Department of External Affairs to Mr A.T. Stirling, External Affairs Officer in London

Cablegram 15 29 March 1939,


Your telegram No. 67. [1] Commonwealth Government has been advised by Consul General Czechoslovakia [2] that acting on instructions from Prague he had handed over Consulates in Australia to Consul General Germany [3] who also reports similarly. Commonwealth Government has not recognized this action pending advice as to attitude United Kingdom Government is adopting. [4] You mention position of Legation but no advice regarding either Consulates in United Kingdom or British Consulates in Czechoslovakia.

Please obtain early information as to attitude which is being and will be adopted by United Kingdom Government both matters.


1 Document 49.

2 Frantisek Kveton.

3 Dr R. Asmis.

4 Recognition of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia was discussed by Cabinet on 28 March 1939, when it was decided to await action by the U.K. Government. See AA: A2694, vol. 16, 28 March 1939, Minute 193
