Collocations for the word vote when used in the House of Representatives during the 1970s

Collocation Frequency
one vote 526
vote one 493
postal vote 176
defence vote 168
free vote 153
would vote 89
casting vote 77
informal vote 65
total vote 61
majority vote 50
party vote 50
deliberative vote 42
direct vote 36
must vote 32
people vote 32
may vote 30
vote would 28
yes vote 27
primary vote 24
vote cards 24
vote catching 24
‘one vote 23
vote upon 23
vote labor 22
preferred vote 20
vote tonight 20
vote yes 20
conscience vote 19
labor vote 17
vote accordingly 17
vote application 17
vote applications 17
vote taken 17
popular vote 16
vote according 16
vote liberal 16
cent vote 15
democratic vote 15
education vote 15
members vote 15
overwhelming vote 15
unanimous vote 15
formal vote 14
shall vote 14
vote must 14
vote today 14
final vote 13
aid vote 12
percentage vote 12
vote without 12
absent vote 11
could vote 11
donkey vote 11
vote clause 11
vote could 11
‘yes vote 10
might vote 10
tied vote 10
vote cast 10
combined vote 9
every vote 9
last vote 9
liberal vote 9
secret vote 9
valid vote 9
vote even 9
vote may 9
‘no vote 8
country vote 8
first vote 8
intelligent vote 8
vote therefore 8
vote went 8
never vote 7
senate vote 7
vote basis 7
vote let 7
vote winning 7
vote yet 7
australia vote 6
city vote 6
delegates vote 6
effective vote 6
favourable vote 6
parliamentary vote 6
recorded vote 6
referendum vote 6
vote ‘no 6
vote ‘yes 6
vote also 6
vote buying 6
vote card 6
vote honourable 6
vote increased 6
vote informally 6
vote irrespective 6
vote last 6
vote often 6
vote ought 6
vote overwhelmingly 6