Minter to Evatt

Letter CANBERRA, 27 August 1945

I have the honor to refer to your note, dated August 21, 1945, and to its accompanying memorandum setting out the attitude of the Australian Government concerning the surrender of Japan and related matters. [1]

I immediately communicated with my Government from which I have now received a communication in the following sense:

My Government reiterates its expression of its own full appreciation of Australia’s great contribution toward winning the war and its own firm intention to give careful and friendly consideration to all of the questions now under discussion. It asks me to inform you as follows with respect to the four points raised at the end of the reference memorandum:

(1) At the same time that the Australian Government was requested to notify to General MacArthur the name of its representative at the signing of the main act of surrender arrangements were actually made for the representative to sign the note of surrender;

(2) Complete arrangements with regard to the occupation forces for Japan will not be finally decided upon until military operations connected with the receiving of the surrender have been carried out;

(3) Arrangements regarding control for Japan proper are still under consideration and a further communication can be expected in this connection;

(4) Matters coming before the Council of Foreign Ministers at London, other than those which had been determined at the Berlin Conference, should have the concurrence of all five Governments represented on the Council.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.



1 For text of the Memorandum, see Evatt’s cablegram 1175 to Eggleston, on file AA : A3300, 45/290.


[AA : A1066, H45/1016/5/2]