Contexts in which the word racism was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
General of the United Nations of her programme and activities undertaken during this International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (Hansard, 6th May 1971, page 2847); if so, what was the (a) date and (b) tenor of the information given. [More…]
It is a Bill that seeks to enact our firm intention to confront the evil of racism. [More…]
I believe that we ought to realise just to what extent racism exists in Australia. [More…]
I am very happy to hear Opposition speakers say that they accept the fact that racism reigns supreme in this country. [More…]
The Government regards as totally abhorrent the fiction that Zionism can be equated with racism. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to a reply in Parliament by the Queensland Minister for Aboriginal and Island Affairs (Queensland Hansard 21 March 1979, page 359 1 ) criticising a report on racism in Queensland by the Community Relations Commissioner as bias and provocative nonsense which will not alter one iota the proud record of Queensland in care for Aboriginal people. [More…]
It is covert rather than overt racism for it often to pretend to be doing this by doing a little window dressing. [More…]
Is the Minister for External Affairs aware that the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, instructed by the General Assembly, has addressed letters to all member states requesting them to participate in activities for 1971 which the United Nations has designated International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination? [More…]
Others are ready to hand if these issues were to pass out of the pages of history - everything from racism to merino rams. [More…]
I do not want to introduce racism into the debate. [More…]
How many of these votes dealt with ques tions of (a) racism, (b) South Africa, (c) Rhodesia and (d) the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. [More…]
The most despicable part of the article, however, was the implication that all the talk about environment is really a front for old fashioned racism and a desire to return to ‘Australian dreams of isolation and primitivism’. [More…]
We have seen a growth in recent years of a lot of human group behavioural disorders of crime, drug taking and drug trafficking and racism. [More…]
Yet with its policy in ruins, there is no indication from the Government of any basic re-thinking of its policies and attitudes except, indeed, insofar as there are hints of a retreat to reaction, unreality and racism. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition loves to proclaim his hatred of racism. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition should define to us just what he means by racism. [More…]
It is the measure of our unconscious racism that there is no revulsion when the people are yellow. [More…]
Nothing better confirms to coloured people the dormant racism which they believe lies beneath the surface of many Europeans than statements such as the honourable member for Deakin made. [More…]
Formally proclaim 1971 to be the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and observe it as such. [More…]
I wish to assure the honourable member that careful consideration is being given to a suitable programme to observe the year 1971 in Australia as International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
It is this concern which led us in the United Nations General Assembly to vote in support of the resolution designating 1971 as International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
In this regard the honourable member may be interested to know that the United Nations Association of Australia, along with other interested non-governmental associations has set up a National Committee to plan the effective observance of the year, named the Australian Committee to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
There is an urgent need to study the causes of all human individual and group behavioural deviations, not only of crime in its conventional sense, but also of racism, drug taking and war. [More…]
Mr BRYANT (Wills) ,(3.34) - I want to speak briefly upon the subject which was the cause of the oration by the honourable member for Mallee.. (Mr Turnbull) - Racism. [More…]
The first question to be faced is that of racism, and how it affects people in their hearts. [More…]
This issue of racism has been raised as a particular question for this year. [More…]
Formally proclaim 1971 to be the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and observe it as such; [More…]
Racism is a mysterious piece of human psychology. [More…]
Will the right honourable gentleman back up his expressions of a fortnight ago on his Government’s abhorrence of racism by informing the Australian Cricket Board of Control that his Government does not approve of a visit of a cricket team from South Africa since the Government of that country has rejected a request by the South African Cricket Association that 2 non-white members be included in the team? [More…]
It seems significant, however, that this debate on law and order was introduced during Easter week, which commemorated the life, work and teaching of a leading dissenter, a Man who stood out against racism, violence and discrimination against individuals. [More…]
Its racism, according to U Thant, is the greatest single threat to world peace. [More…]
It appears that we will not be able to carry out our obligations in 1971 which the United Nations General Assembly has designated as International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
What was the (a) date and (b) tenor of the information which Australia has given to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the programmes and activities undertaken during 1971, which the 1970 General Assembly designated as International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
This racism, this fear, this sickness has to stop. [More…]
And we must do all in our power to persuade Mr McMahon that Australia’s token opposition to South African racism must be consistent and effective, that because of his mistake the world now sees Australia as permissively racist - and that would be the most charitable impression of us in the capitals of Asia. [More…]
I wonder how many of us here in this House have any idea of the emotions that are aroused when the subject of racism is discussed? [More…]
This should not be done only because of the fact that they are the Aboriginal people but it should also be done for the betterment of people in the broader Australian community because there are problems of social tensions and racism developing in inner city areas of all our great cities, including Brisbane, which result from bad housing for Aboriginal people and the complaints that we are getting now in increasing numbers from their neighbours. [More…]
These problems include such areas as resource recycling and substitution, population controls, better ecosys.tems management, better urban planning and design and problems within man himself such as the roots of disruptive human behaviour and racism. [More…]
I could say that it is because quite clearly they understand the implications of racism that are involved in this matter and now they are prepared to take a stand. [More…]
We are constantly reminded in the Press, on radio and television of the horrors of war, pollution, racism, alcoholism, abortion, drug abuse, conservation, the road toll, and one could go on. [More…]
They are vitally concerned with the problems of world hunger, world illiteracy, the horrors of war, and racism. [More…]
I wanted to make a brief reference to the fact that in this year, the year designated by the United Nations to combat racism and racial discrimination, the Government has done virtually nothing through our school system to try to eliminate one of the great blights upon our society- - racism. [More…]
First of all, we ought to get rid of any suggestions of racism in our administration up there. [More…]
There is racism in the administration of housing. [More…]
There is racism in the payment of wages and in other areas. [More…]
What is the estimated cost of publicity and other assistance provided by Australian governments to combat racism in 1971. [More…]
As I announced in a statement on 22nd March 1971 to mark the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, the Commonwealth made a specific grant of$12,000to assist the Australian Committee to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination with its programme in connection with the Year. [More…]
Its members gave a disgusting exhibition of racism at its very worst. [More…]
Of course, we cannot interfere in the internal policies of other countries, but an internal policy can become so notorious and divisive that it becomes an international issue, and when it becomes an international issue a country such as Australia must take a stand and sooner or later Australia will have to take more positive a stand on these divisive’ international issues of race and racism. [More…]
The Minister for Immigration who interjects, but who, without any conscience or without any sense of moral responsibility, has tried to inject crude racism into the impending election campaign centred about immigration policy. [More…]
It has been pointed out to me that some of those who talk most about racism seem bent on creating racial conflict where none existed. [More…]
They operate in communities where there is much racism and I pay tribute to some of my colleagues from those areas for having taken up some of these issues knowing that this will lose them votes. [More…]
I would also add that once again he has revealed his and his Government’s sympathy for toadying to and collusion with the racism of South Africa. [More…]
Such is the taint of his sympathy for Mr Vorster’s racism that he dared not and would not criticise it at the highest level available to him here, that is. [More…]
Likewise, the resort of the Prime Minister to the Embassy for counselling and advice on what he should do with regard to Vorster’s racism illustrates all too clearly that the foreign policy of Australia on this vital ma’ter was decided not by the Australian Government but by the representative of the Vorster regime in Canberra. [More…]
The Prime Minister is the man who was so genuine in his protestations against the racism of the Vorster regime that he could act only either in anticipation of a question that he knew the Opposition would fire or after it. [More…]
It is the next comment that takes it out of the area of legitimate political controversy and enters the field of overt racism and anti-semitism. [More…]
Racism and bigotry should have no part, and I feel this is something- [More…]
There is a great deal of racism in that part of the world and it is expressed in many parts through an anti-white attitude. [More…]
It appears that it is part of Labor’s policy to sponsor racism in reverse in Queensland and other States.’ [More…]
I want to give the lie, if I can, to the idea that discriminating in favour of the Aborigines in the way in which the Labor Party proposes to do it - in housing and other ways - will cause racism in the Australian community. [More…]
Discriminating in favour of Aborigines by policies in this way is not only ensuring that problems of racism in the long term are minimised but also making a great contribution towards the Australian community as a whole. [More…]
Thirteen days ago the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) asserted that there was no room for racism in his Party’s policies. [More…]
Racism is the ultimate violence because it begins and ends with the denial of a man’s basic humanity. [More…]
Surely it came on because as the honourable member for Perth (Mr Berinson) put it: The substance of the problem is anti-semitism; it is racism; it is prejudice. [More…]
Race and racism are prominent moral and international issues on which governments are increasingly called upon to take a position. [More…]
As to the racism that is suggested, let me say that in February last year, as Minister for Education and Science, I was host and chairman of the Commonwealth Education Conference in Canberra. [More…]
I want this Government to give up the manner of supporting right wing racism and extremism in this country in order to curry votes from those extremist groups in Australia - I want action taken against them for violence will become worse than it is. [More…]
In the motion before the House the Australian Labor Party has chosen to level the charge of racial prejudice and racism against this Government and this side of the House. [More…]
Whether true or false, every charge of racial prejudice or racism damages the country against which it is made. [More…]
Australia has been damaged in the past by some who, for their own particular purposes, have laid against us recklessly, carelessly and without caring whether it be true or false the charge of racism and racial prejudice, and a lot of them are on the Opposition side of the House. [More…]
Racial prejudice, racism, is an ugly phrase which describes an ugly aspect of human relationships. [More…]
They are tired of a government that gets its policies from the gallup poll; that reacts to every test of leadership and statesmanship by playing on every prejudice and fear lying dormant in the community; that acts in every national or international crisis only in terms of the political advantage it can squeeze out of it - whether it be China, South Africa, Bangladesh or French nuclear tests, or whether it be poverty, industrial relations, racism or rural depression. [More…]
On what date and in what terms did Australia give the information to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the programmes and activities undertaken during 1971, which the 1970 General Assembly designated as International Year for action to combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (Hansard, 13th September 1971, page 1220). [More…]
1 deplore the dreadful racism involved, but 1 wish to discuss the effect of this non-selective white immigration. [More…]
One need not reiterate here the United Nation’s failure to act over the Munich assassinations, its failure to act against hijacking or its double standards of placing sanctions on Rhodesia for alleged racism but failing to act against Uganda. [More…]
There is a general readiness to denounce so-called racism. [More…]
The United Nations General Assembly resolved that 1968 should be the International Year on Human Rights, and 1971 should be the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]
Did Australia advise the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 27th October 1971, in the course of the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, that active consideration was being given by the Commonwealth and State Governments to the removal of the few remaining elements of legislation which may not be compatible with the provisions of the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. [More…]
Whenever people say that matters like world government, the disappearance of racism, the abolition of poverty and the effective use and conservation of the earth’s resources are unattainable ideals, I think of an illustration I once saw on the cover of the Victorian Teachers Journal’. [More…]
Racism can never be wholly eliminated by the legislative actions of governments but substantial advances can and must be made in some of the areas to which I have drawn attention. [More…]
Will consideration be given by the Government to implementing or setting up a national committee to combat racism and racial discriminanon which would include groups from all sections of the community so that as well as educating our black population we can start to educate our white population as to the reasons for the plight of underprivileged groups of people, not only Aborigines but other sections of the community such as national groups and ethnic groups? [More…]
All I think I can say about the general matter which the honourable gentleman raised - I would like to praise him for his attitude throughout his life in this Parliament as well as outside for his many activities in this field - is that the Australian Government is resolved to press ahead by every constitutional method available to it - in particular since the 1967 referendum and under the external affairs power - to see that any traces of racism in Australia’s legislation or administration are expunged. [More…]
This day commemorates the temporary triumph of nazism, racism and anti-semitism in Yugoslavia. [More…]
Our thinking is towards a more independent Australian stance in international affairs and towards an Australia which will be less militarily oriented and not open to suggestions of racism; an Australia which will enjoy a growing standing as a distinctive, tolerant, cooperative and well regarded nation not only in the Asian and Pacific region but in the world at large. [More…]
It was we who took the initiative in opposing our participation in the Vietnam conflict, in calling for more foreign aid, in proposing an end to racism in our international dealings, in co-operating with the movement of self government and independence for Papua New Guinea and in opening up normal relations with China. [More…]
The picture, in general, is one of needless misery, unenlightened policies, unfair restrictions on liberty and blatant racism. [More…]
Racism and racial discrimination are the products of ignorance and misconception. [More…]
Racism is a nasty, dirty word. [More…]
Racism is to be found in all political parties. [More…]
In his speech introducing this report the Minister said that blatant racism is being engendered in the Northern Territory. [More…]
I would say that blatant racism is being engendered in the Northern Territory and has been engendered there far quicker under this Government than under any government since I have lived there, and that includes the previous Labor government over 23 years ago. [More…]
When one considers the Nazi Party one has to take the view that it is hardly in the same accord or category of organisations as would be called political parties because it rests almost entirely on a principle of violence, racism, anti-semitism, the repudiation of all democratic principles, the fuehrer principle and the negation of everything which the democratic principles reflect and for which this Parliament, for example, stands. [More…]
We are no longer stamped with the taint of racism. [More…]
I make it perfectly clear so that it is on the record that I am not a racist, nor do I condone racism. [More…]
I want to say something about the racism that is being whipped up in this chamber today by the Opposition. [More…]
It is a sad thing, I think, that members of the Opposition should seek to whip up an attitude of racism just to gain some petty political point. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has a responsibility to say where he stands, and I have given him a very courteous invitation to express himself because a senior member of the Liberal Party has called for a return to discrimination, a return to racism and a return to past policies. [More…]
The people of Australia voiced their opposition to the tour, but so keen was the then Prime Minister to show his support for racism that he threatened to use the Royal Australian Air Force to transport the team if necessary to ensure that the tour continued. [More…]
Until such time as he is prepared to answer that question, he will have to go down as a contributing factor to racism in this country. [More…]
The Government’s policies in relation to racism and colonialism and its abhorrence of the practices and policies of a number of southern African countries are well known and well justified. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister for Education been directed to the article ‘Racism in School Books’ in the latest edition of the ‘Australian Quarterly*? [More…]
We are opposed completely to apartheid- to racism. [More…]
South Africa is one of the most dreadful and disgraceful examples of racism in the world. [More…]
Subsequently, the United Nations designated 1971 as the international Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, and vigorous programs for the year were conducted throughout the world, including Australia. [More…]
On 10 December 1973, the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination was inaugurated by the United Nations. [More…]
Racism is an unmitigated evil … [More…]
I am prepared to say and mean that we will abolish racism within Australia . [More…]
Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination’, as part ofthe United Nations program for the year that I have mentioned. [More…]
I quote from F. S. Stevens’ introduction to ‘Racism- the Australian Experience’. [More…]
There are classic illustrations to which one can point of the existence of racism in this country. [More…]
The Opposition condemns racism in all its forms. [More…]
However the Opposition will move to amend this legislation because it firmly believes that the Bill in its present form will infringe upon the rights of the individual and exacerbate racism in this country. [More…]
As each victim of the provisions of this legislation as it now stands is sentenced, a growing reservoir of bitterness, hatred and racism will swell in our society. [More…]
Racism was probably not a problem for early man. [More…]
The evolutionary mobility of man made racism possible. [More…]
I see it as being the background of human history against which one should approach such prejudices as racism. [More…]
The ingredients that produce national prejudice can produce bigotry, racism and political fanaticism. [More…]
Although the ideas may be quite abhorrent- as I say, racism is abhorrent- such a prohibition, in my view, in the way in which it is to be administered is illiberal. [More…]
The Opposition will move amendments in the Committee stage, not designed to condone racism but intended to dismantle what could well become a legisltive monster that would be more suited perhaps to a totalitarian type of dictatorship where the rights and privileges of the individual are of no consequence but where the rights of the state are supreme. [More…]
The systematic mass genocide of 6 million Jews and other ethnic groups- I mention other ethnic groups because it was not simply Jews who were persecuted and exterminatedled to a recognition by the world that racism was the vilest of all evils and that everything that was humanly possible should be done to stamp it out. [More…]
I do not wish to canvass the whole history of racism throughout the world. [More…]
It is not enough to say that racism exists in other countries or to make the excuse that racism is an inherent part of human nature. [More…]
I am one of those who firmly believe that there is little one can do to legislate hatred and prejudice out of the hearts and minds of individuals, but a legislative framework that makes it illegal to commit acts of racism creates a community atmosphere that will have both a short term and a long term benefit. [More…]
But racism does not involve only the Eric Butlers in this world. [More…]
Racism is not confined to one side of the House or one side of the community. [More…]
Australia has an unfortunate history of racism. [More…]
We have racism in clubs and in pubs. [More…]
Unfortunately there are still many clubs- probably many of us belong to such clubs- which engage in this racism. [More…]
It is very difficult to root out racism in an adult of 30 or 40 years of age. [More…]
This could be done by making part of the curriculum an overt attempt to eliminate racism- the sort of racism that unfortunately is carried on from the family dinner table, from father to son and so on through the various generations. [More…]
We will eliminate it in the textbooks of the schools and in the media by consciously making television and radio broadcasts and printing newspaper articles and so on in which the evils of racism are explained to people- not just the evils of it but that it is wrong, that there is no basic difference between people of different colours, skins and religions and so on. [More…]
I do not know whether I can convince them that they are wrong but I genuinely believe that legislation used with discrimination, not used with the mailed fist, can be the framework for the next great push in Australia to eliminate racism and racial discrimination. [More…]
On 23 July 1975 the Prime Minister announced that the Australian Government had decided to initiate a special survey of Vietnamese refugees who had settled recently in Australia He announced that the survey would take approximately 5 years, would be conducted by Dr Jean Martin of the Australian National University and would encompass such things as the refugees’ reasons for leaving their own country; their social characteristics; their aspirations in their new homeland; what Australian Government assistance in maintenance and welfare they requested, or needed and received; the problems they thought they might have to face in settling in Australia and how these compared with the problems actually encountered; the problems of culture and language difference that they had to face; what happened to their cultural identity in the process of resettlement; and to what extent, if at all, they suffered from racism. [More…]
But surely in the interests of racial harmony and of the acceptance of the Government’s program- it involves expenditure in excess of $3 5m- of the acceptance of the program of housing these people in the cities, it would be wise not to flutter a flag which could initiate or awaken racism which may be nonexistent or dormant in the minds and hearts of white people. [More…]
In a way this is an expression of what goes by the name of racism in its most acute form. [More…]
It is a very distressing fact, but a fact nonetheless, that our society, our culture is infested with a dangerous trend towards racism. [More…]
I hope that we can look forward to the day when racial prejudice will be a thing of the past, but we must honestly admit that racism does exist. [More…]
If there is anything that can be guaranteed to bring out into the open this racism, it would be an immigration program that increased the competition for already scarce jobs. [More…]
It must be obvious, even to the Liberals in Canberra, that the outcome of Dr Kissinger’s mission depended on a unanimity of purpose and a steadfast opposition to racism among America’s friends. [More…]
His condemnation of racism in sport was demonstrated in striking and unmistakable fashion. [More…]
Sporting contacts are not just a symbol of a nation’s policy: They are the most striking and tangible proof of its good faith on the whole subject of racism. [More…]
The Liberals have never remotely understood the depth of revulsion to racism among African and Asian peoples and the threat it poses to peace and security in Africa and throughout the world. [More…]
Qantas does not engage in any form of racism in its commercial dealings. [More…]
The roots of the Labor Party are in racism. [More…]
It would be a good thing for the Labor Party to remember that the New Zealanders have a very responsible attitude to racism. [More…]
It does little credit to any honourable member to introduce the term ‘racism’ to this Parliament and this country when we are endeavouring to integrate people from over 100 different countries, particularly when such a charge cannot be backed up by the facts. [More…]
I made this suggestion simply because the booklet was not of a standard which in my view would bring any credit to the Commissioner or further the cause of those of us in the community who are opposed to racism and to discrimination based on racism. [More…]
He has damaged Australia’s relations with our largest neighbour, damaged our relations with one of the world’s two superpowers, damaged our relations with the ASEAN nations, damaged our relations with the non-aligned countries, and compromised Australia’s opposition to racism in Southern Africa. [More…]
The non-aligned world, like the entire civilized world, will reject the Fraser Government’s flirtations with racism. [More…]
A week later, with typical stealth and dishonesty, the Fraser Government continued to undermine Australia’s stand against racism by conniving in a visit to South Africa by Australian policemen. [More…]
He tried to charge this Government with racism when he knows quite well that all Australians deplore the policies of apartheid; that this Government put clearly on record its view on apartheid. [More…]
The Government is quite clear in its opposition to any form of racism. [More…]
We make that opposition quite clear and we remain committed to opposition to racism. [More…]
I draw the attention of the House to a scurrilous advertisement that appeared in the Australian of 29 October last, which sets out the most infamous resolution ever passed by the United Nations, whereby Zionism was said to foster the growth of racism and racial discrimination. [More…]
Racism and racial discrimination, including apartheid, are abhorrent not only to the people of Israel but also to all other peoples of the world who similarly cherish democracy. [More…]
The Government of which I am honoured to be a supporter quite properly regards the equation of Zionism with racism as totally infamous. [More…]
It is therefore the duty of all people and Governments to join the struggle against any form of colonialism, foreign aggression and occupation, domination, apartheid and all forms of racism and racial discrimination referred to in the resolutions as adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. [More…]
He is a man who connived at the grossest form of racism. [More…]
The Treasurer has never missed an opportunity in this place to use the basest form of racism. [More…]
The first aspect is the chauvinistic nationalism which often leads to racism and opposition to other countries, not on the basis of their policies but on the basis that they are Americans or Indonesians or Japanese or Russians or Chinese or Arabs or Israelis. [More…]
It may not be Mr Grassby’s fault, but he has given the community the distinct impression that he has a pre-occupation with the subject of racism to an extent which seriously impedes his judgment. [More…]
As I was about to say, it was not because of racism but because of Labor Party policies. [More…]
The Government’s view on matters pertaining to South Africa, its racism and its extension of that repugnant philosophy implemented through the Bantustans is something that I would not think, despite the reading of those remarks, I would be prepared to change an attitude on. [More…]
But I make the point now that we on this side of the House are greatly concerned that for narrow political purposes a Minister is prepared to make comments that promote racism in this country. [More…]
I agree with you that there is an inference in this advertisement that I condone racism, neo-fascism and anti-Zionism and I note your assurance that most members of the Victorian Jewish community would wish to disassociate themselves from such an inference. [More…]
These include international obligations against discrimination and racism. [More…]
In the second case the Land Fund Commission sought a legal opinion on the matter of racism in Queensland. [More…]
It sought to have the legislation against racism which we introduced in 1975 adopted if the case was appropriate. [More…]
So I have tolerated racism. [More…]
You and I share this persecution of racism. [More…]
He expressed concern about racism and yet he erected fiscal barriers to ensure that the Land Fund Commission would not be able to protect the rights of Aboriginals in Queensland against the incursion of the racist policies of that State Government. [More…]
I have done it in great detail, not only in statements since I have been Minister for Foreign Affairs, but also in publications produced during 1 975 on behalf of the then Opposition indicating that the form of so-called ‘even-handedness’ pursued by the honourable gentleman’s Government, which led, ‘for example, to abstaining on questions such as deeming Zionism to be a form of racism, was an even-handedness that we rejected and still do. [More…]
But, in the mere fact that he has proposed an amendment to the Act, he also admits that differences do exist in the administration of Aboriginal communities and that of other communities and that it is the right of Aboriginals to maintain those differences so that they have some protection against intrusions, the incursions and the irresponsibilities and, indeed, the racism, suppression and discrimination of which he complains in his speech on the ‘winds of change’. [More…]
I believe that this element of racism which exists within Australian society can be aligned with class which remains one of the fundamental characteristics of Australian society and has been far too little emphasised in the national Parliament. [More…]
He went on to condemn the South African policies of racism and colonialism and expressed India’s support for Namibian independence. [More…]
Racism should be outlawed and overcome as soon as possible because it is an injustice and is barbaric. [More…]
A medical officer should know that the ugliness of racism, like the boil, can be cured only by exposing it to the human conscience of the world before it. [More…]
I claimed over there in Jamaica at the Commonwealth Conference last September, that Australians wanted to see racism not only eliminated in South Africa and Rhodesia but eliminated from the face of the earth so that justice might flow down like a mountain stream until the injustice that has existed too long is over. [More…]
Are we to condone a resurgence of violence by groups who seek to continue their political warfare in Australia and create divisions that will inflame the latent racism in our community? [More…]
Aborigines: Alleged Racism in Queensland (Question No. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to action by US civil rights groups pressing for the banning of Australian beef exports to the US beause of alleged racism by the companies referred to in pan ( 1 ). [More…]
I wish to draw the attention of the House to the Declaration of the Commonwealth on Racism and Racial Prejudice which was adopted by the Commonwealth heads of government at Lusaka on 7 August. [More…]
Lusaka Declaration of the Commonwealth on Racism and Racial Prejudice [More…]
We, the Commonwealth Heads of Government, recalling the declaration of Commonwealth principles made at Singapore on 22 January 197 1 and the statement on apartheid in sport, issued in London on 1 5 June 1977, have decided to proclaim our desire to work jointly as well as severally for the eradication of all forms of racism and racial prejudice. [More…]
The Commonwealth is an institution devoted to the promotion of international understanding and world peace, and to the achievement of equal rights for all citizens regardless of race, colour, sex, creed or political belief, and is committed to the eradication of the dangerous evils of racism and racial prejudice, [More…]
We now, therefore, proclaim this Lusaka Declaration of the Commonwealth on Racism and Racial Prejudice. [More…]
United in our desire to rid the world of the evils of racism and racial prejudice, we proclaim our faith in the inherent dignity and worth of the human person and declare that: [More…]
We attach particular importance to ensuring that children shall be protected from practices which may foster racism or racial prejudice. [More…]
We recognise that the effects of colonialism or racism in the past may make desirable special provisions for the social and economic enhancement of indigenous populations inspired by the principles of freedom and equality which characterise our association, we accept the solemn duty of working together to eliminate racism and racial prejudice. [More…]
This duty involves the acceptance of the principle that positive measures may be required to advance the elimination of racism, including assistance to those struggling to rid themselves and their environment of the practice. [More…]
Being aware that legislation alone cannot eliminate racism and racial prejudice, we endorse the need to initiate public information and education policies designed to promote understanding, tolerance, respect and friendship among peoples and racial groups. [More…]
We are particularly conscious of the importance of the contribution the media can make to human rights and the eradication of racism and racial prejudice by helping to eliminate ignorance and misunderstanding between people and by drawing attention to the evils which afflict humanity. [More…]
We affirm the importance of truthful presentation of facts in order to ensure that the public are fully informed of the dangers presented by racism and racial prejudice. [More…]
In accordance with established principles of international law and, in particular, the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, we affirm that everyone is, at all times and in all places, entitled to be protected in the enjoyment of the right to be free of racism and racial prejudice. [More…]
We note that racism and racial prejudice, wherever they occur, are significant factors contributing to tension between nations and thus inhibit peaceful progress and development. [More…]
We believe that the goal of the eradication of racism stands as a critical priority for governments of the Commonwealth, committed as they are to the promotion of the ideals of peaceful and happy lives for their people. [More…]
Nevertheless, the Federal Government has undertaken commitments to the States which are of particular relevance to the matter of racism and racial prejudice. [More…]
We attach particular importance to ensuring that children shall be protected from practices which may foster racism or racial prejudicce. [More…]
The Lusaka Declaration also states: the acceptance of the principle that positive measures may be required to advance the elimination of racism, including assistance to those struggling to rid themselves and their environment of the practice. [More…]
Be in it* could be devoted to the project for removing the remnants of racism which unfortunately pervade our community. [More…]
The attention of the whole world is turning to South Africa and to the question of racism. [More…]
Racism is one of the more dreadful deprivations of human rights. [More…]
1 ) Does the Government subscribe unreservedly to the Lusaka Declaration of the Commonwealth on racism and racial prejudice ( 7 August 1 979 ). [More…]
Has a Legal Defence Fund to support Australian Aboriginal liberation struggles been established by the International Conference for the Eradication of Racism and Racial Discrimination. [More…]