orders for the enforcement, in relation to uranium mining, of environmental requirements which are contained in Commonwealth and Northern Territory laws and in instruments made under those laws, and it gives the Court a wide discretion as to the exercise of this jurisdiction. [More…]
It should be noted that the Bill does not give the Court power to impose new environmental requirements- only to make orders in relation to requirements which are imposed elsewhere. [More…]
The environmental conditions which each mining company in the Region will be required to observe will provide for consistency with the relevant codes as they are promulgated, where comparable or more stringent requirements do not already exist in the conditions. [More…]
It is responsible environmental legislation that will provide for the development of protection measures in respect to nuclear activities in Australia. [More…]
This Bill is intended to give effect to the Government’s decisions on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry as far as they affect Aboriginal land rights. [More…]
The Inquiry was concerned to ensure that the Director of National Parks and Wildlife and the Northern Land Council should be able to reinforce the environmental protection machinery. [More…]
Senator Bonner will know because of his interest in the Reef generally, including its protection and environmental circumstances, particularly the preservation of its ecosystem, that the Commonwealth Government has taken major Steps to ensure the protection of the Reef. [More…]
The environmental aspects and the long production and hence planning period, strengthen the need for a good information basis for decision making in this industry. [More…]
On the other hand with respect to both the economic and environmental aspects, the gaps are large. [More…]
These could be filled by the collaborative efforts of organisations such as the BAE, State Forestry Commissions, the Forestry and Timber Bureau, the Bureau of Environmental Studies and by sponsored university research. [More…]
Although marketing and economic viability are important areas of research in this industry, there are also important questions such as the number of people who are employed in the industry or who are likely to be employed in the industry in the future; the economic viability of the towns and the districts that substantially rely on the economic viability of the industry; the workers who are engaged in the industry and their problems; the unique characteristics of the industry, such as its relative inflexibility with the standard growth periods of 20 to 30 years; the value of the industry in providing regional and economic stability, because of its relative inflexibility; the environmental controls that affect the development of the industry; the industry’s value in respect of industry decentralisation; and the strategic and long-term economic planning for the industry- for example, the planning and development of the industry in relation to the future needs of housing in Australia. [More…]
That argument was based on an environmental consideration. [More…]
The environmental consideration which was well put forward at that time and which is still held in some sections of the community was that planting of softwood stands in actual fact created a complete dearth of growth underneath the trees; that it increased the runoff and salinity of water in certain areas; and that it brought about a complete depletion of the wildlife and bird life that was associated with that planting. [More…]
I remember that one of the most venerated authorities, in my opinion, on timber in Australia, E. A. Alstergren, suggested that the interest of the environmentalists who put forward that proposition probably was to walk six feet from the exhaust pipes of” their cars when they drove into the forest. [More…]
This amending legislation protects mining interests from disclosing incriminating material concerning environmental protection. [More…]
My attention has been drawn to the second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Lack of nuclear codes Bill to ensure public participation in framing codes will threaten all environmental legislation. [More…]
Those decisions followed from recommendations made by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The amendments contained in this Bill which relate to uranium mining are consistent with the Government’s acceptance of the recommendations of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry as they relate to Aboriginal land. [More…]
I shall read two short quotations from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report. [More…]
the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry; and [More…]
In brief, the amendments are, firstly, to necessitate a public inquiry before the confirmation of the nuclear codes; secondly, to establish an environmental protection advisory council independent of government control; and, thirdly, to require that codes not be confirmed until after public inquiry and findings have been reported to the Minister. [More…]
However, I do not support the present form of the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Bill, the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill or the Environmental Protection (Northern Territory Supreme Court) Bill. [More…]
I refer to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, established by the Whitlam Government in 1975, of which Mr Justice Fox was appointed Chairman. [More…]
In his second report, in 1977, he dealt with the environmental aspects. [More…]
The first Bill, the Atomic Energy Amendment Bill, flies in the face of recommendations from the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, but the Government has decided to use this as an instrument by which the Atomic Energy Commission can buy into the Ranger project and thus we can keep faith with the Memorandums of Understanding that were laid down by the Whitlam Government. [More…]
The second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- the report of Mr Justice Fox which Senator Collard clearly has not read or has disposed of in his mind as being a totally irrelevant document- stated that the Atomic Energy Act 1953 should not be used for the grant of an authority to Ranger to mine uranium. [More…]
Thirdly, we believe that there could be a very real conflict of interest- the Fox Commission pointed this outbetween the entrepreneurial or commercial activities of the Atomic Energy Commission and its responsibilities under the Act to supervise local environmental protection measures. [More…]
There is a very obvious and clearcut conflict of interest between an organisation or statutory body which is involved in commercial mining, and a body which is responsible for supervising local environmental protection issues. [More…]
I might have referred also to clause 14 of the Bill, which allows the Government to suppress any information relating to the performance of companies or government agencies in meeting health, safety or environmental protection standards which are described in the legislation and will be specified in the codes of practice. [More…]
I quote from page 181 of the report of the first Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry: [More…]
There I found 320 scientists from all disciplines who were very concerned about environmental aspects. [More…]
They had set about environmental monitoring over the preceeding five or more years to determine the way in which mineral development and mining operations should take place. [More…]
These create tremendous environmental problems which are not evident from nuclear power stations. [More…]
It is a serious environmental threat. [More…]
Moreover, the nitrous oxides and other gases that are liberated from conventional power stations pursue a course which takes them to the ozone area and would endanger the environmental shield and increase the threat to life in this world. [More…]
In conclusion 1 can do no better than to quote from the second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry where it looked at the use of the Atomic Energy Act 1953. [More…]
In any event, the section is inappropriate for a venture such as is planned, and which has to be subject to strong environmental controls, determined upon and maintained independently of the co-venturers. [More…]
It is interesting to note that it was the Whitlam Government that made the decision to carry on with uranium mining in this country; it was the Whitlam Government that drew up the Ranger agreement and entered into partnership with the companies involved; and it was the Whitlam Government that set up the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in order to discover the best guidelines for the mining and export of uranium. [More…]
The report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- the Fox report- and a whole host of other evidence indicates that the mining of uranium at this point in history can indeed be a very dangerous operation. [More…]
The six Bills just introduced underline our determination to proceed with uranium development in a carefullyregulated and responsible fashion with full regard for proper environmental control and for ensuring the welfare of the Aboriginal people. [More…]
The next group listed is a national voluntary environmental organisation. [More…]
Will it be one of the environmental organisations with teeth, or will it be the local village horticultural society for the protection of dahlias or something similar? [More…]
Then an environmentalist with experience in natural resources development will be appointed to the Council. [More…]
That environmentalist, whoever he or she may be, will certainly not be selected by the Australian Conservation Foundation or by any other reputable environmental organisation. [More…]
Who is going to carry out the environmental impact studies? [More…]
It is fashionable in my State for the Premier or somebody on his or his Government’s behalf to commission an environmental impact study. [More…]
The Bill leaves it to the Minister for Environment to decide whether the public will have a chance to comment on proposed health, safety and environmental codes. [More…]
On the basis of the present government’s record- they have not established one environmental inquiry- we can expect no such opportunity. [More…]
Its provisions are very harsh and sharply contradict one aspect of the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Lack of nuclear codes Bill to ensure public participation in framing codes will threaten all environmental legislation. [More…]
I am not in the slightest degree equipped by education or experience to pass a judgment upon the issues to which Senator Haines- adopting the views of others as well as speaking for herselfhas referred with so much concern but I have tried to follow them and I have formed my own judgment in the light of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and the debates that have been held. [More…]
This has happened at Jabiru and it is one of the problems that will have to be overcome by environmental control. [More…]
The Government has not accepted the recommendation of the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry that the Atomic Energy Act should not be used as a vehicle for uranium mining in the Northern Territory. [More…]
The honourable senator knows that the position of the Whitlam Government on uranium was subject to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
It examined the environmental conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. [More…]
I have your telex advising of your wish to proceed with the environmental nuclear legislation with the objective of giving the Commonwealth appropriate powers to administer the Ranger Uranium Mining development in the Northern Territory. [More…]
This environmental part of the nuclear legislation is important. [More…]
Of course the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry basically justifies our going ahead with nuclear endeavours. [More…]
In any event, the section is inappropriate for a venture such as is planned, and which has to be subject to strong environmental controls, determined upon and maintained independently of the co- venturers. [More…]
It is concerned with the environmental aspects in the Northern Territory up to a point because those aspects also involve other departments. [More…]
As to the background of these Bills, it is worth reminding the Senate that last year the people and the Parliament had before them the results of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry in two volumes, styled the First and Second Reports. [More…]
These Bills are important but to put it in perspective and because of the Opposition’s approach to this matter, I should remind the Senate that the Ranger Environmental, or Fox Report said certain things regarding the mining, milling and marketing of uranium. [More…]
Perhaps we can intrude the debate on the three environmental Bills ahead of the Committee stage debate. [More…]
Our opposition to these Bills is based on the assertion that the Bills purport to provide machinery by which the environmental and health consequences of mining can be regulated and their most destructive consequences contained. [More…]
Meanwhile, our lack of knowledge on the environmental effects of mining can be corrected by means of a local research institute headed by a supervising scientist who would also be chairman of a coordinating committee of government, Aboriginal and mining representatives. [More…]
I suggest that it is a travesty of the environmental concept of a national park. [More…]
It is primarily for the authorities in the countries concerned to ensure that proper safety and environmental precautions are taken and, of course, we look to and expect the Philippines authorities to take such precautions. [More…]
Consumer demand for diesel cars continues to expand in Europe and in America largely due to increasing industry and public awareness of the environmental and energy saving advantages of diesel engines and also the generally lower price of distillate compared with petrol. [More…]
I think that anyone who participated in the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry- that would include bodies such as the Australian Conservation Foundation- obviously obtained, even from other witnesses, an insight into what was contemplated. [More…]
The coordinating committee has an interest in uranium mining in terms of its positive and negative effects as well as its environmental effects. [More…]
However, we continue our opposition to the three Bills before us now because, although they pur.poit to provide machinery and measures whereby the environmental and hazardous effects of uranium mining can be controlled and regulated, we find that the provisions are not satisfactory. [More…]
Mr Bob Fry, I believe, is well qualified to oversee environmental matters associated with the park and certainly with the mining that hopefully will be taking place in the near future. [More…]
I know the gentleman personally and I can vouch for his integrity and his capacity to be able to deal with environmental matters associated with the Bills under discussion. [More…]
In point of fact, I think that the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommended that water impurities be not released for three years. [More…]
Once you come up with particular mining finds, subject to environmental impact statements, we could make a deal ‘. [More…]
This debate concerns three Bills that are all directly related to and associated with environmental protection. [More…]
Of the five Bills, there are three dealing with environmental matters, each covering specific areas. [More…]
On the environmental aspect Mr Justice Parker refers at page 33 to the effect of emissions as follows: [More…]
In dealing with the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Bill, which concerns a local area, we can see very clearly just how much effort is being put into making sure that there will be environmental control and protection; that the Government will even go as far as to make sure that those activities are coordinated [More…]
The Minister for Education (Senator Carrick) in his second reading speech said that the Government has taken the appropriate action in introducing stringent requirements with regard to environmental protection in the Alligator Rivers region. [More…]
The Government will make sure that there are strict environmental controls and safeguards generally in this region where mining is to take place. [More…]
As such it will be able to assess fully and watch closely the environmental impact in this area. [More…]
But the difference is that we are standing up and dealing with environmental aspects, openly saying that we are in favour of the mining of uranium. [More…]
In respect of environmental protection, the Government is doing all that it can to make sure that the environment is protected. [More…]
The manager of the station in the Olary Province has stated that drilling has been done very close to Aboriginal sites and environmental damage from drilling has not been repaired. [More…]
Let me make it clear that we are discussing environmental aspects of the mining of uranium in the Ranger area. [More…]
What the Opposition is concerned about and what it is criticising us about is the lack of environmental safety. [More…]
I ask the South Australian Government in turn to stand up as a government of this country and give support to a government in Canberra that is doing all it can to make sure that there will be environmental protection. [More…]
could be important as indicators of environmental change. [More…]
Why are we bringing in environmental Bills when we do not even know what the environment is and we are not prepared to wait to find out? [More…]
Has she seen the environmental surveys and plans that have been conducted? [More…]
Today we are debating three Bills which are essentially environmental in nature. [More…]
Two major decisions ofthe Government are, firstly, to proceed with the establishment of the Kakadu National Park and, secondly, to make special arrangements for the supervision of environmental protection measures in the region. [More…]
The Bill to amend the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act will facilitate the establishment of the Kakadu National Park, while the other Bill- the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Bill- will establish the environmental protection arrangements. [More…]
As Senator Walsh has pointed out, the effect of the Government’s proposed amendments to clauses 1 1 and 1 3 would be to provide that Australia would have a uniform code on nuclear safety and environmental protection, only if certain circumstances arose; namely, if the State governments request the Governor-General, and thereby the Commonwealth Government, to proclaim a code in respect of the territorial areas of their States. [More…]
I used clause 13 as an illustration because it concerns safety and environmental protection. [More…]
The Opposition’s amendment, and indeed all the subsequent amendments which the Opposition proposes to move, relate to the proposal by the Opposition to establish an environmental protection nuclear activities advisory council. [More…]
The Minister for the time being administering the Enviroment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 shall, within 1 month of being furnished with a proposed code of practice, make a direction under sub-section 11(1) of the Act that an inquiry be conducted in respect of the environmental aspects (if any) of the proposed code, and the provisions of the Act shall apply to that inquiry. [More…]
The amendment requires that there be an inquiry under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act on environmental aspects of every code. [More…]
In effect, the Government is saying that there will be no codes relating to the mining or milling of uranium, no minimum standards of safety or environmental protection, unless the State governments impose them or unless the State governments agree. [More…]
It is wrong, at the time that we are passing a whole lot of Bills which relate to the commencement of the uranium industry in this country, for the Opposition to hold up the legislation unless a uniform code is reached by all States on environmental protection. [More…]
I suggest that the honourable senator, whom I regard quite highly particularly in environmental matters, should read clause 9 of the Bill which allows for these various codes to be disallowed. [More…]
I can assure the Minister, who comes from the State of New South Wales, as I do, that there is quite some concern in sections of the mining industry and in the planning and environmental areas about this particular clause. [More…]
Will he advise whether an environmental impact statement has been received in connection with this project? [More…]
The fact is that, in that debate, I indicated that the Government had authorised the preparation of an environmental impact statement. [More…]
My advice, which was given a few days ago and which I think is confirmed by my colleague, is exactly as I have just said, namely, that the environmental impact statement is due about mid-June. [More…]
The reason I raised this matter in the chamber in the first place is that no environmental impact study has been carried out, except by the organisation. [More…]
For the purpose of procedures approved under this Act and for achieving the object of this Act, the Minister may direct that an inquiry be conducted in respect of all or any of the environmental aspects of a matter referred to in any of the paragraphs of section 5, whether or not the environmental impact statement has, in accordance with procedures under this Act, been furnished to the Minister. [More…]
From what the Minister said on the evening of that date, I gather that the Federal Government does propose to intervene and at least to make sure that the financial and environmental matters are looked after. [More…]
The greatest tragedy of all is that there has been no effective environmental impact study and the adjacent wetlands will be ruined. [More…]
Two major requirements are foreign investment controls and the need to comply with Federal environmental impact study legislation. [More…]
That policy was based on the findings and recommendations of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry conducted under the Hon. [More…]
Our policy was decided only after most careful consideration of the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The development of those resources, whilst serving the objectives just mentioned, must also be regulated and controlled so as to ensure full protection of the environment, the welfare of the Aboriginal people and yield the economic benefits to Australia and its people that were described in the report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The Minister’s approval for the export of uranium from a particular project will be given only after full consideration by the Government following the completion of environmental procedures and compliance with the Government’s foreign investment policy. [More…]
The machinery and the procedures I have just outlined will ensure that the Government maintains strong regulation and control over uranium exports in the national interest in a manner consistent with the Government’s policy of uranium development announced on 25 August 1977 following receipt of the Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
However, this Government intends to give the green light to all the producers with the result that Pancontinental is pressing ahead with its plans in the face of major environmental objections. [More…]
We request that the Government does not make its decision on the Environmental Impact statement funded by Iwasaki, but to ask you as our representative to demand an inquiry under section 1 1 of the Environental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974. [More…]
Until such time as the environmental impact study is carried out and the matter of the introduction of foreign capital is properly investigated this project should not proceed. [More…]
If there were no environmental variables to affect wool production we could measure the progress of the parent studs in genetic terms simply by looking at the improvement or otherwise in the average weight of wool cut per head in the entire flock. [More…]
There are, however, environmental variables which, in the short term at least, can be much more significant and much more important than any genetic variation. [More…]
If there were no environmental variables we could say, therefore, that the Australian parent studs have, over most of this period, achieved about that same rate of genetic improvement. [More…]
There are, however, a number of environmental variables that would have tended to increase wool production regardless of any genetic changes. [More…]
At least some of this very modest rate of improvement which has been recorded in the last 40 years is due to environmental and not genetic factors. [More…]
Has the Commonwealth Government recieved an environmental impact statement on the proposed Iwasaki tourist development at Yeppoon? [More…]
If the Commonwealth Government has not received an environmental impact statement on the proposed development, does it expect to receive one in the near future? [More…]
As I understood Senator Carrick, and from my own information- I think I am correct- the environmental impact statement on Yeppoon has not yet been received, but it is expected that it will be received about mid-June. [More…]
The question I raise concerns environmental impact statements. [More…]
The information that we are receiving seems to indicate that there are two environmental impact inquiries. [More…]
It seems that the Iwasaki company itself has been required to present an environmental impact statement. [More…]
An environmental impact statement is for public scrutiny and for public comment. [More…]
The Minister indicated that that environmental impact statement is not likely to be available until sometime in late June. [More…]
Senator Georges raised the matter of environmental impact statements for the Iwasaki project in Queensland. [More…]
Senator Georges also raised the matter of an environmental impact statement from the Federal Government. [More…]
A study is being undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act. [More…]
I do assure the honourable senator that the study which is being undertaken by the Commonwealth Government is being undertaken under all the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act . [More…]
The Company has been directed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act on the project and subject to a satisfactory outcome, the Company is developing plans for handover of the project to the local Aboriginal community. [More…]
Environmental Impact Statements ( EIS ) [More…]
There has also been no satisfactory environmental impact study carried out. [More…]
Mr Lucke informed me late this afternoon that he has been advised that there has been no application under consideration for the import of foreign funds and no one has any knowledge about any proper environmental impact study. [More…]
Mr Chapman also went on to say that if the Government ultimately announced the adoption of the Torrens Valley route, the Opposition would insist that a full and proper environmental impact study should be undertaken forthwith. [More…]
So they are very wise in recommending that a full and proper environmental impact study should take place with respect to that proposal. [More…]
In accordance with the recommendations of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, the Government has delayed issue of any formal authorities to mine until other recommendations concerning the grant of Aboriginal land and environmental protection mechanisms have been implemented. [More…]
What steps has the Government taken, or will it take, to implement the recommendations contained in the First Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, that research and development programmes into (a) liquid fuels to replace petroleum, and (b) energy sources other than fossil and nuclear fusion are immediately and urgently required. [More…]
Environmental impact studies; [More…]
This was one of the issues which I thought was particularly important because the South Pacific region is fortunate in relation to environmental matters. [More…]
Of course, many of the countries in the area have expressed concern about the environmental damage that might have been caused by French nuclear testing in the region. [More…]
When we dealt with this matter I was very pleased to find out that most of the countries involved were extremely aware of the environmental damage that could occur and also were extremely aware of the dangers that the French nuclear tests could pose for them. [More…]
The South Pacific region is fortunate in relation to environmental matters, as comparatively little damage has occurred, with the exception of Nauru and Ocean Island . [More…]
From the evidence we could gather, certainly there was little evidence of environmental damage, but I think we should take the time to have a further look at what has happened on Ocean Island over the last decade. [More…]
As a matter of principle, there are arguments in favour of re-refining on resource and environmental grounds, but the economic considerations are, of course, also relevant. [More…]
In view of the concern expressed by the public and conservation organisations over aspects of the Wagerup and Worsley alumina projects, especially their impact on water resources in south-western Australia, is the Government considering the institution of a public inquiry into these environmental aspects in accordance with paragraph 7 of the administrative procedures under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974? [More…]
Environmental assessment is being carried out under agreed arrangements with Western Australian authorities. [More…]
The Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development directed the preparation of an environmental impact statement in relation to this proposal. [More…]
Again, Commonwealth export and foreign exchange approvals are required, and environmental assessment is being carried out under agreed arrangements with Western Austraiian authorities. [More…]
The Minister concerned has directed the preparation of an environmental impact statement in relation to the export proposal. [More…]
Forest resources, water quality and waste disposal aspects of these proposals are sensitive and will be closely examined as part of the environmental assessment. [More…]
It is a question of finding a proper balance between the environmental impact of fuel emission and vaporisation and, of course, a need to conserve our fossil fuels. [More…]
I would like to point out that the Leader of the Government in the Senate and other Ministers would have been aware of the section of the Ranger uranium environmental report of Mr Justice Fox which advised that the creek systems of Goodparla and Gimbat be included in the Kakadu reserve in the Northern Territory. [More…]
The report of the Ranger uranium environmental inquiry stated: [More…]
Finland has a high level of environmental understanding and a high level of technology. [More…]
I know that following the creation of the positions of Chief Scientist and his associates it was assumed that they would be keeping a very close watch on future operations from an environmental point of view. [More…]
Whilst the Ranger inquiry produced a fairly in-depth environmental study, the other two projects were not subjected to quite the same sort of study and, without being too specific, I know that there was some doubt whether the preparatory work on the others might result in what I call a certain fudging or intrusion into the Fox report concept of the Kakadu National Park. [More…]
He was trying to rally support for the Carter Administration ‘s ‘top environmental priority’- a bill that would preserve 100 million acres of Alaskan wilderness, more than one-quarter of the entire state. [More…]
The development-vs.-preservation issue has turned into a hotly lobbied fight over what one environmentalist calls ‘the conservation vote of the century.’ [More…]
I wonder how environmental regulations would be adhered to, because it will be remembered that all the debate on this legislation, which included participation by Territorial senators, was largely on the future of Ranger and that not very much was said about other mines. [More…]
Was an environmental impact study, in accordance with the provisions of existing Federal legislation, carried out or asked for? [More…]
No doubt excessive lobbying and political pressures are involved, but have uncovered major flaws in the Administration’s original proposals, and the process is infinitely preferable to the way in which a major decision such as our decision to raise oil prices immediately to world parity goes through this Parliament with almost no serious discussion, despite the enormous environmental, economic and oil exploration implications and the dramatic structural effects on the car industry and the energy consumption profile. [More…]
We have debated the matter here and received assurances from Ministers in this place that before the Iwasaki project would be approved by governments environmental aspects would be considered. [More…]
If money is poured into the area and certain facilities are provided there- let us for the moment forget the environmental problem- of course the value of surrounding land escalates. [More…]
They have been responsible for a continuing campaign of environmental protection vigilance over the coastal wetland areas of the Corio Bay catchment north of Yeppoon. [More…]
The QCC’s well-tried role of providing scientific information, public service contacts, the means for political* lobbying, a media release and conference service, and assessments of Environmental Impact Studies, et cetera, has been essential for the effectiveness of this conservation campaign. [More…]
Nobody has ever seen that environmental impact statement. [More…]
This is the environmental body that was most deeply and domestically involved in opposition to the whole program. [More…]
26th July 1978: Acting Minister for EH & CD (Mr Viner) announces he has given an ‘environmental clearance’ to the project based on ‘the public review of the company’s draft EIS and an assessment by the Office of Environment Protection within the Department of EH & CD’. [More…]
One breach is in relation to foreign investment guidelines that are laid down and the other is in relation to the environmental impact studies under the 1974 legislation which was introduced by the government of the day and accepted by the present Government. [More…]
The report indicates that it is pertinent to note that both the Acting Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development and the Treasurer were prepared to give approval for the project based only on a concept plan and a totally inadequate draft environmental impact statement. [More…]
Thus decisions were hastily made on the basis of political expediency rather than a proper assessment of the likely environmental, economic and sociological impacts of the proposal. [More…]
Incidentally, I and a member of my staff spent several hours going through the original environmental impact statement line by line. [More…]
Delicate environmental areas will be destroyed by the proposed development. [More…]
On 7 August 1 978, after the environmental impact statement was produced and accepted by the Federal Government, the Capricorn Coast Protection Council wrote the following letter: [More…]
Mr Iwasaki has made a complete farce of the Australian Environmental Protection Act and the Australian Foreign Investment Act. [More…]
Neither the Treasurer nor the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development (Mr Groom) allowed sufficient time for the public to properly look at the so-called environmental impact statement. [More…]
Confidential documents leaked to the Age show that apart from serious environmental problems with the Queensland project there was also concern that it could lead to the creation of a ‘Japanese enclave ‘ in Australia. [More…]
The decision to allow the project was taken before an environmental clearance was given. [More…]
environmental aspects, staff needs, the incomplete study of socio-economic aspects, . [More…]
The draft environmental impact statement- no final statement has been released- was heavily criticised by a number of authorities. [More…]
The Fraser Goernment’s decision to give environmental approval to the proposed Iwasaki tourist development at Yeppoon in North Queensland has been made with undue and ill-advised haste. [More…]
The draft environmental impact statement makes it clear that only broad conceptual plans of the project are so far available. [More…]
Then perhaps we would get to the bottom of the scandal and perhaps we could protect that coast, even if the project goes ahead, with tighter environmental control. [More…]
The answer I received from the Minister pointed out that the reason for the judge ‘s decision was that an environmental impact statement had not been presented to the satisfaction of the court. [More…]
One appreciates that it was not 1978; it was 1 963 when there was not the awareness of environmental factors that there is at present. [More…]
Can he also tell us how efficient such a leaching process would be, particularly in terms of environmental protection? [More…]
It is based on submissions I made during the adjournment debate a fortnight ago when I sought information on the acreage of the proposed Kakadu National Park as set out in the second report of Mr Justice Fox’s Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry as compared with the Alaskan parklands provided for in legislation of the United States of America. [More…]
It is a definite fact that environmental conditions in Australia make the production of merino wool unique in Australia no matter what may take place throughout the rest of the world. [More…]
So there is no doubt that environmental conditions peculiar to Australia make the Australian breed of merinos unique. [More…]
I am anxious to convey to him that I have pressed the Department of Construction with the suggestion that at a site in one of the main stores, banks or some such public facility in Hobart we should put on display for the public of Tasmania an exhibit showing the desires of the Commonwealth Government for the buildings, the general environmental conditions and the type of scientific work that will be conducted when this base is completed. [More…]
When the Government announced its policy on uranium development on 25 August last year, it said that subject to satisfactory completion of necessary environmental requirements, decisions would be taken on the development of projects in the States. [More…]
The Ranger project has, of course, been approved for development, having already passed that environmental study stage, subject to the negotiations that are presently going on with Aborigines. [More…]
They said that officials of the impact statement assessment division of the Department of Environment would shortly be preparing a report for the Minister of Alcoa’s own environmental assessments of the effects of the Wagerup project. [More…]
Honourable senators might recall that I mentioned in the Senate some months ago my concern that the Western Australian State Government had asked Alcoa to participate in an environmental study of the whole bauxite situation in the Darling Ranges in Western Australia. [More…]
This means that the majority of voluntary environmental groups who want to see what is in the report do not have the wherewithal to get it except by public donation. [More…]
Sir Charles is believed to fear that if development of the Wagemp project is delayed by a public environmental inquiry Alcoa would look elsewhere to invest its money. [More…]
In both cases environmental assessment has been carried out jointly by Commonwealth and State authorities in accordance with agreed arrangements for co-operation. [More…]
In relation to the proposal by Alcoa to export alumina from the Wagerup project, I have directed that Alcoa prepare and submit to me an environmental impact statement. [More…]
I have also directed the preparation and submission to me of an environmental impact statement on the proposal by Alwest Pry Ltd and Dampier Mining Ltd in association with Reynolds Australia Ltd to export alumina produced by their proposed Worsley project. [More…]
The ERMP is a lengthy and in parts detailed document describing many areas of the environmental, economic and social aspects of bauxite mining in the Darling Ranges of south-western Australia. [More…]
The ERMP is unclear in explaining long term sources of refinery water supply and fails to describe environmental effects of storage structures. [More…]
Such erosion, especially as a source of dust for summer easterly winds is likely to be an environmental hazard for what may be a populated area by the time the project ends. [More…]
Have the Federal and Queensland governments failed to develop a working relationship on environmental administration as claimed in the Financial Review, 6 September 1978; if so, why. [More…]
The Queensland Government has not agreed to any detailed arrangements in environmental assessment as proposed by the Commonwealth Government. [More…]
No Government decision to mine in relation to the proposals of Queensland Mines Ltd and Pancontinental Mining Ltd will be taken before final environmental impact statements have been submitted and considered. [More…]
Before the question of approving exports can be considered, these environmental requirements have to be completed. [More…]
It happens that Mr Sinclair was a leader in environmental thinking. [More…]
My ministerial colleagues today have amplified that this discussion, as reported from Oenpelli, has not concerned the environmental aspects of uranium at all but the financial circumstances of the situation. [More…]
The conservation groups and the umbrella organization- Movement Against Uranium Mining (MAUM)- a growing national coalition of trade unions, environmental, women’s, church, peace and other community groups have continued to urge for a 5-year moratorium, claiming that this is in concurrence with the recommendations of the second Fox report. [More…]
The Federal Labor spokesman on Urban and Regional Affairs, Mr Tom Uren, claims that Pancontinental had begun work on the Arnhem Highway extension before environmental approval received wide publicity. [More…]
If we look at Clause 30 of the Section 4 1 authority together with Clause 5 of the Section 44 agreement of which the section 41 authority is annexed we notice that Clause S says that the miners shall observe all environmental requirements, specified in the conditions ofthe Section 41 authority. [More…]
Has an environmental impact study, in accordance with Federal Government requirements, been carried out in the Bloomfield River area; if not: [More…]
has the company supplied the Federal Government with an environmental impact study. [More…]
I know that the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation takes part in environmental discussions with all States and the Federal Government. [More…]
Does the Government anticipate any changes to the existing provisions which require an environmental impact study to be undertaken before approval can be given by the Reserve Bank of Australia to an application by a foreign investor for a project to proceed. [More…]
Was an environmental impact study, in accordance with the provisions of existing Federal legislation, carried out. [More…]
Has the South Australian Government provided the Commission with an environmental impact study covering this development? [More…]
Because of the years of planning involved in this project, the environmental shortfalls should not reoccur on this occasion. [More…]
Certainly on the prima facie evidence that is available to us at the moment, there would be reason for us to suggest to the Government that there is considerable doubt whether the intention of the Act, the intention of the environmental impact statement and the intention of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry have been properly put into effect. [More…]
by omitting from sub-section 5 ‘the field of biological conservation’ and substituting ‘the environmental sciences’: and. [More…]
Very few people would qualify under such strenuous demands, but the Government’s proposed amendment means that the Chairman need have no relevant experience or qualifications; that is, no environmental or scientific experience or qualifications. [More…]
Why is there to be no legal requirement on any member of the Authority to have experience or qualifications directly relevant to the environmental sciences? [More…]
There is a way in which the Government can ease these difficulties and at the same time fulfil the obvious need for the relevant environmental and scientific.experience. [More…]
We will move that in sub-section (5) the words the field of biological conservation’ be omitted and replaced with the words ‘the environmental sciences’. [More…]
Senator Georges puts forward the proposal that the member should have qualifications in the field of environmental sciences. [More…]
If the honourable senator looks at the courses in environmental sciences which have been recently established in this country, he will see that the scope for selection is very limited if we attempt to find an Australian with the necessary qualifications in environmental sciences. [More…]
In 1973 the University of New South Wales had an applied science master’s degree course in environmental pollution control. [More…]
I think it would not take much judgment on the part of honourable senators to decide that a chairman for such a vital Authority needs to have perhaps more than qualifications in the environmental sciences. [More…]
by omitting from sub-section (5) ‘the field of biological conservation’ and inserting ‘the environmental sciences’; and [More…]
Since there has been some difficulty in obtaining someone with qualifications in the biological field, we could widen the concept by appointing someone who is an expert in the environmental sciences. [More…]
The Opposition’s amendment would have the effect of again confining the wording of the legislation by stating that there will be qualifications in the environmental sciences. [More…]
On reflection it would not be desirable to confine the selection of the Chairman to someone from the field of the environmental sciences. [More…]
By substituting the environmental sciences for the biological sciences we are broadening the field considerably. [More…]
There is no doubt that the environmental sciences cover a larger field than the biological sciences. [More…]
They are directed fairly strictly to biological expertise, but the environmental sciences can cover a fairly large field. [More…]
I should have thought that the Queensland appointee would have come from the ecological, environmental or biological sciences. [More…]
He is not an ecologist or a scientist in the environmental area. [More…]
Has steel which is required for an extension of the Arnhem Highway already been purchased, and is it located in Darwin; if so, why was this done before an environmental impact study had been prepared and before authority to proceed had been given. [More…]
May I mention also under the heading of staffing that there has been a great deal of concern expressed by the relevant union, the Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia, that the staff ceilings and staff cuts which have been imposed at the Atomic Energy Commission research establishments are adversely affecting a variety of areas of work including safety operations and certainly including environmental controls and studies. [More…]
I suggest that, if the Government were as genuinely concerned about nuclear safety and environmental responsibility as it purports to be, this would be an absolute priority area for its attention and would be at the top of its priority list in terms of additional staff rather than as shown here, apparently at the bottom, and one of the first areas to be adversely affected by the operation of the present staff ceilings. [More…]
This Senate some time ago brought down a report entitled: ‘The Environmental Conditions of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and the Preservation of their Sacred Sites’. [More…]
Does he agree with the statement of Dr Geoffrey Mosley, the Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation, that in 1979 approximately only three environmental organisations will be able to operate under the new guidelines? [More…]
Environmental Studies Pty Ltd, SA [More…]
I refer to the Press statement of the Minister for National Development announcing the formation of the Division of Environmental Science within the Australian Atomic Energy Commission. [More…]
My question has environmental overtones, but I direct it to the Leader of the Government in the Senate because it concerns the current legislative program. [More…]
1 ) Does the Supervising Scientist in control of environmental monitoring at the Ranger Uranium Mine live in Canberra. [More…]
What special qualifications and experience does the Supervising Scientist possess to enable him to monitor adequately possible uranium waste, pollution and environmental damage at the site. [More…]
The Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommended that the Supervising Scientist have ‘both administrative skills and scientific expertise in a range of fields relevant to the task ‘. [More…]
These fields include water and soil chemistry, ground and surface water hydrology, geology, freshwater, estuarine and terrestrial biology, studies on the effects of heavy metal pollutants on animal and plant species, ecology, mathematical modelling of environmental systems, meteorology, radiological protection and mining, milling and dam engineering. [More…]
He has worked as a hospital physicist and for many years directed research in the multidisciplinary field of radiological protection which included studies in environmental radioactivity. [More…]
He has had considerable administrative experience within the Government bureaucracy, was Atomic Energy Adviser to the High Commissioner in London for three years and has served on a number of international panels and committees concerned with the environmental and public health aspects of nuclear energy. [More…]
He is a member of Committee 4 ofthe International Commission on Radiological Protection, Chairman of the Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD and Chairman of an ad hoc committee of this Committee concerned with the environmental and public health implications of uranium mining and milling. [More…]
The Government has not yet completed its consideration of the resumption of the Gimbat and Goodparla pastoral leases in line with the recommendation of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry that consideration be given to the resumption of Goodparla and part or all of Gimbat, with a view to their incorporation in the park. [More…]
There may well be new environmental considerations which ought to be taken into account by any responsible government but which cannot be taken into account under the terms of this legislation. [More…]
Governments should have the authority at all times to order the cessation of uranium rnining because of important issues such as waste disposal and environmental protection. [More…]
Senator Button had quite a bit to say about the environmental aspects of uranium mining. [More…]
The package included legislation which dealt with the Kakadu National Park; legislation which dealt with the rights of Aboriginals; and legislation which dealt very heavily with environmental aspects. [More…]
6 of the First Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, known colloquially as the Fox report. [More…]
It is true to say, and I think it needs to be freely admitted, that the Labor Government decided that this Act was suitable as an initial legislative base for the Ranger venture; but that same Government then set up the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and, I believe, undoubtedly would have acted on the recommendation of the Ranger Inquiry to abandon this Act- a recommendation which was based on most cogent considerations which I will outline to the Senate shortly. [More…]
As experience in the more advanced nuclear countries is showing, these prime factors of waste disposal and control are tending to make nuclear power uneconomic, quite apart from any moral, safety or environmental considerations. [More…]
This amendment is further proof of the inappropriateness of the Act and will mean that no stricter safety measures and no new environmental safeguards will be able to be brought in once the Bill is passed into law, despite the fact that everybody, including this Government, admits and accepts that there is no threshold information available at this point on which changes to the environment can be judged. [More…]
Already the Atomic Energy Commission has a new Environmental Division. [More…]
The mining operations in the Northern Territory are to be conducted in such a way as to observe very closely a whole host of environmental safeguards and conditions. [More…]
One of the provisions of the Bill is designed to ensure that the Government will be in a position to ensure that the mining companies will observe the necessary environmental conditions. [More…]
I ask the Minister how, having regard to those statements, he reconciles his own recent announcement as the Minister for Science and the Environment that he was sympathetic to the view that Government decisions on environmental questions are often inappropriate intervention and that business has lost out in the bargain. [More…]
It is certainly a policy on environmental matters that could be followed by many political groups in the community. [More…]
Will the Minister assure the Senate that the Government, as a partner in the venture, will ensure that in future strict environmental protection measures will be adopted at Jabiru? [More…]
1 ) What Environmental Impact Statements have been prepared relating to the Jabiru uranium mining project in the Northern Territory. [More…]
1 ) A draft EIS relating to the Jabiru uranium project, and dated February 1974, was prepared by Ranger Cranium Mines Pty Ltd. Two supplementary environmental impact statements, dated May 1975 were also prepared by Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd. All of these statements were made available to the public in May 1 975 when the commissioning of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry was announced. [More…]
Did the particular case refer to an attempt by the Australian Conservation Foundation to require the completion of a final environmental impact statement before approval is given for the development of an international tourist resort near Yeppoon in Queensland? [More…]
Does the Government intend to introduce an amendment to the Act which will give citizens and groups the right to seek the implementation of existing environmental legislation? [More…]
Governments have responded to issues of public goods, unemployment, inflation, pollution, environmental damage, waste and poverty. [More…]
The same attitude of surprise, panic and disorganised response characterises government reaction to problems of unemployment, drug contamination, environmental depravation, poverty, crime and urban decay. [More…]
My concern, and the concern of a large number of people in the Northern Territory, is that no environmental impact study has been made of the proposal to build the casino. [More…]
My concern is to bring to the attention of the Minister the fact that no environmental impact study has been undertaken. [More…]
Although the Government was not compelled to carry out an environmental impact study, environmental considerations had been taken into account. [More…]
I draw to the Minister’s attention the fact that the report to which Mr Everingham is referring is entitled: ‘Environmental Planning and Coastal Management Study’ and relates to Vesteys.Mindil Beach and Casuarina-Lee Point Beach. [More…]
It certainly was not an environmental impact study in the sense that we would understand one. [More…]
I ask the Minister to give serious consideration to calling for an environmental impact statement before any development proceeds. [More…]
I draw attention to a paper produced by our own Parliamentary Legislative Research Service and headed ‘Environmental Conditions or Safeguards applying to projects in the Northern Territory since the conferral of selfgovernment’. [More…]
Another letter is from Ms Sally Meredith, a coordinator of the Environmental Council of the Northern Territory Inc. [More…]
In each case those individuals raised with me the possibility of the Federal Government taking some hand in an environmental impact study relating to this area. [More…]
Will the Minister request the Minister for Transport to consider establishing Loran, Decca or some other modern navigation aid in the Bass Strait area, in the interests of not only maritime safety and environmental protection from oil spillage but also increased efficiency of operations and training? [More…]
It was the Labor Party which drew up all the significant environmental legislation which now exists at the federal level. [More…]
Ever since it came to office this Government has been trying to water down the environmental safeguards established by the previous Government. [More…]
The real test on uranium is yet to come but there is waning confidence in the community that the Government will insist on adherence to proper environmental standards. [More…]
Agreements were entered into with most State governments which effectively mean that environmental issues will be taken seriously only in those states where there are in fact Labor governments. [More…]
Transferring environmental control to Sir Charles Court is tantamount to saying that environmental issues in Western Australia are of no signficance at all. [More…]
As the National Country Party now effectively has control of the environmental issues through the Deputy Prime Minister and Senator Webster, no environmentalist could be very optimistic about the results of that review. [More…]
On nearly every issue the Deputy Prime Minister has won in Cabinet with the result that environmental issues have no significance for this Government except that they occasionally become a nuisance. [More…]
Concerning the environmental effects, there is no doubt that the series of tanker accidents off the coasts of the United States, French and Spanish coasts and the blow-out in the North Sea have reinforced public concern and scientific interest in the long-term effects of oil on marine and estuarine ecosystems. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government recorded its bonafides in relation to the protection of significant environmental features in Australia when it stopped sand mining on Fraser Island. [More…]
Already, the slick covered an area up to 44 miles wide and 141 miles long, and it posed the threat of an environmental disaster of enormous magnitude: economic ruin for many fishermen along the New England coast and hard times for the area’s multimillion-dollar summer tourist industry. [More…]
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that spilled oil costs an average $25 a gallon to clean up. [More…]
In addition, the staff of the Environmental Pollution Subcommittee has been instructed to begin a review of the limits of liability on vessels for oil spill cleanup costs to determine whether the limits established by a 1970 law are adequate. [More…]
While we recognise this will increase costs, it is better insurance to pay those increased costs directly in the vessel construction, operation and maintenance, than indirectly in damages to our environmental resources- damages which cannot be corrected after the fact. [More…]
Is the Minister for Science and the Environment aware that no environmental controls are being enforced at the Ranger uranium site in the Northern Territory and that both pollution and erosion are virtually uncontrolled? [More…]
Can the Minister inform the Parliament who, in fact, will be responsible for environmental protection during the development of mining sites and the exploitation of uranium deposits in the Northern Territory? [More…]
The honourable senator asks who will be responsible for environmental protection. [More…]
I think the honourable senator will know that generally when an environmental impact statement is prepared under the environment protection legislation, certain provisions indicate whether there are faults or flaws in the environmental impact statement which has been produced and whether further work will be necessary. [More…]
The environmental matters will be supervised. [More…]
This Committee would be responsible for the carrying out of detailed investigations and design and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. [More…]
In making this decision, the Government has taken full account of the recommendations made by the Minister for Science and the Environment (Senator Webster) in relation to the final environmental impact statement submitted by Queensland Mines on 19 January 1979. [More…]
The Government is satisfied that the legislative controls which we introduced in April 1978 regulating uranium mining in the Alligator Rivers Region, in conjunction with the environmental requirements which will be imposed on the company, together with the controls negotiated and agreed between the Northern Land Council and Queensland Mines Limited, will ensure that any adverse impact on the local Aboriginal population will be minimised. [More…]
In addition the Northern Land Council has been given standing in the Northern Territory Supreme Court to suit in relation to the enforcement of the environmental requirements controlling mining at Ranger. [More…]
Environment advised the Minister for Trade and Resources recently that there are no objections on environmental grounds to that project subject to satisfactory arrangements being made with the Western Australian Government. [More…]
In his statement to parliament on 25 August 1977 the Minister for Trade and Resources said that the Commonwealth Government would take decisions on the development of projects such as Yeelirrie subject to satisfactory completion of the necessary environmental requirements. [More…]
As to the Jabiluka and Koonigarra deposits in the Alligator Rivers Region, the companies involved, Pancontinental Mining Limited and Noranda Australia Limited, have submitted draft environmental impact statements. [More…]
In a tight financial position the companies will be able to force this Government, which is a willing and able Government, to accede to the demands of the nuclear industry, to accept weaker environmental and social controls. [More…]
Honourable senators opposite say that there is no environmental control. [More…]
Have they seen the environmental impact studies that have taken place? [More…]
There is every indication that nothing more can be done to ensure a complete environmental control? [More…]
-Is the Minister for Science and the Environment aware of a claim by the Senior Lecturer in Administration at the University of Tasmania that the Federal Cabinet has under review the following Acts: the Environmental Protection Act, the Australian Heritage Commission Act, the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service Act, and the Great Barrier Marine Authority Act? [More…]
The Government is continuing to examine matters of real environmental significance. [More…]
I draw his attention to a question which I asked in this place on 7 March 1979 and which dealt with environmental problems at the Northern Territory Ranger uranium site. [More…]
The Minister will no doubt remember that he was referring to the environmental impact statements. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that on 20 September 1978 his predecessor, the Minister for the Environment, Housing and Community Development, Mr Groom, when referring to environmental impact statements, said: [More…]
Can the Minister now inform the Parliament whether there has been a change in government policy in relation to the public disclosure of departmental assessments and recommendations in relation to environmental impact statements or whether the Minister in fact misled the Parliament when he replied to my question on 7 March 1979. [More…]
I take it that the honourable senator is anxious to know what are the environmental procedures set down in relation to the development of the Ranger site and that the honourable senator feels that there is some inconsistency between what may have been said previously by the Minister for the Environment, Housing and Community Development and by me as Minister for Science and the Environment. [More…]
My own view is that there is no reason for the environmental consequences of Ranger not being made known and I was of the view that that point had been put forward by the Minister under whose control the matter rests. [More…]
I see no reason for the environmental assessments not being made public and I will look into that matter. [More…]
It is this sort of comment from our Ministers and our public agencies about environmental hazards and radiation that has caused me to undertake some research. [More…]
Last Friday week the United States Environmental Protection Agency imposed an emergency ban on the use of 2,4,5-T. An article on this ban, published in the Age of 7 March, states: [More…]
The Environmental Protection Agency has made a much more serious survey and examination and has taken a more humane attitude than that suggested in the reply which Senator Guilfoyle gave me when I asked her this question several weeks ago. [More…]
When I raised this matter before I talked about the pressure that an environmental group was applying in America to ban the use of this particular herbicide. [More…]
Quite recently the American Environmental Protection Agency used emergency powers as a result of the pressures applied on it by environmentalists to place bans on 2,4,5-T. [More…]
In Washington, the chief of Environmental Protection Agency pesticides branch (Frank Parsons) told the Sunday Mail that there ‘seems to be an awfully strong case’ linking 2,4,5-T with binh defects. [More…]
The Government is aware of the results of studies prepared by the Epidemiologic Studies Program, Human Effects Monitoring Branch, Benefits and Field Studies Division- Office of Pesticide Program(OPP)- Office of Toxic Substances (OTS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the USA in which the Colarado State University and the Miami University’s School of Public Health took an active part. [More…]
Because of environmental and biological constraints under which CSIRO scientists must work, it would probably be towards the end of the year at the very earliest that we could expect importation of the organism into this country. [More…]
-The Commonwealth Government is concerned about the possible environmental risks associated with the importation of aquarium fish, particularly fresh Water species. [More…]
The general proposition that will apply insofar as environmental requirements are concerned is well set out. [More…]
The environmental evaluations appear to me to be producing some requirements of those who will be involved in uranium mining. [More…]
Senator Georges, who rises regularly to complain about the length of answers has not asked one question on an environmental matter in three years. [More…]
I have also asked questions on environmental matters concerning the Iwasaki project at Yeppoon. [More…]
Besides reviewing its past conclusions and the scientific reports which had since become available, this meeting specifically examined the documents from the United States of America which contained details of the action taken by the environmental protection agency in that country to suspend registration of the herbicide for certain applications. [More…]
The Senate may recall that the Ranger uranium environmental inquiry made several recommendations, one recommendation being that if possible the national park should include at least one large total river catchment. [More…]
I am not aware of any intention by the Government to increase the size of Kakadu National Park beyond that recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
If the Minister has not done so already, will he read the findings of the United States Environmental Protection Agency that led to the bans on 2,4,5-T in March 1979? [More…]
This is occurring at the present time at Ranger, and I am informed that Ranger Uranium Mines is co-operating with the Territory and Commonwealth authorities in meeting the environmental requirements imposed on the company. [More…]
It should be understood that the environmental controls under which uranium mining is permitted to proceed in the Region are extremely comprehensive and detailed. [More…]
The Northern Territory Government has enacted legislation dealing with water, soil, radiation and general aspects of uranium mining, in order to implement the strict environmental controls that that Commonwealth has imposed on mining in the Region. [More…]
The legislation provides for severe penalties should the environmental requirements and the standards not be observed by the mining companies. [More…]
The recent action of the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States of America in restricting the use of 2,4,5-T had led to the matter of the use and safety of 2,4,5-T being again referred to Council for advice. [More…]
In particular a special working party of Council had investigated in detail the material on which the actions of the United States Environmental Protection Agency were based. [More…]
The International Conference on Environmental Matters in Bergen in 1976 debunked the scientific evidence which was supposed to have been the underpinning of the maximum sustainable yield theory. [More…]
Finally, to what extent will environmental matters which might concern the Ministers at present be reviewed, and when will information be given to the Parliament? [More…]
Will the Government in future insist upon guarantees of safey as regards environmental control and operations of reactors as well as these other safeguards before overseas contracts are approved? [More…]
This will provide the opportunity for debate in the Parliament on the measures adopted for environmental control in the region. [More…]
The proposed planning system will require examination of the environmental impact of urban development at a much earlier stage and with a wider perspective than generally occurs at present under the impact of proposals legislation. [More…]
The Committee has said that there should be memorandums of understanding between the Minister for the Capital Territory and the Minister for Science and the Environment to ensure that the system of Structure and Development Plans and the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act work in a comprehensive and complementary manner. [More…]
I had previously, in relation to the whole of clause 5, made the comment that a number of editorials throughout the country had quite unfairly portrayed clause 5 as one that could be applied against any demonstration or protest march- any environmental rally or peaceful anti-uranium demonstration. [More…]
In effect what the Government is saying is that the democratic rights and liberties will be placed in jeopardy of every person who belongs to the Australian Council of Trade Unions or to an environmental organisation that may decide to do something about the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland and so involve itself in a challenge to the view expressed by the Queensland Government that the reef ought to be mined. [More…]
At another time I will use this chamber to detail very definitely some of the environmental havoc that has been wreaked by the nuclear industry. [More…]
The report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry provided a land use strategy plan to show how its recommendations could be implemented compatibly with other interests such as Aboriginal ownership, use and occupation; mining and mineral exploration; a mining township; tourism and scientific study. [More…]
The plan provided detailed environmental conditions which should be observed if uranium was mined. [More…]
On 25 August 1977 the Government announced its acceptance of the major recommendations of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and in 1978 the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act was amended to give effect to the decisions. [More…]
The establishment of Kakadu National Park was seen by the Ranger inquiry as essential to the overall strategy for minimising adverse social and environmental impacts which might occur with the onset of mining in the region. [More…]
The plan of management prepared by the Director and approved by Parliament is intended to ensure environmental protection, and that appropriate management practices are employed, taking into account the interests of the traditional Aboriginal owners. [More…]
The town is to be developed in accord with the plan of management for the park and special measures will be adopted to protect Aboriginal and environmental concerns. [More…]
I refer the Minister to page 1 of his statement in which he indicated that a plan to provide detailed environmental conditions which should be observed if uranium was mined was taken into account. [More…]
Leaving aside the environmental aspects of this question, if I were forced into a corner I would agree to the proposition to mine uranium in Western Australia if I could be guaranteed that the whole of the Kakadu National Park would be declared off limits forever. [More…]
The Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, in its second report, recommended that: [More…]
Although it was recognised at the time that the immediate response to ADR 27A would be engine modifications which would increase fuel consumption, this factor was outweighed by environmental considerations and the expectation of further technological development. [More…]
In addition, the Commonwealth sees value in the definition of practicable and realisticair quality objectives for Australian cities which would be based on broader environmental considerations. [More…]
Although it was recognised at the time that the immediate response to ADR 27A would be engine modifications which would increase fuel consumption, this factor was outweighed by environmental considerations and the expectation of further technological development. [More…]
Honourable senators can see that whilst it was recognised from the start that such engine modifications would increase fuel consumption, at that stage of the AT AC meeting it was considered that environmental considerations outweighed any increase in fuel consumption. [More…]
-Earlier the Ministers had agreed that the environmental consideration was the important thing. [More…]
The question of increased fuel consumption had been raised and, according to the statement, had been seen as outweighed by environmental considerations and the expectation of further technological development. [More…]
3 ) The 1 978 Directory of On-going Research in Cancer Epidemiology, published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the German Central Cancer Registry, refers to studies relating to breast cancer and use of or exposure to the following environmental factors: air pollution, aromatic amines, arsenic, asbestos, industrial chemicals generally, oral contraceptives, cosmetics, diet, drugs, dyes, insecticides, radiation, smoking, socio-economic factors, stress, urban/rural residence, vinyl chloride, virus infection and water pollution. [More…]
Some other factors which would be recognised and evaluated include anticipated capacity utilization, market size, proximity to markets, environmental factors, transportation economies, plant location, feedstock price and availability, and the by-products utilization and inter-relationship with other chemical processing plants. [More…]
The conservation, development and management of water resources must take place in the broad framework not only of development and management of resources generally, but also of overall economic, environmental and social planning. [More…]
It seems reasonable to assume that in these cases it has proved possible to meet the concerns of the local authorities, which are responsible for safety and environmental requirements. [More…]
To enable my Department and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to examine the environmental and park management consequences of the proposal for partial renewal of the two permits (in the Capricornia section) to be processed, I suggest that your Department provide my Department and the Authority with specific details as to the boundaries of the areas over which it is proposed to renew permits. [More…]
To enable my Department and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to examine the environmental and park management consequences of the proposal for partial renewal of the two permits to be processed, I suggest that your Department provide my Department and the Authority formally with specific details particularly as to the boundaries of the areas over which it is proposed to renew permits. [More…]
This will enable the Department and the Authority to assess the adequacy of information available to relate the proposed exploration program to areas of environmental and marine park significance. [More…]
That information demonstrates just how weak this Government has been when it comes to environmental matters, and it demonstrates just how much the Government is subject to manipulation by oil companies. [More…]
But before 1 refer to Senator Webster’s reply, let me remind the Senate that they were the two matters of substance dealt with in Mr Newman’s letter- not constitutional issues, not environmental issues, but the consent of the oil companies and the consent of the Queensland Government. [More…]
To enable my Department and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to examine the environmental and park management consequences of the proposal for partial renewal of the two permits to bc processed. [More…]
This will enable the Department and the Authority to assess the adequacy of information available to relate the proposed exploration program to areas of environmental and marine park significance. [More…]
The ‘List of Species and Genera of Aquarium Fishes Proposed for Continued Importation’ was drawn up to reduce to manageable proportions for import control purposes the number of species of exotic freshwater aquarium fishes approved for importation but to include species that had been commonly imported by the trade for many years and were regarded to be of low environmental and disease risk. [More…]
Within the Commonwealth Government, responsibility for environmental policy advice and the co-ordination of Government policy on the matter rests with the Minister for Science and the Environment and the administration of import controls and quarantine rests with the Ministers Tor Business and Consumer Affairs and Health respectively. [More…]
They have also been referred to the Minister for Science and the Environment who is responsible for advising the Government on environmental policy aspects and for co-ordinating Government policy in this matter. [More…]
Does the Minister agree that for environmental purposes mining can be regarded as compatible with tourism and fishing? [More…]
It calls for major changes in thinking and states that strong positive action is needed to enable our environmental heritage to survive and the reasonable potential for economic production in the north to be realised. [More…]
First and foremost I would like to quote some words from Dr Frank Talbot, the Director of Environmental Studies at Macquarie University and a former Director of the Australian Museum, who has studied the marine life of the Great Barrier Reef for some 15 years. [More…]
Professor Epstein is Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the School of Public Health, University of Illinois at the Medical Centre, Chicago. [More…]
He was also Chief of the Laboratories of Environmental Toxicology and Carcinogenesis at the [More…]
Children’s Cancer Research Foundation in Boston, Senior Research Associate in Pathology at Harvard Medical School, and Swetland Professor of Environmental Health and Human Ecology at Case Western Reserve University Medical School. [More…]
The environmental and public health effects of these aerosol propellants are being kept under continuing review by the Australian Environment Council and the NH & MRC. [More…]
To enable my Department and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to examine the environmental and park management consequences of the proposal … [More…]
That letter was written by Mr Groom, the previous Minister in charge of environmental matters and the man who has been mainly responsible for the recommendation in relation to the Capricornia section. [More…]
The first corrects a simple error in the calculation of the size ofthe Ranger project area subsequent to the adjustment to the southern boundary in accordance with the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry’s recommendation. [More…]
The reason he wants the development areas excised is that the environmental restrictions are too severe so far as the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly is concerned and too tough on the mining companies. [More…]
This choice was not given to Aboriginals in relation to Ranger or other areas which were mentioned in the Fox Report on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
I waited with great hope for the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to cut Mr Everingham down to size and to say that certain guidelines, particularly in relation to environmental protection, have to be maintained. [More…]
I emphasise the words ‘first priority’- to operational safety which includes maintaining at the Research Establishment the highest possible standard of surveillance of all environmental and working conditions which could affect the health and safety of Commission employees. [More…]
Has the Department of Health produced a report entitled An Environmental Survey of Aboriginal Communities 1977-78’? [More…]
In short, the Queensland Government can be relied upon to drill the reef region with little or no consideration of the environmental aspects, no matter how catastrophic they may be. [More…]
I quote first a letter written by Professor F. H. Talbot, President of the Great Barrier Reef Committee and Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies, Macquarie University, to the Sydney Morning Herald. [More…]
I am indebted to a good friend, Dr Norman K. Sanders, who was with the Department of Geography at the University of California, at Santa Barbara, Dr Sanders had occasion to put a submission before the Assembly Planning and Land Use Committee of the State of California on the environmental costs and benefits of off-shore oil drilling. [More…]
In answer to my supplementary question the Minister stated that things were a little frigid as far as the Kakadu Park and the Director’s desire to have an environmental code imposed are concerned. [More…]
Because of his report to the Labor Government, we continued with the project subject to an environmental impact statement. [More…]
That environmental impact statement has not yet been produced. [More…]
We spent $6m on this project and yet we still do not have that environmental impact statement. [More…]
Where is the environmental impact statement that the previous report called for? [More…]
The sooner we get that environmental statement, the better.. [More…]
Because of Senator George’s concern about an environmental impact study, I draw his attention to the fact that within these additional Estimates increased funds are sought to cover the cost of essential scientific equipment for use in an environmental impact study. [More…]
We cannot get out of the fix because we refuse to diversify; we refuse to accelerate a review; we refuse to get an environmental impact statement so that we can do away with the project and give the people of the Torres Strait Islands something else to do. [More…]
While the Committee did not believe curtailment of the existing woodchip industry program is warranted on environmental grounds at the present time, a number of major recommendations were made on conditions under which woodchips should be exported. [More…]
The Committee urged that no licences should be issued to new woodchip export projects, other than those based on sawmill waste, until environmental problems outlined in the report are resolved. [More…]
In its supplementary report, the Committee recommended that in establishing criteria for these safeguards and monitoring, the environmental problems outlined in the report should be satisfactorily resolved. [More…]
These include social, environmental and economic matters. [More…]
Assessments of environmental impact have been carried out under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act where applications have been made to review licences and to increase export quantity, as in the case of the Harris Daishowa (Aust.) [More…]
In common with a number of other inquiries, the Committee has stressed the importance of land use planning in environmental management. [More…]
The Government, however, believes that there could be a case for the development of new projects, with safeguards which take account of current research and which are accompanied by monitoring of environmental quality. [More…]
Forestry Authorities also have a responsibility in this matter, particularly where innovations demand revision of environmental protection prescriptions. [More…]
Among the insects alone it is said that something like SO 000 species just cannot be mentioned in any account of the environmental ecosystem because they have no accepted names. [More…]
Yet, insects, just because of the large number of species and the ease with which they can be sampled are particularly sensitive indicators of environmental differences. [More…]
How can safeguards be applied in this area when there is no base line against which to carry out proper, environmental-quality monitoring [More…]
Environmental groups in the area are very disturbed about what may happen. [More…]
However I do not consider the facts that some organisations, including environmentalist bodies, have particular views on uranium mining, processing and utilisation, as being in themselves sufficient reasons for their being called upon to provide environmental assessment. [More…]
It would be able to make a contribution to the assessment of the social, physical and environmental problems associated with the mining of uranium, but obviously the State Minister has no desire to seek or even to accept its assistance in any way. [More…]
It is very significant that environmental bodies, whether they be wildlife organisations, littoral societies or ordinary environmental groups, are not going to be prevailed upon to assist in any way. [More…]
I refer to your letter of 14 May 1979, in which you state that it is most unlikely that the comment of the Townsville Regional Conservation Council will be sought on the environmental impact on the proposed uranium mine development at Ben Lomond, near Townsville ( Mining Lease Application No. [More…]
A great deal of local environmental experience and expertise is available to us. [More…]
First of all it sets out some rather vague guidelines about how to prepare an environmental impact study. [More…]
Some of the guidelines that have been laid down for environmental impact studies represent only a shadow of the 1974 legislation which this Parliament passed. [More…]
I have also a copy describing the activities of Pechiney and its related organisations; also, the preliminary environmental advice which must accompany mining lease applications, to be lodged in duplicate. [More…]
That is the point at which I said that environmental groups, wildlife organisations, littoral societies and related bodies were not asked for assistance. [More…]
the roneoed sheet is the preliminary environmental advice to accompany mining lease applications, to be lodged in duplicate. [More…]
The Department’s report recommends that appropriate environmental protection measures be taken in order to safeguard the health of workers. [More…]
I believe that in many ways Australia has become a leader through its environmental legislation. [More…]
In keeping with the recommendation of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, the Government decided that the mining town to serve mines developed in the region should be included in Kakadu National Park and should be a closed town with a limited population. [More…]
In issuing such a licence, the Director shall specify environmental conditions to be a part of that licence to ensure that the park values are preserved. [More…]
-Does the Minister for Science and the Environment recall advising me, in response to a question I placed on the Notice Paper, that between 1975 and 1977, of the 558 tests on final effluent being discharged into the Georges River from Commonwealth establishments in Sydney some 79 samples failed to comply with the bacterial and chemical standards of the New South Wales Clean Waters Act; and that a report will be forthcoming from the Department of Housing and Construction, to the Department of Transport on the environmental survey investigations being carried out at Bankstown aerodrome? [More…]
I am advised that legionnaires disease is attributed to a bacterium- legionella pneumophilia- which is apparently acquired from environmental sources, such as dust or water. [More…]
His opposition to the mining of uranium on environmental grounds is well known. [More…]
The same sort of problems he has faced in trying to get some resolution to the problem in the Aboriginal Affairs area has been found in the environmental area. [More…]
The Department’s report recommends that appropriate environmental protection measures be taken in order to safeguard the health of workers. [More…]
The park comprises some 6,000 square kilometres and contains within it the township site of Jabiru as recommended in the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry report. [More…]
The recommendation which I think initially is important is drawn from page 2 19 of the second report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
The environmental lobby has been losing ground in congress recently, lt came fully prepared for what was called “the environmental vote of the decade”. [More…]
Many members sided with the president to put at least one solid environmental vote on their record. [More…]
It’s a triumph for the environmental ethic’. [More…]
If the mining companies swore on a pack of bibles that they would follow environmental safeguard procedures I would not believe them. [More…]
In those days mining, whether for uranium or any thing else, was not subject to environmental control, nor did people take the interest in their country which they do now. [More…]
It is quite true that when the Australian Atomic Energy Commission mined uranium some 25 years ago it did not engage in the safeguards and the environmental controls that are engaged in today. [More…]
After detailed examination of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommendations, the Government announced its decisions with regard to Jabiru town. [More…]
In granting licences for work to proceed, the Director will specify any environmental conditions necessary to ensure that park values are not adversely affected and will have regard to the views of the Chairman of the Northern Land Council in relation to specific projects. [More…]
As recommended by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry under the chairmanship of Mr Justice Fox, the health and environmental aspects of uranium mining are regulated under applicable Northern Territory law but the supervising scientist for the Alligator Rivers region, who is appointed under Commonwealth statute, has an overall supervisory and co-ordinative role. [More…]
Government to Queensland mines for their Nabarlek operations is that they meet stringent environmental requirements attached to the special mining lease which follow closely the environmental requirements imposed by the Commonwealth on the Ranger operation and which are based on the recommendations of the Ranger Uranium environmental inquiry. [More…]
The company must also obtain authorisations from the Northern Territory Minister for Mines and Energy under the Northern Territory Uranium Mining ( Environmental Control) Act which also has appended to it as a schedule the same environmental requirements that are attached to the special mining lease. [More…]
Under the environmental requirements the company has to have a basic monitoring program approved before the commencement of the excavation of the mine pit including a personal and environmental radiation monitoring program. [More…]
The report from which Mr Collins has drawn in making his allegations was prepared in February by my department as a review of the final environmental impact statement submitted by Queensland mines. [More…]
It is well known that the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry chaired by Mr Justice Fox perceived the contrary- the utterly different context of the late 1970s as distinct from the early 1950s. [More…]
Page 248 of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry second report states: [More…]
The first of those is that an independent regulatory authority be established to be responsible for nuclear-related environmental protection, health, safety, security, safeguards and other non-proliferation activities. [More…]
It is clearly appropriate in an area of such obvious conflicts of interest that the organisational arrangements should reflect a desire that the best possible research, the most competent commercial exploitation and the most vigorous health and environmental safeguards should be promoted by separate bodies not answerable to a single set of commissioners. [More…]
an independent regulatory authority responsible for nuclear-related environmental protection, health, safety, security, safeguards and other nonproliferation activities; [More…]
The highest estimate of dismantling costs that is heard these days comes from Peter N. Skinner, an environmental engineer in the New York State attorney general ‘s office. [More…]
The Sub-committee will make recommendations on hygienic standards for occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos. [More…]
In respect to these pastoral leases the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry recommended that: if possible the national park include at least one large total river catchment; the South Alligator catchment is the most suitable. [More…]
3 ) The Government does not intend to include in Kakadu National Park any areas other than those recommended to it by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry. [More…]
Will the Government in the future insist upon guarantees of safety in relation to environmental control and operations of reactors, as well as the other safeguards mentioned in ( 1 ) above, before overseas contracts are approved. [More…]
Operations with respect to radiation safety and protection at Queensland Mines ‘ Nabarlek Project are subject to the requirements of the Code of Practice on Radiation Protection in the Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores, Department of Health 1975, and to certain environmental requirements attached to the Northern Territory Special Mineral Lease which authorises the project. [More…]
When can a considered, detailed comment be expected from the National Health and Medical Research Council on reports provided to it in early 1 979 of events at Alsea, Oregon, which led to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s extension of bans on the use of 2,4,5T. [More…]
Has the United States Environmental Protection Agency requested information or reports from the Council relating to possible associations of 2,4,5T with birth defects or foetus malformations in Australia; if so, has the Council given the United States Environmental Protection Agency the requested information or reports; if not, why not. [More…]
I understand that copies of the NHMRC report on the investigation into a possible relationship between 2,4, 5T and birth defects in Australia were sent to both the U.S. Embassy in Canberra and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. [More…]
The importance of economic, social and environmental effects of energy usage is emphasised. [More…]
1 ) Does the high toxicity or many agricultural chemicals used in spraying mean that any mistakes in proportions used could cause serious health and environmental hazards. [More…]
Even when diluted they could cause health or environmental hazards if improperly used. [More…]
With regard to the selection of the town site, this was recommended by consultants to the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, A. [More…]
For instance, the Committee urged the Government not to issue any new woodchip licences, other than in respect of the use of sawmill waste, until environmental matters outlined in the report were resolved. [More…]
The Government, however, believes that there could be a case for the development of new projects, with safeguards which take account of current research and which are accompanied by monitoring of environmental quality. [More…]
Very demanding environmental laws, harsh trade practices legislation, prices justification regulations, and the development and investment policies pursued by many countries have acted as impediments to economic growth. [More…]
The Minister is not to exercise any of those powers unless it is necessary to do so for purposes of safety or environmental emergency. [More…]
Although not a general revision, the Bill now before honourable senators provides the framework for a significant updating of Australia’s navigation laws in accordance with the latest international standards of safety and environmental protection. [More…]
Ranger uranium project in the Northern Territory, will any environmental aspects of the project have to be reviewed? [More…]
Will the Government continue to control those environmental aspects? [More…]
Under this agreement the Commonwealth has undertaken to make provision that the Joint Venturers shall observe all environmental requirements specified in the conditions of the authority to mine or otherwise imposed by the law. [More…]
This could be developed within 18 months by a leaching process in which fluid is injected into the ore body- a process which has environmental appeal. [More…]
(Sources: Work Circle Environmental Protection) Les Amis de la Terre) 1958-Los Alamos, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1965, September- Humboldt Bay Station, California [More…]
(Source: Contingency Plan ‘Work Circle Environmental Protection’) 1968, January, Chooz Reactor, Belgium [More…]
(Source: Contingency Plan ‘Work Circle Environmental Protection’) 1968, February -San Clemente, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1970, 3rd April -Pennsylvania, U.S.A. [More…]
(Sources: Work Circle Environmental Protection; Jean Geue A.A.E.C.) [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1971, Mid year-Clinton, Tennessee, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1972-Obrigheim, Federal Republic of Germany [More…]
(Source: ‘Contingency Plan’ Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1972-Surry 1, U.S.A. [More…]
(Sources: Work Circle Environmental Protection) “Not Man Apart”, Sept. 1972) 1972, September-Millstone 1, Reactor, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1973-Wuergassen, Federal Republic of Germany [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1973, 17th April-Millstone 1, Connecticut, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection and Penelope Coeling 1973, June-Hanford, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1974, February- Wurgassen, Germany [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1975-Brown’s Ferry, Alabama, U.S.A. [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1975- -Gundermmingen, Federal Republic of Germany [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1975 6th June-Zion, U.S.A. 15,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked from cooling system into reactor containment building. [More…]
Work Circle Environmental Protection) [More…]
(Source: Work Circle Environmental Protection) 1976 12th January-U.S.A. [More…]
“Contingency Plan” ‘Work Circle Environmental Protection’ University of Freiburg/Br. [More…]
I wonder whether the Minister for Science and the Environment is aware of it and whether an environmental impact study has been done. [More…]
The Commissioners of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry outlined in the Fox report their finding that a terrorist group could use reactor grade plutonium to make a bomb which would have good prospects of yielding several hundred tonnes of TNT. [More…]
It seems reasonable to assume that in these cases it has proved possible to meet the concerns of the local authorities, which are responsible for safety and environmental requirements. [More…]
The village was suffering from overcrowding and is now to be moved away from the Rock to a new site, where proper environmental protection can be undertaken and a fine village will be built to cater for the needs of the tourists. [More…]
There is general agreement that health and environmental risks have been taken in the past with the number of varieties of fish that have been introduced. [More…]
They have made inquiries about using DC9 aircraft for charter operations but have been refused because of pavement limitations and environmental problems. [More…]
Although it has brought benefits it has also brought a number of fundamental environmental problems. [More…]
Secondly, as I have mentioned, there must be a tighter environmental control and a higher density regrowth requirement by the Commonwealth when it assesses the regeneration requirements to meet the export licence needs; in other words, the standards demanded by the Commonwealth are not high enough in relation to regeneration density requirements. [More…]
With the newly elected Government in South Australia in agreement with the mining of uranium in the State, can the Minister give any indication as to what federal conditions would have to be met, including environmental conditions? [More…]
Environmental considerations and requirements will have to be satisfied. [More…]
Passing to the second term of reference, the Standing Committee considered that a number of psycho-social and environmental factors cause alcohol problems in various Aboriginal communities. [More…]
The Committee recommended that emphasis in the development of Aboriginal alcohol programs be given to preventive measures and suggested a range of measures to counteract the psycho-social and environmental causes of alcohol misuse it perceived. [More…]
These measures include continued improvement of environmental conditions, support for outstations, increased support through Commonwealth and State law for Aboriginal communities wishing to limit their alcohol consumption, support for alcohol education programs, and alternative methods for the payment of social security benefits. [More…]
In relation to prevention, my Department has been providing substantial financial assistance for some time to State and local government authorities and Aboriginal communities and organisations to improve the environmental conditions of Aboriginal people. [More…]
I have pointed out already that burning fossil fuels- coal, oil or natural gas- is raising the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere worldwide and that is potentially the most serious environmental problem facing the world. [More…]
1 ) Does the summary manner in which criticism is dismissed by the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Jabiluka Uranium project recently issued by Pancontinental Mining, comply with the spirit and intention of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974. particularly in view of the fact that criticism by the Friends of the Earth was based on months of research: and consultation with Professor Kerr of the Ranger Inquiry. [More…]
1 ) The Administrative Procedures under the Environment’ Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act require that a draft environmental impact statement be made available for public review and that this draft should be revised taking into account, and summarising or including in full comments received. [More…]
Pancontinental have compiled with the requirements of the Environment Protection Administrative Procedures, which contain no provision for making a final environmental impact statement available for public review. [More…]
The economic costs and benefits, and the environmental advantages and disadvantages were considered. [More…]
Pancontinental have indicated that the selection of underground mining as the preferred option in the final impact statement has resulted from further environmental and technical investigations carried out in response to comment made on the draft statement. [More…]
For example, two factors which have emerged in the last 10 years and which will have a significant bearing on future planning strategy are reduced growth rates and public concerns about the environmental effects which development in south Tuggeranong will have on the Mumimbidgee River. [More…]
Environmental impact statements on all matters of development, whether in the private or public sector, are becoming very important from the point of view of looking at all sides of development. [More…]
Indeed, if the environmental organisations and the people who work for them have to devote a lot of their spare time to raising money, they will have less time available to do the job that they should be doing- acting out a watchdog role over environmental matters. [More…]
The community may well hand out the money the groups need; however, the environmentalists are people who are concerned about this national problem but who are being put at a disadvantage because effort has to go unnecessarily into that part of their task. [More…]
I was advised by the environmentalist movement this morning that the dollar for dollar basis will have serious detrimental effects on a number of environmental centres that are finding it hard enough to raise funds in today’s economic climate. [More…]
It will cripple substantially the Darwin environmental centre, possibly the one at Townsville, and at Cairns as well. [More…]
Probably the only viable environmental centre left may be the Total Environment Centre in my electorate of New South Wales. [More…]
It is also a point that governments- not only this Government but others as well- have supplied millions of dollars through assistance directly and indirectly to companies such as those involved in mining, whereas they do not give more than a paltry $350,000 to the environmental movement. [More…]
There has been no change in this total grant since 1974, despite inflation and consistent requests from the environmental movement for the indexation of the benefits that it gets. [More…]
Certain causes are being taken against both these organisations by environmentalists. [More…]
Dr C. O. Fuller, Principal Medical Officer, Environmental Health, South Australian Health Commission [More…]
As far as the second part of the question is concerned, the declaration of Kakadu National Park arises from the Government’s response to the recommendation of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry that a major national park in the Alligator Rivers region should be established under the National Parks and Wildlife Act. [More…]
They concern both the development of uranium mining in accordance with environmental standards and safeguards as well as the sale of uranium to countries with which we have entered into safeguards agreements. [More…]
Today, the NSF is clearly the lead federal agency for support of such areas as systemic biology, astronomy, chemistry, solid-state physics, environmental science, and various social sciences. [More…]
After the report was made the four governments- Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia- agreed that the Commission should be able to take water quality and environmental matters into consideration. [More…]
The River Murray Commission is operating illegally every time it spends any money looking at or even considering environmental matters. [More…]
It is dedicated to the important role of overseeing environmental matters in Australia. [More…]
We are told that there has been an environmental study. [More…]
Last week the Committee, consistent with its obligation to exert a continuing oversight of environmental matters, returned to the Manjimup forest area. [More…]
We think, as a bipartisan Committee representative of all the views of the people of Australia, that it is very important for governments to recognise the need for community involvement as far as these environmental decisions are concerned. [More…]
This report found that the physical environmental conditions on Aboriginal and Islander reserves in Queensland are markedly superior- [More…]
However, this Government has set up very careful protective devices, including the Office of the Supervising Scientist and the provisions of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act, which require Pancontinental and other mining companies to submit environmental impact statements which are subject to public review. [More…]
-Is the Minister representing the Minister for Trade and Resources aware of the report in the Soviet Union newspaper the Kommunist and reported in yesterday’s Age newspaper in which serious doubts about the scope, safety and environmental consequences of the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle are expressed? [More…]
However, since the honourable senator has put the proposition, as I understand it, that some environmental hazard is created by the installation of that equipment, I will have the matter looked into. [More…]
Nor is there any revelation in the report of the guidelines that apply in legal aid, conciliation and arbitration, environmental and other public interest matters, although one would have thought that a report such as this would have been an admirable opportunity for the Government to lay down, in visible and readily accessible public form, the kinds of guidelines that are operating informally in this area. [More…]
-I draw to the attention of the Minister for Science and the Environment reports that are abroad that the Government is set to opt out of environmental control. [More…]
Indeed, encouragement to the States with regard to environmental assessment is a most important matter with which both Federal and State governments should be associated. [More…]
I would think that the reports that have appeared in newspapers recently have appeared because the newspapers which have had them sleeping for a year or two all of a sudden they have brought them forward because a report on environmental legislation was brought down in the House of Representatives last Thursday. [More…]
There is no credence whatsoever to be given to the suggestion that the Federal Government will seek to lessen the requirements or to weaken environmental legislation. [More…]
However, I can assure the honourable senator that over the past few years there has been the greatest co-operation, so far as I am aware, between the Federal Government and each individual State in bringing forward environmental impact statements where necessary. [More…]
There is a variety in the quality of environmental legislation within the States, and one hopes that that will become more unified over a period. [More…]
During recent years I have found nothing that has led me to believe that there is anything but the greatest co-operation between the States and the Federal Government in the way in which environmental impact statements are carried out. [More…]
The United States has made clear that a primary consideration in deciding whether to proceed will be the health, safety and environmental impact of such a project. [More…]
The Code was stated to be an ‘authoritative document’ by the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry and no union has objected to the Code. [More…]
The Minister said that environmental legislation in the States varied in quality and that, in fact, in some States there was no legislation but only regulations. [More…]
The Minister also affirmed the Federal role of encouragement of the States with regard to environmental assessments. [More…]
Does the Minister have regular meetings on environmental matters with his State counterparts? [More…]
He drew the attention of the Senate, firstly, to the fact that all States do not have similar environmental legislation. [More…]
I agree that a competence must be reached by the States if they are to deal with environmental matters. [More…]
I have been aware of, and have read, the article in the Age which speaks of environmental legislation. [More…]
He says in his statement that the Park is an area of outstanding natural beauty and contains much of scientific, cultural and environmental interest. [More…]
I believe- I did raise this point with the people of Ranger- that environmental measures there have been scrupulously abided by. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the warnings by Dr Mark Harris, a Sydney paediatrician attached to the environmental health group of the inner Sydney regional council for social development, that the concentration of carbon monoxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere in south-western and centra] Sydney was sufficient to exacerbate bronchia-pneumonic and respiratory complaints in children and heart disease in adults. [More…]
An additional requirement was that should any environmental issue have arisen out of the work of the Australian Government’s Interdepartmental Working Party on the economic and environmental implications of the woodchip industry, which it would have been reasonable to require the W.A. [More…]
The responsibility for environmental management and administration of the W.A. [More…]
In line with announced policy, the Commonwealth Government will take decisions on the development of projects such as Roxby Downs subject to satisfactory completion of the necessary environmental requirements. [More…]
There are arrangements agreed between the Commonwealth Government and the South Australian Government concerning cooperation in the environmental assessment of projects. [More…]
However, there appears to be no evidence that the chemical nature of these particles produces any adverse environmental effects which should cause concern. [More…]
No negotiations at all have taken place with respect to the Jabiluka project, in view of the inadequacy of Pancontinental ‘s environmental impact statement. [More…]
Approval was said to be subject to completing the necessary legal requirements, including establishment of environmental safeguards and the reaching of an agreement with the NLC, on behalf of the traditional owners. [More…]
Nabarlek: the traditional owners are willing, although reluctantly, to alow mining to proceed, subject to satisfactory social and environmental safeguards being agreed, to satisfactory financial arrangements, and to agreement on details of the mining plan. [More…]
Such a deal would, of course, have to include social and environmental safeguards as well as monetary provisions. [More…]
Such a policy might well include a series of public statements by the NLC Chairman on the evils of mining, and at least tacit support for efforts by others (trade unions, environmental groups) that had the effect of delaying a decision. [More…]
On pages 9 and 10 it mentions cases concerned with the Antarctic Expedition and the tenders called for the supply of helicopters in 1961, the problems arising under the Sugar Agreement and the environmental controversies arising in 1 972 as far as Lake Pedder was concerned and in relation to the mining of recreation reserves in Queensland, where the fiat of the AttorneyGeneral was not granted. [More…]
Of course, that study will include consideration not only of environmental factors but also of possible sites and various other matters, such as the selection of a suitable reactor fuel element combination. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of this report and the scientists’ claim that the effects they have discovered may have considerable significance for the safety of humans exposed to environmental and occupational chemicals? [More…]
Although the Senate Standing Committee on Science and the Environment has made several visits to the region and has seen certain revised techniques which may reduce the environmental strains on the Alligator Rivers system, I do not want to see in 1982 a virtual changing of the guard with a new Supervising Scientist because in the tooling-up period of acquiring a certain awareness there could be breaches of environmental codes. [More…]
If this report had been tabled 48 hours earlier it could have been perused by a number of honourable senators who are aware that the Supervising Scientist is the virtual environmental custodian of the Northern Territory. [More…]
Following on the report of Justice Fox on the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry the Government embodied in legislation the proviso that if a mining interest had been applied for before June 1976 on land which subsequently became Aboriginal land then Aborigines could not prevent uranium mining but could merely negotiate terms and conditions of that mining. [More…]
Another point is what environmental effect it will have on the Kakadu National Park in view of the uniquely primeval nature of that park, where we will need to have a guaranteed zero effect on the environment if we are to preserve it into the indefinite future. [More…]
Within the airways operation division, 100 per cent of the costs of the operational service branch was attributable whilst the total costs of the environmental and security branch were non-attributable. [More…]
The Committee considers that the reduction in the number of fish species approved for importation cannot be justified on quarantine grounds and recommends that further investigations be undertaken to establish the environmental issues involved. [More…]
Many of these diseases are associated with the squalor and bad environmental conditions which many people endure while bureaucratic procrastination replaces positive housing programs. [More…]
What about the environmental effects of all the trace elements coming out of the millions of tonnes of black coal we burn each year in this country. [More…]
The earth is facing an environmental problem of a magnitude which it has not coped with before. [More…]
An item dealt with by Estimates Committee D referred to reimbursement to the Northern Territory Government for the provision of environmental regulatory services. [More…]
The matter refers to environmental regulatory studies in the Northern Territory pertaining to the mining of uranium. [More…]
I then went on to point out that in total the Commonwealth was spending taxpayers’ money to the tune of $4,713,000 for the current 1 2 months to carry out environmental regulatory services. [More…]
I simply ask: Where, when and how is the Australian taxpayer to receive a return on that $4,713,000 which is being expended in the current 12 months to carry out environmental studies to try to assess what damage may be done as a result of uranium mining in the Northern Territory? [More…]
A copy of the main findings of the report was obtained by Reuters from sources at the US Government Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which commissioned it: [More…]
Environmental protection agency sources said that unless action was taken it was possible that the world use of fluorocarbons could increase by 5 to 7 per cent annually during the next 20 years. [More…]
Did Mildren and Partners act for any objectors to the Alligator Rivers Land Claim which was heard during the course of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry; if so, who were the objectors, and what was the nature of their objections. [More…]
In a hearing of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Mr Mildren argued successfully that the Opitz (Cooinda) Enterprises ‘s leases were of a nature that precluded the leased land being treated as unalienated land; a similar argument in respect of K. S. & C. J. [More…]
Kakadu National Park was declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 on 5 April 1979 following consideration by the Government of recommendations made in the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry Second Report [More…]
CSIRO’s rainforest studies provide basic information about the structure, composition and growth of rainforests and the environmental factors that determine such features. [More…]
Why has Australia signed, but not yet ratified, the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. [More…]
Have orders been given for the preparation of environmental impact statements for the following Tasmanian Government and local government works being carried out, or proposed to be carried out, with the assistance of the Australian Government money and, if so, what was the date in each case on which the necessary order was tabled in each House of the Australian Parliament, and what were the dates on which each notice was published in the Gazette as required by section 7 (1) of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposal) Act 1974: ( 1 ) Reconstruction, upgrading and resealing of the Bass Highway from the vicinity of Elizabeth Town to Latrobe, Tasmania; (2) cutting of walking tracks in the Dial Range in the Penguin Municipality in Tasmania; (3) construction of the Burnie Expressway, Tasmania; and (4) upgrading of and the northern section of the Murchison Highway, Tasmania? [More…]
- 3 ) What work is under way to try to identify any environmental factor which might help protect against this particularly common form of cancer [More…]