Contexts in which the word unionism was used in the Senate during the 1970s
Is the Minister for Works aware that the Canberra branch of the Young Liberal Party recently carried a resolution stating that those who’ benefit from unionism should join unions and contribute to the costs of achieving union benefits? [More…]
In directing my question to the Minister for Works f refer to what I understood to be a statement by him yesterday when compulsory unionism was being discussed. [More…]
It is unfortunate that on occasions when he gets on to industrial unionism we see all the military training come out and a display of the hatred of those who have built Australia. [More…]
Let us take as an example- it is a purely hypothetical one but such a situation could occur- the case of the appointment to the Council of a gentleman like the former member of Parliament from Western Australia, Harry Webb, who had a vast knowledge of trade unionism. [More…]
I remind Senator Hall that the Australian Council of Trade Unions, which was formed in 1926, had as one of its major objectives industrial unionism, which meant inevitably the amalgamation of unions. [More…]
1 ) Do any Government Departments have a requirement for compulsory unionism for employees within the Commonwealth Public Service or within statutory authorities associated with the Commonwealth Public Service. [More…]
If there is no requirement for compulsory unionism, will the Minister assure the Senate that those electing not to join a union will not have the right to employment withdrawn solely on the grounds that they are not unionists. [More…]
I suppose they could, but they may not wish to, having regard to the status of the work which they are doing and the fact that they feel they want to remain separate from the general body of industrial unionism in this country. [More…]
It has been said that if a person goes into an industry where there is either compulsory or preferential unionism he is entitled to know how his union operates. [More…]
We have a system of government in this country whereby some people accept it as a responsible office to represent their people in Parliament for parliamentary purposes, lt is a very contemptible conception of the function of trade unionism for people to think they can organise mobs, disrupt industry and deprive people of wages for what are really political purposes. [More…]
In addition members of the Labor Party support compulsory unionism, with no freedom for the individual to make up his own mind on whether he should join a union. [More…]
I am afraid that certain elements which are working their way into some of the unions are eating into the vitals of trade unionism and are spoiling what has become a very great and valuable body of working people. [More…]
But is it and was it a principle of trade unionism that a person should deny management his services for a political reason in a politically inspired strike or a stoppage when, before he stops, he announces that the stoppage will last for only 24 hours or 2 days, so that it becomes merely a terrorist activity in the industrial world? [More…]
This is typical of the way that those favourable to the Australian Government have disrupted trade unionism at any level. [More…]
I think Senator Cavanagh, with his trade union background, would appreciate that it is well known that the present Greek Government is concerned with the virtual extermination of trade unionism, particularly the Greek Seamen’s Union. [More…]
As a possible by-product of the present Military junta in Greece, trade unionism was non-existent with resultant industrial exploitation. [More…]
With the extermination of trade unionism, the Government has introduced some form of incentive payments. [More…]
The Newsweek’ article agrees that their methods are ruthless and that they will do anything to bypass all the regular canons of trade unionism and the provision of reasonable conditions. [More…]
I think it is interesting to see this development in the high priest of trade unionism in Australia because, if the industrial power was to be utilised in the way it was threatened to be utilised, it would have had the effect of depriving those who were employed by the companies in the Dunlop group of the work and wages on which they were dependent. [More…]
I also think it is strangely inconsistent for the ACTU to be urging the principles of compulsory unionism and collective action as a condition of the supply of labour whilst it regards resale price maintenance as not permissible as a condition of the supply of goods. [More…]
I hope that the same principle will be applied in order to break down what is at present the vicious application of a principle of compulsory unionism and collective action. [More…]
The Democratic Labor Party submits that such political strikes cause not only economic damage, loss of wages and public inconvenience but, more seriously, they pervert the real role of trade unionism. [More…]
The quotations from the judgment show, for example, that the writers of legitimate trade union history, one of whom was Hancock, said that an original development of trade unionism in Australia was its decision in the 80s of last century to play a direct part in politics. [More…]
Parliament, anti-war meetings, law and order, pensions, compulsory unionism and the Springbok tour. [More…]
Unions and unionists would have to call a halt to political strikes and bans if unionism in Australia was not to be threatened, said Mr J. Maynes, Federal President of the Federated Clerks Union of Australia. [More…]
He said that unionism was being threatened by the activities of a group of communists, con-men and Johnnys-come-lately [More…]
It is a new trend in trade unionism for a trade union official to feel that he is superior to the law, that he can use violence in the streets and defy the normal processes of law in this country, that he can call on industrial stoppages to impoverish the economy of the nation and the workers in particular. [More…]
I ask the Minister: Recognising the great and enduring contribution which industrial trade unionism has made to Australia and to the general standard of working conditions, is it not a fact that effective industrial unionism depends vitally upon the active participation of all unionists in the bona fide affairs of their unions; and is it not further a fact that intimidation and apathy are the twin destructive elements of unionism? [More…]
In recent days I have seen reports of gallup polls registering approval by 70 per cent to 75 per cent of secret ballots in trade unionism. [More…]
When he asks me to assent to his proposition that the effectiveness of trade unionism depends to a large extent upon the active and purposeful participation by unionists in their organisations, I would readily agree. [More…]
The Opposition believes in compulsory unionism and everything else that is compulsory except compulsory service in the nation’s defence. [More…]
Members of the ALP agree with compulsory voting; they believe in compulsory unionism. [More…]
We did not have compulsory unionism. [More…]
But what happened to them in this great democracy, in this time of trade unionism, freedom and liberty? [More…]
I was just as enthusiastic about unionism as Senator James McClelland was when he was in the group movement, and I was in a union before I was required to be. [More…]
Can the Minister representing the Minister for Labour and National Service say whether it is the policy of Commonwealth departments and instrumentalities, including the Reserve Bank, to have compulsory unionism for staff members including those who are employed as cleaners? [More…]
If there is no policy supporting compulsory unionism, can the Minister say whether pressures are being exerted by trade union leaders to force people to join a trade union? [More…]
It would be well known that neither the Commonwealth Government nor any of its instrumentalities effectuates a policy of compulsory unionism. [More…]
I ask the AttorneyGeneral: What powers does the Commonwealth Government have in relation to compulsory unionism and the protection of the rights of individuals who do not wish to join a union? [More…]
Why has the Australian Country Party’s national secretariat sent a questionnaire to more than 50,000 members of the Country Party asking their opinions on topics from abortion, militant unionism and migration to the health of the coalition? [More…]
Why has the Australian Country Party’s national secretariat sent a questionnaire to more than 50,000 members asking their opinions on topics ranging from abortion, militant unionism and migration to the health of the coalition? [More…]
As this black ban is a clear case of compulsory unionism by threat and virtual blackmail, will the Minister point out to the trade unions the financial harm that they are doing to these people on Kangaroo Island who are already under great financial stress, in the hope that some semblance of decency and respect for the rights ot the individual might be shown by the trade unions lifting this most undemocratic black ban? [More…]
As the rights of the individual are being ignored by trade unions in their demands to enforce compulsory trade unionism on some farmers on Kangaroo Island by imposing a black ban on their wool, does this mean that any farmer who employs non-union labour on his property will be similarly black-listed, thus preventing the delivery of wheat and livestock? [More…]
I can remember Albert Monk, who was probably the most respected figure in trade unionism over the last 20 years, about 10 years ago at a conference on immigration, when the move to reduce the number of migrants was just as powerful as it has been in recent months, saying straight out: You cannot turn off and turn on immigration like a tap’. [More…]
He believed in justice for the working class, but he was very sound in his judgment on union matters and never subscribed to any of the foolhardy practices so frequently seen in the ranks of unionism today. [More…]
Soon there would be compulsory unionism, with the independent teachers and the Teachers Federation joined together, and the philosophy of teaching would be nationalised. [More…]
Four of those people were active in trade unionism in the Labor Party and in their own church which happened to be the Catholic Church in Sydney. [More…]
What has happened in trade unionism in other parts of the world must not be allowed to happen here, but it will inevitably do so unless something is done to prevent it. [More…]
This conference of federal unions condemns the anti-union legislation introduced into the Federal Parliament, by the Minister for Labour and National Service, Mr Lynch, which has as its objective the emasculation of trade unionism in the Commonwealth Public Service. [More…]
I think that what we have to do is to bring back responsibility into unionism in its relationship to the arbitration system and the acceptance of decisions by that system. [More…]
I am talking about unionism. [More…]
Before turning to a new subject, I want to refer to the proposals as to compulsory unionism outlined in the Minister’s statement of 7th December last. [More…]
Noting the overall policy of the Government of trying to weaken unionism we direct attention to ACTU policy of strengthening unionism by amalgamations and membership recruiting and urge affiliates to take all necessary steps to build membership and conclude amalgamations by taking appropriate steps consistent with ACTU policy to overcome existing barriers to amalgamations. [More…]
The Federal President of the Federated Clerks Union, said that the intentions of the Government constituted a serious attack upon trade unionism. [More…]
He said the proposals were designed at this time when white collar unionism was developing in Australia to interfere with the right of trade unionists to organise effectively. [More…]
I hope that Senator Murphy in his contribution to this debate will not tell us that direct bargaining is the answer to all the questions of trade unionism as the Communist Party does and as 1 have heard members of the Labor Party in this chamber repeat almost as a slogan. [More…]
When the Minister for Labour and National Service made his statement in the House of Representatives last December in which he foreshadowed this legislation he said that the Government was very concerned with the efforts of some trade unions to bring about compulsory trade unionism in this country. [More…]
The Government and, i believe, the community are opposed to compulsory unionism. [More…]
1 wholeheartedly agree and the Liberal Party agrees with the concern expressed then an efforts by some trade unions to introduce compulsory trade unionism. [More…]
The Minister foreshadowed thatth is legislation would contain some ways and means of preventing the spread of compulsory unionism by certain activities of some trade unions. [More…]
Such proposals would pose a major threat to the system of conciliation and arbitration and to Unionism generally. [More…]
One reason why these amalgamations are being sought by left wing unions is, of course, that it is an essential part of the policy of the Communist Party of Australia to destroy craft trade unionism. [More…]
Comrade Sharkey said that trade unionism in Australia has to be conducted entirely on shop lines, and that the Communist Party regards these craft divisions as a source of weakness and disunity, hindering the growth of revolutionary strength. [More…]
Another great gap between principle and performance is to be found in the Government’s provisions or lack of provisions as to compulsory unionism. [More…]
Once more the brave words of Mr Lynch at the time of the statement of intent were a proclamation of the great menace of compulsory unionism in these words: [More…]
We wilt amend the provisions of the Act relating to registered organisations to prevent unions from enforcing compulsory unionism. [More…]
Before turning to a new subject, I want to refer to the proposals as to compulsory unionism that 1 outlined in my statement on 7th December last. [More…]
Why did he need the fulminations of the Democratic Labor Party to find out that compulsory unionism had disadvantages and difficulties? [More…]
We stand firmly for strong, vigorous industrial trade unionism, not political trade unionism, not rule by trade union bosses but authentic rule by democratic process from the grass roots of the trade unions. [More…]
Not one of the speakers on the Opposition side has referred to this or to the enormously valuable steps that will be taken to help to strengthen authentic industrial unionism. [More…]
Until 3 years ago - and I pay this tribute - the industrial leadership of this country for the 17 years before that was by a great Australian, Mr Alfred Monk, who understood the difference between authentic industrial unionism and political unionism which exploits the worker. [More…]
Nobody has ever heard me on my feet or in writing attack the ACTU or even Mr Hawke or authentic trade unionism. [More…]
I am as strong an advocate as anybody in this place for trade unionism. [More…]
When the trade union movement moved towards the left and towards political unionism it did a grave disservice to its own people and the people generally of Australia. [More…]
I make the plea to the grass roots trade unions of this country to look towards industrial unionism rather than the anarchy of political unionism. [More…]
To that end Government supporters would be well advised to read the complete history of English trade unionism written by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the standard work on the trade union movement. [More…]
For as long as trade unionism has been on the agenda of history it has had to fight for its survival. [More…]
Referring to compulsory unionism, he said: [More…]
Earlier in my statement, I indicated the Government’s grave concern at the recent and continuing efforts by some trade unions to bring about compulsory unionism in this country. [More…]
Th Government, and 1 believe, the community are opposed to compulsory unionism. [More…]
We will amend the provisions of the Act relating to registered organisations to prevent unions from enforcing compulsory unionism. [More…]
It was the DLP that was pressing for compulsory unionism. [More…]
It persuaded the Minister for Labour and National Service who, after all, is the Minister responsible for industrial relations, to change his attitude to and to drop his position on compulsory unionism. [More…]
In fact, the law in that country encourages mergers of unions insofar as it discourages having parallel unionism within the same work place. [More…]
These are the basic problems of trade unionism. [More…]
The honourable senator said that that is a principle which is fundamental to unionism. [More…]
Mr Ducker is a distinguished member and, I hope, a continuing member of the Australian Labor Party, who is fighting for the same things for which the Liberal Party is fighting - that is to say, prosperous, democratic and reasonable trade unionism. [More…]
I echo what Senator Wright has said - that there is a body of responsible trade unionism in this country which abhors all of these activities and that the inability of that body of responsible trade unionism to express itself within either the trade union movement as a whole or the Australian Labor Party is one of the regrettable features of what has developed. [More…]
We find this situation even in the field of trade unionism today. [More…]
‘Does the Minister for Works agree with his senior Cabinet colleague, the Minister for Urban and Regional Development, Mr Uren, who is reported to have said that he is not in favour of compulsory unionism and that he believes that unions should be free and independent? [More…]
That expressed an opinion opposed to compulsory unionism. [More…]
I have always opposed compulsory unionism. [More…]
Some members of the organisation are so contaminated by the political atmosphere that they forget principle in order lo use this matter of unionism for attack. [More…]
1 note Senator Cavanagh’s interjection, lt is somewhat inconsistent with his statement only yesterday that he did not favour compulsory unionism. [More…]
Compulsory unionism is being forced on the Public Service by coercion because if a person does not join a union he will be entitled to only 3 weeks leave. [More…]
It seeks to bring in obliquely, by a backdoor move, compulsory unionism. [More…]
I know and Senator McLaren knows that the real reason behind Mr Clyde Cameron’s change of front after he won government was simply to ensure that as far as possible there would be compulsory unionism, and it is ridiculous for Senator McLaren to suggest that no-one is being compelled to join an organisation. [More…]
The third major point is this: If we are to submit to compulsory unionism in the Public Service, let it be open, let it be done by legislation, and let it be in accord with these great claims of the Labor Party that it will do everything openly, and let us not have it done by this back door method. [More…]
Let it say that if it wants to impose compulsory unionism it will put the matter to the test in Parliament and to the scrutiny of the Australian people. [More…]
But he and his government, provided for 23 years the vehicle of conscription to unionism in many industries. [More…]
We believe in preference to unionists, not compulsory unionism. [More…]
Mr Deputy President, I seek leave to incorporate in Hansard for the information of honourable senators the history of the policy of the Labor Party on compulsory unionism and preference to unionists from 1928 to 1969. [More…]
1 point out that for only a very short period, in 1942, was compulsory unionism part of Australian Labor Party policy. [More…]
New paragraph 10 (w) read: ‘That the Platform be amended to provide for compulsory unionism and that the Commonwealth Government be requested to provide for compulsory unionism by regulation.’ [More…]
As I have said, Senator Greenwood is one who would know exactly what has been canvassed in the area of compulsory unionism, because he was involved in many discussions on the latest amendments to the Conciliation and Arbitratioin Act. [More…]
Honourable senators will recall that in those discussions the principles of the then government were being examined as to whether some action might be taken to prevent compulsory unionism and to stop the principle of closed shops. [More…]
Provided no safeguards against Communist union officials strengthening their position through amalgamation of unions and threatened to weaken the position of Right-wing unions through the proposed ban on compulsory unionism. [More…]
When they were in Government they also said: ‘We don’t believe in compulsory unionism’, but they allowed the waterside workers, and many others, to have compulsory unionism. [More…]
They accepted industrial unionism as it existed throughout the various sectors pf industry. [More…]
I heard Senator Cavanagh’s argument that he did not favour compulsory unionism but that he favoured preference to unionists. [More…]
Surely, if you do not believe in compulsory unionism you do not believe in compulsory union political levies. [More…]
That was done to them by union officials in the name of unionism. [More…]
I believe that the Hursey case was a blot on trade unionism in this country, lt is something that trade unionism can never be proud of. [More…]
I do not think that the attitude should be adopted that trade unionism is a holy cow. [More…]
a strong supporter of trade unionism. [More…]
Honourable senators opposite believe that trade unionism is a holy cow which cannot commit no wrong. [More…]
He and I know that trade unionism is costing a lot more. [More…]
Trade unionism is costing much more. [More…]
Trade unionism could be strangled by some people talking about freedom and arguing whether it is a pacesetter for industrial gains. [More…]
We talk about -political patronage and trade unionism. [More…]
Firstly, a fundamental objection which I have and which I know my colleagues have is to the attempt to introduce by the back door the principle of compulsory unionism. [More…]
Let those people who believe, as I do, that there are moral reasons for people who gain the benefits of trade unionism to join unions - I was in such a position and belonged proudly and voluntarily to a union - admit that they cannot hope to achieve their ends by legislating for morality. [More…]
This thing called ‘preference to unionists’ is a backdoor method of compulsory unionism because the end is the same. [More…]
I can fully sympathise with those decent trade union leaders who want more people in their unions, who want more money for their unions and who, as one Government Minister said, need it because unionism is becoming more costly. [More…]
As in the case of its caucus, the ALP is to use the numbers game in trade unionism. [More…]
I remind the Senate that contained in this platform of the Liberal Party are impeccable principles regarding effective trade unionism. [More…]
This is not a piece of legislation aimed to improve unionism, to raise the standards of the Australian community or to help commercial and industrial working conditions. [More…]
Let me sum up by saying that there is no doubt in the world - the Opposition would be the first to concede - that everything that is possible to do should be done to achieve healthy, vigorous and voluntary trade unionism in this country. [More…]
Trade unionism in itself has its strength in voluntary unionism; it has its weakness, its destruction, in compulsory unionism. [More…]
Why is he advocating compulsory unionism? [More…]
This appeal points out that compulsory unionism for manual workers exists through economic strength. [More…]
The accusation is that my intention is to give preference, in the letting of contracts, to those organisations which support compulsory unionism in their establishments. [More…]
I have stated that nothing in the enforcement of trade unionism in industry would lead to anything like the graft which it was suggested by interjection tonight I might get from builders or that builders, by their method of operation in Australia, are getting from the Commonwealth. [More…]
Honourable senators on the Government benches are simply bemusing themselves when they say honourable senators on this side of the House would do anything to destroy or render inefficient the cause of trade unionism. [More…]
Trade unionism has grown during this century into a real contributor to our community life. [More…]
In private employment trade unionism grew against great difficulty and great hostility but in public employment we have the extraordinary picture tonight where a Labor Government in office, the creature in its own self of the trade union movement - the trade union movement is its heart and soul and the mainspring of its life - pits its reputation and pits its credit for impartial and equitable administration because it wants to promote trade unionism, it says, in the Public Service, that is to say, in the employment services of this Government. [More…]
We thought - God forgive us - that even under a conservative government the Public Service Board would be so mindful of sympathetic treatment of the Public Service that surely there would be no urgent need for rampant unionism against the government of the day in order to establish equitable treatment amongst individual public servants. [More…]
But no - bless your heart - Senator Bishop sits there, benign and complacent, representing a government which is so intent upon promoting unionism in the Public Service - a unionism to advocate the cause of the underdog, to see that public servants will get justice against the repressive demands of Senator Bishop and his colleagues - that we need to have preference for unionism m the Public Service. [More…]
Yes, I heard johnny.comelately’s statement but if the honourable senator would give me a little time I too could deliver a lecture on the history of trade unionism. [More…]
But tonight I am just making a few contemporary comments on the asininity of the grounds on which the Government, represented by Senator Bishop and Senator Cavanagh, puts its case that there is need for rampant unionism and preference to unionists in the Public Service as a matter of equity and fair conditions. [More…]
We have heard emotional language from Senator Greenwood and Senator Carrick in particular, phrases like ‘economic blackmail’, ‘coercion’ and ‘compulsory unionism through the back door’. [More…]
Senator Bishop, of course, had to remind him that the Government of which he was a member and previous governments of his Party had not always been consistent to his cherished notion that compulsory unionism is a great evil to be fought tooth and nail, in particular in the case of the stevedoring and railway industries where there have been cases of compulsory unionism. [More…]
Senator Carrick in the course of saying many extraordinary, hyperbolic, emotional things, made this extraordinary statement: ‘Preference to unionists is the same thing basically as compulsory unionism. [More…]
It is a back door method of introducing compulsory unionism’. [More…]
This is preference to unionists which Senator Carrick says is the same thing as compulsory unionism. [More…]
In this debate much has turned on whether this is in fact an attempt to introduce compulsory unionism by the back door. [More…]
I want to come now to this question of whether what we have in the case of the present determinations is in fact preference to unionists or is compulsory unionism. [More…]
One of the arguments that was put on behalf of the company which was resisting this application was just the point that the Opposition has attempted to make in this debate, that in other words the requests for preference were so wide in their scope and ambit that they really amounted to an attempt to introduce compulsory unionism by the back door. [More…]
In all of these matters the High Court held that to grant preference to unionists over nonunionists did not amount to compulsory unionism but was preference permitted by the Conciliation and Arbitration Act within the jurisdiction of the Commission and unobjectionable constitutionally. [More…]
Yet we are told by the Opposition that measures which do not compel anybody to join a union but which give preference in leave to unionists amount to compulsory unionism. [More…]
The question of compulsory unionism does not arise in this case at all. [More…]
Mr Hawke said in support of his demands that many companies in Melbourne would be blackballed if they did not support compulsory unionism. [More…]
After it had been announced, his view was reported in the Australian’ of 27th February last under the heading ‘Uren Hits at Forced Trade Unionism’. [More…]
Undoubtedly he believed that forced trade unionism was involved. [More…]
I noted a particular letter which referred to compulsory unionism. [More…]
However, one may be permitted to raise a questioning voice as to the Labor Party attitude on compulsory unionism. [More…]
Do honourable senators opposite know that Sir Kenneth Morris, one of the pillars of the Liberal Party in Queensland, introduced into the State Parliament legislation providing that there shall be compulsory unionism or, in other words, preference to unionists? [More…]
Preference to unionists is the same thing basically as compulsory unionism, lt is a back door method of introducing compulsory unionism. [More…]
It is promoting compulsory unionism by stealth or back door methods. [More…]
The other day in reply to a question Senator Cavanagh, the Minister for Works, said that he does not believe in compulsory unionism. [More…]
He said that he believes in voluntary unionism. [More…]
We believe in trade unionism. [More…]
But in the course of this debate there has been a lot of discussion about compulsory unionism. [More…]
A number of speakers, and Senator Cavanagh in particular, made the point that they were opposed to compulsory unionism. [More…]
But I think Senator Cavanagh should have qualified bis remark and explained what he meant by opposition to compulsory unionism. [More…]
There was a powerful move in the trade unions to introduce compulsory unionism in States where Labor was in power. [More…]
The right wing unions went cold because it was pointed out to them by the legislators that if compulsory trade unionism was introduced a Bill of Rights would have to be introduced for the individual trade unionists who were forced to join a union. [More…]
So the Australian Labor Party and many of the right wing unions decided to oppose compulsory unionism by law. [More…]
The other reason that was put forward - Senator Cavanagh would know this - was that a number of left wing unions said that if compulsory unionism was brought in and people were forced to join unions they would probably be the conservative type and they would vote against the left wing leadership of the union. [More…]
The result was that people like Senator Cavanagh and others decided to oppose compulsory unionism by law. [More…]
But of course they are in favour of compulsory unionism by industrial action. [More…]
He believes that they should have the power to force a man to join a union by industrial action and yet he says that he is opposed to compulsory unionism. [More…]
We talked to him on this matter of compulsory unionism. [More…]
He said: ‘I do not believe in compulsory unionism’. [More…]
That is exactly the view of these noble hearted people on the Labor side who have thumped their breasts and said that they are against compulsory unionism. [More…]
They are against compulsory unionism by law because a Bill of Rights to protect the individual unionist would be necessary. [More…]
I believe in unionism and I belong to 2 unions. [More…]
It has a closed shop policy in relation to trade unionism. [More…]
So much was it nothing to worry about that all the militant unions in Victoria, including the Australian Railways Union, led by Mr Brown, the Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stove Making Industrial Union of Australia led by Mr McNolty, and the Amalgamated Engineering Union led at that time by Mr Car michael came in behind the Federated Clerks Union to enforce compulsory unionism in the International Harvester Company factory. [More…]
It does not really believe in trade unionism, or in enforcing it. [More…]
It took solid trade unionism on an industrial basis to force the company into accepting the principle of 100 per cent trade unionism. [More…]
It is compulsory unionism by stealth and economic blackmail. [More…]
I was quite amazed to hear Senator Cavanagh, who must have had his tongue well in cheek, in one instance say T do not believe in compulsory unionism’, and then in the next say ‘But I do not believe that a person who is not a member of a union should enjoy the benefits in certain awards’. [More…]
Senator Cavanagh on the one hand refers to voluntary unionism, but on the other hand he makes it confoundedly difficult for an individual to do other than follow his dictates if that individual is to be eligible for benefits. [More…]
Now that you have mentioned his name, I remind you that he gained his power as secretary of the Queensland branch because of Australian Labor Party legislation in Queensland relating to compulsory unionism. [More…]
-It was compulsory unionism in Queensland, lt was an offence for an employer to employ anybody who was not a member of his appropriate union. [More…]
We of the Opposition believe in responsible trade unionism. [More…]
in defiance of its election policy, it attempted to introduce compulsory unionism for Commonwealth public servants; [More…]
All this unrest is based upon the creation of political unionism instead of industrial unionism. [More…]
They are clauses that were the product of a conservative government in the 1920s that had a phobia about trade unionism simply because an Irishman and a Scandinavian occupied dominant roles in our maritime unions. [More…]
On this occasion - apart from the fact that the determinations applied only to members of organisations which had made application for 4 weeks annual leave - the Public Service Board under the direction of the Cabinet, particularly the Minister for Labour (Mr Clyde Cameron), was confining the application of these determinations to members of organisations and was, by that method, providing a form of pressure towards compulsory unionism on members of the Public Service. [More…]
in defiance of its election policy, it attempted to introduce compulsory unionism for Commonwealth public servants; [More…]
So much thunder will be heard on the ethics of trade unionism that very little time will be given to the facet of the Crimes Act now under consideration. [More…]
The whole period in which we had a 2i per cent average yearly increase in inflation was a period in which, I remind the Senate, the great trade unions of Australia, through the Australian Council of Trade Unions led by Mr Monk, worked on the principle of industrial trade unionism. [More…]
Inflation was inflamed on the day when Mr Hawke and his left wing brought in this approach to political unionism - using unionism as a weapon of the aggrandisement, the power politics of union leaders. [More…]
It is clear that the Labor Government will not seek to promote or justify a public interest role if such a role would involve criticism of or adoption of policies not favoured by militant unionism. [More…]
While the Government is threatening to sub ject the combinations of business to the strict rigours of the criminal law, it is providing a freedom of action to the amalgamations of unionism in a way which no society which expects its Government to hold the balance between the powerful economic groups in the community can possibly tolerate. [More…]
By deliberate choice the Government is laying the broad path for the monopoly power of trade unionism. [More…]
There is no doubt that most Australians support the principles of trade unionism. [More…]
The Labor Party is a puppet government in relation to the cause of trade unionism. [More…]
If one couples that identity of purpose in Parliament with unrestrained, uncontrolled and unlimited power on the part of unions to combine to destroy industry, prosperity and employment, outside, one finds a situation in which the contest is between unbridled unionism- militant unionism - on’ the one hand and parliamenary government on the other and this must come to a real crisis. [More…]
Despite what I have said, I do not want to be misrepresented as one who is hostile to the institution of trade unionism. [More…]
Trade unionism is a welcome . [More…]
All this shows quite clearly to anybody who attempts intelligently to understand that unionism, together with all other commerce, can prosper only in a framework of law where the Tights of everybody are controlled and regulated according to the rule of law. [More…]
of legitimate trade unionism. [More…]
Trade unionism has done great things for the Australian worker but today I confess with regret, because I have always supported arbitration, that arbitration is on the way out. [More…]
in defiance of its election policy, it attempted to introduce compulsory unionism for Commonwealth public servants; [More…]
We found earlier this year an attempt to introduce compulsory unionism by subterfuge by intimating that 4 weeks leave would be granted only tq public servants who were prepared to join trade unions. [More…]
That may be so; but not everybody is in the position of being able, because of compulsory unionism, to increase dues to such a tremendous extent that the increase outstrips even the current rate of inflation in this country. [More…]
Is the Government carrying out a policy of compulsory unionism amongst airline operators, of whom the Government controls a majority? [More…]
This has nothing to do with compulsory unionism. [More…]
I do not think that it is in the interests of unionism in this country, nor is it in the interests of employers or the public at large if one can have numbers of employees who simply thumb their noses at an award that is made and say that they can do what they like and are not liable to be dismissed. [More…]
In this matter- a matter which I suggest goes to the heart of unionism- is the query: ‘What are we going to get for our labour, under what sort of conditions are we going to work?’ [More…]
The amendments were made for the purpose of making it more difficult for amalgamation to take place and for effective trade unionism to operate. [More…]
If we can achieve this we will be able to bring about much more harmony in unionism. [More…]
We want to move to a setup of industrial unionism’. [More…]
The Conciliation and Arbitration Bill was an enormous Bill, and again it has wide repercussions in the whole field of trade unionism and in the relations between the trade unions, industry and commerce. [More…]
1 was amazed to hear what was said on this matter by the doubting Thomases in this chamber because not so long ago when we had several debates on trade unionism the whole crux of the Opposition’s argument was that there should be little unions and not big ones. [More…]
Is it not beyond argument that the United Kingdom has been brought to a condition bordering on anarchy and perhaps dislocation as an economic unit, with portents of massive unemployment, by industrial chaos fostered by ultra-militant trade unionism? [More…]
in defiance of its election policy, it attempted to introduce compulsory unionism for Commonwealth public servants; [More…]
The unions’ trade practices of boycott, black bans, compulsory unionism and the exercise of power by monopoly of labour, with a consequent restraint on trade, are not only not punishable but are also sought to be justified and removed from examination. [More…]
Before I speak about the general purposes of this legislation I should perhaps make some comments about Senator Greenwood’s analogies between the corporate structures of capital and the corporate structures of trade unionism, as he called them. [More…]
The next categories are physical working conditions, trade unionism and other disputes. [More…]
Only one of the 7 categories is trade unionism. [More…]
In the Bureau’s records the definition of trade unionism includes not only demarcation disputes but also other things. [More…]
If we take the whole of that collection under the heading of trade unionism in the statistics for the March quarter of 1974 and for the 2 years prior to that date, we see that 5,085 disputes were recorded and of them 555 came within the category of ‘trade unionism’ disputes. [More…]
That is, 10.9 per cent- almost 1 1 per cent- of the total of those disputes were trade unionism disputes and demarcation disputes constituted only one section of that percentage. [More…]
One of the things we learn in trade unionism is that if we get knocked over verbally a few times we come back to the next meeting. [More…]
I emphasise that I make all these remarks with a basic belief in the importance of the retention of that for which trade unionism stands. [More…]
I wonder about the extent to which a number of problems which we face in Australia the moment in trade unionism arise from the fact that trade unions are basically occupation oriented rather than industry oriented unions. [More…]
I wonder whether the sorts of considerations which are set out from page 179 onwards in chapter 12 of the report of the Donovan Commission- the royal commission on trade unions and employers associations conducted from 1965 to 1968 in the United Kingdom- such as of the two types of multi-unionism and the problems which arise in trying to make a major change in the basic structure of trade unionism as it has been operating for some time, would indicate that it would be more desirable at least to hear a great deal more public debate taking place in the country, not with a view to destroying trade unionism in any way or for the purpose of union bashing but with a view to asking: How could they fulfil the accepted role more satisfactorily without the sorts of problems which exist and which are exemplified in the approach of the Government, which is saying at the moment that this Bill is necessary to overcome those problems, and the approach of the Opposition, which says that the present provisions will assist in overcoming the problems. [More…]
The Australian Government and the Australian Labor Party have done a great deal for trade unionism in this country.There is no doubt that from time to time some unions may not agree with everything that the Government has done, but it has been remarkable how over the whole of this century the great bulk of the trade union movement has stuck solidly with the Australian Labor Party. [More…]
This is just as true in the area of trade unionism as it is in any other area in this community. [More…]
I understand that there is a very significant number of Australians who consider that the Government of this country today is a pressure group representing not even the total forces of unionism but perhaps on most occasions only the attitudes of the radical leaders of some of the Australian unions. [More…]
If they are interested in the total integration of a great, free Australian society it is clear that advantages are to be gained from having a government educational institution that relates to trade unionism involved as part of the institutions which have a wider educational horizon. [More…]
It provides an opportunity for the Opposition to express itself positively in approval of the true principles and purposes of trade unionism. [More…]
-I think that this Bill demands a thoughtful approach on the principles of trade unionism. [More…]
-The principles of trade unionism are to enable the employees of the country to organise and gain power from unity for the purposes for which they subsist in our society. [More…]
Reference has been made to our system of arbitration and to the place of unionism in it. [More…]
It was Mr Justice Higgins who in his province for law and order said: ‘The system of arbitration adopted by the Act is based on unionism. [More…]
Indeed without unionism it is hard to conceive how the Act could have worked.’ [More…]
I should have thought that this authority should produce a curriculum, a group of students and staff who would not limit their minds to the mercenary midget considerations that seem to be synonymous in Senator Georges’ mind with trade union principles, but would go forward from a study of the terrific struggles of trade unionists in past times which are terribly enlightening with regard to the proper purposes of trade unionism today. [More…]
But the challenge that will expose its real merits is if we get purposeful employees pursuing the objectives of trade unionism- that is, by united strength getting better, improved conditions- and not if we have trade unionists whose aim it is to destroy the very system by which they and their families are supported. [More…]
Anyone who has read the Donovan report on trade unionism in England will know that that country is bedevilled by a multiplicity of unions. [More…]
I think that one has only to state that those matters are matters that demand real study if trade unionism is to take a much more acceptable place in our society. [More…]
It might well be argued that the trade union treasure chest is limited because the traditional role of the rank and file members of trade unions is to endeavour to live in a world of cheap unionism. [More…]
I have seen crocodile tears shed about the need for moderate trade unionism. [More…]
We have talked about the complexities of trade unionism. [More…]
Trade unionism in Australia covers a very wide field of human activity and personal relationships. [More…]
The formation of the Authority leads us to expect that greater educational opportunities will be available to people who require specialised training for their activities in trade unionism. [More…]
At one time it was suggested that insurance ought to be another enterprise of trade unionism. [More…]
British trade unionism has thus become a formula for national misery. [More…]
However, I believe that my description of the objectives of trade unionism in Britain as translated in a practical way is relevant to the tightest scrutiny and interpretation of the Bill. [More…]
The trade unionist in this country has yet to accept the responsibility of paying for good trade unionism, for good trade union officials, for good trade union researchers. [More…]
A trade union official is a public relations man who has not only to go out and spread the message of unionism and the need to become a part of that democratic system but also to front up to those members of the union who refuse to pay their fees or those workers who refuse to join the union and participate in or contribute to the upkeep of the organisation that protects their interests. [More…]
Trade unionism is a very important part of our community and of the industrial and commercial sectors of our community. [More…]
Senator Steele Hall has achieved notoriety in South Australia for his anti-trade unionism and for his trade union bashing in that State. [More…]
If it can get some entry into the areas of tourism and the oil industry that again is to be welcomed because it will mean that organised unionism will be participating in the functions of our society and will have a vested interest in the wellbeing of that society. [More…]
I am not suggesting that there is nothing new, and that trade unionism has stood still during the past 120 years. [More…]
I do want to indicate clearly that the aim of the trade union movement to acquire political and economic power remains now, as it did at the beginning, the principal objective of trade unionism. [More…]
Trade unionism owes its beginnings to the economic changes brought about by industrialisation. [More…]
I reject that notion, because while capitalism remains, the role and function of trade unionism will remain essentially unchanged. [More…]
In October that year- in Opposition- he was attackingand distorting- the Government and the AWU over compulsory unionism. [More…]
They were accused of making a secret agreement with retailers to enforce compulsory unionism, employees were intimidated and the Minister of Labour and Industry was encouraging the breaking of the Industrial Code’ because he is ‘ browbeaten ‘ by industrial leaders. [More…]
Companies might be directed to have compulsory unionism otherwise they will have no government contracts. [More…]
This is clear from the statements that have been made and it is obvious that we can expect the use of clause 17 and other powers in this Bill to give effect to Labor Party policies in the following areas: Urban and regional development, worker participation, compulsory unionism, compensation and insurance, import policies, environmental control, standards and efficiency in research, industry restructuring and so forth. [More…]
in 24 months’ time Australia could be floundering in the same evil bog in which the British people are at present sinking- a hideous morass compounded of rampant inflation, 5 per cent unemployment, crippling taxation, a huge and rising external deficit, irresponsible, power-drunk unionism, near bankrupt industries, business investment at a virtual standstill, declining living standards, a despairing, bewildered people, a helpless Government, a society in disarray. [More…]
People often assume that trade unionism and socialism are roughly the same thing; that a trade unionist is a socialist, and vice-versa; and that trade union and socialist activities are designed to secure the same objects. [More…]
Trade unionism is killing socialism in Britain, and it is time socialists did something about it. [More…]
If one reads the Sydney Morning Herald or the Australian one finds that all that the New South Wales Minister for Labour and Industry, Mr Hewitt, does is spend his time pontificating on the evils of trade unionism in New South Wales. [More…]
I hope and believe that this view will be accepted by trade unionism throughout Australia. [More…]
It ought to recognise that in the final analysis victory depends upon unionists imbued with that spirit of defence of true trade unionism, with the resource capacity to oppose those with other major resource capacities whose involvement in the trade union movement is to subvert it and to pervert it. [More…]
The moment that happened I imagine that honourable senators would be bowling up full tosses to Senator Durack about irresponsible trade unionism. [More…]
I do not say it was due to unionism. [More…]
In fact, I suggest it was because of a lack of unionism. [More…]
I happened to be talking with them about trade unionism. [More…]
I hope that Senator Button and the Labor Party cites as an authority his statements as they were recorded in today’s Press, because they are very significant in terms of political activity in trade unionism. [More…]
In the context of civil liberties, I know that if a girl started working at a kiosk there selling newspapers for a newspaper agency, if the union approached her within the first hour some honourable senators would say that that was trade unionism gone mad. [More…]
It could well be that, in view of the interdependence that we must recognise in the Australian scene, there is a case for an industry based concept of unionism. [More…]
Indeed one would assume that if Mr Young meant, by inference, what I have assumed he meant, that he places trade unionism in its traditional role of concern for the development of the conditions of the work force, wages and salaries, a measure of leisure time, how best to use it and how much to have, if these are the circumstances that are indeed basic to the trade union organisation- I believe they are and they are extraordinarily important- then Mr Young would regard trade unions as totally subservient to the political views and objectives of the people who lead those very trade unions. [More…]
That applies in trade unionism. [More…]
One group thought that Dr Lloyd Ross was the greatest gift to trade unionism and that he should occupy his post at the wish of the State council but never have to face a ballot. [More…]
I know that some of my colleagues such as Senator Donald Cameron are saturated in trade unionism and I could add many more such illustrations. [More…]
Senator Greenwood supported Senator Harradine in his attack on democratic unionism. [More…]
Society cannot be too concerned at the internal strife of unionism in Australia. [More…]
-Senator McLaren now raises the class warfare which is promoted by unionism in Australia. [More…]
I am a supporter of honourable and decent unionism which goes about its business of bettering the conditions of its members. [More…]
Often they have never known unionism before. [More…]
Over the past few years a combination of factors has led to a decline in responsible unionism on the part of some unions. [More…]
As is often the case, the backlash to that situation is an attack, not on the cause of the problem, but on the institution of unionism itself. [More…]
Senator Harradine ‘s major criticism seemed to me to be that the Government’s legislation does not require compulsory unionism, yet that in fact was the very first point under the heading of Organisations’ in the Government’s policy statement issued prior to the election in December 1975. [More…]
The growth of unionism in the United States of America has followed paths quite different from the paths followed by the trade union movement in Australia and the trade union movement in Great Britain. [More…]
I think the employer was able to play, to a degree anyway, the Victorian Secretary Maher against the New South Wales officers which was not good for unionism, nor was it good for the whole of the industry. [More…]
We will pass into law at the whim of this Government a piece of legislation which carries in it this little punishment for a peak council of Australian trade unionism because of its failure to immediately accept a proposition that was put to it by the Government in May 1977. [More…]
The first thing that that legislation set out to do was to encourage non-unionism in Australia. [More…]
The specific purpose of the first part of this Bill as it was originally introduced was to fly in face of that reference and to encourage nonunionism in this country. [More…]
Secondly, there was a specific encouragement in the legislation- a financial incentive- to claim conscientious objection from trade unionism. [More…]
This survey also found that only 1 8 per cent thought that trade unionism should be compulsory and 78 per cent believed that it should be voluntary. [More…]
Those are the results of that investigation of trade unionism. [More…]
I would be the first person to suggest that trade unionism has had and still retains important work to do. [More…]
We have now not only industrial unionism, we have industrial and political unionism . [More…]
Trade unionism is probably the greatest force in this country today and men in control qf it have used their power in a way which was never intended when trade unions were created. [More…]
As Senator Scott said, the survey found that only 1 8 per cent of the people questioned thought trade unionism should be compulsory and 78 per cent believed it should be voluntary. [More…]
When the Government talks about compulsory unionism, it must realise that the compulsion if for the good of all. [More…]
They are the best ones to respond to such a challenge, and through organised unionism they are able to do this. [More…]
People were asked whether they believed in compulsory unionism and whether they believed in unions going out on strike and so on. [More…]
Over the past few years a combination of factors has led to a decline in responsible trade unionism. [More…]
As is often the case, the backlash to the situation created is an attack not on the cause of the problem but on the institution of unionism itself. [More…]
As Senator Wright will appreciate, the Government itself gives to one union compulsory unionism yet it denies that right to every other union. [More…]
The Government itself provides to the Waterside Workers Federation compulsory unionism - [More…]
I should like to indicate to Senator Tehan that the Government provided compulsory unionism for one union- the Waterside Workers Federation- under section 29 of the Stevedoring Industry Act. [More…]
The point is that they have a responsibility to ensure that democratic unionism prevails. [More…]
I am concerned that in this type of legislation the Government is attacking the institution of unionism. [More…]
We know his feelings about trade unionism in this country. [More…]
Mr David Tonkin, the Leader of the Opposition for the moment in South Australia, led a protest by the South Australian community about compulsory unionism as it is applied in South Australia. [More…]
In that situation there was a history of three years of lukewarm trade unionism. [More…]
This ‘victory’ for short-sighted unionism will result only in the tightly-run operations which employ young people gettingrid of them rather than paying more in wages. [More…]
In October that year- in Opposition- he was attackingand distorting- the Government and the AWU over compulsory unionism. [More…]
They were accused of making a secret agreement with retailers to enforce compulsory unionism, employees were intimidated and the Minister of Labour and Industry was encouraging the breaking of the Industrial Code’ because he is ‘ browbeaten ‘ by industrial leaders. [More…]
Employers are effectively told by this legislation that if they have somebody working for them who is a conscientious objector to trade unionism, they cannot sack him. [More…]
It is designed actually to impose more restrictions on organisations and on workers who are about the business of trade unionism. [More…]
The basic problem in unionism in Australia today is that the union management has lost control of the unions. [More…]
Can he provide any form of assistance to these performers to enable them to have the greatest possible exposure before the general public so that we all can see and hear the foremost supporters of compulsory unionism within the Australian Labor Party? [More…]
We have now not only industrial unionism, we have industrial and political unionism . [More…]
Trade unionism is probably the greatest force in this country today and men in control of it have used their power in a way which was never intended when trade unions were created. [More…]
My question to the Minister representing the Minister for Primary Industry concerns a statement by Mr Sinclair who was reported in today’s Press as saying: Under Federal law compulsory unionism cannot be enforced’. [More…]
Are we to take it from the Minister’s remarks that the Government is about to repeal that section; or is the Minister aware of any Government acquiescence, in the current review of the stevedoring industry, in moves to force clerks, foremen stevedores and others out of their own unions and into the Waterside Workers Federation under a misguided notion of industry unionism, thus creating monopoly control on Australia’s waterfront, a subject in which I would have thought farmers would be most interested. [More…]
I seek to correlate Senator Harradine ‘s question on compulsory unionism and Senator Missen ‘s question on student unionism. [More…]
I will wind up by saying that the situation at the airport is not an area in which one would find what one could define as militant trade unionism, although I do not regard that as a vice. [More…]
It is a free university system so far as the government is concerned, and then the union moves in and puts upon the student population extravagant imposts in the way of fees for so-called unionism, part of which are to go to indirect political purposes. [More…]
They are being developed to bring in international unionism in conjunction with the operation of the Seamen’s Union of Australia and so put the union out of the reach of national governments, such as the Fraser Government, to control the waterfront adequately. [More…]
I was particularly struck by Senator Chaney ‘s comments last night when he was talking about trade unionism in the Pilbara. [More…]
I repeat that if, under the present structure, motions were adopted that contained a Party political stance, it might be said that this was the prostitution of trade unionism. [More…]
Is the Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations aware of widespread Press reports of the utterances of one Miss Barbara Biggs in the last week when she was recorded as saying, among quite a number of other things, that she had been a member of other unions in the past and might again be in the future and that in the proceedings before the Industrial Registrar or his delegate on the conscientious objection exemption matter she was ‘virtually forced to say what she didn’t believe’, namely ‘that all unions and the concept of unionism are bad ‘? [More…]
As you know compulsory unionism violates the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. [More…]
It is very serious and I hope that it will be a lesson that the officers of the Joint House Department are not just ordinary employers in the sense that they can throw their weight about and perhaps get in their own little pet idea that they can have a non-union man to show their own contempt of unionism; but that they have also to consider the smooth running of this Parliament. [More…]
Other great works of Liberalism have been the removal of the religious disabilities of nonconformists and Roman Catholics and the abolition of the laws against trades unionism. [More…]
Then she said that she was not getting any financial assistance at all, that she was simply a conscientious objector to compulsory unionism. [More…]
How real is her objection to unionism? [More…]
One of the ways in which I have been involved in overcoming that problem is through international unionism. [More…]
The Government time and time again has made it very clear that it opposes- as I am sure do the vast majority of the people- actions by powerful unions for political purposes, for demarcation disputes, and to enforce compulsory unionism. [More…]
I believe that sometimes some of our writers get caught up on continental literature as distinct from Austraiian trade unionism. [More…]
Compulsory unionism is with us in the form of blatant compulsion or is camouflaged under the cloak of preference at the point of employment, or by intimidation of waiverers or by rendering ineffective conscientious or other objection by an obligation on claimants to show cause why they should be allowed the privilege of freedom of voluntary association. [More…]
A person familiar with trade unionism in Melbourne and Sydney would not necessarily know whether a person in the Pilbara area had been a thorn in the side of the mining companies and be able to give a proper evaluation, hence the need for a large panel. [More…]
Most government supporters in the Parliament would agree with me that the principle of unionism is extremely desirable, that it is warranted and necessary, and that its introduction over the years has been good for employees. [More…]
Therefore, if we are to get Australia back onto the proper financial footing, with inflation levels under control, militant unionism surely must be considered its No. [More…]
But if the honourable senator had been fair and had taken a balanced look at the situation he would have gone across the line and examined the militant unionism system, which today is making irresponsible raids upon our economy. [More…]
All must agree surely that this is irresponsible unionism. [More…]
Yet there is, naturally, a part for unionism to play. [More…]
I repeat that I agree with unionism. [More…]
All I can assume is that militant unionism in Australia wishes to destroy the economy of Australia. [More…]
Obviously they can see that there is a future and that militant unionism can be defeated not only by the framework of government but also by the employees and the employers in the Australian community playing their part. [More…]
From time to time, the Government calls into discussions with the Cabinet the leaders of all the cross sections of commerce and industry and indeed of trade unionism in Australia. [More…]
When one looks at the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures on the proportion of total working days lost in 1977 and 1978 one finds that the six categories of causes of disputes are: Wages, hours of work, leave and pensions, managerial policy, physical working conditions and trade unionism. [More…]
In fact, the number of working days lost due to industrial disputes caused by managerial policy- not disputes as to wages, hours of work, leave and pensions, physical working conditions and trade unionism- went from 23.8 per cent to 25.6 per cent. [More…]
It is with a great deal of distress that I see a circumstance arising in which all we are going to achieve is to promote a view from one side that all trade unionists and all trade unionism are bad things. [More…]
When elected both in 1975 and 1977, there was no doubt in the mind of anybody who cared to investigate the matter that the Government parties were opposed to the principles of compulsory unionism and would seek where possible to bring about a situation in which membership of any such organisations was entirely voluntary. [More…]
I believe that the appropriate way of dealing with genuine objections is simply to start with the principle of compulsory unionism, if you like, but readily acknowledging the legitimacy of genuine conscientious objection and creating a mechanism, as the University tried to do when this matter first blew up in 1977, which will filter out the genuine cases and allow their position to be respected. [More…]
It has been put to me that in the past the Council of the ANU has not showed a great or real commitment to voluntary student unionism, although I am reassured by much of what [More…]