Contexts in which the word racist was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
The honourable member for Robertson (Mr Cohen) in the course of his speech referred to me as a racist because I had criticised the Australian Labor Party’s attempts to get money out of the Arabs. [More…]
Let me assure him that my reference had no racist connotation. [More…]
If so, how were they recruited, and is it the policy of the Government to employ policemen from a racist country with the object of keeping ‘the natives’ in check? [More…]
I heard the honourable member refer to one newly elected Minister as a racist. [More…]
But does the honourable member for Hunter, the member for safari suits, who called me a racist but who went there as a guest of the Speaker of the South African Parliament [More…]
The simple, blunt truth is that the Minister and his Government, and particularly its leaders, rubbish negotiations - whether they are ‘one-sided’ proposals from the Pathet Lao or, to quote the Prime Minister, these things called peace talks in Paris’ - because of an attitude of mind which represents a hankering for vanished supremacies, a nostalgia of a distinctly racist cast. [More…]
The decision by the Secretary of State, Mr Rogers, to close down the American consulate in Salisbury reflects the strength of feeling among America’s 25 million negroes on this issue and on any issue involving the racist policies of South Africa and Rhodesia. [More…]
In his first speech as Minister, the honourable gentleman could not forbear to obtrude a reference to the new member for Robertson (Mr Cohen), who has dared to expose racist policies and attitudes by certain Australians in Australia towards Africa. [More…]
I am not attributing racist attitudes so much to the Leader of the House. [More…]
Through our consistent support we have become identified as a racist country. [More…]
What disturbs me, however, is that it has never repudiated publicly those members within its own ranks who go past the Government’s official1 stance and actively campaign both at home and abroad for a closer relationship and who champion the cause of these regimes in every public or private forum available and who tend to confirm the view that Australia is a racist country. [More…]
They added to their racist doctrine, virulent anti-Semitism and formed an unholy alliance with Boerenasie - the Greyshirts an organisation that imitated in style and content the Blackshirts and Brownshirts of Nazi Germany. [More…]
We should not on this occasion allow the discussion to be side-tracked on the racist questions and other things of that nature. [More…]
Well, why does the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) accuse the Minister for the Navy (Mr Killen) and me of being racist because wc go to see what is happening in South Africa, but say nothing about he honourable member for Hunter (Mr James) and a Labor Party senator visiting South [More…]
I have heard him called a racist but I think it should be said - and, indeed, it was understood by all who were debating with him - that no man had more friends in Asia, South East Asia and Africa than he. [More…]
As the honourable member for La Trobe (Mr less) has said, he was not a racist. [More…]
Simply to have visited South Africa or Rhodesia is sufficient to be labelled racist. [More…]
Mr Jacob Malik, a name not unknown to honourable members opposite, brands these racist Fascist regimes as a threat to world peace. [More…]
If all of this makes me a racist, I am afraid you will have to class me as a racist. [More…]
If that is talking like a Communist front, then I atn a Communist and the honourable member for Boothby can similarly be judged to be a racist. [More…]
In particular, it means that our policies and attitudes must be free of any racist taint in alliances, sports and passports. [More…]
It is impossible to have fruitful relations with the Commonwealth of Nations - including Malaysia, Singapore and India and all those on the islands and shores of the Indian Ocean - if we persist in a nostalgic hankering for military collaboration with the racist regimes of Southern Africa. [More…]
Australia’s initiatives produced the Suez affair in 1956, an automatic Australian reflex action in defence of imaginary jugular veins, lifelines and vital routes without which our economy would be gravely damaged, demonstrating how deep in the thinking of the older Australian generation are imperialist and racist assumptions. [More…]
The Government of Ghana would regard such action by the British Government as a racist alignment with South Africa and an unfortunate disregard for the susceptibilities of so many African States in Africa whose goodwill and friendship towards Britain have sustained the British presence in Africa over many years. [More…]
Whatever the short term advantages the British Government might hope to derive from the resumption of sale of arms to South Africa or from any such conciliatory posture in its dealings with the present racist regimes in Southern Africa could nol be compared with the long-term benefits which the British people might gain in their relations wilh so many other African States. [More…]
In his speech the honourable member inadvertently let slip his racist attitudes of superiority when he stated: [More…]
What do our neighbours whom we seek to impress at every opportunity think when they see how closely so many members on the Government side of the House feel for the racist regimes of South Africa and Rhodesia? [More…]
There is the nub of Britain’s desire to ingratiate itself with the South African racist regime. [More…]
On the one hand we have the Aboriginal people who have been deprived for years; not on racist grounds, generally speaking, but in fact they have been deprived and so it looks like that. [More…]
If a demonstration was held in front of an Australian legation or consulate overseas and it was claimed that we were racist or that we followed policies similar to South Africa, not only would we consider such statements wrong, we would also consider them offensive. [More…]
The truth of the matter, Mr Speaker, is that this Government is so concerned with the dissent within its ranks, is so embarrassed by its close association with the Fascist policies of the racist governments of southern Africa, so confused by the shambles of its administration - as manifested in the Fill fiasco, the plight of our pensioners and the depression of rural Australia - and so terrified at the prospect of running out of Communists that it has become paranoically pre-occupied with its own survival. [More…]
But if they want the same privilege to protest against the treatment of Aboriginals or Vietnam or racist sporting policies there is no way in which they can do so peaceably without exposure to penalty. [More…]
This situation is unlikely to continue with controversial tours by sporting teams selected on a racist basis about to visit Australia. [More…]
We believe that Australia’s national reputation has been damaged because many of its policies are interpreted as racist - I refer to those on immigration, Aboriginals and New Guinea, just to name a few - but primarily we believe that it is wrong to play sport against a team which deliberately excludes players of a different colour. [More…]
On three occasions recently Fred Daly, whom you have appointed as shadow Minister for Immigration, has given a racist interpretation of Federal ALP policy on immigration. [More…]
Do you intend to nominate him for this position …. in 1972 or would he become Interior and you will have a person in this position who will interpret it in a non-racist manner? [More…]
I say at this stage that I have been grievously misrepresented and in the eyes of the Australian people I have been placed in a very unfortunate position, having been classified as racist in character. [More…]
In supporting the motion I want to make it quite plain that it is not my belief that my colleague the honourable member for Grayndler (Mr Daly) is a racist in any sense. [More…]
Did the United Nations Special Committee on Apartheid decide to appeal for the release of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe who was detained by South African authorities for 9 years after inciting his fellow South Africans to defy unjust racist laws and to demonstrate peacefully. [More…]
We sincerely hope that the people of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Japan are sophisticated enough to distinguish between our Government’s real reasons and its public relations reasons; that the coloured people who are much more important to our future than all the Afrikaaner in South Africa can detect the difference between racists and political opportunists. [More…]
And we must do all in our power to persuade Mr McMahon that Australia’s token opposition to South African racism must be consistent and effective, that because of his mistake the world now sees Australia as permissively racist - and that would be the most charitable impression of us in the capitals of Asia. [More…]
He will use the games team from the greatest of all racist nations to create a false situation for his own ends. [More…]
I know that this is a great problem as far as many Australians are concerned, though no Australian ever admits to being racist. [More…]
I do not think Australians are racist, but they are frightened their next door neighbours might be. [More…]
This is something which needs to be emphasised and repeated again and again, until people from all oyer the world will realise that Australia’s immigration policy is not a racist one bat, like those of most other countries, is a selective one. [More…]
It wants an election fought on racist issues. [More…]
I hope that the Government will come to its senses, because the last thing I would like to see in this country is a racist election. [More…]
The Communist Party of Australia last year in the Tribune’ forecast, when it referred to a mass anti-racist movement attacking apartheid and racial discrimination in both South Africa and Australia as being vital in the coming months, that this movement would be built up on militant mass action and would spread to support for the Gurindji and [More…]
The Communist controlled unionists, the so-called peace movements, Maoists, Trotskyites and left-wingers generally are hellbent on dividing the Australian nation on racist issues, using the 144,000 part Aborigines and full blood Aborigines as a launching pad for their own motives. [More…]
It does not want a racist society; it does not want apartheid, whether it is voluntary or enforced. [More…]
Mr Speaker, the LiberalCountry Party recently has been under very serious charges of infiltration from an extreme right-wing racist, anti-semitic group known as the League of Rights. [More…]
Last year the League of Rights played on dormant racist feelings in the community by its overt support of the South African sporting teams and it attempted to gain some political mileage over minor changes in the Labor Party’s immigration policy. [More…]
Not content with rubbishing his own Government in the strongest possible terms, he went on to reflect in a quite despicable and racist fashion on 2 private citizens whose only fault was that they tried to give the Government a hand. [More…]
I would never suggest that they are racist or racially prejudiced as a matter of party principle. [More…]
If we are to play a fruitful role in our region, if we are to have a secure place as a friendly nation among Asian neighbours, it is absolutely essentia] that neither by our policies nor our attitudes are we identified with racist reactionary regimes. [More…]
It is not accidental that the only source of planned, systematic violence against persons in Australia is the racist Right. [More…]
I have been misrep-resented if it is suggested that I condone in any way or am prepared to do anything less than utterly denounce extermism of any kind that is based on racist or political attitudes, especially those imported into this country. [More…]
My experience is that these delegates almost universally had formed the view that not only are we not racists in Australia, but that we are one of the least racist countries that they have visited. [More…]
This seemed to be something of a surprise to some of them because every time this kind of motion is launched by the Opposition, around the headlines of the world goes the suggestion from responsible people in Australia that we are racists, and then those who have not visited this country or studied our immigration laws get an impression. [More…]
They come here with an impression that we are racist and it is only when they visit this country that they find we are not. [More…]
He said that he found we were not a racist country. [More…]
He said - he had not consulted the Government - that it was only the immigration laws that were racist. [More…]
Here was a Ceylonese who had been sold by our own responsible leaders on this type of rubbish that is talked about our racist attitude. [More…]
There is one danger that we have to face - we could become a racist country if we are not careful. [More…]
Some members of the Australian Government have gone to functions where this group has held up photographs of its inspiration - Ante Pavelic, the leader of the fascist racist government in Croatia from 1941 to 1944. [More…]
The Croatian extremists - perhaps there are no more than 100 of them in Australia - are racists and are motivated by hatred. [More…]
But under the influence of 100 or so extremists it has become not only a movement for an independent government but for a government modelled on the Pavelic regime of 1941 to 1944, and inspired by racist aims. [More…]
In this church on 10th April every year a religious service is held to celebrate 10th April 1941, the setting up of the Pavelic fascist racist regime which destroyed perhaps 800,000 people in Croatia. [More…]
I doubt whether anyone here is consciously and deliberately racist, but Government supporters are willing to tolerate them for political expediency because they want to win the votes of extreme right wing migrant organisations and others in Australia which are prepared to support them. [More…]
Such an attitude is not racist, since it is based not on racial bigotry or superiority, [More…]
Firstly, I want to deal with what was said by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr N. H. Bowen) who made a ridiculous and racist speech in the House today. [More…]
If the Minister were in the United States of America his sort of racist attitude would prevent his appointment to the Supreme Court of that country. [More…]
But it is not surprising, because Mr Robert S. Clark - who runs one of the most racist organisations in this country, the Immigration Control Association, and who mainly specialises in helping the honourable member for Warringah (Mr Mackellar) to beat Mr St John for representation in this Parliament - is a prominent member of the Liberal Party in the electorate of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and one of his most prominent helpers. [More…]
Yet in this one in relation to Germaine Greer there is undue sensitivity, I suppose, to matters pf sex which one does not always find in relation to racist propaganda. [More…]
The second event was the expulsion of the multi-racial Rhodesian team by a vote of 36 to 31 from the Olympic Games on the ground that Rhodesia is a racist country. [More…]
This is a case of the Rhodesian team consisting of 37 whites and 7 blacks being expelled from the Olympic Games to suit the political aims of certain countries wanting to brand Rhodesia as racist. [More…]
Yet the greatest racist country of them all - Uganda - was one of the countries voting for the Rhodesians expulsion. [More…]
The only black African leader to protest against Uganda’s racist policies was, to his credit, President Nyerere of Tanzania. [More…]
The left wing in Australia has long branded South Africa and Rhodesia as racist countries. [More…]
But neither South Africa nor Rhodesia, whatever else may be levelled at them, has ever expelled en masse people born in their countries as Uganda is doing - and doing on purely racist grounds. [More…]
That racist attack could well cause a diplomatic war here. [More…]
I again ask the Minister for the Interior: Was he correctly reported as saying that he personally believed the Australian League of Rights was doing a good job and will he dissociate himself from the views of this racist and anit-semetic association? [More…]
Has the attention of the Prime Minister been drawn to a disturbing program on ‘This Day Tonight’ last night in which residents of the Northern Territory expressed attitudes that I think this Parliament would regard as racist and undesirable? [More…]
I would not like it to be thought from anything I say that I object to the ABC allowing the expression of racist views, because it is an unfortunate fact in Australia that there are persons who hold and express such views. [More…]
But to say that this meeting was racist, as it was described in the Press, is not correct. [More…]
The people at this meeting did not propose these terms of reference in a racist manner. [More…]
If we allow the attitude of these people to be described in the Press in northern Australia and to be portrayed to the rest of Australia - even to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs - as a racist approach the Minister will find himself on a collision course with them. [More…]
Some honourable members may say that I am a racist because all the names are those of Europeans. [More…]
Is he aware that this organisation has as its principal methods of operation the use of violence, intimidation and the creation of racist anti-Jewish propaganda? [More…]
Apparently he arrived in Katherine and decided that the town was a racist part of Australia and he set out to produce his show to back up those ideas. [More…]
It was endeavouring to produce a set of circumstances which would convince the people of Australia that a meeting which took place in Katherine was a completely racist meeting. [More…]
But instead he endeavoured to describe this meeting as a white racist meeting. [More…]
I think he succeeded because a number of complaints I have received about that particular segment of that program have said that this man was really showing that there was this attitude in Katherine, that there were 500 or 600 people seething in a racist manner. [More…]
I will read some of the terms of reference of that committee appointed at the meeting to prove that those there were not at all racist. [More…]
I am sure that the Minister for Immigration (Mr Grassby) will be able to deal with such a racist speech when he rises during the course of this debate. [More…]
The whole racist structure was taken to such lengths that photographs were required to show whether applicants were light enough skinned to be welcomed. [More…]
First of all, some of the leading articles in newspapers for whose views I often have respect even if I disagree with them, carried racist assumptions that the child, in going back to her parents, inevitably was in the wrong place and would be ill-treated. [More…]
It is a racist assumption and it must not be allowed to be perpetuated throughout the community. [More…]
I believe it to be divisive and racist in application to have 2 parallel systems of law in Australia. [More…]
If anything came to an end on the anniversary of Austerlitz last year it was the demeaning of Australia in the eyes of the world as the country our predecessors had represented it to be: insignificant, racist, militarist, sycophantic, a timid and unworthy creature of the great powers to whom it had surrendered its identity. [More…]
He referred to them as having racist antiAboriginal sentiments. [More…]
The charge was made that 3 Country Party ex-Ministers were racist and anti-Aboriginal. [More…]
In the course of his emotional outburst the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) said, as my 2 colleagues have mentioned, that 3 former Country Party Ministers for the Interior had shown racist antiAboriginal sentiments. [More…]
I make it perfectly clear so that it is on the record that I am not a racist, nor do I condone racism. [More…]
This gentleman, a guest in our country, said Australia was racist, that its politics were racist and that is why the 12 Fijians he was involved with personally were being required to leave. [More…]
It is from this confusion that the motley collection of people, arrogant and selfish in their extremes, racist in their attitudes, will fester - not honourable members opposite but people outside Parliament - while, the Minister continues with his equivocal statements. [More…]
Under what seems to be a liberal exterior is the soul of a racist. [More…]
The unions, far from being racist, are determined to see that the skilled tradesmen who have not had the advantage of being born in this country and therefore who are not in a position to understand what their rights are under the law, are not exploited. [More…]
Without accusing the honourable member for Maranoa of being a racist - lam sure he is not a racist - or the honourable member for Wimmera, who spoke on behalf of the Country Party, of being a racist, I must put it on the record that there is no doubt that basically the Country Party in Queensland is a racist Party. [More…]
It has had racist policies for years. [More…]
He said that despite claims that the policy was racist and represented white Australia, the undeniable fact was that it was a policy that was in the country’s best interests. [More…]
I must say that I am shocked and dismayed that any Australian in public life would be so blatantly racist in intent and words as Mr Knox. [More…]
If his reported statements are true he wants an immediate restoration of racist discrimination such as existed for the past 23 years. [More…]
They may be regarded as racist, but the White Australia policy was right and in the country’s best interests. [More…]
This is obviously a call for the restoration of racist policies which would align Australia with South Africa, apartheid, Rhodesia - I think it goes further than that; Nazi Germany. [More…]
To the honourable member for Bowman I say: I believe that Mr Knox has defiled Australia’s reputation by his racist statement. [More…]
But the bucket over Australia from our neighbours and the world if we return to the racist policies of the past would drown us all as good neighbours for an entire generation, and I think that the bulk of the Australian people will reject that. [More…]
I am referring here to the racist attitudes of the white majority in relation to the Aboriginal people. [More…]
Such Acts are a disgrace to the community and I look forward to the passing of legislation by the Australian Government to supersede such racist laws. [More…]
When I speak on this subject no doubt there will be some people, even honourable members in this House, who will declare that I am a racist. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that this article demonstrates that most social science textbooks now being used in schools develop and reinforce racist attitudes in the students, and that the most effective way of reversing this situation is for the Curriculum Development Centre to undertake the task of preparing such textbooks? [More…]
Later on the gentleman who writes this vicious, racist publication, one Robert Clark, under the heading ‘An Interesting Morning in Canberra’, states: [More…]
In its report the Australian Country Party described the League of Rights as having a disreputable and racist basis, which it is now trying to conceal; declared the disciples of social credit, which Butler advocates, as sheer fanatics; quoted some of his writings on the communist conspiracy, which it then categorises as ‘the language of paranoia’; spoke of Butler’s violent opposition to parliamentary government, his long catalogue of hates; and stated that there is something breathtaking about lunacy on this scale. [More…]
The Leader of the Australian Country Party, Mr Douglas Anthony, has condemned the League as disreputable, racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi. [More…]
He is supposed to be secretary of the CAAC which at Government expense during this election campaign circulated letters on the notepaper of the Congress recommending to Aborigines that they did not support a certain candidate and suggesting that he was an ex-policeman who was known to treat Aborigines badly and belonged to a racist party. [More…]
Another letter suggested that Aborigines should not support a certain candidate because he belonged to the racist CountryLiberal Party. [More…]
The honourable member for Kooyong has already pointed out- I believe that all honourable members opposite share his view- that the Opposition rejects and deplores South Africa’s apartheid and racist policies. [More…]
It is a very old hat, unfortunate idea that a lot of people have that those who live amongst the Aboriginal people, whether they be farmers, graziers or townspeople, are antiAboriginal, therefore racist. [More…]
It has been called a racist party by those whom it suits to call it a racist party. [More…]
Indeed the Liberal Party has also been called a racist party. [More…]
In fact, I think the Labor Party has been called racist from time to time by those who want to call it that. [More…]
From the broadest construction of the term ‘racist’, down to the inter-personal relationships between Aborigines and Europeans in Australian society, it is difficult to deny that prejudice exists and that this prejudice, over the years, has been erected into a functional system. [More…]
The honourable member is becoming infamous for his bigoted racist comments. [More…]
Many members and former members on the other side of the House hold basically racist attitudes. [More…]
For far too long our children have been fed in their schools, in their places of learning, a view of the Aboriginal that is inaccurate, racist and discriminatory, a view that not only denies the Aboriginal rightful recognition of the contribution he made to the history of this land but also denies us as white Johnny-come-latelys access to the wisdom derived from 45 000 years living and working on this continent. [More…]
During the last centruy and this century the spirit of nationalism has tended to foster racial competition, prejudice and racist attitudes. [More…]
Perhaps in more emotional times I have taken the view that some honourable members over there were supporting racist regimes but I do not think that that would be true of the majority of the members of the Opposition. [More…]
Tragically, one of those exceptions in Nazi Germany led to the greatest racist aberration in history. [More…]
I imagine that it will remove the last vestiges of racist legislation from the statute books of Queensland. [More…]
The same agent would have been appalled at being called a racist. [More…]
The garbage that Mr Butler and his confreres push out through their bookshops- racist literature of the very worst type- will be eliminated. [More…]
We will see the end of these vicious, nasty, racist, immigration groups who took such a role in the last election campaign in the electorate of Riverina. [More…]
I want to quote the statement because I believe that it is one of the most vicious racist statements I have ever heard. [More…]
I will quote again the relevant racist portion of the statement: - and, especially, economic pressure in a way which is far in excess of their numerical position in the Australian community. [More…]
There may be threats but let us see that they are not made on a racist basis. [More…]
Anyone who has any illusions about our racist background need only read copies of the ‘Bulletin’ newspaper at the turn of the century. [More…]
It was the most blatantly racist propaganda sheet one could possibly imagine. [More…]
One has only to go to a football match and listen to the remarks if there happens to be a black footballer or a Jewish footballer playing to hear the overt racist remarks. [More…]
Every time he dropped a ball he copped half a dozen racist comments from the sideline. [More…]
If he is a racist now I am afraid that he is gone. [More…]
We can do it also by encouraging cultural groups to put on plays and various other cultural activities which would help to combat a racist attitude in our society. [More…]
I think that that can be construed as the taking by a person of a racist attitude against another person when that is entirely incorrect. [More…]
This matter is being considered at a time when we who live in northern Australia are being accused by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Senator Cavanagh) and the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) of being racist in relation to comments about the supply of alcohol to all sorts of people, whether they be coloured, white, or whatever. [More…]
As I have said, people have been accused of being racist because they have objected to this sort of thing happening. [More…]
The honourable member for Isaacs also said, as recorded on the same page of Hansard: ‘The honourable member is becoming infamous for his bigoted racist comments’. [More…]
It was racist in origin. [More…]
I point out that there are already in Australia over 1000 adult refugees from Vietnam and over 2000 refugees from Portuguese Timor, none of whom could have entered Australia under the racist policies which the Government of the honourable member for Lilley, our predecessors, used to apply. [More…]
In the last few minutes available to me on this matter I once again urge this Government to assent to the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Bill on drunkenness which was thrown out, with some severe criticism, quite ignorantly by this Government which claimed that the Bill was racist and so on. [More…]
One has been my own experience in this chamber where at least half a dozen honourable members on the other side have been unable to restrain their racist inclinations and have had a crack at me. [More…]
It is no use saying that we do not want to be racists. [More…]
This Bill is rightly giving benefits on a racist basis. [More…]
Apparently the Turks were considered sufficiently white to fulfil the criteria of its racist policy. [More…]
As though that were not enough, from time to time we see in the minds and the hearts of many a person who sits on the Opposition side, their uncontrollable racist attitudes. [More…]
On the one hand he will give vent to his racist emotions and on the other he will go across to Japan and expect these people of Asiatic origin to greet him with open arms. [More…]
You can work your guts out, but the Australian society being as racist as it is, there is not always a bonus for the people who so engage themselves. [More…]
It emanated from a Minister and a Government that have never hesitated to appeal to jingoistic phobias and racist obsessions. [More…]
I believe that we are moving away from our racist past. [More…]
They plainly show an abusage of the power of the media, a disregard for the intelligence of students in particular, and society at large, as well as blatant racist attitudes. [More…]
Finally, our students told the men to leave because they were proposing an extremely racist act. [More…]
I do not say this about the honourable member for the Northern Territory but much criticism is based on a racist approach which says: ‘Look at them getting all that money’. [More…]
When the office of Commissioner for Community Relations was established it was envisaged that it would play a vital role in the community, that it would deal not only with specific complaints of instances of discrimination but also would actively initiate programs to rid our country of discrimination and racist attitudes. [More…]
Over the last seven or eight months we have seen a most insidious, persistent attack upon Aboriginal policies, much of which I think has been motivated by racist attitudes. [More…]
Thus, the Fraser Government has lost no time in restoring the old racist overtones which for so long distinguished Australian foreign policy under the Liberals and tainted our reputation in the world. [More…]
-Of so little importance does our conservative Government consider racist policies and the reputation of our nation amongst the vast majority of the world’s people that not only was the Foreign Minister (Mr Peacock) not present; the Acting Foreign Minister (Mr Sinclair) also failed to grace the chamber with his presence. [More…]
The 2 1 st ranking Minister has made a personal attack on the Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) instead of devoting himself to the proper issues of the racist policies of South Africa and how they are fostered by sporting tours of that country. [More…]
The crime of those students was that they had gathered together in a meeting to protest against the racist laws of their country. [More…]
We will agree to sporting contact again when they take politics out of sport by choosing their sporting teams on a non-racist basis and instituting other non-racist policies in that country. [More…]
The racist overtones that the Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) spoke about are not part of the policy of the Liberal Party of Australia. [More…]
The members of the Labor Party are the ones who condone racist policies in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
Dealing with the first of those categories, it was nothing less than nauseating to see the Prime Minister travel to Wilcannia to open projects while in their own Party councils honourable members opposite have had to nod agreement at the expression of racist sentiment and, outrage at the expenditure of the Labor Government on these kinds of projects. [More…]
We have returned to the covert encouragement of the racist South African regime. [More…]
Are we to co-operate in the spying on Australian residents to aid the racist government of South Africa? [More…]
They are being just as racist as the people they criticise. [More…]
The only other comment I would make in relation to the speech made by the honourable member for Grayndler is in respect of his suggestion in a Press statement he put out earlier this year that there was something racist about the Government’s attitude towards immigration. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports in the Press, in particular the Adelaide Advertiser of 20 July 1976, in which the Commissioner for Community Relations was reported as saying that the Federal Government was monitoring 23 organisations that it regarded as racist and that 95 000 Australians were members of these organisations? [More…]
In view of the wide interest generated by the reports which the honourable member has mentioned I requested the Commissioner for Community Relations to indicate whether the newspaper reports were an accurate statement of what he had said, and also requested information on the 23 organisations which are alleged to be racist and on the nature of the monitoring to which he referred. [More…]
To indicate the nature of this monitoring he has provided me with a booklet prepared by his office titled Racist Propaganda in Australia: A handbook of Hate. [More…]
You are a racist. [More…]
You hear this racist comment from this pack of hypocrities. [More…]
It emanated from a Minister and a Party that have never hesitated to appeal to jingoistic phobias and racist obsessions. [More…]
Of course, it has meant that they have lived in a racist society. [More…]
I think that many of us are racist. [More…]
I hope that delegates to future conferences might remind these nations that there are white racists in the world, contemptible people who are racist and adopt racist policies. [More…]
The actions of the Papa Doc Duvaliers and the Idi Amins feed those racists because they say contemptibly: ‘Look at the black man in Uganda, Haiti, Guinea and elswhere; when they get power the abuse it’. [More…]
I find it fascinating to listen to the pro-Arab rhetoric of those who talk about Israel being a racist, imperialist, fascist, Zionist- they use the term ‘ Zionist’ as an insult- and expansionist country. [More…]
Is the honourable member casting a racist slur on the Arabs? [More…]
They are being just as racist as the people they criticise. [More…]
He was one of 4 Australian Labor Party Federal members of Parliament who that year lost their seats in this House, but the only explanation he had was that he was the victim of a vicious racist campaign. [More…]
It is clear that, where a sport is practised on a racist basis, governments must carry responsibility. [More…]
All those questioned by her advise they have no knowledge of the existence of such textbooks and that it was untrue to say “generations of Japanese had been led to believe Australians were racists”. [More…]
They have no recollection of Australia being presented in their country of origin’s textbooks and teachings as racist. [More…]
, I formally lay the complaint that Mr Grassby has made racist statements reflecting upon the Japanese and detrimental to the country which gives him his $36,000 a year salary. [More…]
I point out to those on the other side of the chamber who pretend that I am saying something racist and pursuing a vendetta against all British migrants, that that is arrant nonsense. [More…]
I am endeavouring to point out to the honourable member for Gellibrand that these remarks are not racist in origin; they are not union bashing, much as he likes to use that phrase. [More…]
Are we sufficiently racist to deny to the rest of the world the opportunity to raise its living standards, because it will be on the production of energy that that mainly will depend? [More…]
Many of them will flow from people whose approach, unfortunately, is racist. [More…]
I am not going to suggest that the people of Australia are racist in the sense that I think that the people in southern Africa are, but I do know that Australians place a heavy premium upon behaviour. [More…]
It will be recalled that I countered by reporting to the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar), under whose control the Commissioner for Community Relations, Mr Grassby, comes, the way that a Queensland lady felt following the claim of the Commissioner that in Japan the Japanese are taught that all Australians are racist. [More…]
It would seem that the Commissioner for Community Relations is in the privileged position of being the only man in Australia who can go around making racist utterances. [More…]
It is most necessary that that change be made because many people in this country hold the view that Mr Grassby is the most racist minded person in Australia and is most unsuitable to hold the position of Commissioner. [More…]
The most racist organisation in this country is the trade union movement. [More…]
Apartheid, the policy of institutionalised racist domination and exploitation imposed by a minority regime in South Africa is a flagrant violation of the charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . [More…]
What further steps have been taken since the change of government in 1975 to implement abolition of the racist, feudal State settlement laws and regulations in Queensland- an action which was promised by the Government? [More…]
The Minister for Health and Community Welfare would be one of the most racist people in any government in Australia. [More…]
In Queensland the most feudal and blatantly racist policy still exists. [More…]
The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs claims that he is ever so much more enlightened than his benighted Queensland Government which keeps Aboriginals in a feudal and dependent state, frightened to make any decisions for themselves; which keeps them bound by regulations which were exposed in the second annual report of the Commissioner for Community Relations, Mr Grassby; which keeps them bound to ask permission before they can even ring for a doctor and sometimes forbidden to do so even in cases where serious medical and obstetric complications have arisen; which keeps them bound to get permission before they send a telegram, which is censored; which keeps them bound to get permission before they bring a visitor into a Government settlement or to go out of a settlement and come back in again; which threatens that they will not be able to draw out their money even to pay hire purchase payments if they do not toe the line of some of the racist administrators. [More…]
I could go on for many days enumerating the racist policies of the Queensland Government. [More…]
accuse me of making a racist statement. [More…]
These are the sorts of responses which flowed from the actions of the Lands Commission seeking properly to discharge its responsibilities under law to Aboriginal people, that is, the action of seeking to purchase land for Aboriginal people in Queensland and of seeking a legal opinion about a racist incident in that State. [More…]
The Queensland Government in its policies on Aboriginal welfare has established a nasty racist record. [More…]
It has a Premier who is as stinted, defiant and racist as Rhodesia’s Ian Smith. [More…]
I accuse the majority of people sitting on the Australian Labor Party benches of being utterly racist. [More…]
-I submit that I said that they were all mainly racist, and I have not identified any individuals. [More…]
Every time I have said anything that was reputed to be offensiveI ask our Aboriginal friends here to note this- I have been subject to a sort of racist attitude. [More…]
I challenge him to say when any Government supporter has ever uttered one racist comment about any member of his Party. [More…]
I do not think we have to talk about the racist expressions of Government supporters; all we have to judge them by is their actions. [More…]
If the honourable member for Kennedy really wants to know a racist all he has to do is look at the State member for Kimberley in the Legislative Assembly in Western Australia. [More…]
Not only is he a racist by his acts but also he is a racist by his comments which are recorded in court documents. [More…]
He was accused of being a racist. [More…]
It seems absolutely incongruous to me that a person like that who is such a racist and represents an area such as the Kimberleys can get back into Parliament with the majority that he achieved. [More…]
For instance, the Office of the Commissioner for Community Relations has reported scathingly about the racist attitudes permeating the Queensland Government’s Aboriginal welfare policy. [More…]
It went on to point out that the whole administration of Aboriginal welfare in Queensland by that State Government is infected with these racist overtones. [More…]
These thoroughly unacceptable and outmoded racist principles have been enshrined in the legislation and policies on Aboriginal welfare of the Queensland Government. [More…]
He expressed concern about racism and yet he erected fiscal barriers to ensure that the Land Fund Commission would not be able to protect the rights of Aboriginals in Queensland against the incursion of the racist policies of that State Government. [More…]
It is a sell-out to the racist, repressive and regressive policies of Queensland. [More…]
I believe that a great deal of the non-implementation of these things comes from the ready acceptance of the attack upon Aboriginal programs by people in communities who are envious, racist or resent money being spent on other people. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs been drawn to Press reports concerning the establishment in Australia of an extremist and racist organisation known as the National Front which is calling for a policy of apartheid or separate development for Aborigines? [More…]
It has been a mask for the racist process of behind the scenes manipulation and intimidation. [More…]
In reality Dayan is no more than a racist butcher of the Palestinian people . [More…]
That is an excessively paternalistic and, quite frankly, racist attitude, which assumes that Aboriginals do not have the capacity to decide for themselves what sort of lives they want to lead. [More…]
I share the view of the honourable member that of course it was a racist approach. [More…]
Until the United Nations intervened, it was the venue, as was the Union of South Africa more generally, of the most odious, racist and repressive security laws- apartheid- of anywhere in the world. [More…]
That judgment is that Australia does not care, Australia is racist, Australia is discriminating. [More…]
We do not have today to go over the racist claims that were made about what would happen if many of the African countries received their independence. [More…]
The racists have a field day at the expense of all Africa because of Idi Amin. [More…]
Those people would make ideal immigrants to Australia, despite the fact that we have seen in the newspapers comments to the effect that, because of the racist policies of such countries, such people would be undesirable. [More…]
I am not suggesting that there is anything racist in that attitude, but I am making an analogy with our Aboriginal problem. [More…]
-I am not being racist, not really. [More…]
Resolution 341 1G (XXX) of 1975 requests ‘that the Security Council call upon the Governments concerned to prohibit any of their institutions, agencies or companies, within their national jurisdiction, from delivering to South Africa or placing at its disposal any equipment or fissionable material or technology that will enable the racist regime of South Africa to acquire nuclear-weapon capability’. [More…]
Resolution 31/61 of 1976 demanded ‘the cessation of any form of military and nuclear cooperation with the racist regime of South Africa ‘. [More…]
Resolution 33/183G of 1978 called upon ‘all States which have not yet done so- in particular France, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel and the United States of America- to cease forthwith all collaboration with the racist regime of South Africa in the nuclear field and to take measures to prevent such collaboration by corporations, institutions and other bodies and individuals within their jurisdiction’. [More…]
We have heard the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) the other day make what can only be regarded as a racist attack upon Labor’s programs in the area of Aboriginal advancement. [More…]
Many people will call this Government a racist government because of the attitude that it took at that time. [More…]
We believe that those groups in societies who may be especially disadvantaged because of residual racist attitudes are entitled to the fullest protection of the law. [More…]
I was very disturbed to hear the allegation of the honourable member for Port Adelaide that it is somehow racist in its application. [More…]
If so, has the Minister allocated an increase in any funds under his control to combat the reported activities of racist groups (such as the Immigration Control Association) in schools; if not, will the Minister do so. [More…]
One intended outcome of this program is to assist in combatting any racist influences which may seek to have an effect within Australian schools. [More…]
Annual Report, concerning racist publications from the USA being sent through the mail. [More…]