Contexts in which the word migrants was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
I observe, of course, that migrants from the United States are in fact of very good calibre. [More…]
However, so far as the forward picture is concerned 1 certainly assess migration from the United States as growing apace without any foreshadowing of dramatic developments, and we are looking forward to an increasing number of United States settlers coming here because they represent a quite valued source of migrants for this country. [More…]
Can the Minister say what has been done to take advantage of this interest in terms of migration and how does he assess the United States of America as a future source of migrants? [More…]
Is he able to say whether up to 80 per cent of the students attending these schools are migrants and whether any facilities exist at them to provide special English classes or compensatory education of the type needed for children reared in a high density environment. [More…]
What is the total number of migrants resident in Australia who are eligible for naturalisation but as yet have not applied tor it? [More…]
How many migrants at present in Australia have been refused naturalisation for political reasons. [More…]
Is there any reason why the names of these migrants should not be made public; if not. [More…]
What stage have negotiations reached regarding a reciprocal agreement on social services for migrants between Malta and Australia. [More…]
However, for the 2 areas combined, the percentage of migrants in government schools was approximately 5, while in non-government schools it was approximately 6. [More…]
In countries where foot and mouth disease is known to be prevalent or endemic migrants are given a booklet (in their own language) before preparing to leave their country drawing attention lo animal quarantine requirements and explaining the reasons for these. [More…]
Where charter flights are arranged to bring assisted migrants lo Australia from fool and mouth areas a thorough-pre-flight examination of baggage is made under the supervision of an Australian medical officer. [More…]
Footwear is scrubbed with a sodium carbonate solution; clothing has lo be clean and well laundered and food stuffs such as meat (tinned or otherwise) and cheese are removed from migrants baggage. [More…]
All migrants from such countries arc also obliged to walk over a mat impregnated with an alkali formal hydrate solution immediately prior to boarding the aircraft. [More…]
Additional measures are taken by Customs and Quarantine on arrival of these migrants in Australia, including thorough inspection of baggage for risk items and disinfection of footwear and clothing where it is thought necessary. [More…]
Is there any co-ordination between his Department and other departments lo prevent migrants inadvertently’ bringing fool and mouth disease into Australia. [More…]
Further, in the event of new out-breaks in areas particularly in countries in which the disease is not endemic special action is taken by applying the normal precautions which cover migrants from foot and mouth areas. [More…]
asked the Minister for Immigration, upon notice: What precautions are taken by his Department in transporting migrants from countries subject to foot and mouth disease to ensure that the disease is not brought into Australia. [More…]
How many migrants arrived in Australia during each of the last 2 years? [More…]
How many migrants of each nationality have been refused naturalisation on security grounds based upon (a) extreme left wing political views or associations and (b) extreme right wing political view or associations. [More…]
(i) AM Stales asked the Commonwealth to continue its efforts to seek the most favourable financial terms for any form of travel which would enable migrants and their familiies at home to be reunited for ‘holiday’ periods. [More…]
The Commonwealth asked the States to examine their provisions within Workers’ Compensation Acts, so far as such Acts affected migrants, with a view to reaching uniformity of conditions. [More…]
The total increase in contributions resulting from the contribution adjustments made is estimated to be $20.4m a year, lt was also decided to further, liberalise the Subsidised Medical Services Scheme which, since 1st January 1970, has provided full insurance coverage for persons in receipt of unemployment and sickness benefits, newly arrived migrants and families whose incomes did not exceed $39.00 per week (since amended to $42.50 per week). [More…]
What is the estimated number of migrants in all categories who have arrived in Australia since the commencement of the scheme. [More…]
The number of permanent and long term arrivals for residence of one year or longer in Australia, between October 1945 and June 1970 was 3,385,676, of whom, it is estimated, some 2,696,000 were settlers (migrants). [More…]
How many migrants arrived from Great Britain and Northern Ireland in each year since the commencement of the migration scheme. [More…]
The following two tables give the information requested by the honourable member in relation to the number of migrants who were (a) repatriated and (b) deported in the financial year [More…]
How many migrants were (a) repatriated and (b) deported in 1969-70. [More…]
How many of these migrants were (a) males; (b) females; and (c) children. [More…]
How many migrants have been given assistance towards a second passage since the commencement of the migration scheme. [More…]
How many migrants in Australia at this date, who are eligible for naturalisation, have not yet applied. [More…]
In recent months, Qantas, and the Yugoslav airline JAT, have commenced operating charter flights out of Belgrade to provide for Yugoslav migrants travelling by air to Australia. [More…]
Why does Qantas not yet provide services between Australia and Yugoslavia which has now become the third largest source of migrants to Australia. [More…]
Is any record kept of the number of migrants who received an assisted passage to come to Australia and who returned to their country of origin within the two-year period. [More…]
Has the Minister for Immigration seen recent suggestions in the Press that some form of home visit insurance should be provided for migrants to cover them against the heavy cost of a return visit to their homelands in cases of emergency? [More…]
When he furnishes answers to questions Nos 727 and 1729 which 1 placed on the Notice Paper on15th April and 16th September, will he name the States which (a) have laws denying workers’ compensation to overseas dependants of deceased migrants and (b) are introducing amendments to those laws (Hansard, 1st October 1970, page 1991, question No. [More…]
Last year the Minister for Immigration announced that the Commonwealth Government would move towards more air travel for migrants instead of sea travel. [More…]
Can the Minister indicate to the House whether this policy has been found to be successful, whether any actual difficulties have been encountered, what percentage of migrants are presently travelling by air and what is the position concerning the baggage of migrants who come by air? [More…]
How many non-European migrants have been granted naturalisation in each year since March 1966 and what is the total to date? [More…]
(a) Until the second half of 1961, statistics were not maintained of the number of nonEuropeans admitted as migrants during given periods. [More…]
How many non-European migrants (a) arrived and (b) departed during each of the past 10 years. [More…]
It accepts no responsibility whatsoever for aged migrants who are forced to retire without qualifying for a pension. [More…]
I have brought before him cases of migrants who have come to this country on the sponsorship of their children who have migrated here in earlier years and who have married and assumed responsibilities as family men. [More…]
Migrants in this category might come here at the age of 62 years and, after working for 3 years, are forced into retirement. [More…]
In respect of each agreement what provisions apply regarding (a) annual intake of migrants, and (b) migrants’ (i) employment classification (ii) age (iii) education and (iv) health. [More…]
In respect of which country’s migrants does Australia offer the benefits of the assisted passage scheme. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a students’ page in the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ of 27th October 1970, entitled ‘Getting over the Language Barrier’, describing English as a language without spelling rules and commending lindgren’s evolutionary spelling proposal for the sake of migrants and others? [More…]
Initiatives agreed on at recent conferences have played a major part in removing differences between States’ policies concerning payment of worker’s compensation to migrants’ dependants overseas. [More…]
At which centres have social workers been appointed under the arrangement introduced by this Department to provide social worker assistance for migrants [More…]
and (2) In addition to the direct service which my Department provides for the migrant community through its own social workers and in other ways, funds are provided also under a grant scheme for the employment of social workers by community welfare agencies which are engaged in direct welfare amongst migrants. [More…]
each of the categories of (a) unemployed, (b) migrants, (c) sickness beneficiaries, (d) other eligible beneficiaries and (e) families with weekly incomes of (i) below $42.50, (ii) between $52.45 and $45.50 and (iii) between $45.50 and $48.50, who have applied for subsidised health insurance by registering with (A) the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and (B) a hospital and medical benefits society since the introduction of the subsidised medical services scheme? [More…]
Did the former Prime Minister draw attention in his policy speech in 1970 to migrants in the community who were unaware of the range of benefits, services and assistance available to them and state that he would propose to the States that grants be made available through municipal authorities to subsidise the employment of people who could provide information and guidance to those who needed it. [More…]
Can the Minister break down by (a) numbers and (b) percentages the countries of origin of the 26,893 and 25,691 migrants shown in his answer to question No. [More…]
My colleague, the Minister for Immigration, has been largely responsible for pushing for programmes of assistance to child migrants. [More…]
Has any consideration been given to protecting the jobs of Australian workers and saving new arrivals from the personal and economic disadvantages of unemployment by immediately restricting immigration to the spouse, children and parents of migrants already in Australia? [More…]
For many years normal taxation concessions in respect of dependants living abroad have been available to migrants in Australia where the dependants intend to join the breadwinner in Australia. [More…]
What is the estimated revenue received by the Commonwealth from the establishment of the aluminium industry in Australia as (a) taxes on mining and processing Australian bauxite, limestone and coal, (b)net profits and interest paid to the Commonwealth as a result of the increased requirement for electricity in the industry, (c) taxes paid by migrants employed in the industry less their immigration fares and assimilation costs. [More…]
For how long was there a continuation of the delay in the translation of details of migrants’ eligibility to benefits under the subsidised health benefits scheme to which the Minister referred in answer to question No. [More…]
What was the (a) number and (b) percentage of (i) migrants, (ii) sickness beneficiaries, (iii) unemployment beneficiaries, (iv) special beneficiaries and (v) non-income families receiving (A) less than $46.50, (B) $46.51 to $49.50 and (C) $49.51 to $52.50 per week who (I) were eligible to enrol in the subsidised medical scheme, (II) had registered with the Department of Social Services for membership in the scheme and (III) had registered with a private health benefits fund in each State and Territory and in the Commonwealth as at 2nd November 1971. [More…]
What special action has the Minister for Labour and National Service taken to see that migrants and persons unemployed for the first time in their working lives are encouraged to register with the Commonwealth Employment Service and to apply for the unemployment benefit to which they are entitled? [More…]
Will the Council distinguish between the outflow of assisted and unassisted migrants. [More…]
The following schedule shows in which countries doctors posted from Australia have been engaged in screening the health of prospective migrants since 1965 and the average duration of a doctor’s service in each country. [More…]
Can he also say whether any other State Education Department has taken similar action thus decreasing the already small numbers of teachers qualified to teach English to migrants. [More…]
What qualifications are required to apply for and be granted Australian citizenship by migrants from (a) British, (b) Asian, and (c) other countries? [More…]
How many migrants of school age arrived in each of the last 5 years from (a) English-speaking countries and (b) other countries. [More…]
Is he aware that such a display causes as much offence as would a swastiska flag and a portrait of Hitler displayed in any registered club in Australia and is extremely provocative to thousands of migrants in Australia? [More…]
1 preface my question to the Minister for Immigration by drawing attention to his statement yesterday - I do not want to misquote him - to the effect that he was issuing instructions that migrants would be accepted only if they had special skills so that their acceptance would not aggravate the unemployment situation. [More…]
Australia than among those born in Australia and that 9 per cent of last year’s migrants were unemployed. [More…]
I ask the Treasurer why the following quarterly bulletin published only last week omits the particulars of unemployment among migrants relative to their year of arrival. [More…]
I have not the latest information on this matter, but my understanding is that after the right honourable member for Higgins raised this question the States themselves felt that it would be more desirable if information services were of a more general nature and not specifically confined to migrants. [More…]
As a result, my Department has continued with the process of expanding information services to migrants undertaken through my Department, migrant organisations, the Good Neighbour Council and other bodies. [More…]
What payments did his Department make to (a) Qantas, (b) other airlines; and (c) shipping companies for the transport of migrants to Australia in 1971-72 (Hansard, 27th October 1971, page 2653). [More…]
In which countries does his Department advertise for migrants. [More…]
How much was spent in each country in each of the last 5 years in advertising for migrants. [More…]
Has he authorised any new procedures for the conduct of appeals by migrants who have had their applications for entry into Australia rejected. [More…]
What (a) financial and (b) other assistance has been provided by his Department to migrants who wished to reside in non-metropolitan areas since 4th December 1972. [More…]
Assisted passage migrants who wish to settle in non-metropolitan areas have their fares paid to their final destinations. [More…]
Migrants: Appeals agains Rejection of Entry (Question No. [More…]
Has he authorised a review of the eligibility of prospective migrants for assisted passages? [More…]
Has a report dealing with the departure rates of migrants from Australia been received by the Migrant Advisory Council or the Migrant Planning Council. [More…]
Has he sent new instructions to every post and every country in the world that prospective migrants are to regard themselves as apprentice citizens. [More…]
What (a) number and (b) percentage of the persons concerned was (i) single, (ii) married, (iii) male, (iv) female, (v) juniors, (vi) adults - male, (vii) adults - female, (viii) skilled, fix) semi-skilled, (x) unskilled, (xi) professional and (xii) migrants. [More…]
What (a) number, and (b) percentage of persons employed by bis Department are migrants. [More…]
Has he issued any instructions to his Department concerning the employment of migrants within his Department. [More…]
I preface my question to the Minister for Immigration by asking whether there has been a reduction in bilingual broadcasting in Australia especially designed to service migrants. [More…]
What (a) number and (b) type of requests for financial assistance has the Government received from migrant organisations including persons or organisations acting on behalf of migrants. [More…]
The responsibility for developing citizenship courses for adult migrants is the subject of discussion with the Department of Education. [More…]
The proportion of unsponsored migrants in the total immigration program will in future vary according to Australia’s needs. [More…]
other sponsored migrants; and [More…]
unsponsored migrants in numbers and categories required to meet national needs. [More…]
What action has he taken to establish citizenship courses for all migrants. [More…]
Will the courses be available to all migrants without cost. [More…]
Has the Minister for Immigration seen reports that Australia’s international airline Qantas is not getting a reasonable share of assisted migrants who travel to this country? [More…]
A number of migrants in my electorate have contacted me indicating that they believe that if the migrant task force is permitted to operate in a positive way without simply becoming a rubber stamp for the Department of Immigration it will offer a great service to migrants in general. [More…]
Complete statistics on the rejection of visa applications are not available but from the information held from some thirty-five countries, including the major sources of migrants, it is estimated that in the threemonth period December 1972 to February 1973 inclusive, 5,000 people who had applied to enter Australia were refused authority to do so. [More…]
Persons approved for travel as unassisted migrants are granted visas or endorsements normally valid for travel within a period of twelve months and there is no obligation to provide travel details. [More…]
Assisted migrants usually travel under arrangements made by my Department. [More…]
The number of those approved as assisted migrants at 30 November 1972 still overseas is not known. [More…]
What (a) increase in number and (b) percentage increase in the labour market was due to: (i) migrants and non-migrants (ii) males (iii) females (iv) juniors and (v) adults in each of the last 10 calendar years. [More…]
Consideration is now being given to the possibility of developing this land in co-operation with the State Government in such a way as to incorporate provision of homes for pensioners under the State Grants (Dwellings for Aged Pensioners) Act and possibly other dwelling units under existing and proposed Commonwealth legislative arrangements for migrants, students and exservice personnel. [More…]
‘Does the Minister for Immigration have any proposals to divert from capital cities some of the flow of migrants which for many years has been directed mainly to the inner city areas of Sydney and Melbourne? [More…]
It is believed that the downturn in the inquiry rate which commenced at about April 1972 is the result largely of the then deteriorating employment situation in Australia and the knowledge in the U.S.A. that strict controls were being placed on migrants who fell into over-supplied employment categories. [More…]
and (2) The screening of migrants from Britain has been the subject of representations to the British Government from time to time since the commencement of post-war immigration. [More…]
What requests have been made to the British Government concerning the screening of migrants. [More…]
I felt that possibly the greatest breakthrough in this particular sphere of allowing, permitting and encouraging migrants to know about their rights and privileges as Australian workers came when Mr Justice Moore, in handing down a decision, said that that decision would be made available in the languages of the people who had been concerned in the dispute and who had been encouraged to come and work in this country. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration the following question: In view of the fact that many thousands of nonEnglish speaking migrants make up a significant part of the Australian work force, will the Minister take steps to make available appropriate explanatory material in the relevant languages showing the rights as well as the obligations of employees? [More…]
The following are details of the expenditure and countries in which direct advertising is permitted and in which my Department has advertised directly in the Press to attract migrants. [More…]
Is there a substantial surplus of hostel accommodation following the drop in the numbers of migrants coming to Australia? [More…]
What was the expenditure by his Department on Press and television advertising in each of the countries which allows direct advertising for migrants in each of the half years 1971-72 and 1972-73. [More…]
In addition, Commonwealth Hostels ‘Ltd operates 11 child minding centres at various hostels for migrants. [More…]
As a result a revised procedure whereby Australians who had left here permanently and who had spent some years abroad, might return here as assisted migrants is nearing completion. [More…]
How many assisted passages have been granted to coloured migrants since December 1972. [More…]
From 4 December 1972 to 31 August 1973, the latest date for which reliable figures are available, 1587 assisted passage migrants had their fares paid to final destinations in non-metropolitan areas by the Government. [More…]
All assisted passage migrants moving to nonmetropolitan areas are entitled to Government arranged transport but many are met at their arrival ports and airports by their sponsors and move privately. [More…]
How many assisted passage migrants have had their fares paid to their final destinations by the Government because they wished to settle in nonmetropolitan areas since 4 December 1972. [More…]
Will the Minister assure this House that any scheme for decentralisation and the establishment of growth centres will not involve compulsion on migrants to settle only in country growth centres? [More…]
Only pensioners, migrants, the indolent, no-hopers and alcoholics would benefit from the Government’s health scheme’, the Liberal welfare spokesman (Mr Chipp) said yesterday. [More…]
Are there separate immigration desks for returning Australian citizens so that they are not unnecessarily delayed by the more extended procedure necessary for migrants; if not, why not. [More…]
Can the Minister for Immigration say whether it is true that the Australian Council of Trade Unions has banned overseas trade testing of migrants, particularly from Asian countries? [More…]
With reference to the establishment of the new legal aid office which is charged to give legal services to persons in need, particularly disadvantaged persons such as pensioners, Aborigines and migrants, is it proposed to amalgamate the Aboriginal Legal Aid Service with this wider body. [More…]
1 ) What proportion of migrants arriving in Australia settled in non-urban areas in each of the last 10 years. [More…]
1 ) Don’t interview migrants at all. [More…]
In our letter to RDC Landalls- and I presume that is Mr R. D. Clark - ask others to pay careful attention to all aspects of their contacts with migrants. [More…]
This is of course as much in their interests as it is in the interests of the Australian community including those migrants already here. [More…]
However, a manual count in the Department of Labor and Immigration of Passenger Cards lodged by persons at time of arrival indicates that some 1 12,960 migrants arrived during 1973-74. [More…]
How many migrants arrived in Australia during 1973-74. [More…]
In which countries did the migrants who arrived in Australia during 1 973-74 lodge their applications to migrate, and how many were there from each. [More…]
What percentage of (a) skilled and (b) semi-skilled employees in the building industry are migrants. [More…]
Special services for migrants in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the special field of education will continue to be provided through the New South Wales Ministry of Education ‘s Migrant Education Services. [More…]
If so, what proposals does his Department now have to provide a specialised service for migrants in the Western Suburbs in the special field of education. [More…]
The former Immigration Information Branch now transferred to my Department is producing booklets of information in a range of languages for the benefit of migrants. [More…]
This centre will provide factual information on Australian Government policies and activities to the Australian public generally including migrants and the publications available from the Centre will include those of particular interest to migrants. [More…]
If so, what proposals does the Department of the Media now have to provide a specialised service for migrants in the Western Suburbs in the special field of information. [More…]
763, which personnel are on the standing interdepartmental committee established to ensure an integrated approach to all matters affecting migrants. [More…]
In the migrants’ own interest I do not believe that a list of names as requested should be made public. [More…]
1) Has the Minister noted the suggestion recorded in Professor Henderson’s poverty report that, as a means of assisting migrants, a footnote be included on official letters in a large number of languages, inviting the recipients to tick a box and return the footnote if they wish to have the letter provided in another language. [More…]
The Government will be making a thorough examination of the recommendations and suggestions contained in the Report ‘Poverty in Australia’ and, in addition of course, of those from related reports prepared by the Poverty Enquiry that deal with problems facing migrants. [More…]
How many first and second generation migrants live in the Electoral Division of Batman. [More…]
1 ) The movement of migrants on arrival in Australia to place of destination. [More…]
Travel within Australia associated with the deportation of illegal migrants. [More…]
Are any additional Indo-Chinese migrants being accepted? [More…]
1 ) In what countries does Australia advertise for migrants at present, and at what cost. [More…]
In what countries has Australia advertised for migrants in previous years. [More…]
In association with the amnesty arrangements for prohibited migrants announced earlier this year it was decided that applicants for amnesty could receive unemployment or sickness benefits if otherwise qualified. [More…]
Are illegal migrants entitled to claim social security benefits pending their apprehension; if not, is there any reason to believe that the benefits are being paid to illegal migrants. [More…]
Brother Luke advises me that he is now receiving one application a week for the enrolment of migrant children, mainly in the lower classes and mainly involving newly arrived migrants. [More…]
1 ) The numbers of Lebanese migrants who have arrived in Australia since hostilities commenced in Lebanon are as follows: [More…]
1 ) What has been the response to the current advertising and promotional campaign for migrants in the United Kingdom. [More…]
On current projections, how many (a) assisted and (b) unassisted migrants will emigrate to Australia from Britain during 1976-77, and how does this compare with previous intakes since 1946. [More…]
Migrants make up a large proportion of the inner city unemployed. [More…]
The Mascot CES office estimated that 3/ per cent of the men registered and 50 per cent of the women are migrants. [More…]
While the other CES offices have not produced estimates on the proportion of migrants registered, they confirm what they term the high migrant content. [More…]
The manager of the Leichhardt office said that migrants take being without a job harder than most, and added: ‘We’ve had some of the men crying on the counter’. [More…]
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rates for recently arrived migrants- those arriving since 1968- is almost 50 percent higher than for people born in Australia. [More…]
Given the recent publicity focusing on discrepancies between CES and ABS figures, this ABS finding confirms the CES figures for inner Sydney, where recently arrived migrants tend to congregate. [More…]
How many migrants settled in the electoral division of Calare during 1974, 1975 and 1976, and from which countries did they come? [More…]
1 ) What is the estimated percentage of migrants in the work force. [More…]
What is the percentage of migrants registered as unemployed. [More…]
With the reputation of migrants standing high as good credit risks, a scheme - [More…]
Of the persons referred to in part ( 1 ), how many are (a) aged (i) under 21 years, (ii) between 22 and 45 years, and (iii) between 46 and 65 years, (b) migrants, (c) male, (d) female, (e) skilled, (0 unskilled, (g) married and (h) single. [More…]
The only country in which Australia advertised for migrants in 1976-77 was Britain. [More…]
In what countries and at what cost did Australia advertise for migrants in 1976-77 and will Australia advertise for migrants in 1977-78 (Hansard, 23 September 1976, page 1446). [More…]
No statistics are maintained to show the race or colour of migrants approved for entry. [More…]
For the past three financial years the numbers of migrants showing Rhodesia as their country of last residence were: [More…]
The criteria applied to Rhodesians seeking entry to Australia as migrants are set out in the reply to question on notice No. [More…]
The Fraser Government’s reduction and deferment of services to migrants. [More…]
The reduction and deferment of services to migrants and the procrastination by the Government will be remembered by migrants who will help to get rid of this Government at the earliest possible time. [More…]
Does the Minister consider that migrants from Southern Africa will be shunted into dirty jobs, as one part of the Age report also suggests? [More…]
I leave aside some of the contentious recommendations and ask the Prime Minister: What action does the Government propose to take on some of the recommendations which would be deemed to be worthwhile and non-contentious, such as those concerning child abuse, discrimination against women, migrants, the handicapped, adoption and a national family policy? [More…]
The Government for its part, in marked contrast to the Opposition, places very great stress on the services provided to migrants and in considering the total policies relating both to the entry of migrants and to the integration of migrants once they have arrived in Australia. [More…]
Given the low priority given by the Government to manpower planning can the Minister explain: Firstly, the criteria upon which job categories are developed for application to persons intending to migrate to Australia; and secondly, whether there has been an easing of restrictions on formal qualifications required by intending migrants who wish to enter skilled job categories? [More…]
Were absolute propriety and unquestioned integrity, which he claimed in his broadcast on 12 March 1978 as a hallmark of the Menzies years, exhibited by (a) Sir Harry Brown when, on resigning as Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs under the first Menzies Government, he became chairman and joint managing director of British General Electric, (b) Sir Harry Brown’s successor, Sir Daniel McVey, when, on resigning, he became chairman and managing director of Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd, (c) Sir Percy Spender when he held a directorship in an Americanowned company while Minister for External Affairs and Minister for External Territories in the fourth Menzies Government and while ambassador to the United States under the fifth and sixth Menzies Governments (Hansard, 5 April 1978, page 1078), (d) Sir Giles Chippendall when, on retiring as Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs under the sixth Menzies Government, he became a director of Telephone and Electrical Industries Pty Ltd (Hansard, 10 September 1958, page 1115) and of a commercial radio station, (e) Mr M. R. C. Stradwick when, on resigning as DirectorGeneral of Posts and Telegraphs under the seventh Menzies Government, he became general manager for the Far East, Pacific and Australia for International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, (f) Dr A. J. Metcalfe when, on retiring as Director-General of Health under the seventh Menzies Government, he became a consultant to Lederle Laboratories (Hansard, 5 September 196 1 , page 793; 12 September 1961, page 1083 and 4 October 1961, page 1648), (g) Sir Tasman Heyes when, on retiring as Secretary of the Department of Immigration under the seventh Menzies Government, he became a director of a shipping company tendering for the carriage of migrants and (h) Sir Harold Raggatt when, on retiring as Secretary of the Department of National Development under the eighth Menzies Government, he became consultant geologist to the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd. [More…]
How many of the intake of migrants during 1977-78 came to Australia (a) for family reunion, (b) as refugees, (c) as specially approved cases, showing the general nature of these cases (d) from New Zealand and (e) as skilled workers required to overcome specific skilled worker bottlenecks. [More…]
There were at 3 1 December 1977, 577 migrants in hostels or accommodation centres in receipt of special benefit, but the proportion of that number who were of South East Asian origin, or could be classified as refugees, is not known. [More…]
In addition to special benefit, permanent migrants with children become entitled to family allowances from the pay day after their arrival. [More…]
1 ) Did he say on 1 March 1978 that 41 per cent of migrants in the present intake are in the occupationally eligible group. [More…]
How many of these migrants went to pre-arranged jobs requiring their special skills. [More…]
If so, is it known how many of these vacancies have been filled by migrants who came to Australia during 1977-78 and who entered under the approved occupation category. [More…]
How many persons who entered Australia under the circumstances referred to in part ( 1 ) have applied to have other members of the family admitted to Australia as migrants. [More…]
Is the Prime Minister aware that Germany has a contributory system of pensions and that these are not paid to German migrants to this country if they become naturalised Australian citizens? [More…]
What was the percentage of migrants who arrived under the occupationally eligible category in the nett intake for 1977-78. [More…]
1) Of the $ 19.9m allocated to migrant education in the 1978-79 Budget, what sum is to be spent on (a) extending courses for teaching English to migrants, (b) providing English instruction in industry and (c) extending the home tutor scheme. [More…]
1 ) The amount in the appropriations for my Department for education for adult migrants and refugees is: [More…]
If so, is part of this assessment an evaluation of the effect on departments and authorities as employers of migrants. [More…]
1041 is not pan of the assessment, how is the assessment of departments and authorities as employers of migrants to be conducted. [More…]
How many migrants from (a) West Germany, (b) Denmark, (c) Norway, (d) Sweden, (e) Finland, (f) Switzerland, (g) Holland, (h) Belgium, (j) France and (k) Austria have settled in Australia since 1 945. [More…]
Mr Neil expressed concern that the Liberal Party- may have alienated itself from the Greek community because of the mass prosecutions of Greek migrants involved in allegations of social welfare fraud. [More…]
What was the (a) net intake and (b) gross intake of migrants during (i) 1976-77 and (ii) 1977-78. [More…]
As approximately two-thirds of all applications are refused, statistics on occupational characteristics of migrants are not compiled until the arrival stage, in order to minimise workload costs in accord with current contraints on staff resources. [More…]
1 ) How many migrants arrived in Australia during the period 1 December 1978 to 31 May 1979? [More…]
During the period November 1973 to December 1975 the Minister for Housing and Construction was responsible for (the then) Commonwealth Hostels Ltd- which activities included accommodation services to migrants. [More…]
During the period of the Department’s responsibility for Commonwealth Hostels Ltd, the following expenditures were incurred on accommodation services to migrants; the figures appear in Appropriation Acts No. [More…]
The 1975-76 and 1976-77 figures reflect the effects of the amnesty offered by the Government to overstayed visitors and other prohibited migrants and of the grant of resident status to evacuees from Timor who were admitted on temporary permits. [More…]
Why does the Government generalise on the behaviour of migrants? [More…]
The Government did not and does not generalise on the behaviour of migrants. [More…]
There is no separate allocation for widow and repatriation pensioners and migrants under NEAT. [More…]
What proportion and amount of the $67,900,000 for the National Employment and Training System will be allocated for (a) widow and repatriation pensioners, (b) migrants and (c) Aboriginals. [More…]
Yugoslav migrants are no strangers to us. [More…]
Yugoslavia represents an area from which suitable migrants can be obtained in greater numbers. [More…]
The aim will be to maintain a reasonable balance between skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers, nder the terms of Article 22 of the Agreement assisted passages to Australia will now be available to selected migrants from Yugoslavia. [More…]
This places Yugoslav assisted migrants on the same basis as migrants from other countries. [More…]
It records the rights they enjoy and the obligations they undertake in common with Australian citizens and other migrants. [More…]
It also provides for advice to Yugoslav migrants on the acceptance of vocational qualifications in Australia and records that the Australian Government will endeavour to advance the acceptance of Yugoslav qualifications within the framework of Australian laws, regulations and practices. [More…]
Australia undertakes to extend to Yugoslav workers and their families the facilities available in Australia for migrants to learn English. [More…]
The procedural arrangements agreed upon between the two Governments in pursuance of Article 22 of the Agreement provide that the Australian Government will select migrants for Australia in accordance with its requirements. [More…]
As with all other countries from which migrants are taken, Yugoslavia has a legitimate and reasonable interest in the number and occupational categories of those moving to immigration countries. [More…]
This is not unique to the Yugoslav Agreement and in any event the benefits of this provision of the National Service Act are applicable to migrants from all countries irrespective of a migration agreement. [More…]
Through it we have benefited greatly by an infusion of migrants of excellent personal quality and who are sought after by employers because of their industry and aptitudes. [More…]
This Agreement is intended to confirm Yugoslavia as a continuing source of such migrants in the future. [More…]
It is now a good thing to see the Government, with the urge to get migrants and with certain avenues drying up, looking further afield and not discriminating politically against the countries from which migrants might come. [More…]
In that respect this is a desirable approach and undoubtedly from what we have seen of the types of migrants who have come to Australia these new migrants will be very desirable citizens. [More…]
In fact, we oppose it and I hope it will not be long before the Government is able, by legislation, to remove that provision completely from the Agreement because we believe that that Act should be repealed as it applies to conscription not only of migrants but also of Australian citizens. [More…]
With horizons still to be reached and with greater difficulty in getting migrants this Agreement represents a step which, in this age, had to be taken and it is one of which we approve. [More…]
If the statistics which the honourable member for Maribyrnong has given are correct, the immigration programme of which we boast - and rightly so - is a concealed failure because apparently there are more abortions than there are people coming into this country, after deducting the number of departing migrants. [More…]
In fact, one of Australia’s early claims to attract migrants was that we were proud of our tradition of every man having the opportunity of having his own home on his separate block of land. [More…]
We have migrants who have come to Western Australia for a new start in life who have waited for more than 4 years for accommodation by the State. [More…]
It is time we considered the enormous cost of bringing migrants to this country. [More…]
These figures may sound high but they are not when we compare them with the cost of bringing migrants to this country. [More…]
This has been a government of discrimination - discrimination against migrants, discrimination against the farmer, discrimination against the worker, discrimination against the pensioner and discrimination in the matter of defence. [More…]
Finally I ask the Minister: If he is not in a position to answer my question now, will he initiate an immediate investigation into the allegations made in the newspaper article, and, at the same time, make available to all immigration officers, regardless of where they aTe stationed, up to date copies of the major Australian industrial awards in order that intending migrants can be advised correctly as to the Australian wages and working conditions applicable to their particular trade or calling? [More…]
However, 1 would say to the honourable gentleman that, naturally, in a migrant intake of approximately 180,000 this year, from time to time circumstances will arise where allegations are made concerning misinterpretation in information given to prospective migrants. [More…]
I wish to say to the honourable genleman by way of observation that in all of these cases investigations are carried out immediately because my Department is at all times concerned that it should reflect to prospective migrants to Australia a very accurate picture of circumstances here whether by way of social or industrial conditions and awards relative to wages. [More…]
I understand that on this subject a two page leaflet is available to British migrants who claim plumbing qualifications. [More…]
Is it a fact that many migrants are refused recognition or a licence as a tradesman upon arrival in Australia. [More…]
Are adequate precautions taken in overseas posts to ensure that intending migrants with trade skills fully understand the requirements for recognition as tradesmen in Australia. [More…]
In October 1969 the National Health Act was amended to provide free health insurance for persons receiving unemployment and sickness benefits, for families with weekly incomes not exeeding $39 and for migrants during their first 2 months in Australia. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration: Is it a fact that immigrants are encouraged to believe that naturalisation will entitle them to all the privileges of Australian citizenship? [More…]
Is he aware of the concern and resentment of elderly migrants who find that, in spite of naturalisation, they are denied the age pension because they have not been in Australia for 10 years? [More…]
I certainly could not agree with the statement or inference made by the honourable gentleman that migrants are treated or regarded as second class citizens in this country. [More…]
Good heavens, we are told that 175,000 migrants are going to arrive in Australia this year and approximately one-third of them are likely to leave the ship in the west and look for houses. [More…]
1 have kept closely in touch with the immigration programme over the years, not only because of my own interest as the Minister who first planned the post-war intake of migrants but more particularly because of its vital importance to Australia. [More…]
However, recent newspaper reports of a change in policy in respect of the transport of migrants to Australia has concerned me somewhat. [More…]
Secondly, experience has shown that migrants who travel by sea are better conditioned to take up a new life in this country. [More…]
Thirdly, 3 or 4 weeks on a ship provided opportunity, so far as migrants from Europe are concerned, to teach them English and to inform both British and European passengers more fully on such important matters as government in all its phases, education, housing, hostels, employment and so on. [More…]
Fourthly, I under stand that migrants who arrive by sea are more contented and settle down to a new life more readily than those who travel by air, because these people are one day in London, for example, and the next day in Albury. [More…]
Further, there is evidence to show that the returnee rate is higher amongst air migrants than amongst those who come by sea. [More…]
Also the important responsibility of placing migrants in employment commensurate with their qualifications can be much better performed in the case of sea migrants than those who travel by air. [More…]
They receive much earlier advice if migrants travel by sea and they are therefore better able to make the necessary arrangements for their reception. [More…]
Another vital point in favour of sea transportation is that migrants can bring their personal effects and household belongings with them on the ship without charge,, whereas if they come by air they are substantially limited in the amount of baggage they can take with them and any excess has to be paid by the Government or the migrant. [More…]
I refer to the Sitmar Line which has transported migrants to Australia under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration from the early 1950s and under official contract to the Australian Government since 1956. [More…]
I have no business connection with the Sitmar -Line but, like many honourable members on both sides of the House who have informed themselves as to the service being provided for migrants to Australia by this company, I have a full appreciation of the excellent way in which it has carried out its contracts. [More…]
It is well known that with the advent of the Sitmar Line in 1956 stabilisation of the rates being charged to us by the shipping companies which carried migrants to Australia was brought about. [More…]
Migrants had complete access to all parts of its vessels; this did not obtain previously with other lines. [More…]
It must also be remembered that Sitmar’s contribution to Australia has not been limited to the intake of migrants. [More…]
Finally, I would like to say to the Minister that this company has carried 250,000 migrants to Australia without the loss of one life and to the satisfaction of those travelling on its vessels as well as to the contractual authorities. [More…]
I hope that the excellent service given by this company is recognised by the Minister and that within any limita- tions that might apply he will see that everything possible is done to retain its ships on the Australia run, which could be in doubt if its services for the transportation of migrants is not utilised. [More…]
The background to this issue is that in response to an invitation by the Government on 19th August last to all passenger shipping lines operating from Europe to Australia, 3 companies offered to carry migrants by sea on a contract basis. [More…]
Up to 15,000 berths are to be taken at the option of the Commonwealth for the carriage of migrants from Britain and northern Europe. [More…]
I emphasise that the arrangements are confined to Britain and northern Europe and do not include the transport of the balance of migrants from elsewhere in Europe. [More…]
The remainder of migrants under the assisted passage programme from the northern area will be carried by Qantas Airways Ltd and/ or its associates. [More…]
The new transport arrangements negotiated by the Government involve a change of contractor and an increased use of air movement for migrants. [More…]
The new contractor, Chandris Line, has carried migrants for many years. [More…]
By the end of the 3-year period of the contract it is expected that approximately 75% of assisted passage migrants will travel by air from Britain and northern Europe. [More…]
Already the movement of assisted passage migrants by air has grown to half the total assisted passage programme. [More…]
This represents an exercise of the migrants’ own preference for this form of travel and is consistent with world trends in general passenger movement by air. [More…]
This is underlined by the fact that programmes from areas where migrants are now moved totally by air have not suffered in any way because of this. [More…]
I emphasise that, contrary to the impression given by the right honourable member for Melbourne, it is not valid to say that 50% of migrants elect to travel by sea. [More…]
Because of commitments to sea berths it has been necessary in the past to have this proportion of migrants travel by sea. [More…]
The right honourable member for Melbourne also mentioned the advantage to migrants from Europe travelling by sea in that there is provision for training in the English language. [More…]
As 85% to 90% of the people carried under this contract are from Britain there is little weight in the argument that by curtailing sea travel we are denying migrants the opportunity to learn English. [More…]
There is no evidence at all available to me or to my Department which suggests that migrants settle down more readily if they travel by sea, or that there is a greater returnee rate amongst migrants who travel by air. [More…]
I do not see that the voluntary organisations or other people nominating migrants will be disadvantaged because of air travel. [More…]
It should be remembered that 50%, and sometimes more than 50%, of migrants now travel from the United Kingdom by air. [More…]
The large air movement of migrants over the past 10 years has demonstrated that the 88 lb of luggage a person provided for migrants coming by air has been sufficient to cover the belongings that they wished to bring with them. [More…]
I am confident, as is my Department, that the new arrangements for the carriage of migrants will prove to be effective in future years. [More…]
Many of those recently settled, such as migrants, are still in the process of buying their homes and the closure of the gold mining will simply mean that a substantial number of these people will be obliged to pack up and leave Kalgoorlie without a penny to bless themselves with. [More…]
1 preface my question to the Minister for Social Services by reminding him that yesterday the honourable member for Perth asked the Minister for Immigration whether he was aware of the concern and resentment of elderly migrants who found that, in spite of naturalisation, they are denied the age pension because they have not been in Australia for 10 years and he referred to their complaints of being treated as second class citizens. [More…]
Further, is it not a fact that the Australian Labor Party also required migrants to become Australian citizens before being eligible to receive age pensions and is it not a fact that it was this LiberalCountry Party Government which removed this bar to the receipt of pensions by migrants? [More…]
This Government and its predecessors have done more in this field to help migrants than any other government has done. [More…]
I will be happy to provide the House and the honourable member with a detailed account of what the Government has done in this field, but I suggest to the House that we have gone as far as it is possible to go in helping migrants who meet some misfortune when they arrive in Australia. [More…]
It is true, of course, that pensions payable in Australia are vastly greater than the pensions available in the countries from which many of these migrants come. [More…]
As the honourable member for Wide Bay says, a lot of British migrants as well. [More…]
We arc told that, of some 185,000 migrants who will come to Australia in 1970, approximately one-third will settle in the West. [More…]
I contend it is unnecessary, just as it is unnecessary to require migrants to meet a 3-year residential qualification. [More…]
In the meantime are Maltese migrants with British status restricted to a residential qualifying period in the same way as are aliens. [More…]
Is there a residency qualification, notwithstanding naturalisation, of 10 years for eligibility for an age pension and 5 years for eligibility for an invalid pension for migrants from most countries. [More…]
If so, do some migrants therefore receive the invalid pension until they reach the age of 65 years (for males) or 60 years (for females) and then lose all pension benefits until they have been in this country for 10 years and become eligible for an age pension. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration whether his attention has been drawn to a recent article in a South Australian newspaper quoting Mr Giordano, publisher of a monthly bulletin, as saying that more should be done in the field of housing for migrants. [More…]
Will he comment also on the progress of the new flat programme for migrants and indicate when this programme will be applied to South Australia? [More…]
J recall seeing the article to which the honourable gentleman refers and, as 1 interpret my recollection of that article, Mr Giordano was suggesting that the Commonwealth should provide flats which could be sold to migrants at low rates of interest. [More…]
The question of permanent accommodation for migrants does not fall within my sphere of responsibility but I want to observe two factors. [More…]
States are the principal suppliers, of relatively low cost housing for migrants and under the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement the Commonwealth has made available substantial sums of money to the States to finance these programmes but the Commonwealth has no control over their implementation. [More…]
In the second place, since the inception of the migration programme it has generally been agreed that migrants should not be placed in a position of advantage or preferment in connection with housing or other facilities by comparison with native born members of the Australian community. [More…]
However this does not preclude measures being taken to offset the disadvantages at which resettlement places migrants vis-a-vis the Australian community. [More…]
In answer to the latter part of the honourable member’s question as I recall it, I inform him that our responsibility as a Commonwealth lies in the provision of initial transitory accommodation for Commonwealth nominated migrants which takes 2 forms, flats and hostels. [More…]
What consideration has been extended to the proposal that a reciprocal agreement should be negotiated between Australia and Malta which would have the effect of extending to migrants from Malta of British nationality the same social service benefits which accrue to migrants from Britain and New Zealand. [More…]
What is the total number of migrants resident in Australia who are eligible for naturalisation but who as yet have not applied for naturalisation? [More…]
Why do eligible migrants not apply for citizenship? [More…]
I recall that, when I last checked the matter to which the honourable member refers, I ascertained that as at 30th June 1969 there were some 208,000 migrants over the age of 16 years and residentially qualified for Australian citizenship who had not made application. [More…]
The fact that a number of migrants do not make application for Australian citizenship results, I believe, from a fusion of factors which would include indecision at to longterm permanent residence in Australia; the fact that they may be waiting for other members of the family to become eligible before themselves making application; unawareness of the importance of citizenship; or being aware, the fact that they have not come to the point of making application or would prefer to become further established in the Australian community before playing a complete and meaningful part. [More…]
It has always been the policy of the Commonwealth Government that migrants should become Australian citizens, not so much for the material benefits which this would confer upon them but rather because citizenship, once conferred, would enable them to play their full part as Australian citizens in the affairs of the community and to have the opportunity of total identification with the people of Australia. [More…]
by leave - Mr Speaker, one of the major new immigration initiatives to be taken by the Government in the course of this Parliament is in the area of migrant education - an area vital to the effective integration of migrants into the Australian community. [More…]
The Government has approved details of a comprehensive programme of migrant education which will strengthen existing provisions and give effect to the policy announced by the Prime Minister (Mr Gorton) on 8th October 1969 of Commonwealth financial support for new, improved and expanded facilities for the instruction of child and adult migrants in the English language. [More…]
The Government recognises that the ability of migrants to communicate is fundamental to their successful integration. [More…]
There are short and long term social and human benefits for the migrant and for the community in encouraging and providing the means for migrants to learn English. [More…]
New areas of need have become evident, and whilst there have been practical reasons in the past to concentrate on speaking and understanding the English language, the comprehensive programme now proposed will provide for more emphasis in the future to be placed on reading and writing English, on meeting the individual needs of migrants and on their citizenship education. [More…]
The comprehensive programme will provide for: The expansion of existing facilities for the instruction of adult migrants; the provision of intensive full time English language courses for those who must know English so that they can be employed in the occupations and professions for which they have been trained and are qualified; and classes for migrant school children with English language difficulties. [More…]
I believe that a lack of knowledge of the language of the country sponsoring a great migration programme is the greatest barrier to the integration of migrants and their social and economic success. [More…]
I am reminded particularly of the problem associated with the education of the children of migrants. [More…]
The first, most obvious, and most severe problem area for many migrants is language. [More…]
Whilst we deal with the problems of children and teachers and questions relating to the social and economic integration of migrants, at this stage there appears to be a much more lively interest being taken by the Government and organisations in the education of adult migrants. [More…]
He said that a survey by the Department of Immigration indicated that about one-third of foreign born migrants cannot speak English and that departmental English classes assist only a small proportion of them. [More…]
He went on to say that women and migrants in the age group 30 to 39 years are largely missing from numbers attending English classes. [More…]
One aspect of the migration programme that appears to come under criticism at this stage is that, whilst thousands of migrants are being brought to the country, the States are not being given a commensurate amount of money to provide education, housing and other factors associated with a great migration programme. [More…]
If this programme is fulfilled in the way that the Minister has outlined today and comes to fruition as he has said, it undoubtedly will be a forward step in providing for the education of migrants and their integration into the community. [More…]
At this stage I see no reason why it should be opposed - we may be able to improve it - and I join with the Minister in expressing the hope that it will allow the thousands of migrants who today suffer from not having a thorough understanding of the English language to integrate socially and economically and in every way take full advantage of the opportunities given to them in this country under the migration programme. [More…]
There are great numbers of young migrants from the Villawood migrant hostel going to that school. [More…]
7m for departmental other services include $1.5m for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, $4.4m for embarkation and passage costs for migrants, $2.2m for the Australian Broadcasting Commission, $].6m for war and service pensions and allowances, $].4m for other repatriation benefits, $5m for the Ship Building Division of the Department of Shipping and Transport, $1.3m for grants under the Aged Persons Homes Act and $l.lm for remission of taxes and fines under special circumstances. [More…]
What action has been taken to rectify the position discussed by Professor W. F. Connell in his back-ground paper ‘Education for Adult Migrants’ for this year’s Citizenship Convention. [More…]
The comprehensive programme outlined in that statement with respect to adult migrants and’ intensive courses will provide remedies in a number of the areas to which Professor Connell referred in his paper ‘Education for Adult Migrants’. [More…]
There are also medical and hospital benefits for migrants during their first 2 months in Australia. [More…]
Surely they cannot all be tories in the extreme who are coming as migrants from the United Kingdom to Australia. [More…]
On Sunday night I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting about 40 medical practitioners, 5 of whom were migrants from England. [More…]
I represent one of the industrial areas of Australia where there are large numbers of migrants who wisely come to be represented in the seat of Wills. [More…]
In countries where foot and mouth disease is known to be prevalent or endemic and from which regular shipping services operate it is usual for migrants who are defined as ‘rural’ types to be given visas which restricts them to travel by sea. [More…]
The reason for favouring sea travel for ‘rural’ migrants is because the longer travelling time reduces the amount of any chance virus contamination that may be present. [More…]
In similar countries from which it is not possible for migrants to travel by sea, air movement is permitted but under conditions where a thorough pre-flight examination of migrants clothing and baggage is conducted, with disinfection of footwear as necessary, under the supervision of an Australian medical officer. [More…]
1 might acid that my Department does everything possible to assist migrants in relation to the provision of suitable accommodation for them, and our efforts to assist the Thomas family will continue. [More…]
I ask: In view of the expected decrease in housing approvals, has the Minister modified his stated target of 175,000 immigrants for the year 1970? [More…]
Has the Minister issued instructions to his departmental officers to warn prospective migrants that the Government has a conscious policy of reducing the housing available to them? [More…]
We realise the importance of housing to migrants but the honourable gentleman will well appreciate the overall exigencies which must guide Government policy. [More…]
However, I do emphasise to the honourable gentleman that this number of returning migrants must be seen against the record number of migrants who will come to Australia during the course of this year. [More…]
This means that the achievement during the course of the current financial year will be 8,000 migrants more than last year’s record total and 9,000 more than the target at which we have been aiming for the present financial year. [More…]
In relation to the reasons for migrants returning to their homelands I point out that the studies which have been taken out indicate that rarely can these reasons be put down to single identifiable causes. [More…]
In looking at this question one must appreciate that a number of people today recognise that we live in a time in which there is unparalleled mobility between countries, that a number of migrants do come to Australia without the intention of permanently remaining here, that some do pass on to other countries and that there are many migrants who return to their source countries for reasons which may be personal or related to their employment. [More…]
Our studies indicate that these reasons account for a substantial number of returning migrants. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration a question arising from the clause in the migration agreement with Yugoslavia which provides that Yugoslav migrants will not be called up for military service in Australia if they are 20 years and 1 month or more at the time when they arrive in Australia. [More…]
There will be greater provision of part time accelerated courses to meet the needs of migrants who for economic reasons cannot engage in full time instruction. [More…]
Advanced teaching techniques will be used to meet the needs of individual groups of migrants. [More…]
The full time intensive course of instruction which was first introduced early in 1969 is designed specifically to meet the needs of professional and other qualified migrants for whom an adequate knowledge of English is a pre-requisite to their being suitably employed. [More…]
As a general rule only migrants who have reached a certain educational level are able to benefit effectively from this particular type of instruction. [More…]
Clause 5 relates to the proposed new arrangements for the child migrant education programme as well as to existing arrangements for adult migrants and for fulltime intensive courses of instruction. [More…]
Full-scale production of material designed specifically for child migrants will possibly take two to three years. [More…]
lt may be useful if I were to explain that schools which will qualify for financial assistance under the special programme for child migrants will be those where a special teacher is employed. [More…]
I have no doubt that in the future a great many settlers will come here from the United States, that as more come they will generate a chain reaction, and in future the United States is likely to become one of our major sources of migrants. [More…]
I believe we need migrants at the rate we are getting them, and at the rate we can get them, but it may well be that in accepting the need for migrants we are overlooking some real economic facts. [More…]
Migrants corning from foot and mouth disease countries are carefully screened and if they are rural’ people (i.e. [More…]
In some cases these ‘rural’ migrants are allowed to travel by air (e.g. [More…]
The test of this is that migrants go to a State depending on the opportunities available to them and depending on the reports they get from their friends and relatives already in the State. [More…]
A couple of weeks ago the Minister for Immigration (Mr Lynch) claimed great credit and announced with a very great flourish that the Government would be bringing in about 180,000 immigrants a year. [More…]
The best of all migrants to Australia is the Australian child born of Australian parents and reared in an Australian home. [More…]
We want the other migrants as well. [More…]
Instead of marshalling the resources of the credit unions and encouraging this important work of providing homes for the newly marrieds, for migrants coming into this country and for all of the people wanting to build this nation through building houses, as they must, the Government has remained cold and aloof from the human problem. [More…]
Enrolments are increasing.I leave aside the increase in population and do not take into consideration aliens, migrants and other people who are not entitled to be enrolled. [More…]
There is also the problem of migrants. [More…]
After the first World War the British Government financed migrants to come to the south west of Western Australia and a group scheme was started in 1921 at Manjimup. [More…]
She might have noted also that Western Australia consistently is absorbing far more than its proportionate share of migrants. [More…]
A building industry spokesman is reported to have said: “After this finance trouble here, it could take years to instil confidence in prospective migrants.’ [More…]
The unsewered areas are the developing areas of our cities where most migrants and most children live. [More…]
By March, notwithstanding the big inflow of migrants and the entry of more and more married women into the work-force, the labour situation had become very tight, with job vacancies well above the number of registered applicants for work. [More…]
There is no doubt that as Australia heads into the 1970s we face a far greater challenge in recruiting a skilled work force from the various countries from which we have drawn migrants during the postwar period. [More…]
I think initially of the extension of the employer nomination service, the extension of our counselling services to migrants and the extension of our advisory services to skilled and professional migrants. [More…]
At the present time, as for the past 10 years, of the total worker component of migrants, we attract to Australia some 40%.I would expect that in the future, because of the initiatives that have been taken, we will at least maintain the 40% intake of skilled workers. [More…]
The honourable gentleman is aware that there are over 200,000 migrants eligible for naturalisation who have not applied for same. [More…]
Would the honourable gentleman give permission to allow such migrants to take an oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth of Australia as a voluntary alternative? [More…]
With men, women and children, and about 40,000 unnaturalised migrants, I have problems. [More…]
This organisation does a very good job for migrants. [More…]
Can he say whether She decision not to televise any of the soccer world cup games caused disappointment to many Australians and to large numbers of British and European migrants. [More…]
I say without hesitation that our appreciation of culture has improved since we have had such a huge inflow of migrants from overseas. [More…]
Has there been an increase in the 1970-71 appropriation for the repatriation of migrants? [More…]
There has been an increase in that section of the 1970-71 Estimates which covers repatriation of migrants. [More…]
May 1 respond finally in this way: Although we will be spending this year approximately $500,000 under this item which covers repatriation of migrants but also includes deportations. [More…]
That includes the cost of the administration of the Department of Immigration and the bringing of migrants to Australia, lt has been suggested that the cost of each migrant is about $10,000. [More…]
As we are aware, migrants have made a significant contribution to the growth of this country but it is time we looked at our own Australian families and did something more positive for them. [More…]
I also think that they are not exactly adverse to the continual increase in their domestic consumer market that nearly 200,000 extra migrants per annum provide. [More…]
In 1945 when the then Minister for Immigration, the Honourable Arthur Calwell, introduced a programme to bring migrants to Australia in vast numbers the population of Australia was a little over 7 million. [More…]
Today, through the influence and impact of over 2 million migrants, Australia has become a mini melting pot. [More…]
Even if as much as 2% of our gross national product is required to meet the social capital needs of our new migrants - surely an upper limit - our rate of investment remains quite high by comparison with most other countries. [More…]
With a large number of migrants coming into the country every year there has been a great need for work to be found for them. [More…]
Even when the rural sector of the economy is in good heart and flourishing there is not sufficient call from that source for labour, nor are the skills required for farm and station work in Australia readily available amongst the migrants who have come to this country. [More…]
I have always supported the Government in the past in its policies arising from the fact that jobs must be found for migrants in the secondary and tertiary sectors. [More…]
1 have heard reference in the House to-day to the pressures on the provision of services - the millions of dollars required for education, the provision of water supply facilities, the National Health Bill and the provision of power, housing and many other like facilities for the migrants as they come in. [More…]
These young people who because of high home costs and shortage of housing must have a working wife and put off having our most valuable migrants, a family born here, are going to pay more for their family planning. [More…]
We do not pay social service benefits, except the sickness benefit, to migrants who are not naturalised. [More…]
With the influx of migrants and with thousands of young Australians reaching marriageable age, the demand is considerable from the private sector, from building societies and from housing commissions. [More…]
The policy to bring European migrants, initially in the unfortunate category of displaced persons, to Australia was developed by the right honourable member for Melbourne and has basically remained unchanged through the years. [More…]
For these reasons it has not been possible to measure the additional expenditure, on services of the types specified, required for the purpose of absorbing new migrants into the community. [More…]
However it is proposed to examine this whole question, not only the costs but the benefits conferred by migrants in the cost-benefit analysis which T have arranged to be undertaken. [More…]
I live in an area that has a population with possibly the largest percentage of migrants. [More…]
I want to read something to this House which will give honourable members some idea of conditions as they really are in respect of migrants and unskilled workers in the lower income groups. [More…]
Naturally this Government docs not believe it has any responsibility to assist migrants with their housing problems or, for that matter, any of the other problems of their living environment. [More…]
I look down the Budget and I say: ‘What does this do for the people whom I represent, the migrants who are pouring into Australia by the thousands and who come into my electorate by the thousands?’ [More…]
One matter that has been brought to my notice over the past few weeks is that thousands of Turkish migrants have come into the country. [More…]
the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines. [More…]
the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children. [More…]
The immediate financing of special pro grammes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children. [More…]
The immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children. [More…]
It is also because migrants and citizens who have not had the advantages of a better education have more problems. [More…]
In any case, growth in the Elizabeth area, where so many migrants are housed, will be severely checked at a time when the Federal Government has commenced a drive to attract more migrants. [More…]
I am sure that the major financial difficulties of State governments flow directly from the Commonwealth’s immigration policy, whereby it spends more than S50m a year to bring migrants here only to dump them mercilessly, relentlessly and unceremoniously into the laps of State governments to nurture, house, educate and employ them, without any consideration for the ability or otherwise of the authorities which must of necessity be the final link in a migrant’s rehabilitation in his new country - the local government authorities. [More…]
The plight of elderly migrants is another matter that has been overlooked by this Government. [More…]
We even apply these restrictions to migrants from Commonwealth countries, such as Malta. [More…]
Because we do not have reciprical arrangements with Malta, migrants from that country are not eligible for the age pension. [More…]
Very briefly I want to bring to the notice of the Minister for Social Services (Mr Wentworth) a matter which I think exemplifies the need to amend the Social Services Act in order to give justice to migrants and Australians generally. [More…]
At a time when we are clamouring for migrants it is hardly a good advertisement for the world to know that in Australia under a Liberal government, firstly, a person over 100 years of age cannot get an age pension, secondly, he is ineligible for an invalid pension and, thirdly, no suitable employment is available to him and his only means of sustenance is $10 a week. [More…]
Furthermore, I believe the Minister should adopt the policy of the Labor Party and make welfare benefits available to all Australians and eliminate the system whereby a person more than a century old is ineligible for welfare benefits which, putting it mildly, hardly assists our drive for migrants. [More…]
The Secretary for Law also said when he introduced the Bill that it was necessary to have control so that the magistrates will have power to deal with these unemployed migrants. [More…]
Spreading the costs only over the 1.7 million migrants who have received assisted passages, the cost amounts to around $435 a bead. [More…]
cost savings to Australia for migrants’ pre- employment training. [More…]
I refer to a resolution adopted by the annual convention of the New South Wales Division of the Liberal Party that the Department of Immigration should operate a more effective system of screening and selection to limit the arrival of undesirable migrants. [More…]
In the first place, as the House will appreciate, the governments of a number of countries from which we draw our migrants, particularly those in the European area, take the view that under their nationality laws a former citizen of one of those countries does not lose his citizenship of that country if he acquires Australian citizenship. [More…]
I preface my question which is to the Minister for Immigration by referring to a resolution adopted by the annual convention of the New South Wales Division of the Liberal Party that the Department off Immigration should operate a more effective system of screening and selection in order to limit the arrival of undesirable migrants. [More…]
I must say that I am unaware of the reasons which were advanced for it but I want to observe that over a quarter of a century in which Australia has had experience in the promotion of a high level immigration programme our record in relation to selection and assessment of the 2.6 million migrants who have come to this country post- 1945 has been very good. [More…]
I think of the reports we have received of the incidence of mental illness and crime among migrants; of the reports that we have received on migrant youth; of the fact that the Australian system has been well commended by international authorities in the field of immigration; of the fact that our experience has been sought by other countries with high level immigration programmes, and finally of the fact that 2.6 million people who have come here in the post-war period have with some difficulties been effectively integrated into the Australian community. [More…]
In Western Australia the proportion of migrants to population is higher than that of any other State. [More…]
The simple fact is that it represents those people and it does not represent the wage earner, the worker, the salary earner and those who come out here as migrants and who have to build homes at tremendous cost. [More…]
The pity of it is that so many of the people who are forced to accept this accommodation are migrants who have come to this country to escape this type of crowded community development so that their children might have a better future. [More…]
He further advised me that the number of permanent and long term arrivals for residence of one year or longer in Australia between October 1945 and June 1970 was 3,385,676, of whom is is estimated some 2,696,000 were migrants. [More…]
There is an inclination to blame migrants for the shortage of housing, the demands on education, overcrowding of the cities and a number of other problems. [More…]
At the same time it is wrong to blamethe migrants for all these problems. [More…]
Where the Labor Party differs from the Government is that we say that, having brought migrants to Australia in their thousands, we have a responsibility to provide adequate finance to the State and local government authorities for education, housing, hospitals, and development. [More…]
State governments, starved of money by the Commonwealth, were left with the responsibility of educating migrants, English and non-English, and the responsibility of providing hospitals, homes, etc. [More…]
It may be necessary to set different targets, different types of migrants, and maybe to revise the approach to the accepted goals of the past in regard to numbers, types, educational and trade qualifications and matters of this nature. [More…]
The present scheme was introduced by the right honourable member for Melbourne (Mr Calwell) when he was Minister for immigration in the Chifley Government, and it has been continued by succeeding Liberal and Country Party Governments.I think it is a matter for some pride, that Australia has absorbed some 2.6 million migrants since 1945. [More…]
Sure, there have been strains on housing and education, and, sure, there has been a tendency for migrants to settle in the already crowded cities of this continent. [More…]
Since the Second World War, Australia has been fortunate in being able to attract a reason ale number of suitable migrants to this country, but these conditions may not always prevail. [More…]
In the past, the numbers of immigrants coming to Australia has varied with wars, disasters, booms and depressions. [More…]
Today, with economic buoyancy in Northern Europe and less unemployment in Southern Europe, it has become necessary for Australia to look farther afield for suitable migrants. [More…]
And let us avoid the traps of other nations; let us continue to bring to this country only such migrants as can be readily integrated. [More…]
However, unlike the honourable member for Deakin I do not go so far as to agree that there is a need to set up a committee of inquiry and then explain why we ought to keep on increasing our intake of migrants. [More…]
The very crux of an inquiry by such a committee is whether we should in fact continue our present rate of intake of migrants. [More…]
Eighteen years after Captain Cook, Captain Phillip arrived with a fleet of ships bearing our first migrants. [More…]
Some of the immigrants came from the finest families. [More…]
The others were carefully selected for their qualities and the selections were confirmed by some of the finest judges in England, litis planned immigration policy continued for a number of years with the immigrants being housed in cosy little migrant hostels at Port Arthur in the south, at Botany Bay on the east coast and Moreton Bay in the north. [More…]
Gradually this method of government selection of migrants fell into disuse and good old private enterprise took over with the expected bumbling and stumbling that is usually associated with the selfinterest of private enterprise. [More…]
Another major innovation would be an in-depth study of up to 10,000 migrants. [More…]
In the early years we had the problem of the .war .refugees when it was_npt .possible to screen our migrants in the way it is possible to screen them today. [More…]
Despite this, we have been remarkably free of undesirable migrants. [More…]
This situation has not been caused by the inflow of migrants alone, but undoubtedly this has had an effect. [More…]
Migrants must be fed, clothed mid have housing provided for them. [More…]
We require training in many more skills and the pressure on our education system is attributable largely to the tremendous intake of migrants and migrant families. [More…]
One of the areas of complaint has been from a very small section of primary producers who feel that migrants have contributed, in part at least, to the rising costs. [More…]
The people, even in high places in Australia, who are prepared to play with Communism and weaken our defences ought to take the opportunity of talking to some of the migrants who have been through all this in Europe and they may - I hope will- change their opinions completely. [More…]
The type and calibre of the migrants who have come here are a standing monument to the excellence of our overseas officers and to the thoroughness of their attempts to secure the best people who will become assimilated and integrated in our community. [More…]
We have built better accommodation for our migrants. [More…]
We are providing flats for our migrants so that they can live here under better conditions as soon as they are able to get jobs. [More…]
In our education programme we have provided broadcast programmes for migrants, special lessons in factories and places of work, crash courses in English for adult migrants so thai they are more quickly able to fit into the community and, perhaps most important of all, we have introduced English training programmes for migrant children in our schools so that they are not disadvantaged in their training. [More…]
Again, we have gone a long way along the road in recognising the skills and qualifications of migrants. [More…]
Despite resistance from a number of areas and a number of institutions we have been able to persuade many institutes, organisations and trade unions to accept the qualifications of migrants. [More…]
We also need migrants to develop our home market. [More…]
The honourable member for Deakin pointed out that the number of migrants we have received in modern times have given us a lead over the immigration rate that even (he United States of America achieved. [More…]
Recently I was invited to address an informal group of young migrants from a European country on Australia’s political setup. [More…]
However, they offered the view that they were afraid to take part in political activity because of a general feeling that migrants who took part in political parties other than the Government parties may be refused naturalisation. [More…]
Although the Minister has assured the House that the numbers refused naturalisation for political reasons were small, I am very concerned with the development of this view among migrants under our immigration plan, particularly amongst such a very responsible group. [More…]
Chain migration enables the base families to act as welfare officers to migrants. [More…]
What are the best methods of convincing migrants that facility in the use of English is so very important? [More…]
If I can give a measurement of this contribution, in 1968-69 out of a total Australian work force of 5.27 million people about 1.3 million were migrants. [More…]
People speak, quite rightly, about the cost of bringing settlers to Australia, but we must always remember that a significant proportion of migrants are classified as skilled or semiskilled personnel and their settling here has been estimated to save Australia $US8,000 per average worker in preemployment training. [More…]
But migrants to Australia, by the introduction of aspects of vastly differing cultures, have contributed enormously towards the development of a more cosmopolitan society in Australia, and this has been of tremendous benefit. [More…]
This must not be a one-way process though, as there is still a tremendous need for the Australian community as a whole to gain a more knowledgeable attitude and fuller appreciation of the problems immigrants face and the ways in which migrants* contributions to this country’s future can be realised. [More…]
I firmly believe our immigration policy should be based on the needs of this country, the availability of suitable migrants and the capacity of the Australian community to integrate migrants into our society. [More…]
This requires that personnel employed at our overseas selection centres should be equipped and trained to promulgate an accurate picture of Australian conditions to ensure that intending migrants do not get a false impression of this country and the conditions they are likely to experience when they arrive here. [More…]
It also requires that the selection procedures for migrants should be such as to reduce to a minimum selection of undesirable migrants or those who would experience untoward difficulty in assimilating into the society of this country. [More…]
I think that the Government should make it very clear that it is not interested in breaking records with respect to the acquisition of migrants. [More…]
Our capacity to integrate migrants with benefit to the total society has been well documented, but I believe it would be wrong not to question just how many additional people are needed. [More…]
I believe the Department of Immigration is aware of these problems and by the provision of migrant educational services, social workers, welfare officers, trained contact workers, together with a host of voluntary workers, it does much to reduce the problems of migrants in this country. [More…]
A cost-benefit analysis of immigration and time span surveys of migrants during their early years will provide much needed back-up data and disclose avenues for further initiative in the selection and integration of settlers. [More…]
I believe that problems still exist for migrants in the early years in which they are in this country. [More…]
A wonderful job has been done both by old Australians and by the migrants themselves in overcoming so many of these problems. [More…]
One matter that I think is worthy of mention this evening is that where we seem to have failed most miserably in the integration and assimilation of migrants is in the field of politics. [More…]
The responsibility for this must rest very heavily on the propaganda that is fed to the migrants in their early days in this country when, to my knowledge and that of many honourable members on this side of the House, it is obvious that attempts are made to poison them against Labor’s political persuasions. [More…]
Apparently migrants have not been sponsored by members of the Government Parties for any seats which it has been possible in the past for them to win and so become members of any of our parliaments. [More…]
I believe that a genuine endeavour has been made by my Party in recent years to sponsor political awareness and understanding among migrants. [More…]
Only in 1949-50 did the net intake of immigrants to this country exceed 2 per cent of the national population. [More…]
If the long-standing, theoretical aim of a 1 per cent net population gain of migrants intake is to be achieved in the 1970s the gross arrival figures will need to rise above 200,000 almost immediately. [More…]
There is one small problem in a country which by Government policy and by Opposition inclination and otherwise says that it is to some extent interested in decentralisation, and that is that the migrants by and large, despite the good work they do in some areas of agriculture and in some areas of the country, are concentrated in our urban areas. [More…]
We find, for example, that in my City of Hobart approximately 11 per cent - a relatively low level - of the population are migrants, roughly half British and half other. [More…]
The problem as we face it will be considerably reduced as time progresses by the greater selectivity of migrants. [More…]
It will, I presume, tend to obviate some of the difficulties which have arisen in relation to returning migrants, although the studies that have been done on returning migrants, inadequate though they might be in number, suggest that the problems involved and the reasons for return are not nearly as black or as bad as is often painted publicly. [More…]
But necessarily, with increasing selectivity of migrants, some of these problems will be solved. [More…]
If we increase our selectivity and accent the possibility of integration, which I think is now the new word rather than ‘assimilation’, of migrants with the Australia community as we now find it, we will find that those crossroads can be suitably passed and not necessarily in only one direction. [More…]
Migrants are being poured into the metropolitan complexes with a reckless disregard to the quality of life and to the balanced development of the nation. [More…]
The migrants are not all being drawn from overseas. [More…]
Sydney and Melbourne these days are drawing migrants from a countryside in crisis. [More…]
The other half of the population includes a group of Aboriginal migrants, refugees from a countryside in depression, a large number of pensioners, a whole series of high rise developments which contain a majority of deserted wives and Service wives, women without husbands, and children without fathers. [More…]
The third area of consideration, the time span surveys of the experiences of some 10,000 migrants, is of course appropriate for departmental study and in fact that study has already been initiated. [More…]
The honourable member for Burke (Mr Keith Johnson) asked the basic question: Should we continue to seek as many migrants as possible? [More…]
In answer to a question in this House some weeks ago I indicated that our objective for the year ending 30th June 1971 is 180,000 migrants. [More…]
The honourable member also referred to the naturalisation of migrants. [More…]
In this sense, ethnic concentrations can be seen as advantageous to migrants in the short term, before they move into outlying suburban areas. [More…]
and (2)In general, migrants are not disadvantaged under law in Australia. [More…]
Such provisions can affect non-naturalise migrants (aliens) or migrants who have recently arrived in this country. [More…]
Under the laws of some States the overseas dependents of deceased migrants are not eligible to receive payments under Workers’ Compensation legislation. [More…]
How many migrants have arrived in Australia in each of the last 10 years and what was the total for the period. [More…]
From which countries did these migrants come what was the total number from each country, and what was the number of (a) males; (b) females; and (c) children. [More…]
The fact that a number of migrants do not make application for Australian citizenship when they are legally eligible to do so results from a variety of factors. [More…]
Naturalisation Promotion Officers in New South Wales and Victoria, work through national groups, employer and employee organisations, the Good Neighbour Councils and other organisations interested in the integration of migrants; also Mobile Units tour selected areas in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia to furnish citizenship information, accept applications and interview applicants; [More…]
and (2) Neither ibe Department’s staff of 15 social workers nor the 25 social workers employed with community agencies engaged in welfare work amongst migrants (whose salaries are financed by the Commonwealth) include a Finnish speaking social worker. [More…]
Ideally social workers who work with migrants should have an understanding of their cultural and social backgrounds, and it is desirable that they should speak the language of the migrants whom they are assisting. [More…]
The Department’s social worker establishment includes some who have been trained overseas or who have qualified since their arrival in Australia as migrants. [More…]
Moreover, many of the integration problems encountered by migrants do not require the services of professionally qualified social workers, but can be handled effectively by trained welfare staff. [More…]
The Department plans to increase its social worker establishment preferably with those who have an intimate knowledge of the background of migrants coming to this country. [More…]
The poor Greek migrants have been taken for a ride and have been robbed of hundreds of dollars above the right fare. [More…]
The poor migrants have been openly robbed and/ or at this moment also with this charter on 20lh September 1970. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration: Does his Department render financial assistance to the States to provide low cost housing for migrants brought to this country by the Department of Immigration? [More…]
Housing is of vital concern not only to migrants but to all Australians. [More…]
The second comment I make is that whilst the Commonwealth has a responsibility to do all in its power to offset the difficult transition that is involved in the migration of people from one country to another, we should never reach the point where migrants in this community are placed in any position of preferment or privilege vis-a-vis Australians who are born here. [More…]
In conclusion I say briefly that our responsibility as a Commonwealth lies in the provision of transitory accommodation for Commonwealth nominated migrants. [More…]
Today some 250 flats are available for migrants throughout the community. [More…]
They range from news, music, drama; documentaries; training for Asians, a worthwhile project; opera; school broadcasts; publishing; and, as an entrepreneur, visits by overseas artists, sustaining symphony orchestras, help for migrants, and the Washington Bureau link - the sorts of things the honourable member for Curtin (Mr Garland) has been talking about. [More…]
Your Petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
The honourable gentleman will have noticed the high proportion of migrants among the dead and injured, and I trust he will recall that I have had 3 questions on the notice paper, one for more than 6 months - longer than all but 9 of the questions still on notice for him from the honourable member for Hindmarsh - about the rights of overseas dependants of workers killed or injured in industrial accidents. [More…]
Could therecommendation have farreaching effects on our trade with other countries and result in a denial of the preferences for these cheeses by migrants coming to Australia whom we are endeavouring to attract under our migration programme, [More…]
In the courseof this enquiry what consideration was given to the established preferences of migrants who regard many of these cheeses such as Esrom,Emmenthaler, Jarlsberg, Erbo, Bel Passe, Montasio,Fontina, Lyden, Taffel, Graddost, Kaskaval,Tilsit, Ambrosia, Sheeps Milk Fetta, as art essential part of their dietary requirements for which there is no acceptable substitute in Australia. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginals, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
Secondly, if he agrees that different religious beliefs and languages can cause similar tensions, does he suggest that only English-speaking migrants imbued with the ecumenical spirit be admitted into Australia? [More…]
British migrants settle in Australia. [More…]
They make their homes here and many of them become Australian citizens, lt seems to be unreal that we should be shackled to any direction or request by the British Government as to what benefits should or should not be received by British migrants, especially those who have become Australian citizens. [More…]
I believe that families such as those of migrants with 4 or 5 children, deserted wives, widows and deserted widowers with dependent children are the ones who are seriously affected in the community. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
I accordingly ask him what has happened to the investigatory process in this field where the Commonwealth, under international law as well as in the interests of law and order within our own country, has the prime responsibility, [ ask him further: Can he explain how no prosecutions have ever been launched in respect of any of those attacks which have taken place not only in the national capital but in the Victorian and New South Wales capitals and in other places such as Cooma where there are symbols of other countries which have supplied migrants to this country? [More…]
Has the Minister seen Press reports that Australia’s migration drive this financial year has got off to a mixed start in August with fewer migrants overall but more professional workers? [More…]
Do they suggest that we will receive fewer migrants than planned? [More…]
What is the likely result in relation to the number of migrants from the United Kingdom, which has also been subject to Press comment? [More…]
So far as the overall pattern is concerned, as questioned by the honourable member, 1 can say in quite confident terms that we have every expectation that this year we will achieve our target of 180,000 migrants which, as the honourable member would appreciate, is a figure based upon an assessment of national needs and objectives, the availability of good settlers and our capacity to integrate those who come here. [More…]
Although this year we will meet the overall target, I would expect that the British migration figures will be down and that we will receive somewhere between 60,000 and 65,000 British migrants. [More…]
Yugoslavia has become the second or third largest source of migrants. [More…]
He said: ‘These are fine men; they are great migrants to Australia and it is great to have them’. [More…]
There is no doubt that one of the major concerns felt by prospective migrants in considering the decision to migrate to Australia is that on settlement here they will be unable to return home in the event of illness or bereavement amongst their relatives in their homelands or in other types of emergencies. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
The immediate financing of special pro grammes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration: How many migrants left Australia last year? [More…]
How many of these migrants were dissatisfied? [More…]
What action is he taking to ensure that all migrants who come to Australia are integrated into the community as quickly and harmoniously as possible? [More…]
As at June 1970 the number of migrants who returned to their home countries was about 27,000. [More…]
I think it is fair to say that some of that group were undoubtedly what may loosely be called disgruntled migrants. [More…]
One irritating facet of Press reports of this issue is that when the number of returning migrants is reported in daily newspapers the total number is inevitably prefaced with the word ‘disgruntled’ when in fact that is not the case. [More…]
Migrants return home for a wide diversity of reasons and the investigations that have been carried out by my Department indicate that these reasons reflect as much on the personalities of migrants as on the conditions in Australia. [More…]
Many migrants return home for personal reasons. [More…]
Information is not available to indicate with accuracy the movement of British assisted migrants to and from Whyalla. [More…]
It is estimated that in the 5 years to the end of June 1970 more than 10,600 British assisted migrants indicated upon arrival in Australia their intention to proceed to Whyalla. [More…]
Are English migrants the only migrants who have to reimburse the Australian Government if they return to England within 2 years. [More…]
The Commonwealth is to provide the cost of teachers, certain capital equipment, text books, supervisory assistance, and allowances for migrants studying certain courses, and will give incentives to industry to assist in the educational programme. [More…]
Without a knowledge of the language migrants are not only at a distinct disadvantage in respect of employment but also their general participation in community activities and our way of life is denied to them if they are unable to speak and understand our language. [More…]
It is not so much a criticism of what has been or is being done for migrants in this regard but rather that a more comprehensive scheme has been delayed so long, particularly in view of the constant urging by conventions and immigration authorities. [More…]
Firstly, having in mind the Government’s sustained drive for migrants, has this aspect of migration been neglected, or at least, has the Department not been insistent enough in the priority that should be given to migrant education? [More…]
Provision of educational services to enable adult migrants to learn the English language began in 1947 in the opening days of post-war immigration schemes or, if I may say so, in the infancy of the programme. [More…]
Since that time, great changes have taken place in the immigration programme, such as increased numbers, differing types of migrants and methods of transport. [More…]
The fact that more than 50 per cent of the 700,000 migrants requiring instruction in English discontinued the classes would seem to present proof that a new and stimulating approach was needed in this field. [More…]
Many thousands of migrants have neglected to do this for many and varied reasons, lt has yet to be proved whether the incentive and the expansion of the educational programme as outlined will encourage them to do so. [More…]
Since 1945 more than 2 million migrants have come to Australia. [More…]
Thirdly, what indication has been given that the migrants, whom I would describe as being :on the fringe’, that is, those who have no special educational qualifications or inclination but who must know English for employment and other purposes, will be more interested than they have been previously in learning English. [More…]
Information has already been given to the House that only 47 per cent of the 708,000 migrants who have come to Australia and attended pre-embarkation ship board, continuation or correspondence courses, have completed the course. [More…]
Even in November 1969 only 14,840 migrants were enrolled in 1,050 continuation classes, and 7,780 migrants were taking combined radio and correspondence courses. [More…]
In view of the number of migrants involved, these figures are by no means heartening. [More…]
T believe that industries employing large numbers of migrants should, at their own cost, provide classes in English. [More…]
They should also encourage migrants to learn the language for safety and economic reasons, and it should be done at the employers’ expense during working hours. [More…]
However, the scheme should cover the whole range of industry, and I suggest to the Minister that implementation of an extensive campaign throughout industry along the lines I have mentioned might bring success in the recruitment of migrants to English classes. [More…]
Today, for a number of reasons, migrants discontinue their classes and their education in the English language. [More…]
The predominant groups of migrants with English difficulties are the Italians, Greeks, Yugoslavs - totalling 61 per cent of the sample. [More…]
Comparison shows that a significant proportion of migrants with poor school progress came from homes where English is never spoken. [More…]
Based on evidence from departmental surveys it would be reasonable to estimate that approximately one-third of foreign bom migrants would be unable to speak English. [More…]
Applied to the foreign bom migrant population this would mean that some 240,000 migrants would benefit from English language instruction. [More…]
It has certainly taken the Government a long time to realise how unfair it is to teachers, children and State authorities to bring non-English speaking migrants into the country in thousands and leave the full responsibility for their education at every level to State governments and independent schools. [More…]
A national campaign seeking the co-operation of voluntary organisations, industries, clubs, progress associations, churches and other sections of the community would be a forward step in the education of migrants. [More…]
This means that unless migrants have pre-embarkation instruction, they land in Australia without any knowledge at all of the English language. [More…]
This is quite different from the days when practically all migrants travelled by ship and an education officer gave them instruction in the English language. [More…]
As it stands, it means that the Government reluctantly has accepted the fact that it has a responsibility to the children, the States and the teachers to provide some finance for the thousands of migrants who have been brought to Australia, but it is confining it to the very minimum and leaving the responsibility for finding additional capital to the States. [More…]
Only a small percentage will be spent on the education of migrants, yet this is generally accepted as the most important factor in their assimilation. [More…]
The Government recognises that the ability of migrants to communicate is fundamental to their successful integration. [More…]
There are short and long term social and human benefits for the migrant and for the community in encouraging and providing the means for migrants to learn English. [More…]
Many of these migrants may never attend an advanced course, perhaps because of lack of educational facilities. [More…]
The migrants that I have mentioned must have an earnest desire to learn the language. [More…]
I wonder whether any investigations have been made concerning what percentage of migrants in this category, or men and women over school age, really want to learn the language, and what is their intellectual capacity. [More…]
1 feel that another method that might be applied - and no doubt it already has been to a great extent, but it could be more widely used - is an intensive publicity campaign among non-English speaking migrants on the need to learn the English’ language. [More…]
Every form of available advertising should be used to impress upon these migrants prior to acceptance, embarkation on shipboard or on plane and on arrival how vital it is to learn English in order to enjoy a happy and successful life in Australia. [More…]
Every industry, every bank, every public office or in fact any medium of publicity should be utilised with display signs impressing the need of migrants to communicate and learn English and advising them how they can go about it. [More…]
Whilst not criticising the objectives and the principles prompting the legislation on the education of migrants, I believe that there are still gaps through which countless thousands of migrants will escape the opportunity to learn English and participate in our community, economic and social life. [More…]
It is an endeavour to offer a constructive approach to improving the education of adult and child migrants and to relieving the States of some of the responsibility for a national programme of immigration. [More…]
I offer this amendment as a constructive approach to improve the child and adult education of migrants brought to Australia in a scheme commenced 25 years ago which has always had the sympathy and support of honourable members on all sides of this Parliament. [More…]
I hope the Minister will see fit to accept the amendment because I believe it will make a major contribution towards overcoming the difficulties in the education of migrants that I have mentioned during the course of my speech tonight. [More…]
The first of those conferences dealt substantially with the problems of migrants as seen by various workers in the field of immigrant education and interest in the community. [More…]
The most lasting impression that I got from that conference was of the difficulties faced by migrants in coping with the English language, most notably by those with least access to it, and particularly by migrant housewives. [More…]
Nevertheless, the suggestion is that we have perhaps with some complacence but certainly with considerable agreement across the board or across the floor of this House and elsewhere in the community conducted a programme of immigration which has made various gestures and various activity projects to inculcate into migrants the best understanding that seems possible in a given time of the English language, whereby they could better be assimilated - 1 think the word is now integrated - into the community. [More…]
There are the question of educating migrant children, the question of the extension and improvement of adult education in one or more parts of the world, and the question of an intensive language course for migrants better versed in some skill or other who possibly are already acquainted with the rudiments of the English language and are better able to comprehend an intensive course than are others. [More…]
Although approximately one-third of foreign born migrants cannot in any effective way speak English when they get here, the intake in recent years in adult evening education classes conducted, to take one or two examples, has been quite considerably less than the number of current arrivals. [More…]
In 1968- 69, 21,000 migrants enrolled whereas 61,000 migrants who needed to do so, in effect, arrived in this country. [More…]
This would appear to be money well spent because we are talking of people who are very likely on a per capita basis to infuse into the community a very considerable contribution not only by their efforts and through their own skills in other areas but also, one would imagine, probably by virtue of the fact of having these skills and being capable of acquiring expression in English - and other languages for that matter - more rapidly are they likely to be leaders of their own communities, insofar as there are communities of new migrants. [More…]
I think that through all this it should be borne in mind that, desirable though it is, it is not necessary - I do not imply that it is - that in attempting to teach English to migrants, adult or otherwise, wherever we might aim, that we have to achieve perfection in a short period of time. [More…]
We do not achieve it amongst most of our students, and perhaps it would be overmuch to expect to achieve it amongst migrants. [More…]
If we could get most of our migrants to that situation I am sure the Minister would be well pleased. [More…]
So 1 think that ail of us here are very disturbed to hear these revelations which indicate the disadvantages to which migrants are being subjected. [More…]
The honourable member for Grayndler (Mr Daly) indicated that the migrant education programme commenced in 1947 after about 1,000 migrants had come here. [More…]
I think this year we are seeking about 175,000 migrants. [More…]
We are told that migrants have added $70,000m to our gross national product over 20 years. [More…]
If all this is the case, although I know there are many who believe it is time we properly evaluated these alleged facts, clearly we should be thinking of migrants from the point of view that immigration is not a one-sided affair. [More…]
There are many manifestations that migrants are socially disadvantaged in Australia. [More…]
The success of Australia’s immigration programme has long been tarnished by an obtuse disinclination to evaluate the problems which migrants and their children encounter. [More…]
Of course, we can say this of Australian children generally: that there are many thousands trying to get into universities, that there are probably thousands trying to get into kindergartens and that there are class loading problems and the like, but there are special problems with migrants. [More…]
How many returning migrants who have left Australia in disillusionment have suffered from an inability to communicate because of insufficient skill with the English language? [More…]
Over the last 5 years 21,697 migrants who had come to Australia with assisted passages have packed up their bags and gone home within 2 years of arriving here. [More…]
Most of us who work in this field and who make contact with migrants know that the language problem often contributes to their unhappiness. [More…]
For a long time the Government has shown indecent haste to get migrants, any sort of migrants, as long as they were of European extraction. [More…]
What thought has been given to requiring intending migrants to take a course in English prior to leaving their home country? [More…]
I suppose another way of looking at it is to decide to be more selective and to bring to this country those migrants who have a knowledge of the English language because of their willingness to apply themselves to it before they arrive in Australia. [More…]
The figures I am quoting come from the Minister for Immigration (Mr Lynch) and I think they have a very clear relevance to the Bill since we are talking about educating migrants. [More…]
I point out to the Minister in case he has forgotten - and it is a long time since this Bill was first introduced - that this Bill has a very real relevance to teaching migrants to speak English and classes are to be set up under this legislation for that precise purpose. [More…]
These are enrolments in courses where migrants learn to speak English. [More…]
The fact of the matter is - and surveys have shown this - that migrants do not last long at the courses for reasons best known to themselves. [More…]
It is estimated that less than 10 per cent of the yearly intake of migrants needing English instruction actually complete the courses. [More…]
While migrants are in a hostel, possibly sacrificing their employment, they should be given financial assistance probably by way of the payment of unemployment benefits so that they will be encouraged to continue in these language courses which, in the end, will bring such a considerable benefit to themselves and to Australia generally. [More…]
The proportion of these migrants who speak English at home all the time amounts to only 4 per cent. [More…]
The only inhibiting factor is the unwillingness of the Government to invoke some of these new techniques which would enable migrants to be educated through radio programmes. [More…]
the Sydney Metropolitan Area- which is the area in which there is the highest incidence of migrants who need this kind of special instruction - . [More…]
What is there against making available special radio facilities to assist with the education of migrant children and adult migrants? [More…]
If the migrants are to be located in our great cities such as Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, in view of the shortage of teachers and the inability of this Government to provide the buildings and capital equipment which are so essential in migrant education, there is no reason at all why further radio stations and television channels should not be made available for this programme. [More…]
I particularly commend the proposition that we should invoke new techniques and use the mass media by way of radio and television facilities to give the migrants the educational opportunities which they so desperately deserve. [More…]
When did he learn that at the last meeting of the Immigration Ministers the Commonwealth asked the Stales to examine their provisions within Workers’ Compensation Acts, so far as such Acts affected migrants, with a view to reaching uniformity of conditions (Hansard, 1st September 1970, page 821). [More…]
la view of the present difficulties we are experiencing with inflation, are the Minister and his Department giving serious consideration to cutting down temporarily on our intake of migrants, thus lessening demand on services? [More…]
So that at the present time the revised objective for migrants coming to Australia in this financial year is some 170,000 persons. [More…]
The matter of pre-embarkation instruction in English for migrants was raised in this debate last night and I would like to state just what the Government is doing in this regard. [More…]
If we want happy contented migrants it is essential that they have a good command of English. [More…]
I should like the Minister to give further consideration to the provision of English lessons for migrants in such places as homes and church halls, I will explain quickly what I mean. [More…]
Many of these migrants have no desire to learn English and they forbid the use of it in the home. [More…]
Often the native borne Australian views it on a statistical basis and not from the migrants’ point of view. [More…]
1 am sure that the proposition which I should like to put forward is not novel, but basically there are 4 causes of difficulty for migrant children: Firstly, the question of education in a foreign language; secondly, the question of education in an alien culture; thirdly, the low income of the parents in many cases; and, fourthly, the concentration of migrants in relatively depressed urban areas with their depressed schools. [More…]
What we have to do is to explain to migrants what allegedly the average Australian considers to be Australian values and customs. [More…]
He has expressed implied criticism, for example, of our system of social services, when explaining the difficulties that we have in these days in obtaining migrants from many parts of Europe. [More…]
We would counteract such drives among certain groups in our migrant population if in the schools that the children of these migrants attended, Italian history, Turkish history, German history, or whatever it may be, were taught. [More…]
I mean the Commonwealth Parliament which will pass this legislation - provide funds for additional teachers to work as special teachers to deal with these migrants. [More…]
What should happen is not that an ordinary teacher in an education department should be classed as a special teacher for this purpose but that an extra teacher should be provided for these migrants. [More…]
I think that he is sympathetic to the general immigration proposition and the problems surrounding it.I think that a danger exists these days because many people who support the views expressed by the Government and Opposition Parties in this House are starting to talk about the quality of migrants. [More…]
We just do not want only well off or potentially well off migrants. [More…]
I think that it is reasonable to defend the Government and to say that, after all, this whole question of education is and has been traditionally and constitutionally a State responsibility as is the sponsorship of migrants. [More…]
The responsibility of the Commonwealth virtually has been in the recruitment of migrants. [More…]
I remember very well, without referring to the quality of life, the quality of the migrants who came to us after World War II. [More…]
The quality of these migrants was absolutely superlative. [More…]
We would like to see migrants of this type continue to be attractedto Australia. [More…]
I am referring to the migrants who came to Australia after the Second World War. [More…]
These people have proved to be excellent migrants. [More…]
Without going over the previous debates, 1 would like to reiterate my view that one of the most serious areas of underprivilege in addition to the single pensioner group is amongst migrants. [More…]
Members of these associations have parents and friends who can apply pressures on the Government, but migrants are not in that position. [More…]
Canada seeks to attract only those migrants with skills. [More…]
I understand that there are fewer migrants in country schools. [More…]
I may be making a mild criticism, but I think it is most important for us to organise teaching of English to intending migrants in their own country. [More…]
But 1 would make the point that Greece, for example, is a country of dozens and dozens of islands, and very few of the Greek migrants can possibly have any pre-embarkation language instruction. [More…]
I have spoken to welfare officers and chaplains who have in the last few months come to Australia on vessels carrying migrants, and there seems to be no doubt that a large number - 10 per cent is a large number - of persons coming to Australia at the moment from the United Kingdom are really coming here for a holiday. [More…]
I am also concerned about the problems which are arising within the’ Yugoslav community in Australia because, as I recollect, when this legislation was foreshadowed and the immigration agreement with Yugoslavia was entered into a year or so ago the arrangement was that we were to receive a very large number of skilled tradesmen migrants. [More…]
Threaded all through this report are references to the need for a better understanding of our language and a better understanding of tradesmen’s skills among migrants. [More…]
The whole purpose of encouraging migrants to learn English is to try to integrate them into our own community and not allow them to become separate. [More…]
I believe that they are of considerable benefit to migrants and I am thinking in particular of the Greek community and how much it has done to help Greek migrants in counselling, securing employment and general social welfare work. [More…]
One group of migrants now coming in who have no ethnic group or particular affiliations in Australia are Asians. [More…]
I have helped in settling some Asian migrants and generally the Department of Immigration has been helpful, effective and [More…]
Although we take some Filipino migrants it does not accept any from Australia. [More…]
This whole question of the education of the children of migrants is a very important one and it is very interesting to note the number of honourable members who have offered to speak on the subject because it takes their attention. [More…]
It has become a fact of life that migrants stay at hostels for approximately 3 months. [More…]
The high turnover of migrants in the hostels means that the students are at the school for approximately 3 months. [More…]
Some accommodation at the school is used to teach the children of migrants living in the hostel. [More…]
For the 3 months they are there, the children of migrants sit blankly and stare into space because they cannot comprehend what is taking place around them. [More…]
Frankly this problem goes a lot deeper than the teaching of English to the children of migrants. [More…]
Today we arc dealing with the question of teaching the English language to migrants. [More…]
We were most impressed not only with the type of instruction given but also with the interest of the migrants in the lessons. [More…]
Approximately 50 per cent of migrants still come to Australia by sea, and the 3 weeks sea voyage is a wonderful opportunity for the 40,000 non-English speaking migrants who arrive here annually by this means to receive tuition in English and the Australian way of life. [More…]
Last year Australia absorbed about 185,000 migrants. [More…]
I believe that it is a retrograde step in Australia’s development to cut back our intake of migrants. [More…]
Cut out all migration on assisted passages and all migrants must have a knowledge of English, cutting out time and money spent with special classes. [More…]
All migrants to be naturalised after 10 years in Australia. [More…]
Much money is spent bringing migrants out on cheap fares, more is spent teaching them and their children English, and a lot of them return home after making money. [More…]
Migrants not becoming Australian citizens by or before .10 years to return to their own countries. [More…]
We have heard it from a number of quarters - from industry and manufacturers - that migrants are creating a strain on the economy and that the programme should be cut back. [More…]
1 believe that it is not in the long term interests of Australia that this should occur.In his policy speech before the 1969 election the Prime Minister announced the Government’s intention to take the initiative in promoting and accepting responsibility for expanding the existing facilities for the instruction of adult migrants, to provide intensive full time English courses and to provide special courses in existing schools for migrant children. [More…]
It will do a great deal to help migrants to become assimilated. [More…]
Full-scale production of material designed specifically for child migrants will possibly take 2 to 3 years. [More…]
If we look at the areas where migrants have settled in great numbers we see that the provision of such a building would be well worth while. [More…]
How many other migrants have been the victims of this sort of injustice, because our law is based on the statute of frauds which says that any dealing in property has to be in writing and has to be signed. [More…]
This problem applies in the main to Asian migrants. [More…]
If we look at the number of departures of migrants returning (o their countries of origin we find that in 1970 the figure was as high as 35,000 or 36,000. [More…]
These migrants are coming out by plane so there is no opportunity to instruct them in the English language before they arrive here. [More…]
These migrants would be delighted if this were done, and I would say that in the main they would continue to live in Australia and we would reduce the number of departures. [More…]
We should look at it on the basis of the need of the migrants who arrive here. [More…]
If this had been done in the past our immigration programme would have been much more successful and many more migrants would have stayed in Australia. [More…]
But lack of English is a basic disadvantage to migrants coming into this country when they are looking for jobs. [More…]
The programme designed to teach migrants to speak English has failed dismally. [More…]
There is no doubt of that, for in his pamphlet, Education for Adult Migrants’, Professor W. F. Connel says that it appears that the language programme is steadily slipping backwards. [More…]
He went on to say that a recent survey conducted by the Department of Immigration indicates that about one-third of foreign born migrants cannot speak English, and the Department’s classes cater for only a small proportion of these. [More…]
From October 1968 to October 1969 there were 19,915 students enrolled in evening classes for migrants in New South Wales. [More…]
I think we must all agree that this enrolment of nearly 20,000 migrants in English language classes in 1 year in 1 State is very encouraging in that it indicates that our new arrivals are willing to learn the English language if given the opportunity. [More…]
Did they abandon the classes because of the methods of teaching, or were their reasons, as some non-migrants have said, economic? [More…]
For example, the Federal Department of Education and Science, which is administering Commonwealth grants for the Department of Immigration, is insisting that teaching follow the situational method which is taught to adult migrants in its classes for children. [More…]
While it may not be disturbing that the situation method should be used to instruct adults who are already well educated before coming here, that the Department should think highly enough of this method to thrust it on migrants of little education is frightening. [More…]
My misgivings about the exclusive use of the situation method of instruction of adult migrants arise because there are 2 general groups of migrants for whom this Bill does not make reasonable provision. [More…]
Firstly, there are the young migrants, just out of school, not well educated and thrust immediately on their arrival here into the grinding and mindshackling mills of unskilled employment; and, secondly, there are the older migrants, also not well educated but long out of school and confined to the home and thereby effectively isolated from the community in which they will live out their lives and isolated from the community which is supposed to give meaning to their lives. [More…]
But despite this, the Department is insisting that instruction, not only for adolescents and older migrants, including those who will hardly be involved in the. [More…]
It is clear that migrants cannot be fitted into, for whatever purposes, an homogeneous group. [More…]
Rather do migrants comprise a number of sub-groups extensively diverse in terms of age, innate ability, achievement and desire for learning the English language. [More…]
It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the Government has no real interest in spreading the use of English among migrants who need English instruction hut that the Government is merely interested in turning out human capital, that is, people who will serve the economic machine. [More…]
Any programme for the instruction of migrants in the English language should begin by instructing the foreign speaking migrant in his own language. [More…]
If an expanded programme for English instruction for larger numbers of migrants is to be put into operation, a large increase in expenditure will be necessary, An appropriation of $990,000 was made for the education of migrants in the 1969-70 financial year. [More…]
Professor Connell strongly recommended the introduction of day classes for mothers, the expansion of pre-embarkation and on-ship courses and semi-intensive part time courses for all migrants wishing to help themselves integrate into their new country. [More…]
This was to be the total grant spread over 3 years and took no account of the educational assistance required by adult migrants. [More…]
So let us ensure thai our migrants have a proper understanding of their own language, or their own culture, and of our tongue, by the situation method if you like, but let us instruct them in all three concurrently. [More…]
Whether we do this intentionally because we prefer assimilation to integration, or whether the determining factor is blind economic necessity, I have not yet determined, but the essential need of any integration programme is to keep together people who have an affinity of race or nationality, in order that they might strengthen each other during the period of integration, during that period of their lives in which they suffer greatly the inevitable tensions produced by cultural conflict and the material poverty which Professor Henderson tells us so many southern European migrants suffer. [More…]
I know of no school in my electorate, which has a high density of migrants, where additional classroom facilities exist for the provision of a special English class for migrants. [More…]
Rightly or wrongly the State governments feel that a far greater expenditure should have been forthcoming from the Commonwealth Government over an extended period on education, housing and other social activites connected with the establishment of migrants here. [More…]
Migrants mainly find unskilled jobs and if they are prepared to work under conditions which most trade unions would not accept they can earn high incomes. [More…]
My understanding is that the authorities in Yugoslavia also are rather upset about our failure to recognise the trade qualifications of migrants. [More…]
Yet, the skills of Yugoslavs sent to Australia are not recognised and migrants cannot practise their trades here. [More…]
In some areas, notably in the inner city suburbs and in some specific areas of the larger provincial cities, there are very heavy concentrations of migrants. [More…]
In areas where there are large concentrations of migrants - there are areas where 70 per cent, 80 per cent and up to 90 per cent of the population are migrants - the ability to mix or the value of mixing with children who talk English does not exist, and therefore the migrant children are severely handicapped when they begin school. [More…]
Migrants arriving in Australia will not get a vote for 5 years after their arrival unless they are English migrants, who usually can speak English. [More…]
Migrants other than British migrants will not have a vote in Australia for 5 years after their arrival. [More…]
The type of social struct rues and prejudices which exist in Australia should be part of the programme in which migrants are given instruction. [More…]
I find, as I think most honourable members would, that migrants, especially newly arrived migrants, have very exaggerated ideas of what they can expect from our social welfare structure. [More…]
These are matters on which I think migrants should receive some pre-education or preinstruction. [More…]
I am of the opinion that most migrants who want to leave Australia decide before they even arrive here or in their first few weeks in Australia that they are not going to stay. [More…]
Tt is in these areas that I think there is great scope for improvement in our public relations with migrants coming to Australia. [More…]
The Minister may correct me if I am wrong, birt my understanding is that persons who have left Australia and returned to their own country cannot be used on ships as instructors for migrants unless they have been out of Australia for at least 2 years. [More…]
I think that the Department wherever possible should avail itself of qualified people who have returned to their homeland and who are coming back to Australia and should use their knowledge of the country for the instruction of other migrants. [More…]
English migrants especially who are returning to Australia are better able to explain the benefits that migrants wilt receive in Australia or what goes on in Australia as compared with the position in their own countries. [More…]
These are only minor things but I think they are important to migrants. [More…]
My experience, as 1 said before, is that most disillusioned migrants are disillusioned before they get here. [More…]
I represent one of the most heavily concentrated areas of new Australians or migrants, call them what we will. [More…]
The Australian community has adopted an attitude of great maturity and has received the migrants to its bosom in a very hospitable way, and not often enough does the community get this tribute paid to it. [More…]
From the day the first ship arrived with perhaps 1,200 or 1,500 migrants on it, of which perhaps 300 or 400 were of school age, the problem started to expand, and it has been aggrevated by every shipload and every aeroplane load that has arrived since. [More…]
It is the responsibility of nobody else, lt is not good enough for the Minister to pour literally tens of thousands of migrants into Victoria, let them try to survive under the tender mercies of the Bolte Government and then say that it is a State matter to supply education and hospitals and to build the roads. [More…]
Brunswick and Coburg, 2 centres in my electorate, have one of the greatest concentrations of migrants in Australia. [More…]
Several questions have been raised in this debate about the position of the Australian people regarding the kind of migrants that come here. [More…]
There we have the heaviest concentration of migrants in any inland areas but we also have the highest percentage of citizenship of any major migrant intake area in the nation. [More…]
The fundamental problem is that we are putting migrants and Australians into situations fraught with dangers for the future of our people. [More…]
The problems of the children of migrants and the education of migrants are bound up with the demographic distribution of population in our community It is quite incredible that the demographic centre of Australia has not changed since the census of 1911. [More…]
This is related to the problems of migrants, because in a situation of over-centralisation and overcrowding the problems are multiplied. [More…]
1 suggest that when we have an investigation of what we should be doing with the migrants coming into our country we should also direct attention to the locations where they are settling. [More…]
The problem is related to the overall disposition of our population and to the declining quality of life of Australians and migrants alike. [More…]
Before I get to the specific questions 1 wish to ask of the Minister on this measure I shall refer in passing to the matters that were directed to me personally by the honourable member for Boothby (Mr Mclean who described my comments in relation to some migrants in the community as quite asinine. [More…]
I ask the Minister whether he has directed his attention to the absorption centres in Israel which has taken in more migrants per capita than any other nation in the world, lt has taken people - starting at the top - from rural, professional and urban walks of life. [More…]
These surveys related not only to adult migrants but also to migrant children in the schools. [More…]
In late 1967 and early 1968 the Department initiated the planning of a major survey of the educational needs of both adult and child migrants, and this led to the report on the situation of migrant children in schools in New South Wales which has provided such an important basis for the new initiatives for child migrant education. [More…]
Complementary studies were undertaken at the same time by my Department which again studied the abandonment rate from continuation classes and the special needs of migrant women and adolescent migrants. [More…]
These surveys, together with experience gathered over the years, have led to the current policy of developing accelerated forms of instruction to supplement the long term continuation programme and the need for specialisation through courses of instruction orientated towards the particular needs of individual groups of migrants. [More…]
Whilst the States have had the responsibility for bearing the cost of servicing the social infrastructure required by migrants on their early arrival in Australia, it is fair to report that to this stage no State government in Australia has in fact called for a reduction of the migrant intake in its particular State. [More…]
The honourable member for Batman (Mr Garrick) referred particularly to the needs of adolescent migrants and the older migrants confined to their homes - both groups lacking formal education - and he indicated that he believed that the situational method of teaching English was ill-suited to the needs of these particular groups. [More…]
He said that migrants should be instructed in their own language, in their own cultures and be taught in classes of their own nationality. [More…]
I can assure the honourable member that the teaching techniques used by my Department are by no means confined to the situational method, though the basic advantages of this method, which is recognised as of international standing, are such that it does allow migrants of any number of different nationalities to be taught in one class by one teacher who does not necessarily need to know their languages. [More…]
If so, what action has been taken by his Department to prevent migrants or visitors from these countries bringing the disease into Australia. [More…]
Australia’s quarantine measures are based on the knowledge that foot and mouth disease is continually present in these countries and full precautions are always taken to guard against migrants and visitors from these countries bringing foot and mouth disease into Australia. [More…]
When air movement of migrants from Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan is permitted a code letter is placed on the visa which indicates that the bearer and his baggage arc to be subjected to a full quarantine inspection upon arrival in Australia. [More…]
They were mostly migrants. [More…]
These people were mostly migrants who had just come to this country. [More…]
In other words, skilled migrants are doomed to be rent payers all their lives because their rents will prevent their saving money to be home owners. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government is understandably reluctant to restrict the flow of migrants. [More…]
I would add the comment, by way of illustration, that if the Government brings in 175,000 migrants again it inevitably puts upon the States the duty of making available classroom space and teachers for the children, more hospital accommodation, more housing, more transport. [More…]
It is true, as the honourable gentleman indicated, that early last year I announced that a greater percentage of migrants would be brought to Australia by air. [More…]
It has provided also entry of the migrants to the Australian work force at an earlier time and has saved those migrants travelling by air unavoidable personal expenses which accompany sea travel. [More…]
Regarding the baggage allowance for all migrants travelling by air, there is an allowance of 88 lb per aircraft seat. [More…]
Rather than extend the old agreement for which there was provision under its Article 23, the Government decided to negotiate a new and more broadly based agreement which would: (a) give expression to the entitlements and obligations of all Maltese citizens who migrate to and settle in Australia; (b) make the agreement consistent with the basic provisions of recent agreements concluded with other migrant source countries - for example, Italy, Turkey and Yugoslavia; and (c) take account of substantive machinery modifications agreed upon between Australia and Malta late in 1969 in regard to financial arrangements and eligibility criteria for assisted Maltese migrants. [More…]
The Agreement provides for advice to Maltese migrants on the acceptance of vocational qualifications in Australia and records that the Australian Government will endeavour to advance the acceptance of Maltese qualifications within the framework of Australian laws,’ regulations and practices; the rights of Maltese settlers as residents and as workers are set out, and that Australia undertakes” to extend to Maltese workers and their families the facilities available in Australia ‘ for migrants to learn English. [More…]
Under the terms of Article 15, assisted migrants 19 years of age and over will contribute SA25.00 towards the cost of travel to Australia, those under 19 years ‘will travel free and the Australian Government will meet the balance of the fare. [More…]
This accords with the conditions available to assisted migrants generally. [More…]
The first organised group of Maltese migrants arrived in Queensland in 1883 for employment on the canefields. [More…]
Although migration from Malta has diminished in recent years, Australia now receives more than half of the number of Maltese migrants leaving Malta each year. [More…]
The population of Malta is not large - some 325.600 people as at mid- 1970 - and it would be unrealistic 10 expect very large numbers of: migrants in relation to the- total Australian migration programme’, but- in terms of the Maltese population it is’- a very welcome movement. [More…]
The steady movement of Maltese migrants to this country’ has created strong links of family relationship and of friendship between the 2 countries. [More…]
Migrants from Malta have played an important role in Australian development over the years. [More…]
In particular there can be no excuse for this discrimination against migrants, such as those from Malta, who so frequently come to this country in advance of their dependants. [More…]
Accordingly, those people - particularly those such as Maltese migrants who are entitled immediately to Australian citizenship - should be given this right without any further delay at all. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a students’ page in the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ of 27th October 1970, entitled ‘Getting over the Language Barrier’, describing English as a language without spelling rules and commending Lindgren’s evolutionary spelling proposal for the sake of migrants and others. [More…]
Will the Minister state in what areas of migration the reduction will be effective and whether it will cause the breaking of any arrangements that have been made already with migrants overseas? [More…]
Is it also a fact that the number of unassisted migrants has fallen? [More…]
Against the economic circumstances recently outlined in this House by the Prime Minister, the immigration programme for 1970-71 has been modified to include the arrival of 120,500 assisted migrants and 49,500 unassisted migrants - a total this year of about 170,000 migrants. [More…]
This will entail a reduction of some 3.000 in the assisted programme and 7,000 in the unassisted programme but will not involve any revocation of existing arrangements with migrants. [More…]
So far as the Australian end of the operation is concerned, again a number of special measures have been undertaken which include special language training facilities to assist Turkish migrants to understand and acquire a knowledge of the language, citizenship education courses and an increased number of Turkish speaking welfare officers. [More…]
Has the AttorneyGeneral seen reports in the South Australian Press that an increasing number of migrants are returning to Britain and taking with them a variety of goods still under hire purchase contracts with Australian companies? [More…]
How many migrants have been naturalised in each of the past five years. [More…]
How many migrants eligible for citizenship have not applied for naturalisation to date. [More…]
What has been the outcome of the consultations between his Department and the Department of Education and Science on Professor W. F. Connell’s proposals in his paper ‘Education for Adult Migrants’ (Hansard 5th May 1970, page 1646). [More…]
Nevertheless migrants attending the evening courses can continue to enrol in more advanced courses and thus complete the full programme of instruction. [More…]
It has not been possible to consider paying allowances to migrants attending the part-lime accelerated courses. [More…]
Unlike those attending the full-time intensive courses (who are paid an allowance to cover accommodation and living expenses, and as compensation for loss of earning capacity), migrants attending the part-time courses continue to be employed and, as a general rule, suffer no loss of income. [More…]
The possibility of providing some form of allowance to the migrants attending the part-time accelerated courses will be kept in mind in the event of any review of the policy. [More…]
Employment opportunities have expanded, providing jobs and opportunities to support 2 million migrants and 2 million more Australians. [More…]
Migrants are granted free insurance for a period of 2 months after their arrival. [More…]
One should not allow himself to think that in Great Britain or even in Australia crimes are committed mainly by immigrants. [More…]
We in Australia should be grateful for the contribution that large sections of immigrants have made to our society. [More…]
We appreciate the many thousands of very worthy migrants who have come to Australia since the implementation of our migration policy. [More…]
I was amazed to learn recently that at the hospital for the criminally insane at Morisset which is in my electorate - formerly it was in the electorate of Robertson which now is very worthily represented by Mr Cohen - 50 per cent of the criminally mental inmates are immigrants to Australia. [More…]
Far be it from me to cast aspersions on our very worthy migrants from other lands. [More…]
I think that the Government will have to look seriously at whether our immigration quota is too large to allow our urban development programmes to adapt to the rapid population increase, although, as the honourable member for Hunter (Mr James) has mentioned, the incidence of crime amongst migrants is much lower than in the Australian born population. [More…]
During the last 20 years countless numbers of migrants have come to live in my electorate. [More…]
Although the basie purpose of assisted passage migration programmes is to encourage people to come to Australia who will contribute to economic and social development, Government policy admits also of the need to take into account the na’tural desire of migrants to have parents join them in Australia As well as the humanitarian grounds on which this is based there are also practical considerations. [More…]
Since the War we have had an influx of migrants, who are perhaps more prone 10 eat pork than are Australians. [More…]
That is, migrants returning home; - felt that ‘inadequate social services in Australia’ had some influence on their decision, and it also ranked as the most important single reason [More…]
1 mean no disrespect to migrants from overseas when I say that the best migrants we can have in this country are the natural born ones. [More…]
It refers to single old people who pay more rent than they can afford and to a few aged migrants not eligible for the pension. [More…]
There is another factor supporting the demand for a change in voting and that is the huge percentage of migrants now in the Australian society who total about 20 per cent of our population. [More…]
This applies not only to migrants who may have lived here for a number of years and then decided at the end of their days that they would like to return to their home country to retire, but also to Australian born people who may desire to go and retire in some other country. [More…]
Correspondence which most honourable members would have received refers to the hypothetical cases of 2 migrants. [More…]
Is the Minister for Immigration aware of a public statement made in Perth yesterday by a visiting Japanese Government economic mission that future joint ventures between Australia and Japanese interests in Australia could be impeded unless our current migration policies insofar as they affect Japanese migrants, are altered? [More…]
In his answer to the honourable member for Cook he raised the matter of specialist qualifications as being a factor considered in the admission of migrants. [More…]
I ask the Minister: Has his Department or specially appointed committees made any progress in the matter of the recognition of professional and trade qualifications held by migrants, which have previously not been recognised in Australia? [More…]
2m for embarkation and passage costs for migrants; $2.5m for broadcasting and television services; $1.2m for war and Service pensions and allowances; $1.3m for other repatriation benefits; and $2. [More…]
It has come from the Ustashi, from migrants to this country who supported Hitler and Mussolini in the breakup of Yugoslavia and maybe also from similar migrants to this country who supported Hitler in the break-up of Czechoslovakia a couple of years earlier. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration pointed out to me in a reply to a question that occasionally European parents working in Asian and Pacific countries wished to send their children to school in Australia while they are still too young for entry as migrants. [More…]
(a) In none of the Agreements mentioned above is any provision made regarding an annual intake of migrants from the country with which the Agreement is made. [More…]
(i) The migrants selected under the Agreements cover a wide cross-section of employment classifications (skilled, semiskilled, unskilled) but in none of the Agreements are employment classifications stipulated. [More…]
The migrants actually selected are in accordance with Australia’s known labour demands as determined annually in consultation with the Department of Labour and National Service. [More…]
None of the Agreements, except that with Turkey, has a provision defining age groups for assisted migrants. [More…]
I pose the question: How can it possibly be that such a desirable and fine group of migrants are not permitted to obtain visas? [More…]
Now, the 3 bases on which we adjudge whether migrants of non-European descent should be permitted to come in are, first of all, that they should be assimilable because we want one Australian community and we do not want little enclaves that can cause us the kind of trouble that has been caused in other parts of the world; secondly, we want them to have the kind of qualification that is necessary to permit them to fit readily into the work structure of this country; and finally, we want to be sure that they will make a contribution to our development as well. [More…]
It has had the virtues of allowing us to build up and sustain an industrial base in Australia and in the years since World War II to sustain a large inflow of migrants. [More…]
What the honourable member has not explained is where the migrants would find jobs.. [More…]
The migrants depend absolutely on work in secondary industries for their survival. [More…]
I ask the’ Minister for Immigration: Are all “ migrants who are British subjects given the same opportunity to apply foi and be granted Australian citizenship? [More…]
For particular groups within the community, such as Aboriginals, migrants and handicapped children, the education system is a one-way street to frustration. [More…]
At a time when there was a huge flow of migrants from England, the land was ready for development. [More…]
They help to settle migrants in this country and develop this nation. [More…]
How many applications by (a) male and (b) female Yugoslav migrants were processed in (I) Vienna, (U) Belgrade, (iii) Rome or (iv) some other country during the last 12 months. [More…]
Does this provision apply not only to naturalised migrants but also in cases where children of Australian parents who are overseas on business or as tourists, are born outside Australia. [More…]
Does the provision apply equally to British migrants. [More…]
Is it a fact that many migrants resent the provision and feel that they are second-class citizens and treated differently to Australians born in this country. [More…]
There has been .no indication of resentment by many migrants in relation to the provisions in question. [More…]
The Department very rarely receives applications for entry as migrants from such persons; and the circumstances of each case would need to be studied; but in general where polygamous marriages are still continuing the parties would not be eligible for entry to Australia as migrants. [More…]
It seems to have overlooked completely the subsidised health insurance scheme under which the Commonwealth pays Commonwealth and fund benefits - both benefits - in respect of low income earners, persons on the unemployment benefit, persons receiving the sickness benefit, and migrants. [More…]
It is true that the reduced immigration programme for this year will provide an opportunity, as I said in my statement on the size of the programme, to extend and develop our welfare and education activities amongst migrants. [More…]
In the State branches of my Department there are social workers who look after the interests of migrants, and there are translator and interpreter services provided. [More…]
The Government also pays for social workers in community organisations which work amongst the migrants. [More…]
There are also contact workers in that movement who work extensively amongst migrants throughout Australia. [More…]
By way of explanation I refer to the Minister’s statement advising that the Government has decided to reduce the immigration programme by 30,000 next year, reducing the target to 140,000 settlers, including 100,000 assisted migrants and at least 40,000 unassisted migrants. [More…]
Is, it prompted by the failure to attract migrants, by economic considerations associated with the former Prime Minister’s statement on the state of the economy, or by recent public demands for an inquiry into and curtailment of the programme? [More…]
The continuing economic buoyancy in Europe and other factors which influence migration make the prospects for obtaining suitable migrants during 1971-72 less favourable than in the immediate past, if we insist, as we must, on maintaining an acceptable standard of selection and a reasonable national balance in the programme. [More…]
In relation to the latter part of the honourable gentleman’s question, that is as to where savings in costs will be made, what countries will be involved and so on, the final details have not been worked out, but I. am in a position to say to the honourable gentleman that broadly there will be a proportionate percentage cut across the board from all the source countries from which we take migrants. [More…]
I represent an electorate which has one of the highest concentrations of migrants in Australia. [More…]
The great flood of migrants into many parts of the industrial areas of Australia, and in particular into electorates such as mine, has almost destroyed the local education system. [More…]
How many migrants in Victoria between 1945 and 1970 (a) applied for naturalisation, (b) were unsuccessful in their applications for naturalisation and (c) have not had their applications granted, their applications being currently deferred or pending? [More…]
How many migrants in each category were (a) Greek born and (b) Italian born? [More…]
For how many years must migrants from various countries and in various categories live in Australia before they can (a) seek or (b) acquire Australian citizenship? [More…]
How many migrants were brought to Australia by (a) sea and (b) air in each of the years 1968, 1969 and 19707 [More…]
Which airlines carried the migrants and at what cost? [More…]
Migrants come to Australia either by paying their own fares, without any subsidy from the Commonwealth Government, or under assisted passage schemes. [More…]
Assisted migrants accepted under bilateral schemes or other arrangements travel to Australia with transport provided by the Commonwealth or by the Intergovernmental Committee f0 European Migration. [More…]
Some assisted migrants approved under the unilaterally administered [More…]
Airlines which carried assisted migrants to Australia under arrangements made by the Commonwealth or by ICEM during the years in question, and the amounts paid to those airlines in respect of transportation costs were as follows: (a) Migrants moved from the United Kingdom, Turkey and Europe on charter and commercial flights arranged by the Commonwealth. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Italian Under-Secretary for Immigration, Mr Bemporad, during a recent visit to Australia said that many provisions of the Immigration Agreement between Australia and Italy were inadequate and provided little security for Italian migrants and requested that it should be brought up to date? [More…]
Was Mr Bemporad critical of the failure of the Australian Government to transfer age and invalid pensions to migrants who desire to retire to their native country? [More…]
Hie Italian Government confirmed its willingness to co-operate in the teaching of English to prospective migrants and responded favourably to the Australian request that Italian Labour Offices assist with the distribution of pamphlets to prospective migrants, informing them of the possibilities open to them for learning English as well as about working and living conditions they will find upon their arrival in Australia. [More…]
The initial settlement problems of migrants and particularly their difficulties in learning English and obtaining recognition for professional and trade qualifications were discussed. [More…]
The question has been construed as referring to expenditure incurred for all immigration purposes as distinct from the costs involved directly in recruitment of migrants and passage assistance only. [More…]
I also recognise that, with 120,000 citizens whose principal contribution to Australian politics is their accurate political perception, half a dozen ombudsmen could not handle all the problems in my electorate, which contains one of the largest concentrations of migrants in Australia. [More…]
Migrants form one of the largest such groups. [More…]
The cut-back should not be among migrants chosen by relatives, friends and employers but among those chosen by governments. [More…]
The migrants who cost most and leave first are usually migrants chosen by governments. [More…]
The government’s chief role should lie in the ass” stance, not the search, for migrants. [More…]
They are: Firstly a handful of longestablished relatively affluent suburbs; secondly an increasingly depressed countryside; and thirdly the vast new growth of outer suburbs and the old inner suburbs with poor services and amenities, where most of our children and migrants live. [More…]
Migrants find it ludicrous and Australians should find it shameful that 53 per cent of the population in Perth is still without sewerage, as are 34 per cent in Brisbane and 20 per cent in Sydney and Melbourne, over 1,600,000 people in all. [More…]
This may well be true, but it is a disgrace that so many of our young people and children of migrants who have come to this land believing it to be a land of promise are denied opportunities which are their right and which they should not have to beg for. [More…]
South Australia has not been able to keep abreast of the population increase following the war years and the influx of migrants into the community. [More…]
We have the doubtful distinction of having one of the worst and lowest scales of social benefits in the world, and if one looks at the figures for naturalisation it will be found that it is the main reason for the abysmally low percentage of migrants who have applied for naturalisation. [More…]
Can the Minister state the number of people in each State and Territory in each of the categories of (a) unemployed, (b) migrants, (c) sickness beneficiaries, (d) other eligible beneficiaries and (e) families with weekly incomes of (i) below $42.50, (ii) between $42.45 and $45.50 and (iii) between $45.50 and $48.50, who have applied for subsidised health insurance by registering with (A) the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and (B) a hospital and medical benefits society since the introduction of the subsidised medical services scheme? [More…]
It is for those who are receiving unemployment, sickness or special benefits and it is for migrants in their first 2 months of residence in Australia. [More…]
The immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aborigines, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children. [More…]
Child endowment is designed to help the family - to encourage Australians to have larger families and to populate our country with the best migrants we can have. [More…]
One has only to drive down Sydney Road, pause for a few minutes and take a step to the left or the right down any of the streets, knock on the second, third or fourth door and one will find pensioners, migrants, children and deserted wives living in poverty. [More…]
Another area which is not of such great significance but which is a constant cause of annoyance, especially to migrants, is the fact that there is no second class mail rate for air mail to continential countries, including the United Kingdom. [More…]
Similarly, it has been accepted that this control, if it is to be exercised effectively, necessitates suitable provision for the encouragement by the Government of the types of migrants which Australia needs and who either could not or would not come here without this encouragement and assistance. [More…]
Such policies wrongly assume that the sum of migrants’ individual interests necessarily equate with Australia’s national interests. [More…]
Had assisted migration been restricted to sponsored cases in 1970-71, instead of 120,000 assisted migrants, Australia would have received fewer than 33,000 assisted migrants. [More…]
Instead of 100,000 assisted migrants this year, we would, under these circumstances, be fortunate to receive 25,000. [More…]
To suggest that the role of the Commonwealth Government should be confined to assisting migrants sponsored by friends or relatives already here, or even to abandon assisted migration totally, is worse than foolish. [More…]
It would, as the figures 1 quoted earlier showed, restrict the flow of migrants in source, in numbers and in skills. [More…]
Migrants add immediately, and disproportionately, to the work force, whereas births represent a deferred addition some 15 years to 20 years hence. [More…]
The 1966 census showed that migrants had added 38.3 per cent more to the work force than they had added to the population served by that work force. [More…]
Migrants particularly reinforce the younger working age groups. [More…]
They are a significantly young group; overall, the average age was only 23.3 years compared with an average age of 30.9 years for the Australian population Migrants in fact contribute disproportionately to the support of both the youth of Australia and our aged. [More…]
Indeed, some critics would have us believe that migrants are ‘costing’ us more than they contribute and that migrants lower our living standards. [More…]
One group seeks to resolve problems by bringing in more migrants. [More…]
The other seeks to resolve them by bringing in fewer migrants. [More…]
A third study - a longitudinal survey of the experience of some 10,000 migrants during their first 3 years in Australia - is being undertaken by the research staff of my Department. [More…]
We will find it harder and harder to get migrants to come to Australia. [More…]
The subsidised health benefits plan which has been in existence since January 1970 provides assistance, in meeting the cost of medical and hospital treatment, to persons receiving unemployment, sickness and special social service benefits, to migrants during their first 2 months in Australia and to low income families. [More…]
It is essential, therefore, that persons who believe they are entitled to subsidised health benefits should make application to the Department of Social Services or, in the case of migrants, to the Department of Health as soon as possible. [More…]
Today it is fashionable to knock immigration, and the critics of our immigration policy point to the demands which the immigration programme makes on the economy and the additional amount of money which has to be spent on roads, schools, hospitals and sewerage systems because of the number of migrants which we as a government have brought to Australia. [More…]
The critics conveniently either overlook or seek to minimise the importance of the contribution which migrants have made and are continuing to make to Australia’s development. [More…]
The latest information that I have been able to obtain indicates that whilst migrants represent only 18 per cent of the total population they provide more than 23 per cent of the work force. [More…]
If Australia has an education crisis I believe that it is a crisis created by prosperity and not by migrants. [More…]
The critics of Australia’s immigration policy base most of their criticism on the demand for capital which they claim is aggravated by our intake of migrants. [More…]
The critics ignore the fact that migrants themselves contribute a great deal to our supply of capital. [More…]
Migrants are not paupers. [More…]
To the extent that migrants through their work contribute to the profits made by the companies which employ them they also contribute to the capital which is not paid out in dividends but which is ploughed back into the businesses, and the industries which they help to develop also attract overseas capital. [More…]
They show that migrants in Australia consume annually 70 million gallons of milk, 20 million lb of cheese, 55 million lb of butter, 525 million lb of meat, and 55 million eggs. [More…]
Whilst on the subject of migration I would like to say that 1 favour the portability of pensions with respect to migrants who wish to return to their native land, provided of course that proper safeguards could be worked out so that elderly people would not come to Australia merely to qualify for an age pension and then return to their own country after qualifying. [More…]
I want to be fair to migrants but at the same time 1 do not want to recommend anything which could be unfair to Australian taxpayers. [More…]
Migrants have pointed out to me that there could be a saving to revenue if we adopted this policy. [More…]
If migrants who qualify for the payment of an age pension remained in Australia they would receive in addition to the pension all the fringe benefits which go with the pension. [More…]
I understand that Canada permits the portability of pensions but there are very severe residential qualifications with respect to migrants who choose to return to their homelands. [More…]
migrants. [More…]
In respect of migrants, it is not necessary for separate application for assistance to be made. [More…]
By joining a health insurance fund and verifying their first date of entry into Australia, migrants are eligible for assistance with medical and/or hospital expenses incurred in the first two months from the date of entry. [More…]
The figures provided to him about the number of people who had enrolled or who had received assistance under the scheme were in 3 categories: Firstly, low income earners; secondly, recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits; and thirdly, migrants within 2 months of arrival. [More…]
In fact, the figures also show that 82,000 recipients of unemployment, sickness and special benefits were enrolled under the scheme up to 30th June 1971 and that 28,000 migrants became members of funds. [More…]
As the honourable member should know, the fact is that a very large proportion of the recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits and, indeed, a proportion of migrants also, are in the low income category. [More…]
Has his Department calculated what percentage of returning migrants come from among those who have received assisted passages and what percentage come from among those who had not received assisted passages? [More…]
However, I know that the Commonwealth Statistician, who publishes the figures for settler departures from Australia, does not distinguish between assisted and non-assisted migrants to Australia. [More…]
I might say on this general question of the departure of migrants from Australia that the figures for 1970-71 recently published by the Commonwealth Statistician which show that about 28,000 migrants left Australia or stated that they were leaving Australia permanently, have to be seen against the very high level of immigration that we have had in the last 3 years. [More…]
We have taken into this country over 500,000 migrants in the 3-year period up to the end of 1970-71; so we would have expected with that very high level of migration that the number of people departing would in fact increase. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre-school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
Your petitioners most humbly pray that the House of Representatives make legal provision for a joint Commonwealth-State inquiry into inequalities in Australian education to obtain evidence on which to base long term national programmes for the elimination of inequalities; the immediate financing of special programmes for low income earners, migrants, Aboriginal, rural and inner suburban dwellers and handicapped children; and the provision of pre school opportunities for all children from culturally different or socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [More…]
These include migrants, families on a specifically low income and people receiving unemployment, sickness or special benefit from the Commonwealth. [More…]
Migrants are eligible for free insurance for only 2 months. [More…]
Likewise, only 25 per cent of the migrants arriving last year enrolled with the private benefits organisations during their 2 months eligibility. [More…]
These migrants were likely to be from the [More…]
They are, firstly, the low income families; secondly, unemployment, sickness and special beneficiaries; and, thirdly, migrants. [More…]
Similarly, in a 12 months period migrants on the average would be in Australia for only 6 months and their annual income would also be less than the limit. [More…]
In the year ended 30th June 1971, 82,000 unemployment, sickness and special beneficiaries became members of health insurance funds, about 11,000 low income families became members and about 28,000 migrants became members. [More…]
Only one out of 5 migrants and 2 out of 5 unemployment and sickness beneficiaries, similarly entitled to draw on this scheme, have done so. [More…]
On the other hand, the Government extended the recommendations of the Nimmo Committee to cover persons receiving unemployment, sickness or special benefits through the Department of Social Services and to migrants during their first 2 months in Australia. [More…]
Migrants face the additional, problem of language. [More…]
No more than 25 per cent of eligible migrants enrol. [More…]
Probably most of those who enrol are from Great Britain which provides us with more than one quarter of our migrants. [More…]
Some of these migrants file the information away or throw it away because they cannot read the cards on which the information is provided. [More…]
However, I am revolted when I read their statements to the effect that we have to keep this programme going because we need migrants to work in a particular form of industry because Australian workers will not work in it. [More…]
These migrants do not get the wages they ought to receive if we had a properly competitive economy. [More…]
The subsidised health benefits plan, which has been in existence since January 1970, provides assistance in meeting the cost of medical and hospital treatment to persons receiving unemployment, sickness and special social service benefits, migrants during their first 2 months in Australia and low income families. [More…]
It is essential therefore that persons who believe they are entitled to subsidised pharmaceutical benefits should make application to the Department of Social Services or, in the case of migrants, to the Department of Health as soon as the changes become effective. [More…]
They reveal that in the most populous State with the biggest city in Australia, with a heavy concentration of migrants and lower income earners, facilities for pre-school education are negligible. [More…]
in the case of migrants, to the Department of Health as soon as the changes become effective. [More…]
Politically I do not mind because all that these advertisements do is confirm the fact - and it is a fact - that this Government is more concerned with conscripting young migrants than it is with helping the needy migrants. [More…]
Firstly, in the case of migrants, only 1 in 4 of those arriving last year was registered in the Government scheme by fully, enrolling with a private benefits organisation. [More…]
These are most likely to have been the migrants from English speaking countries who made up one half of migrants arriving in Australia in the June quarter. [More…]
Regardless of the subsidised medical scheme, 1 estimate that probably 80 per cent of Greek, Italian and Turkish migrants arriving over the last 18 months have not been covered either in the subsidised scheme or in the benefits insurance scheme. [More…]
Health of a Metropolis’, said that their survey of Prahran in the last few years showed that cultural factors were a massive influence alongside the family’s low income status in preventing these migrants from protecting themselves. [More…]
Thus any improvement for the 2 months eligibility of migrants - during which period they are probably healthiest of all - will be virtually of no significance as a means of enrolling certain groups of migrants in the benefits scheme and of protecting them. [More…]
Yet even if we were able to include every newcomer into the health benefits system, we would still be faced with the fundamental question which demands investigation by no less important a body than a select committee of this House: that is, what sort of problems do the migrants arriving have, and how well are we meeting them? [More…]
The article by Eric Walsh paints a grim picture of large scale neglect or ignorance of the health needs of migrants. [More…]
It dramatically highlights the disastrous consequences for migrants in leaving the nation’s health facilities and provisions unchanged despite the special and great needs of migrants. [More…]
The fundamental questions of the quality and availability of health care for the Australian people and, in particular, for such groups as migrants, have to be made subordinate to the question of the cost of care and the primary question here is the cost of insurance. [More…]
One could talk at length about the health needs of the aged, the low income families, migrants and the Aborigines, yet of all these groups it is difficult to speak effectively. [More…]
What is the proposed intake of migrants from Great Britain for the year ending 30th June 1972. [More…]
The 1971-72 migration programme provides for the arrival of 47,500 assisted migrants from Britain under the United Kingdom/Australia Assisted Migration Agreement. [More…]
There are migrants whose applications for naturalisation are deferred or rejected on security grounds or who have been notified of the grounds upon which it is proposed to deport them. [More…]
The same applies to migrants. [More…]
I greatly regret that these 2 sets of footloose people - the migrants who come here and those who are going to be displaced from the land - have not been settled in such a manner. [More…]
What payments have been made by the Department of Immigration to (a) Qantas; (b) other airlines and (c) shipping companies for the transport of migrants to Australia in each of the last five years. [More…]
Assisted passage migrants accepted under bilateral schemes or arrangements with countries of emigration travel to Australia on transport provided by the Commonwealth or by the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM). [More…]
Assisted migrants approved under the unilaterally administered Special Passage Assistance Programme (SPAP) can either travel on Government arranged transport or make their own travel arrangements. [More…]
Payments made for migrants travelling on transport arranged by the Commonwealth: [More…]
Is a record kept of the number of migrants who settle in the various States of Australia. [More…]
If so, how many migrants have settled in each State since the commencement of the immigration programme. [More…]
How many migrants from nonEnglish speaking countries have arrived in Australia in the last 12 months. [More…]
What is the (a) country of origin and (b) percentage of these migrants who would have a working knowledge of the English language. [More…]
No record is kept of the number of migrants entering Australia who have a working knowledge of the English language. [More…]
A knowledge of English is not a prerequisite for entry, though intending migrants who wish to follow their normal occupation in which a knowledge of English is essential would generally be expected to have some fluency, in the language. [More…]
For those migrants who do not know English, language classes are available at the pre-embarkation stage, on board ship, and in a variety of ways after arrival in Australia. [More…]
The population has risen by 44 million, 2 million of them being migrants, yet we have practically maintained full employment over that long period of time. [More…]
Last year 116,000 marriages were contracted and the number of immigrants increased to about 185,000. [More…]
Migrants want homes and young married people want homes. [More…]
Since its commencement 3,490,820 people have arrived in Australia on a permanent and long term basis, of whom 2,696,000 were migrants. [More…]
Of those migrants here 25 per cent comprise the work force. [More…]
Others believe that it should be reduced until full employment, adequate housing, social services and other facilities are available for the migrants already settled here. [More…]
Some critics are inclined to blame migrants for all the shortages in housing, services, education and other facilities. [More…]
Migrants have added to these problems certainly but, at the same time, they have in their way contributed to our prosperity and well being with their labour, skills and purchasing power. [More…]
I ask the Government whether employment in the present economic climate is not a cause of concern with the continued intake of migrants? [More…]
Education authorities clamour for financial support yet we continue to bring in thousands of migrants, adding to the congestion and the difficulties of the system. [More…]
I do not criticise the migrants for coming. [More…]
But this situation supports an inquiry to decide whether in this atmosphere we should bring migrants in and continue on the present basis. [More…]
As honourable members know, the situation is that about 80 per cent of the migrants which come from non-English speaking countries desire some form of assistance in relation to education and language. [More…]
That is where the scheme has failed and not so much with the migrants. [More…]
These are just a few of the problems which make some of the people think it is time for a ‘migrant holiday’ because the continued inflow of migrants is preventing us from overtaking the needs of education, housing, transport and capital works. [More…]
People know what I am saying about the need to have an inquiry to see whether we are correctly treating the migrants who are here and those who are coming. [More…]
One aspect is in relation to migrants who have what is termed a working holiday; that is those who return after the 2-year period has expired. [More…]
In fact, it indicates that one in four English migrants who arrived in the past year returned to Great Britain. [More…]
Almost 700 permanent migrants a week left Australia to return to Great Britain in July. [More…]
However, such a committee as that suggested might well make recommendations on establishments overseas, assisted passages, integration, selection of migrants, unassisted migration, accommodation centres, hostels and housing, publicity and eligibility for social services, to mention a few. [More…]
It could only do good for the Department, the migrants and Australia. [More…]
Each of us in our own way realises the contributions that our migrants have made to Australia. [More…]
Children born in Australia were always the first migrants. [More…]
Nevertheless, migrants from whatever source are to be encouraged, against that background. [More…]
Secondly, the Leader of the Opposition now proposes that Government activities in the search for migrants should be reduced and replaced by spontaneous applications and sponsorship from Australia. [More…]
This means that those areas where governments search for and find migrants will no longer act as the source they have been in the past. [More…]
Thtre could hardly be a more effective way to cut European migration than by cutting the Government’s activity in its search for migrants. [More…]
Thirdly, to allow sponsorship of migrants to rest with Australian residents who sponsor families and friends - from whatever country - and with well-known pyramid effects, will be disastrous. [More…]
These people are no longer migrants. [More…]
So the 2-i million migrants who have come here since the Second World War are part of us. [More…]
In these days when it is fashionable to blame migrants for every ill in the community, it might be just as well to place on record that if Australia ever closes its door to migrants we will indulge in cultural incest and nothing but decadence will result. [More…]
There is a proper questioning in the community about the numbers of migrants coming to this country and about all aspects of a policy that was in fact launched by our Party and has been carried on for a quarter of a century. [More…]
It has cut down the vote for migrant education in such a way as to impose hardships on migrants and children. [More…]
Is it pathetic when I am speaking on behalf of migrants? [More…]
Earlier this week the Government announced a deferment of the arrival of 3,000 migrant workers and their families in order to assist some of those who are currently registered for employment to obtain jobs which the Government believes may otherwise be taken by migrants. [More…]
I could have selected any other 5 countries to make a comparison with Australia but I chose Canada and New Zealand as countries of immigration, Japan and the United Kingdom as countries of intense manufacturing industry and as countries which have not increased their population through migration, and I chose the United States of America both as a highly intensive manufacturing country and as a country which still attracts migrants in reasonable numbers. [More…]
The interesting thing is that in each of the years between 1966 and 1969 - these were the only years for which the Library research service was able to provide comparative figures - Australia’s intake of migrants as a percentage of the population was higher than that of the other 5 countries with the exception of Canada in the years 1966 and 1967. [More…]
Because migrants constitute a higher percentage of the work force relative to their total population than does the rest of the community they contribute substantially to taxation revenue and help to spread public expenditure on certain items - for example, defence - over a larger number of taxpayers. [More…]
Because migrants contribute to expanding Australian production they encourage foreign investment and by their savings, which are higher than the average, they contribute substantially to domestic capital. [More…]
Referring to the impact which migrants who have come to Australia under the Government’s immigration policy have, he said: [More…]
State and municipal authorities in the cities where overwhelmingly migrants have settled has become starkly apparent [More…]
That is the policy which has resulted in migrants, who comprise 18 per cent of the total population, providing 23 per cent of the work force. [More…]
The Government’s chief role should lie in the assistance not the search for migrants. [More…]
I believe that if the Government is concerned with fighting inflation - the Leader of the Opposition has on many occasions also expressed his concern about inflation - its chief role should be to search for skilled migrants who can contribute to our technical knowledge and who can, because they represent a higher percentage of the work force than the overall Australian population, help to reduce costs by producing more than they consume. [More…]
Australia welcomes these migrants not only because of their skills and the opportunities that they give us for development of our capacity to defend ourselves and to play our part in aid in [More…]
As to the cost associated with migrants, I have never bothered to take out these figures. [More…]
Before concluding I wish to refer to a matter which specifically affects migrants although it is not strictly within the administration of the Department of Immigration. [More…]
I refer to the expectation of migrants in respect of social services, the availability of social service benefits including the age pension to naturalised Australians who have established eligibility; in other words, they have lived here for at least 10 years and have been taxpayers during that period, and should receive a pension irrespective of where they live. [More…]
They are probably aware that almost every national group of migrants in this country is running a campaign to obtain transferability of pensions which has been accepted by most other countries. [More…]
-I realise that I am not dealing with a function of the Department of Immigration, but surely it is concerned about the way migrants look at Australia and their expectations, whether they feel that Australia is giving them a fair go. [More…]
I can assure the honourable member for Griffith that if he were in contact with migrants in his own electorate, instead of attending meetings of young Liberals exclusively, he would know that migrants do feel strongly about social service benefits. [More…]
To summarise, let us not accept as factual the belief of those people who blame a whole host of modern problems on migrants, thereby providing a unique Australian analysis of problems that in fact characterise most advanced industrialised societies, most- of which do not have immigration programmes, anyway, as the honourable member for Henty (Mr Fox) pointed out. [More…]
Let us not commit ourselves to this idea of blaming migrants for these ills without conducting a thorough examination. [More…]
The possible relationship between these problems and migrants is a thoroughly Australian problem and it is often useless looking to other countries for answers, as many people do. [More…]
Our policy has been based on the ability of our migrants to assimilate, to become part of our community. [More…]
Children born in Australia were always the first migrants. [More…]
Nevertheless, migrants from whatever source are to be encouraged. [More…]
The immigration programme’ consists essentially of an i in migration target, announced annually by the Commonwealth Government, and assorted schemes for assisting migrants by paying all or part of’ their fares to Australia. [More…]
In supporting the need for a parliamentary committee I shall quote just one example that shows why today migrants are less willing to come to Australia or if they come, to remain in Australia after their 2-year contract period has concluded. [More…]
This committee revealed that one of the main factors affecting the attraction of migrants to Australia and their decision to remain here was Australia’s social welfare programme. [More…]
In discussing the importance of social services as a factor in attracting migrants, the Committee accepted that: [More…]
although they would not deliberately weigh them, many potential migrants would take social services into account in assessing whether they would, in total, gain materially by coming to Australia [More…]
the level of benefits in Australia, especially the existence of the means test in relation to some benefits, could give an impression that the Australian system compared unfavourably with those to which the potential migrants were accustomed [More…]
questions that probably entered into migrants’ minds would include the gap in cover between the time of departure from home countries and eligibility under Australian schemes; and the residential requirement before full benefits could apply (e.g., widows’ pensions) which had much greater impact on migrants than upon Australians generally [More…]
migrants immediately after arrival frequently suffered from inability to join an appropriate benefit organisation either because of lack of knowledge of how to proceed or through lack of cash income to afford the payments involved [More…]
The Committee therefore expressed a strong doubt that social services in Australia could be considered as a positive factor in the attraction of migrants from Europe. [More…]
I pay my tribute to the voluntary workers who assist migrants in the often difficult task of settling down in a new country. [More…]
It has been a vital part of the success of our immigration programme that migrants be regarded and treated in all respects as human beings, not merely as statistics in terms of population growth or increased work force. [More…]
Migrants and their children, including their Australian born children, have over the years played a significant part in our national development and have made a mighty contribution in the industrial field. [More…]
In the current economic situation I believe the Government has acted wisely in reducing the flow of migrants and in endeavouring to place emphasis on quality rather than quantity. [More…]
A ministerial statement of 23rd April 1970 set out details of improved and expanded measures for the education of child and adult migrants following a survey of schools and discussions with State education authorities. [More…]
When I refer to migrants, I mean European migrants. [More…]
In addition to that, in another sector of the electorate I represent there is a very large percentage of British migrants. [More…]
This Government has treated the migrants to this country as second class citizens and as a result of lack of policy on the part of the Government a largs percentage of migrants that are brought to this country in fact live far below the poverty line. [More…]
Has not the Government legislated to provide a subsidised medical health scheme for migrants who come into this country as a sort of a stop-gap measure to make up for some of the conditions which they have left behind so far as that particular national aspect is concerned? [More…]
Since migration was introduced into this country, 70 per cent of the migrants have settled in cities, most of them in capital cities. [More…]
Let us deal with naturalisation of the migrants who come to this country. [More…]
It is because the Government regards migrants as people who ought to be treated in a sub-standard manner with regard to social security and other conditions. [More…]
I suggest to the honourable member that I regard migrants in my electorate as being human beings- [More…]
The fact is that the second generation of migrants cannot be regarded in the manner in which the Government regards them. [More…]
What is wrong with the concept of inquiry and planning with respect to population growth and the number of migrants that this country will be able to accept in future years. [More…]
We cannot afford to permit to continue the return of a large percentage of migrants to the United Kingdom and to other countries. [More…]
Although migrants comprised 18.3 per cent of Australia’s total population, and 25.3 per cent of the total work force in 1966 - and these proportions are most probably higher today - so far we have avoided any major clashes, the build up of ethnic groups in ghettoes or the development of racial disharmony and tensions in this country. [More…]
As I said in the Estimates debate last year I believe that the broad lines for selection of immigrants should be on quality, not quantity. [More…]
I also applaud the Government for taking a more conservative attitude in respect of the intake of migrants and hope that selection procedures will be appropriately stringent. [More…]
Despite what members of the Opposition have said, there is no doubt as to where this Government stands in relation to the criteria used for the selection of migrants, or of the results of the applications of these criteria. [More…]
The emphasis will change from, though sot necessarily entirely take the place of, Governnent search for migrants to Government assistance far those already here. [More…]
But it is also a fact that nominated migrants have produced less than a quarter of the skilled and semi-skilled workers who have come to Australia in recent years. [More…]
Let me quote what the honourable member for Capricornia (Dr Everingham) wrote in the Fabian Newsletter’ of August 1970 in an article entitled: ‘Why Pay for White Migrants?’ [More…]
To achieve that end one of the prime factors in the selection of migrants must always be to . [More…]
As I said earlier, 1 am quite certain that the principles I have outlined will find favour with the large majority of the people of Australia; but, of course, for Australia to abide by and carry out those principles requires the certainty that we have the unfettered right to regulate the intake of our migrants at all times and also have a complete right of selection and rejection. [More…]
So it seems to me that, as we have had the foresight and, no doubt to some extent, the good fortune to attract and retain migrants of very good standard, in most respects anyway - after all, we cannot expect to be 100 per cent successful, but in the main our migrants have made very good citizens - it is reasonable, desirable and wise that we continue to obtain our future requirements from the same sources. [More…]
Entry of suitable migrants is to be encouraged but is to be strictly regulated so as not to impose an undue strain on the Australian economy or to imperil full employment or Australian industrial conditions through over-competition for available work. [More…]
We should examine the system of granting assisted passages to ascertain to what extent we are gaining long term or permanent residents as against those who use that concession as a holiday or tourist scheme to the detriment of genuine migrants. [More…]
This Government has been aware of the necessity to keep a steady flow of migrants to this country, but it has not been engaged upon a blind and mindless pursuit of numbers. [More…]
Ours is a nation that has been built up by migrants and we have not yet ceased to build. [More…]
There may come a time when we no longer need to build and when we no longer need migrants. [More…]
Australia has a good name as a country where migrants are well accepted and taken into the community. [More…]
of which I had the privilege of being a member, to Turkey, Yugoslavia, Ireland and England revealed that Australia was regarded as being most acceptable to migrants from those areas. [More…]
We in turn must see that we are getting good types of migrants who will be assimiliated quickly and will be able to make a contribution to the skill of the trade or vocation in which they have been trained. [More…]
We should be able to get first class migrants along these lines. [More…]
One must realise, of course, that difficulties arise in obtaining migrants from European countries when the - economic situation of those countries improves. [More…]
There is no doubt in my mind that we should be careful about drastically cutting our intake of migrants. [More…]
It ‘has been said that cutting Australia’s intake of migrants would assist in combating inflation. [More…]
Cutting Australia’s intake of migrants would do nothing to reduce inflation, and was a backward step for the country. [More…]
Some time ago legislation was introduced in this Parliament relating to education in English of migrants. [More…]
I wish to draw to the attention of the Minister for Labour and National Service (Mr Lynch), who is at the table, a weakness which was pointed out at the time and which I think is seriously restricting the value of that proposition, that is, the fact that the Commonwealth does not accept any responsibility to provide buildings for the teaching of English to migrants. [More…]
I know of a case where the location of one suitable building in an area in which there is a large number of schools could have provided, and would provide, an adequate service for the teaching of English to adult migrants. [More…]
After a teacher at one school had received the necessary training it was found that that school could not take her off normal teaching duties with the result that the teaching of English to migrants at that school had to cease. [More…]
I believe that it would bc of particular value in the inner metropolitan areas where very substantial numbers of migrants attend schools and in some of the larger provincial centres where there has been a large migrant settlement. [More…]
I think it is very important for migrants - especially to the younger ones coming to this country - to obtain as quickly as possible and under the best possible conditions a knowledge of English which will enable them to proceed with their education and employment with as short an interruption as is possible. [More…]
I sympathise wilh the British people for the horrible mess which successive British governments have created by opening the floodgates to African, Indian and Caribbean migrants. [More…]
A balanced annual intake of migrants would fit easily into the mainstream of life in the present Australian community. [More…]
I represent what is probably the largest concentration of migrants in Australia, and nobody can blame them for that. [More…]
or longer - I visit as many of the school: as possible and speak to the people who are involved with migrants. [More…]
In my own mind I have the feeling that if we suddenly reduce the intake of migrants we might create unemployment; that in fact the pressures (hat immigration creates might well be some of those that have created full employment. [More…]
They can be the children of migrants who have settled in Australia. [More…]
Surely it is better to retain control of immigration as this Government has done, to be able to draw back the numbers of migrants rather than to be confronted with a flood of people over which there can be no control concerning race, colour of skin or nationality. [More…]
If the policy of the Australian Labor Party were implemented little could be done to stop the flow of these people, so with 50,000 Indians coming into Australia - or 50,000 migrants of any nationality - they, their spouses and children would represent 100,000 to 150,000 people. [More…]
This is more than the number of migrants allowed for this year. [More…]
Many thousands of migrants already are living happily in Australia and the immigration policy of the . [More…]
In the last 2 years the Government has permitted into this country 20,000 migrants of mixed or non-European blood. [More…]
My arithmetic puts the total at about 300,000 coloured migrants. [More…]
If one does a little arithmetic one sees that the Government’s policy is to have a non-European population content of 500,000 immigrants by the year 2000. [More…]
Does it want to see the headlines The Liberals will allow 500,000 coloured migrants’, because that is what it has asked for this evening? [More…]
I refer to the investigation into desirable future population levels for AusTalia, to the cost benefit analysis which is being undertaken at the University of Sydney, and to the study of the experiences of 10,000 migrants during their early years in Australia. [More…]
The Department maintains two funds from which assistance may be made available to migrants in a situation of emergency where no alternative relief is available. [More…]
the Migrant Emergency Fund, from which loans up to $10 may be made to migrants during the two year period after arrival in Australia. ‘ [More…]
The Emergency Clothing Fund, from which migrants may be issued wilh clothing and footwear to the value of $30 per person within a period of 30 days of arrival in Australia where, due to circumstances beyond their control, they have arrived without adequate clothing for prevailing climatic conditions. [More…]
(i) Migrant Emergency Fund - During the six years ended 30th June 1971 an amount of $87.40 was provided as loans to migrants in ‘he Australian Capital Territory as follows: [More…]
Is it a fact that some migrants purchasing Government cottages occupied by them since their arrival are being grossly exploited in the prices being charged, the high interest rates and the conditions of purchase set by the Department of the Interior? [More…]
But if the honourable gentleman were to quote all that I said and not just the parts which he feels would suit the purposes of his question, he would know that I went on to say that it was essential as a policy objective not to have migrants arriving immediately prior to the Christmas close-down period in industry. [More…]
The second part of the amendment is obviously an implication that the Qantas management has not been able, to the satisfaction of the honourable member for Newcastle and his colleagues, to manage effectively that great company in relation to air crews, the passage of migrants, charters and fares throughout the world. [More…]
Does he know that this practice falls hard on migrants who commonly use their long service leave to revisit their homelands in the European spring and summer for which purpose their leave is taken in 2 financial years? [More…]
I will draw the attention of the Commissioner to the question whether this operates to the disadvantage of migrants and see whether or not he would recommend that the Act be amended. [More…]
It is true that our Department of Immigration has 318 people looking after the migrants that we are trying to get not only from Great Britain but also from Europe, but even in that area only approximately 100 of these people are Australian based personnel. [More…]
In most cases they refer to settled countries and settled communities where there is not an influx of migrants of varying ages which makes the adoption of such a scheme difficult. [More…]
Many people come to this country as migrants from overseas. [More…]
The members of the Federation of Netherlands Societies in New South Wales in General Meeting noted with much regret the unrest amongst migrants and Australians alike caused by the absence of an adequate system of social services in Australia. [More…]
The absence of a feeling of security is one of the main reasons why so many migrants return to the country of their birth. [More…]
This could very well be the reason why migrants are returning home; perhaps one could work out the cost of that and do a nice statistical exercise on it. [More…]
At question time this morning I told the House that if my recollection of the figures concerning the number of students and teachers in the programme of assistance to child migrants was not correct I would advise the House. [More…]
We still hear the same speeches by the same persons who say we need to have a heavily protected industry so that we can provide employment for our migrants. [More…]
meet the special bousing needs of (a) low income earners, (b) pensioners, (c) migrants, (d) Aborigines and (e) deserted wives and similarly disadvantaged people and [More…]
We have problems with migrants as well as with Aborigines, deserted wives and others. [More…]
One important such group is southern European migrants, who are under represented amongst those in public housing accommodation. [More…]
This situation obtains even though there is no discrimination against these migrants in the allocation of public housing. [More…]
The explanation of the situation is to be found in the fact that these migrants are heavily dependent upon their ethnic sub-culture and are 18th to be dispersed indiscriminately within public housing areas. [More…]
These migrants find strong social needs to live amongst their extended families, friend* ft om their former village, ethnic shopping facilities, theatres and clubs, and to accept public housing would involve the breaking of these many social bonds. [More…]
Southern European migrants want public assistance with their housing problems. [More…]
If this second approach is accepted, it would be necessary to research the housing problems of migrants in some depth - this has not been done in this legislation or in other legislation by this Commonwealth Government - with a view to formulating mechanisms whereby assistance can be provided for them. [More…]
The Melbourne poverty survey found that high repayments for housing was an extremely important factor in precipitating migrants into poverty. [More…]
A further important factor in migrant housing is that southern European migrants have made a very important contribution to the renewal of inner suburban areas, through extensive renovation of the housing stock and the shopping centres, and have also halted the population decline in those areas; but this has led them into assuming considerable financial burdens. [More…]
1 ask: Why is the Commonwealth housing authority, in co-operation with the States, not used to purchase already existing terrace housing in inner suburban areas, particularly the inner suburban areas of Sydney and Melbourne, for renovation and letting, leasing or sale to immigrants or other people? [More…]
He referred to low income earners, pensioners, migrants, Aborigines, deserted wives and similarly disadvantaged people. [More…]
In the first part of his amendment he proposes that the Commonwealth Government provide the States with adequate funds to enable them to meet the special housing needs of low income earners, pensioners, migrants, Aborigines and deserted wives and similarly disadvantaged people. [More…]
meet the special housing needs of (a) low income earners, (b) pensioners, (c) migrants, (d) Aborigines and (e) deserted wives and similarly disadvantaged people and [More…]
Western Australia, for instance, needs more finance to provide adequately for the housing needs of those on lower incomes, for those on pensions, for migrants and for others, as is proposed in the amendment. [More…]
Some employer organisations had been very active recruiting bricklayers and 720 assisted migrants were brought here in the years 1966 to 1970 inclusive. [More…]
The number of migrants entering the State of Western Australia is high in proportion to the population and this places an added burden on the State. [More…]
I commend to the House the amendment which has been moved by the honourable member for Reid which advocates special consideration for the housing needs of pensioners, migrants, Aborigines, deserted wives and similarly disadvantaged people. [More…]
In his amendment, the honourable member for Reid has made special mention of lower income earners, pensioners, migrants, Aborigines, deserted wives and similar disadvantaged people. [More…]
Where is the concern of the Government shown for the low income earners, the pensioners, the migrants, the Aborigines, the deserted wives and the similarly disadvantaged people? [More…]
With respect to migrants, honourable members will see that already they have a scheme which is available and which actively varies according to the level of migrant intake. [More…]
percentage of migrants from Britain who in each of the last 5 years have permanently returned to Britain had received assisted passages after (i) direct application in Britain or (ii) nomination from Australia. [More…]
This year in the September quarter the figure will be 36,000, despite the fact that 300,000 migrants have come into the country and there have been 212,000 marriages in the meantime. [More…]
Applicants for assisted passages are requiredto meet even more exacting criteria, including higher physical and medical standards, but generally the consequences are that migrants on arrival are free of disabilities which would make them unemployable or lead to such deterioration of health as would require prolonged institutional care or medical attention. [More…]
Normally therefore there are no special medical checks required or imposed on migrants after arrival in Australia. [More…]
Migrants who have tuberculosis which is healed or has been effectively treated are an exception to the statement above. [More…]
The State Directors also are sent the relevant medical reports and X-rays’ of such migrants who are kept under surveillance for a period determined by the Directors. [More…]
In addition to these measures, under State legislation all migrants are required to undergo chest X-ray within one month of arrival in Australia unless this condition is waived by the State Director of Tuberculosis. [More…]
I speak of migrants. [More…]
Surely we do not need migrants so badly that wc have to deceive them. [More…]
For instance, the number of rejections of applications by people who have relatives in overseas countries and who wish to nominate these people as migrants are very high. [More…]
On behalf of my constituents who are so concerned about the matter 1 have raised, I ask the Minister and the Government to take steps to ensure that all migrants permitted to come here have housing security and employment security and do not displace Australian workers or add to the employment difficulties of people already citizens of Australia. [More…]
Is he aware that there had been a 6.6 per cent decrease in the number of commencements of the houses and flats in the September quarter compared with the corresponding quarter in1 969 - 2 years ago - and that since that time 350,000 migrants have come to Australia and there have been over 220,000 marriages in Australia? [More…]
Will the Prime Minister direct the Reserve Bank of Australia to reduce the interest rates applying in the home building sector in order to stimulate that sector of the industry and to assist young people and migrants to acquire homes? [More…]
I claim to have been misrepresented by an article published in the ‘Daily News’ of 2nd December headed MP: Too Many Pauper Migrants’. [More…]
The report is so abbreviated from the Hansard that it gives the impression that I was criticising the actual migrants themselves when in fact the Hansard shows I was requesting an inquiry into the matter of hardship, housing and employment security and an assurance on these matters to be given to migrants. [More…]
I was referring to comments 1 had previously made in my speech to wrong information given to intending and actual migrants by official Australian sources. [More…]
In no way did my speech reflect on the actual migrants, who have my complete sympathy and support. [More…]
Health Insurance: Information for Migrants (Question No. [More…]
By what means do representatives of (a) Commonwealth and (b) medical benefits organisations ensure that migrants arriving by . [More…]
and (2) Information concerning health benefits, including specific information on the Subsidised Health Benefits Plan, is included in a booklet printed in 20 languages which is provided by the Department of Immigration to migrants before embarkation for Australia. [More…]
The major health benefits organisations in all States have co-operated in producing information brochures especially for migrants. [More…]
They are distributed overseas through airline and shipping companies concerned with the carriage of migrants, and through travel agents and Australian banks. [More…]
Several of the major health benefit organisations have migrant advisory officers who visit Commonwealth hostels and, on request, provide migrants with information concerning the health benefits system. [More…]
However, as indicated in the reply to question (1), action has been, and continues to be, taken with a view to ensuring that information concerning the Plan is readily available to migrants in foreign languages. [More…]
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Health, upon notice: (.1) On what date did the subsidised health insurance scheme for low income earners, migrants, etc., come into effect. [More…]
Is it also a fact that many migrants in Australia are deterred from becoming naturalised because dual nationality is not permitted. [More…]
However it is known that migrants from some countries retain their original nationality, upon becoming Australian citizens. [More…]
These include migrants from Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Roumania, Switzerland, Turkey, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia. [More…]
The Special Assitance Programme was introduced to provide unilateral passage-cost assistance to desirable migrants of European descent who could not be assisted under other migration agreements or arrangements. [More…]
In practice the great majority of migrants travelling under the Special Passage Assistance Programme come from the countries of western Europe and the Americas. [More…]
From which countries did migrants come in 1970-71 and what were the numbers in each case. [More…]
How many of these (a) doctors and (b) other ancillary medical staff were fluent in the language of the prospective migrants at the time of screening, [More…]
From what countries and In what numbers have (a) national migrants and (b) refugees come to Australia under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration in each of the last 5 years. [More…]
What (a) number and (b) percentage of such (i) migrants from the United Kingdom, (ii) Irish citizens and (iii) citizens of each country listed in section 7 of the Citizenship Act as have resided in Australia for the necessary period have acquired Australian citizenship by notification. [More…]
If so, is one of the effects of these regula tions and the Banking Act 1959, that certain migrants or foreign visitors of this country, other than from the sterling ‘area, could not instruct a solicitor to act for them without the’ authority of the Reserve Bank. [More…]
asked the Prime Minister, upon notice: (.1) Did he receive recently a telegram from the Federation of Netherlands Societies Limited indicating that the inadequacy of Australian social services is causing unrest among migrants and is one of the main reasons why so many migrants return to the country of their birth. [More…]
Those who qualify for special benefits, and will receive the increased rate as soon as this Bill is passed, include some women caring for invalid parents or near relatives, some migrants not residentially qualified for normal pensions, and certain unmarried mothers. [More…]
Many people, especially migrants, went into the area with rosy hopes for the future. [More…]
Unfortunately, for certain reasons many of those unemployed, particularly migrants, were unaware that they had to register to receive unemployment benefit and consequently missed out until they had registered. [More…]
This category includes some women caring for invalid parents or other relatives, some migrants not residentially qualified for normal pensions and certain unmarried mothers. [More…]
all countries from which migrants come to Australia had their applications for migration rejected in 1960, 1965 and 1970. [More…]
How many (a) migrants and (b) defence personnel were carried on (i) scheduled services and (ii) charter flights by Qantas in 1969-70 and 1970-71. [More…]
Is Australia’s attitude to prospective migrants from non-white nations much more generous than that now prevailing in the nations mentioned. [More…]
Have many of these migrants who came to Australia to stay, returned to their countries of origin as a result of the Australia’s denial of pensions reciprocity. [More…]
The unfortunate thing is that the consumer durable industries in South Australia are those which employ a large number of migrants. [More…]
Migrants come here and obtain jobs in the factories of General MotorsHolden’s, Chryslers and others. [More…]
We were misguided enough to say that we would make cheeses of the type that are imported but we have run into the impenetrable barrier of the traditional suppliers, the importers of the cheese that migrants to this country want. [More…]
If that decline continues, by November of this year the employment position will have reached a static condition and every one of the 203,000 school leavers and the 77,000 migrants who seek to enter the work force after that time will not add to the work force but aggravate the unemployment situation. [More…]
The drop in the numbers of skilled tradesmen migrating to Australia is largely due to the increased competition for skilled migrants abroad. [More…]
I am told that about 60 per cent of those women are migrants. [More…]
We will not develop into a country which can encourage the ‘employment opportunities that we are holding out to the migrants we are asking to come to Australia. [More…]
Our growth has been associated in great part with an enormous intake of migrants. [More…]
Migrants have been induced to come to Australia at all costs. [More…]
The freedom enjoyed under it is undoubtedly the chief factor in attracting migrants to our shores. [More…]
They are areas to which a great number of migrants to Australia have settled. [More…]
If so, could his Department supply a similar break-down of figures including migrants as a statistical group. [More…]
Has he been informed that the policy of the Victorian Government specifically prevents such specially trained and qualified secondary teachers from teaching English to migrants in secondary schools? [More…]
Has he been informed that the reason given for this policy is that such teachers are more urgently needed to teach other subjects to secondary pupils as a whole and that these staff are not to be used for teaching English to migrants until the State’s overall shortage of secondary teachers is overcome? [More…]
This Government has trebled the number of coloured migrants coming into this country in the last 5 years. [More…]
That the proposed visit to Australia of the Red Army Choir is an affront to migrants from Warsaw Pact countries. [More…]
1 dare say, however, that the debate will largely turn on the benefits to those who have come to Australia - migrants. [More…]
I pass to the position of migrants. [More…]
This is not a novel concept to our migrants. [More…]
Australia should come into line with those countries from which we draw most of our migrants. [More…]
I discussed the reciprocity of social services in most of the countries from which Australia has attracted migrants since the war. [More…]
The consequence of the Government’s neglect in this matter has been that we are getting fewer migrants every year from our traditional sources and we are losing more migrants whom we originally had. [More…]
I will give now the fall in the number of migrants from the countries from which we have received a significant number of migrants since the last World War. [More…]
The number of migrants from Lebanon has fallen from 5,669 in the peak year to 4,005 last year; Cyprus from 1,718 to 1,054; Greece from 17,554 to 9,759; Italy from 31,841 to 7,473; Malta from 10,303 to 1,262; and Germany from 63,982 to 4,872. [More…]
Last year the number of migrants from Britain and Ireland dropped by onethird. [More…]
There was also a drop in the number of migrants from Yugoslavia for the first time since migrants were first encouraged from that country, either directly through our migration office there or under the guise of refugees through the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration from Vienna. [More…]
Each year 30,000 migrants now leave Australia. [More…]
Last year 17,000 former migrants returned to Britain and Ireland; most of them had come to Australia on assisted passages. [More…]
Over 1,000 former migrants returned to each of Germany, the Netherlands and the United States. [More…]
Onethird of one million migrants who could have been naturalised have not been naturalised. [More…]
Before the suspension of the sitting I had been describing the degree to which Australia was failing to attract migrants and was failing to retain them. [More…]
Members of the Australian Labor Party are particularly aware of the deficiencies of our welfare services as they affect migrants because most migrants live in electorates represented by members of the Australian Labor Party in this House. [More…]
I had previously pointed out how belated and dilatory was the Government’s approach to this question of social services not only for migrants but also for Australian bom men and women who choose to live overseas and who thereupon lose the social benefits which they had earned by working and, therefore inevitably, by paying taxes in Australia. [More…]
The Labor Party’s campaign to reduce the qualifying period from 20 to 10 years for age pensions succeeded in making Mr Menzies, as he still was, say in the 1961 election campaign that it was unreasonable that elderly migrants who had worked and paid taxes in Australia for lengthy periods should not qualify for age pensions. [More…]
The number of migrants who will be encouraged to come to Australia and to remain in Australia will be minute in terms of this Bill. [More…]
It should be a matter of pride to Australia that so many migrants have come to Australia. [More…]
The second principle should be to endeavour to preserve the rights of migrants to Australia who are not enjoying in Australia the full rights that they would have acquired in those other countries. [More…]
If we are going to give portability of Australian pensions overseas we should be negotiating a quid pro quo in the interests of Australian citizens who were migrants from those other countries. [More…]
The second is that we should preserve in Australia the rights of migrants who have come with pension rights, which they might otherwise lose, from their own country overseas. [More…]
We must look after the migrants. [More…]
Most of the migrants who would want to go abroad after they had qualified for an Australian pension are in point of fact not Australian citizens. [More…]
The groups of elderly migrants who would want to go abroad are predominantly those who have not applied for Australian citizenship and therefore this Bill will not help those who are really most in need of this kind of help. [More…]
In other words, it dumps some proportion of the migrants. [More…]
In the United States only about 0.8 per cent of all the benefits for retired migrants are paid overseas. [More…]
The migrants of Australia, especially the 100,000-strong Maltese community, will be watching your government on this just and reasonable request. [More…]
I represent the largest concentration of migrants in any inland area in the Commonwealth of Australia and I had hoped to make a contribution in the course of the debate which was initiated this afternoon by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam). [More…]
migrants. [More…]
I (4) In the case of migrants lt is necessary to take into consideration that the total figures for migrant settlers do not represent the number of persons entitled to be enrolled in the Subsidised Health Benefits Flan because in the case of families, enrolment by the head of the family provides Subsidised Health Benefits entitlements for the whole of the family. [More…]
The numbers of single persons and of family groups of particular sizes are available for assisted migrants but in the case of unassisted migrants the figures used in this answer represent an estimate recently made by the Department of Immigration. [More…]
It is well known that if a Labor government is elected to power there will be a redistribution based on a one vote one value principle, not on the basis of those enrolled but on a basis which includes children and migrants not yet enrolled. [More…]
lt is not possible to isolate the number of assisted migrants fu statistics of settler departures currently prepared by the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. [More…]
The newspaper report to which the honourable member has referred was concerned with the experiences of Turkish migrants and in particular with the health of Turkish children who had come to Australia in the very early stages of the operation of the scheme. [More…]
Since then steps have been taken to ensure that all migrants travelling to Australia under the migration arrangements we have with the Turkish Government are medically screened by Australian doctors and that particular attention is paid to the health of children. [More…]
In addition, a pre-embarkation orientation course for assisted migrants has been commenced. [More…]
These migrants also acknowledge that they understand the implications of migration and these are carefully explained to them by additional counselling staff who have been appointed. [More…]
The high abandonment rate and other research information showed that the programme was failing to meet the needs of all migrants. [More…]
The need for the review was referred to in the Government’s announcement of new initiatives in migrant education in April 1970 which foreshadowed also a transfer in emphasis to more accelerated and specialised forms of instruction which would be better suited to the needs of individual groups of migrants. [More…]
The evening continuation class programme will be retained as the principal source of instruction for those migrants whose needs are best met by the long-term form of instruction. [More…]
Although the overall number of classes has been reduced, tha rearranged grouping of classes should ensure that the greater majority of migrants will still be w,thin easy access of a class. [More…]
The interest being displayed by employers and employees in the current polit courses for migrants in industry indicates that there will bc an increasing demand for this special course. [More…]
Special classes are being provided where necessary to meet the needs of migrant women and other special groups of migrants. [More…]
We give migrants special opportunities to learn the English language. [More…]
What was the number of (a) families and (b) people for which it was expected to provide cover under the heading of (i) each category of low income grouping, (ii) unemployment sickness beneficiaries and (iii) migrants. [More…]
Newly Arrived Migrants - 30,000. [More…]
Experience has shown that, in 1970/71, 82,000 unemployment, sickness and special beneficiaries, about 11,000 low income families, and 28,000 newly arrived migrants became members of health insurance funds under the subsidy arrangements. [More…]
Assistance given upon arrival to facilitate the settling in of migrants; [More…]
This Parliament brings in the migrants. [More…]
One of the defects - by no means the only defect - of the Bill on this subject recently presented to the House by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) - if I may say so, with respect, an incompetent Bill which scarcely reflects the legal talents which one would have expected my honourable and learned friend to have displayed - was that it was entirely confined to ‘Australian citizens’, and thus constituted a slap in the face for some of the most hard-working and worthy of our migrants. [More…]
Second, we wanted to ensure in negotiation the greatest possible reciprocal benefits for migrants from other countries who live in Australia. [More…]
We are all Australian taxpayers if we are permanently resident here, whether we are Australian born, or whether we came originally from overseas; and all of us, including migrants, have an interest in seeing that the Australian Treasury is not thus pillaged. [More…]
Indeed, this is the principle which migrants themselves have endorsed in their journals: They say, very rightly, that those who have earned their pension by their contribution to the Australian scene should, by virtue of that contribution, have the right to take their pension home, lt is for this reason that, with the exceptions for invalids and widows, we have prescribed a qualifying period of 20 years - which is more generous, for example, than what is done in Canada, where the qualifying period is 25 years for portability of the old age security pension. [More…]
I would hope and expect that well before the commencement of the next sittings, negotiations will be concluded with a large number of these countries, including those which are most important from the viewpoint of our migrants. [More…]
The Bill before the House, while not confined to migrants, is the latest of a series of measures introduced by this Government to assist migrants who have need of Australian social security in their widowhood, ill health or old age. [More…]
Finally, let me reiterate that the new provisions apply equally to all migrants, whether naturalised or not, as well as to all Australians whether or not they are migrants. [More…]
This is a Bill which can benefit both natural-born Australians, and the migrants who have come here to settle. [More…]
I have no reason to doubt any of the figures which are placed before me in relation to the employment of migrants in the Australian community. [More…]
So far as I am aware, there are adequate provisions for migrants in the hostels in which they are received on arrival in Australia for it to be quite certain that they are well advised of the conditions which apply in the employment market. [More…]
The figures I have at present indicate that throughout the March quarter of this year the numbers of migrants in hostels awaiting initial job placement were substantially lower than the levels for the comparable period in 1971. [More…]
Between March 1971 and March 1972, of course, the number of migrants in hostels showed a decline, but I am referring basically to the question of employment. [More…]
Of the 434 migrants, 217 had been awaiting placement for less than 4 weeks.’ [More…]
However, if the honourable gentleman has a particular matter which is of concern to him, I would be more than happy to have it checked out, because I realise the Government’s heavy responsibility to ensure that migrants who are brought to this country have adequate employment opportunities available. [More…]
What research has his or any other government department undertaken into the mental health problems of migrants resident in Australia. [More…]
Procedures differ slightly from country to country but in general all intending unassisted migrants other than British Europeans, and all intending assisted migrants are required to complete an application form and a medical examination form. [More…]
The first part of the medical examination form for British assisted migrants (which is completed by the applicant) contains the following questions: [More…]
The medical examination form completed by applicants other than prospective U.K. assisted migrants includes the following questions: [More…]
For British assisted migrants - [More…]
We are also going to have a special means test for migrants who want to go overseas. [More…]
It seems to me that this organisation, Travel House of Australia Pty Ltd, in its business practices could very well be blamed for exploiting the position of many migrants in this country who, wishing to return to their homes for short term visits, have sought the cheapest means of transport and accordingly used the sort of charter arrangements which organisations like Travel House of Australia seem to be able to provide. [More…]
Travel House of Australia having got its hands on the hard earned money of people in this community - many of them migrants who want to visit their homes for quite understandable reasons, and who in my experience are moderate or low income earners and who have worked very hard to accumulate a little money with a long term saving aim of returning to their home - some of the people find that they cannot travel on the selected date because of personal reasons which are perfectly legitimate, perfectly understandable and quite unavoidable in regard to the need to cancel the trip. [More…]
Perhaps the number of migrants coming into this country who do not eat as much meat as we do is responsible for the drop in consumption. [More…]
No migrants are brought to this country on ships flying the Australian flag. [More…]
When there was the first big influx of migrants to Australia, Queensland missed out on its share. [More…]
The Citizenship Act provides for acquisition of citizenship by migrants in the following ways: [More…]
British migrants [More…]
Other migrants [More…]
89 doctors engaged in screening overseas the health of prospective migrants applied for and undertook language training during the years 1965-71 which represents 6J.5 per cent of the total number of doctors engaged for this purpose during the period. [More…]
I ask: Why did the Prime Minister feel it necessary to state his opposition to a policy which he said favoured southern European migrants - I take it that he meant migrants from Italy, Malta, Spain, Greece, France and presumably southern Switzerland and Yugoslavia - bringing out their relatives and friends? [More…]
Finally, will he reconsider his announced opposition to a priority for friends and relatives to be sponsored here and to chain migration, in the interests of the migrants themselves and of the community at large? [More…]
The savings have occurred simply because migrants are not coming to these shores as freely as was expected at the beginning of the year. [More…]
But it would not be a saving if due to a decline in the prosperity of the economy, not as many migrants arrived in Australia as the Government anticipates and therefore it would not have to spend so much on assisting those migrants. [More…]
An Australian Council for Educational Research study showed that only 26 per cent of non-English speaking 3 and 4 year olds attended pre-school centres compared with 49 per cent of other migrants and 70 per cent of Australians. [More…]
It is obvious also that certain areas carry a heavier load of migrants and have a higher need for migrant education. [More…]
All western municipalities have a higher percentage of migrant residents and non-English speaking migrants than does Melbourne as a whole. [More…]
This was more than confirmed by a 1970 Victorian Education Department survey of migrants here less than 6 years. [More…]
Crash courses for adults are ineffective and, unless such special training for non-English speaking migrants is started at pre-school level and carried right through the educational process, the efforts are ineffective. [More…]
I ask: Following the recent discussion on immigration, can the Minister assure the House that there will be no change in the Government’s policy of facilitating the reunion of families through sponsored immigration, while at the same time continuing the policy of Commonwealth sponsorship of migrants from countries from which there is no tradition of family sponsorship? [More…]
What that means, in so many words, is that if the Labor Party did what it says it will do we would get virtually no migrants from northern Europe or from North America, and that the number of migrants we would get from the United Kingdom would be cut by 60 per cent. [More…]
The Shop Steward’s Movement, the Area Committees, and other grassroots movements are a fact of life and they are not disposed of merely by referring to them as being ‘commo-led’ or as the reaction of dissatisfied British migrants. [More…]
How many times have we heard members on the Government side of this chamber defame British migrants and accuse them of being the sole cause of all industrial disputes? [More…]
Instead of being able to find jobs for all migrants, school leavers and married women wishing to re-enter the workforce, our national economy is scarcely capable of maintaining employment for those already employed. [More…]
The honourable member for Mcpherson (Mr Barnes) spoke of the interests of the community, but he failed to realise that unionists are the community - that returned soldiers, post-war school graduates and migrants are all workers, and that they are the very people about whom he complains. [More…]
At least the Bank of New South Wales thinks that is the case because when it advertises overseas for migrants to come to Austeralia it refers to the great industrial relations set-up in Australia. [More…]
To ask the Committee of the Immigration Advisory Council now undertaking an Inquiry into the Departure Movement of Migrants to differentiate between assisted and unassisted migrantsin determining the size of this movement [More…]
To continue to tailor the size and content of the immigration programme to Australia’s needs and the nation’s ability to absorb migrants. [More…]
I find myself in this critical position: Of Scottish extraction I am unencumbered by those problems that do make great issues for later migrants for this country. [More…]
Migrants from 60 countries are still coming to Australia and in the past year or so nearly 2,000 of the flower nf South American single womanhood have come to Sydney and Melbourne from Peru, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. [More…]
These single girls find when they get here that there is a big imbalance in migrant intake - they meet more migrants than they do Australians - in favour of single men from many countries. [More…]
They discovered that there is a 3 months crash course but there is a waiting period of about li years to get into it, with migrants and Colombo Plan students all trying to participate. [More…]
So the officials have to improve their communication with the prospective migrants. [More…]
He informed me that it had something to do with migrants from Peru, which is really all I knew about it. [More…]
None of the information provided to intending migrants from Peru, in a written form anyway, could possibly have provided a misleading picture of life in Australia. [More…]
This is basically the information that is given to intending migrants >n Peru or anywhere else. [More…]
I have investigated many allegations that the information given by, or the activities of, officers overseas have misled migrants, and I have found that, after investigation, very few of them are well grounded. [More…]
I am also advised that there are many South American migrants currently attending these courses. [More…]
I have talked to far too many migrants who have fled from communist countries to have any illusions about those countries being a workers’ paradise. [More…]
They do not have this right in communist countries; migrants who have come here from Iron Curtain countries will testify to this. [More…]
Another good example is the impact of one sub-system, migration, on the integrated urban system where migrants have settled. [More…]
Migrants have made great additions to the city by enrichment of cultural diversity. [More…]
It is not migrants specifically but the increase in population growth from 1 per cent to 2 per cent caused by migration which is doing the damage. [More…]
As I pointed out earlier, about 90 per cent or more of the migrants from the counties in western Europe which the Minister has designated as countries with which reciprocal agreements are now being sought have lived in Australia for less than 20 years. [More…]
According to the figures that I quoted for the first time today in the second reading debate on this Bill, the migrants who have been in Australia for more than 20 years are, in 90 per cent or 95 per cent of cases, from eastern European countries - the countries which the Minister has not approached to arrange reciprocal agreements. [More…]
The present Bill would never have been introduced but for my notice that I would be introducing a Bill on behalf of the Labor Party and but for my discussions over Christmas and last January with the governments of the main countries from which Australia draws migrants. [More…]
I have also quoted the letter which my colleague the honourable member for Grayndler had received from the United Council of Immigrants. [More…]
In this Bill he wants to make captive pensioners out of migrants from what he calls captive nations. [More…]
I shall shortly give the number of migrants from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union, which incorporates Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Ukraine. [More…]
How many Turkish migrants have been in Australia for 20 years? [More…]
The Labor Party’s campaign to reduce the qualifying period from 20 to 10 years for age pensions succeeded in making Mr Menzies, as he then was, say in the 1961 election campaign that it was unreasonable that elderly migrants who had worked and paid taxes in Australia for lengthy periods could not qualify for age pensions. [More…]
This is the huge percentage of our migrants from our principal migrant source countries who will not receive benefits under this legislation, even if reciprocal agreements are achieved with their countries, because they have not been in Australia as residents for 20 years. [More…]
These are the migrants who in general have been in Australia for more than 20 years, who would be entitled to pensions under the Labor Party’s Bill but who will not be entitled to pensions under the McMahon Government’s Bill because there is no prospect of having agreements with those countries [More…]
It will be seen by honourable members that the vast majority of the migrants from these captive nations, as the Minister describes them, have been in Australia for more than 20 years. [More…]
The significance of all this is that Australia is not attracting as many migrants as it did and it is losing more migrants than ever. [More…]
It turns out that for the first 9 months of the present financial year 103,000 migrants came to Australia. [More…]
But to our shame we are suffering a very great degree of emigration by former migrants. [More…]
The same figures show that in the first 9 months of this financial year 24,492 former migrants departed permanently. [More…]
In March this year the number of former migrants who departed permanently was 2,736 and in March last year it was 2,330. [More…]
Going through the individual countries, we see that to the major source countries - the ones that I have quoted - Australia is losing more migrants in every successive month, or in each 9-month period, or in each financial year. [More…]
The number of migrants who will be encouraged to come to and remain in Australia will be minute in terms of this Bill. [More…]
On this occasion, as on the occasion of the second reading of the Labor Party’s Bill, I have dealt principally with the rights of migrants. [More…]
It should be a matter of pride to Australia that so many migrants have come here. [More…]
It should be a matter of shame to Australia that so many migrants are now leaving. [More…]
He has not chosen to answer today the charge that he brought into this House a Bill purporting to be in the interests of migrants, which sought to confine the granting or the portability of pensions to Australian citizens, thereby excluding a large number of very good migrants to this country who have made a substantial contribution to it. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has not answered the charge made by the Minister for Social Services that he brought into the House a Bill that would have precluded this country, through the mechanism of reciprocal agreements, from doing what it could in relation to Australian born residents of this country who wanted to go and live in other countries, and in relation to new migrants to this country, to get through our negotiating position the best possible deal on the rights that those migrants accrued in their countries of origin.. [More…]
However, in this process, as I have said and as the Minister for Social Services has said, the Opposition has advocated policies which even the migrants themselves will see are against their own best long term interests. [More…]
He cannot have had much contact with the representatives of the captive nations who have come to this country if he believes that any migrants from those countries will return to them, with or without a pension, while those countries remain under their present regimes. [More…]
the fall in the number of migrants from countries from which we received a significant number of migrants since the last World War.. [More…]
He claimed on both occasions that ‘Australia is failing to attract migrants’. [More…]
He said - I repeat the phrase - that ‘Australia is failing to attract migrants’. [More…]
Yet the immigration policies of the Australian Labor Party advocate and require that the Commonwealth Government should withdraw from the search for migrants. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has also said that, under a Labor government, fewer migrants would come to Australia. [More…]
In addition, the immigration policies of the Australian Labor Party would mean significantly fewer migrants coming to Australia from such countries as Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia and Malta. [More…]
Indeed, it is because migrants from those countries realise this - and the Leader of the Opposition has woken up to the fact that they realise it - that he has begun to become concerned about the migrant vote in the coming election. [More…]
This is the reason why he has rushed in with these ill-thought proposals in relation to pensions - because the migrants know that this will be the effect of the approach of the Australian Labor Party to migration. [More…]
Yet, in the face of the proposals of the Australian Labor Party in relation to migration, the honourable gentleman has the hide to say that he is now concerned that Australia is failing to attract migrants. [More…]
To justify the assertion that Australia is failing to attract migrants, the Leader of the Opposition quoted statistics by which he sought to compare the number of migrants from various countries last year with what he described as the peak year. [More…]
The number of migrants from Lebanon has fallen from 5,669– [More…]
Similarly, the Leader of the Opposition said that the number of migrants from Germany had fallen from 63,982 to 4,872. [More…]
He also said - without quoting from any statistics - that there was also a drop in the number of migrants from Yugoslavia. [More…]
Measured against this very large settler element in our population and the fact that in the 3 years ended 30th June 1971 Australia received more than half a million migrants, the figures quoted by the Leader of the Opposition retreat into their true perspective. [More…]
He stated also that 311,952 migrants were eligible for naturalisation but had not been naturalised. [More…]
I pointed out also that the experience of the Department of Immigration gauged over 25 years of immigration was that migrants generally waited more than 8 years before deciding to apply for citizenship. [More…]
He also ignores the fact that the proportion of eligible migrants who seek naturalisation in Australia compares more than favourably with the experiences pf other migrants - receiving countries. [More…]
Furthermore, there is no evidence to support his speculations as to the reasons why a percentage of migrants hesitate to seek citizenship. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has stated also that there is hesitation in recognising migrants’ professional or trade qualifications. [More…]
Finally I want to put in its proper context the suggestion that in providing for a 20-year residential period for portable pensions the Government is denying this facility to the great majority of migrants. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition quoted figures intended to establish that the great majority of Italian, Greek, Dutch, Yugoslav and German migrants had been in Australia for less than 20 years. [More…]
The fact is that the great majority of migrants to whom the Leader of the Opposition refers are some 30 to 35 years too young to receive an Australian age pension, either here or in their homelands. [More…]
But let me say to him at the outset that migrants in Australia are not offended with the role of the Australian Labor Party or of the Opposition in this Parliament in the migration programme because they recognise that there probably would never have been an immigration programme had it not been initiated by this Party. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) has given information about the departure of migrants which must present itself as a very worrying problem to every honourable member. [More…]
When something like 22,000 migrants who came to Australia under assisted passages have returned home within 2 years, there are good reasons why we should look around for the causes. [More…]
It seems to me that it would be inappropriate for the simple reason that the Government wanted to engage in a window dressing process in this period preceding the election campaign to give the migrants around Australia and those Australians who may be considering living abroad the idea that the Government at last was doing something positive about this question. [More…]
3) which does not offer anything tangible at all but which obviously is designed to mislead the migrants in particular and those Australians who may choose to live overseas in their retirement. [More…]
Clearly the net result will be that some migrants may come to enjoy the right of portability to the country to which they want to go while others, whose countries do not co-operate, will be denied it. [More…]
But the fact is that migrants who leave Australia, who have earned their pensions here, cannot have social security under the present arrangements. [More…]
My colleague, the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam), has referred to the contentions made by the United Council of Immigrants. [More…]
We want to do all that we can for those migrants who come to Australia but who decide that they want to leave, at the same time not being unfair to the basic Australian taxpayer. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition attempted to show by citing figures that because the bulk of migrants from other countries has arrived in Australia only in the last 20 years, therefore they would miss out under the Government’s proposal. [More…]
The whole question is: What are the ages of the migrants upon their arrival in Australia? [More…]
Whatever measure we use, the ages of migrants on arrival in Australia make it quite clear that the overwhelming majority of all settlers in Australia, permanent or long term arrivals, involve people who are under the age of 45 years which would therefore place them in a position to take out the full benefits of the age provision. [More…]
The second consideration of which the Government was mindful, according to the Minister, was the need to ensure in negotiation that migrants from other countries received the greatest possible reciprocal benefits from their countries. [More…]
To have such a cavalier attitude towards the rights of those who have earned their Australian pensions and have received less than justice all their lives is surely the mark of one who has scant regard for the welfare of migrants or pensioners. [More…]
Let us be sure and understand that it is migrants and pensioners about whom we are talking when we discuss this Bill. [More…]
Hundreds of thousands of migrants who have made Australia their homeland since the Second World War will welcome this Government legislation. [More…]
Many of these migrants have settled in the Murray electorate. [More…]
In Australia as a whole, many primary and secondary industries would not have been able to achieve the degree of excellence they have achieved without the contribution of migrants. [More…]
I have spoken to a number of migrants about this legislation. [More…]
One is that through the passage of this legislation and the reciprocal arrangements that will be made with other countries these migrants in Australia will be provided with a better feeling of equality and status in this country because their own homeland will have negotiated, on an equal footing, a reciprocal agreement with Australia. [More…]
Secondly it will provide encouragement to these migrants to become more involved in our community because they will feel more a part of it. [More…]
Any cost would be more than compensated by the fact that migrants have earned this right after having earned their livelihood in Australia. [More…]
It will be available to migrants who may not wish to return to their country of origin but who may wish to go to some other country with which we have a reciprocal agreement. [More…]
I believe that it is important both to our country and to the migrants concerned thai reciprocal agreements be reached with their countries because only by reciprocity can this Government obtain the best deal for the migrants who would wish to move to another country. [More…]
So, on the Leader of the Opposition’s own figures, one-third of all migrants who come to Australia would be deprived of their rights of the Labor Party’s Bill which requires citizenship were passed. [More…]
The vast majority of migrants would require at least 20 years after the time they came to Australia before they could qualify, not because of a residential qualification but simply because they have not reached old age. [More…]
The legislation will provide migrants with a more equitable basis of portability than the alternative offered by the Labor Party would provide - if anybody can sort out which of the 2 approaches provided by the Labor Party in the last 3 months in this place is the one that it really means. [More…]
This boils down to suggesting that 20 years is appropriate here because we would then be more generous than Canada, or that a 10~year residential requirement would not be enough to deter migrants who were interested in coming to Australia for no other reason than to qualify for the age pension. [More…]
we wanted to ensure in negotiation the greatest possible reciprocal benefits for migrants from other countries who live in Australia. [More…]
It is already clear from representations made in my own electorate that this is a matter of very great concern to many migrants from other than our major migration sources, and 1. ask the Minister to indicate what action is being taken or is intended to be taken on their behalf. [More…]
Most of these migrants have come to Australia to seek a new life for their children, as they know that better opportunities exist in Australia, and even though they do not take out Australian citizenship, their children most certainly are Australians, as many have been born here. [More…]
There are other reasons why migrants do not take out Australian citizenship. [More…]
Under the Bill introduced by the Minister for Social Services every effort will be made to secure the greatest possible reciprocal payment for migrants from other countries who choose to live in Australia. [More…]
In some instances it is possible for migrants from other countries to bring their pensions or portion of their pensions with them. [More…]
Whilst on the subject I think it is a great pity more is not done to make our new settlers welcome, particularly the non English-speaking migrants. [More…]
In the postwar period 2.9 million migrants have come to Australia to seek a new way of life and if it were not for the great work force they provide, we would have less of all those things we consider today to be so essential to our way of life. [More…]
If this were the case perhaps the approximate number of 20,000 migrants, which was referred to this afternoon, would not be returning to their countries of birth. [More…]
Whilst on the subject of portability I want to mention one or two anomalies that apply to elderly migrants who come to Australia from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. [More…]
As the Channel Islands have no reciprocal agreement with Britain it means that migrants from these islands do not qualify for Australian pensions on arrival. [More…]
I know there are other elderly migrants who come to Australia to live with a son or daughter, and who do not qualify for an Australian pension until they have resided here for 10 years, lt is quite obvious that anyone over 80 years of age does not come to Australia just, to receive an Australian pension and then return to his or her country of birth. [More…]
I would therefore like the Minister to take this matter up with his colleague, the Minister for Immigration (Dr Forbes) and give consideration to amending the Act with a view to paying the Australian pension to all migrants over 80 years of age, after serving a qualifying period of 6 months, as applies to residents from the United Kingdom and New Zealand. [More…]
Finally, I repeat that the Bill before the House is not confined to migrants only - I have not heard this mentioned this afternoon - as Australian born citizens also will bc able to draw their pensions whilst living overseas. [More…]
As previously mentioned, the new pensions will apply to all migrants, whether naturalised or not. [More…]
Whilst this Bill is a definite improvement to some extent, it is nevertheless a sleight of hand as it cannot really be effective unless reciprocal arrangements are made between Australia and the countries of origin of the various migrants. [More…]
It is hard to understand, therefore, why this is insisted upon because although this legislation may be introduced and become law, it still will not at this point of time give anything to migrants who wish to return to their homelands. [More…]
After migrants have been here for 10 years they receive their pensions and if they were made available to them under the portability arrangements it still would not cost the Government any more. [More…]
save the Government money by way of pension payments, so surely it would have been a reasonable proposition at this point of time to give to migrants who return to their homeland the same facilities as they receive here in Australia and the facilities which are offered in their homeland. [More…]
The first of these is that the benefits should be available to all migrants and persons who fulfil the other prerequisites of the legislation and who come from countries with whom reciprocal arrangements have been concluded. [More…]
The act of renouncing citizenship of the country of one’s birth is a serious and often traumatic experience and I fully understand the reluctance of many migrants to do so. [More…]
We are all hopeful that migrants will eventually want to become naturalised citizens and participate fully in our community, but if they for their own good reasons do not wish to relinquish their original citizenship we should not seek to discriminate against them. [More…]
The second guiding principle is to ensure that migrants do not lose out on any existing benefits through any unilateral action of the Australian Government. [More…]
They invite us once again to become party to the abandonment of the interests of many immigrants. [More…]
I think this indicates quite clearly that the level of social services in Australia is high by comparison with the levels that apply in countries from which we get our migrants. [More…]
As such, our social services may, in fact, be one of the things that will serve to attract migrants to Australia. [More…]
Similarly, I might mention also that any migrants who return home with their Australian pension at the latter part of their lives, living in some comfort on those payments, will in turn be very great ambassadors for Australia among their fellow countrymen. [More…]
Honourable members on this side of the House see Australia’s migrants as people with special interests that deserve our protection. [More…]
This results from the fact that the Government treats migrants as individuals deserving to be treated as such whereas the Opposition sees them merely in terms of votes to be used for its own political advantage. [More…]
What other explanation is there for the way in which the interests of the migrants have been so shamefully relegated to oblivion by the Australian Labor Party? [More…]
In conclusion, I want to state once again that this Bill represents a remarkable advance in terms both of our national social welfare system and in the special regard which we pay to the interests of our migrants. [More…]
If they had done that they would have revealed the old attitude which they adopt to migrants. [More…]
The Government has been less than just to many of the migrants who have come here since the war. [More…]
After all, this nation needed migrants, lt wanted them to come, it encouraged them to come, and it has reaped the benefit of the labour of 2.5 million new people. [More…]
Tens of thousands of migrants went into deep debt to bring even their wives and children to join them. [More…]
They paid 20 per cent and 30 per cent interest on loans to bring their families with them, while some favoured categories of migrants could hop on a plane and come here with ease and maximum help. [More…]
We have drawn migrants from 50 countries, and there is a great range of discrimination practised between all of them. [More…]
submit that the Government has not kept pace with the good will and unifying influence of the Australian people generally who have held out a helping hand and a welcoming hand to migrants. [More…]
The principle has been established for 2 categories of migrants. [More…]
There is a second category of migrants - the migrants from the United Kingdom and New Zealand who can return to their home towns with a pension. [More…]
Then there is a third category - the migrants from all other countries with whom reciprocity agreements have been concluded. [More…]
Ff one of these migrants is 55 years old when he arrives in Australia, it means that at 75 years of age he will be able to take his pension and go to his home town in his country of origin. [More…]
The fourth category include migrants who come from a country which probably no longer exists or which, for one reason or another wish to sign a treaty of reciprocity. [More…]
1 want to say also that in contrast to this measure, other measures that have been enacted by other countries which are actively seeking migrants have been so much more generous. [More…]
Earlier today the Leader of the Opposition made a great deal of fuss about our migration policies and the state of the economy in this country being such that we were no longer attracting migrants. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has been reported as saying that under Labor ‘fewer migrants will come to Australia’. [More…]
But now because it is opportune to do so he has cited what the Government has set out purposely to do as an example of why this country is no longer attracting migrants. [More…]
I could say much more, because I have many thousands of migrants, including naturalised migrants, in my electorate, but because it is intended to pass this Bill before dinner I will now allow the Minister to conclude the debate. [More…]
added to the confusion which migrants face in obtaining unemployment benefit and, [More…]
There is no evidence known to my Department that migrants are confused regarding applications for unemployment benefit. [More…]
Electoral: British Migrants from Malta (Question No. [More…]
This country cannot continue to bring in migrants as it has been doing. [More…]
the number of migrants of non-European origin admitted to Australia for permanent residence in each of the last 5 years ended 31st December 1971; and [More…]
(a) and (b) Approximately 1,600 adult migrants are currently attending part-time accelerated courses held in morning, afternoon and evening sessions. [More…]
Also to be taken into account iiI C 203,800 school leavers who have to be found jobs this year, 77,000 migrants who have to be found jobs - these are official figures that I am citing - plus an unknown number, estimated to be 30,000, of rna.ried women wanting to re-enter the workforce after having reared their children to an age which makes it possible for them to do so. [More…]
In order to have an economy that is healthy enough and is expanding at a rate that is rapid enough to absorb all those school leavers, married women and migrants who want work, we ought to be able to maintain an expansion of roughly 4 per cent. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a statement by Dr W. Lopez of the New South Wales Health Department that two-thirds of the cases of typhoid fever occurring in Australia was among migrants and that until recently the disease was almost unknown among Australians. [More…]
Will the Minister state how many cases of typhoid occurred in Australia in each of the last 5 years and how many of those affected were (a) migrants and (b) residents of Australia. [More…]
Will the Minister also state what precautions are taken to prevent the introduction of this disease into Australia by visitors and migrants. [More…]
A dissection of cases which occurred in migrants and non-migrants, respectively, is not available. [More…]
ls he able to say whether migrants settled in the United States of America, Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany are entitled to income tax concessions every year, if they support one or more members of their family in the country of origin. [More…]
If there is a concession in those countries, does a similar concession apply to migrants settled in Australia; if not, why not. [More…]
Education of Migrants and Aborigines [More…]
For example, the Government is concerned that migrants coming to this country should receive assistance in learning English, to help in their adjustment to their new environment, and increased amounts are being provided in this financial year for this purpose. [More…]
For the special education of adult migrants within Australia $4.2m is included for 1972-73 compared with $3m in the 1971-72 financial year. [More…]
We believe that this is in the interests not only of the Australian community but also of migrants coming to Australia for settlement. [More…]
Another group that badly needs provision and which cannot afford it consists of migrants during their early period in this country. [More…]
By comparison, 49 per cent of children of English speaking migrants and 70 per cent of Australian children had enjoyed some pre-school experience. [More…]
This was the time to start looking after the true welfare of the migrants already here - the people who suffer most from unemployment, most from the pressure in the state and parish schools, most from exorbitant land and housing costs, most from the decline of the quality of our cities. [More…]
This was the time to stop the loss of 34,000 migrants a year by changing the emphasis from recruiting to retaining migrants. [More…]
Our economic development and growth as a nation for 25 years has owed very much to our success in attracting migrants. [More…]
By contrast the proportion of overseas migrants settling in the State over the same period grew from 7.78 per cent in 1965 - that is, roughly proportionate to the existing population - to 12.69 per cent in 1971, which is over 50 per cent above a proportional intake. [More…]
In the peak year of 1968 Western Australia actually received almost double the number of migrants who settled in other States on a proportionate basis. [More…]
We have not been able to provide services to keep pace with the surging flow of migrants, let alone the increasingly sophisticated requirements of our progressive and developing society. [More…]
The migrants have not the education they need to compete in the mad rat race which modern technology represents. [More…]
I believe that at this stage it is reckless for the Government to embark on a programme of bringing 140,000 migrants here this year. [More…]
My electorate contains a big percentage of semi-skilled and unskilled workers, of migrants and pensioners. [More…]
This unemployment situation has had particular effect on the industries which in the past have employed mainly migrants, people who were promised a future and security in this country. [More…]
They are further confused by the continuing practice of the Commonwealth to allow the migration of people who are not related to previous migrants. [More…]
It is no wonder that the workers in those industries, who are in a large proportion migrants, revolted causing further problems. [More…]
Both Mr Dunstan, Premier of South Australia, and Mr Tonkin, Premier of Western Australia, have made statements indicating that their State governments would be prepared to receive migrants from overseas who might not be able to meet the standards for migrants laid down by the Commonwealth. [More…]
What the Jews were in Hitler’s Germany, the Trotskyites in Stalin’s Russia, and the Asians are in Amin’s Uganda, the migrants are in Australia. [More…]
In that area can be found people who are unemployed, people who are bereaved, people who are injured, and migrants, and they are the people who are socially deprived in Australia. [More…]
It is time that the migrants realised that it was this Government that - reduced from 20 to 10 years the residential qualifying period necessary for them to receive age pensions. [More…]
It is time that migrants realised that it is this Government which introduced portability of pension rights which will enable them to take their pensions with them when they leave the country after they have qualified by residence and after other countries have passed reciprocal legislation. [More…]
Of course, a number of these people who cannot find decent employment are migrants and they have no hope of repatriation to their homelands, if they should desire to return home. [More…]
But we can legislate to protect our most valuable migrants - the children of Australian citizens. [More…]
No emergency grants are provided to relieve unemployment or to repatriate migrants affected by unemploy ment. [More…]
It foreshadows the arrival of 140,000 migrants who will only add to the employment queues and to the cost to the Australian taxpayer of social services, and who will offer further competition to our already record and increasing level of unemployment. [More…]
Of the 132,000 migrants who came to Australia in 1971-72, 11 per cent are registered as unemployed. [More…]
The building unions in Western Australia have written to overseas countries requesting that no further migrants come to Australia until the situation changes. [More…]
More importantly, it must take a direct interest in the welfare of migrants who have been brought to this country by private project development firms which have nominated migrants and made promises which cannot be kept. [More…]
I do not believe that any firm which nominates people, has them accommodated in its flats at the going high rentals and then sends commission salesmen to sell the migrants the company’s project homes or first and second mortgages and in some cases, offers personal loans at interest rates of up to 14 per cent, should be allowed to continue to operated unchecked. [More…]
Will the Minister make repatriation more readily available to those migrants who are unemployed and who wish to return to their home countries, including New Zealand? [More…]
I have received advice about the number of migrants in migrant hostels and the periods for which they have waited in the hostels before obtaining employment. [More…]
Unfortunately, we also find that it is in these industries where the greatest number of migrants are employed and when there is unemployment in these industries and a slackening off in employment opportunities, it is the migrants who are the first hit. [More…]
I was pleased to note that the Government planned to keep the immigration quota at 140,000 migrants for the coming year. [More…]
The third point I make is that inherent in the question of the Leader of the Opposition is his belief that the migrants of Austraia have not been able to make the contribution to the development of Australia which we, as a government, claim they have made. [More…]
I am quite sure that the standard of living we enjoy in Australia today would be nowhere near the level it is had it not been for the flow of migrants into Australia in the past. [More…]
The fourth point I make is that the Government believes in a big Australia and a developing, growing Australia and we acknowledge the contribution that migrants can make to it. [More…]
Can the Minister for Immigration give an assurance that security and screening processes will be applied to prospective migrants from Arab countries to ensure that Australia is kept free from the activities of Arab terrorists? [More…]
The basis of the allegation was that in February material had been published about the incidence of unemployment among migrants but that that material had not been published in May. [More…]
The facts are that there had been such a decline in unemployment among migrants between February and May that the Commonwealth Statistician decided that the sample was too small for it to be relied upon as a statistical device. [More…]
With regard to migrants, it is necessary to take into consideration that the total figures for migrant settlers do not represent the number of persons entitled to be enrolled in the Subsidised Health Benefits Plan because, in the case of families, enrolment by the head of the family provides Subsidised Health Benefits entitlements for the whole of the family. [More…]
The numbers of single persons and of family groups of particular sizes are available for assisted migrants but, in the case of unassisted migrants, the figures used in this answer represent an estimate made by the Department of Immigration. [More…]
No wonder our migrants are dissatisfied. [More…]
Many migrants with whom I have had a personal encounter are quick to tell me that this is why so many of them are leaving to go back to their home countries. [More…]
I think that about one-third of our migrants are returning at the moment. [More…]
The bringing of migrants into this country creates demands for increased facilities. [More…]
The Commonwealth continues to send migrants to Western Australia without consideration of the competition they provide to those already unemployed. [More…]
It happens in the world now that there is ready movement by air- craft of migrants to Australia from Northern Ireland, Cyprus, the Middle East, South America and Yugoslavia, in all of which countries and areas there is a degree of political dispute leading to violence. [More…]
On 19th February 1965 a bomb was thrown into a Yugoslav dance at West Geelong, on 19th April 1967 a bomb was thrown into the residence of some Yugoslav migrants, on 24th April 1967 a bomb was thrown into another such residence at St Kilda, on 8th November 1968 a bomb was thrown into another at South Melbourne, on 28th April 1969 a bomb was thrown into another at Mona Vale, on 15th February 1971 there was a bomb threat to a Yugoslav concert group arriving at Mascot airport, on 23rd November 1971 a bomb was thrown into the Adriatic Trade and Tourist Centre in George Street, Sydney, on 19th December 1971 a bomb was thrown into a cinema showing a Yugoslav film at Newtown, on 11th January 1972 a bomb exploded outside the Serbian Orthodox Church in Canberra, on 6th April 1972 a bomb was thrown into a residence at Carlton and on the same day a bomb was thrown into a Yugoslav exhibition in bank premises, and last Saturday there was the present outrage which has given rise to this motion. [More…]
There can be no doubt also that Ustasha flags and pictures of Ante Pavelic, including those in this capital, have caused grave offence to migrants as well as to native born Australians. [More…]
One result of the barrage of allegations and assertions which have been made has been as the Leader of the Opposition mentioned in his speech, to cast a shadow upon Yugoslav migrants which they did not deserve to have cast upon them. [More…]
Australia has welcomed its migrants from Yugoslavia. [More…]
We welcome migrants, but we wish them to leave their political hatreds behind them. [More…]
In view of the increasing unemployment revealed this week, is it a fact that migrants continuing to arrive lessen the job opportunities of those already unemployed? [More…]
Taking into account the way in which the Government adjusts its immigration policy, it is not correct that in all cases the arrival of migrants lessens the employment opportunities for Australians who are unemployed. [More…]
It is substantially agreed by economists and others that, in certain circumstances, bringing migrants to Australia actually increases the employment opportunities available for Australians. [More…]
The article, which is very brief, is headed ‘Soft-sell film to lure the migrants’ and is by David Gleeson. [More…]
New South Wales can expect a flood of starry eyed British migrants from the beginning of next year. [More…]
That is the concept of New South Wales given by a new Government-sponsored movie designed to seduce British migrants. [More…]
It is the first movie to be used by New South Wales to attract migrants. [More…]
Potential migrants arc told most families have a car, New South Wales abounds in unspoiled natural beauty, there is plenty of housing- [More…]
Potential migrants are told that there is plenty of housing and that the education system is just fine. [More…]
It would be most unfair to those people at present unemployed in Australia if migrants were to come here and compete for jobs. [More…]
With over 100,000 registered as unemployed, would migrants come here to compete with already unemployed Australians for jobs? [More…]
It is strange that the New South Wales Government has taken steps over the past few years to prosecute firms for false advertising: now we have this completely false film advertising New South Wales being shown overseas to attract migrants. [More…]
Is it any wonder that British migrants are very disturbed when, after being presented with falsehoods, they arrive in Australia only to be disillusioned because they have been conned into coming out here? [More…]
To many of the 18,000 Danish migrants in Australia, their adopted country is not a happy home. [More…]
Only a few of the migrants here - [More…]
The House will well recollect that the inquiry sponsored by the Department of Immigration into the reasons why such a growing higher proportion of migrants are returning home established the major reason as being that social security and social welfare services - covering the broad conspectus of these things - in Australia are so inferior to what are available overseas. [More…]
As the Adelaide ‘Advertiser’ of 1st lune this year stated, over recent years some 18,000 Danish migrants have come to this country. [More…]
Have our greatest years of prosperity been when Australia received an influx of migrants? [More…]
Is it a fact that the Labor Government of Western Australia, prior to the Brand Administration, refused to take migrants and that that State had the greatest incidence of unemployment? [More…]
Was the position reversed when the Brand Administration took office and welcomed migrants? [More…]
Seventy-five per cent of the students of Moreland High School are migrants. [More…]
Typically it is in the lower income groups, the lower socioeconomic groups, in areas where migrants congregate and in areas where both parents have to go to work. [More…]
As we look around at the deprived areas in Australia and the deprived schools about which We of the Labor Party talk we see that they are, typically, in the working class area - the areas with larger families, the areas where both parents go to work, the areas where there is a greater concentration of migrants, areas where there are more families dependent on welfare payments and areas where more children have to leave school at an earlier age. [More…]
Australia accepts migrants because it is believed that they will make a contribution to our society and our economy. [More…]
It would be fair to say also that migrants come to Australia because of better job opportunities for the adults and better educational and job opportunities for the children. [More…]
Finally I want to pass a few remarks on the question of the selection of migrants. [More…]
I think on both sides of the House, on the selection of migrants. [More…]
I want to go on record as saying that it is my personal belief that migrants do not contribute to unemployment. [More…]
1 do not believe we have to look any further for the reason why last year our consumer demand fell than the fact that we reduced our intake of migrants by 45,000. [More…]
Industry was geared to an annual intake of 185,000 migrants. [More…]
The records of our immigration intake over the years show that in those years in which we had the greatest number of migrants coming to Australia we had our lowest level of unemployment and we also enjoyed some of our greatest levels of prosperity. [More…]
The Labor Party has said that a Labor government would give preference in selecting migrants to the relatives of people already in Australia. [More…]
Superficially this has a very great humanitarian appeal, but surely it would affect our ability to control the intake of migrants on occupational grounds. [More…]
It is my opinion that migrants have contributed very greatly to the trades and skills which are in short supply in Australia. [More…]
That is because migrants are willing to go anywhere in Australia where employment opportunities are available. [More…]
The migrants we have brought to this country and the Australian born children of those migrants have provided 53 per cent of the increase in population from 8 million in 1950 to 12.7 million in 1971. [More…]
An examination of the percentage of migrants employed in hospitals and education authorities, particularly at the tertiary level, will reveal that they represent a much greater percentage of the population than their percentage of the total population. [More…]
It has reduced per capita social service costs because migrants have to be resident in this country for 10 years before they are entitled to receive the age pension, but they have to contribute to social services by way of taxation payments during the whole of their working lives. [More…]
As the Minister for Immigration (Dr Forbes) announced earlier this year, quite a number of new measures are proposed both for assessing migrants overseas and counselling them prior to their arrival in Australia. [More…]
I hope it will not be long before the Government again increases its intake of migrants. [More…]
Australia is a nation of immigrants. [More…]
So by rubbishing migrants and migration we are rubbishing ourselves. [More…]
It has one of the highest ratios of migrants to total citizenship anywhere in Australia. [More…]
The criteria that has applied to chain migration and family reunions in the area I happen to represent have been tougher in practically every respect than the criteria that have been applied to mass recruitment migrants. [More…]
I seem to recall that the first migrants to Australia were most carefully selected. [More…]
Basing our migration programme on chain migrants is a sound way to proceed, for this reason: Chain migration has been described as migration without tears. [More…]
This means that if we are to review migration we should review it in the light of the difficulties arising from the non-planning of the settlement of migrants. [More…]
Above all, the committee which is tackling the recognition of migrant professional and trade qualifications has not had the impact that most migrants hoped for. [More…]
The policy of the Government this year provides for an intake of 140,000 migrants. [More…]
I was pleased to hear the honourable member for Scullin mention in his short address this afternoon that we can be selective with our intake of migrants, because Australia must surely be a land of great opportunity for anyone who is prepared to apply himself to the task of establishing himself in this great country and taking advantage of the great opportunities that exist for him and his children. [More…]
We must see that migrants coming to this country are carefully screened, because there is no doubt that we desire to prevent undesirable types arriving here. [More…]
I feel that we have not screened and investigated backgrounds of many migrants entering Australia over past years. [More…]
Whilst our check up on health regulations has been first class, I feel that in the screening of migrants we have fallen down. [More…]
Of course we must attract migrants. [More…]
The growth of this country for the past 25 years has been due to our success in attracting migrants. [More…]
We must continue to bring to Australia migrants of a suitable nature to help us to expand and develop. [More…]
In these years migrants of a high standard have joined our community. [More…]
Our nation has been built by migrants and we have not yet ceased to build. [More…]
Perhaps in the future we will no longer need to build and will no longer need migrants but that situation lies in the future and has no practical significance for our time. [More…]
I would like more migrants to come into our great country areas. [More…]
Most migrants seem to live in the cities and this does not prevent troubles which are often witnessed at sporting fixtures and other community efforts. [More…]
In my electorate are quite a number of migrants. [More…]
In the countryside generally there are very few migrants. [More…]
Most migrants in their native countries were city dwellers, or if they were farmers they lived close to a city. [More…]
Australia would benefit if we could obtain more migrants suitable to help us to develop our great country towns and country areas. [More…]
We need a steady flow of migrants coming to this country. [More…]
In addition to the points that have been raised tonight on whether migrants should be allowed into this country, 1 think to some extent we must realise that some of the opposition to immigration has developed because of the popularisation of what is commonly known as zero population growth. [More…]
The Government has announced that, on the basis of likely needs and the availability of suitable settlers, 140,000 migrants will be admitted during the current financial year, 90,000 of these being assisted migrants. [More…]
It is undeniable that some migrants who have come into this country over the years have proved to be unsuitable. [More…]
The essential fact that the Australian people need to realise is that a Labor government would admit migrants from anywhere at all without discrimination and, therefore, regardless of their ability to be successfully assimilated. [More…]
I believe we must endeavour by every possible means to assist migrants after their arrival to become happy and successful settlers. [More…]
Probably in no other way than in the treatment of migrants coming into the country could it be more aptly illustrated that his Government has no genuine interest in decentralisation. [More…]
Let us take, for argument’s sake, the hostels that have been provided for migrants in Australia. [More…]
I call on the Government tonight, at this eleventh hour of its existence, to cast aside the $20 holiday in Australia which has been so openly abused by so many thousands of what I might refer to as illegitimate migrants who have come to this country, particularly during recent years. [More…]
I refer to the failure of this Government to provide decent, reasonable social serevice benefits for migrants. [More…]
expressed a strong doubt that social services in Australia could be considered as a positive factor in the attraction of migrants from Europe. [More…]
The advisory committee that was set up by the Government to inquire into aspects of its current migration policy made that very forthright condemnation of the Government in relation to social service benefits and their influence on the return of migrants from Australia once they reached the stage - to put it quite bluntly - of waking up that they had been hoodwinked into believing that they were coming to a country where a better life was available for them. [More…]
The honourable member for Bowman seems to suggest that we attract migrants by giving them handouts. [More…]
We have to clamp down on this desperate desire to bring migrants to Australia. [More…]
Is it any wonder that 30 per cent of migrants return to their home country? [More…]
Those migrants who want to go back but cannot go back suffer in poverty, and the Government knows it. [More…]
An analysis of settler arrivals for the 5 years ended June 1972 shows that 50 per cent of all the settlers who came to Australia during this time were either Commonwealth or State nominees; a further 12 per cent were unsponsored migrants, mainly free flow’ unassisted British settlers; and only 38 per cent of all those who arrived during the 5 years were privately nominated settlers. [More…]
Restriction of migration to a sponsorship scheme would have meant that almost 79,000 of the 98,847 skilled workers who came as assisted migrants during this period would have been lost to Australia. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has stated that under Labor policies: ‘A government would decide the total intake of migrants into Australia but as long as this total were not exceeded, the people who came in would be determined by people already here.’ [More…]
Effective control of immigration requires firstly, that the composition of the migrant intake in terms of sources, skills and integration prospects is suitably balanced, and secondly, that action should be taken by the Government as and when necessary to ensure that the numbers and types of migrants coming to Australia are in harmony with our needs. [More…]
The reason is that migrants who are themselves unsponsored often sponsor relatives. [More…]
For obvious reasons sponsored migrants, on arriving in Australia, wish to join their sponsors. [More…]
During the years of our massive immigration programme we were not very selective in terms of quality as long as the immigrants were white. [More…]
Of course, migrants have made a magnificent contribution to Our development, despite the frequent prejudice they suffered as they educated us old Australians to become more tolerant, to become better human beings. [More…]
He said a Labor government would not seek migrants actively and that it would not stop anyone in Australia, white or colored, vidual citizens to determine - not the Govfrom bringing in relatives as migrants. [More…]
Migrants have brought great skills to this country. [More…]
At present we are bringing in 140,000 migrants a year, 10,000 of whom are non-European. [More…]
So let us continue to encourage and assist as many people to come to Australia as we can absorb, provided we can absorb them as far as is possible into a homogeneous society, a society which is not only in the interests of Australians but also of migrants themselves. [More…]
Many of the schools were built in the 1890s and today we have a massive immigration programme with migrants nocking into these schools which have no proper facilities to cope with them. [More…]
If one takes the population into account - as I believe one should under the Constitution and as the Supreme Court of the United States insists must be done under the American Constitution, from which we have borrowed the same words - the disparity would be still greater because the numbers of electors do not include migrants who are unnaturalised and citizens who are still under 21 years of age and Aborigines who have not chosen to enrol. [More…]
Last night he indicated his impatience with migrants and rejected them, but apparently today he is defending them. [More…]
I ask the responsible Minister to look at the probability of giving full recognition to these people who are Australian citizens, who have retained their citizenship right through and who have served the British Commonwealth and the British Commonwealth only.I can understand some reluctance, to extend this benefit to people who are European migrants. [More…]
A very large percentage of the migrants who come here are nominated by the Commonwealth or the States. [More…]
As we moved towards overfull employment we would want migrants to come who would be able to help us. [More…]
In fact, almost 1 per cent of our population increase has been as a result of migrants coming to this country; another 1 per cent comes from national increase. [More…]
Instead of there being planning to decentralise industry, as was done by the Department of Postwar Reconstruction, so that these migrants and industries would go to the country areas, they went into the cities and have aggravated the growth problems of the cities. [More…]
The latter include one-parent families, newlyarrived migrants, low-income groups generally and families where one of the parents is sick or incapacitated. [More…]
This contrasts with the behaviour of some Ministers who proudly parade before migrants from captive countries like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukraine and parts of Poland and speak of support for them against the Soviet Union. [More…]
Assisted passage migrants accepted under bilateral schemes or arrangements with countries of emigration travel to Australia on transport provided by the Commonwealth or by the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM). [More…]
Assisted migrants approved under the unilaterally administered Special Passage Assistance Programme (SPAP) can either travel on Government arranged transport or make their own travel arrangements. [More…]
Payments made for migrants travelling on transport arranged by the Commonwealth: [More…]
How much accommodation was there at each of the Commonwealth hostels set aside for migrants on 1st January, 1970, 1971 and 1972 and as at 1st July 1972. [More…]
How many migrants were in residence at each of the hostels on those dates. [More…]
Will the Government make some of the unused accommodation available for unassisted migrants. [More…]
A large proportion are migrants, some of whom have been unemployed for weeks or months. [More…]
Because they are migrants who arrived in this country with little or nothing they are heavily in debt through purchasing furnishings and paying for accommodation and transport and who can ill-afford the luxury of the trip to the employment office. [More…]
If my memory serves me correctly, figures were given by the Commonwealth Statistician regarding migrant unemployment as a percentage of total unemployment, but recently these figures have been omitted and migrants have been a high percentage of the total. [More…]
Had time permitted I would have referred to housing for Aborigines and to flats for migrants. [More…]
I was just wondering whether you men who run this country know what it is like for the little people who make up this country, who have less future than the migrants who come out here and because they are new and strange get all the help in the world. [More…]
I am not knocking the migrants. [More…]
Has he any information which shows that the overwhelming majority of Australians do not want to see any Ugandan Asians brought to Australia and also that they feel strongly that the intake of 10,000 coloured and semi-coloured migrants, other than Chinese, should be reduced to no more than SOO annually. [More…]
Church and secular organisations, in common with other organisations, assist migrants generally. [More…]
As a consequence of those 2 factors the average period which migrants spent in hostels immediately after their arrival in Australia has been reduced, as I recall it to some 15 weeks. [More…]
In fact, the updating programme was part of the Commonwealth’s function to meet the growing intake of migrants towards the second half of the 1960s. [More…]
The great percentage of our migrants have flocked to our 2 major cities - Sydney and Melbourne. [More…]
It has brought migrants into the country and thrown the pressure on to the States, local authorities and semi-government authorities, and of course it has wiped its hands. [More…]
It is in these areas that many of our migrants live. [More…]
Our unemployment as present is much too high, and migrants suffer most from this unemployment. [More…]
Any reasonable man would advocate a reduction in our migrant intake to give the appropriate authorities the breathing space necessary to begin to give a fair deal to those migrants already here and to get regional development off the ground. [More…]
The new nursing home fund benefits are to apply to persons eligible for benefits under the subsidised health benefits scheme, that is, unemployment and sickness beneficiaries, low-income families and migrants within 2 months of arrival in Australia. [More…]
The other type of recurrent grant is in respect of children in special need of such care, such as children of single parents, of migrants in the early settlement stages, of parents eligible for assistance under the subsidised health benefits scheme and of parents who are sick or incapacitated. [More…]
I certainly have had rejected by the Minister for Immigration (Dr Forbes) large numbers of prospective migrants who have much better employment records than that doctor. [More…]
The Minister and all of us in this Parliament are culpable in relation to this type of case because while we spend hundred of millions of dollars to bring migrants here we refuse to look after the babies born of our own women. [More…]
There is 1 Knight Commander of the Order of St Gregory the Great who, it is appropriate in the circumstances to remark, was the first to extol the angelic qualities of English migrants. [More…]
This does not, of course, allow for men who are not required to register because, for example, they are serving in the Permanent Forces or have already served for more than 18 months, migrants who arrived after the registration date for their age-group and men temporarily resident in Australia, including shortterm visitors and overseas students. [More…]
1 am advised that the Department of Immigration provides a comprehensive service to prospective migrants holding academic qualifications whereby an inquirer overseas may have his qualifications assessed by the appropriate authority before deciding to come to Australia. [More…]
The extent to which Australia is allowed to advertise directly, for migrants overseas varies considerably from country to country. [More…]
The British Government imposes no restriction on the amount or type of migration advertising; but most European countries will not allow any direct advertising for migrants. [More…]
The countries in which my Department advertises directly for migrants are listed below in (2). [More…]
Estimates of the numbers of migrants who had arrived in Australia during the period January 1971 to May 1972 and who were unemployed were obtained from the May 1972 population survey. [More…]
The welfare of migrants to Australia will receive the closest attention. [More…]
The emphasis of my Government’s immigration policy will be on the reunion of families and the welfare of migrants already in Australia. [More…]
A higher priority will be given to retaining migrants than to recruiting them. [More…]
We would hope that this year there will be 1,000 teachers, financed from Commonwealth sources, to give assistance in this sphere of specific counselling and specific help in schools where there is a heavy concentration of migrants. [More…]
This is an area where special attention needs to be offered to minority groups - Aborigines, migrants and students. [More…]
I think the honourable gentleman who is now at the table, the Minister for Immigration (Mr Grassby) had things to say about the admission of British migrants to Australia. [More…]
If we consider also the cost of bringing migrants to Australia, surely we must recognise the value to this country in the long term of the natural born Australian. [More…]
One minute we hear the Minister talking about Australia reducing the intake of migrants, the next minute we find that the Government does not intend to interfere with the present policy, but then we hear that the Minister proposes that young attractive girls and non-Europeans shall be brought in on certain grounds. [More…]
Migrants come to me and ask what the position is. [More…]
For example, Aborigines, migrants and electors with young children are not uniformly dispersed throughout the various regions. [More…]
I think it is probably not a bad idea to remind ourselves tonight that on the birthday of this nation - on 26th January 1788 - 1,000 migrants arrived in this country and on that day all Australians were black. [More…]
The first migrants were of assorted colours and not terribly well selected. [More…]
In de-fining the level of settler departures, the Committee adopted the concept of ‘settler loss’ as providing the most meaningful indicator of the proportion of migrants who leave Australia permanently. [More…]
This concept takes into account various factors which are not covered by a simple measure of departures, including those who return to Australia as second time migrants and those who enter as visitors and obtain a change of status. [More…]
Others are of a personal nature, and relate to the particular needs of individual migrants. [More…]
I fully support these remarks and emphasise that only when we have fully accepted all migrants into the Australian family, as citizens with equal ranking in all respects, will this desirable goal be achieved. [More…]
To the extent that the departure rate can be reduced by improved selection procedures and through greater attention to the settlement problems of migrants, no effort will be. [More…]
The major reasons for the departure of migrants from Australia which have emerged from this report are, as I interpret the interim comments of the Committee, similar to many of those reported by the Committee in 1967. [More…]
The problem of settler loss has to be seen against the contemporary background of world wide high mobility of labour and the steady improvement in economic conditions and social services in a number of countries from which the migrants have come. [More…]
The report points out that there are many factors influencing departure, some of which relate to the general economic and social structure of the country as a whole, and others which are of a personal nature and relate to the particular needs of individual migrants. [More…]
The report clearly advocates that remedial action concerning the factors which influence the departure of migrants should take into account the relative importance of these factors. [More…]
I would ask the Minister to consider making a ministerial statement which would set out the full details of the new Government’s approach to immigration, the basic principles which it is following, the determining factors which influence the total number of migrants which the Government intends to seek to bring to Australia this year and their impact upon the whole migrant program. [More…]
As the Minister for Immigration, I stated that migrants’ contributions to Australia’s economic growth are important by any standards. [More…]
But migrants are not just economic units in a program of massive development. [More…]
Consistent with this philosophy, the previous Government extended and intensified - on a continuing basis - the training of migration officers to better equip them to counsel and advise prospective migrants. [More…]
We employed specialist officers to develop progressively counselling facilities such as those for wives and single female migrants. [More…]
We worked towards a fuller recognition of migrants’ professional, technical and trade qualifications by establishing such organisations as the. [More…]
In addition, the Opposition parties will be submitting positive and constructive proposals and we hope that those initiatives when put to the House will be seriously examined by the Minister in no sense on party political comment but in the context of what can best be done in this country for migrants and the extension of migrant welfare services. [More…]
The Minister’s commendable desire to stem the departure rate of migrants is presumably based on the belief that Australia remains reliant upon a continuing level of migration. [More…]
The fact that the migrant program is now to be based upon the sponsorship by migrants already living in Australia is in our judgment a retrograde decision. [More…]
The Government’s policy apparently assumes that the sum total of the individual wishes of relatives of migrants will always equal the sum total of Australia’s migration needs. [More…]
The former Government combined 2 processes in its immigration program - sponsorship programs designed to encourage family reunion and actively seeking migrants under government sponsorsip to fulfil those needs not met by family sponsorship. [More…]
The Government’s policy is also a disincentive to migrants from North America, northern Europe and the United Kingdom. [More…]
It is important, in the context of the findings of the report tabled by the Minister, that migrants from these countries should not be confronted by a number of governmentcreated problems clearly associated with the trend in departure rates of migrants. [More…]
It is a matter of some concern to honourable gentlemen on this side of the House to learn from recent Press reports of the major increase in the number of migrants returning home since the election of a Federal Labor Government. [More…]
No doubt the concern about inflation which the Government is generating in this country is not just a concern experienced by those migrants who have sought to return home in greater numbers. [More…]
The Government’s proposal to require all future British migrants to renounce their British citizenship if they wish- [More…]
We have had difficulty in recent years - I say ‘we’ as a nation - in recruiting the number of British migrants that we have required for our purpose. [More…]
Perhaps the honourable gentleman does not really care about the welfare of British migrants. [More…]
Perhaps he is unconcerned that they happen to be the largest community of migrants in Australia. [More…]
There seems also to be implied in the concept of zero population growth the argument that if we have problems with urban areas in some way those problems have been created by migrants. [More…]
Honourable members opposite seem to blame migrants for urbanising Australia. [More…]
We need to understand that migrants have contributed a capacity for us to handle the problems which have been created in the past by urbanisation. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition criticised also an attitude which he believes the Government has to migrants. [More…]
We on this side of the House welcome migrants. [More…]
Successive Liberal-Country Party governments in previous years have a lot to answer for because of the way in which they treated migrants. [More…]
Far too many children of migrants were given their schooling in areas where facilities and accommodation were inadequate and, in some cases, deplorable. [More…]
I give the assurance to the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and to the House generally that this Government will take action to see to it that migrants who come before our courts, are convicted and have records that put them within the provisions of deportation will not remain in our midst. [More…]
As the Deputy Leader of the Opposition has raised the question of the status of migrants in our community, I place on record in this House that since World War II more than 3 million people have come to this country and the overwhelming majority of them have been great citizens. [More…]
Is the Minister able to reconcile these instructions with claims by the Victorian Minister for Education that he realises English teaching to migrants is of great importance to certain schools, particularly those in inner suburbs? [More…]
It is understandable that some Yugoslav migrants of Croatian origin should continue to hope for the establishment of an independent Croatia and within a democracy like Australia they have a right to advocate their views so long as they do so by legitimate means. [More…]
I have reason to believe that the terrorists are endeavouring to create the impression amongst Yugoslav migrants in Australia that the Croatian extremists have the support of significant sections of Australian society and even the government. [More…]
We should not abandon our democratic principles of free speech, belief and association but I would hope that migrants are left with no misunderstanding of the disfavour with which the Government would view any activities which might reasonably give rise to objections by the present governments of their countries of origin. [More…]
As a result of the timely action taken by the Minister for Immigration a service is now rendered to migrants who are experiencing difficulties of communication in matters of urgency. [More…]
The arrangements made involve a 24-hour telephone service and I am informed that migrants generally are delighted with this facility. [More…]
It is true that it would be more advantageous if this facility were brought to the notice of migrants by having it inserted in an appropriate place in the directory and I undertake to see that this is done. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that a considerable number of migrants believe that a slur has been cast on the migrant community in general by the statement made on Tuesday by Senator Murphy and that many of them who are not yet naturalised are fearful for their safety? [More…]
The position is that the greatest slur that has been cast on the migrant community in Australia has been cast upon it by the handful of people who have brought discredit on all of the community by their acts of violence and by their law breaking, and this is resented by the vast majority of migrants who resent being associated with people who are criminals. [More…]
I had not only authorised, but directed, the Attorney-General from his first week in office to do what his predecessors conspicuously failed to do - to follow up departmental and ministerial reports on the growth of terrorist activities in Australia and the threat that they represented not only to all Australians but to migrants in particular and to our relations with a country with which we have had unbroken relations since 1918 and of which we have been an ally in 2 wars. [More…]
Yugoslav migrants than in any other electorate in Australia, there are to be found club premises with, in a place of honour, photographs of Pavelic, the Ustasha flag- [More…]
It is an area which has attracted a large number of migrants. [More…]
The population of a division includes ‘the children, migrants and everybody in the area. [More…]
By and large the inner-city seats contain the greatest number of migrants. [More…]
Has the Minister for Labour noticed a statement by the head of his Department, Mr Sharpe, implying a clear criticism of the South Australian Government and South Australian Housing Trust for apparently making available homes to migrants in Whyalla 10 days after their arrival, in comparison with a 12 to 16-week waiting time for unemployed South Australians from, say, Adelaide? [More…]
It specifies, in effect, that the representations shall be in relation to the numbers of people; that is, the total population of the States including children, migrants and - since 1967 - Aborigines. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister the following question: In view of the McCarthy-like allegations made by him in this place and by the Attorney-General in another place firstly against migrants to Australia and now against individual public servants and his instigation of inquiries into, to use his words the ‘possible malevolence and incompetence’ of the latter, will the Prime Minister, if he cannot now open the inquiry to public scrutiny, undertake to table in this House the full result of his inquiry? [More…]
The population of a division includes the children, migrants and everybody in the area. [More…]
Members of this House do not represent only those electors who voted for them or even just the electors; they also represent those who do not have the vote those migrants who have elected not to take out Australian citizenship and the thousands of children too young to vote. [More…]
Not in the country but in the city and rural-urban electorates - in places like Mount Druitt, in the electorate of Chifley, where 70 per cent are under 14 years and in my own electorate of La Trobe, which covers more than 1,000 square miles, with the second largest voting population in Victoria and with a fair percentage of migrants and an above average population of pensioners and one-parent families. [More…]
Under these procedures, one of the five basic requirements to be met by migrants is that they should have a sincere intention of making a permanent home in Australia, and joining the Australian family through citizenship. [More…]
But we already know that migrants contribute proportionately more to the workforce than they do to the population supported by that workforce, that they include a substantial proportion of skilled and other key workers, that the great majority receive all their educational and vocational training prior to coming here and, therefore, at no cost to Australia and that they contribute particularly to the maintenance and development of key industries and services. [More…]
Even the costs of migrants’ assisted passages are offset, through taxation, within a short time of their arrival here. [More…]
The Good Neighbour Council in each State and Territory will be encouraged to extend its affiliations with all agencies whose members and resources might provide assistance to migrants in their neighbourhoods. [More…]
This has afforded the opportunity for informal discussion with key members of the Good Neighbour Councils and representatives of ethnic organisations and other agencies with the aim of encouraging wider participation in the voluntary community work of assisting migrants in their settlement. [More…]
The mounting chain disclosed with ever greater certainty the fact that right wing organisations associated with certain Croatian migrants to Australia were actively involved in terrorist activities. [More…]
It is only by moving for a suspension of Standing Orders and by suggesting that members on this side of the House be permitted to make statements relative to the charges laid that we have and can have any opportunity at all to defend ourselves and to demonstrate to the people of Australia that, unlike the present regime, we pursued practices which pertained to the proper administration of the law which enabled individuals to rest secure in their own homes without the fear of police intervention in the wee small hours of the morning, without the fear of that knock on the door - the knock on the door that for so many was the genesis of their wishing to leave their former country to come to Australia, a fear to which now so many migrants to this country must unfortunately be subject again. [More…]
I represent, as I have said before, more migrants from Yugoslavia than any honourable member in this House has represented, and I can assure honourable members that the use of the flag, the portrait and the celebration of the anniversary create just as much tension and resentment among migrants from Yugoslavia as the display of Hitler’s photograph and the display of the swastika flag would create among most people in Australia. [More…]
lt comes in recognition of the special rights and needs of migrants in this country - justice too long denied them. [More…]
For too long migrants have been told by past governments of their valuable contribution to the development of this nation. [More…]
But for equally long too little has been contributed by those governments towards the special needs of so many migrants especially during their difficult period of adjusting to a new, alien and not always hospitable society. [More…]
The presence of migrants in this country has been valuable to this nation and has given it and its people a far better future than would have been achieved otherwise. [More…]
But there is much that should have been done to assist many migrants and we intend remedying this neglect. [More…]
While it will benefit mainly aged, invalid and widowed migrants who wish to return to their former homelands, cither permanently or temporarily, it will apply equally to all pensioners. [More…]
I have never supported the proposition that migrants are in some way obliged to forget the affairs of their homelands - their ancestral homes. [More…]
While I fully recognise and endorse the right of migrants in Australia to maintain their links with, and their interest in, the affairs of their former countries, I have to insist that such interest cannot be exercised in such a way as to distress other Australians. [More…]
In particular, I wish to remove any grounds for discrimination in matters of citizenship and employment against migrants or any section of any migrant community. [More…]
We highly value the contribution made to Australia by most Croatian migrants. [More…]
Many migrants remembered the 1930s. [More…]
I have reason to believe that the terrorists are endeavouring to create the impression among Yugoslav migrants in Australia that the Croatian extremists have the support of significant sections of Australian society and even the Government. [More…]
Under the Migration Act, I have the authority, as Minister, to order the deportation of aliens and immigrants in certain defined circumstances. [More…]
The special reports branch is not concerned only with offences by migrants. [More…]
It is equally concerned with offences which affect the interests of migrants. [More…]
There is today a genuine fear among those members of the Australian community who are migrants to this country, particularly those who came from Eastern European countries, that those midnight and pre-dawn knocks on the door, which are reminiscent of the very reason for their leaving their own countries, are likely to be repeated in this country. [More…]
After this period in Australia substantial numbers of fine migrants have come to know Australia, feel settled here, want to identify themselves as members of our community and are in fact living as such without friction or problems. [More…]
This means that migrants from all the 31 Commonwealth countries will now have the same opportunity as other migrants to take part in citizenship ceremonies suitably marking the important occasion of their becoming citizens. [More…]
By these means, and by all other possible means, it is the Government’s wish to ensure that our migrants from Commonwealth countries are no longer ignored or left in the mistaken belief that they acquire our citizenship automatically and that the rest of the Australian community attaches no importance to their becoming citizens. [More…]
We intend to demonstrate that beyond any shadow of doubt, and warmly welcome all migrants without distinction. [More…]
Again this seeks to remove a condition of granting citizenship that burdened some of our migrants more than others. [More…]
But in fact, of course, the legislation covers a large number of migrants. [More…]
Between them those countries account for a large number of migrants to Australia. [More…]
At the same time the Opposition wishes to protect the interests of migrants and indeed all Australians in achieving true portability of pensions. [More…]
People are concerned about the doubtful position which British migrants occupy at present. [More…]
In fact, most migrants - not all, but most - were covered. [More…]
In respect of migrants from Italy, Malta, Greece and Turkey we were covered by agreements negotiated under the new legislation. [More…]
We all want a fair thing to be done to the migrants that come to Australia, whether they come from the United Kingdom or from Europe or wherever it may be. [More…]
The migrant community should be treated fairly, but if migrants require over-generous treatment, in the short term they may get advantage and the Australian Labor Party may get votes, but over the long term that is not to the advantage of the groups in the migrant community. [More…]
I do not know whether honourable members - 1 am speaking now not of migrants but of Aborigines - saw recently on television a backlash from towns in the Northern Territory about what was being done for our Aborigines. [More…]
For the migrants also I say this: A fair go is what they are entitled to and what we should give them, but we should be very careful that we are not opening the Australian Treasury to plunder - not by the migrants who are here; they are not the people I am talking about at all. [More…]
This we do not want, and if these carpet baggers come from overseas to Australia for this purpose they will be doing things which are to the disadvantage of those good migrants who are now in Australia, whom we want to help and who are entitled to fair deals. [More…]
Secondly, it is a further development in our review of the migration system and of the official attitude to migrants. [More…]
Under the reciprocal arrangements made with the 4 countries I have mentioned, a considerable number of migrants are already covered. [More…]
I notice from the most recent consolidated statistics of the Department of Immigration that for the period 1945 to 1972 inclusive the numbers of migrants regarded as permanent and long term arrivals, by country of last residence, are as follows: Greece 210,000, Italy 404,000. [More…]
As will be seen, the reciprocal arrangements cover in general terms - I know that this is not a strictly accurate representation of the cover available - 703,000 migrants. [More…]
But this leaves an enormous number of migrants uncovered in the event that they wish to return to their original countries of residence. [More…]
In the same table in the Department’s consolidated statistics covering the same period, that is 1945 to 1972 inclusive, we find the following numbers of migrants regarded as permanent and long term arrivals, by country of last residence: The United Arab Republic 32,000, South Africa 24,000, Canada 53,000, United States of America 124,000, Ceylon 12,000, Cyprus 17,000, Hong Kong 26,000, India, 37.000, Malaysia 54,000, Singapore 24,000. [More…]
I remind the House that I am comparing them with the number of 703,000 migrants who would be covered under existing reciprocal arrangements if they returned to their countries of origin. [More…]
1 do not want to delay the House, but I think that for the sake of completeness it would be worthwhile to put into the record a list of the numbers of migrants from some other countries. [More…]
I have omitted those countries with fewer than 10,000 migrants in the period I have mentioned. [More…]
but they come to well over one million migrants coming from countries with which we have no reciprocal agreement and in respect of which the possibility of reaching a reciprocal agreement in some cases is nebulous and in other cases non-existent. [More…]
If the migrants wished to return to their countries of origin or indeed to any other country other than the 4 with which we already have agreements, they would be left out in the cold. [More…]
I represent an area which has numerous migrants. [More…]
This sort of situation occurs particularly in mining communities which have a great number of migrants and this provision of the Bill will be particularly appreciated by them. [More…]
In a debate which concerns the transferability of pensions to other countries we might refer perhaps to some of the unique and special difficulties of migrants who live in unusual places, such as the numerous migrants who live in the city of Mt Isa which is my headquarters in Queensland. [More…]
People often ask: Why the blazes do migrants not get away from the major cities? [More…]
Those people should look beyond the horizons of the metropolitan areas and they will find that great numbers of migrants - thousands of them - live in places far from the major cities and, more particularly, in mining centres. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Social Security to give heed to my suggestion - and to pass it on to his colleague, the Minister for Immigration - that special facilities should be created in these areas to inform the migrants about such matters as portability of pensions. [More…]
The honourable member for Prospect (Dr Klugman) mentioned that elderly migrants always have a yen to return to their particular fatherlands to die, but I do not think many of them do. [More…]
If this Bill is passed - I am quite sure it will be, with the amendment, I hope - the next step will be to convey the information regarding the new provisions to migrants throughout the length and breadth of the country. [More…]
My interest in the Bill probably stems from the fact that there is a large percentage of migrants in my own electorate. [More…]
My particular interest in the electorate stems from discussions with Italian, German and Dutch, but particularly British migrants in my electorate who have informed me that they are reluctant to take out Australian citizenship because they feel that they are not getting a fair deal if they do not. [More…]
But before we discuss the qualification and the reasons for shortening the qualification period for portability we should know something about those people who leave this country in their retiring years and particularly those migrants who have returned to their former countries. [More…]
Examination of this shows that it reflects the lower proportion of refugees in current immigration - that is, refugees tend to stay more than other migrants - the greater ease of travel in recent years, the strong economic attraction of western Europe, and the growing number of skilled and highly qualified persons who, as part of an increasingly mobile international community, often move from Australia after a few years. [More…]
During citizenship ceremonies I am reminded that the reluctance of migrants to take out Australian citizenship stems from the fact that they do not feel justly rewarded for the contributions they have made in this country. [More…]
This is one reason for their departure and points to the desirability of recognising the contributions that migrants make in this country in 10 years. [More…]
It does underscore one of the basic reasons why people return to their mother country and reminds the House that one of the reasons for bringing in this social security Bill is a recognition that we must update and improve our social security and provide better value for each dollar spent on it so that it can stand comparison with the social security systems in the countries from which most of our migrants come. [More…]
The Committee concludes that, while there is an increasing tendency for migrants to leave Australia, this is in keeping with patterns of movement which were already in evidence during the previous inquiry and which conform with those being experienced currently by other migrant receiving countries throughout the world. [More…]
Even if this Bill were not designed to stem the departure flow of migrants it does recognise the increase in mobility that has taken place throughout the world. [More…]
It must also be seen that Australia’s ability to retain its migrants depends to a large extent on the opportunities available here and elsewhere and the acceptance of settlers by the Australian community. [More…]
It must be remembered that even if migrants spend only a few years in Australia they contribute to our national development while still more is contributed by those whose departure from Australia does not take place until they reach retiring age. [More…]
This concerns principally the aged, invalid or widowed migrants who choose to return home. [More…]
For many of our migrants this is an urgent matter. [More…]
If that Bill had become law, more than 300,000 unnaturalised migrants who perhaps wished to return to their homelands would have been denied pension justice. [More…]
Of course, migrants from the numerous other countries completely missed out. [More…]
Australia, where young migrants may become Australian citizens at 16 years with parents’ consent. [More…]
However, because naturally I am concerned about any reduction in services to newly arrived migrants, I have asked the Commonwealth Immigration Publicity Council to look at the whole question. [More…]
I told the Prime Minister that we would welcome Mauritian representation in Australia and, apart from our need for area consultation, the opportunity that this might provide to tell Australians of the great pleasure they could derive from visiting the star and key of the Indian Ocean, that we were happy with the way in which the 26,000 migrants from Mauritius have settled without difficulties in Australia. [More…]
Cross Sectional Study of Migrants in cooperation with the Bureau of Census and Statistics - designed to provide information of migrant experiences to be used as an aid to forward planning: Commenced July 1970; to be completed late 1974. [More…]
The answer to the honourable member’s question is as follows: (1), (2) and (3) Requests for financial assistance which my Department receives from organisations or persons acting on behalf of migrants fall generally in 2 areas - those which relate to assistance in acquiring land or premises for the establishment of ethnic clubs and those which relate to funds to support the employment of persons engaged in welfare work in the migrant community. [More…]
Community agencies engaged in direct welfare service to migrants may apply for a grant to meet the salary costs of a social worker to further expand such work. [More…]
The attendance of migrants at English classes, however, should not be made a condition for the grant of unemployment benefit and the mere fact that a migrant may not attend is not of itself sufficient reason for refusing benefit. [More…]
The attendance of migrants at English classes, however, should not be made a condition for the grant of unemployment benefit and the mere fact that a migrant may not attend is no reason for refusing benefit. [More…]
Perhaps, however, I have to make it clear once again that the question of dual nationality has been about for very many years between Australia and many other countries from which Australia has drawn migrants. [More…]
There are not significant numbers of American settlers in this country in receipt of the type of fixed or occasionally variable income of the type to which I have referred, but there are large numbers of United Kingdom migrants living in Australia who are in receipt of pensions, government or employer-base, who have been adversely affected in terms of their real Australian income as a result of the revaluation of the Australian dollar on the 2 occasions on which the effect of international currency movements has been to revalue the Australian dollar. [More…]
I have drawn the attention of the Sydney task force to this specific case for investigation and for examination of the whole problem of predators who undoubtedly take advantage of migrants’ lack of knowledge of our language and lack of knowledge of Australia to take their illegal or improper exactions. [More…]
Has he had any discussion with the Minister about amending the way in which migrants are selected to come to Australia, that is, has he discussed whether the Government will recommence recruiting migrants to Australia according to their skills for work in the work force and not rely solely upon family reunions to answer the need of Australia’s development and the shortage of workers in, for instance, the important building industry? [More…]
In summary, the main points of the Bill are as follows: Firstly, it establishes a uniform qualifying period for citizenship which will apply to all migrants. [More…]
The legislation seeks to remove the position of preferment which British migrants have enjoyed since the inception of Australia’s immigration program. [More…]
In the years since, even as the base of our immigration program has broadened as never before, British migrants have continued to be the cornerstone, the very real base, of immigration to this country. [More…]
In the 5-year period between 1967-68 and 1971-72, for example, there were 332,987 British migrants in the total of 801,011 people who came to make their homes in Australia. [More…]
I know of your close understanding of questions affecting all migrants. [More…]
I have already indicated that the Opposition is opposed to the proposal to delete all references to the Queen from the oat-h of allegiance taken by migrants at citizenship ceremonies. [More…]
The Opposition supports the change of name for the function at which migrants become Australians from ‘naturalisation ceremony’ to ‘cit izenship ceremony’, lt supports also the move to lower the age at which a person becomes eligible to citizenship, from 21 to 18 years. [More…]
Migrants are worried and concerned. [More…]
Opposition members have spoken to migrants who have that apprehension and on behalf of the migrant community we call upon the. [More…]
It becomes apparent as one shares with migrants their hopes and their aspirations that all but a tiny minority - I submit that such a minority can be found among the old as well as the new citizens - contribute energetically and effectively to the nation’s work force. [More…]
Although the amendment could not and does not desire to change that requirement, it does remove an embarrassing and sometimes burdening condition which affects some migrants more than others. [More…]
Migrants from the 31 countries listed in clause 5 have, up to the present, enjoyed privileges and opportunities not available to migrants from other countries. [More…]
The Government feels that this is particularly necessary, for many British migrants are under the mistaken impression that their United Kingdom background and their long residence in Australia automatically confers Australian citizenship upon them. [More…]
If comparatively few British migrants have in the past sought Australian citizenship either by notification or registration, we as Australians have only ourselves to blame. [More…]
Whilst we have, accorded non-British migrants citizenship under the official Commonwealth orders and ceremonies, we have left the British migrant to be welcomed by Good Neighbour Councils and other non-governmental bodies. [More…]
Can we wonder that some British migrants have looked a little wistfully at our citizenship ceremonies and have wondered why they were not encouraged to participate in an oath or affirmation of allegiance. [More…]
This Bill, which will amend the Citizenship Act, demonstrates how seriously we regard our citizenship and how warmly we welcome migrants free from the indignities of special inducements. [More…]
That Australia welcomes all migrants as candidates for citizenship under common and uniform conditions for all countries will, I know, appeal to an inbuilt British sense of justice. [More…]
This means that migrants from all the 31 Commonwealth countries will now have the same opportunity as other migrants to take part in citizenship ceremonies suitably marking the important occasion of their becoming citizens. [More…]
This conjures up a picture of tens of thousands of British migrants seriously disaffected because they do not have the privilege of being naturalised at a naturalisation ceremony and, instead, are seriously discriminated against by being able to acquire citizenship by registration. [More…]
It conjures up a picture of thousands of would-be British migrants deterred from coming to Australia because they will face this fearful discrimination. [More…]
Mesmerised by the Minister’s words, people are not aware that his actions have seriously reduced the supply of good quality British migrants of European origin, that the composition of our immigration program has changed rapidly so that there no longer is a predominance of people from western Europe, Britain and North America of European descent arriving in Australia under the program; that the proportion of people with skills and professional qualifications has fallen and given way to people who have no other qualification than a relative in Australia who is prepared to sponsor them. [More…]
But what he has lost sight of is that only a small proportion of this integration effort is required for British migrants. [More…]
Indeed, the fact that we have been able, largely successfully, to digest a migrant intake in the post-war years that is proportionately greater than that of any other country in history, or modern history anyway, is due to one cardinal feature of every migration program in every year since 1945, that is, that the proportion of British migrants has never fallen below 50 per cent of the total and in many years has been considerably above it. [More…]
The Minister has done a pretty good job already in making sure that British migrants will be a smaller proportion of future programs. [More…]
Having said something about the proposals in the Bill to make it more difficult for people from Britain to become citizens of Australia let me say something about the provisions designed to make it easier for migrants from every country other than Britain to become Australian citizens. [More…]
They include inequalities between pre-school children, depending upon whether they live in the Australian Capital Territory or in the various States; inequalities between our children, depending upon which school they attend; inequalities between men and women; inequalities between the wage earner and the prices setter, inequalities between the electors in the State electorates and particularly in Commonwealth electorates, depending upon the electorate in which they leave; inequalities between migrants, depending upon the country of their origin; inequalities between overseas visitors and more particularly between migrants, depending upon the country of origin; and, of course, inequalities between applicants who seek eligibility for citizenship under the terms of the Act enforced by the previous Government - the Act which this Bill seeks to amend. [More…]
The existence of these inequalities has in the past often deterred migrants from even seeking naturalisation. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition referred this evening to the adverse effects that the proposals contained in this Bill have already had and will continue to have on the number of migrants coming to Australia from the United Kingdom. [More…]
I am reminded of the fact that during the time the Government of which he was a member sought to attract migrants from Great Britain it never at any time achieved any more than a 50 per cent migrant intake in one year. [More…]
It did not make any pretence that it was interested in receiving migrants except from certain selected countries. [More…]
As we discard prejudices, so will we improve our capacity to assimilate migrants from all countries of the world. [More…]
Since the postwar immigration scheme started nearly 4 million migrants have come to live in Australia. [More…]
A number of migrants have asked me: ‘What does naturalisation mean? [More…]
I believe that we are losing or weakening another link with Britain by taking away the preference’ which British migrants presently enjoy. [More…]
But I believe that we would make the position of migrants from those countries a bit stronger by including in the oath or affirmation of allegiance the act of renunciation. [More…]
I think we ought to be encouraging migrants if we want them to become Australian citizens. [More…]
I think the best way for us to encourage migrants to take out Australian citizenship is to point out to them the advantages of becoming Australian citizens. [More…]
Migrants cannot really become part of a community unless they participate on a level with their fellow Australian citizens. [More…]
I think that most migrants would want to be at one with their children, and their children, whether the parents like it or not, surely will grow up as Australians. [More…]
When migrants become Australian citizens they have the advantage of being able to choose the Government of the country in which they live. [More…]
In becoming Australian citizens, migrants have just as much say in choosing the government as anyone else. [More…]
Migrants have changed Australia’s eating habits. [More…]
I am not one who believes, as do some of the critics of our migration program, that migrants contribute to unemployment. [More…]
It is a fact that at the time when Australia was taking its greatest number of migrants we had the lowest percentage of unemployment. [More…]
I am sorry that the present Government has seen fit to cut the intake of migrants. [More…]
I said the same thing to the previous Government when it reduced the intake of migrants. [More…]
The present Government has announced that its main criterion in selecting migrants will be the unification of families, and that migrants should be nominated by families already in Australia. [More…]
But I believe that if that becomes the main criterion and we discard our selectivity on the basis of employment, skills, and if qualifications are not essential, it is possible that many of our migrants could add to the pool of unemployment. [More…]
In saying that, 1 want to point out that I do not believe that we ought to worry too much about migrants who return to their homelands. [More…]
Many of the countries of Europe from which migrants have come are experiencing very much greater prosperity than before, and there are always people who are not prepared to settle in another country. [More…]
Many migrants want to retain their right to move around. [More…]
If we want to retain the largest possible number of migrants who come to Australia we ought to be encouraging them to seek naturalisation and to want to belong to Australia. [More…]
Firstly, there was a policy statement on the selection of migrants which the Minister made on 31st January 1973. [More…]
The new Government has introduced certain changes which are to the disadvantage of our traditional migrants, that is, the British. [More…]
When we look back on recent years, we see that between 1967 and 1968 more than 46 per cent of the 137,000 migrants who came to Australia were from the United Kingdom, in 1968-69 the figure was 44 per cent, in 1969-70 it was 39 per cent, in 1970-71 the figure was 36 per cent and in 1971-72 more than 40 per cent of Australia’s migrants were from the United Kingdom. [More…]
The point is - the Minister has lost sight of this - that the previous Government was not practising discrimination against nonUnited Kingdom migrants because it applied a different time factor for qualifying for naturalisation to the non-British migrant. [More…]
The previous Government was recognising that the United Kingdom migrant, who had come from a country with a Westminster system of Parliament and practices a way of life this country has followed, was more easily able to assimilate to the Australian way of fife than were many non-British migrants who, after 3 years in this country, perhaps could not even speak the English language. [More…]
It will make the oath of allegiance more practical and simpler and will bring uniformity to the processes through which migrants must go to become Australian citizens. [More…]
It is a great pity that in the operation of this policy the present Minister for Immigration has maintained a continued restraint on the level of migrants. [More…]
I am opposed to the changes which he is introducing in the origins of those migrants. [More…]
Adding the words ‘of Australia’ provides a form which all migrants should be able to accept. [More…]
The Opposition has talked more about British migrants than any other. [More…]
Yet during its long term of office it left many British migrants completely in the dark about their citizenship status. [More…]
The Bill simply proposes that all discrimination be eliminated from the requirements for the grant of Australian citizenship to migrants. [More…]
All that the requirement has done is cause a great many migrants to refrain from applying for citizenship because they find it a severe emotional obstacle to appear to renounce culture, background and home. [More…]
1 am concerned that in terms of the renunciation individual migrants recognise that they are not required to renounce their country of origin; they are required only to renounce their allegiance. [More…]
I can well understand individual migrants believing that the Queen is the Queen of the United Kingdom. [More…]
They have spoken towards the change of relativity in the position of British migrants. [More…]
He referred to his concern for British migrants so I thought I would quote a letter from the President of the British Sub-branch of the Victorian Returned Services League. [More…]
I have received several telephone calls from my Sub-branch members drawing my attention to the report All the callers were most enthusiastic over your comments and your outlook towards migrants, in particular those who came from the United Kingdom. [More…]
That is the voice of the British migrants, not the members of the Opposition and I am grateful for it because that is my dedication. [More…]
There is a very high proportion of migrants in my area - about 35 per cent of the population was born overseas - and also a high proportion of elderly people. [More…]
The migrants tend mainly to be unskilled or semi-skilled people and, of course, the elderly people are mainly pensioners. [More…]
In fact Qantas has carried 83 per cent of migrants under arrangements and programs that have been carried out directly by the Australian Government. [More…]
I will certainly ask my Department to explore whether we could have a collection and perhaps the basis of a monument to migrants in the national capital which would bring together all this historic data. [More…]
The provisions of the Migration Act relating to the deportation of aliens and persons who are in law regarded as migrants will continue to apply. [More…]
The whole migrant community in Australia was placed in a position where fears were created amongst migrants that they might be deported, and might be deported to a country which perhaps did not have the protection of citizens, particularly in the case of political offences, which would be applicable here. [More…]
I should like to ask the Government to try to publicise in the migrant community the effect of this Bill so that the migrants - certainly naturalised migrants - can be quite sure that they will not be deported from Australia and that they will not be sent back to any country which they fear. [More…]
Secondly, the reference to a European language was obviously intended to attract migrants to the scheme and it achieved its purpose because, as well as my own constituents, two other foreign language speaking migrant couples were present at the meeting. [More…]
It is all the worse when directed against migrants who may not be so proficient in English as to understand the implications of the scheme they are being invited to join or who may not be as aware as the population generally of the previous warnings which have been given against this form of selling. [More…]
This would mean little difficulty except that certain local government areas may face special difficulties as a result of an influx of migrants or young families who place greater demands on community services than do older people because the extra people outnumber the extra ratepayers in any such increase. [More…]
The Committee’s task involved examination of procedures for application by migrants as well as their selection and counselling, and it first considered these latter aspects in depth at a meeting on 27 January 1972. [More…]
More recently, at my instigation, special emphasis has been placed on the need for all migrants to have the sincere intention of settling permanently in Australia and joining the Australian family through citizenship. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that because many migrants have like interests in Europe they represent a high proportion of such labour? [More…]
Does his reported change of policy allow for a greater number of migrants from the areas I have mentioned? [More…]
There is also a need for dissemination of more electoral information to migrants. [More…]
We will continue our deliberations with the States with a view to achieving more uniformity and better recognition of the qualifications of migrants. [More…]
There is a need for Australian industry, which benefits so much from migrants, to play its role in integrating those people. [More…]
Those officers will be meeting in Canberra today to see whether we cannot, by joint State-Federal action, do a more effective job for migrants in the workshops. [More…]
Just in passing I think of the Postmaster-General, the Minister for Defence - because there are factories under his control - and some of my other colleagues who have direct responsibility for instrumentalities which employ large numbers of migrants. [More…]
The influx of migrants to our nation and the granting of full franchise to our Aboriginal people mean that the demands upon the officers and their staff to disperse this knowledge has increased. [More…]
We are now evaluating a proposal that the land might be developed for various housing purposes including the housing needs of students, migrants, young married couples, aged persons and potential beneficiaries under Defence Service Homes Act. [More…]
The composition of the cases in the area is as follows: Deserted wives 335; unemployed 193; people on sickness benefits 51; husbands in gaol 11; temporary crises 174; pensioners 302; unmarried mothers 64; advice only needed 273; referrals from other agencies 28; home visits by Smith Family welfare officers 111; migrants 870; food parcels as family hampers 206; food parcels as small hampers 98; clothing issued 694 families; furniture issued to 86 families; and food vouchers for perishables issued to the value of $146. [More…]
(a) The New Settlers Federation provides services for migrants. [More…]
In my statement to the press on 11 March 1973 I said that my Department would be seeking approval (from the Public Service Board) to appoint 48 multi lingual welfare officers, some of whom it was proposed would work with migrant children in schools and between the schools and migrants’ homes. [More…]
In 1971 of 15,000 new entrants to the metal trades workforce, over 5,000 were migrants predominantly from Britain, Italy, Yugoslavia and Germany. [More…]
How many United Kingdom citizens of (a) European and (b) West Indian descent (i) applied to migrate, (ii) were approved as migrants and (iii) arrived in Australia in each of the first 3 months of 1973. [More…]
What were the occupational categories of the migrants concerned. [More…]
Are there any differences in the criteria laid down for (a) the selection of migrants and (b) the grant of assisted passages, in respect of citizens of the United Kingdom who are of (i) European and (ii) West Indian descent; if so, what are they, [More…]
What are the names of all aliens and naturalised migrants who have been deported from Australia since 5 December 1972. [More…]
(a) The information held from 52 countries in which the migrants were selected shows that applications for assisted passages and unassisted entry approved in the three-month period January to March 1973 inclusive, covered a total of 21,742 persons. [More…]
They came in this way because under the old policy in many cases they would not have been eligible for consideration as migrants. [More…]
Will the Minister take action to finalise the appointments without further delay so that the additional much needed services to migrants can be provided and the expectant applicants can have their uncertainty ended? [More…]
If prosecutions were to bc instituted it would mean prosecuting something like 150,000 people a year and I do not believe it is in the interests of migrants, or the nation, that this draconian action should be taken to secure information which is on file basically anyway. [More…]
We will do something about the problems which the migrants have had to labour under in previous years. [More…]
Seventy per cent of Australian-born and 70 per cent of post-war non-British migrants were in favour and the majority of post-war British migrants were also in favour of the change. [More…]
Migrants bring with them to this country cultures and heritages that are centuries older than ours, and by so doing they add to the richness and wealth of the culture and the breadth of life in Australia. [More…]
If we have to make it so easy for migrants to become citizens of Australia and play their full part in the development of Australia and the constitutional processes of this country that, although not taking down all barriers, we have to belittle the ceremony, and make it of no importance at all, as though it is just like passing out through one’s front gate in the morning as one goes to work, we are belittling the importance of being an Australian. [More…]
The rapidly spiralling prices have meant that migrants and other low income groups no longer can afford to buy in these over-priced residential areas. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition last night indicated that there was a high availability of high quality migrants to come to Australia to do the jobs which are presently available. [More…]
He capped this 11-line reference to immigration with a sad attempt to create further divisions in our society by talking about people disliking migrants - surely a strange phrase in a nation of migrants. [More…]
Its members were trying to do this very sincerely and well but I discovered that their greatest single obstacle was not in trying to relate what was happening to migrants coming to Australia but in trying to work out what happened between so-called Australians - between the Victorians and the New South Welshmen, between the New South Welshmen and the Queenslanders and so on. [More…]
I commend the Committee warmly for its work because in the process of trying to give a new deal to migrants it has also set out of course to bring some unity in the professional sphere to Australians generally. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration, who is so concerned about the future of this country, has made allowance for an intake of migrants this year on a similar basis to that of last year, but of course we have one extra allowance. [More…]
This year possibly most of the migrants who come to Australia will be relatives and friends of those already here and there will be a very limited intake of tradesmen and professional people who are needed so badly at this time in this country. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Immigration whether his attention has been drawn to an article in the ‘Australian Financial Review’ last Friday on the Australian Government’s English language training scheme for migrants. [More…]
When I was interrupted by the right honourable member for Lowe I was about to say that the article in the ‘Financial Review’ to which my attention has been drawn and which has been referred to by the honourable member for Bowman does pose a series of serious criticisms about the teaching of English to migrants over the last quarter of a century. [More…]
They would be able to bring something of the background of migrants not only to migrant children here but also to our own children in the schools. [More…]
I have done everything in my power to effect a smooth turnover with minimum hardship to the ICEM staff that had to be terminated and to the migrants involved. [More…]
I believe that its practical approach to immigration, by curbing the number of immigrants to Australia to 110,000, was long overdue and should have been adopted by the previous Government. [More…]
Facts disclose that in 1968, 23,814 migrants permanently left Australia. [More…]
In 1969, 24,739 migrants returned to their homelands, leaving our country permanently. [More…]
The Labor Government has taken a practical approach by curbing the number of migrants coming to Australia and by assisting those who are seeking assisted passages. [More…]
Recognising this, to save Australia from further embarrassment as a nation which has discriminatory citizenship, and to bring some justice to migrants, to rescue the Bill from a Senate pigeon-hole - now a deep well for all sorts of things which have been irresponsibly rejected - this Government reluctantly accepts the Senate amendment and 1 commend the motion that I have moved. [More…]
The Government considered that with the changing pattern of immigration into Australia and the Government’s own initiatives in immigration policy giving priority to family reunion and sponsored’ migration it should attain self-sufficiency in respect of movement of migrants and that it was no longer appropriate for Australia to remain a member of ICEM. [More…]
Those member governments from whose countries migrants chiefly came were informed of the decision coincidentally with notification to the Director of ICEM. [More…]
I have already had some discussions through the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council with Mr L. J. Mooney who is the President of the Australian Council of Local Government Association and through him and with his co-operation the Association is at the present time carrying out a survey of all local government bodies with a view to ascertaining what their needs are, what their desires are and how we can help in the supply of migrants or, if you like, the diversion of settlers from these inner city areas. [More…]
Migrants are not available to be ordered around like shock troops to man the front lines of industry. [More…]
Those who suffer under the unemployment pool concept are the migrants and the low income earners. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition closed his eyes to breach after breach and of course this meant that migrants who could not speak English and did not understand their rights were being exploited. [More…]
Tonight he has made statements about other governments being concerned about the movement of migrants. [More…]
Then he writes to me and says that if we do this people will think we are actually recruiting migrants. [More…]
I saw one particular headline in a journal in Victoria which said: ‘Migrants wanted. [More…]
Can the Minister for Immigration inform the House what measures are being taken by the Government to overcome the drastic shortage of interpreters to assist migrants with little or no English in such matters as contracts, court cases and government welfare services? [More…]
But I emphasise the task should not be left to them or to governments alone, but is a responsibility that should be accepted and shared by all sectors of the community whose economic progress and personal lives have been enriched by the contribution migrants are making. [More…]
It arose out of the then Government’s concern that both adult and child migrants should have every assistance and every opportunity and in fact should get specialised assistance to acquire facility in the English language rapidly. [More…]
Only a small percentage will be spent on the education of migrants, yet this is generally accepted as the most important factor in their assimilation. [More…]
Another problem found by the Migrant Task Force was that there is a general lack of knowledge amongst the normal teaching staff at schools of cultural backgrounds of migrants, their customs and attitudes. [More…]
The problems of assimilating migrants from many countries throughout the world are too obvious to be detailed in the House at the moment. [More…]
migrants who have come here in substantial numbers since the end of the Second World War. [More…]
Any of us who have had much to do with assisting migrants in regard to the problems of settling in and making their way in Australia and coping with the myriad problems which beset any persons when they come to a new country would support, I am sure, any move by this Government or any other government to make this assimilation easier. [More…]
The other aspect concerns female migrants. [More…]
I believe there are many female migrants in every major city in Australia, particularly wives of migrants who may be in the older age bracket, who have a great deal of difficulty, and it appears not a great deal of incentive, in learning English. [More…]
I believe the program should be continually assessed in relation to the education of migrants in the English language before and after they arrive in Australia. [More…]
I think we could avoid many of the problems which face migrants to this country, particularly those who lack fluency in the English language if before they arrived in this country they had more adequate English language education courses. [More…]
In supporting it I personally hope that a continuing review is maintained so that the scheme can be further improved with the objective of assisting not only the migrants in Australia in a personal sense but also improving the whole welfare of this country. [More…]
migrants to communicate with other members of the community is fundamental- to their successful integration. [More…]
The second assumption is that if the community encourages -migrants to learn English, the community and migrants will be the richer in both social and . [More…]
Effectively only 20 per .cent of the children in the schools surveyed who need English tuition are receiving enough of it, and the largest single concentration of disadvantaged schools is located in and about Melbourne, where there are very high proportions of migrants from non-English speaking countries. [More…]
There was a time when the problems of educational deprivation among migrants, and for that matter among fifth generation Australians, was susceptible of relatively easy solution. [More…]
The expectations of the various elements of society influence the performance not only of Australians but also of migrants. [More…]
Community attitudes towards migrants have been characterised by false beliefs of wide currency that no government action has been taken to dispel. [More…]
1971 in this House I was aware of this problem, and in reference to adult and adolescent migrants who were arriving in thiscountry to go straight into factories, I said: [More…]
But despite this, the Department is insisting that instruction not only for adolescent and older migrants, including those who will hardly be involved in the wider spheres of community life because they are confined to the home, but also for children, should be by the situation method as though the study of language or the proper use of words can be divorced from the study of the history and literature that produced those words. [More…]
But more importantly we must make the schools for adult and adolescent migrants more popular, and in this regard I must confess to disappointment that the trade unions have so far made no approach to the Victorian Migrant Task Force Committee. [More…]
Those of us who view education from the outside, neither as teachers, nor as pupils, nor as employers, cannot escape the conclusion that no matter how much money we pour into schools they are not going to succeed in developing or freeing the potential of our children or of our adult migrants. [More…]
But I do hope that the Minister for Immigration (Mr Grassby), who is now at the table and who represents a rural electorate with a large percentage of migrants enrolled at the schools in that area, will ensure that some of these classrooms will also be provided in rural areas. [More…]
Migrants have come to Australia from many different countries. [More…]
Generally speaking, once migrants passed through the gates of the migrant hostel and were finally thrown into the community, the Government forgot about them. [More…]
In fact, it was only in recent years that the previous Government showed any signs of coming to grips with its responsibility for a continuing interest in the lives of migrants and their children. [More…]
However, for almost 20 years the Liberals stuck to this balance, ignoring the fact that gradually over the years the circumstances that originally warranted a target of one per cent had changed drastically and, consequently, in the minds of many economists and others actively concerned with the welfare of migrants and their assimilation into the Australian way of life, the target became economically unjustifiable. [More…]
But for many years the responsibility for financing education and providing the resources for the provision of education of a general nature or of a particular nature, such as was required by the non-English speaking migrants, was that of the States and of course, this is where the scheme of things broke down. [More…]
It was revealed to a large extent by the survey conducted into the needs of child migrants in the schools in the high density migrant areas of Melbourne. [More…]
It was disclosed to the House recently in reply to a question that I asked him in regard to the rigid system and methodology, of teaching that had been used for English language training for migrant children and for adult migrants over a long period of time. [More…]
He indicated to me in answer to my question that he is investigating and giving consideration to bringing people to Australia and awarding fellowships to teachers who speak English who would come here from some of the major countries from which we draw our migrants and that these people would be fitted into the Australian schools system. [More…]
I think it is common knowledge and accepted by most people that Australia has been one of the most successful countries in integrating large numbers of migrants into its community, preserving that which has been good in the cultures and backgrounds of the people who have come here, whilst at the same time integrating them with the peoples already established here. [More…]
I do not believe - and history will bear me out - ‘that 2 December was a watershed in the question of attitudes to integration of migrants into the Australian community. [More…]
Many migrants themselves are illiterate. [More…]
This means, of course, migrants, perhaps in a special category, but there are other special categories too. [More…]
In addition, the Minister might consider the success of ‘good neighbour councils’ in assisting, on a local basis, the problems faced by migrants. [More…]
As a former Minister for Immigration, I am aware of the success which these councils have had in facilitating the integration of migrants. [More…]
I represent a great industrial area where huge numbers of migrants have come to live. [More…]
It has the administrative control of the Government’s education projects in relation to adult migrants. [More…]
The projects are in line with the Government’s policy as far as adults are concerned to encourage community involvement in education, in this case the adult migrants themselves. [More…]
The honourable member will be aware that as far as child migrants are concerned we are worried about the fact that the States have no classrooms for the children to be taken to and given special lessons in English, retiring from the normal classrooms. [More…]
The areas involved are low income earning families, people receiving unemployment, sickness and special benefits and migrants. [More…]
Has the Minister taken any action on the recommendation of the Victorian Migrant Task Force that steps should be taken to warn newly arrived migrants of dangers associated with the use and abuse of hire purchase? [More…]
Concern was expressed in the reports of the Task Forces about migrants being exploited because they are not totally aware of how best to use hire purchase. [More…]
Because I see migrant education as one of the most vital matters affecting migrants, I asked that this area should be given first priority by the Migrant Task Forces Committees which I set up earlier in the year. [More…]
Many of those Palestinian Arabs who claimed that their ancestors had lived in Palestine for hundreds of years were in fact migrants themselves from other parts of the Middle East, attracted to Tel Aviv and Haifa and to the communal farms because of the opportunities to gain employment and to trade. [More…]
Bearing in mind employment at that time, it seemed that a lower intake of migrants for the forthcoming year would be appropriate. [More…]
Is the New South Wales migrant task force recommendation for the creation of special orientation courses for migrants to be implemented? [More…]
I think also there was a suggestion that a survey should be made of the problems of single migrants. [More…]
I should say that we could incorporate some of the suggestions concerning a survey of single migrants in some of the survey work which is now proceeding. [More…]
Migrants during the first two months in Australia. [More…]
Migrants need not apply for assistance but are eligible for medical and hospital benefits during their first two months in Australia by enrolling in a registered health insurance organization and producing evidence of their date of first entry into the country. [More…]
For example, Aborigines, migrants and electors with young children are not uniformly dispersed throughout the various regions. [More…]
Certainly the practice of describing people as migrants, newcomers or new Australians after 20 years or 27 years of being a citizen is one to be deprecated. [More…]
In recent years, because of the rundown in the migrant intake and the age of many migrant hostels, the problem of transition accommodation for migrants has become acute. [More…]
In some areas, mainly in the capital cities, new flat-type accommodation has been provided on a transitional basis for newly arrived migrants. [More…]
This applies especially at Geelong where, over a period, employment problems have militated against the need for or the desirability of migrants who are seeking employment being brought directly into that area. [More…]
There is considerable pressure from manufacturers and employer organisations within the Geelong area, and also from the Geelong Promotion Committee, to have the present hostel maintained as a transition centre for migrants. [More…]
It is a subject on which State and Commonwealth governments must have long discussions, for at the moment the major problem with transitional housing other than for migrants is that it is not needed for long periods and it is fairly expensive to provide. [More…]
I point out to the Minister that it is of extreme importance to industry and to the development of the area for transitional accommodation to be provided for migrants. [More…]
But migrants are also important. [More…]
In 1970, 321 apprentices and 1,152 migrants became bricklayers in the building industry. [More…]
In 1971, there were 231 apprentices and 786 migrants entering that industry of bricklayers. [More…]
In 1972, new bricklayers came from 231 apprentices and 620 migrants. [More…]
What this Government has done by its policy is actually to cut back on the number of migrants and so create an artificial shortage which has increased the cost of housing. [More…]
Assisted Migrants from Italy (Question No. [More…]
How many assisted migrants came from Italy to Australia during each month from December 1972 to date. [More…]
How many of these migrants were (a) single and (b) people with no relatives in Australia. [More…]
<5) From what areas, and in what numbers, did the migrants come. [More…]
In what areas, and in what numbers, did these migrants proceed to reside in Australia. [More…]
Another point made toy the Minister for Social Security is that one of the main reasons why migrants will not stay in Australia is that we do not have a universal health scheme. [More…]
Thousands and thousands of migrants came to Australia because they believed that this was a free country, a country where the individual mattered, where the private life, thoughts, beliefs and relationships mattered and could matter in the most intimate and important of human relationships such as health care, education and similar matters. [More…]
Tn the last few months this procedure resulted in many letters from British migrants saying that they felt that it was misleading. [More…]
There are other demographic areas such as Carlton and Richmond where there is a great number of migrants who are not yet naturalised and therefore cannot be placed on the roll. [More…]
In some areas, particularly in the capital cities, there are large concentrations of unnaturalised migrants. [More…]
Surely the appropriate way to determine the numbers of electors in each State division is by means of a quota of electors properly enrolled and legally entitled to vote, not the number of people including the very young - even .the one and 2-year- olders and up to the 17-year old group - and the migrants who have not become naturalised citizens of this country. [More…]
As an example, in an area with 50,000 migrants, many of whom are not yet naturalised, with 25,000 of them voting and 25,000 Australians voting there would be an electorate with 75,000 people and 50,000 voters, a vote in which the actual voter would be worth 50 per cent more people than in an electorate with a predominantly Australian grouping. [More…]
As our population increased and as the number of migrants who came to this country increased, more and more responsibility was thrown onto local government, but no increase in the percentage of further financial resources was forthcoming from either the Australian Government or the respective State governments to assist local government. [More…]
The spread of our cities means that higher rates are paid mostly by the young and by the migrants who live in the newest parts of our municipalities and cities. [More…]
I firmly believe that we could double our present intake of migrants from that continent and that we could do so with great advantage to ourselves. [More…]
I believe very strongly that the quality of some of the prospective migrants that are offering from a number of South American countries is far superior to that of some of the migrants who are presently coming to Australia to become permanent residents. [More…]
For those reasons I believe that we could with advantage increase our present level of intake of migrants. [More…]
I have never believed that migrants take jobs which would otherwise be available for Australians. [More…]
Migrants contribute very substantially to the home consumption of both our primary production and our manufactured products. [More…]
For the reasons I have stated, I believe that the contribution made by migrants very greatly exceeds the cost of the demand they make on Australia or on the public purse for increased services by way of roads, water supply, power supply, hospitals, schools and so on. [More…]
Some of our migrants have to shop in that fashion. [More…]
The unskilled migrants employed in those industries which were first to be hurt in the times of economic squeezes under the stop-go financial policies of the previous Government were the people least able to protect themselves. [More…]
The Labor Government recognises the difficulties that the migrants face and will do its best to help them overcome their difficulties and become permanent settlers. [More…]
The honourable member for Henty (Mr Fox), who was the previous speaker in the debate, made some remarks concerning the beneficial effects of our migrants and of the new settlers who have come to this country since World War II. [More…]
The Budget estimates provide for an intake of 110,000 migrants - and this is a moderate figure, as is the expenditure, being an increase of only $4m. [More…]
It is in the development of post-arrival services for migrants already here - and for those yet to come - that we see high priority given in the Budget figures. [More…]
If we look at the estimate for the Good Neighbour Council - this is a wonderful way of assisting migrants - we find that $745,000 has been allocated and that last year $618,255 was actually spent in this regard. [More…]
I refer to statements made recently by the management of the Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd which said quite openly and frankly that it desired an intake of skilled migrants to enable it to overcome the lag in the production of its goods. [More…]
So overseas migrants, mostly European, have over the years made a great contribution to the development of Australia and have had a considerable influence on our national life. [More…]
This wonderful country is surely in a most advantageous position to attract migrants. [More…]
As I have said before, we are in a position to screen our migrants to see that we get the best type educationally, physically, mentally and skilled. [More…]
We should also be accepting those migrants who are prepared to preserve our democratic way of life. [More…]
We must be able to house migrants. [More…]
There must be good educational facilities and, as has already been mentioned, increased sums are being made available to educate the children of migrants and, indeed, the migrants themselves. [More…]
This Government’s policy is for an immigration intake in 1973-74 of 110,000 migrants. [More…]
The Government proposes that the 110,000 settlers will comprise 60,000 assisted migrants and 50,000 unassisted migrants. [More…]
We should be giving more consideration to the integration of migrants into the Australian community and not allowing them to congregate in settlements as they are prone to do in many part of our country. [More…]
This year there is a proposed intake of 110,000 migrants. [More…]
I think I should quote a single advertisement that appeared in Britain which, of course, has provided up to half the migrants to Australia for a great many years. [More…]
The end result will be better for us and for the migrants. [More…]
We were in effect selecting migrants like sausages with 20 minutes to have a look at them. [More…]
As a consequence the actual number of migrants was established at the maximum which was considered to be the nation’s capacity to absorb effectively. [More…]
At the peak of the program several years ago Australia was absorbing 180,000 migrants a year. [More…]
Looking to the future of this country, I ‘believethat we should be absorbing many more than 110,000 migrants a year. [More…]
In the long term national interest the Government should make immediate and concerted efforts to attract more migrants to Australia. [More…]
It is a matter of record that migrants have contributed significantly to the enrichment and development of the Australian way of life. [More…]
We are in a position today to invite to our shores as migrants those whom we believe can most easily be assimilated. [More…]
Persons in receipt of: age pensions invalid pensions widow’s pensions sheltered employment allowance service pensions certain persons undergoing rehabilitation persons receiving an allowance under the Tuberculosis Act dependent wife (or other female) children or student children of the foregoing persons persons receiving unemployment, sickness or special benefits low income families entitled to medical coverage and hospital benefits migrants who have joined a scheme - paid for by government for the first two months [More…]
Is it a fact that a migrant smuggling racket has been uncovered in connection with Colombian migrants? [More…]
In recent months a number of rackets have been uncovered by the officers of the Department of Immigration which have involved bringing people to this country in circumstances which are clear exploitation of migrants. [More…]
As for the migrants who have arrived, I will take into account the honourable member’s plea for compassion as far as they are concerned, and when we are in a position to make a determination I will let the honourable member know. [More…]
Following the suggestion that was advanced by the honourable member, I did take up with my colleagues in relevant Australian Government departments the matter of checking whether their employees who were migrants had been given adequate access to English classes. [More…]
After all, I have been saying, and I believe most sincerely, that all major components of industry that are employing migrants should provide language facilities for them, at least the time. [More…]
He has advised me that he discovered that, in the Repatriation Department, more than 1,000 migrants from 60 different countries are employed. [More…]
The placement of migrants in this country is “within the role of the Minister for Immigration. [More…]
How many migrants has he heard of who have bought houses in the excitement of the first arrival, obtained a job, then found that they are a long way from their place of employment and have wanted to sell their house to buy another? [More…]
One is aware that in the last few years there has been some run down in the number of personnel who have been selected as migrants from the United Kingdom to come to Australia. [More…]
In many inner city suburbs where there are large families, where often 2 parents are working or where large concentrations of migrants are living, it is essential to provide satisfactory pre-school centres staffed by adequately trained teachers who can apply themselves to problems which face these young people. [More…]
For some migrants the requirement therefore represents a barrier to employment in the Public Service. [More…]
In addition to the greatly increased capital, recurrent and library grants which will apply to almost all students, there will be extra millions of dollars in each of these and other aspects of education for those in disadvantaged schools - children of lower income families, many migrants with low incomes and language and social adjustment problems, Aborigines and children living in isolated areas. [More…]
One of the problems of migrant education which has been highlighted by some people recently is that the children of migrants, and of recently arrived migrants are involved in an environment at school which is in so many respects foreign to that which they have left behind in the old country. [More…]
Many children of migrants have special problems requiring specialist teaching. [More…]
If so, will the Minister ensure that better arrangements are made for transporting from South America migrants who are arriving in steady numbers at the present time? [More…]
There is no possibility of the children of migrants in those circumstances achieving an equal opportunity in life in their new country unless the Commonwealth provides the resources to get more teachers, particularly specially trained teachers, and better accommodation and better equipment in the schools. [More…]
We must pay tribute to what migrants have done in some of the inner suburban areas in taking old, broken down houses and refurbishing them, painting them and making them very attractive. [More…]
Nor do I wish to see regional centres being developed as places where migrants are directed only to escape later when they have served their period, as happened in earlier years when migrants had to remain in a designated place for 2 years. [More…]
I agree with the principle of facilitating the settlement of migrants in Australia as expres sed in the Albury-Wodonga Development Bill, but we must remain conscious of the fact that people must retain their freedom of choice to live wherever they want and to have the mobility to move from one place to another. [More…]
Migrants are mentioned specifically in the Bill. [More…]
Insofar as migrants have played such a significant and crucial role in our history, has the Minister given consideration to the writing of a history of Australia, in which this role is given full recognition? [More…]
It is by no means clear that, even if the migrants were available, they would relieve the short-term strain on our resources to a greater extent than they would impose additional strains. [More…]
The Government health scheme would benefit only pensioners, migrants, indolents, no-hopers and alcoholics, the Liberal Party welfare spokesman, Mr Chipp, said yesterday’. [More…]
I said the present scheme gives preference in public hospitals to the poor, the pensioners, migrants, indolents, drunks and no-hopers. [More…]
We are sorry that in 1973 the Opposition parties are revealed to hold social values which would require that a million Australians barter their dignity for their health and we are particularly sorry to note that the Liberal Party spokesman on social security has put those 1 million Australians together in one category and labelled them as ‘pensioners, the indolent, migrants, no-hopers and alcoholics’. [More…]
Migrants captured 60,000 Australian brides in the last year for which I have the figures and that represents 17 per cent of marriages. [More…]
Several weeks ago I asked the Minister for Immigration a question regarding a racket involving illegal migrants from Colombia. [More…]
I give the honourable member this assurance: I hope in the next few weeks to be able to determine the cases with a view to seeing that justice is done to the migrants and their families. [More…]
On 6 December in this House I made a personal explanation, which is reported at page 4377 of Hansard, where I said that I had been quoted in the Melbourne ‘Sun’ of that morning “ as saying that the Government Health scheme would benefit only pensioners, migrants, indolents no-hopers and alcoholics. [More…]
Again, we are pledged to give equal opportunities to migrants; no government has done more for migrants. [More…]
They include: Legislative Record of the Year; Reports Tabled in Parliament on Inquiries Instituted by the Present Government; Statements Arising from Meetings Between Australian Government and State Government Ministers; Committees; Commissions of Inquiry and Task Forces Reporting to the Government; Reports Tabled by the Present Government on Inquiries Instituted by Previous Governments and the record on Cities, Women, Social Security, Resources, Other Decisions, Migrants, Rural Industries, the Economy, Education, the Environment and a Text of Treaties and so on presented to the Parliament. [More…]
The available evidence suggests that the uninsured population includes many poor people, migrants and Aboriginals. [More…]
Our global procedures are all designed to protect individual migrants. [More…]
In respect of migrants, the effort has been singularly attractive. [More…]
It must be remembered that Australia has received 3.1 million migrants since the end of the last war. [More…]
We believe that there should be a reduction in Government spending; a progressive reduction in the interest rate structure; the provision of taxation relief for lower and middle income earners; a revision of the migration program to attract skilled and semi-skilled migrants in areas in which labour today is in such scarce supply; the introduction of a retraining program to deal with the structural problems in the labour market; the introduction of a dual program to increase female job training opportunities and apprentice training schemes; the imposition of a growth limit on the Commonwealth Public Service; the abandonment of the pace-setter’ principle now applying to the Commonwealth Public Service; the introduction of a program of restraint for both wages and prices; the adoption of a flexible exchange rate policy to prevent a build-up of externally generated liquidity; the adoption of measures to increase the economy’s productive capacity; the flexible use of competitive policies; and the implementation of a national productivity program to narrow the gap between minimum money wage expectations and economic capacity. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration said: ‘I will ask the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council if I can bring in 20,000 more migrants’. [More…]
Now he advises that labour is of such short store that we need more migrants. [More…]
Mr Grassby, of course, has made such a fool of himself that he will not be able to recruit the migrants. [More…]
Migrants will not forget the door knocks which followed the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation fiasco last year when the Attorney-General (Senator Murphy) raided ASIO headquarters. [More…]
I am aware that over the years there has been a growth of what I might describe as shysterism in relation to migrants. [More…]
I indicate the importance of this matter because many of the policy initiatives which the Minister for Immigration claims to have introduced in relation to the welfare of migrants in Australia were policy initiatives formerly announced by my colleagues the honourable member for Barker (Dr Forbes) or the honourable member for Flinders (Mr Lynch). [More…]
We have seen police raids on migrant homes at night, the appalling record of the Attorney-General (Senator Murphy) in the early days of the administration, and the summary court appearances of migrants arrested in those raids, most of whom had the charges against them quashed in court. [More…]
Special committees are now off to the Philippines and to South America to study the situation and to find suitable migrants. [More…]
The honourable member’s question is apparently based on a recent report that there are 30,000 illegal migrants in Australia. [More…]
It was based on a figure, which it quoted, of 18,000 illegal migrants who remained in Australia under the previous administration, having arrived between the years 1965 and 1972. [More…]
The actual number of illegal migrants from 1965 to 1972 amounted to no fewer than 25,000 people. [More…]
This question concerns details of immigration - it is question number 999 - such as the number of people coming to Australia and the number of assisted migrants. [More…]
What are the main categories of migrants now coming into the country? [More…]
From what categories of migrants and from what countries? [More…]
But none of them were directed to the administrative changes in detail - the significant changes in visa proceedings and the consequences of those changes; how many people have taken advantage of the different matters which the Minister has introduced; the main categories of migrants coming into the country; how many from each category come from each country, and matters of this kind. [More…]
To what extent is the Government actively seeking migrants from the United States of America? [More…]
What is the present position of migrants from the traditional sources - the United Kingdom and Europe? [More…]
How many migrants are dependants? [More…]
How many migrants are skilled tradesmen or professional people? [More…]
But on behalf of the Government I must say that we have abolished discriminations, but above all we have set out to preserve the aspirations as well as the rights of migrants. [More…]
I indicated the success of this policy the other day when I stated that the number of dissatisfied migrants returning home has been reduced. [More…]
The white-Australia policy was buried by previous governments which abolished the infamous dictation tests and quietly began to increase the annual intake of non-European migrants. [More…]
Instead, I understand, the Government will move to recognise trade qualifications for migrants from South-East Asia. [More…]
The major area of criticism relating to the Australian Government’s actions on the question of skilled Filipino migrants concerns the lack of provision of adequate administrative measures to ensure that the scheme functions smoothly and is not harmful to either the participants or to Australian workers. [More…]
In Australia today there is a very heavy demand for metal and electrical tradesmen; so heavy indeed is the demand that we believe it warrants the selection of such tradesmen as migrants. [More…]
We do not care where the migrants come from. [More…]
So long as the car manufacturers can get migrants from overseas in rotten, soul destroying conditions they will never bother to do anything about job enrichment. [More…]
Intending migrants want to know where they stand. [More…]
Australia is made up of migrants and dependants of migrants. [More…]
The ‘Age’ of 25 February 1974 carried this heading ‘Minister “encourages illegal migrants” ‘. [More…]
The headline BHP is banned from recruiting migrants’ appeared in the ‘Australian’ of 16 June 1973. [More…]
Another headline in the ‘Australian’ of 15 August 1973 stated ‘Towns to pick migrants: Plan will let locals find own settlers’. [More…]
They represent a bold change from the 20-year-old Liberal-Country Party policy of refusing to advertise for migrants in the United States for fear of Negro applicants. [More…]
We must remember that migrants are not sheep. [More…]
The main policy on which they seemed to base the annual intake of migrants was to try to exceed the intake achieved by the preceding Minister. [More…]
Is it true, as alleged at the weekend, that there is difficulty in breaking down the figures for family reunion migrants and those arriving under the national need category because the biggest group of migrants arriving in Australia is completely uncontrolled, unselected and indeed not even interviewed, that is, migrants from Britain, Canada and New Zealand? [More…]
The other day I saw a report which stated that category C applications - the national need migrants - had to be referred back to Australia if the migrants were non-European or of mixed descent. [More…]
As to the other matter, the free flow of migrants, what the honourable member says is right, and I must acknowledge it. [More…]
If I understand him correctly, he said that it is not possible properly to arrange both reception and the categorisation of free flow migrants because we have no notice of them, no arrangements for them, and this is a continuing problem. [More…]
It is quite true that at the moment we cannot do that, but I hope that at a later stage this year we will be able to take care of that matter, that we will be able to arrange for all migrants to be properly counselled, properly put into their categories and properly assisted on arrival. [More…]
There is even confusion as to the basis on which there is opportunity for Europeans to become migrants to Australia. [More…]
The point is that the Minister in the field of migration has alleged that earlier administrations permitted people to come into Australia who have had backgrounds of a criminal character and who were undesirable migrants. [More…]
I do not believe that invading persons’ homes in the early hours of the morning is a necessary way by which migrants, illegal or legal, should be approached. [More…]
I said that in this country there are many migrants who came from coutnries which are communist controlled and those from Fiji obviously- even the Minister might know this - do not. [More…]
My point is that many migrants in Australia have come from communist countries. [More…]
The fourth thing I wanted to say is that it is necessary that there should be an exposition and a valid exposition, abroad and internally, of the way in which the easy visa system applies and the implications for migrants. [More…]
I have already commented that I do not see that asking a series of questions of migrants, or of any individual, will necessarily ensure that one gets the correct answers. [More…]
I regret the quota restraints that are being applied in relation to the present number of persons coming to Australia as intending permanent migrants. [More…]
I think that given the labour shortages, particularly in key areas, there is a need for us to return to the fairly extensive system which applied a few years ago when migrants were encouraged to enter Australia from many countries in Europe - persons who I believe have given a great deal towards establishing the Australian idiom in its present form. [More…]
I regret that this year there has been a continued curtailment in the quantum of migrants. [More…]
I believe that it is again time for us to increase significantly the intake of migrants so that Australia can again get about the business of developing a European character, of growing in a total sense and of bringing to this country those people who are prepared to work and who might be prepared to get the country moving forward again instead of, regrettably, moving backwards as the comprehensive policies of this Government tend to lead us to do. [More…]
There has been a fall in the numbers of migrants. [More…]
The first irresponsible statement that he made was that 30,000 illegal migrants had arrived in Australia under the easy visa system in the past 7 months. [More…]
Of course this was compounded at the same time by raids on the homes of several new Australian migrants - raids which, to the best of my knowledge, while they apparently resulted in certain records and material being taken from those homes did not, in any instance, result in a successful prosecution against any of these individuals. [More…]
They were raids which brought to those new Australian migrants a facsimile of that way of life from which they had escaped - many of them from communist-dominated societies to which this Government in its foreign policy, :md particularly the Minister for Overseas [More…]
That is a particular need and one which I would have thought would have been obvious even to the Minister, who has so many migrants in his own electorate, which adjoins mine. [More…]
It has particular regard to the needs of women, of country students, of migrants and of handicapped persons. [More…]
and community interest; greater flexibility in entry requirements and in attendance requirements; particular attention should be paid to adapting technical and further education to the needs of women, handicapped, country students and migrants; the development of further education - the concept ranging from adult literacy and primary education to advanced studies and technology as an integral part of the education structure open to all; the provision of better means of pre-service teacher education, in consultation with the Commission on Advanced Education; the report seeks to foster community colleges in country areas - multi-level institutions combining technical and advanced education courses and avoiding unnecessary duplication, the funding to be in the hands of the Commission primarily responsible for the particular courses, in consultation with the other; technical colleges should contribute to developing new approaches to apprenticeship training; initial programs are designed to upgrade existing technical colleges, improve educational quality, and lay foundations for substantial improvements in the next triennium. [More…]
Far too often in the past, particularly in the engineering field, skilled migrants with a great knowledge of higher mathematics have ‘been unable to have their skills recognised. [More…]
All honourable members have migrants in this category living in their electorates. [More…]
At 2 March 1974 there were 4,226 people in receipt of Special Benefit including 50 migrants in accommodation centres awaiting first placement in employment in Australia. [More…]
These are: protection for the weaker sections of the community; a firm, commitment to the principle of full employment; equity in sharing sacrifices as well as prosperity; and the need to ensure that any deferment of expectations shall not be made at the expense of those for whom deferment could mean a lifetime of deprivation - for example, children at school and migrants. [More…]
The Government intends to extend the provisions of the income taxation laws governing deductions for dependants to provide that migrants maintaining dependant relatives oversesas shall be entitled to the taxation advantages which are already available to those maintaining dependant relatives in Australia. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports today which suggest that the arrival of more than 130 Spanish migrants in Brisbane has given rise to fears by State Labor Party leaders and trade union leaders that Australia’s immigration policy will aggravate the local employment situation there? [More…]
Can he reassure honourable members that there is no likelihood that the arrival of these Spanish migrants in Brisbane will lead to an aggravation of the unemployment situation in the Brisbane area? [More…]
I am waiting for the final result but I am assured that the migrants concerned would have b;en specially selected to do skilled work for which there were plenty of vacancies. [More…]
Those principles, most of which have guided the Australian Labor Party for many years, are: Protection of the weaker sections of the community; a firm commitment to the principles of full employment; equity in sharing sacrifices as well as in sharing prosperity; and, lastly, the need to ensure that any deferment of expectations will not be made at the expense of those for whom deferment could mean a lifetime of deprivation - for example, children at school and migrants. [More…]
Immigration policy, particularly when it relates to migrants who want to enter the work force, must play an important part in the formulation of manpower policy. [More…]
The likely employment prospects for migrants and their families are surely an important consideration in ensuring that the migrant is satisfactorily integrated into the Australian community. [More…]
This is true for both assisted and unassisted migrants. [More…]
We simply cannot view migrants as a source of unskilled labour for this country. [More…]
The introduction of NEAT will provide enhanced opportunities for migrants. [More…]
We would strengthen the resources of the Department of Labor - a policy which the Minister has now adopted - to enable adequate research and advisory facilities to be established to identify obstacles to equal opportunity, especially for women and for migrants, and advise methods to overcome them. [More…]
The retraining scheme ought to have a particular impact in overcoming some of the problems of migrants for whom the Minister is now directly responsible. [More…]
A Liberal and Country Party Government would review the special situation of migrants to ensure that they were neither disadvantaged nor discriminated against because of lack of training, as I believe some are at present. [More…]
There are many problems of migrants which the Department of Labor and Immigration is illequipped to deal with. [More…]
There are many problems for migrants settling in Australia, and matters which to them appear to be difficult and which cause concern to them are matters that we might take for granted. [More…]
On the question of migrants, Karmel did regard migrancy and Aboriginality as signs of disadvantage in a school. [More…]
The impact that migrants have had on Australia’s social, cultural and economic life, particularly since the Second World War, has been immense and worth while. [More…]
However, the expansion of the definition of what constitutes family reunion has led to a remarkable increase in the number of sponsored migrants and a corresponding increase in those falling into the unskilled category. [More…]
The growth in sponsorship and applications which at this stage have not yet been reflected in arrival figures, simply because of the administrative complexity of processing applications, could have very real effects on the composition and opportunities for employment of future migrants. [More…]
It has been asserted that the present policies in respect of categorisation of sponsored migrants could soon lead to effective lack of control over total migrant numbers entering Australia. [More…]
If this Government has initiated a policy which will lead to a lack of control by the Government over the total numbers of migrants coming into this country, it is a very real responsibility which the Government will have to bear. [More…]
The difficulties of assimilation and integration of migrants travelling to a new country are severe. [More…]
Problems are experienced by migrants from the time they enter Australia right through to and including the process of settlement. [More…]
For 25 years officers within that Department, who had a personal knowledge of the migrants and ready access to full documentation in relation to individual migrants, were available to help them. [More…]
Migrants felt that in this new and often strange environment they had a ready symbol of the Government’s concern for their particular problems - one they could turn to for assistance and one they knew. [More…]
Migrants know that the inter-related nature of their problems can best be dealt with by a co-ordinated administration. [More…]
Migrants feel that they have been betrayed by the dismemberment of the Department. [More…]
He has achieved uncertainty and confusion amongst the migrants, making their task of assimilation that much more difficult. [More…]
Long before that unhappy day comes he will find that the present Department of Labor and Immigration has been so well integrated and will be working so well that to give him the portfolio that he is striving to obtain would be to create enormous chaos and impose upon the migrants unnecessary hardships and disadvantage. [More…]
I am glad to see that the honourable member for Boothby is interested in migrants. [More…]
It is the first time I have heard him interject in a debate on migrants since he has been in this Parliament. [More…]
One good reason is that migrants more than anything else want the right to be able to get a good job when they come to this country. [More…]
It is terribly important to the future of migrants that they have close contact with a department that can provide them with suitable employment or, if suitable employment is not available for the type of training that they have had, that the department can provide training for them. [More…]
Migrants do want this opportunity for employment more than anything else when they come to the country. [More…]
What the honourable gentleman did not mention - and I do not blame him for not mentioning it because it would have gone right against his case - is that the main competitor with Australia for migrants is Canada which does have manpower and migration integrated. [More…]
It works so well that Canada obtains many more migrants than we do, much to our ill-content. [More…]
When we were looking for more migrants, we found that Canada was able to get more than we could. [More…]
The people of the city are taxpayers, be they migrants or otherwise, and they are making their contribution to make this country great, yet the Opposition wants to deny them the opportunity to do so. [More…]
There can be no doubt that since coming to office this Government has sought consistently to remove all forms of discrimination from our laws, whether it be discrimination against women, Aborigines, migrants or in the various other forms that it appears in our statutes. [More…]
The people on low incomes, especially migrants, are not receiving the level of medical and hospital care that they really need in the best interests of their health. [More…]
Under the existing health scheme the Liberal-Country Party Government progressively closed the gaps as they were found to exist and it assisted those low income groups, such as migrants and pensioners, to have health care. [More…]
For the first time they realised that migrants and poor people were not covered by this scheme. [More…]
Migrants in Non-urban Areas (Question No. [More…]
Considerable work would be involved in preparing a full reply to your question on the proportion of migrants in nonurban areas. [More…]
The table shows that the heaviest concentration of migrants is in the Capital City Statistical Divisions. [More…]
How many of these were migrants. [More…]
The other is entitled ‘Committee on Social Patterns: “A Study of Older Migrants, Interim Report- June 1974” ‘ [More…]
It operated in the areas of Surry Hills and Parramatta and advised on matters of marriage guidance and matters relating to immigrants. [More…]
It had a number of special projects of an intimate nature, including a special study of migrants in car plants and their work in those plants. [More…]
-Quite serious allegations were made concerning a certain company in Western Australia about the sponsoring of migrants, mainly from the United Kingdom. [More…]
I am informed that immediately or very shortly after the Minister received the request from the Landall company, he decided to revoke the 2 rules which the Ministers for Immigration had previously agreed upon so that there would no longer be the necessity, which previously would have operated, of letting migrants know something about the law before they entered into these contracts. [More…]
From time to time cases have arisen where migrants have complained about the dealings they have had with housing development companies. [More…]
It was involved also in the sale to migrants of second hand cars which proved to be not worth the money that they were made to pay for them under terms which prompted serious complaints and critical comment and which indeed raised doubts as to the ethics of the actual dealings. [More…]
There are certain exceptions from prosecution action viz: pensioners, migrants (if resident in Australia less than six months), all instances where not more than three months has elapsed since the receiver was purchased or the licence has expired and any person who is able to substantiate a claim of hardship. [More…]
My memory is that of all the migrants who come to Australia, the percentage of naturalisations has been highest among those born in the Baltic States. [More…]
As mentioned to you during our telephone conversation, my Company is seeking to step up its activities in London with a view to increasing the now of migrants from the UK to this State. [More…]
When one thinks of hard work, one must naturally think of the tremendous contribution made by the wonderful Italian people and other migrants who have seen fit to settle in this part of Australia. [More…]
In the course of his answer on 24 September the Minister mentioned that a conference of Ministers for Immigration in November 1973 agreed on South Australian rules respecting the nomination of migrants. [More…]
It was involved also in the sale to migrants of second hand cars which proved to be not worth the money that they were made to pay for them under terms which prompted serious complaints . [More…]
Since the commencement of that program about 2.5 million migrants have come to Australia. [More…]
The Attorney-General (Senator Murphy) announced in a Press release dated 6 June 1974 that there had been established the Australian Legal Office whose stated purpose is: to provide legal advice and assistance to the socially deprived and people for whom the Australian Government has a special responsibility such as those on social services, Aborigines, ex-servicemen and migrants. [More…]
1 ) Has a critical situation developed along the north and north west coasts with the increasing possibility of exotic diseases, drugs and illegal migrants entering Australia in this area. [More…]
In the next few days we are going to be privileged as a parliament to receive a Bill which will seek to extend to the whole of the people of Australia, whether they are ex-servicemen or migrants, no matter who they are, the right to one of the basic freedoms for which every parliament and every government should strive, freedom from want. [More…]
Another group which will be grossly disadvantaged by the Government’s decision to reduce the taxation deduction are the migrants. [More…]
One could not say that the migrants are amongst the higher income bracket in the community. [More…]
A tremendous number of migrants have a wish and a very strong compulsion to send thier children to particular sectarian schools. [More…]
Not only are these people affected by the economic policies of the present Government because they are usually the ones who get sacked first- if one looks at the unemployment figures one will find that migrants are the hardest hit of any section of the community by the present unemployment wave- but also they will be doubly hit because their taxation deductions for education of their children attending independent schools that they previously claimed will now be taken away from them. [More…]
So do not let this Government say that it is the defender of the rights of the migrants any more, because in fact it is working against the migrants. [More…]
Almost 50 per cent of the students at the school are migrants, mostly of Italian origin. [More…]
One of the principal obstacles has been the fact that the Iraqi Government has not been prepared to validate would be migrants’ passports for travel to Australia. [More…]
But what do we find now under the Labor Government, which, I might add, came to power professing to have the interests of the migrants at heart? [More…]
Firstly, there is the effect on the migrants. [More…]
There is an actual effect on the welfare of the migrants in this country. [More…]
It will be very much more difficult to administer the many problems which beset migrants who have come to Australia recently or who have been here for some time. [More…]
It will be very much more difficult to administer those things which go to make life more easy for the migrants who have come to Australia. [More…]
There will be very much less flexibility in the approaches which can be made to the many problems which beset individual migrants when they come here. [More…]
There will be a very great diminution of the ability to react to the unusual circumstances which often arise extremely quickly- for instance, with the arrival of an aeroplane bringing migrants to Australia, although, of course, under the administration of the present Labor Government the arrival of aeroplanes bringing migrants is a very rare occurrence these days. [More…]
No matter to which ethnic group in the community they belong, as a section of the community the migrants feel that they are being downgraded because the former Department, which had so much influence in their lives and had such a very real appreciation of the problems that they, as individual migrants, face, has been broken up. [More…]
The results of changing policies which affect migrants and migration matters are often not worked out until many years in the future. [More…]
In fact, I believe that Australia now has a greater number than ever before of illegal migrants in this country. [More…]
That newspaper also published an advertisement attributed to the New Settlers Federation calling upon illegal migrants to contact a Mr Lianos if they wanted to stay in Australia. [More…]
My advice to any illegal migrants who may contemplate approaching the New Settlers Association in response to the advertisement mentioned earlier is simply that they will find they have been ill advised and any money they may pass over to the New Settlers Association will be money that will be worse than wasted because it will be money that will put them into the clutches of an organisation whose interest in their cases will prejudice rather than help their future prospects in Australia. [More…]
Perhaps the only thing that we disagreed on were the numbers, the way in which migrants were to be brought to Australia and like matters. [More…]
But the number of migrants coming to Australia, particularly in the last 12 months, has gradually decreased. [More…]
We were told by the former Minister for Immigration that the future policy would be based on family reunions and that this would play a very important role in relation to incoming migrants. [More…]
Australia has almost 2 million migrants resident here. [More…]
I believe that most of these migrants, because of the environment, are happy here. [More…]
It is gradually being taken away for 2 very definite reasons: first, the reduction in the number of migrants; and second, the broadened policy based on non-discrimination and an ability to occupy a position in an industry with little thought for the long term future. [More…]
I gather that Sydney and then Melbourne hostels were filled with so-called Chilean migrants after the coup in Chile with the final overflow of 52 going to Adelaide and 142 going to Brisbane and smaller numbers going to Perth and Canberra. [More…]
These migrants come from a pool that Senator Murphy described in a statement tabled on 21 March this year as: …. required by the present regime to leave Chile for political reasons or due to irregular resident status . [More…]
It is also interesting to note in passing that the signatory countries had by then granted asylum to several hundred people and yet over the next 9 months this country took in 1,500 migrants when the missions of other countries had ceased selecting from the pool, presumably on proper screening procedures adopted by those nations. [More…]
I have strong evidence from Foreign Affairs sources pointing to the fact that these immigrants to Australia were improperly screened and I strongly doubt the statement made by Senator Murphy in clause 18 of his paper where he says: [More…]
I also pointed out the need for generalists in special education, the need for specialists in education for the various categories of handicapped learners and gifted children, including slow learners, disturbed, maladjusted and autistic children, physically handicapped children in various categories, gifted children and specific learning defect sufferers and the culturally deprived, including migrants and Aboriginals. [More…]
Can the Minister inform die House in percentage and numerical terms of the distribution of the overall migrant quota among the countries from which we have received migrants in the past? [More…]
-The purpose of my visit is to visit the Economic Community, the Soviet Union and the principal countries from which migrants have come and are coming to Australia. [More…]
For instance, there has been a long-standing invitation over 7 years by the President of Italy for the head of the Australian Government to visit that country- the country from which the greatest number of migrants have come other than from Britain. [More…]
The amount provided for special groups such as Aborigines, migrants, soldiers’ children and isolated children, will be cut by $5.46m and if the amount payable to colleges of” advanced education and teachers’ colleges were included in the 8 per cent, expenditure in these areas would be cut by $25.6m. [More…]
1 ) What proportion of new residents in Canberra each year are migrants. [More…]
In October the Minister for Labor and Immigration (Mr Clyde Cameron) said in a Press statement that he could not responsibly approve the entry of migrants who were likely to experience difficulty in finding and holding employment and who would be competing with Australians and migrants already here in the tight sections of the labour market. [More…]
In abolishing the Department of Immigration it is clear that the Australian Labor Party, despite its earlier protests, believes that migrants should be treated as cannon fodder for industry. [More…]
If one looks at the statement to which I referred previously, issued by the Minister for Labour and Immigration on 2 October, one will see that he said that it would be damaging and he would be acting contrary to the Australian Labor Party’s platform if he were to bring migrants here at this time when we cannot ensure that they will find long term employment. [More…]
If he could see that they were short term problems that would face prospective migrants, why did he not say so? [More…]
From where are the limited numbers of migrants who are now being admitted to come? [More…]
How many migrants will the Minister let in from the United Kingdom over the next 12 months? [More…]
This is a concern not only of the migrants and the people here in Australia but also of those many thousands of people whose aspirations were raised by this Government in the belief that they could find a new home here in Australia. [More…]
These will initially include the handicapped, the aged, migrants, youth and women. [More…]
In its examination of the barriers preventing ready access to technical and further education, the Committee refers to the special problems faced by people in rural areas, by women and girls, and by handicapped persons and migrants. [More…]
People all over Australia, migrants in particular, are seeking electoral reform. [More…]
In point of fact, these are visits to places from which Australia has drawn many migrants in the past. [More…]
The report appears to be deficient in its treatment of migrants’ special problems. [More…]
Migrants might well require special study on their own with individual treatment given to specific ethnic groups to facilitate their entry into the technical and further education field. [More…]
Is the Minister for Labor and Immigration aware of a report that Australia’s $25,000 a year community relations officer, Mr Grassby, claims that he is handling more than 300 problems a week from troubled migrants? [More…]
Does he have any authority to take any actions not available to other public servants, particularly those in the Department of Labor and Immigration, who continually deal with the problems of migrants? [More…]
It is designed to ensure that migrants in the community are not exploited. [More…]
He has been instrumental in preventing the exploitation of many migrants. [More…]
Some of the migrants have been required to pay large sums of money to get, from agencies which have no right to make a charge upon a migrant for this service, an extension of a visitor’s visa. [More…]
Migrants have been able to go to Mr Grassby and to ask Mr Grassby: ‘Is it in order for the travel agency to ask me to pay $90 to get an extension of my tourist visa?’ [More…]
What amazes me is that former governmentsthat is, governments before 2 December 1972 -had not realised the problems that migrants had to face. [More…]
I congratulate the Government on his appointment and I congratulate migrants for having a friend like Mr Grassby to whom they can turn. [More…]
Further, it could create a barrier to a number of migrants many of whom have dual nationality. [More…]
Officers who are migrants would be required to run the unnecessary risk of losing their original nationality where they have a dual nationality. [More…]
What consideration has the Government given as promised to the establishment of machinery to maintain an integrated and co-ordinated approach to matters affecting migrants. [More…]
I am informed that the answer to the right honourable member’s question is as follows: (1), (2) and (3) The Government has accepted the recommendation of the Working Party established to examine the question of the distribution of certain functions previously carried out by the former Department of Immigration that a Standing Interdepartmental Committee should be established to ensure a continued, co-ordinated and integrated approach to all matters relating to immigration and the welfare of migrants. [More…]
In the meantime liaison has been established where necessary with other Departments to ensure that the interests of migrants will continue to be properly served. [More…]
These people from Cyprus will be entitled to the same assistance as is extended to other migrants. [More…]
Migrants: Government Publications in Various Languages (Question No. [More…]
1 ) How many publications have been printed in the most widely used languages to provide information to help migrants in the work force. [More…]
1 ) and (2) For many years a range of booklets has been provided in 17 languages to inform prospective migrants overseas about living conditions in Australia. [More…]
Migrants have been asked to study these booklets and to bring them to Australia, where copies are also available at offices of the Department of Labor and Immigration for further reference. [More…]
The publications distributed to prospective migrants are: ‘Australia’ ‘Assisted Passages to Australia ‘ ‘Your Journey to Australia ‘ ‘Customs and Quarantine in Australia’ ‘ Migrant Accommodation in Australia ‘ ‘Employment in Australia’ ‘ Housing in Australia ‘ ‘ Education in Australia ‘ ‘Health and Social Security in Australia’ ‘ Wages, Prices and Taxes in Australia ‘ ‘ Health Insurance in Australia ‘ [More…]
However, in 1974-75, the estimated cost of printing information booklets in English for prospective migrants overseas is $130,000 and, in 16 other languages, $250,000. [More…]
In his wonderful achievements in the external fields, why was it that in one country alone on his visit- I refer to Holland- he was prepared to accept in his discussions on immigration that there should be a preparedness by the Australian Government to consider an increase in migrants? [More…]
If so, what proposals does the Department of Foreign Affairs now have to provide a specialised service for migrants in the Western Suburbs in the special field of the issue of passports. [More…]
These may include, if the Government so decides- any future government- persons living in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory, migrants, students, Aborigines and persons engaged in work for the Australian Government. [More…]
If so, what proposals does his Department now have to provide a specialised service for migrants in the Western Suburbs in the special field of migrant welfare. [More…]
Other people have been in the past, and still are at the present time, deported for this offence as prohibited migrants. [More…]
They could include, according to the Bill, ex-servicemen, migrants, Aborigines, Commonwealth public servants, contractors working for the Federal Government and persons in receipt of a Commonwealth pension; that is, aged persons, widows, deserted wives, supporting mothers, and so on. [More…]
I instance migrants in Australia. [More…]
It has become apparent in recent times through surveys which have been conducted by this Government that the migrants of Australia have been discriminated against by the providers of houses in most Australian States. [More…]
A great service could result from the provision of units for these groups of migrants and other disadvantaged groups within the Australian community. [More…]
For instance, it can directly house migrants, students, Aborigines, persons engaged in work for the Australian Government and residents of the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. [More…]
Certainly the Australian Government has always been active in providing financial assistance for housing to certain groups in the community, including the poor, the aged, migrants, Aborigines and suitably qualified past and present members of the armed Services. [More…]
Nor is it the intention of the Government that the activities of the Australian Housing Corporation should conflict in any way with established policy on the provision of housing for particular groups, such as migrants, students or Aborigines. [More…]
Again, that is a specific case: migrants, students, Aborigines- [More…]
However the Corporation would be able to build dwellings for Commonwealth employees, migrants, students, those who are in receipt of family allowances for these purposes and those who are also in receipt of advances or loans from the Director of Defence Service Homes. [More…]
Everybody knows that there is no inhibition at all in respect of the provision of houses for people in the Territories or for Aborigines, migrants, servicemen, ex-servicemen, students and for certain recipients of social security benefits. [More…]
Since then he had campaigned for a resumption of transportation which would bring further distress to the thousands of free migrants already unemployed. [More…]
There are various migrants in Australia and it behoves none of us to exacerbate feelings between those migrants. [More…]
It has particular regard for the needs of women, of country students, of migrants, and of handicapped persons. [More…]
The first people to become unemployed are unskilled, non-English-speaking migrants. [More…]
A local government authority submitted to the Grants Commission recently among other proposals in support of its need for extra funds the proposition that one of its housing estates contained mainly English and Irish migrants who were bad debtors with respect to council rates as 20 per cent of that authority’s non-payers came from the estate in question. [More…]
Australia has, as I have already mentioned, particularly since the Second World War conducted a massive campaign to seek and welcome migrants from a great number or countries. [More…]
In the main, whilst many migrants will be able to complain of individual instances of prejudice or discrimination that they personally have experienced, Australia has developed with their help and effort, largely free from significant racial or cultural prejudice. [More…]
If we look at division after division in New South Wales we will find that the informal vote is highest where there is the highest concentration of migrants, and this is because political Parties ignore the spending of money on avenues that may be of influence in the migrant communities, or cannot afford it. [More…]
The electorate of Sydney, which has a high concentration of migrants, had a 20 per cent informal vote at the 1974 Senate election. [More…]
Priority will also be given to families in economic or other distress, and to groups with particular needs such as Aborigines, migrants, handicapped children and isolated children. [More…]
The section I would like to bring forward today for some degree of emphasis relates to migrant children or the children of migrants in Australia. [More…]
When one looks at the problems being experienced by migrant children or the children of migrants- they are not necessarily the same thing- one is impressed by the immensity of the situation in terms of the total number involved and the immensity of the situation in terms of the spread of disadvantages within that particular group. [More…]
In other words, I would like to see people of an ethnic background appointed to advisory committees or supervisory committees, people who have an intimate knowledge, who themselves were migrants or the children of migrants who really have a first-hand working knowledge of the problems which these people face. [More…]
Of course, although this Curriculum Development Centre only applies, as I understand it, to teaching in schools- and, therefore would only apply to school children- this problem of education which faces migrants is not confined to children at all. [More…]
I appeal to the Minister in his attitude and in his talks with his advisers and his officers to look at the inclusion of migrants on advisory or supervisory committees, and I urge that we keep very much in mind the problems being experienced by this very large group of Australians or soon-to-be Australians, the migrant children. [More…]
The Minister said that we must remove barriers discouraging adults from further education and we must have particular regard for the needs of women, of country students, of migrants and of handicapped persons. [More…]
This should remove barriers discouraging adults and it should have particular regard for the needs of women, country students, migrants and handicapped persons. [More…]
The public does not seem to be aware that the Australian Legal Aid Office will give legal advice and also give legal assistance by way of instituting court proceedings to people who are eligible for such assistance, being people of limited means or people for whom the Australian Government has a special responsibility such as pensioners, migrants or infants. [More…]
For very many years a significant proportion or our imports and exports have flowed along one or other of these 2 trade routes, and most of our migrants also have come to us across the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Within other areas under my authority there are units which perform tasks which could be regarded as research and development, for example, the development of language teaching materials for migrants, within my Department. [More…]
There is another one which I consider to be very important, and that is the problems of groups such as migrants, women, apprentices and other such groups in the community. [More…]
Another group of people who were omitted were migrants who had purchased their home within 3 years of arrival. [More…]
If you get children of old Australians unable to find work, seeing migrants getting jobs, there could be sociological problems. [More…]
That will stop illegal migrants and will stop people from cheating the Government in more ways than one. [More…]
That is one of the reasons why it catches up more quickly than we do with illegal migrants. [More…]
The residents on both sides share the same problems- the squeeze of business and industrial premises against residential areas, displacement by freeway construction, the decline in the quality of urban life, large numbers of pensioners and migrants. [More…]
Many of them are migrants from non-Christian communities. [More…]
There has been a marked increase in the population; there has been an alteration to the Commonwealth Electoral Act to provide for 18-year-olds to vote instead of having to wait until they reach 2 1 years of age; and migrants have been given the right to obtain citizenship after 3 years residence in Australia instead of having to wait for 5 years. [More…]
The rights of the smaller people, people with very specific problems such as the migrants are submerged. [More…]
I am pleased to see some reference to the problems in respect to migrants in the explanatory memorandum to the Bill. [More…]
Of course, there is a difference in the criteria for admission of migrants from Vietman which applied before there was a change of government in Vietnam, and the evacuees from Vietnam who are now within American jurisdiction on the one hand and the refugees on the other hand. [More…]
The criteria for the admission of refugees are obviously wider than the criteria for the admission of migrants or evacuees. [More…]
geographically situated to provide a service in areas with a reasonably heavy proportion of migrants in the population; [More…]
According to the definitions in use, 66.5 per cent of all pupils in these schools were ‘migrants’. [More…]
I take the honourable member for Bradfield (Mr Connolly) to task for what he said about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as applied to Vietnamese migrants in Australia. [More…]
People who are applying include those who have not had the opportunity to be trained in their youth, who have not had the opportunity to have a reasonable education, new settlers to this country, migrants from other parts of the world who have not had the opportunity to be trained in the skills required in this community. [More…]
The fact is that Mr Gismondi was an army officer in the country of which he is a citizen and as we are not seeking army officers as migrants at present he did not meet the occupational conditions for migrant entry. [More…]
Instead the Government is going to help only public servants, migrants and other people in limited categories because it is so suspicious about co-operating with the States. [More…]
The post-arrival welfare of migrants is no longer the resonsibility of the Minister for Labor and Immigration. [More…]
They are the weak of our society- the unskilled, the migrants, the big families, the Aborigines, the ill and the injured. [More…]
Senator Mulvihill, Vice Chairman of the Federal Labor Party’s Immigration Committee, said in an address entitled Refugees in the World Today delivered on Thursday of last week, that is, 28 August: … the sympathy, understanding and tolerance with which the Government’s policies are administered apply no less strongly to refugees than to migrants generally. [More…]
More particularly, it strikes at migrants, people who have come to this country because they see it as a place where they can live at peace and not be subjected to the strains and stresses of their home countries. [More…]
Migrants can come to Australia, stand on any street corner and say what they wish about other countries. [More…]
Would this action lead to the screening of migrants to Australia? [More…]
With the economic conditions of today not many migrants are being permitted to enter Australia, even for family reunions. [More…]
But all those migrants could be screened and could be forced to sign an undertaking not to speak about politics which are not to the liking of the government of the day. [More…]
We have passed the stage of forcing our migrants to be second class citizens. [More…]
This action is a direct attack on the migrants of Australia and they ought properly to resent it. [More…]
That is a protection to the migrants. [More…]
It has tried to suggest that an undertaking required of 6 former diplomats and 3 former senior officers of the South Vietnamese Army is in some way an attack on all migrants and is in some way an attack on the civil liberties of all Australians. [More…]
I know what his attitude to migrants and migrant problems has been in the past. [More…]
This Government will oppose discrimination against migrants and will guarantee no discrimination against migrants in our society. [More…]
I hasten to say that in years this Government has done more to guarantee an end to discrimination against migrants than our friends did in the 23 years of their Government. [More…]
When did the honourable member for Warringah (Mr MacKellar), who began this debate or the second speaker from the Opposition side, the right honourable member for Bruce, bring in any legislation or any administrative machinery to prevent discrimination against migrants or, for that matter, anybody else? [More…]
There has been a massive increase in the number of migrants seeking citizenship since honourable members opposite left office. [More…]
After aU, it could be said that we have suffered from the activities of a great number of migrants to Australia who have used Australia as a launching pad for abuse and sometimes for incursions against other countries with which we have correct and proper relations. [More…]
I am sure that honourable members must have shared my experience on numerous occasions when pensioners, migrants, disadvantaged people of one type or another, have urgently required legal advice and sometimes legal representation. [More…]
This racket was within the law, even if just within it, but the people who were victims were largely migrants. [More…]
Is it a fact that a project has been approved by the Minister for Social Security under the Australian Assistance Plan whereby more than $20,000 has been granted to the Western Metropolitan Adelaide Region for Social Development to expand volunteer, home English-teaching for migrants. [More…]
The grant was to provide for the expansion of a voluntary home English teaching program for migrants and related research and publicity. [More…]
Migrants have been granted the right to obtain citizenship after 3 years of residence in Australia instead of after 5 years. [More…]
The Australian Legal Aid Office will also provide legal aid for the culturally and socially disadvantaged, for migrants as well as community groups and for the inarticulate. [More…]
The education of migrants and Aborigines is another area that claims priority. [More…]
Library services in foreign languages are seen also as part of community education insofar as it relates to migrants, and this functionally is the responsibility of the Department of Social Security. [More…]
Its terms of reference include inquiry into specialised library services including service to migrants of all age groups. [More…]
I suggest that no group in the community would be more vulnerable to potential disaster brought on by a downturn in employment opportunities than migrants and members of ethnic communities. [More…]
The numbers of migrants- this is most significantreturning home is increasing. [More…]
As in so many areas much was promised to migrants and Australians of migrant background. [More…]
After listening to some members of the Government party, one wonders just where they stand in relation to migrants. [More…]
I think that statement needs some further explanation by the honourable member for Hunter who referred to migrants in this country as scum. [More…]
I think that the honourable member for Hunter should be more explicit as to what he really means because he refers in his comments to the fact that 75 per cent of our migrants are scum. [More…]
Because of the economic situation in Australia, the Government has found it necessary to impose occupational restrictions on the entry of migrants other than those qualifying as the spouse, dependent children, aged or dependent parents or fiances of Australian residents. [More…]
We must remember also that a big reduction has occurred in the number of migrants coming to Australia. [More…]
If we were to revert to the former situation and if we sought to increase the number of migrants entering Australia to up to 180 000, how would officers of the Department of Labor and Immigration be able to cope if they cannot handle the few migrants who are coming to Australia now? [More…]
If there are enough of these migrants, another school and another hospital may be required. [More…]
We owe a great debt of gratitude to our migrants. [More…]
I also wish to say a few words about the migration policies of this Government when one hears members of the Opposition decrying the efforts of this Government and when one looks back at the 23 years in which the conservative governments of this country dumped the migrants on our doorstep and hoped that everything would work out well for them as they entered the community, as they became the human fodder for the mass industries of this country and as they became the forgotten people one realises that this Government has done far more in its short term of office to assist those people once they have arrived in this country than the conservative forces did in 23 years. [More…]
This is the first government that has recognised that the problems of the migrants do not stop once they set foot on these shores. [More…]
The Government seems to be of the opinion that if we admit migrants to this country they will take jobs away from Australians. [More…]
On the contrary, migrants, besides bringing many skills to this country, as they have done in the past, would create jobs. [More…]
By imposing the present restrictions on the inflow of migrants to this country the Government has failed to improve the employment situation. [More…]
The Government maintains that Australia, at the present time, is incapable of sustaining an increase of more than 40 000 immigrants a year, despite the opinion of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation that the present capacity of Australia’s food energy resources is sufficient to support 37 million people immediately- three times our present population. [More…]
Today our population is almost double that figure and Australia is immensely enriched by the skills which migrants have brought to this country. [More…]
All of us, as members acting on behalf of constituents, have seen people who would have made good migrants and excellent Australians refused entry to this country- people who could have contributed greatly to Australia’s future. [More…]
-Earlier this evening my colleague the honourable member for Port Adelaide (Mr Young) mentioned the lack of concern for migrants once they were settled in this country. [More…]
It was a significant feature of the immigration policy under the previous Government, to such and extent that by the time we of the Australian Labor Party came to office in December 1972 some 25 per cent of our annual migrant intake was being lost by wastage of migrants returning to their home countries. [More…]
Among those valuable initiatives was the decision to appoint a committee of the Immigration Advisory Council to inquire into and report upon the extent of discrimination and exploitation of migrants, with particular emphasis on their use of community resources. [More…]
In the interim report the Committee put particular emphasis on several aspects of community concern for migrants and highlighted several areas in which discrimination was practised against migrants. [More…]
It remains to be seen whether there has been acceptance by courts, police, hospitals and other bodies in contact with the public of any obligation to provide trained interpreters to facilitate their dealing with migrants. [More…]
This has been of serious concern to those interested in the welfare of migrants. [More…]
Until such time as action is taken to revise the present nationality criteria, non-British migrants are being discriminated against in that they are cut off from obtaining permanent employment in Government services in some circumstances. [More…]
But I believe that it should be regarded by the Government as a matter of urgency that this one area of discrimination against newly arrived migrants should be eliminated by the positive action of the Government to give equal employment opportunities in the Public Service to all Australian citizens regardless of their ability to handle effectively the English language. [More…]
They cannot look after themselves completely, but they are better able to look after themselves than are the pensioners, the migrants, the illiterate people, the undereducated and people with poor incomes. [More…]
In all that time there were significant numbers of migrants in this country. [More…]
They seek to disguise their contempt for the underprivileged, migrants, people on social security and the inarticulate by the shoddy, back-door device of sending the Legal Aid Bill into oblivion. [More…]
People in this latter group would be, for instance, students, Aborigines and migrants. [More…]
Of that number 35.5 per cent were in the family law area; 24 per cent were concerned with problems related to Federal law; 21.5 per cent were conducted with pensioners and 8 per cent with migrants. [More…]
What about the problems of migrants which have been serviced now by the present Legal Aid Office? [More…]
As it is, the federal legal aid program proposed in this BUI will be limited to all matters arising under federal law and to people to whom the Federal Parliament has a special responsibility, such as Aborigines, students, migrants and pensioners. [More…]
And the vast majority of migrants are poor and cannot afford the cost of adequate representation. [More…]
-Because if you look at the figures for informal votes in New South Walesyou have looked at them, which is why you are trying to consolidate the present system in its present form- you will find that in the electorates where there was the highest number of informal votes the people who have been penalised are, to be a very large extent, the migrants, the disadvantaged groups and the groups which may have some difficulty in voting from one to seventythree. [More…]
I do not know whether the honourable member for Port Adelaide had any justification in suggesting that a lot of migrants- I think that is what he saidcast informal votes at the last Senate election. [More…]
to offer a special employment counselling and placement service to school leavers, the handicapped, older workers, discharged servicemen, ex-prisoners, aborigines and migrants. [More…]
It is worth emphasising that following the undertaking contained in his policy speech on 29 April 1974 the Prime Minister established a commission of inquiry under Mr Justice Hope to conduct a judicial inquiry into the structure of the Australian security service and into methods of reviewing decisions adversely affecting citizens or migrants. [More…]
In addition, 8 per cent were migrants. [More…]
What happens, might I ask the learned Attorney-General (Mr Enderby), when a person seeking assistance is confronted with a legal matter involving both State and Commonwealth law and that person does not fall within the particular class of persons comprehended by Commonwealth law- for example, pensioners, migrants and the like? [More…]
It is intended to be in areas principally where pensioners, migrants and low income earners are found. [More…]
Honourable members should place themselves in the position of migrants who have come to this country expecting opportunities to work, expecting that if they show enterprise, thrift and initiative and if they work hard they will be able to gain some reward for it and make a better life for themselves but more particularly for their families. [More…]
The Government recognises the major contribution that migrants have made to Australia. [More…]
In my electorate we have a large number of migrants. [More…]
As in other electorates our migrants have contributed greatly to the growth of important towns such as Queanbeyan and Cooma. [More…]
I was pleased to hear the Governor-General say in his speech that the Government recognises the major contribution that migrants have made to Australia. [More…]
I think that bears out the fact that the migrants have brought into this country since the last major war have greatly helped this nation. [More…]
The migrants in my area greatly enrich our culture, in the snowfields, in Cooma and in the restaurants of Queanbeyan. [More…]
We know the worth of our migrants. [More…]
I was very pleased to see that Australia once again will benefit from forward looking policies towards migrants, forward looking policies related to encouraging interpreter centres, encouraging consultative groups with ethnic groups. [More…]
Eligible persons comprise certain low income families, persons in receipt of social security, unemployment, sickness and special benefits, and migrants during their first 2 months in Australia. [More…]
There is probably the largest cross section of migrants and ethnic groups in Australia- British, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Yugoslav, Croatian, Lebanese and substantial Chinese and Philippines communities. [More…]
I think that this was a very brave thing for him to have done because he represents a Party whose treatment of refugees and illegal migrants has been nothing short of disgraceful. [More…]
We all know that every country has within its borders at any one time a number of illegal migrants. [More…]
Australia has migrants who fit into these categories as well. [More…]
At any one time the average number of illegal migrants in Australia is said to be around 7000 to 9000 people. [More…]
Significantly, it is in the area of Melbourne the city in which the honourable member resides, the city in which he made the statement that he had told illegal immigrants to hold off; in fact the city with the most migrants that the numbers are not as high one would have hoped. [More…]
The persons would have to undergo a medical examination, like all other migrants. [More…]
It would set back those people who genuinely have been waiting to come to Australia as legal migrants. [More…]
Let me tell him about an appeals tribunal in Canada which has a situation in relation to migrants roughly similar to that which we have in Australia. [More…]
His first comment was on what he termed the disgraceful treatment of migrants, refugees and the like by the previous Government. [More…]
When he goes among the migrant community- in view of what he said, obviously he has not been there yet- he will find that it was not until the advent of the Labor Government in 1972 that the migrants in this country were elevated from a position in which they were brought here to do the dirty tasks, the unpleasant tasks and to fill the gaps in the factories in jobs which Australian people were a bit loath to take. [More…]
He then went on to attack the easy visa system and he blamed that system as the reason for there being, on his own admission, some 32 500 ‘illegal’ migrants in Australia. [More…]
If the Minister is sincere and does intend to get to the bottom of this very knotty problem he will first of all withdraw the statement that the Labor Party treated migrants disgracefully. [More…]
I freely concede that I have given to migrants in my own office the reported advice of the honourable member for Melbourne, that migrants should hold off, as quoted by the Minister. [More…]
Like the honourable member for Melbourne I have a very large number of migrants living in my electorate. [More…]
I can give the Minister names- I do not intend to do so- of many migrants who entered this country by various means and who are living here, undetected so far, in fear of a knock on the door. [More…]
If my memory serves me correctly the Minister mentioned that some 4000 people out of a total known number of 32 500 illegal migrants in this country have applied for amnesty. [More…]
As he claimed that the migrants who have come forward under the amnesty this time have been motivated to do so by the pilot scheme which his Government introduced 2 years ago, it might be appropriate to remind the House that, when this Government came to office, there were people who had come forward in 1974 under the Grassby amnesty scheme whose applications still had not been completely processed. [More…]
The matter for discussion concerns migrants. [More…]
This will mean that at the end of the 3 month period for which an amnesty has been declared those illegal immigrants who have not come forward might be deported if they are found. [More…]
Opposition members claim to be the only people who care about migrants but I would like to put on the record the undertaking which was forced upon the people who fled the communists in South Vietnam. [More…]
Despite its action, Labor claimed to have been a friend of the migrants. [More…]
Further, they were substantially migrants and workers, people who traditionally do not get help from conservative governments. [More…]
How can one blame the unfortunate migrants, the school leavers, older people and women who find themselves unemployed for hating him when they are spoken of as bludgers, cheats and long-hairs who should undergo more rigid testing and regimentation? [More…]
Being an electorate primarily of migrants, old people and employees it received great gains under our policies allowing huge increases in pensions, migrant services, housing for the aged and general social welfare. [More…]
Over the years Australia has received hundreds of thousands of migrants, in the main from [More…]
The axe has already been felt, and those who have suffered are those least able to defend themselves- the pre-school children, the pensioners, the migrants, the poor and the disadvantaged. [More…]
With the traditional sources of migrants drying up, due partly to improving conditions in Europe and partly to an increasing awareness of the realities of living in Australia, the conservative Government turned to Turkey to keep up the numbers. [More…]
During that period the Kensington group, which represents a wide spread of Turkish migrants, formed their own social welfare group, hired their own premises and conducted a survey of their community. [More…]
Its attitude to the poor could best be summed up as: ‘Serves them right for being born poor or for being born migrants’. [More…]
I have heard reports of people and organisations who have cautioned those migrants who come within the terms of the amnesty recently announced by the Government not to come forward to take advantage of the offer. [More…]
I think the whole community accepted the principle of a concession to people on lower incomes, to people on social security benefits of various sorts or to migrants after the first two or three months of their arrival in the country- I forget the period, but it is not very relevant. [More…]
It applied to the short period after migrants arrived and were necessarily settling in and getting themselves a job. [More…]
For the information of the honourable member for Maribyrnong (Dr Cass), it was for migrants in the first 2 months after their arrival in Australia. [More…]
This proposal is unfortunate for people on low incomes, recipients of unemployment and sickness benefits and new migrants. [More…]
As has been mentioned, migrants were covered for only 2 months anyway. [More…]
These people include those on unemployment, sickness or special benefits paid under the Social Services Act, migrants during their first 2 months in Australia and families on low incomes. [More…]
Assessment of eligibility under the subsidised health benefits plan and the issue of SHB entitlement certificates are carried out by the Department of Social Security, not the Department of Health, in respect of all these groups with the exception of migrants whose certificates are issued by the Department of Immigration. [More…]
It was an unemployment directly consequential on Labor’s disregard for the facts of life, an unemployment which harmed most of all the weak, the migrants, the poorthose sections of the Australian community which have sometimes looked upon the Australian Labor Party as their protector and which turned in their tens of thousands to us because of disillusion and dismay in December. [More…]
Many of them, like me, are migrants. [More…]
Is the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations aware that the cutbacks implemented by the Government in the Public Service sector have adversely affected the work of the Commonwealth Arbitration Inspectorate, to the extent that workers in general- and migrants and rural workers in particular- will be at the mercy of unscrupulous employers who will be more able to abrogate their obligation to meet standard award wages and conditions? [More…]
Almost every cutback in expenditure he has introduced has been aimed at the weakest and least protected groups in our communitythe pensioners, the Aborigines, the migrants, the people who are trying to re-establish themselves by means of retraining schemes, the unemployed, and now the children. [More…]
Honourable members will remember those dawn raids on Yugoslav migrants’ homes in Sydney. [More…]
There will always be large numbers of migrants who do not yet have the vote and who are not yet citizens. [More…]
I would now like to speak briefly about some of the problems confronting many of the very substantial number of migrants who live in the Perth electorate. [More…]
We all know of the great contribution made by migrants to both the economic and social development of this country, particularly in the postwar period. [More…]
The question is, however: Are we doing enough for our migrants? [More…]
I have countless numbers of migrants coming into my electorate office pleading a case for the re-uniting of their families in Australia. [More…]
I also welcome those aspects of the Governor-General’s Speech relating to immigrants as being essential to any successful and humane immigration program and I also urge the Government to give serious consideration to the suggestions in the Henderson report directed at eradicating some of the deficiencies and prejudices which our social welfare system presently contains regarding migrants. [More…]
I look forward during my stay in this House to protecting and furthering the best interests of Australia’s migrants. [More…]
It is no longer competent for us to say: ‘We are taking in all these migrants. [More…]
We are not taking in the migrants. [More…]
Shipping Company and the Orient Shipping Company both secured very lucrative contracts with the then coalition Government to transport migrants to Australia. [More…]
Neither of those 2 migrants brought a penny into this country- not a penny. [More…]
They were the sort of migrants we need in this country. [More…]
But the Committee has also seen the need on occasions to go outside its terms of reference and to look at the socially deprived, Aborigines and migrants to see whether their background and the difficulties they face in a new community or a strange society prevent them from coping with the learning process. [More…]
In order to clear up what is perhaps a misapprehension, I should point out that I did not make an announcement that we were attempting to lure more British migrants to Australia. [More…]
I wish to reverse that attitude of thought amongst potential migrants from the United Kingdom to Australia. [More…]
I believe an antiBritish feeling was developed and this was reflected in the attitude of potential migrants from the United Kingdom to Australia. [More…]
I point out to the House that a high proportion of our skilled migrants come from the United Kingdom. [More…]
Once the economic recovery gets under way in Australia we will be needing skilled migrants from all over the world. [More…]
I would say to those who have seen this as a call for more British migrants that this is not the case. [More…]
What I am seeking to do is to engender a positive attitude amongst potential migrants from the United Kingdom to Australia. [More…]
Our policies in this area of broadcasting are aimed at improving the information services to migrants as well as ensuring an equitable use of the radio frequency spectrum. [More…]
How the tools of capital opposite can bear themselves in the knowledge that it is the pensioners, the Aborigines, the people in need of health care and pharmaceutical benefits, the migrants, those needing legal aid and others in depressed sectors who are affected by this program, is absolutely beyond me. [More…]
-The Government in fact has made an announcement about its attitude towards potential migrants from the Lebanon. [More…]
One only has to consider that since 194S some 3.3 million migrants have come to Australia and that one person in five in this country is a migrant to appreciate the impact of post-war immigration. [More…]
If we include the children born to migrants after arrival, some 3.7 million of the total 6.2 million increase in Australia’s population since World War II is due directly to migrants. [More…]
This is a tribute to our massive development potential, the good sense of Australian-born people and migrants in avoiding community tensions and the industry of our migrants. [More…]
The constraints on our potential for population growth are not so much those of our natural resources as of the need to ensure a continuing improvement in living and working standards, the avoidance of short-term pressures on our infra-structures, the preservation of the environment, the avoidance of pockets of disadvantaged persons and groups, the need to ensure the retention of a cohesive Australian community with scope for cultural, ethnic and individual diversity and the availability of the sorts of migrants the Australian community requires and wants. [More…]
Just over half of the unemployed are migrants, with southern Europeans disproportionately represented. [More…]
In addition to that, more than half the men are migrants and more than half of them still suffer from substantial language problems. [More…]
Therefore, in this Parliament I shall be taking a deep interest in all legislation which affects migrants, who have made such a valuable contribution to the advancement of this nation. [More…]
One thing which this Government has established repeatedly is that it is a government intent on attacking the little people, the groups in our community least able to defend themselves- the pensioners, the migrants, the children in need of day care, those who need retraining opportunities and the like. [More…]
Think what this means to migrants who decide on their retirement to return to their homeland. [More…]
I pay tribute to the locally engaged staff in Beirut who have endeavoured to maintain a service to potential migrants and others applying to the temporary Embassy at very great personal risk to themselves. [More…]
Extension of the eligible categories either of migrants or visitors is not foreseen. [More…]
There are major problems of identification and extreme difficulties of obtaining necessary checks of potential immigrants including health checks. [More…]
The other day I pointed out an example of doublespeak on the part of the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) who, in a statement headed ‘Emergency Telephone Interpreter Services in Australia’, said that she was most anxious to examine ways and means of improving the efficiency of the service and client help for migrants. [More…]
Apparently that was the way to improve the efficiency of the service and to help the migrants who needed that service. [More…]
Migrants who rang the service got a telephone number to ring the following day. [More…]
Migrants who come to this country from overseas and who bring with them their life savings to invest in the new country in which they will be dwelling, raising their families and contributing so well to our community, will have those life savings considered as part of this program and gain additional finance to establish their home. [More…]
The 3-year residential requirement excluded the most needy people and migrants. [More…]
In the statement the Minister says that 1.5 million persons in this country are migrants. [More…]
When traditional British and Western European sources of immigration have declined Australia has had to recruit migrants from countries or areas within countries- for example, rural Greece and Yugoslavia- without the background, education and industrialisation necessary to produce well-trained manpower. [More…]
I am not denying for one moment that there was little difference between a Labor government in the past and the present Government or little difference perhaps in the debate that ensued over the years over the source countries of our immigrants. [More…]
Since the 1950s and the beginning of the wave of southern European immigrationfirst it was the Italians and then later the Greeks- migrants have disproportionately entered the unskilled and semi-skilled manufacturing and construction jobs. [More…]
From 1947-34 80 per cent of the increase in the male workforce and 60 per cent to 70 per cent of the female workforce consisted of migrants. [More…]
Not only have migrants accounted for the entire increase of members of the workforce from 10 to 29 years of age in the period from 1947-1961 but they have also to a considerable extent replaced Australian-born workers of these ages. [More…]
Thus migrants rather than school leavers to date have been the main source for replenishment of young workers. [More…]
According to a study undertaken in September 1 975 by what was then called the Department of Labor and Immigration entitled ‘Migrants in the Work Force’, the major occupation group in which migrants are employed is the broad and statistically unsatisfactory group of ‘tradesman, production process workers, labourers, etc’ which together contain 45 per cent of migrant workers compared with 29 per cent of Australian born workers. [More…]
It seems to me that the people who have come to this country as migrants have settled in an area of work in which, unless we do something about lifting their potential in the workforce, they are destined to remain, like a lot of the children who come from Greek families in my own electorate. [More…]
He said that this is a tribute to our massive development potential and the good sense of Australian-born people and migrants in avoiding community tensions. [More…]
There are insufficient people teaching the English language to migrants. [More…]
In that dispute migrants were depicted as individuals who were taking action that was quite foreign to the Australian workforce. [More…]
This means that we do not wish to have migrants of any one national origin doing the most menial tasks that society has to offer. [More…]
Thirdly, our traditional sources of migrants have the same problem; that is, they are industrialised economies too and they are finding their fertility rates are declining. [More…]
Society has to balance in its consideration of these matters the cost of migration to meet demands for goods and services such as schools, hospitals, roads and so on and the contribution which our migrants make to industry and to investment flowing from the expansion of industry. [More…]
Society will therefore have to balance the question of whether we now require migrants in the short term in certain semi-skilled and unskilled areas and certain other skilled areas so that we can get the economy moving without their becoming factory fodder and without perpetuating the problems of factory fodder to which the honourable member for Melbourne rightly referred. [More…]
Only then can we determine the desirable level of migrants and the sources of migrants. [More…]
Whyalla has grown mainly on the basis of migrants who were brought to this country on the nomination of the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd to work in its shipyards. [More…]
Allied to this need to rethink our industry protection policies is the dangerous development here in Canberra, particularly in the bureaucracy, of the philosophy that our industries must be geared to the recent slow-down in population growth and intake of migrants because that is going to be the permanent situation. [More…]
In migrant areas such as Earlwood, Arncliffe and Rockdale this is not the case because migrants and other Australians are coming into the area with their, families. [More…]
The other area affected by the cutback was literature for prospective migrants. [More…]
Amongst the groups for whom the Australian Legal Aid Office assumed special responsibility migrants figured prominently. [More…]
Included in the charter of the Legal Aid offices was a special responsibility to protect migrants who are in many cases unfamiliar with our complex legal system. [More…]
In the area of pre-embarkation and shipboard instruction for migrants coming to this country a further cut of $30,000 occurs. [More…]
For the first time, through this body, ethnic groups were being investigated and plans were being drawn up for the purpose of protecting migrants as such. [More…]
Medibank would not have become a poor man’s health fund for the infirm, the unemployed, the Aborigines and the migrants. [More…]
The Government proudly announces these savings on education, especially as they affect Aborigines and migrants. [More…]
He should ask about the migrants and the children who are being taught in the schools in their own language. [More…]
Attention will continue to be given to the occupational qualifications of prospective migrants so that newly arriving migrants do not face the prospect of unemployment or take jobs which otherwise would be available to unemployed members of the existing workforce. [More…]
To help offset the cost of the assisted passages, we have decided to increase the contributions from migrants receiving assistance under the scheme by $50 to $200 in the case of single migrants, and by $ 150 to $300 in the case of family units. [More…]
These include the children of widow and invalid pensioners, of workers close to the minimum wage or in intermittent employment, of self-employed people unable to earn an adequate income, and of many Aborigines, recently-arrived migrants and other disadvantaged groups. [More…]
Is it also a fact that migrants are confused by proposals that Medibank is to end? [More…]
We are concerned that migrants and people generally are being panicked into making such a rush for claims. [More…]
I believe that we should do all we can to open our door to people who wish to migrate to Australia, but our intake of migrants must be geared to the capacity of our society to absorb those people successfully. [More…]
The Minister is attempting to create the impression that the new quota of 70 000 migrants is based on a rational assessment of manpower needs. [More…]
Despite the increased migrant intake there has been no corresponding increase in the provision for adult education in the English language to accommodate either those migrants already here or those which will arrive in the future. [More…]
There is no provision for expansion despite the fact that the Government has decided to increase the number of migrants coming to this country. [More…]
The figure of 20 000 more migrants is one that the Minister has plucked out of thin air. [More…]
We have never in the past exceeded the quota of migrants eligible under the occupational skills criteria of the immigration program. [More…]
What we are talking about- let us be honest about it- is increasing the number of migrants under the family reunification program. [More…]
I wish to make only one last point about the Government’s immigration program and that is to draw attention to the impression that the new Minister has given that he is intent on returning to the traditional sources of migrants for this country, in other words the United Kingdom. [More…]
In the course of its inquiries the Henderson Commission recognised that during their first 2 years in Australia many non-British migrants have to make large personal sacrifices in order to earn sufficient income to keep out of poverty. [More…]
It was revealed that some 12 per cent of non-British migrants- that is 18 000 adult income units- had incomes below the poverty line after housing costs. [More…]
Often migrants get poor jobs and are among the first to become unemployed during recession periods such as have been experienced in Australia over the past few years. [More…]
Has the Minister seen reports that approximately 15 000 illegal migrants entered Australia during those months when 8500 illegal migrants surrendered under the amnesty arrangements? [More…]
Secondly, I would point out that every country has its quota of illegal migrants at any one time. [More…]
People over-stay or desert ships and there is always in any country a number of people in the category of illegal migrants. [More…]
I suggest that if the honourable gentlemen opposite and their cohorts who are setting out to destroy this magnificent social advance, this terrific improvement on the shambles which they created, continue to create the sort of uncertainty, disturbance and unhappiness in the minds of people- particularly the migrants whom they pushed into rushing into Medibank offices fearing that Medibank was being destroyed, because that is the nonsense coming from honourable members opposite- I believe that they will be doing a disservice not only to the great medical services that exist in Australia but also to the people of Australia. [More…]
We have not resolved the problems of suburbia nor the problems involved with the relationship of new migrants in our communities. [More…]
Does his Department currently accept Rhodesian migrants if the applicants fall within the accepted occupational categories, or have reasonable compassionate grounds. [More…]
In the light of the present unstable situation in Southern Africa and the likelihood that the days of the white minority regime in Rhodesia are numbered, will he consider accepting Rhodesian migrants now, irrespective of whether they meet the current standards. [More…]
2 ) What proportion of these persons are ( a ) migrants, ( b ) over 50 years of age, (c) under 25 years of age and (d) women. [More…]
Information is not available on the number of those unemployed who are migrants or persons over 50 years of age or under 25 years of age. [More…]
Does he share the concern that such priorities may lead to the sacking and under-payment of workers, the education of children of migrants and poor people in slum-like schools, the near starvation of pensioners and the humiliation and economic hardship of the unemployed. [More…]
There are introduction agencies and lonely hearts clubs that sometimes prey on migrants in particular and try to rip them off. [More…]
Without being pedantic about the terminology, I think the amendment I have foreshadowed ought to be considered seriously by the Government as the implications are very serious, not necessarily to citizens in general but to migrants who are at risk. [More…]
It is to migrants that what I have to say will be related. [More…]
Thus there is some general measure of justice for migrants who commit crimes. [More…]
The right of appeal extends to none of the thousands of ordinary migrants, only to the criminals in a certain class and those whose conduct the Minister decides is unbecoming. [More…]
A very real fear is created in the minds of hundreds of thousands of decent, law abiding migrants that they- whoever ‘they’ might be- might get them and there is simply no appeal. [More…]
Nevertheless, an examination of the Migration Act indicates that the Migration Act, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act and the Ombudsman Bill, taken together, leave many serious anomalies and put migrants into the hands of officials who can and do make arbitrary decisions. [More…]
As one who has been and will continue to be directly involved in establishing the rights of migrants, I find the present situation exasperating. [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
It is the same story with women, children, migrants, pensioners- all disadvantaged people. [More…]
Life is not meant to be easy for migrants. [More…]
He spoke of growth centres, social security, women, health, migrants, farmers, defence, urban and regional development. [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants . [More…]
The very real need for adult migrant education programs is shown by the fact that only 4 per cent of the adult nonEnglishspeaking migrants benefit from English language classes. [More…]
It reduces the chances of adult migrants receiving special English language education. [More…]
In the area of legal aid, another area of special concern for ethnic groups since the Australian Legal Aid Office recognised a special responsibility to assist migrants with legal difficulties, the program is again being effectively dismantled. [More…]
The Australian Legal Aid Office offered to many migrants the only hope of justice, the only protection of their rights as citizens. [More…]
The Government is determined to relegate migrants, in particular migrant women, to the role of factory fodder, to the role of second class citizens unable to communicate their needs, unable to demand their rights. [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship, notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants; and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
It seems that what I and other honourable members on this side of the House have said on this subject has had some effect, because apparently the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) has suddenly realised that this shabby treatment of migrants is likely to have serious electoral repercussions. [More…]
So this great hypocritical approach to trying to dupe migrants into believing what is going on in the Budget does not stand the test of examination. [More…]
I wish to direct the attention of the House, as I have directed, by way of a letter, the attention of the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar), to one of the problems for migrants in the Geelong area which has resulted from the amalgamation of the former Department of Labor and the former Department of Immigration and the separation of those departments since the change of Government last year. [More…]
The migrants in the Geelong area, and I am sure the same situation exists in Wollongong and Newcastle, where similar offices had existed previously, need the services of an officer who is directly in touch with the policy decisions of the Department. [More…]
The incidence of unemployment is even greater among some disadvantaged groups, such as young females, young people generally in nonmetropolitan areas, Aboriginals, and young migrants. [More…]
It is what the migrants find. [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants, and [More…]
They are major losers in the Medibank debacle, because of the low incomes which an eminent number of migrants receive. [More…]
You will know that cuts in the expenditure of the 1976-77 Budget affect the little people- pensioners, women, children, Aborigines, migrants, the sick and the infirm. [More…]
Either directly or by inference, he said he would increase expenditure on schools, roads, health services, sewerage, environment, women and children, Aborigines, the unemployed, public works, construction, shipbuilding, Medibank, State funds, growth centres, pensions, supporting mothers, unemployed school leavers, aged persons homes, destitute and lonely men- that includes most of the Opposition- supporting fathers, migrants, defence, nursing homes, hospitals, school dental services, refuges for women, national highways and last but not least, women. [More…]
-Last Thursday night I raised the topic of Government policy, or lack of policy, on migrants from the Lebanon. [More…]
I do not think that Australia can afford to be swamped only by migrants from the Lebanon. [More…]
I feel that it epitomises the approach of this Government to the problems not only of Lebanese migrants but also of migrants from various other countries. [More…]
the prevention of the exploitation of migrants in collaboration with other agencies where necessary. [More…]
There was a dual task- to provide prospective migrants with information about the acceptability of their qualifications before leaving their home countries and to encourage professions to develop a fair and reliable system of assessment which could be applied Australiawide. [More…]
In the field of general tertiary qualifications the Committee has provided a source of assessment for migrants who have hitherto had no organisation to which they could turn. [More…]
Booklets setting out the requirements for recognition in 16 professions have been published for the information of potential migrants. [More…]
The Committee’s work produces benefits for Australia and for migrants themselves. [More…]
Objective and reliable means to assess whether professionally qualified migrants possess these qualities have to be developed. [More…]
While substantial progress has been made in developing a just and reliable system of assessment for professionally qualified people, many migrants holding higher technical and subprofessional qualifications suffer the same hardships as their professional colleagues. [More…]
By providing reliable advice to prospective migrants on the prospects of entering their professions here. [More…]
The Committee maximises the usefulness of professionally qualified migrants and minimises hardships to them in settling in Australia. [More…]
it reduces the availability of services to the whole community but particularly to those most vulnerable to hardship notably Aborigines, the unemployed and migrants. [More…]
In relation to migrants, their expectations in so many areas were raised during the 3 years of Labor Government. [More…]
No longer were migrants to be treated as cannon fodder in factories. [More…]
325 non-English speaking migrants [More…]
It is important that delays in processing potential Lebanese migrants from Cyprus be kept to a minimum. [More…]
In the current circumstances of high levels of unemployment in Australia there may be employment difficulties for Lebanese migrants, many of whom are unskilled or semiskilled. [More…]
In the time remaining to me in this debate I wish to protest against the decision of the Department of Social Security to cease giving financial assistance to FILEF- the Federation of Italian Labourers, Emigrants and Familieswhich does so much work among migrants of Italian origin in my own area. [More…]
Suffice to say that society in general has failed to adapt to the housing, information and language difficulties of migrants, Aborigines and locals and the shifting geographical pattern of demand for labour changing emphasis in rural production and outlets. [More…]
1 ) The only country in which Australia is advertising for migrants at present is Britain since it is the most likely source of workers with trade or professional skills readily recognised and in strong and continuing demand in Australia. [More…]
and (3) The countries in which my Department has advertised directly for migrants over the past ten years are listed below: [More…]
Since 1945, 3.3 million migrants have come to Australia, and at the present time one person in every five in Australia is an immigrant. [More…]
Migrants, especially during the early period of settlement, add significantly to demand for goods and services and thus help to create employment. [More…]
Against a peak of 185 000 in 1970, only 50 000 migrants came to Australia during the last year of Labor rule. [More…]
The Minister has admitted in his statement to this House that we can expect little population growth from natural increase and that we must look to migrants for the long-term increase in our population. [More…]
On the question of the origin of migrants, I submit that many of those who claim that non-Europeans should be admitted are just as racially prejudiced as those they criticise. [More…]
Opponents used to argue that in periods of full employment the cost of basic services required for migrants, the so-called build-up of the social infrastructure, was so great as to use up our very limited resources. [More…]
We were told that Australia could not expand at the rate it ought to be able to expand because we were bringing in too many migrants; that the infrastructure cost was too great. [More…]
Let me summarise my own position as far as migrants are concerned. [More…]
We should not chase migrants. [More…]
If they are still prepared to come after seeing the unpleasant things they would probably make better migrants. [More…]
Finally- this is not a terribly big issue at the present time but it was when the previous Government was in power and conditions were booming- it struck me always as ridiculous that migrants must at least pretend that they intended to stay for ever. [More…]
I regard his comments on the proposed numbers of migrants coming to Australia this year as an insult to the migrant community. [More…]
It is an attack upon migrants. [More…]
Every Asian Australian will be aware of that policy, and I say to members of this Committee and to migrants everywhere that that shows the real concern of the Labor Party for refugees. [More…]
An excellent book has been written by Mrs Bini Malcolm and Mrs Kristine Whorlow entitled Migrants Melbourne. [More…]
I do not want to stray too far from the subject, but it is pertinent to look at the Government’s record in the field of providing assistance to migrants for integration. [More…]
I accept what the honourable member for Deakin (Mr Jarman) had to say and I accept some of what the honourable member for Prospect had to say, namely, that these immigrants will not of themselves increase unemployment. [More…]
There is a tremendous resentment against the acceptance of the idea that somehow better migrants will be those persons who have had an opportunity earlier on in life to work in the English language and to learn in the English language. [More…]
But what he failed to say at the same time was that Opposition spokesmen, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and other spokesmen for the Labor Opposition would have us bring no migrants to this country. [More…]
The Government realises the importance of bringing migrants to this country from all parts of the world. [More…]
Yet we find that last March Damascus was not notified in the Lebanon as a place where migrants could be assisted, that the arrangements in Damascus were never stated to be temporary, that these arrangements were terminated with a minimum of notice, and that no permanent arrangements are contemplated in Damascus, despite the evidence that they would be in great demand. [More…]
In the 1950s many honourable members had to show great patience and ingenuity to establish family relationships between prospective migrants from Italy and their sponsors in Australia. [More…]
In the 1960s we had to show that patience and ingenuity in establishing family relationships between prospective migrants from Yugoslavia and Greece and thensponsors in Australia. [More…]
There are not, however, the international agencies- refugee and migration agencieshelping Lebanese family reunion in Australia as there were in helping the earlier migrants or refugees. [More…]
The first doctrine is that as one moves from north-west to south-east across Europe from the North Sea to the Mediterranean, so in Liberal eyes do the people become less agreeable and desirable as potential migrants. [More…]
The Government has approved an increase of approximately 20 000 migrants to bring the total intake to 70 000 in the migration program for the 1976-77 financial year. [More…]
This represents an increase of approximately 40 per cent in the number of migrants coming to Australia. [More…]
Figures which I received today from the Statistics Group of the Legislative Research Service of the Parliamentary Library show that in 1973-74 the total number of migrants was 112 712, in 1974-75 it was 89 147, a considerable reduction, and for the 9 months ended March 1976 it was 40 558. [More…]
It is important and interesting to find out where these migrants come from. [More…]
In the 9 months ended March this year 13 823 of the total of 40 558 migrants were from the United Kingdom and Ireland. [More…]
It is unfair and unjust both to migrants and to Australians to bring out large numbers of people when unemployment is at such high levels after 3 years of Labor administration. [More…]
Migrants will not be taking over positions which unemployed people could fill. [More…]
Migrants, especially during the early period of settlement, add significantly to the demand for goods and services, thus helping to create employment. [More…]
This Government’s policy definitely ensures that migrants will not be permitted to settle in Australia if they face the prospect of unemployment or if they take up positions which could be filled by persons already in Australia. [More…]
An article headed ‘Plea Made For Skilled Migrants’ states: [More…]
Australia should start planning now for an increased intake of skilled migrants from Britain and Western Europe ‘, a leading employers spokesman said yesterday. [More…]
Furthermore, we are in a splendid position to screen the migrants. [More…]
Unfortunately migrants have been looked upon in the past, and still tend to be looked upon, as an easy supply of unskilled labour to occupy jobs which Australians will not readily accept in normal times. [More…]
I am concerned at reports- one on Four Comers last week- of the Australian population’s view of the standing of migrants. [More…]
I think that basically migrants have not been given what I would consider is a fair deal in our society. [More…]
State departments tend to utilise teachers supplied for this purpose on the basis that if they have nothing else to do so they can teach migrants. [More…]
Welfare among migrants, which is a very important area and which requires attention even more now than it possibly did in the past, is neglected and, I am sorry to say, appears to be administered on the basis of political patronage at the moment. [More…]
I talk of the Italian organisation called FILEF (Federation of Italian Labourers, Emigrants and Families) which until this year had been serving a purpose which the present Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) said was valuable among Italian migrant workers in Melbourne. [More…]
Irrespective of his political leanings it is important that people who can communicate with migrants and provide such a service stay in Australia. [More…]
That officer provided valuable service in Geelong where something like 25 per cent of the total population is made up of migrants. [More…]
Because of the present immigration restrictions there are large numbers of migrants who have raised immigration queries relating directly to members of their families who may or may not, in the final analysis, qualify for entry to Australia. [More…]
However I understand that some advertisements for additional migrants have been placed in England and this may tend to mislead people into thinking that we are increasing our migrant intake in a manner which is not intended. [More…]
Therefore he can only be arguing with that section of the immigration intake which is related to occupationally selected migrants. [More…]
If we look at the occupationally selected migrants we find that they are in categories for which there is a continuing and unfilled demand in Australia. [More…]
Certainly, it is my intention and the intention of my Department to provide intending migrants with accurate, up-to-date, realistic appreciations of conditions in Australia. [More…]
It is not, as the honourable member for Prospect suggested, hypocritical to suggest that students from other countries who come to Australia should return home while migrants should not. [More…]
He also mentioned a publication called Migrants Melbourne which I have seen, both in its original form and in the expanded form in which it has recently become available. [More…]
It should be pointed out that a number of governments do not allow advertising for migrants. [More…]
What we are seeking to do in regard to the present very low key and very minimally funded advertising campaign in the United Kingdom is to change an attitude rather than recruit migrants. [More…]
We are seeking to change an attitude brought about by the previous Australian Government’s attitude towards British migrants which resulted in people in the United Kingdom feeling that they were not wanted in Australia any more. [More…]
Certainly for most migrants the opportunities available to them were better than had been available to them previously and they made good use of them. [More…]
… At a societal level all structures must adjust to bring the reality of present day multicultural Australia into accordance with principles to ensure a fair deal for migrants. [More…]
It seems to me, from my own inquiries, that in many instances a teacher coming out of a teachers college and who has more than one language- say a person of Greek background who has both Greek and English- is not likely to be posted to a school with a high concentration of Greek migrants. [More…]
It seems that such teachers are posted anywhere but to a school with a concentration of Greek migrants. [More…]
It appears that the program under the adult migrant education scheme will be limited to the maintenance of the present number of teachers and the present number of migrants enrolled in the courses. [More…]
The Australian Population and Immigration Council survey showed that 66 per cent of Greek migrants cited the English language as the biggest problem they faced; 55 per cent of Yugoslavs said that it was their biggest problem, whilst a recent survey of Italian migrants claimed that it worried them also. [More…]
I can assure the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs and the Government generally that they have proved to be extemely good migrants. [More…]
I have been passing on to the Minister the names and the last known addresses of many such people who have been brought to my attention by constituents and by Indo-Chinese migrants staying at the Eastbridge Hostel. [More…]
Forty per cent of our work force is foreign born, but in the steel and automobile industries at least 80 per cent of the work force are migrants. [More…]
It is a type of job which in the past, when we had large or reasonably large migrant intakes, was to a large extent filled by migrants. [More…]
At present about 75 per cent of all Lebanese migrants are entering Australia via Nicosia, where our office has recently been strengthened by the arrival of the Waterman task force. [More…]
On behalf of the Lebanese people in my electorate and on behalf of the many migrants, from Mauritius and from Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia, I thank the Government for the work that it has done to assist in bringing about family unity. [More…]
If one presupposes that in some way it is better it means that some people are entitled to first class legal aid because they come within a particular class of persons- they might be public servants, migrants, pensioners and so on- and others get second class legal aid. [More…]
I hope that migrants coming to this country will see that this Government has its heart in ensuring that every law enforcement agency has full facilities with which to do its job. [More…]
Migrants brought here over the years for the specific purpose of filling those jobs have usually managed to find other employment of a more attractive nature within 6 months. [More…]
But Fairbridge still caters for a category of migrants who face handicaps which most migrants do not normally have to worry about. [More…]
The first few days in a new country are invariably traumatic and full of subtle fears for migrants. [More…]
How inhuman it is to separate families at this time, when above all else, migrants need the comfort and security of their family. [More…]
Furthermore, even if the reason for this policy stands up to scrutiny, it is my hope that all members of this House who have the welfare of migrants at heart will demand that the state of affairs which necessitates this callous policy be rectified forthwith. [More…]
F airbridge is open to the children of English migrants only. [More…]
Yet in many ways English migrants face fewer problems than do people from other lands, and are better equipped to face the problems they do face, because they do not suffer the same language barriers nor the same cultural dislocations as confront non-English speaking migrants. [More…]
But there is obviously a need for the Commonwealth Government to act to minimise the distress which current Commonwealth hostels policy must cause non-English speaking migrants. [More…]
We should join with those 35 000 people who migrated to this country- they have been wonderful migrants- on this commemoration day as they think back to what happened. [More…]
1 announced special arrangements for Lebanese migrants on 23 September 1976. [More…]
1 ) Are any records kept of the number of migrants who become Australian citizens. [More…]
According to the very simple formula that has been put to us about the population of Australia, if we maintain the 1973 Australian fertility rate and if we are able to achieve a net gain of 50 000 migrants a year between now and the year 2000, we will reach a population of only 17.6 million, not the 21 million which may have been projected 10 or 20 years ago. [More…]
The other difficulty we are going to run into, of course, is that we cannot fill the boats with migrants as easily as we might have been able to do late in the 1940s, in the 1950s and the 1960s. [More…]
That will present an enormous problem to governments of the future in Australia and I do not believe that we are going to be able to convince people in Europe, from where our traditional migrants come, that it is a good thing to come here. [More…]
In drawing up the recommendations for the 1977 expenditure provision was made for the continuation of special purpose programs such as those for handicapped children, migrants and disadvantaged schools. [More…]
This is particularly so for Aboriginal people and migrants. [More…]
I know that they were all overloaded with migrants and that they had other problems in education. [More…]
We encourage migrants to come out here and immediately set for them standards which are inferior in many respects to the standards we set for the community generally. [More…]
If this is the case, will the Minister assure the House that, because of the apprehension that migrants in Australia feel for the safety of their relatives in some areas and the humanitarian aspects of family reunions, the extended criteria will continue to operate in the future? [More…]
It is significant that statistics compiled of people using the service who were interviewed show that 2 1.5 per cent of them were pensioners and 8 per cent were migrants. [More…]
The limitations of the present scheme- that applicants must be married or widowed or divorced with dependent children and under the age of 36, that migrants must have lived in Australia for 3 years; and that the value of the home must not exceed $22,500- have all been discarded. [More…]
The requirement under the present scheme that migrants live in Australia for 3 years before they qualify for a grant is removed, and the minimum savings period will be reduced to 12 months. [More…]
The acceptance of people from refugee or quasirefugee situations is governed by principles of humanity, equity and compassion and by the Australian people’s economic, social and cultural capacity to successfully accept and integrate such migrants. [More…]
I understand that most States are using scales based upon the work of Broom, Jones and Zubrycki as a part of their procedures; it is my information that in all such instances other measures- such as the incidence of non-English speaking migrants, student retention rates, truancy, pupil performance, for exampleare also used, and that local knowledge and common sense play a large part in the determination of which schools should participate in the Disadvantaged Schools Program. [More…]
I understand that no prohibited migrants were apprehended during the visits. [More…]
The Department receives information from a number of sources in relation to people who are alleged to be prohibited migrants and it has a duty to investigate those claims. [More…]
They will be expected to provide a multi-lingual reference and information point for migrants, particularly in respect of services provided by Commonwealth, State and local government intrumentalities, and a range of resources which would be accessible to social workers and welfare officers working with migrants, to ethnic community leaders, welfare administrators, teachers and students interested in migrant problems, and so on. [More…]
They will be expected to encourage and co-ordinate voluntary action by groups and individuals to assist in the successful integration of migrants and to help overcome the problems of individuals. [More…]
They will be expected to draw attention to the particular problems of ethnic communities and individual migrants requiring Government action. [More…]
In its consideration of the likely impact upon Australia of an increased number of Lebanese migrants, the Committee looked for any signs that the destructive factionalism of the Lebanon situation and the antagonism rampant in the Middle East generally were reflected to any extent in Australia- particularly in the media used by ethnic communities. [More…]
Migrants took up residence in that area in good faith and I think everyone thought that opportunities did exist. [More…]
For example, there were migrants in the Cunningham electorate - [More…]
Many were involved in the carriage of migrants to this land. [More…]
By far the largest element of the division is the Migrant Community Services Branch, which contains over 40 officers working in the specialised area of post-arrival services for migrants. [More…]
If the recommendations of the staff utilisation review are followed, migrants will lose their most valuable channel to the Public Service. [More…]
Such a course of action would serve further to confuse migrants and the Public Service as to just who is responsible for ethnic affairs in this countrySocial Security or Immigration and Ethnic Affairs. [More…]
Perhaps the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr Mackellar), who represents the Minister for Social Security in this place, could enlighten us one of these days instead of leading migrants up the garden path and placing them in a situation where they have to rely on a letterhead and four or five officers to look after their needs in this country. [More…]
It was to the effect that nobody would quibble about an Australian Government asserting its role and rights in regard to the housing needs of migrants, servicemen, ex-servicemen, persons living in the Territories, students, employees of the Australian Government or contractors to the Government and their employees. [More…]
Over 3 million migrants have settled in Australia over the past 30 years. [More…]
There are many migrants in this country who are, in fact, trained teachers in their countries of origin and who come here and take up other vocations. [More…]
It is a special bridging course to train migrants with overseas qualifications in Victoria. [More…]
I think that we must all ensure that there are more courses and that migrants are motivated and encouraged to train and teach themselves to learn to read and write and understand English. [More…]
I speak about this matter with some depth of feeling because my electorate has one of the great concentrations of migrants in Australia. [More…]
The report also contains a range of other recommendations relating to specific programs including, for example, pathology laboratories, rehabilitation centres, and the immediate post-arrival welfare of migrants. [More…]
The Holmes report deals at some length with services for migrants. [More…]
We were able to bring a number of migrants to this country and provide them with jobs. [More…]
Electorates in the city of Sydney will be well over quota and getting more enrolments all the time because that is where the migrants and others live. [More…]
I can certify that migrants, individually or as families create very much more electoral work than people who were born in this country. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition made great play a few minutes ago on the subject of migrants creating more work compared with the amount of work done in respect of the normal voting population. [More…]
In regard to population shifts, the Borrie report, which was published recently, indicates a slowing down in our population growth, and therefore the number of electors, excluding migrants, will be reduced. [More…]
My colleague the honourable member for Wills (Mr Bryant) has a very high incidence of migrants in his electorate. [More…]
We must understand the situation of the sponsors of Lebanese migrants and the sponsored when they arrive in Australia. [More…]
Our complaint is based on the fact that during the last couple of years, when the conflict in the Lebanon has become worse, the Government at no time has given a clear indication of the guidelines for Lebanese migrants to Australia. [More…]
If we look at what happens after these migrants come to Australia in fairly large numbers, into my electorate and into the electorate of Grayndler, we see heavy demands on the school system. [More…]
Thirdly, there is the fact that 3 members of the Commonwealth are a very large source of migrants for Australia- Britain, as always, and since the war, Malta and Cyprus. [More…]
As the Green Paper points out, in the past 10 years Australia lost a total of over 330 000 persons quite apart from the losses of former migrants who left Australia to take up permanent residence overseas. [More…]
Of equal importance are issues such as the criteria upon which the intake is chosen, the distribution of migrants throughout Australia, their qualifications and other characteristics as well as the countries from which they are drawn. [More…]
Instead of counting voters, Labor would have counted the youngest babies, it would have counted children, it would have counted visitors to the country, it would have counted unnaturalised migrants and it would have counted aliens. [More…]
I know that there is a wide divergence of public opinion in relation to the intake of migrants. [More…]
Some people would suggest that in fact it is highly inflationary to bring more migrants to Australia: others would suggest that in fact what the economy needs is the stimulus provided by an increased migrant inflow, and I believe that that is what the honourable member is suggesting. [More…]
I am aware of the very strong views that many migrants hold in relation to family reunion. [More…]
There is no justification for a massive intake of migrants in the near future in order to avoid labour shortages and maintain our rate of economic growth. [More…]
Commonsense would suggest that retraining programs should be implemented before we recruit skilled or semi-skilled migrants. [More…]
The Government has all but abandoned the growth centres at Bathurst and Albury-Wodonga, so one can only guess as to how these new migrants will be accommodated. [More…]
I must admit that in discussing this matter, I am referring principally to those migrants of nonAngloSaxon origin. [More…]
In the first article of the series it was mentioned that the migrants from continental Europe making up a significant proportion of our numbers are significantly and favourably influencing our cultural development but at the same time thenpresence creates social problems in the community. [More…]
The article refers to the need for a spirit of partnership in the community between the new arrivals and those of us already here- the older Australians who have had the responsibility of making such an environment as we have- to be as helpful as we can to the new migrants. [More…]
I ask honourable members to cast their minds to the citizenship ceremonies which they attend from time to time and at which masses of migrants become new citizens. [More…]
I think we have failed in not making the effort then of trying to integrate and welcome those migrants into our community. [More…]
It is a good term because many of us of Anglo-Saxon origin do not realise that many of these groups of migrants, such as the Greek migrants, really come from a large number of different groups held together fairly loosely. [More…]
I am really quite honoured to follow in the debate the honourable member for Scullin (Dr Jenkins) who, in my view, gave a most reasoned discussion on the Green Paper, except that, unfortunately, he said that some people regarded migrants brought to Australia after the war as factory fodder. [More…]
It seems to me that the shadow Minister will well remember the work which was done by the Labor Party on the migration system in Australiathe work of rapidly cutting back the number of migrants, the work of dispersing the Department of Immigration and tying up some of its loose ends in a pot-pourri known as the Department of Labour and Immigration. [More…]
The main thrust of my discussion would prefer to rest on the fact that the number of migrants to this country has been dramatically reduced. [More…]
The Paper suggests that there would have to be possible concessions to immigrants in order to encourage them not to go to the traditional stamping grounds of Sydney and Melbourne and the large cities. [More…]
The Green Paper notes that the capital investment needs of migrants are quite different at times from those of the existing population. [More…]
There are other traditional arguments that migrants are highly motivated. [More…]
We know that the needs of the migrants in the short term will add to the demands for goods and services, as I have said. [More…]
The Treasury would obviously realise that we would need a commensurate increase in the money supply to cope with the demand for credit that migrants need when they come to this country, for instance, to purchase houses. [More…]
When considering migration we have to consider the approach of the government of the day which would be expecting to receive the migrants, and we must consider also the people seeking to come to this country as migrants. [More…]
If we are looking for migrants as a basis of providing skilled trades I think we are deluding ourselves to some extent. [More…]
If we are looking to migrants as a stimulus to business, as business is suggesting- it may be effective but there are most likely less costly and more humane needs by which that stimulus could be added- I think we are deluding ourselves. [More…]
If we are merely looking for migrants also because we feel there is something wrong with the numbers situation as it exists in Australia at the moment and we would like to have growth patterns because growth patterns are part of the conventional wisdom, I think we are deluding ourselves. [More…]
If we are to seek additional migrants I think we must be more prepared than we have been in the past to take the steps necessary to cope with the additional population we are seeking. [More…]
That is the area into which migrants traditionally have gone as workers. [More…]
For instance, one of the major employers of migrants in my electorate, the car industry, is static in growth. [More…]
Employment in the heavy industries which traditionally have been employers of migrants, such as the steel industry, is in a serious decline. [More…]
The suggestion that an intake of migrants will increase demand for resources is most likely true. [More…]
Migrants will require accommodation. [More…]
But at the moment the Government is demanding that the States spend less money and reduce their rates of expenditure, which does not seem to me to offer a great prospect for migrants receiving the sorts of assistance which would be required if they are to be brought into Australia and accommodated as they are entitled to be if we are bringing them into the country for our benefit rather than for their benefit. [More…]
English migrants are in an even more difficult situation. [More…]
State Departments of Immigration go through some form of mystical process of screening migrants. [More…]
After they have been screened and the sponsors in Australia feel that they have arrived at a situation where approval will be granted, they begin the process through which other migrants go in the normal sense by being rescreened by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration. [More…]
Migrants would be expected to go into those areas and to build new houses further out. [More…]
They were successful because Australia needed workers, the jobs were available, the migrants were readily absorbed and they had nowhere else to go. [More…]
-I am talking about nonEnglish speaking migrants in this instance. [More…]
English speaking migrants start with some advantage. [More…]
I am speaking about nonEnglish speaking migrants. [More…]
They are an important source of migrants to Australia and have provided a substantial proportion of the postwar immigration program. [More…]
In addition, because of the present difficult economic and employment situation in Australia, immigration programs have been decreased significantly to a point where the 52 748 migrants arriving in 1975-76 represented the lowest intake since 1947 . [More…]
Since 1788 the population has been added to by immigrants. [More…]
Today there are some 3.4 million Australians who are migrants. [More…]
Migrants make up approximately 30 per cent of the work force. [More…]
The report also states that the proportion of overseas-born long-term unemployed in the survey is roughly similar to that in the Australian population although it recognised that some migrants do have special employment problems. [More…]
It could look at the problems and the implications of unemployment for migrants. [More…]
As I have said, we have 3.4 million migrants in the community. [More…]
Another point mentioned in the Green Paper is the traditional source of migrants coming to this country. [More…]
It is not merely Australia’s decision that we will have a net increase in settlement of 20 000, 40 000, 60 000 or 100 000 and that these people will come from the same countries as our migrants came from between 1945 and 1975. [More…]
So I hope that the Minister will be able to give us an insight into the departmental thinking about the traditional sources of migrants. [More…]
These figures include not only the settlers who are brought into Australia but also voluntary migrants, those who go overseas, those who emigrate. [More…]
It is said- I think this is the grave error that was made by the Labor Party and accepted by this Governmentthat when there is unemployment the level of migration must be cut because the migrants will compete for jobs. [More…]
If migrants are brought in it will add immediately to the labour force difficulties, but if migrants are not brought in it will add to the labour force difficulties in the following year because there will be no markets, there will be a lack of growth in industry and there will be no employment available. [More…]
I say this in the face of the undoubted fact that, over the very short term, the entrance of migrants competing for jobs exacerbates the immediate unemployment position. [More…]
I should have thought that at the present time we should be looking for our main source of migrants from the United Kingdom. [More…]
The crucial question for policy making is whether we accept that target figure and adjust our policies to it or whether we accept 16 million people as a base which can be increased quite substantially by a deliberate immigration policy of allowing in up to 20 million or even more new migrants. [More…]
My remarks will no doubt raise the ire of some opposite and some who are listening to this debate, but I regard it as a matter of tragedy that, quite apart from those whom we are inviting to come to Australia as migrants one in three or one in five, depending on what statistics one takes into account, of Australian pregnancies are terminated. [More…]
But one out of 5 migrants to come to this country have left this country. [More…]
A net gain of 50 000 migrants per annum is within Australia’s capacity. [More…]
If there is a trend to unemployment that results from world wide inflation, to be dogmatic about the level of intake of migrants would represent a very absurd position. [More…]
It is interesting to look at the immigration intake and to see from where our migrants came. [More…]
We have had 3.3 million migrants over the years. [More…]
I was interested to read in the report that only 14 per cent of migrants come from Asian countries. [More…]
I believe that the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, in cooperation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock), should be giving much deeper thought to the need to lift from 14 per cent the intake of Asian migrants and should have regard to the need to bring people from Oceania. [More…]
The first option is to the effect that there could be a gross intake of 30 000 to 50 000 migrants per annum. [More…]
There was a well substantiated contention that migrants provide a net benefit in the overall scene. [More…]
The Government recognises the major contribution that migrants have made to Australia. [More…]
I rise this evening to point up once again the hypocrisy of the Government in the way in which it deals so blithely with migrant problems, particularly in some of the areas represented by honourable members on the Government side, who day after day pay lip service to what they say they do in the interests of the migrants in their community. [More…]
When there is a dearth of teachers this is an insult to the migrants and to the kiddies who go to Victorian schools. [More…]
Here we have the absurd situation of the Federal Government paying lip service, through the great harangues we heard tonight, to the population policy inquiry report while on the other hand there is a cut in Budget expenditure which has relegated the migrants who are now here, and ignoring those who arrive in the near future, to second class citizens destined for the major part to spend the rest of their lives at the end of a pick and shovel. [More…]
Of these 3000 are under 2 1 years of age and some 30 per cent are migrants. [More…]
This afternoon we heard a great deal of talk about the need to provide adequate care, attention and service for migrants. [More…]
But one thing that will certainly contribute to a solid foundation for any such policy is adequate care for the migrants who are already in Australia. [More…]
When it is revealed that 30 per cent of the 5656 unemployed in Wollongong are migrants it will obviously give very grave cause for concern. [More…]
If Wollongong has been ignored in the placement of these machines, it would be a continuation of this Government’s lack of interest in the problems of migrants who have arrived in Australia and especially a lack of interest in the problems of migrants in Wollongong. [More…]
The neglect of migrants and the unemployed in the Wollongong region has gone on for far too long. [More…]
A net gain of 50 000 people would involve an annual intake of 100 000 migrants. [More…]
The Whitlam Labor Government reduced the inflow of immigrants because it believed that migrants coming to this country would add to its economic problems by increasing unemployment. [More…]
In other words, properly selected migrants have a favourable impact on unemployment, and it was wrong for the Whitlam Government to have turned off the migration tap when Australia’s birth rate was falling. [More…]
We have a moral obligation to take more migrants into this vast, rich country. [More…]
Perhaps the honourable member for Corio (Mr Scholes) may disagree with me, but then the Australian Labor Party has never been good to migrants in this country since the days of Arthur Calwell who first introduced this scheme and who pursued it very well and to great lengths. [More…]
Now the Labor Party is suddenly prepared, for political reasons, to cultivate the ethnic community in our country, but it is not prepared to bring any more migrants to Australia. [More…]
I believe that we could readily absorb 100 000 migrants next year. [More…]
During the last few days we have heard honourable members in this place talking about migrants. [More…]
The greatest percentage of those people working in the Whyalla shipyards are migrants. [More…]
If the Government is concerned about migration, and if the Government is concerned about the future of a main centre which employs a majority of migrant people, I am sure that it would try to do something for the industry to ensure that the migrants about which it claims to be concerned, would find employment. [More…]
The Government has failed completely to meet the needs of migrants or of any other section of the Australian community. [More…]
Although the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar), in stating a policy on immigration and population, is laying the groundwork for bringing more migrants into this country, the Government cannot take adequate care of the people in the country at the present time. [More…]
It is another matter whether it has any real regard for individual migrants and for ethnic communities and the difficulties they face in an increasingly difficult Australian society. [More…]
We all know that the Government would like to see, say, 70 000 migrants come to Australia each year. [More…]
It was largely based on the unacceptable principle of using migrants as cheap labour in unsatisfactory working conditions for the purpose of improving the economy. [More…]
Those centres are supposed to provide all sorts of services to migrants, to assist social workers and welfare officers, and to draw attention to the particular problems of ethnic communities and individual migrants requiring government action. [More…]
That is all very well as far as it goes and it would be praiseworthy if it were not just another token effort to distract attention from the fact that the Government is doing very little to meet the real needs of migrants. [More…]
The Government has also transferred the office of Commissioner for Community Relations, which Labor set up, into the area of the Attorney-General’s Department where legalism is likely to become the order of the day rather than the compassionate, ombudsman type of operation which is necessary to deal with the real and continuing needs of migrants. [More…]
Where is there any precision in regard to what is needed to meet the fundamental needs of migrants, ethnic groups and many other groups of alienated Australian citizens? [More…]
The problems of migrants rest at the community level where there should be migrant resource centres spread plentifully through the urban concentrations of various migrant peoples. [More…]
The problem of migrants rests at the community level, as I indicated. [More…]
Any conscientious person who has worked among migrants will tell you that the stresses common to all in our society are frequently aggravated because of the peculiar language and cultural differences of migrants. [More…]
They provide a far more difficult immigration problem than normal migrants. [More…]
Most migrants to Australia come here either because they have families already here and as a result can integrate into the Australian community relatively easily, or have job qualifications that ensure that they will be readily employed and whereby able to sustain themselves in their new home. [More…]
Many of them have lived a totally different life, particularly those from peasant farming communities and simply do not weld into the Australian environment the way the bulk of our normal migrants have been able to do so successfully. [More…]
It would be arrogant and mistaken to devise policies for women in the way that special policies are needed, say for migrants or Aborigines or pensioners or other deprived minorities. [More…]
One of the other areas of the Bill which seems to me to have a degree of unreality is that, it could be for instance, that the British Government would seek in Australia from British migrants who are still British citizens recruits for the British armed forces. [More…]
Certainly the experience was that efforts to provide special benefits for low income earners and migrants were a total failure. [More…]
I bring to the attention of the House the urgent need for an examination of the circumstances under which Australian pensions are payable to migrants. [More…]
Because of the over-generous conditions under which Australian pensions are paid to pensioners going abroad, the conclusion of these reciprocal arrangements is of far greater interest and importance to migrants resident in Australia than to those who after a short stay here have left the country. [More…]
The manner in which general portability of Australian pensions was granted by the previous Labor Government is proving to have been most unfortunate for migrants who, though permanent residents of Australia, have not been here for 10 years. [More…]
Migrants would have been better served if they had been given entitlement to pensions after, say, 3 years residence in Australia so long as they continue to live in this country and if portability of pension entitlement had been granted to those who leave Australia permanently only if they had spent considerably longer periods of their working lives in Australia than the 10 years residence which now applies. [More…]
The Henderson Commission of Inquiry into Poverty found that there are some migrants who are unable to earn an income through employment and- to quote the Commission’s report- ‘who suffer lack of entitlement to age and invalid pensions in their early years of settlement’. [More…]
All honourable members would be able to provide many illustrations of the type of hardship which these migrants suffer, and there are some illustrations contained in the Commission ‘s report. [More…]
While aged relatives may not have contributed through taxes they are an important part of family and community life and the cost of supporting aged relatives of migrants is one which must be recognised and borne by the country inviting immigrant families. [More…]
I believe that we need to change our approach to the provision of pensions to migrants in Australia. [More…]
The view that I have just expressed on the basis of the recommendations of the Poverty Commission was further supported in the paper by that Commission entitled The Welfare of Migrants. [More…]
As a result they could end up retiring in the country of their choice, being entitled to an income equivalent to the full pension paid in 4 different countries while in each of those countries there could be resident migrants with insufficient incomes. [More…]
One can live on plain bread and butter and ordinary meat without the sorts of diets that one has learned to assimilate from our migrants. [More…]
The point is that during this period of rapid growth we have had lots of problems; for example, the migrants have been largely ignored, which is a rather sad thing, by all of us. [More…]
I speak with some feeling because my parents were migrants. [More…]
The inadequacy of our schools and the inadequacy of education for migrants have only recently been taken up by the Australian Labor Party, and the present Government is now pursuing them. [More…]
One of the arguments put forward in this whole immigration argument is that we need the migrants because that is the only way to get young people to help to support the old people. [More…]
It implies that all old Australians are going to be literally old and on the scrapheap and are going to be kept by young migrants from overseas. [More…]
I agree that we cannot solve the population pressures of any other country by taking migrants in large numbers- it would have to be very large numbers- from any one country that is suffering these problems. [More…]
The point is that we cannot just seek to push for our own development in this selfish fashion, recognising that we have a lot of unemployed that we cannot accommodate, that we have an increasing aged population, that somehow they will have to survive on social welfare and that we will have to maintain our own productive sections of the community by bringing in trained migrants. [More…]
Fourthly, in addition to this loss, migrants returning to their homelands have amounted to about 20 per cent of arrivals since 1925. [More…]
The Green Paper points out that in the past 10 years Australia has lost over 330 000 persons, quite apart from the losses of former migrants who left Australia to take up permanent residence overseas. [More…]
As I have said previously, in the short term we have problems with migrants coming to this country because of our situation here, but in the long term we must program for many more migrants to come here to help us develop this country and to hold it. [More…]
It should be made clear to potential migrants what the position is, what jobs are available, what the conditions are, how difficult it is to get suitable accommodation, and so on. [More…]
On the question of the origin of migrants, I submit that many of those who claim that non-Europeans should be admitted are just as racially prejudiced as those they criticise. [More…]
I suppose that ever since large scale immigration started its opponents have argued that in periods of full employment the cost of basic services required for migrants- the so-called build-up of a social infrastructure- was so great as to use up our very limited resources. [More…]
We were told that we could not afford to let migrants come into Australia because too many of our people were working just to provide the infrastructure. [More…]
We were told also that Australia could not expand at the rate it ought to be able to expand because we were bringing in too many migrants and that the infrastructure cost and the labour cost were too great. [More…]
Let me summarise my position as far as migrants are concerned. [More…]
I do not think we should chase migrants to come to Australia. [More…]
If they are still prepared to come after seeing the unpleasant things, probably they would make better migrants. [More…]
If we close our minds and eyes to the problems of the pressing necessity of a large part of the undeveloped world- much of it a starving world- we will no doubt shelve our immigration problem with probably the excuse that because we have a high percentage of unemployed we cannot allow more migrants to enter the country. [More…]
I believe that we must be aware of the large numbers of Australians who are opposed to recruitment of migrants to meet labour or skilled worker shortages in certain areas. [More…]
Many workers see migrants as a threat to job opportunities, either to themselves or to members of their families. [More…]
However, in conjunction with proper training schemes for our present Australian population, I believe that immigrants with special skills and employment prospects should be given special consideration. [More…]
Immigrants have tended to locate in the inner city areas of our larger cities, where amenities are already overstretched. [More…]
I believe that special encouragement should be given to migrants to take up residence in country towns and the smaller capital cities. [More…]
We should recognise the valuable contribution being made by migrants to Australia’s economic growth, prosperity and culture. [More…]
In many of the source countries from which our migrants have come the family means not merely a dependent parent or a dependent child but brothers and sisters and their families. [More…]
The only way in which we can assist them in having family reunions as they understand them is to expand the migration program so that, in net terms, we are receiving something of the order of 50 000 to 70 000 migrants-a total settler intake of 100 000 to 120 000 people. [More…]
I think that the whole question of brother and sister nomination schemes should be reviewed and that ali ethnic communities should be allowed to nominate the same number in every 1000 of their population in this country to come out as migrants. [More…]
I am one who believes that, on balance, migrants create employment not only for those migrants who seek a job when they arrive here but also for unemployed settlers who are already in this country. [More…]
Certainly large fluctuations in the migration program are likely to cause a loss of confidence and a loss of employment opportunities, and to expand unemployment whereas a stable or an increasing migration program will have a stimulatory effect and will create more job opportunities than the migrants themselves will seek. [More…]
We are all migrants. [More…]
The suburbs of Brunswick and Coburg, for which I became the representative in 1955, had a small proportion of migrants. [More…]
Schools had a handful of migrants. [More…]
Yet in that time I do not think anybody has come to my office or approached me personally and said: ‘When are you going to stop these migrants coming here?’ [More…]
We have done pretty well in giving migrants access to social security benefits, to some kinds of work and to schools. [More…]
A huge percentage of the residents of the Griffith electorate have come to this country as migrants from many countries. [More…]
One view goes so far as to suggest that the situation of migrants in relation to education, health services etc. [More…]
The kind of services that are novel and which have been provided and about which politicians go around patting themselves on the back, are services we should have been providing for migrants in this country for at least the last couple of decades. [More…]
In turn we will have those facilities there to receive from overseas large numbers of migrants from non-English-speaking countries. [More…]
These kinds of facilities that we are building up will be built into the system to that extent and will be available for the assistance of migrants who come to this country. [More…]
The Green Paper also canvasses the source of our immigrants. [More…]
It makes the very fair point that migrants who come to this country and whose native tongue is not English occasionally find it more difficult to settle in Australia than those who speak English when they come here. [More…]
I cannot conclude my remarks in a debate such as this without once more being critical of what I believe are the back door efforts of the Government to give preference to the recruitment of migrants in the United Kingdom. [More…]
The English newspapers that I see periodically still contain advertisements in the most general language for migrants to Australia. [More…]
The State governments’ offices in London are undoubtedly being used as a back door way of bringing British migrants to this country in preference to persons from other countries who, I believe, have just as good a claim to come to Australia to make new lives for themselves and their families. [More…]
1 ) Does Australia accept migrants from Rhodesia. [More…]
What special criteria apply to prospective Rhodesian migrants that do not apply to applicants from other countries. [More…]
Subject to the above considerations, Rhodesians are eligible to enter Australia for settlement under the same conditions as are migrants from other countries. [More…]
These will ensure that prospective migrants are properly informed about aspects of life in Australia (e.g. [More…]
The Review should include an investigation of the provision of special employment assistance to particular groups who need additional help to find suitable employment, for example, physically, mentally and social handicapped persons, young people without previous job experience, persons emerging from rehabilitation programs, persons experiencing long periods of unemployment, migrants, Aboriginals, ex-prisoners, etc. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs aware that a large number of migrants to Australia of recent years have brothers, sisters and children over 18 years of age who wish to migrate to Australia, who would have guaranteed jobs in Australia, who are industrious and energetic but who are precluded from entry because of our present extremely tight migration quota? [More…]
These problems are growing year by year, and despite a growing body of evidence about the difficulties experienced by migrants, almost nothing is being done to help them. [More…]
Language teaching is the key to the successful integration of migrants and the key to genuine equality of opportunity in education and employment. [More…]
This trend has alarming implications for Australian-born children; its implications for migrants are critical. [More…]
In its fifth main report- on Poverty and Education in Australia, issued last December- the Henderson Commission stated that migrants were particularly handicapped by the Australian school system. [More…]
Many migrants failed to overcome the cumulative effects of economic hardship, language difficulties and cultural differences. [More…]
The Commission recommended that pilot schemes in bilingual education should be established under the auspices of the Schools Commission in schools where there is a high concentration of migrants. [More…]
Migrants receive poorer service and advice, slower service and advice, because the people from whom they are entitled to receive adviceprofessional, private or public- are not familiar with their languages. [More…]
We are asked to believe that for the Fraser Government to give migrants an equal opportunity for life in the country which their parents have chosen would be a waste. [More…]
Liberal governments have always believed that their responsibility to migrants ended at Tullamarine or Woolloomooloo- the moment they arrived in Australia. [More…]
The Fraser Government cannot dodge its responsibilities to migrants by leaving everything to the States. [More…]
It has a legal- in fact, a constitutional- responsibility for immigration and the welfare of migrants and their families. [More…]
At a conference of Ministers for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs in Melbourne on 22 October last the present Federal Minister described the Federal Government’s responsibilities towards migrants in these terms: [More…]
Its sole concern is with recruiting, vetting or deporting migrants, it has no responsibility for migrant welfare, health, education, housing, employment. [More…]
The whole process of integrating migrants into society and making them happy, useful and fulfilled members of the community is a different- in fact, a very different- kettle of fish. [More…]
Migrants should take note that the Federal Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs has gone on record with the view that ethnic affairs are not the concern of the Federal Government. [More…]
Liberal governments have not only ignored their moral responsibilities to migrants but also have breached clear international obligations. [More…]
There is abundant evidence already that migrants are among the most disadvantaged sections of the community. [More…]
In it he sought to attribute to the present Government a number of base motives and actions with regard to migrants generally and the teaching of migrant languages in particular. [More…]
The honourable gentleman attempted to challenge the acceptance by the Government and the present Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) of the Commonwealth’s responsibilities with regard to migrants. [More…]
He made the paltry statement- that is what it wasthat the present view of the Government is that its responsibilities to migrants end at the aprons of the Tullamarine airport and of other airports in Australia. [More…]
I am sure he knows that it is squarely based upon the acceptance of Australia as a multi-cultural society with all that that implies with respect to languages and cultures, the promotion of the teaching of languages of migrants, the acceptance of communication through their languages and the acceptance of the enrichment that can come to this country from the acceptance and recognition of their cultures. [More…]
The policy will be guided by principles of humanity, equity and compassion and by the Australian people’s economic, social and cultural capacity to successfully accept and integrate migrants. [More…]
In line with its determination to preserve a culturally diversified but socially cohesive society, the entry criteria for the selection of migrants will also embrace: [More…]
A separate Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs will also ensure the coordination of immigration policy with other major national objectives and provide a single focal point through which matters of interest to migrants can be given prompt and effective attention. [More…]
Special arrangements within the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs will be made by a Liberal/ National Country Party government to provide both a reference point for individual migrants problems and assist the many migrant welfare organisations. [More…]
To provide ‘grass roots’ contact and accessible participation channels, a Liberal/National Country Party government will establish migrants consultative councils in each State. [More…]
In addition, a Liberal/National Country Party government will investigate the possibility of implementing a cassette information service for migrants ‘on the job’ covering a wide range of matters on which they may need advice. [More…]
The Liberal/National Country Parties recognise that understanding of the language is the most serious problem to face many migrants. [More…]
Immediate English language classes for migrants on arrival will be extended, and in major ports of disembarkation, put on a full time basis. [More…]
In addition to this, a Liberal/National Country Party government will seek the cooperation of the States to establish bi and multi-lingual language and cultural courses in schools, particularly those with a high percentage of migrants. [More…]
In connection with the Liberal/National Country Party policy of encouraging migrants to retain and share their own cultural heritage, a Liberal/National Country Party government will cooperate with the States to introduce appropriate ethnic sections into the Teacher Training Curricula. [More…]
To assist migrants with their initial period of language understanding, a Liberal/National Country Party government will ensure that government information is available in a variety of languages, and will seek the assistance of the trade union movement and individual employers to make information and safety instructions available in migrant languages. [More…]
) Assist in the retraining of migrants so that their skills and abilities may be fully utilised in Australian conditions. [More…]
Provide full and accurate information to intending migrants concerning their future prospects, thereby encouraging their satisfactory adjustment and permanent residence in Australia. [More…]
In conjunction with the States, establish multi and bi lingual nursing and medical staff in hospitals, particularly those in migrant areas, providing a special ‘after 5’ service for working migrants. [More…]
I take up the recommendation of the Committee that schools themselves should take the initiative in deciding to what extent and in what ways migrant languages and cultures should be studied, after consultation between school principals, teachers, parents and the community and apply it to my own electorate of Stirling in Western Australia, parts of which have a heavy concentration of migrants, particularly Italians and Yugoslavs, and some Greeks. [More…]
They are second generation Australians, and migrants can come to the bank counter and there find someone who speaks their own language. [More…]
The vulgar jibe was made that the object of the Liberal Party- a Party whose philosophy is based on that of Greece and humanity- was to drop off the migrants at Tullamarine airport or somewhere beyond Woop WOOD or Wollongong and leave them. [More…]
During discussion of an item dealing with ‘Methods Used in the States for consultation with the Ethnic Communities’, the New South Wales Minister, Mr Jackson, circulated to Ministers an extract from a High Court judgment that in regard to immigrants the Commonwealth had constitutional responsibility and power and that the States do not have it. [More…]
I was saying in effect that as migrants become integrated in the community they become a fundamental part of the community in the State in which they live and cannot and should not and would not wish forever and for all things to be subjected to special Commonwealth legislation. [More…]
I believe it involves discrimination in the sense that many companies, particularly those to which I shall refer shortly, who sell houses on terms contracts appear to sell primarily to migrants. [More…]
I have made detailed inquiries into Compur Pty Ltd and its 4 associated companies- Pax and Co. Pty Ltd, Howey and Co. Pty Ltd, Brydale and Co. Pty Ltd and Aston and Co. Pty Ltd. From information I have obtained, I believe that group of companies is taking advantage of migrants who desperately want to purchase a home and do not fully understand the dangers associated with terms contracts. [More…]
This group of companies specialises in purchasing homes in the western suburbs, redecorates them, and then sells on terms contracts, mainly to migrants. [More…]
Is it because migrants are reliable people? [More…]
Is it because the companies wish to help migrants, or is it because they feel that migrants are easy prey? [More…]
I urge the State Attorneys-General to take a very close look at terms contract sales with a view to outlawing them altogether or making changes that will give much greater protection to the purchaser and stop any unscrupulous vendor bleeding the sometimes unsuspecting purchasers, who in the main appear to be migrants who reside in my electorate and, in the electorates of Grayndler, Phillip and Sydney. [More…]
For expenditure on allowances and other expenses for the purpose of employment training and re-training (including the training and re-training of widow and repatriation pensioners, migrants, Aborigines, and ex-members of the Defence Force) to meet the needs of the labour market. [More…]
I shall enumerate them again: Widows- and the Government is very good at bashing widows and the widows mite; it has a reputation for that not only in Australia but around the world- repatriation pensioners, migrants, Aborigines and exmembers of the Defence force. [More…]
They affect people in receipt of social welfare benefits, pre-school education and migrants. [More…]
This has been a totally cosmetic exercise to date, and in fact all sections that deliver post-settlement services to migrants in Australia remain in the Department of Social Security. [More…]
Seventyfive per cent of the school are migrants from a low socio-economic area. [More…]
I now ask: Will the Minister confirm that interpreters attached to the Department of Social Security’s telephone interpreter service, who used to assist doctors, lawyers, social workers and the police during interviews with non-English speaking migrants, can no longer offer this service because of the financial restrictions applied to the operations of the Department? [More…]
Can the Minister assure the House that these restrictions will be lifted immediately so that non-English speaking migrants are guaranteed equality of access to medical, legal and social welfare services regardless of what language they speak? [More…]
Many refugees are not simply migrants beset by a few additional problems. [More…]
It is typical of the Government’s patronising view of migrants and their welfare that they will not be consulted. [More…]
As a means of providing refugees (and migrants) with realistic opportunities for obtaining apprenticeships, appropriate employment, admission to tertiary and other educational institutions and opportunities for re-training, the Committee recommends that, irrespective of the current levels of proficiency, financial support be provided to all males and females of working age whilst they attend English language classes. [More…]
There is need for a comprehensive, balanced inquiry into Australia’s population resources and our need for migrants, not the inquiry which has been held or the political document which has been presented as a Green Paper. [More…]
This area dealing with migrants is one of the most needy areas for specialised information. [More…]
Migrants are to be deprived of that information by the action of the Government. [More…]
If agreement from both sides of the House can be reached in relation to the number of migrants that will be received in Australia it will be a substantial direction to industry as to what manpower will be available for it to continue. [More…]
Figures- there are pages of them in the White Paper- will show that in many labour-intensive industries the vast majority of employees are migrants. [More…]
This is not to add weight or to give credence to the suggestion made by some that the Labor Party is part of a scheme to bring migrants in merely to fill the gaps in some of the industries where Australians in future will not work. [More…]
But it has been our experience in the past and it is a fact today that many of the migrants make up the work force, in some instances women, and we have to look to what will affect manufacturing industry in the future. [More…]
It specifies the occupations in which migrants can enter Australia, and classifies the degree of demand in geographical areas. [More…]
Every attempt is made to encourage migrants to proceed to the areas where demand for their skills is greatest. [More…]
For example, migrants with skills for which there is a demand may be granted assisted passage and in these cases they travel to the States in which they can most readily be placed. [More…]
The Commonwealth Employment Service makes every effort to meet the needs of non-English speaking applicants, particularly in areas where heavy concentrations of migrants are found. [More…]
In addition to its own resources, the CES in each urea liaises with such bodies as the Department of Social Security’s Interpreter Service for migrants, bank migrant services, the Good Neighbour Council and civic minded members of ethnic communities. [More…]
The following Offices of the CES, set out in State order, are regarded by my Department as being those whose areas include substantial numbers of migrants. [More…]
Surveys conducted by my Department suggest that, given the present arrangements in respect of migrant-oriented offices, the time involved in interviewing migrants is not significantly greater than for other applicants. [More…]
A significant proportion of fully trained staff in large migrant content offices of the CES are from migrant backgrounds or, in some instances, migrants themselves. [More…]
The Department of Social Security became responsible for post-arrival services for migrants following the abolition of the former Department of Immigration in 1974 after work on the booklet had begun, and has therefore become nominally responsible for it. [More…]
Has the Government rejected submissions from the New South Wales Government recently for a modest increase in the funding for the adult migrant education service so that it could cope with the growing demand from migrants wishing to learn English or overcome literacy problems? [More…]
Is it true that the living allowance paid to migrants while they learn English by the Migrant Education Branch of the Department of Education has not been increased for 12 months and that the single rate allowance of $36 a week is now $1 1.10 less than the equivalent unemployment benefit payment? [More…]
Does the Minister agree that this large disparity between the 2 allowances would discourage many migrants, particularly those who are unemployed, from undertaking English language training even if they are fortunate enough to gain admission to the course? [More…]
My grievance concerns the Government’s failure to implement its promises with regard to migrant education and the admission by the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) at question time yesterday that he had no interest or involvement in assisting migrants to gain a proficiency in the English language. [More…]
Before the last election the coalition parties released an election manifesto entitled ‘Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Policy’ which stated that an understanding of the language, presumably English, was the most serious prob.em to face many migrants. [More…]
However, the Government’s record in assisting migrants to learn English over the last 18 months has proved how hollow this promise was, as with so many of the Government’s promises. [More…]
The Federal Government has rejected a State Government submission that money for teaching English to adult migrants in New South Wales be doubled to about $5.8m in this year’s Federal Budget. [More…]
They say it is under-staffed, badly housed, underequipped and unable to meet the needs of growing numbers of adult migrants . [More…]
Federal Treasury rejected requests earlier this year to remedy a further problem: The allowance paid to adult migrants learning English fulltime is several dollars less than unemployment benefits. [More…]
This report was published in March 1 976, but the Government still has not committed any funds to ensure that migrants and their children are given the opportunity to gain proficiency not only in English but also in thenmother tongue. [More…]
So, this great document was a facade in the deception of the community, in particular the migrants, prior to the last election. [More…]
He says it has nothing to do with him but it is spelt out chapter and verse in the document which was used to pull the wool over migrants’ eyes in the election campaign. [More…]
I should have thought that the honourable member for Phillip (Mr Birney), who would have a number of migrants in his electorate, would be voicing his opinion about the dispensing of social services to the migrants in this country. [More…]
When it comes to the crunch, when it comes to standing and being counted on the promises which it has made to the migrants and ethnic groups in this country, nothing is forthcoming. [More…]
If any honourable members have attended public meetings at which emphasis is placed on the problems associated with migrant education, they will know that there has been a reduction in the facilities available to teach migrants. [More…]
3 ) The Re view should include an investigation of the provision of special employment assistance to particular groups who need additional help to find suitable employment, for example, physically, mentally and social handicapped persons, young people without previous job experience, persons emerging from rehabilitation programmes, persons experiencing long periods of unemployment, migrants, Aborginals, ex-prisoners, etc. [More…]
Its purpose was to provide housing for servicemen, ex-servicemen, migrants and employees of the Commonwealth. [More…]
The Government has also adopted special measures involving the approval, under relaxed criteria, of Lebanese migrants nominated by close relatives in Australia. [More…]
The brothers and sisters of Australian residents are eligble for consideration as migrants if their occupations are among those currently listed as acceptable for permanent entry. [More…]
It is estimated that a relaxation of the close family reunion policy, that is, so that brothers and sisters would not have to be in an approved occupational category, could involve a minimum of 26 000 migrants in the first year, increasing to 35 000 or 40 000 in the second and third years. [More…]
Migrants in particular require legal assistance. [More…]
Clearly migrants are people who are of special concern to the Federal Government and who for obvious reasons are unfamiliar and ill at ease in going into a solicitor’s office. [More…]
Women, migrants and Aboriginals are all among the first to be retrenched and the last to be employed under the Fraser-Lynch recession. [More…]
Young migrants are disadvantaged more than other young members of the work force. [More…]
Unemployment among young migrants is nearly 17 per cent higher than among young Australian-born members of the work force. [More…]
How many migrants, whose sponsors provided maintenance guarantees for them prior to their entry into Australia, are in receipt of special benefit payments. [More…]
What were the amounts spent in each of the last 6 years on (a) advertising, (b) promotional activities and (c) incentive schemes to attract skilled migrants to settle in Australia. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to public concern that some new migrants do not fill out income tax returns. [More…]
How many migrants, who arrived within the last 10 years, are estimated not to have paid tax since arrival. [More…]
New migrants are not subject to special attention. [More…]
A new edition of the directory of Ethnic Organisations in Australia is currently in the process of being published by the Department of Social Security and this will soon be distributed free of charge to persons and organisations concerned with the well being of migrants. [More…]
The attitude of the Fraser Government as exemplified by the statements of the Minister for Primary Industry regarding British migrants. [More…]
In a series of speeches, television and radio appearances and newspaper articles the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Sinclair) has vented his prejudice against British migrants who engage in trade union affairs by blaming them for the dire economic straits into which this country is steadily sinking. [More…]
On further consideration the Minister has recently proposed another solution, that migrants not be allowed to stand for trade union office until they have lived in this country for a number of years. [More…]
The spate of attacks on British migrants by the Minister for Primary Industry last week cannot, therefore, be viewed in isolation. [More…]
Just over a week ago at the time the Minister for Primary Industry launched his attack on British migrants Mr Barry Cassell, the Federal Director of the National Country Party, announced he was leaving that job to become National Director of the Cattlemen’s Union of Australia, an organisation that has been trenchantly critical of the Government. [More…]
Mr Cassell ‘s comments demonstrate the patheticness of the Minister’s campaign against British migrants. [More…]
Furthermore, by calling for deportation or discriminatory treatment for British migrants because of their participation in trade union affairs, the Minister not only offends the British born but all the nonBritish migrants who are made to realise that they are still regarded as different from Australian-born citizens by some people in power and therefore liable to be denounced or discriminated against. [More…]
I remind the House that there are three million migrants in Australia and one million children of migrants. [More…]
I point out to those on the other side of the chamber who pretend that I am saying something racist and pursuing a vendetta against all British migrants, that that is arrant nonsense. [More…]
In fact, many British migrants left Britain to come here to escape the same shop stewards who they find, to their regret, have followed them here. [More…]
In fact, most British migrants have contributed enormously to the wellbeing of this country. [More…]
Indeed, many British migrants nave written to me, communicated with me, and said that they too are concerned. [More…]
In ‘An Overview of the Problems of Migrants Workers’- a paper delivered by Dr June M. Hearn in an industrial relations program at the University of Melbourne in July 1976- she mentioned the Ford workers strike in Victoria in 1973 as a graphic illustration of union leaders being completely out of touch with their rank and file, who were mainly southern European. [More…]
All Australians would do themselves a lot more credit if they examined the causes of conflict rather than blame British migrants. [More…]
On the issue of deportation, he has to guarantee migrants in this country that the threat of deportation will not be used as a weapon against individuals. [More…]
Both the speakers for the Opposition have reiterated the untruth that the Minister for Primary Industry talked about the deportation of migrants who have taken part in union activities. [More…]
I should like to make one thing perfectly clear to the Opposition, to listeners to the broadcast of these proceedings, to migrants in this country and to the House: The Migration Act 1958 confers power for the deportation of persons who have not become Australian citizens in certain defined circumstances. [More…]
It is deliberately trying to frighten migrants by this talk of deportation. [More…]
I think it is appropriate that I should talk about the matter of public importance as it affects migrants, particularly British migrants. [More…]
More than one and a half million British migrants have come to Australia since 1947 and have made a magnificent contribution to the development of Australia. [More…]
As with many migrants, British migrants have played a big part in Australia’s postwar progress and in our economic, social, political and cultural development. [More…]
As the largest migrant group, it is not surprising that British migrants have risen in prominence m many areas of Australian activity- in the professions, industry and commerce, politics, the academic world, the arts, sport, employer organisations, trade unions and the Public Service. [More…]
It must be obvious to everybody that with an influx of over three million people since the end of the Second World War some of the migrants from various countries- not one particular country- will not fit into the Australian scene as well as the majority. [More…]
The vast majority of migrants from all countries have adapted to the distinctive Australian industrial relations and the political and cultural scenes and have helped in their evolution. [More…]
I should like to pay tribute to the migrants from over one hundred different source countries throughout the world for the contribution they have made, are making and will continue to make. [More…]
These statistics overwhelmingly confirm the significant role that British migrants have played in the Australian work force. [More…]
It is absolutely hypocritical for this Opposition to say in this House that it supports migrants. [More…]
It is a fact that under its administration the numbers of British migrants coming to this country were overwhelmingly reduced. [More…]
One of the first actions I took as the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs was to go to the United Kingdom in May last year, which was the first visit by a Minister of the Fraser Government to the United Kingdom, to reassure them that Australia did not- I emphasise these words- have an antipathy towards the British migrants but that in fact we welcomed them. [More…]
I repeat that it is hypocritical of the honourable member for Melbourne, the honourable member for Gellibrand (Mr Willis) and members of the Opposition generally to claim here, with their hearts on their sleeves, that they are defending the British migrants. [More…]
Their actions were significantly against British migrants coming to Australia during the time of their administration. [More…]
We have increased the number of migrants coming to Australia. [More…]
During the Labor Administration the lowest number of migrants since 1947 came to Australia. [More…]
Yet here we hear the Opposition pretending to be concerned about migrants. [More…]
We have had special Indo-Chinese refugees projects, special arrangements for the migration of Lebanese, amnesty for illegal migrants, the abolition of re-entry visas, the establishment of an ethnic affairs branch, the establishment of the national accreditation authority for interpreters and translators, migrant resource centres, the establishment of the Australian Population and Immigration Council, the Australian Ethnic Affairs Council and the establishment of a permanent broadcasting authority which provides a special broadcasting service to cater for the rights of ethnic radio. [More…]
questions Without notice services to migrants [More…]
In view of the fact that the Government has spent considerable time and taxpayers’ money on the Coombs, Bland and Bailey reports, all of which directly relate to the availability of services to migrants and as the Prime Minister is about to announce, for blatant political purposes, yet another inquiry - [More…]
Those early services to migrants when they first come to this country are very important in helping them to settle into Australia, which is for . [More…]
I should have thought that any measures the Government might want to introduce or announce which would improve post-arrival services for migrants in Australia would have had the support of the honourable gentleman if he were concerned with the real welfare of migrants. [More…]
In general a rapidly growing labour force tends to e more mobile because the new entrants, especially if they are migrants, can be directed more readily towards the faster growing sectors. [More…]
We have wanted permanent migrants. [More…]
Recently I was shocked to be informed by two migrants that their applications for Australian citizenship had been rejected on the basis of their lack of proficiency in the English language. [More…]
It indicates an inadequacy in our efforts to integrate our migrants into this country. [More…]
Firstly, a number of migrants associated with this church- the Serbian Orthodox Church- decided to form a soccer club. [More…]
I should mention that all Yugoslav migrants are regarded as [More…]
It is anticipated that they will return to Yugoslavia and this terminology explains, firstly, why consular officials are not happy about such migrants seeking only Australian citizenship, and, secondly, it provides such authorities with the authority they require to interfere with these citizens abroad, particularly those who do not follow the wishes of the Government of Yugoslavia. [More…]
New South Wales made the point quite clearly that the States have the burden of looking after migrants. [More…]
We should bear in mind that migrants are coming mainly from the Lebanese and Asian areas and that textbooks are not printed in their languages. [More…]
There is a complete denial of the facilities that should be made available to migrants. [More…]
There is no more urgent need than the provision of the opportunity to give the migrants of this country an education, particularly from the point of view of language communication. [More…]
Unless migrants get the opportunity to learn the language they cannot absorb the skills. [More…]
We now have migrants from the Middle East, particularly from the Lebanon, and Asian countries for whom there are no text books at all. [More…]
Furthermore there has been no teacher training for migrants with these disabilities. [More…]
Those people have all the problems of migrants. [More…]
Big Rex had a great feeling for the little people he represented- the miners, steel workers, migrants and pensioners. [More…]
Above all, it took no account of the impact of economic decisions on the lives and well-being of human beings- the thousands of young people whose prospects in life have been blasted on the very threshold of their working lives, the migrants who came here for better opportunites and whose opportunities are being destroyed, the small businessmen being forced to close down, the families being deprived of a second or even first earned income, the people paying off a home mortgage or wanting to buy their own home, the Aborigines whose hopes for a decent place in their own country have yet again been deferred and denied. [More…]
Nobody hearing or reading the Treasurer’s Budget Speech could realise that there has been a tremendous squeeze on the States and local government; that the Government has broken its promises on education spending; that spending on health programs is down; that the provision for pensioner dwellings is down by 18 per cent in real terms; that funds for Aboriginal advancement are down 16 per cent in real terms; that provision for urban public transport has been cut by 25 per cent in real terms and funds for leisure and recreation facilities by 60 per cent in real terms; that urban programs have virtually disappeared; that the national sewerage program has been abandoned; that all migrants’ special serviceseducation, welfare, housing, health, languagehave been cut; that the growth centre agreements with the States have been unilaterally repudiated; that environment programs suffered cuts ranging from 24 per cent to 99 per cent in real terms; that the area improvement program has been abolished. [More…]
I did not offer amnesty to all illegal migrants in Australia; I offered it to all visitors who had overstayed in Australia as at 3 1 December 1975. [More…]
One needs only to look at the list of skills provided for prospective migrants by the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs to know that a training scheme should be related to those shortages. [More…]
This Minister had the effrontery to say the other day that the real problem of migrants was ‘emotional poverty’. [More…]
We have provision for appeals for migrants convicted of crimes. [More…]
We have a system, which is never used, for migrants who are alleged to be communists. [More…]
He has pointed out the work that Mr Salemi has been doing for Italian migrants and Australia and the way in which he has been unmercifully hounded. [More…]
The interest of the honourable member for Melbourne in matters relating to deportation and the rights of migrants in Australia is not new. [More…]
In fact, last year when the Ombudsman Bill first came on for debate in the Budget sittings the honourable member referred extensively to the power of deportation and to the rights of migrants under the proposed legislation. [More…]
In particular, he drew attention to the report of the Bland Committee on Administrative Discretions about the attitude of the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs to the rights of migrants in Australia. [More…]
His stated profession is that of journalist, but we are not seeking journalists from overseas as migrants at the moment. [More…]
He is, as has been admitted, an active organiser amongst Italian migrants on behalf of the Communist Party of Italy and his salary is paid from Rome. [More…]
However, it has been the view of successive governments that it is not in the interests of Australia or of migrants in Australia that political differences in their countries of origin should be pursued in Australia. [More…]
I would like to refer to the sorry plight of migrants in Australia. [More…]
It is a sad reflection of the attitude of Liberal governments to migrants over 25 years. [More…]
Unfortunately for migrants in the postwar boom, they have been served by a Labor administration for only three years. [More…]
In almost every area of spending beneficial to migrants, allocations not only have failed to keep abreast of inflation but also have fallen behind their often inadequate 1976-77 figure. [More…]
This is a national tragedy because migrants form a huge percentage of the lower income work force in Australia. [More…]
The overall reduction in real terms will adversely affect bilingual education course development which is so necesary if migrants are to retain a proportion of their cultural heritage. [More…]
At these schools migrants are amongst the worst victims. [More…]
This inquiry was established under the Labor Government when there was government concern about the plight, the needs, and the interests of migrants in this country. [More…]
If migrants were a business grouping and not just a body of industrial cannon fodder in the eyes of those on the Government benches they would be receiving special grants in aid, special industry assistance, allowances, special capital improvement grants, all to ensure their economic survival at the taxpayers’ expense. [More…]
But migrants are not a business grouping. [More…]
We urge the Government to grant extensive government assistance to migrants in housing and welfare areas. [More…]
In respect of housing and hire purchase the Commission of Inquiry said that the Government should set up a scheme to provide interest-free loans as settlement loans to unassisted migrants for basic household purchases without the need for them to enter crippling hire purchase agreements. [More…]
With the reputation of migrants standing high as good credit risks, a scheme of this kind would seem to create relatively few risks, and would have the added advantage for the migrant of enabling him to establish a good credit rating. [More…]
It also made recommendations in regard to assisting an aged persons program within the ethnic communities; long term accommodation facilities for single migrants with particular reference to single girls of all ages; power to local government authorities to control rent levels including amounts requested to be paid in advance as bond or rent; Federal and State housing departments ensuring an adequate supply of rental housing in cities like Melbourne and Sydney because of the desperate need of new migrants and others; and a review of regulations covering Commonwealth hostels and flats to enable them to be used for accommodating migrants encountering difficulties at any stage of their re-settlement. [More…]
For instance, the cruel restrictions on payments to the States for hospital and community health service development will deny migrants equality of access to medical treatment. [More…]
But no, as usual, he has shown callous disconcern for the plight of migrants. [More…]
Having done absolutely nothing for migrants in the Budget the Government now intends, for Christ’s sake, to conduct an inquiry at taxpayers’ expense into the needs of migrants in the community. [More…]
We need some action, Anyone working closely with migrants is aware of the problems. [More…]
Despite the fact that 806,000 Australians were unemployed for some period during 1976, despite the fact that the young are grossly over-represented in the ranks of the unemployed, despite the high rate of unemployment among migrants and the outrageously high level of unemployment among Aboriginals, this Budget offers nothing to alleviate unemployment. [More…]
It inflicts sacrifices upon the people of this country who can least afford it, namely, the Aboriginals, the migrants in my electorate and the people who need State school education. [More…]
On one occasion the late Arthur Calwell said that the reason we had so many German migrants in Australia was that they had read Les Haylen ‘s books and had gained an impression of Australia. [More…]
It is not generally known that he went overseas virtually to hand pick the ships which were to bring the first migrants to Australia under the great plan of Arthur Calwell when he initiated the immigration program. [More…]
-From time to time the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs has indicated that the migration program is administered to ensure that migrants do not add to the number of people unemployed or take jobs from qualified Australian residents. [More…]
Can the Minister explain why the May 1977 Labour Force Survey has found unemployment amongst migrants arriving between January 1976 and May 1977 to be at a level of 15.4 per cent for males and 22.4 per cent for females? [More…]
I was amazed to read a statement by the Leader of the Opposition, issued in Canberra I believe on Sunday, in which he drew attention to unemployment among migrants. [More…]
I remind the House and the people listening, particularly the migrants, that it was in the time of the Leader of the Opposition as Prime Minister that unemployment among migrants nearly doubled; in fact, it rose by 90 per cent while the Labor Party was in power. [More…]
That should never be forgotten by people who claim that this Government is not concerned about migrants and about providing opportunities for them. [More…]
In respect of unemployment among migrants, does he dispute the facts which were given on 23 August by the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, in reply to a question asked by the honourable member for Hughes, that migrants who arrived between January 1976 and February 1977 amounted to 0.7 per cent of the work force but that migrants who arrived between those months represented 2.4 per cent of the unemployed? [More…]
In its report, the commission said it was determined to protect programs for disadvantaged schools and for special education including the teaching of migrants. [More…]
The suggestion that migrants are required to do the dirty work is also a myth, in my opinion. [More…]
While on the subject of industrial disputes I must also decry the fact that so many British migrants seem bent on importing the ‘British disease’ into the Australian trade union movement. [More…]
There is more violent complaint in the community today from workers and unionists, employers organisations, manufacturers, farmers, small business men, educationists, environmentalists, State governments, local governments, migrants and recipients of social security benefits than there ever was during the three years of Labor Government. [More…]
Some sections are more badly hitthe young, the migrants, the rural town dwellers -but no section can now feel absolutely secure. [More…]
This is important because it is now beginning to provide a service for migrants in country areas. [More…]
It will want to bring in migrants while young Australians are destined to be nothing more than carriers of water and hewers of wood. [More…]
This area has the youngest population and the highest number of migrants. [More…]
This was the first comprehensive study of migrants’ experiences in Australia and covered such areas as employment, accommodation, language and recognition of qualifications. [More…]
In addition to listing the major problems experienced by migrants in Australia, the report also identified the migrant groups most seriously affected by problems m these areas. [More…]
But when one examines the criteria under which migrants will be accepted into this country, I think they leave a lot to be desired. [More…]
One simply cannot consider merely the disadvantages experienced by migrants or the children of migrant settlers. [More…]
It is obvious from the report that such matters as the disadvantages caused to unskilled migrants, particularly the recent settlers, have not been considered. [More…]
That being the case, the third point I make is related to the additional hospitalisation costs created by migrants. [More…]
Proportionately, the greatest burden of unemployment will be imposed on the young and on the migrants in the community. [More…]
It is a decision that denies many handicapped persons, migrants and Aboriginals access to special reading and reference facilities that would ensure them some equality of opportunity- a decision that denies many Australians access to literature and information that would enrich their lives [More…]
One of the matters that have made this revised approach necessary is the continuing falsehoods used by the Leader of the Opposition and other members of his Party who have suggested that programs of this Government on behalf of migrants had been reduced, curtailed and cut. [More…]
In particular, the Government should lose no further time in moving to implement the findings and recommendations of the Commission with respect to methods of reviewing decisions adversely affecting citizens or migrants. [More…]
If he had ever been on a car production line and received the paltry pay given to the migrants who are brought into this country he would realise the situation. [More…]
I think the figures have registered with the Government, but I think the Government simply does not care about migrants. [More…]
Migrants are aware that actions speak louder than words, and the only period of real action in migrant services was m the 1972-75 era of a compassionate government. [More…]
The Australian Labor Party cares about migrants. [More…]
The post-war immigration boom was begun under a Labor government but unfortunately for the thousands and thousands of migrants, services fell very quickly under a government that did nothing for them for 23 years. [More…]
Migrants are in an unfortunate position when it comes to dealing with this Government. [More…]
If big business faced problems comparative to those faced by migrants this Government would pour millions of dollars into alleviating those problems. [More…]
The migrants are workers and are Labor voters at that. [More…]
We know who else is losing in this tug of war- the working class migrants whose welfare has been long forgotten. [More…]
Trained people are being transferred to noncasework jobs, while many staff members who are meeting migrants have no training. [More…]
It is a reflection on the Government in reiterating its disregard for migrants by placing their welfare in the hands of unqualified staff. [More…]
For instance, the migrant services outreach program has been taken from a competent migrant welfare officer and placed in the hands of a woman with no casework or community work experience with migrants. [More…]
This womanthe fault does not lie with her- has no linguistic skills, no experience of working directly or indirectly with migrants and no direct knowledge of the politics and problems associated with ethnic community work. [More…]
The ‘anything will do for the migrants’ attitude of the Government again predominates. [More…]
There are totally disproportionate numbers in supervising, co-ordinating and planning compared with those providing a direct service to migrants. [More…]
The departmental machinery gives migrants a feeling that there is a reduction in services. [More…]
Migrants need an easily identifiable and accessible focal point. [More…]
She pointed out that the classes are invaluable to many migrants who cannot speak English at all. [More…]
What a disaster it will be for migrants in inner Melbourne if this established service is allowed to die. [More…]
This indicates the Government’s attitude to migrants. [More…]
You are not interested in migrants. [More…]
The Fraser Government’s reduction and deferment of services to migrants. [More…]
I have stated a number of times that it was the previous Australian Labor Party Administration which demonstrated its total contempt for the wishes and desires of migrants by splitting up the one department to which all migrants automatically looked for help and assistance, downgraded it and amalgamated most of it with the Department of Labour. [More…]
He accused former LiberalNational Country Party governments of recruiting migrants to work only in these situations. [More…]
As the honourable member would know, a great number of migrants are members of unions. [More…]
The other and perhaps more serious thing that I would like to say about this statement that migrants are being used as industrial cannon fodder is that I wonder whether people who use that term, and particularly the honourable member for Melbourne, have taken the time to think about what they are saying. [More…]
I hope that when I say this I will not be misrepresented and that what I say will not be taken as demonstrating that I do not have any concern to ensure that migrants are treated fairly and equally with all other members of the Australian community or that I am not anxious to see everyone employed in as congenial a condition as possible. [More…]
It is true that migrants are heavily represented in employment in secondary industries. [More…]
Do the honourable members and others who criticise this condition suggest that Australia should have refused entry to prospective migrants likely to be employed in factories? [More…]
Are they saying that the conditions and opportunities of those migrants who have found work in factories in Australia are inferior to the conditions and opportunities left behind? [More…]
I believe that in general it is a malicious gibe to describe Australia’s migrant intake as factory fodder because it gives a false representation of the factors underlying Australia’s admission of migrants who have taken up employment in secondary industries. [More…]
More importantly, it is a slanderous attack on the migrants concerned, many of whom have made successful and fulfilling careers in Australian industry. [More…]
This gives the he to those people who claim, on behalf of the Opposition, that somehow this Government has not lived up to its promises to assist migrants. [More…]
These are just some of the initiatives that this Government has taken in the field of assistance to migrants in the community. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) began by telling us how he was delighted to see migrants become wanted and valued members of the Australian community. [More…]
This Minister has taken every step he possibly can to obstruct migrants to this country becoming citizens. [More…]
This Minister, who regards himself as having some responsibility for ethnic affairs, has no influence on the provision of services to migrants in this country. [More…]
Even in his electorate broadcasts he talks about the hopes of migrants. [More…]
He has no idea of what the needs of migrants are. [More…]
Migrants can perceive the situation for what it is. [More…]
Any of us who have had dealings with non-English speaking persons in our community have had to deal with the bureaucracy and know how difficult the migrants’ problems are. [More…]
We know that in no government department is the counter staff equipped to handle migrants’ problems. [More…]
He will know that it is the traditional, establishment welfare organisations which have grabbed that money and which have not geared up in order to provide services to migrants. [More…]
If the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs were concerned about these matters he would be concerned about migrants- particularly women migrants- who go to hospitals, who speak no English and who find no translators to translate their requirements to the staff. [More…]
If the Minister were concerned about this he would be concerned about the drop-off in language courses for migrants. [More…]
Thirdly, the Minister introduced a vast new range of practical services at the grass roots level which have been of very considerable benefit to migrants. [More…]
Fourthly, and more importantly, the Minister has allowed migrants to see that this Government treats them with dignity, appeals to their intelligence and wants them to contribute to the future development of this country. [More…]
For years the Labor Party has treated migrants as political footballs. [More…]
Members of the Labor Party went around to meetings telling migrants what they wanted to hear, talking down to them and treating them like fools. [More…]
I have been to many meetings where Labor spokesmen have stood up and told the migrants insubstantial things just to gain popular acclaim. [More…]
All these different qualities are brought to this country by the migrants and will help us develop as a unique, democratic society based on the widest degree of understanding of our fellow man. [More…]
We are enabling migrants to share in making the maximum contribution to the social, economic and political fabric of Australia and to help us solve the great challenges which face this country. [More…]
We are the first government that has adopted this broad approach with regard to migrants. [More…]
We reject the spurious attitude of the Labor Partythe talking down to migrants. [More…]
We welcome migrants in the new and proper development of this country. [More…]
What the New South Wales Government sought to do was to claim that there had been some sort of cutback in funds for adult migrants. [More…]
Migrants are the most savagely affected group, apart from Aborigines, in Australia and are particularly affected by this unemployment crisis. [More…]
All the Minister could add was that it was not part of his portfolio so he could not be expected to answer questions and be questioned about an issue that is of vital concern to migrants in this country. [More…]
It ought to be adopting the recommendations contained in the Bailey report, the report of the health and welfare task force and other reports which talk about cohesive services that need to be coordinated in the interests of migrants in general. [More…]
This is leading migrants up the garden path once again. [More…]
in Melbourne have put it to me that they are concerned about the situation where migrants are involved. [More…]
What honourable members on this side of the chamber have constantly complained about is that there has been no effective improvement in the provision of services to migrants under this Government. [More…]
They continue to regard migrants to this country as being children. [More…]
They continue to regard the only fit topics for ethnic radio as being the soccer results from the countries of origin of our migrants or news of ethnic carnivals at which there may have been folk dancing or something like that. [More…]
It is precisely because honourable members opposite regard migrants as children that they will be rejected by them at the next election. [More…]
I do not know how many migrants the honourable member has in his electorate. [More…]
There is no publicity available in a language other than English to inform migrants in this country about the conditions of eligibility for citizenship and about the way in which they can go about applying for citizenship. [More…]
However I believe there is immense lack of dignity in the situation of half a million migrants who live in this country without the vote because nobody has bothered to go and talk to them, to explain what their rights are and to help them take out citizenship if they decide they want to. [More…]
If that kind of outlet is denied to migrants in this country it will be a very sorry day indeed and migrants will certainly know who to blame. [More…]
The honourable member for Grayndler (Mr Antony Whitlam) finished his speech by talking about whom migrants would have to blame. [More…]
It is quite regrettable that the Australian Labor Party still insists on using migrants as a political football for one side to blame the other for some matter or to seek to take some petty advantage. [More…]
Most migrants have a close family unit and, if the breadwinner is working, at least the family unit can be maintained. [More…]
I do not refer only to migrants. [More…]
It relates to the question of migrants from West Germany who become naturalised in this country and then lose their entitlement under the German Government’s superannuation scheme, which is a contributory scheme. [More…]
There is no room for paternalism in any of our migration policies and I hope that my colleagues, on both sides, will stop using the four letter word ‘them’ whenever migrants are discussed. [More…]
I am the son of Scottish migrants and, like the millions of other Australians who share my personal heritage of having been born overseas, would say: Let all members be aware that migrants see themselves as [More…]
Overwhelmingly, migrants to Australia quickly see themselves as Australians, and this is how we, as members of this Parliament, should always regard migrants, no more and certainly no less than all Australianborn Australian citizens. [More…]
I congratulate the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar), who has sat through the whole of this debate, for his personal concern and involvement in the problems of migrants in Australia. [More…]
These guys work their hearts out for the welfare of migrants. [More…]
I know that the honourable member for Hunter (Mr James) who is trying to interject has a concern for migrants in Newcastle. [More…]
As a group, one could probably suggest that migrants taken together, are the hardest hit group. [More…]
But of the men, the major breadwinners in the family, the migrants are the least secure employees in the community. [More…]
Clearly in this situation, the migrants are in the least secure situation. [More…]
Another reason for this occurring is because migrants tend to be in certain industries which, certainly at this time, have been hardest hit- the textile industry, the clothing trade, the motor vehicle industry and even parts of heavy industry. [More…]
We must accept the fact that migrants probably are hardest hit in employment opportunities in a situation like the present situation. [More…]
Again, because the migrants constitute the largest group in the sense that, in relation to the proportion of migrants in the general community, the number of people needing these sorts of support services comprises a high proportion of migrants, so they are more dependent on services which ironically at this time are cut back and are least able to cater for the increasing demand. [More…]
So for all sorts of reasons, migrants in a sense are victimised by the difficulties of our economic downturn or recession- call it what you will. [More…]
In the discussion earlier today of a matter of public importance, the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) gave some figures in respect of the various facets of services relating to and for migrants. [More…]
First of all, last year’s figures represented a dramatic cutback in many cases on the amounts made available for these sorts of services for migrants when the Australian [More…]
For all these reasons, in my view, there has in fact been a real cutback in the allocation of funds for the sorts of services on which migrants depend. [More…]
Before I argue the case, or appear to be knocking immigration, let me assert the areas in which I am in favour of accepting migrants. [More…]
Fourthly, the percentage of lost migrants returning home to their original homelands has risen to about 20 per cent of arrivals since 1925. [More…]
The appropriations for the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs provide for a situation in which the intake of migrants will be rather static. [More…]
The Green Paper presented earlier this year reported that Australia could take an increase of 100,000 migrants a year. [More…]
Nevertheless, migrants do contribute to the economy, increasing purchasing power and trade generally. [More…]
On the present intake rates it is expected that about 70,000 migrants will arrive m Australia during 1977-78. [More…]
It is interesting to note, too, that Great Britain is still providing the greatest number of migrants to this country, followed this year by Lebanon, which country has had serious internal problems. [More…]
I seek leave to have incorporated in Hansard a table setting out the numbers of migrants to this country in recent years and the countries from which they have come. [More…]
Migrants come to Australia to settle permanently. [More…]
On 6 August last the Minister stated that in 1975-76 migrants and former migrants sent a total of $3 13m to all other countries. [More…]
More importantly, in the same year migrants transferred more than $3 50m into Australia. [More…]
The table read as follows- situation improves in this country because migrants have made a great contribution to our development. [More…]
In the Paterson electorate, I have many migrants from all countries. [More…]
The first concerns the provisions of services for migrants. [More…]
I think that it is important that where migrants themselves take initiatives in order to provide services which are required to the migrant communities on the basis of wishing [More…]
The migrants are primarily of European origin and a substantial proportion of them are of East European origin. [More…]
Unfortunately, for too long migrants were brought to Australia purely on the basis that when they leave the boat they cease to be anyone’s responsibility. [More…]
When they had been there long enough to learn that there were better jobs they left and another supply of migrants was brought on the scene to fill their places. [More…]
Some of the plants have now learnt that migrants have had to stay in those jobs because there are no other jobs to go to; on the other hand, for the plants concerned there are no other suppliers of employees and they have had to raise the conditions of employment. [More…]
This then will take away from the migrants in that area the only services which are really available to them. [More…]
Unemployment is also a greater problem for migrants than it is for the majority of the community. [More…]
I put before the Minister the urgent need for the establishment of services for migrants in the Geelong area. [More…]
I think that currently there are 36,000 migrants in the Geelong area and that ought to be enough to warrant the services of at least one officer of the Department. [More…]
This is especially the case with nonEuropean migrants. [More…]
By that I mean migrants from British Commonwealth countries who are entitled to place their names on the electoral rolls without the requirement of citizenship. [More…]
The honourable member for Corio mentioned the provision of services for migrants in Geelong. [More…]
I support the honourable member for Corio when he says that efforts by migrants to assist themselves should be recognised and supported by the Government. [More…]
The first one was to ensure that special purpose programs, such as those for handicapped children, migrants, disadvantaged schools and country schools, many of which are extremely disadvantaged, were maintained. [More…]
We ought to look closely at the oft repeated abuse of English migrants by the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Sinclair), who talks about the ‘Pommie shop stewards ‘. [More…]
Broadly, the publications in the Department’s library cover the subjects of immigration, emigration, the education, health and welfare of migrants, automatic data processing and demography. [More…]
The programs for this sort of facility for migrants are left to State governments which show no initiatives and no ability to supply this multicultural diversity by providing adequate staff and facilities for these children. [More…]
As immigration is a Federal responsibility, is it not also a Federal responsibility to provide adequate finance so that migrants may be encouraged to learn English quickly? [More…]
Does the Government realise that, without proficiency in English, migrants are condemned to low pay and menial tasks? [More…]
Will the Government provide funds now for the general expansion of this service, including provision of classes for shift workers and for unemployed migrants? [More…]
In answer to the honourable member’s maiden question- I almost said maiden speech- yes, the Government is very much aware of the need for migrants to have an adequate knowledge of English as being a significant factor in their successful integration into the Australian community. [More…]
A Liberal-National Country Party Government will initiate a new deal for migrants. [More…]
Further educational disadvantage is suffered by many other children, such as country students, Aborigines, migrants and girls. [More…]
The eduation system has failed the migrant communities in two major areas- the maintenance of home culture through schooling and the achievement by migrants of competence in the English language. [More…]
In particular some of the factors which have influenced today’s decision include the increasing number of refugees entering Australia, the Government’s desire to improve access to language classes for migrant women, a general increase in demand for English language classes for migrants, and the commendable way in which some employers are encouraging their employees to develop faculty with the English language. [More…]
We also recognise the possibility that migrants who currently do not have full time employment may wish to take advantage of the opportunity to attend English language classes. [More…]
The funds will also allow the development of a number of new projects and increased living allowances for migrants taking full-time English courses. [More…]
New projects to benefit adult migrants wil include full time English language courses in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth during the Christmas holiday period. [More…]
Closed-circuit television will be used on a trial basis to help teach English language to migrants living in a suitable high-rise housing complex. [More…]
The increased funds will also allow an increase in the number of English courses available to migrants in the manufacturing sector. [More…]
The Government looks forward to the participation of migrants in the detailed planning and management of the Christmas holiday courses and the establishment of committees in each State to help establish the courses in industry. [More…]
I point out in passing that these proposals reflect some of the preliminary suggestions of the group reviewing the Post-Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants under the Chairmanship of Mr F.E. [More…]
The current decision demonstrates the Government’s recognition of the importance of English language instruction in the successful integration of non-English-speaking migrants. [More…]
Any of us who represent migrants know that they are swarming at our doors because there has been a reduction of facilities which they had last year. [More…]
The real issue is this: If we are to help migrants- this matter was raised with the Minister at Question Time today- it must be done on the basis of maintaining proper programs for early introduction to the English language. [More…]
Those of us who have factories in our areas in which migrants work know that the migrants are penalised because they have not the opportunity to communicate and have not the opportunity to advance themselves in their employment. [More…]
Child migrants are entitled to as much consideration from the Minister as adults. [More…]
This is the Prime Minister who said: ‘A Liberal National Country Party Government will initiate a new deal for migrants ‘; who said: ‘We will maintain present levels of assistance to Aborigines’; who said: ‘We shall ensure no person is denied legal aid because of lack of means’; and who said: ‘Only under a Liberal-National Country Party Government will there be a return to business confidence’. [More…]
Mr Khoury is not alone in the treatment which he hands out to intending migrants who come to Australia. [More…]
It charges $ 150-1 grant anyone that it is cheap by Khoury standards- plus $25 membership fee for doing absolutely nothing except exploiting would-be migrants to Australia. [More…]
It would enable the wholesale disfranchisement not only of Aborigines but also of migrants and indeed scores of thousands of handicapped Australians. [More…]
It has one of Australia ‘s greatest concentrations of migrants. [More…]
Those migrants are interested in seeking a new identity. [More…]
Is it a fact that migrants who have been advised by you as Minister that they are eligible are unable to obtain their Australian citizenship for at least another six weeks, the excuse being that there are lengthy waiting periods for private citizenship ceremonies conducted by your Department? [More…]
Do these long delays mean that many migrants will not be eligible to vote at the Federal election on 10 December because of the closing of the rolls on 10 November? [More…]
Is this action being deliberately taken by you as Minister to prevent eligible migrants from voting at this election? [More…]
Is the Minister also aware that because of staff ceilings imposed by the Government many Commonwealth electoral officers in Sydney are unable to advise migrants from Commonwealth countries of their obligation to be enrolled and to vote on 10 [More…]
I again mention the fact that we are dealing with, for example, migrants and the problem of migrant education. [More…]
That is a severe indictment of the Commonwealth Government which has a complete legal responsibility for all migrants. [More…]
I have said this jokingly sometimes: If by some jest of nature the Australian continent were turned upside down overnight so that all of us were drowned, we would be the least missed country in the world and the greatest grievers would be Greece and Italy which have supplied our most recently arrived migrants. [More…]
Those 3 million migrants in Australia who were not born here have a special interest in the lowering of air fares. [More…]
But migrants are getting the same kind of second and third class treatment in this area of lower air fares as they are getting from the Government in other areas such as migrant education. [More…]
But my greatest thrill has come from living and working with my constituents, most of whom are either veterans, young people, migrants or, may I say elderly Australians. [More…]
The Agreement between Australia and Yugoslavia on the o Residence and Employment of Yugoslav citizens in Australia came into force on 20 May 1970 but has not been implemented because of procedural difficulties which arose subsequent to the signing of the Agreement Nevertheless, Yugoslav migrants have the same opportunity as other migrants to participate in English language courses and classes provided under the adult migrant and the multi-cultural education programs. [More…]
What steps have the Australian authorities taken under Article 11 of the Migration and Settlement Agreement between Australia and Malta, which entered into force on 1 July 1970, to promote facilities and establish classes to assist Maltese migants including their families to acquire knowledge of the English language and to facilitate the integration of the children of Maltese migrants into the Australian education system and give them the opportunity of learning the Maltese language. [More…]
English classes are available for adult Maltese migrants as part of the overall adult migrant education program. [More…]
English classes are available for adult Italian migrants as part of the overall migrant education program. [More…]
In the ACT and Northern Territory advertising is also used to inform prospective students of courses at Technical and Further Education Institutions and to indicate the availability of course to migrants. [More…]
It is possible that the net benefits of such immigration would outweigh the difficulties in employing migrants. [More…]
Demographically though, I believe Tangney represents a microscopic picture of Australian urban society- old people and young families; all types of workers, be they unskilled or manual; professional people; academics; students and migrants. [More…]
Consequently migrants coming into Australia, who are especially selected to meet the skills that our society needs, could be the first step towards reducing our level of unemployment, ‘ he said. [More…]
I wish to comment on a couple of points relating to migrants in the Governor-General’s Speech. [More…]
Before doing so, I clarify a misunderstanding that has arisen following comments made by me in the last few days concerning my attitude to migrants and immigration. [More…]
As the son of migrants escaping from religious persecution and settling in Australia, I am all too sensitive to many of the less commendable aspects of Australian society. [More…]
I again witnessed intolerance, prejudice and lack of active support at government level for the establishment of services to help migrants. [More…]
It is on the subject of migration, excluding these two groups of migrants, that I have attempted to question assumptions and myths. [More…]
Close attention will be given to the recommendations of the expert group currently reviewing Post-Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants. [More…]
If this is so, why has the Government changed the whole administrative arrangements for migrants by once again concentrating all power in all areas of migrant welfare in the most centralised department of all, the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs? [More…]
The advantages of administrative arrangements instituted by the Labor Government- advantages in the dispersal of welfare services, support for the migrants, health services, education and so on provided for all Australians, many of whom are migrants, some of 50 years standing- now have been destroyed. [More…]
Does that mean, in fact, that migrants will receive second rate inadequate service? [More…]
One of the advantages of our moves to decentralise this power, to take it out of Canberra, to get it into the local areas where the migrants live, was that it allowed more direct community responsibility, particularly on the part of the migrants themselves. [More…]
I think that it has done a lot for Australia and I hope that it has done something for the migrants. [More…]
For most of the years when most of the migrants came to this country a Liberal government was in power. [More…]
What did that government ever do for migrants in the area of communication through the airwaves? [More…]
It allowed migrants to say what they thought. [More…]
Just let them talk about the old folk songs and so on’- nice pap, uncontroversial mush- ‘Let the migrants lull themselves to sleep with lullabies reminding them of the past in their countries, as long as it does not involve the realities of the past’. [More…]
The reality is that the migrants themselves have become totally disillusioned by the way in which the Liberal Government has shackled their freedom of expression on ethnic radio. [More…]
I only hope that some migrants are aware of the fact that a Liberal member has said that, and they can make their own judgment. [More…]
Migrants do not want to be treated as children. [More…]
In other words, migrants rapidly fill job vacancies, thus getting production to increase quickly, so increasing supply. [More…]
There is no point in bringing in migrants to increase supply when we cannot get rid of the present supply; there is no demand; and the Government cannot bring in enough migrants quickly enough to increase demand, because that is not what they do: They have to earn a living first before thay can start buying the goods; they cannot earn a living if they cannot get jobs; and they cannot get jobs if no one wants to increase supply. [More…]
The economic development was not dependent on the migrants. [More…]
The country may well be richer for having had the migrants. [More…]
I am not complaining about the migrants. [More…]
Speaking for the migrants in my electorate I say that the honourable member stands absolutely condemned. [More…]
In what way has the Government protected and enhanced the rights of migrants to equal opportunity, equal education and equal access to social justice? [More…]
The Review sets out to revise the objectives and the functions of the CES, the administration of the unemployment benefit, the placement role of the CES, the counselling and occupational services needed in the CES, the needs of special client groups such as young people, the handicapped, Aboriginals, migrants and so on, the delivery of manpower programs, the collection of labour market information, computerisation in the CES, the role of commercial employment agencies, and the management of the CES as an organisation, its staffing, office procedures, location of offices and so on. [More…]
All the problems of narcotics, smuggling, illegal migrants and defence are tied up in those vast areas. [More…]
The Federal Government is responsible for the admission of migrants. [More…]
There is no way that the Government and the Parliament can continue a miserly and half-baked attitude towards the needs of migrants. [More…]
Adult nonEnglish speaking migrants should be afforded the opportunity speedily to acquire a working knowledge of the English language. [More…]
The situation is that in Australia at present some 1 1 per cent of the people are non-English speaking migrants and that same percentage rules in New South Wales. [More…]
In my electorate of Cunningham over 20 per cent of the population are non-English speaking migrants. [More…]
In the biggest industrial complex in Cunningham, the Australian Iron and Steel steel making complex, over 60 per cent of the workers are non-English speaking migrants. [More…]
Unfortunately, Australian Iron and Steel has followed a policy over the years of encouraging semi-literate migrants into the work force because they accept very low wages and take the most menial jobs. [More…]
The pupils, if I may call them pupilsmany of them were semi-literate migrants- were using pencils and scraps of paper. [More…]
The migrants themselves demand this. [More…]
People who are suggesting that migrants are being admitted specifically to do the dirtiest jobs either do not understand our current migration policy, or worse, are deliberately trying to mislead people as to what that policy is. [More…]
Other migrants are approved on the basis of a list of occupations in strong and continuing demand in Australia. [More…]
Unemployment is hitting women more harshly than men and the hardest hit of all are the recently arrived migrants. [More…]
Migrants received assistance via welfare rights programs and were able to establish more effective communication through ethnic and community radio. [More…]
Secondly, there are migrants. [More…]
People from all over the world with shipbuilding experience were brought to this city and as a result migrants make up approximately 65 per cent of the population. [More…]
The Government is meeting the needs of the migrants in Wollongong that the Labor Government failed to meet. [More…]
The inadequacy of services for migrants particularly at a time of high unemployment. [More…]
-Before dealing with the inadequacies of services for migrants, it would be as well to dispose of the suggestion that the level of unemployment amongst migrants is not as high as that amongst Australians. [More…]
On a superficial examination of the Bureau’s table, to which I referred a moment ago, that would appear to be the case, when in fact the real fate of migrants is far less encouraging. [More…]
The same table reveals more telling truths in terms of the fate of migrants. [More…]
For migrants who arrived in Australia before 1961, that is, 16 or more years ago, the unemployment rate was 3.2 per cent at May 1977. [More…]
For those migrants who arrived since January 1976 the unemployment rate was 1 5.4 per cent. [More…]
Given the dramatic increase in unemployment to a record level of 445,000 today, all of these figures must now be worse, with the anti-migrant bias making the relative position of migrants who have been here for up to 15 years still more heartbreaking. [More…]
Despite the current horrific rates of unemployment for all Australians, particularly migrants, the Government goes on blindly insisting that the rate of immigration should be substantially increased. [More…]
While the Government insists on a large scale immigration program to meet the needs of industry, it does little to alleviate the continuing problems of migrants after their arrival in Australia. [More…]
Yet the study ‘A Decade of Migrant Settlement’ indicates that only 35 per cent of migrants have fluent or good English, and only 15 per cent of migrants from Mediterranean countries, excluding the Middle East, have fluent or good English. [More…]
One can presume only that the Government, in its persistent drive to find skilled migrants, is seeking white Anglo-Saxons proficient in those jobs where a fluent command of the English language would be mandatory. [More…]
If the Government is not limiting its recruitment to those migrants proficient in English, this would point to a desperate need for migrant education in full and part time English courses. [More…]
There were some token increases in living allowances for migrants undertaking full time English courses. [More…]
For example, in 1976, no more than 5,000 students a year received any assistance in English under government programs in Victoria, despite an expected intake of 20,000 migrants. [More…]
In other words, the program was inadequate to cope with new arrivals, let alone the enormous backlog of migrants already here hoping for help with their English studies. [More…]
The editorial of the Age of 18 January 1978 suggested just how hard a time migrants are having in this current recession, particularly persons of non-English speaking origin. [More…]
Their situation is exacerbated by the current economic recession because traditionally migrants have worked in manufacturing industries. [More…]
These and other trends have made migrants particularly vulnerable as they are the persons most readily affected by economic recession yet least able to defend their interests and rights at such times. [More…]
The vulnerability of migrants at a time of high unemployment highlights the inadequacies of current migrant services. [More…]
How will migrants who need such assistance to obtain benefits and allowances to which they are entitled fare now that the Department of Social Security is no longer responsible for providing these migrant services? [More…]
Perhaps ethnic radio could assist migrants with information about their rights and entitlements and in finding jobs. [More…]
Providing such assistance to migrants is at present discouraged by the tight bureaucratic and political controls which are being imposed on the ethnic radio stations. [More…]
The hostile climate is effectively inhibiting the full use of ethnic radio as a community service to migrants at a time when it could be vital. [More…]
The Government has shown little concern for the high rate of return home to their countries of origin among migrants, particularly the professional and skilled- those groups which supposedly justify further increases in the rate of immigration. [More…]
Surely the huge number of migrants returning home indicates the blatant neglect by the Liberal Government of the continuing needs of our migrant families. [More…]
Is it not time we stopped using people as factory fodder, as tools of economic management, and developed a policy for migrants, not just an immigration policy. [More…]
This implies not just bringing in migrants but the development of positive policies and services to deal with the problems and difficulties facing people who are coming or who have come to live in our multi-cultural society. [More…]
Proper interpreter facilities should be provided in all public hospitals dealing with migrants, both for a physical and psychological illness. [More…]
Policies for migrants could include an expanded pre-employment introduction course for migrants during which time they could be paid unemployment benefits without having to seek work while receiving English training and a general orientation for working and living in Australia. [More…]
Instead, migrants land at the dock or arrive at the airport and by and large they have to look after themselves, particularly in terms of the jobs they seek. [More…]
There are many records of migrants arriving in the country and seeking employment at the first factory which can give them work and putting up with conditions that they subsequently would refuse to put up with when they become more accustomed to the conditions in the country. [More…]
The whole range of migrant services must be modified to ensure a humanitarian approach is taken to migrants and their problems. [More…]
I believe that the figures are a tribute to the resourcefulness of migrants in finding and keeping work. [More…]
The honourable member drew attention to the fact that those migrants, or overseas-born people, who have been in Australia for some time show a very much lower unemployment rate than do native-born Australians. [More…]
The present Government has a strong record of support for migration and for migrants themselves. [More…]
It should never be forgotten that the Labor Party- the party that suggests that it has some special affinity with migrants- when in government abolished the one department with which migrants come into contact initially and which has a special relationship with migrants following their movement to Australia and their subsequent settlement in Australia. [More…]
As to migrant access to community services and social assistance programs, this Government has taken the initiative in developing the role of the ethnic media- a point mentioned by the honourable member- in informing non-English speaking migrants of the services that are available. [More…]
The advertisements set out in some detail the services which are available to migrants throughout the Australian community, and provide advice as to how migrants can contact the relevant government departments which will assist them. [More…]
I suggest that those centres- one of them associated with a community voluntary agency and the other totally staffed by government employees- represent a marked initiative in the provision of additional services to migrants, individually and in organisations, in the form of a contact and reference point with which people can develop some affinity and to which they can go for assistance and additional information. [More…]
Through the ethnic affairs branch of the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, which as I have already mentioned this Government set up, we have brought together departments concerned with services to migrants. [More…]
Since I became Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs I have had regular consultations with the appropriate State Ministers not only in respect of intakes but also in terms of services provided to migrants. [More…]
The Government has provided a great number of other services to assist in the successful integration of migrants into the Australian community. [More…]
In these, as in so many other instances, the present Government has demonstrated a continued and increasing concern to provide the sorts of services that migrants themselves are seeking. [More…]
In the work force as a whole statistics show that migrants, both men and women, are the first to be sacked in times of recession and suffer a higher rate of industrial accidents, mostly because of language difficulties. [More…]
Thirdly, it is important for employment opportunities to be maintained for migrants with language problems, particularly for women migrants, in industrial and light industrial work where this is not a handicap. [More…]
They have placed their case before the Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) and also before the Review of Post Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants. [More…]
So far as qualifications for migrants coming to Australia are concerned, as I have explained to the House on previous occasions, the criteria used to establish entry eligibility are the same as those applied to people seeking entry to any of our training schemes under the National Employment and Training scheme. [More…]
Is the Galbally Review of Post-arrival Programs and Services to Migrants still continuing its investigations? [More…]
I represent not just the descendants of the migrants of Phillip’s fleet and of the migrants to the gold rush, but all the migrants. [More…]
More than 100 countries have sent us migrants, as honourable members would know. [More…]
Now this man has taken it upon himself, with a little community support, to try really to show to the Australian public what it was all about, and to bring to Australian young people in particular and migrants a very worthwhile project which will present a magnificent spectacle. [More…]
Women, migrants and the unskilled are the major beneficiaries. [More…]
Migrants remain merely a question of numbers, to be recruited wherever they can be found, according to the needs of the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd, the Ford Motor Co. of Australia and General Motors-Holden’s Ltd, and then abandoned to the complexities of change, and the social, educational and cultural deprivation which most minority groups undergo in a new and strange country. [More…]
The majority of migrantslike the majority of our women- are among the losers of our society under the administration of this Government and this Prime Minister. [More…]
It is a long list of losers, from the unemployed, to the poor, to our migrants, to our women, to our teenagers leaving school, to our wage earners on low incomes, to single income families on middle incomes, to young couples trying to buy a home, to small businessmen going broke, to small farmers going bankrupt-all the way down to our Aboriginal people who, as ever, remain at the bottom of this Government ‘s priorities. [More…]
I refer to assistance to resettle some of the new arrivals in Australia, some of the migrants who are coming into areas of my electorate. [More…]
The main beneficiary of Labor voting will very often be non-voters- migrants, Aborigines, the sick, the poor and the ignorant- and not necessarily the voter and his or her children. [More…]
There was no announcement in the Governor-General’s Speech of policies for Australian industry, the work force, Aboriginal people, migrants, youth and, most importantlythis seems to be at the heart of the economic debate- the public sector, which supplies so much of the background and muscle of the country. [More…]
Women, migrants, the aged, the young, the poor and the handicapped are victims of inadequacies in the information delivery system. [More…]
Recommendation 1 which proposed the establishment of a community interpreter service has not been approved by the Government, but may be re-considered in an improved budgetary situation and in the light of whatever recommendations are made by the review of post-arrival programs and services for migrants which Mr Galbally is at present conducting. [More…]
the health problems and needs of specific sub populations such as the aged, migrants and low income people, etc. [More…]
There are 600 tradesmen registered as unemployed in Newcastle- at a time when the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations (Mr Street) says we need more skilled migrants. [More…]
In this area we have the migrants and the handicapped. [More…]
The issues that concern migrants as a whole have not been discussed adequately in and through our media and I doubt whether they will be now. [More…]
Royal Commission on Human Relationships: Access and Assistance to Migrants (Question No. [More…]
What measures are being taken to carry out the Commission ‘s recommendations 79 to 92 which concern migrants. [More…]
I was not consulted in relation to any decisions taken concerning the provision of multi-lingual or other staff who might facilitate the access of migrants to the Commission. [More…]
In the meantime, the recommendations relating to migrants to which the honourable member has referred are being examined within my Department, and careful consideration is being given to those aspects of them which relate to the responsibilities of my portfolio. [More…]
Did he tell me on 22 September 1977 (Hansard, page 1544) that Britain was the only country in which Australia advertised for migrants in 1976-77 because Britain was considered to offer the best prospects of attracting migrants with readily recognised trade and professional skills. [More…]
What steps have since been taken to develop means of recognising the trade and professional skills of migrants from other countries. [More…]
What will be the total expenditure on advertising for migrants in 1 977-78 in (a) Britain, and (b) other countries. [More…]
It has developed screening examinations in several professions to enable potential migrants to demonstrate whether their professional competence is sufficient to enable them to obtain registration in Australia. [More…]
This is a particularly important initiative since prospective migrants are able to ascertain the likelihood of registration in their profession while still overseas. [More…]
The total expenditure on advertising for migrants in 1977-78 in (a) Britain is estimated at $145,000 and (b) other countries nil. [More…]
What were the 5 major skills and how many migrants were in each of the skilled areas. [More…]
As many skilled migrants already in Australia for more than 6 months are unable to practise their skills because of language difficulties, how many of those migrants who have arrived during 1977-78 have had similar difficulties. [More…]
The system of preparing a list of approved occupations in strong and continuing demand and of selecting migrants with skills and experience in those occupations recognised in Australia is intended to ensure their placement in suitable employment on arrival in Australia. [More…]
What criteria are used to determine whether potential migrants, who are not dependent members of migrant families already resident in Australia or who are not refugees, are eligible to come to live and work in Australia. [More…]
There is provision for patrials, persons with a close association with Australia, fiance(e)s and British Commonwealth citizens resident in New Zealand to come to Australia as migrants without having to meet occupational criteria. [More…]
Loans are made only to migrants within the first two years after their arrival in emergency situations where no other alternative forms of relief are available. [More…]
Authorised social workers are permitted to keep a small float to provide loans to migrants in emergency situations where no other assistance is immediately available. [More…]
In the ACT and Northern Territory advertising is also used to inform prospective students of courses at Technical and Further Education Institutions and to indicate the availability of courses to migrants. [More…]
I think we must ensure that people who are aged, disabled, infirm, migrants and others who may not be fluent in English, people who live in remote areas and people who are uneducated are especially assisted in their participation in the electoral process. [More…]
I represent an electorate with one of the largest concentrations of migrants in Australia; we make an enormous effort to get through to them in their various languages the solution to the complexities of the Australian voting system. [More…]
Another proposition I wish to put is that an expansive economic program should accompany any scheme that invites migrants to come to this country. [More…]
Whether migrants are skilled or unskilled, if there is a contracting demand for labour there will of necessity be a displacement of a migrant as an addition to the work force and an Australian as an addition to the work force. [More…]
Therefore it makes good sense and it is necessary that the Government look not only at the need for interpreter and translation services for migrants whose first language is not English, but also at the needs of Aboriginal people. [More…]
In addition, the CES has the added responsibility of providing specialised advice and assistance to the particular groups in the labour market, such as Aboriginals, handicapped persons, migrants et cetera, and more general occupational information and guidance. [More…]
The CES will, of course, continue to carry out its important and traditional function of assisting jobseekers to obtain employment, placing particular emphasis on those in need of special assistance such as Aboriginals, migrants, handicapped and young people. [More…]
What has been his response to representations made to him on 28 October 1977 by the NSW Local Government Community Workers’ Association in which concern and dismay was expressed about the drastic curtailment of funding for the following Government responsibilities: (a) welfare workers under the States Grants (Home Care) Act, (b) Family Law Court Counselling Service, (c) education programs, including after school care, child care and other family care programs, and migrant classes for adults, (d) health care services including community health centres, domiciliary care services and women’s health centres, (e) unemployment and unemployment relief schemes, (0 housing, in particular housing for the aged and invalid people, (g) pension and benefit reductions in real values and proposed transfers of responsibility for these, (h) 470 community programs funded under the Australian Assistance Plan, (i) programs for the handicapped, (j) the Legal Aid Commission Bill, (k) Aboriginal affairs, (1) grant in aid services for migrants and interpreter services, (m) Australian Government printing services, (n) national co-ordinating bodies for youth affairs, (o) women ‘s refuges subsidies reductions and (p) Australian Bureau of Statistics processing. [More…]
The Society undertakes to arrange private accommodation and seek employment on behalf of parents admitted as migrants. [More…]
European migrants in our society have this strong motivation and we would do well to encourage it rather than tax it out of existence. [More…]
There are more chances for those who are Australian-born than for those who were not born in Australia and came here as migrants. [More…]
Migrants are feeling the buffeting of unemployment. [More…]
It is also understood that this policy would be accompanied by greater emphasis on the ‘occupational eligible category ‘ which would be more flexibly defined to avoid the restrictions currently imposed, which insist that migrants coming to Australia should be able to fit a category of employment listed by the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations as occupations matching vacancies somewhere in Australia. [More…]
There is, first and foremost, the issue of unemployment amongst Australian workers and recently arrived migrants. [More…]
There is some evidence to suggest that rates of unemployment among recently arrived migrants are considerably higher, perhaps double that of the work force as a whole. [More…]
The reality is that it will become increasingly difficult to attract skilled migrants, given the economic situation in Australia and the morality of doing so from countries that are themselves short of skilled workers is questionable. [More…]
Fouthly, a recent article in the Australian of 2 May 1978 headed ‘Migrant shortage could doom North West Shelf suggested that industry groups, that is, mining companies and the Western Australian Government, want to import at least 30,000 more migrants a year until 1980. [More…]
Finally, does Australia have an obligation to migrants already in Australia which it should be fulfilling rather than speaking in terms of expanded migration targets? [More…]
Many of these people must be recently arrived migrants with limited skills. [More…]
In looking at these groups, the Commonwealth Employment Service will have to be cognisant in a manner far more sophisticated than previously has been the case in Australia of the specific problems of migrants. [More…]
The statistics would show us that in manufacturing industry, for instance, migrants comprise a far higher proportion of the work force than they do of the total work force. [More…]
If the car industry, the shoe industry or the textile industry were being restructured, then, even in the sense of retraining the people involved, quite specific provision would have to be made for the problems of migrants. [More…]
I hope that the local committees to be set up under clause 17 (2) of the Bill will contain a very good sprinkling of migrants so that they can have their say about the functioning of the Commonwealth Employment Service offices. [More…]
As a result the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs attempts to fill the vacancies with imported labour while those migrants already in this country wait in vain for reunion with close relatives whose applications for migration have been knocked back by the Department. [More…]
The Service provides programs for Aboriginals, handicapped persons, migrants, vocational guidance and occupation assistance. [More…]
They are Aboriginals- I will be having more to say about them- migrants and young people, just to mention a few. [More…]
They might be migrants so far as we are concerned. [More…]
A great number of people- more than 300,000 people in any one year- in the world at present seek to come to Australia as migrants and they go through the normal, proper channels. [More…]
Many migrants who are naturalised Australians, or in some cases their children who are natural born Australians, may be regarded by their country of birth, or their parents birth, still to be citizens of those countries. [More…]
The same applies for Aborigines and many migrants. [More…]
This means that the Commonwealth Government’s outlays on housing, which include spending on defence service homes, housing for people in need, housing grants to the States, housing for Aboriginals and migrants, as well as expenditure on urban renewal programs and growth centres, has been virtually cut to the bone. [More…]
The honourable member for Chapman has said that fewer migrants are coming to Australia, but never before have there been so many people on the housing commission waiting lists. [More…]
I have asked my Department to make sure that proper screenings are undertaken in respect of all intending migrants coming to Australia and, in particular, the refugees who are coming from Indo-China at the present time. [More…]
I present the report of the Review of Post-Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants. [More…]
It is singularly appropriate that a report directed specifically at programs and services for migrants should be the first to be available in ethnic languages. [More…]
I hope that this will set a pattern which will be followed in future where reports are of such direct interest to migrants. [More…]
We established it in the light of our concern to ensure that the changing needs of migrants are being met as effectively as possible. [More…]
We asked the Review to have regard to our federalism policy and our objective of supporting the enterprise and dedication of community groups who provide programs and services to migrants. [More…]
As I said then, the Government is conscious of the special language, housing, employment and other difficulties faced by migrants during the transition from one society to another. [More…]
We saw the need to provide an opportunity for migrants themselves to participate in identifying their problems and difficulties. [More…]
Migrants and their children now make up about one-third of the total population of Australia. [More…]
Few Australians face the difficulties many migrants are confronted with particularly in the early years after their arrival. [More…]
Generally Australians have given a great deal of understanding and generous help to migrants. [More…]
The Review has taken full account of all the problems migrants face. [More…]
It has noted that notwithstanding these problems, migrants have struggled to maintain their cultural heritage and preserve their sense of cultural identity. [More…]
Notwithstanding these efforts we recognise the special needs which migrants, particularly the nonEnglish speaking and the more recently arrived, have in settling here. [More…]
It agrees there is a need to change the direction of its services to migrants and that further steps to encourage multiculturalism are needed. [More…]
needs of migrants should, in general, be met by programs and services available to the whole community, but special services and programs are necessary at present to ensure equality of access for migrants; [More…]
services and programs should be designed and operated in full consultation with clients, and self-help should be encouraged as much as possible with a view to helping migrants to become self-reliant quickly. [More…]
It concluded that migrants who arrive with little or no understanding of English have the greatest difficulties and often remain at a disadvantage because of that. [More…]
Difficulties were judged to be greatest immediately after arrival, particularly for migrants who come from countries without a long-established tradition of migration to Australia. [More…]
This group includes large numbers of those who are isolated at home- especially women- elderly migrants- whose numbers are expected to increase dramatically in the course of the next decade- those from smaller ethnic groups- whose own support services are limited -migrant women at work and the children of migrants. [More…]
It points out that, since about 20 per cent of our community are currently ‘migrants’, a similar proportion of the Commonwealth’s general expenditure on education, health, social security and welfare and other areas should be for the benefit of migrants. [More…]
It endorsed the view that services to migrants should as far as possible be through general programs and, consistent with its terms of reference, the Review has not sought to assess the effectiveness of these general programs as such. [More…]
Rather, it has concentrated on establishing whether migrants are placed at any disadvantage through ignorance of available services or through difficulties with access, communication and so on. [More…]
Honourable members will be aware of the current Commonwealth programs and services directed specifically to migrants, covering migrant education, migrant welfare, interpreting and translation and other programs and services. [More…]
The Review found that many of the problems encountered by migrants arise from inadequate arrangements for their initial settlement. [More…]
The program will be available to all migrants either in residential hostels or by attendance at new community centres. [More…]
Because migrants* knowledge of the English language was found to be a critical factor in enabling successful settlement in Australia, special attention has been given to the teaching of English both to children and to adults. [More…]
But there will also be a continuing need for special programs for certain groups and for the ‘backlog’ of migrants in the community whose English is not adequate. [More…]
There will also be provision for better education for teachers of adult migrants, additional funds for training such teachers and for the provision of teaching materials. [More…]
In spite of this increasing emphasis on the teaching of English to migrants, there will always be a substantial number in the community who do not understand English, and who therefore face difficulties in communication. [More…]
We will establish intensive English courses for migrants with overseas professional and sub-professional qualifications to help their work here. [More…]
The Review found that migrants are often placed at a disadvantage by their ignorance of their rights, entitlements and obligations in Australian society. [More…]
There will be an extensive survey of migrants’ need for information, and its dissemination. [More…]
In accordance with the recommendations of the Review, steps will be taken to improve the ways in which migrants get information in areas of special need, including information relevant to employment, health, consumer protection, bail procedures, the Commonwealth Ombudsman and legal aid. [More…]
The Review gave careful consideration to the best means of providing support for self-help activities by ethnic groups, and the place of voluntary agencies and the Good Neighbour Councils indelivering services to migrants. [More…]
They concluded that the ethnic communities themselves and the voluntary agencies can meet the welfare needs of migrants more effectively than government agencies. [More…]
However, the Review concluded that because the needs of migrants have changed since the councils were established, and because it is not possible to revise the councils’ functions so that they do not duplicate or inhibit the role of the ethnic communities, there is no justification for continued Commonwealth Government funding of the councils. [More…]
The Government will be taking action in the area of the law to protect migrants’ rights in criminal investigations and in voting, and to improve information on such aspects as the legal system generally and family law. [More…]
On income security, we will be giving high priority to resolving anomalies affecting migrants, in the light of the problems outlined by the Review. [More…]
Also, in accordance with the recommendation of the Review, trade unions will be eligible for special project grants to improve migrants’ knowledge of and participation in union affairs. [More…]
It will also assist with development of more appropriate community child-care and preschool services for migrants. [More…]
Action will be taken to follow up the Review’s observation about handicapped migrants experiencing problems of access to rehabilitation services, and that there should be greater use of ethnic workers in rehabilitation centres. [More…]
For older migrants, we will follow up the suggestion that greater support be given to those willing to care for their elderly relatives at home, and that institutions accommodating old people should specialise more in providing an environment acceptable to ethnic groups. [More…]
As well as extending the ethnic radio service of the Special Broadcasting Service to all States, we will upgrade the Sydney and Melbourne services, and will provide funds to the National Ethnic Broadcasting Advisory Council to carry out research on migrants’ views and expectations of ethnic radio. [More…]
At the Commonwealth level there will be greater co-ordination of the work of advisory bodies and a strengthening of policy planning and monitoring capability for all Commonwealth programs and services insofar as they are used by migrants. [More…]
The Review has pointed to increasing emphasis in State Government programs on meeting the needs of migrants, and to the growing awareness of cultural differences which has led to the development of State ethnic affairs units. [More…]
I mention in particular the Chairman, Mr Frank Galbally, for his personal commitment in preparing a report which is both sensitive to the needs and feelings of migrants and practical in its recommendations. [More…]
I might say that I believe this is the most thorough review of services to migrants that this country has ever undertaken. [More…]
I believe that if it had been undertaken a considerable time ago the position of many migrants would be much better than it is now. [More…]
I ) Preliminary figures for settler arrivals during the first seven months of 1977-78 indicate that 40.9 per cent of migrants were in the occupationally eligible category. [More…]
In other instances migrants may arrange employment before arrival in Australia. [More…]
and (5) It is administratively not possible to monitor the movement and employment history of all individual migrants following arrival in Australia. [More…]
The situation of assisted migrants in Commonwealth Hostels admitted on the basis of occupational skills showed a total of 3 16 awaiting initial placement at 28 April 1 978, compared with 354 at 7 April 1978. [More…]
How many officers in his Department at (a) second division level, (b) class 1 1 level, and (c) class 6 level are first generation migrants. [More…]
and (b) The ‘planned’ component of the immigration intake is restricted to those migrants who possess professional, technical or trade skills recognised in Australia and for whom it is considered there is a strong and continuing demand. [More…]
The criteria for the entry of migrants being admitted on occupational grounds are based on labour market assessments prepared by the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations. [More…]
In the new arrangements there will be important roles for all people within the community who have the welfare of migrants at heart. [More…]
But in 1977-78, while 41 per cent of migrants were in the occupationally eligible category, less than one third of these were workers- 13 per cent of the total intake. [More…]
The old approved list of occupations for the entry of migrants compiled by the Department’ of Employment and Industrial Relations included occupations for which- let me quote the Minister- ‘there is some degree of unsatisfied need which may vary from time to time in a particular State’. [More…]
With the time lags involved, with immigrants on the way and therefore not counted- they do not arrive overnight, it might take six or nine months to organise for them to come- the result could well be an over-supply in some categories. [More…]
In other words, there is no direct relationship between the number of immigrants recruited and the number of known vacancies or vacancies likely to occur in the foreseeable future. [More…]
There is no check to see whether the anticipated vacancies did occur or whether the skilled migrants filled the vacancies for which they were theoretically recruited. [More…]
For example, in 1976-77 immigrants from Britain and Ireland formed 62.4 per cent of total departures, and those are countries from which Australia traditionally has obtained most of its skilled migrants. [More…]
The ideas are good but in actual financial terms, if my understanding of the promises of the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) is correct, the migrants are going to receive less, not more, than they received this financial year, unless the Government changes the promise stated by the Prime Minister and incorporates a factor to take into account inflation. [More…]
I take it from the Minister’s interjection that that has been resolved and that the migrants will get some modest increase. [More…]
In my view, the increased selective program, the points system, will make it more difficult for migrants already here to bring their own family members to join them. [More…]
Migrants: problems of forms, confusion and communication. [More…]
What evidence is there of the multiplier effect being in operation in Australia due to migrants breaking bottlenecks in employment opportunities. [More…]
I might say, because this is a cognate debate, that for the chronically ill, the poor in our community, the family man and his wife and children, the migrants and the Aboriginals that the changes being made by the Government to the system that has operated for the last 18 months or two years represents a retrograde step and will save only approximately 1.5 per cent of total medical costs. [More…]
It points to those who will be badly hit- migrants, large families, Aborigines and the unemployed. [More…]
Why, then, make life much harder for the unemployed, Aborigines, migrants and large families? [More…]
In addition, the Government ‘s continued support for the education and welfare of Aborigines and migrants is contributing significantly to combating learning difficulties within those groups. [More…]
Nominations on behalf of, or applications from, migrants in occupations not on this list warranting special consideration are considered on a case-by-case basis by occupational review groups established in each State. [More…]
How many officers in his Department at (a) second division level, (b) class 1 1 level, and (c) class 6 level are first generation migrants. [More…]
1 ) What percentage of migrants received assisted passages to Australia during the period I July 1971 to 31 December 1977. [More…]
Migrants: Capital inflow and outflow (Question No. [More…]
and (2) Accurate and detailed statistics on the flow of funds attributable to migrants and former migrants are not available. [More…]
Estimates by the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicate that in 1976-77 at least $276 million was brought into Australia by migrants. [More…]
It should be noted, however, that the above figures include only those funds identified by the Australian banking system as being directly attributable to migrants. [More…]
Also excluded from these figures is the considerable value of tangible assets which migrants bring with them. [More…]
It ignores, the fact that there are strict criteria for the entry of most migrants into Australia and that one of the strictest of those criteria relates to the occupational and training background which people must have before they are approved for permanent residence in this country. [More…]
With the present rates of natural population growth and the likely net intake of migrants, the labour force could be expected to grow by at least 1 Vi per cent and possibly as much as 2 percent over the course of 1978-79. [More…]
That cry now rings like a death knell in the ears of the unemployed, the aged, the infirm, the handicapped, migrants and other disadvantaged groups in our society. [More…]
Over 20 per cent of the sons and daughters of these migrants cannot find work. [More…]
It provides increased assistance in real terms for the aged, for the handicapped, for migrants, and for families. [More…]
What is the percentage breakdown per nationality of those migrants who left Australia permanently in the same period. [More…]
What was the average period of time spent in Australia by each nationality of those migrants permanently leaving Australia. [More…]
In a Press release of 6 August 1977, did he quote figures estimating the sum of money that migrants (a) brought into Australia and ( b ) sent overseas during the years (i) 1974-75 and (ii) 1975-76. [More…]
1496, they did not include all amounts transferred to Australia by migrants and included amounts transferred overseas by people born in Australia they understated the net gains for the two years concerned by an unknown amount. [More…]
They have been loyal and industrious migrants while still retaining a love for the customs, history and traditions of their old homeland. [More…]
In the early years of the 1 970s the labour force continued to grow strongly, with migrants and married women still contributing to the increase at rates which maintained the trend towards the changed labour force structure developed in the two previous decades. [More…]
They are penalised if they are single parents, migrants or Aboriginals. [More…]
To cater for the needs of migrants the facilities should be located in the one space. [More…]
The Government has made much of its acceptance of the Galbally Review of Post- Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants and the financial obligations that this entails. [More…]
When the Prime Minister presented the report and I was able to make some comments I made the observation that, if in fact the amounts recommended in the original review did not take inflation into account, it could well be that migrants would be worse off rather than better off. [More…]
It is a minor point but these small points were seized upon by the migrants as a great boost and I think that in that area it is not quite as it seems. [More…]
In sum total, for that item in the Budget migrants are down about $30,000. [More…]
It has provided services for migrants and an enormous amount of material for the enlightenment of all of us. [More…]
In other words, this cut, taking inflation into account, is a cut of over 40 per cent for one of the very few organisations providing real services to migrants and research information about them. [More…]
In a time of general expenditure restraint we find that the Government is providing a wide range of new benefits and programs to migrants and migrant organisations. [More…]
When the Labor Government came to office it did not even see fit to establish a separate department for migrants. [More…]
It was the present Government which saw the need to establish a separate Department of Immigration with which migrants would establish contact initially and which would continue to provide a special contact point for migrants during their subsequent settlement in Australia. [More…]
It is always Labor spokesmen who state that the Government sees migrants as being factory fodder’. [More…]
So, in other words, it was the Labor Party that saw migrants as being manpower units and little more than that. [More…]
On the other hand this Government reintroduced the Department of Immigration and expanded it to include ethnic affairs, a recognition of the fact that the Government does not see migrants as being just workers but rather as people with a unique and cultural heritage which we should encourage them to foster as they become Australian citizens. [More…]
It has also sought to integrate migrant services in a way which will better enable migrants to handle the Australian bureaucracy. [More…]
In order to rationalise this situation sensibly, the Government has assisted migrants by adding settlement services, the telephone interpreter service, adult education services and other services within the one department. [More…]
These represent a significant initiative in the provision of additional services to migrants, both individually and in organisations, in the form of a contact and reference point with which people can develop some affinity and to which they can go for assistance and additional information. [More…]
Perhaps the major achievement of this Government has been the establishment of the Galbally Committee and the subsequent adoption of its major recommendations regarding post-arrival programs and services for migrants. [More…]
However, there is a great deal of confusion amongst migrants in the use of that term and in understanding just how far the relationship extends. [More…]
It is not a bad idea to reflect on the amount of money that migrants send overseas to support relatives in other countries. [More…]
I believe that this Government’s true attitude to migrants is illustrated by the discriminatory move of abolishing tax rebates for the maintenance of overseas dependents. [More…]
This hits only immigrants and former immigrants and their families. [More…]
Another question with regard to the admission of migrants is the possession of special professional or trade skills. [More…]
I do not doubt the work done by the committee and I acknowledge the courtesy with which one is received when one makes an inquiry, but the fact is that when migrants come to see a member of parliament and talk about one of their relatives whom they wish to see migrate to Australia and who they say has a particular skill in some area, they produce the certificates of that qualification or copies of them from some overseas school or institution and it is the devil’s own job to find out whether that qualification is accepted. [More…]
I think it is a matter of common sense that we should perhaps have some consolidation in this area of professional and trade qualifications which would allow members of parliament and migrants to identify clearly the acceptability or otherwise of their skills. [More…]
So often those people who are refused a tourist visa have made an application some years previously to be migrants to Australia and either have been refused or have allowed the application to lapse when it has been accepted. [More…]
Any step that we could take to warn such migrants who are issued with these visas that the visas give them no right to work and no right to expect preference for permanent residence in the country has to be taken. [More…]
One of the things that is spoken about in this paper is the fact that at the bottom of the trade cycle when there is an excess capacity immigration in the first instance tends to use up only that excess capacity, so the increased demand from the new immigrants will not add so much to employment levels and, therefore, may add to unemployment. [More…]
I think we need to bear in mind, however, that the goods and services that are required immediately by migrants tend to be goods and services in areas where there is not usually an excess capacity. [More…]
The food industrythe essentials that migrants require when they first arrive- is an industry which requires extra people for each extra cabbage or potato. [More…]
It was the Government that cut back the levels of immigration which made it so difficult for qualified brothers and sisters of migrants already in Australia to enter this country. [More…]
1 think it would be fair to say that the previous Labor Government was an anti-immigrant party, despite the fact that the propaganda it has managed to create in some of the ethnic radio programs would appear to have convinced many immigrants that the Labor Party is on their side. [More…]
In the last year instead of about 20,000 new migrants net there were over 60,000. [More…]
I think it is quite wrong for the honourable member for EdenMonaro (Mr Sainsbury) to suggest that there was anything about the Labor Party when it was in office or in Opposition which could possibly suggest that the Labor Party was against immigration or that it was against migrants. [More…]
I think that one ought to recognise that for 23 years there was a Liberal Party government in this country which certainly did not talk about multi-culturalism, which certainly did not introduce programs on migrant education, which certainly did not support centres like the Ecumenical Migration Centre or the Migrants Clearing House and which left voluntary agencies with limited resources to fight alone in the whole field of migration welfare. [More…]
One cannot look at a policy in relation to migrants in separation from the policies which, for example, a government adopts in relation to the management of the economy and the management of employment. [More…]
The direct effect of immigration for two decades (that is, excluding the inflows from Australian born children of migrants) was to contribute at least 40 per cent of the annual increase in the Australian labour force: Indeed in the 1950s the contribution would have been in excess of 50 per cent per year. [More…]
There was the suggestion in the Minister’s statement earlier this year that the gross intake of migrants for 1977-78 could be only 77,000, less 7,000 leaving the country. [More…]
I repeat: Eighteen per cent of recently arrived migrants are unemployed. [More…]
These appropriations show in human terms our preparedness to accept, to educate and to assimilate migrants, wherever they may come from, and also to take our share of responsibilities for refugees, particularly those from South East Asia. [More…]
Our choice of migrants must reflect people possessed of the work ethic, people who are prepared to adopt our country, to focus on opportunities, and to work to fulfil ambitions born out pf the opportunities they see. [More…]
The experience with the early Chinese immigrants was one of success so far as enterprise was concerned, irrespective of the difficulties of the terrain, the cUmate, or whatever they had to face at that time. [More…]
It is important that migrants be not only accepted but also encouraged to enter the mainstream of Australian life. [More…]
The decision to cut oneself off from a way of life and to adopt another is a heartbreaking one for the migrants who make it, and in those circumstances assimilation is most important. [More…]
All I can say to the honourable member for Batman is that he seemed to be a little confused in relation, firstly, to the history of migrant education and, secondly, to the contribution that migrants make towards the economic well-being of this nation. [More…]
However, the Government has made a conscious decision in relation to these two categories of migrants which states that the humanitarian and international obligations override the purely economic considerations. [More…]
In relation to those migrants selected on an occupational basis, surveys both in Australia and overseas have shown quite conclusively that the recruitment and employment of one skilled person can lead to the additional employment of up to four or five semi-skilled or unskilled people. [More…]
This measure, which is in line with the views expressed in the report of the review of post-arrival programs and services to migrants, was made necessary by the mounting abuse of the existing provisions with substantial costs to revenue. [More…]
For the information of honourable members, the new direct billing arrangements could include persons in the following categories: persons on low income including social security unemployment, sickness or special beneficiaries; newly arrived migrants and some other ethnic groups; refugees who are financially disadvantaged; persons who suffer financial misfortune because of substantial medical expenses caused by prolonged or severe illness. [More…]
A large number of peopleyoung people, migrants- have come into the labour market. [More…]
The number of migrants, as a proportion of the population, entering the United States is of course much smaller at present than it has been in Australia over the last four years. [More…]
I am not criticising the admission of migrants. [More…]
An examination of the table shows that less than two per cent of Asian settlers and less than 33 per cent of Greek and Italian migrants were assisted while more than 80 per cent of northern or western Europeans coming to this country were assisted. [More…]
Some 26,000 elderly new Australians from countries other than Britain or New Zealand are excluded from receiving an age pension on residence grounds, but this exclusion has no effect on 15,500 elderly migrants from the two countries. [More…]
The Galbally Report clearly points out that ‘In practice … it is only migrants from countries other than Britain and New Zealand who are eligible for Australian pensions . [More…]
This is particularly noticeable to someone who works in an electorate in which there is a heavy concentration of migrants, particularly southern Europeans and more recently Latin Americans, and sees how they are treated in terms of our social security policy in comparison with Anglo-Saxon migrants. [More…]
The Government is proposing to say to migrants in this country that the tax concession which they received previously in respect of funds sent overseas to look after their dependants in their country of origin is now to be removed. [More…]
It means that the migrants of this country will be paying to the Government in 1978-79 $20m which they did not have to pay in 1977-78. [More…]
1 ) How many permanent migrants have arrived in Australia since 1 946. [More…]
) Which departments and authorities have responded to the Public Service Board request for interim assessments of the impact of their programs on migrants and ethnic communities. [More…]
Migrants and dependants will have benefits withdrawn so that the top income earners in the community can avoid a more equitable revenue contribution. [More…]
An attack is being made on migrants’ children living abroad and it is very difficult to judge the significance of this. [More…]
The need for the hostel to be used results from the Government’s decision to accept 9,000 IndoChinese refugees in 1978-79 in addition to other assisted passage migrants which will require additional hostel accommodation to that already in use. [More…]
One other factor that should be mentioned is that in an area where there are going to be an additional 960 to 1,000 migrants there will obviously be a lot more children and those children are going to have to go to local schools. [More…]
What we have been talking about and what we have been trying to suggest is that the people in the electorate of Batman, a large number of whom have low incomes, a considerable number of whom are social service beneficiaries and many of whom are migrants with families that are divided between Australia and countries thousands of miles away, are not now to receive, under the terms of this Budget, the treatment which was promised by this Government prior to the election. [More…]
It is likely that the migrants, the Aborigines and the large families who are unaware of the possibility of finding a doctor who will bulk bill them will be deterred from seeking early treatment and thus will need hospital treatment later on, at even greater expense. [More…]
The Minister for Health (Mr Hunt) says that the bulk billing arrangements for disadvantaged persons could include persons in such categories as the unemployed, people receiving sickness benefits, migrants, some ethnic groups, perhaps refugees and people suffering from prolonged or severe illness, but there is no compulsion on the doctor or specialist to agree to bulk billing these categories or any other person for that matter. [More…]
This followed publicity given to the question of licensing when the then Federal Minister in charge of Tourist Activities, Senator Wright, called for a report on the organisation of the travel agency industry following an incident involving a charter flight for migrants. [More…]
On 30 May 1978, did the Prime Minister accept the recommendations of the Galbally review of post-arrival programs and services for migrants and the financial commitments they entailed. [More…]
Were the calculations of a loss of about 7,000 migrants based on Australian Bureau of Statistics figures? [More…]
The statement that with a gross intake of approximately 77,000 migrants Australia would finish up with a net migrant increase of approximately 70,000 was based not only on people applying overseas for migration and being granted entry to Australia but also on those acquiring change of status in Australia. [More…]
At the beginning of 1978 some 500 migrants from IndoChina arrived at Midway in the Maribyrnong area. [More…]
Hardly had the situation started to stabilise when steady intakes of migrants and refugees at Eastbridge in Mitcham and Enterprise in Springvale upset the equilibrium. [More…]
This means that Richmond, Collingwood, Flemington and South Melbourne collect more and more migrants. [More…]
The local schools and social services are already fully taxed with migrants. [More…]
Whilst I have concentrated on the difficulties for migrants in education due to their inability to converse in English, this inability has ramifications in other areas, as the Galbally report indicated. [More…]
It is interesting to note that the Education Department may be forced to stipulate that there be only one fulltime ethnic teacher to 100 migrants, with no notice taken of the number of ethnic groups or the range of ages. [More…]
We have a problem and while we continue to take migrants and refugees, and for years thereafter, we will continue to have this language problem. [More…]
In real terms it represented very little advance for many of the migrants’ needs. [More…]
The proportion of migrants in certain, mainly low status manual occupations, is rising faster than is their proportion in the population. [More…]
Australian and British born are leaving these jobs while non-British migrants are either entering them, staying in them or leaving them more slowly than are Australian or British workers. [More…]
Non-English speaking migrants increasingly form the basis of manufacturing and construction industries. [More…]
Employees with the least experience tended to be the most recently arrived migrants and to suffer the most accidents. [More…]
The potential victims of postindustrialism are migrants, women, unskilled, and semi-skilled workers and the young. [More…]
He then goes on to state that the profession should not be allowed to fall to the literacy level of its clients and that, in particular, if we are to admit into the profession Aborigines and migrants, there will be a need for an elaborate course of indoctrination of those persons before they will be properly able to put into practice the ethics of the profession. [More…]
I really think that the learned judge does not hold his argument together logically in any case, because he says that at this stage the Aboriginals and migrants are largely unrepresented classes in the law. [More…]
He is saying that we do not have Aborigines and migrants in any great numbers in the law now and yet the law is struggling ineffectually against the evils of a type of morality in our society brought forth by some classes of big business and by some classes of trade unionists. [More…]
If the problem is already with us, then it is with us not because of Aborigines and migrants but because of pre-existing difficulties in our society arising from improper behaviour among various people. [More…]
Would we not have less divorce and less trouble in our community if many of the people in the community adopted some of the extended family type activities of migrants? [More…]
What is wrong with working hard, which is what many migrants do? [More…]
In common with other migrants when they leave hostels they are under no obligation to keep the Government informed of their whereabouts and no com- ,prehensive record is available of their movements. [More…]
If so, is pan of this assessment an assessment of the effect on Departments and authorities as employers of migrants. [More…]
If the information I sought is not part of the assessment, how is the assessment of Departments and authorities as employers of migrants to be conducted. [More…]
This is a matter for the Public Service Board to determine, but one of the matters being considered in the development of the scheme is the role of Departments and Authorities on employers of migrants. [More…]
I refer the Prime Minister to his statement made in this House on 30 May announcing that the Government would implement the plan of action recommended by the Galbally inquiry into post-arrival services for migrants. [More…]
A number of ethnic communities believe that for the first time they are being given the importance and attention which a government concerned about post-arrival services for migrants should have given many years ago. [More…]
Possibly its action was a little hard-hearted because a great percentage of the people employed in the Whyalla Shipyard were migrants brought from overseas to a decentralised city. [More…]
Finally, what steps will be taken to ensure the availability of, to quote from the report of the Galbally Review of Post-Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants, ‘adequate interpreting and translating services’? [More…]
From time to time we will hear people associated with the immigration policies of this country and some industry leaders saying that we need more skilled tradesmen; that the only way we will get skilled tradesmen is to have a greater inflow of migrants. [More…]
There are a number of related social problems which could tear this nation apart, particularly the widening gap between the information rich and the information poor in which the unskilled become an intellectual proletariat; the problem we have to face where shorter working hours are offered with correspondingly lower pay which means, in effect, increased hardship for the poor; and growing competition for jobs which will disadvantage young people, women and migrants. [More…]
Those most vulnerable to social and economic disruption- our young people, the poor, the unskilled and semi-skilled, migrants and our Aboriginal population- are suffering tremendous hardship as a result of the Fraser Government’s unemployment blitzkreig [More…]
Courses-in-Industry (English for Migrants) Scheme Participating Employer Organisations ( 1977-78): [More…]
1 ) When does the Government expect the surveys of the information needs of migrants, the forms in which it is most acceptable to them, the use they make of the media and the attitudes to different methods of receiving information, will be completed. [More…]
Will the results be made available to the public so that State Governments and voluntary organisations can also make use of the information to assist migrants. [More…]
1 ) It is expected that the survey of the information needs of migrants will be completed by early May 1979. [More…]
As appropriate, the results of the survey will be made available to other Commonwealth and State Departments and authorities, and to voluntary organisations, which provide information intended to facilitate the settlement, welfare and integration of migrants. [More…]
How many (a) assisted and (b) unassisted migrants arrived from Asia during each year since 1972. [More…]
How many of these (a) assisted and (b) unassisted migrants were refugees during the same years. [More…]
Recipients of grants-in-aid are encouraged, however, to assist migrants of any ethnic background and not to refuse to provide service. [More…]
Pamphlets have been produced in major migrant/ refugee languages describing the various services provided by the Department of Social Security and these have been distributed widely through the migrant information network as well as other existing outlets commonly used by migrants and refugees. [More…]
Departmental Social Workers, Welfare Officers and field staff also explain the services available from the Department and how to use these in their contacts with migrants, refugees, ethnic groups and welfare workers employed by other Government Departments and voluntary organisations engaged in migrant/refugee welfare activities. [More…]
Association of Migrants Returned from Australia (Question No. [More…]
1 ) The Embassy is aware that the Association of Migrants Returned from Australia (ANEA) issued a statement of its aims and requests at the opening of its first annual meeting on 4 September 1977 at Castelfranco in northern Italy. [More…]
Considering the large number of Italian migrants in Australia and Italian interest in Australia, Italy has and continues to receive a large share of this material. [More…]
Following the tabling of the report of the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs last week, honourable members will be aware that in Australia at the present time there is a considerable number of people who fall into the category of prohibited or illegal migrants. [More…]
Education systems have been aware of the needs of migrants and Aboriginal children for a long time and as far as the States are concerned, the responsibility for the education of all children within them is vested with State Education Departments; it is thus their primary responsibility to consider and react to the findings of the report. [More…]
These measures will continue to provide assistance to meet the main problem area for migrants which was pointed out in the ‘Literacy and Numeracy’ Study- their limited exposure and opportunities to use the English language. [More…]
The Australian Education Council will also be examining strategies to adapt their systems to the needs of Aboriginals and migrants. [More…]
Increasingly non-English speaking migrants form the basis of manufacturing and construction industries. [More…]
It is such migrants, therefore, who are most exposed to risk in terms of industrial safety. [More…]
In the plant studied 87 per cent of the workers were migrants from nonAnglo Saxon countries. [More…]
Employees with least experience tend to be most recently arrived migrants. [More…]
The strongest support for this came from most recently arrived migrants from Turkey, Lebanon and the Middle East. [More…]
The same report also provides comparative data from Western European countries, the United States of America, South Africa and the Arab region of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in order to show how recently arrived migrants fulfil functions in those countries which are similar to those they fulfil in Australia, namely, to carry out the dirtiest, most difficult, most unpleasant jobs which are denned widely by the respective societies as being socially undesirable. [More…]
Given this analysis and the fact that non-English speaking migrants are increasingly doing such socially undesirable jobs in Australia- that is, those jobs marked by low social status in one or more of the following traits: Work which is heavy, dirty, dangerous, monotonous, relatively poorly paid, and which has irregular working hours- I argue that it is increasingly important, in developing policies concerning the safety and health of workers, that this fact be made most explicit. [More…]
Migrants would appreciate more than anybody else the need for regular scheduled services to other countries of origin rather than the uncertainty of a one class charter operation when they are faced with the need for a quick visit home or a visit to Australia by a relative or friend. [More…]
I think that the best way to deal with the matter is to discuss it in terms of the approaches that we have made over the years to the problem of what we do with migrants. [More…]
My Department in conjunction with the Australian Electoral Office is studying the question of all migrants being placed on an equal footing in relation to their voting rights. [More…]
The officials held informal small group discussion meetings on the Galbally Report with representatives of a number of ethnic community groups and other community organisations working amongst migrants. [More…]
While this and other research studies do not provide a complete answer as to the numbers involved, it is clear that the problem of illiteracy is a real one for some Australians and, in particular, for Aboriginals and migrants from nonEnglish speaking countries. [More…]
In the reply to Senator Lajovic I referred to the report of the House of Representatives Select Committee on Specific Learning Difficulties, and the Review of Post-arrival Programs and Services to Migrants, as a result of which a number of initiatives in research and development are being undertaken. [More…]
Does he deem any of the following groups to be disadvantaged socially: (a) Aboriginals, (b) homosexuals, (c) migrants and (d) recipients of full-rate social security benefits, for example, people receiving unemployment, supporting parent or sickness benefits at the full rate. [More…]
On arrival of migrants in Australia, primary officers at the port of entry transcribe visa codes onto incoming passenger cards. [More…]
A typical example that is applicable to migrants and middle aged workers is what has happened in the Balmain-Newtown area and in other areas of my electorate. [More…]
Difficulties in making independent checks of the correctness of claims for those allowances were recognised in the Report of the review of post-arrival programs and services to migrants- the Galbally Report. [More…]
It is recognised that many migrants feel a strong moral obligation to help financially family members left behind in their home country. [More…]
However, as the Galbally Report on Migrant Services and Programs states, ‘the present provisions enabling migrants to send money out of Australia are generous by international standards and are generally adequate to meet any family obligations a migrant in Australia may feel. [More…]
Many Australians, including migrants, believe these people should be the responsibility of the Government of the country in which they live and not of the Australian Government and the Review group concurs in this opinion*. [More…]
2627 (Hansard, 16 November 1978, page 3003) how many of the (a) assisted and (b) unassisted (i) migrants and (ii) refugees from Asia came from South East Asia in each of the specified years. [More…]
After entry into Australia immigrants can be required to have further chest x-rays mainly for identification of possible reactivation of tuberculosis but also for identification of other relevant conditions. [More…]
Apart from these precautions, migrants in Australia are subject only to the same medical checks as apply generally in the community. [More…]
to provide a translation service from foreign languages into English and English into foreign languages of departmental correspondence, documents of migrants and official documents; [More…]
In implementing the Galbally Report on Post-Arrival Services and Programs for Migrants, the Government is committed to improving information services to migrants to enable them to take their place in society, partake of its benefits, exercise their rights and discharge their duties. [More…]
The unemployed people tend to be amongst the unskilled workers, semi-skilled workers and migrants. [More…]
To name but a few the Government has introduced tax indexation, export incentives, family allowances, automatic indexation of pensions, abolition of estate and gift duties, lowering of Division 7 taxation on private companies, a major improvement in the facilities for migrants and improved social welfare services. [More…]
We saw migrants assailed in so many ways. [More…]
I emphasise that entry of medical practitioners, as of migrants generally, is controlled. [More…]
We demand that they understand that perhaps people in Melbourne who are unemployed- many of them newly arrived migrants- would not even know where Shepparton and Mildura are. [More…]
The fact is that 77 per cent of Greek migrants in the last year were approved on a family reunion basis compared to 31.6 per cent for Italian migrants, 15 per cent for South African migrants, 24 per cent for Rhodesian migrants and a higher level of 64 per cent for migrants from Turkey. [More…]
But I point out that the two highest figures were 77 per cent for Greek migrants and 64 per cent for Turkish migrants. [More…]
There are many Greek persons in the St George electorate and the more Greek migrants who come here under the points system the better- and that includes family reunions. [More…]
The ramifications of this situation should, I believe, require the Government to reconsider urgently its decision on the number of migrants to be accepted into this country each year. [More…]
If we do not populate this vast empty land mass with suitable migrants, then we and our descendants may find that we do not have the choice as to our immigrants. [More…]
I believe that migrants do not add to unemployment but with their demands for goods and services of all kinds they will, on the contrary, stimulate the economy and help reduce unemployment. [More…]
One can understand that unions fear that migrants may take the jobs of their members. [More…]
Many union members have entered this country as migrants. [More…]
And looking at Australia’s people, our youth, our migrants, I cannot understand anybody who is fearful of the future. [More…]
I declared Malta Star of the Sea House officially open on 1 1 February 1979, and at the same time announced a grant of $1,745 to the organisation to subsidise work of benefit to migrants. [More…]
First it is not correct to say that there has been a 10 per cent increase in the number of illegal immigrants entering Australia. [More…]
I make the point that most illegal migrants in Australia have entered the country perfectly legally. [More…]
Some have deserted ships, for sure, but most of the people who are prohibited migrants entered the country perfectly legally and have broken the conditions of their entry to Australia by overstaying their visas, by taking employment or by attending educational institutions. [More…]
I point out also that the problem of illegal migrants and of prohibited migrants is not confined solely to Australia and that every country has within its borders at any one time a significant number of people who are there illegally. [More…]
The current impetus towards greater tourism has real ramifications in terms of the potential for building up the number of overstayed visitors and the number of illegal migrants in Australia. [More…]
Overall, the problem of illegal migrants in Australia is one which has been with us and will remain with us. [More…]
I am pleased to say that there is evidence that many illegal migrants, having seen the Government’s treatment of people coming under this category, are now accepting the opportunity to depart voluntarily. [More…]
In regard to migrants the report says: [More…]
I refer to the unemployed, Aboriginals, certain migrants, the single person and the person who is the victim of unfortunate emotions. [More…]
It would seem to be an attempt to misinform migrants which shows a degree of contempt of Australia’s ethnic groups. [More…]
Mr Bill Hayden has promised migrants and other workers more jobs and more money in their pay packets. [More…]
Those people would make ideal immigrants to Australia, despite the fact that we have seen in the newspapers comments to the effect that, because of the racist policies of such countries, such people would be undesirable. [More…]
It so happens that policies which are guided by left wing extremists and supported by other people who do not really know the true situation are tending to operate against such prospective migrants. [More…]
These are apart from undesirable individual migrants to Australia who wish to carry their individual, overseas based hostilities into this country and carry on. [More…]
Mr Buglio, who spoke at a forensic science symposium in Adelaide, said later he examined about 300 suspected false passports a year, most of them being used by illegal migrants. [More…]
Those who hold them, however, are human beings, migrants whose self-respect requires that they are considered for employment at a level attuned to their qualifications. [More…]
The Committee through its expert panels has become increasingly involved in the practical problems of individual migrants, rather than, as had earlier been the case, in the theoretical issues related to educational and professional evaluation. [More…]
The Committee’s Expert Panel in Generalist Qualifications alone, for example, has provided over 800 migrants holding degrees from often little known colleges and universities, with formal assessments of their qualifications, with a view to assisting them find suitable employment at an appropriate level in the Australian workforce. [More…]
Procedures are currently being devised to assist migrants who hold sub-professional and technical qualifications in certain of the Committee’s original areas of responsibility. [More…]
-by leave-The role of the professionally qualified migrants who have come to this country is both acknowledged and appreciated; but, as the Committee itself on Overseas Professional Qualifications in its 10th report tabled today by the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) points out, many matters have changed rather radically since the Committee was established in 1969. [More…]
that while teachers are very predominantly Australian-bom, nearly a third of professional scientists and engineers in Australia are migrants. [More…]
Can he say (a) how long it took to provide emergency accommodation for illegal migrants in Darwin in the last 12 months and (b) how many were accommodated. [More…]
In 1958 Australia was strongly seeking migrants. [More…]
Earlier policies based on an intake of migrants predominantly British had been abandoned but British migration was still seen as the dominant element in the migrant intake. [More…]
While the volume of intake of migrants for settlement is at a relatively low level, the level of people entering as tourist or business visitors, to undertake approved temporary employment and in other non-migrant categories has increased enormously, rising at the rate of about 5 per cent per year. [More…]
I can appreciate the concern expressed by many migrants who see the refugee intake as being in direct competition with their own efforts through the proper channels to bring members of their families from overseas to live in Australia. [More…]
While the Government is cutting back on helping our youth, it is paying for advertisements right throughout Europe to bring skilled migrants from overseas. [More…]
How would the people reading the advertisements in Europe respond if they knew that the latest figures show the unemployment rate of migrants who arrived in the previous 2 1 months is 1 6.6 per cent. [More…]
Early school leavers and recently arrived migrants bear an especially heavy burden or unemployment at the present time, and within these two groups both the individual costs of, and the social problems emerging from, prolonged unemployment must be intense. [More…]
In regard to the honourable gentleman’s comments about bringing migrants with special skills from overseas, Australia for many many years has depended upon migrants of this calibre, with skills, to come to Australia to serve the needs of industry and commerce and to help to develop our great country. [More…]
It is still true that a large number of migrants need more teachers. [More…]
Over 60 per cent of migrants who came to Australia between the end of the Second World War and 1972 settled in Sydney and Melbourne. [More…]
The Commonwealth Employment Service does not discriminate between migrants (including refugees) and Australian citizens with respect to any aspect of job placement, work test or training programs. [More…]
1 ) How many migrants who entered Australia during (a) 1976-77, (b) 1977-78 and (c) the period 1 July 1978 to 31 March 1979, were skilled (i) plumbers, (ii) carpenters and (iii) electricians. [More…]
) From which countries did these migrants come. [More…]
These are based on evaluation of skills at the time of selection and hence provide a more reliable indicator of migrants’ skills than the self-description data used by ABS. [More…]
1 ) How many assisted passages were granted to migrants who were last resident in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) New Zealand, (c) South Africa, (d) Lebanon, (e) Turkey, (f) Greece, (g) Italy, (h) Spain, (j) Portugal, (k) Chile, (1) India, (m) Thailand, (n) the Philippines, (o) the United States of America, and (p) Canada during (i) 1975, (ii) 1976; (iii) 1977,(iv) 1978 and(v) 1979 to date. [More…]
What were the (a) nationalities and (b) professional or other trade qualifications of those migrants granted assistance. [More…]
The following table gives the number of migrants granted assisted passage in their respective countries of last residence by year of arrival: [More…]
The ‘Review of Post- Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants’ headed by Mr Frank Galbally, C.B.E., recommended that Commonwealth funding of the Good Neighbour Councils should be phased out over a period of two years. [More…]
Migrant Information Needs Survey- to meet the requirements of recommendation 18 of the report on the review of post-arrival services and programs for migrants. [More…]
Do departmental officers working in overseas Recruiting Agencies, Consulates and Embassies in countries that are not members of the Commonwealth inform all migrants from those countries of section 34 of the Public Service Act 1 922 and its implications for them. [More…]
1 ask the Minister: Does it include Italian born migrants who fought in World War I, but exclude all Italians who fought in World War II? [More…]
It provides initial settlement courses in English language and information about Australia for new arrivals, migrants and refugees, and provides further English language learning opportunities for both recent and earlier arrivals. [More…]
The objectives and targets arising from the Galbally report and accepted by the Government have meant a strengthening and refocusing of the English language education program for adult migrants and refugees as well as a substantial increase in activity. [More…]
Funds for 1981-82 will need to reflect the intakes of migrants and refugees planned for next year and also the outcome of the surveys, which have now commenced, of the English language needs of migrants. [More…]
But my hunch, based on discussion with members of the ethnic communities and so on, is that six weeks is not an adequate time for migrants to become skilled enough in the English language for the purposes for which the Government wants to give them training, namely, to ensure they can better fit into jobs and that they can find their way around and have better access to their rights as members of the Australian community. [More…]
I concede the point that what I am about to say is possibly covered in other facets of the Budget proposals but I want to make the point, because I think it is significant, that this funding will not be sufficient to ensure that the children of migrants, whether born overseas or here, who wish to retain some association with the culture of their parents and to retain facility in the language of their parents will be able to do so. [More…]
In a sense one could argue that in giving special training to migrants to ensure that they speak English adequately and maintain their own mother tongue and in ignoring the Anglo-Saxon student one is making the Anglo-Saxon student a deprived person because he is finishing up with a facility in only one language. [More…]
The many migrants referred to in the report would suffer. [More…]
Migrants from the surrounding countryside arrive on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, for example, at the rate of about 5,000 every week. [More…]
One survey in Peru found that 30 per cent of migrants living in shanties had come to the city to find work. [More…]
Nevertheless, cities do provide work a-plenty for resourceful migrants- from prostitution to boot cleaning; from begging to refuse collecting. [More…]
Migrants came to this country in unprecedented numbers. [More…]
For example, in relation to the manufacturing industry, and particularly in relation to some of the industries in the more competitive sector, concentrations of migrants were brought from overseas to this country as migrant workers in the 1950s and 1960s and, increasingly in the 1970s and 1980s they are being thrown on the scrapheap. [More…]
They have people living and working or unemployed in their electorates from all areas of Australian society and that, of course, includes migrants and many others. [More…]
I am distressed that one of the niggardly measures that is embodied in this Budget is the charging of fees for various matters affecting migrants, such as visas. [More…]
Even now, one of the greatest problems that we have is that migrants who were welcomed into the Australian work force, who have made a substantial contribution to Australia by working in our industries and developing production and who wish elderly relatives to join them, are going to be faced with relatively massive charges to bring them to Australia. [More…]
Why has the Government decided to increase the migrant intake to 87,000 in 1979-80 thereby relegating even more migrants to the dole queues? [More…]
A service charge on migrants is introduced in order to get a measly $2.3m. [More…]
An amount of $ 15m is provided in the 1979-80 Budget for the continuing implementation of the Galbally recommendations on the provision of special services to migrants. [More…]
I refute the statement which is made by many people in the Opposition that migrants create unemployment. [More…]
The Victorian Egg Board is selling 60 gram eggs in Canberra at the wholesale price of $1.07 a dozen against the wholesale price to the migrants in Victoria of $1.17 a dozen. [More…]
That figure was based on an intake of migrants to this country at the rate of 50,000 a year. [More…]
The first observation one must make is that the Government has been making noises about increasing substantially the number of migrants to be taken in over the next 12 months. [More…]
We are led to believe that increasing the number of migrants is still another path to economic recovery. [More…]
community nursing services), women’s refuges, the training and provision of ethnic health workers, and a new initiative- the training and provision of interpreters and translators to work in health services provided for migrants and Aboriginals. [More…]
We had to depend upon a Press release to get a bit more detail than that and it turns out that the health interpreters and translators for migrants and Aboriginals are going to be given $940,000. [More…]
Well, there are a lot of migrants around the countryside who need interpreters and a lot of Aboriginals dispersed all over the countryside, particularly in the northern regions, who need health interpreters and translators. [More…]
They would need skills in seeking out migrants most in need of help . [More…]
We know that migrants often do not know their rights and they will not come forward, so these people have to seek them out- to encourage them to use the health resources available to them. [More…]
We find a cut in the allocation for the National Employment and Training scheme for the training and retraining of migrants and other groups. [More…]
Bearing in mind that proportionate to immigrants’ representations in the community, there are many more immigrants or children of immigrants who are unemployed and untrained than there are other members of the community, ordinary Australians, in a sense this cut will hit immigrants and their families more than the rest of the Australian community. [More…]
It insulted all the migrants of this country by deeming them to be factory fodder. [More…]
Certain trade unions in this country have always adopted an anti-migrant stance and migrants have not been able to develop themselves through the unions. [More…]
This Government has given migrants the best opportunity that they have ever had. [More…]
The Opposition does not like our very good program for migrants because it knows that it is very popular. [More…]
Opposition members are going around in their mealy-mouthed fashion trying to tell migrants complete and utter falsehoods in order to get them on side. [More…]
The United Kingdom has remained our chief source of migrants, providing just over 40 per cent of the post-war intake of 3.5 million people. [More…]
In more recent times there have been intakes of immigrants from other areas including Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. [More…]
Migrants themselves have made adjustments in order to adapt to life in their new country. [More…]
Because of the Government’s concern to ensure that the changing needs of migrants are met as effectively as possible within the limits of available resources, it decided late in 1977 to commission a review of post-arrival programs and services for migrants under the chairmanship of Mr F. E. Galbally, C.B.E. [More…]
I know that one matter involving migrants affected the interests of the shadow minister at the table, the honourable member for Maribyrnong (Dr Cass). [More…]
The fact that passport fees are to rise by $5 makes it so much harder for migrants and their families to return to their homelands for occasional visits. [More…]
The Victorian Ethnic Communities’ Council has boycotted the SBS, claiming it has not worked in the interests of migrants since it was set up at the beginning of last year. [More…]
No man in public life in Australia has done more within the bureaucratic area to encourage the development of services for migrants in this country. [More…]
Between 1949 and 1972 successive Liberal governments- 23 years of them- did nothing whatever to provide media services for migrants or migrant access to the media. [More…]
They have said that he is a decent person but he knows and cares nothing about the interests of migrants. [More…]
Many, if not all, of the unskilled migrants who are coming to Australia are very hard working migrants and make a great contribution to Australia both socially and economically. [More…]
I do not think there is anybody on this side of the House who would decry the value of migrants to Australia historically and the value of those who are seeking to come here now. [More…]
We know migrants have made a great contribution to Australia. [More…]
Even though we have high levels of unemployment in Australia, migrants are welcome to this country. [More…]
This year’s Budget is further testimony to the Commonwealth Government’s support for immigration, for migrants and for the development of a socially cohesive and culturally diverse Australian community. [More…]
There has been a major initiative in the area of post-arrival services and programs for migrants as a result of the Government’s acceptance of the Galbally report’s recommendations. [More…]
Two years ago, there was virtually no initial settlement program for newly-arrived migrants. [More…]
In the current financial year provision is made for almost 12,000 newly-arrived migrants to participate in this program. [More…]
This is for a substantial proportion of adult migrants who do not speak English and require information about Australia, its institutions and available services. [More…]
An additional $lm has been allocated for the development of migrant resource centres to assist community settlement and to provide focal points in the community for migrants to receive information and advice on services and to develop their own co-operative arrangements for self-help. [More…]
We believe also that we must link the immigration intake with effective post-arrival settlement programs so that the process of immigration is one that is satisfying and productive to migrants themselves and to the Australian community. [More…]
It may be possible to turn off the flow of migrants, but it is hard to turn it on again. [More…]
He and the government of the day recognised how much migration had been associated with buoyant national prosperity and how it was impossible to turn the flow of migrants on and off without, firstly, a loss of confidence in Australia as a country of resettlement and, secondly, a consequent loss of impetus in planned population growth as an important component in economic development and national prosperity. [More…]
It is by no means impossible that within three or four years of the introduction of an open-ended policy for brothers and sisters as many as 100,000 brothers and sisters would be coming to Australia as migrants. [More…]
In fact, very few migrants chosen under NUMAS had arrived before the beginning of this financial year. [More…]
But the Government has been accused more recently of promoting migration ‘at a time when unemployment amongst newly-arrived migrants has reached 17.5 per cent’. [More…]
It does not reflect the very high level of mobility among recently arrived migrants who might have had four or five jobs in a relatively short period but be unemployed at the survey date. [More…]
Recently arrived migrants move from hostels into the community or from initial accommodation to more permanent accommodation. [More…]
It is important to realise also that migrants are highly mobile in the period soon after their arrival in Australia, so that they are able to take up vacancies in the Australian work force. [More…]
I also refer to a document dealing with news reports of relevance to migrants which was produced by the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs. [More…]
It was simply this, that if one is arguing for an ethnic radio media service which has no political content at all in the sense that issues are not argued out- in other words, if what one is looking for, as is said by the Galbally report, is merely a kind of ‘minestrone’ of very safe items, a bit of travelogue here and a bit of folk singing there, but where one does not engage in any serious discussion of the actual issues and the political context in which migrants live- one creates a situation which is ‘politically safe’. [More…]
by leave- I take pleasure in reporting on the implementation of the Galbally Report on Post-Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants. [More…]
The theme of the Galbally report is the need to overcome the disadvantage migrants experience when they are newly arrived or when, as has been allowed to happen over the past 30 years, they have accumulated a backlog of unmet needs. [More…]
Ethnic liaison officers working at senior levels within all Commonwealth departments and most statutory bodies continue to raise awareness of the special needs of migrants, refugees, and ethnic groups, thereby influencing the planning of programs and services. [More…]
Neither of those figures represents the full extent of the Commonwealth commitment to the welfare of migrants. [More…]
In fact, the report stressed that as far as possible the needs of migrants- some 20 per cent of the population- should be met by general programs directed at the whole community. [More…]
The program is constructing a new vehicle taking new routes in the delivery of programs and services to migrants. [More…]
At every point in the implementation program the special needs of migrant women are being taken into account, although it is not always easy to determine the extent to which migrant women are disadvantaged as migrants or disadvantaged as women. [More…]
The survey of migrants’ information needs will reflect the views of women. [More…]
Allowing that some of the 57 recommendations overlap, it is still possible to sort them into three compartments with connecting doors: First, those covering initial settlement, meeting the immediate needs of migrants on arrival; second, those providing what might be called back-up services, helping newcomers towards full participation in the Australian community; third, those recognising the cultural diversity which characterises Australia today. [More…]
All these centres are being run by community groups in which migrants, including migrant women, are represented. [More…]
Government and non-government agencies alike will be reappraising their services in the light of results from the extensive survey into the information needs of migrants and the channels through which they communicate. [More…]
Through a switching system linking rural areas with capital city services backed by locally engaged panels of interpreters and translators, it will be possible to cover significant concentrations of migrants outside major centres. [More…]
Resulting from discussions with migrants, ethnic and other organisations and State and Territory administrations, we have made adjustments to the program, following in this the advice tendered in the Galbally report itself. [More…]
Along with its medical research activities, the newlyestablished Migrant Health Unit within the Commonwealth Department of Health, with the co-operation of health authorities in the States and Territories, is building up a comprehensive picture of health information currently available to migrants so that the gaps can be plugged. [More…]
We are not neglecting the needs of migrants in rural areas which, whilst perhaps different in degree, may be no less pressing than the needs of individuals in greater concentrations of population. [More…]
Therefore, ethnic liaison officers have been appointed at senior levels to try to raise an awareness in government departments of the special needs of migrants, refugees and ethnic groups generally. [More…]
One can only say that, judging from the reactions of many migrants, these workers- I am not criticising their efforts- have a long way to go. [More…]
This represents a very meagre increase in expenditure on migrants by the Government compared with the funds provided already under initiatives of the Labor Government. [More…]
Realising that, however, really it is not such a great increase in expenditure, particularly when one bears in mind that as a condition of the Government’s accepting this proposal it withdrew the right of migrants to claim as tax deductions the funds that they send overseas to maintain their dependants. [More…]
The reality is that as a result of that move migrants as a group will lose $20m in the first year. [More…]
In the coming year there will be expenditure of $ 15m but, given the fact that migrants are losing the sum that I have mentioned- $20m- that is a profit to the Government of $5m. [More…]
The Galbally report mentions the needs of migrants and the relevant part of the Minister’s statement reads: [More…]
The report itself stressed that as far as possible the needs of migrants- some 20 per cent of the population- should be met by general programs directed at the whole community. [More…]
We tried to ensure that services for migrants would be available within the service departments and that there would be sections within the departments of Social Security, Health and Education to deal with the needs of migrants. [More…]
An enormous proportion of this funding is really for the emergency services necessary to cater for these refugees, who will prove to be far more expensive than the usual run of immigrants. [More…]
Once again, and taking that factor into account, we find that the expenditure on services for the number of migrants that we expect to arrive is far less than it ought to be. [More…]
We are told that the program is constructing a new vehicle to take new routes in the delivery of programs and services to migrants and that structural changes involve a network of community-based settlement councils, settlement committees, settlement centres and migrant resource centres. [More…]
But, of course, again given that we have had this problem- that is how we have looked at it- of immigrants to this country for many more years than the last two or three and even longer than the three years that the Labor Government was in power, far too little has been done and far too little is being done at this stage. [More…]
After all, half the people who come to the country as migrants are women. [More…]
Now, in my view, I would have thought that is totally inadequate in view of the numbers of migrants coming to the country. [More…]
There must be at least 20,000 adults who would like to have tuition in English, but we have provided for a magnificent total of 8,000 unless, of course, the effect of the Numerical Multifactor Assessment System is to ensure that mainly English speaking migrants are selected to come to the country. [More…]
Even 1 1,000 this year is a long way from what I think the figure probably ought to be unless, as I say, we have managed with NUMAS to tip the balance so that most of the migrants coming here now speak English which is possible. [More…]
It is going to make it more difficult for non-English speaking migrants to get here. [More…]
When we come to the 48 special project grants, which were offered to encourage self help among ethnic groups and to help trade unions in providing welfare services to migrants, with a total expenditure of $ 1 50,000, this sounds good. [More…]
We are told that an extensive survey is being undertaken into the information needs of migrants and the channels through which they communicate. [More…]
Without a doubt I am sure that it will puncture many of the preconceived notions about the information needs of migrants. [More…]
It is not surprising that there are many complaints from migrants about the inadequacy of this service, both in terms of numbers and in terms of the quality of the people employed. [More…]
Which government reduced the residence qualification period from 20 years to 10 years to help migrants? [More…]
1 ) When tabling the report of the Review of Post- Arrival Programs and Services to Migrants on 30 May 1978 (Hansard, page 2730), the Prime Minister said that the Government’. [More…]
1 ) The Department of Health is not responsible for any programs and policies in regard to prospective migrants. [More…]
However it does medically examine migrants and reports on whether they can satisfy the medical standards for entry to Australia. [More…]
In respect of post-arrival services for migrants, the Department is responsible for implementing two recommendations of the Galbally Report viz: [More…]
The main element of the discussion focussed on what the ASEAN nations deemed to be the problem of illegal migrants entering their countries. [More…]
-I refer the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs to an explanation he gave on 30 August this year in which he said that migrants coming to Australia fell into four categories- family reunion, refugees, those entering by virtue of the Tasman agreement and persons who were selected because of their occupational skills. [More…]
In view of the high unemployment level amongst recently arrived migrants, will the Minister confirm that, under the Numerical Multifactor Assessment System selection process, persons who fall into this last migrant category are still being selected primarily because of labour market demand for their skills? [More…]
That is continuing; but, under the NUMAS scheme, there is flexibility which allows the entry to Australia of people who score particularly well under the NUMAS selection system; those are outstanding migrants who may have occupations which are outside those classified in the information given to my Department by other Commonwealth departments. [More…]
What we are seeking to do is to have a selection system which brings to Australia migrants who are most capable of settling in successfully and playing a real role in the development of this country. [More…]
In other words, I am fearful that this English language testing may tend to make it rather more difficult for nonEnglish speaking people, particularly those with a southern European background, to qualify to come to Australia as migrants. [More…]
Taken together, these charges imposed on visitors and would-be visitors to Australia and on temporary residents in the country will recoup more than the funds provided for the migrant communities via Galbally expenditure when one takes into account the disallowance as an income tax deduction of funds sent overseas to dependants of migrants in this country. [More…]
It involved alleged discrimination against British migrants by the same man and the same union. [More…]
Briefly, I indicated at that time that many migrants who are naturalised Australians, or in some cases their children who are natural born Australians, may be regarded by their countries of birth, or of their parents’ birth, still to be citizens of those countries. [More…]
Australia is one of those countries, but the major countries from which we obtain migrants are not parties to the Convention. [More…]
This decision not only discriminates against resident migrants seeking to bring additional family members to Australia, but ensures that many people approved under NUMAS for settlement in Australia as independent migrants will be pushed to the end of the ever growing dole queues. [More…]
Under the system which operated prior to the introduction of NUMAS settlement of migrants classified in the labour market category was only allowed where the potential migrant’s occupation was in demand. [More…]
These statements mean that the Minister is prepared to play politics with the lives of 87,000 migrants this financial year by pretending that independent migrants selected under NUMAS will easily find jobs. [More…]
The fact is that large numbers of independent migrants will enter Australia during 1979-80 with jobs skills already oversupplied in a domestically saturated employment market. [More…]
Rather than admit this, the Minister has made a series of statements which are not true to avoid the allegations that NUMAS undermines the labour market prospects of Australian residents and potential migrants. [More…]
Evidence in our possession shows that NUMAS is biased in favour of rich, white English-speaking middle class immigrants from Rhodesia and the USA, while at the same time significantly weakening the family reunion aspect of the immigration program. [More…]
NUMAS is designed and operated to select migrants on the basis of their settlement potential. [More…]
The intake of migrants to Australia is made up of four broad categories, namely, refugees, family reunion cases, the free flow from New Zealand and the admission of migrants with skills currently in short supply or with proved entrepreneurial capacity. [More…]
If we are worried about the possibilities of unemployment amongst migrants it is strange that the Labor Party has a policy which would create further difficulties for people coming here and attempting to find jobs. [More…]
In this category we have the largest entry of semi-skilled and unskilled migrants to Australia. [More…]
There is no assessment of migrants from across the Tasman- New Zealand citizens- under the arrangements presently in place, which have been in place for a number of years and which were kept in place by the previous Labor Government. [More…]
This is one of the largest intakes of migrants into Australia, yet it does not come under NUMAS. [More…]
It is just another demonstration of the sheer incompetence and lack of understanding of the honourable member for Port Adelaide in relation to the total intake of migrants into this country. [More…]
The last broad category of entry into Australia applies to those independent migrants with skills currently in short supply or with proved entrepreneurial capacity. [More…]
I am supposed to have misled the Parliament by saying that occupational demands or the skills possessed by independent migrants are taken into account. [More…]
So it is absolute nonsense and entirely misleading to tell this House that skills possessed by migrants are not taken into account when they make an application under the independent applicants category to come to this country. [More…]
The simplistic suggestion has been made that there is unacceptably high unemployment and, therefore, we should cut down on the number of migrants coming to Australia. [More…]
It has been demonstrated time and time again that migrants are more geographically mobile within any one nation than are the people who are born and settled in Australia. [More…]
The document from which I have quoted, which is available, spells out the mish mash of incompetent strategies that the Government has perpetrated upon the Australian work force, including migrants. [More…]
We all know that until 1 January immigration policy covered these categories: Family reunion, special family reunion, refugees, persons freely granted residence because of the Tasman agreement, and the general eligibility provision wherein independent new migrants were selected mainly by relating their skills to the Australian 1 mainly abour market. [More…]
The last category involved approximately 44 per cent of migrants before NUMAS commenced on 1 January this year. [More…]
What we are seeking to do is to have a selection system which brings to Australia migrants who are most capable of settling in successfully and playing a real role in the development of this country. [More…]
Has there been any improvement in matching migrants with jobs under the NUMAS system? [More…]
It is by no means impossible that within three years of the introduction of an open door policy for brothers and sisters, as many as 100,000 brothers and sisters would be coming to Australia as migrants. [More…]
Regardless of the numbers, it is significant that most nominations for brothers and sisters would be for persons from countries which have not been our traditional source of migrants. [More…]
This is particularly important when the independent migrants are accepted on the basis that they will not be competing against other Australians for certain skilled employment when they enter Australia. [More…]
If one carefully analyses what happened at the time that the Government accepted that report, it is quite clear that whilst the Government offered $50m over a period of three years- a few million dollars in the first year, a few million dollars more in the second year and the bulk of the money in the third year- at the same time that the Government gave with one hand it withdrew with the other hand the allowance which until then migrants had been able to claim for income tax purposes. [More…]
In real terms, as far as the migrant community is concerned, the money which migrants lost in the denial of that allowance for income tax purposes more than paid for the funds to be allocated under the Galbally report. [More…]
In the very first year of that disallowance, migrants lost $20m but the amount of money allocated by the Government for migrant services in that first year was about $7m. [More…]
In the second year- this financial year- the sum allocated has been less than $ 1 6m, but again the migrants have lost over $20m. [More…]
Of course the amount that they lose will go up because migrants’ incomes will go up. [More…]
So the migrants have paid well and truly for the services’ given to them. [More…]
It is the older workers and not the younger workers; it is the recently arrived migrants; and it is the Aboriginal people in the farflung and outlying communities of this nation who are bearing the weight and full dint of this Government’s repressive economic policies which have introduced into this nation the most extended recession it has experienced at any time since the 1930s. [More…]
It is one thing to say that we are 10,000 tradesmen short a year in our training programs and that we are going to aim at bringing in 50,000 skilled migrants between 1979 and 1985; but Australia should be applying a lot more time and a lot more of its vast resources to determining which skills those 10,000 people a year should have and what we are going to require after 1985, not only in the manufacturing industry but in the services industry or in academia. [More…]
In other areas we have been able to prove- I ask honourable members opposite to look at the Hansard for Estimates Committee B- the enormous conflict between the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs and the Department of Employment and Youth Affairs about the criteria being used for allowing migrants to come into this country. [More…]
Migrants are to be allowed to come to Australia and settle. [More…]
For the other three items mentioned, approximately 75 per cent of the costs in the current financial year can be attributed to caring for refugees, and the remaining 25 per cent to caring for sponsored migrants selected under NUMAS. [More…]
Negligible numbers of migrants in the family reunion category are accommodated in migrant centres. [More…]
In the early days when migrants were often referred to as ‘reffos’ it was felt that the term ‘new Australians’ was a more appropriate term to use. [More…]
Some people refer to migrants now as ‘ethnics’ and in some circles that also is greeted with horror. [More…]
Fifteen or twenty years ago we tended to take the attitude that all migrants to Australia ought to become just like us and and should learn to like the footie, the beer, the meat pie, et cetera. [More…]
I recall that a former member for Parkes, the late Leslie Haylen, was sent as an emissary overseas to charter the first ships to bring the migrants here. [More…]
Forty per cent of those 3.5 million migrants in the postwar intake are of English origin. [More…]
All of us speak at citizenship ceremonies and make mention of the fact that migrants have come to enrich our lives, that some of our own traditional behaviour patterns have become subjective and that the finer qualities often tend to emerge dominative. [More…]
Migrants and Australian born are engaged together in the great steel industries of Australia, at Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd,’ Australian Iron and Steel Pty Ltd and other works. [More…]
There are many serious problems concerning migrants in that city. [More…]
These groups range widely, including such disparate groups as migrants, children, local councillors, small businessmen, the physically handicapped and the institutionalised, and residents of growth centres in metropolitan areas. [More…]
It particularly affected migrants, who desperately needed a house. [More…]
Galbally Report-In 1978 the Depanment assumed responsibility for the implementation of Recommendations 3, 4, 14, 45, 46, 47 and 48 of the Galbally Report (Report of the Review of Post Arrival Programs and Services for Migrants) (see also 7 below). [More…]
The Government still intends to bring 10,000 skilled migrants into this country to make up the shortfall here while we refuse to train our own people. [More…]
1 ) From 2 October 1974 to 20 December 1977, when the then Migrant Services Branch was located within my Department, the following programs were exclusively directed towards migrants: [More…]
All Social Security programs, including payments under the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act and special benefits for people under maintenance guarantees and for refugees, cover migrants insofar as migrants are members of the Australian community. [More…]
Special attention has been given to programs and policies affecting migrants in line with recommendations of the Galbally Report. [More…]
Since December 1978 a separate migrant services section has been concerned with policies and programs of the Department to ensure they are attuned to the needs of migrants. [More…]
Details on expenditure by the Department of Social Security from 1974 to 1977 for programs and policies specifically concerning migrants administered by the Migrant Services Branch were as follows: [More…]
1 ) The intake of refugees to Australia is a part of the total immigration program and the Government accepts that, where possible, programs for the settlement of refugees should be provided within the context of those for migrants generally. [More…]
As a result of the Government’s acceptance in May 1978 of the Report on Post-arrival Programs and Services to Migrants (the Galbally Report) which are designed to stimulate improvements in this important field. [More…]
To give as up-to-date a picture of Australian conditions as possible the Department’s fact pamphlets for migrants are re-printed regularly and revised to cover changing circumstances. [More…]
Meanwhile migrants coming for interview continued to be correctly and fully counselled on their employment opportunities in Autralia. [More…]
Funds transferred to and from Australia by Migrants (Question No. [More…]
1) Is it a fact that the Australian Embassy in Rome was unable to satisfy the request of the Association of Migrants Returned from Australia for books and magazines to help maintain English language skills and keep members abreast of Australian developments. [More…]