Contexts in which the word tyranny was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
His ‘crime’, so-called, was that he resisted Nazis and Communist oppression and tyranny and was prepared to pay if necessary for that resistance with his life. [More…]
I was once warned as a younger man against the tyranny of possessions. [More…]
At the present time in the countryside the tyranny of possessions is very real because, although a person might have the assets on paper, he does not have the substance or the income, in fact. [More…]
Unfortunately, by lending their support and their names to these “Trojan” organisations within our ranks, they are bei’ng used as respectable fronts for sinister objectives, the ultimate overthrow of our democratic form of government, and ils replacement by a form of governments known for its absolute tyranny and totalitarianism’. [More…]
This is a tyranny of the majority - a complete denial of the rights of the minority within a democratic society. [More…]
Sixthly, we say that the Moratorium is wrong because it mentions the so-called corruption and tyranny in South Vietnam but there is no mention of what is happening in North Vietnam. [More…]
My understanding is that tyranny is more likely to occur where there are no elections and we know there are no elections in North Vietnam, but there are elections in South Vietnam in spite of every attempt made by the Vietcong to sabotage these elections. [More…]
Candidly, I do not think that in a democratic system we can do other than let the Executive take the initiative, but the Executive has to exercise its initiative with tolerance and without tyranny. [More…]
We fought for freedom from individual oppression and tyranny, andI was proud to be an Australian. [More…]
The possibility, remote as it seems now, is that the Chinese people may reject the tyranny of life under Mao Tse Tung or whoever comes after him. [More…]
If this is our standard of comparison we should be comparing also the disadvantages of what has been called, in a book of some consequence, the tyranny of distance, lt is here; it is with us; it will not go away and it is absolutely basic to the high costs of providing comparable services, and even better services in some cases, in Australia than in other developed nations. [More…]
This is a free, non-party vote to be taken by members of the Parliament who not only want to sec the Parliament work efficiently but also want the Parliament to be a permanent safeguard for the people of Australia against tyranny, despotism and the kind of abuse of power which governments sometimes take upon themselves. [More…]
It does not matter how tyrannical the other side is; if they are not Communist it is all right to support them and their tyranny. [More…]
But in Tasmania they are intensified by physical isolation and the almost exclusive reliance on sea transport bringing in its wake the problems of what one writer has strikingly called the ‘tyranny of distance.’ [More…]
Do not tell me that the Government and the Australian people in general go around looking for people to free from tyranny and to protect their independence. [More…]
On the other hand, order without freedom is tyranny and we will have none of it. [More…]
You submit to the tyranny of words once you try to define a right. [More…]
I have lived under the tyranny of Japan. [More…]
The Parliament’s members have enough difficulties through the tyranny of distance, as somebody called it. [More…]
Tn other words, T am saying - and it is something we should all consider - that unions try to impose their own tyranny on their own workers once they take the helm. [More…]
I believe that ultimately, if they keep on with these pressures, they will debauch the economy of Australia, they will impose then their own tyranny on the workers of Australia and the end result will be that the workers will be losers, not management as we know it today. [More…]
During the tyranny in West Pakistan the Australian representatives sat with the Pakistani representatives at a SEATO council meeting but apparently they did not feel that the matter was worth raising. [More…]
Men strike because tyranny and injustice have not yet disappeared from human affairs - they have merely shifted the venue - and because the spirit of freedom still lives and will not yield even to the law when the law becomes an instrument of class oppression. [More…]
If you are to substitute a sense of wilfulness for the authority of Parliament, if you are to say: ‘I do not want to evade this law because I am opposed to if, you invite the people of this country to walk down the road to tyranny. [More…]
I say this because if we are going to stick with the cities - and I am afraid we are stuck with them and the greater population will be there for a long time to come whatever we do; that is not an argument for doing nothing because they will be there - then urban renewal in the inner areas of cities is a much more profitable enterprise than continued expansion at the periphery because the very fact of expansion at the periphery brings in, to turn a phrase, the tyranny of distance which we have heard much of, and it much plagues economics and economies - the would-be economies - of this country. [More…]
Surely what we are trying to do is to protect the men against the tyranny of the union machine. [More…]
They want the Government to provide them with some protection against trade union tyranny. [More…]
It is concerned with maintaining the coherence of the trade union machine which can become - it is not always so - a tyranny over its members. [More…]
The members of the unions are naturally looking to the Government to protect them against the tyranny of trade union officials, and that is what this Bill is all about. [More…]
I have said in previous debates of this nature, and I again say unhesitatingly, that Parliament is one of the 2 main bulwarks we have against tyranny in this country. [More…]
I understand that members of that chamber, who apparently are more likely to defend their rights against the tyranny of ignorance - that is exactly what it is - in fact are increasing their facilities at the expense of members of this chamber. [More…]
We subject ourselves to the tyranny of words. [More…]
We must use our tyranny of distance constructively by locating the sub-metropolitan centres at points intermediate between the cities and the regional growth centres. [More…]
We had to get in first to show the world that we could have a first with East Germany, with these self-elected people, not appointed by the people of their country but self-appointed by tyranny, force and a lack of freedom in taking over the role of government. [More…]
In the past when those people have gone to the United States of America, to Australia or to the Western democracies of Europe they have made every effort to get away from the tyranny that 1 have mentioned. [More…]
We all know about the automatic devices used by the East Germans to maim, kill or terrorise those fugitives who desire to get away from the tyranny behind the Iron Curtain. [More…]
And still there are fugitives who will take this form of action to escape from the tyranny of these self-imposed leaders. [More…]
Only those who have experienced the privations of remoteness, the tyranny of distance and the loneliness of the outback really understand the need for these factors to be taken into account when drawing boundaries. [More…]
Any dramatic alteration of our electoral laws, as proposed here, will not alter the vital composition of this place as regards ideology or philosophy, but democracy will be threatened in that it will make for the tyranny of a 2-party system. [More…]
Any parliament should have the desire to protect members of trade unions against that kind of tyranny and abuse. [More…]
That is an indictment of the tyranny that permeates the Cabinet which governs this nation. [More…]
When Parliament does not operate freely and effectively the most important ingredient of democracy - that is, free speech and liberty - is replaced by bullying and tyranny. [More…]
This great mass of people could no longer stand tyranny. [More…]
In 1944 he played a prominent part in the victory of the French and the rebuilding of France from Nazi tyranny. [More…]
One of the things that the Committee of which I was a member did when it was in Darwin was to hear evidence from members of the Legislative Council about the future role of an autonomous local government in the Territory, lt caused me some degree of disquiet to hear the attitude of some of the elected members of the Legislative Council, because I fear that if their views are able to prevail in a future self-governing Northern Territory we might have a situation of tyranny by the majority of the minority in 2 particular respects. [More…]
We on this side of the chamber are out to protect individual unionists from the tyranny of the corrupt left wing in the unions. [More…]
All we are saying is that no 250 miserable unionists - I again use the Minister’s own phrase - should be made miserable by having to stand up against the tyranny and intimidation of their own left wings. [More…]
life may have had the courage to stand up against the tyranny of the unions. [More…]
Yet here he is coming to this place and abandoning the individual members of the unions to the tyranny of the organised left wing. [More…]
If this were an isolated case one could perhaps take’ less notice of it, but one knows that it is typical of the circumstances of millions who are suffering under Soviet tyranny. [More…]
Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. [More…]
In that sense a form of tyranny is brought about by that bad set of basic laws. [More…]
Quite clearly the people of the less populous States look to the Senate as a States House to overcome the potential tyranny inherent in the House of Representatives because the more populous States have the numbers in that House. [More…]
There is a numbers game in which the Government revels now but in respect of which Senator Murphy saw more than wicked tyranny in years gone by. [More…]
The tyranny of the House is the lack of time. [More…]
We went into the Second World War to remove from Europe and from the world the naked oppression of the Nazi tyranny. [More…]
This is why I now have a mandate for tyranny by their definition. [More…]
Mr Speaker, I remind you of the phrase ‘The Tyranny of Distance’ which is the title of a widely acclaimed book written by an old school mate of mine, Professor Geoffrey Blainey. [More…]
‘The Tyranny of Distance’ is one of the great determinants affecting the social, political and economic development of Australia. [More…]
All I can say is, Thank God for the Senate’, because in the Senate at least the tyranny of numbers is not used and cannot be used to stifle debate in the way in which debate has been stifled and is being stifled in this House. [More…]
One of the diplomats answered the questions very courteously by saying that more women worked in the Soviet Union that probably in any other country in the world, the reason being that when they were at war as our allies against the tyranny of Nazi Fascism, so many of their men were in the fighting forces that it was necessary for the women to do the men’s jobs. [More…]
No respectable nation could put up with that sort of autocracy, that sort of tyranny. [More…]
There are not many places in the Constitution where the Governor has any powers as such, but again those powers, unless they are to be potential tyranny, surely are meant to be exercised in the sense of ‘Governor-in-Council’, not the Governor as a paramount chief or trying to take to himself in 1976 powers that were discarded by the Crown in the United Kingdom almost 200 years ago. [More…]
Government at a central and distant point can never be government by the people, and may be just as crushing a tyranny under republican or commonwealth forms as under the most absolute monarchy. [More…]
- not by governments but by private individuals, people willing to take risks, to face the dangers and difficulties of isolation and the ‘tyranny of distance’, the apt tide of Professor Geoffrey Blainey’s recent book. [More…]
The tyranny of distance emphasises the difficulties of living so far away from the main centres of population. [More…]
Because of the tyranny of distance, the greatest problem in Leichhardt is communication in all its forms. [More…]
It is my firm belief and the policy of the National Country Party that those who live in the more isolated areas of the nation should not be unduly disadvantaged by the tyranny of distance. [More…]
This is particularly hard on the women of the outback, another instance of the tyranny of distance. [More…]
I urge all honourable members to go north and to see for themselves the problems imposed by the tyranny of distance and to see also the vast potential of the area. [More…]
Australia is a country of peculiar if not unique characteristics which puts it at some risk, at some definite handicap in maintaining a communications system under this tyranny of distance that we experience and the sparsity of population. [More…]
It is our task to see that Australia is a light in the darkness, a fortress of freedom, a refuge against the tyranny which could crush all men. [More…]
In a country as vast as ours where distances are so great, where we are subject to the tyranny of distance, it is an utterly unacceptable proposition that the services of these 2 commissions should be operated on a user-pays basis. [More…]
The trade unionists of this country must fight all forms of tyranny. [More…]
If they permit the form of tyranny to which this bill will give rise to stalk the country, sapping the life-blood of the trade union movement and the strength of the Labour movement, it will not be long before they will find themselves in the position in which their forebears were placed in 1890. [More…]
I make a plea to the Government to give every consideration possible to those disadvantaged by isolation and the tyranny of distance, such as the people in my electorate of Leichhardt. [More…]
When such an allegation is made at a time when general revenue payments to the States have been increased by 20.3 per cent this year and when a small State such as Tasmania has received an increase in revenues of 20.8 per cent, representing an extra $3 8m this year and $4.5m more than would have been received, under the wretched Whitlam formula, as Secretary of the Liberal Party Federal Affairs Committee, I respond to the accusation from the Opposition that we are abdicating our policy on federalism by asserting that we are bringing the concept of federalism back to this country after 3 years of centralist, socialist tyranny. [More…]
I believe that we should appreciate from the outset that what we have done is not only to restore the federal system of government to this country but also to build into that system bulwarks which will prevent Australians from ever again being subjected to the 3 years of centralist tyranny which they suffered under the Whitlam Government from 1972 to 1975. [More…]
Government at a central and distant point can never be government by the people and may be just as crushing a tyranny under republican or Commonwealth forms as under the most absolute monarchy. [More…]
A lot of false argument has been used to suggest that it was tyranny, that in some way the power to govern had been assumed by the then Opposition. [More…]
Among all the bogus examples from history about tyranny only one is relevant. [More…]
It is the suggestion that somehow or other the then Government might govern without Supply, like Charles I during the 11 year tyranny. [More…]
That country for over 30 years fought against the tyranny and exploitation of foreign business and foreign imperialism. [More…]
In Australia we face a tyranny of distance both within Australia and between Australia and the rest of the world. [More…]
Read that great book of history, The Martyrdom of Man, and see how the tyranny of the ruling classes was thrown off. [More…]
But as the IAC has said, when talking about changes which are taking place in our economy, there is a certain tyranny in believing that we can live with the status quo. [More…]
What can Australia do to resist policies of the United Nations moulded by what a former United States ambassador to the United Nations, Mr Scali described as the ‘tyranny of the majority’ which threatens the right of the individual country by acting to appease the communist bloc? [More…]
Yet the cynical Liberal and National Country Party members, who have a big majority in this House, used their tyranny of numbers to drag this institution through the dirt in the way that they did. [More…]
All of this comes back to what honourable members opposite were doing- using tyranny of numbers to do something which should not have been done- to seek to incorporate that document in Hansard. [More…]
They want universal dominion on the part of the union, aided in some cases by tyranny. [More…]
Once again, in many cases the complaints will be from individual unionists who feel aggrieved at the tyranny of their leadership. [More…]
To my mind this reinforces certain comments made about the power of the shop stewards, the usurping of constituted trade union authority, the British disease in this country, and articles written by Paul Johnson, that leading Labor Party intellectual in the United Kingdom, who contributed to the New Statesman on the new tyranny of the trade unions. [More…]
A large electorate such as Leichhardt suffers from the tyranny of distance and, because of that, from very poor communications. [More…]
In the last year there has been a number of Government initiatives which have helped to reduce that tyranny of distance. [More…]
All in all, it is a very sad performance on the part of the Government if this is the best of which it is capable in trying to give some measure of justice to the people who live in distant areas and who live under the hardships or, as they say, the tyranny of distance from the capital cities. [More…]
The moment democracy ceases to pay attention to the limitations and restraints which all governments must observe, it ceases to be a form of free government and becomes an organ of tyranny . [More…]
This Liberal Government will never become an organ of tyranny but the precedent we are setting provides the machinery for a future socialist government to act in a manner, according to the honourable member for Gellibrand, of passing legislation retrospectively, if necessary it says, up to several years retrospectivity. [More…]
We must take into account such disabilities as the size of the Territory, its population, the tyranny of distance which, as has been mentioned, operate on many aspects of the way in which people live in the Territory. [More…]
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, [More…]
The people have started throwing bricks at this Government and they have shown that they appreciate the sermons of which Mark Twain spoke and which we on this side of the House have preached against the tyranny of Fraserism. [More…]
But if you don’t accept the sections of the Act that provide protection for a union ‘s membership against the possibly tyranny of their paid officials, and if you object to those laws which protect the ordinary plumber and gasfitter against rules that are ‘oppressive, unreasonable or unjust’, and which give him a legal right to force you to observe the union’s rules, then why don’t you try to persuade your members to allow your union’s registered rights to be taken over by some other organisation and try working outside the Act? [More…]
But if you don’t accept the sections of the Act that provide protection for a union ‘s membership against the possible tyranny of their paid officials, and if you object to those laws which protect the ordinary plumber and gasfitter against rules that are ‘oppressive, unreasonable or unjust’, and which give him a legal right to force you to observe the union’s rules, then why don’t you try to persuade your members to allow your union’s registered rights to be taken over by some other organisation and try working outside the Act? [More…]
Because we obviously have no territorial ambitions, because we have proved ourselves a people who, over the years, have resisted tyranny and oppression, because we are willing to share our resources, because we have shown our practical concern and compassion for homeless refugees, and because we have never been part of the ageold rivalries and historic arrangements concerning our Asian neighbours, we nave the capacity to act as an honest broker in an increasingly troubled area of the world. [More…]
This Bill in the wrong hands is a charter for tyranny in the Public Service. [More…]
We would not seek to introduce measures which allow a licence for tyranny to be taken up by any head of department so minded to do so. [More…]
Let me suggest the following examples of market distortion by government interference or by business monopoly or union monopoly- I make no distinction- which are depriving Australians of benefits they should be enjoying, and where the position daily gets worse: Firstly, our whole transport system, where a population living almost entirely by the sea is denied by Government, business or union restrictive practices the full benefits of carriage by sea; where the economics of rail versus road are not even known because of numerous cross subsidies; and where competition in the air is stifled in the interest of one Government-owned and one Government-supported airline; and all this in a country suffering, as Blainey has said, The Tyranny of Distance’, dependent for its very lifeblood on the cheapness of transport; secondly, the postal system where Government monopoly and feather bedding result in less and less service at higher and higher cost, and where the organisation of alternative methods of communication is prevented by force of law; thirdly, the restrictive framework of limited trading hours, weekend and holiday penalty rates and other protective devices that are, on the one hand, denying consumers the goods and services they have a right to expect and, on the other, denying those who are prepared to work the employment which they seek; and fourthly, a banking system so regulated and controlled that it is difficult to distinguish one bank from another, and in which nobody knows whether the system is responding to new demands or merely moulding its customers into the patterns of its own inertia. [More…]
The tyranny of distance which has for so long added considerably to the costs of running a farm or property will be significantly overcome by these cuts. [More…]
Unfortunately, socialism works in devious ways and we have to show it for what it really is- a righteous rationalisation of totalitarian tyranny, in the name of the collective well-being of the proletariat, race or fatherland and in the name of public interest, brotherhood and equality. [More…]
Its result is an inability to produce, the destruction of the economic life, grinding poverty and, of course, tyranny. [More…]
Similarly, one grasps the meaning and importance of freedom only when one confronts political tyranny. [More…]
That is no more than a charter for tyranny. [More…]
That again is a charter for tyranny. [More…]
A satellite system has some unique characteristics which would enable it to overcome the tyranny of distance and to introduce services which would not otherwise be available. [More…]
Yet the Minister has proceeded with emotive statements about ending the tyranny of distance and the isolation of people in the outback when he does not know the costs or whether it is technically feasible. [More…]
- The mothers and the wives are the ones who have to bear so much of that burden of isolation and so much of that burden of the tyranny of distance. [More…]