
Work your way through the following sections:

Portfolio checklist

Here’s a summary of all the tasks and activities you should have added to your portfolio as you worked through this module:

  • Making simple maps: Share your map and save the public link in your portfolio.

  • Maps and data: Select a map from American Panorama and analyse it – exercise the critical skills we discussed in the last module. In a minimum of 200 words explain what it shows, what it hides, and what you learnt from it.

  • Georectifying maps: Once you’ve georectified your own historical map, save a screen capture of the preview and a link to the map on MapWarper in your portfolio.

  • AR and VR: Read through the sections above, watching the videos and exploring the examples. In a minimum of 200 words reflect on the possibilities and problems of these technologies. How do you think cultural heritage institutions will make use of AR and VR? What will these technologies add to our experience and understanding of cultural heritage collections? Are they the future, or just a fad?

  • Build a bot: In your portfolio save a link to your bot’s Twitter account. In a minimum of 200 words, explain the concept behind your Twitter bot, then describe the Twitter bot you would like to build if you had the technical skill – what would it do and why?