Bruce to Curtin

Cablegram 121[A] LONDON, 2 August 1942, 7.50 p.m.


My telegram S.34 of 4th June. [1] There have been developments

during the past week of which it is desirable that I should inform

you. After the Cabinet Meeting on Monday last, I had a short

preliminary conversation with the Prime Minister with regard to

our representation here. It is unnecessary to indicate the tenor

of that conversation as subsequent developments make it clear.

On Tuesday I wrote to the Prime Minister the following letter:-

‘After our meeting last night, I dictated a short note to try and

clear my mind. Although in our conversation I said to you I did

not think anything in writing would be helpful, on reading the

note I am inclined to think it might be useful as a basis for

discussion when we meet again. I accordingly enclose it herewith.’

The note referred to is contained in my immediately following

telegram, No. 122[A]. [2]

Yesterday I had a long talk with Attlee who told me that the Prime

Minister had shown him my note and asked him to discuss it with


As a result of that conversation I have today written to Attlee


following letter [3]:-

‘With reference my note to the Prime Minister of 27th July and my

conversation with you yesterday, the position as I understand it

is that, without any precise formula being laid down, we will

endeavour in the light of the frank exchange of views that has

taken place to work out in practice a mutually satisfactory

arrangement. I realize your difficulties and you can rest assured

that whatever I can do, consistent with my obligations to my

Government, to help you to overcome them, I will willingly do.’

I am hopeful that it will be possible to work out the ‘mutually

satisfactory arrangement’ referred to in my letter to Attlee and

subject to any instruction from you I propose to go ahead on this




1 On file AA: M100, June 1942. It outlined Bruce’s conception of

his task as Accredited Representative of the Commonwealth Govt.

2 Document 15.

3 There is a copy of this letter (in fact dated 1 August) on file

AA:M100, August 1942.



[FA:A3195, 1942, 1.30566]
