Contexts in which the word minorities was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
If so, will he make an early statement on the allegations quoted in the white paper on pages 23 and 24 that United States policy has betrayed hill tribes in northern Laos by fostering their hopeless opposition to the North Vietnamese and then deserting them, contrary to Australian and allied stated policies not to jettison beleaguered minorities requesting our support? [More…]
As to the opening part of the question, I think I should say very forthrightly that the constitutionally elected government would not be prepared to allow minorities to take control of the conduct of its business. [More…]
In the past, organisers of relatively small protest marches and demonstrations have been unable, even when they wished to do so, to exclude or control those extremist minorities whose methods of operation are repugnant to all decent citizens. [More…]
The smaller countries will continue to have many problems - political instability, economic rivalry, territorial disputes and trouble from minorities and racial and sectarian groups. [More…]
In such a situation, some of those who fought the Vietcong and some minorities who had done nothing wrong would certainly suffer. [More…]
The basic philosophical issue for our democratic society is that there are rights for minorities, lt Ls no: a democracy that is run by a majority which believes that a decision made by the majority must at all times bc upheld, even whore it arises as a result of moral standards which become somewhat osified in a conservative environment because they have not been subjected to critical scrutiny as frequently and as intensively as should be desirable in a liberal society. [More…]
There are also philosophical values of the rights of minorities in a free society. [More…]
At the same time some members of the Government go out of their way to excuse the unruly behaviour of other minorities which oppose the Moratorium less peacefully. [More…]
To indicate our point of view, at the anniversary meeting of the General Assembly on the 24th of next month - it is a special meeting - a declaration will be made relating to the rights of individuals, particularly the rights of minorities in certain countries. [More…]
I think that the 2 things are entirely different though, of course, as we will have noticed with great regret in this nation, even though people may be of the same colour they do have, when they are racial minorities of significance, tensions which can lead to the kind of actions which have recently been taking place in Canada. [More…]
But whatever justification there may be for pooling shares’ at a lime of vast technological change such as the industry is now going through, and with the need to promote and aid any new development likely to yield a more economic service, the question should be faced as to whether those members of a conference, by their voting strength alone, should be able to hamstring the enterprise of national minorities whose ships have proved their worth, by refuging a reasonable share, by over-tonning the trade, or by any course save by providing an equal or better service. [More…]
One can only hope that eventually honourable members opposite will remember that the rights of minorities, the right to free discussion and the opportunity to debate matters of national importance are what the Parliament is all about. [More…]
I have indicated before in this House and outside it that the Government believes it essential to protect the civil rights of minorities but it believes it equally essential to protect the civil rights of the majorities and will not permit organised minorities to go beyond the law and interfere with the rights of the majorities. [More…]
Heroin abuse is primarily a disease of repressed minorities: 50.4 per cent of the users are Negro, 13.6 per cent are Puerto Rican and 5.4 per cent are Mexican. [More…]
Because of the exploitation of the preferential voting system as exemplified by splinter groups, 2 other changes are necessary - change in the voting method to prevent the’ election of minorities and a draw for the position of a candidate’s name on the ballot paper. [More…]
It is as important for the future of our democracy to safeguard the rights of minorities to dissent as it is to safeguard the majority against the excesses of the dissenters. [More…]
If the few anti-democratic violent minorities get away with it, then the rights of all legitimate dissenting minorities are endangered. [More…]
.In fact, the Bill sets out only what minorities in particular cannot do. [More…]
The Government has always talked in terms of the pressure of minorities and the usurpation of the rights of government. [More…]
Very little latitude is permitted in either of these countries for individuals or minorities to express their criticisms of their governments. [More…]
But a democratic society cannot subordinate so grossly the rights - of individuals and minorities, as the Government does through this Bill. [More…]
It does not have to rationalise its case to individuals, to minorities and to the growing number of people who are becoming resentful of its policies. [More…]
There are many aspects on which it can be taken apart and on which it can be displayed that this Government is applying unreasonable pressure and unreasonable bias against minorities who care to challenge its opinion. [More…]
This Bill comes down heavily against the lawful rights of individuals and minorities to assemble and to express their individual and group views in an attempt to change opinions. [More…]
I object to what the honourable member for Bendigo (Mr Kennedy) said about how this Bill relates to minorities. [More…]
This Bill aims at protecting minorities, even little minorities. [More…]
It was completely fallacious for the honourable member for Angas to argue that this Bill is one that will protect the rights, of minorities. [More…]
In civilised discussions of decisions between majorities and minorities we have to accept the rule that even though the other chap does not have the numbers we have to listen to him some of the time. [More…]
One must have a short memory if one forgets what the Russians did in Hungary or Czechoslovakia, or the present persecution of the Jewish people, the Baptists and other minorities in the Soviet Union. [More…]
In his VIP aircraft jetting to the sprawling sores of Sydney he does not see the rape of the countryside by the affluent urbane minorities of the world. [More…]
It is time that democracies take note that minorities are trying to force their will on majorities. [More…]
Here we have a man who leads li million people and rules 19 million people and talks about the rights of minorities. [More…]
The emphasis has always been on our ability to integrate, to assimilate people and to avoid the setting up of small national minorities. [More…]
Do not treat them as minority groups, because you are doing no greater an injustice to the people whom you claim you represent than by acting as though they are minorities. [More…]
We will use this sort of information as part of our election campaign because we are here to protect the interests of all the people, not the small minorities which use these tactics against the basic people in Australia. [More…]
This is an area in which there is endemic insurgency for a whole variety of reasons - because of poverty, because there are traditional societies in movement and in change where all kinds of tensions arise, because they have large ethnic minorities and because in many cases their powers are by no means certain. [More…]
The first concerns the difficulties of democratic governments in dealing with large scale lawlessness organised by tightly knit subversive minorities. [More…]
The argument is that minorities should be better and more specifically represented than the 2-party system allows. [More…]
It just happens to be the minorities who get booted around if the opportunity offers. [More…]
They have a right to present minority opinions and to put a case for minorities. [More…]
The basis of parliamentary democracy is that there is concern for the interests of all the people, that minorities really matter. [More…]
The stage has not yet perhaps been reached where it has produced a sense of alienation that is associated with some other overridden minorities around the world, and I pray God that it will never reach that stage. [More…]
Many minorities have been provided for at long last and the philosophy of this was evident in the report tabled by the Minister for Social Security (Mr Hayden) this afternoon. [More…]
been tender to the claims of minorities and to the rights of free association. [More…]
We have seen the persecution of minorities by this so-called Government concerned with the rights of the individual. [More…]
Government to government and business to business assistance throughout the world unfortunately tends to perpetuate privileged minorities and this leads to a lack of any real material progress being passed on to the mass of the people. [More…]
It may be because there are many ethnic minorities in the electorate who have never bothered to become naturalised or it may be that it is a seat with a young population. [More…]
The lack of formal qualifications among women is exceeded by a greater lack in men in some of these groups; and of course the women of the Aboriginal race, ethnic minorities and migrant communities suffer special disabilities. [More…]
might well find that people in tie underprivileged minorities will have their rights trampled upon. [More…]
I am not talking about the minorities that try to tyrannise everybody else everywhere else in Australia. [More…]
Democracy includes the opportunity for minorities to have their voices heard. [More…]
It was worked on the basis that it catered for minorities. [More…]
Will he ask for an amelioration of attitudes over the treatment of minorities within that community? [More…]
There is a vocal minority on both sides and I would like to say something about these vocal minorities. [More…]
We have to commit ourselves to all powerless minorities that need our help. [More…]
It evidences a torment of conscience, perhaps, of contemporary society for the way in which it has been derelict in its duties and responsibilities over the years to some of the unfortunate minorities. [More…]
I look upon it perhaps as a second home in some ways, but I am sure that the great majority of the people in New South Wales would agree with me that it is not only their more populous numbers which are to be considered in these matters which affect the whole country but the minorities have some rights under our Constitution since it was based on the principle that smaller States and indeed other States would have a say. [More…]
Of course, minorities do have rights. [More…]
The honourable member for Curtin said that the present procedure allowed minorities to exercise a function in this Parliament. [More…]
Because the Senate is elected by proportional representation those minorities already have a chance to exercise thenproper function in this Parliament. [More…]
What is more, they are the wants of only a few- the vocal minorities who seem to have the ability to make men who crave to be called ‘responsible’ throw away logic and common sense. [More…]
The argument is that minorities should be better and more specifically represented than the 2-party system allows. [More…]
I wish to turn to a few specific examples of this Government’s treatment of ethnic minorities, in the Federal Budget for this year and the Department of Labor and Immigration estimates. [More…]
It is determined to try to perpetuate a system whereby minorities can be elected to government. [More…]
It is not only deprived minorities who are suffering from the problems and inadequacies of our cities. [More…]
If we add to that list the problems created by the behaviour of Parliament itself, the destruction of convention, the defiance of reason, the pursuit of power without concern for the rights or privileges of minorities, then Australians will have little faith in the future of Australian democracy. [More…]
If we add to that list the problems created by the behaviour of Parliament itself- the destruction of convention, the defiance of reason, the pursuit of power without concern for the rights and privileges of minorities- Australians will have little faith in the future of Australian democracy. [More…]
One or two aeroplane crashes can turn Senate majorities into Senate minorities and the results in the New South Wales State election show how quickly popularity in the community can wilt away. [More…]
We have come far beyond the point where anyone can pretend that the denial of rights to minorities, or of basic rights to majorities, is not a matter of international concern. [More…]
I shall deal at some length with the Aboriginals because their treatment in this Budget perfectly illustrates the qualities of this Government- its dishonesty, its pitiless treatment of inarticulate and unorganised minorities, the underhand methods of the Prime Minister, his withholding of information, his abdication of the national Government’s responsibilities. [More…]
Although the Australian Government has very sensibly re-established our diplomatic relations with Chile to their normal level by appointing a new ambassador, our trade with that country is being disrupted by the action of communist minorities in certain trade unions, particularly the maritime and waterfront unions which have placed a black ban on all trade with Chile, a black ban I might add which has never been placed on trade with other communist dictatorships. [More…]
The Committee’s comment that it would like to be sure that departments of education make a great effort to recruit teachers, preferably from the relevant ethnic groups who are proficient in minority and migrant languages, who can converse with school children from ethnic minorities in their own language and with understanding of their background, is something that all governments should take into account. [More…]
Perhaps the reason can be found in the words of Sir John Egerton who warns the trade union movement about the activities of minorities within its own ranks. [More…]
The Australian people have had enough of a Government which favours wealthy minorities, trades off one section of the community against others and makes the vast majority of Australians pay for the windfalls and favoured treatment it gives to the few. [More…]
Attention must also be drawn to the detrimental effects of transposing standards and criteria that can only be adopted by minorities and could heighten inequalities, the misuse of resources and the social, cultural and ecological deterioration of the developing countries. [More…]
The Committee would like to be sure that departments of education make great efforts to recruit teachers, preferably from the relevant ethnic groups, who were proficient in minority and migrant languages, who could converse with schoolchildren from ethnic minorities in their own languages and with understanding of their backgrounds. [More…]
As I said earlier, it is an opportunist argument, an argument designed to inflate egos and in some cases to advantage minorities, not to bring about a proper rational election of members to both Houses of this Parliament when the responsibilities of government and choosing government are upon the electors. [More…]
The participating States on whose territory national minorities exist will respect the right of persons belonging to such minorities to equality before the law, will afford them the full opportunity for the actual enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms and will, in this manner, protect their legitimate interests in this sphere. [More…]
The rights of minorities in these countries are virtually nonexistent. [More…]
It would be arrogant and mistaken to devise policies for women in the way that special policies are needed, say for migrants or Aborigines or pensioners or other deprived minorities. [More…]
Article 5 of that convention obliges the parties to recognise ‘the right of members of national minorities to carry on their own educational activities’ and ‘the use or the teaching of their own language’. [More…]
The handicapped or the people in need of a linguistic education were inarticulate minorities and nothing was done about them. [More…]
These have included displaced and stateless persons, those seeking political asylum, defectors, members of oppressed minorities and victims of natural disasters. [More…]
These have included displaced and stateless persons, those seeking political asylum, defectors, members of oppressed minorities and victims of natural disasters. [More…]
These have included displaced and stateless persons, those seeking political asylum, defectors, members of oppressed minorities and victims of natural disasters. [More…]
The closure of 3ZZ for blatant political right-wing purposessomething that the honourable member for Brisbane (Mr Peter Johnson) would know all about -is a classic example of the conservatives’ paternalistic approach to ethnic minorities. [More…]
All the substantial systems of examination of legislation have been developed over that time to protect the rights of minorities in this chamber, the majorities and minorities outside and the members of the Par.liament to discuss the questions before it. [More…]
These are the people who appear before tribunals and bodies of inquiry, and it would be fallacious for this Parliament to assume automatically that these viewpoints put forward by the minorities and individuals must necessarily require the Government to adopt them into the broadcasting and television systems. [More…]
If they do not accept the minor premise then the major premise ought to have been abolished, giving the opportunity for political parties, trade unions, churches, ethnic minorities, universities and commercial interests to set up their own low-cost television and radio channels and aim at a particular segment of the potential audience. [More…]
This is no way in which to behave in a parliament of free people where minorities have rights like anybody else. [More…]
The honourable member for Port Adelaide (Mr Young) showed a sham of concern in that he was prepared to support these minorities, making the whole of Australia suffer. [More…]
We are prepared to go without for a little longer so that we can make it quite clear to the minorities, the militants and the ALP that we are not prepared to let them run over us yet again. [More…]
I point out that every majority is made up of a coalition of minorities. [More…]
I marvel at the temerity of a member of the National Country Party to say that minorities should not exert an influence out of proportion to their size. [More…]
Dr Evatt played a central role in the founding of the state of Israel- an event which illustrated dramatically the Labor Party’s long-held commitments to protection of the rights of individuals and minorities. [More…]
Community language programs should be available not just for ethnic minorities but as an option for every child, regardless of ethnic background, in order to develop communication skills in a language of the society. [More…]
We are judged in other nations by the way we treat our ethnic minorities, particularly our indigenous people. [More…]
The World Health Organisation, along with many other authorities and most people who have studied the environmental problems of deprived communities, particularly indigenous minorities, has said that it is essential that those communities determine their health care priorities and take a major part in planning and decision-making. [More…]
Has Australia subscribed internationally to Conventions guaranteeing the rights of minorities which require specific programs and policies to ensure that intercultural communication is promoted and developed in a nondiscriminatory way. [More…]
We recognise that the history of the Commonwealth and its diversity require that special attention should be paid to the problems of indigenous minorities. [More…]
Confirmed that they were wholly committed to genuine black majority rule for the people of Zimbabwe; recognised, in this context, that the internal settlement constitution is defective in certain important respects; fully accepted that it is the constitutional responsibility of the British Government to grant legal independence to Zimbabwe on the basis of majority rule; recognised that the search for a lasting settlement must involve all parties to the conflict; were deeply conscious of the urgent need to achieve such a settlement and bring peace to the people of Zimbabwe and their neighbours; accepted that independence on the basis of majority rule requires the adoption of a democratic constitution including appropriate safeguards for minorities; acknowledged that the government formed under such an independent constitution must be chosen through free and fair elections, properly supervised under British Government authority, and with Commonwealth observers; and welcomed the British Government’s indication that an appropriate procedure for advancing towards these objectives would be for it to call a constitutional conference to which all parties would be invited. [More…]
Kristol points out that the genuine rich and poor are small minorities. [More…]
) Is he able to say whether this reversal of a decision was due to advice from Australian Government sources; if so, was any political discrimination exercised and, in particular, was (a) the Australian Government a party to restriction of movement to representatives of minorities seeking international support for removal of discrimination or for compensation for dispossession of indigenes by later settlers in Australia and (b) an Aboriginal subject to refusal of a visa on account of unsubstantiated political objections raised by a State Government, but not applied in the case of non-Aborigines. [More…]
This may not be the time to dwell on this inherent contradication in the Government’s rhetoric about multiculturalism which is designed to appease and pacify immigrant minorities and its continued practice of favouring Anglo-Saxon oriented assimilation. [More…]
National movements among several of those non-Russian minorities are probably the most important of the political forces facing the Soviet government. [More…]
In sharp contrast to the situation of other Soviet minorities, there is not a single school in the USSR which teaches in a Jewish language. [More…]
Discontent among certain national and religious groups is more widespread, and several national minorities are likely to pose continuing problems for the Soviet Government. [More…]
It does, for example, discriminate severely against Soviet Jews and the report details the nature of that discrimination as it applies to Jews and, to a lesser extent, to the other Soviet minorities like the Crimean Tartars. [More…]
A major area in which the Soviet Union represses human rights concerns ethnic minorities. [More…]
We accept on the available evidence that there are serious denials of human and civil rights in the USSR, particularly with reference to minorities. [More…]
We would reiterate our view that based on the substantial evidence available the civil rights of certain groups, especially minorities, in the Soviet Union are seriously infringed and fall below that which should be expected in any civilised society. [More…]
If one examines the access of producer and union groups to Government, compared with consumers and minorities, the evidence is clear. [More…]
There are a number of other situations on the continent, especially in the Horn of Africa, where the rights of minorities are not being protected adequately and where significant interest is not being shown either by the members of the Organisation of African Unity or of the United Nations in these matters because of their unwillingness to interfere in each other’s affairs. [More…]