Contexts in which the phrase great britain was used in the Senate during the 1970s
Is the Minister aware that the first rugby league test between Australia and Great Britain will not be televised? [More…]
-BROCKM AN- Surely a country like Great Britain with its manufacturing potential for an aircraft of the type which was wanted throughout the world would consider the matter very carefully before action was taken. [More…]
A Labour Government was in office in Great Britain at the time of cancellation of the TSR2 project, lt then placed orders in the United States for Fill aircraft. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for External Affairs: ls it a fact that although Great Britain recognised Communist China in 1949, in the 21 years since then Communist China has refused to receive an ambassador from the United Kingdom on the ground that no ambassador will be received until the United Kingdom breaks off relations with Taiwan? [More…]
ls it not a fact that many years ago the Government of Great Britain under Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill recognised the existence of the Government of mainland China? [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Trade and Industry, concerns the projected entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community and its consequential effects on our rural exports. [More…]
1 ask: Are negotiations between Australia and Great Britain on individual commodities proceeding as a continuous undertaking on the official to official basis? [More…]
Can the Minister representing the Minister for Immigration explain his and the Prime Minister’s continued silence on the future status of Australians in Great Britain under the United Kingdom Immigration Act and the long-term effects of common Market membership, particularly since the Prime Minister had lengthy discussions with the British Prime Minister, Edward Heath? [More…]
the horses have first been in Great Britain, Northern Ireland or Ireland for a period of at least six months immediately prior to their shipment to Australia; [More…]
the horses have been shipped only from one of certain specified ports in Great Britain. [More…]
As sure as the sun will rise in the morning, if we pursue this matter a little further I have no doubt that a conservative Foreign Minister in Great Britain and a United States Foreign Secretary will indicate to us, as probably has been indicated to us, that if we do not control these people who are meddling in Europe we will be out on our own. [More…]
The practice of providing these explanatory notes has not been followed in Australia but it has been done in Great Britain. [More…]
I preface my question which is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs by referring to my repeated questions on the territorial fishing dispute involving Iceland and Great Britain. [More…]
Did a recent meeting of Federal and State Ministers discuss a proposal that the Australian Government should actively seek skilled workers from Great Britain, Holland and Germany; what action has been taken as a result of these discussions. [More…]
1 ) Has recent evidence from Great Britain indicated that the risk from exposure to asbestos may have been underestimated. [More…]
1 ) In the light of the recent Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development’s review of world energy requirements to 1985 where it is stated that the world forecasted nuclear capacity of 513 gigawatts by 1985 had been revised to 325 gigawatts by 1985 and in the light of large reductions in the forecasted nuclear capacity of Japan, Germany and Great Britain, what countries will be markets for Australian uranium. [More…]
1 ) Did a commercial channel buy the television rights for coverage of the Rugby League series in which Australia is playing test matches against Great Britain and France. [More…]
by leave- I am very pleased to announce that the newly elected Prime Minister of Great Britain, the Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher, M.P., has accepted an invitation to visit Australia and will be here on 30 June and 1 July. [More…]
These already include the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Philippines and Mexico, and other countries on its routes are expected to follow suit shortly. [More…]
Wherever Mr Wilson, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has gone in recent weeks, he has found big demonstrations by farmers protesting at the position of the primary industry. [More…]
They are now a major element in the migration programme, ranking third after Great Britain and Italy. [More…]
These ships will be owned by Trans-Atlantic and Associated Container Transportation (Australia) Limited of Great Britain. [More…]
The Maltese want an agreement similar to the one which presently operates with Great Britain and New Zealand. [More…]
They are asking that they receive treatment similar to that given to other British citizens from Great Britain and from New Zealand. [More…]
Great Britain is getting out of Asia to a very marked degree. [More…]
If he did he would see that what happened here and in New Zealand from 1929 to 1931 was happening in Great Britain when Mr Wilson took over. [More…]
The Newcastle University referred to in the article is the Newcastle University in Great Britain. [More…]
If we go back and look at the classical books like the reports in Great Britain of some 10 years ago we find that that is what to do, but we must do a lot of other things also. [More…]
Yes, one thinks of Wilson, the last Labour Prime Minister in Great Britain. [More…]
222,894 on a method and machine for pricking pulses, this patent being based upon an application filed in Great Britain on February 18, 1957. [More…]
As a result, people living in Great Britain pay 9.8c for milk but in Hobart - the city with the highest cost of living - the people pay 10c for milk. [More…]
Ministers of Great Britain and the Soviet Union, the responsibility for circulating to the members of the Conference the reports and any other important information they receive from the Commission. [More…]
In Great Britain, Mr Wilson is being approached repeatedly by delegations of farmers complaining that their situation is desperate. [More…]
The criticism I make is that on many occasions, in its quest for political stability, Great Britain was inclined to back leaders who were not always worth while. [More…]
We find recorded on page 13,689 for the period 24th to 31st July 1954 that the 8-nation declaration was signed by the representatives of France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, the 3 Associated States - of which South Vietnam was one - and the Vietminh Government. [More…]
I am one of those people who have not a lot of faith in Great Britain coming back into South East Asia. [More…]
But that is easily understood when it is realised that Great Britain dissolved her own empire. [More…]
Great Britain has had a Labor Government for some years. [More…]
It is a most amazing document because in it he warns, among other things, that Russia’s military spending increased by 6% last year and that he considered that Great Britain’s expenditure on defence would be reduced to less than 2%. [More…]
Tn the European war it was most dangerous in the early years and in Great Britain Joyce was executed for his propaganda of fifth column purpose because he was endeavouring to undermine the morale of the British public under which the infrastructure of the defences then depended. [More…]
However, the role and responsibility of local government in Great Britain is very much greater and local government receives a very much higher recognition from the national Parliament than is the case with local government in this country of ours. [More…]
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Great Britain, the United States of America and France have a proliferation of thermonuclear weapons. [More…]
The companies include: Western Sea Services, which is wholly owned by Lytton Industries of America; Y - -ARD, a combined organisation or consortia of the Yarrow people in Great Britain and the Admiralty Research and Development; Vosper Australia Pty Ltd, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vosper; Thornycroft [More…]
In Great Britain the foreign quota was 14%. [More…]
By taking such action both countries were able to say to those who were wanting to sell programmes in Great Britain and Canada for both television and film purposes: ‘Well, you can sell 10 to us if you take 2 of ours.’ [More…]
This is how Great Britain and Canada have built up their industries. [More…]
He has made a comparison between the proposed scheme and the free hospitalisation scheme which is in operation in Great Britain. [More…]
Senator Greenwood relies for his information on something he has read about Great Britain’s free hospital system. [More…]
Indeed, 1970 would not have seen Australia in the condition it is today without great encouragement from Great Britain and, in recent years, from America. [More…]
Great Britain is one. [More…]
The Government talks about the aircraft that we will manufacture and sell to Great Britain. [More…]
After listening to Senator Poyser 1 wonder whether he recollects that a few years ago Great Britain, a country with probably 5 times our population and a strong manufacturing industry, was looking for a strike bomber aircraft. [More…]
The TSX2 aircraft was designed and cost the Government of Great Britain a great deal of money. [More…]
I want to bring to the Senate a summarised review of the experience of the corporation in Great Britain. [More…]
The Film Producers Association points out that in this regard English producers coming to this country to make a film on location come here with money from the National Film Finance Corporation of Great Britain under the Eadie plan. [More…]
In Great Britain, section 1 (3.) [More…]
But, having regard to the Australian situation, we believe that we would be far belter off to copy the situation in Great Britain rather than that in Canada. [More…]
I think that the history of national health schemes in Great Britain and New Zealand as well as the counterpart national health scheme in the United States of Amenca, known as Medicare, will show that constant high level guerilla warfare has existed between the authorities and drug companies concerning overcharging. [More…]
As a matter of fact in Great Britain - whether the Government be formed by the Conservative Party or the Labour Party - after confrontation between the drug companies and the Government, the drug companies on many occasions have reduced their charges. [More…]
I repeat that the United States of America, Great Britain and New Zealand at various times have been victims of excessive price charges for drugs. [More…]
When the Wilson Government came io power in Great Britain the coffers were almost empty and very severe economic restrictions had to be imposed to try to get the country into a favourable balance of trade position. [More…]
Although it has taken a long time, Great Britain now is in that, position. [More…]
My understanding is that this arose out of the protective limitations which were put around private railways in Great Britain and other places. [More…]
my view the situation is extremely serious because of the probable entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community and also in view of the fact that the European Economic Community is moving into the area which has been considered to be our market. [More…]
I took note that the Minister for Air (Senator DrakeBrockman), in introducing the Bill, made reference to the possible entry of Great Britain into the Common Market. [More…]
We hear of the possibility of the entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community. [More…]
It came into operation in Great Britain in 1880. [More…]
So the tradesman today receives only about $1,000 more than his counterpart in Great Britain received 90 years ago. [More…]
We are not prepared to bring today’s payment up to what was won by struggle in Great Britain in the early days of the Industrial Revolution. [More…]
In some countries they have collective bargaining - in Great Britain to a degree and in the United States. [More…]
How many directors and producers, who were employed by the Australian Broadcasting Commission when television was first introduced into Australia, are now working in the industry in Great Britain. [More…]
It is to be found also in Canada, the United States of America, Great Britain and France, but so far as I know none of those countries has a Country Party. [More…]
What is needed is a vigorous drive for new markets, particularly with the possibility of Great Britain joining the European Economic Community. [More…]
Whilst 1 am a great supporter of Great Britain - indeed, 1 have looked to her for her great motherliness over the period tn which Australia has been growing - during the Socialist era, which has just passed, that country was not able to provide the conditions for growth or the level of employment then we enjoy. [More…]
Is it a fact that freight rates on wool exported to Great Britain and to Europe rose by 4 per cent yesterday? [More…]
One can look further afield to the United States of America and even to Great Britain, which has always been looked upon as being amongst the most sedate and law abiding of all the democracies, and see this attitude towards the law appearing to grow. [More…]
1 was interested to read that Great Britain, even under the administration of a Labour government, was faced with precisely the same position. [More…]
He went before a British judge in the Bow Street court and the judge said: ‘He has committed no crime against Great Britain. [More…]
In regard to what is the norm, we can go back to the era when Harold Macmillan was the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Bulganin and Khrushchev visited England. [More…]
The point I am making is that Great Britain and America seem to have a much more sophisticated attitude of letting bygones be bygones than we have. [More…]
He seemed to have a much harsher attitude to Nehru of India and to Kenyatta than his Conservative counterparts in Great Britain had. [More…]
One way to increase our naval strength is to lease an aircraft carrier from Great Britain, as I have suggested publicly on previous occasions. [More…]
The United States and Great Britain are concerned about it. [More…]
Australia has been a pioneer in the sphere of social welfare and social services oyer the years, it introduced a comprehensive system of age pensions long before either Great Britain or the United States of America, 2 countries with which we frequently have been compared and on which we are frequently modelled in all broad areas of social advance. [More…]
Great Britain could have stopped the war by succumbing to Germany. [More…]
I know that in Great Britain the present cost is in the vicinity of $43. [More…]
But in Great Britain this matter was considered and the relevant legislation there gives a person the right to move from the post office commission into another sector of the government service. [More…]
A lot of people are under the impression that the old ties of the British Empire and the British Commonwealth will continue into the future, that arrangements will be made to soften the effect of the entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community and that Australia will get some of the crumbs from Great Britain. [More…]
It is my view that Australia will be left very much out in the cold if Great Britain enters the Community. [More…]
In recent years because of the departure of Great Britain from our area and the necessity for us to be more self-reliant in defence we have had to spend a lot more money on our security. [More…]
We know the problems that we will have to face when Great Britain enters the European Common Market. [More…]
One-third of our sugar is exported to Great Britain. [More…]
It is interesting to note that this Bill has been introduced to take the place of legislation providing for devaluation payments made over the last 3 years as a result of the currency devaluation in Great Britain. [More…]
1 have some concern at devaluation compensation being eliminated in respect of those industries that have been disadvantaged by the decision of the Federal Government not to follow the devaluation that occurred in Great Britain some years ago. [More…]
It was, I think, 9 or 10 years before the restrictive trade practices legislation in Great Britain could be operated in such a way that the content and the effect of agreements upon the public interest were open to examination because the early part of that period was taken up with considering whether agreements were or were not properly required to be lodged. [More…]
At the election held last June, I think, in Great Britain the Labour Government which had advocated a prices and income policy was destroyed by the trade union movement because it refused to accept that policy, in spite of the pleadings of Mr Harold Wilson. [More…]
It seems that the advice of what was being done by Great Britain was received late on Monday. [More…]
For donkey’s years we have been sending agricultural products to Great Britain. [More…]
Later it was developed as an economic colony of Great Britain as well as a political one. [More…]
It, as well as other places in the world, was looked upon as a source of raw materials to keep Great Britain going while it was controlling the world and while Britannia ruled the waves. [More…]
We now find that Great Britain, for its own purposes, seeks to enter the European Economic Community. [More…]
With Great Britain we have traded at a loss, as I understand the position. [More…]
In comes a piece of intelligence like this and suddenly the Australian Government finds that some of our most important products are to be subjected to duties and penalised in their entry to Great Britain. [More…]
Surely somebody was in Great Britain, applying himself to what was happening in the negotiations. [More…]
The Minister for Supply (Senator Sir Kenneth Anderson) has intimated that a delegation will be going to London to discuss with our British counterparts certain aspects in relation to affecting the trade of certain Australian primary industries with Great Britain. [More…]
In other words, I think there must be a strong intimation by the Australian nation to Great Britain as to how we feel on this matter. [More…]
At the end of the’ motion add: ‘and express its immediate concern and intimates to the Government that the members of the Australian delegation will have the full support of all parties in securing a proper recognition of Australia’s trading relations with Great Britain as a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations in the forthcoming negotiations.’ [More…]
The tradition of Australia’s relations with Great Britain has been that, of a family. [More…]
The whole pattern of our economy, the value of our money, the concessions we have made in keeping up this relationship between Great Britain and Australia over the past century, and more, have been put aside. [More…]
A number of countries such as Great Britain and Canada take steps of this kind to attempt to reverse the brain drain and encourage the return to their home country of this kind of above average citizen. [More…]
Tt is not a total self-government, but it is an effective self-government which would have been regarded as a far reaching step if it had been accorded by Great Britain to any of her erstwhile colonies in the 1920s. [More…]
Partly the inflation may be a response to world wide trends because inflation is going on in the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, all over Europe and almost everywhere in the world. [More…]
They are already faced with the terrible collapse of markets due to increased competition from synthetic fibres, to the glut of wheat following the green revolution in Asia, and to the protectionist move of Great Britain in joining the European Common Market. [More…]
The result can be seen in Great Britain where a very resourceful film industry has imposed a small levy on every cinema patron. [More…]
The result is that international capital is flowing into Great Britain, as it is into Australia. [More…]
One of the reasons for the defeat of the Labor Government in Great Britain was the complete lack of credibility of its Prime Minister. [More…]
Will the Leader of the Government in the Senate, by some suitable procedure, provide this House with an opportunity to debate the consequences to Australian trade of the emergence of the European Common Market, more particularly in the event of Great Britain joining the European Economic Community, with the resulting need to develop new patterns of trade especially in South East Asia? [More…]
So I cannot make any observations other than to say that this is a matter for Great Britain. [More…]
Let us examine the matter for the purpose of seeing what validity we should give to this book by Catherine R. Dalton who submits a theory that, with the investigation of atomic expansion after the Second World War, a tripartite agreement was entered into at Quebec between Canada, Great Britain and the United States for the exchange of information on atomic energy, chemical and biological warfare, and rocketry. [More…]
I suppose that in the future there will be problems associated with the European Economic Community and that if Great Britain joins the European Common Market we in Australia will be in difficulties in a substantial number of our industries. [More…]
It will be interesting to see how the Sugar Agreement will be phased out in the event of Great Britain’s joining the ECM. [More…]
One of the great problems that faces Australia is the emergence of the European Economic Community and the probable and almost certain participation of Great Britain in the European Common Market. [More…]
Subsequently the delegation visited Great Britain. [More…]
The future of the sugar industry and of the Australian sugar contractual quota with Great Britain were raised, more particularly in Britain. [More…]
I am of the opinion that Great Britain, if it wants to enter the Common Market, will not be able to extend any particular solicitude to Australia in relation to its contractual sugar agreement under the British Commonwealth Sugar Agreement after 1974. [More…]
Great Britain will be given no opportunity to retain the Commonwealth Sugar Agreement. [More…]
In Great Britain there is a select committee or a standing committee that deals particularly with public corporations. [More…]
One reads that Great Britain is striving to join the Common Market. [More…]
It mentions action that was taken in Great Britain. [More…]
When the Prime Minister makes his statement on the effects of the British immigration law on Australians entering Great Britain, will that statement be tabled in the Senate so that, if needs be. [More…]
I heard a comment on the radio this morning about the problems experienced in Great Britain. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that in Great Britain at the moment a situation has developed over the Wilberforce report. [More…]
The Conservative Government of Great Britain could not allow collective bargaining in the power industry to get out of hand and there had to be a certain amount of give and take. [More…]
Great Britain has dropped her bank rate to 6 per cent, the United Stales to 5 per cent and the other day West Germany dropped her bank rate to 5 per cent. [More…]
A similar position prevails in Canada, Great Britain and other countries. [More…]
In Sir Robert’s words it was equivalent to Great Britain’s failing to get one man off two Dunkirks. [More…]
Would the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs consider it a good portent for proposals for Australian recognition of Communist China that Great Britain recognised Communist China in 1949 and in all the period since then Communist China has refused to receive a British Ambassador? [More…]
Will the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs inform the Senate whether the Government of Communist China has yet accorded full diplomatic recognition with mutual exchange of envoys at ambassador level to the Government of Great Britain? [More…]
If China has so recognised Great Britain, will the Minister advise the date of such recognition? [More…]
I reserve to the Minister for Foreign Affairs the opportunity to be precise about diplomatic recognition of Great Britain by China and the implementation of that recognition. [More…]
I am not going into the question of why a product which has already been passed in the United States of America or Great Britain is knocked back in Australia. [More…]
I thought it was of some interest that not only does the Australian Labor Party appear to accept that some restriction is necessary - I think all speakers have subscribed to that point of view - but also that the Labor Party in Great Britain, which has just been applauded by Senator Mulvihill, in its 1970 manifesto stated: [More…]
Senator Byrne, with his experience of the history of the criminal law in Great Britain, appreciates that it is evident that the sanction of capital punishment was a complete failure. [More…]
The history of criminal law in Great Britain has shown that the heavier the sanctions, the greater number of crimes seem to be committed. [More…]
Up to the present the Government has npt adopted a policy comparable to that adopted by Fiji, New Zealand or Great Britain, of subsidising the construction of accommodation for tourists. [More…]
There may be demonstrations such as those about the reform Bills in Great Britain where tremendous riots occurred because the people were demanding electoral reform - the right of representation. [More…]
Senator Rae referred to the platform of the Labour Party in Great Britain which said in its 1970 manifesto that it is a first duty of government to protect the citizen against violence, intimidations and crime. [More…]
How many officers of the Department of Immigration were stationed in Asia (excluding Turkey), Africa, North America, South America, Great Britain and Eire and Continental Europe (including Turkey and the Mediterranean area), during each of the past 5 years? [More…]
Will the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs inform the Senate whether the Government of Communist China has yet accorded full diplomatic recognition with mutual exchange of envoys at ambassador level to the Government of Great Britain? [More…]
If China has so recognised Great Britain, will the Minister advise the date of such recognition. [More…]
I do not want to suggest that trespass has not been a criminal offence in Great Britain but there are statutory provisions in Australia which have been the vogue for quite some time. [More…]
In many parts of Great Britain - certainly in the local areas - there is a group of justices which hears cases. [More…]
One of the great complaints in Great Britain against the government of the day was the dispensation with the laws and the suspension of the laws. [More…]
The news tonight concerning the European Economic Community would seem to indicate that Great Britain has almost achieved her objective in being accepted as a member of the EEC. [More…]
Will the Senate be provided with an opportunity to debate the consequences to Australian trade of the emergence of the European Common Market, more particularly in the event of Great Britain joining it, and the resulting need to develop new export markets particularly in South East Asia? [More…]
It is indeed serious, as I indicated in a question I directed to the Leader of the Government in the Senate (Senator Sir Kenneth Anderson) this morning, that large blocks of the equity holdings of finance companies which are attracting overseas, investment should be in the hands of banks in Hong Kong, United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. [More…]
It is not, perhaps, by accident that legislation of this character comes to this country many years after similar legislation has been in effect in other countries such as the United States, Great Britain and certain continental countries. [More…]
South African producers already enjoy a big advantage over Australia in marketing their fruits in Great Britain and Europe. [More…]
One of the Country Party members in that place - honourable senators know whom I mean - at a Country Party conference referred to Great Britain, Sweden and other nations as mongrel nations because they would not become involved in the war in Vietnam. [More…]
The initiation of the trade union movement in Great Britain brought about a revolution against the British system of justice at that time. [More…]
The withdrawal of the United States and Great Britain from the area is in turn causing the Asian nations to look even more to the continent of Australia for assistance. [More…]
The Committee was advised by the Attorney-General’s Department that the only nation in which computer studies are permitted as evidence is Great Britain and that this was a recent introduction. [More…]
I refer to Great Britain in her heyday, and also the United [More…]
I feel that unless the present cost spiral is halted the situation will become worse, as it has done in Great Britain where in a 12 months period there was a 3 per cent increase in production and a 14 per cent increase in wages and salaries. [More…]
Great Britain is one country which now plans a Budget over 3 years. [More…]
There is a tendency in countries such as Great Britain not to resort to it. [More…]
There has been experimentation in Great Britain, first in a general armistice on the matter, and then in relation to capital punishment only for offences for particular murders - of police and, I think, gaol custodians and people of that nature. [More…]
Recently he returned from overseas and said in an interview that investors from Great Britain were very concerned about the instability of government in Australia today. [More…]
I have a personal interest in the future development of an Australian childrens film foundation or corporation or something of that nature, which will create, especially for the children of Australia, films with a national identity, films which will provide to them the opportunities to see the excellence of our arts from our own people and also which will perhaps enrich our children’s leisure in a way that is achieved by the Children’s Film Foundation of Great Britain. [More…]
In Great Britain, the established film industry is able to support a children’s film foundation. [More…]
I supplied it with information regarding the commission that was set up in Great Britain to make an examination of the postal services in that country. [More…]
This was done in Great Britain. [More…]
But I believe, because of the experience in Great Britain, that this proposal is worthy of examination and consideration by a qualified committee of this Senate. [More…]
As I have said, this matter has been fully canvassed not only in this country but also in the United States, Great Britain and other countries. [More…]
There was a widespread sense of horror at the Moors murders in Great Britain in 1966 and there is a horror of certain crimes which occurred in Victoria within the last 12 months and in respect of which appeals to the higher courts are pending. [More…]
Great Britain would not sully its hands, neither would any European country. [More…]
A few years ago it was fairly common for about only 35 to 40 per cent of the crop to be sold at risk on the world markets in Germany, Great Britain and elsewhere. [More…]
I am fairly certain that no direct representative of the Australian Press was there, and there was none from the Australian Parliament, although the Parliament of Great Britain was represented by a Labor peer and two Conservative members of the House of Commons. [More…]
Later on in this chamber I drew attention to the fact that in Great Britain and West Germany certain drug companies were paying an overdue but well deserved restitution to these children. [More…]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, [More…]
It was a matter in relation to which the drafting had taken into account the legislation from Great Britain, South Africa and several other countries. [More…]
He said also that the establishment of the Council did not preclude the possibility of an overall Council responsible for all aspects of Government support for the arts along the lines of the Canada Council and the Arts Council of Great Britain. [More…]
In the last decade, however, Great Britain and Canada have both established national theatres and companies. [More…]
I have in mind Yugoslavia, Turkey, Israel, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. [More…]
I refer to the entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community and to the decision of the United Nations to admit the People’s Republic of China and to allow it a seat in the Security Council. [More…]
On the one hand there is the conspiracy of Great Britain and the European Economic Community to join together, and on the other hand there is the conspiracy of the United Nations to admit the People’s Republic of China and to expel the Government of the Republic of China which is based in Taipeh. [More…]
1 should like to conclude by quoting a few words from the Prime Minister of Great Britain who has just led his country into negotiations for Britain’s entry to the European Common Market. [More…]
I put it to honourable senators that just as there is peril in what Senator Byrne has foreshadowed, there is very real economic hardship for Great Britain in the years immediately ahead. [More…]
For that reason I was pleased to listen to the contribution by Senator Carrick who welcomed these 2 great events - the entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community and the entry of the People’s Republic of China into the United Nations - because he indicated that here was represented the greatest hope for peace. [More…]
The result which flows from the entry of Great Britain into the Common Market is that we shall not, ever again, be embroiled in a struggle in Europe caused by the petty disagreements of the minor nations of Europe. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Air whether it is a fact that during the last few days the Royal Australian Air Force has announced specifications for the proposed replacement for the Mirage fighter aircraft and that these specifications have been circulated to aircraft manufacturers in Great Britain, Europe and the United [More…]
As Senator Cotton should know, what happened was that the Americans regained ownership of their industries as a result of Great Britain’s involvement in the First World War. [More…]
Today there is a concentrated passenger requirement in that most people are flying from point A to point B, and so far as Australia is concerned point B is usually the continent of Europe and Great Britain in particular. [More…]
Frequently people are in a hurry to get to Europe and Great Britain at the cheapest possible rate. [More…]
Incidentally we are talking of an unemployment rate of 1.1 per cent which compares with the United States, 5.8 per cent, Great Britain, 5.2 per cent, Canada, 7.1 per cent, Italy, 3.3 per cent and Sweden, 2.7 per cent. [More…]
by leave - The statement I am about to make concerns the recent visit to the United States of America and Great Britain by the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) and was made by him yesterday in another place. [More…]
New South Wales, Western Australia and Darwin, because the game is of a high standard and there are calls and clamouring for it to be televised in Great Britain. [More…]
If some of those people want in this country the kind of problems that face the United States of America and Great Britain - if they foster that type of policy in this country - they have not much regard for the Commonwealth. [More…]
This man had lived in Great Britain for 25 years but because he was born in Colombo - having had no control over where he was born - he could not receive assistance and is now S900 worse off because he has brought his family here without Government assistance. [More…]
Because our policy is acceptable to the Australian public, the acceptance of it can be upset and reversed only by the type of distortion thai the Minister has made great effort lo achieve tonight by saying that our policy is an open door one to admit all migrants and to create the same problems that the United Stales of America and Great Britain face. [More…]
The Minister will recall that he gave a progress report which seemed to indicate that early next year Qantas would be operating with very low fares between Australia and Great Britain. [More…]
The Clerk of the Senate pointed out that what has happened in Great Britain is contrary to what has happened in Australia, where the Clerks had recognition but it has been whittled away. [More…]
He referred to a statement made by the Clerk of the House of Commons in Great Britain at an assembly of Clerks of the Commonwealth Parliaments last year. [More…]
That is Great Britain - only in very recent years this vicious practice of reducing Clerks below the level of other heads of executive departments has ended, I hope forever. [More…]
It is true that, by agreement between the Premier and the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon), there has been some alleviation of the stringent requirements of the Queensland Act, but it reminds me very much of the agreement between Mr Ian Smith and Mr Heath, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, in their so-called alleviation of the problems of people in Rhodesia. [More…]
With regard to the situation in Rhodesia where, as the Senate will know, the recently negotiated proposals between the Government of Great Britain and Rhodesia are being considered and examined by the Pearce Commission, it would be quite inappropriate in our view for the Australian Government to intervene in any matters associated with that experience. [More…]
It states further on page 57 that there is a danger that Australia by her complacency in relying on the United States, Great Britain and Japan for her trade and defence is playing into the Soviet hands without considering the Soviet presence. [More…]
First it was under the domination, under the suzerainty almost, of Great Britain for centuries. [More…]
For example, Great Britain spends about 9 per cent of its gross national product on defence and the United States of America spends between 12 per cent and 15 per cent. [More…]
It will be recalled that at this time Great Britain was tottering on the brink of joining the European Common Market. [More…]
Sir Jock Pagan obviously was not satisfied about the status of Australians in Great Britain, and neither was I. [More…]
Surely to goodness we are entitled to know what the status of Australians is in Great Britain, especially after the incident involving Sir Jock Pagan. [More…]
Mr President, the Australian Journalists Association has been fighting for years for the establishment of an Australian council of the Press, lt has continually pointed out to this Government that there is such a council, which is a voluntary council, in Great Britain. [More…]
But, in the light of the history of which I have been speaking, was it not likely and understandable that the presence of Russian vessels in this region would come as a great jolt to a nation which, as I have said, has been able to live with a sense of complete security provided by our ally, Great Britain? [More…]
Because of the previously agreed policy of seeking markets outside the United Kingdom so as not to be left without a viable market when the United Kingdom enters the European Common Market, the amount that Australia can be expected to ship to the United Kingdom in 1971-72 will be about 9,000 tons as against a quota of some 67,000 tons that under other conditions we would ship to Great Britain. [More…]
Under the terms of access recently agreed to by Great Britain and the European Economic Community, the Australian dairy industry faces the possibility of being excluded from the British market as from the end of 1972. [More…]
If one counts those in Great Britain who govern one will find that on a per capita basis Great Britain is no better off than Australia. [More…]
But I would be pleased if the Attorney-General would give us a further comment as to whether, in the absence of any such circumscription and in the application of the principles generally over the criminal field and over all areas of operation, he would still consider that so extending it merely with certain qualifications and protections would be a proper course to pursue and whether perhaps he should not reconsider this matter in the light of information from Great Britain as to the operation of the Criminal Evidence Act 1965 with the limited extension there given; that is, whether that is proof of some value or whether it is inadequate proof. [More…]
We are being asked to take this big leap forward - it would be a very big leap forward - in the absence of some element of certainty and in the absence of some information as to why in Great Britain as far as they were prepared to go was to operate within this very limited and very logical field. [More…]
This was considered in great depth by the Gowers Commission in Great Britain. [More…]
They brought down an agreement that was very similar to the agreement that was reached between Ian Smith of Rhodesia and Mr Heath, the Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
But in Great Britain, the United States of America and other countries, parents regard it as a privilege to help the school that their children attend. [More…]
The Fill and the F4 are 2 aircraft that are at present operating in America and in Great Britain. [More…]
The Attorney-General has been completely and absolutely proper, but if honourable senators opposite are concerned with the organisations that work in this country, J draw their attention to the fact that Great Britain, a tolerant country, has recently had to expel 105 Soviet ‘diplomats’. [More…]
They mainly came from the Soviet trade delegation in Great Britain. [More…]
Of course, it was quite different from the Australian position inasmuch as overseas investment in Australia comes mainly from 2 countries, Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
But I say to honourable senators opposite that I can remember when Harold Wilson was the Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Health whether a recent requirement has been introduced in Great Britain that bottles of tablets prescribed by medical practitioners must bear labels stating their contents. [More…]
There was a similar dispute between Norway and Great Britain concerning a deep channel close to the shores of Norway. [More…]
In addition to that, the efforts of Great Britain to get the Soviet Union, as a cosponsor of the Geneva conference, to reconstitute that conference will have come to the knowledge of honourable senators. [More…]
But the Soviet Union recently has been quite adamant in refusing any such reconstitution, jointly with Great Britain, to get consideration of the situation at that level. [More…]
There will be a free and independent Papua New Guinea, yet Australia will remain with a degree of dependence upon Great Britain. [More…]
Similar reports have been brought down in Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands and other countries. [More…]
It will be recalled that when the first intimations were given that Great Britain was to join the European Economic Community a great deal of distress and alarm was expressed. [More…]
AH of those factors have meant that last year only about 8,000 tons of butter were exported to Great Britain. [More…]
It is currently estimated by those with some knowledge of the industry, including some in the industry, that next year there is a possibility that there will be only 5,000 tons of butter to export to Great Britain. [More…]
That shows that the industry has not been asleep; rather that it has been working hard during the last decade to shift its export markets away from the traditional market of Great Britain. [More…]
The report recommended the establishment of a dairy board along similar lines to the authority which operates in Great Britain - a milk marketing authority to take unto itself all the milk. [More…]
I believe that the long term future of the industry in Australia would be better served and that many of the parochial attitudes which are expressed from State to State in the industry would be pushed aside if a Commonwealth milk marketing authority were established along the lines of that which has evolved in Great Britain. [More…]
One has only to read of the conditions that existed in Great Britain 80 to 100 years a0 to realise the dreadful conditions that were a manifestation of all that was low in conditions that developed out of the Industrial Revolution. [More…]
It is very interesting to go back 100 or 120 years only and read in the Hansards of Great Britain the speeches that were made by members of the legislature of that country when propositions were before the Parliament to relieve the dreadful industrial conditions that had developed out of the first attempts at modern-type industrial produtcion, with no recourse to the legality of controlling wages and conditions in the industrial enterprises. [More…]
One of the misfortunes of this country, unlike a number of other countries such as Great Britain, is that it is very seldom that the intelligent representatives of the employing class bother to stand for Parliament. [More…]
Anybody who is familiar with some of the problems that have arisen on the waterfront in Great Britain should be aware that it was recognised by Lord Devlin in his report on the stevedoring industry in Great Britain that one of the primary causes for industrial trouble in Great Britain was the fact that there are 2 unions covering dock workers - the dock section of the Transport and General Workers Union and the National Amalgamated Stevedores and [More…]
It must be recognised that advertising on radio and television has been banned in Great Britain since about 1965. [More…]
I have no doubt that full cooperation will be forthcoming from scientists not only in America but also in Great Britain. [More…]
His reputation as an outstanding jurist was acknowledged both in Australia and overseas, particularly in Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
The Press statement to which he refers relates to the visit of a number of undergraduates who came to Australia from Great Britain and Europe on working holidays. [More…]
1 understand that in the Parliaments of Great Britain, Canada and the United States such a Bill would be referred to a committee precisely asI have moved. [More…]
I recall that at one time I placed a notice of motion on the notice paper to disallow a regulation which, under some agreement between Australia, the United States of America and Great Britain, gave immunity to those associated with an atomic energy inquiry. [More…]
I have already mentioned that I understand that this car was described in Great Britain as a ‘paper’ car. [More…]
That meeting erupted in violence because a minority element of the dockers was attempting to assert immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts and the law of Great Britain, because that system is attempting to give the benefit of an ordered industrial system to, as well as to impose the responsibility on, the workers of Great Britain. [More…]
Lord Justice Denning in a case concerning Scientology in Great Britain within the last 2 years said that as far as he was concerned Scientology was more a philosophy than a religion. [More…]
When he was asked what he thought of the 2 per cent unemployment rate he said that in Great Britain it would be considered a luxury. [More…]
Let us consider another comparable country - Great Britain. [More…]
In Great Britain wages went up 14.7 per cent, but unemployment also went up 5.6 per cent. [More…]
The reason for the situation in Great Britain being different from the pattern that I have shown for the other 6 nations must obviously be something other than high wages. [More…]
Research into this situation has shown conclusively that the rate of growth in Great Britain is much lower than it is in the other 6 countries that I named. [More…]
The trade union movement in Great Britain has conducted a concerted and sustained campaign to resist the British Parliament’s Industrial Relations Act since it was passed early last year. [More…]
That has accentuated an already excessive unemployment situation in Great Britain. [More…]
I have been prompted to mention it because of the impending membership by Great Britain of the European Common Market and the early statement on whether Australians and New Zealanders would retain their present status. [More…]
But Great Britain and many European countries do not demand vaccination certificates for entry now. [More…]
Because, of our associations with Great Britain. [More…]
In New South Wales a private study is being conducted in methadone maintenance therapy, which is one of the methods used in Great Britain. [More…]
Of course, there is no such thing as a Yugoslavian any more than a man born in Great Britain is a United Kingdomer. [More…]
In the United States of America and in Great Britain the trade union movement on occasion has taken the firmest action possible to clean up this kind of thing in a trade union. [More…]
In Great Britain the philosophy of repatriation began in a rather slipshod fashion where much of the payments were made to ex-servicemen who had been impressed, legally or illegally. [More…]
What was the backlog of applications from persons seeking to enter Australia as (a) assisted migrants and (b) non-assisted migrants, at the end of the 1971-72 immigration programme, from the following countries: Great Britain, Ireland (Eire and Ulster), Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, Malta, Lebanon, United States of America, Chile, Finland, West Germany and Mauritius. [More…]
Great Britain’s entry into the European Economic Community. [More…]
That was one of the major achievements of the Lloyd George Government in Great Britain before the First World War. [More…]
The philosophy that Australia, because of a set of circumstances in an industry such as this and because of changed circumstances in its traditional markets - the markets of Great Britain and Europe in particular, due to the circumstances associated with Britain’s entry into the European Common Market - should abandon all hope and think merely in terms of destroying its present industries is entirely wrong. [More…]
One Minister has attempted to create a break in our friendship with Great Britain. [More…]
That has been emphasised in the hope that in future we will be a more independent Australia and place less reliance on Great Britain. [More…]
As a small country in world terms and having a great friendship with Great Britain and many of the traditions that have been handed down from that founding nation, I regret that this break has been created by the Labor Government. [More…]
Whether in Australia, the United States or Great Britain it has become a regular thing for pressmen to anticipate. [More…]
As far as our relations with the United States and Great Britain are concerned, the day has long gone when we adopted a colonial posture. [More…]
I refer to this morning’s news item which indicated that the number of applications by people in Great Britain to migrate to Australia had fallen by nearly 20 per cent this year compared with the same period for last year. [More…]
New Zealand or Great Britain. [More…]
There is no more classic example than the time when the economy of Great Britain, to which country most of us owe our forebears, was based to a large extent on child labour. [More…]
Indeed some wealthy employers led the fight to get children out of the coal mines and spinning mills of Great Britain, but they were resisted greatly by many of the parents of the children, who could not see how their families could survive without the incomes they had been used to receiving from the labours of the child members of their families. [More…]
Because of that, there is no worry or kerfuffle in Great Britain, America or New Zealand. [More…]
What military might have we compared to countries such as Russia, China, the United States of America and Great Britain? [More…]
Twice Australian troops have marched away to the other side of the world to support Great Britain in times of war. [More…]
I assure the Senate that that did not destroy any relationship between Great Britain and Australia: it did not destroy any relationship between Manchester and Australia, and it did not destroy anything between Israel and Australia. [More…]
Even before this obnoxious raid on his own Department there were Press allegations that Great Britain and the United States of America were already withholding security information. [More…]
I also understand that the cost of postage from Australia to Great Britain is far greater than that coming from Great Britain to Australia. [More…]
In order to protect our internal security, one result of the new arrangement is to give the DirectorGeneral of Security a charter as ample as that possessed by the corresponding authority, in Great Britain. [More…]
The matter was adverted to recently by Lord Denning, Master of the (Rolls, in the Courts of Great Britain. [More…]
Sir David Fyfe’s direction in 1952 to the Director-General of the Security Service in Great Britain. [More…]
They have the same right as Karl Marx who was allowed to live in Great Britain. [More…]
But despite those principles which are enshrined here and in Great Britain, the Minister violated those things and has never said why he did so. [More…]
It is an objective actually achieved in the United Kingdom and in Australia and which has been regarded as being of great importance to the preservation of democracy in our type of country - a country such as Great Britain - a country such as Australia. [More…]
I think it is fair to say that this is happening in Great Britain. [More…]
The decision to remove these restrictions will bring Australia into line with Great Britain and New Zealand where home brewing has been permitted for many years. [More…]
But I would have thought that there is no question that in this situation the Governor-General is the head of the Australian Commonwealth just as the President of the United States of America is head of the United States and the Queen is head of Great Britain. [More…]
At the same time the Soviet Government had sought the extradition from Great Britain of 2 Estonians, alleging war crimes but giving no evidence. [More…]
The Government of Great Britain refused their extradition. [More…]
He was allowed to stay in Great Britain. [More…]
It still contains the special references, and in fact gives first place, to the Queen’s title as Queen of the United Kingdom, of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [More…]
It goes to show that we are no more civilised than were our ancestors in Great Britain in the 16th Century. [More…]
If we make a comparison between John Foster Dulles and the statesmanlike attitude of Prime Minister Attlee of Great Britain, Prime Minister Chifley of Australia, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Evatt, and Peter Fraser of New Zealand and if we consider the relatively bloodless development of India, Pakistan and even Ceylon and the internal conflict in Indonesia, we recognise that none of those struggles was prolonged in any way, as was the struggle in Indo-China. [More…]
It is true that today Japan stands in relation to Australia as a trading nation precisely as Great Britain did some 30 years ago; Japan today takes some 28 per cent of Australia’s trade. [More…]
One has only to note the attitudes now being strongly presented in Great Britain and in certain States of the United States of America, where the death sentence has been abolished, to see that there is a great clamour for its reinstatement. [More…]
By way of preface I refer to a document which has been issued earlier and which indicates the grounds on which Aus tralians can get extensions of their period of residence in Great Britain. [More…]
It refers to the request which Australia has made to Great Britain to support it in its protests against the French nuclear tests in the Pacific. [More…]
As it obviously must be very embarrassing for the British and Australian governments, which collaborated in a long series of tests and got all the nuclear information that they wanted, to suggest that France should stop after having gone only part of the way in its investigations, would it not be a much better alternative for Australia to ask the Government of Great Britain to make available to France the full information which it has obtained with our assistance and so make it unnecessary for France to conduct further tests? [More…]
Great Britain was asked to come into the matter of the [More…]
which may well depend upon what influence we have with Great Britain. [More…]
I do not know from where the honourable senator obtained the information that Great Britain has all the knowledge that France requires. [More…]
It is important that in this nation we support the 2-party system which has survived so well in Great Britain. [More…]
I have heard it said, and I think Senator Lillico was the latest to say it, that opponents of the proposal for 10 per cent in the present Bill indicate the wide differentiations that occur in Great Britain and in Canada. [More…]
I am not going to traverse what has happened in Great Britain, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Ireland or anywhere else. [More…]
It is important to end the confusion which has been permitted to continue since the Citizenship Act of 1949 and the use of terminology which has given many Australian the mistaken impression they are not only Australian citizens but also citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [More…]
It also obviates the confusion which exists in law between the Queen of Australia and the Queen of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [More…]
It occurs to me that somebody may consider that the Privy Council in banco, instead of referring the matter to a judicial committee comprised of distinguished legal members of the Privy Council in Great Britain, might well refer it to a board of the Privy Council constituted by the judges of the High Court of Australia, all of whom are Privy Councillors. [More…]
Will the Minister investigate this position and, if what I say is so, will he take appropriate action to speed up the renegotiation of the long standing double taxation agreement between Australia and Great Britain? [More…]
It is difficult to understand why it does not contemplate the price and wages freeze tried by what might be called conservative administrations in both the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
He said that the island of Great Britain was almost composed of coal and surrounded by fish and that it would require an organising genius to produce a shortage of both. [More…]
Professor Jewkes says: Unfortunately in Great Britain we have this type of socialist genii in our midst’. [More…]
The publication refers to what is being done and what has been done in Great Britain and France. [More…]
It seems to me a very great pity that the present Government should see fit to weaken yet another strand in the historical links with Great Britain by placing British subjects on the same footing as persons from other lands with which we have less strong ties of sentiment and kinship. [More…]
The country at large might not have appreciated the necessity of this policy as quickly as would have been advisable in the interests of Australia, lt is still true today that a great number of people from Great Britain would be the ideal migrants for Australia if they were desirous of coming here. [More…]
In Great Britain and to a developing degree throughout Europe, enormously increased prosperity succeeded the immediate introduction of the European Economic Community. [More…]
circumstances in which migrants from European countries in particular and from Great Britain may be just as easy to attract to Australia as they have been in the past. [More…]
This is to the great credit of Great Britain - the country to which we owe our origin - because it has been wise enough to see these things and to take steps to move with the times p.s they have changed and as people’s thinking in these areas has changed. [More…]
I would find it much easier to forswear any allegiance to the old country, Great Britain - my ancestors were born in Cornwall - than to Australia, because this is the only country I have ever known. [More…]
If I were to go to Great Britain and be asked for forswear ali allegiance to Australia, I would have grave doubts about doing that. [More…]
Many of the people who came to Australia from Great Britain in the early days of the establishment of this country might have been very happy to forswear their allegiance to Great Britain because of the circumstances in which they were sent to Australia. [More…]
People were sent to this country, as a penal colony, for breaking laws which I do not believe many people today would say were just and fair laws, and I do not think that many people today would say that just and fair punishment was meted out to the people who committed offences in Great Britain and were sent here. [More…]
This is the reference to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second of Great Britain and Queen of Australia. [More…]
I under- stand the argument has been used that the._ words suggested in the amendment are not, legal because Queen Elizabeth the Second of Great Britain is not designated in Australia today as Queen Elizabeth the Second of Australia; that Australia had not been founded in the days of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth! [More…]
If the amendment were carried and it became part of the Act, the alteration which I am suggesting could be achieved very simply by changing the designation in the amendment from ‘Queen Elizabeth the Second of Australia’ to ‘Queen Elizabeth the Second” - which is her right and correct title; she is Queen Elizabeth the Second of Great Britain - ‘Queen of Australia’. [More…]
She is Queen Elizabeth the Second of Great Britain. [More…]
We will go along and tell a Dutchman - and this could equally apply to a Norwegian, a Britisher or anyone else - that we want him to take the oath of allegiance to an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which was enacted 73 years ago and which the same Parliament can change any time it likes. [More…]
But in law the Parliament of Great Britain can at any time repeal and change that Act if it wishes. [More…]
We have insulted all our friends from the United States to Thailand and from Great Britain to Malaysia. [More…]
It also obviates the confusion which exists in law between the Queen of Australia and the Queen of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [More…]
The cardboard backing sheet is marked ‘Made in Great Britain’ in large lettering, while the packet containing the blades is marked ‘Made in Belgium’ in very small lettering. [More…]
I ask the Minister: As the compensation which is being paid by drug companies in West Germany and Great Britain is overdue, what role is the Commonwealth Health Department playing to secure a flow-through of just compensation to the Australian victims of that drug? [More…]
Recently, of course, settlements have been effected in a number of cases in Great Britain and other European countries by the drug company involved. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to Mr Whitlam’s statement in New Delhi on Wednesday that Australia would be deserting its traditional friends and allies, Great Britain and the United States of America, in voting in the United Nations and would be consulting 5 other powers, including Tanzania? [More…]
Let us hear the views of some of the Opposition’s confederates and bedfellows - the Conservatives in Great Britain. [More…]
Why is it, when day after day the newspapers were full of stories of the confrontations and the controversies which the Prime Minister of this nation engaged in with Mr Heath of Great Britain and Mr Lee of Singapore, the Prime Minister has not deemed it appropriate to inform the Parliament of one word of what those differences were about or why he created the impression in this country that he was at loggerheads with the heads of nations with which we have long maintained close, friendly and reliable associations? [More…]
Before Mr Whitlam went away there was no doubt that most Australians would have said that Australia’s most reliable friends - the countries in which we had the greatest trust - we’re Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
It is an absolutely ridiculous and unsupportable assertion to say that Great Britain is endeavouring in some way to dominate the Commonwealth through multinational corporations. [More…]
Not only is it a reflection upon the independence of the heads of the Commonwealth countries with whom he is associating but it is a slur upon- the Prime Minister and the Government of Great Britain, because there is absolutely no evidence to indicate that the control or domination to which he has referred is in existence. [More…]
Will the Minister investigate this position and, if whatI say is so, will he take appropriate action to speed up the renegotiation of the long standing double taxation agreement between Australia and Great Britain? [More…]
Because of what has been taking place in Great Britain there is more and more demand amongst the people to restore the death penalty. [More…]
I see a great resemblance between Mr Whitlam and Harold Wilson of Great Britain. [More…]
It does not, since it is not necessary, make an individual reference to Her Majesty’s title as Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [More…]
I am given to understand that these measures have been modified to take account of new developments, as a result of the bombing of the British Embassy in Washington and further incidents in Great Britain. [More…]
During World I and Word War II we were lucky because we had Great Britain and other countries which could take the strain of the war for 6 to 12 months while we were training our troops and getting the equipment that, we did not have. [More…]
But Great Britain has gone. [More…]
We all realise that our problems in the marketing of primary products have increased with the entry of Great Britain to the European Economic Community. [More…]
We have seen increasingly the breaking of the traditional alliances which Australia has held with the countries whom all Australians regard as our allies - with the United States of America, with Great Britain and, in our own area, with Singapore which is a flourishing, progressive and stable nation. [More…]
Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almightly God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and under the Constitution hereby established . [More…]
A footnote in the Schedule requires the name of the King or Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the time being to be substituted for Queen Victoria. [More…]
in reply- It was interesting to listen to the distinguished Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Senator Greenwood) go to some pains to tell us that the Queen of the United Kingdom and the person who is part of the Parliament of Australia really owes her position in no way to us; she is properly there by virtue of the decisions of the United Kingdom; she is the Queen of the United Kingdom and she is there irrespective of anything that we might do, say, want or wish; this is because of the carryover of the feudal system in Great Britain; although this is so, there is nothing that we can do about it; whether it is foisted upon us or tolerated by us we can properly describe her as the Queen of Australia, although we have nothing to do with her appointment, her being there or her moving; and we in no way have any effect on her being there. [More…]
Many of the problems of Great Britain may be attributed to hanging on to forms of government which are outmoded. [More…]
I suppose it is important whether we will drop the words ‘Defender of the Faith’ and whether we shall use the term ‘Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ‘ rather than the term ‘Queen of Australia’. [More…]
That observation was made as long ago as 1959 in the Radcliffe report on the working of the monetary system in Great Britain. [More…]
The Labor Party also made no protest when shortly afterwards the Monte Bello Islands, which are on the border of our country, were made available to Great Britain for testing atom bombs. [More…]
They have examined the situation in Europe today and have come to the conclusion that because the Soviet Union has the bomb, Great Britain has the bomb and the United States has the bomb and because they have had no guarantees from any of those countries that they will be protected or defended against nuclear attack, they have to defend themselves from nuclear attack. [More…]
America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Great Britain. [More…]
We believe that the Government of Australia, in the same way as the governments of Great Britain, the United States of America and New Zealand, ought to have power to control prices. [More…]
As I have said, when governments in Great Britain, New Zealand and the United States of America have these powers, we see no reason why they should not be given to the Commonwealth Government. [More…]
Every country in the world which has tried some stopgap measure to control inflation, including the United States of America and Great Britain, has imposed not just a prices freeze but a prices and incomes freeze. [More…]
The Labor Government, as self inflicted wounds, will produce in Australia the evils that we have seen in Great Britain and the United States. [More…]
Those of us who look back through history will recall that prior to Hitler’s war and the war in which we were involved with Japan, Mr Baldwin, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, held an election and at that time he hardly mentioned defence. [More…]
He allowed the defences of Great Britain to be down-graded. [More…]
From the early 1930s onwards the warning of Churchill went unheeded by all governments including the Conservative Government in Great Britain under Mr Baldwin, who was then its Prime Minister. [More…]
I might add that it shares intelligence information with the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
So I fail to see on what basis it is said in the matter of urgency that our credibility as an ally has been affected, because both Great Britain and the United States are still sharing intelligence information with Australia. [More…]
-Well, I do not know; but we have to rely on what has been mentioned not only here but also in other places, and it has been said that we share this information with Great Britain and the United States. [More…]
A telegram is sent in Australia, as it is in Great Britain, at considerable loss. [More…]
They are green turtles, the edible meat of which is in high demand in Great Britain. [More…]
Has the attention of the Leader of the Government in the Senate been drawn to this morning’s Press reports that Great Britain is supplying a large number of helicopters to Egypt and is training 50 pilots for the same? [More…]
The manifesto of the liberal- I am referring to the liberals with a little ‘1’- in Great Britain today states: Make the polluter pay. [More…]
The only other point that needs to be made relates to the history of the big amalgamated unions in other countries.. Go to Great Britain and ask about the Transport and General Workers Union and about democracy in the Amalgamated Engineering Union. [More…]
I was interested to hear Senator Dame Nancy Buttfield say that in America and Great Britain certain contracts require the Government to give work to sheltered workshops provided they can meet time schedules and conditions of this nature. [More…]
Australia works differently from the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs: Is he aware of the grave hardship caused by the reduction of Arab oil supplies to many countries including Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
They were that the High Commissioner’s Office in Great Britain should cease to be attached to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet- thereby maintaining the somewhat anomalous relationship which had survived since the time the High Commissioner was appointed- and instead become part of the general representation of Australia overseas under the guidance and control of the Department of Foreign Affairs. [More…]
As Senator Byrne knows, we went to Great Britain and met experts. [More…]
So he is committed to what he calls ‘democratic socialism’ which has dawned in the United Kingdom and has brought Great Britain to her knees. [More…]
By way of preface, let me say that three major sporting activities- namely, Korea versus Australia in World Cup soccer, the rugby league ashes series between Australia and Great Britain, which Australia won, and the recent Davis Cup final between Australia and the United States have been telecast direct to Australian audiences by satellite coverage. [More…]
Sovereign states exist and of course all of them have brought their own law from Great Britain. [More…]
While we may agree with the arguments advanced by the Minister in regard to revaluation of the Australian dollar, the fact that the United States dollar has recovered to a certain extent has meant that in Great Britain, which is the main market for this industry, there has been a currency revaluation of about 3 to 4 per cent, so there is justification for money to be spent on currency revaluation compensation. [More…]
After the introduction of schemes in Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand we heard news from those great countries indicating that their medical schemes were a failure. [More…]
At the same time that this Council was formed and concern was being expressed by the Government,, there had been introduced in Great Britain a form of national control over medical services. [More…]
Those experts were brought here from Great Britain at great expense by the Government and history shows that they submitted very valuable reports. [More…]
Once we have a huge government department, I doubt that the position in Australia will be any different from that in many other countries, such as Great Britain and Canada and some of the European countries, where common sense has forced the governments to reconsider their health schemes. [More…]
I refer to the very grave economic crisis confronting Great Britain; a crisis which many observers believe may permanently cripple that nation. [More…]
In view of the fact that by any test, including humanitarian considerations, the importance of a strong Britain in the western European alliance or because of the great traditions and common origins that bind Britain and Australia, will the Commonwealth Government initiate immediately top level discussions with Great Britain and with countries with common interests and responsibilities to determine what practical steps can be taken by Australia and other countries to help resolve Britain’s problems, particularly her energy crisis? [More…]
Having particular regard to Great Britain, which had been the most important part of our European market, the report went on to say that for the first time we met with the phasing in conditions of the European Economic Community regulations. [More…]
He was a left wing social democrat closely associated with the Independent Labor Party in Great Britain. [More…]
It might have had some applicability in the late 19th century and even the early 20th century in Great Britain when there was a struggle between an elected House of Commons and an hereditary House of Lords. [More…]
However it is remarkable that a lot of the suggestions made by the Opposition about controlling the economy were tried for the last couple of years by the Opposition’s wonder boy, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
The trouble today is that we are also involved in the same wages and prices spiral that has caused the trouble in Great Britain. [More…]
Unless this Government representing the national interest can induce the unions and the employers to get together to determine a system which will give the ordinary worker justice from a wage point of view, and ensure that the general interests of the community are preserved, within 8 months we will be in the same position as is Great Britain. [More…]
Honourable senators should have a look at the results of the first past the post system in Great Britain. [More…]
Robinson type, but they creak more than Heath Robinson- of Government that has got Great Britain into the mess in which it is in at present. [More…]
The people of Great Britain have had to call on a Labour Government to get them out of the mess into which the equivalent in the United Kingdom of honourable senators opposite have got them. [More…]
The Queen in her wisdom has seen fit to call upon Harold Wilson once again to become the Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
I am sure that the people of Great Britain will place faith in Harold Wilson, even though he has a mammoth task in dragging that country out of the mire. [More…]
What did the counterparts of honourable senators opposite do in Great Britain? [More…]
Great Britain today is wallowing in hopelessness and that is where the friends of Senator Carrick would have this wonderful country, with all its resources and bright future. [More…]
But how silly can the Prime Minister get when in India last year he announced that before voting in the United Nations Australia will now consult Tanzania in preference to the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
I have noticed in the English Press numerous criticisms of the proposal to go on with metrication in Great Britain. [More…]
The estimated cost of completing metrication in Great Britain is $ 10,000m. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Science aware that the British Jockey Club which controls racing in Great Britain converted to metric measurements but the Club and punters found those units so unmanageable that the Club has now reverted to the imperial measures of yards, pounds and stones? [More…]
The Australian racing community does not seem to have found the difficulty which was found in Great Britain. [More…]
We see this development in the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain and elsewhere. [More…]
In the recent elections in Great Britain a government was elected with about 37 per cent of the total community vote. [More…]
Nobody knows whom they would have preferred of the Conservative Party or the Labour Party to govern Great Britain in this very trying period. [More…]
It would be an enormous tragedy, and it is a great tragedy for Great Britain today because it finds itself in these circumstances. [More…]
This Government has not learnt one solitary thing from the catastrophe which overtook Great Britain- the nationalisation, strikes and socialism as some people would call it- and which has brought it to its knees and made it a third rate power in the world. [More…]
I would like to remind the honourable senator that in the election held in Great Britain recently in which the Labour Party secured a majority of seats, even if it had to form a minority government, Labour used as planks in its platform the nationalisation or greater government control of the off-shore petroleum resources in the North Sea and renegotiation of the European Common Market agreement. [More…]
So one can hardly say that these were the things that brought Great Britain to its present low level. [More…]
The financial position of Great Britain has been brought about by the exploiters led by former Prime Minister Heath and all his cronies. [More…]
They are the people who brought Great Britain to its knees financially; they are the people who bankrupted the Exchequer, they are the people who believed in living the high life while the workers suffered. [More…]
This has been the history of almost all industry in Great Britain. [More…]
At the present time the situation has become so serious that the United States of America and Great Britain have agreed to the establishment of a base at Deigo Garcia facing the bases which the Soviet Union has acquired from some of the eastern countries. [More…]
Instead we have a mean and contemptible attack upon the United States and Great Britain for taking an action which is to our advantage. [More…]
All major countries- I include Great Britain but exclude the United States of America- have adopted a national health system. [More…]
I am a very keen upholder and supporter of the high office of Governor-General, just as I am a supporter of the retention of the Australian flag, our present national anthem and our ties with the mother country, Great Britain. [More…]
The principle upon which these complainants act comes from Great Britain, and it was based on the fact that the House of Lords was not an elective House and that therefore it should not thwart.the will of the elected House of the people. [More…]
The statement was made that the electronics companies engaged in the manufacture of colour television sets believed that there would be a heavier saturation of sales at the outset in Australia than occurred in the United States, Canada and Great Britain when colour television first came to those countries. [More…]
What action, if any, is the Government taking to find new markets to replace those lost when Great Britain joined the European Common Market and those which we appear to have lost in Japan? [More…]
Great Britain and Canada are excellent examples. [More…]
Most democratic parliamentary institutions throughout the world are more or less patterned on the Westminster system in Great Britain. [More…]
The British Foreign Minister has informed the House of Commons that Great Britain will inform the Greek Government that it would help to reduce tension if the Greek Government were to withdraw the Greek officers of the Cypriot National Guard from Cyprus, and the Australian Government agrees that this step would be a sound one. [More…]
I ask the Minister for the Media whether he is aware that next Saturday the third rugby league test between Great Britain and Australia will be played at the Sydney Cricket Ground. [More…]
I am aware that the third rugby league test between Australia and Great Britain will take place at the Sydney Cricket Ground next Saturday. [More…]
Australia is short of doctors and if we do not pass these Bills we can expect very shortly another influx of refugee doctors from Great Britain. [More…]
Out of the 44 community health centres built in Great Britain during the last 12 years only 4 remain in existence and are operating at present. [More…]
Or is it not true that the amount of time that a national health scheme patient receives from a general practitioner in Great Britain is shrinking and shrinking? [More…]
Scandinavia, Finland, the Netherlands, France, West Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
Did the Conservative Party in Great Britain or even Enoch Powell or the late Major Sir Henry LeggeBourke in their wildest moments ever say that the British health scheme should be dismantled? [More…]
They are Bills which have the support of the Christian Democrats of western Europe and the Conservatives of Great Britain. [More…]
Is it a fact that an extensive newspaper advertising and promotion program is currently in operation in Great Britain inviting migrants to come to Australia? [More…]
If one looks at Great Britain one sees all sorts of apparent excesses which are forecast in the name of the British Labor Government in relation to the very types of operations that we talk about in this BUI. [More…]
The inflationary spiral in Great Britain, Japan and other countries has been accentuated by the demands made on those countries with respect to the price of their energy. [More…]
However, ignoring the tone of the question, the Press has correctly reported that the Department of Foreign Affairs has for some time been examining whether it should do what countries like Great Britain- one country to which the honourable senator did not refer- do about dress and provide for our Foreign Affairs officers a distinctive uniform for what are virtually ceremonial occasions. [More…]
In Great Britain the Government provides up to 75 per cent of the capital cost of urban public transport improvement projects and in West Germany the Federal Government sets aside 40 percent of additional fuel taxes imposed in 1967 for this purpose. [More…]
I invite him to test the fact that in Great Britain today people are getting together in order to set up schemes which they are financing themselves because the government scheme is a failure. [More…]
It accounts for the abject record of most local government in Australia in housing and social service contrasted with local government in Great Britain. [More…]
Anybody who doubts the last point should look at what is happening in Great Britain at the present time. [More…]
After 30 years of a national health scheme Great Britain has managed to cover approximately 96 per cent- or 4 per cent more- of its population. [More…]
The experience of Great Britain, where it took 10 years to examine all the agreements which were put on the register in order to find out whether or not those agreements were consistent with the public interest, and the experience of the United States of America, where it took 20 years before they first found that there had to be some test of reasonableness in the otherwise broad restraints of trade which were laid down by the Sherman Act, are indications to Australia that we cannot expect to have effective legislation in this area unless we allow a suitable time to elapse in which the principles are formulated by the timehonoured method of trial and error. [More…]
What would happen in the case of an Australian in the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada or New Zealand- in any of those countries- who kept repeating, even telling the whole world on television, that he wanted to go back to Australia? [More…]
The plaintiff is a member and descendant of the Aboriginal people and alleges that prior to the invasion of the continent of Australia by persons from the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Ireland, the Aboriginal people enjoyed exclusive possession of the continent. [More…]
In that small island of Great Britain we find the Labour Government proposing regional legislaturesnot just administrative bodies, but legislatures that will ‘foster democratic control over the increasingly complex processes of modern government’. [More…]
On this question of foreign policy, if Senator Townley were honest with himself he would have denounced the visits of President Nixon and Mr Edward Heath, the Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain, to places such as Moscow and Peking. [More…]
The Opposition was in Government when Great Britain decided to enter the European Common Market. [More…]
All the member countries in the region- the Asian countries- are very happy with the way the organisation is proceeding, as are the non-regional countries such as the United States of America, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia. [More…]
Sometimes the birds are smuggled through Great Britain. [More…]
It is true that Great Britain has a collective bargaining concept somewhat different to ours. [More…]
I know that it does not lie with Great Britain. [More…]
It was very interesting that he said that the vote lamentably betrayed Australia’s interests, so admirably defended by the representatives of Great Britain, the United States and France. [More…]
When the lend-lease arrangements were being debated and agreed upon, Great Britain surrendered her right to decide how any bomb would be used. [More…]
At that time 2 American senators said that they would not agree to the lend-lease arrangements unless Great Britain surrendered her right to decide how the atomic bomb would be used, a bomb which it spent 780m in developing. [More…]
Similar consultations take place with other countries, including Great Britain, Canada, India, Japan and Indonesia. [More…]
I refer to the English Act which imposes a duty on the authority in Great Britain in these terms: . [More…]
This is more than the number of universities in Great Britain. [More…]
Senator Townley reflected on those horrible countries like Sweden, New Zealand and Great Britain which have national health schemes. [More…]
The traditions of parliament for hundreds of years, involved in the problems of the nation as they are- in Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa or wherever it is- have been that parliament does not always force a division on a question it carries a great part of its business on the voices. [More…]
In Great Britain at the end of 1 973 the percentage of people on the dole was 2.7 and at the end of 1974 it was 2.8. [More…]
I invite the Senate to think of what the Foreign Minister of this country would say if this had happened to the Prime Minister or members of his touring party when visiting the United States of America or if they happened to be visiting Great Britain. [More…]
I would have thought that in view of the troubles which beset Britain at this stage, Britain would not be concerned very much about this matter and, as the second reading speech in this chamber indicated, there have been recent discussions with the Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
This is not to denigrate Great Britain. [More…]
This is not to suggest that we do not owe anything to Great Britain. [More…]
We have seen ever since the King’s courts were established in Great Britain dilatory but nevertheless uniform course of development of jurisdiction into one court. [More…]
I draw the attention of honourable senators to the presence in the gallery of the right honourable Lord Elwyn Jones, Lord Chancellor in the Government of Great Britain. [More…]
Time and time again we stated that when they had allies like Great Britain and America they ought not to be just genuflecting and following the mistakes made by those countries, and that in this area of the world where Australia had authority and a greater knowledge it ought to have been saying to those countries that they were doing the wrong thing. [More…]
Does the Australian Government propose to join in resources diplomacy at the expense of Great Britain and other Western nations by falling in with this plan? [More…]
In other countries, such as Great Britain and the United States, elections are held mid-week. [More…]
That is the situation as I understand it in Great Britain where, I believe, they put the political affiliation on the paper. [More…]
Great Britain, which is often quoted here as the mentor, the mother of Parliaments and all those other phrases, seems to be getting along all right with it. [More…]
Does he not realise that the long and effective tradition set by political satirists and cartoonists in Great Britain is one of the best features of its democratic system? [More…]
As I have said in this Parliament, we have cut provision for this item to about 50 per cent of our expenditure, unlike Great Britain where this item occupies a continuing appropriation and does not exceed in the aggregate about 10 per cent. [More…]
It produces circumstances such as those in Great Britain in which 36 per cent of the votes provided a government. [More…]
Does the Australian Government propose to join in resources diplomacy at the expense of Great Britain and other western nations by falling in with this plan. [More…]
Before I go into that I remind the Senate that the proposal in the Constitution that there should be an Inter-State Commission was adopted from the experience of Great Britain co-ordinating the many private enterprise railways that had been established in the last century in that country, and it is interesting that that organisation had an early experience somewhat comparable with that of our own InterState Commission in Australia. [More…]
Whether consciously or not, we adopted the system that Great Britain had adopted in 1956, and Sir Garfield Barwick later modelled his trade practices legislation largely upon a separate administrative investigation followed by an adjudication by another tribunal. [More…]
In considering the history of this country of ours, we could go back to the days when Great Britain adopted an unduly paternalistic attitude to what was then known as the British Empire. [More…]
I am reminded that in Great Britain- Senator Grimes mentioned the situation in Great Britain -the National Schools Council has a similar function, but the approach to it seems to be quite different. [More…]
If honourable senators do not believe that assertion it would be a good idea for them to obtain a copy of the report of a select committee of the House of Commons in Great Britain which has been looking at the problem of racism in England. [More…]
The report of the select committee of the House of Commons in Great Britain- it is the third of such reports- found that the causes of discrimination were other than colour, caste and creed. [More…]
In Great Britain, America, Canada and so on, the variance between the numbers of electors in electorates is quite enormous and runs from, for instance, somewhere in the vicinity of 15 000 to 105 000. [More…]
The Race Relations Board in Great Britain has the power to institute litigation in the way we are suggesting. [More…]
They were the governments of Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, Great Britain, West Germany [More…]
A few years ago when travelling in England and in Europe I spent some considerable time looking at the various historic sites and observing above all things the character which the Government and the people of Great Britain were preserving in their national monuments, as they describe them. [More…]
This is a right which is inherent in the parliamentary system which we have inherited from Great Britain. [More…]
The Committee can do no better than quote the following words of the present Prime Minister of Great Britain (The Right Honourable Clement Attlee), who, speaking in the House of Commons during the Sandys case, said- [More…]
The concept of Ombudsman is of Scandinavian origin and first appeared in an Englishspeaking country with a Westminster-style Parliament in New Zealand in 1962 and in Great Britain in 1967. [More…]
In the course of my speech I want to draw attention to the different attitudes adopted by the Opposition party in Great Britain towards dealing with the English disease’ and the attitude that the Opposition in the House of Representatives and the Senate are adopting to this Budget. [More…]
In Great Britain harsh measures have had to be taken to combat inflation and unemployment. [More…]
The reaction of the Conservative Party in Great Britain was to put out a strong statement in support of the program announced by the Prime Minister to try to combat inflation and unemployment, which both exist at high levels in Great Britain. [More…]
That is a fairly strong statement of support for the Government which was adopted by the Conservative Party in Great Britain. [More…]
A slow process of change takes place within the Conservative parties in Australia compared with their counterpart in Great Britain. [More…]
Compared with the statement of the Conservative Party in Great Britain that it would support in every respect the Government’s fight against inflation we have had here today, and it is a shocking commentary upon Australian politics, Senator Withers, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, directing his main attack on the Budget to the price of beer. [More…]
That is the difference between conservatism in Great Britain and conservatism, or what runs for it, in Australia. [More…]
When that writer says that it removes a privilege it is worthwhile noting that it removes a uniquely Australian privilege because the same privilege of concessional allowances for life policies has not existed in European countries and certainly not in Great Britain. [More…]
An eminent statesman, Benjamin Disraeli, whose words should be acceptable to the Opposition because he was the founder of the modern Tory party in Great Britain today, said of the Tories on 17 March 1845- a very important date for such a provocative statement: [More…]
In both Great Britain and Canada defence councils formally exist but are not used to any significant extent. [More…]
Great Britain has been fraught with the problem of unemployment since she started to retract from her once colonial empire. [More…]
He is critical of the British trade union movement because be believes that the syndicalist approach, as he describes it, of the British trade union movement has been a hindrance to the advancement of socialism in Great Britain. [More…]
A number of commentators have observed recently that many of the trends presently apparent in the Australian economy show a close similarity to the economic difficulties being experienced in Great Britain. [More…]
It seems to me that the example set in Great Britain has been copied here. [More…]
Greece, and Great Britain, whose health scheme is so often condemned in this country. [More…]
The Government should have known that the price of our coal is only just competitive with coal from Great Britain, Canada and Poland and with oil from the Arabian countries. [More…]
The Age, in its assessment of whether Australia was stepping out of turn and whether Australia was making incorrect economic judgments and management decisions, was able to produce a graph showing that Australia was in the same category as Germany and the United States of America and that New Zealand and Great Britain were in a worse position than Australia in their Budget deficits. [More…]
In New Zealand the figure was 5 per cent, in Great Britain it was 8.5 per cent and in Japan, which is very close to us, it was 3.5 per cent. [More…]
One has to look only at what happened in New Zealand; one has to look only at the situation today in Great Britain. [More…]
Yes, once great Britain. [More…]
He forgot also that, bad and all as things are in Great Britain at the present time, the people of [More…]
It could not happen in Great Britain. [More…]
That is Great Britain’s way of doing it and our drug prices compare well with its drug prices. [More…]
We have heard a lot about valium and we have heard about Great Britain where valium was said to be over priced. [More…]
He has taken the Westminster tradition, the Westminster model, and has drawn an analogy which applies only when one thinks in terms of the House of Lords in Great Britain. [More…]
We got our Embassy to confer with Great Britain, the United States and Canada- all of us have nationals there- to try to co-ordinate and to keep in touch with one another’s thinking. [More…]
I think that in Great Britain the designated Minister was the Home Secretary and that in Canada the designated Minister was the SolicitorGeneral. [More…]
To some degree there is a comparison here with Great Britain and the role of its Home Secretary. [More…]
He once conducted a pirate radio station in Great Britain. [More…]
Is not Vladimir Kouzin identified as an active KGB agent in New York and Mr Alexandrov Kulakov as a KGB agent in both Great Britain and Denmark? [More…]
What happened in Great Britain- I am expressing my own view but it is one I have heard expressed by others, in Britain in particular- is that NEDDY has created the best combine, the best monopoly of all times. [More…]
We in Australia must be extremely careful to ensure that we do not create the same sort of dangerous monster which has been created in Great Britain with such disastrous effects. [More…]
I was in England last year and I took the trouble to talk to people in the environment department which is fast becoming an octopus enveloping practically every other department in Great Britain. [More…]
I will take as a base static price S2.60 for a carton of 29-ounce choice pears in Great Britain in January 1967. [More…]
We have seen a very interesting White Paper put down by the socialist government in Great Britain. [More…]
Obviously it was apparent even to Sir John McEwen, if Mr Lloyd’s statement is correct, as far back as 1965 that these realities existed and when- even in 1965 it was quite obvious that it was when and not if- Great Britain joined the European Economic Community the problem would be intensified. [More…]
The entry of Great Britain to the European Economic Community will have some severe effects for the industry because the final phase for the preference will be eliminated at the end of June 1977. [More…]
It was a tirade repeatedly attacking Great Britain and calling for the extinction of Israel. [More…]
I drew attention to the repeated insults which he made to Great Britain and Israel, to such an extent that the ambassadors of those countries left the General Assembly. [More…]
If we look at all these revolution in historical perspective, we can see the Hegelian dialectic in operation: The first revolution bringing about the minimal state, the second revolution bringing about the total state and in the synthesis between the two one can see the welfare state of Great Britain coming about. [More…]
Look at what it has done to Great Britain. [More…]
Since Great Britain espoused this nonsense its share of the world cake has been halved. [More…]
Perhaps it is because he was not appointed High Commissioner to Great Britain. [More…]
At that time I outlined the working that had occurred between the State of Victoria and Great Britain in research matters relating to carp in an attempt to find a virus that might be effective. [More…]
They were not quarrelling about what Great Britain did or did not do. [More…]
1 ) In view of the highway problems that beset Great Britain following Common Market membership, when that country was forced to permit much larger pantechnicons to operate than previously, does the Minister see any limits on the use of such vehicles on Australian highways. [More…]
I would have liked to indicate to Senator Wright, who I believe is to be one of the last of the great imperialists, and to his supporter, Senator Walters, that, if the Liberal and National Country Parties in opposition and in government had accepted that Great Britain would enter the European Common Market and had reorganised themselves and the industries which they support, this industry that we are debating tonight would not be in the difficulties it is in at the present time. [More…]
I used to think Lloyd George was the prince in this field because he contested and won an election in Great Britain with the slogan ‘Hang the Kaiser’. [More…]
There was no doubt that Australia was going to be denied our long term access to the European Economic Community and to the markets of Great Britain. [More…]
When it is recognised that some 50 per cent of our total dairy production is for export, and that so much of this production which went to Great Britain was lost in 1972, clearly we have a responsibility as a Parliament to examine the reasons why there was no forward planning. [More…]
I want to read a brief excerpt from Lord Shaw’s judgment where he was dealing with an attempt by the Court of Nullity in Great Britain to prevent the publication of proceedings of an order and when the matter came before the law Lords, Lord Shaw, dismayed to think that any judge of England would purport to imprison a person who published those proceedings contrary to the order, said: [More…]
The governments involved in the OECD are: The governments of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Iceland, Ireland, the Italian Republic, Japan, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Norway, the Portuguese Republic, Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. [More…]
That is why they have agreement on wages policy, that is why they have agreement on the question of the increase in the level of wages in the next 12 months and that is why there has been a contribution from the industrial relations arena in Great Britain to the general economic improvement which is taking place, admittedly at a very slow rate. [More…]
Those countries in which there are parties affiliated with the socialist internationale, if I may repeat them and complete the list, are West Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Malta, Great Britain and Portugal. [More…]
I am not suggesting that we go back to the conditions of the Luddites in Great Britain in the last century. [More…]
After all, our northern pioneers arent like those lazybones who sit, without pay, on the Arts Council of Great Britain- poets, painters and all that lot. [More…]
That newspaper produced a graph showing that Australia, in terms of its Budget deficit, was in the same category as Germany and the United States of America and claimed that New Zealand and Great Britain were in a worse position than Australia in their Budget deficits. [More…]
As I said, that newspaper said that Australia was in line with the United States of America and Germany, which had Budget deficits of a similar nature, whereas the deficit of New Zealand represented 5 per cent of its gross national product and that of Great Britain 8.5 per cent. [More…]
Although the ABC can perhaps be criticised for its essential conservatism since 1932, Australians are justifiably proud of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, just as in Great Britain the British people are justifiably proud of the British Broadcasting Corporation. [More…]
I should like now to pass on to a few observations on trade unions because they are another legacy that we have inherited from the once great Britain. [More…]
In Great Britain a law has been passed to make trade unions the sole negotiators in all contracts between labour and management. [More…]
To return to the PSROs and their trials overseas, I do not see why Australia should have to go through the miseries of other countries such as Canada, the United States of America and even Great Britain. [More…]
Even in Great Britain, where every effort has been made to prevent the private practice of medicine, more than 5 million people have thought it worth while to insure themselves privately and to pay for their medical care. [More…]
In Great Britain, where the hospital services were funded out of revenue in the same way as they are in this country, the costs have become too great for the country to bear comfortably. [More…]
It is not in Canada, not in the United States, not in Great Britain and not in New Zealand, because the calls on the public purse are unlimited. [More…]
Senator Gietzelt also referred to Great Britain and said that Great Britain is in terrible trouble because it is going through a deflationary period. [More…]
He said this could all be solved quite simply if the Government of Great Britain, headed by Mr Callaghan at the moment as Prime Minister, would spend more public money. [More…]
What Mr Callaghan, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has said to his people in Great Britain is that money has to be taken out of the public sector and put back into the private sector. [More…]
The reason it must be put back into the private sector is so that the people of Great Britain can earn some money. [More…]
Great Britain which cannot finance itself any longer. [More…]
It is a sad feeling that I and any honourable senator sitting in this House who derives paternally from Great Britain have when I see that the country which led the industrial revolution is now in its present state simply because of the besotted pursuit of a socialist objective. [More…]
In view of the fact that the Government of Great Britain has set up a data protection committee to investigate the best manner for that country to legislate on computer privacy, does the Commonwealth Government also intend to draft legislation aimed at protecting the privacy of the individual against possible abuse by national computer agencies, with their seemingly unlimited memory banks of personal and private information? [More…]
After all, an equivalent inquiry conducted in Great Britain by Lord Annan is going to take 2 years, with a much less complex broadcasting structure. [More…]
I refer to the fact that the Arran inquiry in Great Britain will take 3 years. [More…]
I refer the Senate again to the comment of the Pilkington Committee in Great Britain on this very question. [More…]
Honourable senators, it is with deep regret that I inform the Senate of the death on 2 1 January 1 977 of John Percival Tate, a senator for the State of New South Wales from 1949 to 1953, and of the death on 14 January 1977 of the Right Honourable Earl of Avon, Prime Minister of Great Britain from April 1955 to January 1957 . [More…]
Whilst we inherited the traditional concept of Great Britain that a strategical appreciation should be based on a 10-year period, I suggest that that concept is no longer valid. [More…]
This is what happened in Great Britain. [More…]
There is hardly a defence force left in Great Britain as a result of its economic condition; the armed forces there have been reduced to almost nothing. [More…]
Had it been left to honourable senators opposite and had there been people in the United States of America, Great Britain and France who were as silly as they are, China would still be isolated. [More…]
It is isolated in the sense that Great Britain has withdrawn from its position east of Suez. [More…]
We must not rely on our so-called allies whether they be Great Britain or the United States. [More…]
But Dr Richards gives a history and some proof of the theory that during the investigation of atomic expansion after the Second World War a tripartite agreement was entered into at Quebec between Canada, Great Britain and the United States of America for the exchange of information on atomic energy, chemical and biological warfare and rocketry. [More…]
The figures of voters in Great Britain, Canada, the United States of America and elsewhere show such loadings but in this nation, which is probably the most centralised on earth, we go the opposite way when the principle of loadings should apply more here than in other countries. [More…]
In Great Britain, the mother of parliaments and our democratic system, I believe that a similar disparity of about 70 000 electors exists. [More…]
There is no doubt that Australia and Great Britain are rather secretive so far as government is concerned. [More…]
The history of the Territory is that in 1 863 the Colonial Office of Great Britain gave control of the Northern Territory to the Government of the colony of South Australia. [More…]
Prior to that in 1824, it may surprise some people to know, the Territory was taken possession of for Great Britain as part of New South Wales. [More…]
Great Britain pays for them. [More…]
For example, in Great Britain 110 British parliamentarians signed a petition calling for a revue of the annual $ 16.6m in British aid to Indonesia. [More…]
We have had recent statements by President Carter and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr Callaghan, demonstrating the thinking of the major Western countries on the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Because of the marketing situation, in many cases created primarily by Great Britain’s entry into the Common Market, many exporters find themselves in a situation where their only recourse is to retire from the industry. [More…]
I was interested to learn that the legal costs incurred by the Commissioners representing the 3 partner governments- that is, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia- on the action against the Commissioners have been charged against accumulated revenue earned from activities not directly associated with the phosphate operations on Ocean Island. [More…]
Consequently, a committee was appointed in Great Britain under the chairmanship of Lord Diplock. [More…]
Like other honourable senators I was attracted to the committee set up in the United Kingdom following the Angolan exercise when, I think, 160 citizens of the United Kingdom enrolled as mercenaries following advertisements in Great Britain and took up the cause, I believe, of the FNLA- the National Front for the Liberation of Angola against the MPLA- the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola in the Angolan conflict. [More…]
They were openly recruited in democratic western European countries, Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
Many other parliaments, including that of Great Britain, I understand, have, for security reasons, established a system of entry to their parliamentary buildings by pass only. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister become aware of an article in the New Scientist of 4 November 1976 drawing attention to the sale in Great Britain of children’s toy cigarettes containing a powder emitted as a cloud of dust when the cigarettes are blown. [More…]
I think one has to look only at the United States, Great Britain or western Europe to see how quickly results are able to be obtained. [More…]
Certainly one of the things that we can do for a start is to set up a committee such as the Houghton committee in Great Britain. [More…]
For the year 1976-77 what are the projected numbers of migrants sought to be obtained from India, Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, Greece, France, Chile, Malta, Argentina, South Africa, Lebanon, Brazil, United States of America, New Zealand and Indonesia. [More…]
The growth of unionism in the United States of America has followed paths quite different from the paths followed by the trade union movement in Australia and the trade union movement in Great Britain. [More…]
What arc the comparable figures for these years in respect of countries such as Great Britain, the United States of America, West Germany, the Netherlands. [More…]
Far more powerful in the U.S.A. and Great Britain, as well as a number of other countries in the West - [More…]
He was the conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain. [More…]
I submit to Senator Wright that that parallel was the Industrial Relations Act introduced in 1973 in Great Britain by the Heath Government. [More…]
If there is a concerted effort by any legislation to smash the trade union movement in this country then I am sure that the trade union movement will completely unite as a body and defeat that legislation in the same way as the trade union movement in Great Britain did in 1973. [More…]
Because of that vast stockpile which is held in Australia and because of the markets which are available abroad at a price much higher than that which is paid by the Australian consumer, I suggest that the Christmas Island Phosphate Commission and the British Phosphate Commission, which are responsible for the administration of the Christmas Island deposits, should be seeking discussions between Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand for the purpose of placing future production of phosphate rock from Christmas Island onto the export markets. [More…]
-I believe that the importance of Great Britain’s inclusion in the European Economic Community had been overlooked and that many of the problems that have arisen were as a result of that. [More…]
The Anglo-Australian Telescope Board was established by agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as detailed in the Schedule to the AngloAustralian Telescope Agreement Act 1970. [More…]
I believe it may have been Senator Melzer who earlier today referred to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution under the chairmanship of Sir Brian Flowers which reported to Her Majesty’s Government in Great Britain in September 1 976. [More…]
These are the orders of magnitude we are discussing as they have been measured in Great Britain, They are the actual levels. [More…]
The Conciliation and Arbitration Act, by its own terminology, does not outlaw strikes as such and at common law in Australia and in Great Britain strikes are not illegal. [More…]
In yesterday’s Adelaide Advertiser I was surprised to note an article stating that permission had been given to Mr and Mrs Sowter from Great Britain to return to Adelaide to be united with the parents of Mr Sowter. [More…]
It has been accepted by the ICAO all weather operations panel after competing against the Doppler system as invented by Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany. [More…]
The United Nations charter clearly states that decisions should be taken with the affirmative votes of the five permanent members of the Council- the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia and China. [More…]
Rhodesia has never been governed from Great Britain. [More…]
Great Britain, no longer able to stand on her own two feet in this affair, took the case to the United Nations, and here Rhodesia was confronted by a wind of fire. [More…]
If we look at the history immediately prior to 1939 that led to the world conflagration, what we discover is that the hard raw intelligence information processed through the armed forces of Great Britain, for example, was far more accurate than the Foreign Office information. [More…]
Sir Neville Henderson, the British Ambassador in Berlin, was constantly pushing forward into areas of government in Great Britain the view that Herr Hitler was a jolly nice fellow and that all the nonsense that was being produced by the armed forces was nothing but warmongering. [More…]
We have to rely on Great Britain to provide us with information on the value of the equipment, its capacity, its range, how effective it is. [More…]
Australian conditions for workers are immeasurably superior to those existing in the United States of America and Great Britain, to name just two other countries. [More…]
That is the Industrial Relations Act that was introduced in Great Britain in 1973 by the Heath Government. [More…]
In Great Britain, people finished up working a three-day week; h undreds of thousands of people were put out of work; and finally the Heath Government was put out of office. [More…]
If there is a concerted effort through legislation to smash the trade union movement in this country, what will happen is that the trade union movement will completely unite as a body to defeat that legislation in the same way as the trade union movement did in Great Britain in 1973. [More…]
These sorts of things could not happen in Great Britain. [More…]
One should look at the figures for the United States of America, which has backed off from the principle of one vote one value, and for Great Britain and so forth. [More…]
The position in Great Britain is very well stated in Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice and is stated quite explicitly in the Clerk of the Senate’s book Australian Senate Practice. [More…]
On page 283 of the book he states, in relation to the situation in Great Britain: [More…]
It is the situation in the United States of America and it is the situation in Great Britain. [More…]
Perhaps the best place to look at in relation to the quick counting of votes is Great Britain. [More…]
Not only should the Department of Administrative Services look at this matter but also we should have a special committee on electoral reform like the Houghton Committee in Great Britain which looked into all these aspects which I have raised tonight. [More…]
What I am trying to say to our- particularly our trade unionist friends in Australia, is they really must understand that uranium for us is extremely critical for the well-being of the working people in Great Britain. [More…]
I emphasise that Dr Mabon said ‘uranium for us is extremely critical for the well-being of the working people in Great Britain’. [More…]
I am concerned about this item because it is reported in the Press that the Government intends to pay the cost of a one-way air ticket to Great Britain for the present Governor-General and his wife when he retires. [More…]
In Great Britain, where there is a simpler broadcasting structure, Lord Annand ‘s committee, set up for the same purpose, was given three years in which to complete it. [More…]
The members, in their report, said that the code or register which they suggested should be the same as that which existed in the United States and Great Britain and that it should be implemented in this country without delay. [More…]
Apparently Liberal politicians in this country have to have a code of conduct which is different from the code of public conduct used in the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
I regret my lack of alacrity in being charitable to Senator Withers, but I am referring to a document which, with typical Anglo-Saxon modesty is simply described as ‘Lord Denning ‘s Report’, and which relates to the rules dealing with the administration of security services in Great Britain. [More…]
Australia has reciprocal agreements with New Zealand and Great Britain but these agreements are largely overtaken by the portability provisions which have existed since, I think, 1973 or 1974. [More…]
Of course in Great Britain and in every State of Australia legislation makes it an offence for any agricultural marketing agent to publish an account or deduct more than is accurately shown in the account. [More…]
Firstly, it has to go either to the United States of America or Great Britain where it is converted into a gaseous form known as uranium hexafluoride. [More…]
Recently the Department has had the service of a person from the United Kingdom who has had considerable experience in negotiating reciprocal agreements between Great Britain and other countries. [More…]
It seems to us that s. 4 1 is a special power which was enacted at a time when the need to secure Australian uranium for use by Great Britain and the United States of America in nuclear weapons was uppermost in the minds of those concerned. [More…]
For example, they were purged from Great Britain under Edward I. [More…]
Even after events such as these nations have been involved often in bloodcurdling civil wars- for example, Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
Only the black man fits the world pattern of international political warfare directed against the West by the East, ls it any wonder that the countries most clamant against racial discrimination are those who practise it most, that is Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. [More…]
He is used for household and industrial labour and to do menial jobs that whites will not do- as in Great Britain. [More…]
I think that one should recall that death duties were first imposed in Great Britain in the early 1 890s under the last administration, I think it was, of Mr Gladstone whose Chancellor of the Exchequer was that famous Liberal and a man who is still regarded as being one of the most eloquent exponents of Liberal philosophyand I mean Liberal; I do not mean Conservative philosophy- and who, on the introduction of the death duties in the House of Commons, used the expression: ‘We are all socialists now’. [More…]
We are now moving into a position which had become intolerable in Great Britain over 80 years ago. [More…]
Great Britain took formal possession of the Ashmores in 1 878 and Cartier was annexed in 1 909. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister representing the Minister for Transport been drawn to an article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald about a $lm promotional campaign undertaken by Qantas in Great Britain which shows, I understand, a photograph of a baldheaded, broken-nosed wrestler in a convict jacket holding a tray on which stand a can of Fosters lager and two glasses? [More…]
The Territory has changed hands more than once: Captain Bremer took possession of the Northern Australian coastline for Great Britain, as part of New South Wales, in 1 824. [More…]
exported on consignment to a country in Europe (including the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island) during that season; and [More…]
The question of the introduction in Great Britain of statutory protection for marks used in relation to services was considered by a departmental committee on British trade mark law and practice which was established in 1972 and reported in 1973. [More…]
In July 1915 those exigencies impelled the Imperial Government in Great Britain to establish an organisation for scientific research to serve the nation during and after the war. [More…]
If I refer back to the contribution made by Senator Puplick and draw attention to his passing reference to what happened in Great Britain in the 1910 to 1914 era we can see what the lack of a national science policy can cause. [More…]
The Germans were using many inventions and processes which had been developed in Great Britain but which had not been followed through in that country. [More…]
The chief powers of the congress were Russia, Austria, Prussia, France and Great Britain. [More…]
The outcome of the Ljubljana congress was the widening of the ridge between Great Britain and the three conservative powers of the Holy Alliance, that is, Austria, Prussia and Russia. [More…]
Great Britain designed the tank. [More…]
It involves the question of overseas advertising, particularly in Great Britain. [More…]
At some earlier stage I drew attention to the nature of advertisements that were being placed in Great Britain as part of Qantas ‘s promotional campaign. [More…]
I had occasion to draw attention to the fact that I think Qantas is indulging in an advertising campaign in Great Britain which is positively demeaning, positively degrading and certainly doing considerable disservice to Australia’s image in Great Britain and Europe. [More…]
They give the reasons why people in Great Britain, to whom this advertisement is directed, travel to Australia. [More…]
The report indicates that of the total number of people from Great Britain who are visiting Australia for any reason- some 82,000 people in 1977-44,000 people are visiting relatives, 13,000 are on holidays, 12,000 are on business, 5,000 are in transit, 400 are attending conventions and 8,000 are doing so for other reasons. [More…]
Yet the advertising for Qantas in Great Britain does not concentrate upon that. [More…]
If we are not prepared to participate in an initiative sponsored, amongst others, by the United States and Great Britain, adopted by the United Nations and accepted by the conflicting parties, how can we expect others to fulfil their obligations to act responsibly and co-operatively in efforts to settle disputes and restore stability in areas of conflict? [More…]
I am reminded of Lloyd George who went to the polls in Great Britain as Prime Minister on the promise that if he was re-elected he would hang the Kaiser. [More…]
They include Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, France, Japan, the United States of America, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, West Germany and Italy. [More…]
Rather, I have left the possible terms of reference of the proposed committee very broad so that it will be up to the committee to investigate a wide variety of comparable systems which at present operate overseas, somewhat like the Houghton committee did in Great Britain. [More…]
Of the 80 replies received from Liberal Party organisations throughout Great Britain 63 were in favour of state aid and 10 were opposed to it. [More…]
I am glad to see that Great Britain and the United States are not going to support a puppet regime which I believe will fail regardless of the results in that election. [More…]
I think that for once the foreign policies of Great Britain and the United States will be proved correct. [More…]
I hope that the Government is closely watching the likely developments, especially in the light of the fact that a number of countries, including Great Britain and Japan, have already begun stockpiling oil in anticipation of a decision by OPEC that is contrary to the interests of those nations. [More…]
It is certainly true that if one were to observe over a prolonged period the nature of social relationships, the nature of physical relationships and the nature of sheer physical conditions of living in which most of these television soap operas and most of the television programs tend to be shown, one would get without doubt the most unrealistic picture of life in the United States, Great Britain, Australia or anywhere else. [More…]
In countries such as the United States of America and Great Britain, governments are concerned at the health risks which are presented by the increasing use of chemicals in food. [More…]
The decision by the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) to reappoint Sir Gordon Freeth for another year as Australian High Commissioner to Great Britain - [More…]
During the period 15 January 1979 to 5 February 1979, the Director-General of the Department of Social Security visited the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Greece. [More…]
Lord Denning quoted at length a directive issued on 24 September 1952 by Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, then Home Secretary in Great Britain, to the Director-General of the Security Service. [More…]
I think it is important to understand that although relationships with Great Britain or the United States might be an important and significant part of the work of ASIO they are in fact subsidiary to the protection of Australian interests and the extent to which one gets information from overseas or the extent to which one provides information to people overseas can be judged only by the criteria of what is necessary in the defence of Australia and in the defence of Australian citizens. [More…]
To use just one example why governments should be a little more sceptical about setting up such secret organisations, I refer to the three British agentsBurgess, McLean and Philby- who worked for years in British security and used that organisation to feed information about Great Britain back to their masters, allegedly in the Soviet Union. [More…]
In fact, had the security organisation not been established in Great Britain it may well be that the masters of Philby, McLean and Burgess would have been able to find out less about Great Britain than they were able to find out by virtue of the fact that such a secret organisation had been established. [More…]
At a time when the Minister for Defence has had a number of overseas tours reviewing possible purchases in Great Britain and Europe, it seems strange that is is necessary to have such a large contingent for this purpose in the United States employed full time. [More…]
That was the Quebec agreement, which was signed by Canada, America and Great Britain. [More…]
I do not think it is necessary to go into the details of the trial, the way in which the state’s evidence was produced and the fact that a person in Great Britain has confessed now in fact to having been the person responsible for the murder of the person over whose death Mr Bhutto has been condemned. [More…]
I refer, for example, to Great Britain in 1926 and in 1960-61 when a general strike was called in support of the abolition of penal clauses. [More…]
There have been some set-backs, the most notable being that two countries with a profound effect upon Australia- America and Great Britain- have had a reversal in both their inflation and interest rates, significantly so in regard to interest rates. [More…]
At Question Time today I reminded honourable senators that the Government was proceeding with its interest rate policies, whereas the governments of the United States of America and Great Britain had policies which had resulted in significant increases in interest rates. [More…]
I hope the inquiry will be as productive as the inquiry conducted by Lord Annan into the nature of broadcasting in Great Britain, when the review of broadcasting matters in the light of current developments allowed the British broadcasting system as a whole to be set in a number of new directions in a very profitable and productive fashion. [More…]
Group membership of the Shoe and Allied Trade Research Association of Great Britain has been arranged and subsidised. [More…]
Throughout the United States of America and Great Britain security checks are maintained al airports as a matter of routine and are strictly enforced. [More…]
Of course, there were some differences between the situation in Australia and the situation in Great Britain. [More…]
Yet this year in Great Britain the Open University celebrated its tenth anniversary. [More…]
Apart from Great Britain, it is perhaps the country which has provided the most migrants who have come here and become naturalised Australians. [More…]
One should keep this in mind because, as Senator Primmer has said, we used to say it about Great Britain and the sad fact is that the number of its naval bases has declined. [More…]
New Zealand has legislation to cover this, as does Great Britain. [More…]
The second largest source was Great Britain and if the refugee component is included, the third was Malaysia. [More…]
The problem was always one for Great Britain to decide. [More…]
It still is and the sooner Great Britain can bring ZimbabweRhodesia to legality the sooner she can decolonise her in the same way as she has decolonised her other colonies over the years. [More…]
At the moment, at $1.20 a gallon, it is exactly one-half of what it is in Great Britain. [More…]
I point out to the Senate that in Great Britain the Government set up a ‘think tank’. [More…]
The agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning nuclear transfers between Australia and the United Kingdom, together with an agreed minute and an exchange of letters; and [More…]
There has been a substantial abandonment of principle by Australia, Great Britain and the other countries which took part in the Lusaka conference. [More…]
African countries but also to countries such as Australia, Great Britain and the United States, will not be able to retain the limited advances they have made. [More…]
If they see that even what Smith and Muzorewa were able to agree to in Salisbury is unacceptable to the African countries and also to countries such as Australia, Great Britain and the United States, they will say: ‘This is the sort of world in which we live. [More…]
Does Great Britain’s membership of the European Economic Community require it to offer medical registration to doctors from all EEC countries? [More…]
In the event that not all these doctors normally would be able to obtain automatic registration in Australia, what provisions exist to cover the registration in this country of doctors registered in Great Britain by virtue of that country’s membership of the EEC? [More…]
Since this would ensure a more effective compliance with the Government’s ban on advertising of cigarettes and tobacco on electronic media, will the Minister undertake to examine the British provisions with a view to their being applied in Australia on the same basis of agreement between industry and government as has occurred in Great Britain? [More…]
When he could not get himself a place of power, as Ambassador to Great Britain, he put Labor out of power, in 1975. [More…]
Its electronic advertising continues because it is able to circumvent the regulations in ways not permitted, for example, in Great Britain where the British Broadcasting Corporation has moved to bring about more effective compliance with the ban on electronic advertising. [More…]
Great Britain has decided to give a substantial role in fostering and supporting research and development to a body called the National Research and Development Corporation, which operates within the framework of its science and technology policy- indeed it has operated for 25 years- and is now making an extremely healthy profit. [More…]
Financial support comes from South Pacific and other governments, including Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, from United Nations agencies and from private foundations. [More…]
For example, the comprehensive test ban treaty is being negotiated by the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Great Britain, while the treaty on the prohibition of chemical weapons remains the province of the two super-powers, the United States and the USSR. [More…]
That situation occurred firstly in Great Britain and spread widely to a number of other countries, particularly America. [More…]
Among the people who took part were: Mr Ramsey Clark, a former Attorney-General of the United States of America, not generally regarded as the spearhead of the John Birch Society; Lord Lloyd of Hampstead, Professor of Law at the University of London, a Labour life peer; the President of the French Criminal Court; the President of the Paris Bar; the VicePresident of the French League of Human Rights; the Professor of Law at the University Rene Descartes; Monsieur Gaston Monnerville, a former President of the French Senate, a leading French left wing politician and a resistance leader during the Second World War; a professor of law from the University of Mexico, Spanish by birth, a refugee from Franco’s Spain; from Great Britain, the Rt Hon. [More…]
There are deprivations of human rights in our country- of course there are- in the United States and in Great Britain. [More…]
Nor do the people in Great Britain, the originators of the common law, these days consider that the common law is adequate. [More…]
I think that is obvious from the entry of Great Britain into the European Economic Community, its adoption of European conventions and its allowing the situation in which the European courts can now apply legislation which can override the common law. [More…]
In exactly the same vein the most distinguished Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, Lord Hailsham, has this to say in his recent biography entitled ‘The Door Wherein I Went’: [More…]
Finally, Sir Norman Anderson again presenting a Hamlyn Lecture entitled ‘Liberty, Law and Justice’ was at great pains to spend part of his discussion on illustrating why he believed the state of the common law in Great Britain was such as to require, in that country, the enactment of a Bill of rights. [More…]
We find it expressed very considerably in Great Britain where many of the tasks that are performed in the public sector of the economy are performed by those people who have migrated to Great Britain from the West Indies and in the social tensions that are created as a result of seeing them perform the tasks that they do. [More…]
We can think ourselves fortunate when we look at the financial troubles which the United States of America and Great Britain are in today. [More…]
The rapidly increasing interest rates, going hand in hand with the high inflation rates, of America and Great Britain must be causing absolute turmoil in those countries. [More…]
Did the recent Royal Commission on the National Health Service in Great Britain, chaired by Sir Alec Merrison, recommend in paragraph 2.6 that the first objective of the National Health Service should be ‘to encourage and assist individuals to remain healthy’? [More…]
I understand that the Department of Health has received a copy of the report of the Royal Commission on the National Health Service in Great Britain and is currently studying its implications for Australia. [More…]