Contexts in which the word subversive was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
Would he support such a demonstration by a protest movement or a moratorium if one were to be organised in Australia, or does he agree with the delegate at the Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution who said: ‘Subversive elements plan to make American children live in an environment that is good for them’? [More…]
Will he confirm that the description of an accused as a ‘known demonstrator’ in court proceedings unrelated to demonstrations is prejudicial and subversive of natural justice? [More…]
It is very easy for shortsighted or subversive people to sneer at the deeds of defence preparation. [More…]
Will the Minister explain to the Chinese Government that Australian Rules football is a pleasureable, fresh and entertaining game and that it is no more harmful or subversive than ping-pong? [More…]
He also said that Vietnam went hand in hand with the Soviet Union for the military and otherwise subversive destruction of Asia and all that that threat implies to Australia Where do members of the Labor Party stand? [More…]
Not one person has been charged with subversive activities since this Government was elected in 1949 but Dr Evatt, who was Attorney-General in the Chifley Government, prosecuted the Communists and. [More…]
We could never enjoy any real security or even a sense of security if we turned a blind eye to the problems of South East Asia, to the aggressive and subversive policies of the Communist planners and nations, and especially to the recent activities of the Soviet Union in the Indian Ocean and South East Asia. [More…]
If the honourable gentleman had read Dr Davidson’s book - this, of course, would be highly subversive as far as members of the Country Party were concerned - he would have appreciated the point that was therein made that if a similar amount of money was expended in another and more economic industry, as much, or more, will be derived from more taxation from that more economic investment of capital than would be derived by investing that capital in something like more sugar in Bundaberg. [More…]
What I admire about these countries is the way in which they have moved by legislative action to control the subversive activities of Communists, people like Wilfred Burchett. [More…]
I respect and admire the southern African countries for their legislative action to control such subversive activities. [More…]
The article implied that there is something subversive, sinister or tin-Australian in such questioning by referring to the ‘low ranking politicians’ as a ‘kind of underground movement’. [More…]
If Communists, or any other members of the community, engage in subversive activities, illegal activities, activities calculated to destory order and good government, they will be dealt with in accordance with the law. [More…]
Those aged people were considered subversive; they were undermining the Government. [More…]
The reference to professional agitators, foreign traitors, subversive elements and sabotage of the economy are exact translations from ‘Pravda’ and ‘Izvestia’. [More…]
The Government was not prepared to allow subversive people like these come to the Parliament so it sent photographers out to photograph these poor old aged people, trembling with their hands waving and holding up grim banners asking for sustenance from this Government. [More…]
The Minister for the Interior sent his best photographers out because it was felt that these people might be subversive. [More…]
I want to see members of ASIO photographing these subversive elements in the Country Party and the rural industries. [More…]
I ask the Attorney-General: How many persons have been prosecuted for subversive activities considered to be detrimental to the security and national interest since the Liberal-Country Party Government assumed office in 1949? [More…]
They would not allow themselves to become the tools of subversive forces in this country, as present members of the Country Party have. [More…]
There was a time when no member of the Country Party would have been seen dead encourating Communism and other subversive forces in this country. [More…]
Nevertheless, its subversive activities have been most successful. [More…]
Of course, one wants to see co-operation not only with Communist China but with any country which is prepared to leave other countries, such as those in South East Asia, alone and with any country that is prepared to refrain from’ aggression and from assisting subversive elements in those countries. [More…]
I answer the first part of the question by saying that, of course, the activities of subversive groups in all sectors of the political spectrum are kept under continuing observation and investigation by the appropriate authorities. [More…]
countries, some of these threats to law and order and safety are the work of subversive elements who are adept at using democratic processes for their own ends. [More…]
References were made to professional agitators, traitors, subversive elements and the sabotage of the economy. [More…]
‘We must attack the ALP’s policies and its subversive Left-wing elements’, he declared. [More…]
If that had been, would continental China have had any reason to re-assess her aggressive, subversive and disruptive policies? [More…]
What sort of increase in subversive activity is the Government anticipating to justify increased spending of this magnitude? [More…]
Mark my words, Mr Speaker, neither the Minister nor the Government will fool the workers and the salary earners of this country by their continual clap-trap and subversive legislation against trade unions. [More…]
I believe there must be another more satisfactory way in which we can find out whether anybody in this community is being subversive. [More…]
These accusations are that we on this side of the House are somewhat more than subversive because of our actions during the conflict and our attitude now. [More…]
We spoke of the continuing danger of Communist subversive and insurgent activities throughout the region. [More…]
This blatant attack, an echo of the blitzkrieg tactics of some 30 years ago, demands a statement from the Government so that all Australians and the rest of the world may be left in no doubt as to where we stand in condemning this attack by North Vietnam to achieve by military means what it has been unable to achieve by other means, including the now familiar subversive and terrorist tactics of the socalled war of national liberation. [More…]
Another lesson might be the realisation that some of the evils existing in this world, evils such as under-nutrition, economic frustration, social stagnation and political injustice, may be more readily attacked and corrected through nonmilitary means than by military efforts to counteract subversive forces bent upon their exploitation. [More…]
Already the Commonwealth has made investigations into the alleged operations in Australia of subversive organisations from overseas, particularly as to whether certain kinds of operations were carried out by the Mafia or by similar types of organisations. [More…]
Crown Law officers and the Attorney-General also have been investigating allegations that people formerly resident in Australia were involved in subversive operations in another country. [More…]
I go along with the honourable gentleman when he suggests that not only should we be looking at the activities of the types of subversive organisations I have mentioned which engage in threats, intimidation and other kinds of atrocities but that also we should be interested in those which by force and by other forms of objectionable practice are determined to overthrow democracy in this country. [More…]
Lance Sharkey, the then National Secretary of the Communist Party, in his book ‘The Trade Unions’, made it clear that the purpose is not primarily to bring about economies of scale and an increase of power in industrial relations, but rather to increase the political power of unions as revolutionary weapons - an objective which ought to be alien to trade unionism and which is essentially political and subversive in character. [More…]
Not one person has been found guilty or even bean charged in relation to subversive activities in Australia since 1949. [More…]
The first concerns the difficulties of democratic governments in dealing with large scale lawlessness organised by tightly knit subversive minorities. [More…]
Was the raid by security officers on the homes of a number of Croatian-born Australians, made under the provisions of section 38 of the Crimes Act, seeking evidence of whether Australia is being used as a base for subversive actions against a foreign power? [More…]
When is it intended to take the same action to determine whether certain Australians - I mention George Crawford as one - who recently visited North Vietnam were using Australia as a base for subversive action in support of a foreign power in its campaign to overthrow the Government of South Vietnam? [More…]
It concerns me that members of the Opposition are not concerned with the innocents - the ordinary people - who have a right to go to a football match or anything else without interference from organised demonstrations which are really sponsored by subversive groups in Australia. [More…]
In all its forms, the device is thoroughly subversive of the democratic process. [More…]
Is the committee to investigate the way in which totalitarian nations abroad gaol Australians for what they call subversive activities but which are in reality only the expression of opinion? [More…]
The Committee also considered that the device of creating substantial disparities in the number of enrolled voters and so securing for a political party greater representation than it should have is, to quote the words of the Committee, ‘in all its forms thoroughly subversive of the democratic process’. [More…]
So if a person belonged to a subversive organisation and he was likely to be a threat to the security of the country, of course we would have a right to exclude that person from employment in sensitive areas of government where his bent or prejudice could be of detriment to the country’s security. [More…]
The Prime Minister in his typical Big Brother attitude has given orders to TAA to destroy all of these subversive pamphlets. [More…]
It would be thanks only to the subversive activities of the Opposition that our imported supplies of crude could possibly be interrupted. [More…]
I want to give honourable members a few brief facts in explanation and proof of this claim and I want to remind Queenslanders to look behind the facade, to look behind the false front of respectability, of interest and concern for Queensland people put forward by the Premier, and see what the real facts are, because if they return a National Party-led coalition government in the Queensland elections on 7 December they will in fact have elected the political front for that sinister, subversive, insidious organisation, the League of Rights. [More…]
In view of the subversive, irresponsible and politically motivated statements about Australia’s defence program by armchair strategists among the Opposition and their cohorts around Australia, will the Minister for Defence give figures on the preparedness of Australia’s defence forces today as compared with the last year of the Liberal-Country Party coalition Government, 1971-72? [More…]
A subversive speech was made by the Leader of the National Country Party of Australia tonight when he attacked the members of the Commission for carrying out the law. [More…]
It was a subversive speech. [More…]
A subversive speech was made by the Leader of the National Country Party of Australia tonight when he attacked the members of the Commission for carrying out the law. [More…]
There have been so many examples in recent years of spies being discovered in important positions of State overseas and of actions being taken to subjugate countries by interfering with their domestic processes that quite clearly there is a need to have an organisation capable of examining subversive activities and making sure that the government of the day is aware of the actions of individuals and organisations whose primary purpose is to subject the state to internal pressures which it could better do without. [More…]
It is deceptively easy to dismiss and deplore the anti-Kerr and anti-Fraser demonstrations as manifestations of a few loutish malcontents incited by sinister and subversive forces. [More…]
The only people who can gain if these amendments are not carried are those who have been running minority subversive movements in trade unions for more years than I have been alive. [More…]
Accordingly, they will, inter alia, refrain from direct or indirect assistance to terrorist activities, or to subversive or other activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another participating State. [More…]
That this House and the nation are entitled to better information about subversive communist activities in the community so that people may know who their real enemies are and may be enabled to take measures to protect themselves from them. [More…]
A small, weak and problematic West Bank state will be unable to deal with the Rejection Front’s subversive and obviously terrorist tactics. [More…]
Perhaps he is trying to be subversive in order to make people rather dubious about investing their money in Australia and to make them think that if ever there is another change of government there will be the quick implementation of Labor’s policy of nationalising the coal industry in this country. [More…]
That this House censures the honourable member for Oxley for his recent economically subversive public statements which, contrary to the accepted traditions of the Parliament, speculated upon the standing and strength of the Australian dollar upon which the economy of this nation is based, encouraged the likelihood of a major capital outflow from Australia as the direct result of his persistent predictions of an impending devaluation and as a result sought to damage Australia’s economic and financial credibility in the eyes of the world at a time when the honourable member for Oxley knew or ought to have known that Australia was in the process of negotiating for overseas loans. [More…]
At the very time when this Government determined to defend the Australian dollar at all costs the honourable member for Oxley, by public statements, engaged in public comment which I can only describe as being economically subversive. [More…]
In very simple terms, that means that people like myself, and indeed my children and the children of other Australians, will have to pay the interest bill on the loans which have been increased as a direct result of the irresponsible, subversive and economically sabotaging statements of the honourable member for Oxley. [More…]
His statements were economically subversive; they sabotaged the determination of this Government to defend the dollar; they have impaired our economic and financial credibility in the eyes of the world, and they have cast on this generation and future generations a burden to repay the additional loans which are now going to be made necessary because he chose to play politics with this nation’s most precious possession in economic terms, namely, the Australian dollar. [More…]
It will give this House an opportunity to indicate to the Australian nation that this House is not prepared to tolerate people playing politics with the Australian dollar; that this House and this nation are not prepared to tolerate politicians who make economically subversive statements; that this House and this nation are not prepared to tolerate politicians who are prepared to sabotage Australia when it is saying to the world that it requires a loan to defend its currency. [More…]
That this House censures the honourable member for Oxley for his recent economically subversive public statements which, contrary to the accepted traditions of the Parliament, speculated upon the standing and strength of the Australian dollar upon which the economy of this nation is based, encouraged the likelihood of a major capital outflow from Australia as the direct result of his persistent predictions of an impending devaluation and as a result sought to damage Australia’s economic and financial credibility in the eyes of the world at a time when the honourable member for Oxley knew or ought to have known that Australia was in the process of negotiating for overseas loans. [More…]
I second my colleague’s motion of censure of the honourable member for Oxley (Mr Hayden) for his irresponsible, not to say, subversive comments directed at undermining the strength of the Australian dollar. [More…]
-They were subversive of the economic strategy of this Government. [More…]
These reasons could be unrelated to any speculation of the kind that the honourable member for Oxley so mischievously and in an obviously subversive fashion has been seeking to promote throughout Australia. [More…]
On Tuesday of this week I had moved a censure motion against the honourable member for Oxley for making statements which, in the terms of the motion, were economically subversive. [More…]
-The honourable member for Oxley (Mr Hayden) has done so much recently by irresponsible, not to say subversive, statements to undermine the Australian dollar. [More…]
That is why I said on Tuesday-I repeat it today-that what he is doing is deliberately subversive of the Government’s economic strategy and to the extent that he should succeed-he will not- of the whole Australian economy. [More…]
That this House censures the honourable member for Oxley for his recent economically subversive public statements which, contrary to the accepted traditions of the Parliament, speculated upon the standing and strength of the Australian dollar upon which the economy of this nation is based, encouraged the likelihood of a major capital outflow from Australia as the direct result of his persistent predictions of an impending devaluation and as a result sought to damage Australia’s economic and financial credibility in the eyes of the world at a rime when the honourable member for Oxley knew or ought to have known that Australia was in the process of negotiating for overseas loans. [More…]
So the honourable member for Oxley was censured for making statements which were ‘economically subversive’, and I am quoting from the resolution. [More…]
But the total lack of fastidiousness, nay, ordinary human decencythe utter lack of any sense of propriety-displayed on this occasion by the Prime Minister is altogether unamusing, since by his outrageous conduct Mr Fraser has acted far more deeply subversively (using that word in its proper sense) than any politically subversive group could do. [More…]
I mean, it is not a subversive organisation. [More…]
What is the extent of military and subversive intrusion into the sub-continent, or the continent? [More…]
The memorandum stated that the task is to guarantee that the Commonwealth is free from external and internal dangers arising from espionage and sabotage, or from actions of persons and organisations, which may be subversive of the security of the Commonwealth. [More…]
Indeed, much of Mr Justice White’s report indicates that anything slightly left wing was treated as subversive and therefore worthy of the surveillance of the Special Branch agencies. [More…]
Thus in seeking to avoid what I call the Nixon perversion, there is a real danger of allowing an autonomy to the intelligence agency which is equally subversive of democratic interests. [More…]
The Bill defines activities to be watched or that are subversive as activities directed to promoting violence or hatred between different groups of persons in the Australian community so as to endanger the peace, order or good government of the Commonwealth. [More…]
He tends to believe that people who disagree with him are likely to be subversive and ought properly to be the subject of some sort of security check. [More…]
I think that it has to be said, frankly, that what is seen by the government of today as subversive, whether it be a Labor government, or a Liberal government or any sort of combination (Quorum formed). [More…]
I was making the point that what is seen by the government of today as subversive, can become by tomorrow an act of statesmanship. [More…]
Dealing with domestic subversive activity, he said: [More…]
The amount of domestic subversive activity in Australia has varied from time to time. [More…]
I fail to see the argument advanced by the honourable member for Melbourne Ports who spoke about the interpretation of subversive action being far too wide. [More…]
Thus activities considered to be subversive are also: . [More…]
I know of another occasion- I know of it because I was sitting here- when there was a revelation about the conduct of individuals which could have been criminal and could have been subversive. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Lionel Bowen) pointed out this afternoon, if it was a matter of providing something for the Army Minister, such as a report on a child in a school cadet corps who was thought to be harbouring subversive thoughts, yes, ASIO was absolutely capable of producing a report on that. [More…]
However, the surveillance by ASIO or left-wing radical organizations judged to be subversive or potentially subversive, and of the members of those organizations, has led to ASIO obtaining intelligence concerning the activities of trade unions which are controlled by members of those organizations or which the members of those organizations seek to control. [More…]
But it is also fair to say that a more balanced way of putting that would be to say that the level of such activity is probably at the lowest that it has been for a very long time, that there is sound reason for Australians to rest secure in the sense that Australia is, in a comparative way, relatively free of subversive threat. [More…]
No one can deny the existence of subversive elements within our own Austraiian society. [More…]
The citizens in the street would not appreciate the great depths of subversive elements which, like icebergs, generally remain submerged and out of the view of the general public. [More…]
To protect the rights of those people who call themselves Australians and who in the majority are law-abiding citizens, there must be some form of security organisation even if the socalled rights- the civil rights- of those few subversive elements have to be denied them. [More…]
It should determine when a perfectly legitimate point of view, though possibly considered to be extreme by some members of the community, is subversive. [More…]
Just because it is extreme does not make it subversive. [More…]
They consider any threat to their form of government to be subversive. [More…]
The clause does not say that those things are ‘ or ‘are to be defined as subversive ‘; it states that they ‘are to be regarded as’. [More…]
It is clear that this was not an ASIO operation but that somewhere in the State Special Branch in Victoria it was thought: These people are probably engaged in some kind of dangerous activity, therefore it is necessary to treat their activities as potentially subversive so far as Victoria is concerned and tap their phones. [More…]
I turn it round the other way: If ‘ultimately’ is taken out and if judgment is to be made as to what would be a subversive action, is the task too difficult to accomplish? [More…]
The Government believes that anybody or any organisation which believes in and has a commitment to the use of force or violence at some future stage, even though it may not be engaged in such activities at the moment or may not even intend to engage in them in the near future, for the purposes of overthrowing the constitutional Government of this country should be regarded as subversive and should be kept under surveillance. [More…]
I hasten to suggest to honourable members that, when we are looking at what organisations say they might want to do and perhaps looking at their constitutions, there is no certainty that they will tell us in an obvious way at all times that their intention is subversive. [More…]
From the very nature of the subversive acts intended to be kept under surveillance it must be a matter of judgment, both by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation as well as by society, because a mixture of social, political and constitutional elements of the framework of Australian democracy are involved. [More…]
As he illustrated, a strike of one kind may have no subversive element in it at all but a strike of another kind, such as the great coal strikes of the late 1940s led and underwritten by communist elements in this country, had, one could say, as their ultimate intention the overthrow or destruction of the constitutional government of this country. [More…]
We believe, as the Hope Commission did, that any body or any organisation which believes in or has a commitment to the use of force or violence at some future stage, even though it may not be engaged in such activities at the moment or may not intend to engage in them in the near future, for the purpose of overthrowing the constitutional government of the country, should be regarded as subversive and therefore should be capable of being kept under surveillance by the ASIO. [More…]
They were not all members of some subversive group. [More…]
Do honourable members opposite suggest that that is subversive? [More…]
It is nonsense to say that people who form groups to talk about a new ideal are subversive. [More…]
The Hope report clearly shows that there are subversive elements in this country but that they are basically within the radical right wing. [More…]
The simple advocating of a new Constitution for Australia would not be subversive in terms of the definition in this clause. [More…]
The simple advocacy of a republic is not subversive. [More…]
The Government is saying that if organisations have these sorts of subversive objectives- whether they want to make them overt in quite and obvious way or hide them in the bowels of their organisation- we ought to be able to look at them and be able to know what they are doing. [More…]
But the fact of the matter is that in terms of this debate people simply want to know, and want our security organisation to know, what is going on in organisations that are subversive. [More…]
We are defining subversive so the community will know what these organisations are about and what we believe constitutes subversion so that these organisations can be monitored and our community and our Government will be informed through the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation being able to do that. [More…]
It can be read narrowly, which is the way he chose to read it, that is that before the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation regards activity as subversive there were to be three elements. [More…]
When honourable members are dealing with this situation I wish that they would give a specific example in an Australian context of what they would regard as subversive activity. [More…]
If they could give just one example of a subversive activity - [More…]
I think that the Committee should remember that the commencement of a security file on any person is a significant disadvantage to that person, irrespective of whether any subversive or other activity ever takes place. [More…]
The persons that the honourable member for North Sydney mentioned are not the type of people who one would be talking about as ultimately taking part in a subversive activity. [More…]
They were know to have taken part and were taking part in a subversive activity. [More…]
From a drafting point of view, what activities are considered to be subversive? [More…]
A union dispute on the waterfront about a vessel being a health hazard because it had not been fumigated could be interpreted by somebody to be in some way, remote as the dispute may be from subversive activity, to be hindering the performance of the Defence Force because the vessel is being used for carrying supplies somewhere up north. [More…]
But they are still subversive, whether lawful or unlawful. [More…]
In fact, it may well be regarded as subversive under the terms of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Bill which we are discussing. [More…]
As with all the clauses in the ASIO Bill, there is a question of judgment on the part of ASIO as to what is considered subversive under this particular clause. [More…]
I would not want to have a situation in which a person employed by the Security Intelligence Organisation had to think about 400 times whether a particular activity was strictly legal or illegal before that person observed it as something which was potentially subversive. [More…]
Under that decision, if it were enacted by a Labor government, the Security Intelligence Organisation would be quite restrained specifically by this clause from taking note of activities which could be absolutely subversive because of the particular quirk of the government of the day as to what it regarded as legal or illegal. [More…]
If we say ‘lawful or unlawful activities’ the real hollowness of the argument comes through because what is being said is simply that activities that are defined as perfectly lawful are still to be deemed to be subversive. [More…]
When it is put in that way, 1 do not think that there is anyone on the Government side who would accept that wording; Government members would say: ‘No; we do not want to find ourselves committed in a statute to saying that lawful activity is subversive too’. [More…]
A person’s report may indicate that he once behaved in a subversive fashion. [More…]
For example, in the report of Mr Justice Hope the second definition of ‘subversion’ is given as overthrow by force and undermining by unlawful means and the definition of ‘subversive activity ‘ is given as overthrow of the Constitution by revolution or sabotage, overthrow by force or violence and destruction of Commonwealth property. [More…]
However, the surveillance by ASIO of left-wing radical organisations judged to be subversive or potentially subversive, and of the members of those organisations, has led to ASIO obtaining intelligence concerning the activities of trade unions which are controlled by members of those organisations or which the members of those organisations seek to control. [More…]
It is for that reason that we have said that we should look at the real motive for the activities in question and that any activity that is deemed to be subversive needs to be unlawful. [More…]
The ability to establish a security file on a matter which is deemed to be subversive but which is not illegal would seem to be an extension of the inroads into the legal rights of citizens which should not be tolerated in a democratic society. [More…]
Obviously it is the subversive people we are getting at’. [More…]
The Government has indicated that in its opinion an act does not have to be unlawful to be subversive. [More…]
A person acting in good conscience on a matter which has a content of conscience can, because he disagrees with the government of the day which has chosen to use its powers in a way which may be inadvisable but is legal, finds himself declared as a subversive. [More…]
-No one has ever been charged, but under this legislation persons can be deemed to be subversives without being charged, without the right of defence and without committing any illegal act. [More…]
A person can be said to be a subversive without having committed an illegal act. [More…]
The fact is that the Commonwealth Crimes Act and the State Crimes Acts are adequate to cover any subversive activity which is likely to occur in Australia. [More…]
We also recognise that people who provoke violence are certainly acting in a subversive way. [More…]
The hatred that was promoted was as subversive- in fact history verifies it- as the actual physical violence that was promoted. [More…]
Concepts of democracy have been, and still are in some countries, classified as being subversive. [More…]
Five hundred years ago the idea of the earth being round was considered subversive. [More…]
I acknowledge that there may be some difficulty in defining the matter, but Opposition members ought to give credit to the Government for the fact that, rather than just talking about subversion and leaving it to somebody else to think about that might be subversive, it has attempted to define it. [More…]