Collocations for the word powerful when used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s

Collocation Frequency
powerful friends 66
powerful unions 25
powerful trade 18
powerful argument 16
powerful forces 16
powerful means 16
powerful friend 15
powerful ally 14
powerful economic 14
powerful nation 14
powerful vested 14
powerful allies 13
powerful case 11
powerful enough 11
powerful position 11
powerful speech 11
powerful country 10
powerful influence 10
powerful influences 10
powerful man 10
powerful people 10
powerful union 10
powerful industrial 9
powerful men 9
powerful new 9
powerful weapon 9
powerful arguments 8
powerful groups 8
powerful section 8
powerful companies 7
powerful sections 7
less powerful 6
powerful business 6
powerful financial 6
powerful incentive 6
powerful organisation 6
powerful upthrust 6
powerful weapons 6
fairly powerful 5
immensely powerful 5
powerful central 5
powerful corporations 5
powerful factor 5
powerful group 5
powerful interests 5
powerful jet 5
powerful organisations 5
pretty powerful 5
increasingly powerful 4
powerful army 4
powerful countries 4
powerful economies 4
powerful force 4
powerful interest 4
powerful intrusion 4
powerful lobby 4
powerful neighbour 4
powerful neighbours 4
powerful pressure 4
powerful reasons 4
powerful speeches 4
strong powerful 4
certain powerful 3
enormously powerful 3
extremely powerful 3
large powerful 3
many powerful 3
numerically powerful 3
powerful body 3
powerful elements 3
powerful foreign 3
powerful influential 3
powerful instrument 3
powerful international 3
powerful nations 3
powerful oil 3
powerful one 3
powerful persuasive 3
powerful point 3
powerful political 3
powerful propaganda 3
powerful public 3
powerful reason 3
powerful role 3
powerful sense 3
powerful state 3
powerful statement 3
powerful station 3
powerful trading 3
powerful voice 3