Contexts in which the phrase united states was used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s
The Minister for the Navy is no doubt aware that the United States Navy is using the hydrofoil with great success. [More…]
Can the Minister for Primary Industry advise the House whether the Australian Meat Board obtains sufficient information of the quantities of meat being exported to the United States of America early enough to ensure, through the diversification scheme, that supplies of meat to that market are regulated evenly throughout the year? [More…]
by leave - On 22nd December 1969, an F111 A of the United States Air Force crashed during rocketry exercises. [More…]
A number of committees, including the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board ad hoc Committee, were established to advise the Secretary, Department of Air Force, on the many scientific and engineering aspects of the problem. [More…]
To assist in the Australian evaluation as affecting F111C aircraft, three scientists of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories of the Department of Supply were sent to the United States of America to augment the engineer staff of the Royal Australian Air Force Project Manager. [More…]
The Government has decided thatI should visit the United States at an early suitable opportunity to discuss the whole matter with the United States Secretary of Defence. [More…]
Mr Laird has himself said that the United States must consult with the Australian Government on any modifications to the F111 contract. [More…]
If in the course of discussion it appeared desirable to do so I would expect to explore the alternatives to the present F111C, and here I would point out that the United States Secretary of Defence himself recently said: [More…]
Only yesterday I read reports that a number of abattoirs in New Zealand had been refused permission to continue to export meat to the United States market. [More…]
I might say that I do appreciate the unsolicited commendation of the honourable member and I agree with him that interest in the United States of America >n migration to Australia has certainly developed rapidly in recent years. [More…]
In fact, during the past 12 months some 3,500 United States settlers have arrived in Australia, an increase of some 27% over the previous year, which increase undoubtedly represents an accurate conception of Australia as a young and dynamic country with its best years ahead. [More…]
I observe, of course, that migrants from the United States are in fact of very good calibre. [More…]
As the honourable member is no doubt aware we do not, of course, directly promote our migration programme in the United States, in accordance with the wishes of the Government of that country. [More…]
However, so far as the forward picture is concerned 1 certainly assess migration from the United States as growing apace without any foreshadowing of dramatic developments, and we are looking forward to an increasing number of United States settlers coming here because they represent a quite valued source of migrants for this country. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that I learned first hand during my self paid for visit to the United States of America that his Department in that country had received 9,050 immigration inquiries during the month of January this year? [More…]
Can the Minister say what has been done to take advantage of this interest in terms of migration and how does he assess the United States of America as a future source of migrants? [More…]
arms to the Vietcong by Australian servicemen in Vietnam been brought to the notice of the Australian Ambassador by the United States Security Services. [More…]
The United States Government has set itself, publicly and privately, against acts contrary to the rules of war. [More…]
Is he able to say what is the average speed, including stops, of the fastest passenger trains between the eastern and western termini in (a) the United States, (b) Canada and (c) Australia. [More…]
Who are the members of the Australian Joint Services Staff in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) the United States, (c) New Zealand, (d) Malaysia and Singapore. [More…]
Is he able to say whether President Nixon decided to cut back the number of United States conscripts to serve in Vietnam from 35,000 to 12,000 as from 1st January 1970. [More…]
Has the Government accepted the reported offer by the United States to lend Australia 24 Phantom F4E aircraft until its F111 aircraft are proven structurally sound? [More…]
The Press speculation to which I refer arises from the visit by the Minister for Defence, Mr Fraser, to the United States, and after Mr Fraser has returned and there is any statement to be made it will be made in this House. [More…]
He said that I had said that the United States moratorium had been peaceful. [More…]
What is the total number of United States forces withdrawn from Vietnam following President Nixon’s decision to take this action? [More…]
When in June 1969, President Nixon announced the first United States troop reductions the authorised ceiling for U.S. forces in Vietnam stood at 549,000. [More…]
The United States Administration has indicated that troop reductions will continue beyond April 15, but no numbers or timescale have been the subject of official statement. [More…]
In a statement made on 22nd November 1969, the United States Secretary of Defence, Mr Laird, stated that the total draft call for January 1970, would be reduced from 35,000, the figure announced on 19th September 1969, to 12,500. [More…]
The Government is not aware of any statement by President Nixon or any other member of the United States Administration to the effect that either the number of conscripts or the ratio of conscripts to volunteers in the American forces in Vietnam would be reduced. [More…]
(b) The question of storage charges is still the subject of negotiations between the United States and Australian Governments. [More…]
This would be a matter for negotiation between the United States and Australian Governments. [More…]
Can he state whether there are any territories under the actual control or jurisdiction of the United States of America, the validity of which Australia does not recognise. [More…]
Can he also state whether there are any territories not under the actual control of the United States which the United States has formally claimed. [More…]
Presumably, the United States law to which the honourable member refers is the LaborManagement Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, section 401 (e) of which provides, inter alia: [More…]
Does he see any merit in the United States law which decrees that no union member whose dues have been withheld by his employer shall be declared ineligible to vote or be a candidate for office by reason of alleged delay or default in the payment of dues. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to recent press reports that United States authorities in [More…]
Has the Prime Minister seen the statement by the United States Secretary of Defence, Mr Laird, that America’s combat role in Vietnam will be ended in June next year? [More…]
After the meeting in Paris, the Minister will visit Britain, Eire, West Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Malta, the United States and Canada to discuss with the Government’s concerned problems and other matters relating to immigration programmes. [More…]
New Zealand, the United States of America, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the U.S.S.R. [More…]
I suggest to the Minister, to the House and to all honourable members in general, that they might at some stage think about this type of proposition bearing in mind that it is in fact at present in force in West Germany and that it has been considered in the United States. [More…]
I will ask the Minister or someone in this Parliament to make available for showing in the Parliamentary Library a film that was produced about 3 years ago which compared the life of a senator in the United States Congress and the provision of facilities for him, what he did in his electorate, his staff and so on, with that of a member of the House of Commons. [More…]
We should have that film shown in the Library so that we may compare what is offering to Congressmen in the United States of America with what is offering to members of the House of Commons in Great Britain so that we may get an idea of the assistance that is available to members of Parliament. [More…]
I can recall that the average Congressman in the United States of America, although the provision did vary considerably, had as few as 10 on his private staff and anything up to 25 or 30 who did research work for their member and provided him with speeches. [More…]
How many of the 88 persons whom he mentioned as having been arrested after attacks on the United States Consulate General in Melbourne (Hansard, 14th April 1970, page 1056) have been (a) tried and (b) convicted. [More…]
There are two regular flights per week into Australia by aircraft of the United States Military Airlift Command. [More…]
What regular flights are made into Australia by United States Military aircraft: [More…]
Will he prepare a further comparative statement on retirement benefits for members of the forces in Britain, the United States, Canada and New Zealand (Hansard, 29th May 1969, page 2576). [More…]
It is true that the United States of America has been extremely generous in the assistance that it has given to Romania as a consequence of the recent disasters that have occurred there. [More…]
Comparisons between the gifts of the United States and the USSR are odious and consequently I will not pursue them here this morning. [More…]
Is the report correct that the United States of America has sent nearly three times as much flood aid to Romania as Russia has? [More…]
It is the Government’s view that if the aircraft eventually meets our minimum technical and performance criteria, now agreed with the United States, we will be obtaining an aircraft with very high performance. [More…]
Is he able to supply particulars of the salaries and conditions applying to (a) pilots and (b) flight engineers flying (i) Boeing 727 (ii) DC9 and (iii) Boeing 707 aircraft in (A) Australia, (B) the United States of America, (C) the United Kingdom, (D) West Germany and (E) Sweden. [More…]
What was the value of imports from the United States in each of the last 5 years. [More…]
What was the value of Australian exports to the United States in each of these years. [More…]
Can he say in what instances the criteria or minimum requirements applied in his Department’s medical, educational, psychological and other tests differ from those applied by the Armed Forces of the United States of America, Britain and Canada. [More…]
Other aircraft are being developed in the United States of [More…]
This practice ii now being adopted in the United States. [More…]
(ii) New South Wales suggested, with particular reference to the United States, that the requirement of visas for tourists staying less than 30 days in Australia should be abolished. [More…]
I have not heard of the particular post which the honourable member says is held in the United States Army. [More…]
and (2) The document referred to is the full text of the Declaration by the Representative of the United States of America. [More…]
It is not, however, and does not purport to be, the full text of the United States Representative’s statement, in which the Declaration itself was incorporated. [More…]
This statement is available in the Parliamentary Library, in the United States Department of State Bulletin, Volume 31, July-December 1954, p. 162. [More…]
Does the document entitled ‘Declaration by the Representative of the United States of America’ July 1954 reprinted on page 17 of the Department of External Affairs ‘Select Documents on International Affairs No. [More…]
1’ of 1964, purport to be the full text of the Declaration by the Representative of the United States of America. [More…]
274 of 3 January 1969, in the United States of America. [More…]
The following tables bring up to date the answer supplied to the honourable member by my predecessor on 12 August 1969 in relation to numbers of taxpayers, income and income tax payable in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
Will he bring up to date the answer which his predecessor gave me on 12 August 1969 (Hansard, page 128) on taxation in Australia, Britain, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
Albania, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Italy, Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, San Marino, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Yugoslavia. [More…]
As this would be, in the long term, detrimental to countries such as the United States of America and even Europe itself, will the Minister continue to press, as he has been doing, for an international conference on matters of world trade? [More…]
Has his Department conducted a study of the potential for civilian substitution of military personnel along the lines of that prepared for the United States President’s Commission on an All Volunteer Armed Force. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister noticed reports that Malaysia’s new Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, has called for the neutralisation of South East Asia with guarantees from the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America? [More…]
He is no longer taken seriously in the United States of America. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a report that the United States Department of Agriculture has ordered the Shell Chemical Co. to place a warning on its ‘No-Pest Strip’ stating that these strips were not to be used in kitchens, restaurants or areas where food is being prepared. [More…]
In his State of the Union message in September last the President of Mexico announced that only the United States had objected to Mexico’s decision and reserved legal rights in this regard. [More…]
I ask the House for leave to present a petition from certain residents of the United States of America. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the enrichment of uranium in the United States of America is performed by a government instrumentality. [More…]
If so, has he- any information as to what the effect on the price and availability of enriched uranium would be if this responsibility were handed over to private enterprise in the United States of America. [More…]
Is he able to say whether married officers of the British and United States Armed Forces are provided with married quarters in which all furnishings down to cutlery are provided by the Government. [More…]
Between which airports in the United States and Australia does any United States airline provide, but Qantas nol provide, direct services. [More…]
As to the United States activities in the Fish Hook area of Cambodia, these activities were at the invitation of the Cambodian or Khmer Government. [More…]
Has the Foreign Minister seen reference in this Parliament from honourable members opposite to so-called ‘aggression’ by United States troops in Cambodia and their ‘invasion’ of Cambodia? [More…]
ls it a fact that Cambodia was purposefully invaded by the North Vietnamese at least a month before any South Vietnamese or United States forces entered Cambodian territory? [More…]
How many United States bases both scientific and military, are there in Australia. [More…]
What part is Australia playing in the defence of the United States through the provision of ICBM network tracking stations, aid to U2 Spy aircraft and nuclear submarines and other means. [More…]
Is it a fact that the $US34m paid for the lease of the McDonnell Douglas Phantom F4E aircraft covers maintenance and servicing in the United States of component parts of the aircraft. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the United States Department of State Bulletin Vol. [More…]
31, JulyDecember, 1954, page 162, in which the United States representative is quoted as saying at the conclusion of the Indo-China conference at Geneva on 21st July 1954 that his Government would continue to seek to achieve unity in VietNam through free elections supervised by the United Nations to ensure that they were conducted fairly. [More…]
1 of 1964 page 17, omit what the United States representative had said at Geneva on 21st July 1954 concerning elections in Viet-Nam. [More…]
Has his Department published any document in which it produces the full text of whit the United States representative said at Geneva on 21st July 1954 concerning elections in VietNam. [More…]
Geneva Conference on Indo-China: United States Speech (Question No. [More…]
This committee is closely watching developments in the United States and elsewhere on air bag protection in motor vehicles. [More…]
Will he confer with the State Ministers with a view to introducing legislation (a) similar to that announced by the United States Government requiring air bags in all new cars from 1st January 1972 and (b) requiring (i) nape supports, (ii) safer seat anchorages, (iii) safer door latches and (iv) petrol tanks resistant to puncture and ignition in new vehicles. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the United States Government has already introduced legislation, and the Canadian Government is considering legislation, for a Bill of Rights for rank and file members of trade unions that guarantees to each member charged with a breach of union rules the right to a fair hearing by an impartial body and to participate fully in union meetings and elections. [More…]
These concepts are under study in the United Kingdom and United States and Japan. [More…]
Can he provide figures comparable to those provided in the United States President’s Commission on an All Volunteer Armed Force on what the Commission called (pp 40 ff) ‘non-effective status’. [More…]
No doubt the question refers to the proposed motor vehicle safety standard ‘High Speed Warning and Control’ which was recently circulated for comment in the United States by the National Highway Safety Bureau. [More…]
However, the Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design, a Committee of the ATAC, is kept informed of the future programme of the United States Safety Bureau and will examine this proposal along with a number of other safety standards prepared by the United States. [More…]
Has the Australian Transport Advisory Council investigated the recent decision of the United States Government to introduce governors on cars to restrict the maximum speed to 95 mph. [More…]
How many of these aircraft were returned on loan to the United States Air Force? [More…]
The cost of the Fill aircraft is not broken down to flyaway cost and research and development but it is known that for domestic United Slates working purposes a research and development element is applied by the United States Air Force. [More…]
ls the Minister able to say what amount of Australia’s payments for the Fill aircraft has been credited lo the research and development appropriation of the United States Air Force. [More…]
Negotiations are proceeding with the United States of America. [More…]
Has he any information showing the rate of increase in addiction to (a) hard and (b) soft drugs in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia over a comparable given period. [More…]
I have some knowledge of the United States activity around Woomera, most of which are classified. [More…]
Can the right honourable gentleman give any information as to the nature of the United States installations in the vicinity of Woomera in South Australia? [More…]
On what basis does the Government ignore the emphatic and repeated recommendations of its expert advisory body, the National Health and Medical Research Council, solidly supported by advice from the Anti-cancer Council, that Australia should place a total ban on cigarette advertising on television and radio, as has been done in the United States of America, Canada, England, New Zealand, France, Italy, Scandinavia and Russia, in a genuine attempt to reduce one of this century’s major health hazards? [More…]
Is he able to say whether (a) the President of the United States of America has prohibited the use of’Orange’ in Vietnam and (b) there are members of the United States Air Force in Vietnam who are to be tried for ignoring this ban. [More…]
Can he say whether the President of the United States has taken action to restrict’ the use of (2,4,5-T) in that country. [More…]
25 United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1970: Second reading - Resumption of debate. [More…]
Let any member on the other side of the House say when he has ever uttered one word of commendation of the United States of America or when he has ever done anything but speak in the way in which honourable members from the Opposition have spoken tonight. [More…]
There is a big difference between my position as Prime Minister of Australia and President Nixon’s position as President of the United States of America. [More…]
France, Germany (Federal Republic), Greece, Holland, Italy, Malta, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America - [More…]
Did the original agreement between the Australian Government and the General Motors Corporation of the United States of America for the establishment of a subsidiary in Australia provide for (a) capital to be brought into Australia, (b) Australian shareholders and (c) publication of validated company balance sheets covering the subsidiary. [More…]
Are unwanted spare parts being returned to the United States. [More…]
That, in relation to the proceedings on the following Bills, so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the Leader of the House making one declaration of urgency and moving one motion for the allotment of time in respect of all the Bills: Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1971, United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971, Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Bill 1971, Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Bill 1971, Seamen’s Compensation Bill 1971, Income Tax Assessment Bill (No. [More…]
Can the Minister for Trade and Industry advise the House as to the present position of meat exports to the United States of America? [More…]
United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971 [More…]
In the United States’ of America, Canada and Italy the figure was 3 times as great. [More…]
Can he say what expenditure is permitted for (a) candidates and (b) organisations in general elections in (i) the United States of America, (ii) the United Kingdom and (iii) New Zealand. [More…]
Have discussions been held between the Department of Supply and other departments regarding the possibility of Australia participating in the Earth Resources Satellite Programme of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America. [More…]
That thetime allotted in connection with the Trade Practices Bill 1971, the Wool Industry Bill 1971, the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1971, the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971, the Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Bill 1971, the Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Bill 1971- [More…]
I suggest that it may suit the convenience of the House to have a general debate covering this Bill, the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill, the Air Accidents (Commonwealth; Liability) Bill, the Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Bin and the Seamen’s Compensation Bill, as they are associated measures. [More…]
In a letter to the editor published in the June issue of ‘Australian Quarterly’ the New South Wales Minister for Decentralisation and Development wrote that the proposed plant will incorporate the very latest techniques in terms of production and pollution control and that ARMCO has been a pioneer in the development of pollution control measures in the United States of America. [More…]
17255, an Act to amend the Clean Air Act to provide for a more effective programme to improve the quality of air in the United States of America. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the Clean Air Bill passed late last year by the Congress of the United States of America. [More…]
If such a measure is contemplated, will he ensure that it contains in the section dealing with moving sources of pollution similar provisions to those in the United States’ law and, in particular (a) provision for a reduction of 90 per cent by 1975 in the levels of emissions of hydrocarbons, etc., (b) the testing of cars to ensure compliance with standards, (c) grants for the development of inspection systems, (d) grants for research on fuels and vehicles and (e) permission for citizen suits to enforce non-violation of standards. [More…]
Your Excellency, 1 have the honour, with reference to our conversation yesterday, to confirm the Australian Government’s offer to send to Viet Nam an infantry battalion of 800 men, with some 100 personnel in logistic support, to serve, with United States forces in assisting in the defence of the Republic of Viet Nam. [More…]
On the question of conscientious objection, selective objection is unacceptable to the Government both in theory and in practice, a conclusion confirmed by a decision of the United States Supreme Court earlier this year. [More…]
lt would not be appropriate for the Australian Government to comment on allegations by a private organisation in the United States relating to aspects of United States policy. [More…]
If so, will he make an early statement on the allegations quoted in the white paper on pages 23 and 24 that United States policy has betrayed hill tribes in northern Laos by fostering their hopeless opposition to the North Vietnamese and then deserting them, contrary to Australian and allied stated policies not to jettison beleaguered minorities requesting our support? [More…]
The United States of America is the only country which advised that the penalty for aircraft piracy1 is death. [More…]
Is he able to say how the charges associated with the Australian Patent Office compare with charges in the United States of America, Canada and South Africa? [More…]
Is be able to say whether the Institute of Patent Attorneys has suggested that under current Government proposals Australian applicants will be taxed by the Patent Office at twice the rate of applicants in the United States of America and at four times the rate of applicants in Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. [More…]
Has there been any increase in passenger flight traffic between Australia and the United States of America since American Airlines were licensed to operate on this route; if so, what is the increase. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to revelations in the United States of America of improper practices by the controllers of the Reader’s Digest in that country. [More…]
I understand that the Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America recently accepted provisionally an undertaking by Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., of Pleasantville, New York to stop certain practices in connexion with promotional sweepstakes conducted by it. [More…]
Can he say what stage of development the airbag safety device has reached in the United States of America, [More…]
Which islands situated on China’s continental shelf have been administered by the United States under the terms of the treaty. [More…]
What further information has he obtained on the extent to which photographs taken by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration are available and useful for mapping and appraising Australia’s natural resources (Hansard 29th April 1971 page 2221). [More…]
Officers of my Department maintain contact with the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration in order that they may be kept informed of available satellite photography over Australia. [More…]
What sites in Australia for an Omega navigation transmitting station have been inspected by United States survey teams. [More…]
Since he has reclassified and tabled the letters to and from the Premier of South Vietnam on 29th April 1965 concerning the Australian offer of an infantry battalion of 800 men with some 100 personnel in logistic support to serve with United States forces (Hansard, 18th August 1971, page 230 and 19th August 1971, page 314), will he now reclassify and table the text of the communications about May 1962 concerning the dispatch of a group of Australian military advisers (Hansard, 25th September 1970, page 1754). [More…]
Did the Minister’s Department receive an application from World Airways to fly 15 charter flights from the United States of America to Australia. [More…]
What is Qantas doing to attract tourists from the United States on charter flights similar to those applied for by World Airways. [More…]
Has his Department investigated systems such as those used in the United States of America by Bell Telephone Laboratories where accounts are sent monthly, containing an itemised list of all numbers, dates and charges dialled outside the local area. [More…]
Will w have to meet large contingent losses if and when the United States dollar is eventually devalued? [More…]
Can the Minister say how many (a) doctors and (b) hospital beds there are per thousand people in (i) Australia, (ii) New Zealand, (iii) the United Kingdom, (iv) the United States of America, (v) Canada, (vi) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (vii) Common Market countries and (viii) Scandinavian countries. [More…]
Has the Minister for Defence seen a report in the latest issue of Aviation News’ claiming that more Phantom aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force are definitely on the production line at the McDonnell-Douglas plant in the United States of America? [More…]
The following tables bring up to date the answer supplied to the honourable member by the then Treasurer on 15lh September 1970 in relation to the number of taxpayers, income and income tax payable in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Will he bring up to date the answer which his predecessor gave on 15th September 1970 (Hansard, page 1158) on taxation in Australia, Britain, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The United States Department of Agriculture had required that pest strips containing dichlorvos should have the following warning included in the labelling: ‘Do not use in Kitchens, restaurants or areas where food is prepared or served. [More…]
The United States Environmental Protection Agency is now responsible for labelling requirements of this nature and this Agency requires the addition of debilitated’ in the second sentence of the warning statement quoted. [More…]
Is the Minister able to say whether the United States Department of Agriculture has declared that Dichlorvos vaporising strips should not be used in kitchens, restaurants, or where food is prepared or served, or in nurseries or rooms where infants, ill or aged persons are confined. [More…]
Are such raids authorised by authorities of the United States of America. [More…]
These islands have been administered by the United States under Article 3 of the Peace Treaty as part of the Ryukyu group and are included within the geographical area which the United States has agreed to return to Japan under the terms of the Japan/United States Agreement concerning the Ryukyu and Daito Islands of 17th June 1971. [More…]
1 understand the AttorneyGeneral has already been requested to report upon the propriety or otherwise of the activities of Sir William Gunn in the promotion of a company to sell parts of northern Australia, particularly in the United States. [More…]
Was it because the Government was fearful that the confidence of the United States of America and of other countries using Woomera would be undermined insofar as security arrangements in this country are concerned? [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
The loan of $11,310,400 is made up of $7,377,600 from the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America and 2 other loans of $3,106,300 and $826,500 from the Boeing Company. [More…]
No senior members of the United States Government visited Australia in December 1964 or January 1965. [More…]
Did Mr William Bundy of the State Department of the United States of America or another senior member of President Johnson’s administration visit Australia in December 1964 or January 1965. [More…]
The Government is aware that the application by the United States Government of a 10 per cent surcharge on imports could adversely affect many Australian export industries. [More…]
Accordingly, representations have been made to the United States Government requesting the removal of the import surcharge on a number of products, including wool. [More…]
The United States Government has not as yet answered our request. [More…]
Are representations being made to the United States Government to permit entry of Australian wool as an agricultural product; if so with what result. [More…]
Have the advantages of devaluation and its assistance to export industry now in urgent need of this assistance been fully considered by the Government in relation to the present economic policy of the United States of America? [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
So far as Pine Gap and some of the other Australian and United States joint defence establishments in Australia are concerned, the position is that there is a limit to the very small number of people who have a need to know in this area. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
In view of the fact that the United States Deputy Secretary for Defence, Mr David Packard, is to visit United States establishments in Australia, including Pine Gap and Woomera, can the Acting Prime Minister state whether it is possible to arrange for member of this Parliament to visit those establishments? [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
l seek leave to make a statement on my recent visit to the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
3453 (Hansard, 4th November 1971) will he provide (a) full details, for inclusion in Hansard, of the land rights extended to Aboriginal peoples in (i) Canada and (ii) the United States of America as sought in the question and now being obtained by the Australian Embassies in Ottawa and Washington and (b) the details sought in part (3) of that question in respect of Queensland. [More…]
F111 series aircraft are being employed in the active inventory of the United States Air Force both in the United States and in Europe. [More…]
Is the F111 series aircraft being employed in the active inventory of the United States Air Force; if not, is there any doubt that it will be so employed. [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
France, Germany, Greece, Italy,Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States. [More…]
The Army Assistance Group is a matter for Australia and the Republic of Vietnam; the proposals to train Cambodian troops in Vietnam involve the governments of Australia, the Khmer Republic, the Republic of Vietnam and the United States. [More…]
If so, will the OECD make a review of Australia’s national science policy on the lines of reviews made of Sweden, Greece, Belgium, France, the United -.Kingdom and Germany (together), Japan, the United States of America, Italy, Canada and Norway? [More…]
Can he say what amount has been obtained by the Government of the United States of America from oil lease auctions in each of the last 3 years. [More…]
The amount which has been obtained by the Government of the United States of America from oil lease auctions is: [More…]
Has he noted President Nixon’s statement last Sunday that the United States of America acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Straits maintain that there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China? [More…]
The United States Government does not challenge that position. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
As I represent the electorate in which the Brisbane abattoir is situated I ask: Has the Minister seen reports of a claim made in the United States Congress by Mr J. Melcher, a Democrat, that Australian meat was dirty? [More…]
There has been some discussion between the scientific side of the Department of Defence and representatives of the United States on the possibility of carrying out research in that area, but the SR71A aircraft would certainly not be used if such research were conducted. [More…]
If so, does the Minister recognise the appeal in the concluding paragraphs as directed at the Government to avert a crisis of waning morale, adequacy and efficacy in Australia’s health services, research and teaching as compared with those of Britain and the United States. [More…]
Has he seen a reference in the Press to the 1971 Foreign Policy report of Mr Rogers, the United States Secretary of State, in which United States relations with Australia and New Zealand are discussed? [More…]
If so, did it indicate any basic change in United States relations with Australia? [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America is expected to introduce laws on the handling of sea foods which could have serious effects upon prawn and crayfish exports from Australia to the United States. [More…]
Was President Nixon’s request to visit China in an election year directly related to United States domestic policy? [More…]
Will the Minister now give an assurance that the Government will speak up and act in accordance with the interests of the Australian people, free of any inhibitions to the United States? [More…]
and (b) The Ambassador and senior officers of the Australian Embassy in Paris maintain close touch with the delegations of the Republic of Vietnam and of the United States, to follow the negotiations, and to report regularly to the Australian Government. [More…]
Since becoming a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in June 1971, what steps, if any, has Australia taken to become an associated country of the European Nuclear Energy Agency, as Canada, Japan and the United States of America each is. [More…]
Army records show that 2 members declaring previous service with the United States of America Armed Services have joined the Australian Army since 1965. [More…]
Why are discussions not taking place on low fare passenger flights outside normal schedules with any of the countries in the Pacific, other than the United States, and in South East Asia, which have airlines providing scheduled services to Australia. [More…]
The talks at Australian initiative late last year and early this year between the Australian Government, European Governments and the Government of the United States on low fare flights have produced a most helpful and useful exchange of views. [More…]
How many former members of the United States of America Armed Services have joined the Australian Army in each year since 1965. [More…]
Reference has been made to teachers coming from the United States of America. [More…]
They can have their own way of life in the United States and I do not believe that we want in Australia teachers with the sorts of standards adopted in the United States. [More…]
Was the last and only occasion on which the United States of America reduced its discriminatory tariff on Australian wool in 1947 when the then Labor Minister for Postwar Reconstruction, the Honourable J. J. Dedman, secured a reduction from 34 cents to 25 cents a pound after some hard bargaining in Geneva. [More…]
If not, when can some results in this matter be expected particularly as United States agricultural authorities have indicated that the United States tariff is not only affecting Australian wool but destroying the United States wool market at the same time. [More…]
Did the Minister state in a press release on 25 January, 1972, that three Lockheed Electras were being converted in the United States of America from passenger to freighter aircraft at a total cost of $1,500,000. [More…]
United States Defence Bases in Australia (Question No. [More…]
Has Australia taken steps to develop bilateral relations on environmental matters with the United States of America as Canada, Japan, Mexico, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia and India have done. [More…]
Can he say what power the United States Federal Maritime Commission has covering freight rates? [More…]
United States casualties in Vietnam from 1st January1961 to 1st April, 1972 were: [More…]
The following countries other than the United States of America and Australia have the M60 machine-gun: [More…]
The United States of America has no noise certification requirements relating to supersonic aircraft. [More…]
5233 by the honourable member for Hughes (Mr Les Johnson) who asked, in part, which countries allow people under the age of 21 years to vote, I listed the respective countries and added that the following States of the United States of America also allow persons under 21 years of age to vote - Alaska, Georgia, Hawaii and Kentucky (see Hansard, 11th April 1972). [More…]
Later information has revealed that with the certification of the 26th Amendment to the United States of America Constitution on 6th July 1971, 18, 19 and 20 year old persons became eligible to vote in all County, State and Federal elections in the United States of America. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America has recently, imposed a limit on expenditure by candidates and public organisations in campaigns for the election of presidents, senators and members; if so, can he supply full details of this legislation. [More…]
I ask the Minister for the Army whether he has seen a report that an Australian Army major has been recommended by United States forces for the award of the United States Soldiers Medal for gallantry in Vietnam. [More…]
I believe that these vessels will have to go to the United States to have that work undertaken, but I will have to check that. [More…]
Great Britain, India, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Rhodesia, Singapore, South Africa, United States of America. [More…]
What salaries are paid to comparable officers of comparable institutes in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) the United States of America and (c) Canada. [More…]
Will these impact statements be public documents, as is the case in the United States of America, so that the Australian people and organisations will have an opportunity to examine them before legislation is discussed by Parliament? [More…]
Is he able to say whether the Secretary of the United States Treasury made a trading bloc offer to Japan in talks with the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Sato. [More…]
and (2) The people of Laos, including the Meo, are receiving support from the United States in their continuing resistance to North Vietnamese aggression. [More…]
Can he say whether it is the policy of the United States Government to provide all war veterans, including those who served in Vietnam, free treatment in their military hospitals without regard to whether their illness or disability was war caused or not. [More…]
How many pilots have gone to the United States of America to train on the Fill aircraft. [More…]
Complete records are not available of orders placed direct on industry by overseas countries, however, some information on defence contracts placed by United States sources is available and the details are as follows - [More…]
What was the (a) value and (b) general nature of the defence orders placed by the United States of America in Australia and processed by his Department in 1971-72. [More…]
Can he say what was the (a) value and (b) general nature of any defence orders placed direct on industry in Australia by the United States of America in that year. [More…]
Japan and the United States of America concluded an agreement on 9th February 1972, which took the form of a joint declaration by Japan and the United States on international economic relations. [More…]
My question is directed to the Minister for Trade and Industry and I refer to beef exports to the United States of America. [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States of America has lifted quotas on Australian beef imports to the end oi 1972? [More…]
If so, can the Minister say whether negotiations have been carried on between his Department and United States officials in regard to Australia’s position in 1973? [More…]
The purpose of this Bill is to make an amendment to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971 consequent upon the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1972. [More…]
As honourable members know, the United States Naval Communications Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971 extends to civilian employees employed by the United States in connection with the station the terms of the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1971 as if they were employees of the Commonwealth. [More…]
To extend to these employees of the United States the new benefit of compensation at the rate of full sick pay that is provided for in the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1972 it is necessary to amend the Schedule to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971. [More…]
Fourteen, including one officer who joined the party in the United States and then returned to Australia. [More…]
Has a parly consisting of an Assistant Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department and two leading Commonwealth Police officers, now in the United States of America, been asked to report on the question of hijacking of aircraft in that and other countries. [More…]
For the information of honourable members 1 present the official report of the Australian parliamentary delegation to the United States and Mexico. [More…]
Can he say whether credit is extended to farmers in Canada for periods up to 30 years, in New Zealand and South Africa up to 35 years, in the United States of America up to 40 years and in the United Kingdom up to 60 years. [More…]
Before the debate is resumed on this Bill I should like to suggest that it may suit the convenience of the House to have a general debate covering this Bill, the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill and the Seamen’s Compensation Bill, as they are associated measures. [More…]
I ask what action has been taken by the Government in relation to claims by primary and secondary industry for compensation for losses arising from revaluation and changes in the value of the United States dollar and other currencies? [More…]
Were any submissions received from the United States Government or representatives of it which relate to security clearances of members of his personal staff. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the press statement by the Minister for Overseas Trade on 28th December 1972 concerning the Minister’s attitude to the policy of the United States of America to North Vietnam. [More…]
The Premier of Western Australia did write, to me a week or so ago about the effects on the mining industry in Western Australia due to the fact that so many of the companies there had written their contracts in United States dollars and had not anticipated that the United States dollar would be, devalued vis-a-vis the Australian dollar. [More…]
Did the Prime Minister receive a request from the Labor Premier of Western Australia 3 weeks ago for the Australian dollar to be devalued because of the tremendous impact on the Western Australian economy of devaluation of the United States dollar, followed’ by the Australian Government’s revaluataion? [More…]
Is the Minister for Overseas Trade aware that Canadian and United States manufactured carpets are being offered on the Australian market at prices below those for Australian manufactured carpets because of changes in currency valuation? [More…]
Far from believing that any error was made in the decision that the Government took before Christmas on the value of the Australian dollar, I believe that every subsequent event in the United States of America, Western Europe and Japan has borne out the wisdom of the action which was taken and its timeliness. [More…]
I have not heard of any recent cases of imports from the United States of carpets which may be of the type subject to high fire danger. [More…]
Is the Minister for Secondary Industry aware of allegations that subStandard carpets which are banned in the United States of America because of their high fire risk are being imported into Australia from that country? [More…]
Can he say how the Australian labour turnover rates compare with those of comparable countries in the Western world including the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
When the Treasurer was in the United States of America was his attention drawn to the rapidly rising food prices in that country as evidenced by the increase of 31 per cent over the last 6 months in the farm products and processed food section of the American wholesale price index? [More…]
Can he inform the House whether such rapid increases in food prices in the United States in any way account for the recent increases in food prices in Australia? [More…]
The Government has embraced China, it has insulted the United States of America and it has raided the headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. [More…]
I understand that in the United States the Federal Government controls motor vehicle safety standards and that compliance with those standards by the automotive industry, both local and foreign, is mandatory. [More…]
A suitably qualified officer of my Department presently is overseas on a relatively brief trip assessing the experience in the United States of America, Britain and some Continental countries in regard to this matter, to ensure that the fairly obvious mistakes which I presume were experienced in those countries in setting up these centres are avoided as much as possible in Australia. [More…]
People’s Republic of China and United States of America: Diplomatic Relations (Question No. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States Government, in last year’s negotiation with the People’s [More…]
I believe that unless the Australian States through the Parliament were to decide to give the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory the status of a new State, in exactly the same way as the United States of America has admitted new States in latter years, everything that has been said to advocate senatorial representation for the Australian Capital Territory or for the Northern Territory is totally and completely invalid. [More…]
Is the European Economic Community under its Common Agricultural Policy exporting all rural products at an artificially pegged United States dollar rate based on the prevailing rate between the United States dollar and members of the Community as at May 1971. [More…]
I noticed that the Leader of the Liberal Party - at least, the Leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives - expressed the perfectly proper view that the Prime Minister of Australia when he visits Washington should meet the President of the United States. [More…]
Sir Robert Menzies, who was no mean leader of this country or practitioner of the political arts, went to the United States many times in his life as the bead of government in Australia - and I am informed that arrangements were never made that far ahead of his visit [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Is he, content to go to Washington and hope that arrangements might then be made to see the President of the United States? [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports from United States Air Force sources which assert, on the basis of experience in the Vietnam War, that the F111 was far superior to any other aircraft in its capacity to hit targets with precision in all conditions including darkness and bad weather, and with significant saving in aircrew, aircraft and cost. [More…]
Prime Minister aware of a recent statement by the officer-in-charge of Omega operations that if Australia does not allow an Omega base on its soil such a decision would be detrimental to countries in this region but would not affect the United States of America, that the Omega system has no relevance to nuclear missile carrying submarines and that an Omega receiver could not be used to send messages to such submarines? [More…]
United States of America: Immigration Inquiries at Australian Government Offices (Question No. [More…]
Has the Minister for Immigration seen reports based on a factual answer which he gave to a question on notice in relation to migration inquiries in the United States of America which would appear to indicate that interest in Australia by people in the United States has diminished? [More…]
Is there any method of comparing taxation in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America at different income levels, taking into account both direct and indirect taxation at all levels of government. [More…]
Did he state during his recent visit to the United States of America that Thailand and the Philippines should be prodded into a more realistic situation; if so, what did he mean by this statement. [More…]
-Will the Minister for Services and Property introduce legislate similar to that operative in the United States to make it compulsory for all political parties to disclose the source of their funds so that the Australian people can see for themselves how much foreign money is being poured into Liberal Party coffers so that it can sell this country out to overseas interests? [More…]
China, while the United States now conducts its meaningful relations with China through liaison missions in and from Peking. [More…]
My question is based on recent discussions in South-East Asia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference. [More…]
Can he provide comparable figures for all universities in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan. [More…]
It took the Government 10 months to prepare it after bringing in so-called expert advice from the United States of America. [More…]
Has Comalco Ltd decided not to set up a $500m alumina refinery at Weipa because of the 331/3 per cent appreciation of the Australian dollar against the United States dollar, because 33 per cent of overseas funds for investment here have to be deposited in the Reserve Bank and because of the removal of the investment allowance for secondary industries? [More…]
Did he publicly state at Sydney airport, in July 1973, that immigration inquiries at Australian Government offices in the United States of America were a record; if so, why. [More…]
The United States of America has lodged protests with the governments of the U.S.S.R. and Japan over their objections. [More…]
Has the United States of America lodged protests with the governments of the -U.S.S.R. and Japan. [More…]
It is a fact that Australian merchant seamen who served with the United States Navy in the New Guinea war zone during World War II receive no compensation payments for war wounds or effects from either the Australian or the United States Government. [More…]
As the honourable gentleman will remember, during the last 2 Parliaments I quite assiduously put questions concerning this matter on the notice paper to successive Treasurers - the right honourable member for Lowe, the honourable member for Wentworth and the present Leader of the Opposition - and was told that the Treasury was engaged in collecting and collating information about such funds in the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
If a joint Russian-Australian scientific base were established in Australia would it not represent a threat to the alliance between Australia and the United States and would it be likely to render useless any bases which the United States has in Australia today? [More…]
It is for that reason that a referendum is being put to the people on 1 8 May so as to adopt the same method of ensuring equal electorates in Australia in both the Federal and State parliaments as the United States Constitution ensures for the Congress and the State legislatures. [More…]
Can he provide statistics to show the annual rate of inflation in (a) Great Britain; (b) France; (c) West Germany; (d) New Zealand; (e) the United States of America and (f) Canada, during 1973. [More…]
What responsibilities do the United States and Australian Governments assume for orphans. [More…]
United States Establishments in Australia (Question No. [More…]
and (3) Consultations have been proceeding between relevant Australian Departments and United States officials on detailed procedures for implementation of the arrangements agreed upon in principle during my visit to Washington. [More…]
Did he announce on 10 January 1974 that during his visit to Washington agreement had been reached on arrangements to transfer to sole Australian management (a) the United States Air Force facility at Amberley and (b) a United States seismic station at Alice Springs. [More…]
Do United States aircraft engaged on supply missions, surveillance or similar operations in the Indian Ocean region use Cocos (Keeling) Islands as a staging point. [More…]
In addition to United States aircraft during the last year aircraft from other nations used the Cocos (Keeling) Islands as a refuelling or overnight stop as follows: [More…]
My Department is currently investigating the formulation of a suitable fuel consumption standard, and at the same time examining the United States voluntary fuel economy labelling programming introduced for 1974 model vehicles. [More…]
1 ) Is there an understanding with the British and United States Governments that their Forces will be able to use the naval facilities to be established at Cockburn Sound. [More…]
Is there any inter-departmental committee or committees dealing with any aspects of Australia’s trading relations with (a) New Zealand (b) Japan (c) the United States (d) Great Britain (e) the European Economic Community (f) the Soviet Union (g) China (h) India (i) Indonesia and (j ) any other countries. [More…]
Did Australian servicemen in Vietnam gain 416 United States awards and 604 Vietnamese awards; if so, what are the details. [More…]
Does the Minister realise the fundamental difference between the present Australian system and that which obtains, for example, with the Bank of England in the United Kingdom or with the various federal reserve banks in the United States of America? [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
What is the attitude of the Government to joining in an agreement with the United States of America to exchange scientific knowledge and technology in the solar energy field? [More…]
The Australian Government is receptive to any proposals to further scientific and technical cooperation with the United States of America, as with other countries, in fields of mutual interest. [More…]
On this basis, the Government has entered into a formal agreement with the United States to participate in a study on solar energy. [More…]
I cannot mention precisely at this time or in this place the countries that I shall be visiting but among them clearly will be the Soviet Union which for some time has been pressing for a visit, particularly since I have already visited the United States of America, Japan, China and Britain. [More…]
In June the Australian Meat Board estimated that exports of beef and mutton to the United States of America in 1974 would be 50,000 tonnes less than for 1973. [More…]
On 1 July the Acting United States Secretary of Agriculture announced that imports for 1 974 were estimated to be 549,000 tonnes but see ( 1 ) above. [More…]
What is the estimated total export of (a) beef and veal and (b) mutton in tonnes product weight to the United States of America in 1 974. [More…]
What is the estimated total import of meat by the United States of America, of items covered by the Meat Import Law, in 1974. [More…]
On the basis of the estimates given in answer to parts (1) and (3), what would be the percentage of total United States of America imports supplied by Australia, and how does this percentage compare with the recorded performance in 1972 and 1973. [More…]
Is the quota allocation to Australia inclusive of any subsequent trans-shipment to the United States of America; if so, why. [More…]
I conclude by saying that this Prime Minister on his last trip when he addressed the United Nations General Assembly and performed on the television program ‘Meet the Press’ in the United States was a great ambassador for this country. [More…]
1 ) What was the volume of ( a ) beef and ( b) mutton destined for the United States of America and rejected after inspection during (i) 1973 and (ii) the latest period of 1974 for which figures are available and the comparable period of 1973. [More…]
-Can the Minister for Labor and Immigration inform the House why he has so hurriedly deported recently to the United States a man named Utter? [More…]
21 on 25 July 1974 (Hansard, page 730), what stage have consultations now reached on arrangements to transfer to sole Australian management (a) the United States Air Force facility at Amberley and (b) the United States seismic station at Alice Springs. [More…]
United States Establishments in Australia (Question No. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Minister for Labor and Immigration been drawn to the report of massive dismissals in the United States car industry? [More…]
The Professor, who is a member of a U.S. Government Committee to advise Congress on water pollution management said that new and tough legislation in the United States aimed at putting the cure for pollution back on to those who caused it. [More…]
Can he say how many patrol frigates of the type which the Government proposes to order for the Royal Australian Navy have been ordered for the United States or other Navies. [More…]
The United States Navy plans to acquire a total of SO Patrol Frigates on an annual appropriation basis. [More…]
It will no doubt encompass research being undertaken in the United States on the environmental effects of Concorde nights and until this has been assessed and until the Australian community has had a chance to see the document and to comment on it, the Australian Government will make no decision. [More…]
What are the comparative costs expressed in Australian currency of the common (a) surface and (b) airmail envelopes sizes and/or weights in (i) Australia, (it) the United States of America, (iii) the United Kingdom, (iv) West Germany and (v) New Zealand. [[More…]]( -
Can the Minister say whether the Soviet delegation was prepared to vote at the meeting for the United States pro- posal for a zero quota on finback whales in the North Pacific Ocean. [More…]
Can he say whether the Union Electric Company in the United States of America is expanding its operation into this field. [More…]
1 ) Has he had an inquiry conducted into the effects on taxpayers of providing for a standard deduction to replace in certain circumstances, present concessional deductions, as provided for under the United States income tax law. [More…]
1463 I stated that there are officers in the Department of Defence and the Attorney-General’s Department who are knowledgeable in United States procurement law. [More…]
How many lawyers are employed (a) part-time and (b) full-time on defence procurement from the United States of America in (i) the Department of Defence and (ii) the Attorney-General ‘s Department. [More…]
How many lawyers were employed (a) part-time and (b) full-time on defence procurement from the United States of America in (i) the Department of Defence and (ii) the Attorney-General’s Department as at 30 June 1971, 31 December 1971, 30 June 1972, 31 December 1972, 30 June 1973, 3 1 December 1973 and 30 June 1974. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America banned the export of whale products in late 1 974. [More…]
If so, did Australia take delivery of some United States produced whale products after the date of the ban. [More…]
CSIRO has examined various possible approaches to control of water hyacinth, and concluded that biological control has the best prospects, especially as the United States of America has already carried out fairly extensive studies in this area. [More…]
CSIRO will introduce organisms that have shown promise in the United States and study their suitability for the Australian situation before their release at field sites is contemplated. [More…]
They include Denmark, West Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
The honourable gentleman would be aware that the Assistant Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr Phillip Habib, stated that the ANZUS Pact would be honoured by the USA. [More…]
This was confirmed by a visit to Australia a month ago on behalf of those firms which makes an assessment in this matter which is accepted by the governments of the United States of America, West Germany, and so on. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister the following question: Is it correct that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission asked for details of the $2,000m Connor loan? [More…]
Is it also correct that the Commission refused to allow the $100m loan with the United States to go through until such time as the Connor deal was cleaned up? [More…]
-This is certainly my understanding, and it has been reinforced by my conversations in the United States 3 weeks ago with the President, the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State and, of course, Mr Habib himself and then last week with Mr Habib and his officials in Canberra. [More…]
Over the many years in which I have had discussions with the Congress as well as the Administration concerning ANZUS I have never had any reason to doubt that it was supported by both those arms of the United States. [More…]
Has the Minister for Services and Property seen reports of evidence given before a sub-committee of the United States Senate that certain oil companies were engaged in the payment of bribes and the making of contributions to political parties in various parts of the world? [More…]
I would hope in considering those sections the Minister might look carefully at the United States law to see whether our own law can be widened to ensure that foreign companies, which are taxpayers in Australia bear their fair burden as do all Austraiian taxpayers. [More…]
I believe there are millions of people in the United States who admire the courage of this Government for asking for joint say in the control of a nuclear base which could involve Australia in war, a base which is wholly and solely under the control of the United States President who can give the orders to fire. [More…]
We all well know what happened to the last President of the United States and what happened in Watergate. [More…]
17) can be terminated by a year’s notice given on or after 9 December 1975 by the government of Australia or the government of the United States. [More…]
If this is still the intention of the Government, when does he propose to give notice to the United States Government of termination of the agreement covering the Joint Defence Space Research facility at Pine Gap. [More…]
Has the status of the memorandum of arrangements between the United States Government and the Australian Government relating to patrol frigates been changed? [More…]
The system under which we live is epitomised by countries such as the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
In the United States there are over 9 million unemployed. [More…]
It so happens that the voting systems of the various States of the United States of America were formulated outside the Congress of the United States. [More…]
They were determined by the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
While this does not constitute a ‘promise’, there is the implication that New Zealand will attempt to maintain its export prices in terms of United States dollars for farm products. [More…]
Has New Zealand maintained the export price for skim milk powder in terms of United States dollars, as promised, since the 1 5 per cent devaluation. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware that widespread flooding and the consequent transport dislocations are not allowing Queensland meat producers and meat works to share in shipments of beef to the United States of America? [More…]
Is the Minister in a position to advise what the United States quotas for 1976 are? [More…]
United States military aircraft used Cocos Island on the following occasions. [More…]
Because of rights afforded to civil aircraft under the terms of the Chicago Convention it is not possible to be precisely accurate about the number of United States civil registered aircraft using Cocos Island. [More…]
Have clinical audiologists requested and been refused specifications and eligibility guidelines for any of the National Acoustic Laboratory behind-the-ear hearing aids or the high powered model being imported from the United States of America. [More…]
What types of United States aircraft have landed at Cocos Islands in the last 5 years. [More…]
As the China Antiquities Exhibition has now been to Great Britain and the United States, is he able to say when Australia can expect to see it. [More…]
The total cost of the project was borne by the United States. [More…]
-As no Minister in the present Government has been clearly identified as the Minister responsible for sport, I ask the Minister for Health: Has his attention been drawn to the serious injury suffered by a professional boxer from the United States of America while participating in a professional contest last week at the Blacktown Returned Services League Club in [More…]
What progress has been made with improved registration and certification procedures for agricultural seeds to encourage greater private investment and importation in this industry, in respect of which a United States delegation visited Australia in 1 975. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Australian Wool Corporation, since opening its office in New York in 1 975, has sold a quantity of wool in the United States at less than the reserve price paid at auction in Australia; if so, what quantity has been sold, and at what price. [More…]
I am advised by the Australian Wool Corporation that its costings do not show that wool has been sold by the Corporation in the United States, either from New York Office or elsewhere, below the equivalent of the reserve price at auction in Australia. [More…]
Details of the source of the foreign investment are only available in respect of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and other foreign countries. [More…]
We know only too well the stringent regulations which the United States Department of Agriculture placed on our abattoirs that were exporting beef to the United States of America. [More…]
We know that we had to spend millions of dollars in updating our works and our cattle processing plants to see that disease-free meat was exported to the United States and, indeed, to other markets. [More…]
All our markets in the United States of America, Japan and Canada desire these precautions to be taken. [More…]
What was Australia’s attitude to the United States’ proposal for a reserve of 30 million tons. [More…]
However, I understand that the Italian Government has provided some assistance, and the United States has offered aid if it is required. [More…]
1) Is he able to say whether the United States multinational company, the Northrop Corporation, carries on activities either directly or indirectly through associate companies or subsidiaries in Australia; if so, what are the names of the companies concerned. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the United States multinational company, the Lockheed Corporation, carries on activities either directly or indirectly through associate companies or subsidiaries in Australia; if so, what are the names of the companies concerned. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the United States multinational company, Ashland Oil Inc., carries on activities either directly or indirectly through associated companies or subsidiaries in Australia; if so what are the names of the companies concerned. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the United States multinational corporation, the Phillips Petroleum Company, carries on activities either directly or indirectly through associate companies or subsidiaries in Australia; if so, what are the names of the companies concerned. [More…]
) Have other forms been introduced in the United States of America or other countries; if so, what are they and why are these not to be required in Australia. [More…]
I ask a question of the Foreign Minister concerning the implications and effectiveness of our alliance with the United States. [More…]
Has the Government expressed that view to members of the Security Council, in particular to our ally, the United States? [More…]
Has the Government stressed how divisive it would be in our region if the United States blocked the admission of Vietnam in the way she for so long blocked the restoration of membership rights to the People ‘s Republic of China? [More…]
-I indicated the view of the Australian Government to the Secretary of State while I was in the United States, and that was that we favoured the involvement of the Indochina states in the international community. [More…]
May I simply say in passing that at least we smoked him out, for within the question was the reference to ‘our ally, the United States’. [More…]
The maintenance of our alliance with the United States under ANZUS remains most important for our security . [More…]
Can he say whether some countries, eg, New Zealand and the United States of America, require full accountability of official travel to ensure maximum use of a national carrier. [More…]
1 ) What is the purpose of the United States Base at Pine Gap. [More…]
(a) The West Indian dry wood termite is considered to be indigenous to the West Indies and the Caribbean and is now established in South and Central America, United States of America, Canada, China, Midway Island, Fiji, England, South Africa, Sierra Leone, New Caledonia, Easter Island and Queensland. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a public statement by the Ambassador for the United States of America to Australia, made on 4 July 1976, which referred to the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency in Australia. [More…]
If so, did Ambassador Hargrove say that Australian intelligence organisations exchange information with the CIA and that the United States was perfectly satisfied with the information it has about Australia; if so, how intimate is this relationship. [More…]
The Government’s failure to establish a definite trade relationship with the Government of the United States and the limiting effect of this failure upon access to the United States domestic market for Australian beef. [More…]
Is he able to say whether any United States of America nuclear powered submarine or surface ship has ever been involved in any operational failure or accident resulting in any radiation leak in a port or on the open sea. [More…]
On 14 September 1976 the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr William Scranton, announced that he had been directed to use his veto at the Security Council to prevent Vietnam’s admission to membership in the United Nations if a request for admission were put to the vote. [More…]
What is the attitude of the United States Government towards the proposed membership of Vietnam in the United Nations. [More…]
Has the Australian Government’s attitude on this specific question been conveyed to the United States Government. [More…]
We do not want to have the same problems that are faced in other countries, particularly the United States of America. [More…]
As finance companies, in relation to their funding, are regulated under the Financial Corporations Act administered by the Treasurer, does the Government propose to introduce national legislation as has been done in the United States of America and the United Kingdom to regulate consumer credit transactions. [More…]
Moreover, they have indicated that it could be expected that credit would be allowed for the Australian tax against Canadian and United States tax payable on the royalties. [More…]
Further, is it a fact that Australia is working with Indonesia, Japan and the United States of America to formulate a softer line in the United Nations on the Indonesian invasion of East Timor? [More…]
1 ) How many ships have been (a) built and (b) ordered from United States of America shipyards for the Royal Australian Navy over the last 20 years. [More…]
In respect of the navies of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, is he able to provide operative details of the (a) naval personnel strength (b) marine equivalent strength, (c) total number of ships, (d) total ship tonnage, (e) average ship tonnage, (0 average age of ships, (g) proportion of ships which are aged (i) less than 5 years, (ii) more than 5 years but less than 10 years, (iii) 10 years or more but less than 15 years, (iv). [More…]
What action has he taken to implement the recommendation of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Road Safety that the Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design be asked to investigate developing a design rule to reduce fire risks, no less stringent than the United States standard. [More…]
The main purpose of this Bill is to make some necessary amendments to the United States Naval Communication Station Civilian Employees) Act as a consequence of the change in citation of the Compensation (Australian Government Employees) Act, provided under clause 3 of the Compensation (Commonwealth Government Employees) Amendment Bill 1 976. [More…]
The Act is a companion piece of legislation which automatically extends the terms of the Compensation (Australian Government Employees) Act to civilians employed by the United States Navy at the naval communication station at North West Cape. [More…]
I should mention, however, that the flow-on of increases in compensation to these employees will not result in any cost to the Commonwealth Government because, under arrangements with the United States Government, payments made under the Act are reimbursed by that Government. [More…]
Does a market exist in the United States of America for the sale of Australian lamb. [More…]
Does lamb meat enter the United States free of tariff restrictions. [More…]
What is the present situation concerning lamb marketing to the United States. [More…]
Before the debate is resumed on this Bill I would like to suggest that it may suit the convenience of the House to have a general debate covering this Bill, the Compensation (Commonwealth Government Employees) Amendment Bill and the United States Naval Communications Station (Civilian Employees) Amendment Bill as they are associated measures. [More…]
What is his attitude to the criticism of many rural organisation leaders that Australia has been badly served in this matter when compared with the service provided by New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America is to ban the manufacture of PCBs within 3 years. [More…]
Is it a fact that imported goats’ milk from New Zealand and the United States of America is available as a pharmaceutical benefit. [More…]
What information does his Department possess on United States Domestic International Sales Corporations engaged in agricultural exports which are competing with Australian agricultural products. [More…]
What overseas schemes have been studied, and do they include the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation of the United States of America and the New Zealand Wheatgrowers Compensation Scheme; if so, what aspects of these schemes could be of value in Australia. [More…]
) Is this scheme similar to the Market Development Allowance Scheme of the Australian Canned Fruit Industry of several years ago which was successfully challenged by the United States as an export subsidy and contrary to the GATT Agreement. [More…]
The Government has opposed the philosophy which would have allowed the navies and forces of one nation to dominate the Indian Ocean, while at the same time discouraging the forces of the United States, which are the only ones that can provide a balance in that area. [More…]
The Opposition has encouraged a situation which would have helped to persuade the United States not to be involved, not to reinforce its capacities at Diego Garcia, and therefore it has encouraged a situation which would have left the Indian Ocean to the Soviet Union alone. [More…]
The Secretary of the Department has been overseas and has studied the matter, particularly in the United States of America. [More…]
I refer the Foreign Minister to reports of threats of reprisals by the Indonesian Government against Australian persons and property should Mr Jim Dunn give evidence of Indonesian atrocities in East Timor to the House Committee on International Relations of the United States Congress. [More…]
The move towards worldwide establishment of 200-mile off-shore economic zones has been considerably hastened by the recent unilateral declarations by the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the European Economic Community. [More…]
For the information of honourable members I table letters sent by me to the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada both dated 4 February 1977 relating to nuclear safeguards. [More…]
I inform the House that the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) left Australia on 20 March for discussions in the United States of America with the Secretary of State, Mr Cyrus Vance, and with other senior officials. [More…]
When did he write to the President of the United States of America concerning safeguards on the export of uranium. [More…]
-As honourable members know, the Minister for Foreign Affairs is in Washington at the present time for discussions with senior officials of the United States Administration. [More…]
The Government places importance on a close personal relationship between Australian Ministers and their counterparts in the United States. [More…]
If so, what are the circumstances and criteria applied in determining the issue of diplomatic passports and privileges for Australian staff based in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom and (c) Seoul. [More…]
I remind the House that the Leader of the Opposition is responding to charges made by somebody who, as I understand it, has himself been charged with serious security breaches in the United States. [More…]
Can he say what were the conditions under which Venezuela, Mexico, the Philippines and Spain have in recent months each borrowed amounts of some one billion United States dollars overseas (Hansard, 1 December 1976, page 3021). [More…]
Did he or any of his Ministers during 1975 meet with or have discussions with any members of the United States Central Intelligence Agency? [More…]
Has the Government considered the adoption of an automotive propane specification such as the United States Natural Gas Processors Association Specification HD5; if not, will it do so. [More…]
I do not know the circumstances of this matter regarding the United States of America but I would be very surprised if the United States had made a decision to sell any enriched uranium to India unless it had on the first hand received the strongest of provisos as to what would happen to that enriched uranium. [More…]
It is true that India is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty but it is the desire of the United States to try to get as many countries as possible to become signatories and to abide by the rules laid down by that international organisation. [More…]
Are recent reports that the United States of America will supply uranium to India true? [More…]
Finally, will the Government, in line with the safeguard proposals announced last week, refuse to supply uranium to the United States on the grounds that its government may permit the re-export of uranium to a country that is determined to continue the manufacture of nuclear weapons? [More…]
There is a long history of discussion between the Australian and United States Governments on the question of a possible reduction in the United States duty on raw wool imports and, since December 1975, every appropriate opportunity has been taken to pursue the matter further. [More…]
The interest of the Australian Government in this matter is well understood by the United States Government. [More…]
The matter was raised in April 1976, during a visit to Australia by the then United States Secretary for Agriculture, Mr Earl Butz, and has since been discussed between Australian officials and officials of the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
During my visit to the United States last month I took the opportunity to re-emphasise to the United States Secretary of Agriculture, Mr Robert Bergland, Australia’s continuing interest in a reduction in the wool duty. [More…]
Can he provide details of (a) tonsillectomy, (b) appendicectomy ad (c) hysterectomy rates per thousand of population for (i) Australia, (ii) Canada, (iii) the United States of America and (iv) the United Kingdom for the latest years for which information is available and for the latest comparable year. [More…]
What action has been taken to obtain a reduction of the United States tariff on imports of raw wool since December 1975. [More…]
Has he taken seriously the suggestion by a United States nuclear expert, that the money would be well spent to finance tunnelling work under the big rock to provide a storage space for nuclear waste. [More…]
Has the Government failed to restrict entry into Australia of obsolete 27 Hz radio equipment, dumped because of changes in United States regulations; if so, docs this indicate a tacit acceptance of the use of this equipment illegally in Australia. [More…]
Of the remaining 344 cases,184 were lodged by companies controlled in the European Economic Community, 75 in the United States of America,11 in Japan and 74 in other countries. [More…]
I understand that this pattern is in accord with United States experience with similar regulations. [More…]
-Did the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development hear or has he since been shown a transcript of the remarks made on AM yesterday by a committee chairman of the United States Congress to the effect that the United States had a staggering problem of both cost and environmental danger in regard to what to do with the temporarily stored nuclear waste much of which is in liquid form, something like 74 million gallons of the stuff, which has fife of anywhere from 1,000 years to 250,000 years’? [More…]
What is the Government’s attitude to the proposed United States withdrawal from the International Labour Organisation? [More…]
Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Holy See, Honduras, Ivory Coast, Republic of Korea, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tonga, United States, Uruguay and Nauru. [More…]
With the proposed withdrawal of United States Forces from Korea, Okinawa, Hawaii and Clark Field in the Philippines, what is Australia ‘s commitment to: [More…]
In the light of President Carter’s decision that the United States of America will halt commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuels, can he advise which countries (a) currently operate reprocessing plants, (b) have announced plans to install these plants and (c) are negotiating to purchase plants. [More…]
That Australia joins with and supports the United States of America, France, Britain, the Netherlands and a significant and substantial committee of Polish dissidents in condemning the puppet trial in Prague of the Czech proponents of Charter 77, Vaclav Havel, Jiri Lederer, Ota Ornest and Frantisek Pavlicek and the further arrest of Pavel Kohout and the further secret police interrogation of former Czech Foreign Minister, Jiri Haiek and calls on the free world to support the campaign of those fighting for the restoration of human rights in Czechoslovakia. [More…]
Has the Minister for Trade and Resources seen reports that the Chairman of the United States Congressional Sub-Committee on Trade has suggested that Australia should embark on a public relations campaign in the United States to sell more beef? [More…]
The Soviet navy has grown substantially while the size of the United States naval forces has declined. [More…]
-There has been some notable Press comment this morning about United States naval activities. [More…]
I am advised that these are fairly routine deployments which occur from time to time as a consequence of the United States’ global responsibilities. [More…]
It would seem that there is an impression that the present activities of the United States are a reaction to the growing strength of the Soviet Union. [More…]
Germany, Japan and the United States of America have been regarded as having the stronger economies- the motor economies. [More…]
-Trying to get the United States to reduce the duty that it has imposed on the importation of raw wool from Australia has been a continuing saga. [More…]
Of course, one of the issues that we have with the United States is the question of the entry of wool without duty. [More…]
-Can the Minister for Trade and Resources indicate whether any action has been taken recently to obtain a reduction in or the abolition of the tariff imposed on raw wool imports into the United States of America? [More…]
-Is the Prime Minister aware of plans by the United States of America to strengthen its forces in Asia and in the Pacific area? [More…]
Is it a fact that 15 per cent of all Australia’s total trade is with the United States of America? [More…]
Is it also a fact that 70 per cent of trade transactions are carried out in United States dollars? [More…]
Because of this, does the trade weighted index at present overvalue the Australian dollar by at least eight per cent as against the United States dollar compared with a currency weighted index? [More…]
Will the Treasurer consider converting the trade weighted index to a currency weighted index so that a more realistic relationship can be established between the Australian dollar and the United States dollar? [More…]
For the information of honourable members I present an exchange of notes between the Australian Government and the Government of the United States of America constituting an agreement regarding the management and operation of the Joint Geological and Geophysical Research Station at Alice Springs. [More…]
Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware of allegations that a ‘meat Mafia’ dominates pricing of Australia’s meat exports to the United States? [More…]
Is it a fact that a high percentage of Australia’s expansive trade with Japan is contracted in United States of America dollars? [More…]
), Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Yugoslavia. [More…]
1 ) The International Labour Office has advised that apart from the United States of America and Australia, Canada also has relied on the federal States’ clause in the ILO Constitution (i.e. [More…]
Since 1 972, the United States of America has been in arrears in the payment of its contribution on 4 occasions: [More…]
The United States, The Soviet Union, France, Britain , The Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, The German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and Poland. [More…]
Can he say whether the use of chloroform as an ingredient in pharmaceuticals has been under investigation in the United States of America as a possible cause of cancer: if so, what have been the results of the investigation. [More…]
What action does he propose to take to draw attention to the United States findings on the potential dangers of chloroform. [More…]
1 ) What is the average landed cost of Australian beef per kilogram in (a) Japan, (b) the United States of America and (c) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
Is he able to provide the corresponding figures for (a) the United States of America and (b) European countries. [More…]
How long after the completion of a high security offshore quarantine station would he anticipate that imports of (a) cattle, (b) sheep, (c) goats and (d) pigs would be permitted from (i) Southern Africa, (ii) the Asian mainland, (iii) the Persian Gulf area, (iv) the United States of America, (v) Mexico and South America and ( vi) Eastern Europe. [More…]
There has been quite a difference of opinion between the European Economic Community and the United States on maximum and minimum price scales, but I am pleased to say that last week in Geneva in the course of discussions they did seem to get closer accord on their differences. [More…]
The character of the unexceptionability of it may be gathered from the fact that last year there was a combined exercise in the Indian Ocean, known as Operation Compass 1977, which involved units of the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy and the United States Navy. [More…]
Secondly, was the matter of these types of refugees taken up with Mr Mondale, the VicePresident of the United States of America, at yesterday ‘s discussions? [More…]
If so, is the United States of America likely to involve itself in the problem of boat refugees from Vietnam? [More…]
I ask the Minister for Defence whether he is aware of reports of proposed Australian and United States naval exercises in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
As the United States has diplomatic relations with Taiwan, the conditions applying to the entry of holders of Taiwanese passports to that country are different from those applying in Australia. [More…]
With reference to the Taiwanese journalist, Mr Edward Tseng, and his request for a visa to come to Australia for the International Press Institute meeting, are the conditions which Mr Tseng had to satisfy similar to those required by Canada, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
Were absolute propriety and unquestioned integrity, which he claimed in his broadcast on 12 March 1978 as a hallmark of the Menzies years, exhibited by (a) Sir Harry Brown when, on resigning as Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs under the first Menzies Government, he became chairman and joint managing director of British General Electric, (b) Sir Harry Brown’s successor, Sir Daniel McVey, when, on resigning, he became chairman and managing director of Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd, (c) Sir Percy Spender when he held a directorship in an Americanowned company while Minister for External Affairs and Minister for External Territories in the fourth Menzies Government and while ambassador to the United States under the fifth and sixth Menzies Governments (Hansard, 5 April 1978, page 1078), (d) Sir Giles Chippendall when, on retiring as Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs under the sixth Menzies Government, he became a director of Telephone and Electrical Industries Pty Ltd (Hansard, 10 September 1958, page 1115) and of a commercial radio station, (e) Mr M. R. C. Stradwick when, on resigning as DirectorGeneral of Posts and Telegraphs under the seventh Menzies Government, he became general manager for the Far East, Pacific and Australia for International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, (f) Dr A. J. Metcalfe when, on retiring as Director-General of Health under the seventh Menzies Government, he became a consultant to Lederle Laboratories (Hansard, 5 September 196 1 , page 793; 12 September 1961, page 1083 and 4 October 1961, page 1648), (g) Sir Tasman Heyes when, on retiring as Secretary of the Department of Immigration under the seventh Menzies Government, he became a director of a shipping company tendering for the carriage of migrants and (h) Sir Harold Raggatt when, on retiring as Secretary of the Department of National Development under the eighth Menzies Government, he became consultant geologist to the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd. [More…]
Does he regard publicly acknowledged policy decisions of the United States of America to acquire new satellite terminal equipment for the North West Cape base and to construct a new satellite ground facility there in 1980-8 1 as going well beyond mere technical considerations and properly requiring to be treated as a matter having a very high policy content? [More…]
When was this policy decision of the United States conveyed to his Department; to whom was it conveyed; what steps has he taken to establish the reasons for this important policy matter not being passed on to the Government; and what measures has he implemented to ensure that this sort of thing does not happen again? [More…]
Does he endorse Sir Arthur Tange ‘s view that the important policy decision of the United States Government to acquire satellite terminal equipment for installations at the North West Cape base and its publicly expressed intention to build a satellite ground station there are merely matters for technical information for his Government? [More…]
I excuse myself from saying on what date Sir Arthur Tange said that the proposal of the United States regarding modifications to the North West Cape base was brought to his notice in an official policy sense. [More…]
It is true that this matter was brought to the notice of Air Vice-Marshal Jordan in a technical briefing in the United States. [More…]
Is it a fact, as reported, that Air Vice-Marshal Jordan, one of the most senior military officers in the Department, was aware of these proposals and had had discussions on them in the United States? [More…]
My question is: In view of Tasmania ‘s proven capacity to produce high quality scientific equipment, as demonstrated in the manufacture of precision instruments in World War 2, will the Minister give the most detailed consideration to the possibility of InterScan utilising Tasmanian resources in the proposed manufacture of parts for the InterScan aircraft landing system, involving the possible formation of a CommonwealthStateprivate enterprise consortium to establish in Tasmania this manufacturing operation, which the United States of America authorities assesses as being worth more than $200m during the next decade? [More…]
) What was the official exchange value of the Australian dollar for the currencies of (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) Canada, (d) Japan, (e) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (0 West Germany and (g) the People’s Republic of China (i) in December 1975 and (ii) as at 4 April 1 978. [More…]
I inform the House that the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations leaves Australia today to attend the 64th session of the International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva and to have discussions elsewhere in Europe and in the United States of America. [More…]
What training has the Australian Atomic Energy Commission provided to and received from the IAEA and from bilateral programs with the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries. [More…]
1 ) Has the Government decided which commodities will be included in negotiations for freer access of Australian primary products to the markets of (a) the United States of America, (b) Japan and (c) the European Economic Community. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the United States Government has announced a ban on the bulk production and nonessential use of chlorofluorocarbons as from IS December 1978. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say how many new power stations using (a) nuclear fission, (b) coal, (c) oil and (d) gas, as a primary energy source were ordered in the United States of America during each year since 1970 and what was their total generating capacity. [More…]
Is he also able to say how many orders for power stations using (a) nuclear fission, (b) coal, (c) oil and (d) gas as the primary energy source were (i) cancelled and (ii) deferred in the United States of America in each year since 1970. [More…]
and (2) In relation to nuclear power stations in the United States of America I am advised on the basis of information collected by the Australian Atomic Energy Commission that over the period 1970-77: 1(a)- [More…]
What percentage of the markets for (a) beef and (b) dairy products does Australia currently have in (i) Japan, (ii) Canada, (iii) the United States of America and (iv) the European Economic Community. [More…]
1 ) Are officers of his Department responsible for providing the Government with reports on hearings before the United States Congressional committees. [More…]
Reports on Hearings before United States Congressional Committees (Question No. [More…]
Japan; (ii) the United States of America; (hi) South Africa; (iv) Great Britain; (v) Ireland; (vi) Denmark; (vii) Sweden; (viii) Italy; (ix) Greece; (x) Turkey; (xi) Cyprus; (xii) India; (xiii) France; (xiv) Canada; (xv) New Zealand; (xvi) The Philippines; (xvii) Indonesia; (xviii) Malaysia; (xix) Fiji; and (xx) Chile. [More…]
I am not aware that there exists any identifiable body of information concerning United States-Australian relations which is currently available to the United States Congress or to a United States citizen under the United States Freedom of Information Act. [More…]
If the honourable member has in mind any specific item of information or any documents, or any body of information or documents, concerning United States-Australian relations which has in fact been made available in the United States to the Congress or to a person under the United States Freedom of Information Act, I shall be glad to consider the question of making available to him any equivalent information or documents in the possession of the Commonwealth Government. [More…]
Apart from specified exceptions made in writing by an authorised officer, are top secret, secret and confidential documents automatically downgraded at regular periodical intervals until declassified altogether, as in the United States of America. [More…]
When will he make available to the Parliament all of the information concerning United States-Australian relations which is currently available to (a) the United States Congress and (b) a United States citizen under the United States Freedom of Information Act. [More…]
How much of Australia’s official reserve assets, in terms of Australian dollars, was held in (a) United States dollars, (b) Japanese yen, (c) German marks, (d) pounds sterling and (e) French francs at the end of each month from December 1 975 to 3 1 May 1 978. [More…]
Is he able to say whether there are similar systems operating in the United States of America; if so, is he also able to say whether the Federal or any State Government in any way subsidise CTAS in that country, and to what extent. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister’s attention been drawn to the recent passage of legislation by the United States Congress which would have adverse consequences for the Australian beef industry? [More…]
My question, which is directed to the Minister for Trade and Resources, concerns the counter-cyclical beef import legislation passed last week by the United States Congress. [More…]
Has the Minister seen reports suggesting that Australia should engage in a trade war with the United States if this legislation is signed by President Carter? [More…]
1 ) What is the current relative differential between medium term borrowing rates in Australia and in the United States of America. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Reserve Bank had been pushing down forward margins on the purchase of US dollars below the relative differential in interest rates in the United States of America and Australia. [More…]
1 ) There is no single measure of the interest differential between medium term borrowing rates in Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
Is the Minister able to indicate to the House what success Australia is having in its efforts to internationalise the Indo-Chinese refugee issue and obtain from other governments outside the regionapart from France, Canada and the United States of America- a commitment that they also will assist in alleviating the refugee problem by accepting Indo-Chinese refugees for permanent settlement? [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a report in the Advertiser of 10 June 1978, which alleges that the Exxon Corporation in the United States had overcharged customers by $A 1 6 1 .3 m for crude oil since 1 973 , by selling what should have been classified old oil as new oil. [More…]
If he is not prepared to carry out an investigation, is it because supervision of the oil industry in Australia is superior to that in the United States; if so, in what respects. [More…]
Analyses are performed in the United States. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Primary Industry read this week’s edition of Time magazine, which refers to the changing character of agriculture in the United States? [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say ( a) what are the proven oil reserves of (i) the Persian Gulf countries, (ii) the United States of America, (iii) the North Sea, (iv) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (v) Eastern Europe, (vi) China and (vii) Australia, and (b) how many years production does each have at 1975 production levels. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the Reports of the United States Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations of February 1975 entitled ‘Federalism in 1974: The Tension of Interdependence’ where there is mention on page 5 that each time a Congressional committee reports on a Bill providing new budget authority it must contain an intergovernmental impact statement explaining the Bill’s financial effect on State and local government. [More…]
However, results of analyses carried out in the United States are made available to the Australian Government through established channels which are independant of the Joint Geological and Geophysical Research Station. [More…]
Is the United States SQS 56 sonar system more expensive than the Mulloka system. [More…]
Will he tell the Parliament the date on which the Government was first informed of the likelihood that the United States of America would increase its purchase of Australian beef. [More…]
On 8 June 1978 President Carter announced an increase of 90,700 tonnes in the 1978 United States voluntary restraint entitlement. [More…]
Is it a fact, as reported on the ABC radio program AM of 6 July 1978 that the United States Environment Protection Agency has reported evidence which establishes a statistical relationship between the use of 2,4,5-T and human birth defects. [More…]
The herbicide has not been banned in the United States of America although restrictions have been placed on its use. [More…]
The chemical is the subject of a Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR) instituted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the dangers of asbestos have been suppressed in the United States of America and Australia. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) departmental staff and (b) ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I inform the House that the Treasurer (Mr Howard) left Australia on 2 March to attend meetings of the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee in the United States. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are his (a) departmental staff and (b) ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Defence seen reports in the media to the effect, firstly, that the DDG class destroyer with all its sophisticated weaponry could not sink a 63-year-old barge off Sydney recently and, secondly, that the FFG patrol frigates currently on order from the United States of America have been referred to as ‘cheap kill’ ships because they can be knocked out by a rifle bullet or shock from an underwater explosion? [More…]
1 ) Has the Government’s attention been drawn to a system of solar tax credits which has been introduced in the United States of America, particularly in the State of California, in order to provide, inter alia, an incentive for consumers to convert to using solar energy for domestic and industrial purposes. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1 ) Have negotiations between the Australian and United States Governments on lower air fares on the Pacific route commenced. [More…]
Is he able to say what is the classification and employing agency of each member of the United States negotiating team. [More…]
1 ) Has the Attorney-General ‘s attention been drawn to a report on 26 October 1978 of a court case in the United States of America involving the Westinghouse Electric Corporation filing false statements with the United States Government. [More…]
(i) Australia has agreements for scientific and technological cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany, India, the Soviet Union and the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) Is an agreement for scientific and technological cooperation being negotiated between the Peoples’ Republic of China and Australia similar to that which has already been signed between the Peoples ‘ Republic of China and the United States of America. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Defence seen claims made by the managing director of an Australian computer company that $500,000 worth of tenders called by the Department of Defence specified United States brand names only, thereby excluding Australian companies? [More…]
Mr Speaker, I inform the House that the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) will be leaving Australia later today to undertake discussions in the United States and Canada and probably Japan and New Zealand. [More…]
Has the Government any details of the type of United States aid that is anticipated, and does the Minister foresee Public Law 480 or any other United States credit facilities unduly cutting across Australian exports to this area? [More…]
1 ) What sums have been provided for Australian Tourist Commission offices in (a) Japan, (b) West Germany, (c) United Kingdom and (d) the United States of America during 1978-79. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
President of the United States of America, to the United States Congress and to the respective committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, asking them to take action and to ensure that American companies do not participate in oil exploration activities on the Great Barrier Reef. [More…]
The Minister for National Development (Mr Newman) has given assurances, as have previous Ministers responsible for minerals and energy, about the safety precautions which are taken in regard to this establishment; but what are those assurances worth, in view of the recent catastrophe in the United States of America? [More…]
As I have mentioned previously, within a 5-mile radius of this atomic reactor in the electorate of Banks 30,000 people could be directly affected if we had a catastrophe similar to that which occurred in the United States. [More…]
-I ask the Acting Prime Minister whether he can inform the House as to the present prospects of the United States ratifying the International Sugar Agreement? [More…]
1 ) How many defence forces personnel have attended briefings or courses at the instigation of Australian foreign affairs and defence authorities or the authorities of recipient nations in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom and (c) other countries for each year since I January 1970. [More…]
How many persons from (a) Italy, (b) Greece, (c) Malta, (d) Turkey, (e) Great Britain, (f) Ireland, (g) Cyprus, (h) the Philippines, (j) Malaysia, (k) Chile, (1) India, (m) Bangladesh, (n) Argentine, (o) Israel, (p) United States of America, (q) Holland and (r) Iceland were refused tourist visas for entry to Australia in 1 978. [More…]
1 ) What are the presently accepted standards for (a) hydrocarbons, (b) oxides of nitrogen and (c) carbon monoxide in motor vehicle emissions in (i) Australia, (ii) the United States, (iii) the European Economic Community, (iv) Japan and (v) Canada. [More…]
Has the United States of America made proposals for a price stabilisation scheme for copper? [More…]
Criticism of these tyres stems from the recall of steel belted radial tyres in the United States in mid- 1978, when some 14,000 tyre failures were detected in a well known and long established make of tyre. [More…]
Which synthetic chemicals or other substances presently in use in Australia are being investigated as a possible cause of birth defects, genetic disorders, cancer or other diseases amongst exposed populations by (a) the National Health and Medical Research Council, (b) the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Health and Safety Administration or Food and Drug Administration and (c) any Australian university or medical institution. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to a report from the United States National Cancer Institute which states that its tests on Toxaphene cause liver and thyroid cancer in animals and that compounds found to cause cancer in test animals are generally considered capable of causing cancer in humans. [More…]
Is Australia co-operating with the United States of America and Great Britain in thisfield, and what advances have been made in the treatment of this disease. [More…]
1 ) Can he state whether the United States Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare recently stated that it was his opinion that a full 20 per cent of cancers may be caused by occupational exposure to industrial carcinogens. [More…]
Can he say (a) whether the United States of America has expressed support for the proposal and (b) whether (i) the Soviet Union, (ii) the Peoples Republic of China and (iii) Vietnam have opposed it. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to proposed United States of America legislation in which the United States Administration is preparing to open a quasi-governmental agency in Taiwan. [More…]
Is it also a fact that the proposed legislation proposes to keep in force more than 50 treaties and agreements between the United States and Taiwan. [More…]
Does Australia intend to follow the proposed lead taken by the United States Administration in regard to a trade, consular or information office; if so, when might an announcement be made; if not, why not. [More…]
3 ) the Government has failed to draw on the experience in the United States of America where several hundred uranium miners have died from lung cancer and pulmonary fibrosis as a result of exposure to radiation at the site. [More…]
1) Can he say whether the Reactor Safety Study prepared for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission by Professor Rasmussen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is no longer regarded as reliable by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. [More…]
Can the Minister state which synthetic chemicals, the use or sale of which is currently ( a ) prohibited or ( b ) restricted in (i) the United States of America and (ii) Sweden, are currently in use in Australia. [More…]
Does the Minister feel that my sustained letter writing efforts to members of both Houses of the United States Congress - [More…]
Has the United States invited Australian officials to discuss this matter at any time? [More…]
Was the United States invitation declined? [More…]
Membership of the IEA consists of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Was the independent monitoring of the Australian wheat crop by a United States of America satellite the reason for the earlier accurate forecasts by the US Department of Agriculture? [More…]
Is the Minister able to to state what are the regulations concerning disposal of ship’s ballast water into harbours and coastal waters of (a) Japan, (b) Germany, (c) Canada, (d) the United States of America and (e)the United Kingdom. [More…]
Can he say whether Seagram’s aim and success as the 5th biggest United States of America advertiser refutes claims of liquor and tobacco interests that their advertising aims to shift brand loyalties but not to increase consumption. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a ruling by a judge of the United States of America Federal Trade Commission that the American Medical Association’s restriction on medical practitioner advertising had caused substantial injury to the public, served to deprive consumers of the free flow of information about the availability of health care services, deterred the offering of innovative forms of health care and stifled the rise of almost every type of health care delivery that would potentially pose a threat to the incomes of feeforservice physicians in private practice. [More…]
1 ) Has consideration been given to instituting extradition proceedings against a former Philippine Charge d ‘Affairs, Mr Joselito Azurin, in order that he may be returned to Australia from the United States of America to stand trial on an embezzlement charge; if so, with what result. [More…]
A requisition has been lodged with the United States Government requesting that Mr Azurin be extradited to Australia for an offence of embezzlement. [More…]
On 19 June 1979 a United States District Court Judge found that Mr Azurin was liable to be extradited to Australia pursuant to the Australia/United States Extradition Treaty. [More…]
His removal from the United States has been deferred, however, pending the hearing of a petition he has filed for habeas corpus. [More…]
Why was it necessary for TAA officers to visit the United States in connection with the supply of the tiles. [More…]
Did TAA tender for the supply of both the United States Olean tiles and the Japanese Nittai tiles. [More…]
1 ) Did the Royal Commission on Petroleum in its 5th Report, tabled nearly 2’A years ago, point out that Australia consumed an extraordinarily high proportion of premium motor spirit to standard motor spirit, at a ratio of 85 : 15 compared to 32 : 68 in the United States of America, 58 : 42 in West Germany and 1 3 : 87 in Japan. [More…]
Is he able to state what are the regulations presently in force concerning disposal of ships ‘ ballast water into the harbours and coastal waters of (a) Japan, (b) Germany, (c) Canada, (d) the United States of America and (e) the United Kingdom. [More…]
Mr Peter Noble and Ms Cilia Prior: Visas to Visit the United States (Question No. [More…]
Is the Minister able to provide the comparable percentages for single and married adults (2 dependent children) in (a) the United States of America; (b) Canada; (c) Japan; (d) New Zealand; (e) France; (f) Germany; (g) the United Kingdom; (h) Sweden and (j) Austria. [More…]
1 understand that the United States Environmental Protection Agency has been examining whether water containing asbestos fibres could lead to cancer and that its report on the matter is near completion. [More…]
What was the percentage of foreign controlled enterprises that are from the (a) United States of America and (b) United Kingdom in (i) 1976, (ii) 1977 and (iii) 1978. [More…]
How many of these foreign owned enterprises were enterprises from the (a) United States of America and (b) United Kingdom in (i) 1976, (ii) 1977 and (iii) 1978. [More…]
How many of these foreign controlled enterprises were from the (a) United States of America and (b) United Kingdom in(i) 1976, (ii) 1977and(iii) 1978. [More…]
on the same basis, control of finance companies in Australia by United States companies was 26.5 per cent and by United Kingdom companies 17.9 per cent. [More…]
What was the percentage of control by companies from the (a) United States of America and (b) United Kingdom during(i) 1977 and (ii) 1978. [More…]
-Has the Minister for Special Trade Representations noted the recent announcement by the United States Government that up to 25 million tonnes of grain will be made available by the United States to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? [More…]
As the United States makes foreign long-line fishermen release all billfish caught in the American fishing zone along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines and as the foreign fishermen cover the cost of an American observer on board each Japanese vessel to ensure that fishing regulations are complied with, will the Government take a step towards the conservation of the black marlin in Australian waters by imposing similar conditions on Japanese long-line fishermen operating in the Australian fishing zone? [More…]
) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to an article in the Australian of Wednesday, 18 July 1979 which reported that some senior academics and scientists believe that Commonwealth post-graduate awards are not sufficient to attract or hold post-graduate researchers and that the brightest of these will inevitably be attracted overseas, particularly to the United States of America where research opportunities are expected to abound soon. [More…]
Did the 4th report of the Royal Commission on Petroleum assert that in countries such as Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Norway, France and New Zealand, the question whether public administration had to take a substantial executive role in distribution and marketing (including prices) has long been decided affirmatively. [More…]
Has he on any occasion, and in any way, in correspondence or in conversation, indicated to the Government of the United States of America that it had an obligation to provide trade access for Australia, or otherwise assist Australia in trade negotiations, because of the presence on Australian soil of American defence installations; if so, when and why did this occur. [More…]
Can the Minister advise the position as to the Congress of the United States of America voting to ratify that Agreement? [More…]
(b) An analysis by the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States indicating that there were sixteen (16) reported accidents in the United States in the period 1967-1976 in which the use of motor gasoline (auto gas) was stated as a causal factor. [More…]
United States, for full service leaded petrol- 27.8. [More…]
Is he able to say what was the price of a litre of standard petrol in (a) The United States of America, (b) Japan, (c) West Germany, (d) France, (e) Great Britain, (f) Italy, (g) Australia as at 2 1 August 1979. [More…]
Is he able to state what is the total annual per capita energy usage in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) Australia, (d) Sweden, (e) France and [More…]
Some considerations of relevance to this practice are the relatively small reinsurance capacity of the Australian market, the concentration of reinsurance facilities overseas (particularly in the United Kingdom but also in Europe and the United States) and the need to achieve an appropriate spread of risk. [More…]
According to the most recent advice available to the Department of Primary Industry, a complete ban on the use of DES as an animal growth promotant in the United States of America was due to take effect from 1 November 1979. [More…]
Can he say whether its use as a stock feed has been banned in the United States of America. [More…]
Australia will therefore continue, in cooperation with the United States of America and other countries, to assist the Republic of Vietnam in its struggle to repel aggression and allow its citizens to live under a Government of their own choice. [More…]
Should the future situation permit a further substantial withdrawal of troops - beyond those announced by President Nixon on 16 December 1969 - then in consultation with the Government of the Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the United States, some Australian troops will be included, at some stage, in the numbers scheduled for such withdrawal. [More…]
My Government has striven to obtain the maximum possible share of the United States market for export of meat from Australia. [More…]
As a result Australia was able, towards the end of 1969, to export an additional 14.8 million lb of meat to the United States of America, over and above the originally agreed level of 505 million lb. [More…]
Souvanna Phouma, the Prime Minister of Laos, has informed us that the numbers involved are of the order of 50,000 or more and confirmatory evidence of this estimate comes from United States sources. [More…]
Is it correct that interest rates of 8% to 10% and even higher are considered reasonable in the United States of America and on the Eurodollar market? [More…]
The honourable gentleman will recall that following the stock exchange rampage in the United States of America which precipitated the great depression of 1930, President Roosevelt appointed Mr Joseph Kennedy as Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission which the President then set up. [More…]
In the United States of America the Blue Cross schemes can operate on a retention ratio of 4% for hospital care insurance and 9.6% for medical insurance, so it seems quite incomprehensible that in Australia we have to operate on a retention rate that is several times higher. [More…]
But even at a rate of 15% for management fees the figure is far greater than the cost which is incurred in operating the schemes in the United States of America. [More…]
There was once a gallup poll on the TaftHartley Act, which was a labour law in the United States, and 75% of the people said that they were against it. [More…]
To weigh against the opinions of 127 nations, including the United States of America, our present intentions, I think is a mistaken approach to the world. [More…]
If one looks at the figures and sees the number of professional engineers in the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom and compares them on a pro rata basis with the number of engineers in Australia, one cannot help but realise that we are drifting into a serious and dangerous position, because this is a young and developing country which needs these highly trained professional men more than any other country needs them. [More…]
The two governments decided that the telescope would have a nominal aperture of150 inches and that its specifications based on the design adopted for a similar optical telescope which was to be constructed by the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona in the United States of America. [More…]
When I was in the United States 3 years ago, the loss on the postal service there was S J, 800m in that year. [More…]
In the United States of America and Canada progress in this field has been so great that in the United States alone 5,000 stations have been established, but so prolific are these stations that it is almost impossible to tune to the station of one’s choice and obtain the result which might be hoped for by those in Australia who in recent times have been exerting pressure for the institution of frequency modulation in this country. [More…]
There is no timetable fixed covering at what stage any Australian reductions will be phased into the next United States withdrawal. [More…]
Services are already operating to Europe, Japan and the east coast of the United States and now it is proposed to service the west coast of the United States. [More…]
We have been at the forefront of negotiations with the United States of America for access to that market, thus giving the Australian meat industry the most buoyant period and the highest prices it has ever known. [More…]
Australia should not slavishly and automatically follow the precepts and practices of other countries in this or any other matter of policy, but the United Kingdom allows the concession that I should like to see in Australia; Canada allows it; New Zealand allows it; the United States of America allows it and The Netherlands allows it. [More…]
It has been very pleasing to learn of the increased exports of beef, veal and mutton to the United States during this current year. [More…]
Australia will provide the United States with at least 527 million pounds of these products. [More…]
He has announced that as from 1969 exporters will be required to earn their entitlement to the United States market by the sale of meat to other markets. [More…]
This region would therefore hope to share proportionately in the more lucrative markets of the United States as well as establishing a diversion to other markets. [More…]
Therefore one can accept, if not agree with, an assessment that the war in Vietnam is unjustified; but if the same assessor equates the role of the United States of America to that of Nazi Germany one’s credulity is overtaxed, one’s intelligence is affronted and the proponent of the line is suspect in point of knowledge or of judgment or even of motivation. [More…]
Mr Deputy Speaker, if Australia is in Asia, then the United States is most certainly in Russia and you and 1 are in the Senate - or is it the other place? [More…]
Today the world seethes with racial unrest - in the United States, in parts of South East Asia, in sections of communities all over the world. [More…]
I wonder if in this decade the situation that we are in, where our major former Commonwealth partner is vacating the South East Asian region and where there is a possibility that the United States of America will withdraw from the area, does not constitute a challenge to this nation to stand on its own feeL I wonder if it is necessary each time that there is an election to promise more and more to the people merely to achieve power. [More…]
Yesterday, the Prime Minister said that it was irrelevant that the Gates Commission had recommended to the President of the United States that the compulsory draft in that country be ended, and had reported that the Australian Government could have raised its army requirements by better conditions and improved benefits. [More…]
This Government never had any purpose in Vietnam other than to keep the United States involved militarily on the ground in Asia. [More…]
In the publication ‘Science USA’ the author Gilman points out that scientific research and development in 1965 took one-sixth of the United States Budget. [More…]
In petrol use per capita we are out-ranked only by the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
by leave- Mr Speaker, the last occasion on which a Minister for Defence made a hurried visit to the United States of America was in 1963 to order the F111. [More…]
Now, 6 months after the last federal election to be held in this country - that was in October 1969 - the Minister for Defence (Mr Malcolm Fraser) is to make a trip to the United States ostensibly for the purpose of investigating the F111 but quite obviously, from what the Minister has said, for the purpose of cancelling the project. [More…]
In the United States, the plane is encountering tremendous difficulties and it is gravely open to doubt whether it will ever assume an effective professional role. [More…]
To develop this version - the so-called RF1 1 1 - an appropriation of $US15m was made in the United States defence budget. [More…]
These related to the alleged use of germ warfare by ihe Allies, including the United States, in the Korean War when, it was alleged, germs were dropped over North Korea and northern China. [More…]
The leader of the Australian delegation banned him from appearing on television in the United States. [More…]
However, the Australian Meat Board has announced this year that the ratio between exports to the United States market and non-United States markets will be tighter because, on the present indications, if we allowed exports to run freely we would need to cut them off early. [More…]
Further, 1 wish to inform the honourable member that, as from 1st June of this year, no exporter will be allowed to export to the United States market without the approval of the Australian Meat Board for each shipment. [More…]
We have seen large build-ups of stocks in Canada and in the United States of America reaching almost record proportions. [More…]
The United States constitution was forged on the anvil of a war of independence and it was hammered into shape by new concepts of democracy. [More…]
The United States example of congressional committees has always impressed me. [More…]
One of my great disappointments is that many of them are unable to see that today this country, and for that matter even more so the United States, are to the ‘left’ of the United Soviet Socialist Republics and of China as of today. [More…]
May I quote from the United States Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter on war approved at their national conference in November 1968 by 180 votes to 8 as it is clearly applicable to us. [More…]
A growing market for prime lamb is being enjoyed in the United States and Canada, and a great deal pf lamb has been exported from several abattoirs in my electorate to these markets. [More…]
When I was in the United States recently I visited about thirty airports. [More…]
I understand that in the United States of America the operators of aircraft with certain types of engines have been warned that they will not be able to continue to operate the aircraft over major capital cities. [More…]
In the United States there has been a great deal of conflict in the north west - in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. [More…]
I have also explained the great problems that have faced the Government of the United States of America, in particular on the north western and north eastern side of the American continent. [More…]
Its report said that the return of Australia to conscription in 1964 had been put up as an analogy that an all volunteer force was not feasible for the United States. [More…]
Now the United States of America has opted clearly for transition to a volunteer army. [More…]
I refer to the findings of the all important Gates Commission in the United States of America. [More…]
It made a very thorough investigation of the draft system in the United States and recommended its complete rejection and the substitution of a new system of enlisting forces on a voluntary basis. [More…]
Those figures are based on estimates derived from police and hospital records, comparisons with other countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and an analysis of studies such as the Kinsey report. [More…]
In the United States - let it be noted that in that stronghold of private enterprise there is a Federal Power Commission - the price of natural gas is 1.5c per therm. [More…]
In view of the fact that the United States of America is in the process of withdrawing - and consequently its casualties are markedly declining - will the Minister inform the leader of the Australian Task Force that he does not support the leader’s statement of last week in which he said: Now is the time to hit the enemy harder’? [More…]
To do so, I should add, will also bring us into Une with Canada, New Zealand and some States of the United States of America. [More…]
The Common Market countries, the United States, Canada and Britain all have adjustment assistance provisions designed to facilitate the redeployment of resources into more economic and efficient fields. [More…]
Last Wednesday the Prime Minister of Laos, Prince Souvanna Phouma, made a dramatic call to the United States of America for assistance stating that Laos would be taken over by North Vietnam unless America came to that country’s aid. [More…]
Without United States air support, the entire country will become Communist - the entire country will be taken over by North Vietnam. [More…]
Thanks to the efforts of the demonstrators in the United States, thanks to the McGoverns, the Mansfields and the Fulbrights, and thanks to the efforts of the Australian Labor Party and the left wing peace movements in Australia, public opinion both in the United States and Australia has been so conditioned that some people would prefer to wash their hands of the whole affair, conveniently forgetting the lessons of 1939. [More…]
On the 1-day sitting of this Parliament following the recent election this House was kept in session until 1 a.m. whilst the honourable members for Lalor (Dr J. F. Cairns), Oxley (Mr Hayden) and the right honourable member for Melbourne (Mr Calwell) attacked the United States over the unfortunate killing of villagers in Song My village in South Vietnam; a village which, nonetheless, harboured Communist forces. [More…]
The only voice to be heard is that of Soviet Russia which sees fit to denounce the United States for what it calls the ‘barbarous bombing of Laotian territory’. [More…]
I say to the honourable gentleman that there are no ashes, thanks to the intervention of the United States and Australia, and not only is the fire still burning in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, but even further afield the kindling is being set up. [More…]
How the Communists and their friends in Australia and the United States would applaud if this were truly the case. [More…]
Despite the Fulbrights, the McGoverns and the Mansfields, the United States does not intend to desert the South Vietnamese people in their struggle, and as long as the Labor Party remains on the Opposition benches in this country neither will Australia. [More…]
If we and the United States were to walk out and surrender South Vietnam to the North, which is virtually what the Labor Party advocates, what hope would any Asian country have against Communist aggression? [More…]
If the Communists know that they will always be supported by certain people in the United States and Australia and the governments of nonCommunist countries in Asia know they will not be supported, we will reach a dangerous situation. [More…]
They are relying on their friends and sympathisers in the United States and Australia to so soften public opinion that what they cannot achieve on the battlefield they will achieve by other means. [More…]
The policy of this Government and the Government of the United States has been proven right in South Vietnam. [More…]
The invasion of Laos is, as much as anything else, an attempt to force the President of the United States by pressure from within to speed up the American withdrawal before the South Vietnamese are fully prepared to take the major share of the burden of their own defence. [More…]
Sometimes the United States of America, the United Kingdom and some of the major European countries have failed to accept a responsibility or grasp an opportunity. [More…]
National leaders in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States use the medium far more effectively in terms of both volume and time than we do in this country. [More…]
Helicopters have operated in Vietnam under the overwhelming air cover supplied by the United States. [More…]
There is no opposition and, as I have just pointed out there is cover by the United States Air Force. [More…]
What the Minister seems to be saying is that if the progress of Vietnamisation is accounted to be satisfactory, the Government will discuss withdrawing some troops with the United States, New Zealand and South Vietnam. [More…]
Vietnamisation has been criticised in the United States as a move to a proxy war with America and its supporters supplying guns, money and advice, and the Vietnamese supplying the bodies. [More…]
In these circumstances the Minister should have discussed the alternatives to the Fill, even if no firm decision can be made until he goes to the United States. [More…]
As I said quite recently, this will be the second occasion on which a Minister for Defence has made a hurried visit to the United States of America. [More…]
In 1963 the purpose of the visit to the United States of the then Minister for Defence was to purchase the Fill aircraft, which was then still on the drawing board. [More…]
Surely one would expect that in a responsible defence statement - and one assumes that the Minister was making a responsible defence statement on behalf of his Government - he would have at least offered some alternatives if he knew that he was to go to the United States to renegotiate the agreement to purchase the aircraft. [More…]
We might be able to get volunteers if we had 5% to 6% unemployment as there is in the United States of America at present. [More…]
The third and equally notable omission was any reference to the Waller report - from the retiring Ambassador to the United States - and the perturbation and consternation that it has caused within the ranks of the Government because it strikes at the very roots of the Government’s foreign policy and strategic undertakings. [More…]
After all, should there be an attack on this country, the government … in either Great Britain or the United States of America would have to come to a grim decision on whether it would retaliate and thereby lay its own country completely open to devastation . [More…]
The article states: (The report) forecasts a rapid and determined re-orientation of United States foreign policy and major interests from the Pacific and Asian regions towards Europe, the Middle East and South America. [More…]
The United States will insist on Japan shouldering a heavier share of responsibility in Pacific and Asian defence. [More…]
The Fill can be operated as wings of the United States Air Force in Vietnam. [More…]
We have destroyers and frigates that could be operated as a squadron with a United States naval task force. [More…]
So far in regard to defence we have been trying to keep up with the United States Joneses. [More…]
We have chosen United States types of equipment. [More…]
It is not necessarily true that the United States has the final answer to what are the defence needs of this country. [More…]
Thanks to the Minister for Trade and Industry (Mr McEwen) and his Department we supply to the United States of America almost half of its total meat imports. [More…]
Those airmen are doing the same kind of work as members of the United States Air Force, and in fact worked together with United States airmen in transport aircraft at the Phan Ran base. [More…]
Those members of the United States Air Force are entitled to all the benefits that the United States gives to those who have served their country in a theatre of war, including taxation concessions, but the Royal Australian Air Force personnel are denied that benefit. [More…]
I have seen these aircraft used in southern parts of the United States of America where tornados are prevalent. [More…]
The latest estimate for July of this year puts Canada’s stock holdings at about 950 million bushels, which is an all time record and about 150 million bushels more than that held by even the United States of America. [More…]
Planters for their convenience brought some millions of negroes into the United States of America and into Latin America and for their convenience brought many thousands into the West Indies, so that in consequence the original Indian population has completely disappeared. [More…]
The United States of America had no objection to him. [More…]
He was in the United States over a period of time in connection with peace corps work. [More…]
There is no explanation as to why, in view of the positions he had held in the United States, such a long time was taken in checking up on him - if it was a security check that was being taken. [More…]
The United States, with due respect to it, was one of the few countries, until the Kennedys came to light which never thought much of social welfare, heads Australia by 12% at 66.6%. [More…]
There the French had already established settlements and the fear always existed that Canada would be absorbed into the United States of America, so a federal body was set up with legislative control over the Provinces, which is entirely different to the setup in Australia. [More…]
Other interests include a need for the greater education of our people concerning the lack of substance in the domino theory as it applies to the old French Indo-China; a need for a thorough overhaul of our tax system and the possibility of continuing research outside the Taxation Branch in a Canadian type tax foundation; a need to stimulate efficiency and productivity among smaller businessmen by the formation of a United States type small business administration department of the Commonwealth Government; and a need to co-ordinate the economic policy of our Commonwealth in one department rather than suffer the present confusions of this policy being determined on an ad hoc basis in many different departments. [More…]
Within recent months I doubt whether there would be many people who have not read or beard that the use of illegal drugs has reached epidemic proportions in the United States of America and Great Britain and many other countries of the world. [More…]
and (2) There is no record of any such case being brought to the attention of the Australian Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam by either Vietnamese or United States authorities. [More…]
Did only Portugal, Australia and the United States oppose a United Nations resolution to outlaw chemical and bacteriological weapons. [More…]
Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware of the concern expressed by export meat works and producers regarding concessions granted by the Australian Meat Board to Northern Territory meat exporters under the meat diversification scheme so as to earn entitlement to entry into the United States market? [More…]
Can the Minister give an assurance that nothing will be done to jeopardise the diversification scheme and the Australian entitlements for meat on the United States market? [More…]
Last week I mentioned to the House that after meeting a deputation from the northern producers and northern meatworks I was concerned at a degree of inequity that existed for northern meatworks through not being able to earn entitlement to export .part crf their production to the lucrative United States market, and I expressed the hope that the Australian Meat Board might give consideration to some concession. [More…]
This could have been in doubt had nothing happened, lt is necessary for these northern meatworks to be given some concession because basically they produce a manufacturing type of meat - a third grade type of meat - and the only really sound market for it is the United States market. [More…]
They have been exporting almost their entire production to the United States market over the last 3-year period and if they were asked suddenly to divert a large part of this production to other .markets it would impose a penalty upon them. [More…]
He must know that the Government has decided to send the Minister for Defence to the United States in the next week or two to investigate the present situation regarding the Fill. [More…]
A number of committees, including the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board ad hoc Committee, were established to advise the Secretary, Department of Air Force on the many scientific and engineering aspects of the problem. [More…]
To assist in the Australian evaluation as affecting F111C aircraft, three scientists of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories of the Department of Supply were sent to the United States of America to augment the engineer staff of the Royal Australian Air Force Project Manager. [More…]
The Government has decided that I should visit the United States at an early suitable opportunity to discuss the whole matter with the United States Secretary of Defence. [More…]
Mr Laird has himself said that the United States must consult with the Australian Government on any modifications to the Fill contract. [More…]
The House of Commons in Great Britain last year sat on 164 days; the House of Commons in Canada sat on 161 days; and the House of Representatives in the United States of America sat on 186 days. [More…]
We sat for well under a third of the time of the British or the Canadian lower houses and scarcely a quarter of the time of the United States House of Representatives. [More…]
I think immediately of exports to the United States and Japan. [More…]
Even though as a result of my recent visit to the United States of America, I do not consider that country to be the greenest pasture in the world, I believe we can rely on it as a friend and ally. [More…]
To a degree 1 think all of us can go along with that statement because in Vietnam the Russians and the Chinese are testing the United States of [More…]
America to see how far the United States will go. [More…]
Had the Australian Government done as the Australian Labor Party suggested and pulled out 3 or 4 years ago, and had the United States done what the Labor Party has been suggesting for years, there would be no worries in South Vietnam today. [More…]
It is greater than the rate of increase in any period of United States history. [More…]
Some of these are so unreasonable as to amount to an expression of anti-Americanism, and thus I want, in these remarks, to refer particularly to United States investment. [More…]
In a comprehensive 1966 survey set out in American Investment in Australia’, Dr D. T. Brash shows that, in the management of American companies, less than 10% of the senior executives of American establishments in Australia are United States personnel, and most have complete replacement programmes. [More…]
Further, it was found that while the American parent companies laid down budgets and cost accounting techniques, the parent provided much technical training and the very substantial benefits of management techniques which, as is widely known, are highly developed in the United States. [More…]
More than 50% of the com panies regarded the information coming in as absolutely essential to their operation, and this is hardly surprising as the United States has had long experience in such a wide variety of industries and most comprehensive research programmes over a staggering range. [More…]
It is worth remembering that in recent years both the British and the United States governments have sought to restrict much of the capital exported into developing countries like Australia. [More…]
As an expression of the emotionalism to which I have referred I note that most heated criticism is of payments to the United States and not the United Kingdom. [More…]
But let us always remember that the United States of America itself was built up on foreign capital, mainly British, and expanded into the industrial giant it is today. [More…]
much less control of, Australian government by United States business. [More…]
United States interests are numerous, diverse complex and politically unco-ordinated. [More…]
Indeed, the evidence is rather that those United States firms which are established would like tariff barriers against their compatriots to preserve the status quo. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government could well take a lead from the Nixon Government in the United States of America, which is providing $8,929m during the next 5 years to construct waste treatment plants and to provide sewerage. [More…]
Yet the United States and Australian governments claim they are not involved in the war in Laos. [More…]
In the United States of America, a much older federation than ours and a federation where the States have greater financial powers or resources than the States have in this country, there is no question as regards securities and exchange matters, for instance. [More…]
Australia - all of us as individuals and as a nation - would benefit from the clear, honest and modern deployment of our capital resources which can be done only if Australia has some of the modern machinery that the United States of America has had since the early 1930s and which every comparable country, which trades or invests as much proportionately as we do. [More…]
The only major country which has not declared itself on this issue is the United States of America, and there an official study regarding increased metric utilisation is in fact in progress. [More…]
The major trends in world affairs with which I propose to deal are: Communist policies; the reduction of British influence east of Suez and in particular the withdrawal of British forces from Malaysia and Singapore; the dramatic growth of Japan with the promise this has for greatly increased influence in the world at large and in our own region in particular, and the comprehensive doctrine enunciated by President Nixon concerning the world role of the United States. [More…]
Firstly, it makes amendments to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1968 consequent upon the Commonwealth Employees’ Compensation Bill and the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill. [More…]
Secondly, it provides for amendments to the principal Act, effective as from the date of commencement of that Act, to enable the principal Act to be applied to civilian employees - within the restricted meaning that that term has in this context - who are employed, either within or outside the territorial limits of Australia, by the Government of the United States of America in connection with the station. [More…]
When this legislation was being prepared it was not clear whether any civilian employees of the Government of the United States would be employed outside the territorial limits of Australia and the application of the Act was limited accordingly. [More…]
There we have seen the value of a parliamentary committee in the United States of America going back over some of the statements that were accepted as true, such as the story of the supposed attack on United States destroyers in Vietnamese waters. [More…]
My colleague the honourable member for Fremantle mentioned the hysteria about an alleged attack on United States destroyers and the fact that the President was given power to move unlimited numbers of troops into Vietnam. [More…]
United States expenditure on the war in Vietnam rose to S30,000m per year. [More…]
Later in Senate investigation committee hearings it was disclosed that it was not an attack on United States destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. [More…]
Is there any evidence that inquiries conducted in the United States do not do this or that witnesses are inhibited by the fact that they may be heard in public? [More…]
The honourable member for Wills said that other countries - he singled out the United States of America for special mention - do not leak particular information. [More…]
If he had read, he would have seen that information that was given in relation to Laos and Cambodia by the United States Secretary of State was leaked and that the following morning the Secretary of State had to go on television in open session and tell the nation that the information that was leaked was incorrect. [More…]
If we look at a lot of the evidence that has been given about Vietnam we will see that a man who previously was the greatest hawk in the Democratic Government of the United States is now not only the greatest dove but is speaking in a way that is completely contrary to the attitude that he had taken in the previous government. [More…]
I wish to inform the House that the Minister for Defence (Mr Malcolm Fraser) left Australia on 30th March to visit Vietnam and the United States. [More…]
In Saigon he has had discussions with senior leaders of the South Vietnamese Government and with Vietnamese, United States and Australian officials and Service commanders. [More…]
By way of illustration I can point to the failure of the moratorium marchers in the United States of America towards the end of last year. [More…]
At that time Australia had considerable ability to influence events, by influencing the United States of America. [More…]
The President of the United States knows that his people no longer believe it. [More…]
The most developed, the strongest, of those - the United States, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia - are flourishing democracies. [More…]
Two of these - the United States and Japan - are the world’s first and third industrial powers. [More…]
I echo for Australia the statement made for the United States by the Senate Majority Leader, Senator Mansfield, that ‘those among us who applaud his fall are mistaken’. [More…]
The Liberal tradition continues - talk big; encourage the elements in any American administration which urge escalation; make it as difficult as possible for the United States to negotiate. [More…]
One of the main reasons why President Johnson is no longer President of the United States is that he persistently refused to acknowledge that proposals for negotiations are not necessarily proposals for final settlement. [More…]
Other nations may place some emphasis on that position, not least the United States, where the Negro population is notably critical of the Australian Government. [More…]
Our relations with the United States have always been to take account of the fact that it includes the world’s most powerful black, community. [More…]
He explicitly recognised that these matters are crucial in achieving a detente between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Adhesion to it is the most important request on disarmament the United States had made to her friends and allies. [More…]
If Rhodesia and the Non-proliferation Treaty are examples of Australia’s failure to co-operate with the United States in her best endeavours, our conduct at the United Nations on control of chemical and bacteriological warfare betrays equally shortsighted efforts to support the United States when most isolated and idiosyncratic. [More…]
In the General Assembly, Australia, Portugal and the United States alone voted against the declaration that the Geneva Convention outlawed chemical and biological agents of warfare which poisoned or killed men, animals or plants. [More…]
It has not been a question of consistent support for the United States, or concerted action with fellow members of the Commonwealth of Nations. [More…]
He expressed his Government’s opinion in 3 great matters of policy of 3 great nations; he expressed his Government’s opinion as to action taken, policies enunciated, or likely developments in Britain, Japan and the United States. [More…]
They overlook what is perhaps her most significant role of all - in helping bridge relations between the United States and China. [More…]
The pity of it is that up to 2 years ago we could have joined with Canada and Japan in helping the United States off the hook. [More…]
But now, a comparison of the President’s speech of 18th February and the speech of the Minister for External Affairs shows that in fact the United States has moved ahead of us; the official American position is now well in advance of ours. [More…]
The new and crucial part of this Doctrine is Statesclause 3, which states: the United States will look to the nation directly threatened to assume the primary responsibility of providing the manpower for its defence. [More…]
Fundamentally, this is the President’s response to the demand of the people and the Congress of the United States that there shall be no more Vietnams. [More…]
It is not just because of economic difficulties that Britain is no longer prepared to provide troops for Asia; it is not just for historical reasons that Japan cannot; it is not just for domestic political reasons that the United States will not. [More…]
No democratic society can long survive half-alienated, and in the United States alienation is deepest among the very groups upon whose co-operation and dedication democratic society most depends - the young, the educated and the idealistic. [More…]
No enemy has inflicted a greater defeat upon the United States Army than it received from within at My Lai. [More…]
And for what reasons is this blood-bath in Vietnam, and this disintegration in the United States, to continue? [More…]
The same Minister, speaking in Saigon last week, stated that the reduction of the Australian commitment was solely dependent on decisions by the United States: that is, on behalf of the Government of Australia, a Minister states publicly that it is of no importance whatever Australians think, that it is not for them to propose, dispose or oppose. [More…]
In 5 years of dissent this charge has never been made, and particularly not in the United States, where the list would include half the Congress, including the Senate Majority Leader, two brothers of a former President and a candidate for the vicepresidency of the United States. [More…]
I had always hoped that we might have a bipartisan foreign policy in Australia as has applied to such a great extent in both the United States and Britain. [More…]
I have seldom heard the Leader of the Opposition so caustic as he was against our great ally the United States of America. [More…]
At least, when it comes to our corner of the world it is the United States which is carrying the free world on its back; but the United States is getting mighty little thanks from people like the Leader of the Opposition for doing so. [More…]
We were told by the Leader of the Opposition that the intervention by the United States in Vietnam had been a Vietnam aberration. [More…]
What would happen if the United States and Australia immediately withdrew, as has been advocated both by the previous Leader of the Opposition in his policy speech of 1966 and by the present Leader of the Opposition in 1969? [More…]
None of this is to say that Australia should lightly do anything which might in any way weaken its relations with our traditional great allies in the United States and Britain. [More…]
The new foreign policy of the United States - as outlined by President Nixon in his report to Congress on 18th February - must have had a great impact on the formulation of the Government’s new foreign policy. [More…]
President Nixon, in his statement of the new American foreign policy, states in one place that the United States will not be involved in the world because of its commitments. [More…]
lt is the second alternative that we and the United States are backing. [More…]
There will be a tendency on the part of the United States either to retreat towards isolationism or to reconfirm such commitments wilh added protestations of support (compare the guarantees given to Poland after Munich in 1938). [More…]
The United States and Australian Governments have sought to make public relations mileage out of associating SEATO with the intervention in Vietnam. [More…]
The only reason why the two remaining Asian members - Thailand and the Philippines - intervened was that the United States blatantly bribed them to send units. [More…]
As the Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee said recently: [More…]
In each case the much publicised but significantly unpublished request from the South Vietnamese Government came, if it came at all, as a contrived and diplomatically convenient afterthought to the pressure exerted by the United States administration. [More…]
lt is now coming to be recognised in the United States that the United States policies, which this Government has slavishly and mindlesssly followed, have strengthened the Communists’ position. [More…]
Let us listen to the talk of one of the so-called dominoes, Indonesia, given by that country’s Ambassador to the United States, Soedjatmoko. [More…]
The United States Government has also made numerous public statements on both matters. [More…]
In addition, the United States and the Australian Governments maintain close contact, at all appropriate levels, on the use of non-lethal chemicals in Vietnam. [More…]
None of these activities, however, could be described as an exchange, or exchanges, of policy statements between Australia and the United States. [More…]
Payments on the F111 project are made to the United States Government for the principal contract and I am informed that the most recent payment to the United States Government was$US345,962 paid on 27th March 1970. [More…]
There are three other payments totalling an estimated $US4,900,000 which are due for payment to the United States Government before 30th June 1970. [More…]
Has the Minister noted that on 20 January, 31 United States Airlines gave undertakings to United States Federal Departments that they would fit anti-pollution devices to all their Boeing 727 and DC9 aircraft by the end of 1972. [More…]
Is he able to provide the corresponding figures for the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom and the countries of Western Europe. [More…]
The following table shows the percentage changes in gross national product at constant prices per head of population in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and a number of the countries of Western Europe. [More…]
Which voluntary health insurance funds will be sending representatives to the World Conference of Health Insurance Funds to be held in the United States this year. [More…]
Is he able to say whether, in any case, representatives will be accompanied by their wives, staff or other associates; if so, can he state whether their travel to the United States, accommodation and/or other costs will be met by the fund concerned. [More…]
Has he information as to whether the representatives will be using charter aircraft at any stage on their journey to or return from the United States or within that country; if so what are the details, including cost, of these flights. [More…]
Can he say whether the costs of any travel within the United States for representatives, their wives, staff members or other persons accompanying them are to be met by the particular fund they represent; if so, what are the details of this travel and the related costs. [More…]
The next meeting of the International Federation on Voluntary Health Service Funds is to be held in Chicago, United States of America, in August 1970. [More…]
ls the Prime Minister aware that the United States Federal Communications Commission announced recently that in future in the United States a newspaper will not be able to acquire a radio or television station? [More…]
For the interest of honourable members opposite, Australia spends only 0.7% of national income on water research compared with 3i% in the United States, 2% in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and 2% in the United Kingdom. [More…]
United States [More…]
What was the cost of repairs to HMAS Hobart’ following the accidental attack by United States aircraft in 1968? [More…]
Bearing in mind the occurrence during the visit of the United States Vice-President and bearing in mind the forthcoming Vietnam Moratorium campaign, can he tell the House whether his attention has been drawn to a statement at Monash University by the Secretary of the Victorian Police Association, Inspector W. D. Crowley? [More…]
My attention has not been drawn to a statement by Inspector Crowley relating to police behaviour at demonstrations, but I think implicit in the honourable member’s question is a criticism of the Australian Capital Territory police and their behaviour at demonstrations during the visit of the Vice-President of the United States. [More…]
Has the Government received a pessimistic and alarming report from Sir Keith Waller, the new Head of his Department, of sweeping changes in United States foreign policy? [More…]
Does the report claim that President Nixon and his advisers have sharply downgraded the threat of Communist inspired aggression in South East Asia and United States military and economic involvement there? [More…]
The honourable gentleman will be disappointed to learn that no report of this nature was made by Sir Keith Waller, the former Ambassador to the United States. [More…]
It is true we did receive through normal diplomatic channels and staff sources a commentary on the Nixon report that had been made to the United States Congress. [More…]
As has been pointed out by the United States authorities, this is a world review. [More…]
For example, we read that in 1969 the House of Commons in Great Britain met on 164 days; the House of Commons in Canada met on 161 days; the House of Representatives in the United States of America met on 186 days. [More…]
He later became Australia’s Ambassador to the United States of America. [More…]
He became the Australian Ambassador to the United States of America. [More…]
If the House were to sit on the number of days on which the House of Commons in Britain, the House of Commons in Canada and the House of Representatives in the United States sit there would be no need for the Leader of the House continually to come into the chamber and gag debate in order to push legislation through. [More…]
Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware of Press statements that already this year Australia has exported 90% of the meat it is allowed to export to the United States of America? [More…]
If not, can the Minister indicate the present position of exports of meat from Australia to the United States? [More…]
I believe that today there was a report in one of the newspapers stating that already this year 90% of our meat entitlement on the United States market had been exported and the indication was that there would have to be some cutting off of supplies to the American market if we were not to violate the understanding on the quota that we have for that market. [More…]
The shipments that are made to the United States market start in November and go through to the following October. [More…]
For the 5 months period up to 31st March approximately 96,000 tons of beef and mutton had been exported to the United States. [More…]
At the February meeting of the Australian Meat Board there was some concern expressed at the rate at which beef and mutton were being exported to the United States market so the diversification factor was decreased. [More…]
In other words, greater emphasis was put on exporting more to non-United States markets. [More…]
At the March meeting so there would be no likelihood of having to restrict supplies it was also decided that from May onwards all exports to the United States market be by agreement with or the approval of the Australian Meat Board. [More…]
It originated in the United States of America, where certain people conceived the idea that a series of nationwide strikes, increasing progressively in length by 1 day a month, should be organised to protest against the Vietnam war. [More…]
The Vietnam Moratorium Campaign’ in the United States provided the inspiration for the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign in Australia. [More…]
In this letter, which I believe was a circular, the honourable member asserted that on ‘the recent Moratorium Days’ in the United States, vast numbers of Americans had taken part in a series of dramatic, peaceful events calling for an end to the war’. [More…]
All I can say is that - as we know it to be a fact that the honourable member for Lalor was the chairman of that meeting - any chairman, being a member of Parliament with even a minimal sense of responsibility, when that motion was proposed and the approving reference made to the stoning of the United States Consulate-General in Melbourne would then and there have left the chair and closed the meeting. [More…]
We should not forget the riots in Melbourne on 4th July 1968 and 4th July 1969, when the United States Consulate-General was the target of extremist violence. [More…]
That the following words be added to the motion: and this House (a) affirms the right of peaceful demonstration and the right of Australian people to express opposition to the war hi Vietnam, as do the great majority of governments and peoples in the world, (b) supports efforts by the United States Government to achieve disengagement from that war and (c) declares this disengagement to be an urgent need of humanity. [More…]
The United States of America has been engaged even longer - by far the longest war in her history. [More…]
In the United States especially, the division is so deep that it threatens the very fabric of her society. [More…]
The internal disruption his own policies had created destroyed one of the strongest Presidents of the United States. [More…]
Three years after he had won the largest majority of votes accorded a democratic leader, not only in the history of the United States but in the history of the world, he had to announce his abdication. [More…]
Yet in all these years of America’s agony at home and abroad, despite the near disruption of her society, despite demonstrations by the scores, despite the demoralisation of the world’s oldest and democracy’s largest organised political party, the Democratic Party of the United States, no responsible leader or organ has ever effectively charged that Communists were behind the dissenters or even significantly among them. [More…]
If the United States does not pull out Australia will follow the negative move. [More…]
If I may give one example of this kind of thing, Australia has allies and it has irresponsible politicians just as the United States has allies and irresponsible politicians. [More…]
It is clear that much of the disaffection in Thailand towards the United States has been related to irresponsible statements on the part of a number of United States senators. [More…]
The change in attitudes of men such as Thanat Khoman has been related to statements by United States senators. [More…]
At dusk, after the mass demonstration had ended, a small segment of the crowd, members of radical splinter groups, moved across Constitution Avenue to the Labour and Justice Department buildings where they burned United States flags, threw paint bombs and other missiles and were repelled by tear gas released by the police. [More…]
Recently, the ‘Australian’ not only recorded Cardinal Cushing’s stand in America against the war in Vietnam but stated ‘Cardinal Joins United States drive against war’ and reported that he had supported the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign in Washington last October. [More…]
But J live also in the radical tradition and I have learnt more of that tradition in the United States of America than anywhere else. [More…]
The second point of the Opposition’s amendment is that this House: supports efforts by the United States Government to achieve disengagement from the war . [More…]
We support the endeavours of the United States Government to reach a peaceful settlement. [More…]
The United States of America was spending $US30,000m a year on that war and it was only when General Westmoreland asked for an additional 206,000 troops and the request was examined on the basis of economics that it was calculated that these additional troops would cost a further $US1 2,000m. [More…]
There was insecurity in the United States dollar. [More…]
Instead of shares dropping in price as they would have done the year before they rose because the financial powers of the United States knew that they had over-extended their position to such an extent that the United States Treasury was in jeopardy. [More…]
On 18th December last, when he held office as Acting Chairman of its Victorian organising Committee, he wrote me a letter … the honourable member asserted that on ‘the recent Moratorium Days’ in the United States, vast numbers of Americans had taken part in a series of dramatic, peaceful events calling for an end to the war.’ [More…]
As Jong as the fighting goes on and there is evidence that the United States and its allies are not doing all they could to promote peace, Americans opposed to the war must continue to make their views known in every possible legitimate way. [More…]
I want to ask a few simple questions, Mr Deputy Speaker, and I would like someone on this distinguished list of speakers for the Opposition who are to follow me in this debate to answer these questions: Does the Opposition believe that if the stand by the United States of America and Australia and their allies had not been taken, would there have been any aggressive intent at all aimed at Vietnam? [More…]
We affirm the right to peaceful demonstrations, support the efforts of the United States Government to achieve an end to the war and declare that this disengagement meets the urgent needs of humanity. [More…]
But the matter is that while Australia values the closeness and strength of its friendship and alliance with the United States, our forces are in Vietnam to help the government of the South at its request. [More…]
I think I should say that we decided in principle some time ago, weeks and weeks ago, that we would be willing to do this if we received the necessary request from the Government of South Vietnam and the necessary collaboration with the United States. [More…]
The plain fact is that we did not respond to the request of the South Vietnamese Government; we bowed to the pressure of the United States Administration - and we were not the only country to do so. [More…]
Three months prior to that date, in January 1965, the United States Government had signed an agreement with the Phillipines underwriting all the costs of the Philippines’ participation in Vietnam. [More…]
Two points are clear from this statement: Firstly, that a Vietnamese request, if it ever arrived, was a mere and contrived formality; and secondly, that the Philippines, as with Thailand, was bribed by the United States Government to intervene. [More…]
This is the course of action which caused the Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee to comment. [More…]
The position of the United States is even more equivocal. [More…]
The United States has never received a request from any of the multitude of governments of South Vietnam to intervene because, in spite of repeated requests by the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the United States Administration has never been able to produce such a document. [More…]
The United States Administration was not interested in the contribution of the bribed and pressured members of the free world. [More…]
President Johnson found it expedient to bolster his own Administration’s standing in the United States domestic political scene. [More…]
But as a part of the falsehood of the propaganda of this Government it did not mention what that same report said about the United States and what it said about the Republic of South Vietnam. [More…]
Taking into account and basing itself on its own observations and authorised statements made in the United States of America and the Republic of Vietnam, the Commission concludes that the Republic of Vietnam has violated articles 16 and 17 of the Geneva Agreements in receiving the increased military aid from the United States of America in the absence of any established credit in its favour. [More…]
The Commission is also of the view that though there may be not any formal military alliance between the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Vietnam the establishment of a united Military Assistance Command in South Vietnam as well as the introduction of a large number of United States military personnel beyond the stated strength of the Military Assistance Advisory Group amounts to a factual military alliance which is prohibited under Article 19 of the Geneva Agreements. [More…]
I should now like to refer to the United States Committee on Foreign Relations report entitled ‘Background Information Relating to South East Asia and Vietnam’. [More…]
Under the date, 1st January 1955, 6 months after the signing of the Geneva Agreements, it says that the United States promises to render direct assistance to Vietnam on the basis of existing agreements of December 1950 for the support of Vietnamese armed forces. [More…]
On 12th February 1955 the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group took over the training of the South Vietnamese Army following the relinquishing of the command authority by the French. [More…]
What we have to think of this is that 6 months after the signing of the Geneva Agreements which prohibited infiltration and which prohibited any military alliance the United States, on its own evidence, was in action. [More…]
It was not until 1960, again on the evidence supplied by the United States Senate, that there was information that the North Vietnamese had come into action. [More…]
That was an agreement signed by the United States. [More…]
We, in co-operation with the United States and with the puppet regime of Ngo Dinh Diem set up by the United States, aided and abetted the Vietnamese to defy that agreement. [More…]
supports efforts by the United States Government to achieve disengagement from the war. [More…]
Are we to take it, then, that the Minister wants not to support efforts by the United States Government to achieve disengagement from the war? [More…]
I submit that any honourable member who accepts the amendment moved by the Minister is saying: ‘I do not want to pass in this House a motion that we support the efforts of the United States Government to achieve disengagement from the war.’ [More…]
I reiterate what the honourable member for St George said tonight: According to the only reliable report put out by the American Government the International Control Commission places the primary responsibility for the war in Vietnam not on North Vietnam or South Vietnam but on the United States of America for its interference and its failure to abide by the Geneva Accords. [More…]
That is probably explained by the fact that polls have shown that some 90% of United States citizens - I assume that ours are no different - have admitted to breaking a law which, if prosecuted, could have led to their imprisonment. [More…]
I refer the Prime Minister to his answer yesterday to the honourable member for Bonython on Press reports of an offer by the United States Government to lend Australia 24 Phantom F4E aircraft. [More…]
Has the Minister for Defence, in a joint statement with the United States Secretary of Defence, earlier today announced that such an offer had been made and accepted? [More…]
The question I was asked yesterday by the honourable member for Bonython, as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition will discover if he looks at Hansard, was: Has the Government accepted a reported offer by the United States concerning Phantom aircraft? [More…]
I suspect that many of the leading institutions in the United States of America have better standards than have Australian hospitals. [More…]
On the other hand I concede that there would be some areas in the United States where the standards would not be as good as they are here. [More…]
In the same International Year Book it states that of $ 10,526m loans made in 1968 by credit unions in the United States, something like $865. [More…]
Admittedly there is wide variation between the States in the United States of America. [More…]
We have to be friendly with the United States of America, and we ought to promote the greatest possible friendship with that country. [More…]
Can he say whether, under the United States Landrum-Griffin Act, embezzlement of union funds is a federal offence and whether it is a function of the United States Department of Labour to conduct investigations when necessary and to launch prosecutions to protect union funds from embezzlement or misappropriation. [More…]
I have no information of our offering services such as the Navy and the Air Force but, on the other hand, as soon as the difficulty was known the United States Government got in touch with the Australian Government and asked that we make available the 210-foot diameter dish at Parkes which was required because of the need to pick up signals which were sent with a very low electrical impulse. [More…]
The United States Government needed such a piece of equipment in order to pick up those impulses. [More…]
In view of the imminent scheduling of Boeing 747 jumbo aircraft into Australia and the rumoured arrival of the Anglo-French Concorde aircraft early in 1971, could the Minister advise whether there is any regulation similar to those operating in the United States of America which would allow the Department of Civil Aviation the right to refuse entry of these aircraft into Austrafia should their noise level be above certain tolerable standards? [More…]
Such an investigating committee has been set up in the United States of America. [More…]
An article relating to extensive research carried out in the United States by Professor Sternglass of the University of Pittsburg concerning strontium 90 recently came to my notice. [More…]
He says that amongst other effects it has been found to cause an increased mortality of children during the first year of life, and to be so sensitive that it already has resulted in the death of 400,000 children in the United States alone as a result of the nuclear weapons tests which were carried out between 1945 and 1962. [More…]
Professor Sternglass has predicted that the employment of anti-ballistic missiles by the United States, even if successful against an enemy’s nuclear attack, would result in the death of all children. [More…]
He uses that as a powerful argument against the employment of anti-ballistic missile systems by the United States or any other country. [More…]
The United States is now expecting her allies to bear a greater share of the burden of regional defence. [More…]
When he was returning from the United States after his visit to President Nixon he stopped in Nadi for 48 hours. [More…]
At present, the South Pacific Commission is run by the metropolitan powers - Britain, the United States, France, Australia and New Zealand. [More…]
The third approach is one which has never been contemplated even remotely in the thinking of the Government, lt has been stated with quite brutal frankness in the United States by Senator Fulbright; it is the ultimate acceptance and recognition of Communist supremacy in Indo-China. [More…]
This is the sort of tough minded thinking on Indo-China which is being put forward with increasing persistence in the United States. [More…]
Since World War II the United States and Australia have held common interests; in the years ahead they are likely to diverge sharply. [More…]
The focus of United States attention will lift from South East Asia where, in the words of Senator Fulbright it does not matter very much for the United States in cold, unadorned strategic terms who is ruler. [More…]
Australia needs to maintain strong ties and alliances with the United States, New Zealand and other friendly powers, particularly Japan, in the Asian and Pacific region. [More…]
Whilst Australia can take some comfort from the Nixon doctrine reaffirming that the United States will honour its treaty commitments and will provide a shield against nuclear threat, Australia cannot escape its own responsibilities and efforts to ensure a peaceful progress in South East Asia and the Pacific. [More…]
It is fortunate that the United States has assumed - not without some reluctance - the burden of counterbalancing Communist expansion around the world, especially in our region. [More…]
first, to face China on yet another front; second, to extend the influence of Russia as a world power; third, to fill the power vacuum in South East Asia consequent on Britain’s withdrawal and, perhaps, in anticipation of a slowing down of United States activity and influence should the Vietnam conflict be satisfactorily resolved; and, fourth - this is the most important to us - to compete with Japan, Australia and other countries for the growing trade opportunities which will develop in Asia. [More…]
Most Asian countries were colonies of the Netherlands, Britain, the United States, France and Portugal, with the exception of Thailand, Japan and China. [More…]
The United States proved to be a most powerful ally during the last war. [More…]
We encouraged and welcomed United States involvement in the Pacific and in the South East Asian area. [More…]
There will probably be less United States military presence than previously, but the area will need a steady United States presence and economic assistance. [More…]
The complete withdrawal of the United States would be disastrous. [More…]
There is no doubt that if victory in Vietnam had been achieved by 1963, there would have been resounding applause all round, and even if achieved in 1966, after the commitment of the United States forces and the bombing of the North, little harm would have been done and most criticism would have been stilled. [More…]
The United States has a protracted war in Vietnam and as it drags on more and more people in Europe and elsewhere are being alienated from her. [More…]
I think it is extremely likely that Australia will be repeatedly involved in wars on behalf of the United States and extremely unlikely that the United States will be involved in war on behalf of Australia. [More…]
The theory is that if anybody decides to knock it out by a nuclear attack on Australia the United States will counter with a nuclear atttack on our behalf. [More…]
De Gaulle asked the simple question: ‘If a nuclear attack is made on France will the United States on behalf of France make a nuclear attack on the other power - the Soviet Union, shall we say?’ [More…]
His answer was no, because that in turn would provoke a nuclear attack on the United States. [More…]
The attacker would not then have reached the point of no return where he was provoking an uncontrollable war because it is extremely unlikely that the United States would regard this as the casus belli for the exercise of nuclear weapons. [More…]
So far as Communist China is concerned, most of us know that the United States has a very large organisation in Hong Kong, which is an obvious listening post to read the Chinese newspapers and to hear what it can from those who come out of China. [More…]
The chief factor in this decision was that following an agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the United States of America the payment of market development allowances from the Fund on export of Australian canned peaches to major export countries was discontinued from the 1st January 1969- [More…]
The critical step in the evolution of this recognition was taken by the United States, in what has become the historic ‘Truman Proclamation’ of 28th September 1945. [More…]
Australia, however, in common with the United Kingdom, the United States, France and a number of other states, at present asserts a 3-mile territorial sea, and is not bound to recognise any wider claim on the part of other states. [More…]
This question has been specifically answered by the courts in both of the 2 overseas federations which are of particular interest to Australia - the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States, the matter was litigated in the Supreme Court by the State of California, and subsequently by other States. [More…]
In the United States, Congress expressly vested in the coastal States, by its own legislative Act, complete authority over the oil and gas resources of the territorial sea, though retaining for the United States sole control in the outer continental shelf. [More…]
But I repeat that, alike in the United States and Canada, the Constitution was held to vest exclusive off-shore control in the Federation, as the Government asserts in the present Bill here; the concessions to the States and Provinces were not required by law but were made as the result of political decisions, the question of legal authority having already been answered in the Federation’s favour. [More…]
Here in Australia, as honourable members will recall, the Government reached a compromise in 1967 in respect of the control of the oil and gas resources of offshore areas that was different from what has been done either in the United States or in Canada. [More…]
The reign of terror, Mr Wentworth, as you know is in Vietnam, where not only Communists but United States and Australian forces are locked in a vile and violent struggle over the bodies of innocent people, including nationalists who are not Communists, who merely want to earn and enjoy an honest living. [More…]
How do these times compare with those in equivalent hospitals in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Sweden? [More…]
How do these rates compare with those in equivalent hospitals in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Sweden and Canada? [More…]
How do these rates compare with equivalent hospitals in the United Kingdon, the United States and Sweden? [More…]
In view of the rapidly expanding meat production in Australia and the high and rising meat prices in the United States will the Minister, while in Canada, arrange a visit to the United States with the object of obtaining an increase in meat exports to that country through an increase in the global quota of meat imports now allowed by the United States? [More…]
I am aware of the desire of the Australian meat industry to get as large a quota as it possibly can into the United States market for beef and mutton. [More…]
First of all, the quota for beef and mutton imported into the United States is fixed by Act of Congress and any liberalisation would necessitate an amendment through Congress or the intervention of the President himself. [More…]
However, having said that I will certainly be discussing with Secretary Hardin the question of imports of meat into the United States when 1 attend the Ottawa grain conference in about a fortnight’s time. [More…]
Has the Acting Prime Minister no’.ed President Nixon’s pledge to withdraw 150,000 United States troops from South Vietnam within a year? [More…]
I understand that it is to the e fleet that the United States will withdraw 150.000 troops from South Vietnam by the next Northern Hemisphere spring, which appears to make it about 12 months from now. [More…]
In the course of Chapter 5 of this book, be makes a comparison between estate and gift taxes in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
This means that organisations such as the European Economic Community and countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom are making radical changes in policy which in fact give high protection to primary industry in order to make themselves self-sufficient. [More…]
The honourable gentleman also drew some interesting comparisons between Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
A similar office - now called the Office of the Legislative Counsel - was established by statute in the United States of America just over 50 years ago. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government has at last decided to follow the example of Britain, the United States and New Zealand in creating a special office for the purpose of drafting Commonwealth legislation. [More…]
I draw the Minister’s attention to the fact that courses in .legislative drafting are offered in many law schools in the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America there are many variations in methods of hospital staffing; but it is probably true to state that in all except small country district hospitals, the ‘continental’ system of staffing is the pattern. [More…]
The United States of America provides generous tax concessions for those people who purchase works of art an’d bequeath them to public institutions or use works of art in building developments. [More…]
The most recent available document which surveys the types of social security schemes operating overseas is the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare’s publication ‘Social Security Programmes Throughout the World 1967’, which gives the principal features of schemes inthe following countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Chile, China (Nationalist), China (Communist), Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Germany (Federal Republic), Germany (East), Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea (South), Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Luxembourg, Malagasy Republic, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States of America, Upper Volta, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam (South), Vietnam (North), Yugoslavia, Zambia. [More…]
The complexity and diversity of the schemes operating in the countries surveyed by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare are such that it is not possible to provide a concise and accurate summary, and hence the publication mentioned above is recommended to the honourable member. [More…]
Essential repairs necessary to enable ‘Hobart’ to return to operational service were carried out by the United States Navy at Subic Bay in the Philippines. [More…]
Australians have shown their adaptability in the moving picture world, and to-day there are many of them engaged in the industry in the United States of America who are capably filling posts as directors, actors, actresses, scenario writers, cameramen, &c. The unlimited scope afforded by the well-established industry in America has been responsible for their remaining in that country, and it cannot be expected that many of them would be prepared to sacrifice highly remunerative positions and return to Australia in order to assist in the establishment of the industry here unless every encouragement and assistance were given to make production in Australia a profitable and lasting employment. [More…]
Some of these countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy and France are larger than Australia and are well known to us as film producing countries. [More…]
Czechoslovakia, with a population about the same as ours had 70% local content; Sweden 58%; France 80%; Japan 80%; Britain 85%; and Canada, in the shadow of that giant, the United States had 50% . [More…]
So much of what we see and have reflected on television screens and film screens is an amalgam of the lesser cultural peaks of the United States and the United Kingdom - a hotchpotch of The Beverley Hillbillies’ and ‘Coronation Street’. [More…]
This means that only the United States of America, Japan, China, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and India would fill the bill. [More…]
Crawford Productions has stated that it wishes to produce ‘Homicide’, its television serial, in colour film instead” of video tape because it wishes to sell on the United States export market. [More…]
In relation to population Australia rates second only to the United States of America as a supporter of motion pictures. [More…]
I believe that it should be of concern to all Australians that approximately 75% of films shown in this country come from the United States of America, approximately 18% come from Great Britain and the remainder come from other countries, chiefly France and Italy. [More…]
I would not deny the achievements of these countries; but each of these countries by dint of its indigenous language has not been subject to the same pressures from the United States of America and the United Kingdom as we who are predominantly English speaking have been. [More…]
May I draw the attention of honourable members to what seem to me to be two important analogies, one of which relates to the United States of America. [More…]
Mr Stevens has indisputably contributed a dynamic force to the promotion of the arts in the United States of America since he has achieved this position. [More…]
I would start by saying that the comparison that he invited us to draw with the gentlemen in the United States of America is not completely a realistic one. [More…]
Following a review of the situation in Vietnam which led to the earlier United States decisions to reduce the level of its forces by 115,000 by the middle of this month, President Nixon yesterday announced his decision to introduce a new and long range programme of United States troop reductions involving the withdrawal of 150,000 men over the next 12 months. [More…]
Accordingly, I now announce to the House that after consultation in recent weeks with the governments of Vietnam and the United States, who understand and accept our approach, the Government has decided that one Australian infantry battalion and some supporting personnel will be withdrawn from South Vietnam. [More…]
For the past 2 years each statement by the Prime Minister on Vietnam - each of them a response to statements by Presidents of the United States - has been heard by honourable members opposite in sullen silence. [More…]
The whole and sole purpose of American policy is to extricate the United States from that mistake. [More…]
God knows, the United States, the people of Indo-China, have paid, are paying a terrible enough price for the lessons of Vietnam. [More…]
If the United States does not pull out Australia will follow the negative move. [More…]
The President of the United States welcomes not only the French but the Russian proposals. [More…]
I suggest to the Minister that there is adequate experience in the United States of America to support my contention. [More…]
There is plenty of precedent in the United States of America with its Arts Council where it does appoint people who have a pecuniary interest within various fields of art to assist in the promotion of the arts and culture. [More…]
In establishing the Marine Institute in Townsville the Government is not only following the recent example of the United States of America, France, Great Britain and Germany; it is acclaiming that Australia is indeed an extremely marine oriented nation. [More…]
For example, the United States of America has a Marine Sciences Act of 1966. [More…]
A year or so ago the then Vice-President of the United States, Mr H. H. Humphrey, in one of his last official acts as such, reported to his President on the activities of the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development which was established under that Act. [More…]
And if this is true of the United States, as I believe it is, then this sentiment must stand with equal force here in Australia. [More…]
I think that it would be generally held that, in the field of marine science, the United States of America is well ahead of the world, ns well it might be because of its immense resources in financial terms and in scientific knowhow generally. [More…]
To illustrate my point I wish to use one or two quotations from the 1969 report of the United States Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources. [More…]
The Commission finds that the United States position of world leadership in marine science depends mainly on the work of a small number of major oceanographic institutions. [More…]
Now, in substantiation of this belief in this matter but at the same time indicating just how this has been given practical effect in the United States in recent times 1 with to take a very few figures indeed from the same report. [More…]
I think this indicates the respect with which this field of scientific endeavour is held in the United States. [More…]
I would like to indicate from the same report just what are the propositions for expansion in this field in the United States. [More…]
The Commission recommends that the United States establish as a goal the achievement of :he capability to explore the ocean depths to 20,000 feet within a decade and to utilise ocean depths to 20,000 feet by the year 2000. [More…]
That, in a very small nutshell, is the sort of position we find in this developing field in the United States. [More…]
I have already referred by name to 2 or 3 of the institutions in the United States. [More…]
For instance, the essential aspects of the structure of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at La Jolla, California, are as follows: It is an integral unit of the University of California at San Diego, supported by a parent institution, the United States Government, industry, special funds and income from endowments. [More…]
It is an independent, non-profit research organisation with its own board of control, supported by the United States Government, foundations and private gifts. [More…]
I would like to suggest a possible alternative for the time being - there may be others - to the sort of thing which we find in the institutes in the United States to which I have just drawn attention. [More…]
This has been the finding in the United States of America where this proposition has also been considered. [More…]
I ask the Minister for External Affairs whether the United States of America signed either of the Geneva Agreements on Vietnam and whether South Vietnam signed either of those Agreements, as the honourable member for St George said in a recent debate they did? [More…]
Neither the United States nor the South Vietnamese signed the Geneva Agreement of 1954 or the Accords of 1962. [More…]
What did happen was that the United States, consistently with the United Nations Charter, declared that it would abide by the provisions of the United Nations Charter. [More…]
I am at present finalising a detailed submission to the Cabinet and a report on the mission to the United States of America. [More…]
One of those cases involved charges against somebody said to have taken part in a political demonstration directed against the United States Embassy late last year. [More…]
I might say that this is already the position in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States market all the action in recent years has been designed to further restrict imports, even though there has been quite a substantial decline in dairy production. [More…]
Apart from domestic political considerations, the huge surplus of dairy, products in Europe is a substantial factor inhibiting any relaxation in the United States import restrictions and in securing a constructive approach to the world wide trade situation for dairy produce. [More…]
Is the Minister for External Affairs aware of a broadcast made last night over certain commercial broadcasting stations by a Mr Frank Chamberlain in which he inferred that the United States action in respect of Cambodia was no different from the Soviet Union’s actions in regard to Czechoslovakia last year? [More…]
For the sake of clarity to the public will the Minister advise, firstly: Was not Cambodia occupied by North Vietnam and Vietcong units which were advancing on the national capital before any United States intervention? [More…]
So, too, did President Nixon of the United States of America make a plea that the International Control Commission be re-established. [More…]
In the United States in the same period the cost increased from 3.3% of the gross national product to 5.26% of the gross national product. [More…]
What must be remembered in all this is that Great Britain not only has been more successful than the United States in holding down the rate of increase in the cost of health services but also gives a comprehensive cover to all members of the community. [More…]
In the United States 24 million people have no insurance at all. [More…]
It will also be seen, on the evidence that one can easily obtain, that this is freely admitted by responsible authorities in the United States. [More…]
In an article headed ‘The $60 Billion Crisis over Medical Care’ the reputable United States magazine ‘Business Week’ in January this year stated: [More…]
Since 1966 the cost of health in the United States has been rising at an average of 7% per annum, which is well above the rate of increase in other consumer prices. [More…]
The more one analyses the situation in the United States the more one observes this similarity - the collapse of the American scheme and the imminent collapse of the Australian scheme. [More…]
Perhaps I ought to revert to the case of the United States where the Committee for National Health Insurance has recommended universal cover in health insurance and a regionalisation of services based on a fund to which contributions would come from the employer, the employee and the Federal [More…]
The significance of this, firstly, is that it is very similar to what the Australian Labor Party is proposing; secondly, it has been suggested in the United States, the country of free enterprise. [More…]
This is the experience today in the United States, and he was commenting on that situation when he made that statement. [More…]
We should contrast this with the experience in the United States of America which has a similar voluntary health system. [More…]
These are tremendous increases over the levels which the United States of [More…]
The experience in Canada under that universal scheme compared to that of the United States of America is further evidence for my argument that universal schemes are more successful in keeping down costs of health insurance. [More…]
In 1958 the cost per hospital bed in the United States of America was SUS25 and in Canada $Can 16. [More…]
Thus, during the past decade, despite the fact that the United States did not have a universal government-operated hospital insurance programme and there were and still are millions of Americans without any protection against hospitalisation costs, the costs per day of hospitalisation have risen by a substantially greater amount than in Canada and, in fact, the differentia] between the average costs of hospital care in the two countries has almost doubled. [More…]
Australia provides only $50,000 a year for this purpose, but the United Kingdom provides $9m and the United States of America S40m. [More…]
The decline in general practice is a world wide trend, and the trend is most advanced in the United States, the country the health policy of which is most under the control of the medical profession. [More…]
In an article in the ‘Medical Journal of Australia’ he suggested that, in terms of the number of medical practitioners per head of population, Australia was at that time better off than England and New Zealand, and by now would probably be better off than Canada and nearly as well off as the United States. [More…]
1 wind up by saying that I have always maintained in this House that the national health scheme, as we understand the basis on which it works, gives the people of Australia a better health service than any I have been able to examine, whether in Canada or the United Kingdom, and certainly a lot better than the United States of America. [More…]
This military disadvantage was endured with great forbearance by United States and South Vietnamese forces - for even though the neutrality of Cambodia was being violated by the Communists, the Allies continued to hope that the protests of the Cambodian Government might lead to a cessation of the North Vietnamese invasion. [More…]
This new military threat, increased in gravity, has led to South Vietnamese and United States forces taking action to protect themselves by crossing the border into Cambodian Territory occupied by the North Vietnamese. [More…]
The decision, reached by the President of the United States, was taken on operational military grounds and was designed to protect the lives of Allied servicemen. [More…]
The action taken by the United States and South Vietnam was action to protect the servicemen against attack by an enemy which was increasingly occupying a neutral nation. [More…]
The sudden intervention by the United States in Cambodia made irrelevant any meaningful political or diplomatic initiatives by Asian nations. [More…]
President Johnson said he would not be the first United States President to lose a war. [More…]
This extension of the war has been widely denounced by responsible sections of the United States - the United States Congress and the United States people. [More…]
Yet it seems the United States has embarked on a course designed to reverse the positive achievements secured at heavy cost in the past 2 years. [More…]
This information, he says, was then compared with data from the United States of America and the United Kingdom, lt is done in terms of the operation rate which is expressed as the annual rate per thousand members. [More…]
In the United States of America, among some of these schemes that were mentioned by a previous speaker from this side of the House where doctors are paid a salary and where it is not a fee for service, the operation rate for the same sort of operation was only 4 per 1,000. [More…]
In the United States it was 1.9 - the same doctors pay the salary. [More…]
The rate was a bit higher in the United States. [More…]
What was the value of Australia’s exports to (a) Canada, (b) France, (c) Italy, (d) Japan, (e) The Netherlands, (f) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (g) the United Kingdom, (h) the United States of America, and (i) West Germany in each of the last 5 years. [More…]
What is the current rate of import tariff levied by the United States on Australian wool. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the United States imposes import restrictions on Japanese textiles made from Australian wool. [More…]
Duties applicable to the major part of Australian wool currently being exported to the United States are as follows: and Japan for 1967-68 and 1968-69 are as follows: [More…]
How many United States Secret Service men or women were in Australia during the visit of the Vice-President of the United States. [More…]
1 understand that 29 agents came to Australia in connection with the visit of the VicePresident of the United States. [More…]
asked the Minister for Shipping and Transport, upon notice: ls he able to say whether the United Suites Government subsidises the United States of America owned Matson Navigation Company Shipping Line: if so, what subsidy is paid. [More…]
Did Australia support (a) the view of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and France that there would be unavoidable complexities which could mean weakening the Charter, (b) the United States’ view that decisions should not be hasty or (c) Brazil’s view that the fullest deliberations are overdue. [More…]
The other Troop Contributing Countries supporting the Republic of Vietnam are the United States of America,. [More…]
I am not informed of the extent to which United States policy prohibits the use of these weapons in the anti-personnel role but I have seen no authentic evidence to suggest that they have been used deliberately against troops in the open. [More…]
Can he say whether the entire United States’ production in 1967 and 1968 of some 14 million pounds of the defoliant or weedkiller 2,4,5-T was bought by the United States Department of Defence. [More…]
I can but repeat what I said in this House on the 23rd of last month in answer to a question by the honourable member for Diamond Valley, and that is that neither the United States of America nor South Vietnam was a signatory to the Geneva Agreements of 1954. [More…]
On that occasion these Accords were signed by South Vietnam and also by the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America substantial voluntary insurance funds recognise this fact. [More…]
The United States Blue Cross fund pays 100% of all standard hospital and surgery bills, and I am quite convinced that we should do the same. [More…]
But I sincerely hope that our medical scheme in this country will never bring about the kind of situation which exists in the United Kingdom and the United States of America today. [More…]
This has been true in the United Kingdom, notwithstanding the fearful impact of the ghastly Socialist policies in that unfortunate country, lt has also been the trend in the United States of America where the free and unfettered choice of the medical profession can be reflected in the developments that have taken place in a variety of medical universities throughout that country. [More…]
He has almost completely disappeared in the United States of America, he has almost vanished in the United Kingdom - unhappy country - and in Canada he has tended to move to the United States of America to occupy the vacancies which have been created in that country or he has tended to go into specialist service in the great cities of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. [More…]
The Government admits that in the countries to which I have referred - the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada - there has been a diminution of the number of general practitioners. [More…]
It has been suggested here by the general practice section of the Australian Medical Association that the United States of America may appear more attractive. [More…]
One of the things that has amazed me in all of the protests, in all of the objections and in ali of the criticism, is that while there has been this criticism of the United States of America and Australia there has been no criticism and no comment in relation to our enemies. [More…]
It was a neutrality that cost the lives of United States servicemen and perhaps even of Australian servicemen. [More…]
Everybody on this side of the chamber and everybody who supports our troops in South Vietnam and the move by United States troops into Cambodia desires peace, but there must be agreement between both s:des before peace can be attained. [More…]
The sympathy of all of us is with the people in the United States, Australia and other countries who have lost members of their families in the battle in Vietnam. [More…]
The United States and United Kingdom governments are pulling out of the Pacific region. [More…]
The United States is withdrawing in some of its spheres of influence. [More…]
Has the Minister seen the recent report from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Embassy in Australia referring to the United States of America’s interference in a civil war in Cambodia? [More…]
Will he protest on behalf of the Australian people to the President of the United States of America against the slaughter of 4 students at Kent University, Ohio, by National Guardsmen while the students were exercising their democratic right to dissent from American policy in Cambodia and Vietnam? [More…]
Will he also assure the House that police will not use firearms against those engaged in the Moratorium Campaign in the event of violence which may result because of the inflammatory and provocative statements made by Government supporters against those who seek an end to the war in Vietnam and object to the invasion of Cambodia by United States forces? [More…]
I think that everyone in this House ought to regret deeply the loss of life in the United States as we would regret deeply the loss of life in this country. [More…]
The incident there, while it is regrettable and is a cause of very deep concern for us, is one that primarily involves the United States Government. [More…]
Can the Minister for External Affairs say whether any request was made by the Lon Nol Government in Cambodia to the Government of the United States of America or to the Thieu Government in Saigon to send into Cambodia American and South Vietnamese armed forces? [More…]
Finally, will he say whether, in view of the entry of United States and South Vietnamese armed forces into Cambodia and the widespread hostilities that exist, the Australian Government intends to support the conference suggested by the Indonesian Foreign Minister? [More…]
As to the first part of the honourable gentleman’s question, the Lon Nol Government did not ask for the assistance that was given by South Vietnam and the United States of America but yesterday the Premier himself, Mr Lon Nol, issued a statement in which he said that the liberation government of Cambodia recognised that the action by the United States and South Vietnam was taken in order to achieve the freedom, the independence and the realisation of the highest ideals of the people and the Government of Cambodia. [More…]
We should not forget the riots that occurred last year when the United States Consulate-General was the target for extremist violence and 31 people were injured and 88 arrested. [More…]
I said that this was an agreement that the United States of America signed. [More…]
The Minister, in reply to an arranged question, denied that the United States had done so. [More…]
The United States attached itself to certain aspects of the Geneva Agreements, as the Minister for once correctly pointed out, by issuing a declaration. [More…]
On page 17 of that publication there is what purports to be the United States declaration issued in July 1954. [More…]
The declaration was, in fact, made by the United States Under-Secretary of State, Walter B. Smith, in Geneva on 21st July 1954. [More…]
The United States, by that declaration, agreed to the holding of elections. [More…]
Now, under pressure, he is adopting the rather curious stance that the United States by not signing all of the Agreement and adhering to all of the Agreement could not possibly violate it, but the United States participated in the conference and pledged itself under its declaration to refrain from the threat of force or the use of force. [More…]
In previous speeches in this House I have already quoted from the International Control Commission reports proving that the United States was guilty of violating the Agreement. [More…]
I want now to quote from the 1962 report of the ICC which proves that South Vietnam and the United States hindered the operations of the Commission. [More…]
In the United States of America the whole Senate is completely divided. [More…]
Well, over 50 have come out against it and they are talking about impeaching the President of the United States. [More…]
The article goes on to show that it was a necessary action on the part of the United States to try to preserve its position and honour its commitment in order to withdraw its troops by the announced time. [More…]
I have before me a copy of a document that was captured on 1st June 1969 by a unit of the 9th United States Cavalry Division. [More…]
That is, by withdrawal of United States troops and the acceptance of a coalition government may be expected to arise out of American political weakness, the nature of which is accurately described and the intensity of which is in direct proportion to the strength of this protest movement. [More…]
It was morally, historically, politically and militarily wrong not only for Australia but also for the United States to become involved in Vietnam. [More…]
General Douglas MacArthur told John Foster Dulles that any President of the United States who committed American troops to a land war in Asia should have his head examined. [More…]
despite tremendous amounts of economic and material aid from the United States . [More…]
The war in Vietnam has been a drain on the United States. [More…]
The conduct of the war had undermined the finances of the United States. [More…]
There was a run on gold in Europe and the United States dollar, which had to support the price of gold at $35 an ounce, could not face that commitment and it was necessary to have 2 prices for gold. [More…]
But I stress that although the United States may be withdrawing troops from Vietnam it is still dropping more bombs on Vietnam than were dropped in the time of Johnson. [More…]
General Lemay, a former United States Air Force General, once said: ‘Let us bomb them back to the stone age.’ [More…]
We have seen tragedy inside the United States of America. [More…]
It says that South Vietnam broke the Agreements by refusing to hold elections and by introducing foreign troops from the United States of America. [More…]
The literature goes on to say that the majority of people in Vietnam wanted Communist rule but that the United States espoused nationalistic dictators and imposed another type of regime against the people’s will. [More…]
The literature claims that the International Control Commission apportioned the greater amount of blame to the South, and that the United States and its allies have been by far the greater transgressors in the use of terror and in attacks on the civilian population. [More…]
But parallel and absolutely contiguous with this has been the second war - the propaganda war that has been conducted all round the world, originating in the masler planning area of the hierarchy of the Communist Party, operating in the United States, operating in Australia, operating in New Zealand and wherever there has been scope to do so. [More…]
In that atmosphere the South Vietnamese Government, with its own forces desperately trying to handle the situation, asked the United States first and then Australia to send not troops but military advisers to help its forces to manage their own responsibilities. [More…]
But when we sent a few military advisers and when the United States sent a few military advisers they got to their feet instantly, condemning this country and the United States, and mounted a tremendous campaign which was conducted against our national service law. [More…]
We saw the mounting pressure on both these fronts and particularly on the fighting front in South Vietnam; the increasing terror and the reckless, relentless attacks with mortars, the ruthless murder of village headmen, the systematic murdering of schoolteachers and any people who could give a lead, and the introduction of larger military formations from the North led to the position where the South Vietnam Government, still seeking to protect the independence of its people, asked the United States to send military aid and asked Australia and other countries to send military aid. [More…]
What happened in the United States behind our front? [More…]
The most intense propaganda campaign ever known in a Western country was waged in the United States against its participation in the war. [More…]
J am sure that such an intense campaign as was mounted on the civil front in the United States has never been known. [More…]
The campaign reached such a stage in the United States that President Johnson, who had been so stoic, so firm, so loyal in the defence of these poor people of South Vietnam, was brought to say that he would not again contest the Presidency. [More…]
What a victory on the political front to have a success through propaganda and impel the President of the United States to say that he will not again stand for the Presidency. [More…]
The Communists and the Labor Party will march side by side tomorrow in what they hope will be a great moratorium march, working to have Australian and United States troops returned to their homelands. [More…]
At the same time, in order to ensure that this could not happen here in Australia and in view of the fact that this Government has done nothing but spend day after day talking about the Moratorium, he asked the Minister to accept the responsibility of approaching the State governments in order to ensure that police used the utmost reticence, the utmost care and the utmost forbearance so that an incident such as happened in the United States will not happen in Australia. [More…]
It is based on the lie that if Australians withdraw from Vietnam and if the United States of America withdraw from Vietnam, there will be peace and happiness for everyone in Vietnam. [More…]
The foreign policy of the Communist Party has always been that Australia is wrong, that the United States is wrong, that our friends are wrong, and that our enemies are always right. [More…]
The attitudes are still the same, but now the Australian Labor Party is identified with the same policies and with the same causes, namely, that Australia is wrong, that the United States is wrong, that South Vietnam is wrong, and that the totalitarian regimes of Hanoi. [More…]
During a debate on Cambodia the honourable member for Bass (Mr Barnard), who is Deputy Leader of the Labor Party, leading for the Opposition, condemned the violation by the United States of America of Cambodian neutrality. [More…]
Four boys and girls were shot dead because they dared to dissent against the action of the President of the United States of America in sending American troops to invade Cambodia. [More…]
The United States of America may appear more attractive. [More…]
The fourth point is that it will discourage the inflow of general practitioners from the United Kingdom; the United States may appear more attractive. [More…]
For a short period when I was travelling in the United States I transferred to the Blue Cross organisation, which is vaguely allied to our organisation. [More…]
The transfer was at enormous expense, but it was necessary because of the colossal cost of medicine in the United States. [More…]
The honourable member for Denison said that my colleague, the honourable member for Capricornia, had lauded the Blue Cross system of the United States. [More…]
In fact, the schere that my colleague is advocating is the Kaiser scheme which operates on the west coast of the United States of America. [More…]
From the evidence that I have read and from those to whom 1 have spoken it seems that Britain is much closer to this ideal than we are, and much closer to it than the United States of America is. [More…]
How much has the project so far cost (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States and (d) the United Kingdom. [More…]
What is the estimated total cost of the project to (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States and (d) the United Kingdom. [More…]
How many Australians have been sent to the United States to work on the project, and what are their classifications. [More…]
How many are from (a) Canada, (b) the United States and (c) the United Kingdom. [More…]
What contracts under the project have been awarded to (a) Australian, (b) Canadian, (c) United States and (d) United Kingdom companies. [More…]
What supporting technical studies are being undertaken by (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States and (d) the United Kingdom. [More…]
A joint meeting of the United States Congress and Senate Appropriations SubCommittee for Defense has suggested discontinuance of further development through the mutual consent of participating countries. [More…]
However, the United States Administration supports the project and discussions are proceeding. [More…]
There are 7 Australians directly involved with Mallard in the United States at any 1 time except during short term conferences of interest to Australia, when a suitable delegation is supplied. [More…]
In addition, I further staff member is a United States national employed by Australia. [More…]
The figure excludes personnel in the United States under contract obligations, the contracts being covered in Question 8. [More…]
II p.m. last night to the effect that the morale of the United States troops in Cambodia was at a very low ebb and was causing concern to the Pentagon and that 1 United States battalion was on the point of mutiny? [More…]
Sunday, a number of people marched on the United States Consulate in Melbourne smashing the windows of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation on the way- [More…]
The campaign was applied first in the United States of America where, from coast to coast, north to south, as a consequence of the campaign there, great disorders, great damage, great civil disturbance, not a little human suffering and, indeed, some deaths occurred. [More…]
It is beyond my comprehension why people enjoying the privileges of being Australian citizens seek to transplant into this country that circumstance which we have seen exhibited in the United States of America. [More…]
There is not the slightest doubt that the Moratorium Campaign is intended to try to achieve by political means in the Australian Parliament, as it has sought to achieve in the United States Congress, the aid and succour of the Communist forces, whom our troops are fighting, which they themselves have not been able to achieve in the field of battle. [More…]
In view of the statements that have been made by the Leader of the Opposition and his associates and colleagues who support the Vietnam Moratorium can the Minister let me know the reason for the decision by the Governments of South Vietnam and the United States of America to engage the North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces in both the Parrot’s Beak and the Fish Hook areas of Cambodia adjacent to South Vietnam? [More…]
Secondly, can he inform the House in precise terms the objectives and purposes of these actions and whether the Government of Cambodia welcomes the joint South Vietnamese and United States actions? [More…]
First, if I may give the honourable gentleman the background of the United States and Vietnamese operations in Svay Rieng province - that is, the Parrot’s Beak and Fish Hook areas - and later in the San River area immediately opposite Pleiku the facts are that for some time now, according to intelligence reports, it has been thought that there would be renewed hostility in terms of high point operations in the northern provinces of South Vietnam. [More…]
Now, as to the United States and South Vietnamese purpose in entering the 3 areas 1 have just mentioned, primarily and fundamentally it is with the objective of saving the lives of American, South Vietnamese and free world forces there. [More…]
I draw the Minister’s attention to the fact that courses in legislative drafting are offered in many law schools in the United States. [More…]
He has not leaned the lessons that have been learned so obviously by the United States of America. [More…]
He made no reference during his speech to the need to seek an honourable and satisfactory peaceful solution to this problem; no reference to the cessation of the bombing of North Vietnam which was agreed to by a former President of the United States; and no reference to the recognition of the National Liberation Front as a party to any successful negotiations to find a solution to the problem in Vietnam. [More…]
That situation had been accepted by the United States Government and by people who believe that a solution to the problems of Vietnam can never be found by military means. [More…]
It said that we would be deserting our allies, that we would be breaking our alliance with the United States of America, if we accepted the National Liberal Front as a party to any negotiations to bring about a peaceful solution to the Vietnam war. [More…]
Prime Minister (Mr Gorton), the Acting Prime Minister, the Minister for External Affairs (Mr McMahon) and the Minister for Defence (Mr Malcolm Fraser) who have said repeatedly that the 3 conditions laid down by the Australian Labor Party in 1967 for peace in Vietnam would never be acceptable to the Australian Government or the United States Government. [More…]
Despite the protests made by the honourable members opposite those conditions have since been accepted by the United States Government. [More…]
Surely one could interpret that statement to include not only South Vietnamese forces and North Vietnamese forces but also the United States forces in those which should be withdrawn from Cambodia. [More…]
The whole tone of the statement on Tuesday night was that the operations into Cambodia were vital to the safety of Australian and United States’ troops. [More…]
According to the Minister’s interpretation, the whole legislature of the State of Massachusetts is Communist because it has adopted a resolution condemning the war on the ground of constitutional invalidity; the republican Senator Charles Goodell, who moved a motion in Congress putting a time limit on the American commitment, is a Communist; Senator Fulbright is a Communist; Senator Mansfield is a Communist; Senator McGovern is a Communist; the whole United States Congress is a nest of overt Communism. [More…]
There are reports in this morning’s Press that an assault will be made by South Vietnamese and United States riverine units up the Mekong River as far as Phnom Penh. [More…]
It might be said by critics that the Prime Minister’s statement differed a great deal from the statement which he made in this House only a few nights ago on the question of the invasion of Cambodia by the United States and South Vietnamese forces, but it would appear that the Prime Minister has had the opportunity to think very carefully about this question. [More…]
If the Prime Minister is prepared to take the same attitude and the same sensible approach to the situation in Vietnam as he has taken to the Cambodian question this will show that the Government believes at least that the United States of America should be making a greater effort, if necessary, to bring about the kind of conference that the Prime Minister envisages to effect a solution to the problem in Vietnam. [More…]
I have already indicated that it calls for the withdrawal of Australian and United States troops. [More…]
The Vietnam Moratorium Committee does not call for North Vietnamese troops to withdraw; it calls only for Australian and United States troops to withdraw. [More…]
Plenty of people are prepared to take part in movements like the Vietnam Moratorium Committee; plenty of people are prepared to take part in demonstrations against the United States of America and against Australia; plenty of people are prepared to gather outside this Parliament House, accompanied by Vietcong flags, and demonstrate against Australia’s interests and against the United States; plenty of people are prepared to condemn the United States and Australia; but they are not prepared to condemn Communist acts perpetrated on innocent people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. [More…]
The United States of America has lost 40,000 dead servicemen. [More…]
The concern for world reaction to the United States escalation in Cambodia has manifested itself in many dramatic ways. [More…]
has manifested itself in the way 1 have indicated - by full page advertisements by distinguished people in this country appearing in the Press, by demonstrations in Australia and by the action of the heads of 200 universities and colleges in the United States who have asked to see the United States President in order to seek an explanation from him as to his unjustifiable action. [More…]
The Minister for External Affairs, prior to the entry of the United States into Cambodia, seemed to give some indication of satisfaction with the developing situation. [More…]
I was interested to note that some hope was also being expressed by the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Mr Malik, who was reported to have said on 2nd May that he regretted Mr Nixon’s decision to permit the joint United States-South Vietnamese advance into the Parrot’s Beak zone of Cambodia. [More…]
But this war did not start when Australia went there; nor did it start in 1964 when the United States became involved; nor did the Japanese spark off the spirit that is Vietnam through its occupation in 1941. [More…]
Our professed role is to contain Communistm, which we never distinguish from the nationalistic aspirations of the United States in Indo-China The illiterate population of that unhappy region can hardly read the comic cuts, yet they have attributed to them the capacity to write and understand the works of Marx and Lenin. [More…]
We are there to win endearing support from the United States of America, although we enjoyed it by way of a treaty anyway. [More…]
The United States share of the total of $429 billion was $420 billion. [More…]
There is ample proof that this Moratorium was made in Moscow and exported via the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States the panel report of the Commission of Marine Science, Engineering and Resources clearly indicates that the domestic sewage and industrial waste disposal methods use up all the oxygen in the water and are the greatest contributors to any pollution. [More…]
If we look at this again from the point of view of the research in the United States of America we see that the disposal of industrial wastes can be even more destructive in some ways than the sewage disposal. [More…]
From the reports that have been made available by the United States and the South Vietnamese military representatives and Government, it seems that the operations have been completely successful. [More…]
If the United States makes up its mind and gives up the doctrine of privileged sanctuary, there is no doubt whatever that it can make a decisive impact. [More…]
Statistics issued in the United States of America as late as 11th March from the White House indicate that somewhere between 12 million and 20 million Americans today are using, or have used, marihuana and hashish. [More…]
I refer to the announcement this morning by the United States Department of Agriculture that a ban has been placed on imports of mutton from Australia. [More…]
While I was in Ottawa last week at the wheat talks, the Secretary of Agriculture in the United States, Mr Hardin, told me that he was deeply concerned at the high rejection rate of Australian mutton exported to the United States. [More…]
This indicated that our meat was not meeting the standards necessary for entry to the United States market. [More…]
This restriction will remain in effect until the US authorities are satisfied that the Austraiian inspection standards are the same as those that apply to the US Department of Agriculture and as required under the United States Wholesome Meat Act. [More…]
I have no doubt that there are very happy and fruitful relations in Australia between EPIC and the Department of Trade and Industry but it seems to me that as yet we do not have as much enthusiasm in this country for exports as such as seems to exist in some of the older economies, particularly those of Europe and that of the United States. [More…]
The United States of America is third. [More…]
Other major suppliers were the United States (13.7%) and Japan (!()%). [More…]
The giants of Britain, the United States of America, France and Japan seemed invincible in the markets of Asia and Africa - and perhaps they would have remained so if the Australian Government, and particularly the Minister for Trade and Industry, had not taken such bold initiatives in encouraging incentives and rewards to those who wanted to move or, rather, those who should move forward into developing Australia into an important exporter of manufactured goods. [More…]
Japan is coming down to Western Australia and Queensland, carting back the raw product to Japan and then exporting the steel to markets such as the United States of America. [More…]
The Minister said that those arrangements gave the United States of America overriding authority to modify or down-grade the aircraft specifications if this became necessary or unavoidable. [More…]
The Minister said that when these documents were first signed the Royal Australian Air Force felt that there was a negligible risk in saying that planes suitable for the United States Air Force would be suitable for Australia. [More…]
It is pathetic, after many years of ANZUS partnership and 5 years of Government commitment to Vietnam, that such an acknowledgment has to be written into an agreement between Australia and the United States. [More…]
From 1963 to 1970 there was no recognition by the United States Government that Australia could insist on its specifications being met. [More…]
Yet the Minister for Defence, if one could accept the statements that he made after he returned from the United States of America, had been able to secure a deal which would be satisfactory not only to the Government and to this Parliament but also to the people of Australia [More…]
In this event the United States would buy back Australia’s Fills and give Australia an equitable reimbursement. [More…]
The first proviso is that the Fill be still part of the active United States Air Force inventory. [More…]
It seems that the United States Air Force still wants its FI 11 As and that it is willing to accept lower standards than the Royal Australian Air Force. [More…]
There is a long tradition of congressional paring of the United States defence vote. [More…]
Again one would have to consider all of the evidence that had been gathered on this question by the committee headed by Senator Mcclellan in the United States of America. [More…]
All honourable members in this House can recall the statements that have been issued from time to time by the Senate Committee in the United States. [More…]
It has been highly critical of the United States expenditure in this field and of the performance of the aircraft itself. [More…]
Such an absorption by the United States of $US130m to $US150m would get pretty short shrift in a period of economic constraint. [More…]
United States Government from scaling down this credit to $US100m or $US60m or $US30m. [More…]
In summary, the Minister’s visit to the United States has opened up a Pandora’s box of possibilities. [More…]
We will still have to await the evaluation carried out by the latest team - and one would hope the final team - to visit the United States of America on the possibility of replacing the F111 with the Phantom as an interim aircraft for this country. [More…]
So whichever way one looks at the statement, and construes and examines the statement made by the Minister for Defence tonight, it is a complete apology for a Government which set out in 1963 to purchase the F111 without any consideration for the country, without any consideration in terms of protection to be gained in return for the cost of the F111, and without having been able to accept as positive proof that the F111 aircraft which this country will finally receive, if it does receive it - the Minister expressed his doubt tonight - would be able to reach the performance in terms of range, bomb carrying capacity and all the other conditions set down by the United States of America in 1963 when the plane was on the drawing board. [More…]
Australia’s main competitor in her expanded steel production is Japan which transports its steel mainly to the United States. [More…]
These companies arc Alcoa, Reynolds, Kaiser in the United States. [More…]
Bauxite is refined in New Zealand and in the United States of America as well as other places. [More…]
I understand, from reading about these measures, that New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States of America are the only countries that have not adopted the metric system. [More…]
Probably it is a fait accompli in other countries with the exception of the United States of America. [More…]
I understand that the United States is tending to bow to the inevitable and is setting up a committee of inquiry with a view to converting from the old foot-pound-gallon, as I describe it, to the metric system. [More…]
The United States Congress not long ago authorised an official inquiry into the metric system with the implication of ultimate conversion to it. [More…]
Both these requirements are at present being met by United States items. [More…]
At talks at Ottawa involving the 5 major wheat exporting countries - Australia, Canada, the United States of America, Argentine and the European Economic Community - figures showed that last year stock holdings of wheat went up by about 900 million bushels, an increase of almost 50%, to well over 2,000 million bushels. [More…]
It also must be remembered that the United States has its lowest wheat acreage allotment since the 1930s. [More…]
I think there is no doubt that upon studying the results of the fee for service and salaried medical services in a countrysuch as the United States of America, one will find proof of that point. [More…]
But I do believe that, either because of the existence of large pressure groups or possibly of a public relations exercise insisted on by the United States of America, there do exist some symptoms, some signs of democracy in South Vietnam. [More…]
He therefore developed a rather brilliant doc.torial thesis for the Bob Jones University in the United States of America that, alas, Lenin’s predictions for Australia were coming true after only 50 years. [More…]
I now direct the attention of honourable members back to 1963, the year of the charge against the Labor Party Executive of having 36 faceless men and the year in which President Kennedy of the United States of America was assasinated. [More…]
For those who have not studied the subject might I recommend that they obtain from the Library a document entitled The Changing Strategic Naval Balance USSR v. USA’, prepared at the request of the United States House of Representatives Armed Services Committee and incorporated in the Congressional Record of December 1968. [More…]
United States. [More…]
In 1942, Australia, under a Labor Prime Minister and a Labor Government, appealed loudly to the United States for help against an aggressor. [More…]
The only aircraft carriers that have been built in recent times are the giant aircraft carriers built by the United States of America and a number of smaller strategic carriers built by the Republic of France and in the United Kingdom. [More…]
As the honourable member for Chisholm said earlier, it was not until 1942 when the then Labor Government was confronted with a situation of terror that the then Prime Minister of Australia who was a very frightened man - indeed, one has only to hear the recording of that voice making its appeal to the United States of America to recognise terror in a very real form; it was there- [More…]
I think I can say without it being disputed that we are now exporting between 800,000 and 1- million kangaroo skins each year to the United States of America without any treatment at all. [More…]
of the United States sold its products to its Australian subsidiary, Bayer Pharma Pty Ltd, at 50% profit, and Bayer Pharma Pty Ltd in turn sold the drugs it had purchased from its parent company at a further profit margin, 1 would expect, of around 50% or 60% as a minimum. [More…]
It shows not only the total amount involved but also the figures for the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
In respect of the United States of America the deficit on balance of payments on current account is $6,009m. [More…]
The parent company, whether it be in the United States or in Great Britain, exercises a control over the export activities of its companies operating in this country. [More…]
The only assurance that one can have in these circumstances that such influence will be absent or negligible lies in the calibre of the directors who shall be appointed, lt is rather a shame that this Parliament does not have the power to advise and consent as is possessed by the United States Congress. [More…]
He visited the United States of America in 1968. [More…]
In 1969 the United States State Department sought to refuse him a visa to enter that country, but this attempt was overruled by the Attorney-General and the Justice Department. [More…]
Taking these factors into consideration - the granting by the United States of a visa to enter that country, and the decision of New Zealand, our nearest neighbour, and the country with great similarity in many respects to this country, to allow him entry - it is totally incomprehensible that he should be prevented from entering Australia. [More…]
Party in the United States of America, sought entry, to this country some years ago. [More…]
ls the Minister for Primary Industry aware that considerable unrest exists among Commonwealth meat inspectors owing to the heavy demands being placed upon them to cope with meat exports to the United States of America? [More…]
This situation has been aggravated by the fact that a large quantity of Australian mutton going onto the United States market has beer rejected. [More…]
This rejection has been on the ground that the mutton is not meeting the standards laid down under the United States Wholesome Meat Act. [More…]
Particles of foreign matter have been found in the meat and there have been certain organisms which are objectionable to the United States authorities. [More…]
However, the United States Administration will not allow any meat with evidence of them to enter the country. [More…]
But we propose to try to find some sort of compromise between the standards that the United States Department of Agriculture wants and what we are able to prescribe. [More…]
It should say to the States: ‘If we bring in this Bill and if, by litigation, it is proved that we have authority over these areas, we will hand back to you, as has been done in the United States, control of the territorial waters’. [More…]
I think this is a powerful and a persuasive argument for having the matter settled one way or the other and for not entering into such arrangements as may seem fit though they may not approximate the arrangements enteredinto by the United States of America with California and the other littoral States. [More…]
There is a complete ban for the time being on the export of mutton to the United States, irrespective of the meat works or the States from which it comes. [More…]
This matter has been fully discussed at a meeting of the Meat Industry Advisory Committee, and it is hopeful that some abattoirs may be re-issued with licences to export to the United States, but they will have to pass the rigorous examination of my Department and then be recommended to the United States Department of Agriculture, which in turn will inspect the works. [More…]
I point out that about 20% of our mutton exports go to the United States. [More…]
So it does not mean that any of the meat works which formerly exported to the United States will have to close down, but the ban will certainly interfere with their programmes. [More…]
It will be recalled that on 29th May of last year the Minister assisting the Treasurer promised to bring up to date a table which he had previously given me of comparative benefits paid on retirement to servicemen in the United States, Britain and New Zealand. [More…]
This country has never adopted the same attitudes as the United Kingdom or the United States of America regarding the ownership of public facilities and instrumentalities. [More…]
Appropriately today the Government has had as its luncheon guest Monsieur Pierre Trudeau, who represents another economic satellite of the United States - a country with a problem similar to ours of a wheat surplus, with an even greater foreign control of its secondary industry, an unemployment rate of 9.2% in French Canada and 6.5% in the whole Dominion. [More…]
With world interest rates at a record high level and a series of crises on the major stock exchanges abroad, there are stringent liquid credit restrictions in the United States in an attempt to curb inflation. [More…]
With an interest equalisation tax in the United States of America, and British governmental guidelines curbing outflows for overseas investments, the prospects of loan accommodation for this fledgling Corporation were never more limited, ls it intended to give subsidised loans at subsidised rates of interest? [More…]
The majority opinion of business leaders in the United States is that there will be a recession and even worse. [More…]
We are involved in a Pacific triangle of trade, with Japan’s trading surplus with the United States being used to finance her adverse trading relations with Australia. [More…]
In turn our trading surplus from Japan is used to finance our adverse trading balance with the United States. [More…]
However, it does have information that the installation of storm chokes or similar devices in all off-shore wells, which produce by natural flow rather than by pumping or other methods of artificial lift, is required by Regulation or Directive in Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Also, from experience of other legislative matters it is presumed that a similar requirement would be included in the petroleum legislation of other countries whose regulations are based either on the United Kingdom or the United States petroleum legislation. [More…]
Is he able to say how many engineers there are per head of population in the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and Australia. [More…]
I ask the Minister: Through what Commonwealth agencies in the United States of America were these inquiries made? [More…]
The prospect for a migration flow from the United States of America is very real and very great. [More…]
The policy which has been pursued has been that a considerable amount of counselling should be done with each individual applicant so that the applicant does really have a full knowledge of Australian conditions and does not come here expecting to find picturesque things, which tends to be the view of a great many people in the United States. [More…]
New vice-consulates and consulates have been opened in the United States so that officers can travel around that country, meet people, talk to them and answer their queries. [More…]
I have no doubt that in the future a great many settlers will come here from the United States, that as more come they will generate a chain reaction, and in future the United States is likely to become one of our major sources of migrants. [More…]
We have reduced the number of charging distances very considerably in comparison with, say, New Zealand which I think has 14, Canada which has 26 or 27 and the United States of America which has 46 or 47. [More…]
Already the wastage of entrants is high - indeed higher than in the United States of America or the United Kingdom. [More…]
In the United States the wastage rate is about 33% for nurses in the 3-year diploma course. [More…]
1 speak of the ban recently placed on mutton exports from Australia to the United States of America and the continuing pressure against our other meat exports. [More…]
I believe a pressure group in the United States of America called Zero Economic Growth Incorporated has been formed and that this group does not want anything done to increase industrial development because it fears that the effects on the environment might completely outweigh any economic advantages that might accrue. [More…]
Earlier this year I put a question on notice to the Treasurer (Mr Bury) in which I asked what was the rise in the gross national product, at constant prices, per head of population in Australia over the last 10 years and how it compared with the same parameter for Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other countries in western Europe. [More…]
It is sometimes said that that was not so in the United States of America when it first developed, that capital was obtained from Europe and subsequently that capital was repatriated, that the Americans paid back their borrowings to Europe and so became free and the owners of their own capital resources. [More…]
The United States succeeded in ridding itself of this load of debt largely through 2 world wars, not entirely by paying back under ordinary peaceable conditions. [More…]
Furthermore there has been a great expansion of the Australian merchant banking system, increasingly in recent years in partnership with the internationally renowned merchant banks of Britain, Europe and, to a lesser extent, the commercial banks of the United States of America. [More…]
I do not believe that the Corporation will always find it easy to borrow money on the international markets - whether in the recognised markets in Europe and the United States of America or from the less organised, but still significant, sources to be found elsewhere in the world. [More…]
For example, in the field of automotive parts, forging and engineering, TRW of the United States of America took over Duly Hansford and British Leyland took over Pressed Metal Corporation. [More…]
In other light engineering fields, Borg-Warner of the United States took over Thompson Scougall, and John Lysaght took over Brownbuilt. [More…]
Consumer Glass Co. Ltd of Canada is setting up a S6m plant, Australian Fibre Glass Pty Ltd of the United States is setting up a $4m plant, Dow Chemicals is setting up a $70m plant and the Guest, Keen and Nettlefold group of the United Kingdom is entering into partnership in a new steel works worth $92m at Westernport Bay. [More…]
I direct to the Minister for Primary Industry a question which relates to Australian meat exports to the United States of America. [More…]
L would certainly hope that there is no suspension of our meat exports to the United States this year. [More…]
If the global amount of meat com-ng into the United States of America exceeds the estimated quota in July, that being the time when he generally looks at the matter, Secretary Hardin is obliged to advise the President whether quotas should be triggered. [More…]
If that does apply there is a roll back of 10% of the quantity that we would be able to get into the United States. [More…]
As an ex-butcher I ask the Minister for Primary Industry: What meat inspection standards are required by the United States market with which Australian mutton packing works do not comply? [More…]
The standards that have been laid down by the United States Administration regarding imports of meat are the same as have applied with respect to federal registration of abattoirs within the United States. [More…]
Quite a political debate is ensuing in the United States regarding registration of abattoirs and the general standards of meat preparation in the country. [More…]
In the United States no meat may pass across State borders unless it comes from abattoirs which have federal registration. [More…]
It is this provision that has produced the conflict amongst the American States, the meat industry and the United States Government. [More…]
The meat that has been rejected so far by the United States has been rejected because it contained particles of foreign matter. [More…]
The meat also contained certain organisms which are objectionable by United States standards. [More…]
Recently I was in the United States of America. [More…]
When I was in the United States recently I tore an article out of a newspaper, the city of origin of which unfortunately I do not recall. [More…]
There was a widespread fear of the United Nations (and the United States of America because of its part in proposing the Bunker Plan). [More…]
There was widespread fear of the United Nations and the United States of America because of its part in proposing the Bunker plan. [More…]
The greatest bank in the United States of America today was built precisely on that principle of granting personal loans. [More…]
It was built on that principle, and he walked into a niche in the banking movement which enabled him to ride to success and to develop the greatest general bank in the United States today. [More…]
As most honourable members realise, I was in the United States of America recently. [More…]
I went to the United States and to other countries to learn what is being done in them. [More…]
1 could not help but be impressed by the realistic attitude adopted by the Government of the United States in relation to providing assistance for members of Congress. [More…]
I readily concede that, as some of our electorates have 60,000 voters on their electoral rolls while some country electorates, such as the electorate represented by the honourable member for Mallee (Mr Turnbull), have approximately 32,000 voters, that no comparison can bc drawn between our city electorates and most of our country electorates and the 300,000 to 400,000 constituents in United States seats. [More…]
Members of the United States House of Representatives are provided with research workers and more than just one secretary. [More…]
I return to the point that I made about United States Congressmen, who are provided with research workers. [More…]
A committee presided over in the United States by Senator Russell Long proposed that there should be a $1 per year surcharge on every taxpayer’s return for political purposes. [More…]
If we look at the papers that have been prepared as a result of research overseas, particularly in the United States and in Canada, we find this sort of result. [More…]
The paper says that it has been predicted in the United States that by the year 1980 the oxygen demand of treated effluents will be great enough to consume the entire oxygen content of a volume of water equal to the dry weather flow of all of the United States 22 river basins. [More…]
Not only in Sweden but also in Great Britain, and particularly in Canada and the United States, effective research establishments have been created. [More…]
However, recently when on a private trip through central America and north America 1 learnt that tourism was worth more than $1 b:mon a year to Mexico, over $80m a year to the little island of Jamaica, and that the State of Florida in the United States earned $6,000m a year from this source. [More…]
After an agreement was made with the United States of America the rate was reduced to 5c per dozen 29 oz cans. [More…]
My understanding of what happened is that one signatory to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, in this case I think the United States, objected in some way to our trade promotional activities on the West German market. [More…]
The principal reason why we did not achieve an international currency was that the most preponderant economic power at the time, the United States of America, did not want it. [More…]
Since it was also believed that the United States would be obliged to end its balance of payment deficit, the only source of new international liquidity would be through the increase in the International Monetary Fund’s loanable funds by means of bigger equity subscriptions or steadily expanding distributions of special drawing rates. [More…]
Moreover, any sales which are made to the Fund will put gold at the service of the international community at large, in contrast with the past 10 years when it was frequently used as a weapon in the diplomatic war between France and the United States. [More…]
The requirements for the managerial section or the specialist section would apply to people from the United States of America. [More…]
A huge volume of material is available on the functioning of committees in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, New Zealand and Canada. [More…]
Separate committee systems for each House may be appropriate to a country such as the United States where each House has substantially different functions. [More…]
I appreciate that this is conjecture but I just wonder whether the political atmosphere of the Parliament might be transferred to the committees if they were greater in number than they are at this stage, lt is not wise to compare the committee system which is in operation in the United States of America with our parliamentary system. [More…]
The system in the United States is completely different in the sense that there is not the division between the parties as there is in our own Australian Parliament. [More…]
I believe that has been well illustrated in recent days by the way in which the current Senate committee proposals have been widely but impractically compared with the functions of the United States Senate committees. [More…]
The only occasion when there has been a serious breakdown in overseas prices was after the political repercussions when Cuba fell out with the United States of Amenca lt has taken some time to get over this marketing problem but Cuba has now come to the party under the International Sugar Agreement and the Agreement is new working satisfactorily. [More…]
We have the International Sugar Agreement which guarantees a certain price, but we also have fixed contracts for the sale of sugar to the United Kingdom, to the United States of America, and even to some extent at the world price to Japan. [More…]
Then there is the United States Sugar Act. [More…]
The United States had a quarrel with a gentleman called Castro of Cuba some time ago. [More…]
The sales at a negotiated price - that would be with the United Kingdom and the United States - are 25% of production, and the average price per long lon is $100. [More…]
Can he say why journalists on these flights were carried free of charge and not, as in the past charged the equivalent of commercial first class rates for a flight, which is also the practice when journalists accompany the President of the United States of America on VIP aircraft provided by him for journalists to accompany him? [More…]
This was replicated in reports from France and from the United States of America. [More…]
The incidence of mental retardation in the United States of America is 10 times greater than the incidence of diabetes. [More…]
1 know that much is already being done in the Scandinavian countries and in -the United States of America. [More…]
The United States has set up special organisations to get co-operation of (he States and so forth. [More…]
In the United States of America they contrive such arrangements and they integrate with the State organisations. [More…]
The honourable member for Boothby talked about what John Kennedy, the late President of the United States .of America, did when in 1961. he conducted such a national survey. [More…]
a report by a national advisory committee on the education of the deaf in the United States of America. [More…]
At St Louis in the United States of America many children have been taught to speak and have attained secondary diplomas and 12 have gone on to tertiary education. [More…]
If not, will he consider introducing a Federal law similar to the United States LandrumurnGriffin Act under which embezzlement of union funds is a Federal offence and a function of the Department of Labour is to conduct investigations when necessary and to launch prosecutions to protect union funds from embezzlement or misappropriation. [More…]
We are faced with a limited market as far as quotas are concerned in the United Kingdom, and there are the increasing practices of lobbying, etc., being displayed in the United States of America as regards imports of primary products not only from Australia but from all countries. [More…]
Furthermore, the United States Administration is still of the mind that votes at 18 years of age should apply to the United States Congress. [More…]
That figure has now increased to 24 and it includes the United Kingdom, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia, the United Arab Republic, Canada, Brazil, Japan and parts of the United States of America. [More…]
The countries that have been engaging in dumping are Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and our old friend the United States of America, which gives us such a rough spin with our exports of wool by imposing a duty of 25%, thus making it virtually impossible for us to export wool to that country. [More…]
Under the Loan (Defence) Act 1966. the Commonwealth arranged borrowings of $US450m to assist in the purchase of defence equipment in the United States. [More…]
Those borrowings were almost completely committed by orders placed up to last December, and the Government wishes to make provision under the present Bill for further borrowings to finance orders placed from the beginning of this year for additional purchases of defence equipment in the United States. [More…]
The loans arranged under the 1966 Act were all with the ExportImport Bank of the United States. [More…]
It is expected that the Export-Import Bank of the United States will provide the loan funds to be raised under this legislation. [More…]
All main producing regions shared in the increase of 25’iv- iti world wheat production thai occurred between 1 963-1968. but the United States, Canada and Australia have taken steps aimed at containing the level of production. [More…]
End of season stocks in the 5 major exporting countries - the United States of America, Australia, Canada, the European Economic Community and Argentina - fell from 60 million tons in 1958-59 to about 33 n, 11ion tons in 1965-66, but they were back to 62 million Ions in 1968-69. [More…]
For the first time in history, Canada, wilh 960 million bushels has a higher carry-over than the United States which itself, with 916 million bushels, holds the largest stocks for inure than a decade. [More…]
It has been a most aggressive selling organisation - so much so that when it sold a particularly large parcel of wheat to South America, one of the main markets of the United States and Canada, the Americans said to the Wheat Board: ‘Put another consignment of wheat like that into our market and we will break you. [More…]
United States at 1st July 1969 were up to 30% on the previous season. [More…]
Is it any wonder that end of season stocks in the 5 major exporting countries or areas - the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Argentina and the European Economic Community - which had fallen under the old International Wheat Agreement price structure from 60 million tons in 1958-59 to about 33 million tons in 1965-66 climbed back again to 62 million tons in 1968-69? [More…]
In July 1969 he announced that the Wheal Board hud agreed to abate its competitive activities in the international grain market in the interests of the United States and Canada increasing their sales, ls it any wonder that the Australian Wheal Board failed to sell sufficient wheat from the 1968- 69 harvest lo liquidate the overdraft raised from the Rural Credits Department of the Reserve Bank in the time limit imposed on the loan? [More…]
Those countries were Australia, Canada, the United States of America, Argentine and the European Economic Community. [More…]
Canada, the United States of America, Argentine and the European Economic Community - figures showed that last year stock holdings of wheat went up by about 900 million bushells, an increase of almost 50%, to well over 2,000 million bushels. [More…]
With the restraints that are now being applied in other major wheat producing countries such as Canada and the United States of America the calculations are that in 2 years time we will see the world’s stockpiles being reduced. [More…]
This has happened in the United States. [More…]
American countries were dumping it in the United States at fantastically low prices. [More…]
As examples he used the F14 and F15 now being developed in the United States of America, pointing out that the developmental costs of one of these aircraft and the contract relating to it are of the order of $US40Om a year. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition was at pains to point out that Australia should not get into the business of designing or constructing markedly sophisticated aircraft such as the F14 or the F15 now under design in the United States or the Galaxy. [More…]
Hawker de Havilland has, I think, shown more initiative than the other 2 sectors of the industry in achieving orders, even in the exceedingly difficult United States aero-space market. [More…]
It is going to be necessary for the industry to show that it can be competitive, as Hawker de Havilland has shown it can compete in the United States market. [More…]
In fact, I think it fair to surmise that in a very short space of time American military activity in that area of the world will be restricted to the comings and goings of the United States’ Seventh Fleet and perhaps assorted diplomatic forays into the countries of the region. [More…]
Every effort is being made to get work for local industry from United States firms. [More…]
We would have had much greater success with the Jindivik had it not been for the United States policy that it would not purchase Australian made equipment as against American made equipment unless there was a vast difference in the cost. [More…]
The Americans wanted to purchase the Jindivik years ago but succeeded in doing so only fairly recently because there was no doubt that it is much better than any alternative produced in the United States. [More…]
Have any United States exports of primary products suffered similar temporary lass of access to the Australian market in the same period. [More…]
The United Slates authorities over the past 5 years have, however, requested that a number of individual meatworks be removed from the list of establishments approved for the purpose of supplying meat lo the United States of America, because the meatworks in question were considered not to comply in all respects with the United States requirements. [More…]
In most cases, requests for re-registration have ultimately been- granted following action taken to meet the particular circumstances which teo* lo deregistration, lt is a requirement of legislation administered by the United Slates Department of Agriculture that foreign establishments supplying meat shipped to the United States ot America be registered with that Department. [More…]
A prerequisite of registration is that the establishment meets standards prescribed by the United States of America. [More…]
inspection standards have arisen because of the operation of the United States legislation, under which imports of fresh chilled or frozen beef, veal, mutton and’ goat meat may be subject to quotas in any calendar year should the United States Secretary of Agriculture estimate that imports of these meats, during a calendar year, exceed by 10% or more a ‘permitted let el’ which is calculated by a formula in the legislation. [More…]
lt would be impossible to determine whether any cost was incurred as a result of voluntary restrictions’ on exports of Australian beef and veal to the United States in late 1968 and 1969. [More…]
A major contract, which would amount to $13m, has been signed wilh the General Aviation Corporation of California, United States, for the Australian manufacture of 100 wing sets and engine nacelles for a 36 seat feeder route airliner (known as the GAC100). [More…]
In fact the country most affected by hijacking, the United States of America, has been more lax than any other country. [More…]
From the information which I have at my disposal it was not until 5th September 1969 that the United States saw fit to ratify the agreement. [More…]
The United States further disclosed its concern because on 16th December it convened a conference in Washington. [More…]
It is obvious to honourable members from all of these resolutions which have been carried - at the Tokyo Convention in 1963, then in subsequent meetings in Buenos Aires of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the reference to ICAO’s legal committee, the resolution of the United Nations, then the United States convening a conference of countries interested in this matter - that hijacking is causing great concern today in civil aviation circles. [More…]
The United States has huge racial problems and is faced with the proximity of Cuba. [More…]
There is general turmoil today in the United States and South America. [More…]
It gives a list of the successful aircraft hijackings between 1st January 1968 and 8th September 1969 and also the States of registration of the successfully hijacked aircraft and the United States air carriers which have had aircraft hijacked between 17th February 1968 and 8th September 1969. [More…]
I understand that the American Journal of International Law’ is a reputable journal that is published in the United States of America. [More…]
In 1961 a United States aircraft was detained for 3 weeks in an effort to recover certain Cuban aircraft which had been attached by a court order in the United States. [More…]
I have in my possession some information released by the United States Department of Justice during 1969 which discloses the types of people who are hijacking aircraft in the United States. [More…]
Of the people known to have hijacked aircraft 14 had criminal records, 4 were wanted for offences ranging from passing bad cheques to the attempted murder of a policeman, 3 were military deserters, 2 had domestic relations difficulties and 6 were discontented with living in the United States of America. [More…]
Cuban refugees and American citizens were dissatisfied with life in the United States and the refugees decided to go back home. [More…]
Honourable members can see from these facts that very few of the people involved in hijacking in the United States of America are people who want to get out of the country for political reasons. [More…]
There was a case last week of a fellow in an aircraft in America who had a persecution complex against the United States Supreme Court and the taxation department. [More…]
Between 196 1 and 1969 in the United States of America 24 people were arrested on charges ranging from piracy to concealing weapons. [More…]
Three of them who came back via Mexico finished up in Canada, and the Canadian Immigration Department caught up with these people and deported them to the United States of America. [More…]
Those people who are dissatisfied with living conditions in the United States at least should be allowed to leave the country and . [More…]
He said that well over 100 have taken place since 195.1 and that 55 aircraft bearing United States registration alone have been hijacked and in 54 cases Cuba was the destination. [More…]
He rightly referred to some difficulties that certain people have at the hands of United States authorities in getting visas to visit Cuba or in getting visas to leave the United States of America and to visit other countries. [More…]
I would have been happier - I am sure that all honourable members in this House would have been happier - had not the remarks of the honourable gentleman been restricted as usual to a criticism of the United States and had he referred to the difficulties which exist in fact within all Communist countries which apply to their citizens the most extraordinary restrictions on travel inside and outside their countries. [More…]
In Britain, the United States of America, Malaysia and West Germany the ex-servicemen, or veterans as they are called in some countries, are covered for retirement benefits and gratuities without any contribution at all. [More…]
In the United States the .veterans receive retirement benefits equalling, after 20 years, half the current pay being received by a member in the forces and, after 30 years, a much higher proportion Still. [More…]
The United States automatically adjusts retirement pensions during the period of retirement and updates the pension rate as the salaries of serving members are increased. [More…]
Most of that work is going to the big organisations from the United States of America or the United Kingdom. [More…]
We have to accept the responsibility that has been accepted by the governments of France, Israel, Great Britain, Canada and the United States. [More…]
The Minister for Primary Industry will be aware of the concern of primary producers over the ban by the United States on mutton imported from Australia. [More…]
The reasons given for the Canadian ban are similar to those given for the United States prohibition. [More…]
Is it possible in terms of export of mutton to Canada and the United States of America to draw a differential in terms of inspection between factories that do carry out killing under hygienic and proper conditions’ and which are properly inspected, and factories that do not conform or have not this degree of inspection? [More…]
At the moment the Americans have placed a total ban on all mutton to the United States and Canadian markets. [More…]
They have applied this ban because of the very high rejection rate that was involved in the first 4 months of this year when almost 1 million lb was rejected on the grounds that it did not conform with the Wholesome Meat Act of the United States, that it did not come up to the standard of cleanliness and that there were certain organisms in the meat which they did not allow but which we have always considered harmless. [More…]
Sir William also expressed the view that he had always hoped that the Authority would be used in the same way as the United States Bureau of Reclamation, which had engaged in construction projects all over America. [More…]
In the United States of America, Canada and in various parts of Europe, optometrists have professional service to render under the health care schemes operating in those countries. [More…]
However, production in the United States of America, Argentina and Uruguay is slightly down. [More…]
There are satisfactory economic conditions in Japan and Germany and also, to a degree, in the United States. [More…]
I do not know to what degree the Canadians are following the practice of the United States in this matter. [More…]
It is appropriate that the wool industry should be debated at this time, but before I make my own contribution to this debate I should like to refer to a matter raised by the honourable member for Dawson (Dr Patterson) and that is the question of the protective lobby in the United States of America and Japanese exports to that country. [More…]
So while I agree that any increase in protection which might be applied in the United States is detrimental to Australia, we should keep in mind its relative importance. [More…]
I have figures from the Minister for Primary Industry and the Minister for Trade and Industry (Mr McEwen) indicating, in one instance, the gradual decline of our rural exports when compared with the gross national product and indicating, in another instance, tariffs and import restrictions on wool and woollen products exported to the United States, and imports and exports to the United States and Japan. [More…]
What is the current rate of import tariff levied by the United States on Australian wool? [More…]
I asked the Minister if he was able to say whether the United States imposed import restrictions on Japanese textiles made from Australian wool. [More…]
In view of the way we are being treated by the United States, not only with wool but also with mutton and the barriers they have put up against other commodities, some farmers have written to me and said: ‘Why does the Australian Government not boost its trade with the countries that treat us well?’ [More…]
If the Government is to continue to tie Australia to the Conference Line, and if Australia has an interest in a container vessel operating between here and the United States, between here and the United Kingdom and between here and Japan we should have some say in regard to the freight rates we pay. [More…]
It is commonly said - I do not know whether it is true, but I have heard it said on many occasions by many people from overseas as well as in Australia - that one of the reasons, perhaps the chief reason, why we cannot achieve the abolition of the duty on imports of our wool into the United States of America is our determination to assist the Australian tobacco industry, lt is worth pointing out that we support the Australian tobacco industry at the rate of $400 for every acre of tobacco grown. [More…]
If we were not determined to have this Australian tobacco industry - I am not saying that we should not be - maybe we could pay people $300 an acre not to grow tobacco if that would help us to get our wool into the United States without duty. [More…]
A little later he went on to indicate that we had a 2 to 1 favourable balance of trade with the Japanese and that the reverse was the situation with the United States of America. [More…]
The honourable member for Wilmot referred a few minutes ago to the duty on wool entering the United States of America. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, United States of America, and Europe rural policy has followed the protectionist line. [More…]
There could be some misunderstanding by the honourable member because what the Commonwealth has been investigating and what the special RAAF evaluation team under the leadership of the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff, Air ViceMarshal Read, went to the United States of America to examine and report on was the lease offer made by the United States Government to the Australian Government. [More…]
We must not forget that Smithy and Ulm flew the ‘Southern Cross’ on their great pioneering flight of the Pacific from the United States of America to Australia and not to any particular city. [More…]
It is now 42 years since KingsfordSmith and Charles Ulm were the first to fly the vast Pacific Ocean from the United States of America to Australia and later made the first crossing of the Tasman to New Zealand and the first east-w,:st crossing of the Atlantic. [More…]
An example of the immaturity of Australian society is the film ‘Ulysses’ which was endorsed by the United States Catholic League of Decency as morally unobjectionable for adults,. [More…]
The Kinsey Institute of the United States in an exhausive study of 15,000 sex offenders showed that there was no casual relationship between pornography and sex offences. [More…]
A friend of mine who is a sociologist told me of a classic case when he was at one of the penitentiaries in the United States of America about 5 or 6 years ago. [More…]
United States Justice Frankfurter had this to say: [More…]
In the United States the rate is 45% plus 12.5c per lb, 50% plus 13.5c per lb and 65% plus 45c per lb. [More…]
Those people who talk about comparative trade advantages and a highly protected Australian secondary industry should look to the United States for comparative purposes. [More…]
We have an industry that will be protected by 10% and 20% while comparable rates for the United States are 35%, 45%, 50% and 65% plus additional amounts. [More…]
The evidence suggested that prices of nylon staple fibre and major warp knitting yams in Britain and the United States of America fell by more than 40 per cent between 1960 and 1967, compared with a fall of about 30 per cent in prices of major bulking yarns. [More…]
I will never forget the sense of excitement of getting the Report, analysing chapters number 13 and 14 and discovering that at last we had clear advice that as we became more industrialised our tariff had to become firmer based; that we had to have a more exact or more sensible use of our resources; that someone has pointed out that we had a greater percentage of our work force engaged in secondary industry than in the United States of America. [More…]
He referred to the European Economic Community countries, Japan, even Great Britain, and the United States. [More…]
This is approximately the same as in the United States of America. [More…]
With characteristic quickness, the honourable member for Lalor picked it up and pointed out the difference between our low rate and the rates applying in Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
Referring to the high rates of duty in the United States of America and Canada the article states: [More…]
The Council is just plain silly to try to compare the level of Australian duties on man-made fibres with overseas countries such as Canada and the United States. [More…]
The rates quoted for the United States are the penal rates of duty which are applied to Communist countries only, and are at least double the rates the United States applies to its trading partners. [More…]
I indicate that the Opposition intends to oppose the Loan (Defence) Bill, under which it is proposed to borrow $10Om from the United States of America, although I will only formally oppose it tonight as I do not want to divide the House. [More…]
Regarding the Opposition’s reasons for opposing the loan from the United States of America of $100m for defence purposes, basically we think that defence should be paid for as we go. [More…]
It is expected that the Export-Import Bank of the United States will provide the loan funds to be raised under this legislation. [More…]
We certainly should not borrow in the United States on terms that are not even set down. [More…]
In 1969 the then Treasurer had from the United States more than $62m in defence credits. [More…]
In the United States of America there is a New York Port Authority in which 2 States are involved. [More…]
People talk about the United States as being the great land of free enterprise. [More…]
The strike weapon is not illegal in Great Britain or the United States. [More…]
In the meantime, following indications by the United States Government that it was dissatisfied with the existing limit in relation to international services to and from that country, the airlines operating those services agreed with the United States authorities, as an interim measure, that they would accept a limit of liability of $52,000 for international passengers embarking or disembarking in the United States or passing through that country. [More…]
The figures mentioned are related primarily to economic conditions in the United States, where personal incomes and damages awarded in accident cases are at a much higher level than they are here. [More…]
The answer from the then Minister for Civil Aviation, Mr Swartz, clearly establishes that the United States Government is trying to do something about this problem in a most practical manner. [More…]
Has Qantas Airways Ltd made an arrangement with the United States Government to enter into special contracts with all passengers on journeys to, from or through the United States for a limited liability of $us75,000 inclusive of legal costs or $US58,O00 exclusive of legal costs in heu of the limited liability of $ Al 5,000 set by the Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol? [More…]
On 15th November 1965, the United States Government served notice of denunciation of the Warsaw Convention with effect from 15th May 1966. [More…]
This high figure was considered more appropriate having regard to the income and cost structure in the United States. [More…]
Several countries, including Australia, made representations to the United States pointing out the serious affects that denunciation of the Convention would have for civil aviation. [More…]
After protracted -negotiations, the Government of the United States approved an interim agreement made between the international airlines operating to that country, including Qantas, and a’ number of US domestic carriers, whereby the carriers agreed that the limit of liability for death or injury to passengers on services including a point in the United States as a point of origin, destination or agreed stopping place was raised to $US75,000 including legal fees and costs, or $US58,O00 .exclusive of such fees and costs where the claim is brought in a country where costs are awarded in addition to damages. [More…]
The United States then withdrew its notice of denunciation of die Warsaw Convention. [More…]
As a result of the action taken by the United States, the International Civil Aviation Organisation has undertaken a study of the provisions of the Warsaw Convention and Hague Protocol, including the limits of liability. [More…]
As a result of negotiations the United States Government threatened to denounce the conditions of the Warsaw Convention unless the airline operators lifted the amount of limited liability. [More…]
As a result of that action it is now possible for a person travelling on an American aircraft or any aircraft operating through the United States of America to have a coverage of $US58,000, or approximately $A52,000. [More…]
Honourable members might bear in mind the next time they travel overseas that any person travelling with a round the world ticket on an aircraft which takes him through the United States of America is covered by the American system of liability. [More…]
If a person leaves Australia and travels to New Zealand, Japan, across the United States of America, to London and down through Europe and back to Australia, he is entitled to the insurance coverage which the American Government has laid down for persons travelling on aircraft operating to, from or within the United States of America. [More…]
I repeat, any person who has a round the world ticket, or a ticket to the United States of America, provided it is with one of the 60-odd airlines that have entered into this agreement with the United States - and bearing in mind that unless airlines enter into this agreement they cannot operate through America - and the journey includes a city in the United States, named on the ticket, is entitled to the coverage to which I have just referred. [More…]
But so long as his flying trip passes through the United States he has the coverage I am talking about. [More…]
That is no thanks to this Government, but thanks only to the United States Government for having imposed this condition. [More…]
While not opposing the passage of the Bill, the House is of opinion that the limits of liability under International Convention are unjust and therefore requests that the Government take action to have the injustice rectified by pressing for a revision of the International Conventions to increase the limits applied in the absence of negligence and to remove the limits where negligence is proved and, in the meantime, to take action similar to that taken by the United States Government in 1965 and 1966, that is, to obtain agreement with the international airlines operating to this country and our international airline, whereby the limit of liability for death or injury to passengers on services including a point in this country as a point of origin, destination or agreed stopping place will be raised to an amount of $A52,000.00 exclusive of legal fees and costs. [More…]
Value of Imports into Australia from United States . [More…]
Can he say whether adoption of such a system is considered necessary to preserve the quality of medical care under the fee for service system which exists in the United States of America. [More…]
Can he say what principles country medical associations and insurance companies apply to differential payments under the most common fee system in the United States. [More…]
Detailed information is not available on the principles country medical associations and insurance companies apply to differential payments in the United States. [More…]
At the height of the operations against the Vietnamese Communist sanctuary and base areas, there were approximately 43,000 South Vietnamese and 31,000 United States troops in Cambodia. [More…]
United States Government has stated it will withdraw all its combat force by the end of June. [More…]
Operations across the border against these facilities were begun by South Vietnamese forces on 27th April 1970, and by United States forces on 30th April 1970. [More…]
On 4th May, the Cambodian Government expressed its gratitude for the United States decision to send its forces into Cambodia. [More…]
The Government noted ‘with satisfaction that the President of the United States of America in his decision (to send American forces into Cambodia) has taken into account the legitimate aspirations of the Khmer people*. [More…]
When was HMAS ‘Brisbane’ received into the Royal Australia Navy from the United States. [More…]
Can he yet make available the results of the examination of natural disaster relief schemes operated in the United States, Canada and New Zealand (Hansard 26th September 1969, page 2133). [More…]
In view of the wide range of natural disasters that have been experienced in Canada and the United States, the relief schemes operating in those countries involve a number of complex arrangements. [More…]
He represented Australia as a hurdler in the 1920 Olympic Games and in the same year ran in the British Empire versus United States of America Games and the England versus France athletics. [More…]
The only other major postal administration still providing a domestic bulk rate for newspapers and periodicals is the United States of America, which incurs an annual loss of millions of dollars on this type of mail. [More…]
United States: 12c [More…]
United States : 5.4c with an increase to 7.1c proposed [More…]
The United States Post Office deficit now exceeds$A1.16 billion annually, the British postal service lost $A37m in 1969-70, and the Canada Post Office lost $A47m last year. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to an article in Time magazine of 26th January 1968 stating that in neighbouring States of the United States of America and Canada, motorists operating under similar conditions, pay over one-third more for third party insurance under the conventional negligence rules than the motorists in Canada where the ‘liability without fault’ insurance is in operation. [More…]
Is he able to state whether the sale of these substances has recently been banned in Canada and the United States. [More…]
The circumstances in which exemption will be allowable are to be prescribed by regulation, the intention being that they will parallel those in which exemption is currently available to United States and British servicemen. [More…]
In conformity with Australia’s obligations under the Status of Forces Agreement with the United States, the Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act was amended in 1963 to enable United States servicemen stationed in Australia to purchase Australian-made vehicles free of sales tax. [More…]
The parliamentary institutions of the United States of America, Great Britain and Australia are subject to pressures which 20 years ago would not have been thought to exist. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a recent study in the United States which reveals that 50% of all workers handling asbestos insulation showed X-ray evidence of asbestosis, and that one in every ten deaths was caused bymesotheliona, a cancer of the lung pleura, so rare that it strikes only one in 10,000 in the general population. [More…]
Who were the members of last year’s Defence Industries mission to the United States of America. [More…]
How long did the mission spend in the United States. [More…]
With which United States Government agencies did the mission have discussions. [More…]
Which United States defence contactors did the mission visit. [More…]
Was the mission endorsed by the United States Government. [More…]
What sub-contracts of defence purchases from the United States have been awarded to Australian companies since 1966. [More…]
What offset arrangements to defence purchases from the United States have been negotiated since 1966. [More…]
It is not possible to provide precise information as some Australian companies have contracted direct with United States companies. [More…]
The United States, which did have a significant trade in some of these items with the Six, has been hurt very significantly. [More…]
The United States, for instance, has already suffered in 3 years a drop of 20% in her exports to the EEC of certain agricultural commodities subject to variable levies. [More…]
For this reason, the EEC restrictions in agricultural products have contributed to a new counter-protectionist attitude within the United States Congress, which now has before it a new measure, the Mills Bill, which could incorporate quite significant further restrictions on world trade. [More…]
This reflects also a confrontation which has developed bilaterally between the United States and Japan on the question of imports of textiles. [More…]
There are special trading arrangements at present between the United States and Canada. [More…]
Equally clearly, the United States is another key element in the liberalisation of world trade. [More…]
Therefore in the United States I put it to the leaders of the Administration and to leaders of Congress that it was for them to consider whether their responsibilities of world leadership should not require them to take the initiative in seeking to have restored to world trade a real sense of order - a return to the principles which the USA itself first sponsored and which were so carefully built up in GATT and elsewhere. [More…]
It was as a result of the worrying impressions I gained in London and in Europe that I decided that before returning to Australia I should visit the Governments of Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
I was received at the highest level in both Canada and the United States. [More…]
As far as world trade goes it will be a power greater than the United States of America or Russia. [More…]
Perhaps if some pressure can be put on the United States of America and some other countries to show what this super giant is doing to the trade of Australia and other countries we may have a chance but I feel, and I regret the pessimistic view, that Australia has very little chance. [More…]
The aircraft are now again flying with the United States Air Force but to flight limitations, which is not abnormal for an aircraft at this stage of its development. [More…]
3ut the aircraft still does not meet the technical and operational assurances that will be required by the Royal Australian Air Force and which the United States Department of Defence has indicated would be necessary. [More…]
Does he agree that, as our recent parliamentary delegation established, the present offensive began with the unprovoked North Vietnamese aggression at least a month before South Vietnamese and United States forces entered the sanctuary areas? [More…]
I believe that there is no question - perhaps there is in some people’s minds, but there can scarcely be a question in any sensible person’s mind who has studied the facts - that the invasion of Cambodia took place long before the United States troops and South Vietnamese troops entered that country and that they entered that country in order to repel the troops from North Vietnam who were already on the soil of that country illegally. [More…]
I think it is fair to say that our political structure is certainly much more partisan over large areas than in the United States of America and. [More…]
Professor Gold of the Cornell University in the United States of America expressed the opinion at that time that Australia was then in the top flight in the field of radio astronomy. [More…]
I am told that by reason of the quality of Australian labour in making magnetic tape for computers in Australia we have quite a distinct competitive advantage even against the United States of America. [More…]
We are capable of working up an important export industry on the basis of Australian skills employed in making tapes to be fitted into computers in other parts of the world because Australian labour in relation to this skill is still cheaper than, say, in the United States or somewhere else, lt seems to me that this bounty, although it is applied directly to particular sorts of publications, is helping to preserve an industry that is likely to be on the verge of great technical change. [More…]
Companies dealing in plastics, not only from Australia but from Japan and the United States of America, also are setting up plants in those areas. [More…]
I think that this Government will have to consider following the action taken by the United States Government if we want the bookbinding industry in Australia to be maintained. [More…]
United States Congressmen about conditions in the prison on the South Vietnamese island of Con Son? [More…]
This was that a Labor government would, on election, immediately notify the governments of the United States and South Vietnam that all Australian forces would be withdrawn from Vietnam. [More…]
It is worth recalling that the Prime Minister’s decision to cut troop levels was made in April after President Nixon announced United States withdrawals of 150,000 in the ensuing 12 months. [More…]
This target was put back by the subsequent ill advised thrust by the United States into Cambodia but withdrawals have since been resumed with an objective of 100,000 out by May next year. [More…]
The Government’s reluctance to justify or even state its revised objectives in Vietnam contrasts dramatically with the reassessment of the war in the United States. [More…]
In June the United States Senate voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Tonkin Gulf Resolution of 1964 which was used to justify full scale American intervention. [More…]
The United States of America has announced programmes of withdrawal. [More…]
With those troops remaining the United States still will be supplying a very significant effort to help preserve and maintain the integrity of South Vietnam. [More…]
Our commitment in proportion to our resources and our population has, of course, never been so great as that of the United States. [More…]
Is it the South Vietnamese, the United States or the Australians who have opposed or made life difficult at negotiations? [More…]
There is one thing that can do most to achieve a North Vietnamese victory - that is a precipitate withdrawal of Australian forces, a precipitate withdrawal of United States forces and a precipitate withdrawal of free world support for the long suffering people of South Vietnam who want to work out their own destiny in their own way. [More…]
In the course of interrogation by the members of the Commission the South Vietnamese prisoner confirmed that United States officers had taken part in these last two acts of aggression. [More…]
The United States Government made a public apology at that stage for the aggression in Cambodia in 1964. [More…]
I turn next to my understanding of the forces and pressure that go into the making of the United States foreign policy. [More…]
It was purely and simply a request - a direction - from the United States Administration. [More…]
We should be looking at what is going on in the United States, because no United States President can ignore any groundswell that builds up in that country. [More…]
The anti-war movement in the United States has already compelled the retirement of one President and is forcing the hand of the present incumbent. [More…]
Domestic considerations led the United States into Vietnam and domestic considerations will lead the United States out of Vietnam. [More…]
From that period on, as a matter of domestic political consideration, the United States adopted a policy of open ended commitment to South Vietnam. [More…]
The Government sought to obtain the support of the United States business group. [More…]
Today the fact is that by treaty and de facto we are an ally of the United States of America and to withdraw our troops and abandon our allies would be an act of shame in the eyes of the United States, South Vietnam, South Korea, New Zealand and others with whom we stand. [More…]
Do honourable members think that our treaty with the United States would remain unimpaired? [More…]
Who in the world wishes to destroy the treaty with the United States? [More…]
The Communists wish to destroy our alliance with the United States and to end the trust iri which we are held in South East Asia - the trust and respect which South Vietnam has for us; the trust and respect which Malaya, Singapore and South Korea have for us. [More…]
Where is there another powerful ally in the world to whom we could turn if we threw away the alliance with the United States? [More…]
The Deputy Prime Minister made many references to the Labor Party; to the alleged left wing direction to which the Party is supposed to be subject; to mob rule; to Communism - ‘more than a smell of Communist influence’ was the term the right honourable gentleman, used - and to the fact that in his belief Labor would take action which would imperil our treaty associations with the United States and leave us virtually naked and alone in this part of the world. [More…]
We are too close to the Vietnam war to be making value judgments on numbers of these things but I think we all recall that after the Second World War the Western countries - Great Britain and the United States in the case of Germany, and very much so the United States in the case of Japan - contributed greatly to the rehabilitation of those war torn countries which had been our enemies but a short time previously. [More…]
The Labor point of view is that peace will come to Indo-China, not by military means alone - because the military events which have taken place in Indo-China have been discredited in the United States, in Australia, in Great Britain and throughout the world - but by proper international settlement, an international settlement which takes into account ethnic and political considerations and the wishes and needs of the people of Vietnam, South and North, the people of Laos and the people of Cambodia. [More…]
That is akin to the Nixon Doctrine which was submitted recently to the world by the President of the United States that any nation in our region will have, to stand on its own feet. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr Gorton) has said that Australian troops will be withdrawn commensurate with the withdrawals being made by the United States. [More…]
In other words, we are asking that Australia spell out a timetable, as the United States President has spelled out a timetable, for the withdrawal of troops. [More…]
We have yet to see what diplomatic initiatives this country is taking to help the efforts of the United States to end the war through diplomatic negotiations. [More…]
Unfortunately we have given the impression throughout the world, particularly throughout our part of the world, that we just tag along and leave the United States with all of the larger responsibilities. [More…]
There is the problem of an economy which is geared almost entirely to the very substantial troop involvement of the United States, Australia and a small number of other nations. [More…]
As to the second part of the proposal - that is whether or not we can achieve rehabilitation or whether we should initiate proposals for rehabilitation - obviously the Australian Labor Party does not know what is being done now not only by ourselves but also by the South Vietnamese and the Government of the United States of America. [More…]
Last year the United States devoted $5l4m to the rehabilitation of South Vietnam. [More…]
Only yesterday the VicePresident of the United States announced that S40m in aid would be given to Cambodia. [More…]
I do not know whether the Minister has noted that the House of Representatives in the United States passed the Independent Media Preservation Bill which is designed to prevent a metropolitan newspaper holding a licence for a television or broadcasting station in the same area. [More…]
The United States Federal Communications Commission applied the same principle recently when it cancelled the licence of WHDHTV, Boston, because it was held by the Boston ‘Traveller-Examiner’, and was held to create a monopoly in the news media in the area. [More…]
The United States Justice Department is reported to be currently examining the joint ownership of newspapers, television and broadcasting stations to see whether the Anti-Monopoly Act is being violated, and where it finds such violations have occurred, it will undoubtedly call on the FCC to refuse to renew the licences and issue them to other applicants. [More…]
In this House on 8th April this year I pointed out to the Prime Minister (Mr Gorton) the desire of the US Federal Communications Commission to have legislation introduced to break up existing multi-media combinations in the United States over a maximum period of 5 years. [More…]
In all the western European countries, in the United States and in Canada a great deal more time is used by the national and political leaders in television discussion on current affairs programmes than we in this country have yet dreamed of. [More…]
This is a higher rate than in any comparable country, and nearly as high as in the United States, which is a much wealthier country. [More…]
Even if the United States of America continues with the Nixon doctrine of helping those who help themselves, I believe that we must expand and continue to modernise our existing 3 Services in co-operation with our smaller allies. [More…]
This shows that for the past 15 years or so industrialised economies like those of the United States of America, Italy, Canada, France and the United Kingdom had much less favourable employment experiences than Australia. [More…]
A study of the economies in the United States. [More…]
It is estimated that one of the major networks in Sydney will be spending $A8m in 1970 on feature movies and $A5m on television series, mainly on programmes from the United States, I mention these facts because I shall be seeking over the next 3 or 4 weeks opportunities to put before this House the facts which will show that there is a need for careful consideration of the future of the Australian television industry, and above all things, the future of Australians within that industry. [More…]
He did so and he found that by upgrading various kinds of equipment we would be able to provide radio communication between the Phnom Penh Government and several of the provinces, and that with the assistance of the United States putting in facilities in Kompong Som very nearly a total coverage of Cambodia would be obtained. [More…]
Many town planning experts consider that Melbourne and Sydney have almost reached their optimum size and that the 5 million predicted by the demographers as the Sydney population by the year 2,000 would be a disaster, recreating the enormous urban problems now facing the burgeoning metropolises of the United States such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and others. [More…]
We cannot hope to match the bigger economies, such as the United States, in this, but we should at least ensure that we are always applying and developing the best known techniques. [More…]
I remember talking to some United States manufacturers who said that when they have a problem they put 100 scientists on the job and trample the problem to death. [More…]
In only a few cities of the United States of America can we find comparably low urban densities. [More…]
However we always compare what we have - our standard of living, our rates of income and the rest - with the United States, with Great Britain and with Sweden. [More…]
In the past 15 years industrialised countries like the United States of America, Italy, Canada, France and the United Kingdom have had a much less favourable employment experience than Australia. [More…]
1 point out to the House that in the United States and in the United Kingdom it is standard practice that matters involving property rights are put aside when the liberty of a subject is involved. [More…]
Apparently, the reason for this substantial increase is the flooding and bad seasonal conditions in eastern Europe, the very heavy curtailment of production in North America and also the effects of leaf blight which is hitting the maize crop in the United States. [More…]
Apparently there is a very serious disease problem in the southern States of the United States. [More…]
This new source of energy is providing a significant and increasing portion of the energy needs of countries such as Great Britain, the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France and Germany and also, in our own area, India, Japan and other countries. [More…]
The most recent figures available displaying the annual increase in real gross national product per head of population over a 10-year period show that in Japan it was 10.1%, in Italy 5.3%, in West Germany 4.7%, in the Netherlands 4.1%, in Austria 3.9%, in France 3.9%, in Belgium 3.8%, in the United States of America 3.2%, in Australia 2.8% and in the United Kingdom 2.7%. [More…]
Professor Galbraith argues that in the United States and in Australia, at high employment, prices are unstable - and we have seen this - because of a defect in the economic machine, particularly in one sector. [More…]
The 3 governments concerned - that is, the Governments of Israel, the United Arab Republic and Jordan - have all agreed with an initiative taken by the United States Government, supported by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, that a cease fire and peace negotiations should be agreed to in the Middle East. [More…]
He has agreed to act to see whether he can achieve the purposes of the United States, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other United Nations countries. [More…]
There are now a number of merchant banks throughout the United States, Europe, Britain and Japan which have shown a very great interest in Australia. [More…]
I include the United States of America and the European Economic Community. [More…]
For that reason, I believe, the United States of America, as well as the United Kingdom and the countries of the European Economic Community, has an interest to see that GATT works, lt is not merely a matter of the Minister for Trade and industry putting forward a proposal that is of advantage to Australia alone. [More…]
We know the battle that he has put up on many occasions, not only for Australia but also for New Zealand and the other countries in this Asian area, against a lack of thought and lack of vision by countries such as the United States and, I am afraid, in certain instances the United Kingdom and other European countries. [More…]
Today we have the spectacle of our biggest landowner, with 1 1 million acres, living and operating from Los Angeles in the United States of America. [More…]
United States prices roll across the border and United States economic worries come with them. [More…]
The United Kingdom, United States, European and Asian capital has and will come because Australia gives a good return. [More…]
A better understanding is needed not only by this country but also by our sister country, New Zealand, as well as Canada, the United States and all other traders in the great bulk commodities which will be so adversely affected if the European Economic Community proceeds on the course it has already set and which it has not, at this point of time anyhow, indicated it will moderate in any way. [More…]
I questioned the Minister for Defence earlier this year about sub-contracts and offset arrangements negotiated with the United States since 1966. [More…]
This is a distressingly small counterweight to throw into the scales against the mass of defence spending which has flowed to the United States over the past few years. [More…]
In broad terms it is doubtful whether even a half of 1 per cent of the Governments defence spending in the United States has been offset in any way since 1966. [More…]
The Treasurer referred to the outlay of $l3m in 1970-71 for the lease of 24 Phantom aircraft from the United States. [More…]
He said that the Mirage FI was one possible replacement under consideration; other aircraft were being developed in the United States. [More…]
One Press story in January claimed the Air Force was looking at the FI 5 being developed in the United States and expected to be delivered to the American Air Force by 1975. [More…]
These are the only planes under development in the United States which could fill the bill; so the Minister seems to indicate that the F14 and the F15 are under serious consideration as replacements. [More…]
At least until 1973 the Air Force will have the Phantom F4Es on a leasehold basis from the United States. [More…]
As markets alternative to the United States of America do not appear to offer sufficient absorption to sustain this sort of growth and as the United States market, which is our biggest, taking 80 per cent of our beef exports, will not accept an increase in our exports of this magnitude, it seems that there will be disruption in the beef industry in the near future. [More…]
When one appreciates that there are almost as many people in the single city of Tokyo as in the whole of Australia, that the United States of America pours more into the Vietnam war in 12 months - S29,000m according to a recent, official statement - than our economy is capable of generating in a year - our gross national product last year was $27.000m - one understands how relatively scarce our economic resources are and why we cannot afford to squander them. [More…]
In 1950 only the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland and Ireland, in that order, had a higher per capita national income than Australia. [More…]
In Canada and the United States of America the Amerindians enjoy land rights to their reserves. [More…]
I refer to reports that an extremely well known citizen of the United States, Mr Gregory, has been refused an entry permit by his Department. [More…]
At the present moment a disease in maize has broken out in the United States and is making great headway in a very specialised crop which, because it is specialised, is particularly susceptible to its onslaught. [More…]
I would think it is probable that the United States with its highly developed technology will succeed in controlling the outbreak. [More…]
The United States of America is feeling the pinch strongly by its involvement around the world. [More…]
These problems are related not so much to the markets themselves as to the hurdles of the requirements set by the United States of America and other countries. [More…]
I believe that the United States is playing a very hard game. [More…]
In Adelaide on 7th July he had this to say to the United States Chamber of Commerce in Australia: [More…]
However, they should bear in mind that they will get in its place a radical pro-Communist Labor Government which is committed to smash the treaty with the United States of America, repudiate our support for the antiCommunist efforts of the countries closest to us, in particular Indonesia, which is a country 180 miles off-shore, 3,500 miles long with 120 million people and which is calling for just that sort of assistance which this Government is trying to give it. [More…]
I might say that, having earlier this year been in the United States and seen how that country preserves the homes of some of its great sons and people of the past, I think it is rather shameful that when one of our great sons dies we in Australia cremate him and throw his ashes to the wind. [More…]
Remembering what I had seen in the United States, 1 waited for some weeks before I wrote to the Bathurst City Council early in August to ask how successful the appeal had been. [More…]
This is a very black day for us because the Government has seen fit to ban one of the most significant Negro public figures in the United States from entering Australia. [More…]
He spent 2 years in the United States Army. [More…]
He was an outstanding athlete who, in 1952, was ranked third in the United States as a half miler. [More…]
I wish to quote what was said of Dick Gregory by Jack Parr, a prominent television compere in the United States. [More…]
So if I appear to be slightly cynical about Dick Gregory and if it appears to me that Dick Gregory is the best that the honourable member for Lalor could get when he was in the United States to get somebody for his moratorium campaign, I suppose that is understandable. [More…]
I do not think that the great protestors in the United States really would pay much attention to the honourable member. [More…]
I remember that one of them was involved in a small incident in the United States. [More…]
The honourable member for Lalor has just returned from a triumphant tour of the United States. [More…]
But if the United States did not ban the honourable member for Lalor why should we ban Dick? [More…]
If my memory serves me correctly, he said that he hoped to have discussions with the President of the United States in depth. [More…]
Perhaps the President of the United States did not want to see him. [More…]
He was allowed to go to the United States; he was allowed to overthrow the United States Government; he was allowed to achieve his objective, and if Dick was all he could get to come back, frankly I think the Government should let Dick in. [More…]
nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
The Symington Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of the United States has been looking at the commitments of the United States in Vietnam and the relationship between those commitments and those of its allies. [More…]
Senator Fulbright, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has pointed out precisely that Australian troops are paid for by the Australian Government, that they are not mercenaries and that no financial support is given to them by the United States Government. [More…]
Is the Minister for Defence aware that the United States Army has an official known as the SergeantMajor of the Army who acts as an ombudsman to investigate complaints of servicemen about pay and conditions of service? [More…]
Australia’s performance over the last 10 or 15 years compared to that of the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and countries of western Europe has been very poor. [More…]
We should learn from the historic mistakes of the United States of America and countries of the northern hemisphere. [More…]
He advocates that the 12 nation naval force of NATO should be promoted from an international squadron to a supra-national fleet, to offset the shrinking’ United States and United Kingdom navies. [More…]
Those who have criticised Australian and United States intervention and policy and who are dedicated to a world where small countries like Australia can remain free, need to examine whether their words and actions have given encouragement to the Communist nations. [More…]
SEATO provided and has achieved United States intervention in South East Asia - in South Vietnam - and to meet large-scale North Vietnam aggression. [More…]
It is, of course, not logical or honourable to suggest United States intervention without Australian intervention. [More…]
It has provided defence consultants and practical co-operation of forces on South East Asian matters which go beyond ANZUS in making defence contacts in the United States itself, and the opportunity to learn procedures and practices. [More…]
ANZUS, of which so much is said, is most substantial because, allowing for wording made necessary by the United States Constitution, the moral obligation, and what is understood by all parties, is a strong one and a military one. [More…]
Japan’s changing relations with the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and South East Asian countries probably will have dramatic influences before long. [More…]
There can be little doubt that the resistance of the Indonesian generals to the 196S Communist coup was stiffened greatly by the presence of United States and other forces in South Vietnam. [More…]
The Labor Party is historically against defence preparations and ignores external threats and realities of aggression because of bogies about big business and United States imperialism. [More…]
If we were to desert our allies in the field what would the United States - our friends - and our enemies around the world think of us, of the agreements we have signed and the undertakings we have given? [More…]
The United States per capita income in 1967 was $US4,060. [More…]
I. believe the same procedure applies in the Congress of the United States of America. [More…]
The United States Congress sits for 6 hours straight - from 12 noon until 6 p.m.. Why should not this Parliament sit from 1 p.m.? [More…]
There have been reports from the United States of the occurrence of teratogenic effects in animal experimentation involving high dosage administration of 2,4,ST and certain 2,4D esters. [More…]
Details of economic and social assistance to Vietnam are shown in the following publications which are available through the Parliamentary Library; ‘Economic and Social Aid to Vietnam’, a report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vietnam for the period up to 31st December 1969, about economic, technical and cultural assistance from all foreign sources; the operations Report of the United States’ Agency for International Development for financial year 1970 and the Programme and Project Data of the Agency for International Development presented to Congress for financial year 1971. [More…]
United States: Total economic assistance provided by the United States in fiscal year 1970 (1969-70) has been estimated to total $US5 14.2m, excluding the Military Assistance Programme. [More…]
Declaration by the Representative of the United States of America’ (Question No. [More…]
nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement cone from the national Government. [More…]
nations such the the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the national Government. [More…]
Why does the dispute extend to recordings from the United Kingdom and not to those from the United States of America? [More…]
There is a reciprocal arrangement in this area between Australia and the United Kingdom, but the United States has not entered into the agreement. [More…]
Does the Prime Minister agree that that refusal is likely to upset many of Australia’s friends in the United States of America and delegates to the conference of Afro-Asian neutralists? [More…]
Does he agree that one of the essential features of Australia’s foreign policy must be not to be identified in the United States, Africa and Asia with what I would call the South African position? [More…]
Is this due to a local shortage of beef suitable for export to markets other than the United States of America? [More…]
Their meat is the most attractive on the United States market but probably suffers a disadvantage on other markets. [More…]
I remind him that 40 United States senators support the aims and ideals of the Moratorium. [More…]
I hope you will excuse me, Mr Deputy Speaker, but the Premier of New South Wales did not muck about when, in the presence of the President of the United States of America, demonstrators showed their displeasure at what is happening in Vietnam. [More…]
They arise from the violence that has been expressed in the physical conflicts in the United States. [More…]
The United States, the most powerful nation in the world, continues to bomb Vietnam indiscriminately. [More…]
For instance, in the United States, as my colleague the honourable member for Grayndler (Mr Daly) pointed out, about 40 United States Senators have just voted to stop all aid to Vietnam by the end of 1971. [More…]
Forty United States Senators, or to be exact, 39, voted to stop all financial aid to the United States forces in South East Asia. [More…]
In the United States we find Republicans and Democrats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives speaking out against this vile, immoral war in Vietnam, this inhuman, bottomless pit of human suffering. [More…]
Everybody who studies the history of the struggle in Vietnam knows that the United States placed pressure on the 17 nations which make up NATO to make military forces available for Vietnam. [More…]
The Minister for Works (Senator Wright) left Australia on 12th September to visit the United States of America at the invitation of the United States Travel Service. [More…]
A United States senator or congressman has, on average, I believe, about 8 on his staff. [More…]
Also, I found that each member of the United States House of Representatives has 8 fulltime workers on his staff. [More…]
The countries I have in mind are those which are most important to us in trade and in foreign affairs, namely, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan and New Zealand. [More…]
As honourable members will be aware the United States has a different basic constitution and a separation exists between the legislature and the Executive; yet Congress is of crucial importance to us in Australia, especially its attitude to foreign affairs and certainly its attitude to the existence of trade barriers. [More…]
I have had the good fortune to visit the United States twice. [More…]
It is natural that we as Australians should know more of the United States than they would know of us since it is the greatest economic and political power in the world today. [More…]
I hasten to add that this is in no way a criticism of the contacts between the United States Government and our representatives through the Department of External Affairs and the Department of Trade and Industry. [More…]
But they are hedged by protocol and must contract the United States government in an official capacity. [More…]
Our foreign policy views, the sides of the debate on great issues which are carried on in this country and our case for allowing great imports - in the case of the United States in meat, sugar and wool - are examples of matters which would be discussed between members. [More…]
A recent example was the misunderstanding, as I believe it was, of the standards of our meat exported to the United States where ultimately Australia proposed a compromise in the regulations. [More…]
There is naturally on the part of our own members inadequate knowledge of the problems, facts and policies of the parliaments of the 4 countries I have mentioned - the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Japan - and each of them is of great importance to us. [More…]
I think if we look around at the rest of the world today and at the activities of federal governments such as those in the United States of America, Canada and West Germany we will find that they have a dramatically different approach to urban development and city development and particularly to the developing areas on the perimeters of the cities from the approach in [More…]
I believe there is a great need for the Commonwealth to assume as much responsibility as has been accepted by other federal governments in the United States, Canada and West Germany. [More…]
We were willing to apply unprecedented force and unparallelled violence in the name of the domino theory, but we baulked at its first real test - -righly and inevitably so, because the Australian people would no more tolerate a repeat performance of the Vietnam tragedy than the people of the United States would tolerate it. [More…]
Australia went to Vietnam because the United States went there, and the United States went there because China was behind Vietnam. [More…]
Yet who would assert today that China is the weaker or the United States the stronger because of intervention in Vietnam, or that any conceivable settlement of the Indo-China war will now strengthen the position of the United States in this region or in the world, or will weaken the position of China in this region or in the world? [More…]
We are able to join countries like Canada and Italy in encouraging the United States to modify her past intransigence, and we are able to encourage Japan to take her own initiatives. [More…]
Australia’s external relations will never strike a fruitful balance until we pay at least equal atten tion to our relations with our principal neighbour, Indonesia, and our principal trading partner, Japan, as well as those with our principal ally, the United States. [More…]
For instance, between 1961 and 1968 Australia’s percentage rate of increase in its foreign aid allocation was greater than those of the principal aid donors, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
What he omits to state is something else that the Pearson report said, that if Australia did increase its aid to reach that target of 1 per cent by 1975, its aid is already of such dimensions that the rate of growth would be less than the rate of growth that would have to be built up by Austria, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United States. [More…]
The tables annexed to the report show that Australia is closer to achieving that percentage than the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and all of the other aid donors listed other than France. [More…]
The United States has provided massive military aid and economic assistance to South Vietnam. [More…]
Yet the United States Administration, in order to justify its commitment and particularly to justify its commitment to the American people, went to great lengths to encourage countries within its sphere of influence to make contributions. [More…]
President Johnson’s principal concern was to show the American people that the policies he pursued had the help and support of other nations, and that the United States was not alone. [More…]
In the military sphere the United States Administration blatantly bribed South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand to send forces. [More…]
The full cost of the participation of these forces in Vietnam is paid by the United States people. [More…]
In the civil aid field the United States Government - which, as I have said, was already committing more aid than South Vietnam is in a position to absorb, devised programmes that would allow nominal participation by countries that the United States could influence. [More…]
We have picked up the odd and scattered crumbs from the vast United States civil and military banquet. [More…]
I understand also, on advice from the Department of External Affairs, that the Bill, proposing such a calendar, introduced into the United States House of Representatives on 3 January 1970, has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs but so far no action has been taken. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the European Nuclear Energy Agency and many other governmental and non-governmental bodies periodically publish figures on estimated unit costs for the production of electricity for projected nuclear power stations? [More…]
The Committee found that S3 of these companies were Australian companies; 33 were United States, including 2 Australian and United States joint companies; and 27 were United Kingdom companies, including 1 joint company. [More…]
The United States Justice Department in March of this year charged in Washington that Bristol Myers had conspired with 2 other big drug companies to monopolise the sale of a major antibiotic and thus to keep its price artificially high. [More…]
On the basis of the information and the charges made by the United States Justice Department this was a clear monopoly activity - ‘oligopoly’ would be the more correct term - by Bristol Myers conspiring with other companies to restrict the provision of a particular drug on the market so that prices could be maintained at a high level. [More…]
gulf ports in the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America quite an amount of brimstone comes from the petroleum industry. [More…]
I gather that in the United States there are the typical dome-like structures which are the geophysical features of petroleum. [More…]
For the information of honourable members opposite I point out that 40 United States senators have come out and declared themselves in opposition to the involvement of their country in the war. [More…]
A retired Lieutenant General, James M. Gavin of the United States, who lives now in Massachusetts published in the Saturday Evening Post’ the following statement which I have confirmed with him personally in a letter over his signature: [More…]
That is about what we have heard from the Leader of the Opposition, lt is extraordinary to hear him still saying that the Government’s policy on Vietnam is in ruins and that the war has been a failure because today China is no weaker and the United States is no stronger because of the intervention in Vietnam. [More…]
Australia did not go to Vietnam to weaken China or to strengthen the United States. [More…]
This policy has been remarkably effective although it has been of considerable cost to the United States and to us. [More…]
Only one thing stands between the South Vietnamese and eventual victory and that is the resolution of the people of the United States and, to a lesser extent of course, the resolution of ourselves. [More…]
The Council reaffirmed that the responsibility to maintain peace and security in this crucial area rests on all free nations in the Asian and Pacific region and strongly recommended that any proposed reduction of United States or United Nations defence forces be so planned and executed as not to impair regional or national defence capabilities of free Asia and such steps be taken only with prior consultation with the governments concerned. [More…]
Do they want the United States to stop bombing North Vietnam? [More…]
They do not enter into those agreements because they lose nothing for the world Communist cause by the presence of United States troops in Vietnam. [More…]
The presence of American troops there has separated the United States from most of the peoples of Europe and from most of the youth of Europe and it is dividing the United States from within. [More…]
It was the United States which dominoed Diem in a thoroughly mistaken policy. [More…]
I believe that the fundamental mistake of the United States in Vietnam was to analyse the situation there as a major confrontation. [More…]
That is why United States policy is not leading to an end of the situation. [More…]
China constantly accuses the United States and Soviet Russia of being collaborators in certain respects in this whole situation. [More…]
There is a tacit agreement between the United States and Russia that if the United States does not blockade the port of Haiphong the Soviet Union will not provide certain weapons to the North Vietnamese. [More…]
Honourable members should take a look at some of the oscillations in United States foreign policy in this area. [More…]
The United States foreign policy then went through a somersault and that country decided that Ho was a dangerous Red. [More…]
The United States supported the French attempt to re-establish their authority after Ho Chi Minh was armed with Japanese amis. [More…]
I hope I am not being unjust to a former United States Ambassador but it seems to me to be highly significant that so long as Maxwell Taylor was Ambassador to Vietnam the Vietnamese tried to murder him. [More…]
I believe that 1 would have to be extremely poor at assessing the world situation if I were not to acknowledge that the Vietcong are far more effective at changing the will of the United States of America than the United States of America is at changing the will of the North Vietnamese to resist. [More…]
The purposes of the United States in Vietnam, I believe, are beyond reproach; but. [More…]
In the United States of America, $800m is raised and only $200m in the rest of the world. [More…]
There have been a number of demands directed at the United States of America that it should negotiate on the subject of Vietnam. [More…]
There have been advertisements published in the newspapers demanding negotiations which obviously mean that the United States quit Vietnam. [More…]
That simple fact is this: Both the United States Government and the Australian Government are withdrawing their troops from South Vietnam. [More…]
I think it is very fortunate for some people in South Vietnam that the United States Congress and the United States people in particular are prepared to keep a very close watch over what goes on in South Vietnam because without that scrutiny by the American Congress South Vietnam would be even more undemocratic than it is. [More…]
I doubt whether the alternative we are offering them is sufficient to justify the slaughter and destruction of Vietnam that our commitment there alongside the United States has been responsible for. [More…]
Almost immediately, in view of the weakness of the Lon Nol Government - I understand the Lon Nol Government was almost virtually not informed of the move - the United States of America launched an invasion of Cambodia. [More…]
But at least the people of Cambodia, by and large, were saved from the destruction of attacks from the North Vietnamese, the National Liberation Front, the United States and the South Vietnamese. [More…]
I think that we all realise the economic and cultural ties as well as the strategic importance of the areas east of us in the Pacific, that is, New Zealand, Fiji, which is about to become independent, and other islands extending to the United States of America itself. [More…]
As the military involvement in Vietnam is phased out by the United States of America and by ourselves we yet remain to see a programme of economic aid capable not only of paying the way of the Government of South Vietnam but of enabling the orderly transition of the economy of that country from the situation that we have known over the past few years to a situation perhaps similar to that which exists in South Korea in the aftermath of the Korean war. [More…]
But the Government has not seen fit to involve itself in the affairs of those countries, not because the troops of North Vietnam are not there but because the forces of the United States are not officially there in the way they have been present in South Vietnam. [More…]
The United States of America is a large producer and consumer of beef. [More…]
Most of the prime beef consumed in the United States is produced there. [More…]
However, the United States does import coarser grades of beef such as third grade beef or manufacturing beef, which is minced and used for hamburgers. [More…]
Consequently the meat is tough and generally unsuitable for export, except as manufacturing beef for which the only significant market is the United States. [More…]
Several years ago the prices paid in the United States for manufacturing beef began to exceed those paid for prime beef in Europe and Japan. [More…]
The Australian Meat Board which had to ensure that Australia did not export more than the permitted quota to the United States then came up with the meat diversification scheme whereby, to earn the right to export to America, a producer had to export an equivalent amount to other markers. [More…]
This meant that southern producers who had always exported to nonEuropean markets had all the export credits while northern exporters who traditionally exported only to the United States had virtually none. [More…]
During the operation of the scheme the 5 export abattoirs at Darwin, Katherine, Wyndham, Broome and Derby have to spend almost $2m a year buying export credits to sell to their only substantial and traditional market in the United States, while southern producers who have never exported to the United States and some, for that matter, who never will, can receive that amount without lifting a finger. [More…]
Has he seen reports of a United States Presidential Commission under Mr Henry Cabot Lodge which advocates that for the United Nations 25th anniversary next month the United Nations peace keeping machinery be strengthened, that inefficient institutions be reformed, and that international law be strengthened particularly to deal with environmental change, drug abuse and hijacking? [More…]
There has been close co-operation between the Australian forces and the Vietnam forces and also, of course, the United States forces in South Vietnam over these matters. [More…]
I was recently in the United States of America where, I discovered, social security payments are now adjusted on that basis each year. [More…]
The United States of America is currently proposing this for families as part of a family assistance plan. [More…]
We should study the range of services and versatility that operates these things in countries such as the much denigrated United States of America, which can leave us for dead in the sensitivity which it shows in regard to these matters. [More…]
At that time I took the opportunity to compare taxation scales in Australia with those in the United States of America. [More…]
Such a taxpayer in the United States, on an income of $3,000 at that time - I stress that this was 2 years ago - paid no tax at all. [More…]
There is an attitude in certain quarters of the United States of America as well as Britain, Australia and other countries, that Japan should rearm to become the balance of power against the People’s Republic of China. [More…]
The Government is still faced with this quagmire which has created so much suffering and which has torn the United States apart. [More…]
The United States, which is the most powerful nation in the world, is trying to bomb and destroy one of the smallest nations in the world. [More…]
The United States thought that it could set out to defeat Vietnam and still build its ‘Great Society’. [More…]
President Johnson, whose internal social policies were probably the most progressive since President Roosevelt, wanted to build a great society, to give Medicare to the aged and to effect many social reforms internally in the United States. [More…]
But because of the economic drain of Vietnam on the United States he was destroyed. [More…]
The United States reached the stage where it was spending $3 5, 000m a year. [More…]
The United States could not meet its commitment of $35 to the ounce and the International Monetary Fund had to set 2 prices on gold. [More…]
Of course, the United States argues that the real issue is that it wants peace now. [More…]
The United States knew that it could not get a military victory and now it wants peace. [More…]
One really has to examine the United States attitude to see whether that country wants peace or whether it wants to stay in Vietnam. [More…]
I would like to quote from an article written by a very eminent American, Mr Roger Hilsman, who was a former United States Secretary of State for the Far East in the John Kennedy Administration and who is now Professor of Government at the Columbia University. [More…]
President Nixon’s policy of Vietnamisation - gradual withdrawal of American troops, concurrent with an increase in the amount and quality of aid to South Vietnam - is based on his hope that Saigon will be able to continue the war completely alone; or at most with the aid of United States air and artillery forces. [More…]
I believe that the real basis of United States policy is that there should be a low cost war, that it wants to step down its commitment. [More…]
It can in fact keep 10 Vietnamese in the field for the cost of 1 United States soldier. [More…]
I believe that the United States will wage a ‘long-haul’ and that it will maintain its air and artillery power. [More…]
The United States has already dropped more bombs on Vietnam than the Allies dropped on Axis powers during the Second World War. [More…]
I believe that the United States will continue this type of operation. [More…]
However, we call on all Australians to come out and express their indignation at one of the most barbaric actions ever carried out by a so-called civilisation - and I refer to the actions of (he United States. [More…]
There is another side to the United States. [More…]
The United States has 39 senators - that is, nearly 40 per cent of the United States [More…]
In 1967-68 Australia had the dubious distinction of increasing its incidence of rape at a rate more rapid than that of the United States of America. [More…]
The Government of the United States provides under Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 grants for the development and implementation of new methods, techniques, equipment and facilities to improve law enforcement and reduce crime. [More…]
The Air Safety Investigation Branch has just completed a full investigation of the accident and, in accordance with international agreement, a copy of the report has been made available to the United States of America in which country the aircraft was registered. [More…]
I address a question to the Minister for Primary Industry concerning the export of meat to the United States of America. [More…]
Can the Minister say whether it is true that the United States will not now accept beef exports from the Wyndham meat works? [More…]
Will the Minister indicate the exact position relating to the export of mutton from meat works in Australia to the United States and other markets at this time? [More…]
At the moment I think 26 meat works have been struck off the list of meat works able to export beef to the United States market. [More…]
The meat works did not conform to the requirements laid down by the United States Inspection Act and regulations, and we were informed on 17th September that it would be delisted and that meat would no longer be accepted from that works. [More…]
I have made arrangements with the Americans to have a senior veterinary officer of my Department along with a senior United States veterinary officer inspect the works. [More…]
Will he consider introducing a Bill similar to that of the United States of America where the copyright law states that to obtain copyright in the United States a book must be printed and bound from type set in the United States, that is, from a process wholly performed in the United States of America? [More…]
But a United States study of 15,000 sex offenders found no evidence that pornography was a causal factor in the offences. [More…]
In doing so, I preface my remarks by quoting from the report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, specially appointed by President Johnson of the United States of America on 29th July 1967. [More…]
The analogy, unfortunately, which so many speakers draw between the United States of America and Australia just will not wash. To try to compare the situation in Australia with the position in the United States is bordering on the absurd. [More…]
In the United States there were race riots at Watts and Newark, racial murders, the burning of towns and portions of towns, massive civil disobedience and’ civil rights riots in Chicago at the Democratic Convention. [More…]
There has been an unprecedented crime wave in the United States which has no relation to civil disorder. [More…]
The law and order debate has continued in the United States for some time. [More…]
I do not intend to debate the rights and wrongs of what is happening in the United States. [More…]
I simply make the statement that to compare what is happening in the United States with what is happening in Australia is bordering on the absurd. [More…]
The United States Federal Aviation Act of 1958 similarly requests carriers to charge exactly the fares set out in the published tariffs and I might add, in fairness of presentation, the American Civil Aeronautics Board ‘or CAB’ is not happy with contra deals, but it is a practice heavily employed throughout the world and legally so. [More…]
1 preface my remarks by saying that in the United States the cost of runways and taxiways is approximately $300 per foot. [More…]
No delay occurred, but the reason for the time which elapsed before the final submission of this report was that the aircraft engines had to be sent to the United States of America for stripping down and for examination there. [More…]
After this report was received a copy of it was sent by the Director-General of Civil Aviation in Australia to the United States National Transportation Safety Board and he drew attention to its conclusions and commented on the matters likely to warrant being referred to the operator, Pan American World Airways Incorporated, for consideration. [More…]
But in spite of what the Deputy Prime Minister tries to cover up, many well informed Australians know that the real cause of our trade problem is the fact that the Commonwealth Government has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars purchasing defence requirements from the United States without a thought for the fact that the United States will not admit our primary products except in token amounts. [More…]
The average annual trade balance with the United States is some $500m in favour of the United States. [More…]
We have bought more than $ 1,000m worth of civil and defence aircraft alone from the United States since 1958. [More…]
Some people connected with the aircraft industry claim that by favouring United States aircraft, including the F111, the Government has contributed materially to the collapse of the British aircraft industry and this in turn has added to the pressure on Britain to enter the Common market. [More…]
We will probably find that the trend towards synthetics cannot be reversed in the United States. [More…]
Western European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy, are moving in the same direction as the United States - that is to say, the manmade fibre people through their strength, wealth and foresight, unlike the wool industry here, have got in at the top and moved down to the retail store. [More…]
Our main markets have been the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan. [More…]
The Department of Primary Industry at the request of the United States Department of Agriculture has placed very strict and stringent hygienic conditions on our abattoirs and meat works. [More…]
United States licences.’ [More…]
Two of the biggest and most important meat works in Melbourne have had their licences to export to the United States withdrawn. [More…]
After cancellation, an adjustment period takes place until the works are brought up to the standard required by the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
Although Australia’s 1970 exports of meat to the United States of America will receive a welcome 9,600 ton boost from allocations announced early in July, once again Australia’s share of the United States market for meat subject to import law has been reduced. [More…]
Prior to the introduction of the voluntary restraint agreement between major supplying countries and the United States for the 1969 shipping year - those are arrivals at United States ports during the calendar year 1969 - Australia had supplied in 1968 over 50 per cent of the imported meats in question. [More…]
In fact Australia had voluntarily suspended shipments late in (968 to avoid triggering United States quota legislation, and this affected its market share for that year also. [More…]
In 1967 with no controls Australia supplied 53.4 per cent of United States meat imports subject to the legislation. [More…]
The new allocation for Australia represents only 47.1 per cent of United States imports for the year. [More…]
As Australia’s original share of 1970 imports was 49.7 per cent and an agreement with the United States authorities that any increased allocation would be at least in that proportion was very widely publicised, one might perhaps be underestimating Australian reaction by saying that it was one of great disappointment. [More…]
The significant trade by Canadian importers in the transshipment of beef and mutton through Canada to the United Stales was cut off during July by regulatory procedure of the United States authorities. [More…]
The Japanese expect that by 197S they will double the present income per head, and by 1980 Japan’s income per head will exceed that of the United States of America. [More…]
Is there not a lesson to be learned from the re-organisation of the Post Office that is being undertaken in the United Kingdom and the United States? [More…]
In my view similar steps to those taken in the United Kingdom and in the process of being taken in the United States are necessary. [More…]
In the weekly compilation of Presidential Documents of 2nd June 1969 the President of the United States in his Message to Congress said this: [More…]
On 12th August of this year President Nixon signed into law an Act to reform the United States postal system. [More…]
The Act sets up a corporationstyled federal agency, the United States Postal Service. [More…]
The important point is the establishment of the joint select committee that we are suggesting to inquire into the desirability and practicability of the public corporation to which we refer, bearing in mind what is happening in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
In the home of private enterprise, the United States of America, telecommunications fall within the province of private enterprise. [More…]
When making comparisons with other countries - I am referring to the postage rates for ordinary mail - we find that in the United States of America it is proposed that the ordinary letter rate will be the equivalent of 7.1c. [More…]
While our exports to the United States of America and Canada are steadily increasing, this is a most temperamental and most difficult market. [More…]
No-one wants to see meat sold here or in the United States which is killed without due regard to hygiene. [More…]
The export licences of both those meat works for the United States have been rejected. [More…]
I think there are three that have the right to export mutton to the United States and some have not yet been inspected. [More…]
But more and more people are coming to doubt whether it is for health reasons or whether there are not political pressures as well being applied by the producers in the United States who fear too great an influx of Australian meat into the United States. [More…]
They have been to and have seen United States meat works and they have seen and worked in Australian meat works. [More…]
Should we have to put up with people with 1 year’s experience in the United States trying to find trouble? [More…]
We are very grateful to the honourable member for Farrer (Mr Fairbairn) for outlining the problems of the meat processing works and the relationship between Australia and the United States of America on the export of Australian meat” to America. [More…]
How then can he give a ring of truth and conviction to his outrage that the United States has done the same thing? [More…]
1 mention the meat agreement with the United States of America. [More…]
Australia provides almost 50 per cent of the total meat imports of the United States of America. [More…]
When the United States of America tried quite recently to break down the machinery of the Arrangement, lt was the Minister for Trade and Industry who left this country and went to Washington to save the day, after a series of meetings in London had been unsuccessful. [More…]
It also has the United States Act which involves about 180,000 tons of sugar. [More…]
Anybody who has made a study of this will realise that one of the driving factors is the attitude of France towards the United States of America. [More…]
France has not been favourably disposed towards the United States for quite some considerable time. [More…]
We know that France feels that in this matter she has an answer to the tremendous strength of the United States. [More…]
Our wheat crop this year will not be nearly as large as it has been in the past and it looks as though crops of both wheat and corn in the United States will be down. [More…]
I recently came across a paper by Professor Halleck who is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin in the United States of America. [More…]
He has been resident psychiatrist at the Menninger Foundation and staff psychiatrist at the United States Medical Centre for Federal Prisoners. [More…]
In the United States it is estimated that a fairly high proportion of high school and university students in the audience have already experimented with marihuana. [More…]
He is talking about the United States of America - is that we are an unhappy society. [More…]
I strongly recommend that before the Drug Education Committee starts spending money on the usual sort of drug education programmes it should invite before it some of the critics of the drug education programme or read contributions by these people, especially from the United States of America and the United Kingdom, study these matters and determine whether some alternative is available as a way of trying to decrease the number of people in this community who attempt and find it necessary to use drugs whether legal or illegal. [More…]
In turn, by processing them Japan is able to build up an export surplus in trade with the United States. [More…]
The United States, in its turn, sells to us and we have an adverse trading relationship with it. [More…]
Just how far do we accept a continued subordinate status in our trading relationships with the United States, particularly in the light of our defence purchases from her? [More…]
The United States has chosen to reject the standard of the various Australian abattoirs, but that is only a pretext, a subterfuge, and a rather palpable one at that. [More…]
For 100 years the coal deposits of northeastern Europe and of the United States have been heavily mined. [More…]
There is relative obsolescence in a fair proportion of the United States steel industry. [More…]
Already it has been forecast by the Japanese - they lead the world in steel technologytoday,andweareclosebehind them - that Britain, the United States and Germany will by choice come to this country and establish new steel plants to process our iron ore. We have to be ready to handle the situation, and the very least that Australia should have in such a situation is a one-half interest in the enterprise. [More…]
The United States and some other maritime states however have expressed opposition to Canada’s action in legislating unilaterally in such a way as might deprive other states of what they assert to be their established fishing rights under international law. [More…]
I remember landing at San Antonio in the United States and one would think that I was a GI coming out of the marihuana fields of Vietnam. [More…]
Batchelder in The Economics of Poverty’ asserts that United States’ productivity doubled between 1929 and 1957. [More…]
5 per cent; United States of America less than 20 per cent in junior high schools and 11.5 per cent in senior high schools. [More…]
The enormous progress made in the United States of [More…]
There is in existence a system of indentured native labour which is similar in many respects to the slave labour system which applied in the United States of America in the worst days prior to the American Civil War. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that, earlier when he was VicePresident of the United States of America, the present President of the United States of [More…]
We see this today in the United States of America where a few elements have been able to turn a large section of the American people against the war in Vietnam and has reduced their will to fight that war. [More…]
As the United States National Commission on Community Health Services noted: [More…]
I remind honourable members that many doctors in the United States are salaried. [More…]
That refers to those voluntary insurance bodies in the United States. [More…]
Mr Speaker, I rise tonight to protest against the imposition of a blatant political ban on the export of meat to the United States in the guise of quarantine and wholesale meat requirements. [More…]
It might be remembered that following a ban imposed on Australian mutton the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Anthony) told the Parliament that it had been rejected by United States authorities because it did not meet the standards laid down under the United Slates Wholesale Meat Act. [More…]
He defended in fact the action of the United States administration and 1 would hope he had been merely misled. [More…]
But it has failed to realise the whole excuse that our standards are not high enough could have been exploded by an immediate investigation in the United States itself. [More…]
I have just received a report from Washington DC which indicates clearly that standards prevailing in many United States meat plants are far below the standards generally prevailing in Australia. [More…]
At a time when a political ban was being imposed on our exports, at a time when it was claimed our mutton was not meeting high United States standards, at a time when indeed we were being asked for impossible conditions and the Minister was talking about our mutton being ‘unclean’, the United States administering agencies were accepting much lower standards at home. [More…]
The report from Washington is the report by the General Accounting Office which states that Government investigators found meat contaminated by rodent excrement, hair and rust in 35 slaughter houses and packing plants in the Mid-West, the meat centre of United States of America. [More…]
It was only after the General Accounting Office, which is removed from United States meat industry influence, made its report that the Department of Agriculture forced 5 of the plants to stop selling their products interstate, 2 plants were closed and steps were taken to protect products in 10 others and 27 further plants had to be upgraded. [More…]
This is what was found after an investigation by the General Accounting Office of only 48 plants out of the many hundreds scattered across the United States. [More…]
Even more interesting is the fact that some of the condemned plants met existing United States standards and the GAO said they found inspections generally lenient. [More…]
This is despite the fact that we buy $ 1.000m worth of products from the United States of America every year and have access for only half that for our own products. [More…]
I have never seen the conditions I have described tonight from the United States report in any Australian abattoir. [More…]
Mr P. J. Anderson of the Australian Meat Board has said exporters are faced with $200m expenditure to meet United States demands. [More…]
Mr Stan Hill, Chairman of the Metropolitan Meat Industry Board, has described the many demands as having nothing to do with the product processed for the United States. [More…]
It is obvious the United States administration acted under pressure from its meat industry lobby. [More…]
I ask the Minister and the Government to send an urgent mission to the United States to confer with the General [More…]
Accounting Office, seek the facts of the situation and then lay it on the line to the United States Administration that we are just not going on giving them $2 for $1 in trade if it is going to slam the door in our faces every time some pressure group in that country demands it. [More…]
Some statistics of the United States show that a high percentage of criminals have left school before completing their secondary education and are unable to read. [More…]
But conscription is also inefficient and unfair as has recently been stated by the report of iiic r President’s Commission oil an All-Vo- lunteer Armed Force - a report commissioned by the President of the United States of America and presented in February this year. [More…]
The members of that Commission came from a wide range of community activities in the United States and they unanimously decided that a volunteer force would be better than a drafted force. [More…]
I am quoting from the report because I feel that having been commissioned by the President of the United States of America it is well worth study by members of the Government. [More…]
Some have cited the Australian decision to return to a draft as evidence that an all-volunteer force is not feasible for the United States. [More…]
The amount shown in respect of United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, and United States of America represents salaries for Australia-based personnel only. [More…]
He quoted the United States Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter on war approved at their national conference in November 1968 by 180 votes to 8. [More…]
For the 7- years of the war the inexhaustible United States has dangerously depleted its economy and every year has declared that victory is near. [More…]
That is, we can shame some future United States government into giving us effective military protection by giving some token moral or immoral support to the present United States Government. [More…]
In many countries, particularly the United States and some of the European Economic Community countries, farm acreages are being restricted. [More…]
At the present time there seems little doubt that we are running a very grave risk arising from overdependence on our United States market. [More…]
Australian meat sales to the United States represent 66 per cent of our total meat sales, and the United States market has provided 80 per cent of Australia’s beef export income. [More…]
What is the United States policy towards Australian meat? [More…]
There is a powerful meat lobby in the United States. [More…]
The southern and central United States producers are, oi course, putting pressure on. [More…]
What is the true policy of the United States on this particular problem? [More…]
In the first instance, the type of country, the standard of improvements and the climate as such produces a type of beef suitable only for manufacturing purposes and the number of markets other than the United States is limited. [More…]
As 1 see it, the most important aspect of this problem is that there has to be some agreement with the United States as to reasonable standards of hygiene and we must ensure that all licensed exporters adhere to those standards. [More…]
They depend more heavily on the United States market than do other meat works in Australia. [More…]
Possibly of all the many difficulties I have none frustrates me and produces tensions within me more than do the current problems I have with the meat industry in relation to the quotas to various countries, particularly the United States; access to markets such as the Canadian market; inspection standards required and inspection staff: and hygiene standards required within the abattoirs. [More…]
At present there is a national issue in the United States of America regarding food standards and the way food is prepared. [More…]
As a result of the debate in the United States on food standards the Federal Government has in that country been required to introduce legislation - the Meat Industry Inspection Act - to give it authority to register those State abattoirs which wish to trade across State borders. [More…]
The federal authorities in the United States are enforcing this policy, and this has brought about considerable reaction from and antagonism with the State authorities. [More…]
As a result, pressure is being put on the United States Administration to ensure that no meat is imported which has been prepared to a lesser standard than that which is required of meat works in the United States. [More…]
The unfortunate thing is that the high standards which are being set in the United States are tending to influence world standards. [More…]
We are finding that there is a reaction in Canada and in the United Kingdom whenever we are unable to produce meat of the standard required by the United States. [More…]
Other countries are also starting to question whether they should accept meat of a lesser standard than that which the United States accepts. [More…]
Any meat crossing interstate borders in the United States has to comply with federal registration standards. [More…]
This is the reason why pressure is being applied on foreign countries which export meat because meat standards are a major issue within the United States. [More…]
Some countries have been completely banned from exporting meat to the United States market because their works cannot come up to the standards required nor do they have an inspection service which meets the requirements of the United States. [More…]
I would say that Australia has probably a better record than any other country of being able to upgrade its works and maintain a supply of meat to the United States market. [More…]
Has the attention of the right hon.urable gentleman been drawn to the resolution which was carried unanimously at a recent meeting of the Asian Parliamentarians Union, at which nearly all the freely elected governments in the vicinity of South Vietnam were represented, opposing any reduction of United States or United Nations defence forces in the Asian and Pacific region unless carried out with prior consultation with the governments concerned and planned so as not to impair regional or national defence capabilities? [More…]
Does the United States delegation regard the proposals as a possible breakthrough in the negotiations? [More…]
Is the Minister aware that a Dr Meisner of the United States of America has been crawling around on his hands and knees with a torch at 6 o’clock in the morning trying to find some fault with plants on which thousands of dollars were spent earlier this year to meet American requirements? [More…]
Does the Minister see this latest development as a backyard method of imposing further quotas on Australian meat exports to the United States of America? [More…]
All Australian abattoirs and processing plants which want to be listed for entitlement to export to the United States market come under the surveillance of United States inspectors from time to time, and there is a responsibility on my Department to see that these abattoirs are kept up to certain requirements laid down by the United States Wholesome Meat Act. [More…]
The honourable gentleman knows that iron and steel are among the strategic materials which the Congress of the United States of America has embargoed for export to mainland China under the Battle Act. [More…]
Gold was discovered in the 1840s and gold fever brought people to Australia from most parts of the world - Europe, Asia and the United States of America. [More…]
The honourable member for Deakin pointed out that the number of migrants we have received in modern times have given us a lead over the immigration rate that even (he United States of America achieved. [More…]
1 was very much impressed in the United States to see the museum of immigration that has been set up at the base of the Statue of Liberty. [More…]
I believe that in many ways our story of migration will rival that of the United States, and I think that now is the time to start such a project to preserve these primary sources - relics and so on - so that in the future people will have a better appreciation of how migration contributed to this nation’s growth and development. [More…]
At present we train them, send them home, refuse to readmit them and they go to Canada and the United States of America and get jobs using skills that /* we need here. [More…]
I am certainly aware of the existence of such a museum in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America has already done this, and Canada is now considering the matter. [More…]
Comparable figures for other countries were: France 132, Germany 335, Japan 297, Sweden 243, United Kingdom 2O0, United States 183, and Russia 737. [More…]
In fact, we now have something over 40 such stations in the world - I do not know the current figure - producing significant proportions of power in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
With the beginning of the Weipa development we have more or less triggered overseas interest in a renewed mining operation in Australia to the extent that we now have a mineral industry almost second to none and certainly with the sort of capacity and resource potential that was undreamt of even as late as the early 1950s and of a kind comparable with that in the United States some decades ago when the Lake Superior iron ores were being developed. [More…]
Dr Alvin Weinberg of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States of America predicted in a recent article in Nature’ that even with present technology nuclear power could be used to produce pure water from sea water at a cost of between 9c and 18c Australian for 1,000 gallons. [More…]
Controversy has arisen in the United States of America particularly initiated by Drs Tamlin and Gofman and by the scientists E. B. Lewis and Linus Pauling to the extent that they calculate that 36,000 deaths in the United States may be caused by the radiation level. [More…]
Why is it that the States of ‘ Minnesota, Vermont, Michigan and Maryland as a protection for their people have, in the light of these findings, taken unilateral action to fix dosage levels lower than that fixed by the United States Atomic Energy Commission? [More…]
As a consequence, the whole issue at last has been dragged before the United States [More…]
The United States Atomic Energy Commission will be forced to substantiate the credibility of the tolerance level and, more importantly, the people will have the opportunity to judge for themselves. [More…]
In other more enlightened countries, such as the United States of America, the public’s voice is heard, its rights are protected by statute and this whole matter is a question of public inquiry and public documentation. [More…]
Why is it that the Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Canada and Japan have set up standing committees of the Parliament in relation to this matter? [More…]
The gas centrifuge system currently being used in the United States of America is expensive. [More…]
However, in assessing the Committee’s findings concerning the training of engineers it must be pointed out that they were based on the educational arrangements existing in the United States. [More…]
Is the Minister aware of the hostility and extreme concern existing among top level management of the meat industry in my electorate and throughout Australia generally due to the manner in which licences for the export of meat to the United States of America are being rescinded? [More…]
The honourable member for Gellibrand asked me whether I am aware of the difficulties of exporting meat to the United States market. [More…]
I am badgered on all sides by the many problems that are facing the exports of Australian meat, particularly to the United States market. [More…]
-I ask the Acting Minister for External Affairs whether an agreement has been reached between the United States of America and Australia to provide an Omega navigation facility in Australia. [More…]
States of America for Australian abattoirs are more rigid than the standards which apply to abattoirs in the United States? [More…]
There is a problem of maintaining inspection standards, but I would like any member of this House to name another country that has done a better job in upgrading its abattoirs and its inspection service and maintaining access to the United States market than Australia has done. [More…]
Only the United States, which prohibits direct trade with mainland China, goes further than Australia does in this matter. [More…]
Australian scientists and technologists areemployed at the joint United States/ Australian defence or scientific installations or facilities shown hereunder. [More…]
Has the Minister heard of the comments made by the United States Secretary of State, Mr Rogers, about the movement of USSR surface to air missile sites into the Suez Canal zone? [More…]
There is no doubt at all that despite the agreement that was reached between the USSR and the United States of America a large number of SAM2 and 3 sites have been moved. [More…]
The United States and ARVN operations in Cambodia quite clearly have made it much harder for the Vietcong and North Vietnamese to operate in South Vietnam, and the greatest assistance given by those operations has occurred in the third and fourth military regions. [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States pavilion at Expo 70 was equipped with a synthetic carpet? [More…]
He will remember his distinguished predecessor in June last year announcing phase 2 of the Mallard Project which he described in typical rhapsodic terms as an unprecedented international co-operative venture with the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. [More…]
In the United States of America there are signs of a much more flexible policy; a sub-committee of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee headed by Senator Edward Kennedy has proposed a definition of conscientious objection to include selective objection to a particular war. [More…]
To accord the status of conscientious objector to a person who objects lo a particular war - selective conscientious objection or selective pacifism, as it has been called - was considered by a United States National Advisory Commission appointed by President Johnson which reported in 1967. [More…]
Although the United States commands the Pacific with overwhelming naval superiority, the port of Haiphong is not blockaded. [More…]
The North Vietnamese already have fought the French for a decade and the United States for 7 years They do not negotiate at Paris because they have no desire to negotiate. [More…]
Then Sir Robert, following the Pentagon, asserted that the mosquito fleet of Haiphong had attacked the United States Navy on the high seas iti the Gulf of Tonkin. [More…]
This stampeded the United States Congress into endorsing the bombing and President Johnson into widening the war to attack Hanoi. [More…]
As far as the United States was concerned, Diem was an obstacle, and the Central Intelligence Agency, in overthrowing him, blundered. [More…]
After Diem was overthrown Sihanouk broke diplomatic relations with the United States and sent hundreds of United States advisers out of the country. [More…]
If this produces Communism they know that the United States will rush to their rescue. [More…]
Defense was able to announce that by mid-1973 the whole of the draft apparatus in the United States will have been dismantled. [More…]
There are many things to criticise in the political life of the United States but I wish that we could bring some of the sanity and rationality of the Gates Commission, and of so many United States Government bodies into our discussions in Australia on conscientious objectors. [More…]
Let us consider the whole sequence of events: The demand for withdrawal, without conditions, back in 1967; then the claim that the United States as well as ourselves were immoral in being in Vietnam; then the advice to young men to join the armed forces if they had to but to refuse to obey an order when they were in that situation; and now a demand, because a great new peace initiative has been made by President Nixon, but not accepted, that because that initiative has been made we should at once withdraw all our troops before there has been any acceptance of negotiations and certainly before those negotiations have been brought to a conclusion which can give to the people of South Vietnam that self-determination for which we have been fighting since the beginning of the war and which, in statement after statement since 1967. has been made clear on behalf of various Prime Ministers of this Government. [More…]
New Zealand has a traffic accident rate of 5.2 persons per 10.000 registered vehicles, the United States of America 5.5, the United Kingdom 6.1, Canada 7.2 and we have the proud record of 8.1 per 10.000 registered vehicles. [More…]
The Government should do as the President of the United States of America has given notice that he will do, and that is to indicate to motor car manufacturers and to petrol companies that taxes will not be imposed on any pollutant-free petrol which is produced. [More…]
As I mentioned earlier, the President of the United States of America has indicated that he will impose a tax on petrol which contains all these additives. [More…]
Apart from drawings on credit arrangements for defence purchases in the United States of America, loan proceeds from other countries through the issue of Commonwealth securities are available for capital purposes or for loan redemptions and repayments. [More…]
Enrichment of uranium in the United States of America is performed in facilities owned by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and operated under contract to the Commission. [More…]
Austria, United Kingdom, United States of America and Canada: The visit to Austria was to attend 2 meetings of the Board of Governors and the Annual General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at which Sir Philip was elected Chairman of the Board for the forthcoming year. [More…]
What reduction has the United States (a) made in the numbers of her forces in Vietnam in the last 12 months and (b) announced that she will make in the next 12 months. [More…]
I have been advised by General MotorsHolden’s Pty Ltd that it is not correct that General Motors of the United States of America has successfully negotiated with the Government of Indonesia for the establishment of an assembly plant at Tjilatjap. [More…]
The humble petition of the residents of the United States of. [More…]
Has the Minister for External Affairs any information regarding the planning behind the United States troop withdrawals from Vietnam? [More…]
How many United States troops will be left in Vietnam and what will be their role? [More…]
On completion of the withdrawal of 130,000 United States troops by the end of May 1971 there will be 284,000 United States troops in South Vietnam. [More…]
The role of the 40 per cent to 60 per cent of the 284,000 will be to ensure the security of the base areas and also they will be used in a positive role to prevent a build-up against the security ot the United States and other free forces there. [More…]
Australia’s subscription of $US85m to the capital stock of the Bank is exceeded only by those of the United States, Japan and India. [More…]
To assist the Bank in meeting the growing demands on its own limited special funds resources, Canada, Denmark, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States have all made or offered to make voluntary contributions to the Agricultural Special Fund and/or the Multi-Purpose Special Fund. [More…]
We ask ourselves the question: What proportion of the total taxation and at what average rates of taxation do the majority of taxpayers operate, compared with the income taxation system, say, in the United States, the United Kingdom or any other country? [More…]
Insofar as one can glean some data from the United Nations bulletins - they go up to only the year 1967, which I think corresponds to our financial year 1967-68 - it is perfectly clear that Australia has a fairer system than, for example, the United States. [More…]
In the United States the marginal rates for the bulk of taxpayers contributing the bulk of United States taxation were not 12 per cent to 27 per cent, as in Australia, but were rather 25 per cent to 37 per cent. [More…]
In the United States, where admittedly there is a great negro problem with respect to those in proverty, between 18 per cent and 19 per cent of households are living at poverty level. [More…]
i wonder what the Security Exchange Commission in the United States of America would say to practices of that nature in respect to US corporations. [More…]
In speaking to a taxation measure and trying to condone poverty in Australia he tried to draw a comparison between the United States of America and Australia. [More…]
He went so low, in my opinion, as to mention the Negro population in the United States. [More…]
At existing prices and without assistance the local tractor industry would be unable to compete effectively against exports made by the large volume producers, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Leonard W. Mayo, of the Association for Aid of Crippled Children in the United States, made a statement a few years ago on this point. [More…]
The United States Armed Forces provide married quarters only when housing is not available in the local community. [More…]
United States of America as an urgent preliminary measure to declare a moratorium on further testing and deployment of new strategic nuclear weapons systems: if so, why. [More…]
Moreover, resolution 2602A singled out one aspect only of the many complex issues being considered by the United States and USSR at SALT. [More…]
Will he consider referring to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs for consideration, the United States Bill proposing the adoption of the The Edwards Perpetual Calendar from New Year’s Day .1973, as at present referred to the United States Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs and recommended with supporting arguments in (a) House Resolution No. [More…]
79 adopted by the Territory of Hawaii on 28th April 1943, and (b) resolutions memorialising the Congress of the United States to adopt The Edwards Perpetual Calendar, adopted by the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on 6th February 1952. [More…]
That Australia, together with the United States of America and other allies, is preventing the Vietnamese people from choosing their form of government, and is upholding by force a government which the majority of Vietnamese don’t want. [More…]
The Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Razak, has stated that he wants Malaysia to be free and neutral and that consequently he feels that China, the United States of America and Russia should join together in an attempt to achieve neutrality and freedom in that area. [More…]
Is there any reason why Mr Dzu should still be in prison for advocating courses of action which have been accepted by the United States Government? [More…]
If we find that the North Vietnamese Army and its associates respond in a sensible way to the initiatives of the President of the United States of America - that is, that there should be a stand still cease fire - there should be a political- adjustment based upon the aspirations of the whole of the peoples of South Vietnam. [More…]
Can the Minister for Defence indicate to the House the cor*rect position concerning reports of a decision by the United States of America to alter the draft as it applies to its armed forces? [More…]
In blunt terms one of the implications of the United States objective to bring its draft down to what is called a zero draft call could be that ultimately a greater defence effort might be required of this country. [More…]
Although press reports of the decisions that have been announced by the Secretary of Defence in the United States generally have referred to abolition of the draft by 1973 the reports do give a false impression because the decision has been made to keep the framework and structure of the draft - the legal right to re-establish the draft - if an emergency made it necessary but to try to get to the situation where there is a zero draft call. [More…]
If we compare the situations in the United States and Australia, the circumstances between our 2 countries are very different in a number of respects. [More…]
We have no unemployment; unemployment in the United States is by our standards high. [More…]
Pockets of unemployment in the United States are much higher and this affects the capacity to recruit for the armed forces. [More…]
In spite of a totally different economic structure, recruits into the Australian Army are paid some hundreds of dollars more on induction into our Army than are the recruits into the United States Army. [More…]
The failure of the Federal Government to take positive action to halt the seriously deteriorating condition of Australia’s export meat trade with the United States. [More…]
Either the United States is bowing to organised political pressure and deliberately adopting practices to inhibit and frustrate Australian meat exports or else the Australian Government is guilty of gross neglect in being incapable of understanding, interpreting and implementing United States meat inspection standards. [More…]
The Government steadfastly refuses to confront the United States to obtain justifiable reasons for the high-handed United States action in removing an unwarranted number of Australian meat works from the United States trade. [More…]
One-quarter of Australian meat works licensed to export meat to the United States have now been deregistered by United States inspectors. [More…]
Similarly, it is equally absurd to believe that the United States Government has suddenly reached the profound decision that the health of the American people is in danger because of imports of Australian meat. [More…]
It is known that powerful United States pressure groups, backed by influential members of Congress, are hell bent to limit or even eradicate imports of [More…]
Australian meat into the United States. [More…]
Although there is no evidence of the United States inspectors in Australia vindictively abolishing export licences, many reasons for delisting must be classified as trivial. [More…]
There is no doubt also that the upsurge of zealousness of United States meat inspectors in Australia is receiving the full support of the American meat lobby and those in the United States Congress who have vested interests in the cattle and meat industry. [More…]
United States authorities, in defence of their actions - this in fact could be true - state that they are not banning any Australian meat works because of political pressure. [More…]
They stale that the present situation is due entirely to misinterpretation of United States inspection standards by Australian authorities. [More…]
Reports from Washington show that United States inspectors in Australia do not always accept the credibility of Australian meat inspectors. [More…]
If the United States claim is correct - and I say if it is correct - the blame for the present fiasco must be borne by the Federal Government. [More…]
Whether it be US political pressures or inefficient administration of standards in Australia, the Commonwealth has a responsibility to confront the United States wilh a demand for clear and unambiguous directions. [More…]
The United States Wholesome Meat Act which was passed 2 years ago is the key to hygiene standards demanded by the US in Australia. [More…]
At the present time United States meat inspectors and Australian veterinary surgeons have their own individual understanding of how these regulations apply, and these interpretations vary from meat works to meat works. [More…]
It is important that we understand and know properly the history of our meat trade with the United States. [More…]
We need also to know whether there is any discrimination against Australian meat in comparison with other countries and also in comparison with United States domestic meat. [More…]
The first thing that needs to be made perfectly clear is simply that the Australian Government does not control the health regulations covering the entry of meat into the United States. [More…]
This is within the purview of the Wholesome Meat Act which is part of the Meat Inspection Act which was brought down by the United States Congress and lays down the regulations and conditions covering the entry of meat into America. [More…]
I think it fair to say that as an Australian I certainly would not ask the people of Australia to accept a lesser standard than I would expect to apply to meat sold in the United States. [More…]
The facts are, of course, that we are selling meat on the United States market and the people of the United States would expect the Australian Government therefore to meet the health regulations designed by the United States Government covering the sale of meat in that market, and we have to be sure that when we are selling meat in that market we do in fact meet those regulations. [More…]
The truth is that the United States is not making any demand on Australian abattoirs that is not making on other exporters to the United States market, such as New Zealand, or indeed on United States domestic abattoirs. [More…]
lt is interesting to note that the honourable member for Dawson referred to reports made to the United States Congress. [More…]
The fact is that New Zealand is undergoing the same difficulties as Australia in meeting the continually improving requirements of the American meat authorities, it is also a fact that the United States authorities are cracking down on United States abattoirs. [More…]
The Government’s role is to provide an inspection service covering the meat that is exported to the United States and other markets. [More…]
This service gives a certification that the meat is prepared and packed in accordance with the requirements of United States legislation. [More…]
The honourable member for Dawson drew to the attention of the House the fact that meat can be loaded and be half way across the water before it is declared as not suitable for entry into the United States. [More…]
We have to meet the demands that the United States sets down. [More…]
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, for example, is running schools on such subjects as sanitation services so that employees of abattoirs may gain a proper understanding of what is required by the United States inspection service. [More…]
The United States market is a very valuable one. [More…]
Last year 245,000 tons of beef and mutton valued at more than $240rn was sent to the United States market. [More…]
Nevertheless, if we want this market we have to comp ‘ with the requirements laid down by Congress for Australian abattoirs, United States abattoirs and any other abattoir exporting to America. [More…]
We are trying to get proper communication between the meat inspection service, the abattoir controls and the United States authorities so that there will no: be any misunderstandings and so that meat can h killed under proper regulations and sent to the American market. [More…]
This being the case, one cannot Marne the meat industry for taking the view that it is being held to ransom by political lobbyists of the United States. [More…]
United States sets absurd conditions on meat and these conditions are politically based. [More…]
The truth of the situation in the meat industry is that the Minister for Trade and Industry (Mr McEwen) negotiated in the United States for our meat industry in October 1958. [More…]
Today about 70 per cent of our beef and veal is exported to the United States. [More…]
Indeed, 45 per cent of our total meat exports go to the United States. [More…]
Exports of beef, veal, lamb and mutton to the United States have increased from only 105,000 tons in 1959-60 to 264,000 tons in 1969-70 - an increase of 168 per cent. [More…]
That is what this Government has done for the Australian meat industry, so far as the United States meat market is concerned. [More…]
These figures represent a steady increase in recent years, and we expect that there will be a further increase in meat exports to the United States next year. [More…]
This important market to Australia accounts for the prosperity of our beef and meat industry; Australia having about 50 per cent of the United States import market. [More…]
The Minister for Trade and Industry negotiated Australia’s way into the United States market and negotiated freedom from the earlier British agreement to sell as much as we could to the United States. [More…]
In spite of the quotas which the United States has imposed as a result of the Amercian cattle lobby. [More…]
What is the positive action that the Opposition is wishing the Australian Government to take against the United States, the market which has given the prosperity that I mentioned, to the Australian meat industry? [More…]
Some countries are banned completely from the United States meat market because their abattoirs have not met the required standards. [More…]
In the United States of America, people are very conscious of food standards. [More…]
It will not be long before people of all countries will say that if these food standards are good enough for the United States of America then they will be good enough for them. [More…]
The result was that the company lost its United States of America meat licence. [More…]
The consignment of 112 tons of beef to the United States was cancelled. [More…]
Everything was ready to go onto the ship and then so the United States. [More…]
This was a ban on meat for export to not only the United Kingdom or the United States of America but also all destinations. [More…]
The failure of the Federal Government to take positive action to halt the seriously deteriorating condition of Australia’s export meat trade with the United States. [More…]
In my State all meat works can export iamb anywhere, can export beef anywhere and can export mutton anywhere except to the United States of America. [More…]
I do not pretend that the system introduced in the United States has been without any defects, but certainly, from what I saw there recently, it is quite an exciting programme. [More…]
Rice in a publication ‘Estimating the Cost of Illness’, issued by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1966, estimated that mental illness alone in the United States cost $7 billion in 1963. [More…]
The estimated cost of $US7 billion for mental illness in the community in the United States of America for 1963 would be a fairly significant figure when applied to the Australian community especially in view of the fairly large degree of psychiatric disturbance which exists in our community. [More…]
It was fixed originally by the United States of America as the principal buyer of gold, and was subsequently written into International Monetary Fund agreements at that figure. [More…]
I quote that only to show the variety of factors involved and these factors can, of course, operate in an upward or downward direction as far as the price of gold is concerned except that there is still the very large buyer, usually the United States, on the one hand, and the very large seller, South Africa, on the other. [More…]
I believe it is clear that there is little prospect in the foreseeable future of any increase in the official price of gold because, of course, this is a matter that is largely determined by United States policy. [More…]
The Government is back 20 years in its thinking and its attitude is enshrined in the archaic Atomic Energy Act which goes back to the early 1950s - an entirely different era when the United States and Russia were hugging to themselves the secrets of the construction of atomic weapons and also the secrets of nuclear power generation. [More…]
I propose to refer later to the safeguards, the very closely interlocked safeguards, which are available in the United States for a similar project. [More…]
Nations both the United States and the Soviet Union have examined this matter very closely and have suggested a treaty, which has not yet been approved, to control off-shore submarine aggression. [More…]
An example here is the paper by K. F. Adler, Commissioner and Director of Research Establishment of the United States Atomic Energy Commission and W. J. Wright of the Nuclear Development Division of the United States AEC, which was presented to the Annual Conference of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy earlier this year. [More…]
In the United States for instance the Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy has overview of all aspects of nuclear power. [More…]
With any major policy problem in the United States there will be comprehensive detailed reports from at least one government agency, a study by a ‘think tank’ organisation such as the Rand Corporation, as well as reports from advisory committees, Presidential Commissions and task forces. [More…]
The system regarding licencing of nuclear reactors in the United States is particularly interesting. [More…]
It goes through a number of stages including: (1) A public evaluation study by the United States AEC known as the Safety Report; (2) a report from the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards - again in public; (3) public hearings before the grant of a construction permit: and (4) the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of the Congress is available for an overall review. [More…]
Also in the United States there is a Freedom of Information Act. [More…]
The United States AEC is in the position where it initiates proposals, gives advice on their acceptance, runs a nuclear power programme, sets radiation standards, monitors its own operations- [More…]
During 1970 there are committed 15 new reactors in the United States of America, 1 in Taiwan and 1 in Italy, making a total of 17. [More…]
On the question of public information it is very interesting to consider the treatment in the United States of America of any application to build an atomic reactor. [More…]
The first step is to apply to the United States Atomic Energy Commission. [More…]
This was provided for 16 years ago by United States Congress legislation. [More…]
The board’s decision is the decision of the United States Atomic Energy Commission unless it is reviewed. [More…]
Finally, after all this has been done, to ensure that justice is administered fully, there is the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of the United States Congress. [More…]
When a United States or a British television film or entertainment show is produced, there is a ready market available. [More…]
The distribution of Australian productions is very limited because the United States and the United Kingdom both rigidly enforce a policy to protect their own television industries. [More…]
For example, 86 per cent of television shows in the United Kingdom and nearly 100 per cent in the United States must be locally produced. [More…]
I was overseas some 3 years ago and I met the Postmaster-General of the United States of America. [More…]
The Postmaster-General of the United States asked for information which he thought would assist his organisation to improve its postal services. [More…]
Subsequent to that, on 1st January 1968 a member of a United States committee which was investigating Post Office matters visited Australia at the request of that committee to discuss with senior officers of the Australian Post Office several topics concerning the services about which the committee was particularly interested. [More…]
The member of the committee was interested in industrial relations, our policy for determining tariff on mail equivalent to the second class category in the United States and finally methods of improving productivity in mail handling areas of the larger centres. [More…]
Therefore, in 3 instances - and particularly in the case of the United States Post Office and the Bell Telephone Company - organisations from the United States have asked the Australian Post Office for advice and assistance to help them to improve services in that country. [More…]
Firstly, I submit a plea to the ABC and its management to allocate adequate funds to train and increase television teams reporting current political, economic and social events in other countries, principally countries in South East Asia - I mean all of them - and the United States of America, the United Kingdom and, if possible, other countries of importance to us such as the Communist countries. [More…]
On 9th May 1961, during the Presidency of the late John F. Kennedy, in an historic address to the National Association df Broadcasters the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America, Mr Newton N. Minow, had the following to say: [More…]
That speech was made in the United States almost a decade ago. [More…]
A top hour programme from the United States costing $150,000 to produce is dumped on the Australian market for $8,000 per hour. [More…]
I might add while talking of repeat programmes that Australian writers are not paid for repeats as are their United States, United Kingdom and Canadian counterparts. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
And he will recall saying that we would be inside all these shipping conferences which dominate our trade with Europe, the United States of America and Japan and we would participate in their management and that the information so gained would be of great value to Australia. [More…]
The honourable member for Oxley suggests that it is being done in the United States of America. [More…]
I suggest that he might look more carefully at what is being done in the United States. [More…]
A controversy is raging throughout the United States today as to whether that particular treatment is correct. [More…]
Britain and the United States have non-contributory schemes. [More…]
There needs to be a development of benefit; for servicemen’s dependants and for retired servicemen and their dependants along the lines of those available to the United States and British Services. [More…]
television and honourable members may recall that 1 quoted from a speech from Mr Newton N. Minow, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America. [More…]
I might add that it is the opinion of those who have visited the United States - and I cannot count myself among them - and have made a close study of television, that this is the reason for the vast difference between the amount of news, news editorial and current affairs that is broadcast on Australian television and the amount that is broadcast on American television. [More…]
The major networks in the United States have li hours of news and editorial comment from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., another i hour at 9 p.m. and again at 11 p.m. As well as this there are numerous quality panel and discussion shows that delve deeply into every aspect of American social and political life. [More…]
In the last few weeks the Malaysian Government, in pressing for accommodatios with China - Mainland or Communist, depending on whether or not wheat is being sold to it, as far as the Aus tralian Country Party is concerned - and the neutralisation of South East Asia, guaranteed by the United States of America, the Soviet Union and China, has shown a sanity and a maturity which is sadly lacking in this Liberal-Country Party Government. [More…]
I preface my question, which I direct to the Treasurer, by stating that the United States Ambassador, in giving an address to the Perth Chamber of Commerce on 23rd September last, stated, inter alia, that over the past 10 years the proportion of foreign ownership of Australian company assets has not increased. [More…]
Will he inform the United States Ambassador that his statement is incorrect? [More…]
Clearly, the Soviet Union hopes to match whatever kudos the United States gels from Vietnam intervention if this intervention suggests United Stales protection of South East Asia with a Soviet suggested role as the protector of South East Asia herself. [More…]
The United States has a citizen air force where citizen airmen fly jets and transport planes. [More…]
In the case of Newcastle they came to pick up wool as well as mineral sands and the general cargo that was necessary to be taken from Newcastle, the Hunter Valley and the north west areas, whether it be to Europe, Japan or the United States. [More…]
At the moment the situation with regard to the United States is all right. [More…]
That is something that has to be worked out by the Government between now and the introduction of containers on the Australian-United States run. [More…]
The Minister was reported in this morning’s Press as saying that Mackay harbour was losing the meat export trade to Britain but that most of the United States trade, which was much more important than the British trade, will still be centred on ports like Mackay. [More…]
The Queensland ports are assured of a continued service to the United States through both conventional vessels and new types of side port loading and other palletised vessels that are coming into the trade. [More…]
The United States trade accounts for by far the biggest percentage of their exports and they are assured of a future direct service to this market. [More…]
What he said referred to the move by the United States of America and President Nixon to an allvolunteer Army. [More…]
Presidential election to move the United States armed forces towards an allvolunteer Army and abolish the draft. [More…]
The Minister correctly pointed out that the draft will be retained in a skeletal form while the United States Government attempts the transformation to an allvolunteer Army. [More…]
1 cannot agree with the rest of the Minister’s comments about the differences between the United States and Australia which prevent a move to an all-volunteer Army in this country. [More…]
One argument used by the Minister was the relative incidence of unemployment between Australia and the United States with consequent effects on recruiting. [More…]
On real terms there is little doubt that the American recruit and indeed every member of the United States armed forces is better off than his Australian counterpart. [More…]
United States servicemen can shop much more cheaply within the military system than Australian military men. [More…]
There is also a much broader range of amenities available from Service clubs in the United States than from comparable messes at Australian Army bases. [More…]
The whole tenor of his argument was based on the fact that he believed that I had said last week that servicemen in the United States of America are paid more as recruits when they first enter the United States Army than are Australian servicemen when they are recruited first into the Australian Army. [More…]
The fact is that for many years, and still at the present time, the Australian Army has paid several hundreds of dollars a year more to recruits entering the Australian Army than has been the case in the United States. [More…]
That factor compared with our standards and compared with the much higher levels of unemployment in the United States and with the much higher still regional unemployment in the United States does create a different circumstance for the recruitment policies of the United States Armed Forces. [More…]
It gives some greater possibility of attracting the numbers by higher pay because the United States Armed Forces must establish a good deal higher pay to get to the attractions on a recruit basis in the United States Army than we have already with our Australian Army. [More…]
You are talking about filling out the numbers in the Army; this has been the practice in the United States and putting into the armed Services people for 2 years to do jobs they can do with 2 years training and still be appointed to a field force. [More…]
Nothing can deny the fact that that approach to defence, as Senator Kennedy indicated in the United States Senate a short while ago, will make the privileged immune from the obligations which arise as a result of defence policy and place the full burden of defence on the under-privileged in the community - people who are working with their hands, people who have been less fortunate in relation to their education and people who are less well off. [More…]
I would like the honourable member for Wills :o know that the Minister for Defence was talking about John’ Kennedy, the former President of the United States. [More…]
Every Australian should know what most Americans now realise, that the United States nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union in 1961 has now been reversed. [More…]
The United States Secretary of Defence noted in a speech to the Associated Press annual luncheon in April last in America: [More…]
While covertly observing the doctrine of permanent world revolution, the Soviet also overtly pursues one of ‘peaceful coexistence’ so that we see her piously coexisting with the United States and other western powers and. [More…]
The British have now fewer than 20 combat vessels east of Suez, the French only a couple of destroyers and, apart from an unknown number of submarines, the United States naval activity is confined to the Persian Gulf area. [More…]
Members of the Opposition take great comfort from the apparent disengagement of the United States in South East Asia and they think they can make capital from the announced United States abolition of national service within the next three years. [More…]
I find nothing to comfort Australia in any of the changing United States attitudes. [More…]
I will admit that things have improved a little this year with the Australian content in the acquisition of the light observation helicopter, the Boeing Chinook medium lift helicopter and bits and pieces from United States commercial projects, but this is not enough. [More…]
A further implication of the Phantom deal is that it pre cludes the local industry gaining any off-set orders from the United States should the Fill contract eventually be cancelled, leaving the Phantom lease as virtually a hire purchase agreement. [More…]
United States ‘Evans’ was sunk by the HMAS ‘Melbourne’ the great ministerial comment of the honourable member for Wakefield when asked what he thought about it was: ‘Just bloody bad luck’. [More…]
It is the experience of the 2 great naval shipbuilding countries in the Western world, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
In blunt terms one of the implications of the United States objective to bring its draft down to what is called a zero draft call could be that ultimately a greater defence effort might be required of this country. [More…]
In a recent submission in the United States of America to the President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, this was stated: “” ‘ [More…]
Since that date the Joint Defence Space Communications Station has been established at Woomera under joint Australian/United States control. [More…]
Under Article II of the Security Treaty concluded in September 1951 between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America (the ANZUS Treaty) the parlies undertake separately and jointly to maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack. [More…]
Reference is made to this Article in agreements which cover the United States Navy Communications Station at North West Cape, the Joint Defence Space Research Facility at Alice Springs, and the Joint Defence Space Communications Station at Woomera. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system: a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children surfer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one-sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
But “the honourable member has not concluded what I said, because I then went on to point out that in every country in the world in which there are significant groups of different racial origin there are significant racial tensions and they grow the greater the groups are, and this is true not only in countries such as the United States and Great Britain where we have seen it but in countries such as Malaya where Chinese-Malayan tensions are great, in Indonesia, in countries such as Kenya where they have tension with East Africans. [More…]
I am afraid that I will not have much time to refer to this aspect but I would mention a fact which is reported in the United States News & World Report’ of 15th June 1970. [More…]
So whilst there is in Australia a diminution of our involvement in State housing - it is on the skids and going down as fast as can be - we find that in other comparable countries such as the United States which I have just mentioned, but there are others which I could mention if more time were available, housing is being considered more and more in the welfare context and greater assistance is being given to people to overcome the competitive situation regarding the availability of finance. [More…]
As a matter of fact, the standard of housing in Australia is far superior to that in the United States of America, which is one of the richest countries. [More…]
It was refreshing to hear the praise for the United States of America by one member of the Opposition, but the statement made by that honourable member has never been confirmed by any member of this Parliament who has travelled overseas, nor by the tourists who always maintain that Australia gives opportunities in housing that far outstrip other countries. [More…]
the United States Defence Secretary McNamara. [More…]
The decision on the FI 1 1 was made by the United States in terms of highly sophisticated demands by a much more highly sophisticated defence establishment. [More…]
Secondly, there is increased United States withdrawal from Vietnam. [More…]
He went so far as to say that that neutrality should bc protected and preserved and guaranteed - I think that was the word he used - by the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Communist China, lt is not very surprising that the Opposition should over the last few days have seized upon this statement as evidence that there is some sort of collapse in this Government’s defence policy, that there is some sort of basic change in the defence and foreign policies of Malaysia, and that the whole situation politically in South East Asia has changed dramatically and basically. [More…]
This compares with the $US500,000 unit cost of the current United States Army armed attack helicopter, the AH-IG Huey Cobra. [More…]
At the end of May 1969 the United States Army terminated the production contract between of default of the contract. [More…]
As at February, the cost of the 81 aircraft was still being negotiated between Lockheed and the United States Air Force. [More…]
In 1964 the United States Navy decided to proceed with an order to have 48 torpedo ships built at a cost of $US680m. [More…]
This is all being undertaken on the best military advice in the United States. [More…]
Current advice from official United States sources is that progress on the project is on schedule, and firm assurances have been given that there is no reason at all to doubt that deliveries will be made to the Royal Australian Air Force in 1968. [More…]
We are left with the United States as being about the only country not to have a national theatre. [More…]
This includes sending overseas large groups such as the Australian Ballet and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, which will go, for example, to the United States of America, as well as small groups such as the Adelaide Wind Quintet and the New Sydney Wind Quintet. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
Yesterday in reply to a question the Prime Minister suggested that intranational - that means inside a nation, and I say this because some honourable members complain that they cannot bear what I am saying - tensions are caused by colour differences and he gave the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Malaysia as examples. [More…]
He subsequently left Australia with his legal famly, returning to the United States of America. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian educa tion system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
Which is the best one to operate in the best interests of this country, not in the interests of the manufacturers of the United Kingdom, the United States or any other country? [More…]
The managing director of Freeland of the United States, the biggest container ship operator in the world, with 46 vessels at the end of 1969, called for a world-wide conference of container ship operators and owners to be formed in order to prevent competition and to set freight rates. [More…]
If we look at the other freight rates and we see the extent to which freights have been imposed in the south bound trades and in trades from other countries across the world we will see that in those trades - for example from New Zealand to United Kingdom-Europe and in the United States to New Zealand trade - there has been a far greater increase than there has been in this system where we have a closed conference and where the Restrictive Trade Practices Act can be applied. [More…]
I read a very interesting article recently about what the United States Coast Guard is doing in this field. [More…]
Australia’s subscription of $US85m to the capital stock of the Bank is exceeded only by those of the United States, Japan and India. [More…]
In fact the United States of America - I grant it may be the power base of the Western world - contributes an estimated $202.7m. [More…]
He subsequently left Australia with bis legal family and returned to the United States of America. [More…]
Even though it was alleged that the United States Consulate had some evidence that bigamy had been committed, because it was bound to protect a United States national negotiations had been going on since early this year. [More…]
It is all right to say that she could get her information from the United States but this is extremely difficult and again expensive, with no guarantee of results. [More…]
I am thankful in this case for the co-operation of the United States officials but they should not have to cover up and solve the problems raised by the looseness of our system. [More…]
Australia should follow the established practice in the United States of America and the United Kingdom of allowing interest costs paid by house buyers as a full income tax deduction. [More…]
The well tested principles of the United States legislation would be introduced by a Labor Government into this Commonwealth. [More…]
What about unemployment in the United Kingdom, North America - the United States and Canada - or the Asian countries? [More…]
It is asking for powers which exist and are used in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and New Zealand, to mention only 3 countries with economies similar to ours. [More…]
If the discharge of Australia’s rivers was spread over the entire continent it is estimated that there would be approximately 1.6 inches of water covering the continent compared with 9 inches in the United States of America which is approximately the same area as Australia. [More…]
As 1 understand it, Australia spends only 0.7 per cent of national income on water research compared with 31 per cent in the United States of America, 2i per cent in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and 2 per cent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
It is claimed that the affluent society of the United States is fast becoming the effluent society - a nation whose pursuit of material wealth pollutes its rivers, fouls its air and creates an urban atmosphere that generates dangerous social tensions, as well as real misery. [More…]
The United States is still struggling to achieve an equivalent mix of federal forces in a federal system, and a satisfactory basis for revenue sharing. [More…]
The Bill seeks parliamentary approval to borrowings by the Commonwealth of up to $US125m for the purchase of defence equipment in the United States of America. [More…]
Under the Loan (Defence) Act 1966, the Commonwealth arranged borrowings of $US450m to assist in the purchase of defence equipment in the United States. [More…]
Under the Loan (Defence) Act 1970, the Commonwealth arranged borrowings of $US89m to finance orders for general defence equipment placed with United States suppliers for the remainder of 1969-70. [More…]
Orders approximately equal to the amount of that credit had been placed in the United States by about the end of June, and negotiations have commenced for a further credit to cover orders placed during 1970-71. [More…]
The loans arranged under the 1966 and 1970 Acts were all with the Export-Import Bank of the United States. [More…]
The Export-Import Bank of the United States has agreed to provide the loan funds to be raised under this legislation although the full terms and conditions of the credit have yet to be settled. [More…]
It might be remembered that in 1951 the United States offered Australia a 20-year contract to purchase wool at 100c per lb. [More…]
I say that with due respect to my friends in Japan and the United States. [More…]
At the moment, France, Italy, Great Britain and the United States of America would be the top 4 fashion countries. [More…]
31 JulyDecember 1954, was the full text of the United States representative’s speech at the 21st July 1954 meeting of the Geneva Conference on IndoChina. [More…]
In the remainder of his speech, the United States representative referred, inter alia, to the United States attitude to nations divided against their will, noting that his Government would continue to seek to achieve unity through free elections, and to its traditional position that peoples were entitled to determine their own future. [More…]
The United States would not join any arrangement which would hinder this. [More…]
In view of the interest shown in the speech, I include here the full text of what the United States representative, Under Secretary of State, General Walter Bedell Smith, said at the concluding Indo-China plenary session at Geneva on 21st July 1954: [More…]
However, the United States makes this unilateral declaration of its position in these matters: [More…]
The Government of the United States being resolved to devote its efforts to the strengthening of peace in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations takes note of the agreements concluded at Geneva on 20th July and 2 1st July 1954 between (a) the Franco-Laotian Command and the Command of the Peoples Army of VietNam; (b) the Royal Khmer Army Command and the Command of the Peoples Army of Viet-Nam; (c) Franco-Vietnamese Command and the Command of the Peoples Army of Viet-Nam and of paragraphs 1 to 12 inclusive of the declaration presented to the Geneva Conference on 21st July 1954 declares with regard to the aforesaid agreements and paragraphs that (i) it will refrain from the threat or the use of force to disturb them, in accordance with Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations dealing with the obligation of members to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force; and (ii) it would view any renewal of the aggression in violation of the aforesaid agreements with grave concern and as seriously threatening international peace and security. [More…]
With respect to the statement made by the representative of the State of Viet-Nam, the United States reiterates its traditional position that peoples are entitled to determine their own future and that it will not join in an arrangement which would hinder this. [More…]
The United States of America also showed more interest than usual early in the series, but very little interest later on. [More…]
nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
We have also reached the stage at which the President of the United States of America has proposed a ceasefire and negotiations. [More…]
There has been part of a division of United States troops within the province - which renders invalid all that the honourable member has said so far. [More…]
But I believe that rather than waste this $6.4m, it would be much cheaper if the pilots were sent overseas and trained in the United States of America or in some other country where training facilities are available. [More…]
I think that perhaps the United States of America affords the best example. [More…]
On the other hand the United States with its Congressional system recognises very much the importance of having elected representatives of the people on all sorts of bodies determining policy, whether it is in regard to education, defence or anything else, and I do not believe that the trend in the Westminster system of Parliament is a healthy one. [More…]
The honourable member for Fremantle (Mr Beazley) referred to an example in the United States. [More…]
There have been many defects in the way people in the United States have representation in their own education systems. [More…]
This is equally true in the United States of America. [More…]
It is so in the United States of America and in Britain. [More…]
I refer in particular to the field of comprehensive schooling, something which is now widespread in this country following on its introduction longsince in the United States and then its fairly wholesale application under a Labour Government in the United Kingdom. [More…]
I think that we should examine some of the things that have occurred in the United States of America which has an even more complicated federal scheme than we have in some ways. [More…]
We have examples of such projects being carried out in the United States. [More…]
Additional ships will be brought into the trade, not only for the Australia to Europe trade but also for the shipping trade between Australia and Japan and Australia and the United States. [More…]
Recently work by Hoffman and Hume suggests that the income disparity between farm and nonfarm incomes in Australia is nowhere near as large as exists in countries such as the United States, for example. [More…]
The Opposition intends to oppose the Bill which provides for the borrowing of $US125m for the purchase of defence equipment in the United States of America. [More…]
It seems to be an utterly imprudent exercise to borrow $US125m at 7.375 per cent when there is no shortage of reserves if such sums are required for expenditure in the United States. [More…]
It seems that each year we are allowing ourselves to become more and more dependent on overseas sources, particularly the United States of America, for the procurement of the necessary hardware, which I think is a term that is sometimes used, to equip our forces. [More…]
In 1966 we had a loan of $450m from the United States of America. [More…]
Did the statement contain the significant information that the United States geological and geophysical project at Alice Springs undertook studies of a classified nature? [More…]
Was there an agreement between the Australian and United States Governments when this station was established and was it published in the ‘Australian Treaty’ series? [More…]
Is the Press release I referred to the first official description of the station as a joint Australia-United States project? [More…]
Is it not a fact that United States Air Force Detachment 421 operates the station without any Australian participation other than construction, installation and some mapping and survey work? [More…]
Finally, I ask the Minister: Does any Australian Government agency actually participate in or receive significant information about any classified work of the United States Air Force? [More…]
I ask the Minister for Shipping and Transport whether his attention has been drawn to predictions by John A. Volpe, Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, that there will be a 50 per cent reduction in highway deaths in the next 7 years and a reduction of 10,000 deaths in the next 2 years. [More…]
Is he also aware of the statement by Douglas V. Toms, Director of the United States Federal Highway Safety Bureau that within the next decade cars will be built which will be so safe that it will be extremely difficult to kill oneself in a car? [More…]
In terms of what can be done to ensure a greater level of motor vehicle safety I am not aware of the reports to which the honourable member refers but I do know that much of the work done in the United States of America in improving the safety patterns of motor vehicles has been with a view to protecting those within the car. [More…]
in Australia what we are endeavouring to do is adopt standards which will be as far as possible in line with not only those laid down in the United States but also those laid down in Europe. [More…]
So are 40-odd other states, including the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia and Thailand. [More…]
Many other countries besides Australia - including the United States, Canada and New Zealand - have granted such permits. [More…]
Fourth, the sea bed proposals made last May by the President of the United States are based on the two concepts of the continental shelf that I have mentioned. [More…]
In essence these Loan (Defence) Bills derive from the logistic arrangements between Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
Under this logistic arrangement with the United States Government, Australia has been able to make credit arrangements for the purchasing of equipment for the Services from the United States. [More…]
This is the broad background to the credit arrangements with the United States. [More…]
This proposed that a sum of $100m be borrowed from the United States. [More…]
Orders approximately equal to the amount of that credit had been placed in the United States by about the end of June. [More…]
This $US89m was disposed of very quickly because now this Bill has been put forward seeking the approval of the Parliament for spending another $US125m on defence equipment from the United States. [More…]
There are many alarming features of this whole arrangement with the United States. [More…]
There is another peculiar aspect to this whole credit structure with the United States. [More…]
There must be grave dangers with such a volume outstanding for defence purchases from the United States of supply creating its own demand. [More…]
There can be no trust in the effective use of credit arrangements by a government which has made disastrous mistakes in defence purchases from the United States. [More…]
This all adds up to $US739m for procurement of defence equipment from the United States. [More…]
What has the Government been able to obtain from the United States to offset this huge outlay? [More…]
Earlier this year I asked the Minister for Defence what subcontracts had gone to Australian companies from our defence purchases in the United States since 1966 when the credit arrangement started. [More…]
The Minister said it was not possible to give precise information because some Australian companies had negotiated directly with United States companies. [More…]
On any assessment of the figures the Government has managed to offset less than one-half of one per cent of the money poured into United States defence purchases. [More…]
The Government has a responsibility, in view of its programme of borrowing generally for the purchase of equipment, largely from the United States of America, to explain to the House how this money is to be expended and the value that Australia is receiving in terms of defence procurement, having regard to the fluctuating rates of interest to which I have referred and the enormous cost to the Australian taxpayer, particularly when one looks at the purchase of the Fill aircraft. [More…]
It seeks parliamentary approval for borrowings by the Commonwealth of up to $US125m for the purchase of defence equipment from the United States. [More…]
I say to them: The only information I can give you about China is from a report from the Pentagon, the war office in the United States which plans global strategy. [More…]
It became necessary for the President of the United States, President McKinley, to get a message to Garcia, but there was no way of getting it to him. [More…]
Of this total, $43m was in respect of redemption from Loan Fund; S62m related to redemptions and repurchases by the National Debt Sinking Fund; $17m represented cancellations by the Loan Consolidation and Investment Reserve; $13m was redeemed from the Swiss Loan Trust Account; $37m represented repayments of borrowings under the Defence Credit arrangements with the United States of America; and $28m was repaid in respect of borrowings on behalf of Qantas, the Australian National Airlines and the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority. [More…]
Australian Products for Import’ is a quarterly trade bulletin aimed at commercial and import circles in European and United States markets; 40,000 published quarterly in 6 languages. [More…]
We were not in fact consulted about the operations by the South Vietnamese or the United States forces in northern South Vietnam. [More…]
A comparison of rates charged by the Australian Post Office and rates charged in the United States of America for a 1-hour telecast at full time rates over a similar mileage is as follows: which was recently opened between Melbourne and Perth costs approximately $8,600 for 1 hour of transmission. [More…]
A relay over 2,451 miles in the United States would cost $1,202. [More…]
So there is a difference of 800 per cent or 900 per cent in charges between Australia and the United States. [More…]
In the United States there are 5.201 radio stations and many of them devote their programmes to education purposes and to migrant education purposes. [More…]
I think it is time that we went even further and undertook what is being done in the United States, where special television facilities are made vailable, and in the United Kingdom, where 25,000 parttime students are to be educated at an open university in this specialised field. [More…]
Careful consideration has been given to the question of licensing the operation in Australia of what are known in the United States of America and in certain other countries, including New Zealand, as ‘Citizens Radio Services’. [More…]
Australia has such an agreement with the United States and the Agency, but such agreements do not require legislation. [More…]
in the United States of America, have adopted limits which are approximately in the same order of magnitude as those specified for Jervis Bay. [More…]
ls he able lo state whether the United States firms Westinghouse and General Electric have developed nuclear power reactors which claim io reduce emissions of radionuclides to near zero levels by the development of sophisticated air hold up systems. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to recent happenings in (a) Tokyo and New York, when the health and properly of citizens were greatly damaged because of air pollution and (b) the United States, where the smog spread in a 1,000-mile belt across the country; if so, has the possibility of similar occurrences in Australia in future been considered by the Government and, if it has, with what result. [More…]
Consideration was given to the construction of a dual purpose nuclear power/desalination plant at Bolsa Island, United States of America, but the project was abandoned because of poor economics, lt was estimated that the cost of water from the proposed plant would be in the range of 91c per 1,000 gallons for a 50 million gallons per day plant down to 56c per 1,000 gallons for a plant producing 150 million gallons per day. [More…]
The Minister for Health will be aware that the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America recently have banned cigarette advertising on television channels. [More…]
‘Contact’ schemes have worked well in Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
[ have always found it a source of amusement when I have had to sign an immigration form for entry to the United States of America, for example. [More…]
Let me be quite blunt about this: If this is done on anthropological grounds the poor old United States is a little bit out of date. [More…]
One can imagine, for example, what would happen if the Barrier Reef waters lay adjacent to Russia, China, Japan or the United States. [More…]
Israel, Japan, Malta, The Philippines and the United States of America each has machinery for measuring, recording and publishing productivity movements in respect of gross national or domestic product, at market prices, per person employed. [More…]
Is he able to say whether Israel and the United States of America each has machinery for measuring, recording and publishing productivity movements in respect of gross national or domestic product, at market prices, per man-hour. [More…]
Kingdom and the United States of America each has machinery for measuring, recording and publishing productivity movements in respect of net production per person employed or per employee in factories only. [More…]
Is he able to state whether Belgium, Canada, France, The Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America each has machinery for measuring, recording and publishing productivity movements in respect of net production per hour of work of all employed persons in factories only. [More…]
ls he able to say whether the United States of America compiles statistics in respect of productivity for the private sector of the economy and in relation to (a) output per man-hour, (b) output per employed person, (c) total output and (d) man-hours. [More…]
The labour productivity series prepared in the United States are described on page 13S of the l.L.O. [More…]
What area of land is made available at Pine Gap for use by the United States of America. [More…]
Does the utilisation of this land by the United States involve the relinquishment of Australian sovereignty over the area; if so, by what constitutional authority has this been done. [More…]
The Joint United States/ Australian Defence Space Research Facility at Pine Gap is located on 4,398 acres 20 perches of Commonwealth land. [More…]
The land is made available in accordance with Article II of the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America relating to the establishment of a Joint Defence Space Research Facility. [More…]
t rade With United States of America (Question No. [More…]
Has the United States ban on the importation of Australian mutton caused a loss lo Australia of millions of dollars of export income. [More…]
The temporary ban imposed on imports of Australian mutton by United States’ authorities has created certain difficulties for the Australian mutton industry. [More…]
However, it must be understood that the United States of America is only insisting on standards that it applies to its own domestic killing works and if we want access to this market Australian mutton export establishments must comply with the requirements set down by the United States. [More…]
The United States of America is now Australia’s second most important export market, taking over $500m worth of Australian goods in 1969-70, and was the main source of our imports in that year, when imports from the United States of America were worth almost 31,000m. [More…]
The United States of America is the main supplier of many of the items we need for our development; examples of these are chemicals and excavating, levelling and boring machinery. [More…]
Total Australian exports to the United States of America have been increasing over the last 3 years by about 12 per cent a year. [More…]
Our trading position in the United States of America is constantly under review and supported as necessary by top-level trade representations in Washington and an active trade promotion programme. [More…]
What was (a) value and (b) general nature of the Defence Orders placed by the United States of America in Australia and processed by his Department in each of the last 3 years. [More…]
Does he know the (a) value and (b) general nature of any Defence Orders placed direct on industry in Australia by the United States in any of those years. [More…]
(a) The value of defence orders placed by the United States of America in Australia and processed by the Department of Supply in each of the last 3 years is as follows: [More…]
same year, where possible similar information as to the ratio of chemists in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada and the Scandinavian countries. [More…]
In directing a question to the Minister for Trade and Industry I refer to the 25.50 United States cents duty which the American Administration levies against Australian wool of 44s and finer. [More…]
Will he also initiate discussions with the United States with a view to having this tariff removed? [More…]
As the honourable member said for many years there has been a duty of 25c per lb on all Australian wools finer than 44s entering the United States. [More…]
Over the years successive Liberal-Country Party governments have approached the United States Government to try to bring about some reduction in this duty. [More…]
In 1967 the then Prime Minister conferred with the President of the United States of America to see whether a reduction might be brought about. [More…]
In regard to the United KingdomI do not think there is any argument, but there is some doubt about the United States and for what it uses its uranium oxide. [More…]
He showed me some of the publicity features that were being promulgated throughout the United States. [More…]
We need only to look at the tragedy of the fruitless inflationary spiral in other countries, especially the -United States of America and Britain to see how insidious inflation is. [More…]
In the United States in 1970 the gross national product in real terms declined. [More…]
This is a staggering concept - a country like the United States producing less as the year went by. [More…]
The rises for the first half of last year in the consumer prices of other countries are as follows: Japan, 7.9 per cent; the United States of America, 6.1 per cent; France, 5.7 per cent; the United Kingdom, 5.4 per cent; Italy, 4.9 per cent; and Belgium, 4.2 per cent. [More…]
United States has been in a position similar to ours? [More…]
The only difference is that this Government is in a better position to tackle inflation than the United States is because, whilstthe United States involvement in Vietnam is a tremedous waste of money apart from the tragedy of loss of life, it is reliant for a large percentage of its employment on the production of war materials and equipment which this country is not. [More…]
Yet compared with other countries our consumer price index shows a rise up until now of only 3 per cent whilst the United States, for example, faced a rise of 6 per cent to 7 per cent. [More…]
Our trade with the United States runs at 2 to 1 against us. [More…]
What a pathetic gesture it is to cut basic services while ignoring the syphening off of$1, 227m in payments for foreign services that we could provide ourselves, ignoring the profits and practices of international operators in shipping and oil, ignoring the worsening balance of payments with Britain and the United States of America and the lack of balance in our out of date preference system which is costing us $200m a year. [More…]
The former Secretary of Defence in the United States, Mr Wilson, said when he was chairman of directors of General Motors: ‘What is good for General Motors is good for America’. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the United States Government has made statutory provision for its draft lottery and also published the results of its first draft lottery. [More…]
In view of the remarkable revelation by the Minister for Foreign Affairs that Australia was not consulted about the United States sponsored operations in Laos, can the Prime Minister say whether under the terms of the ANZUS Treaty Australia was consulted about the statement made by President Nixon yesterday? [More…]
In the United States of America, one of the biggest consumers in the world, it is lie per lb. [More…]
Under the United States Act we have a guaranteed price for about 190,000 tons. [More…]
The industry in the United States of America is looking at our cane harvesters and other equipment, yet the farmers cannot get the Australian machinery manufacturing firms to make products as reliable as the ones that they can import from the United States of America. [More…]
The coal miners in the United States produce twice as many tons per shift - about 14 tons per shift as against 7 tons per shift here and about 1 ton per shift in the Soviet Union. [More…]
1 would understand from what Brigadier Serong said that it is political in the sense that it depends upon our relationship with the United States, that we have to do things in the context of our relations with the United States, and that whilst the Americans have troops there we should have troops there and our withdrawals should be related to United States withdrawals. [More…]
Now that a decision has been taken that the International Grains Arrangement will not include a schedule of prices for the export of wheat, is there not a danger that this could lead to a significant decrease in world wheat prices if competition breaks out between the surplus producing countries of Canada, the United States of America and Australia? [More…]
From the United States of America there has been conclusive evidence of the effects of excessive violence on television - the effect on the human personality and the development of that personality. [More…]
We will remember when Mr Khrushchev visited the United States. [More…]
If these shops exist in Copenhagen, they exist in London, in Stockholm, in New York and almost any city in the United States of America. [More…]
There is a difference in the United States. [More…]
I say the people who are fomenting this demand for the abolition of censorship are among those who want to make the millions of dollars which are being made in the United States. [More…]
As I wandered around the United States I continually heard comments about Australia. [More…]
But a study in the United States of 15,000 sex offenders found no evidence that pornography was a causal factor in the offences. [More…]
In the December 1970 issue of ‘Psychology Today’ 2 researchers who were involved in studies for the United States Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography by the Legal and Behavioural Institute found that a sample of rapists had seen less pornography than a comparable group of normal adults. [More…]
A presidential commission in the United States recently concluded that there is ‘no evidence that exposure to or use of explicit sexual materials play a significant role in the causation of social or individual harms such as crime, delinquency, sexual or non-sexual deviancy or sever emotional disturbances’. [More…]
The honourable member for Kennedy has had the benefit of visiting the United States of America and the Scandinavian countries. [More…]
If one visits the United States one sees an example of censorship in a very minor degree. [More…]
It is all very well for honourable members opposite to refer to what happens in other countries where allegedly there is no form of censorship and say that those societies have not been harmed, but 1 will leave in the minds of honourable members these quotations and let them decide whether the freedom in the United States - and I believe that in certain States there is almost complete freedom - perhaps has not stopped the depravity of which the honourable member for Maribyrnong spoke. [More…]
I recall being in the United States of America about a year ago. [More…]
I suggest to the Minister that in the United States many of these films which carry an R certificate are aimed at the above 21 years old age group. [More…]
I am advised that the United States LaborManagement Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 contains provisions of the kind referred to by the honourable member. [More…]
In respect of the first of the guarantees referred to by the honourable member the United States Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act 1959 provides: [More…]
As to the second guarantee referred to by the honourable member, section 101 (a)(1) of the United States Act provides: [More…]
The United States and Australia have adopted different methods in guaranteeing rights to members of labour organisations. [More…]
Historically the United States has favoured conferring such rights in the form of a Bill of Rights. [More…]
However, the provisions of the Commonwealth Act which provide means for the invalidation of any rule of an organisation which is unreasonable, oppressive or unjust and for the performance or observance of any rule of such an organisation provide a more extensive protection of the rights of members than does the United States Act which guarantees only specified rights to members of labour organisations in that country. [More…]
If so, was this documentary, which has been shown in all major countries except the United States of America and Australia, offered to the Australian Broadcasting Commission? [More…]
Has the Minister for Primary Industry seen the reports in today’s Press that Mr Aled Davies, Senior Vice-President of the American Meat Institute, has stated that certain non-tariff barriers to Australian meat exports to the United States of America are to be implemented by amendments to that country’s meat legislation? [More…]
If so, can anything be done by the Australian Government to assist in the continuation of meat exports to the United States? [More…]
1 have seen the statement attributed to Mr Davies, I noted also a reference that the American meat importers whom, he represents are opposed to the passage of such legislation I suspect that the United States Congress is a little like this place and that it is not always possible to predict just What the form of legislation might be by the time it has gone through the Parliament, and consequently I am not in a position to answer that part of the honourable member’s question which suggests that such legislation might bc passed. [More…]
Nonetheless, it is true that in the United States over the last 6 to 12 months tendencies have demonstrated that there have been general reservations as to the extent to which meat particularly, as well as other products, may be exported to that country! [More…]
But, as the honourable member will know, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Austraiian Meat Board and those who represent Australian meat exporting interests in the United States are doing, all they can to ensure that the point of view of Australian meat exporters is presented.- and considered by those who legislate- .in the United Stales before any action is taken,: and 1 trust that they meet with success. [More…]
I want to refer to another type of censorship that was introduced recently in the United States. [More…]
But if ever there was a case for honourable members to have personal assistants, as in the United States of America, it is in the area of financial review and examination. [More…]
The final factors in making up the figures I have given are trading with the United States, which is running at $408m in deficit, and trading with the United Kingdom which is running at $454m in deficit, and it should be remembered that the greater the amount of overseas investment- [More…]
The Australian Government should follow the decision of the Government of the United States of America to ban all cigarette advertising on television and radio. [More…]
However, since the problem1 which I have raised has its relationship with the meat industry which is already beset by many problems, I desire to point -out that this is a matter in which the :Government can take the initiative without interference from the export meat trade lobbyists of the United States of America, i ‘know that this is a matter that could involve departments other than the Minister’s but for the sake of the meat industry 1 hope that the Minister and the Government will have the wisdom to take action to prevent the breakdown that the meat producers fear. [More…]
However, I was impressed the other day by the Minister for Health (Dr Forbes) who said that prohibition on advertising had been implemented in certain places in the United States of America and that this did not make one iota of difference to the consumption of cigarettes. [More…]
regard to the consumption of marihuana came to light almost by’ accident in the United States of America, The measuring stick was found in the increasing sale of cigarette papers. [More…]
In 1969 in the United States 61 million packets .of cigarette papers: were sold. [More…]
The best that has been claimed for the operations by United States Army spokesmen is that it has disrupted traffic along the Ho Chi Minh trail, a rather spurious claim. [More…]
Why the United States and the South Vietnamese should have invited a direct confrontation with this powerful army on its own ground at this time is beyond my comprehension. [More…]
Government took over wholesale from the United States. [More…]
From reports in the past few days it seems the Canberra squadron has been used extensively in the 1 Corps area because of the scope of United States air operations in Laos. [More…]
The neutrality of Laos has been shattered not for a few months, not for one or two years but for nearly 10 years by the active participation and aggression of North Vietnam in that part of what was once Indo-China It was not South Vietnam and the United States of America which shattered the myth of neutrality in Cambodia, as the honourable member for Wills (Mr Bryant) well knows and as he reported courageously in view of the environment of his own colleagues; it was the blatant aggression by North Vietnam and the determination of the Cambodian people to stand up for their own independence that ended Sihanouk’s regime, placed the present Prime Minister in power and began their struggle for independence. [More…]
United States administrations, in justifying the commitment and particularly in justifying it to the American people, have gone to great lengths to encourage countries within their sphere of influence to make contributions. [More…]
But in the civil field the United States, which is able to saturate South Vietnam with aid, devised programmes that would allow the nominal participation by other countries so that it could point to the broad support that it was said to have. [More…]
But perhaps 1 could refer honourable members and the Minister now to the recent discussions on this point in the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee where it was pointed out that the aid provided by Honduras, which was supposed to have gone in a Honduran Air Force aeroplane was in fact transported in a United States Air Force aeroplane which had been repainted with the symbols of the Honduran Air Force. [More…]
The point is that the United States has tried to devise little operations that could expand what it regarded as the support of the whole free world. [More…]
We have picked up the odd and scattered crumbs that have been let fall from the banquet table of the United States military and civil aid. [More…]
I believe that one of the major things we have to do in this situation is to sustain a degree of confidence in what Australia will do and in what the United States of America intends to do in this area. [More…]
If one follows the speeches of, perhaps I should say, the majority of honourable members opposite one sees a constant thread of criticism levelled against the United States, the Australian Government and the Australian troops. [More…]
1 emphasise that, according to honourable members opposite, all the wrong has been done by the United States and by ourselves and none of the blame for this situation in Indo-China can be laid at the feet of the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese. [More…]
We committed them because the United States commitment was there. [More…]
It has not been merely the United States of America. [More…]
According to one estimate, the cost of crime in the United States during the year 1965 amounted to some $US20,000m. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, United States and other countries, there are reports of alarming increases in the number of reported crimes in proportion to the population. [More…]
In the United States of America President Kennedy and President Nixon have at various times been forced to take this action. [More…]
I understand that some States of the United States of America have made certain benefits conditional upon the recipients adopting foolproof means of family limitation. [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
We warmly welcomed the recent statement of President Nixon in which he expressed the attitude of the United States of America and the anxiety of his Government to come to a negotiated settlement in Cambodia involving the withdrawal of all forces including those of the North Vietnamese Army. [More…]
The operations by the South Vietnamese, supported by the United States Air Force, into the Tchepone area of middle Laos have one purpose. [More…]
Years ago the United States Government laid down certain principles and these principles underlie the United States Government’s action on water conservation. [More…]
This important motion now before the House seeks to update Australia so that it will catch up at least with the United States of America which more than 70 years ago enacted national water legislation. [More…]
I suppose that at the present time across the world in Asia, the United States, the Middle East and throughout Europe there are thousands of engineers who are doing a job servicing the needs of other people in other countries when this country needs them. [More…]
I recognise that there are elements of nationalism in the Saigon Government which are worthy of election by the people and I am quite sure that had the Vietnamese been allowed to govern their own affairs they would have shared power in a coalition with other elements, whether they, had been the National Liberation Front, the [Buddhists or other political parties opposed to United States involvement in their country. [More…]
I understand from information I received this afternoon that for the first time the United States is likely to use tactical nuclear weapons in the northern part of South Vietnam and the southern part of Laos to obliterate the Ho Chi Minh trail. [More…]
Certain men in the United States have suggested for years that the people of North Vietnam should be bombed back to the Stone Age. [More…]
The United States says that it did this to end the war. [More…]
Let us recall the mentality of the United States administration. [More…]
Although the United States President’s Commission on an all-volunteer Armed Force defines broad categories of personnel which it includes in its concept of non-effectiveness in the United States Armed Forces, the elements actually included in the Commission’s figures of 13 per cent and 9 per cent are not identifiable from the report. [More…]
honourable member’s question in which he referred to the effects of the Government’s, general restraint measures on expenditure, in view of the tremendous significance of maintaining inspectors to ensure access to United States and other overseas markets and to enable meatworks to remain open, it is essential that we maintain a flow of meat inspectors. [More…]
I ask the Minister to look at some of the work which has been carried out in the United States. [More…]
1 refer him particularly to a report to the United States Congress by the Committee on Public Works which deals with river, harbour and beach erosion and flood control projects. [More…]
This is a document, presented to the Congress, that gives details of the various flood mitigation, beach erosion or harbour trust works in the United States. [More…]
I have compared cost factors in the United States with those of the schemes that are now under way in Australia and I find that we are able to give a very much better result in terms of objective results than many of the major schemes in the United States. [More…]
The mines used by the Australian Force in Vietnam are mainly of the United States M16 type. [More…]
His stand rebuked everybody else and threw light on the emergence in Australia of the same form of greed, corruption and servility which has at times been a characteristic of State politics in the United States of America. [More…]
New Zealand 6.6 per cent, the United States 5.9 per cent and Australia 5.5 per cent. [More…]
No member on this side of the House can be confident that our alliance with the United States of America - an alliance of utmost significance - would be secure in the hands of the Labor Party. [More…]
We all recall Labor’s resistance and opposition to the action of allowing Australian-United States communications facilities to be established in Australia. [More…]
This is faster than the rate of increase in the United States of America, the United Kingdom or Germany and is despite the difficulties confronting the rural producer. [More…]
Over recent years, the increase annually has been 5.2 per cent in Japan, 4.3 per cent in the United Kingdom, 3.8 per cent in France, 3.7 per cent in Canada, 3.4 per cent in the United States and 3.1 per cent in Australia. [More…]
Japan takes 25 per cent, other Asian countries take 17 per cent, the United States of America takes 14 per cent, and the United Kingdom and Europe together take 23 per cent. [More…]
The Government negotiated access for this trade through meat and sugar agreements with the United States of America and through trade agreements with Japan, New Zealand and many other countries. [More…]
We have a programme which has meant that only yesterday my colleague, Ihe Minister for Trade and Industry, was able to announce a very significant share of the United States meat import quota for Australia. [More…]
It is a share which will mean that for beef, veal and mutton next year some 33.1 million lb more than the initial 1970 allocation and more than 11.5 million lb over the final figure for 1970 will be sold to the United States. [More…]
Indeed, if one looks at the circumstances in the dried milk powder industry one can see that although the stock position may not be as bright as some of us would like there is still the chance that, given a change in economic conditions within the United States, given the prospects of some greater demand within Japan, a reasonable prospect will exist for some improvement in prices in the 1971-72 year. [More…]
Where would the South Vietnamise regime’s army in Cambodia and Laos have been if it had not been for the massive United States aerial bombardments and the death dealing helicopter gun ships? [More…]
SEATO was put together in a hurry by the then Secretary of the United States State Department John Foster Dulles. [More…]
The only reason why two of the three Asian members of SEATO, Thailand- and the Philippines, made token commitments to Vietnam, which they, no longer maintain, was that the United States Government bribed them to go there, The Prime Minister, as he has told us on many occasions, is a self-confessed disciple of the domino theory. [More…]
The new Prime Minister’s pathetically poor comprehension of Australia’s national interests is well illustrated in our relations with the United States. [More…]
At all times he has out-hawked the most extreme United States Hawks, but his single minded and slavish devotion has been neither to Australia’s advantage nor to the advantage of the United States. [More…]
Speaking in this place in 1967 the present Prime Minister criticised the Labor Party’s assessment that the Government was in fact ‘creating a policy that would mean isolationism in the United States’ and consequently the United States withdrawal from this area, with all that it has meant to Australia and to South East Asia, leaving us to fight ovir battles on our own. [More…]
He pointed out that the United States clearly is reviewing the manner in which it will fulfil its alliances and treaties. [More…]
Successive Liberal Party governments have sought to get the United States bogged down in Asia. [More…]
The United States has become disenchanted; it has become sick and tired of the great loss of United States lives and the great outflow from the United States Treasury. [More…]
President Nixon has said that the United States will continue to observe existing commitments, but it is a very sobering thought that nowhere in the President’s major foreign policy statement last year is either ANZUS or SEATO mentioned. [More…]
The United States will keep all its treaty commitments; and that, of course, includes ANZUS; [More…]
It is about time that we woke up and stopped behaving like babes in the international wood; it is about time that we stopped our mindless attachment to the decisions of the United States Administration. [More…]
The United States is a global power. [More…]
The greatest disservice this Government has done to Australia has been to pursue policies which have led to the disenchantment of the United States with any form of involvement and any form of commitment for the peace and security of South East Asia. [More…]
The Liberal Party has eagerly accepted responsibilities from Korea to South Vietnam to United States bases on Australian soil. [More…]
We have also given the United States a blank cheque to exploit our industrial resources. [More…]
But we also have rights and these are particularly important when the United States is indulging in brinkmanship in Indo-China which could lead to Chinese intervention or he possibility of the use of nuclear weapons. [More…]
In the United States from 1962 to 1965 the expenditure per head went up from SUS145 to $US189 and the proportion of public spending increased from 16 to 19 per cent. [More…]
Although the United States is having trouble with a major war, the most costly war it has ever fought, it was able to channel 19 per cent of public spending into education in 1965, which was the last year for which figures were given to me by the ex-Prime Minister. [More…]
The United States of America and Canada are the biggest exporters of vegetable oils and meal. [More…]
Last year the United States exported soya beans valued at over $1,1 00m. [More…]
The United States export of soya beans works out at S2.50 a bushel. [More…]
When we look across the world we see that, quite apart from the fact that both the United Nations and the United States Department of Agriculture have predicted a continuing expansion in food grains - including wheat - from now to the end of the century, in a properly segregated system of selling we would be able to get a greater share of that market. [More…]
The other point that I want to make in relation to India is that it has been able to cover some of its deficits under Public Law 480 of the United States Congress which enables the United States to sell primary products under long-term conditions - over 20 years with low interest rates - and accept payment in local currency. [More…]
This year the United States denied this condition to India and demanded that more than half of the money be found in American dollars. [More…]
The first point is that all forecasters, be they from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, the United States Department of Agriculture, or even from our own Professor Gruen, agree that the medium term outlook for wheat as a human foodstuff is bleak. [More…]
Nigeria is buying all its wheat requirements from the United States of America. [More…]
At talks in Ottawa involving the 5 major wheat exporting countries - Australia, Canada, United States of America, the Argentine and the European Economic Community - figures showed that last year slock holdings of wheat went up by about 900 million bushels, an increase of almost SO per cent, to well over 2,000 million bushels. [More…]
for some time, been supplied by the United States of America on extended terms at concessional rates. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to experiments performed in an Italian hospital where all patients had a depressed level of plasma cholinesterase and those with liver damage took 3 weeks to recover and also to similar work in the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
Labelling of these strips is controlled in the United States, Canada, Holland and Australia. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to an article in the ‘Courier-Mail’ of 17 October 1970 by Professor Indorf, an eminent United States educationist, criticising the stagnation in Queensland’s education system and pointing out lack of progress since his previous criticism in that newspaper in 1963. [More…]
In addressing a question to the Minister for Primary Industry 1 refer to a fairly recent meeting of rep resentatives of the meat industry in Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America which was held in Denver, Colorado, to discuss plans to promote and expand the market for lamb in the United States. [More…]
The honourable gentleman is correct in his surmise that there has been a joint meeting of representatives of the lamb producers of the United States of America, New Zealand and Australia as a result of which it has been determined that a campaign should be embarked upon, with the joint support of these 3 bodies, to try to promote the palatability and marketing of lamb on the United States market. [More…]
T believe that this campaign will considerably assist the exporting countries - New Zealand and Australia - and will also be to the advantage of the United States lamb producers. [More…]
In this way it might help to offset some of the marked resistance which, in the past, has been demonstrated by ranchers in the United States to imports of meat, from Australia and New Zealand in particular. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Firstly, does his Government intend to take delivery of the Fill aircraft ordered from the United States nearly a decade ago? [More…]
lt is difficult and complex to isolate the circumstances that surround the decline in profitability in Japan, western Europe and even in the United States of America, lt is even more difficult to understand that there should be a decline in demand when wool sales have been maintained at the level of about 30c per lb since the beginning of this selling season. [More…]
When one considers that only about 7 per cent of the wool purchased by Japan finishes up in exports from Japan to the United States one finds it difficult to understand why Japanese purchases of wool should be down to the extent that they are. [More…]
saying that they are insuperable problems or what the outcome of the Government’s consideration of the proposal will be, but I think one has to look at the experience of the United States of America. [More…]
Britain’s 1962 royal commission on the police recommended that there should be 1 policeman for every 530 head of population and the 1967 United States presidential task force report on the police recommended 1 to 500. [More…]
The Commonwealth can help the States provide proper career opportunities for the men and women in their law enforcement services; it can help the States provide the highly extensive, and expensive, communications and computer techniques and equipment needed by modern law enforcement services as the Federal Administration already does in the United States. [More…]
It may be that in matters of law enforcement there are, to quote the United States President’s task force report, ‘no startling truths, no unique insights, no simple solutions’; but the Commonwealth hai> a unique opportunity to initiate and effectuate the transformation of such enforcement agencies which have become as archaic in their administrative structure as they are inadequate in their resources and scope. [More…]
It is through such a transformation, and only through such a transformation, that we can avert a further deterioration in the detection and deterrence of crime and the development in all our major cities in Australia of a crime rate comparable to that of the cities in the United States. [More…]
This point was mentioned by Sutherland in the United States in 1945. [More…]
Some appreciation of the complexity of crime can be gained from a statement in an official United States report entitled The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society’ which was prepared by the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. [More…]
The comparison is between Australia and the United States of Amenca. [More…]
One finds that, for instance, the homicide rate in Australia is 2.3 and in the United States of America it is 5.1. [More…]
To select mother one, the robbery rate is only 6.3 in Australia and in the United States it is 61.4. [More…]
However, for breaking and entering offences it is 405.4 in Australia and 299.6 in the United States. [More…]
If these statistics are a reliable comparison we display a greater propensity lor breaking and entering offences than does the United States. [More…]
We are almost on a par wilh the United States in regard to motor vehicle thefts. [More…]
As the United States report I mentioned stated: [More…]
Great Britain and the United States of America has reached an all time high and it is only when it reaches an all time high that people in the respective nations begin to show concern. [More…]
In his second reading speech the Minister, when referring to the cost of crime in the United States, said that it amounted to some $20,000m. [More…]
Almost identical circumstances have been the burden of the police forces in the United States and in the United Kingdom which also have experienced an upsurge in crime. [More…]
I remember an incident during the war years when a case of micrometers which were vitally important to the Australian war effort was shipped here from the United States. [More…]
The bricks were taken to a certain section at the University of Sydney for analysis and it was found that they contained soil which was very common near the place where the micrometers were made in the United States. [More…]
This proved beyond any doubt that our unfortunate wharf labourers, who, it is alleged, are the greatest pillagers in the world, were not responsible and that the theft occurred in the United States. [More…]
Heroin addiction is a major cause, if not the greatest cause, of crime in some large United States cities as the addict resorts to desperate measures to obtain supplies. [More…]
I refer how to another problem which is evident in the United States. [More…]
It is not realistic to say that everything that applies in the United States is applicable here, but we must take what we can and learn what we can from the experience of cities in the United States. [More…]
If we are to prevent crime on a United States scale from occurring amongst the original Australians, we must make an all out effort to help them to achieve a stake in the system the same as the white man. [More…]
Although we do not have anything like the problem in the United States of America, there is enough to make us sit up and take notice. [More…]
Some interesting recommendations have emerged from the United States National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. [More…]
Finally, I would like to refer to the final recommendation of the recent United States National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. [More…]
I refer now to some statistics, instances and experiences in the United States of America. [More…]
1 state clearly that I do this not on the basis that the United States of America is the only country which is subjected to an intense problem in relation to the distribution of hard and other drugs but because it is interesting to note the statistics of drug trafficking in the United States, lt is estimated that in the 1940-45 period there were 20,000 addicts. [More…]
At present only 30 per cent of all addicts in the United States of America are Caucasians or Chinese. [More…]
In the United States of America there are in addition sleazy underground newspapers devoted to protests, attacks on law enforcement agencies and the promotion of the use of psychedelic drugs, especially marihuana and LSD. [More…]
The tragedy in the United States is that those who could have made a difference pretended there wasn’t a problem until it was too late. [More…]
ft is possible that there will be in the future some development of this idea of direct financial assistance by the Commonwealth Government to the States in much the same way as there is in the United States of America with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Agency. [More…]
Even though the war in Vietnam has dragged on people have agitated, although they do not seem to have made any impression on the stupidity - if I may use that term - of both this Administration and the Administration of the United States of America. [More…]
If one reads what has been said by serious students of the protest movement in the United States one sees that there is a greater fear about what will happen when the protests die. [More…]
This is the fear in the United States at present. [More…]
He has been a very active member of the peace movement ‘in the United States and he, among others, is greatly concerned about developments that may occur in the peace movement in the United States and here also. [More…]
Bishop Crowther is a former Anglican Bishop of Kimberley and is at present Assistant Bishop of California and Professor of African Studies at the Berkeley University in the United States. [More…]
The figure of 5.8 parts per million is much higher than the levels for Lake Erie and the St Clair River in the United States, where the mercury content in fish called pike went to 3.57 parts per million. [More…]
We know that there is a threat to health and even to the very existence of life itself yet this Government, unlike the national governments of the United States and Canada, is failing to concern itself with these problems. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister whether negotiations with the United States Government on the provision of an Omega navigation facility in Australia have been concluded. [More…]
When will details of the agreement with the United States Government be announced and will the agreement be tabled in this House? [More…]
Negotiations have taken place between the United States and Australian governments on an Omega installation to guide international shipping and other kinds of transport. [More…]
We have agreed with the United States that a station should be established somewhere in the vicinity of Bass Strait but as yet the precise location has not been decided. [More…]
I believe it will make a very valuable contribution to navigation and represent a very valuable example of co-operation between the United States and Australia. [More…]
Is he aware, for example, that high rank low volatile coking coal from the United States is sold to the Japanese steel industry for SUS20 per ton whereas Australian high volatile coking coal is sold for about half of that price? [More…]
I ask: To what extent is the Australian Government responsible for costs connected with the coming visit to Australia of F111 aircraft belonging to the United States Air Force? [More…]
This review follows from the policy stated by the then Prime Minister, now the Minister for Defence (Mr Gorton), in April 1970 when, in announcing the withdrawal of one Army battalion, he said that ‘Should the progress of pacification and Vietnamisation succeed as the President (of the United States) hopes and believes that it will, then at some stage during the 12 months period we will consider phasing additional troops into the planned withdrawal’. [More…]
Commander of United States forces in Vietnam. [More…]
With the agreement of the Government of the Republic df Vietnam, and following consultations with United States military authorities in Saigon, some forces will now be withdrawn. [More…]
Royal Australian Navy, personnel, about 45 in number, serving with the United States Assault Helicopter Company; [More…]
This timetable will permit detailed adjustments to be made between the Australian, South Vietnamese, and United States military, authorities in relation to the security requirements of the areas involved. [More…]
It was left to the present Prime Minister in November 1967 to denounce as treason proposals which were accepted in part by the United States in March 1968 and in whole by November 1968. [More…]
Now of course people have had it brought home to them that, as a result of Vietnam, the United States will never again intervene on land in Asia and that the American Congress and people are bitterly resentful of those who they believe inveigled them into this imbroglio which has deeply divided their country’, ‘alienated their youth; demoralised their army and disrupted their economy. [More…]
This has been the end result of Australia’s conduct as far as the United States is concerned. [More…]
Vietnamisation is not a solution or a settlementfor Vietnam; it is the means the United States has chosen to secure the withdrawal of her combat forces. [More…]
The Association has had before it the report of the United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service that the combined world sultana production is estimated at 704,900 tons or some 5 per cent more than last year’s production. [More…]
When we compare this with consumption in the United States of America, which “s approximately 65 lb per head per annum, we see that there is considerable scope for an increase in the consumption of pig meats in Australia. [More…]
So if Australia follows the pattern of other developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and the continental countries, we can expect to see a steady increase in the consumption of pig meats in Australia. [More…]
This does not mean that we will reach overnight the very high standards of productive efficiency in, say, Denmark, the Netherlands or parts of the United States, but it does allow us to have a goal which we can aim to achieve over a period of time. [More…]
The Australian Government is not aware of the extent to which funds will be made available for further, if any, aircraft by the United States Government, or of any reduction in funds. [More…]
These aircraft have all been manufactured, but, in accordance with the Agreement dated 14th April, 1970 Mr Fraser signed with Mr Laird, United States Secretary of Defence, will not be accepted until they achieve certain specified technical and operational criteria. [More…]
However in accordance with the agreement signed with Mr Laird, United States Secretary of Defense, on 14th April 1970, the aircraft will not be accepted by the Australian Government until they achieve certain specified technical and operational criteria. [More…]
No F111C aircraft have been returned on loan to the United States Air Force. [More…]
These are figures comparable with Denver, Chicago and Los Angeles, which are among the most highly polluted cities in the United States. [More…]
The Committee’s ‘Australian Rule for Vehicle Emission Control’ proposes that by 1974 automotive emission of carbon monoxide should not exceed the equivalent in United States terms of 274- grammes per mile, whereas the present United States limit is 23 grammes per mile and the United States limit proposed for 1975 is 4.7 grammes per mile. [More…]
The Australian ru.c proposes that by 1974 automotive emission of hydrocarbons should not exceed 41 grammes per mile whereas the present USA limit is 2.2 grammes per mile and the United States limit proposed for 1975 is 0.25 grammes per mile. [More…]
These are not exact comparisons, but it is clear that in ]974 new Australian cars will still be emitting 12 times as much carbon monoxide and 19 times as much hydrocarbon as 1970 United Slates models and 58 times as much carbon monoxide and 164 times as much hydrocarbon as 1975 United States models. [More…]
This sort of thing has been done in the United States of America and in most other countries. [More…]
The Scandinavian countries spend 10.9 per cent of their gross national product on social welfare; the member countries of the European Economic Community spend 15.2 per cent; Canada 9.9 per cent; the United Kingdom 8.6 per cent; Switzerland 8.2 per cent; New Zealand 6.6 per cent; the United States of America 5.9 per cent; and in Australia the figure is down to 5.5 per cent. [More…]
At present Japan, the United States of America and Europe are concentrating an increasing amount of resources on the production of synthetic or simulated meat. [More…]
Europe, the United States of America and Japan are the 3 main producers and consumers of simulated meats. [More…]
There is a growing market at the present time in the United States in the institutions - hospitals, hotels, restaurants, cafes and so forth - for this type of meat. [More…]
There is really only one country in the world so far as I know which has made inroads to any marked degree in this field and that, of course, is the United States of America. [More…]
The withdrawal has been reported, particularly in the United States, as something of a setback. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court and the Constitutional Review Committee are just two responsible authorities worth quoting. [More…]
The United States, which is the world’s largest con sumer of tin, is not a member. [More…]
Holland, the United States and Czechoslovakia are just some of the other countries that do likewise. [More…]
The European Economic Community countries pay out 15.2 per cent of their gross national product in social welfare, Scandinavia pays 10.9 per cent, Canada 9.9 per cent, the United Kingdom 8.6 per cent, Switzerland 8.2 per cent, New Zealand 6.6 per cent, the United States 5.9 per cent and Australia, with a means test loaded on to it, pays 5.5 per cent, trailing all those countries with which we ought to be able to compare ourselves. [More…]
A number of countries, including the United States of America, already allow people who have earned a pension in those countries to receive those pensions should they go to live in .sonic other country. [More…]
The studies of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which comprises European nations, Canada and the United States of America, have demonstrated this point conclusively. [More…]
I had pointed out that it had been reported to the Tariff Board that cheese which had been previously rejected by United States authorities because of high DDT contamination was being dumped in Australia. [More…]
Australia’s trade balance on current account with the United Kingdom and the United States of America is now a net deficit of nearly $ 10,000m over a 21-year period. [More…]
Our trade balance with the United States shows a deficit of $6000m since 1950-51. [More…]
Perhaps the biggest reduction has been in the United States of America. [More…]
The reduction of interest rates in the United States had a very marked impact on the Euro-dollar market. [More…]
One of the infortunate things perhaps for some countries affected by the Euro-dollar is that their interest rates may have been changed as a direct consequence of the change in the United States rate without them really wanting this to happen. [More…]
I ask: Following on the conviction of Lieutenant Calley of the United States Army for war atrocities, will Australia take the initiative - possibly in the United Nations - to have an International Commission on War Crimes in Vietnam set up to investigate and publicly report on the extent to which the precedents set at the Nuremburg war crimes trials and the trial of General Yamashita have application in the Calley case, as well as to investigate the numerous and seemingly substantiable allegations of other war atrocities which have been committed in Vietnam by the various fighting forces engaged there? [More…]
We have the tragedy which is now being played out in the United States of America. [More…]
The gulf in thinking between Left and Right on how Australia’s security should be sought and how her relations with other countries - Russia, China, the United States - should be conducted has never been bridged and was not bridged at the last ALP conference, where ‘unity’ was the watchcry so loudly proclaimed. [More…]
Between them now they can take their annual three weeks’ holiday by flying to the United States of America and back, at the taxpayers’ expense. [More…]
Not one of them has ever shown concern about our involvement in Vietnam - unlike the position in the United States of America, where both Democrats and Republicans are totally opposed to the war and where there is now a majority in the Senate opposed to America’s participation in this conflict. [More…]
The Government knows the horrible record that both it and the United States have in Vietnam. [More…]
They know that public opinion in this country and in the United States is against involvement in the Vietnam war. [More…]
The Australian Government knows that the United States will withdraw from Vietnam and that we have to get our men out. [More…]
Has the right honourable gentleman seen reports that the United States Air Force is considering the development of an electronics warfare version of the Fill aircraft to be known as the EF111? [More…]
In part these arise from a lower than expected rate of expenditure under the United States Defence Credit Agreement and as a result of rephasing of and lags in both orders and deliveries of defence goods, and to agreed reductions in Commonwealth expenditure in response to the request of February 1971. [More…]
Since then other countries have had a higher growth rate in earnings ranging up to 11 per cent in France and 17 per cent in Japan, whilst labour productivity in Australia between 1961 and 1969 in the manufacturing industries rose by 4 per cent per annum, which was much better than that country we so slavishly follow in most things, the United States of America, which had an increases of 2.9 per cent and equal to the United Kingdom with 4 per cent and Canada with 3.9 per cent. [More…]
This comment is by a man who is currently Walker Professor of Economics and International Finance at Princeton University, United States of America. [More…]
Has the United States Department of Agriculture agreed to the inspection of Australian abattoirs for mutton export licences by Department of Primary Industry inspectors? [More…]
Have many of our works been relicensed for the purpose of exporting mutton to the United States? [More…]
As from a date in March, Department of Primary Industry inspectors have been accepted by the United States Department of Agriculture for the purposes of inspecting and re-licensing Australian works for the export of mutton to the United States market. [More…]
The position is that as from May 1970 the United States Department decided that a complete ban should be placed on mutton killing floors in Australia as the standard of hygiene and services available, it said, did not comply with those laid down by the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
It is alsotrue that, as far as the United States is concerned we are hoping that these other 43 works can shortly be licensed and that as a result the market can be re-opened. [More…]
Of course, the noise problem is under close study and is attracting a considerable amount of attention not only in the United States of America, as the honourable member is well aware, but also in Europe. [More…]
I mentioned the incident in the United States and said: [More…]
In relation to the ammunition testing facility for the Department of the Navy at Port Wakefield, it appears from the evidence that the structure required was unusual in nature but was similar to facilities previously constructed in Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
Despite urgent requests from responsible sections of the Australian community, including the wheat industry, to take a commonsense viewpoint towards China, the Australian Government continues lo cling to the coat tails of the United States and to deliver public insults to China. [More…]
In con trast, the United States refuses to recognise China and will not trade wilh her. [More…]
Secondly, the Australian Government should immediately adopt a mature policy towards China by preparing a constructive case for the recognition of China and divorcing itself from the coat tails of the United States in this matter. [More…]
As far as Australia is concerned we’ve got an ally that’s very important to us, and that is the United States. [More…]
The United States has a point of view on Mainland China, she sees certain international implications which would make it difficult for her in relation to Formosa if Mainland China were to be recognised immediately. [More…]
I mentioned the other night in this House that our combined deficit in trade with the United Kingdom and the United States of America over 20 years amounts to the monumental figure of $10,000m. [More…]
The next we heard of the matter was when the next Attorney-General that is the last Attorney-General, on 14th April last year delivered a ministerial statement on the Vietnam moratorium campaign and among otherthings staled that the United States Consulate General in (Melbourne had been the target of extremist violence and in those riots 88 people had been arrested.I inquired, in a question on notice how many of those people had been tried and convicted. [More…]
One was of the visit of the Vice-President of the United States on 13th and 14th January last and the other was of the procession and demonstration conducted as part of the Moratorium week activities on 18th September last. [More…]
It can help the States provide the highly expensive communications and computer techniques and equipment needed by modern law enforcement services, as the United States does and as Canada does. [More…]
What we should be worried about, however, is that the Cornmonwealth does not give the assistance which other Federal administrations, such as the United States and Canada, give for proper criminal detection and criminal law enforcement. [More…]
On campus after campus in the United States of America the few have made the many suffer a serious and lasting curtailment or even a cessation of their basic freedoms, lt is not even a question of the right to dissent in some places there. [More…]
I am thinking particularly of countries which have a Bill of Rights, such as the United States of America. [More…]
It is written into the Bill of Rights in the United States of America that one can do this, that and the other and that he has rights. [More…]
the United States is committed to a planned course of violence such as this Bill is calculated to protect. [More…]
We are geared into the American nuclear sys- tern in such a way that Australia would be one of the first targets in the world hit by an enemy of the United States. [More…]
In the Constitution of the United States the first amendment reads: [More…]
In 1967 in the United States of [More…]
That case did not solve anything because the more thinking people in the judiciary of the United States said it was a bad law. [More…]
I remember a demonstration outside the Consulate of the United States of America in Melbourne. [More…]
Similarly there are many groups in the community whose views would offend protected persons representing the United States of America, Spain, South Africa, Israel and the United Arab Republic. [More…]
To illustrate what I mean, I intend focusing in on several of the major trends in 2 of our most important markets, the United States and Japan. [More…]
We know from studies the ATC have carried out, that about 85 per cent of United States travellers to Australia earn JUS 10,000 a year or more. [More…]
During a private tour of the.United States just over 12 months ago, I made a study of tourism in the tiny island of Jamaica in the Caribbean. [More…]
Going back to this wonderful market that awaits us, it is interesting to note that of every 1,000 United States overseas travellers only 14, or in other words 0.14 per cent, visit either Australia, [More…]
We plan to inaugurate a fifteen flight charter program for groups constituted from medical, dental and bar associations in the United States. [More…]
My investigations in Asia disclose that they will return to Hong Kong and that they will go to the United States of America, with all the skills that they have acquired here. [More…]
The United States and Canada are seeking those skills. [More…]
United States of America - a credit union without capital stock and operated for mutual purposes is exempt from tax. [More…]
Has Miss Rosemary Taylor, an Australian who runs an orphanage in Saigon, been instructed in facilitating adoptions in European countries and the United States of America. [More…]
Vietnam, which has facilitated adoptions in European countries and the United States of America. [More…]
United States of America - 18.8.68: Attempted arson at ConsulateGeneral in Melbourne. [More…]
What was the (A) type and (B) value of the assistance given in each of the last 5 years by (1) Australia, (2) Britain, (3) New Zealand and (4) The United States of America to each of their own and each other’s present or former possessions, protectorates and trust territories in the South Pacific. [More…]
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - administered by the United States of America under a Trusteeship agreement with the United Nations. [More…]
This does not mean to say that we have moved quickly; nor, for that matter, has the United States moved quickly on interstate relationships. [More…]
In other words, it is premature in the United States’ view to consider the problem of recognition of the People’s Republic of China or, for that matter, to make decisions about the admission of the People’s Republic of China into the United Nations. [More…]
In that respect the policies of the United States are identical with ours - not that we have moved together, but we have consulted fairly freely. [More…]
I have spoken already about what is happening in the United States where people who are redundant because of technological changes are retired on a pension equal to their full salary. [More…]
They show that Norway has a mortality rate of 53.4 per 100,000 registered vehicles, the United States of America 54.4, New Zealand 56.1, the United Kingdom 59.1, Denmark 61.2, France 67.9, the Netherlands 71.5, Canada 76 and Australia the alarming figure of 78.7. [More…]
Research in the United States has shown that injuries have been reduced by up to [More…]
The United States and the United Kingdom have introduced a system of major and minor roads which I honestly believe is better than our system of giving way to the right. [More…]
What is also clear is that the Australian Government has learnt nothing from the automotive revolution that is occurring in the rest of the world, particularly the United States. [More…]
In 1965 in the United States a bombshell by the name of Ralph Nader exploded on the American automobile industry that for years had managed to avoid any form of governmental direction or control. [More…]
In 1966 the United States National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act were passed setting up the National Highway Safety Bureau under the control of the Department of Transportation. [More…]
The approach of the United States Government is probably best summed up by Douglas V. Toms, present head of the Safety Bureau, when he says: [More…]
The United States of America has recognised that there is a 3-pronged approach to cutting the road toll - the driver, the environment (that is the road) and the vehicle. [More…]
The United States has geared its programme accordingly. [More…]
Despite the increase in vehicle miles driven, the number of drivers and the number of vehicles in the United States, there was an actual drop in the road toll in 1970 from 56,400 to 55,300, a total of 1,100 lives saved. [More…]
What a difference this is to the pious platitudes and cliches that have emanated from the lips of a succession of weak kneed Federal Ministers for Shipping and Transport who are too ignorant, too lazy or too much under the influence of the discredited automobile industry to attack the problem in the same manner as the United States. [More…]
Because of the limited time available to me I intend to list only the sequence of events that I believe ought to take place in Australia so that we can belatedly start a programme which will match that of the United States. [More…]
We should immediately send a competent ream of highly skilled technicians to the United States to study its legislation, administration and implementation of its programme. [More…]
Such a system would replace the present ludicrous situation which permits the United States manufacturers operating in Australia to dictate as they do now what regulations will be adhered to and when. [More…]
That is why safety measures introduced in the United States 3 years ago are only now being introduced in Australia. [More…]
Time does not permit me to list the dozens of pending vehicle safety regulations in the United States which will not be introduced in Australia until 3 years after they are standard in the United States, and even then they will be introduced only when their Australian subsidiaries inform the Australian Transport Advisory Council that they are prepared to do so. [More…]
We merely followed the policy of the United States of 4 years ago and incorporated it in our regulations. [More…]
One can imagine the laughter in the United States that would greet the knowledge that the testing laboratories for vehicle safety regulations are owned and controlled by the same automobile manufacturers that produce the cars. [More…]
The Government has a lot of explaining to do as to why the United States Government regards this as a vital feature of its safety programme but the Australian Government does not. [More…]
Further, a study similar to the one conducted in the United States should be commenced as to the best methods of ensuring the safety of used vehicles that are now subject to ageing and deterioration from the moment they go on the road. [More…]
I say this because I believe a tremendous amount of expense in-depth research is being done both in the United States and Europe. [More…]
Finally, the bureau should commence a feasibility study to evaluate the need and cost of an interstate multi-lane expressway system linking the major capital cities of Australia - Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney initially and Perth at a later stage and whether such a proposal could be funded in the same manner as the United States interstate highway system. [More…]
He also mentioned that $ 50,000m is being expended in the United States of America on its truly magnificent network of roads. [More…]
All I can say about that is that usually the United States of America is 5 years ahead of Australia in introducing design rules. [More…]
At the very least, the United States is 3 years ahead of Australia in introducing design rules. [More…]
Design rules relating to instrument panels were instituted in the United States in 1968, but they will not be introduced in Australia until 1973. [More…]
Design rules relating to direction turn signal lamps were instituted in the United States in 1968, but they will not be instituted in Australia until 1973. [More…]
Design rules relating to reversing signal lamps were instituted in the United States in 1968, but they will not be introduced in Australia until 1973. [More…]
One could go on and refer to the dates when design rules were introduced in the United States and when they will be introduced in Australia. [More…]
The risk they took of being shot might have been well justified, because by such acts throughout the United States of America that country is now drawing back. [More…]
There is a way of demonstrating which is wrong and which is resorted to by only a small section of the community with the ultimate aim of engaging in riots - the fun picnic of sticking pins into a policeman’s horse, the fun picnic of throwing marbles under horse’s hooves and throwing rocks at embassies, whether it be the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the United States of America. [More…]
The Government was inspired to introduce this legislation by the wave of lawlessness in the United States and the indication by the United States government of its intention to introduce law and order legislation. [More…]
Yet they will be a party to sending some other person’s child to be slaughtered in this filthy unwinnable war which is meeting with world disapproval and which will remain to the utter disgrace of the United States for centuries to come. [More…]
There have been widespread demonstrations in West Germany, which is not involved in the Vietnam conflict, against the attitude of the United States of America to Vietnam, but the West German Government has not introduced law and order legislation to prevent the people in that country from demonstrating. [More…]
As I said yesterday, and I want to repeat this: The view of the United States is exactly the same as ours. [More…]
Does he view with any concern the takeover bid by Philip Morris (Australia) Ltd, a United States controlled company, for Lindeman (Holdings) Ltd, a predominantly Australian owned enterprise? [More…]
You have the esteem of the Speaker at Westminster, the Speaker at Ottawa and your counterpart in the United States, to say nothing of Speakers in other countries in which I have also heard your name spoken. [More…]
United States export coal was sold for between $8 and $9 per ton freight on board more than Australian coal, and freight rates from the United States are dearer. [More…]
United States was won by the courageous but peaceful use of this technique. [More…]
Why is it that in the United States of America Republicans and Democrats alike have opposed the war in Vietnam and have criticised it? [More…]
In the United States Government there are divisions but in this Parliament not one supporter of the Government and not one member of the Government has ever expressed criticism in this House of Government policy in this regard. [More…]
That better way is to spell out, as other systems of law have done - not the systems that the Attorney-General mentioned but the United States system and indeed our own system - the competing interests and then to direct the court to reconcile the 2 in the sense of holding the scales evenly, and so forth. [More…]
(a) I understand that the United States authorities took certain action in relation to 2,4,5-T and I quote from ‘The Washington Post’ of 16 April 1970: [More…]
A circular on 2,4,5-T was published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior, and Department of Health, Education and Welfare on 15 April 1970. [More…]
In 1969 a Special Presidential Task Force was set up in the United States to examine and report on, amongst other matters, ‘The Dangers of Marihuana’. [More…]
Dr James C. Munch, a member of the Advisory Committee to the United States Federal Bureau of Narcotics, stated in his paper The Toxicity of Cannabis Saliva’ that Humans smoking marihuana cigarettes, or ingesting leaves of cannabis or extracts therefrom, have developed hallucinations, delerium, progressive brain damage and death from cardiac failure.’ [More…]
The Government considers that the enactment in Australia of a similar measure to that in the United States is not necessary because it is clear that the United States’ action will not in itself solve the problem of over-exploitation and will merely have a limited effect on the world market for the products. [More…]
at United States Gulf ports and for the first time reflected agreed quality differentials as between the wheats specified in the Agreement. [More…]
In particular, the relative shares of the market previously enjoyed by the major exporters, Canada and the United States, declined sharply. [More…]
Moreover, a number of important producers, including the United States, Canada and Australia, are operating restraints over production in one form or another in an effort to achieve a better balance between the supply and demand for wheat. [More…]
As honourable members know, a Bill for this purpose, the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1970, was introduced by my colleague, the then Treasurer, on 19th March 1970, but has been withdrawn, along with the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1970 and the Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Bill (No. [More…]
Broadly, the effect of the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1968 is to extend to civilian employees employed by the United States Navy in connection with the station the terms of the Commonwealth Employees Compensation Act as if they were employees of the Commonwealth. [More…]
It also gives to these employees, or to another person, in the event of an injury or disease causing the death of such an employee, the right to recover damages at common law from the Commonwealth, and again as if the Commonwealth were the employer, in the event of damage arising from injury, disease or death suffered directly as a result of employment with the United States Navy, subject, of course, to the usual requirements concerning negligence being met. [More…]
The purpose of this Bill is, firstly, to make amendments to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1968, which in Part II of the Bill is referred to as the principal Act. [More…]
Secondly, the Bill provides, in Part III, consequent upon the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1971, for the application of the provisions of that Bill to civilian employees of the Government of the United States of America employed in connection with the station, whether within or outside the territorial limits of Australia. [More…]
The amendment to section 3 of the principal Act will make clear that persons employed by an instrumentality of the Government of the United States of America, in this instance, the [More…]
The other amendments to the principal Act will enable the principal Act to be applied to civilian employees who are employed, either within or outside the territorial limits of Australia, by the Government of the United States of America in connection with the station. [More…]
When the principal Act was being prepared it was not clear whether any civilian employees of the Government of the United States would be employed outside the territorial limits of Australia and the application of the Act was limited accordingly. [More…]
After ten years of research, both the British Medical Association and the Surgeon-General of the United States had supplied indisputable evidence that cigarette smoking was one of the main causes of lung cancer. [More…]
Italy, the United States and many European countries. [More…]
Since the beginning of 1971 cigarette advertising has been banned in the United States of America. [More…]
In fact, on one occasion when I used a figure of $ 10,000m as the deficit in the current account of our trade with the United States of America and the United Kingdom, one very good friend decided that this could not possibly be so and he reduced the amount to $ 1,000m. [More…]
One of the things I suggest to the Department of Trade and Industry is that it should give consideration to something that was done with great success in other spheres in the United States during the regime of President Kennedy. [More…]
The President found that among the captains of industry and the enterpreneurs in the United States there were men who were prepared to put their know-how at the disposal of the nation for $1 a year. [More…]
The United States welcomes it. [More…]
It eases the role and the burden of the United States in Europe. [More…]
The United States is reassessing the manner in which it will fulfil its treaties and alliances. [More…]
There has been a feeling in the past that a treaty with the United States is sufficient to allow a country under the benefit of the treaty to stand back in the traces and perhaps not do as much as it should on its own account. [More…]
The United States Secretary of State has welcomed the 5 Power arrangement, and that should be noted. [More…]
The United States role of policeman of the world since 1945 has been costly in terms of blood and costly in terms of dollars, and there are some in the United States who have clearly come to question whether some of the causes for which the United States has fought have been regarded by others perhaps more intimately concerned as being as important as they have been considered by the United States. [More…]
I think that this change of emphasis and this change in attitude in Australian policies will be significant in maintaining the warmth and closeness of the relationships that we have always had with the United States and with the United Kingdom. [More…]
It is the Soviet Union that, the United States charged, had assisted Egypt in breaking the ceasefire in the early days of the ceasefire. [More…]
Sophisticated markets in the United States and in Europe will be quite essential for continued Japanese progress and industrial prosperity for the sophisticated consumer goods which she produces so efficiently. [More…]
We also have a need for markets - different markets and different products - in the United States and in Europe, but a common interest in being able to get access to those markets. [More…]
Its first immediate reaction could well be in increased isolationism in the United States which would have its own impact, if it became a reality, on Japanese and Australian trade. [More…]
Is there a sufficient area of interest between Canada, the United States, New Zealand, Australia and Japan to develop a partnership which would not be selfish, as is the Community, but which would look to the advantage not only of the countries I have mentioned but also of the developing countries of East Asia and of South East Asia. [More…]
After all, the United Nations Security Council, with the backing of Russia and the United States, managed to settle the war between India and Pakistan in 1965. [More…]
These are the United States, Soviet Russia and the People’s Republic of China. [More…]
This produced a remarkable response from the United States. [More…]
The United States agreed to relax the embargo on trade with the People’s Republic which had existed since 1950. [More…]
Nor has there been any hint of a resumption of the ambassadorial talks between the United States and the People’s Republic initiated in Warsaw and suspended more than a year ago. [More…]
Undoubtedly China still regards the United States and Australia as ignoble aggressors in Vietnam. [More…]
This emphasises the almost euphoric nature of the reception given by the United States to Chinese gestures of friendship. [More…]
This change in attitude could be interpreted as an appeal by the Chinese over the heads of the American President and his Government to the war-weary majority in the United States. [More…]
Beyond relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China lies the equally crucial issue of relations between Russia and China. [More…]
In Chinese terms the United States is an Imperialist country; the Soviet Union is Social Imperialist. [More…]
This presents a bleak prospect for the future of the United States Government in Vietnam. [More…]
The United States is pulling out rapidly in Vietnam and this is apparent to the Chinese Government, which has referred to the vicious scheme of Vietnamisation. [More…]
This is an increasingly grim prospect for the United States and for the Australian Government. [More…]
To summarise these points, foreign policy in the next few years is certain to be determined by the balances between the 3 great powers - China, Russia and the United States. [More…]
Any rapprochement between Russia and China will present grave policy problems to the United States. [More…]
We are over-committed to the United States. [More…]
At the present time the United States is over-extended in Asia and is substantially cutting its presence. [More…]
The Opposition’s new found interest in recognition presumably derives from the publicity that has lately been given to the Chinese invitations to Australian and American table tennis’ teams, and recent, moves by the United States. [More…]
Radio Peking’s attacks on United States’ policies are continuing. [More…]
Appeals for military aid were made to a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India, the Soviet Union and Australia. [More…]
The United States Secretary of Defence, Mr Laird, stated in a subsequent Press conference on 13th April that United States ground combat responsibilities will be turned over to the South Vietnamese armed forces during the coming northern summer. [More…]
Our marionette performance has not helped the United States and it most certainly has not helped Australia’s position in South East Asia. [More…]
One would think that Australia was a midwestern State of the United States rather than a country that’ is vitally involved in Asia. [More…]
The deceptions, lies and myths which have been the only components of this Government’s China policy are now being exposed - most tellingly by the United States Government itself. [More…]
As usual the Government is wallowing along reluctantly and incredulously in the wake of United States foreign policy. [More…]
The United States is prepared to see the People’s Republic of China play a constructive role in the family of nations. [More…]
The second wall was methodically built by the United States’ to contain China. [More…]
China was ringed by a series of United States bases from South Korea through Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Okinawa, South Vietnam, Thailand and earlier Pakistan. [More…]
The Seventh Fleet has dominated the China Seas, and United States spy planes have operated at will. [More…]
Chiang Kai-shek’s forces, assisted by a small United States team, took over in September 1945. [More…]
The United States has produced remarkable evidence at this stage to indicate the corruption and the extortion of the Kuomintang Chinese in Formosa. [More…]
The United States had no magical achievements from not recognising China, and the United Kingdom had no magical achievements from recognising China. [More…]
The United States believed initially that by recognising the Government of the Republic of China, which is now on Taiwan, it could have the ideological advantage of a transformation within China. [More…]
If we see a change in American policy on China, Australia must be the first to get out - not to follow the United States but to lead it. [More…]
It is very interesting to note that, in the early 1950s, policy towards China was not created by the United States on a rational basis. [More…]
It is interesting to know that Dean Acheson and John Foster Dulles in the early 1950s when the Communist Party had taken control of the mainland expressed the view that the United States should wait, let the dust settle and see what emerged on the mainland. [More…]
But these views were crushed beneath the weight of McCarthyism within the United States and a policy of diplomatic and military isolation of China was introduced. [More…]
1 enemy alongside the United States in the minds of the Chinese. [More…]
I do not believe that Australia or the United States intended that the stay in this area would be forever. [More…]
We in Australia, in the Southern Pacific, are many thousands of miles from such nations as the United States which might come readily to our aid. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has so often in this House urged the Prime Minister of the day to go to the President of the United States and say: ‘We want you to do that’. [More…]
He has suggested that the President of the United States would respond and say: ‘Yes, Mr Australian Prime Minister, we will’. [More…]
The point I am making is that Canada is on the northern border of the United States. [More…]
But Canada can afford to thumb its nose at the United States. [More…]
It can do anything it likes - within reason - because it knows that in the event of its being attacked the United States, by the mere fact of its geographical situation if nothing else, would come to its aid. [More…]
Like my colleague the honourable member for Wills (Mr Bryant) there are very few countries that I would regard as beyond criticism and a considerable number who are on my short list of those who ought to be severely censured - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nigeria, Greece, Spain, Portugal, United States of America; most of the Arab countries to name a few. [More…]
Is the Prime Minister aware that in 1969 the United States of America spent more than $29,000m to press the war in Vietnam? [More…]
A second replenishment of IDA’s resources, involving contributions of $US400m a year, was agreed for the 3 years 1968-69 to 1970-71, although it came into effect only in July 1969 due to a delay by the United States Congress in ratifying the relevant agreement and passing the necessary legislation to authorise that country’s participation. [More…]
Because of the size of the pledge to be made by the United States, this means that the agreement cannot enter into effect unless and until it is ratified by that country. [More…]
This Bill seeks the approval of Parliament to borrowings by the Commonwealth of $US29.58m ($A26.4m) from the ExportImport Bank pf the United States and the Boeing company, and $US30m ($A26.8m) from a syndicate of United States commercial banks led by the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York to assist in financing the purchase of jet aircraft and related equipment by Qantas Airways Ltd. [More…]
As honourable members will recall, in 1968 a borrowing of $US53m from the ExportImport Bank, Boeing and a syndicate of United States commercial banks, led on that occasion by Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, was arranged to finance pre-delivery payments on the aircraft and was. [More…]
In accordance with normal lending practice in the United States, a commitment fee of. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister seen the reports that the United States Government has initiated proposals with the Soviet Union to establish a zone of neutrality in the Indian Ocean? [More…]
Has the United States also made representations to Australia to establish a joint naval force in the Indian Ocean? [More…]
Has he been advised that a United States fleet will be visiting the Indian Ocean shortly? [More…]
As to the last question asked by the honourable gentleman, the Government is aware that elements of the United States fleet will be visiting the Indian Ocean in the next few weeks. [More…]
The United States, being a great naval power, has the right to exercise its fleet wherever it thinks showing the flag is desirable. [More…]
As to the first question asked by the honourable member relating to an approach by the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic for the neutralisation of the Indian Ocean, I have been informed by telephone from Washington this morning that there is no truth in the statement that such an initiative has been taken by the United States Government. [More…]
To the second question asked by the honourable gentleman, relating to a joint naval force in the Indian Ocean, the answer is no, the United States has not made any proposals to us. [More…]
House knows already that we have proposed to the United States that we would be only too happy to consider such an arrangement and would be prepared to make Cockburn Naval Base available to it should Ameriica think it desiirable [More…]
In this respect I quote an example from the United States of America. [More…]
I may stand correction as to actual numbers, but I do recollect hearing some time ago that a Congressman in the United States has IS people on his staff. [More…]
They bring forward every single thing that the Americans or the allies do, and there is no comment on anything that the Vietcong or those opposed to the United States do. [More…]
My subject was ‘The American People and Polities’, based on my 3 months experience in the United States of America at the United Nations. [More…]
No nation came to Great Brtain’s assistance, not even the United States of America, I might remind the honourable member, until its shores were violated by Japan. [More…]
Therefore, it seems very odd to me that he should attack Britain for the role it played during the Second World War rather than the United States for the role it played. [More…]
I understand that in any case, meat meals manufactured in Australia are of extremely low protein quality and we are importing fish meal from South America and soya bean meal from the United States of America to improve this protein quality. [More…]
Just before Easter the Australian Broadcasting Commission televised a programme which was seen by members of this Parlia ment and which dealt with an electronic machine from the United States of America which estimated the fat compared with the lean content of beef cattle. [More…]
But the United States of America, still, it would seem, very much an independent free trader in commodities as far as it concerns other nations, has still not signed the Agreement. [More…]
and unscoured wool in the United States of. [More…]
The most significant economic decisions that have been made in Australian history, have been those made to protect Australia from the full effects of economic power exercised by vast organisations in other countries, largely in western Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States there are also 4 motor car manufacturers but there are no assemblers for a population of more than 200 million. [More…]
We are in a world where the major countries, particularly the United States of America and the United Kingdom, are in a phase commonly called stagnation - stagnation in terms of an increase in productivity but with inflation continuing Australia is still heavily dependent upon an inflow of some $ 1,000m to $1,1 00m per annum of investment to balance our trade on current account. [More…]
The Australian steel industry is an efficient, industry, so efficient that we are able to sell certain types of steel on the west coast of the United States in open competition with the major American steel producers. [More…]
In the case of the United States there is a very strong protective bloc. [More…]
The efforts of the American automobile industry to enter that closed market have been a matter of constant friction between the United States and Japan. [More…]
A company representative visited Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
In the United States the Australian found a machine which was three times faster and which operated at less than half the cost. [More…]
I wonder whether honourable members may have seen the article which appeared in the Press last week in which Dr Sheehan of the Australian National University compared the situation in the United States of America and the United Kingdom with the position in Western Germany. [More…]
He pointed out that deflationary policies had been introduced in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
They had refused to join Australia and the United States in the Vietnam conflict, he said. [More…]
What steps have been taken to secure copies of the photographs which the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration has taken of our continent in order to aid in mapping and appraising Australia’s natural resources? [More…]
In the United States of America the cost of runway construction works out at about $300 a foot. [More…]
The United States of America has had such legislation at the federal level for many years. [More…]
That illusion does not exist in the United States of America or in many other countries. [More…]
In the United States of America under Project Head Start’, the Economic Opportunity Act 1964 provides pre-school oppor tunities plus medical and dental care as well as proper nutrition if necessary. [More…]
The Federal Government of the United States meets up to 80 per cent of the expanse in any community and in poor communities it meets the entire cost. [More…]
The federal law of the United States of America requires a certain percentage of physically handicapped people and dropouts to be employed, particularly by the larger corporations where the work force at each plant may be from 10,000 to 30,000-odd. [More…]
1 did visit one large United States corporation which had this scheme going. [More…]
There are 2 large economic powers - the United Kingdom and the United States of America - which have substantial holdings and assets in Australia. [More…]
We are inclined sometimes to think that we are still an outpost of Europe and that our traditional trading lines are with the United Kingdom and subsequently with the United States, when really our future lies in the expansion of trade in places such as Indonesia, South East Asia, the Philippines, India and other countries in that part of the world. [More…]
If I had time tonight I would dearly love to enunciate the wide range of headings over which the United States housing authority prevails. [More…]
In the United States where the great Housing and Urban Affairs Authority operates and co-ordinates in a contemporary kind of way, they have regard for these things. [More…]
In the United States the owner of a large piece of land - some hundreds or possibly thousands of acres - could go along to an authority and say: T want to develop this land.’ [More…]
I outlined what is done in the United States for private developers. [More…]
During the year the United States Government established a statutory authority, the Government National Mortgage Association. [More…]
It appears to me that if we take a leaf out of the book of the United States organisation we will be lending the money to the usurers who will be making a profit from public funds lent to them. [More…]
It could be noticed too that the countries of the organisations are dominant trading partners, including the United States, Britain and Japan, which together must account for at least 80 per cent of our overseas trade. [More…]
As the Treasurer (Mr Snedden) indicated, this Bill seeks the approval of Parliament for borrowings by the Commonwealth of $US29.58m, the equivalent of $A26.4m, from the Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Boeing Company, and a further loan of $US30m, or $A26.8m, from a syndicate of United States commercial banks led by the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York,. [More…]
Some other material which the Treasurer circulated with his speech shows that this is the 11th occasion on which parliamentary approval has been sought for a borrowing by the Commonwealth in the United States on behalf of Qantas. [More…]
The Treasurer listed the other occasions and showed that between 1957 and 1968, $US289.9m, or $A258.8m had been borrowed from the United States. [More…]
The agreement sets out that we agree that no aircraft or related equipment the purchase of which is to be financed either wholly or in part by America is to - be used in any Communist country or in any country in which the United States feels that there might be a conflict whether declared or otherwise as defined in section 620 (f) of the United States Foreign Assistance Act 1961. [More…]
However, under this agreement we agree not to fly to Communist countries in these aircraft because we are borrowing this money from the United States. [More…]
This means that anyone in Australia who wants to go to any of the Communist dominated countries or perhaps a country which the United States deems to be hostile cannot travel to that country by Qantas. [More…]
But Qantas will continue to deteriorate if there is tack of goodwill towards its employees and if it lacks the opportunity to develop air routes throughout the world because of what might be termed a hiatus in an agreement with the United States of America arising from the political content of the agreement. [More…]
When we read of the sacking of some ISO pilots and the decision not to recruit more staff, we can find much to contrast between the situation of Qantas Airways Ltd and the situation in the United States of America where there have been losses of $150m by the major international airlines and where some 10,000 people have been sacked or stood down. [More…]
The State of Florida in the United States of America earns $6 billion a year. [More…]
We were in trouble because although we had secured an additional 2 per cent of the world market, the United States of America and Canada had lost 10 per cent - not to us but to Russia and eastern Europe. [More…]
So we stepped down to help the poor stuggling United States farmer who, incidentally, receives about $3m annually in subsidies. [More…]
I know that many people will say that this is a good thing and that a balance of power in the world will be achieved; that it will counter balance the power situation following the withdrawal of United States forces from South East Asia, and that the armaments of Japan will be needed following the United States withdrawal. [More…]
They could produce nuclear weapons and all the other weaponry possessed bv the United States of America and the Soviet Union. [More…]
We are told that the People’s Republic of China is at least 2 to 3 years behind the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
But now that the United States is withdrawing from South East Asia honourable members opposite have to look for new allies and, of course, the new ally will be remilitarised Japan. [More…]
There are no unwanted spare parts but some spares having a finite storage life have been returned to the United States for use by the U.S. Air Force. [More…]
Is he able to say whether this disease has been recorded in the United States of America, the Netherlands, Germany and Japan. [More…]
Is the dumping of 2,4,5-T in this country an indication that control of its use is less rigid than in the United States of America. [More…]
High doses of 2,4,5T have caused teratogenic effects in animals in laboratory experiments in the - United States of America. [More…]
Dr J. Verrett’s testimony to the United States Senate Sub-committee on Energy, National Resources and the Environment on 15th April 1970 indicates that chloracne has occurred in the United States of America, the Netherlands, Germany and Japan in association with the manufacture of chlorinated compounds similar to ones occurring during the production of 2,4,5T. [More…]
Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America and USSR. [More…]
North Vietnam has consistently rejected all offers, made either in public statements or at the Paris Peace Talks, by the Governments both of the United States of America and of the Republic of Vietnam for the exchange of prisoners of war. [More…]
I ask the right honourable gentleman whether Fill aircraft are again grounded in the United States following a further crash. [More…]
If so, will the Government begin immediate negotiations to terminate our agreement to purchase this unhappy craft and recoup as much as possible of the more than $300m already sent to the United States for their purchase? [More…]
Dr Lawson, Director of Hospital Services in Tasmania, in an article which appeared in the ‘National Hospital Journal’ in 1969, pointed out that there is a significantly higher rate of operations in Australia compared with the United States and United Kingdom. [More…]
For tonsillectomi he quotes a rate of 7 in Australia, 4 in the United States and 3.6 in the United Kingdom. [More…]
For adenoidectomi the rate is 5 in Australia, 1.4 in the United States and 2.5 in the United Kingdom. [More…]
A recent President’s commission in the United States of America cleared the Kaiser system as the most effective, most efficient, least costly and yet the most satisfactory in the delivery of personal health services in the United States of America. [More…]
Mergers between railways in the United States of America are encouraged by the Interstate Commerce Commission with the approval of the Supreme Court. [More…]
The Melbourne Orchestra received distinguished and successful critical acclaim in the United States. [More…]
The United States Naval Communications Station (Civilian Employees) Bill has suddenly become urgent, and so has the AngloAustralian Telescope Agreement Bill. [More…]
United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971 - For all stages of the Bill, 5 minutes. [More…]
There is the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill - it takes nearly 5 minutes to say it. [More…]
It reminded me of the Taft-Hartley Act which became poison to the trade unions in the United States of America. [More…]
At a gallup poll 71 per cent of the people of the United States opposed the Taft-Hartley Act and never did less than 71 per cent support every clause in it. [More…]
They say to the people that in the United States if you own the surface of the land you own the minerals under it as well; that is United States custom. [More…]
Exports of Australia’s meat to the United States market for the first quarter are down quite considerably on the previous year. [More…]
I certainly hope that we will be able to fulfill the quota that has been allocated to us by the United States. [More…]
what arrangements can be made to increase our supply to the United States market. [More…]
II is from these works that quite a considerable amount of our meat is , exported to the United States. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the United States National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act that’ requires automobile manufacturers to recall cars that have safety related defects and that this has resulted in 7,918,184 cars, both foreign and locally made, being returned to the factory for the correction of the defects? [More…]
In view of the importance that the United States National Highway Safety Bureau places on the recall programme in its attempt to cut the road toll, will the Minister explain why the Australian Government’ has not found it necessary to introduce similar legislation? [More…]
As a consequence 24 F4 aircraft were obtained from the United States Air Force on an interim basis. [More…]
If the Minister did indeed raise this issue with the United States Government he has not made public any of the results of the discussions. [More…]
The most recent accident involving an Fill in the United States has raised additional technical complications. [More…]
the Government’s attitude to procurement from the United States that it was easy to overlook. [More…]
It has almost passed unnoticed that Australia is not restricted to the procurement of United States aircraft in the event that the F111C proves unsatisfactory for the RAAF. [More…]
- If a better aircraft became available from another country, Australia would not be inhibited in any way from acquiring it under the terms of the buy-back arrangements negotiated with the United States last April. [More…]
If this is so, there is a responsibility on the part of the Government to outline how such an aircraft could be financed in terms of the buy-back arrangements with the United States. [More…]
The Minister for Defence has had recent contact with United States Secretary Laird and the higher echelons of the Pentagon. [More…]
If it is grounded it is unable to be flown under any circumstances - I refer to the United States Air Force regulations. [More…]
Surely it is wise and proper that the Government, having made, through the former Minister for Defence, an arrangement with the United States that if this aircraft did not overcome its technical problems to a degree where it could meet the operational requirements of our Air Force, should say that we would not have to take delivery of that aircraft. [More…]
If some newspaper wrote that I was going to the United States to conduct discussions on the Fill, that is not my fault. [More…]
Neither, I would think, are they matters that the United States Defence Secretary is competent to discuss. [More…]
These are matters for experts from our own Air Force and scientists and for experts from the United States Air Force and scientists. [More…]
I need only refer to what has been said in the United States by the Chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee. [More…]
We must know why the Government did not withdraw when United States forces and other world governments were cancelling their orders. [More…]
The answer is contained in the speech made last year by the then Minister for Defence which reads as follows: the practical effect of these documents was that, taken together, they gave the United States the overriding authority to modify or downgrade the aircraft’s specifications if for some reason it felt that it became necessary or unavoidable. [More…]
It followed that, when the United States authorities did this, Australia was bound to accept any aircraft delivered in accordance with such downgraded specification, provided of course similar aircraft were accepted by the United States Air Force. [More…]
The only proviso in the contract was that the United States Air Force should accept some of the aircraft, no matter how far they fell short of the specifications. [More…]
In short if General Dynamics failed to produce an effective aircraft, we would lose our Australian expenditure without remedy beyond any which the United States could pursue on behalf of both of us with the company. [More…]
This then was the Australian position and the extent of our rights as they existed prior to my visit to the United States. [More…]
I felt that the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, in making references to the programme for the delivery time for the F111C, failed to indicate to the House that the testing programme that has been going on over the last 12 months has been devoted to the F111A aircraft which are in the inventory of the United States Air Force. [More…]
I point out to the House, as I have done on many occasions previously, that the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand were the only countries that were considered by the United States Government to be possible purchasing powers for the Fill aircraft. [More…]
Whilst it is true that the naval aircraft was not acceptable to the United States Navy, it creates an entirely false impression for the honourable gentleman to imply that there were other world governments to whom the aircraft had been offered but who had withdrawn from any contractual arrangements. [More…]
As at 7th December 1970, 179 of the aircraft had been through the retesting programme and the re-equipment programme with the heavy wing box and had been returned to the United States Air Force inventory. [More…]
was purchased as a cynical vote-catching decision taken by the Menzies Government to capitalise upon the Australian Labor Party’s opposition to the establishment of the North West Cape United States Communication base in Western Australia. [More…]
The design is unsound, and the aircraft has just suffered its eighteenth crash in its short period of life since it became operational in the United States Air Force about 1965. [More…]
We intend to use the Fill, with all its sophistication, to drop iron bombs - the sort of bombs that can be dropped from B52s which we can still purchase from the United States Air Force for a song. [More…]
That will cost $150m because the United States will buy back our 24 Fills for $150m. [More…]
It has certain technical problems, but as far as its flying capabilities are concerned there is one group of people to which I like to speak and that is the pilots in the United States Air Force who fly the aircraft and the pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force who have flown the aircraft not once but for a great number of hours. [More…]
Tremendous competition exists in the United States Air Force among pilots to join the FI 1 1 squadron. [More…]
On the question of the future of these aircraft in the United States Air Force, these pilots were of the opinion that it would last the USAF for another 10 years. [More…]
With the prospect that delivery of these aircraft would be delayed until nearly 1973, the Government decided to lease 24 F4 Phantom aircraft from the United States, to cover any gap in our total defence capability for the time being. [More…]
It contains an article on ‘Low farm income policies in the United States’, written by Luther G. Tweeton, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University. [More…]
(a) United States of America- Unless State Legislation prescribes lesser amounts permissible expenditure for candidates is limited to- [More…]
(l)(b) United States of America- The law provides that political committees (the equivalent of political parties) may neither receive nor spend more than $3m during any calendar year. [More…]
Under United States legislation every candidate for Senator must file with the Secretary of the Senate a correct and itemised account of each contribution received, and each expenditure made, by the candidate. [More…]
Can he say whether the Federal Government of the United States of America has set 1973 as the date for compulsory fitting of air bags on new cars. [More…]
United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. [More…]
At this stage air bag restraint systems are in a state of intense development, as are also alternative means of meeting the United States Standard. [More…]
As the United States proposals have been modified several times since their first publication it would be prudent to watch further developments there rather than attempt to determine Australian requirements at this early stage. [More…]
Restrictions on the use of some organochlorine pesticides and industrial chemicals have been applied in certain Scandinavian and European countries and more recently in Canada and United States where the compounds have been used intensively and in great quantity for many years. [More…]
He quoted the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, South Africa, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Norway, Finland and the United States of America. [More…]
If we leave out the United States, Canada and South Africa, any one of these other 9 would fit inside Victoria alone. [More…]
The United States is quoted as an example. [More…]
The United States has its Sherman anti-trust laws dating back to 1890, but by 1930 a lot of the States had found that these were not such a good idea and they have introduced fair trade laws permitting resale price maintenance because of the damage that was being done to the small shops. [More…]
Then it was enacted , in the United States in the very famous Sherman anti-monopoly law in 1880. [More…]
The founding giants of the American system of capitalism then laid the basis for this enormous accumulation of capital and the concentration of capital and the power which goes with it, which is such a characteristic of the United States today. [More…]
3 times that degree of concentration iri the United States of America. [More…]
In the .United States these statutes certainly have not and this legislation that we have certainly will not curb the tendency or the pressures in the sort of community that we have towards ever increasing : concentration of economic power - and perhaps abuse of that power. [More…]
the -real benefit of such legislation in; the United States and. [More…]
I suppose that the best known writer on this subject in the United States was an American senator called Estes Kefauver. [More…]
But, in the United States, it has been brought to light to a large extent. [More…]
It was quite a different approach from that adopted in the United States, and in many ways was quite different from our approach because at its beginning it was essentially a research venture. [More…]
I could not agree more with him, but we do not understand the Australian scene or the practice of resale price maintenance in the Australian scene sufficiently, or the practices in the United Kingdom or the United States. [More…]
Essentially, what has caused this situation is the balance of payments situation of the United States dollar. [More…]
The balance of payments of the United States dollar is such that, in conjuction with interest rates, on the short term market in the United States and in western Europe, a great flow of dollars into Europe has occurred. [More…]
This group suggested that the German Deutsche mark should be allowed to float against the United States dollar. [More…]
I refer the right honourable gentleman to his statement in the House yesterday that he did not discuss the Fill aircraft with the United States Government during his visit to Washington. [More…]
Before he left was he given a. briefing by the Royal Australian Air Force on the state of the Fill project in the expectation that he would raise it with the United States defence officials? [More…]
Is a top level delegation to visit the United States in the next few days to discuss the Fill? [More…]
This was not a briefing in expectation that I should be discussing with the United States Government the question of the Fill because, as 1 have indicated, it was confined to technical and scientific matters. [More…]
Indeed, there is going on, as is more or less continually going on, discussions between experts from Australia and the United States on those technical matters to which I referred yesterday, and there will be a senior Air Force officer going to continue these kinds of discussions - not, as the honourable member suggested, to do the job which I neglected to do but rather to do the job for which he is competent because he is a technical expert, and which we decided he should do. [More…]
In order to expedite proceedings and to avoid being forced to leave out any more of my speech than is necessary, with the concurrence of honourable members I incorporate in Hansard the aims of a United States Bill of 1969 which, I believe, could equally be applied to the Australian scene. [More…]
That is the kind of transactions involved, and the borrowings being arranged will not be from small individuals in the United Kingdom or the United States of America or from Euro-bond markets and so on, but will be from large institutional lenders, many of whom depend on quite a fine margin for the funds they raise as against the funds they lend. [More…]
Kingdom, the United States of America and Singapore, and I am not too sure whether there are some others, but at least where there is a double tax agreement between Australia and the country that the investor comes from - in the terms of the agreement there is a limit of 10 per cent placed on the taxing of interest and 15 per cent placed on the taxing of dividends where that interest and dividend is received ultimately by somebody who is not a resident of Australia [More…]
The United States Senate has voted $4.5m to be spent in American territories in the Pacific. [More…]
Can he prepare tables of the percentage of public authority revenue received by authorities at each level of government in the United States of America, West Germany and Canada corresponding to the table he gave for Australia on 30th October 1970 (Hansard, page 3192). [More…]
The following table shows the percentage of public authority revenue raised from their own sources by authorities at each level of government in the United States of America, West Germany and Canada. [More…]
United States of America(b) [More…]
Is he able to say whether the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America has imposed a ban on cyclamates. [More…]
Is he able to say whether there is a ban on television advertising by tobacco interests in the United States of America. [More…]
Television advertising of cigarettes in the United States of America has been banned since 1st January 1971. [More…]
How many applications for assistance under the United States Passage Assistance Programme for persons of (a) European and (b) other descent have been (i) received, (ii) approved and (iii) rejected in the latest year for which statistics are available. [More…]
Statistics arc not maintained to record separately the number of applications or persons applying for assistance underthe United States Passage Assistance Programme received from persons of European, or other descent. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Trade and Industry: Is it a fact that meat imports to the United States of America are virtually under quota due to the existing legislation which can trigger off quotas if specified amounts of imports of meat are exceeded? [More…]
If so, what action is being taken by the Government to ensure that as far as possible meat exports from Australia to the United States of America are not subjected to the 10 per cent surcharge imposed by the Government of the United States on imports? [More…]
I think we are all very concerned about the announcement by President Nixon about putting a surcharge on imports into the United States of America. [More…]
We do not have ali the information we would like about the 10 per cent surcharge on exports to the United States. [More…]
Unfortunately, lamb and processed meats do not enter ‘ the United States under those arrangements. [More…]
The actual value of meat going to the United States under these arrangements which will not have the disability imposed upon it is about $2 15m. [More…]
He did what every politician in England, the United States and Australia has an acknowledged right to do. [More…]
He discredited the President of the United States of America by telling him he would be kicked out. [More…]
Can he say whether United States Army procedures enable United States soldiers to arrange the adoption of Vietnamese children without difficulty. [More…]
The position in regard to United States soldiers wishing to adopt Vietnamese children is similar to that of our own servicemen. [More…]
The question of storage charges is still to be negotiated between the United States and the Australian Governments. [More…]
A complete statement was presented to the House on 12th May 1970, by the former Minister for Defence on the Fill project The statement included the Agreed Minute between the United States, Secretary of Defense and the Australian Minister for Defence. [More…]
Have joint activities been initiated between Australia and the United States since the signing of the Agreement relating to scientific and technical co-operation between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the United States of America. [More…]
A joint seminar-workshop between Australia and United States scientists was held in California in March/April 1971 on the topic ‘Plant Morphogenesis as the Basis for Scientific Management of Range Resources’. [More…]
and the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology visited the United State in September/October 1969 to work with United States scientists on measuring the structure of the lower atmosphere using ground-based acoustic sounding equipment developed by the Australian Department of Supply. [More…]
In another project, balloons designed to float for long periods in the upper atmosphere were released from Darwin by United States scientists in February/March 1971 to obtain information about high level wind flows in the equatorial region. [More…]
Australian and United States scientists have played leading roles in the discovery of new knowledge about photosynthetic processes in certain types of plants (e.g. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States Federal Reserve Bank has reduced interest rates by at least 1 per cent during the last 6 months in order to stimulate the home building industry and to assist persons seeking a loan to construct private dwellings? [More…]
it has been the policy of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States to bring about a rapid increase in the quantity of money in the economy. [More…]
This has resulted in a general decline in interest rates in the United States. [More…]
What cost has been incurred for the storage of the aircraft in the United States of America? [More…]
The question of storage charges is still to be negotiated between the United States and the Australian Governments. [More…]
Final costing for some elements of the project is still Subject to discussion and agreement between the United States and Australian Governments. [More…]
Some additional training costs will be involved, but the extent of these costs will be subject to negotiation with the United States authorities. [More…]
Can he say how this investment compares with that of other countries now engaged in trade and commerce with Indonesia, including the United States of America. [More…]
They are a highly selective record, however much the Opposition may not like that fact In addition to that the so-called Pentagon papers were published, in a series of articles compiled by a group of writers, by a newspaper which has not been known to be very favourable in its attitude to the policies, particularly Vietnam, of the United States Administration. [More…]
Of course it acted in close consultation with our allies, of which the United States of America was then and still is the most important. [More…]
In view of the Minister’s obvious interest and the interest of other members in this chamber, will he use his good offices with the United States Government to enable the Pentagon papers to be tabled in this Parliament, par ticularly that portion which is relevant to the written request from the South Vietnamese Government. [More…]
Operators in auction sales of cattle yesterday are reported to have reduced stock values by 10 per cent to compensate for the 10 per cent surcharge imposed by the United States of America on imports. [More…]
Unfortunately, I understand that yesterday in a number of stock auctions around Australia there was a tendency towards a marked reduction in operating levels, allegedly because of the impost by the United States on Australian meats. [More…]
As my colleague, the Minister for Trade and Industry, made quite clear in this House yesterday Australian beef, veal, mutton and goat meats are admitted into the United States under voluntary quota arrangements and consequently they are exempt from the 10 per cent levy. [More…]
As my colleague again said, unfortunately lamb and processed meats, because of the different basis on which they are admitted into the United States market, may well be subject to the levy but again I would doubt whether at this stage there would be any justification for operators in taking that sort of action on the Australian auction floor. [More…]
As honourable members would know, a very high percentage of Australia’s lamb - some 84 per cent in 1970-71 - is sold on the local Australian market and although the Australian Meat Board is embarking on an extensive promotion campaign in the United States it certainly cannot be said at this stage that any action by the United States would justify any reduction in prices paid at Australian auctions. [More…]
I address a question to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, ls it a fact that the Australian Government sent troops to Vietnam because of a great deal of pressure from the Government of the United States of America and that similar pressure was placed on all other SEATO and NATO allies but that all other governments, with the exception of the New Zealand Government, refused to send combat troops to Vietnam? [More…]
of course, that we consulted closely with the United States, which also had an interest in the stability and security of this area - perhaps not quite so direct and close as ours but. [More…]
Can the Minister give the House an indication of how the new United States import surcharge of 10 per cent will affect Australia’s exports of minerals and metals to the United States? [More…]
Australia’s total exports to the United States of minerals and metals last year were worth about $110m. [More…]
In other words, approx imately 80 per cent of our exports of minerals and metals to the United States will not be affected. [More…]
The balance of our exports of minerals and metals to the United States, which are valued at about S23m, are dutiable and will be affected. [More…]
I have been advised moreover that the United States Secretary of the Treasury has discretionary powers to eliminate or reduce the import surcharge. [More…]
Certainly our basic raw materials which go to the United States for further processing - I am thinking of our minerals and metals, and also wool - can be looked at and adjustments can be made to the surcharge. [More…]
I am prepared to consider an approach to the United States Government seeking relief in the event of adverse trade effects. [More…]
Since it is very difficult for the Treasury to devote consideration to this question - my proposition concerns similar schemes in New Zealand and the United States of America - I think it is one upon which we should have, with advantage, a joint parliamentary committee. [More…]
Can he yet make available the results of the examination of natural disaster relief schemes operated in the United States, Canada and New Zealand? [More…]
In view of the wide range of natural disasters that have been experienced in Canada and the United States, the relief schemes operating in those countries involve a number of complex arrangements. [More…]
What progress has been made with the examination of natural disaster relief schemes operating in the United States, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
In recent weeks - in fact, in recent days - we have seen a statement made by President Nixon that he is to introduce a super-surcharge or a 10 per cent surcharge on imports into the United States of America. [More…]
The system of licensing nuclear reactors in the United States of America is particularly important. [More…]
First, there is a public evaluation study by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. [More…]
Also in the United States is a Freedom of Information Act which specifies that all information held in government files will be open to public inspection with the exception of information relating to national security or the privacy of the individual. [More…]
The lethal, long-lived solid wastes due to the proliferation of civil nuclear power plants in the United States alone will reach 58,000 cubic feet per annum in the year 2000. [More…]
It is estimated that 90 per cent of this is lost in evaporation and transpiration as compared with 70 per cent in the United States and 50 per cent in Canada. [More…]
Its purpose was to help, jointly with the United States and others, to sustain and develop the confidence of the Government and the people of the Republic; to help defend it; to develop its capacities to deal with both overt aggression and externally promoted insurgency; and to enable it to make its own decisions about its future in a context of greater security. [More…]
United States, the situation has allowed it. [More…]
We hope that these elements will continue to work in close association with the United States effort in this field. [More…]
At the same time, we see changes in the defence posture of our close allies, particularly the United States. [More…]
This is the real reason why the United States has been forced to withdraw. [More…]
He relates the origins of the war to the activities of China and the attitude of the United States towards those activities. [More…]
Is the United States weaker or stronger in the world today because of Vietnam? [More…]
The fact is, of course,, that the disaster in Vietnam has led to a massive reappraisal of the role of the United States in the region and in the world. [More…]
That policy has failed - failed after immense damage has been done to the United States economically, socially, politically and internationally. [More…]
The significance for our region is this: After Korea, particularly after the Geneva Agreements, it would have been possible for us to bring China back into the comity of nations and to break down that mutual hostility and phobia of China and the United States. [More…]
We would never have been in Vietnam had it not been for the mutual hostility and suspicion between the United States and China. [More…]
Let us seize the opportunity now to get rational, peaceful and fruitful relations between all the great powers in the Pacific - China and the United States, Japan and the Soviet Union. [More…]
They will not admit that things are changing, above all, in the policy of our great and powerful ally, the United States of America. [More…]
He talked about the United States of America being forced to withdraw from Vietnam. [More…]
The United States is not being forced to withdraw. [More…]
It is interesting to note that in this respect we are sometimes compared with the United States of America and yet, in spite of the enormous wealth of the United States, the Australian serviceman is in a much better position vis a vis his civilian counterpart than is the case in the United States. [More…]
It is true that the Gates Commission said that it would be of advantage to have an all-volunteer Army in the United States. [More…]
The United States knows that the only way it can have an all-volunteer Army is to reduce the numbers to such an extent that only volunteers are left. [More…]
But in any case the United States President has made it clear in a statement which he made on 28th January that the draft is not to be abolished and that the necessary legislation for the draft will be retained. [More…]
He ignores the fact that President Nixon did not get America into Vietnam and the change of regime in the United States has given validity to the about face [More…]
It is not a gesture to the United States or the South Vietnamese Government. [More…]
The objectives of military victory which lured the United States of America and Australia into the war have not been achieved. [More…]
This was demonstrated in the operations in Laos earlier this year when main force North Vietnamese units severely mauled a South Vietnamese expeditionary force backed by United States firepower. [More…]
The reaction of North Vietnam and the Vietcong to the rapid run-down of United States forces is impossible to predict. [More…]
However Australia has achieved much, in conjunction with the South Vietnamese and with the United States of America. [More…]
Australia realised, as did the United States of America, that if South Vietnam fell other sections of South East Asia possibly would fall. [More…]
He is claiming that the President of the United States will agree, as he agreed, with every point made by the Chinese Premier. [More…]
We have paid for our insurance with the United States, but it does not look as though we are ever going to collect the premium. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition said that the United States of America has been forced to withdraw from South Vietnam. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition said: ‘Let us seize the opportunity to bring peace now that there are better relations between the United States and China.’ [More…]
I believe that all that Australia and the United States want is to play a part in giving time to South Vietnam to prepare itself to defend itself against aggression. [More…]
This is the sort of work that has been carried out by the Australian and United States forces apart from their work in the military field. [More…]
These are the things we have to examine, as the United States of America is examining its cost of 50,000 United States lives and S 125,000m since involvement and, worst of all - I say this as an Australian - the deaths of over 1 million Vietnamese. [More…]
It seems that the people in the United States think it was not worth it. [More…]
The great crime of the United States Government - the Government of the most powerful nation on earth - is that it has inflicted over 10.000 million tons of TNT on the people of Vietnam. [More…]
In fairness to the United States, because there is something great in that nation, not only the students, academics and people from all walks of life but also parliamentarians from both sides of the Congress have examined their guilt, and 58 per cent of the American people have said that it was immoral that the United States should have involved itself in Vietnam at all. [More…]
Parliamentarians from both sides of the fence, Republicans and Democrats alike, have condemned the barbarism and the action of the United States Government, whether it be a Democrat or Republican administration, in Vietnam. [More…]
The Government wanted the United States to involve itself in Asia and to stay in Asia, and that is why it committed Australian troops to Vietnam. [More…]
It has been put on public record by men such as Dean Rusk and Cabot Lodge that the United States both privately and publicly put pressure on their NATO and SEATO allies to give them military support in Vietnam, but they all refused except the Australian Government and a few lonely New Zealanders. [More…]
The war has cost the United States $ 125,000m. [More…]
In 1968, because the United States had 500,000 troops in Vietnam, the war was costing that country $30,000m a year. [More…]
The United States dollar was under pressure. [More…]
As I said before, the United States Government was divided. [More…]
There was a threat to the United States dollar. [More…]
The tactical position in the United States then changed to what Roger Hillsman, the former Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs in the John Kennedy Administration, called the low cost and long haul policy. [More…]
Without any reduction in the intensity of the war and taking advantage of technological advances the United States changed its role to a bombing one. [More…]
But it is interesting to note that the United States was worried about its balance of payments being under pressure because of the expenditure on the war in Vietnam. [More…]
United States dollar. [More…]
After the Second World War, the United States held 56 per cent of the world’s gold in Fort Knox. [More…]
The gold reserve of the United States threatens to fall to less than $ 10,000m. [More…]
The United States has a crisis in its balance of trade. [More…]
Our trade could be threatened if the United States cuts off trade with Japan, which is at present our greatest customer. [More…]
If the United States cuts off trade with Japan, Japan in turn might have to restrict trade with us. [More…]
Why have honourable members opposite been so monolithic in their support when in the United States both Republicans and Democrats alike have opposed their Government’s policy, whether it be Democratic policy or Republican policy? [More…]
It is probable that the visit of President Nixon to Communist China and the fact that the United States has allowed arms to go to Pakistan is the cause of India abandoning its non-alignment and becoming a Soviet ally. [More…]
So, this is a serious development in what I think was another example of the rather maladroit handling of the affairs of Asia on the part of the President of the United States of America. [More…]
I think that for many years we have been a very unswerving and rather unthinking ally of the United States of America. [More…]
We must remember that the United States has been sending shipments of arms to Pakistan. [More…]
From my own discussions there, it seems that the stocks of the United States are very low indeed in India. [More…]
In 1970 there was a difference of$US8/9 between the FOB contract prices of some Australian coals as compared with the top grade United States coals. [More…]
During 1970 Japan purchased spot cargoes of United States coal at prices well above contract prices. [More…]
The Government does not seem even remotely interested in having these issues tested on the lines of the Gates Commission appointed by President Nixon to plan an end to the draft and a move to an allvolunteer army in the United States. [More…]
Further doubts were cast on this argument by the incorporation of alternative civilian service in the draft laws of many countries, including the United States, Britain, Sweden, West Germany, Denmark and France. [More…]
For my own part, I do not propose to traverse these earlier debates but I wish to briefly refer to a recent judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States of America which has created considerable interest in this country. [More…]
My own visit to Japan and the Philippines after the China mission confirms me in my belief that Australia is uniquely well placed to improve relations between China, the United States, Japan and Indonesia. [More…]
If we seek to strengthen the artificial and untenable position of the Chiang Kai-shek regime we add to the difficulties and embarrassments of the United States and Japan without in any way helping the people of Taiwan. [More…]
We should be the first to point out to Japan that she is not in honor or reason irrevocably tied to a treaty forced on her at a time when she was weak and dependent, especially, when that treaty is an expression of attitudes of 20 years ago which the United States herself now repudiates. [More…]
The difficulties between China and Japan are much greater than those between China and the United States. [More…]
There has been a history of hostility between the United States and China for 22 years; that is all. [More…]
There is no disagreement between any of the Democrats in the United States and President Nixon on his proposed visit. [More…]
Following Mr Chou En-lai’s attack on Japan and the United States of America, the Leader of the Opposition said: [More…]
The Chinese will say: ‘If you want us to buy your wheat, you must recognise us’, or: If you want us to buy your wool, you must cut off your relationship with the United States’. [More…]
We have to reappraise our relationship with all of these countries - with Britain, the United States of America and the other emerging powers in our area. [More…]
Has Japan been rebuffed by the United States of America? [More…]
It may be that the blockage of trade opportunities in the United States will also be treated as a rebuff. [More…]
We must re-assess our position with regard to Great Britain, the United States, China, Japan and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Then it was Red China, and then suddenly the Prime Minister woke up to the fact that he must not use those words because the United States of America was not using those words any more. [More…]
The present Australian Government is an accomplice or vassal of the United States helping to slaughter people in Vietnam while at the same time shamelessly allowing her own people to be killed and maimed in Vietnam - a country whose internal problems are not the responsibility of the United States or Australia. [More…]
The Chinese view is that the war should be ended immediately so that the people of Vietnam and Indo-China can solve their own problems immediately, without interference from the United States or Australia. [More…]
The Chinese Foreign Minister’s view is that the essence of United States imperialist policy, which Australia is blindly following, is to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries by openly engaging in war or by other surreptitious means under the guise of protection by stationing troops in those countries. [More…]
Chinese policy with regard to relationships with China is that good relations cannot exist between China and Australia as long as the Australian Government continues its hostil ity towards China and tails the United States aggression in Asia. [More…]
The Chinese view is that it is not possible to have normal relations with the Australian Government while the Australian Government openly supports Chiang Kai-shek, continues to establish close relations with him, opposes China in the United Nations and supports United States resolutions to exclude China. [More…]
These islands are held by the United States of America at present. [More…]
But the United States wants to get out of the area and get out fast, but to whom does the United States hand over the islands? [More…]
So to whom does the United States give the islands? [More…]
I have the honour to refer to your letter of today’s date confirming the Australian Government’s oiler to send to Vietnam an infantry battalion of 800 men, with some 100 personnel in logistic support to serve wilh United States forces in assisting in the defence of the Republic of Vietnam. [More…]
I would now like to refer to the Pentagon papers and to a dispatch which was sent from the United States Ambassador to Washington dated 17th April 1965, a little less than a fortnight before the date of the documents which have just been tabled by the Prime Minister. [More…]
I have the honour, with reference to our conversation yesterday, to confirm the Australian Government’s offer to send to Viet Nam an infantry battalion of 800 men, with some 100 personnel in logistic support, to serve with United States forces in assisting in the defence of the Republic of Viet Nam. [More…]
I have the honor to refer to your letter of today’s date confirming the Australian Government’s offer to send to Viet Nam an infantry battalion of 800 men, with some 100 personnel in logistic support to serve with United States forces in assisting in the defence of the Republic nf Vietnam. [More…]
But can he say that Communist China’s influence is less now than it was in 1965 when we sent our forces or in 1954 because now, at a time when United States prestige throughout Asia is at its lowest ebb, Communist Chinese prestige is at its highest? [More…]
Does he know that there is less territory of the areas of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos now under the control of authorities favourable to the United States than there was in 1954 or at any time since? [More…]
But the point is that through our misdirected desire to ensure the reimposition of the French empire in Indo-China in 1945 and the United States assumption of the French role in 1954 we effectively stopped the evolution of an Indo-Chinese solution to an Indo-Chinese problem. [More…]
This was not at the instigation of the United States or ourselves but at the instigation of the Communists of the North Vietnamese forces. [More…]
What is the Government’s attitude on the whole question of our relations and the United States relations with China? [More…]
He said that an era of new relationships between China and the United States had been opened. [More…]
He is going to placate the powerful and turbulent Left in the United States, and this is how he does it. [More…]
It is a plausible one, and at least it does concede that domestic politics in the United States is an important factor in how American foreign policy is decided. [More…]
I will spend some time quoting from this document because I regard it as a most important indication of where President Nixon’s policy is taking the United States, where it is taking China and where it is taking us. [More…]
But at least the doors must be opened and the goal of US policy must be in the long term, ending the isolation of Mainland China, and a normalisation of our relations with Mainland China because, looking down the road, and let’s just look ahead IS to 20 years, the United States could have a perfectly effective agreement with the Soviet Union for limitation of arms - the danger of any confrontation there - [More…]
He said more, but what I have quoted shows Australia that the policies which the United States has pursued towards China for 20 years, that is, policies of military containment of the Chinese and diplomatic isolation, are no longer to be followed in the United States. [More…]
These bitternesses between the United States and China have incinerated Korea and Vietnam. [More…]
But of course, the facts are that United States representatives and the Chinese have met in Warsaw off and on over a very considerable period of time and no progress has been made. [More…]
Therefore, provided people like the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) keep out of the ring in this particular context, the United States has a very clear weapon in its hand in trying to negotiate sensible solutions to some of the problems with China. [More…]
A cardinal plank in the Government’s approach is one of responsibility, regard for other relationships in South East Asia, in the Malaysia-Singapore area, and regard for relations with Japan, the United States and Taiwan. [More…]
This is a very powerful indictment of United States-Japanese policy. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition has also denigrated the Australia-United States alliance. [More…]
He said that Australia has had a bitter experience with the United States. [More…]
He said that a United States President will never again be allowed by his people to send troops to another country. [More…]
If no United States President can ever again send troops abroad, that immediately destroys every defensive alliance that the United States has around the world. [More…]
It would open the door to any significant aggressor anywhere around the world, knowing that the United States would do nothing about it. [More…]
It would destroy the alliances with the United States, NATO and the Five-Power Pact with Malaysia and Singapore. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition attacked Lon Nol and the United States over Cambodia in defiance of the correct interpretation of that action, which the honourable member for Wills (Mr Bryant) recorded to his Party when he was visiting there. [More…]
Does he not understand that China is seeking the elimination of the United States presence and security support for South East and East Asia and the Western Pacific area which means the destruction of ANZUS, the withdrawal of bases in Australia and the withdrawal of forces and troops including the Seventh Fleet and all the rest right down the Western Pacific? [More…]
In August 1963, a United States State Department expert, by contrast with the gentlemen on the government benches, recommended that the United States pull out of [More…]
That was at a time when the United States of America had sent 125,000 men 7,500 miles across the sea to within tens of miles of the Chinese border to fight. [More…]
where the American Government was advised not to be drawn into it, we arrived at the point from which we departed with the following result: The Vietnam war has cost the United States close to $200,000m. [More…]
It has cost the United States 44,000 men killed in action and 7,600 aircraft lost, he United States has dropped 5.5 million ions of bombs, or twice the total amount of United States bombs dropped in World War II. [More…]
Statistics lacking include those on refugees and civilian casualties in Indo-China, enemy losses, the effects on health of herbicides used in Vietnam, the significant inflationary effect of the war on the United States economy, and the long range costs of Vietnam veterans benefits. [More…]
About 5.2 million acres of forest land and 562,000 acres of South Vietnamese cropland - or nearly one-seventh of the country’s land area - had been sprayed with plant-killing herbicides by the United States from 1962 to 1971. [More…]
Neither the Pentagon nor the United States civilian agencies have tried to study total civilian losses due to allied military action, the researchers noted. [More…]
The contrast between what has been the effect of the involvement of the United States from so far away, and the little part played by the Chinese, if any, is one that we cannot fail to see. [More…]
However, the very next day he said that he had had a communication about the United States’ situation and was informed. [More…]
We are in favour of the withdrawal of all United States forces, first of all from the Far East and then from all those places where they committed aggression. [More…]
One of the places against which the United States, according to Chou, has committed aggression is Japan. [More…]
Remember the United States aggression at Pearl Harbour, in Malaya and Singapore, and in the Philippines; the aggression in the Coral Sea and finally in Japan itself. [More…]
This man sits on when he has just heard, in one unambiguous sentence - and I will not quote it all - the epitome of what Chou, Mao and Lin Piao and other Chinese Communists have been spelling out at length for decades, namely, that they, China, not the United States, Japan or anyone else, are going to dominate the East, including Korea, Taiwan, IndoChina, Thailand and the Philippines. [More…]
The friendly Chinese forces will move in to assist their Communist comrades in those countries to expel the United States aggressors or, if they are not in evidence, their running dogs and imperialist lackeys - that is, all the non-Communists. [More…]
The next country that China mentions which is to be liberated from United States aggression after Korea and Japan is Taiwan. [More…]
The United States aggressors will be rolled back. [More…]
The United States Government will not pursue a course which will lead to involvement in the civil conflict in China. [More…]
That was in January 1950, but in June North Korea invaded the South and right from the beginning Peking declared its support for the aggressors, ls it any wonder that the United States acted quickly both in terms of Security Council action and in terms of its own defence? [More…]
The United States was recoiling from the beginnings of what had happened at Pearl Harbour. [More…]
He speaks of United States aggression and says nothing of Chinese aggression. [More…]
We cannot look to 1942 and the United States alliance and all the things that the Americans were supposed to have saved us from then. [More…]
All the power of the United States and all the power of the Russians cannot make the Egyptians and the Israelis come to terms until they decide to do so themselves, not that the two great powers could not demoralise them and demolish them in 5 minutes, but because it cannot really happen like that any more. [More…]
We continue, of course, to attach the first importance to our relations with the United States. [More…]
We know that the Government is changing face and is going to vote for China’s admission to the United Nations, but I think it has left its run too late, because the Chinese realise, and they state, that we have been the puppets of the United States for too long. [More…]
I think honourable members would admit, at least in private to their friends, that there was a move to invade North Vietnam and China by the Chinese lobby in the United States during the period of the Vietnam war. [More…]
In the United States I also found a concern for the future of world trade related to the policies of the EEC both in protection for agriculture and the spread of new preferential agreements. [More…]
The other particular concern in the United States is with the protective policies of Japan. [More…]
These reflect the continuing problems which the United States has been experiencing in its balance of payments which have led to the serious measures which were announced by the President this week. [More…]
These measures, oh the trade side, included the imposition of a temporary import levy of 10 per cent on about half of United States imports: Happily for Australia, some of our major exports to the United States-*-beef, sugar, alumina, beach sands, totalling about - 70 per cent of our exports - are exempt from the levy. [More…]
However, the measures will have a marked effect on the trade with the United States of other countries such as Japan, and Australia’s exports of raw materials which are processed in Japan for re-export to the United States could be affected. [More…]
The one pleasing feature of the United States measures is that they have been clearly announced as temporary, to be removed when the causes of the current problems disappear. [More…]
It had been feared that the rising protectionist sentiment in the United States, which arose because of the pressures on the United States trade balance, might result in the erection of permanent barriers to trade. [More…]
Since the war the United States has been a leader in all the moves towards freer trade. [More…]
However, until the immediate and pressing problems are overcome the United States Administration would not be prepared to undertake to seek from Congress a mandate for such a major international move. [More…]
Indeed, the climate in the United States is such that it would be difficult for any Bill designed to free trade to succeed. [More…]
While in the United States I explored the possibility of reopening the question of the United States wool duty which has so long been a thorn in the side of our own trade with the United States. [More…]
Whilst I received a sympathetic hearing on the difficulties of the Australian wool industry and on the importance for us of some movement in the United States wool duty, I was given clearly to understand that in the current circumstances there was no prospect of legislative action designed to open the way for an agreement leading to the reduction of the wool duty. [More…]
I have mentioned the problems which the United States Government feels with the protection used by Japan against its goods. [More…]
Moreover, if we can sell over $120m worth of manufactures on a straight competitive basis in a vast manufacturing country like the United States- as we did in 1969-70- and nearly $800m to all world markets, we should not be pessimistic about our ability to be competitive also in Europe. [More…]
How many applications from indigenous inhabitants of each (a) Australian, (b) British, (c) New Zealand and (d) United States territory in the South Pacific for permits to travel to Australia, for residence or visits, were (i) received, (ii) approved and (Hi) rejected in the latest year for which statistics are available? [More…]
I ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether he has seen newspaper reports of a statement made to the Press by the Leader of the Opposition that the letters between the Australian Government and the Prime Minister of Veitnam in April 1965 show that the South Vietnamese Government merely accepted an Australian offer and that ‘there would in fact have been nothing dishonourable in the Australian Government stating forthrightly in 1965 that it was acting in collaboration with the Government of the United States but the Government chose to sell its commitment to the Australian people on the basis of an urgent request from South Vietnam’. [More…]
In late 1964 and early 1965 there was constant consultation between the South Vietnamese Government and the Australian Government, and the United States Government and the Australian Government and our other allies. [More…]
In case the Leader of the Opposition thinks that it was represented in 1965 or at any time subsequently that we had, in his words, reacted hastily, as it were, to an urgent request and that we had not said that we acted in collaboration with the United States, I think I should remind him and the House that quite the contrary is the fact. [More…]
We have decided - this has been after close consultation with the Government of the United States- [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition regrets that we did not refer to our collaboration with the United States - to provide an infantry battalion for service in South Vietnam. [More…]
In case there is any misunderstanding, I think I should say, Sir, that we decided in principle some time ago - weeks and weeks ago - that we would be willing to do this if we received the necessary request from the Government of South Vietnam and the necessary collaboration with the United States. [More…]
Copies of the report referred to are at the moment in short supply due to a dock strike in the United States of America but I shall arrange for a copy to be placed in the Parliamentary Library at an early date for honourable members to examine. [More…]
I ask the Treasurer: What are the latest statistics of the amount of Australian foreign exchange reserves held in the United Kingdom and the United States? [More…]
What safeguards exist, whether by agreement or otherwise, to shield the value of these reserves in any alteration of the present exchange relativities between the Australian dollar, the pound sterling and the United States dollar? [More…]
A large holding of those reserves is in United States dollars, which is one of the reserve currencies. [More…]
Taking into consideration that most of our works were deregistered throughout last year so far as exports to the United States of America are concerned, it was quite an outstanding performance. [More…]
Most of these works have now been re-registered and are exporting large quantities to the United States of America. [More…]
The principal market opportunities for the forthcoming year would seem to be the United Kingdom, Greece, Canada, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
The recent action by President Nixon to protect the United States’ economy has introduced a new and complicating factor in consideration of prices and demand for wool in the 1971-72 season. [More…]
In the United States of America, in Canada - it is true that this is not the case in Europe - members of Parliament have much more assistance available to them than that. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the decision of President Nixon in February 1969 to alter patent procedures in the United States to give priority to the examination of patents which are designed to improve or protect the environment? [More…]
Has a working liaison been established by the Australian laboratory with United States. [More…]
Further, it is a fact that the efficacy of a number of drugs, which have been marketed in the United States of America for many years but which have never been approved for the Australian market, has recently been called into serious question and indeed some of these drugs have been taken off the United States market. [More…]
Australia: New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States of America, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, People’s Republic of China, France, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Argentina, Ethiopia, Hungary, Israel, Norway, Paraguay, Switzerland and Uruguay. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Report of the Australian Institute of Urban Studies entitled Housing Authorities in Urban Renewal (Hansard, 1st April 1971, page 1290) reveals certain positive action being carried out by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development in the United States of America? [More…]
This situation has been repeated at the same time in other parts of the world, including the United States of America and Europe. [More…]
It has blindly followed United States imperialism and aggression. [More…]
Firstly, Australia is supporting Chiang Kai-shek and has established diplomatic relations with Taiwan; secondly, Australia has continuously opposed the restoration of China’s legitimate seat in the United Nations; thirdly, Australia supports and follows United States aggression in South East Asia; fourthly, Australia refuses to recognise the Government of the People’s Republic pf China as the sole legal government representing all the Chinese people, including the people of the Province of Taiwan; and lastly, Australia is collaborating with the USA to create 2 Chinas, or one China and one Taiwan and is, therefore, interfering in the internal affairs of China. [More…]
We are 10 years behind Japan in trade with China, 3 years behind Canada, 2 years behind Italy and I year behind the United States of America. [More…]
While the Minister for Trade and Industry is in this House abusing the Opposition and trying to cover up for his errors President Nixon is going to China, not out of sweetness, love and charity but because the United States corporations have prospects of Si, 000m worth of sales to China and they need the sales and want the trade. [More…]
This has occurred at a time when our trade is threatened by Great Britain’s entry into the European Economic Community and at a time when the United States of America is going to sell substantial quantities of wheat. [More…]
He was talking about the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) - he gave away in advance every bargaining counter that Australia has in future negotiations with China and in the process gratuitously insulted not only the United States, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines and Cambodia but even the Soviet Union. [More…]
They, the United States, like us, have declared their attitude on China’s admission to the United Nations. [More…]
He said his Government would not be a satellite of any power, but every person, even school children, in this country know that this Government has been a satellite of the United States of America in regard to its policy towards Vietnam. [More…]
Mr Whitlam stood up remarkably well to the wily Choirs attempts to get him into a corner on ANZUS, the United States and Japan. [More…]
There has to be a face saving formula, whether it be for the Government of the United States of America or the Australian Government. [More…]
The Chinese said that they had already defeated the paper tiger - the United States of America - in Korea and they could take the territory of Taiwan if they wanted to. [More…]
I said: ‘There are men in the United States who want to use atomic and nuclear weapons against you’. [More…]
I am aware that there had been over 100 meetings between China and the United States in Warsaw.’ [More…]
There is no doubt that a fear of the United States is worrying China. [More…]
If I may say so, I think it is a false fear, although the conflict in Vietnam has probably led the Chinese to think that they should fear the United States. [More…]
After all, China does not have troops right on the border of the United States. [More…]
But surely it could not have been a success if the Leader of the Opposition had, according to the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’, gratuitously insulted not only the United States of America, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines and Cambodia but also, according to Professor Arndt, Russia as well. [More…]
The United States of America is scaling down its external commitments. [More…]
The third point where the Prime Minister takes me to task is in my account of trends in the United States. [More…]
Again 1 refer to this document which the Minister for Foreign Affairs will recognise, but which I cannot further identify, which came today, and there are 4 pages listing the sequence of developments in President Nixon’s policies since his ‘Foreign Affairs’ article in October 1967, and listing with particularity the decisions he has taken in the 2i years that he has been President of the United States. [More…]
He followed the United States President in this action. [More…]
Despite the substantial shift in the position of the United States and other countries, including Australia, Peking still resolutely insists that it alone should have the seat and that Taiwan, which it considers a province of China, should be expelled from the United Nations. [More…]
There has been a considerable amount of talk in the United States and in Australia about finding a compromise solution which will enable both the People’s Republic of China and the Taiwan Government to be members of the General Assembly. [More…]
Like an organisation which still exists in the United States - the Flat Earth Society - they have not recognised that a sphere is round and that, because of the pull of gravity, anything which comes down must use some type of energy and motivation to come down. [More…]
There is not any mention in the statement and to my knowledge no mention has been made in the House, that at the SEATO Council meeting in London Mr Rogers, the United States Secretary of State, indicated that the United States wanted to encourage a growing role by China in Asia which was constructive rather than destructive. [More…]
It is somewhat strange that that statement by the United States Secretary of State was made a few months before the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) indicated that Australia wanted to establish bilateral relationships. [More…]
lt may be only a coincidence but it is one of those coincidences that are oft repeated, that when the United States makes a foreign policy decision the Australian Government follows along like a yapping puppy dog. [More…]
The greatest hope for a lasting accommodation between the conflicting interests so manifest in the South East Asian and East Asian area may lie along the path of endeavouring to convince the People’s Republic of China that Japan has no territorial designs on Chinese territory and that neither the United States of America nor Japan wishes Japan to move into a vacuum left by an American withdrawal. [More…]
For myself, I reject the concept of suppression, whether it be practised in the United States of America, South Africa, China, the Soviet Union oi any other place in the world. [More…]
Being placed geographically on the United States northern border, Canada can be sure of one thing: That if ever North America as a continent was attacked the United States geographically would be forced, whether it agreed with the issue or not, to come to Canada’s aid. [More…]
He sets himself against the United States- [More…]
He sets himself against the United States and constantly holds out a branch of friendship to China. [More…]
Recent events have caused all of us some concern as to the direction the United States will eventually take. [More…]
But if I am going to hitch my horse to any rail of hope - and I think history as it has been and as it probably will be will support me in this view - I would rather align with a powerful ally such as the United States than to put my faith in a glimmer of hope. [More…]
I point out that at the same time he is denigrating the visit of Mr Kissinger on behalf of the President of the United States of America and indeed denigrating what Mr Nixon intends to do later this year or in the early part of next year, lt is a spurious attitude for the Prime Minister to take about diplomatic conduct when exchanges of top personnel such as took place in this visit of the Leader of the Opposition have of course been going on for years. [More…]
If we were in the Congress of the United States and had to cope with the large area in that country and many times the population that we have here we would not, as senators, for example - they do not - attempt to communicate with their several million electors in a personal way. [More…]
If we were members of the House of Representatives in the United States we would find it impossible to communicate with 250,000 or 500,000 electors in the same sort of way. [More…]
Two days before the Treasurer (Mr Snedden) introduced this Budget, the President of the United States announced measures which have precipitated a great international currency crisis. [More…]
In the United States of America and Great Britain, two countries which have experienced the same sort of stagflation which the Australian Government is now creating, unemployment does not end unrest, even in industries which are worst hit. [More…]
Does he not realise that in the London ‘Economist’ of the most recent date projections from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development illustrate that by 1980 Australia is expected to have the highest living standards of all of those nations, except the United States of America? [More…]
In the last decade Australia has been almost permanently in second last position rating behind Japan with 10.1 per cent, Italy with 5.3 per cent, West Germany with 4.7 per cent, France with 3.9 per cent, the United States, with all its troubles, wih 3.2 per cent, while Australia’s average over the 10 years was 2.8 per cent. [More…]
The same situation applies in the United States of America where lack of action by politicians is described in one report as: Bureaucratic cowardice and anticipatory polities’. [More…]
President Thieu is falling into some disrepute with the United States of America and it is revealed that his government is a minority one. [More…]
Instead of giving the job to an independent judicial-like body - a parole board such as exists in nearly all of the States of the United States of America, in New South Wales, in Victoria and in the other States of the Commonwealth - the power in the Australian Capital Territory is given to the Attorney-General or, strictly, to the Governor-General acting on the advice of the Attorney-General. [More…]
I refer to the report of the Health Manpower Commission of the United States Government. [More…]
Very briefly, in a study made by Dr J. S. Lawson, Director of Hospital Services in Tasmania, it is revealed that the operation rates for tonsillectomy, appendicectomy and hysterectomy in Australia are 2 to 3 times higher than in the United Kingdom or in areas of the United States of America where doctors are on salaries instead of fee for service. [More…]
In some areas in the United Kingdom and the United States of America doctors are on fee-for-service but much lower rates apply than those that apply in Australia, where all doctors are on fee for service. [More…]
We have seen this happen in European countries, in France and in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States a Similar situation exists except that the reasons are different as to why there has been and will continue to be inflation in America. [More…]
We have watched the events in England, the United States and France and we realise that they still have unemployment. [More…]
We have learned from the experience of the United Kingdom, France, Canada and the United States of America that collective bargaining just does not work. [More…]
A couple of days before the presentation of the Budget an event happened in the United States of America which affected the entire world. [More…]
The Treasurer (Mr Snedden) presented it to this House as if the events in Europe and the United States - the American President’s declaration of floating the American dollar - had nothing to do with it. [More…]
Plenty of signs were emanating from the United States of America to indicate that such a move was imminent or likely to take place. [More…]
The rural industries will be affected by events in the United States, which affect Japan and which will in turn affect us. [More…]
1971, the United States and the Soviet Union presented to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD), a joint draft convention on biological weapons. [More…]
Some few weeks ago Air ViceMarshal Hey, Air Member for Technical Services, went to the United States of America. [More…]
The right honourable member for Melbourne (Mr Calwell) has asked that I make a statement on the measures for the protection of the United States dollar announced by President Nixon on 15th August. [More…]
As honourable members will know, the present disturbed situation in the international currency markets was sparked off by the announcement of the President of the United States last week that convertibility of United States dollars into gold and other reserve assets was to be suspended, and a 10 per cent surcharge on all dutiable imports into the United States, other than those subject to quotas, was to be imposed. [More…]
But it was made clear that the removal of the 10 per cent surcharge, and the resumption of convertibility of United States dollar balances, would be dependent on certain objectives being achieved by the United States as a result of negotiation in the fields of international trade and finance and the sharing of defence burdens. [More…]
More recently, the trouble has centred on the United States and has been attributable in large part to the growing balance of payments deficit of that country. [More…]
This has led to a fall in United States official reserves and a sharp increase in its official shortterm liabilities. [More…]
At the same time, there has been a substantial transfer of United States dollars on private account into the international monetary markets of the world. [More…]
All this has served to weaken confidence in the United States dollar on the foreign exchanges. [More…]
A number of factors has contributed to the United States’ external deficit. [More…]
Prominent among these is the rapid price and cost inflation in the United States over the last 5 years. [More…]
The United States’ position has been exacerbated by the growing competitiveness of some of its trading partners and by restraints on the access of United’ States’ exports to markets abroad. [More…]
Superimposed on this has been the heavy defence burdens of the United States. [More…]
It is not surprising, in these circumstances that the United States dollar is now commonly regarded as being ‘over valued’. [More…]
In other words, the existing exchange parity for the United States dollar overrates its international purchasing power. [More…]
This, of course, is a matter of critical worldwide importance because of the pivotal position in the international monetary system of the United States dollar. [More…]
The United States dollar is the largest of the reserve currencies in the world today and many countries have fixed rates of exchange on the dollar. [More…]
Other currencies have had their par values expressed in terms of the United States dollar and gold. [More…]
‘It has also been of value to rapidly developing countries like Australia who do not have access to the economic dialogues centred on the United States and Europe. [More…]
The need for further development of the Bretton Woods arrangements has long been recognised, and the most recent innovation has been the establishment of special drawing rights which, in themselves, offer some alternative to the United States dollar and gold as an international reserve asset. [More…]
The action taken by the United States last week has short-circuited this debate and taken the question of exchange rate adjustments into the field of immediate practical necessity in the foreign exchange markets. [More…]
The United States has, however, said that it sees this trade action as a means of securing revaluation of the currencies of countries which it considers to have an unwarranted advantage over it in point of trade competition because of their existing parities. [More…]
If and to the extent that other countries were to revalue their currencies, the United States dollar would be devalued in relation to them. [More…]
The United States Government has chosen this approach to its problem in preference to seeking a formal devaluation of its currency against all other currencies. [More…]
Amongst other things that course would involve the United States in altering the value of the dollar in terms of gold. [More…]
We have, as yet, no real idea as to what the final response of other major countries to the United States initiative is going to be. [More…]
1 want to stress that this is likely to be an interim situation since it has done nothing to achieve the more significant realignment of exchange rates which the United States, and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, consider to be necessary. [More…]
It is true that, as sterling has been traded at a rate about 2 per cent above parity with the United States dollar, this means that at the moment there is, in effect, a similar small appreciation of the Australian dollar in relation to the United States dollar. [More…]
The Prime Minister went on further to suggest that what has happened up to date is only an interim situation since it has done nothing to achieve the more significant realignment of exchange rates which the United States of America and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund consider to be necessary. [More…]
It would seem that in many respects the action which the United States took in this matter was at least an endeavour to set its own house in order. [More…]
He said that we do not have access to the economic dialogues centred in the United States and Europe. [More…]
The smaller countries and the developing countries are very far removed from either the United States or Europe. [More…]
I think what was wrong in the present situation was that the United States acted unilaterally in his matter. [More…]
Technically, perhaps, the United States has not done that, but it certainly has not observed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. [More…]
It seems to me to be wrong that the United States should insist that, in what is essentially a 2-way process - that is the relationship between one currency and another - it alone should be able to influence. [More…]
When I was in the United States last year I checked the staffing arrangements very carefully. [More…]
Every Congressman in the United States has 8 on his staff and every senator. [More…]
The possibility of an equitable exchange of rights for an Australian carrier to serve Guam for rights for an American carrier to serve Port Moresby was raised with the United States authorities in Washington on 10th November 1970. [More…]
The United States authorities are examining the request. [More…]
Can he state the number of days on which the House of Representatives in Australia, the United States and New Zealand and the House of Commons in Britain and Canada sat in each of the last 25 years. [More…]
The essential points are these: The President of the United States of America made a statement, the result of which has caused some uncertainty in the world exchange market and as to parities between countries. [More…]
I ask the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry: Have Australian meat interests considerable quantities of beef on the water to the United States of America? [More…]
Will this seriously affect our sales to the United States, and will the meat at present on board ship be unloaded at its destination? [More…]
A considerable quantity of Australian meat is on the water, although 1 believe that actual exports during the past week have tended to taper off mainly because of the uncertainty of a strike in the United States ports on the Gulf of Mexico and in the United States ports bordering the Atlantic Ocean. [More…]
The threat of a strike on both the West Coast and the East Coast of the United States could prevent us from doing that. [More…]
But at the present time our meat is going to the ports on the East Coast of the United States. [More…]
The present contract expires on 30th September, and unless a settlement is reached the strike could spread which then would prevent any further meat shipments to the United States. [More…]
If there is meat on the water it could be diverted into Canadian ports, such as Halifax or St Johns, in the same way as we have diverted to Vancouver some shipments to the West Coast of the United States. [More…]
As a consequence the Australian Parliament now can pass laws such as the parliament of every other industrial or developed country has Jong been able to pass - the Canadian Parliament since 1889; the United States Congress since the Sherman Act of 1890; the parliament of West Germany - another federal system; the parliaments of all the other countries of Western Europe and of Japan, for the last 20 years and more. [More…]
The Antitrust Division staff- in the United States - would have to be quadrupled to provide enforcement solely through public agency action. [More…]
These are matters upon which the United States of America, Canada, West Germany and other comparable countries have long had national codes. [More…]
How much more we could do in having a proper allocation of Australian financial resources and in safeguarding Australia’s international reputation if Australia at last were to have a securities and exchange commission such as the United States has had for the last 4 decades. [More…]
These are matters in relation to which other federal systems - above all the great federal systems of Canada and the United States - have such codes. [More…]
The policy enunciated with regard to the dollar crisis by President Nixon is an economic watershed for the world and the United States has the economic muscle to decide what it wants to do. [More…]
The United States will not relax and it will not relent. [More…]
This Government has never been prepared to do anything other than to follow what has been the time honoured practice in the average Australian embassy overseas and that is to find out what the United States and Britain wanted to do and then do the same. [More…]
The cost in the United States works out at 55c a mile per hour. [More…]
In his opening remarks the Leader of the Opposition has accused the President of the United States of America of precipitating a great international currency crisis. [More…]
He knows that the strength and the health of the United States economy is of vital importance to the welfare of the free world and he knows that the future of Australia is to a very significant degree dependent upon the proper discharge of those responsibilities which have been accepted by the United States Government during the last 30 years. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition knows that the President is deeply concerned about the health of the United States economy, in particular with the inflation and the degree of unemployment that is evident today in the United States of America. [More…]
I felt, in view of the significance of these remarks and in case they were treated by international Press representatives as being important and truly reflective of the judgment of an alternative government in this country, that I should make some reference to the speech that the President of the United States made. [More…]
Furthermore the President of the United States on 15th August said this: [More…]
To our friends abroad, including the many responsible members of international banking community who are dedicated to stability in the flow of trade, I give this assurance: The United States has always been, and will continue to be, a forward-looking and trustworthy trading partner. [More…]
One other quote from that speech is important because I believe that it represents a fair and proper description of what the United States has done in the interests of the free countries of the world over the last 30 years. [More…]
To help them get on their feet and to protect their freedom, the United States has provided 143 billion dollars In foreign aid. [More…]
There is no longer any need for the United States to compete with one hand tied behind her back. [More…]
His shameful failure to put such figures into a proper context serves to demonstrate the measure of his failure to compare economic conditions in Australia with those in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the continent of Europe. [More…]
So far as our foreign relations are concerned, we should obviously cling to our old friends, the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
But we must be well aware of the fact that neither the United States nor the [More…]
If so, is it proposed that Australia will join the other Scandinavian countries, Britain, Canada, Japan and the United States of America in making similar donations to the Federation to help its work in reducing the growing number of deaths by starvation. [More…]
Those who judge the Government’s record in relation to unemployment should bear in mind that whether Australia’s rate is 1.3 per cent at the end of July or 1.3 per cent seasonally adjusted in January, the rate in the United States of America is 6.1 per cent, in Canada 6.2 per cent and in Great Britain 3.3. per cent. [More…]
In 1961 the United States Government introduced an investment credit system similar to our investment allowance. [More…]
Like Australia, the United States cancelled the investment credit system as an anti-inflationary measure. [More…]
At the beginning of the present financial year, 1971-72, there was a carryover in wheat in the United States of 19 million metric tons, and this is a surplus which the American wheat grower will be doing everything he can to sell. [More…]
If I were the Chinese looking forward to improving relations with the United States one of the first things I would do would be to offer to purchase substantial quantities of American wheat. [More…]
It also has the United States now. [More…]
In the United States it has averaged 4.4 per cent with a peak of about 6 per cent. [More…]
If we force the Japanese to pay an uneconomic price for wool we run the risk of pricing them out of the United States textile market [More…]
If the Japanese are forced out of the United States textile market that will affect us. [More…]
In the United States of America the introduction of synthetic fibres into a modern society is well under way. [More…]
Surely they are aware that the conservative governments of the United States of America and Great Britain made the fatal mistake of putting millions out of work in an effort to contain inflation and that these policies have not worked because as unemployment increased so did inflation. [More…]
We can start with Britain and the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, some of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, France, Italy, Japan, Australia and Canada. [More…]
They are Australia, Canada perhaps, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America. [More…]
They also contribute significantly to the total of oxides of nitrogen in the air, as investigations undertaken in the United States have revealed. [More…]
I also understand that excise free production of home-brew beer is not permitted in such countries as United States of America and Japan. [More…]
nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
Recent statements of Labor Party spokesmen taking up the cry for an allvolunteer Army have obviously had in mind the report of the Gates Commission in the United States. [More…]
Honourable members will know that the report proposes all-volunteer armed Services for the United States through substantial pay increases for its members. [More…]
Current research indicates, however, that the elasticity of supply of volunteers to our Army would not be so high as has been estimated for the United States. [More…]
As I mentioned during the Budget debate, in recent years in the United States the level has averaged 4.4 per cent, with a peak of about 6 per cent. [More…]
Essentially, these facts point up the differing situations that exist in Australia and in the United States. [More…]
Whether pay increases would result in the forces required has yet to be demonstrated in the United States. [More…]
Bear in mind also that the Gates Commission was contemplating a situation where the United States armed forces were to be reduced overall by 25 per cent. [More…]
In this category we have Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, France, Iraq, Jamaica, Luxembourg, the Philippines, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and others. [More…]
For example, the United Kingdom has reciprocal arrangements with Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, France, the Irish Republic, Israel, Italy, Jersey and Guernsey, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States of America and Yugoslavia. [More…]
Countries like Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Malta, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Sweden, in certain limited circumstances, allow their people to take their pensions with them if they go to live in another country. [More…]
It is demonstrable, for example, that in the United States of America, choosing an adequate poverty level, between 17 per cent and 19 per cent of households existed at or below that poverty level. [More…]
From its own broad analyses carried on from the end of last year and from analyses of Australia’s demographic structure the OECD feels that by 1980 the standards within Australia will be second only to those of the United States. [More…]
We do not face the tremendous social problems of the United States. [More…]
Many of the present difficulties arise from the halt in Japan’s growth rate, and that country’s ability to regain its previous rate of expansion is likely to be influenced by the present monetary developments and the existence of the United States 10 per cent surcharge on imports. [More…]
No State in the United States of America has a 100 million vehicle mileage rate as high as the Australian figure. [More…]
With the concurrence of honourable members I incorporate in Hansard a table showing the death rate in the United States of America per 100 million vehicle miles. [More…]
The situation in Australia is only marginally better than it was in the United States before the publication of the book Unsafe at Any Speed’ by the then 32-year old Connecticut lawyer, Ralph Nader. [More…]
Nader’*, determined campaign forced the United States Government to act. [More…]
It contained a blueprint for an Australian road safety programme that would have laid the basis for reducing death and injury and adjusting itself to scientific and technological advances that occurred in the United States and Europe during the mid- 1960s. [More…]
Obviously, the industry has to have forward notice, usually referred to as lead time, to institute new design rules, but there is absolutely no excuse for the vast difference between the lead time granted in Australia and the United States, which varies from a minimum of 2 years to 5 years. [More…]
In the United States the average life of a car is 7 years and the lead time for new design rules is 2 years to 3 years. [More…]
This means that it takes about 10 years for the safety features to be incorporated in 95 per cent of all cars in the United States. [More…]
Primarily it is because the industry wants no control at all and has invariably fought to delay as long as possible any new imposed safety features, Initially the Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design was lambasted by industry representatives for trying to impose safety standards in Australian cars that were tougher than those operative in the United States. [More…]
Not a bit deterred, the industry did an aboutface and now argues that Australia cannot expect to keep up with the United States. [More…]
Exports of Australian wool to the United States of America, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands fell by over 40 per cent in comparison with exports in 1969-70. [More…]
Has the Government, in acceding to the United States request for the establishment of these bases which are designed not to defend Australia but to make it a prime nuclear target, abdicated its responsibility for the preservation of the people of Australia in its attempt to curry favour by acceding to every request made by the United States in relation to that country’s defence interests? [More…]
We in Australia have not been considered by the United States so far as the provision of a nuclear deterrent for Australia’s defence is concerned. [More…]
In addition, there is no evidence of an American interest in providing a protective umbrella, such as that which the United States provides for her own defence in the North American area generally. [More…]
There is a complete absence of any system similar to that which affords protection for the United States. [More…]
This is made obvious by the fact that the defence experts of the Washington Pentagon are interested only in this continent in the interests of the American defence system and consider that Pine Gap in Australia will provide the necessary warning for the United States to take defensive and retaliatory action in any nuclear war for the purpose of American defence. [More…]
The installations in Australia have been the subject of agreements between the Australian Government and the Government of the United States of America. [More…]
All that I can say to the honourable member for Sturt is that I think it is reasonable to say to the people of Australia that we are in a rather lonely situation in this part of the world and that we depend on the treaty which we have with the United States under ANZUS. [More…]
It sought the United States of America to come to our protection. [More…]
Will he ensure that future Australian export contracts are denominated in Australian currency, replacing the present denomination in United States dollars? [More…]
Is he in a position to inform the House of any loss likely to be suffered by the present disparity between the Japanese yen and the United States dollar? [More…]
Is it a fact that this family was ordered out of Honolulu by the Hawaiian Government and has refused repatriation back to the United States? [More…]
The first is in relation to the willingness of die United States authorities to repatriate the family and the second is in relation to whether it is correct that the American authorities paid the fares of the family to come here. [More…]
Other amendments proposed by the Bill will give effect to certain income tax exemptions provided for in the agreement between the Australian and United States governments relating to the establishment of the Joint Defence Space Communications Station at Woomera. [More…]
Broadly speaking, the relevant provisions exempt from our income tax income derived in Australia by certain United States employees, contractors, sub-contractors and their employees from work done on the projects, so long as the income is subject to United States tax. [More…]
Surely there is a lesson to be learned from what is happening in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Steps similar to those taken in the United Kingdom and in the process of being taken in the United States of America are necessary. [More…]
In the weekly compilation of Presidential docu ments of 2nd June 1969 the President of the United States in his message to Congress said: [More…]
On 12th August 1970, President Nixon signed into law an Act to reform the United States postal system. [More…]
The Act sets up a corporation style federal agency - the United States Postal Service. [More…]
But as I mentioned earlier, there was no acknowledgement of the difficulties that have confronted corporations established both in the United Kingdom and in the United States of America. [More…]
If we look at the situation in the United States we find that the loss there was no less than $ 1,300m - a tremendous loss. [More…]
So the idea of a corporation, so extensively referred to by the honourable member for Stirling earlier in this debate, seems to have produced a very negative result for the United States of America. [More…]
It was interesting to note that the United States postage rate is 7.1c and that the Canadian postage rate from the beginning of next year will be 6.6c. [More…]
So if we are to relate this to the actual burden and costs imposed on persons in Australia, we have to halve the figures that have been suggested because of the opportunity to earn much more money in the United States of America and Canada than in Australia. [More…]
Has the Minister for Defence been advised of details of a recent accident in the United States of America involving an Fill aircraft, whilst that aircraft was flying low at high speed on tactical reconnaissance training? [More…]
I have been speaking to the Acting Secretary of the United States Air Force, who is in Australia at the present moment, and he has said that this windscreen is being looked at at the moment to see whether there are ways in which it can be strengthened although it is believed - and I believe, to the best of my knowledge anyway - that this is the first occasion on which this has happened to the FI 1 1. [More…]
For instance, I believe that the United States of America has 57 agreements relating to cotton textiles with different countries so as to protect its own industry. [More…]
The result would be to cut assisted migration from Britain by more than 60 per cent and virtually to eliminate migration from Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Switzerland, the United States of America, the countries of Latin America and other sources of what are, by any standards, first class immigrants. [More…]
This Budget also does not take into account the world currency crisis brought about by the announcements by the United States Government 2 days before the Budget was introduced, which could have a dramatic effect on this country’s trade and capital transactions. [More…]
No doubt honourable members will have seen recent articles in the Press indicating that it has now been revealed by an American scientist named Phillip Klass, that the Pine Gap establishment is a top security United States base which is one of two vital links in a satellite system protecting the United States against a nuclear attack. [More…]
I also believe it is a ridiculous situation that we have to learn of the purpose of this facility from scientific writers in the United States and not from our own Government in Australia, and it also should be remembered that United States Congressmen are given the right to visit any defence or research establishment associated with their country’s defence, including bases in another country. [More…]
In fact - the Country Party should be interested in this - as we now have surpluses in wheat and wool, there is a strong argument for depreciation of the Australian dollar so that these commodities which are generally invoiced in Sterling or United States dollars, would be able to sell more cheaply overseas when invoiced in a foreign currency. [More…]
Will we join countries like Finland, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States in massive aid to countries with their population planning? [More…]
A lot of nonsense has been spoken recently about the Joint United States-Australian Defence Space Research Facility at Pine Gap as a result of a book written in the United States of America. [More…]
It is manned jointly by Australia and the United States. [More…]
The Australian defence representative from the staff of the Chief Defence Scientists, Department of Defence, shares with the United States Department of Defence’s Chief of Facility in the joint management of the project. [More…]
The honourable member for Sturt claimed that we can only suffer as a result of our association with the United States of America. [More…]
I think he shares with many members of the Parliament resentment that he read in a book that none of us has read and published in the United States of America by a man of whom we have never heard, about an installation in Australia about which we know very little. [More…]
On 3rd September 1971 the ‘Australian’ referred to revelations about this matter in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States has been, quietly buttoning Australia into its global nuclear arc while, ironically, beginning to withdraw US troops from Asia. [More…]
The United States, in fact, has at least 28 secret bases in Australia and its territories - all planted during Australian Government evasions and protestations of ‘joint control’. [More…]
Everything that this writer discloses was available in publications in the United States. [More…]
If this is an early warning system in defence of the United States it could involve Australia in a nuclear war. [More…]
The United States and the Soviet Union have enough explosives to kill and overkill mankind 25 times. [More…]
Eventually it was disclosed - in journals again - that continuing messages had been sent from the United States by high frequency signals to that base. [More…]
If it were good enough for the United States to fire missiles at Soviet and Chinese cities, probably those countries would retaliate. [More…]
Not only do the honourable member for Reid and the honourable member for Wills want to know but also Australia’s enemies and the enemies of the United States of America want to know. [More…]
If the honourable member for Reid was prepared to say: ‘Although we do not give away our defence secrets and although the United States does not give away its defence secrets, my friends in the Soviet have told me everything, every location of their Polaris missiles, every site of their weapon bases and everything about their satellites that are flying over the earth at this time’, that would be a different matter. [More…]
The honourable member for Reid talked about a learned gentleman in the United States who has written a book. [More…]
United Kingdom, the United States and in other countries endorse the fact that there is a necessity for tracking stations to track the satellites of the Soviet and of other countries which are operating in our air space. [More…]
When the former Minister for External Affairs and former honourable member for Forrest, Mr Gordon Freeth - the present Ambassador to Japan - introduced his infamous new Government line on the proposed Soviet security treaty in the Indian Ocean, etc., in 1969, I was the first in this Parliament to place on record strong criticism of our linking ourselves in any way in a security treaty with the Soviet Union, just as I criticised our involvement with the United States of America in Vietnam and our involvement with the United Kingdom in the Malaysian-Indonesian crisis. [More…]
On this question of the United States alliance he brought out the old furphy that we cannot look after ourselves. [More…]
The United States alliance would not necessarily be of use to us when the chips are down. [More…]
Mr Klass has said that the Pine Gap base is used to get information about a possible sneak attack by the Soviet Union upon the United States of America, or indeed, upon us - a sneak attack from anywhere. [More…]
The only purpose of the base as set out by Mr Klass is to prevent the Soviet Union from launching a sneak attack upon us or upon the United States. [More…]
Would such an adaptation be relatively simple and provide an alternative to the expensive surface to surface missile systems normally acquired from the United States and also provide a vital work load for Australia’s declining aircraft industry? [More…]
I understand that last night the Minister for Defence referred to a speech which I had made during the adjournment debate last week and said that 1 had in fact stated that ‘we can only suffer as a result of our association with the United States of America’. [More…]
Australia’s rate of inflation has not been as great as that of such countries as Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
That reminds me of a political campaign in the United States when someone said to the youth in reference to Senator Goldwater: Why can’t you be like Senator Goldwater and inherit a department store?’ [More…]
At present 950,000 people are unemployed in the United Kingdom and several millions are out of work in the United States of America. [More…]
He was therefore fortunate that the opportunity to inspect and discuss some 20 major airports in Europe and the United States was open to him during his recent visit overseas to attend the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s Assembly in Vienna. [More…]
In the United States the cost of constructing runways and taxiways is approximately $300 a ft. [More…]
In Montreal the airport covers 15,000 acres, and so it is in the United States. [More…]
By Article 3 of the treaty, Japan concurred in the placing of the islands there mentioned (including the Ryukus under the United Nations trusteeship system, under United States administration. [More…]
Sir Garfield Barwick said that the Australian Government, as a member of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation, commended and fully endorsed the precautionary and defensive measures taken by the United States Government to help ensure the territorial integrity of Thailand, and was itself consulting with other South-East Asia Treaty Organisation members as to further measures which might need to be taken to this end, including the movement of further military forces into Thailand. [More…]
Is it true that the United States of America is at present reviewing its legislation affecting sugar imports? [More…]
It is true that the appropriate committees of both the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States Congress are reviewing the importation into America of certain commodities, one of which is sugar. [More…]
Rural retraining schemes for displaced rural labour, according to the information that I have before me, have been introduced in many countries including Germany, the Netherlands, the United States of America, Canada, Japan, France, Norway and Sweden. [More…]
Professor Mathews is from the Australian National University, Professor Prest was from the University of Melbourne and Brian Dixon was also from the Australian National University although he is now in the United States. [More…]
Last year, for instance, the United States of America had on hand 30 million to 40 million articles carrying the woolmark and I was assured that the greater proportion of them would be sold. [More…]
One current difficulty, of course, is to fill our United States quota. [More…]
The document was out of date on the night it was brought down - made out of date not only by the irrelevant economic policies it espoused but also because of the Nixon proposals in the United States of America announced a few days beforehand. [More…]
We despair because they seem not to see that we are suffering from a classic case of stagflation - that is inflationary stagnation or stagnation with inflation; an economic illness which has overtaken the United States and the United Kingdom, among other countries, in recent years. [More…]
We have to look at the ways the United Kingdom, the United States and Western Europe have tackled these great rural problems which have overtaken us 20 years later than them. [More…]
The United States also permits pensions to be paid to people in overseas countries. [More…]
The sale to the United States of articles containing wool fibre manufactured in Japan from Australian wool will certainly be set back. [More…]
We will feel it more as a result of our economic situation than will the economies of Japan or the United States of America. [More…]
He made no reference to the fact that the United States was on the verge of using nuclear weapons in Vietnam. [More…]
This was a move by the United States war office to destroy the very fabric of the earth. [More…]
What a catastrophe it would have been for the world if the United States had gone ahead with its war hawk attitude of using nuclear weapons in Vietnam. [More…]
Experience in the United Kingdom and the United States of America in recent years indicates that inflation and unemployment gallop along together. [More…]
Its action was followed a few weeks later by the United States Government which took more drastic action - steps involving it in virtual blackmail of an international monetary nature to force the world to accept devaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
But naturally, every possible assistance will be sought and is being given in the evacuation by the South Vietnamese and by the United States Air Force. [More…]
I ask: Has agreement been reached between the Department of Civil Aviation and the American Civil Aeronautics Board which gives Qantas Airways Ltd the right to land Boeing 747 jets in the United States of America and additional weekly flights for the United States airlines? [More…]
I suspect that the honourable member has some argument about the agreement which exists between the United States and Australia in this field. [More…]
Any proposal by the airlines for listings must go to the civil aviation authority in the United States and to the Department of Civil Aviation in Australia. [More…]
As far as capacity is concerned, it is a fact that application was made on behalf of two United States airlines for additional capacity or additional services on the Pacific route. [More…]
Agreement has been reached for Qantas to be allowed to fly additional 747 services into and across the United States at the same time. [More…]
The Minister made a great deal of the statement of the Gates Commission in relation to an allvolunteer Army for the United States. [More…]
United States. [More…]
The United States has a much larger pool of unemployment to draw on, though it must be conceded that the Government is doing its best at the moment to make up the leeway. [More…]
There is a very great lesson for Australia in what the Gates Commission has done; that is, analyse future manpower trends in the United States to see how the draft can be ended and what would need to be spent to form an all-volunteer army. [More…]
We had no information on future population and workforce trends from the Minister beyond a vague reference to current research indicating that elasticity of supply of volunteers to our Army was lower than the United States. [More…]
1 think that this is the area to which the threats of the world rr*:re moved; formerly they were in EuropeEurope The Nixon Doctrine said that the United States will help those nations which are prepared to help themselves. [More…]
The days have gone when we could have an army of 28,000 men because we knew that any instant we could have the United States of America or the United Kingdom with us. [More…]
We hope and we feel confident that the United States will honour her commitments. [More…]
The statements which we heard this afternoon from the honourable member for La Trobe in relation to the United States of America were very much like those of that day. [More…]
I think we all know in our hearts that the United States is going home from Asia and is going to stay home from Asia. [More…]
It would be only in the event of a global war that we could expect the United States to come back into Asia in a military capacity. [More…]
The events, in which Australia played a major part, involving the United States in the land war in Asia have cost us the future possible support of the United States in any defence situation. [More…]
Canada is protected on 2 sides by the United States and protected by great distance although distance is being overcome as the years go by. [More…]
This can be compared with France, which has 5.2 per cent of military aged men in the armed services, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which has 6.9 per cent, the United States of America which has 8.5 per cent and Canada, which has 2.3 per cent. [More…]
Canada’s percentage is somewhat less than our percentage, but, as someone has already mentioned, Canada is in the shadow and umbrella of the United States and although it is a Pacific power, it does not seem to have made any attempt to take any active part with its services in the Pacific area. [More…]
Comparisons are also made, as I mentioned, with the United States where the Gates Commission has proposed abolition of compulsory fulltime service by 1973. [More…]
The legislative power to call up men for service remains operative in the United States and has just been reconfirmed by Congress. [More…]
The level of unemployment in the United States over recent years has averaged’ 4.4 per cent and has reached 6 per cent. [More…]
It is easy to see that there is a relatively larger pool of potential recruits for the services in the United States of America. [More…]
Members of the Opposition made this clear in this session of Parliament when they said that we want Australian control of bases that have been set up in this country by the United States of America. [More…]
We have heard lots of loose talk about the trends in the United States of America and suggestions which have been made there about moving towards a voluntary system. [More…]
It has not been sufficiently well recognised by the Opposition that the United States has only relatively recently realised that it ought to improve the pay and conditions of service of American servicemen, including conscripts, to the level which is enjoyed by members of our armed services, including all conscipts I would think that if there were to be any real force in the suggestion by the Opposition that conscription will become unnecessary so long as we improve the pay and conditions of service of servicemen then the Opposition should at least come forward in this debate and say precisely what better conditions of service and of pay it proposes. [More…]
At about this time a very forthright senator in the United States, Wayne Morse, said that the American Government would regret its decision to involve itself in a land war in Asia. [More…]
The United States Army has been demoralised. [More…]
Never again will the United States fight in foreign wars, despite ANZUS, because under the ANZUS treaty a resolution has to go through Congress - which includes the United States Senate. [More…]
Let it become true in the minds of the people that, as the Chinese have said and as I say with great reluctance, the United States has become a paper tiger. [More…]
What about our obligations to and our ties with a country such as the United States, which is constantly criticised and berated by honourable members opposite?- I have never yet heard them get up and pay the United States any credit whatsoever. [More…]
It is all very well to talk of the people of the United States tiring of the war in Vietnam. [More…]
the United States on the last occasion when this happened but J -read all about it. [More…]
What was the (a), value and (b) general nature of the defence orders placed by the United States of America in Australia, and processed by his Department in 1970-71. [More…]
United States in that year. [More…]
Complete records are- not available of orders placed directly on Australian industry by overseas countries, however some information on known contracts placed by companies in the United States is available and the details are as follows: [More…]
From 1962 to 1964 the Division of Radiophysics collected and examined these particles with the help of United States Air Force U-2 aircraft then based in Australia. [More…]
Has the Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design, a committee of the Australian Transport Advisory Council, discussed the proposal by the United States National Highway Safety Bureau to introduce a motor vehicle safety standard high speed warning and control which will govern cars to a speed of 95 mph and give a warning signal at 80 mph. [More…]
The proposal to which you refer has been put to the United States automotive industry and other interested parties for comment. [More…]
I understand the period for comment has expired but I am not aware of any decision on the matter being taken so far by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. [More…]
I found, at the beginning, that while the British and the Japanese were quite forthcoming about agreeing to our admission to the Group of Ten, initially we could not get the approval of the United States Administration. [More…]
I took the matter up again and I was able to obtain the consent of the United States Government. [More…]
As to the second part of the honourable gentleman’s question, I accept what he said about the difficult position which now exists as to the currency difficulties and the import surcharge which has been imposed by the United States. [More…]
There is obviously at the moment a slackness in demand generally for wool and in fact for most textiles, attributable I would think more to the 10 per cent import surcharge applied by the United States of America than to any other factor. [More…]
He said that every possible assistance would be sought and be given in the evacuation by the South Vietnamese and by the United States Air Force. [More…]
That help was mainly provided by the United States of America but Australia and a number of our allies in the South East Asia area also provided assistance. [More…]
I have heard constant attempts by the Opposition to denigrate the Fill yet about 350 of them are flying in the United States Air Force today. [More…]
Of course, it has call on the United States Air Force and on artillery. [More…]
Is this an indication of the democracy for which so many young people from the United States of America, Australia, South Korea and other allied nations have expended their lives and made great sacrifices? [More…]
Unfortunately the views of the doves in the United States of America and in Australia have prevailed, which interfered with the prosecution of the war. [More…]
They have been based on the Menzies theory that the United States of America will always come to our military assistance. [More…]
Its foreign policies have been designed and tailored towards a political end and that political end has been well served in the past by the Government’s tying itself to the defence umbrella of the United States. [More…]
I think the whole National Service Act was a response to political pressure from the United States and it is an Act that destroys the Government’s credibility in the eyes of the Australian people. [More…]
The policy of this Government became ‘All the way with LBJ’ and Australia found that it was committed because it was felt that in a time of crisis the United States of America might come to our aid. [More…]
Today, the United States Government in every aspect of its policy is showing how much it thinks of Australia’s support in Vietnam. [More…]
One would think that Government supporters at least would examine their guilt, as members of Congress in the United States, both Republicans and Democrats, did. [More…]
Surely he knows that in the United States honourable members from both sides have had the courage to say that their country’s entry into Vietnam was an immoral and wrong act. [More…]
In fact, 58 per cent of the American people said it was immoral for the United States ever to go into Vietnam. [More…]
In fact, the Gates Commission, which was created by President Nixon and which inquired into the need for conscription in the United States disclosed that there was no reason for national service, as honourable members opposite like to call it. [More…]
Gates Commission in the United States. [More…]
It thought that if it conscripted young men and sent them to Vietnam to stand by Australia’s ally, the United States, and Australia was ever attacked, then the United States would come to our aid. [More…]
Let me explain what appalls me about the United States involvement. [More…]
President Nixon has had to appropriate through Congress some extra millions of dollars to fight the increase in drug addiction as a result of United States servicemen returning home hopeless heroin, cocaine and morphine addicts. [More…]
Heroin addition among American soldiers in Vietnam has finally prompted White House orders for United States missions in Southeast Asia’ to crack down on drug traffic. [More…]
I pointed out in my remarks last night that these addicts from the United States Army find when they return to the United States that, whilst satisfying, their drug needs in South Vietnam cost $6 a day, to get the same quantity of drugs in America costs SI 00 a day and they have to commit serious crime to get the necessary funds to continue their addiction, an addiction that they did not seek, an addiction that they and their parents did not want but an addiction that was imposed upon them by a warmongering government in the United States and its conscription laws. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court in particular has most recently, in refusing recognition of selective objectors in that country, placed particular emphasis on the practical difficulties of distinguishing reliably between the vast range of situations and shades of belief which selective objection can take. [More…]
The Minister for Labour and National Service said that the United States Supreme Court, which in some way is supposed to influence our propositions, has argued that selective objection would be contrary to the public interest or would be difficult to apply. [More…]
I should like to quote from the United States Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter on war which was approved at their national conference in November 1968 by 180 votes to 8. [More…]
I know that the Minister is influenced by Catholic bishops and 1 hope that he is influenced by Catholic bishops not only in this country but also by those in the United States. [More…]
I repeat that this particular statement was approved at the national conference of the United States Catholic Bishops in November 1968 and was passed by the huge majority of 180 votes to 8. [More…]
That is, the United States- however, provide only for those whose reasons of conscience are grounded in a total rejection of the use of military force . [More…]
When was the Minister’s attention drawn to the motion passed by the House of Assembly on 3rd September 1970 deeming the establishment of an air link between the Territory and Guam to be vital for the future development of the Territory and requesting the Commonwealth Government to obtain an amendment to the agreement with the United States of America which will permit the establishment of an air service between the Territory and Guam at the earliest possible date.’ [More…]
This detailed consideration led to an approach to the United States authorities. [More…]
Have any States other than the United States protested against (a) Mexico’s declaration that the northern third of the Gulf of California is part of Mexico’s territorial sea (Hansard, 29th September 1970, page 1844) and (b) Canada’s proclamation of fisheries closing lines across the Gulf of St Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy on the Atlantic coast and Queen Charlotte Sound and Dixon Entrance-Hecate Strait on the Pacific coast (Hansard, 23rd September 1970, page 1577). [More…]
Cup held in the United States of America met by the Commonwealth Government. [More…]
The Australian Ambassador to the United States held a number of functions in Newport, Rhode Island, at the time of the 1970 America’s Cup races. [More…]
On each occasion when Australia has been a participant in the America’s Cup Trials, the Government has made available funds to the Australian Ambassador to the United States for representation purposes. [More…]
When did the Australian Meat Board appoint the Washington legalfirm of Clifford, Warnke, McIlwain and Finney as its legal representatives and advisersin the United States of America. [More…]
If so, is the firm a lobbyist for the Board in the United States Congress. [More…]
Details of economic and social assistance to Vietnam are shown in the following publications, which are available through the Parliamentary Library: ‘Economic and Social Aid to Vietnam’, a report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vietnam for the period up to 31st December 1970, about civil assistance from all foreign sources; the Operation Reports of the United States Agency for International Development for financial year 1971; the ‘Report to the Ambassador from the Director ofthe United States Agency for International Development 1970’ covering United States assistance to Vietnam. [More…]
The 8 major donors (more than$USlm) in order of the size of their assistance programmes were the United States, Germany, France, Australia.Japan, Canada and the Republic of China. [More…]
The United States: The United States continued to be by far the largest donor of assistance to Vietnam. [More…]
Total United States economic and technical assistance to Vietnam in fiscal year 1971 (1970-71) was estimated at $US534m, excluding the Military Assistance Programme. [More…]
These are the only potential sites inspected by United States representatives, but they by no means limit the possibilities which will be examined before a final decision is reached. [More…]
The Air Bag is currently one of the most developed forms of passive restraint system and I understand that is is likely some 1973 model passenger cars in the United States may incorporate it. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
The ship has now increased to a size which is almost identical to that of the DDGs, the guided missile destroyers that we purchased from the United States of America at a cost then of slightly over $40m. [More…]
Does the Prime Minister consider that Australian defence secrets would be better kept in British, Japanese or United States shipyards than in Australian shipyards? [More…]
Already scientists in Japan, the United States and Western Europe quickly are mastering the production of synthetic meats through the texturising of the high protein soya bean through processes of thermo plastic extrusion and fibre spinning. [More…]
It will add greatly to the encouragement of scientific research in places like Japan, the United States and Western Europe. [More…]
The amount of beef which can be exported to the United States is dependent on an exporter’s ability to exploit other markets. [More…]
If the most profitable market for third grade beef is the United States the present inhibiting policy of earning ratios for markets other than America should not apply to these remote northern areas because of the special production and marketing problems involved. [More…]
American cattlemen are not resentful of the importation of third grade meat into the United States. [More…]
There has been a marked increase in our exports of meat, particularly to the United States of America. [More…]
He said also that American cattle men do not object to third grade beef being imported into the United States of America. [More…]
But we are trying all the time to get our meat into the United States. [More…]
Someone asked whether we should stop the importation of New Zealand lamb and he said: ‘What sort of a case would I have when I go to America and want to sell Australian beef to the United States if I stopped our sister Australasian nation, New Zealand, sending lamb to Australia?’ [More…]
In the United States of America there is the Export-Income Bank, a government instrumentality, which [More…]
In fact, he made a stricture on the Australian economy when he said that incentives to develop in the United States of America, Japan and even Ireland are much better than the incentives given to our industry. [More…]
The United States has recognised this because it established the Commodity Credit Corporation under Public Law 480. [More…]
In fact, this has been done basically to promote United States primary exports. [More…]
But under this American law the United States has moved into our own region of the world, - our own neighbourhood, and it has made sales on the basis of 20-year terms, a 5 per cent interest rate and local currency transactions. [More…]
This has all been done under this United States Public Law 480. [More…]
The United States trading agencies, and the people who produce, have received a tremendous amount of help from the operation of that law. [More…]
The result is that these people in the United States have taken from us - I am not saying unfairly; they have done it with their vigour and with government assistance - markets that we should have had for wheat. [More…]
It is also well to remember that the Western Australian Labor Government was the first to open up the Esperance project in Western Australia and it received a lot of United States capital to develop that area. [More…]
This is now becoming apparent in the United States of America and Europe. [More…]
They did this because they were confident in their belief in the superiority of American agricultural technique, and that what worked in the United States just had to work in Australia. [More…]
For example, the average price paid in the United States in 1970 for superphosphate was $46.42 per ton as against $27.25 per ton in Australia, or $15.25 with the bounty. [More…]
Was it in the United States of America where there is no T-VASI system or was it in Australia where there is a T-VASI system but no 747s on which he could do his training? [More…]
The other matter to which I would like to refer in the limited time available to me now is the agreement that has been entered into by Australia and the United States of America relating to the increase in flight frequencies between Australia and the United States. [More…]
At the present time British Overseas Airways Corporation has 5 Boeing 707 flights a week between Australia and the United States, UTA French Airlines has 2 flights, Air New Zealand has 4 flights and Qantas has 11 flights and 2 cargo services, but under this new agreement it will have 13 nights. [More…]
The Commission has advocated for some time increased frequencies on the route, particularly for direct flights into Melbourne and to tap more traffic from the eastern and mid-western regions of the United States which together represent the biggest travel market of the world. [More…]
The Commission is concerned by some of the suggestions during the last week that the agreement was a surrender to the United States and against our best interests. [More…]
It is a reasonable assumption that the increased capacity should be quickly absorbed by the high growth rate, particularly by United States visitors to Australia, which for the year ending 30th June 1971 was up 42 per cent. [More…]
We are already seeing evidence of marketing campaigns involving millions of dollars being spent by United States carriers in North America. [More…]
The suspension of flights by overseas airlines into the United States of America is not such a terrible challenge to the United States, which is threatening to ban Aer Lingus, Ireland’s international airline, from New York a year from now unless American carriers are granted permission to land at Dublin. [More…]
The United States has been trying for 25 years to obtain permission for its international airlines to land aircraft at Dublin, but the Irish will allow them to operate only through Shannon. [More…]
In particular, whilst our Director-General of Civil Aviation was in the United States of America to discuss the United States ban on Qantas jumbo jet flights to America, with the disadvantage of having had one Australian compromise deal rejected by the United States of America, he negotiated from a situation of weakness, with lack of government action to support Qantas and a heavy commitment to purchase the United States Boeing 747B at $21m odd. [More…]
What we also have to pay, as revealed by SST tests over 7 United States cities and by Concorde flights over England and France, is a feeling of human despair at forever surrendering peace and quiet, damage to property that may or may nol be compensated (and will take a long time), aborted young in humans and animals (one Mink farmer lost 2.000 kits) landslides and animal stampedes in the path of the sonic boom (from 40 to 60 miles wide on the ground along the whole flight path of the ‘plane), pollution from highly dangerous industrial poisons’ added to SST fuel, as well as other fallout; the gigantic noise of the SST especially at airports; the danger to buildings (a Reuter report in the Guardian (London) on 5/8/67 said the French Government paid 143.000 in 1966 in compensation for damage and that ‘ . [More…]
I want to say something at the outset about the Government’s abject surrender on the recent negotiations with the United States of America in the matter of air routes and aircraft flights into and out of Australia and the United States. [More…]
As a result of the deal, Qantas Airways Ltd has a right to fly 4 Boeing 747 jets a week into the United States. [More…]
It would now be permitted to land1,850 passengers in the United States each week. [More…]
What do the United States companies get? [More…]
This is a measure of our giveaway in negotiations with the United States. [More…]
But what did the Minister for Civil Aviation (Senator Cotton) have to say ever so recently - as a matter of fact on 12th May 1971 - when he was expressing concern over extra United States flights? [More…]
The Australian Government was deeply concerned about applications by, United States airlines to operate extra passenger flights across the South Pacific, the Minister for Civil Aviation, Senator Robert Cotton, said today. [More…]
During the negotiations, the United States representatives claimed that the capacity increase, they sought would strengthen considerably traffic growth in the Australia-United States market. [More…]
We could have told Pan Am that if our 747s were not to be admitted to the United States without our making these further concessions we would not admit Pan Am to Australia. [More…]
This is not being anti-American, or no more anti-American than Americans are anti-Australian when they prevent Australian beef from entering America except under quota or when they prevent Australian wool entering the United States market. [More…]
I am grateful to the honourable member for Newcastle for reminding us that in recent years Australia has spent $560m purchasing aircraft from the United States. [More…]
This $560m was spent in the United States over the last 10 years. [More…]
We have been talking about the 4 747s that Qantas is putting on the run to the United States, but it has taken out an option on a fifth at a total cost of S28m. [More…]
It is hard to add very much more except to say this: We find that our great and friendly ally, the United States of America, when it comes down to commerce and profit is no longer the wonderful friend that we have had in the past, even though, as the honourable member for Newcastle has mentioned, Ansett Airlines of Australia, Trans-Australia Airlines and Qantas Airways Ltd have all purchased or ordered between them over the last 10 years $560m worth of aircraft from that country. [More…]
Surely this represents a wonderful boon to the economy of the United States. [More…]
Yet, when it comes to that country giving a little reciprocal assistance, helping Qantas - its own customer - to be at least an effective financial and commercial organisation, the United States, that great and friendly ally, turns around and, in spite of the recent agreement reached, tries to grind Qantas straight into the ground. [More…]
All I can say to the honourable member for Sydney is that I just wish that this Government would do a little more to stand up for its own commercial organisations and not bow down to the might and the will of the United States in its commercial transactions. [More…]
For example, seadromes are being considered in the United States of America. [More…]
I listened to the speeches of the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam), the honourable member for Newcastle (Mr Charles Jones) and other honourable members and I am in complete agreement with those who believe that the Department of Civil Aviation has capitulated completely to the United States Civil Aeronautics Board in regard to the agreement concerning flights of 747 aircraft on the Pacific run. [More…]
In September 1970, prior to the United States operation of Boeing 747 aircraft into this country, the Department of Civil Aviation forwarded a letter to Pan Am detailing how the T-VASIS may be used by long bodied aircraft. [More…]
I refer very briefly to the question of a so-called new agreement between the United States and Australia. [More…]
There is no new agreement between the United States and Australia. [More…]
The position is that some new arrangements have been made under this Bermuda-type agreement whereby in future there will be control by the governments - the United States Government and the Australian Government - over capacity on the Pacific route for the first time. [More…]
Once it goes through the board in the United States and the Department of Civil Aviation here, it will be referred to the Department of State in the United States and to the Minister here. [More…]
The Commission has advocated for some time increased frequencies on the route, particularly for direct flights into Melbourne and to tap more traffic from the eastern and mid-western regions of the United States which together represent the biggest travel market in the world. [More…]
We are concerned by some suggestions during the last week that the air agreement was a surrender to the United States and against our best interests. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 500,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity: Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
That the Commonwealth Parliament has acted to remove some inadequacies in the Australian education system; a major inadequacy at present in Australian education is the lack of equal education opportunity for all; more than 300,000 children suffer from serious lack of equal opportunity; Australia cannot afford to waste the talents of one sixth of its school children; only the Commonwealth has the financial resources for special programmes to remove inadequacies; and nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the chief impetus for change and the finance for improvement come from the National Government. [More…]
Can the Minister for the Navy give the House some indication of the very serious recent decline in the naval strength and sea power of the United States compared with that of the Soviet Union? [More…]
It can be summarised in this way: At the present moment the editors of ‘Janes’ and their advisers consider that, in every department other than aircraft carriers, the United States is steadily - indeed, to quote the Chief of Naval Operations of the United States, alarmingly - falling behind the strength of the Union of Soviet Socialits Republics. [More…]
The USSR has 3 times as many submarines as does the United States. [More…]
The United States has no ships equipped with the antisurfacevessel missile. [More…]
The United Nations has now established a relief organisation to assist in the reception and distribution of relief supplies in East Pakistan, and some donors such as the United States of America, Britain and Canada are channelling aid through it. [More…]
The immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all Australian military forces from IndoChina and the cessation of Australian aggression against the people of Indo-China, irrespective of United States policy. [More…]
I refer to the statement in today’s newspapers by 12 of Australia’s leading academic economists urging the Government to realign the Australian dollar somewhere half way between the United States dollar and the yen. [More…]
I ask the right honourable gentlemen: Firstly, is it a fact that manufacturing and rural industries and mineral exporters have been urging realignment on the basis of parity between the Australian and United States dollars? [More…]
I have read with a great deal of interest the recommendations that were made by 12 economists and the various alternatives that they suggested, particularly with relationship of the Australian dollar to the United States dollar, sterling and the yen or somewhere half way between the US dollar and the yen. [More…]
The United States destroyers ‘Edson’ and ‘Lang’, which were en route to Brisbane and New Zealand joined ‘Otway’ in searching at 2 o’clock this morning. [More…]
In practice, this means thai the agreement cannot become effective unless and until it is ratified by the United States. [More…]
Although the United States Administration had commenced proceedings to have Congress pass the necessary legislation to authorise payment of the subscription and contribution totalling $US960m for that country, action on this matter had not then been completed and indeed still remains outstanding. [More…]
A similar situation occurred 3 years ago when the second exercise to replenish IDA’s resources was held up for 12 months due to a delay by the United States Congress in ratifying the relevant agreement. [More…]
This is one of the very few occasions on which the Government seems to be acting independently, before waiting for the United States of America to act. [More…]
I think it is a most regrettable situation that the great country of the United States is so reluctant to advance its proper share to the International Development Association and I think it serves to highlight the kinds of international currency and trade difficulties that confront us at the present time. [More…]
It would appear from the level of assistance provided by the United States of America and some other Western countries that those countries also consider the decisions taken at these conferences to be of some importance. [More…]
In my remarks on the Budget, I mentioned the problems that are besetting the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
It has failed to make any reasonable forecast of future problems, and a very substantial proportion of our contracts for exports have been nominated in United States dollars. [More…]
I have been fortunate in the last few days to receive from the United States a report, the foreword of which was written by Ralph Nader, of the Centre for Auto Safety. [More…]
The Volkswagen Beetle is the most hazardous car currently in use in significant numbers in the United States. [More…]
However, Nader points out the extent to which VW has gone in the United States to lobby against and defeat proposed safety standard legislation and also to exert pressure on the Detroit giants, General Motors and Ford, to support VW or face economic retaliation by the German Government against their large investments in that country. [More…]
While most full sized United States cars provide about 3 feet of collapse distance the VW bus provides ‘a scant half foot’. [More…]
The United Kingdom $7.lm and the United States of America $70.5m. [More…]
As I understand the position, under, I believe, Chapter 21 of the Platform and Constitution of the Labor Party the Labor Party took out that part of the old platform that said that the ANZUS Treaty is of crucial importance to the alliance between Australia and the United States. [More…]
I point out that the ANZUS Treaty is one between the Australian people and the people of the United States. [More…]
The Treaty was passed by the Congress of the United States and is, consequently, part of the supreme law of the land of that country. [More…]
Not only did the Leader of the Opposition raise matters that concern the domestic politics of this country and try to gain the support of the Chinese for the Labor Party cause but he also insulted our allies and particularly the Japanese and the President of the United States. [More…]
I ask the right honour* able gentleman: Is the Government eminently satisfied with the handling of this matter or has it in fact in any other way, privately or properly, protested to the United States Administration about the handling of it? [More…]
There are certain beneficial clauses in the agreement between the United States Government and ourselves that can be of marked advantage to this country. [More…]
In the first place this problem has been taken out of the hands of the United States Civil Aeronautics Authority and put into the hands of the Department of State which is responsible for the overall relationships between that country and Australia. [More…]
Also, we have a provision in the agreement to provide that if the estimates in schedules do not turn out to be of the order that is considered to be probable by the United States Civil Aeronautics Authority, we can take action ourselves either to cancel the agreement or to make variations in it at our discretion. [More…]
In particular, I think it is of potential worry that in the United States synthetic substitutes might take the place of some of the lean meats and meat for canning that we have traditionally exported to that country for manufacturing purposes. [More…]
The proper way In which this matter should be handled is by direct communication between my colleague the Treasurer and Mr Connally, Secretary of the United States Treasury. [More…]
Before the recent action of the United States of America to stem its monetary crisis was the devaluation insurance rate fixed by the Reserve Bank at the rate of 10c per Stg100 a month? [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing cooperation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make - [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing co-operation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement :n the Pacific area. [More…]
It has been estimated that in the United States there are three times as many permanently disabled from Vietnam as from World War II and there are twice as many from Vietnam as from Korea. [More…]
This Bill seeks the approval of Parliament to a borrowing by the Commonwealth of $US11,310,400 ($A10.1m) from the Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Boeing Company, and to an appropriation of the Loan Fund of an amount not exceeding $A1 3,1 50,000 to assist Qantas Airways Limited in financing the purchase of not more than 2 Boeing 747 jet aircraft and related equipment, spare parts and services. [More…]
In accordance with normal lending practice in the United States, a commitment fee of one-half of one per cent per annum is to be paid on the undrawn amount of the Export-Import Bank loan. [More…]
Our main market for beef, of course, has been the United States of [More…]
If we do not fill these quotas to the United States of America we could be jeopardising further exports to this market which is a most lucrative one and of great value to Australia. [More…]
Its gross national product is now the third largest in the world behind the United States of America and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Japan is now our largest trading partner and Australia is Japan’s second largest trading partner after the United States. [More…]
Amazingly, this almost matches our trading deficit with the United States of America. [More…]
In the last 12 months we sold to the United States $524m worth of goods and bought back $ 1,042m worth of goods, a deficit of $528m. [More…]
We have the United States in isolation, the European Economic Community coming up and the Soviet bloc and we need an Asian common market bloc to safeguard ourselves against the power punches from these other great blocs that have been set up. [More…]
International authorities associated with the Japanese economy state categorically that the slowing down in Japan’s imports of coal and iron ore is a direct result of the steel recession which is now being accelerated by the international monetary crisis in which Japan and the United States of America are the key combatants. [More…]
Instead of the usual heavy increase in crude steel production in Japan total production this year will be significantly less, and- if the United States economic policies continue to react further against Japan the slowing down of Japan’s steel production must continue. [More…]
The savage reduction in demand from the United States for fabricated metal products has also resulted in a significant slowing down in the production of commodities involving copper, zinc and lead. [More…]
The same economic influences in Japan have now resulted in a slackening in demand for wool with forced selling in Japan as a result of United States policies on textiles. [More…]
United States and Europe; secondly, first class international standard accommodation; and thirdly, to view, feel, taste and absorb experiences uniquely Australian. [More…]
If we look at the United States of America, the United Kingdom or Western Europe, we find that all of those countries have had to undergo very serious rural reconstruction. [More…]
For reasons 1 shall come to and for some other reasons that none of us know the price of that product has now dropped in such a way that we are in the same position as those in the rural industries in the United Kingdom, the United States and, to a great extent, Western Europe. [More…]
So my one short message in the short time at my disposal is: Let us look at the way in which the United Kingdom, Western Europe and the United States have had to grapple with the subject of rural reconstruction. [More…]
Similarly, the United States of America, which still packs more economic clout than the rest of the world together in terms of trade, has laid it on the line as to what the future will be. [More…]
The gross national product of the United States is $1,050 billion a year, but the whole of world trade is $280 billion a year. [More…]
The United States depends on world trade for only a matter of 4i per cent of its gross national product. [More…]
The United States can see the trends. [More…]
When all the manipulations are finished in relation to foreign exchange parties this will be the position: The surcharge of 10 per cent on American imports will remain and even greater than that is the other concession that is given internally in the United States, a matter of another 10 per cent by way of tax concessions for the purchase of American manufactured goods such as heavy machinery, and in addition there will be the measure of deflation. [More…]
In other words the United States in terms of world trade will get in out of the wet and the rest of the world can fend for itself. [More…]
In turn Japan has an equally favourable balance with the United States and the US has an extremely favourable balance with us. [More…]
Let me take a case concerning my own electorate where through crass stupidity the coal producers cut one another’s throats when the Japanese came and as a consequence we are getting $12.80 per ton for our coal while similar quality coal is being purchased by Japan for $20 from the United States. [More…]
In the last 5 years we have had a deficit in the balance on current account with the United Kingdom of $2,892m and with the United States of more than $3,000m. [More…]
The overall position of the deficit in the balance on the current account with the United Kingdom during the period 1950-51 to 1969-70 was more than $7,000m and with the United States during this period it was more than $6,500m - a combined total of more than $ 13,500m and yet during this period our overall deficit was only S9,000m. [More…]
To give honourable members some idea of the magnitude of the tourist trade, since 1960 we have been on the wrong side of the budget to the tune of $565m, and this despite the United States rest and recuperation visitors coming to this country from Vietnam. [More…]
The United States has a very strict tariff policy, particularly against the entry of Australian wool. [More…]
This policy has been instituted by the United States simply for the purpose of protecting its own synthetic industries. [More…]
As mentioned by the honourable member for Reid (Mr Uren), over the period of 20 years since 1950-51, the United Kingdom has a credit of $7,500 and the United States of America a credit for $6,500 on current account. [More…]
When we trade with the United Kingdom and the United States, at least we are doing something to implement the 2-way street policy. [More…]
But why has the Government not reminded the United States and the United Kingdom of their reciprocal obligation because both have been living off our backs as far as trade is concerned for the last 2 decades? [More…]
I believe that if we want to implement the proper tariff policy we must do so in relation to the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
In such circumstances we would need to take less from the United States. [More…]
How does the Minister view this situation against the existence of righttowork laws in the United States of America and a recent legal decision in Great Britain which implies that the right to work is as worthy of judicial protection as the light to personal reputation or safety? [More…]
This is how the highly skilled work force was built up in the United States of America. [More…]
I direct a question to the Prime Minister and in so doing preface it by reminding him that in the absence of an Australian counterpart of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry to regulate savage internal Australian producer competition, Japan now imports Australian coal at $12.80 a ton but pays more than $20 a ton for a similar type coal from the United States of America. [More…]
Will he also ensure that all future contracts with Japan are denominated in Australian instead of United States dollars? [More…]
It rates not far below that of the United States of America. [More…]
By comparison with our appalling ignorance here, overseas - especially in the United States - the problem of the health care of the poor has received a tremendous amount of attention from governments and medical personnel. [More…]
By comparison with the indolent apathy of the Australian Government, the United States Government has taken an active role in providing for the poor through substantial grants to States and to institutions for the care of the poor. [More…]
This has become common in the United States, and the Federal Government there makes special grants for foundations to set up community health centres. [More…]
By comparison with the imagination that has been exercised by the United States Federal Government in paying States, institutions and universities to go into the field of community health services, in Australia we are still in the backwoods. [More…]
Indications from the pre-paid systems, such as the Kaiser Permanente Scheme in the United States of America, suggest that the number of acute hospital beds required can reach as low as 2 per 1,000, or even less. [More…]
I repeat that these were the conclusions reached in the United States of America, which is not a country forcing Socialism on anybody. [More…]
Sweden and Britain which enjoy lower infant mortality and morbidity rates from childhood diseases than the United States devote only 5 per cent and 4 per cent respectively of their gross national products to medical care and in each of these countries doctors in most cases are paid salaries rather than fees for services. [More…]
The United States of America, for example, has a problemsolving agency - the Council on Environ-, mental Quality - and a policy making agency - the Environmental Protection Authority. [More…]
Advisory Board, the Pesticides ‘ Sections of the FDA and the Fisheries and Wildlife Service, the Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, various research laboratories in several departments, the Federal Radiation Council, radiation standards of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, several noise control offices, the Pesticides Registration Programme of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Federal Water Quality Administration and many others. [More…]
As well as the Environment Protection Agency, the United States Government also has organised the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which integrates activities of the United States weather service, fisheries, sections formerly in the Department of the Navy on oceanography and all other sections of Government concerned with the oceans and the atmosphere. [More…]
This is the way it is being done in the United States of America. [More…]
Every 3 years we have the population equivalent to the United States added to the world population. [More…]
In trying to indicate the wastage of our resources and the fact that development is not necessarily all that it seems, he discusses the use of raw materials by the United States of America. [More…]
But, unhappily, even though a larger population could well live there, the ‘frontier philosophy’ is even more rampant in Australia than in the United States in terms of environmental deterioration and agricultural overexploitation. [More…]
During the Budget debate I mentioned that one city in the United States had already introduced legislation which provides for a fine of Si 00 for any retailer selling a non-returnable container. [More…]
Some housewives in the United States have formed themselves into an association to inform their members of the effects on the environment of different types of products on the market. [More…]
experience in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, where these trading stamp schemes are at present in full blast, is that it adds something between 2 per cent and 4 per cent to the price of goods in the long run . [More…]
What is the procedure for citizens of the United States of America to obtain visitors’ visas to enter Australia. [More…]
Will the State of Hawaii or the Government of the United States of America be requested to reimburse the cost of the deportation of this family; if not, why not. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister noticed newspaper reports that the President of the United States intends making a visit to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? [More…]
If so, has he received any communication from the United States President seeking the Prime Minister’s OK for this visit in view of the fact that he expressed concern at the President’s proposed visit to the People’s Republic of China without first informing him? [More…]
Will the Minister for Trade and Industry indicate the current position regarding our beef exports to the United States of America? [More…]
I think that up to that date we had about another 40,000 tons to export to the United States. [More…]
Finally, I would say this: We do from time to time have sophisticated warships from the United Kingdom and the United States visiting our shores. [More…]
I am informed by my department that there is, in fact, no censorship in Vietnam but that what happens is that correspondents are accredited by the South Vietnamese Government and by the United States Government. [More…]
This Bill seeks parliamentary approval to a borrowing by the Commonwealth of up to $US90m from the Export-Import Bank of the United States to assist in financing the purchase of general defence equipment in the United States, and approval for the execution of the loan agreement on behalf of the Commonwealth for this borrowing. [More…]
Under the Loan (Defence) Acf 1970, the Commonwealth arranged borrowings of $US89m to finance orders for general defence equipment placed with United States suppliers in 1969-70. [More…]
2) 1970, the Commonwealth arranged borrowings of $US123m to finance orders for general defence equipment to be placed with United States suppliers during 1970-71. [More…]
It is quite clear that the United States of America is the key in the immediate future to the progress of the wool industry in Australia. [More…]
It is quite clear that the international monetary problem has an effect on our exports directly to the United States, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has an effect on our exports to the countries which manufacture consumer goods for sale to the United States. [More…]
Contracts in relation to our greasy wool sold to Japan are in United States dollars. [More…]
Contracts in relation to our greasy wool which is shipped to Europe are in United States dollars. [More…]
Countries like Japan virtually overbought some 2 years ago because of the drop in demand from the United States. [More…]
- President Nixon yesterday threatened to take steps against Japan and other countries if they fail to show this week that they will agree to curb textile exports to the United States. [More…]
Mr Nixon, using his toughest language so far in the long wrangle over textiles, publicly confirmed the United States had set an October 15 deadline for breaking the deadlock in the negotations. [More…]
However, officials in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong have said the United States has threatened to impose quotas on non-cotton textile imports. [More…]
Current difficulties have been aggravated by the world monetary crisis and the 10 per cent surcharge which has been imposed by the United States of America on our wool exports on top of the existing 25c a lb import duty. [More…]
I would submit that instead of waiting on what is taking place at the meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the meetings of the Group of Ten - it has now become a group of nine versus the United States as the tenth - it is about time that Australia began to do something about arranging separate terms if need be, between Japan and itself and, if need be, in respect of wool. [More…]
There was a time back in the 1950s when we looked to the United States and then in the early 1960s the switch was to Europe. [More…]
Can he say whether (a) official United States Atomic Energy Commission estimates for 1,000 [More…]
Australia believes that there is every reason why we should co-operate with our great allies and particularly with the United States as part of the ANZUS agreement, and I have no intention whatsoever of either confirming or denying any rumours which are published in the papers. [More…]
2), I present the text of a letter to be exchanged between Qantas and the United States Government on the use of aircraft. [More…]
While public and political awareness of the issues of urbanism, environmental control and the preservation of the quality of life in cities or, for that matter, in the countryside is highly desirable, it is undesirable to make a direct transfer of European or United States experiences and problems to the Australian scene without modification or qualification. [More…]
This is what has been discovered in the United States of America in relation to efforts in the anti-poverty campaigns in that country. [More…]
This has been done quite recently in the United States and in another country. [More…]
If we are going to subsidise a government and a university which defeat by victimisation the very purpose for which their nationals travel to friendly countries such as Australia, the State of Hawaii and the United States mainland in order to achieve high academic qualifications to enable them to take up positions at the university in the country in which they were reared, I believe that our Government should use its good offices to see that these sorts of things are not repeated. [More…]
Have Australia’s allies in Viet-Nam rejected political settlement proposals of Communist spokesmen on the ground that the United States of America would not impose any government on the South Vietnamese people and therefore could not accept the exclusion of Thieu, Ky and Khiem. [More…]
Both the Republic of Viet-Nam and the United States of America have indicated that proposals put forward so far by the Communists are not acceptable. [More…]
Mr Acting Speaker, I wish to inform the House that the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) is leaving Australia today to visit the United States and Britain for discussions with President Nixon and Mr Heath on matters of mutual concern. [More…]
Will the Acting Prime Minister enlighten us, as indeed the Prime Minister has failed to enlighten the nation, as to what are the specific purposes of the Prime Minister’s trip to the United States and the United Kingdom other than window dressing for party political purposes? [More…]
I believe it is an honour, firstly, that Australia should have been invited to have its Prime Minister go to Washington for personal and private discussions with the President of the United States prior to the President’s visit to Peking and Moscow. [More…]
The right honourable gentleman will recall that a week ago the Minister for the Interior promised to seek the advice of the AttorneyGeneral on the flotation in the United States of America of Gunn Resources and Exploration Incorporated, a company which will take over 5 northern Australian pastoral properties and to which Australians will not be able to subscribe. [More…]
In fact, because of events which have interposed - predominantly the 10 per cent import surcharge imposed by the United States of America, but also uncertainty about currency valuations around the world and some slackness in recovery in the general textile field - the market has not reached the expected point. [More…]
One of the great difficulties in Australia is that we do not have in this country anything like the legislation that operates in the United States of America, called Consumer Credit Protection Acts. [More…]
Today we have knocking at the door repeatedly requests by Japan, by the United States and by Britain too for the granting of further banking charters. [More…]
The major economic powers and the major donors of aid to India, particularly the United States and Britain, are making the largest contribution to the international relief effort. [More…]
It is interesting to note that countries referred to already in this debate have given more than what was attributed to them, because England, the United States, Canada and several other countries have not only given to the refugee appeal but they have also given aid to East Pakistan on a very large scale. [More…]
I have with me some figures which were given to a United States Senate subcommittee convened to investigate the problems connected with refugees and escapees. [More…]
Should we not be doing what the United States Senate sub-committee has done and try to determine what the needs are, precisely what the Indian Government wants and how much it does cost to sustain this enormous number of refugees for 6 months, one year or for however long they will be maintained? [More…]
We have been rather unquestioning allies of the United States in recent years and I think it is about time that we used our good offices to try to influence them to take a more rational course that would be not only in our interests but would be in India’s interest and in the interest of the United States. [More…]
I sometimes despair to think how blind the United States is in its own policies towards India at the moment. [More…]
The United States of America has recently announced an additional contribution of $125m in cash. [More…]
and (3) During the financial year 1970-71, 87,449 of the 170,011 settlers who arrived in Australia last resided in countries other than the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. [More…]
What reduction has the United States (a) made in numbers of her forces in Vietnam in the last 12 months and (b) announced that she will make in the next 12 months? [More…]
United States Withdrawals from South Vietnam - President Nixon announced on 7th April 1971 that a total of 265,000 men would have been withdrawn from Vietnam by 1st May 1971, and that a further 100,000 were to be withdrawn between 1st May and 1st December 1971. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a report in Time’ magazine of 18th October and a number of other reports of late in overseas newspapers stating that some SOO United States business and industrial firms have been experimenting with a 4-day working week without necessarily a reduction in working hours, which makes recruitment of labour easier, reduces absenteeism, increases productivity and improves employee morale? [More…]
The original signatories to the Agreement were Turkey, Greece and Australia - Australia participated at industry level with the endorsement of the Australian Government - and while the United States was not a signatory it adhered from the outset to the terms of the Agreement in every way. [More…]
During its lifetime the conferences held under the Agreement were all chaired by Mr Setrakian of the United States, which is the world’s largest producer of dried vine fruits and which, as explained previously, while not a signatory to the Agreement, faithfully adhered to its terms during its lifetime. [More…]
We all know that a lot of work has been done on this matter overseas - in New Zealand, the United States of America and other parts of the world. [More…]
In the United States the division of the judicial system into 2 parallel tiers of courts, Federal and State, has served no great or good purpose. [More…]
by leave - Mr Acting Speaker, President Nixon’s statement on various new economic measures the United States was taking was made on 15th August last. [More…]
Shortly stated, the President announced the following main measures: Convertibility of United States dollars into gold and other reserve assets was to be temporarily suspended; a 10 per cent surcharge on all dutiable imports into the United States, other than those subject to quotas, was to be imposed. [More…]
The President announced certain other measures, the main effects of which were designed to stimulate the growth of output in the United States while at the same time attempting to restrain wage and price increases. [More…]
One of these measures however - the job development tax credit - also has the effect of discriminating against imports into the United States of various manufactured products. [More…]
In international terms the significant element of the United States action - apart from the suspension of convertibility of the dollar, the consequence of which I will come to later - -was the 10 per cent surcharge on imports. [More…]
There were many factors which contributed to the United States’ balance of payments crisis. [More…]
For one thing, the United States, which had once been an example to the world in maintaining cost and price stability, found itself in a position where, for some time, its prices and costs had been rising more rapidly than those of its main competitors. [More…]
Beyond that the United States has claimed that some of its troubles have been due to the fact that it has been shouldering an undue share of the free world’s defence burdens. [More…]
Defence expenditures abroad by the United States have recently been running at around $US5 billion annually. [More…]
Australia is probably in as good a position as any country to appreciate the size of the defence expenditures the United States has been assuming. [More…]
Then again, the United States has claimed that its trading position has been worsened by what it regards as the unfair practices pursued by some of its trading partners. [More…]
Australia, of course, which is more dependent than most on the export of primary products, would certainly agree that in many cases the United States, like ourselves, has some real grievances in terms of the trade practices of others. [More…]
The United States is facing a deficit on its trade account this year for the first time for almost 80 years. [More…]
In these circumstances, it is a good thing that a country as powerful as the United States is prepared to take up seriously this matter of unfair trading practices. [More…]
In that context, incidentally, I certainly took the opportunity of pointing out the barriers that exist to many of our own exports to the United States. [More…]
Bearing in mind all these circumstances, the United States has taken the view that a number of its trading partners were conducting their trade with the United States on the basis of exchange rates which gave them an unfair advantage. [More…]
This realignment would recognise the over-valuation of the United States dollar, or the undervaluation of the currencies of those countries in balance of payments surplus - the way of expressing it depends upon the point of view. [More…]
Finally, the United States has recognised that this dollar crisis is only the last of a series of crises which have affected ;n turn the pound sterling, the French franc, the German Deutsche mark, and now the United States dollar. [More…]
And when they did open, parities with the United States dollar were not maintained. [More…]
Meanwhile, the United States and its major trading partners are still debating bilaterally, and within other forums, notably the Group of Ten, what further contribution to the restoration of equilibrium in international trade and payments is still required by the United States, on the one hand, and by the rest of the Group of Ten, on the other. [More…]
The United States, however, has not had things all its own way on these non-financial issues and criticism is mounting not only against the import surchage but also against some related measures such as the application of the United States job development tax credit which has the effect of discriminating against imports of capital equipment into the United States. [More…]
Then there is the basic question of the magnitude of the balance of payments turnround which needs to be achieved between the United States and the rest of the Group of Ten. [More…]
The United States has made no secret of the fact that it seeks a total turnaround of the order of $13 billion per annum. [More…]
For example, one reason which is reported to figure prominently in the argument between the United States and the other members of the Group of Ten is that the latter, particularly some of them, seriously question the need on their part to worsen their balances of payments on current account in order, among other things, to provide the United States with a sufficient surplus to enable it to maintain a high level of net capital investment abroad [More…]
However that may be, what is clear is that even if trade and defence issues are left aside the attitude of the United States appears to be that the realignment has not yet gone far enough. [More…]
The United States is an important trading partner of the Europeans, but not allimportant. [More…]
The rest of the Group of Ten, for their part, have said in voices of varying strength that if the United States is seeking a more substantial realignment, it should be making a contribution itself. [More…]
By this they mean that the United States should itself devalue in terms of gold. [More…]
From that point of view the United States dollar can just as much be said to have floated downwards against most major currencies as those currencies can be said to have floated upwards against the dollar. [More…]
Suffice it to say that the United States at this point of time asserts that an increase in the dollar price of gold is not acceptable to it. [More…]
One problem is that the United States is an enormous economy in which, in relative terms, international trade does not loom so large. [More…]
Exports as a proportion of United States gross national product are only some 5 per cent. [More…]
It follows that the United States is obviously under less pressure, from a purely economic viewpoint, in arriving at an outcome which it would regard as giving it a satisfactory contribution from the surplus countries. [More…]
And there are some individual countries in turn for whom trade with the United States is not so important - for example, only some 5 per cent of France’s trade is with the United States. [More…]
The great risk in all this, however, is that as the import surcharge and other measures taken by the United States begin to bite - as export to the United States and employment in export industries begins to fall away - the countries affected could well become less and less willing, and perhaps less and less able, to make the further contributions which the United States expects. [More…]
Unemployment is running in the region of about 6 per cent in the United States, about 7 per cent in Canada, and over 3i per cent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
Thirdly, I have made it clear that we are not taking sides, as between the United States on the one hand and the other members of the Group of Ten on the other, on the issue of whether or not the United States should effect a minor devaluation in terms of gold. [More…]
Thus, if the United States does achieve the turnaround in its balance of payments necessary to correct its deficit, it is by no means unlikely that the status of the US dollar as a reserve asset will be restored. [More…]
As a country which has traditionally held a large part of its reserves in the form of foreign exchange, with consequent benefit to our balance of payments, what we say is that any such action, if indeed it is needed once the United States achieves balance again, must be acceptable to the existing holders of foreign balances. [More…]
The discussion between the United States and the rest of the Group of Ten is to continue in Paris next month. [More…]
This means that the Australian dollar has appreciated by about 4 per cent in terms of parity with the United States dollar. [More…]
However, other countries, some of them important trading partners of Australia, have appreciated even more against the United States dollar. [More…]
In the United States of America, when a steel consortium wants to increase prices, the Administration moves in and if it is in the public interest to restrain the consortium action is taken. [More…]
If honourable members go to England or to the United States of America they will see what the position there is for low income earners today. [More…]
The countries which I chose were Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
I could have selected any other 5 countries to make a comparison with Australia but I chose Canada and New Zealand as countries of immigration, Japan and the United Kingdom as countries of intense manufacturing industry and as countries which have not increased their population through migration, and I chose the United States of America both as a highly intensive manufacturing country and as a country which still attracts migrants in reasonable numbers. [More…]
As a matter of interest, the increases were: Canada 3.4 per cent, Australia 3.9 per cent, United States 5.9 per cent, the United Kingdom 6.4 per cent, New Zealand 6.6 per cent and Japan 7.7 per cent. [More…]
The figures for this year show that the percentage of the work force registered for employment in the 5 countries are: Japan 1.3 per cent, Australia 1.7 per cent, United Kingdom 3.1 per cent, United States of America 6.2 per cent and Canada 7.1 per cent. [More…]
In 1969, the last year for which comparative figures are available, the respective figures for the percentage by which migration added to the population figures at mid-year are: Australia 1.14 per cent, Canada 0.77 per cent and the United States of America 0.2 per cent. [More…]
Perhaps the United States of America is the greatest example of this. [More…]
It would be to endanger our working conditions and, above all, it would build up resentment among other people, as it has done in the United States of America. [More…]
Countries that provide a pension for people who go overseas include Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Malta, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Is it a fact that (a) in one particular week in July 1971 the Maternity Ward 2 at Alice Springs Hospital, which is designed to accommodate 14 patients, held 25 patients, (b) as a temporary expedient to meet this situation which will not be finally resolved until the new hospital is completed in 1975-76, a building known as New Ward 3, will be re-opened shortly, (c) to avoid expenditure on staffing, New Ward 3, which is some distance from Maternity Ward 2, is to be opened as an annexe of that ward to avoid salary commitments for an additional senior Sister and that there is no plan otherwise to increase the total nursing establishment to enable the reasonable operation of the additional ward, (d) the staff from the old Ward 3 has been used to open a special isolation ward 7, and this will place unreasonable burdens on already seriously over-taxed senior Sisters, (e) there are only 15 positions for senior Sisters at Alice Springs Hospital, causing such a strain that not more than one can be on leave at any one time, (0 senior Sisters cannot afford to be sick and that their responsibilities are being imposed on junior nursing staff, (g) New Ward 3 has been used for the training of nursing assistants and that the hospital authorities are now forced to shift this training centre to a small building previously used as a store-room by painters and carpenters, (h) the United States community at Alice Springs, the breadwinners of which staff the Pine Gap Space Research facility, have made such representations about inadequate hospital facilities at Alice Springs, that as a result, a medical practitioner appointed and financed by the United States Government is to commence duty at Alice Springs Hospital on about 4th September 1971, (i) the St John’s Ambulance Brigade in Alice Springs, which provides ambulance services for the Alice Springs Hospital on Saturday nights and otherwise attends at sporting fixtures, is facing difficulties in meeting operation and maintenance costs, (j) the Northern Territory Director of Health has refused to recommend the allowance to the Brigade of a subsidy of $50 per month and (k) the St John’s Ambulance Brigade will cease operationif this subsidy is not received within the next few weeks. [More…]
There hare been no representations by the United States community about inadequate facilities at Alice Springs. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Prime Minister learnt of such a request on his arrival last week in the United States of America? [More…]
I ask the Minister whether the special request was made to the Australian Government by the Cambodian authorities or whether it came to the Australian Government through the United States authorities. [More…]
The request came to the Australian Government through the United States Government, but after it had been in consultation in Vietnam with both the Vietnamese and the Cambodians. [More…]
I direct my question to the Acting Prime Minister who no doubt is aware of a report that the Prime Minister has implied in the United States of America that he believes the Australian currency should appreciate against sterling and the United States dollar - a so-called good neighbour policy - and a conflicting report that the Acting Prime Minister yesterday told the National Press Club that the Australian Country Party favoured devaluation of the Australian dollar. [More…]
As the Minister for Defence has said that the request for Australian assistance to train Cambodian and Laotian troops in Vietnam is now a matter for discussion between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America, I ask: How much information will the Prime Minister have to aid his discussion and decision in view of the fact that he was unaware of the proposal when he left Australia or, indeed, when he reached New York? [More…]
The main point that the Prime Minister will need to make in discussions with American authorities is whether Australia agrees to have discussions with the governments of the United States, Cambodia, Vietnam and New Zealand on the possibility of training Cambodians in Vietnam. [More…]
This practice has been followed in some other countries, particularly in the United States of America, which have found themselves in similar circumstances. [More…]
Another amendment proposed by the Bill will give effect to certain income tax exemptions provided for in the agreement between the Australian and United States Governments relating to the Joint Defence [More…]
The United Nations Year Book of National Account Statistics published in 1969 shows the following figures which represent the percentage of personal income tax to gross national product of which Australia is the lowest: Australia 8.9 per cent; New Zealand 12.9 per cent; United States of America 16.3 per cent; Canada 12 per cent; United Kingdom 15.9 per cent; West Germany 18.8 per cent; France 19.3 per cent; and Belgium 17.8 per cent. [More…]
On an income of $10,000 a year an Australian is paying 29 per cent in income tax compared to 27 per cent in the United Kingdom, 15 per cent in the United States of America, 11 per cent in South Africa, 19 per cent in Canada and only 11 per cent in France. [More…]
The Government is about to follow the United States of America and the Tory government in the United Kingdom in abandoning the goal of full employment. [More…]
It is my understanding that in the United States there is a requirement that corporations of a certain size employ up to 5 per cent of handicapped persons in their work force. [More…]
Might I say that the United States authorities are not involved in this matter. [More…]
It seems the Minister learned of the request and the subsequent discussions on 25th October, that is, 2 days before the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) left for the United States. [More…]
A small training team of some 50 or 60 personnel sent as training advisers to the South Vietnamese forces of that day - the United States forces became involved on the basis of sending a training team to South Vietnam - grew to 3 battalions and all the ancillary forces that were required to maintain them in an active service role in South Vietnam. [More…]
One can only assume that there must be a great deal of discussion in other countries, particularly in the United States of America, of the fact that the Prime Minister should go to that country without being informed of a decision involving a commitment of further Australian troops in South Vietnam. [More…]
He stated that there was a low key approach since it did not come through the United States Ambassador and that the primary channel of communications between governments was through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [More…]
Last Wednesday, 10 hours before he left Australia to have discussions with the President of the United States, the Prime Minister held a Press conference in Canberra. [More…]
Of course the Prime Minister of this country was entitled to believe that if a serious and significant proposal of this nature had come from the United States, he would be the first to be informed. [More…]
We now know that such a proposal did come from the United States on 30th September. [More…]
Yet the Minister for Defence tells us that he thought there were more pressing matters before the Prime Minister than a proposal involving the dispatch of Australian troops to Vietnam, a matter involving a switch in Australia’s declared intention to disengage by Christmas from Indo-China, a matter involving our international relations and a matter which he must have known would be at the forefront of any discussions the Prime Minister would have with the United States Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense and maybe the President himself. [More…]
A proposal which has been treated in so cavalier a fashion, a proposal about which the Prime Minister was kept in the dark until he left for the United States, is not one which we may fairly assume that even the Minister believes crucial to the defence of the free world. [More…]
After the very interview on Monday in which the United States Secretary of Defence officially raised with the Prime Minister in the United States the instruction proposal, Mr Laird was reported as saying that the United States regarded the conflict in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos as one and indivisible’. [More…]
The Vietnam involvement for both the United States and Australia began with the provision of military instructors. [More…]
As to the first issue, much has been said to the effect that the inquiry by the United States of America as to whether Australia would consider helping in the training of Cambodians, not Laotians, as mentioned in this motion before us - there has never been any suggestion that the Government would be involved in the training of Laot.ia.ns - has been treated in a low key manner. [More…]
The United States did approach us in a low key manner and there is nothing unusual in the way the approach was made. [More…]
The inquiry was made at departmental level by an officer of the United States Embassy. [More…]
On the questions that have been raised concerning the direct inquiry by the United States, I see nothing wrong. [More…]
As I said yesterday, the request came from an official of the United States Embassy. [More…]
discussions with American authorities is whether Australia agrees to have discus sions with the governments ot the United States, Cambodia, Vietnam and New Zealand on the possibility of training Cambodians in Vietnam. [More…]
A few hours ago in Washington the Prime Minister said that the United States, New Zealand and Australia have already agreed in principle to set up a training programme for Cambodian forces. [More…]
Here we have the Prime Minister - thi leader of this great nation, the man about whom a 3-page document was issued the other day telling of his administrative capacity and efficiency - on the very door step of the White House, with the President of the United States waiting to receive him and his own Cabinet has had a document for 30 days but nobody has bothered to tell him about it Mr Nixon will be delighted to know, will he not, that the man’ who seeks to tell him what this Government will do in the Pacific with the assistance of its great ally did not even know what was happening in his own Cabinet. [More…]
He said that a request was received on 30th September from the United States Embassy. [More…]
I would have said that if it were to have been treated on a high key - as a matter on which the President of the United States would question the Prime Minister of Australia - the Ambassador himself would have contacted the Prime Minister or would have contacted directly the Minister for Defence or the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr N. H. Bowen). [More…]
Has the Khmer Republic become another pawn in the inter-play between the United States State Department and our Foreign Ministry? [More…]
First of all the United States of America is committed. [More…]
He was in the United States of America recently and he said: [More…]
Now you know this, and some of the things which United States has had to do recently, have had to be done in a way and in a style which I believe has given considerable impetus and comfort to this particular section of our political structure in Australia. [More…]
He said that the processes of the request referred to in the motion had begun from the United States Embassy, proceeded through the Department of Foreign Affairs and thence to the Department of Defence, arriving there on 1st October, and that it was 3 weeks before the Minister for Defence, on 25th October, was in receipt of this important information. [More…]
I think it is significant that in a matter of great moment we did not receive the request from the Government of Cambodia; in fact, we received the request, as we received the request for our involvement in Vietnam, from the United States. [More…]
This has been another request from the United States. [More…]
Perhaps we should examine why we received this request from the United States. [More…]
The United States Administration has been going through a process of disciplinary action by the elected representatives of the United States people - the United States Congress. [More…]
The United States Congress has become sick and tired, as have the American people, of the flouting of responsibility by the representatives who govern the country. [More…]
So, Congress has introduced a number of limitations on the activities of the United States Administration in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. [More…]
For instance, in 1971, $284.2m was spent by the United States in Laos, which compares with a total Laos budget for operations in this area of a mere $36.6m. [More…]
It is because of this that a harness has been placed upon the United States military forces in Laos and Cambodia and, when the process of training comes up, who will be the sucker? [More…]
The United States said: We cannot do it because our Congress is holding us back. [More…]
What this Government is doing is circumventing the express wishes and desires of the elected representatives of the United States people - the United States Congress. [More…]
I challenge the Government to table the record of conversation of the United States official - formally the. [More…]
United States Ambassador but downgraded for the purposes of the Government - with the Department of Foreign Affairs. [More…]
The most curious aspect of this issue to my mind is that the request to the Australian Government came not from Cambodia but, allegedly, from the United States Embassy. [More…]
Beyond that, the request was not made by the United States Ambassador. [More…]
I could conceive of the possibility that in certain extreme circumstances a United States Ambassador would go to the Department of Foreign Affairs and act vicariously but I submit that one’s imagination would be a little hard pressed to get to that point. [More…]
I hope the House will not let go unnoticed the significance and solemnity which attaches to the practice of an undisclosed official from an embassy - be it the United States or any other embassy, and I do not want to reflect upon that generous power - going to a government, even though it may be at low key level. [More…]
I have observed that the United States of America has been and is a great and generous power whose people have been kicked in the shins all around the world. [More…]
It will not fashion that personality if it succumbs to the appeals, the blandishments or the requests of an unknown, unstated official of any embassy, be it the United States Embassy or the Embassy of Afghanistan. [More…]
What the Government is doing is once again throwing Australia into a position where she can be involved in a re-escalation of the Vietnam conflict at the very time when the United States of America is de-escalating and when the Australian people want this Government to withdraw from the Vietnam war. [More…]
The United States is withdrawing from Vietnam - slowly and tortuously, but she is going home. [More…]
That era of conflict and tension between the United States and China, which brought about the conflict in Vietnam, is coming slowly to an end. [More…]
The United States now is in a position of being prepared to negotiate with the People’s Republic of China. [More…]
A period of 22 years of conflict and tension between the United States and the People’s Republic of China is being brought slowly and gradually to an end. [More…]
What we are doing is in conflict not only with the trends of international relations but also with popular feeling within the United States itself, which is anti-war and pro-peace. [More…]
We came in once again in 1965 because we felt that the only way for Australia to survive in the world was to make increasingly large displays of subservience to the United States. [More…]
On the other hand, the force that we will have in Vietnam will be big enough to provide the basis for re-escalation, and we would have the possible situation in which, if the United States were called back into Vietnam, we would have troops on the ground there who could again commit us, as they committed us between 1962 and 1965. [More…]
This Bill seeks parliamentary approval to a borrowing by the Commonwealth of up to $US90m from the Export-Import Bank of the United States to assist in financing the purchase of general defence equipment in the United States, and approval for the execution of the loan agreement on behalf of the Commonwealth for this borrowing. [More…]
The Minister went on to indicate that this Bill was similar to other Acts under which borrowings had taken place in earlier times in the United States, some of which still have not been spent. [More…]
Of course, the other great reason at the moment is that very little is said in the Bill as to what the money is to be spent upon in the United States. [More…]
Reading between the lines in relation to what is taking place in the United States at the moment, with the Prime Minister over there, I suggest that at least there is a disposition to suggest that Australia is not to devalue in relation to either currencies; rather the tendency will be to follow the yen upwards. [More…]
principally for use by or in any nation engaged in armed conflict, declared or otherwise, with the Armed Forces of the United States.’ [More…]
On the Australia to the United States and Oceania route, Qantas’ share of the passengers carried was 65 per cent in 1961; in 1967 it was 52.5 per cent; in 1970 it dropped to 46.5 per cent. [More…]
The Bill introduced by the Minister for the Army and Minister assisting the Treasurer (Mr Peacock) seeks the approval of the Parliament to a borrowing by the Commonwealth of SUS 11,310,400 from the Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Boeing Company and to an appropriation of the Loan Fund of an amount not exceeding SA1 3, 150,000 to assist Qantas Airways Ltd in financing the purchase of not more than 2 Boeing 747 aircraft and related equipment, spare parts and services. [More…]
One may find them sitting side by side in a large aircraft from the United States of America which has been acquired under some lend lease arrangement or hire purchase arrangement, doing the best they can to represent some very insignificant country with a small population situated in the centre of a vast continent like Africa. [More…]
The regular public transport operators in the United States performed 55.08 per cent. [More…]
If you consider the number of flights that are made from the north American continent to the continent of Europe and look at the picture that can be seen in the reports of the International Air Transport Association and the reports of Qantas, you see the enormous problem this poses for Qantas which gets 23 per cent of its revenue from the Pacific route whereas the United States, which holds 55 per cent of world operations, gets only 3 per cent. [More…]
Why does the Opposition think that in Seattle, on the northwest coast of the United States, there is an unemployment level of 1 24 per cent? [More…]
Those amounts have been borrowed in the United States. [More…]
If we convert into Australian currency the $US 11,310,400 that is to be borrowed from the United States we get a figure of $A10.1m. [More…]
I well remember visiting a little restaurant in the mid-west of the United States of America. [More…]
Last year I travelled to the United States to attend the United Nations, and my bookings were entirely in the hands of Qantas. [More…]
United States we record more passenger miles per head of population than does any other country. [More…]
The United States has a figure of 570; we have a figure of 362. [More…]
One of the matters 1 raised was that in that previous agreement Australia had entered into a covenant with the United States and that we regarded ourselves as being under, of all things, an Act called the Foreign Assistance Act. [More…]
According to that covenant, we would abide by section 620 (f) of the Foreign Assistance Act which would mean that Qantas could not use these aircraft in any country defined as Communist by the United States. [More…]
At the time, I asked: Does this not mean that Qantas will be prevented from flying to many countries throughout the world that the United States considers to be Communist?’ [More…]
The Minister then tabled a letter and said: While we are not to have the covenant, we have given the appropriate United States authorities a letter in which we undertake that we will not use the aircraft or the equipment in any Communist country as denned in section 620 (f) of the American Foreign Assistance Act’. [More…]
We are buying the aircraft, which is of substantial benefit to the economy of the Boeing company in the United States and we are paying top interest on the loan. [More…]
I should like to return to what is in my view an offensive section in the agreement in which in one breath the Government has said that this limitation will not be included and the next minute has provided the United States with a letter undertaking to abide by this limitation. [More…]
It then included any country trading with North Vietnam and a later amendment included any country that might be considered to be acting in a fashion that the President of the United States deemed to be Communist. [More…]
Under the definition of this Act in the final analysis it included any country which is acting in a fashion that might be causing damage to any property or people of the United States. [More…]
I understand that the Assistant Minister is to follow me in the debate and I should like to have his reply as to whether this condition is imposed, because my research shows that a number of other airlines throughout the world use United States aircraft. [More…]
It is not the present intention of Qantas that any of the equipment is either principally for use in … or principally for use by any other nation engaged in armed conflict with the armed forces of the United States. [More…]
The same thing happens with the agency system in the United States. [More…]
He will remember that the Australian defence industries mission and an interdepartmental committee visited the United States in 1970. [More…]
With the possible exception of the United States, they are the most modern in the world. [More…]
As a matter of fact, according to the public relations people of one major firm in the United States of America, Australia is not one of the 4 countries in the world which that firm considers to be non-Communist or not under Communist control. [More…]
Australia has been and still is one of the best customers of the United States for both civilian and military aircraft, yet of all the United States aircraft which have been brought into this country in recent years only the Sabre has been manufactured in Australia. [More…]
We are borrowing money and paying interest on it in order to provide United States industries with the wherewithal to keep going. [More…]
A similar situation does not exist in the United States or in other manufacturing countries because they are concerned to support their native and basic industries and the skills in their countries. [More…]
I think he could have gone on to say that one of the reasons why it is not doing very well is the political activities of the United States Government. [More…]
Pan Am’s problems in the airline industry are as much inflicted by the political activities of the President of the United States as they are by the limited volume of international air traffic. [More…]
-Donations to campaign funds in the United States are quite often more important than realistic policy. [More…]
I suggest that in summing up the Minister representing the Minister for Civil Aviation should explain to the House whether or not the terms under which the loan has been negotiated require Australia to comply with the terms of the United States Foreign Assistance Act or whether that clause is merely so much window dressing in order to satisfy someone’s political requirements and that it means nothing. [More…]
I can assure the House that the Government is fully aware of this problem and whilst it is a problem affecting our own international airline it is not on the same scale as that affecting the major competitors, particularly those in the United States. [More…]
for Civil Aviation when he indicated quite clearly - and I refer to this because the Offsetting arrangements were initiated at a time when I was the Minister for Civil Aviation - that these arrangements were made in conjunction with the Department of Defence and, as has been indicated, the Australian defence industries mission which visited the United States has had some substantial success in this field. [More…]
In any rocket firing at Woomera six prints of a film are made for distribution to designated groups, such as the National Aeronautics Space Administration of the United States and the manufacturers of the rocket, etc. [More…]
During their inquiries in the Kotz case the Commonwealth Police repeatedly found themselves beating their heads against a series of brick walls created by security at Woomera, the Weapons Research Establishment and the Department of Supply, all of whom were seeking only to cover up a major scandal for fear of upsetting the United States Government. [More…]
That the House of Representatives in Parliament assembled seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
The Prime Minister told the Press that he had told President Nixon: in a statement I had made in the House 1 said we would be retaining some advisory and training troops in South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese and that we had agreed to train Cambodians in Australia and recently we had made in principle a decision to train Cambodian troops in South Vietnam in co-operation with New Zealanders and United States people. [More…]
By this I meant that the question had not been raised by the United States Embassy which had simply sought our views on discussions on the training of Cambodian troops. [More…]
The United States request was for the opening of discussions with the Australian Government on this proposal. [More…]
The United States had not asked for a decision in principle and subsequently Cabinet discussed the matter. [More…]
Can the Minister advise what progress has been made in discussions with the United States of America relating to the enrichment of uranium? [More…]
Because of this we, as did some other countries, have had some discussions with the United States because at the present time the United States is the only major supplier of enriched fuel to the free world. [More…]
As a result of the discussions in the United States, and also in Canada, an agreement was reached with the United States, because in the early 1980s the United States will reach saturation point as far as supplies of enriched uranium fuel to the free world from her own sources are concerned. [More…]
As a result of these early discussions and the agreement by the United States in this very important field, we arranged for a team from Australia to take part in the first discussions which commenced just a few days ago. [More…]
There are 2 groups of discussions, one for the Pacific region which includes principally Australia, Canada, the United States and Japan with observers from the European Economic Community countries and the United Kingdom and the other for the European countries. [More…]
In the United States of America it has averaged 4.4 per cent with a peak of about 6 per cent. [More…]
When we look at the United States, and all of the problems associated with that country, we see that the unemployment rate there is about 6 per cent. [More…]
They are back loading coal from the United States and taking it to Japan at about $3.40 a ton. [More…]
The sulphur is recovered in the sweetening process of the indigenous natural gas prior to its delivery to consumers in the home market in Canada and to an increasing extent in the United States. [More…]
Canada now supplies us with 58 per cent of our requirements, with the bulk of the remainder of our requirements being supplied by Mexico while smaller amounts come in from the United States and Poland. [More…]
In the United States of [More…]
The United States of America has largely exhausted its supplies and is even turning to the reopening of disused coal mines and to the development of open cut mines. [More…]
It is noteworthy that Japan in particular, which of all countries most desperately needs atomic power, in its approaches to the United States has been rebuffed to this stage. [More…]
The attitude of the United States Pentagon is quite clear: It is opposed to the United States opening its secrets of the gaseous diffusion process for converting raw uranium into uranium 235 because it might make it easier for Japan to join the nuclear club. [More…]
In particular, the cost to Japan of buying and importing a ton of United States coking coal is 60 per cent higher than the cost of obtaining similar coal from Australia. [More…]
The Senate of the United States of America has set up a committee to go into the whole question of fuel and power in that country because of the shortage of oil and fuel. [More…]
As a matter of fact, the United States will run out of fuel and natural gas in the next 20 years. [More…]
In the quest for oil in the United States of America in its initial exploration stage? [More…]
United States origin - our mighty ally, we might say. [More…]
Canada could be no better example for us because it is the neighbour of the United States. [More…]
They give an investment tax credit of 7 per cent for companies buying equipment made in the United States, and further they are giving special incentives to companies to ensure that they produce items inside the United States for export, thus eliminating any incentive to expand their foreign subsidiaries. [More…]
We talk about production, but it could well be that where the United States has a big interest in manufacturing industry here as well as in its own country, it is more important from the point of view of its tax schedule to develop those industries in its own country and not those here. [More…]
While it remains stalled, Japanese-based interests in Cape York are pushing ahead with the largest irrigation development in Northern Australia, and while Australians attack their own development, United States interests have bought the Camballin Irrigation Area in Western Australia and intend to increase production there. [More…]
Now there is talk about a uranium enrichment plant in Australia, with the United States of America or France supplying the technology, Japan supplying the market and Australia supplying the uranium. [More…]
The United Kingdom, the European Economic Community, the United States and Japan have all given this matter a deal of attention. [More…]
Thus the American Petroleum Institute quoted proved petroleum reserves in the United States in 1954 at 29 x 10 barrels. [More…]
In the United States they followed a policy of cheap supply of natural gas, which encouraged its consumption but did not particularly encourage its development. [More…]
I expected the Prime Minister to be present when I put the question on the Wednesday, late on which day he was supposed to leave for the United States of America: unfortunately he was not in this House so the Acting Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) collected from me the first question that day - I received the first call. [More…]
what are the specific purposes of the Prime Minister’s trip to the United States and the United Kingdom other than window dressing for Party political purposes? [More…]
The Prime Minister is so close to the President of the United States that the latter had to ask how to pronounce his name at the beginning of the banquet. [More…]
His latest gaffe was to attack a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States of America, Senator Edmund Muskie, for predicting what we all know in our hearts to be most likely to happen - the dominance of the North Vietnam regime in the administration of South Vietnam as soon as the outside troops leave that country. [More…]
What a cheek the honourable member for Adelaide had in referring to the trip of the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) to the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I do not believe it is wrong for members of this Parliament to visit the United States and to hold discussions there. [More…]
The Prime Minister will go on from the United States to London. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) is absent in the United States of America. [More…]
ls he able to give details of the land rights extended to Aboriginal peoples in (a) Canada and (b) the United States of America by (i) state or provincial and (ii) federal legislatures, including the dates of commencement of the rights. [More…]
I understand that there has been a cut down of about 20 per cent in the steel industry in Japan, and I have seen reports of trading losses made in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States has awarded extra meat quotas amounting to 44 million lb because of quota short falls from other exporting countries, principally Australia? [More…]
Can the Minister explain why New Zealand has been able to fill its meat quota to the United States and now fill an extra quota when Australia could not, particularly as New Zealand faces similar dock strike problems to those facing Australia, and which affeat shipping to the United States? [More…]
I mentioned in this House earlier that it looked as if we would not be able to fill our quota to the United States. [More…]
I direct a question to the Acting Prime Minister related to the offer of Cockburn Sound naval base facilities, among others, to the United States of America. [More…]
Would the use of Cockburn Sound by the United States Navy necessarily involve nuclear armed units of that Navy with a resultant increase in the attractiveness of the area as a target for nuclear attack itself? [More…]
According to this rationale the destroyer had to be designed and built in Australia, because European designs were too small and United States and Canadian designs too big. [More…]
The dramatic change in concept and cost is reminiscent of United States programmes such as the MBT 70 tank and the Cheyenne attack aircraft where the cost increases were so staggering that Congress vetoed them. [More…]
The argument in favour of the FI 1 1 was that if we wanted a sophisticated weapons system of this sort we had to buy it off the shelf in the United States. [More…]
I want now to discuss the matter of defence against the background of my firm belief that if turmoil develops in the region to our north there will be no United States involvement in that area and there may, according to the circumstances, be no British involvement. [More…]
It was a cardinal principle in United States military thinking post-Korea and pre-Vietnam that American ground troops should not become involved in large scale hostilities in Asia. [More…]
I think time has shown that thinking to be valid, and if it is valid for a country with the power of the United States, how much more valid is it for Australia. [More…]
In fact, we would like to know only as much as United States Congressmen are allowed to know of these sorts of things. [More…]
We would like the same sort of opportunities as are given to United States Congressmen to visit these places so that we can be better informed on these defence installations in Australia. [More…]
The debate on integration and restructuring which has made defence organisation more effective and economic in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and western Europe has barely touched Australia. [More…]
If we look at what was written by Mr Nixon in ‘Foreign Affairs’ in October 1967, when he wrote as a private individual, long before he assumed the awesome responsibility of President of the United States, we see that he wrote on Vietnam to this effect: [More…]
One of the legacies of Vietnam almost certainly will be a deep reluctance on the part of the United States to become involved in a similar intervention on a similar basis. [More…]
The Government also has approved an arrangement for light observation helicopters whereby, as a condition of receiving an order for 75 military helicopters the Bell Helicopter Company of the United States of America also will produce 116 helicopters in Australia for the commercial market and build up to a pre-determined level of Australian content. [More…]
Since the early 1950s all of our foreign policy objectives have been subordinated to satisfying what we believe to be the interests of the United States. [More…]
Consequently we have not only followed the United States into some of its gravest errors in South East Asian and foreign policy; we have actually egged it on, and in doing so we have done damage to the objective that originally was pursued. [More…]
That objective, of course, was to keep the United States involved in South East Asia. [More…]
The United States is withdrawing from South East Asia; it is withdrawing from Indo-China. [More…]
The policy of the United States towards China is changing. [More…]
Those interests are not always the interests of the United States. [More…]
The United States is a global power. [More…]
At the present moment the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) has just left the United States, and in the United Kingdom he has been doing some campaigning for the next, election. [More…]
As the former Prime Minister himself is quoted in the paper today as saying, those understandings and assurances which the Prime Minister has been given in the United States about ANZUS are no different from those that other Prime Ministers - Mr Gorton, Mr Harold Holt and Sir Robert Menzies - had been given before. [More…]
Of course it might be said that that is part of the normal price that may be paid for an alliance, but I do not believe that Australia’s objectives will always be the same as those of the United States. [More…]
We have the almost incomprehensible position where recently a representative of the Australian Government in the United States virtually chided the American Government because of the liberal policy it was pursuing on the question of China, and he was virtually telling the United States Government that American policy on China must change if the United States wanted the Liberal Party to be preserved in power in Australia. [More…]
That is the extent of the gulf that has developed between the United States and this Government. [More…]
that the United States has now developed to a stage where it is negotiating through the person of the President himself with the Government of China, because this can only do good for South East Asia, our part of the world. [More…]
The United States, in the terms of the doctrine of President Nixon, has made it clear that it is not deserting its friends and that it is prepared in the case of overt attack or open aggression against them to defend them. [More…]
However, it has asked those people who are bound to it by alliances to do the utmost they possibly can to make the greatest possible contribution in terms of their own defence, so as to be worthy of the defence effort of the United States. [More…]
I accept the statement of the President of the United States of America, just as the leaders of the Australian Labor Party accepted statements of one of his predecessors almost 30 years ago. [More…]
United States of America would stand side by side with Australians against aggression. [More…]
I repeat that the United States of America, through its President, has made it clear that it will stand with us and all that it expects us to do, in the terms of the local jargon, is to pull our own weight. [More…]
He said that the problems arise from our insistence on compatibility of weapons and equipment with those of the United States of America. [More…]
We have tried to integrate our defence hardware with that provided in the United States. [More…]
We know now that the United States aims to do likewise. [More…]
Honourable members and the public need to be more fully informed of these matter by statements in the Parliament, not in pronouncements made at a luncheon or Press conference in the United States of America or in the United Kingdom, which has been the recent practice of our absent Prime Minister (Mr McMahon). [More…]
In other words, the Labor Party no longer regards the United States alliance or the ANZUS Treaty as crucial. [More…]
However, I would like to draw upon the authority of a Mr Spiers, the Director of the Bureau of PoliticoMilitary Affairs of the United States State Department. [More…]
So the Indian Ocean situation seems to he causing enormous concern to the Australian Government, but this feeling does not appear to be shared by the Government of the United States. [More…]
In fact, its 4 ships reported on 20th July seem to be comparable with the United States presence of 3 ships. [More…]
The reaction of the Government has been to make sabre rattling gestures; we are going to build an $80m naval base at Cockburn Sound, we are going to acquire a couple of dozen destroyers at $70in or $80m a pop and the Prime Minister has apparently cajoled the United States Government into saying that United States vessels will use the facilities at Cockburn Sound. [More…]
A naval base, gun boats and trying to push the United States Navy into a commitment, but not a word on the subject of a zone of peace. [More…]
But if you look at even the United States of America with its quite considerable reduction in the size of its Army, it has still had to retain national service. [More…]
Incidentally, I think it was the honourable member for Adelaide (Mr Hurford) who said that United States congressmen are treated at some of these bases differently to the way in which members of the Australian Parliament are treated. [More…]
It is true that in both the United States of America and Australia a small number of people have a need to know about and are entitled to visit these bases but otherwise congressmen and members of the House of Representatives or the Senate are treated on exactly the same footing. [More…]
Australia’s expenditure on cash social service benefits amounted in 1967 to 5.5 per cent of our gross national product, whereas the Common Market countries spent 15 per cent, Scandinavia 11 per cent, Canada 10 per cent, Britain 8i per cent and the United States 6 per cent. [More…]
The United States spends 5.9 per cent and Australia is down to 5.5 per cent. [More…]
Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may chose to live. [More…]
Your petitioners therefore humbly prayThat the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of . [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlements of - their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, ‘ France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlements of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
Will the Acting Prime Minister now clarify whether the Government’s decision on Australian participation in the training of Cambodian forces is, as he asserted on 2nd November, merely to enter into ‘discussions with the governments of the United States, Cambodia, Vietnam and New Zealand on the possibility of training Cambodians in Vietnam’; or, as the Prime Minister asserted a day later, ‘a decision in principle to train Cambodian troops in South Vietnam in co-operation with New Zealanders and United States people’; or. [More…]
Knowing of the anxiety of farmers in the United States of America to enter the China trade and of the hostility of the Chinese to this Australian proposal, what consideration was given by Cabinet to the interests of the Australian exporters? [More…]
His television set shows him California, other parts of the United States, London and other parts of the United Kingdom. [More…]
For example, the United States lost no less than SI, 300m last year. [More…]
I presume that he is referring to the position in the United States. [More…]
If we were to make a comparison of the service given by the Australian Post Office in telecommunications and telephone services we would find that Australia is way ahead of more affluent countries such as the United States of America. [More…]
These areas are much better served than comparable ones in the United States. [More…]
The new Restrictive Trade Practices Act should give the Government powers similar to those vested in the United States Federal Maritime Commission, which controls conferences, approves freight rates and ensures that monopolies and cartels cannot operate to the detriment of American seaborne trade. [More…]
I envisage a situation where we have open shipping conferences with rate agreements registered with the Government, Australian vessel participation in all conferences to check on costs, and the Australian Government acting in a supervisory capacity in a similar way to the United States Federal Maritime Commission. [More…]
One might compare Alice Springs with Salt Lake City, Utah in the United States of America where the railway line crosses the Great Salt Lakes. [More…]
Let me quote what happened in the United States. [More…]
In 1956 President Eisenhower started what was the ‘greatest public works programme in history’ - the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate expressway to link the major cities of the United States at a cost of $50,000m. [More…]
In comparison with the United States Australia’s 1,500 miles, the distance about which we have been talking tonight, is a reasonable goal. [More…]
The conglomerate situation must be viewed in the context of India’s favourable relationship with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Pakistan’s ties with the United States of America and China. [More…]
Pakistan is a signatory to the SEATO treaty, a treaty which the Australian Government never fails to mention when it feels it is politically desirable; a treaty which apparently did not get an airing during the recent visit of the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) to the United States. [More…]
Most people in Australia are fully aware of .this attitude which, year in and year out, day in and day out, is shown in a clear, bitter and critical censure of the United States of America, an antagonism to the Americans and a distortion of their motives, but at the same lime a cringing sensitivity to any action that may prepare people to counter Communist aggression and intrusion into South East Asia. [More…]
Almost half of the $200m is to come from the United States of America. [More…]
I fully agree with the idea that we should support the United States in its guarantee to the people of Taiwan that they will not be invaded from the mainland. [More…]
I know that the United States has said it is prepared to support the Nationalist Government in Taiwan by force of arms, which is something we have not said that we are prepared to do, but we sympathise with their dilemma. [More…]
I hope that the Department is not just following along on the coat tails of the United States to see what will happen when President Nixon goes to Peking and what he may be able to negotiate because all the evidence is that China will not agree to bettering its relations with Australia diplomatically while Australia continues to recognise Taiwan. [More…]
We have, of course, a great number of other problems, such as the deterioration in the relationship between Australia and the United States in recent times. [More…]
It was not so very long ago that the Australian government was able to say to the world and to say very convincingly to the Australian electors that it had an intimate relationship with the United States and that it knew beforehand what the United States intended to do. [More…]
I am sorry to say that I cannot see any evidence in the newspaper reports that the recent visit of the Prime Minister to the United States has done anything to raise the standard of relations between Australia and the United States, but I hope the Government gives this matter a high priority because good relations with the United States are still important to this country and will remain so in the future. [More…]
It is obvious that our relations with the United States have deteriorated greatly in recent times. [More…]
This evening I wish to draw to the attention of the House a promotional pamphlet being circulated in the United States of America through Honolulu. [More…]
After long careful research, over 1,500 large United States corporations - including General Motors, R.C.A., Kaiser Steel, Shell Oil, Chase Manhattan Bank, Remington-Rand, King Ranch of Texas, Mobiloil - have already invested almost two billion dollars in Australia. [More…]
It is no use complaining if 60 per cent of the Top End goes to the United States, if considerable other areas are developed by Japanese capital, if Hong Kong capital comes in and takes a further share in another area if in fact we turn our backs on the developed project and say: Let us just see what happens’. [More…]
The Minister will recall that the Prime Minister told a Press conference in Washington on 2nd November that the Government had made a decision in principle to train Cambodian troops in South Vietnam in co-operation with New Zealanders and United States people. [More…]
As a result of this conference we have already heard that the number of tourists coming to Australia from the United States over the next 12 months will probably increase by at least 20 per cent. [More…]
Does not the call for neutralisation of our region represent a rational response by these nations to the new situation created by the withdrawal of the United States of America from the region and by the re-emergence of China as an active, major power in world diplomacy? [More…]
The indigenes of the island of United States Western Samoa have full United States citizenship, but the poor Tongans cannot readily migrate elsewhere because, as I mentioned, Tonga is a kingdom. [More…]
I refer to Dr James Anthony, who recently qualified with a Ph.D. at the Australian National University and who has degrees from the University of Hawaii and a university in the United States. [More…]
I now want to say something about the foreign or United States bases in Australia. [More…]
The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. [More…]
The truth is that Australia’s defence is part and parcel of an international pattern and is bound up with the United States of America. [More…]
I repeat my absolute confidence in the statements that have been made by the United States President on behalf of that [More…]
I want to deal with the questions involved in the status of Taiwan and to deal briefly with the position of the United States of America. [More…]
On 1st December 1943 in the Cairo Declaration, the United States, the United Kingdom and China declared that ‘all territory Japan has stolen from China such as Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China’. [More…]
In keeping with these declarations (Cairo and Potsdam), Formosa was surrendered to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and for the past four years, the United States and other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island. [More…]
Shortly afterwards in an effort to dispel any doubts on Chinese title to the island, the United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, said: [More…]
When President Truman ordered the United States Seventh Fleet into the Formosa Straits he was, according to his earlier statements, intervening in the internal affairs of China. [More…]
To defend the United States against a Chinese Communist accusation on these lines, in a statement before the Security Council on 25th August 1950 the American representative in the United Nations, Ernest Gross, reversed his country’s policy. [More…]
On 8th August 1969 the United States Secretary of State, Mr Rogers, gave a clear indication of the United States shift on the 2 Chinas policy when he said that the United States recognised that ‘the Republic of China on Taiwan and Communist China on the mainland are facts of life’. [More…]
1 stress that point to the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr N. H. Bowen) who is now at the table and who so gullibly followed the line of the United States at the United Nations. [More…]
The current United States position on the status of Taiwan therefore appears to be a combination of the 1950 Ernest Gross definition that the status of Taiwan remains to be determined and an implicit qualification that the United States is not opposed to a solution involving the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland. [More…]
That was the position of the United States. [More…]
It was a flexible position and the United States still wants to solve the problem by negotiation. [More…]
This was the position of the United States because it realised that it had got itself, under Dulles, into a stupid quagmire of diplomacy and had to get out of it some way. [More…]
On 26th July 1971 the Nationalist Ambassador to the United States, James Shen said in a television interview that the Nationalist Government was the sole legitimate representative of all China and that Taipei would not give up this claim. [More…]
Australia has, I believe, a highly favourable relationship with the United States and again is in a unique position to put a strong point of view to that country with respect to South East Asia. [More…]
The other countries from which they would get aid and information and deal with in terms of buying arms and so on would be the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America and Japan, all of which are much further away than we are. [More…]
The other assumption which I think is false is that our interests are more closely allied to those of the United States of America than they are to those of India or Indonesia. [More…]
I have said ever since the debate began on the United States Communication Station at North West Cape that I regarded it as an act of treachery to alienate the sovereignty of Australian soil and place us in a position where decisions about our future can be made by others. [More…]
But after that be got on to the American bases and got on to knocking the United States - the usual policy. [More…]
He could not but get a few cracks in against the United States of America. [More…]
Naturally, it called for the aid of the United States of America. [More…]
It believes the United States is no longer crucial to Australia. [More…]
The Government wants Australia to live in good relations with those coustries and to assist them as far as it possibly can, but should it repudiate the United States in respect of the ANZUS treaty and our other defence agreements? [More…]
Was the United States warned of it? [More…]
Had it not been for the United States, we may not today be living under conditions which allow us to criticise and knock all our friends and to absolutely adore those countries which have engaged in subversion throughout South East Asia and which have not acted in the best interests of peace in this part of the world. [More…]
Questions were put to a series of adult people in the United States regarding certain kinds of international behaviour in certain abstract situations which are concrete enough when one looks around the world. [More…]
The score came out 4 to 1 in favour of the United States as compared with Russia in performing exactly the same kinds of acts in the same hypothetical situations. [More…]
In other words, given certain situations between nations and asked to interpret the acts of those nations, the people condemned Russia 4 times as often as their own country, the United States. [More…]
Some children in a United States school were shown a picture of a peaceful lane with rows of trees along the edges and they were asked why those trees were planted. [More…]
When they were told that the trees were in the United States, the children said that they were there for windbreaks and to keep down the dust. [More…]
The Government has not been saying precisely the same things about these great matters as has the United States Government. [More…]
Indeed, our Government was in advance of the United States in making statements to the effect that Communist China should be taken into the Security Council after its admission to the United Nations. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) has made it quite plain in the United States of America, as has the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr N. H. Bowen), that we are no echo of the United States or indeed; I might add, of anyone else. [More…]
If we were simply an echo of the United States we would today be training Cambodian troops in Cambodia because we were asked by the United States to take part in that sort of training scheme. [More…]
Of course we must work closely with our great friend and ally, the United States of America, and it is again clear, notwithstanding America’s uncertain role with so much of the world, from the Prime Minister’s experience there that we still have an extraordinarily good relationship with the United States. [More…]
But the policies of the United States must never automatically commend themselves to us for the United States is a great power, but is not a domestic power in our region. [More…]
Nor will the United States, after the Nixon doctrine, be impressed by an over-indulgence in automatic acceptance and reliance upon it. [More…]
This woolly euphoria and isolationism is bound up in wild expressions such as, ‘Since the United States is withdrawing totally from Asia, we must’, ‘China has joined the United Nations and dropped all its old policies’; ‘Great powers will never again become involved in South East Asia’. [More…]
It is worth underlining the fact that while the United States role has contracted, it has far from disappeared in this region. [More…]
The honourable member for La Trobe (Mr Jess) in his contibution to the debate once again praised the great white god, the United States of America, and spoke about the United States being our saviour and how none other than the United States had saved this country during the Second World War. [More…]
The adulation by the honourable member for La Trobe of the United States and what it may stand for in world events today and his adulation of what it did in the south west and central Pacific during the last war is such that I must reply by saying that he does not even pay due regard to the efforts of his own countrymen. [More…]
And let me say to the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr N. H. Bowen) that the manner in which he carried on in the United States a few weeks ago was absolutely sickening. [More…]
We have had this same grovelling attitude on his part as though Americans are the only people who populate the earth and if we in Australia do not bow to every whim and wish and if we do not abdicate in favour of the United States all of our national responsibilities which the people elected us to perform, we must be considered to be traitors with respect to the grand and great alliance with the United States. [More…]
One of the problems which the honourable member raised concerned the external role of the United States of America and, I take it, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of China also. [More…]
The United States of America and the USSR are unable to change the intransigence, if that is what it is, of the Israelis or the Arabs. [More…]
We have been informed that the United States is making a contribution of $US25,000 and the Federal Republic of Germany is making one of about $US 11,000. [More…]
I wish to announce as a gesture of support for India’s own efforts to bring relief to the Orissa State area that we have decided to make a cash contribution of $10,000 to the Indian Red Cross foi use in connection with that disaster, that being somewhat less than 50 per cent of the United States contribution. [More…]
Of course, from time to time even on foreign policy we find ourselves in difference with the United Kingdom or the United States. [More…]
He claimed that it was adulatory of the United States and he criticised one word in it, that word being ‘insignificant’. [More…]
These findings in Britain are corroborated by parallel studies conducted by the United States Department of Health. [More…]
A total of 240 santa gertrudis cattle were imported from the United States in the early 1950s, and the successful and rapid establishment of this breed indicates that about 200 head of a breed are required. [More…]
Of course, there has been a similar Act in the United States for years. [More…]
The United States has a Constitution, and that Act has been able to work. [More…]
The second point I want to make - and the Minister for National Development will be very aware of it because the Minister for Civil Aviation has already declared his attitude towards it - is that Ansett Airlines of Australia is sending 3 Electra aircraft to the United States for conversion to cargo carriers. [More…]
Having read some articles on this, and being aware of the fact that it was the subject of a careful investigation in the United States of America, I made an approach to the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, asking what were the latest developments with respect to offshore airports. [More…]
The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States Department of Transportation has published a two-volume report on offshore airport planning and construction methods. [More…]
There are also a number of other sites in the United States and Canada where offshore airports are being explored. [More…]
In the United States Allegheny Airlines, which is by no means a leading airline, lost $375,000 in July compared with a profit of $26,000 in July last year. [More…]
National Airlines, a well known local airline in the United States, showed a loss of $3.89m for the year ended 30th June 1971, in spite of a profit of $2.84m in the fourth quarter. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the unanimous findings of the United States’ Commission on Rural Poverty (The People Left Behind, 1967). [More…]
Evidence such as unemployment, social services and vital statistics indicates that there are considerable differences between, the rural situation in Australia and that in the United States of America. [More…]
The Commission’s enquiry was a detailed investigation of United States conditions and its findings could not be expected to be applicable to Australia. [More…]
That the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled, seek to have Australia adopt the principle followed by Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey, Canada and the United States of America, who already transfer the social entitlement of their citizens wherever they may choose to live. [More…]
My question is directed to the Prime Minister, in view of the reports that he achieved important gains in the United Slates with regard to the alleviation of the added United States surcharge on wool and also in Britain in securing more favourable conditions for the export of primary products, particularly sugar, to the United Kingdom during the transitional period for the entry of the United Kingdom to the European Economic Community, when will the Prime Minister inform the industries concerned of the good news? [More…]
Or are the real facts exactly as they were before he left Australia, that is, that the United States will not reduce the added surcharge and that the European Economic Community will carry out a systematic study of sensitive Australian exports, industry by industry, as was announced 6 months ago, under the EEC safeguard clause, which is of little benefit to Australia when viewed in the overall Australian context? [More…]
As to the first part of the honourable gentleman’s question, 2 subjects were discussed with me when I was in the United States. [More…]
They were the question of what could be done to help the Australian wool industry and the willingness of the United States Government to look at the matter. [More…]
The United States Government did not mention the normal import duty on wool. [More…]
What I can say is that there is a real willingness on the part of the United States Government to help us if they can. [More…]
Certainly no-one took any notice of it in the United States. [More…]
The United States is very worried about the growth of the Soviet Navy’s mounting strength in the Mediterranean. [More…]
Briefly, to give some detail, there are 90-odd branches of our Association, and included in this are 2 associated groups, the United States of America and the Republic of Ireland. [More…]
However, it is not so well recognised that we are more industrialised than the United States of America. [More…]
When President Kennedy was President of the United States of America, he brought down a mammoth national road construction Bill which provided for the construction of roads in the interests of the development of the United States of America. [More…]
In a speech that I made not so very long ago during the debate on the Estimates, I quoted what had happened in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States, the period is 12 months. [More…]
Defence was the reason why the intercity highway system was introduced in the United States. [More…]
It has often been said that when the United States economy sneezes the world economy catches pneumonia. [More…]
But the point I want to make is that with what is happening in the United States today and the shutters being put up there, or at least the Riot Act being read in , term. [More…]
Today in the world we have an economic giant in the United States with a gross national product of some $1,060 billion a year and it is dependent for only 4 per cent of that gross national product on exports, in other words, a matter of $45m out of a total world trade of $286 billion. [More…]
In respect of the United States, which, of course, dominates what may be termed the western hemisphere protectionist bloc we have the position where it literally has read the Riot Act to the rest of the world and told them exactly what they are to do. [More…]
The United States has a deficit in terms of balance of trade of some $13 billion and it wants that corrected at the expense of certain other countries. [More…]
In addition, there is a matter of 8 or 9 per cent by way of special concession given to firms and individuals within the United States which buy goods, particularly major capital goods, made within that country. [More…]
for comparable coal from the west coast of the United States and Canada, Japan will continue to buy our coal. [More…]
A new balance is emerging which includes the United States, the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the European community, including Britain. [More…]
On behalf of the Government of this country, J wanted to establish close personal contact with leaders in the United States and Britain and to explore their thinking on major international issues, their attitudes to which are of importance to us. [More…]
And, as it happened, it occurred at the same time as the defeat of the foreign aid Bill in the United States Senate. [More…]
In the United States, I had lengthy and very frank discussions with President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers, Defence Secretary Laird, Deputy Secretary Packard, Dr Kissinger, Under Secretary of the Treasury Volcker, Chairman of the Council of Environmental Quality Russell Train, and Senator Fulbright, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [More…]
The ANZUS Treaty, as honourable members will know, provides that in the event of an armed attack on any one of them or on their forces in the Pacific area, the United States, Australia and New Zealand would each act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes. [More…]
It is the symbol of the close co-operation which exists between Australia, the United States and New Zealand. [More…]
On my way home I discussed defence strategy in the Pacific with the United States Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, in Honolulu. [More…]
I am satisfied the United States is fully aware of the political and strategic importance of the Indian Ocean and agrees that a careful watch should be continued in this area. [More…]
The United States will continue visits and transits by its naval ships and naval exercises in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
I emphasised the need to take full account of Japan in the emerging balance between the United States. [More…]
I believe the administration in the United States, the Government in Britain and leading representatives of the media in both countries now have a greater awareness of Australia - as a country of stability and increasing influence in the South East Asian region. [More…]
I believe this was worth while in focusing the interest of leading opinion formers in the media in the United States and in Britain on Australia and its prospects and policies. [More…]
I pointed out the impact which the United States import surcharge and the uncertainty about exchange rates has had on the market for some of our products, including wool. [More…]
I stressed, particularly in the United States, the indirect implication for Australia of any sharp check to economic growth and trade in third countries, such as Japan, as a result of the United States’ measures. [More…]
In America I urged on the Administration the need to remove barriers in the way of world trade in agricultural commodities, and raised at the highest level the problems we face in our attempt to export Australian wool and meat to the United States. [More…]
There are good grounds for believing that the United States is seeking ways of being helpful to us in respect of both wool and meat. [More…]
Visit to the United States and Britain - Ministerial Statement, 23 November 1971. [More…]
We have heard tonight what 1 venture to suggest was a very fine statement by the Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) of his recent visit to the United States and Great Britain and of its importance to Australia. [More…]
But it is the Asian-Pacific region which has emerged as the area where the interests and influence of the great powers - the United States of America, Soviet Russia, the People’s Republic of China and Japan - have converged. [More…]
The first, which goes right to the heart of our ultimate survival should trouble on a large scale arise, is the maintenance of a close co-operation with the United States and New Zealand. [More…]
Under this compromise the Labor Party deleted references to ‘the crucial importance5 of the American alliance and substituted the following: That the Australian Labor Party ‘seeks close and continuing co-operation with the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace, social and economic advancement in the Pacific’. [More…]
All members of the Opposition and I think a lot of the members on the Government side listened in amazement to the Prime Minister’s travel story and his version of his own achievements, particularly what he allegedly achieved in ,he United States of America and the United Kingdom with respect to trade matters. [More…]
The unpalatable facts are that what t the Prime Minister has told us tonight about the European Economic Community and its relationship to Australia is at least 6 months out of date, and every word of what the Prime Minister has informed us on the EEC and the attitude of the United States to war is well known. [More…]
The plain facts are thai the Prime Minister has achieved nothing in his visit to the United States and the United Kingdom with respect to trade matters. [More…]
Without question the United States of America is the key to the wool situation in Australia. [More…]
The United States is the largest consumer of wool in the world. [More…]
It is perhaps the world’s largest importer of woollen textiles and, for this reason alone, Australia, Japan and the United States have a common interest in the export of woo* to Japan and thence, via textile manufacturers, of textile products into the United States. [More…]
We do not need the United States Secretary of Commerce in Australia to find out what is wrong with the wool industry. [More…]
We have the illustrations regarding the key commodities of wool, in the case of the United States, and sugar, butter and fruit in the case of the European Common Market, and there was nothing positive at all about these matters in the statement made by the Prime Minister tonight. [More…]
J want to commend the initiative of the Prime Minister in undertaking this recent mission to the United States of America and to Britain, and I congratulate him on his success. [More…]
There has been a claim raised that it was unnecessary for the Prime Minister to go to the United States to seek an affirmation of the ANZUS Treaty, because the United States had given an affirmation to the former Prime Minister. [More…]
This means that in the case of countries with mutual defence pacts with the United States substantial reductions of United States armed forces personnel have been occurring. [More…]
America says its objective under the Nixon Doctrine is to ensure United States national security and thai of its allies, but at the same time permitting the reduction of United States forces abroad and reducing the likelihood of having combat ground forces in the future. [More…]
In January 1969 there were 740,000 United States military personnel in east Asia. [More…]
This reduction has been accompanied by increases in other types of aid to enable the relevant country to take over missions which the United States has been performing. [More…]
Thus it was obviously important with a new Prime Minister in the chair that he should take an early opportunity to confer with the President of the United States. [More…]
Recently the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Barnard) was at some pains to scoff at the Prime Minister’s talks on the Russian presence in the Indian Ocean in both the United States and Britain. [More…]
Certainly these views are not shared by the United States, which told the Prime Minister that it intended to maintain forces in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
He has placed Australia’s views squarely before the leaders of the United States and Britain. [More…]
It is dated 13th November 1971 and on page 87 it shows a picture of Mr Connally, the United States Secretary of the Treasury, talking with Mr Fukuda of Japan. [More…]
The 10 per cent surcharge imposed by the United States, was in breach of GATT. [More…]
This is the purpose of our co-operation with the United States with the North West Cape Naval Communication Station, Pine Gap or a possible Omega station. [More…]
The Opposition would have us dismantle or emasculate these agreements with the United States; by doing so, it would increase the likelihood of global war, and thus increase the danger of Australia’s nuclear obliteration. [More…]
Some noise has been made about the reaffirmation in the United States 0f America of the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
Indeed, had the Yugoslav representative been in the United States at the same time similar assurances of the everlasting friendship between the American people and the Yugoslav people would have been given too. [More…]
Did the Prime Minister ask the United States President for any guarantees that the United States alliance would cover Australia in the event of our being involved in a conflict in the Malaysia-Singapore area? [More…]
This must be one of the first times in history that an Australian Prime Minister has not received some sort of consolatory reassurances that this alliance actually means something to the United States. [More…]
It is clear that this alliance does not mean anything to the United States and does not mean anything to the people of the region, let alone to those nations which are members of the SEATO alliance. [More…]
For example, at the beginning of the 197.1-72 financial year the United States wheat farmers had a surplus of 19 million metric tons of wheat. [More…]
One can rest assured that, as the newspapers have already reported, wheat farmers in America are becoming a powerful lobby whose aim is to make the sale of substantial quantities of wheat to China the first means of improving relationships between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. [More…]
State in the United States on the size of the Russian presence. [More…]
Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jnr, the United States Chief of Naval Operations, gave testimony to the Sub-Committee of the Committee on Appropriations in the United States House of Representatives on 15th March 1971. [More…]
Obviously the United States has not bought into the sort of campaign the Government is trying to whip up. [More…]
States and the United Kingdom occurred as a result of invitations, firstly from the President of the United States and secondly from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, invitations that would enable the Austraiian Prime Minister to put Australian views on matters of great concern not only to Australia but also the major part of the free world. [More…]
There are many issues confronting the world at the present time, issues to which the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe are putting their mind-:, and to have the opportunity by invitation of putting an Australian view at this time is certainly something which this country should be thankful for and the Prime Minister in his recent overseas visit has put a view which would stand Australia in good stead. [More…]
The Prime Minister had pointed out the need for a relationship between the United States the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, Japan and Europe that would enhance the security of medium and small powers, of which, of course, Australia is one, medium and small countries that may be small in size and in material resources but which are nevertheless significant. [More…]
We find again a changed forum by the defeat of the Foreign Aid Bill in the United States Senate. [More…]
This might perhaps be symptomatic of some of the changed views which are being expressed in the United States, even though many members of the Senate of that country have since expressed the importance of the continuance of foreign aid. [More…]
Well, of course, the ANZUS Treaty has been reaffirmed on a number of occasions, but the importance of this reaffirmation - that it came at a time - and for the first time - after the enunciation of the Nixon doctrine, after changed United States views, and after the expression in the United States of views which some people might call isolationist in approach. [More…]
The alliance of the United States and New Zealand is essential and must continue. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing cooperation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty - and honourable members should listen to these words - an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area. [More…]
It is not always realised that it is the relationship that has been maintained and built up over a long period of years with the United Kingdom and United States that enables Australia to play an effective part in our ow& region. [More…]
This has been emphasised and reemphasised by the significance of the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States and the United Kingdom and also by the importance of the discussions which took place in both countries. [More…]
The Prime Minister has put those interests to the United Kingdom and to the United States, lt is this relationship on the one hand with countries overseas which enables us to play a significant role within our own region. [More…]
Some of the things that concern the world include the present trade relationships between the United States and the European Economic Community. [More…]
He emphasised in particular the importance of the impact of the argument between the United States and Europe on the policies, attitudes and fortunes of Japan. [More…]
We are not a party principal to this particular argument and discussion but nevertheless it is of vital concern to Australia as one of the great trading nations of the world to have Australian views put in the United States and in the United Kingdom, to have Australian views expressed firmly and categorically about the importance of resolving a dispute which could offer a greater threat to future world trade than anything that has occurred since 1939. [More…]
It was one of the reasons why it was so important for the Prime Minister to put Australia’s view in the United States and in the United Kingdom. [More…]
As a result we hope to see that both countries will be well aware that the impact of their policies could well flow far beyond the shores of the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
If Britain is to become merely a member of an enlarged Community the problems for third parties will be magnified many times, and if Europe is to remain a narrow and inward looking trading bloc the problems could well have an impact on policies in other countries, particularly in the United States, leading to a downturn in world trade and to problems for many other countries such as Australia and Japan. [More…]
The Prime Minister’s visit overseas ha been a visit of great service to Australia at a time of important decision making both in the United States and in the United Kingdom. [More…]
Again I emphasise that our relations with the United Kingdom on the one hand and with the United States on the other enable Australia to play a significant and important part in the South East Asian region. [More…]
One could mention its policies in relation to Taiwan and the remarks made by the Leader of the Opposition when this matter was under debate in the United Nations - remarks which could only be construed as encouraging people to vole for the Albanian resolution and against the objectives of the United States and Australia which would have preserved an independent status for both countries. [More…]
(The contributions are in United States dollars): [More…]
If so, can he say whether the United States of America appreciates this exceptional display of fealty to its foreign policy. [More…]
Can he say what amount of United States money was raised by the appropriate authority through the application of these trade barriers and (b) distributed to United States wool growers. [More…]
Countries which, in addition to the United States of America, contributed troops to the support of the Republic of Vietnam against unprovoked communist aggression were Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines and Thailand. [More…]
The Australian Government would not expect the Government of the United States of America to make gestures of appreciation in respect of decisions made by the Australian Government in the pursuit of Australia’s national interests. [More…]
The United States of America has duties on row wool and wool manufactures.- In addition there is a 10 per cent import surcharge on raw wool. [More…]
The United States National Wool Act of 1954, as amended, limits the accumulated total of payments under the Act on any date to 70 per cent of the accumulated total, as of the same date, of gross receipts from specific and ad valorem duties on wool and wool manufactures on and after 1st January 1953. [More…]
Have licences for export to the United States of America recently been withdrawn from several large country abattoirs in New South Wales? [More…]
As a result of the imposition by the United States of America of a 10 per cent surcharge and the general slow down in world trade there has been a considerable change in developments in the mineral world which has affected the future of mining in not only Western Australia but also other parts of the world. [More…]
The United States of America has already refused to increase the price of gold. [More…]
In the Congress of the United States certainly there are difficulties associated with the operation of the system but the principle remains. [More…]
In the United States of America action is taken by the administration to keep the price of such basic com modities as steel and cement at a reasonable level. [More…]
Has the Minister seen reports about a charter company called Qantair which proposes non-affinity charters to London and not to and from the United States of America where a multi-billion dollar tourist market exists? [More…]
Ltd that Australia can no longer financially tolerate the dairy industry type of protection given to that company and will he do everything in his power to allow American charter carriers into Australia or get Qantair to move into the lucrative United States market? [More…]
The welfare problems created by these peculiar features of Vietnam have produced immense problems in the United States. [More…]
There is no sign that the military strength of the North Vietnamese Government or of the situation in North Vietnam generally or the will of its people and leadership have been diminished in any way by the military efforts of the United States and its partners. [More…]
But the task of opening up channels with North Vietnam will have to be faced in the next few years by all the countries which sought to destroy it, including the United States and Australia. [More…]
After chat time the situation in Vietnam deteriorated from one in which the United States of America needed only 300 advisers to one in which it needed 600,000 troops. [More…]
Do not let us pretend anything else than that the United States Government gave to North Vietnam a guarantee against invasion. [More…]
I think that it is true to say that, in Asia, Britain has forgotten more than the United States ever learnt. [More…]
I happen to believe that the opposite is true in Europe where the United States has deep experi ence and, from the time when Woodrow Wilson recreated Poland and Czechoslovakia, has shown a very constructive purpose there. [More…]
But by intervening on the broad mainland of Asia and not merely on the peninsula where there could be an end to the military line, by violating the simple principle of not interfering with a government that was in existence and viable - imagine the British in the days of the Raj overthrowing any maharaja who was a loyal ally - and by doing that with Diem, the United States helped to create the crisis for which they have paid a very high price in blood in their efforts to solve. [More…]
Senior officers of the United States, Vietnamese <nd Australian units all expressed the highest appreciation of the efforts, both military and civil, of the Australians. [More…]
If there is one country where people need courage to demonstrate in it is the United States of America. [More…]
At that time the economic measures subsequently taken by the Government of the United States of America and the consequent international currency disturbances could not be predicted. [More…]
Has the Attorney-General’s attention been drawn to the 1st March 1971 issue of the periodical produced by the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia and distributed by the United States Embassy in Canberra which states that Australian Government experiencein dealing with restrictive trade practices is still in its infancy; if so, what is the Government’s attitude to this statement. [More…]
lt is a fact that the steel industry throughout the world has suffered from a minor recession and that this has been accentuated in some degree by the world monetary crisis, particularly as it involves the relationship between the United States and Japan. [More…]
When the Gates Commission, which President Nixon set up to inquire into all aspects of abolishing conscription in the United States, examined the Australian position it found that if ample incentives had been offered to Australians to join the armed forces it would not have been necessary to implement conscription in Australia to get a sufficient number of men into the Services. [More…]
We will have to move to the idea which appears to be developing in the more, advanced States educationally in the United States of teaching teams, where, there are teachers .with specialist skills who can assist teachers without themselves being fully qualified to teach across the whole range. [More…]
1 suppose the Treasurer was unfortunate in that the Budget was written just prior to measures announced by the President of the United States of America with regard to America’s own economy. [More…]
The United States of America had high-level ‘talks with Japan. [More…]
The United States economy grew hardly at all last year. [More…]
In the same period according to statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United States showed an average growth rate of 4.6 per cent, Canada 4.8 per cent, France 5.6 per cent, Germany 4.8 per cent, md the :United Kingdom 3.2 per cent. [More…]
In the same period the average growth rate is estimated at less than 2 per cent in the United States, less than 41 per cent in Canada, about 6 per cent in France, about 5i per cent in Germany, and less than 2 per cent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
International comparisons of unemployment are always difficult because of differences in coverage and definition, but on the basis of seeking to adjust unemployment statistics to a common United States of America definition, Australia’s unemployment rate over the last decade on this basis has generally been between one-third and one half as great as in United States or Canada, lt has also been substantially lower than in Britain, France and Italy. [More…]
The second point I want to emphasise is that our current unemployment rate of 1.48 per cent seasonally adjusted, although marginally higher than a year ago, is comparable to the average achieved in Australia over the last 15 years and is considerably lower than the rate currently prevailing in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Italy or Sweden. [More…]
It has been said correctly that when the United States economy sneezes the rest of the world catches pneumonia. [More…]
Further, thanks to the United States 10 per cent surcharge. [More…]
Japan, which looked upon the west coast of the United States as a major source of consumption for its exports, now finds that the shutters are going up and an acute and vicious war has commenced. [More…]
Fortunately the major trading nations have not retaliated against the United States for its corrective measures taken in August. [More…]
When looking at other countries, he said that the United States had a nil rats of growth, the United Kingdom had a growth rate of probably 2 per cent - not 5 per cent as our own is - that West Germany, which is held up as one of the ideals, had a growth rate of not 5 per cent but a little better than 2 per cent, and that Japan’s growth rate was roughly the same as ours. [More…]
In Canada, they increased by 3.3 per cent, Germany by 4.3 per cent, the United States of America by 5.8 per cent and in Great Britain by 6.3 per cent. [More…]
I would have thought that in his talks with Mr McMahon the President of the United States of America would have convinced him that even the most conservative people could with profit take some domestic initiatives as well as international initiatives; that you could not only achieve overseas markets by some new initiatives but also deal with domestic inflation, prices and so on through initiatives taken by national governments. [More…]
I would suggest to the Leader of the Opposition that he might take a look at the position in the United States of America in regard to great unemployment and increasing inflation, that he might take a look at the United Kingdom where the unemployment numbers are approaching -1 million and where the rate of inflation is greater than it has been here, and that he might take a look at Canada where the same situation prevails. [More…]
It is one which is awakening a great deal more interest in the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
Why should not all these agreements be presumed to be obstructive in the first place or be presumed to be against the public interest so that proof to the contrary would lie with the person registering the agreement instead of reversing what .seems’ to be the pattern which is followed in the legislation in Great Britain and in the United States and in the now projected legislation in Canada. [More…]
In the United States volumes have been written about it in the works of Kefauver and many others. [More…]
Who better than the Minister for Foreign Affairs wouldknow what is the position in the United States of America today where the laws in this respect are punitive, and correctly so? [More…]
A process called jawboning, which has become established in the United States of America, which stems from the ideas of the late President John Kennedy, and which has been the customary practice for a considerable time, was used very effectively to deal with proposed increases in the cost of steel. [More…]
The most significant effect this year without doubt has been the decision of the United States Government with respect to economic conditions within the United States.I refer to the decision of the United States to impose a surcharge of 10 per cent on imports and the consequential effects on international currency.It is true that these events could not have been predicted. [More…]
1 think that perhaps the future of wool lies in the export of textiles from Japan to the United States of America and the export of greasy wool from Australia to the United States of America. [More…]
Can honourable members imagine the International Wool Secretariat, for example, going to Boston, in the United States of America, and saying to a manufacturer: What about giving wool a try?’ [More…]
But I have had the benefit of having a look at some of the work that the IWS is doing in Germany and in the United States of America. [More…]
The ANZUS Treaty is essentially a military treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. [More…]
We know a:Sc that the United States is withdrawing its service personnel in large numbers from the Vietnam area. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing co-operation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area. [More…]
But the facts of life are that the great tourist market for Australia still lies in the United States. [More…]
Tourists from the United States have the money to enable them to come to this country and they look with interest towards Australia when deciding on where to go for a holiday. [More…]
My suggestion is that this policy, by discouraging tourists, has contributed in the long term to the loss of millions and millions of dollars for Australia, lt is appropriate that I remind the House that because of the stubbornness of the Department of Civil Aviation in respect of reaching a conclusion on charter flights we have completely lost this year the 15 charter flights that were to come from the United States. [More…]
That country has now approved 15 charter flights from the United States. [More…]
The charter operators in the United States have every reason to be disillusioned. [More…]
Those of us who have been out of Australia and who face reality realise that when we see names such as Qantas in Los Angeles, the east coast of the United States or Jamaica it sounds like the airline comes from some South American banana republic. [More…]
The Chaffey brothers came to Mildura from the United States of America and started an irrigation scheme. [More…]
In the latter stages meetings of parties to the Agreement were even chaired by a non-signatory to the Agreement, a producer from the United States of America. [More…]
It continues to deal with the competition from other producing countries, such as the United States of America, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, South Africa; Spain and others. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to a statement- by the United States Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo Zumvalt Jnr on 15th March 1971 to a sub-committee of the United Slates House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, that since 1968 the Russian Navy has maintained an almost continuous presence in the Indian Ocean with an- average of three to four naval combatants deployed at any given time? [More…]
I am advised that the Division of Entomology is working on synthetic forms of the sex attractants that have been obtained from the United States of America. [More…]
The Division of Applied Chemistry is trying to develop an improved synthesis, compared to that available from the United States. [More…]
This question - of the sovereignty under Federal systems - has been specifically answered by the courts in both of the 2 overseas federations which are of particular interest to Australia - the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States, the matter was litigated in the Supreme Court by the State of California, and subsequently by other States. [More…]
One can only reach the conclusion that the facts are that the Government is incompetent and that it has not the political courage to do its job properly, to clarify the position and to assert and to establish its position in the way that other nations have done, particularly those operating under a federal constitution, such as Canada and the United States. [More…]
When criminal codes are introduced in the United States of America they are linked up with the penal system and the authorities stress the importance of linking them up with a philosophy on punishment and with a penal system which is responsible to the court where the punishment is imposed. [More…]
But beyond the indescribable sufferings facing millions of people in the subcontinent, it is essential that the great powers, particularly the Soviet Union, the Peoples Republic of China and the United States, do not become further and directly involved. [More…]
We have become used to taking for granted that if the United States and the Soviet Union were determined to prevent or confine a war, their will would prevail. [More…]
Equally significant about the new period and relationships is the fact that the first time China has acted in the Security Council she has aligned herself with the United States and Japan in opposition to the Soviet Union. [More…]
It will be impossible for the United States of America, the United Nations or, for that matter, Australia to ignore East Pakistan’s national aspirations indefinitely. [More…]
The world price of sugar is the residual price, it is called a free market price and it applies only to a very small quantity of sugar, to less than one-ninth or one-tenth of the sugar that is actually traded on the world market, because most sugar sold in the world is the subject of special agreements, such as the United States Act. [More…]
Canada took 9.7 per cent and the United States of America took 6 per cent. [More…]
The second result of the heavy sales to Germany in 1967 was a threat of retaliatory action by the United States. [More…]
The United States, the traditional and major supplier to the German market, considered that Australia’s substantially increased share of the market the year before had been won through the assistance of a government subsidy - the market development allowance. [More…]
Whilst arguing that the market development allowance arrangements did not represent a subsidy in terms of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Government was unable to sway the United States from its determination to retaliate by introducing a direct subsidy itself by way of so-called section 32 funds in America unless steps were taken substantially to modify the Australian system. [More…]
The Government was able to avoid the threatened retaliation by the United States only by agreeing at a meeting in Washington in July of that year to suspend the payment of the market development allowance on the export of canned peaches to our major markets. [More…]
Statistics compiled from International Labour Organisation sources indicate that for the 5 years 1965 to 1969 the average annual number of man-days lo-,t per 1,000 employees in the mining, manufacturing, construction and transport industries in Australia was 456, compared with 1,556 for Canada, 1,232 for the United States and 1,574 for Italy. [More…]
For example, the number of man-days lost in 1970 was at least 30 per cent higher in the United States, about 60 per cent higher in the United Kingdom and 100 per cent higher in New Zealand than in the previous year. [More…]
So intense is this sentiment in the United Kingdom and in the United States that organised labour there will have no part in the system of compulsory arbitration which has become so remarkable a feature of the Australian way of life. [More…]
It is not often that I am able to use a quotation from a Republican President of the United States to support my own views but General Eisenhower is also on record as a defender of the right to strike. [More…]
The United States lost 1,390 manhours for every 1,000 workers, Canada lost 2,550 man-hours for every 1,000 workers and Italy, which the Minister forgot to mention altogether, lost 4,400 man-hours for every 1,000 workers. [More…]
In the meantime, if tariff barriers go up against our canning industry overnight we are going to be in great trouble not only from countries which can provide canned fruits from within the Community such as Spain and even more so, Italy, but also from competition from the United States of America. [More…]
Although I have not read the report I assume that it follows exactly the same practices as applies in the United States where there are buffer zones of 1, 2 or 3 walls - whatever it might be - around the buildings in order that the virus does not get out of those walls because, as I said, the virus affects human beings as well as cattle and other livestock. [More…]
The United States gaols are full of pedlars with a habit and the number is increasing, but there are no’Mr Bigs’, or very few ‘Mr Bigs’ in those prisons and quite clearly the penal approach is a flop. [More…]
I draw a contrast between the situation in the United Kingdom and the situation in the United States of America where the 2 different approaches are in operation. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, the problem is seen essentially as a health one and in the United States it is seen essentially as a criminal one. [More…]
In the United States, where there is a tremendous armoury of repression behind the legislative powers provided in an effort to control this problem, the incidence is one addict in about 700 to 1,000 of population. [More…]
I refer to an address which was given by Health Minister Munro of Canada in Montreal on 22nd May 1969 and in which he refers to statements made by Mr John Ingersoll, the Director of the United States Justice Department’s Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs to the Committee on Drug Dependence of the National Academy of Science. [More…]
In several works being carried out in the United States of America, it has been stated explicitly that one of the reasons for the development of this mistrust is that young people find that we are overkilling in our claims on the subject of marihuana. [More…]
It could be bought at any drug store without any type of control at all, especially in the United States where a serious problem developed. [More…]
To pick up the thread that I started to develop earlier, I point out that it is being argued quite pressingly in the United States today by qualified professionals and not by special pleaders that because young people find us so dishonest to this extent on marihuana, they are encouraged to believe, especially when they have sociogenic pressures from peer groups, that we are probably telling lies about other drugs. [More…]
I have supported my argument by quoting comparative figures for the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
On the face of the evidence available, the penalising approach of the United States is a dismal failure compared to the approach of the United Kingdom where the problem is treated as a health one and where one does not feel that one is an outcast from society, which by definition is one’s position when the problem is treated as a criminal offence. [More…]
1 am not saying that we should dogmatically adopt the United Kingdom approach; I am saying that the need to explore this area and see what can be done to adapt the United Kingdom approach to the problems in this country and so avoid the problems of organised crime and street crime which have arisen and are worsening in the United States of America, a country which adopts precisely the kind of approaches that we are seeking to introduce through this sort of legislation. [More…]
I oppose the use of marihuana even though 1 accept the scientific evidence, which I feel the honourable member for Herbert has not looked at, from royal commisisons in Great Britain and Canada and from reports in the United States of America which show quite clearly that it is not as objectionable a drug from the medical point of view as are other drugs. [More…]
I urge the honourable member for Herbert and the honourable member for Kennedy (Mr Katter) - who, I understand, will follow me in this debate and will no doubt give forth in his usual eloquent manner about his knowledge of drugs and pornography, having studied them at first hand in the United States whilst allegedly attending the United Nations as an observer from this country - to contact some of their Senate colleagues who sat on this Committee such as Senator Marriott, Senator Branson, Senator Buttfield, Senator Cavanagh, Senator Georges, Senator McManus, Senator Maunsell and Senator Wheeldon and who made these recommendations. [More…]
I made certain comparisons between Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
I have now spent 2 months in the United States and listened to various points of view expressed as to the danger of drugs. [More…]
I draw to the attention of the House the fact that in 1965 in the United States of America the Johnson Administration amended the Drug Abuse Control Amendments. [More…]
The honourable member for Oxley (Mr Hayden) made some comparisons earlier which showed that in the United Kingdom there was one addict to every 18,500 persons while in the United States there was one addict to every 700 to 1,000 persons. [More…]
Surely no-one can jump to the conclusion that, because the United States has harsh laws, this level of addiction is the direct result. [More…]
The situation in the United States is entirely different from that in the United Kingdom. [More…]
I hold the attitude of society in Australia to be more akin to that of society in the United States than of society in the United Kingdom. [More…]
While I was in the United States of America I heard people of far greater authority than any member of the Opposition expressing their uncertainty as to the long term effects of marihuana. [More…]
Work of this sort is fast becoming an important component of other armies, for example, those of West Germany and the United States of America. [More…]
Unlike the United States of America, which I think is the best comparative example which I can make, we have continued in that way. [More…]
In the United States there was a population movement westward. [More…]
In the first place Australia has a great lack, by world comparisons, of medium sized towns and medium sized regional centres for tha reasons which I spoke of earlier in reference to the United States. [More…]
He failed also to take account of the fact that possibly the most against decentralisation is that there is a lack of differential labour costs which is not the situation in the United States. [More…]
One or two people looking at Australia on a comparative basis with the United States certainly have come to the conclusion that those diseconomies are not likely to operate significantly in Sydney or Melbourne until they reach populations of the order of 5 million people. [More…]
There are more cities outside the State capitals in the United States or outside the provincial capitals in Canada than there are capitals. [More…]
In the United Kingdom 3.4 per cent of the work force is unemployed, and over 6 per cent of the work force in the United States of America. [More…]
I wonder whether this Government has examined this project which is already a living entity in the United States. [More…]
This stems from the extraordinarily ham-handed handling of negotiations with the United States Government before and during the Prime Minister’s recent overseas trip. [More…]
lt was made clear to the Parliament that this request to train Cambodians had come from the United States Government. [More…]
lt is plain that this arrangement resulted from a direct approach by the United States Government to the Department of Defence, although all sorts of vague proclamations have been used in retrospective justification. [More…]
This switch from Nui Dat to Van Kiep which is a major training camp conducted by the United States Army has never been explained in a satisfactory way. [More…]
Are the countries to which such a flight embargo applies determined by section 620 (f) of the Foreign Assistance Act 1961 of the United States of America. [More…]
Can he say whether Pan-Am and other United States airlines operate to and from these defined counties; if so, what are these countries. [More…]
Can he say whether other airlines operate to and from these defined countries using United States manufactured aircraft, if so, what are the airlines and which countries do they operate to and from. [More…]
The countries defined in section 620 (f) of the Foreign Assistance Act 1961 of the United States are as follows: [More…]
According to the latest available published information, Pan American Airways is the only United States airline currently operating scheduled airline services to and from any of the countries defined in paragraph (4) above. [More…]
According to the latest available published information, airlines (other than United States airlines) operating scheduled airline services to and from countries defined in paragraph (4) above using United States manufactured aircraft, and the countries to and from which each airline operates, are as follows: [More…]
United States: 100,000 tons wheat and 75,000 tons rice- JUS32,625,000 [More…]
United States: 35,000 tons of corn, soy, milk and wheat/soy blend - $US10,772,000 [More…]
United States: 50,000 tons food grains- $US7,700,000 [More…]
Has the Australian Meat Board announced that the 1971 meat quota for the United States of America was 15,000 tons short. [More…]
Have cattle prices dropped in some instances by as much as $25 a head as a result of this short-fall in exports to the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America and Canada are the only other countries known to have published requirements for the carriage of audio recorders but similiar legislation is under consideration in the United Kingdom. [More…]
In the United States the recording is available to the investigating authority in the circumstances of any notifiable accident or incident but the range of notifiable incidents is less than under Australian legislation, lt is understood that, in Canada, the recording is available to the investigating authority in the circumstances of a notifiable accident and the operator is required to provide the investigating authority with pertinent evidence from the recording in the circumstances of some incidents. [More…]
The United States legislation also specifically precludes use of the audio recording in any civil penalty or certificate proceedings initiated by the Federal Aviation Administration against a crew member and limits publication of recorded data to that determined ‘to be pertinent and relevant to the accident.’ [More…]
Air Agreements with United States (Question No. [More…]
President Nixon was declaring United States policy as such on charter services, lt is, therefore, not a question of any adjustment by Australia to it. [More…]
Regarding methods to resolve the situation as between Governments there has been no acceptance as yet of the United States view that comprehensive bilateral agreements comparable to those regulating scheduled services should be immediately negotiated. [More…]
This method is, in fact, being adopted in relation to our recently achieved understanding with the United States authorities. [More…]
The aim to to stimulate additional tourist travel between Australia and the United States through agreement on the conditions tinder which a certain number of charter flights can be operated between the 2 countries by such airlines as the United States and Australian Governments approve as carriers to operate them. [More…]
Can he say whether those companies are English, French, Dutch and United States owned except for 88 per cent of Ampol Ltd and 65 per cent of H. C. Sleigh Ltd. [More…]
What progress has been made with the examination of natural disaster relief schemes operating in the United States, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
Completion of the examination of information relating to natural disaster relief schemes operating in United States, Canada and New Zealand has been delayed by pressure of work and staff shortages in the relevant part of the Treasury. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to the report on legislators’ computer requirements commissioned by the United States Congress Committee on House Administration (Stanford Research Institute Project No. [More…]
873S System Management Plati to Develop’ a’ Computer-based Information Handling System for the United States House of Representatives). [More…]
November 1971 on my visit to the United States of America and Great Britain (Hansard, page 3496). [More…]
Did he discuss the subject with any leader, minister or official of (a) The British Government and (b) the United States Government. [More…]
Did the Indian Prime Minister request that he support the objective of a zone of peace and neutrality in the Indian Ocean with (a) the British Government and (b) the United States Government: if so, did he do so. [More…]
There are many specialty lines for which, because of a small volume throughput, BHP’s costs are a little higher than those in, say, Japan or the United States of America and for this reason the company needs an element of protection. [More…]
It is, in fact, 2.3 per cent of our work force, which might be compared with the latest figure of 5.4 per cent in the United States of America - over twice as much - and 4 per cent in the United Kingdom, where, owing to the coal strike, the rate is temporarily far above 4 per cent. [More…]
At the end of November last about 4,815,000 were unemployed in the United States of America, or about 5.7 per cent of the work force. [More…]
There is a high rate of unemployment in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and even in Japan. [More…]
He seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that his Government has been party to a matter of great significance, the war in Vietnam, which had a very great impact not only on the economy of Australia but also on the economy of the United States of America. [More…]
The Minister in his second reading speech stated that the 2.3 per cent of the work force who are unemployed in Australia could be compared with the latest figures of 5.4 per cent in the United States of America and 4 per cent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
Unemployment would have become a serious problem in any event, but it has been aggravated considerably by the disturbance in international currency which caused a great deal of uncertainty throughout the world and no doubt contributed - and I must be fair in this regard - to the unemployment figures in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Can he say whether the law in the United States of America provides that the Government or its associated instrumentalities may not appoint foreign services in the form of advertising agents unless these services are absolutely unprocurable from an American source. [More…]
and (5) 1 am not in possession of full details of United States policies in regard to government advertising. [More…]
It was considered that, if Australian cooperation in existing United States training’ programmes for Cambodian personnel in South Vietnam proved feasible and otherwise acceptable, this would be welcomed by Cambodia. [More…]
One company which has undertaken research in waters surrounding the discharge points for treated effluent from its chlorine/caustic soda plants has reported that the maximum concentrations of mercury in fish are well below the minimum safety levels set by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the recently recommended standards of the National Health and Medical Research Council. [More…]
In addition, the Vice President of the United States of America, the Chairman of the Royal Council of the Kingdom of Laos, and the Chairman of the Joint Staff of the Republic of China attended as Special Representatives. [More…]
Other governments sent the following representatives to attend in 1971: Republic of Korea (Prime Minister, Laos (Deputy Prime Minister), Thailand (Acting Foreign Minister), the Khmer Republic (Acting Foreign Minister), and United States (Secretary of Treasury). [More…]
Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
and (6) Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand and the United States committed troops to the defence of South Vietnam. [More…]
United States forces in Vietnam were increased progressively from 1962 and reached a peak of between 540,000 and 550,000 in early 1969. [More…]
Can the Minister for Trade and Industry indicate the present position in relation to Australia’s exports of meat to the United States of America? [More…]
The present understanding is that we will be on a quota arrangement with the United States, but as yet the quota has not been announced. [More…]
There seems to be general concern about the increasing prices of meat in the United States and the Administration now is looking at the possibility of increasing quotas more than was originally expected. [More…]
Is this cancellation seriously affecting the sales and export of meat to the United States of America? [More…]
Since the ban was first applied by the United States Department of Agriculture in May 1970 the officers of the inspection services of the Department of Primary Industry have been doing a remarkable job in minimising the degree of injury to Australian meat exports that would otherwise have occurred but for the way in which they, together with the proprietors and operators of abattoirs throughout Australia, have co-operated to have the bans on export works lifted. [More…]
In fact, in May 1970 some 76 of the 106 registered abattoirs in Australia were deregistered for the export of mutton and lamb to the United States market. [More…]
Today there are some 100 registered works, of which about 86 are licensed to export to the United States. [More…]
Of those 86, some 61 are interested in exporting mutton and lamb, and 12 of those 61 have still not had re-issued to them an export licence for the United States market. [More…]
I understand that at the moment those 12 have been put on notice that the United States Department of Agriculture requires them either to cease killing mutton by the end of March this year or to have their works so upgraded that they can in turn be relisted. [More…]
The position is that the United States Department of Agriculture has set progressively higher and higher standards which, I believe, in the long term will be to the advantage of the Australian meat exporters. [More…]
These higher standards are unfortunately resulting in increased killing costs because of the added financial burden of the considerable measure of capital investment that abattoir operators and meat works proprietors are called on to make in order to meet the standards of the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
Comparable federal systems like those in the United States of America and Canada which inherited English law have made provision for the communal ownership of land. [More…]
Quite apart from countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia which have the English law, there are international treaties and conventions dealing with such occupancy. [More…]
Presumably they could sell out to other Aborigines, but it would be a corporate trust We do not want them to be like the Red Indians in the United States who, when they received land rights, had a situation where generations of chiefs lived it up and their descendants have remained paupers to this day. [More…]
In the United States of America in 1778, even before the United States had a Constitution, the North West Ordinance was passed decreeing that land and property shall never be taken from the Indians. [More…]
Again in the United States of America in 1946 the Indian Claims Commission was set up to give the Indian people greater versatility in the use of their land and the right to dispose of it and matters of that kind. [More…]
I might say that the position with respect to the renewal of licences in overseas countries is that in the United States the licensing authority may now renew licences for a period of up to 3 years, whilst in Canada licences may be renewed for up to 5 years. [More…]
The Rural Bank of New South Wales in its Trends’ publication for December reported that the consumption of synthetic meat in the United States was, until recently, the equivalent of about IS per cent of the total imports of meat into the United States. [More…]
At the National Agricultural Outlook Conference in Canberra recently Colonel M. H. McArthur, chairman of the Australian Meat Board reported that in the United States last year production of substitute meat was now greater than the total meat imports. [More…]
4522 (Hansard, 23 November 1971, page 3537) in which the Minister for Trade and Industry stated that, in addition to Australia and New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines and Thailand contributed troops in support of the military involvement in Vietnam of the United States of America. [More…]
Can he state (a) the approximate number and (b) the gross tonnage of United States owned merchant ships that have been registered with Liberia rather than with the United States of America in each of the last 5 years. [More…]
If so, how does this (a) number and (b) gross tonnage compare with United States ships registered with the United States of America. [More…]
The following are details of vessels registered from 1966 to 1970 under the Liberian flag but which are owned by foreign affiliates of United States companies incorporated under United States laws: [More…]
Were such mailers among those raised with the United States authorities in Washington on 10th November 1970; if so, with what result. [More…]
Does Qantas have charter sales specialists based in Japan, as it does in the United States, engaged in promoting and handling affinity group charter flights to Australia conforming withthe requirementsof the International Air Transport Association (Hansard, 30th September 1971, page 1827, question No. [More…]
The Australia-United States Air Services Agreement does not, however, permit the Australian airline to provide scheduled services through Guam on a route between Sydney and Tokyo. [More…]
It is understood that the United States Government has not granted traffic rights for the Japanese designated* airline to operate services on a route beyond Guam to either Port Moresby or Sydney. [More…]
Such matters were not among those raised with the United States authorities in Washington on 10th November 1970. [More…]
Has the Department of Works studied a United States Navy Beneficial Suggestion by Thelma Price McCarty, Training Specialist, proposing a retraining programme for Civil Service Typists and typewriting instructors. [More…]
Is the Minister for Customs and Excise aware that when tanned kangaroo pelts are exported to the United States of America that country applies a 17 per cent import duty and allows a duty free entry only if the pelts are in the pickled raw state? [More…]
Can the Minister advise the industry what the United States is protecting by the imposition of that duty? [More…]
However, I can supply some information that the honourable gentleman is seeking concerning the policy of the United States Government in respect of kangaroo skins. [More…]
However, fortuitously information has been received this morning, which I have not confirmed, that indicates that kangaroo skins, whatever their condition, may be imported into the United States free of duty. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Is it correct that countries like the United States of America, West Germany, the United Kingdom, France and others who give aid to distressed countries have painted on the sides of their ships in large lettering, for example, ‘United States of America Relief Ship’? [More…]
When the United States of America and other recognised affluent countries grant aid for relief to a country in distress do they call on the United Nations Relief Fund to pay for the transport of their aid to that country? [More…]
In the report of the United States Congress Council for the Environment Quality President Nixon clearly states what he did in 1971 in regard to the Cross Florida Barge Canal - he stopped it. [More…]
In 1972 it already seems inconceivable that man could have ever considered flooding such a treasure which belongs not only to the people of Arizona and the people of the United States of America but also to the people of the whole world. [More…]
Japan, the United States of America and the communist group. [More…]
United States and Swiss companies in particular have long held pretty substantial stakes in the manufacture and marketing sectors. [More…]
Of particular significance here is the prospect of larger quotas for beef and mutton in the United States. [More…]
In the grain industry this buffer stock has been developed to the stage where the European Economic Community and the United States of America have been able to get together and say that they agree to increase the stockpile of grain to help to stabilise world grain prices. [More…]
That, combined with the already apparent increase in butter production in the European Economic Community and with other forces in the producing world - for example, the United States export position which this year has seen a sales programme involving sales of some 61,000 tons of butter but which at 1st December 1971 has still left stocks in the United States some 8,000 tons higher than the 60,000 tons in stock a year earlier - leads us to be apprehensive about future aspects. [More…]
As to the possibility of an Australian Minister for the Army going while we had troops in Vietnam, you might tell that to the marines or at least to the commander in chief of the marines, the commander in chief of all United States forces - the President of the United States himself. [More…]
At the very time, in the very week, that the visit of the President of the United States to Peking has raised the world’s hopes for a new era of peace and understanding to a new pilch he chose to sabotage Australia’s own chances of an early normalisation of relations. [More…]
Nobody in fact is suggesting here, in the United States or New Zealand that such policies can long endure. [More…]
Nevertheless, this temporary freeze in the United States has broken the inflationary psychology and in New Zealand it may similarly break the inflationary psychology. [More…]
From it we will get, I expect, I hope and I undertake, a securities and exchange commission in Australia as has existed for nearly 40 years in the United States. [More…]
When we compare the circumstances that we now face, and in which we recognise that there is a problem and a need for action, with the unemployment rates in other countries - for example, in the United States of America it is 5.9 per cent, in Great Britain 5.8 per cent and in Canada 6.2 per cent - Australia’s performance is unequalled by the great majority of advanced and developed countries. [More…]
The businessmen have even more sense of where they are going in that great example of private enterprise, the United States of America, than we have here with our 6 separate State governments going in different ways and with a Federal Government which will not take a lead and which is exemplified by the sort of legislation that we are debating tonight - bringing back investment allowances when they have been off the books for only one year. [More…]
As a result of the American Society of Travel Agents conference which took place in Sydney towards the end of last year there has been a tremendous wave of enthusiasm and interest in, particularly, the United States of America where many tourists wish to come here. [More…]
For instance, in the United States of America 65 per cent of the amount spent on industrial research and development is given by the United States Government. [More…]
Jindiviks to the United States. [More…]
I think that is true even in the United States of America, but the magnitude of the expenditure in that country is so great that ordinary economic criteria cannot always be applied. [More…]
Now the Government has the audacity to be considering the standard missile from the United States of America as a replacement for the Tartar missile that we are using on the DDG destroyers, and there may be a selection for the DDL destroyers. [More…]
The reason why Lockheed and the American companies are in trouble is because of the terrific control that the military and defence machine has in the United States. [More…]
The United States has embarked on the design of military projects that it cannot possibly finance in the long term and it has had to let many of the projects drop. [More…]
May I refer in passing on this question of programming to the enormous amount of moneys transmitted overseas for the buying of programmes from the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
This certainly does not occur in the United States of America, the United Kingdom or Canada. [More…]
Integral in these Bills is the fact that we now look for a method similar to that adopted in the United States of America, where, I believe, the licensing authority can renew licences for a period of up to 3 years. [More…]
It is certainly vastly better than the programmes which are shown in the United States of America today, and in this respect I am serious. [More…]
Furthermore, colour television in the United States of America has been in years gone by particularly putrid in my judgment. [More…]
It has not stopped them from smoking in the United States of America or anywhere else in which this form of advertising has been banned. [More…]
The United States of America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, seems to have thrived over the years by using Mr and Mrs. [More…]
Alice Springs hospital depends on a surgeon supplied by the United States Pine Gap base, because when the Americans moved into Alice Springs they decided they could not put up with the sort of medical attention that was available to the other thousands of citizens in Alice Springs so they insisted on bringing out a surgeon. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to the Report on Effects of 2,4,5-T and Related Herbicides on Man and the Environment from the Sub-committee on Energy, Natural resources and the Environment of the Committee on Commerce of the United States Senate, dated 17th and 18th June 1970, which recommends the immediate and publicised removal of this herbicide from the channels of commerce such as its use around the home, on bodies of water and on food. [More…]
In April 1970 the United States authorities suspended registration for liquid formulations of 2,4,5-T for use around the home and all formulations for use in aquatic areas; they also announced the cancellation of registration of all non-liquid formulations of 2,4,5-T for use around the home and on food crops grown for direct human consumption. [More…]
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, which took over several of the functions of the Department of Agriculture in this connection, in March 1971 announced that it had issued cancellations for the use of 2,4,5-T. [More…]
The distinction between cancellation and suspension in the United States is that suspension would involve the cessation of inter-state movements of the pesticide, whereas cancellations are really notice of intention to cancel the registration of a substance. [More…]
In the course of production of the film was it necessary for certain members of the AustralianBroadcastng Commission to go to the United States of America and to France to collect material for the film. [More…]
The notion of natural justice and a natural law is enshrined in constitutions like that of the United States of America. [More…]
On the other hand, in the United States of America there are 3 groups of car manufacturers to supply a local market of 8.2 million cars, plus export!! [More…]
We also have a 15 per cent protection in the form of freight against cars imported from the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America the clothing industry was started at the turn of the century by the great wave of Jewish immigration that took place, and later on the Italians entered the industry. [More…]
On the other hand, the honourable member for Wakefield stated that a large number of Volvo cars are sold in the United States of America and other countries, including our own. [More…]
President Nixon’s announcements on China and the United States dollar parity adjustments constitute a watershed in world foreign and economic relations. [More…]
The fundamental purpose of the United States of America as the major world trading power and the largest economy was to ensure that it could create its trading balance. [More…]
The Japanese literally have money running out of their ears and they cannot get away with that The United States will bail them up again. [More…]
I suppose that if we ran across the boards we would have Canada, the United States, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in that bracket. [More…]
I do not quite know the dietary patterns of Americans on rest and recreation leave in Australia, but I do know that today the United States Department of Agriculture and the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industry enjoy very close relations and that together they are endeavouring to ensure that the standards for slaughter of animals are such that Australians will continue to take advantage of the very real export opportunities that exist in the American market. [More…]
The prices available in the United States market are generally higher than those prevailing elsewhere in the world. [More…]
It is because of those higher prices that Australian exporting meat works have been prepared to meet the up-grading requirements set down by the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
However, it is also true that the United States Government, through the United States Department of Agriculture, has progressively changed those requirements, and sometimes there have been difficulties in ascertaining exactly what those requirements might be. [More…]
I believe that the closer liaison that now exists between my Department and the United States Department of Agriculture is very much in the interests of Australian producers and I believe that a lot of misunderstandings that have existed in the past will not occur again. [More…]
Has the United States Navy reduced its Australian workforce by some 70 men at the North West Cape base in Western Australia? [More…]
Will the Prime Minister immediately request the United States Navy to employ additional men rather than requiring a deliberately depleted workforce to work excessive overtime? [More…]
A recent American commentator - I think I have made this point before - drew attention to the fact that decentralisation of the kind the Opposition is envisaging happened in the United States on one of several bases but particularly on the basis that the wage levels paid in the south east, say in Louisiana, are about 70 per cent of those paid in New York or New Jersey or somewhere like that. [More…]
The examples that the honourable member for Wakefield used were excellent - he cited the United States and so on - but I cannot agree with him when he points to Sweden as an example of the sort of policies that we ought to be following. [More…]
United States of America, Great Britain and Scandinavia experienced a fall in the same period. [More…]
This is a governmenttogovernment agreement somewhat similar to the other government-to-government agreements with the United States of America and Canada and agreements which our Atomic Energy Commission has effected with counterpart organisations in the United Kingdom and France. [More…]
Where are the pilot training projects such as are now operating in the United States? [More…]
Where is our equivalent of the annual report of the President of the United States including his report on manpower requirement resources, utilisation and training? [More…]
There was a shipping strike on the coast of the United States of America. [More…]
I think it is fairly clear from the indicators that this year we will not achieve the same level of sales that were achieved last year because of a number of factors such as greater supply from America and Canada and also because we will not have the same variables that operated in our favour last year such as the shipping strike off the west coast of the United States. [More…]
I am mindful of the problems that other countries experienced last year: For example, corn blight in the United States of America and the waterfront strike on the west coast of the United States. [More…]
There has been a record crop in the United States and the barley crop in Canada is at an almost record high. [More…]
The devaluation of the United States dollar gives the United States an added advantage in respect of prices. [More…]
When there is a damage to the United States corn crop, it affects grain sales and grain market conditions throughout the world. [More…]
The drought in the Middle East and the United States waterfront strike also were contributing factors. [More…]
In addition to that, I would like to draw the attention of the Minister to the truth of what I and other honourable members on this side of the House have said so often, that is, that the Australian National Line, operating as it does as a prisoner, as it were, of the various conferences to Europe, the United Kingdom, Japan and the Pacific route across to the United States of America, is not competitive. [More…]
The United States Senate passed a Bill entitled the Wholesome Fish and Fishery Products Act of 1971 on 2nd December 1971. [More…]
The principal provisions of the Bill as passed by the United States Senate, other than those of a purely domestic character, are: [More…]
Foreign establishments would be subject to inspection by United States officials for compliance with United States standards. [More…]
Certificates issued by foreign Governments may be recognised for the purposes of the entry of fish products into the United States where the system of inspection in the country concerned is at least equal to that in operation in the United States. [More…]
As a result of the assistance given by the United States, by the Australian troops, by South Koreans and by others, the South Vietnamese have been able to build up their strength enormously. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing cooperation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area. [More…]
Doctor Lawson was able to find comparable figures in the United States of America as well as in the [More…]
In the United States and the United Kingdom when doctors are paid a salary the operation rate is only 3.6 to 4 in a thousand. [More…]
In other words, it seems that people in Australia twice as frequently need those operations than do people in the United States or Britain when the doctors are on a salary. [More…]
In the United States, with salaried doctors, it is only 1.4; in the United Kingdom it is only 2.5. [More…]
It is higher in the United Kingdom than in the United States, but still it is only one-half the Australian rate. [More…]
In that situation where a patient can vet himself the operation rate in Australia for hernias is only 1.5 in a thousand, but in the United States and the United Kingdom when doctors are on salaries the rate is 2 in a thousand. [More…]
If the concept of ‘de-schooling’ which has attracted considerable attention in the United States and Europe, gains favour, conventional systems of education as we know them may have vanished completely by the end of the century. [More…]
The United States Government has rejected them. [More…]
-I rather gather that what the honourable gentleman is complaining about regarding our policy towards China is that it differs from that of the United States, and that what he wants us to do is to follow President Nixon. [More…]
Can he say whether the Labour Department in the United States of America releases figures of jobless rates for many groups in the labour force such as teenagers, adult men, married men, adult women, married women, black workers and white workers. [More…]
For example, most States of the United States of America have the death penalty on their statute books, yet that country has probably one of the most violent communities that the world has ever known. [More…]
In the United States data on this subject have been systematically compiled since 1930. [More…]
It is an odd fact that in the United States such executions have largely stopped since 1966 or 1967 as a result of a campaign by certain types of civil liberties lawyers, to whom I will refer in more detail in a moment if 1 have time. [More…]
The decision concerned is of perhaps the most prestigious State court of the United States. [More…]
About a month ago by a majority decision of 6 to 1 the Californian Supreme Court decided that the section of the Constitution of California relating to cruel or unusual punishments - it is copied from the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution - meant in effect that the death penalty could not be imposed in California. [More…]
Six judges of that very prestigious, esteemed and responsible United States court struck down a California State law on the ground that it infringed the Californian Constitution. [More…]
It is my understanding that since about 1967 no executions have been carried out in the United States of America, with a whole mass of appeals lodged and pending hearing in the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
in the countries of South East Asia we are regarded at best as an echo of the United States - a somewhat belated echo. [More…]
There are now 5 major power groupings: The United States of America, the Soviet Union, China, Japan and the European Community. [More…]
There is a need for those children who do not get a head start, as it is commonly termed in the United States, to be given the additional facilities which are necessary to assist them to overcome the gap that separates them from more fortunate children at their starting-out point. [More…]
United States where it is well over 90 per cent. [More…]
Of the 5 countries I mention the United States of America is, not surprisingly, easily first, but is followed in order by Australia, Canada and England, with Sweden last of ail. [More…]
In particular, has the Government sought to influence the United States to reverse its decision to maintain a Task Force in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
I also wish to inform the House that the Minister for Shipping and Transport (Mr Nixon) is to leave Australia tonight to have discussions and to make inspections in the urban transport field in South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Europe, and to attend the launching of the Australian National Line container ship ‘Australian Explorer’ in Germany. [More…]
Given the prospects for increasing lamb production in Australia b the Minister in a position to indicate whether we can expect to find outlets for more Australian lamb in the United States of America? [More…]
Is Australia embarking on a lamb promotion effort in the United States? [More…]
The United States of America is an important market for our lamb, taking something like 30 per cent of the exports. [More…]
There is a joint promotion arrangement between the Australian Meat Board, producers in New Zealand and the United States and I am sure that this will lead to continuing and increasing sales in the United States. [More…]
With respect to Canada, the northern neighbour of the United States, we have been doing quite well on that market, although sales declined last year. [More…]
1 am not an admirer of the violence or of the other unpleasant features that are plaguing the United States of America, but I thing it is very bad to say that the American teachers who come here would advocate those things to Australian children. [More…]
Britain, Italy, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, the United States of America and Canada already transfer their social welfare entitlements to their citizens wherever they chose to live. [More…]
I also was given information about the pending agreement with Venezuela and the nature of the arrangements which have been made with the United States. [More…]
Over 1,000 former migrants returned to each of Germany, the Netherlands and the United States. [More…]
I have figures relating to the United States of America which is a country comparable with Australia. [More…]
If anything it would have more old age pensioners who had originated overseas because America’s main period of immigration was in the early part of the 20th century and many of the people who migrated to the United States then have now become eligible for the old age pension. [More…]
In the United States only about 0.8 per cent of all the benefits for retired migrants are paid overseas. [More…]
My authority is a volume publised by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare which I obtained from the Parliamentary Library. [More…]
It also consulted closely with the Government of the United States and other allies. [More…]
Together with our allies - the United States, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand and the Philippines - and in keeping with our treaty commitments, we sought to help the Republic of Vietnam resist armed Communist aggression and to free its 15 million people from the threat of oppression and terror. [More…]
Located in Bien Hoa, north of Saigon, it conducted operations with the United States 173rd Airborne Brigade against North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces which were threatening the capital. [More…]
From 1967 to 1971 a Royal Australian Navy destroyer was continuously assigned to duties with the United States Seventh Fleet in the area, carrying out bombardment of enemy facilities in North Vietnam, naval gunfire support for allied forces in the South, and maritime counter-infiltration and escort tasks. [More…]
Australia’s contribution in South Vietnam was a part of the combat assistance given to the Republic of Vietnam by the United States and certain other allied countries. [More…]
We believe our interpretations of the Vietnam war have been substantially correct and that it was a very serious error on the part of the United States and its allied governments to turn a failing effort to suppress an insurgency into a major conventional war. [More…]
The South Vietnam Government and the United States have made the mistake of assuming they were bargaining from a position of strength. [More…]
One source widely circulated in the United States and Australia put the offensive as certain from 9th February to 14th February, neglecting to give only the actual hours of attack. [More…]
There are strong grounds for thinking that the Communists are maintaining a passive stance in South Vietnam, waiting until more United States forces are withdrawn. [More…]
Of course, they will s.ill have to contend with the United States air force and the cover that the air force provides, but this has had no significant impact on their effectiveness in the past. [More…]
The present regime in Saigon has yet to prove its ability to survive without massive underpinning by the United States. [More…]
The major remaining interest for the United States seems to be the return of American prisoners. [More…]
If some sort of deal can be negotiated with Hanoi on this question the United States will have played all its cards. [More…]
The total number of refugees or people whose homes and villages have been relocated has been estimated by Senator Edward Kennedy, who heads a United States Senate subcommittee on refugees, as exceeding 6 million. [More…]
I again stress to this House that because we have now provided in South Vietnam the means, not only as a result of this Government’s contribution but also because of the contribution of the United States, to build up in Vietnam a significant army, that army is now faced by an army of very great strength in the north. [More…]
We want to avoid the, problems that have arisen in Britain and the United States in recent times because of strikes which are very damaging not only to the general economy but also to every man, woman and child in the country. [More…]
The great strikes which have occurred recently in the United States have demonstrated that point. [More…]
1 refer specifically to the announcement by the Minister for Civil Aviation (Senator Cotton) on 17th March that Australia had granted landing rights to World Airways for the purpose of bringing 21 special inclusive tour charter flights from the United States to Australia. [More…]
I notice that the Minister’s statement refers to the experimental nature of the permit, with future permits being governed by the United States approving Qantas or Qantair operations on exactly the same terms and conditions as United States charter operations. [More…]
I am all for this attitude and hold the view that the United States would be unreasonable if it was to withhold these rights from our country’s national airline. [More…]
Without doubt the United States of America is the supplier of the greatest number of tourists. [More…]
I have every confidence that Qantas will be given a reciprocal agreement and will be allowed to go to the United States and organise 21 flights of American tourists to Australia. [More…]
I am confident that Australia has so much to offer the world, including the United States, that given the right fare structure people who before could never have afforded to come to Australia, and people who will be reached through the advertising media, will want to come here. [More…]
United States of America at this point of time as a possible jetport to serve New York City. [More…]
The non-discriminatory most-favoured-nation rate of duty imposed by the United States on apparel wools is 25.5 US cents per pound clean content. [More…]
Since 1947 Australia has made vigorous efforts directed towards achieving a reduction or elimination of the United States wool duty. [More…]
The matter was under negotiation, for example, during the Kennedy Round of GATT tariff negotiations which concluded in 1967 but the United States wasnot prepared in the final outcome to reduce the tariff on wool imports. [More…]
During visits to Washington, the Prime Minister, the Treasurer and I stressed to the United States Government the serious position of the Australian wool industry and the depressing effect of the United States import duty on our wool sales. [More…]
We have also pointed out that, in our view, the duty has not helped the United States wool industry but, on the contrary, has actually contributed to the development of synthetic substitutes. [More…]
A particular difficulty at present, however, is that the United States Administration has no mandate from Congress to negotiate on the level of tariffs. [More…]
A further major obstacle to the reduction of the wool duty is that, arising from United States commitments under the GATT, the duty on raw wool is linked with the duties on wool textiles. [More…]
As the question of competition from imported textiles is an extremely sensitive issue in the United States, there seems little immediate possibility that Congress would approve legislation which would result in a duty reduction on textile imports. [More…]
I am confident, however, that, as a result of our representations, the United States authorities are aware of the problems caused for the Australian wool industry by the United States duty on wool. [More…]
Furthermore, I can assure the honourable member that the Government will continue to take every opportunity to press the United States for a reduction in the import duty on wool. [More…]
Perhaps one might say that Australia has been less unfortunate than the United States in that I know of only 4 Australians, that is 2 soldiers missing presumed dead, and 2 Air Force personnel missing, who would fall into the category covered by the proclamation, while the Americans have over 1,600 servicemen and about 50 civilians in that category. [More…]
One would hope that the appeal made by the President of the United States, which I believe has the support of all men of goodwill throughout the world, will have some effect on the intransigent attitude of the North Vietnamese. [More…]
Is it a fact that exporters, with the support of the South Australian Government, have over the last 2 years repeatedly made representations direct to the Minister for at least one direct overseas flight a week out of Adelaide for the United States, and Europe and one direct Asian flight a week? [More…]
Is the feeling among employees of Qantas that the airline’s interests have been sold out in order to obtain increased export quotas of primary products in the United States of America justified? [More…]
I know from discussions wilh my colleague, the Minister for Civil Aviation, that there has been a slight downturn in world figures for international air traffic and that Qantas has been affected by this situation, as have the other major operators throughout the world, but proportionately Qantas is not losing what Pan Am, Trans World Airlines, United Airlines and the other major airlines in the United States are losing. [More…]
For example, there were the embargo by the United States of America on the Qantas Airways Boeing 747 operating into that country; the additional schedules which were granted to American airline operators on the Pacific route; concorde pollution and supersonic flight across Australia. [More…]
Thomas Nationwide Transport Ltd is a major transport operator having operations not only in Australia but also in New Zealand, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
In fact it was on the initiative of Qantas that recent changes took place such as reduction in the return fare to London to $700; also there was the approval of a series of World Airways charters from the United States to Australia. [More…]
approval that has been given to World Airways, which is a United States charter company, to operate 21 inclusive tour charter flights from the United States to Australia next year. [More…]
This approval is a practical indication of the Government’s desire to meet the demand for low cost charter flights on the Australia-United States route. [More…]
Any extension of the inclusive tour charter flight programme will depend on Qantas or its charter subsidiary Qantair getting United States approval to operate the same type of inclusive tour charter flights on the same terms and conditions as the United States charter operators have. [More…]
The United States of America maintains its global balance with the Soviet Union and it has a marked superiority in strategic nuclear strength vis-a-vis China. [More…]
As the Department of Defence review points out, its strength in the Pacific Ocean is vast but American resources are not unlimited and the United States Administration has set conditions for its assumption of further responsibilities. [More…]
The United States, the Soviet Union, China and Japan are exploring each other’s attitudes and examining the effect of initiatives taken. [More…]
On the other hand, we seek an intensification of our defence understandings with the United States and with our northern neighbours in the expectation that the United [More…]
To lay stress on dangerous contingencies against which Australian defence efforts must steadily prepare over the longer term is not inconsistent wi.h the hopes entertained by the President of the United States of progressively negotiating understandings which will reduce tensions among the 4 great powers: The Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, the United States and Japan - and particularly among the 3 great military powers in this group. [More…]
1 have not the slightest doubt that the United States commitments to Australia under the ANZUS Treaty are as strong and effective as ever and it is my belief that it is the responsible attitude of this Australian Government towards the eco nomic growth and the military security of this region that have contributed to maintaining this undeviating attitude. [More…]
On the contrary it confers upon us a need to contribute as a non-nuclear power to the maintenance of the global nuclear equilibrium which is sustained by the United States. [More…]
In this policy there is no provocation unless our very alliance with the United States is held to be such. [More…]
I refer to the response which the Government believes we should adopt to the continuing defence burdens which are borne by the United States. [More…]
The Government will continue to give defence cooperation to the United States. [More…]
We will not impose doctrinaire conditions that would undermine the strategic mobility and the capacity for swift reaction by the United States against its adversaries. [More…]
These 2 elements are the foundation of the deterrent system upon which the President of the United States is trying to develop understandings between the Americans and the Russians. [More…]
Nor, in the Government’s view, should we permit disclosure of technological military secrets to undermine such advantages in the strategic balance as the United States may possess. [More…]
I would like to say something further about the United States. [More…]
We are aware of the arguments and pressures inside the United States against present levels of defence spending and defence aid. [More…]
It is, I suggest, a time to acknowledge the debt which Australians, among others, owe to the United States for the burdens it is still carrying 30 years after Pearl Harbour and after that great country’s acknowledgement of its leadership role which it has performed steadfastly since. [More…]
Had the Labor Party’s policy been accepted and followed by the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and the other countries involved - the Labor Party says that that is the principle which should have been followed - all of South East Asia would now be under communist domination. [More…]
The initial help from the United States was of only an advisory nature. [More…]
Then came the Pentagon Papers to prove that it had been a deliberate policy on the part of the United States all the time and so if the war were to be carried on it had to be carried on, as Professor Huntington of Massachusetts said: reasonably limited, discreet and covert’. [More…]
When an analogy was drawn between what the French were doing and what the United States tried to do the honourable member for Lalor quite plainly glossed over the fact that the French tried to establish an empire or to re-establish an empire and that the United States and others tried to assist the country to become free. [More…]
Not even the United States did so. [More…]
Even the main United States commitment followed only several months later, in a different context and with a different South Vietnamese Prime Minister. [More…]
Yet the Government tries to imply that the United States Government’s thinking had no influence on the Australian troop commitment. [More…]
I am not suggesting that the Australian Government did not have other reasons for becoming involved, but it cannot expect us to believe that the United States Government had no influence on the decision. [More…]
The opposition to the Saigon Government until that time had been almost entirely from the National Liberation Front - the Vietcong - and that was not until the United States began bombing North Vietnam. [More…]
Before the United States started the bombing, the [More…]
I draw to the attention of the House an article by Konrad Kellen of the United States Rand Corporation, in which he states at page 10: [More…]
The facts are really that the United States and Australian Governments have given it away as a bad job. [More…]
I asked her whether the NLF would try to achieve a military victory if the United States withdrew. [More…]
She believes that withdrawal of United States forces would positively help bring about a political solution rather than a military solution. [More…]
During a recent visit to Australia General Westmoreland, the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, paid tribute to Australian fighting men. [More…]
I want to centre my remarks tonight on the use of defoliants by the United States of America. [More…]
I guess that when the United States engaged on its anti-food campaign against the Vietcong and destroyed their grain they had to steal cattle in order to keep themselves and their loved ones alive. [More…]
The same situation existed in the United States. [More…]
When the bodies of United States servicemen started to flow back to the United States the people of that country began making inquiries about the validity of America’s involvement. [More…]
He has never reminded the Parliament that 55,000 United States troops have been killed in Vietnam. [More…]
It is also to the credit of the United Kingdom that it never backed the United States, although I believe that Harold Wilson could have been stronger in that he did not dissociate the British people from the Vietnam war until the Americans started to bomb North Vietnam. [More…]
I believe that it is equally true to say that the United States Government transported its crematoriums to Vietnam to dispose of enemies of the United States, as it thought it was doing, during the Vietnam war. [More…]
I would like to place on the record of this Parliament the extent to which chemicals were used by the United States Air Force on areas alleged to be held or used by the enemy. [More…]
The United States added a new dimension to its use of chemical weapons in 1961, which was the year a plant science laboratory team from Fort Detrick visited Vietnam to test ways of destroying with chemicals the jungle trees and foliage successfully held and used by the Vietcong for concealment. [More…]
I believe that the United States Army realised this. [More…]
The United States Army’s manual, under the heading ‘Military Biology and Biological Agents’, refers to this fact. [More…]
As regards the use of defoliants, the United States Army manual on the subject states that there are no proven defensive measures against these compounds. [More…]
In 1962 the United States defoliated 4,940 acres in South Vietnam. [More…]
4441, Hansard, 9th December 1971, page 4632), will the Treasury report which has been in preparation since 1967 (Harsard, 4th October 1967, page 1737) nevertheless include information on official insurance schemes operating in the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand (Hansard, 26th November 1968, page 3289; 26th September 1969, page 2133; 12th June 1970, page 2686 and 9th December 1971, page 4629). [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports that the Research Division of the United States’ Bureau of Mines has a prototype plant to reduce household refuse to saleable metals, heating oil, gas, glasses, fertiliser and bricks at a profit [More…]
I have seen reports that pyroloysis (destructive distillation) techniques, initially developed at the United States Bureau of Mines to determine the yield and quality of the products from coal, are being translated to convert domestic and industrial refuse into potentially useful solids, liquids and gas. [More…]
The following countries have resident missions in Cyprus headed by an Ambassador, High Commissioner or Charge d’Affaires: Britain, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, West Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Romania, Syria, Turkey, Soviet Union, United States, Yugoslavia. [More…]
Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Somalia, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Viet Nam, Yugoslavia and United States. [More…]
But the Leader of the Opposition has often referred of course, to a Supreme Court decision that was taken in the United States of America and has tried to relate the United States Constitution to the Australian Commonwealth Constitution. [More…]
There are several restrictive trade practices Acts in the United States of America, but the one that is particularly pertinent to the situation which faces us in Australia today is the Clayton Act. [More…]
The White Paper referred at a number of points to Australia’s defence links with the United States. [More…]
He did make certain comments on the imposition of doctrinaire conditions on United States defence policy and somehow or other equated carping and criticism of American policy with treachery. [More…]
Quite obviously these bases are related to the United States early-warning and surveillance systems of Russia and China. [More…]
What is not clear is how much the bases in Australia contribute to nuclear stability in terms of mutual deterrence between the United States and Russia. [More…]
By stifling public debate on these great issues the Government has done itself and the United States a disservice. [More…]
It would be of immense benefit for the United States to have a world-wide early-warning network that would not involve the cost of maintaining tracking stations outside the- United States and subject to changes in domestic policy. [More…]
This could bring a voluntary removal of these facilities from Australia so the United States could concentrate all its nuclear deterrent systems within its own borders. [More…]
The United States Army has reached a plateau of organisation where only one man in 10 is a combat soldier. [More…]
There have been reports in American journals that members of the Australian military forces have received training in chemical and biological warfare in the United States. [More…]
I refer in particular to an article in the American journal ‘Nation’ of 11th October last year which claimed Australian officers had been given training for chemical warfare at the United States Army Chemical Centre and School at Fort McLellan in Alabama. [More…]
We do need to have an assurance, as far as we can have an assurance, that the United States will stand behind us if we are attacked by a major power because, by ourselves, we cannot repell a major power. [More…]
I know that it applies only to the Australian Mainland and to nowhere else and I know that it could be brought into operation only in accordance with the constitutional processes of the United States of America on the one hand and Australia on the other and that it is possible to imagine that in the event of an attack on Australia the Congress of the United States might, under its constitutional processes, say: Well, neverheless, in spite of the fact that this has happened we are not going to support the President in his support’. [More…]
One of the reasons is our reliance on the United States logistic support. [More…]
It may already be that the Indian Ocean is only of marginal importance to United States missile firing submarines. [More…]
support of the United States. [More…]
As has been said on so many occasions, we need the support of our great friends and allies and I believe that the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, along with the other Commonwealth countries, will always believe in freedom. [More…]
I believe that when the Government entered the Vietnam conflict it did the right thing and with the passage of time, history will remember that this Government and the United States did the right thing in that situation. [More…]
In other words, forward defence is feasible for Australia when we can go along with and support great countries like the United States; it is not feasible when we have to do it ourselves by ourselves. [More…]
Ansett Airlines gave serious consideration to the modification of the aircraft in Australia but reached the conclusion after consultation with Lockheed, the manufacturer of the Electra, that the cost of under-taking the work locally would be approximately double the cost of modification by that company in the United States. [More…]
The Government was aware of the proposal by Ansett Airlines to have its aircraft modified in the United States and took a close interest in the matter. [More…]
The decision to have the work performed in the United States was taken for the reason indicated in answer to Part 2 of the Question. [More…]
The Department of Labour in the United States, in its monthly publication ‘Employment and Earnings’, releases figures of unemployment rates according to age (adults/teenagers), sex, marital status (both male and female), colour, industry and occupation. [More…]
Which Members of (a) the Australian Parliament, (b) the United States Congress and (c) other Parliaments have been permitted to inspect United States defence bases in Australia. [More…]
The newspaper reports also stated that amongst the aims of the organisation calling the demonstration was the ending of the United States-Australia alliance. [More…]
The newspaper report makes it quite clear that the honourable member and his supporters do not seek but demand* - I use the word advisedly because it appears in the report - the end of the United States-Australian alliance. [More…]
It has been known for many years that the forces of the Left within the ALP have sought to downgrade and destroy an alliance with the United States. [More…]
When questioned as to what changes this would bring if it occurred, the honourable member replied that the ALP policy would be changed to bring an end to the principle that the United States alli ance is crucial and that there would be a beginning of support for the human rights revolution around the world, more often expressed in the national liberation movements. [More…]
According to newspaper reports of the time it was only after the Leader of the Opposition had said that it would put an intolerable ‘ burden on the Party’s electoral prospects to Completely discard the United States alliance that a compromise was reached. [More…]
As we know, the Conference deleted reference to the crucial importance of the United States alliance and substituted a form of words which were to emasculate the ANZUS Treaty and make it a vague convention on human rights. [More…]
We have had frequent protestations both within and outside this House by the Leader of the Opposition endeavouring to support the view that the ALP has not changed its attitude towards the United States alliance but, in fact, has ‘ strengthened it. [More…]
South Vietnam is essentially the creation of the United States. [More…]
That was the official conclusion which was drawn by officials of the United States Government and is reported on page 2 of the Pentagon Papers published by the New York Times’. [More…]
Not only was South Vietnam the creation of the United States but it was built upon leaders and people from the North. [More…]
I believe that the regular forces of North Vietnam have now derived that right of self defence against the attack made upon them by the armed forces of the United States and by the armed forces of the Government in Saigon which was set up and controlled by the United States and acting at all times as a co-ordinated part of that attack. [More…]
What has happened is that a civil war has developed in a country and the United States has entered it on one side. [More…]
I believe that the people of North Vietnam have rights because this is basically a civil war into which a foreign power - the United States - has entered. [More…]
Over 3 million tons of bombs and napalm has been dropped on North Vietnam by the United States Air Force. [More…]
For 10 years the United States has tried every conceivable alternative to win this war. [More…]
I refer to the United States. [More…]
No one is a greater admirer of the United States in many ways than I am. [More…]
They knew that Britain had been withdrawing from Malaysia and that the United States was withdrawing from South East Asia and so they wanted to create a new alliance. [More…]
He said we should not be the followers of big powers, whether it be the Soviet Union, the United States or Great Britain. [More…]
In the United States of America - I could talk about some Americans with great pride - Republicans and Democrats alike have had the courage to stand up against the war in Vietnam and against their own Government. [More…]
I ask how the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) can equate the Labor Party’s statement of support for ANZUS with the call by one of his own shadow Ministers for an end to the United States-Australian alliance. [More…]
By murder and terror, long before any United States or Australia combat troops entered Vietnam, the Communists liquidated the officials, the youth leaders and the cream of the village leadership of South Vietnam. [More…]
An official United States Senate Committee’s report quotes the figure of 13.3 million people liquidated in China alone from 1961 to 1965. [More…]
It is an arm of defence which would be critical in any situation in which Australia had to defend herself, because we could not send aircraft to France, Britain or the United States to have them serviced. [More…]
The Air Force yesterday handed the National Guard a substantially increased responsibility for defending the United States against possible bomber attack. [More…]
That is the United States - against enemy bombers. [More…]
The greater role of the Air National Guard in frontline defense of the continental United States is in line with the policy of Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird to place heavier reliance on the nation’s reserve forces. [More…]
We take due note of the defence attitudes of the United States in just about every field. [More…]
We were defeated in Singapore and an anguished cry went up for help from the United States. [More…]
So we transferred our sense of dependence from Britain to the United States. [More…]
Now we have the super powers not only of the United States and Russia; we have Japan emerging as a great super power economically but not yet militarily, though she could become so at any time. [More…]
It may be that we will have to look after ourselves in the region, but we are helpless against super powers unless we have a friend in that quarter, and there is only one possible friend for us, and that is the United States of America. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing cooperation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area. [More…]
They have taken every opportunity to denigrate the United States of America, and they cannot deny it. [More…]
On the international side, there will be comprehensive multilateral trade negotiations in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade beginning in 1973, which will give Australia the opportunity to pursue our trade objectives with the enlarged European Economic Community, the United States, Japan and others. [More…]
Machine voting is used in the United States of America and in The Netherlands. [More…]
Can he say what are the hours of polling and the day of die week on which national elections are held in Great Britain, the United States of America, New Zealand, France, Canada, Belgium, Holland, West Germany and Italy. [More…]
The United States of America also has a similar approach now, to try to co-ordinate their policy in relation to their natural resources. [More…]
95m and this will be less than the cost to the United States Air Force. [More…]
Another matter that we must keep in mind always is that when money leaves its country of origin, whether it is the United States, the United Kingdom or Sweden, it is currency of that nation, but when it arrives in Australia is becomes Australian currency and subject to the financial controls of this country. [More…]
It is the reported withdrawal of the Cannon Hill abattoirs licence to process meat for sale in the United States. [More…]
This is certainly not the first warning it has received from the United States Department of Agriculture that the Brisbane abattoir, as it is more commonly referred to, has not been able to meet the hygiene and sanitation requirements that the United States has laid down for meat exported to that country. [More…]
This United States decision will affect some 600 to 700 employees of the abattoir. [More…]
In addition, the fact that under its United States licence the abattoir processes about 50,000 head of beef cattle a year, representing about 42 per cent of the annual beef cattle killed at the Brisbane abattoir, gives an indication of the need to have this quantity of cattle killed elsewhere, creating a great problem for the primary producers concerned. [More…]
While at this stage I understand that the management has not been advised in writing of the requirements following the inspection carried out by Dr Hall on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture, I believe that the requirements cover structural and sanitation deficiencies. [More…]
Actions such as this by these inspectors give rise to the argument that has often been put forward that the United States Department of Agriculure uses these unfair methods periodically to eliminate certain of the Australian sources of supply to reduce the quota imports into the United States. [More…]
It seems to me to be more than coincidence that only as recently as 4th March much prominence was given in the Australian Press to a report by a United States Congressman, Mr John Melcher, who represents the beef producing State of Montana. [More…]
On that occasion he was speaking to a United States House of Representatives committee and said that he did not allow his own family to eat hamburger meat or precooked meat that was likely to have come from meats imported from Australia. [More…]
Mr Melcher said that the report on foreign meat plants by the United States General Office of Accounting showed that of 35 plants inspected in Australia 10 were so unsanitary that they were banned from exporting meat to the United States. [More…]
But at least the situation does demand that this Government take action to ensure that the Queensland Government faces up to the responsibilities it has failed to face up to in the past and that it should provide the standard of hygiene that can match up to even the unjust requirements of the United States meat inspectors so that in the future requirements such as those now sought by the United States cannot be brought forward to restrict our quotas to the United States. [More…]
One firm to which I spoke is making tillage implements which are being exported to 43 different countries, including Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
The extensive test programmes by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1961 and 1962, and by United States of America in 1962, injected more radioactive debris into the atmosphere than had all previous tests. [More…]
Newspaper reports have referred to the release of plutonium 238 into the world environment in April 1964 as a result of the burn-up of the power generator contained in a United States satellite which disintegrated on entering the upper atmosphere after failing to gain the desired orbit. [More…]
The Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee has assisted and cooperated with the United States Atomic Energy Commission in a world wide programme to monitor plutonium 238 in the environment by con ducting sampling and providing materials from Australia for analysis. [More…]
In August last year the United States Public Health Service issued a warning that there was no lower level to harmful doses of radiation, either to the individual or for future generations. [More…]
Then there are the comprehensive trade negotiations in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, those arising out of trade objectives with the enlarged European Economic Community, with the United States, Japan and others, and of course those problems arising out of the termination of the United Kingdom- Australia trade agreement. [More…]
In Japan the percentage is 31.3, in Australia 27.1, in Germany 25.6, in Canada 24.6 and in other comparable countries the percentage ranges down to 16.5 for the United States. [More…]
The United States of America has taken extraordinary action. [More…]
But the United States is Australia’s main supplier, being responsible for 25.1 per cent of Australian imports in 1970-71. [More…]
On the credit side, I recognise that with a parliament of 125 members, with as many issues to consider as the Congress of the United States or the British Parliament, more and more work is falling upon the shoulders of a few, and because of this these men need assistance. [More…]
I suggest that not only is this disgraceful in itself but also it reflects the deep feeling amongst a very substantial section of the Australian Labor Party which would be consistent with the aims and the objectives of the communists who are attacking and which would be extremely hostile to our friend and ally, .the United States. [More…]
One example is the opposition to the United States bases such as North West Cape, Pine Gap and Woomera. [More…]
Finally, we have the Leader of the Opposition when he visited China last year supporting, as I understand it, the substance of the 7 points put forward by the provisional revolutionary government of South Vietnam for settling the war there - proposals which the President of the United States has reportedly described as joining with your enemies in order to destroy your friends’. [More…]
We are not a small and insignificant country, as our Foreign Minister said not many months ago in the United States of America. [More…]
Why should we be less vocal on this point than the many leaders of the United States itself? [More…]
Or are Senators Muskie, Humphrey, McGovern, Kennedy and Mansfield, representing not only the largest party in the United States and her Congress but the overwhelming majority of the United States Senate, guilty of ‘treachery’? [More…]
The tanks, the surface-to-air missiles, or SAMs, all the sophisticated weaponry there now - the things that have made what was a guerrilla war into a massive war between 2 of the largest and best equipped armies of the world today - have been brought about not by China but by the Soviet Union and by the United States. [More…]
Yet this is precisely what is envisaged by the United States herself. [More…]
The United States negotiators conceded this before they broke off the negotiations in Paris on the last occasion. [More…]
What I repudiate is any view which does not record our objection to and rejection of any action, by either side - not just by the Vietnamese but by all the powers, namely, the United States, the Soviet Union and China, who in pursuit of utterly mistaken ideas of national interest have hurled Indo-China into this crucible of blood - which prolongs the sacrifice and suffering of the people of Vietnam. [More…]
The honourable member for Lalor made a sneering reference to the’ statement that South Vietnam was essentially the creation of the United States. [More…]
So was modern Western Europe essentially the creation of the United States after the War. [More…]
We were told by the then Prime Minister that this was treachery, that it would never be accepted by the United States of America and it would not be accepted by an Australian government. [More…]
According to this sort of logic, it is not an invasion, however, when United States and South Vietnamese units strike into the supposedly neutral country of Laos. [More…]
We have seen their opposition to installations established co-operatively by the United States and Australia. [More…]
They would rather support China than our ally, the United States of America. [More…]
The very survival of this country depends upon our close affiliation with our United States ally and our’ preparedness to support those who are anticommunist. [More…]
When we committed combat forces in 1965 there were, according to the United States Department of Defence, no more than 400 North Vietnamese but against people who Vietnam, and they were there in the early part of 1965 for one very simple reason: Following the infamous Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which was a put up job to justify the decision that the United States mil itary had already made, the USA - this was back in 1964 - began aerial attacks on North Vietnam. [More…]
I quote for the benefit of the Minister for Social Services Mr Schlesinger, who was Special Assistant to the President of the United States of America from 1961 to 1964. [More…]
In November 1971 the Prime Minister had discussions in Washington with the Chairman, Mr Russell Train, and other members of the United States Council on Environmental Quality. [More…]
We have continuing contact with the United States Authorities through our scientific liaison staff at the Embassy in Washington. [More…]
I do not remember the figures off the cufF but, as I recall them in a general way, if the honourable gentleman relates our record to that of Canada and the United States of America, I am sure he will find that it is a very satisfactory one. [More…]
However, I am sure that the House will realise that we are entering into a new generation of armour and artillery and it is interesting to note that very shortly we will have United States and German tanks which will have to exercise in this area. [More…]
In the United States today there is a serious depletion of natural gas reserves. [More…]
In 1947 coal production in the United States was 700 million tons. [More…]
In the calendar year 1971 Esso made a profit of $27m, as was announced last weekend, of which $14m will be repatriated to the United States. [More…]
In the letter he referred to the letter from the directors of Travel House of Australia, which was published in the ‘Sunday Australian’, in which they claimed that my speech had forced them to cancel certain flights to London via the United States of America. [More…]
95m and this will be less than the cost to the United States Air Force. [More…]
After all the bombs that the United States has dropped on North Vietnam with thousands of BS2 flights who can possibly suggest that there is any deterrent effect in dropping conventional weapons? [More…]
I shall read now from the United States ‘Armed Forces Journal’ some comments on the Fill. [More…]
Here is the ‘Armed Forces Journal’ of the United States virtually repudiating our Minister of Defence by saying that the aircraft is a failure as a strategic deterrent. [More…]
Yet here is a project of $400m going to the United States. [More…]
The United States of America has changed its legislation on the lines proposed back in 1964. [More…]
On a national scale, the general aviation fleet has a large impact on the flexibility and mobility of business people in the United States of America. [More…]
The employees feel that this was done in exchange for Australia gaining increased beef shipments to the United States. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that last October Japan dumped into the United States 6,300 tons of polyester fibre? [More…]
Because of savage quotas imposed by the United States Government this was reduced to 96 tons last December. [More…]
Mr George Meaney, of course, would be well known to honourable members in this House as the President of AFL CIO, which is a union organisation in the United States of America. [More…]
I read briefly this morning in, I think, the ‘Australian’ a reference to what Mr Meaney has been saying in the United States of America. [More…]
The fact is that he has been pointing to the enormous loss in that country to trade unionists because of strikes, and he appears to be completely disenchanted with the situation which the United States is approaching at the present time. [More…]
Of course, what Mr Meaney was suggesting was that he is disenchanted with the system of collective bargaining in the United States, a system which, if the Opposition in fact were in power, would be given far greater impetus than exists at the present time. [More…]
1 know that the recent statement by the President of the United States in relation to the security of the aviation industry has been considered by my colleague in another place as well as by the Department of Civil Aviation. [More…]
He may remember that his predecessor told me at question time 18 months ago that the Victorian Government for some considerable time had been raising the question of assistance for the underground railway - those were the words - although he brushed aside the remainder of my question to him that the Federal Government in Australia should help with city railways as the United States and West German governments were doing. [More…]
An indirect cost also is involved because there is no doubt that countries such as the United States of America and Canada, which desire to keep themselves free from foot and mouth disease, would immediately ban all imports of Australian meat. [More…]
1 might add that Canada and the United States of America, which are just as concerned as we are about this matter, do not take these precautions. [More…]
Last year the United States Department of State circulated a memorandum to its officers warning of the true significance of participation in celebrations on 10th April, the anniversary of the creation of the independent state of Croatia. [More…]
If the Minister were in the United States of America his sort of racist attitude would prevent his appointment to the Supreme Court of that country. [More…]
We had combat troops there and, like the United States, we withdrew our combat troops not only because we believe the need for them has passed but also because we believed that by so doing we were contributing to a de-escalation of the war and preparing the way for a political and not a military solution of the problems of Indo-China. [More…]
The United States started on its withdrawal of ground forces. [More…]
As I said earlier, it has been argued that the United States has committed aggression by bombing North Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh trail. [More…]
When this offensive failed to eventuate, the inevitable reassessment was that the communists had stayed their hand until after more United States withdrawals or even until after the United States presidential elections. [More…]
There seems a determined attitude on the part of North Vietnam to prove to the United States and China that it can go it alone for an extended period if need be. [More…]
Another factor is the impact of renewed fighting on public opinion in the United States as politicking hots up in the run through to the presidential elections. [More…]
But the latest offensives prove they will not desist; they will not let the United States and the regime in Saigon succeed by default. [More…]
The second reason is to impress the allies of North Vietnam - ‘the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China - of its capacity to strike at this time and to involve them, particularly at a time when the United States President is visiting the capitals of those 2 countries. [More…]
The third reason - this is rather a cynical reason which pretty well everyone assigns to them - is to influence the people of the United States in their thinking in a presidential election year that the United States policy in Vietnam will fail. [More…]
When President Nixon called for a cease fire and the withdrawal of American troops on terms that free elections would be held under international supervision, that President Thieu would resign in order that this might be done and that the United States would support no candidate and would remain strictly neutral, that would have been a political settlement. [More…]
In the aftermath of the war in Korea the United States of America supported the Government of Emperor Bao Dai, later the Government of Ngo Dinh Diem and more recently a range of governments, including the Government which governs South Vietnam to the present point in time. [More…]
But the Labor Party, in government as in opposition, would strive to work through every diplomatic avenue possible, through the United Nations and through our influence with the United States and the Soviet Union to bring about a peaceful solution to the war in Vietnam. [More…]
Of course, at thai time, there was the unhappy coincidence between, on one hand, the visit of the then Treasurer, the late Harold Holt, to Washington, the Australian request to the United States for further financial assistance in the forms of loans and so on and Australia’s need for American financial investment in this country and, on the other, the American need to have some token involvement in Vietnam by another country. [More…]
But up to the present time not one worthwhile advance has been made because of the stubbornness not of the South Vietnamese or of the United States, but of the North Vietnamese and those who support them. [More…]
What credibility can Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, or Malaysia, or New Zealand or any of those countries with which we have alliances - the United States of America, if you like - place on Australia’s future defence policy when all the time the alternative government of Australia - perhaps only a powerful section of it, or the whole of it - is prepared to repudiate our alliance with the United States, to attack the United States and to give succour to the Communist forces in Vietnam? [More…]
When I first came into this Parliament in 1945 the United States policy was to prevent France from reasserting its authority over its former colony of Indo-China. [More…]
The United States, in an anti-colonial phase of policy, prevented this return. [More…]
United States policy then went through a reversal. [More…]
This began the problems of the United States, when the United States policy was to assist France. [More…]
Diem was then installed in power as a result of the United States policy. [More…]
I have always taken the view that in Europe the United States was more enlightened than Britain. [More…]
The United States draws its population from all European countries. [More…]
When the United States had the whip hand in Europe after the Second World War the Marshall Plan of 1945 was far more enlightened than was British policy between 1919 and 1921. [More…]
When it comes to Asia, the United Kingdom has forgotten more than the United States ever learnt. [More…]
The United States, in a quite massive convulsion of policy, turned on Diem. [More…]
I must admit that I was one of those people who believed Sir Robert Menzies when he stood in this House and announced that the United States fleet had been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin- that the destroyers ‘Maddox’ and “Turner Joy’ had been attacked by North Vietnamese forces. [More…]
We now know that prior to this the United States fleet was bombarding North Vietnam. [More…]
They were not at war with North Vietnam at that stage and it would have been lunatic madness for the pathetic motor boats owned by North Vietnam to have attacked United States naval units. [More…]
On the basis of the accusation that they had been attacked the United States started the bombing of North Vietnam. [More…]
What we now know to have been a quite false charge was made and suddenly Hanoi and other cities and places in the north were bombed heavily by the United States on what, from the northern communist government point of view, would have been a completely unfounded charge that it had attacked the United States fleet. [More…]
If the normal explanation which sometimes is given by the Government’s ally, the Democratic Labor Party, which is that it was necessary for Australia to have token forces in Vietnam in order to encourage the United States to be there with significant forces, then such a motive is contemptible. [More…]
That would be an exploitatoin of the blood of the United States. [More…]
Certainly the offensives that are now taking place seem to be somewhat of the same scale as the Tet offensive with the difference that attempting to counter the offensives now there are no longer large numbers of United States troops which confronted the Tet blow, no longer Korean troops and no longer Australian troops. [More…]
The only great power whose troops have actually been involved in Vietnam is the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America made a wrong diagnosis about Vietnam. [More…]
I leave those aside - but the basic United States diagnosis about Vietnam was that it was an area of confrontation with the major Communist powers. [More…]
The United States of America now knows that the Soviet Union has not the slightest reason for regret at United States involvement in Vietnam. [More…]
Equally, China has not the slightest reason to regret United States involvement in Vietnam, and the whole of American policy now is directed to getting out of Vietnam with honour and then deploying her strength in the areas of confrontation that do matter, and the areas of confrontation that do matter are the Middle East and Eastern Europe. [More…]
We cannot ask ourselves where the United States will be in the next few decades without asking where the world will be. [More…]
The ‘Alungra’ fortunately is trading through the United States. [More…]
Almost every European country, the United States of America and Canada have pre-school introduction courses. [More…]
It costs 5.45c a lb to deliver meat to the United States east coast market. [More…]
The figure for the United States of America is 3.56. [More…]
The United States Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has certain powers to regulate carriers by water engaged in the foreign and interstate commerce of the United States under the provisions of the United States Shipping Act, 1916. [More…]
Section 18(b)(1) requires that every common carrier and every Conference shall file with the Commission and keep open to public inspection tariffs showing all rates and charges for transportation to and from United States ports and foreign ports. [More…]
Section 18 (b) (5) provides that the Commission shall disapprove any rate or charge filed by a common carrier or conference of carriers which, afterhearing, it finds to be so unreasonably high or low as to be detrimental to the commerce of the United States. [More…]
Section 18 (b) (6) provides that where the provisions outlined above are violated the carrier(s) concerned are liable to a penalty of not more than $US 1,000 for each day such violation continues, to be recovered by the United States in a civil action. [More…]
As I have indicated in this House, I have had discussions with producing countries such as Canada and the United States. [More…]
Did the Minister for Primary Industry make a statement at the end of last week in which he said that Australia possibly would not be able to meet the quotas for the supply of beef to the United States of Amenca because of the recent development of other markets throughout the world? [More…]
The United States increased quota is, of course, a tremendous challenge to Australian producers. [More…]
One of the present problems is the degree to which changing standards of inspection laid down by the United States Department of Agriculture have placed on the industry some difficulties in trying to continue to export from all killing works throughout Australia. [More…]
The honourable member for Griffith will be aware that only last week, as a result of an inspection by the United States inspector, the Cannon Hill abattoir was suspended for the time being from the export of beef to the United States market. [More…]
The satisfaction of each of these markets meant that an added demand was being placed on the Australian industry at a time when it had a responsibility to meet the added quota entitlement of the United States. [More…]
At the National Agricultural Outlook Conference in Canberra recently the chairman of the Australian Meat Board, Colonel M. H. McArthur, reported that in the United States last year the production of substitute meat was greater than the total meat imports. [More…]
In the United States at the moment 26 firms are producing ersatz meat and the United States Department of Agricuture has estimated that by 1980 meat substitutes will displace up to 20 per cent of the meat now being used in meat type food preparation. [More…]
The United States and Japan are the 2 main producers of simulated meats and account for most of world consumption. [More…]
The United States of America, Japan and the United Kingdom are the countries in which developments must be continuously watched because, firstly, they are important markets for Australian meat, particularly manufacturing meat, and, secondly, they are the countries with the most developed vegetable protein production. [More…]
Reports from the United States on the soya bean speak highly of its qualities, especially when it is used as an extender in sausages, hamburgers, ‘hot dogs1 and bacon pieces. [More…]
In the United States, where the cost of beef is high, substitutes compare favourably on a price basis. [More…]
Therefore, substitutes are at present much more of a threat to the meat trade in the United States than in Australia where meat is appreciably cheaper than the simulated product. [More…]
This is one reason why Australia’s low-priced manufacturing type beef sells well in the United States. [More…]
There is no doubt about that, lt now is possible in the United States for soya bean protein substances to increase the normal hamburger mix by 25 to 30 per cent while maintaining the palatability of the end product and reducing the price from around 65c per lb to 53c per lb. [More…]
The United States Department of Agriculture has estimated that by 1980 substitutes will displace 15 to 20 per cent of the meat now being used in meat-type food preparations in both institutional and retail markets. [More…]
The pattern has been set in the United States of America and we should take note of what is happening there. [More…]
For instance, in 1970 the United States produced 580 million lb of soya bean protein which is used in producing synthetic meat. [More…]
Already big organisations such as General Foods and Du Pont in the United States are developing synthetic meat. [More…]
In the United States in 1971 the production of substitute meat was greater than the total meat imports. [More…]
In the United States of America about 30 million people a year now drink synthetic milk. [More…]
In a bold move, Courtaulds plans to invade the difficult synthetic-foods market, until now dominated almost exclusively by American concerns, by the end of this year or early in 1972 Courtaulds plans to market synthetic meats made from soya-bean filaments both in the wealthy United States and in some of the underdeveloped countries short on the protein content in their staple diet. [More…]
In that same year our exports were 264 million tons to the United States of America and 67 million tons to Japan. [More…]
The greater proportion of our beef and veal exports goes to the United States of America, but Japan also is becoming a market for these exports. [More…]
Also, a great quantitity of our third grade beef is exported to the United States, and this market ls very important in bolstering our overall meat export trade. [More…]
The substitutes which have been mentioned during this debate currently are not forming a very great part of the market in Japan and the United States; they represent only 0.5 per cent and 0.2 per cent of the markets in the United States and Japan respectively. [More…]
Countries such as Japan and the United States of America have concentrated on the production of these imitations. [More…]
The United States of America ensures that at least SO per cent of aid cargo must be carried by United States vessels. [More…]
Other countries having similar provisions in favour of their own shipping lines are Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, the United Arab Republic, Uruguay, the United States of America, Venezuela and the Latin American free trade area - but not Australia. [More…]
Japan, with its rapidly improving position in the world shipping field, employs, in greater numbers, personnel who have been educated to graduate standard, and in the United States merchant marine it is becoming increasingly common for the engineer officer to have a degree. [More…]
The Australian Parliament should have the same power over all Australian shipping as the Canadian Parliament and the United States Congress have over shipping in their countries. [More…]
They come from England, the United States, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Holland, France, Russia, Canada, Japan, India and Greece. [More…]
The United States has realised the importance of a nationally owned fleet. [More…]
The United States Federal Maritime Board has pointed out that out of- [More…]
I refer to Japan and the United States. [More…]
The United States has a different system again. [More…]
It is interesting to note that the United States has a very strong Navigation Act relating to shipping to and from the United States. [More…]
I think that any comparison made between the conditions applying to Australian shipping and the conditions applying to the United States shipping would indicate that the United States is a long way ahead of us in this regard. [More…]
There is, for example, a United States Freedom of Information Act which should, I suggest, be adopted in Australia. [More…]
AH descriptions of central and field organisations in the United States have to be on public scrutiny and available to the public. [More…]
These are elementary things in the United States as indeed they are in other countries. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister to give serious and sympathetic consideration to the representations made by the Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations so that Australia may be brought into line with the enlightened thinking overseas in the United Kingdom and in the United States of America. [More…]
The honourable member said I was incorrect when I said that Australia has a fixed price per aircraft for the Fill aircraft of $5.95m and that would be less than the cost of the same aircraft to the United States Air Force. [More…]
To try to prove this he read from an article in a United States Armed Forces Journal’ and he endeavoured to denigrate the Fill. [More…]
There is no conflict whatsoever between the statements made by the Government and those reputed to have come from the United States Commander-in-Chief on the so-called shortcomings of the FU IB range and payload limiting its performance from a strategic point of view. [More…]
In fact Australia has a fixed price per aircraft of $5.95m and this will be less than the cost to the United States Air Force. [More…]
95m was secured as a basic price after negotiations with the United States Government in 1967, 3 years after the order was placed. [More…]
95m was the price we secured from the United States and that this price was lower than the price at which the United States Air Force will be acquiring the aircraft. [More…]
The other aspect the Minister raised was my criticism of the Fill in comparison with the bombing performance of B52 aircraft as stated in the United States ‘Armed Forces Journal’. [More…]
The aircraft of the United States Strategic Air Command carry nuclear weapons on a 24 hour basis. [More…]
Should the United States be pre-empted in a nuclear attack the aircraft of that unit of the United States Air Force are targeted on places in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other countries. [More…]
I think it would do the Minister good to read last week’s Time’ magazine, in which United States journalists have written about the effectiveness of the massive bombing by B52 aircraft in Vietnam. [More…]
Perhaps we could have established an aircraft industry in Australia, comparable with that in Sweden, and we could be designing and developing our own fighter bombers suitable for our own requirements with the massive coastlines and the great distances we need to cover, instead of falling for this furphy of trying to tie in with United States equipment and having five or six Ministers for Defence trying to defend this project and finally saying that we got a bargain and we are getting it cheaper than the United States can get it. [More…]
Comparable coal from the United States of America was sold at prices in excess of $US20 a ton f.o.b. [More…]
Repeatedly the Joint Coal Board has shown that, whereas similar coal exported from the United States to Japan, called Pocahontas coal, is being exported at a price of about $22.50 a ton, the best the Australian exporter can get is from $12 to $13 a ton. [More…]
Let us have a look at the fuel situation in the United States of America. [More…]
Statedin terms of United States currency, these borrowings will amount to approximately$31m. [More…]
The company does not expect that any difficulty will be experienced in raising the required loan funds from the ExportImport Bank of the United States and other sources in due course. [More…]
An amount of $US 16.1m or slightly less than one-half of the proposed borrowings, will be provided by the Export-Import Bank of the United States. [More…]
The balance of the funds to be borrowed is expected to be provided by commercial banks in the United States. [More…]
United States Government. [More…]
While our unemployment is not pleasing - the rate has increased over a time and is still too high so far as many of us are concerned - the figures are nothing like those in, say, the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
I believe that there should be a quota system such as exists in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other European countries. [More…]
The objectives of the moratorium are to oppose the United States and allied aggression in Indo-China; to oppose United States domination of Australia and to demand an end to the United States-Australia alliance. [More…]
It may be of interest to realise that the United States is sending its Foreign Secretary to the SEATO conference, that the United Kingdom is sending Sir Alexander Douglas-Home to the SEATO conference and that the other diplomats who will be attending this conference will be, I think, on a slightly higher strata than the former distinguished diplomat who now graces the Labor Party. [More…]
The courses are undertaken in the United States of America and, until a course is offered, there is absolutely no hope of these men moving beyond the rank of corporal. [More…]
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to reports that (a) 2,000 known’ genetic diseases affect some 3 persons and are carried by perhaps another 3 in each 20 of the population, (b) this genetic burden is growing due to modern treatments which, for example, save until their reproductive years some sufferers from cystic fibrosis which affects 1 in 1,000 and is carried by approximately 1 in 20 of the population, (c) a quarter of hospital and institutional beds are now occupied by the genetically handicapped, (d) genetic disorders such as mongolism and betathalassemia are diagnosable but rarely diagnosed before birth, (e) the genetic code was discovered under financial cover of non-genetic investigations and (f) the United States of America in 1970 made a $10m grant to a National Genetics Task Force to follow up this research. [More…]
Courses have been undertaken at the University of Vienna, Berlitz Schools in Vienna, Rome, The Hague and Cologne, the Language Institute in Beirut, the Institute of Education in The Hague, Alliance Francaise in Paris, the Institute of Foreign Languages in Belgrade, and the United States Foreign Service Institute in Ankara, and under private tutors. [More…]
The United States has made - with full Australian support - every effort to bring about a negotiated settlement of the present conflict. [More…]
The United States has also tried to de-escalate the fighting by progressively withdrawing its forces from Vietnam. [More…]
In our view, the United States had done everything in its power to ensure a negotiated settlement and to maintain the independence of South Vietnam and not to abandon the people of that country. [More…]
The present decisions by the United States reflect its determination to stand by its international obligations and alliances. [More…]
The United States must also avoid endangering the lives of its own forces in Vietnam. [More…]
The announcement proves dramatically and tragically, how the blunders of the past 20 years have pushed the United States into a dead end. [More…]
The United States options have narrowed to nothingness. [More…]
Those so-called allies of the United States who helped to bring the world’s greatest power to such an impasse bear a heavy responsibility for this danger now confronting the world. [More…]
In view of recent discoveries we may even reach the 30 per cent proportion of the United States. [More…]
We are now brought to the appalling situation where a mistake, a rash reaction, could bring the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of war. [More…]
Essentially it is because in 1954, after the Geneva agreements which recognised Vietnam as a single country, the United States chose Indo-China as the place where China was to be stopped and where the ideological war between China and the United States was to be fought out to the bitter end. [More…]
The fact is that the current operation - the last full-scale operation possible before the monsoon season next month and the last before the United States Presidential elections - is much more limited in its targets and quite specific in its scope. [More…]
The most authoritative estimate - one I believe accepted by the United States - is that less than one-third of the Soviet equipment being supplied to North Vietnam has come by sea. [More…]
Our role towards the United States over Vietnam has been utterly malignant. [More…]
We have used our influence again and again to deepen American involvement and prolong the war and it will be that part of our role, the pernicious part, that will be remembered by the people of the United States. [More…]
The fact is that the President of the United States has conceded more than the Canadian formula. [More…]
The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Straits maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China. [More…]
The United States does not challenge that position. [More…]
Whereas Canada did not endorse or challenge Peking’s position and Italy was not required to express a view upon it, the United States does not challenge the assertion that there is only one government of China and that Taiwan is a province of China. [More…]
When the President of the United States concedes that there must be, in the words of the communique, ‘a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves’ does anyone doubt that this is a concession that the question will ultimately be settled in favour of Peking? [More…]
Therefore because of the position taken by both sides, Taipei and Peking - a position not challenged by the President of the United States - you cannot have an ambassador in Taipei if you have an ambassador in Peking; you cannot have an ambassador in Peking if you have an ambassador in Taipei. [More…]
Because Herr Brandt was not committed to the shibboleths of the cold war he was able to break free, and Europe and the United States are grateful to him. [More…]
Canada in the Pacific and Herr Brandt in the Atlantic community have been true friends of the United States because they have eased the United States’ path to sane relations, in the one case with China and in the other case with the Soviet Union. [More…]
We, this European nation in Asia for all time, have an immense responsibility in this regard and could play an immense role - not as Europe’s outpost or frontier or even bridge to Asia but as a partner with Europe, with the United States, in Asia. [More…]
Anything which can prevent a confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union here must be tried and Australians are the people incomparably well placed to try it. [More…]
Almost simultaneously with the announcement of the Budget there was an announcement in the United States of America about international monetary arrangements. [More…]
As events have worked out since, what happened there had serious repercussions on Australia’s exchange rate with the United States dollar. [More…]
(a) Anticipated delivery of these aircraftin the United States is between April and November, 1973. [More…]
Canhe say which countries other than the United States of America and Australia have re-equipped their armies with the M60 machinegun and for what reasons have other countries declined to do so. [More…]
What is the reason for the discrepancy in the figures provided by the Australian Meat Board and the United States Department of Agriculture on Australian meat sales to the United States of America in 1971. [More…]
Neither the Australian Meat Board nor the United States Department of Agriculture, which obtains its figures from the United ‘States Bureau of Census, publish details of sales of Australian meat. [More…]
The Australian Meat Board, as part of its responsibility of controlling exports to the United States to ensure that Australia does not overship against its quota, keeps records based on meat exported on vessels scheduled to arrive in the United States during the period 1st January to 31st December. [More…]
A second factor is that ‘the United States statistics include only meat for which the necessary documents have been received by the Bureau of Census. [More…]
An example of the differences which can arise because of the above factors is in 1971, when exports of ‘quota’ meats for arrival between 1st January and 31st December, as recorded by the Board totalled 242,304 tons, while the corresponding import figure as recorded by the United States Bureau of Census was 236,607 tons. [More…]
Secondly, was the Leader of the Opposition correct when he said that the United States will end its draft system next year? [More…]
The United States is aiming to have a volunteer army. [More…]
Even if the United States can do without the draft from the middle of next year it will still have draftees in its Army until June 1975. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that imports of small pitch precision transmission chain from West Germany, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Japan are creating a severe problem for chain producing companies in Australia, particularly Renold Chains (Aust.) [More…]
Canada 9.9 per cent, Britain 8.6 per cent, Switzerland 8.2 per cent, New Zealand 6.6 per cent, the United States 5.9 per cent and Australia 5.5 per cent. [More…]
Australia’s present subscription of $US85m is exceeded only by those of the United States, Japan and India as is shown in the following statement of subscriptions which I ask leave of the House to have incorporated in Hansard. [More…]
In accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the Bank all these amounts are expressed in terms of the United States dollar of the weight and fineness in effect on 31st January 1966. [More…]
The strike weapon is nol illegal in Great Britain, neither is it illegal in the United States of America. [More…]
On the other hand, Australia has 299 cars per 1,000 and the United States has 427 per 1,000. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that the bilateral talks between the United States of America and the North Vietnamese started in Paris in, I think, May 1968. [More…]
As honourable members will know, the intention of the South Vietnamese and the United States has been a just and peaceful settlement of the matter. [More…]
Has the Minister for Foreign Affairs seen the call by certain unions for a stop work meeting tomorrow to demonstrate in Melbourne and Sydney against the United States? [More…]
Dealing with the last part of the honourable gentlemen’s question first, the Australian Government and, 1 believe, the Australian people understand and support the action which the United States has had to take. [More…]
In view of the importance of having our cattle herds disease free and in view of the regulations to be applied by the United States Government to meat imports by that country, can the Minister advise what progress is being made towards accelerating the tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication campaign which is now a matter of even greater urgency? [More…]
There has been, as a result of the application of these new regulations in the United States of America, very real concern in areas of the beef producing country of Australia at the impact that these regulations might have on market opportunities. [More…]
Part of our problem at the moment is that this increasing number of reactors henceforth will not be capable of being despatched to the United States market. [More…]
It was true, however, that 18-year-olds did not have the vote in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom or Australia. [More…]
In this year’s elections in the United States for the Presidency, for governors, for senators and for members of the House of Representatives, citizens of 18 years will have the vote. [More…]
Therefore I would urge the Government, gracefully and promptly, to give voting rights to those citizens, just as such citizens will have that right in this year’s United States elections, as they have had in the British and will have in the Canadian elections, as they have had in Papua New Guinea, as they have had in Western Australia as they will have in every future South Australian election. [More…]
Not every sound taxpayer is equipped to be Prime Minister and in the United States of America the President must be over 35. [More…]
The United Stales Administration has indicated approval for it to apply to elections for the United States Congress. [More…]
Great Britain, the United States and other nations accept the principle that if a youth is old enough to be conscripted for military service he is old enough to vote and have a voice in the election of his Government. [More…]
The ties for better or worse with the United Kingdom, and indeed with the United States, in the quite, near future will have weakened. [More…]
In the United States of America there is a system of negotiation which has been disastrous. [More…]
This attack on behalf of the Australian Labor Party on the actions of the United States and that country’s attempt to defend its ally against this blatant invasion, might well suggest to the [More…]
The gradual breakdown of the international monetary system throughout the past decade culminated on 15th August last in the formal termination of convertibility of the United States dollar. [More…]
Up to that time we had seen a mounting volume of international liquidity as United States dollars flowed outwards to the world as a result of the continuing deficit in the balance of payments of that country. [More…]
I remind this Committee that in the United States of America, the bastion of free enterprise, and in most other countries, people are working a much shorter week than we are in Australia. [More…]
As a matter of fact, I thought he would have beaten Peter Falk for the Academy Award in the United States of America any day of the week. [More…]
When one looks at any of the industrial jurisdictions around the world, at the recent British legislation, at what happens in New Zealand, the United States of America and practically any other country that comes to mind, it is clear that sanctions are an integral form of industrial jurisdiction. [More…]
The strike weapon is not illegal in Great Britain, the United States of America or in Australia. [More…]
The United States of America ‘Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971’ limits the amount a candidate or his immediate family may contribute to his own campaign to $50,000 for President or Vice President, $35,000 for Senator and $25,000 for Representative. [More…]
Is he now in a position to evaluate the policy guidelines of authorities of the United States of America and Canada on the placement of national advertising which he undertook to examine and report upon in answer to a previous question. [More…]
On 15th August, President Nixon had announced the suspension of the convertibility of the United States dollar into gold and other reserve assets. [More…]
A 10 per cent surcharge on all dutiable imports into the United States was imposed. [More…]
Certain other measures were announced and one of these, the job development tax credit, had the effect of discriminating against imports into the United States of capital equipment items. [More…]
There was agreement between the members of the Group of Ten on a new pattern of exchange rates between themselves, on a 7.9 per cent devaluation of the United States dollar, which also involved an increase in the United States dollar price of gold from $35 to $38 an ounce. [More…]
The net result was a significant appreciation in terms of the United States dollar of most of the currencies of the countries with whom the United States traded to any large degree, and that again included Australia. [More…]
Towards the end of January the United States dollar came under heavy selling pressure. [More…]
In the first place, the United States balance of payments deficit measured on an official transactions basis reached the awesome figure of $US29.8 billion in 19 1. [More…]
The rest, some SUS20.5 billion, consisted of short-term capital outflow and errors and omissions which probably represented, in one way or another, movements out of United States dollars for speculative or protective reasons. [More…]
What was hoped was that the Smithsonian Agreement would lead to an immediate and significant return of confidence and reflow of short-term funds back to the United States. [More…]
A third reason was that interest rate differentials at the short end of the market, already in favour of Europe, initially widened further due to a sharp fall in United States rates. [More…]
This operated as a further factor influencing those who might otherwise have transferred funds back to the United States to defer doing so for the time being since their money was earning rather more where it was. [More…]
The net result of this slump in confidence was some further rise in dollar liabilities overseas - though considerably slowed down - and a continued rise in the official reserves of some of the United States’ trading partners, particularly Japan. [More…]
And by the beginning of this month the dollar was firming again in the foreign exchanges, and there are some signs that a reflow of short term capital to the United States has emerged. [More…]
Depending on how the calculation is carried out, the currencies of 12 major countries have formally appreciated on a weighted average 7.5 per cent on one basis, or 10.5 per cent on another, against the United States dollar. [More…]
That must give the United States trader a head start over the next year or so. [More…]
In the first quarter of this year the United States almost certainly recorded another sizable basic balance of payments deficit, while Japan, in particular, continued in heavy surplus. [More…]
The effects of the exchange rate changes on the United States balance of payments seem likely, on present evidence, to be supported by trends in the economies of major countries. [More…]
In particular, price and costs movements in the United States have been in favour of the United States compared with its major trading partners for some time and this, if continued, will further strengthen the competitiveness of the United States. [More…]
So there could well be some basic improvement in the United States current account position in the period ahead. [More…]
Meanwhile exchange rate trends within the margins are more likely now to be in favour of the dollar and the speculative reason for deferring a transfer of funds back to the United States has lost its weight. [More…]
If the basic United States balance of payments begins to show some signs of firmly based recovery in the course of 1972, it is not out of the question thai this could be strongly reinforced by short term flows. [More…]
Last year a succession of large United States deficits culminated in a $US29.8 billion deficit. [More…]
Right now, however, the build up of United States dollar balances in other countries’ reserves has meant that the world, if anything, is suffering from a surfeit of international liquidity. [More…]
We are a very important holder of foreign exchange, holding as we do roughly $1 billion in United States dollars and $li billion in sterling. [More…]
One of the things mentioned in the document tabled yesterday was that both Canada and the United States of America seem to have superior kinds of mechanisms for registering the flow of capital in and out. [More…]
Fiji is in a region where the United States of America incomparably the most munificent country in all history has given very little. [More…]
The answer I referred to shows that Fiji received in 1970 from the United States $US22,000 and in 1971 nothing. [More…]
I have done so because I saw an advertisement in the ‘Sydney Morning Herald* by Queensland Alumina Finance NV of bonds which were offered and sold outside of the United States of America totalling $25m. [More…]
The point is that late in 1971 the respective interests in QAL were as follows: Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation of the United States of America, 37.3 per cent; Alcan of Canada, 22 per cent; Pechiney of France, 20 per cent; Comalco, 11.3 per cent and Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd, 9.4 per cent. [More…]
This question has been specifically answered by the courts in both of the 2 overseas federations which are of particular interest to Australia - the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States, the matter was litigated in the Supreme Court by the State of California and subsequently by other States. [More…]
Our continental shelf has an area of over 800,000 square miles and is the fourth largest in the world, after that of the United States of America, the Soviet Union and Canada. [More…]
The Interim Council of the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences itself quotes a statement by the United States National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, which was published in 1968. [More…]
It is interesting to note that this report, prepared in the United States, was up until the publication of the Interim Council’s own report the most comprehensive statement of marine science activities in Australia available, and it is a work carried out in the United States while the Government allowed marine sciences in Australia to die. [More…]
Whereas the United States National Science Foundation devotes 41 per cent of its expenditure on marine sciences to ships in support operations, there are no similar sums for the Australian Research GrantCommittee. [More…]
In the United States of America this was also allowed with respect to some States having rights to exploit, explore and develop oil and natural gas resources off their own coastlines. [More…]
This would be a federal jurisdiction of the United States Government. [More…]
In many parts of the world - the United States is an example - it has been found desirable to place early warning devices on the continental shelf. [More…]
The United States and the multi-national companies that spring from it today are using their best endeavours to get alternative supplies of oil and natural gas to those available to it in the Arab states in particular and, to a lesser extent, in Indonesia. [More…]
Clause 11, in particular, comes to mind as one clause that would need to be looked at in the light of the Louisiana case in 1969 in the United States. [More…]
It has been banned in Britain, Italy, Sweden, Finland New Zealand, Russia and the United States of America, and in Canada, because of tha threat of fairly stringent restrictions being imposed by the Canadian Government, I understand that there has been a voluntary withdrawal - if it is not effective now, it soon will be effective - of the advertising of tobacco and cigarette products on television. [More…]
These findings in Britain are corroborated by parallel studies conducted by the United States Department of Health. [More…]
Another avenue of advertising that has been extended considerably in the United States recently has been on the advertising hoardings. [More…]
In support of this contention let me say that since the introduction of the ban on radio and television advertising on 1st January 1971 in the United States, the overall consumption in that country has continued to rise - some researchers have put the rate of increase at 3 per cent. [More…]
A public health service study in the United States of America has referred to this possibility and said it was obvious that progressive reduction of tar and nicotine content of cigarette smoke would be of great assistance. [More…]
It is an organisation of some prestige, as for example is the Surgeon-General in the United States of America, whose statements on health matters are regarded as significant statements and ones to be acknowledged as most likely to be correct and not special pleading. [More…]
I have been in the United States where cigarette packets carry the warning that cigarette smoking will be hazardous to health. [More…]
In the United States of America the Federal Communications Commission busted the newspaper and television monopolies but this Government has done nothing in that direction. [More…]
One mother was so distraught that she called her son in the United States and had him fly to Sydney to take his sister home. [More…]
If it is our desire to follow the democratic way of life I believe it is essential that Western democracies be united, and I include in that category Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and those European and Asian countries which want democracy. [More…]
Since the end of World War II the United States has carried the burden of the free world. [More…]
But the United States has received no thanks for this. [More…]
There are a great many young Australians who damage United States consulates and business premises. [More…]
I think it is obvious that young Australian who shout ‘Go home Yank’ have not stopped to think that most of them would not be here today if the United States had not come to Australia’s assistance during World War II. [More…]
It was that battle, for which the United States paid in . [More…]
I believe that it has been due to the United States, and the United States alone, that many countries of the free world have not fallen under communist control. [More…]
It is very easy to be a knocker, and the United States has far too many knockers. [More…]
What hope would the rest of the free world have in containing communism without the United States? [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr Whitlam) has accused the United States of escalating the war in Vietnam. [More…]
The United States has laid down 2 conditions for complete withdrawal of all of its forces in Vietnam. [More…]
The first is the return of United States prisoners of war. [More…]
Noone in his right mind could seriously accuse the West of having territorial ambitions because history records that since the end of World War II both the United Kingdom and the United States have been giving independence to their former colonies. [More…]
If Australia were threatened in the future and if, by some mischance, a Labor government happened to be in power, I am quite sure that it would turn to the United States for assistance, just as it did, and rightly so, during the last war. [More…]
Yet the Opposition equivocates about giving the United States free and unfettered use of bases in Australia - bases that are necessary and vital. [More…]
How can any self-respecting Australian say to the United States: ‘We hope you will always be ready to come to our assistance when we need you, but please do not expect any help from us because our policy is isolationism’. [More…]
This involves Indian doubt of the prospects of an accord with China and Indian fear of China, and also Indian criticism of the United States made because of the United States detente towards China. [More…]
The third factor is a consequence of the American detente towards China - a new emphasis by the United States on the value of Pakistan as an ally and a chill in Indian-United States relationships. [More…]
The fourth new factor to develop is the United States detente itself towards China. [More…]
The basis of this detente is that the Soviet Union could destroy China and could destroy the United States. [More…]
Equally, the United States could destroy the Soviet Union. [More…]
Hence the emergence of a common interest in the United States and China, despite idealogical differences. [More…]
Equally, the Soviet Union suspected that Chinese policy over Cuba in 1962 was an attempt to involve the Soviet Union in a war with the United States in which they would both destroy one another, leaving China as the gainer. [More…]
This is significant in allowing the emergence of, perhaps, a united states of Europe. [More…]
The eighth new factor, of course, is the resumption of the invasion of South Vietnam by North Vietnam and, as a consequence, the bombing and mining by the United States. [More…]
American commentators have pointed out that the conditions mentioned by the honourable member, namely, that the United States will withdraw if her prisoners are released and if she can obtain an internationally supervised ceasefire, is an abandonment by the United States, under terms consistent with her honour, of her South Vietnamese ally and that in that situation it would be only a matter of time before South Vietnam was overwhelmed. [More…]
The honourable member for Henty reminded us that we were an ally of the United States during the Second World War. [More…]
The United States is not making that test at the present time. [More…]
The United States, despite what is being said opposite, is seeking disengagement from the Vietnam situation. [More…]
A basic reason why she is seeking disengagement from the Vietnam situation, apart from the difficulties of interveing on the mainland of Asia and attempting to deprive the enemy of supplies, is that the United States is beginning to realise that much more important areas of the world in terms of her foreign policy are the Middle East and Eastern Europe. [More…]
Her attitude towards Pakistan, and a quite surprising United States general support of Pakistan while Pakistan was pursuing its Bangladesh policy, was governed by the fact that in the Islamic world Pakistan is the United State’s best card to play, best ally and clearest field of influence. [More…]
The United States policy towards Israel deprives the United States of the support of Islam almost everywhere. [More…]
I do not believe that the simplicities that the honourable member referred to in his speech will be the basis of the United States foreign policy in the future. [More…]
The United States is seeking to allay tensions and to disengage from Vietnam and the difficulties that she has on the way will not stop her detente towards Moscow and her detente towards Peking, nor will the United States desist from its irreversible policy of a total disengagement from the situation in Vietnam. [More…]
If true peace and national integrity are to be secured on the world scene, the countries constituting the European Communities, the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan and the People’s Republic of China, will need to arrive at some balance. [More…]
Of the United States of America he said: [More…]
A partnership with the United States, based on friendship, trust, self reliance and a close similarity of interests and objectives, remains the central element of our foreign policy. [More…]
Yet the United States Secretary of State reported in his policy statement that the alliance of Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America- that is the ANZUS treaty, 20 years old on 1st September 1971 - is as vital to the 3 partners in the changing circumstances of the 1970s as it was during the cold war. [More…]
During a Press conference on 18th May a Pentagon spokesman pointed out that United States Defense Department officials estimated that 80 per cent of North Vietnam’s war equipment for the invasion of South Vietnam was brought in bv sea. [More…]
The United States aim in the blockade was not to affect the immediate military situation. [More…]
The United States Secretary of Defense went on to say that the question is whether the North Vietnamese are willing to use their supplies in a much more measured manner depending on the success or failure, as they see it, of the supply movement and the logistics movement into North Vietnam. [More…]
In other words, the current United States aim in interdicting the supplies is to limit the enemy’s goals in the current offensive and to steady his will to persist. [More…]
I want to refer to a recent production of ‘Current History*, dated 11th March 1972, which is an academic journal published in the United States of America, and in particular to an article by Professor Bernard Gordon of the University of New Hampshire. [More…]
Until after the United States’ bombing of North Vietnam, following the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident - and I am referring here to what was said by the United States Defence Department - there were only 400 North Vietnamese combat forces in South Vietnam. [More…]
The Government continued to support the United States after 1954. [More…]
The meeting taking place right now between President Nixon of the United States and the Soviet’s Brezhnev in Moscow is an example of this. [More…]
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have for some years been searching for ways of reducing the tensions between them, particularly those tensions that have buttressed the super power confrontation and have from time to time erupted into serious disputes that exposed the danger of nuclear war. [More…]
Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
Australia under successive LiberalCountry Party Federal Governments has sought protection from the United States and to a progressively lessening extent, from Britain, in the form of treaties and other commitments, seemingly based on the assumption that without this protection we would soon fall victim of some aggressor. [More…]
In the case of our treaty relationships, it is not that relations with the United States, for example, have deteriorated but that there is a more rational appreciation of the nature of international relationships and of the strengths and limitations of the expressions of even the closest friendships. [More…]
In effect, the ANZUS Treaty is worth no more than the state of the relationship between Australia, New Zealand and the United States. [More…]
It is close to what is regarded as a vast Asian market with growing trade and political ties with Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
Another interesting thing that the honourable member for Henty said was that the Labor Party opposed the free and unfettered use by the United States of bases in Australia. [More…]
I would like to ask the honourable member for Henty or any other honourable member opposite whether he can tell me why members of the United States Parliament are allowed access to these facilities in Australia while members of this Parliament are denied similar access? [More…]
The fact of the matter is that, under a Labor government, Australian members of Parliament would be given the same rights that members of the United States Parliament have had but which so far have been denied to members of the Australian Parliament. [More…]
I think we can all remember that, when the Mao Tse Tung administration took over in Peking at the end of 1949, it was the view of this Government and the United States Government that it was an agent for the Soviet Union and that this was the eastwards thrust of Soviet Communism into China. [More…]
I am going to deal with what the honourable member said when Dr Evatt, then member for Barton, was Minister for External Affairs he fought very hard to get a treaty with the United States, but the climate in the United States at that time was still one of withdrawal and isolation. [More…]
Dr Evatt fought hard to get a treaty with the United States. [More…]
One of them is that although it analyses the role played by the United States and by other nations, it makes no significant mention of the role played by Britain. [More…]
I was interested to learn that the Australian Prime Minister was among the first of the leaders of the friendly countries to whom President Nixon expounded his plans and hopes before embarking upon the last historic year in United States foreign policy. [More…]
I wonder if the Prime Minister said anything to him about the disastrous United States foreign policy in Pakistan, a policy which has set American influence in this part of the world back many years. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition in this recent debate says that we have a situation now which is highly dangerous, in which there is confrontation between 2 great world powers and, be said, that that has come about essentially because in 1954 after the General agreements, which recognised Vietnam as a single country, the United States chose Indo-China as the place where China was to be stopped. [More…]
There was more in the Leader of the Opposition’s statement indicating that the recent action of the President of the United States would not achieve any of the objectives which the United States wants to achieve. [More…]
It was a statement highly critical everything that the United States has done in Vietnam and in South East Asia. [More…]
Communism in Australia works for the withdrawal of the United States military presence in South East Asia so that Communism abroad can occupy the vacuum. [More…]
The alliance with the United States and New Zealand is essential and must continue. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing cooperation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area.- [More…]
However, there is only one defensive arrangement which involves Australia, New Zealand and the United States, and the Opposition does not use the word ‘de fence’ in connection with that treaty. [More…]
An end to the principle that the United States alliance is crucial- [More…]
This is an indication of support from the Labor Left not for our traditional friends and allies, the United Kingdom and the United States, but for the national liberation movements supported by Hanoi and Peking. [More…]
Honourable members know what the logical conclusion of that kind of policy would be in relation to the United States. [More…]
He referred to the crossing out of the word ‘crucial* from our reference to our relationship with the United States. [More…]
I believe that the mischief makers of the world at the present time are the international arms suppliers, of which Britain, France and Eastern European countries are the principal ones, and that the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are the principal villains. [More…]
lt is interesting to note that the Clerk of the Senate, Mr J. R. Odgers, in a recent paper, said that the difference between the Australian Parliament and the United States Congress was that every Bill in the United States was subjected to the examination of a committee. [More…]
In order to explain the American thinking behind this public examination of the Bills by committees, Mr Odgers quoted Mr Alexander Wiley, former Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, who said: [More…]
In connection with this specialisation I just want to make some reference to the extent of servicing of the Public Works Committee in Australia compared with what takes place in the United States of America. [More…]
1 notice in the United States Legislative Re organisation Act 1970 provision for an increase in the number of personnel serving the committees. [More…]
The United States has committees representative of both the Congress and the Senate. [More…]
1 was very interested to note that there is provision in the United States legislation to enable staff members or research members to be selected by a majority of the minority party on a committee. [More…]
lt is very interesting to note that the Standing Public Works Committee of the United States Senate has a staff of 31 personnel and that the United States House of Representatives Public Works Committee has no fewer than 23 personnel. [More…]
At one stage the United States of America was prepared to spend in Vietnam about $23,000m or 25,000m or something like the then gross national product of Australia. [More…]
These people ignore the fact that we are now one of the most urbanised countries in the world and that we are now a truly industrialised country with a greater percentage of our workforce employed in secondary industry than has the United States of America. [More…]
The gross national product of the United States was$US931 billion in 1969. [More…]
I am certain that there will be a further rise in the official United States price above the recent $3 rise. [More…]
Of course, the fact is that any increase in the United States official price will cause an increase in the free market price. [More…]
We need stricter standards like the more rigorous United States standards which include oxides of nitrogen. [More…]
There are now 48 states party to the Convention including the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany. [More…]
If one assumes that naval warfare between the United States of America and the Soviet Union takes place, and the world has reached that point of disaster, it is quite possible that the war would be nuclear warfare. [More…]
Taking into consideration the cost of the 8 aircraft which are now proposed to be purchased we will have spent $606m in the last 10 years on aircraft manufactured in the United States. [More…]
If we had a population the size of that of the United States of America we might be able to indulge in extravagances such as many airlines flying different times and different routes. [More…]
The mother of an Australian war bride in the United States becomes eligible by age or means to receive an age pension, or through bereavement to a widow’s pension. [More…]
Venezuela and the nature of the arrangements which have been made with the United States of America. [More…]
As 1 have pointed out on a number of occasions recently, the new policies of the Australian Labor Party in relation to our traditional sources would cut assisted migration from Britain by more than 60 per cent and virtually eliminate migration from such countries as Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Switzerland, the United States of America and the countries of Latin America. [More…]
Settler arrivals in 1970-71 from such countries as the United States of America, Canada and other countries In the Americas, Switzerland, Portugal and the Union of South Africa were the highest ever recorded. [More…]
Included in the countries which already pay such pensions are Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Malta, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Sweden in certain circumstances. [More…]
The countries are the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States of America, France and Yugoslavia. [More…]
For example, countries not on the Minister’s list, which have provided Australia with 5,000 or more permanent or long term arrivals since 1945 include Belgium, 7,000; Czechoslovakia, 5,000; Finland, 13,000; Hungary, 14,000; Poland, 22,000; Sweden, 8.000; Switzerland, 16,000; Fiji, 12,000; Egypt, 30.000: South Africa, 21,000; Canada, 46,000; United States of America, 109,000; Ceylon, 11,000; Cyprus, 16,000; Hong Kong, 25,000; India, 34,000; Malaysia, 49.000; Singapore, 21,000; China, 17,000; Indonesia, 12,000; Israel. [More…]
If a man settles in the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada or the United States of America and he has to maintain the members of his family in his country of birth, he can do this and claim income tax deductions. [More…]
Already I have been talking to the Ambassadors of Austria, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, West Germany, Greece, Malta, Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Yugoslavia and the United States of America. [More…]
Importation of spores on the clothing of a traveller from, say, the south-east of the United States of America, where the disease is common. [More…]
Can he say what sum, expressed in Australian dollars, was provided for the promotion of the Arts and Letters in (a) Great Britain, (b) Canada, (c) the United States of America, (d) each of the Scandinavian countries, (e) Italy, (f) Holland, (g) France, (h) West Germany, (i) Austria, (j) New Zealand and (k) Australia during the latest year for which figures are available. [More…]
If so, did it receive consideration and was it thought to be of no significance or value as against the United States experience referred to at page 20 of the report of December 1971. [More…]
the calorific value) of alcohol is about 30 per cent less than that of petrol so that the energy per gallon available in a blended fuel must be less than that of petrol; and, secondly, as far as CSIRO could ascertain, no research data substantiating the report had been published in the scientific literature, while the research data on which the assumed 5 per cent loss of fuel economy was based had been published by reputable laboratories in the United States and Canada. [More…]
Can he say what are the noise limits imposed under the United States Federal Aviation Administration noise certification procedures for the (a) Boeing 747, (b) Boeing 707, (c) Boeing 727, (d) Douglas DCS, (e) Douglas DCS, (0 VC10 and (g) BACIII aircraft currently operating in Australia. [More…]
We have not done so because, with the exception of the Boeing 747, the regulations are not applicable and in the case of the Boeing 747 the tests have already been performed in the United States. [More…]
It seems likely that the industrial research and development activity of Australian firms is highly concentrated, as is the case in the United States. [More…]
1 understand that in the United States of America more than half of the research and development carried out within industry is, in fact financed by government. [More…]
The Department of Supply deals with the United States space agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, on behalf of the Government. [More…]
I would like to add that the recent announcement of a possible cooperative effort between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has not yet been taken into account in these discussions because, as yet, there is not sufficient information on it. [More…]
When does the Government propose to block all further investment of British, United States and Japanese capital in Australian secondary and primary industries. [More…]
Canhe say whether the United States of America has legislation requiring high pollution industries like the steel industry to provide funds to control and limit the pollution caused by that industry. [More…]
Can he also say whether the proposal to establish a steel mill at Jervis Bay is motivated in part by a desire by American steel interests to avoid having to provide funds for controlling pollution in the United States and to take advantage of the lack of any such requirement in Australia. [More…]
If so, is this a case of the United States exporting its pollution problem to Australia. [More…]
Is the proposal to establish a steel mill at Jervis Bay restricted to making billets which would be sent to the United States and not final rolled merchant and structural sections of steel so that the Australian made billets would be converted into rolled sections in the United States. [More…]
If Australia does not require its steel mills to be as clean as steel mills in the United States, can he say whether it is cheaper for the United States manufacturers to pollute Australian air than to pollute air in the United States. [More…]
I understand that the promulgation of standards under the United States Clean Air legislation is proceeding. [More…]
My Department has examined information, including reports prepared by various committees and research organisations, which has become available, mainly from Canada and the United States. [More…]
Studies made in Canada and the United States in recent years have resulted in the conclusion that it would cost more to produce alcohol from grain, even if the grain were supplied free, than the current ex-refinery prices of petrol in the respective countries. [More…]
In view of the announcement of new United States meat inspection regulations enforcing considerably more restrictive provisions relating to tuberculosis in cattle, will he list the areas in Australia not now covered by the current tuberculosis testing and brucellosis eradication campaign which has been operating for the last 3 years. [More…]
Trade statistics indicate that 6 countries have supplied citrus fruit to Japan in recent years, namely, the United States of America, New Zealand, South Africa, Republic of China, Mexico and Ecuador. [More…]
What steps, if any, have been taken since Australia became a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in June 1971 for the organisation to review educational policy in Australia as it has already done in Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy, the United States of America and West Germany and as it is at present doing in Belgium, Canada and Turkey. [More…]
What steps, if any, have been taken since Australia became a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in June 1971 for the Organisation to review national science policy in Australia as it has already done in Sweden, Greece, Belgium, France, Britain, West Germany, Japan, the United States of America, Italy and Canada and as it is at present doing in Ireland and the Netherlands. [More…]
The Department of Health is aware of the content of authoritative reports such as those of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the United States Surgeon-General, and the relevant recommendations of the World Health Organisation. [More…]
Will the Minister also publish replies to the 15 questions, quoted in the Federation’s last annual report, from the United States House of Representatives. [More…]
His reputation as an outstanding jurist was acknowledged both in Australia and overseas, particularly in Britain and the United States. [More…]
In 1942 he was appointed by the Curtin Government as Australian Minister to the United States and remained in that important post until he resumed his seat on the Bench in 1944. [More…]
Has the elimination of beef quotas to the United States of America meant increased sales for Australia? [More…]
It is true that as a result of the increase in Japanese quotas and the lifting of the import quota in the United States this year there will be con siderable opportunities for Australian meat exporters. [More…]
It is well known that the government in this country has never acknowledged the land rights of the Aborigines in the way in which the land rights of the Red Indians of Canada and the United States of America and the land rights of the indigenous populations of South America and other places were acknowledged by the respective colonial governments. [More…]
1 do not think there is anybody in this place who would not believe that the United States of America would not have resumed testing if Russia had not resumed testing. [More…]
Indeed the proportion of our work force unemployed is less than half the proportion unemployed in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. [More…]
Imported models and makes have come into this country mainly from the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Czechoslovakia and other continental areas. [More…]
Chamberlain Industries Pty Ltd formed an amalgamation with the United States of America firm of John Deere and now markets its products under the name Chamber! [More…]
I believe Australians should derive some satisfaction from the fact that, of the present subscribers to the capital stock of the Asian Development Bank, Australia is the third largest of the regional members coming after Japan and India, while among the non-regional members only the United States of America contributes more than Australia. [More…]
The Bank so far has issued its bonds and has sold its securities in Austria, Belgium, Japan, Switzerland, the United States of America and 12 countries in the region. [More…]
However Magellan have now announced that they have entered into a contract with Pacific Lighting Corporation of California for the export of natural gas to the United States of America. [More…]
As a general principle, the Financial Working Arrangement between the Governments of the United States and Australia provided that United States Authorities would defray all base camp construction costs. [More…]
3798 by the honourable member for Riverina (Mr Grassby), I said I was having inquiries made about United States and Canadian policies in regard to government advertising. [More…]
The United States Department of State has advised that contracts for government advertising are governed by the Federal Procurement Regulations (41 CFR - 1). [More…]
ls he able to say whether migrants settled in the United States of America, Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany are entitled to income tax concessions every year, if they support one or more members of their family in the country of origin. [More…]
United States of America [More…]
A deduction is allowable only if the dependant is a United States citizen or resided in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama or the Canal Zone at some time during the year of income. [More…]
I would like to suggest that the extreme sensitivity of the Opposition on this particular matter probably arises from a report in the Press in which the professor is alleged to have said: ‘In the United States the Catholic parish education system’ - [More…]
I understand that in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada inquiries have been held into the advisability of setting up a Press council. [More…]
I think that in the year ended 30th June 1971 Japan supplied 17.2 per cent of Papua New Guinea’s imports, the United States of America supplied 11.4 per cent, the United Kingdom supplied 3.9 per cent and Australia supplied 51.2 per cent. [More…]
The most highly educated and the most affluent society in the world, the United States, has a population owning 50 million guns. [More…]
The relevant committee reported to the President that the United States was moving to a position in which the wealthy would live in fortified enclaves and move from point to point along sanitised corridors. [More…]
Despite its high percentages of tertiary education and despite Australia’s higher percentages than Britain and Sweden, the United States is showing us that it is leaving a yawning gap in the education of poorer people. [More…]
The only contribution the Minister made to resolving these issues was to state that the future of the Phantoms on lease from the United States Air Force was under consideration. [More…]
1 wish to read an extract from the United States ‘Armed Forces Journal’ which might be of interest to the Minister. [More…]
It is worth while informing the House that only a month ago the Royal Australian Air Force was prepared to buy the latest generation of Lockheed P3 Orion aircraft from the United States to replace its Neptunes. [More…]
The Royal Australian Air Force rushed straight to the United States and ordered the Fill with the Government signing on the dotted line. [More…]
It is forgotten now that the troops we had in Vietnam were to a large extent maintained by the United States. [More…]
But the honourable member did not say, and in my opinion he is not game to say, what the present situation would have been in Indonesia if the United States, Australia and the other forces had not gone into Vietnam. [More…]
One has only to study what the National Air Guard of the United States does. [More…]
The terra culturally deprived’ has been applied to these children, and in several countries, notably Israel and the United States of America, special kindergarten programmes have been developed for them which include short daily periods of instruction. [More…]
I preface my question to the Prime Minister by referring to a recent statement by John Irwin, the United States Under-Secretary for State, who said: [More…]
Australia will have to follow the United States in the direction of having a teacher with various teaching assistants. [More…]
The United States of America has a great programme, called the ‘head start’ programme, which was introduced under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. [More…]
The funds for this scheme are provided by the United States Federal Government. [More…]
Since 1964 in the United States, more than 3.5 million preschool children have had the opportunity of education simply because of that ‘head start’ programme. [More…]
1 happened to be in the United States not many weeks ago when the Chrysler organisation wanted to increase the price of its motor cars by 5 per cent. [More…]
The United States and Europe have opened their doors to allow the entry of unlimited amounts of beef. [More…]
The law of the United States, Canada and every other country where collective bargaining operates, provides for the same immunity except during the currency of an agreement. [More…]
The Minister for Labour and National Service (Mr Lynch) said that 1 had stated that the right of employers to sue unions did not apply in the United States of America. [More…]
What I said was that in the United States it was not possible while an agreement was current for a union to break the agreement but that once the agreement expired it was not within the competence of the employer to sue a union for any breach of contract or for damages. [More…]
Other such companies have interests in the United States and the United Kingdom as well as here. [More…]
Already we have suffered while this Government, in its stupidity, allowed major Australian trading contracts, particularly for the export of iron ore, to be denominated in United States dollars. [More…]
The United States dollar today is one of the most suspect currencies. [More…]
They have been designed to last only until the presidential election in the United States is over. [More…]
One example of this was the continuation of restrictions upon imports involving United States dollar payments for some years after in fact the underlying dollar shortage had been effectively reversed. [More…]
Part of this picture should be the growth of a powerful and influential money and investment market in close touch with countries of South East Asia and the financial centres of the United States, Japan and Europe. [More…]
Unfortunately, 2 of the few countries that devalued relative to the Australian dollar - South Africa and the United States of America - happen to be the only 2 other major exporters of canned fruit. [More…]
South Africa went down by 12 per cent and the United States by more than 6 per cent. [More…]
That was carried on through the period when, it will be recalled, in 1961 and 1962 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and in 1962 the United States of America exploded a large number of nuclear devices which caused a far greater fall-out throughout the world than has happened since. [More…]
Initially I took the view that there should be a revaluation of 6.32 per cent of the Australian dollar against the United States dollar. [More…]
The gathering impetus to the training task is helping to close the gap that existed between our efforts and those of other advanced industrial countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands and, latterly, New Zealand. [More…]
The same point is made by J. H. Portus, in Australian Compulsory Arbitration 1900-1970’, who suggests in guarded terms that one major consequence of the Australian system has been to ensure that compared with the United States, members of weak unions (and members of no unions) have received a fairer share of the cake than they would otherwise. [More…]
They were Canada, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Two of these - Canada and the United States - began and ended the period with an average gross national product per head of population well above that of Australia. [More…]
The United States standards which are to be introduced in 1976 seek a return to the ambient air quality of the early 1940s. [More…]
In the United States of America President Nixon is taxing it out of petroleum. [More…]
The Labor Party’s long term policy is that it will acquire large tracts of land on the fringes of Sydney, Melbourne and all the other capital and provincial cities and build planned communities such as we have in Canberra and in Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom and other places where every progressive government is taking some action. [More…]
I also suggest that it is high time the Government and the Reserve Bank took positive action to identify the nature of foreign money coming into Australia and exert sound exchange controls as is practised in the United States of America, Japan, Canada, Germany and other European Economic Community countries. [More…]
After his education, which he completed in the United States of America, he served as a diplomat from 1965 to 1970. [More…]
The question of proceeding with exploration in the Palm Valley and in the Mereenie areas is under consideration by the Magellan company at the moment and some discussions have been held with an overseas company from the United States in relation to an interest in this area. [More…]
The point is that already the Magellan people are actively negotiating with American interests on the Pacific coast of the United States for the sale of that gas, with proven reserves. [More…]
As at January 1972, the United States of America had invested $US53,500m in Australia. [More…]
Present indications are that before the end of this decade Japan will own a more sizeable portion of Australia than either the United States or Britain. [More…]
For instance, the Japanese pay Australia $10 a ton less than they pay the United States for coal of similar quality. [More…]
In 1969 President Nixon announced in the United States Congress that his Administration would spend SIO billion on transport over the next 12 years. [More…]
In fact the United States Transportation UnderSecretary, Mr James Beggs, had this to say in the ‘Business Week’ journal of 3rd June 1972: [More…]
He went on in the most trenchant way to be highly critical of the Government for a 2 per cent level of unemployment in the Australian economy in 1972 at a time when unemployment in the United States is of the order of 5 per cent and in Canada, a country to which he is prone to turn with such adoration and respect, it is almost 6 per cent. [More…]
For example, he should tell us why the United States of America is sitting on the fence. [More…]
They are Canada, Hong Kong, Japan of course, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and the United States of America. [More…]
When we examine the total approved investment of the United States of America in Indonesia we note that it amounts to nearly $US554m. [More…]
While Australian shire and municipal councils languish from financial malnutrition their counterparts in the United States and Canada receive support from their national governments for the many essential services that they have to provide. [More…]
They will continue to be deprived until the Commonwealth accepts in the Australian federation the degree of responsibility that is accepted by the Federal Administration in the United States, or the Federal Government in Canada or in West Germany. [More…]
Iti this federation, the amount of resources in the financial sense available to the Federal authorities is very much greater than that available to the federal authorities in West Germany, Canada or the United States. [More…]
When Ohe looks at the fact that the total share that: the Commonwealth has of total government revenues in Australia - it is 78 per cent Or 79 per cent compared with 62 per cent in the United States, 51 per cent in Canada and 49 per cent in West Germany - one sees how much more is the responsibility of the Australian Federal Government than of any other Federal government. [More…]
In the United States of America the rate is 10 in nursing homes and 14 in hostels, making a total of 24 per cent overall institutionalised. [More…]
For example, it is better than the unemployment rates at present in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Italy. [More…]
This table indicates that, over the same period that the growth rate of Australia has fallen, the same thing has happened in the United States of America, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands and the countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. [More…]
As for Australia having one of the lowest growth rates in the world, the same table shows that, for the last year in which comparative figures were available, the Australian rate was better than that for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and the OECD countries. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether he has seen a report in the newspapers of a statement attributed to the United States Ambassador, to Australia in relation to the future of American defence base installations in Australia? [More…]
May I point out that when United States Secretary of State Rogers was out here for the SEATO conference, he said that if Australia withdrew from SEATO that would be the beginning of the end of ANZUS; the 2 things were linked inseparably. [More…]
West Germany and the United States of America. [More…]
Therefore, I will compare Australia with Japan, the United Kingdom, France and the United States of America. [More…]
From 1965 to 1970 - and these are the latest figures that I was able to get - inflation in Australia rose from 100 to 121 points; the United States, which was nearest the Australian figure, rose from 100 to 122 points; Japan was next rising from 100 to 124; and the United Kingdom and France rose from 100 to 127. [More…]
Inflation in the United States rose from 115 to 122, a rise of 7 points; in Japan the rise was 7 points - from 117 to 124; and in the United Kingdom the rise was from 118 to 127, or 9 points. [More…]
I hope in the next few minutes to reveal some astounding figures with respect to overseas investors, particularly the investments of the United States of America in various countries of the world. [More…]
I wish to spell out to the Parliament the views of 2 Harvard economists on United States investment overseas. [More…]
They are Thomas Weisskoff and Frank Ackerman who computed figures from United States Government data to show that the rate of profit on private foreign investment by American corporations has consistently exceeded their return on domestically invested capital. [More…]
American foreign capital is dominating the economies of these countries and they are being used virtually as milking cows for the United States investors on Wall Street. [More…]
These profits are affected also by artifically high prices paid for inputs purchased from parent companies in the United States. [More…]
During 1970, the Chairman of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, stated that more of IBM’s profit was derived outside than inside the United States, and that this was a most exciting turning point in the history of IBM. [More…]
Former Belgian Prime Minister Paul Spaak is one of the fathers of ITT and a board member of ITT in the United States of America. [More…]
Among the few large banks with substantial earnings gains in 1971, according to the magazine ‘American Banker’, higher profits were derived largely from increases in their international earnings, reflecting the large rise in total assets and liabilities of United States branches in foreign countries. [More…]
This is United States international imperialism to which the late Lord Russell of Britain referred not long before he died by naming it as the greatest threat to world peace amongst all countries in the world. [More…]
Neither tanks nor armoured carriers are made in Australia, so the Army is evaluating 2 foreign tanks, the United States Army’s new battle tank and the German Leopard. [More…]
Let me tell the honourable member for Cowper that in the United States of America, the very citadel of capitalism, it is not possible to sue for damages in the same way as the Kangaroo Island squatter sued Mr Jim Dunford for damages for loss caused by the boycott of his wool on Kangaroo Island. [More…]
The only time that an employer in the United States can sue for damages as a consequence of loss caused by strikes is when, during the currency of an agreement, a union or its members repudiate that agreement and, as a consequence of the repudiation, cause the employer to suffer loss. [More…]
If an agreement is entered into and during its currency there is a breach of that agreement or a repudiation of it involving a strike, the union can be sued, as in the United States, for damages to the extent that the employer can prove loss. [More…]
Recently there was a similar incident in the United States. [More…]
Yet we heard about the incident which happened in the United States recently and involved the Republican Convention. [More…]
In the United States there are people such as Jane Fonda and even the Democratic presidential candidate McGovern, both of whom are saying to Hanoi and to the North Vietnamese: ‘Hang on long enough and it will be all right because we will undermine the very things that are happening’. [More…]
Mobil - owned 100 per cent by the Mobil Oil Corporation of America; Esso - owned 100 per cent by the Esso Standard Eastern Inc. of America; BP - owned 100 per cent by BP of the United Kingdom; Caltex - owned 100 per cent by California Texas Oil Corporation of the United States of America; Neptune and Shell - both owned 100 per cent by the Royal Dutch/ Shell Group of Holland and the United Kingdom; Amoco - owned 100 per cent by the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, United States of America; Total - owned 100 per cent by the Compagnie Francaise de Petroles, France; regrettably, I must include Ampol - owned about 20 per cent overseas and certainly in the pockets of the multi-national giants because it relies on its crude oil from their sources; and H. C. Sleigh, owned nearly 30 per cent by the California Texas Oil Group of America and in this case entirely in the hands of Caltex for its refining. [More…]
The Labor Party’s policy will have a serious effect on the canned fruits industry which knows what these effects can be like following devaluation of sterling and an appreciation against the United States dollar. [More…]
While the United States, as the instigator of the motion at the Stockholm Conference, has withdrawn over the years from whaling activities, those other 2 great maritime nations have maintained very significant fleets on the world’s oceans in an effort to harvest the resources of the sea, including whales. [More…]
Australia has joined with the United States and other countries within the International Whaling Commission which over the years has placed restrictions on a number of species of whales which unfortunately, because of over-fishing, have fallen into a position of almost complete destruction. [More…]
For example, only a week or so ago the attention of the people of Canberra was drawn to the fact that the carbon monoxide levels at peak hours in Northbourne Avenue approached a standard which is the significant danger to health level, as recommended by the Government of the United States of America. [More…]
Some Japanese businessmen fear a scramble by the developed countries to obtain resources and there is certainly concern about Japan encountering the United States as a competitor for energy resources in the latter part of this century. [More…]
What is the position of the United States in terms of oil and gas? [More…]
Twice in the past 4 months President Nixon has had to raise the permitted quota of crude oil imports into the eastern United States because of inadequate home production. [More…]
The United States is not going to be able to afford to fill its energy gap requirements between now and 1985 completely by imports. [More…]
It is now obvious that the United States is faced with a very serious situation in respect of energy supply. [More…]
Oil and natural gas together supplies as much as three quarters of the United States energy requirements for all purposes. [More…]
If the United States is forced to import amounts of oil and gas necessary to meet its full requirements, the necessary outflow by 1985 is likely to be in excess of $30 billion a year, compared with about $4 billion at the present time. [More…]
To put it more bluntly the United States faces currently imports of 23 per cent. [More…]
If we take the figures of $US4 per barrel and $US6 per barrel, by 1982 and 1992 the United States will be up for a cost burden per annum of SUS16 billion and $US48 billion respectively. [More…]
In effect, the United States faces a crisis. [More…]
This means the increase is almost equal to the combined present consumption of the United States and of European members of the OECD. [More…]
Based on current United States estimates it will not be in a position to export enriched uranium beyond 1977. [More…]
One authoritative statement which should force home to this Government the urgency of the situation is the recent statement made to the members of the OECD by Mr John Irwin, United States Under-Secretary for State who said: [More…]
If one uses figures out of the Kit Kat Aitken report in London and if one takes 80c which is paid to Shell-BP from Brunei to Japan the estimate by the Gas Producers Association of the United States fluctuates on a price level between 80c, $1 and $1.25. [More…]
I have seen Press reports in which United States consultants claim that the reserves could prove to have up to 50 trillion cubic feet. [More…]
United States and the Pacific Light Company on the western seaboard of the United States provides a contract for the export of 600 million cubic feet a day. [More…]
The United Kingdom, United States of America and even West Germany and Japan have suffered from it. [More…]
At page 338 of the Auditor-General’s report for 1972 it says that previous reports mentioned that the 24 aircraft ordered by the Commonwealth were in storage in the United States. [More…]
These aircraft are for the defence of this country, yet they are in storage in the United States. [More…]
The United States learned this lesson under President Johnson when a 10 per cent surcharge was added to the income tax to try to reduce spending by the American people in an attempt to moderate the US inflation of the late 1960s. [More…]
In the United States of America, for instance, a married couple with one income can opt to have that income treated as 2 incomes. [More…]
Has the Minister seen reports that last year on the Pacific route to the United States of America, Qantas Airways Ltd carried 36,446 passengers compared with 45,100 carried by Pan American World Airways Incorporated and 9,918 carried by American Airlines Incorporated, which represented a load factor of 40 per cent for Qantas and 55 per cent of Pan Am? [More…]
The honourable member is aware that a statement was made last year in relation to the problems of Qantas and the viability of its operations, brought about by additional competition from United States international carriers. [More…]
This year in the United States there will be elections for the presidency, House of Representatives, a third or more of the Senate, a great number of governors, State legislators and other officials. [More…]
Everywhere in the United States the suffrage is now available at 18 - federally, state and municipally. [More…]
This year there will be elections in West Germany, Canada and the United States and in every case the vote will be available at 18. [More…]
No doubt symptomatic of the downturn in the woollen manufacturing industry throughout the world, claims paid on wool exports represented 80 per cent of the total and were particularly heavy in South Korea with defaults also occurring in Italy, Mexico, Taiwan and the United States of America. [More…]
Over a good number of years we have noted in this House that when Australia purchases aircraft via loans to Qantas Airways Ltd or via the assistance that is given to Ansett Airlines of Australia, many of the transactions are assisted in the United States of America by a body known as the Export Import Bank. [More…]
I would suggest that, in view of the apparent abundance of liquidity in Australia at the moment, a little more imagination might be used to create in Australia something similar to the Export Import Bank of the United States. [More…]
I have in mind exporters of all the major trading countries such as the United States of America, Great Britain, West Germany and Japan. [More…]
Will the 4-day week supplant the S-day week in the United States in the next decade or 21 Labour and management experts believe it is a distinct possibility for some businesses and industries. [More…]
In fact, the 4-day week is already appearing in the United States and the trend is annually extending. [More…]
The experience in North America - Canada as well as the United States - is that turnover is maintained in the production of goods and turnover in the labour force is reduced. [More…]
If we have anything to learn from the United States of America it is this: If one is to have very expensive campaigns there will be people prepared to provide the money in return for benefits. [More…]
If people do not want to have funds provided from the Treasury - and I guess that they do not - they must look to the provision of time by the television stations or face the consequences that have already occurred in the United States. [More…]
refer particularly to the question of assistance for members of Parliament and in due course will make a comparison between the attitude which prevails in this country and that which prevails in the United States of America. [More…]
I know that there are many people who will quickly jump to their feet and say that the United States system is totally different and that the United States population is greater. [More…]
In the United States every member of Congress is allocated at least $157,000 to employ a staff. [More…]
When we consider the number of members in Congress and the number of people they represent, we find that the United States Congressman represents approximately 4 times the population that his Australian counterpart represents. [More…]
If we were more enlightened in this country we would recognise that if a United States Congressman is regarded as requiring 16 members on his staff then, on a population basis, an Australian member of Parliament should be entitled to 4 assistants. [More…]
It has appreciated by 6 per cent recently with the United States dollar. [More…]
Under amendments to the United States meat inspection regulations earlier this year, the United States domestic industry and all countries exporting meat to the United States may only pass for human consumption, without restriction, carcases found to be completely free from tuberculosis at post-mortem inspection; and then only if the animal was not identified as a reactor to a tuberculin test. [More…]
In view of the situation following the amendments to the United States inspection requirements, the Commonwealth indicated to the States its willingness to intensify the national campaign against the 2 diseases. [More…]
I understand from the United States Veterans Administration that the situation is as follows: [More…]
We are still participating in conjunction with our powerful and great friends, particularly the United States in South Vietnam. [More…]
Surveys have been made, particularly in the United States, to show that, regrettably, not only would people not use alternative forms of transport to the private car, if provided, but also they would have to be paid something like, if I remember rightly, 30c a head per trip to use those forms of public transport. [More…]
A closer examination of that deficit shows that it relates to the United Kingdom and the United States, our great and powerful friends. [More…]
of it was with the United States of America. [More…]
It will not be quite so easy now to ignore a situation in which since 1951-52, over a period of 20 years, our deficit on current account with the United Kingdom has reached about $8,000m and with the United States $7,481m, a total of $15,501m. [More…]
So we have a credit on current account with other countries of $5,856m but a deficit with Britain and the United States of $15,501m. [More…]
If we have any trading relationship at all it is this: We are part of what has been called the Pacific triangle of trade between the United States of America, with whom we have a very substantial deficit, and Japan, with whom we have a very substantial surplus. [More…]
The deficit between the’ United States and Japan is about SUS2,200m per year, and the pressure is on. [More…]
proposal is that the Japanese for a period will purchase from the United States something of the order of $US1,000m worth of uranium, and Australia once more will be left out in the cold. [More…]
To make the position worse, currently the world is undergoing a monetary crisis in which the world’s major banker - the United States - is, according to orthodox capitalist canons, verging on insolvency. [More…]
Within itself, as far as its own internal trade is concerned, it can carry on satisfactorily; but, in terms of its liabilities and its assets, the United States dollar today is a suspect currency. [More…]
Of course, no-one can quantify it exactly, but we have yet to hear what will be the loss as a result of the further adjustment of world currencies which will take place following the United States presidential election. [More…]
Let us look at our 2 major trading partners, the United States and Japan. [More…]
What is our position with the United States? [More…]
How has it used its leverage in respect of our trading deficit of over $600m a year with the United States? [More…]
quotas on beef, sugar, lead and zinc exports from Australia into the United States. [More…]
A central element in the financing arrangements is the participation in them by the ExportImport Bank of the United States, which specialises in providing credit on terms tailored to assist in financing the purchase of such items of capital equipment as Boeing 747 aircraft. [More…]
As a step towards making arrangements for the financing of the sixth aircraft, an application has been lodged with the Export-Import Bank of the United States for a loan of $US11.3m, which is slightly less than one-half of the proposed total borrowings. [More…]
This, I believe, was the point of the United States veto in the Security Council this week, and it was right. [More…]
What knowledge did he, his Department or the Government possess of negotiations between Magellan Petroleum (Australia) Ltd and the United States of America based Pacific Lighting Corporation for the development of the Palm Valley natural gas field before the announcement was made of an agreement on a project to supply major quantities of natural gas to Central and Southern California. [More…]
Is the Minister’s Department in conjunction with the New Zealand Government considering the import of semen direct from Germany through such centres as Schwandorf, the United States testing station. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister noted that, following the tabling of the Voumard report on local government finances, the Victorian Minister for Local Government said that the report could not be carried out without massive aid from the Commonwealth and that the United States Congress has just authorised grants to cities and local governments twice as great as its grants to the States? [More…]
Some years ago when I was in the United States of America I bought a bus ticket for $99 and I able to travel for 99 days. [More…]
After all, people flying from the United States of America, flying from Asia virtually, almost bypass northern Queensland when travelling to Sydney and then flying north. [More…]
I have also mentioned in the Parliament on other occasions that a proposition is being studied in the United States by the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. [More…]
If the United States authorities go ahead with the proposal they intend to site the off-shore airport about 3 miles south of Long Island in the Atlantic Ocean. [More…]
1 telephoned their United States office and I spoke with Mr Cary on this issue. [More…]
I call for a full scale investigation of the feasibility of such a proposition by the Commonwealth-State committee, that is, a full investigation as to whether or not this proposition which is being studied in the United States and which may sound like a Jules Verne dream but is not beyond the bounds of reason in these days of engineering would be feasible for a second airport for Sydney. [More…]
Tests in the United States of America have shown that around the airport pollution from aeroplanes runs as high as 40 per cent. [More…]
I think there is nothing surer than that after the next presidential election in the United States there will be a further reshuffle in the international currency situation. [More…]
I cannot see how anybody really can speculate as to what the circumstances will be at that time, but I think it can be said that if an Australian Labor Party government is in power it will not allow itself to be stood over by the United States Government in the way that the United States Government stood over the other governments of the Western world one year ago when the Smithsonian agreement was made. [More…]
Last year - presumably because we had to be good international citizens - we revalued about 6.2 per cent, I think it was, against the United States dollar. [More…]
Seeing that our Prime Minister (Mr McMahon) went to the United States last year and alleged that he had a special working relationship with President Nixon, I would have thought that the very least he would have been able to get out of it was some deal on Australian wool in return for a revaluation of the Australian currency relative to the United States dollar. [More…]
I think, first of all, of Canada, where the rate is presently running at 6.3 per cent; the United States of America where the rate is running at 5.5 per cent and, using the same basis of definition and measurement I think of the rate in the United Kingdom which is running at 5.3 per cent. [More…]
The Commonwealth Government must assume as much responsibility for city development and redevelopment as do the Federal Governments in the United States of America, Canada and West Germany. [More…]
In Canada it is 75 per cent; United Kingdom 96 per cent; New Zealand 92 per cent; and in the United States of America 56 per cent. [More…]
I remind him of his answer nearly 4 years ago on the discussions the trading banks were holding in the United States of America and Canada on the use of credit card facilities in Australia and his assurance that if the Reserve Bank of Australia received any application in respect of the introduction of credit cards it would establish guidelines and consult the Government. [More…]
Over the last 6 months there has unfortunately been a decision by the United States of America Department of Agriculture which will mean that the degree to which cattle that are affected by tubercular lesions can be admitted into the United States will be very severely restricted. [More…]
Long ago the United States of America went much further than Britain and Australia. [More…]
The law of civil liberties in the United States of America revolves around the first 10 amendments to the American Constitution which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. [More…]
The United States law of civil liberties leans heavily on the first amendment which reads: [More…]
Let us again compare the Australian situation with that pertaining in the United States of America. [More…]
There are other civil liberties in the United States of America which are guaranteed by other constitutional amendments - for example, the freedom from unreasonable searches and the freedom from seizures that are protected by the American Fourth Amendment, and the right not to testify against oneself that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. [More…]
The various cases that have found their way into the United States Supreme Court, particularly during the 1930s, have proved this conclusively, if proof was needed. [More…]
It has happened in the United States of America. [More…]
He mentioned the United States of America and from his remarks I gather that he believes that the situation in Australia compares adversely with the American situation. [More…]
I would argue immediately that if she had been living in the United States she could never have been charged with committing an offence. [More…]
But it could easily happen in the immediate future with a change in the politics of the United States Government that lobbyists could get into action with the result that serious problems could occur in Australia with respect to brucelosis and tuberculosis in cattle. [More…]
For example, the United States of America, in response to a call by President Nixon, has greatly increased its efforts to suppress drug trafficking and to treat addicts. [More…]
The relationship between drug-taking and the growth in crime has been clearly established in the United States. [More…]
When we examine our best customers for Australian meats we find that the United States of America was the leader in this field, it bought meat worth almost $280m from us in 1971-72 and over $260m represented purchases of beef - a total of 260,000 tons. [More…]
Those of us who have been interested in the export meat trade in this country were delighted recently when the United States relinquished its quota system on Australian meat imported into that country. [More…]
I hope that our primary producers will be able to take advantage of the increased trade which will be offering on the United States market. [More…]
They have had to be brought up to date to meet the very stringent hygienic conditions imposed by the United States Department of Agriculture for the export of meat to that country. [More…]
Over the last 6 months the United States of America has become more stringent with regard to the conditions it places on the importation into that country of Australian beef, particularly cattle that have not been tested for tuberculosis. [More…]
The situation has to be viewed against the background of the stringent conditions imposed by the United States with regard to the importation of Australian beef. [More…]
Tt is a sorry state of affairs when a paltry sum of $200,000 is needed to avoid stepping back the programme at considerable risk to the producers, firstly through delay in the eradication of the disease, and, secondly, through the risk that their beef will be rejected for export to the United States. [More…]
As has already been said, the United States imports a great quantity of Australian beef. [More…]
The United Kingdom has 4.2 per cent of its work force unemployed, Canada 7.7 per cent, the United States of America 6.4 per cent, Austria 3.2 per cent and Belgium 3.6 per cent. [More…]
It is a State and Local Government responsibility to interpret those levels for which there is some United States guidance material insofar as the Noise Exposure Forecasting technique is concerned. [More…]
Probably the answer to the question lies in the fact that the Royal Australian Navy has recently completed a very important exercise conducted with the navies of the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand in which nuclear submarines and highly sophisticated missile firing ships were involved. [More…]
Perhaps it would be even more surprising to many Australians to know that the Wessex helicopters and the Tracker aircraft from HMAS ‘Melbourne’ together with the United States aircraft carrier - they were the 2 types of aircraft used - were successful in frustrating major attempts by nuclear submarines at high speed to attack the fleet. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister’s attention been drawn to a nation-wide opinion poll held in the United States of America last year which indicated that some 78 per cent of Americans wanted Ralph Nader as their president - 1 might add that this opinion poll was a little better than other opinion polls on some people - and that they regarded him as one of the few men, if not the only man, in the country with the capacity and integrity for that great office? [More…]
In the United States of America motor vehicles are put on the road without verification. [More…]
I have in my hand a table from the journal of the First National City Bank in the United States setting out the depreciation of money as the pace of inflation quickens across the world. [More…]
Germany had a 4.4 per cent depreciation and the United States had the same percentage. [More…]
It would be interesting to make a real comparison between the situation in Australia and that in, say, Canada or the United States of America. [More…]
I notice from Hansard years ago that as a result of 300 autopsies being performed on United States battle casualties in the Korean war there had been complete evidence of heart disease, even though those unfortunate casualties were very young. [More…]
A preliminary report by Major William Enos on coronary disease among United States soldiers in 1953 established the fact that the stress and strain of battle and the excessive circulation of the blood flowing into the heart chambers and back out again cause a plaque or blockage of the arteries. [More…]
The report on coronary disease among United States soldiers states that it was maintained that eddying in the arteries occuring during the recoil and the other functions of the heart caused an occlusion. [More…]
If one reads the Congressional proceedings one finds in regard to the veterans of the United States some characteristics of American legislation that we have not even thought of in Australia. [More…]
For example, the United States provides for furlough leave as a recognition of the fact that ex-servicemen might be deprived of an element of health that other people may have. [More…]
The United States has established a system whereby ex-servicemen who cannot avail themselves even of ordinary insurance rights because they are regarded as a greater risk than most other people in the community are given the benefit of a privileged insurance system. [More…]
The United States standards to be effective in 1975 seek to return to the ambient air quality of the late 1930s to early 1940s. [More…]
The United States of American under President Nixon is taxing it out of petroleum. [More…]
This misconception is, I suppose, quite understandable, but it would be more accurate to compare it with Canada’s Upper village’ or the United States’ Williamsburg. [More…]
Already both the Japanese and the United States interests are manoeuvring frantically to obtain a controlling interest over at least 9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas which is in that area. [More…]
An approach has been made to the Government by a firm, Pacific Lighting, which is operating on the west coast of the United States. [More…]
For example the United States, with 170,000 miles of pipeline, is attempting to upgrade coal gas to raise its calorific contents from 400 British thermal units to about 1,050 British thermal units which is the average content of natural gas. [More…]
The United States’ natural gas supplies are acutely limited. [More…]
Has he further noted the success of United States exporters, following president Nixon’s visit to Peking, in selling aircraft parts and 500,000 tons of wheat? [More…]
Does the reported sale of United States wheat to the People’s Republic of China mean that there is now full diplomatic recognition between these 2 countries, or does it simply highlight the absurdity of claims that wheat contracts flow only as a result of diplomatic recognition? [More…]
My understanding of the position between the United States and China is that diplomatic relations have not been established in that neither as yet recognises the other. [More…]
I am told that the sale of wheat by the United States to China was a result of a French vendor’s being unable to supply it. [More…]
There was a renegotiation of the sale from United States sources. [More…]
The Government of the United States is preparing to pay $500m for certain land use - a payment to the original people, the Eskimos and the Red Indians there. [More…]
A letter was presented to the Parliament by the Minister which was to be forwarded to the United States. [More…]
I should like an assurance from the Minister that a letter will be despatched to the United States setting out Qantas’s position and that we will not be bound by previous agreements whereby Qantas could not fly the aircraft concerned to any communist country. [More…]
I am also concerned about the way Qantas is operating on its round the world flights from Australia to London, London to the east coast of the United States, to the west coast of the United States and down through the Pacific. [More…]
I believe that Qantas is placed at a decided disadvantage and it is time that it considered seriously terminating its round the world ideas, discontinuing the North Atlantic run from London to New York and also the cross-America run, and flying from Australia to the United States west coast. [More…]
If Qantas does not fly from Australia to the west coast of the United States, then to the east coast of the United States and from there to London, other international operators likewise have no rights in Australia to fly from America to the east coast of Australia and from there on to Hong Kong or to Thailand. [More…]
When it terminates it operations there I believe it could make a deal with one of the many domestic operators in the United States. [More…]
I do not want to name any airline in particular, but there are a number of domestic airlines in the United States that operate from coast to coast. [More…]
I believe it would be an even better proposition if, instead of flying from San Francisco to New York and from there on to London, Qantas could make a deal with one of the internal domestic United States operators, preferably one which flies on to London. [More…]
In his second reading speech the Minister for Supply (Mr Garland) set out the arrangements for the financing of this sixth aircraft which will be by virtue of an application to the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America for a loan of $11. [More…]
That means that it is a Bill giving authority to borrow $25m to finance the purchase of a jumbo 747 aircraft from the Boeing Aircraft Corporation of the United States for Qantas Airways Limited. [More…]
When italy placed a very large order for DC8 aircraft with the Douglas Corporation in the United States it was so tough in its bargaining that it obtained offset orders that gave the Italian aircraft industry a massive fillip. [More…]
An additional benefit came because the company was able to purchase redundant aircraft manufacturing equipment at the time of a slump in the United States aircraft industry. [More…]
The Minister for Supply (Mr Garland) made a very big thing about going overseas to see whether the Dassault organisation in France and the Boeing organisation in the United States were interested in joining in- a consortium with Australian companies and the Government Aircraft Factories in one aircraft manufacturing organisation. [More…]
But I believe from informed sources in the industry that the Minister went overseas without any notice to the local industry and without any advice from the local industry, and when he got to the door of the Boeing company in the United States to see the management he with the Secretary of his Department was virtually shown the door. [More…]
It has been proposed by the Labor Party as a last ditch stand to see that we get some decent provisions for our own industry from the massive orders that are going to the United States aircraft industry. [More…]
It got the right to fly across the United States of America. [More…]
One wonders what offset orders could have been obtained from the United States of America had we stuck out for orders in the Fill project. [More…]
Qantas could serve Australia well by ensuring that it has home bases in Europe, Asia, the United States of America and other nations. [More…]
Increasingly research in the United States and elsewhere is showing that schemes of compensatory education have to go a good deal further than they have gone so far towards meeting real or imagined needs. [More…]
Twenty-eight pilots have gone to the United States of America to train on the Fill aircraft. [More…]
I ask: Has the Government decided that these impact statements should be public documents, as is the case in the United States of America, so that interested people and organisations will have an opportunity to examine them before the legislation or appropriation is passed by the Parliament? [More…]
On my recent trip to the United States of America I was taken to visit a factory which is responsible for the construction of communications satellites. [More…]
There are both lessons and warnings in Canada and the United States which need to be studied and which need to be applied. [More…]
subject equivalent to that paid in the United States of America we would probably provide 3 or 4 ships. [More…]
Does the honourable member realise that since the early part of this century the majority of the large hospitals in the United States have been staffed by salaried specialists and salaried doctors? [More…]
Even in the United States of America with the growth of Medicare and Medicaid one finds that there is a greater social acceptance of the concepts of government collection of revenue. [More…]
Has the honourable member for Angas heard of the Kaiser health scheme in the United States? [More…]
lt is a salaried service which was started in the Kaiser industrial organisation, ft was so effective that it spread down the western coast of the United States of America and to Hawaii. [More…]
Thirdly, migration from northern Europe, the United States of America and Latin America would be almost totally eliminated, migration from Britain would be heavily reduced and migration from other important traditional sources would be very seriously affected. [More…]
Migration from such countries as Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Switzerland, the United States of America and the countries of Latin America would be virtually eliminated. [More…]
Secondly, migration from Northern Europe, the United States of America and Latin America would virtually cease. [More…]
In the United States Catholic parish education is withering away and long may it wither. [More…]
It has blindly followed United States imperialism and aggression. [More…]
Firstly, Australia is supporting Chiang Kai-shek and has established diplomatic relations with Taiwan; secondly, Australia has continuously opposed the restoration of China’s legitimate seat in the United Nations; thirdly, Australia supports and follows United States aggression in South East Asia; fourthly Australia refuses to recognise the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government representing all the [More…]
Chinese people, including the people of the Province of Taiwan; and lastly, Australia is collaborating with the United States of America to create 2 Chinas, or one China and one Taiwan and is, therefore, interfering in the internal affairs of China [More…]
If one takes the population into account - as I believe one should under the Constitution and as the Supreme Court of the United States insists must be done under the American Constitution, from which we have borrowed the same words - the disparity would be still greater because the numbers of electors do not include migrants who are unnaturalised and citizens who are still under 21 years of age and Aborigines who have not chosen to enrol. [More…]
Whether you look at the United Kingdom where the gas industry is nationalised, or whether you look at the United States of America or Canada where the industry is under private enterprise, in all cases you will find a Federal or central authority of reference and decision which we in Australia seem to bc lacking at this stage. [More…]
Is that Australian or United States? [More…]
In fact, we can even export steel to the east coast of the United States in competition with Japan. [More…]
The United States would certainly not be the super industrial power which it is today had she, at a similar stage in her development, not received substantial investment from Europe and elsewhere. [More…]
We had an example of this when the United States Government prohibited the Ford company’s subsidiary in Canada from producing trucks for export to Communist China, even though there was considerable unemployment in Canada’s motor vehicle industry at that time. [More…]
The United States also endeavoured to prevent a subsidiary company of International Business Machines in France from selling a computer to the French Government for its nuclear programme. [More…]
The first division was the Kimberley cattle division which was to supply the United States market for boneless beef and which would also provide young steers for fattening in the second division. [More…]
I refer finally to the fact that the honourable member for Deakin (Mr Jarman) asked us to learn from the pattern of United States development. [More…]
I might say that we on this side of the House have learned from the United States. [More…]
In the development era of the United States no non-resident was ever permitted to hold land in United States territory. [More…]
This was the United States law and it held to it. [More…]
Where is the Australian counterpart for the sort of enterprise we see in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and other federal countries? [More…]
The article goes on to say that the United States Congress has appropriated only $5m of the $200m requested for direct grants to new towns but it has authorised $500m in federal guarantees for private development loans made to new town builders. [More…]
In 1985 the United States aims to return to the ambient air quality of the late 1930s. [More…]
A Labor government will greatly tighten the standards and adopt the United States standards including standards on oxides of nitrogen. [More…]
The European standards are about 35 times worse than the 1975 United States standards in the items of carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. [More…]
In the United States all impact statements are publicly available and most agencies hold public hearings on particular proposals before writing a draft impact statement. [More…]
He went to America and gave evidence to the United States Senate committee investigating this matter. [More…]
when he got to the door of the Boeing company in the United States to see the management he with the Secretary of his Department was virtually shown the door [More…]
The honourable member for Blaxland also said in his speech that I went overseas to see whether the Dassault organisation in France and the Boeing organisation in the United States were interested in joining a consortium with Australian companies. [More…]
1 have read of one city in the United States of America which has made it an offence for any retail establishment to sell goods in non-returnable containers. [More…]
This has happened in the United States of America, where protracted legal cases arise over many development projects that are absolutely essential for the continuation in that country of the plain, ordinary services that are required. [More…]
The United States of America, for example, has a problem solving agency - the Council of Environmental Quality - and a policy making agency - the Environmental Protection Authority. [More…]
This is the way it is being done in the United States of America. [More…]
It would rather be like the United States of America saying to us that the ANZUS Treaty did not include Tasmania. [More…]
The great nations such as the United States of America, Japan and China are using trawling fleets to take out the fish resources from the Pacific Ocean. [More…]
To these island people the ocean is like these vast areas are to Australia, Canada or the United States of America which supply great grain crops. [More…]
The United States Agency for International Development has a large degree of autonomy under the State Department. [More…]
During the Suez crisis in 1956 the United Nations emergency forces were used in the Middle East when both Soviet and United States interests coincided. [More…]
I would like to go on to say that the detente in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States owes nothing to the United Nations General Assembly or to the Security Council. [More…]
The United States, whilst filling the vacuum created by the withdrawal of Britain for some time, over the last few years has shown a marked change pf attitude towards its foreign policy. [More…]
Francis O. Wilcox -who is probably well known as the Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies at Washington in the United States of America. [More…]
The Government of the United States has made a contribution of $12.5m. [More…]
I would like to finish my speech with a quote from Mr Robert McNamara, who is well known as an ex-Defense Secretary of the United States and who is now a Chairman of the World Bank. [More…]
In the United States of America no such agreement could be made without the ratification of the United States Senate. [More…]
This has led, particularly in the United States of America, to a realisation that aid does not have this political benefit that was described by Mr Nixon in 1966. [More…]
Robert McNamara, the former United States Secretary of Defense who is now the President of the World Bank, had this to say: [More…]
So we have this rather paradoxical, ironical situation whereby quite a number of people who come here as students to improve themselves to go back and improve their own countries get to a point where they see that the improvement, to themselves at least, may be better spent somewhere else, namely here, and failing here, perhaps the United States, Canada or somewhere else where they can get post-graduate scholarships or employment in teaching or scientific areas. [More…]
It is true that the United States Government was at the time interested in holding off the communist world; but it was particularly interested for obvious, sensible reasons and which could have been and were generous as well. [More…]
I ask the Treasurer: Has there been any reaction by Western countries, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States of America, to Australia’s recently announced measures for capital inflow? [More…]
The United States Secretary of the Treasury, in his speech at the International Monetary Fund meeting, was really arguing for a free capital world market. [More…]
When I spoke I made the point that we did not want to see a dominant economy like that of the United States of America being able to export capital without limitation on balance of payment constraints and that therefore the situation for Australia was vastly different from that of the United States. [More…]
Yes, it is a fact that the Government has decided not to accept the offer of the United States of F4E Phantom aircraft for purchase by Australia. [More…]
Five such bodies have been formed and designated in relation to the trades from Australia to Europe, to Singapore and west Malaysia, the east coast of the United States of America, the east coast of Canada and the west coast of North America. [More…]
My visit to the United States of America recently has convinced me that if our cities are to remain civilised places in which to live all levels of government must give a lead. [More…]
In regard to leasehold land for homebuilding and annuities Australians are entirely differently disposed from the people in Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
I said that the restraints on exports of Australian meat to the United States of America had been lifted in June or July and that until about a month ago we had exceeded the initial quota that had been given to us for this year, which was the highest quota we have ever received. [More…]
The indications are that a record amount of meat will be exported to the United States this year. [More…]
In regard to the position for 1973, preliminary discussions are taking place at the moment between officers of my Department and the United States Administration, but it is quite impossible to say what decisions the American administration will make for 1973. [More…]
With meat prices in the United States rising, even with the heavy increase of imports to that country, the portents are that there may not be any restraints next year or that, if there are restraints, Australia will receive a very substantial quota. [More…]
Secondly, he knows that I had the opportunity to visit the United States of America, where I spent some time looking at the Fill aircraft. [More…]
I think all honourable members know that our programme in the destroyer field is to have a modified DDL - an Australian built hull, Rolls Royce propulsion, and some of the fire equipment being the Mark 92 fire control system which the United States Navy intends to fit into the patrol frigate but which is of a Dutch design being made under licence in the United States. [More…]
The trouble at the moment is that we have an Australian standard, a United Kingdom standard and a United States building stan dard. [More…]
It will be remembered that at that time a blatant attack had been made by the North Vietnamese upon the Khmer Republic and we with our colleagues in the United States of America were anxious to be able to give the maximum assistance that we could, consistent with our budgetary and financial positions, to permit the Khmer Republic to resist the North Vietnamese attack and to permit that country to survive. [More…]
Why, in 1970, did Jetair of Australia Ltd profit by $200,000 by using dummy nominees by the names of Peter Hookway and Stanair Ltd of the United States of America to purchase and re-sell 2 surplus VIP Viscount aircraft? [More…]
They were sold 6 years later to Mr Peter Hookway, acting as the nominee of a United States company, beneficially owned by Jetair, for $173,000, which was half their real market value. [More…]
When the business finally went flop they sold them out of Australia to a company in the United States for double what they had paid for them. [More…]
Nobody in his right mind, in the sense of pure economics, would do what has been done long since in the United States of America, and pay people to pull out the things that produce revenue. [More…]
Why did it not immediately sell them back into the United States or, as it did eventually, to some government in the Gulf of Persia? [More…]
In the United States Congress there is a general accounting unit that ensures that the intentions of the Congress are implemented. [More…]
As I understand the matter, wide ranging studies and discussions are continuing with the United States of America, Canada, Japan and the French as well. [More…]
This idea, as I understand it, was put forward by the United States of America in the United Nations. [More…]
There are clear guidelines to be followed if one has a look at what has happened in the United States of America and in Canada. [More…]
Although the American States, as we know them, have been given protection by the 2 governments of Canada and the United States, the fact remains that under both of those systems of government the title to the seas around that continent lies within the jurisdiction of the governments of Canada and the United States. [More…]
But in the world today the United States is suffering an acute shortage and we will have proven surpluses. [More…]
The United States is prepared to pay as high as $1 per 1,000 units and even the Japanese are prepared to pay 80c per 1 ,000 units. [More…]
I speak of the United States and Japan. [More…]
The experience of 2 other countries with federal systems, both of which have been referred to in this debate - the United States of America and Canada - which have tried to resolve this matter by litigation is by no means encouraging. [More…]
In the United States of America since 1947 - that is, over a period of a quarter of a century - the matter has been litigated continuously in a series of cases, and 3 of these cases are still current. [More…]
This sort of procedure has not pro’,ed to be quick in the United States where there has been a series of cases over a quarter of a century, with 3 still current. [More…]
has been specifically answered by the courts in both of the 2 overseas federations which are of particular interest to Australia - the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States, the matter was litigated in the Supreme Court by the State of California, and subsequently by other States. [More…]
This is an international truism which applies to the Australian States, the States of the United States of America, the Canadian Provinces and the German Lander, lt is the Federal people, for better or for worse, who have the sole right to vote and speak at any international gathering. [More…]
Companies are taking coal from Queensland at a price which I understand is well below the price which purchasers, mainly from Japan, have to pay for similar types of coal in the United States and in other countries. [More…]
I have had a series of 8 questions to the Minister for National Development on the notice paper dating as far back as 18th May asking the Government’s attitude and policies in relation to discussions with the French, German, Japanese and United States Governments on uranium enrichment. [More…]
Is it a fact that there is an agreement in existence between the Pacific Lighting Co. and Magellan Petroleum Southern Pty Ltd for the export of 500 million cubic feet of natural gas a day to the western seabord of the United States? [More…]
On the question of studies being undertaken at the present time with the United States and France, these are in the early stages as elementary studies. [More…]
It had not been put into operation in the United States of America where one would expect such an advanced system to be operating. [More…]
The United States system of communications is very different from ours. [More…]
Over there they do not have a government operated communications system, lt is interesting to notice that at the moment, following the decision by the United States Government to call for applications to produce one of these domestic satellite systems. [More…]
8 applicants have applied to the United States Government to build a domestic communications satellite system. [More…]
The breakdown of that figure is 5.2 per cent United States held and 11.1 per cent United Kingdom held. [More…]
He gave figures in relation to Canada and the United States and suggested that this system would appropriate to Australia. [More…]
To suggest that the Commonwealth has a responsibility in relation to railways is not something new when one examines the work that is being done in the United States, where recently it was announced that $12 billion will be made available over the next 12 years for the upgrading of public transport and for improving their railway systems. [More…]
Australia is approximately the size of the United States of America, but its population is about 13 million, compared with the United States population of about 190 million. [More…]
However, the disparity in transport costs - between 25 per cent in Australia and 10 per cent in the United States and 9 per cent in Canada - is too great. [More…]
In the United States of America the metroliners are doing over 100 miles an hour. [More…]
The comparisons that we usually make in Australia are with the federal systems of the United States, Canada and West Germany. [More…]
If the Government wants a region of economic deprivation similar to the Appalachian regions of the United States, then it is going the right way about creating it. [More…]
There was apparently some sort of contact with the United States. [More…]
On 19th January last year Ambassador Feakes sent a memorandum to the Secretary complaining that the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh had heard of the Australian proposal before him. [More…]
According to the Prime Minister’s own assertion, this was no mere clerical matter but one of the highest policy involving our relations with Cambodia, with South Vietnam and indeed with the United States herself. [More…]
I have studied all the documents that have been made available in the House and in the Senate and I make the following 6 charges: The Prime Minister has deceived the House; he has manipulated the governments of Laos, Nepal and Cambodia; he has ruthlessly manipulated the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Sir Keith Waller; he has made an improper use of the United States Embassy in Canberra; he has degraded and insulted our embassy in Cambodia; he has abused the foreign aid programme. [More…]
So we are asked to believe that within 8 days, at the latest, of the advertisement appearing in the newspaper it was normal for the United States Embassy in Cambodia to be trying to dispose of our 6 DC3 aircraft, bearing in mind that the Jetair planes were not inspected by the Department of Foreign Affairs until after this date - ‘that is, on 17th and 18th December. [More…]
In other words, before we even looked at the Jetair planes the United States Embassy was selling them for us in Cambodia. [More…]
So we have one Jetair aircraft which the United States Ambasador in Cambodia was trying to sell for us before the Jetair planes were inspected by Foreign Affairs and only within 5 or 6 days after the advertisement first appeared in the newspaper. [More…]
He abused the friendship of the United States Embassy in Australia. [More…]
The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs should be brought before the Bar of the House to explain all the transactions and his involvement with the United States Embassy. [More…]
This involvement with the United States Embassy is crucial because the United States Embassy was negotiating to sell one of the Jetair aircraft in the middle of December 1970, although the Department of Foreign Affairs did not inspect the planes until 17th and 18th December 1970. [More…]
Sir Keith Waller was given the dirty work to do by the Prime Minister which involved not using his own ambassador in Cambodia and not using his own Department which would have meant that records would have got into the departmental files but going to the United States Embassy in Canberra and asking it to negotiate for us in Cambodia, where we have our own ambassador. [More…]
It has been said in the Liberal Party in the last 2 weeks that Waller carried the can for McMahon by going through the United States Embassy. [More…]
But this has now changed and the situation can be envisaged where Australia in respect of its strategic situation may not have the great support facilities of the United Kingdom Navy and the great support and supply facilities of the United States of America. [More…]
We must have capital equipment, landing barges and other engineering supplies for which we have been dependent on the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Do we clearly know what the Labor Party’s policy is on joint facilities with the United States of America? [More…]
In a large country like the United States of America there is every possibility that the defence aspects of an electronics industry are ofl such a volume as to give viability to the industry to enable it to function and keep : up with its research and development and I so be an important part of the defence capacity of the nation. [More…]
I personally cannot see an argument that would first of all put men out of work in our domestic appliance electronics industry if we were to import on a large scale, as is done in the United States, Japanese and other overseas manufactured products. [More…]
The United States is losing these aircraft at the rate of one every 2 weeks in Vietnam, almost to the point where the United States will not fly them any more. [More…]
More and more countries have to be self reliant because they cannot rely, as they have done in the past, on the great friendly powers - the United States of America and the United Kingdom - which are now withdrawing many of their forces. [More…]
He might well examine the attempts to create satellite cities in the United States of America. [More…]
His counterpart in the United States receives between $US208 a fortnight and SUS492 a fortnight, but a double amputee can receive a total maximum payment of SUS725 a fortnight. [More…]
Can he say whether it is the policy of the United States Government to provide all war veterans, including those who served in Vietnam, free treatment in their military hospitals without regard to whether their illness or disability was war caused or not. [More…]
In the United States of America, for instance, the citizen air force, the National Air [More…]
In the Australia to the United States trade where there is an open conference - anyone can be in it - there are smaller increases in freight charges than in respect of the Australia to Europe Conference. [More…]
It gives details of the trade to the United Kingdom, the east coast of the United States, the east coast of Canada, Singapore and West Malaysia. [More…]
At present one ANL ship operates between Australia and Japan, one between Australia and Europe, one between Australia and the east coast of the United States of America and one between Australia and the west coast of the USA. [More…]
Nominally, the Government iS a member of three of the conferences - that is the groups of lines that take freight between Australia and Europe, between Australia and Japan and between Australia and the east coast of the United States of America and the ports of the Gulf of Mexico. [More…]
It is the largest item of export from Australia, particularly to Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
It is time also that we spoke in terms of an Australian national overseas shipping line because today the United States is prepared to subsidise and 1 suppose its maritime operating costs are the highest of any country. [More…]
-I take back the words United States’. [More…]
Such a commission could be similar to the Federal Maritime Commission in the United States which does this sort of work, But it has not been found necessary, certainly in Australia, to have a similar organisation to handle our shipping regulations and negotiations. [More…]
United States of America - Farmers can obtain real estate mortgage loans through the Federal Land Banks (which form part of the Co-operative Farm Credit System) for periods not less than 5 years up to a maximum of 40 years, though the maximum period is rarely, if ever, used. [More…]
Pacific Lighting Gas Development Co. is a United States’ corporation. [More…]
If Greece and Turkey are prepared to maintain the price structure that has been set in the United States, and now for Australian dried fruits, I believe that the whole of the future of the industry will be a very buoyant one. [More…]
In the United States of America in 1959-60 the expenditure was SUS26,973m and in 1967-68 - 8 years later - it was $US56,578m. [More…]
In other words, just taking those 3 comparisons, health costs in Australia are increasing at about the same rate as they have in the United Kingdom and the United States of America - that is, the total expenditure on health services, whoever it is expended by. [More…]
The saying in regard to Mr Nixon in the United States used to be: ‘Would you buy a second-hand car from that man?’ [More…]
He quoted figures for health costs in Australia and compared them with increasing costs in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
What chance is there for Australian capital to get into the United States? [More…]
The United States of America depended on hundreds of millions of pounds from Great Britain to develop her railways and roads. [More…]
I noticed just recently in an article from the United States that a huge tanker affair has been developed. [More…]
The countries where they have their tankers registered, such as the United States, United Kingdom and France, have introduced preventive methods. [More…]
United States of America- 10th April 1972, paint daubed at Consulate in Sydney. [More…]
In the United States, a government inquiry recently recommended conversion over a 10-year period. [More…]
The United States Senate, without dissent, has approved a Bill to establish a National Metric Conversion Board charged with preparing a conversion programme. [More…]
It has therefore recommended the phasing out of persistent and non-specific pesticides and limitations on the use of DDT similar to those applying in the United States. [More…]
The Convention came into force on 14th October 1971 following ratification by the tenth signatory state, the United States of America. [More…]
I refer, for example, to Canada, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
The United Kingdom and the United States have signed and ratified the Tokyo and Hague conventions and have signed the Montreal Convention. [More…]
The important point about the signing and ratification of the Hague and Montreal conventions is that both the United Kingdom and United States signed them in 1970 and both ratified them in 1971. [More…]
Both the United States and United Kingdom signed the Montreal Convention in 1971, over 12 months earlier than this Government saw fit to do so. [More…]
This often occurs with planes flying over the United States, which country a person is perfectly free to leave if he wishes to do so. [More…]
In fact, as I understand it, the United States provides free transport for anybody who wants to leave and go to Cuba, provided he does so on a permanent basis. [More…]
In those circumstances, if a person hijacks a United States plane and insists on being paid a ransom and so on, obviously that person commits a crime. [More…]
I am not quite sure what the position is at present but I remember that some time ago Cubans were able to leave Cuba for the United States provided the United States paid what I will call a ransom payment to the Cuban Government. [More…]
Certainly north Queensland needs one, and Townsville is without doubt one of the areas that could support an inter national airport because of its facilities and its location with respect to the needs of the north and with respect to the air routes from Europe, the United States of America and associated areas. [More…]
The United States has something like 20 years supply of indigenous fuel and natural gas. [More…]
One has only to look at the example of the United States of America. [More…]
Because the United States has a penchant for unrestricted commercial competition it allowed a haphazard, wasteful and uneconomic use of its fuels. [More…]
The United States of America is now at a stage where the eastern part, in particular, faces yearly electric power shortages which have led to brown-outs in New York and other areas. [More…]
An estimate by the Energy Economic Division of the Chase Manhattan Bank indicated that by 1985 the United States will have a deficit in natural gas of 47 billion cubic feet per day. [More…]
Three-quarters of the energy in the United States is provided by petroleum products, so by 1985 it will have to be supplied by foreign sources. [More…]
This places the United States of America in a position of constant weakness. [More…]
On the estimated figures which I have just cited, the requirements of foreign natural gas and oil imports to the United States of America will cost $30 billion per year. [More…]
We need now to take example from the United States and preserve our resources, and use them in the interests of Australia and of countries near to us which may need primary energy resources. [More…]
I gave the example of the United States of America. [More…]
If in 30 or 40 years time we have used our energy resources to the same extent as the United States has done we will be in a similar position. [More…]
I know this from my knowledge of discussions with officials in Canada and the United States of America where they are prepar ing a similar document. [More…]
I remember the unfortunate assassinations that occurred in the United States of America and which made a great impact on the politics of the world. [More…]
Yet during that period of time the United States Senate - both the Republicans and the Democrats - voted by an overwhelming majority that the policies of the United States Government in Vietnam were wrong and that their troops should be withdrawn. [More…]
The Government involved itself in this war as a cheap insurance policy because it thought that if we involved ourselves and later were threatened the United States in turn would come to our aid. [More…]
The United States is trying to save face and is trying to bring about a peace settlement. [More…]
In fact, it was revealed on the news tonight that North Vietnam has met and agreed with the United States that there would be a ceasefire, but those elements who represent the Government in South Vietnam were not prepared to meet the conditions set down by the United States. [More…]
The United States could have put forward the same sort of proposals back in 1968. [More…]
Although it has done so now, it is 50,000 United States lives too late, at least 1 million Vietnamese lives too late, and nearly 500 young Australian lives too late. [More…]
The New York Times of Sunday, 3rd September 1972, of the success of the Prices Commission of the United States of America in denying price increases for motor cars to General Motors and the Ford Motors Corporation. [More…]
Have there been any discussions between the Commonwealth and United States Governments regarding the effect on uranium prices resulting from the United States decision to release 50,000 tons of uranium in the form of yellowcake from its national stockpile. [More…]
The United States Government has decided not to proceed with the release, but rather to use the material in pre-production of enriched uranium for stockpiling against later demand. [More…]
Published sources indicate that Kaiser Steel Corporation of the United States acquired 40 per cent of Hamersley Holdings Pty Ltd in 1963. [More…]
Published sources indicate that in January 1971 Kaiser offered some 3.3 million Hamersley shares at $5.17 per share to other Hamersley shareholers excluding Conzinc Riotinto of Australia and shareholders with registered addresses in the United States of America. [More…]
<3) Can he say whether savings banks in the United States of America calculate interest on a daily basis. [More…]
Within the United States of America a variety of methods is adopted by savings banks in calculating interest. [More…]
My Government believes that our close relations with the United States, our growing partnership with Japan and the speedy and successful normalisation of relations with the People’s Republic of China provide a realistic and fruitful basis for such an Australian initiative. [More…]
As announced, adjustment assistance will be given to those rural industries which were already facing difficulties and problems of adjustment to changed circumstances and would find it particularly difficult to bear the consequences of the exchange rate appreciation of last December or the subsequent devaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
In 1947 he proclaimed the Truman Doctrine, by which the United States committed herself, in his words, ‘to support the cause of freedom wherever it was threatened’. [More…]
It is a most rare occurrence that this House on the one day notes the death of 2 former Presidents of our great ally, the United States of America. [More…]
Many may have agreed with him, described as he was as ‘the little man from Missouri’, when he said of himself: There must be a million men better qualified than I’ as he acceded to the Presidency of the United States. [More…]
Yet, in contrast, his strength and foresight led him to commit his country to the policies of the Truman Doctrine and to the Marshall Plan - the massive economic reconstruction of Europe - costing the United States up to $12,000m from 1948 to 1951 alone, at a time when Europe was literally at its knees. [More…]
No President of the United States has been closer to Australia and Australians than was Lyndon Johnson. [More…]
They have had to shoulder enormous and onerous responsibilities and it is therefore fitting that a few moments in this House be taken in paying tribute to them and expressing sympathy to the peoples of Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
He will be remembered as the only President of the United States of America to visit Australia while in office. [More…]
There are only 3 certainties in life today - death, taxes, and successive, progressive and evermore frequent devaluations of the United States dollar. [More…]
An infinite variety of contracts which have been negotiated has been denominated in United States dollars, and, worse than that, they extend over a very considerable period of time. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany the franchise age is 18 years. [More…]
This lack of Cabinet government has been continued in other areas, such as the criticisms of the United States by 3 most senior Ministers in areas for which they had no responsibility at all. [More…]
Imagine what the Minister for Labour (Mr Clyde Cameron) might have said if the President of the United States of America had made some similar kind of offer. [More…]
indeed I think he is on record as having said the Minister’s recent remarks of criticism of the United States were reasonable. [More…]
The Prime Minister protested to the United States against the bombing in North Vietnam even though that was the last strategical weapon available to the United States. [More…]
United States. [More…]
Australia’s voting in the United Nations has moved away from general support of the United Kingdom or the United States on many issues, because we have beliefs and ideals in common, to support for African sponsored non-aligned resolutions, aligning Australia with the third world. [More…]
The negative acts are the hostility that has been shown to the United States on a number of issues and the double-dealing with the United Kingdom over Singapore. [More…]
In foreign affairs we are being moved in favour of the non-aligned or the communist world against the United Kingdom and the United States of America, democracies that with which I should have thought most Australians believe we have ideals, beliefs and institutions very much in common. [More…]
Was it not incumbent upon that Government to stress to Australian miners the problems which could arise from contracts being written in United States dollars and’ the risk involved. [More…]
Do supporters of the former Government not think that it was incumbent on that Government to tell the mining interests that since 1963 the United States dollar had been slipping and that eventually it would suffer a number of devaluations? [More…]
As far back as 1963, every time there was a dwindling of gold stocks in the United States, President Kennedy sought personal reports on the situation because he realised how vulnerable the United States dollar was as an exchange currency. [More…]
Yet the former Government allowed Australian exporters to write contracts in United States dollars when it knew damned well that Japan and other countries were in a position where they were forced to buy from us, that there was a sellers market and Australia could have insisted on the contracts being written in any currency it chose. [More…]
Does it want the Australian dollar to follow the United States dollar down until it is worth nothing, or does it expect us to set the value of the Australian dollar at the level which it deserves? [More…]
That is why there is healthy discussion in our Party about the parity of the dollar, instead of backhanded, backroom discussion about the parity of the United States dollar that was carried on when the parties opposite were in Government. [More…]
I wish to advise the House of some decisions that have been taken in respect of certain installations with defence implications which have at one time or another been established in Australia following an approach to the Australian Government by the United States. [More…]
I shall be speaking later about problems of this kind in relation to the United States Naval Communications Station at North West Cape. [More…]
Some joint Australia-United States installations are public and well-known, like the installation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [More…]
The United States Air Force detachment at Amberley has been described as ‘measuring the physical effects of disturbances in the atmosphere or in space, with particular emphasis on the effect on radio communications’. [More…]
But, of course, the Australian and United States Governments have given undertakings to each other to protect from unauthorised disclosure classified information which we share about these stations. [More…]
The Government will respect all classified information shared between us and the United States, as well as with Britain, New Zealand and other powers, including our friends in Asia. [More…]
At this point I want simply to announce that there will be special provision for access for members of this Parliament, as would be the case if United States congressmen were to visit the stations. [More…]
With the exception of the very few people directly associated with the central execution and control of the defence programmes of Australia and the United States, no person will have greater access. [More…]
To date, some measure of this has been accomplished by the following: Firstly, we have access to the installations so that we know what is being done there; secondly, there is joint management of the facilities and participation by Australian civilians and servicemen in their operation; thirdly, all data available to the United States Government from these facilities is available to the Australian Government; and fourthly, we have the right to use either or both systems to meet specifically Australian requirements. [More…]
I expect later this year, at a mutually convenient time, to visit the United States. [More…]
When I go there, I shall further discuss these and other aspects of management and control of the installations with the United States Defence Secretary and his advisers. [More…]
I believe that in these circumstances, should it be desirable, as I expect it will, we could expect that United States advisers would discuss the implications of these matters with officials in Australia. [More…]
I now turn to the matter of the United States Naval Communication Station at North West Cape. [More…]
This installation was established under a formal agreement between the United States and Australia. [More…]
In an exchange of letters between the United States Ambassador and the then Minister for External Affairs on 7th May 1963, the Government publicly accepted the interpretation that the Australian Government’s right of consultation in article 3 of the United States Naval Communication Station agreement did not carry with it any degree of control over the. [More…]
An agreement with the United States restricted in this way would not have been made by a Labor government. [More…]
The United States has told this Government that it is willing to enter into consultations and has said that it is prepared to make. [More…]
These aspects will form an important part of my discussions when I visit the United States. [More…]
United States Defence Installations in Australia - Ministerial Statement, 28 February 1973. [More…]
This is the attitude of countries like Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
The United States is facing an energy crisis at the moment and by the year 1980 it will be importing about $30 billion to $40 billion worth of energy resources. [More…]
The Communist Chinese said to our Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) that he had to write to the President of the United States of America condemning him and the American people for their involvement in the war in Vietnam. [More…]
I would not expect the President of the United States of America to acknowledge that form of correspondence which obviously was sent to him. [More…]
Because no reply was received the Prime Minister decided that he would make certain that three of his senior Ministers would criticise and condemn the United States and its activities in Vietnam. [More…]
In the past when those people have gone to the United States of America, to Australia or to the Western democracies of Europe they have made every effort to get away from the tyranny that 1 have mentioned. [More…]
If that decision were, correct for our currency, at the time, which undoubtedly the Government thought it was, following the crisis with respect to the strong currencies, notably the United States devaluation which had an appreciating effect of about 11.01 per cent on Australian currency, how could it possibly be right to do nothing then? [More…]
If it were right in December to revalue our currency by 7.05 per cent how could it be right a few weeks later to have a situation were our currency appreciated by almost 19 per cent with United States currency? [More…]
On several occasions since the United States devalued its currency the question has been asked: Why were not our mining contracts written in Australian dollars? [More…]
The contracts were written in United States dollars because that was the recognised currency. [More…]
Had they not been written in United States dollars they Would not have been written at all at that time. [More…]
If these contracts had not been written in United States dollars they would not have been written. [More…]
Support for communists and denigration of our allies, not only by the Prime Minister but by any of his Cabinet who choose to shoot off his mouth has become the accepted mean; If it was not so disastrous to the nation it would be humorous to recall the words of the - American Ambassador who, just before the last election said that he did not see any variation in Australian-United States relations if the Australian Labour Party won the election. [More…]
He is described in a United States Senate -hearing on security as an agent for KGB, the- Soviet Police. [More…]
There are many records of his having participated in interrogations, of United States airmen shot down in: Korea. [More…]
Yet nobody on the Opposition side of the House can tell us for what purpose it was spent The honourable member for Farrer spoke with horror about the people to whom he is apparently ideologically opposed, but he neglected to tell us about ‘our great and powerful ally* and about the obscenities of the Vietnam war caused by the United States of America. [More…]
It is interesting to read the history of ‘our great and powerful ally’, as he describes the United States of America, and its entry into the war in 1941. [More…]
The case that the then Prime Minister of Australia, John Curtin, took to America for the intervention of America in the Pacific region was - he was quite correct in what he said - that technically it was to the advantage of the United States of America to defend Australia and to prevent it from becoming a base for Japan to attack the west coast of America. [More…]
I suppose that if the same circumstances existed again we could rely on the United States of America. [More…]
He said that if the contract had not been written in United States dollars it would not have been written at all. [More…]
What really happened in the export of minerals from Australia was that a few smart salesmen came to town, conned our smart businessmen, wrote the contracts in United States dollars and dollar signs went up in their eyes like cash registers because they thought that they had a winner. [More…]
Yet we find honourable members like the honourable member for Maranoa wanting to defend the folly of the people who signed contracts expressed in United States dollars. [More…]
In the face of the personal abuse of the President of the United States by 3 senior Ministers-r-the Minister for Overseas Trade, the Minister for Labour. [More…]
They are worried about his Ministers’ attacks on the United States of America. [More…]
On television last night we heard the United States Ambassador to Australia say quite openly and firmly that Australian relations with America had been put under a strain by the statements made by 3 Ministers of the new Australian Government. [More…]
It demonstrates the degree to which the American Government took note of the statements and the damaging effects which these statements by 3 senior Ministers had on our relationships with the United States, a country which came to the rescue of this country in its gravest moment of crisis. [More…]
Not only did that commitment weaken us in general terms but also it made us completely dependent and wholly reliant upon the logistic support of the United States. [More…]
Our task forces in Vietnam were completely dependent upon United States logistic support so our whole logistic structure within the Australian Army was depleted because of this continuing on the United States. [More…]
There was an agreement with the United States Government which said in Article 3: [More…]
Referred to in Article 3 - connoted no more than consultation and was not intended to establish Australian control over use of the station nor to imply any Government of Australia design to restrict at any time United States Government use of the station for defence communications including, for example, communications for polaris submarines. [More…]
The Whitlam plan for reshaping Asia with a new pact to include China and Japan, but excluding the United States and the Soviet Union, lost its last possible South East Asian supporter when Malaysia weighed in against the proposal last weekend. [More…]
the Australian and United States Governments have given undertakings to each other to protect from unauthorised disclosure classified information which we share about these stations. [More…]
The Government will respect all classified information shared between us and the United States, as well as with Britain, New Zealand and other powers, including our friends in Asia. [More…]
Because of serious attacks by Ministers of this Government upon the President of the United States, Australia has lost her favoured nation treatment with that country and, despite the statement by the Minister for Overseas Trade (Dr J. F. Cairns), the dairymen have lost a powdered milk contract worth $6m. [More…]
During the last 40 years or so we have seen a number of administrations in the United States of America which have given to their programmes specific names. [More…]
Prime Minister has had, as honourable, members know, a period of almost 3 months in government, a period during which there has been a major increase in industrial unrest, including a virtual strike in the sense that certain exports to the United States of America were banned. [More…]
Taken in conjunction with the effective revaluation of 6.3 per cent in 1971 and the more recent unilateral revaluation of 7.05 per cent in December 1972 Australian exporters are now faced with the fact that in the worst instances their products must be 23.5 per cent more expensive in some overseas markets than similar products exported by the United States of America. [More…]
Cotton contracts are written in United States dollars, and Australian growers face a crippling loss of $5m. [More…]
A few weeks ago, after we had gained valuable contracts for the supply of beef to the United States of America, we found that ships in various ports were tied up because the waterside workers refused to load meat for the United States of America. [More…]
1 am the chairman of a very big abattoir which had 10 or 12 chillers completely filled with frozen beef for the United States. [More…]
They did absolutely nothing; they let this situation exist and endangered our trade relations with the United States of America. [More…]
We have, of course, experienced revaluation of our currency arising from the devaluation of the United States currency. [More…]
He spoke of the effects pf the currency changes on contracts written in United States dollars. [More…]
The late President Kennedy in the early” 1960s was pretty worried about the stability of the United States dollar and took steps to try to boost it. [More…]
It was well known that there were problems about that currency and yet the gentlemen on the other side of the House when in government, in about 1966 applied government pressure on the Reserve Bank so that the mining companies in Western Australia, in the Pilbara, woud have their contracts written in United States dollars. [More…]
The honourable member then raised the burning question of the damage that could have been done to meat exports to the United States by a recent strike. [More…]
There has been a lot of sneering about the unsuccessful candidature of Senator McGovern against President Nixon in the recent United States presidential elections, but at least when the campaign had begun and McGovern became the endorsed candidate for his party, he was taken by presidential advisers and given a full briefing on all aspects of national policy. [More…]
It is interesting to note that the policy of the Australian Labor Party appears to have been consistent with the changes in policy that have emerged from the United States of America. [More…]
When arrangements were made for the President of the United States to visit the People’s Republic of China, it looked as though the then Leader of the Opposition in Canberra had been looking into a crystal ball and making assessments which would prove remarkable in their future application. [More…]
This is a matter of great concern to the people of the United States of America and their President must know that, in the event of hostilities breaking out between countries which are capable of using nuclear weapons, the dangers of nuclear war are increased enormously. [More…]
Therefore, it seems to me quite logical that, once the President of the United States felt that relations between Peking and Moscow were so bad and that the Government in Peking wanted to seek what is called the normalisation of relations with the United States in order to return to the family of nations throughout the world, he should encourage the Government in Peking to do so. [More…]
more recently, the United States of America. [More…]
Votes for 18-year-olds, the abolition of national service, recognition of the People’s Republic of China, and more control of and information about United States bases in Australia are all measures that daily add to the program introduced by the new Government. [More…]
The consequences of that were just being realised by the unsuspecting public when the United States dollar was devalued. [More…]
But I venture to refer to the rigid apparatus of agricultural protectionism associated with the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Economic Community as an outstanding instance, to the widespread judgment - it is extremely difficult to document - that the controls of this sort on imports into Japan are particularly severe, and to the quotas and especially the voluntary restraints on imports of traditional manufactures of the United States. [More…]
Looking at the causes of the world trade imbalance on a broader canvas and a longer perspective, the resurgence of Europe, particularly West Germany, after World War II, and the spectacular economic progress of Japan, have decisively eroded - relatively speaking, mark you, not absolutely - the dominance of the United States in the supply of goods and services to the world which prevailed at the end of World War II and resulted at that time as its natural concomitant in the era of the ‘almighty dollar’, as most honourable members of this House will recall. [More…]
In this House last week, the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) spoke warmly in his tribute to former United States President Harry Truman of the monumental generosity of the United States in contributing vast sums, and thus essential goods and services, to the restoration of war-devastated Europe. [More…]
The relative position of the United States has changed. [More…]
The United States trade surpluses of the 1950s and early 1960s have given way to massive deficit while yet the US dollar, in plentiful supply but no longer convertible into gold, continues, for practical and understandable but hardly rational reasons, as the major form of international money. [More…]
It is important in this situation to maintain a proper perspective and in particular a balanced view of the role of the United States. [More…]
For my own part I find the attitude of honourable members opposite to the United States disturbing, to say the least. [More…]
The views of the Minister for Labor (Mr Clyde Cameron) and the Minister for Overseas Trade and Minister for Secondary Industry (Dr J. F. Cairns) as expressed on the occasion of the maritime ban earlier this year when these Ministers referred to the leadership of the United States in the most deprecating terms - indeed as maniacs - are clear. [More…]
But at this point, so far as I can judge, I would say that he sees the United States as immensely powerful and well-meaning but rather myopic and blundering in its conduct of international affairs and in need of some guidance in its actions from smaller and more sophisticated friends - like Labor-governed Australia. [More…]
Be that as it may, one can certainly go along with the Prime Minister to the extent of agreeing that the United States is immensely powerful. [More…]
To give honourable members a perspective of this figure, it would be absorbed in the margin of error allowance in the projection of the United States gross national product by American economists. [More…]
Now it is true that as a result of the inevitable historical development to which I have referred and the relative incidence of barriers to international trade we now have a world trade pattern the outstanding feature of which is the very large United States trade deficit with its major counterpart, an almost equally large surplus in Japanese trade. [More…]
The statement by the honourable member for Blaxland (Mr Keating) that we should have no truck with the United States dollar because it is on its way down to being ‘worth nothing’ is indicative of his own bias, but it is pitifully off beam as an appreciation of economic reality. [More…]
Similarly, the view expressed by the Minister for Minerals and Energy (Mr Connor) that there will be further devaluations of the United States dollar may prove to be correct, though undoubtedly death and higher taxes to finance this Government’s inflationary program are a much higher probability!) [More…]
1 economic power for a re-alignment of trade barriers and international currencies, bargaining by a United States Administration which is skilled in the art of the big league power play and not in any need of the advice of self-professed sophisticates from other countries, small or large. [More…]
1 cannot underline too strongly the point that, as things stand, while the United States dollar is weak in the exchange markets of the world, the dominant economic strength of the United States stands unimpaired. [More…]
The central point is that the United States, in the face of a Europe and Japan reluctant to come to terms with a clear need for trade and currency negotiations with a view to farreaching and, in the monetary sphere, fundamental reform, has served notice that it is time - to use a phrase familiar to all honourable members - to get down to business. [More…]
The United States can exert some muscle in these matters. [More…]
The United States devaluation of 12th or 13th February - depending on which side of the Pacific one is on - was a major contribution in itself, as the Treasurer (Mr Crean) stated in a recent interview with Mr Peter Long, the ‘Sun-Herald’ financial editor. [More…]
But it was not the only measure announced by the United States Government. [More…]
Honourable members will recall the 10 per cent surcharge on imports imposed at the time of the United States initiative in August 1971 - a restrictive measure of no mean order. [More…]
Far from being a weak element in the international community, the United States has presented the world with a choice. [More…]
The world can pursue constructive international trade and monetary reform with some urgency, or the imbalance can be resolved the American way - in the latter event with unpredictable damage to world economic growth - and, be warned, with the rest of the world and, in particular the developing world, risking heavier economic losses than would be faced by the United States. [More…]
The SDR standard would include as a key element the demonetising of the ‘swags’ of excess United States dollars now sloshing around - to use the colourful phraseology of the financial Press - in the foreign exchange markets of the world, and poised per medium of the sophisticated development of the Eurodollar market and the operations of the multi-national companies, to flood in this direction or that direction whenever the betting is good for up-valuation of a currency. [More…]
To hear some people talk it would be thought that when the Japanese, for example, buy up an avalanche of United States dollars it is in some way embarrassing to the United States. [More…]
As loath as I am to do so, 1 feel bound to say that with the United States deficit in 1972 and the Japanese surplus being the size they were, a blind man could see in the latter months of last year that a major realignment of world currencies was inevitable and imminent. [More…]
Be that as it may, given the decision of 23rd December, it was certainly difficult for the Government, in the light of our obligation to contribute to the stability of the present rather fragile monetary system, to do other than stand pat when the United States devalued on 12th February. [More…]
Would the Cabinet have acquiesced in an up-valuation as against the United States dollar of the almost unprecedented order of nearly 20 per cent? [More…]
The fact that our currency appreciated by 10 per cent against the United States currency was represented as being no decision at all. [More…]
The Government has been prepared to allow relationships with traditional allies - the United Kingdom and the United States of America - to atrophy by placing its primary importance on the neutrality in South East Asia which will - I quote from the Speech - ‘involve the phasing out of present military arrangements such as the Five Power Arrangements’. [More…]
I refer to the December revaluation of the Australian dollar and the later failure to follow the United States dollar down. [More…]
But the arbitrary revaluation of the Australian dollar and the failure to follow the United States dollar down have damaged confidence, the most valuable commodity of all. [More…]
In some quarters this is glibly answered by condemning the companies for writing contracts in United States dollars without a currency safeguard clause, and haranguing those companies as foreign owned, with complete disregard for Australian participation in them. [More…]
The unchallengeable fact is that without these long term sales contracts written in United States dollars there would not have been the development that I have described. [More…]
United States bankers provided finance in quantities unheard of in Australia which could not be borrowed or would not be loaned locally. [More…]
Long term sales contracts were financed in United States dollars because commercial necessity required the contracts to be written in the same currency. [More…]
In 1964 when this was happening the United States dollar was untouched by currency problems. [More…]
No company can sustain a loss of 21 per cent, the value by which contracts written in United States dollars have fallen with 3 effective devaluations of the United States dollar in 14 months. [More…]
In relation to the amount of money which came from the United States of America to finance General MotorsHolden’s in the early stages, the profits amount to 239 times the original investment and the dividends amount to 128 times the original investment. [More…]
In this regard it is relevant to note that in the United States a government survey recently found that if monopoly industries in the United States were to be broken up, prices could be reduced by 25 per cent or more. [More…]
That was an internal report of the United States Federal Trade Commission. [More…]
His thesis, in minute summary, is that high inflation which has affected the whole of the Western capitalist world in the last few years is traceable to the actions of the United States Government in the mid 1960s when it massively increased its military involvement in Vietnam without increasing taxes. [More…]
The result was a substantial increase in inflation in the United States of the conventional excess demand kind, and this inflation has been exported around the world due to the dominant position of the United States in world trade and the practice of countries tying their currencies to the United States dollar, as they almost all did until the curency upheavals of the last couple of years. [More…]
The gross national product per capita for the United States of America in 1969 was 40 times higher than that of India and growing 4 times as fast. [More…]
The sum of $10m has been taken from the sorghum exporters of southern Queensland - $4.2m as a result of direct action of the Government and $5.8m because of the decision of the United States Government. [More…]
But it is well to remember our very close links of the past with the United Kingdom, links which are still very important, as well as our necessity to have strong alliances with the United States of America on whom we will have to depend. [More…]
The true reasons why China has become respectable in the eyes of the United States have never been stated in this House. [More…]
China became respectable with the United States because the American Chamber of Manufactures put the pressure on and said to the Nixon Administration that it wanted to sell some surplus goods. [More…]
The greatest area of unemployment in the United States was in Seattle, the location of the great American aircraft industry. [More…]
He released to those sections of the world media prepared to print it the information that the United States of America had waged germ warfare in the Korean War. [More…]
A further matter which honourable members might like to note concerns the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971-1972. [More…]
This is a companion piece of legislation which extends to civilian employees employed by the United States Navy in connection with the Station the terms of the Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1971-1972. [More…]
The Bill provides for amendments to the Schedule to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971-1972 so as to apply to the civilian personnel employed in connection with the Station the amendments to the Principal Act that I have outlined. [More…]
They are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden. [More…]
This is well summarised in the table which shows a social security contribution of nil for Australia as against 5 per cent for the United Kingdom, 5.8 per cent for the United States of America and rising as high as 10.8 per cent for Germany, 14.5 per cent for The Netherlands and 14.6 per cent for France. [More…]
In Australia’s case the figure is 24.7 per cent of gross national product as against 30.2 per cent for the United States of America which is the next lowest on the list, 37.1 per cent for the United Kingdom, 37.3 per cent for France, and 31.1 per cent for Canada. [More…]
I can remember the comparison that was made in the course of some of the disturbances that occurred in the United States of America. [More…]
that the installations in central Australia are not part of a weapons system and are not able to be used to attack any country and that the United States naval communications installation at North West Cape is used for the purpose of defence communication; [More…]
I give as just one example of this window dressing the brave words about the United States communication station at North West Cape contained in the statement. [More…]
I shall be speaking later about the problems of this kind in relation to the United States naval communication station at North West Cape. [More…]
Some time this year, the Minister for Defence will travel to the United States to have discussions with the United States Secretary of Defense and his advisers. [More…]
The Minister for Defence went on to say that the United States is prepared to make the North West Cape installation a joint installation. [More…]
We are told from other sources that a message from the United States authorities arrived just in time to save the Minister for Defence from acute embarrassment in his own Caucus or Cabinet, or both. [More…]
That statement was by Mr Toohey who, as I mentioned, until recently was a confidant and secretary to the present Minister for Defence who made this statement on the United States defence installations in Australia. [More…]
He referred to the Pine Gap station near Alice Springs as ‘a nuclear link in United States nuclear warfare, systems’. [More…]
If these bases were knocked out the United States warning and retaliatory system would be jeopardised. [More…]
In these circumstances an all-out effort would certainly be made to destroy these 2 bases before a major attack was launched against continental United States. [More…]
The 3 points of the Opposition addendum would be acceptable if the second point did not exist as a clear attempt to prejudice the negotiations that the Australian Government will have with the United States of America on this matter. [More…]
I refer to an out-of-hand declaration made by the Opposition that the Australian national interest and independence are not jeopardised by the continuance of the agreements under which United States defence installations remain in Australia. [More…]
There appeared to be very clear rights given to the Australian Government under Article 3 of the agreement between the United States and Australia about the United States Naval Communications Station at North West Cape. [More…]
This article of the agreement was destroyed by an exchange of notes between United States Ambassador Battle and the former Minister for External Affairs, Sir Garfield Barwick. [More…]
In the exchange of notes on 7th May 1963 the United States Ambassador wrote to the Minister for External Affairs as follows: [More…]
After a full and complete discussion regarding consultation on use of the station with Minister for External Affairs, it was clearly understood that consultation connoted no more than consultation and was not intended to establish Australian control over use of station nor to imply any Government of Australia design to restrict at any time United States Government use of station for defence communications including, for example, communications for polaris submarines, lt is also understood that it was not intended to give Australia control over or access to the contents of messages transmitted over the station. [More…]
Those honourable members who have been in the Parliament as long as I have will know that when honourable members opposite were in government it was a settled technique for them to suggest that this country was enormously important in the eyes of the United States of America and in the eyes of the United Kingdom. [More…]
I certainly say it is not important in the eyes of the United States nor are the things that the Opposition, when it was in government, regarded as important by the United States. [More…]
For example, both Australia and Holland were allies of the United States. [More…]
When Senator Robert Kennedy came out in a move of United States policy which sought to buy Sukarno out of the Chinese communist orbit by handing over to him West Irian, what the former government for at least 15 years when I sat in Opposition said was that a crucial Australian interest had been thrown to the winds. [More…]
It was of no importance to the United States whatever nor was Holland, as a NATO ally of the United States, of any importance to the United States in its claim over West Irian. [More…]
enthusiastic about and I do not believe that if there were a development of tension in the world that caused the Soviet Union to attack the North West Cape installation, the United States would necessarily treat that as the casus belli and sentence to death 100 million Americans in retaliation for an attack on that station, lt could, in a certain diplomatic situation, be an area where a warning attack was made which may lead to a change in United States policy. [More…]
In any event, it would not be an installation of sufficient importance to the United States for it to risk a very large section of its population. [More…]
There are enormous advantages to the United States. [More…]
He was taunted at the time by the Chinese as a coward but instead of risking a nuclear war with the United States he was prepared to withdraw. [More…]
The United States reached the point when the presence of those critical nuclear weapons of somebody else’s became an issue where President Kennedy was willing to risk a nuclear war. [More…]
Tonight we are discussing the statement made by the Minister for Defence about United States bases in Australia and the amendment which has been proposed by the Opposition. [More…]
The Minister for Defence certainly has made the point that he will consult the United States Government to ensure that the agreement between the United States and Australia regarding North West Cape is literally applied and that letters exchanged 10 years ago interpreting Article 3 will in some way be altered or superseded. [More…]
However, I do not object to the Government’s saying that at least it will talk to the United States about the meaning of Article 3. [More…]
In this way the world in general and the United States in particular will know where Australia stands in relation to these bases. [More…]
He indicated that the Government did not propose to make any significant changes without first consulting especially with Thailand, the Philippines and the United States. [More…]
In 1942, when John Curtin made his appeal to the United States for assistance, the standard of patriotism in Australia was loyalty to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. [More…]
Members of the then Opposition - non-Labor parties - attacked the Labor Party at that time for making an approach to the United States. [More…]
In the war years the Labor Government - I remind the present Opposition that the then Opposition surrendered the government of this country by default in 1941 - co-operated very closely with the United States and our other allies in prosecuting a successful war effort. [More…]
But what did the Opposition expect at this stage of the game without there having been any discussions with the Government of the United States? [More…]
The Minister for Defence has indicated that there are some matters the honourable member for Fremantle drew attention to them - which have yet to be explored with the United States Government. [More…]
The Labor Party has not had 23 years in government during which it could sit down and talk to the United States Government, but the Minister for Defence intends to take the earliest mutually convenient opportunity to explore the attitude of the United States on this matter and to make sure that the United States Government understands the Australian attitude. [More…]
The Minister for Defence will go to the United States and put an Australian Government point of view. [More…]
We can all be assured that good relations will continue between this Government and the Government of the United States and .hat the sovereignty of Australia, which is of vital interest to the Australian people, will not remain as it is now but will be restored. [More…]
That is the sort of thinking that has come from the other side of the House and I commend the Minister for Defence who was at the table for taking the stand he has taken and for producing a report on United States defence installations in Australia. [More…]
The Minister is accused of being under the control of the Department of Defence and the United States of America. [More…]
Measures have been taken by the Whitlam Government to reallocate resources in the economy by 2 revaluations, the first unilaterally against all currencies last December by the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam), the Treasurer (Mr Crean) and the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Barnard) without reference to Cabinet, and the second against the United States dollar by not following the United States devaluation. [More…]
At today’s exchange rate parities our customers throughout the world can buy Canadian wheat or nickel at about 18 per cent cheaper than the Australian products and United States wheat can be bought at about 18 per cent cheaper than the same level as it could be prior to the December 1972 decision. [More…]
The most recent appreciation against the United States dollar will cost the mining industry of this country$1 43m annually in gross terms. [More…]
Taken in conjunction With the effective revaluation of 6.3 per cent in 1971 and the more recent unilateral revaluation of 7.05 per cent in December 1972, Australian exporters are now faced with the fact that in the worst circumstances their products must be 23.5 per cent more expensive in some overseas markets than similar products exported by the United States. [More…]
The dairy industry also faces severe losses since contracts with South East Asian countries for dairy products were written in United States dollars. [More…]
There is a $20m a year trade with the United States in cheese and other dairy products. [More…]
The most recent figures for exports of meat to the United States indicate a loss of $45m to the meat industry. [More…]
The fact is that the bargaining strength of nearly every agricultural industry in Australia is so great that world prices must be paid for our products even by the United States of America. [More…]
The meat industry in Australia has been built up over many years by good management, by primary producers co-operating with the operators and by the Liberal-Country Party Government pushing out into export markets throughout the world and increasing our trade with Japan, the United States and elsewhere and securing long term markets which will be of great benefit to this country for years to come. [More…]
Contracts have been arranged for the supply of 38,000 tons of beef to Japan, 400,000 tons of beef to the United States of America and, provided the Government does not mess up negotiations, we will be supplying 600,000 tons within the next few years to the European Economic Community. [More…]
Since 1958 when the United States entered the Australian beef market we have seen no end of chaos in meat inspection services in Australia. [More…]
In the United Kingdom as far back as 1912 the House of Commons adopted a resolution upholding convention 94 and the United States of America emulated the United Kingdom example many years ago. [More…]
It is completely consistent with practices in the United States of America. [More…]
They fought alongside soldiers from not only Australia but also from the United States of America, our great ally which senior Ministers in the Labor Government, in their short time in office, already have insulted in a very degrading manner. [More…]
A lot of people, not only from Australia, I repeat, but also from the United States of America, paid dearly for our security. [More…]
Everyone in this House should realise that but for the United States we would not be here. [More…]
Three Cabinet Ministers insulted the President of the United States and were not disowned by the Prime Minister. [More…]
Our relations with the United States have sunk to the lowest level since the last Labor Government was in power. [More…]
I have said in this House before that I do not always agree with decisions of the United States but let us face the fact that this country certainly needs the United States more thanthe United States needs Australia. [More…]
Whilst I do not agree with everything that the United States has done I believe that we have to admit that the Western World - I do not like using that phrase but perhaps it covers the ground - owes a tremendous amount to the United States for the burden it has accepted as far as economic assistance and assistance in other respects is concerned since the close of the Second World War. [More…]
To my mind we should have some appreciation of the contribution which has been made by the United States. [More…]
They used to say that we were slavishly following United States policy. [More…]
There is one thing that I think we on this side can say and that is that certainly when the previous Government was in office it did not follow the United States so slavishly and without question as this Government has followed communist China, the communist section in Vietnam and apparently other communist and left wing orientated countries. [More…]
There has been a subservience to communist China by this present Government far beyond anything which the previous Government might have done in relation to the United States. [More…]
I refer firstly to our relationship with our ally the United States of America. [More…]
When the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Snedden) spoke on this matter the other night he referred to the ‘unnecessary strains’ that had been put on our relationship with the United States because of various statements that had been made by members of the Labor Government. [More…]
They were criticising the completely unjustified and unwarranted bombing of North Vietnam by the United States, a bombing which had no justification and which should never have been carried out. [More…]
Supposing nuclear weapons had been used by the United States in North Vietnam. [More…]
Would we still be forbidden to criticise the United States in a case like that? [More…]
We know that after the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in the United States Senate it has been a very arguable proposition that the United States would automatically come to the rescue of Australia if we were subject to attack. [More…]
But we have put ourselves into the United States alliance and, as a result, it has cost us very dearly in our involvement in the quagmire of Vietnam. [More…]
There is the possibility that the United States will come to our aid if we are attacked. [More…]
I suggest that what we should do is look at the ANZUS Treaty in the same way as the United States Government does, in terms of its own self interest. [More…]
The United States Government has gone into the Treaty to extract from it what it considers to be in its own interest. [More…]
I see no purpose in saying to the United States that if we are attacked we do not want that country to defend us. [More…]
I see no purpose in being unfriendly to the United States, but we must remember that the treaty must serve our national interest and be a means to an end. [More…]
After the Prime Minister had sent a note to the United States and other Ministers had made statements there was great pressure on the Australian Government to recant. [More…]
It must be appreciated that there was tremendous pressure on the Australian Government at that time to repudiate what had previously been said, in other words, to line up in support of the United States. [More…]
I believe that we could not have done this in these circumstances, much as we wanted to retain our alliance with the United States. [More…]
I believe that it was a terrible thing that some people did align themselves with United States policies and tried to exert diplomatic pressure on our Government. [More…]
That would have been a diplomatic victory and just what the United States would have wanted in order to justify and gain support for its bombing policy. [More…]
I believe that the statements made by the honourable member for Wannon and other people put them in the position of collaborating with the bombing policy of the United States. [More…]
It was used by former President Kennedy of the United States of America when he acted to contain prices of steel in his country. [More…]
After the 3 Labor Ministers engaged in an exercise of hurling insults at our friend, ally and customer - the United States . [More…]
Having blundered into one decision, when he was faced with another decision he blundered again in failing to devalue the Australian dollar with the United States dollar. [More…]
As a result, we have seen a revaluation of over 18 per cent against the United States dollar in 2 months - a degree of realignment which even the Prime Minister could not have had in mind when he first made his incredible statement of last August. [More…]
We have experienced higher inflation than has the United States, but our artificially high pegging of our currency prevents the exchange rate reflecting the real situation. [More…]
Since November 1967 our dollar has appreciated by over 45 per cent against sterling, and by 26 per cent against the United States dollar in the last 14 months. [More…]
Inflation has been far worse in this country than in the United States. [More…]
The United States dollar today retains 59 per cent of its 1949 purchasing power but the Australian dollar retains only 37 per cent of its 1949 purchasing power. [More…]
The United States dollar is worth much more than is our dollar. [More…]
We have done this while our costs have increased by about 10 per cent, far more than costs have increased in the United States. [More…]
Since then, of course, there has been a further Government decision not to revalue with the United States dollar which has greatly accentuated the difficulties. [More…]
I am sure that no-one in his wildest dreams ever expected the Australian dollar to be revalued against the United States dollar by more than 18 per cent in 2 months or by 26 per cent in less than 14 months, or against sterling by 45 per cent since 1967. [More…]
In December 1971 Australia appreciated 6.32 per cent against the United States dollar. [More…]
In addition, following the February 1973 devaluation of the United States dollar, it was announced that the interdepartmental committee would examine submissions on the same conditions as applied to the revaluation decision of December. [More…]
Do honourable members honestly consider that if Australian companies were mining California for the Japanese market, the United States Government would allow our firms to cut each others throats and give the United States a pittance in royalties? [More…]
It is not the fault of United States companies in Australia that absurdities abound, lt is ours, as Australians, and that of the previous Government. [More…]
Television viewers only last week saw the attempt by Mr Hartley of the Victorian Executive of the Australian Labor Party to depict the Deputy Prime Minister and his Deputy Leader as weak because he would not bow to the left wing of the ALP Victorian Executive on the issue of United States bases in Australia. [More…]
It has been a policy of thumbs to the nose to Britain and the United States. [More…]
But the attitude of this Government to Britain is nothing compared to the bitter and vindictive attacks made by some of its senior Ministers upon the United States. [More…]
Criticism of the United States policy is one thing but the hysterical nature of the outbursts deeply shocked not only the Australian people but friendly nations around the world. [More…]
In the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ the Minister for Labour (Mr Clyde Cameron) called on Australian unions to boycott the United States and referred to the United States Government as maniacs. [More…]
The Minister for Urban and Regional Development (Mr Uren) called the United States President arrogant and a hypocrite and referred to the policy of the United States Government as thuggery. [More…]
Of course, the Minister for Overseas Trade and Minister for Secondary Industry (Dr J. P. Cairns) declared his distrust of the United States President and issued a statement in conjunction with Senator Brown of Victoria saying that President Nixon was insensible to world opinion and contemptuous of world leaders. [More…]
At the same time as these outbursts were being made the left wing Australian maritime unions were busy banning the loading and unloading of United States ships in Australian ports but they were soon forced to back down when the United States unions used the same tactics on Australian ships, lt is also of some concern to read in the Sydney Morning Herald’ an article by Roy McCartney, who is the newspaper’s staff correspondent in Washington, in which he said that Australia’s relations with the United States were disturbed and the Government’s words and actions were blamed. [More…]
I would like to read from this article because it is so true of what this Government has done to wreck Australia’s relations with the United States and friendships which have existed for many years. [More…]
And so this Government has brought AustralianUnited States relations to their lowest ebb ever. [More…]
The United States still enjoys excellent relations with Taiwan, but the way in which our Taiwanese friends were booted out of Australia at a moment’s notice after years of friendship and trade will leave a dark blot on the moral integrity of the foreign policy of this country for many years to come. [More…]
Vietnam is a blot on this country for which we can never fully atone - neither for the 500 young Australians who needlessly lost their lives and the thousands of others who had their lives interrupted and their minds damaged by what went on there, nor for the millions of Vietnamese in whose country Australia interfered and aided and abetted the United States of America to interfere. [More…]
If, instead, it had exercised some truly moral influence on the United States, there might have been a chance that much of the waste of lives would not have occurred. [More…]
The whole constitutional system of the United States of America rests on the fact that the American people, not without the best of reasons, have the utmost suspicion of people who wield power. [More…]
He knows or he should know - I do not know how naive or ignorant he is - that the President of the United States combines in his person the sovereign, as we have our King or Queen, and the Prime Minister. [More…]
He is not just a Prime Minister and, as some American remarked at the time: ‘If you insult the President of the United States, you will certainly get on to the front page of the “New York Times” ‘. [More…]
There is a certain feeling regarding insults to the President that would be regarded as lese majeste if applied to the Queen, lt is almost treasonable in a sense to insult the President of the United States. [More…]
When it comes to other exports - that is what concerns me - the first statement I saw was that made by the Minister for Primary Industry who said that Australia’s revaluation and the United States’ devaluation would have no effect on meat prices. [More…]
With unseemly haste the Government insulted our greatest friends and allies, the United States of America. [More…]
The effect of Australia’s 7 per cent revaluation last December as well as the further revaluation of 11 per cent against the United States dollar in February has created a most serious problem for secondary industry in Australia, particularly for employment in secondary industry, and the future economic growth of this country. [More…]
Under revaluation, United States dollar imports become 15 per cent cheaper in terms of Australian dollars and Australian exports in United [More…]
What arrangements Thailand and the United States make about their respective armed forces is for them alone to determine. [More…]
It did so when tests were carried out by Britain, by the United States and by the Soviet Union, and it continues to do so now that it is carried out by China and France alone. [More…]
Of particular relevance to Australia are those countries modelled on the Westminster model of government - the United Kingdom, New Zealand and, to a lesser extent, the United States In Canada the franchise age is 18 years, as it is in Ceylon and the United States. [More…]
The honourable member for Kooyong referred to events that took place in the United States Senate. [More…]
Senator Jacob Javits, who is a well-known United States senator, wrote a very compelling article in this magazine. [More…]
Clearly a uniform approach is preferable, although in the United States and Canada in certain States and Provinces different rulings apply. [More…]
Apart from the Latey Committee’s report and some of the words used in its recommendations, in the United States of America in 1968 former President Johnson, shortly prior to his termination of office, requested Congress to examine this matter. [More…]
Applying similar constitutional provisions, the United States Supreme Court has, for the last 9 years and more, declared any form of malapportionment within a State to be unconstitutional. [More…]
The Supreme Court of the United States and the Constitutional Review Committee are just 2 that come to mind. [More…]
I wish to quote the words of Chief Justice Warren in giving judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States of America when it ruled that electoral districts shall bc as nearly as equal as practicable. [More…]
In December the Government made a unilateral decision to revalue the currency by 7.05 per cent, which put it in a position in which it received a blow, which I believe was completely unexpected by the Government and its advisers, when the United States decided to devalue by what is effectively 11.1 per cent against Australian currency, thus greatly affecting many of our exports. [More…]
If any honourable members have any doubt about this we only have to examine statements that have been recently made by Secretary Sholtz, of the United States Treasury in which he has announced that the Administration would soon have to introduce a comprehensive [More…]
They presently have a tax of 11.25 per cent on United States purchases of foreign securities. [More…]
They presently have restrictions on United States bank loans to foreigners and it is intended to relax that restriction. [More…]
The United States dollar has been successively devalued. [More…]
I suggest to the honourable member for Canning (Mr Hallett) that one of the things that we ought to do is to renegotiate contracts that were written in United States dollars. [More…]
Opposition speakers who simply look at appreciation as something that we had a free choice about, who believe that if we had not appreciated there would have been no other consequences and that the United States would have done nothing about our meat exports or our other exports into that country, completely fail to understand the situation. [More…]
We do not try to lull the Australian people by saying that because there has been a higher percentage of unemployment in the United States of America, Canada or Britain therefore unemployment in Australia is comparatively satisfactory at the level it reached last year. [More…]
Even the President of the United States of America has said that in his opinion widespread distribution of contraceptives would ‘do nothing to preserve and strengthen close family relations’. [More…]
One report on this subject in the United States stated that teenagers bear two-fifths of all illegitimate babies. [More…]
With a society which is more conservative in culture than the United States, Australia could expect similar findings. [More…]
He spoke of Australian wine companies’ domestic labels requiring modification to meet requirements in the United States and Canada. [More…]
That is a remarkable upsurge in purchases of Australian wines by the United States. [More…]
Apparently the United States agrees that Australian wines are equal in quality to but cheaper than the best European wines. [More…]
Despite expectations that the revaluation of the Australian dollar and the devaluation of the United States dollar would seriously affect the primary agricultural products of this country, we see that prices give the lie to this position. [More…]
Prices paid for light bullocks in the Brisbane market rose by SI per 100 lb just after the United States devaluation on 19th February. [More…]
Criticisms of the actions of this Government in regard to changes in currency have been directed exclusively at the view that we have only one purchaser - the United States of America. [More…]
They have failed to recognise that market conditions have changed for those engaged in agriculture in Australia in that we now have a range of purchasers instead of being dependent, as we were originally, on Britain and subsequently on the United States. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the Press statement by the Minister for Overseas Trade on 28th Dec ember 1972 concerning the Minister’s attitude to the policy of the United States of America to North Vietnam. [More…]
The system of integration applying to the broiler industry was perfected in the depressed areas of northern Alabama and Georgia in the United States. [More…]
The United States some 18 months ago while appearing to abandon its policy of compulsion has been acting more on the yoyo principle that it can come back again if the voluntary principle does not work. [More…]
So far we have not gone as far as the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States there has been a big swing to industrialised housing, its assembly in decentralised factories and its construction by bringing the parts together on the building site. [More…]
In fact the United States Government has conducted a very powerful campaign called Operation Breakthrough. [More…]
I will refer this matter to the Treasurer on his return from the United States, because it also involves consideration of whether we have sufficient resources available at this stage to carry out the sort of inquiry which is necessary and, 1 believe, desirable to fulfil the sorts of needs that the honourable member has in mind. [More…]
Is the Minister convinced that Omega would be of insignificant military assistance to United States submarines? [More…]
In the United States because of the high fire risk in buildings in which they were laid were currently being exported to Australia. [More…]
I am assured by carpet manufacturers and textile industry representatives in Australia that regulations have recently been introduced in the United States under which carpets must meet a minimum fire safety standard and that carpets which had previously been manufactured and which did not meet these standards are now being exported to Australia at prices with which the Australian industry cannot compete. [More…]
Twenty-six of the 108 medical schools in the United States have decided that medical courses could be shortened by up to one year by a reduction in holiday and vacation periods. [More…]
The truth of the situation in the coarse grain industries is that values are set on a world basis at the Chicago Grain Exchange and are quoted in United States dollars. [More…]
The competition in world markets is very keen and we are selling in competition with Canada and the United States of America who sell in United States currency. [More…]
Recently there has been another fall of some 20c to 30c a bushel, even though there are logistic problems within the United States of America. [More…]
Similarly the United States, which controls world prices, for the reasons outlined above, will sell only at a price which will allow their farmers to stay in business. [More…]
Irrespective of what is the relationship between the yen, the mark, the franc or the United States dollar, the price will be the bidding price on the Chicago Grain Exchange expressed in United States dollars, based on government policy as to the returns to the United States farmers. [More…]
The Japanese pay a United States price more or less depending not on whether the yen in comparison was devalued or appreciated, but the constant factor is the amount of United States dollars set by that country’s trade policies, irrespective of currency changes. [More…]
The United States of America is becoming concerned at exhausting its natural gas supplies, at the present time, when the development of Australia’s natural gas supplies is in its infancy. [More…]
The oil magnates of the United States are switching their interests to coal with a long term view to developing oil from coal with methods which would reduce pollution to a considerable extent. [More…]
I think it is good for us to reflect that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, when resuming tests in 1961 and during subsequent tests by that country and the United States in 1962, injected more radio-active debris into the atmosphere than all previous tests. [More…]
When this was not acceptable to the movers we abstained at the committee level vote, along with 13 other countries including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, because we disagreed with the details of the wording. [More…]
The estimates take into account only the December 1972 revaluation of the Australian dollar of 7 per cent and the devaluation of the United States dollar against gold by 10 per cent on 14th December. [More…]
I refer particularly to our relations with the United States. [More…]
Under the heading of confidence, what has been done to the Government’s reputation and this country’s reputation in respect of the United States bases in this country? [More…]
The Prime Minister has said in a number of speeches that Australia would have a new way and yet he has not spelt out what that new way will be and so it is obvious that the United States of America, Britain and our Asian neighbours should have severe doubts about what our new policies will be - in other words, a breakdown in confidence without any counter-balancing advantage to our national interests. [More…]
But let me point out that the United States which has made an accommodation with the People’s Republic of China - that is, Peking - has retained an accommodation with Taiwan. [More…]
But in his role as the great diplomat to which my colleague the honourable member for Kennedy referred he - and he is most ambitious in this field - has in the short time he has occupied that office insulted the President of the United States - there can bc no doubt about that; he has set his people to undercut a senior Minister of the Malaysian Government - a friend of ours; he has made disparaging remarks about the Government of Thailand, for which he has been chastised. [More…]
As has been said, comments that have been made by responsible Ministers - and I use the term ‘responsible’ advisedly - in regard to our relationship with the United States and in regard to actions of the United States are certainly not comments that should be made by responsible Ministers. [More…]
The subsequent 10 per cent revaluation of the United States dollar presented Australia with another policy challenge. [More…]
It is a matter of shame to us that the President of Yugoslavia, Tito, can go with complete safety to the United States of America, while, on the other hand, we have the advice that the Prime Minister of Yugoslavia is not safe in Australia. [More…]
The countries with most experience in this area would be the United States, Canada and Britain. [More…]
Is he also aware that at the time when most of the iron ore contracts were written it was virtually impossible to write them in anything but United States dollars and that any clauses on revaluation would be legally unenforceable? [More…]
For a similar period it has been well known that the former government was prepared to adopt a wholly subservient attitude to the United States. [More…]
As far back as 1959 the First National City Bank was issuing warnings as to the stability of the United States dollar. [More…]
The late President Kennedy was gravely concerned about maintaining the amount of the gold reserves of the United States. [More…]
In 1965 General de Gaulle insisted on getting $4 billion worth of gold from the United States. [More…]
It is proposing the establishment of a joint parliamentary committee which has the potentiality, with the goodwill and effort of the members of both Houses, of becoming a body comparable to the highly respected Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress. [More…]
But in the short term they seem to have been of considerable benefit in the United States of America. [More…]
The Government complains about mineral export prices being too low, but promptly revalues the dollar - deliberately once and later by acquiescence - against the United States dollar and reduces export prices by 20 per cent within 6 weeks. [More…]
Professor Galbraith argues that in the United States and in Australia during times of high employment, prices are unstable - we have seen this - because of a defect in the economic machine, particularly in one sector. [More…]
The honourable member for Cook (Mr Thorburn) mentioned to me a short while ago the case of a woman who returned from the United States of America only a week ago after having spent 5 years there. [More…]
She remarked that the price of meat in the United States was the same as it was in Australia. [More…]
She said that it was the same in the United States as it was here in Australia, while wages were twice as great. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister seen a report from a respected National Times’ reporter who last week visited Washington DC stating that the American President, Dr Henry Kissinger and the White House have now twice rejected State Department suggestions that the Prime Minister be invited officially to visit the United States of America? [More…]
Does the Prime Minister now agree that his anti-American protest letter and the insulting public utterances of one-eighth of the Australian Labor Party Ministry have done our relations with the United States grave harm? [More…]
If so, what emergency measures does he propose to restore our wrecked relations with the United States? [More…]
It is true that there was a cloud over relations between the United States and Australia when bombing of North Vietnam was resumed. [More…]
Relations between the United States and Australia are now very cordial and are more fruitful because they are more adult. [More…]
He will be frustrated to know that one of them in fact was a guest at the United States embassy as recently as yesterday. [More…]
The United States was withdrawing its land forces from Asia, although still maintaining the enormous interest which it has in the Pacific area and indeed extending its Pacific command to a longitude the other side of Pakistan in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Having in mind the movements, particularly in the Middle East, in the positions of Soviet Russia and the United States of America, as well as the intensity of the threat to peace in that area generally, we applied to become a member of and were successful in joining the United Nations Security Council. [More…]
Since the Labor Party gained office there has been an undoubted change in our relations with the United States of America and with our nearest large neighbour, Indonesia. [More…]
These remarks had their impact in America but Americans are people with an adult approach who do not take such remarks as a basis for denying to the Australian Prime Minister the right to go to the United States, to be received there and spoken to. [More…]
He suggested that we had alienated to some extent the goodwill of the United States and that we were moving towards a position in the third world. [More…]
Of course, without in any way attempting to impair those associations which we have enjoyed in the past with the United States of America, with Commonwealth countries and with other nations in our region, the Labor Government is seeking to explore a wider role in the world, a role in which we would have contact with peoples and nations with which we have not previously had contact. [More…]
What will happen if the Senate decides by resolution that it considers the question of our relations with the United States of America or perhaps the details of the recognition of Mainland China are more important international matters that this Committee should consider? [More…]
I do not think that the case I have just put is theoretical because the honourable member for Parramatta (Mr N. H. Bowen) already has referred to some considerations of our relations with the United States. [More…]
In January the Federal Tariff Commission of the United States began hearings on the question of the alleged dumping of canned pears in that country. [More…]
Out of the 6 members of the Commission 2 did not vote, 2 voted in favour of putting duties on all future shipments of canned pears to the United States and 2 voted against paying duties. [More…]
This means the end of the market in the United States for this product. [More…]
It is considered in fruit circles both in Australia and the United States that the attitude of the new Government to the United States, particularly by the 3 Ministers that I have mentioned, at the time when the Commission was conducting its hearings was the cause of this decision against Australia’s interests being made by the Commission. [More…]
In the past we, a small nation isolated in the South Pacific, treasured our ties with the United States and we would hate to be convinced that what the new Government has done in its first 100 days has completely torn away the cord and that we are now alone in this part of the world. [More…]
The position in the United States of America in 1949 was that 61 per cent of employees received 2 weeks leave. [More…]
The Minister for Services and Property quotes with reverence Chief Justice Warren of the Supreme Court of the United States in support of his position. [More…]
Apparently a terrible, undemocratic gerrymander operates in the United States where under the fiat of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States there is a tolerance of 15 per cent and slightly above. [More…]
In the United States, where ultimately the position of citizens will go to the Supreme Court if a citizen’s rights are infringed, the whole” process of malapportionment has been brought under challenge and scrutiny. [More…]
In the case of Baker v. Carr the United States Supreme Court stated the position very well. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court said that the weight of a citizen’s vote cannot be made to depend on where he lives. [More…]
It ordered that what in the United States is called ‘re-districting’ should take place. [More…]
In the case to which I have referred the Chief Justice of the United States spoke about the effects of redistributing and said how impossible it was to be utterly rigid about these matters. [More…]
But I suspect that the United States Supreme Court, if it found that this concern for historic boundaries, this concern for community of interest, this concern for natural boundaries resulted always in electorates which favoured one party it would become extremely suspicious. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court went on to say why there should be opposition to a deliberate attempt to favour and said: [More…]
One argument he used referred to a decision by Judge Warren of a United States court in 1964. [More…]
That decision has already been overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1973, so it is not a good example to use. [More…]
In the United States a variation of 15 per cent is regarded as acceptable. [More…]
In the United States it is recognised that such neglect has forced groups to by-pass the State legislatures and to look to the Federal Government for assistance. [More…]
One gerrymander that fascinated me particularly was one that occurred in the United States of America in the State of Vermont. [More…]
There has been some reflection of that attitude in the United States of America in the last week where, there has been a strong reaction to the tremendous price of meat. [More…]
Now the fruit season is over again and growers, particularly pear growers, will be looking to the scheme for support especially since the Labor Government’s double revaluation of the Australian dollar against the United States dollar and against the South African rand, the currencies of the 2 competitors of the Australian canning fruit industry on international markets. [More…]
Why is the present Australian Government forcing Papua New Guinea to borrow its loan funds from overseas and limiting Australia’s contribution to a miserly $10m - that is, United States dollars, the currency of one of the hill-billy group? [More…]
There was deep concern in the United States of America at the rapidly rising price situation particularly, as has been suggested, with respect to food prices, meat standing out as the worst example. [More…]
In the United States there have been some pretty good examples of consumer resistance to the situation. [More…]
As the questioner has said, in some respects the prices that have been received for meat in the United States of America have had adverse effects on the price of meat in Australia although here again the easy answer is that it is all a question of the law of supply and demand. [More…]
I think that every party ought to recognise, as is being recognised by the United States, that the question of rapidly rising prices seriously concerns the public and, rightly or wrongly, the public believes that the problem is remediable by government action, and most believe that that remedial action should be at the Federal level. [More…]
At least consumer resentment in the United States did lead to very firm action at the Presidential level to control the prices of beef, lamb and pork. [More…]
There seems to be a view held in some quarters that revaluation has only affected those companies which have export contracts written in United States dollars, and theyare then told it was their fault for writing them in United States dollars, instead of some other currency, presumably Australian dollars. [More…]
While the companies with United States dollar contracts will suffer most, every exporting company has been hit by revaluation despite the general buoyancy of metal prices internationally. [More…]
At the date of this report, it has not been possible to assess the likely effect of currency changes resulting from the devaluation of the United States dollar 13th February 1973. [More…]
The decision of the Australian Government on 23rd December 1972 to up value the Australian dollar against the United States dollar will further reduce the Australian dollar proceeds of sales by Bougainville Copper although some short term protection was obtained by taking out forward cover prior to the revaluation. [More…]
The Government said that they should not have written their contracts in United States dollars, even though this was *he only possible currency in which these long term contracts could have been written in 1964. [More…]
The Minister has said that he expects the Japanese to renegotiate contracts written in United States dollars. [More…]
No research had been done and no records kept as to what was the denomination of currency payable under export contracts and particularly how many of those contracts were denominated in United States dollars. [More…]
Australia in particular will be the subject of the resources diplomacy of both Japan and the United States. [More…]
Since 1958 it has been well-known that the United States dollar was on the downgrade and it has been progressively on the downgrade ever since. [More…]
Today - I will say this for the Japanese - neither the Japanese nor anyone else in the world knows just where the United States dollar will finish. [More…]
For instance, he has been fond of chiding Opposition speakers and mining representatives for stating that it was necessary to draw up certain contracts in United States dollars, particularly in the middle of the last decade. [More…]
It was essential and fundamental for these companies to draw their contracts in United States dollars because they were in the main, financed by the United States banks which have a natural nationalistic tendency to express contracts in their own currency. [More…]
The fact remains that if the contracts had not been negotiated in United States dollars there would have been no contracts and there would not have been a single project. [More…]
When considering the loss sustained as a result of our currency change we must look to the relative change not of our trading partners, as referred to in the statement issued by the Treasurer (Mr Crean) on 14th February, but of our competitors - in this case Canada and Brazil which both devalued with the United States dollar. [More…]
We purchase a lot of manufactured goods from Japan and we could have repaid them in yen or in Deutschemarks or in any currency other than the United States dollar which was in trouble as far back as 1961 when President John Kennedy was worried about the trading problems of the United States and the state of the dollar. [More…]
I would like to quote from a chapter of a book entitled ‘Death of the Dollar’ written by William F. Rickenbacker in 1968, because it sums up the problem with the United States dollar with which this Government is faced and which the previous Government never recognised. [More…]
We are talking about the United States. [More…]
I seek leave to incorporate in Hansard a table from this book showing the gold stock from 1941 to 1967 in the United States to back the United States dollar. [More…]
Simply laying a pencil along the plotted numbers, you can foresee that the United States will be devoid of gold within twenty years. [More…]
That is, bankers - will lead much sooner to the show down over the ability of the United States to meet its obligations. [More…]
For instance, in Hamersley Holdings Pty Limited 54 per cent of the shares are held by Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd and 34 per cent are held by the Kaiser Steel Corporation of the United States. [More…]
The only currencies in which they could have been written at the time were United States dollars or sterling. [More…]
However they were written in United States dollars for a number of reasons. [More…]
Much of the money used in the development of these particular resources was American money and obviously the people supplying the finance wanted the payments in United States dollars. [More…]
The 2 decisions taken by the Government to revalue in respect of United States currency have put Australian mining industries in jeopardy. [More…]
The Canadian dollar has floated down with the United States dollar so this is a situation that confronts the Australian nickel industry. [More…]
What happened subsequently in February was a decision not of the Australian Government but of the United States Government. [More…]
The effects of the revaluation by Australia, the devaluation by the United States and also the devaluation, if you like, of our currency in relation to what has happened to the yen, have accumulated into the problem that is causing some concern now to the mining industry in Western Australia. [More…]
I have just returned from the United States and I found there ready acceptance of what the new Australian Government has done in recent months and a readiness also to accept that we are entitled to protect our natural heritage against the ravages of exchange fluctuations and so on. [More…]
Fortunately, there are no banana republics left and this is one of the realities which the United States, in particular, has to realise in the years ahead. [More…]
The United States will not be able to exploit the natural resources of other countries with the same ease in the future as it did in the past. [More…]
The United States has serious problems and they affect honourable members who represent the Australian Country Party. [More…]
No longer will the United States be able to obtain its food cheaply from countries like Australia because other parts of the world are demanding the same kinds of standards in the future as the United States has been able to command in the past. [More…]
Above all, the very critical problem facing the United States is a shortage of energy, and Australia is one of the countries fortunately placed at the moment with respect to natural gas. [More…]
In this connection it is not without interest to note that the United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of Baker versus Carr in 1962 that if congressional electorates were unequally drawn the voters in over-sized electorates were being deprived of their constitutionally guaranteed ‘equal protection of the laws’. [More…]
It is well for us again to take note of portion of a speech, which has been mentioned previously in this House, which was made by Senator Dirkson, a member of the United States Senate in 1965. [More…]
A federal Labor government will distribute electorates as the Constitution intended and as the United States Supreme Court has insisted that the corresponding provisions of the United States Constitution be carried out. [More…]
In the United Kingdom electorates move from 40,000 to 80,000 voters and in the United States of America, under its Supreme Court ruling, variations of more than 15 per cent from the average have been accepted. [More…]
We can refer to the struggle that took place in the United States of America to set up that country’s constitution when lack of representation resulted in the American Revolution and the subsequent setting up of that country’s own form of Government. [More…]
Nevertheless, as far as the future is concerned, as Mr Schultz and others who attended the meetings that I attended suggested, unless internal discipline is applied in the US - the main internal discipline must be in relation to the flow of capital in future - I do not think there can be any certainty about the future of the parity of the United States dollar. [More…]
The United States is involved in all those sorts of things. [More…]
I do not have to defend the status of the United States dollar; I have to defend the status of the Australian dollar and I believe that I have done so very successfully. [More…]
The disappointing thing about this Agreement, as the Minister pointed out, is that although 41 nations have signed it the world’s greatest importer - the United States of America - has not. [More…]
He gave no reasons as to why the United States had not signed it. [More…]
I do not know, but I am given to understand from information supplied to me that the United States, together with some other countries, has expressed concern that there has been a breakdown recently in the honouring of the International Coffee Agreement. [More…]
Perhaps the United States of America is worrying about the so-called breaking of the International Coffee Agreement because many of the signatories to it are signatories to this Agreement. [More…]
Whatever the reason might be, I join with the Minister in expressing the hope that the United States will soon see fit to sign and ratify this Agreement because the United States is in fact the largest consumer of coffee. [More…]
I agree also with the honourable member for Hotham and the Minister that it is a matter for regret that the United States has not yet accepted the Agreement. [More…]
The United States is the largest consumer of cocoa. [More…]
The Minister quoted a judgment in the United States of America. [More…]
This occurs also in Great Britain, the United States and almost any other country one could mention. [More…]
Any greater variation than 20 per cent would be in conflict with the constitutional requirement common to both Australia and the United States of America that members of the House of Representatives should be elected by the people. [More…]
1 should like to refer to a document which indicates the sort of action which has been taken by the United States Supreme Court on this question of whether an electorate should be above or below a quota. [More…]
In the United States it was held that every person’s vote should as nearly as practicable have the same value and the same weighting. [More…]
They apparently do not realise that the idea of having equal representation in the Senate from each of the States comes from what is known as the great compromise of the Constitution convention in the United States of America in 1778. [More…]
And yet those on the other side of the chamber will argue: ‘Do not quote the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
Do not quote what happens in the United States.’ [More…]
It is perfectly true that the United States of America has what is known as a Highways Safety Act which was first introduced in that country in 1966. [More…]
Since 1967 all motor vehicles in the United States which are involved in interstate commerce have had to comply with the mandatory safety measures which are laid down and which today are known as the Federal motor vehicle safety standards. [More…]
During his recent visit to the United States, did any American officials express views on the Australian action in regard to currency exchange rates? [More…]
Would it be true to say that the Australian action complements that taken by the United States authorities? [More…]
If one makes a comparison between the movement of the Australian dollar from the time of the Smithsonian agreement until the present time and that of every currency except the United States dollar, one finds that we have reached the same point as nearly all the other substantial currencies with which we like ours to be compared. [More…]
A few days ago I came back from that great countryand it is a great country and it is still the strongest single economic entity in the world - the United States of America, which claims still to be almost the apothosis of what is described as free private enterprise. [More…]
Even in the United States there now exists a demand to return to what was termed’phase 2’, and even to return to price regulation. [More…]
The United States of America is our main beef market and in the absence of any other evidence, the United States would normally require that a country remain free of foot and mouth disease for some years before resuming imports from that country. [More…]
Other arrangements exist whereby Australia can have specimens of suspected rinderpest examined at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory and specimens of suspected blue tongue and African horse sickness examined by the Division of Veterinary Services at Onderstepoort, South Africa. [More…]
For example, a suspected Newcastle disease-like virus isolated in Australia in 1968 was confirmed in the United States only after several months delay. [More…]
On 11th May 1789 President George Washington of the United States said: [More…]
The report goes on to say that the Bank borrowed $12 1.7m in that year, just over SI 01m of which was in 5 public issues which were made in Austria, Belgium, Japan, Switzerland and the United States, plus private placement of $20m with central banks and government agencies in the region. [More…]
But the vehicle had become a first grade ‘lemon’ in the United States vernacular. [More…]
The 3 major United States car manufacturers in Australia and the United Kingdom firm British Leylond enjoyed different conditions from those pertaining to their parent companies. [More…]
The Australian Government must give similar protection to the Australian consumer by asking all United States car companies operating through subsidiaries in Australia, and all other subsidiaries which import vehicles, to meet the same safety and pollution control standards as well as notification of defects and recall programs as is the case in the United States of America. [More…]
United States in particular to building up trading relationships with the People’s Republic of China. [More…]
When 1 spoke to the similar Bill which was introduced last year by the Opposition and was defeated by the previous Government, I pointed out that in a comparable country to our - the United States of America - a larger proportion of people who were eligible for the age pension would have originated from overseas because the main period of migration of young people to the United States was in the 1920s or early in the twentieth century. [More…]
I pointed out that, in the United States, out of 13 million pensioners, only 108,000, or less than 1 per cent - about .8 per cent - lived overseas and of all the pensions and benefits paid for retired persons, only 8.8 per cent were paid overseas. [More…]
In the same table in the Department’s consolidated statistics covering the same period, that is 1945 to 1972 inclusive, we find the following numbers of migrants regarded as permanent and long term arrivals, by country of last residence: The United Arab Republic 32,000, South Africa 24,000, Canada 53,000, United States of America 124,000, Ceylon 12,000, Cyprus 17,000, Hong Kong 26,000, India, 37.000, Malaysia 54,000, Singapore 24,000. [More…]
The United States of America’s experience in this respect is instructive. [More…]
I quote from an article headed ‘Benefits Paid Abroad Under OASDHI’ which is a publication of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. [More…]
The title ‘OASDHI’ refers to that section of the United States Social Security Act governing payment of old age, survivors and disability insurance. [More…]
I borrow again from the words of the United States– [More…]
At long last, the United States of America has come around to the idea that any agreements made in regard to the price fixation of crude oil throughout the world should be determined on a government to government basis and not between the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting countries and the multinational corporations. [More…]
If honourable members want to understand the situation as it is tragically affecting the United States of America I point out that the United States is finding, for the first time in its history, that the biggest issue facing Nixon at present is his energy policy and his energy prices. [More…]
Fuel in the United States - whether it be gas, oil, uranium or coal - is controlled by multi-national corporations. [More…]
But at present if they visit the United States, Canada, India or somewhere else and are away for 30 weeks, on their return to Australia they are able to receive their 30 weeks back pensions. [More…]
At present if such a person decides to have a holiday in the United States of America and is away for 30 weeks, on his return to Australia he is eligible to be paid that 30 weeks pension. [More…]
If a man goes to the United States and is outside Australia for a period the Act states that a pension is not payable to him in respect of that period. [More…]
Such a change may occur either because of a change in the par value of the Australian dollar, such as was made on 23rd December last; or because of a change in the par value or central rate of the foreign currency concerned such as occurred in the case of the pound sterling when it was allowed to ‘float’ in June 1972; or because of a change in the relative valuation of the Australian dollar and the foreign currency concerned as a result of differing consequences for those currencies of action taken in the case of other major currencies, such as the devaluation of the United States dollar in February 1973. [More…]
The attitude of the Australian Government is, as I think the attitude of the previous Australian Government was, that France should accede to the nuclear treaty to which the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Britain have acceded. [More…]
This position has been caused primarily by a world shortage of beef, as is instanced by the increasing demand for beef by the United States, Canada, Japan and the member countries of the European Economic Community. [More…]
These include institutions which are specifically involved in assistance to small business, such as the German Management and Productivity Association (RKW) of the Federal Republic of Germany; the Small Business Administration of the United States; the Smaller Enterprise Agency of Japan; and the industrial liaison scheme in the United Kingdom. [More…]
The Minister has mentioned overseas examples and the one that readily comes to mind is in the United States where thousands of small businesses are helped to stay competitive under the United States Government’s small business administration scheme. [More…]
In particular it is argued that the current instability is largely a by-product of the continuing United States balance of payments deficit - a deficit which reached the astronomical proportions of around $US30 billion in 1971. [More…]
The United* States, it is said, should have taken earlier action to correct the deficit by slowing down internal inflation for example, by curbing capital outflow, by devaluing the United States dollar, or by some combination of these policies. [More…]
One important fact is, of course, that the United States now has taken significant steps to correct its balance of payments deficit. [More…]
In the first place the United States Government did take firm action domestically and this reduced its rate of inflation below that of nearly all major developed countries. [More…]
At that time the United States agreed to devalue the dollar by approximately 8 per cent. [More…]
The large United States deficit on current account continued, as had been expected, into 1972, But in addition there was no net reflow of short-term funds to the United States during 1972 as a whole. [More…]
It was then, on 12th February 1973, that the United States took a further decisive step by unilaterally devaluing the dollar another 10 per cent. [More…]
There was a general wish that effective convertibility of the United States dollar into other reserve assets should be restored. [More…]
The United States had of course formally ceased to maintain convertibility of the US dollar into gold and other assets as from 15th August 1971. [More…]
It implies that the United States should once again receive primary reserve assets if it is in surplus, and should lose them if it is in deficit. [More…]
But before the United States could assume such a ‘convertibility’ obligation, it was suggested that excess’ holdings of US dollars, and for that matter sterling, should in some way be funded. [More…]
In this connection a technical group was appointed to consider a United States proposal that a system of ‘objective indicators’ be introduced to signal the need for balance of payments action by individual countries. [More…]
There is a growing awareness of a world energy crisis, and major industrial nations such as Japan and the United States of America, having depleted seriously their available resources, and being already heavily dependent on imports, particularly of crude oil, are now turning to ‘resources diplomacy’ to provide for their future needs. [More…]
Magellan Petroleum Australia has 43.33 per cent, Magellan Petroleum (United States) 13.54 per cent, United Canso Oil Ltd (Canada) 24.38 per cent, Freeport of Australia Incorporated (United States) and Flinders Petroleum NL 9.375 per cent each. [More…]
In turn, Magellan Australia is owned 54.1 per cent by Magellan Petroleum Corporation of the United States, 21.1 per cent by Partepec International Incorporated of Bermuda and the balance by the Australian public. [More…]
This is the company which in fact has signed an agreement with Pacific Lighting Corporation of Los Angeles to supply and export 500 million cubic feet a day to the western seaboard of the United States, subject of course to the Australian Government’s approval to export liquefied natural gas from Palm Valley. [More…]
It would supply more than enough to support a major liquefied natural gas or methanol export project, presumably the export of methanol to the United States of America and liquefied natural gas to Japan. [More…]
We are fully conscious of the pressure which was placed by the multi-national corporations on the previous Government and on this Government over the granting of export licences whether to Japan or the United States. [More…]
It is estimated by reputable bodies in the United States that the United States will pay a price of between $1 and $1.25 a thousand cubic feet. [More…]
Already the United States is paying between 95c and 98c a thousand cubic feet for Algerian gas landed on the eastern seaboard of the United States. [More…]
The previous Government, in its usual slavish policy of following the dictates of the United States, was rapidly exploiting our resources - fuel and energy - on exactly the same lines as the United States and it would have been equally as disastrous to this country as it has been to the United States. [More…]
Let me quote briefly from a report by the Chase Manhattan Bank which ought to bring home to the Opposition just now crucial the situation is in the United States. [More…]
The United States is not going to be able to afford to fill its energy gap requirements between now and 1985 completely by imports. [More…]
It is now obvious that the United States is faced with a very serious situation in respect of energy supply. [More…]
If the United States is forced to import amounts of oil and gas necessary to meet its full requirements, the necessary outflow by 1985 is likely to be in excess of $30 billion a year, compared with about 34 billion at the present time. [More…]
If one wants to put it in more cogent terms, the United States currently imports 23 per cent of its oil requirements. [More…]
I put it quite seriously to this House that the world wide fuel and energy crisis, the role which has been played by those countries which control these vast non-renewable resources, the role being played by the multi-national corporations and the effects which they have on national governments in Western Europe, Japan and the United States, are crucial to world stability and peace. [More…]
Table 1 shows that while West European and Japanese dependence on Middle East oil is already very large, that of the United States is relatively insignificant. [More…]
It has been estimated, however, that, with the growth of energy demand and the exhaustion of domestic natural gas reserves, the United States may require 1,100-1,200 million tons of oil in 1980 and 1,250-1,500 million tons in 1985, and that domestic production is unlikely to exceed 600 million tons in the former year or 720 million tons in the latter. [More…]
In return, Middle Eastern governments would then be receiving an estimated annual income from oil exported to the United States, Western Europe and Japan alone of up to $40,000m a year, forcing them to become substantial partners in the international financial system. [More…]
The point I make is that Western Europe, Japan and the United States are becoming almost entirely reliant on the MiddleEast. [More…]
In summary, I think it is fundamentally crucial that this country should not be placed in an identical situation to that which now faces the United States. [More…]
Its national fuel and energy policy has been left entirely to the dictates of the multi-national corporations which have no responsibility to the United States or to any other country. [More…]
That is the clear experience throughout the whole history of the arbitration system in Australia and our experience is similar to what happens in other countries such as the United States, England and the other European nations. [More…]
Projects currently being undertaken include a sociological study of drivers involved in serious accidents; effectiveness of Victorian seat belt wearing legislation; review of United States traffic court practices; effectiveness of defensive driving courses - feasibility study; driver behaviour at ‘stop’ and give way’ signs; effectiveness of Victorian 70 mph speed limit; improved seat belt design to increase acceptability: requirements for drivers’ forward field of view; survey of vehicle inspection schemes; and the effect of vehicle colour on accidents - study design. [More…]
We perhaps have something to learn from the experience in the United States of America and Canada in this matter. [More…]
Yet in other parts of the world, notably in the United States of America, efforts have been made to mass produce homes in factories and to bring the price down so that everybody might enjoy the benefit of living in reasonable accommodation. [More…]
But honourable members should know that for very many years there have been cases, for instance, of the United States, Greek or Italian persons who have become naturalised in Australia being called up for military service when they visited their countries of origin. [More…]
Indeed, what the Australian Government is seeking to achieve in its relations not only with Britain but also with a number of other countries - the United States, China, Canada, and our Asian neighbours, for instance - is to give formal recognition to what has already happened, as the necessary foundation for a realistic, more independent, more mature foreign policy. [More…]
The payment for idle time in that year was $824,000, in 1968-69 it jumped to $2.8m and then to the figure which I mentioned of $6.2m in 1970-71 and $8.2m in 1971-72. lt reminds me somewhat of the situation that used to prevail in the United States of America under the soil bank scheme. [More…]
The main import of it was that by some strange twist of the imagination he associated the complete breakdown of the free enterprise system in the United States of America with his story about the non-production of hogs. [More…]
The United States of America - I do not think anybody would suggest that the United States is a socialist country - has a program of assistance for rental and co-operative housing for lower income families. [More…]
In the United States of America it is recognised that people on low incomes should be assisted in this way, and a scheme has been devised by which the lower rental families are subsidised. [More…]
In the limited time available to me I have been able to refer to Britain, the United States of America and Canada, where the governments have done something about this problem. [More…]
For instance, in the United States of America the whole housing situation has been made more liquid so that people can buy and sell houses very much more readily than they can in Australia. [More…]
Byron Kennedy, Melbourne, $2,000 - To assist with fares and living allowance for study of production techniques, marketing and distribution for 12 weeks in the United States. [More…]
Michael Robertson, Sydney, $2,500- To assist with economy around the world air ticket, to study feature film production in the United States, England and Europe, to cover fees for a Summer School (shortened film course) at the University of Southern California and to assist with living expenses for 8 weeks while in the United States. [More…]
Stanley Draper, Hobart, $1,750- To cover fares for visits to television networks in London, Europe and Canada and the United States to examine Super 8 Colour Film as a production format for a television news operation and the use of Super 8 equipment as a vision input to video cassette systems and in educational television. [More…]
They have ended up in Canada, the United States of America or Europe doing jobs which they could profitably have done here. [More…]
I preface my question by pointing out that the airlines have set their charges in United States dollars and they convert this amount into Australian dollars to determine the charge to Australian travellers and exporters. [More…]
So in actual fact there has been a revaluation and an adjustment of fares in overseas countries where the United States dollar rates apply. [More…]
Just imagine the uproar if this had happened in the United States of America. [More…]
I remind the House that one of the Prime Minister’s first acts towards one of this country’s most friendly international neighbours was to deliver a strong note of protest to the President of the United States of America. [More…]
The meat hygiene inspection requirements of the United States and other countries reveal quite clearly that foreign governments will accept only a national authority. [More…]
According to Michael T. Klare in his book War Without End’, the United States financed the relocation of thousands of political prisoners from mainland gaols to the prison island of Con Son, the site of the notorious tiger cage cells. [More…]
After 2 United States Congressmen visited the inhuman tiger cages in 1970 more American money was used to build 288 new isolation cells at Con Son. [More…]
It further made a decision - although the Treasurer (Mr Crean) was inclined to say that it was not a decision - not to devalue the Australian currency at the time that the United States of America decided to devalue by 10 per cent. [More…]
The point is the relationship with our competitors, and I refer particularly to Canada and Brazil which devalued with the United States dollar. [More…]
take up again the furphy, because it is repeated so often, that the big mining companies ought not to have signed their contracts in United States dollars and I repeat that, in the circumstances of those days, it was impossible to write a large contract other than by tying it to United States dollars. [More…]
If those contracts had not been written in that way there would have been no development, no contracts and not one new project, Yet the Government says again and again that the mining companies ought not to have tied their contracts to United States dollars because if the Government were to admit the reality, it must accept some of the blame, as indeed it must. [More…]
I say that, even if the Treasurer, in respect of the second matter, tried to pretend that he had not made a decision but had simply allowed the currency to remain as it was when the whole world was considering what it would do in relation to the United States currency as a result of the United States decision - it has a decision. [More…]
I wish to draw the attention of the House and of the public to the disgraceful way in which the recent Coral Sea Week celebrations have been used by leading members of the Government to express their hatred, contempt and dislike of the United States of America and our whole American connections and previous relationships. [More…]
For this Coral Sea Week the United States President sent out as the chief American celebrant an astronaut whose name is well known and who has represented his country continuously. [More…]
I draw this to the attention of the House because, above all, this occasion which should have been one to celebrate our previous victory with our allies was used by the Government as a vehicle to express the very fashionable hatred now felt by large numbers of members of the Australian Labor Party, and particularly by leading members of the Government, towards the United States and everything American. [More…]
I think that this disgraceful episode should be made known and that as many people as possible should express resentment at these kinds of occasions being used by the Government to express its hatred of the United States. [More…]
I certainly would agree with that statement because, as the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) himself knows full well, that his Government has been sadly discredited by the sordid repercussions of what I could call the Murphy affair, the manner in which the Prime Minister has destroyed the reservoir of good will with the United States of America built up over a quarter of a century by the former Government, the failure to control effectively the problem of inflation, the degree to which he has ignored the interests of the rural sector, his lamentable preparedness to advantage the trade union movement by sectional legislation - contrary to public interest - the divisions in his own ranks between Left and Right and his total Prime Ministerial incapacity to control the Left wing of his Party. [More…]
The United States dollar was in fact in post World War II the crucial element in this stability. [More…]
The United States dollar became the major international currency. [More…]
Most nations official exchange rates were expressed in terms of United States dollars and it was the major international reserve currency. [More…]
Since August 1971, however, the United States dollar has not been convertible into gold, although remaining readily convertible into other currency for payments and transfers. [More…]
The Committee met at a time when the United States dollar was under strong pressure. [More…]
The Treasurer has judged the United States actions as significant. [More…]
In regard to funding the ‘overhang’ or the excess’ holding of United States dollars in the Committee’s statement, the mechanism by which this is to be done is not disclosed. [More…]
The concept of primary reserve assets entering and leaving the United States can be regarded as a form of discipline against the United States. [More…]
Australia has a very large holding of United States dollars, which has risen strongly. [More…]
This has particular relevance to Australia at a time when the United States and Japan, each with different balance of payments problems, are seeking a special relationship with the European Economic Community. [More…]
On an issue such as whether trade should accompany international monetary reform, of course, we will take the same attitude, for instance, as the United States, which wants to break down trade barriers to get access to trading blocks, etc. [More…]
The saga of the foreign exchange control continued with the devaluation of the United States dollar on 12th February 1973. [More…]
Compared with the pre-December revaluation situation, Australia’s currency was now appreciated by 19.6 per cent against the United States dollar; 12.7 per cent against Sterling; and 5 per cent against Japan and Germany. [More…]
Second, the question of ‘disequilibrating capital flows’ - and the related problem of bringing about a ‘convertibility’ obligation on the part of the United States and the United States dollar, to which I might say the United States, as I understand it, is by no means averse - is of key importance. [More…]
What is involved here is the devising of a scheme to fund or demonetise - as I put it in an earlier speech in this House - those swags of excess United States dollars now ‘sloshing around’ in the foreign exchange markets of the world and poised, per medium of the Euro-dollar market and the operations of the multi-national companies, to flood in this direction and that whenever the betting is good for up-valuation of a currency. [More…]
With a devaluation, actual or relative, of the United States dollar imminent in early February last, the central banks of Europe and Japan - as the Treasurer records in his statement - absorbed no less than $US9 billion in the first 9 days of February. [More…]
Be that as it may, there can be no sound international monetary system until this vast de-stabilising element is neutralised - hopefully, by funding into longer-term United States bonds or other assets, not necessarily American, encouraged by sufficiently attractive terms. [More…]
But then we have been holding United States dollars for decades - sometimes at very attractive rates. [More…]
Of course, the United States of America is the archtype of the sluggish deficit adjuster and Japan of the sluggish surplus adjuster. [More…]
The Treasurer himself refers to a payments deficit by the United States of around SUS30 billion in 1971 - the actual trade deficit was less than that - and the Japanese surplus, the major counterpart of the United States deficit, was of the order of 6 billion. [More…]
We should observe, note and deplore the fact that Mr Schweitzer has virtually been pushed out by United States pressure. [More…]
Both the United Kingdom and the United States of America have been very sluggish in doing this. [More…]
But what a change there would be in the situation if instead of the United States Navy having ships in the Gulf of Tonkin the Soviet Navy had ships off the coast off New Zealand and naked aggression was being committed by the Soviet Navy against the New Zealanders instead of by the American Navy against the Vietnamese. [More…]
The Soviet Union and the United States came to fruitful conclusions after entering into the strategic arms limitation talks, and there has been a general movement throughout the world to lessen the impact of strategic arms. [More…]
There are clear penalties in countries such as Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Israel for the contravention of collective agreements. [More…]
Our experience coincides with experience in other countries such as the United States, England and the European industrial nations. [More…]
The only comparable country at the moment that requires a person taking a citizenship to make an oath or a statement of renunciation of his country of origin is the United States of America. [More…]
The amendments will strengthen the projection of Australia’s national identity, and this nation will become identified more and more as Australia, the island in the South Pacific and not the third island of the United Kingdom or the fifty-first State of the United States of America. [More…]
I do not believe that fellows like Biggs and other interantional crooks would be able to move in and out of the United States, Australia, Canada and Great Britain if this policy were adopted and eventually implemented because with positive means of identification such as the left thumb print or the right or left index finger print it would make it virtually impossible for such people to obtain somebody else’s passport. [More…]
I believe, the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America, which also derived its law initially from England, has over recent years drastically revised its approach to the problem. [More…]
The latter follows from the United States Supreme Court acknowledgment of a right of privacy or liberty in matters related to marriage, family and sex. [More…]
Later, on 22nd January of this year, this was confirmed by the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
Father John Reedy C.S.C., in the United States of America, a respected American theologian, said: [More…]
Faced with a similar question of rights, including the right to life of the foetus, the United States Supreme Court laid down rules for all abortion laws. [More…]
In March 1970 Hawaii became the first State of the United States to legislate that abortion should be a personal matter to be decided between a woman and her physician. [More…]
She can fly to Japan if she wants to do so or to the United States of America. [More…]
The sentiments I am expressing have already been reflected in different ways by the United States Supreme Court which in, I think, a 5 to 2 majority decision - this kind of issue reflects a divided community - brought down a 3 part decision on how this problem should be treated, in much the same way as this Bill seeks to do, firstly, on request up to a certain number of weeks; after that a second period because a degree of viability has been achieved and in that case a different and more difficult test has to be satisfied; and after that a much more difficult test to satisfy. [More…]
Although at present a 12-mile limit seems to be most widely favoured, Aus tralia still asserts a 3-mile claim, as do the United Kingdom, the United States and a number of other major countries, and Australia is therefore not bound to recognise wider claims by other states. [More…]
It is not a new concept in Europe, the United States of America and Scandinavia but already the implementation of this policy has created new problems needing new and flexible policies. [More…]
The United States of America and Canada, for example, did not catch up until well into the 1920s and later. [More…]
The reason why I am of the opinion that there is a need for a strong manager or team for each development corporation is that it has been demonstrated in the United States and the United Kingdom that success depends ultimately on jobs. [More…]
Clause 5 of the Bill indicates that the value of the loan that is to be guaranteed by the Australian Government is to be expressed in United States currency and will be expressed in parity with the Australian dollar. [More…]
The Constitution, as amended in 1946, now places the emphasis on co-operation between federal and State governments for the purpose of giving effect to Conventions relating to matters appropriate, in whole or part, for state rather than federal action, and in this and other ways significant progress has been made in resolving the problem in respect of all the federal states except the United States; in Australia and Canada, in particular, there has been substantial progress. [More…]
For example, in countries such as Communist China, there are industries which technologically are just as efficient as any industry in Australia or the United States of America, perhaps not overall, but in the smaller areas where these industries - for example, the textile industry - apply principles which they have imported from overseas. [More…]
In Australia and in other countries such as the United Kingdom or the United States of America, there is freedom to organise, freedom to come together and freedom of discussion. [More…]
I referred earlier to decisions which have been taken in other parts of the world - Europe and the United States of America - wherever container cargoes are handled. [More…]
It moved from its quarters on the west coast of the United States to an area in which it could gain more freedom to move. [More…]
They then go on to point out that the United States Government has an agreement with the Vietnamese Government whereby a release form is sent to Vietnam and the child can then leave for its new home within 6 weeks of its being located, during Which time the legal adoption process is conducted and completed in Vietnam. [More…]
In regard to the matters raised concerning the United States Government and its procedures, I must say to the honourable member very specifically and very honestly that I am not aware of these procedures. [More…]
We possess possibly 40 per cent of the free world’s uranium reserves outside those which are held by the United States of America. [More…]
The contracts are written, of course, in terms of United States dollars. [More…]
Again, most of the uranium is to be sold under contracts written in terms of United States dollars. [More…]
Has he noticed that similar attitudes are not imposed on the United States by the People’s Republic of China? [More…]
The United States recognises the Government in Taipei as the Government of the whole of China. [More…]
Will the Minister investigate the possibility of such a collection and museum showing the history of Australia’s immigration program being set up as has been done in the United States? [More…]
His permanent pair is Senator Dame Nancy Buttfield who is absent in the United States of America. [More…]
They include the Government’s incapacity in terms of inflation, the degree to which it has destroyed goodwill with the United States of America built up over a quarter of a century, the fact that in terms of inflation it has offered no effective remedy to what is Australia’s major economic problem, the problems it is having with the Labor States in terms of off-shore legislation, the degree to which it is seeking a centralised socialist approach with, of course, murmurings of nationalisation in regard to a number of major industries. [More…]
Hie time allowed in connection with some of the other Bills was as follows: Seamen’s Compensation Bill - for all stages, 5 minutes, Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Bill - for all stages, 5 minutes; and the United States Naval Communication Station (Civil Employees) Bill - for all stages, 5 minutes. [More…]
I am sure honourable members will realise that in the United States of America there have been great problems associated with pipelines. [More…]
If one looks at the maps held by the Federal Power Commission in Washington one can see that the whole of the United States is criss-crossed by pipelines often going over one another and under one another. [More…]
Of course, one only has to look at what has happened in particular in the United States to realise what can happen if one tries to squeeze the cost of petroleum products. [More…]
This has happened particularly in the case of natural gas in the United States where the Federal Power Commission set an extremely low price. [More…]
The final result was that the supplies of natural gas in the United States have been running down and down. [More…]
This certainly has been shown to be the case in the United States. [More…]
United States of America is having severe problems with rationing and shortages. [More…]
In the United States of America the Federal Power Commission has jurisdiction over the interstate transportation of natural gas and over the sale of natural gas in interstate commerce for resale. [More…]
Although various areas of authority are still poorly defined in the United States, there is the rational desire for Federal control and evaluation of national interest in that country. [More…]
The Japanese and United States energy crisis has been canvassed widely. [More…]
It has been estimated that United States imports of oil and natural gas will be worth of the order of $30 billion in 1985. [More…]
Japan and the United States are combining to develop Siberian oil and gas in their own long term interest and, one assumes, that of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
It is clear that Australia and Canada will be heavily involved in the requirements of the United States and Japan. [More…]
Some writers are now suggesting that the United States may not face an energy crisis for 15 years and that there may not be a major foreign policy problem for the United States if that country follows less inept policies. [More…]
If the United States and the other major consuming countries achieve a rationalisation of international oil trade, perhaps we will have another set of facts to deal with. [More…]
director of the United Nations resources department, recently stated that what the United States faces now is ‘not a crisis of resources, but a lack of planned development’. [More…]
The lesson to be learned from the United States’ problems is that every nation must pursue a carefully planned program for energy development. [More…]
In the United States there are about 170,000 miles of natural gas pipeline to serve a population of about 205 million people. [More…]
On the basis of the ratio of pipeline to population as in the United States, Australia should have between 11,000 and 12,000 miles of natural gas pipeline, whereas only about 3,000 miles of pipeline is to be laid. [More…]
Clearly this is well inside the ratio which is evident in the United States. [More…]
In fact it was equally as efficient as perhaps one of the largest in the world, the Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States. [More…]
But there is a vast difference between the gate price of 16c a thousand cubic ft and a price of $1.25 a thousand cubic ft at the other end which would have been the terms of the agreement between Magellan Petroleum Australia at Palm Valley and the Pacific Lighting Co. of the western seaboard of the United States. [More…]
Palm Valley is largely controlled by Magellan, United Caruso, Freeport Sulphur and Pantepec which are all of the United States. [More…]
It is estimated that by 1985 Western Europe, Japan and the United States will have to import crude oil heavily. [More…]
The United States will have a cost burden for imported crude by 1985 of $32 billion per annum. [More…]
If one talks in terms of uranium of which we have about 200,000 short tons, it has been estimated that the United States will not be in a position to export enriched uranium after 1980. [More…]
1 was interested in the remarks that the honourable member for Farrer (Mr Fairbairn) made about the United States. [More…]
I would like to make the humble observation that whilst 1 agree that there is a world energy crisis, if one takes the time to analyse the situation in the United States one finds that a high proportion of oil, gas uranium and fossil fuel is owned and controlled by multi-national corporations. [More…]
The second point to be noted is that a high proportion of research expenditure in the United States in recent years has been in the area of nuclear power and a very minute proportion has been in MHD - that is the conversion of fossil fuel whereby one can reduce the pollution content. [More…]
Had the multinational corporations diverted their money into research in this area they could nave conserved for the United States a far greater proportion of that country’s oil and gas. [More…]
It is my humble belief that if one takes the time to study this matter there is a vast dichotomy between the figures that are tabled by the United States multi-national corporations and those given by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in the United States. [More…]
It is perfectly obvious what the multi-national corporations in the United States have done and have persisted in since the agreement was reached under which the National Fuel Commission operates in the United States. [More…]
They pushed a public relations exercise across the board in the United States in the hope that it would force the American Government to decontrol the price control structure in that country. [More…]
They were very wise not to go far enough to force the Federal Government in the United States to take a hand. [More…]
The point I am trying to make is simply this: The situation in the United States could have been alleviated to a marked degree had the national government taken a far deeper interest in the energy problem that currently faces that country. [More…]
Its failure to do so has put the United States in a position where today its natural gas and particularly its crude oil reserves have reached crisis proportions. [More…]
The United States may have valued its natural gas too cheaply as compared with other fuels. [More…]
In Canada and in the United States of America, as well as in other overseas fields, natural gas supplies are diminishing. [More…]
United States of America there are 170,000 miles of pipeline to serve 205 million people. [More…]
Voluntary price control measures of the 1960s in the United States of America were as ineffective as the more recent Canadian moves. [More…]
Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America, to quote some key examples, have tried voluntary price control. [More…]
But the considerable resort to such measures overseas and notably in the United States and the United Kingdom is a pretty compelling reason for trying. [More…]
There can be variations according to the dimensions, whether it is voluntary or mandatory, whether it is in the short term - including at one extreme a complete freeze as was essayed in the United States from August to November 1971, the main impact of which is to give a shock effect to inflationary expectations - or in the long term; according to the scope of the controls in respect of prices, whether it is limited to firms of a certain size; and so on. [More…]
In the United States there is the Price Commission and the. [More…]
Council of Economic Advisers of the Kennedy Administration in 1962 in the United States stated that the general guide for wage behaviour to be non-inflationary is that the increase in wage rates in each industry is equal to the . [More…]
These studies show that the basic explanation is to be found in the greatly accelerated inflation in the United States in the mid-1960s and its subsequent transmission around the world. [More…]
He maintained that the basic cause of the sudden upsurge in world inflation was excess demand conditions in the United States after 196S, brought about mainly by the enormous escalation of United States military involvement in Vietnam at that time and the consequent enormous escalation of United States military spending. [More…]
In the 1950s and early 1960s, basically, the United States economy was characterised by approximate stability of prices; and this exercised a stabilising influence on world prices. [More…]
And the inflation tax has fallen on the whole world economy, not merely the citizens of the United States. [More…]
The world inflation, then, can be attributed largely to a change towards inflationary behaviour on the part of the United States. [More…]
The details of events in other countries can of course be used to tell a tale of domestic causation of inflation and in particular to blame inflation on the irresponsibility of the trade unions, but I would instead regard them merely as details in the process of transmission of world inflation, sparked by the United States, to the individual countries concerned. [More…]
Secondly, Professor Johnson, immediately after the passage I quoted, went on to spell out ways in which inflation could be transmitted from the United States to other countries. [More…]
The first is through the United States’ chronically large balance of payments deficit and the consequent build-up of reserves in other countries, making monetary policies difficult to manage in those countries. [More…]
That was accentuated if expectations of an appreciation of the currencies of those countries relative to the United States dollar built up. [More…]
This monetary effect of course related to the demand levels as would a general improvement in the balance of trade brought about by the com petitive position of a country vis-a-vis the United States. [More…]
He accepted in that article the great importance of United States expenditure as an initiator of the world inflation. [More…]
He studied inflation in 7 countries around the world and came to the same conclusion as Professor Johnson about the importance of inflation starting in the United States in 1966 due to the Vietnam war involvement and then spreading to other countries. [More…]
In an excellent study of the recent ‘wage explosion’ in 7 countries, Nordhaus concludes that the primary cause was the build-up of price expectations in the United States. [More…]
This produced increased inflation rates in the United States and this has been transmitted to the rest of the world via the channels for the international spread of price and activity fluctuations mentioned above. [More…]
These articles all reject the union militancy hypothesis and point instead to the upsurge of world inflation initiated in the United States in the mid-1960s and being transmitted to countries all over the developed capitalist world by way of demand effects through the balance of payments and by way of direct and indirect price effects through imports particularly but also through exports. [More…]
‘Star Spangled Banner’ was composed in 1814 and was long a popular patriotic song in the United States, long before Congress enacted that it should be a national anthem as late as 1931. [More…]
When the previous Government was in power we were endeavouring to arrange an accommodation with the communist countries, slowly but surely, while still retaining our friendship with countries like the United States of America. [More…]
I am thinking in particular of the way in which 3 of the Ministers in the Whitlam Government deliberately insulted the President of the United States and the way that the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) himself deliberately insulted Thailand. [More…]
For example, on 4th July 1969 a dozen or so youths in 3 cars broke 18 windows of the United States Consulate-General in Melbourne. [More…]
United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971- For all stages of the Bill, 5 minutes. [More…]
On 2nd March 1970 a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the United States Consulate-General in Melbourne. [More…]
On 7th May 1970 a home made bomb was used in an attempt to damage the United States Consulate-General in Melbourne. [More…]
The United States Consulate-General and the Pan Am building in Melbourne were attacked. [More…]
while the glass sample you provided has been through a heat treatment process akin to that required to meet safety glass specifications, it does not meet United States, British or Australian standards for wind screen safety glass. [More…]
It is interesting to note that in the United States of America it has been established that 46.1 per cent of girls are sexually active before 20 years of age. [More…]
I think that the action of the United States of America is the major root cause of this movement. [More…]
The causes of inflation are world-wide and, I believe, relate originally to the very unwise economic policies of the United States of America and the export of United States dollars - the Euro dollar - and the effects this has had throughout the, world. [More…]
The successful use of the wage freeze by President Nixon in 1971 was a circuit breaker in a vicious cycle that was going around and it was successful for the period it lasted but already the United States again is running into serious problems in relation to inflation. [More…]
The suggestions have been tried in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The experience in the United States of America and in Canada is certainly against <that view. [More…]
In the United States it was decided, as far back as 1947 by the American Supreme Court, that the federal government there had sovereignty from the low water mark. [More…]
There are also very important questions affecting international relations; questions affecting the maritime boundary in the Torres Strait, for example, which is a matter of some concern; questions of defence such as the provision of early warning devices on the seabed - the United States Government has sought to deal with some problems in this area - matters over which the Commonwealth has undivided responsibility and matters which are of great concern to every member of this House. [More…]
I do not think we have been given a full and accurate story on what has happened in the United States or in Canada in regard to these matters. [More…]
I instance the experience of the United States of America, where, for the past 25 years, they have been attempting by litigious means to get a solution of this problem. [More…]
The following countries are some of the federations with divisions of power between the State and Federal authorities similar to Australia: The United States of America, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, Malaysia and Nigeria. [More…]
If the United States knows, why did the courts in the United States hold up to an amount of $1,3 65m in escrow because their courts could not decide whether this amount, which comes from 13369/73- -R- pi) royalties, was owned by the State or the Federal Government? [More…]
If everything is such plain sailing in the United States since the 1947 decision, why was it necessary to appoint recently a special master and to place in his hands the unresolved question regarding areas subject to Federal Government or State jurisdiction in the State of Louisiana? [More…]
It is good to know that, since the 1956 Agreement between Louisiana and the United States - and I stress that it was an agreement, not a court decision - dual permits or dual royalty payments have no longer been required. [More…]
However, the question of the duplicate payments made prior to that time has not yet been resolved even though Louisiana and the United States are holding some payments that are clearly from each other’s area. [More…]
When I was in the United States 6 years ago, a commissioner of the Federal Power Commission told me that he did not expect to see the end of litigation on the United States’ off-shore areas during his lifetime. [More…]
When we agreed on the joint Commonwealth-State offshore legislation on petroleum I hoped that Australia was capable of learning from the United States’ mistakes. [More…]
During the debate on the Commonwealth Electoral Bill the Minister for Services and Property (Mr Daly) paid great attention to the position as it applied in the United States of America. [More…]
As a rather good student, I now draw the attention of the Minister for Minerals and Energy, who is at the table, to the following position in the United States: By virtue of the Submerged Land Act of 1953, the coastal States, except for Texas and Florida, own the living and non-living resources of the seabed and the sub-soil of the sea out to 3 nautical miles from their coastline. [More…]
That is the position in the United States of America, a country where there is a truly com-operative system of federalism, a country which retains and respects the rights of the States. [More…]
Of all visitors to Australia, 21.5 per cent come from the United States. [More…]
A joint China-United States communique issued on 23rd February 1973 (Canberra time) announced that each side would establish a liaison office in tha capital of the other in the near future. [More…]
The United States continues in diplomatic relations with Taiwan and thus has achieved an exchange of representatives with both China and Taiwan. [More…]
The United States does not, however, have formal diplomatic relations with China and the liaison offices do not have the status of embassies. [More…]
and (3) The path to normalisation of relations with China now being taken by the United States was not open to Australia or to others, including Japan. [More…]
The former Australian Government sought to follow the United States pathof progressive normalisation while leaving the Taiwan issue on one side but was clearly unsuccesful. [More…]
We have- to accept that, presumably because of the ‘United States’ role in today’s world, Sino-United States relations are sul generis and dq not provide a model which others could realistically expect to emulate. [More…]
Tasmania and Western Australia at this stage have more senators than members in the House of Representatives and in 5 States in the United States, Alaska, Delaware, Nevada, Vermont and Wyoming, there is but one member of the House of Representatives although there must be 2 senators under the Constitution. [More…]
Most work has centred on attempting to quantify the impact on wool prices and changes in factors such as wool supply and demand influences, tastes, population, competition from substitute fibres, industrial activity, size of wool stocks, movement in future markets for tops, end use of fibres, inter fibre competition, wool industries in consuming countries and aspects of the international wool trade including such matters as the United States tariff. [More…]
However, the critics conveniently forget the fact that after the 1971 devaluation of the United States dollar the then Prime Minister, now the right honourable member for Lowe (Mr McMahon), made it clear that the dicey system of compensation was out and would be replaced by assistance for industries in difficulties. [More…]
If so, what was the estimated value of mineral exports in respect of those contracts written in United States dollars for the year ended 31 December 1972. [More…]
What is the estimated (a) capital investment, (b) number of employees, (c) amount of State royalties and (d) amount of other State revenue involved in respect of those companies whose principal income is from the export of minerals under contracts written in United States dollars. [More…]
I regret that it has not been possible this session to draft legislation parallel to the United States Freedom of Information Act which the Government is committed to introducing. [More…]
If anybody knows, the Leader of the Country Party knows that the one thing that could wreck the beef industry would be the imposition by the United States of America and other major nations of restrictions on imports from a country in which there was a specified disease. [More…]
There have been 2 deliberate revaluations against the United States dollar since December totalling 18 per cent, the United States being our major competitor in fruit on world markets. [More…]
If Australia’s local government bodies are compared with comparable bodies in other countries, it will be seen that the proportion of revenue raised by local councils in Australia is higher than it is in Canada, United States of America, Sweden and twice as high as it is in New Zealand. [More…]
Looking at government grants as a percentage of the ordinary revenue of local government, in Australia 14.7 per cent is provided by the Government, in New Zealand 20 per cent is provided by the Government, in the United States of America 28 per cent is provided by the Government, and in Canada 32 per cent, more than double the Australian figure, is provided by the Government. [More…]
A United States study showed that costs per head of population, after declining as the size of local government areas became larger, eventually began increasing as the optimum size was exceeded and we must be careful not to consolidate local government so far that it not only loses touch with the people but it also starts becoming less economic. [More…]
He went on and on and then they showed us a 10-minute film of the 3 men in the United States who started it all and even had ex-Vice President Humphrey on screen going mad about their product. [More…]
I believe that in the United States of America as much as $2m or $3m a year is spent on a single beach in patrols and in providing the services which our surf life savers give free. [More…]
There are illustrations of this in the United States and France. [More…]
For instance, the proportion of the total receipts that are collected by local government in Australia is 56.4 per cent; in Canada, 54 per cent; in New Zealand, 27.5 per cent; in the United States of America, 43 per cent; in Sweden, 50 per cent and in India 31.6 per cent. [More…]
Government grants as a percentage of ordinary revenue - that is from the common revenue pool - in Australia are 14.7 per cent; in New Zealand, 20 per cent; in Canada, 32 per cent; in the United States of America, 28 per cent and in Sweden, 22.4 per cent. [More…]
Invariably part of the agreement to purchase provides for the airline to pay, say, 20 per cent of the cost of the aircraft, the Exportimport Bank of the United States to make the remainder available. [More…]
The position in the United States is not as good as it is in the eastern European bloc countries. [More…]
There was one man whose position gave him unique power to achieve these changes and I here gratefully acknowledge the pivotal role played by President Nixon in ushering in a new and saner phase in our relations with China; in clearing the way for more intensive commercial, scientific, technical and cultural exchanges between the United States of America and the Soviet Union, and thereby achieving a successful first round of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and ending foreign intervention in Vietnam. [More…]
It should not be overlocked, however, that equally important parts of our foreign policy have required not specific actions but continuing activity directed towards strengthening relations with Japan, India and the Association of South East Asian Nations, with the United States and Canada, with Britain, and the other members of the European Economic Community. [More…]
The maintenance of our alliance with the United States under ANZUS remains most important for our security, since by its very nature it has created and guarantees in the Pacific a zone of peace in which the peoples of the region have for the last 20 years been free to pursue their political, economic and social goals without fear of hostile intervention or attack. [More…]
It is in the context of our attitudes to nuclear testing that the presence of two of the United States installations in Australia should be seen. [More…]
The United States Air Force detachment at Amberley and the Joint Geological and Geophysical Research Station at Alice Springs collectively possess technical facilities to monitor the testing of nuclear devices in the atmosphere, on the surface and underground. [More…]
The Government still has certain reservations about the United States Naval Communication Station at North West Cape and it is our intention to seek a renegotiation of the original terms of the agreement establishing this station in Australia. [More…]
I want to emphasise, however, that in our relations with the United States as with all other nations we should not allow any single aspect of our relations to dominate our whole approach. [More…]
This is particularly true of the United States, which has in the space of 20 years become dependent on foreign sources for more than 20 important industrial minerals in which it was previously self-sufficient. [More…]
Mineral and energy imports currently cost the United States some $US10 billion a year, and the trend towards growing dependence on imported supplies of oil was one of the key aspects of President Nixon’s recent statement on United States energy policies. [More…]
I hope that the new diplomatic relations that have been established with the Vatican may be used to liberate little Cuba from the sadistic economic embargo at the hands of certain hawkish influences that seem to have some control over successive United States governments. [More…]
Today, the Roman Catholic bishops are organised in exerting pressure on the United States Government to lift their ruthless embargo against little Cuba. [More…]
In the United States the hat was taken around and some thousands of United States dollars were collected to supply the necessary drugs. [More…]
On 7 June 1972 the Division for Latin America of the United States Catholic Conference issued the following statement on the United States embargo of Cuba: [More…]
I would applaud our Government as loudly as I possibly can if it sent to Cuba now a ship with the goods which are necessary to help that country overcome the sadness and tragedy which have been imposed upon it by the savagery of the United States embargo. [More…]
I agree with the Roman Catholic Bishops of Cuba and the United States Roman Catholic Bishops whom I applaud for their actions in seeking to end the economic embargo against this small country in the Caribbean. [More…]
We have seen what is happening in the United States at the present time. [More…]
In November 1972, these procedures were discussed at meetings in London and New York of Chief Migration Officers stationed in Europe, the Middle East and the United States of America and were field-tested in four migrant source countries. [More…]
He and a Mr Misenza, who is also on the staff of the University of Sydney and was an Assistant Attorney-General of Oregon in the United States, have recently been engaged in preparing a report on the subject in the Northern Territory. [More…]
Has he seen reports that the United States of America has accumulated a stockpile of minerals which would supply the world’s minerals and energy requirements for 3 years? [More…]
With regard to energy sources, I gravely doubt whether there will be any release by the United States. [More…]
As a matter of fact, at present the United States has a debit of about $US10 billion a year in imports of energy and it is anticipated that by the year 1980 that figure will have escalated to between $US30 billion and$US35 billion. [More…]
The principle operates in the building industries of a number of countries, including the United States of America. [More…]
For example, in the mid-1960s, a representative of another computer supplier accompanied a representative or representatives of the then Department of Social Services on a visit to the United States of America when the visit was for the purpose of inspecting computer installations. [More…]
1 ask; Firstly, was the Australian Ambassador to the United States present at this interview? [More…]
I understand that, as an example, prices of goods imported from the United States have increased by about 21 per cent. [More…]
United States and had resulted in small traders not being placed in an unfair trading position as compared with that of the larger business.. [More…]
In the United States of America there was set up the Prices Commission and the Pay Board. [More…]
Since December 1972 the Labor Government has revalued our currency 19 per cent against the United States dollar. [More…]
In both the United Kingdom and the United States of America attempts at voluntary incomes policies have not met with much success. [More…]
Sweden, Switzerland, certain provinces in Canada, some States in the United States of America, to name a few, have tackled this problem and looked at it in one way or another. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that in the United States of America, where it was held that the constitution required one vote one value, it has been conceded that 10 per cent is not necessarily enough to achieve it. [More…]
The Chinese Government has generally in the past made public announcements when its nuclear weapons tests have taken place; and the United States Atomic Energy Commission has released esti mates of the yield of all the tests monitored by them. [More…]
The whole matter arose from the failure of certain of the iron ore companies to anticipate the vagaries of the United States dollar in terms of international parity. [More…]
For those reasons I suggested to the Japanese representatives that in future appropriate adjustments would be made in respect of the existing contracts in the event of any further variations of the parities between the Australian dollar and the United States dollar. [More…]
It deals with the arrangements between the British and the United States publishers which make it very difficult indeed for the main sections of the Australian publishing industry. [More…]
This means that the book cannot be exported directly from the United States to Australia. [More…]
Imported tractors come mainly from the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Czechoslavakia and other continental areas. [More…]
I refer to some observations made by the honourable gentleman yesterday in which he gave advice to the President of the United States of America and suggested that under the Canberra model of so-called parliamentary government the Executive is answerable to Parliament. [More…]
I refer to the references made to previous visits to the United States by Sir Robert Menzies and the Prime Minister’s comment in which he said that he did not make arrangements very long ahead. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Will he now cease acting like a bull in a china shop and follow longestablished protocol in accord with proper diplomatic approaches in this matter in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment to Australia and the United States of America? [More…]
There will be a big shift in the petro-chemical industry, whose main base is in the United States, and that shift will come about because the supplies of feed stock - natural gas - in the United States are rapidly dwindling and will shortly diminish significantly. [More…]
Under those circumstances the petro-chemical industry at present so largely based in the United States will find other locations in the world. [More…]
In the United States of America there are 170,000 miles of natural gas mains to serve 210 million people. [More…]
Firstly I think I should point out that if there was ever an example of the fact that we have rushed into this matter wilh great speed, it is the prepared speech of the Minister for Minerals and Energy (Mr Connor), which has been just circulated to me, in which it is stated that in the United States of America there are 170,000 miles of natural gas mains to serve 210,000 million people. [More…]
The first of these is his series of references to the United States. [More…]
These remarks can only be interpreted as a gratuitous insult to the President and Administration of the United States. [More…]
In his statement the Prime Minister spoke of the United States as ‘our great ally’. [More…]
The maintenance of our alliance with the United States under ANZUS remains most important for our security. [More…]
At that Conference bitter criticism was made of ANZUS because it was a military alliance with the United States. [More…]
Take the question of United States bases in Australia. [More…]
But the conclusions which the Government draws from this new multi-polarity and the reduction of tension which has followed from the visits of the President of the United States to Peking and Moscow are dangerously simplistic. [More…]
Our overseas friends, particularly in the United States of America, whose President has had one insult after another cast upon him not only by senior members of the Government but also by the Prime Minister, are wondering where its old friend and ally stands. [More…]
He tried in a foreign affairs statement to gloss over the position of Australia in regard to the United States of America. [More…]
There are many factors which made the United States of America, the Soviet Union, China, Japan, Europe and India the major actors on the world stage. [More…]
We are for close and continuing relations with the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
The insensitive and brash actions of the Labor Government, and particularly some Ministers over whom the Prime Minister seems unable to assert his authority, have caused a serious decline in the close ties that Australia established between 1949 and 1972 with the United States. [More…]
The 24 May statement restored the United States as ‘our great ally’. [More…]
Yet a week later the Prime Minister presumes to tell the President of the United States that he ought to hold regular Press conferences and revamp the Government of the United States so he and the Presidency itself ‘would not be in their present parlous position*. [More…]
ANZUS is a legal embodiment of the common interests of the people of Australia, New Zealand and the United States. [More…]
We must also fit into this context the new Atlantic Charter which indicates the dynamic role the United States and others might play in the new Europe. [More…]
One case that immediately comes to mind is in our attitude to the ANZUS Treaty with the United States and New Zealand, upon which we continue to place great emphasis. [More…]
I do not think that that is the sort of ally that the United States needs or respects, nor is it the sort of attitude that a mature and independent Australia needs to adopt to win friends and influence people. [More…]
After all, our relations with the United States span a far wider spectrum than the matters of defence that are relevant to the ANZUS Pact. [More…]
The strength of our alliance with the United States in the ANZUS Treaty is increased by our association in other areas such as trade, investment, technology, aviation and culture. [More…]
As I have said previously, we continue to value highly the great contribution to the development of our defence capability which flows from our close association with the United States in various areas of defence. [More…]
In security matters our closest relationship is with the United States of America, but that does not rule out participating in the peacekeeping operations of the United Nations, honouring our obligations to our partners in the Five-Power Arrangements, including Malaysia and Singapore, encouraging the development of Association of South East Asian nations and the concept of a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality in South East Asia and engaging in defence co-operation with other countries in our region. [More…]
If overseas experience in relation to consumption, particularly in the United States of America, is any real guide, as I believe it is, there is major potential for further immediate improvements in Australia. [More…]
the views expressed by persons such as Mr E. B. Baysinger of the United States Department of Interior, and [More…]
Was the DDL only compared with alternatives such as the Dutch DDG, the United Kingdom Type 42 destroyer and various United States patrol frigates. [More…]
and (4) Mr E. J. M. Zvobgo was admitted to Australia as a visitor from the United States of America. [More…]
In a further statement on 20 February 1973 the Minister indicated that submissions from rural industries claiming to have been seriously affected by the devaluation of the United States dollar would likewise be considered on the basis of those criteria. [More…]
During 1947 he and his wife began a hurricane tour of Europe and the United States of America to find sufficient shipping, which was quite scarce at that time, to bring new settlers to Australia. [More…]
With the widening disparity between the value of the United States dollar and the Australian dollar there would be a tendency for Australian-based United States subsidiaries to raise capital in Australia by debentures and other means. [More…]
A recent OECD study indicated that, of the OECD members, only in Portugal and the United States were taxes on fuel a lower percentage of gross domestic product than in Australia. [More…]
Senior United States Liaison Office, Melbourne [More…]
United States Naval Communications Station, North West Cape [More…]
Can he say whether tax concessions are granted by the United States Government to American companies spending money in exploration programs within Australia. [More…]
It is understood that the United States tax law permits deductions in United States tax assessments for expenditure incurred by a United States company in exploring for oil in Australia. [More…]
However, the United States tax law does not contain provisions similar to sections 77A, 77C, 77D and 78. [More…]
I did check out this matter and I found that the description of the man in question as a leader in crime did not agree with the information in the possession of either the United States authorities or the Australian authorities. [More…]
I would like to say that we enjoy the closest possible liaison with United States crime detection agencies in the prevention of the movement of criminals to Australia or, for that matter, from Australia. [More…]
by leave - I take this opportunity to report promptly and briefly to the Parliament and, through the Parliament, to the Australian people on my recent overseas visit to Mexico - the first by an Australian Prime Minister - to the United States and to Ottawa to represent Australia at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. [More…]
The purpose in Washington, we understand, was to re-establish the friendly relations between Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
Yet that was the primary purpose of the visit to the United States - to reestablish those relations. [More…]
There was some difficulty in negotiating the discussions with the President of the United States of America and the discussions were relatively brief, but they were held. [More…]
But not only the present President of the United States but also two of his distinguished predecessors - Johnson and Kennedy - were maligned by the Prime Minister in Ottawa only days after the endeavour to re-establish friendly relations had been made in Washington. [More…]
In the United States of America the Prime Minister continued his attack on the South East Asia Treaty Organisation, again without offering constructive alternatives. [More…]
There is another area of the discussions the Prime Minister held overseas - those in the United States - which highlight the problems of not being able to talk on this matter. [More…]
I refer to the difficulties that emanate from the deterioration in Australia’s relationships with the United States. [More…]
I might mention that the Australian Parliament sits about onethird of the time that the Congress of the United States of America, the House of Commons of Canada and the British House of Commons sit. [More…]
They did not cease that involvement until the United States withdrawal with under way. [More…]
The ability of the 2 super powers, the Soviet Union and the United States, to destroy each other by nuclear exchange has placed substantial restraint on direct military confrontation. [More…]
China for its part has effected some rapprochement with both the United States and Japan, and has strong interests in the avoidance of major international conflict. [More…]
We shall certainly maintain Australia’s security association with the United States and New Zealand under the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
The extensive modernisation of our 3 Charles F. Adams class destroyers was to have been carried out in United States dockyards. [More…]
In Great Britain, committees are not given the importance of committees in, say the United States, although many Bills are considered by a Ways and Means Committee. [More…]
Britain and the United States of America in a sense seem paralysed in this sphere. [More…]
We did not follow the United States down when it devalued later. [More…]
In view of the controversy which has arisen in Western Australia over transport difficulties of prisoner-of-war survivors of the United States vessel ‘Houston’ going to Western Australia for a reunion and appeals which have been made to give them financial assistance, will the Minister for Defence clarify the past practice in these matters? [More…]
I received a communication from the secretary of the ExPrisoner ofWar Association of Australia who wrote to me asking for assistance to provide flight services from Learmonth and from Woomera for 30 exprisonersofwar and their wives from the United States of America. [More…]
I understand that United States authorities have arranged for their airlift according to the availability of aircraft into Learmonth and Woomera and according to availability of space on aircraft. [More…]
In the United States, the landmark cases which were recently before Chief Justice Warren, as in Wesberry v. Sanders in 1964, defined the meaning of ‘as nearly as practicable’ as a percentage of the order of 15 per cent variation from the quota. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Lynch) cited the case of Wesberry v. Sanders in the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
It is contained in volume 376 of the United States Law Reports at page 10 of which the following appears: [More…]
This was a reference to the United States Constitutional Convention of 1778. [More…]
The electors are to be the great body of the people of the United States. [More…]
The Australian system of federal government closely follows the system of the United States and the same principles held to be valid there are valid in our great nation. [More…]
Before I conclude I refer to the case of Reynolds v. Sims which is reported in the United States Law Reports. [More…]
I confessed with a sense of no shame last evening the effect that the disintegration of the old Commonwealth had had upon me; the fact that I had looked with a measure of anxiety, a measure of unfeigned hope, for the Commonwealth to be given a role between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. [More…]
That was a most valuable suggestion because we see that, in the United States a minimum income agricultural policy has just been passed through the Congress of that country. [More…]
We know that already nuclear weapons are in the hands of the United States of America, the Soviet Union, Communist China, Great Brittain and France. [More…]
This judgment must take into account the effects of the recent revaluation of the Australian dollar and the subsequent revaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
It must be remembered also that major manufacturing nations such as Japan and the United States of America provied positive encouragement to exporters. [More…]
The Leader of the House in his speech on this motion referred to the committee systems which now operate in the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. [More…]
The United States Senate committees under Senator McCarthy remain fresh in everybody’s minds. [More…]
High beef prices are almost entirely due to the demand for that product abroad, particularly in the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
lt has certainly not succeeded in the United States. [More…]
In a paper published in the ‘International Currency Review’ of August 1971 he makes the point that inflation is a world problem, that the increase in the rate of world inflation in the second half of the 1960s is primarily the responsibility of the United States, which financed the Vietnam war by inflation rather than taxation, and that due to the United States’ predominant position in the world economy its inflation was transported to the rest of the world. [More…]
The world inflation then can be attributed largely to a change towards inflationary behaviour on the part of the United States. [More…]
recruited from the United States of America as an adviser on Aboriginal rights, has criticised the absence of Aborigines from the bodies which determine policies on aboriginal affairs? [More…]
If technical reasons limit the use of the VHF band, can he say why the United States of America with a large number of broadcasters, and most other countries, can cope with the use of the VHF band. [More…]
Countries such as the United States of America have retained FM broadcasting in the VHF band by providing a television service employing UHF channels in addition to those in the VHF band, and have also had to significantly compromise their stereophonic transmissions and superimposed services. [More…]
I would submit, as was rightly said here last night, that it was a pale echo of phase 3 of the United States policy. [More…]
The United States could not have done what it did, nor could the United Kingdom, unless more preliminary steps were taken. [More…]
In the United States before phase 2 or phase 3 was introduced there was in existence the Economic Stabilisation Act. [More…]
The Australian Labor Party has taken this country from its previous foreign affairs stance and moved it so that in the last 6 months we have offered public insult to the United Kingdom, offered public insult to our regional friends in Malaysia, where so many Australians laid down their lives during the Second World War, and we have done it also in the United States of America to make it clear that we will not be subject to any criticism from other people around the world who are known commonly as those who threaten the peace and who have publicly announced that they will establish some great international socialist state if they possibly can. [More…]
This situation came about partly through bad seasons in the Northern hemisphere raising the prices of our exports, partly through the energy and materials crisis which is occurring in the United States and elsewhere - these are events external to Australia - and partly because of the sound policy of the Liberal-Country Party government in the past. [More…]
The United States of America, a bastion of free enterprise, is also the home of the greatest and most rapidly growing inflation in the world. [More…]
We had the situation of 3 Ministers publicly insulting the United States. [More…]
The Prime Minister has claimed that his recent visit to the United States restored relations with that country. [More…]
In the United States of America the courts have the right to intervene in electoral matters where injustice has been created. [More…]
A study undertaken recently by a task force in the United States of America for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has found that coronary disease is directly attributable to the work style and mode of living. [More…]
In view of these findings, will the Treasurer consider amending the Prices Justification Act so that, to use the eloquent words of United States Treasurer George Schultz: ‘Anyone who does not comply voluntarily will get clobbered’? [More…]
The Social Welfare Commission and the Australian Government have noted with interest the recent changes in personal welfare service systems in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
Equally, the Commission has noted the criticisms of the so-called ‘War on Poverty’ in the United States. [More…]
It left the Australian dollar static when the United States dollar depreciated by 10 per cent in January of this year. [More…]
I draw the attention of the House to the fact that in the United States of America there is an inbuilt safeguard in that the President nominates the Supreme Court judges and the States’ House - the Senate - must confirm the appointments in a majority vote. [More…]
Has the attention of the Minister for Transport been drawn to the proposals of the Government of the United States of America to compel motor manufacturers in the United States, as an environment, energy and consumer protection, to show on all new motor cars how many kilometres those cars can be expected to give to the litre? [More…]
The United States of America has a history of assistance for its wheat industry, flour, lard, poultry, some of the cotton varieties - the longer staples I think they are - rice, tobacco, certain oil seeds, the production qf non-fat dried milk and some feed grain. [More…]
Assistance is given in respect of all those things in the great country of the United States of America. [More…]
More recently we have changed from sterling to the United States dollar and now we face confusion. [More…]
They suggest that because Australia has disagreed with the United States of America relationships with that country have been affected. [More…]
The role of the United States in world trade has a great influence on many other countries. [More…]
In this phoney war the Labor Government, in addition to the provisions of the Budget, has allowed an effective series of dollar revaluations which have appreciated the Australian dollar against the United States dollar by more than 20 per cent, thus putting into jeopardy millions of Australians whose economic livelihood depends on the growth and prosperity of our wealth producing industries. [More…]
Woodsreef Mines Ltd sells its asbestos on a United States dollar base. [More…]
In 1971 the United States had just such a freeze and followed it with wage and price guidelines, but it is still struggling with an inflationary problem. [More…]
The decisive question is that it be brought under control in my own country - the United States,’ Professor Galbraith said at an airport Press conference. [More…]
They are substantially due to increased overseas demand for our meat, particularly from the United States. [More…]
They are being attacked by the disparity between the Australian dollar and the United States dollar. [More…]
I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Customs and Excise whether, in view of the scandal and imputations surrounding the Bally poker machine company of the United States, he will bar further imports of its poker machines or their parts into Australia. [More…]
He has completed that report, together with the assistance of Dr Misner who has had extensive experience in the United States. [More…]
First of all, he allowed Ministers to attack the United States. [More…]
Even though we are now out of Vietnam, even though the Republican President of the United States has forged a new detente with China and with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and even though there is not a country within 1,000 miles of Australia that appears to be remotely aggressive or expansionist - unless of course one thinks that New Zealand, since it went socialist, is a threat to Australia - clearly the Liberals would have spent some hundreds of millions of dollars more on defence. [More…]
Without analysing the differences between the United States and Australian economies, the Opposition would like us to follow the United States just as closely as we followed that nation into the Vietnam war. [More…]
The economy of the United States is largely independent and the cause of inflation largely cost-push, whereas Australia is an open economy with a significant part of its gross national product due to trade. [More…]
It started with the currency realignment in December and the appreciation of the Australian dollar, then by the Government in February refusing to follow the United States dollar down, the control over inflow of overseas funds, the 25 per cent across the board tariff cut and the further 5 per cent revaluation of the Australian dollar last, weekend. [More…]
Canada and the United States, but our geniuses of the Opposition who failed in government and are now stumbling along in Opposition cannot come up with a solution except to mouth slogans which are meaningless. [More…]
It is very comforting to look at a great range of figures and say: ‘I think perhaps you are right in contending that capital punishment has not led to any decrease in substantial crime, say, in the United States of America or the United Kingdom and, ergo, that will be our experience here in Australia’. [More…]
Of the 50 States of the United States of America 15 are abolitionist, and of the 32 States and territories of Mexico 29 are abolitionist. [More…]
I am referring to the work carried out by Professor Sellin in the United States who shows that in 265 cities - that is in 11 death-penalty States and 6 abolitionist States - where the police had always been armed, death penalty or not, in the abolitionist States there had been 1.2 fatal attacks on policemen per 100,000 of the population and in the capital punishment States the rate was 1.3. [More…]
A poll was conducted in California at about the time of the last United States presidential election. [More…]
It demonstrated the attitude of those citizens of the United States towards capital punishment. [More…]
I am reminded of the Constitution of the United States of America - this applies to some of the State constitutions in the United States of America - where there is a prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments. [More…]
How long ago was it that slaves running away in the United States of America when caught were killed by the courts? [More…]
In the early history of the United States of America capital punishment was as often as not imposed by a lynching mob; the electric chair came into use in 1890, and in 1937 the gas chamber was introduced. [More…]
In June last year the United States Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty, under most existing State and Federal laws, was unconstitutional. [More…]
I can remember the Rosenbergs in the United States in the early 1950s. [More…]
Under the terms of this Agreement, British publishers have agreed among themselves that they will not publish in the United Kingdom any book originating outside the British ‘traditional’ market (for example in the United States) unless they secure the rights to publish that book in the whole of the ‘traditional’ market, which includes Australia. [More…]
It appears that under the operation of this Agreement, rights acquired from United States publishers by British publishers need not necessarily be exercised, i.e., the British publisher may not proceed to publication. [More…]
These include long delays between dates of publication in the United States and in Britain. [More…]
It would be a new initiative for us but it has been for some time practised in the United States. [More…]
A whole range of measures, including 2 unilateral revaluations of the Australian dollar and a stay-put revaluation against the United States dollar have damaged the terms of trade of exporters, including farmers, by at least 25 per cent against competitors in the United States and Canada. [More…]
The countries are the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Israel, Austria, Sweden and the United States of America. [More…]
The main provisions in these treaties to which I refer are: Extradition is provided for in respect of extradition offences committed extra territorially; an offence against the law relating to genocide, referred to in the Genocide Convention Act 1949, as well as the taking of the life of a Head of State or a member of his or her family are not to be considered as crimes of a political character; a very important change has been made to the speciality rule so that an extradited person may be dealt with by the requesting country or be surrendered to a third state for offences other than those upon which the extradition was based where consent is given by the executive authority of the requested country; delivery at the time of surrender of any article that may be material evidence in proving an offence to which the requisition for the surrender of the fugitive relates; the custody of a fugitive who is in transit from one state to a third state; in the case of the United States of America, provision is made for the extradition for federal offences where there is an additional element in the extradi tion offence of such matters as the use of interstate facilities or use of mails or transporting across the borders of states. [More…]
It deals with such diverse subjects as insider trading, short sales, breaches of fiduciary duty and all the problems that arise from the capital market and the securities industry in Australia and in the United States, drawing on the United States experience. [More…]
Fourthly, there were the 3 revaluations of the Australian dollar against the United States dollar while virtually all of our competitors in the mining field moved with the United States dollar. [More…]
There have been 2 revaluations against the United States dollar which have reduced returns to mineral exporters more than to any other industry - and this is saying something. [More…]
He speaks favourably, even longingly, of the United States freeze which was on prices and incomes. [More…]
What is not acknowledged in the world, particularly by the United States of America, is that there are no more banana republics left. [More…]
Imports and unprocessed primary products were excluded from the 1971 freeze in the United States because it is impossible to cope with the administrative nightmare they represent. [More…]
Each phase of the new economic policy for the United States, originally announced by President Nixon in August 1971, has included controls and guidelines for both incomes and prices. [More…]
All restraints imposed by the United States Administration have been balanced between incomes and prices as they continue to be now during phase IV of that major program. [More…]
This is what occurred in the United States of America. [More…]
They have referred to the United States of America, Britain, European and other countries, yet in the next breath they have talked about the price of meat and how we in this country are being controlled by external forces and economies. [More…]
I think this is fair evidence of the rising prices of meat and is related directly to the United States price. [More…]
A recent Bureau of Agricultural Economics study showed that for every lc rise on the United States market local prices rose by 0.5c. [More…]
Wholesale prices for meat in the United States have risen 215 per cent since 1971. [More…]
What a market for meat the United States of America is. [More…]
For the information of honourable members, I present the Executive Agencies’ joint report on activities under the United States - Australia Agreement for Scientific and Technical Co-operation during the period October 1968 to June 1972. [More…]
In the United States, where the federal Government was ruled by the Supreme Court to have sovereignty off-shore from low water mark, the United States Government returned the powers, jurisdiction and administration of the area up to the 3-mile mark to the States. [More…]
Let me turn to the position in the United States. [More…]
There was a whole series of important United States oases in the nineteenth century - both Supreme Court and State courts - from the turn of the century, establishing that internal waters, that is bays and gulfs, were part of the territory of the various States to the extent permitted by English common Jaw. [More…]
In such a case judical alteration of State boundaries, such as has been countenanced by the United States Supreme Court since 1947 could not be legally tolerated. [More…]
However, it should also be pointed out that the United States Constitution does not appear to have equivalents to sections 123 and 128 of our Constitution, which impede Federal Government action. [More…]
There have been frequent United States decisions establishing national property rights in the territorial sea, but until the United [More…]
The Truman Proclamation in 1945 catalysed legal interest in the exploration of off-shore resources being undertaken at that time in the United States. [More…]
One of the commonly known submerged lands cases was the United States v. California in 1947. [More…]
This was the first of 3 United States Supreme Court cases - the others were the United States v. Texas and the United States v. Louisiana both in 1950 - involving rights in the submerged lands underlying the ocean and outside the internal waters of California, Texas and Louisiana. [More…]
The litigation began in 1945 following a controversy between the United States and several coastal States beginning in the 1920s with respect to the issuing of oil and gas leases over submerged lands by the United States. [More…]
The California case, a test case to determine the extent of respective rights, was instituted by the United States against the State of California in the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. [More…]
In these circumstances, Texas quite naturally argued that, as an independent nation, it had acquired paramount rights in the territorial sea equivalent to those awarded to the United States by the Supreme Court in the California case by virtue of its national external sovereignty. [More…]
It should be noted that in the California case the United States complaint excluded tide lands as well as lands under internal navigable waters from the controversy of disputed ownership. [More…]
The Supreme Court held in 1947, by a vote of 6 to 2, that the United States and not California had paramount rights in the territorial sea and, incident to this, full dominion over the resources of the appurtenant seabed. [More…]
In January 1948 the United States Government filed a petition for the entry of a supplemental decree seeking an adjudication. [More…]
First, the Master looked to international law, and to United States policy on it, rather than to any common law or internal constitutional criterion. [More…]
Secondly, the Master treated United States rather than Californian practice, evidenced usually by nothing more authoritative than policy statements, as decisive. [More…]
The Master considered that: ‘On the question of constitutional law propounded I agree with counsel for the United States that when the action of a State is actually contrary to action by the Federal Government the action is invalid for the reason that it is in conflict with the superior authority of the United States’. [More…]
In 1953, as the honourable member foi Farrer (Mr Fairbairn) said, the U.S. Congress passed the Submerged Lands Act In effect, the Act reversed the Supreme Court decisions in United States versus California and Louisiana cases. [More…]
It is totally irrelevant for honourable members opposite to come to the conclusion that because there has been extensive litigation in the United States it will likewise happen in Australia. [More…]
There are many factors which set the United States offshore resources legal controversy apart from the Australian constitutional situation. [More…]
This would involve an Australian court in an historical investigation such as the United States Supreme Court saw fit to ignore because United States boundaries were not so fixed. [More…]
Thirdly, the role of our courts will differ from that of the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
This Act in itself has been the source of most of the United States litigation. [More…]
But I thought that, having displayed that erudition, he should at least have been aware for example of how the influence of the American Constitution upon Australian constitutional law was put to rest by Mr Menzies, as he then was, in the Engineers case in the early 1920s, when the decision of the United States Supreme Court in McCulloch v. Maryland - a decision delivered by one of the most famous chief justices of the United States Court, Chief Justice Marshall - was clearly decided by the High Court of Australia to have no relevance to the interpretation of the Australian Constitution. [More…]
The President of the United States, backed with his unique authority, is going to the next Law of the Sea Conference, to ask the nations of the world to abandon the 1958 Geneva convention relating to the law of the sea dealing with the continental shelf and to restrict it to the 200 metre mark. [More…]
The United States of America imports mainly low quality beef for which there is no ready market in Australia. [More…]
If an export tax is to have any effect it will have to be very high because the United States, Europe and Japan are so desperate for meat that they will certainly pay higher prices for it. [More…]
This occurred in regard to quotas on the United States market. [More…]
When the United States Government was confronted with a similar situation it was forced to impose price control, to freeze prices, a step which honourable members opposite only in the last couple of days were advocating in this House. [More…]
On that basis, in the 5 years between 1967 and 1971 Australia performed much better than Canada and the United States but worse than the United Kingdom, Sweden, France and the Federal Republic of Germany. [More…]
Those European countries see it also as a means of contributing to the development of countries that are less developed than are perhaps the United States and Australia. [More…]
Three times, as the honourable member for Berowra has reminded me - because there was a devaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
No less a conservative than President Nixon of the United States of America has referred to prisons as ‘universities of crime’. [More…]
Unlike the governments of Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America, the Australian Government, and the British colonial administration before it have never recognised the rights of the indigenous people to the land they occupied at the time of European settlement. [More…]
I also requested that he assume the type of national leadership in the road safety area that the President of the United States and other national leaders have taken in recent years. [More…]
For instance, the Minister might be interested to know that in the United States elderly people are being employed in some areas as tutors for those falling behind in school. [More…]
Australia is a federation similar to West Germany, the United States of America and other countries where the governments of those countries have complete power over the national economy. [More…]
Now, whatever disagreements there might be about the validity of theories, no economist of any persuasion, whether in the United States or the Soviet Union, Brazil or Australia, disagrees with what Robertson had to say about the wide significance of the word ‘price’. [More…]
There are people who have examined this matter and made comparisons between our committee system and the United Kingdom and United States experience. [More…]
Basically the United States experience is not appropriate to our situation because of the divisions of power between the President, the Executive and the Congress, and because the President’s Cabinet is not part of the United States Parliament. [More…]
As a result of the separation of functions in the United States there is a system in which powerful congressional committees have been established with the right to summon and question the presidential appointees to particular positions, whether they be the Secretary of State, foreign affairs, defence or whatever the home affairs in that country are called, and the multifarious Cabinet positions in the United States. [More…]
But the situation of the division of power between the United States Executive and Congress makes the committee experience in that country really inappropriate to our system. [More…]
Even in the United States we find the central Government has far greater power than the Australian Government has. [More…]
It also advised the industry that because of the devaluations by the 2 other competitors of Aus- traliaininternationalcannedfruitmarkets– the United States of America and South Africa - it should match them in the market, which meant a reduction in price. [More…]
It is true that towards the end of last year there was- a greatly reduced interest in Australia in the United States of America. [More…]
I am pleased to say that by June of this year the interest had picked up considerably and the inquiries to .the various officers throughout the United States were at a level of 5,000. [More…]
When I was there a few weeks ago I must say that I found in the United States literally a boom of interest in Australia. [More…]
As a matter of fact Australians in the United States, I would say, at this particular time are walking taller than they have ever walked before. [More…]
Mr Bott mentioned the coming shortage of natural gas in the United States and their $120m 4-year program of coal gasification research. [More…]
Australia can avoid the energy and oil crisis affecting the United States with long term planning now . [More…]
There is a major plant in the United States of America. [More…]
I understand that some of the oil companies are now moving to buy large coal reserves, particularly in the United States, knowing that sooner or later they will need to turn to this other form of oil supply. [More…]
Work is proceeding on this in the United States which has large quantities of shale and where is a big demand for oil. [More…]
Owing to the present problems of a big increase in demand and a reduction in the search for and discovery of oil in the United States that country is turning to shale. [More…]
The United States of America in particular has been forced to seek an alternative to its seriously depleted natural gas reserves and is seeking to obtain by hydrogenation synthetic natural gas which will be of approximately 800 to 850 British thermal units to the cubic foot as compared with 450 for ordinary coal gas and 1,050 or 1,100 for natural gas. [More…]
An energy crisis must have an effect upon Australia when its full impact is felt in Europe, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
Let us consider now what President Nixon said in April 1973 about the problems of the United States. [More…]
Since President Nixon’s speech the situation in the United States has worsened because of the threatened witholding of oil by the Arab countries. [More…]
The United States is turning towards coal, of which she has vast quantities, to take some of the demand which would have- been met by oil. [More…]
The residents of the mainland Territories are just as much entitled to be represented in Houses of Parliament where laws affecting their welfare or levying taxes on them can be made as were the people of the United States of America at the time of their War of Independence. [More…]
The position here is analagous to the pleas for more from the United States generals in Vietnam rather than to Oliver Twist’s request for more in the work house. [More…]
This is an organisation which the Senate of the United States has described as being capable of dictating to foreign governments. [More…]
In such pilot programs and the proposed action research the hope can be expressed that heed is paid to the experience, pitfalls and insights gained from similar research conducted in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, of which I am sure the Social Welfare Commission is aware. [More…]
The prices per gallon are: United States of America, 42c; Britain, 68c; Austria, 59c; Belgium, 79c; Eire, 66c; France, 84c; Italy, 96c; Netherlands, 81c; Sweden, 82c; Switzerland, 71c; Denmark, 76c; West Germany, 68c; Greece, 76c and Australia, 51c. [More…]
General public education programs designed to create higher levels of community objectivity and understanding towards minority groups have been implemented in many countries, including the United States. [More…]
It is followed in the United States and it is about to be followed in Canada. [More…]
The United States of America is desperately seeking to obtain more uranium. [More…]
We have to try to profit by the mistakes that have been made in the United States of America, Canada and Europe where there are some beautifully constructed freeways, tollways and expressways. [More…]
Did he say in Canada on 9 August 1973 that, in the United Nations, Australia had voted with Britain, the United States of America, France, South Africa and Portugal against all Australia’s neighbours. [More…]
During his recent visit to Canada, the Prime Minister made a statement to the general effect that there used to be many cases in the United Nations where Australia voted beside Britain, France, South Africa, Portugal and sometimes the United States and against all of its neighbours. [More…]
Cases are there cited, for the period November 1971 to 2 December 1972, where Australia voted in the United Nations with Britain, the United States,. [More…]
Can he say why (a) the United States of America and (b) the United Kingdom withdrew from the Committee in 1971. [More…]
The following countries have withdrawn from the Special Committee: Equador, Madagascar, Poland, United Kingdom and United States. [More…]
I preface my question to the Minister for Services and Property by referring to yesterday’s sudden resignation by Spiro Agnew as Vice-President of the United States and of his subsequent conviction by a district court for, among other things, failing to reveal donations which were made to his campaign funds. [More…]
If so, will he consider appointing a royal commission to inquire into the matter or take other appropriate steps to protect the Australian parliamentary institution from the kind of corruption instanced in the Watergate scandal and in the more recent case of the VicePresident of the United States? [More…]
The events at Watergate and the recent resignation of the Vice-President of the United States indicate the seriousness of matters of this kind. [More…]
More than 40 governments have recognised the new Chilean regime, including all Latin American governments - except Cuba - Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, West Germany and Japan - [More…]
Another example is the air of the city of Pittsburgh, United States of America. [More…]
What I am worried about is that we might have the Government of Australia in board rooms in the United States of America. [More…]
Canberra - The Labor Caucus yesterday easily over-ruled a Cabinet decision to place quotas on beef exports to the United States. [More…]
In fact there are 3,380 tons in contracts denominated in Australian dollars and 8,300 tons denominated in United States dollars. [More…]
Australia’s own actions in reducing tariffs unilaterally were commented upon very favourably by a number of delegates in their statements at the conference including that of Mr Schultz, the United States Secretary of the Treasury. [More…]
We can strengthen cars - programs are being developed in many countries now in the development of experimental safety vehicles as is being done both in the United States of America and Germany. [More…]
The last aspect on which I wish to comment is the suggestion in the report that a procedure be adopted similar to that in the United States of America which would allow a person who has pleaded guilty before a magistrate to change his guilty plea on appeal on the grounds of the incompetence of his counsel or lack of knowledge on his part of the consequences of his plea, and on other such grounds. [More…]
I see no reason why we need to look to the United States for statutes that provide this kind of protection to persons who are overborne before magistrates. [More…]
In other words, the question is not, as suggested in the United States, whether his counsel was competent but rather whether the accused person knew what he was about and whether his plea of guilty was a voluntary act on his part. [More…]
I think that we need to be careful in rushing to the United States to find precedents to apply to the criminal law in Australia. [More…]
But anyone who has made any study of the concepts of criminal justice in the United States could not be but appalled at the maze into which the Supreme Court of the United States has brought the administration of criminal justice by interpretations of various sections of the United States Constitution. [More…]
The Federal Government in West Germany, the Federal Congress in the United States and the Federal Parliament in Canada all can pass such laws. [More…]
There is widespread suspicion of the communist powers, both Russia and China, and deep concern at the prospect of withdrawal of United States influence. [More…]
Our Mirage fighters are far better than any fighters in South East Asia except perhaps those operated by the United States. [More…]
Yet in the alienation of our relations with the United States, in the marked withdrawal from Singapore and Malaysia, in the withdrawal from our ANZUK commitments and in the presentation of a strategic assessment that comes down as there being no defence threat for 15 years, the Minister for Defence is denying Australia the capacity to meet the foreign policy stance which the Prime Minister is asserting. [More…]
indeed, without having made adequate alternative provision for the withdrawal of the forces from Singapore or for the ferrying of helicopters that would have been brought by that vessel from the United States either later this year or early next year. [More…]
The second argument by the Opposition is that the war in the Middle East will affect Australia’s security because it will disturb the global balance between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, on which our security basically rests. [More…]
In big power terms and stating the position baldly, I expect the next few years to be marked by a fairly stable equilibrium between the 3 major nuclear powers - the United States of America, the Soviet Union and China. [More…]
The United Kingdom and the United States of America have pulled out of South East Asia and we now have to support what we put in the field. [More…]
The United States itself is cutting back on defence. [More…]
These aircraft have a performance equivalent to that of the Sabres and are nowadays employed in the ground attack role, as are the refurbished United States Navy A4 Skyhawk fighter bombers which Singapore is also buying. [More…]
Both of these aircraft have been shown in combat, either between the Israelis and Arab countries, India and Pakistan, or the United States and North Vietnam, to be roughly comparable. [More…]
The present taxation rate on gross profits, allowing for company income tax and the dividend withholding tax is 55.37 per cent where the investment comes from Britain or the United States, and 63.25 per cent for other overseas investment, the difference deriving from the operation of double tax agreements. [More…]
It is a remarkable thing that in the United States multi-national corporations control 84 per cent of oil refining. [More…]
The United States in fact is being forced to import 200,000 barrels of fuel oil a day. [More…]
What is the situation in the United States? [More…]
Firstly, a recent study undertaken in the United States shows that there are some 44 Federal agencies which directly administer energy problems and 20 more which indirectly influence energy matters. [More…]
Secondly, congressmen and small businessmen throughout the United States are charging that the major oil companies have manufactured the fuel shortage in the United States in order to raise prices. [More…]
If the issue becomes heated at all in the United States pressure will be put on the Government to break up once again the multi-national corporations. [More…]
The answer is because they control in effect 84 per cent of all refining capacity in the United States, 72 per cent of natural gas resources, 20 per cent of coal and 50 per cent of uranium. [More…]
The method they use in the United States is to eliminate competition among themselves, to co-operate rather than compete, to weaken if they do not dominate, and to reduce the independent companies in the marketing sector. [More…]
That is the result in the United States of permitting the resource sector to be controlled other than through governmental regulation. [More…]
Let us look at the situation in the United States. [More…]
In the United States control is exercised by the Securities and Exchange Commission which is part of the ‘Department of Commerce. [More…]
The whole of the fuel resources of the United States ought to be rationalised and not left to private combines. [More…]
He might also not have heard that there is an energy crisis in the world, that President Nixon this week has put an embargo on the use of heating oil in the United States of America, that the war in the Middle East is threatening oil supplies for Europe and that we are in the hands of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, King Faisal and Colonel Kadhafi. [More…]
The loss of life must certainly be greater than at any time since the 1948 war of independence itself and as in 1948, while there is the remotest prospect of Israeli defeat the world, with the single exception of the United States stands by mute and paralytic. [More…]
The latest Middle East crisis between Israel and the Arab States has produced an even more important crisis between the United States and the Soviet Union, and between the United States and the Communist Government of China. [More…]
The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’, they said, ‘have a special responsibility to do everything in their power so that conflicts on situations will not arise which would increase international tensions. [More…]
Until today, no one; on the basis of today’s news, the United States alone. [More…]
12, a paper by Dr Hans Arndt and some remarks by Professor Tobin of the United States of America. [More…]
It is now a well recognised policy in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada that the large and often impersonal mental hospitals and other similar institutions need to be substantially phased out and replaced by the types of services to be funded by this Bill with additional beds integrated into general hospitals. [More…]
It is true that such houses are becoming popular in many parts of the world, especially the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
On another occasion it stood firm when the United States of America devalued its currency. [More…]
As is known, for a number of years the Federal Government of the United States of America has concentrated quite firm legislation on this matter. [More…]
The article points out that in the United States at the moment 3 basic options have gained enough support to define effectively the context of the debate. [More…]
A very interesting report appeared in the United States ‘New and World Report’ of September 1973 which outlined the impact that cities, roads and buildings have on the degree of pollution and air quality. [More…]
He felt pleased with himself because he had a written statement but he misread it to the extent of including as Latin American countries the United States of America, Canada and several European countries. [More…]
We could note the strained relations which this Prime Minister has provoked with our very good friends and allies, the United States of America, Great Britain, Singapore and Thailand. [More…]
I will show him the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s assessment which shows quite clearly that where the Minister said that America anticipated a shortfall of 850,000 tons of uranium by 1985, this figure is at variance with what the United States Atomic Energy Commission said, which set the anticipated shortfall in 1985 at 174,000 tons, not 850,000 tons as the Minister said. [More…]
In total the revaluations resulted in a 25 per cent change in the value of the Australian dollar in relation to the United States dollar and sterling. [More…]
However, the United States and the Europeans tend to look to new rules to bring about this quicker adjustment. [More…]
The monetary reform discussions to date have, to some extent, been a debate between the United States on the one hand and Europe on the other as to what rules would best achieve this result. [More…]
The United States, for its part, places emphasis on what it calls ‘objective indicators’. [More…]
The United States believes that the present system is one-sided in that there will always be pressure on deficit countries to devalue because they run out of reserves. [More…]
The United States system of objective indicators would essentially involve establishing a normal range within which each country’s reserve figures would be permitted to move. [More…]
They see the monetary crises of recent years as having their origins in the failure of a large persistent deficit country - the United States - to take action to correct that deficit. [More…]
The United States has been able to continue financing this deficit because other countries - either willingly or because they could not acquire a more preferred asset - have held more and more United States dollars in their reserves. [More…]
Unlike most other deficit countries, the United States has not run out of reserves. [More…]
They would impose upon the United States an obligation to convert other countries’ holdings of dollars into special drawing rights whenever the United States ran into deficit. [More…]
What all this amounts to is that a good deal of the automaticity has been taken out of the original United States proposals for objective indicators. [More…]
In other words, if Australia earns United States dollars it should be up to Australia to decide whether it wishes to convert those dollars into SDR or whether it wishes to continue to hold the dollars. [More…]
He ought to talk to some of the developed European countries about the difficulties of competing effectively with a new undervalued United States dollar. [More…]
Has he forgotten that the United States has had a tariff on wool for some time which discriminates against this very important export product of this country? [More…]
I do not want to spend a great deal of time on what that gentleman said in a debate this morning about attitudes that I hold on foreign affairs, but in a deliberate endeavour to misquote he used quotations for convenience and in other erroneous manners, and in his concluding remarks alleged that I was in favour of most of the areas in which he has been operating as Minister for Foreign Affairs, leaving aside my criticism of the fracturing of relations with the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Thailand and numerous other areas of the world. [More…]
Chief among these are West Germany, Japan and the United States of America, all of which have a very large gross national product by world standards but which are allocating miserable proportions of it to official development assistance. [More…]
The United States does have a balance of payments problem but, because of the tremendous size of its gross national product, there is no hope of the United Nations target being anywhere near achieved unless the United States is prepared to arrange its affairs so that it does provide 0.7 per cent of its gross national product as official development assistance. [More…]
The critical importance of the United States in this respect is shown by the OECD’s comment that the average of 0.34 per cent for Development Assistance Committee countries in 1972 is unlikely to improve over the next few years, despite increased percentages by a number of countries. [More…]
This, the ‘OECD Observer’ of August 1973 states, is largely owing to the lower disbursements that can be forecast for the United States’. [More…]
I strongly urge the Government at least to adhere to the United Nations target and then to use its influence on other developed countries, particularly the United States, to make some effort to reach the 0.7 per cent in the not too distant future. [More…]
Who apart from those in the other place, who seem to spend their time looking up the China references in the Hansard reports of the early 1950s, would fail to appreciate the more flexible and co-operative patterns of relationship which for so long have been advocated by Labor which, alongside other major powers including the United States of America, has accepted China’s role in world affairs? [More…]
When the Prime Minister returned from the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain and South East Asia the Opposition was quick to seize upon the few expressions of shock which followed his candid but eminently friendly indications of Australia’s redefined and forward-looking strategy. [More…]
Apparently it is their judgment that the people of Australia cannot feel independent unless they are cast in the role of saying to the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries that those countries are engaged in policies which are abhorrent and wrong. [More…]
If United States know-how through companies of this nature can be encouraged to an even greater degree to come to the Territory there may be some possibility of Papua New Guinea more quickly reaching the stage where it will be able to develop its own programs and to stand to a greater degree than ever before on its own feet in terms of financial assistance. [More…]
The accepted version of this is that the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics alone no longer dictate the pattern of events, and that China, the European Economic Community and Japan are now significant in the ordering of world affairs. [More…]
Both the United States and the Soviet Union are not as concerned today if smaller countries formerly in their orbit in the 1950s and 1960s move to non-alignment, neutrality or even to other coalitions mainly because military technology has limited the need for forward bases, not only for strategic deterrents but also for combat and reconnaisance. [More…]
The threat to this proposition, of course, is still the flashpoints present in the world’s trouble spots, for instance, the United States of America in South East Asia, the USSR in Czechoslovakia and the Middle East - all of which are well known to us. [More…]
United States and the USSR to exercise self restraint in their future demands, otherwise Japan, India, Brazil and other countries will go nuclear. [More…]
We are now in a better position to influence the United States of America, as a sympathetic and constructively critical friend. [More…]
We simply do not want the United States to kill people in our region for the sake of our own too easily developed sense of reactionary ethno-centricity. [More…]
I am now referring to those countries with which Australia has been associated traditionally in terms of our defence requirements, particularly the United Kingdom, the United States of America and some other countries. [More…]
To date the Capitol in Washington, the capital of the United States of America, occupies 155 acres. [More…]
At the end of the last War, the United States had a nuclear monopoly. [More…]
At the present moment nuclear arms are held by the United States, by Soviet Russia, in a small way by the United Kingdom and France, certainly by China and probably by other countries as well but those other countries have not yet revealed in full what they possess. [More…]
The Chinese Vice-Premier’s reply was that the Chinese are prepared to discon tinue their nuclear testing but only in the context of all nations, including the United States of America and the Soviet Union, dismantling their own nuclear arsenals. [More…]
They believe that they cannot reasonably be expected to stop their nuclear testing while nothing is done to reduce the nuclear capacity of the Soviet Union - which is their next door neighbour and which they believe is threatening their security - and of the United States. [More…]
I do not believe that one can justify developing nuclear weapons just because the United States, and the Soviet Union already have nuclear weapons. [More…]
These talks are supposed to be about arms limitation - that is, disarmiment Yet I wonder how many people realise that at the most recent round of SALT talks the United States and the Soviet Union mutually agreed on the Soviet Union increasing its numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs. [More…]
I believe that it is no longer sufficient for the representatives of the United States and the Soviet Union to make agreements behind closed doors on the size of their nuclear arsenals. [More…]
One could be pardoned for thinking that the United States is cynically playing off one nation against the other. [More…]
Is it too much to ask that the United States could, in view of its improving relations with both China and Russia, act as an honest broker in the Sino-Soviet dispute? [More…]
I believe that Australia, as an ally of the .United States should strongly advocate this course of action directly to the United States. [More…]
The current rapprochement between the United States and the Soviet Union indicates that both these countries wish to avoid a war between them. [More…]
The detente between the United States and China indicates a similar situation there. [More…]
This conference is not only important to all countries, such as the United States of [More…]
The donor countries are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
It is an odd and somewhat unnerving experience for an Australian to travel overseas at the moment, as I have just done to a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference in London, travelling through 4 South-East Asian countries, the United States of America, France as well as the United Kingdom. [More…]
Again, they have a quaint but perhaps old-fashioned belief that Australia is their friend and that there are few nations which have more bonds than the United States of America and our country. [More…]
Everywhere in the United States of America the point is made: If only we had a little bit of your accountability. [More…]
Now it seems that actual fighting might cease, not because of the United Nations but because the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America both want it to cease. [More…]
It is an endemic danger which is continuing and which has periodically in the past erupted into war and which, whatever happens now in the way of a ceasefire, will undoubtedly erupt in war again in the future unless the underlying causes are removed or the Soviet and the United States act in concert to prevent any future aggression and to maintain peace. [More…]
I believe too that the only way in which these goals can be achieved in the short and middle term is for the United States and the Soviet Union to give such guarantees and to mean them; to refuse to arm and to train countries in the area to the extent that they could be posed as a threat to any other country, and to make it so clear that they are believed that if any future aggression does take place from any direction, they will act in concert to defeat it at once. [More…]
Is there anybody who does not believe that the United States and the Soviet Union, acting in concert, could do that? [More…]
But he raised the possibility of joint enforcement by the United States of America and the Soviet Union in respect of difficulties in the Middle East. [More…]
There is no doubt that the United States and the Soviet Union have been acting as policemen in the Middle East. [More…]
I would have thought that over the last few days there was some earnest of intention on the part of the Soviet Union and the United States to act in a joint manner to resolve the difficulties in the Middle East. [More…]
Earlier this year we had the exhibition of the Minister for Urban and Regional Development (Mr Uren), the Minister for Labour (Mr Clyde Cameron) and the Minister for Overseas Trade (Dr J. F. Cairns) all describing the leaders of the United States as a pack of murderers. [More…]
The Labor Party seems to think that by attacking the United States it is adopting a stance of independence which will command the admiration of the entire world and that by attacking the United States we might neutralise some of the suspicions that some countries have about Australia. [More…]
But the fact of life is that the United States, through thick and thin, has proved to be a good friend and ally of Australia. [More…]
I am the last one who would stand up in this Parliament and say that in the event of a problem the United States would have come rushing to our aid, but I believe that the friendship of the past gave us greater access to a friendly umbrella than would be available at times such as these when we have in office a party which is fully occupied with endeavouring to insult the President of the United States. [More…]
I am not talking about the man who holds the presidency but about the office of President of the United States. [More…]
I clearly recall earlier this year that Mr Fred Brenchley of the ‘Australian Financial Review’ or some other newspaper came back from the United States and ran an article on the front page saying that the President of the United States had refused to see the Australian Prime Minister. [More…]
Subsequently the picture clearly unfolded that the man who holds the office of President of the United States was not really interested in meeting the leader of this bunch of alley cats which sits on the other side of the chamber. [More…]
It is as clear as crystal to anyone now that the previous Government was following blindly the foreign policy of the United States. [More…]
We were complete lackeys to the United States; we were complete puppets of the United States. [More…]
The United States respects the present Australian Government more than it respected the previous Government because we have principle and forthrightness. [More…]
The previous Government heralded the visit to this national capital of a man who is now in disgrace in the United States. [More…]
From Washington he proceeded to New York where he commenced to insult his host, the President of the United States. [More…]
They do not want to be recognised as another State of the United States of America, as another island of the United Kingdom or as the second island of Taiwan. [More…]
At the same time Britain and the United States of America withdrew from the Committee. [More…]
The past Government’s major initiative was to involve Australia in the Vietnam War and to try to keep the United States involved in our region. [More…]
If a similar sort of function were conducted in the United States of America by the State of Texas, would the President be left sitting down amongst the crowd? [More…]
Council are China, Russia and the United States. [More…]
The United Nations was able, because the two super powers of Russia and the United States did come together on this matter, to persuade the belligerents to accept a ceasefire. [More…]
The United States - I say this with regret and with some first hand experience - has not discharged its responsibility of giving a firm lead to the democracies in the United Nations. [More…]
A week ago today the Vice President of the United States of America resigned in disgrace and scandal. [More…]
The day after the Vice President of the United States resigned the Premier of New South Wales announced that there would be an election in my great State. [More…]
The Republican Party of the United States has been exposed as a corrupt organisation. [More…]
In the United States the former AttorneyGeneral, Mr John Mitchell, is now under indictment because of his association with crooks. [More…]
As I said before, because of Australia’s massive balance of trade surplus overseas the Australian Government revalued twice and did not follow the United States dollar down when that country devalued. [More…]
When the Government did not allow the Australian dollar to follow the United States dollar down, there was little effect on the clothing industry. [More…]
The United States Secretary of State, Dr Kissinger, has warned of the dangerously low world food reserves and has proposed that a United Nations world food conference bc held next year. [More…]
In the United States of America for the first time butter soon will have to be imported. [More…]
If this happens it will repeat what happened recently in the United States, with mammoth sales of skim milk powder to that country. [More…]
In the March issue of the United States magazine ‘Foreign Agriculture’, which is produced by the United States Department of Agriculture, an article concerned with dairying states: [More…]
Six months ago the United States Department of Agriculture said that there would be an over supply of dairy products for 13 years, yet 6 months later there is a world shortage and a shortage in the United States itself. [More…]
This is a case of the importers, the United States of America, Japan and other countries wanting to buy our goods and wanting to buy our meat. [More…]
Therefore the Chinese look to the United States and to Canada. [More…]
But on the question of addiction may I commend to the Minister, and invite him to respond to me in his reply, this aspect: As he knows, late last year as Minister for Customs and Excise I visited the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe to study the methods being employed in those countries to contain the spread of drug abuse. [More…]
I came back and reported that the policing or the law enforcement technique as practised in the United States particularly had failed, and failed miserably, and in fact was compounding the problem rather than solving it. [More…]
I recommended, and it was accepted by my Government, that a top level team consisting of Government advisers should visit the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, particularly Holland and Denmark, with a view to studying this technique of treating drug addiction. [More…]
The honourable member for Hotham also asked me for the Government’s attitude to his proposal to adopt the United Kingdom method of dealing with addicts rather than the law enforcement approach which is prominent in the United States of [More…]
The experience of the United States seems to confirm that premise. [More…]
I believe that in the United States of America, for example, the Government spends 10 times more on the education of the 10 per cent of its children on the top of the socioeconomic scale than on the 10 per cent at the bottom. [More…]
If that is correct, it would seem to be difficult to explain because the degree to which meat inspection has varied has resulted largely from the requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture which, one would hope, would not continue to change in the future to the extent they have in the past. [More…]
The major cost over those periods was incurred in fulfilling United States Department of Agriculture requirements, particularly with respect to high standards of veterinary inspection services. [More…]
In the United States of America, the postal services and railway services appear under the heading of private enterprise; in Australia they appear under the heading of government enterprise. [More…]
Yet in the same period, supplies from the United States, Canada, Europe and the small producers will increase relatively slightly. [More…]
But the honourable member for Farrer and the Leader of the Country Party see their role as to the Woodside-Burmah consortium to make sure that it gets the right to export to the Japanese and the west coast of the United States natural gas markets. [More…]
It is with a very great measure of reluctance that I observe that some time ago the Minister for Services and Property (Mr Daly) was in Washington in the United States of America. [More…]
The Government’s way to achieve this objective has been to draw heavily on United States anti-trust laws. [More…]
In fact, I believe that several United States anti-trust experts, including counsel from the Federal Trade Commission, took an active part in the drafting of this Bill and I must say, having read very many Bills over the years, that the standard of the drafting of this Bill seems to indicate that it was done by an American draftsman and not by our own Australian draftsmen. [More…]
Plenty of work has been done in countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the European Common Market countries. [More…]
I understand that Mr R. M. Dietrich, the general counsel to the Federal Trade Com.mision of the United States assisted in the drafting of the Bill. [More…]
As the clause is based on the United States Robinson-Patman Act, I think it would be opportune for me to quote the relevant sections of the Neal report, which was a White House task force report on anti-trust policy and which dealt with the [More…]
It has been drafted to include a series of basic concepts borrowed from the United States Government. [More…]
Advice has been largely obtained from United States anti-trust experts, including counsel from the Federal Trade Commission. [More…]
Concentration would in general be expected to be greater in Australia than in the United States or other large industrial economies by reason of the relatively small size of the Australian market and the requirement for minimum economic size of plants, particularly those of the capital intensive type. [More…]
Experience of this legislative approach, in the United States and in respect to the Australian Industries Preservation Act of the first decade of this century, has revealed the difficulty of creating offences couched in broad language where intention and demonstrable injury to the public were essential ingredients. [More…]
The United States cases, which are the only guidance, have, in general, treated a person as having monopoly power if he is in a position to control or exclude competition in the relevant market. [More…]
At the present time United States authorities, in both the legislative and judicial fields, are more concerned than ever with defining precisely when monopoly and oligopoly conditions exist and what constitutes an abuse of monopoly and oligopoly power. [More…]
In the light of the extensive use of United States anti-trust experts in the drafting of the Bill, the omission of exact, quantitative guidelines is disturbing and will contribute to a considerable degree of uncertainty in Australian industry. [More…]
We have more monopolies controlling our economic life than the United States of America has, and that country took action such as this a generation ago. [More…]
The United States, which is often said to be the home of capitalist society, has had strong protective legislation for many years - legislation which guarantees the rights of consumers and which outlaws many of the insidious practices which have been allowed to go on in this country virtually unchecked. [More…]
The Bill seeks to impose United States practices, procedures and law without any clear recognition of the differences between the Australian environment and conditions and those in the United States. [More…]
It has been taken from the United States experience and law and uses American words, such as ‘combination’, which are not appropriate to Australian conditions. [More…]
Patman Act of the United States has been criticised on this ground. [More…]
Fifteen centuries later that Constitution was to influence heavily, of all things, the Sherman Act in the United States of America. [More…]
In the majority of countries, practically all countries other than the United States, there is this provision for possible exemption. [More…]
In the celebrated cellophane case in 1953 in the United States 70 per cent of the cellophane market was not deemed to be dominant control, because you had to take the whole market for wrapping materials, of which cellophane comprised only 15 per cent. [More…]
In 1890 - the year after Canada passed its original legislation - the United States of America followed with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports from the United States of America that business and labour organisations are clamouring to get rid of price control and that even Mr Edgar Fielder, chief economist for the United States Treasury Department, among others, has now publicly condemned it as having failed? [More…]
What are the Prime Minister’s feelings on the United States experience? [More…]
I have no doubt that business interests in the United States of America are clamouring for the end of price control. [More…]
The evidence taken from the three Service departments related mainly to inadequate checking of billings received from the United States services for equipment and stores supplied, which resulted in substantial overcharges of approximately $900,000 not being detected. [More…]
Is the Canadian situation so bad really when we make a comparison between, say, that country and the United States of America? [More…]
The United States spends about 7 per cent of its gross domestic product on health services and a person has to be virtually a millionaire to obtain medical and hospital services in that country. [More…]
A Dr Lawson some years ago wrote that the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy rate in Australia for doctors paid on a fee for service basis was seven per one thousand, whereas in the United Kingdom and the United States where doctors are paid salaries the rate was 3.6 per thousand. [More…]
In like fashion women in this country have twice the chance of losing their uterus as have women in the United States in services where the doctors are on salary or in the United Kingdom. [More…]
That is of course essentially and basically what this Bill seeks to do - to implement that basic thinking that has come down to us through history, that healthy instinct, that collective wisdom that was a feature of the Anglo-Saxon people in Britain and which has spread right around the world, to the United States of America, large parts of Canada, Asia, India and other parts of the world. [More…]
Broadly speaking, clause 49 is based on section 2 of the United States Robinson-Patman Act and, like that Act, it suffers seriously from a lack of precision of expression, is likely to be a source of a substantial volume of litigation and undoubtedly will provide very good business for the legal profession in this country. [More…]
However, in any such litigation, even leaving aside the reluctance of Australian courts to follow precedents set by their United States counterparts, only limited reliance can be placed on corresponding United . [More…]
As does its United States counterpart, clause 49 prohibits direct or indirect discrimination not simply with respect to price but also in relation to the provision of services or facilities in respect of those goods, and the making of payments for services or facilities provided in respect of the goods. [More…]
The comparable provisions in the Robinson-Patman Act have been strongly criticised in the United States. [More…]
I think it would be pretty well known by now that clause 49 is roughly based upon the Robinson-Patman Act of the United States. [More…]
It has also been frequently said - and I believe commonly accepted - that in the United States itself it is believed that the Robinson-Patman Act is in need of major over haul. [More…]
Business of today has learned to live with the existing legislation much of which has been based on the United States legislation particularly in relation to clause 45 which is based largely on the Sherman Act and in relation to clause 49 which is based on the RobinsonPatman Act. [More…]
To listen to the comments of mem.bers of the Oppoosition one would think that the United States measures had failed completely but in fact the United States has learned to live with that legislation and it has progressed. [More…]
The United States of America has a massive mass market and a population many times that of Australia. [More…]
We are still faced with remarkable cases in the United States of America of the naked exercise of monopoly power notwithstanding the fact that that country has had trust busting legislation since almost the turn of the century. [More…]
A Mr Dietrich who was General Counsel to the United States Federal Trade Commission gave the Parliamentary Counsel the benefit of his advice. [More…]
He told me that he agreed with the trade practices legislation in the United States. [More…]
Applying similar constitutional provisions, the United States Supreme Court has, for the last 9 years and more, declared any form of malapportionment within a State to be unconstitutional. [More…]
We have taken advice on this matter following a visit to Canada and to the United States. [More…]
If so, does he accept the fears expressed by Professor Burns that the policy of this Government is placing at risk Australia’s capacity to depend on the future involvement of United States military forces on our behalf, particularly if there should be some type of explosion on the Chinese-Soviet border and a world war resulting therefrom? [More…]
I take the opportunity of complimenting the United States Secretary of State on his extraordinary diplomatic success in persuading Israel and Egypt to sit down together for the first time since 1948. [More…]
I refer to those men, Australian citizens, who served with the United States Army small ships in the New Guinea war zone. [More…]
They were required to wear a United States service uniform and to serve under fire. [More…]
Now no government, Australian or United States, wishes to recognise them as a liability under their repatriation legislation. [More…]
I instance the case of another constituent of mine, Mr Bert Andrew, who served with distinction in United States small ships in New Guinea waters in the early stages of World War II and suffered malaria and injury. [More…]
He was, in fact, recommended for an award for bravery by the United States authorities. [More…]
However, his claims for recognition of war caused effects to his health have been rejected since 1943 by the United States authorities. [More…]
In fact, the Australian authorities have said that he should negotiate with the United States of America. [More…]
It is interesting to look at the United States system, the costs of which have spiralled out of all proportions in recent years. [More…]
It is a shocking fact that the United States has twice as many surgeons and twice as many surgical operations per capita as England and Wales, where surgeons are paid by salary. [More…]
The fact of the matter is that an over-utilisation of medical services can occur, and this has been the case in the United States where the costs of health services are totally out of proportion with what they oght to be in relation to the nation’s resources. [More…]
Then there is Sir Howard Beale, who was appointed as Ambassador to the United States of America. [More…]
These organisations included the railway systems of Australia and a number of overseas railways including British Railways, South African Railways and the railways of the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the United States of America. [More…]
Despite this Minister’s views on the writing of minerals contracts, the Minister for Minerals and Energy criticises such contracts being writen in United States dollars and calls our mining industry leaders hillbillies and mugs. [More…]
Most of the cattle producers in northern Australia export to United States markets because those markets accept a lower quality of beef. [More…]
This year we are exporting to the United States market alone something like $352m worth of beef. [More…]
But had there not been any revaluation and had they been able to claim the difference which has subsequently been brought about by revaluation - the difference is something like 25 per cent as against the United States dollar - there would have been $80m to $90m more in the pockets of Australian beef producers who sold beef on the United States market alone, not considering other markets in the world. [More…]
The alteration to the United States market has penalised beef producers in northern Australia very severely. [More…]
These are welcomed but I think it is necessary to keep it all in perspective because we are selling 4 times as much sugar to the United States as we are likely to be selling to China under this new long term contract, and we are selling 10 times as much sugar to Japan. [More…]
Firsly, he said that Australia sells four times as much sugar to the United States of America as it will sell to China. [More…]
We sell approximately 200,000 tons or a little over 200,000 tons to the United States of America. [More…]
Recently a member of my family was living in the United States for 12 months and he, as an Australian visitor, was expected to talk on and give a picture of what was happening in Australia. [More…]
As to the question whether the Post Office can be removed, this has been tried in the United Kingdom and the United States of America without many noticeable effects. [More…]
These are the questions I ask: Firstly, why is it that it costs 21 cents in United States currency, which is equivalent to 15c in Australian currency to send a letter weighing i oz from the United States to Australia when it costs us in our currency from 30c to 35c to send a letter to the United States? [More…]
Postmaster-General is responsible - and Qantas Airways ‘Ltd to ensure that the letter writer in Australia is subsidising Qantas for carrying mail between Australia and, say, the United States and England. [More…]
The Postmaster-General’s predecessor explained in this Parliament or to me privately once that because of the amount of mail that was coming out of the United States it was a lot cheaper for people in that country to send letters overseas. [More…]
The previous Postmaster-General pointed out to me that one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, the United States of America, did not have a communication satellite system. [More…]
Since I raised this matter in the House early last year the United States has moved very rapidly towards acquiring a domestic communication satellite system. [More…]
Coming to some of the other matters that were mentioned, I noted that the honourable member for Griffith (Mr Donald Cameron) spoke of the problem of air mails, but I ask him to bear in mind that this country, which is in the southern hemisphere, has to run air mails right across the world before it gets into the other areas of business, whether it be in the United Kingdom, Canada or the United States of America. [More…]
The United States, of course, can run lines to Australia, but it runs the short haul across the Atlantic where it has its main airmail services and picks up a lot of mileage and a lot of surplus money with which it can subsidise the Pacific route. [More…]
It is for that reason, because we are isolated in terms of distance, that we in Australia cannot compete with the United States, just as we cannot compete with Denmark, Sweden or other countries which have relatively short airmail routes. [More…]
I do not recall stating that immigration inquiries at Australian Government offices in the United States of America were a record. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that the decision to purchase the F111C aircraft from the United States of America was made in October 1963. [More…]
The then Minister for Defence, the late Athol Townley, was in the United States of America and cabled back to the then Government the memorandum of understanding which involved the purchase of the F111C aircraft. [More…]
At the same time he indicated to the then Cabinet that the United States offer would remain open for one month only and that it was not likely to be renewed. [More…]
So it is quite clear that departmental officers at that time had little opportunity to advise the Government because of the decision that the Cabinet had made to accept the offer from the United States of America. [More…]
Yesterday, at his Press conference, the Prime Minister was asked about his concept of a broad regional grouping for Asia and whether he would consider the United States of America and the Soviet Union as possible members. [More…]
Japan has closer ties with Australia than with any country except the United States of America. [More…]
I do not urge that the United States or the Soviet Union should be in such an organisation. [More…]
What about the United States of America? [More…]
United States believes in simultaneous elections. [More…]
They are Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, India, South Africa, Malaya, Canada, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Hungary, Cambodia, the United States, Kenya, Iran, Norway, Sweden, France and Northern Ireland. [More…]
Particularly in the United States new technology is becoming available which can realistically allow some countries, and particularly the United States coal industry, to achieve these objectives. [More…]
Air pollution laws in the United States have created problems for the United States coal industry. [More…]
Low sulphur coal is demanded, and because the United States industry’s coal markets have been threatened by its inability to supply coal that will comply with the stringent low sulphur coal specifications required in many and an increasing number of areas, there is emerging in the United States a brand new market which the Australian coal industry can develop realistically and profitably. [More…]
The United States realises that its domestic needs for liquid fuels cannot continue indefinitely to be filled by domestic suppliers. [More…]
Therefore the United States oil magnates have been turning their interests to coal for the purpose of supplementing their fuel and energy needs. [More…]
One could measure Australia’s liquid fuel needs by those of the United States, which expects to consume 2.2 billion barrels per year by 1980. [More…]
I remind honourable members that there have been no less than 26 amendments of the Constitution of the United States, of which 11 have been since 1900. [More…]
Of course, the Opposition is opposed to it because it has seen what has happened in the United States where the United States Supreme Court has cracked down hard against the sort of electoral gerrymander which has been per petrated in this country both in respect of this House and in certain of the States over the past generation. [More…]
Similar practices were typical in many State legislatures in the United States - particularly in the deep south. [More…]
The Supreme Court of the United States, however, ruled in a historic judgment that such practices were prohibited by the Federal Constitution - in particular, by the equal rights amendment. [More…]
So far as I can ascertain, the new paragraph is local in origin but the words ‘shall be as nearly as practicable the same’ have been taken out of the Labor Party’s platform, which in turn were taken from an interpretation of Article 1 section 2 paragraph (i) of the United States Constitution which, insofar as it is relevant, says: [More…]
There is no reference anywhere in the United States Constitution itself to the words ‘as nearly as practicable the same’. [More…]
The Minister for Services and Property (Mr Daly), who preceded me in this debate, has informed us that in the United States case, Wesbury v. Sanders (1964) the then Chief Justice of that country, Earl Warren - a man more noted for his political judgments than his knowledge of jurisprudence, as will become obvious - ruled that the relevant part of this Article should be interpreted as meaning that in United States Congressional elections - to use his own words - one man’s vote in a Congressional election (in the United States) is to be worth as much as anothers’ [More…]
United States. [More…]
But obviously the Supreme Court ruling has not had time to work through the United States and State courts and the trend is now to favour a strict and literal interpretation of the words themselves. [More…]
It must be remembered too that whilst the High Court of Australia would undoubtedly consider the United States Constitutional and law, it would riot necessarily be found by it. [More…]
In any event, I do not understand the infatuation with the United States system or the decisions of its Supreme Court - neither seem to be doing anywhere near well as our own - unless, of course, old Dilly Dally or the Prime Minister are aspirants for presidential honours. [More…]
It is not new nationalism but old-style aggressive nationalism, a petulant self-assertiveness that has already harmed relations with the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, the South Pacific countries and Japan. [More…]
In addition to earlier tensions created by the Government in its relations, for example, with the United States of America, the tenor of a reply by the Prime Minister to a question at the National Press Club luncheon on 8 [More…]
When asked about the United States international precautionary alert to its forces, the Prime Minister was reported as replying: [More…]
What the House must realise is that with those remarks the Prime Minister also attacked the integrity of the United States Secretary of State, Dr Henry Kissinger, a man whose achievements in the field of foreign relations, to put them at their minimum, have not only been more significant but also infinitely more successful than have the Prime Minister’s. [More…]
The Prime Minister knew that, rejected it and hurled it back at the United States Secretary of State. [More…]
To make it even worse, if that is possible, it follows the occasion last month when the Prime Minister trenchantly criticised the United States Administration for sending arms to Israel, arms that were forwarded subsequent to the massive re-supply by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Arabs. [More…]
At the next opportunity it was to criticise the United States’ handling of the Middle East crisis. [More…]
It was about the United States alert. [More…]
It is relevant, however, to point out that the Australian Government was not at the time informed officially by the United States Government about the alert, nor was it informed that the alert applied to the North West Cape installation. [More…]
The implications of this are among the subjects which the Minister for Defence (Mr Barnard) will shortly discuss with and in the United States. [More…]
It is also worth recognising that while the United States is very much a partisan and has been so for the last quarter of a century in the hostilities in the Middle East, all America’s allies, including Australia, are neutral. [More…]
Australia wholeheartedly and uninhibitedly welcomes the change in our area brought about by the detente between the United States of America and China and diplomatic relations between Japan and China. [More…]
He suggests that the loss of control of affairs, even by the 2 major powers, makes the necessity for the development of Australia’s relations with the United States even more urgent than it has ever been before. [More…]
Yet in the presentation of the substance of this policy we have had a weakening of our ties with those who had been our traditional allies - in particular, the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I have the honour to refer to your letter of today’s date confirming the Australian Government’s offer to send to Viet Nam an infantry battalion of 800 men, with some 100 personnel in logistic support, to serve with United States forces in assisting in the defence of the Republic of Vietnam. [More…]
It was an acceptance of an offer - an offer that was engineered by the United States Government. [More…]
But when those letters were published at the insistence of the United States Ambassador we found in them provision to prevent the Government of Australia from restricting at any time the United States Government’s use of the station for defence communication, including Polaris submarines. [More…]
We had the sight of an Australian Foreign Minister - that honourable member is no longer a member of this House - going to the United States of America and pleading in public fora for the United States to intervene in the domestic affairs of Australia. [More…]
Yet, if what we read in the newspapers is correct Texasgulf, which owns 50 per cent of this iron ore project and which is completely managed in the United States because it insists on having this management, gets the nod whereas WoodsideBurmah does not. [More…]
A study has been undertaken by Hydro-carbon Research Incorporated of the United States of America of the production of petrol from Australian brown coal. [More…]
Secondly, the date has been stated for the exhaustion of the indigenous supply at about the present price in constant dollars in the United States. [More…]
The prospect of the United States placing 80 per cent reliance upon Arab oil involves prodigious dangers. [More…]
I noticed in the ‘Sunday Mail’ of 16 September a report that Dr Lloyd Herwig of the National Science Foundation of the United States of America has predicted that Australia could become the world’s biggest energy rich nation in the 1990s through solar energy. [More…]
Let me refer him to recent comments made by the United States Director of Fuel Resources who particularly categorised the liquids available from natural gas and their conversion as being one of the more readily available forms of motor spirit. [More…]
The obvious symptoms were plain for all to see in the United States at least 12 months ago prior to the decision of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries to restrict crude oil supplies. [More…]
The United States, with 6 per cent of the world’s population, uses 35 per cent of the world’s energy. [More…]
As detailed studies of the demand for different types of recreation activity, including tourism, have not been carried out in Australia, future projections on data developed in the United States of America can give us a guide. [More…]
I would also refer the honourable member to my statement of 29 May 1973 in which I announced that the Australian iron ore producers had reached agreement with the Japanese steel industry for an increase in prices which would provide substantial relief for the affected companies who had sought compensation from the Japanese steel industry following devaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
I am certain that the honourable member for Kooyong has not seen a copy of any letter ‘between the Secretary of State of the United States of America and me, or he would not have spoken as he did yesterday. [More…]
The honourable gentleman spoke yesterday as if ‘Dr Kissinger and I had corresponded in the context of the alert which applied on 25 October 1973 to the United States including, without official information to Australia, the North West Cape station. [More…]
It would probably be true to say that economic developments in Japan would now have a bigger impact on Australia than economic developments in, say, the United States or Britain because Australia and Japan, as the Government of each country recognises, are very important to each other in the economic sense and now in a very great number of other fields as well. [More…]
When one currency rate moves, whether it is the yen or the United States dollar, it does have some impact on our currency. [More…]
A separate occasion, I might say - last month when the Prime Minister trenchantly criticised the United States Administration for sending arms to Israel, arms that were forwarded subsequent to the massive re-supply by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Arabs. [More…]
He speaks of the greater necessity today than ever before to maintain out alliance with the United States, and yet the Minister for Defence, this man, suggests that there is no forward defence threat. [More…]
Does the Minister for Defence have any information concerning the attitude of the United States of America to his policy of providing information to the parliamentary Opposition on security matters, in particular, the sensitive issue of United States’ bases in Australia? [More…]
I presume that the honourable member is referring to a statement made by the United States Ambassador, Mr Marshall Green, in a Press interview yesterday, I believe. [More…]
As I understand it the Ambassador was asked a question concerning Australian co-operation with the United States, particularly in matters of joint installations in this country. [More…]
I have not seen the full text of his statement but I saw the report in which he was asked did he consider that the United States .Government would bt closer to a Liberal government than the present Government. [More…]
Is he aware of a statement by Dr Kissinger on 25 October which indicated that the alert of United States forces around the world which was ordered by President Nixon had been undertaken as a result of a unanimous recommendation by the National Security Council? [More…]
The ANZUS Treaty and the United States Naval Communications Station Agreement would both indicate that Australia should have been consulted. [More…]
The United States price for hard red winter wheat is S3.334 and the Australian export price is $3.66. [More…]
In the past economic progress has consisted in the kind of slogan that was used in the United States of America - ‘go west young man’. [More…]
It had been my intention in speaking to this measure to table certain figures prepared by an economic task force of inquiry set up by the United States President which show the amount that can be written off after various periods - the table in fact shows the amount that can be written off after 3 and 7 years - in most countries of the world. [More…]
Canada does not need for its defence a special relationship with the United Kingdom, because geographically it shelters under the umbrella of the United States. [More…]
It is regrettable, I think, that many forces in Australia have been urging, through their propaganda, isolationism on the United States and have been saying to the United States: ‘You are not to intervene on this side of the Pacific’ These are voices from people who might well need that intervention. [More…]
I would hope that both the United States and Britain would give us that ultimate protection if ever we needed it. [More…]
But I would place more reliance on Britain than I would on the United States if that final showdown should ever come. [More…]
Sometimes we are amused about the subjects undertaken at colleges and universities in the United States of America. [More…]
The Minister is thought to be considering the United States naval patrol frigate; the Dutch warship ‘De Ruyter’. [More…]
I would hope that Israel and the Soviet Union can restore diplomatic relations as Egypt and the United States have re-established diplomatic relations. [More…]
The busing procedures are falling into ruin all over the United States of America as a quite inappropriate way of solving the problem regarding race and disadvantage in American education. [More…]
I remember visiting the top experimental farm in the world at Beltsville in the United States of America many years ago. [More…]
It provides livestock auction prices and the prices of sheep meat at Newmarket, Victoria, of United States meat, of United Kingdom meat and so on. [More…]
We have shown the United States, for example, that we are prepared to provide her with meat at some cost to our own citizens, thereby creating some goodwill. [More…]
Foreign investment is encouraged by both Federal and State governments in the United States of America, usually with no limits. [More…]
The United States Department of Commerce even administers an ‘Invest in the United States of America Program’. [More…]
Another newspaper had the heading: ‘Government copying United States Errors on Gas - Broker’. [More…]
It went on to say that we are repeating the errors that have been made in the United States, where there has been a tendency not to look for gas because of the inadequate rewards for it. [More…]
It is to be hoped .that the United States Air Force contributes its share towards the cost of air service facilities. [More…]
At the moment the Orion is still being modified and is still being used in the United States of America. [More…]
Professor Johnson maintained that the increase in world inflation during the late 1960s was due directly to the substantial increase in inflation in the United States of America which in turn was due to that country’s deficit financing of the Vietnam war. [More…]
The resultant upsurge of inflation in the world’s largest economy had been transmitted overseas by way of direct price effects and a balance of payments deficit which flooded the world with United States dollars. [More…]
Indeed, I asked the permanent head of that Department, Mr George Warwick Smith, to undertake an overseas study of new town development in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Scandinavia. [More…]
Our exporters are now at a 26 per cent disadvantage, in terms of currency and exchange rates, compared with their competitors in the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
It might be wiser to float the currency than to have it tied to the United States dollar when the United States dollar is getting stronger. [More…]
I draw attention to problems which have arisen in the United States of America where buildings and land have been acquired for the national estate or its equivalent. [More…]
Dr Paul McCrachen, the former Chairman of President Nixon’s Council of Economic Advisers, summarised the United States experience with price control in these terms: [More…]
Let us take the United States of America and the United Kingdom - 2 economies at least that are somewhat comparable with our own. [More…]
I think that that is a rather glib description of the economic systems of Australia, the United States or the United Kingdom. [More…]
This is the great difficulty and the great economic tragedy for Australia as compared with the other 2 countries - the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
One think that countries like Australia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe have to recognise is that there are no more banana republics left in the world, and the producers of raw materials and foodstuffs are just as entitled to a fair price for their production as is the producer of manufactured goods. [More…]
The United States of America devotes about 2.9 per cent of its gross national product to expenditure on research and development. [More…]
Such a step could be taken by this House in considering the appointment of a House committee on science or, alternatively, the House setting up an office such as the United States Office of Technological Assessment that could examine development in science, whether science is being restricted by legislative strictures, and whether the research results being achieved are what was envisaged when the projects were being financed. [More…]
This committee is chaired by a member of the United States delegation to the International Whaling Commission. [More…]
In view of this very sound argument the United States proposal for a 10-year moratorium on commercial whaling to commence in 3 years did not obtain the required majority at the 1973 meeting of the International Whaling Commission. [More…]
Accordingly the United States Commission has stated that the United States would abide by the decisions of the International Whaling Commission. [More…]
This action was taken on the advice of the Scientific Committee chaired, as I pointed out, by a member of the United States delegation. [More…]
This work is being done in cooperation with the United States of America, the United Kingdom and South Africa. [More…]
The United States of America and the United Kingdom which voted for the moratorium would not have financed the cruise if the tags were not to be recovered. [More…]
The Minister went on to specify those countries as being the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Israel, Austria, Sweden and the United States of America. [More…]
The situation now is that we are arbitrarily linked to the United States dollar and as that currency gains strength our currency in turn revalues against other major currencies, such as sterling and the yen. [More…]
The effect is that imports from those countries have gained an additional competitive advantage not through the strentgh of our currency but through the changing strength of the United States dollar. [More…]
Buoyant conditions have prevailed in the export market to the United States of America, Japan and Canada. [More…]
Major overseas outlets, particularly the United States of America, are experiencing an over-supply of beef at prices below Australian prices, and are reported to be exporting large quantities of chilled beef to Japan. [More…]
The position is further aggravated by the export meat tax introduced on 26 November, currency problems related to the devaluation of the yen relative to the United States dollar and the relativity of both currencies to the Australian dollar. [More…]
Legal experts from the United States, at the time of my visit to the United States, were engaged by me to assist my department in formulating proposals for new legislation. [More…]
A United States lawyer, Mr R. M. Dietrich, General Counsel to the United States Federal Trade Commission, has assisted in the preparation of instructions for restrictive trade practices legislation. [More…]
His services were made available by the United States Government without charge. [More…]
Mr Adrian Parmeter, a United States authority on land rights matters, has given advice to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and to my Department on aboriginal land rights. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Did the Chinese Premier, Chou En-lai, tell him that the United States of America should not withdraw its forces hurriedly from South East Asia and the Western Pacific? [More…]
It is enough for me to say that 1 welcome the continuing detente in relations between China and the United States and the continuing detente between each of those countries and some others. [More…]
The United States colonies used it in one form or another before independence. [More…]
The United States of America national anthem evolved as a song during that country’s struggle for independence; it was not as a result of a competition. [More…]
To find out, he analysed the incidence of operations in Australia, the United States of America and Great Britain, and he uncovered some very interesting facts. [More…]
He found that in the United States of America where they have fairly extensive salaried medical schemes - ironically in God’s own country of free enterprise - they have doctors working on salaries - the operation rate for the same diseases was only four per thousand. [More…]
In the United States of America it is 1.9 per thousand and in the United Kingdom it is two per thousand - not much of a difference, but an increase. [More…]
Even the President’s task force in the United States of America found that where salaried medical service holds, the utilisation rate for hospital beds was often 30 per cent less than when doctors were paid on a fee for service basis. [More…]
Overseas research has shown that there is very little difference these days in a place like the United States between the medical care received by the low income earner and that received by the high income earner. [More…]
The United States of America, where the pattern of health care has been almost entirely dictated by the medical profession, is a salutary example of the danger of that course. [More…]
Once the new program is introduced in Australia, only a handful of countries such as the United States of America and South Africa will remain as bastions of so-called voluntary insurance. [More…]
The proof of it is this: The Tennessee Valley Authority of the United States of America recently invited tenders from 53 firms for the supply of 81 million lb of uranium oxide. [More…]
It is considered that with escalation uranium can go as high as $25 or $26 in the United States. [More…]
Can the Minister for Minerals and Energy inform the House as to the position of iron ore producers obtaining compensation from the Japanese steel industry following the devaluation of the United States dollar earlier this year? [More…]
I would hope that when the Law Reform Commission is established it would not be bound to English precedent but will have regard to substantial accomplishments in many areas of law reform in other countries and, in particular, in the United States of America. [More…]
If he looks at overseas trends and if he likes to take the United States of America- [More…]
He could go and look at the United States of America and Canada and see what has happened to general practice in America, where cost for the patient is forcing the general practitioner out of the community into these sorts of things. [More…]
The honourable member for Scullin mentioned the United States experience, amongst other things, as something we should look at. [More…]
Those of us who read the excellent book written by Dr Sax last year know that he has given considerable attention to the provision of health maintenance organisations and how those services have operated in the United States of America. [More…]
This position applies in the United States of America. [More…]
If a person belongs to a well organised labour union in the United States that insures its members on a capitation system under a health maintenance organisation arrangement, he is in a sound position. [More…]
Is the average number of flying hours per F111 aircraft in Australia above or below (a) the planning expectations of the Air Force and (b) the F111 programs of the United States Air Force. [More…]
The voluntary fuel economy labelling program, which has recently been introduced for 1974 model vehicles in the United States will form part of this investigation. [More…]
He would be well advised to have a look at the recent report by the United States Secretary of the Department of Mines. [More…]
I would hate to see a system such as the one which applies in the United States where one sees what one could call the fat cats doing nothing and drawing 16) per cent from everyone who mines oil under their land. [More…]
Minister answered a question in the House about the Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States letting contracts for the supply of uranium. [More…]
We will find ourselves in a state of recession as much as Western Europe, Japan and the United States will. [More…]
Let us then see what will happen when we are dependent upon the rest of the world for these supplies; see what will happen to Australia when it is in a position to have the gun pointed at it as- it has been pointed at’ Japan, Western Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
Honourable members opposite want to persist with a policy which would cause the same problems as exist in the United States. [More…]
A recent study in the United States showed that there are some 44 federal agencies which directly administer energy problems and 20 more which indirectly influence energy matters. [More…]
If we take a breakdown of who, in fact controls the vast energy resources of the United States we obtain an intriguing result. [More…]
We find that 84 per cent of the United States refinery capacity, 72 per cent of its natural gas capacity, 20 per cent of its coal production and 50 per cent of its uranium reserves are controlled by multinational corporations in the United States. [More…]
What has happened in the United States when faced with a world energy crisis particularly in petroleum and natural gas, and when that country may be forced to convert to coal is that many if its mines have run down. [More…]
On the basis of past trends, total energy demand will double between the 1970s and 1985 and total United States energy consumption between 1970 and 1985 is estimated to double from 33 million to 63 million barrels per day. [More…]
The United States has 6 per cent of the world reserves and socialist countries have 13 per cent. [More…]
If we look at the statistics on the dependency on oil as a prime energy resource we find that in Western Europe it is 62 per cent, in the United States 44 per cent and in Japan 76 per cent. [More…]
With 6 per cent of the world population the United States accounts for one-third of global oil consumption; it consumed 750 million tons last year and in fact it produced only 500 million tons. [More…]
In 1970 the United States obtained less than 3 per cent of its oil from the Middle East, by 1972 it had risen to 15 per cent and it is estimated by 1980 to rise to 35 per cent. [More…]
If, however, we follow those we have endeavoured to copy in the past, such as Great Britain and the United States, in mindlessly plundering our raw materials or, worse, allowing others to do it for us, we deserve to sink to the wretched position in which those other countries now find themselves. [More…]
I was able to visit some of the mining operations in the mid-west of the United States. [More…]
In my view Russia has a better record and I have more confidence in it to maintain world peace today than I had in the Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy Administrations of the United States. [More…]
Professor Howard comes from the Monash University and Professor Jones from Rochester University in the United States. [More…]
Some Australians served with the United States Army Service of Supply, South West Pacific Area, but services in such ships also was never intended to attract the benefits of the Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act. [More…]
It is not known whether any Australian who served in the United States Navy or the [More…]
United States Army Services of Supply received any compensation for war wounds or effects from the United States Government. [More…]
So far as wide bodied jets are concerned, during my recent visit to France I inspected a French airbus and in June when I was in the United States of America I looked at 3 airbuses or jumbos which are produced in that country. [More…]
Our connivance in that bloodshed and barbarism there has helped reduce the status in the world of our great and powerful friend, the United States. [More…]
Has the Minister for Defence seen reports in the Press suggesting that Australia is likely to acquire the United States destroyer, the patrol frigate, as a destroyer replacement and claiming that this vessel is quite unsuitable for Australian conditions? [More…]
I did see a report in which it was suggested that the American frigate, which is now under consideration in the United States, would not be acceptable to the” Royal Australian Navy. [More…]
As a simple illustration of the difficulty of knowing where the law is, I briefly tell the House the story - a true one - of a citizen of the United States who was charged with a breach of a regulation and convicted of that breach. [More…]
The whole concept that the States of Australia and the Territories should be regarded as though they were France against Germany or the United States against the Argentine seems to me to be offensive in its absurdity; but we are stuck with it. [More…]
Is it a fact that prices in Australia for spare parts for tractors produced in the United States of America are 300 to 400 per cent dearer than the prices charged in the United States. [More…]
Information on comparative prices in Australia and the United States of America for U.S. produced parts for tractors is not readily available. [More…]
Australian Access to Ocean Surveillance Information Obtained by United States Satellites and Aircraft (Question No. [More…]
Has he had discussions with authorities of the United States of America requesting Australian access to ocean surveillance information gathered by United States satellites and United States aircraft in return for the use of Australian bases by, the United States. [More…]
As to the question of surveillance information Australia has intelligence arrangements with the United States and other partner countries for the sharing of ocean surveillance information obtained by a variety of means. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a recent report in the United States of America which points to some relationship between smallpox injections of children and multiple sclerosis in later life. [More…]
Can he say whether only one per cent of track in the United States of America is in concrete sleepers. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to statements that United States railroads are not convinced that concrete sleepers will stand up to the high speed and heavy loadings which pertain to their systems; if so, are these statements correct. [More…]
It is understood that approximately 1 per cent of track in the United States is in concrete sleepers. [More…]
In its foreign relations my Government, whilst confirming the importance of historic associations with the Commonwealth of Nations and with the United States, will also pursue its firmly established and forwardlooking policies which acknowledge the need for a new spirit of regional and international co-operation in an increasingly inter-dependent world. [More…]
Is it true that during the recent Queensland floods either the Minister, as the Acting Prime Minister or as the Minister for Defence, or an officer of his Department declined an offer by the United States Government to provide helicopters and helicopter crews to help in flood relief work in spite of a critical shortage of aircraft at that time? [More…]
The honourable member referred to an offer made by the United States authorities to provide helicopters to assist in the operations that were necessary as a result of the flood disaster in Queensland. [More…]
However I will inquire from my Department whether a request was received or whether an offer was made to the Department of Defence by the United States authorities. [More…]
It should be remembered at all times that Australia has approximately the same land mass as the United States of America but it has approximately 6 per cent of the population that the United States has. [More…]
In the United States of America, which has a slightly larger area, the rate for surface mail is equivalent to 6.7c Australian for 28 grams and 4.8c Australian for 20 grams. [More…]
For the information of the PostmasterGeneral, post offices are open on Saturdays in Russia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I was not able to obtain up to date information for the United States, but until 2i years ago, which was the time covered by the latest information I received, they were still delivering mail on Saturdays. [More…]
Following question time this afternoon I investigated the matter raised by the Deputy Leader of the Country Party (Mr Sinclair) concerning what he described as an offer by the United States Government to provide helicopters and helicopter crews to help in flood relief work. [More…]
The facts are these: On 31 January Mr Harrop, the American Charge d’Affaires, telephoned Mr Alan Renouf, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs, and indicated to him that he thought that the United States could be prepared to send from Hawaii or the Philippines a number of Chinook helicopters to assist with flood relief in Queensland or New South Wales. [More…]
Mr Harrop said it was probable that the United States would help us if there was a real need for the assistance. [More…]
If this need could be demonstrated the United States itself would most probably ‘come to the party’ but it would do so only in this case. [More…]
On 1 February the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet informed me of the indication of help from the United States. [More…]
It was proposed to thank the United States Embassy for the offer and to say that the Royal Australian Air Force had been able to cope with all needs so far. [More…]
The action of the United States Charge d’Affaires was most commendable but I am sure honourable members will agree that the indication of assistance should not have been taken up unless we were unable to cope with the situation from our own resources. [More…]
It had been my understanding that an offer was made by the United States. [More…]
It is unfortunately true that friends and allies such as the United States, no doubt being aware of the run-down in our defence capacity, felt that this may well be an area where additional help was required. [More…]
I am indebted to the Minister for the information that he has provided and I am glad that he now realises that not only was an offer made by the United States but also serious consideration was given to it and that in the circumstances it was felt that the assistance was not necessary to be called on. [More…]
The idea that Senate and House of Representatives elections should occur on the same day in Australia, as of course they do in the United States, is not a new one. [More…]
He cited the instance of the United States of America where by its constitutional arrangements all elections are held in December of whatever year it might be. [More…]
Clause 4 of the Bill enshrines in the Australian Constitution the words of the United States Supreme Court in interpreting sections of the United States Constitution which were reproduced in the Australian Constitution. [More…]
We believe - and we have said for the last 10 years, since the United States Supreme Court, the Warren Court, first laid down this interpretation - that it ought to be put in the Constitution so that elected persons can no longer disregard this proper democratic principle. [More…]
Australia is entitled to take up an additional 341 shares in the capital stock of the IBRD at a cost of SUS41.14m, allowing for the effects of the two United States dollar devaluations in recent years. [More…]
Of the latter sum, SUS41 1,000 is payable in gold or United States dollars while the balance of SUS3.7m can be paid in Australian dollars, either in cash in a single lump sum or in the form of a promissory note which would subsequently be encashed on demand as and when the IBRD required the funds involved, or else as otherwise agreed with Australia. [More…]
In the United States of America inflation last year was 8 per cent, in France it was 8 per cent, and in West Germany it was 6.5 per cent. [More…]
While our foreign policy interests have been diversified and our horizons are now wider than the United States, the United Kingdom and South East Asia - we no longer ignore, for example, the existence of Communist Asia, including China with its 800 million people - the fact remains that it is in our own immediate neighbourhood that we are most likely to find an effective role for Australia. [More…]
In the sixties the main thrust of United States policy in this area was the containment of China by military involvement in Vietnam. [More…]
But the United States has itself opened up new opportunities by abandoning these policies; it no longer looks to Australia to provide a mere supporting echo of policies which it has itself progessively abandoned. [More…]
Australia’s remoteness from the main tourist markets could be regarded by some as a geographical catastrophe but not something any Government can rectify without Atlas carrying our country on his shoulders a bit closer to Europe or the United States of America. [More…]
The repeated devaluation of the United States dollar did not help us either, making Australia a fairly expensive place to visit by Americans, still the world’s keenest travellers. [More…]
The different approach taken to the long term needs of the Australian economy and the Australian people by this Labor Government can be judged by a resolution of the United States Senate dated 25 February of this year in which the Senate recognised that there is a direct correlation between the demand for and supply and price of fertiliser and the supply and price of food paid ‘for by the American consumer. [More…]
If one continued to compare other countries with Australia one would see that in every advanced agricultural country such as those in the European Economic Community, Canada, the United States of America, New Zealand and South Africa, support measures and incentive programs for agriculture are greater than those in Australia. [More…]
It was attended by some 210 delegates and secretaries representing 87 branches of the Association with a total membership of over 8,000 parliamentarians, and by some 7 observers from the Congress of the United States, the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland, the European Parliament, the European Economic Commission, the Council of Europe, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Commonwealth Foundation. [More…]
His concept was based on the idea that the People’s Republic of China should be included; the United States would be excluded. [More…]
And as should have been well known, Tun Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, who so recently duchessed the Prime Minister in Kuala Lumpur, and not so long ago duchessed me as well, the author of the idea of a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality, has stated over and over again that his proposals are for the distant future and will require the guarantees of security, territorial integrity and independence by the super powers, the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China. [More…]
Later the Prime Minister was disowned by his alleged friend ChouEnLai who wants SEATO to remain and a United States presence on the mainland retained. [More…]
Quite recently I was in one of the States of the United States of America and I thought I would question some American citizens about Australia to find out what they knew about it. [More…]
They should read about what is happening in the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
This arrangement is obviously only temporary as real additions to international reserves must be created once the present large pool of United States dollars is mopped up. [More…]
However, the Government continues to maintain a fixed parity with the United States dollar. [More…]
The Reserve Bank should fix the daily rate for the Australian dollar against the United States dollar so that the trade-weighted average of our currency against other currencies remains the same. [More…]
Since then the United States Congress has refused a fourth replenishment and its refusal to do so puts the whole program in jeopardy because the United States is by far the richest country in the world and provides by far the largest part of the assistance which goes through the IDA. [More…]
The fact that the United States Congress has chopped back its assistance means disaster for the underdeveloped countries. [More…]
If the United States Congress does not change its mind - I believe it will have an opportunity to do so - I would hope that this Government in any case would pursue it? [More…]
I would hope that we would stick by that and not chop back this allocation because the United States refuses to meet its moral obligations in the international aid sphere. [More…]
We are not in a state of balance of payments crisis, and even if we stick to the United States dollar I do not see that we will have a balance of payments problem in the near future. [More…]
Despite what the United States might do, we should stick by our promise to provide $60m to the International Development Agency over the next 3 years. [More…]
Also, I see nothing against the discussions with the IBRD on payments to and from the Bank because of the ‘maintenance of value’ provisions resulting from the revaluation of the Australian dollar as against the United States dollar. [More…]
He singled out one country - the United States of America - for criticism. [More…]
I do not know whether that is ideological, but surely we have to recognise the fact that the United States has been the most generous country when it has come to the question of providing assistance in aid and by other means to other countries. [More…]
The United States is the country which really came to the rescue of the world after the Second World War in an endeavour to build up demolished economies. [More…]
I know perfectly well that in the whole range of aid the United States Congress and the citizens of the United States have some aid fatigue. [More…]
It is not only a question of the way in which developed countries behave, although I agree with the previous speaker when he said that United States aid has not been sufficient. [More…]
First of all, I refer to a remark made by the honourable member for Curtin (Mr Garland) when he was discussing the reduction made by the United States Congress in that country’s foreign aid vote. [More…]
I think this attack on my colleague was somewhat unjustified because we should remember that the reduction made by the United States Congress in that country’s foreign aid vote - I agree with my colleague that this is an utter tragedy for the lesser developed countries - was made against the wishes of the Nixon Administration. [More…]
I would not imagine that even the honourable member for Curtin would claim that Mr McNamara’s attacks on the United States Congress were based on ideology. [More…]
I strongly support the view put by my colleague the honourable member for Gellibrand, namely, that it is a terrible shame that the United States seems to be adopting this somewhat narrow and isolationist position. [More…]
Much has been said about the association of the previous Government with the United States of America. [More…]
Previously, if we had things to say to leaders in the United States they were said in private and not blazoned as headlines in the newspapers of the world so that everybody could see our differences. [More…]
A few moments ago we were told about our association with the United States of America. [More…]
One honourable member said that the former Government did all its dealings with the United States in private. [More…]
The stage has almost been reached where it will be cheaper for a citizen of the United States of America to post a letter to Australia than for a person in Brisbane to write a letter of protest to the Postmaster-General in Canberra. [More…]
The honourable gentleman should know - I have no doubt other honourable gentlemen are aware - that for the last 10 years the Supreme Court of the United States has insisted on this principle in not only the House of Representatives of the United States but also in every State legislature. [More…]
It is a provision by which the Warren Court has transformed the democratic process in the United States. [More…]
This is the case in the United States and has been in the federal and all the State elected bodies there for the last 10 years. [More…]
Accordingly the people will be given the opportunity to see that the Australian Constitution should be as democratic as the Supreme Court of the United States insists that the American Constitution should be. [More…]
It is in Australia’s security interests in present circumstances for the United States to maintain the balance of naval forces in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
The Liberal Party therefore welcomes the decision of the United States Government because it is in Australia’s interests to do so. [More…]
The Minister for Defence (Mr Barnard) recently acknowledged that the United States North West Cape installation is an essential element in Australian security. [More…]
Diego Garcia is complementary to the North West Cape installation in overall United States defence planning. [More…]
The Government’s criticism of the United States decision on Diego Garcia is therefore totally inconsistent with the Defence Minister’s views on the North West Cape base. [More…]
The recent Middle East crisis raised a new element of uncertainty in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
Because the South Vietnam Government was under pressure applied by the Australian and United States Governments, the South Vietnam Government accepted an offer that had been pressed upon it. [More…]
For so long the ANZUS Treaty was regarded not as a treaty between the people of the United States and the people of Australia; not even as a treaty between the United States Government and the Australian Government. [More…]
It was regarded by the honourable gentlemen opposite as a treaty between the United States and the Liberal-Country Party Government. [More…]
This is what the United States Deputy Secretary of State had to say: [More…]
I can recall a statement made by a retiring Charge d’affaire of the United States Embassy during the period when the Opposition was in government. [More…]
The United States does not want allies who just follow our lead, we want allies who come up with ideas of their own. [More…]
The then Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr N. H. Bowen, went to the United States and pleaded with the United States not to support the Australian Labor Party, which was then in Opposition, but to continue to support the Liberal Party as a government. [More…]
He insinuated - and this was a statement that was made by a representative not just of a political party but of the whole Australian people - that any change in government in Australia would be entirely unacceptable to the United States and he invited the United States to consider for itself whether is really wished to contribute actively to a shift in power. [More…]
What about the maintenance of the United States presence in South East Asia? [More…]
Do honourable members opposite want the United States fighting on Asian soil again? [More…]
see that there is some sense in the United States naval presence and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics versus China conflict, or whatever it is, and the fact that the United States in many circumstances in the future can possibly be regarded as a proxy ally of China. [More…]
The United States is aware of the changing patterns of power and strategies without Australian political parties thinking they can make this an internal political issue. [More…]
We do not simply need the United States to be interested in the area so that it gives us protection if there are conflicts in the region. [More…]
The Opposition tried to make something of the Prime Minister’s statements on United States bombers still flying out of Thailand. [More…]
Incidentally, in that speech he quoted the United States Secretary of Defence at the time, Mr McNamara, who said: [More…]
I was also intrigued to hear him quote messages by Mr Kenneth Rush, the Under-Secretary of State of the United States, when he was here. [More…]
I think we heard a quotation about ‘understanding, candour and friendship’ between Australia and the United States. [More…]
United States complains about leaks in Canberra The United States has complained to Australia about a lack of diplomatic security in Canberra. [More…]
The complaint followed publication in Australia last weeks of details of a private conversation in Washington between the United States Under-Secretary of State (Mr Rush) and Australia’s new Ambassador (Sir Patrick Shaw). [More…]
Mr Rush had expressed United States concern at reported references by the Australian Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) in Bangkok to the use of Thai bases for the ‘monstrous’ bombing of North Vietnam. [More…]
That is why this Government should recognise what is transpiring in the United States today. [More…]
If the situation since the first of the strategic arms limitation talks were to continue where Russia consistently increased her defence expenditure and the United States reduced its expenditure, the world would be placed in a position of jeopardy and there would be little point or strength in the negotiating position of the United States under the broad umbrella of detente. [More…]
I mention the Indian Ocean, for instance, where, as part of this world balance that the United States seeks, the United States is intending to build up, not as an operational base but as a secondary base, Diego Garcia. [More…]
There would be no possibility of a balance in the Indian Ocean region if the United States were forbidden to develop Diego Garcia. [More…]
It has positively encouraged isolationism in the United States. [More…]
It has aligned itself with all the forces of isolationism in the United States. [More…]
The Government has backed the forces of isolationism in Britain and in the United States. [More…]
This year the United States of America is expecting an inflation rate in excess of 10 per cent. [More…]
The United States of America is anticipating only one per cent real growth. [More…]
This is a time when the currency badly needs to be removed from its ties with the United States dollar, yet this Government declines to take action. [More…]
The United States has a far better record in the last 12 months than this Government has achieved. [More…]
The things include a critical review of Public Service expenditure with a view to reducing it, assessment of steps designed to reduce Government intervention in the economy such as in the pipeline scheme, realignment of the Australian dollar in line with other world parities and removal of its tie with the United States dollar and the introduction of meaningful monetary control measures aimed at improving the flow of funds to borrowers such as home buyers at reasonable interest rates, stimulating the productive sector of the economy to give it confidence in the future, confidence in employment prospects and confidence in getting this country moving for tomorrow instead of reducing incentive altogether as this Government tends to do. [More…]
Press in the last few days, hurriedly with the Senate election on his doorstep - orders some of these United States patrol frigates. [More…]
If the Country Party was so keen to provide some sort of exploration incentive why did it not follow the example of its friends in the United States of America? [More…]
The United States is the leader of the world so far as the Opposition is concerned. [More…]
Now we find that there ?s a situation where the Country Party, in order to represent faithfully its new-found friends, has turned its back on the precedent established in the United States where the control of prices exists at the established wells. [More…]
In the United States a producing well has its price fixed at SA2.33 which would mean, of course, that the price of Bass Strait oil would be fixed at the current level. [More…]
In the United States the price of oil from new wells is left uncontrolled in order to provide an incentive for exploration. [More…]
This shows that today Kuwait oil is $4.96 a barrel - of course, it is of a lower quality than Australian oil; in Saudi Arabia it is $5.18; in the United States of America it is $4.08; in another field in the United States of America it is $4.30; in Venezuela - I do not have the latest figures - in September it was $3.79. [More…]
He has as much prescience then as he had early in 1973 when he said that there was nothing more certain than, death and that the value of the United States dollar would fall even further. [More…]
What has happened to the United States dollar since those days? [More…]
While this situation can, in general terms, be explained by currency adjustments, the cessation of the United States R and R program to Australia which terminated on 31 December 1971 and in some cases by an uncompetitive fare situation from our major markets, there are no indications that the position is improving, nor can one be optimistic that it will improve of its own accord. [More…]
When the world’s supply of products of rural origin comes closer to demand, Australian farmers and exporters will be at a serious disadvantage with their competitors in the United States of America and Canada selling wheat, coarse grains and choice cuts of meat. [More…]
We were very low down on the list of comparable countries - lower than the United States of America, lower than Britain and lower than nearly all the European countries from Spain to the United Kingdom. [More…]
Instead, we have one of the worst - worse than the United States of America, worse than Britain. [More…]
Since that time, although not as a result of that statement, the United States dollar has steadily risen. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Australian Country Party (Mr Sinclair) claimed recently that the United Kingdom, under the Conservative Government, and the United States both had a much better record on inflation than did Australia. [More…]
The United States did rather better, but it imposed price and incomes controls. [More…]
The United States froze meat prices for quite a time last year. [More…]
Have you made any representations to the United States on this matter [More…]
At the root of all our troubles was the persistent balance of payments deficit of the United States. [More…]
For one thing, the balance of payments prospects of the United States, on the one hand, and of Europe and Japan, on the other, had been transformed. [More…]
The United States had surpluses in prospect. [More…]
The expected deficits of the rest of the world to the oil producers made the earlier United States deficits seem quite small by comparison. [More…]
To what extent is the Government actively seeking migrants from the United States of America? [More…]
The steel manufacturers of the United States used to bring in boat loads of Yugoslavs until the Yugoslavs rebelled, then boat loads of Greeks until they rebelled and then boat loads of Italians until they would not stand it any more. [More…]
The plans provide for the Federal Government to launch an intensive drive for skilled migrant workers in the United States. [More…]
They represent a bold change from the 20-year-old Liberal-Country Party policy of refusing to advertise for migrants in the United States for fear of Negro applicants. [More…]
Other headings in the report are: ‘United States: Superwash Stimulates Single Jersey’ and Japan: Old Barrier is Removed’. [More…]
The United States again has done a lot with crimp in carpet. [More…]
Special wool has been produced in Australia for the production of carpets in the United States. [More…]
While the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the United States has been requested to provide imagery over the Lake Pedder area, it is uncertain when this will become available due to the rare occasions when the satellite passes over Western Tasmania and the area is cloud-free. [More…]
The participating governments which attended the SPC Review meeting in Wellington were Australia, Fiji, France, Nauru, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Western Samoa. [More…]
Is it true that the purpose of that conference is to persuade the United States of America and Russia to reduce their forces in the Indian Ocean? [More…]
Is it true that India is making the arrangements for such conference and is making arrangements for representations to be made to the Soviet and to the United States on behalf of Australia? [More…]
The creation of an independent authority for the arts follows the approach adopted in other countries including Britain, Canada, the United States and New Zealand. [More…]
It is worse than any Tammany Hall effort that has ever been made in the United States.’ [More…]
Trembling with anger, he points with horror to the $61m over 3 years which Esso has remitted to its parent company in the United States. [More…]
Tenneco (United States) - mid 1973 closed down completely in Australia. [More…]
Trend Exploration, United States - minerals and oil - stopping all work in Australia, transferring activity to Indonesia. [More…]
Anaconda - recalling staff to United States of America and transferring Australians to South Africa. [More…]
Until very recently, however, we have seen major trading nations like the United States of America and Japan disinclined to correct their persistent deficit and surplus positions. [More…]
Measures were taken by the United States and other deficit countries during the 1960s to limit deficits - but these were basically ad hoc devices which merely delayed ‘the inevitable crises. [More…]
However, prior to the Smithsonian Agreement of December 1971, it was widely assumed that an adjustment to the par value of the United States Dollar was impractical, primarily because of the predominant role played in the system by the United States. [More…]
This inflexibility of the United States dollar’s par value was not significant in the immediate post-war periods. [More…]
As the United States reserve position progressively weakened, exchange rates adjusted against the dollar became increasingly inappropriate. [More…]
Further, as increases in international reserves were almost exclusively in the form of increased dollar holdings, demand for world liquidity was able to continue only as long as surplus countries were willing to accept United States dollars in their holdings of foreign exchange reserves. [More…]
But these, of course, emanated from continuing United States deficits. [More…]
In August 1971, the United States suspended its pledge of formal convertibility of dollar balances into gold. [More…]
The view held by the Committee is closely compatible with the Opposition’s commitment to the exchange rate which is not based on a fixed parity with the United States dollar. [More…]
Movements in the Australian exchange rate should not be based on the monetary policies and balance of payments developments in the United States. [More…]
There is no need to maintain the United States dollar link to achieve this. [More…]
Arising from that point I want to say that it was the persistent and massive monetary expansion originating from the United States at the time of the deficit-financed escalation of the Vietnam war that has caused such a tremendous increase in inflation in the world. [More…]
It was because of deficit financing, I assert, in the United States that this international liquidity did grow at such a tremendous extent and has caused the sort of inflationary problems we are suffering today. [More…]
Now they have gone through such a metamorphosis - I repeat the word - that they believe that we ought even to untie our exchange rate from the United States rate and have more of a floating exchange rate. [More…]
The old picture was one of the United States in deficit and Japan and Europe in surplus. [More…]
We must declare, of course, that the United States did take measures as well which have borne fruit. [More…]
The picture in Rome was very different because the United States now has moved into surplus and Japan and Europe into deficit. [More…]
I am concerned that in this statement the Treasurer has not adverted to what seems now to be an inevitable step - that is, the freeing of the Australian dollar from its tie with the United States dollar. [More…]
Obviously in the present world environment there is a major disability in excess dependence on either the United States dollar or the pound sterling as units of currency for international trade contracts. [More…]
The present per capita income for Asia is about $100 per annum compared with, according to statistics of at least 12 months ago - these figures, of course would need updating with the inflationary trends - per capita income of $4,000 per annum in the United States and $2,800 in ustralia. [More…]
On present trends, by the year 2000 the incomes will have risen to about only $200 for Asia, with the United States level being between $8,000 and $10,000 per annum. [More…]
A United Nations report published in 1972 showed that 6 main military spenders account for more than four-fifths of the world’s armament expenditure, namely, the United States of America, the United Socialist Soviet Republic, France, China, the United Kingdom and Germany. [More…]
The Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate estimated that the full budgetary cost of the Vietnam war to the United States from 1965 to 1970 was $104.4 billion - a per capita cost of $500. [More…]
Estimates of the killed in the war were 46,000 United States, 195,000 South Vietnam and 927,000 so-called ‘enemy’. [More…]
5m for the Department of Services and Property for rent, property maintenance, furniture and fittings and running costs at overseas posts; and $0.9m for the Department of the Special Minister of State for expenditure on the International Exposition to be held in Spokane in the United States of America this year. [More…]
This statement expressed the Government’s earnest desire to prevent Australia’s investments abroad, particularly in Asia, attracting the antipathy that those of the United States and more recently of Japan have attracted. [More…]
Yet it has been pointed out that the largest foreign investing country in the United States of America is actually a net importer of reinvestible surplus from developing countries. [More…]
It is, I believe, one of the prime causes of discontent in the United States at present because the United Nations and other multinational bodies have unfortunately injected a note of political bias into the way in which their programs are developed. [More…]
They are: Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, West Germany, Iceland, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Obviously the implications for various United States installations in Australia were in mind. [More…]
Accordingly, the Australian Government informed the United States Government. [More…]
As a member of just the DAC, Australia was invited to take part in the debate at Strasbourg, along with such other DAC members as the United States of America, Canada and Japan, which were obviously not members of the European Parliament itself but which were invited to debate the subject in that European parliament. [More…]
In the United States of America this is called aid fatigue. [More…]
It is certainly an important influence on the United States Congress at present and on other donor countries. [More…]
Of all the donor countries that could be considered, of all the countries with a strong gross national product, he singled out for criticism the United States, as did the honourable member for Gellibrand (Mr Willis) in a speech on the International Monetary Agreements Bill. [More…]
To point out the United States - a country which has been most generous in its aid around the world - is, I think, to look at the matter with ideological blinkers. [More…]
The Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate estimated that the full budgetary cost of the Vietnam war to the United States from 1965 to 1970 was $104.4 billion- a per capita cost of $500, [More…]
During those years Mr McNamara was the Secretary of State of the United States that carried out that war. [More…]
Our share of New Zealand, Japanese and United States departures has declined in comparison to the share obtained by competitive destinations. [More…]
I feel that the same situation exists in European countries and possibly in the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
It is pleasing to note that 20 charter flights of tourists from the United States of America will be coming to this country in the near future. [More…]
That is pleasing because visitors from the United States are good money spinners and we want more tourists to come to Australia from that source. [More…]
I do not know just what the Australian Tourist Commission has done to promote Australia in the United States market but friends who have come back from the United States have told me that one sees and reads very little in that country about the wonderful facilities, scenery and everything else that we have in this country. [More…]
By virtue of the Australian currency link with the United States dollar and the latter’s continued appreciation against other major world currencies, the value of the Australian dollar relative to overseas currencies, particularly relative to the currencies of our major tourist markets, has been creeping upwards. [More…]
The advent of the oil crisis has further strengthened the Australian dollar and the United States dollar. [More…]
United States visitors now find that they obtain fewer Australian cents for their American dollar than previously. [More…]
It is now much better financially, from an exchange point of view, for a tourist from Japan or the United States of America to visit Europe than Australia. [More…]
In the United States of America it has three - in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. [More…]
The honourable member for Banks (Mr Martin) said that we have 3 tourist offices in the United States. [More…]
Therefore we only have 2 tourist offices in the United States. [More…]
He quite rightly pointed out that this expanding gap can be partly explained by exchange variation, the termination at the end of December 1971 of the United States Services rest and recreation leave, and the uncompetitive fare situation. [More…]
What is the known extent of the United States naval combatant presence in the Indian Ocean prior to the possible use of Diego Garcia, similarly excluding any vessels pursuing non-combatant tasks? [More…]
Has he noted that, among others, Senator Mike Mansfield, the majority leader in the United States Senate, supports such initiatives? [More…]
I do not have precise figures of the Soviet or the United States presence from time to time in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
There is of course discussion in the United States Congress and its committees on Diego Garcia.I would not presume to comment on the reports of evidence given by a succession of witnesses there or views expressed by the members of the committees. [More…]
In the United States the Federal Government provides up to 80 per cent of the cost of projects aimed at improving transport services. [More…]
During my overseas trip in June last year I made a point of looking at urban transport systems in Europe, Canada, the United States and Japan. [More…]
It is true that in the present financial climate - it ‘is not an exclusively Australian climate but it is a financial climate that exists around the world, from Iceland to Spain, to Turkey, to Australia, to the United States of America and to all the so-called Western countries - all countries are experiencing the phenomenon of so-called inflation. [More…]
We are not prepared to allow our exchange rate to be determined by the internal and external affairs of the United States of America. [More…]
The Minister for Services and Property also pointed out that the United States of America, which has a President noted for his conservative attitudes and many faults, nonetheless is moving towards a situation where it will have a universal health insurance program. [More…]
When it is all boiled down, the real crux of the issues centres around the point that we are offering universal coverage to the community - something that belongs in most countries today; something that is being introduced in the United States of America; something that has been established in Canada for many years. [More…]
It has recommended, as I announced last night, that we purchase 2 patrol frigates from the United States of America. [More…]
The Government cannot even make up its mind whether it will allow the Russians to establish in Australia a base which will destroy the purposes of ANZUS, destroy the functions of the Pine Gap and Woomera bases and most probably cause the United States of America to withdraw from or cancel the ANZUS obligation. [More…]
Of course there are many in this Parliament - the honourable member for Lalor, the Minister for Overseas Trade (Dr J. F. Cairns), and the Minister for the Environment and Conservation - who would be delighted if they could provoke the United States into that kind of activity. [More…]
A major feature of last October’s conflict in the Middle East from our strategic point of view was the manner in which the United States of America and the Soviet Union successfully managed the crisis in their relations and used their influence to limit the conflict. [More…]
Our alliance and working defence relationship with the United States continue important of course - in terms of the global balance, of our regional standing, of the long-term contingency of serious deterioration in our strategic situation, and of defence force in several important practical respects. [More…]
But we are now required by strategic and international political developments - and we ourselves wish - to deal on our own with any local situations that may arise, to assert an independent strategic influence, and to pursue political- policies more independently of United States views and interests. [More…]
The Government has accepted the recommendation of the Defence Force Development Committee that we should, as the first step, acquire 2 destroyers of United States design, known as the patrol frigate, and the Government has agreed that negotiations should be opened with the United States Government for this purpose. [More…]
Assuming congressional authorisations, a production run of 50 ships in the United States is expected by the Administration. [More…]
It is proposed that the 2 patrol frigates be procured in the United States with a considerable cost saving. [More…]
The competitors are the United States P3 type and the British Nimrod. [More…]
In the case of new destroyers, which have the United States Navy as the source, negotiations will be commenced with both the United States foreign military sales organisation and United States equipment suppliers. [More…]
I mentioned earlier Australia’s relationship with the United States. [More…]
When I was in the United States early last January, I was able to re-affirm publicly in New York and privately in Washington, to the Secretaries of State and Defence, Drs Kissinger and Schlesinger, and to other senior members of the United States Administration and the United States Armed Services, the importance I and my colleagues in the Government continued to attach to Australia’s alliance and practical working defence relationship with the United States. [More…]
The relationship with the United States requires management, of course- Our interests are not identical. [More…]
We entertain on our territory United States installations whose presence and functions required the Government to satisfy itself that adequate regard was paid to Australian sovereignty. [More…]
The public would be justified in being highly sceptical when they consider the whole sorry story of the Government’s handling of a destroyer replacement - a story that has culminated in the announcement that we are to buy 2 United States patrol frigates. [More…]
This has been made quite clear by the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
As detailed by the Minister for Defence (Mr Barnard), the savings on an equal buy for the patrol frigate manufactured in the United States amount to some $73m, assuming that the DDL program had proceeded without any difficulties. [More…]
The patrol frigate has been the subject of one of the most rigorous development programs ever undertaken by the United States Navy. [More…]
All major sub-systems are being developed by the United States Navy before they are incorporated in the final design. [More…]
The United States is now thinking of the advanced version of the Harrier called the AVI 6 which the Hawker-Siddeley and McDonnell-Douglas companies are developing. [More…]
In that report he very correctly analyses some figures from ‘‘Jane’s Fighting Ships’, saying that the DDL reference in the current edition of that booklet as ‘a most interesting advance’ compared with the patrol frigate whose limitations are expressly set out, limitations which saw the United States Congress in 1971 expressing severe doubt by denying for 12 months the necessary funds for prototype development. [More…]
For instance, major Japanese competitors could operate from Hong Kong, Singapore or Indonesia and United States companies from Latin America and the Philippines. [More…]
We can be thankful that very few lives were lost when one compares our tragedy with the tornadoes in the United States of America, the floods in Brazil and the droughts in India and Africa. [More…]
There was Sir Percy Spender to the United States of America, Sir Howard Beale to the United States of America, Mr Joe Gullett to Italy, Mr Dan McKinnon to the Argentine and Peru, Mr Gordon Freeth to Japan and Mr Hugh Roberton to Ireland. [More…]
Mr Clerk, he has given distinguished service to committees of the Parliament and on Australian parliamentary delegations in South East Asia, Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
The Government will encourage and support measures designed to remove tension amongst all states’ and welcomes the moves by the United States and the Soviet Union to stabilise their strategic relationship. [More…]
Time and time again we have heard from the Labor Party about the decision a few years ago when the Supreme Court of the United States of America recommended that the United States should have electorates of equal enrolment. [More…]
But we have never heard a word from the Government about the more recent action of the Supreme Court in approving a redistribution which provides for a variation of 16 per cent in enrolments in the United States. [More…]
Let us look at the case in the United States of America where comparable figures have been published. [More…]
If we compare the figures for nonmaternity surgical procedures in the United States we find the following: Group practice plans - which are ‘ non fee-for-service plans - have the lowest rate and the Blue Shield, which is the same as our present schemes such as the Medical Benefits Fund of Australia and others, has the highest rate with all surgical procedures running at 135 per cent higher under fee-for-service. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, in offshore United States of America and in Alaska the designated authority grants non-exclusive exploration licences which permit companies to undertake, geophysical analyses. [More…]
There are some disadvantages in applying this system to Australia, such as the lack of geological knowledge, but it is a lucrative source of revenue as has been proved in the North Sea, offshore areas of the United States of America and Alaska and in western Africa. [More…]
United States dollars - has actually been paid in. [More…]
In the United States the federal government provides up to 80 per cent of the cost of projects aimed at improving these services. [More…]
During my overseas visits as the Australian Minister for Transport I have made a point of investigating urban transport systems in Europe, Canada, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
These amounts are to be paid in the national currency of each member country up to the equivalent of the amounts in United States dollars specified in the attached table, which I ask leave of the House to have incorporated in Hansard. [More…]
Chief Justice Hughes of the United States Supreme Court made this very point in an opinion he delivered in 1933 in the case of Appalachian Coal Inc. v. US when he said of the Sherman Act: [More…]
The discriminatory dealing provisions are based on provisions in the United States legislation known as the Robinson-Patman Act, and commentators have been quick to note that that legislation has been the subject of some criticism in the United States. [More…]
In the United Kingdom stocks are 25 per cent lower, in France 23 per cent lower, in Italy 28 per cent lower, in West Germany 68 per cent lower, in Belgium 67 per cent lower and in the United States of America 2.5 per cent lower than they were at this time last year. [More…]
For instance, in the Congress of the United States of America there are very important committees that do a tremendous amount of work. [More…]
I think that many of us have become very conscious of the worry of the people of the United States of America in the last year or so about the deficiencies of their system. [More…]
I will not say anything that reflects upon the Constitution of the United States of America or upon the way in which its parliamentary system has been built up, but I will make the observation that lessons can be learned from any system, whether it is the Westminster system, the American system or any other system. [More…]
I suggest too that we ought not to talk about copying the United States system too closely. [More…]
If we are to have a committee system it must be a committee system that is different from that employed by the United States Congress. [More…]
I do not wish to criticise the United States system. [More…]
I am sure that the proposed committee will receive plenty of evidence about the differences and will appreciate that our objectives are not in the same direction as the objectives of the United States system. [More…]
Under the ‘maintenance of value’ provisions in its articles of agreement, the World Bank is required to repay to Australia the increased United States dollar value of its previous subscriptions. [More…]
They in fact belong to a previous era when a strong United States dollar underwrote the stability of the whole international monetary system. [More…]
As the importance of the United States dollar has declined as a unit of currency and become subject to marked variances in value, its relevance as a benchmark for the graduation of other currencies has, in like measure, diminished. [More…]
In a logical response to a series of dollar crises, most major trading nations have floated their currencies, enabling them to find their real market value independent of United States dollar movements. [More…]
It is simply inappropriate today to tie our currency to the United States dollar. [More…]
A fixed tie with the United States dollar could be supported only as a first step on the path to monetary integration with the United States economy. [More…]
The Opposition believes that the arbitrary link between the Australian dollar and the United States dollar should be abandoned immediately. [More…]
The Reserve Bank covers the trading banks as far as the United States dollars and the pound stering are concerned. [More…]
I see nothing against the discussions with the Bank on payments to and from the Bank because of the ‘maintenance of value’ provisions resulting from the revaluation of the Australian dollar as against the United States dollar. [More…]
I am thinking particularly of the effect on public opinion in the United States of America. [More…]
Perhaps as an intermediate step we could do as the New Zealanders have done and link our currency with several currencies, and not just the United States dollar, and fix a rate each day. [More…]
Some years ago in the United States of America there was a gentleman called Senator McCarthy. [More…]
He brought a great deal of disrepute on the whole of the United States democratic process. [More…]
The reason Senator McCarthy brought disrepute on the Parliament of the United States was that in completely unjustified and unsubstantiated character allegations he insisted on laying charges outside of the courts, in the forum of the Parliament under the sanctity of the rules which ensure parliamentary privilege against any charges made against a person outside Parliament, in such a way that a number of individuals were severely and critically maligned. [More…]
The creation of an independent authority for the arts follows the approach adopted in other countries including Britain, Canada, the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
The mining industry was foolish enough to write all its contracts in terms of United States dollars, thus effectively downgrading its in come by 22 per cent. [More…]
The honourable member brought up the old chestnut about how the mining companies should not have tied their contract prices to the United States dollar. [More…]
I challenge honourable members opposite to find for me one banker who is engaged in raising international finance or one stockbroker who has engaged in raising money for mammoth projects which have turned around the balance of payments strength of this country who will say that he could have done other than tie the currency to the United States dollar rate. [More…]
The reason why they are still doing so is that the United States currency is still the strongest currency and the only currency to which one can look for major stability. [More…]
The United States has not applied asset ratios to financial intermediaries generally but, at times, monetary policy has included the use of consumer credit controls and interest rate ceilings on deposits. [More…]
It is true, however, that monetary theorists and major public inquiries, such as the United Kingdom Committee on the Working of the Monetary System and the United States Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation, have all adverted to the capacity of financial institutions to create disintermediation. [More…]
In the United States, monetary studies, such as ‘Money in a Theory of Finance’ by Gurley and Shaw, have tended to place a further discount on the capacity for financial intermediaries to create de-stabilising effects. [More…]
For example, Professor Warren Hogan, in the ‘Economic Record’ in 1960 referred to the conclusions of the debate in the United States in the following terms: [More…]
The practice of differential rentals is followed in many other countries including Britain, Canada, the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
As the Treasurer is aware, Governments in such countries as the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada have had the benefit of conclusions drawn by various committees of inquiry prior to introducing this type of financial legislation. [More…]
We know that this law has an American origin and we know that this section and other provisions are found in the Clayton Act, the Sherman Act and in the Robinson Patman Act of the United States of America. [More…]
The hope of the Government, one understands, is that the same sort of principles will be applied in its interpretation here as have been applied in the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America this rule has been applied. [More…]
The opinion that that provision conflicts with the encouragement of competition has been expressed by a number of learned people - by the report of the Attorney-General’s National Committee which studied the anti-trust laws in the United States of America in 1955, by the Neal report more recently in 1969 and by C. D. Edwards, a noted authority on price discrimination laws. [More…]
It is worth noting that while criticism has been made of the fact that the discriminatory dealing provisions of this Bill have been based on the Robinson-Patman Act of the United States it is a fact that this legislation aims to maintain competition of a much broader kind than is provided under that Act because much to the chagrin of the Opposition this Government is committed to the strengthening of competition in the Australian economy. [More…]
I would say by way of comparison that in Canada and in the United States there is very strong consumer legislation at the national level as well as at the State level and in some cases even at the local government level. [More…]
It is the purpose of the second amendment, to sub-clause (2) (b), to incorporate in the clause a test which is contained in United States law requiring that the benefit offered be one which is reasonably believed to be offered by a competitor of the supplier. [More…]
There will be provisions for registries, registrars and people called marshalls who will exercise the task of enforcing the Federal writ in Australia, as happens in the United States. [More…]
That has been so in the United States. [More…]
We will have repeated here the same system as exists in the United States. [More…]
One other matter which is extremely important and which has created a tremendous problem in the United States of America is that if the Human Rights Bill finds it way into Federal law, and in the unlikely event of the High Court upholding it to be valid, this Superior Court would be able to direct its writs to the judgments of the State Supreme Courts, with consequent tension. [More…]
I venture to quote what Mr Justice Holmes said in the Supreme Court of the United States some time in the 1920s. [More…]
He said: When we are dealing with words which are also a constituent act like the Constitution of the United States we must realise that they have called into life a being the development of which could not have been foreseen completely by the most gifted of its begettors. [More…]
He was, of course, speaking of the United States. [More…]
These were the army tank, where the choice lay between the German Leopard and the M65, and the Neptune long range reconnaissance aircraft replacement, where the choice lay between the United States Orion and the British Nimrod. [More…]
This decision was cancelled by the incoming Labor Government and nothing done until just shortly before the general election, when .it was announced that we were to purchase 2 patrol frigates from the United States. [More…]
I refer honourable members to the report presented to this House in August 1972 which said that other navies were producing ships of severely limited capability with very particular roles to fulfil, such as the patrol frigate being planned at that time by the United States as a mid-ocean escort with capabilities directly related to that task, and the British Type 21. [More…]
I have no information on the United States government’s position in this regard. [More…]
One of the worries of those of us who are concerned with consumer affairs - let us take the revaluation by itself - is that the exchange rate on goods imported from the United States of America should reflect revaluation changes. [More…]
Australian distributors and retailers expect to add much higher markups than do their counterparts in the United States. [More…]
I refer to countries such as West Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
As the Minister pointed out, the Federal Government in the United States grants up to 80 per cent of the cost of projects aimed at improving these services. [More…]
If we think of what happened when there was this kind of control on farming in the United States of America some years ago, we can see the real dangers that arise from the actions that this Government has been taking. [More…]
Honourable members should remember that on that same day the honourable senator had launched his attack on Marshall Green, the United States Ambassador. [More…]
I refer to some figures that he gave in which he compared the incidence of tonsillectomy and appendicectomy operations in Australia with those operations in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States, where the health services are not inhibited in any way by those aspects to which the Opposition has been referring this afternoon in dealing with our scheme, there were 4 tonsillectomy cases per 1,000 persons. [More…]
It is well to reflect that, the Supreme Court of the United States has found that a person has been denied due process of law through the televising of proceedings of a committee, because allegations can be made, not answered and not presented in a balanced way. [More…]
In view of recent reports that Australia’s recognition of the People’s Republic of North Korea is imminent, will the Minister advise whether the governments of the following countries were consulted on this matter: Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States of America. [More…]
Australia has discussed its intended recognition of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with the governments of a number of countries including the Republic of Korea, Japan and the United States. [More…]
Apart from the British precedent which we propose, in principle, to follow, provisions for disclosure of interests are made in the parliamentary practice of a number of other countries, including the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
I have stated before, as have the Liberal and Country parties, that the Australian dollar should be freed from the United States dollar. [More…]
I refer to Canada and the United States. [More…]
Both of those countries have a much larger population than we have - ‘more so the United States than Canada. [More…]
Unfortunately, much of the advice they offer is out of date, and based on what happened in the United States 15 years ago. [More…]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs has provided the following answer to the right honourable member’s question: <1) Pending a comprehensive revision of the Canberra Agreement of 1947 a Memorandum of Understanding was drawn up for signature by Australia, Fiji, France, Nauru, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Western Samoa, the broad aim of which is to modify the Canberra Agreement of 1947 to reflect the changes in the Pacific in the 1970’s. [More…]
As Australia was obliged, under the provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to complete a safeguards agreement by 11 July 1974 with the Government of the United States of America, will the Minister incorporate in Hansard the text ofthe safeguards agreement which was signed with the United States on 10 July 1974. [More…]
Pursuant to that Article of the Agreement, a protocol was signed at the same time suspending safeguards applied in Australia under an earlier agreement between the IAEA, the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States. [More…]
Did Australia fail to vote with the United States of America, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Fiji in favour of a motion to defer for 12 months the question before the General Assembly of the United Nations in late 1973 as to whether Cambodia should be represented by diplomats of the Lon Nol Government or those of Prince Sihanouk; if so, why. [More…]
Did he state at his press conference on 9 January 1973, when asked why other Ministers were making outbursts against United States policy, that there will be no further statements on foreign policy except by himself. [More…]
We believe, in the words of the great Chief Justice Warren of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in 1964- [More…]
Its basic principles have been recognised by the Supreme Court of the United States for 10 years and by an all-party committee of our Parliament for 15 years. [More…]
I refer on this occasion, as I did on an earlier occasion, to the case of Baker v. Carr in the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court continued that it would effect: [More…]
The United States Court also held: [More…]
When the Prime Minister stood up here and lectured us, as he so often does, about democracy and about what that great Chief Justice Earl Warren said in the Supreme Court of the United States of America, he certainly did not advert to the Supreme Court case of February 1973 involving the State of Virginia. [More…]
Chief Justice Warren of the Supreme Court of the United States of America has been quoted today by the Prime Minister. [More…]
In his findings in one case in the Supreme Court of the United States of America, Chief Justice Warren said: [More…]
The Joint Committee on Constitutional Review, the Supreme Court of the United States and the Federal Council of the Liberal Party of Australia, though that is not exactly a good recommendation, support equality of representation as well. [More…]
That statement was made by a man who played a very important part in framing the Constitution of the United States of Amenca. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court has had an opportunity of expressing a legal view on this question on several occasions in recent years. [More…]
In every single case that has been before the United States Supreme Court it has made the same decision- that the democratic concept will not tolerate the gerrymandering of politicians. [More…]
In the United States Constitution Convention debate of 1 778 James Madison said: [More…]
The electors are to be the great body of the people of the United States. [More…]
I want to comment on the remarks of the honourable member for Phillip (Mr Riordan), who referred to a court decision in the United States of America. [More…]
We ought to compare our record not only with that of the United States of America but also with that of Canada, Britain and France. [More…]
Of course, as many know, it was named after Governor Gerry of Massachusetts in the United States of America who approved an electorate which was so distorted to his Party’s advantage that it was in a peculiar shape, looking a little like a salamander. [More…]
All other countries- France, the United States, Canada and others- have a special loading. [More…]
Those who drew up our Constitution felt so keenly about the representation of the people that they expressly did not follow the example of the United States Constitution. [More…]
I point out that members of the United States Senate said that they believed that the people of the district, that is the capital District, should be represented in the House of Representatives but that the Senate is the forum for the people, that is, that the Senate should represent the States from where the people come. [More…]
Quick and Garran, an authority quoted at length in this debate, agree with the view put forward by the United States senators. [More…]
I noticed also that Senator Carrick used the district of Columbia in the United States as an example to support one of his arguments. [More…]
How marvellous it is that the Opposition uses the United States example when it suits its case. [More…]
This was a problem that faced the founding fathers of the United States. [More…]
As a proportion of gross domestic product the cost of Canada’s health services is at this point about the same as in the United States of America, but I repeat that in Canada everyone is covered. [More…]
In the United States a very large proportion of the public is not covered. [More…]
More importantly, the rate of increase in costs in Canada is much less than the rate of increase in costs in the United States. [More…]
If one had to make a comparision to decide which scheme the present Australian scheme was more likethat in Canada or that in the United States- one would have to say that it was more like that of the United States of America. [More…]
Even the United States of America is in the middle of a rather turbulent debate on the issue of universal health insurance. [More…]
State governments can confirm- and it is evidenced by the most recent 50 per cent increase in hospital charges- that hospital costs are running away in this country under the present scheme and at a much faster rate, as it happens than in Canada or the United Kingdom or the United States of America against which unfavourable comparisons are so often made. [More…]
We are determined to ensure that the transition in the United States will not be repeated in Australia, under which major petroleum companies are announcing that they have broadened their activities and objectives to become major energy companies. [More…]
A point has been reached in the United States where top oil companies own 53 per cent of United States coal production and, through a maze of subsidiaries, control nearly two-thirds of the commercial coal market. [More…]
Finally, the only people he could interest in this enormous project in the Pilbara was the Kaiser Steel Corporation of the United States of America and Riotinto Zinc Corporation of the United Kingdom. [More…]
Another aspect which has been of significance in the United States of America and which is almost scandalous in Australia relates to the field of refining technology. [More…]
I should Uke to devote my remaining time to a statement made by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Snedden) concerning the United States. [More…]
He said that there is no grip by multinational corporations in the energy sector in the United States. [More…]
There is a lot of concern in the United States at the moment. [More…]
Likewise there is a startling revelation as to control of energy components in the United States. [More…]
However, if we follow the course of the United Kingdom and the United States in mindlessly plundering our raw reserves or, what is worse, do what the parties opposite were doing and, in effect hand the reserves over to others to plunder, we shall deserve to sink to the same wretched position as other countries have found themselves in. [More…]
As yet no money has been returned to the United States by Clutha. [More…]
What the miners and I asked during 1971-72 was: If we reversed the situation, would the United States Government allow 2 companies from Australia to come to its country’s shores, mine coal entirely for export and then engage in competition for overseas markets to the detriment of local industry? [More…]
It can be shown that the so-called energy crisis in the United States of America is really a business crisis or, more properly, a policy crisis. [More…]
The current energy crisis in the United States is the fifth annual energy crisis. [More…]
It is the gas stations owned by the smaller companies which are closed in the United States. [More…]
The top 25 oil companies in the United States now control 84 per cent of all oil, 72 per cent of all gas, 54 per cent of all coal and 80 per cent of all atomic power, together with 60 per cent of all electric power in the United States. [More…]
In the Parliamentary Library one can read the history of the battle for Lake Superior in the United States. [More…]
There have been injunctions, actions by 3 State legislatures and an action in the United States Supreme Court- and the mining companies are still going on with their pollution methods. [More…]
The history of the United States would have been a lot better if a conservationist in the person of Senator Edward Muskie had been elected President instead of what did happen. [More…]
I believe that Rex Connor Will maintain the same high standard as has been maintained by such Secretaries of the Interior in the United States of America as Stewart Udall [More…]
Australia can still avoid many of the mistakes made in the United States in regard to freeways. [More…]
At one time Los Angeles had the largest suburban rail system in the United States but because of years of neglect this system was allowed to run down, until by 1961 no more suburban passenger services were provided in that city. [More…]
This was an important provision, required as much by North Vietnam, the PRG, the U.S.S.R. and China (in relation to their non-recognition of the Government of Vietnam) as by the United States, South Vietnam, France, Britain, Canada, etc. [More…]
If he is unwilling to do that, will he quote the paragraph with certain words omitted, with an indication of where any words are omitted, a technique used by the United States Government in publishing some defence documents. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to the considerable concern among apiarists about the importation of leafcutter bees from the United States of America into Australia. [More…]
1 ) My attention has been drawn to the concern expressed by apiarists about the importation of leafcutter bees from the United States of America into Australia. [More…]
Australian defence production is nearly always for much smaller quantities than is the case in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Whilst a lot of hard words are spoken about .inflation and there are a lot of attempts to suggest that if Opposition members were in government instead of us it would not exist, I point out again that the governments of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, some of which vary in political complexion from this one, have the same sort of economic problem. [More…]
One of the defence areas that has been brought forward for discussion is the purchase of tanks from the United States of America. [More…]
It is very interesting to note that the tanks which are being purchased are being manufactured wholly in the United States of America. [More…]
The reason for this is that the United States of America can provide the tanks at a cut rate. [More…]
Apparently the United States Government has ordered that in no circumstances are the workings of the factory concerned to be reduced. [More…]
The United States Government is therefore chasing around the world looking for orders to keep its own industries going. [More…]
If it is good enough for the United States Government to subsidise factories in that country in order to retain employees in their jobs, surely this socialist Government that purports to be so dedicated to providing full employment would be quite within its rights to subsidise our munitions factories to the extent of maintaining jobs for employees there and also the jobs of employees in private factories which supply extra parts. [More…]
The honourable member ought to understand, when he talks about the United States of America and the tanks built there- he is referring of course to the M60-that no decision has been made by this Government. [More…]
It has 2 options; either to purchase the M60 from the United States of America or to purchase the West German Leopard. [More…]
When I made my statement on the subject I said that I would be making further inquiries from both the United States of America and West Germany to ensure that we get the best buy it is possible to get for Australia. [More…]
When he talks about the United States of America endeavouring to sell tanks around the world his statements may be true. [More…]
As I have already indicated to the House no decision has yet been made on whether we will acquire them from the United States of America because 2 types of tanks are under consideration. [More…]
But those 53 tanks represent one month’s production in the United States. [More…]
The United States of America, I think in the same year, set up registers both for members and candidates for both Houses of the Congress. [More…]
I have no doubt that recently many honourable members have read of the nomination for Vice-President of the United States of America of Nelson Rockefeller and of the sorts of requirements that exist there for the examination of his pecuniary interests. [More…]
This recommendation is no longer relevant as United States livestock producers ceased withholding stock from the market following the lifting of the U.S. beef price freeze on 9 September 1 973. [More…]
In the trade from the United States of America to Australia, where there is no shipper body, the regulatory authority, the Federal Maritime Commission, adopts a similar policy. [More…]
In his second reading speech the Minister points to an agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom which will enable us to have a faster postal service. [More…]
In fact, it costs only 14c Australian to send a half ounce letter from the United States of America to Australia. [More…]
But if the same letter is posted from Australia to the United States in one of the post boxes of the present Postmaster-General, a person will pay 35c for the equivalent service. [More…]
That difference cannot be explained away simply by saying that there is a greater volume of mail in the United States. [More…]
While in some countries there has been a reasonable level of production -for example in the United States of America, which is still one of the world’s largest wheat producers, there is this year a record crop- grains today are more interchangeable than they have been. [More…]
Beyond all that it still pursues a single commodity policy at a time when many other countries- the United States, for example- are considering not just one grain but providing an opportunity for farmers to move from one source of production to another according to the potential profitability to the producer of those crops and giving him the same protection. [More…]
I refer those who might be interested in the topic to a piece of legislation which the United States has on its statute book. [More…]
The United States legislation accomplishes this by creating a favourable climate within which farmers may respond to market signals which indicate consumer demand and thus produce the crops which are needed at home and abroad. [More…]
It could well mean that energy cost may cause farmers engaged in high energy consuming agriculture, such as that in practice in the United States of America, to hold down production. [More…]
The numbers of confirmed awards ran into some 250 Vietnamese and 200 United States awards. [More…]
1 ) Yes, the offer by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to hand over the antenna and some associated equipment and the buildings and services at the Island Lagoon tracking station was declined in September 1973. [More…]
Tins can be devastating as it has been, for example, in Los Angeles on the Californian coast of the United States. [More…]
For example for the year ended July 1974 retail prices increased in Japan by 25.2 per cent; in France by 1 4.4 per cent; in Italy by 1 8.9 per cent; in the United Kingdom by 17.1 per cent; in Belgium by 13.7 per cent; in Canada by 11.3 per cent with 5.6 per cent unemployment; in the United States of America by 1 1.7 per cent with 5.3 per cent unemployment; in Denmark by 15.9 per cent; in Portugal by 25.9 per cent- the unions can hardly be blamed for that situation there because Portugal does not have any unions; in Spain by 15.2 per cent; in Turkey by 25.9 per cent and in Australia by 14.4 per cent. [More…]
It is causing so much concern that President Ford and Dr Kissinger of the United States of America saw fit to address the General Assembly of the United Nations on the subject in the last 24 hours. [More…]
Across the board decisions on tariffs and a constant pull of the United States dollar have made it possible for imports to double in quantity and value during the last 12 months. [More…]
We are not self supporting like the United States of America. [More…]
A big reason for this was the deficit financing of the United States in order to pay for the disastrous Vietnam war. [More…]
For example, because of the protection that has been put up against wool in the United States, the wool industry has been of comparatively smaller importance in that country. [More…]
In other words, what has happened in the United States is that wool has virtually been priced out of the market. [More…]
Today’s devaluation was necessary to correct the increasingly artificial value of the Australian dollar caused by the former fixed parity with the United States dollar. [More…]
Normally, a central element in the financing arrangements is the participation in them by the Export-Import Bank of the United States, which specialises in providing credit on terms tailored to assist in financing the purchase of such items of capital equipment as Boeing 727 aircraft. [More…]
A central element in the financing arrangements has been the participation in them by the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America, which specialises in providing credit on terms tailored to assist in financing the purchase of such items of capital equipment as Boeing 747 aircraft. [More…]
The ExportImport Bank has agreed to finance 30 per cent of the cost of the tenth aircraft and has agreed to Australia obtaining finance for a further 10 per cent of the cost from the Private Export Funding Corporation, an Export-Import Bank guaranteed source sponsored jointly by the United States Government and leading United States commercial banks. [More…]
Is no longer relevant as United States live-stock producers ceased withholding stock from the market in September 1973. [More…]
1 ) How many abattoirs are currently certified by United States authorities as unsuitable for killing of meat for export to the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) Slaughtering establishments from which meat may be derived for export to the U.S.A. are certified annually, on 1 April, by the CVO of the Australian Department of Agriculture to the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
During World War II he was a captain and liaison officer to the United States forces. [More…]
The House has already been informed that the Prime Minister, Mr Whitlam, will be absent from 27 September until 13 October on his visit to the United States of America, Canada and Fiji. [More…]
Is the Minister aware that despite devaluation, imports of many textiles, including some from the United States of America, will still be cheaper than similar articles produced in Australia by firms many of which are decentralised and are also efficient by world standards? [More…]
Speaking of the United States of America, the members of the Committee said this: [More…]
In the United States and Japan, for example, there are a substantial number of institutions which are not classified as government controlled to any degree. [More…]
There are 2,626 United States universities, of which 1,474 are private and 1,152 are public or state controlled institutions. [More…]
Now, is anyone in this House able to say that Japan and the United States have been backward in the development of scientific and technological achievement? [More…]
It has been tried in the United States of America. [More…]
Last year the price for export beef to the United States of America was 62c f.o.b. [More…]
Brack is suffering from problems caused by not only the low cost countries but also fabrics imported from the United States of America. [More…]
It is the volume of production that enables the United States to be cheaper; but if we are to build Australia’s we have to have jobs and build our domestic market. [More…]
It is noteworthy that the United States today has paused in its enrichment program. [More…]
I mention the United States of America and Canada in particular. [More…]
In the United States of America we have the famous Greyhound - buses hurtling people across the States for a Very small fee. [More…]
These tourists came mainly from New Zealand, the United States of America, Britain, Papua New Guinea and Japan. [More…]
I feel that with the devaluation of the Australian dollar we will see in Australia more visitors, particularly from the United States of America. [More…]
I will not dwell any further on that other than to invite honourable members to consider the present public soul searching in the United States of America regarding the Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
-I am aware of the Prime Minister’s recorded statements and I am very glad that he made those statements in the world scene in the United States. [More…]
Even in countries like the United States, which has the power to control prices, he will react like the beef producer and withdraw his cattle from the market until the price freeze is over. [More…]
If one had time to read some more selections one would be able to show honourable members opposite that the sort of different solutions that the liberal economists in the United States are suggesting are the sort of solutions that are enshrined in the 1974 Australian Budget. [More…]
I would advise the honourable member for Robertson if he were still in his place that he would find humanity is much the same on any part of this earth and when there is a black market, as there was certainly in Berlin, London, Tokyo and Sydney during the last war, there are any number of people, including a number of successful socialists, who are prepared to make what is know colloquially in the United States as the fast buck. [More…]
In the United States the rate of inflation seems to have stabilised at a steady 10.7 per cent a year. [More…]
Countries such as the United States and Canada have inflation rates that over the last 12 months have been about 3 per cent below our 14.4 per cent, but their unemployment rates have edged up and up. [More…]
The United States now has an unemployment rate of 5.4 per cent and Canada of over 6 per cent. [More…]
In contrast we find, when we look to some of the other western nations and in particular the United States of America, that there is a commitment to defeat inflation. [More…]
With an inflation rate approaching something of the order of 20 per cent as against the United States inflation rate of something of the order of 1 1 per cent, how much more sure it is that it is public enemy number one in this country. [More…]
As the previous speaker said, President Ford of the United States of America recently declared inflation as public enemy No. [More…]
1 in the United States. [More…]
He stated at the opening of the recent conference to find solutions to inflation in the United States of America that ‘there is no miracle solution’ to inflation and other problems. [More…]
Countries including the United States of America, France, Switzerland, Japan and the United Kingdom are above us on the list. [More…]
The United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France and Canada are countries which paid more in terms of welfare payments than Australia. [More…]
The United States spent 6.8 per cent of its gross national product on education. [More…]
Nixon went to China in ‘Air Force One’ with the United States Air Force and its members wore uniforms over there. [More…]
He made a general criticism of the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) being in New York to represent this country at the United Nations and being in Washington, the capital of the United States of America. [More…]
South Africa and the United States of America have plant patent Acts and New Zealand has a Bill drawn up ready for presentation to the Parliament. [More…]
In 2 important areas- vegetables and fruit- the United States of America has been the main source of such new strains. [More…]
Members of this Parliament may not know that tomato plants grown in Australia are mainly from the United States of America, and these plants are not completely suitable for Australian conditions. [More…]
I have been advised- I have not had time to check it- that the practice is outlawed in the United Kingdom and is also outlawed in the United States of America. [More…]
Of our main trading partners, Japan recorded 25 per cent inflation, Italy 19 per cent, the United Kingdom 17 per cent, Denmark 16 per cent, New Zealand 10.5 per cent and the United States and Canada 1 1.5 per cent. [More…]
We are not happy with more than 2 per cent out of work, but in the United States of America and Canada the figure is more than 6 per cent and in the United Kingdom stands at 5 per cent. [More…]
Let us consider another current topic, the paintings ‘Blue Poles’ and ‘Woman V. Perhaps this is a good one to tout around the country and a good one to embarrass the Government with, but I would point out that when some group can spend $4m sailing off the coast of the United States of America trying to win a cup this seems to be thought to be a good thing, but when the Government sets up the most intelligent group of people it can to buy works of art for the benefit and the appreciation of future generations, this is thought to be a terribly bad thing because people do not exactly understand what they are buying. [More…]
Did he also say: ‘There are only 3 certainties in life today- death, taxes and successive, progressive and evermore frequent devaluations of the United States dollar’? [More…]
In the United States they have acquired 65 per cent of the black coal. [More…]
It is a fact, because of policies within Japan, which are related to its own domestic problems, because of over-supply of beef as a result of increased prices a year or so ago in the United States, that there are still large stocks of meat on hand in those countries that import beef from Australia. [More…]
For example, on top of the landing charge for a Boeing 747 of $A449 at Honolulu there is a communications charge of $A53, a passenger holding area charge of $A25, a baggage claim area charge of $A13, a customs overtime charge of $A48, plus a United States transportation charge, paid by the passenger of $3 per head. [More…]
At San Francisco, where the landing fee for a Boeing 747 is $216, the communications charge is $31, passenger holding area charge is $109, plus amortisation and interest on the capital expenditure made there by Qantas of $193, a baggage claim area charge of $41, customs overtime $137, United States transportation tax of $3 per head, once again paid by the passenger, plus a San Mateo County property tax of $ 1 34. [More…]
The Committee leant, therefore, towards British experience and practice rather than the experience and practice of the United States. [More…]
United States’ system their members of cabinet are responsible to the President, but at the same time they are subject to questioning before congressional committees. [More…]
The division of power and responsibility between the legislature and the executive is clearly denned in the United States. [More…]
It should also be noted that many of those who appear before United States committees for questioning are presidential appointees rather than career public servants. [More…]
But we must never forget that it was the Press that saved the day as far as Watergate in the United States of America was concerned and it is the Press which can do as much and I am afraid to say very often more than we in this Parliament can do to prevent Watergates in this country. [More…]
Today he went so far as to say that some former Prime Minister had spent much more time than he did at Williamsburg in the United States of America. [More…]
He gave 6 very erudite lectures in that historic place in the United States which were recognised by scholars and the legal profession in the United States as being of a very high order. [More…]
also offers an inflexible, difficult to change, and at times extremely embarrassing situation as we have seen illustrated only too recently in the United States. [More…]
Does he suggest that the Prime Minister should not have attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Ottawa last July and, at the same time, taken the opportunity to have discussions with the then President of the United States of America? [More…]
Or was he wrong to take the opportunity which that invitationthe first ever accepted by an Australian Prime Minister- presented to confer also with the re-elected Prime Minister of Canada and to talk with the new President of the United States? [More…]
They continued to build their hopes on the alliances that may have existed between ourselves and the United States of America, and ourselves and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I man visited the United States of America, Norfolk Island, Fiji, Honolulu, Niagara Falls and Nashville on his visit overseas. [More…]
The Prime Minister was interviewed on the NBC program ‘Meet the Press’ while he was in the United States. [More…]
But have we had return visits by the President of the United States? [More…]
We have not had such visits because the Australian Labor Party and in particular the Deputy Prime Minister spent half of last year hurling insults about the people of the United States being murderers and a great many other unsavoury terms. [More…]
It can happen only by an exchange of ideas, not by some Prime Minister going to the United States and not even being known by his correct name or, as happened on one occasion, having his surname mispronounced. [More…]
The significant part is this: The United States accepts Australia’s role in the world, values its advice, looks for its support in South East Asia and is guaranteed to get it. [More…]
If the Prime Minister is in the United States it would be for the purpose of saying ‘Can we encourage a better life for the people of the world?’ [More…]
Meat imported into the United States is subject to inspection before entry is permitted for human consumption, and it is assumed that it is the details of meat refused entry by the United States authorities that is sought by the right honourable member. [More…]
Details of meat refused entry into the United States are published in the Annual Report on Foreign Meat Inspection presented to the U.S. Congress. [More…]
The details sought in regard to 1974 have not yet been published by the United States Meat Inspection Service. [More…]
In so far as the United States is concerned it is not possible to say for what purposes the meat refused entry was used, but very little was returned to Australia for any purpose. [More…]
quotation for Australian cow beef in the United States of America, in United States dollars during (a) July 1973, (b) December 1973,(c) July 1974 and (d) August 1974. [More…]
1 ) Did he announce on 22 July 1974 that HMAS PERTH would leave for the United States of America to have a major refit which would include a new combat data system for its Tartar Missile Fire Control System, replacement of the Sin. [More…]
If so, why is it necessary for HMAS PERTH to be refitted in the United States. [More…]
If not, why are not HMAS BRISBANE and HMAS HOBART also being refitted in the United States. [More…]
In fact the Patrol Frigate which the Government plans to purchase for the RAN from the United States will be fitted to take an advanced type of surface to surface missile. [More…]
Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia, Rumania, Western Samoa, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, South Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia. [More…]
I simply draw the analogy that the problems are much the same in the United States of America, which has a different sort of government from ours. [More…]
By convincing the people of the United States of America of the truth of that statement and by convincing the people of the world of the truth of that statement the world came out of the worst depression in its history. [More…]
As I said this morning, similar observations have been made in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
There has, of course, been developed in France and in the United States a sophisticated program and legislation on administrative law for many years. [More…]
He said that the sort of proposition which has been put forward, sometimes even in this Chamber, that some how or other judges should not be criticised was a medieval attitude which we should not accept and that it is important that people and parliamentarians- not just because they are protected by the privilege of Parliamentand other people should be able to criticise judges and their judgments just as happens in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America a pink galah would sell for $100 to $200. [More…]
Another United States venomous snake, the water moccasin, has been found imported into this country in plastic lunchboxes. [More…]
The Committee was told that on some roads in the United States of America where extensive surveys were carried out, the number of serious accidents was reduced by 78 per cent merely by the simple expedient of marking those roads with reflectorised lines and other sorts of raised prismatic reflectors. [More…]
I would point out that in recent weeks we have seen the United States Government authorities being told that great companies such as Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines Pty Ltd- that sort of international organisations- are in need of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of support in order for them to be sustained through a period of liquidity problems and a period of technical developmental problems. [More…]
I do not claim to have spoken to the same people in high places as the Prime Minister, but I spoke to a good cross-section of officers of the United States and Canadian Governments and to leading men in the nuclear and uranium industry in the United States in particular. [More…]
In order to establish that the Prime Minister’s advice, which he received in both the United States of America and Canada, was accurate one has only to have recourse to any reputable assessment of the supply and demand pattern in uranium use in the decade of the 1980s and beyond. [More…]
Did the governments of the Soviet Union and the United States of America accept the Australian Government’s request in March 1974 that they consult with a view to agreeing to exercise initial restraint in the growth of forces in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
The Governments of the United States and of the Soviet Union both agreed to consider the appeal we made to them in March 1 974 to enter into discussions on mutual restraint in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
In March 1974 Australian representatives in Washington and Moscow re- quested the Governments of the United States and te Soviet Union respectively to consult with each other with a view to reaching agreement on mutual restraint in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
1 ask the Opposition to take note of some of these figures: Canada 5.5 per cent; United States 5.2 per cent; Japan 1.3 per cent; Australia 1.5 per cent; France 2.3 per cent; Germany 1.6 per cent; Italy 2.8 per cent; United Kingdom 2.2 per cent; Belgium 2.3 per cent; Netherlands 2.6 per cent; Finland 1.7 per cent; Sweden 1.5 per cent. [More…]
In the United States the latest figure I have seen was for about a month ago. [More…]
Because the contribution authorised for the United States is US$ 1,500m, or one-third of the total sought, this means, in effect, that the fourth replenishment will only become effective, and other countries will only be required to contribute to IDA, as and when the United States formally notifies IDA that it has taken all the necessary legislative steps to enable it to participate on the basis of the agreement reached at Nairobi last year. [More…]
Despite an early set-back, legislation authorising the United States to contribute a further US$1 ,500m to IDA under the fourth replenishment was eventually passed by Congress on 31 July 1974. [More…]
In the meantime, the United States has not been able to give the formal notification required. [More…]
As honourable members know, this was at a time when the President of the United States of America was visiting Australia at the height of the Vietnam controversy and, as subsequent events have proved, the previous Liberal-Country Party government was wrong and the present Government was right on this issue. [More…]
The United States is taking what exports it can and there is still an export trade giving some outlet to our production. [More…]
Strong political pressure exists in the United States for the reintroduction of beef import restraints, although these appear unlikely to be introduced in this year. [More…]
To use an American expression, no one rooted more for Snedden and his anti-socialist forces in the election campaign than did Government men and top businessmen in the United States. [More…]
-For the information of honourable members I present a statement entitled ‘Australian Defence Estimates 1974-75’ together with the memorandum of arrangments between the United States and Australia on the patrol frigates. [More…]
Mr Deputy Speaker, you are well aware of the hazards of the coalmining industry and the resultant effect on the lungs of mine workers working deep in the bowels of the earth commonly referred to in the United States of America as black lung but referred to by you and by me, who represent coal mining constituencies, as miners’ silicosis, a lung complaint which causes long and lingering suffering. [More…]
Now, because of political decisions made in countries such as Japan, the United States of America and the European Economic Community countries, we have a glut situation in the countries which are and have been our traditional markets. [More…]
But now with overseas exports and prices in a hopeless position because of the situation in Japan and the United States, it has now come down to bedrock and needs help. [More…]
United Kingdom, 1 1 in Sweden and 35 in the United States of America. [More…]
My purpose is to have a look at the situation in the United States just to see where these funds are flowing to and to ascertain whether there can be more expedition in the provision of them both to Australian private investors and to bodies like the Australian Industry Development Corporation. [More…]
Australia has 3 principal markets to which 90 per cent of our beef goes- to the United States of America, Japan and the European Economic Community. [More…]
Northern Territory because most of the production there is exported to the United States for the hamburger trade, and United States imports have dropped so significantly. [More…]
Of our meat markets, the United States alone is today taking some meat but the quantity of meat being admitted is very small by comparison with last year. [More…]
States is very vocal and there would seem to be a possibility that at the least some type of voluntary restraint might be called for by those who are exporting to the United States market. [More…]
The representatives of the Australian Government abroad, both in the United States and in the European Economic Community, I know have done an outstanding job. [More…]
Mr Jack Smith and Mr Pat Donovan, the senior commercial counsellors who are responsible and were responsible within the course of the discussion that took place in the United States a week or so ago, are men who have done their best in the market place, but we have to do something about the market itself. [More…]
Also there have been top level discussions in Washington with the same objectives in mind, to try to get the United States to change its policies and to help Australia by buying more beef. [More…]
Japan is steadily becoming more meat conscious and the present glut of meat in the United States will not last indefinitely. [More…]
The Washington meeting to which the Minister referred was convened at the initiative of the Australian Government and included representatives of the United States of America, Canada, the EEC, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. [More…]
It refers to the result that has been experienced in the United States of America of an artificially high wool price. [More…]
The higher domestic price resulting from the imposition of this duty has tended to reduce US raw apparel wool consumption and it has weakened the overall competitive position of wool on the fibre market of the United States. [More…]
The raw wool tariff, however, appears as a significant factor in the US wool textile manufacturer’s increasing use of man-made fibres and is believed to have contributed to some extent to wool’s diminishing importance vis-a-vis man-made fibres on the wool type fibre market of the United States. [More…]
Buoyant conditions remained during 1970-7 1, but owing to the combination of circumstances of a recession in the steel industry in Europe and the United States of America and the enforced cutback of steel production in Japan, demand for new materials declined in 1971. [More…]
After exchange rate adjustments in the United States and the Australian dollar it was announced in May 1973 after negotiations between Australia iron ore exporters and Japanese steel mills that prices for iron ore for delivery to Japan would be increased to compensate for the reduced value of sales contracts because of devaluation of the United States dollar. [More…]
The United States of America has in the past pursued a resources diplomacy which enabled it to gain control of up to 60 per cent of the world’s known resources in some areas. [More…]
1 per cent for Great Britain and 40.4 per cent for the United States of America. [More…]
They quote the United Kingdom and the United States of America unemployment figures. [More…]
To my way of thinking, the answer would be a type of voucher system similar to the one used in some areas in the United States. [More…]
I believe that if we can get stability and common sense into the buying habits of some of the importing countries, such as the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States of America, rather than a situation in which large quantities of meat- major buying- are purchased at one time and practically nothing is bought at other times, we will get some sanity in the world market. [More…]
But, from the point of view of the Opposition, it is quite critical that we take this action seeking the suspension of the Standing Orders so that we can demonstrate the concern that we feel on matters of tremendous moment to the Parliament including the inconsistencies that the Governmnent has demonstrated in its attitude within the United Nations, the inconsistencies in and the unrealistic way by which the Government has approached foreign issues, its relationships with the United States of America, with the Middle East and with other countries in the world, which affect quite vitally the security of this country, the fundamental attitudes of overseas countries to Australia and our acceptability in trading terms with other countries. [More…]
There is clear evidence that significant export opportunities are being lost in this field because of the absence in Australia of export financing facilities similar to those provided in such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Japan and Britain. [More…]
I have been fortunate this past year in being able to study at first hand Australia’s relationships with the United States of America, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan and the Philippines. [More…]
At one stage, Minister after Minister was making most derogatory statements about our most powerful ally, the United States of America. [More…]
He offered the hand of friendship rather than the attacks of the type which were being made in the early days of this Government on the United States. [More…]
In an address on 25 September to the Services Club in Melbourne the United States Ambassador, Mr Marshall Green, issued a warning on the subject of international aid. [More…]
In fact it is the only way, with refinements if necessary, to ensure that we do not have a pool of unemployed such as the 6 per cent permanent unemployment pool in the United States of America. [More…]
Such demands to try to increase the availability of grain and other essential food Will fall heavily upon the shoulders of the United States, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, indeed upon the European Economic Community countries and upon the Australian people. [More…]
I understand that there has been a severe drought in the United States of America, which has led to a number of cattle which normally would have been kept for breeding purposes being put on to the market and that therefore at the present moment there is an oversupply and over-killing. [More…]
We expect the situation to be restored to normal in the not too distant future, but it will be probably a year or so before the United States commences once again to take large quantities of Australian meat. [More…]
The policies of Japan and the United States of America at present are such that they are not buying our beef in the quantities they bought before. [More…]
A great deal of investigation of this problem has been undertaken in the United States and other overseas countries, but in Australia we have failed sufficiently to tackle the problem. [More…]
Mr Dermody has commenced studies at North Western University in Evanston, Illinois, United States of America. [More…]
I refer also to the need of the citizen ‘s radio movement for there to be in Australia an established band for walkie-talkies and radio operators the same as exists in Canada, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and, I think, the United States of America. [More…]
After this Government abandoned conscription we saw the same thing happen in the United States of America. [More…]
The Government has already ordered new naval vessels from the United States of America and has presently under consideration the upgrading of armoured equipment for the Australian Army. [More…]
It is under the umbrella of the United States but it could reach a point of no return if it ever gets to the stage where all its resources are in manpower. [More…]
The third thing we would aim at is the strengthening of our ties with the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the utmost cooperation with these countries which are our traditional allies in military training and defence procurement. [More…]
Is anybody going to tell me that the United States any longer trusts a government whose ultimate objectives are the complete regimentation of every soul in this nation and bureaucratic control with a death grip on the throat of every individual in this nation- things to which the United States is diametrically opposed? [More…]
The important decision has already been taken to purchase 2 patrol frigates from the United States of America. [More…]
A decision to replace the Centurion tanks with 53 United States M60 tanks or German Leopard tanks has already been made. [More…]
The only action, taken with a rush by the Minister just before the election, was the purchase- after the cancellation of the DDLs and the breaking of a promise by the Minister that whatever was going to replace our destroyers would be made in Australia- of 2 patrol frigates and, as everyone knows, they are ships which were designed for a specific purpose in a large navy, the United States Navy, and were not designed to suit Australian conditions at all. [More…]
It is doing everything it possibly can to try to keep the United States from building up a base in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
It is true that a tentative order has been placed for 2 United States built patrol frigates, but that order is liable to cancellation under certain circumstances: Firstly, if the United States Navy buys fewer than 12 of those ships; secondly, if there is a significant change in the cost; and, thirdly, if trials indicate that the first ship fails specific performance tests. [More…]
We had urgently pressed for more modern equipment from Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
Area code 800 numbers of the type introduced into the United States, which has made a difference to the efficiency of the private enterprise telephone service in that country, could also increase the telephone efficiency of nationwide telephone calls in this country. [More…]
Honourable members may also care to note that the Bill provides for amendments to the Schedule to the United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Act 1971-1973. [More…]
United States Navy in connection with the naval communication station. [More…]
Since the estimates were made, industrial disputes in abattoirs, import bans by the EEC and Japan, import quotas by Canada and low prices for imported beef in the United States of America have all affected the estimate. [More…]
World events which have damaged the Japanese, European and United States economies, with oil prices rising from US$2 to US$8 a barrel, have hardly touched Australia. [More…]
He instanced how power was misused in the United States of America to bring about the downfall of a President. [More…]
I think the classic case- I hope that the honourable member for Moreton will accept this- of the uncontrolled power of television concerns its use to destroy a President of the United States of America. [More…]
After all, in respect of the electronic media in Australia, the Minister has more direct authority and is more involved than is a similar Minister in other nations- certainly in Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
If that is applied with respect to the United States, why is it not intended that it apply in respect of Australia? [More…]
In the case of Qantas, the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America has agreed to finance 30 per cent of the cost of the tenth Boeing 747 aircraft and has agreed to Australia obtaining finance for a further 10 per cent from a private export funding corporation. [More…]
As was pointed out by the Minister in his second reading speech, unfortunately the facilities of the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America could not be availed of on this occasion. [More…]
The Export-Import Bank of the United States of America is providing 30 per cent of the purchase price of the aircraft at a fixed interest rate of 7 per cent over a 10-year period. [More…]
The Private Export Funding Corporation of the United States of America will provide 10 per cent of the purchase price. [More…]
-This is a cognate debate on 3 companion pieces of legislation: the Compensation (Australian Government Employees) Bill 1974; the United States Naval Communications (Civil Employees) Act; and the Seamen’s Compensation Bill 1974. [More…]
This has happened to a small extent in Australia but it has happened to a far larger extent in Europe, Japan and the United States. [More…]
Much of the grain originates from the United States. [More…]
Coarse feed grains have been one of the United States main exports. [More…]
We have some cold country and some snow cover but nothing like what occurs in some of the countries of Europe, in Canada and in the northern part of the United States. [More…]
I have some most interesting figures here which show the downturn in the Australian meat export markets and here the four main countries to which we export- United States of America, Japan, Canada and Great Britaincome to mind. [More…]
To the United States of America in the first 6 months in 1973 we exported 130,818 tonnes of beef and veal. [More…]
Last year the right honourable gentleman was one of those who wanted it to be believed that the former President of the United States was a paragon of virtue and that it was to my disadvantage for it to be thought that he might not receive me. [More…]
Only yesterday in the United States it was announced that in the motor car industry 88,000 men had been retrenched on in previous 24 hours. [More…]
We are no exception to the rule, nor are Japan or the United States of America. [More…]
Until the Deputy Prime Minister (Dr J. F. Cairns) visited the United States in the last week we have seen a scenario painted time and again that this country is not interested in entering into resources discussions with other countries unless they can simply reach an agreement to agree. [More…]
We have seen in the last few months the enunciation of a new doctrine of nuclear war by the United States Secretary of Defence. [More…]
We have also seen in the last few months the United States making the decision to supply technology and uranium reactors to both the United Arab Republic and to Israel. [More…]
But is the Prime Minister when he goes to Moscow at the end of this year going to make it quite clear to the Russians where we stand and how we expect to see the Russians assist the United States in coming to a reasonable arrangement with the states which already have nuclear capacity to ensure that we do not have this proliferation any further? [More…]
Regardless of the past, the fact of the matter is that Mr Nixon at that stage was President of the United States- a country with which we were supposed to be allies and with which we had very good relations. [More…]
I did not agree with some of the attitudes expressed by Ministers at the time they were expressed in relation to the President of the United States although I think that many of the things that were said about President Nixon have unfortunately been proven to be correct. [More…]
I think that one of the hopeful facts of life has been the very successful visits to the United States of America by the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister (Dr J. F. Cairns) who is there at the present time. [More…]
I think that all Australians ought to welcome the extremely successful negotiations that took place recently in the United States between the Prime Minister and President Ford. [More…]
I have just returned from the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The amazing feature of the situation in the United States of America is that the year before last there were 2.6 million housing commencements and this year there are expected to be 1.2 million. [More…]
1 ) Was consideration given to Australian participation in the development of an advanced Harrier aircraft in association with Britain and the United States of America; if not, why not. [More…]
Whilst no consideration has been given to Australian participation in the development of an advanced Harrier aircraft in association with Britain and the United States of America the VTOL concept has been under Defence evaluation along with fixed and rotary wing contenders in the context of the possible long term needs of the Services. [More…]
The Prime Minister will also be aware that the Deputy Prime Minister is presently in the United States of America with a large party, having recently attended the Australian Trade Fair in the [More…]
Is the Prime Minister aware of reports emanating from China that during the Fair and within the Australian Embassy in Peking, following a dinner, a member of the Australian party attached to the Deputy Prime Minister punched an Australian exhibitor, drawing blood, assaulted the Australian Ambassador to China and scuffled with a United States diplomat resulting in that diplomat’s clothing being ripped? [More…]
Have diplomatic protests been received either from the United States of America or from the Peoples’ Republic of China? [More…]
The United States, Canada and West Germany all have inflation; all have unemployment. [More…]
This is in stark contrast to the expenditure of 21.6 per cent in Canada, 25.4 per cent in the United States of America and 34.6 per cent in Great Britain. [More…]
The rate of inflation is higher in Japan, which is an OECD country, than it is here, and it is lower in the United States than it is here. [More…]
For instance, unemployment in countries with which the honourable member likes to compare us at times, such as the United States and Canada, is significantly higher than it is in Australia. [More…]
Canada, Japan, the United States of America and New Zealand have organisations which provide export finance and our exporters run into difficulties when they find that preferred credit is available from these countries because of lower interest rates and there is not the facility in Australia for them to have access to these credit arrangements. [More…]
Of course the Government thought that the export industries could continue to survive even though they were robbed of hundreds of millions of dollars, if not thousands of millions of dollars, by a 25 per cent revaluation against the United States dollar and the Japanese yen. [More…]
In stages the exchange rate for the United States dollar went from about US$1.16 for $A1 to US$ 1.49 for $A1. [More…]
A product imported from the United States valued at US$100 would have gone from a landed price of $A86 to $A67. [More…]
For instance, major Japanese competitors could operate from Hong Kong, Singapore or Indonesia and United States companies from Latin America and the Philippines. [More…]
Another one is the fact that we are growing up, and that as a developed economy a greater percentage of our work force is employed in secondary industry than is employed in secondary industry in the United States of America. [More…]
One could justify high tariffs in some cases at the beginning by the infant industry argument, but I repeat that a greater percentage of our work force is engaged in secondary industry than is engaged in secondary industry in the United States of America. [More…]
Australia’s unemployment rate is now being compared with the traditionally much higher rates of the United States of America, Canada and some European countries. [More…]
In the United States, for example, the present unemployment rate of 6 per cent is marginally above the long term average unemployment rate of 5 per cent in that country. [More…]
World inflation was building up as early as the mid 1960s with the United States involvement in Vietnam leading to an American balance of payments deficit which added to the reserves of the rest of the world. [More…]
In that period, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States, all signatories to the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, have not carried out any nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to reports that the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Soviet Union have agreed to a nuclear embargo on India. [More…]
-My question is directed to the Minister for Northern Development who no doubt is aware of the announcement by President Ford of the United States of America that a global quota will be established for imports of sugar into the United States. [More…]
Will this action futher accentuate the shortage of sugar that is now causing serious concern to many importing countries, including the United States? [More…]
Br PATTERSON- It is true that President Ford of the United States of America has made an announcement which in effect establishes a global quota of 7 million short tons of sugar which can be imported into the United States. [More…]
The decision was made to ensure that the United States is guaranteed supplies of sugar. [More…]
The current United States legislation in regard to sugar is to expire on 3 1 December this year. [More…]
If the President had not taken this action, tariffs on sugar imported into the United States would have had to increase. [More…]
So in effect the President has taken action to ensure that sugar is imported into the United States at the lowest permissible rates of tariff which can be adopted under the United States laws. [More…]
What the action of the United States President again emphasises is the critical shortage of sugar on world markets. [More…]
-For the information of honourable members I present an exchange of notes between the Australian and United States Governments providing for amendments to the agreement of 9 May 1963 relating to the establishment of a United States Naval Communication Station in Australia, together with a statement by myself on those amendments. [More…]
Comparable figures today in other parts of the world are: Canada, 5.3 per cent; United States of America, 6 per cent; the Federal Republic of Germany, 3.8 per cent; the United Kingdom, 4 per cent; Italy, 4.5 per cent; and Japan, where the figure has doubled in the last quarter, 2 per cent. [More…]
But the official OECD forecasts of growth for 1975 indicate these rates of growth: Canada 2% per cent; the United States of America, minus Vh per cent; Japan, 2 per cent; France, 3 per cent; the Federal Republic of Germany, 1V4 per cent; Holland, minus Va per cent; United Kingdom, 1 per cent; New Zealand, 3 per cent; and in Australia, 2% per cent. [More…]
In the last month the car industry in the United States has retrenched 102,000 people. [More…]
I should not think that even the Leader of the Opposition would suggest that the Australian Government is the cause of the retrenchment of 102,000 workers in the American automotive industry or that the Australian Government is the cause of 10 per cent unemployment in Hong Kong, S.3 per cent in Canada, and 6 per cent in the United States of America. [More…]
It stood at 6 per cent of the work force of the United States in September; in Canada it was 5 per cent; in West Germany it was more than 3 per cent; and in all 3 countries, as in the other OECD nations, it is expected to rise still further. [More…]
For instance, in the United States of America an important market is opening up for biltong style processed meat. [More…]
The Melbourne ‘Age’ of today’s date carries the headline: ‘ 140,000 to lose jobs in United States car industry’. [More…]
The article goes on to say that General Motors has laid off 53,000 workers and that Ford has laid off 18,675 workers in the United States of America. [More…]
Nobody can say that those workers are being sacked because of tariff decisions because there has been no change in the tariff policy of the United States Government prior to this decision being taken. [More…]
As far as the latter part of the question is concerned, it is true that last year the Government did disallow a proposed takeover of the company Nielsen and Moller Pty Ltd, which was an Australian firm producing windscreens for automobiles, by PPG Industries, which is a major United States manufacturer of glass, chemicals, paint and fibreglass. [More…]
But one group, including the United States of America, favours a co-ordinating group to include the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the United Nations Development Program which would serve to stimulate a flow of funds and help with arriving at decisions on how best to use them. [More…]
The referendum would have written into the Australian Constitution in respect of the Federal Parliament and the State parliaments the provisions which the United States Supreme Court, in interpretating the United States Constitution, has applied to the Federal Congress and all the State Legislatures. [More…]
For example, in Japan the ratio is 3.8, in the United States of America 3.9, in France 3.4, in Germany 2.4, in the United Kingdom 3.7 and in Canada 3.8. [More…]
Today we are part of a world economy and when something happens on the other side of the earth, particularly in a nation like the United States, it is not long before it is transferred round the world. [More…]
We have an economic organisation which is the same as that in the United States and in Western Europe. [More…]
I find that they, in analysing their own economic situation in the United States or in Western Europe, are using exactly the same terms as we use here. [More…]
The most important single step the United States can take to improve the international economic picture is to solve its own economic mess. [More…]
The United States must solve its own economic problems before it attempts to solve the world economic problems. [More…]
Mr Meany is really saying here that this is a world situation, that the United States has a crucial situation in it, that the United States has to act in certain ways if the world problem is to be solved and that the solution is long term. [More…]
He will see that Paul Samuelson who is probably the most influential economist in the United States of America says that it is necessary to restrain the economy, it is necessary to have a credit squeeze and it is necessary that interest rates be higher. [More…]
Minority enterprises and small business investment companies have been set up in the United States for just this purpose. [More…]
Reference is often made by the Government to the voting systems in Britain, the United States of America and other countries. [More…]
I do not know who presents the biggest fantasy at this stage, a person who tries to bulldoze a scheme through without giving Parliament a chance to consider its merits or a person who proposes a scheme, such as mine, which is in general use in countries like the United States of America. [More…]
It is good enough for the United States. [More…]
The putative Treasurer, the Minister for Overseas Trade (Dr J. F. Cairns), who is sitting at the table, was in the United States the other day trying to encourage the multi-nationals to come here and help us out of our problem. [More…]
We have seen the nauseating experience of him going to the United States of America- to Wall Street- begging and pleading for money when nobody has been more vitriolic of these people over the years than the Deputy Prime Minister. [More…]
It is a practice commonly acknowledged in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom. [More…]
In developing the impact statement procedure we have noted difficulties that have accompanied its use in the United States. [More…]
When looking at the Murray one thinks also of the rivers in the south-western parts of the United States of America in which the pollution and salinity problems are far greater than anything we are facing at the moment. [More…]
1 ) Did paragraph 1 95 of the Report of the Defence Legal Services Committee of Review say that there is not even one lawyer in the Attorney-General’s Department or in any of the Defence Group of Departments who has specialised knowledge of the United States procurement law. [More…]
1 ) Paragraph 195 of the Report said: ‘So far as the Committee can ascertain there is not even one lawyer in the Attorney-General’s Department or in any of the Defence Group of Departments who has specialised knowledge of United States procurement law ‘. [More…]
There are officers in the Department of Defence and in the Attorney-General’s Department who are knowledgeable in United States procurement law. [More…]
Members of a team of Australian scientists have recently visited the United States, Brazil and Canada to study ERTS technology and shortly will report on its application to Australia. [More…]
United States of America: where a spread based on about 30 per cent butterfat was made, but was not widely accepted. [More…]
Has the Minister refused to allow the United States Embassy to sell 6 houses in Canberra to a commercial developer for approximately $250,000 and has offered the Embassy between $20,000 and $30,000 for the property concerned? [More…]
Will the Minister assure this House that he will apply exactly the same principles as he applied to the United States Embassy properties to block 4 section 24 in Kingston which was purchased on 1 April 1965 for 9,000, as it was then, or $18,000, by the Minister for Services and Property which the Minister has had on the market at a price of $80,000 and for which the Minister is reported to have refused an offer of $65,000? [More…]
This technique, first mooted in the United States to enable ‘landmark’ or historic buildings to be preserved, was suggested in the City of Sydney Strategic Plan in 1971 and although not yet law in N.S. [More…]
It is particularly sensitive to the trading stance of the European Economic Community countries and the United States of America. [More…]
In Europe and the United States of America the price ranges from $1 to $ 1.50 a pound. [More…]
To illustrate, the AIDC has just announced a United States dollar public issue of 7-year AIDC Notes in the European capital market. [More…]
The amount is US$25m- approximately $A19mwhich makes it one of the largest United States dollar issues on the market in the conditions of today. [More…]
And the AIDC Notes are the first of any recent United States dollar issue in Europe to be priced at par rather than at a discount. [More…]
With legislation for certain borrowings from the United States Export-Import Bank and with guarantees to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for borrowings by Papua New Guinea, it has been possible to schedule to the legislation the agreements for the loans. [More…]
If drastic action is not taken the Australian wool industry could perish, as has happened in countries such as the United States of America, Great Britain and Europe because shearing methods are far too labour intensive for the industry to survive. [More…]
What the Minister tried to do was to get onto the Meat Board a person who was a successful beef producer, a man who held a bachelor of agricultural science and who has spent 2 years in the United States of America studying the meat industry. [More…]
In every country of Western Europe, in the United States of America, Canada, Japan and New Zealand, as in Australia, the amount of unemployment is about twice as much as it was 2 years ago and the amount of inflation is at least 3 times as much as it was 2 years ago. [More…]
In exercise Kangaroo One held in June in Queensland and the Coral Sea areas forces were involved from Britain, the United States of America and New Zealand, as well as our own Services. [More…]
Over 5,500 troops, including 1,500 United States Marines, more than 50 aircraft from 4 nations, and 38 warships took part in this major landmark in the development of our defence expertise. [More…]
They include such major trading partners of Australia as Japan, the United States of America, France, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany. [More…]
I do not think it was until 1970 that the United States of America signed it, and here it is some 16 years after the convention fell open for signature that we in this country have signed it. [More…]
Most Jewish people who have sought to emigrate have applied to enter either Israel or the United States. [More…]
What action has the Government initiated to seek a review by the United States Government of their tariff on the importation of raw wool. [More…]
1 ) The United States has maintained a tariff on raw wool for some forty years. [More…]
I hardly think the present Government can blame trade unions in Britain, France, Japan or the United States of America for what the Government has more recently called the unreasonable wage claims of Australian trade unions. [More…]
The United States Government is confused. [More…]
For instance, on his recent overseas trip the Minister for Overseas Trade (Dr J. F. Cairns) said in the United States of America that the Australian Government now welcomed foreign investment. [More…]
Speaking at a Press conference in Washington after a hectic day of almost hourly talks with a wide range of United States Government officials in the capital, the Minister for Overseas Trade said when questioned about an apparent change in the Australian Government ‘s policy on foreign investment: ‘That is a loaded question. [More…]
I was interested to hear the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Lynch) ask today: ‘What money has Dr Cairns achieved for this country on his visit to the United States and to other areas?’ [More…]
May I remind the honourable member that in the United States of America the first national park was Yellowstone, which was established in 1872. [More…]
If we are going to consider the question of national parks and wildlife conservation, I should like to quote from the foreword to a book titled ‘Criteria for Parklands ‘, which is published by the National Park Service of the United States. [More…]
There has to be mutual accommodation and one that embraces the other, the poor developing countries as wellwith United States food exports also a major factor in the balance. [More…]
I ask honourable members to cast their minds back just a few years- to less than a decade ago, on 22 November 1963- when a young President of the United States of America refused to put a bubble top on a car and was driving through a cheering crowd when the crack of a rifle was heard and a light went out around the world. [More…]
I refer honourable members to a paper ‘Travel and the National Parks- an economic study’, by Emeritus Professor Swanson who writes on the United States national parks. [More…]
There is no relationship, as an earlier speaker tried to point out, between the United States of America and Australia in legislation relating to national parks. [More…]
In the United States of America national parks services originated at the Federal level. [More…]
He also interested us at the time in the possible provision of tugs and barges because these were being used on the run from the west coast of the United States of America to Honolulu. [More…]
All I could find in the Parliamentary Library today related to the United States of America where there are different laws. [More…]
As it stands, in the United States of America there are now instances where court actions are causing intolerable delays. [More…]
I believe that in the United States their indices go up to 1,500 parameters. [More…]
While objection may be taken to the Minister having the authority to determine whether a statement is required and a public inquiry is to be held, that is preferable to the less satisfactory provision in the United States of a flat statutory requirement and is less likely to lead to the problems being experienced in that country in the use of techniques. [More…]
Is he aware of the strength of isolationist sentiment in the United States, a sentiment, incidentally, to which the policy of his Government has contributed what it can? [More…]
Did he discuss this question with the President of the United States during his recent visit? [More…]
As regards the United States, that market is not restricted, but I took the opportunity during my visit to Washington to express Australia’s concern that no restrictions be imposed. [More…]
In this particular case, the expenditure of public funds on a visit by a sub-committee to the United States of America, Canada and perhaps Scandinavia would have been perfectly justifiable if we consider the effects that the Committee’s recommendations can have on a significant sector of Australian industry. [More…]
In many large and economically complex industrial countries such as the United States of America, it is no longer realistic to define a market merely by reference to geographic boundaries. [More…]
I understand full well the problem which any one would have in defining a market, but I would ask that when the Government reviews the operation of this scheme, as it has said it will, it will examine whether it is feasible to look at a country like the United States and call it a market. [More…]
But about 5 months ago I was in the United States and I studied this very problem. [More…]
The revaluation vis-a-vis the United States of America was such that an American product could enter Australia, be subject to a tariff of, say, 25 per cent- no relation to the 25 per cent tariff cut in Australia- and still sell for less than the landed duty free price before the revaluation. [More…]
It therefore follows that what we ought to do is to encourage in every way a balancing force, and that balancing force is the United States of America. [More…]
It is extremely important for Australia to have the United States in the region as a balancing force to stop the competition between the 2 superpowers erupting into a threat to Australia and to other countries on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. [More…]
The apple industry in Tasmania has asked the Government on several occasions for a fuller reconstruction of old orchards and to allow replanting of better varieties, including newer varieties from the United States of America in place of worn out trees. [More…]
The first is that there should be within the Australian Wool Corporation an adequacy of powers to ensure that the ability of the Corporation to penetrate the United States of America market, for example, is not prejudiced by any changes we make to the powers the Corporation is to be given. [More…]
I should like to extend to the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Snedden) this message: May the sun once again shine in the Valley of Death; may the coals glow even brighter; may the weak be made strong; may the unbelievers be returned to the fold; and above all else may he enjoy his forthcoming visit to the United States. [More…]
Compensation (Commonwealth Employees) Bill 1971; United States Naval Communication Station (Civilian Employees) Bill 1971: Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Bill 1971; Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Bill 1971: Seamen’s Compensation Bill 1971. [More…]
Let us look at what is happening in the 3 richest democracies in the Western world- West Germany, the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States the level of unemployment has reached 8.2 per cent and according to the predictions of Mr Meany, the head of the unions in the United States, before very long the level of unemployment in America will be 10 per cent. [More…]
The unemployment figure in Germany is 5 per cent; in Belgium it is 5.4 per cent; Denmark 9.2 per cent; France 4.3 per cent; Italy 5.3 per cent; Ireland 8 per cent; and the United States of America 8.2 per cent. [More…]
The High Court was not confined, as is the Supreme Court of the United States of America, to federal or constitutional cases. [More…]
I have practised in the Privy Council since before the war, and I have now sat judicially both in the House of Lords and in the Privy Council in cases in which I have had to compare and cite authorities from Britain, the United States, Ireland, Canada, Australia and the Caribbean. [More…]
He will go down in history not only in this country, not only in England, but I think I can speak for Judge Wisdom in saying, in the United States, as one ofthe great illuminators ofthe common law of this century. [More…]
Our inflation and unemployment are to a large extent linked with the present economic recession in the United States and much of Western Europe. [More…]
The establishment of special international facilities for handling petroleum funds, recognising that the United States and West Germany would have to be the real guarantors of any such facility- there is no doubt that much of the petroleum funds can be placed through existing institutions, but there must be real doubts that these can bear the whole burden or direct the funds in the direction of the most seriously affected economies. [More…]
We live a long way from Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
Then contrast the attitude of the Prime Minister who refused to participate with the United States to solve the world’s international monetary problem caused simply by the immense buildup of reserves of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. [More…]
The United States, wishing to meet this problem, has suggested to the rest of the world that there should be an economy in usage, that there should be vigorous discovery programs and that there should be testing to find new fields of oil. [More…]
The Liberal Party recognises the need for a continuing United States role in the Asian and Pacific areas. [More…]
The balance of stability, as China itself clearly appreciates, depends on a continuing presence in the area of the United States. [More…]
The United States plans to upgrade Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and thereby contribute to maintaining the naval balance in that ocean. [More…]
Diego Garcia and the North- West Cape station are regarded by the United States as complementary and as links in their global defence system. [More…]
In the present circumstances of Soviet build-up we see the United States decision on Diego Garcia as enabling the balance of stability in the Indian Ocean to be maintained. [More…]
Nor would we have supported or abstained on the participation of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in the United States debate on Palestine until that body had accepted Israel’s right to exist as a state. [More…]
Why interpret that as meaning that once we go to such a conference as an observer we have really given away the United States? [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition comes here and suggests that because the United States must have Diego Garcia then Australia must run along with that arrangement. [More…]
The United States tragically lost 60 000 men, and most of the other big nations of the world stayed out ofthe fight. [More…]
The United States would not accept it nor would Japan. [More…]
It was not done by the United States or by Japan when they put up these barriers against us. [More…]
They have to be with the United States. [More…]
We were told by the Special Minister of State that if the United States of America is able to expand Diego Garcia the Soviet Union will seek access to facilities around the Indian Ocean. [More…]
How many more does the Government want to see in exchange for one United States logistic support base at Diego Garcia? [More…]
It has given that country important economic benefits and it has loosened the bonds between the United States and its European allies. [More…]
He was recently in the United States. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition is a man who may at some stage be the leader of the government, yet the attitude taken by the United States to his visit was one which resulted in his receiving the second-class treatment that any member of this Parliament could receive on going to the United States. [More…]
But he did not understand that there is more protocol associated with Americans than obviously there is with members of the Opposition, because it became known to him that the Council on Foreign Relations was not a platform in which they would allow any visiting dignitary to bring into the United States any domestic wrangles. [More…]
He set out to invite the United States to intervene in the domestic politics of Australia. [More…]
He was talking to the American people- should consider whether you yourselves really wish actively to contribute to this shift of political power which, having regard to present policy statements of the Opposition, would lead inevitably to the imposition of conditions of Australian control of American installations in Australia which would be, asI personally am inclined to think would be intended to be, entirely unacceptable to the United States. [More…]
They always associated the policies of the Australian people with the policies of the United States Government. [More…]
We became a pale and feeble echo ofthe United States. [More…]
The one thing we have earned in these 2 years of government is the respect of the United States Government and the respect of the Soviet Government because we are prepared to stand up and put our point of view without fear or favour. [More…]
That statement was made on 29 March last year by the United States Ambassador to Australia, Mr Marshall Green. [More…]
We put a very simple proposition to the Soviet Union and to the United States. [More…]
We did not put it just to the Soviet Union and forget about the United States, nor did we put it to the United States and forget the Soviet Union. [More…]
It is a tragedy that in the speech just given to us by the Minister for Science (Mr Morrison) he did not realise the degree to which in seeking the respect of the United States and the Soviet Union, which he asserts his Government has gained, he does not realise the realities of even the visit we are discussing presently. [More…]
In the United States today there is a considerable measure of concern about the degree to which this Government is so much to the left- a point of view which was expressed to me by the Acting Secretary for State who the Minister for Science tried to reflect upon because the Leader of the [More…]
In respect of the arm’s length transactions in the Middle East by the multi-nationals the current profit is between 45 and 50 United States cents. [More…]
It is well known by everybody that the European Economic Community, the United States of America and Japan, together with Canada, are the major markets where Australia’s beef industry has been selling its products over the years. [More…]
I refer, first of all, to the positive main markets- Japan, the European Economic Community, the United States and Canada. [More…]
We all know that the present situation is due largely to the 3 major markets- the United States of America, the European Economic Community and Japan- all cutting down or eliminating imports of beef simultaneously. [More…]
At the recent Agricultural Outlook Conference some disturbing figures were given in relation to United States cattle numbers. [More…]
It is anticipated that cattle slaughterings in the United States will rise by 8 to 10 per cent in 1975. [More…]
But it is also expected that the total number of cattle in the United States, which is now 133 million, will rise to 137 million by the end of this year despite the increased slaughterings. [More…]
Our beef industry is frighteningly dependent on the United States market. [More…]
In its analysis of the market the BAE pointed out that, although beef is produced in a very large number of countries, less than 10 per cent of world output is traded internationally and usually about 80 per cent of world imports are accounted for by the United States of America and the European Economic Community. [More…]
It is interesting to observe that the man who will be drawing $40,000 from the slush funds of industry to oppose the honourable member for Macarthur (Mr Kerin) has been going around the countryside claiming that the United States of America, the EEC and Japan are closing off their markets in retaliation for some political position adopted by the Australian Government. [More…]
Particular attention has been given to the experiences of the United States and Canada and in essence this Bill demonstrates the Government’s willingness to benefit from recent legislative advances made by other countries in this field. [More…]
The Government is, of course, particularly mindful of those happenings in the United States which have been characterised collectively as the Watergate affair’. [More…]
I mentioned earlier that laws requiring strict financial reporting in the United States took effect on and from 7 April 1972. [More…]
Here I must pause and single out for special mention the Royal Australian Air Force aircrews and maintenance staff who kept their planes flying continuously; the RAAF medical teams who did not falter in their duties; the Navy disaster force which hurriedly assembled for duty, brought needed supplies and swung immediately into action bringing urgently needed assistance and undertaking unpleasant tasks often during times of supplementary volunteered duty; the Army which currently is undertaking a similar task as that of the Navy in the same spirit of commitment; the journalists who reported objectively the situation that Darwin faced; the churches which organised relief efforts through their own social welfare agencies; the people who organised funds for those financially wanting to help the people of Darwin; the personnel of Qantas Airways Ltd, Ansett Airlines of Australia, Trans-Australia Airlines, Connair Pty Ltd and SAATAS Pty Ltd, as well as members of the general aviation industry who collected together to make the great evacuation program a success; the men and women of the Royal Air Force, the United States Air Force and the Indonesian Air Force who contributed magnificently; the people down the track from Darwin who gave food and shelter to road evacuees; the personnel of the Commonwealth and [More…]
I attempted to tap the pipeline in the United States of America, through various sources there, and I was able to make what I think are some quite valuable contacts. [More…]
In relation to that I suggest that legislation not unlike the Age Discrimination Act of the United States of America should be introduced. [More…]
Can he say what are the comparable provisions in the United Kingdom, the United States of Amenca and Canada. [More…]
The Depanment of Defence has advised that in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada extensive use is made of service passenger aircraft. [More…]
Where civil air is used, it is a general rule that service personnel travel by economy class but in the United Kingdom officers of two star rank and above travel first class and special approval may be obtained for first class travel in the United States of America. [More…]
In Canada and the United States of America, for example, schemes such as I have outlined are already in force. [More…]
Rigid and strict controls have already been introduced in Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
Although that has not occurred in Australia, does anyone say that the Australian democratic institution is stronger and better protected than was that of the United States prior to 1972? [More…]
Mention has been made of United Fruit in Guatamala in the 1950s, Union Miniere in Katanga in the 1960s and the ITT scandal in Chile in the 1970s where $ lm was spent, according to evidence given before the United States Congress, in order to influence an election. [More…]
We know that multinationals have perhaps not developed the best reputations in the United States and some other countries, but I have not yet had proved to me that multinationals in this country have been engaged in underhand activities. [More…]
There may be ways of getting around the laws- there are sure to be- and indeed the law may be ignored as it was in the United States until the introduction of the most recent legislation. [More…]
In the United States of America, whose Constitution enshrines the domocratic rights of the individual to an extent which is almost beyond belief in a modern society and which is the cause of some problems in that country, the rights of the individual are totally protected and there is no question that the Supreme Court of the United States would upset any attempt to take away from any individual his rights of secret ballot and his rights to participate properly in an election. [More…]
In the United States political contributions are regulated by the Federal Corrupt Practices Act. [More…]
It is applied to organisations promoting candidates for the Congress of the United States. [More…]
But apparently this provision is upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States and does not contravene the Bill of Rights section of that country’s Constitution. [More…]
Much of the present political problems which are besetting the United States Congress and the presidency arise from the non-disclosure of political campaign contributions- from keeping such campaign contributions secret. [More…]
In the United States it is thought that if a person makes a large contribution to a political campaign fund and seeks to hide that contribution- to keep it secret- there must be some ulterior motive behind it. [More…]
-The United States is in all sorts of electoral troubles. [More…]
It is a requirement of the law of the United States and I believe that it should be a requirement of the law of Australia. [More…]
It is all very well for Labor Party members to cite as examples the United States of America and Canada, but the difference is that in Australia the Government of today, the Australian Labor Party, is built on the foundation of the trade union movement. [More…]
In the United States of America the trade union movement can in some years support the Republicans and in other years the Democratic Party. [More…]
The company was as bold as to make a US$1 m offer to Dr Kissinger to involve the United States in some takeover of the Allende Government in Chile because the company did not happen to like the Government. [More…]
The member for Port Adelaide (Mr Young), said that although there is legislation of this kind in the United States of America, it can be got around. [More…]
Of course there is a tremendous number of cases of corruption and malpractice in the United States and in other countries where they have had legislation of this type. [More…]
Does he recall that it was in the United States of America with the most complicated laws for the disclosure of political funds which suffered the tragic experience of the fate of both the President and the Vice-President? [More…]
The United States House of Representatives on 1 1 August last year passed a Campaign Financing Reform Bill which is designed to halt fund raising abuses such as those which occurred in the 1972 presidential election. [More…]
The United States legislation went through almost unnoticed amid the furore of President Nixon’s resignation. [More…]
We have taken a leaf from the United States book. [More…]
For instance, Canada and the United States of America have such laws. [More…]
-by leave-The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Road Safety has recently been giving close attention to the implications and effect in the United States of America and Victoria of the reduction in the number of traffic fatalities as a result of the reduction in absolute speed limits which were applying in 1974. [More…]
On preliminary statistics it has been shown that the number of accident fatalities in the United States was reduced by 9400 or about 17 per cent while in Victoria it was 131 or about 14 per cent. [More…]
As the classic example of a Securities and Exchange Commission is to be found in the United States of America, due regard has been paid to the laws and practices in that country. [More…]
In its consideration of those matters my Department was fortunate in having assistance from eminent persons from the United States of America. [More…]
I mention only two of them in the interests of brevity: Mr Sol Freedman, a former senior officer of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and Professor Louis Loss, Cromwell Professor of Law at Harvard University and the author of an authoritative work on the securities industry in the United States. [More…]
There is a need, which was recognised long ago in the United States and in the First Interim Report of the Eggleston Committee, for an expert body with continuity of existence to be charged with a responsibility for seeing that the laws are kept up to date at all times. [More…]
In the United States of America this has been recognised. [More…]
The world situation in relation to supplies of opium is rather confused, especially because of the attempts of the United States and the United Nations in recent years to reduce the amount of poppy cultivation to that level which is actually required for licit and medical purposes. [More…]
A newsletter was produced by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association in the United States which records certain evidence given to a United States committee. [More…]
Appearing before that committee was a representative of the 3 licensed importers of opium in the United States of America. [More…]
I do not know and have not been able to check adequately for my own purposes whether those projections are in fact correct, but it does seem to be a fact that stockpile sources in the United States have been eaten into by this demand and that that is why people are worrying. [More…]
It was a war for the independence of those countries from the colonial occupation established by the French in 1847 and continued by the United States of America after 1954. [More…]
If there had not been interference by the French and by the United States, that conflict would have long since been over. [More…]
Is anybody going to suggest that the decline in the demand for our beef, the imposts that have been put on beef imports into Japan, the Europen Economic Community and the United States of America, have not affected the beef industry. [More…]
Is anybody going to suggest there is not a decline in private sector investment in New Zealand, the United States of America, Great Britain and Japan, and that as a great trading nation this does not affect us enormously in this country? [More…]
If the Government were to put forward a proposal by which it would give to members of the House of Representatives a fixed term of office and then double that period so as to render the term of office of senators also fixed there might be some merit in that proposition because that is the situation arising under the United States Constitution whereby members of the House of Representatives have a fixed term of office of 2 years and members of the Senate have a term of office of 4 years. [More…]
We could find ourselves involved in an agreement, which we do not like, with the United States of America, the Soviet Union or a number of countries. [More…]
They apply in the United States and Europe, and in Australia just as much. [More…]
Can the Minister representing the Minister for Agriculture inform the House whether the volume of Australian beef exported to the United States of America has continued at a high level? [More…]
What are the comparative quantities exported to the United States for the years ended 31 December 1973 and 31 December 1 974? [More…]
In view of the reported surplus of beef on the United States market, is it possible that cheap Australian beef is being processed and exported to some of our traditional customers? [More…]
It is a fact that in the last 12 months a decline has occurred in exports of beef to the United States of America. [More…]
In 1 973 the total amount of beef exported to the United States was approximately 340 000 tonnes. [More…]
But since October last year there has been a very sharp increase in the amount of beef exported to the United States. [More…]
Japan itself has an embargo on the import of beef from Australia and the United States in this form. [More…]
We have the circumstances in which markets in Japan and the United States of America for beef have been very substantially reduced and jeopardised by the direct actions of this Government. [More…]
But after the Deputy Prime Minister (Dr J. F. Cairns), the Minister for Labor and Immigration (Mr Clyde Cameron), the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) and other Ministers hurl abuse across the Pacific at the United States, what interest has the United States Administration in keeping the access to that market for beef that we once had? [More…]
The honourable member for Wannon (Mr Fraser), who was the previous speaker in this debate, condemned the fact that criticism was levelled at the United States of America on the grounds that we supported the Communist Party. [More…]
Indeed, that has been the experience both in the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The eastern seaboard of the United States of America has been talked about for many years- particularly recently in the light of the oil crisis- as being highly prospective for oil and gas exploration. [More…]
But the original States of the United States of America are still asserting a right to control or to administer that exploration on the eastern seaboard. [More…]
But the United States of America, Canada and West Germany have long since made decisions on this matter. [More…]
I refer to many places in the United States of America where people have tried to introduce pre-paid medical systems such as voluntary health maintenance organisations into various State legislatures. [More…]
Yet the representatives of medical lobbies in the United States have said ‘We have sufficient clout in the State legislatures in the United States to prevent any such innovatory legislation coming in’ and they have succeeded in doing so. [More…]
Secondly, peoples and governments are challenging the right of large corporations, particularly in the United States of America, to control and manipulate resources, particularly natural resources, upon which their standard of living depends and to which their economy is extremely sensitive or vulnerable. [More…]
That adds strength to the cattlemen’s lobby in the United States. [More…]
It has made it just that more difficult to sell Australian beef in the United States. [More…]
It has not avoided the mistakes of similar legislation such as that in the United States of America- in spite of some 40 years experience to draw on. [More…]
Even in the United States of America, with an efficient service industry, only around 2 per cent of savings were invested in securities during the 1960s. [More…]
But, although the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States is provided with wide rule-making power, in practice almost all its powers, other than those relating to agency organisation procedure or practice, are subject to public hearings. [More…]
In contrast, all final orders of the American Securities and Exchange Commission are subject to judicial review on petition of an aggrieved party in an appropriate United States Court of Appeal. [More…]
The need for this type of comprehensive legislation has been deeply considered and amply demonstrated, not only by the Senate Select Committee on Securities and Exchange but also by British governments of both Tory and Labour persuasions and by the Government of the United States as far back as 1930. [More…]
The honourable member for Hawker took one small example out of the operations of the New York Stock Exchange but I point out that the United States Stock Exchange system is very different from that proposed by this Bill. [More…]
As the honourable member for Hawker (Mr Jacobi) pointed out, it is legislation, the need for which was recognised in the United States 40 years ago. [More…]
Reference was made to assistance from eminent persons particularly in the United States of America. [More…]
Whenever the previous Liberal-Country Party Government turned to the United States or received any assistance from the United States it was always accused of being influenced by that country and of adopting its ideas, and was asked why it did not have any ideas of its own. [More…]
As was said by my friend the honourable member for Casey, the New York situation in 1929 was acted on some 40 years ago and this legislation does not go as far as the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States of America. [More…]
When the members of his Cabinet disgracefully attacked the United States and the President of the United States the Prime Minister said that he alone in future would make statements on foreign affairs. [More…]
Has the Prime Minister’s attention been drawn to the recent announcement that inflation in the United States of America is currently running at 14.8 per cent? [More…]
Is it also a fact the unemployment in the United States is running at 8.2 per cent? [More…]
The last time that the Leader of the Opposition visited the United States he got very short shrift indeed. [More…]
It is true that the figures for inflation and unemployment in the United States are more serious than is the case in Australia. [More…]
It is serious not only in the United States but also in Canada, Britain, Italy and the rest of the OECD countries. [More…]
Our unemployment situation is exceeded on a percentage basis by Canada, the United States, Italy, Denmark and Ireland, and it is equalled by West Germany. [More…]
Other countries, notably the United States of America and the United Kingdom, have taken a similar approach to the matter and have banned unsolicited cards. [More…]
It should be said in passing that, notwithstanding the bluff hyperbole and acting of the Opposition spokesmen who referred to this Bill as a measure of socialism, it was introduced into the United States of America- the homeland of capitalism- in 1934. [More…]
The legislation copies a model from the home of capitalism- the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America, for instance, there is a stock exchange in New York as well as an American Stock Exchange. [More…]
I presume there are other stock exchanges in some of the other large cities of the United States. [More…]
The so-called home of capitalism, which is the United States, has the power to suspend trading, and it was introduced for a very good reason. [More…]
That is the experience in the United States of America. [More…]
About the only thing that is clear in the United States is that a trustee’s duties under the law of trusts can hardly require him to commit a violation of federal law. [More…]
To cap it all the Minister and his Department in typical form and despite the fact that there are 300 000 people unemployed in this country, many of whom are highly qualified and looking for work, have advertised, in the United States of America for 2 experts to be employed by the Department of Housing and Construction at $2 1,000 a year. [More…]
A census taken in 1915 indicated that the top one per cent of families in Australia owned 39 per cent of the country’s wealth, a concentration that compares with the current United Kingdom and United States of America levels of 42 per cent and 32 per cent respectively. [More…]
There is no good reason of which I am aware why the deposit gap should not be raised to a much higher level as we find, for example, in both the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
It seems to me that whilst there is obviously some confusion there does not seem to be any enthusiasm for the fundamental idea that this Australian Parliament, like the Parliaments of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America, should move into this area. [More…]
We want to make it clear that the Housing Corporation can provide rental subsidies direct to families, on the one hand, or indeed to do in Australia what is done in other parts of the world, that is, to assist even the entrepreneurs because the fact is that this sort of thing is done in Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and in Germany. [More…]
For example, national governments in Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany have found it necessary to become deeply involved in the field of housing. [More…]
In 1965 in the United States of America the Department of Housing and Urban Development was set up to ensure that the Federal Government was enabled to be more effectively involved in 2 critical domestic problemsthe provision of decent housing in a wholesome environment and the future of cities and suburbs. [More…]
To describe what is happening in this country as something that is attributable to socialism or some excesses of left wing politics, as some people in this House try to do, is an absurdity in the light of what is happening in other countries where there are anything but left wing governmentssuch places as United States, Japan and France. [More…]
Are the Press reports true that the United States of America has asked Australia to make a bigger financial contribution to maintaining the naval base at Singapore? [More…]
It ought to be possible in Australia, as it is possible in Canada, which is another federal system, and as it is becoming possible in the United States, which is yet another federal system, for the government to make it possible for everybody to receive medical treatment, whatever his means and whatever his place of residence; that is, the community’s health is the responsibility basically of the community. [More…]
I can instance Canada, the United States, Italy, Denmark and numerous others. [More…]
For instance, in January this year unemployment in Canada reached 6.7 per cent; in the United States it was 8.2 per cent; in Italy it was 4.1 per cent; in Denmark it was 6.5 per cent; and in Australia it was 4.1 per cent. [More…]
Prices in the United States of [More…]
When I was in Washington several years ago I was amazed to find that back bench members of the United States House of Representatives are supplied with a suite of offices and a staff of twelve. [More…]
The reason why we are so rigid in our opposition is that we have studied what has happened in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and also in Sweden. [More…]
The cost of the United States Medicare system has turned out to be some eleven times more than the cost originally projected. [More…]
Vis-a-vis the pound sterling and other European currencies, not to mention the United States dollar, those revaluations opened up a margin in favour of imports of the order of 30 per centage points. [More…]
In the United States of America where vehicle sales have slumped so disastrously that 14 plants have closed down and 200 000 workers have been retrenched, similar action has been taken to stimulate sales; that is, prices have been reduced to attract customers. [More…]
The difference as compared with Australia is that in the United States the vehicle manufacturing companies themselves have reduced their prices. [More…]
In the United States of America several large projects have been mounted in recent years- in science, social science and the humanities- generally with federally provided budgets of several million dollars. [More…]
It is a day set aside every year to commemorate a courageous group of women in the United States of America who campaigned in the streets, many years before it was accepted that one could campaign in the streets, for the rights of women. [More…]
In the United States of America, the home of private enterprise, where it is considered that private enterprise can overcome all their problems in all industry, there has been a massive shift back to involvement by the Government in the AMTRAK system. [More…]
Of course AMTRAK not only provides the services but is able, through the government, to pour money into research and the development of the rail service in the United States. [More…]
Geographically, we are very similar in size to the United States of America, but we have a population about 6 per cent or 7 per cent of the population of that country. [More…]
The United States had a big advantage in the development of its railway systems in that generally speaking it constructed its main railway systems using the standard gauge of 4o feet 8 te inches. [More…]
It forms the basis not only of the Bill we are discussing tonight but also of succeeding legislation in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
In April 1972, the Union Electric Company in the United States of America entered into an arrangement with the city of St Louis to carry out tests to see if the city’s garbage could be burned efficiently in its pulverized coal fired boilers. [More…]
Is he considering the United States Department of Health Education and Welfare Secretary’s Advisory Committee Report on Automated Personal Records Systems as a basis for licensing data banks under Government control. [More…]
Bearing in mind the desire to have the Indian Ocean as an area of peace and the Government’s reported disapproval of the move by the United States of America to strengthen defences at Diego Garcia, I ask the Minister whether any official protest has been made with regard to the growing strength of the Soviet navy in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
We would not want to seeindeed we would discourage- any build-up by either the United States or the Soviet naval elements in that area. [More…]
There have been communications certainly in the last 3 or 4 weeks but there were also communications 2 years ago in the middle of 1973 and they have been to both sides though not in the same terms because while it is true that there have been gross breaches of the Paris Agreements by both North and South Vietnam and by the Provisional Revolutionary Government and perhaps by the United States of America, nevertheless the breaches have not been all of the same kind. [More…]
His phenomenal memory might enable him to recall that in January and February 1966 the United States called for an urgent meeting of the Security Council to discuss this matter. [More…]
At that time the Australian Government informed its representatives in the United States that it opposed taking Vietnam to the the Security Council because it believed- . [More…]
The right honourable gentleman will remember that at the same time Australia told the United States of its concern- . [More…]
lest any United Nations intervention impede the freedom of action of the United States and its allies to do what we considered necessary to resist aggression in Vietnam. [More…]
In mid- 1967 there was again a good deal of public speculation in the United States that it might go back to the United Nations on Vietnam. [More…]
In response Australia urged caution, stressing the strong possibility of any resolution ending up in the form of a demand, in effect, for unilateral cessation of bombing by the United States. [More…]
Nevertheless, of course the war has kept on so long and so murderously because the United States has supplied so much equipment, such sophisticated equipment, to the South, and Russia and China have supplied it to the North. [More…]
I will not attempt to apportion the blame, but this war would have ended long ago had the United States, the USSR and the People’s Republic of China abstained. [More…]
Rather than face this prospect the regime in Saigon, urged on by the then United States Administration, refused to hold elections. [More…]
The real result of foreign intervention, principally the United States on the side of Saigon and Russia on the side of Hanoi, has been to raise the level of violence, to raise the capacity for mutual destruction on both sides. [More…]
The United States’ Defence Secretary, Dr Schlesinger, said on 31 March that it was Saigon’s withdrawal rather than a communist general offensive which was the primary cause of the Government of Vietnam’s present difficulties. [More…]
(Signed) Admiral Noel Gayler, United States Commander in Chief Pacific. [More…]
In the orchestrated outpourings of the past week there has been just one new note- muted as yet, but clearly designed to become a grand new theme- and that is that the United States is an untrustworthy ally. [More…]
What else is the purpose of this attempt to blame the United States Congress and the American people for the debacle in which the Government of South Vietnam now finds itself? [More…]
There could be only one other motive- to shame the United States back into Indo-China. [More…]
Is this its proposal for either the United States or Australia: To get back into the war; to prolong it for yet another decade? [More…]
In the heady days when Vietnam was a popular war, when it was a political goldmine, before the people of Australia came to see its implications and consequences for Indo-China, for Australia, for the United States, the constant challenge made in this House, not least from the present Leader of the Opposition, was, ‘stand up and be counted’. [More…]
Let the members of the Opposition now stand up and be counted and say that they believe it was wrong that we should have got completely out of the war or believe that the United States or Australia should go back into the war. [More…]
As to the United States, she has fulfilled any obligations she assumed to the Government of Saigon. [More…]
But the United States’ honour and interests do lie in helping rebuild a unified Vietnam, the unification of which misguided policies, mistaken policies of the past so long delayed; the United States’ honour and interest lie in helping to rebuild an Indo-China to the devastation of which those policies so greatly contributed. [More…]
That is the way for the United States to regain her real place of leadership in our region. [More…]
And in that task Australia, as far as this Government is concerned, will be a good partner with the United States. [More…]
We will have no truck with those who put out the line that the United States should resume her intervention in the war. [More…]
Above all, Australia’s security, as with the peace of the world, rests ultimately upon making the detente between the United States and the Soviet Union a success and upon associating China in a wider detente. [More…]
In this Parliament on more than one occasion he has blamed the South rather than the North, the United States rather than the Soviet Union. [More…]
In those circumstances, who is in breach of the Agreements and why does the Prime Minister seek to blame the United States rather than North Vietnam or the Soviet Union? [More…]
The United States has drawn the attention of the Soviet Union, China and other countries to the actions of North Vietnam. [More…]
But the Prime Minister, as I understand it, has said very little to anyone other than Saigon and the United States and has ignored the actions of North Vietnam and the Soviet Union, which are the 2 parties principally responsible for the situation that has developed. [More…]
What is happening in South Vietnam is bound to have an impact on United States opinion. [More…]
The United States Congress is probably more unpredictable because of the nature of Congress than it had been in past years and that is, I suppose, because there are not some significant figures who support or who are noted for a cause and who carry Congress with them. [More…]
But in terms of maintaining a strong United States policy around the world the unity of Congress and the United States executive is essential for the peace and wellbeing of the world. [More…]
I have confidence in continued United States involvement in sensible, proper and just causes. [More…]
The reopening of the Suez Canal will make it much easier for the United States to maintain her commitments in those areas, and it will be more unsettling in South-East Asia. [More…]
Australia also needs to emphasise the continued need for world involvement by the United States. [More…]
There is a necessity for the importance of the United States deterrent, which still is of critical importance in maintaining world peace. [More…]
Given her history and traditions, the United States can do no less. [More…]
But if a day ever comes in which the United States ceases to be respected for her power and her willingness to apply the right power when it is needed then that day will bring us within the defeating moment of world catastrophes. [More…]
If United States power is once challenged and found wanting, no matter what the nature of the challenge, then the free world credibility everywhere is threatened. [More…]
For the free world maintenance of credibility is a prime purpose and any United States administration, I believe, will understand and recognise that. [More…]
That was written in February 1970, and I believe the United States would well understand the sense in which it was written. [More…]
One of the tasks for Australian diplomacy is to help wherever it can to maintain United States credibility around the world. [More…]
The attitudes of the present Government to the United States would not really help to achieve that. [More…]
In the United States there has been a complete assessment of this bankrupt policy. [More…]
They led inexorably, predictably, to tragedy- death and destruction for Cambodia, moral and political disaster for the United States. [More…]
It is not any service to the United States or to any other nation to stand by and be uncritical of a policy that has that kind of result. [More…]
A former President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, reminded us: ‘Men do not start revolutions in a sudden passion . [More…]
There was the suppression of the human spirit not only by the colonialists who lived there but also by those who were backed by the French and later by the United States in any endeavour. [More…]
He was overthrownperhaps with the sympathy of the United States of America. [More…]
The only 2 members that did do so, apart from Australia and the United States, were Thailand and the Philippines. [More…]
But not only did Thailand and the Philippines go in under the direction of the United States Government; also they were rewarded handsomely by the United States Government for their involvement. [More…]
What happened was that under pressure from the United States Government we were asked to go in. [More…]
So, as in the old days with Diem and the Geneva Agreements, when the important thing was the elections throughout the whole of Indo-China which Diem, with the support of the United States and the Australian Governments, did not allow to come to pass, exactly the same thing has happened with Thieu, who has argued against the National Council. [More…]
The folk who put forward that proposition completely ignore the fact that there is probably as much difference between the Soviet Union and the United States as there is between the Soviet Union and Communist China. [More…]
I suggest that the Minister, if he has the time or the inclination, might refer to the contents of the Accords and to chapter 2, articles 5, 6 and 7- the withdrawal articles- the areas within which there has been a complete compliance in the military sense by the United States and South Vietnam with the directions that the Accords require. [More…]
I believe that the regular forces of North Vietnam have now derived the right of self-defence against an attack made on them by the armed forces of the United States and by the armed forces of the government in Saigon. [More…]
What now of the condemnation he makes of the United States of America? [More…]
Let me say that I believed Sir Robert Menzies, when I was not so young a man, that the United States Fleet had been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese. [More…]
While Diem was president of South Vietnam, the United States of America needed 300 military advisers in South Vietnam. [More…]
After his overthrow, the United States needed 600 000 troops in South Vietnam. [More…]
The plain truth is that the United States opened Pandora’s box. [More…]
The United States of America fought for 7 years. [More…]
I remember believing Sir Robert Menzies when he leaned across the table and said: ‘Does the honourable member dare to suggest that if the United States fleet is attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin, it should not defend itself?’ [More…]
How is it that only the United States, Australia and one or two others were involved? [More…]
Well, I think there is evidence to show that, if anything, legislation that outlaws racial discrimination has had some effect in countries where it exists, such as in Canada and in the United States of America where the Constitution is being used to outlaw it. [More…]
US/Australia Agreement for Scientific and Technical Co-operation- made to provide additional opportunities for the United States and Australia to exchange ideas, information, skills and techniques and to collaborate on problems of mutual interest in the field of civil science. [More…]
Can he say whether company tax in the United Kingdom is 1 9 per cent, in West Germany 27 per cent and in the United States of America 30 per cent. [More…]
Of the three countries referred to, only the United States has the same so-called classic system of company taxation as Australia. [More…]
In the United States the general company tax rate is effectively 48 per cent on all income in excess of S2S,000 (a lower rate of 22 per cent applies on the first $25,000 earned). [More…]
That has happened with similar legislation introduced in, for example, Great Britain and the United States of America- legislation which was brought in with the very best of motives. [More…]
My God, racial relations in the United States of America have been transformed, and transformed for the better, as a result of legislation in that country. [More…]
Those days are gone and negroes now stand in large measure with a certain dignity largely because of the Warren court and the way in which it was able to interpret the United States Constitution and apply that interpretation to legislation. [More…]
The first was when Hanoi was informed of our intended response to the plea from the Government of South Vietnam through the United States that we should give humanitarian assistance. [More…]
As a result of the moratoriums and the constant pressure, public opinion in this country and in the United States of America swung away from the concept of standing up for right. [More…]
If next Sunday is to be a Sunday of prayer for the orphans of South Vietnam and for those people who have died or will die in the future, let there also be a prayer uttered for forgiveness for those clergy who through a naive approach assisted the friends of communism and the friends of the socialists to win the war of the minds of people in this country and in the United States of America. [More…]
Do they think that Great Britain, Canada, the United States of America and other countries have not had the problems they have raised? [More…]
That can occur in the United States, in the United Kingdom and in nearly every other voting system in the world, whether they have voluntary voting systems or whether they do not have compulsory preferential voting systems. [More…]
I can see advantage in returning postal votes direct to the respective returning officers because this might save a little time instead of the votes being handed into an assistant officer in the United States of America, England or wherever it may be. [More…]
Even in the United States of America party identifications are usually shown on the ballot paper. [More…]
Without going through all the countries which require or permit the party affiliations of candidates to be placed on the ballot paper, it is enough to point out that they include Austria, all the Scandinavian countries, West Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Britain and the United States of America- not a bad democratic line-up. [More…]
The countries concerned, and the dates on which the agreements were signed, are- the United Kingdom (29 October 1946, revised 7 December 1967); the United States of America (14 May 1953); Canada ( 1 October 1 957); [More…]
Talks have also been held with the United Kingdom and the United States concerning possible revision of aspects of the comprehensive agreements currently in force with each of those countries. [More…]
A search of the official Royal Australian Air Force and United States Air Force histories, and of Royal Australian Air Force operational records, as well as questioning of the scientific staff present during Brook Island trials, do not confirm the allegations that Australia was involved in a trial in which prisoners from American gaols were subjected to mustard gas bombing. [More…]
Finally, I have asked that additional inquiries be made through the United States authorities to determine whether any information available from that source would either confirm or refute the allegations that have been made. [More…]
As early as September 1974 Samuelson was against the restrictionist policy Friedman and others had helped to impose first upon Nixon and then upon Ford and which has now given the United States 8.7 per cent of unemployment and rising. [More…]
Thirdly, do not listen to your advisers who claim that bringing unemployment up to 6 per cent- and, as I said, it is now over 8 per cent in the United States- and holding it there for a couple of years will restore the economy for the rest of the 1 970s to a reasonable rate of inflation. [More…]
American conditions are not identical with those of Australia, but Samuelson ‘s advice is the opposite to that of Friedman- it was in the United States and it is here in Australiaand it means that growth should not be cut to deal with inflation. [More…]
It is all right for the Treasurer to quote Professor Samuelson of the United States of America, but was he in Australia when he was making his remarks? [More…]
There would not be one person in Australia who would not welcome a situation in which Professor Friedman had been advising the Government and we had a rate of inflation of 8.7 per cent, which is the rate in the United States of America today. [More…]
Now that the Australian Embassy and the United States Embassy and all Western journalists have been evacuated from the city the curtains are drawn. [More…]
It is an idea which Australians devised in the 1 890s on a precedent which the United States of America created in the 1880s and which the United States has found very beneficial through all the succeeding decades under all succeeding administrations. [More…]
Now the Government has brought out another expert from the United States. [More…]
The Government in this Parliament is renowned for bringing experts from the United States. [More…]
It seems to want to attack the United States in other respects but when the time comes to get some expertise it is very quick to look to the United States. [More…]
Apparently the Tasmanian Government has caught the same disease becuase it has brought out from the United States a Mr Voorhees to advise where the second bridge should go. [More…]
I was interested to note yesterday an article about the balance of payments situation in the United States of America and how the reserves were running down. [More…]
About the only exceptions that one can find to this amongst the advanced economies in the Western world are the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
I asked Mr Sweeney to come out from the United States to talk over the matter with me. [More…]
A few weeks ago a South Carolina Republican, Senator Jesse Helms, told the United States Senate that he agreed with the Administration decision that it was time for a reassessment of Middle East policy. [More…]
A United States labour leader, George Meany) went further and urged a review of the entire policy of detente following the collapse of Middle East peace negotiations and communist gains in Portugal and in South-East Asia. [More…]
When I was in the United States recently I made it my business to look into such constructions. [More…]
I believe that in the United States that would cost about $600. [More…]
It is also true for the major economies such as Japan and the United States. [More…]
Britain, the United States of America and West Germany are only 3 examples of that. [More…]
It did not worry him that young Australians were sent to Vietnam, maimed for life or killed in a useless war that has now been proven to be the invention of the Pentagon in the United States. [More…]
Germany, the United States of America and Japan have achieved a significant improvement in their economies and with only a mild degree of prediction of the figures I believe that the American inflation rate is likely to fall from about 12 per cent to 6 per cent, Germany from 6Vi per cent or 7 per cent to 5 per cent and Japan might well come down from over 23 per cent to approximately 10 per cent in the foreseeable future. [More…]
Trudeau was ahead of Cairns but the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries in Europe followed and the United States has followed since; that is, the comparable countries have accepted the general trends which we were in the lead in introducing. [More…]
Whereas in Australia real average weekly earnings before tax increased by 1 1.5 per cent in the two years, December 1972 to December 1974, in the United States there was a decline of 5.8 per cent. [More…]
In the same period there was a decline in the United States of 2.2 per cent; in Japan of 3.7 per cent and in Great Britain of 0.2 per cent. [More…]
It is directly comparable with the method of measuring unemployment in the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The United States Bureau of Labor Studies uses our survey figures on unemployment to measure Australian unemployment when it produces its comparisons of international unemployment rates from time to time. [More…]
We have to support the United States and the President in his present efforts to see that the American presence is maintained and that American aid continues. [More…]
In the United States of America, in the aftermath of a series of anti-trust legislation, it has been enacted that company tax on firms earning less than $25,000 is 25 per cent as opposed to the normal 48 per cent. [More…]
Further, the United States Government allows retention of tax profits of up to $100,000 before becoming liable to retained earning tax. [More…]
Another measure which appears to have worked well in the United States of America in the management advice and assistance line is the SCORE scheme which effectively utilises the services of retired but thoroughly experienced business executives. [More…]
I urge the Government to take immediate steps to overcome the present disparity in the tax burdens of private and public companies, firstly, by allowing an increase in company retention allowance when it can be demonstrated that retained funds are being put back into the business; secondly, by instigating a provision for a taxation deduction to enable small companies to be adequately covered for expenditure on superannuation; and further, by allowing past losses to be carried back over the previous 3 years tax paid, as is allowed in the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
It is clear that the present Bill has been modelled on the United States Commission. [More…]
However it should be remembered that the United States Constitution contains no provision equivalent to our section 92. [More…]
They were also influenced by the United States Interstate Commerce Commission of 1887, which has been modified to the extent nowadays that it is now charged with the responsibility of developing, co-ordinating and preserving a national transport system by water, highway and rail, as well as by other means, adequate to meet the needs of the commerce of the United States, of the postal service and of the national defence. [More…]
The work was a monumental tour de force which examined the great nations, the large federations of the world such as Canada and the United States of America, as well as some of the very small nations with their own distinct and distinctive regions. [More…]
They have been investigated in the United States of America for over 20 years by commissions, councils, ad hoc committees and scientific organisations. [More…]
In January last year the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America issued a report on the substance following a 5-month review. [More…]
There also was a separate review by an independent specialist advisory committee of cancer experts from all over the United States of America. [More…]
Both of these bodies found that there is no acceptable evidence that laetrile has any anti-cancer effect, and the Food and Drug Administration went further and said that the data did not even justify clinical trials of the agent and it is not available in the United States of America. [More…]
As the Minister for Labor and Immigration said, it was even possible for the President and the Vice-President of the United States of America and members of the President’s staff- people who were in the sanctuary, as it were, of American political reputationto be involved in this massive scandal. [More…]
If such elections had been held they would almost certainly have resulted in the power over a unified Vietnam under Ho Chi Minn. Rather than face this prospect the regime in Saigon, urged on by the then United States Administration, refused to hold elections. [More…]
I have been advised that the United States of America banned the export of whale products in December 1973. [More…]
Yes, spermaceti wax was imported into Australia from the United States of America in 1974. [More…]
The importations did not contravene Australian Customs legislation which permits the importation of whale products from member countries of the International Whaling Commission; the United States of America is a member. [More…]
I understand that the United States authorities are examining the circumstances of the exportation. [More…]
Is it not a fact that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission requires full disclosure of proposed foreign borrowings in that country? [More…]
The Government took a decision- when we heard a thundering noise the other night that was the Government taking another decision- on an alternative, the United States patrol frigate. [More…]
If these ships are to be purchased- I will come to the question of whether or not they will be purchased- they are to be purchased from the United States of America. [More…]
The United States Navy asked for 50 of the ships. [More…]
I want the Minister to take the earliest opportunity, either in a speech in this Parliament or one made up and down the country- he can make it in Cunnamulla as far as I am concernedto give us a clear statement as to whether or not 2 patrol frigates will be purchased from the United States of America. [More…]
The difficulties that the Government faces with respect to them are these: Firstly, whether or not the United States itself will proceed with the construction of these frigates; secondly, if it does, whether they will be produced in sufficient numbers to enable this country to purchase them; and thirdly, whether there will be any resolution by the Government to purchase the equipment. [More…]
The Prime Minister’s statement was a narrow and restrictive one which looked backward and analysed past history of Vietnam, when what it ought to have been doing was to examine how current events in IndoChina affect South East Asia, the countries belonging to the Association of South East Asian Nations, the relationship with Asia and the United States, the impact of the Middle East and the impact of all of this upon Australia. [More…]
As a result of most unfortunate difficulties between the United States Congress and the Executive, the United States Executive is now and in the future will be in a weaker situation to negotiate a proper settlement in the Middle East. [More…]
This ought to be supported by Australia because Australia should conduct a foreign and defence policy in a manner which encourages sensible, reasonable and appropriate United States world involvement. [More…]
The attitudes of the present Government have been designed to cause the United States to withdraw into herself. [More…]
There has been no criticism of Soviet Union bases and refuelling facilities around the Indian Ocean but there has been criticism of the United States, designed to prevent Diego Garcia from being established as a base of any kind. [More…]
If through other events the Azores become unavailable to the United States for the reinforcement of Israel the only other way to go to the Middle East would be via Diego Garcia, unless the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries were prepared to change their attitude. [More…]
The United States may never build them. [More…]
In 1970, United States involvement amounted to approximately 500 000 men in this theatre. [More…]
In 1975 United States involvement has been reduced to 35,000 men with no fighting troops. [More…]
The governments of New Zealand, India, Israel and the United States of America, to name but a few, are already involved to varying degrees in providing insurance to their citizens, including natural disaster insurance. [More…]
We could be taking a lead in providing courses in industrial relations for international students, such as is currently done by the Cornell and Harvard Universities in the United States of America. [More…]
I would like to point out to the House, however, that in other countries- particularly socialist European countries- such as Sweden and Britian as well as Canada and the United States the trend has in fact been for large trade unions to fund their own forms of education. [More…]
Provincial labour federations and councils in the United States have the AFL-CIO, which has established a college for full time degree courses in the Labour Studies Centre in Washington. [More…]
In terms of world production, Australia ranks fourth behind only the United States of America, Turkey and Greece. [More…]
The misrepresentations, the deception, did not begin on 9 April when he told us the cables were substantially the same; they began early in this session when he implied that South Vietnam and the United States were in principal breach of the Paris Agreements. [More…]
The Prime Minister would have known, if he had read his own Foreign Affairs Department briefing, that because of congressional cuts in United States aid, South Vietnam was provided with much less than piece for piece replacement. [More…]
Those 2 points involved the resignation of President Thieu and the end of all United States support for the Government of South Vietnam. [More…]
The Paris Agreements specifically allowed for continued United States support. [More…]
The document goes on to say that although the South Vietnamese forces were well equipped they were dependent for resupply on a one-for-one replacement from the United States. [More…]
In the Parliament he put the principal blame for breach of the Paris Agreements on South Vietnam and on the United States. [More…]
What hypocrisy from a man whose Government’s actions and policies have helped push the United States along the road to isolationism. [More…]
I was scheduled to see the President of the United States of America, the Secretary of State, leaders of Congress-both Houses, both parties. [More…]
But have the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Fraser) and the Leader of the National Country Party of Australia (Mr Anthony) forgotten the appalling My Lais of the Vietnam War, the searing deadliness of the napalm bombs, the deathdealing bombs that were dropped, not only on Hanoi but also on the rest of Vietnam by the United States of America? [More…]
These men who plunged Australia into war, these men who applauded killing, these men who applauded violence, these men who supported the United States’ invasion of Cambodia and of Vietnam, not once protested about United States transgressions when evidence showed that both the Americans and the North Vietnamese had transgressed the 1954 Geneva agreements. [More…]
Australia values the closeness and strength of its friendship and alliance with the United States. [More…]
It is very obvious from those letters that what was involved was not a request from the South Vietnamese Government but the acceptance of an offer that was made under the sponsorship of the United States by Australia. [More…]
The South Vietnamese Government was not anxious to have other military forces operating in South Vietnam but the United States, for its own purposes, wanted to have a broadening of the alliance so that the United States President could tell his own people that there was a wide support for United States policies. [More…]
But this morning I was listening to the Australian Broadcasting Commission ‘AM’ program and I heard reference to the fact that in the United States, where there is considerable economic and technological expertise, at present the rate of unemployment is running at more than 9 per cent and inflation is running along with it. [More…]
Many of us wondered how and why we were pressured into such an active participation in that war by the United States of America. [More…]
Secondly, Australia herself put pressure on the United States of America to become more heavily involved in the Vietnam war, and not vice versa as we were led to believe. [More…]
Thirdly, Australian and United States diplomats discussed where a battalion of Australian troops would fight before even asking the South Vietnamese Government if it wanted more help. [More…]
Lastly, to satisfy legalities, the United States concocted a scheme to get South Vietnam to invite Australia openly to enter the war, even though South Vietnam was most reluctant to have more foreign soldiers on its soil. [More…]
This was the case in the United States itself in the last century, and in Russia, China, Spain and many other countries this century. [More…]
The United States of America still has the power, but what about the voices that are being raised from the Government encouraging isolationism in the United States? [More…]
-Every time I hear the honourable member for Mackellar (Mr Wentworth) speaking on this theme I think of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy of the United States of America. [More…]
As honourable members know, McCarthyism swept the United States and ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of pubhe servants dedicated to their task in the United States. [More…]
But the speech that he has just made is so ill-timed because we read in the media today that the world is becoming more friendly, that United States’ warships are at present in Leningrad harbour and, similarly, units of the Soviet navy are visiting American ports. [More…]
We also learn from the media that, in the very near future, there is to be a joint space mission by the United States and the Soviet cosmonauts linking up in space. [More…]
The countries concerned are the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and Switzerland. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to recent statements by the United States Secretary of State, Dr Kissinger, that American intervention in Vietnam was a mistake. [More…]
In fact we were not going over the past; we were considering the future and the fruitful way in which Australia and the United States can now work together to make that future more prosperous and more peaceful than has been the case over the last decade or so. [More…]
Of course, it would be true to say that not only Dr Kissinger but also other members of the United States Administration, and others who have been in preceding Administrations over the last 10 years, have learned from the experience of those years. [More…]
I believe that the United States can be very much more effective, as she will certainly be very much more respected, now that the mistake of Indo-China is behind her. [More…]
I need not emphasise to the Parliament that the United States has a program to eradicate brucellosis completely by 1983. [More…]
Also, other countries follow the United States regulations in respect of hygiene. [More…]
I can assure the honourable member for Evans that in many progressive democratic countries there is legislation providing for the disclosure of campaign funds notably, of course, Canada, the United States of America and certain European countries. [More…]
Within the circle of Great Britain, the United States of America, [More…]
Those 2 points involved the resignation of President Thieu and the end of all United States support for the Government of South Vietnam. [More…]
Another large American multinational operates in Australia under the name of Nyal Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Sterling Drugs of the United States of America. [More…]
I discussed this matter with the heads of government in some neighbour countries when I was in Washington and in Jamaica last month, namely the Prime Ministers of Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Fiji and Britain, and I also discussed the matter with the President of the United States and with the United States House of Representatives International Relations Committee and the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [More…]
For a start- and this is a problem which I do not suppose we can ever really overcome- Australia is a relatively small market compared with the large domestic markets of Japan, the United States and the European Economic Community. [More…]
I want to make one reference to a case in the United States of America. [More…]
If one has any knowledge of the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States, one will know that they are as wide and as restrictive as anywhere in the world. [More…]
Canada, France, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States all provide crop insurance. [More…]
In addition, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Spain and the United States provide insurance against property damage arising from natural disasters. [More…]
Has the Australian Labor Party Government been prepared to look at the experience in some of the States of the United States of America where a real spirit of co-operation betwen the private industry and the government has meant a very valuable cover for these types of disasters? [More…]
The real effect of this law before us is to make divorce easier and I ask honourable members to look at the figures for the United Kingdom and the United States of America where provisions such as those proposed in clause 48 apply. [More…]
like the United Kingdom and the United States of America, has been brought up with a history of obedience and respect for the rule of the law, and a healthy dislike of arbitrary power. [More…]
I remind the House that at that same time, 3 airlines were still operating commercial flights out of Saigon, and the United States Air Force was continuing its own airlift. [More…]
Further, what of the report in the ‘Sydney Morning Herald ‘ of 8 May that the head of the United States Interagency Task Force on Refugees told a United States State Department Press conference that Australia would be taking fewer than 100 refugees. [More…]
By identifying itself with the American occupation and aggression in Vietnam, the Australian government has established for itself a duty to share with the United States the consequences of a withdrawal of this occupation and an end to this aggression. [More…]
It was those people in particular, many of whom were Christians and Catholics, who wanted to come to countries such as Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
We are all well aware of the magnificent effort made by the United States under very difficult circumstances to move from Vietnam at very short notice a considerable number of people. [More…]
To say, as the Minister for Science (Mr Morrison), then the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated, that Australia had a wonderful record and that we were second only to the United States- at that stage, second being a figure of about 72 people- is merely a travesty of the substance of the British language. [More…]
-The long-standing requirements of underwriters in countries from which Australia traditionally borrows, such as the United States and West Germany, is that there shall not be, during the currency of the loan subscription period and for a period of 30 days thereafter, any alternative borrowing transaction which would compete with the loan then under offer, and full disclosure is required. [More…]
Currently a loan transaction is being arranged in the United States- hence the action taken to revoke the authority. [More…]
What relationship has the $100m loan in the United States, which the Government has been seeking since February, with the sudden revocation of the authority to the Minister for Minerals and Energy? [More…]
Is it not an example of the lack of credit standing of Australia around the world that, even though $ 100m- a relatively small amounthas been sought in the United States since February, the Government has not yet been able to consumate even that loan? [More…]
Every democratic country except Australia provides for considerably smaller numbers of voters in large, scattered electorates than in tiny, compact city electorates- and that includes Britain, the mother of parliaments, where a tolerance of several hundred per cent is provided, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
This Bill gives effect to an exchange of notes concluded on 2 1 March 1974 between the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam), as Acting Foreign Minister, and Mr Marshall Green, the United States Ambassador, acting on behalf of our respective Governments. [More…]
It amends the Agreement of 9 May 1963 between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America relating to the establishment of a United States naval communication station in Australia. [More…]
The exchange of notes followed discussions which the Minister for Defence (Mr Barnard) had in Washington in January 1974 with the United States Secretary of Defence, Mr Schlesinger. [More…]
As they stated at the time, they agreed that the exchange of letters of 7 May 1963 between the United States Ambassador, Mr Battle, and the Australian Minister for External Affairs, Sir Garfield Barwick, relating to this subject was no longer necessary. [More…]
An amendment to article 1 of the Agreement provides that the station at North West Cape shall be operated jointly while amendment to article 2 limits United States Navy exclusive occupation to a national room and provides for a similar Australian national room. [More…]
The nearest known wrecks are an American Liberator aircraft on Hinchinbrook Island; a Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Corps submerged on King’s Reef near Murdering Point; and a partial wreckage of a Royal Australian Air Force Kittyhawk in Rockingham Bay, north of Cardwell. [More…]
As a measure of then activity, there are 37 identified aircraft wrecks in the area between Townville and Cairns, most of which aircraft were flown by the United States Army Air Corps. [More…]
This practice is followed in the United States of America and Canada, and was introduced in those countries by conservative governments, with the support of all major political parties. [More…]
I have followed how, on behalf of the Committee and with the Secretary of the Committee, he visited many overseas countries, particularly Canada, the United States of America and the United Kingdom, before the Scott Committee report was brought down. [More…]
I repeat that all that is being done in this Bill is already being done in other countries, such as Canada and, perhaps in a slightly different form, in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States? [More…]
Yet, I have been unable to find that the United Kingdom, the United States of America or Canada has one commission which does all the purchasing. [More…]
One sees, for example, in the United States of America a number of historic sites that have been handed over to the National Estate by private individuals for the enjoyment of the nation. [More…]
The United States of America, which no one could accuse of having a socialist economy, has a level of unemployment that has now reached 8.9 per cent and threatens to reach 10 per cent before the year is out. [More…]
When the Bill failed to get a second reading in the Senate, much was made by the Opposition of the United States experience as a reason why the Bill should not be proceeded with. [More…]
The point was made that, in the United States, a person losing a case in State jurisdiction could then go to the Federal jurisdiction and have the result reversed on a point of Federal law. [More…]
It could arise in the United States, because there the State courts do not have, and cannot be invested with, any Federal jurisdiction. [More…]
It is common in British legislation, and I believe that there are provisions in the United States of America and in Canada to protect the individual in such a circumstance. [More…]
United States Administrations or by the leaders of the United States Congress, both sides, both Houses. [More…]
The inflation rates of some other countries are as follows: New Zealand 12.6 per cent, Canada 11.8 per cent, the United States of America 11.1 per cent, France 13.9 per cent, Germany 5.8 per cent and Japan 13.9 per cent. [More…]
Let us look at the United States. [More…]
I do not know whether the honourable gentleman knows the scene in the United States of America, for example, but there people are encountering such problems with housing that about two-thirds of them have to secure some form of assistance from the national government, the type of assistance that we have been setting the stage to provide for some time, something which was never heard of under the Liberal-Country Party government. [More…]
The scene in the United States of America is such that the number of flats and condominiums has almost doubled in 12 months and the number of single and individual houses has almost halved. [More…]
Japanese will be paying less for coal than they have been paying for purchases of coal from the east coast of the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America which has been Japan’s second major source of coal supply now finds that it needs more and more coal for its internal consumption. [More…]
I recall that early in 1973 the honourable gentleman informed the House that there were 3 things of which he was certain: Life, death, and that the value of the United States dollar would go down. [More…]
We do not want the stuff to be sent to the United States or the Soviet Union or any place else where Japan may choose to have it enriched. [More…]
It is interesting to note that in the United States of America the Government has taken a different approach by subsidising flood insurance for people living in identified floodprone areas, tied to incentives to encourage land use policies which would limit building in floodprone areas or allow only elevated flood-proof construction. [More…]
- The United States example shows that future government assistance for flood mitigation may be unnecessary if incentives are tied to government flood insurance to encourage more responsible use of flood plains. [More…]
The leaflet was secured by a State Attorney’s office in the United States of America from a known member of the Communist Party who acknowledged it to be part of the communist program for the overthrowing of the Western governments. [More…]
Under it appears a quote from Mr Guss Hall, the General Secretary of the Communist Party in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Belgium and Holland inflation is falling, but in Australia it is rising- Brogan and Gruen say that it could go to 30 per cent on present policies. [More…]
It is falling in Japan, Germany, Canada, the United States of America and other countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. [More…]
In the United Kingdom and the United States there are similar schemes. [More…]
The Minister cites countries to suit his argument but, as is well known, the existence of separate organisations to carry out these two separate and different functions is by no means uncommon in some of the most technologically advanced countries, such as the United States of America, Japan and Canada. [More…]
It is a known fact that the High Court is regarded as having the competence of courts such as the Privy Council, the House of Lords and the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
At a time when our ANZUS partner, the United States of America, is trying to maintain a fragile detente, it is irresponsible for the Australian Government to do anything which might undermine the progress of the United States towards peace. [More…]
Whereas in Australia real average weekly earnings before tax increased by 11.5 per cent, in the United States of America there was a decline of 5.8 per cent. [More…]
I want to emphasise those figures: In Australia there was an increase of 1 1.5 per cent in that 2-year period while in the United States of America there was a decline of 5.8 per cent. [More…]
In Australia the unemployment figure is now 4.4 per cent and in the United States it is 9.4 per cent. [More…]
In the same period there was a decline in the United States of 2.2 per cent, in Japan a decline of 3.7 per cent, and in Great Britain a decline of 0.2 per cent. [More…]
Community and the United States, have been largely unaffected by such events. [More…]
Our 3 largest markets- Japan, the United States of America and the European Economic Communityremain of the utmost significance. [More…]
Already in the United States of America they are starting to think of a remanent court to the United States Supreme Court because that court is unable to deal with the volume of business that it has. [More…]
To have a case heard before the United States Supreme Court it must be by leave. [More…]
A great sieving operation occurs between the court from which the appeal goes and the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
The legal system in federal systems is always difficult enough, but the common law system- the statutory systemis not enhanced in public opinion by the difficulties of federal and State jurisdictions being protracted as they have been in Australia, the United States or Canada. [More…]
Doubt still exists over the total export of beef from Australia to the United States in the current year. [More…]
I think it must be remembered that although Australians are eating 50 per cent more beef now than they did 2 years ago, the industry has had to suffer greatly reduced export markets due, no doubt, to selfprotective decisions made by our trading partners such as Japan, the United States of America and the European Economic Community countries. [More…]
I think one ought to recognise that in the United States- fundamentally the most productive country in the world- its textile industry could not survive at that sort of rate. [More…]
In the United States there are import quotas or their equivalent. [More…]
Australian system of administrative justice, if I can put it that way, is probably that much worse than the system in comparable countries such as New Zealand, Britain, France, the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
-Does the Prime Minister regard the 66 Vietnamese refugees who entered Australia on 17 May 1975 as the fair share of Indo-Chinese refugees in the terms that he gave an assurance to President Ford on his recent visit to the United States of America? [More…]
I do not respond to his suggestion that I should disclose in precise terms what the head of the United States Administration said to me or what I said to him. [More…]
This could hardly be imported, since in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Belgium and Holland inflation has been brought rapidly under control. [More…]
When the Prime Minister was overseas on recent occasions, did he bother to consult with United States Treasury officials to see how they had brought their inflation under control, or was he concerned only with the more political foreign affairs issues, with the ideological struggle with which he is so concernedand with one side of that struggle? [More…]
Will he ensure that any such research undertaken in Australia is co-ordinated with similar work being carried out in the United States of America. [More…]
In general, food additive protocols contain toxicological data derived from studies carried out in the United States of America or the United Kingdom. [More…]
The number of food additives approved for use in Australia is substantially less than the number approved in the United States of America. [More…]
It is not practicable to directly co-ordinate all research into the toxicology of food additives in Australia with that carried out in the United States of America. [More…]
However, duplication of research is avoided wherever possible, and attention is focused particularly on related studies in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
The British and United States Governments have on many occasions unsuccessfully urged the Government of the Soviet Union to agree to his release. [More…]
After the War we began to look much more to the United States and Swiss markets, and even to Canada. [More…]
Then, with the effective closure of the United States capital market as a result of the introduction of the interest equalisation tax in 1963, the Australian Government turned to Euro-currency raisings in the German, Dutch and Swiss markets. [More…]
It is not long ago that the Minister for Minerals and Energy, who is sitting at the table, blamed Australian mining companies for writing contracts in United States dollars. [More…]
When there were some changes in currency value, he said that this was their risk and their fault and that nobody with any sense would write a contract or a borrowing in United States dollars. [More…]
Executive Council minutes authorising the Treasurer in respect of the Deutschmark loan, the United States loan and borrowings for the AIDC and all associated letter/s and document/s. [More…]
United States Ambassador Marshall Green has said that per capita Australia is the world’s most resourcesrich nation. [More…]
Between $20 billion and $25 billion of this goes annually to the United States- the merest trickle to Australia. [More…]
The orthodox objections that such funds could cause distortion if admitted into the Australian economy were answered by my proposal to domicile such funds in the United States, invested in approved securities in. [More…]
the name of the Reserve Bank of Australia and with the approval of the United States Federal. [More…]
The United States interest rates then available were comparable with those of the proposed borrowing. [More…]
Does the high office of the Prime Minister of this country exculpate him any more than the high office of the former President of the United States was deemed to exculpate that gentleman from criminal charges? [More…]
Where are the Executive Council minutes authorising the Treasurer in respect of a Deutschemark loan, a United States loan and borrowings for the Australian Industry Development Corporation and the associated letters and documents? [More…]
On many occasions I have been approached by people who said they could find funds overseas from oil country sources on terms and conditions much better than the conventional ones from the United States or from Western Europe. [More…]
This prime opportunity to establish relations with a country with liquid reserves greater than the United States of America has too become paralysed by the Australian media and by the way in which many in turn have been paralysed by the media. [More…]
Most other countries which have a similar standard of living to us- the United States of America, England and the European countries- have obtained enormous Arab loans over the past 12 months, but the negotiation has been on a government to government basis with government officials doing the work. [More…]
These investable funds were largely directed towards the United States, Euro-currency markets, and the United Kingdom, but a very significant proportion- in excess of 20 per centwas available to other borrowers, including the Australian Government if we were interested. [More…]
The recent June borrowing from the United States was at 8.74 per cent for the 5-year bonds and 8.98 per cent for the 8-year bonds. [More…]
That the Senate is of the opinion that the Government has failed to give the Parliament and the Australian people a proper, full and accurate account of the activities of its Ministers, servants and agents, relating to all dealings by them both prior to and subsequent to the Executive Council meeting of 13 December 1974, which authorised the Minister for Minerals and Energy to borrow a sum not exceeding four thousand million dollars in the currency of the United States of America for temporary purposes, and because the Government refuses to appoint a royal commission with proper and adequate terms of reference to investigate and report upon all aspects of the Government’s overseas loan activities, the Senate resolves: [More…]
But I say with great diffidence and hestitation that if one goes to the United States of America or England today he will find that it is not this country, this Parliament or the people of this country but the Australian Government that is being laughed at and ridiculed because of its economic and social policies. [More…]
Court is said to have organised the financing of a West Australian government merchant bank, similar to the Whitlam Government’s Australian Industries Development Corporation, during his visit to the United States. [More…]
When one looks at other parliament houses and what is provided for members one can see the perhaps lavish provisions in the United States, but I will refer to Canada which is probably the most comparable country to Australia. [More…]
It is true that we suffer greatly in comparison particularly with Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
The same thing applies in the United States Congress. [More…]
For example, the United States of America suffered unemployment rates peaking at 9.2 per cent, and still at 8.4 per cent; and peak to trough falls of 14 per cent in industrial production and 8 per cent in real Gross National Product. [More…]
References have been made in various speeches by supporters of the Government to the situation which pertains in the United States of America and, in particular, to the debates which have been carried on there- with considerable sophistication- about election methods. [More…]
Our system in the House of Representatives and our system of Cabinet responsibility are entirely different from the system in the United States. [More…]
In referring to political donations- coming closer to home- the trade union movement in Australia and its attitude to political parties is entirely different from that of the trade union movement in the United States. [More…]
There is a complete difference in the relationship and political activities of unions in Australia from those which exist in the United States. [More…]
The disclosures that have emerged from Watergate and the disclosures that have emerged from the investigations of the United States Senate committees indicate that absolutely corrupt practices have been engaged in by the companies. [More…]
It was not money that the companies had brought from Great Britain or the United States to Australia; it was money which they raised in Australia. [More…]
If honourable members, for instance, look at a company like General Foods of the United States, they will find that that company bought up many of the traditional food processing companies in Australia which operated competitively, efficiently and profitably. [More…]
In the United States and in other countries a great deal of attention has been devoted to amending taxation legislation to ensure that foreign companies, by their very pricing activities and their international affiliates, are not able to avoid domestic taxation laws. [More…]
This gentleman went on to consider for me the part of the United States’ legislation which is comparable to our own Income Tax Act at section 136 and also sections 38 to 43 of our Income Tax Assessment Act. [More…]
He considered the United States section of the Inland Revenue Code. [More…]
The comparable provision for allocation of income in the United States is section 482 of the Internal Revenue Code. [More…]
Contrast the Australian Government’s attitude with the attitude of the United States Government delegate. [More…]
Some of its important programs are imperiled because the United States and other concerned nations have properly resisted making contributions to the agency while it violates its mandate and tradition of nonpartisanship. [More…]
One should add that one of the consequences of the admission of the PLO to the ILO will be that the United States again will deny its contribution to the ILO budget- its contribution, if my memory serves me correctly, is about one-quarter of the budget- and that will greatly handicap the work of that international agency, the point being that the PLO is not a labour entity and has no right at the ILO in the first place. [More…]
The United States contributes a significant amount of funding to the specialised agencies, in some instances as much as a quarter of their total budgets. [More…]
I have seen tables for Australia, the United States of America, Canada, Britain, West Germany and New Zealand which indicate that some of the prices we pay are above those paid in other countries, and some are less. [More…]
In the United States of America at present there is discussion of lowering drug costs. [More…]
I draw the attention of the House to the fact that 19 new drugs were introduced to medicine in the United States of America in 1973, and 13 of them were from American pharmaceutical companies’ research. [More…]
In 1974, 18 new drugs appeared in the United States, I2i from America and 12 were developed in American pharmaceutical companies. [More…]
Twenty-six manufacturers were involved in the United States marketing of the 37 new drugs. [More…]
I mentioned a little earlier the numbers of new drugs that have been introduced in the United States. [More…]
-This Bill seeks to amend the United States Naval Communication Station Agreement. [More…]
It may be useful to remind ourselves that the United States Naval Communication Station Agreement has a fascinating history. [More…]
The schedule continues: (in this Agreement called ‘the Australian Government’) and the Government of the United States of America (in this Agreement called ‘the United States Government’), [More…]
Recalling the Security Treaty which was concluded at San Francisco between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America on the first day of September 1951 . [More…]
So some time ago the Minister’s predecessor was sent to the United States of America to renegotiate the agreement. [More…]
In accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, the United States Government may establish, maintain and operate a Naval Communication Station (in this Agreement called the ‘Station’) at North West Cape in the State of Western Australia. [More…]
An amendment to article 1 of the Agreement provides that the station at North West Cape shall be operated jointly while amendment to article 2 limits United States Navy exclusive occupation to a national room and provides for a similar Australian national room. [More…]
The right of the United States Government to have access to the national room- in short, the right of the United States Government to have access to the highly classified messages which are sent- has not been altered one iota. [More…]
The national room of the United States at the base remains one of exclusive occupancy. [More…]
I am bound to say, looking at the record of the Australian Labor Party in terms of cultivating goodwill with the United States of America- not in terms of civility but in terms of mutual respect- that it is an appalling record. [More…]
-It is very interesting to follow the honourable member for Moreton (Mr Killen) in the debate on the United States Naval Communication Station Agreement Bill 1 975 which we have before us. [More…]
Today we are dealing with a Bill in which the test of loyalty is the continuation of the defence association with the United States. [More…]
He was acting to provoke bad relations and ill-will between Australia and the United States. [More…]
The Labor Party seeks close and continuing co-operation with the people of the United States and New Zealand to make the ANZUS Treaty an instrument for justice and peace and political, social and economic advancement in the Pacific area. [More…]
Although we would all pay a tribute to the work of Sir Percy Spender in negotiating the ANZUS Treaty in 195 1, it was the former Labor Government through Dr Evatt, the then honourable member for Barton and Minister for External Affairs, who tried in the post-war years to persuade the United States to enter into a Pacific pact. [More…]
The then Minister for External Affairs worked very hard, but in those immediate post-war years when the United States was preoccupied with events in Europe- of course they loomed very seriously in those days- the climate was not right. [More…]
In the circumstances of the Japanese peace treaty, pacts were entered into between the United States and the Philippinesthe so-called PHILUS Pact-and between the United States, Australia and New Zealand- the ANZUS Pact. [More…]
It is extremely valuable to us in Australia not only because of the fact that through the due constitutional process the United States would come to our aid or we would go to its aid in the event of an attack on our territory, or on our sea vessels, or on our commercial aircraft, or on our other aircraft for that matter, but also because of the intimate association with the United States which this Treaty facilitates. [More…]
I think that all members of this Parliament and certainly members of the Government should express their appreciation for the work of Mr Marshall Green, the former United States Ambassador to Australia. [More…]
I would not disagree that when he was appointed as Ambassador to Australia, the position between Australia and the United States was a fairly sensitive one as far as foreign affairs were concerned. [More…]
So it was that our Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Defence went to the United States to discuss the operation of the United States Naval Communications Station. [More…]
Commensurate with the fact that the United States regarded the station as vital to its communications with its naval vessels in the Indian Ocean and elsewhere, the agreement which is enshrined in this Bill takes the situation of that station as far as it could be taken by negotiation to meet the requirements of the Labor Party platform. [More…]
But there is one thing that is certainly true: This Bill provides that there will be no alteration until 1988 in the terms of the agreement relating to the United States Naval Communications Station at North West Cape which is absolutely vital to the continued association of Australia and the United States within the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
It is a vehicle of communication not only with the vessels of the United States of America but also with vessels of the Royal Australian Navy. [More…]
All of us on the Government side of the chamber look forward to a continued happy association with the United States within the framework of the defence treaty, particularly the ANZUS Treaty which is such an important part of the Labor Party platform. [More…]
The North- West Cape Base agreement with the United States was obnoxious, the Prime Minister, Mr Whitlam, said yesterday. [More…]
The reality is that those who follow the foreign policies espoused by the honourable member for Lalor are those who wish to see the alliance between the United States of America and Australia torn asunder. [More…]
I have already referred in passing to the concluding remarks of the honourable member for Moreton in opening the debate for the Opposition when he referred to the question of goodwill and at the same time to the reality that there have been frequent occasions upon which the goodwill existent between the United States and Australia has been either jeopardised or exacerbated. [More…]
The ANZUS agreement is only one of over 100 agreements existing between Australian and the United States. [More…]
MrPEACOCKContinuing the debate on the United States Naval Communications Station Agreement Bill, it will be recalled that I was mentioning the matters raised by the honourable member for Brisbane prior to the suspension of the sitting and in particular those matters that the honourable member for Moreton as our Shadow [More…]
I said that there are more than 100 agreements between the United States and ourselves and that of paramount importance amongst those is the ANZUS Agreement. [More…]
How would we have felt if we were reading day after day of attacks being made on our government by a neighbouring country such as were made on the Government of the United States time and again by this Government? [More…]
He is a distinguished militarist, a distinguished soldier of the Second World War and we will be interested to know what he has to say on our United States Naval Communications Station Agreement. [More…]
Secondly, the amendment to Article 2 limits United States control to the exclusive occupation of a national room. [More…]
The station is a vital component of the United States’ defence communications and also of Australia’s communications. [More…]
Mr Barnard, the then Minister for Defence, and the United States Secretary of Defence, Mr Schlesinger, saw the status of the station as a bilateral arrangement in the framework of the ANZUS Treatywords that must have been written for Mr Barnard by members of the Opposition Partiesfundamental to the ANZUS alliance, fundamental to the ANZUS Treaty and a part of the bilateral arrangement between 2 countries which share a common approach to the world’s problems today as stronger members of the Western industrialised democracies. [More…]
The United States has been assured, evidently, by the Labor Government and by the Prime Minister that the Labor Government will honour this Agreement. [More…]
We have supported the establishment and the expansion of Diego Garcia, and now the United States Senate and Congress have supported the same viewpoint. [More…]
The Australian Government does not attack the United States Government. [More…]
Opposition members talk as though they might act as a partner with the United States of America, and of course they can not. [More…]
It is a flow-on from previous relationships that developed between the United States of America and Russia and their attitude to China. [More…]
In the last 20 or 30 years, it was supposed to be the United States of America. [More…]
It is now a pretty firmly held view in many quarters- not of the right or of the left but of independent observers around the world- that the United States of America over-reacted to the Russian situation. [More…]
Where does this agreement in any way achieve what the left seeks, that is, the complete withdrawal of the United States presence in our part of the world? [More…]
This particular negotiation, as honourable members will recall, came immediately after three of the senior Ministers of the Government- mind you, some of them have since had their day- denigrated the man and the administration of the United States. [More…]
Those 3 Ministers and the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) made very brave assertions against the United States. [More…]
He went on to say that the North West Cape base agreement with the United States was obnoxious and that the then Defence Minister (Mr Barnard) would renegotiate the agreement with the United States within a few months. [More…]
The Prime Minister went on to say that the Agreement gives the United States sole control over the secret radio base for 25 years. [More…]
We heard the claim that the particular obligation entered into by Australia and the United States was going to be changed so fundamentally that the joint forces of the 2 countries were going to operate in a way which was in some way going to add to Australia’s preservation of sovereignty and maintenance of the base. [More…]
The second thing that he asserted was that the control of the station should rest with the United States. [More…]
But what changes have there been to the control exercised by the United States? [More…]
It provides that ‘exclusive use and occupancy thereof will be vested in the United States Government. [More…]
It talks about granting to the United States Government all necessary rights of access to such land. [More…]
The third principle which each government recognised in the course of the negotiations was that when desired by either the United States or Australia there should be consultation between the 2 governments as to matters connected with the station and its use. [More…]
Seventhly, that, without submitting to the jurisdiction of Australian courts, or compromising its sovereignty, the United States would conform to Australian law and its personnel would observe it. [More…]
We not only wrote in the preservation of Australia sovereignty, we also wrote in specifically that those who, being United States personnel, for the time being are within Australian sovereignty should be properly subject to Australian law and Australian courts. [More…]
Having looked specifically at those few minimal extensions and having contrasted the position of the left wing of the Labor Party and the reality of what it has achieved I turn now to look at the reality of where we are and our relations with the United States and the reality of what this agreement means. [More…]
I cannot express too highly my concern that the product of the Labor regime in this country is that there is no longer the certainty of that continued close and friendly relationship between the United States and Australia. [More…]
At a time when the super powers- the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America- have nuclear arsenals that can destroy the world one hundred times over, a little rational debate about what part a country plays in its own policies about what influence it may have in its own region and about how it may be able to persuade in some small way the actions of the super powers, is extremely important. [More…]
This is an area where we can play an important role but all we will hear for the next 20 years is whether we are to be loyal to the United States alliance and whether we are to rely on ANZUS. [More…]
That facility has a very low frequency which enables the United States military command to communicate with its naval vessels throughout portion of the world. [More…]
And if the answer to those questions was yes, then quite clearly we had to allow the United States to have this facility so that the United States could play its part not only in the ANZUS Treaty but in world security- the western defence system. [More…]
The Opposition at that time, the Labor Party, said: There is no way in which the United States can be allowed to have control of this base. [More…]
When we come to office we will renegotiate the treaty to take away from the United States control of the base’. [More…]
We in government at that time said: ‘We have negotiated, and control must lie with the United States. [More…]
We were not prepared to say to the United States: ‘You can have this base only if we have the power of veto To do so would have inevitably meant that the United States would not have agreed. [More…]
The United States has its national room. [More…]
We have to the north of us a destabilised area of thousands of miles extending across the Pacific to the United States, and across Asia, Asia Minor and Europe to Western Europe. [More…]
In those circumstances would anybody in this chamber be prepared to deny the United States the use of communication facilities at North West Cape? [More…]
If we want a United States presence in the Indian Ocean as a balancing force to the competition between the Soviet and China then we must encourage the United States naval and air power into the Indian Ocean. [More…]
How can members of the Labor Party say that they want the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace when they themselves, by the continuance of this agreement, are prepared to give a base to the United States literally on the Indian Ocean coast? [More…]
Australian peole would not accept the argument for to accept it would be to prejudice very seriously the defence capacity of this country in alliance with a great ally, the United States. [More…]
But the honourable member for Port Adelaide, the Minister for the Capital Territory and everybody else on that side of the House know clearly that if one votes yes for this Bill which their Government has put up, one is voting for the continuation of every United States base in Australia. [More…]
That power was invested in the President of the United States who could give the submarines the order to fire. [More…]
It provides that the power of the President of the United States of America shall be restricted so that without consultation he cannot give orders to the base to contact nuclear submarines and give the order to fire. [More…]
But the present Opposition at the time of the setting up of this base was going ‘all the way with LBJ’ and ‘Waltzing Matilda’ with the successive Presidents of the United States. [More…]
We all knowthis includes members of the Opposition- that at the present time the Thai Government is most urgently desirous without offending the United States of having the United States relinquish its 5 giant air bases in northern Thailand. [More…]
We have been told, for example, by the Minister for the Capital Territory (Mr Bryant) that ‘this is not the world of the past in which the ANZUS Treaty was written’ that ‘the hours of peril and need are receding more rapidly than in the past’ and that the present Opposition, when it was the Government of this Commonwealth, was but a satellite of the United States of America’ in foreign affairs. [More…]
What we must remember, however, is that Sir Garfield Barwick, when he explained the question of sovereignty in relation to the Agreement between the United States and Australia, said that Article 3 of the Agreement performed 2 functions, and the first one was the more relevant. [More…]
If that ever did happenand it did not- it would have been quite contrary to the basic understanding between the then Australian Government and the Government of the United States. [More…]
What is so unusual about that when all the major powers today- Britain, the United States, possibly China and certainly the Soviet Union and Francehave nuclear submarines and submarines with nuclear potential? [More…]
We entered into this agreement because we were requested to do so by an ally, the United States, which at that time was, as it still is, a signatory to the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
The essence of the ANZUS Treaty is that all 3 parties- the United States, New Zealand and Australia- are expected to take necessary action separately and jointly to develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack. [More…]
Therefore, the establishment of this naval facility was an obvious method by which the United States could play its part under the ANZUS pact as well as meet its global commitments. [More…]
Recently the Prime Minister (Mr Whitlam) came back from the United States and emphasised that the ANZUS Treaty remains a cornerstone of Australian foreign policy. [More…]
United States is concerned is simply not negotiable. [More…]
They said: ‘We shall consider the ANZUS Treaty to be viable and effective so long as the Australian Government is prepared to honour it and is prepared to show itself to be an ally of the United States in the full sense of the word ‘. [More…]
If it wants to have the ANZUS Treaty it must accept the responsibilities and obligations of Australia as well as those of the United States and New Zealand. [More…]
The truth is that their left wing demands from them and they do not all agree with this that they should renounce the United States alliance and go into the communist orbit. [More…]
The United States has decided to withdraw from the Asian area. [More…]
Our only real defence at present lies in the existence of the United States fleet in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and without that we are virtually defenceless. [More…]
Yet this is a government which, embarrassed by its pro-communist left wing, is out to break what ties we have with the United States and to provoke the United States, insofar as it lies within its power, into abandoning the defence of Australia and the reality of the ANZUS Pact. [More…]
Its continuation depends upon the Congress of the United States exercising its constitutional prerogative from time to time. [More…]
The ANZUS Pact is only valid and only means anything insofar as the goodwill of the United States allows it to be valid or to mean anything. [More…]
Should we be saying to the United States of America, as this Government is saying: ‘We would like to get you out. [More…]
The damage that it is doing to the security of Australia will be remedied shortly by a change of government, and the United States and our other allies in the free world will know that once again Australia will have a government which represents the view of the overwhelming majority of the Australian people on this issue, which will not twist and determine Australia’s foreign policy in the interests of the communist powers to the control of the left wing, that minority pro-communist control, which apparently is still so potent over the thinking of the Government when it comes to foreign poliCY [More…]
All of usparticularly members of the Opposition- can recall the days of ‘AH the Way with LB J’ when Australia was an obsequious satellite of the United States of America, when what was the lucky country had become the lackey country. [More…]
This position that was occupied by Australia throughout the 1960s was not a credit to Australia or to the Australian Government and neither was it of advantage to the United States Government. [More…]
I can recall just before I came into Parliament the words of a departing United States diplomat, an old colleague of mine, Ed Cronk, who was the United States charge d ‘affairs in Australia. [More…]
On his departure not only from Australia but also from the foreign service of the United States State Department he was quoted in the Australian Press as saying: [More…]
The United States does not want allies who just follow our lead. [More…]
I think it was this unhealthy nature of the alliance during the period of the previous Liberal-Country Party Government that affected the very real and basic relationship that exists between the people of the United States of America and the people of Australia. [More…]
In terms of the global deterrentthe global nuclear balance- Australia is fundamentally aligned with the United States. [More…]
This United States Naval Communications Station Agreement Bill fits into that alliance. [More…]
He is talking about the United States Naval Communication Station Agreement Bill - the Australian Government permits the American Government to establish, maintain and operate for a minimum period of 25 years a naval communications station at North West Cape in Western Australia. [More…]
The station will be a United States communications station under the sole control of the US Government. [More…]
What we sought to do in the renegotiation was to establish the dignity of Australia as a partner or, as I have sought to express it, as an ally of the United States. [More…]
But we were concerned that the station was exclusively a United States concern save for the presence of a single Royal Australian Navy officer. [More…]
In the arrangements which were entered into by my predecessor and Dr Schlesinger, the United States Secretary of Defence, in January 1974 these things were achieved: Agreement that the station would be operated as a joint facility; the appointment of an Australian deputy commander with status in the management of the station; the posting of Australian servicemen to key operational posts in the station. [More…]
The messages that go out to the United States fleet in the Indian Ocean or to wherever the transmitter can contact it are in terms of transmission. [More…]
The proper focus of our effort is the United States global policy. [More…]
To this end what we set out to do was to establish, to regain and to get effective consultation with the United States which, by this exchange of letters, had been denied to the Australian Government. [More…]
Through discussions with the United States which form the basis of the legislation which we have before us tonight we made that consultation explicit. [More…]
I was just recently in the United States where we had the types of consultation that are important and necessary for the effective control of the operations of the station at North West Cape- through Ministerial level, through normal diplomatic consultations. [More…]
I think it is of great concern that through nearly 2 decades of debate in Australia it seems from the Liberal-Country Party point of view that one could not really be pro-United States unless one was anti-Australian. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister: Has the Australian Government reversed its policy about joint bases with the United States and taken the decision to extend the agreement providing for the continued operation of the joint defence base research facility at Pine Gap? [More…]
In the United States of America there is the same mix of privately-owned and public railway systems. [More…]
If we like to look at Weimar Germany back in the 1920s we find that the mark had reached the rate of 130 billion to the United States dollar. [More…]
Within 3 months the German Government had got it to 4.2- not 4.2 billion but 4.2 units of the German mark to the United States dollar which was the pre-1914 situation. [More…]
It is a fact that when beef prices were high, when people were receiving good prices for their beef- before United States of America had its economic problems and the other countries could not buy our beefthe farmers switched from growing grain and cereal crops to beef production. [More…]
-As the honourable member will be well aware, the memorandum was signed last year which made the final purchase arrangements contingent upon a report by the United States Government on the acquisition by the United States Government of the patrol frigates for the United States Naval program. [More…]
That report will be made available to the United States Administration next month. [More…]
We will have precisely 10 weeks in which to make up our mind and to make our decision upon whether we will join the United States naval program. [More…]
We will also ensure that the United States Navy will be taking a minimum number of ships. [More…]
We are also making sure that if we decide to go ahead with the program the Australian ships will be built in shipyards where United States naval ships are being built and that both our ships will be built in the same shipyard. [More…]
He went on, unkindly I think, to try to say that because the United States of America had unemployment rates peaking at 9.2 per cent its performance was far worse than ours. [More…]
However, when it is recognised that the United States performance for the year 1960 was 6.7 per cent unemployed, for 1965 it was 5 per cent unemployed, for 1967 it was 4.2 per cent unemployed and so on until 1971 when it was 6.4 per cent unemployed and April 1972 when it was 5.8 per cent unemployed, it can be seen that the United [More…]
In other words, we had three times as much unemployment as did the United States which has nearly doubled its unemployment rate. [More…]
So the suggested comparison with the United States, I believe, was quite invalid. [More…]
I was very surprised to hear the comparison made by the honourable member between the unemployment levels in the United States and those in Australia. [More…]
United States of America in the late 1960s because of the crippling cost of the Vietnam war which was financed by inflation and not by taxation. [More…]
Because of the United States ‘ predominant position in the world’s economy, this inflation was transported to the rest of the world. [More…]
As honourable members will be aware, it is this Corporation against which allegations have been made in the United States of America concerning corruption and bribery on a large scale in its operations in the Middle East. [More…]
Finally in the maritime area, I am pleased to report that earlier this month I inspected the guided missile frigate project in the United States of America and discussed its progress with the United States Secretary of Defense and his officials. [More…]
We now await a United States Department of Defense decision- expected shortlywhich Will provide us with the necessary information on which to determine our position. [More…]
Then, of course, for many years we did depend upon the corporate strength of the British Empire and then we did depend upon Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
Then the Minister said that while he was in the United States of America he had discussions concerning the guided missile frigate. [More…]
One is if the United States Navy patrol frigate program is suspended, and there is very considerable doubt about that. [More…]
In registering parties and printing political affiliations on ballot papers we are joining the following countries: Argentina, Austria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Gambia, West Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Sierra Leone, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
This Australian Government in the last stages of the Vietnam war provided assistance and, apart from the United States, took more refugees than any other country. [More…]
The United States of America was one of them. [More…]
If we are to win our way back in the world economy, if we are to be able to compete with our great trading partners like the United States of America, the European countries and Japan that have already turned the corner on the problems of inflation and unemployment, we will need much more decisive action by this Government. [More…]
By the first quarter of this year, industrial production had fallen from its last peak by some 20 per cent in Japan, 10-15 per cent in the United States, Germany, France and Italy, and 5 percent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
The cost of the recession in terms of forgone output is illustrated by the estimate that, in the 1 8 months from the second half of 1 973, GNP probably fell by about 714 per cent in the United States and virtually stagnated in the rest of the area taken together, compared with typical past rates of increase over an 18-month period of around 6 per cent and 9Vi per cent respectively. [More…]
Australia must follow the examples being set in the United States of America, Canada, France, Japan and in fact throughout most countries in the western world, which have taken seriously the need to sustain the small business sector. [More…]
Its role would not be one of interference with private enterprise, but to provide advice assistance and, I would hope, guaranteed loans as they do in the United States. [More…]
It was 6 per cent in the United States of America and 5.9 per cent in the United Kingdom. [More…]
It was 8.6 per cent in the United Kingdom, 6.6 per cent in New Zealand and 5.9 per cent in the United States of America. [More…]
By contrast, the features of our present predicament are: Small, even non-existent, growth of 0.4 per cent last year; inflation between 1 6 and 17 per cent and likely to grow in a year rather than to fall as it is doing in the United States of America, West Germany, Japan and Canada, our main trading partners- even now there are some prospects, with trade union co-operation, in the United Kingdom of inflation coming down below 25 per cent; unemployment of an unacceptable kind; and growth in seasonal terms of 0.4 per cent. [More…]
West Germany and the United States are classical illustrations of the effectiveness of the Liberal policy of incentives and those countries, with Japan, lead the free world. [More…]
When we look at the rest of the world we see a downturn of inflation in Japan, the United States of America, Canada, France and Italy. [More…]
This scheme is tremendously important to the people of Australia if we are to meet the 1983 provisionally free status required by the United States in respect of the import of meat. [More…]
Because of the carp’s migratory habits and rate of proliferation and from the experience in the United States, there is reason be believe this species may eventually reach the other Australian States. [More…]
It would be quite wrong to think that we would have our representatives at the negotiations without the benefit of an investigation into industry in Australia in relation to the specific proposals to be put by the United States or Canada, which countries are urging for some sort of tariff reductions. [More…]
In fact Denmark, the United States of America, Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom- I could go on and on- all have similar problems. [More…]
They are the United States, Russia and China. [More…]
Japan and Western Europe will continue to be the large-scale importers from either Poland, Canada, the United States of America, Russia or Australia. [More…]
This situation is already emerging in the United States. [More…]
The Agreement of Cooperation was signed in June last year between the United States and the United Kingdom to exchange information involving the whole range of coal technology. [More…]
The United States has the largest program of all. [More…]
In the United States the figure is as high as 32 per cent. [More…]
Australia has brought more refugees out of Vietnam than any other government except the United States. [More…]
The real result of foreign intervention- principally the United States on the side of Saigon and Russia on the side of Hanoi- was to raise the level of violence and to increase the capacity for mutual destruction on both sides. [More…]
In the last 48 hours there has been an increase in the United States demand for Australian meat as a result of the lifting of the ‘quota’ for Australia because of short-falls in the supply of meat to the United States of America from other markets. [More…]
Sir Howard was appointed on 25 November 1957 as Ambassador to the United States of America on a salary of 3,700 per annum. [More…]
I understand that the honourable member for Mackellar (Mr Wentworth) is an aspirant for the Governor-Generalship of Disneyland because of his long and unswerving loyalty to United States imperialism. [More…]
His writings and his thoughts have had tremendous impact in the United States of America. [More…]
Much of what he has been saying for many years is now being adopted in legislation in the United States Congress. [More…]
Let me quote something that was said recently by President Gerald Ford of the United States. [More…]
His ideas now are being picked up by unions and business in the United States, and are being adopted in the financing of the ownership of the capital of the company by employees. [More…]
His plan is being supported by legislation in the United States Congress. [More…]
The other theme which I introduced in 1974 in the Budget debate was that we had then reached a watershed in history precipitated by the oil prices brought on by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, in October 1973- an event which for a time shattered the international economy to the point where it nearly crumbled but fortunately it did not Fortunately the leadership of people like Henry Kissinger and countries like the United States of America has begun to bring order back into the world economic community. [More…]
The principal market for overseas sales is the United States of America which is taking less proportionately, but at the moment taking slightly more than we expected. [More…]
The major proportion of our export trade goes to Japan, the European Economic Community and the United States of America. [More…]
The United States and Japanese Governments have entered into a 3-year agreement for the supply of 42 million tons of feed grain, soya beans and wheat. [More…]
Between 1963 and 1973 the European Economic Community increased its share of the markets of centrally planned economies from 30 per cent to over 40 per cent while the United States of America increased its share from 3.5 per cent to 1 1.4 per cent. [More…]
Countries such as those in the European Economic Community, and the United States of America, will move in and make trading arrangements because they are prepared to negotiate on a government to government or quasigovernment to government basis and they will take those markets from us. [More…]
In that address- I am paraphrasing it- he made it clear that one of the great problems in the United States in terms of trade was that an alliance could be found between what he called American capitalists and leaders of Russia which acts to the disadvantage of the United States. [More…]
The United States of America has assisted its exporters with the Export-Import Bank. [More…]
When we came into government we set up an export finance facility which was the same as the United States Import-Export Bank which, of course, has been of enormous assistance in guaranteeing finance in high value transactions at low rates of interest over extended periods. [More…]
Our biggest trade, as everybody knows, is with Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Common Market countries and New Zealand, which I almost forgot. [More…]
As I indicated earlier, even the United States of America does a lot more of this kind of trading, government to government, than the Opposition is prepared to concede. [More…]
The United States of America, for instance, has all sorts of devices to assist its so-called private enterprises in its trading with these countries. [More…]
Various consultants from the United States of America have visited the site. [More…]
I wonder how some of the members of boards of directors in overseas countries, particularly the United States of America, would welcome this news,, knowing the tremendous value it will represent in the opportunity to sell overseas technology to Australia if we cannot maintain a sufficient expenditure on research ourselves. [More…]
In the United States of America now a lead indicator index is available which is extremely advantageous to the Government and to those involved in dealing with the economy. [More…]
The United States of America is looked upon by everybody, including members of the Opposition who see as their god private enterprise and who see as their god the training of people to think in conformist views. [More…]
As to whether or not the present system can survive- is all the more urgent because the United States, by far the most powerful capitalist economy, is recovering from its recent debilitating bout of inflationary recession and faces a particularly uncertain economic future. [More…]
Australia, the United States of America, Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany- all of these countries which have the same economic system have the same problems. [More…]
As happens so often in other spheres of activity, Australia is following the trends in the United States of America and poverty is being professionalised and bureaucratised. [More…]
The principal markets in the past have been the United States of America, Japan, Europe and the United Kingdom. [More…]
We have been able to negotiate a quota arrangement with the United States which, while not being as satisfactory as we would like, is certainly better than nothing. [More…]
The Canadian Government spends about the same proportion of gross domestic product on health services as does the United States of America. [More…]
Yet, Canada covers everyone in that country for medical and hospital care while in the United States it is a matter of notorious concern that such a large proportion of the public is totally outside adequate cover for these sorts of services. [More…]
It has escalated at a far faster rate in the United States than in Canada. [More…]
The Government is taking over and upgrading the national highways of Australia as was done at great cost but with great success in the United States of America. [More…]
The system in Australia will rival the United States system in terms of efficiency and the modernisation of road communications between capital cities. [More…]
From the United States of America, Australia has received an additional beef import entitlement of 10 600 tonnes, over and above our quota of 279 000 tonnes. [More…]
This the result of shortfalls from other exporters to the United States and another allocation this year is quite possible. [More…]
Look at the United States which is of a similar size and of similar geology. [More…]
The honourable member for Petrie can try to find, if he likes, some great international conspiracy in which the Department of Labor in the United States, the Government of the United Kingdom and most governments of Western Europe are all engaged to mislead their respective parliaments [More…]
It would help the mineral industries with the exception of those which have fixed United States dollar contracts or for that matter any other fixed currency contracts if the value of that other currency is not changing at the same rate as the Australian value of our currency. [More…]
Money values of currency have been quite dynamic, especially in the case of the United States dollar, which is recovering so rapidly. [More…]
It is interesting to make some comparisons between the United States dollar and other currencies for the 6-month periods September 1974-March 1975 and March 1975-September 1975. [More…]
The United States dollar depreciated 15 per cent against the Deutsche mark in the first 6-month period. [More…]
Against sterling the United States dollar depreciated 5 per cent between September 1974 and March 1975 and appreciated 17 per cent between March 1975 and this month. [More…]
Recently the United States bartered wheat for oil with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
Whilst recognising and valuing our 3 major markets- Japan, the United States of America and the European Economic Community- if we are to expand our markets we must move into trading with new partners as well. [More…]
It is a relationship about which the United States Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, has spoken a great deal in recent times and on which he has made many speeches. [More…]
The Federal Leader of the Opposition, Mr Fraser, said … a Liberal-National Country Party Government could do much more to reopen markets for Australian beef in Japan and the United States. [More…]
A similar situation applied to beef exports to the United States. [More…]
I would like to know how the Leader of the Opposition could possibly say, with efforts of this type going on and on the basis of the figures that I will later give, that we are regarded by Japan or the United States of America as an unreliable supplier of beef or any of the other major raw materials? [More…]
As a result of all these negotiations which are continuing the United States has now taken the biggest amount of beef imports under the voluntary arrangements. [More…]
No longer are we see to be a tiny adjunct of the United States of America. [More…]
He went to the United Kingdom, to parts of western Europe, to the United States of America and to Canada. [More…]
Sooner or later the High Court of Australia will have to do exactly the same as the Supreme Court of the United States of America and tell the Australian people what has to happen so that in future we will not have redistributions at the behest of the National Country Party which will favour country people and result in smaller electorates. [More…]
Does the Government claim that the United States of America has always had the one vote one value concept? [More…]
It required a case to be taken to the United States Supreme Court and a judicial ruling. [More…]
The other point is that if we look at the situation that exists in the United States of America, it is interesting to note the results of a survey of congressional districts taken in the 1970s. [More…]
The vast United States market, in contrast, has only 3 main SUPpliers However, the small market in Australia means that each type of locally manufactured vehicle has a relatively small run making its production relatively uneconomic. [More…]
Furthermore, the Japanese, who have specialised in small cars, have progressively eroded the market previously monopolised by the United States multinationals. [More…]
Australian workers should not have to pay for the stubborn persistence of the United States multinationals in relying on 6-cylinder cars. [More…]
It is not clear whether Liberal policy means that the light cars will be imported or whether quotas will be imposed to protect the United States multinationals. [More…]
This is a field to which the United States of America is now devoting a very great deal of attention. [More…]
It was recognised 10 years ago in the United States that children who had had the advantage of a pre-school education were able to come to grips more rapidly and more thoroughly with the formal education process when they got to primary school; that at every subsequent stage of education they were better off than children who had not been able to find places in pre-school centres. [More…]
I was saying when I was interrupted by the honourable member for Stirling (Mr Viner), who called for the quorum and who appears not to take the subject under discussion seriously, that the United States federal government initiated the head-start program so that poor children, black children and children disadvantaged in other ways would be fully equipped to take advantage of a primary school education when it became available to them. [More…]
‘By the first quarter of this year, industrial production had fallen from its last peak by some 20 per cent m Japan, 10-15 per cent in the United States, Germany, France and Italy, and 5 per cent in the United Kingdom’. [More…]
Unemployment in the United States and Canada is somewhere between 7 per cent and 10 per cent. [More…]
In fact, social democratic governments in general, as in Germany, have been able to keep unemployment lower and conservative governments, such as the United States or others in Western Europe, have higher unemployment. [More…]
The United States had a negative growth rate of minus 2. [More…]
The United States is estimated to have a negative growth of minus 4 per cent. [More…]
In relation to the United States in 1 975 it states: [More…]
Industrial production in the United States in the second quarter was on average 2 per cent down on the first quarter and 10 per cent lower than in the fourth quarter of last year. [More…]
So one can see that the United States has suffered a very substantial and continuous fall in business investment, as has been the case in this country. [More…]
In relation to fiscal policy in the United States, the Institute said: [More…]
In other words, the United States is increasing its deficit by 350 per cent. [More…]
In Canada the economy appears to be in the later stages of a cyclical downturn in some ways similar to that in the United States, although with the peak early in 1 974 recession began rather later in Canada and has been much less severe. [More…]
A substantial and continuing decline has occurred in respect of the United States of America market. [More…]
As a visitor to the United States some months ago, it was evident to me that most people contacted in that country were very interested indeed in visiting Australia. [More…]
The downturn in the number of United States tourists is most serious for the industry in Australia. [More…]
We should be making every effort to secure more visitors from the United States. [More…]
Many tourists companies rely on big turnover from tourists from the United States. [More…]
In those circumstances, it has been pleasing to learn that a mission of 40 representatives of organisations in the Australian tourist industry are visiting the United States to make the biggest drive to attract overseas tourists to Australia. [More…]
I have no doubt that the Minister for Tourism and Recreation, who is at the table, will be able to tell the Committee whether that delegation is in the United States at present and of any success that it is achieving. [More…]
It is worth recalling that only the United States of America took more refugees from that area in that time. [More…]
In 1971 Australia ranked fourth in the national prosperity stakes, behind the United States of America, Switzerland and Canada. [More…]
honourable member would say about the 9 per cent level of unemployment in the United States of America. [More…]
Recently I saw a documentary which referred to ghost cities in the United States where business, employment and everything else was at a standstill. [More…]
One could visit many cities in the United States and in other countries as well and see this sort of situation. [More…]
We trade with Japan, the United States of America and other countries. [More…]
New south Wales-205, Victoria- 1 1 3, Queensland- 409, South Australia- 61, Western Australia 38, Tasmania- 38, Australian Capital Territory- 49, Northern Territory- 22 plus New Zealand- 5, United States of America- 5, United Kingdom- 2, Canada-1, Kenya- 1, Iraq- 1, Lebanon-2. [More…]
Some concern has been expressed recently in the United States over the presence of a number of organic chemicals in public water supply systems. [More…]
In view of the known toxicity of some of these compounds, the possible health hazards associated with their presence in water supplies is under consideration in the United States. [More…]
I must say that some of the adventurous schemes undertaken in the United States greatly impressed me during my visit there some years ago and in the major cities of the southern States of America I was tremendously impressed by the people doing work in what they termed legal aid offices. [More…]
The nut behind the wheel theory existed in the United States. [More…]
I would like to remind the honourable member that the United States of America, the country whose consumer protection laws impressed him greatly, preserves a division between those two functions. [More…]
On the one hand the United States Products Safety Commission deals exclusively with consumer safety and on the other hand the questions of market regulation and monitoring are the responsibility of the Federal Trade Commission which exercises functions very similar to those exercised by the Australian Trade Practices Commission. [More…]
The occupational levels are in agreement with those set in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
The United States has instituted large research programs aimed at the development of economic methods of electric power using solar energy. [More…]
West Germany has found that this has happened, as has the United States of America. [More…]
Further, I remind honourable members that while he was a justice of the High Court of Australia, Sir Owen Dixon, who later became Chief Justice, was appointed Australian Minister to the United States in 1942 and the Judiciary (Diplomatic Representation) Act 1 942 was passed to enable him to hold that office in addition to his judicial office. [More…]
The scientific and legal standards of fair market practices are, as the honourable member for Bennelong (Mr Howard) said, clearly and closely associated with each other as they are in the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Amongst other people, a representative of this Government encouraged the American authorities to refuse to import kangaroo skins to the United States of America. [More…]
In the United Kingdom there is a considerable amount of integration, certainly more than in the United States. [More…]
In the United States where there is, as the honourable member correctly said, a great fragmentation of consumer protection activities, I talked to Chairman Simpson of the consumer protection authority there and I asked him what was the reason for the fragmentation that has occurred in the United States. [More…]
He told me that it was the inevitable result of congressional wrangling which goes on under the United States system. [More…]
We would be mad if we allowed ourselves to get into the position the United States has got into’. [More…]
Having said that, I have time to raise but one matter with the Minister and that concerns the position regarding the guided missile frigatesformerly called patrol frigates- from the United States of America. [More…]
This was realised in the United States of America. [More…]
That interest by the United States authorities not only stimulated a new deal for the miner himself but in the aggregate a valuable contribution was made to the earnings of the United States mining industry. [More…]
The Minister for Minerals and Energy (Mr Connor) secured revaluation compensation from the Japanese steel producers because the companies in Australia had their contracts written in United States dollars. [More…]
When we revalued our currency against United States dollars they suffered a loss. [More…]
I would like to cite some figures from the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States it now has some 13 million contributors. [More…]
There is nothing even like the compact clause in the United States Constitution which enables agreements between State governments in that federation to be given formal, legal supportlimited as this provision may be. [More…]
If one looks at overseas experience one finds that only last year in the United States of America the Legal Services Corporation Act was passed setting up an independent corporation to take over responsibility for legal aid. [More…]
It had been found in the United States that the fragmented system of the provision of legal aid in which government interference occurred on many occasions was unsatisfactory and that it was desirable to establish an independent corporation to take over the administration of legal aid services in the United States. [More…]
In the United States and Canada the introduction of basic legal concepts is included in the junior high school curriculum. [More…]
We would be following all those dictatorships like the United States of America, France and Great Britain which have similar systems. [More…]
The Minister for Administrative Services (Mr Daly) in introducing this Bill nominated 25 countries ranging from Austria to the United States, from Canada through to the South American countries, most of Western Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, South Korea and Luxemburg. [More…]
This Part was taken from legislation passed by the United States Congress. [More…]
It has worked extremely well in the United States to the satisfaction of both the manufacturers there and the consumer groups. [More…]
For instance, in July, only a few months ago, Mr van Lennup expected that the United States economy would recover at a faster rate than he presently anticipates; that Japan would be showing more rapid recovery; that France certainly would be picking up- he has now reviewed that in a substantial way. [More…]
Such a system was proposed in the late 1960s by the United States and, I remind the House, is known as the Omega navigational system. [More…]
The agreements covering existing stations demonstrate clearly that the Omega system can in no way be regarded as a United States secret weapons installation, although the left wing of the Labor Party might believe it to be so. [More…]
Under agreements with Japan, France and Liberia, the United States provides only the transmitter, the atomic clock and the control electronics which assure signal uniformity. [More…]
An international Omega policy board is to be established with representatives from the 7 countries which will operate the stations, and the United States Coast Guard will serve as systems manager. [More…]
35, tabled in the Senate on 26 August 1975, in which he said that the Executive Council authorities were revoked when they conflicted with other loans being negotiated, what advice was received from the United States that the $100m loan would not be available while the authority was outstanding. [More…]
1 ) Our knowledge of United States law and practice indicated that the existence of the authority to borrow would have significantly complicated the proposed United States bond issue. [More…]
The United States asked what type of security organisation we had and we had to confess that we had virtually no security organisation. [More…]
So that we could be reassured by the United States that it would be forthcoming with modern arms the United States asked us to set up an Australian security organisation. [More…]
That matter has been lightly treated by the Press and by members of this Parliament, but it amazed me during the last 6 months that it was disclosed by one section of the media and played down considerably when the chief director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States had visited Australia and conferred with the administrator of ASIO. [More…]
(Quorum formed) Before the call for the quorum I was informing the House that to the amazement of many Australians the director of the United States CIA was in Australia two or three years ago when the previous Government was in office conferring with the director of ASIO. [More…]
Comments were made about the Central Intelligence Agency and about what had happened in the relations with that organisation and the prestige of the United States of America. [More…]
There have been occasions when the CLA has taken action that has protected not only the security of the United States but the security of other countries as well. [More…]
United States of America where I understand that in many legal aid systems provision is made for this type of action. [More…]
Has he seen reports that the United States Government has approached the Australian Government on the matter of air navigation charges and the suggestion in such reports that the United States Secretary of State, Dr Kissinger, has involved himself personally and demanded immediate negotiations? [More…]
-There is no evidence that the United States Secretary of State, Dr Kissinger, has in any way involved himself personally. [More…]
The United States, through the normal diplomatic channels, has raised the matter of our air navigation charges, alleging discrimination against its international carrier, Pan American World Airways Inc. As far as we are concerned there has been a formal request for consultation which will take place later this year. [More…]
There is no foundation for the suggestion that I have seen in newspapers of late that a levy has been imposed on Qantas Airways Ltd by the United States Government, or for that matter that I have called for discussions. [More…]
There has been a complaint, I believe, by the United States Government to the United Kingdom Government against this increase, once again alleging discrimination. [More…]
By contrast, real gross national product grew by only 0.4 per cent in Germany in the same period, and fell by 1.8 per cent in Japan and by 2.1 per cent in the United States. [More…]
The OECD is presently forecasting that this calendar year, real gross national product will actually fall in France, the United States and in Germany. [More…]
We understand that five hundred million United States dollars (dollars United States 500,000,000) are currently available in blocked accounts in United States prime banks and are immediately available with the permission of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) for transfer to the account of the Reserve Bank of Australia with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [More…]
This acceptance is given on your express warranty and agreement to the Australian Government that there are no taxes restrictions imposts levies or duties present or future of any nature imposed under the l aws of England and the United States of America in respect of the promissory note this acceptance and the penalty conditions and that there are no restrictions under the said laws or otherwise which prevent the transfer of the amount of the said loan to the account of the Reserve Bank of Australia with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and should there be any such taxes imposts levies or duties you will pay the same and if there are any such taxes imposts levies or duties payable by the Australian Government the amount thereof will be adjusted on settlement and if there are any restrictions under such laws which prevent such transfer after acceptance and any penalty conditions shall be void. [More…]
I do not suggest for a moment that this Government or any other government should slavishly follow overseas experience, although I think it is fair to observe that prior to the preparation of this legislation the Minister found it necessary to visit a number of countries, including the United States, and has gone on record as saying that he studied very closely the operation of consumer protection laws in the United States. [More…]
In the United States there is a separate product safety commission which has the responsibility of overseeing the safety of products and the development of consumer product standards. [More…]
The 2 main parts of this Bill are the part which is derived from Part V of the Trade Practices Act- which does not introduce any new law at all, just the transfer- and the notification of substantial product hazards, which was taken from the Act that applies in the United States of America, a copy of which section I gave to the Opposition many weeks ago. [More…]
I might say that most of it was caused by the policy of the Government of the United States of America of deficit financing in order to finance the war in Vietnam. [More…]
Our agreement in paragraph (2) abovementioned is, of course, given on the understanding that it does not in any way whatsoever commit the Australian Government to any costs fees or other liabilities and it is further understood that your bank in acting as a trustee bank, in the event of its receiving from the lenders bany monies in excess of the principal loan sum will disburse such excess to cover retrocession fees and operational charges and other expenses or commissions and will be in a position to transfer to the Australian Government the total amount of four billion United States dollars. [More…]
I think the Minister will be aware that the experience of the United States Products Safety Commission, which, I would submit, is a fair analogy to draw when considering this legislation, has been that the development and devising of standards is a very protracted and often extremely expensive process and that quite often the voluntary observance of consumer product standards has been well in advance of regulatory enforcement. [More…]
The Minister will be aware, because of the close interest that I know he has taken in the operation of consumer protection laws in the United States, that whilst at the time the Consumer Products Safety Commission was established in 1972 it was hailed as a very significant step forward in the development of consumer product standards, the experience with the operation of the Act concerning that Commission has not totally borne out the expectations that were held for the Commission when it was established. [More…]
In acting as we have done we have been guided by the advice tendered to us by the relevant authorities in the United States, Great Britain and Continental Europe. [More…]
If one looks at clause 39 to which the honourable member for Bennelong (Mr Howard) referred, one will see if one examines it against section 1 5 of the relevant Act in the United States that in that country the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has been able to find appropriate remedies for each case without the need for legislative restrictions. [More…]
This provision is in fact a tighting up of the United States law which also covers such things as substantial product hazards and breaches of all product safety standards. [More…]
Clause 39 also represents a grafting on to this Bill of section 15 of the United States Act, an Act that went through Congress after some 2Vi years of thrust and parry by the multi-nationals and the consumer organisations in the United States. [More…]
We may be accused of being anti-manufacturer and being unfair to the wealthy manufacturer just because we have picked up something that the United States Congress has been willing and seen proper to adopt, but if we do no more than adopt what the citadel of monopoly capitalism has been prepared to accept- namely the United States- I cannot see how anyone can properly say that we are giving too much protection to the consumer. [More…]
Since that time the following major decisions were canvassed at the Board, mostly before recommendations reached the Government: On 9 September 1973 the revaluation of the Australian dollar by 5 per cent; on 14 September 1973 an increase in trading bank interest rates was announced; on 25 October 1973 the variable deposit rate was increased from 25 per cent to 33-1/3 per cent; on 24 June 1974 the variable deposit rate was lowered from 33-1/3 per cent to 25 per cent; on 8 July 1974 trading bank interest rates were increased; on 7 August 1974 the variable deposit rate was lowered to 5 per cent; and on 25 September 1 974 the Australian dollar was devalued by 12 per cent and tied to a basket of currencies instead of to the United States dollar. [More…]
I suggest that he said something like this: ‘Look, we have only revoked this particular minute because you know we want the $100m loan from the United States. [More…]
We cannot get that loan under the SEC rules of the United States unless we give them full details of our negotiations with Mr Khemlani or unless we revoke the authority. [More…]
That would be terrible to have the United States know how we are behaving, so we will revoke it. [More…]
I say this, keeping in mind that all surveys made overseas- I think that Qantas Airways Ltd and other such organisations could confirm this- have indicated that the major Australian attractions, particularly to visitors from the United States, are the Great Barrier Reef and all it has to offer and the Centre. [More…]
Resolution 3068 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973 was adopted in the General Assembly by a vote of 91 in favour, 4 against (Portugal, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States of America), and 26 abstentions. [More…]
The city of New York is now virtually bankrupt and eventually must become a charge on the federal system of the United States. [More…]
I was delighted to hear this week that the United States of America is expected to move a little more significantly into the wool market. [More…]
Wool stocks are being held in European countries and in the United States. [More…]
It has turned out that the United States stocks are particularly important because the wool industry in the United States has been asking for the continuity of supply. [More…]
It would appear that the fact that the Australian Wool Corporation holds its stocks in the United States has been a contributing factor to the revival of interest in wool in the United States. [More…]
I have been told by the Australian Wool Corporation that this interest again appears to be strongly based and looks like being the beginning of a strong revival in the consumption of wool in the United States. [More…]
And Ken Davidson claims it is not- and the money was funnelled into tax relief, the experience in Germany, the United States, Japan and even Australia is that in present circumstances the money would tend to be saved, not spent. [More…]
We should ask ourselves now, in connection with training for management, why it is that at the senior level this training has been taken, in the business schools of the United States. [More…]
As a proportion of gross national product it is a little over 32 per cent compared with 33 per cent in the United States of America, 39 per cent in Canada, nearly 42 per cent in France and over 50 per cent in Sweden. [More…]
On the other hand, the United States of America which has a very low rate of public expenditure has had one of the highest rates of inflation in the world. [More…]
Yesterday in Parliament the Leader of the National Country Party, Mr Anthony, suggested that the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr E. C. Whitlam, should apologise to an official of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States for involving that man in a domestic controversy. [More…]
Australia’s policies in terms of production, output and national policies in respect of wheat, wool, lead, zinc, iron ore, uranium, bauxite and mineral sands are quite simply not identical with the interests of the United States. [More…]
At the time he was a highly placed official of the United States covert intelligence system. [More…]
This Prime Minister would have had to tell the United States Securities and Exchange Commission of all the murky dealings in getting money from subterranean sources. [More…]
1 ) Is it a fact that although approval of initial evaluation applications for new therapeutic drugs have been accelerated they still take on average 12 months longer than similar drugs submitted to the FDA in the United States. [More…]
What is being done, and with what success, to obtain reciprocal arrangements with countries such as Canada, Sweden and the United States to expedite clinical evaluation procedures. [More…]
It is also fair to say that a number of important new drugs have in fact been granted marketing approval in Australia before the United States. [More…]
The Wheat Board is a little concerned and so is the board in Canada, because of the very large purchases of grain by Russia from the United States of America- some 20 million tonnes this yearplus the signing of the new agreement between Russia and the United States for 6 million tonnes a year. [More…]
I shall give just 2 examples: This is a man who, representing his Party and his country abroad, was so loose, so imprecise, so extravagant in his language that he could leave the United States Administration- at least the State Department and the Pentagonunder the impression that it was his considered view that the United States should unleash its Air Force to destroy the dykes and irrigation levees of North Vietnam in order to drown and starve the population and by that means, bring the war in Vietnam to an end. [More…]
Once a government discovers that it can govern without parliamentary approval in the full sense either in the traditional Westminster terms or in the manner of a United States Congressional independence, then in the long term democracy is indeed in danger. [More…]
In this Parliament a few moments ago the Leader of the Opposition once more stated that in his view the sooner the powers of the Senate are curtailed, as were the powers of the Senate in the United States of America, the better. [More…]
In the Indian Ocean the Government supports United States efforts to balance the Soviet presence while hoping mutual restraint will keep the balance of forces at the lowest practicable level. [More…]
Conscious of the steady and systematic development since 1968 of Soviet naval capabilities in the Indian Ocean area and its use of facilities there, and given the need of the United States to have adequate logistical back-up in an area where developments could affect global stability, the Government supports the United States development of Diego Garcia facilities. [More…]
In view of the revelations in the United States, before a congressional committee, of the payment of bribes, gratuities and contributions to party funds by major American businesses to countries foreign to the United States, will the Prime Minister support legislation designed to make public the sources of party funds? [More…]
We fully support the policies of the United States of America Administration in extending those facilities. [More…]
The ships will be procured from the United States Navy construction program for guided missile frigates. [More…]
The ‘sail-away’ cost for the 2 ships as procured from the United States is $A195m in January 1976 prices. [More…]
The Navy itself has been deeply involved in the United States FFG program and has also conducted its own independent and very searching investigations. [More…]
Over the last three to four years the United States Navy has developed the guided missile frigate to have a capability much closer to the DDL than that of the original patrol frigate design. [More…]
I might add that some of the improvements have been influenced by the input of Australian professional judgment through RAN participation in the United States Navy program. [More…]
Substantial effort has been exerted by the United States and Australian authorities in developing an adequate level of Australian industry participation against an FFG purchase. [More…]
In this regard we will be supported by the United States Department of Defense and I have directed that my Department make every effort to increase the scope of participation. [More…]
The United States Navy FFG program consists of a lead ship- prototype- and a series of follow-ships. [More…]
The lead ship was funded in the United States Budget for the fiscal year 1973 and is now under construction. [More…]
The United States 1976 Defense Appropriation Bill, which includes funds for a further 6 ships, was signed by the President on 9 February 1976. [More…]
In the proposed Budget for the fiscal year 1977 presented to Congress on 21 January 1976, the United States Department of Defense has sought funds for a further 8 follow-ships. [More…]
The total projected United States program is 70 ships including the lead ship. [More…]
Because it is a major United States program we will reap the benefit of concurrent procurement with the United States and the economies of scale. [More…]
He failed to recognise the fact that the Australian Senate was modelled on the United States Senate rather than on the House of Lords. [More…]
In the course of the downturn the unemployment rate in Australia trebled while in the United States of America and Canada it about doubled. [More…]
One of the reasons why this has occurred is because the United States of America is facing a major division between the new assertiveness of Congress on foreign policy questions and the responsibility of the President. [More…]
What Australia and the allies of the United States must face is a twofold problem. [More…]
Firstly, the failure of America’s policy in Vietnam has resulted in the United States Congress and the American people not being prepared to involve themselves in overseas adventures unless it can be conclusively shown that the fundamental interests of the United States are at stake. [More…]
This was given very real expression in the Nixon doc-‘ trine or, as others prefer to call it, the Guam doctrine, which simply states that unless a country is prepared to help itself it cannot expect the people of the United States to pull its chestnuts out of the fire. [More…]
What we are faced with today is that there has been for too long an unnecessary degree of dependence upon the United States. [More…]
The people of the United States are no longer prepared to carry us and the rest of the Western world on their backs. [More…]
All sign the terms of the agreement which normally, as in the case of ANZUS- an agreement between the United States, Australia and New Zealand- require that the parties will work together to maintain peace and to protect each other in the event of war. [More…]
NATO exists, in quite fundamental terms, only because the United States regards it as being a forward line of defence. [More…]
In the last decade, while the United States has continued to maintain a parity at the atomic and hydrogen level, at the conventional military level the Soviet Union has moved into a position of quantitative superiority. [More…]
It is obvious that the future of SouthEast Asia is going to depend principally on the relationship between Australia, Japan, China, India and, to a lesser extent, the United States and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
A common element in past financing arrangements for the purchase of additional aircraft by Qantas and Trans-Australia Airlines has been the participation of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank). [More…]
Eximbank specialises in providing credit facilities to assist the financing of exports of United States capital equipment. [More…]
In keeping with past practices, a preliminary commitment has already been obtained from Eximbank to provide a credit facility amounting to US$16,185,200 ($A12.8m) which is equivalent to 40 per cent of the United States purchase cost of the aircraft. [More…]
The amount to be borrowed is the equivalent of 80 per cent of the total cost of the aircraft, spares and related equipment and represents the amount of loan finance normally sought jointly from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIMBANK) and from other commercial sources overseas. [More…]
The EXIMBANK offer is for a 10-year credit amounting to the equivalent of 40 per cent of the United States area cost of the aircraft (US$4,392,400 or $A3.481m approximately) at an interest rate of 9 per cent per annum with 10 semi-annual repayments to be made during the last 5 years of the loan. [More…]
A similar provision was contained in the Judiciary (Diplomatic Representation) Act 1942 which provided for the appointment of Sir Owen Dixon, then a justice of the High Court of Australia, to be Australian Minister to the United States. [More…]
The Village Voice is distributed nationally in the United States and has a circulation of about 165 000 per edition. [More…]
It is a very serious allegation which affects the whole framework of our relations with the United States of America and certainly imputes that the CIA is very active here in Australia and is even prepared to take action to overthrow a constitutionally elected government. [More…]
What they did not know was that I had actually studied adobe housing in the mid-west of the United States. [More…]
For example, I would like to know how the leading attorney for the United States [More…]
Of course that was in connection with the incessant competition for energy resources in the United States and he was able to indicate that uranium would be available at bargain basement prices after the election which he predicted 5 weeks prior to it occurring. [More…]
It was about the untold millions of dollars worth of uranium- probably the world’s largest deposit- which was being demanded at bargain basement prices by the United States of America. [More…]
If the Democrats and the Congress had not pressed on at that time, Spiro Agnew probably would have been running in the primaries for the Presidency of the United States now. [More…]
Far from this being irregular, what we have done has been to take precisely the same action as the United States of America, the European Economic Community and Japan have taken in cases where they have had problems with imported knitwear. [More…]
This country is best served by building alliances with proven and trusted allies, with friends like the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
Because of the relative forces of supply and demand there has been a very significant shipment of meats to the United States market in the first quarter of this year and as a result northern works are concerned lest the percentage of meat already sold affects in any way their ability to sell into the United States market. [More…]
As to the overall question of what the allocation of meat entitlement in shipments to the United States might be this year, this matter is still under very close consideration and consultation with the United States authorities. [More…]
It is our hope that the United States will appreciate the degree to which our particular character of export meat does not compete with the meat which its own producers significantly supply to its domestic market, and will be prepared to allot to Australia, which has always been the major exporter to the United States, a reasonable quota which will give Australian producers, whether they are in northern Australia, Queensland or elsewhere, a reasonable opportunity to offset the fairly disastrous marketing circumstances which prevailed during the previous Government’s regime. [More…]
I never heard anybody, even on the other side of the House, suggest that the United States of America ought to change its name or suggest that in some way it was not a country which was made up of a number of States that had brought themselves together into a form of federation. [More…]
The United States of America is proud of its name and I am proud of the name ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ for the same reason, because it signifies the unity that was brought about when various States were prepared to give up part of their separate privileges and rights to bring about a unified country. [More…]
I believe that the world has been done a disservice by the people of the United States of America in the way in which their parliamentarians have played the role of the devil’s advocate in relation to their own security organisations which have been brought into considerable disrepute. [More…]
One was Mr Louis Kelso of the United States of America and the other was Mr Shann Turnbull, the son of former Senator Turnbull, who wrote the book entitled ‘Democratising The Wealth of Nations’. [More…]
The United States Economic Report of the President of January 1976 said: [More…]
An article in the October 1974 issue of the Economist showed that the United States, which budgeted for a deficit of $58 billion, anticipated a deficit of something like $90 billion. [More…]
In the United States there is a concept known as the full employment deficit. [More…]
The honourable member mentioned overseas countries, including the United States, where the level of unemployment and the level of inflation have been roughly comparable at about 8 per cent. [More…]
The United States apparently elected to have that level of unemployment, unacceptable though it is, in order to have a more acceptable rate of inflation. [More…]
In answer to the honourable member for Gellibrand, what is important is the United States experience of about 18 months ago. [More…]
Its policies are insular and parochial, showing little appreciation that world economic instability emanates from the ending of the era of United States of America hegemony of the economy of the world- an era which would have ended sooner except for the Vietnam war. [More…]
The continuation of the operation of foreign bases on our soil such as Pine Gap, nurrunga and North- West Cape, together with the proposed Omega base, merely means further subservience to and dependence on the United States. [More…]
They merely serve United States global strategy, including nuclear strategy, and increase the possibility of Australia becoming a nuclear target in the future. [More…]
Cockburn Sound is a vital part of our defence system- there is no denying that- but the decision to open it to nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed United States warships is not. [More…]
This proposal is not supported by the United States of America or by the Union of Soviet Social Republics. [More…]
We support the United States base on Diego Garcia. [More…]
Our neighbours can only interpret this Government’s policy as a further dependence on and domination by the United States of America. [More…]
Unemployment in Canada was 6 per cent and in the United States of America 8 per cent. [More…]
In the United States of Americascarcely the heart land of socialism in the west- it stands at 33 per cent. [More…]
The bulk is in Russia, Iran, and the United States and the remainder is in Algeria. [More…]
per cent in the United States, 3 1 per cent in Western. [More…]
Yet the supply factor will fall short of demand in 1985 by almost 17 per cent in the United States, 20 per cent in Western Europe and 38 per cent in Japan. [More…]
On 1 9 February I directed a question to the Prime Minister regarding allegations of activities in Australia by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America. [More…]
Inquiries currently taking place in the American Congress have indicated that interference in elections in other countries accounted for 30 per cent of the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America. [More…]
The CIA apparently feared that Pine Gap was under threat, particularly as the agreement with the United States of America came up for renewal on 10 December 1975 which, it is interesting to note, was 3 days before the forced election. [More…]
Is it any wonder that the CIA was concerned that the continuance of the Whitlam Government was a threat to its own interests, which were not necessarily the interests of the United States of America? [More…]
That is the reason why there should be an inquiry- either here by a select committee of the Australian Parliament or by the already established committees of investigation set up by the United States of America Congress. [More…]
In the name of democracy there is no other alternative than to ask that the United States Congress itself investigate the activities of the CIA in Australia. [More…]
I shall ask Senator Frank Church, the Chairman of the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities, to investigate CIA activities in Australia. [More…]
I shall also ask Congressman Otis G. Pike, Chairman of the Select Intelligence Committee of the United States House of Representatives to investigate CIA activities in Australia. [More…]
I have no doubt that these investigations will establish that the United States of America Central Intelligence Agency has engaged in covert activities in Australia over a long period which eventually led to the destruction of a legitimately elected government. [More…]
The name of Australia will be added to a long list of other countries where CIA activities have damaged the good name of the United States of America. [More…]
What must be borne in mind when the aviation industry objects to the cost recovery program is that the cost of servicing transport on our continent has to be borne by a population onefifteenth that of the United States of America which has a similar area to service. [More…]
I believe figures could be produced to demonstrate that international air fares and, by comparison, fares in the United States of America, are far more reasonable to the travelling public than are the fares we are paying in Australia. [More…]
I can see why Pan Am has tried to put pressure through the United States Department of State for action to be taken against our airline, Qantas Airways Ltd. [More…]
As a result of a renegotiation of an agreement we had with the Government of the United States of America that Government is now looking more realistically at capacity in air routes between Australia and the United States with a view to getting away from serious over-capacity. [More…]
What I want to talk about is the facile way in which Government spokesmen tend to assume that the United States will rush to our rescue, because these spokesmen always treat the Australia-New Zealand-United States treaty as a firm alliance. [More…]
It was a very illuminating study of United States constitutional processes in foreign policy. [More…]
It worked up to the great chapter on President Wilson trying to take the United States into the League of Nations and ratify the Treaty of Versailles after he had been the key figure in all the negotiations in Europe and was accepted by all his allies as speaking with a confident voice for the United States. [More…]
Nothing that he proposed became in fact the foreign policy of the United States. [More…]
Angola is an instance where the President of the United States desired what would be called in this country ‘a strong forward policy’. [More…]
There was a time when the Press of this country followed the Press of the United States in constant ridicule of Charles de Gaulle. [More…]
China, studying the possibility of her own destruction, decided that the United States could not destroy China but that the Soviet Union could, and that the Soviet occupation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia was a claim to supervise other communist powers in the way that everybody supervised China in the nineteenth century. [More…]
The stream of ridicule directed at him continued in the United States for a couple of years until it came to the mind of the United States President- it happened to be Nixon at the timethat this might very well be correct, and he decided to go to Peking. [More…]
The NATO headquarters was in France, and it finally came to the point where de Gaulle needed to ask a straight question: ‘If, because of the presence of these headquarters, or because of the position of France in the alliance, the Soviet Union were to land a few nuclear missiles on France, would the United States retaliate on her behalf?’ [More…]
Anybody who is not a complete fool would know for instance that the United States is not going to sentence to death 10 million New Yorkers because a nuclear weapon had been used on France. [More…]
The very large French naval forces in the Indian Ocean, which at first sight is an ocean that appears to have absolutely nothing to do with the strategic defence of Fance, are there simply so that nuclear missiles on submarines or on other vehicles are deployed on Soviet Donets Basin cities so that if the Soviet Union were to use nuclear weapons on France, France might have this deterrent to be able to retaliate and not be beholden in any way to the United States of America. [More…]
It has become part of the mythology in this country that we have an automatic guarantee that if the Soviet Union were to land one on North West Cape the United States would retaliate on our behalf and sentence to death some millions of New Yorkers, San Franciscans and others. [More…]
But statements still tend to be completely overdrawn about the nature of the guarantee that we have from the United States when all that we have is an undertaking to consult the constitutional processes. [More…]
The United States started fitting ships in 1967. [More…]
In the same year the United States made an approach to the Australian Government for permission to make technical experiments in Australia to determine whether a station would be appropriate here. [More…]
In April 1970 there was a formal proposal from the United States for agreement in principle to the setting up of an Omega station here. [More…]
The Red Star had claimed that Omega installation would be part of a world-wide United States military system. [More…]
It is the resentment of colonial countries south of the Equator which for years have suffered under economic exploitation as the satellites or the colonies of the so-called industrialised democracies of Western Europe combined with the United States. [More…]
For example, in 1974 the aggregate surplus in OPEC countries in terms of United States dollars was $65 billion, compared with $5 billion in 1973. [More…]
In fact after World War II the United States became the world banker for the advanced industrialised countries outside the communist bloc. [More…]
Mr Yokoyama said after stating that the United States was the world’s banker for the advanced countries outside the communist bloc: [More…]
This is of vital importance- international liquidity necessary for the growth of the world economy was primarily supplied in the form of balance of payments deficit on the pan of the United States. [More…]
This supply mechanism of international liquidity gave the United States both a privilege and obligation in respect of international finance. [More…]
The obligation was that in recompense for this the United States had to maintain the value of the dollar by exercising discipline in its balance of payments. [More…]
It may be said that the post-war international monetary system collapsed because this equilibrium between the privilege and the obligation was upset and the United States came to employ policies which disregarded its obligations. [More…]
One is a multiple reserve currency whereby the obligation, so far solely upon the United States, would be shared by other major powers, and the other is the adoption of the special drawing rights as a principal reserve asset. [More…]
This in turn resulted in a boost to inflation, reinforced by a second devaluation of the United States dollar in February 1973. [More…]
We are the richest of prizes, a mere handful of people on a continent as large as the United States of America, crammed with mineral treasures and agricultural wealth in a hungry, poverty stricken world that is increasingly short of both mineral resources and food. [More…]
Compare this with United States Navy ship days totalling 2708 in 1974 and 2 198 in 1975. [More…]
The United States farmers have a multitude of Government aids and export concessions which give them incredible advantages. [More…]
The honourable member knows full well from his own association with abattoirs in northern New South Wales that there has been a very marked improvement in the standard of killing facilities not only in that area but also in every State in order to meet specifically the requirements laid down by the United States Department of Agriculture. [More…]
We also have a Federal inspection service which was established because countries like Japan and the United States of America require certification by Commonwealth meat inspectors. [More…]
The Commission adopted this date because of its great concern that when brucellosis is eradicated from the United States of America that country may not be willing to import quantities of meat from countries which have not eradicated the disease. [More…]
Then the bottom fell out of it because of action taken by the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States of America and we found that the beef industry was in real trouble. [More…]
I ask: Can the Minister confirm reports that the United States of America intends to import less beef from Australia this year than she did last year? [More…]
One newspaper concluded that there would be a reduction in our allocation to the United States of America market. [More…]
Last year it was one million lb; this year the United States of America has provided a gap of 1 3 million lb. [More…]
Any additional trade from Canada to the United States of America has the consequence of opening up even greater possibilities for Australia on the Canadian market. [More…]
What I am not happy about is a possible reduction despite that we have been able to meet the expectations of the United States. [More…]
In fact, the United States has had to give a reallocation to Australia to meet its full entitlement. [More…]
For example, the United States Economic Report of the President, January 1976, said: [More…]
I am sick and tired of hearing the misuse of what President Ford said in the United States of America, what Harold Wilson said in the United Kingdom and what Pierre Trudeau said in Canada. [More…]
The policies of the Labor Party were much closer to what is being done in the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada at present than are the policies of those who are now using the words of Ford, Wilson and Trudeau in Australia. [More…]
In the United States of America, the great home of free enterprise, the proportion is already 33 per cent; in Canada it is 39 per cent; in Great Britain it is over 40 per cent; and in Sweden, a country which has fewer of the economic problems of stagflation than any other country in the developed world, the proportion is 50 per cent. [More…]
In the basic document of detente, ‘The Statement of Basic Principles of United States-Soviet Relations 1972’, the Soviet Union together with the United States promised to ‘attach major importance to preventing the development of situations capable of causing a dangerous exacerbation of their relations’, and recognised that ‘efforts to obtain unilateral advantage at the expense of the other, directly or indirectly’ were inconsistent with the objectives of detente. [More…]
While it is possible that the involvement of the Soviet Union and Cuba in deterrnining the outcome of the struggle in Angola grew with events and opportunity as much as or more than it was a deliberate attempt to steal a march on and humiliate the United States, it is difficult to see how the Soviet Union’s unprecedented and significant military incursion into southern Africa can be squared with that basic statement of principle. [More…]
Another effect is the price discrimination section of the Act which was borrowed by the former Government from a similar United States statute. [More…]
I was always amazed that the former Government was ready to criticise the United States at all times while in the Trade Practices Act it borrowed many sections from the United States legislation without paying any tribute whatever. [More…]
I am delighted that the Government supports the efforts of the United States of America to balance the Soviet presence which has built up in the Indian Ocean since 1968, while hoping that mutual restraint will keep the presence of forces at the lowest practicable level. [More…]
I applaud the Government’s support of the United States development of modest communications and other facilities at Diego Garcia. [More…]
I welcome United States use of our facilities- not because I wish to be servile to the United States but because it is in Australia’s national interest and because our 2 countries have democratic and pioneering traditions in common. [More…]
I believe that, by our concern for events in the Indian Ocean, by our support of the United States development of Diego Garcia and by our support of United States efforts to balance the Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean, we can give reassurance and encouragement to the United States in its efforts to curb Soviet power and contribute to the defence of the free world. [More…]
Even the United States figure, at 29.6 per cent was well above that for Australia, while below us were such countries as Spain, Portugal and Greece, countries which have not been exactly noted for zealously safeguarding the freedom of the individual. [More…]
A recent survey in Sweden, quoted in the United States magazine Business Week of December 22 last year, showed that many Swedes thought there should be more expenditure on health, care of the aged, education and the environment. [More…]
Many naval experts now rate the Russian naval capabilities far superior to that of the United States of America, the unchallenged king of only a decade ago. [More…]
I commend the Government’s support of the United States’ development of a base at [More…]
Japan is Australia’s largest export market and our third largest source of imports after the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
They have the same social problems, and their new generations have much the same outlook, as the generations in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and elsewhere. [More…]
Australia, for instance, provides approximately 45 per cent of Japan’s coking coal requirements and a similar proportion of its iron ore requirements, but 25 per cent comes from the east coast of the United States. [More…]
When I went to Japan last July I found that the Japanese were being screwed by the United States coal producers and let down in terms of contract fulfilment. [More…]
In that Japanese fiscal year the United States was able to meet only 35 per cent of its total contractual obligations. [More…]
It was also restricted in what it could produce and its production was being seriously limited in respect of open cut mining, by the objections of United States conservationists. [More…]
The United States was selling at spot sale prices- therefore at the highest possible prices- to Europe. [More…]
Australians should be encouraged to visit Japan and Japanese should be encouraged to visit Australia, just as they move westward across the ocean to Hawaii and the United States of America in large numbers. [More…]
A government cannot, on the one hand, berate the capitalist countries of the world and almost point a finger across the waters to Japan and the United States, and then on the other hand put out a miserable, hypocritical hand of friendship. [More…]
Most members in this House, I suppose, have visited Honolulu or the United States in one way or another. [More…]
The Export-Import Bank of the United States of America- Eximbank, as it is called- has already agreed by means of a pre.liminary commitment to provide a credit facility of $12.85m which is roughly 40 per cent of the cost of the aircraft. [More…]
No doubt if lower interest rates are the result of the upturn in the United States economy which is taking place at present, lower interest rates could be achieved in relation to this loan which it is more likely than not will be negotiated in the United States. [More…]
They should know better and should know that even in the United States of America, that geat home of free enterprise, the private companies cannot give away the railways quickly enough to public enterprise because of changes in tastes and changes in industry generally. [More…]
They give approval to Qantas to borrow 40 per cent of the cost of the 747 aircraft from the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 40 per cent from the banking institutions and it has to provide 20 per cent from its own resources. [More…]
This is an indication of how the United States Government is prepared to assist American companies and American manufacturers to produce goods and sell them on the export market. [More…]
I have been reliably advised by people in the industry who are appreciative of what we did in the 3 years that we were in office and of the work which we were able to get for the Australian aircraft industry, that at present- this is the statement I have- there is a definite holding back by United States aircraft companies. [More…]
An Australian company has submitted tenders for the supply of parts of an aircraft that is to be manufactured for the Douglas Aircraft Company Incorporated in the United States. [More…]
In making these arrangements the Government has taken advantage of the regular, almost traditional, participation of the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America to the extent of funding 40 per cent of the purchase price. [More…]
There will be a revival in the economy but it will be due to the world upturn, which has already started in the United States of America. [More…]
It is a marvellous thing, as is anticipated in this book, that in the not too distant future people will be able to telephone the United Kingdom, the United States of America and other countries by means of subscriber trunk dialling. [More…]
I trust that the Joint Committee on the Parliamentary Committee System will also be aware of the need to be aware that the system of committees for each House being considered for our Commonwealth Parliament, though working under the traditions of the Westminster system and its general practice, is more akin to the United States system where independent committees from each of the Senate and the House of Representatives of that country run in parallel activity. [More…]
The role of the Executive of this Parliament, as it is compared with the role of the executive government in the United States, must be clearly established in respect of the workings of any proposed estimates committees of this House which will run in parallel activity with the estimates committees of the Senate. [More…]
These artists want to be able to appear on radio, television and the stage in the United Kingdom, the United States or wherever their country of origin may be. [More…]
Using my memory of the days when I studied and practised taxation law, I thought we also had a double tax agreement with the United States of America and possibly with Canada too. [More…]
I am surprised that the United States was not mentioned in that context. [More…]
Perhaps the reason is that we do not have a modern double tax agreement with the United States. [More…]
With a limited domestic market with potential only for moderate growth and with severe export competition from South Africa, the United States and Greece, the industry faces a classic problem of over supply. [More…]
Another mitigating factor against Australian exports is the large crops of the last few years in the United States of America and South Africa. [More…]
I do not believe that we have to worry about the exchange rates of the United States of America as the formula on which we base our minor float is based pretty strictly on the American dollar. [More…]
Of course that competitive advantage is a pretty meaningful one especially as the equivalent of the Kennedy Round negotiations are about to take place again, one would anticipate, under a future Ford administration There will be problems for this nation when the United States negotiates on the lowering of protection rates and encouragement of trade. [More…]
Our inflation rate was particularly high when compared with the rate in South Africa and the United States, our 2 major competitors. [More…]
Our consumption is the second highest in the world, I am told, after the United States. [More…]
In a highly volatile market where the supply-demand syndrome is now more important than the production and government policies of the United States of America, in a climate where there is likely to be the maximum of $80m in the stabilisation fund at the end of the scheme, one can readily visualise farm leaders questioning whether they want more control by having to submit to the Industries Assistance Commission even if there is only the slightest hint of government assistance or whether they should forget about assistance and use this $80m as the basis for their own stabilisation fund. [More…]
If that report indicated that major movements of overseas capital from the United States of America to Australia are about to occur, this Government would certainly welcome that flow of funds. [More…]
It was predicted that growth in the United States of America would rise from minus 3 per cent to plus 5.75 per Gent, Japan from 1.25 per cent to plus 4.25 per cent and Germany from minus 3.75 per cent to plus 3.25 per cent. [More…]
Honourable members opposite all laugh, but it is a pity that some of them have not read a speech made by Senator Eugene McCarthy in the United States Congress. [More…]
It would seem that the manufacturer, wherever he may be- Japan, Germany, France, England the United States or any other country- could, if he knew the cost of his major input, plan his production with much greater certainty. [More…]
According to the 1974 Food and Agriculture Organisation figures we are fourth behind the United States, Brazil and Argentina. [More…]
The United States made its first export sales of cattle to Indonesia in 1974, and while sales were small, they represent a breakthrough for United States livestock exporters into a market previously serviced entirely by Australia. [More…]
It was a record of completely stupid government spending during a period of raging inflation, with a Budget deficit of astronomical proportions- over $8,000m in 2 years- unemployment at unprecedented levels, huge increases in the Public Service, jobs for the boys and a Prime Minister and his Ministers gallivanting their way around the world, cuddling and crawling with the communists in the Third World while turning a cold shoulder to the United States of America. [More…]
The newspapers state ‘communist victories in Indo China and United States setbacks in the region had combined to the point where the prospects for revolt had never been so good.’ [More…]
I preface my question to the Treasurer by referring to the instability and uncertainties which have developed on European foreign exchange markets in recent days, particularly the drop in the rate for sterling against the United States dollar, the decision by France to remove the franc from the so-called European currency snake and the consequential virtual disintegration of the snake. [More…]
As the honourable gentleman implied in his question, the House will be very much aware that the British pound has depreciated against the United States dollar by some 5 per cent since 4 March. [More…]
-The Australian Housing Corporation was supported enthusiastically by many groups in this country as one would expect it to be, because it simply represented in Australia the same kind of initiative as has been taken in comparable countries such as the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand. [More…]
The fact of the matter is that the vast predominance of people in the United States and Canada who obtain nouses now receive such assistance. [More…]
A marked improvement is already evident in the United States of America. [More…]
They were promised that occasionally, once every six or seven years, they would be able to get back into the main stream in Europe, Britain or the United States of America and refresh their professional knowledge. [More…]
That has had to be done because of United States Department of Agriculture meat regulations. [More…]
As I said before, it imports films into this country at a fraction of their former cost and shows them after they have been worn out in the United States. [More…]
While these criteria may be valid, the Opposition believes that other vital factors must be considerednamely, the equity in the application of the subsidy, as I have mentioned, and the desirability of maintaining the nitrogenous substances industry to ensure the continued growth of the sugar industry and other horticultural industries independent of supply fluctuations from the major nitrogenous substance exporting countries such as Japan and the United States. [More…]
Japan and the United States could, if they wished, hold the Australian sugar industry to ransom. [More…]
Farmers have benefitted directly through Australia’s ability to obtain rock phosphate from Christmas Island at well below world parity, and Australian superphosphate is still priced below that in the United States. [More…]
He has put forward on many occasions in this House that the final days of the involvement of the United States in Vietnam heralded an age of peace in that area, that the killing had stopped. [More…]
In Thailand there are the attempts by the communists, mainly from China, to rid that country of the last units of the United States of America. [More…]
At the time of the bombings of North Vietnam by the United States of America Dr Kissinger arrived in Peking. [More…]
As a result of that visit the President of the United States arrived in Peking and the world heralded Dr Kissinger as the greatest diplomat of all time and the President of the United States, President Nixon, as the greatest president of all time. [More…]
The United States of America, whose assistance to date is valued in excess of US$3. [More…]
It is not fitting that the Australian Broadcasting Commission should report this morning that it was very disappointing that we got such a poor deal and that the figure was lower than that applying to actual exports to the United States last year. [More…]
If we get a shortfall similar to that which we have had in previous years our total exports to the United States will be well in excess of what they were last year. [More…]
Outside Western Europe, the United States is in the same category as the list of countries I have mentioned and Canada is just outside, According to a recent report of the Economic Commission for Europe, if these recent trends were to continue indefinitely, it is an extreme though not unreasonable conclusion that by the year 2030 quite rapid declines in population would have set in in all major regions of Europe. [More…]
Forms of such a system are in use in Great Britain and the United States of America. [More…]
For example, in the United States it is the President, an elected person, who is the CommanderinChief of the Armed Forces. [More…]
It is no secret to the House that the beef industry, for instance, is in terrible trouble and, in spite of the optimistic tone that the Minister for Overseas Trade (Mr Anthony) took at question time today, frankly it looks to me as though the announcement from the United States of America today will produce a lesser export component to the American market than on previous occasions. [More…]
It is an anti-fungal component which has been approved in 80 other countries including Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
1 ) Is the Exchange of Notes between the Australian and United States Governments of 13 January 1969(renewed 10 July 1969) relating to the Study of Ionospheric Propagation in relation to Long Range Radio Paths still in force; if not, when did it expire. [More…]
How many (a) Australian and (b) United States personnel were engaged in work (i) at Norfolk Island and ( ii ) in continental Australia under the terms of the Exchange of Notes as at (A) 31 January 1969, (B) 30 April 1969, (C) 31 July 1969, (D) 31 December 1969 and (E) the end of each quarter thereafter during which the Exchange remained in Force. [More…]
It has been stated by the Prime Minister and by me on several occasions that the use of the faculty in Western Australia by the United States of America will be welcomed by this Government. [More…]
I would regard it as craven, cowardly and contemptible that we should say to the United States of America: ‘No, none of your submarines can use that base unless they are conventionally powered submarines. ‘ [More…]
Each time the United States or any other supplier gets too tough or economic conditions are not favourable in Japan the respective overseas governments know that the Australian Government, under a LiberalNational Country Party coalition, can always be relied upon to agree to cutbacks in tonnages and prices. [More…]
We can imagine the reaction if Sheikh Yamani were to declare that unless Saudi Arabia made her oil available to the rest of the world the United States would obtain it by force. [More…]
At the same time, we knew that Japan was intensely dissatisfied with its treatment by the United States. [More…]
In addition, could I suggest that the United States of America is to be a user of roughly 15 per cent of our production. [More…]
In the United States of America the allowance paid to veterans is $250. [More…]
We know that the Government wholeheartedly supports the build-up of the United States leased base at Diego Garcia, which does not have the unanimous approval of the United States Senate. [More…]
The real reason for honourable members opposite raising this matter is to justify the United States build-up in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
These scares are thrown out to condition the taxpayers of the United States and Australia into permitting the expenditure on defence in the Indian Ocean of greater sums than would ordinarily be spent. [More…]
We know that Diego Garcia was used by the British in World War II as a fueling base and that the United States Government entered into a long term agreement as far back as 1966 to take over Diego Garcia and to build up its defence forces there. [More…]
The build-up of the United States forces is in the interest of United States based multinationals which are causing so much controversy in the world today. [More…]
Even William Colby, head of the United States Central Intelligence Agency is on record as saying: [More…]
Dealing with the United States, he stated that the Prime Minister and the Minister for Defence have said on several occasions that the use of facilities in Western Australia by the United States will be welcomed by this Government. [More…]
Australia, like England and the United States of America, has a degenerate Western capitalist economy. [More…]
If we leave economic growth and development in the hands of the disparate or, of necessity, selfish groups known as capital, then like the United States we will have to come to terms with consistent unemployment levels of over 5 per cent. [More…]
He said that the United States Food and Drug Administration had actually required the labelling of HCG to indicate that there is no evidence that it induces weight loss. [More…]
weight of the Robbins Bendigo gold nugget for which he has granted an export licence to the United States of America. [More…]
There may have been some imprecision in the words used; but certainly in the statement I referred to a proposed shortfall, for in that part of my speech in which I referred to concern about the allocations from the United States I spoke of the fact that there is still no conclusion. [More…]
It is the Government’s hope that in discussions with the United States Administration we may yet be able to persuade it that in the allocation of any possible shortfall Australia should continue to receive its customary apportionment. [More…]
Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America- have adjustment schemes, some directly related to the auto industries. [More…]
The United States has a market for 1 1 million cars and has 3 manufacturers. [More…]
The company sells more Volvos to the United States than to anywhere else because it is not held in a strait-jacket like we put the Australian car industry into when we put a 95 per cent component plan on it. [More…]
I suggest that the means that can be and should be considered are special investment allowances, depreciation allowances and other forms of concessions which are used in the United States, Canada and some European countries such as West Germany to encourage tooling and other highly skilled areas of the motor car industry to remain in those countries. [More…]
If one went to the Swedish factories one found Finnish people doing it and if one went to the United States factories one found Negroes doing it. [More…]
Of course, in the 26 years or thereabouts that he has been a member of this chamber he has attempted to make Australia a continuing and persistent doormat-type satellite of the United States of America. [More…]
In 1975 Uniroyal was paying 50 per cent more for Australian synthetic rubber because of tariff protection than comparative manufacturers in the United States, Canada, Japan or Europe. [More…]
We saw that we do not necessarily have to adopt, for example, the United States system of spending ten times more on the education of the 10 per cent of its children on the top of the socio-economic scale than on the 10 per cent on the bottom of the scale. [More…]
Is he also concerned at the possible adverse effects the present charges in the United States against some of these companies for falsifying grain quality records will have on Australian sales if these companies are used as agents. [More…]
The monopoly position of the big 6 international grant companies, particularly in respect of the marketing of the United States grain crops, is well known. [More…]
I will not restrict my remarks merely to the amendments that we are putting forward today because the dialogue and the debate on electoral laws is going on all round the world and this Parliament ought to be aware of the views that are being put forward in all the other parliaments- in the Congress of the United States of America, in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom and in the parliaments of Sweden, Finland and Norway. [More…]
We should look at the lessons to be learnt from the political mistakes made in the United States in the Watergate affair, which always comes up in debates of this nature. [More…]
Everyone went round looking for skeletons in the cupboards of every politician in the United States. [More…]
Honourable members know what has happened in relation to political funding in the United States. [More…]
Look at the limits that have been imposed in the United States. [More…]
United States, in such a way that we all will have to do more back at the grass roots level of politics. [More…]
Honourable members will find that this same situation pertains in countries such as Canada, the United States of America, the Soviet Union, China and India. [More…]
It has been the case in the United States of America for the last 2 decades. [More…]
Bearing in mind, for example, that they do not have any parallel in the United States of America on a federal level and that they should be used with discretion and with consideration - [More…]
The comparable figure for the United States of America is 4.6 per cent; for Canada, 2.5 per cent; for Germany, 3.3 per cent; and for Japan, 3.7 per cent. [More…]
Has he seen reports about an Australian interviewed repeatedly on radio and television who claims to be a principal in a company advertising in the United States of America and Hong Kong for women to marry [More…]
We do not want so many decisions affecting the lives of Australians made in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan or anywhere else outside Australia. [More…]
I would think that the United States investment now in Australia is probably as great as the United Kingdom investment. [More…]
This has happened already in Canada, where United States’ investment in oil and gas has reached the level of 90 per cent ownership. [More…]
An article which appeared in the New York Times Weekly Review last January pointed out that 20 big oil companies control 94 per cent of United States oil reserves; the 18 largest oil companies produce 60 per cent of the natural gas supply; sixteen of the eighteen own oil shale interests; eleven possess huge coal reserves; sixteen have bought into uranium; three own solar energy companiesand the only geothermal lands in production in the United States are owned by one oil company. [More…]
Those of us who are familiar with attitudes in the United States of America realise that that great country, which by and large is a strong proponent of freer trade in the world and freer movement of equity capital, in certain periods of pressure can exhibit as much nationalism as any of the other advanced countries of the world. [More…]
102, will the proposed Chinese Antiquities Exhibition be the same as that which was shown in the United States of America in 1 975. [More…]
It is understood, however, that it is likely to comprise material from the exhibition to the United States, material from an exhibition to [More…]
For instance, we recently concluded negotiations in respect of the United States of America market which gave us a starting quota of nearly 8000 tons more than we had for the previous year and, with the obvious shortfall that we will get during the year, it will exceed last year. [More…]
The policies to which the Leader of the Federal Opposition is committed in 1976 are the policies that were tried by successive administrations in the United States and found to be wanting. [More…]
The policies that he espouses were the policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations in the United States and they were found not to work. [More…]
Of course, what happened was that they created the most expensive inefficient federal bureaucracy in the history of the United States. [More…]
Well, the people may not be rising in the streets for change in respect of legislation which was borrowed from a similar United States of America statute and which, as the honourable member knows, causes lawyers who have to interpret it great trouble and perhaps financial reward. [More…]
Some of the arguments- dismissed by Attorney-General Bowen as only of academic interest eight years ago- are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of the United States federal courts system. [More…]
I believe that he ought to Undertake the functions that the Controller-General of the United States Government undertakes and look at the efficacy of that expenditure as well. [More…]
In many cases multi-nationals in a sense are dumping these foodstuffs on our markets from places like Spain, Eire, Argentina, the United States of Amenca and most countries in the western world. [More…]
For instance, in the United States of America something like $6.40 per head of population is being spent yearly on medical research. [More…]
Meantime, on 18 February my colleague the honourable member for Shortland (Mr Morris) wrote to Senator Church, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, concerning the sale of Lockheed Electra aircraft to Australia. [More…]
The Sub-committee on Multinational Corporations has decided to make its files available pursuant to formal government requests transmitted to the United States through our State Department [More…]
We now ask your department to transmit through the United States State Department to the Church Committee a request for the relevant files. [More…]
Up till now I have merely wished to get the information from the United States Senate Committee which inquired into this matter and which disclosed matters that I believe have concerned every other administration that bought aircraft at that time. [More…]
The letter asked that the Government transmit through the United States Department of State to the sub-committee on multi-national corporations of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations a request for files relevant to the sale of Lockheed Electra aircraft to Australia. [More…]
The Australian Ambassador in Washington has reported to date that contacts between his Embassy and the United States Justice Department had revealed no evidence so far about payments in Australia in respect of the sale of Lockheed aircraft. [More…]
But I can say on the basis of reports from the Embassy to date, following the cable I sent on the receipt of the Leader’s letter dated 3 1 March, that we have been in touch with the United States authorities on this matter for some weeks and so far no indication of questionable payments by Lockheed in Australia has been revealed. [More…]
If he holds any substantive information that does suggest any third party payments by Lockheed I would be prepared to make the formal request to the United States Government that he seeks, and if necessary to seek a bilateral agreement on the release of United States information if any exists. [More…]
Until there is such justification the Government is not prepared to make a formal approach to the United States Government. [More…]
It is interesting to note that last week in Adelaide the Minister for Defence (Mr Killen), when asked a question about the 2 frigates purchased from the United States, said that they could not have been built at Whyalla because we lacked the expertise to do the work. [More…]
However, during the latter part of 1975 the Corporation undertook 2 relatively small projects involving the processing of wool in the United States of America, and there is now a need to provide appropriate accounting procedures. [More…]
The longshoremen on the west coast of the United States of America have a contract with the shippers that has been in operation for years. [More…]
Firstly, there is the volatility of national exchange rates vis-a-vis the Australian dollar and the United States dollar. [More…]
This is now gathering momentum in other countries, particularly for labour intensive industries and in the United States where quota contracts are negotiated with the governments of other countries over periods of 3 to 4 years. [More…]
For example, the United States can make a grand gesture of reducing tariffs by 2 per cent across the board but it does not mean one damn thing because the United States has an iron clad series of guarantees for the security of its industries in the form of quota agreements which are controlled rigidly at the point of export in foreign countries or, if the governments of those countries are inefficient, at the point of arrival in the United States. [More…]
The International Ladies Garment Workers Union, based in the United States of America, is aggressively opposing the internationalisation of garment industry sweat shops. [More…]
The United States has been the most successful nation so far in protecting its textile industry. [More…]
The industry is labour intensive throughout the world, and that includes the United States. [More…]
However, those rates will not price Australian workers out of their jobs if an adequate share of the home market is reserved for their products, as happens in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America has used quotas very well. [More…]
I repeat that when we did introduce some quotas in respect of textiles, a protest note was delivered to us by the United States on the basis that we had interfered with the arrangements under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. [More…]
Of course, the United States had negotiated all of its agreements prior to the establishment of GATT. [More…]
I understand that the United States is pressing again for a general reduction in tariffs, but not to take into account the tariff reductions which took place in Australia in 1973. [More…]
A specialist in industrial economies from Sydney University, Mr T. Parry, has produced an index of price ratios over major chemical products, taking Australia’s position relative to the position of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
The principal suppliers have been Australia, the United States and Canada. [More…]
I take it that, because witnesses expressed their fears in this regard, the LAC recognised the problems that will occur with the United States market if we do not eradicate brucellosis in the near future. [More…]
Certainly the former Australian Department of Agriculture stated evidence that it was the intention of the United States of America to extend a restriction on imports to imported dairy products. [More…]
I quote from the LAC report: … it was assumed that failure to eradicate brucellosis would lead to the termination of exports (whether from infected or non-infected animals) to the United States of America. [More…]
If the witnesses to the Industries Assistance Commission inquiry- and there were many of them- were telling the truth there is a risk that we will lose the United States market. [More…]
The United States, of course, has a ready-made rod for us if we do not eradicate brucellosis. [More…]
We must encourage farmers to realise the problems that could arise quite rapidly in 1982 or so when the United States of America, as I said, is quite likely to forbid Australia to export beef to that country. [More…]
Does the Australian Navy have its own reconnaissance to monitor these movements, or are the statistics supplied by British or United States or other reconnaissance. [More…]
The discussion with the Iraqi emissaries, at the time of the receipt of the package, of the propositions that, if elected as Prime Minister, he would assure that Australian policy in the Middle East was changed, and that he would pass on to their organisation special information about the Middle East policies of the United States, Israel and other nations. [More…]
Is it not a fact that Esso-BHP and Wapet have already written off their development costs and that any increase in the current oil price at this stage can only be viewed as a golden handsake bearing in mind Press reports last weekend that Esso is repatriating $70m of its oil profit this year to the United States? [More…]
It is ridiculous to castigate as too costly a growth centre program whose peak annual cost is below the capital cost of one of the new cruisers which the Government is buying from the United States of America. [More…]
Only this past week the present Government has announced more loan raising overseas, in this instance a fixed interest loan from the United States of America. [More…]
Firstly, the figures for the United States of America and Germany will understate the extent of deficit financed public expenditure. [More…]
For example, the figures quoted by the Treasurer for the United States appear to be appropriate to a central government deficit of $50 billion to $70 billion- an original estimate much along the lines of the estimate of $2.8 billion for the Australian Budget deficit last year. [More…]
As reported in the Economist of 4 October 1975, Mr William Simon, Secretary to the United States Treasury, stated to a Congress committee that the United States Budget deficit was going to be much larger than that originally budgeted and would probably be of the order of $90 billionapproaching 6 per cent of gross domestic product. [More…]
But now let us look at recent economic problems in the United States. [More…]
Dr Pierre Renfret, Economic Adviser to 3 United States presidents, at a recent gathering of Sydney members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia outlined 2 key factors in America’s economic revival. [More…]
The figure for the deficit in the United States of America is 4.6 per cent, for Canada 4.3 per cent, for West Germany 3.3 per cent, for Japan 3.7 per cent, and here it is 6.1 per cent. [More…]
In the United States if the money supply is in excess of 7 per cent people go jumping through hoops. [More…]
Today only one country is showing obvious signs of getting back to real growth development and prosperity, and that is the United States. [More…]
I refer particularly to the United States of America. [More…]
Tonight I should like to put to the House some views that are being argued in the United States at the moment and which ought to be considered and of which members of this Parliament and the Government ought to be aware. [More…]
I emphasise at the outset that the views that I put are views that are being expressed in the United States; they are not necessarily views that I hold myself, but again I think they are views which ought to be considered. [More…]
I start off by saying that there is a great degree of reliance being placed upon the recovery as it is termed in the United States at the moment. [More…]
One of the reasons being argued in the United States is that the fundamental financial position of the United States has undergone far more serious deterioration than is generally realised. [More…]
Somewhat similar to this, it is being argued that the United States economy has been distorted beyond its inherent capabilities, that it will not recover along statistical trajectories based on past recessions and past recoveries, and that the current popular economic projections radically over-estimate real growth potential and radically under-estimate future inflation and employment levels of the nation. [More…]
The former levels of economic activity in the United States cannot be achieved without a reversal in a fundamental problem, that is without a reversal toward sound money, money that is worth saving, that is worth lending and that is worth investing. [More…]
The short term bullish factors in the United States, by their very nature must run later into restraints that are inherent in the fundamental disequilibrium in that country. [More…]
A decade of rampant inflation has created a yo-yo economy in the United States and, in fact, in most Western countries. [More…]
Specifically- and this is the most severe latent constraint- the crowding out effect that did not materialise in the money markets in 1975 is virtually certain to do so in the late spring and summer, in United States terms, in 1976. [More…]
The United States Treasury has already budgeted the huge deficit to run through until October and it is expected to tap capital markets for about $70 billion this year- about $18 billion in the first quarter alone. [More…]
Throughout 1975 the United States Treasury was very fortunate in that it had very little competition in borrowing in the financial markets, since corporations generally eased up on capital outlays and generated any necessary funds internally by liquidating inventories, or by floating new equity issues on the crest of the stock market surge in the spring of 1975. [More…]
Furthermore, in 1975, much of the increased savings deposited by individuals was lent by commercial banks to the United States Treasury as they took down treasury bills to bolster their portfolios in the face of decreased demand for general personal and business loans. [More…]
In other words, the United States Treasury had everything going for it in 1975. [More…]
Specifically, on the one side, increased consumer credit borrowing together with increased business loans needed to finance inventory and to finance capital expansion, on the demand side, will begin to compete in earnest with the United States [More…]
I think it is fair to say that many of these factors which have been experienced in the United States have been, although not necessarily at the same time, experienced in our own financial operations as an economy and as a government. [More…]
It is argued quite strongly in the United States that the economic recovery which is now under way is not a sound economic recovery. [More…]
I think we have to learn that lesson here, because by and large the problems that we face are not a great deal different from those which have been experienced in recent times in the United States. [More…]
Again I want to refer to the United States experience. [More…]
I draw the attention of the House to the experience in the United States. [More…]
The United States experience especially has been a collapse of the capacity of what one would have to call city-State type operations where their city controllers exercise very much the functions which our State governments exercised in the past. [More…]
For example, let us look at what happened last year in the United States. [More…]
I think that to some extent the United States has started to climb out of the recession. [More…]
Last year the United States had a federal deficit of $70 billion. [More…]
The United States does not have a centralised loan council. [More…]
If one were to try to compare the position of Australia this year with the position of the United States last year, one would have to add into the $70 billion deficit of the United States not only the $ 10 billion of uncounted expenditure, but also the multitudinous deficits of the 5 1 American States for that year, and the local Government municipal deficits too. [More…]
Australia has an inflation rate of 13.4 per cent, Japan 9.4 per cent and the United States of America 6.3 per cent. [More…]
Experience in the United States has shown that farmers are finding complete crop insurance is becoming more and more a necessity because of the impact of inflation on the cost of farming and the value of crops being subject to the vagaries of nature. [More…]
The point has been reached where not only farmers but the United States Government itself cannot afford to be without an all risk farm insurance scheme. [More…]
In addition to payments made under the United States Department of Agriculture’s Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, the United States Government also paid out US$2 70m in 1974 and US$555m in 1975 as compensation for crop losses, without the benefit of premium dollars corning in. [More…]
Private insurance companies in the United States are presently urging an association with their Federal Government to provide extensive crop insurance. [More…]
The situation in this country is not so different from that in the United States. [More…]
It is necessary to examine in detail the various natural disaster schemes which are operating overseas, particularly in the United States of America and Switzerland. [More…]
In order to assist countries to deal with this new economic situation, the United States Administration and the Secretary-General of the OECD independently made similar proposals in late 1974 for the establishment among OECD countries of a finanical ‘safety net’ in the form of the fund. [More…]
Subsequent to the Warsaw convention and the Hague Protocol, under an arrangement initiated by the United States Government and the International Air Transport Association and known as the Montreal Agreement, a large majority of international airlines, including Qantas Airways Ltd, now accepted higher liability limits for each passenger carried on an international night starting, ending or stopping at a point in the United States. [More…]
It is not an accident that Australia faces the same problems as France, Britain, West Germany, United States of America and Canada. [More…]
It is done regularly in the United States of America and it is done in other countries. [More…]
They have been raised again now for a very substantial reason- the recent evidence in the United States about the activities of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. [More…]
What seemed in 1962 a possible explanation for certain actions by a Liberal Minister seems, in 1976, as a result of disclosures in the United States, a likely explanation. [More…]
The mystery of the Lockheed orders might have remained in limbo if it had not been for the report this year by the sub-committee on Multinational Corporations of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. [More…]
On 18 February, the first question daythe day that the honourable member for Fremantle asked his question of the Prime Minister- the shadow Minister for Transport, the honourable member for Shortland (Mr Morris) wrote directly to the Chairman of the United States Sub-Committee, Senator Frank Church. [More…]
Some of my colleagues have sought information from Senator Frank Church, the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Multinational Corporations of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, concerning the sale of Lockheed Electra aircraft to Australia. [More…]
Senator Church has replied: ‘The Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations has decided to make its files available pursuant to formal government requests transmitted to the United States through our State Department. [More…]
We now ask your department to transmit through the United States State Department to the Church Committee a request for the relevant files. [More…]
Australia is second only to the United States as an importer of Japanese goods. [More…]
In this generation it is correct to say that overseas aid is exemplified first by the Marshall Plan- a child of the generous people of the United States. [More…]
In 1973, in Canada for every dollar appropriated 97.7c was paid out in benefits; in the United States contributors to private funds had to pay $1.20 for every dollar’s worth of benefits. [More…]
Similarly, Canadians are paying less per capita for public health, including universal health care, than United States citizens, who have no national health insurance scheme. [More…]
In fact, parliamentary democracy has survived in circumstances of conflict, where in the United Kingdom a king had his head chopped off and in the United States of America, as it became on the North American continent, colonists were prepared to rise in rebellion and establish themselves as people prepared to operate the parliamentary system as they saw it. [More…]
There is very little difference between the Australian medical profession and the medical profession in corresponding countries- for example, the United States of America or Canada. [More…]
There are two main systems of health insurance in the United States, namely, the health maintenance organisations such as the Kaiser Permanente organisations, and the Blue Cross organisation. [More…]
The advantage in the United States, of course, is that the two systems are running side by side. [More…]
I make this plea as a federalist: The collegiate system is a system which is recognised not only in this country but also in the United States of America as being a fair system. [More…]
We are watching two of the great political parties of the world at this moment proceeding to elect delegates who will nominate their respective candidates for the position of President of the United States of America. [More…]
The votes that people cast go to electing members of a college and it is the college which formally elects the new President of the United States of America. [More…]
In recent years films have been made about drug trafficking into the United States of America from France, where the laboratories are situated in Marseilles. [More…]
Opium from Turkey and the Golden Triangle is shipped to clandestine laboratories in France and from there the heroin passes to the prime market, the United States of America. [More…]
It is no accident that people like Dr Timothy Leary, the guru of the hallucinogen users in the United States, have become popular in the underworld and the peripheral fringe of this country. [More…]
It is important for the community at large to note that in the United States of America more people are now turning to cocaine, or ‘mush’ as it is known, for their kicks and that this is causing alarming problems in that country. [More…]
The hard drugs that are mentioned are coming mainly from SouthEast Asia, India, the United States of America and parts of Europe. [More…]
1 ) Have the American National Cattlemen’s Association and the United States Department of Agriculture written to the Australian Government seeking permission to export semen from American beef cattle breeds to Australia; if so, has the Government answered this request. [More…]
3 ) If so, is the reason for the present discrimination due to the existence of the disease of bluetongue in the United States which is highly dangerous to the cattle and sheep population of Australia. [More…]
As the movement of stock can easily occur, officially or unofficially, between the United States and Canada, is the differentiation valid. [More…]
Will he obtain statistics from the Minister for Overseas Trade to show the position of trade balances between Australia and (a) Canada and (b) the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) The United States Department of Agriculture and my Department have been in correspondence over a long period concerning veterinary health conditions which would be required to ensure safe importation of cattle semen from the United States. [More…]
Clinical bluetongue had not been reported in Canada before that time but the disease exists in a number of areas in the United States. [More…]
The Canadian authorities maintained a program of continuous monitoring for cattle entering the country from the United States to alert them to the possible introduction of the disease from that source. [More…]
Cattle semen is not imported from the United States because of technical difficulties in that country in providing conditions for the collection of the semen which ensure complete protection against subsequent transmission of bluetongue. [More…]
United States of America [More…]
Is it a fact that, because of assistance from the Department of Overseas Trade, Japanese and American interests observed the work in progress, and that the group is now moving to the United States to market its Hovercraft. [More…]
If I had known this while in the United States I would not have accepted the appointment by the Premier. [More…]
I list 5 questions that cry out for public investigation: First, was the cash taken by Mr Fancher to the United States a breach of currency regulations? [More…]
I add that this would be following the precedent of the United States of America where the similar officer and the similar department- namely, the Controller-General and his Department- carry out not only the narrower function of our Auditor-General but also the efficiency audit, looking at the efficacy of expenditure, ensuring that it is being spent in the most profitable way and ensuring that it is being spent for the purposes for which parliament appropriated it. [More…]
In 1974, just over 2 years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting the United States. [More…]
In the course of my educational tour in Washington I got to know the Controller-General of the United States Government and a few members of his senior staff. [More…]
I have just one more thought on the subject and that is that where in the United States programs are jointly carried out with the States of that nation the Controller-General has the function of sitting down with the Controllers-General of the States and jointly auditing the programs which are joint programs. [More…]
The alternative would have undoubtedly been at the cost of massive industrial disruption as occurred in a number of countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America when containers were introduced. [More…]
I refer honourable members to an article by Katona and Strumpel in the January edition of the journal Challenge which demonstrates for the United States and West German economies that ‘consumer confidence, not business investment, is the leading clue to fluctuations in the economy, and consumer confidence is closely tied to the faith in Government’. [More…]
This is particularly true in import competing industries and even more so in export oriented industries where prices and markets are governed by external conditions and particularly in countries- most of our major markets- where inflation rates are now below ours, for instance Japan where it is 7.5 per cent and the United States where it is 7 per cent, to cite 2 major markets. [More…]
As an example of an apparently successful implementation of this approach one has only to examine the situation in the United States. [More…]
American workers had their real wages cut by at least 10 per cent in the last 2 years and unemployment in the United States went up to a level of about 10 per cent. [More…]
At present in the United States about 9 million people are unemployed. [More…]
That is the true basis of the much praised United States recovery. [More…]
If they are not reinvesting in industry in their countries of origin, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Western Germany or Japan, they certainly will not do so in this country. [More…]
Is he also aware that the United States Government, European governments, and only just recently the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, have all given an assurance that they will personally investigate this matter and do something about it? [More…]
In the 146th report the Committee had’ commented adversely on the arrears that had accumulated in verifying accounts received from the United States Armed Services for equipment and stores purchased for the Australian armed forces. [More…]
In the United States of America, health insurers have made substantial progress in developing methods of monitoring the usage of services, in co-operation with the medical profession, in order to eliminate unnecessary expenditure and so restrain costs to contributors. [More…]
I think there is it something of a panic in the communitygenerated by the media to some extent and by people who have been concernedbecause of an assertion of another influenza outbreak in the United States of America called Swine influenza. [More…]
No such cases have since been reported yet the United States Administration has embarked upon a complete national vaccination program. [More…]
In the Army the ratio was 1: 6.5 as against the United States 1: 6.4- a quite favourable comparison- or Canada which was 1: 8.4; or the United Kingdom 1: 8.3. [More…]
It is especially important that this development takes place in the light of the United States Guam Doctrine of 1 969 of limited commitment. [More…]
I remind the House that that view may be taken by some economists- I think Professor Wheelwright was mentioned- but it is not a view that is taken by any central banker or Treasury official of any of the countries in the Western World with comparable economies to whom I have spoken in the last few years; and that includes those from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Belgium. [More…]
This fiscal package which is put forward as part of what is necessary for economic recovery in Australia is similar to packages recently put in the United States and in the United Kingdom. [More…]
No other federal nation- the United States, West Germany, Canada- is abandoning federal programs in order to reduce its federal deficit or deal with its economic problems. [More…]
Most countries, including the United States of America, have a much bigger public sector than we have. [More…]
In the United States of America and in the United Kingdom, where attempts have been made to get trade union co-operation, the governments have gone out of their way to make big tax cuts and have tried to give the unions something to hang on to. [More…]
In the United States of America context, federalism in that country only exists between independent States and the Federal Government of that country. [More…]
The original idea stemmed from 2 proposals by the United States of America and one by the SecretaryGeneral of the OECD, Mr Van Lennep. [More…]
There were some who thought that the United States proposals would be damaging because they might imply an attempt to confront the OPEC countries. [More…]
The discussions and the negotiations which the United States and the OECD’s SecretaryGeneral’s proposals promoted have led to the establishment of a fund about which the OPEC countries appear to be quite unconcerned. [More…]
Even France, which was concerned about some aspects of the United States proposals on this score and which declined for this reason to participate in the International Energy Agreement which also stemmed from the 2 United States proposals, has signed the Support Fund agreement. [More…]
What kind of spirit makes a lynching mob out of respectable southern towns in the United States? [More…]
The white poor of the United States Deep South lynched their Negroes because they all had their horror stories of Negroes who raped and killed and assaulted and stole and lied. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to reports that the United States Central Intelligence Agency has admitted to spending 30 per cent of its budget in financing right wing political parties throughout the world. [More…]
It is no coincidence that those countries showing the most solid recovery- especially the United States of America and Germany- are the very ones that have been most successful in tackling domestic inflation rates. [More…]
The latest figures show that inflation in Australia is running at 12 14 per cent compared with 5 per cent and 6 per cent in the United States and Germany. [More…]
As an example of cost increases, I need mention only wages increases in Australia and in the United States in the last 5 years. [More…]
He calls on us to take heed of what has happened in the United States. [More…]
He says that we should take advantage of the experience in the United States where 9 per cent of the work force is now unemployed. [More…]
What has happened in the United States- and we often follow the United States- is that fringe benefits in many organisations and institutions include the Blue Cross or health maintenance organisation subscriptions there. [More…]
In studies sponsored by the United States Department of Health Education and Welfare, comparisons between Federal employees who are covered by Blue Cross (where doctors receive a fee for service) and those enrolled in a prepaid group health plan (where the physicians are paid the same amount whether they operate or not) showed that - [More…]
Dr Jim Lawson addressed the Australian Hospital Association Congress in 1 969-1 think it was held in Melbourne- and discussed operation rates per thousand members per year for fee for service and salaried medical services and compared these operation rates in Australia, the United Kingdom and United States of America. [More…]
In the United States it was 10.6 on a fee for service basis and 4 per thousand in the case of the salaried group. [More…]
The appendicectomy rate was 5 per thousand in Australia on a fee for service basis and in the United States it was 2.6. [More…]
In the United States on a salaried basis it was. [More…]
In England and Wales where doctors are salaried, the rate of hysterectomies is only 40 per cent of that of the United States, where most surgeons are paid by the operation. [More…]
Moreover, it is generally conceded that the best quality of medical care in the United States is found in the medical schools and the great teaching medical centres, where physicians are conventionally on salary. [More…]
In the United States- of which 2.38 million - That is about 1 7 per centwere considered unnecessary by Dr Eugene McCarthy of Cornell University Medical College and in his view 1 1 900 people died during unnecessary surgery. [More…]
Six billion doses of antibiotics it is estimated are consumed in the United States each year and 22 per cent of these are considered to have been prescribed unnecessarily, and … 10 000 fatal and near fatal reactions to this unnecessary medication occur, according to the Food and Drug Administration, the Health Research Group and the Ohio State University. [More…]
About 2200 hospitals, nearly one-third of the total in the United States, fail to meet the minimum standards of safety and adequacy of patient care required by the medical profession’s Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation. [More…]
Dr Lawson went on to suggest the introduction of the American surgical and medical audit which had then become compulsory in many United States hospitals before payment of hospital costs by health insurance organisations. [More…]
If there was one case of foot and mouth in Australia the consequence of that event would be that Australia would lose its total market for beef to the United States of America, Japan and to practically every country. [More…]
In the United States of America health insurers have made substantial progress in developing methods of monitoring the usage of services, in co-operation with the medical profession, in order to eliminate unnecessary expenditure and so restrain costs to contributors. [More…]
We are up against a situation in the United States of America where a one-hour program might cost as much as $250,000 to present. [More…]
Administrator of Australia’s participation in United States Bi-Centenary Celebrations. [More…]
If that is so, how does the honourable member answer this proposition: Is it a fact that inflation in the United States has moved down to between 6 per cent and 7 per cent? [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States thinks it will achieve a growth rate of 7V4 per cent? [More…]
The United States administration’s projection envisages a deficit of US$59.3 billion or 19 per cent of receipts in fiscal 1976. [More…]
Unlike in other countries, such as the United Kingdom or the United States of America, the Government has no intention of offsetting reduced real wages by substantial and compensating tax cuts. [More…]
The first is A Swine influenza, a number of cases of which were identified at New Jersey in the United States of America some months ago. [More…]
Even after the people of America cast their votes, the formal election of the President of the United States, the highest elected position in the world, will be decided by a college. [More…]
Thirdly, there has been a spate of criticism, often ill-founded, of the United States which has reinforced domestic disputes within that country. [More…]
Australia lives in a world where predominant power is controlled by the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
On the other hand, it is not, presumably, in the Soviet Union’s interests that relations between China, Japan and the United States should be too close. [More…]
The myth of a sudden recent upsurge in Soviet naval strength was exploded by the United States Administration itself in a statement to Congress on 22 April, less than 6 weeks ago. [More…]
over the past two years the naval deployments of the United States and the Soviet Union have remained relatively stable. [More…]
Does the Australian Government suggest that the United States Coast Guard should base its planning entirely on local developments in the Baltic? [More…]
Mr William Colby, while Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in testimony to the United States Senate subcommittee on military construction in July 1 974: [More…]
If there is no substantial increase in United States nava presence in the area, we believe the Soviet increase will be gradual. [More…]
Should the United States make a substantial increase in its naval presence in the Indian Ocean, a Soviet build-up faster and larger than I have described would be likely. [More…]
It is fatuous for the Prime Minister to imagine that alarmist statements on the Indian Ocean will improve our relations with the United States. [More…]
But I have never supposed that friendship with China required a wholehearted endorsement of China ‘s foreign policy, any more than friendship with the United States required a wholehearted support of American foreign policy. [More…]
President Giscard told the United States Congress: [More…]
It has declared that the efforts of the Western powers, including the United States, over the past 5 years- all the efforts for peace and disarmament and reconciliation by the Western nations and the signatories to the Helsinki accords, all the progress towards detente -have been futile and dangerous. [More…]
The Prime Minister proclaims our alignment with the United States. [More…]
This Government has no monopoly of goodwill or friendship with the United States. [More…]
The Fraser Government is not aligning Australia with the United States, as it likes to pretend, but merely with the most strident and militaristic elements in the United States. [More…]
We now see that the foreign policy of the Fraser Government is characterised by a return to the kind of client relationship which existed with the United States of America before Prime Minister Gorton came to power; that is, at the height of the Vietnam war. [More…]
At that time Australia sought to establish a truly independent identity and to mould the client relationship with the United States into the kind of partnership that would win more respect from our American friends. [More…]
The Government has irresponsibly exploited statements made by American leaders for domestic electioneering purposes in support of an alarmist policy completely out of keeping with the real politik in which the highly sensitive relationship between the United States, the Soviet Union and China is based. [More…]
Detente is a very sensitive process in which the United States requires the support of nations like Australia. [More…]
Mr Kissinger, the Secretary of State for foreign relations in the United States has pointed out that it is a complex and difficult road for the progress will be uneven of necessity. [More…]
Thus, United States naval forces may be as much as 60 per cent larger than their Soviet conterparts [More…]
There were slightly more than 500 ships in me active United States inventory in 1974 that displaced between 5 million and 6 million tons, whereas there were approximately 2000 ships in the Soviet inventory that were unlikely to displace as much as 3 million tons. [More…]
The significance of that is that the average displacement per ship in the United States Navy is between 10 000 tons and 12 000 tons, whereas in the Soviet Navy it is only about 1500 tons. [More…]
The Dyason House Papers state as follows: … the United States Navy, for example, will build more ship than it scraps between now and 1980; its surface fleet will be about 13 per cent larger than it is now; the submarine fleet will remain about the same size, but the remaining diesel boats will be replaced by nuclear-powered ones. [More…]
Of course the new ships will be more formidable than those they replace; but the Soviets will have better and fewer, the United States better and more. [More…]
quote from the evidence given by Mr Colby to the United States Senate. [More…]
It is clear from his testimony and from the discussion in the United States Senate that the role of the Soviet fleet has been an extension of foreign policy influence and in no way has been developed as some sort of military incursion on an escalating basis. [More…]
All indications were that Moscow was chiefly responding to deployments by the United States and other western countries, specifically Britain, rather than initiating a unilateral build up. [More…]
From the day it assumed office it resorted to nervous rhetoric in an effort to destroy the undertakings in the United States of America to bring about some mutual restrictions between the United States of America and India. [More…]
Pollution has been documented in California and elsewhere since the 1940s, yet the major United States car manufacturers have persisted with their huge, inefficient, old-fashioned engines. [More…]
In the short term the same United States-owned manufacturers in Australia will use the same techniques to control vehicle exhaust pollution. [More…]
Can he say how this per capita expenditure compares with (a) the United States of America and ( b ) Great Britain. [More…]
I understand that funds for this research in Australia are sought by those organisations from a multiplicity of diverse sources and that much the same arrangements obtain in the United States of America and Great Britain. [More…]
In the United States of America, for example, the list of approved additives contains approximately ten times the number permitted in Australia. [More…]
Do these wheats command premium prices in world markets in competition with the best wheats from Canada, the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
The fact that the United Kingdom and the United States of America required an environmental impact statement would confirm that our own legislation is not excessive on this score. [More…]
In the United Kingdom and, I think, the United States of America there were public hearings on the draft EIS, but for some reason Australia’s Ministers considered that we Australians are less intelligent and less interested than people in those countries and therefore decided that there was no need to call for a public hearing on Concorde in Australia. [More…]
For example, in the United States of America- a federation quite similar to ours- there is a National Traffic Act and a National Motor Vehicle Safety Act. [More…]
Under the stimulus of pressures like those which led to the holding of the Canberra conference it would probably have developed into a body like the United States National Transportation Safety Board, which the conference held up as a model for Australia. [More…]
The United States of America now has similar legislation. [More…]
1 refer to a comment made by Dr B. J. Campbell, chairman of the United States National Motor Vehicle Advisory Council. [More…]
The Advisory Committee on Safety in Vehicle Design “ investigate developing a design rule to reduce fire risks, no less stringent than the United States standard. [More…]
The Bureau of Road Safety regularly publish details of consumer items relating to vehicle safety similar to Consumer Protection Bulletins issued by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. [More…]
Although the Committee was somewhat guarded on its recommendations on colour, it was given evidence- this is detailed in the report in paragraph 350- of studies conducted in Sweden, the United States and Germany, indicating that light coloured vehicles were much safer than dark coloured vehicles. [More…]
I hope that the Minister will take up this Cabinet submission, through the files of the Department of Transport, and get on with the job of creating, as the United States Government has created, a national transportation accident investigation board. [More…]
The United States body was set up in 1967 to investigate air, sea, rail and road accidents. [More…]
To give some idea of the movements of labour costs as an important ingredient of total inputs let us look at the United States of America and compare it with Australia. [More…]
In passing, I think it is true to say that that is one reason why the United States economy is starting to boom and is coming out of its period of stagnation. [More…]
Take the United States, for example. [More…]
The United States has always been opposed to the limits set by the Warsaw Convention and The Hague Protocol. [More…]
It was because of this dissatisfaction that the United States, certain European governments and the International Air Transport Association worked out the Montreal Agreement by which carriers serving the United States accepted a liability limit of US$75,000. [More…]
Qantas Airways Ltd complies with the United States conditions. [More…]
One may well ask why, if Qantas can bear the burden and if the United States thinks such a level advisable, Australia should be so far behind. [More…]
It so happens that at the present moment I plan to be with the Prime Minister in the United States at that period. [More…]
Even in the United States, the Federal Government has in recent years had to play a part, and government support for the arts is an accepted fact in the cultural life of Western Europe. [More…]
If one looks at the Congress of the United States of America and at the facilities available to congressmen and senators, one realises that the situation here is absurd. [More…]
Broadly speaking, our balance of trade with the United States is holding its own much to the disappointment of some members of the Opposition. [More…]
For the future, despite the prodigality that there is in the United States and even in this country in the use of fuel and energy, we will have no alternative but to turn to that source. [More…]
It is about a school teacher in the United States of America who was lecturing her class about the romantic life of the American Indian. [More…]
At the present time, because the EFIC is not able under its Act to give these bonds, Australian industry is not able to enter into a fair comparative position with competition in the United States, the European Economic Community and so on. [More…]
The ADC has its own overseas representatives in Japan and in Europe/North America and is very active in its surveillance of world markets and of economic and other developments (particularly in the EEC, United States of America, Middle East, Japan) which could affect the marketing of Australian dairy products. [More…]
In addition, quota restrictions which are still maintained by the United States, limit our sales to that market to only token quantities of a small number of dairy products. [More…]
The House will be aware that there have been a number of visits in the past by United States nuclear powered warships. [More…]
With well over 100 naval reactors in operation, United States nuclear powered warships have visited over 30 countries and 85 foreign ports. [More…]
Our decision follows consultations with the United States Government on safety procedures and legal indemnity. [More…]
In the latter connection, the United States Congress in December 1974 enacted a Law- Public Law 93-513- pursuant to which, as was made clear by the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, the United States accepts absolute liability for any nuclear damage which might result from a nuclear incident involving the reactor of a United States warship. [More…]
I would also point to the remarkable safety record of United States nuclear powered ships. [More…]
About a third of the United States Navy is nuclear powered. [More…]
We have a military alliance with the United States through the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
The ANZUS Treaty requires co-operation with the United States. [More…]
At the very least, that would require that the United States be able to replenish her ships and that we should provide such support as we are able, not only in peacetime circumstances as a good ally, but also in any emergency that may arise in the future. [More…]
The vital character of our alliance with the United States and with ANZUS requires this action to be taken. [More…]
As the Prime Minister has pointed out, the absolute liability requirement has been met by the United States of America and that objection no longer applies. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) has stated as he did on another occasion I prohibited the use of Cockburn Sound and Jervis Bay by visiting warships from other countries, particularly those from the United States and from the United Kingdom. [More…]
The Convention is not yet in force but the United Kingdom and the United States of America have also signed it and have announced their intentions to implement it and ratify it. [More…]
Ethnically Japan is certainly of the Asian family, but her dramatic westernisation, her progress in production and her capacity to enter into competition and in many cases lead the world in modern technology, has lined her up with countries such as the United States and the Western block European countries which of course include Australia. [More…]
In that film the President of the United States of America was depicted as speaking with the Premier of Russia. [More…]
The United States submarine Thresher sank in 1963 and another United States submarine, the Scorpion, sank in 1968. [More…]
We would have to have a major ally which in practice could only be the United States of America. [More…]
Though some of the Indian people of Canada, as of the United States of America, earlier had some recognition of their rights in land through treaties, the Eskimo people, like the Aborigines of the Northern Territory, have had no legal recognition of their traditional rights in the domestic law of their country. [More…]
1 ) What was Australia’s attitude to the counter proposals of the European Economic Community and the United States on international grain stabilisation proposals at the GATT cereals sub-group meeting on 28 January 1976. [More…]
The United States has been pressing for liberalisation of government measures affecting trade. [More…]
The United States had made clear that it is strongly opposed to any proposals for an International Wheat Agreement of the traditional type. [More…]
Further progress in the MTN Grains Sub-group depends largely on the willingness of the United States and the EEC to reappraise their overall attitudes to the MTN and their objectives in an international grains agreement with a view to finding some common ground. [More…]
Australia has argued strongly within the present series of MTN discussions, as well as bilaterally, for increased liberalisation of import trade barriers and domestic dairy support and export regimes, especially by the EEC, Japan, Canada and the United States whose dairy policies collectively have been a major factor in the present crisis in the world dairy market. [More…]
For example, Australia has requested that the United States review its quotas on imports of dairy products in terms of its commitments under GATT, relating to restrictions on imports of farm products. [More…]
However, we must be prepared to recognise that progress will be difficult, due partly to the entrenched nature of domestic policies in many countries and partly to disagreement between the two main participants in the negotiations-the United States and the EC. [More…]
Similarly, the Australian delegation has sought from other major importers (notably the United States and Japan) advice on their willingness to reduce their existing barriers to imports of meat. [More…]
United States: $20,292,000 for reconstruction, 1500 tents, 6 helicopters, $40,600 worth of field rations, $5,700 worth of stretcher material. [More…]
Did the Government reverse the previous Government’s policy of favouring a nuclear-free zone; if so, does this mean that its primary defence consideration is to safeguard United States interests in the Pacific region. [More…]
Jindalee is in the exploratory stage and costs have been kept down by borrowing special electronic equipment from the United States. [More…]
) Have the American National Cattlemen’s Association and the United States Department of Agriculture written to the Australian Government seeking permission to export semen from American beef cattle breeds to Australia: if so. [More…]
3 ) If so, is the reason for the present discrimination due to the existence of the disease of bluetongue in the United States which is highly dangerous to the cattle and sheep population of Australia. [More…]
As the movement of stock can easily occur, officially or unofficially, between the United States and Canada, is the differentiation valid. [More…]
) Will he obtain statistics from the Minister for Overseas Trade to show the position of trade balances between Australia and (a) Canada and (b) the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) The United States Department of Agriculture and my Department have been in correspondence over a long period concerning veterinary health conditions which would be required to ensure safe importation of cattle semen from the United States. [More…]
Clinical bluetongue had not been reported in Canada before that time but the disease exists in a number of areas in the United States. [More…]
The Canadian authorities maintained a program of continuous monitoring for cattle entering the country from the United States to alert them to the possible introduction of the disease from that source. [More…]
Cattle semen is not imported from the United States because of technical difficulties in that country in providing conditions for the collection of the semen which ensure complete protection against subsequent transmission of bluetongue. [More…]
1 ) What United States multinational companies operating in Australia have admitted to activities overseas associated with the United States Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
) What action is the Government taking or proposing to take to ensure that those United States multinational companies that carry on activities in Australia and have admitted that they have acted in collaboration with, or as agents for. [More…]
Does Australia have anything equivalent to the National Seed Storage Laboratory of the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) and (2) Australia does not have a centre equivalent to the National Seed Storage Laboratory in the United States of America. [More…]
However, as far as I am aware, there has not been a deep interest shown in the past for the establishment of a central gene pool similar to that which operates in the United States of America. [More…]
Has the selling or trading of United States meat entitlements prevented the maximisation of returns in other markets. [More…]
Can he say how many visible surface warships or sighted submarines of (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) Iran and (d) France were in the Indian Ocean in each of the years 1971 to 1975 and to what categories of warships, e.g., cruiser, destroyer, submarine, minesweeper etc., do they belong. [More…]
United States of America [More…]
I do not know whether it is possible under this Bill but in the United States of America other products were given similar names. [More…]
However, from figures I have been able to gain, it would seem that there has been very little appreciable difference in the consumption of cigarettes and tobacco products in countries such as the United States and Great Britain where the advertising of cigarettes and tobacco has been banned for some years. [More…]
I took the opportunity to obtain some figures from the Parliamentary Library which show the per capita consumption of tobacco and tobacco products in the United States and the United Kingdom over the last 10 years. [More…]
In the United States in 1970, the per capita consumption of tobacco and tobacco products was 4.40 kilograms. [More…]
I think that the drop in per capita consumption in the United States probably could be more directly related to the anti-smoking campaign than to the elimination of cigarette and tobacco advertising from radio and television stations. [More…]
In 1963 J. F. Kennedy, then President of the United States of America, emphasised the need for his Government and the people of United States to recognise the National Estate of his country when he said: [More…]
I should like to refer briefly by way of example to the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 empowered the Secretary of the Interior to delegate responsibility for administration of the Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Program. [More…]
An historic property under the United States program may be acquired with Federal Government assistance only if it is listed in the National Register and if the acquisition conforms with the state historic preservation plan. [More…]
There is much to be learnt from the United States experience and it is pleasing to note that the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser), the Minister for Environment, Housing and Community Development (Mr Newman) and the Commission have examined this and other overseas examples and are very well aware of the requirement and work necessary to establish the register. [More…]
The United States of America has had such control for some 40 years, and we need it here. [More…]
We examined the situation in France, Great Britain, other parts of Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
But the one that influenced us the most was that in the United States. [More…]
If the Minister cares to look at the position he will see that the blueprint for the Commission was based on the body that was established to preserve the heritage of the United States. [More…]
The Attorney-General (Mr Ellicott) in his second reading speech on the Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons) Bill has stated that the United States and the United Kingdom intend to ratify the Convention. [More…]
No other federal nation- the United States, West Germany, Canada- is abandoning federal programs in order to reduce its federal deficit or deal with its economic problems. [More…]
The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany, of Japan, of Sweden, of Canada and of the United States have long since abandoned the notion that the national economy will inevitably be healthier to the extent that the private sector prevails as far as possible over everything else. [More…]
May I remind the House that those members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development- the United States, Germany and Japan- which have largely cured their inflation or at any rate greatly reduced their rate of inflation have been pursuing the same policies that we are pursuing in this country, and indeed because they started the restraints some time ago, they have achieved low inflation rates already. [More…]
To this end the Swedish and United States of America drug control authorities have been asked to provide copies of reports in respect of three products currently being evaluated by officers of my Department. [More…]
A senior officer of the Department has just returned from a visit to the United States and Canada where he discussed this matter with the authorities in those countries. [More…]
United States, Canada, Sweden and United Kingdom. [More…]
The United States of America provides a subsidy of 35 per cent, which is the same as that provided in Australia. [More…]
If honourable members opposite are prepared to study the situation in the United States, Germany, Canada and Japan they will see that the growth of government expenditure was shown substantially to decrease in those countries in varying degrees. [More…]
We are not only losing to labour intensive countries but we are also losing our markets in Australia to the United States, New Zealand and Europe, each of which country suffers a transport cost before being able to land its product on our shores. [More…]
In the United States of America, Lake Michigan reached the stage where the water was poisonous because it was being used as a natural cheap sewer. [More…]
We do not have the population problems of, say, the United States, the United Kingdom, India and Japan. [More…]
For example, in the United States in 1975 government expenditure was the only substantial expansionary influence on the economy, increasing by 1.3 per cent while gross domestic product declined by 2 per cent. [More…]
This is important because the United States is the country where recovery in the world picture is commencing first. [More…]
The position in the United States of America has been used by the Treasurer (Mr Lynch) before its use today by the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations. [More…]
They say that cuts in real wages in the United States have brought about economic recovery. [More…]
In fact, as the Australian Economic Review shows, cuts in indirect taxes increased real disposable incomes, that then led to increases in consumer demand and that brought about the recovery in the United States. [More…]
The edition of the Australian Economic Review for the second quarter of 1976, referring to the United States, says: [More…]
So there is no solace in looking at the United States. [More…]
The United States Department of Agriculture publication Foreign Agriculture recently published a food basket survey for the major capitals of the world. [More…]
This brings in the whole issue, of course, that we are, according to the Minister for Defence, the Government and the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser), essentially dependent upon the United States of America and other countries for the defence of Australia. [More…]
At 6.30 a.m. today a United States vessel entered Port Phillip and arrived at the wharf. [More…]
If Mr Wran gets his way and United States vessels are not permitted to enter New South Wales waters and use New South Wales port facilities, Mr Wran, single handed, will have created the situation whereby the most heavily populated State in Australia will be the worst defended from the point of view of naval strategy. [More…]
I ask the Prime Minister whether he agrees that it is in the interests of Australian security to allow nuclear powered and conventional ships of the United States Navy to use Australian ports. [More…]
If some honourable gentleman asks why, he ought to know that we have a defence treaty with the United States of America. [More…]
Increasingly United States ships are nuclear fuelled. [More…]
Indications are that Australia supplies the cheapest coal to Japan of the 4 major suppliers, which include the United States, Canada and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
What the Treasurer has achieved and what the Premiers in conjunction with this Government have achieved by the June Premiers Conference is similar to what has happened in the United States. [More…]
Because of the Presidential elections in the United States there have been some problems in determining the quantity of beef that might be exported to the United States. [More…]
It is a government which has re-asserted proper relations between this country and the United States of America. [More…]
This conference consists of 18 European ministers, with Australia and Japan being associate members and the United States and Canada having observer status. [More…]
Currently the United States nuclear vessel Truxtun is visiting Australia, a visit obviously engineered to trigger a reaction from certain sections of the trade union movement, again to distract attention away from the evil of unemployment which this Government is fostering. [More…]
For example, the increase in hourly labour rates in the United States of America has been less than one per cent; in Canada the rate increased by 4 per cent; in Japan by 20 per cent and in Australia by 26 per cent. [More…]
The Royal Commission has argued that the companies concerned knew that the introduction of solus trading would lead to a proliferation of outlets and thus to inflation of wholesale and retail distribution costs, as had been experienced previously in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. [More…]
The Secretary of the Treasury in the United States of America also agrees with this strategy. [More…]
The first is a statement made by the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Simon, who said: [More…]
Such publicity campaigns have been used to great effect over recent years in West German, Britain and the United States of America which are all facing similar problems to Australia. [More…]
His meeting in 1972 with the President of the United States of America was a significant and deliberate step in that process. [More…]
That is in the United States of America. [More…]
We costed ourselves out of world markets; we now find that our wages are 27 per cent higher than those in the United States of America. [More…]
As far as can be ascertained the governments of New Zealand and the United States of America have procedures similar to ours regarding the use of the national carrier but I am unable to indicate the extent to which they verify that travel has been undertaken as approved. [More…]
-Shortly there is to be a large scale exercise involving both Australian and United States forces. [More…]
If my memory is correct, about 16 or 18 ships of the United States Navy, including 2 nuclear ships, will be involved. [More…]
When the exercise is over, it is the intention and hope of the United States Navy to be able to take some liberty in Australian ports. [More…]
Apart from getting into the Japanese market and securing an extension of our quotas to the United States, we have made a sale to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
The article evidences the fact that in the United States of America, under the system of health maintenance organisations or pre-paid medicine, costs are kept down. [More…]
What of the counter offers that will occur in the case of coal, say from Russia or from the east coast of the United States of America. [More…]
We have developing now as a counter poise to petro-power the concept in the United States of America of agri-power. [More…]
I quote the words of Marshall Green, the former United States Ambassador to Australia, as I have so often quoted them in the House previously. [More…]
Not only did he find the rate of surgery in the United States twice that prevailing in England and Wales but he also showed that Americans were three times as likely as their British counterparts to have a cholecystectomy and more than four times as likely to have a haemorrhoidectomy. [More…]
His diplomatic conclusion: ‘It seems likely that some unnecessary surgery is being performed in the United States’ … [More…]
He referred to the fact that the reason the United States could do certain things we could not do was because after all it had a population of 130 million. [More…]
The Tasmanian Government has indicated that it would not object to the visit of United States nuclear-powered warships provided they are anchored in-stream in Hobart harbour . [More…]
The Premier said the State Government was satisfied that the inbuilt safety arrangements which were part of the design of the United States ships were such as to make the visit completely safe. [More…]
The Premier said that procedures used by the United States Navy in managing its radioactive wastes had always complied with the assurances given to host nations. [More…]
The Government believed that visits by the United States Navy would be a boon to Tasmanian business’ houses, and tourism ventures, providing a welcome boost to the economy. [More…]
Until the end of 1972, on every racial issue Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and South Africa stood alone, sometimes beside France, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
It not only is needlessly offending Australia’s neighbours; it is also needlessly embarrassing our allies, including its great and powerful ally, the United States of America. [More…]
It has conferred its latest blessing on the forces of racial hatred and intolerance during a visit to southern Africa by the United States Secretary of State. [More…]
He has embodied and represented the hopes, not only of the United States Government but also of all democratic governments for a relaxation of racial tensions. [More…]
The Fraser Government has responded to this critical challenge by undermining and compromising the objectives of the United States Administration and the steady and difficult progress to racial understanding which the whole world has fervently desired. [More…]
However, I see some urgency in it because if one examines the whole spectrum of mining activities throughout the world, particularly in the United States of America, one finds that in the aggregate a great number of small mining leases are being operated. [More…]
The aggregate of that production is a very substantial industry indeed as has been discovered in the United States. [More…]
That strategy has been evidenced by a variety of moves by the Soviet Union aimed ultimately at reinstituting an international gold standard, with Russia itself as the major holder and producer of the metal and as the heir apparent to the United States as the monetary strong man of the world. [More…]
Thus the Soviet Union would achieve many of the same benefits which Britain first achieved during the 19th century, when it virtually controlled the world’s gold supply and which the United States achieved in the postWorld War I period up to the 1960s; that is, a continuous flow of real resources to those countries as others sought to exchange with them to possess the gold-convertible pounds and dollars and perhaps, in the future, roubles. [More…]
There can be little doubt that if the rouble is backed by gold then the United States dollar and the present IMF-backed system of statutory deposit reserves will become virtually unworkable. [More…]
The appalling position that we have got into with regard to costs is illustrated and amplified by the fact that our average wage in this country is nearly 30 per cent higher than the average wage in the United States of America, the worlds richest country. [More…]
Given the interdependence of countries in today’s world, the importance therefore of the presidential elections in the United States of America and the evident interest amongst Australians in the forthcoming American elections, will the Minister take steps to encourage the Australian Broadcasting Commission and/or the commercial television companies to acquire and transmit in Australia the forthcoming television debates between President Ford and Mr Carter? [More…]
We are extremely worried about the way in which the United States of America seems to be changing its access opportunities for beef, sugar and other commodities. [More…]
The United States Congress has coped with this. [More…]
I refer the Minister to a statement he made in the House yesterday that he would bring to the attention of the Australian Broadcasting Commission the desire of the Australian people to view the forthcoming debates between President Ford and Mr Carter in the United States. [More…]
Australia is the fourth largest shareholder of the ADB after Japan, India and the United States and has played a leading role in the Bank since its inception. [More…]
The body which this Bill proposes to establish has been modelled on the United States Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental relations. [More…]
The United States Advisory Commission is a 17-year-old bipartisan body in which prepresentatives of national, state and local governments and private citizens study the operations of the federal system in the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America real government expenditure increased by 1.3 per cent in 1975 and is forecast to increase by 2.5 per cent in 1 976. [More…]
We are at the stage where, for instance, average weekly earnings in Australia are no less than $30 per week greater than average weekly earnings in the United States. [More…]
The Department of Commerce in the United States is paying a subsidy of 49.6 per cent of the total cost in relation to the latest contract let for the building of two 27 000-ton ships in America. [More…]
He has tried to develop with the United States of America a relationship which would revive the splendid understanding that we had with that country in past years. [More…]
I think the people of most nations, particularly we people in the South East Asian area, appreciate the fact that there could be some change in international relations as a result of the Presidential election in the United States. [More…]
I say this although it has been reported that Jimmy Carter has indicated that if he wins the election the allocations for overseas aid, if I may call it that although I would prefer to call it United States overseas involvement, will possibly be reduced by some billions of dollars. [More…]
We might well ask ourselves whether it would mean that the United States would perhaps consider taking less of an interest in this part of the world. [More…]
By that I do not mean so much Australia itself, because I rather feel that all the indications suggest that our relationship with the United States, our understanding with the United States and- let us face it, let us not beat about the bush- our dependence on the United States, will not be affected greatly, no matter who wins the Presidential election. [More…]
For example, the Indian Ocean littoral states correctly see the Prime Minister’s encouragement of the United States base at Diego Garcia as a dangerous provocation. [More…]
Regrettably, it appears that the United States of America is a strong, if secret, supporter of Indonesia’s brutal and illegal annexation of East Timor. [More…]
It feels that the freedom of 600 000 Timorese should be sacrificed for the strategic advantage of unhindered access to Indonesian Straits for United States submarines travelling from Pacific bases to their proposed Indian Ocean bases. [More…]
Our Government has been an accomplice in this United States policy. [More…]
I understand that in matters of trade the United States, the United Kingdom and many other countries have goods for sale in Rhodesia, so of what use is all the moralising by these countries on these matters. [More…]
It has reduced the level of hysteria and at times open hostility towards the United States of America which we had under the last Administration and has provided a sound basis for our continuing place in the world. [More…]
I have been led to believe, and I have read advertisements in newspapers to this effect, that in the United States of America an instrument similar to a typewriter- just like the instrument we see at the airports when we book our seats- is available. [More…]
Has the Minister seen a statement by the immediate past President of the Australian Institute of Credit Management, Mr Carey, that company failures in Australia are five or six times greater than in the United States and that a high proportion of such failures are deliberate; that the cost of company failures in Australia last financial year exceeded $600m and that much of that could be traced to white collar crime? [More…]
Mr Carey further stated that in the United States when a company fails it is possible for the liquidator, when paying off creditors, to include the personal assets of a person who had set up the company. [More…]
If we are to get young people into jobs now we have to introduce job creation programs such as the Regional Employment Development scheme and the special youth job creation program suggested by the Brotherhood of St Laurence, or provide temporary employment in the Public Service, which occurs at the moment in the United States, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and Canada. [More…]
But compared with many industries in the United States, we have become uncompetitive. [More…]
I think that the situation that has been reached in Australia with regard to beef has emerged largely because some assurances were given years ago that the United States would become an importer on a grand scale of beef from Australia. [More…]
Unfortunately, when there is an economic recession in the United States there tends to be a decline in its absorption of products, including beef, from other parts of the world. [More…]
I did not observe the remarks of Mr Charles W. Robinson, the United States Deputy Secretary of State, when he was in Australia some time ago, but today I was rather intrigued to receive in my mail a copy of the Journal of Commerce, New York, dated 16 August which contained a summary of the address he gave to the National Press Club in Canberra. [More…]
Right-to-work legislation is common in the United States and stems from the Taft-Hartley Act. [More…]
As a result of this legislation left wing militancy is now a thing of the past in many parts of the United States. [More…]
Peabody in turn are owned by Kennecott, the major copper combine which has been told by the United States Supreme Court that it has to divest itself of its coal mining interests. [More…]
It is being used in Great Britain, where 15 per cent of the power generation comes from this source, the United States of America, Canada, West Germany and Japan. [More…]
We must realise that uranium is being mined on an increasing scale in overseas countries, including the United States, Canada, South Africa, Niger, France, Gabon, and the Soviet Union. [More…]
The United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, France, Canada, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, West Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Holland, Pakistan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and many other countries are investing massively in nuclear power because they realise that this is the power of the future, particularly because of the drain on petroleum resources throughout the world. [More…]
The major barriers to our exports of meat were faced in 1975 in our major markets of the United States, Canada, Japan and the European Economic Community, but the situation has improved in recent times. [More…]
Admittedly, we might have protection for industry but the United States has protection. [More…]
What does the United States do when it talks about meat trade with Australia? [More…]
The United States is wise enough to say that it will not allow penetration of its textile position by South Korea. [More…]
Its sister provision in the United States anti-trust legislation, namely the Robinson Patman Act, is certainly regarded in the United States as being one of the important legislative protections for small business. [More…]
But unfortunately the experience in both the United States and Australia has been that so far from these provisions necessarily acting to protect small business in the way that many people thought they should, certainly there is some evidence to suggest that on occasions they have acted contrary to the interests of small business. [More…]
In fact, family members of those people brought from Thailand were brought to Australia from such countries as France, the United States, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition will recall the recent case of 2 young Indo-Chinese women in Victoria whose mother and 2 brothers managed to get to the United States. [More…]
His plan has been supported by legislation in the United States Congress. [More…]
I cannot for the life of me see why people should be critical of something which is based very much on the model of the United States Advisory Commission which has had a distinguished history over the 17 years it has been established. [More…]
Mr John Ryan, a most distinguished American who is visiting Australia briefly in conjunction with the United States presidential election, visited Canberra today. [More…]
of the work of the United States Advisory Commission which is bipartisan and through which all levels of government have immediate access. [More…]
The Prime Minister, in his curious speech on 23 September, talked about the Commission in the United States having been of great assistance in improving the American Federation. [More…]
The name of the country is the United States of America. [More…]
The Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations in the United States is a presidential advisory commission. [More…]
The origins suggest that the body in fact does not have much influence in the United States and, as both the Leader and the Deputy Leader on this side of the House have said, it is unlikely to have a great deal of influence in this country either. [More…]
It is important to realise that to an extent this is an intergovernmental body, which makes it a significantly different body from the body in the United States on which it is supposedly modelled. [More…]
There was even a reference to the United States bicentennial. [More…]
Dealers in New York had two reactions to the reported sale- first, delight that the painting was staying in the United States and not again being sold to an overseas country, and secondly, agreement that Australia’s purchase of Blue Poles had revolutionised the international art market and that this new sale to the National Gallery in Washington when confirmed will make Blue Poles an even more valuable painting. [More…]
This is a slightly higher proportion than that which obtains in the United States. [More…]
In the United States the professional performing arts are worth more than professional sport in turnover. [More…]
In the United States, the private sector contributes over $200m a year to the arts. [More…]
That is why the United States of America has to pay the sort of price announced today for other Jackson Pollock works because the prices for all time have been escalated by the purchasing practices of the previous Labor Government. [More…]
In August last year the then Minister for Overseas Trade, the honourable member for Melbourne Ports, Mr Frank Crean, emphasised the growing trends in government-to-government deals in agricultural products, especially by the United States, Japan and the European Economic Community. [More…]
The Treasurer (Mr Lynch) recently told me in answer to a question on notice seeking information on the United States multinational corporation, Ashland Oil Incorporated: [More…]
I had sought information from the Treasurer on this company in view of the company’s confessions of having made kickbacks to politicians and political parties, of having bribed government officials on a grand scale and of having acted as a link for the United States Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
Hied with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission- a United States statutory authority which vets the activities of United States corporations. [More…]
Outside the United States a total of $ 1 90,000 was paid to President Bongo of Gabon and Mr N’Dong, Gabon’s Minister for [More…]
Ashland Oil is America’s largest independent oil refiner and the fiftieth largest industrial corporation in the United States. [More…]
It has admitted to providing a cover for covert Central Intelligence Agency operatives outside the United States. [More…]
A letter from the corporation’s auditors, Coopers and Lybrand, to Ashland directors which was submitted to the SEC disclosed that Ashland Oil Incorporated was paid $98,968 by the United States Central Intelligence Agency between 1968 and 1973 for undisclosed purposes. [More…]
What US multinational companies operating in Australia have admitted to activities overseas associated with the United States Central Intelligence Agency? [More…]
What is needed is a standing parliamentary committee along the lines of the United States Senate subcommittee on multinationals to monitor and examine the activities of foreign-based multinational corporations operating in Australia. [More…]
In the same visit he made his fatuous proposal that a 4-power arrangement between China, Japan, Australia and the United States should be reached. [More…]
He told the Chinese that detente was a delusion- a policy developed and cherished by the United States and adopted by both presidential candidates. [More…]
It not only needlessly offended Australia ‘s neighbours; it also needlessly embarrassed our allies, including the United States. [More…]
The fact is that the United States Administration does not share, and has never shared, the distorted perspective of the Fraser Government in this area. [More…]
The United States representative at this year’s ANZUS meeting, Deputy Secretary of State Charles Robinson, showed his opinion of the Soviet threat when he addressed the National Press Club on 4 August immediately after the ANZUS talks which he had attended. [More…]
Has the United States increased its naval presence this year? [More…]
The Democratic Party’s platform, which echoes a certain degree of commonality of view in the United States of America, stated: [More…]
Of course it was the visit to the United States which perhaps more than any other visit tended to generate ire among members of the Australian Labor Party. [More…]
Honourable members will recall how concerned Australian Labor Party supporters were in those early days when they came into office to demonstrate their close affiinity with the United States! [More…]
The Federal Minister for Overseas Trade, Dr Cairns, said last night he would continue to make statements on Vietnam and foreign policy if the United States resumed bombing. [More…]
This is in marked contrast to the statement issued on 28 July 1976 by the Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Fraser, on his return to Australia from his visit to the United States. [More…]
The Prime Minister expressed the belief that the United States had a unique leadership role and mission as the world’s most powerful democracy. [More…]
What has the Minister done besides publicly and naively admitting that we were dumping meat on the United States market? [More…]
In the United States of America in 1974, the last year for which figures are available, $1,708 was allocated as assistance for each farmer. [More…]
In the United States of America the National Transport Safety Board was set up for a similar purpose in 1967. [More…]
When I was in the United States of America in 1975 I had reason to confer with Mr Coleman, the Secretary of the Department of Transport, who assured me that, even though it was not his Administration’s decision, it was most satisfied with the way in which the Board is working and that he would highly recommend it to any government. [More…]
The choice is Williamsburg in the United States. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware that beef producers who are suffering as a result of rising costs and the closure of export markets, and more recently droughts, are now to face the additional hurdle of United States beef quotas for the rest of 1976? [More…]
The position is that at the time the voluntary restraints were negotiated, and subsequently executed with the United States, there was a discussion as to the extent to which that part of Australia’s trade which would be negotiated during the subsequent period- that is, at the beginning of 1976; the trade throughout this calendar year- through Puerto Rico, Mayaguez and other free trade zones should be included within those voluntary restraints. [More…]
At the request of the United States negotiating authorities, Mayaguez was officially excluded. [More…]
As a result the voluntary restraints were negotiated at a level which was acceptable to the United States administration and to Australia. [More…]
Those exports- some 23 thousand tonnes it is true- that have gone to Mayaguez have been in accordance with the law of the United States. [More…]
Australia’s imports into the United States have been totally in accord with the voluntary restraints. [More…]
There is a 2-way trade between Canada and the United States, which is not uncommon to countries that have a common border. [More…]
The 64 million pounds of beef that it was assessed would flow from Canada into the United States at this stage seems to have approximated 100 million pounds. [More…]
That, more than any other factor, has led to the application of quotas by the United States. [More…]
We believe that, in spite of the application of quotas, Australia’s position is such that we will still be able to ship a significant part of that expected residual quota into the United States during the balance of this year. [More…]
We believe that within the United States the American customer, who after all is the person for whose satisfaction Australian beef is significantly being imported, is not only pleased with the quality and character of the Australian product but because of those imports is also able to buy his meat at lower prices than would otherwise be the case. [More…]
Since 1968 Russian sailing days have built up significantly until now when Russian sailing days number about three times the United States sailing days. [More…]
The Government’s failure to establish a definite trade relationship with the Government of the United States and the limiting effect of this failure upon access to the United States domestic market for Australian beef. [More…]
That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent the honourable member for Blaxland moving a motion relating to the Government’s failure to establish a definite trade relationship with the Government of the United States and the limiting effect of this failure upon access to the United States domestic market for Australian beef. [More…]
Has the honourable gentleman’s attention been drawn to the comment in the Australian Bulletin of Labour, published from Flinders University, that he has been badly advised about the relationship between Australian and United States wages? [More…]
Was he aware when he was making a comparison of United States and Australian average weekly earnings that the United States figures included females and juniors and the Australian figures only males? [More…]
Is the Treasurer aware that the average wage in the United States is still 25 per cent higher than the average wage in Australia? [More…]
I should say to the honourable gentleman that the central point in the Commonwealth’s submission was the emphasis which the Commonwealth placed on the divergent rates of growth of wages in Australia and those in the United States. [More…]
The Australian experience of recent years has been directly out of kilter with the United States experience and with earlier Australian experience. [More…]
Even the United States of America has a long history of job creation programs. [More…]
Indeed, western Europe is one of 2 pillars of the Atlantic alliance and its performance in that respect is important, not only in itself but in its effect on the performance of its partner, the United States of America. [More…]
I instance the fall in metal prices and the concern in markets around the world about the United States election. [More…]
Is it to be a trip to Germany this time or are we raising our loans in the United States of America? [More…]
The irony is that strong economic recovery, with its attendant productivity lift, would be a potent force reducing cost pressures- particularly when allied with a sound working relationship between management and unions- as highlighted in the improved performance recently achieved by Japan, Germany and the United States of America. [More…]
I mention the United States. [More…]
The United States has invited other countries to participate in the Landsat program. [More…]
Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom in addition to the United States of America have all reached the conclusion that assistance should be given to their shipyards, why is it that this Government hides its head in the sand when it comes to helping our shipyards at Whyalla and Newcastle? [More…]
The United States is not running away from the fact that it can get ships built elsewhere, but it is retaining its independence. [More…]
What arguments does this Government have for ignoring the decisions that have been reached in the United States on pretty much the same grounds as those on which the decisions have been reached in Australia? [More…]
The United States of America does give a 35 per cent subsidy but it is the only country in the whole of the shipbuilding world which gives a subsidy that is comparable with the Australian subsidy. [More…]
Do members of the Opposition seriously believe, as the honourable member for Port Adelaide said, that the $240m subsidy that is applied in the United States should be applied to this industry in Australia? [More…]
If we are thinking of the likelihood of conflict- I put this as a purely hypothetical proposition because I do not believe there is such a likelihood- we are thinking of countries near us, non-communist countries, countries which like us are supplied with military arms and equipment from the United States of America. [More…]
Certainly we do not have to prepare to defend ourselves against the USS Enterprise and the United States forces moving up and down our coastline, as one bemused correspondent in a daily newspaper seemed to suggest last week. [More…]
This has to be via the Indian Ocean, preferably through the Suez Canal, which has now been re-opened because the United States of America said this would be a good thing to do. [More…]
The other factor, of course, is the fact that the United States of America, summoned by what one could only describe as an incredibly complex array of domestic problems has put all of its friends and allies on notice. [More…]
When I was in the United States recently I did not hear the ANZUS agreement mentioned. [More…]
That is what we must do with the United States of America- seek to keep friendship in repair. [More…]
The other day, a Government member- I cannot remember now who it was- when speaking on some other issue made the point that he supported President Ford’s return to the presidency of the United States of America. [More…]
I know that we do not have a vote and that we cannot have a significant influence on what happens in the United States in 13 days time, but I put to honourable members that it is not in the interests of Australia that President Ford be returned. [More…]
Some of them at least may be intelligent enough to see that it is terribly important that the United States foreign policy be an effective foreign policy. [More…]
Nobody- not even the keenest Republican in the United States- believes that the Republican Party can gain control of both Houses of Congress. [More…]
Those of us who believe that the United States influence in world affairs is important and essential surely must believe also that to have an effective United States policy what is needed is a President, government or executive which can with some confidence meet with other countries and make commitments on behalf of the United States which are not likely to be overthrown by a hostile Senate or a hostile House of Representatives. [More…]
I would therefore argue that it is in the interests of Australia and of all the countries that are broadly described as the countries of the free world that in 2 weeks time former Governor Carter become the President of the United States. [More…]
But he is now the endorsed Democratic Party candidate and I put to honourable memberseven those who normally would feel a greater affinity towards the Republican side of politics in the United States as I suppose most honourable members on the Government side do- that the most essential impact of American politics, so far as Australia is concerned, will take place if we have an effective United States in foreign affairs. [More…]
-I think that it is most unfortunate that Canada in particular and Ireland are the only 2 countries that have not subscribed to voluntary restraint arrangements with the United States of America. [More…]
In this instance I believe the comments made seem to reflect rather the inadequacy of the Canadian Government’s measures to ensure that there will not be, through actions of that Government, sufficient disruption to require the sort of restraints that the enforcement of quotas by the United States represents. [More…]
New Zealand’s share is 4.8 million lb, and there is 4.5 million lb for the United States. [More…]
At the same time, I should say that since 1 July, when the minimal pricing arrangements were imposed by the Australian Meat Board at my request, to the best of our knowledge and belief no meat has been shipped to Canada other than in accordance with those minimal pricing arrangements, which set a parallel to United States eastern seaboard cif point of landing imports. [More…]
Whilst it perhaps ignores the presidential elections in the United States of America, it does take into account one of the great cultural events of Australia- the Melbourne Cup. [More…]
In the short time available to me I shall express my grave concern at the actions of the United States Government in reducing Australia’s meat imports at a time when the Australian meat industry is in such grave need of meat outlets. [More…]
This has been done in spite of Australia’s strict adherence to the United States requirement that we be willing to make up the shortfall of requirements from other countries whenever required to do so by the United States. [More…]
It should be noted that this year Canada has been exporting large quantities of meat to the United States. [More…]
I was told that the supplies of Canadian meat to the United States would fall off, it was expected, later in the year and that this was not expected to cause any triggering off of the meat import provisions by the United States. [More…]
I commend the Australian Government for its quick and strong reaction to the United States decision. [More…]
In the United States of America, internal combustionpropelled vehicles, including diesel vehicles, produce 39 per cent by weight of the total emissions while in Australia- these facts are very interesting 63 per cent of emitted carbon monoxide is caused by the motor car and has been measured at approximately 3.7 million tons a year. [More…]
In the case of Canada and the United States agreements, however, there are no special provisions for royalties, except a very limited class of royalties in the Canadian agreement under Article IX. [More…]
At first blush on reading this Bill the result might appear to be to remove these Canadian and United States royalties from all protection under the Canadian and United States Double Tax Agreements. [More…]
Representatives of Canada and the United States, I understand, have made no criticism of our adoption of those statutory source rules. [More…]
I believe- I would be glad of the Minister’s confirmationthat they have indicated that it could be expected that credit would be allowed for the Australian tax against Canadian and United States tax payable on the royalties. [More…]
Utah Development Corp- 89.2 per cent owned by Utah International Inc. of United States of America. [More…]
I was pleased last week to hear that the Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd has taken up the Peabody holding in this consortium which was formerly held by Kennecott of the United States. [More…]
Kennecott was forced to divest itself of its holding under the United States anti-trust legislation. [More…]
The takeover bid by the Broken Hill Pty Co. Ltd for Peabody Coal Pty Ltd, the Australian subsidiary of the Peabody Company of the United States, which in turn is owned by the Kennecott Copper Co. in the United States, is one manifestation of this. [More…]
So we build up control of our assets in Australia and acquire assets abroad, as did Britain more than a century ago and as did the United States during and after World War I. [More…]
It is of the order of 30 per cent vis-a-vis the United States of America. [More…]
In 1972 Australian steel plate was priced fractionally less than the Japanese product and was significantly cheaper than in West Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States, whereas in March of this year Australian steel plate was some 40 per cent more expensive than the Japanese product and also ahead of those countries which I mentioned. [More…]
It was done 2 years ago when Mr Milliken, a representative of the Kennecott interests, came to Canberra and interviewed the then Treasurer, Mr Crean, and myself and told us of Kennecott ‘s problem, namely, the divestiture order of the United States Supreme Court under the terms of the monopoly laws in the United States of America and said that Kennecott wanted to sell and had to sell its coal interests as distinct from its copper interests. [More…]
Out of the air or off the top of his head he asked whether we would be prepared to buy the United States interests, its then new South American venture and its Australian interests. [More…]
We helped the Thiess people right through the period when appeals were being fought in the United States Supreme Court to try to alter the terms of the divestiture order. [More…]
Some idea of the cost and time involved in the evolution of conversion technology can be gleaned from the fact that in January 1975 the United States Department of Interior granted $US237m loan to a consortium of com. [More…]
They are no higher than the price paid by Japan for coal from either South Africa, Canada, the Soviet Union or the United States of America after taking into account the quality of coal and freight differentials. [More…]
We can even find a President of the United States saying that he will not tolerate this kind of slavery. [More…]
The western world was concerned primarily with the affairs of Egypt and the United States of America was frightened to act unilaterally. [More…]
This has made our produce completely uncompetitive with that from South Africa or from the United States of America on world markets. [More…]
8 which details Australia’s assistance to developing countries in 1 976-77 shows that Australia is the fourth largest shareholder of the Asian Development Bank after Japan, India and the United States of America since the inception of the Bank. [More…]
As most honourable members will be aware, the meat industry at the moment is suffering because the United States of America has applied quotas. [More…]
We are seeking to ensure that the benefits of markets, from the opportunities available in a range of markets that are generally classified as the opportunity markets to the preferred markets of Sweden, Canada and Japan, and the free trade zones through to the United States, are spread through the whole of Australia. [More…]
I can assure him that the Government will consider any disadvantage that might flow from whatever scheme of entitlement into the United States market is adopted. [More…]
The Government certainly will try to ensure that no meat exporter and certainly no Australian meat producer is disadvantaged by whatever scheme of entitlement might be developed for entry into the United States during 1977. [More…]
These have been fairly successful not only in Australia but also in the United States of America and other countries. [More…]
As in the case of suggesting how meat entitlements should be earned in the United States of America, there were almost as many views as there were participants in the conference. [More…]
The United States federal system, though not identical to ours, has very many programs that are jointly Federal-State concerns. [More…]
If we had the laws of the United Kingdom and the United States of America with respect to media owners in Australia, the people of Australia would not have as much to complain about as they do regarding the media. [More…]
Let me reiterate the point that I made on this matter which, I think, is significant for the people of Australia as distinct from the people of the United States of America. [More…]
The win by my boy is of benefit to Australia and to all countries associated with the United States of America. [More…]
Representatives and the Senate- has the power to prevent certain things happening in the United States, particularly regarding foreign policy and finance. [More…]
As I pointed out in my speech the week before last, although there was some doubt as to who would become the United States President, there was no doubt that the Democrats would keep control of both Houses of the Congress. [More…]
Does the Minister see any major changes taking place in the foreign policy emphasis of the United States of America which would have a direct bearing on Australia? [More…]
So far as Australia is concerned, both the stress on the democratic concert and the stress on the global problems are important and are likely to give us salients in our discussions with the United States. [More…]
The American Congress empowered the Federal Communications Commission in the United States of America in 1970 to regulate the broadcasting media in order to protect the public interest and proposed new drastic multiple ownership rules designed to affect the wholesale re-, alignment of the communications industry. [More…]
Development of this proposal after much litigation in the United States Supreme Court now represents a significant development in communication law and now provides the Federal Communications Commission with rules directly affecting newspaper interests. [More…]
While the United States interests are peculiar to the United States, and different to ours, the principle nevertheless is worthy of adoption. [More…]
The question was raised: ‘How does the rate of recovery of charges dealing with the current year compare with rates in New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States of America?’. [More…]
He says that Australia, like the United States, already is badly over-populated and should continue to restrict its population growth. [More…]
He failed completely in the United States. [More…]
They are also aware of the referenda which were run in conjunction with the presidential election and of how unsuccessful the anti-nuclear lobby has been in the United States. [More…]
I hope that when the time comes for us to argue this matter out Paul Ehrlich will receive the same sort of reception in Australia as he received in the United States. [More…]
1 ) In respect of each of the following categories of naval units, is he able to provide a comparison between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics showing, where appropriate, (a) the tonnage of the ships, (b) their age and (c) whether conventional or nuclear powered: (i) aircraft carriers, (ii) anti-submarine helicopters cruisers, (iii) gun carriers, (iv) missile cruisers, (v) nuclear powered surface ships or equivalent type, (vi) destroyers, (vii) frigates, (viii) small frigates, (ix) amphibious assaults, (x) amphibious attack, (xi) nuclear submarines, (xii) diesel submarines, (xiii) nuclear powered cruise missile submarines, (xiv) diesel powered cruise missile submarines, (xv) nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines, (xvi) diesel powered ballistic missile submarines, (xvii) operational naval aircraft and (xviii) missiles in all submarines. [More…]
The President-elect of the United States of America is promising even more of this. [More…]
For example, in the United States of America which sets the pace for the level of world economic activity, the rate of growth measured in annual terms was 9.2 per cent in the first quarter of 1976 and 4.5 per cent in the second quarter. [More…]
In fact, the markets have been hit by the Canadian quotas and could feel the effects of United States quotas in the future. [More…]
Instead of looking for new markets all that we find is that the Minister has gone overseas- to Canada in particular and the United States of Americaand bad mouthed the Australian beef producers to such an extent that the Canadian Government has been forced to put quotas upon the importation of Australian beef. [More…]
The Australian Minister for Primary Industry, Mr Sinclair, told Canadian officials today he was concerned that Australian beef was being re-exported through Canada to the United States at less than home market prices. [More…]
Because of this little procedure the United States of America then started to look at the matter again and breached the upper limit of the beef import quotas. [More…]
Let us look at the situation in the United States of America. [More…]
President Ford subsequently lost the election in the United States. [More…]
It is no wonder that the United States Administration was forced to put on beef quotas. [More…]
Mr Roland Anderson, the Director of the Dairy Livestock and Poultry Division of the Foreign Agricultural Services Section of the United States Agriculture Department, said: [More…]
Mr Sinclair was very happy about the way he was very nicely done over in the United States. [More…]
So much for the special relationship that this Government claims to enjoy with the United States. [More…]
The charge against the Labor Government was that because of its foreign policy stance, in the view of the then Opposition which is now the Government, the Labor Government had blotted its copy book with the United States administration and was jeopardising Australia’s market position, particularly for beef, in the United States. [More…]
We now find that the special relationship does not mean a thing in terms of United States imports of Australian beef and in terms. [More…]
Not only are there no new markets; there is also a diminishing market in the United States. [More…]
Let us take the position of the United States, because 70 per cent of Australia’s total beef exports go there. [More…]
Of the total imports to the United States, 52 per cent come from Australia. [More…]
Therefore if the United States drops out there will be a sizable impact upon the Australian beef industry. [More…]
The United States, as honourable members well know, is the only market for some types of beef, particularly beef from the Northern Territory and Queensland. [More…]
No matter where one looks, in relation to the United States market or other markets, this Government has been powerless to do anything. [More…]
In no way have dairy products gone to the United States of America. [More…]
In respect of the wool industry, this Government and previous Liberal-National Country Party Governments have never been able to remove the 25 per cent excise duty on imported wool to the United States. [More…]
There is a massive clothing market in the United States, as honourable members know. [More…]
Not even the European Economic Community imposes a tariff on wool but the United States does and this Government, which is supposed to enjoy a special relationship with the Government of the United States of America, cannot do anything to get that excise dropped. [More…]
They are regarded around the world as a joke, particularly by the United States. [More…]
The United States thinks it has this Government where it wants it and it does not have to oblige it one way or the other. [More…]
The reason is that this cost has made it much more difficult to meet any export markets, except that of the United States of America. [More…]
Having said all that, I now emphasise my concern about the proposed new control of beef exports to the United States of America. [More…]
At present we are suffering as a result of* the presidential election in the United States. [More…]
Then there were difficulties in Canada because of the extent to which it was said that meat passed through Canada to the United States. [More…]
The result of the above will be, as I understand it, to move the High Court very close to the position of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, in which that court can pick and choose which cases it will hear. [More…]
The Attorney-General then sought in 1974, as conservatives quite often do, very selectively to deprecate developments in the United States. [More…]
Is it a fact that this type of patent legislation is in existence in most developed countries, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, most European countries and New Zealand? [More…]
The Government is satisfied that appropriate controls would apply to the shipments under existing contracts, which will be used for electric power generation in Japan, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, all of which are parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. [More…]
The material will be processed in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, which are also parties to the NPT and require safeguards on the material which they process additional to those of the NPT. [More…]
The most notable in the United States would be the well-known house of Morgan Stanley. [More…]
In 1970-71 a total of $1 12m was raised from countries such as the United States and the Netherlands. [More…]
This has been raised from countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and Switzerland. [More…]
When Qantas Airways Ltd is approached, as it will be, by overseas merchant banks to raise the amount that is necessary for the purchase of these 3 Boeing aircraft, it will be offered fixed rate borrowings, United States private placements and syndicated loans. [More…]
The honourable member will find that the United States ExportImport Bank provides 40 per cent of the cost and the aircraft manufacturer in the main provides a further 40 per cent either out of its funds or assists the Australian airline to negotiate quite reasonable and satisfactory loans from other sources of finance either in the United States of America or in Canada. [More…]
This is a clear indication of the United States Government’s attitude and how it attempts to assist its industries. [More…]
Whilst the industry has been getting orders from the United States it has not been getting them in sufficient quantities. [More…]
But have we got it certified yet so that it can be sold in the United States? [More…]
The one aspect of the insurance field today which is worrying me is the premium price cutting in fire and industrial insurance which is causing concern both in the United Kingdom and in the United States. [More…]
Countries in the latter category and those where English may be regarded as the ‘indigenous’ language, such as the United States or New Zealand, have been excluded from the survey. [More…]
Since the Minister for Primary Industry has announced that the Government will take into account Japan’s reduction in beef imports from Australia when it considers the renewal of Japan’s fishing rights in Australian waters, I ask him whether there are any arrangements between Australia and Canada, the United States of America, the European Economic Community and Great Britain which could also be reviewed in the same way, in view of the unilateral decisions on minimal notice which those customers have also imposed by way of quotas or even bans on their imports of Australian beef? [More…]
It is instructive on occasions such as this to compare developments in wage costs in Australia with those of the United States of America which, of course, is the centre of gravity of the world’s economic system. [More…]
From 1968 to 1973 the consumer price index rose in Australia at an annual rate of S.3 per cent and in the United States of America at an annual rate of 5 per cent. [More…]
The recent wage explosion in Australia is out of character with the earlier Australian experience and also is out of character with developments in the United States. [More…]
III, the last king of the United States and the first king of Parramatta. [More…]
However, the resistance was such that the United States Government at least recognised the Indians and found that at times it had to draw up treaties with them. [More…]
In the United States of America and Canada community groups are funded for these purposes. [More…]
Arab Republic of Egypt (Cairo), Republic of the Argentine (Buenos Aires), Republic of Austria (Vienna), Bahrain, Belgium- Mission to the European Economic Community (Brussels), United States of Brazil (Sao Paulo), Britain (London and Manchester), Canada (Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver), People’s Republic of China (Peking), Fiji (Suva), Republic of France (Paris), German Democratic Republic (Berlin), Federal Republic of Germany (Bonn and Hamburg), Hellenic Republic (Athens), Hong Kong, India (New Delhi), Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta), Iran (Tehran), Iraq (Baghdad), Israel (Tel Aviv), Republic of Italy (Rome and Milan), Japan (Tokyo and Osaka), Kenya (Nairobi), Republic of Korea (Seoul), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Republic of Mexico (Mexico City), Kingdom ofthe Netherlands (The Hague), New Zealand (Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch), Nigeria (Lagos), Pakistan (Karachi), Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby), Peru (Lima), Republic of the Philippines (Manila), Poland (Warsaw), Saudi Arabia (Jeddah), Singapore, Republic of South Africa (Johannesburg), Spain (Madrid), Sweden (Stockholm), Switzerland (Berne and Geneva), Thailand (Bangkok), Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Moscow), United States of America (Washington, New York, Chicago and San Francisco), Yugoslavia (Belgrade). [More…]
-I draw the attention of the Attorney-General to my questions on notice relating to alleged uranium price fixing and action being taken under the United States antitrust laws. [More…]
Can the Minister state what effects the action being taken under the United States anti-trust laws will have on his Government’s uranium policies? [More…]
I think the request originates from a suit in a court in the United States. [More…]
For instance, there is the question as to whether in international law the United States anti-trust law does not travel too far because the anti-trust law of the United States not only extends to residents and corporations of the United States but also touches nonresidents. [More…]
I wish to inform the House that we have present in the gallery today members of the United States House of Representatives International Affairs Committee, led by Mr Thomas Morgan. [More…]
I paid particular attention to statements made in the run up to the election in the United States by President-elect Carter as to economic measures which he may or may not be taking. [More…]
One only has to look at the experience in the United States to see that companies will shop around between different jurisdictions to incorporate companies in the State which provides not simply the most economical way of administering a company- that would be a legitimate objective- but which allows the company to go about its business without proper supervision. [More…]
The Convention is now in force and the three depository States, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, are actively encouraging all signatory nations to proceed to ratification. [More…]
There have been what would correspond to our royal commissions in the United States. [More…]
The immediate need for this Bill has arisen out of certain legal proceedings that are being taken in the United States of America under the antitrust legislation of that country. [More…]
The United States proceedings relate to arrangements alleged to have been made for the marketing of uranium in 1972. [More…]
Claims are being made that the United States anti-trust laws have an operation outside the United States to an extent which is beyond what is generally conceded in international law and beyond what other countries are presently prepared to concede in relation to the pending proceedings. [More…]
I shall indicate briefly the nature of the proceedings that have been instituted in the United States. [More…]
Secondly, civil proceedings claiming treble damages- which could be of the order of some $7 billion- have been instituted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation against 29 United States and foreign uranium producers including 4 Australian companies. [More…]
Thirdly, proceedings have been instituted against the Westinghouse Corporation by 16 United States utilities in respect of the non-supply of uranium under contracts entered into with Westinghouse, and Westinghouse is resisting those claims on grounds that involve allegations of contraventions of the anti-trust laws by the uranium producers. [More…]
In all of these proceedings, claims are being made that the anti-trust and related laws of the United States have an extremely wide operation outside the United States. [More…]
But the claims that are being made for extra-territorial operation of the United States laws go further than this. [More…]
They go so far as to assert that persons who are not United States nationals or residents or persons carrying on business in the United States are subject to those laws by reason only of some economic effect of their conduct. [More…]
In particular, such claims were resisted by the United Kingdom in 1964 in connection with an attempt by the United States authorities to regulate shipping between the 2 countries. [More…]
Legislation was enacted to ensure that the United States claims would not be effective. [More…]
In connection with the present dispute concerning uranium, Canada has recently made a regulation indicating that it rejects the jurisdiction being asserted by the United States authorities as an unjustified invasion of its sovereignty. [More…]
It will be available also in relation to countries other than the United States. [More…]
Insofar as the current United States proceedings relating to uranium are concerned, I can inform the House that I am satisfied there is a need to make orders under the proposed legislation and I will be taking actionin this regard as soon as the legislation has been passed. [More…]
The Opposition is aware that, as the AttorneyGeneral (Mr Ellicott) has said, certain proceedings have been initiated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of VirginiaRichmond Division, and that, as a result of those proceedings, a letter of request dated 21 October 1976 has been issued to the Supreme Court of New South Wales. [More…]
We do not concede that the United States anti-trust legislation should apply to the extent that is being claimed in relation to these agreements. [More…]
The problems were compounded by the United States policies, which closed the large United States market to foreign uranium and at the same time moved uranium from the United States Government’s stockpile into the international market through conditions imposed on foreign uses of United States uranium enrichment facilities. [More…]
Concurrently United States corporations were competing aggressively for sales outside of their protected domestic market. [More…]
Given this background it is not surprising that Canadian material called for by the United States subpoenas contains information in respect of activities approved and supported by the Canadian Government. [More…]
The British had to pass that in similar circumstances to protect themselves against, again, the United States companies in the antitrust position. [More…]
It also relates to people or companies which have no business or any residence in the United States. [More…]
There is only one other matter with which I have to deal and that is a matter raised by the honourable member for Hawker (Mr Jacobi) relating to whether this Bill, when it becomes law, would have the effect of operating on a person who is taken on a plane at San Francisco, say, under a subpoena from a United States court. [More…]
It would not, and the simple reason for that is that at international law we could not ourselves interfere with the jurisdiction of a United States court and one would not purport to do it directly within the jurisdiction. [More…]
My recollection of it is that it has been used several times in order to avoid companies in England having documents subpoenaed in United States anti-trust proceedings. [More…]
The United States has now disengaged militarily from the mainland of South East Asia. [More…]
However, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics spent 27 per cent on equipment, the United States of America 30 per cent and West Germany about 30 per cent. [More…]
There is a grave inconsistency here because the White Paper points out the new defence environment in which we live and says that we have to be more independent, less dependent on the United States and we have to organise ourselves for more joint force operations; but there is no reassessment of how we should do this. [More…]
-This evening I would like to say a couple of a words about the safety of nuclear power and also the results of recent public opinion polls in Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
Yet, with all of that anti-nuclear propaganda, the most recent public opinion poll in Australia- that is, the gallup poll of 5 November 1976- is in line with some of the voting in the United States, about which I will speak a little later. [More…]
I refer now to the voting in the United States. [More…]
It should be remembered that a tremendous fear campaign was conducted by the anti-nuclear lobby in the United States. [More…]
Voters in 7 States of the United States, representing about 20 per cent of the population, have now strongly endorsed nuclear energy. [More…]
Official United States figures show that the annual death rate in the coal industry is 1 1 times greater than that in the nuclear industry, including mining, that injuries are 7 times greater in the coal industry and that man days lost are 10 times greater. [More…]
Ever since the Teller report 27 years ago in the United States there has been an unparalleled safety record for nuclear power. [More…]
One look at the authority on our Constitution, Quick and Garran, will convince most people with the barest understanding of constitutional law that it is based on the Dominion of Canada Act and 2 ideas taken from the Constitutions of Switzerland and the United States of America. [More…]
In the last 6 years wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent, compared with 53 per cent in the United States of America and 70 percent in West Germany. [More…]
AM reported this morning on the reaction to devaluation in the United States: [More…]
Over the last 6 years wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent compared with 53 per cent in the United States of America and 70 per cent in West Germany. [More…]
Relative wage costs have destroyed significantly the competitiveness of Australian exports and in this connection it is interesting to compare United States average weekly earnings and Australian average weekly earnings. [More…]
For example, the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States of America has estimated that at least 50 per cent of pollutants in the air capable of causing biological damage result from the burning of fossil fuels for electric power generation. [More…]
Anti-trust actions in the United States court by Westinghouse threatens the price base upon which even that modest economic benefit is based. [More…]
Sir Philip Baxter says that Australia’s most obvious customers are Japan, West Germany and the United States of America. [More…]
Over the next 10-15 years the world could become a lawless place with the United States alliance breaking down and conflict between Russia and America with China being dragged in. [More…]
If the Government’s policy is to meet the existing contracts to Japan, the United States and West Germany, which amount to 1 1 757 short tons, supplied from the remaining ore body at Mary Kathleen and from the Atomic Energy Commission stockpile, it will amount to a policy to export 2.8 per cent of Australia’s total reserves under the existing contracts. [More…]
We find that the position is the same in the United States. [More…]
It has half the Saudi Arabian reserves of oil and double the United States’ reserves. [More…]
France has about 10 times less usable coal than Britain, Britain has 10 times less than West Germany and West Germany has 20 times less than the United States. [More…]
It was the people coming onto the streets in the United States of America, in Britain and other countries around the world and questioning the right of those who had been elected to government to take decisions and the morality of those decisions that forced governments as powerful as the Government of the United States to withdraw its troops from Vietnam. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware that yesterday a radio broadcast stated that the United States was convening a meeting of all meat exporting countries on 6 December to work out beef allocations for next year? [More…]
The first is with respect to the United States of America. [More…]
The difficulties in relation to beef access to the United States market in 1977 are concerned with the necessity for negotiations to be concluded with the Ford Administration which, I understand, remains in control of the White House and the United States Administration until 20 January 1977, yet the period within which beef will be admitted to the United States will be largely in the term of President-elect Carter. [More…]
This is not true as the whole question of the inclusion of the free trade zones was discussed first with the United States Administration at the time when negotiations for the 1976 voluntary restraints were first initiated. [More…]
Indeed, prior to the signature of the correspondence which set levels of voluntary restraint, the United States had given the Australian Government to understand that it did not wish the free trade zones to be included. [More…]
The other aspect of American trade that is of concern to Australia is the suggestion that in some way there was a significant shipment of meat through Canada into the United States and that thereby Australia also avoided the implications of voluntary restraints. [More…]
But the United States has not raised the question of Australian beef being shipped in that way. [More…]
Our principal concern is that we get a sufficient price for the product sold to Canada, and that, following the determination arranged with the United States, access to Canada also be opened up for the 1977 year. [More…]
I refer him to the arrangement between the United States Department of Justice and the Australian Attorney-General’s Department dated 13 September 1976 regarding the Lockheed aircraft matter. [More…]
Are Australian scientists being sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission to receive training in the United States of America in general nuclear technology. [More…]
The Australian Atomic Energy Commission has one research scientist attached to the Stanford Research Institute in the United States of America undertaking research into applications of radioisotopes. [More…]
) What was the share of the United States market served by Australian exports which was gained by exports from (a) New South Wales, (b) Victoria, (c) Queensland, (d) Tasmania, and (e) Northern Territory in 1 975-76. [More…]
Australian Meat Board figures show that Australia’s exports to the United States in 1975-76 were shared among the States as follows: [More…]
Entitlements to ship meat to the United States are not distributed on a State basis. [More…]
Meat in some markets is sold in United States dollars, in some markets in Japanese yen and in other markets in Australian dollars at whatever the current exchange rate might be. [More…]
The documents to which I referred yesterday represented all the material that had come before what I understand is the Church committee and had been sent on to the Department of Justice in the United States of America. [More…]
The revolution that saw the creation of the great nation and republic of the United States of America was sparked by a tea party at Boston over 200 years ago. [More…]
The key to our defence policy remains the strength of our alliance with the United States and the ANZUS treaty. [More…]
These threats may not necessarily be identified as potential threats to the United States. [More…]
Most of our neighbours are not potential enemies of the United States but in some circumstances we could be in conflict with them. [More…]
If we accept that in some circumstances the United States may not always be willing or able to support us, we must be capable of conducting an independent military defence and of possessing a credible, independent military deterrent. [More…]
Compare these figures with the 46 000 United States servicemen killed in Vietnam over 12 years and the disastrous impact of the war on a small state like Lebanon can be realised. [More…]
Recently I was in the United States and, amongst other things, was studying the industrial relations framework in that country. [More…]
It is virtually unknown in the United States for a union or an employer to break such an agreement. [More…]
The honourable member referred also to the question of contracts of employment in the United States of America and the possible application of this principle in Australia. [More…]
But there will be an overlapping of the prices which should be paid now and the prices which should be paid on new goods which will have the 17.5 per cent added to the price, perhaps together with the freight rates which may be paid in some foreign currency, particularly United States dollars. [More…]
I have said over and over again that the problems in Australia are not essentially different from the problems in the United States of America, in West Germany and in the United Kingdom, to take only a few examples. [More…]
Like many other bureaucracies the United States universities have become in large measure ingrown, so self-contained that most of their faculties believe, without even pausing to think about it, that what is good for them is good for the culture at large. [More…]
As things stand now, it is rare to find more than half a dozen college students in the United States out of a class of twenty-five who say that they were given regular instruction in writing in secondary school. [More…]
Opportunities for women in the Australian Army are severely restricted by comparison with the United States Army where, of course, President Ford in October signed a Bill authorising women to attend Service academies, and that was a major step forward. [More…]
1 ) A market for Australian lamb does exist in the United States of America and in recent years shipments to that market have been ofthe order of 3000 tonnes per annum. [More…]
Australian lamb is subject to an import duty of 1.7 United States cents per lb. [More…]
when imported into the United States. [More…]
The Australian Meat Board in partnership with the New Zealand Meat Producers’ Board and United States lamb producers, represented by the American Sheep Producers’ Council, jointly finance and conduct the activities of the Lamb Promotion Co-ordination Committee in the United States. [More…]
The objective of this Committee is to develop a growing market for lamb in the United States, irrespective of its origin. [More…]
Lamb is a relatively high priced meat in the United States and, despite the activities of the Lamb Promotion Coordination Committee, consumption remains low. [More…]
Also there is a strong preference on the part of consumers for their own domestic lamb over the imported frozen product Australian exporters do not face any quantitative restrictions on lamb entering the United States and I am hopeful that Austalian exports will grow. [More…]
1 ) Do health maintenance organisations in the United States of America generally use their own hospitals rather than community hospitals. [More…]
The longer-established Health Maintenance Organisations in the United States of America, such as the Kaiser Foundation based on the West Coast, generally provide care to subscribers in their own hospitals. [More…]
In August 1976 the International Labour Office in Geneva issued a Press Statement based on data collected by the ILO Bureau of Statistics from 18 Western European countries, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. [More…]
1 ) There is no radio fequency band set aside in Australia purely for a citizens radio service such as exists in the United States of America and certain other countries. [More…]
To give the House an idea of the enormous increase, it provided a standard of 1 3 parts per 100 million for ozone in the atmosphere compared with 6 parts per 100 million laid down by the World Health Organisation and 8 parts per 100 million laid down by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. [More…]
I refer to an article entitled ‘Drugs Under Health Insurance Abroad’ in ‘Pink Pages’, the United States Pharmacy Journal dated 8 November 1976. [More…]
It contains a report of a recent seminar held in the United States organised by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare in which the national health schemes of 6 countries were discussed. [More…]
-In this debate on the Seamen’s Compensation Amendment Bill 1976, the Compensation (Commonwealth Government Employees) Amendment Bill 1976 and the United States Naval Communications Station (Civilian Employees) Amendment Bill 1976 I would like to spend some little time on the Compensation (Commonwealth Government Employees) Amendment Bill and leave it to others who follow me in this debate to cover and canvass the other areas. [More…]
I am under heavy obligation to His Excellency the United States Ambassador who rang this morning to say that the United States Administration would do whatever it could with all possible haste to replace the aircraft. [More…]
I observe in passing that the aircraft is a type of aircraft which is now being phased out by the United States authorities. [More…]
I have done some study on this and have observed how it operates in the United States of America. [More…]
In actual fact, there is probably a much tighter control of media in the United States because of self-regulation than we have ever experienced in Australia. [More…]
Under this regime the rate for the dollar tended to vary from day to day against individual currencies, including the United States dollar but it took no account of developments in our balance of payments, nor in the domestic economy nor, specifically, of economic factors. [More…]
In a period in which Australian wage levels rose by 130 per cent, in the United States wage levels rose by 53 per cent and in West Germany they rose by about 70 per cent. [More…]
If it is true, as the newspaper reports and the published statements of the private exporter who has negotiated this sale suggest, the price payable in this particular order will give promise not only of improved returns to Russia, which is significantly an opportunity purchaser, but also similarly to the United States of America and to Japan. [More…]
At the moment a negotiation is going on with the United States Administration, presided over by the Secretary of the Department of Overseas Trade, which is most important in relation to the opportunity for access of Australian beef during 1977. [More…]
The House will recall that this Act was passed as a matter of urgency on 18 November 1976 because proceedings were then pending in the Supreme Court of New South Wales to take evidence for the purpose of proceedings in a court of the United States of America. [More…]
Once we start to bring that practice into government- it is a very dangerous practice- we will have a situation such as the one that exists in the United States of America whereby when a new government takes over it brings in all its Democrats, Republicans and so on, and the reverse happens when the other party wins. [More…]
Both the United Kingdom and the United States have a local content component of at least 85 per cent. [More…]
As honourable members will be aware, there were massive increases in wage levels in Australia in 1974 and early 1975 relative to increases in wages taking place in our major trading partners, and, in particular, the United States of America and West Germany. [More…]
By way of illustration, in the last 6 years wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent compared with 53 per cent in the United States and 70 per cent in West Germany. [More…]
In addition to the increases in wage levels in Australia compared to those occurring with our trading partners since December 1971, the value of the Australian dollar had prior to devaluation increased relative to that of the United States dollar, notwithstanding the devaluation by the Labor Government of 12 per cent in September 1974. [More…]
Other countries such as the United Kingdom which have recently devalued will still offer strong competition but our industries should compete on more favourable grounds with countries such as Japan and the United States. [More…]
There are factors which, from time to time, lead to financial difficulties for a farmer, which are completely outside his control, such as the actions of foreign governments in operating restrictive quotas on beef as has occurred in Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
As I indicated in Parliament on 1 December 1976 nothing in documents’ received by my Department from the United States Department of Justice in connexion with the Lockheed Corporation matter suggests any breach of law or other impropriety by any person. [More…]
As I have repeated on other occasions, during the last 6 years wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent, compared with 53 r cent in the United States and 70 per cent in est Germany. [More…]
Or it is possible to have a float as many of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries have as well as the United States, West Germany and Japan, which can be clean or dirty depending on the extent to which the country intervenes in its own markets. [More…]
It would have been just as much humbug to say in those circumstances that if a currency was floating, as the United States’ is, it ought not to move and that people ought to be surprised if it moved. [More…]
A very profound and extensive examination of the circumstances of the Meat Board proposal for diversification entitlements to the United States market, as it would affect the entitlement of Tasmanian exporters, has been undertaken by the Meat Board over the last few weeks. [More…]
However, discussions are continuing and as a result it has been suggested that it might be preferable to see what is happening with respect to the United States negotiations and with a number of other negotiations before the changed arrangements are concluded. [More…]
Whatever the new entitlements, they will be directed so that Tasmanian meat works and exporters will not be disadvantaged in their entitlements for entrance to the United States market in 1977. [More…]
in the last 6 years wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent compared with S3 per cent in the United States and 70 per cent in West Germany. [More…]
It is hoped that it will provide a similar service to that which the Production Credit Associations have provided for agriculture in the United States of America for many years. [More…]
I emphasise that what we have in this country at the present time- we have virtually nothing- is certainly much less than the wheat growers in New Zealand have had for about 30 years and is less than what is generally available in the United States under its crop failure scheme. [More…]
That evidence would have been used by a foreign tribunal, namely a United States District Court. [More…]
It is a very high powered company in the United States. [More…]
It has adopted the exercise of filing action in the United States on the basis that these contracts now can be avoided by what is deemed to be anti-trust legislation. [More…]
In 1972, with the United States Government’s blessing obviously, the United States Atomic Energy Commission authorised the release of SO 000 tons of stockpiled uranium. [More…]
The Government of the United States certainly must be put on notice that Westinghouse must have gained immensely from the fact that a climate was created in which this uranium could be obtained relatively cheaply. [More…]
The United States decided to protect its own market. [More…]
It prevented anybody else from selling uranium to the United States domestic market. [More…]
I fail to see how this legislation would be able to prevent such ridiculous situations occurring as would occur if this legislation did apply to a State court and an appeal were made from that State court; if a new hearing were conducted before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, as could occur; if new evidence were then taken before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, as can happen; and if that evidence were certified as being the evidence and then introduced into the United States of America. [More…]
I am convinced that Westinghouse may well start an action in a State Supreme Court on any issue which could be deemed to be a breach of contract, could subpoena all the people in Australia from whom it wished to obtain evidence, could arrange for the production of documents, and that could then be deemed to be the evidence that it wants and they could perhaps in some way or other get that evidence over to the United States and use it to negate contracts. [More…]
This would be in the best interests of the nation and would enable Australia to protect its interests, in the same way that the United States protects its interests. [More…]
We are well aware of the fact that certain evidence could well have been stolen in Australia and transmitted to the United States. [More…]
What the industry had to do to protect itself against the United States in earlier years is perfectly understandable and perfectly entitled to support. [More…]
5 ) Does the current United States of America inquiry into alleged uranium price-fixing or other breaches of the United States anti-trust laws relate to the activities of these organisations; if so, which organisations? [More…]
If not, what is the basis for charges which have been made in the United States against Australian uranium companies for alleged price-fixing. [More…]
Have any companies made representations to the Government to pass legislation to validate uranium price-fixing agreements which would otherwise contravene (a) the Trade Practices Act, (b) Article 83 of the Chaner of the European Economic Community and (c) United States of America anti-trust laws; if so, which companies. [More…]
I draw the attention of the Attorney-General to my questions on notice relating to alleged uranium price-fixing and action being taken under the United States anti-trust laws. [More…]
Can the Minister state what effects the action being taken under the United States anti-trust laws will have on his Government’s uranium policies? [More…]
The letters of request themselves were executed according to my information by a judge of the United States District Court in Virginia on 21 October 1976. [More…]
This measure has been introduced in relation to one specific proceeding begun in a United States district court. [More…]
This is not the first instance in which the United States district courts have directed their processes towards the domestic courts in this country under the United States anti-trust laws and under their reach in relation to the foreign commerce of the United States corporations. [More…]
Increasingly, not only the laws of the United States but also the laws of other countries, will try to affect the foreign commerce of corporations incorporated in those countries, which in turn will affect operations in Australia in which evidence will need to be taken in Australia. [More…]
This matter is crucial to this legislation, particularly if directors and public officials and companies are to be extended immunity from the claim made that persons who are not United States nationals or residents or persons carrying on a business in the United States, are subject to those laws by reason only of some economic effect of their conduct. [More…]
He would have to agree with that, as it would circumvent United States law. [More…]
This legislation is concerned with the rights of Australia in relation to this matter and the intrusion of anti-trust laws in the United States of America into what basically is Australia’s concern, namely, the price at which we will fix our uranium. [More…]
Let me make it quite clear that what the Labor Government did and what previous Government did so far as their participation in any activity which is now thought to be the subject of anti-trust laws in the United States was concerned was exactly the same. [More…]
Before I introduced legislation dealing with this matter in 1975 I went to the United States of America and to Canada to study the bodies which were operating in those countries and which were comparable to the Australian Housing Corporation. [More…]
In many respects the Corporation that I proposed was similar to the corporation that operates in Ontario and similar to bodies operating in the United States of America. [More…]
Industries in the United States of America go across the border into Mexico or Canada. [More…]
The situation has now been reached in Australia in which the average weekly wage paid is $47 a week more than the average weekly wage which is paid in the United States of America. [More…]
The GATT agreement has been conveniently forgotten by the United States, Sweden, France, England and West Germany on numerous occasions when nationals of those countries were in danger of losing their jobs. [More…]
Only recently, beef quotas have been imposed in the United States and Japan contrary to GATT. [More…]
Compare this figure with the United States, for example, where less than 10 per cent of the total textile and apparel market is available to imports, and Japan where only 20 per cent of the market needs can be imported. [More…]
The United States of America, Japan and the European Economic Community not only have tariff duties and quotas; they also have exchange controls and complete bans on the imports of textiles. [More…]
The key to our defence policy remains the strength of our alliance with the United States and the ANZUS Treaty. [More…]
We cannot expect the United States to help us in a defence emergency unless we show that we are prepared to do our utmost to defend ourselves. [More…]
Our main concern must be with those powers whose lesser strategic importance to the United States may inhibit United States assistance or deterrent action. [More…]
If there is no United States deterrent we may be forced to make concessions unless we are prepared to develop our own deterrent posture. [More…]
These threats may not necessarily be identified as potential threats to the United States. [More…]
Most of our neighbours are not potential enemies of the United States, but in some circumstances we could be in conflict with them. [More…]
If we accept that the United States may not always be willing or able to support us we must be capable of conducting an independent military defence and of possessing a credible, independent military deterrent. [More…]
Both countries (the United States and New Zealand) are important to us; but it is prudent to remind ourselves that the United States has many diverse interests and obligations. [More…]
By all means we should continue to draw on our allies, Great Britain and the United States, as important sources of intelligence and assessment of military doctrine and defence science and technology. [More…]
In the United States of America one is not required by law to carry an ID card at all times, but in that country I, perhaps like a number of other members in this chamber, have been called upon to produce an ID card and have even been refused service because of my inability to identify myself properly. [More…]
Countries of origin are predominantly the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark. [More…]
However, research is continuing under the auspices of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the United States of America. [More…]
A group of officials led by a senior officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs departed on 22 November for informal discussions on nuclear safeguards matters with government officials and with international organisations in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, the United States and Japan. [More…]
-Will the Minis ter for Primary Industry inform the House officially before it rises the details of the new scheme of quota entitlements for the entry of meat into United States market which was recommended to him by the Australian Meat Board and the exporters of meat more than 2 weeks ago? [More…]
I also mentioned yesterday, as the right honourable gentleman will recall, the circumstances of discussions in the United States which are critical to the resolution of meat opportunities for that market- which is what diversification is all about- in 1977. [More…]
by leave- The interdepartmental committee on policy proposals for freedom of information legislation was convened earlier this year at the request of the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) to study and report to me on policy proposals for freedom of information legislation, taking into account the report of the interdepartmental committee on proposed freedom of information legislation that was tabled in Parliament in 1974, the implication of amendments to the United States Freedom of Information Act that were made in 1974 and not dealt with in the earlier report and any other matters that might be relevant. [More…]
Even the United States has put a ceiling on the spending of its Presidential candidates. [More…]
The United States has had all the trouble of Watergate and the corruption involved with political donations. [More…]
That will create great difficulties, as it has done in Canada and in the United States of America. [More…]
In the last 6 years, wages in Australia’s manufacturing industry increased by 130 per cent compared with 53 per cent in the United States and 70 per cent in West Germany. [More…]
The experience of a number of countries, including the United States, Germany, Japan and Canada, has clearly demonstrated the important role that a managed exchange rate can play in the pursuit of domestic policy objectives. [More…]
The United States Domestic International Sales Corporations (DISC) legislation was passed as part of the U.S. Revenue Act of 1971 with the objective of increasing U.S. exports and improving its balance of payments by placing U.S. exporters on a ‘ more equal tax footing with their foreign competitors’. [More…]
To qualify as a DISC, a United States corporation must meet certain requirements, e.g. [More…]
A DISC is not subject to United States federal income tax on its current or retained export earnings, with the qualification that one half of the earnings is deemed distributed to the shareholders of the DISC and is taxable to those shareholders as a dividend. [More…]
The Panel’s report is expected to be the subject of bilateral discussions with the United States as well as further discussions in the GATT itself. [More…]
The Governments of the United States of America, New Zealand and Indonesia gave logistic support by way of aircraft to bring in supplies and to assist in the civilian evacuation. [More…]
Has Australia or any Australian State any treaty or arrangements with the United States of America or any State in the United States for the services of (a) criminal process and (b) subpoenas upon Australian companies or officers thereof. [More…]
Does the current United States of America inquiry into alleged uranium price fixing or other breaches of United States anti-trust laws relate to the activities of these organisations; if so, which organisations. [More…]
If not, what is the basis for charges which have been made in the United States against Australian uranium companies for alleged price fixing. [More…]
What marketing arrangements exist for the sale of uranium in (a) the United States, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) South Africa and (d) the rest of the world. [More…]
In regard to the current legal proceedings in the United States of America, I refer the honourable Member to the facts set out in the recitals of the Orders made by the Attorney-General on 29 November 1976 under the Foreign Proceedings (Prohibition of Certain Evidence) Act 1976 (Australian Government Gazette No. [More…]
United States of America anti-trust laws; if so, which companies. [More…]
However, it did receive representations from the Australian Uranium Producers’ Forum and Mary Kathleen Uranium Ltd for action to prevent the obtaining of evidence for the purpose of certain legal proceedings in the United States of America based on the anti-trust laws of that country. [More…]
Which pastoral companies in Northern Australia, including the Northern Territory, have negotiated or maintained previously existing contracts to supply meat to (a) Japan, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) the United States of America and (d) the European Economic Community in the last 12 months. [More…]
What was the date of the earliest transaction involving Lockheed Aircraft Corporation mentioned in the documents provided by the United States Senate Sub-Committee on Multinational Corporations to the United States Department of Justice and by that Department to his Department [More…]
The arrangement between the United States Department of Justice and my Department for mutual assistance in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation matter and tabled in the House of Representatives on5 October last requires that information made available pursuant thereto should be kept confidential and not disclosed to third parties or to government agencies having no law enforcement responsibilities. [More…]
Have negotiations been taking place between officers of the Australian Government and the Government of the United States of America with a view to effecting a treaty of mutual co-operation relating to trade practices and anti-trust activities. [More…]
Have any notes of protest been received from the United States Department of State by the Australian Government following the passage of that Act [More…]
1 ) The possibility of such an agreement was raised informally by United States Government officials with Australian Government representatives in Washington. [More…]
It has been decided not to enter into negotiations with the Government of the United States of America in relation to this possible agreement. [More…]
Is a Mr John Malcolm mentioned in the documents involving Lockheed Aircraft Corporation which have been provided by the United States Senate Sub-Committee on Multi national Corporations to the United States Department of Justice and by that Department to the Australian Government. [More…]
The arrangement between the United States Department of Justice and my Department for mutual assistance in connexion with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation matter and tabled in the House of Representatives on5 October last requires that information made available pursuant thereto should be kept confidential and not disclosed to third parties or to government agencies having no law enforcement responsibilities. [More…]
1) Is a P. Mingrone mentioned in the documents involving Lockheed Aircraft Corporation which have been provided by the United States Senate Sub-Committee on Multi national Corporations to the United States Department of Justice and by the Department to the Australian Government. [More…]
Is a Mr Peter Ingram mentioned in the documents involving Lockheed Aircraft Corporation which have been provided by the United States Senate Sub-Committee on Multi-National Corporations to the United States Department of Justice and by that Department to the Australian Government. [More…]
If so, did the information implicate United States agencies in the organisation of the coup. [More…]
Did the Government receive any information on a proposed overthrow of the elected Government from the United States Government or its agents. [More…]
In the months preceding the overthrow of parliamentary democracy in Thailand, the Australian Government exchanged information on political developments in Thailand including the possibility of military intervention in the political processes, with friendly countries including the United States. [More…]
Parkinson, N. F., as Ambassador to the United States of America [More…]
Has his Department or those studying crop and livestock insurance arrangements studied the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) of the United States of America. [More…]
The Corporation is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture and offers crop insurance not generally available from private insurance companies. [More…]
The Regional Employment Development scheme requires updating in its administrative arrangements but we believe, just as President Carter of the United States believes and Mr Fukuda, the new Prime Minister of Japan, recognises, that there is great need for such local initiative job creation programs. [More…]
New governments in the United States and Japan are using their public sectors as active agents in the fight against unemployment. [More…]
Those who look to overseas experience and believe that other nations, particularly the United States of America and Japan, are moving ahead faster than we in the field of tax reform should look at the facts. [More…]
The proposed but not yet implemented tax cuts in the United States, excluding the ‘once only’ rebate, are equal to less than $200m if transposed to Australia. [More…]
The rate has declined in the United States, West Germany and Japan. [More…]
It has gone down in the United States, West Germany and Japan. [More…]
In the United States, in Japan, and in West Germany real government expenditure and public consumption increased in 1975 and 1976; in Australia they are being cut. [More…]
I heard the Leader of the Opposition talking lightly about low interest rates in the United States of America, Japan and West Germany; but he did not tell us that all of those countries have single figure inflation. [More…]
They also know that in the 5 years between 1970 and 1975 average wages in Australian manufacturing industry increased by 123 per cent, compared with a 50 per cent increase in West Germany and a 73 per cent increase in the United States. [More…]
I am firmly of the view that not until that time will the executive- the individual congressman, as he is known in the United States, when formed into a committee with the proper research and backup facilities- be truly responsible and accountable to Parliament. [More…]
Apparently one of the stumbling blocks to this attempt to control weaponry was that the United States was not even a party to the Geneva Protocol of 1925. [More…]
On that occasion did he raise the question of China in his talks with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggesting that the United States of America had been late in coming to terms with the Chinese. [More…]
If so, did this bring a sharp response from Dr Kissinger, the message being that the United States did not want to be lectured to by Australia on how to conduct big power relations. [More…]
If the position is as stated, does he expect to fare any better on his next visit to the United States when he will be communicating with a government far less conservative in its ideology than his own or the previous United States ‘ one. [More…]
Our access to the United States this year will be at a record level under the voluntary restraint arrangements. [More…]
The House will be aware that in the United States of America and in Canada, our 2 major competitors in agricultural trade, the on-farm price of automotive distillate and gasoline is below the Australian onfarm price even though the price for crude oil in both countries is approximately twice the crude oil price in Australia. [More…]
From this House 7 members have been appointed ambassadorMr Spender and Mr Beale to the United States, Mr Gullett to Greece, Mr MacKinnon to Argentina, Uraguay and Peru, Mr Roberton to Ireland, Mr Freeth to Japan and Mr Fairbairn to The Netherlands. [More…]
Does anyone suggest that the Senate of the United States of America is a less important House because it is elected on the same day as the House of Representatives? [More…]
Does anyone suggest that State parliaments in the United States are less important in their constitutional structure or that they perform their functions less effectively because they are also elected on the same day as the Congress? [More…]
There is a staff association which indicates that there should be a closed shop arrangement in relation to ambassadors and high commissioners, a contention which I will not accept for one moment, especially in relation to the United Kingdom and the United States where there is particular advantage in having somebody with a political background and a close knowledge of the politics and politicians in his own country. [More…]
Firms that sent about one-third of their products to the United States market now do not send anything to the United States market as a result of these changes. [More…]
That is what the United States of America, Japan, West Germany and one or two other countries did. [More…]
The United States Attorney-General’s National Committee to Study the Anti-trust Laws- and this has been incorporated, I would have thought quite consciously, by the Commission in its annual report- had this to say: [More…]
So these sorts of sentiments that have been expressed both in this report and in the United States are sentiments which the Labor Party endorses wholeheartedly. [More…]
In the small Australian market the economic size of a manufacturer’s plant or an increment in capacity needs to be relatively larger vis-a-vis the markets than their counterparts in competitive countries, such as the United States of America or countries in Europe. [More…]
Thus, often in Australia there is room for only one or very few companies to make the same product if the industry is to be economic, whereas in Europe and in the United States there could be, say, five or ten different companies in the same industry because the total market is so much greater. [More…]
The type of supply arrangements I refer to are preferable in Australia to the alternatives of vertical integration, which is practised in large markets such as the United States of America or Europe, or quantity discounts designed to tie the bigger users to the supplier as these discounts usually go beyond those justifiable by cost savings. [More…]
During this debate we will no doubt receive many learned treatises about foreign Acts, particularly in the United States and in Britain. [More…]
One of the Acts about which we will hear a lot is the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 in the United States. [More…]
I think it is important, when we do that, that we look at when that legislation was enactednamely, 1936- and for how long, over 40 years, it has been a subject of continuing debate in the United States. [More…]
There is, I believe, a general acceptance that it has been useful in the area of price discrimination in the United States, but it certainly took, at the least, 25 to 30 years for that to come about. [More…]
In looking at that time frame we have to look at the difficulties caused by an intervening war and at the post-war period when it was not relied on and when it was not a matter of great litigation, but I believe the essential justification for legislation on price discrimination remains as valid today as it was in the United States 40 years ago. [More…]
That comment applies to the United States of America, but the direct analogy applies in this country to the Australian Labor Party which is a prisoner and creature of the trade union movement and which can never get away from it. [More…]
What we have seen happening in Australia has occurred frequently in the United States of America. [More…]
If honourable members would care to look at an article by Mr Charles Filgate Giles appearing at page 555 of the Australian Law Journal of November 1976 they will see, under the heading ‘Price Discrimination- s. 49’, some more detailed reference to the United States experience, which has been very similar to our own. [More…]
In the United States a great deal of criticism has been levelled at the varying interpretations that courts have placed upon some of the terms used. [More…]
Despite what the Minister may say later, there are undoubtedly more stringent provisions and they have existed in the United States since 1914. [More…]
With all due respect to the honourable member for Parramatta, I have studied the Act in the United States and I believe it has had a constructive effect in the area it was structured to cover. [More…]
The Royal Commission on Petroleum recommended after an extensive study of petroleum marketing and a close observation of the effects of price discrimination that section 49 be strengthened along the lines of the Clayton Act in the United States. [More…]
It is not much good to suggest that now for the first time the whole of the trade union movement is going to be enveigled; that for the first time in this countrycertainly this is not done in the United States of America- it will be the victim of trade practices legislation. [More…]
The incredible pan is that it is the same provision that has operated satisfactory in the United States for years and will continue to do so. [More…]
Harking back to the trade union position, I ask: Why is it that honourable members opposite have to embroil themselves in such attacks as they do when those in the United States have never had to do so? [More…]
The exporters’ returns, of course, are not unduly prejudiced because while Japan is a credit earning market the credits earnt in the Japanese sales are available to be used subsequently to ship cargoes to the United States of America, from which an added premium is expected to be received. [More…]
A general review of the present base of entitlement to the United States market this year is scheduled for March and this matter will be considered further at that time. [More…]
As I am reminded by my colleague, the honourable member for Hindmarsh (Mr Clyde Cameron), who recently, I have no doubt, has taken the opportunity to see some comprehensive and valuable collections in the United States of America, questions were asked from time to time about the wisdom of purchasing Blue Poles or Woman V. As we all know, if the Australian Government were now to dispose of those 2 works on the international art market, Australia would reap a very good profit indeed. [More…]
In Canada they increased by 13.2 per cent, in the United States by 8.2 per cent, in Japan by 11.8 per cent, in France by 14.4 per cent, in Germany by 6.8 per cent, and even in the United Kingdom by only 14.4 per cent. [More…]
The average weekly wage in Australia is currently $47 a week more than the average weekly wage in the United States of America. [More…]
I have never seen any country play it so tough and so hard as the United States of America. [More…]
The textile industry in the United States is 90 per cent protected. [More…]
The United States will maintain that protection because it suits it. [More…]
We have no objection to that, but I remind the House that when Labor started to lower protection in accordance with its fundamental belief that there should be freer trade, particularly with developing countries, we received a protest note from the United States saying that we were not doing well enough and that we had put up some temporary tariffs. [More…]
In the multilateral trade negotiations taking place in Geneva there is very strong pressure on us, again from the United States, to lower tariffs again. [More…]
But if we try to suggest to the United States that it lower tariffs I guarantee that it will say that it wants to maintarn the negotiated agreements it already has. [More…]
The United States has been capable of escaping all that criticism by the manipulation of the GATT Kennedy Round talks. [More…]
These firms are being seriously affected at the present time by the tractor manufacturers in the United States and in Europe insisting that they supply machines to the Australian market with cabins attached to them. [More…]
The United States does this. [More…]
Trade practices law has been in force in the United States since about 1890 and in the United Kingdom somewhat latterly, but always trade unions have been excluded from its ambit. [More…]
I submit, with respect, that in other countries with whom we like to compare ourselves- the two that I know best are the United States and the United Kingdom- trade . [More…]
I repeat, the law in the United States and the law in the United Kingdom, upon which we model ourselves, exempts trade unions from the operation of trade practices law. [More…]
In the 2 countries with which we compare ourselves, I hope honestly- that is, the United States and the United Kingdom- trade unions are exempted from the operations of trade practices regulations. [More…]
I am sorry that the Government now seeks to amend that law and to bring in something that was never brought into the equivalent legislation in the 2 comparative countries, the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
If the honourable gentleman wishes to suggest that it is, that is fair enough; but, in the 2 great countries with which we compare ourselves, the Sherman Act in the United States goes back as far as 1890 and similar legislation in the United Kingdom was introduced a little more latterly. [More…]
If honourable members wish to compare our country with Bulgaria, China, Portugal, or somewhere else, let us hear it; but in both the United States and the United Kingdom trade unions do not come within the ambit of trade practices regulation. [More…]
With great respect to the Minister, I ask: Why is it sought here, unlike in the 2 major countries with which we like to compare ourselves- the United States and the United Kingdom- to bring trade unions within the ambit of restrictive trade practices regulation? [More…]
I refer to the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I listened with a great deal of interest to my friend, the honourable member for Melbourne Ports (Mr Crean), who pointed out that the countries with which we like to compare ourselves, the United States and the United Kingdom are 2 countries which have never allowed themselves to fall into the kind of trap into which this Government is asking us to walk. [More…]
I think the Attorney-General and others in the United States of America who are interested in union law would question the premise that no trade unionist shall be subject to the law of tort. [More…]
I would have thought that the distinguished member for Hindmarsh, who must know the union laws in the United States, would know that the law of contract would apply to Mr Fraseur or to Mr Walter Reuther if he signed a contract. [More…]
What they want is a 3-year wage stability contract as workers have m the United States of America so that they know they have security of employment for 3 years. [More…]
If you want a new type of industrial relations in this country you should have the dignity and the honesty, like the honourable member for Holt (Mr Yates) who, only a few minutes ago, at least had the dignity and the honesty, in his agitated way, to say that he wanted a 3-year labour contract, as they have in the United States. [More…]
So one would hope that if a committee is set up in a State parliament, as it was in the State of New York in the United States of America, to investigate this sort of matter it will have broad powers. [More…]
He may not be aware that in the United States of America every citizen has a social security card and number. [More…]
People in the United States do not necessarily find it offensive but the Government has not discussed this particular matter. [More…]
In Japan, for example, wages in I think the manufacturing industry sector increased by 1 1.8 per cent in the 12 months to September; in the 12 months to December in the United States of America they increased by 8.2 per cent; and in the 12 months to October in Canada they increased by 13.2 per cent, but in Australia they increased by 16.9 per cent over an equivalent period. [More…]
New Zealand and various states and provinces of the United States of America and Canada have all acted to relieve the social and economic costs of accident compensation. [More…]
Seventy per cent of Australia ‘s beef exports go to the United States and 52 per cent of United States imports come from Australia. [More…]
The United States is our only export market for some categories of meat, particularly that which comes from the Northern Territory and from Queensland. [More…]
When the Minister for Primary Industry went to Canada in the middle of last year he was instrumental in having increased quotas placed upon the import of Australian beef into the United States. [More…]
The Australian Minister for Primary Industry, Mr Sinclair, told Canadian officials today he was concerned that Australian beef was being re-exported from Canada to the United States at less than home market prices. [More…]
As Minister for Primary Industry he went outside this country and put his own beef industry in to the Canadian officials who very quickly took the cue, as did the United States Department of Agriculture in an election year, and shoved the quotas back on. [More…]
Attending the dinner were the President of the United States, Earl Butz, the Prime Minister, Henry Kissinger, and the Australian Ambassador to the United States. [More…]
Here they are sitting down after dinner and asking the Australian Prime Minister, who professes an interest in his own beef industry, and the Australian Ambassador, their basic complaint on beef because the United States Administration would like to try to do something about it. [More…]
The real answer, at that point, was an arbitrary ruling by United States Customs, including in the quota year 1975 34.4 million lb of Australian meat that Australia says arrived in 1974. [More…]
That was, quite simply, meat that Australia felt it was entitled to ship to the United States. [More…]
Here were the United States Secretary of State and Secretary of Agriculture at least pretending to lend a sympathetic ear to a gripe Australia has had for more than a year. [More…]
That shows the level of competence displayed by this Government in the United States in relation to the Australian beef industry. [More…]
When the American President, the American Secretary of State and the American Secretary of Agriculture sit down with the Australian Prime Minister and the Australian Ambassador and ask them what their problem is in relation to United States imports of Australian beef, not one of the 2 Australian representatives knew what was the point at issue or that the figure was 34 million lb instead of 60 million lb. [More…]
So what finally happened was that the United States Administration caught up with the facts. [More…]
The United States Administration just politely and promptly dropped it. [More…]
In other words, the Prime Minister did not discuss beef with the United States President but asked the President whether he would agree to say that he had. [More…]
Immediately there is the faintest sign of a market revival- for example, a major upturn in the United States market which is expected about the middle of this calendar year- the exporters and big companies will begin killing off these cattle in a determined attempt to flatten any national beef revival. [More…]
I am not taken in by the reference to Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada or anywhere else. [More…]
The insurance arrangements provided by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation of the United States of America and the New Zealand Wheatgrowers’ Compensation Scheme have been examined as have schemes operating in Canada, France, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Have the Vinnell Corporation’s activities in Australia been in any way associated with any United States military or foreign policy instrumentality. [More…]
I am not aware of any association between activities of the Vinnell Corporation in Australia and any United States military or foreign policy instrumentality. [More…]
Unfortunately, progress has been pretty limited because of different opinions between the United States of America and the European Economic Community. [More…]
I was very heartened at lunch time today when Otto Lang, the Canadian Minister who is a representative on the International Wheat Council, rang me to tell me of his recent discussions with the new Secretary for Agriculture in the United States, who is keen that we have discussions to try to firm up the international marketing situation. [More…]
It is most heartening that the United States is interested in doing something. [More…]
This is also shown in the United States of America, where the saving ratio began to fall as soon as it was obvious that inflation was under control. [More…]
Let us add to that the remarks of the retiring United States ambassador. [More…]
Here we have the retiring United States ambassador, a public servant, telling Australians in their own land how they ought to manage their own affairs. [More…]
They do not want Australia to be another State of the United States and certainly they do not want Australia to become the southernmost island of Japan. [More…]
The impropriety of the remarks of the Japanese gentlemen concerned and the United States ambassador should have been something to which the Government supporters and Government Minister took exception; but they did not do so. [More…]
With the virtual removal of the United States defence umbrella from South East Asia, the continuing incursions being made into Thailand from both Laos and Cambodia, the reemergence of a clandestine communist movement in Malaysia and the potential problems which could emerge in Indonesia, it is abundantly clear that Australia cannot cut itself off from the region in which we must form a part. [More…]
But the trend announced by President Carter in his decision that in future United States aid will be predicated by the requirement that recipients maintain acceptable standards of human rights could well prove to be an initiative of the greatest significance which Australia will have to watch with considerable interest. [More…]
Why do they not join Joan Baez and Allen Ginsberg, former leaders of the anti-war movement in the United States of America who recently signed a petition presented to the permanent Vietnamese observer to the United Nations condemning the Vietnamese Government for gross abuses of civil liberties, for suppressing free speech, and for filling prisons with civilians accused of nothing more than holding certain religious and ideological beliefs? [More…]
The others include Roger Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union; Kate and Geoff Pope of the War Resisters League; Aryeh Neier, executive director of the ACLU: Paul O Dwyer, the Liberal New York City Council president; the Reverend Richard John Neuhaus, a founder of Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam; James Forrest, who was imprisoned for draft resistance during the Vietnam war; and Theodore Jacqueney, a former State Department foreign aid employee who resigned in 1971 to protest United States involvement in South East Asia. [More…]
Ninety petitioners who were leaders of the anti-war movement in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s condemned in the strongest possible terms what is occurring in Vietnam. [More…]
In the United States it has a particular connotation- formerly applied to the Philippines then later and still to the Marianas and Puerto Rico- of a state which does not have independent international status. [More…]
It is a petition to the President of the United States of America which refers, inter alia, to his recent statement with respect to his defence of prisoners of conscience in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, his comments in relation to the recent tragic events in Uganda, and in particular his remarks with respect to the situation in East Timor, which is our nearest neighbour. [More…]
I am informed that the petition was presented at 3 p.m. today by the honourable member for Parramatta, accompanied by Senator Coleman and Senator Missen, to Mr LeRoy F. Percival, Charge d ‘Affaires of the Embassy of the United States of America here in Canberra. [More…]
I remember that at a very important function I attended- a dinner in New York given for Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh- a very prominent American said to me: ‘You know, if we had a monarch in the United States we would not be in half the trouble that we are in today’. [More…]
This morning the President of the United States of America made an announcement that must worry all of us here in Australia. [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
I think it is appropriate, when speaking on foreign affairs for the first time this year, to take this opportunity to congratulate the United States on electing President Carter. [More…]
The reason for this, as I pointed out before the election last year, is that it is important for us to have a United States government and a United States Congress in accord on foreign policy aims, broadly speaking. [More…]
I do not think it is as important for us to agree with the United States on every relatively minor point of foreign policy as it is to feel reasonably confident that the United States is led by a President and an administration which are likely to get support for their policies, whatever they might be, through the 2 Houses of Congress. [More…]
For a number of years now this has not been the case in the United States. [More…]
Nobody was confident or sure just how much United States policy meant. [More…]
If China and the Soviet Union had a common policy, as they did up till about 1958, 1 think that it would be extremely difficult for the United States and for countries associated with the United Statesthe democratic countries of the world- to stand up to pressure from the 2 communist super powers. [More…]
He said, firstly, that the Soviet Union had closed the strategic nuclear gap between the United States and itself. [More…]
In testimony before the United States Senate on 3 1 January 1977 the Joint Chiefs of Staff pointed out that the United States leads in the more important area of nuclear technology and that the United States has a substantial lead over the [More…]
Former United States Secretary of State, Dr Kissinger, on 22 March last year, said: [More…]
Secondly, he said that the USSR substantially closed the naval gap between the United States and itself. [More…]
United States Defence Department figures show that since 1960 the United States has built 122 ships over 3000 tons while the Soviet Union has built only 57. [More…]
In every 5-year period since 1960 United States construction has exceeded that of the Soviet Union in large ocean-going naval vessels. [More…]
The Joint Chiefs of Staff report to the United States Senate referred to earlier says firmly: [More…]
The Joint Chiefs of Staff do not agree that the Soviet Union has achieved military superiority over the United States. [More…]
Furthermore, it wrongly and undesirably raises false doubts about the United States in this country and elsewhere, and especially in our region of interest. [More…]
With tender concern for his colleagues who thought they could bluff and bully their way through foreign relations, like some latter day maverick Teddy Roosevelt, he seeks to save them from embarassment by referring to a United States policy of ‘restraint’ and ‘bilateral arms limitation’ in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Clearly, to use the inelegant expression of the Prime Minister, the Foreign Affairs Minister was caught with his pants down by the saneness and eminently sensible approach of the United States President. [More…]
How will Australia look if other Western countries, including the United States of America, decide to apply pressure on Indonesia to reconsider her Timor policy? [More…]
It is only through the activities of a small band of people who have been prepared to speak up for basic human rights and particularly through the actions of Mr Jim Dunn- shame on those who seek to frustrate his actions- coupled with the advent of the Carter Administration that we now have been able to get the United States of America interested in the Timor question and in looking at the allegations of atrocities and of the use of American military aid in Timor. [More…]
It has been government policy to try to commit the United States to a military presence in the area, as it tried previously through the instruments of the Vietnam war and the United States defence intelligence facilities in Australia. [More…]
It is becoming increasingly unacceptable politically- both at home and abroad- for United States bases to be maintained in Japan and the Philippines. [More…]
Such bases have ceased to be strategically necessary to the defence of the United States. [More…]
Although, because of the inertia of the United States defence establishment, the withdrawal may be gradual, the logic of new naval technologies may eventually be manifested in a virtual abandonment of fixed establishments overseas. [More…]
The safety of the United States rests upon the maintenance of superiority in nuclear striking power and upon that alone. [More…]
How can the Soviet balance the United States Poseiden submarine presence in the Indian Ocean? [More…]
It may require a surface fleet including anti-submarine vessels which the United States must then respond to with carriers. [More…]
One of the positive aspects of this debate is the fact that the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) was not as reactionary in his statement as the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser), who is still endeavouring deliberately to foment the Indian Ocean issue and who has already been virtually repudiated by the Carter Administration in the United States. [More…]
The Carter Administration is today adopting a directly opposite policy to the policy espoused by the Prime Minister of Australia, who is not even being consulted when major announcements affecting this country, the Indian Ocean and United States relations with Asia are made. [More…]
The Prime Minister is not being consulted because the policies he has been espousing are out of date with the United States. [More…]
All right, it should be a zone of peace but, my heavens, much of the Russian or communist build-up would have to be taken away before the meagre resources of the United States and our own even more meagre resources should suffer any diminution at all. [More…]
With respect to the United States, I adopt completely these remarks of the Minister: [More…]
The first thing to be said about them - he was referring to our relations to the United States- is that the uncertainty about the future course of Australian policy, the doubts, reservations and acrimony which were so much a feature of the previous Government’s dealings with the United States, have been removed. [More…]
I recall quite vividly the extraordinary Press reports of statements by quite senior Ministers of the previous Administration attacking not only the United States as a nation but personally denigrating a number of persons holding a high office in the United States. [More…]
The Minister made some comments about the new President of the United States. [More…]
Before anybody jumps in and asks what Australians were doing becoming involved in the internal affairs of another country, let me say that I as an Australian, see nothing wrong in playing a pan, even if it is a small part, in one of the great exercises of democracy in the world- namely, the United States presidential election. [More…]
He went on to say, ‘We are prepared to express disagreement with the United States alliance whenever it exists’. [More…]
A change of wind in Liberal Party thinking has been blowing for some time, since not so many years ago the catchcries of his Party before he came into this House were ‘All the way with LBJ’ and ‘We go a-waltzing Matilda with the President of the United States’. [More…]
The path that was followed then by the Conservatives was none other than to tie Australia to the apron strings of the United States. [More…]
The United States government and people began to gain more respect for Australia when the Whitlam Administration came to power and expressed a more independent line in foreign policy, particularly in respect of the Vietnam war. [More…]
The respect of the American governments and the American people started to increase for the Australian nation and its people when the Government of the day said that we were not going to be puppets of the United States. [More…]
I have said in this Parliament that there was no justification for the Ford Administration spending millions and millions of United States taxpayers’ dollars on the build-up of Diego Garcia. [More…]
I pay great tribute to Jim Dunn, a public servant who has had enough courage to go to the United States and give evidence before an important committee. [More…]
What this Government has put forward is that a zone of peace will not be created by one nation but by the co-operation of many nations and particularly of two of the major nations- the United States of America and the Soviet Union. [More…]
What we have said is that if there is no indication of the Soviet Union accepting its responsibilities, the only answer to that is that the United States and other nations must take precautionary measures to see that there is no advantage to the Soviet Union in this area. [More…]
Whether this will eventuate will be seen in the months that lie ahead, in the response from the Soviet Union to the initiatives taken by the President of the United States. [More…]
Honourable members who have preceded me in this debate have spoken at some length about the new directions of foreign policy being signalled by the new President of the United States, and clearly for us here in Australia that will be terribly important. [More…]
We are a great ally of the United States and I hope we will always remain so. [More…]
If the Americans, who, in terms of men and material committed to that war, made a much greater effort than Australia, are prepared to do so, why cannot Australia take the initiative here, particularly in seeking to reconcile the United States with the now united new state of Vietnam? [More…]
I mentioned earlier that it talks about the Carter Administration in the United States being the first to discover morality. [More…]
In fact, it is only a different perception of morality, a different perception of the states deserving of the support of the United States Government and hopefully, its allies around the world. [More…]
The practice of foreign relations in the world, whether by great powers like the United States or by middle powers like Australia, is a mixture of the two and it always will be so. [More…]
Has the Government considered declaring a 200-mile zone around Australia’s coastline as the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the European communities have already done without waiting for the next Law of the Sea Conference? [More…]
I want to say by way of information to honourable members- that is why I rose- that recently a high level report produced in the United States, which I will make available to honourable members, looked into the costs and the effects of the legalisation of the so-called victimless crimes. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court has ruled that electorates will be based on the populations of those electorates, not on enrolments. [More…]
The law in the United States prohibits recruitment of any persons as mercenaries within the United States but does not prohibit a citizen or other person in the United States leaving the country to enlist in a foreign military service. [More…]
Australia’s present subscription of $US256m, of which $US82m is paid-in and the balance callable, is exceeded only by those of the United States, Japan and India. [More…]
He can be elected by the people, as is the President of the United States of America, and as is now the French President. [More…]
The President may have the appearance of simply a figurehead with seemingly limited powers, or have vested in him powers of great magnitude, like that of the President of the United States. [More…]
Alternatively do Australians want a republican system like the United States, where even with congressional constraints, enormous power is in the hands of one man? [More…]
We are thankful the United States survived Watergate, but the path to recovery was long and tortuous. [More…]
This absence of effective public administration contrasts strongly with the experience of countries overseas such as Canada, the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, France and New Zealand. [More…]
To illustrate the point further I point out that the Commission states that the total retail margin for petrol in New South Wales was approximately 18c a gallon in 1975 as against 7c a gallon in New Zealand and about 7c a gallon in United States currency for the larger petrol stations in the United States. [More…]
If one takes the time to study the numerous trust busting reports, as they are termed, in the United States, one comes to grips with a recent telling maxim of Senator Church. [More…]
I conclude with one very telling maxim uttered not very long ago by a former United States Secretary of the Interior. [More…]
Three-canal boats are absolutely essential to the defence of the United States. [More…]
Those who doubt those 2 propositions might consider the way the executive and the parliament in the United States have been at cross-purposes so often in the course of the history of that nation and how on occasion it has cost the United States quite dearly. [More…]
It is said- I will not vouch for the veracity of the story but it serves as an example of what might happen if, in fact, it is not true- that the United States would never have had a Bl bomber except that the manufacturing company had managed to obtain contracts in no less than 48 out of 50 States. [More…]
Let us be thankful that United States President Carter and Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda, who are meeting in Washington today, have turned to a more expansionary path. [More…]
I will not put it in my own words but in the words of the summary of and comment on the report of the United States Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. [More…]
I can find nothing in the Minister’s statement and nothing in the Green Paper dealing with the fundamental questions that were dealt with by the United States Commission. [More…]
There ought to be an inquiry, an inquiry established on proper grounds, similar to that of the United States Commission. [More…]
In comparison with the United States, even a three-fold expansion of population would have a negligible effect in reducing the per capita income differences between the 2 countries. [More…]
In 1972 the United States Population Commission reported: . [More…]
I call on the Minister to initiate a national population inquiry along the lines of the Commission on Population Growth and American Future established by the United States Congress and appointed by President Nixon in 1970. [More…]
I would like to refer to a quite innovative and challenging article written by Norman Macrae which appeared in The Economist of December 1976 and which talks about the off-shore situation in the United States. [More…]
The author says that in fact the successfully exported industries that went from the United States, such as the consumer electronics industry, are in fact departing from Asia and coming back to the United States. [More…]
I point out to the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Mr MacKellar) and to the House that if a comparison were made between that report and the reports and the studies that have been made in Canada, United States, the United Kingdom and other parts of the world it would be found to be in fact an extremely poor report. [More…]
It is significant to note that at the same time as the Whitlam Government was able to bring 76 people into this country, the United States of America made homes available for 150 000 people. [More…]
The United States, Canada and Britain have all in recent times considered the need for energy policies and the need to update existing energy policies. [More…]
There are more than a millian Lithuanians in the United States of America. [More…]
Naturally we wish to take full account of any new thinking as it develops in this area, especially to ensure that our policies and those of the United States and other like-minded countries, such as Canada, are mutually reinforcing. [More…]
Australian officials already have held detailed and useful consultations with United States officials and I am sure you would agree that it is highly desirable that this be an ongoing process. [More…]
Mr Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America, The White House, WASHINGTON D.C. U.S.A. [More…]
The value of this scheme has apparently been perceived by President Carter and his advisers because they are reported to have agreed that the United States should adopt a more accommodating posture on the developing countries’ proposals for the establishment of a common fund. [More…]
Firstly, I believe that it should be clearly emphasised, despite what the Opposition has said, that Australia’s heavy involvement in the Asian Development Bankonly Japan, United States of America and India exceed our subscriptions to it- reflects the very strong view of this Liberal Government and particularly preceding Liberal governments that our contributions should pave the way for large scale development projects in the Asian and Pacific region. [More…]
I think it is worth pointing out to this not exactly full House that something like 62.5 per cent of the subscriptions are held by regional members and that only 37.5 per cent is available for such non-regional members as the United States, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Greece found a republican system of very doubtful benefit, and even that haven of republicanism, the United States of America, has found some of its Presidents to be very dubious assets. [More…]
I recommend to the honourable member for Darling Downs that he should read about some of the activities of the Un-American Activities Committee which tried to freeze any discussion in the United States by persecuting authors, writers and creative people in that country. [More…]
In conclusion, I make the claim that the modest, selectively stimulatory policies which we in the Australian Labor Party have been advocating and are still advocating have been adopted by United States President Carter and Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda. [More…]
There can be no comparison between the position of the Maori in New Zealand or the Indian in the United States or in Canada, but as regards their material position or the amount of effort applied on their behalf by Governments with that of Australia, we are the worst performers on this planet. [More…]
The United States of America National Government has long recognised the impact of television on family life and its largest single item in education outlays is now parental education. [More…]
Recovery in some areas is spotty, but it is good to hear that a contract for something like two million pairs of work shorts have been granted in Brisbane for export to the United States market. [More…]
He pointed out quite some time ago that despite the fact that a great deal is being done and has been done by many of the great nations, such as the United States of America, towards the development of backward countries, we are still facing the position of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. [More…]
In fact at the moment, Australia is the third largest donor country, in terms of subscriptions, to the Asian Development Bank, after Japan and the United States. [More…]
I would therefore point out to those who would question the way Australia quite regularly increases its subscription to the Bank, that the Asian Development Bank is not just supported by the developing countries of the region, or by the developed countries of the area such as Australia, Japan and New Zealand, but it is also supported by developed nations throughout the world including the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, the Scandinavian countries, France, Denmark and many other industrialised nations. [More…]
Of the 27 regional members of the Bank only Japan and India contribute more than Australia, and of the 14 non-regional members- all industralised nations- only the United States makes a higher contribution than Australia. [More…]
At the moment thousands upon thousands of radio sets which have become obsolete in the United States are being dumped on the Australian market. [More…]
For the loan raised in New York in May 1976, two officers, one from each of the Second and Third Divisions, travelled to the United States. [More…]
The officer from the Second Division travelled to the United States on the return journey. [More…]
(0 For the loan raised in New York in November 1976, two officers, one from each of the Second and Third Divisions, travelled to the United States. [More…]
Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, German Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Soviet Union, Sudan, Turkey, United States. [More…]
It seems possible that we will achieve an agreement, maybe not in the first round of discussions by probably later this year, because for the first time the United States of America has been showing interest in having such an agreement. [More…]
The new United States Secretary for Agriculture, Mr Bergland, has been giving his support to the discussions. [More…]
These policies cannot be developed by Australia alone; our policies should be compatible with those of the United States and Canada. [More…]
Thirdly, Australia must join with the United States and Canada in obtaining undertakings from recipient countries that the nuclear material they supply shall not be the subject of reprocessing. [More…]
They are clearly recognised by the United States and Canada. [More…]
Mitre Corporation following an exhaustive and expert study of ‘nuclear power issues and choices’ calls upon the United States Government to pursue policies such as those I have just outlined and to seek the co-operation of other nuclear supplier governments to ensure that such policies become universal and effective. [More…]
The whole thing is that there has now been some quick exchange of letters between the Australian and United States Governments. [More…]
But I understand that the bulk of this business- some 40 per cent of it- is directed to Japan, 8 per cent is directed to the United States of America and only 2 per cent accrues to Australia. [More…]
From what I can see we are exceeded in our contributions only by Japan, the United States and India. [More…]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs has recently been in the United States of America and I have no doubt that he has been briefed on the position of that country at the present time. [More…]
They referred to the Japanese percentage of 40 per cent, the United States percentage of 8 per cent and Australia’s percentage of 2 per cent. [More…]
The United States citizens who joined up in the British Air Force before their own country entered World War II could be said to be mercenaries. [More…]
I am reminded of my son at the age of 14 years attending high school in the United States of America and attending a seminar of high school students at which the subject was Vietnam. [More…]
At the seminar Justice William O. Douglas of the United States Supreme Court was asked: Sir, what is your opinion of the war in Vietnam? ‘ [More…]
The Aussie or the United States Governments can’t send in ordinary troops wearing uniforms. [More…]
Yet the United States and Australian governments claimed at the time that they were not involved in the war in Laos. [More…]
Prime Minister’s Visits to the United States (Question No. [More…]
In the Joint Statement issued by President Ford and me at the completion of my visit to the United States on 28 July 1976 we said that our discussions had shown a very close similarity of views on a wide range of important international and bilateral matters and had further strengthened the ties between Australia and the United States. [More…]
I am confident that the talks which I expect to have with President Carter during my visit to the United States later this year will be just as useful as those I had last year with President Ford. [More…]
I refer to statements he made in the United States of America, which were reported widely here, that China is a force for stabilisation in South East Asia. [More…]
-Statements akin to that were not made solely in the United States, but a careful reading of the speech on foreign policy I made in the House before going overseas would show that statements along those lines were contained in that speech. [More…]
I said it not only in the United States but also here. [More…]
The Government’s attitude on these specific commodities is no different from that of the United States of America, the European Economic Community or Japan. [More…]
-The short answer is that discussions of significant moment are taking place at present between the Secretary of State for the United States of America and the Government of the Soviet Union. [More…]
Frankly, until we have an expression which indicates that it is in fact and in reality, as most commentators and certainly the United States Government at present regard it, namely, a Soviet base I think the discussions in that area will enter into some difficulty. [More…]
Until that time I think it would be wiser for countries outside the 2 super powersthe United States of America and the Soviet Union- not to do any more than the form of exploratory discussions that officers in my Department have had with representatives of the Soviet Union. [More…]
But clearly there will need to be, either during this period of talks with the United States or at some future date, if it is agreed that there be further discussions on the Indian Ocean, an acceptance publicly by the Soviet Union that the base in Somalia is in fact what most would accept it to be, a Soviet controlled entity. [More…]
The contrast between the Government and the Opposition on this matter is of course that we have at all times called for the very thing that is occurring now- discussions to see whether it is possible to enter into an arrangement for mutual balanced reductions, not for the opting out unilaterally of one country, namely the United States, which was symptomatic of all statements made by the Leader of the Opposition. [More…]
I present the official report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to the United States of America. [More…]
Our report summarises our activities and we hope it will be of interest to the Parliament and useful as a guide to future delegations which may visit the United States. [More…]
In particular it records our observations of the United States approach to Federal and State relationships and urban redevelopment in those areas which we visited. [More…]
I do not care whether the head of state is the President of Russia or the President of the United States of America. [More…]
Clearly the United States has legislation which says that no person may enlist in the service of any foreign state. [More…]
It is said in the United States that matters of that nature belong to the sovereign capacity of a government. [More…]
If one looks at the issue in Angola, in the United States and in Canada, it is pretty clear that they do not want their citizens to be caught up in this sort of ideological struggle in other countries of the world. [More…]
As I said with regard to the United States committee debate, I believe the issue is that if a government takes any military action, it is an action within the sovereign capacity of that government which cannot be delegated. [More…]
Where there is exchange of personnel between armed forces of this country and those of the United States of America it is presumed that they occur as a simple matter of course and judgments have to be made as to the countries in which that kind of exchange will occur as a simple matter of course. [More…]
Quite frankly, I am sickened by the fact that economic aid given by developed countries such as the United States of America and others is paltry compared with the money that they spend on armaments. [More…]
I think that the amount of money allocated by the United States in overseas aid works out at about 0.27 per cent of that country’s gross national product. [More…]
Another thing I always notice about members of the Opposition is that when they talk about world powers and the way they are not doing enough of one thing or another they refer to only one country, the United States of America. [More…]
It has also been proposed that the Government or the Atomic Energy Commission should sponsor an Australian tour by Dr Dixie Lee Ray, Governor of Washington State and a leading pro-nuclear figure in the United States. [More…]
The United States energy authority estimated in 1975 that an ‘aggressive but potentially attainable’ rate of solar energy could supply 1 per cent of United States energy needs by the year 2000 and the United Kingdom estimate is similar. [More…]
The figures in the well known Rasmussen report suggest that of 15 million people living within 24 miles of planned and present United States nuclear power stations, the loss through accidents in motor cars would be 4200 killed; from falls 1500 killed; from fire 560 killed; from electrocution 90 killed; from lightning 28 killed and from nuclear power stations a possible 2 killed. [More…]
Many surveys have predicted that unless Australia has a reinvigoration of younger persons we will face the same situation as the United States of America and a number of other countries. [More…]
Ironically we must admit that in terms of resource use it is the over developed countries such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia or a number of the advanced countries of Europe which have reached the stage of over use of resources in their own area and are now busy trying to plunder other areas, usually underdeveloped countries. [More…]
The President of the United States of America sends his Secretary of State, Mr Cyrus Vance, to Moscow to talk with President Brezhnev about the question of a genuine and worthwhile cutback in the nuclear arms race. [More…]
The Government, I believe, has to abide by the diplomacies of international politics but may I, as an ordinary humble back bencher and a fourth generation Australian with 3 kids, say that unlike the honourable member for Melbourne and some of his colleagues I am extremely concerned by the persistent belligerence and aggression of Soviet Russia and its refusal to talk with the United States of America on a reduction of nuclear arms. [More…]
-Has the attention of the Prime Minister been drawn to the fact that a 1974 survey of the unemployment benefit in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries revealed that Australia had by far the lowest level of income support for the unemployed at only 23.4 per cent of the average income, compared with the United States benefit at 52.2 per cent and the German benefit at 64 per cent? [More…]
It is happening not only in the United States but also in Japan and in all the countries with which we like to compare ourselves. [More…]
When one compares the attention we give to science with that which is given to science in countries such as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States, one cannot help but be appalled by the apparent indifference which Australia has shown hitherto towards science and technology. [More…]
The pattern of later marriage and delay in having the first child is now well-established in the United States. [More…]
If we consider this in conjunction with our present population of 13.6 million, which is one hundredth of the world’s population of 4000 million, and the fact that we live in an area comparable with that of the United States of America which has a population of 216 million, we can get some idea of why it is hard to convince developing nations that we are doing all we should be doing to assist them out of their present tragic circumstances. [More…]
An indication of the impact of migration is that proportionately for every migrant arriving in the United States since World War II, 40 have come to Australia. [More…]
I also understand that when an American physical education teacher from Minnesota who is at Doveton High School goes back to the United States of America he cannot be replaced. [More…]
Did the Royal Commission on Petroleum recommend that section 49 of the Trade Practices Act be amended in line with the Clayton Act of the United States of America to prevent price discrimination. [More…]
There is no special arrangement between the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Kellogg Rural Adjustment Unit which has been established at the University of New England with a grant from the Kellogg Foundation in the United States. [More…]
Brown of the Australian National University to work on Comparative Study of the Tasman Orogenic Belt and the Cordilleran Orogenic Belt of the Western United States’ from 26 November 1975 to August 1976. [More…]
Professor A. E. Ringwood of the Australian National University, Professor J. F. Lovering of the University of Melbourne and Dr S. R. Taylor of the Australian National University visited NASA facilities in Houston, United States of America to participate in the Lunar Science Conference for a week in March 1976. [More…]
) An administrative visit was made to Australia by the United States Manager of the Program in April and May 1976. [More…]
As that famous United States champion of individual freedom, Woodrow Wilson, once said: [More…]
Why should a highly conservative government suddenly unleash a policy proposal that has failed whenever it has been tried in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe? [More…]
Canada, the United States of America and most of the Western European countries have job creation programs. [More…]
The market in Australia is only about one-tenth of the size of the market in the United States. [More…]
If one bought them in the United States it would cost $709. [More…]
One can understand that there would be a fair mark-up difference between the United States price and the Australian price. [More…]
The admitted mark-up on the cost of machinery and parts bought in the United States on the Pacific seaboard which are sold in the bush in Australia is 300 per cent. [More…]
At the present time the United States of America imports 1 5 per cent of its woven and ready made garments under the GATT agreement and has 85 per cent protection for its home industry. [More…]
We are also told that in the world environment the industry is dominated by a small number of United States firms. [More…]
Many overseas countries, particularly the United States of America and West Germany and, of course, some of the Asian countries, have the benefit of the economy of scale principle. [More…]
The United States of America, Canada and Australia control over 80 per cent of the western world’s marketable uranium. [More…]
This course is designed to defer indefinitely the commercial reprocessing and recycling of plutomium produced in the United States power reactor program in the belief that if plutomium extraction is curtailed, the propensity for terrorism activity and weapons proliferation will be reduced. [More…]
If Australians are serious in their belief that proliferation safeguard development and waste disposal must be improved, then the Government of the United States must be involved in such a policy. [More…]
This is so because of the massive size of the United States domestic nuclear power program and also the United States nuclear hardware industry as well as the pervasive influence of United States nuclear technology within the West. [More…]
It is through the influence which the United States exercises in the western world monetary system and its defence arrangements that the United States is the pivotal point for change in the direction which the international nuclear industry should take in the future. [More…]
No group of nuclear power utilities or mining companies in the United States or Western Germany or Japan will be able to effect such changes in technology. [More…]
Japan, Western Germany and the United States have their backs to the wall on energy supply generally. [More…]
President Carter yesterday articulated the plight in which the United States may find itself in the near future. [More…]
The House will recall that recently a group of United States nuclear power utility representatives visited Australia to study the uranium position. [More…]
The United States, like most nations, primarily acts on its own selfish interest. [More…]
President Carter expressed the matter clearly in the last few days when he said that there is the moral equivalent of war within the United States of America. [More…]
Somewhere down the line in programs like the Japanese Sunshine program and the massive amount of work going on within the United States there lies the attraction of solar energy, energy from tidal sources, energy from geothermal sources and perhaps even from fusion. [More…]
There seems to be some basic agreement on and some expression of concern for the future use of nuclear power between the 3 nations producing uranium- Australia, Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
The same concern has been central to President Carter’s decision, announced last week, to abandon within the United States the development of a plutonium economy, and to insist that United States nuclear materials and technology will not be supplied to any other country where the result of that action would be the development of fast breeder reactors and an increase in the availability of plutonium. [More…]
We must join our allies- in this case principally Canada and the United States- in councils of the world and in direct negotiations with potential customers to insist that the only circumstances under which Australia’s uranium can be supplied are those I have outlined. [More…]
The Fraser Government must also accept that its rhetoric about our relations with the United States is now being brought to book. [More…]
The President of the United States has committed his country to precisely the same kind of control over nuclear materials and technology as the Australian Labor Party has outlined over the last 5 months. [More…]
Failure by any Australian government to recognise the significance of these commitments, both internationally and in its direct relations with the United States, would be a tragedy. [More…]
The chances of explosion, breakdown or fault in a plant or in transportation by accident or design will increase in proportion to the number of reactors, and if reactors needed to fulfil projected electricity demand in the next 20 years are built, then trains and trucks loaded with deadly radioactive materials will constantly travel across the United States, Europe, the Soviet Union and many other places. [More…]
Australia has the largest uncommitted resources of uranium but substantial deposits exist in the United States of America, Canada and indeed in Africa. [More…]
We must realise that uranium is being mined on an increasing scale in overseas countries including the United States of America, [More…]
The chart shows that in the 100 nuclear power stations in the United States there has not been one fatality. [More…]
When I was in California at the height of the Californian campaign a Professor Manne, who was highly regarded in the United States, passed an observation on the alternative which Carter faced and which was reported as follows: [More…]
Undoubtedly it is one which the United States will have to face up to. [More…]
The Californian campaign was a forerunner to the national campaign in the United States. [More…]
Everybody in California came to the realisation that the United States relied for its basic energy needs on oil and gas, that since 1968 Californian oil and gas production had been rapidly declining and that this had brought a rapid dependence on imported oil from over the Californian border and perhaps a reliance on either Algerian or Indonesian imported gas. [More…]
To increase further the contribution from coal, restraints would have to be lifted on massive strip mining of coal in the United States. [More…]
The group in question held discussions with Government officials of the United Kingdom (in London, 25 and 26 November 1976), the Federal Republic of Germany (in Bonn, 6 December 1976), Canada (in Ottawa, 8 to 10 December 1976), the United States (in Washington, 13 to 15 December 1976) and Japan (in Tokyo, 20 and 21 November 1976). [More…]
Can the Minister say whether Congressmen in the United States of America House of Representatives are allowed a sum of SUS238.548 annually to employ up to 18 staff members and that Senators in that country are allowed between $US4 1 3,000 and SUS845.000 for the same purpose depending upon the size of the State which they represent. [More…]
I suppose it is fair to say that experience overseas of policy holders has shown that poor management and speculative investment has cost policy owners very dearly in this country, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Other countries, in particular the United States, certain of the countries in the European Economic Community, South Africa and not the least Mexico- I ask the Minister to note this point- have seen fit to legislate to prevent plunder by overseas companies of their own indigenous markets. [More…]
Development of a steam engine in the United States of America are going beyond the preliminary stage. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Foreign Affairs aware of the remarks made in the United States on 29 March by the Chief Minister of the [More…]
The Chief Minister said that the United States should get a better understanding of the relationship between black and white in South Africa and that the South African Government was the only one giving help in such matters as financial and technical assistance. [More…]
Are the Tracker aircraft recently purchased from the United States of America in action at the present time? [More…]
It was found that in this area the score for Australia was 94, England 90, Scotland 89 and the United States of America 87. [More…]
In the case of reading comprehension it was found that the score for Australia was 70, for England 68, for New Zealand 75, for Scotland 70 and for the United States 79. [More…]
Otherwise, the Australian figures at most levels were virtually identical with or a little in advance of the figures for the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
As a result of the allegations that Russia was involved in a gigantic build-up in the Indian Ocean, the Soviet Union, through the Somali Government, invited some United States legislators to inspect the base in Somalia. [More…]
The story is the same abroad, if we look at what is happening in France, Japan and the United States, to mention just 3 countries. [More…]
In Canada, the United States and Great Britain a very conscious effort is made to make the market an attractive place. [More…]
Although the United States, Japan and Germany have pursued mildly expansionary policies, they are in the minority and have a much different recent economic history from that of Australia. [More…]
The OECD currently advocates different economic policies with the 3 stronger countries of the United States, Japan and Germany taking action to stimulate demand but at the same time taking care to avoid measures that would renew inflationary pressures and it recommends that the weaker countries employ severe demand restraint, supplemented where possible by arrangements which limit the growth of incomes. [More…]
I think it also should be noted that unemployment levels remain at historically high levels in those stronger countries and that in both the United States and Japan unemployment is higher than in Australia, where there is also considerable excess capacity. [More…]
I think we are getting to the position achieved by the economies of the United States, Japan and Germany immediately prior to their introduction of mild expansionary policies. [More…]
A visiting United States professor of economics who addressed the Life Underwriters Association in Sydney recently said: [More…]
The honourable member for Adelaide should bear in mind the comments of the then United States Secretary of the Treasury, the Honourable William Simon, when he addressed a meeting of the World Bank at Manila on 5 October last year. [More…]
I would think it needs to be understood that a great deal has been said and written as a result of comments made by a person who has been convicted in the United States of America of the most serious charges and that the only beneficiary of the matters in relation to which he has been convicted is the Soviet Union. [More…]
The honourable gentleman will know as a result of the briefings he would have had as Prime Minister that the bases referred to in his earlier question are joint United StatesAustralian bases and that the result of research from these bases is fully and freely available to Australia. [More…]
It particularly followed the history of inflation in the United States in the last 200 or 300 years. [More…]
If we examine the history of inflation in the United States, we find that every time a particular government ran a deficit, inflation followed. [More…]
At the time the United States fought wars its government ran a deficit to finance that war and it printed money to do this. [More…]
Of course, we heard earlier in this debate that there have been pressures in the United States and Germany, which has an inflation rate of 4 per cent, for those countries, because of their low inflation rates, to spend a little to try to create some employment. [More…]
If one reads the OECD publications and the publications put out by government, treasury, and central bank bodies in the United States, Germany, Japan, France and Britain, there is not much quarrel about the sorts of measures that are necessary. [More…]
This is not as strict a rule as the exclusionary rule which operates in the United States. [More…]
The Commission decided to steer a middle course between the exclusionary rule which operates in the United States and the common law rule which is virtually a non-exclusionary rule. [More…]
That has been the common law position although we have never had any guarantee, as exists in the United States, that it cannot be overridden by statute. [More…]
However, in this matter regarding the admissibility of tainted evidence, Victoria favours the United States exclusionary rule. [More…]
Has the attention of the Prime Minister been drawn to a report in today’s Sydney Sun newspaper quoting a Mr Victor Marchetti, a former assistant to the executive director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, as saying that the CIA has provided funds to the Liberal and National Country Parties in Australia for at least the past 10 years? [More…]
I have been most concerned, as indeed have members of the Australian Meat Board and officers of my Department, at what is seen to be a policy followed by many countries, not peculiarly by Japan but by the European Economic Community and last year by the United States, of restricting the level of permissible imports of Australian beef into their markets. [More…]
In recent days a succession of allegations and disclosures has come to light through published documents, Press reports, statements by individuals and evidence given in public proceedings in the United States. [More…]
The point must also be made that by the term ‘foreign intelligence services’ we do not mean only those of the United States. [More…]
He was employed by a company which contracts for joint Australian-United States defence installations. [More…]
The Australian Broadcasting Commission reported from Washington this morning that the United States Justice Department had ordered a top level inquiry into Boyce ‘s statements. [More…]
The Australian Government agreed to share joint defence space research facilities with the Government of the United States. [More…]
Mr Stallings’ name was not on the list of declared CIA employees given to the Department of Foreign Affairs by the United States State Department as part of the institutional arrangements between the 2 governments. [More…]
I was informed that Mr Stallings worked for the CIA, not by the head of the Australian Foreign Affairs Department, or the United States [More…]
State Department, but by the head of another of our Departments which in turn was informed by a department in the United States other than the State Department. [More…]
Australia was a pawn in a squalid squabble between the United States and U.S.S.R. [More…]
Mr Victor Marchetti the author of the only book on the CIA whose accuracy has never been challenged by any United States administration, today told a Sydney newspaper that his friend, Mr Stallings, informed him of his deep concern about CIA financial support for conservative political parties in Australia. [More…]
Speaking in the United States in October 1974 he declared: [More…]
On Saturday morning the Melbourne Sun published an article written by Laurie Oakes concerning a United States labour attache named Robert L. Walkinshaw. [More…]
Robert L. Walkinshaw parading as a United States labour attache, arrived in Australia in August of 1962. [More…]
He stayed here until shortly after I lodged official complaints with the United States Embassy against his undiplomatic interference in the internal affairs of the Australian trade union movement in general and of the Australian Workers Union in particular. [More…]
I subsequently met Mr Walkinshaw at the American Embassy and in the presence of a senior United States diplomat I repeated my charge that he was engaged in McCarthy-like operations against loyal and trusted members of the Australian Labor Party who were refusing to toe the Central Intelligence Agency line. [More…]
What he said was all against the United States, our allies. [More…]
I suggest that we ought to look at the situation in the United States. [More…]
It is in fact part of the responsibilities of the Congress of the United States to oversee that country’s security organisations and the excesses of one of them have been curbed because of an investigation carried out by the Congress of the United States. [More…]
This Parliament, in the same way as the United States Congress, is capable of oversight without theatricals. [More…]
It is now fairly evident that almost any international telephone call leaving Australia can be monitored by satellite, the information being fed to the United States of America or other countries. [More…]
The United States Congress, through subcommittees of its various committees, is able to establish surveillance over United States security activities. [More…]
I seek leave to incorporate in Hansard a list of the committees of the United States Congress. [More…]
-The United States does have a parliamentary committee. [More…]
I have some documents in front of me which in the interests of good relationships with the United States it would be unwise to read. [More…]
Good relationships with the United States are most important. [More…]
I know of no congressional committee which is charged with overseeing the operations of foreign intelligence services in the United States. [More…]
I believe it is a disgraceful ploy to focus the Opposition’s paranoic views on security against the United States and against the Central Intelligence Agency, and I very much regret that I have had to take part in such a cynical and ridiculous debate. [More…]
This study attempted to arrive at a real level for aggregate non-financial corporate profits in the United States of America in 1974. [More…]
But these figures from the United States present a stark reminder that in looking at the effects of inflation, gains as well as losses must be acknowledged. [More…]
The very magnitude of the adjustments on both sides that the United States study made to conventional profits- historical accounting profits- indicates that the effects of inflation itself are a problem and must be coped with. [More…]
If the Australian invalided ex-serviceman could take his pension to other countries, as he should be able to do, such as New Zealand, Canada or the United States, his Australian invalidity pension will not be taxed. [More…]
Did the Deputy Prime Minister tell him that Richard Lee Stallings was an employee of the United States Central Intelligence Agency? [More…]
Will he consider either appointing a joint select committee of this Parliament to report to this Parliament on the desirability of introducing legislation to require political parties to declare to the Parliament each year donations over a certain amount, or alternatively appointing a high level committee outside the Parliament to report to the Parliament on the desirability of legislation being introduced for the election expenses of all parties to be limited to a certain amount and for those amounts to be appropriated by the Parliament, as is done in the United States of America? [More…]
Because of the natural reluctance of foreign companies to manufacture Austalian cars with Australian inventiveness such as that shown by Pritchard, Everingham and Sarich, will the Prime Minister consider the Government exploring the opportunity to form an international consortium with Australian, Japanese, United States and German interests whereby there could be a world wide motor car produced using the talents of Australians on the basis that the work force in Australia would at least be able to be employed manufacturing part of a car, thereby guaranteeing the utilisation of Australian talent as well as the utilisation of a world market? [More…]
In view of the decline of the apple industry will the Minister have his Department investigate the British Medical Journal’s outrageous suggestion and also check reports that the Premier of Queensland and the President of the United States of America have an undue influence on the British Medical Journal? [More…]
Over the past few years we have seen numerous politically motivated strikes and bans- the Medibank strike; bans on Indonesian shipping; bans on United States nuclearpowered warships entering our ports, in clear contravention of the ANZAAS Treaty; bans on building of roads and other structures and bans on demolition of various buildings. [More…]
In the United States of America some 2 1 of its 50 States have provision for referendums. [More…]
Because the contribution for the United States is SUS2.4 billion or more than 30 per cent of the total, this means, in effect, that the fifth replenishment cannot become effective and other countries will not be required to contribute to IDA without formal notification from the United States to the IDA that it has taken all the necessary legislative steps to enable it to participate on the basis of the agreement reached for the fifth replenishment. [More…]
It seems clear that the United States will not be able to give the formal notification required by that date. [More…]
This compares with pledges by the United States of America of $US200m, the United Kingdom of stg15m, Canada $C30m and New Zealand $NZ2m. [More…]
-On 18 May 1974 Senator Bill Brown warned that the then United States Ambassador, Marshall Greene, was in Australia to protect American financial interests and to ensure the maintenance of that country’s military installations in Australia. [More…]
Mr Greene called at my Canberra office in July 1973, accompanied by the United States Labour Attache, Mr Ed McHale. [More…]
Subsequently I repeated this conversation in the presence of Mr McHale and his successor in the Lobby Restaurant just before Mr McHale returned to the United States, and he did not correct a single point of my recital of that conversation. [More…]
So here we had the Ambassador of the United States threatening a Minister of State of a friendly country with interference in its internal affairs should its democratically elected government ever receive a mandate to take over the investments of American private corporations. [More…]
I raise this matter in the Parliament of Australia because I want the United States Ambassador to see that President Carter is informed of our apprehension about CIA activities in our country. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States Export-Import Bank requires disclaimers that bribes have not been paid by contractors before loans are extended. [More…]
I am advised that the United States Export-Import Bank requires, prior to disbursement of loans, a supplier certificate which certifies that the supplier did not give any discount, allowances, rebates, fees, payments or any other consideration to obtain the contract. [More…]
Are recent amendments to the bankruptcy laws of the United States of America being studied with a view to their implementation in Australia. [More…]
Apart from an amendment of their provisions in relation to the debts of municipalities, which are not subject to the bankruptcy laws in Australia, there have, as far as I am aware, been no recent amendments to the bankruptcy laws of the United States of America. [More…]
When does he expect that Australia will be able to honour its obligations under this covenant to which Canada, a federal State, adhered on 19 May 1976 and to which the United States, another federal State, will, as announced by President Carter to the United Nations on 18 March 1977, also soon adhere. [More…]
In view of President Carter’s statement that the ‘moral and intellectual poverty’ of cold war obsessions had led the United States into Vietnam, does the Government intend to examine its own past mistakes before developing new foreign policies based on President Carter’s call for a wider concern for human rights? [More…]
I have not for one moment detected any suggestion in President Carter’s statement that he believes that the international stance or the defence of the United States should be in any way weakened. [More…]
Did the Prime Minister hold a meeting last week with Mr Philip Alston, the then Ambassador designate of the United States of America, in regard to Central Intelligence Agency activities in Australia? [More…]
I consider it entirely proper to ask a distinguished United States citizen to have dinner with me as my guest if he so wishes and chooses. [More…]
I regard it entirely appropriate to ask a distinguished United States citizen to dine with me at any time I choose. [More…]
I believe that the United States is well served by its new Ambassador to this country. [More…]
We understand that countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom are thinking similarly, and we would in fact be the only country in the United Nations that was maintaining such an office. [More…]
Meanwhile, however, in common with the United States and the [More…]
by leave- We have seen over the last 4 weeks efforts to expose some of Australia’s most closely held secrets and to publicise allegations based on hearsay or worse, to the embarrassment of Australia’s relations with the United States, our closest ally. [More…]
Those who are opposed to our alliance with the United States have naturally sought to exploit this issue for their own purposes. [More…]
The situation I have described has been precipitated by the allegations of one Christopher Boyce, a 23 year old communications clerk, who was on trial in California and has since been convicted of selling United States secrets to the Soviet Union. [More…]
As part of our defence relationship with the United States, there have grown up extensive arrangements for exchanging information and views with a wide range of United States Government agencies including those in the intelligence and security field. [More…]
Under these arrangements officers from United States agencies are declared to the Australian authorities and work with various Australian agencies. [More…]
They are an important aspect of the close and intimate relationship which we have with the United States. [More…]
Through these arrangements we have access to and exchange valuable information with the United States on a wide range of international strategic developments as well as security and intelligence matterssuch as espionage and international terrorism to name 2 examples- which contribute in the broadest terms to the protection of Australia and the Australian community. [More…]
In this connection I wish to reassure the nation that I have carefully reviewed the activities of the United States Government in Australia and have found them. [More…]
I am satisfied with the assurances I have received from elements of my own Government and administration and from President Carter personally through his Ambassador, that neither the United States Government nor its representatives are involved in improper or inappropriate activities here. [More…]
They will also be aware that, in recent times, the activities of the CIA, unlike most other foreign intelligence services, have been kept under close scrutiny by the United States Congress and that allegations of improper activity will be investigated as a matter of routine by the Congress. [More…]
I note that the Leader, when Prime Minister, sought and was advised of the names of representatives of United States intelligence agencies then in Australia. [More…]
I repeat: I note that the Leader, when Prime Minister, sought and was advised of the names of representatives of United States intelligence agencies then in Australia. [More…]
Certainly it is their job, and I believe they will do it, to look into the activities which are carried out in Australia by the agencies of other powers, be they the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or a few others one can think of. [More…]
It is utterly beside the point to argue that Australia and the United States are friendly powers bound by treaties and military alliances. [More…]
Our alliance with the United States is valuable and important. [More…]
It is valuable to the United States just as much as it is valuable to Australia. [More…]
They are not even necessarily those of the United States, nor are Australia’s interests necessarily those of the Liberal Party. [More…]
Implicit in the Prime Minister’s statement is the belief that there can never under any circumstances be any secrets between the United States of America and Australia. [More…]
Yesterday, the new United States Ambassador in his first Press conference here declared that he was very much concerned at the allegations he had seen in the Press. [More…]
Two weeks ago, the United States Senate Committee on Intelligence under the chairmanship of Senator Inouye of Hawaii asked the Central Intelligence Agency for a report of its activities in Australia. [More…]
His facts have never been challenged by the United States Government or the intelligence community. [More…]
What is important in this context is that the United States Government which employed him as a spy for 12 years is taking no legal action against him. [More…]
He is free to return to the United States if he wishes to do so. [More…]
Noting allegations made during the past month that the United States Central Intelligence Agency has engaged in improper activities in Australia, including deception of the Australian Government, especially in relation to the operations of the joint defence space research facility; manipulation of political events in Australia in 1975; channelling of funds to Australian political parties and interference in trade union activities in Australia; [More…]
Further noting that these allegations emanate from a variety of sources in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia; [More…]
Recognising that such activities would be inconsistent with the integrity and mutual respect on which relations between Australia and the United States should be based; [More…]
Noting with appreciation that the Carter Administration has pledged to end abuses by United States intelligence authorities of the sovereignty of other countries: [More…]
Further noting with appreciation that the United States has called for a report from the CIA on its activities in Australia; [More…]
Invites the United States Administration and Congress to investigate fully the activities of the CIA in Australia and to report publicly on any improprieties which may have occurred; and [More…]
Again, at their recent Summit meeting, the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, West Germany, France, Japan and Italy committed themselves to increasing nuclear energy to help meet the world’s energy requirements while reducing the risks of nuclear proliferation. [More…]
They are issues on which I have already written to President Carter and Prime Minister Trudeau and on which the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) and Australian officials have held detailed consultations with the United States, Canada and other countries. [More…]
In line with the positions taken by the United States and Canada Australia would retain the right to cease supply of uranium to any country which breached safeguards undertakings. [More…]
The United States has proposed an international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation program to consider various nuclear fuel cycles in terms of their implications for proliferation control. [More…]
As I noted at the outset, I have already initiated an exchange of correspondence with the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada expressing this wish, and extremely valuable consultations have already taken place. [More…]
The policy I am now announcing incorporates the Government’s consideration of these consultations and represents a very similar approach to safeguards to that adopted by the United States and Canada. [More…]
The statement by the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) is an obvious political ploy, drawn up at the last moment, to provide him with something to take to the United States and Canada on his forthcoming trip. [More…]
It became obvious that the Fraser Government intends to export following a trip by the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Anthony, to the United States recently. [More…]
Such organisations are in existence in the United States and are in fact profitable. [More…]
I established that the Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Corporation is part of the parent body, the MGIC Investment Corporation of the United States of America. [More…]
However, from the evidence of an officer of Shell in the United States it became clear that even though it was not lawful in the United States to tie dealers to one oil company by exclusive dealing agreements, single-brand trading had continued because it carried economic advantages for both dealer and supplier. [More…]
1 ) Economic policy in the United States is being framed in economic circumstances fundamentally different from those prevailing in Australia: notably, inflation in the United States is lower. [More…]
In the operation of the Station, there are at present 142 Australian civilian contractor employees at the Station (employed at United States expense) of whom 42 are employed in the operation of the Station while the remainder provide the entire industrial effort in the maintenance and support of the Station. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the United States Food and Drug Administration ban on saccharin and a similar ban by the Canadian Government. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to the research on the effects of saccharin which has been completed by the United States Food and Drug Administration. [More…]
I am not aware of any toxicological investigations recently completed by the United States Food and Drug Administration. [More…]
The ban on saccharin in the United States and Canada is based on toxicological investigations carried out by the Health Protection Branch of the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare. [More…]
The intention to ban saccharin in the United States was based on legislation in that country which requires a food additive to be banned if the development of cancer in experimental animals can be attributed to that substance, irrespective of the level of ingestion. [More…]
Some relaxation of the ban is now being undertaken by the United States. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the recommendations of the United States House of Representatives ad hoc SubCommittee on Antitrust on the Robinson-Patman Act and related matters, that the Robinson-Patman Act, upon which section 49 of the Trade Practices Act is modelled, should not be repealed or amended or tampered with in any way; if so, have these recommendations been considered by the Government. [More…]
-The Minister for Primary Industry will recall that the decline in the comparative prices of wool in recent decades has been due not only to the advent of synthetics but also to the adoption of heating practices in buildings, particularly in the United States of America, resulting in a reduction in the wearing of warm garments. [More…]
Has the Minister noted the recent energy conservation initiatives of President Carter, particularly his appeal to United States citizens to reduce oil and gas consumption by turning down the thermostats in their homes in winter? [More…]
Would this not suggest that there should be a very large market for woollen blankets and clothing opening up in the United States of America this coming winter. [More…]
Will the Minister ask the Australian wool authorities to undertake a substantial wool promotion campaign in the United States of America keyed into President [More…]
He suggested that a campaign in the United States of America with the slogans ‘Wear wool; it’s warmer’, ‘Lie lighter; sleep tighter under an all-wool blanket’, ‘Turn down your oil heater; wool will help you to save your own body heat’, or ‘Shepherd your own warmth; wear wool’, might help reverse the trend to which he has referred. [More…]
There is no doubt that the introduction of synthetics, heating and air conditioning, particularly in the United States, has had a profound effect on the level of wool consumption. [More…]
The United States of America still very much dominates international trade in so many areas and were it possible for Australia to increase its exports of wool to that market it might well help reverse the general downturn in wool market demand that has been apparent over the last few years. [More…]
It should be understood also that appointments with people such as the President of the United States cannot necessarily be arranged to meet the convenience of a Qantas flight. [More…]
In my recent discussions overseas, both the Director-General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the newly appointed United States Special Trade Representative supported this view. [More…]
Our access to the United States and Canadian beef markets was restricted. [More…]
The United States is playing an active role in the sugar negotiations. [More…]
This is consistent with the more forthcoming attitude of the present United States Administration to the question of international commodity arrangements. [More…]
The United States is also playing an active role in ongoing discussions which Australia hopes will lead to the early negotiation of a new International Wheat Agreement. [More…]
America I was able to familiarise myself at first hand with the views of senior United States Administration officials and Canadian Ministers. [More…]
In the United States also, there was considerable interest in Australia as a future uranium supplier. [More…]
Recent statistics Mowing from discussions in the United States Congress about what is happening to American society were published in a paper entitled ‘Estimating the Social Costs of a National Policy: Implications for Mental and Physical Health, and Criminal Aggression’. [More…]
Again the report makes the point that for every one per cent increase in unemployment in the United States, numbers in the State penitentiaries increase by 3340. [More…]
In giving that view, the Commission also quoted from the 1955 report of the United States Attorney-General National Committee to Study the Antitrust Laws. [More…]
What orders does he intend to issue to afford protection under the provisions of the Act to individuals who may be subject to subpoenas in relation to the United States Grand Jury investigation and the Edison action. [More…]
Can he say whether Grand Jury inquiries are at present being held in the United States of America, under that country s anti-trust laws, into price fixing by zinc and mineral sands producers and conference shipping lines. [More…]
What representations has the Government made to the United States Departments of Justice and State in respect of any of these inquiries. [More…]
Bill relating to disclosure of credit rating records introduced into the Canadian House of Commons on 22 October 1976, (b) the United States Fair Credit Billing Act, (c) the United States Fair Credit Opportunity Act, (d) the United States Depository Institutions Amendment Act, (e) the United States Consumer Leasing Act, (f) the United States Equal Credit Opportunity Act, (g) the United States Consumer Credit Protection Act, (h) the Manitoba Consumer Protection Act and (i) the Manitoba Personal Property Security Act. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States Government supports the proposed agreement. [More…]
Can he say whether any legislation has been introduced in the United States Congress to eliminate corrupt, practices in business dealings with governments. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a report in the Australian Financial Review of 28 February 1977 that the United States Department of Justice has asked the Australian Government for a meeting to discuss Australia’s refusal to co-operate with its inquiry into alleged uranium price fixing. [More…]
Has the Organisation for Economic and Co-operative Development prepared guidelines on regulation of restrictive business practices which are supported by the United States Government. [More…]
What is the Australian Government’s attitude to the guidelines prepared by the Organisation and does it conflict with that or the United States Government. [More…]
Is the Australian Government proposing to re-open discussions with the United States Government with a view to effecting a treaty of mutual co-operation relating to restrictive business practices and anti-trust activities referred to in his answer to question No. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the Uniform Class Actions Act or Rule approved by the United States National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws at its annual meeting in Atlanta in 1 976. [More…]
If so, can he say whether the effect of these cases is to severely limit the availability of class actions in United States Federal Courts, causing class litigants to turn to the State Courts for group relief. [More…]
Are the implications of these United States cases also being considered by the Law Reform Commission. [More…]
What is the projected increase in tourists/travellers to Australia from (a) Europe, (b) Britain, (c) the United States of America, (d) Japan and (e) New Zealand during 1977. [More…]
The Australian Tourist Commission has estimated the increase in the number of tourists/travellers to Australia for 1977 as (a) Europe (excluding Britain )-7,600, (b) Bri-tain-4,000, (c) The United States of America- 1 1,500, (d) Japan-3,500 and (e) New Zealand-8,000. [More…]
United States Secretary of State, Mr Cyrus Vance, was in Moscow in March the 2 countries agreed to form a working group to discuss possible military limitations in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Questions about the level of forces and capabilities on which the United States and Soviet Union might be able to reach agreement or about a role for Australia in implementing an agreement between them are premature and hypothetical at this stage. [More…]
I inform the House that I will be absent from Australia from later today until 28 June, during which time I will attend the meeting of Commonwealth Heads of Government in London and have discussions in Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
The matter is very complex, and we do not want to make the same sorts of mistakes that were made in the United States of America in the legallation of CB radio. [More…]
The United States has taken the attitude of banning the importing of marine mammal products-and the whale is a marine mammal. [More…]
One possibility is Jojoba which comes from a bean plant which grows wild in the arid regions of the United States. [More…]
Through the Department Australia should take international action at least to ensure enforcement of quotas by applying the same sort of sanctions in many ways as the United States of America does. [More…]
In 1963-64 over 90 per cent of total exports of beef and veal, the major meat export items, were shipped to the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
The United States continues as our single most important beef market, taking slightly more than half of beef exports in 1976. [More…]
Examples are the actions over the past few years of the governments of the United States of America, Japan, Canada and the European Economic Community. [More…]
Without broad control powers it would not have been possible for the Australian Meat Board to have fulfilled Australia’s obligations to regulate meat exports to the United States of America under the voluntary restraint and quota arrangements which have existed at various times since 1968. [More…]
Countries like the United States of America, Japan and West Germany used this approach to wind back large budget deficits. [More…]
In the United States full employment Budget positions are prepared as a matter of course. [More…]
We all know that the United States is using these policies. [More…]
On the question of enrichment, during my discussions with Dr Schlesinger in the United States he gave me a firm indication that the American Administration would welcome Australia going into enrichment should we become an exporter of uranium. [More…]
Biological controls might have some prospect of success, particularly as it is understood that a parasitic wasp has been used with some success in the United States. [More…]
1 ) ( a ) Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965: Monaco, Ghana, Zambia, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic, Yugoslavia, Norway, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Nigeria, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Finland, Singapore, Canada, Germany, Federal Republic of, Sweden, Netherlands, Israel, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Tunisia, Poland, Madagascar, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Fiji, New Zealand, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Chile, Austria, India, Bahamas, Iraq, Hungary, Surinam. [More…]
International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969: Denmark, United Kingdom, Japan, Belgium, Senegal, France, Norway, Fiji, Liberia, Sweden, Spain, United States, Morocco, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Dominican Republic, Syrian Arab Republic, Monaco, New Zealand, Germany, Federal Republic of, Lebanon, Netherlands, Panama, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Tunisia, Cuba, Poland, Bahamas, Finland, Ecuador, Surinam. [More…]
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter, 1972: Afghanistan, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, German Democratic Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, Jordan, Kenya, Libyan Arab Republic, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Yugoslavia, Zaire. [More…]
Canada and the United States. [More…]
I suggest in the strongest possible terms that studies in the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries, where money is given for no gainful work, demonstrate without any shadow of a doubt that there are social problems and that in the years to come they will be frightening in their magnitude. [More…]
In 1963-64, 90 per cent of exports of beef and veal were shipped to the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
However, the changing pattern now shows that more than half of our beef exports in 1976 were consigned to the United States of America with growing markets in Canada, Japan, the Middle East and eastern Europe. [More…]
Australia’s obligation to regulate meat exports to the United States of America in accordance with a voluntary restraint arrangement also would require a certain amount of Government control and certainly inspection. [More…]
Let us face it; the collapse of the beef market was simply and directly the result of a bad grain crop in the United States, of all things. [More…]
The book then goes on with a tirade against the United States of America. [More…]
It commends the activities of the Weathermen in the United States. [More…]
Japan, United States of America, the European Economic Community, Sweden, Canada and Britain have protection and quotas. [More…]
Articles in the United States refer to CAT fever, that is, computerised axial tomograms, spreading in the medical profession in some of the American States. [More…]
I think it would be difficult to set up such organisations in Australia compared with the United States of America. [More…]
A lot of information has come from that well-known communist country, the United States of America. [More…]
As I say, these organisations are fairly popular in the United States of America. [More…]
This places a much greater financial burden per capita on Australians than, for example, people in the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
In Australia there are about 9 times as many miles of road per head of population as in the United Kingdom and 3 times as many as in the United States. [More…]
In Australia there are about 2V4 times as many miles of railway tracks per head of population as in the United Kingdom and about twice as many as in the United States. [More…]
The impact of this is highlighted when we recall that the population of the United States is about 15 times that of Australia; hence the importance of ensuring that transport investment and expenditure is used in a rational, responsible and efficient manner. [More…]
I think that this is still of very great concern to the ex-sericemen of this country or the veterans as the United States Government members like to call them. [More…]
It increased between those dates in Germany, in Britain, in the United States of America, in New Zealand, in Canada and in Japan. [More…]
But if one was in the United States one knew the same problem occurred in Canada under a different sort of administration. [More…]
In the United States it fell from 8. [More…]
He works closely with his United States counterpart, participating daily in the decision-making concerned with program activities. [More…]
This confidence is reinforced by the judgment that a United States administration would be unlikely to put in jeopardy the valuable benefits derived from the facility by trying to use the facility to gain some much less significant advantage in respect of Australia. [More…]
The Soviet Union, which has experienced reduced influence in the region, may be tempted to make use of the Soviet Union’s improved military capacity for intervention in the Middle East and thus risk a confrontation with the United States. [More…]
This optimism is largely based on the belief that the United States can persuade Israel to withdraw from the Territory it captured in the 1967 war. [More…]
United States and Soviet rivalry has focused on the Middle East where the United States is now the dominating influence. [More…]
The shape of negotiations in the months ahead will depend largely on Israel’s response to any United States pressure towards a compromise. [More…]
United States pressure is not unrelated to United States friendship with Saudi Arabia, and lately with Egypt, and is due to United States obligations to Western Europe and Japan, which are dependent on Middle East oil. [More…]
It may then be too late for Israel to make concessions to the Arabs, who are likely to have become disenchanted with United States peace efforts if they fail to bring results by then. [More…]
Australia should work in international forums as well as in private consultations with friendly powers to support the efforts of the United States-the most influential power in the region-to achieve a lasting Middle East peace settlement. [More…]
This may require support for the resumption of United States step-by-step diplomacy, should the parties to the dispute become disenchanted with the Geneva Peace [More…]
The first is a rather hasty effort to get into step with the modifications to the policy of the United States of America that were announced recently by President Carter. [More…]
When Canada withdrew its supplies from India the gesture proved futile because the United States and later the Soviet Union kept up supplies of enriched uranium to the Indian Government. [More…]
For example, the Federal General Accounting Office of the United States has just revealed that up to 9 tonnes of enriched plutonium and enriched uranium could not be accounted for at privately owned nuclear facilities. [More…]
In particular I refer to the crucial debate about reprocessing between the United States and European governments. [More…]
I have particularly in mind the initiatives of the United States, Canadian and Australian Governments to the further strengthening of international safeguards arrangements. [More…]
President Carter has committed the United States to the continued development of its program of light water reactors. [More…]
At the same time, however, the United States Government is seeking to restrain the development of the plutonium economy. [More…]
This comprehensive approach is closely in line with the recent United States and Canadian policy and it builds on the recommendations of the First Fox Report. [More…]
Like the United States, we believe that the IAEA should remain a central element in nuclear safeguards systems. [More…]
We will collaborate with the United States and other countries in further strengthening the IAEA. [More…]
The Minister says that the policy of the Opposition is to move the world closer towards a plutonium economy and that we should fall into line immediately with the policy of the United States of America to prevent this. [More…]
I think that the prima facie policy of the United States is commendable. [More…]
I said so in my last major speech in the Parliament on the subject that the policy of the United States is important because of its pervasive influence in the West, in the nuclear industry, in technology, in the monetary system and in global defence. [More…]
Obviously, the United States has a huge input into the West in terms of any policy initiative it seeks to have accepted. [More…]
But the point is, as the Deputy Prime Minister is aware, the French and the Japanese will go it alone in fast breeder development no matter what the United States says. [More…]
These nations are short on resources and because they have progressed in fast breeder technology they will not fall over themselves to suit United States nuclear policy. [More…]
A little bit of the rub of what the United States is now doing is to opt out of fast breeder development because it is in some respects having problems with fast breeder technology development. [More…]
But instead of doing it as we have and suggesting that time is needed for the development of adequate safeguards the Government is now formulating instant policy such as the statement of the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) before he left for the United States a week ago. [More…]
In respect of the delivery of 1 700 tonnes after 1 984-a good 6 to 8 years away- Japan, West Germany and the United States of Amercia which are the 3 countries to have contracted with us have plenty of time in which to arrange alternative supplies if they want to do so. [More…]
The United States is self sufficient in uranium until about 1987. [More…]
The Prime Minister will run to the United States in a week or so and fall at the knees of President Carter with his Cart it to Carter policy. [More…]
Can we be sure that 200 years from now the government of the United States will be a safe government that is dedicated to using and caring for the nuclear power industry in the way in which the present Government is dedicated? [More…]
If we fulfil safeguards and do not export to countries which have dealt with non-signatories to the non-proliferation Treaty and which are developing plutonium economies, we must bypass the United States of America which has sold enriched uranium to India, and also Japan which, through its Australian Ambassador this week called on Australia to ignore the policy of the Carter Administration against fast breeder reactors which Japan is rapidly developing. [More…]
In addition, a United States based nuclear brokerage house has confirmed that, in 1976, it sold to foreign buyers 1 12 pounds of plutonium- enough for 3 large bombs -in 2 separate transactions. [More…]
The decision of the Nixon administration in 1973 to allow private enterprise to take over from the Atomic Energy Commission meant that in 1974, when the United States Atomic Energy Commission announced it was to cease selling uranium, it artifically forced prices to skyrocket. [More…]
As a result the bottom dropped out of the United States domestic market and 2 United States corporations, General Electric Co. and Westinghouse Electric Corporation, face losses said to be in region of $500m each. [More…]
In addition, both West Germany and France, with nuclear technology comparable with that of the United States have begun their own sales campaign. [More…]
Time magazine has alleged that Israel has 13 nuclear bombs, made using plutonium allegedly delivered by the Central Intelligence Agency from the United States stockpile. [More…]
There are very good arguments for nuclear development and I think that some of the referendums in the United States have made clear that the people there are not the slightest bit concerned. [More…]
A couple of weeks ago, Jimmy Carter addressed the United States Congress and said something of great importance. [More…]
He said that the energy crisis was the greatest crisis in the history of the United States, short of the crisis of war. [More…]
He said that the United States had been hurt by the crisis and that Japan was in even worse straits. [More…]
President Carter absolutely outlined that the first emphasis of the United States must be on economising on energy as well as using more effective ways to employ it. [More…]
He wants to reduce the period of licensing in the United States of America from 10 years to 3 years because the energy is needed now. [More…]
Big industrial nuclear reactors, of which there are more than 60 in the United States today, have not harmed a single person. [More…]
Nuclear reactors are safe when properly controlled and at least in the United States they are safe. [More…]
Honourable members might recollect that many years ago there was a tremendous nuclear debate in the United States. [More…]
Apart from the enormous industrial development and the enormous benefits that civilisation has gained from nuclear power, there is no question that the United States has done the job in preserving the balance of nuclear power in war-like terms. [More…]
It should be made clear to Australians that this policy in effect means firstly, nuclear power will not be abolished world-wide; secondly, the demand for yellowcake will increase because of restrictions on United States fast breeder reactors and reprocessing plants. [More…]
An important assumption of the new American policy is that the majority of world uranium resources is held and can be controlled conjointly by Australia, Canada and the United States. [More…]
Although President Carter has concluded that the United States can afford to defer the breeder, many other countries cannot afford such a course. [More…]
There is a need to work out cooperatively with the United States and Canada a governmental safeguards policy which must be detailed. [More…]
For example, the message should be made even clearer to uranium buyers that any nuclear explosion set off by countries other than the recognised nuclear powers- that is, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, China and France- will result in immediate and permanent cessation of uranium supplies from Canada, Australia and the United States. [More…]
Compulsory membership of the NPT by uranium consumers should be agreed to without delay by Canada, Australia and the United States. [More…]
Small countries conceivably could obtain uranium outside Canada, the United States or Australia for nuclear weapons manufacture. [More…]
The role of South Africa as a possible willing supplier of uranium for nuclear weapons manufacture cannot and ought not to be ruled out in any evaluation of Australian and United States safeguards policy. [More…]
Unlike the policies of the United States and Canada, the current Australian policy is not pressing future uranium customers to renounce plutonium recycling via reprocessing or breeder reactors. [More…]
The plutonium argument brings up the broader question of whether the interests of Australia, Canada and the United States are similar or even identical. [More…]
Clearly they are not since the United States is expected to use 50 per cent of the world ‘s uranium production as well as export a much smaller proportion of it. [More…]
Available literature indicates that United States uranium reserves appear more expensive to develop than those of Canada and Australia, so an underlying United States aim maybe to keep the world yellowcake prices as low as possible. [More…]
The danger for Australia in the Carter policy is that the United States will encourage excess foreign uranium production, such as the developing of the Pancontinental and Ranger mines simultaneously, for the purpose of delaying reprocessing for plutonium. [More…]
The United States would dearly like to stockpile cheap Australian uranium for future use against the market and possibly this can be averted by strict sequential development. [More…]
Markets for Australian uranium exist in the United States of America, Canada, West Germany, Japan and, possibly, Great Britain. [More…]
Already, while we are discussing this subject in Canberra, uranium producers from South Africa are in the United States of America endeavouring to sell their uranium to that country. [More…]
The honourable member for Swan (Mr Martyr) said that the United States has been using uranium for power purposes for many years. [More…]
The United States Navy has been nuclearpowered for 2 1 to 25 years. [More…]
It has provided the United States with another source of energy. [More…]
He made it clear that there was international concern to establish a framework of control for nuclear safeguards and that consultations had taken place with the United States of America, Canada and other countries. [More…]
Suddenly the thing that was worrying most of us- the plutonium economywas encapsulated by the President of the United States of America, and suddenly all of the things that had been worrying people who had been branded as ‘trendies’ and ‘greenies’ became respectable. [More…]
The fact of the matter is that the then President of the United States decided to use nuclear weapons because in his judgment this action would finish the war quickly and save the lives of at least hundreds of thousands of allied servicemen who were fighting in the Pacific. [More…]
At their recent summit meeting the heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, West Germany, France, Japan and Italy committed themselves to increasing nuclear energy to help meet the world’s energy requirements while reducing the risks of nuclear proliferation. [More…]
The article referred to the preliminary study which has been agreed on by Great Britain, the United States, France, West Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada. [More…]
For example, in 20 years or so of operating nuclear reactors in the United States, there have been no third party claims arising from the operation of commercial plants. [More…]
The United States has a good moral position. [More…]
President Carter has said that the United States is opposed to the development of fast breeder reactors. [More…]
In the environment area and other major areas the United States seems to have a very sound policy line. [More…]
It is opposed to the advanced technology of other countries ahead of the United States in that technology which damages the environment. [More…]
It is easy for President Carter to be self-righteous in this matter because the United States does not have that technological development at the moment. [More…]
I am referring to greater access to the European Common Market and agreements with the United States which would be favourable to us. [More…]
I can do no better than read to the House an extract from a letter which the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) wrote to the President of the United States of America, Jimmy Carter: [More…]
Naturally we wish to take full accounts of any new thinking as it develops in this area, especially to ensure that our policies and those of the United States and other like-minded countries, such as Canada, are mutually reinforcing. [More…]
Australian officials already have held detailed and useful consultations with United States officials and I am sure you would agree that it is highly desirable that this be an ongoing process. [More…]
Jimmy Carter, no less a person than the President of the United States, above his own signature wrote in reply: [More…]
As you are aware, we are currently making a comprehensive review of United States non-proliferation policies. [More…]
He then goes on to speak of the safeguards that are being considered and the general attitude and philosophy of the United States. [More…]
I remember attending a lecture some years ago by Professor Linus Pauling, who had the backing of some ten or twelve nuclear physicists in the United States. [More…]
He pointed out in one of his lectures that some 10 000 young people between the ages of 7 and 12 years had died in the United States of leukaemia and that it was believed that these deaths had been brought about by the testing of atomic weapons in the atmosphere by the United States before it was agreed- [More…]
That happened before the United States agreed to outlaw testing in the atmosphere. [More…]
Mrs Pearl Buck, a prominent United States woman, said: [More…]
President Carter’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Act of 1977 sent to Congress on, I think, 21 April defines export conditions relating to reprocessing as: a requirement that no fuel exported from the United States be reprocessed without the prior approval of the United States. [More…]
Australia supports the United States, Canada and other like-minded countries in constructive efforts to strengthen nuclear safeguards and reduce the risks of nuclear non-proliferation. [More…]
As set out in the Government’s statement of 1 1 November following the First Report of the Ranger Uranium Environmental Inquiry, the Government is satisfied that appropriate controls would apply to the shipments under these contracts which will be used for electric power generation in Japan, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, all of which are parties to the Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons. [More…]
The material will be processed to uranium hexafluoride in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States which are parties to the nuclear non-proliferation Treaty and which require stringent safeguards on the material processed. [More…]
Furthermore, in this regard as Australian uranium will be finally processed into enriched uranium in the United States, it will attract the full force of the safeguards policy recently announced by President Carter. [More…]
Dr Hardy also admitted that another proposal was floating around- I heard it first about a year ago coming from Japan and now it is coming from the United States- that those countries which sell uranium should control the sale and ensure that the plutonium is returned to them and buried in their own country. [More…]
It is occurring throughout the world in countries such as West Germany, Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
We are aware that these days individuals who can obtain plutonium can make crude atomic bombs with the use of science magazines published in the United States. [More…]
There was no doubt that the anti-fluoridation fanatics continued their fight against fluoridation despite being trapped by an experiment in a United States mid-western town. [More…]
Withholding Australian supplies would not appreciably affect United States uranium prices, at least until 1990. [More…]
The United States has 56 commercial reactors now in operation producing 9 per cent of its electricity. [More…]
Can he say how many refugees from Indo-China the Governments of (a) the United States of America, (b) France, (c) Canada, (d) Belgium, (e) Austria, (f) Britain, (g) West Germany and (h) Switzerland have accommodated respectively. [More…]
1 ) Can he say how many refugees from South Vietnam were accepted as immigrants by (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States of America and (d) any other country since April 1975. [More…]
What has been (a) total value and (b) form of foreign aid to Vietnam from (i) Australia, (ii) Canada, (iii) United States of America and (iv) any other country which has accepted South Vietnamese refugees and given aid since April 1975, and (c) what percentages of their total foreign budgets did their individual contributions to Vietnam represent. [More…]
Can he say how many refugees from South Vietnam were accepted as immigrants by (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States of America, and (d ) any other country. [More…]
Since February this year, the question of new international arrangements for wheat has been the subject of discussion on a number of occasions between Australian officials and senior representatives of the new United States administration and the Canadian Government. [More…]
Plantings of spring wheat in the United States have recently been completed and are estimated at 6.2 million ha, or 14 per cent below last year. [More…]
With production increases of barley expected in the United States, Canada and other major course grain producing countries, world barley production in 1977 should be near to the 1976 record of 715 million tonnes and the supply situation would appear to be adequate in 1977-78. [More…]
If so, are there any proposals to amend the Income Tax Assessment Act, along the lines of section 162 (c) of the United States Revenue Code, to prevent such deductions being made. [More…]
Which of these countries currently have (a) a President and/or Prime Minister and (b) governments that are in power having been freely elected in open, adult franchise elections where any of the country’s citizens were eligible to be candidates with the eligibility being similar to that in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. [More…]
What is the estimate of ship days spent in the Indian Ocean during 1 976 and 1 977 to date by naval vessels of (a) the United Soviet Socialist Republic, (b) the United States of America, (c) the United Kingdom, (d) France and (e) other nations. [More…]
If so, is he able to specify those provisions within the framework of Australian law which govern the conduct of foreign based companies in Australia who have acted or may act in collaboration with or as agents for the United States Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
Is he able to say which United States companies that operate in Australia either directly or through a subsidiary or an associate company have admitted to activities overseas associated with the United States Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
What specific provisions exist within the framework of Australian law to protect Australian citizens from breaches of their privacy by the activities of United States corporations which operate in Australia, either directly or through subsidiaries or in association with other companies, and who have admitted having acted in collaboration with or as agents for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. [More…]
ls he also able to say if this is the same Ashland Oil Inc. of U.S.A. whose auditors advised the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on 9 August I97S that it was paid $98,968 by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency between 1 968 and 1 973 for undisclosed purposes. [More…]
Is he also able to say whether this was the same Ashland Oil Inc. of U.S.A. that admitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 1 975 that it had carried on gross malpractices in domestic and foreign business dealings and had provided a cover for covert U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives outside the United States. [More…]
Can he also say if the company is owned jointly by Ashland Oil Inc. of the United States and The Cabot Corporation U.S.A. [More…]
It is not possible to verify individual fitness accounts of ozone irritation in United States aircraft but the United States Federal Aviation Administration has acknowledged that cases have been identified. [More…]
-I ask the Treasurer whether his attention has been drawn to a report entitled Recovery With Inflation prepared by the United States Congress? [More…]
I have not seen the report of the United States Congress. [More…]
In fact in recent testimony on human rights in Kampuchea the conclusion of a United States State Department official as to the estimate of the number of people who were thought to have perished in Kampuchea was that, while there was no way to confirm a precise figure, the number of deaths appeared to be in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. [More…]
I wish to acknowledge that this action would not have been possible without the prompt and most generous assistance of the United States Government and the United States Navy. [More…]
Of course, there is quite a range of contributions from various countries providing aid but it is disappointing to note that two particularly strong economies, Japan and the United States of America, are contributing respectively 0.24 per cent and 0.27 per cent of gross national product in the form of official development assistance to developing countries. [More…]
The most advanced countries in the Western part of the world, the United States and Japan, have consistently deplorably poor records. [More…]
Only the United States among major Western countries has cheaper petrol than Australia and the thrust of President Carter’s energy policy is to increase the price of oil products to American consumers. [More…]
What were the average wage rates, on a comparable basis, in Japan, the United States of America, Britain, Germany and Australia in each year since 1 965-66. [More…]
Table 2 provides a comparison of earnings for Japan, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia for 1975. [More…]
1 ) Has he studied the United States legislation which sets standards for the petrol consumption of motor vehicles. [More…]
Departmental officers have examined the United States legislation. [More…]
Can he say whether in the United States of America the Federal Communications Commission imposes fines on operators who breach broadcasting regulations. [More…]
Has he received my letter suggesting that in view of the widespread concern about continually growing unemployment the Government set up a select committee of the House of Representatives to investigate the various types of unemployment relief schemes that operate within Australia and also the various schemes operating in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and other European countries? [More…]
Even after the changes that have been announced, the United States of America will be the only developed country that has lower petrol prices than Australia. [More…]
It is just naive to believe that we can continue under circumstances in Australia in which the price of petrol is well below the normal world prices, although it still will be lower than it is in any other developed country, as I am advised, except the United States. [More…]
It may be that if we pay some attention to situations in other countries, the answer to the food shortages of the low income countries is not for Australia, the United States of America and Canada to supply them with grain but for us to supply them with the agricultural machinery, the irrigation techniques and so on to help them increase their own production. [More…]
We could, with what would be a high degree of stupidity, stand in isolation and imagine that our only affinity is with the Eastern European bloc, which has previously been regarded as comprising not only the Eastern European countries but also the United States of America, Japan and, of course, Australia. [More…]
Could the situation arise where the United States and mainland China tapered off their interest in the Middle East and the African continent and left a zone of influence available for the exclusive exploitation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? [More…]
And each conflict within any of the countries, between any of the countries, has deepened the possibility of confrontation and conflict between the two great powers, the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
It was precisely such an insistence on preconditions before negotiations which prolonged the war in Vietnam and which prevented a settlement far less humiliating to the United States than the complete and devastating final outcome there. [More…]
The most hopeful recent development is the determination of the President of the United States to secure negotiations. [More…]
As in so many areas there is the best hope for a breakthrough and peace through the intitiatives taken by the new President of the United States. [More…]
The present United States Administration under President Carter has emphasised that while there may be temporary security lines or zones to which special security arrangements would apply in terms of a final settlement, the political borders in any settlement would necessitate ‘Israels return to approximately the borders that existed prior to the war of 1967, albeit with minor modifications as negotiated among the parties’. [More…]
The important thing, is that every attempt must be made by the United States and its allies to encourage all parties concerned in the Middle East dispute to seek a basis upon which they are prepared to negotiate. [More…]
I should add that the present Government- I emphasise that it is the present Government and not the mass of the people or the Opposition in Israel- does not accept the principle of a Palestinian home and also indicates a reluctance to negotiate on territory, which is a distinct barrier to United States attempts to find a peaceful settlement between the Arab states and Israel. [More…]
Anyone reading this report and unfamiliar with the politics of the Middle East may well throw up his hands in despair at what appears to be the impossibility of finding a solution that will satisfy everyone-Egypt, Syria, the Lebanon, the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel, not to mention the many other neighbouring Arab countries which abound in the region and the two super powers that wield such influence there, the Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
Without the United States Israel would be in a perilous position and there is still enormous goodwill throughout the peoples of the world despite what may be the official view of their governments. [More…]
In chapter 4 the Committee looked back at the one time when a world war might have threatened but where, clearly, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union wanted to allow this situation to develop into a war. [More…]
They sought the support of air traffic controllers in the United States and, according to my understanding, the United States controllers said: ‘We sympathise with you, but we cannot strike. [More…]
It would be interesting to compare the rights and responsibilities, as seen by the United States postmen and postal workers, with the attitude of some of the postal workers in Australia at present. [More…]
Somebody- I think it was the honourable member for Hotham (Mr Chipp)mentioned that their co-workers in the United States of America cannot go on strike. [More…]
This legislation is by no means as strong as comparable legislation in the United States. [More…]
At these Games there will be 35 athletes from each of five countries, namely, Canada, the United States of America, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. [More…]
The President of the United States was reported to have said this about Elvis Presley: [More…]
He was a symbol of the vitality, rebelliousness and good humour of the United States. [More…]
Has the United States offer (Ser 633c/744745) of 14 July 1 976 for six S2E aircraft at $US93,000 each now lapsed. [More…]
How do the salaries, terms of employment, right to strike or to be sacked compare with their counterparts in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Because of differences in such things as traffic flow, location of airports, legislation and civil service practices, it is not possible to make meaningful comparisons between terms and conditions of employment of Australian Air Traffic Controllers and their counterparts in the United Kingdom and the United States of Amenca. [More…]
He said that if we take away our commitment to the socialist objective we are taking the first step towards a degeneration of Australian politics to the point where there will be no more difference between one major party and the other than there is between the two major parties of the United States of America. [More…]
Some comparative figures for current public expenditure on goods and services as a proportion of gross domestic product in 1974 were, according to the OECD: Australia, 15.4 per cent; United States, 1 8.8 per cent; Canada, 1 9.2 per cent; West Germany, 19.7 per cent; Britain, 20.5 per cent; and Sweden, 23.6 percent. [More…]
Furthermore, the Australian dollar is still tied to the United States dollar which is falling dramatically in overseas markets, particularly in Berne and Bonn in Germany. [More…]
Contributions from member states totalled $US 10.092m, with the major share of that amount coming from the United States, Soviet Russia, the United Kingdom, France and West Germany. [More…]
He cited as an example the situation that operates now between England and the United States. [More…]
That is completely proper under the bilateral arrangements that exist between Australia and the United States of America. [More…]
It is offensive to ASEAN and counter-productive for Australia if the Australian Government seeks to use ASEAN as a stalking horse in its trade and economic relations with our other trading partners, the European Economic Community, Japan or the United States. [More…]
There is a lesson we should draw from the United States and her relations with her neighbours- Latin America. [More…]
The Latin American countries are much more sensitive to the treatment they receive from the United States across the Rio Grande than they are about the treatment they receive from Europe across the Atlantic. [More…]
This potential has been recognised by the EEC and is embodied in the Lome Convention, which was mentioned by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) and which sets up concessional trading conditions between the European community and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, and by the United States, which has special trading relations with the Latin American countries. [More…]
The United States of America, which promoted the free trade euphoria of the Kennedy Round, made good and sure that it had secured very, very high levels of protection for itself before it agreed to the cuts which were initiated at the time of GATT. [More…]
It is significant for people who keep talking about access to Australia’s markets and who listen to the statements of the United States without question to note that 90 per cent of the United States textile market is reserved exclusively for United States manufacturers. [More…]
-The United States does not do real bad in world trade. [More…]
Japan and the United States represent the two greatest potential markets in this part of the world. [More…]
However, probably the one hope of the Government is that the low recovery being shown in the United States of America will be reflected through the other major countries and so assist Australia. [More…]
Certainly, in the United States, the inflation rate is flattening out, if anything, somewhere over 5 per cent. [More…]
It has been said that in the United States the air traffic controllers are not allowed to strike. [More…]
Production at these sites was exported to the United States and the United Kingdom both for defence purposes and for electric power generation. [More…]
Production and export of uranium is continuing at Mary Kathleen and to date 690 short tons of uranium oxide have been exported for electric power generation in Japan, the United States and West Germany. [More…]
Similar agreements with the United States Energy Research and Development Administration and with the United States Bureau of Mines are at an advanced stage of negotiation. [More…]
Account was also taken of current radiation protection standards and practices in the mining and milling of radioactive ores in other countries, notably Canada, France, South Africa and the United States of America. [More…]
The United States itself has reported some 8,000 lb of special nuclear material unaccounted for. [More…]
We saw in the United States recently when blackouts occurred and power was not available what harm can be wreaked upon our society. [More…]
I commend to most honourable members chapter 1 1 of the first Fox report to be read in conjunction with a book by a fellow called Professor Beckman of the United States. [More…]
Uranium is being mined on an increasing scale in the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and other countries. [More…]
In fact nuclear power stations have proved so safe that certain insurance companies in the United States lowered their rates by 20 per cent from 1 January 1975 because on their account there had been no claims for injury or damage to the public or to property. [More…]
The concentration has been increasing at about one part per million per year during the 20 years that Professor Keeling of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in the United States has been monitoring it. [More…]
For instance, at the present time Switzerland generates about 17 per cent of its electricity requirements from nuclear power generation, Belgium 15 per cent, the United Kingdom 10 per cent, the United States 8 per cent, and so on. [More…]
I am informed that United States civilian reprocessing units have been terminated because of leakage problems. [More…]
If we accept that mining figure of $30 per lb of uranium, we find that Australia has about 16 per cent of known reserves, Canada has about 20 per cent, South Africa about 16 or 17 per cent, Sweden has roughly 20 per cent, the United States of America has roughly 22 per cent and there are considerable deposits in Niger in Africa and Gabon in Africa and in France. [More…]
Between 1966 and 1975 in the United States of America, Argentina and France there were no fewer than 12 attacks on nuclear installations or facilities involving commando groups using well placed bombs, in some instances causing millions of dollars of damage. [More…]
In the same period 128 hoaxes and threats to nuclear installations or facilities were received in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
In the same period there were hundreds of incidents of vandalism and sabotage at nuclear facilities in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, including arson attempts, the smashing of equipment and the severing of cables. [More…]
United States, Germany and Canada. [More…]
When we come to the question of penalties we see that between 1975 and 1976, 12 United States companies were fined for non-compliance with security regulations. [More…]
The nuclear power industry is part of the stuff of everyday life in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe. [More…]
It is anticipated that the amount of electric power produced by nuclear power stations in the United States will increase to about 20 per cent in 1985 and will reach as high as 50 per cent by the year 2000. [More…]
As a major exporter, and standing with the United States of America and Canada in the stringent implementing of safeguards, Australia can contribute to the application of effective nuclear safeguards and to the avoidance of the misuse of nuclear materials and thus the containment of nuclear proliferation. [More…]
I am well aware of the recent visit to Indonesia and East Timor by members of the United States Congress. [More…]
I pointed out to His Excellency that barely three months ago two members of the United States Congress, including a woman, had been in East Timor. [More…]
I made the point, and I believe I can speak for every member of this Parliament, that if it is good enough for members of the United States Congress to go there it is good enough for members of the Australian Parliament to go there. [More…]
We seek to maximise exploration and to ensure the availability of crude oil to Australia is such that everybody “i the Australian community will be able to continue to rely to the maximum on a crude oil resource that is not going to have its price level determined by a variant set by a group of oil exploring countries at prices which caused all the consequences of the 1973 impact of the then Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries group, the problems in Japan, Europe, the United States of America and so on. [More…]
Even with these changes, the price of Australian crude oil is still equivalent to or below prices in every other major competing western country with the exception of the United States of America. [More…]
In the eyes of the OECD and other international economic agencies Australia stands well to the right of countries such as the United States of America and West Germany. [More…]
Associated with that we have the beggarmyneighbour policies which are now being followed in so many countries, including the United States, particularly in relation to Japan. [More…]
OECD wants Japan, West Germany and the United States to reflate now. [More…]
On 22 August a United States representative in Australia said that he thought that the growth rate of his country would be 3.5 per cent. [More…]
After considerable study and first hand observations of IAEA inspectors the Government Accounting Office investigators concluded, ‘We believe that the United States does not have adequate assurances that international safeguards inspections are being adequately carried out’. [More…]
We must realise that uranium is being mined on an increasing scale in overseas countries, including United States of America, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, France, Gabon and the Soviet Union. [More…]
It has been estimated that by the year 2000 all civilian nuclear power wastes together from the United States would fit into a single solid cube of 60 feet on an edge. [More…]
The United States is continuing with its program of establishing permanent waste repositories to be located in suitable geological formations such as salt beds. [More…]
Under the timetable of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration it is expected that its first repository will be licensed in 1985 for commercial operation. [More…]
Many of these countries already rely significantly on nuclear power for their electricity generation- for example, Switzerland, 1 8 to 20 per cent; West Germany, 1 5 per cent; Sweden, 13 per cent; Britain 10 per cent; the United States, 9 per cent; and Japan, 8 per cent. [More…]
That is the position with the United States of America, Soviet Russia and other countries. [More…]
Again it is not a question of the United States trying to tell them what to do. [More…]
The reality of the situation is that uranium has been mined in Australia since 1958 and for at least the last two decades uranium power has been a viable source of energy, particularly in western Europe, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
It is also worth noting, because it is of considerable importance, that as a result of the Australian Government’s decision to proceed with the mining and export of uranium Australia has been invited to join with the United States and other countries who are already in the nuclear fuel cycle program in the development of evaluation techniques which will be a further step towards ensuring that more adequate safeguards are constantly being developed. [More…]
Recently we have been informed that it is to go to the west coast of the United States of America. [More…]
As honourable members probably now know, the validity of this conclusion has since been confirmed in public statements by representatives of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration and the United States Nuclear Regulation Commission. [More…]
We have already better access to Japan, and there is a continuing struggle to improve that situation as well as to improve our access to the United States in relation to beef. [More…]
Why is the debate developing in the United States of America on similar lines? [More…]
The Government will therefore be working with like-minded countries to have the bilateral controls imposed by Australia, which in a number of respects are similar to those of the United States and Canada, accepted multilaterally and incorporated in revised multilateral safeguards arrangements. [More…]
I have no doubt that Australia, the United States, and Canada will ensure that these detailed safeguards will operate. [More…]
I have a document- many of my constituents have been asking for copies of it- which points out that one in six uranium miners in the United States develops lung cancer. [More…]
The United States Government has reduced the levels at which miners must have an examination for lung cancer. [More…]
The honourable member does the House a disservice by not relating the average incidence of leukaemia in the population of the United States of America. [More…]
If the honourable member investigated the accident level in coal mines in Australiahe should well know that- he would find that in the early days of coal mining in this country there were far more accidents than there have been in uranium mines in the United States. [More…]
The concern of the President of the United States of America was such that on 18 April he was prompted to announce a national energy policy. [More…]
The goals were: To reduce the annual growth in energy demand to less than two per cent; to reduce America’s gasolene consumption by 10 per cent; to reduce by 50 per cent the proportion of oil which is imported into the United States; to establish a United States petroleum reserve of one billion barrels of oil; to increase coal production in the United States; to insulate 90 per cent of homes and new buildings in the United States; and to use solar energy in more than 2.5 million United States homes. [More…]
‘This is a policy of great stringency’- this is the point- ‘more rigorous than that adopted to date by any nuclear supplier country but following a very similar approach to that of the United States and Canada’. [More…]
Honourable members opposite cannot hope to salve their consciences when they read that 8,000 pounds of uranium was lost in the United States. [More…]
The fall in demand for nuclear energy in Europe, Japan and the United States is well known. [More…]
That was about the time of the great TellerOppenheimer debate in the United States. [More…]
The energy policy which appears to be emerging in the United States is much more a strategy of hard saving in oil and gas and general energy conservation than one of burning coal as a substitute. [More…]
The United States has recoverable reserves of about 256 billion tonnes. [More…]
Uncontrolled coal mining has wrought environmental havoc in the United States. [More…]
It is a startling fact that the United States is still a long way from stamping out black lung disease caused by inhalation of coal dust. [More…]
All honourable members opposite could have had an article made available to their offices two weeks ago if they had required it from the United States Information Office situated in the Press building in Canberra. [More…]
Back in the early 1930s there was a flight of European scientists to the United States of America. [More…]
When those scientists went to the United States they convinced the then President Roosevelt that it was possible that the German scientists who had stayed in Germany would be able to build the atom bomb. [More…]
Roosevelt gave the full steam ahead signal for the production of the atom bomb in the United States. [More…]
It was carried out in the United States. [More…]
When the first test was carried out in the United States it led one of the very famous Italian scientists to ask: ‘What have we started?’ [More…]
There was a great debate in the United States as to whether the military or civilians ought to be in charge of atomic energy. [More…]
The Western world, particularly the United States, went quite mad. [More…]
This led to the persecution of thousands of people in the United States and ultimately the deaths of the Rosenbergs. [More…]
Now what we are doing when we say that all these countries can have the fast breeder reactor is saying that the detente that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union, which detente has perhaps played a leading role in the world’s living in peace, is now to be broken. [More…]
Israel, Egypt, Brazil, all the European countries, India, China, the Soviet Union, the United States of America, all the countries in eastern Europe if the Russians allow them to build the same sort of nuclear reactors, will have the ability to build nuclear weapons. [More…]
Influential United States economists- not, of course, the bigoted monetarists who have so much to answer for- are already urging these changes behind the scenes. [More…]
If we take public expenditure as a proportion of the gross domestic product- that is, the product of the cost of all goods and services- we find that on the most recent figures available Australian public sector spending represented 1 5.4 per cent of gross domestic product whilst in the United States, the bastion of laissez-faire capitalism, it reached 18.8 per cent, in Canada 19.3 per cent and in Germany 19.7 per cent. [More…]
To make matters worse, as John Byrne, writing in the Australian Financial Review of 28 July 1977 pointed out, the Utah Development Company shipped more than $150m back home to the United States during the past year. [More…]
The following answers have beenprepared from information supplied by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board. [More…]
United States originating charter seats for total destinations worldwide during the first quarter of 1977 were 557,200 compared with charter seats for total destinations world-wide during the whole of 1976 which were 2,252, 129. [More…]
(a) Of the total United States originating charter seats on flights to international destinations charter seats to Pacific Ocean destinations including Australia in 1976 totalled 91,749 and for the first quarter of 1977 totalled 9,419. [More…]
Will he provide similar information for the navies of (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) France, (d) the Peoples’ Republic of China and (e) South Africa. [More…]
By 1962 the oil corporations controlled more than one-third of the petrochemical industry in the United States of America and the proportion is far higher in this country. [More…]
The major oil companies have rapidly cornered large quantities of non-oil reserves, both in the United States of America and in this country. [More…]
There are moves already in the United States to curb the growing power of this corporation and this Government will have to face up to the issue very shortly. [More…]
In 1976 Utah sent to the United States $90.8m, and in the previous year the amount was $63m. [More…]
The massive profit boost to United States shareholders in Utah was assisted by this Government’s devaluation in 1976. [More…]
A paper prepared by Mr Wilfred Prest, which was reprinted for private circulation from the Australian Economic Papers, entitled ‘Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Some Implications for Australia of Recent Developments in the United States of America and Canada’ stated: [More…]
I hasten to add that local authorities in the United States and Canada have responsibility, of course, for functions such as police and justice, health and welfare, housing and urban renewal and in some cases, education which Australia does not have. [More…]
In 197 1-72 revenue from all local property taxation averaged nearly $50 per $1,000 of personal income in the United States of Amenca and Canada as compared with only SI 5 in Australia, which makes complaints about the high level of local rates in Australia seem somewhat exaggerated. [More…]
I remember last year attending a convention in the United States of America at Lexington, Kentucky, called the Council of State Governments. [More…]
-The first round of discussions on mutual military limitations in the Indian Ocean between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was held in Moscow in June. [More…]
The aim of the United States in these discussions is to prevent any further build up of US and Soviet military presences in the Indian Ocean, to establish the status quo and perhaps later to reduce the current level of these presences. [More…]
The Australian views have been communicated in great detail to the United States and the US Administration has undertaken to consult very closely with this Government before any final agreement is reached with the Soviet Union. [More…]
This consultation is taking place as the negotiations continue between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
The United States and Australia are agreed, as recorded in the ANZUS communique of 28 July, that any arms limitation agreement in the Indian Ocean between the two major powers must be balanced in its effects and consistent with Australian and United States security interests. [More…]
He speaks about a similar situation existing when fluoridation was being introduced into the United States. [More…]
By contrast many uranium deposits in Canada, the United States of America and South Africa are of very low grade, are deep underground, or both. [More…]
Moreover, a considerable amount of the better uranium ores originally present in the United States, France and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been used for weapons production via enrichment. [More…]
Although the United States, Japan, France, West Germany and other countries are busily searching for uranium in Brazil, Africa, Indonesia and elsewhere, several years of very extensive and expensive drilling have not yet produced the desired results. [More…]
Italy, West Germany and the United States have large shortfalls. [More…]
For example, the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, including France, have about 8,200 strategic warheads. [More…]
In West Germany, France, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States of America and Japan, strong and increasing opposition to nuclear power has combined with economic difficulties to cause severe cutbacks in nuclear construction programs. [More…]
In the United States of America orders for nuclear reactors have dropped from 30 reactors to two in the last few years, and in Japan the cutback is of the order of 50 per cent because of problems with the inefficiency of nuclear power generation. [More…]
It is being produced in countries such as Switzerland, United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, West Germany, Sweden, France, Spam, Belgium, Canada, Argentina, Bulgaria and so on- and let us not forget Russia. [More…]
The reporter goes on further to say that the United States over a period of 30 years had accumulated something like 74 million gallons of the stuff- that is to use his words- which had a life of anywhere from 1,000 years to 250,000 years. [More…]
It is overseeing the operations of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration which is another United States Government department. [More…]
So the situation is that two United States Government departments are carrying out the responsibility of overseeing what the other is doing, and they cannot agree. [More…]
Honourable members opposite ought to look closely at this practice which has developed in Australia and take notice of the fact that in evidence given recently before the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal it was shown that in national election campaigns in Australia we are now spending more money per head of population than is being spent in the United States of [More…]
We are increasing the amounts being spent, whilst the United States Congress is trying to reduce the amounts, the ceilings or the levels that have been set in the United States. [More…]
The United Kingdom, France, West Germany, the United States, all the Scandinavian countries- every country in the world- is now adopting some procedures to put a limit on expenditure on political campaigns, and Australia will have to adopt the same procedure. [More…]
Firstly, the closure of overseas markets, particularly the European Economic Community, the United States of America and Japan, resulting largely from domestic beef surpluses in those and other importing countries, has created tremendous difficulties for the industry, which is 60 per cent reliant upon exports. [More…]
Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, German Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sudan, Turkey, United States of America. [More…]
Houston Oil and Minerals of the United States-80 per cent-and R. W. Miller (Holdings) 20 per cent- have received prospecting rights from the Queensland Government for the Oaky Creek coal field. [More…]
In the United States, within a couple of months of President Carter’s inauguration, his administration produced a comprehensive energy policy for a country that in wealth, industry and population far outstrips Australia in its complexities. [More…]
Japan previously imported a quite high percentage of its coal requirements from the United States. [More…]
During the years 1974-75 to 1976-77 Japan’s imports of coal from the United States have dropped from 25 million tons to 17 million tons, and Australian sales of coal to Japan over that same period have increased from 21 million tons to 24.5 million tons. [More…]
A discipline imposed in the United States of America m the height of its fuel crisis recently to reduce the speed of automobiles on the highways effected a 20 per cent saving in the amount of fuel used. [More…]
The most developed nation in the world today, the United States of America, earlier this year as a result of a crisis in its energy production and supply could not prevent the deaths of many of its citizens in the coldest snap experienced in that nation in recent times. [More…]
This is despite the fact that in the United States of America such an estimate is made automatically and is used extensively in discussions on budget policy. [More…]
The summary of the report, in a discussion of the impact of budgetary policy and the need for planning, states that the members of the Committee ‘endorse the ideas underlying the approaches made along these lines in several countries, for example, the concepts of the full employment surplus (United States), the ‘neutral budget’ (Germany) and structural budget policy (Netherlands)’. [More…]
Furthermore, Australian costs are from 25 per cent to 50 per cent higher than crew costs in the United States of America, West Germany or Sweden. [More…]
We should be spending more time seeing what kind of technology is available to industry in countries such as West Germany, the United States, even the Soviet Union, Italy and France. [More…]
In countries such as the Soviet Union and the United States they have now discovered that, with the rapid pace of life we are living towards the end of the century, they need a big influx of psychologists if people are to be able to handle the pace of life. [More…]
Countries such as Japan and the United States of America work on a quota basis and deliveries could well be spread over six to 12 months, depending on the number of other issues that are raised at the same time. [More…]
By comparison, the OECD outlook for July shows that in real terms the growth in government capital spending in the second half of 1977 will be 6 per cent in the United States, 13 per cent in West Germany and 18 per cent in Japan. [More…]
Contrast this with a fall during the last 12 months of 3 per cent, one per cent and one per cent in the total number of unemployed in the United States, Japan and West Germany respectively. [More…]
For example, in the United States current public expenditure on goods and services is 18.8 per cent; in Canada it is 19.2 per cent; in Germany it is 1 9.7 per cent; in the United Kingdom it is 20.5 per cent and in Sweden it is 23.6 per cent. [More…]
In the United States unemployment has decreased by 3 per cent and the government of that country claims that it is because of the stimulus given through the public sector of the economy. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to a letter by Harry Rolnick, a United States travel writer based in Hong Kong, appearing in the National Times, of 22-7 August 1977. [More…]
The only competing exporting country in respect of agriculture where fuel prices will be below those in Australia is the United States of America. [More…]
In other words, even though we are increasing the price of crude in Australia we will be significantly more competitive in that area than, for example, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, most European countries and indeed every other major exporter of agricultural products with the exception of the United States. [More…]
-The honourable member is correct in drawing attention to the considerable speculation in the media and elsewhere that the United States may decide to withdraw from the International Labour Organisation. [More…]
We see the Organisation, with its tripartite structure comprising government, employees and workers, as fulfilling a unique and a valuable role in world affairs; but that does not deny the pressures imposed on the United States by its membership of the ILO or the problems facing the ILO at present. [More…]
However our view is that these problems should be solved by negotiation and dialogue, and that withdrawal by the United States at a critical stage would be not only detrimental to the future of the ILO but could have serious repercussions for other multilateral bodies. [More…]
Accordingly, whilst the decision is naturally one for the United States to take, we together with some other of its friends- we have not been alone in this matter- have been active in drawing to the attention of the United States Government our strong hope that it will remain in the ILO. [More…]
I have spoken recently to the United States Ambassador and have reiterated to him [More…]
So on behalf of the labour Ministers of the respective States, of workers, employers and on our behalf I put the viewpoint that we would hope that the United States, in its reconsideration of the matter, would determine to remain a member of the ILO. [More…]
Coming as they did so soon after a visit by two of our colleagues from the United States Congress- one of them a woman- they represented in our judgment an affront to those of us who without fear or favour wished to visit East Timor to establish the facts. [More…]
At an international level both the United States and British governments have called for an inquiry into Steve Biko’s death. [More…]
As the honourable member would be aware, the present International Wheat Agreement expires next year, and as there is a substantial world build up of stocks, particularly in the United States of America and Canada, and increasing stocks in Europe and the Soviet Union there are great fears about the pressure being applied on the market by these stocks. [More…]
What can Australia do to resist policies of the United Nations moulded by what a former United States ambassador to the United Nations, Mr Scali described as the ‘tyranny of the majority’ which threatens the right of the individual country by acting to appease the communist bloc? [More…]
In the Security Council there is a further protection of the veto power which may be exercised by the United States of America, the Soviet Union, France, the United Kingdom and China. [More…]
Research programs are well in hand in the United States of America and Europe for the identification of high level waste disposal sites in suitable deep geological formations. [More…]
Is the Prime Minister aware that in the United States of America at present 74 million gallons of liquid high-level waste exists, that the three commercial private sector reprocessing plants have closed down and that at present there are no plans for re-opening them because of the economic circumstances? [More…]
Is he aware that, particularly in the United States, in the private sector the nuclear wast situation is a grave problem? [More…]
Throughout the Western world, in Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America, laws are being reformed in relation to the election of candidates to the various houses of parliament and in the case of the United States to the Congress. [More…]
Let us go through the Nixon episode in the United States which was one of the reasons for the Congress of the United States giving such special attention to the reform of these laws this year. [More…]
American Airlines sent its money from a bank in the United States to the Lebanon, back to another bank in the United States and then on to the campaign committee for President Nixon. [More…]
The dairy industry in the United States made a contribution of $2m to the Nixon campaign in 1972. [More…]
Obviously Nixon had made his decision against the best advice from the United States Department of Agriculture in favour of a lobby which had made a $2m donation to his campaign funds. [More…]
Many of the donations for the campaign came from the Philippines, and the same year President Nixon doubled the quota of sugar that was to flow from there to the United States. [More…]
There was money from the Philippines, money from American Airlines and money from all over the world to consolidate the position of the then United States Administration. [More…]
Let us look at what happened in the United States and the number of companies that were prosecuted in 1973-74. [More…]
We should not forget that the last presidential election had very strict laws on expenditure and there have been investigations in the United States into the amount of donations made and the amount of money spent in the campaign. [More…]
They all pleaded guilty to having broken the laws of the United States in relation to political donations. [More…]
Let us look at the make-up in the United States of the sectional interest donations because the pattern of donations in the United States and here differs only in size. [More…]
The honourable member stood and for nearly the whole 1 5 minutes of his speech he talked about what is happening in the United States. [More…]
The Labor Party also agreed to accede to a request from the Iraqi Government to divulge special information about what was going on in the Middle East between the United States, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt and Jordan. [More…]
In fact, we made three attempts, by way of a new piece of legislation, to provide for the declaration of contributions to campaign funds for major political parties and for a limitation of election expenses so that, the whole election campaign and political process in Australia did not get out of hand, as we have seen happening in the United States of America. [More…]
The President of the United States of America, Mr Carter, saw fit in April this year to issue an energy statement in which he made a significant attempt to remove from American roads vehicles which consumed a considerable amount of petrol. [More…]
Through the nuclear suppliers group and the fuel cycle evaluation which has been sponsored by the United States we will be able to add very significantly to the forces that will work towards the best possible regime of non-proliferation and waste control. [More…]
Will it not be the case that if President Carter’s policy is implemented the United States and any other country which it can influence to its point of view will not be able to use the vitrification process to dispose of its nuclear waste? [More…]
I speak here not just of the European Economic Community but also at various times of the actions of Japan, the United States of America, Canada and Sweden. [More…]
He said in February this year during a news conference in the United States of Amenca that, to use his own words, reports of strikes and industrial unrest in Australia were exaggerated. [More…]
The United States-Europe route has developed from being exclusively a series of scheduled flights at one price. [More…]
The Committee’s attention has been drawn to a September 1973 report by the Sub-Committee on Aviation of the Committee on Commerce of the United States Senate on Inclusive Tour Charters. [More…]
That Committee suggested further liberalisation or charter flight rules subject to a monitoring by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board to ensure that essential scheduled services should be maintained. [More…]
For example, from the United States World Airways brought groups of people to Australia a few years ago. [More…]
Qantas was not in any way disadvantaged because it was shown that the people World Airways was bringing were coming out as a result of a sales promotion technique which was applied by large manufacturers and wholesalers in the United States. [More…]
Our present peace-time strategy is to support as best we may over a range of policies the continuation of the presently favourable prospects for our national security; to maintain effective defence relations with our friends and allies, especially the United States and in our neighbouring regions; and to maintain a substantial and efficient force-in-being that demonstrates our military capability to deal with situations that could develop with short warning and to expand in time should the need for this arise during the longer term. [More…]
Devaluation of the United States dollar from January 1976 to 1977 was 12 per cent. [More…]
We know that replacements have been under trial at Innisfail for some time and that the Army has been looking at, separately, Anglo-German and United States systems. [More…]
In recent years beef producers have been hard hit by unprecendented cost increases, by recurrent strikes, by the sometime closure and continued limited access to our most important overseas beef markets, by a prolonged depression in overseas beef prices, aggravated by serious drought conditions in much of the United States with resultant accelerated turn-off of stock from those drought affected areas in direct competition with pasture fed meat supplied from Australia; and, in spite of significant increases in domestic and export meat sales, there has been a surplus of cattle in the market with consequential low prices for producers. [More…]
Overseas experience, particularly in the United States and Canada, has shown that a domestic satellite system can provide services reliably and economically [More…]
In the United States of America, the Senate has voted to keep alive the Clinch River demonstration fast breeder reactor project and the Barnwell reprocessing plant. [More…]
By making a determined stance in conjunction with the United States and Canada, remembering that Australia and these two countries hold more than half of the world’s reasonably assured reserves of uranium we can foster the peaceful development of nuclear energy as the principal solutions to the world’s current and foreseeable energy problems. [More…]
We do not want the stuff to be sent to the United States or the Soviet Union or any place else where Japan may choose to have it enriched. [More…]
In the United States, assuming storage in water cooled ponds or air cooled vaults, the land requirement for a retrievable surface storage facility is estimated to be 40 hectares up to the year 20 10. [More…]
I understand that at present there are no commercial fast breeders in operation, but demonstration reactors are operating in France, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
Has any honourable member been to Germany to see the control of waste, or to the United States? [More…]
Other nations that are operating nuclear power stations include Czechoslovakia, France, West Germany, East Germany, India, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
Was an agreement entered into with the United States under the provisions of the United States-Australia Science Co-operation Agreement. [More…]
Is the work under the Science Co-operation Agreement with the United States still being actively pursued. [More…]
Did the Australian Government Analyst lead a delegation to the United States in 1974 under the terms of the Agreement. [More…]
While some parts of the original program have been completed the Drug Analysis Group in Sydney continues to exchange information under the agreement with the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States in identification and characterisation of drugs of abuse. [More…]
Secondly, the growth of environmental problems in the United States, Japan and Western Europe challenged the supremacy of oil so that oil was not in fact going to be the foremost source of energy. [More…]
If the honourable member is not aware of it, let me point out that what obviously has happened is that both in the United States and in this country there has been a cornering of the large quantities of non-oil reserves. [More…]
As I said before, we will be forced to follow these moves that have been made in the United States unless steps are taken immediately to prevent this country from losing control of its energy resources. [More…]
In 1976 Utah sent back to the United States $90m; in the previous year it sent back $63m. [More…]
They know what will happen if it reaches the same proportion as it has in the United States and Canada. [More…]
Already in Canada and in the United States foreign investment in oil and gas has reached 90 per cent. [More…]
Twenty of the biggest oil companies control 94 per cent of the United States oil reserves. [More…]
Last year its net profit was no less than $137m and of that amount $91m was repatriated to the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America there has been a tremendous proliferation of these pieces of equipment, which is of course adding enormously to the health bill of the United States. [More…]
In Fiji the representative of the United States of America drives a Kingswood station wagon; the representative of France drives a Holden; the representative of New Zealand has two cars- a Belmont sedan and a Belmont station wagon; the representative of the South Pacific Bureau of Economic Co-operation has a Statesman; the representative of the World Health Organisation has a Kingswood station wagon; and the Australian High Commissioner is being provided with a Toyota. [More…]
162, is it important that statistics should be kept on the import and domestic production of 8-cylinder engines, in view of recent moves in the United States to phase out 8-cylinder engine productions, and in view of Australia’s diminishing petroleum reserves. [More…]
The Australian submission is supported in ICAO by the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other countries and the prospects of international acceptance are very good. [More…]
Furthermore, a study published in the United States in 1973 entitled ‘Mental Illness and the Economy’ showed that over the past 100 years whenever the economy has turned down, thereby increasing unemployment, the rate of admission to mental hospitals has risen in a more or less exact ratio. [More…]
According to Mr Keith Windschuttle, the social historian at the New South Wales Institute of Technology, similar studies in the United States of America have produced much the same results. [More…]
Since then, however the level of unemployment has continued to rise in Australia whereas in the United States it has dropped by 1.6 per cent, in West Germany it has dropped by 0.4 per cent, and in the United Kingdom it has dropped by only 0.5 per cent. [More…]
Instead of saying ‘and so on’ and leaving out the United States of America I inform the House that in the United States there has been a marginal improvement and unemployment has dropped by 1.8 per cent. [More…]
I want to refer the House to what is probably the latest situation in the United States of America on this question of covert action by agencies acting outside their own country. [More…]
It is to be remembered that the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States was set up in President Truman’s time in office because so many reports were coming in from so many different agencies that the American Government was suffering from confusion. [More…]
If they were to have done that their actions would have been deemed to be against the political interests of this country; certainly they would have been deemed to be against the interests of the United States. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) did a great disservice to our continuing relations in this field with the United States by his unjustified slur on United States intelligence officials in Australianot all of them from the Central Intelligence Agency by the way- for the Leader of the Opposition well knows that these officials are here with the knowledge and approval of the Australian Government for the valuable and appropriate role of the exchange of information. [More…]
Hopefully one day the Parliament, by means of a parliamentary committee, will be taken into the confidence of the security services in this country, in the same way as the United States Congress is taken into the confidence of the security services in that country by means of its Congressional committees. [More…]
For instance, the rate on short term government securities in the United States of America is 6.62 per cent and in Canada about 7.64 per cent. [More…]
But they are substantial- about 5 points difference between an exchange rate transaction quoted in United States dollars and Deutsche marks as against a 48 point spread in Australian dollars and United States dollars. [More…]
If we take, for example, a $3m United States foreign exchange transaction in United States dollars and Deutsche marks we find that the spread quoted on the London Foreign Exchange currently between buying and selling is 2.3230 as to 2.3235. [More…]
The Financial Review today, quoting the spread between the Australian dollar and the United States dollar on spot rates, related that the spread was 1.1082 to 1.1130. [More…]
If we had the same percentage spread as applies between the United States dollar and the Deutsche mark then the selling rate in a deal involving Australian dollars and United States dollars would be 1.1084 and not 1.1130 as is presently quoted. [More…]
To appreciate the urgent need for Australia to be self sufficient in the evaluation of the most rapid modern advances in military hardware and its implications and why the Middle East is so important in the evaluation, let me briefly draw the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the problem currently facing the United States of America. [More…]
The United States Administration has blocked plans to sell FI 8 fighters to Iran on the grounds that the plane had not been deployed by United States forces, but seeks to sell the airborne warning system which is not under deployment either. [More…]
It is seeking to sell FISs-the most advanced fighter in the United States inventory-to Saudi Arabia which has also bought Sidewinder missiles. [More…]
The planes and missiles are capable of destroying planes the United States has sold to Israel and Iran, a rival of Saudi Arabia. [More…]
He has recently returned from this overseas visit during which he consulted more than 200 people representing overseas agencies and individual interests in various countries, amongst others the European Economic Community, Sweden, Austria, Brazil, the United States, Canada and Japan, regarding safeguards against nuclear weapons proliferation and has reported to me on those discussions. [More…]
One of the most important is the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation which is being undertaken on the initiative of the President of the United States. [More…]
Australian Industrial Court to be DirectorGeneral of Security; Sir Owen Dixon, then a Justice of the High Court, to be Australian Minister to the United States, and Sir John Latham while Chief Justice of the High Court, to be Australian Minister to Japan, the Government proposes to introduce legislation similar to that introduced on those other occasions to enable Mr Justice Fox to retain his judicial status and the rights which attach to that status while AmbassadoratLarge. [More…]
I shall cite the Fraser Government’s relations with the Association of South East Asian Nations, Japan, the United States of America and southern Africa. [More…]
He has been hard at work at his desk writing voluminous letters to the Secretary of State of the United States, to ‘Dear Cy He has urged upon Mr Vance the importance of maintaining stability in the South East Asian region and the critical role that trade relationships play in shoring up that stability. [More…]
The Foreign Minister has thus urged upon the United States the very policy which the Prime Minister himself went out of his way to reject categorically when face to face with the ASEAN leaders. [More…]
Nothing has been more sacrosanct in conservative foreign policy than the concept of Australia’s relationship with the United States. [More…]
While the Foreign Minister was lecturing the United States Government about its responsibilities in South East Asia, while he was telling it that it should pursue the trading policies with ASEAN which we ourselves have rejected, the Prime Minister has been writing letters to the President, ‘My Dear Jimmy’, in an abject attempt to gain for himself recognition and importance in Washington. [More…]
Trade alone is responsible for over 26 per cent of our gross domestic product, compared with 13 per cent in the United States of America. [More…]
We in this country ought to remember our debt to the United States of America first expressed by the late Rt Hon. [More…]
When the historic appeal was made by John Curtin to the United States of America, he was speaking with fear in his heart for the welfare of his country. [More…]
The truth of the matter is that the Australian debt to the United States cannot be expressed in the type of miserable criticism that is made by people on the other side of the Parliament. [More…]
Louis Halle, a former United States State Department planner, in his book on American foreign policy illustrates this by pointing out the extent to which a government addresses itself to a false image of the external world in making foreign policy then ‘in the degree that the image is false, actually and philosophically false, no technicians, however proficient, can make policy based on it sound’. [More…]
But what I do point out to make succinctly the point that I want to make so that I can move on to more important points is to quote what the United States Secretary of Defense, Harold Brown, said earlier this year on this very important point which the Government has sought to exaggerate and continues to seek to exaggerate- especially the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser)- for political reasons which are rigidly ideologically motivated. [More…]
Apart from the United States, Australia has no formal defence arrangements with countries referred to by the honourable member. [More…]
The Government understands that negotiations between the United States and Philippines Governments over the use of military bases in the Philippines by United States forces are continuing. [More…]
We are not aware that any decision has been taken by the United States to withdraw forces from Clark Air Base or elsewhere in the Philippines. [More…]
We therefore have welcomed United States’ assurances that the withdrawals will be carefully phased and carried out in a way which will maintain the military balance and preserve security on the Korean peninsula and North East Asia. [More…]
It would not be appropriate for the Australian Government to comment on the United States Government’s intentions with regard to the disposition of its forces in Hawaii which is a part of the United States of America. [More…]
The fact is that, compared with all other countries apart from that with the wealthiest and most powerful economy in the world- the United States of America- the Australian record in these matters is better than that of any other country and certainly compares very favourably with that of countries like Canada. [More…]
I have given figures before which show that in the United States of America, for example, in the same country, the same States, the same general community and with equivalent sorts of populations there is always a much higher utilisation rate of hospital services by patients treated by doctors paid by the alternative fee for service systemfor operations and so on-than by patients treated by doctors on a salaried basis. [More…]
For the record, the term ‘veterans’ affairs’ is also used in Canada and the United States of America; so it is by no means a novelty. [More…]
1 ) Following a proposal made by President Carter in his statement on nuclear power policy on 7 April 1977 the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada decided at their meeting in London on 7-8 May 1977 to launch an urgent study to determine how best to fulfil the purposes of using nuclear energy to help meet the world’s energy requirements while reducing the risks of nuclear proliferation. [More…]
Has he or the Government expressed Australia’s concern to the South African Government over this tragic event as has been done by the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom. [More…]
There can be no doubt about the depth of feeling in Australia about this particular incident The South African Government will have noted that the Australian Embassy in Pretoria, along with other embassies including those of the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Sweden and the Federal Republic of Germany, was represented at Mt Steven Biko’s funeral. [More…]
-Following his visit to the United States to attend the International Monetary Fund conference, can the Treasurer tell the House what prospects there are for renewed investments by American companies in Australia? [More…]
I am happy to inform the honourable member for Barker and the House- I hope that the Deputy Leader of the Opposition might welcome what I am about to say to himthat, according to a recent report of the United States Department of Commerce, capital expenditure by mining and smelting affiliates of United States companies in Australia is planned to increase by almost 50 per cent during 1978 and total capital spending by all United States affiliates in Australia is expected during the same period to rise by approximately 25 per cent. [More…]
In Canada the rate is 8.4 per cent; in Japan, 7.7 per cent; in the United States, 6.7 per cent; in Germany, 4.3 per cent; in Australia, 13.4 per cent. [More…]
One of the importing firms put before the IAC a copy of a study of the impact of imported vehicles on the economy of the United States and the American consumer. [More…]
Certainly in the longer term if their capacity to market vehicles is restricted by the long term maintenance of import restrictions in the form of quotas their capacity to provide employment will be restricted It is worth noting a recent report published in the United States, entitled ‘The Imported Automobile Industry: A new assessment of key aspects of its impact on the US economy and the American consumer’. [More…]
It also found that on balance the imported automobile industry probably provides a net increase in employment in the United States of America. [More…]
The major importers included the United States, Japan, Canada and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. [More…]
From a peak of about 60 United States cents per pound or over $ A 1,000 per tonne in November 1974, the world price had fallen by September this year to 6.7c or $A132 per tonne and there was the almost certain prospect that, in the absence of an Agreement, the price would fall to 4c or Sc per pound or between $80 and $100 per tonne. [More…]
The Agreement establishes a price range of 1 1 to 2 1 United States cents per pound- equivalent to $A217 to $A414 per tonne. [More…]
Furthermore, the United States, the world’s largest free market importer of sugar, has indicated its intention of joining this Agreement. [More…]
It will also help enable the United States Administration to avoid the inevitable harsh alternative of tariff or quota action. [More…]
Such action would not only be most detrimental to world trade in sugar; it would also give a greater competitive edge to the development of sugar substitutes and it would come at a time when the world is looking to major industralised countries, like the United States, to liberalise trade in the context of the multilateral trade negotiations under way in Geneva. [More…]
In view of the pressures which have been building up in the United States and the dissatisfaction in Brazil, in particular, about aspects of the Agreement, there is no certainty that the Agreement will be ratified by all members in its present form. [More…]
Because of Cuba’s proximity to the United States and the improved trade relations between those two countries, Cuba clearly will improve its access to the United States market. [More…]
In the realities of a market type economy, particularly in the United States of America, the threat of increased substitution at higher price levels is a reality. [More…]
The Labor Government followed what had happened in the United States of America where for some years they have had a small business administration department, and it set up one here because it recognised the great value of small business to our community. [More…]
However, since then, prices have fallen in response to such market factors as an overreaction by consumers to the higher prices, an ample world supply of grains and good prospects for the next United States soya bean crops. [More…]
The current build-up of wheat stocks in the United States of America makes it essential that we have a viable oilseeds industry. [More…]
The United States of America has just bought 700,000 tons of coal so no one could say, as this country is now a net importer, that it is a price competitor. [More…]
In co-operation with the Food Machinery Corporation of the United States of America, we have the opportunity of providing the 5 inch/54 gun mounts for the Navy. [More…]
Even though these gun mounts will be manufactured in the United States they will provide 58,000 hours of work for the Bendigo ordnance factory. [More…]
If the ordnance factory gains the contract it will not only provide the 5-inch gun mounts for our own Navy but also have the opportunity to carry out contracts in conjunction with FMC, which is the biggest supplier to the United States Navy, and to supply material and carry out work for the United States Navy. [More…]
In the United States of America a ceiling was put on the amount that presidential candidates could spend at the election last year. [More…]
The balance is held in the United States of America, Korea and Israel. [More…]
The United States stocks have been quite material in enabling some re-establishment of Australian wool in that market. [More…]
Of course in addition to that we support United States efforts in relation to strategic arms limitations talks- SALT- and in relation to the achievement of SALT 2 which is designed to further safeguard the international scene in those areas. [More…]
Certainly the United States needs the wool and it would not in any way affect the wool growers of the United States to remove that particular tariff. [More…]
by leave- The House will recall that on 9 December 1966 the Australian and United States Governments entered into an agreement regarding the establishment of a Joint Defence Space Research Facility. [More…]
The present United States Administration has recently asked if the agreement could be extended for a further period of 10 years with either party being able to give one year’s notice of termination after nine years from the date of extension or at any time thereafter, failing which the agreement would continue indefinitely. [More…]
Having regard to the importance- acknowledged I believe, by both sides of the House- of the Joint Defence Space Research Facility to the interests of Australia and the United States; to the importance of the co-operation of our two countries under the ANZUS Treaty; and having regard to the requirements for security of tenure at Pine Gap to protect substantial investments in buildings, machinery, skilled manpower and effort, and the requirement to support long term planning in these respects, we have decided to accede to the United States Government’s request. [More…]
We believe that this arrangement will be helpful to the United States Government in planning its long term financial commitments for this facility. [More…]
My colleague the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) and His Excellency the United States Ambassador have today signed notes extending the 1966 agreement for a further period of 10 years. [More…]
The House will notice that the opportunity has been taken to transfer responsibility as co-operating agency for the project from the specialist area of the Advanced Research Projects Agency to the general administration of the United States Department ofDefence. [More…]
I do want to say that a sound and co-operative relationship with the United States is fundamental to this Government’s foreign and defence policies and that the Government and, I believe, the great majority of the Australian people welcome this opportunity to extend our collaboration with our American friends and allies. [More…]
This made it impossible for feed lot operators, both in the United States and Japan, to afford to hold beef cattle stocks. [More…]
When the grain price went through the roof and domestic feed lot operators in the United States and Japan were forced to decide whether or not they would pay much more for their grain or whether they should run down their holdings of cattle in feed lots, they took the view that they should run down their feed lot holdings. [More…]
As a result, a great deal of meat domestically grown in the United States and Japan then became directly competitive with Australian exports to the extent that the Japanese Government prevented Australia from exporting any meat whatsoever to Japan for a period. [More…]
Japan has taken a small number of breeding stock from Australia and at the present time I understand it is importing store stock from the United States of America for fattening. [More…]
In the limited time that is available to me I would just like to mention quickly some of the large cities in the United States which have open V runways. [More…]
These conferences are held each year and they bring together top military and government officials, and heads of multinational corporations from the United States of America and noncommunist Asian countries. [More…]
Hence a high proportion of chairmen and presidents of multinational corporations from the United States and Japan, and top people of influence from South East Asia have been invited to Williamsburg 7, the conference planned to be held in Canberra. [More…]
Although it is claimed that this is only a way of bringing together key decision makers, the Asia Society has a recent history of involvement in providing important research facilities for the United States war effort in Vietnam. [More…]
From the United States we are to have John D. Rockefeller III, who calls himself a philanthropist. [More…]
We are also to have George Ball, former United States Secretary of Defence during the Vietnam period and who is now with Lehman Brothers Corporation; William Agee, Chairman of the Bendix Corporation; and Herbert Cornuelle, Chairman of the Dillingham Corporation. [More…]
1 ) Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to reports that several countries, especially the United States of America, have, for some years, been investigating the feasibility of using Antarctic icebergs as a source of fresh water. [More…]
In addition, Australian scientists (including a Government scientist from the Antarctic Division) actively participated in the First International Conference on Iceberg Utilisation, held in the United States from 2 to 6 October 1977. [More…]
Is the Treasurer aware that the money market rates on three-months money in countries such as the United States, Britain, Switzerland and Japan is currently in the range of2 per cent to6 per cent and that the equivalent rate in Australia is in excess of 9 per cent? [More…]
The Pine Gap facility is a defence installation of tremendous significance to Australia’s defence arrangements with the United States of America. [More…]
Secondly, as to the reference to the December 1971 United States devaluation, Mr Freudenberg says: [More…]
On 20 December, Cabinet met to settle whether Australia should devalue with the United States dollar or revalue with sterling. [More…]
Fourthly, as background to the United States visit I mention that Alan Ramsey reported in the Australian on 8 November 1 97 1 relative to the mission to the United States: [More…]
Even in the United States of America, where the private enterprise ethic is surely as strong as it is in this country, there are very substantial job creation programs. [More…]
In the United States they have a job creation program which is aimed at producing 750,000 jobs. [More…]
I believe that we could see this develop to the extent that it did in the United States in the 1970s and also in areas of the Continent. [More…]
Furthermore, such a service program could be oriented to provide jobs for young people who are prepared to work overseas in an aid capacity somewhat along the lines of the United States Peace Corps. [More…]
The organisation of the program is something that would have to be worked out, but it could be developed along the lines of a specialist core basis, as has been proposed in the United States. [More…]
Another possibility, which the permanent building societies themselves, through their Australian association, have been proposing, is the introduction of federal insurance of shares and deposits, such as applies in the United States and Canada. [More…]
In the United States and West Germany, similar types of vessels operate at a cost of approximately $10,000 a day, including the cost of crew. [More…]
It has been estimated by West Germany, for example, that a detailed knowledge of the currents of the Atlantic Ocean saves that country one day’s sailing time each trip in trade between West Germany and the United States. [More…]
The United States of America, our great and powerful friend, as somebody was once wont to call it, does not maintain any territorial claims to the Antarctic continent, but it gathers scientific research material in that area. [More…]
We rely on our great and powerful friend, the United States, and the New Zealanders to fly aircraft into the Antarctic continent. [More…]
Our present peace-time strategy is to support as best we may over a range of policies the continuation of the presently favourable prospects for our national security; to maintain effective defence relations with our friends and allies, especially the United States and in our neighbouring regions; and to maintain a substantial and efficient forceinbeing that demonstrates our military capability to deal with situations that could develop with shorter warning and to expand in time should the need for this arise during the longer term. [More…]
That is to say, we could be placed in a situation where some sort of conflagration arises and the United States, for example, may not wish to be involved. [More…]
and (2) The Minister for Science announced on 17 August the Government’s intention to establish, at a cost of $4.2m, facilities in Australia to receive and process data from the United States earth resources technology satellites known as Landsat. [More…]
In Germany it was 3.2 per cent, in the United States of America 3.3 per cent, in Japan 5.7 per cent, in France 4.4 per cent and the total for the member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was 3.9 per cent. [More…]
Inflation in Germany was 6 per cent, in the United States 7 per cent, in Japan 1 1.8 per cent, in France 1 1.7 per cent and the average for the OECD countries was 10.6 per cent. [More…]
Were most of these dividends repatriated to the United States parent company without payment of withholding tax in Australia? [More…]
I should make it clear that there are many cruise type missiles, not all as complicated as the new United States strategic cruise missile. [More…]
This is a remote but not impossible contingency for which support comes from a recent statement by Admiral Zumwalt, a former member of the United States Chiefs of Staff that, in the event of a global war, the United States Navy would be forced to abandon the Western Pacific. [More…]
That is one of the great reforms that the Warren Supreme Court has achieved in the United States. [More…]
The greatest of federal democracies, the United States, under the Supreme Court’s prescription now says there shall be, as nearly as practicable, the same population in all districts for the House of Representatives and in all districts for the State legislatures. [More…]
The Leader of the Opposition (Mr E. G. Whitlam) in speaking in this debate earlier this afternoon talked about one vote one value and mentioned the United States as being an example of where that catch cry is practised. [More…]
The United States also recognises that there are States which cannot adequately be represented under the normal system. [More…]
Indeed, the isolation of this virus was done in a laboratory in the United States of America. [More…]
The latest United States Commerce Department survey of expected capital expenditure by United States affiliates in Australia points to an increase of about SO per cent in 1978 in the mining sector. [More…]
Its cars are over 100 per cent dearer than similar vehicles in the United States of America. [More…]
Similar agreements with the United States ‘ Energy Research and Development Administration and with the United States Bureau of Mines, which have recently been subsumed within the new United States Department of Energy, are at an advanced stage of negotiation. [More…]
In the United States it was 1.8 times, in Japan 1.6 times, in Canada 1.4 times and in the United Kingdom 1.7 times the average for that period. [More…]
Canada, the United States and West Germany . [More…]
For the information of honourable members I present a copy of an exchange of notes between the Australian Government and the Government of the United States of America constituting an agreement regarding the establishment, maintenance and operation of a solar observatory at Learmonth, Western Australia, together with the text of a statement by the Minister for Science relating to this agreement. [More…]
With regard to withholding tax, the 1953 tax treaty between the United States Government and the Australian Government is designed not to avoid tax but to avoid double taxation. [More…]
Australian companies operating in the United States are treated exactly as UDL is treated under Australian law. [More…]
This organisation has grown rapidly since 1973 when the Western European Coal Producers Association and the National Coal Association of the United States of America decided to co-operate in coal research. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the report in the Australian Financial Review of 14 April 1977 that an American manufacturer of off-shore oil and gas drilling equipment, J. Ray McDermott and Company of New Orleans, Louisiana, had disclosed in a report to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, that it had paid more than $US 1 m in bribes to officials of foreign governments, including Australia. [More…]
Will he arrange for the inspection by an Australian Government representative of the public records of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission relating to this company and release any information about bribes to Australian officials as is revealed in those documents. [More…]
If so, are Indonesian flag ships being sent to the United States of America for loading wheat to Indonesia. [More…]
It is known that at least one Indonesian flag bulk carrier especially fitted out for the Australian wheat trade has been sent to the United States of America for the carriage of wheat to Indonesia. [More…]
What was the cost to the Australian Broadcasting Commission of the coverage of the America’s Cup challenge and its preliminaries at Newport, Rhode Island, United States of America. [More…]
1642 (Hansard, 9 December 1976, page 3680) relating to United States Domestic International Sales Corporations (DISC) which are engaged in agricultural exports and competing with Australian products, has the special GATT committee reported; if so, what were the conclusions and what action has the Australian or any other Government taken with the United States of America. [More…]
1624, the GATT panel of experts, appointed to examine complaints relating to the United States Domestic International Sales Corporations (DISC) legislation, reported to the GATT contracting parties on 2 November 1976 that there was a prima facie case of nullification or impairment of benefits which other GATT member countries were entitled to expect under the General Agreement. [More…]
I am pleased to be able to inform the honourable member that the Government has sent a team overseas to examine the operation of this form of assistance in the employment services in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. [More…]
They will investigate, as I said, the use of ADP in the employment services of the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada to see whether its application in those places could have application in Australia. [More…]
Honourable gentlemen will know that the United States had advanced policies designed to stem the moves towards reprocessing. [More…]
Earlier the document indicated some reservations about some aspects of policies of other countries, including the United States. [More…]
In relation to this, in indicating some shift in the views held by some United States officials, he wrote: [More…]
but I find myself now in almost complete harmony with the views of leading United States officials. [More…]
It has been said- it was said to me by experts in the United Kingdom when I was there recently- that it is all very well for President Carter to suspend reprocessing when as a matter of fact the United States is having technical difficulties about reprocessing and other countries are not having technical difficulties. [More…]
There is no doubt, as Mr Justice Fox has said in the conference which has been reported, that other countries are resentful of what the United States is doing and they think that this is spragging their own nuclear development and doing them harm. [More…]
It was left to an honourable member on the Government side to ask the Prime Minister a question and, as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition knows, he was able to indicate that ten days ago, long before the Deputy Leader of the Opposition became the recipient of stolen property, that Mr Justice Fox had written to the Government indicating that he found himself in almost complete harmony with United States officials. [More…]
There is nothing new and nothing surprising about the fact that some countries question aspects of United States policy. [More…]
There is nothing new or surprising about the fact that final United States policy will need to await the outcome of current deliberations in the Congress. [More…]
There is no doubt that United States policy has already made extremely important headway with the opening of the international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation program- a major Carter initiative to which we are contributing and in which we are playing an active role. [More…]
When talking to officials, Mr Justice Fox said that in the United States he had found the Carter non-proliferation policy to be ambiguous and uncertain and that there were widely divergent views within the administration. [More…]
He went on to say that the United States and Canadian policies were deeply resented in Western Europe, Brazil and Japan and that there was general opposition elsewhere to the proposition that there could be no reprocessing of American supplied material without consent of the United States. [More…]
He knows that diplomatic representatives of the United States and other countries of the western world in Canberra are greatly disturbed about this document of which the Foreign Minister says: ‘We support it all the way’. [More…]
We do not want the stuff to be sent to the United States- [More…]
We do not want the stuff to be sent to the United States or the Soviet Union or any place else where Japan may choose to have it enriched. [More…]
Let us have a similar position to that in the United States. [More…]
He made the situation perfectly plain following his discussions in the United States. [More…]
Whether or not there was any direct relationship, he now finds himself in almost complete agreement with the United States officials in relation to these matters. [More…]
If one accepts that the full thrust of the original United States policy in relation to the internationalisation of re-processing facilities is unlikely to be achieved in its entirety, the kinds of proposals which are being discussed by His Honour in international forums, and which are being met with a degree of acceptability in a number of areas, surely ought to be examined very closely if we are to achieve a safer world. [More…]
In the United States it was 1.8 times, in Japan 1.6 times, in Canada 1.4 times and in the United Kingdom 1.7 times. [More…]
Canada and the United States and West Germany . [More…]
In the United States of America it went up 1.8 times the 1962-72 average; in Australia three times; in Japan 1.6 times; in Canada 1.4 times; and in the United Kingdom 1.75 times. [More…]
An interesting article was published in the Reader’s Digest in the United States in January this year. [More…]
It was published only in the United States, but it identifies one of the problems that we have had. [More…]
I am referring not to a United States edition of the Reader’s Digest of last January but to the ANZ Bank’s index of economic activity released two days ago. [More…]
It reviews proposals for research and makes recommendations on appropriate procedures and safeguards according to guidelines developed by British and United States scientists in cooperation with the governments of their countries. [More…]
On what date and in what form has the Australian Government joined with other governments in expressing its concern to the South African Government as the United Kingdom and United States Governments have done, over the death of the leader of the South African Black People’s Convention while under police detention without trial. [More…]
In January this year, following a report by the Federal Treasurer of the AMA on a brief study tour of HMOs in the United States of America, the SecretaryGeneral of the AMA announced that the AMA is willing to co-operate with the Government or other interested parties in any pilot study to evaluate prepaid health programs (Le. [More…]
That this House requests the Government to urge the United States to amend its security agreements with Australia and to put them on the same footing as its NATO commitments, where a public pledge has been given that US constitutional processes will not operate to delay swift and necessary action to meet any aggression. [More…]
As the honourable gentleman would know, some pressure has been exerted overseas to try to get the so-called stronger economies of Japan, Germany and the United States of America to reinflate their economies to a greater extent. [More…]
The governments of several overseas countries, notably the United States of America and Japan, have already taken major measures along these lines. [More…]
The Carter administration in the United States of America after only four or five months in office introduced a comprehensive and hard energy policy. [More…]
Karmel went on to quote a bad example, the example of the United States, when he said: [More…]
The United States, for example, spends ten times more on the education of the ten per cent of its children on the top of the socio-economic scale than on the 10 per cent on the bottom. [More…]
Today we became aware of an alarming announcement by the United States of America that there is a suggestion that the American imports will be varied on a year to year basis. [More…]
For the Australian beef grower, this is a very serious suggestion because the United States constitutes the major and best Australian market. [More…]
It would seem to me that the program of eradication very likely will not be completed at the due date and if this happens it could have an effect on overseas markets especially in the United States and in Europe. [More…]
In the United States at the moment the grower receives something like 56 per cent of the retail price. [More…]
The basic market is the United States of America. [More…]
The Australian beef industry at the moment, at its present level, is geared to the capacity of achieving markets in the United States, m terms both of firm quantities and firm prices. [More…]
We did it on assurances of markets in the United States of America. [More…]
I do not know whether that is our fault or the fault of the United States. [More…]
There is no doubt that at the moment the future of the beef industry is caught up with whether we can sell more to the United States of America at a different price from the price at which we are selling to it now. [More…]
It inherited an assurance from the United States that it would take certain quantities at what were regarded as fair prices. [More…]
He was talking about our markets in Japan and the United States of America. [More…]
Of course, we do export manufacturing beef to the United States; let us face it. [More…]
I refer to what is happening in the United States of America at the moment. [More…]
One reason being advanced by the Assistant Sec- ‘retary of the United States Commerce Department, Robert J. Blackwell, is this: [More…]
The United States has recognised that fact. [More…]
Is it also a fact that Australia is rapidly falling behind other countries such as Israel, Japan and the United States of America in the application of solar energy. [More…]
On the information currently available to me, there have been no further developments since 18 May 1976 in respect of Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the United States of America in regard to both parts (a) and (b) of the honourable member’s question. [More…]
However, the following recent developments in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, as reported to me, may be of interest to the honourable member. [More…]
Without wishing to exaggerate the significance of it, it is worth noting, however, that, with only one’ exception (the United States of America), there was no response from any state when Australia extended to the AAT the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation in 1955 and the Universal Postal Convention in 1959. [More…]
With regard to the Rhodesian Information Office in Washington, I understand that it is the United States Administration’s firm intention to give effect under United States law to the resolution which it co-sponsored in the Security Council on this question. [More…]
THIS company is presently consultant to the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation of Burbank, California in the United States of America. [More…]
In making the statement I believe that Mr Vanik was being helpful to Australia in preserving its position in the United States market. [More…]
At the moment there is no way in which we can get more meat into the United States or sell more meat in the United States because of the voluntary restraints which operate. [More…]
There has been a sharp increase over the last couple of months in the price of manufacturing type meats in the United States. [More…]
There seems to be growing consumer pressure to try to hold down prices in the United States. [More…]
It is interesting to note in passing, however, that the American International Trade Commission found, following a request from American cattle producers, that imports of meat in the United States were not causing serious damage to the meat industry; nor did they look like causing serious damage to the American meat industry. [More…]
During the recess I travelled via South Africa as part of a fact finding mission which took me to Europe and the United States of America. [More…]
That means that, as we are interlocked with the world powers- the United States of America and those other countries which support us- anybody who suggests that we should withdraw in any way from the defence capability which we have is making a great mistake. [More…]
No matter what Germany, Japan and the United States of America may do, that is no substitute for correct and appropriate economic policies on the pan of other countries of the world. [More…]
We are spending about 7.1 per cent of the gross domestic product on health, the United States of America about 7.7 per cent, Canada about 6.9 per cent, and the United Kingdom about 5.5 per cent. [More…]
In England and Wales the number of operations performed was 3,653; in the United States of America 6,106; and in Western Australia 7,579 per 100,000. [More…]
Certainly we would have difficulty in meeting the defence forces of the United States of America or the Soviet Union in open combat, but we are hardly likely to expect to do that. [More…]
My understanding is that in this instance the funds had been expended in providing services to United States ships that visited Western Australia as pan of their training exercises. [More…]
In the past five years, according to evidence recently given to a United States Senate committee, there have been 1,800 major acts of terrorism around the world, involving 512 deaths, 551 injuries and 363 kidnappings. [More…]
This era is coming to an end in the United States of America, Canada, and many nations of Western Europe (but not Japan or West Germany) and, I suggest, Australia. [More…]
He told me, not in confidence otherwise I would not betray the confidence, that he used to get upset when members of the Department of Foreign Affairs would hold discussions around the lunch table about whether the United States of [More…]
It stated that the United States was polluting outer space with millions of copper needles in the hope that it would deter or jam peaceful radio communication in outer space and peaceful television broadcasting. [More…]
It is an established fact that from the 40-channel sets which are presently being imported from the United States of America the tuner can be removed and the sets adjusted to operate on 23 channels. [More…]
The Prime Minister has more power than we see in any United States President. [More…]
At least a United States President has to deal with his legislature. [More…]
United States and Canada and also in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Sweden, unemployment assistance also takes the form of an insurance benefit which is paid by regular worker contributions. [More…]
Japan is producing at 71 per cent of capacity, the United States of America at 77 per cent and Australia at 84 per cent. [More…]
Given that background, as stressed and brought to my attention and the attention of the House by the honourable gentleman, in view of those market circumstances and the recent protectionist measures which have been taken by the United States and also by the European Economic Community, the Government certainly is reviewing the industry situation, particularly at the present time, to ascertain whether there is trade diversion from the United States and also from the European Economic Community to the Australian market which could be detrimental to the local industry. [More…]
I am delighted that the United States appears to be having some second thoughts on the matter and is gaining some common sense. [More…]
The United States is putting a little pressure on the Europeans to get some sense in this matter. [More…]
27A, which is in fact almost a copy of the emission control standards laid down in the United States in i973 and now vastly superseded. [More…]
It is also interesting to note that the pace throughout the world in adopting severe emission control legislation has been set by Japan and the United States. [More…]
Yet for some insane reason we have adopted the standards that have been laid down in Japan and the United States, which in themselves are contradictory and not consistent. [More…]
I believe that even in Sydney and Melbourne we do not experience the conditions which forced the United States and Japan to implement such severe emission control legislation. [More…]
It is an industry which has suffered very serious problems and I do not take kindly to an allegation, by way of new jargon, which suggests that some illegal or semi-illegal organisation might operate beef quotas to the United States. [More…]
Unfortunately, there are very real problems in trying to maximise returns for Australian exports to the United States. [More…]
Restraints on exports were introduced not because Australians wanted to introduce them but because the United States applied quotas. [More…]
The system of restraints has meant that a demonstrably higher price has been commanded more recently in the Japanese market than in the United States market. [More…]
Has his Department been consulted in the recent negotiations by trade officials to lift the ban on the importation of kangaroo skins into the United States? [More…]
In this connection the recent comments of the Prime Minister to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting, when he reportedly attacked advocates of expansionary policies and was especially critical of the United States for adopting such policies, are the very opposite to what is in Australia’s interest. [More…]
Ralph Nader came over from the United States of America to appear before our Committee. [More…]
Most honourable members will remember the problems that arose recently in New Zealand as a consequence of a visit to that country by a United States of America nuclear vessel. [More…]
We are now reaching the stage where our campaign procedures and expenditures in Australia are similar to those in the United States. [More…]
Even the United States has seen fit to change the laws on political funding, making public the names of those people who make donations to either of the candidates or the major political parties. [More…]
If the parliamentarians of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Austria and the United States collectively agree that state aid is required for political parties, that there should be a public register listing the names of private donors to political parties, why on earth can such a proposition not fee accepted in Australia? [More…]
Now we will have more manufacturers than the United States of America, which has a massive domestic market. [More…]
The paragons of virtue in the United States have extraordinarly high levels of protection for people who constantly ask others to lower their barriers. [More…]
We cannot even get Australian wool into the United States without a bounty of 25c in the lb. [More…]
being imposed on it- and the United States is short of wool. [More…]
One could spend a lot of time on this matter, but the time allocated does not permit me to explain what other assistance is rendered by other Western nations, including those in the European Economic Community and the United States of America. [More…]
I refer to the statement made in Peking last Tuesday by Mr Liao Cheng-ching, a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, to the effect that the United States should sever any diplomatic or military links with Taiwan. [More…]
Relationships between the United States and China are somewhat different in many respects. [More…]
I am reminded of an occasion when I was in the United States of America in I960 listening with a small group of people to President Kennedy’s inaugural speech. [More…]
This House will be aware that our two major competitors in agricultural trade, the United States of America and Canada, have an on-farm price of automotive distillate and gasoline well below the Australian price even though the cost of their crude oil is more expensive. [More…]
We were not in government then, honourable members will recall, although the coalition parties were- of another computer supplier accompanied a representative or representatives of the then Department of Social Services on a visit to the United States of America when the visit was for the purpose of inspecting computer installations. [More…]
The United States of America has an 85 per cent market share, the European Economic Community has a 90 per cent market share and Japan, of all places, in the garment area has a 100 per cent market share. [More…]
If there were any faltering in our surge towards the new boom, it was the fault of the Labor Party, the trade unions, the dole bludgers, women who wanted to work, importers, the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States, the lavatory attendant at Parliament House and the Easter Bunny- everyone, it seems, but the Prime Minister and the Liberal-National Country Party coalition. [More…]
At the same time, the Prime Minister has the gall to attack the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States for doing the same thing to protect their own producers. [More…]
It also seems very likely that a large number of Australian meat exporters are fast running out of their United States quota. [More…]
We know that in the United States alone there are 74 million gallons of liquid toxic waste which cannot be reprocessed and which cannot be controlled. [More…]
If a country such as the United States with its enormous wealth cannot solve the problem it will be very difficult for others to do so. [More…]
We were told that it did not fit the model of the United States. [More…]
For example, in the mid-1960s, a representative of another computer supplier accompanied a representative or representatives of the then Department of Social Services on a visit to the United States of America when the visit was for the purpose of inspecting computer installations. [More…]
in the mid-1960s, a representative of another computer supplier accompanied a representative or representatives of the then Department of Social Services on a visit to the United States of America . [More…]
The law in the United States prohibits recruitment of any persons as mercenaries within the United States but does not prohibit a citizen or other person in the United States leaving the country to enlist in a foreign military service. [More…]
Thank God for the United States of America, so far as our cattle industry is concerned, because it has been the greatest buyer of our beef. [More…]
During most of last year there was much talk in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and elsewhere of the need for the co-called locomotive economies- that is, the major economies: The United States, West Germany and Japan- to reflate their economies and to increase their imports from the rest of the world in order to bring about a general economic recovery in the Western world. [More…]
The first major call for more expansionary policies in other countries was made by the prestigous Brookings Institute in the United States. [More…]
A similar report states that a special study of 1.25 million steel workers and their families in the United States of America found that hospital admissions declined from 135 per 1,000 beneficiaries for fee for service to 90 per 1,000 under salaried services and surgical cases from 69 to 33 per 1,000, that is, more than a 50 per cent decrease. [More…]
hysterectomies under salaried services in England and Wales were 60 per cent less than in the United States of America where most surgeons were paid for the operation. [More…]
Regarding the Australian experience, Dr Lawson cited to the 1969 Congress of the Australian Hospitals Association figures which indicated that the number of tonsillectomy, appendicectomy and hysterectomy operations in Australia were all about 100 per cent higher than the number carried out in the United Kingdom and the United States of America under salaried services. [More…]
The number of appendicectomies in Australia was even 100 per cent higher than those under fee for service in the United States. [More…]
It has reached alarming proportions in the United States of America. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) has confessed himself to be an admirer of the writings of Ayn Rand, a Russian born writer in the United States, and in particular of her most alarming novel Atlas Shrugged, a truly repellent book which, nevertheless, needs to be read by honourable members if we are to understand the Prime Minister’s political philosophy. [More…]
We are ahead of the European Economic Community, Canada, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
I think that Australia can say that since our safeguards policy was announced almost 12 months ago there have been some significant moves in both Canada and in the United States to accept and to apply safeguards much nearer ours than had formerly been the case. [More…]
The first CHOGRM ‘s deliberations have not been greeted with acclaim by any of them and they appear not to have aroused much interest in Britain itself- the very fount of the Commonwealth- let alone in the United States of America or in other Pacific rim countries. [More…]
By contrast, in the United States of America, the Carter Administration, within six months of taking office, was presenting hard legislation to the Congress. [More…]
Such complacency is appalling in view of the experience of other developed countries such as the United States of America, which was once regarded as being energy rich. [More…]
The United States Government spent more than $300m on solar research last year. [More…]
The United States has proposed tax deductions of up to $400 for householders who install approved solar heating appliances. [More…]
Nuclear technology in the United States has had 25 years intensive development under enormous government subsidy to reach the point where it can build commercially viable reactors to produce electricity which is anyway competitive in an economic sense, whereas solar energy has, with only a few years subsidy, at a fraction of that provided by the government for nuclear technology, improved from its position of a little over a decade ago where it was thought capable of fulfilling only a few per cent of energy requirements, at 10 times the cost, to the stage where it can now clearly produce the major proportion of heating requirements at costs which are competitive and may soon fall below the costs of electrical heating. [More…]
I understand that President Carter has just signed into law the United States Non-Proliferation Bill. [More…]
The Australian Government, of course, welcomes the recent signing into law by President Carter of the United States Non-Proliferation Bill. [More…]
In his statement on signing the Bill into law, President Carter left absolutely no doubt as to the importance of nuclear power as a source of energy for the United States and for other countries. [More…]
As succinctly as possible, the Act gives a central role to encouraging universal adherence to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, lt specifies conditions that will be required for nuclear exports from the United States. [More…]
These include, of course, the application of International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards of indefinite duration and cover all peaceful nuclear activities in nonnuclear weapon states, the prohibition of nuclear explosive uses, the maintenance of adequate physical security, and United States consent to re-transfer, et cetera. [More…]
The United States will be renegotiating its existing bilateral agreements with customers for its nuclear exports to incorporate the tighter conditions provided for in the legislation. [More…]
During the period leading to the formulation of the Government’s own safeguards and uranium export policies, and subsequently, there has been extremely close contact with the United States. [More…]
The fact of the matter is this: Foreign policies were rejected by the Australian people, foreign policies that were designed to lead Australia out of alignment with the United States of America, with the United Kingdom and with our allies of more than half a century. [More…]
Those of use who were here at that time will recall the most unfortunate, the most vulgar and offensive remarks made by Ministers of the Labor Government visiting the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
We should consider establishing a special surveillance corps or coastguard and study the United States experience in this field. [More…]
The honourable member for North Sydney suggested that we ought to examine the situation relating to the United States Coastguard. [More…]
I cannot imagine anything less relevant to the Australian situation than the United States coastguard. [More…]
The United States Coastguard has 272 large ships, including 23 of over 3,000 tons. [More…]
1) Is he able to say which federal States other than the United States of America and Australia have regarded International Labour Organisation conventions as appropriate under their constitutional systems, in whole or in part, for action by the constituent States, provinces or cantons rather than for federal action. [More…]
) Is he also able to say in respect of the United States of America (a) when did she withdraw from the Organisation, (b) for how long and to what extent had she been in arrears in the payment of her financial contribution to the Organisation in recent years and (c) how many conventions had she ratified. [More…]
Now that the United States has withdrawn from the Organisation, has consideration been given to amending the Constitution of the Organisation to make it easier for federal States to ratify conventions by federal action. [More…]
IBM is not Simon Pure as the Australian Financial Review pointed out this week and as has been pointed out in the United States of America for a long time before. [More…]
President Carter of the United States and President Sadat of Egypt have gone out of their way in the last five to six months to try to bring back the harmony and peace that belonged to the Holy Land. [More…]
We hope that the incident that occurred last week in Israel and the situation that is now developing in South Lebanon will not deter the United States Government, or the Israeli Government or the Egyptian Government from proceeding on the road to peace because that is the most honourable road that they could follow and that is the most honourable road that they should follow. [More…]
I think that the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) should be encouraged, without delay, to be quite certain that emergency communications have been opened between President Carter of the United States and President Brezhnev of the Soviet Union. [More…]
I do not see how any peace settlement can arrive in the Middle East unless it is underwritten and supported by an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
However brilliant Mr Herman Eiltz, the United States Ambassador in Cairo, however good the United States Minister for Foreign Affairs, however brilliant Mr Stoltfuss in the Gulf, and however wonderful the diplomats, it seems to me historically impossible to hope for any solution unless the Soviet Union is brought into the discussions. [More…]
All I can do is repeat what I have said before: In the circumstances I think that the Prime Minister should be encouraged to see that emergency communications are opened without delay between the Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
From the very establishment of the state of Israel no country- not even the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally- has been able to guarantee Israel’s security. [More…]
Perhaps we were not in total agreement but I do hope that in the days and weeks ahead the nations of the world- Russia, the United States of America and Australia- will do everything they possibly can to bring the parties to the negotiating table and to create the peace that we have all longed for in the Middle East. [More…]
I have also been heartened by my recent discussions with Ambassador Strauss in Washington, the United States Special Trade Representative, who confirmed to me the United States Government’s intention to press strongly in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations in Geneva for improved market access into the EEC for agricultural products, including, most importantly, beef. [More…]
The United States of America was able to do that to protect a lot of its industries, but poor unfortunate Australia was not able to do so. [More…]
Before the last election the Government rushed in with a 10-year extension of the agreement with the United States of America communication bases and before the 1972 election the then Government rushed in with a 7 -year extension of the two-airline policy. [More…]
There are also four United States corporations operating in Australia which supply about 38 per cent of the market. [More…]
The House will be aware that in the United States of America and Canada- our two major competitors in agricultural trade- the on-farm price of automotive distillate and gasoline is below the Australian on-farm price although the prices for crude oil in both countries is approximately twice the price of crude oil in Australia. [More…]
Is it a fact that the value of the United States dollar has slumped substantially against most major currencies m recent days? [More…]
I also draw the honourable gentleman’s attention to a report in today’s Australian Financial Review which indicated the prospects according to the United States Commerce Department, for United States capital investment in Australia during 1978. [More…]
These matters were: Whether Australia should establish facilities to receive information from Landsat, the United States of America’s earth resources satellite; whether Australia should participate in the first world-wide experiment of the global atmospheric research program and the extent to which the Commonwealth should be involved in the co- ordination of information on Australia’s unique flora and fauna. [More…]
I made the point recently that whilst the Government has been in office for well over two years there has been no firm energy policy announced, yet in the United States after merely six months in office the Carter Administration had a whole package of conservation and general energy development proposals before the American Congress. [More…]
United States Coastguard in action in all sorts of glory situations on television programs. [More…]
But Australia is not the United States. [More…]
The only thing which would equate us with the United States is the approximately similar length of our coastline. [More…]
The United States Coastguard has 35,000 men and its equipment, except for a couple of capital items, would make it a superior force to the Australian Navy. [More…]
The Commission recommends Government support for such organisations, but, as their application has been possibly only in limited areas of the United States, many suggest that to look to health maintenance organisations for a total solution would be a mistake. [More…]
The Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation is, however, able to supply ‘representative’ prices for the United States and Japan. [More…]
I understand beef sold to the USSR over the past year has been at prices generally comparable with those received from the United States market. [More…]
Investigations in the United States suggested that chloroform fed in very high doses to rodents produced increased kidney and liver tumors. [More…]
I released a Press statement on 27 October 1977 which drew attention to the action taken in the United States. [More…]
I also pointed out that the Poisons Schedule Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee had reviewed all the available information at that time and had considered that action similar to that taken in the United States was unnecessary. [More…]
Any strains of virus imported into Australia will undergo additional testing for purification at the Animal Virus Research Institute at Pirbright, England, or the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in the United States of America. [More…]
I inform the House that the Minister for Special Trade Representations (Mr Garland) left Australia yesterday for discussions in Europe and the United States. [More…]
Is it a fact that New Zealand has reduced its tariff on motor vehicle components imported from Japan and the United States of America from 45 per cent to 35 per cent whilst at the same time it has increased its tariff on motor vehicle components imported from Australia from 20 per cent to 25 per cent? [More…]
Is it a fact that the Reserve Bank has been pushing down forward margins on the United States dollar below the relative differential between interest rates in Australia and interest rates in the United States? [More…]
Is the Reserve Bank pushing down forward margins in order to bring the Australian dollar to parity with the United States dollar? [More…]
Honourable members will recall that Security Council resolution 409/77 cosponsored by the United States of America, proposed among other things that member nations should take action to close down Rhodesian Information Offices. [More…]
There are lessons to be learned here from the experience of countries like the United States. [More…]
Throughout that period from 1972 to the end of 1975 when, to the great relief of the Australian population the then Government was expelled from office, repeated insults were directed at a number of our major trading partners, particularly at the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
What investigations are being conducted in Australia in order to prevent explosions in grain silos similar to those which occurred in the United States of America recently. [More…]
Attempted comparisons with conditions in the United States may tend to obscure some issues but it is worth noting that dust from corn which is produced in vast quantities in the United States is regarded as having a greater potential from explosion than the dust from wheat and barley. [More…]
It is not returned to the grain stream as is the practice in some parts of the United States. [More…]
Were funds allotted for the Unit’s operations used in exercises involving units of the United States Navy. [More…]
How many persons have been refused visas for entry to Australia from (a) Italy, (b) Greece, (c) Malta, (d) Turkey, (e) Great Britain, (f) Ireland, (g) Cyprus, (h) Philippines, (i) Malaysia, and (j) the United States of America during (i) 1976 and (ii) 1977. [More…]
Will the inquiry which he announced on IS February 1978 concerning public duty and private interest be authorised to consider the situation of persons such as Sir Percy Spender who held shares and a directorship in an Americanowned company not only while he was a Minister in the Menzies Government but also while he was the Ambassador to the United States (Hansard, 26 August 1 958, page 7 1 0; 1 0 September 1958, page 1022 and 11 September 1958, page 1 125 and correspondence tabled by Mr Menzies on 1 1 September 1958). [More…]
The take-over follows the station’s declassification as a defence establishment and comes under the terms of an international agreement with the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) Which members of the International Labour Organisation other than Australia have provided it with a voluntary contribution following the withdrawal of the United States of America. [More…]
This withdrawal from the full employment commitment has occurred in all Western European industrial countries as well as in the United States and Australia. [More…]
In the United States it is said that of all output 98 per cent is produced by machine power, one per cent by human power and one per cent by animal power. [More…]
It is only in recent years, in the 1970s, that we have now come to accept that a large proportion of unemployed, perhaps somewhere between 5lA per cent and 7 per cent, possibly even higher, will be taken as the norm as it has been in Canada and the United States for a long time. [More…]
It gives the percentage distribution of employed workers in the United States, France, West Germany and the United Kingdom and indicates the striking fall in the number of people employed in manufacturing industry. [More…]
We need a guaranteed minimum income, a project which was put up in the United States in 1969 by so impeccable a conservative as Richard Milhous Nixon because he recognised that there was a need to have a guaranteed minimum income in the ‘post-scarcity’ society in order to keep up the level of demand. [More…]
For the first time in recent years, the United States is a member of the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
The United States Administration looks to the Agreement as providing a cornerstone for a new domestic United States sugar policy which is being established. [More…]
The United States Sugar Act, which for many years limited total United States imports and provided little access for Australian sugar, expired in 1974. [More…]
After a period of trading wholly as one of the world’s largest free markets the United States has found it necessary to find ways to protect its own producers of cane and beet sugar against the disruptive effects of low world prices. [More…]
For this reason, the United States Administration took a very important part in the Sugar Conference. [More…]
The United States was largely instrumental in developing some of the provisions of the new Agreement, including its stocks provisions and the Stock Financing Fund to which both importers and exporters will contribute. [More…]
The United States has a special interest in ensuring the successful operation of the Agreement. [More…]
One may say that Australia’s population is only about 14 million and that it will increase to between 15.9 million and 17 million, but one must remember that countries such as Australia, the United States of America and Europe, whilst their populations are not terribly high, are the ones that are chewing up all the world ‘s resources. [More…]
The imports come from Canada, the United States, New Zealand, Indonesia and Malaysia. [More…]
One has only to think of what happened with the Bell Telephone Company’s computer in the United States of America. [More…]
It was modelled on the United States uniform rules of evidence. [More…]
I have the feeling that the change in the role of the aircraft which we are to procure too neatly fits the change in the decisions of the United States of America on the stages to which that aircraft is to be developed. [More…]
A strike capacity is not to be provided in the United States version of the aircraft and the strike capacity seems to have been removed from the Australian requirements. [More…]
The high prices now prevailing in the United States mean that some benefits should be gained by them. [More…]
The pear industry is now selling about half its exports to the South East Asian region, and good sales to the United States of America have been reported. [More…]
The United States of America, Canada and other nuclear supplier countries have in recent times taken initiatives to strengthen nuclear safeguards. [More…]
Since the announcement of Australia ‘s decision to proceed with further uranium development a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, the Philippines, the United States, West Germany, France, Finland and Japan, have registered their desire to secure uranium from Australia for their nuclear power programs. [More…]
In the United States some States are considering the passage of legislation- some may already have passed it; my memory may not serve me correctly on this- to prohibit the further expansion of nuclear power in those States until the problem of waste disposal is solved. [More…]
This has happened in the United States to a great degree. [More…]
It is on sale in the United States of America at the moment for some $299, so to suggest the $200 to $300 range in Australia would not be an exaggeration. [More…]
In February 1973 ATAC agreed in principle to the introduction of regulations based on United States Federal regulations and in 1974 endorsed ADR 27a to take effect in July 1976. [More…]
Can the Prime Minister tell the Parliament whether there are any plans for this Government to follow the example set by Colorado and other States in the United States of America as regards ‘sunset’ laws? [More…]
The basic principles established under the Agreement are for a floor price of 1 lc lb and a ceiling price of 21c lb, United States currency. [More…]
The Deputy Prime Minister made much of the fact that the United States, for the first time in recent years, is a member of the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
But how firm is that membership and how firmly can the United States be expected to withstand the pressures of its domestic sugar lobby? [More…]
You would well know, Mr Deputy Speaker, that the President of the United States is from the same State. [More…]
The Agreement has been successful in that the United States of America has been included. [More…]
Originally the United States intended to stay outside of the Agreement. [More…]
However, the fact that the United States is in the Agreement is certainly another indication of the hard and successful negotiations that were conducted. [More…]
This is the case whether we talk about the EEC, Japan, the United States of America or Australia. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the statement by Mr Liao Cheng-chin, a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, made in Peking on 28 February 1978, that the United States of America should sever its diplomatic and military links with the Republic of China. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America and Canada require the same guarantees of a person visiting their countries from the republic of China as are required by Australia. [More…]
The answer to the honourable member’s question is as follows: (1)1 have seen press reports that Liao Cheng-chin in an address to a meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Peking on 28 February 1 978 said: ‘The United States must sever its so-called diplomatic relations with the Chiang [More…]
As the United States has diplomatic relations with the regime on Taiwan, Taiwanese visitors are permitted to enter the United States in an official capacity and as representatives of that regime. [More…]
As a result, overseas governments, including those of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada and the Republic of Korea, are actively involved in various ways in supporting their industries to gain contracts for large projects. [More…]
What was the response of the United States of America when Australia extended to the Australian Antarctic Territory the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation in 1955 and the Universal Postal Convention in 1 959 (Hansard, 8 November 1977, page 3 126). [More…]
When in 1955 Australia extended the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation of 1 1 October 1947 to the Australian Antarctic Territory the United States Government notified the Australian Government that ‘it does not recognise any claims so far advanced in the Antarctic and reserves all rights accruing to the United States out of activities of nationals of the United States in the area ‘. [More…]
So far as can be ascertained from the records of my Department and from the depositary of the Universal Postal Convention, no such response was notified by the United States Government when in 1959 Australia extended the Universal Postal Convention of 3 October 1957 to the Australian Antarctic Territory. [More…]
Secondly, there is a misunderstanding, apparently based on and influenced by reports of United States developments, that the liability of manufacturers or importers will be considerably greater than that which already applies to retailers. [More…]
Among these are the United States of America, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, New Zealand, Canada and the European Economic Community countries- in short, both major fishing nations and nations with fisheries resources. [More…]
I noticed a recent article in the Australian of Monday with regard to the comments of Pan American World Airways Inc., in which it was said, for example, that in 1977 it had an 8 per cent increase in traffic between the United States and Australia. [More…]
Australia has this experience because of the use of these craft by Pan Am on the Australia-United States route. [More…]
The fact that we do not have any aircraft flying across the Indian Ocean to mainland Africa; the fact that we are no longer flying eastwards to the United Kingdom via the United States of America, Canada, Mexico or the West Indies; the fact that we are contracting routes forever to a few gold-bound safe routes, suggests to me that with these additional aircraft, the purchase of which we in fact approved today, Qantas should have a more exciting look at itself and consider flying once again to Mexico and the West Indies, across mainland North America and across the Indian Ocean via Mauritius and Nairobi to European ports. [More…]
In the United States of America the Secretary of Transportation published in 1975 a statement on United States national transport policy. [More…]
If the wrong decisions are taken at the Multilateral Trade Negotiations and if there is no progress on north-south issues in relation to the common fund, there will be increasing bitterness and increasing concern towards the end of the year which could lead to a much slower growth in world markets and to a much greater move towards protectionism, especially from the European Economic Community and maybe also from the United States of America. [More…]
Is he aware of the results of studies by Dr Thomas Mancuso and Dr Alice Stewart on the medical records of United States nuclear industry employees? [More…]
He accused the Ford Company then of remitting excessive profits to its parent Company in the United States. [More…]
The United States of America has a declared national policy that free competition which is basic to economic well being cannot be realised unless small business is encouraged and developed. [More…]
In the United States small business receives special taxation and financial assistance, loan and equity finance, management assistance and assistance with government procurement. [More…]
The company has informed my Department it expects to substantially increase sales to the Australian fertiliser industry during 1978, while negotiations are being conducted to increase tonnage sold to the United States market at more favourable prices. [More…]
Australia concluded an Agreement on 9 May 1963 with the United States concerning the Status of United States Forces in Australia. [More…]
On 1 0 October 1 965 the President of the United States issued a proclamation under the provisions of the Service Courts of Friendly Foreign Forces Act, which permits Australia to exercise within the United States jurisdiction over offences committed by members of the Australian Armed Forces in the United States. [More…]
Negotiations have not been concluded with the United States on the terms of a reciprocal Status of Forces Agreement, in accordance with the protocol to the Agreement of 9 May 1963 concerning the status of United States forces in Australia. [More…]
The Australian visiting forces legislation under the Visiting Forces Act of 1 963 can be invoked to make provision for the status in Australia of visiting forces from a declared member of the Commonwealth of Nations (and the United States). [More…]
United States authorities have rejected some Australian meat due to the presence of pesticide residues in excess of prescribed levels. [More…]
Such occurrences are, however, infrequent and Australia’s performance is known to compare favourably with United States domestic production. [More…]
1 ) Does Australia give, as President Carter stated on 9 March 1978 that the United States gives, continuing support for the independence, territorial integrity and unity of Yugoslavia. [More…]
Now that the United States, whose record in ratifying International Labor Organisation conventions was worse than that of any of the 138 Members of the Organisation other than Bahrain, El Salvador, Kampuchea, Laos, Nepal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Swaziland and the United Arab Emirates, has withdrawn from the Organisation and only Australia and Canada can continue to plead that their federal systems make it difficult for them to ratify the convention, what steps have been or are being taken for Australia and Canada to consult on amendments to the federal clause in the ILO Constitution. [More…]
Now that, through the withdrawal of the United States and the inactivity of China, only 8 out of a possible 10 Members of ILO are classified by its Governing Body as being those of chief industrial importance, what steps have been or are being taken to secure the recognition of Australia as one of the 10. f [More…]
Whether or not Australia should be included among the ten states of chief industrial importance will be determined at the next General Review of this category of states or when the governing body decides to fill the seat left vacant by the United States. [More…]
Has the Minister for Trade and Resources seen reports which suggest that Australia could lose some if its share of the United States beef market as a result of alleged mismanagement by the Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation? [More…]
-Shipments of meat to the United States have been running ahead of schedule this year. [More…]
Trading has been going on in the entitlements which people earn to ship meat to the United States market. [More…]
From 1975 to the present Australia’s rate of inflation has come down 6.9 per cent, the rate of inflation in the United States of America has fallen 2.8 per cent, in Germany it has fallen 2.3 per cent, in France it has fallen 2.S per cent and in Canada it has fallen 2. [More…]
I relate to the Committee the comments of the General Accounting Office of the United States Energy Research and Development Commission in regard to this matter. [More…]
That organisation is the successor to the United States Atomic Energy Commission. [More…]
Reports from the United States General Accounting Office last September, from a task force which reviewed nuclear waste management for the United States Department of Energy in February and from the United States Congress Sub-Committee on Environment, Energy and National Resources, have all reiterated in the strongest possible terms the absence of technical and regulatory procedures for satisfactorily dealing with high level radioactive waste. [More…]
In fact, in February of this year the Chairman of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission wrote: the International Atomic Energy Agency Special Safeguards Implementation Report indicated that a country’s agreement to subject its nuclear activities to IAEA safeguards does not necessarily assure that adequate material control and accounting measures are applied in all cases. [More…]
Clearly, there should be a separate statutory authority to administer nuclear safeguards, as has been the case in the United States now for 3 years. [More…]
In a policy announcement last October, the United States Department of Energy said: [More…]
Last September, the United States General Accounting Office reported that it had found: gaps in Federal laws and regulations governing the storage and disposal of nuclear waste; geological uncertainties and natural resources trade-offs encountered when selecting ‘ permanent ‘ disposal locations; overly optimistic schedules for demonstrating the safety of . [More…]
In February this year, the report of a United States Department of Energy task force which reviewed nuclear waste management made it clear that current United Sates plans for waste disposal needed revision, and that the necessary technical data did not exist to enable the safe ultimate disposal of reactor wastes. [More…]
Just three weeks ago, the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Sub-Committee of the United States Congress published its findings on the costs of nuclear power. [More…]
Because of cancellations and postponements, by October 1975 the number of reactors on order or planned in the United States had fallen by 150 compared with only two years earlier. [More…]
By May 1977, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission was predicting for 1985 a nuclear capacity only 60 per cent of that predicted in March 1976. [More…]
Evidence given to the British Windscale inquiry last September by a consultant to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission revealed that the United States has successfully exploded a device using this material. [More…]
The two functions were separated in the United States three years ago, with the division of the United States Atomic Energy Commission into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration. [More…]
Mining of coal in the United States of America since 1907 has cost 88,000 lives underground. [More…]
There is now radioactive material storage in the United States of America in disused salt mines, more than 2,000 feet down. [More…]
But a few years ago there was a rather more united opposition in the United States of America and its base seems to have been the Friends Of The Earth. [More…]
As honourable members well know uranium was being mined at Rum Jungle under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act and at that time the Atomic Energy Commission was exporting uranium both to Britain and the United States to be used in the production of atomic weapons. [More…]
Indeed, in the history of uranium use throughout the world, including the manufacture of nuclear weapons, there has been a known loss of only three lives and that was in the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America some states are using nuclear power for generation of electricity and for power plants to the order of 35 per cent. [More…]
They range all the way from situations in countries such as Italy, whose total indigenous fuel resources would hardly be sufficient to meet two years of consumption at present rates, to situations in the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with vast oil, gas and coal reserves. [More…]
For example, recently South Africa sold some of its uranium to the United States of America. [More…]
At present we have opportunities to sell our yellowcake to Canada, the United States, Japan, West Germany and many other countries. [More…]
I have had people tell me that 30 or 40 Indians in some part of the United States of America developed cancer as the result of an atomic reactor being sited nearby. [More…]
In the immediate aftermath of World War II it was proposed in the United States of America in what is known as the Baruch Plan that nuclear energy and nuclear weapons should be internationalised. [More…]
This proposal was not adopted and instead the United States sought to achieve control by monopoly of nuclear secrets, by terminating all nuclear co-operation with other countries and by government monopoly of domestic atomic energy activities. [More…]
In 1953 the United States reversed this policy because it no longer had a monopoly of nuclear weapons. [More…]
The United States industry was the largest. [More…]
The United States Atomic Energy Commission had the kind of variety of powers we find now so badly proposed by the Australian Government. [More…]
Australia ‘s position is not the same as that of the United States. [More…]
Moreover, while the United States continues to have a nuclear weapon program, Australia, by treaty commitment, will have no such program. [More…]
It is interesting to note that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States and the proposed Atomic Energy Safety Commission in Japan reflect some of the considerations to be taken into account- at present Japan is in the process of splitting the functions into two on the basis of being able to get the safeguards required- bearing in mind the large differences between the activities in those countries and in Australia requiring regulation. [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition then went on to talk about Australia’s responsibility being the equivalent of that of the United States, particularly after the export of the yellowcake uranium oxide had commenced. [More…]
It is very difficult to follow that reasoning because in fact Australia, in the context of the relatively modern period extending from the present time to the turn of the century, can never assume responsibilities comparable to those of the United States under any circumstances. [More…]
Most of the contracting companies stand to sustain a loss in the order to billions of dollars if the winding down of nuclear power stations, which has started already in the United States- at least the stations are in a waiting position- continues. [More…]
In fact, in this regard the project of the Department of Engineering Physics of the Australian National University is far more promising than the competitive investigation being undertaken at a much greater cost in the United States, where they have large scale power units with reflectors which have to be on a large centralised scale. [More…]
Animal Health Laboratory is established the offshore animal quarantine station will be available for the importation of animals from the United Kingdom and Ireland, Western Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan. [More…]
I ask: What would be the effect on the Australian beef industry of proposed action by the United States further to restrict beef imports? [More…]
Bills are before the United States Congress at the moment to introduce a counter-cyclical element in relation to beef import regulations. [More…]
This is giving a great deal of concern to us because its impact will be to restrict on occasions the quantity of beef going into the United States. [More…]
For instance, if it had applied for the year 1977 we would have got 23 per cent less beef into the United States. [More…]
We find it quite incredible that at a time when beef prices are going up so rapidly in the United States- in fact they have doubled during the course of this year from about 50c per lb to over 100c per lb- the United States Congress is thinking of action that would have the effect of restraining imports and making the price to the consumer in the United States even greater. [More…]
Vice-President Mondale will be coming to Australia next week and, apart from expressing our concern about this legislation, we intend making the most of the opportunity to ask that the United States give consideration to a further extension of Australia’s entitlement this year. [More…]
Will that be before or after he goes to the United States? [More…]
One recalls the great forests on the west coast of the United States of America from which the timber could well have been used during World War II but in relation to which President Rooseveldt himself said: ‘They will not be touched; they are there for posterity’. [More…]
In answer to that part of the question dealing with underground mining the Minister indicated that in the United States, Canada and Czechoslovakia the figures show quite clearly a very high rate of risk. [More…]
Is it a fact that the OECD reported that Australia had 620 of every 1,000 people under 25 years competing for jobs compared to 540 out of a 1 ,000 in the United States of America, 530 in the United Kingdom and 450 in Japan? [More…]
I understand that the United States of America and Iran have also been negotiating on nuclear safeguards and that prior consent on reprocessing has been a significant issue in those negotiations. [More…]
I expect to take up this specific question when discussing mutual nonproliferation objectives with the United States Vice-President when he visits here next week. [More…]
I am pleased to be able to inform the House that the stretched version of the Nomad aircraft this week has received United States certification which is regarded in the aviation world as world recognition. [More…]
The United States certification opens up world potential for this aircraft. [More…]
The United Kingdom and Sweden have options to purchase the aircraft, and leasing arrangements have been entered into in the United States of America. [More…]
These included the chronic imbalance of payments; the deficit of the United States; the surpluses in Japan and Germany; the problems of inflation; the extent to which unemployment is a major factor in a number of countries of the world; and, of course, the relationship between the developing world and the developed world. [More…]
There has been a report in one newspaper and a radio news bulletin that Vice-President Mondale of the United States of America would not visit Parliament House because the security was not adequate. [More…]
The 707 aircraft, which can be bought in just about in any second hand car yard throughout the United States of America because nobody wants it, has a range of 6,S00 nautical miles. [More…]
The last illustration he gives is that when the Prime Minister visits, say, the United States of America and lands at a commercial airfield, an enormous strain is placed on American security resources to implement protective measures at the airport. [More…]
If Utah Development Corporation sends $126m to its United States shareholders without paying a resources tax, it is just as serious a loss to the national Treasury as funds forgone from other types of tax avoidance. [More…]
I am pleased to say that I believe that the approach of the United States and our approach are in broad general agreement. [More…]
-I ask the Prime Minister: Is it a fact that Vice-President Mondale of the United States favoured the holding of a parliamentary reception in his honour? [More…]
Does the United States Government share the view of the Fraser Government that the Fraser Government owns the relationship with the United States? [More…]
We are trying to sustain in a healthy and viable form a vital motor manufacturing industry comprising five manufacturers for half a million new registrations and 14 million people, whereas, for instance, in the United States- I could have used Japan as an illustration- there are only three thriving manufacturers for 200 million people. [More…]
To illustrate my point, award wages for assemblers in the Australian motor vehicle industry rose by 35 per cent in the 12 months to June 1975, compared with increases in earnings for similar work in the United States of about 5 per cent for the same period. [More…]
In particular, Article 9 of the Constitution of the United States of America forbids it. [More…]
If we were in the United States of America, this situation would not be happening because section 9 of the United States Constitution states bluntly: [More…]
After saying that the Liberal Party permitted the money supply to run riot, he immediately turned around and in a matter of months there was a revaluation upwards of 25 per cent, after taking the 10 per cent devaluation of the United States dollar into consideration. [More…]
The figures show that in the United States the percentage of population unemployed in the course of the last year fell by 1 .3 per cent; in Holland the unemployment rate remained stable; in West Germany it increased by 0. [More…]
The United States had an increase of three and a half million jobs in the last 12 months. [More…]
Firstly there was the locomotive strategy, which envisaged the three major economies in the Western world- the United States of America, West Germany and Japanregenerating their economies and bringing the rest of the world along after them because they could more easily regenerate their economies than the rest of the world, which had greater problems in respect of their balance of payments and so on. [More…]
The United States has played a good role in this respect. [More…]
Although that has had a bad effect on the balance of payments, the United States has let the dollar devalue, forcing further revaluations of the German mark and the Japanese yen, reducing the export capacity of those countries and therefore reducing their surpluses and allowing the rest of the world a better chance to export. [More…]
This policy on the part of the United States, which is self-sacrificing in some respects- in respect of the value of the dollar- is a goodneighbour policy in respect of the rest of the world. [More…]
Australia would benefit if the rest of the world could have a higher level of economic activity, which is what the United States, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Monetary Fund have been trying to achieve. [More…]
Australia has attacked the United States policy. [More…]
We are in no position to criticise the United States. [More…]
Finally, the United States of America and Australia are co-operating very closely in these matters. [More…]
The United States has announced that it is preparing to accept another 25,000 refugees and a number of those will be people who have come to be known as boat people. [More…]
-Substantial discussions were held between the Vice-President of the United States of America and a number of Ministers during the course of yesterday morning and lunch time yesterday. [More…]
The general approach that Australia and the United States have to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations is, I think, along similar lines. [More…]
The Vice-President repeated the view that had been put to us by the United States on a number of occasions that the United States is very determined that agriculture remains a pan of the negotiations in a constructive and realistic sense because, as I have indicated before, if the negotiations were to operate only in the industrial area they would be operating on less than 20 per cent of the world trade and in a manner that would be likely to reduce tariffs after 1980 by about half a per cent a year for eight years. [More…]
I believe that a number of countries, including Australia, will welcome the reassurance of continued United States interest, support and commitment to this part of the world. [More…]
We all know that while there are obligations on every national government, no matter what the size of the country, there are many things in terms of world leadership which only the United States can do. [More…]
The United States is the largest, most powerful and most influential leader of all the democratic nations. [More…]
Therefore, the United States’ interests, obligations and responsibilities are global and not restricted to one region or another. [More…]
As reported to us, discussions in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand were certainly very useful in advancing the bilateral relationships between those countries and the United States. [More…]
At the same time, they were useful in reaffirming the United States’ interest and concern in the wellbeing of South East Asia and the western Pacific region. [More…]
If there had been doubts in the past about the interests of the United States I believe that the Vice-President’s visit should well dispel them. [More…]
We also agreed that there would be further cooperation between the United States and Australia in relation to energy. [More…]
After the Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting in Sydney, one of the decisions of which was to set up a consultative group on energy chaired by India, the President of the United States wrote and offered United States assistance and help in relation to that work and other working parties being established as a result of that regional meeting if that were the wish of the regional countries. [More…]
The United States is involved in other energy arenas designed to examine the best ways of making energy available as cheaply as possible at the village level in developing countries. [More…]
The United States and Australia have agreed to consult together to make sure that the totality of efforts in this field is directed as far as possible to common purposes and objectives so that the maximum result can be achieved from whatever resources can be put into this research. [More…]
The United States again welcomed the stand that Australia has taken in relation to this matter. [More…]
The affirmation by the United States of its intentions has certainly further strengthened relations with the countries of Asia and the Pacific. [More…]
As I have indicated, the United States has great responsibilities. [More…]
I believe that we can have every justification for believing that the United States fully intends to answer and respond to those responsibilities in the years ahead. [More…]
While I fully agree with the Minister for Defence that the exercise to be undertaken in the Indian Ocean is normal in terms of United States-Australian defence cooperation, I believe that it has particularly welcome aspects at this time. [More…]
We also know of negotiations and discussions between the Soviet Union and the United States and of the joint determination of the United States and Australia that those negotiations will not reduce the ambit of the ANZUS Treaty in any sense, shape or form. [More…]
We support the maintenance of regular and extensive strategic consultations with the United States of America. [More…]
Secondly, we put Australia’s relations with the United States on a proper and equal basis. [More…]
The Fraser Government has, as is the inclination of non-Labor governments, claimed monopoly ‘ownership’ of relationships with the United States. [More…]
For example, the Fraser Government is out of step with the United States on human rights, Indian Ocean arms control, and nuclear nonproliferation policy, to name only three areas where it claims close identity with American policy. [More…]
We do not know what the United States is offering. [More…]
We have heard, for example, that we are offering a 40 per cent tariff reduction over the next eight years but have then said that we will not accept that sort of proposition in international negotiations unless we get access to the United States market for our agricultural products. [More…]
The Vice-President of the United States was able to remind us that the United States has created 5.5 million additional employment opportunities, has reduced its energy costs and has expanded its money supply. [More…]
Trade demands that the Government has made of Europe, Japan and the United States, have been made with a bullying and a bluster. [More…]
our relationship with the European Communities must be brought closer to the level of the relationships we have with the other two great industrial democracies- the United States and Japan . [More…]
The United States and all Western European countries other than Ireland not only levy income tax and estate duty, but also either capital gains taxes or net worth taxes (or in many cases both). [More…]
It is all right for honourable members to laugh but a few weeks prior to his sentence two aged women from the United States of America were sentenced to 14 years penal servitude. [More…]
Were the United States people and Congress wrong to take such a serious view of his tampering with 1 8 minutes of taped evidence? [More…]
Can the Prime Minister inform the House whether Australian beef exports to the United States will be harmed as a result of legislation recently passed by the Senate in the United States of America, which legislation is designed to limit overall beef imports into that country? [More…]
-Even though Australia does export substantial quantities of beef to the United States, those exports are still limited by quantitative restrictions. [More…]
There have been moves within the United States for some time to reduce beef exports from Australia to the United States. [More…]
This is a matter that the Australian Government has opposed at every opportunity and again most recently in discussions with the United States Vice-President. [More…]
I think it is worth noting that in the United States there is a very real conflict of interest between beef producers, who would like minimum imports and the highest possible prices, and United States consumers, who certainly have a vested interest in maintaining reasonable consumer prices and therefore maximum imports from countries such as Australia. [More…]
That latter aspect becomes particularly important at the present time when inflation is moving up rather than down in the United States. [More…]
For example, last month the United States wholesale price index for finished goods increased by 1.3 percent for the month. [More…]
The United States Administration’s determination to overcome inflation is one of the factors that have to be taken into account in making an assessment of what happens to the future of beef exports from Australia to the United States. [More…]
We need to have in mind that United States cattle numbers are down 20 million as a result of drought and increased slaughtering. [More…]
Offerings on to the United States market over the next part of this year are likely to be substantially less than they could have been, for example, last year. [More…]
Because of demand for beef in the United States we have been exporting to that country at a rate considerably higher than would be justified by the annual quota. [More…]
It will mean that unless the quota is in fact lifted the United States will be getting a smaller supply on to its own market over the last part of this year than it has had over the first part of the year. [More…]
That, coupled with its own reduced offerings for slaughter, would have a very substantial impact on the United States price for beef unless the quotas are lifted. [More…]
The Australian Government will be making the strongest possible representations that it is not only in the interests of Australia but certainly in the interests of the United States and in containing that country’s inflation to see the beef exports from Australia to the United States do increase. [More…]
In relation to the measure that passed through the United States of America Senate, we have been aware of it and we have expressed our views on it. [More…]
I understand there is a convention in the United States that at certain times major legislation does not pass. [More…]
There were seven honourable senators present when the Bill was passed by the United States Senate. [More…]
It has still to be passed by the United States House of Representatives. [More…]
We have already made the strongest possible representations to the United States in an aide-memoire sent to the United States Administration in April. [More…]
The matter was raised by the Minister for Special Trade Representations during his recent visit to the United States and by the Government over the last day or two with the Vice-President. [More…]
Our views will be pressed again in view of the passage of the legislation in the United States Senate because it would be a most serious matter if the Bill became law. [More…]
It is the year in which, as the United States has told us on many occasions, it will not be content with progress in multinational trade negotiations on industrial goods alone; it wants progress in argicultural goods, particularly from the European Economic Community. [More…]
Against that background and against the force of the United States moral leadership in these matters, I cannot see how that country would be able to explain its general position if it in turn were acting in a much more protectionist manner in relation to its beef imports. [More…]
It would destroy the credibility of the United States’ approach to multinational trade negotiations and have very severe consequential effects for total trade negotiations throughout the course of this year. [More…]
As the Vice-President of the United States, Mr Mondale, who was recently in this country, is also the President of the United States Senate, did the Government receive any official warning from this source as to the possibility of the passing of the Bentsen countercyclical Bill which affects Australia’s cattle imports into the United States? [More…]
However, the nature of the United States’ concern was a compound of the Vice- President himself having previously served on an agricultural committee of the United States Congress and hence having some understanding of the general pressures that exist within the United States to try to increase returns to cattlemen. [More…]
That attitude of course is one with which we have some sympathy, but we were able to point out to him that at this stage the returns payable to United States cattlemen were anything up to four times higher than those paid to Australian cattlemen and that imports of Australian beef, contrary to the belief of some who are advocating the Bentsen-type proposals, are not directly competitive with production in the United States cattle industry and indeed are more in the interests of containing costs in the United States than contrary to the objective of lifting returns to the United States cattlemen. [More…]
The complementary character of Australia’s exports to the United States is one of the prime causes that we promoted in discussions on this matter with the United States Administration and indeed with the United States VicePresident the other day. [More…]
One aspect that did come out of the discussions with the Vice-President- and this was referred to a moment ago by the Prime Minister- was the very significant price rises in the United States attributable largely to the price of beef. [More…]
I noticed in a recent publication of the United States Department of Agriculture that it suggested beef prices might now be reaching a plateau. [More…]
In other words, prices in the United States have previously been as high as that and one would think that given the reaction that earlier administrations have had from housewives in the United States and from other consumers to very high prices for beef the Administration at least would be as concerned with consumer pressures to reduce food prices as it is with the objectives expressed by Senator Bentsen. [More…]
Indeed, it would seem to us to be likely that contrary to this publication of the United States Department of Agriculture, domestic beef prices will continue to rise rather than farm incomes drop. [More…]
If the question of imports is taken into account, it is more likely that that price expectation would flow and therefore domestic prices within the United States would add further to inflationary pressures and to the problems of the United States Administration. [More…]
It is in this climate that we are most concerned with the implications that flow from the passage of a measure- supported, as I understand it, by seven members of the United States Senate- dealing with customs matters pertaining to photographic equipment and in no way related to the substance of the proposal that so concerns Australia. [More…]
The Australian Government certainly is pursuing every possible endeavour to highlight with the United States Administration our deep concern at the implication of the measures passed through the United States Senate by so few of its members last Friday night. [More…]
However, the reason for the price differential is simply that, unfortunately, prices obtainable in most markets in the rest of the world other than in the United States of America and Japan are very depressed. [More…]
It is for that reason that we are so much concerned at the Bentsen measures introduced into the United States; that we have pursued constantly with the Japanese Government arguments designed to lift the quota entitlement which now restricts Australian exports to that market; that we have emphasised the effect that high prices paid for beef have on domestic inflation in those consumer countries; and that we will continue to try to devise ways by which we can get a higher price for our beef exports in every export market. [More…]
It may be of interest to the House to know that of the 68 nations which voted on the southern African situation only Australia, Canada, Denmark and the United States split their delegate votes between yes and no. [More…]
The paper points out that the United States and all Western European countries other than Ireland have not only estate duties and income tax but also capital gains or net worth taxes, and in some cases both. [More…]
Some very fine programs are produced but in most major countries, including Japan, Britain and the United States of America we hear the same old story that most people are not impressed with the types of programs offered for young people. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Europe, Press, television and radio are natural enemies. [More…]
We ought to be facing up to the need to work towards severance of the ownership of Press, radio and television to put our media on exactly the same footing as the media in the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Compared with the programs of the United States and the United Kingdom, Austraiian series such as Homicide, Number 96 and the never to be forgotten PickaBox have had excessively long runs. [More…]
Compared with other tertiary institutions, whether in the United Kingdom, Europe or in the United States, it can be seen that there is no need for us to have any anxiety about the quality and the quantity of buildings available for university education. [More…]
I understand that the Australian Wool Corporation has arranged to have substantial quantities of wool shipped from Albany in Western Australia and east coast ports for storage at Tacoma on the West Coast of the United States. [More…]
Mr Jim Young, one of the senior management of the Corporation, has been quoted as saying that, while the wool is intended for the United States of America, it could be shipped to Asia. [More…]
If wool is shipped to Asia via the United States of America, it will reduce substantially the cargo on the Australian Northbound Conference and thus worsen the present position where there is substantially more cargo coming from Asia than there is going to it. [More…]
Countries such as Japan, West Germany and the United States leave us for dead when it comes to economic planning. [More…]
I do not support the proposition that the chairman of an Australia-China Foundation should equate the United States of America with Soviet Russia in terms of the reprehensibility of their external behaviour and I hope that nobody on this side of the chamber would do so. [More…]
From 1955 there was an agreement between the United States and China in terms of the repatriation of persons, which China did not uphold. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the United States Government’s follow-up study on personnel who were involved in their past atomic testing programs. [More…]
-The Minister for Defence will be aware that on Monday of this week a question was asked of the Leader of the Government in the Senate relating to a United States of America communications satellite installation, and that on that occasion the Minister gave an incorrect answer which he corrected the following day. [More…]
I have been informed informally- I emphasise ‘informally’- that the United States Government stands in contemplation of placing before the Australian Government a proposal to update that satellite terminal. [More…]
In fact the resolution on the comprehensive nuclear test ban was supported for the first time ever by both the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Transport aware that the Australian Wool Corporation proposes to ship substantial quantities of wool to Tacoma in the United States at rates considerably below the prevailing conference freight rates? [More…]
Can the Minister give an assurance that the transport arrangements for Australian beef and dairy exports to the United States will not be disadvantaged in any way as a result of these Australian Wool Corporation shipping proposals? [More…]
Even in the United States of America reprocessing is not permitted. [More…]
In the United States there are 74,000 million gallons of liquid toxic waste. [More…]
Similarly, in the United States of America the Occupation and Health Safety Act was passed in 1970. [More…]
The United States coastguard regularly appears in various forms on our television screens, but most people do not realise the extent of that organisation. [More…]
The United States coastguard has a strength of some 35,000 men. [More…]
The United States coastguard has substantial numbers of aircraft and helicopters and a substantial quantity of other specialised equipment. [More…]
That coastguard would not be comparable, even though the United States and Australian coastlines are, with any force that may be envisaged as a separate operation in Australia. [More…]
It would also be more efficient from a national point of view, remembering that our budget availability for any given purpose is restricted and is certainly not comparable with that of the United States, to which a lot of the suggestion about a coastguard allude. [More…]
The implication of the chart that the honourable member for Port Adelaide has been kind enough to allow me to incorporate in Hansard is that it deals with production in the three major wheat exporting countries- the United States of America, the European Economic Community and Canadawhere production is down, as will be seen from the table. [More…]
Youth unemployment in the western suburbs of Sydney is so high that it now ranks with the economically depressed ghetto areas of the United States of America. [More…]
One study done in the United States of America revealed that, in a period of rising unemployment, for every 100 women laid off 30 joined the unemployed and the remaining 70 dropped out of the labour force as discouraged workers. [More…]
In contrast to the examples given, the United States of America quite recently as a result of considerable lobbying from age groups such as ‘Grey Power’ extended the retirement age to 70 years. [More…]
One answer is directly to create jobs for young people in the public sector through public works programs, as is being done in Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the United States, but not of course in Australia. [More…]
In Canada, France, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States employment for young people is being created by local communities. [More…]
This has been indicated in recent years by the fact that a number of major countries- including the United States, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, New Zealand, Canada and the member countries of the European Economic Community- have extended their fishing jurisdiction to this extent. [More…]
I shall quote- I am probably being selective in my quoting- from an article in the National Geographic by Victor B. Scheffer, Ph.D. in zoology, Chairman of the United States Marine Mammal Commission from 1973 to 1976, and a man who has devoted 40 years of his life to studying the whale. [More…]
There are 16 member nations of the IWC- Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, South Africa, Great Britain, the United States of America and the United Soviet Socialist Republic. [More…]
The United States has taken a lead in the struggle to save the whale by closing down its whaling stations, banning the import of almost all whale products and pressing for a 10-year international moratorium on whaling. [More…]
In the United States of America, chloroform has been banned since 1976 as an ingredient in pharmaceuticals on the ground that it is carcinogenic. [More…]
The matter needs very careful consideration, in addition to the possible harm to the ozone layer from fluorocarbons which are currently being used in the United States. [More…]
Australians will have many memories of Sir Robert Menzies: Memories of him as a Prime Minister who led this country for 16 consecutive years; memories of him as a Prime Minister who strove to enrich the resources, the opportunities and the talent of this nation; memories of him as a Prime Minister who cemented and extended our relations with Britain and the Commonwealth; memories of him as a Prime Minister who continued to nurture our relations with other allies such as the United States of America; memories of him as a Prime Minister who saw the need for and fostered the highest standard of professionalism and intergrity in the Public Service; memories of his consumate skills as an orator, his mastery as a political tactician, his unerring sense of political timing and his integrity. [More…]
Some of the particular interests identified with Sir Robert Menzies and which might therefore be drawn within the purposes of the fund are the law, with particular reference to constitutional matters and Federal-State relationships, studies concerned with Australia ‘s role within the British Commonwealth and with Australia-Britain relations; studies of Australia and the United States; studies of relations between Australia and the Pacific nations. [More…]
Los Angeles- Since the Consulate-General was closed in June 1976, the expansion of Australian consular, trade, information and general political activities in the United States has meant that the Consulates-General at San Francisco and Chicago which took over the areas previously handled from Los Angeles have borne a disproportionate responsibility which is now judged handled better on the spot. [More…]
Australian tourism to the United States (with associated consular work) is expected to increase dramatically in the next few years. [More…]
His Honour entered the United States of America on 1 December 1977 where he visited, on the East Coast, the cities of Washington, New York, Boston, Albany and Philadelphia. [More…]
He has met with legislators, judges, lawyers, police officers, civil rights and race relations workers, and legal aid bodies and has had discussions with officers of the State Department, the Department of Justice, Depanment of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Contracts Compliance Program, the Women’s Bureau of the U.S. Depanment of Labor, the Library of Congress, and a number of other agencies, and has had discussions with officers of the Supreme Court of the United States, and several other courts, civil and criminal. [More…]
In answer to a question on 1 1 May the Minister stated that a satellite terminal was removed in 1973; that it was replaced in October 1977; and that there is now a United States proposal to upgrade that facility in 1980-81, subject to the proposal being acceptable to the Australian Government. [More…]
-Did the Minister for Defence state on 16 May that the Government had taken the position that no statement officially commenting on the United States plans should be issued pending confirmation by the United States authorities of the Government’s existing understanding of those plans and their implications? [More…]
When was the Government’s required information received from the United States Government and if, as indicated by the Secretary of the Department of Defence, the information was not available in the policy areas of that Department as late as 1 1 May, when was that information considered by the policy committees within the Department of Defence and when were their findings conveyed to the Minister? [More…]
Has the Minister indicated that approval for the station in principle has been given to the United States authorities? [More…]
I have already referred to the fact that 21 terminal satellite contracts in the United States have been let but that does not as yet- nor will anything under contemplation- affect Australian soil. [More…]
The contracting company for the terminals, which will go into a shed or what-have-you in the United States, has been let to Comtec Laboratories of Long Island in New York. [More…]
What action has the Government taken to make known Australia’s concern about the proposed counter-cyclical beef import arrangements in the United States? [More…]
I have answered a question in the House on the matter of the United States considering legislation which will be of a countercyclical nature. [More…]
As I pointed out previously, the system applying last year would have meant a considerable reduction in the volume of our exports to the United States. [More…]
So, because of our concern, we are using every opportunity of expressing our point of view to the United States administration, to the United States Senate and to the United States House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee. [More…]
The Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation has presented written evidence to the United States Ways and Means Committee and I believe that the United States Administration has now submitted proposals objecting to that legislation. [More…]
I would not believe that the United States would take such action as this at this time because meat prices are rising considerably in the United States. [More…]
One would think that the United States would be looking to an increase of imports, not a restriction. [More…]
At the same time, whilst there are great international discussions and conferences going on to try to bring about a greater liberalisation of trade, I would have thought that United States action in this regard would be just counter to that philosophy. [More…]
Is it a fact that the current United States ballistic missile submarines are of a second strike or deterrent value? [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States is developing new submarines and missiles known as Trident? [More…]
Accordingly, has this alteration been the subject of consultation with the United States under the terms of Article 3 of the North West Cape agreement as expanded by the Barnard-Schlesinger statement made on 10 January 1974? [More…]
The messages that go out to the United States fleet in the Indian Ocean or to wherever the transmitter can contact it are in terms of transmission. [More…]
The proper focus of our effort is the United States global policy. [More…]
Some of my honourable friends may ask: Why is it that you sought to offer a gentle impeachment of the United States? [More…]
We know quite well that in recent days President Carter has expressed a renewed determination to prevent a resurgence of inflation in the United States, and I applaud the President’s statements very fully indeed. [More…]
A number of actions have been taken to indicate not only that intention but also a backing and strengthening of the United States dollar. [More…]
The fall in the value of the United States dollar quite plainly has been a cause of concern to the trading world in recent times, and I am sure that the United States would wish to see that ended, as we wish to see it ended. [More…]
I think the Wran Government in New South Wales must accept its responsibility, if it wants to see this industry which has a great deal of potential go ahead, by reconsidering Botany Bay and building facilities there so that this industrythere is no other industry in New South Wales with as much potential as the coal industry- can grasp the export opportunities for which Mr Wran was looking in the United States and which he said that he found. [More…]
In fact, the New South Wales Premier came back from overseas, not with the forebodings of the Minister for National Resources who announced cutbacks and announced some business, some contracts with the United States- that is in contradistinction to the failure of the Federal Government- to try to get New South Wales working. [More…]
Soros, a major United States firm, has already started preparation for the new coal loader at Port Kembla. [More…]
An examination of what is happening in other countries reveals that the rate of inflation in this country is being reduced at a rate lower than that experienced in comparable countries such as Japan, the United States, Switzerland and Germany. [More…]
Basically the inflationary cycle was started when the United States set about financing the Vietnam war by printing money. [More…]
The United States dollar was a very important currency and that action had an impact right around the world and created inflation right around the world. [More…]
In other words, there has been a worldwide movement which was brought about in the first instance by the United States virtually printing money to finance the Vietnam war. [More…]
That created inflation throughout the world as the United States dollar is a world currency. [More…]
How long could the war and conflict in the Middle East go on at its present scale if the governments of Russia and the United States of America cut off the arms supply? [More…]
One thing that baffles me about the President of the United States of America- and there is a great deal of humanity in what he has said and in the objectives that he has promulgatedis the decision that he has just made to supply incredibly powerful weapons to both sides in the conflict. [More…]
We forget this part of history, but in that period Canada and the United States were threatened by war. [More…]
The great arms traders, of course, are the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Britain and France. [More…]
I ask my honourable friend to reflect upon the literally hundreds and hundreds of discussions that take place in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European countries involving Australian officers literally every day of the week. [More…]
Secondly, with respect to claims about the price paid for diversification, it needs to be realised that at the moment prices payable for Australian meat exports on most markets other than on markets that have quotas, that is, other than the United States, Canada and Japan, are unfortunately very low. [More…]
The differential between the price payable on those other markets and that payable on the United States or the preferred market represents the diversification costs. [More…]
The United States at the moment has very good reason to do that because of the extent to which beef prices affect its consumer price index: Secondly, there is a need to gain access to markets elsewhere. [More…]
More specifically, I ask the Minister: In view of the fact that he acknowledged yesterday, and confirmed again today, that the discussions between the United States of America and his Department commenced in 1972, how is it that after nearly six years the Australian Minister for Defence can still say that the Government had not been informed by the Department of Defence about what was happening in this matter, which has a very high policy content? [More…]
It would be futile to seek to hide- not that I would have any instinct for that- that there exists a difference of opinion between the United States Government and the Australian Government as to the procedures to be observed. [More…]
The Australian government has consistently held the view that a necessary condition if the status of the SDR as a reserve asset is to be enhanced is an increase in the yield accruing to holders visavis the yield on established reserve assets such as the United States Dollar. [More…]
Whilst the Law of the Sea Conference is not moving with any great haste, a substantial measure of agreement has been reached on the question of the 200-mile economic zones, and this Bill will bring us into line with the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and the European Economic Community countries. [More…]
The United States industry itself employed about 70,000 people. [More…]
I think we can follow the lead of the United States of America which in 1972 passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act which, among other things, makes it a crime for United States citizens to disturb or harass marine mammals anywhere in the world. [More…]
The United States also forbids the importation of whale products into the country and bans such products from interstate commerce. [More…]
The United States, by the way, has been urging upon the world a 10-year global moratorium simply to allow for improved and increased research to justify any further killing of whales. [More…]
This suggestion of the United States is opposed by Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the two major whaling nations which account for something like 85 per cent of the world catch. [More…]
I am concerned that the Department of Trade and Resources recently purchased filing systems manufactured in United States of America in preference to locally manufactured products. [More…]
Those purchased were manufactured by Ring King Visibles Incorporated in Muscatine, Iowa, United States of America. [More…]
Now we have a situation where Arnos is currently manufacturing an order worth $350,000 for national distribution to United States of America and the three Trade Department offices in that country are using a competitive United States of America manufactured product purchased in Australia. [More…]
On 2 1 July 1 977 Mr Ron Clarke, a well known former athlete who is presently a businessman and still interested in the fitness of Australians in an article in the Age newspaper headed ‘Teenage fitness declines’ looked at the United States situation and commented that last March, that would be 1977, in the United States a newsletter published by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports reported on a comparison between the fitness of Australian and American teenagers. [More…]
It was said that compared with the 1958 United States data, Australian boys were almost equal in pull-ups and sit-ups and were superior in all other tests except for the Softball throw for distance. [More…]
1 ) and (2) On the overseas visit from 26 May to 28 June 1 977, 1 travelled by commercial aircraft to Britain, by charter aircraft to Europe and by commercial flights to the United States of America and return to Australia. [More…]
-The Minister for Defence will recall saying yesterday that Air ViceMarshal Jordan received a briefing last year in the United States about United States intentions at North West Cape but that he did not properly communicate the policy implications of that briefing to his Department. [More…]
Is there any truth in Press reports that despite these attempts the President will not see him during his forthcoming visit to the United States? [More…]
The Tokyo round of trade negotiations which began in 1973 and which is designed to be brought to culmination through the course of this year- on the United States objective, in June- therefore will be very important indeed. [More…]
Has the Minister for Trade and Resources seen reports that the United States expects to increase exports of high quality beef to Japan by 10,000 tonnes this year? [More…]
This flows from high level negotiations that had taken place between the United States and Japan in order to try to reduce the imbalance of trade between those two countries. [More…]
The Australian Government has made it quite clear that it is concerned that if there is to be any increase in this quota, it be of a global nature enabling all countries to tender, instead of being exclusively for the United States. [More…]
During my visit to Japan in March I questioned various Japanese Ministers and officials on this matter, because it is a matter for concern to Australia if there is to be an exclusive arrangement for United States meat. [More…]
However, there have been reports that the specifications for the tendering arrangements that are being drawn up will give a preferred position to the United States. [More…]
One only had to look at the soaring medical costs in the United Kingdom, not to mention the United States of America and Canada. [More…]
The experience was clearly there in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada that a universal scheme of that nature was not satisfactory. [More…]
I am advised by the Department of Foreign Affairs that the Association of South East Asian Nations countries and the United States have also done so. [More…]
As a consequence, even nuclear component companies like General Electric and Westinghouse of the United States, which supply 90 per cent of the world nuclear component industry, are in difficulties. [More…]
Let me examine the situation in the United States. [More…]
The United States has 74 million gallons of toxic liquid waste that it does not know what to do with. [More…]
The United States has not recycled it yet. [More…]
I can inform him that 74 million gallons is the amount of toxic liquid waste from war experimental plants in the United States. [More…]
The United States once had three reprocessing plants but they have all been closed. [More…]
) Is he able to say which bodies are responsible for (a) nuclear energy research and development and (b) the regulation and safety aspects of the use of nuclear energy in (i) the United States of America, (ii) the United Kingdom, (iii) West Germany, (iv) Japan, ( v) France and ( vi) Canada. [More…]
1 ) (i) United States of America [More…]
In the United States of America both functions were formerly the responsibility of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. [More…]
Australia and Japan both have important relationships with the United States. [More…]
As the two most important economically advanced countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Australia and Japan are the two most important allies of the United States in this part of the world. [More…]
Both countries have a high stake in the security and prosperity of other economically advanced democratic powers in the world; in the continuation of the process of detente between the super-powers; in maintaining an open and nondiscriminatory regime in international trade; in encouraging a continuing United States presence in the Asia-Pacific region to the extent necessary to maintain a sound balance in that region; in opposing any attempt by the Soviet Union- or any other major power- to establish hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region; and in encouraging China to continue to play a constructive role in regional affairs. [More…]
The Committee recommends- and the Government agrees- that Australia should support the evolution of a visibly independent Japanese foreign policy which is broadly compatible with that of the United States. [More…]
We have it on record that the President of the United States, as far back as 7 March 1977, said that he favoured demilitarising the Indian Ocean or certainly mutual restraint and he left the Government without a feather to fly with. [More…]
It is a government that got Australia into Vietnam by deception and deceit and unfortunately attracted the United States into that area, with a disastrous loss of life. [More…]
What sort of steps have we been taking in the world, particularly with our socalled great ally, the United States, as to what it can do in the strategic arms limitation talks. [More…]
I advert now to some information that has come to me relating to the submission made by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. [More…]
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission is very concerned about that matter and says that there can be no guarantees given unless the use of uranium can be policed effectively and properly, why are we not equally concerned? [More…]
If we are moving towards a strategic position involving a first class offensive strike weapon, the new submarine employed by the United States called the Trident, why should not this government be consulted if in almost the same breath we are talking about demilitarising the Indian Ocean? [More…]
At last year’s General Assembly, the documents of which are again public documents, Australia was instrumental in efforts to secure the adoption of a single nuclear test ban resolution, supported by the overwhelming majority of the Assembly, and for the first time, by the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
A comprehensive test ban treaty now under negotiation between the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain would be an important barrier both to the spread of nuclear weapons and to the expansion of existing arsenals. [More…]
In the Government’s view, further progress in the SALT negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit their respective nuclear arsenals is crucial to wider nuclear non-proliferation efforts. [More…]
Finally, the stringent nuclear supply policies which Australia, along with the United States and Canada, has adopted are an important contribution to the effort to ensure that world energy requirements can be met while minimising the risk of proliferation. [More…]
The four principal arms suppliers of the world are the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America, Britain and France. [More…]
I refer to the arrangements between Canada and the United States of America at the beginning of the last century, between Norway and Sweden early in this one, and between Turkey and Greece after World War I- in which demilitarised zones were established and people were able to live peacefully on either side. [More…]
I might say that both the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics supported Australia’s initiatives at that meeting. [More…]
The Soviet Navy in 1964 had 20 cruisers and the United States Navy had 29 cruisers. [More…]
In 1971 the Soviet Navy had 37 and the United States Navy had 27. [More…]
In nuclear powered attack submarines, in 1964 they were very close- 23 in the United States Navy and 22 in the Soviet Navy. [More…]
However, in 1978 the United States has 68 nuclear powered attack submarines and the Soviet 88. [More…]
It would be nice to think we could give up the communications facilities which we provide to the United States, but it is just not practical. [More…]
This is a common form of analysis in the United States of America. [More…]
It is used by the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States and by economists in other parts of the world. [More…]
One can imagine the situation of somebody going to the United States or to the Australian Atomic Energy Commission and saying that there will now be a universal approach on nuclear codes. [More…]
For how much longer can the Australian nation ignore the statement by our own Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) that in 1 977 Soviet defence spending exceeded that of the United States of America by about 25 per cent. [More…]
It is regrettable, to say the least, that this build-up is taking place while the Soviet Union is engaged with the United States in substantive negotiations on arms control in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
The American plans for new facilities at the North West Cape communications base were made public in the United States 7 months ago. [More…]
Consultations between the United States and the Department of Defence had begun in 1972. [More…]
He observed that the improved replacement satellite terminal was under construction in the United States- for 1980-81 but that the matter was yet to reach the level of formal contact on a governmenttogovernment basis. [More…]
He did not acknowledge that there had been consultations over six years between representative of the United States and the Australian governments. [More…]
On 1 1 May He said he had been told ‘informally’ of the United States intentions at North West Cape. [More…]
there exists a difference of opinion between the United States Government and the Australian Government as to the procedures it observed. [More…]
Ten days earlier on the national radio program A.M. he said of the conduct of the United States Government in this matter: . [More…]
The United States Ambassador responded by writing to the Defence Minister on 16 May stating: [More…]
unfolded amid charges of United States duplicity and bad faith. [More…]
We believe the United States has become the scapegoat for a Minister who wants to sidetrack the criticism from where it rightly belongs, namely with him and his Department. [More…]
It is, however, unfortunate that the United States Ambassador saw fit to buy into this public controversy. [More…]
If that were the situation the United States Government would have behaved with gross impropriety. [More…]
The fact is that the United States did consult. [More…]
Air Vice-Marshal’s discussions with United States Authorities on the matter. [More…]
The Minister says the United States should have informed the Australian Government once the issue became public in the United Statesthat is, some seven months ago. [More…]
Do not any of them monitor defence developments in the United States Congress, especially when they affect Australia? [More…]
If the United States proceeded to acquire the equipment for installation at North West Cape without properly seeking Australian Government approval, in the way in which it did seek that approval from the German Government, it has been guilty of a far more serious breach of conduct towards Australia than that described by the Minister for Defence as merely being ‘ not treated with proper courtesy’. [More…]
It would make a mockery of the 1974 Barnard-Schlesinger agreement covering North West Cape, which those two gentleman described as providing for full and timely information, continuing contact and extending and strengthening of the Australian-United States bilateral consultations. [More…]
If the Minister is correct in his criticisms of the United States, then a very serious matter has arisen; a grave breach of the undertakings by one party to a major bilateral commitment has occurred. [More…]
The United States rejects that. [More…]
The United States has made clear that in its view it has maintained proper consultations at the appropriate official level. [More…]
The credibility and reliability of the United States is in grave question by the Minister for Defence. [More…]
It has been a bad month for the Minister for Defence- snowed by Sir Arthur Tange, compromised by Senator Withers, patronised by the United States Ambassador and praised by Don Chipp. [More…]
How is it possible that the United States public at large can be informed of material through the Congressional Record while in Australia the Minister for Defence himself is excluded from access to such information? [More…]
But the United States comes back and says, ‘Yes, there have been quite clear discussions since 1972’. [More…]
A battered but recognisable figure- the Minister for Defence- wanders away from the United States Base at North West Cape, raises a finger and intones ‘I am your leader’, while public servants hidden behind barbed wire entanglements and teacups ask ‘Is he one of ours?’ [More…]
But the current issue of a new United States satellite defence communication system at North West Cape in Western Australia shows that this is far from true. [More…]
Strict control by the Minister in this area is essential because of the wider question of the impact of changing technology on the strategic fucntions of the United States installations in Australia and on the nature of the United States-Australia relationship itself. [More…]
The United States apparently feels that once it has been granted a piece of real estate under some joint arrangement it is at liberty to update as it pleases, even if such updates radically change the functions of the bases as denned in the original agreements. [More…]
The pattern is clear across all the major United States installations in Australia-Pine Gap and Nurrungar as well as North West Cape. [More…]
This expansion took Pine Gap into new areas, enabling it to control a wider range of intelligence satellites- both Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency- and making Pine Gap the most important intelligence station outside the United States. [More…]
In October 1973, North West Cape was also one of the principal stations involved in putting United States strategic nuclear forces on alert. [More…]
We can go back as far as May 1963 when Sir Garfield Barwick, then Minister for External Affairs, in introducing the United States Naval Communication Station Agreement Bill, spoke of ‘mutuality of confidence and of community of interest and purpose’. [More…]
In 1973 it became clear to the Labor Government that the United States was not, nor had it been, providing information to the Australian Government about the general purpose of United States bases. [More…]
In 1974, Lance Barnard, the then Minister for Defence, and Dr James Schlesinger, the United States Secretary for Defense, renegotiated the North West Cape agreement to achieve what purported to be full consultation on operating objectives. [More…]
United States plans to procure the equipment are relatively firm, and certain contracts to that end have been let. [More…]
The current terminal is there only to expedite messages from the United States to the North West Cape. [More…]
I have been informed informally- I emphasise informally ‘-that the United States stands in contemplation of placing before the Australian Government a proposal to update that satellite terminal. [More…]
Congressional hearings in the United States have revealed that a ground station is being built in Australia. [More…]
The honourable member for Lalor this morning referred to the statement put out by Mr Barnard, for whom I have both affection and admiration, and Mr Schlesinger, the then United States Secretary of State for Defense. [More…]
It is seeking to disturb in a quite needless way the United States-Australia alliance. [More…]
The virus was isolated from biting insects collected by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation near Darwin in 1975, and was identified as belonging to the bluetongue group of viruses by tests carried out in South Africa and the United States of America in 1977. [More…]
The United States in particular, of course, has been running a very heavy deficit. [More…]
But nevertheless, at the same time, only the United States has shown substantial economic growth and has been able to rapidly reduce its level of unemployment. [More…]
In fact in the last three years the United States has created nine million jobs, and in the last year it has created three-and-a-half million jobs, which puts it in a rather unique position. [More…]
Mr Witteveen then put forward a growth scenario which called for all the major developed countries except the United States, which already is expanding quite rapidly and is tending to slow its rate of growth a little at the moment, to expand their rate of growth to prevent such a vicious circle of deflation and protectionism developing and to eradicate the substantial balance of payments imbalances that have been and continue to be the cause of considerable destabilisation of exchange rates. [More…]
Having said that the United States should slow down its rate of growth for fear of increasing inflation and spreading it elsewhere, the Minister for Primary Industry said: [More…]
Of course this was okay as long as the United States’ trade position remained strong; but when this weakened, the world lost confidence in the dollar and in its value. [More…]
They have certainly emotionally supported the general concern expressed by the President of the United States of America about the extent to which human rights are prejudiced in many countries- tragically, far too many. [More…]
We cannot, nor should we, impose our system on other countries but I must, as an individual and as a member of the Government, say that we would hope that the statements that have been made by, in particular, the President of the United States of America with respect to human rights might be observed by those countries which at this stage do not observe our system relating to the rule of law and the protection of the rights of the individual. [More…]
The question whether the description which applied to the earlier loan can be applied to the $US250m loan raising to which he referred, I suppose, is a matter of emphasis, but I can say to the honourable gentleman that, given the circumstances of interest rates in the United States at the time the most recent loan was negotiated, the Government regarded the terms of that loan as being satisfactory, quite reasonable and quite acceptable so far as the competitive market position is concerned. [More…]
I think the honourable gentleman may be aware that there has been some pressure upwards, although not great, on interest rates in the United States in recent times. [More…]
I refer to the Minister’s answer to a question asked in the House on 10 May regarding the possibility of the passing of the Bentsen counter-cyclical Bill in the United States. [More…]
The Bill deals with Australia’s beef imports to the United States. [More…]
What action has the Australian Government taken to inform the United States authorities of the serious effect such a Bill would have on Australia ‘s cattle industry? [More…]
It is certainly true that the passing by the United States Senate of the socalled Bentsen Bill has created a good deal of concern in Australia because of the impact it would have on our meat imports into that country. [More…]
I am told that a significant reason for the increase in the last consumer price movements in the United States was the component of beef price movements. [More…]
For that reason the degree to which the importation of Australian beef, which is largely at the manufacturing end in the cheaper meat range, is inhibited will obviously further advance prices within the United States. [More…]
One would think, therefore, that that would be against the interests of continuing inflation in line with United States general government policy. [More…]
In addition, I table a copy of other evidence given on 1 9 July 1977 by the Australian Meat Board on general matters relating to live cattle and certain edible meat products of cattle in relation to their importation into the United States. [More…]
It sets out in some detail the circumstances of the Australian meat export trade to the United States. [More…]
I believe it to be only fit and proper that the information that is being submitted to the United States Congress should be made available to members in this House. [More…]
Anti-trust enforcement action that has in recent years been taken in other countries, notably the United States, has made it clear that Australian producers could jeopardise their positions under the anti-trust laws of other countries by resorting to restrictive trade practices in their marketing operations with overseas buyers. [More…]
Also, opinions are being sought from the United States and from counsel there as to how best that legislation should be drafted to cope with the antitrust laws of the United States. [More…]
But after comparing the positions we find that there is an entirely different system in the United Kingdom and in the United States. [More…]
If we are unable to compare the situation in Australia with that which exists in the United Kingdom and in the United States we then have to look elsewhere. [More…]
As honourable members know, Canada is geographically close to the United States. [More…]
Large areas of Canadian territory receive signals from the United States radio and television stations. [More…]
The United States was first and Britain was second. [More…]
I remind honourable members that the United States and the United Kingdom have an 80 per cent to 90 per cent local content and only a 10 per cent to 20 per cent import content. [More…]
The virus has been found in many countries, including Canada and the United States of America. [More…]
A few years ago inspectors from America were in Australia inspecting our abattoirs and saying that they had to be brought up to standard if we wished to export meat to the United States of America. [More…]
Many producers in Australia were then saying that that was only another way of blocking our meat exports to the United States. [More…]
The Department of Transport in Australia and the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America have the highest standards of safety and the Nomad conforms to those in all respects. [More…]
With the exception of the United States of America, these agreements have resulted in a uniformity of cover throughout the world. [More…]
On a number of occasions in answering questions in this House and statements outside, I have pointed to the need for the United States of America to consider very seriously increasing her meat quotas this year or lifting her voluntary restraints altogether because of the way in which meat prices in America have been rising very substantially, and so having a bearing on her own inflation. [More…]
I am informed that since February this year, on a seasonally adjusted basis, beef prices in the United States of America have risen at the annual rate of 68 per cent, which is a very substantial lift. [More…]
I think it is most fortunate and most timely that our Prime Minister is now in the United States, able to put the point of view of Australia and her beef industry to the President’s special economic adviser on inflation, Mr Strauss, in relation to the supply of beef to that country. [More…]
In the United States of America, the unemployment rate was reduced by this same percentage. [More…]
The first aspect is that the proceedings under this legislation, unlike equivalent legislation in the United States of America, are civil and not criminal. [More…]
Why was it that until last week the giant United States of America was silent?’ [More…]
It rejects out of hand what China is saying and it rejects, of course, what the United States is saying. [More…]
A few weeks ago when he was in the United States he made the comment that American investors could look with confidence to Australia as being a stable and reliable country and that the Liberal-National Country parties were certain to remain in office for at least another two terms. [More…]
The Prime Minister and his news managers are pretending that in a single discussion session they have suddenly won United States ‘ support for an Australian policy to liberalise the world’s trade in agricultural products. [More…]
That was before the present expected relaxation of import controls in the United States. [More…]
Only 5 minutes ago a cable from United States congressmen suggested that the United States would probably permit an additional 1 1 3 million kilograms of meat imports into that country this year. [More…]
Now we see a succesion of Ministers going cap in hand to various countries, including the United States and the EEC countries, looking for market access for beef. [More…]
We have to look after the good name of the President of the United States and his brother as well. [More…]
After all, we know that the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs are in the United States at the present time. [More…]
We realise that the President of the United States did not even know they were coming. [More…]
We realise that they are not making much of an impact upon the United States. [More…]
Is the right honourable gentleman yet able to give the House any information as to the outcome of the Prime Minister’s discussions with President Carter’s special trade representative, Mr Strauss, concerning the prospects of the United States importing more beef? [More…]
I am very pleased to answer this question because I have received information this morning that a decision has been made by the United States Administration to permit a substantial increase in the quantities of beef to go into the United States. [More…]
I understand that the President of the United States will make an announcement on the actual figures shortly. [More…]
I have noticed a lot of carping criticism in the newspapers in the last few days about the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States. [More…]
It does verify statements that I have been making during the course of this year that America’s voluntary quota restraints have been too restrictive and have had the effect of increasing beef prices in the United States. [More…]
We are fortunate in that if the United States is to increase its global quota we are in a position immediately to meet whatever that quota might be; and of course, it has the advantage of helping the Australian beef industry to try to get itself out of the quagmire of disastrously low prices that it has been in for the last few years. [More…]
In view of the announcement this morning by the Acting Prime Minister that the United States is now prepared to receive additional quantities of beef, can the Minister advise whether, if other countries which may be offered a quota of this amount cannot supply the meat, Australia will be in a position to supply extra quantities to make up the global quantity which the United States is now prepared to accept? [More…]
The availability of meat in Australia is such that we felt we would be able to service them but, unfortunately, the prices available in most alternative markets to the preferred markets- that is, the United States of America, Canada and Japan- have not been satisfactory. [More…]
Is he further aware that the parliaments of the United States of America, the European Economic Community and the United Kingdom all have policy committees to monitor and report upon their fuel and energy needs? [More…]
At Dumbarton Oaks in 1 944 the leaders of the governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America met and agreed upon proposals to establish an international organisation to replace the League of Nations and which was to be called the United Nations. [More…]
I seek leave to incorporate in Hansard charts, ranked by nation, showing a comparative survey of freedom and giving details of political rights and civil liberties published by Freedom House in the United States. [More…]
1 draw the attention of the House to a report given to the United States Congressional Committee on International Relations by representatives of Amnesty International in which the following evidence was given. [More…]
We are a much less effective federation than, say, Canada or even, I think, the United States of America because great areas of conflict have developed between ourselves and the so-called sovereign States. [More…]
The Blue Cross organisations in the United States of America have experimented with a range of optional deductibles in recent years and increasingly they have moved to abandon them because of this dilemma. [More…]
The United States is one such country. [More…]
The United States of America is aiming for an outline package of decisions by midJuly. [More…]
Nevertheless, for the reasons I have already mentioned and having regard for the determination expressed by the United States that a significant liberalisation of agricultural trade should be achieved in the MTN, it is clear that the Australian stance must be predicted on an assumption that the negotiations will bring benefits to all participants. [More…]
Most of the developed countries participating in the negotiations including the United States of [More…]
It is significant that during the dinner break an announcement was made of a good breakthrough with a beef contract with the United States of America. [More…]
The messages coming from the United States clearly indicate that food prices have been escalating very rapidly. [More…]
At the present time there is a problem with the beef producers in the United States being unable to meet demand because they have reduced their herds. [More…]
It must be made clear that there could be further preventive tariff measures by the United States, particularly at the time of the congressional elections when they want to protect their primary producers. [More…]
When talking about trade negotiations and the lowering of tarifis, it is significant to raise the question to which I have just referred and in the same breath to refer to what is happening in the United States in relation to sugar arrangements. [More…]
The United States has not ratified the International Sugar Agreement because of difficulties in Congress. [More…]
Those growers are anxious to get an even better price and the United States Government is not able to ratify the International Sugar Agreement because the Congress is trying to give the growers a better price for their sugar and more protection. [More…]
The United States of America has made offers to us, but we do not know what they are. [More…]
These are in addition to some five United States Naval Service Academies. [More…]
The importation of an inactivated vaccine from the United States for trials has been considered. [More…]
The United States Copyright Act provides that it is not an infringement to perform a literary work under certain circumstances for the benefit of handicapped persons unable to read or hear. [More…]
Has the Government considered the adoption of an automotive propane specification such as the United States Natural Gas Processors Association Specification HD 5; if not, will it do so. [More…]
Panama, Peru, Philippines (Protocol I only), Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom, United States of America, Upper Volta, Vietnam (Protocol I only), Yemen Arab Republic, Yugoslavia. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the added cost to fresh pear exporters of the compulsory fumigation imposed by the United States quarantine authorities. [More…]
The main reason that the price has not responded has been the delay in the United States ratifying the International Sugar Agreement and the European Economic Community not becoming associated with that Agreement and restraining its exports to the world market. [More…]
While in Geneva I had discussions with senior officials, both of the United States Government and the EEC, and asked that they take appropriate action. [More…]
So it is very important that the United States ratifies it and that the EEC becomes a member. [More…]
-Is the Minister for Primary Industry aware of a report on the Australian Broadcasting Commission news this morning that President Carter has stated that he will not allow any further beef imports into the United States this year and that there will be no unrestricted flow of beef into the United States next year? [More…]
I do not think that any issue affects the profitability of the Australian meat industry more than the question of access to the United States market. [More…]
Hence the reported statement by President Carter at Columbus, Missouri, yesterday and its implications for future levels of Australian beef imports in to the United States is of profound concern to Australian producers and certainly to the Australian Government. [More…]
Indeed, since the so-called Bentsen counter-cyclical proposals passed the United States Senate and were referred to the House Ways and Means Committee the Government has been particularly concerned to ensure that there is understanding by the average consumer in the United States of the level of imports into that country. [More…]
In the multilateral trade negotiations, at which Australia has been led by the Deputy Prime Minister and supported by the Minister for Special Trade Representations, Australia and the United States have generally taken a line stressing the necessity to include agricultural products with industrial products in any conclusions reached with respect to a lessening of trade barriers. [More…]
Therefore it seems paradoxical that within the United States itself people should be making statements which suggest the need for further restrictive legislation, particularly pertaining to agricultural products. [More…]
As far as the level of United States imports is concerned, it is true that recently there has been an increase of 200 million lb in the restraint levels for this year. [More…]
But against that it needs to be said that in 1972 and 1973, when no quotas were applied, the level of Australian beef exports to the United States was even higher. [More…]
I understand that there has been some reduction in the prices paid on the average for beef consumed in United States households since the relaxation of imports but it is still true that price levels there are significantly higher than they are anywhere else in the world. [More…]
From the Australian producers’ point of view, the Australian Government is pursuing every possible course to ensure that no further restrictive legislation is imposed by the United States Congress and, certainly, that before any such legislation is passed the American Administration realises the implications for its own country, for the negotiations that the United States is pursuing in the MTN and for countries such as Australia which are so heavily dependent upon continued access to the United States market. [More…]
Through visits to the United States by individual Ministers and approaches by representatives of the Australian Government, we are trying to ensure that there is recognition not only by the American Administration but also by members of the Congress and the Senate of the implications of any new moves to restrain beef imports to their country. [More…]
-During the course of the Vietnam war the United States of America built up a major sea and air base at Cam Ranh Bay which was one of the major naval installations, certainly in the Pacific theatre, and I believe that it is a major naval installation by any standards in the world. [More…]
That kind of attitude in relation to the extension of the Soviet Union’s influence needs to stand in stark contrast with the Opposition ‘s general criticism of the efforts of the United States whenever that country undertakes initiatives designed to maintain balance. [More…]
If this Government has to make a choice, in blunt and plain terms, between naval facilities under the control of the United States and those under the control of the Soviet Union, I guarantee that we would prefer those facilities under the control of the United States. [More…]
On 6 May the New South Wales Premier was reported as telling a group of United States businessmen: 1 think we can forget the possibility of a national Labor Government for these two elections, say six or seven years. [More…]
Its values are largely obsolete and its vision of Australia as an outpost of Empire, tied to the United States alone in this region and resisting contact and cultural exchange with our neighbours in China, Japan or Indonesia, seems dangerously anachronistic. [More…]
1 ) Did he urge the adoption of a national energy conservation policy in May 1977, following his return from the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) Has Englehard Minerals and Chemicals Corporation of the United States of America obtained an interest in a large West Australian kaolin deposit. [More…]
Does the United States have access to technology for extracting aluminium from kaolin. [More…]
I have seen reports in the media to the effect that Englehard Minerals and Chemicals Corp. of the United States has negotiated an agreement with West Australian Kaolin Pty Ltd to undertake the development of a Kaolin deposit at Gabbin in Western Australia. [More…]
The United States Bureau of Mines has been involved for more than 50 years in research on methods of extracting alumina from its vast domestic resources of nonbauxitic materials. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the United States report on Nuclear Power Costs prepared by the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Sub-committee of the United States Congress House Government Operations Committee which stated that radioactive waste is a significant and growing problem, that at least 3,000 metric tonnes of spent nuclear fuel are now being stored at commercial reactor sites with an additional 1 7,000 metric tonnes expected to accumulate in the next decade and yet there is still no demonstrated technology for permanently and safely disposing of this waste. [More…]
Italy, (b) Greece, (c) Malta, (d) Turkey, (e) Great Britain, (f) Ireland, (g) Cyprus, (h) Philippines, (i) Malaysia, (j) Chile, (k) India, (1) Bangladesh, (m) Argentina, (n) Israel and (o) the United States of America during (i) 1975,(ii) 1976,(iii) 1977 and(iv) 1978 to date. [More…]
Beef Exports to the United States of America (Question No. [More…]
Is it a fact that McDonalds, the largest hamburger chain in the United States of America and a large and expanding fast food retailer in Australia, has in the United States opposed the importation of Australian beef. [More…]
If so, what action can be taken, either legally or by adverse publicity, to remind that company that it cannot have its hamburger and eat it too by rejecting Australian beef in the United States and by profiting by it in Australia. [More…]
It appears that your question may have been prompted by a rumour that McDonalds had indicated their support for the countercyclical bill proposed by Senator Bentsen, which would reduce imports at times of high production in the United States. [More…]
Tuberculosis and Brucellosis eradication programs in the United States of America (Question No. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether agriculture is the only sector to be cut in the United States budget proposed by President Carter, and that the allocation for tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication has been reduced to $5.2m for 1979. [More…]
If so, is he also able to say whether (a) such a cut means that the United States is no longer giving the same priority to the eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis, ( b ) the States finance most of the United States eradication program and (c) the 1 984 deadline for eradication of the diseases will still be met. [More…]
1 ) Although full details of the United States budget proposed by President Carter are not yet available, preliminary figures indicate that agriculture is not the only sector to be affected by President Carter’s proposed stringency measures. [More…]
Information had become available from the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States of America that exposure to leptophos in food had caused the death of water buffalo and other species and that there were indications that neurological effects may have occurred in workers involved in the manufacture, packaging and application of the substance. [More…]
The growth projections of the Government over the next year are modest but it ought to be noted that whereas over the last two to three years Australia’s performance was better than the average of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, excluding the three major countries- that is, the United States of America, Japan and West Germany- we are now moving into a position where our performance on inflation and growth looks like being better than the average, including those three countries. [More…]
I am advised that the principal nominee was in fact born in Australia and although married to a United States citizen had retained her Australian citizenship; and that she lived in Australia for approximately three years but departed from Australia to reside abroad in 1978. [More…]
One Sydney newspaper interpreted this, in both an article and an editorial, as the cancellation of the British order at a cost to the public purse of $450,000, with the United States order replacing the cancelled tenders. [More…]
They were built by the Walter Truck Company of Voorheesville, United States of America, specifically for airport fire-fighting and are among the most modern in the world. [More…]
There was no cost to Australia for the Prime Minister’s transport in New York because a car was provided by the United States Government. [More…]
On his visit to New York the Prime Minister met Mr Strauss, who is the Special Trade Representative of the United States Government, Mr Allan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the the [More…]
In the hotel suite the Prime Minister had discussions with Prime Minister Barre, the OECD Secretary-General, Mr Van Lennop, the European Community’s Commission President, Mr Jenkins, the United States Secretary of State, Mr Vance, the United States Treasury Secretary, Mr Blumenthal, the Danish Finance Minister, Mr Heinesen, the UNCTAD Secretary-General, Mr Corea, the GATT Director-General, Mr Long, and so on. [More…]
They are no less than the United States, France, Canada and the United Kingdom. [More…]
The Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) has vigorously pursued Australia’s trading interests in Japan, the United States of America and Europe. [More…]
The achievement of a significant increase in our beef exports to the United States reflects one aspect of the Prime Minister’s success in this area. [More…]
As I demonstrated earlier, the Government’s attention has been directed not only to the European Economic Community but also to markets in the United States, Japan, the Middle East and South East Asia. [More…]
For instance, in the United States the Federal Trade Commission is empowered to require advertisers found guilty of breaches of advertising legislation, to make appropriate retractions. [More…]
It ought to be noted that we purchase goods to the value of $3 per head whereas in the United States it is about 60c; in the European Economic Community it is 50c and in Japan it is about 25c. [More…]
It was seeking protection against the dumping of United States and New Zealand carpets, not carpets from ASEAN countries. [More…]
We have just signed an agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom on research into the production of fuel from coal. [More…]
For instance, the United States-made Steiger tractor is one of the biggest horsepower tractors operating in our grain belts. [More…]
For instance, quite a few companies in the United States of America indicated some 18 months ago that they were prepared to manufacture tractors in Australia. [More…]
Countries such as the United States of America, the United [More…]
Throughout 1 976 the company sought to have a reference against dumping referred to the Temporary Assistance Authority for hearing in order to protect its manufacture in Australia against dumped carpets from overseas, especially the United States- not the Association of South East Asian Nations countries, as the Prime Minister inferred. [More…]
If one compares the present scheme with those existing in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America and New Zealand, for instance, one finds that the Australian scheme is considerably superior in every respect to the schemes adopted in those countries. [More…]
-It is true that Australia appears to have a greater degree of economic equality than the United States or the United Kingdom but it is far from being an economic democracy. [More…]
For example, agriculture in the United States is the world’s most abundant but it employs the smallest work force proportionately. [More…]
I point out that in the United States information workers have earned more than 50 per cent of all salaries since 1967 and comprise virtually 50 per cent of the work force- in a four-sector analysis. [More…]
In the United States the total volume of printed material published each year has tripled since 1950 but the number of people employed in the printing and allied trades is falling due to computerised typesetting. [More…]
The Australian Government will reimburse the United States Government for such expenses as the co-operation agencies of the two Governments agree should be met by Australia for the use of the Station by its forces. ‘ [More…]
The Government takes the view that information needing the policy attention of the Government should be conveyed by the United States through normal policy channels rather than military operational channels. [More…]
If so, having regard to this statement as it relates to the North West Cape facilities will he inform the Parliament (a ) who these technical experts are, (b) who has the responsibility for deciding which technical experts should be involved, (c) how many technical bodies or cells are involved within Australia, (d) whether countries other than the United States of America are involved in discussions, (e) how many Australian personnel are cleared to take part in technical discussions, (f) how many overseas personnel are cleared to take pan in technical discussions, (g) whether the Secretary of his Depanment is one of those people cleared to receive information on all discussions held within Australia and overseas by members of the various cells involved and (h) whether the Prime Minister is one of those people cleared to receive information on all discussions held within Australia and overseas by members of the various cells involved. [More…]
(3 Numerous technical personnel exchange information for a variety of purposes with United States military personnel in both bilateral and multi-national meetings, in Australia and overseas. [More…]
Following a United States Government initiative the Australian Government formally agreed with the Government of the United Sates in June 1963 that the North West Cape communications station should be established. [More…]
The Prime Minister would be informed when any such advice was received from the United States. [More…]
1) Is the proposed new installation at North West Cape to be under the operational control of the United States Navy. [More…]
Were funds for the purchase and installation of equipment appropriated to the United States Navy or another agency. [More…]
Does the North West Cape agreement provide for the use of the base by any organisation other than the United States Navy. [More…]
1 ) No new installation has been proposed by the United States Government to the Australian Government. [More…]
Was the Australian Joint Intelligence Organisation aware of the United States Government proposal to alter the facilities at the North West Cape base. [More…]
1 ) No United States Government proposal to alter facilities at the North West Cape base has been received by the Australian Government. [More…]
Were tenders for technical equipment let in August 1977 and funds for the installation at North West Cape approved by the United States Congress in 1977. [More…]
Was the Government or the Depanment of Defence notified in advance of the intention (a) to let tenders for equipment and (b) to appropriate funds for the Australian installation in the 1977 United States defence vote. [More…]
1 ) Which officers of the Defence Department or Forces are responsible for monitoring and reporting upon hearings of defence matters before United States Congressional committees and sub-committees. [More…]
Was Air Vice Marshal Jordan the only member of the delegation present during technical briefings at which plans for the expansion of United States facilities at North West Cape were discussed. [More…]
Is the new AN/MSC-6 1 satellite terminal part of the United States intelligence and control system. [More…]
Did the United States intelligence sources inform Australian intelligence of the proposed changes and their advantages. [More…]
Did the Joint Intelligence Organisation in addition to technical areas of his Department have information about the United States proposals; if so, why was this information withheld from him and the Permanent Head. [More…]
ls it a fact that the Organisation provides the main retail services for the staff at Woomera and the United States Nurrunger base, both being located in an area far removed from alternative services. [More…]
the exchange of letters constituting the interim Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America on Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation, of 8 August 1978. [More…]
Agreement with the United States [More…]
The Interim Agreement with the United States is a document of a different sort. [More…]
In the case of the United States, that is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978. [More…]
The effect of this arrangement, in essence, is that, should a third country importing Australian uranium so desire, the United States could act as its agent in seeking Australia’s approval for a particular transaction or industrial operation. [More…]
Honourable members may recall that a similar interim agreement between Canada and the United States in November last year opened the way for the successful conclusion of Canada’s negotiations with Japan on nuclear safeguards. [More…]
The Interim Agreement also demonstrates conclusively that suggestions that Australian policy is at odds with that of the United States are groundless. [More…]
In the Agreement, the United States spontaneously pays tribute to ‘Australia’s leadership role in preventing nuclear proliferation’. [More…]
It also remains the case that the United States and other countries attach importance to Australian uranium being available to the rest of the world. [More…]
Prior to the suspension of the sitting the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) made a statement to the House relating to model safeguards agreements which the Government has entered into with Finland and the Philippines and the exchange of letters constituting the interim agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States. [More…]
Anyone who has spoken to people in the United States who are interested in nuclear technology, non-proliferation and safeguards will know that the United States Congress itself solemnly debated in advance the type of safeguards agreement which it would approve. [More…]
Nobody in the United States would dare suggest that that Government would enter into arrangements without having the approval of its Congress and without having public debate and information as to the types of agreements that were being offered to potential buyers. [More…]
Given that the IAEA special safeguards implementation report of 1977 describes the inadequacies as being in material control and accounting procedures and the concern of the United States National Radiation Advisory Committee that insufficient country by country information is available, this change is a significant relinquishing of vital knowledge and power by Australia. [More…]
The President himself said that he would not pursue that type of development in the United States. [More…]
The specified categories are children under the age of 1 8 years; crew members; accredited diplomats; persons who arrive in Australia but are deemed under the Migration Act 1958 not to have entered Australia, that is, persons who remain at the airport and persons who do not disembark from a ship; persons covered by the Status of Forces Agreements with the United States and Papua New Guinea; and persons being deported or extradited from Australia. [More…]
In the United States of America, the Lanham Trademark Act of 1946 included service marks as entitled to statutory protection under that Act. [More…]
In addition to the United States, 42 other countries including major industrial countries, such as France, Italy, Sweden, Canada and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and neighbouring countries, such as the Philippines, Taiwan and Korea, had by the end of 1970 introduced legislation providing statutory protection for marks for services. [More…]
We should then gradually phase out those areas in which we are unable to compete and where countries like Japan, Germany and the United States can provide us with parts far cheaper than we can make them. [More…]
In the United States of America it is possible, through the use of computer technology, to typeset newspapers in 30 States from a single linotype. [More…]
The same figures indicate that regrettably the inflation rates in a number of countries, including the United States of America, Canada, France and the United Kingdom, increased during that period. [More…]
-Can the Minister for Trade and Resources advise the House on the latest position concerning legislation proposed in the United States which would seriously affect Australia’s beef exports? [More…]
-The latest information we have is that the United States House of Representatives is about to vote on what is known as the Poage Bill, which would restrict future exports of beef to the United States. [More…]
This legislation is based on a counter-cyclical concept which would restrict Australia’s exports when the cattle numbers in the United States are high. [More…]
The United States Senate has already approved the Bentsen Bill, which is slightly different in nature. [More…]
Indeed, we believe that if this legislation is introduced it will cut across the multilateral trade negotiations which have been going on at Geneva, where we have been trying to get reciprocity for any trading concessions that we may be giving to the United States. [More…]
Should the United States move in this direction it would be going counter to what we have been aiming to achieve. [More…]
The third proposition concerns whether we ought to give very serious consideration to the introduction of either zero base accounting, as is being applied in the United States of America, or a notional 10 per cent reduction in departmental estimates at the completion of each financial year, as is the custom in New Zealand. [More…]
A protective system has developed in the United States of America and in Japan. [More…]
Current OECD figures show inflation for the six months to July 1978 was, for the United States of America 10.5 per cent and rising, for Canada 12. [More…]
Our oil is scarce and we are almost as badly off as the United States of America. [More…]
Very recent experiments in the United States of America have verified that the power of the hydrogen bomb can be harnassed in controlled fusion. [More…]
In the United States of America President Carter has seen the problem of his country’s price of about 18c or 20c a hire, but cannot seem to be able to do anything about it. [More…]
In terms of efficiency of energy use, Australia ranks slightly higher than the world average and is far better than the United States, though that is hardly high praise. [More…]
Although invented only six (6) years ago, the number of users in the United States now totals well over 1 , 000 and more and more users are being found for the machine by the blind people who have been trained to read with it. [More…]
According to evidence given before the United States congressional committee, over 100,000 deaths have occurred. [More…]
I am well aware of the recent visit to Indonesia and East Timor by members of the United States Congress. [More…]
Is he able to say what sum the Government of the United States of America has spent on the promotion of Interscan. [More…]
Will he take prompt steps to ensure that restrictions similar to those applied in the United States are placed upon the use of 2,4D and related substances in Australia, and to support with appropriate legal assistance claims for compensation by families with a prima facie case that they have suffered handicaps as a result of the use of synthetic chemicals. [More…]
The list includes, however, the United Kingdom; France; the FRG; Italy; EURATOM; Japan; Canada; the United States; Finland; Austria; Iran; the Philippines; and the Republic of Korea among others. [More…]
The United Kingdom, Finland, the Philippines, the United States, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Japan. [More…]
Negotiations with the United Kingdom commenced on 29 October 1977; Finland, 6 December 1977; the Philippines, 2 March 1978; Iran, 2 May 1978; the United States, 23 June 1978; the Republic of Korea, 10 August 1978; Japan, 15 August 1978. [More…]
and (2) Since my statement to Parliament of 1 June 1978 the Australian Atomic Energy Commission has had discussions with utilities in the United Kingdom, Finland, Japan and the United States. [More…]
An interim agreement has also been concluded with the United States. [More…]
The United States authorities, which monitor meat imports from Australia, found three isolated instances in 1977 where residues in beef exceeded legal limits, but has so far not found any such instances in 1978. [More…]
and (2) Products containing the soil fumigant, 1,2- dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) were voluntarily withdrawn from sale in Australia by Dow Chemicals (Australia) Ltd and the Shell Company of Australia Ltd in August 1977 following reports from the United States of America of a possible connection between DBCP and low sperm counts among male workers involved in its manufacture and formulation. [More…]
Will he tell the Parliament the date on which the Government was first informed of the policies likely to be put at the multilateral trade negotiations by the United States of America. [More…]
This has been equally true of the United States as it has of Australia. [More…]
The United States has, since January 1975 been negotiating within the parameters set by the US Trade Act (Public Law No. [More…]
Will he tell the Parliament what approaches were made by the United States of America which were in any way responsible for the decision to permit Vietnamese nationals to enter Australia without permits. [More…]
The United States of America has not attempted to influence procedures for entry to Australia. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the report on Nuclear Power Costs prepared by the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Sub-Committee of the United States House Government Operations Committee which stated that radio-active waste is a significant and growing problem with at least 3,000 metric tonnes of spent nuclear fuel now being stored at commercial reactor sites and an additional 17,000 metric tonnes expected to accumulate in the next decade, and that there is still no demonstrated technology for permanently and safely disposing of this waste. [More…]
1 ) How many tourist visa applications were received for entry to Australia from (a) Italy, (b) Greece, (c) Malta, (d) Turkey, (e) Great Britain, (f) Ireland, (g) Cyprus, (h) the United States of America, (i) India, (j) Pakistan, and (k) South Africa during the years 1 976 and 1 977. [More…]
They have pointed out quite rightly that the price of bulk diesel fuel to the commercial user in the United States of America is 40. [More…]
What is the experience of Canada, the United States, Italy and France? [More…]
I would like the Government to examine a system that I believe has been accepted and introduced in the United States. [More…]
I am led to believe- I think the information is completely accurate- that a twotier fuel pricing policy exists in the United States. [More…]
I have noted a recent report from the United States about a little neighbourhood called Love Canal and the fact that in this area some 30 years ago industry started to bury its waste in what was thought to be a safe condition. [More…]
The Committee supports the view of the Commonwealth Department of Health, the United States Surgeon General, the Royal College of Physicians and the World Health Organisation that there is an undoubted association between smoking and a wide range of significant diseases. [More…]
It is important that we should stimulate our economy by persuading others in the world, particularly those nations which are the motors of the world economy, such as Japan, the United States and West Germany, to play their part in stimulating world demand. [More…]
The United States experience is worth looking at. [More…]
In this regard, I remind honourable members of the recent experience in the United States of America. [More…]
The strains occurring in Australia at the present time lack the virulence of bluetongue strains in Africa, the United States and the Middle East. [More…]
1 ) Can he say whether a submission from the Department of Engineering Physics of the Australian National University to the Senate Standing Committee on National Resources in May 1976 expressed the view based on extensive theoretical investigation, analogous commercial experience and promising experimental confirmation that (a) a prototype solar powered energy transfer and storage system can be made to work at costs comparable to those of existing isolated towns’ electricity generation, (b) it should be cheaper than nuclear power, (c) it would be well within the production capabilities of Australia and (d) it would be more amenable to flexibility of siting, power storage to compensate for weather and seasonal fluctuations, and more economically adaptable to evolution towards large scale basic power production than the central tower solar power systems now being developed in the United States, so that by the time large scale units are developed it may already be cheaper than existing alternatives and save Australia ‘s fossil fuels for export and other valuable uses. [More…]
The United States Government has ruled that chlorofluorocarbons may not be used as propellants in selfpressurised containers manufactured or packaged from IS December 1978. [More…]
The United States Government has acted mainly on the basis of studies by the National Academy of Science. [More…]
1 ) records its appreciation, thanks and congratulations to President Carter of the United States, Prime Minister Begin of Israel and President Sadat of Egypt on their statesmanship and on their successful conclusion of their Conference for peace in the Holy Land; [More…]
It is Australia’s strong wish- we are supported strongly by the United States of America- that there be an international code covering subsidised agricultural products. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to reports of a statement by an official of the Government Aircraft Factories that the Department of Transports tender schedule for the hiring of three light aircraft for surveillance work in Australia seems to be tailormade for United States aircraft? [More…]
I invite those who advance that theory to look at some of the experience in recent years in the United States. [More…]
Because other markets developed in the United States and other parts of Europe we found that our traditional markets had begun to be eroded. [More…]
Of course, the world price for wheat is determined more by the harvests in the northern hemisphere- Russia, United States of America, Canada and the other large producing countries- rather than by Australia. [More…]
Under the United States legislation the matter has been resolved quite satisfactorily. [More…]
For example, if my friend the honourable member for Lalor (Mr Barry Jones) wishes to intervene, I am not permitted, as I would be in the Senate of the United States of America, to yield and to allow him to put a question to me. [More…]
It has been estimated that ‘in the United States, if information, broadly defined, accounts for almost 50 per cent of the gross national product, then some coherent national policy is in order’. [More…]
I understand at least one nuclear power station at Elk River in the United States has been totally decommissioned and dismantled. [More…]
Has his Depanment been informed of the restrictions proposed by the United States Federal Drug Administration; if so, what are they. [More…]
In January 1978 the United States Food and Drug Administration proposed restrictions on the routine use of animal feeds containing penicillin, chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline. [More…]
1 ) What was the total quantity of wool shipped by the Australian Wool Corporation to Tacoma, United States of America earlier this year. [More…]
Has any of the wool shipped to Tacoma been reexported to destinations outside the United States of America; if so, (a) what are the quantities re-exported and (b) what are the destinations. [More…]
The Council was able to contract one of the most renowned international advisers and negotiators, a Dr Stephen Zorn from the United States, who has acted on behalf of many interests including American [More…]
This sort of active involvement is undertaken in Canada and the United States of America on a large scale. [More…]
The United States of America imposes a $US3 departure tax; Hong Kong imposes a $A3 tax for adults and a $A1 tax for children; Israel a $5.70 tax; Singapore a $4 tax; Malaysia a $2 tax; and the New Hebrides imposes a $2 tax. [More…]
He compared Australia with places like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Israel and Singapore. [More…]
I would have thought that a valid comparison between the amount of the departure tax collected would not have been between countries like Australia and Israel, Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States of America. [More…]
I hope that the Minister for Transport (Mr Nixon) will be able to tie up the loose knots so that Australian fares to overseas countries will be equally as attractive as some of those that are available from the United States of America to European countries. [More…]
But agreement on the main issues- in respect of export subsidies, in which of course the United States of America is also particularly interested, binding access commitments for beef, dairy products and fruit and the Community’s participation in the International Sugar Agreement- is outstanding and the Community’s response to our industrial tariff offer has been so far insignificant. [More…]
By the end of 1970, 43 countries, including the United States, France, Canada, Korea and Taiwan, had introduced legislation providing statutory protection to trade marks for services. [More…]
Under successive American Presidents, the United States has made strenuous efforts to promote a settlement. [More…]
I believe that it was a courageous act of the President of the United States to take this initiative in bringing the two leaders together in what has been over a long period a very difficult situation that has resulted not only in war but also in threatened greater war on a number of occasions. [More…]
Let me say only that in this instance President Carter has upheld the highest traditions of the United States presidency and all that the world hopes the presidency will be able to achieve for the cause of world peace. [More…]
Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, met with Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America, at Camp David from 5 September to 17 September 1978, and have agreed on the following framework for peace in the Middle East. [More…]
We are confident that President Carter, as he has already demonstrated, will continue to extend the good offices of the United States in support of the continuing search for a lasting peace. [More…]
In a spirit of co-operation in the Middle East, I hope that the Lebanese, the Syrians, the Jordanians and the Palestinians for once will understand that the United States and Egypt and the state of Israel are most anxious to see that the Palestinian state is re-established and that this step which has been taken is only one step in the long and difficult negotiations ahead. [More…]
It is impossible to predict which hearings will be of interest to the Australian Government, and the Embassy must therefore rely to an extent on advance notice from relevant United States officials of hearings that touch on Australian interests. [More…]
In the event that the Embassy was aware in advance that hearings were to be held specifically on any aspect of Australia/United States defence relations, particularly relating to joint facilities, the Embassy would certainly cover them. [More…]
Is the Minister for Health aware that those covered by pre-paid health plans or health maintenance organisations in the United States of America have an annual usage of hospital days about one-half the rate of those covered by fee for service schemes? [More…]
I am generally aware of the contention that is implied in the honourable member’s question in respect of the health maintenance organisations or pre-paid health plans in the United States. [More…]
Schwaben International does have offices in several overseas countries, including the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and South America. [More…]
These contracts are to extend to 1986 and their purpose is to supply uranium for electric power generation in Japan, West Germany and the United States. [More…]
The increase in inflation in the United States, the United Kingdom and France and the levelling off of inflation at a high level in countries such as Italy are certainly not helping with an expansion of markets and an expansion of demand. [More…]
On each occasion that the economic circumstances changed so that the white people of the United States needed something that they had guaranteed the Indians in a treaty, the Government would develop a new treaty which met the economic needs and greed of the white population. [More…]
Greed was placed above everything else in the relations between the white people of the United States and the American Indians. [More…]
At an earlier time in history there may have been some excuse for what occurred in the United States. [More…]
The trend, notably in the United States, is for intelligence operations by governments to be subject to greater public scrutiny. [More…]
The former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr Moynihan, has had much to say about the United Nations and about nonaligned countries of the Third World. [More…]
Unhappily, the so-called non-aligned have much too often, especially in recent years, been non-aligned against the United States and on behalf of the Soviet Union in every world forum and on every world issue of consequence. [More…]
The only point I make about this is that powerful friendships do not necessarily last unless the interests are there and it just was not in the interests of the United States that we should keep West New Guinea. [More…]
I suspect that if we do not make the substantial progress with this bloc that we should, the United States, Europe, Japan and ASEAN will probably give us away and, if that happens, we could be in very serious trouble in maintaining the independence of this country and keeping Australia a free and democratic nation in this part of the world. [More…]
We know this country more and more is becoming controlled by what we call trans-national corporations, wealthy financial institutions, most of which, of course, are based in the United States. [More…]
Therefore, the United States exercises excessive influence over this country’s foreign policy. [More…]
Vietnam is a country which is striving to maintain its independence and freedom from all sides whether it be China or the Soviet Union on the one hand or the United States on the other. [More…]
It is perfectly true that the Indian explosion, made possible by United States and Canadian aid, was one of the major events which affected the formulation of United States policy on nuclear proliferation in recent years. [More…]
Germany was able to win an order for eight nuclear reactors by offering the re-processing technology that its only serious competitor, the Westinghouse Electrical Corporation, could not meet due to the United States policy which prohibits the overseas sale of reprocessing plants. [More…]
The experience of the United States shows that we should put very little faith in bilateral agreements on safeguards. [More…]
After all, the United States has traditionally insisted on the same veto rights as the Minister now asserts Australia will have, but the United States found that these rights were violated in 19 cases between 1971 and 1974. [More…]
In each case fuels, including plutonium, supplied by the United States, were shifted from one country to another without American permission. [More…]
If the United States, with its intelligence and administrative network, could discover these contract breaches only after the event, what hope has Australia of ensuring that its safeguards are adhered to? [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to possible contradictory projections on world meat demand by 198S by the Food and Agriculture Organisation which predicts an increasing meat deficit to that time and by the United States projections which indicate a slump in the beef cycle at that time. [More…]
United States Department of Agriculture are concerned primarily with the United States domestic beef situation. [More…]
The FAO has indicated an increase in United States of America beef import requirements in 1985. [More…]
This is not inconsistent with the predicted upswings in production in the United States at this time. [More…]
Under the present meat import law imports are directly related to the level of domestic production and lower prices in the United States could be expected to raise consumption in that country. [More…]
Any alterations to trading policies in major producing countries (such as those presently being debated in the United States with the so-called ‘counter cyclical’ meat import legislation) could profoundly influence the world market and the trading prospects for beef exporters such as Australia. [More…]
The conservative side of politics is similarly shocked by the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China supporting Zaire, Somalia and Eritrea. [More…]
William Shawcross is a British correspondent who was very sympathetic to Vietnam during the Vietnamese war against the United States and her allies. [More…]
Unfortunately, people behind the Iron Curtain will not have the opportunity to hear or read my speech or to read the speeches of members of Parliament in the United Kingdom or the United States Senate, but the campaign to remove the 1980 Olympic Games from Moscow is well and truly under way. [More…]
There have been representations on this subject from the House of Commons, from the House of Lords, from the United States Congress and from the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. [More…]
These are not matters for which we have a little support, and I draw the attention of the Parliament to the fact that over 35 members of the United States Senate have recently expressed the view that Moscow has disqualified itself from the 1980 Olympics. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to press reports that the liquidator investigating VIP Insurances Ltd revealed that the reinsurer, the All State Insurance Company of the United States of America, had a back door agreement with VIP which enabled the reinsurer to pay less by way of reinsurance than was revealed to the Insurance Commissioner as required under the Insurance Act 1 973. [More…]
It is not intended to canvass these issues here, other than to note the reference- in the dissenting report of Senators Greenwood, Webster and Wright to that report of the Senate Committee of Privileges- to the views of Professor Archibald Cox of Harvard University on the United States situations. [More…]
The figures show that in the United States of America 13 per cent of people live in rental housing; nine per cent of Australians live in rental housing. [More…]
The most depressing aspect of the unemployment problem to me, having just returned from the United States of America where I spent about a week, is the obvious difficulty and the depressing attitude of almost everybody in Australia as to the future of employment conditions. [More…]
We often compare Australia to the United States. [More…]
At present Australia and the United States have a similar rate of unemploymentabout 6 per cent. [More…]
But at the same dates in the United States, civilian employment at 30 June 1974 stood at 82.261 million and at 30 June of this year stood at 95.852 million. [More…]
There was an increase of nearly 13.6 million jobs in the United States in those four years, compared with a decrease of over 100,000 jobs in the same period in Australia. [More…]
The number of migrants, as a proportion of the population, entering the United States is of course much smaller at present than it has been in Australia over the last four years. [More…]
It is time the Government came up with some sort of policy to increase jobs in Australia as jobs have been increased in the United States. [More…]
Let us, in contrast, consider the figures for the United States of America. [More…]
Thus, there is in Western Australia a 50 per cent higher hospital utilisation rate than there is, on the average, in the United States. [More…]
I have just returned from the United States, whose Government has passed special legislation in this area. [More…]
There are, of course, differences between our system and that in the United States. [More…]
By international standards Australia has a high number of hospital beds per 1,000 of population, having a figure higher than most European countries, the United States, of America and Canada. [More…]
In the United States, it has been estimated that 50 per cent of the increase in costs of hospital care from 1965 to 1974 was directly or indirectly related to medical technology. [More…]
Honourable members may recall that in 1 976, on behalf of the Government, I asked the Australian Medical Association and the medical profession to develop forms of professional standards review and suggested to them that unless they could develop those standards within the profession and develop systems similar to those operating in the United States and elsewhere, this Government could introduce mandatory provisions. [More…]
With regard to the health maintenance organisations, the honourable member for Prospect (Dr Klugman) reported that recently he had had the privilege of looking at the HMO concept in operation in the United States of America. [More…]
If we look at the sort of financial settlements that have been made with the indigenous people in Canada and the United States of America we will find nothing extravagant at all about the settlement that has been temporarily arrived at by Dr Zorn and the Northern Land Council to date. [More…]
I am also aware of the fact that a Bill of a similar description was introduced into the United States Congress, and I am not sure whether that has yet been passed. [More…]
This station was established under an Exchange of Notes between the Australian and United States Governments dated 13 January 1969, and the agreement, which remained in force for six months, was extended on 10 July 1969 for a further six months. [More…]
Activities jointly undertaken with the US are covered by the Memorandum of Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Arrangements of 29 August 1973 which designates the United States Department of Defence and the Australian Depanment of Defence as respective cooperating agencies. [More…]
Can he say whether these standards are accepted by the United States Government. [More…]
Is he also able to say whether the United States Environment Protection Agency has adopted standards which are 20 times more stringent than those of the ICRP and that the safer United States standards have been in operation since January 1977. [More…]
4-27 June 1977- 63rd Session ofthe International Labour Conference, Geneva, followed by a meeting with the Secretary-General and senior officials of the OECD in Paris and discussions with Labour Ministers and leaders of trade union and employer organisations in the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan. [More…]
7-28 June 1978- 64th Session of the International Labour Conference, Geneva; discussions with the Secretary-General of the OECD in Paris; discussions with Labour Ministers and leaders of trade union and employer organisations in Yugoslavia, West Germany, Sweden and the United States. [More…]
Is he able to say whether comparable studies performed in the United States of America, United Kingdom and New Zealand found these populations were exposed to average genetic doses per capita of 0.5 rem, 0.4 rem and 0.4 rem respectively. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say what are the details of the Production Protection Program recently put to Congress by the United States Department of Agriculture to replace the existing disaster relief and crop insurance programs. [More…]
Let us compare that with the United Kingdom and with the United States of America. [More…]
If we are serious in stating that the United States offers a major potential source for tourist traffic to Australia and that we are looking to the United States to see people come in large numbers to this country to develop our tourist industry, it is a funny way to go about winning them to Australia. [More…]
There has been an increase of about 30 per cent in traffic across the Atlantic and an enormous increase in domestic air travel within the United States. [More…]
It is sheer mischievousness to tell people in this country that lower air fares in the United States and a less regulatory approach there have been a failure. [More…]
When the Minister is negotiating with the United States on a nation-to-nation basis, the Opposition would like him to put forward a more responsible, conciliatory and informative approach to the negotiations. [More…]
I think the House might want to know- and this is particularly relevant in respect of the yen borrowing- that an analysis of the composition of the Commonwealth’s overseas debt by foreign currencies reveals that prior to the recent yen package- and I will come to the situation after the yen packagethe break-up was as follows: United States dollars, 46 per cent; Deutsche mark, 26 per cent; yen, 6 per cent; Swiss francs, 12 per cent; and Dutch guilder, 7 per cent. [More…]
As a result of the recent yen borrowing the yen component will be 19.7 per cent, which is significantly below the denomination of our overseas debt in United States dollars. [More…]
The Treasurer said that he thought it was entirely proper for Australia to be moving away from United States dollars into yen in the loan raising in which the Government is engaging. [More…]
It is interesting to note that it is on record in the United States. [More…]
We have nothing like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States, which is composed of two scientists and two others and which investigates, on an independent basis, the nuclear activities of the government and its departments. [More…]
The Government has a moral responsibility to have the same sort of Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the United States. [More…]
The United States Government is now engaged in a study of the health of personnel previously involved in atomic tests. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to the United States Government’s follow-up study on personnel who were involved in their past atomic testing programs. [More…]
It is not the United States of America, Great Britain or France. [More…]
We do not need the type of organisation which exists in the United States of America because the ground rules relevant to this nation’s involvement in this area are so totally different to what are found in other countries. [More…]
The big spenders on that basis are the Netherlands and Ireland, with Germany, Italy, the United States of America, France and Sweden also well above the expected levels. [More…]
The United States of America and Sweden have very similar levels of per capita health expenditure with diametrically opposed methods of national health financing. [More…]
Thus Government policy does not prohibit the export of uranium to France, the United Kingdom or the United States. [More…]
The Guidelines were voluntarily adopted by the fifteen leading suppliers of nuclear equipment and technology including the United States, Canada, major member states of Euratom, Japan, the Soviet Union and other east and west European countries. [More…]
For example in December 1976 France announced that it would henceforth not authorise the export of reprocessing plants; in June 1977 the Federal Republic of Germany made a similar announcement; and the United States Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of January 1978 imposes stringent limitations on nuclear exports. [More…]
Has the Government received any communication from the United States Government concerning proposals to establish a nuclear waste repository on an island in the Pacific. [More…]
I think it is worth noting that the Government and my colleague, the Deputy Prime Minister, have been in touch with the United States Administration constantly on this matter for several months, as has the Minister for Primary Industry. [More…]
My colleague, the Minister for Primary Industry, will be leaving for the United States this evening for urgent discussions with the United States Administration. [More…]
Can the Minister for Trade and Resources confirm that the United States House of Representives failed to pass before the adjournment of the present Congress legislation dealing with sugar which would have enabled the United States to participate fully in the International Sugar Agreement? [More…]
I am very concerned and disappointed that the United States of America has not passed the necessary legislation to enable it to operate as a full member of the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
I am very disappointed because, for the first time, the United States played a major role in the negotiations which created the International Sugar Agreement last year and also was responsible for the idea of providing a stocks financing fund, which is an innovation towards establishing a stabilised marketing scheme. [More…]
I point out that failure of the United States to pass this legislation, whilst it has implications, does not stop the International Sugar Agreement from continuing. [More…]
I hope that all members of the ISA will hold firm and will keep pressure on the United States to see that it passes the legislation next year so that the Agreement can continue its effectiveness. [More…]
Is the United States system significantly inferior to the Australian system and not attuned to operating conditions in Australian waters? [More…]
The other matter of concern is that the United States has been working closely with Australia in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, where we are both pressing for greater liberalisation of trade, particularly in animal products. [More…]
But to talk in terms of a trade war with the United States really is foolish. [More…]
The United States is an extremely important trading partner. [More…]
As far as the beef industry is concerned we have been completely dependent upon the United States market for a number of years because it takes the great bulk of our exports of beef. [More…]
The United States is an immensely powerful country. [More…]
To get into holts with the United States would have very serious repercussions. [More…]
But to threaten a country the size of the United States, a country upon which we have been heavily dependent for the sale of our meat, would be just foolishness. [More…]
The Opposition moved this motion for the suspension of the Standing Orders to give the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Sinclair) a chance to make a statement this evening before his visit to the United States of America. [More…]
There should be no rush trips on behalf of the beef industry to the United States to save the bacon of the Minister for Primary Industry. [More…]
It has been brought to the notice of the Opposition that the Minister has no appointments arranged at this moment in the United States. [More…]
There is no need for him to leave the Parliament this evening and depart for the United States tomorrow without making a complete statement to the Parliament on his personal affairs. [More…]
It has repeated such behaviour tonight by demonstrating that beef producers in Australia and the access of beef into the United States does not matter to them. [More…]
Perhaps the most appropriate and relevant comparison to the River Murray Commission is the Delaware River Basin Commission which was established in 196 1 in the United States of America. [More…]
As the Rockefeller Foundation points out, this will lead to further huge oil price increases, with the strong Western economies, such as the United States of America, West Germany and Japan, buying and consuming the lion’s share of what is left of the world’s oU resources. [More…]
It is proposed to export 53 per cent of production to Japan and the United States west coast, with the remainder being sold in the Perth and Pilbara regions. [More…]
Order after order for nuclear generating plants is being cancelled in the United States. [More…]
Nuclear waste disposal is such a problem that the United States of America at present has 74 million gallons of toxic liquid waste from its testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere with which it does not know what to do. [More…]
That is the situation in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America once had three reprocessing plants. [More…]
Therefore at this stage there is no way at all, in the United States, of resolving the problem of nuclear waste. [More…]
As indicated to the House yesterday, the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Sinclair) is to undertake discussions in the United States of America concerning the counter-cyclical beef legislation passed by the American Congress. [More…]
The Minister later will be having discussions in Britain, the United States and Japan and is expected to return on 5 November. [More…]
He will be aware of the cheap air fares operating across the Atlantic Can he say whether the open slather approach on the Atlantic route will lead to a further lowering of the price of airline tickets for flights across the Atlantic from London to the United States? [More…]
We have a balance of payments problem as does the United States, but it will not be reducing interest rates. [More…]
We will be vying with the United States of America at many points in Europe. [More…]
I raise the question of the United States legislation relating to beef which was passed through the United States Congress on the last day of the sittings of the Congress prior to the mid-term elections which are due to take place on Melbourne Cup day. [More…]
Counting votes on the Hill in the United States is a professional art which competent people can predict to within a very small number of votes in relation to most pieces of legislation. [More…]
I also mention, because these matters are important, the methods by which legislation becomes law in the United States and the disabilities that exist in that area. [More…]
The passage of legislation through the United States Congress under all circumstances except the circumstances which exist at the moment means that that legislation becomes law unless the President takes positive action to veto it. [More…]
Congressmen in the United States, like their counterparts in most other countries, like to show their electors that they are looking after the interests of their electors. [More…]
If I am not correct- if that advice has not been given to the Government- then I think it is incumbent on the Government to indicate why senior political representations were not made directly to the United States prior to the passage of the Bill. [More…]
The Government either neglected its duty before the passage of the Bill or knows now and knew then that there was no serious intention for the Bill to become law and that it was in fact being passed at the end of a session of Congress to meet the political requirements of congressmen from certain areas of the United States. [More…]
The United States Senate is very likely not to adopt the same measure as does the House of Representatives. [More…]
I know that many of the regulations our inspectors are forced to insist upon are unnecessarily foisted upon us, principally by the United States. [More…]
Certainly, on the basis of miles per accident, which I think is a reasonable means of assessment, Australia is far surpassed by the United States where in the 10 years to 1976 there were 22 domestic air accidents. [More…]
Mr Colwell believes that air traffic controllers in the United States of America which, incidentally, despite its dense traffic boasts the best air safety record in the world, have an extraordinarily relaxed approach to their work. [More…]
Further, Colwell adds that, unlike the situation in Australia, in the United States there seems to be no reluctance or instinctive mental block about paying proportionately high salaries for high levels of competence and skill, not to mention enormous responsibility. [More…]
1 7) Is he able to say whether the equivalent organisations in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom make a contribution to service staff welfare funds; if so, what provision is made for this purpose. [More…]
This is particularly so in the United States of America, Canada and the European Economic Community, where most farm inputs are cheaper and the various assistance measures are designed to support prices and so maintain their farmers’ incomes. [More…]
Obviously we will be aiming at the tough markets that are against Australia- the United States and Japan. [More…]
Anyone who is beholden to the Ford Motor Co. of Australia or General Motors-Holden’s Ltd will know that all their policies are in accordance with the dictates of their boards which are in the United States. [More…]
Today even the United States, which is always amongst the first to posture in the international public forum for a less restricted world trade, has no hesitation in imposing its own trade restrictions when circumstances suit. [More…]
Generally speaking, South East Asia and the South Pacific are areas where Australia should have penetrated far more than it has, especially when compared to advances made by the United States, West Germany and Japan. [More…]
Against very stiff competition from major companies in Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Holland, PCM Electronics has secured substantial contracts for its radio and other electronic equipment in Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. [More…]
Costs in comparable countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and New Zealand, range between a 250 percent and a 350 per cent increase in the same seven years. [More…]
In the United States of America there is an overemphasis on tertiary education and there are doctors of philosophy by the thousands who cannot get a position because they are overeducated. [More…]
Gold medals are merely by-products of the widespread sports programs that exist in East Germany, West Germany, Canada and the United States. [More…]
We are light years behind the European communist countries, the United States and Canada in the provision of community facilities. [More…]
If people care to compare wage rates paid in Australia with the slave wage rates paid in some other countries they must answer this question: How is it that countries such as West Germany, the United States, Japan and a number of others with wage rates comparable to ours are still able to proceed and do what they want to do? [More…]
A continual fall in the value of the United States dollar, for example, is not only creating problems in terms of the balance of trade for countries such as Australia - [More…]
They grew up under the influence of Hollywood films, spent many hours watching and anlaysing them and finally decided, with fiercely independent spirit, to take on the United States industry and produce their own films. [More…]
It has been largely based on recent experience in the development of occupational health and safety legislation in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Sweden and other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. [More…]
-My colleague, the Minister for Primary Industry, has had extraordinarily important discussions in the United States over bilateral trade between the United States and Australia. [More…]
I shall deal first with the matter of discussions with the United States before getting on to the other particular matters which I am certain were the reasons why the honourable gentleman asked this question. [More…]
The trade we have with the United States is, of course, of very great importance. [More…]
I think it is known that there is a deficit in our trade balance with the United States which is not dissimilar- having regard to our size- to that which the United States has with Japan. [More…]
We know quite well the pressure that the United States has borne down on the Government of Japan over recent months and years, for Japan to take some specific action to redress the trade balance between Japan and the United States. [More…]
Using the same arguments, I am certain that the United States would expect Australia to use every resource available to Australia to argue for measures that would improve the trade balance between the United States and Australia rather than allow it to deteriorate further. [More…]
The United States imposed restrictions in January 1 975 following a period of unrestricted access to the United States beef market. [More…]
At the same time access to the United States has been improved to an extent, but not to the extent that we believe is necessary or justified. [More…]
What is far more serious is that the work which the United States Government has so ably done with the Government of Egypt now stands in very great danger. [More…]
Therefore, whatever happens it is essential that the United States and the Soviet Union lend their efforts to bring a halt to the complete dismemberment of the Lebanon. [More…]
The third and last of the FFGs will in fact not come off the slipways in the United States until after the refitting of the five Daring class destroyers to which the Minister has already indicated the Mulloka will be fitted. [More…]
I also draw the attention of the House to the fact that of the two builders of these vessels in the United States one has carried out an economy program to cut out the effects of inflation successfully and the other has not. [More…]
The first TIROS weather satellite was launched by the United States in 1960 and Australia was one of the first countries to use its satellite photographs for research purposes. [More…]
Indeed, Australia is years behind other countries, such as the United States of America and India, in recording its biological resources. [More…]
One sees what is happening in the United States at the moment. [More…]
This project has been held up by a judgment of the United States Supreme Court because this is the only area where the 3-inch long snail darter exists. [More…]
It also was interesting to read that the construction of the telescope was made possible because the United States Air Force had a number of 1.8 metre blank mirrors from its spy satellite program. [More…]
When the InterScan system was first proposed, in 1972, the United States Federal Aviation Administration was developing four different types of landing systems, one of which would eventually be chosen as the United States proposal to the International Civil Aviation Organisation. [More…]
However, the United States Federal Aviation Administration, after sending a team of experts to Australia to review the InterScan work, arranged for one of the four United States developments to be modified to include the InterScan time reference scanning beam signal format. [More…]
That modified system was subsequently adopted by the United States of America as its proposal to the ICAO and the Australian and United States submissions became complementary- a great tribute indeed to Australian scientists. [More…]
There was some comment on the multiple mirror telescope which was recently developed in the United States of America. [More…]
According to various reports over the past few days the Ku Klux Clan has now reached out from the south of the United States to claim certain whites in Australia . [More…]
On which occasions since 1970 have United States’ authorities found instances of levels of DDT or other pesticide residues in beef imports from Australia in excess of legal limits. [More…]
It was not possible to delay its departure as it was required for an exhibit in the United States. [More…]
I refer the Prime Minister to his statements about the development of a Common Fund and in particular to his statement at the Association of South East Asian Nations Trade Fair that two senior officials had just concluded talks on the subject with United States officials. [More…]
Would the right honourable gentleman tell the House what instructions were issued to the two Australian officials and what was the United States response? [More…]
It was not a question of instructions being issued to our own officials; it was a question of their briefing the United States Administration on Australian Government thinking and work in relation to the Common Fund and working alongside United States officials on this matter. [More…]
I hope that as a result of changes in attitude expressed to us by the United States common approaches can be developed. [More…]
At the global strategy level to which conservative governments have tied us, via United States bases in Australia, arms control measures are essential to human survival. [More…]
The United States has taken an increased interest in ASEAN in the past year or so. [More…]
It should concern us even more when we contrast it with the balance of trade between the ASEAN countries and Japan and ASEAN countries and the United States where the ASEAN countries have the advantage in relation to those developed societies. [More…]
After all, the 200 million within ASEAN have the opportunity to trade with Japan, the United States and other countries. [More…]
The Minister for Defence (Mr Killen), in answer to a question last week, indicated that the Mulloka sonar system would not be available for the three FFG frigates which are being constructed in the United States. [More…]
There are delays because the United States Congress is holding up approval for the United States Air Force to use that system and there are design and cost factors involved, which it would be preferable for the United States to pick up rather than Australia. [More…]
In a speech marking the 20th anniversary of the founding of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Mr Carter publicly acknowledged for the first time that the United States had used other than ‘national technical means’ to monitor Soviet activities- especially in respect of the SALT agreements. [More…]
One can pick up a science magazine in the United States and read what Pine Gap, the North West Cape base, et cetera, are all about. [More…]
I would have no objection if the United States were under surveillance by the Russians. [More…]
Our nearest neighbours- South Africa, India, China and the United States- all have nuclear weapons. [More…]
Such a review represents a third level of auditing of government administration that is already well established in such countries as the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany and Sweden. [More…]
This is because in the Westminster system the executive and legislative arms of the governmental system are not separate, as they are in the United States, for instance, and the Auditor-General in the Westminster system is therefore independent of the political debate on policy. [More…]
The Australian efficiency audit exercise was essentially based on the experience of the United States Government. [More…]
We had in Australia last year Mr Elma Staats, the United States Controller-General who came from Washington and gave us considerable advice in this matter. [More…]
I notice that the report refers to the publications of the United States General Accounting Office and says that it provides a useful description of an efficiency and economy audit. [More…]
I was mentioning the criteria of issues that loomed prominently in respect of the report of the working party of officials as they saw the situation in the United States. [More…]
In fact the case involved in the misrepresentation of this country is in some of the most esteemed journals of the United States of America. [More…]
I hope that the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) will clear the air by issuing a statement through Australia’s many representatives in the United States of America- in San Francisco, New York, Chicago and Washington- explaining just how miserable and hopeless is our present economic and employment situation. [More…]
In respect of the particular examples that I have given, we certainly cannot assume with any confidence that the United States of America or any other major power would be prepared to intervene in any problems that arose in those areas. [More…]
The Navy’s FFG7 frigates now under construction in the United States cost over $207m each. [More…]
I think it is a sad situation when we have to admit that the Australian CB radio operator is probably not as responsible as his counterpart in the United States of America. [More…]
We know what tremendous problems the United States has had, but it seems to be getting worse and worse here. [More…]
I will repeat that, Mr Deputy Speaker, because we checked the figures with the United Kingdom, we checked the figures with the United States of America and we even had a check of figures, for example, in a country such as France. [More…]
I am told that in the United States of America it is not uncommon for practitioners in big firms to take leave for a couple of years and go out into the community to assist legal aid through neighbourhood legal aid schemes. [More…]
Sweden, which is not doing too badly in the scheme of things, spends 51.7 per cent, the United Kingdom 44.5 per cent and the United States of America, the land of free enterprise, 35.8 per cent which is about 3 per cent higher than the amount being made available in Australia [More…]
The expenditure in other countries such as the United States of America and Canada increased steadily above our level. [More…]
The article also contains a number of other facts and figures about United States agriculture which are strikingly similar to the Australian situation. [More…]
In the United States total farm income fell by nearly 40 per cent between 1973 and 1977. [More…]
Total farm income is expected to increase by 25 per cent in the United States this season, but because we have a Liberal-National Country Party Government now, thank goodness, the BAE forecasts a 40 per cent increase for Australian farmers and an increase of 32 per cent in net farm income. [More…]
Indeed, as in Australia, in the United States a minority of farmers produce most of the output, but we have not concentrated only on the big farmers. [More…]
Here, as in the United States, the family farm remains the predominant form of ownership and operation. [More…]
In Europe, the United States and Japan from time to time we have had significant difficulties in selling our agricultural produce. [More…]
I would hate to see the endorsement in this country of the principles which exist in the United States of America where governments unashamedly appoint people to high positions. [More…]
If one were to look at all the people who were bullish about copper, such as the United States Exxon Corporation, or even our own Mount Isa Mines, one would find that a lot of the world’s mines are in mothballs and supply is starting to be tailored to meet demand. [More…]
Across my desk today came a document dated October 1978 from Citibank in the United States of America. [More…]
In the spring of 1974, when the United States realized it was not just about to run out of energy, it suddenly discovered it was running out of pennies. [More…]
This is a matter on which I have personally been in contact with the United States Secretary of State on more than one occasion throughout the year. [More…]
A few years ago the United States of America had an enormous problem. [More…]
In 1974-75 the United States had an unemployment level of 7,830,000 and an inflation rate of 1 1 per cent. [More…]
In 1977-78- the same period covered by the United States figures- the level of unemployment in Australia had soared to 344,700 and the rate of inflation was still 12.3 per cent. [More…]
Do members of this Parliament realise that we have more car manufacturers in Australia for a population of a mere 14 million people than there are car manufacturers in the whole of the United States of America which has a population of 260 million people? [More…]
Let me emphasise that point: We have more manufacturers in Australia for 14 million people than has the United States of America for 260 million people. [More…]
Australia is aware in general terms of the United States interest in the concept of regional spent fuel repositories. [More…]
This has arisen in discussions between Australian and United States officials on several occasions but no specific proposal for such a repository in the Pacific region has been put to Australia for consideration. [More…]
The United States is fully aware of Australia’s position, as stated by the Prime Minister on 25 August 1977, that there is no intention of storing other countries’ radioactive wastes in Australian Territory. [More…]
Have Australian officials been in touch with United States officials and those of other countries to learn what preparations academic institutions in those countries have been making. [More…]
Similar requests have been made by China of the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Canada. [More…]
It was built according to the latest United States design and is being introduced world wide. [More…]
For example, in the United States of America discount rates have reached 9.5 per cent in the course of the last few weeks. [More…]
The interest rate for prime borrowers in the United States is something of the order of 1 1 per cent. [More…]
Of course I agree with the right honourable member for Lowe that the United States interest rate is 1 1 per cent and that the same interest rate applies to the Eurodollar. [More…]
Germany; Ireland; Jordan; Netherlands; Philippines; Qatar; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States*. [More…]
Has the Government adopted or does it intend to adopt the United States Environment Protection Agency Standards promulgated in 1977 relating to the exposure of members of the public to radiation in the environment from the normal operation of the nuclear power cycle; if not, why not. [More…]
1 ) Is it a fact that an inferior and more expensive United States sonar system, SQS 56, supplied by a US Company Raytheon will be installed in the Australian frigates instead of the Mulloka system. [More…]
and (2) Honeywell Marine Systems Centre, Seattle, United States of Amenca was awarded contracts: [More…]
Does the United States computer giant Honeywell have any interest in or connection with the Mulloka project. [More…]
Is it a fact that the United States SQS 56 sonar system is considered by international defence experts to be less efficient than the Mulloka system and not as well suited to Australian climatic conditions. [More…]
If this House is not prepared to care for its privileges, which it has been granted, if it wishes to accept what exists in the United States of America, and if a supreme court starts telling this House what its duties are, that will be the greatest possible tragedy for this House and for all its members. [More…]
On the Pacific scene this week’s AustraliaUnited States negotiations provide the opportunity for a substantial reduction in AustraliaUnited States air fares. [More…]
Expanded access to United States cities for Qantas Airways Ltd could increase tourist traffic to Australia and raise the airline’s load factors. [More…]
If as has been mooted- I suspect that the stories have come from within the Government’s own organised leak machine- a second United States airline is to be granted access to Australia for an experimental period precise guidelines must be established to permit its operations. [More…]
The strong possibility now is that, unless resolution is reached soon with the United States, Australia will miss the additional tourist traffic out of the United States generated as fares to other south-west Pacific destinations are lowered. [More…]
Certainly the straight domestic fares in the United States are higher than ours. [More…]
We know the difficulty that the Australian Tourist Commission has had over the last 10 years with funding, trying to promote Australia with small budgets in areas such as Europe, Britain, Japan and especially the United States of America, where advertising expenses are astronomical. [More…]
Deregulation, despite what some people have said in this House, has not been terribly unsuccessful in the United States. [More…]
I draw the attention of honourable members to this table, which shows that money borrowed in May from the United States at public issue was at 8.45 per cent and 9.125 per cent and that money borrowed from the Netherlands was at 7.625 per cent. [More…]
Honourable members are probably aware of what has been happening on the domestic airline scene in the United States of America. [More…]
I want honourable members to understand that I realise the population of the United States is a heck of a lot larger than that of Australia; so it can build up demand. [More…]
I think that there are some ideas in the United States that we in Australia could well look at. [More…]
The attitude in the United States airline industry is stated in the article as follows: [More…]
Australia has to learn some lessons from the United States experience. [More…]
The honourable member for Scullin also raised the question of de-regulation of airlines in the United States of America. [More…]
It is fair to remind the House that the United States of America owns over 50 per cent of the world ‘s airlines and flies over 50 per cent of the world’s aircraft. [More…]
In fact, I read somewhere the other day that United States domestic airlines carry more passengers than are carried by all the international airlines put together. [More…]
But, given the mighty muscle of the United States in a totally de-regulated situation, I doubt whether any airline could compete with the Americans. [More…]
That is why it is really only the United States that is talking about de-regulation. [More…]
Such studies which have been conducted in the past, especially in the United States of America and Britain, cast serious doubts on the orthodox belief in the linear model of innovation, that is, that basic research led, through invention and innovation phases, eventually to new products or processes and thence to improved economic and social wellbeing. [More…]
In the United States, the Department of Commerce published in 1977 a study by Dr Marc Uri Porat called the Information Economy in which he concluded that since 1967 information workers, broadly defined, had received more than half of employee compensation and that by 1980 more people would be employed in the information sector than in all the other economic sectors combined. [More…]
I understand that Herbert W. Armstrong started the sect in the 1920s after he had gone bankrupt as some form of advertising agent in the United States. [More…]
Many of the people who seem to be attracted by this organisation seem, to me anyway- and from the research into this organisation in the United States the same would apply there- to be some of the elderly in our community and some of those who are not terribly well to do. [More…]
It operates psuedo colleges in the United States in Pasadena and another place and also in England. [More…]
A recent investigation in the United States would indicate that a balance sheet of this organisation has never really been published despite the fact that it turns over some $60m a year. [More…]
(a) and (b) The arrangements are defined in Article 2 ofthe Agreement in 1963 relating to the establishment of a United States Naval Communication Station in Australia, as amended in 1968 and 1974, and in Article 2 of the Agreement in 1966 relating to the establishment of a Joint Defence Space Research Facility, as amended in 1977. [More…]
Relevant articles in the United States Naval Communications Station Agreement as amended in March 1974 are articles S, 7, 8, 9 (S), 10, 1 1 and 14. [More…]
The co-operating agencies are the Australian and United States Departments of Defence. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports in the Financial Review of 8 August 1978 that the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company is presently facing investigation in the United States of America concerning the alleged unsafety of its SOO Series Radial tyres. [More…]
Has his Department had any official contact with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the body in the United States of America investigating the Firestone Company. [More…]
However officers of my Department receive information from many sources on product investigations in the United States concerning safety, including investigations carried out by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the claim made on the program Four Comers on 6 May 1978, that at least 10 chemical herbicides and pesticides which are banned or severely restricted in the United States of America are exported to this country and are freely available here. [More…]
Has his attention also been drawn to the fact that Dr E. J. Fitzsimons, the person nominated by his Department to participate in this Four Corners program and an officer with appropriate detailed technical knowledge about the possible long-term effects of pesticides on health, was apparently unaware of which pesticides were restricted in the United States of America but are freely available in Australia. [More…]
Assessments and recommendations are made in the United States appropriate to local conditions and requirements. [More…]
Further to the Minister’s most successful visit last month to Washington to argue the case of Australian beef producers with the United States Administration in relation to the Poage Bill, which was passed by Congress to restrict beef imports, will the Minister advise the House of the current situation in this matter now that President Carter has vetoed the Bill, in line with the Minister’s own strong and obviously effective representations? [More…]
In spite of some of the assertions which I noticed came from the Opposition at the time of my departure for the United States, I know that following representations by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Special Trade Representations, the timing of my visit to Washington proved ideal in relation to the consideration by the American Administration of the Poage Bill received from the United States Congress. [More…]
In terms of the balance of trade between Australia and the United States, I think it is also worth setting on record the fact that we export approximately $ 1,000m worth of goods to the United States each year. [More…]
We import from the United States about $2,500m worth of goods. [More…]
Taking into account the net invisibles, our general balance of payments deficit with the United States is of the order of $2,500m. [More…]
In other words, the principal component of our visible trade with the United States is beef, and any steps taken by the United States Administration which would prejudice our ability to maintain that trade must be regarded very seriously indeed by the Australian Government and, of course, by Australian beef producers. [More…]
I hope that those facts are borne in mind by the United States Administration in any prospective legislation. [More…]
Certainly we hope that there will be a continuation of the flexibility provided under the present system, which enables the President to lift import quotas when he believes domestic circumstances in the United States require it. [More…]
At a Government level and at a diplomatic level we certainly will maintain every possible pressure on the United States to ensure that any new legislation takes account of Australia’s point of view. [More…]
In economically advanced countries there are now small population increases with life expectancy stable or, as in the United States and Australia, falling slightly. [More…]
There is a growing anxiety about the rate of resource depletion, as illustrated by the Club of Rome’s report entitled ‘Limits to Growth’, which points out that the United States with 6 per cent of the world’s population consumes 40 per cent of the world’s annual output of raw materials. [More…]
It is clear that following the visit to the United States by the Minister for Primary Industry (Mr Sinclair) our position in relation to meat exports has been saved and our exports to the United States will continue. [More…]
On 24 May 1978 a public issue loan was made in the United States of America. [More…]
I want to pass a few remarks about the beef industry in the Northern Territory because I think it is in a very vulnerable position in relation to the beef industry in the rest of Australia simply because its domestic market is extremely restricted and it is very dependent on the export market to the United States of America, a fairly unpredictable market and one which is subject to severe cyclical changes. [More…]
I am afraid that our Ministers now have a reputation worldwide of seeming to want headlines back home about what a tough fight they are putting up against the dragons of the European Economic Community, the United States Congress and the Japanese Livestock Industry Promotion Corporation. [More…]
The point is that more Bills will be introduced into the United States Congress as the mid-term elections have not perceptibly changed America’s political attitudes in the Congress or in terms of the electoral pressures on it. [More…]
I hope that our Department and our Minister point out that, as exports constitute only something like 7 per cent of the total United States beef consumption, they have very little impact on stability of prices in that country and that to propose a countercyclical BUI is not really very sensible. [More…]
The beef lobbies in the United States, Japan and the EEC are just as strong, despite our constant sabre rattling, headline hunting and abuse, at times. [More…]
The initial fund amounted to half a billion dollars in United States currency. [More…]
At the same time this contributed to the workability of the world’s international payments system by the LDCs, in effect, thus shouldering along with the United States the lion’s share of other countries’ surplus. [More…]
In particular, the Government supports the proposals of Britain and the United States, known as the Anglo-American proposals, as the best basis to date for a lasting settlement in Rhodesia since they provide, among other things, for a round table conference of all the disputant parties to discuss a settlement. [More…]
For example, I quote Mr Combe, the Federal Secretary of the ALP, who on 28 May last year said that the only rational solution is for a system of total state funding as now applies in the United States presidential elections or a system of television and radio time, and so on. [More…]
The United States of America has a system something like the proposed system although not quite ofthe order envisaged by the honourable member. [More…]
There is no reason why fixed election dates, such as apply in the United States for [More…]
He launched into a severe criticism of the European Economic Community and the non-tariff barriers in the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
We understand that he is still trying to meet the President of the United States of America. [More…]
I understand that the President of the United States again is not available but I have no doubt that the Jamaican conference will take place. [More…]
Differences of opinion between the United States and the countries of the European Economic Community, mainly relating to the failure of the United States Congress to pass a waiver on the countervailing duty question have to be resolved. [More…]
The basic rate of dividend withholding tax is 30 per cent, but this is reduced to 15 per cent where the shareholder is resident in a country with which Australia has a double taxation agreement such as the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and Singapore. [More…]
The large corporations, particularly those in the United States of America, are more and more realising that if the law provides for long service and annual leave to be taken at a particular time it should be taken then. [More…]
For example, the AM radio program, which is one of the best radio programs in Australia, devotes much less time to reports of Asian events than it does to events in England or the United States of America. [More…]
-I draw the attention of the House to an article about the mining industry in the United States of America that appeared in the Australian Financial Review of last Wednesday under the heading Mining industry controls; the tide ebbs’. [More…]
I hope that the Australian Mining Industry Council will take note of this ebbing tide in the United States. [More…]
The situation has become so serious in the United States that Charles Barber, the Chairman of Asarco, a major minerals group is reported in the Financial Review as saying recently: [More…]
A multitude of government and other agencies have brought about this situation in the United States and the whole minerals industry, including the copper industry, is boxed in by a series of Acts about clean air, federal water pollution, marine protection, federal insecticide, safe drinking water, toxic substances control, resource conservation, surface mining control and reclamation and clean water. [More…]
I move from the situation in the United States to the situation in Australia. [More…]
Investigations by my Department have failed to bring to light the evidence attributed to the United States Environment Protection Agency which, it was alleged, established a statistical relationship between the use of 2,4,5-T and human birth defects. [More…]
and (2) There is currently a ban placed by the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU) in 1 974 on the export of live cattle to Japan, Canada, the United States of America and the Middle East. [More…]
The second part of the honourable member’s question related to another alleged or suggested change of representation in the United States. [More…]
The reason for this is that the climate in this country does not allow the amount of onfarm storage that is particularly evident in the United States and Canada, which experience very cold winters. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Primary Industry whether he is aware of a reported publicity campaign by Japanese beef producers arguing against imports into Japan of beef from Australia, the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
In order to ensure that there would be a recognition of the advantages of Australian meat, the AMLC has embarked on a publicity campaign designed to bring to the notice of Japanese consumers, particularly in the hotel, restaurant and institutional trade, that Australia can supply high quality grain-fed beef in competition with the United States, that we can also provide a quality product based on pasture-fattened beasts, and that the quality of our product is such that we believe the import quotas into Japan should be increased. [More…]
Since late 1977 interest rates in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the European Economic Community have moved up sharply relative to interest rates in Australia and those in strong balance of payments countries, such as Germany and Japan. [More…]
If there is a broadly based downward movement in private sector interest rates in Australia it could tend to reduce the net inflow of capital from the traditional major sources, such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Eurodollar market. [More…]
We will see big increases in visitors, especially from the United States of America, Japan and Europe. [More…]
Since 1973 we have seen a decline in the number of visitors coming to Australia from the United States of America but with a $450 excursion fare I am sure that that situation can be overcome. [More…]
In the first 12 months of the operation of these new fares in the United States American Airlines, one of the big carriers, recorded a 71 per cent lift in net income as a result of the excursion fares available. [More…]
Overall, revenue passenger miles in the United States were more than 20 per cent higher in the first quarter of this year than in 1977. [More…]
If it was not to be on that basis, other restrictions would be imposed on Australian exports of meat and sugar to the United States of America. [More…]
What is the pay-off in the United States of America? [More…]
At present Qantas Airways Ltd operates seven Boeing 747 flights a week to the United States; Pan American Airways operates nine Boeing 747 flights a week as well as two freighter flights. [More…]
Therefore, despite withdrawal of American Airlines’ flights between Australia and the United States from March 1974, and cessation of British Airways’ Pacific services early in 1975- [More…]
Perhaps the best known of all was in the early days of the Whitiam Labor Government when the then President of the United States, Richard Nixon, that pillar of righteousness and fair play ordered the renewed bombing of Haiphong and Hanoi What a howl of protest went up from members opposite when Australian unionists once again imposed a ban on American shipping. [More…]
In the United States and in other countries no union ever worries about being subject to the normal laws of contract. [More…]
I can say only that unless we can get some common sense and ask the unions to act responsibly and to accept that it is necessary for contracts in major industries today to be subject to the normal laws such as those which exist in the United States we will have absolutely no hope of improving the country’s economic position. [More…]
I think it is a blot on our own thinking as well as that of the United States and the United Kingdom that the situation has been allowed to deteriorate to such a point that the tragedy of the shooting down of a Viscount was allowed to pass with no protest from anyone in the United Kingdom, the United States or anywhere else. [More…]
Is he able to say whether a number of States in the United States of America have banned 2,4,5-T; if so, have officials of his Department investigated these bans. [More…]
While the Government in Canberra continues to manipulate interest rates downwards, overseas interest rates are tending to rise- especially in the United States- with the result that foreign borrowing must become less and less attractive to the governments in the States. [More…]
We can sell yellowcake to Canada, United States of America, Japan and Germany. [More…]
In the United States of America, 15 to 20 per cent of power in the various States is generated from nuclear power from uranium and there have been very few accidents. [More…]
The United States Navy has operated vessels on nuclear power for 21 years without any damage or accident at all. [More…]
In the same month, the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Sub-committee of the United States Congress published its findings on the costs of nuclear power. [More…]
It seems to us that s.41 is a special power which was enacted at a time when the need to secure Australian uranium for use by Great Britain and the United States of [More…]
The problem has not been solved, and I refer to the quotations dealt with by the Leader of the Opposition on the most recent findings of a congressional committee in the United States of America. [More…]
It is creating more problems for itself as it locks itself into what it believes will be some sort of economic bonanza at a time when, if one looks at what is occurring in the uranium industry in Europe and in the United States of America, one sees that the uranium industry is bedevilled with economic problems. [More…]
He also announced an expected $450 return fare from Australia to the United States in the low season. [More…]
In the great free enterprise country of the United States of America public servants are not permitted to travel on any other airline when an American airline is available. [More…]
They fit in with the schedules of the United States airlines. [More…]
The chief representative of the American team said the other day that unless the Austraiian Government approved the entry into Australia of Continental, Qantas would not be permitted into the United States. [More…]
Therefore, despite withdrawal of America Airlines flights between Australia and the United States from March 1974 and cessation of British Airways’ Pacific services early in 1975 . [More…]
Government should be doing what the Government of the United States of America does in requiring anyone who travels on an American Government ticket to travel with an American airline. [More…]
As I have pointed out, that can be done only by means of a direction from me to bring them together for the purpose of protecting the foreign companies from the United States anti-trust laws. [More…]
I do not accept that what has happened to United Kingdom and United States interest rates is necessarily going to have an adverse effect on capital inflow into Australia. [More…]
I point out to the Leader of the Opposition that, whereas the effect of those increases has been to alter the interest differential between domestic and overseas borrowing, he ought also to bear in mind that the inflation rate in the United States is higher than the inflation rate in Australia, with a tendency to increase. [More…]
The same report also provides comparative data from Western European countries, the United States of America, South Africa and the Arab region of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in order to show how recently arrived migrants fulfil functions in those countries which are similar to those they fulfil in Australia, namely, to carry out the dirtiest, most difficult, most unpleasant jobs which are denned widely by the respective societies as being socially undesirable. [More…]
It is striking that with the much publicised political assassinations and attempted murders in the United States of America-for example, the murders of President John Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther King, Medgar Evans, James Meredith, and George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X, and the attempted murders of President Truman and George Wallace- all without exception took place in States in which the death penalty applied, although all these men were highly mobile and in theory might just as well have been shot down in an abolitionist jurisdiction. [More…]
One might have expected that many murderers in the United States of America would have taken their victims over State lines into an abolitionist area to kill them, but they did not. [More…]
In the United Kingdom and the United States voices of conservatism mingled with the loud cries of protest of every single Communist Party in Western Europe. [More…]
On 23 January this year, the Acting Minister for Transport, Mr Macphee, announced that the Government was seeking consultations with the United States on air fare arrangements. [More…]
The second major round of negotiations was due to resume in Washington on 28 August, but the United States called these talks off. [More…]
I understand that Qantas filed its proposed fares, in line with my proposals, with the United States Civil Aeronautics Board yesterday. [More…]
In this context it is important to note that agreement has been reached more quickly with American authorities than with the British for a simple and obvious reason, that is, that the end to end services operate on a much less complex basis between the United States and Australia over an ocean. [More…]
Most nights now operate directly between Australia and United States territory, whereas along the Kangaroo route bilateral discussions are required with a great number of countries. [More…]
Australia ranks approximately equal third with Greece among the world producers of dried fruits, after the United States and Turkey and ahead of Iran. [More…]
Significantly, the American shortfall may enable Australian exporters to gain a foothold in traditional markets for United States dried vine fruit, such as Japan. [More…]
We should not allow, as I believe has happened in the United States of America, a restriction on the one hand of the public sector and at the same time a proliferation of beds in the private sector. [More…]
Because of the currency exchange rate fluctuations in 1973 when there was a revaluation of the Australian dollar of 25 per cent against the United States dollar, the mine got into difficulties mainly because asbestos is priced in Canadian dollars. [More…]
As a policy it has failed as it did in the United States of America and in Canada. [More…]
I remember having lunch on Capitol Hill with a group of United States senators. [More…]
That was on Capitol Hill in the United States. [More…]
The events that led up to the United States Civil War were duc in large measure to the effects of protection policy advantage in the north and the feeling of grievance that lay upon the southern States. [More…]
While this compares very favourably with the figure of 7.9 of a decade earlier, it is nevertheless still higher than the 1976 figures for the United States of 3.3, for New Zealand of 3.7 and for the United Kingdom of 3.8. [More…]
Even on the Minister’s own figures, Australia has a bad accident rate compared with the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. [More…]
The situation has moved forward since then; first the Government has signed safeguards agreements with Finland and the Philippines and has concluded an interim agreement with the United States. [More…]
Negotiations are underway with the United States and Japan. [More…]
As a result of a recent report by the United States House of Representatives Committee on International Relations, we know that some study was apparently taking place in relatively recent years on the possibility of nuclear weapons being produced in Korea. [More…]
The fact is that these preparations were made within the Government in Korea which at that time was party to a Safeguards Agreement with the United States of America. [More…]
I am told that a major factor in thwarting the move by South Korea in that direction was pressure brought to bear by the United States. [More…]
I want to stress the point that the solution to that problem was that it barely related to the Safeguards Agreement, and related to the fact that the United States decided to exercise its military and political strength to indicate to those governments that it wanted something else done. [More…]
He was also the Australian Commissioner General for Expo 74 in Spokane, United States of America, and for Expo 75 in Okinawa. [More…]
Can he say how many staff are employed by Governments on energy policy matters in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) the United states or America, (c) Canada, (d) Japan, (e) New Zealand, (f) France and (g) West Germany. [More…]
Is it a fact that the International Commission for Radiological Protection and the United States Environmental Protection Agency employ quite different criteria in the setting of radiation protection standards. [More…]
and the United States E.P.A. [More…]
and the United States E.P.A. [More…]
3) What IAEA safeguards have been arranged for the enrichment of hexafluoride in the United States of America or elsewhere overseas. [More…]
In addition three nuclear weapon states- the United States, Britain and France- have signed safeguards agreements with the IAEA, although the agreements with the United States and France have yet to enter into force. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Is the Government considering an option scheme, such as that existing in the United States of America and New Zealand, and proposed for the United Kingdom and Canada, whereby small businesses can elect to be taxed as a partnership. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are the Minister’s; (a) Department staff and; (b) personal staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Circumstances have not arisen whereby (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff have been authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the weedicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T have been tested by United States authorities under the Pesticides Act or the Toxic Substances Control Act or by British authorities including the Health and Safety Executive. [More…]
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reported to have commissioned tests on 2,4-D but to date the results are not available. [More…]
The EPA has examined data on 2,4,5-T and this is noted in the United States Federal Register of 21 April 1978. [More…]
The nature of the United States tests on 2,4-D is not yet available. [More…]
Is he able to provide the current relative percentage of the price of passenger motor vehicles attributed to (a) sales tax and (b) import duties in (i) Australia, (ii) the United Kingdom, (iii) the United States of America, (iv) New Zealand, (v) South Africa, (vi) France, (vii) Italy, (viii) West Germany and (ix) Japan? [More…]
United States of America- 3 per cent import duty on vehicles from Preferential countries; 10 per cent import duty on vehicles from General countries (fob basis). [More…]
However, due to a short crop and strong existing markets in the United States and Europe, the Californian Cling Peach Advisory Board has not applied to have the provisions of Assembly Bill No. [More…]
Is he able to say what is the margin currently operating between first class fares and economy class fares in (a) Canada, (b) the United States of America and (c) E.E.C. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are the Minister’s (a) Departmental staff and (b) personal staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1) (a) I am informed by my Department that no Departmental staff are authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
None of my Ministerial staff are authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1 ) What are the conditions of the existing aviation agreements between Australia and the United States. [More…]
and (2) The Air Transport Agreement currently in force between Australia and the United States of America was signed on 3 December 1946. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
There have been no circumstances under which the staff of my Department or my personal staff have been authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the health risks encountered by United States personnel during the United States atomic weapons testing program were greater than those encountered by British and Australian personnel at Emu, Monte Bello and Maralinga. [More…]
1 ) and (2) My Department has no detailed knowledge of either the health risks encountered by United States personnel or the monitoring procedures employed during the United States atomic weapons testing program and it is not possible to make a comparison with the tests conducted by the British. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say how many nuclear power reactors are in operation in the United States of America and what is their total generating capacity. [More…]
As the Minister at that time announced, ‘With the exception of the very few people directly associated with the central execution and control of the defence programs of Australia and the United States, no person will have greater access ‘. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are the Minister’s (a) Departmental staff and (b) personal staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are the Minister’s (a) Departmental staff and (b) Personal staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1 ) Normally, there are no circumstances under which departmental staff or the Minister’s personal staff are authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
In the course of 1978 and in the early part of 1979 interest rates in the United Kingdom and the United States have increased by as much as 4 per cent or 6 per cent. [More…]
Interest rates in the United States and the United Kingdom have increased very substantially since November. [More…]
Over a year ago there was an expectation that inflation would continue to fall in the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Over a period in which interest rates in the United States and the United Kingdom have been rising substantially by and large there have been substantial and significant falls in interest rates in Australia, underlying the strength of this Government’s economic policies. [More…]
Against the background of inflation in the United Kingdom and in the United States of America rising significantly in the course of last year and interest rates in those two countries rising by as much as four to six per cent, the reduction in interest rates in Australia was a very substantial achievement. [More…]
The five Western members of the Security Council (United Kingdom, United States of America, France, West Germany, Canada) in 1977 advised South Africa that its constitutional proposals arising out of these consultations would not gain international approval. [More…]
If we are not prepared to participate in an initiative sponsored, amongst others, by the United States and Great Britain, adopted by the United Nations and accepted by the conflicting parties, how can we expect others to fulfil their obligations to act responsibly and co-operatively in efforts to settle disputes and restore stability in areas of disturbance and conflict? [More…]
In both the United States and Canada, job creation programs have been set in motion as the trend in joblessness has risen. [More…]
Unemployment in the United States fell from 7.8 per cent in December 1976 to 5.9 per cent in December 1978 as a direct result of government job creation programs, despite an increase of 5.9 million in in the number of people entering the job market over that period. [More…]
In effect, in a period in which our unemployment has almost doubled, the United States has created six million new jobs. [More…]
The honourable gentleman referred to the United States of America. [More…]
Let me point out to him the current lesson from what America has done in the employment and inflation field because it is interesting to note that the United States present Administration initially started on a strategy which saw the growth of employment as a linchpin to recovery. [More…]
Renewed inflation has come about in the United States and it is what the Administration is battling with at present. [More…]
Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to employment recovery, as the United States has recently discovered. [More…]
For example, Canada spent 39.4 per cent; West Germany spent 44 per cent; the Netherlands spent 53.9 per cent; Sweden spent 5 1.7 per cent; the United Kingdom spent 44.5 per cent; and the United States spent 35.1 per cent. [More…]
In the United States, the figure rose from 29.5 per cent to 34 per cent. [More…]
It was higher than the United States of America where the figure was 53.3 per cent. [More…]
If we compare private motor vehicle ownership in Australia with that in other countries we find that Australia is second only to the United States of America. [More…]
In the United States of America the figure is about 400 whereas in Western Europe it is only 250 per thousand of population. [More…]
Again, Australia is second only to the United States in terms of consumption of motor spirit. [More…]
Whereas the United States consumes about 1,300 kilograms per head Australia uses about half of that- about 650- and Western Europe about half of that again- about 300 kilograms per person. [More…]
Whilst this may be correct to some great extent, research in the United States of America has revealed that a substantial number of motor accidents are caused by defective vehicle engineering and poor vehicle design. [More…]
Is he able to say whether civilian employment in the United States of America stood at 82,261,000 on 30 June 1974 and at 95,852,000 on 30 June 1978, an increase of 13,591,000. [More…]
) and ( 3 ) Figures derived from the usual data sources on the level of civilian employment in the United States of [More…]
The plan was on the basis of proposals put forward by the five Western members of the Security Council (United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada and the FRG). [More…]
Is he able to say what is (a) the number of nuclear power plants and (b) the nuclear electricity generating capacity of plants (i) in operation, (ii) under construction, (iii) planned or on order and (iv) planned or on order and subsequently cancelled or deferred during the last 5 years in (A) Europe, (B) the United States of America and (C) other western countries. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say which nuclear installations in Europe, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Japan are presently reprocessing spent oxide nuclear fuel derived from light water reactors on a commercial scale. [More…]
Is he able to say whether there are any proposals to vitrify spent oxide nuclear fuel derived from light water reactors on (a) a commercial or (b) a pilot scale without reprocessing in Europe, the United States of America, Japan or the United Kingdom. [More…]
How many natural uranium gas graphite nuclear power stations are under construction, planned or on order in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
Uranium hexafluoride standards are being purchased from the United States Depanment of Energy and HIFAR fuel elements are being purchased from British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. [More…]
Has the Government adopted or does it intend to adopt the United States Environment Protection Agency standards promulgated in 1977 in relation to nuclear reactors operating at Lucas Heights; if not why not. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
1 ) Under what circumstances are the Attorney-General ‘s (a) Departmental staff and (b) personal staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America offer tax incentives to assist the proliferation of these appliances in that country. [More…]
I understand that legislation has been introduced in the United States which, inter alia, provides for a ‘residential energy credit’, enabling homeowners to be eligible for a tax credit for ‘renewable energy source expenditure’, which includes solar, wind and geothermal energy systems. [More…]
Various forms of computer-controlled switching systems have been in operation in the United States and Canada for many years. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) departmental staff and (b) ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) departmental staff and (b) ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Are there any documented cases in Australia or the United States of America of persons who have been in contact with Agent Orange (a) being made sterile or (b) having Agent Orange induced skin cancers. [More…]
It so happens that the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II encompass the cruise missile involving the United States of America and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Is he aware of the reports of persons who, having booked holiday package tours to the United States, including stopovers at Hawaii, have since been told by tour operators that the tour stopover has been cut out due to the Government’s new air fares policy? [More…]
The latest bogyman is now of course the United States and its economy. [More…]
In his recent visit to the United States of America, he said in reply to a question on 4 January 1979 at the Economic Club of New York: [More…]
He compares it more than favourably with the record of countries in the rest of the world, particularly the United States of America. [More…]
I invite anybody who doubts that proposition to examine the recent economic history of the United States and to look at the methods which have been used by governments around the world to cope with the problems of unemployment and inflation. [More…]
In the United States, as the Treasurer mentioned, the fact is that nine million jobs have been created in the past three years, compared with very few in this country, and a lot of the stimulus for growth there was also due to increased expenditure in the public sector. [More…]
The United States is the latest and most spectacular example of this. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
(a) Under no circumstances are Departmental staff authorised to travel on Concorde between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Ministerial staff, on the authorisation of the Prime Minister may travel on the Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom if accompanying myself. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I am not in a position to answer for authorities in the United States of America and, consequently, I cannot say whether the dangers of asbestos have been suppressed in that country. [More…]
However, in the United States of America, a study was carried out by Anderson and his colleagues at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, The City University of New York, to assess the risks of nonmalignant and malignant disease associated with household exposure to work-derived asbestos dust. [More…]
Subsequently negotiations to implement revised air service arrangements, including the introduction of low fares, have been completed with the United Kingdom, West Germany, the United States and Yugoslavia. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
I refer the Prime Minister to a statement made by President Carter of the United States this week in which it appears that he may be taking a new line on his country’s commitment to overseas friends. [More…]
From advice that I have received it is quite clear that there has been no change in the United States attitude towards its relationship with Australia. [More…]
It is fully in accord with communications between the Minister for Foreign Affairs and his counterpart in the United States. [More…]
It ought to be noted, I think, that the ANZUS treaty was emphasised in a very particular way last year because even though discussions were going on between the Soviet Union and the United States about lowering force levels in the Indian Ocean- I have indicated that I hope those discussions can be resumed- a major ANZUS exercise involving significant United States and Australian forces took place off the coast of Western Australia in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
At the present time the Consul-General for Australia in New York, Sir Robert Cotton, in company with officials of my Department is conducting a survey of similar schemes operating in the United States. [More…]
Honourable members will be aware that some States in the United States have already legislated along similar lines to the proposals that are now being considered for Australia. [More…]
I have asked Sir Robert Cotton to speak with representatives of the oil industry, including the retailing part of that industry, and with Government officials in the United States to ascertain how these schemes are operating. [More…]
In view of the fact that the latest trends in consumer prices in countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development show that in the six months to December consumer prices increased by 7.9 per cent in the United States of America, at annual rates, by 7.2 per cent in the total OECD countries and by 8.7 per cent in Australia, will he correct the misleading impression he gave to that reputable journal? [More…]
The United States and China have established full diplomatic relations. [More…]
This is a welcome move that will assist the United States to pursue a more fully developed policy in Asia. [More…]
United States policy has in the past been inhibited by a lack of formal recognition. [More…]
This year we have achieved the best access ever to the United States of America for our meat exports, and we are approaching the end of the bilateral negotiations for long term access to the American market. [More…]
This is most significant progress, especially since while our interest rates fell over 1978, United States rates were rising by up to 4 per cent, those in the United Kingdom by up to 5 per cent. [More…]
The report was prepared for Packer by Donald Bond, an American employed by the United States giant, Radio Corporation of America. [More…]
An excellent article appeared in relation to the United States involvement. [More…]
We are not attacking the United States. [More…]
The article states that the United States has found it impossible to address its mind to aid for Vietnam. [More…]
The United States quite fairly and properly wishes to have normal relations with China and because of that, the Australian Government says: ‘That is the smart thing for us to do.’ [More…]
We have a fixation with alignments, particularly the espousal in 1976 of a treaty between Australia, Japan, China and the United States. [More…]
Labor would have been more credible if it had not said that Australia imported inflation but instead said that Australia imported some very bad habits which were prevalent in other countries, particularly the English speaking countries of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. [More…]
The first was to the United States of America. [More…]
-The Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) was quite right to draw to the attention of the people of Australia the great changes that had taken place overseas, in particular the recognition by the United States of America of China, and the problems in Iran and in parts of Africa. [More…]
There has been a complete reversal in the price obtained for Australian beef, which we are selling in huge quantities to the United States of America, Korea, Japan, the Middle East and other parts of the world. [More…]
It is necessary for me to say now, before going into detail, that the Australian Government’s recent statements and actions concerning the crisis in Indo-China have been mere echoes of the statements made by the United States Government. [More…]
Australia’s changing economic structure then is not irrelevant to the Australian Government’s support of the foreign and defence policies of the United States which itself represents the interests of big American corporations in the region. [More…]
France, then Japan, then France again and then of course later the United States and our own Australian troops. [More…]
In the south, apart from the enormous loss of human lives there were one and a half million war casualties, more than 800,000 children left as orphans, half a million invalids, 500,000 prostitutes- whom the United States forces helped to create- and 3 million people illiterate. [More…]
Vietnam was left with a problem of supporting the southern population previously dependent on enormous economic aid from the United States and imported consumer goods. [More…]
For all the huge sums spent by the United States in the war against the Vietnamese people- it was spending $35,000m a year on war- the United States has not met its commitments in peace. [More…]
I believe that we should take five major steps: Firstly, we should call for an immediate withdrawal of all Chinese forces from Vietnam and call on United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to avoid any action or statement that could provoke a further escalation or inhibit the resolution of the conflict. [More…]
Only the people of France and the United States of America are more pessimistic. [More…]
Under what circumstances are his (a) departmental staff and (b) ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Over the last few years, and for a variety of reasons, one of the superpowers- the United States- has adopted a lower posture and a strategically less active policy towards the Third World. [More…]
Many, inside the United States and outside it, have welcomed this. [More…]
In the case of the United States there were special problems in the aftermath of the war; but it seemed that these were gradually being resolved. [More…]
Last week, the Government with other governments including those of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Japan called for an urgent meeting of the Security Council. [More…]
Some of the changes which have taken place at that levelthe establishment of full diplomatic relations between, the United States of America and China, the expansion of Japan’s relations with Chinaare in themselves desirable; but what significance they will ultimately have will depend on how they fit into a picture which is not yet complete. [More…]
Australian military aid to South Vietnam was in fact offered and supplied in response to the known and frequently expressed wishes of the United States for political support from its friends and allies . [More…]
We saw then diplomatic efforts made virtually to involve the United States in Indo-China. [More…]
We saw this sort of situation coming when our then Ambassador in the United States, Sir Howard Beale, in a report on 5 December 1961, suggested that it would make a very favourable impression on the United States if we were to supply counter insurgency training personnel, small arms and ammunition in Vietnam. [More…]
The honourable gentleman is on record in the middle 1960s as having said that the problems of Vietnam would be solved by the United States and Australia. [More…]
Firstly, it sought in 1976 to dramatise the alliance with the United States, an alliance which Labor had sought to improve and place on an equal basis. [More…]
In part they mimicked the United States. [More…]
In part they urged on the United States the adoption of more conservative policies. [More…]
Even when they differed with the United States they did so with their minds filled with delusions of grandeur created by their absorption with our ally’s defence and intelligence information. [More…]
The present Prime Minister and Foreign Minister could not sustain that relationship for its own virtue and instead proposed that we enter into another alliance, a treaty, between China, Japan and the United States. [More…]
In May 1970 the United States invaded Cambodia, although this action was not described as a threat to Australia. [More…]
It had warmed towards the United States when the United States stood back from the Sino-Soviet conflict during the border clashes in 1969. [More…]
But it was not until after the collapse of another United Statessupported attack from South Vietnam- the Lam Son operation into Laos in February-March 1971- that China began to negotiate with the United States, which it saw as a declining threat. [More…]
The United States, over which the Government claims such influence, has sought to deny access to international bank finance to Vietnam. [More…]
The policy of the United States could be further confused. [More…]
The United States could well look at these events in a number of ways. [More…]
We make the point that the conservative elements in the United States could well think: ‘This is the right time to play the China card’. [More…]
The central elements of his arguments in relation to these various international elements can be linked with a decline in the power of the United States and the increase in the power of the Soviet Union. [More…]
Whilst all of us wish for nothing more than peace between nations regardless of differences of ideological approach, the reality facing us today is that we have seen, over the last few years in particular, a steady but sure increase in the military capacity of the Soviet Union compared with the United States of America. [More…]
Since the fall of Saigon we have seen that the United States has significantly limited its international perception. [More…]
Our world today is a relatively small place and nations have the capacity, in the form of intercontinental ballistic missiles and manned bombers, to travel great distances, for example from the Soviet Union to Australia, or from the United States to the Soviet Union- in fact virtually around the world. [More…]
I quote, for the benefit of honourable members, the 1979 report of the Secretary of the United States Department of Defence. [More…]
Of course the report refers to the United States. [More…]
As I mentioned earlier, the United States, following Vietnam and for obvious domestic traumatic reasons, deliberately withdrew unto itself and there has not been to our satisfaction a demonstrated determination in the US in recent years to assume its international responsibilities. [More…]
For example, in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation area of Western Europe there is again a degree of malaise in that the United States and its Western allies demonstrably do not have at this point of time at least equality of strategic capability with the Warsaw Pact countries, which include the Soviet Union. [More…]
In fact, we are seeing a pronounced deterioration in the relative strength of the United States and its allies visavis the Soviet Union and its allies, a pronounced deterioration in the capacity of the Western alliance to present a united face, and a deterioration in the capacity of the Third World to feel that in the West it has a group of states which are reliable, can be depended upon to make decisions and have the courage to carry them out for the welfare of mankind. [More…]
In general terms, it is in Australia’s interests to support the world role of the United States. [More…]
Recent Australian behaviour has been unhelpful to the United States in one of the most difficult and important negotiations in a generation- the negotiations for a second Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement, SALT II. [More…]
Let me remind the Foreign Minister what the President of the United States had to say only just over one month ago in his ‘State of the Union’ address to the Congress. [More…]
President Carter went on to say that SALT II will not be based on sentiment, but on the self interest of the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Our relationship with the Soviet Union is a mixture of cooperation and competition, and as President of the United States, I have no more difficult task than to balance the two. [More…]
Similarly, we welcome the resumption of relations between China and the United States- and we hope they too, will grow and prosper. [More…]
Frankly, it would suit China to see the United States with overwhelming weapons superiority over the Soviet Union. [More…]
Yet, in fact, the United States is prepared in SALT II to accept numerical equality of nuclear weapons with the Soviet Union. [More…]
Iran and SALT have recently crystallised a good deal of opposed thought on foreign policy in the United States. [More…]
If it were based on the philosophy which has been produced here today, a philosophy that looked back and reached back into the days of the Vietnam war and so on- of course, they, in their inimitable manner, implied that the United States of America has some sinister and some materialistic objective in its involvement- then I would say that in the interests of solidarity with the United States of America it is a very good thing that the Opposition has not a constructive foreign policy. [More…]
But I think it is fairly obvious that the acceleration of the attitude towards Australia and the United States of America over the last few months has indicated that the present regime in China would have infinitely more confidence and infinitely more trust in a future allied to our philosophy and politics than that of members of the Opposition. [More…]
However, should we strike an emergency we will expect you people in the United States and elsewhere to come to our assistance.’ [More…]
The Australian Foreign Minister has made this statement at a time when continuous attempts are being made by the United States to achieve a genuine detente with the Soviet Union. [More…]
Certainly, the United States of America seems to have decided on that course. [More…]
I would like to make this point in relation to the conflict in South East Asia: It is utter hypocrisy for the Soviet Union to criticise China or the United States for interfering in other countries. [More…]
In 1985 the Soviet Union will have a strategic superiority over the United States of America that will be very, very pronounced. [More…]
That Australia should pursue economic and social policies that were reflections of those of the United Kingdom and the United States, its great and powerful friends, and had no need to cultivate close relations with Asia. [More…]
The United States was to be supported in its refusal to recognise the People’s Republic of China or to admit it to the United Nations. [More…]
The original South East Asia Treaty Organisation members were Thailand, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the United States et cetera. [More…]
The United States, the Soviet Union and certainly Vietnam and Cambodia should be present as should some of the other great countries of the world. [More…]
Just as the United States of America and the rest of the world want the SALT II negotiations to be completed soon I have no doubt that so too does the Soviet Union. [More…]
We enjoy excellent relations with the President of the United States, with the Executive branch of the American Government, the departments of its Cabinet and its Cabinet Ministers. [More…]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs is well respected personally by the United States Secretary of State, Mr Vance. [More…]
But there is another branch of government in the United States which is equally important, namely, the Congress and the Capitol. [More…]
It is my belief that very few members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives have a real interest in Australia or any real concern for our needs and for our problems in the future. [More…]
I say this having recently visited the Congress, having been received on the floor of the United States Senate with the honourable member for Wills (Mr Bryant), who is in the House tonight, and having spoken to many senators and congressmen. [More…]
It is only since the recognition of Peking by President Carter that the new United States strategy towards Asia has unfolded. [More…]
In fact, Australia has very poor relations with the United States Congress. [More…]
During the Second World War in the Pacific Ocean area Australia had good relations with the United States and in fact had great obligations. [More…]
Those in some quarters of the United States who were associated with the conflict in Vietnam want it to be forgotten. [More…]
The United States has really rediscovered Asia with the rapprochement with Peking. [More…]
seen alongside negotiations of the United States .and the Soviet Union on the strategic arms limitations talks, the Camp David negotiations which have just resumed in regard to the Middle East, the situation in Indo-China and the African position. [More…]
The United States-Peking recognition, this new United States-Sino link, is in its own way one counter to the strategic balance which has moved in favour of the Soviet Union. [More…]
The first is the discussions on the stabilisation of forces in the Indian Ocean that were taking place between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
These talks were reasonably well progressed when, I think, the United States withdrew from them- although that was not publicly announced- after the Soviets, in a provocative fashion, changed their bases from Somalia to Ethopia. [More…]
So talks, although currently stalled, are being held between the Soviet Union and the United States on the stabilisation of naval forces in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
Surely the United States in recommencing any negotiations would have to take into account the changed position in Iran and the need to back up any statements that President Carter has made in defending American interests in the world. [More…]
Had that offer been continued and had the United States injected massive aid into Vietnam there would no doubt be in Asia another Yugoslavia. [More…]
But it would only need Soviet action against China, followed perhaps by action taken against the Soviets by the United States of America, for a very difficult world situation to develop. [More…]
This House is being asked to condone this Government’s endorsement of the United States of America foreign policy on the Indo-China region. [More…]
As the United States attempts to woo the present Chinese leadership for big markets for the big corporations, it is a most audacious act on the part of the United States to send its ambassador to China at a critical time when the Chinese have invaded the people in Vietnam. [More…]
This Government should admit that it was wrong to intervene with the United States in a war in Vietnam during the 1960s. [More…]
It is wrong to support a new collusion between the United States of America and the Government of China in an attempt to muzzle an independent Vietnam. [More…]
Instead it suggests a mischievous interpretation of the conflicts, an interpretation that ignores history, an interpretation that denies the struggle of the Vietnamese and Kampuchean people to maintain independence, an interpretation that excuses the America atrocities and consequent responsibilities in the region, an interpretation that alleges the innocence of the United States and the innocence of Australia, an interpretation that reduces the conflict to a rivalry between the communists super powers. [More…]
I ask the House and the Minister the following questions: Why did the United States refuse to make reparation for the devastation it created? [More…]
Why did the United States refuse reconstruction aid? [More…]
Why did the United States oppose Vietnam’s entry to the United Nations? [More…]
Why did the United States oppose Vietnam’s access to the reconstruction loans of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund? [More…]
Why did the United States refuse to allow American companies to trade with Vietnam after the end of hostilities? [More…]
Why did Australia work with the United States to force Vietnam into COMECON-the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance- and into a close dependence on the Soviet Union against Vietnam’s wishes against its independence and against its integration into the region? [More…]
In May 1977, Pham Van Dong went through Europe in search of aid and, with the exception of France, all the nations refused to give aid until such time as there was a normalisation of relationships with the United States. [More…]
If honourable members want to argue about that, I might say that some people can argue that Australia is a puppet of the United States. [More…]
We make our soil available to the United States for foreign military bases. [More…]
They are in line with the Government’s policy to have a co-ordinated structure of State and Federal courts in Australia and to avoid the disadvantages of a dual court system which could easily develop under a federal system and which has caused so many problems in the United States. [More…]
A few weeks ago this country received a message from the General Motors Corporation in the United States of America saying that it would build motor cars in Australia if we reduced the Australian content in cars. [More…]
In some, notably the United States and Japan the standards are more stringent than in Australia. [More…]
A United States of America transport economics group suggested on the basis of private studies that the price would need to go beyond $4 a gallon in 1978 prices before there would be any sizable let-up in demand in that country. [More…]
We must bear in mind that the price of petroleum in the United States increased by 400 per cent between 1973 and 1975. [More…]
The Government could have done things such as were done by the United States Senate and House of Representatives or by the Canadians. [More…]
In the United States in a period of seven years the consumption of the average motor vehicle will go from something like 14 miles a gallon to 28 miles a gallon. [More…]
I have a document from the United States of America entitled Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers: Questions and Answers’. [More…]
Any group of three or more workers of a firm or subdivision of a firm, their union, or their duly authorised representative, who feel that increased import competition has contributed importantly to the workers’ unemployment or underemployment may petition the United States Department of Labor for a determination of eligibility to apply for adjustment assistance. [More…]
This is what is available from the United States alone. [More…]
The root problem stems from the small size of the Australian market which is about 600,000 units per annum, much less for passenger cars, compared with 14 million units per annum in the United States of America or the European Economic Community and 6.5 million in Japan and the sheer inability because of fundamental technological factors for five major manufacturers to produce at low cost when operating within the limits of such a small market. [More…]
Why would General Motors do something here which it would not dare to do in the United States of America and which it certainly would not do in West Germany, France or the United Kingdom? [More…]
Not one United States dollar was invested in the Holden project but millions of dollars were sent back as profits to the United States. [More…]
If it was not for Watergate, Nixon would be remembered today as the man who pulled the United States out of a disastrous Asian war, and who made the first overtures by the United States to the People ‘s Republic of China, after nearly 30 years of non-existent communication. [More…]
Carter seems always to back the wrong horse to the detriment not only of the United States but also to the detriment of the whole Western World, whether it be Africa, the Middle East or Asia. [More…]
Let us hope that the people of the United States elect as their next President, a man who has a better grasp of international realities than the present incumbent. [More…]
I cannot understand why he would bother to come into this House on a significant debate such as this and spend his time dealing with omissions or commissions of the President of the United States. [More…]
I do not know what the President of the United States or anybody else could do, because I believe in this idea: If a nation believes that it is large and powerful, that it has some strings it can pull and some influence it can exert on the people, that belief belongs to the past. [More…]
The Minister did not indicate how the United States should do what it ought to do or whether it would get any results if it attempted to do something. [More…]
It is true that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America are producing enormous quantifies of arms. [More…]
In the United Nations Security Council the power of veto is in the hands of the British, the French, the United States, the USSR and China. [More…]
The United States of America and other nations already implement this tax on foreign company dividends. [More…]
The United States has levied a capital gains tax since 1913. [More…]
However, as the then Attorney-General, Mr Ellicott, explained in introducing the 1976 Bill, the need for it had arisen out of legal proceedings that were being taken in the United States of America under the antitrust legislation of that country. [More…]
The proceedings included a grand jury inquiry and civil proceedings by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation claiming some $7 billion from 29 United States and foreign uranium producers, including 4 Australian companies. [More…]
Mr Ellicott ‘s second reading speech in relation to the Foreign Proceedings (Prohibition of Certain Evidence) Bill also explained that in the proceedings I have just mentioned claims were being made that the antitrust and related laws of the United States had a greater extra-territorial operation than that generally conceded in international law, and beyond what other countries were prepared to concede in the proceedings. [More…]
The orders have been effective in preventing the Australian-based evidence from being used for the purpose of the United States proceedings. [More…]
I am pleased to be able to inform the House, moreover, that the grand jury inquiry into the uranium marketing arrangements has been concluded and that no proceedings by the United States Justice Department have been instituted against any Australian company in consequence of that inquiry. [More…]
In those proceedings nine non-United States defendants declined to enter appearances. [More…]
The effect of their not entering appearances has been the entry by the United States court of a default judgment against them. [More…]
However, with the exception of the South Australian legislation, the applicability of their provisions in relation to a judgment of a particular country is dependent on an order in council being made upon satisfaction that substantial reciprocity is assured from that country and that no such order in council has been made in respect of the United States of America. [More…]
On 14 September last year, in answer to a question by Senator Young, the AttorneyGeneral reported on the outcome of certain consultations that had just been held in Washington with the United States Attorney-General and representatives of his Department concerning the extra-territorial application of antitrust laws. [More…]
That allowed for a period during which the heads of agreement on which the consultations took place could be considered in detail by the Department of Justice and other United States departments involved. [More…]
The present position in relation to those consultations is that we are still awaiting the response of the United States authorities on the proposed heads of agreement. [More…]
The response will not, however, render the present Bill unnecessary because the proposals we are exploring with the United States authorities will be applicable only in respect of future marketing arrangements. [More…]
It is to be hoped that it will prove possible to obtain a better understanding with the United States authorities in relation to the enforcement of their antitrust laws. [More…]
The rate for Italy was 46 per cent, for Rhodesia 28 per cent, for Turkey 28 per cent, for the United Kingdom 40 per cent, for the United States 35 per cent and for France 13 per cent. [More…]
-I ask the Minister for Defence whether it is a fact that the major proportion of Australia’s defence liaison officers is posted in the United States of America. [More…]
Does the preponderance of personnel in the United States of America and the almost total, if not total, lack of personnel in the Middle East, indicate a preference for location rather than a rational allocation of personnel on the basis of military requirements and military information requirements? [More…]
I am sure that my honourable friend will understand that Australia has very significant defence arrangements with the United States of America. [More…]
We have reached an interim agreement with the United States which has resulted in quite dramatic reductions in fares between Sydney and Melbourne and the American west coast. [More…]
The Government realises the urgent need to reach agreement with the airlines for equitable add-on air fares for international passengers wishing to travel to, say, the United States, from cities in Australia not presently served by direct connecting international flights. [More…]
It is evident to all with the large increase in bookings for air travel to Europe and to the United States that tens of thousands of Australians are taking advantage of the cheaper fares. [More…]
United States to Australia. [More…]
It appears that in its negotiations with the United States on the entry of Continental Airlines this Government collapsed, because the negotiators came out of the conference with that which they took in, namely, the right of Qantas to fly into San Francisco. [More…]
There is no doubt that the United States was prepared to negotiate in regard to additional ports within the United States for Australia’s own airline. [More…]
We should be doing everything possible to maximise the travel of people from the United States to Australia, in order to develop our tourist industry. [More…]
The United States of America had no trouble in introducing legislation as far back as the 1930s. [More…]
Australian Productivity Action published an article summarising the research done in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom indicating the higher incidence of coronary heart disease amongst those following a comparatively inactive occupation as opposed to those engaged in active work. [More…]
The results of experiments carried out in France, Belgium, Japan, Canada and the United States have established that raised levels of physical activity result in higher levels of health and fitness and improvements in social awareness and academic achievement. [More…]
Many things have changed in 15 years, but the majority of swimmers then hoped for a scholarship in the United States. [More…]
I think we would agree with that statement because whilst my friend and colleague, the honourable member for Robertson (Mr Cohen), was criticised for mentioning the East German experience and what that country is prepared to do for its young people, at the same time Australia and many other countries who cannot use the Eastern bloc are relying on the United States for this training. [More…]
The United States and the United Kingdom have particularly close financial links with this country and if interest rates rise very substantially in those two major financial centres, quite plainly there can be some reaction within Australia. [More…]
Through last year, even though inflation started to move ahead in the United States and in the United Kingdom- both events had not been expected earlier- and even though, as a consequence, some of the interest rates in those countries rose by 4 per cent to 6 per cent, there were significant reductions in interest rates in Australia. [More…]
It is also worth noting that on the very day on which the recommendation came to us there were significant moves upwards in United States rates and some changes in United States policy. [More…]
Against the background that interest rates were rising so much in the United States and the United Kingdom, the reductions in interest rates that were achieved in Australia over the period of last year were quite a remarkable achievement and indicate the way in which the Government’s total economic strategy is working to the advantage of Australia and of business and enterprise in this country. [More…]
The first action I have decided upon is to seek from the United States the information upon which the United States Environmental Protection Agency based its decision. [More…]
This advantage is rapidly being overtaken by the exploration of large, new uranium provinces in the western United States and Canada. [More…]
If it was, it would have been given to the Committee in confidence, not necessarily because it is confidential information but because the Department of Defence and its related offices tend to deal on a confidential basis with matters which, in other circumstances, especially in the United States, would be open to public debate. [More…]
The particular matter which has caused this legislation, as well as legislation as far back as 1976, is what is known as the Westinghouse case in the United States, where $7 billion worth of damages are being sought against 29 uranium producers including four Australian companies. [More…]
The anti-trust law of the United States is contained in two pieces of legislation- the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act. [More…]
The objection to the United States antitrust law is in its extra-territorial application and, in particular, to the fact that the United States courts look at the economic effects on their domestic economy of acts committed abroad, not to whether the acts in question were committed within the territorial limits of the United States. [More…]
Article 18 of the Second Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States provides that: [More…]
The leading case in the United States is the Alcoa decision in 1945. [More…]
Article 18 of the Second Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States amounts to no more than a restatement of the ratio of the Alcoa case, which has been followed by the United States ever since. [More…]
In that case, it was held that the Sherman Act applied to agreements made by foreigners overseas if they were intended to affect imports in the United States and did affect them. [More…]
It is this extraterritorial jurisdiction which the United States claims over the actions of foreign nationals committed outside the United States which is totally unacceptable in Australia. [More…]
However of the 29 defendants in the Westinghouse case, nine were not from the United States and four of these were from Australia. [More…]
Under any of these tests, the default judgment which Westinghouse has now obtained in the United States is unenforceable in the Australian courts. [More…]
The justification given by the Attorney-General in the Senate for these provisions is that under United States law treble damages can be awarded. [More…]
The Attorney-General has said that these provisions allow greater comity to be achieved with the United States. [More…]
We note the proper concern in recent years in the United States to extend laws prohibiting United States companies engaging in bribery and corruption so that those laws would apply to those companies abroad. [More…]
It does not give the American citizen great comfort to know that a United States company building aircraft- is bribing the Japanese Government, the Dutch Government or the Iranian Government rather than the United States Government. [More…]
But the effects abroad of anti-trust laws are not the same as their effects in the United States. [More…]
In 1976 a United States court decision declared illegal the arrangements in New York whereby a committee set daily prices for international coffee sales. [More…]
On the other hand, in the uranium industry, decisions of the United States Government to protect uranium miners in the United States broke down vertical integration in the industry during the 1960s. [More…]
As the United States military needs for uranium declined at the end of the 1950s, the United States decided against renewal of its uranium purchase contracts with Canada and South Africa, thereby creating a glut of uranium which lasted until the 1970s. [More…]
At that time, the United States had a substantial lead in the nuclear industry. [More…]
Secondly, the United States had a virtual monopoly of uranium enrichment capacity and the fuel for that reactor was, of course, slightly enriched uranium. [More…]
As countries buying the reactor wanted to buy uranium on the international buyers’ market, the United States was forced in 1964 to accept a system of ‘toll enrichment’- that is, selling enrichment services on uranium from whatever source for a customer country. [More…]
But the United States Congress insisted at that time on protecting the United States uranium miners by adopting legislation which effectively closed the United States market to outside uranium suppliers. [More…]
This paper was written by the French Government’s representative on the board of directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Bertrand Goldschmidt, and a former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Nuclear Energy Affairs. [More…]
The actions of the uranium cartel had sought to secure some stability in a market severely affected by the decisions of the United States Government. [More…]
Their assets outside Australia will be vulnerable, especially those in the United States. [More…]
In the normal course, most Australian uranium exports would be converted to uranium hexafluoride and enriched in the United States. [More…]
This means that yellowcake owned by Mary Kathleen Uranium Ltd, Conzinc Rio Tinto of Australia Ltd or Queensland Mines Ltd arriving in the United States would be very vulnerable to seizure. [More…]
The point I want to make in the few minutes available to me is that the United States Government was very anxious to protect Westinghouse at a time when it was selling reactors and it legislated accordingly. [More…]
Now that Westinghouse cannot deliver the uranium for the contracted prices it has run to a court in the United States to suggest that there has been an anti-trust arrangement. [More…]
As we know, we cannot expect the United States court to look at what Congress decided it would do to protect that industry. [More…]
It cannot always be said that what is best for the United States is best for the world. [More…]
In other words, the United States did not care two hoots about the other producers in the world when it decided to prohibit imports into the United States. [More…]
People in this country often talk about free trade and they are very evident today, but honourable members will note that when it comes to the power of the purse and the question of profit in the United States we cannot penetrate that market. [More…]
The Bill proposes that the execution of certain judgments obtained in the United States of America should not be allowed in Australia. [More…]
It is my understanding that the executives and senior officials of Australian uranium companies have made sure that they do not enter the United States. [More…]
That is why it is absolutely vital that Australian foreign policy be brought into play, that negotiations be undertaken at the highest level between the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) and the United States Secretary of State, and their officials, to solve this dispute which has arisen from the conflicting interests of Australia and the United States. [More…]
The immediate practical problem will arise if they take assets, which more likely than not would be uranium, into the United States. [More…]
In those circumstances the American courts would have the power to execute on those assets of the Australian companies in the United States. [More…]
Even if things got to the last desperate stage where Westinghouse obtained a judgment, had it registered in Australia and sought to execute upon that judgment in Australia, it would not necessarily mean that it would be able to take the proceeds back to the United States of America. [More…]
Clearly Westinghouse would want to satisfy itself about the prospects of returning to the United States with the fruits of its victory before it proceeded to register its judgment here and execute it. [More…]
The honourable member for St George commented on the situation concerning treble damages provisions in the United States legislation. [More…]
The silence of the British Socialist Foreign Minister and the quaint attitudes of the United States Ambassador to the [More…]
I would contrast the situation of this Parliament with that of the United States. [More…]
Most of the information in fact came from records submitted in the United States to congressional committees, records which were readily available to members of the United States Congress. [More…]
I direct the attention of honourable members to the difference between the position in Australia and that in the United States. [More…]
However, I do not think that that makes classified information in the United States any less secure. [More…]
A former senator, Senator James McClelland, wrote to the chairman of a sub-committee of the United States Senate armed services committee which was inquiring into the FI 1 1 aircraft contracts and purchases asking if information was available. [More…]
Such a major debate is taking place in the United States through congressional committees at the moment, but no such debate, in advance of the decisions being made, can really be undertaken in this place. [More…]
A proposal was in contemplation by the United States for some time in the future. [More…]
One is the claim by the honourable member for Corio that a D-notice hung over some electronic equipment when it was revealed in the United States of America. [More…]
The nation has imported a set of United States rules and dumped them on Australian motorists with little regard for our unique demographic and meteorological conditions. [More…]
The decision to adopt the United States of America 1973 emission requirements from 1 July 1976 was made by the Australian Transport Advisory Council. [More…]
In fact, for more than a decade, and as recently reported in the United States study, it has been alleged that the reduction of certain hydrocarbons emitted by vehicles will, under conditions common to a number of United States cities, increase photochemical smog. [More…]
The General Dynamics F-16 has now started to enter service with the United States Air Force. [More…]
Four of these aircraft are to be sent to the United States. [More…]
Such systems have already been installed in cars in the United States and Japan and by some Australian manufacturers, notably in certain Chrysler and Japanese models. [More…]
In addition, photochemical smog contributes to crop damage and deterioration of man-made textiles and rubber products- damage estimated to have cost, in the United States, between $500m and $ 1,500m per annum. [More…]
Its other members comprise Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
The International Energy Agency was set up at the instigation of the United States of America to confront the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries and to ensure adequate supplies of oil to the United States and the other motor economies. [More…]
Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
Given the fact that our intake of petroleum is immeasurably less that that of most of the countries mentioned in the Minister’s statement- certainly the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada and Austria- we would be in the position of being very low down on the list. [More…]
The beef quotas and trading policies of the United States are designed to suit it. [More…]
The United States plays the game hard. [More…]
Why should we enter into an agreement with the United States? [More…]
We cannot trust the Prime Minister when he is wandering around the United States. [More…]
Do people think that the Government is going to say to General Motors and to Ford: ‘We demand 21 miles per gallon from your fleet by the middle 1980s’, in the same way in which the United States Congress told all United States manufacturers to cut consumption standards of 14 miles per gallon to 27 miles per gallon in 10 years? [More…]
We have just passed a Bill dealing with the enforcement of United States anti-trust judgments. [More…]
We were critical of the fact that the United States obviously was overstepping its territorial competence. [More…]
That piece of legislation which we passed last evening was, we say, to deal with United States legislation beyond the bounds of international comity and we should be careful not to do the same. [More…]
It could result in Australia having levelled at it the same accusation of jurisdictional over-reaching as we have been levelling at the United States of America for its anti-trust laws. [More…]
Now while the honourable member for Kennedy was pursuing the links between his Government and atheistic communism, the honourable member for Deakin (Mr Jarman) was denouncing the President of our ally, the United States, in terms of quite unmeasured viciousness. [More…]
We need to resist the temptation … to see all changes as inevitably against the interests of the United States, as a kind of a loss for ‘us’ or a victory for them’ . [More…]
France, the United States and Australia, prevented an orderly decolonisation process in Vietnam and produced, therefore, a generation of war. [More…]
The United States, backed by the then Liberal-Country Party Government welcomed the destruction of the Cambodian regime of Prince Sihanouk in 1970, the last opportunity to keep Cambodia, now Kampuchea, out of the Indo-China holocaust. [More…]
Interestingly enough, at the time the Foreign Minister was talking in the Parliament about what he would or would not tolerate, Professor Schlesinger of the United States wrote a very interesting article on what he called the ‘we won’t stand for it’ school. [More…]
One of the most welcome signs of modern American diplomacy is the growing recognition in American circles that the United States has clear limits on the extent to which it can determine the destiny of individual countries round the world. [More…]
In the triangular balance of power between China, the United States and the Soviet Unionone could also include Western Europe- the odd man out at the moment is the Soviet Union. [More…]
In a sense the deep and bitter division between China and Russia gives the United States an opportunity to balance. [More…]
It gives the United States distinct diplomatic advantages. [More…]
People are crying out about terrible things happening to the United States. [More…]
The diplomatic position of the United States is stronger today in many ways than it has been for a long time. [More…]
Our real task should be to support the use of this diplomatic superiority by the Americans, not to advantage the narrow interests of the United States but to secure the peace of the world. [More…]
We should ensure that the balancing position America now has is used in the interests of world peace and not in the narrow chauvinistic interests of the United States. [More…]
He seemed to concede that, whilst the United States has lost significant military and economic power in the world, this loss, which is both relative and absolute, has been accompanied by an increase in diplomatic power and significance. [More…]
He said that the United States should not rest upon a geopolitical analysis of what is happening in the world but on a whole multitude of single instances. [More…]
It is quite clear that the American strategy in respect of Asia and the West Pacific rests upon an alliance between three powers- the United States, Japan and China. [More…]
What Australia must be aware of is the simple fact that all the analyses made, both before Carter became President of the United States and subsequent to his election, especially since the China accord of late last year, have ignored Australia. [More…]
That may be a wise strategy on the part of the United States. [More…]
The defence treaty between the United States and Taiwan has been unilaterally abrogated by the United States with the appropriate notice. [More…]
It was the right of the United States to do so. [More…]
It is not sufficient for the President of the United States to pat us on the shoulder and say that we count. [More…]
I suggest that Australia should have a mission in Taiwan in the same way as Japan, the United States, the Philippines and Thailand have missions. [More…]
The Japanese have done that for years and the United States is going to do it. [More…]
The United States is going to have a mission in Taiwan, with the same public funding that applied to its previous diplomatic mission. [More…]
Such a mission will aid United States trade and cultural relations. [More…]
The current 14.5 per cent rise was a particularly bitter pill for the United States to digest. [More…]
They are Mexico, Norway, Britain, the United States, Canada and the Soviet Union. [More…]
That is, the United States Government- faced re-election every four years. [More…]
If the issue is dodged now, the United States and other Western countries, including our own, will pay a very severe penalty later. [More…]
United States of America in the Bay of Pigs episode and its intervention in the civil wars in Vietnam and Chile; Nazi Germany’s aggression in World War II, its endeavours to create a fascist world and its involvement in the Spanish civil war with its fascist ally, Italy; Japan’s bombardment of Pearl Harbour; Australia’s involvement with the United States in the conscription of its youth to the Vietnam war; Indonesia’s march into Timor- and now the Chinese invasion of Vietnam. [More…]
In the last decade we have all learned that the Vietnamese have fought for over 60 years to expel the foreign plunderers from its shores: Firstly the French colonialists; secondly, the Japanese who were followed by the French again; and finally, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and other satellites. [More…]
As both the United States and China wanted the Paris peace accords to last, Vietnam was to remain divided. [More…]
It was China which played the part of the aggressor and seized the Paracels when Vietnam was well and truly involved in its war with the United States. [More…]
China, you supported the United States and reactionary forces in the PakistanBangladesh conflict. [More…]
China, did you evict from Peking by force the Chilean ambassador, to the joy of the United States? [More…]
The truth is that you are punishing Vietnam for its victory over the United States in 1975. [More…]
then one will, of course, unite with the United States and other imperialists, will of course line up with the imperialists, will of course line up with the imperialist camp, will of course fail to achieve national liberation, will never accomplish anything in the cause of socialism, will of course make one’s own nation prey to the deception and aggression of the United States and other imperialists, with the result that one’s own nation will lose its independence and become a colony of the imperialists. [More…]
It is utter hypocrisy for the Soviet Union to criticise China or the United States for interfering in other countries. [More…]
The establishment between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of sound and effective relations on which to found a basic trust is the central most important international issue of our time and of the near future. [More…]
He raised a question about the retaliatory capacity of the United States during the 1980s and the possibilities for Soviet policy within that semi-vacuum. [More…]
In the Minister’s terms, it was clearly in the United States’ geo-political interests, after the conclusion of that notorious and infamous war in Vietnam and Cambodia, to provide massive resources to rebuild Vietnam on the basis that that would be the only way to lessen the dependence of that country on either the Soviet Union or China. [More…]
On the whole, despite some high sounding words, the United States and its allies such as Australia left Vietnam to rot. [More…]
As the honourable member for Reid (Mr Uren) pointed out, it was in the interests of the United States and Australia for Vietnam to be the Yugoslavia of South East Asia. [More…]
Austrafia and the United States turned their backs on that possibility. [More…]
Although I do not have recent figures, a 1976 report of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee suggested that the United States sold more arms to the Shah than any other country. [More…]
Whilst the United States recognised- and this was referred to constantly in debates in the United States Congress- all of the weaknesses and all of the problems associated with what must be regarded as an extremely repressive regime, whilst it recognised all of the difficulties and the inherent instability related to that regime, nevertheless the United States shipped something of the order of $10 billion worth of arms to the Middle East and to Iran in particular. [More…]
He said that this rise of conflict coincides with United States restraint. [More…]
The United States invested billions of dollars in the war in Indo-China. [More…]
Yet the Minister said that that situation is a consequence of or is related to the restraint of the United States. [More…]
To take the other major situation with which he dealt, that is, the situation in the Middle East, the United States made the kind of investment I have just described in terms of a relationship with a single country in the Middle East. [More…]
Events in Iran have turned in a way which cannot possibly be seen to be within the control of United States interests. [More…]
It seems to me that what we see recognised in Vietnam is the end of a particular thrust of United States policy. [More…]
For example, he does not understand the present foreign policy of the United States. [More…]
It is perfectly ridiculous to pretend that neither this government nor the United States government expressed deep concern that one country should punish another. [More…]
I want to place on record my personal thanks to the officials in the embassies of China, the Soviet Union, the United States and France from whom I sought advice during the recent conflict in South East Asia. [More…]
The next events which precipitated the crises which we have experienced were the United States’ withdrawal from Vietnam and, on the other hand, her recognition of the People’s Republic of China after 30 years. [More…]
At one time one might have said that the Soviet Union possessed an overwhelming armed force in its conventional troops and the United States possessed an overwhelming capacity to move by sea, that one was a sea power and the other a land power. [More…]
Anybody who has read the recent strategic studies will appreciate that the Soviet Union has now moved into a state of parity with the United States in both offensive and defensive weapons. [More…]
Indeed, in both spheres she is certainly now in a state of parity with the United States. [More…]
Therefore it is absolutely correct, given the damage that can be done by missiles in the event of a misunderstanding, that the United States and the Soviet Union should make the SALT agreement their priority above everything else. [More…]
I believe that the United States has now recognised certain underlying mistakes that have occurred in past years. [More…]
There is absolutely no doubt, for example, that the Middle East was confused by the foreign policy of the United States. [More…]
It was difficult for the United States to understand that it was not possible to appear all the time to be arming Israel and at the same time asking the Arab states to provide the United States with all the oil she required. [More…]
I am most anxious to look at the new foreign policy which the United States has adopted and, in particular, at the most recent statements of President Carter. [More…]
We need to resist two temptations: to see all changes as inevitably against the interests of the United States, as kind of a loss for ‘ us ‘ or a victory for ‘ them ‘- [More…]
For us in the United States, change itself is not the enemy. [More…]
I wish to incorporate President Carter’s speech in Hansard as it gives a fundamental reappraisal of United States foreign policy. [More…]
Everybody understands that the whole free world has always drawn oil from that area and that the United States will have to protect her interests. [More…]
We pick on Russia, China, Indonesia or the United States as being to blame in various issues and crises round the world. [More…]
One of the previous speakers on this side of the House mentioned the $ 10 billion worth of arms that was sent by the United States of America to Iran in order to keep a presence there and to keep the fight in somebody else’s backyard. [More…]
Questions have been asked in the United States Congress as to why this sort of thing is permitted. [More…]
The difficulty is to get a rule of law which will be acceptable to the antagonists; to get some sort of world authority, world court, world police or world legislature which both the Soviet Union and the United States of America will recognise as being sufficiently impartial to warrant them surrendering that much of their national sovereignty that they will accept a decision, a compromise, short of an armed solution, which nowadays is no solution. [More…]
One gets this answer from Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
There are any number of ways to stop a man from raising an illegal army, whether it be Mr Bjelke-Petersen, somebody in the southern states of the United States, Mr Hider or anybody else. [More…]
The document I have seen most recently is a paper of the United States International Communication Agency written by Arthur Schlesinger Junior and dated 1 March 1978. [More…]
If that is true- I believe it is- how could we realistically expect help from the United States if we had a conflict of interests with China, Japan, Indonesia or even India? [More…]
The fact that nobody sees Australia as a world power, that nobody believes that we have aggressive territorial designs on other nations, means that there are other situations in which, diplomatically, we are able to achieve much that large powers such as the United States cannot necessarily achieve with the same finesse, simply because they are world powers. [More…]
Over the last few years, and for a variety of reasons, one of the superpowers- the United States- has adopted a lower posture and a strategically less active policy towards the Third World. [More…]
What he means by that is that the United States has sought to intrude less directly than it did, for example, in Vietnam and Cuba. [More…]
The United States has had its nose rubbed in the dirt, particularly in Vietnam. [More…]
Many, inside the United States and outside it, have welcomed this. [More…]
The United States was prompted to use armed intervention initially but it is now seeking the same hold over those countries in power terms because of the resources. [More…]
Part of the settlement, such as it was, was the feeling that Australia, the United States and other countries would help Vietnam economically. [More…]
He reserved his greatest invective not for the Australian Government but for the Government of the United States of America. [More…]
In view of the matters of grave concern mentioned by the Minister for Foreign Affairs last week, especially the events in the Middle East and South East Asia and the general pattern of strategic instability, with Europe concentrating on its own interests and the United States playing a less active role in the general strategic and political environment, Austrafia must look to its own situation with renewed honesty and perception. [More…]
As to the second part of the honourable gentleman ‘s question, which is the more serious one, relating to the allegation concerning the patrol frigate which is being constructed in the United States of America being described by an American senator as a ‘cheap kill’ ship, I suppose that the United States Senate suffers from exuberance of spirit no less than the Australian Senate. [More…]
I put just that question to the leader of a United States naval team here in Australia recently and he described to me a shock test that had been conducted with one of the United States patrol frigates. [More…]
The United States captain gave me a photograph of the explosion. [More…]
They include the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and France. [More…]
The United States of America and the United Kingdom certainly raise revenue from such a tax. [More…]
The position might be quite different in the United States of America, for instance, with its enormous market of over 200 million people. [More…]
A wide range of countries has these sorts of bodies, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and New Zealand. [More…]
The United States of America had a Cost of Living Council which was abolished in 1974. [More…]
At least, however, we do not have the highly undesirable features of a dual system of courts as operates, for example, in the United States of America. [More…]
The position of the High Court as the apex of State and Federal courts gives Australia a built-in advantage of uniformity which the United States of America does not have. [More…]
A lot of people in Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania were concerned that the High Court was being, in essence, converted into an exact replica of the United States Supreme Court which is permanently based in Washington. [More…]
Everyone goes to Washington if he can afford it to have his case determined by the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
Significant programs are being undertaken by countries with nuclear power programs, such as the United States, France, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany. [More…]
The answer to the honourable member’s question is as follows: ( 1 ), (2) and (5) Air service negotiations between the Australian and United States aeronautical authorities were held in Canberra from 4 to 1 4 December 1978. [More…]
Mr M. Churchill, Commercial Attache, Embassy of the United States, Canberra, Australia. [More…]
I presume that when the honourable member for Leichhardt refers to our principal trading partners he is talking about the United States of America, the European Economic Community and Japan. [More…]
In the case of the United States, a team of senior Australian officials has been in that country on a number of occasions this year. [More…]
It was reported to me today that the group that went to the United States last week is now reaching a stage in the negotiations where it can present the offers that have been reached to the respective Ministers and those Ministers, in turn, can present them to their countries. [More…]
The agreement with the United States is the cornerstone of our multilateral trade negotiations. [More…]
The usual figure used in places such as the United States of America and Canada is that it raises about 5 per cent of total tax revenue. [More…]
by leave- In May 1978 I informed the Parliament that when a formal United States proposal was placed before the Government to install a replacement satellite ground terminal at the Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station it would be considered on its merits. [More…]
In fact, the proposition had been before a United States Congressional committee and details of plans to alter the station in Australia had been approved in the United States. [More…]
On that occasion the Minister said that no formal notification had taken place; but a week before that statement he took the United States Government to task for not informing the Australian Government that the alterations were even in the pipeline. [More…]
A number of extremely high level Australian missions had gone to the United States in response to the Schlesinger-Barnard agreements of 1973 to discuss this particular base, its administration and the Australian-American agreements relating to its operations. [More…]
The policy people in those delegations told the Minister that they did not know of this matter but in fact they were briefed on it in the United States at least a year earlier. [More…]
The policy people in the Department apparently did not look at the matters on which they went to the United States as being serious, or else they did not look at the matter of the Australian Government knowing what was going on on Australian territory as being very serious. [More…]
It is known now- it was not known at the time- that on at least one occasion, if not more, this base was used to convey messages to alert United States forces and that the Australian Government was not apprised of this until after the event. [More…]
On 17 February this year, at least a year, and possibly considerably longer, after the United States Government was able to put detailed information of its proposals before a US Congressional committee, the formal request came to the Australian Government. [More…]
I believe that there is a need for that sort of exchange so that we can be fully acquainted with what the United States is doing, especially on our soil. [More…]
The statements would never have been made had it not been that the public servants concerned obviously believed that they were entitled not to tell the Minister what was going on but to ensure that they themselves were fully informed on matters on which several of them had been sent to the United States on regular occasions for discussions. [More…]
I interpose to say that the Supreme Court of the United States of America determined in 1 977 that Congress has the power to decide not to fund abortions. [More…]
Father Murray Courtnay, a very eminent Catholic of the United States of America, says: Parliament cannot legislate on morality’. [More…]
Betrand Nathason, Director of the Centre for Reproductive and Sexual Health in the United States of America, also states: [More…]
In some way certainly he has been successful in the United States. [More…]
The Commission has made a deliberate study of systems of administration in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Norway, France, Singapore and New Zealand. [More…]
Since that time, Australian Ministers and officials have had intensive discussions with many countries in both the developed world, the United States, and countries of Europe in an effort to promote agreement and to see that people were prepared to accept necessary compromises which would enable that to take place. [More…]
-I refer the Deputy Prime Minister to his statement yesterday that he proposed to visit the United States of America next week to finalise certain trade matters. [More…]
Is he aware that the Prime Minister announced in January that he had reached finality with the United States on a number of matters including the securing of United States agreement to a minimum level of access for Australian beef to the United States market, although the level was not indicated; the securing of a significant new cheese quota, although he did not state the quid pro quo situation; and, thirdly, the securing of a reduction in the United States wool tariff, although he did not state whether he had conceded access for any United States products, including tobacco? [More…]
-When the Prime Minister was in the United States negotiations had been proceeding. [More…]
The Prime Minister said in his statement that Australia had every reason to expect a reduction in the duties in the case of wool and that he hoped for access in relation to dairy products and that there would be minimum requirements concerning access for beef to the United States market. [More…]
If one lives in Sydney and wants to travel to the west coast of the United States of America, one can do so for as low as $450. [More…]
For instance, people living in Sydney have to pay about the same amount to visit Perth as they have to visit Honolulu or the west coast of the United States. [More…]
Let us take as an illustration people who are visiting Australia from overseas and who come from the west coast of the United States. [More…]
The World Health Organisation, the United States of America and other government agencies make no distinction between the various types of asbestos fibres. [More…]
Australia’s abortion rate is the same as that of the United States where there is abortion on demand. [More…]
In 1970 a World Health Organisation report showed Australia to have the highest death rate due to abortion of all countries studied, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France and West Germany. [More…]
I repeat that the United States Supreme Court found that there was no legal obligation on the national parliament to fund any abortion procedure. [More…]
Statistics have been quoted to demonstrate that on a per capita basis we have a higher rate of abortion than either the United States of America or the United Kingdom. [More…]
For instance, Picnic at Hanging Rock and Last Wave, which are both personal triumphs for Peter Weir, have broken into the toughest market- the United States of America. [More…]
25 on the list of the current 50 top grossing films in the United States and 10,000 seats were sold in the first three days for the showing of Picnic at Hanging Rock. [More…]
By way of comparison, the lower fares we now have in place between Australia and the United States average a 28 per cent reduction on the previous comparable fares. [More…]
Henry Ford in an interview which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald just two days ago said, when talking about the costs imposed on the United States motor vehicle industry, that the United States fleet hoped to reach 27.5 miles per gallon consumption average by 1985. [More…]
A report is circulating, which I am informed is accurate but I am not able to verify this and I had hoped that the Minister would be able to verify it, that the total project cost of the purchase of three FFG frigates from the United States of America at the latest estimate has escalated to $900m. [More…]
Part of the increased cost is due to escalation in the United States and part is due to the delays in decision making in Australia. [More…]
Is the price escalation justified as an exercise in financial management and what reliance can be placed in future defence orders for major items of equipment placed in the United States in view of what has occurred with the two most recent orders? [More…]
I say this advisedly because we have under consideration a project, base priced at about $500m at this stage, for the purchase of a tactical fighter force in which three out of four possible aircraft to be chosen are from United States companies. [More…]
Is the Minister able to provide similar details in respect of (a) the United States of America, (b) Japan, (c) West Germany, (d) the United Kingdom, (e) France, (f) Sweden and (g) Canada. [More…]
Exports to United States are increasing slightly. [More…]
For example, it has to travel to the United States of America for the Trap tournament, An amount of $1,500 has also been spent on other international meetings. [More…]
The price of that, as the honourable gentleman’s question intimates, is an aid program to be embarked upon by the United States Administration. [More…]
I can assure him that we will be examining very carefully the content of the United States aid program, but I have no reason to expect that it will do other than bring peace and stability to the area and, I hope, better customers for Australian commodities as well as America’s in the future. [More…]
If we use the United States as a guide, as Treasury did in its submission, which is now published, to the Asprey Committee of inquiry, we are talking about raising approximately 5Vi per cent to 7 per cent of total income taxation revenue. [More…]
This was particularly true of the resolution concerning colonialism in relation to which, as is noted at page 35 of the Report, the delegation associated itself with significant caveats entered by the United States and United Kingdom delegations. [More…]
Delegations from Australia, Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Japan which are all associate members of the Council of Europe will be invited to participate in the debates if they wish. [More…]
Albania 7, Algeria 6, Australia 1, Austria 1, Belgium 1, Brazil 4, Bulgaria 7, Canada 1, Costa Rica 1, Cuba 7, Cyprus 4, Czechoslovakia 7, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 7, Denmark 1, Egypt S, Finland 2, France 1, Gabon 6, German Democratic Republic 7, Germany (Federal Republic of) I, Greece 2, Haiti 7, Hungary 6, Iceland 1, India 2, Indonesia S, Iran 6 (at the time), Ireland 1, Israel 2, Italy 2, Ivory Coast 6, Japan 2, Jordan 6, Kenya 5, Lebanon 4, Liberia 6, Luxembourg 1, Madagascar 5, Malawi 7, Malaysia 3, Mexico 4, Monaco, Mongolia 7, Morocco 4, Nepal 6, Netherlands 1, New Zealand 1, Nicaragua 5, Norway 1, Panama S, Paraguay 3, Poland 6, Portugal 2, Republic of Korea S, Romania 7, Senegal S, Sierra Leone 3, Singapore 3, Spain 2, Sri Lanka 2, Sudan 6, Sweden 1, Switzerland 1, Syrian Arab Republic 3, Thailand 6, Tunisia 6, Turkey 2, United Arab Emirates 3, United Kingdom 1, United Republic of Cameroon 6, United States of America 1, USSR 7, Venezuela 1, Yugoslavia 6, Zaire 7, Zambia 3. [More…]
During its period of operation the interim ASTEC provided valuable advice to the Government on a wide range of matters, including: Australia’s participation in the first world-wide series of experiments of a major international research program known as the global atmospheric research program; whether Australia should install facilities to receive and process information from Landsat, the United States earth resources satellite; and arrangements for surveys of our biological resources, particularly our unique and extensive flora and fauna. [More…]
To be sure, the Soviet Union has the capability to attempt the invasion of virtually any country in the world, as for that matter does the United States. [More…]
Augmenting our maritime forces, starting next year, will be the three FFGs, guided missile frigates, building in the United States of America. [More…]
The aircraft will serve us well for some years to come, overlapping later with the new tactical fighter aircraft to be selected from types either in inventory, or still to be developed, in the United States or France. [More…]
In the United States, for example, they are 57 per cent when calculated on the same basis as our own; in Canada, 60 per cent; in Britain, 45 per cent. [More…]
In the United Kingdom, there are 825; in the United States of America, 490; and in Canada, 420. [More…]
It was right, for instance, to decide to buy FFGs and P3Cs from the United States. [More…]
Three patrol frigates- FFGs as they are so styled- are being built for Australia by United States naval shipbuilders. [More…]
I can now inform the House of the latest position after a review with the United States Navy. [More…]
The contract which the United States Navy has with the shipbuilders is of a type which provides the builder with an incentive to deliver on time and to contain costs. [More…]
The performance of the lead ship has fully justified the confidence of the United States and Australian navies in the capabilities of these ships. [More…]
In the case of purchasing from the United States, these arrangements provide our Services with the great advantage of direct access to the large stocks of the United States Services without the necessity to re-negotiate with manufacturers. [More…]
For the greater part of our national existence we depended substantially for the preservation of our national integrity upon the United Kingdom and the United States. [More…]
I think it is true that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States are the only countries which could do so in a relatively short period. [More…]
I think it is also true that it is unlikely that either the Soviet Union or the United States would engage in any military venture against Australia in isolation and, I would hope, not in combination with any other group of people. [More…]
I draw your attention to the fact, Mr Deputy Speaker, that if you wanted to go to the United States you would need a passport. [More…]
There are even requirements if one wishes to travel from Canada to the United States, from Mexico to the United States, from the United States to Canada and from the United States to Mexico. [More…]
Is he aware of reports that a Soviet cruiser, a Soviet frigate and a Soviet oiler entered the former United States base at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam last week? [More…]
As to the first part of the question, which related to Soviet vessels in Cam Ranh Bay, it is true, and honourable members will have read of this in the newspapers in the last few days, that American sources have expressed concern over the destabilising effect of the visit of three Soviet warships to the former United States naval base at Cam Ranh Bay. [More…]
On a recent visit overseas, I observed in the United States of America, where detailed accounts are provided for all long distance calls, that the level of complaint against the system was almost non-existent. [More…]
The other event was the near catastrophic failure of the newly-installed thermal reactor at Harrisburg in Pennsylvania in the United States of America, where we have witnessed for the first time the prospect of the ultimate nuclear calamity and the possible melt-down of a reactor core. [More…]
We on this side of the House are not going to take an hysterical point of view or to make the false accusation that government policy in this respect in any direct way was associated with the events in Harrisburg in the United States. [More…]
The true position is this: The fast breeder option is under research at the moment in the United States, France and Japan. [More…]
Indeed, in the United States there has been a concentration on improving the efficiency of thermal reactors, but there has not been enough concentration on reactor safety. [More…]
Reactor safety had died pretty well as an issue in the United States, where the waste disposal and the nuclear non-proliferation aspects were becoming prominent in the nuclear debate. [More…]
Perhaps the sad thing about Harrisburg was the fact that the reactor was commissioned in December because of some tax provision operating in the United States. [More…]
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States is only four years old. [More…]
Until 1975 there was no separate regulatory arm of the nuclear authority in the United States. [More…]
The NRC, as it is called, is really only just getting its act together now in terms of management of the nuclear power program of the United States and reactor safety. [More…]
I think what will happen as a result of Harrisburg is that the delays in licensing procedures in the United States will be put back and the number of United States reactors which will be commissioned in the future will be infinitesimal compared with even the low projections which currently have been agreed upon. [More…]
The United States has 70 power reactors. [More…]
The United States Secretary of Energy, Mr Schlesinger, has rejected as premature demands that all nuclear reactors similar to the one at Three Mile Island should be shut down for technical study. [More…]
We will be looking to see whether there is a need to send additional people to the United States to listen to the conduct of that inquiry. [More…]
-The Harrisburg nuclear reactor accident has shocked and horrified the people in this country, as it has in the United States and throughout the rest of the world. [More…]
The ‘facts’ in these reports depended on who was making them; State officials, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, President Carter’s office, the power plant operator, or the nuclear reactor builders. [More…]
Just for the record, there have been three official United States studies of the consequences of such an accident. [More…]
A 1965 United States Atomic Energy Commission report, released in 1973, stated that 45,000 people could be killed and 100,000 injured in the worst possible accident. [More…]
The danger to humans from the toxic materials spewed into the air from coalfired stations in the United States of America alone is estimated to cause 10,000 to 50,000 premature deaths. [More…]
Although there have been 88,000 deaths from underground coal mining in the United States of America alone since 1907, and hundreds are killed there each year in levelcrossing smashes with coal trains, one never hears that power generation by coal-burning is dangerous. [More…]
To carry on from what the Minister for National Development (Mr Newman) was saying, at present 70 nuclear power reactors provide 13 per cent of the electrical power in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America alone has 75 million gallons of toxic waste which it does not know how to store. [More…]
In California in the United States a nuclear power station now may not be built. [More…]
After the Harrisburg incident we may be sure that State after State in the United States will refuse permission for the construction of nuclear power stations. [More…]
-The Opposition is using the unfortunate incident at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America to endeavour to attract a major debate on the uranium issue. [More…]
We can sell our uranium to the United States of America, to Canada, Germany and South Africa. [More…]
The United States of America has 70 nuclear power stations in operation, 70 under construction at present and another 69 have been contracted for. [More…]
That shows what the United States thinks of uranium power and its safety. [More…]
The United States Navy has been nuclear powered for over 23 years. [More…]
Other honourable members have given figures for the States of the United States of America. [More…]
(a) Japan-$329,600; (b) West Germany (amount allocated for Europe)-$522,750; (c) United Kingdom-$290,l00; (d) United States of America-for North America-$963,559. [More…]
1 ) In view of the quantum of sophisticated weaponry that is held by a number of Middle East countries and the importance to collate information relating to military technology and expertise, does Australia rely on advice from the United States of America and the United Kingdom on military equipment and weaponry because it has not one military attache to Australian diplomatic posts stationed throughout the Middle East. [More…]
Is it a fact that the agreement that the Deputy Prime Minister has secured with the United States on minimum beef imports sets that minimum at no higher than the low level of imports in 1975? [More…]
Is it a fact that the newly negotiated cheese quota is less than the present volume of Australian cheese sales to the United States? [More…]
Is it a fact that, on the basis of current wool exports to the United States, the proposed United States tariff reductions will provide a benefit of less than $4.5m? [More…]
The level of attainment in all three- that is, in the United States, Japan and the European Economic Community- sets not an upper limit but a base from which, hopefully, we can maintain in the future a level of access which will give to agricultural exporters in particular a security which they have never before enjoyed. [More…]
In view of the announced access for Australian beef to the United States of America arising out of the multilateral trade negotiations and, further, the possibility of increased access to the Japanese and European Economic Community markets, does the Minister feel, firstly, that there will be adequate beef to supply the expanding overseas markets and, secondly, that there will be adequate beef to meet the local market requirements in Australia? [More…]
But United States sponsored resolutions in favour of an absolute moratorium on whaling were narrowly rejected by the IWC in 1972, 1973 and 1974. [More…]
On 10 January this year the President of the United States ordered environmental reviews of United States projects abroad. [More…]
President Carter made it clear in his statement that he was concerned that actions by United States agencies could have detrimental effects on the global environment. [More…]
-I direct my question to the Prime Minister and refer him to his answer to me yesterday, in which he said that the Parliament was the proper place in which to advise the Australian people of any industrial concessions which have been traded for agricultural concessions from the United States of America. [More…]
There are implications for a negotiation with the United States of America, a negotiation with Japan and a negotiation with Europe. [More…]
I refer to reports and to my previous remarks in this place that there has been a significant build-up of Soviet naval forces in the Indian Ocean and that this has, in turn, contributed to a corresponding consideration to increase the United States naval presence in that region. [More…]
If so, is there also substance to the reports that the United States naval facilities on the British Island of Diego Garcia will be expanded? [More…]
Yes, reports that the United States of America has increased its naval presence in the Indian Ocean and is considering various options relating to its overall military presence in the region as a response to developments in the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere are correct. [More…]
So far as United States-Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean is concerned, it is well known that in recent years the Soviet Union has had more ships, up to approximately 20 at any one time of which nearly half have been combatants. [More…]
The United States, on the other hand, had three ships permanently in the Indian Ocean, supplemented several times a year by task forces, usually led by an aircraft carrier. [More…]
In response the United States broke off talks with the Soviet Union which were aimed at stabilising their naval presence in the Indian Ocean. [More…]
The United States maintained that the increased Soviet deployment in the Indian Ocean breached the unwritten agreement that both parties would maintain restraint for the duration of the limitation talks. [More…]
The recent increase in the United States force levels in the Indian Ocean is naturally a direct response to these developments. [More…]
In this connection honourable members will be aware of reports concerning the possible further development, referred to by the honourable member for the Northern Territory in his question, of the United States naval facility on the British Island of Diego Garcia. [More…]
Australia, of course, is on record as welcoming the talks on the United States-Soviet Union Arms Limitation Agreement in the Indian Ocean which, as I mentioned earlier, were suspended. [More…]
It will be recalled in the latter connection that in 1977 I received a firm and unequivocal assurance from the United States Secretary of State that nothing entered into between the United States and the Soviet Union would qualify the operation of ANZUS. [More…]
Finally, it needs to be recognised that a prerequisite for any agreement, such as talks between the Soviet Union and the United States that might be resumed, would be a degree of political stability in the region which is not there at the moment. [More…]
The other is being developed specifically for the United States market. [More…]
Three and a half million Japanese are travelling around the world- to South East Asia, to Europe and to the United States- but we are receiving only 3 1 ,000 of them. [More…]
It is only about a 10-hour flight, which makes it about the same distance as the distance from here to the United States. [More…]
ADR 27a was developed from a rule adopted by the United States of America. [More…]
It is worth noting that the motor vehicle industry in the United States of America, the country of origin of the major companies concerned in this move by the Government, have an established history of opposition to improved emission control standards. [More…]
He was speaking from his experiences as Assistant Counsel to the United States Senate Anti-Trust and Monopoly Sub-Committee on Ground Transport Industries. [More…]
Now the Department of Justice, the United States Department of Justice, sued General Motors as well as all the other automobile makers in the late sixties for a conspiracy existing since 1953 to preclude and prevent the development of any pollution control equipment for automobiles. [More…]
It should be noted that the emission control standards are no higher than those presently operative in the United States and no higher than those already being achieved by some motor vehicle manufacturers. [More…]
The United States vehicle fleet will average 27& miles per gallon by 1985, having come from 1 3V4 miles per gallon in the early 1 970s. [More…]
Germany is spending $US9.70; the United States SUS9.20; Belgium $US8.90; the Netherlands SUS7.10 and Sweden SUS7.10. [More…]
The Government talks about being involved in research and development projects with the United States. [More…]
Professor Kaneff told us that when GHH- the West German consortium and United States consortiumwas at the university, the representatives wanted to find out only the rudiments of the Australian system. [More…]
He never mentions the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics science agreement, the Indian science agreement, the Australia-Japan enrichment study, the Australian- Japan oil from coal investigation, or the Australia-United States oil from coal investigation, all entered into by the Labor Government, the Nippon-Australia Relations Agreement or any of the other scientific and cultural exchanges. [More…]
The safeguards for Safari I are provided for in the Safeguards Transfer Agreement among the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), South Africa and the United States of 26 July 1967 as amended on 20 June 1974 (IAEA document INFCIRC/98/Mod.I). [More…]
This agreement requires that all nuclear materials, equipment and facilities supplied to South Africa by the United States whenever they may be located in South Africa should not be used for any military purpose. [More…]
The countries on which I am able to supply information are the United States and France. [More…]
The United States supplied the Safari I research reactor and its nuclear fuel. [More…]
The fuel for these will be South African and it is planned that it should be enriched in the United States and fabricated in France. [More…]
Resolution 33/183G of 1978 called upon ‘all States which have not yet done so- in particular France, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel and the United States of America- to cease forthwith all collaboration with the racist regime of South Africa in the nuclear field and to take measures to prevent such collaboration by corporations, institutions and other bodies and individuals within their jurisdiction’. [More…]
Can the Minister say whether Ansett Airlines has refused employment to a woman as a pilot on the grounds that women are unsuitable as pilots, despite the evidence of the applicant’s qualifications and the fact that many United States airlines employ women pilots. [More…]
If so, is he able to say whether the heat pump was developed in the United States of America and the United Kingdom by such firms as Lucas Aerospace. [More…]
Is he able to say whether the heat pump is now on sale in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom or (c) Australia. [More…]
Heat pump equipment has been developed by many firms in the United States of America and Europe including Lucas Aerospace. [More…]
Heat pumps are available in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, and (c) Australia. [More…]
(b) These containers are available for purchase from the manufacturer in the United States. [More…]
What are the standards for short and long-term measurements of hydro-carbons, oxidants, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen adopted by (a) Japan, (b) the United States, (c) the European Economic Community, (d) Canada, (e) Australia and (f) the WHO. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to state whether the United States Government’s Large Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE) is jointly administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the United States Depanment of Agriculture ( USDA). [More…]
If so, are Canada and Russia participating with the United States in the experiment and which other countries are participating. [More…]
It is well known that the Commonwealth Government is establishing facilities for receiving and processing information received from the United States LANDSAT satellites and it is expected that these facilities will be operating by early 1980. [More…]
In Britain from about 1800, in Belgium from 1815 and in France from about 1830, and so on throughout Europe, and then the United States of America, manufacturing overtook services as a large employment sector. [More…]
For some decades in Europe and the United States around the beginning of the 20th century manufacturing, with directly related services such as transport and retailing, was the largest employment sector. [More…]
The United States, for example, has never had fewer farmers. [More…]
The proportion of the work force in agriculture in the United States is now about 3 per cent, but that does not mean that it is necessary to send people in the US food parcels; their output is enormous. [More…]
In the United Kingdom the increase was 2.3 per cent; in the United States 2. [More…]
I refer to Canada and the United States. [More…]
In the United States farmers are assured of their income without putting in any contribution whatsoever. [More…]
Within this framework it is important to remind Australian’s that in Italy petrol to farmers costs 14.9c per litre, and distillate 13c per litre; in France, which is a country on a high bracket similar to Australia’s, petrol costs 25c per litre and distillate 1 7c per litre; in Britain petrol costs 21.3c per litre and distillate 14.2c; in Canada, one of our great competitors, petrol is sold to the farmers at 10c per litre and distillate at 8.8c per litre; in the United States of America petrol costs 13c per litre and distillate 8.8c; whilst in Australia the average price in the grain producing areas is 23.5c per litre for petrol and 17c for distillate. [More…]
The comparison for petrol costs is Canada 10c, United States of America 13c, Australia 23.5c. [More…]
In the United States of America it costs 8.8c per litre and in Australia it is 1 7c per litre. [More…]
Is it also a fact that the marketing officer and the public relations officer of the Film Commission will be in Cannes at the same time, as well as the Film Commission’s representative in the United States? [More…]
The claim of recent evidence suggesting a link between fluoridation and cancer has been rejected categorically by the United States National Cancer Institute and other international authorities. [More…]
It has been refuted in a recent report of a detailed study of no fewer than 46 United States cities, undertaken by the Centre for Disease Control. [More…]
For the information of honourable members I present a study of certain developments in the regulation of petroleum marketing in the United States. [More…]
But in a comparative period in the United States interest rates had gone down by 3 per cent and in the United Kingdom by more than 3 per cent. [More…]
The writer of that article draws on the experience of the United States, particularly the State of New York, in asserting that increased penalties are not the answer and can be counter-productive by lessening the chances of conviction. [More…]
He also points out that in the United States harsh penalties have led to the use of j juveniles as pushers. [More…]
There is evidence to suggest that the stabilisation of heroin addiction in the United States in recent years is due in no small measure to the success of the United States Drug Enforcement [More…]
Administration in squeezing the trafficking syndicates out of the United States market, thereby reducing the available supply. [More…]
Clearly, with increased emphasis on this problem in Australia, we can expect success similar to that of the United States in stamping out the trade. [More…]
The House found little conclusive evidence of longterm adverse consequences of marihuana use in the United States, but it did advocate ‘a policy of discouragement’ because of the ‘possibility of some deleterious effects on the user and on society at large which could constitute a major public health problem ‘. [More…]
The honourable member for Bonython spoke about the problem in New York, the United States model. [More…]
In a publication which I referred to earlier in my speech the author stated that the total coastline of America, including Alaska, is approximately the same as Australia and that if soldiers from the United States defence forces stood shoulder to shoulder along that coastline they still would not be able to overcome the drug problem. [More…]
The punitive measures have been used in the United States of America for some years and there are many who wax rich on the tragedy that occurs to human beings. [More…]
I read an article recently that the new teenage drug in the United States is alcohol because it is seen as socially acceptable amongst the older age group. [More…]
It is alleged that 3.3 million high school students in the United States have this sort of alcoholic problem. [More…]
Certainly the experience in the United States is that jacking up the penaltiesthis happened in California where there has been an enormous increase in the penalties- has not been notably successful in actually reducing the incidence of use of illegal drugs. [More…]
The United States of America took 227 kilolitres for $274,000. [More…]
Many of the vignerons, particularly in the Hunter Valley, are taking advantage of the export incentives introduced by the Minister for Trade and Resources (Mr Anthony) and they are exporting large quantities of wine to the United States of America and to Canada. [More…]
Following pressure from the industry and, of course, from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Resources (Mr Anthony), who has been working constantly in this area, the Government of the United States of America has finally agreed to a reduction of 60 per cent in the tariff on wool which is imported by that country. [More…]
HCA has been under investigation by the United States Secutities and Exchange Commission for bribery. [More…]
I understand that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission charged HCA last year that: ‘Certain persons of power and influence in Saudi Arabia, including persons involved in supervising the hospital project,- the King Faisal Specialist Hospital, had to be paid off in the amount of 15 per cent on the contract charges to the Saudi Arabian Government as work on the project progressed.’ [More…]
HCA owns 1 10 hospitals in the United States, Europe and Asia, employing more than 36,000 staff, including 6,300 doctors. [More…]
In 30 cities in the United States an HCA hospital provides the only hospital care. [More…]
The move to take over the Australian market comes in the wake of consideration by the United States Government to restrict annual increases to private hospital revenues to 10 per cent. [More…]
It is the responsibility of this Government and the Minister for Health to ensure that a company which faced bribery charges in the United States is not allowed to engage in that sort of activity in Australia. [More…]
Was Jonestown, despite its Guyanan Gotterdammerung, essentially an American phenomenon which reflects uniquely United States stresses and tensions whether racial, sexual or spiritual? [More…]
I put on record that we now have cheap air fares to the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia and the Netherlands. [More…]
I have pressed the United States Administration to try to get through Congress as quickly as possible the ratification of the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
He pointed out that if we could get the International Sugar Agreement ratified by the United States- and, of course, if the European Economic Community would show a sensible approach to the Agreement- there would be a more beneficial effect on the developing countries than there is with all the aid given by the United States and Australia. [More…]
I hope that the United States will move quickly to see that the ISA is ratified. [More…]
The United States has given assurances that it wants the Agreement ratified, but it has had a domestic problem in getting the acceptance of Congress. [More…]
Even in the great United States, which has been trying to avoid this situation, the President has now accepted that it will have to move towards import parity. [More…]
The timetable for the formal finalisation of the MTN is linked to United States congressional examination and approval. [More…]
The bilateral agreements which I have concluded with the United States and Japan are an important part of the overall MTN package for Australia. [More…]
Well over half of our beef exports are marketed in the United States and Japan, where there have always been strong protectionist pressures. [More…]
In the following year the United States imposed restraints on imports at a level significantly below that of the immediately preceding years. [More…]
In our two major beef markets of the United States and Japan we have negotiated access commitments of at least 380,000 tonnes a year or almost a third higher than our actual exports in 1974-75. [More…]
The agreements that I have just concluded with the United States and Japan will guard against a return to this situation. [More…]
Now that these understandings have been reached with the United States of America and Japan, we are looking for similar settlements with other major trading partners, especially the EEC and Canada. [More…]
The settlement that I have concluded with the United States is particularly significant and I would like to give the House more details of it. [More…]
Since 1964 the United States has had legislation to restrict imports of beef by means of quotas. [More…]
We have never had any continuing formal understanding with the United States as to a minimum or floor level for those quotas. [More…]
At a time when protectionist pressures were increasing in the United States, this was a matter of particular concern to the Australian beef industry. [More…]
When the base quota calculated in accordance with the present United States meat import law is at or above 1.2 billion lb per annum and voluntary restraint agreements are in effect, a global access level of at least 1.3 billion lb will be provided; that is, 590,000 tonnes. [More…]
In addition, I have received renewed assurances that the attitude of the United States Administration towards any new countercyclical meat import legislation is unchanged from that announced in 1978. [More…]
The MTN .arrangements reached with the United States have also achieved most useful concessions on a range of other products. [More…]
After generations of effort on the part of successive governments, we have at last succeeded in negotiating a reduction in the United States duty on raw wool. [More…]
This was the maximum reduction which, under their legislation, the United States negotiators were authorised to make, and over the shortest period permitted. [More…]
It is gratifying, at long last, to have achieved some movement by the United States on this long-standing impediment to one of our great export industries. [More…]
Australia’s quotas for cheese in the United States market will more than double from the pre-MTN quota level of 1,600 tonnes to 4,000 tonnes. [More…]
Duty reductions have also been negotiated on a range of other Australian export items to both the United States and Japan. [More…]
As negotiations with some of our other trading partners are still in progress and there is a need for ratification by Japan and the United States through normal procedures of the overall settlements reached in the MTN, it is not appropriate to disclose at this stage the details of the concessions offered by Australia. [More…]
With the exception of two items, one of which relates to the concessional duty on tobacco, all rates negotiated with the United States and Japan are at currently applied rates. [More…]
While we have not achieved all our objectives in the MTN, I am satisfied that the bilateral settlements reached with the United States and Japan are fair to both sides and will facilitate an expansion of trade on a mutually-advantageous basis. [More…]
During my visit to North America I also had useful discussions with the United States Secretary of Agriculture, Mr Bergland, and the responsible Canadian Minister, Mr Otto Lang, on the outcome of the recent United Nations wheat negotiating conference. [More…]
My discussions with Dr Schlesinger, Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, underlined the importance of developing policies aimed at the full utilisation of Australia ‘s energy-producing potential. [More…]
Australia has a particular interest in securing access to the United States market for natural gas. [More…]
I was able to impress upon Dr Schlesinger and other senior United States officials Australia’s potential as a stable supplier of liquefied natural gas and have suggested further detailed discussions at official levels aimed at enhancing Australia’s opportunity to supply natural gas to the West Coast of the United States. [More…]
It is clear that, even if the current world oil supply situation can be brought into balance in a relatively short time, the future economic growth of the United States, and therefore of the Western world, depends upon developments aimed at producing energy as economically as possible. [More…]
Australia has a major role to play in this area and I believe that the future oil supply and price situation will strengthen Australia’s ability to win a share of the United States market for natural gas. [More…]
Naturally I attach particular importance to the MTN settlements reached with the United States and [More…]
I am sure they will be of lasting economic value to Australia and will help to underpin the broader bonds of friendship which exist between the United States, Japan and Australia. [More…]
Bi-lateral Negotiations- United States and JapanMinisterial Statement, 8 May 1979. [More…]
Mr Speaker, we welcome the statement by the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) of some of the results of his visit to the United States of America and Japan, and the information he has provided on the progress of the multilateral trade negotiations generally. [More…]
In summary, the Deputy Prime Minister has reached agreement with leaders in the United States and Japan on access we may have to those markets in future, as a result of bilateral negotiations which took place in the context of the MTN. [More…]
A great deal of credit is due to the Carter Administration in the United States for moving the MTN into a more active phase in 1 977. [More…]
Fortunately that Minister has been restrained from such a broad role in our trade relations with Japan and the United States. [More…]
Fortunately the Prime Minister was not allowed by the United States Government to visit Washington in June 1978, although he waited six days in New York for an invitation. [More…]
That, however, had to await the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States in January this year. [More…]
In Honolulu on 6 January the Prime Minister on his way back to Australia from Washington, told reporters travelling with him that he had won a guaranteed fixed level of beef exports to the United States for Australian cattlemen. [More…]
Deputy Prime Minister’s statement is circuitous but the fact is that no minimum level of access for Australian beef to the United States market has been agreed. [More…]
The Prime Minister’s statement in January was a deliberate deception to disguise his failure to reverse the United States’ intention to secure counter-cyclical legislation. [More…]
Regardless of the floor access arrangement, the counter-cyclical legislation and the prospective downward movement in beef prices in the United States several years from now will be disastrous for Australian cattlemen, in the absence of any orderly marketing arrangements and rational export policies. [More…]
He tells us that the United States Government’s attitude to counter-cyclical legislation has not changed. [More…]
We recognise the agreements with the United States and Japan, particularly on beef, have value. [More…]
The final insult in this statement is the wording of the Minister’s statement in regard to his conversations with the United States Energy Secretary, Dr James Schlesinger. [More…]
A person knowing nothing of the subject might think the United States had agreed to buy Australian natural gas and that that sale was critical to the international economy. [More…]
The prospects of our selling liquid natural gas to the United States are very remote. [More…]
The correct way to do this would be to encourage the United States to enter into a 20-year take or pay contract for LNG. [More…]
The reason that the United States will not do this is, as the Minister says- I think there is plenty of evidence to support it- that the United States is interested in Mexico because the [More…]
In other words, there do not have to be any problems for the United States in accepting it in liquid form and then bringing it back into gas form. [More…]
It is no good just talking about beef, cheese and pious hopes and about what we are going to do with natural gas when we have not been able to convince the United States of what it is all about. [More…]
That leaves us in a very vulnerable position, as I am again reminded by my colleague, because the only two markets for LNG that we have if the United States will not take it, are Japan and Korea. [More…]
In September 1977 the Government received loans from the United States and Germany involving amounts up to $5 18m. [More…]
We find that the total number sold has increased quite remarkably to 3,054 in 1975-76 and 1 1,204 in 1977-78, with the greater amount of these imports coming from New Zealand and the United States of America. [More…]
If we had increased tariffs we would have increased the price of the imported United States product but we would not have increased the price of the New Zealand import, which is equally as tough a competitor as the US product. [More…]
I refer to the north of the United States of America in particular and the inclusive charter operators. [More…]
With all due respect to the honourable member for Franklin (Mr Goodluck) who I understand will follow me in this debate, very few people from the West Coast of the United States would know where Tasmania is if asked, or for that matter where New South Wales is. [More…]
About eight weeks ago I received a letter from friends on the east coast of the United States who stated that they had noted the changed fare structure of flights to Australia and hoped to visit us in August. [More…]
Is he able to state how many nuclear power stations were (a) ordered, (b) cancelled and (c) deferred during 1978 in (i) Japan, (ii) the United States of America, (iii) the United Kingdom, (iv) France, (v) West Germany, (vi) Canada, (vii) Italy and (viii) OECD countries, and in each case what was the generating capacity. [More…]
It is only reasonable to point out to the House that there are very few rural activities which have produced a distinguished Minister of State in the Australian Parliament and a President of the United States of America. [More…]
Australia is something of a cultural junkyard when we contrast that percentage of local content with the fact that programs shown in the United States of America have 99 per cent national content, United Kingdom programs have 87 per cent national content and Western European programs have 67.5 per cent national content. [More…]
Most ofthe imports come from ANI-Perkins, the United States of America and Japan. [More…]
As the Government had already decided that assistance would be by means of a bounty, it became relevant that in certain important export markets, such as the United States of America, any exports may be taxed by way of countervailing duties to the extent of any government subsidy paid on their production. [More…]
I just make the point that the United States, Britain, Canada and West Germany have broken up their atomic energy commissions into the kind of organisation which we propose in the amendments. [More…]
It was a defence Act and it was intended to allow the supply of Australian uranium to Britain and to the United States of America for the purpose of making atomic weapons. [More…]
For example between January and September of 1978, the United States Department of Energy reduced its domestic uranium demand estimates by a full third for the same year of 1978, and by a third for 1985. [More…]
In 1978 in the United States of America only two nuclear power reactors were ordered- five orders were cancelled and one was deferred. [More…]
I will quote now from the Australian Broadcasting Commission program AM on Tuesday 8 May 1979 when it reported that the United States had admitted: [More…]
We can sell our yellowcake to the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and West Germany. [More…]
The honourable member for Reid talked about the crisis at Harrisburg in the United States. [More…]
The honourable member for Reid talked about the slowing down of the nuclear energy program in the United States of America. [More…]
The United States of America has 70 nuclear power stations in operation, 70 under construction at present and another 69 contracted for. [More…]
That shows what the United States thinks of nuclear power and its safety. [More…]
That provision was enacted at a time when there was a need to secure Australian uranium for use by Great Britain and the United States of America in a nuclear weapons program. [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
I refer the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to the clear examples of racial intolerance by the United States pastoral company, King Ranch, at Lake Nash in the Northern Territory. [More…]
Can the Minister express a realistic assessment as to whether or not the said treaty is likely to be ratified by the United States Senate? [More…]
We welcome the announcement made by the United States Secretary of State along the lines that basic agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union on a second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty has been reached. [More…]
The SALT negotiating process, of course, is central to the maintenance of stability and the relaxation of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
He has assured the United States Congress that he would sign no agreement which could not be verified and that the United States nuclear deterrent would remain strong after the conclusion of SALT II. [More…]
It should, at least in theory, reduce the threat of a nuclear war and place limits on the strategic arsenals of both the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
In 1970 I wrote about a foetal disaster at the Tu Dauc Hospital in Saigon where deformed babies were beginning to arrive by the dozen, the result, said American doctors at the time, of an aerial spray called 2,4,5-T, which is banned in the United States’. [More…]
The use of this type of aircraft made it possible for Qantas to pioneer low fares on the Australia-Europe routes in 1972 and for the introduction of the new low fares to the United Kingdom, United States of America and Europe which I have recently announced. [More…]
United States of America. [More…]
Aircraft 19 is to be in the normal passenger configuration and is required to cope with the anticipated peak summer traffic to the United Kingdom-Europe and the United States of America, which is expected to occur in 1980-81. [More…]
He concedes that the amounts that were extracted for and on behalf of the Aboriginal communities were very low when compared with the results of other negotiations in which he was involved on behalf of tribal groups such as Indians in the United States of America. [More…]
Another proposition they advanced was that they get 1 5 per cent of the royalties, which is the level that is normally and usually accepted by the white rulers of the United States of Amercia when they take minerals from land owned by tribal Indians with whom they have made treaties of commitment- treaties signed by both the tribal leaders and the white rulers. [More…]
We have learnt lessons from the United States where they built pipelines during the war for transportation of petroleum. [More…]
After the war, with the post-war growth, there was what is now termed the spaghetti bowl in the United States. [More…]
The North West Shelf project involves exporting each year 53 per cent of production, or 6.5 million tonnes of liquid natural gas, to Japan and perhaps to the United States. [More…]
The presently accepted standards for (a) hydrocarbons, (b) oxides of nitrogen and (c) carbon monoxide in motor vehicle emissions in (i) Australia, (ii) the United States, (iii) the European Economic Community, (iv) Japan and (v) Canada are shown in the following tables. [More…]
Declares that this proposal can only humiliate the United States of America and is not in Australia’s best foreign policy or defence interests. [More…]
-Does the Prime Minister agree that ratification of SALT II is to the strategic advantage of Australia and its allies and that failure of ratification by the United States Congress would have profound serious consequences in respect of nuclear proliferation? [More…]
What action has the honourable gentleman taken to support the United States President’s action to urge ratification upon the United States Congress? [More…]
Does he consider that the acceptance in Australia of United States defence installations of strategic significance gives us an obligation to put views to the United States? [More…]
Further, when does the next round of Australian and United States strategic consultations as established by Barnard and Schlesinger in January 1974 commence? [More…]
This Government certainly places very great importance on the negotiations of adequate and appropriate arrangements between the Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
The United States Administration would know from statements made in the United Nations and from statements made by my colleague the Foreign Minister that this Government very strongly supports its endeavours in this regard. [More…]
It is not only the question of the arrangements in SALT itself but also the changed environments and the changed perceptions of the relationship between Russia and the United States that properly negotiated arrangements between the Soviet Union and the United States can acheive. [More…]
We note that the United States and Japan have agreed to a joint study of the safety of light water reactors. [More…]
In fact, evidence available to the United States Government as far back as 1976 led it to bring pressure to bear on France and on Korea to prevent the export of a nuclear reprocessing plan t by France to Korea. [More…]
He did not mention that this Government has introduced a branch profits tax to prevent a larger remittance of profits by Utah to the United States of America. [More…]
They are almost the same in Australia as they are in the United States of America. [More…]
The Protocol was adopted at the Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention Conference convened by IMCO at the request of the United States last year following a number of serious pollution incidents off the United States coast. [More…]
In Korea, new assessments of the north’s military strength have placed this at a significantly higher level than had previously been estimated, and concern over security in the Korean Peninsula has led to adoption of a longer time scale for United States ground troop withdrawals from the Republic of Korea. [More…]
It will assist the development of a more effective United States policy in the Pacific and Asia, which had been hampered by the absence of formal recognition. [More…]
Australia welcomes the conclusion of agreements between the Philippines and the United States on military bases. [More…]
In addition to Australia’s actions in international forums, the Foreign Minister and I were active in discussions with the United States Secretary of State, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, and with many others, in advancing the idea that countries must be prepared to move if the Common Fund is to become a reality. [More…]
Although some progress is being made in relation to rubber, the International Sugar Agreement is in jeopardy because of the attitude of the European Economic Community, while the United States Administration is experiencing great difficulty in having the agreement ratified by the United States Congress. [More…]
On a per capita basis, Australia’s imports of manufactured products from developing countries, excluding petroleum, more than doubled between 1973 and 1977- a better performance than that of the United States, the EEC or Japan. [More…]
14 a head of Australia’s population compared with 63c in the United States, 51c for the European Economic Community and 25c for Japan. [More…]
It was plain from our discussions that Japan and Australia have common views on many matters including the Common Fund, co-operation in the peaceful uses of energy and the continuing importance of the United States role in world affairs, and in particular with respect to the AsiaPacific region. [More…]
) Under what circumstances are his (a) Departmental staff and (b) Ministerial staff authorised to travel on Concorde aircraft between the United States and the United Kingdom. [More…]
Can he state by what percentage Australian domestic economy class air fares could be reduced, without reducing airline revenues, if the margin of 25 per cent between economy class and first class fares were to be increased to a level comparable to the upper margins prevailing to (a) Canada, ( b ) the United States of America and (c) Europe. [More…]
1 ) Further to his press releases on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations Agreement with the United States of America, what duty reductions have been gained for (a) fresh pears and (b) dried fruits. [More…]
What is the present level and value of exports to the United States of these products. [More…]
What (a) is the present and just agreed import tonnage of chocolate crumb to the United States, (b) is the butterfat percentage of the product and (c) will the value be to Australia. [More…]
As negotiations with some of Australia’s trading partners are still in progress and there is a need for ratification by the United States Congress of the overall settlement which has been reached in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, it would not be appropriate to disclose at this stage the details of the concessions which have been negotiated. [More…]
In view of the imminent reappearance of counter-cyclical beef import legislation before the United States Congress, does he intend to go to Washington, as he did last October, or does he intend to wait until August when the Finnane report is released? [More…]
-As the honourable gentleman might know, my visit was successful in that, through my representations in the United States on that occasion, the counter-cyclical legislation was not imposed. [More…]
In the light of the United States decision to refuse an import permit for Tasmanian poppy straw concentrate and the serious effect that this will have on the industry, what action is the Commonwealth Government taking to assist the Tasmanian poppy growers and processors? [More…]
The biggest user of these concentrates happens to be the United States of America. [More…]
The United States does support the resolutions but does not regard Australia as a traditional supplier. [More…]
I give an assurance to the honourable member and to all the people in Tasmania associated with this industry that the Government is making every effort through diplomatic channels at the highest possible level to influence the United States authorities and the Drug Enforcement Agency in particular which will have to make the final decision next month in relation to the importation of poppy straw concentrate from Australia. [More…]
In Australia the work time required to earn the value of a kilogram of beef is the same as it is in the United States of America- 57 minutes. [More…]
Telephone inquiries made of my Department from the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America on 30 March requested an opinion on 2,4,5-T and on Dr Field ‘s report. [More…]
All the scientific evidence including the latest studies done in the United States and we can find no substantiated scientific basis for any causal link between the use of this herbicide and an excess occurrence of spontaneous abortion or human birth defects. [More…]
In some ways, I think the United States of America is doing better than Australia in that the United States Federal Government imposes much tougher restrictions. [More…]
What action has the honourable gentleman taken to support the United States President’s action to urge ratification upon the United States- [More…]
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition was concerned, as was the United States Congress and Senate, and as was the Prime Minister, to see that there is less tension in the world. [More…]
He could have said that our action to urge ratification is to guarantee to the United States Senate and Congress the continued use of the bases in Australia at Pine Gap, Nurrungar and North West Cape in Western Australia. [More…]
The first is that Senator Wriedt, speaking on behalf of the Opposition, should make his new policy concerning the United States bases known at a meeting of the Association for Internal Co-operation and Disarmament. [More…]
The title of the address that Senator Wriedt made to that meeting was Implications of United States bases in Australia’. [More…]
So this is the audience to which Senator Wriedt, on behalf of the Opposition, felt that he could propose this change in Australian Labor Party policy on United States bases in Australia. [More…]
But if we go a little further we find that that campaign for the removal of United States bases in Australia has received support from the Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament. [More…]
These sentences are important because they contain the same reasons for rejecting United States bases in Australia as were hinted at by Senator Wriedt in his speech. [More…]
He said, first of all, that it was appropriate now to put pressure on the United States because we have ‘leverage’. [More…]
He said that the United States was embarrassed as a result of events in Iran and that there were uncertain allies in the Middle East on the borders of the Soviet Union that existed previously. [More…]
Yet at the precise time at which the United States is embarrassed and humiliated, the leverage proposed by the official spokesman for the Opposition is to begin to pull the rug out on the bases. [More…]
Secondly, why should it be acceptable that the meeting organised to receive and applaud that proposed change in policy be organised by a subcommittee which by its title is designed to ‘remove United States bases in Australia’. [More…]
The third question is simply this: Why take this opportunity to humiliate unnecessarily the United States? [More…]
We have endeavoured to establish honourable, mature relationships with our ally, the United States of America. [More…]
We do not recognise the usual assumption by the Government that it has some special claim to friendship with the United States. [More…]
History clearly shows that had the Labor Party been in government in the 1960s it could have preserved the United States from the fatal intervention in Vietnam. [More…]
The basis of my question yesterday was whether the United States Congress would ratify the SALT II Agreement. [More…]
I would have thought that a responsible Prime Minister would have done something about it by clearly indicating to the United States our attitude towards the ratification of that Agreement. [More…]
I asked the Prime Minister whether he would seek to influence the United States to ratify the treaty. [More…]
He did not answer that question, but there is a strong indication that the view he has put to Cabinet is that the best way to negotiate trade with the United States- I refer to beef trade- is to use American bases in Australia as leverage. [More…]
Instead of attacking the Opposition, the Government should be pressing the United States to take the sane and positive step of ratification in defence of the world’s interests, particularly Australia’s interests. [More…]
If the United States does not ratify the SALT II Agreement there will be grave consequences for our security and for global stability. [More…]
This could have a radical impact on the role of United States bases in Australia. [More…]
However, we are at a point when it is essential that we focus our effort on convincing the United States to decide, in its proper constitutional process of Senate ratification of SALT II, to make the choice which enhances our national security. [More…]
I hope to be in the United States in the next two or three weeks. [More…]
Senator Wriedt made the point that the reference to the upgrading of facilities no longer being carried out in secret was a direct consequence of the display by the Government last year when the Minister for Defence criticised the United States Government for not advising the Australian Government of intended changes in the North West Cape base. [More…]
The suggestion that there will be a major change in Labor Party policy on the United States bases is a complete fabrication. [More…]
The relationship we seek with the United States is one based on maturity and mutual recognition that each is equally an independent and sovereign state. [More…]
We can give strength to the United States if we can deal with the issues by having intelligent discussions here about them. [More…]
When Barnard went to the United States in 1974 to discuss matters with Schlesinger, it was on the proper basis that we were an ally of the United States and we were able to assist in this matter. [More…]
It is vitally important that we look carefully at what we are doing because, by accepting these bases of strategic significance in Australia we to some extent tie ourselves to United States policy. [More…]
That is no way to run our alliance with the United States. [More…]
As the United States has said, our Defence Department did not even demonstrate the capacity to recognise that it had been consulted by the United States. [More…]
In fact the United States expressed considerable anger at the Fraser Government’s performance. [More…]
As Senator Wriedt has pointed out, much information about North West Cape was disclosed before a Senate Committee hearing in the United States but we knew nothing about it. [More…]
-Today’s debate has been provoked by an incredible address by the Opposition’s shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Wriedt, entitled ‘Implications of the United States Bases in Australia’ to an organisation known as the Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament, New South Wales, at a one-day seminar held on Sunday, 20 May last. [More…]
The debate is brought about by a speech which at the very best was shockingly expressed and which at the worst was a studied, deliberate and calculated insult to the United States of America. [More…]
It indicates in two very short basic points what a future Labor Government would do in relation to United States bases in Australia. [More…]
First and foremost, Senator Wriedt is saying on behalf of the Australian Labor Party: ‘You cannot trust the United States’. [More…]
Anyone who reads that speech carefully, fairly and impartially will see the message: ‘You cannot trust the United States’. [More…]
Secondly, he is giving clear notice that a future Labor Government in this country will in the long term seek the removal of the United States bases, particularly the three to which he specifically referred. [More…]
Is it suggested that we do not need any bases in Australia; that Australia is able to defend itself; that we do not need allies; that we do not need the assistance of the United States? [More…]
Senator Wriedt started his speech by referring to the specific fact that the ability of the United States to monitor Soviet compliance with the terms of SALT had been weakened as a result of actions in Iran in recent times. [More…]
This situation makes the United States even more dependable on its facilities at Pine Gap and Nurrungar - [More…]
In Australia, there are a number of facilities used by the United States Government, but the ones which have created most controversy - [More…]
Senator Wriedt emphasised the importance of these bases and then went on to make a number of statements which can be regarded only as calculated insults to the United States, insults which have the effect of denigrating and weakening the position of the United States. [More…]
The Opposition cannot escape from the fact that Senator Wriedt was saying two things in his speech, namely, that one cannot trust the United States of America and that the Opposition wants to find out more about these bases. [More…]
I think it is a matter of profound regret that the alternative government in this country has chosen this time to make an attack on the United States of America, barely weeks before the SALT agreement will be signed. [More…]
Knowing that it will be going before the United States Senate for ratification, knowing the delicacy of the situation in relation to surveillance because of what has happened in Iran, these words of Senator Wriedt were contrary to the interests of Australia and highly insulting to the United States. [More…]
I ask my colleague who is about to follow me this question: If he wants to see the United States bases removed from this country which country does he nominate to put in bases? [More…]
The only country to gain by the removal of the United States bases from Australia is the Soviet Union and its satellites. [More…]
On 4 January when he was addressing the Economic Club in New York, he said in response to a question: the level of industrial disputes in Australia was somewhat below the level of disputes in the United States. [More…]
Perhaps we can be reassured, but on our experience with this Government, one cannot help but harbour massive doubts about the way in which this sort of legislation will be administered, more especially when one recalls the way in which a similar authority was abused by the Nixon Administration to undermine the independence and political neutrality of the Public Service in the United States of America. [More…]
I refer the Minister to similar legislation in the United States which provides between 30 and 90 days notice to employees who are redeployable. [More…]
As we well know, interest rates in Australia came down very markedly last year as a result of this Government’s policies, despite the fact that interest rates were rising throughout the year in the United Kingdom and the United States of America creating a problem of relativities between Australian interest rates and interest rates in those two countries.. Quite plainly, those factors have an influence on what it is possible to achieve in Australia. [More…]
The United States, which has already taken 200,000 Indo-Chinese refugees, will be taking another 7,000 per month at least until the end of 1980. [More…]
The tens of billions of dollars that were expended by the United States in the most inhumane war in modern history has resulted in an extremely tragic situation, not simply for refugees who are leaving Vietnam but also for that country. [More…]
The United States, the leader of the Western capitalism growth stakes, was profoundly wounded by the Vietnam war, in which billions of dollars were absorbed in destroying a country which had won its independence in 1 94S and was forced to fight for another 30 years to secure that independence from European and American interests, not Vietnamese interests, as is so often asserted. [More…]
There was a steady shift of large scale American capital from the eastern seaboard to the south and west of the United States. [More…]
Minister in his remarks on Tuesday represented a new strategy for economic imperialism on the part of the United States and Japan. [More…]
This shift of direction of investment, necessary for Japan because of the very success of her economy, has begun to have serious effects for the United States, where there is a steady loss of jobs not so much because of innovative technology but because, of the alliance between American and Japanese capital and technical know-how, and cheap labour assisted by generous programs of support to encourage export oriented industries, very often designed to penetrate the American, European and Australian markets, where higher profits might be earned. [More…]
We do not control massive reserves, compared with Western Europe, the Soviet Union or the United States of America. [More…]
In an energy hungry world, we are selling those resources not to the developing countries, not to the countries that have not yet established industrial bases, but we are exporting those resources more and more rapidly simply to reinforce the power of the United States, Japan and the western European countries, and a few islands of very antidemocratic regimes. [More…]
But we will support those countries in terms of industrial development because we know that they are compliant states that fit in to the United States specific base and strategy. [More…]
In addition, oil is a seasonal product with peak demand in the northern winter- an extra complication in making accurate projections, particularly in Canada and the United States. [More…]
The United States, Japan and Western Europe are now likely to expand their coal programs to reduce dependence on oil more quickly than would have been expected before the crisis. [More…]
I suggest that our ability as a small nation to compete with the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States for oil when supplies are tight is questionable. [More…]
Regrettably, the authority for energy matters, as in the United States and the EEC, is dispersed over more than a score of agencies and commissions. [More…]
For example, not only is the United States faced with a high import bill to which the recent drop in the United States dollar can in some measure be attributable, but also this high capital outflow has given rise to an equally high capital inflow of Arab origin which must be taken into account in any assessment of that country’s short or long term economic situation. [More…]
Return on Saudi Arabian oil investment in the United States reached an equally staggering $38,000m in 1976. [More…]
Because of the range of investment, the economic effects of this in the United States are enormous. [More…]
The Gulf oil company had more political awareness than the United States. [More…]
Nobody can deny that during the late 1 9th century and 20th century the western States of the United States were the quickly developing ones. [More…]
Preparation of such a list would be a mammoth task and would involve direct approaches to all Australian universities and medical institutions as well as to the United States authorities. [More…]
I inform the House that the Minister for Transport (Mr Nixon) left Australia on Sunday for a visit to Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States on a range of transport matters. [More…]
Bearing in mind that for economic, defence and foreign policy planning the short-term is any period of time less than 18 months or two years, acknowledges that mutual defence arrangements between Australia and the United States of America must not be of such short-term duration; [More…]
I think it is worth noting that inflation is moving up very markedly in a number of overseas countries, such as the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. [More…]
It is trying to postulate circumstances that would make it quite impossible for the joint bases between Australia and the United States of America to continue. [More…]
The remainder have settled in countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States. [More…]
In the United States of America they have both been falling. [More…]
Our major export market, the United States of America, the European Economic Community and a number of other countries which are either markets or competitors for Australian beef are well on the way to tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication. [More…]
-Has the Prime Minister indicated in any way to the United States Government that it has an obligation to provide trade access for Australia or otherwise assist Australia in trade negotiations because of the presence on Australian soil of American defence installations? [More…]
-The point that has been put very strongly to the United States is very similar to the point that the United States has put to Japan. [More…]
In relation to its trading relationships with Japan, the United States has argued that because there is a very favourable balance with Japan in that bilateral relationship, Japan should make special provision for United States exports to Japan and special attempts to buy from the United States. [More…]
The trade relationship between the United States and Australia, on a relative basis, is even more favourable to the United States than is its relationship with Japan. [More…]
That indicates that there is no justification whatever for any arbitrary limits on our exports to the United States. [More…]
I believe that Mr Strauss, in constructing the arguments he had between the United States and Japan, constructed very powerful arguments to assist Australia in the relationship between Australia and the United States. [More…]
-I refer the Acting Minister for Transport to the decision of the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America to issue an airworthiness directive for all United States airlines to inspect their DC 10 aircraft and take immediate corrective action if necessary following the recent tragic crash of one of these aircraft in Chicago. [More…]
Appreciating the history of safety of Australian airlines and the keen observance of safety regulations set by Australian authorities and appreciating that no Australian airline operates the DC 10 aircraft, can the Acting Minister inform the House what the Government can and will do to ensure that the five other countries whose airlines operate DC 10 aircraft into Australian airports will institute immediate safety checks on these aircraft similar to those being undertaken by the United States authorities? [More…]
In fact, the Department is currently examining the directives issued by the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States and is inquiring into the status of each of the DC 10 aircraft and the action being taken by the countries and by the airlines which are licensed to fly those aircraft to Australia. [More…]
The Prime Minister was asked this question on 12 February this year by the United States magazine Business Week: [More…]
-That statement was made to Business Week, an influential magazine in the United States, on 12 February this year, apparently in the United States. [More…]
The United States Department of Agriculture and the International Wheat Council have forecast a low world wheat crop in 1 979-80, with a possible drop of between 5 per cent and 7 per cent. [More…]
I am obviously not a lawyer but I understand that in the United States of America, the Supreme Court has ruled very strictly on this question. [More…]
The honourable member made the point quite validly that in the United States the giving of evidence and the passing on of information gained from a telephone tapping is restricted to the information specifically set out in the terms of the warrant issued. [More…]
Having put myself in the position of disagreeing with both the Minister and the honourable member for Hawker let me point out that I agree basically with the proposition of the honourable member for Prospect (Dr Klugman) and with the proposition that is accepted in the United States of America that information obtained as the result of the issuing of a warrant can be given in evidence in a court of law only if it relates to the specific matter. [More…]
The Corporation was making 16 per cent profit from private hospitalisation in the United States of America and is seeking to diversify internationally because the Government of the United States is thinking of placing a 10 per cent limit on profits from private hospitalisation. [More…]
In the six months to March 1979 inflation is running at an annual rate of 10.1 per cent in the United States, 10.7 per cent in the United Kingdom, 10.5 per cent in Canada, 15.4 per cent in Italy, 10.1 per cent in New Zealand and even in Germany, which has a very good anti-inflationary record, the inflation rate has about doubled during this year. [More…]
Honourable members will recall that the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr Anthony) recently concluded trade agreements with the United States of America and Japan and that these were signed last month. [More…]
As with the bilateral settlements with the United States of America and Japan, the interests of Australian industry have been carefully considered and the Government is convinced that the concessions which have been offered will have no detrimental effect. [More…]
The EEC has offered guarantees on enlarged market access for Australian agricultural exports which effectively complemented the guarantees which had earlier been obtained by Australia in agreements with the United States and Japan. [More…]
The currency unit, as we know, is equivalent to the United States dollar before it went off the gold standard. [More…]
If we want to go to other precedents let us look at the United States law from which we can draw some experience. [More…]
In the United States in- formation obtained by similar means cannot be used in other cases. [More…]
Recently a senior Sydney Criminal Investigation Branch officer told me- it is akin to the matter the Parliament is now debating- that in the United States of America- this was either exclusive to one State or general- law enforcement officers executing a warrant to search a motor vehicle were authorised under the warrant to take possession only of such goods as were specified in the warrant. [More…]
Any car for my wife and me was provided by the United States Government as a charge on the United States Government. [More…]
As a result of those visits, quite plainly we will be ending the trade negotiations with greatly improved access to the United States and a much more secure access against difficult circumstances, and we will be having a much more secure access to the Japanese market than we have ever had. [More…]
Finally, is the Prime Minister aware that in buying two 707 airliners for his personal use overseas he joins the exclusive company of the President of the United States, the former Shah of Iran and ex-President Idi Amin of Uganda? [More…]
If so, what is the estimated cost of having the artist Bryan Westwood flown from Seattle in the United States to paint the Prime Minister’s official portrait? [More…]
For Australia it is 30 per cent, which is comparable with the United States of America. [More…]
He is the best known proponent in the world of individual funding in the United States where the idea has become increasingly popular. [More…]
International co-operation is maintained with most countries, particularly the United States of America and Great Britain, through regular visits both to and from Australia by leading scientists for conference and collaborative work and by researchers. [More…]
I would like to draw to the attention of the House the fact that in the United States the procedure in appeals lost by the Taxation Commissioner is that interest must be paid on the sums of money held by the Federal authorities for a specified period of time. [More…]
But we must have more and more frequent and significant random checks than we have at present, because it appears that we are not going to have the alternative method of checking abuse that is used in the United Kingdom and the United States and some other Western countries; that is, the use of an identity card system, which would need to be for every Australian, not just those on benefits. [More…]
Unless the program is completed by 1984, Australian beef could be banned in the United States of America and other markets because eradication in northern Australia may not be possible. [More…]
I would like to think that there is always an avenue for our beef both in the United States and in Japan, which are our major markets, and also in the East and, if we can arrange it, in the European Economic Community countries. [More…]
A major export market, the United States of America, and a number of other countries are on the way towards eradicating tuberculosis and brucellosis. [More…]
Record sales of beef are being made to the United States of America, Japan, Korea, Canada and Iran. [More…]
The high prices are due to the reduced numbers of cattle in the United States of America and in this country. [More…]
Australia’s present turnoff for slaughter is not much in excess of domestic requirements plus the United States quota, and this will diminish further in 1979-80. [More…]
Prices are high in the United States because of reduced cattle numbers there, and this is leading to a strong demand for imported beef. [More…]
The United States can and will pay more than any other market for our export beef. [More…]
The United States quota therefore has first call on Australia’s exportable surplus. [More…]
The United States has placed stringent hygiene requirements on our meatworks. [More…]
The United States prices are now about 20c per lb above the price in any other market, except the Canadian and Japanese chilled beef markets, where the margin is 5c to 10c. [More…]
The United States entitlement under the arrangements is now 2 lc to 22c per lb, which is reflected in current market prices. [More…]
We now have orders for our disease-free meat from the United States of America, Canada, Korea, Japan, as I have already mentioned, and also from Iraq and Iran. [More…]
How the heck can a supply scheme be managed in Australia when the market can be in or out of cycle with the United States? [More…]
The feedlot mechanism in the United States, if I can describe it that way, determines to a great extent the availability of beef in that country. [More…]
In addition, it is expected that there will be some reduction in the United States acreage as a consequence of the high world domestic stocks and the low prices of the previous season. [More…]
Regardless of the high quality of the grain that we put on the export market, however, demand will depend on such matters as the combined surplus held by countries such as South Africa, Thailand, Canada, Brazil and the United States, the size of the deficits in other countries, and their ability to pay in terms of foreign exchange. [More…]
(a) I am not aware of any public comment by the United States on the proposal but in the United Nations Security Council debate on Indo-China in March the United States representative urged those who were considering the proposal for an international conference to elaborate their views how it might achieve its principal objectives. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a statement of President Carter that human rights constituted the soul of American foreign policy and that the United States of America would demonstrate its affinity with democratic nations through its allocation of assistance funds and will not hesitate to convey its outrage- nor will it pretend that its relations are unaffected- if human rights violations persist in Cambodia, Chile, Uganda, South Africa, Nicaragua, Ethiopia and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Furthermore, I understand that the Indonesian Government has invited the United States Catholic Relief Services to visit East Timor to consider possible assistance to the province. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the United States of America Department of Health, Education and Welfare has launched a campaign to impress upon Medicare and Medicaid recipients the desirability of having a second opinion before surgery. [More…]
-The answer to the honourable member’s question is as follows: (1)1 understand that in September 1 978 the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW) began an extensive campaign to promote the seeking of second opinions before surgery, particularly for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. [More…]
I am aware that a number of schemes requiring second opinions for non-emergency surgery have already been implemented in the United States. [More…]
I inform the House that the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) left Australia on Sunday for a visit to China, Europe and the United States. [More…]
The Minister for Social Security (Senator Guilfoyle) also left Australia on 1 June to attend the International Conference of Women Leaders in Israel and to take up activities associated with the International Year of the Child in the course of visits to Europe and the United States. [More…]
We are running along at about 2 per cent behind the United States which at the moment spends about 10 per cent of its gross national product on total health costs. [More…]
It will be of interest to honourable members that President Carter is developing for presentation to the United States Congress a national health plan, which has a medical cost catastrophic cover proposal as its first priority. [More…]
There should also be a hospital administrator from an overseas country, hopefully Canada or the United States where some attempts have been made to quantify hospital efficiency. [More…]
It has been proved in the United States of America that, where there is what might be a comparative shortage of hospital beds, when a disaster occurs and hospital beds are needed those hospital beds will be found by making sure that the people who are occupying them indeed vacate them. [More…]
I have read about the executors boasting that they made 16 per cent profit on investment in the United States in this area. [More…]
I have read of their worries that their profits may be pegged by United States legislation to 10 per cent and of their expectations that their move in Australia will restore the 16 to 20 per cent profit margin. [More…]
It is planned that this unit will be used in providing an improved air cargo service between Australia and Frankfurt as well as between Australia and the United States. [More…]
Aircraft 19 is to be of standard passenger configuration and will be used to cope with peak summer traffic on the United Kingdom, Europe and United States routes. [More…]
Preliminary figures for the first two months of operation show that the number of passengers to Australia from West Germany has increased by 70 per cent over last year, from the United States of America by 62 per cent, and from the United Kingdom by 40 per cent. [More…]
We should note also that reduced air fare agreements have been signed with the United Kingdom, the United States, West Germany, Canada, Greece, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands and New Zealand. [More…]
1 8 will be for use on the routes between Australia and Frankfurt and across the Pacific to the United States of America. [More…]
19 will be used for peak services to the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. [More…]
Amid calls for global oil rationing, the United States and other Western Governments were warned yesterday that the present world oil shortage may already have condemned them to a prolonged economic downturn, with rising unemployment and high inflation that would last until the middle of the next decade. [More…]
There are now cheap fares to the United Kingdom, West Germany, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Greece, Canada, the United States of America and New Zealand. [More…]
The United States and all Western European countries other than Ireland not only levy income tax and estate duty, but also either capital gains taxes or net worth taxes (or in many cases both). [More…]
Other countries with which we want to compare ourselves have substantial taxes on personal capital, such as the United States which imposes a comprehensive capital gains tax and also has estate duties. [More…]
The United States has passed legislation to establish a commercial corporation known as the American Institute in Taiwan to maintain commercial and other nongovernmental contacts with Taiwan, including the administration of procedures for the entry of Taiwanese visitors to the United States and the continued operation of commercial and other agreements. [More…]
In this respect it will carry out some functions which formerly would have been carried out by the United States Embassy in Taiwan. [More…]
The United States/Taiwan Mutual Defence Treaty will be allowed to lapse at the end of this year. [More…]
Other agreements, which will remain in force, cover such subjects as commerce, including agreements restricting access to the United States market for certain Taiwanese products; agriculture; peaceful use of atomic energy; civil aviation; claims; navigation; customs; and economic and technical co-operation. [More…]
The circumstances under which the United States conducts its relations with Taiwan are quite different from those relating to Australia. [More…]
The arrangements applying in the case of the United States result from specific agreements and understandings reached between the United States and Chinese Governments when they entered into full diplomatic relations. [More…]
He has repeatedly said that he will have difficulty in getting the Commission to move on this matter until the United States ratines the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
There has been a longstanding dispute between the United States Administration and members of the Senate regarding the domestic pricing arrangements for sugar in the United States. [More…]
In fact, stocks in the United States of America, which has the major influence on international prices, tend to be down this year on what they were last year. [More…]
They have been certificated by the Australian Department of Transport and the United States Federal Aviation Administration as well as a number of other airworthiness authorities. [More…]
The United States Federal Aviation Administration certification was awarded in May 1977. [More…]
The floatplane version of the N22B is now with Wipline in Minneapolis in the United States of America and has completed FAA certification trials. [More…]
The Nomad has been exhibited at many overseas air shows, including a current one in the United States and one shortly to be held in Paris. [More…]
I have delivered over 30 of the Nomads sold around the world- to Europe, the Philippines, South America and the United States of America, across both Atlantic and the Pacific. [More…]
In addition, those remarks more than vindicate the certification granted to the aircraft by both the Department of Transport in Australia and the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States. [More…]
I think it is a great feather in the cap of the Nomad aircraft and the Government Aircraft Factories that the certification of the aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States will open up new avenues for the sale of the aircraft. [More…]
It is of interest that Australia’s largest injection-moulding equipment manufacturer, Johns Consolidated Ltd, is establishing a manufacturing base in Singapore which will presumably be making its new technology machines available for sale to the United States of America. [More…]
The position in Australia and England referred to above is closely paralleled by the common law decision in the United States. [More…]
This decision was reached after detailed discussion between an expert member of the Maritime Services Advisory Committee- National Plan- and scientificauthorities in West Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. [More…]
Is he able to give comparable information on simitar types operated in similar tasks on domestic airline services in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) Canada, (c) the United States of America and (d) European Economic Community nations. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to media reports of comments made by Mr Brian Hunter, the liquidator of VIP Insurances Limited, particularly those relating to the reinsurance arrangements made between VIP and the Allstate Insurance Company of the United States of America. [More…]
Is he able to state whether the Government of the United States of America provides tax incentives for employers to employ handicapped persons. [More…]
1 ) The Commissioner of Taxation has advised that the United States tax law does provide a tax incentive for employers to employ handicapped persons. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a report on page 7 of the Australian of 8 May 1979 that the United States of America Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Mr Joseph Califano, has launched a national campaign against alcohol abuse with a counselling and referral service in his own department which has about one problem drinker for every 1 8 staff members. [More…]
Can the Minister for Primary Industry advise the House whether shipments of beef to the United States will fill the quota entitlement this year? [More…]
During the first six months of this year the rate of shipment of beef to the United States was way above that required to meet the 12-month allocation within the United States quota. [More…]
Therefore, I am sure there is no reason for anybody in Australia to feel that there is an inadequacy of livestock to meet the present quota entitlement in the United States. [More…]
With respect to the counter-cyclical legislation, the honourable gentleman would know that the special trade negotiator of the United States Government, Ambassador Strauss, is due to confer shortly with my colleague the Minister for Trade and Resources with respect to the impact on Australia of the announcement by the American administration of its acceptance of terms with respect to shortfall allocation that differ from the original arrangements made within the multilateral trade negotiations. [More…]
In the immediate future the general world supply of beef is such that markets are available in the United States and elsewhere around the world which will ensure the stability of the Australian beef industry. [More…]
Therefore, while there is a concern in the medium term about the impact of this United States legislation, in the short term it is not expected that it will impair in any way the present prospects for a continued buoyant market condition generally abroad for Australia’s beef exports. [More…]
The honourable member for Blaxland pointed out in that paper that an Australian Labor Government would form, as is done in almost every other developed country with the exception of the United States basically, a national oil company to be known as the Australian Hydrocarbons Corporation. [More…]
Honourable members may have read about some farmers in the United States of America lobbying for the swapping of a bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil. [More…]
1 ) How many assisted passages were granted to migrants who were last resident in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) New Zealand, (c) South Africa, (d) Lebanon, (e) Turkey, (f) Greece, (g) Italy, (h) Spain, (j) Portugal, (k) Chile, (1) India, (m) Thailand, (n) the Philippines, (o) the United States of America, and (p) Canada during (i) 1975, (ii) 1976; (iii) 1977,(iv) 1978 and(v) 1979 to date. [More…]
If not, (a) how many applicants from (i) Greece, (ii) Turkey, (iii) the United Kingdom, (iv) the United States of America, (v) Lebanon, (vi) India (vii) Pakistan, (viii) France, (ix) Italy, (x) Ireland, (xi) South Africa, (xii) Chile, (xiii) Israel, (xiv) Cyprus, (xv) Malta, (xvi) Mauritius, (xvii) Indonesia, (xviii) the Philippines, (xix) Fiji and (xx) Rhodesia have been determined as unsuitable without a personal interview since the system was introduced and (b); what percentage of all migrant applications received from those countries were rejected (i) without interview and (ii) after an interview. [More…]
1 ) What applications have the Minister or any of his colleagues received for assistance for a cyclone probing program known as Storm-Fury to operate in conjunction with a similar program in the United States of America. [More…]
Australia and the United States of America in the operation from Australia of a US tropical cyclone research program known as Project Stormfury. [More…]
However its performance, particularly in the United States, has been well documented by the Environmental Protection Agency. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a report on page 1 3 of the Australian of 8 May 1979 that chewing tobacco and snuff are being actively promoted in the United States of America and while cigarette consumption rose only 3.9 per cent in that country in 1977 non-smoking tobacco products increased retail sales about 30 per cent. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to the recent report of the United States of America Academy of Science recommending a reduction in the maximum permissible dose of ionising radiation for workers in the nuclear industry. [More…]
Do the terms of the agreement arranged between the Australian and United States of America Governments on the operation within Australia of installations such as Nurrungar, Pine Gap and the North West Cape, allow US servicemen attached to those projects to undertake normal civilian employment in Australia during their off duty hours; if so, does this in any way contravene Australian migration restrictions on visitors accepting employment? [More…]
The terms of the agreement between the Government of Australia and the United States concerning arrangements for the establishment and operation of the joint defence facilities to which the Honourable Member refers do not encompass the matter of US servicemen undertaking civilian employment in their off duty hours. [More…]
Neither does the Status of Forces Agreement between Australia and the United States (Treaty Series 1963, No. [More…]
Can he say whether the United States of America Senate voted on 7 May 1 979 to put warning labels on all bottles of liquor containing more than 24 per cent of alcohol by volume. [More…]
On 7 May 1979, the United States Senate considered a Bill (S.440) to revise and extend the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970. [More…]
United States Defence Installations in Australia (Question No. [More…]
1 ) Is it a fact that the network of 20 American installations in Australia run by the United States of America Defence Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the United States Air Force and Navy includes the largest computer complex in the southern hemisphere and the biggest communications base for the US Navy’s submarine strike force. [More…]
I do not understand what the honourable member means by ‘all out war’ signals, neither do my technical advisers, nor does the United States Navy whose advice has also been sought. [More…]
The naval communication station at Harold E. Holt is jointly manned by Royal Australian Navy and United States Navy personnel. [More…]
Has his attention been drawn to reports in the Financial Review of 6 June 1979 suggesting that the United States is developing a ‘forward basing’ strategy incorporating HMAS Stirling in Cockburn Sound. [More…]
In what other ways is it proposed that the United States will make use of HMAS Stirling. [More…]
Are there any proposals which would include use being made of HMAS Stirling by nuclear powered ships or submarines of the United States Navy. [More…]
Will any nuclear powered ships or submarines of the United States Navy be based or serviced at HMAS Stirling, if so, will these arrangements include the Trident submarine. [More…]
1 ) How many ships of the United States of America Navy visited Western Australian ports during (a) 1974, (b) 1975, (c) 1976,(d) 1977,(e) 1978and(f) 1979 to date. [More…]
Beef Exports to the United States (Question No. [More…]
If so, is he satisfied that this controversy will not in any way inhibit or adversely affect continued export of Australian beef to the United States of Amenca by these companies. [More…]
How do the recommendations of the 1976 Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration (chaired by Dr H. C. Coombs) affect Australian residents from (a) Rhodesia, (b) Italy, (c) Uganda, (d) Greece, (e) Sri Lanka, (f) Yugoslavia, (g) Republic of Ireland, (h) Turkey, (i) Lebanon, (k) United States of America, (1) Hong Kong and (m) New Zealand. [More…]
If so, are results of these actions likely to affect United States of America/Australian relations. [More…]
This matter has not been the subject of official discussion between the Australian and the United States Governments and it is unlikely to affect bilateral relations. [More…]
I ask the Minister for Defence whether he can advise the House of the facts concerning a report to the effect that a Royal Australian Air Force F111 aircraft- the first of such aircraft recently modified in the United States for special reconnaissance work- was forced on its return to Australia to land at Kwajalein in the Pacific Ocean, allegedly because of a tropical storm. [More…]
Yes, the aircraft did put down at Kwajalein on its way back from the United States. [More…]
International visitor surveys and research studies will continue, aimed at determining the holiday requirements of particular market segments in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany and New Zealand. [More…]
For example, the United Kingdom and United States of America charge for cables is identical with that now proposed. [More…]
I understand that the Department of Transport and the United States Government are currently preparing a list of substandard tankers which could then be barred from Australian ports until such time as the standard of equipment on those vessels was brought up to the standards set out in the international conventions to which I have referred. [More…]
In the United States the Carter Administration has sought to expand the participation of American-manned vessels in international trade for two reasons. [More…]
The United States and other countries would look at Australia and say that we have increased tariffs. [More…]
I remind the Minister and the Government that a concession of this kind is maintained by the United Kingdom and the United States and probably by most other countries. [More…]
This period followed 8 months in 1972 as a Churchill Fellow in the United States and Canada studying environmental management and protection in the United States and Canada. [More…]
1 ) Has his attention been drawn to a judgment by Daid County Court Judge Nesbitt which cast doubt on the accuracy of police radar speed detection devices used in the United States of America. [More…]
This reflects firstly the lack of interest generated in much of Australian education and secondly the relatively slow growth of an information economy compared with, say, the United States or Canada. [More…]
In the United States, basically, the people in group 1 and group 2 are competing with each other within a framework of continuing education. [More…]
This is one of the reasons why the United States has been more successful than any other country in absorbing additional numbers in the work force. [More…]
For the information of honourable members I present the agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America concerning peaceful use of nuclear energy, together with an agreed minute, and the agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning nuclear transfers between Australia and the United Kingdom, together with an agreed minute and an exchange of letters. [More…]
-The agreement with the United States was signed in Canberra on 5 July. [More…]
I signed on behalf of Australia and Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance, signed on behalf of the United States. [More…]
Both the United Kingdom and the United States are nuclear weapons states and, in accordance with the policy announced by the Prime Minister on 24 May 1977, the primary purpose of these agreements will be to ensure that when Australia supplies uranium to them for peaceful purposes, this uranium will not be diverted to non-peaceful or explosive purposes. [More…]
Against the background of international energy and fuel problems, the agreements are of particular significance since both the United States and the United Kingdom are expected to be substantial markets for Australian uranium. [More…]
Agreement with the United States of America [More…]
The agreement with the United States is an important one. [More…]
It provides a new framework for the nuclear co-operation between Australia and the United States which commenced well before 1956 when the two governments concluded an agreement concerning the civil use of atomic energy. [More…]
The agreement reflects the shared non-proliferation objectives of Australia and the United States and is a further demonstration of the commitment by both Australia and the United States to stringent controls on the exports of nuclear material. [More…]
Before this agreement can come into force it must first remain before the United States Congress for 60 days of continuous session. [More…]
President Carter said he was particularly pleased that the first peaceful nuclear co-operation agreement entered into since the enactment of the United States NonProliferation Act of 1978 should be with Australia. [More…]
‘The proposed agreement’, he noted, reflects the desire of the Government of the United States and the Government of Australia to update the framework for peaceful nuclear cooperation between our two countries in a manner which recognises both the shared nonproliferation objectives and the close relationship between the United States and Australia in the peaceful applications of nuclear energy’. [More…]
I wish also to bring to the attention of the House the nuclear proliferation assessment statement on the Agreement prepared for President Carter by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. [More…]
This statement has been submitted to the United States Congress. [More…]
The United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency concludes that ‘it is entirely fitting that the first agreement for co-operation to be submitted’ to the United States Congress ‘for approval since enactment of the United States Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act is with a state of such impeccable nonproliferation credentials’. [More…]
The agreement with the United States incorporates all the Government’s safeguards requirements as announced by the Prime Minister on 24 May 1977. [More…]
United States, Article 9. [More…]
As a nuclear weapon state the United States is not required under the NPT to institute IAEA safeguards in its territory. [More…]
This agreement has yet to be approved by the United States Senate preparatory to being brought into force. [More…]
Provisions on retransfer to ensure that uranium supplied by Australia is not reexported by the United States unless we are satisfied as to the ultimate destination and the controls that would apply. [More…]
This is because of the elaborate co-operation provisions covering not only nuclear material but also other material, equipment and information, and the need to meet the provisions of United States nuclear safeguards policy as legislated in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978. [More…]
This Act contains some provisions which are not among Australia’s own requirements and reflects the involvement of the United States in a wide range of peaceful nuclear activities. [More…]
As with all of Australia’s bilateral nuclear safeguards agreements, this agreement incorporates all of the Government’s safeguards requirements as announced by the Prime Minister on 24 May 1977 and to which I have just referred in detail in connection with the United States agreement. [More…]
The Government’s decision was taken before an anti-trust suit by Westinghouse Electric Corporation for treble damages had proceeded to judgment in the United States against certain Australian companies. [More…]
I conclude by restating elements of the statements that have been laid before the United States Congress by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. [More…]
The Agency concludes its paper by stating that ‘it is entirely fitting that the first agreement for co-operation to be submitted’ to the United States Congress ‘for approval since enactment of the United States Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act is with a state of such impeccable non-proliferation credentials’. [More…]
Mr LIONEL BOWEN (KingsfordSmith) by leave- The statement that the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr Peacock) has made relates to safeguards agreements with the United Kingdom and the United States of America on the supply by Australia of natural uranium. [More…]
Agreements were concluded with Korea in May and with the United States and the United Kingdom in July and August 1979. [More…]
I recently had a chance to visit Korea, Japan, Great Britain, the United States and other countries where there have been nuclear power facilities. [More…]
United States. [More…]
It has caused no end of trouble to the United States Government, no end of difficulty to the United States people. [More…]
It was put to me very clearly in the United States that if the US Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Three Mile Island incident found that fundamental problems exist in operating all nuclear reactors then that will end the commissioning of new power reactors in the United States, at least for the time being. [More…]
At present, the nuclear fuel cycle in the United States has been set back at least five years because they are not satisfied with the safety of the fuel. [More…]
The minimum consequence in the United States is likely to be a general restructuring of the electric utility industry to provide greater management and technical depth. [More…]
In the case of nuclear weapon states, Britain and the United States have established or are establishing safeguards arrangements for their non-military fuel cycles. [More…]
The other agreement is with the United States, with which we have friendly relations and to which we have no objection, because it is a reputable power - [More…]
-The United States controls the fuel cycle. [More…]
I emphasise the point that the United States controls it. [More…]
The point I am trying to make is that this Government has given itself a high power of credibility because of what the United States said in regard to the safeguards agreement. [More…]
The United States controls every aspect of its fuel cycle and this Government does not. [More…]
The United States does. [More…]
The United States had to step in and exercise its muscle. [More…]
The United States will have to step in and exercise its muscle in Pakistan. [More…]
So there is value in what the United States is about. [More…]
This Government should be helping the United States in these international matters. [More…]
The United States Government has a lot of problems and is in real trouble over the safe use of fuel. [More…]
If honourable members talk to United States Congressmen they will find that the United States will opt out of the nuclear energy cycle at this stage if it can because of the dangers to the American people. [More…]
This will apply particularly to personnel required to operate the guided missile frigates now being constructed in the United States. [More…]
On the three guided missile frigates being built in the United States; [More…]
This review by Australia was provided for in the agreement between the United States and ourselves under which the ships are being purchased. [More…]
Subject to the negotiation of suitable contracts, investigations will be carried out by: Empresa Nacional, Bazan, Spain with respect to the sea control ship currently under construction; Italcantieri of Monfalcone, Italy with respect to the Italian helicopter carrier Garibaldi and Litton-Ingalls of Pascagoula, United States of America with respect to a variant of the United States LPH class. [More…]
The state of relations with the Association of South East Asian Nations group of countries, with the United States and with the European countries is eloquent testimony to this fact. [More…]
One of the most extraordinary incidents of our recent international relations is confirmed in the book published this week by Mr Alan Renouf, just retired from the position of Australian Ambassador to the United States. [More…]
In his book The Frightened Country, Mr Renouf details a succession of arguments between the Fraser Government and the Carter Administration in the United States. [More…]
The Prime Minister accused the United States of not adequately protecting Australia’s interests- a task, by the way, which quite obviously belongs to Australia. [More…]
He suggested, in fact, that the future of United States defence facilities in Australia could be jeopardised unless this country received better treatment from America in the multilateral trade negotiations. [More…]
That was a disgraceful chapter in Australian relations with the United States. [More…]
Prime among them, of course, is the United States of America. [More…]
It is the importance of that base militarily for the United States and the entanglement that that would involve within the American nuclear defence capability that causes people to have what I believe to be a justifiable concern. [More…]
While it has not been used in Australia to any extent at all, a similar provision has been of major importance in the United States. [More…]
We visited the parliaments of Canada, Britain and the United States. [More…]
I am sure that the representations that he made to members of the United States Congress were made with his normal, yet individual, embellishment and strength of purpose. [More…]
Indeed, I was saying that Queensland’s importance needs no underlining, though the honourable member obviously felt inclined to do so with the many and varied representations that he made to United States congressmen and senators. [More…]
The participants include major industrialised countries, such as the United States of America, the countries constituting the European Economic Community, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan; middle order countries of the kind to which Australia belongs, such as Sweden and Austria; major developing countries such as Brazil; and underdeveloped countries, such as Cameroon, Congo and Madagascar. [More…]
In that role, the Australian Patent Office will join the European Patent Office, and the patent offices of the United States, the USSR, Japan, Sweden and Austria in providing other member countries with the technical services established by the Treaty. [More…]
there is in the United States of America, an organisation or committee called the Un-American Activities Committee, and it is high time that we established an UnAustralian Activities Committee in this country . [More…]
Let us compare the figures for unemployment in the United States of America and Australia as a percentage of the civilian labour force in 1974 and 1975, which were the Whitlam years, with those figures in 1978 and in January 1979, under the Fraser regime. [More…]
In the United States in 1974, the figure was 5.6 per cent; in Australia, 2. [More…]
In 1974, the United States position was nearly three times more serious. [More…]
In 1975 the United States unemployment figure was 8.5 per cent; the Australian figure was 4.4 per cent- only half. [More…]
In 1 978 the United States figures for civilian unemployment was six per cent. [More…]
In January 1979 the United States figure was 5.8 per cent; in Australia the figure was 7 per cent. [More…]
The total United States volume of printed material has risen 300 per cent since 1950, but numbers employed in the printing trade have fallen quite dramatically. [More…]
The Government’s record of economic management, although not achieving the performance it would like, has succeeded in reducing Australia’s annual increase in the rate of inflation from above the average of our major competitors to below that average, and in spite of a possible 10 per cent inflation rate this year that reduction will continue because countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand are suffering from inflation at the 14 per cent level and above. [More…]
There is also the problem of cost disadvantage that Australian farmers, particularly grain producers, suffer when compared with their major competitors, that is, the United States and Canada. [More…]
So far as discussions with the United States are concerned, we have had discussions, and so have other countries in the Pacific area. [More…]
There has been misapprehension in the minds of some people that the United States is seeking to dump its own waste. [More…]
Thirdly, so far as discussions with United States officials are concerned, they have taken place and will continue to take place. [More…]
This has occurred in the United Kingdom and even in the United States. [More…]
The same principle applies today as it did in the United States when a very great American President used those words when introducing his New Deal’ to defeat the Great Depression. [More…]
This cult parallels the mass suicide order obeyed by more than 900 members of an American mind control sect in Jonestown, Guyana last year, after their leaders murdered a United States Congressional investigator and a reporter. [More…]
The forecasts of the Australian wheat crop by the US Department of Agriculture did not utilise any information that may have been generated by the United States of America satellite. [More…]
The information generated from satellite data is processed in the United States and is several months old before it is available to Australia. [More…]
1 ) What are the proficiency standards for (a) certificated and (b) non-certificated personnel serving on board ships registered in (i) Liberia, (ii) Panama, (iii) Bermuda, (iv) Hong Kong, (v) Singapore, (vi) the United States of America, (vii) Sweden and (viii) the United Kingdom that enter Australian waters. [More…]
For the reasons mentioned above comprehensive information as to the proficiency standards and minimum numbers of personnel required aboard ships registered in Liberia, Panama, the United States of America, and Sweden is not available to the Depanment of Transport. [More…]
Moreover, under the laws of some countries, for example, the United States of America, an individual determination as to the minimum number of certificated and non-certificated personnel is made for each ship, depending on factors such as the nature, trade and construction of the ship. [More…]
Japan, Germany, Canada, The United States of America, the United Kingdom and eleven other States (including Australia) are signatories to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1 973. [More…]
The President of the United States of America, President Carter, in his recent statement on these matters foreshadowed the spending of an extra $5 billion. [More…]
People in the United States understand that they have to reduce the consumption of 8.5 million barrels of oil a day, which equals the whole of the daily production of Saudi Arabia. [More…]
So the United States is spending $5 billion on research into alternative energy measures. [More…]
The OECD forecasts a growth of 1.6 per cent in the United Kingdom, 3 per cent in the United States of America, an OECD average of 3.5 per cent and a 4 per cent growth in Australia. [More…]
It is anticipated that the United States will have an inflation rate in the coming year of about 14 per cent. [More…]
There have of course been significant cuts, particularly in the sphere of local government, which in the United States of America performs a wide range of services. [More…]
Many rent payers in the United States of America or Australia are young adults who are aspiring home owners rather than a permanent interest group. [More…]
In the United States, the continuation of high tax rates imposed during World War I caused recession in 191 9-20. [More…]
The British Conservatives have acquiesced to punitive taxes, and conservative Republicans in the United States have only recently embraced tax reform. [More…]
When dealing with the Western countries we are really talking about countries such as the United States of America, France, Great Britain and West Germany- the leading Western economies in the world. [More…]
But with regard to inflation and our ability to live- I will not say magnificently but certainly well- very few countries other than the United States and West Germany can keep up with the pattern and standard of living that this Government has established. [More…]
-The 1979-80 Budget is remarkable for one particular thing: At a time when almost every nation in the Western world is grappling with financial problems, when a great country such as the United States of America declared some few years ago that its gross national product was $1 trillion, and when the pendulum is swinging backwards and forwards from month to month, with the inflation rate being perhaps at 1 1 per cent, going down to 9 per cent and then going up to 16 per cent, this Government is able to maintain a sense of direction and produce a most remarkable Budget. [More…]
I was able to examine the schemes in the United States in January. [More…]
This Budget equips us to succeed in a world environment of rising inflation and intensifying competition because we are determined to have lower rates of inflation than our overseas competitors- countries which are producing goods in competition to ours- such as the United States of America and countries in Europe. [More…]
-Did the Minister for Trade and Resources say in a statement on 7 September that he had failed in efforts to prevent the United States of America adopting countercyclical legislation which would permit the ceiling of beef imports by the United States to fall below 1.3 billion lb? [More…]
On the other hand, did he secure United States agreement that if imports fell below that level the balance of concessions achieved in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations between Australia and the United States could be affected? [More…]
What is the ‘balance of concessions’ made by Australia and why has the Minister failed to table in the Parliament the document he signed in Washington in March 1979, bearing in mind that members of the United States Congress have already seen the document? [More…]
In relation to the latter part of the honourable member’s question, the Government will not be tabling the final outcome of the MTN round until the whole of Australia’s negotiations have been concluded and that conclusion will be upon the presentation of the most recently considered package to the United States Government, which has not yet occurred. [More…]
It is true that some readjustments have been made to the settlement that was reached between Australia and the United States concerning the global allocation by America on beef imports. [More…]
It is a binding arrangement between Australia and the United States. [More…]
The Australian allocation of beef into the United States will drop by about 4 per cent should the countercyclical legislation come into being. [More…]
I am pleased to say that, as a result of the discussions that have taken place, there have been some adjustments of concessions which are of benefit to the dairy industry and also affecting paper exports from the United States. [More…]
Furthermore, we have an assurance from the United States Government that should the countercyclical legislation result in imports below 1.3 billion lb there will be room for further adjustments in the future. [More…]
I do not think that people realise how important the binding arrangement that we have with the United States is. [More…]
For the first time in the history of this country, we have assured access to the United States markets. [More…]
Particularly keen interest has been shown by Japan, the United States and, I am informed, South Korea. [More…]
The joint venturers have been in Japan in recent weeks negotiating with the Japanese and I am told that they will be moving on to the United States very soon. [More…]
The United States of America is far more dependent on the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries now than it was before 1973-74. [More…]
In the United States output is actually declining. [More…]
On an annualised basis, inflation in the United States is now running at around 14 per cent. [More…]
Let me quote for a moment from comments made by William Miller, Secretary of the United States Treasury and designated by President Carter as the Chief Economic Spokesman for the United States. [More…]
Because we are running the economy well, because our inflation is lower than that of many of our trading partners and because we are therefore becoming more competitive, even if world trade is low and even if there is not much growth in the United States or in Europe, we will be able to get Australia through a difficult world scene much better than most other countries. [More…]
We can do what is done in Sweden, Belgium, West Germany or in the United States of America. [More…]
This process is only beginning in Australia, but it has played a significant part in unemployment statistics in the United States. [More…]
He did so in ignorance of the fact that in 1973, in the home of private enterprise, the United States of America, the Congressional Senate Finance Committee examined this problem: The implications of the multinational firm for world trade and investment for United States trade and labour. [More…]
The American Federation of Labour-Congress of Industrial Organisations testified that between 1966 and 1971 American-based multinationals transferred over 900,000 jobs based on union wage rates in the United States to low wage areas in Asia. [More…]
No one can say that that would not have a significant impact on a country the size of the United States. [More…]
The transfer of production overseas is making the United States a nation of hamburger stands- a country stripped of industrial capacity and meaningful work … a service economy … a nation of citizens busily buying and selling cheeseburgers and root beer floats. [More…]
He went on to name the jobs and the technology that was being exported from the United States to low wage areas in Asia. [More…]
For instance, if a tanker of crude oil originally destined for Australia can be diverted to the United States of America or Europe for a much larger profit on the spot market why should oil companies overlook a windfall profit and supply Australia instead? [More…]
On the question of standards, I specifically asked whether the Government would consider the adoption of propane specifications along the lines of the United States Natural Gas Processors Association specification HD5. [More…]
In 1978, over 7,000 wells were drilled in Canada and 48,000 in the United States. [More…]
But when he compared the number of exploration wells drilled in Australia with the number being drilled in Canada and the United States he completely dismissed and made no mention of what happened during the Labor Government’s Administration between 1972 and 1975. [More…]
) Is he able to say whether the Parliaments of the United States of America, the European Economic Community and the United Kingdom all have set up parliamentary committees to monitor and report upon their respective countries’ fuel and energy needs. [More…]
2 ) Has he received a report from his Department on similar United States of America schemes. [More…]
I mention that the recent sales overseas of the product of Australian commercial television stations bear out, I think, the promise that they have been holding out, that is, that the renaissance of Australian films, which all of us in this country have applauded in recent times, can be followed by a renaissance or a flowering of Australian television with shows such as Against the Wind and Prisoner, which are now being seen by the major station audiences in the United States of America and hailed throughout the world. [More…]
I am advised that there is an insect- a fly, indeed- of almost identical habits in the United States. [More…]
The United States has been able to develop a sterile insect release method which has enabled very significant control of this fly, thereby preventing the spread of disease and infection in livestock that otherwise would have been affected. [More…]
In the Westminster system we do not vote for the leaders, as happens in the presidential system in the United States or elsewhere. [More…]
This is to be applauded as the work force is entitled to enjoy the benefits of an economy that is second only to the economies of West Germany and the United States of America. [More…]
Since the United States Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health was published in January 1964, a great deal of research has been conducted by the world’s scientists and researchers on the links between smoking and disease. [More…]
The January 1979 report of the Surgeon General of the United States of America on Smoking and Health shows that the percentage of girls aged between 12 and 14 years who smoke has increased eight-fold since 1968 and that among the age group 13 to 19 years there are now 6 million regular smokers in the United States of America. [More…]
As in the United States of America, so it is in Australia; there are more teenage girls smoking in this country. [More…]
In 1978 the United States National Institute of Education commenced a survey on teenage smoking habits. [More…]
To take the United States of America alone, cigarette smoking played a significant part in 80,000 deaths each year from lung cancer, up to 225,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 19,000 deaths from emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases. [More…]
It was widely stated in the United States that his demise was caused by his enthusiasm for controlling smoking in the United States of America. [More…]
It was suggested that the tobacco lobby of the southern States persuaded the United States of America President that Joseph Califano Jnr had no place in his administration. [More…]
Current statistics show that the average bank lending interest rate in the United States of America is 1 1.65 per cent. [More…]
As far as the shells are concerned, the disease has been investigated by authorities from the United States of America and Japan, and I hope that as a result, it may be possible to identify the cause of the disease and to overcome it. [More…]
Recent United States experience shows us what can be achieved if we take the right decisions. [More…]
After decades of similar centralised bureaucratic control, the United States Government announced that, apart from safety factors, it would completely deregulate its interstate airline industry over the next five years. [More…]
Recently during the Multilateral Trade Negotiations the duty on imported United States leaf was reduced by 60 per cent. [More…]
Yet throughout the whole of this period there was no basic departure from the critical decision of the Menzies era that Australia should no longer pursue a policy in Asia independent of that of the United States. [More…]
I do not know whether the United States could have done anything about the situation in Iran but the American President was very seriously misinformed. [More…]
We have had the same perversions in this country by the secret arm as the United States of America has suffered and as other democracies have suffered. [More…]
For instance, in the Mccarthyite period in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency became willing instruments of a Congress reflecting the popular anticommunist hysteria of the time. [More…]
It also follows the recent suicide of Jean Seberg, the American actress, whose health deteriorated as a result of alleged persecution by a similar organisation in the United States. [More…]
I am not saying that those at the very top should be endangered in any way by a lessening of surveillance, but I am saying that we should avoid getting into the situation which we have witnessed in the United States of America and in other countries- I do not necessarily accept the views of the previous speaker that Australia is already at that stage- and avoid ever reaching that stage of bringing our security organisation into disrepute, we should now build into this Act those measures which will ensure that members from both sides of the House, whilst they may not necessarily be aware of everything, at least trust the organisation. [More…]
It is not so regarded in the United States or comparable countries around the world. [More…]
In the United States there has been increasing scrutiny of security organisations and federal police forces. [More…]
The United States public, disturbed with the revelations that became known as Watergate, the seemingly unrestrained political intervention of the Central Intelligence Agency and the often repressive activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has demanded that action be taken to make these organisations ultimately accountable to the public. [More…]
The Church and Pike reports in the United States have disclosed the para-legal activities of these organisations and have provided the framework for legislative action to curb the excesses of the organisations and to limit thenpowers. [More…]
Instead of following the United States example and limiting the powers of ASIO and at least making it accountable to this Parliament and to the people, the Fraser Government has decided to do the opposite and to extend the powers of the Organisation. [More…]
Australia is emulating not the United States example, but rather the example of the repressive regimes of South America- of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. [More…]
In June 1953 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were electrocuted in Sing Sing prison on a charge of conspiracy to commit espionage in wartime, for passing on technical details of atomic weapons to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in September 1945, still technically during wartime, at a time when Russia was an ally of the United States of America. [More…]
What are Australia’s financial arrangements with the United States of America about those and other defence purchases? [More…]
As I read that gentleman’s reference to the patrol frigate program, he is concerned with the fact that the Auditor-General or one of his officers cannot conduct an audit within the United States of America. [More…]
I should point out that the ships are being purchased pursuant to what is described as the foreign military sales program of the United States. [More…]
That program is constantly subject to scrutiny by United States AuditorGeneral officers and to other processes of scrutiny peculiar to the United States which we do not have in Australia. [More…]
I point out to the House that in the very beginning of the project officers of the Royal Australian Navy were taken into the shipbuilding yards of the United States of America. [More…]
I can assure the House that there is very vigorous observation of the entire project in the United States of America, and, as will meet the convenience of the House, in the near future I will disclose what is the latest position regarding the cost of those ships. [More…]
Is it correct that Japan has agreed to allow leather from the United States of America into its market but that no similar arrangement applies to Australia? [More…]
However, earlier this year negotiations between Japan and the United States of America resulted in limited access to United States tanners. [More…]
Up to date we have not been able to come to any settlement with Japan but I would like to have it registered that I would consider it very undesirable if United States tanners were to be given a preferred position over Australian tanners. [More…]
The American Assistant Secretary of State, Mr Holbrooke- even if the Leader of the Opposition does not read the more detailed and literate journals and some of the more popular journals that have been circulating in this country- has said in a couple of interviews how close the United States was to normalising relations with Vietnam in the early part of October last year. [More…]
It was Vietnam which chose, notwithstanding the proximity of normalisation with the United States, to invade Kampuchea. [More…]
Every democracy services and preserves that democracy by providing security organisations such as the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States of America and other similar organisations in developed nations. [More…]
None of these is contemplated within our present ASIO Bill although I am firmly of the belief that all Australians should be possessed of some form of identification or social security number, as is the situation in the United States, in order to prevent the abuses under our Government’s welfare and national health programs, but that is not related to the security of our country. [More…]
I think it was mentioned only once in this Parliament or in the Australian Press, when ASIO was under debate here some time ago, that the ASIO headquarters in Melbourne was visited by, I think, Richard Helms, the head of the CIA in the United States. [More…]
Let me develop further my argument on the activities of the CIA in the United States. [More…]
Robert Francis Kennedy, when AttorneyGeneral of the United States in the early 1960s, saw communism as a threat to the United States- but not in the United States. [More…]
This is what the CIA did in the United States. [More…]
Nobody and no organisation in the United States was immune from the CIA: Not labour unions, not youth and student groups, not the media, not the professionals- the journalists, the lawyers and doctors- not the business organisations, not the politicians nor the political parties. [More…]
-The Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs well knows that the United States drove him into the arms of communism. [More…]
This fact was established, on sworn evidence, by the Frank Church Committee of Inquiry in the United States. [More…]
More recently we have seen United States intelligence fail yet again. [More…]
1 ) Is he able to say whether the head of the United States Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Competition, Mr Alfred Dougherty, proposes to urge Congress to impose ceilings on the amount of coal and uranium properties that the larger oil companies can own, as was reported in the Financial Review of 19 September 1978. [More…]
If there is no mechanism, what is the justification for this position in view of the United States experience with oil company monopolisation of resources. [More…]
If so, are these 2 companies big enough to develop the deposit; if not, are they trying to find a partner from the United States of America who is prepared to put up $2 billion. [More…]
Is it also a fact that the expenditure of $140m on the National Employment and Training System, the Community Youth Support Scheme, the Commonwealth Rebate for Apprentice Full-time Training scheme and the Education Program for Unemployed Youth represents 0.12 per cent of the gross national product, while Canada and the United States of America spend six times that amount and Sweden spends 20 times that amount? [More…]
The Minister for National Development would be aware of the trend in other countries, particularly the United States of America, towards the production of ethanol fuel on the farm for that farm’s use. [More…]
I make the salient point that it appears that the United States of America Congress has been told all about it. [More…]
I have here a document entitled: ‘A Message from the President of the United States to His Congress’, dated 19 June. [More…]
It deals with the understanding on meat and the understanding on dairy products, United States tariff concessions and section IV deals with Australian tariff concessions. [More…]
This document can be obtained in any area in Australia because it has been tabled in the United States Congress. [More…]
It is understandable that the Japanese, the European Economic Community and the United States are keen to look after themselves. [More…]
If the codes of conduct as determined by the EEC, the United States and Japan is agreed upon this scheme would be illegal. [More…]
Whilst there may be no doubt that the United States, the EEC and Japan will look after themselves and will sign the codes of conduct, it is important that we clearly indicate our position. [More…]
Yet astoundingly we are able to get them by a normal process of obtaining a copy of what was tabled in the United States. [More…]
I ask permission of the right honourable gentleman to table the concessions which are outlined in the document entitled: ‘A Message from the President of the United States to his Congress’ and which relate to what is called an agreement with Australia. [More…]
If we can get a benefit from a visit by the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser) to Europe, to the United States or Japan then why not take advantage of his position which enables him to exercise great influence on other governments? [More…]
There was a reduction in the amount of produce it could get into the United States; it was practically shut out of the EEC and Japan. [More…]
We have achieved guaranteed access to the markets of the United States, the EEC and Japan and soon I hope to be able to finalise arrangements with Canada for a quantity of Australian meat to go in to its market no matter what the circumstances. [More…]
One concession involves an increase of the cheese quota into the EEC and the United States. [More…]
Previously we had a quota of only 1,600 tonnes in to the United States whereas now we have a quota of 4,000 tonnes. [More…]
Since the beginning of this century we have been arguing and fighting with the United States for reduction in the wool duty. [More…]
As a result of those negotiations we have a 60 per cent reduction in the tariff level on wool and I hope that the revival of, and the additional sales of wool to, the United States market will be worth a lot to the Australian industry. [More…]
The United States market is one of the biggest markets in the world but manufacturers virtually ceased to use our wool because of the deterrent of the higher duty on wool imports. [More…]
The United States legislation does not use the word ‘ultimately’ in its definition of subversion. [More…]
Other democracies, such as New Zealand and the United States, have not had to do it. [More…]
I am waiting for them to look at the activities of that organisation in the same critical way as they look at those of the United States organisation. [More…]
The United States is a country in which people can speak out. [More…]
I remember something that a former President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, said about some of the Kennedy camp followers. [More…]
The people he mentioned were the people who kept the security files in the United States, the people who would have made the judgments on the ultimate likelihood of a security file being required. [More…]
I again refer honourable members to the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency and other related secret agencies in the United States. [More…]
Australia has concluded agreements for scientific and technical co-operation with the Federal Republic of Germany, India, the Soviet Union and the United States. [More…]
1 ) Were visas to visit the United States refused to Mr Peter Noble and Ms Cilia Prior by the United States Consulate in Sydney, after Ms Prior was promised on 14 May 1979 that a visa would be available at 12.30 p.m. on 16 May. [More…]
Neither I nor my Department had any knowledge of any problem encountered by Mr Peter Noble or Ms Cilia Prior in obtaining visas to enter the United States of America. [More…]
The matter of visa issue for entry to United States of America is entirely a matter for the US authorities and the Australian Government is unable to comment on the question. [More…]
1 ) Is it a fact, as reported in Newsweek of 23 July 1979, that the United States of America has cut off aid to Pakistan. [More…]
If the United States of America was satisfied with intelligence reports that the Pakistanis are developing a nuclear weapon and the resultant decision was the complete abandonment of aid, will Australia take similar action; if not, why not. [More…]
1 ) As a result of a legislative requirement, the United States announced on 6 April that it was moving to suspend its $US40m annual development aid program to Pakistan. [More…]
The United States has not suspended food aid and other assistance. [More…]
It was therefore a very specific purpose to give additional ministerial capacity for discussions and negotiations on trade matters because quite plainly with the importance that this Government attaches to trade, it would not be possible for the Minister for Trade and Resources to be out of Australia to carry out all the work with the European Community, with ASEAN, with the United States, with Japan, with Korea, with New Zealand and all the rest. [More…]
I refer to a question I asked the right honourable gentleman on 29 May last relating to access for Australian beef in the United States as a trade off for continuation of United States bases in Australia. [More…]
I ask the right honourable gentleman: Did his Press secretary strongly deny to Inside Canberra a statement which is now reported as being made by Mr Alan Renouf, a former ambassador, that the Prime Minister had hinted to the United States Government that if Australia did not receive adequate treatment in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations the future of United States defence installations in Australia could be jeopardised? [More…]
Over a number of years there have been discussions at high levels with the Government of the United States of America on a very wide range of issues. [More…]
On many occasions going back more than a decade I have drawn attention to the special relationship between the United States and Australia. [More…]
The discussions that I had with the American Ambassador in February this year- the Foreign Minister was present for most of the discussions- were broad-ranging and covered the European Economic Community’s position on access for primary products and the role and attitude of the United States in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations as a whole and in its bilateral negotiations with Australia. [More…]
In the course of these discussions there was again reference to the broad-based Australia-United States relationship going back over many years and the co-operation between our countries, including joint defence facilities. [More…]
Clearly the negotiating strength of the United States was at times important to us in these trade negotiations. [More…]
I believe that reasonable access to Europe for Australian products was assisted by the support that came from the United States at different periods in the negotiations. [More…]
I am sure that the remarks have not been so construed by anyone who understands the real significance and the basic strength of the Australia- United States relationship, which all people on this side of the House support and which I hope the Opposition also supports. [More…]
So far as diesel is concerned, there has been less demand in this country for diesel powered cars than there has been in Europe and the United States. [More…]
The Government has approved a number of ventures involving interests from Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United States of America and Poland to carry out these projects. [More…]
They were Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom and, to a significantly lesser extent, the United States. [More…]
In December 1972 there was a revaluation of about 7 per cent, in February 1973 there was a further effective revaluation when the United States dollar was devalued by 10 per cent and we did not follow, in September 1973 there was a further overt revaluation of about 5 per cent and since May 1974 there has been an effective revaluation, which has gone largely unnoticed, of a further 7 per cent against the Deutsche mark because we are tied to the [More…]
United States dollar which has been strengthening in world currency markets. [More…]
I am advised that among our major trading partners the United States and Canada are two of the few countries which have pump prices lower than our own. [More…]
Another external factor which has had an effect on our inflation rate has been the strong demand for beef in the United States and other overseas markets. [More…]
In the United States of America it was 12.3 per cent. [More…]
During a study tour of the United States of America which I made during the winter recess, I visited the Commonwealth Edison nuclear power station and a nuclear storage depot not far from Chicago. [More…]
While I was in the United States President Carter made his statement on the energy crisis. [More…]
In that statement he pointed out that in the future the United States would need to turn more and more to nuclear power. [More…]
With the United States, the Soviet Union and other nations relying increasingly on nuclear power, we in Australia, who have something like only 20 per cent of the world’s uranium supplies, can have little influence indeed on the world trend towards the use of nuclear energy. [More…]
It means that throughout the Far East, besides listening to the booming voices coming from the United States and the Soviet Union, at last the voice of Australia is being carried to our neighbours and at last what is going on in Australia is clearly of interest to our neighbours. [More…]
The United States allows the discharge of clean ballast water. [More…]
The economic conditions prevailing now are similar to the conditions in 1973 with an increase in oil prices causing an upsurge of inflation in the United States, Japan and Europe. [More…]
Honourable members opposite, perhaps through the influence of their former Attorney-General Murphy, seem to have an affection for the United States Bill of Rights. [More…]
One of the propositions that the United States Supreme Court has embraced is that there shall not be a televising of committal proceedings because it deprives a person of a fair trial. [More…]
Let me repeat that the United States Supreme Court has held that the televising of committal proceedings is a denial of a fair trial. [More…]
We ought to look at what has happened in the United States. [More…]
The number of millionaires in the United States passed 500,000. [More…]
I well recall that in the debate on the securities and companies legislation in 1 975 it was mentioned that in the United States in that year 70 per cent of the corporate sector was controlled by 1 per cent of the population. [More…]
During the 1970s the average pay of the United States factory worker actually declined in real terms and the poor, both in Australia and in the United States, were even worse off. [More…]
What is being experienced both in Australia and the United States is a revolt but not by radicals against the pillars of society but, to put it more bluntly, by the rich against the poor, as John Kenneth Galbraith said. [More…]
In the United States the top 7 per cent of families receive more of the total income than the bottom half of the United States population and the percentage of the hold that the tiny minority has on discretionary income- money left over after the basics- is even greater; possibly as high as 50 per cent to 60 per cent. [More…]
Let me quote from a very telling article published in the United States a month ago on the panacea to control inflation. [More…]
In the United States of America it is 14 per cent. [More…]
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks now going on in Moscow are proof that the Soviet Union and the United States would like to come to an agreement, and that the agreement should be honoured by the United States, but the discovery of a Soviet mechanised regiment in Cuba- even though it has been there since 1972- has caused some problems. [More…]
In any world crisis the following countries will consult immediately: The United States of America, Britain, India, Japan, Australia and other members of the Commonwealth. [More…]
He spoke of the hope that resides in the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty agreements and the consultation network that has been set up between Japan, the United States and Commonwealth countries to ensure, as he said, that a war does not get out of hand. [More…]
It is a fact of life that in the past 15 years military expenditure by the Soviet Union and its allies has leaped dramatically far beyond the increase in the United States. [More…]
I wish to cite figures from an eight-year United States tagging survey of martin off Cairns. [More…]
The low cost labour personally to provide the frequent treatment necessary to control the screw worm and the research into the control of the spread of the fly are not available in Australia although the United States has apparently developed a sterile insect which on release has enabled very significant control of this fly. [More…]
1 ) Can he say what was the annual per capita consumption of tobacco in (a) Australia, (b) Great Britain, (c) the United States of America, (d) France and (e) Italy in each of the last 10 years. [More…]
What are the ruling rates of interest for housing society investors and borrowers and bank housing loan rates in (a) Australia, (b) Canada, (c) the United States of America and (d) the United Kingdom. [More…]
As far as can be ascertained Norway and the United States are the only Western liberal democracies which impose a fixed term of office for parliamentary representatives, that is, democracies in which the parliament cannot be dissolved before the expiry of its term and in which the Parliament cannot extend its term of office. [More…]
Is it a fact that the architectural firm of John Andrews International Pty Ltd of Sydney is one of six finalists in an international competition for the design of the multi-million dollar headquarters of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation, Intelsat, in Washington in the United States of America? [More…]
But, of course, any of the five permanent members- the United States of America, Britain, France, the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union- has the right of veto. [More…]
Is it a fact that the Government is procuring from the United States two armour-plated Cadillacs for the Prime Minister’s use? [More…]
Is it a fact that the new vehicles will cost $60,000 each in the United States? [More…]
Arrangements have been made to procure such vehicles, not from the United States. [More…]
We notice that in London last week President Thieu criticised the United States for not helping him. [More…]
Only the Soviet Union and the United States have the capacity for the air transportation of huge amounts of equipment, material and other aid. [More…]
The involvement of the United States in what happened in the early 1970s in working out the ‘Kissinger doctrine’ is horrifying. [More…]
We bear a heavy responsibility and I believe that we ought to be putting much more pressure on the United States. [More…]
The United States expressed a willingness- indeed a passion- to be involved in South East Asia. [More…]
-That United States action had been expected for some time. [More…]
The question relates to the recent moves by the United States Federal Reserve Board to reduce sharply the rate of growth in the money supply and to increase interest rates. [More…]
It watches with great interest, as every Australian government obviously does, decisions that are taken in the United States. [More…]
It would be fair to observe that we are pleased to see that policy decisions in the United States are designed to have a greater degree of fiscal responsibility and to bear down upon inflation. [More…]
Movement in interest rates has occurred only in recent weeks in the United States and the movement of capital is being monitored very carefully. [More…]
Interest rates in the United States have increased. [More…]
Although I suppose it is some small comfort, Australians do not always realise even today that, together with the United States and Canada, we pay amongst the lowest prices in the world for petrol. [More…]
Some surprising facts have come to light from experiences in the United States of America where the road speeds have been reduced to 55 miles per hour. [More…]
The United States is saving about four million gallons of petrol a day, or about 1.5 billion gallons each year, by this reduction in speed limits. [More…]
I remind the House that if the European Economic Community dumped large quantities of wheat at subsidised prices and the United States and Canada reacted to maintain their shares of the market, our wheat prices could drop substantially. [More…]
Certainly the United Kingdom and the United States of America have adopted the practice of trying to recoup costs that it is possible to identify as being directly associated with a request from a person using the services of their immigration offices. [More…]
The United States charges $20 for immigrant visas. [More…]
Research has been carried out by the Institute of Marine Science in the University of Miami, the United States Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service in California, Mr J. W. Anderson of the International Game Fishing Association and the Cairns Game Fishing Club in its tagging report in 1977. [More…]
He is conscious of what has happened in the United States. [More…]
In the United States in recent times, particularly under Nixon, people were virtually tapping each other’s telephones. [More…]
The recent book Nuclear Disaster in the Urals by Zhores A. Medvedev deals with the operations of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in suppressing the reports of the terrible explosion caused by nuclear wastes late in 1957 in the Russian Ural town of Kyshtym. [More…]
It was suppressed by the KGB in Russia and by the CIA in the United States because they were shaking hands with each other. [More…]
That is, in a sense if the Executive is given too direct and specific a control, then it may be found that ASIO is abused for political purposes, as were the secret agencies of government in the United States. [More…]
Yet there was a long period in United States history when he was regarded as being absolutely above criticism. [More…]
With the benefit of hindsight, that wonderful 20-20 vision we get after the event, we can see that certainly the last 20 or 25 years of Hoover’s administration were really quite disastrous for the FBI and very dangerous domestically for the United States. [More…]
We then will have in this country the unfortunate situation that obtains in the United States- a politicised security intelligence organisation. [More…]
If this happens in the great democracy of the United States we can bet our lives that it happens here. [More…]
I have also had extensive discussions with interested parties over the period and have received a report on developments in the United States relevant to the Australian proposals. [More…]
It should be noted that the Foundation’s work and influence have spread from Canada to the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe. [More…]
I tell the honourable gentleman and the members of the Opposition that the single most important impression that I gained more than ever before from the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Belgrade and discussions that I had with my counterparts in the governments of the United States of [More…]
I draw the attention of honourable gentlemen on the other side of the House to the increased emphasis now being placed by the United States Government on containing inflation. [More…]
In that context I welcome the measures recently announced by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve which are designed to constrain the rate of growth of the money supply in the United States and also to introduce quantitative controls on the volume of credit in that country. [More…]
The United States Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Services 1978 report states that the catch rate from sport fisheries off Cairns had declined by 50 per cent from 1971 to 1976. [More…]
One would have thought and hoped that at least the Government would have insisted upon a provision in the agreement similar to that required by the United States Government. [More…]
Since 1977 the United States has prohibited foreign long-line vessels operating in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico waters from keeping any billfish such as martin or sailfish if they are caught in the United States 200-mile fishing zone. [More…]
United States observers are on board each fishing vessel at the fishermen’s expense to see that all billfish caught are released. [More…]
The Minister, who professes to be concerned about the problem, had not even heard about the United States regulation when I asked him a question about it yesterday. [More…]
I understand that the United States is drafting similar regulations to apply to its Pacific waters next year. [More…]
In the United States a Bill such as the ASIO Bill could certainly not be railroaded through the Congress without proper debate. [More…]
This Parliament ought to institute checks and balances by way of its legislation to obviate what otherwise will ultimately be inevitable in Australia, as it was in New Zealand, and as it was in the United States of America. [More…]
Deregulations of the airlines in the United States have shown that more people than ever before are using aircraft as a primary means of transport. [More…]
Passenger numbers following deregulation in the United States increased in some airlines by up to 84 per cent. [More…]
To me that would seem to be an amazing decision especially since the SP aircraft are designed for long non-stop flights such as Sydney to the United States west coast, and Tokyo to New York. [More…]
It is fuel efficient; it has a tremendous record in its short history for reliability, and mechanical excellence, and it is achieving an incredible record in its European, South East Asian and other operations in the United States of America. [More…]
Ninety-five per cent of the population of Canada is concentrated within 200 kilometres of the United States border. [More…]
How many individual subscriber telephony circuits operating through satellite are there: (a) world wide; (b) in Canada; (c) in the United States. [More…]
That this House affirms its absolute and unqualified support of the ANZUS Treaty and congratulates all ranks of the Australian armed forces on their successful and impressive exercise, Kangaroo Three, on land, sea and air in cooperation with the allied forces of New Zealand and the United States Marines. [More…]
I stress ‘indefinite ‘- duration in bilateral relations between Australia and the United States of America? [More…]
Does that statement, with all of its serious implications, represent the considered position of the Australian Government, and has it been communicated to the United States Government? [More…]
Is it correct that as part of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations the United States of America has obtained exemption for its DomesticInternational Sales Corporation scheme from the provisions of the code on subsidies and countervailing duties, yet a similar exemption will not necessarily apply to Australia in respect of its export incentive scheme? [More…]
If this is correct, is the Minister concerned about the adverse consequences for Australia vis-a-vis its competitive position with the United States, and will Australia refuse to ratify the Multilateral Trade Negotiations agreement while this situation persists? [More…]
The subsidies and countervailing duties code which the honourable gentleman mentioned was negotiated largely between the European Economic Community and the United States of America. [More…]
One of the very important aspects of the negotiations between Australia and the United States was the getting of some relief from the wool duty that has been imposed upon the import of raw wool into that country since about the tura of the century. [More…]
During the course of negotiations with the United States we were able to get relief to the extent of 60 per cent over a period of three years. [More…]
-I ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs: In view of the imminent declaration of Australia ‘s 200-mile economic zone, is the Minister aware of United States law which declares tuna a free swimming fish and bans any country declaring a 200-mile zone from interfering with the rights of United States fishing vessels to catch tuna in those areas? [More…]
Is the Minister also aware that the same law prescribes that any interruption to the rights of a United States vessel under these circumstances will result in all possible sanctions being placed on the country concerned? [More…]
I am well aware of the policies of and attitude taken by the United States in regard to highly migratory species, in particular tuna. [More…]
That was at the South Pacific Forum, at which the island nations represented put some very deeply held views about what they regarded as an inequitable application of the 200-mile fishing zone by the United States. [More…]
The short answer is that I am well aware of the attitude of the United States. [More…]
It is good enough for the United States, Canada and Western Europe, but not for Malcolm Fraser and Ian Viner. [More…]
The United States in the last decade has had remarkable success in creating new jobs. [More…]
The United States Department of Commerce says that by 1980, 50 per cent of all United States employees will be working in the ‘Information Sector’- as many as all other paid workers combined. [More…]
There is a sense that in the global economy the United States is head office. [More…]
When the United States does basic research and development- for example, in aerospace or telecommunications- it does it for the entire world. [More…]
The United States is also much further into the information revolution than Australia. [More…]
In the United States, more than 50 per cent of young people aged between 20 and 24 years are undergoing full time education- itself enormously labour absorptive -while in Australia only 21.4 per cent of young people between the ages of 17 and 22 are in full time or part time education. [More…]
Certainly we lack the educational basis of the United States to create new jobs in the ‘ Information Sector ‘. [More…]
There is a huge net loss globally, but an immense profit for the United States. [More…]
There is also the paradox that the area which might appear to have the greatest opportunity for job creation in Australia, following on recent United States experience, is also the most susceptible to the impact of technological job displacement, in which there is far greater output at dramatically lower cost in what has become an increasingly Parkinsonian area of employment. [More…]
In the United States there has been a [More…]
The United States, in fact, does not have the constitutional equivalent of the corporations power that we have. [More…]
In entering the area of regulation the Government raises the level of sophistication as is now practiced in the United States under the operations of the Securities Commission there. [More…]
There is a need, which was recognised long ago in the United States, and in the first interim report of the Eggleston Committee, for an expert body with continuity of existence to be charged with a responsibility for seeing that the laws are kept up to date at all times. [More…]
In the United States of America this has been recognised. [More…]
The United States Government made full use of its constitutional powers to set up its own administrative agency- the Securities and Exchange Commission. [More…]
Nevertheless, these groups carried out tasks of regular forces, quite often under the command of allied officers, including those of the United States and Britain, and under the direction of the Allied Command Headquarters in Europe. [More…]
Relations with United States (Question No. [More…]
Since the Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Board made his announcement earlier this month regarding a substantial rise in the United States interest rate, has the Australian dollar been devalued against the United States dollar by about 1.6 per cent? [More…]
Finally, if Australia is to prevent the transmission of increases in the United States inflation and interest rates, will the Government give preference to further severe domestic adjustments, or will it rely on external adjustments? [More…]
-The Government has taken a very close interest in the announcements made by Mr Volcker, the Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Board, several weeks ago which I and the Government believe brought a firmer inflationary stance to American economic policy than had been evident for quite a long time. [More…]
Will the Minister give consideration to the establishment of a sports museum or a hall of fame, which has proved so successful and popular in the United States, Canada and other countries? [More…]
It is a fact that earlier this month the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the New Democratic Party was expelled from the Republic of Korea National Assembly by a vote of the Government parties for his allegedly anti-nationalist attitude in calling on the United States to withdraw its support for the Government of the Republic of Korea and for publicly suggesting that the United States should exert direct and public pressure on President Park. [More…]
The effective change in the United States- Australian dollar rate between 5 October and 23 October was 1.5 per cent. [More…]
I should inform the honourable gentleman that the index has been adjusted twice, on 9 October and 16 October, since the United States measures came into force. [More…]
For example, in the United States it is now calculated that the rate of inflation will be something like 1 4 per cent or 1 5 per cent in the coming year. [More…]
Unless we are prepared to vary our exchange rate we are locked into this international basket of currencies, particularly in relation to the United States dollar. [More…]
We were double the number of percentage points under the United States and Great Britain, countries which are our major trading partners. [More…]
We are three or four per cent below the OECD average, we are five or six per cent below the United States and Great Britain. [More…]
The United States is doing very much the same. [More…]
The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill which passed through the United States Congress proposed that the Budget there be subject to some scrutiny and attention in terms of the employment implications of the proposed spending. [More…]
I have been notified that the key sugar legislation which incorporated the provisions of the International Sugar Agreement has been rejected by the United States Congress. [More…]
This is most unfortunate as we have been waiting for some considerable time to have the United States Administration get ratification of the International Sugar Agreement. [More…]
The United States has been a principal participant in the formulation of the present International Sugar Agreement and it gave us a number of assurances that the International Sugar Agreement would be ratified. [More…]
I think the most disturbing feature, while we now wait for the United States to try again to ratify the Agreement, has been the actions of the [More…]
I think it is appalling that they should shelter behind the actions of the United States in saying that they will not accede to the ISA until the United States takes action. [More…]
However, I believe that the United States Administration will try to get the ISA ratified. [More…]
The Committee gave extensive consideration to the text ban question, but work on the drafting of a treaty awaits the conclusion of the discussions now under way among the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain. [More…]
The United States and the Soviet Union presented to the Committee a draft convention banning- radiological weapons. [More…]
The Minister notes that this prospective treaty is currently the subject of negotiations between the two super-powers, namely, the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
This is true, but even more to the point is that the achievement of a comprehensive test ban is dependent in the first instance on the conclusion of a new Strategic Arms Limitation Talks agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union. [More…]
Firstly, without agreement on SALT II there is little prospect of the United States and the Soviet Union agreeing on any other arms control matter in the next few years. [More…]
Secondly, unless the Soviet Union and the United States agree on limitations to their own armaments, there is nil prospect of critically important countries, such as India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina and South Africa, agreeing to a comprehensive test ban. [More…]
I said then- if it has been corrected since, well and good- that our Government should be pressing the United States to take the same and positive step of ratification, in defence of our Australian national security interests. [More…]
If the United States does not ratify SALT II there will be grave consequences for our security and for global stability. [More…]
Most importantly, this could have a radical impact on the role of the United States strategic bases in Australia, because unless there is some ratification from the point of view of SALT II, one can see an argument that there will be no real opportunity to justify the basis. [More…]
-The National Training Council ‘s Mission was appointed in March of this year to examine and report to me on measures to promote systematic training in industry and commerce in Canada, the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom. [More…]
We did not need to send people overseas to tell us that, but obviously the Council’s views have been reinforced by its experience in visiting the United States, West Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada and it is now able to tell us that we will have to do something about the matter. [More…]
I am quite sure that pushing them out of the grounds should improve the catch but it seems that marlin are a pelagic fish, found throughout the Pacific and as with tuna, which is a matter of some politics with the United States, it is unlikely that anything we do in the narrow sense around Australia’s 200-mile zone will significantly improve the marlin catch. [More…]
1 ) Further to his answer to my question without notice on 29 August 1979 concerning nuclear waste (Hansard, pages 698-9), in referring to Australian safeguards policies as having a bearing on the safety of waste disposal does the Minister mean that (a) the safeguards agreements which the Australian Government has negotiated displaced a need to be concerned about waste disposal or (b) Australia has raised waste disposal safety questions in the course of safeguards or related negotiations with (i) Finland, (ii) the Philippines, (in) Korea, (iv) Great Britain, (v) the United States of America, (vi) Iran, (vii) France, (vin) Sweden, (ix) the Federal Republic of Germany, (x) Japan, (xi) Italy, (xii) the European Economic Commission or (xiii) other countries. [More…]
In relation to discussions on waste disposal (or spent fuel storage) with the United States (a) when did the discussions take place, (b) who were the United States and Australian officials who participated, (c) what is the program for future discussions, and (d) what is the purpose of these discussions in the light of the answer by the Minister for Trade and Resources to my question without notice on the same subject on 30 August 1 979, that waste disposal is the concern of the owner of the waste (Hansard, page 796). [More…]
In my 23 August statement to the House of Representatives, I mentioned the favourable references to Australia’s high standing in non-proliferation matters which were made by President Carter and the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, when the Australia/United States nuclear safeguards agreement was presented to Congress. [More…]
The United States is fully aware of Australia’s position that there is no intention of Australia’s storing the radioactive wastes of other countries. [More…]
The United States is conducting a study of the feasibility of an interim facility for spent fuel storage on a Pacific island. [More…]
Has the lower deficit for this year, coupled with the recent capital outflow in response to higher United States interest rates, been largely responsible for the reduction in bank liquidity? [More…]
He may rest assured that the Government has been following very carefully the effect on the Australian economy of the increase in interest rates in the United States of America. [More…]
Indeed, new ground has been broken so far as this subject is concerned in the United States of America with its new legislation. [More…]
It may be like the west coast of the United States compared with the east coast of the United States in the late nineteenth century and for a lot of the twentieth century. [More…]
The countries were the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United States. [More…]
Unlike the United Kingdom and the United States of America, no formal provision exists for the consumers of air services in this country to participate in aviation decision-making. [More…]
Australia’s inflation rate was particularly high compared with the rates of inflation of our two major competitors, South Africa and the United States of America. [More…]
As honourable members know, the EEC declined to join the International Sugar Agreement although there is some evidence that the United States of America may shortly do so in spite of the failure of a Bill to pass through Congress the other day. [More…]
The European availability will be 22 million separative work units and the United States of America availability will be 38 million separative work units. [More…]
The development of the Patent Cooperation Treaty system began in 1966 when the United States of America suggested that a study be conducted by what is now known as the World Intellectual Property Organisation, to determine if some steps could be taken to reduce the duplication of search effort for applications filed in a number of foreign countries. [More…]
The United States of America has done this. [More…]
Thirdly, speed limits could be reduced, as has been done in the United States. [More…]
Agreements for the prevention of double taxation which Australia has with other countries give Australia taxing rights in respect of these people with the qualification, in the case of a United States resident where the visit is a short term one, that Australia’s taxing rights are conditional upon the services in Australia not being performed on behalf of a United States resident Where this condition is not met the Australian earnings of a United States musician are exempt in Australia and taxable at home. [More…]
Are the quoted prices for the United States aircraft under consideration substantially below those prices set out for the United States Air Force and other Services’ procurements in their 1980 forward programming budgetary arrangements? [More…]
The fares have been halved to Europe and to the United States of America. [More…]
-I refer the Treasurer to the prestigious 10-year study of company mergers in four European countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America reported in the international financial Press this week. [More…]
In the United States of America, the home of the free enterprise system, the powerful Finance Committee of the United States Senate in 1973 completed a most exhaustive inquiry into the operation of multinationals in the United States. [More…]
The terms of reference of that inquiry covered the implications of multinational firms for world trade and investment and for United States trade and labour. [More…]
One is entitled to ask why the Government of the United States and all these other important international organisations find it necessary to involve themselves in these inquiries? [More…]
That is the reason that the United States, the European Economic Community, and the United Nations have found it necessary not merely to inquire but to establish permanent monitoring procedures in order to protect local economies and to see that the operation of transnational companies comply with national autonomy and local economic objectives. [More…]
I refer to the evidence that was given to the United States Senate comittee of inquiry by Mr George Meany on behalf of the American trade unions wherein he gave evidence that between 1966 and 1971 American multinational companies exported over 900,000 jobs, which had previously existed in American industry, to the low wage areas of Asia, South Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia. [More…]
Whilst it is not fashionable these days to talk of the exploitation of cheap Asian labour at 14c an hour, there is no reason to presume that the same principles and attitudes of American-owned multinationals in the United States- I do not say that this applies just to American multinationals; I think the same principle and reasoning applies to multinationals wherever they are- to America’s national resources and its work force, will not apply equally to the exploitation of resources, and the use of our work force in Australia. [More…]
The point that I am endeavouring to make is that it is important for this Government, as it has been important for the United States Congress and every other country with a Western-based capitalist economy, to monitor what is occurring within the framework of the economy and to understand the role that transnational corporations can play. [More…]
It does not compare with the extent to which these activities have been the subject of the strongest parliamentary scrutiny and survey in nations larger than ours, certainly in the United States of America and European communities. [More…]
I wish to raise the question of the state of Australian and United States relations. [More…]
I believe that Australia’s relationship with the United States is our most fundamental and important one. [More…]
It is our most vital alliance and the United States is our most important ally. [More…]
A generation of people who do not know Australia or Australians has grown up in the United States. [More…]
During the Second World War we enjoyed great relations with the United States and its people. [More…]
I believe that it is to our detriment that we fought with the United States in the Vietnam war. [More…]
We believed that there was a reservoir of goodwill to be built up by joining our ally, the United States, in that war. [More…]
That now counts against us because people in the United States wish to forget the Vietnam war and along with that they forget Australia and its contribution to that war. [More…]
On an individual basis, Australians are welcomed in the United States. [More…]
Similarly, when honourable members and senators visit Washington, and the United States Congress, they are made very welcome on a one-to-one basis. [More…]
Australia enjoys good relations with the Executive branch of the United States- with the President, the administration and the Cabinet. [More…]
In Australia we have a distinguished United States Ambassador who is close to the President and the White House. [More…]
Australian Ministers have access to United States Cabinet members. [More…]
For some years we have not had any United States congressional visits to Australia. [More…]
I ask members of the Senate and the House of Representatives in the United States: Why have they apparently lost interest in Australia? [More…]
I have with me a document entitled Backgrounder’ which was issued by the United States International Communication Agency. [More…]
In that fairly comprehensive document, which looks at United States policy towards Asia as far as the Congress is concerned, there is not one mention of Australia, nor is there a mention of the role that Australia plays in relation to the Association of South East Asian Nations, with Japan or in the Pacific. [More…]
I believe that the United States Congress reflects the general level of awareness about Australia. [More…]
There was not even a mention of that race in the United States newspapers. [More…]
Just because we read about the United States in our newspapers, we assume that the American newspapers have as much information in them about Australia. [More…]
Let us look at what is happening in the United States Congress. [More…]
No wonder legislation is passed in the United States Congress which is inimical to our interests when there is a general lack of interest in Australia by that body. [More…]
I believe that this Parliament has a responsibility to send regular parliamentary delegations to the United States. [More…]
In a case of access to the United States beef market, I believe that we need to send a delegation of Australian cattlemen and politicians to the United States to talk to United States senators and congressmen about the matters that we have in common and to point out that it is in .the interests of the American consumer for the United States to have more and more Australian beef. [More…]
I consider that to help promote Australia generally in the United States we could appoint a number of honorary consuls from a number of prominent Americans who are our friends. [More…]
The United States Congress, I believe, needs to be reminded of the joint defence facilities that are shared by Australian and United States armed forces in Australia. [More…]
Similarly, the United States needs to remember the bilateral relations between our two countries. [More…]
Similarly, at the present time in the United States there is a claim under the United States antitrust laws for extraterritorial jurisdiction. [More…]
This, in fact, has the effect of meaning that a number of Australian businessmen who are executives and directors of uranium mining companies cannot visit the United States for fear of being arrested and being sent to gaol. [More…]
As I said at the outset, the United States is our most important ally. [More…]
Mrs Chan is fearful of going back to Hong Kong because her parents and relatives have left Hong Kong to live in the United States. [More…]
If the honourable member for Denison were aware of what is going on in the world he would know that at present the United States is seeking to impose its internal laws on this country and we are rejecting that proposal. [More…]
Mr Zorin was commenting on the position of the United States of America and what he considers was its pretended concern for human rights. [More…]
That is why I have thought work by some of my colleagues, such as Professor Telford Taylor in the United States is important. [More…]
What would our position be if we were to inquire into the question of civil rights of the negro minority in the United States? [More…]
There are also organisations such as Freedom House in the United States- I am not sure about its objectivity but it produces a lot of information about publicising these matters- the International Commission of Jurists, and so on. [More…]
I refer to the state of rampant political and social disorder in Iran and, in particular, to the holding as hostages of personnel of the United States Embassy in Tehran. [More…]
I ask the Minister: What is the attitude of the Australian Government to the seizure of United States Embassy personnel and property in Tehran by the Iranian authorities? [More…]
One can well understand the concern that is being felt particularly in the United States, but it is a concern that is shared in this Parliament- I am sure on both sides- and throughout the Australian community. [More…]
In summary, as I said at the outset, the attitude of the Government towards the demonstrators who have occupied the United States Embassy and hold United States personnel hostage there is that any attempt to use political or commercial blackmail as a tool for international relations is to be condemned. [More…]
New Zealand and the United States were also opposed to the resolution. [More…]
I mention as an example Mr Justice William O. Douglas of the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
Here was a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States talking of the human problems that were going to confront us in South East Asia. [More…]
For example, Mr Justice Black was an appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States by a conservative administration. [More…]
He turned out to be one of the greatest justices in the history of the United States Supreme Court. [More…]
I would oppose 100 per cent the introduction into this country of what has happened in the United States of America where the United States Supreme Court sits in great majesty in Washington and those who are rich enough go to Washington and have access to that Court but those who are not rich do not get to that Court. [More…]
The United States Supreme Court has become inaccessible to the average American. [More…]
That is notwithstanding the fact that judges of the United States Supreme Court are allocated to certain parts of the United States to deal with urgent matters. [More…]
Honourable members who followed the legal proceedings in that matter will know that that man had access to two United States Supreme Court justices who were designated to deal with any urgent matters coming from that part of the United States in which Nevada is situated. [More…]
Mr Justice Harlan of the United States Supreme Court was at that dinner as a guest of honour. [More…]
the report of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress states that a 1 per cent general rise in the rate of unemployment leads to a 4.1 per cent increase in the suicide rate, a S.4 per cent rise in mental hospital admissions, a 4 per cent rise in prison admissions and a 5.7 per cent increase in deaths from illness of heart, liver and kidneys, and [More…]
These two factors have brought the oil companies to the realisation that their future is not only in oil but also in other energy and mineral commodities, and we have witnessed a substantial move by the oil majors into the resource rich countries of the world, especially the English speaking countries such as Canada, the United States and Australia. [More…]
Recently the major United States oil companies declared their profits for the third quarter of this calendar year, that is for June to September, and the results showed a staggering increase. [More…]
Exxon, the world’s largest and most famous multinational corporation, brought its earnings to a record United States level of $ 1,140m, double that for the third quarter of last year. [More…]
I point out that an interest of the United States of America in Clutha Development Pty Ltd has been taken over by British Petroleum. [More…]
This compares with 83,000 million tonnes in the Soviet Union and 1 14,000 million tonnes in the United States. [More…]
Actually, we have only about 2 per cent of the world ‘s coal reserves but we are now the third largest exporter after the United States and Poland. [More…]
Already Australia exports over 50 per cent of its production, whilst the United States exports 8 per cent of its production. [More…]
The present ISA has not been ratified by the European Economic Community, which now takes the view that it may ratify it if the United States does. [More…]
The United States is the world’s largest importer of sugar and, although it has provisionally applied the agreement, that is, the Administration has agreed to it, the legislation that went through the United States Congress was mixed up with measures of support for the domestic sugar industry. [More…]
The ISA operates on a trigger mechanism whereby for every United States cent below 1 lc per lb, producing and exporting countries hold onto sugar stocks. [More…]
If the figure is above 2 1 United States cents per lb, producing and exporting countries are compelled to release stocks. [More…]
It is only in the last two weeks that the London and United States free market prices have broken through the lower price of 1 1 cents per lb. [More…]
That principle owed a great deal to people such as Kuznets and others in the United States of America who developed all kinds of clever equations and analyses. [More…]
I refer to the Government’s negotiations to secure a more assured access to the United States for Australian meat. [More…]
What are the consequences for Australia of the counter-cyclical legislation which has now been passed by the United States Congress? [More…]
However, pressures in the United States were such that the Administration felt that counter-cyclical legislation needed to go through. [More…]
The legislation will apply in the United States only if the cattle herd of that country increases to a certain extent. [More…]
I do not believe that the legislation will have any bearing on Australian exports to the United States in the immediate future. [More…]
Is it a fact that there is now a differential of some four to five points between United States and Australian interest rates? [More…]
How does the Treasurer propose to insulate Australia’s monetary system from the substantially higher rates of interest now applying in the United States and, according to this morning’s news reports, the skyrocketing interest rate movements in the United Kingdom? [More…]
-The Leader of the Opposition asked an important question about interest rate differentials between Australia and the United States. [More…]
Of course, the rise in United States interest rates and the duration of the high rates ultimately will have an impact upon other countries. [More…]
As I think was said by the Acting Treasurer when the United States Federal Reserve announced its moves on 9 October, the Government will watch the situation very carefully. [More…]
When one bears in mind that that includes $223m worth of Australian savings bonds and that the domestic deficit to be funded is only $875m, which is less than half the domestic deficit of 1977-78, one starts to see some of the innuendo in the question of the Leader of the Opposition exposed for what it is- an attempt to make rash judgments about the impact of United States interest rate rises on the conduct of monetary policy in Australia. [More…]
It also records a joint venture agreement with the United States company Wilcox Electric Inc. Wilcox, an established American company in the development, manufacture and marketing of aircraft landing systems, will contribute to the development and will be a significant factor in marketing on the American continent. [More…]
We recognise that there is a great need for the association with a major United States company- in this case Wilcox Electric Inc. has been chosen- to make an impact in the United States market which InterScan Australia Pty Ltd could not make without such an association. [More…]
We do not want to neglect other markets just because we are initially using our initiatives in the United States market. [More…]
On this latter point, the United States Government is developing a policy which will earmark $13 billion for public transport out of the $142 billion it expects to raise over the next 10 years with its proposed windfall profits tax. [More…]
Some examples of generation of traffic recorded to date, compared with levels experienced in 1978, are: Increases of 48 per cent on the United Kingdom route, 83 per cent on the German route and 50 per cent on the United States of America route. [More…]
Corresponding ratios for Britain and the United States of America appeared to be around five per cent, and for Canada and Sweden about two to three per cent. [More…]
In view of earlier stated opinions that Woomera would be placed on a care and maintenance basis with the possibility of the United Kingdom returning to weapons testing in the 1980s, what does the future now hold for the township and people of Woomera, other than providing services for the United States of America Nurrungar installation? [More…]
I refer the Minister for Foreign Affairs to media reports stating that the revolutionary groups which seized the United States of America Embassy in Tehran are proposing to release certain of the hostages and to subject the remaining hostages to trial on charges of espionage. [More…]
I ask the Minister: What is the Government’s attitude towards the release of some of the United States hostages in Tehran? [More…]
Has the Minister expressed this Government’s concern over these most recent developments to officials of the Iranian Embassy in Canberra and to the United States Government? [More…]
The statements I have made have also been noted and passed on by the United States Embassy in Canberra. [More…]
It is pleasing to note that three of the hostages held at the United States Embassy in Iran have been released and that 10 more may soon be freed. [More…]
The holding of hostages at the United States Embassy in Tehran quite clearly is in total conflict with Iran’s obligations under international law, and such action cannot be justified in any circumstances whatsoever. [More…]
We have some son of an association with the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. [More…]
The Middle East situation, which is always fragile, makes special demands on the United States’ diplomatic, military aid and financial resources, as the current situation in Iran shows. [More…]
What action has the Government taken to try to persuade the United States authorities to lift their ban on imports of kangaroo products so that a market can be opened up for these products? [More…]
Will the Minister take any further action to request the United States to act in this matter? [More…]
I might inform the honourable member that over the years a series of representations has been made by my Department to various United States government agencies to try to get a greater recognition of the situation in Australia. [More…]
I am hopeful that the United States will see our point of view and will recognise that we have a problem in this country which it can help to alleviate by allowing us to export some of our kangaroo products to that country. [More…]
As I said, representations have been made and it is my hope that the United States might take a softer approach to the problem. [More…]
I refer to the recent visit to Canberra of Mr Shelby Dill from Colorado Springs in the United States of America who came here, I understand, to solve the serious economic problems which the Government has inflicted on Canberra. [More…]
by leave- Honourable members will recall that in May this year the Prime Minister (Mr Malcolm Fraser), the Minister for Special Trade Representations (Mr Garland) and I outlined to the House in broad detail the bilateral settlements concluded with the United States, Japan and the European Community. [More…]
Although some minor settlements still have to be formally completed, in the light of public interest in this matter, and the fact that the concessions negotiated will become operative from 1 January 1980, I am taking this opportunity to table for the information of the House the texts of the settlements concluded with the United States, the European Economic Community and Japan. [More…]
This means that Australia has achieved a meaningful and advantageous settlement with the United States, EEC and Japan without reducing the current level of tariff protection on a single tariff item applicable to any manufacturing industry. [More…]
After the negotiations with the United States were completed in March this year, developments in the United States Congress in regard to the meat import law resulted in the need for some additional clarification and adjustments in the new situation. [More…]
In September 1979 I announced that high-level discussions with United States officials had taken place and a mutually satisfactory accommodation had been achieved. [More…]
The assurances and changes involved are set out in an exchange of letters between the United States Special Trade Representative and me, and these form part of the settlement with the United States. [More…]
Australia’s Bilateral Settlements with the European Economic Community, Japan and the United States of America in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations- Ministerial Statement, 21 November 1979. [More…]
The Opposition welcomes the statement made by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Resources (Mr Anthony) and draws attention to the fact that for over 12 months we have been anxious to find out the position with respect to concessions offered by the Australian Government in what is called the MTN, Multilateral Trade Negotiations, and negotiations with the United States of America. [More…]
We welcome the statement but we make the point that the document relating to the agreement with the United States was signed in March last and was freely available in the United States as far back as June last. [More…]
He said that he would not table it until the presentation of the most recently considered package to the United States, which he said had not yet occurred. [More…]
We therefore ask why this statement has been left until so late in the year although the alterations in the United States-Australia agreement reached in March are relatively minor. [More…]
In relation to tobacco, we must ask whether the existing tobacco stabilisation program will be jeopardised by increased imports from the United States. [More…]
I was recently in Cairns where the tobacco growers were asking what the increase in imports from the United States will mean to their quotas. [More…]
There is scant regard to the effects of the new counter-cyclical meat import law which was passed in the United States last week. [More…]
Yesterday the Bureau of Agricultural Economics released a study which suggested that Australian beef exports to the United States could be substantially reduced in the mid-1980s. [More…]
The study indicated that reduced access to the major United States market would come at a time when Australian cattle numbers were reaching high levels and would tend to destabilise the domestic market. [More…]
The F-16 is now entering operational service with the United States Air Force. [More…]
The United States Government is developing an advanced missile of this type for use on the F- 1 6 and other aircraft. [More…]
Currently the United States Air Force has plans for production of the F-16 through the later half of the 1980s and possibly beyond, depending on the rate of production at that time. [More…]
We would be opting for the United States Navy configuration with only the most minor changes. [More…]
If we compare the Minister’s statement on McDonnell Douglas and the F/A- 18 with statements published in the last few days, we find that some of the offsets currently being offered in the area, which are for such things as the development of solar power units, may be necessary because of the company’s internal legal problems in the United States of America. [More…]
The F-16 is designed for a specific narrow role within the total United States air defence network. [More…]
The current price on the basis of the 1980 United States financial-year budgeting is $ 17.4m an aircraft. [More…]
I understand that we are being offered the aircraft at a lower price than that but I understand that our purchasing arrangements with the United States are that we purchase aircraft through the United States defence network at the cost paid by the United States. [More…]
Therefore, the relevant price is that price which the United States Defense Department is required to pay. [More…]
I do not know whether we will be required to pay the development costs or whether they will be absorbed into the total United States program. [More…]
Australia will be negotiating solely with the United States. [More…]
Earlier I mentioned the problem which concerns me of the tendency in this country to consider only United States equipment because of availability of spare parts and the capacity to plug into the defence stores and replacement networks. [More…]
Mr Devries is frequently sought for his views by United States government officials and central bankers around the world. [More…]
Morgan’s monthly World Financial Markets, produced under his guidance, is considered one of the most authoritative publications on international finance in the United States. [More…]
Canada and the United States do not have anything like import parity for crude oil. [More…]
I am mystified why the Opposition does not face up to the fact that the United States of America is no example to look at in terms of an energy policy. [More…]
The United States at present is making a complete mess of energy matters. [More…]
The next difficulty I would mention is the international outlook, particularly the outlook in the world’s most significant economy, the United States, where production is declining, where in the six months to September inflation was at the level of 14 per cent and where interest rates are currently 15 per cent and higher. [More…]
One of the things which play in favour of the United States is that it has many gas lines across the continent. [More…]
In Queensland the main producers are the Utah Development Co. which is 89.2 per cent owned by Utah International of the United States of America; Central Queensland Coal Associates, 76.25 per cent owned by Utah Development Co. and 12 per cent by Mitsubishi Development Co.; Theiss Dampier, Mitsui Coal Pty Ltd, 22 per cent owned by Theiss Holdings, which is 1 6.5 per cent owned by Shell, and 20 per cent owned by Mitsui; Collinsville Coal Co. Pty Ltd, wholly owned by Mount Isa Mines Ltd which is 49 per cent American owned. [More…]
For instance, in September 1977- in one month- out of a total profit of $141 m, it sent $130m to the parent company in the United States. [More…]
I am sure that most of that money went back to the United States. [More…]
Air Charter Services from United States to Australia (Question No. [More…]
Does his Department readily grant approval for United States of America air passenger charter operators to fly back to back charters from the US to Australia. [More…]
Consultations are also proceeding with potential collaborators including the Governments of France, Japan, the United States and the Urenco/Centec organisation. [More…]
Has research into black marlin and other fish in Australasian waters been completed by (a) the Institute of Marine Science, Univeristy of Miami, (b) the United States of America Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service in California, (c) Mr J. W. Anderson of the International Game Fishing Association in a report on the subject and (d) the Cairns Game Fishing Club in its Tagging Report, 1977. [More…]
Both the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami and the United States of America Depanment of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service have published documents which refer to black marlin in Australian waters. [More…]
Undoubtedly, one of the factors that encouraged the move for the imposition of a statutory obligation enforced by the court on members of Congress in the United States was a belief that in the past Congress was not prepared to discipline its own members. [More…]
Let me refer to what the United States Deputy Comptroller stated in testimony before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Government Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary. [More…]
Other countries- I instance Canada and the United States of America- are taking action to require the public disclosure of financial interests by Ministers. [More…]
Has Stilboestrol ever been used for feeding animals and poultry in Australia as has been the case in the United States of America; if so, is it still being used in feed for cattle, pigs, sheep or poultry. [More…]
Is he able to provide the following information in respect df the nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA: (a) was the accident caused by a failure in the main reactor cooling system; if so, was a cloud of radioactive steam released because the reactor vessel was Unable to contain the pressure in the vessel; (b) were further releases of pressure necessary for the same reasons; (c) was radioactively-contaminated water released to the surrounding area; (d) was the level of radioactivity within the reactor vessel extremely high; if so, what were the levels, in both roentgens per hour and millirems per hour; (e) were the fuel elements damaged by the failure of the cooling system and the subsequent accident; (0 was contaminated material stored in auxiliary buildings; (g) how many dairy farms are situated in the area within a radius of 25 kilometres of the reactor; (h) did Charles Callinan of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission admit publicly that there had been serious contamination on the reactor site; (i) was the police force of the State of Pennsylvania asked to provide a helicopter to monitor events at the reactor immediately following the accident; if so, were they informed that radioactive steam had been released into the atmosphere; (j) what precautions had to be taken to safeguard workers at the plant; (k) what was the extent of contamination of workers immediately following the accident; and (1) was the State of Pennsylvania entirely dependent on the utility company operating the reactor for information about the accident. [More…]
I refer the honourable member to the Report of the (United States) President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, dated 30 October 1 979. [More…]
Customer countries have been Japan, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany where, in each case, the uranium has been used for electricity power generation. [More…]
These exports are being converted to uranium hexafluoride either in the United Kingdom, Canada or the United States; enrichment is taking place in the United States. [More…]
Has he recevied special representations from the United States or Thai Governments or any other source regarding immigration of those persons known as the hill people from Laos, recruited by the US CIA during the Indochina conflict. [More…]
No formal representations have been received from the United States or Thai Governments. [More…]
Why did he reject my proposal in a question on notice, that there is an urgent need to set up a Joint Standing Committee of the Parliament to inquire into and report upon Australia’s fuel and energy needs as in the Parliaments of (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom and (c) the European Economic Community. [More…]
1 ) Further to his recent statement that the Government had approved a number of joint fishing ventures involving interests from Japan, South Korea, the United States of America and Poland, what were the ventures approved, specifying in each case, (a) the companies, firms, or individuals involved in the agreement (b) the approximate sea area and its location in respect of the Australian coastline covered by each particular agreement, (c) the fish species, proposed to be sought, under each agreement, (d) the number of ships, their size and the number of crew employed or proposed to be employed, on each ship, involved or proposed to be involved in fishing or the servicing of a fishing fleet, (e) the estimated potential size of the fishing catch and its approximate value and (0 whether any fish caught under an agreement would be available for processing or for being sold either fresh or frozen in Australia. [More…]
No such statements were made by United States officials to any Australian representatives at the Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. [More…]
Australia’s position in relation to the Australian Antarctic Territory is well known to the United States authorities. [More…]
Why has the Government not adopted the position taken, for example, by the United States Government, which recognises neither the Pol Pot nor the Heng Samrin regime. [More…]
The United States Government never recognised the Pol Pot regime. [More…]
What is the total cost of the Government’s intervention through the United States Court of Appeals in the case brought by Westinghouse against Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Limited, Pancontinental Mining Limited, Mary Kathleen Uranium Limited, Queensland Mines Limited and other uranium rnining companies. [More…]
and (2) A firm of Washington Attorneys, Messrs Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin and Kahn, has been retained by the Government for the purposes of protecting its interests in matters arising out of attempts to apply United States antitrust laws to conduct outside the United States. [More…]
In accordance with the normal practice in such interventions in the United States a need is not expected to arise for any personal appearance before the Court, on behalf of the Government, to elaborate on the amicus curiae memorandum it has filed. [More…]
Is the Minister able to state what percentage of annual budget appropriations are committed to Social Security and welfare outlays by national governments in (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) Canada, (d) Australia, (e) New Zealand, (0 Sweden, (g) Denmark, (h) the Netherlands, (j) France, (k) West Germany and (1) Japan. [More…]
How many applicants for tourist visas from (a) Greece, (b) Italy, (c) Turkey, (d) Cyprus, (e) the United Kingdom and (0 the United States of America were refused entry to Australia without being personally interviewed by Australian authorities during (i) 1975, (ii) 1976, (iii) 1977, (iv) 1 978 and (v) 1 979 to date. [More…]
However the following statistics on the total number of visitor applications refused in (a) Greece, (b) Italy, (c) Turkey, (d) United Kingdom, (e) United States of America for the period 1 January 1975 to 30 September 1979 and for (f) Cyprus for the period 1 January 1978 to 30 September 1979 may be of assistance. [More…]
The Government understands that, in addition to Australia, the following countries are conducting research and development on laser isotope separation of uranium: the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. [More…]
1 ) In view of the Prime Minister’s statement to the House on 17 October 1979, that what is now happening represents a three-fold expansion of uranium requirements over the next 10 years (Hansard, page 2 102), is he able to say what is the estimated annual demand for uranium by (a) the United States of America, (b) the United Kingdom, (c) France, (d) West Germany, (e) Italy, (f) Japan, (g) the Republic of Korea, (h) Taiwan, (J) the Philippines, (k) Finland and (1) Canada during (i) 1980, (ii) 1985 and (iii) 1990. [More…]
Is he also able to say what is the estimated annual production of uranium by (a) the United States of America, (b) Canada, (c) South Africa, (d) Namibia, (e) France, (f) Niger, (g) the Gabon and (h) other Western and Third World countries during (i) 1980, (ii) 1985 and (iii) 1990. [More…]
This project has come to an end not because of any wish of the United States Department of Defence, but because of a decision of the US Congress which was unwilling , to vote further funds despite the best arguments put forward by the US Department of Defence. [More…]
BHP does not because, if I remember right, recently there was an anti-dumping case in the United States against BHP because its export prices were lower than the home market price. [More…]
The ploy of a pointed trade-off, which Mr Fraser is apparently determined to pull off, is seen in some quarters as, in addition, a politicalisation of the trade in uranium at a time when the United States President, Mr Carter, is using the same approach to retard the development of the fastbreeder reactor and, through this, the spread of military nuclear technology. [More…]
It is simply saying that the Government is using this whole exercise, running this whole gambit, this whole gimmick of appointing a special ministerial trade negotiator, for the purpose of running at variance with the President of the United States who is trying to quieten down the tendency to spread military nuclear technology. [More…]
- I remind the Minister that he said that no contract had been let for installations on Australian territory and I ask: How does he explain the letting of contracts by the United States Government to Philco-Ford for equipment which will be installed at and which will be used in communication with facilities at North West Cape? [More…]