Contexts in which the word powerless was used in the Senate during the 1970s
Should I take it from his earlier reply to my question about replays of football programmes on Sunday mornings that, while the Government delays in introducing legislation to clarify the existing powers of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board, the Board is quite powerless to act against any programme shown by commercial licensees in that time period and that therefore commercial licensees are completely free to show any programme at all between the hours of 6 a.m. and 12 noon on Sundays? [More…]
Even if it is identified, difficult from an aircraft, it can only be prosecuted by its home government, which is often powerless to press proof. [More…]
If the Government is powerless lo do anything about any increase in medical fees, bearing in mind the increase in contributions that people will have to pay under the new Bill to medical and hospital insurance funds for health insurance purposes, will the Govern.ment take action to lift the amount of Commonwealth benefit to patients to ensure that the wide gulf between the refunds received and fees paid is not enlarged further? [More…]
If this type of thing is allowed to develop the Broadcasting Control Board will, I suggest, become a mere paper tiger, powerless to do anything in the interests of television viewers. [More…]
A man is largely powerless alone in the face of such conditions. [More…]
For example, he could not vary a determination made under the Public Service Arbitration Act and would therefore be powerless to settle disputes by altering terms and conditions of employment. [More…]
Should I take it from his earlier reply to my question about replays of football programmes on Sunday mornings that, while the Government delays in introducing legislation to clarify the existing powers of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board, the Board is quite powerless to act against any programme shown by commercial licensees in that time period and that therefore commercial licensees are completely free to show any programme at all between the hours of 6 a.m. and 12 noon on Sundays? [More…]
I do not support at all the incident on the campus of the University of New South Wales, but that incident showed the police to be powerless. [More…]
Rising prices didn’t matter; all that was required was for the authorities to protect those who were powerless to protect themselves against the consequences of rising prices. [More…]
The Chair is powerless to control that aspect of the situation. [More…]
I would not like it to be thought that the citizen should feel completely powerless in this area; he is not. [More…]
I refer particularly to the reported statement of the Minister for the Environment and Conservation that he is powerless to act in any matters of conservation and that the Federal Government had no constitutional power. [More…]
I have never accepted the proposition that we must get used to political terrorism, involving bombings, murder, intimidation, and that democratic governments are powerless to suppress such activities. [More…]
The States are powerless in this regard too. [More…]
Society would be powerless in the event of that occuring if it was not prepared to take the most emphatic action of which it is capable to show that there shall be no such conduct. [More…]
We are powerless, unless there are people who are prepared to speak up and say what is happening, to resist this movement which the Labor Party is sponsoring to take us into the communist camp to which we have no wish to adhere. [More…]
State housing authorities could be powerless to sell a home to a person whose family has been living in that home for 4 years, 5 years or 6 years because the 30 per cent of family dwellings built by the State housing authority had been absorbed already in sales. [More…]
It is a Parry not only powerless to resist policy proposals which the trade union movement regards as vital, but as a government it is unwilling and unprepared to challenge powerful sections of the trade union movement when they act against the public interest. [More…]
that demand: The employer will be powerless to- resist, except by refusal and by preparedness to have his plant, factory or business .shut. [More…]
The removal of all penalties for strike action will render the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission and the Industrial Court virtually powerless. [More…]
Because Mr Whitlam had said: ‘You know, the States have powers but we are powerless in this area’, Mr Snedden came forward and stated: ‘The Liberal leaders of the States are willing to come together in cooperation and to give you temporary powers to get on with the job. [More…]
The common law is powerless to protect them against the written laws and regulations made by Parliament, by Executive Government under delegated legislative authority, and by local government and other local authorities. [More…]
Because a state of emergency was not declared, the civil defence workers were powerless to compel people to leave their homes. [More…]
One might argue that the poor, being socially and economically powerless, need extra political representation. [More…]
The Government sought those powers, of course, during the prices and incomes referendum, but the Government recognised that it was powerless to force importers to pass those benefits on to the consumer. [More…]
If the Board is powerless to act in the interests of the Australian community in this regard I suggest we will be reverting to the law of the jungle. [More…]
I drew attention then to the fact that members of the public had been induced by false rumours to buy shares, that inside trading was rife and that self-regulatory bodies seemed either powerless or unwilling to act to protect the public against this and the many other market abuses that were prevalent at the time. [More…]
He drew attention to the fact that members of the public had been induced by false rumours to buy shares, that inside trading was rife and that self-regulatory bodies seemed either powerless or unwilling to act to protect the public against this and the many other market abuses that were prevalent at the time. [More…]
It will be powerless to amend except on the basis that the legislation will have to be stood over to the next session of Parliament, next August or possibly September, when the Bills can be dealt with again. [More…]
The union view prevails and the Government is utterly powerless to intervene or to act in any way to have done what the Australian community wants done in relation to this very important economic matter. [More…]
This Government is powerless to act in defence of the general community. [More…]
They are powerless. [More…]
Because of the provisions of section 92 of the Commonwealth Constitution, State authorities are powerless to prevent growers on one side of the border from selling their grain direct to mills on the other. [More…]
The second similarity between West New Guinea and East Timor is that the United Nations was either powerless to act or disinclined to become too deeply involved. [More…]
Poor women, particularly poor women with large families, are still oppressed and powerless in this society. [More…]
I understand that it is a relatively powerless body which does not figure prominently in the workings of the American federal system. [More…]
The discipline of further education and- non-formal education offers a variety of options and opportunities for the powerless to acquire and use power. [More…]
The Government is absolutely powerless to do anything about this. [More…]
There are many people whose problems do not hit the headlines and who suffer in silence in the face of injustices which they feel powerless to challenge as individuals. [More…]
I pay tribute to the vast majority of responsible trade unionists in Australia who are powerless to control their own economic future while there is this small, irresponsible and powerful group of people outside the movement who control it, as Ken Stone has acknowledged. [More…]
Of course the simple fact is that government supporters who try to do something about that sort of situation are told that they and the Government are powerless. [More…]
They knew that the handmaidens were still in the palace, but knew too that they would be powerless. [More…]
In an article in the Melbourne Age of yesterday Mr Viner, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, was reported as saying that he would find out the wishes of the people of Aurukun and Mornington Island but that the Government was powerless to prevent the Queensland Government taking control of the two Aboriginal reserves. [More…]
The strike appears to be developing into a situation similar to the disastrous La Trobe Valley strike when the federal executive of a union was powerless to take effective action to settle the matter because shop stewards and other unauthorised persons took the matter into their own hands. [More…]
I realise that unfortunately the Minister is powerless to intervene to remedy the parochial method of selection. [More…]
Under section 92 of the Constitution, which permits free trade between States, there was an anomaly whereby the people who controlled wheat quotas were powerless to prevent the movement of wheat across borders. [More…]
It is the inarticulate and the powerless who have troubles. [More…]
Practice has altered since that time but I am convinced that any barriers whatsoever which are put up to make access more difficult will operate unequally, at the expense of the poor, the inarticulate, the uneducated and the powerless because they are the people who always do worst whenever a system is made more complex. [More…]
As a philosophical liberal, I cannot be a party to any measure which limits access and which once again might direct the poorer, the less articulate and the powerless to any less professional procedure than is available to their wealthier and better educated sisters. [More…]
Is the Minister completely powerless in this matter, as Dr Davis and PSI appear to think? [More…]
So why have some people at least been pretending that the Minister would be powerless to prevent the opening of private clinics should my motion be successful? [More…]
The Government spent $21,000 producing proofs for the publication of this journal which was designed to bring about an awareness in the minds of consumers of what is happening in the market place where they are pretty powerless against the forces of the proprietors who own the markets, the advertising emphasis and the whole spiel that is used today to try to entice people to buy. [More…]
Once the time for disallowance has passed, the Senate of course is powerless to effect changes in the delegated legislation concerned, except by indirect means. [More…]
The economic imbalance between the rich and the poor, or the north and the south as the economic jargon would have it now, is getting worse and we seem powerless to do anything about it. [More…]
-The Council of Egg Marketing Authorities of Australia is powerless to do anything. [More…]
Yet we now have a farcical situation because, although one assumes that this proposal will go ahead, the Commission will still be powerless to act unless there is a unanimous decision by its four commissioners. [More…]
Thus, as I understand it, the Commission is powerless to do anything about it. [More…]
There are powerless, voiceless children in our society who have been battered and sexually molested, and the community needs to bring this to its consciousness so that programs may be devised to deal with this tragic situation. [More…]
For example, the Minister could arrange for Aboriginal complaints in Queensland to be investigated solely by Queensland Government authorities and the Commission would be powerless to intervene. [More…]
I am certainly not going to support any Bill which has that weakening effect of losing the present operation of the Commissioner for Community Relations in a relatively powerless Human Rights Commission. [More…]
We must not hold ourselves out to the international community as being powerless in this respect. [More…]
For the record I want to read into Hansard- on which note I shall conclude- the frightening number of right wing racial organisations in Australia right now which propagate racial prejudice with the help of massive resources of money from unknown sources and against which this Human Rights Commission will be virtually powerless. [More…]