Evatt to Chifley

Letter CANBERRA, 1 July 1947

I think the time has arrived when it might be helpful for me to establish an Advisory Committee on the proposed Japanese Settlement.

As I suggested in the House, the Advisory Committee would best be a mixed one, i.e. including Members of Parliament and other persons with special knowledge of the subject.

Because of his training and experience, I am proposing to ask Sir Frederic Eggleston to chair the Committee. He has already been chairing a Departmental Committee which has worked for some time on this subject and which has already prepared one draft, submitted to Cabinet in Agendum No. 1341.

I propose to invite the following persons to join the Committee:-

Parliamentary Members:

Mr. K. E. Beazley, M.P.

Mr. T. Sheehan, M.P.

The Hon. A. McK. McDonald, M.P.

Mr. B.H. Corset, M.P.

Senator Dorothy M. Tangney Senator W. J. Cooper, M.B.E. [1]


The Hon. Sir Frederic Eggleston (Chairman) Professor K. H. Bailey (Vice-Chairman) Brigadier A. S. Blackburn, V.C., LL.B. (S.A.) The Hon. P. J. Clarey, M.L.C. (Vic.) Miss Constance Duncan, M.A. (Vic.) Mr. P. R. Wilkins (A.C.T.) Lieut.-General Sir Leslie Morshead, K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O., E.D.

(N.S.W.) Professor A. H. McDonald (N.S.W.) Mr. R. J. F. Boyer, M.A. (N.S.W.) Professor A. L. Sadler, M.A. (N.S.W.) Sir Douglas Mawson, O.B.E., F.R.S., D.Sc., B.E. (S.A.) [2]

If you approve, I would propose to invite the Members of Parliament concerned and to inform the respective Leaders of the United Australia Party and the Country Party.

Any further suggestions from yourself would be appreciated. [3]



1 E.J. Harrison and John McEwen became the parliamentary representatives on the Advisory Committee on the Japanese Settlement instead of Cooper and McDonald.

2 Professor K.H. Bailey, Solicitor-General and vice-chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Pacific Settlement; Brigadier A.S. Blackburn, President of the South Australian Branch of the Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Imperial League of Australia, Chairman of the Canteens Trust; P.J. Clarey, member of the Victorian legislative Council, Minister for Labour and Employment, President of the Australasian Council of Trade Unions;

Constance Duncan, Former UNRRA representative in Korea, Chief Welfare Officer for South West Pacific Area; P.R. Wilkins, Federal Secretary of the Associated Chambers of Commerce; Lieutenant- General Sir Leslie Morshead, former General Officer Commanding 2nd Australian Army; A.H. McDonald, Professor of Ancient World History, University of Sydney, Editor of Australian Outlook;

R.J.F. Boyer, Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs;

A.L. Sadler, Professor of Oriental Studies, University of Sydney;

Sir Douglas Mawson, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Adelaide, and Commander of the British, Australian, New Zealand Antarctic Expedition, 1929-31. Morshead declined the invitation.

3 On 5 July Chifley gave written approval for the proposal.


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