Mr R.G. Menzies, Prime Minister, to Mr S.M. Bruce, High Commissioner in London

Cablegram unnumbered 25 August 1939,

Reference your suggestion that I again cable Chamberlain [1], I feel that our position made clear by my cable to him on August 18th. [2] Moreover, his letter to Hitler seems to express position adequately. [3]

You may inform United Kingdom Government, however, that while our attitude of co-operation is as stated by me publicly on Wednesday [4] we would desire warmly to encourage a peaceful and just settlement to which Poland made genuine contribution.

We have taken preliminary steps under our War Book but public opinion steady and good.



1 See Document 146 2 Document 134.

3 On 22 August 1939 Neville Chamberlain, U.K. Prime Minister, wrote to Adolf Hitler, the German Chancellor, emphasising that while there was in his view no issue between Germany and Poland which could not be settled by negotiation, the U.K. was nevertheless resolved and prepared, should war break out, to employ without delay an the forces at her command. See Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, third series, vol. vii, no.

207 (enclosure).

4 See Document 144.


[AA: A1608, A41/1/1, iv]