Atyeo to Burton

Letter (extract), [ATHENS], 14 July 1949

By the time you get this letter we hope to have given you all the significant part of the Report.[1] It is going along slowly. Our role is a moderating one. The Committee would not stand any new ideas nor a statement of the true facts. However, the Report should be a little better than last year, as the Committee has taken some pains to legalise certain aspects of itself - putting U.N. political officers in the Observation Groups; seeing that their reports come directly to the Committee and not through the Executive Office in Salonika; dissolution of the military affairs committee, etc. etc. The political situation has become quite fluid and there is a possibility that things will move with great speed, especially in relation to Yugoslavia.

_[1] That is, UNSCOB’s report for the period from October 1948 to July 1949.


[AA : A6530, 49/9/1]