Cablegram 285 CANBERRA, 27 December 1945
1. We are entirely in agreement with the views expressed in your telegram No. 219 Of [17]th December. [1] We are also of the opinion that the questions raised should be discussed during the forthcoming meetings in London.
2. While we feel that there would be long term advantages in having strong joint British Commonwealth - United States bases in the Pacific, it seems to us that the establishment of such bases must be related to an overall plan in which their role should be clearly defined.
3. In any negotiations, we should need to have regard to our obligations as a member of the United Nations. Other points which we should have to consider include- (a) Limitation of area required.
(b) Our position as a mandatory power and responsibilities to the native population.
(c) Our right to joint use.
4. We agree that the whole subject is too important to be settled in a precipitate manner.
5. Owing to Christmas break full expression Government’s final view not possible but above represents first considered views. [2]
1 Document 460.
2 In cablegram 1997 to Fraser in Washington, dispatched 29 December, the Commonwealth Govt advised that the views contained in cablegram 285 were provisional, had not yet been conveyed to the U.K. Govt, and that further action would not be taken until Dr. Evatt’s return from overseas. See also Evatt’s request, reported in Oldham’s cablegram 1200, dispatched 27 December, that the Department make no reply, even provisionally, until his return. Both cablegrams are on file AA : A6494 T1, SPTS/1/3.
[AA : A6494 T1, SPTS/1/3]