Cablegram E54 SAN FRANCISCO, 16 June 1945, 10.51 p.m.
Reference Dominions Office telegram No. 1050. [1] Reparations.
I strongly recommend that no action be taken to waive any rights whatever to reparations as the matter may become one of crucial importance economically to Australia. At the same time I do not think that we should hold German Prisoners of War as reparations labour. The whole question of Australia’s share in this matter needs the utmost care and caution and I would like to have your and Mr. Chifley’s reactions to the question. Moreover, Australia should certainly present a claim to a just share of surrendered ships or other material of war that has come to Allied hands. Our own strength has been sorely lessened and we should not refuse to take advantage of the position in Australia’s future interests.
1 Document 111.
[AA : A1066, H45/1015, i]