Sir Henry Gullett, Minister for External Affairs, to Mr E.T. Lambert, Acting U.K. Consul-General in Batavia

Cablegram unnumbered 4 July 1939,

For your personal information. Commonwealth Government recently decided to submit proposal to Portuguese Government for establishment weekly air service Darwin Dilli and to request permission for Commonwealth Government to communicate direct with Governor at Dilli [1] regarding visit of Commonwealth representative for purposes of consultation for facilities and arrangements.

Portuguese Government are agreed in principle and have instructed Governor to afford facilities for visit.

Mr Fairbairn Minister for Civil Aviation with Controller of Ground Organization proposes personally to visit Timor on July 22nd by Lockheed aeroplane landing at Dilli or if Dilli unsuitable landing Koepang and proceeding by road to Dilli.

Would be pleased if you would inform Governor of Dilli of proposed visit, ask whom Minister should communicate with on arrival and request information about state of landing ground. If Dilli unsuitable for landing, desire you request Dutch authorities for facilities at Koepang and advise state of road Koepang to Dilli.

Can you further advise if there is any means whereby we can in future communicate direct with Governor.



1 Captain Antonio J. Magro, Acting Governor of Portuguese Timor.


[AA: A981, AVIATION 50]